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New players please see -> http://pastebin.com/yX3uw7bq (Hasn't been updated)


You are Sonia Reynard, Attack Wing Leader and Knight of the House of Jerik-Dremine! You command the Third Attack Wing, one of the elite units of the House, composed of fast hard hitting Cruisers, Frigates and a few remaining Corvettes. You and your Wing have gained a reputation for capturing enemy hardware be it through battle or negotiation.

Your ship is an upgraded Tenth Dynasty Royal Guard Cruiser you've taken to calling The Unnamed Guard.* It's tough, fast and has twice as many conventional weapons as your previous ship but is more sluggish when maneuvering thanks to it's increased mass. Armor upgrades have removed the ship's weakness against Shield Piercing Torpedoes.

After the first three days of fighting in Operation Typhoon and a few more days of repairs, you returned to combat operations. Given the choice of three assignments you decided it would be best if you avoided the deep strike missions and concentrated on chasing down convoys and fleets leaving other areas. Your Wing has now raided more than a dozen convoys, damaging freighters and warships alike. In the process three such convoys were almost entirely captured, including one with a Super Heavy Cruiser acting as a tow ship for smaller damaged craft.

*Name still pending final vote
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Currently 1st and 2nd Squadrons are in reserve guarding the damaged Super while they conduct repairs. One of your Escort Carriers along with all of your LST and their Marine contingents are aboard the Super attempting to capture the command centers and the drive sections.

Allied ships from House Cay'ifnor and the Kavarian Imperium have also arrived to assist and have begun to put troops aboard other sections.

According to Lt Metharom, additional ships from other Houses and Factions are being routed to the region to help in convoy raiding. He's not sure how many and they could be a few more hours.

Map Ledgend
(o) - Convoys that are suspected to be positioning for long range jump. Raid or intercept them.
! - Yellow exclamation marker, convoy will leave operation area after this turn.
A - Allied markers. If something goes wrong you can flee to their location for help if nearby.

Allied assistance: You can currently request help from 1 group of allies at a time in raiding convoys. They can be attached to a group of your ships but will not attack targets on their own.

If a particular unit is driven from the field they will not longer be available.

Pic related is an example.

Available Allies
>Rovinar battle squadrons like those you fought along side before are available.

>Dominion Corvette Wings
>Doiminion Carrier Groups

>Kavarian Attack squadrons
>Kavarian Battlecruiser squadrons

>Terran Lance class medium cruiser pair. Can provide heavy fire support but won't hold up long against concentrated fire.

>Republic Attack Frigate squadrons. Strong missile armament.
>Republic Medium Cruiser

>Mercenary Mixed unit
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Wing strength as displayed. Your Mercenaries have returned with the Marines that had been put aboard some transports earlier. You can either keep them with your wing for any valuable ships you may want to capture or have them join operations on the Super Heavy.

What convoys will you target first and with what forces?
Anyone willing to team up for the 10 or 11? Otherwise we should get allies for the three and 5
We should hit the 10 or 11 just for the sheer amount of ships that will just get away if we don't hit them.

I would say hit the 11 with the aid of either the Terran Lance class medium cruiser pair or the Republic Medium Cruiser depending on which much is better suited to long rang bombardment.
>Anyone willing to team up for the 10 or 11?
Most are reluctant. Understandably so.
One of the Carrier groups are willing but given the lack of time there may not be much time for their fighters to do damage.
Okay, then we will have to target the 5 and 3 (The ones currently leaving). What allies are willing
>I would say hit the 11 with the aid of either the Terran Lance class medium cruiser pair or the Republic Medium Cruiser depending on which much is better suited to long rang bombardment.
The Lance class ships are good at it but don't hold up well to heavy fire. They're better suited to engaging smaller starships.
Republic Mediums don't perform quite as well at range but they're faster.
Any of your allies are fine with raiding the lower Threat level convoys.
Easy then, have the Terran's join us and have them bombard at range, but if it even looks like they are about to have massive fire directed their way allow them to jump out immediately.

Everyone else is standard raiding procedures unless we have some form of complication.
Terran medium cruiser pair back up squads 3 and 6 on target 3. Squads 4 and 5, reinforced by the carriers, us, ECM, second squad's frigate and a dominion corvette wing attacks the threat 5.
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>Terran medium cruiser pair
>a dominion corvette wing attacks the threat 5.
You can currently request help from 1 group of allies at a time in raiding convoys. You'll have to pick either the Terran medium Cruiser pair OR the Dominion Corvette Wing. You can't have both.

Which will it be gentlemen?
option one. Drop the corvette wing.
Corvette wing to threat 5
Option 2: Terran medium cruiser pair.
Option 1. We just have the forces to take out the 11. Maybe if we grabbed the battlecruisers we could contest the 9th
Rolled 1

Let's go with the pair of smaller units.

1= Terrans
2= Corvettes
So, two smaller raids even though some people would rather go for the threat 9 and/or Threat 11 instead?

2 people want the corvette wing, 1 wants the Terrans for attacking the heavier target(?) and 1 one for using the Terran ships against the smaller units. 1 for battlecruisers.

Nope, no way I can make the wrong call here.
So for the moment it looks like the corvette Wing will be going with you.

3rd and 6th Squadrons will be hitting the Threat 3.
4th, 5th, the carriers, you and your allies will go after the Threat 5.

Any additional changes or arguments?

If not Roll 4d20
Rolled 11

I'm >>25241210, and I'm perfectly fine with that.

Rolled 10

Rolled 18, 3, 20, 9 = 50

Rolled 8

Rolled 1

Rolled 1, 13, 11, 11 = 36

I am against attacking threat 9/11. We still doing a good job and captured a Super, no need to go out of our way and risk our Wing in a heavy fight.
Rolled 11, 17, 7, 6 = 41

I can live with this, even if we are letting the 11,10, and 9 get away.
Rolled 19, 49 = 68

3rd and 6th squadrons despite being outgunned make the best of the situation, strafing the group and pulling back to range just as in other attacks. From the reports it seems Arthur is getting the hang of using an afterburner equipped ship. The locations of damaged ships are marked for recovery teams.

Your group jump in and find a much larger number of transport than what you expected. Like with some other convoy's you've seen today the Escorts are simply trying to cover two much with too few ships.

"You know the drill by now people, light 'em up!"

Just because there arent many of them doesnt mean the escort ships are any easier to take down. After your people's first pass you've done slightly better than average damage. The corvette squadrons that attempt to take advantage of any confusion you might have caused are dissapointed to find that the locals are refusing to break formation. They take some hits and lose some corvettes but thanks to their numbers they're more than capable of weathering the storm of defensive fire.

They're losing transports but not as fast as you'd like. Any transports with weapons are adding fire to the mix making it more dificult than it might otherwise be. It would likely be worse without the ECM but not too much.

"Try to target any ships with sensor arrays powerful enough to jut through our ECM. And jam their coms."
"Starfighters arriving."

More than one hundred starfighters sweep in from the flank, launching a wave of missiles and torpedoes at the convoy. As transports either detect weapon locks or note the wall of missile trails the reaction is immediate. Ships on the closest side try to break formation to find cover behind what they believe to be sturdier ships.
Not that the damage done by the fighters isn't heavy, it is. A few dozen transports are knocked out between the torpedoes and the corvettes turning back and matching targets.
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Rolled 77, 20 = 97

Between the loss of ships and the confusion caused by the formation fragmenting the escort soon decides to cut their losses and run before they're trapped by the transports they were trying to protect.
Plenty of transports do make it out before you fall on them but it looks like you'll have caught just slightly better than half.

A quick search of the transports turns up little worth leaving Marines to protect. Nothing you didn't already find more of in the other convoys.

"Salvage ships should arrive in a few more hours."

The Dominion corvette unit says they'll be staying behind for a bit to help recover some of their crippled corvettes. You've taken some minor damage and even lost a few fighters but overall things went well again.

Returning to the Wing's rally point you receive an update from your intelligence officer.

"Sir, it seems the word is out about the Super we crippled. There are more than fifty wings of corvettes from other Houses now entering the Convoy launch zone. Ten of those will be in our operation area."

"So will they be assistance or competition?"

"Both I'm afraid. Uploading data."

Arron looks over the sensor readings. "Uh, boss? There's a corvette Wing of six squadrons headed straight for us. They'll be here in an hour and a half."

"That would give us time to make one more sortie." Adds Kavos.

Your orders?
Lets see....wait a moment.

>heading straight for us.
...This isn't going to be good is it?
Rolled 40

We have a massive force advantage over a pure corvette wing.
>...This isn't going to be good is it?
You don't know.

This is true.

Did you want to raid another set of convoys or hang out protecting your salvage field?
True, but is this an enemy corvette Wing or one of our "allies"

How are the field repairs going?
I would say hang back for now and make sure everyone is in tip top shape.
Let's hit threat 5 with 4 squadrons and an allied unit. Carriers go to Super defense. We fall back there too after the hit.
>True, but is this an enemy corvette Wing or one of our "allies"
The latter.

>How are the field repairs going?
Progressing steadily. 1st and 2nd squadrons need another hour or two for the remaining holes to be patched.

Here we go again.
Rolled 5

Well that's 2 for attacking the threat 5.

What allies would you like to call in?
It seems we both deleted our posts
Since we used the Terrans last, how about that Dominion corvette wing?
I deleted mine because I wasn't trying to start a really long debate.
>Since we used the Terrans last, how about that Dominion corvette wing?
Actually you used the Dominion Corvette Wing last. That particular one stayed behind with the salvage because they lost some corvettes.
A Corvette Wing is still available though.
Ok, Dominion wing.
Whooops, my bad TSTG. Corvette wing then.
Ha-ha that was pretty awkward part. Sonia's head is probably pretty messed up right now.
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I have a reaction image for that somewhere.

Calling in a corvette wing while on route you head for the threat 5. It's at the opposite end of your operation area so you'll be cutting it close in terms of time. Meeting up a short distance out you both jump to the convoy location together.

This convoy is better protected than the last but not by much. There are a few less transports and the escorts seem to be made up of faster but leass powerful ships.

Shorty after reversion you're hailed by one of the ships. It seems group of mercenaries make up some of the convoy escort. They warn you to back off, claiming they're armed with SP torpedoes.

[ ] Find another convoy to raid
[ ] Attack
[ ] Other
>[ ] Other
Inform the mercenaries that the transports they're protecting are under the command of wanted criminals, making them accessories to their crimes.

Suggest to them that it'd be more profitable if they cancelled their current contract with their employers. If they do so we may consider hiring them ourselves to assist in harrying the pirates retreat. Fighting for the losing side is rarely profitable, and if they choose to fight we will make them earn their pay. They're not the only ones armed with SP torpedoes.
Anyone else for this? If so roll to intimidate, 1d20.
Rolled 15

Rolled 4

Rolled 11

"Right... you make a compelling case. Tell you what. We were hired to protect our half of the convoy, we'll send you their IFF's. Let those ones jump out and we'll work for you. Ten percent discount off the top. Just make sure none of your friends shoot us.

>What say?

"Surrender or flee immediately and you'll keep your lives. Or do you plan to spend your pay when you're dead?"
You're suggesting we willingly allow enemy assets to simply walk away from under us? You're confused, sir. I wasn't making a case, but offering you choices and their consequences.
End it with what >>25244682 said
"This is the thanks I get for offering a discount?!
Know what, you want us gone? Fuck you, we're gone."

Roll 3d20
Rolled 6, 9, 12 = 27

Shit, it was my idea to hit that convoy and now look at those rolls.
Rolled 19, 1, 13 = 33

Rolled 5, 18, 14 = 37

Not sure why we angered the man with SP but oh well.
Figured his risk vs. reward sense would have kicked in and prevented him from doing something stupid.
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You made him a job offer.
Then when he offered terms you didn't care for you refused to even negotiate those terms.
Yeah, totally awesome.

Mercs only get to spend their pay if they survive. Sometimes, they need to be reminded of that.
The Mercenary contingent fires off a volley of Torps followed by a missile barrage both from them and the other escorts. Flashes from nukes blanket the area around the convoy just after the torpedoes are clear making targeting difficult for a moment. You can still tell that all of the mercenary ships are moving at full burn, leaving the transports behind. With half their escort running for it the transports will be far less well protected.

Dozens of red indicators are showing up all over the display screen.
"Fifty six incoming SP torpedoes!" Warns Arron.

