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Meanwhile in bizzaro /tg/...
So I just finished a 5E FATAL game and found that the new rules added to experience. It was a rich, rewarding, and mature game. Thanks Byron Hall.
You guys heard GW is going to fire Matt Ward?
I just can't believe it! After all those good fluffy codexes (codii?) he wrote and they're just gonna fire him.
Thank you Spiritual Liege. You are truly the messiah of GW, our lord and savior.

Thank you so much.
Roll reflex save to see if you can balance the lawn mower on corner of the world. DC 30.
It's good that they're lowering their prices even further, though. Warhammer is so accessible now!

Off topic, but isn't it nice showering all the time and shaving daily?
I guess you haven't heard the news then, anon - Wizards of the Coast have filed for bankruptcy, apparently due to the amazingly poor sale of that Magic card game they were trying to peddle.

I don't know what they were thinking, you could tell that they'd never get people to pay those sorts of prices for cards with monsters on them.

I wouldn't be surprised if Piazo goes next, given how unpopular that Pathfinder game (you know, the Tunnels and Trolls rip-off) has turned out to be.
Anyone else bought the new Bretonnia codex? Slightly disappointed, I wanted some kind of giant monster, a real throwback to the old days, ya know?
Me hate quest threads. They am never deep and compelling. Me hope there less quest threads, they am common. Quest threads fornever!
Paizo needs to get their shit together.

Nerf the fucking monks or at least bring druids up to their level
Well, they have to. They're hemorrhaging money. Warhammer 40k is just one of those underappreciated gems, and GW's goodhearted nature in allowing anyone to use their IP as much as they like didn't help.
And yet even now they keep the prices so affordable. God bless you, GW.

I actually had fun RP:ing today, /tg/.
I'm really excited over the new Silver cyc- ARGH. No, I can't do this, not even as a joke.
So one of my players wants to roll a dwarf.

How do I get him to fuck off or reroll? I mean if you're not trying to play out any of your fetishes you might as well quit playing pen and paper games altogether.
God damn, they're going to make an anime based off of LCB! /tg/! WE GET SHIT DONE!
Everything is awesome.
Isn't nice to have civil conversations about things we like, instead of bitching and complaining all the time?
Oh god we're turning into /v/.
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This is easily the worst board. Shitposters everywhere, fucking off-topic threads and spam. I wish we could be more like /v/

also checkem
I am actually, seriously, looking forward to it.
Why the fuck do we need six Sisters of Battle codices, anyways? I'm fucking six of GW pushing the Sister of Battler everywhere while the Space Marines are still in metal and can't even get a real fucking codex. They don't even have Finecast. And man, I wish they did. Finecast is such quality, you know?
At least I'm whipping ass with my Tyranid and Chaos Squat armies.
>yfw ultramarines hasn't gotten a new anything in years
Come on, man... do orks really need a separate codex for every clan?
It's about time. WotC have officially run out of ideas; the new slivers are too similar to the old ones.
God, it's about time. LCB was quite possible the best bit of fiction I've ever read in my life. It was fantastically written and really explored the story of the hatred that can spring up between two ostensible allies.

Finecast: High Quality at an even lower price.


I respectfully disagree with your opinion, but you're an awesome person anyway.

Truly Loathing can Bloom on the battlefield.
Warhammer 40k is good.
Really? I thought it and the little art it had was shit.
Man I fucking hate all the YGO threads I see, I count at least 30 of them on the front page.
Man, why do the Ultramarines need to be the universe's whipping boys? I'm sick of reading about the Eldar shitting on them and everyone else.
Shit, the way the fluff talks the Avatar's utterly unstoppable and can shitstomp anything.
Elves are pretty cool dudes.
I respectfully disagree but that's your opinion and you are entitled to it.
It's not NEARLY as good as that Hate and Krieg thing that was snapped up by GW and make into a series of novels, though. Now THAT was godlike writing.
And what would you rather see, a dozen threads about that Magic thing kids play?
Really, tell me, I'd love to help you get what you want from this board.