"Everybody try to dodge."

Most of the ships from Third and Fourth squadrons evade the incoming torpedoes except for the converted Norune blockade runner. That pilot always has the worst luck. A couple of the Vengeance types in the other squadrons take hits to the bow or wing sections. Nothing too severe but they've lost some weapons.

Your allied Corvette squadrons aren't so lucky. Eight of them are completely destroyed by single hits while the rest miss or are shot down by your point defense.

"Is it wrong that I feel bad we didn't cover them?" Asks Alex.

"Probably. They're not even from our House." Replies Mike as 6th squadron opens up on the transports and remaining escorts.
The Mercenaries have jumped out, but it's not a long range one. Obviously they didn't want to hang around long enough to finish their calculations. A couple of the other transports are doing the same while others have already finished and are making their long jumps once the ships in front of them are clear.

Firing as fast as your guns will cycle 3rd Wing and the remaining corvettes blast through shields and drive sections of transports as fast as you can. Third squadron and part of Fourth finish off the remaining escorts, those who don't jump that is.

About one third of the transports and freighters have managed to get out.
The Knight in command of the corvette unit contacts you.
"Knight Reynard, I don't know what you said but that could have been a lot worse if those Mercs had stayed behind to fight. I was wondering if you might consider giving my unit salvage rights on the Escort ships."

[ ] Give them the salvage
[ ] Split it by original unit strength
[ ] Split it by the current strength of forces (You lost none, so you're getting more)
[ ] Other
How mad our command would be if we gave him the salvage rights?
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Well you've been running around lately essentially doing pic related on a much vaster scale than ever previously.

It's your call.
Not sure why, but I'm feeling generous today.
[X] Give them the salvage

Also make sure to catch his name.
Considering he lost some ships helping us, I'd consider that fair.
Split by original strength.
"Do you need any help with SAR for survivors?"

[x] Salvage rights on corvettes and frigates
[x] Anything larger we talk about.
>Also make sure to catch his name.
"Knight Lieutenant Oflon of House Aeil'sen."

"Our shuttles are searching the remains now. There may be survivors but it's unlikely. We won't know until searching for a few days if their Emergency Teleporters triggered in time."
>Anything larger we talk about.
There are a couple of busted up light cruisers, a Rapier which is technically cruiser sized in width though really it's closer to being counted as a Frigate. A modified Norune Battlecruiser and a pair of Transcendent armed with Fusion cannons.
What shape is our Houses battlecruiser force in? Are there plans to expand it?
>What shape is our Houses battlecruiser force in?
Rather sturdy before this section of the campaign.
>Are there plans to expand it?
Really you were already approaching the limits of what the House can field. They may resume expansion in another year or so. There's certainly not a lack of ships to rebuild.
How has that battlecruiser been modified? Could it keep up with the rest of our wing?

Also, more info on those light cruisers?
That should teach them for complaining about us not giving them enough salvage.
It was modified with a larger number of smaller phase cannon turrets rather than the pair of heavy phase cannon turrets they usually sport. Performance wise it's much the same as any battlecruiser.
>Could it keep up with the rest of our wing?

Standard Knight Class Light Cruisers. Four spinal mount phase cannon, four phase cannon turrets, two torpedo launchers. Good armor, average shield and engine power.
Is Knight Lt Oflon keen to snag anything larger for personal or squadron use? If he is just going to snag him for the larger house, perhaps he'd be ok with us grabbing some of the Light Cruisers, the Norune, and the Transcendents in exchange for some corvette salvage rights we have from other ones? [we'll finalize it after combat operations, but Knight's word for now?]
>perhaps he'd be ok with us grabbing some of the Light Cruisers, the Norune, and the Transcendents in exchange for some corvette salvage rights we have from other ones? [we'll finalize it after combat operations, but Knight's word for now?]
The Lt would be okay with this.

Anyone else? Or should I put a survey up quickly?
Also, I'd like to procure his information for a possible drink along with the reasonable knight.
I'm fine with that. Perhaps keep the Lights in reserve and pass the rest of the ships back to Command. We can rotate those Light Cruisers into combat as other ships rotate out for repairs.
Well a survey just in case. Actually, one second I need to add something.

I'm going to lose track of the various Knights you plan to go drinking with at this rate.

Heading back at top speed you arrive ahead of the allied corvette unit. Everything is quet for the most part. A few of the ground attack starfighters are conducting operations inside the hull of the super heavy assisting marines from your House and allied troops.

Approximately when predicted six squadrons of attack corvettes jump in, each squadron being led by a class of attack cruiser you're not familiar with. It's similar to the Aries in many ways but different in just as many. It has two banks of twin linked phase cannons and four torpedo launchers closer to the center line.

"We're being hailed."

Connecting it to your station you pull up the viewer which pops up with the face of a Dro'all noble wearing the uniform of a Baron.

"Greetings Captain. I am Baron Frezj'an, authorized representative of House Bonrah. I am here to make you an offer. My House would like to purchase the salvage rights to the damaged vessel your troops are now securing. Do not be concerned about the others that are providing troops, we can make separate arrangements with them.
At this moment we are prepared to offer your House Two point Four Billion Seni for the salvage rights. This offer has a limited time span. We are aware of the communications backlog and that you have not been able to establish full contact with your superiors. When that backlog ends so will our offer. By our estimates you have ten minutes to make your decision, as a Knight of House Jerik-Dremine and the officer with the largest claim your decision would be legally binding."

>What say?

[ ] Accept the Deal
[ ] Reject the Deal
[ ] "I'm sorry, I can't make this decision for my House."
[ ] Other
Can we get a quick estimate of the monetary value of our find? I smell bullshit.
reject the deal
For what it's worth, I'm all for rejecting this deal with utmost prejudice. What's so urgent with their deal that they need to impose an arbitrary time limit? They're just trying to shut out competing houses and prevent getting caught up in a bidding war when better offers start rolling in.

Side note, whats our houses current stance on House Bonrah? Do they have a reputation within the Dominion or history with us we should/would know about?
Hard to say, you have no experience with the sale price of ships of this size. You know that old as stone standard corvettes are worth about 1 million, newer attack corvettes cost 4 million while attack cruisers are generally in the 20 million range. Battlecruisers are worth about 50 million before armor upgrades.
I too smell bullshit


[x] "I'm fairly sure the Ruling House will make a much better offer, especially considering actions during Lat'tham space."
[x] Inform our Escort Carriers to distance themselves and prep all wings with SP torps for immediate scramble. Better to be alert and paranoid than dead.
How are our relations with House Bonrah?

I had been planning to ask about what allied Houses Jerik-Dremine would be most likely to hand the SH to (likely one that is Large, Allied, and Currently Fielding Forces)

-Would- our jolly Dro'all merchant friend be able to give us an accurate estimate in time?
>-Would- our jolly Dro'all merchant friend be able to give us an accurate estimate in time?

This is a good question. We should be able to get a hold of someone who can estimate the value of the super-heavy within 10 minutes.

As has been noted previously, our House is too tiny to field a ship like that at all, so the more we can get for it, the better.
That is a good question, lets contact our Dro'all friend.
>[x] Inform our Escort Carriers to distance themselves and prep all wings with SP torps for immediate scramble. Better to be alert and paranoid than dead.

The Ruling House declared a Dominion-wide cease fire for the duration of this campaign, do you think this guy would be dumb enough to send his house down the Lat'tham route?
>Side note, whats our houses current stance on House Bonrah? Do they have a reputation within the Dominion or history with us we should/would know about?

House Bonrah was the Ruling House in the Fifth Dynasty. It is one of the oldest continuing Houses in the Dominion behind Che'len, Helios and Ber'helum. (Though some argue for House Hedron as being a continuance of House Hy'drang which would make them the oldest.)

House Bonrah has an unstable history with leadership changing between the more cautious diplomats and those that would use brute strength to gain control of wealth and territory. They consistently fought against the Ruling House in the last decades of the Tenth Dynasty and were among those who sent ships to fight as mercenaries in the Second Faction War. Unlike other Houses which gained their through capture, Bonrah purchased Super Heavy Cruisers from the Union in exchange for Corvette and Carrier support. They have since lost all but one of these ships in inter-House fighting.

Your House fought against their forces in the last major schism, though this was only because J-D needed support from the current Ruling House.
In light of >>25248019

Yes, yes I do.
Yeah, their history does change a few things. I vote for decline their offer, and prepare for treachery. They'll probably be desperate enough to try and take it by force.
>would've liked more info, Kavos would likely have something to say.
"The House is under different leadership from when I fought them. Was only a gunner sergeant on a Frigate back then. This is beyond my pay grade."

You ask the Baron to please hold on while you confer with your Knights. Once the channel is closed you place a call to Ferrigold the Fat.

"Please pick up. Please pick up. Please pick up." you whisper to yourself.

"Goodness look who it is! I know you were reluctant about the previous salvage field my dear but everything is well in hand I assure you. Your man in the old EWAR ship took plenty of scans, you'll have no trouble matching them up. So!" The merchant leans forward. "Is it possible you've decided to *expand* our contract? To broaden our mutual horizons in a profit based sense?"

He pauses and lower his voice. "Well it would have to be a profit based sense I'm really just not interested otherwise. Not to say that you wouldn't have a chance it's just that, well look at me I'm falling apart, it's dreadful. I haven't even updated my wardrobe this season, I couldn't bear to go out in public.
Now, what could I help YOU with? I obviously can't help myself anymore. "

You ask about the sale price of a super Heavy Cruiser.

"OH MY! In the market for a buyer are we? Or-" Ferrigold gasps and puts a hand to his mouth, "perhaps you've already found one! I'm so excited for you, really. Do tell?"

You give him the rough info and the remaining time limit.
"Well, lets see, they're not exactly built by anyone anymore. The Kavarians and apparently the Warlords are the only ones with shipyards for them anymore. And well, you know about the sort of restrictions on Kavarian shipyards. It's hard to even get frighters from them some years. Tell me is it very badly damaged? Replacement engines can be awefully expensive to get hold of these days. Even through the black market. The Warlords don't exactly sell to the people they're stealing from. I know few of the major Houses can build the engines but they're very hush hush about who and how quickly. If the damage is severe enough it could devalue it by as much as thirty percent!"
The Fat merchant pauses to take a breath.

"With the ships being so rare that's driven the prices up. Mind you, if there's a big grab for the remains after the Pirates are all dead that could drive the prices down."

"Do you have any actual values in hard numbers?" You ask, increasingly impatient as the timer counts down.
"Billions. The Kavarians could build them cheaply for oh three billion I think. The economy has changed so much since then though. I hope I was able to help. By the way if you ever meet a fellow named Frederick slap him for me will you? Most uncourtious, I'm going to need DAYS of therapy after that conversation. I won't bore you with the details, I promise."

You close the channel.
We've got a whole 3 votes so far. 2 for rejecting the deal and 1 for "I'm sorry, I can't make this decision for my House."

Sorry that all took so long. Any other questions?

Can we get scans of those attack cruisers or otherwise gather information on them?
Unless other anons wish to try an haggle up the price in currency or ships, I've got nothing.

as the 1 for "I'm sorry...", I am fine with rejecting the deal - believe I wrote as much in the "Other:"
>Can we get scans of those attack cruisers or otherwise gather information on them?
Yep. They're being scanned down

You tell the Barron that you'll have to decline the offer. When the time limit is up the fleet departs, jumping towards one of the other locations.

"Corvette units are attacking nearly every convoy out there sir, or every one that they can build up enough numbers to go after safely."

You're finally connected with the Knight Commander and you step into your office now that some bandwidth has been set aside for use by your House.

The screen is split between the Commander and Captain Saputo whose unit is elsewhere.

"Captain Reynard."
"Sirs, I hope you've gotten my reports?"

"Yes I have." Says Winifred.
You then notice that any available space within her room is covered over with display screens showing graphs, charts of pricing indexes and a 3D projection of relations between Houses. It's a mess, and while you never noticed it before Winifred is usually one for keeping her command ship neatly organised. Either she has mild OCD or one of her assistants does.

"Captain Reynard there is an old saying about one being graced with an embarrassment of riches. Also known as too much of a good thing. Between you and the Captain we now have more ships waiting to be salvaged than our logistics could ever hope to handle. I never suspected I would hear myself say this but, please stop capturing ships for the foreseeable future!"

You're momentarily taken aback by the minor outburst.

"Or capture ones that require less repair work."

>What say?
Tell her that salvaging must be in our blood. We could start offloading more captured ships to other parties for a profit, perhaps?

Idly mention that there must be potential buyers for a slightly-used, slightly-dead-in-the-water superheavy.
Does she know about the super heavy?

"Sir, can you authorize me to trade away salvage rights to approved Houses and Factions? A general bit of data for Kavos to judge the value of wrecks would also be helpful, as would any preferred hull types to be retained."
"Sir, we could outsource salvage recovery to third parties to give Logistics some breathing room. Surely there are enough profiteering vultures around? Alternately, going over the list of salvage units, cherry picking the choicest hulks, then trading the rights to unwanted salvage to our allies could be beneficial as well. I understand the strain we're placing on Logistics, but I'm hesitant to blow up anything we could possibly use in the future."
Cool. So what do I do with the superheavy Ma'am?

>Tell her that salvaging must be in our blood.
"I'm tempted to put you in command of that salvage barge you wanted converted and then simply throwing you at a field of wreckage that's been towed in to one of the friendly stations. Unfortunately that would take combat officers away from the front when they're needed most. Would you consider it once this is all over? I am being serious. Others might see such duty as an insult but I somehow suspect you might not."


>"Sir, can you authorize me to trade away salvage rights to approved Houses and Factions? A general bit of data for Kavos to judge the value of wrecks would also be helpful, as would any preferred hull types to be retained."
"I'll have my people send it to you."
>Idly mention that there must be potential buyers for a slightly-used, slightly-dead-in-the-water superheavy.

>"Sir, we could outsource salvage recovery to third parties to give Logistics some breathing room. Surely there are enough profiteering vultures around? Alternately, going over the list of salvage units, cherry picking the choicest hulks, then trading the rights to unwanted salvage to our allies could be beneficial as well. I understand the strain we're placing on Logistics, but I'm hesitant to blow up anything we could possibly use in the future."
"My people are already looking that that but it's going to take time and resources. I'm moving ships into areas at stations that have been established so they can do more thorough checks and sort equipment. Fusion drive components might be the most valuable commodity if only to repair engines you damaged. It's too late to corner the market, prices are already spiking."
We're totally going into politics and high command

Permanently, or as an alternative to sitting around and doing paperwork while our unit gets a few months of vacation?
I think I'll wait until I'm ready to retire, ma'am. Thank yor for the idea though, I might use it if I ever take a vacation.
True, but everyone needs a hobby. This could be our version of fishing or restoration projects.
>Would you consider it once this is all over? I am being serious. Others might see such duty as an insult but I somehow suspect you might not.

I think we'd only do it for a short time, if we run out of wars to fight or get shot so much that we're reduced to a brain and some stem cells in a power suit.
>salvage duty

"Any chance you'd like to invest in my future salvage company instead? Someone in a position to help me get some ships cheap could get some hefty discounts on work." Smile
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>Permanently, or as an alternative to sitting around and doing paperwork while our unit gets a few months of vacation?
Your choice.

>Idly mention that there must be potential buyers for a slightly-used, slightly-dead-in-the-water superheavy.
"Of that I don't doubt. I've had five call requests since we started this meeting. Now six. All of them representatives of Houses wanting to either buy our share of the salvage rights, offer rates on repair crews, even plans for two dozen Minor Houses to band together and refit the ship in a joint venture. The last one is suicidal. One or more of them would make a power grab just as the ship approached operational status."

Captain Saputo speaks up. "Either the Ruling House or House Ber'helum would be the best bets to ally with. They're relatively stable, though there is always the issue of being too strongly tied to any Ruling House."

You bring up the House Bonrah offer.

"Damn." Replies the Captain. "Too bad. It's on the low side but would have certainly been helpful to have an instant cash infusion."

The Commander sighs. "I suspect we'll be rewarded with equal parts misery and glory in refitting the ship now that the offer is gone. Eight call requests now. "

She straightens before addressing you. "Captain Reynard, you've done a good job. Maintain position until you're relieved by a force I'm sending. Once they're in position I want your unit prepared again for combat. We won't have much time before the launch of the final stages so be ready. Do you still have SP Torpedoes?"

You tell her you still have (5? 6?) Torp volleys left over.
Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. Seriously I wrote this down to prevent precisely this situation.
"That should be enough to see you through. You'll receive instructions in a few more days time with the final rally point. I'm deploying the Second Attack Wing as well."
"Have we considered contacting the Terrans, Rovinar, or Kavarians? A Kavarian squadron is going to have at least some claim on the ship for their assistance, but they might have better offers or at least pressure others to sweeten their own."
>Your choice.
It's definitely an adequate choice for a noble's hobby. We should see how much we enjoy it, before deciding if we want to make it our job.
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"The Kavarians claim is essentially useless because of their fleet limitations by treaty."
"We'll still have to pay them off in some way." Mentions Saputo.

"The other nobles working on that. The Terrans and Rovinar are not people we want involved as neither of them will want any Houses acquiring more ships of this type."
Wing upgrade/repair time!

You currently have 12 WRP. It costs 1 to repair a crippled ship. 1 point to raise starfighter or munitions by 1 level, and 1 point to have additional Afterburner systems shipped in.
You currently have 1 spare afterbuner equipment set ready to be installed, but because it was taken from a corvette will only fit on 6th Squadron's Aries or on Mike's cruiser.

NOTE: you've been given a pilot and crew for your second ECM ship but it will still cost 1 point to completely repair. Sorry equipment is expensive.

How do you want to divide up your WRP?
Get that EMC ship fixed up and good to go. Fix the wing like we always do.

Whatever ships the other guys want fixed I am ok with.
1 on ECM ship
4 on starfighters for carriers
5 on afterburners for 6th squadron
1 on munitions for 6th squadron
1 on munitions for 2nd squadron
I am ok with this ~
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Crap, 3rd and 4th squadrons were supposed to have red ammo ratings.
Bit late now.

Any alternate suggestions or is this okay?

Another few days spent on repairs and refitting the Wing. Another stop at a temporary base loading up as many secondary supplies as you can scrounge.

Is there anything you wanted to do on base before departing?

>NOTE: There is a medical facility here where neural mapping can be carried out.

You spot Mike coming out of the medical center and wave him over to a nearby bench.
"Getting a checkup?"
"Yes and no." He taps his knee which gives out a metallic pinging sound. "Minor adjustments, and updating my will. I had a folding gun I can pull out put in my leg along with a knife. If I wake up not packing heat I'll know something is wrong.
I went ahead and got a brain scan. Figured if something happens I can still send money to my family that way."
As a hobby I can see us taking it up.

I mean we are Sonia: The Queen of salvage.
I am okay with this.
>I went ahead and got a brain scan. Figured if something happens I can still send money to my family that way.

He better stay alive.

>>NOTE: There is a medical facility here where neural mapping can be carried out.

Can we get the stuff for that rifle we got a few threads back installed?
Should we get a check up and brain scan while we are here? Oh and mention how we are considering the salvage barge thing as a hobby and see what he thinks about it. Might ask if he has any plans for once this is over.
>brain scan
That means a potential clone Sonia. I think we decided against that a few dozen threads ago.
>Can we get the stuff for that rifle we got a few threads back installed?

>Should we get a check up and brain scan while we are here?
If by that you want them to conduct a full scan so that you can be cloned later if you die? I'll need confirmation from a few other players given resistance to it in the past.

>Oh and mention how we are considering the salvage barge thing as a hobby and see what he thinks about it.
Mike bursts out laughing and has to stifle it when others turn their attention towards both of you.
"Oh wow. I can see it too! Would you- heh, would you go out on the hull and point with your sword at what ship to go after next?"

You lightly slap the back of his head. "Smart ass."
>Might ask if he has any plans for once this is over.
"Go home, buy as much of the surrounding neighborhood as I can and try to fix it up. See if I can get some employment for those that need the money. I dunno. Eight months ago I would have just said I'd give my Mom half the money then live on a resort. ...I've been to enough resorts now."
There will probably be a lot of navy personnel who are interested to change careers to something more peaceful once this is over.
Perhaps he will be able to get some additional funding from the military for training ex-servicemen as construction workes etc while fixing his neighbourhood at the same time?
How long are we recommended to avoid using the sleep headset thingie after undergoing neural mapping procedures? I'm pretty sure there was a reason we were holding off on that one.
At least a week. More would be better but isn't necessary.

-Memory imprinting: X-Ray laser field use training
-Neural mapping for clone backup.
Please think about these two things and if you want either done.

I'll post briefly in the morning then resume some time after 4pm EST tomorrow.
>-Memory imprinting: X-Ray laser field use training

>-Neural mapping for clone backup.

Btw. what does happen if we use the sleep headset too soon after the imprinting?
X-Ray laser field use training
>Btw. what does happen if we use the sleep headset too soon after the imprinting?
Essentially? Fragments start getting saved to the wrong directories and it just doesn't work. Memory imprinting isn't permanent and will wear off, you just have to train with those skills before it does so that it sticks.

We never did get that chance to do memory implanting for intrusion work and then study under those guys that stole the medium cruiser from the shipyard to see the stars. I wonder what the survivors we rescued are up to?
How well is the tub being received by the crew?
any eye catching news or mail come in?

since we are going back into combat very soon, I am against the imprinting.
Remind me, was it impossible to integrate a collapsing hot tube into one of the walls of our reduced quarters? I recognize it take some engineering and be fairly decadent, but having our own private retreat to relax in at the end of a hard deployment or invite Linda and co. over for drinks and pool party antics? Priceless (especially if someone else is technically footing the bill).
Given that our pile of LOOT has reached critical mass and logistics is starting to run out of places to stash it. We should start being really picky about what we take in with priorities being:

1. Undamaged ships/SP munitions/afterburners/engine parts
2. Cruisers that can be fixed and used by the squadron (afterburner capable and guard cruisers especially)
3. Barges and transports (can never have enough of these)
4. Anything else on the House wishlist

If something doesn't fit into those categories then we should try our best to trade them away in favour of stuff we can use. Or maybe even sell them off for cash since the house can definitely use it. We also have that pretty big pile of corvettes and frigates in the squadron reserve we could do something with.
Well, now that he said it i am tempted to even do it. Once.

Regarding the salvage barge it would be placed in our command group, right, not as us as its captain/pilot.

Another thing is depending on how the fleet promotion is organized in the dominion this might be most likely a bad move, if our wing got designated as salvage wing, but we could, say effectively guide who gets what ships, and so get a lot of favors in the star fleet community, and politicians that need such ship to aid their pet projects or stunts. So we could amass a large political and favors capital.

In any case we should ship home and in the smugglers run as much combat ships as we can spare, since regardless of how this campaign works out we will need some heavy hitters to safeguard our acquisitions and our home worlds, since if we win we will be squabbling here on over sectors and that galaxy that we just partitioned, or if we loose we will have large part of our fleet and the elite combat units mangled if not effectively destroyed.

Also , seeing as we cant keep the super due to billions of investment, and the need for money in all other sectors, i don't think we will be able to pull of the idea in the last threat of effectively renting it. Although it would have been sweet, since we would have hold the big end of the stick in such a partnership.
>6 squadron getting afterburners back
yes yes yes

I'm the anon that originally brought up the idea of having salvage barges/recovery u-hauls. My idea was that they'd be grouped up in a separate formation that followed our wing, securing salvage sites, towing crippled ships out of combat, and providing us with a mobile base for field repairs. They would not be operating directly with our Wing, but work closely with the Wing in a support role. The idea was to free up time we'd normally spend salvaging so we can focus on the combat role of the wing.

By having a dedicated repair/recovery unit following us, we can protect them with our reserves, and rotate ships from the reserves into combat as other ships get rotated out for repair. This would hopefully allow us to spread damage evenly across the Wing, and reduce the amount of ships that get crippled due to extensive deployments.
>How well is the tub being received by the crew?
Your quarters haven't been modified yet as you've been in combat.
Winning vote was to let the crew decide... and surprise surprise most of them would like general access provided people don't abuse the privilege.

>Remind me, was it impossible to integrate a collapsing hot tube into one of the walls of our reduced quarters?
I don' think anyone even suggested it.

>(especially if someone else is technically footing the bill
It's custom luxury modification to your quarters. It wouldn't be covered by the House.