I know, right? Space Wolfs too, they really need more screentime.
I fully agree. I'll never understand why people like those rude, dirty, runty little dwarf things.
/tg/? More like /ua/. The fucking Stolzefags flooding this board have made discussion of anything else IMPOSSIBLE. Someday I'd like to be able to have a DnD alignment thread instead of these unending Alex Abel/Naked Goddess fanart threads.
Yeah, I'm starting to get a bit sick of how much the White Scars and the Salamanders hog the spotlight
I'd rather see at least one thread of Magic then the unending waves of Pokemon, YGO, and the WoW TCG
Hey, I love the Squats! I know they're a little overexposed, but haters gonna hate.
Nah, man, the real glory hogs are the fucking Iron Hands. Christ, they're everywhere.
Well, space dwarfs may not be the best idea ever, but I guess the universe should have a place for them
Are you pure zoat?
Has Lord Cruddace ever written a bad codex?
>Fantastic rules
>Compelling fluff
>All units and upgrades are useful and balanced
Is there anything he can't do?
Zoats are fucking cheese, man.
>washing and shaving
damned neckskins
Yeah, but they're just the generi-marines. No stupid stuff like lizard cavalry or Dreadnought motorcycles. Sure, it's cool, but it contradicts some parts of 40k's otherwise stellar fluff.
I respect your right to have a differing opinion than me, because variety is what makes everything interesting.

However, everyone knows that no one likes DnD, and everyone is playing Unknown Armies 4e, which is much better than Unknown Armies 3.25e was.
the grey knights really got nerfed in that last codex, too.
Hey, I have a Raven Guard army.
Sure, the codex is boring, but we're there.

Everyone always forgets Codex: Raven Guard.
I mean alien centaurs, how dumb.
Me too! With Slann allies?
Hey /tg/, I need some advice. One of my friends was interested in playing in my campaign, but he keeps on trying to play something that fits into my low fantasy Aztec setting. How do I get him to roll an overpowered half-fae catboy trap without hurting his feelings?
I know, right?
Nah, I use Hrud allies. Slann are pretty flyer-heavy, and flyers suck dick.
just try to roll with it as best you can. see if you can at least get him to try and optimize his character.
How do we make casters competitive in M&M?

I told my DM about the Tome of 13 Incantations but he called it the "Book of Westaboo Booklearnin Martial Arts"
Let me clarify: he's playing a farmer's child who has some knowledge of fighting from defending his field from banndits. He isn't the last member of his clan or family, he isn't even secretly a prince, and he has realistic levels of skill for someone with no training.

I want to let him down easy - out of the game, he's a really great guy . . .
Write a bad codex.
shit, that bad?
>Not Occiboo
What a straight.
I'm tired of all these fucking Eastern concepts of dragons. Where's the "I'ma kill your sheep and steal your gold" Western dragon? Nobody ever fucking makes a game with those guys.
So many anonystraights in the thread. Oh well, some people are shy.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Katanas" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Bastard Swords deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine Bastard Sword in Germany for 10,000 Euros (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my Bastard Sword.

European smiths spend years working on a single Bastard Sword and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Bastard Swords are thrice as sharp as Japanese swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a Daisho can cut through, a Bastard Sword can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a Bastard Sword could easily bisect a samurai wearing pieces of wood for armor with a simple horizontal slash.

Ever wonder why Japan never bothered conquering Medieval Europe? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Knights and their Bastard Swords of destruction. Even in World War II, Japanese soldiers targeted the men with the Bastard Swords first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Bastard Swords are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Bastard Swords:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon) 2d10 Damage 17-20 x4 Crit +5 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Bastard Swords in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Bastard Swords need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
You are a horrid monster. I would gladly go into hell hand-in-hand with a person who doesn't use coasters sooner than I would give you the time of day.
Who the fuck uses coasters? \gt\ has never given a shit about 'em.
Problably the same people who dont want their PC´s to fuck anything that moves in their games.

You know one of THOSE PEOPLE.
His character is chaste of his own volition, but not for religious reasons.
Where'd all the questfags go?
Dwarf freeman

wat do
For the record, I'm the guy who started the whole coasters debacle, and I regret nothing.
Who else is HYPED for Mahou Shoujo Quest?