>any eye catching news or mail come in?
I'll write up some later today when I'm on break.

>this might be most likely a bad move, if our wing got designated as salvage wing, but we could, say effectively guide who gets what ships
If you were taken off front line duty to do salvage, you wouldn't be the one choosing who got what ships.

Sorry guys ran out of time to answer more questions. see you after 4pm!
Did we ever tell her about the ships we sent ghosting?
I think we are spending too much on ECM and not enough on clearing the final corvette's from our squadrons. Also, make sure to move the two frigates currently in reserve into the front lines. Send one to 1st and one to fifth. Also look into trading some of our attack or dagger corvettes to other houses in return for topping off our munitions. If we get a good enough deal we might be able to add two more frigates to our wing before combat.
ECM is one of the most invaluable ships for stealth fast attack missions which is what we usually do, and having two is very useful since we are often separated in groups locally.

I wonder if we could somehow use the super-heavy we captured as a tool to speed up work on Forbearance. Either by quietly getting some difficult to procure parts or even by quietly stripping some 'damaged' parts from the super heavy during the initial tear-down of damaged parts.

If we run into any ship graveyards from the faction wars that aren't crawling with pop-up defenses (or that we can secure of limited enemy influence) we should probably use them as a repair spot. Some shuttles/fighters might be able to locate valuable parts while their parent ships conduct repairs.

Multi-tasking, ho!

Also, I believe we only have 5 Knights who we wanted to take drinking so far [outside our own house]: Rovinar Commander, Carrier force Knight, Corvette Wing Knight [from final oversector before this], Reasonable Knight [possibly 1 of the first 3?], and Knight Oflon.
We are we so exited about Knight Oflon? The only thing he ever did was asking us for extra loot. Yes, i myself felt an urge to tell him to take everything for free, but why is the desire to befriend him?

It is a chance to befriend a peer and turn him into a possible friend and contact within another House.

Best case? That helps us find the House allies in the future.

Worst? We might be able to get our family and some of our people out if J-D falls.
Back. Just let me get some things ready.
>memory implanting for intrusion work
There's a basic package available you could take then practice with while in your spare time.

>integrate a collapsing hot tube into one of the walls of our reduced quarters
Follow up. This could actually work rather well since it could connect into much of the water supply systems used by the other one.

>[Current salvage] priorities being:
>1. Undamaged ships/SP munitions/afterburners/engine parts
>2. Cruisers that can be fixed and used by the squadron (afterburner capable and guard cruisers especially)
>3. Barges and transports (can never have enough of these)
>4. Anything else on the House wishlist
Everyone else okay with this?

>salvage barges/recovery u-hauls.
>grouped up in a separate formation that follows our wing,
securing salvage sites, towing crippled ships out of combat, and providing us with a mobile base for field repairs.
>would not be operating directly with our Wing, but work closely with the Wing in a support role.
>free up time we'd normally spend salvaging so we can focus on the combat role of the wing.
>Protect with ships in reserve/ other ships get rotated out for repair.
>hopefully reduce amount of ships that get crippled due to extensive deployments.
It's all a nice sounding idea and given your record it should be possible to create a unit like that. It will take time, and manpower to set up though. The Commander has essentially approved of the idea but you'll need to use some of your wing requisition and reserve pilots once you have some. You're looking at a month because of the salvage crisis.

>Did we ever tell her about the ships we sent ghosting?
I don't believe so, though I could easily be mistaken. I know you guys discussed the Mining Barge(s) that are out there when looking at the Salvage Barge concept.
You definitely haven't told your allies about them obviously.
>I think we are spending too much on ECM and not enough on clearing the final corvette's from our squadrons.
Do you want to clear the final corvettes form the unit? While they are weaker their smaller size has been an advantage in certain situations where cruisers would have trouble.

>Also, make sure to move the two frigates currently in reserve into the front lines. Send one to 1st and one to fifth.

>pretty big pile of corvettes and frigates in the squadron reserve
>Also look into trading some of our attack or dagger corvettes to other houses in return for topping off our munitions.
With Dagger corvettes still being in demand because of their torpedo launcher and better turret coverage you could sell off far less of them for the same number of torpedoes. Even the Terrans are buying them back, though they're not desperate enough to part with SP Torps.
Or you could sell off some of your Attack Corvettes for a more normal price. The House is still building more from the main shipyards back home. At this time all remaining standard Corvettes have been put into reserve, though some remain in use with training squadrons around Dreminth.

[ ] Daggers
[ ] Attack Corvettes
Rolled 2

>Everyone else okay with this?
We could continue to collect any super heavy we find, even if it means a additional headache for our house, they're probably just too valuable.

Undecided about the whole corvette thing, so I'll roll for it
1=[ ] Daggers
2=[ ] Attack Corvettes


I actually like having 2 or so flights worth of attack corvettes around. I wouldn't mind eventually having a separate half-squadron of them of them separate from the other squadrons.

missed the choice...

If we are going to trade away ships for Torps...

[x] Daggers
[x] Older attack Corvettes

IIRC, some of the ACs also have torpedo launchers, and we should keep those around.
>>[Current salvage] priorities being:
>Everyone else okay with this?

[ ] Attack Corvettes
If Daggers are so hot we can hold on them in case we would need to barter for something valuable

>Do you want to clear the final corvettes form the unit? While they are weaker their smaller size has been an advantage in certain situations where cruisers would have trouble.
Not sure on that one, indeed they can be useful. Though if we keeping them and some of them are sub par models we better replace them with the best possible models .
>Everyone else okay with this?
Sounds good to me

>Do you want to clear the final corvettes form the unit?
Firm no. That previous engagement with the fighters in the debris field has shown that they do still have a role within our wing. Keeping corvettes in our wing are useful as trainers for new pilots and for providing support for the larger ships. In addition, the previous engagement where the corvettes were able to use concentrated fire to quickly blast through shields are another example of how we should be using corvettes.

If anything, we should expand their role within our wing instead of further reduce them. Didn't we salvage a Jenning last session that had afterburners mounted to its hull? Those should conceivably be able to keep up with Mikes squad. I'm sure he'd appreciate the additional fire and PD support.

We should keep the Daggers. They're essentially extra torpedoes and PD for the rest of our wing.
>any eye catching news or mail come in?
An update from intel regarding your information requests on the devices the Kavarians launched at the Super Heavy when attacking it. They have a SP torpedo warhead mounted on a much longer body. The body is covered in superconductive plates and contains sensors. When passing through a ship's shields it detects the shield phasing frequency.
An old trick back before the faction wars was to outfit a smaller starship or even a starfighter in a similar manner and land on the shields of a Medium or Heavy Cruiser. Once the frequency was detected it was transmitted to the larger starships which then could then fire beam weapons through the shield as though they weren't even there.

Today shields rapidly rotate through a wide range of frequencies making this tactic less effective. The trick now is to find a pattern in the frequency shift in an attempt to predict it. This is difficult, and almost never happens now. The Kavarians attack cruisers were able to predict the pattern shift of the super heavy from the readings their torpedoes took, likely because they were older model shield generators produced by the Union or the Iratar Corporation. They know how their computer systems work better than anyone.

Those torpedoes are NOT available with the Iratar Admiralty level acquisitions access. They're special weapons only handed out to members of their military.
That doesn't mean you couldn't find some on the black market now that you know what you're looking for.

>Didn't we salvage a Jenning last session that had afterburners mounted to its hull?
Yes, you had the option to either repair it and add it to the unit, or scrap it so that the afterburners could be installed on one of your cruisers.
The overwhelming majority voted to scrap the ship for the afterburners. With the addition of another 5 WRP for the other ships in the unit 6th squadron is once again fully outfitted.
You've overheard some of your pilots in other squadrons talking about nicknaming 6th squadron as the Speed Freaks.

News Cont.

Other news, stocks are all over the place as despite Operational security and attempts at limiting communications word is getting out about the large scale offensive launched by the various Factions. You spot a minor footnote about the Free Planets League and negotiations being under way for admittance into the Dominion. There's expected to be a vote in the not too distant future within their territory.

Even with all of the ships that have been hijacked by the last wave of piracy, trade is on the rebound and is expected to plateau for a short while at one of the highest levels in your lifetime.

>Your personal investments are still climbing but there's a warning from your financial advisor that the armor company could go either way at this point. There are signs it will level out, but depending on what happens after the Warlords are defeated it could keep climbing or fall to the same prices as regular ship armor. You may have days to make your decision on whether to stay in or cut back.

Currently 25% of your assets are invested in the House Posat armor company. 40% in the Smugglers Run shipyard, 25% in Mutual Funds, 5% Dremine Heavy Industries, 5% small arms.

(You don't have an exact figure on how much cash you're worth atm because of salvage claims. 10 million minimum.)

Do you want to maintain your current investments in the armor company, scale them back and diversify, or invest more in them?

Decide among yourselves, I'm going to grab something to eat then see what I need to put up some survey questions for. I'm thinking the corvette sales thing.
No selling.

If we do older attack corvettes, since the dagger seems to be quite fancy stuff.

Also not going out without corvettes. We need at least half a dozen of them for support reasons. IF we could get frigates that can do the same things a corvette does then we could slim their number down to one or two flights, if we replace them with specialist corvettes.
25% seem reasonable, and i think we will have time to sell tem later if need be, as we are close to the events which will decide the course of that stock.
I support vetting rid of the corvettes, or atnleast replacing them with assualt versions.
Yes selling. We have a massive backlog
We definitely want a few of those. If we can great the system so it leaves a long string on a counterweight or a very extended antenna array (say sputnik style) so that it is going throug hthe shield it could simply park itself on the hull with a non explosive hook head, while the wires are through the shield constantly monitoring change and relaying the data in real time.

It might be more costly than a simple SP torpedo, but in essence it would give anyone in the same battle-net firing while the shield frequency change is not affected by lag free shots on the target. Perfect for house doctrine of using corvettes, and strapped for budget. Especialy since i have no doubts constructing SP torps will not only be dangerous but far more costly for us, so we will have to milk it for all its worth, and such a set up would be far more cost effective since it would only waste one or fire SP torps per wing while increasing the wings effective firepower by multiple times, not only on direct SP damage like others rely on. For Terrans and Kavarians can afford it, we however, not so much. And it would be a hit product in the Dominion. Also it is a more elegant solution of the shield breaker concept some twenty or thirty threads ago , of turning SP warheads into cannon rounds that blow up and make a SP hole in the shield for a limited amount of time, like a flak cloud.

Honestly, if we manage to win this campaign and hold on to all this information I really suspect we will start to edge into Medium house territory with a reputation for high tech and probably tech theft and reverse engineering, as well as competent forces that have a penchant for piracy and hotshots, as long as it is within the rules - that are quite bendy.
It looks like you can scan shields only when passing trough it, so when torpedo will be stuck in the hull shields will be out of scanning range.
Not if the antennas or wires are still passing through the shields. If the shields are only 50 meters or 150 meters away a long wire with a small thruster to propel it out of the shields or keep it from entering them would be enough for it to be through the shields and with a small section outside of it. It will need a lot of spool and a powerful thruster that can disengage once momentum has blown off, and a secondary thruster array in the tip, with cold gas so it wont be sniped off, but maintain it stretched out.

Think of simple solutions.

As long as you aim it at the flank, somewhere close to the aft you could also not need to use the secondary thruster, since the momentum of the ship will ensure the antenna stays outside the shield with its tip, provided we can get the antenna wire long enough. after that you can disengage any counterweight form the tip and make it very hard to fuck up.
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Survey for a bunch of questions. That took a lot longer than I'd planned.

I think he meant that it would leave wires behind it so that it would be in constant contact with the shield. Or just for an extended length of time.

Keep in mind, that even if you do buy some of the weapons off the black market you'll still have to analyze the data they send you when launched. Developing a program that can quickly find a pattern in the shield shifts will be the more difficult part.

>since the dagger seems to be quite fancy stuff.
They're mostly wanted because a cheap corvette firing a SP Torpedo is still easier to deploy than a more expensive cruiser or a carrier to launch fighters.
Its not a pattern, its the constant frequency of them. You don't go for the pattern, if you are able to shoot inside frequency changing envelope. Slave the guns to a automatic program with a on off switch to said tagged data stream and let the rape train ensue as long as you don't lag. Lag is the killer.
Speaking of longer term odds if this thing for the Free Planets League works out I'd be interested in scoping out the prospects of becoming the first Genuine Dominion Noble™ of the new House, even if it means we don't tax them or do the other typical feudal things. It would allow us to jump up a few ranks in official dominion hierarchy while also somewhat removing us from the usual Dominion political nonsense.
>collapsing hot tub
>Follow up.
Huh, missed this. Well we should at least price it out. Also, since space is at such a premium on this ship we might want to do a feasibility study on collapsible/storable recreational facilities for the crew.

The pattern would be awesome for a one off last shot after the setup gets disturbed or wrecked past proper functioning before they change said pattern, of course

Also to reduce lag you could have all possible shield frequencyes storeed inside a computer inside the torp antena head to transmit designations for them not the full numbers, to cut down on the data stream, and said designations on your ships, and with a condition for the torp to send the frequency if the designation does not match. Heck, you could have it transmit all kinds of data if you mount some sensors in the torp like say a sonar or something similar.

Fit the SP torp with a cloak field, and instead of hooks some suction locks, and you have a awesome covert ops tool.

Our house armory will be awesome.

plans that is
I like this a lot.
With a collapsible hot tub we can have it in our quarters if we ever have guests or high dignitaries which we can donate our quarters too, if need be, and keep it on default position on public access. We can have a armoured cealing for the open elevator like hot tub that has our Power Armour or a armory inside. Drop the hot tub, get Guns and armor.

We can have it up whenever someone without proper security clearance or not from our ship comes to visit in our quarters, so we have a ace up our sleeve in case of assassinations attempts.

Full on Batman style
>first Genuine Dominion Noble™ of the new House
Is it possible to belong to multiple houses? I'd imagine that would come up quite often if the nobility of the Dominion is as incest... has as limited choices for marrige as they did in medieval Europe.
I'd expect it to involve severing ties with Jerik-Dremine but we've pretty much done more for them than they have for us anyway.
Dominion political nonsenses is far better personally for us, than pandering to a mob.
Keep in mind that most dominion are most likely heavy supporters of the class system, since it allows them a ranked mobility system, that holds, and are rather anti Republican.

Personally Sonia might have done this out of expediency but i don't see her being a republican or democrat. Ever. Not when she finally got Knighted. Perhaps before, but now, no fucking way.
I'm still pulling for the knight commander's spot
Stop right there Treasonous Bastard.

I Seriously would not like to pass up all that massive reputation we have built up in house. We most certainly have made a reputation, once the campaign is over and will be in a position to amass massive capital upon our exploits. Leaving the house would be a mistake at this time, since we have quite a lot riding on it. The time for that was with those Knights, which we refused to keep on trucking with Mike.
Probably even a planet of our own to rule, depending on how things go.

Lets admit it we did pretty well for ourselves.
The way I see it the new House is going to need a Barron at the least, and they probably aren't going to have an easy time electing one and having the other Houses tolerate that kind of bullshit. So we offer to be their Barron for the sake of appearances and get more pull within the wider Dominion and access to a much larger industrial base.

On the other hand the whole thing could collapse like a house of cards at pretty much any time so maybe it isn't really that hot of an idea
We're the Free Planets Leaguers planing to have an orthodox nobility? For some reason I thought that wasn't going to be the case.
But are we ready to transition over to the role of a planetary governor? Don't know about you, but I'd rather stay in space for now.
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>Free Planets League works out I'd be interested in scoping out the prospects of becoming the first Genuine Dominion Noble™ of the new House
>Implying that they would want any nobles if they could avoid it instead.

>For some reason I thought that wasn't going to be the case.
Some Houses are democracies though they make up a small number. It's expected that the FPL will be among them barring unexpected events.

>Is it possible to belong to multiple houses?
Not generally no, though its fairly common for the wealthy or powerful to live in the territory of other Houses they have good relations with. Usually as an envoy or when seeking to start up businesses.

For warrior nobility such as Knight or even Barons it's possible to enter into the service of a larger House while maintaining your allegiance to your original. Still, you'll never be a true member of the larger unless accepting to become a member of that House and leaving your previous. Honorary titles bestowed by other Houses upon the Knights of an ally are fairly common.

Normally if you (a Knight) are planning to leave the House and don't want to be an ass about it you would request permission to do so from whoever the current head of your House is. Or you could make the same request to whichever Baron you ultimately answer to.
If it falls, all the better. We have another campaign to get to after this one blows over, and we can forge alliances whit other houses wanting a piece of the action, while we start working directly on increasing the political power of the military side, or our side of the block.

Also if we get to be their Barron through some insane fucking shit, we will be only a figure head that handles external relationships. Not even external policy, much less industry or internal stuff, and that aside the high animosity from anti House extremist groups that will perpetuate terrorist attacks and assassination attempts.
That one is a bad idea all around.
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>about the Free Planets League and negotiations being under way for admittance into the Dominion
>becoming the first Genuine Dominion Noble™ of the new House
>don't tax them or do the other typical feudal things
You want to poison the Dominion with the sweet air of freedom and foul stench of equality? I surely hope you Knight Captains don't do this.
Whoops, missed posting this bit before.
There's bound to be some lag, the frequency changes are fast.

On to some results!

You get to work finishing some business before the Wing departs on the next stage of the campaign. First you get a call through to your financial people and assure them you'll be fine and to keep things the way they are now.

Next you see about securing more muntions, specifically torpedoes and missiles. Selling off a pair of Dagger corvettes seems the best way. It's only two less hulls you're getting rid of and their price might drop later if the new Assault Corvettes start to be sold to a wider group of Houses.

You're tempted to sell off the remainder, the House is going to need more funds to pay for all of this salvage after all. Reluctantly you decide to hang onto them. You might need them or the House as a whole might. It's tempting though.

Passing by the medical bay on the way to various appointments around the station you consider the clone backup option.
"Nah." No point in risking bits in your head from getting into the wrong hands. And you'd better pass up the memory imprinting too. Heading down to the armor you spend a few hours learning a bit about the gun. It's a complicated piece of machinery and while constructed out of sturdy materials isn't quite as rugged as a phase rifle.
This is going to take awhile. The Marine weapon specialists are hesitant to even let you on the range with it.
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Listening to reports from the fighting nearby over the next few days you're surprised the Wing isn't called out to assist in a few of the battles. You do scramble at one point to intercept a group of ships making a run at the station but once they see you have six full squadrons of fast starships parked nearby they turn tail and run.
On the last day you find out that all of the House ships have been marked as in reserve status to the other Houses and Factions.

When your orders come in you're given one hour notice to disembark and make your way out of this galaxy then follow a preset route to another rally point.

With the time necessary to get clear of the plane of the galaxy you spend thirty hours in transit. After you arrive you can see that a great deal of the house Fleet is present. The Command ship along with the other two Attack Wings and half of the Battlecruisers. There are some Frigates and Light Cruisers present but they've all been assigned to escorting the three Carriers.
Your sensor displays light up with other contacts in the area. At least one Expeditionary fleet is here, possibl two.

"Captain Reynard, you're right on time." Says Winifred once you're in contact with the battle net.
"In case you haven't heard four other enemy super heavy cruisers were captured or destroyed in the same region as your catch. One launched a counter attack on a larger allied fleet conducting landing operations, crippling a few Terran Lance class ships before they torpedoed it."

"Is it known how many escaped?" Asks Saputo, breaking in.

"Forty according to drive flare imaging."
That's as many as four tens.
And that's terrible

"Is it too late for the entire House fleet to be re-designated as a salvage task force?"
Your superior over in 1st Wing does some quick math. "With the other intel reports that would put the Warlords combined fleet at just over eleven hundred Supers. If they were upgraded for straight out combat rather than cargo moving and the occasional planetary bombardment this would be much harder."

"Agreed. The Factions are deploying all the available warships they can spare for the end stages of Operation Typhoon. Even the Terrans rushed another group of modified Mega class here. Reynard, I hope our people were able to do something for us as the Terrans and Rovinar may be forced to torpedo half of the fleet. Keep your SP munitions in reserve for use against larger starships."

Before signing off Winifred tells you your people have one hour to transmit over any messages for loved ones or family members before departure. They'll be taken back by a corvette acting as a courier ship as long range communications are being jammed again.

>What message do you want to record to the family/others?
Is winfried still using the battleship or is she using one of the medium cruisers we got her, or that carrier we got back in smugglers run.
Tell them that we love them, and that they should probably sell the battlecruiser.
Nah man I want to play as Sonia's even less well balanced sister when she inherits it after our untimely demise
"Love you and don't let our sister pilot the battlecruiser without supervision."
>>What message do you want to record to the family/others?

>Oh god, the DM is planing a TPK ;_;
According to your mission outline the LTSC Wayward Treasures was supposed to be part of the fleet contingent here but has been swapped out for a regular carrier. Apparently it was needed elsewhere, possibly assisting operations to secure the Pirate super you crippled.
The Republic medium you captured is in orbit of Surakeh undergoing engine tests.

Winifred is back on board her old command ship, an Eminence class Medium Cruiser. Her ECM equipped battleship is hanging nearby in escort formation along with... the hell is that?

"The hell is that?" you point out the ship that's approximately battlecruiser sized.
"Republic ship, experimental."Says Arron. "Kaz help me out."

"They built them as a test bed for Harmonic Resonance Repulsor weapons and for the other one."
"Light Bright?"
"No. Phased Plasma Channel... Dist- Discharge. Gun."
"You're sure this time?" questions Arron.
"You could always look it up if you're not sure."
"The network is down from com jamming, I cant look it up."

"Boys?" You ask. "Are you done?"

"Yes sir!" they both reply.

"Phased Plasma Channel Discharge Beam. Is it like a plasma cannon?"

"No sir, it's a lightning gun. Sort of. They don't work very well because they're short range and are hard to maintain."

Arron mutters about the need for an extended range version.
>short range
>hard to maintain

Perfect for a large torpedo warhead! The range doesn't matter, and you don't have to maintain it because it destroys itself anyway.

Would one of those weapons fit on one of the oversized torpedoes used to tap shield frequencies?
well, time for the mission briefing.
Add it to the list of things we regret not ordering on our battlecruiser, right under hot tub.
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No. They need as much power as a heavy phase cannon turret. You could maybe outfit a Rapier with one in place of it's existing gun. Like the Harmonic Resonance Repulsor they were intended to be used on Kavarian Super Heavies to damage a wide surface area, disabling multiple turrets at a time.
The test bed ships were put into limited mass production.

Indeed, though I hope that won't stop people from coming up with any other messages.

Multiple fleets are being deployed to positions surrounding the Warlord defensive perimeter. Scout ships have confirmed that their shipyard is located a safe distance beyond the edge of a black hole's accretion disc. The shipyard itself from what can be seen is in the same league as a Navigator Relay station but probably masses a fair bit more.

Asteroids have been deployed around the perimeter to form artificial gravity wells that will prevent micro jumps in or out of the site. They also have fortified weapon emplacements and a detection grid to thwart intrusion by cloaked ships. Most of the asteroid forts are built to House Lat'tham specifications.
The super heavy cruisers have taken positions within the perimeter closer to the station. It hasn't been possible to take more accurate readings.

As the main fleets close in and lay siege to the asteroid bases it will be the job of the attack wings to intercept enemy ships fleeing the area or trying to reach safety within. You're to stay beyond the effective range of the base defense weapons until called upon to attack the ships within the harbor.

"Any questions?" Asks Captain Saputo.
Honestly, I can't believe that a bunch of pirates have held together this well. You'd think that one of the warlords would have betrayed the others to save himself by now.
Will we be on our own, or will we be working with other houses for this mission?
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Are those asteroids in fixed positions? If so, why don't we just strap engines to some big rocks, speed them up, and then fling them at the forts?
>Indeed, though I hope that won't stop people from coming up with any other messages.

I'll try to write up something decent when I had the chance to get some sleep.
You've been given a sector to cover where there's a gap between fleets. Other wings will be covering other ones. If anything really big comes your way heavier starships will be vectored to assist. Unless you think you can handle it that is.

The fleets jump to their planned coordinates half a light year out then spread out and reorient towards the shipyard and its defenders. It takes the better part of an hour before all of the fleets are in place and ready.

"This is Admiral Chen to Fleet section 158, trim back your outer corvette formations, you're spread too thin. You are clear for microjump in ten minutes."

You wait. This whole operation has been a waiting game, moving around like a chess piece trying to guess what the Admirals up top are playing at.