Jesus christ
oh sweet jesus. that guy must be determined to keep that campaign on track.
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Chastely hold his hand.

It's not lewd if it's a dwarf.
Is anyone using the Tangletips system in their ERPs? They even have cuticle stats, hot damn.
Hey /gt/, I'm trying to graduate from actual tabletop games to MMORPGs based on popular settings, but my friends are n00bs and holding me back. What should I do?
Have you seen the new Magic set WotC is trying to put out? My word, they're finally trying to come up with a successor to Beta. I don't see how they're going to have much luck competing against the sets we've designed; I mean, they come up with an interesting card once in a while, but they just can't manage to find a theme to put them together, and every other card is ludicrously overpowered or broken. Plus, they can't even settle on a single wording for any given concept.
Right now, there are so many discussions about miniatures and "real-life" gaming groups on /gt/ that it's becoming a pain to sift through them all to follow all the quests. I count at least 20 non-quest threads right now, more than half of them active, and 4 on the front page alone.

They're all politely putting "!Quest" in their subjects, so it's easy to hide them all, and the catalog shows all the other threads just fine (isn't our forum software wonderful?), but I'd really prefer to use the paginated view and only a few quest threads show up on each page there.

've started a thread over on /q/ about creating a separate /nq/ board for all these non-quest discussions. The admins are really receptive to the idea of creating a new board, so I'd expect to see it show up shortly.

I wish the non-questers the very best of luck in their new home.
My apologies for taking so long to start a new thread. I got banned elsewhere for intentionally obscuring the genitalia in an otherwise acceptable image. I applaud the mods for uniformly enforcing the rules, and I have no complaints whatsoever about their actions. Now, let's get started; thread 125, here we go! We've had a lot of action on the main plot lately, and a few folks mentioned that they might want to take a breather and work on some side activities you've been putting off.
Could I get some advice for a Paladin player in one of my games? He's Lawful Good, of course, but he doesn't seem to understand how to play that alignment well. He talks a good game about morality, but then he spends time actually planning out his actions and trying to help all the people he can, and outright refuses to warn his nemeses of his plans in advance. And he seems to think there's a limit on how often he can keep forgiving evil people and trying to redeem him! The other players seem to enjoy his powergaming antics, but I swear if he doesn't tone down the intelligence in-character I'm going to cram his holy symbol right up his munchkin ass!
I hate the /gt/ dice so much today! I kept getting these wonderful writing ideas in my head for plot twists I could throw in if my players rolled a critical failure, or amazing scenes I could write for them if they rolled a critical success, but the dice just kept rolling middling successes or failures all day! I'm thinking about letting my players roll a pile of dice, so that I have more opportunity to see 1s and 20s; otherwise, they're going to get tired of all this mediocrity and want some spice!

I just don't understand why the admins ever thought it was a good idea to bell-curve single dies towards the middle values and make crits more rare! Every quest author knows the role-playing tricks for writing interesting and hilarious alternative paths when failures come up. We're not going to just panic and start fudging things if our players roll a failure; besdies, even if we couldn't write a creative way past it, we're not above just letting serious failures or character death happen, and our players would understand that they can't succeed at everything.
Experienced DM seeking advice for dealing with That Girl in her gaming group. I come into every session ready to deal with whatever my players can throw at me, and most of them keep me on my toes with fun ideas and crazy solutions to problems; they're writing as much of the story as I am at this point.

But That Girl keeps fishing for rumors at every tavern, chatting up every NPC as fast as I can give them names, and . Does she think I'm just going to drop an adventure right in her lap or something? I might as well just slap down a pair of rails and shout "all aboard!". For crying out loud, I'm not going to get offended if you think outside the screen for a minute. I've got a whole rich world planned out here; if I played it her way I'd have to throw away a binder full of quest plans and pre-drawn maps every time my *decent* players tossed out a suggestion I hadn't thought of in advance. I'd have to be freakin' Nostradamus to play a decent game that way.