Linda alerts you once given the signal and the fleet group jumps closer to the yard. Reversion is still well outside the gravity well or weapons range of the bases. There's a lot of movement though.

An Admiral from another House cuts in over the coms.
"They're retreating back to their main defense line. Take up positions for bombardment as planned."

They're orbiting, slowly. It will take time to get giant asteroid tugs here with a suitable payload. At the moment it's far easier for House Helios to use it's siege cannon ships which are easier to move around

The Kavarians have also come prepared. Six of their newer looking Mega class have maneuvered to form a hexagon with their sublight drives pointed towards the center of the formation. They're using tractor beams to hold formation and keep the other ships from drifting away. An unusual medium cruiser takes up position behind them.

"I thought those were banned!" exclaims Arthur over the unit com.

"What is it?" you ask.
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"Siege formation. They'll dump fusion plasma from their sublight drives into one big containment bubble then hurl it at a fixed position. They used it to break battle stations in the Faction Wars. I thought the Republic had the Imperium's constitution written so that they couldn't build or deploy them."

"Obviously someone changed their minds." Says Daska matter-of-factly.

Things get quiet again for a minute as you all consider the implications of that statement.

The next to talk is a Rovinar and you note that it's over an open channel.
"To the remaining forces of the Pirate Warlords. You are surrounded with no means of escape. Surrender. We are prepared to offer a stay of execution to those who have not commited warcrimes. With our supply lines we can afford to keep you contained indeffinitely."

"Not today." Replies the dry leathery voice of an older Kavarian before the channel cuts out. You get the feeling he was on the verge of laughing.

"Detecting multiple Veckron torpedoes charging among the pirate fleet!" Says Arron. Red threat indicators pop up all over the display screen. "It's a slow charge so they still have time to turn them off if they want."

Kavos sounds annoyed. "They're trying to scare us into backing off."

"It's working." Says Arron. "All allied ships are reducing rate of advance."

After another minute the Commander speaks up.
"Winifred to all ships you are ordered to maintain formation and try to carry out your orders, but do not fire unless ordered to do so."
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You are Jing Ki, Veteran Heavy Marine squad leader and Knight of the House of Jerik-Dremine! Its been two weeks since you first went behind enemy lines in an attempt to infiltrate Warlord territory. A lot of good people have been killed along the way but you've done it. You've captured a ship armed with Veckron Torpedoes that the Pirates plan to use against the Dominion and the other Factions.

There's been a slight snag in the plan however. No ships are being permitted to leave the area and this cruiser just isn't fast enough to make a clean getaway. For the dozenth time since securing the ship you sure wish you'd brought a cloaking shield to install on this thing.

With the fleets arriving things could get complicated and fast. Doing a quick headcount on the remaining Marines the only one missing is Svidur.
"Who was the last one to check in on the Wizard?"

"I was sir." Replies one of the most junior team members. "He's in the observatory near the bow."

Heading forward you enter the section that would act as the parade bridge on most ships. A single solid viewport wraps around the room providing an amazing view. In the center sits the being that normally appears as a giant like old man, at the moment though the oddly jointed limbs and tall head are easy to make out through the robes.

"I hope my appearance at the moment isn't too unsettling." Says the old man. You can't tell where on him the sound is coming from as it isn't echoing right.
"I'm just a bit too weary from my wounds."

"Do you need a medic?"

"Thank you, but no. Age is catching up to me. Normally I would have been able to repair the damage done within a day. Now, what did you come here to tell me about?"

"You didn't just read my mind to find out?"

"No that's impolite, besides you were about to tell me anyways, why else would you be here?"

"The Fleets are here. The Pirates are completely surrounded."

"And they'll either fight like cornered beasts or they'll try to find an alternate solution."
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This isn't your kind of mission. Normally all you had to worry about was finding someone to shoot and making sure they don't blow up the ship while you're still on it.

Your thoughts are interrupted by a bright light from off to your left. Looking through the viewport you see it's coming from the direction of the main shipyard. The new arrivals have been loading equipment aboard the station for days if not longer. Automated manufacturing systems, vehicle grade rapid prototype assemblers, captured Plasma cannons, you name it.
They've also installed drive plates and likely the rest of the FTL systems needed to move the behemoth as well . Behind it, out of view from most of the Faction fleets is a collection of station sections and equipment arranged in a ring bigger than the shipyard is wide. A spark lights up the center point of the ring every so often.

"What is that?" you say out loud.

The wizard sighs. "It seems my 'eyes' are not what they once were I'm afraid. Might I borow the use of yours for a moment?"

[ ] Let him
[ ] "Stay outta my head" / Describe it
[ ] (You know what it is) / What say?
[ ] Other
[x] Let him

Time is most likely of the essence

Pieces falling into place are creating very unpleasant image
"You're not going to like it."
>[ ] Let him
Just don't touch anything else, don't damage them, and I hope this won't hurt....
The old man places him hand on top of your helmet. Not creepy at all. Totally not going to tell the boys about this one. Fuck it, man the hell up, you've had each of your major limbs shot off and most of your vital organs wounded at some point or another. Let's do this.

Your helmet systems momentarily zoom in for a better view but other than that nothing seems overly different from your point of view. Then an involuntary shivver runs through you and you shake your head to clear it.
The old man is leaning against a cross brace now looking even more tired then before.

"That young man is an artificial wormhole."

"An escape tunnel?"

"Yes. If that's what it is... they might have a connecting gate somewhere. Unless this is an open ended device like your emergency teleporters in which case we have no way of knowing. I don't suppose it would be possible to warn the fleet without being detected?"

With the amount of ship traffic and the distance between here and the fleet's position even a tightbeam transmission or a com laser would run a high risk of detection.
You shake your head.
"No, but there has to be a way we can stop that gate or track those going through it."

"It looks as though there's not much we can do about it from here. It's heavily guarded, and those Medium cruisers hanging near the station will not help. I'm surprised to be the one uttering these words but... you could always fire the torpedo."

"What?" Even you can tell there's too many ships.

"Merely an option worth pointing out. We're well inside their defenses so escaping afterwards would be much more troublesome mind you but there should be time to charge and fire one torpedo."
"How is that a good plan?"

"I admit it is less than promising one when it comes to odds of survival. We would almost certainly be killed if we did. You also have your orders to consider, and we lack information on the rest of the situation."
Sivdur extends his arm in a sweeping gesture towards the shipyard and the construct.

"None of this is what I anticipated, in fact it may be much worse. The choice is yours young man but remember, any course of action I might point out is merely a suggestion and one of many at that. Our choices or lack there of might yet doom us either way."

[ ] Carry out your orders, let the others deal with it
[ ] Fire the Torpedo
[ ] Try to contact the Fleet
[ ] Other

Well, do we have anybody with technical expertise on board? Maybe they could find a way to track ships going through this gate?

[x] Other "What if they're not escaping, but arriving here?"
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You contact your remaining intrusion expert and some of the specialists.
"I want to know if there's a way to track ships passing through a wormhole."

"What kind of ships?" "And with what equipment sir? Also did you say a wormhole?"

"Super Heavy or larger, using anything you can find on this ship and yes."
You tell them, heading aft to get the team together.

Everyone that's spare meets up in the ships below average sized mess hall and breaks out equipment hooked into the ship's control systems.

"So a wormhole, like ones used by emergency teleporters sir?"

"I don't know, take a look at the shipyard through the external sensors."

Someone activates a projector showing the shipyard and the gate.

"I don't think we have anything in the inventory that can help track this." Says Ecord tossing a datapad onto a table.

"You know, it would be easier to figure out where it's going to be going than to actually track the transit itself."
"What do you mean?" you ask.
"The emergency teleporters, we know the Ruling House did some tests for using them in covert insertion. Probably everyone has. We cant detect where its going just the general direction. With this one it's easier. They've got the gate pointed somewhere."

"Bring it up."

Looking at the map the gate is pointed away from Republic space out into deep space.

Ecord shakes his head. "There's nothing out there. South Reach is as far as you can travel in that direction."

"Uh, no sir. There's a sensor station here the Navigators guild built near a gravitic anomaly. it's more or less in line with the gate, give or take a few thousand lightyears."
I'm going to have to leave this as more of a

>What do?

for tonight. Sorry things have been dragging along.
>Sorry things have been dragging along.

Not at all.

So they're either going to build tons of these damned gates and withdraw the bulk of their forces to that station and... some anomaly with a navigator's station to detect incoming forces...

Or they're going to go full Protoss and gate extra forces in from that station.
>Or they're going to go full Protoss and gate extra forces in from that station.
I think that would make little sense, our forces could just jump out and regroup, while an escape for their concentrated forces would probably be a huge advantage.

Do we have any data on that anomaly?
You've never heard of a gate like this before. So far there aren't signs of any others, just the one.

>Do we have any data on that anomaly?
"Probably dark matter? We don't have much on hand here. They're not uncommon though. They're used as anchor points for Nav stations usually because if you pop out of FTL too far out in the space between galaxy clusters the navigation systems go screwy and you cant tell where you're going."

"Why not just aim for a patch of light like the nearest galaxy?"

"I dunno sir, people go to school for degrees to explain this stuff. Inside a galaxy cluster navigation is usually pretty easy, outside not so much. They build these stations to help find other anchor points survey ships can jump to safely.
The major nav relays used by civilian traffic all land on galaxy remnants outside the larger clusters. I don't know why the other ones aren't used more."
>You've never heard of a gate like this before.
Does the wizard know more about these?
>Does the wizard know more about these?
"Ah so here you all are." you hear a voice from the doorway. Sivdur enters a moment later, leaning over slightly to deal with the usual problem of height.

"Called out the planning committee have we? Well I suppose that is better than simply jumping in."

"Yes I've heard of gates such as these but not on so large a scale. They were smaller, closer to your teleporters in size, and lacked that terrible jolt yours have! Goodness me I have no interest in experiencing that again. I doubt very much that they're related to the ones I've encountered because the range was far from desirable. It could only handle eleven million kilometers, then you had to use another. I believe it was partly because of a difference in velocity between the starting and ending points. Or perhaps there was a lack of power... I am uncertain."

I think something very important is just what kind of ship we're actually on. Have we secured an entire ship or just a portion of a larger ship that gives us control over the launcher?

Do we still have a way off the ship? We might be able to escape with the ship set to activate a set of macros so that it fires a torpedo into the gate after we're clear. If possible, it might be able to charge up and attempt to take out the the ship yard or one of the defensive asteroids with a second shot. If it survives.
They have complete control of this ship.
It's a light weight starship similar to early Terran VT boats, but this one has clearly been built based on the Rovinar disposable launcher system. There are two torpedoes onboard. Engines have been taken from Frigates or possibly corvettes and stuck to either side of the tube like hull near the back. Systems are minimal but are enough to get the ship safely to or from a battle if need be. Two months worth of supplies are on board. There is one shuttle.

You could outrun a combat frigate but anything else is out. No weapons beyond the torpedo launcher and some missiles.

Should really be turning in. Will try to post briefly in the morning again before work. Should be back after 4PM EST again but not actually sure on that.
>[ ] Carry out your orders, let the others deal with it

What are our orders? Sit back until the battle gets heated enough, then try to slip away?
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We could try docking with the shipyard,

maybe bring/sabotage a Veckron torp onboard and have it leak lethal radiation over the place.

maybe ask for orders from a pirate, surely it won't be to suspicious, they've got runaways gathering here from all over, not everyone knows what to do.
>[ ] Carry out your orders, let the others deal with it
The pirate fleet will most likely escape the siege with mild losses. However, our house has the chances to gain super space WMD.

>[ ] Fire the Torpedo
We might take out the gate, but we'll also most likely get destroyed. It's also not guaranteed we'll actually manage to survive until the torpedo is charged. Also, there's the chance Sonia will find a way to enter the afterlife to complain about not getting her pistol back.

>[ ] Try to contact the Fleet
Could the wizard help with this? Perhaps he has a helpful trick up his sleeve?

>[ ] Other
I assume we can't simply cold launch one of the torpedoes, and set it on a timer to launch towards the gate?
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>We could try docking with the shipyard,
So far, other than a resupply shuttle like the one you first used to get on board none of the other torpedo ships have had contact with the rest of the fleet.

>maybe ask for orders from a pirate, surely it won't be to suspicious, they've got runaways gathering here from all over, not everyone knows what to do.
Does anyone else want to do this?

>What are our orders? Sit back until the battle gets heated enough, then try to slip away?
Steal the torpedoes any way possible.

>maybe bring/sabotage a Veckron torp onboard and have it leak lethal radiation over the place.
>I assume we can't simply cold launch one of the torpedoes, and set it on a timer to launch towards the gate?
You need to dump a lot of energy into the torpedo before firing it. The charging assembly of the launcher is built with multiple drive plates that extend their field through the warhead from several directions at once. When it is being charged the torpedo emits subspace radiation in a radius of 500m-1500m which is the part that's actually dangerous.

>[ ] Try to contact the Fleet
>Could the wizard help with this? Perhaps he has a helpful trick up his sleeve?
"No, I'm sorry everything is too far away.."

You're contacted by the Marine currently on the bridge.
"Sir, we're just received orders from the shipyard. We're to move up and begin a slow charge of our torpedo."

[ ] Begin slow charge like the others
[ ] Try to escape once you've moved up
[ ] Fire at the gate
[ ] Other
Could we time the charge sequence to send a coded message to our fleet?

>"No, I'm sorry everything is too far away.."
How much closer would he need to get?
Can we detect our house's units, because if so, we should pretend to move up in that direction, then spin and fire, then spin back and run. The first spin should fake a drive issue, believable enough on such a cobbled together ship.
What about the wizard? Would the radiation harm him? If so, if his body is as resiliant as it seems, dump him in space for the duration of the process and simply reel him in once we're done with it.
How big a matter anomaly are we talking here?

Is there the possibility of them planning to dump a shitload of dark matter into the black hole through the gate in order to trap and/or squish the allied fleets by suddenly expanding it?
A few hundred meters to a kilometer and line of sight.

You might be able to detect the IFF's once you move up.

>What about the wizard? Would the radiation harm him?

The size of a small galaxy and about as spread out. It would be inefficient to bring in dark matter through the gate, and if they did it would fly out towards the waiting shipyard.
See you guys after 4pm hopefully
[x] Begin slow charge like the others
[x] Other: Have a power systems 'issue' twice, forcing us to cancel charge
[x] Other: "Fixed it"
[x] Other: Pray friendlies notice the oddity
[x] Other: When we move up, send a simple text message to the ships we position near and behind: "Maintain distance and be prepared to make a hole ASAP."
>>What about the wizard? Would the radiation harm him?

Well, if we do decide to charge the torpedo, bind a really long rope around, and then kick him out the airlock.
We could charge the torp as a signal like anon suggests here

Then blow up the wormhole. The fleet escaping or getting reinforcements is unacceptable. we are also left with one torp, and we can escape.

The problem is that we might contribute heavily win the war at the cost of failing the mission, and most likely cause some grief for our house.

Alternatively we could be smart jump away and continue on our mission as required, but this would give the Warlords probably a winning major engagement, and considering their high degree of sophistication evident with SP torps, Vecktron weapons, and mother fucking intergalactic wormhole portals, it would mean fucking bad news for the Dominion, and our houses especially, since well all factions have only sent some expeditionary forces that if defeated will require large amount of time to mobilize standing forces, meaning leaving the Dominion to handle this mess alone for the duration, since the Warlords border us. Which means doom for our house.

Now that the political situation is analyzed we need to fuck up that wormhole and get a escape vector.

We must have to charge the weapon a bit faster than the rest while searching for a good jump position. With a dead mans switch for detonation on the weapon, and a detonation condition in case it gets intercepted we could fuck some serious shit up.

Considering they are in a circle we could ascend or descend on the Z axis as a excuse to get a better shot angle for our weapon, and then before launching point it to the wormhole and fire it. Then we need to reorient for jump and have the detonation since with our jump, meaning we get a few microseconds to jump before the command gets to the Vecktron warhead.

This way we most likely fuck up the wormhole and prevent them from running away. We also get some time off from the main lines with the vecktron weapon to make a beeline for a secure JD outpost we thrust to secret away our ship with launcher&vecktron warhead
That would make a mess of the mission and the engagement, since it would blow our cover and allow all of our allies to know what we did. Which would be like some warlord from tinpotfuckistant trying to score a Nuclear ICBM while helping our a UN peacekeeping mission.

Seriously. That is the worst thing. No one must know about this shit beyond our house chain of command. And that ends with Knight Lieutenant Sonia Reynard and the Knight Commander as far as we are concerned.

It is better to die than to be found out. The political fallout will basically make us a North Korea house. Only in a slightly better position than the rebel La'tham house, if not worse.
If we have to do something it is best to bow the wormhole or continue the mission by running away.

I imagine the defenses are in a sphere, not just a circle, especially if they are positioned to detect cloaked vessels.

If we can even manage to get clear of the blockade/siege force, we then need to worry about the Terrans sending that damned glory-hound testbed ship Odyssey and it's stupidly fast FTL to intercept.
What does actually happen when one of these torpedoes is used? Would our fleets have the chance to jump out, or are these so fast there wouldn't be time for that?

... wait. We have 2 V-torps, and and this ship is going to be a magnet for Faction interception if we make a run for it.

The only way to both hide that we have a V-torp and save the battle is looking like someone is going to have to pilot this ship to destroy the Gate while the rest of the survivors escape in that shuttle with the second torpedo.

They'll have to get going immediately and put down on one of the asteroids to hide, most likely, as we don't want the shuttle in mind when we blow the gate. They'll have to weather the battle and get picked up by J-D ships somehow.

When the volunteer takes the shot, they'll need to openly send sensor data and information we've gathered on the Pirate forces/base to the Factions fleet. If they can encourage the Warlords to take them out before another V-torp could reasonably be loaded and begin charging, all the better.
She be crippled. But yea those Terran Hero class ships are fast
Hey, OP, i think we need to know what kind of person Jing Ki is. Is he super loyal to the House and is ready to sacrifice himself if need be or is he a selfish motherfucker who will try to survive whatever the cost, his prominent traits, that kind of stuff. We really need to make our decisions not entirely based on meta knowledge of the story but on the character of our protagonist too, like we often do for Sonia.
The point about keeping some corvettes around is a good one. I think what we could do is organize them better instead of having a couple corvettes attached randomly. Depends on how large our superiors will let us make the wing really. Our ideal force organization for the combat ships would be something like this:

- Squadrons 1-4: 12 each mixed cruisers and frigates. I guess this would ideally be all cruisers, we can replace the frigates as we go, unless the frigates have some defining capability we want to hold onto.
- Squadron 5: 12 tanky cruisers with an emphasis on armour and point defence.
- Squadron 6: 12+ afterburner cruisers plus any other afterburner capable frigates and corvettes that we can find. It's okay for this squadron to be overstrength because they tend to operate alone.

Adding onto this would be a 7th squadron composed entirely of 12 corvettes. During normal operations this squadron would split up into 3s and add onto squadrons 1-4. But they could also form up into a single squadron when necessary, as that debris field demonstrated. They would also make a good pair with the anvil squadron because each ship would have a wingmate and they could cover each others blind spots. Definitely a safer training environment compared to a pure corvette wing as well.

For ECM ships we already have 2 and probably don't need more than this. More escort carriers couldn't hurt but 4 is already a huge amount of starfighters. For our salvage wing there isn't any ideal size because bigger is always better. But we should try to have 6 barges because that would let us rearm/repair an entire squadron of 12 cruisers at once if need be.

Makes me wonder how we compare to our other House wings in terms of ships/firepower.
6 combat squadrons.
7th corvette imaginary squadron
8th escort squadron (carriers, ECM, ourselves)
9th salvage squadron.
Well i believe we are 50% if not 100% larger than other wings.

The only problem is we don't have enough pilots and we lack that base we customized. We need that base, or something to up our strength to this build.

That kind of makes sense. But the Launcher is also highly important. How to we keep that piece? Because without it the Vecktron weapon wont start.

I imagine we have some amazing scans and info on the launcher, if we can't come up with a plausible method of defeating the Terran/Rovinar interdiction forces that are probably waiting to chase down any V-torp ships that attempt to flee.

If we don't do a slow charge, the pirates will wonder whats up with us. If we do charge, we can bet the Terrans and Rovinar sure as hell are marking us for destruction or capture.

We're likely a huge, but effective drain upon the House.

I wonder if we've put in enough salvage claims on transports and strained the House's salvage capability to warrant the House giving us a pair of the transports as private property or a decent discount in the future. We could probably make a killing if they could be used to hunt down parts in ship graveyards that have been secured, even if we have to sell to J-D at a hefty discount as part of the deal.
We cant really afford the experimentation with such devices. We need any and every leg up we can get, because i doubt we could keep that a secret, trying out various launchers.
If i remember correctly Wing is limited to 6 squadrons and the only thing which we can get away with adding is a command squadron.
Well, the command squadron is not full yet, and is actually us, the ECM boats and carriers.

We could however get the same numbers as suggested here
If we add the corvette squadron as escort/guard for the salvage squadron which would be auxiliary attachment to the wing, not actually in the wing.

rules lawyer-ing ahoy.
I think carriers and ECM are non-squadron support units and we currently do not have command squadron.
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>I imagine the defenses are in a sphere, not just a circle, especially if they are positioned to detect cloaked vessels.
Also scale is exagerated greatly. [X] NLIPS is turned on.

>What does actually happen when one of these torpedoes is used?
After the theoretical exotic particals have been charged to a critical level an intense subspace field encompases the weapon. Once it reaches that state its just a matter of time until it goes off, there's no stopping it. If you delay firing or charge too long the launching ship will be destroyed.
Any metals or materials the torpedo comes into contact or close proximity with after launch will be exposed to the equivilant of several hundred thousand years worth of subspace radiation exposure. Starships need their outer armor replaced ever 80-100 years or so because FTL travel slowly weakens materials. Because of the exposure the torpedo will punch through just about any armor, even if fired through the length of a ship.
They also have a tendency to disrupt antimatter containment systems. The Kavarians had once hoped to keep large amounts of antimatter in storage aboard their super heavy cruisers for use in their sublight drives, similar to your afterburners. This would give them a much needed boost to engine power.
That didn't go so well in war time.

>Would our fleets have the chance to jump out, or are these so fast there wouldn't be time for that?
Most large ships that they're used against take too long to jump to escape an incoming Torpedo unless they're already underway and aligned. Even then it's iffy because VT's are damn fast.

>She be crippled. But yea those Terran Hero class ships are fast
There are more than one of each the Odyssey and Trident class ships, they're just rare because they're expensive to trick out.
>V-torps will punch through just abou any armor, even if fired through the length of a ship

Are we by any chance in a position to get both the gate AND shipyard in a single shot?
No. They're programmed to go off so that they don't punch out the other side and explode in space. The shipyard is too big for a single torpedo to destroy unless they had antimatter on board, and even then might not take out all of it. Your specialists lack the ability to reprogram the warhead.
>Hey, OP, i think we need to know what kind of person Jing Ki is.

Let's see, decorated veteran, reasonablly skilled marksman and squad leader you already know.

Unknown to most of his marines and his superiors he has been known to loot valuables when on deployment, but is discreet enough about it to not get caught. Has a criminal record and was initially forced to join the military or face jail time. Since then he's reformed thanks to the discipline offered by the military.
Loyalty to the House has never been called into question, or at least not in a very long time. But then again that's the case with most infantrymen who are selected to join the Marines. Due to the long years he's served its unlikely he would turn his back on the House or throw his alliegance to another group outside of extreme circumstances. He obeys orders but may bend them if they're retarded and will get his people killed.

No intrest in glory seeking. Believes discretion is the better part of valor and is against the concept of the noble sacrifice, often equating it with a lack of ingenuity or time to plan. While he certainly understands it he still thinks it's stupid. Tries to encourage his people to take any steps necessary to keep themselves alive as long as it doesn't endanger their fellows.

He does not like to leave his people behind but has been known to do it in rare circumstances, usually when the fate of the entire squad was in doubt.

Will take the occasional bribe as long as it's nothing serious. If someone does try to bribe him over something that could harm the House he'll take them down or alert Intel.

Is determined to get in his 20 before retiring with a pension. Is in an on-again off-again/ long distance relationship with a friend back in the Homeworlds but with no intention of getting married.
Well, time to come up with a plan that lets us get out of this situation in one piece.

Let's talk worst case scenarios.