Maybe I should try to get her hooked on video games, instead; not like those'll ever do anything she doesn't expect.
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Hey guys, just letting you know that I'll be stopping in later today for FATAL Storytiem, right on schedule as usual.
Rolled 8

Rolling for my mood today. 1-10 I'm at my wits end and desperate, 11-19 I'm seeking vengeance, and 20 I'm feeling royally cheesed off and the only cure is More Dakka!

I had a player today that just couldn't seem to follow the rules. She kept talking to my NPCs and the other players "in-character" like some kind of schizo, and forgetting to roll basic skills like diplomacy and charm. She'd look over at me like I'm supposed to laugh at her witty retorts or be convinced by an impassioned speech. I've got a table over here with 1-20 written in the left column; and "impassioned speech" needs at least a 17.
OK, this is an embarrassing one. I've got a few players in my quest that seem to want me to write a...sex scene. No, not a romance; I've given them plenty of that. They actually want to see the mechanics written out, tab D in slot V and all that. I have no practice in that kind of thing; I usually just imply implications and tastefully fade to black or something. I've searched all the excellent fanfiction out there, but as you'd expect it's rather devoid of examples, and what little there is plays up the romance much more than the mechanics. Can you help me out here? My players want the D, and I want to stretch my boundaries a bit.
With all the games running right now, I think we need a place to talk trading strategies. Does it ever make sense to trade rent forgiveness to a middle-of-the-pack player with only three players left in the game, or is that a sucker's bet? I've tried it a few times, and I keep bankrupting the last-place player but then losing the war of attrition because of the properties I can't collect on.
Has anyone here tried pen-and-paper role-playing games? It's like LARPing, but all in your head. I just spent the most enjoyable rainy evening inside with a few buddies, rolling dice in shapes I never knew existed, and constructing this elaborate world. We met a dragon the size of a house, in this cave full of dripping lava! I could almost smell the brimstone. (Or maybe Susan had too many Funyuns.)
What's with all the anonymous players we've had lately? They all keep posting with the same name, the cowards. It's like talking to someone with multiple personalities; you can't get any kind of feel for what they're thinking, and don't even think about trying to hold a conversation with "them". And if you try to get them to pick a name and use it consistently, they start impersonating you; it's like having a puppet hand up your ass making your mouth move, and not in a good way. Honestly, they're like a cancer. Could we get some kind of password system in place, to at least stop them from impersonating people? I don't think we can keep going like this, we'll lose all sense of personality associated with the identities we're building here, and I refuse to believe that we could co-exist peacefully; I find their anonymity offensive. Either they go, or we do.
Geeze, it's dead over here. I can't seem to get any players for my quests. I'm going back to tgchan.
Does anyone else think the Emprasque is shit? I mean, turning the Emperor into some giant orange furry monster? Such a stupid idea.

That writefag should write something popular, like a story about Teenage Primarch Kids. Now that would be awesome!
hey guys, I just wanna say thanks for the MLP:FiM role play you guys cooked up it's a bit complex though. but we at /mlp/ love the great message it gets across that truly violence and hatred can fix all problems!

remember Fighting is Magic!
But the Emprahsque IS shit.
washing, sure, I can't shave every day though. My facial hair doesn't grow in fast enough
Man, tradition games gets me so much pussy that it's actually starting to chafe. I mean, I'm having to actually bring a stick to hit the bitches away from my dick when I'm going to a game.

It's a hard life.
>Come on, man... do orks really need a separate codex for every clan?
Yes. They really do. They may just be beer-swilling, Liverpool-accented grunts to you, but for the rest of us the differences between the Bad Suns, Snaketooths, and Evil Moons. And Revere the Stars, that codex specifically for looted bits is a Godsend
Well, at least it's better than the Sisters of Battle getting one for EVERY SINGLE MAJOR ORDER.
I hear the only reason the Sisters get so out of hand is because Matt Ward hates them so much he won't even be in the same room when they're brought up in meetings, even balancing and quality control. Yet they're the hottest selling faction, so GW has no choice but to keep producing them.
I fucking hate monster girls
dorf wat do?

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