What's the worst that can happen if we decide to shoot the gate?
- We die - the torpedo might miss - the pirates manage to escape - the pirates might start throwing veckron torpedoes around like there's no tomorrow.

What's the worst that can happen if we try to contact the fleet?
- we die - the message won't get through - the pirates manage to escape - the pirates might start throwing veckron torpedoes around like there's no tomorrow.

What's the worst that can happen if we with our original mission
- We die - the plan our house tried to secure veckron weaponry gets out - the pirates might start throwing veckron torpedoes around like there's no tomorrow.

I'm not sure about destroying the gate, simply because it might force the pirates to make a last stand, instead of breaking their morale and getting them to surrender.

I don't see any real difference in the worst case scenarios you proposed besides the third having the 'tried to secure Veckron weaponry gets out'.

I think destroying the gate has the best potential, though. Not only will it kill their plan dead in the water, but it will throw their whole fleet into confusion when one of their own has been captured. If we're lucky, they might even start shooting each other when the first ships panic and make sudden movements.

Another thought I had, though. Ji and at least 1 other person in the team had/has powered armor, right? If one of them can still withstand vacuum and their armor has a basic medical suite + air supply, they could avoid the noble sacrifice on a gate attack by taking their chances in open space.

Evac the team + the 2nd torp in the shuttle early, lay low on one of the asteroid surfaces and attempt recovery during/after battle.

Last man fires up some macros to take out the gate and one to transmit sensor data to the Factions fleets, then jumps out into vacuum with a beacon set to fire up when it gets a signal. He is sedated to lower heart rate and oxygen consumption, hopefully allowing pickup. [better than staying on the ship]
>>What message do you want to record to the family/others?

I'm not really sure what to tell them. We should probably include that we love them, hope they're proud of what we've managed to achieve, and to keep their fingers crossed so we'll make it back. Also inform them who they'll have to contact for our finance if we don't make it back.

Perhaps include a list of people of people we've met who might help them in certain situations, if the need should ever arise.

Other than that? No clue, to be honest. I do hope Sonia manages to make it through this.
>I don't see any real difference in the worst case scenarios you proposed

Yeah, every worst case scenario turned out exactly the same way because I assumed whatever we do will have no positive impact on the situation, at all. I should probably have assumed whatever we choose to do succeeds, and things start going downhill from there.
[x] Move in to escape, then fire at the gate and jump out.

Hopefully we can pull this off. We need a clear vector to get out.

But Escape is paramount. Fuck everything else, let the factions deal with the wormhole, we have a mission to do and we ought to do it without to much publicity. We don't want the Faction Alliance falling apart because we got in our heads to steal Vecktrons.

As long as nothing comes in form the wormhole its ok. If they leave we have no problem. We should register everything we can and get out to report what we found and where the wormhole lead.

The intel is more important since they most likely will save the important stuff like vecktron launchers, superheavies etc, and then close the wormhole, leaving enough of the defense to the faction fleet and blow up or secret somehow the ability away to prevent the knowledge of this super weapon level device.
>unless the frigates have some defining capability we want to hold onto.
The Smuggler Frigates are among the largest ships you have that can enter an atmosphere and set down on the planet's surface without leaving big fusion engine burns everywhere.

>Adding onto this would be a 7th squadron composed entirely of 12 corvettes.
They would have to be in reserve. You're limited to 6 combat squadrons.
>But we should try to have 6 barges because that would let us rearm/repair an entire squadron of 12 cruisers at once if need be.
>6 barges
I almost spit out my drink. That's a lot of barges. Even with all of the ones the House has captured there might be six or seven total. They're incredibly valuable for mining so convincing the higher ups to part with some that can still be fully repaired will be difficult. A one off thing is different.
Yeah, escape should be a priority, it is a non-retarded order that we are actually were sent to do, and a reasonable thing to do. Also, firing torpedo have the most number of ways it can go wrong out of them all, so if we would consider doing something extra that should be informing the fleet. After all, while fleet can't see the wormhole now , how do we know that they are not aware of it trough intelligence, spys etc. and not already prepared to do something about, what if we just cause more chaos for our own strategy planning.

Well one will have to do, perhaps with some transports refitted for salvage and repair, that can in pairs or alone service a cruiser.

[x]Try to escape once you've moved up

After we get telemetry and a clear picture on how the wormhole gets used.
The intel alone would make sure that this stuff wont make the fleet action be in the dark.

If we do this without charging or launching none should be the wiser that we stole such a ship and such weapons.

The only thing is we need to make sure this is not that one engagement that will change the course of the war.
And a squadron of corvettes as escorts, since obviously we cannot leave such a thing unprotected., even when we deploy and leave it behind, so it always have a squadron to cover it.
By the way, while i don't want to say that it was ancient aliens who took control of the Warlords, kept them from infighting and gave them the wormhole that leads to renegade Neeran controlled territory, but it was ancient aliens.
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>I'm not sure about destroying the gate, simply because it might force the pirates to make a last stand, instead of breaking their morale and getting them to surrender.
It's a good point.

One of the veteran sergeants brings this up and everyone turns their gaze to Sergeant Major Ecord who leans back apprehensively.

"What's the range on your jets in space flight mode?" You ask.

"I'm not exactly going to catch up to any starfighters, but enough to get me off the ship."

So, most recent arguments.

(Same person? Not?)
Abandon ship and steal 1 torp. 1 man left behind to fire other Torp at Gate.

One for shoot and scoot, hoping to outrun the pissed off fleet after launch.

Two for attempting to bug out and warn the fleets if possible.

I've wiped the previous survey and will be reposting it with updated options. Anything else you guys would like added?

Do we have a clue what our commander wants with these torpedoes? I can't see a situation where 2 of them might be an advantage for our house that warrants the possible problems they might cause if people find out.
She wants to become House Lat"North Korea"Nam? She is an undercover agent of a rival House that want Jerik-Dremine to be wiped out for owning Veckron weaponry? She wants to sell it and bail out into deep space with a barge full of cash? You decide.
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Rolled 92


You have no idea, though you certainly hope she doesn't draw attention to other projects, such as "diamond mining" by hanging onto them.
You get the feeling she wanted the torpedoes stolen BEFORE the main fleets got here though. Slight wrinkle in the plan.
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>>6 barges
>I almost spit out my drink. That's a lot of barges.
No doubt, plus it's sort of a janky solution to our problem anyway. Would any other type of hull work for that role, like those obsolete battleship hulks we see every now and then?
We know Sonia.
We know she is, eccentric, somewhat violent, and with a very obsessive bent towards more.

Thus its a safe bet she wants to make more, or take them apart and do something with the pieces. Probably something involving train mockups.
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>dat noctis/primae hull
I have a problem. The escape I gathered was jumping FTL away from all this engagement and away from both fleets.

If we run to the fleet with this ship the whole op is blown. We fail.

We cannot be found out.
We either hide or jump FTL away.
We either finish the op as intended- covert from our allies, or we fuck up the wormhole, and are heroes to the allies.
That's Winifred's plan, not Sonia's, she was just the man to assemble the team.
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>EVE pics.
I like the game but it was getting too expensive as I started playing it less and less. Loved fighting incursions though.
Also, forget white mages you need Gold Mages.

Nothing else that would stand a chance at keeping pace with your unit at sublight speeds and scare off battleships single-handedly.

Most salvage craft are just modified versions of common Y-type transports. They have grappling arms, plenty of room for parts storage and docking space on the outer hull for smaller retrieval tugs. One of them could tow a damaged attack cruiser off the field for repairs and even conduct some of them too.

You could still transmit data on the wormhole to the fleet before jumping. Or not. Up to you guys.
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Survey link added to the Wiki. Can't believe I didn't think of that earlier.

Also we're tied for the decision on charging the torpedo on an escape attempt.
>Also we're tied for the decision on charging the torpedo on an escape attempt.
Just to make sure I understood things correctly, up to a certain point we can still power down the torpedo instead of firing it, right?
Yes (sort of) but there is a point of no return.
>Economics in spess, 12 votes in five minutes
>Decision that could kill millions, struggle to get a handful

You get on the unit coms to the team at the controls.
"Begin moving the ship, match speed with the other for the moment. "

"We'll need to start charging the torpedo if we don't want to look out of place." Says Ecord. "Most of our guys have insulation now but..." He looks towards Svidur.

"This is a time I knew would come. " says the old man.

"Wait, the charger has a range to it." Points out one of the specialists. "Maybe... we can put you in an escape pod and hang it behind us from the launch bay?"

Svidur smiles. "Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try. I'd just rather not be left to drift out there in a small metal can."

"Okay, take whoever you need and go." You tell them. "And when you're done that load the spare torpedo onto the shuttle! I want it ready to get us out of here if the ship takes fire."

Heading up to the bridge you wait until the other team from the launch bay report that they're deploying the escape pod.

"Pod away sir."

"Good, the Wizard give you any trouble?"
"No, just said he was getting too old for this."
"It's not going to be enough cover to just charge this thing." You decide, turning to the marine manning the weapons station. "Once we're past the line where we're supposed to stop, increase the charge on the launcher, that might add to the confusion and keep the pirates from shooting at us for a few seconds longer. The moment anyone opens fire on us launch our missiles and detonate them point blank."

"Got it."

"Ecord, can you fly? A ship I mean."
"A bit. What's the plan?"

"I want you at the controls. When we're past the waypoint everyone gets on the shuttle. If we're hit we'll launch, you can use your jets to bail out and catch up with us."

A couple of the specialists rig up a pair of buttons on the main controls.

"Torpedo launcher hotkeys." One explains to the Sergeant Major. "The left one will turn off the charger. Hit it once we're being shot at. If we've accidentally gone past the point of no return on the charge cycle you'll get an error message. You'll have to either fire the torpedo which is the right button, or leave it on the ship and bail out before it blows up."

"We're approaching the waypoint. We'll be within torpedo range of the Faction fleets in another minute."

"Non essentials head aft to the shuttle. Move it!" You order.

Roll 2d100

1st is to see if you stop charging the torpedo in time
2nd is for evasion
Rolled 2

>Roll 2d100
Oh boy...
Rolled 17

Ffs, tg dice ;_;
Oh fuck, I didn't know it's that hour. We're basically fucked, dice tend to roll low incredibly low during the 90 mins before midnight est.
Seems like I'm the only one here at the moment. Unsurprisingly, I would prefer for somebody else to try their luck with the dice after these rolls.

Perhaps this is also a good point to stop and maybe leave the survey open until next week? Just in case a regular couldn't make it today.

If the people actually choose to do things differently, just count my terrible roll towards that.
Rolled 92, 90 = 182

Welp, we're boned.
Mai hero.
Rolled 37, 42 = 79

third set
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Okay, maybe not!
not too late to the party am I?

- what mk Vtorps were these again? I know there were some different mks discussed in a thread awhile back, and their effects varied abit.

- >>25279414
it -seems- you think launching the torp would require spinning around, but that may not be the case - is it, OP?
>>Decision that could kill millions, struggle to get a handful

I'd guess it's a much harder decision to make. It took me more than a few minutes to come to a decision. Even then I was unsure if I should vote or not.

I flipped a coin to make that decision >_>
After passing the point where the ship was supposed to stop the acting weapons officer dials up the charging system then runs for the door. Ecord cranks the throttle and the rumble of extra power from the engines is easily felt through the rest of the ship.

"Good luck." You wish him before stepping through the doorway. The Sergeant Major shouts over the com to hurry up and get to the shuttle. He doesn't want to run anyone over in the corridors as he won't be slowing down and his suit doesn't stop on a dime like a comic book character.

"Torpedo ship twenty five, stand down and return to picket formation. It's too early to fire your torps. Do you hear me?! Turn back now or we'll haul your real bodies out of stasis and shoot them. Get me counter intel we've got a rogu-"
The channel cuts off.

"OFF, not going to need you anymore." The Sgt says to himself hitting the button to stop charging the torpedo.

Rather than vector in nearby ships a heavy mass driver battery on one of the stations opens fire, sending out a burst of eight projectiles. Travel time is four seconds, barely enough time to make any kind of course change. This is not easy. The ship is built light so it doesn't take much to move but still, multiple shots start to result in less running more dodging.

Almost there. Approaching the edge of the gravity well Kavarian and Dominion attack ships start to lock weapons on the torpedo boat.

A shot grazes the top of the ship tearing through the shields and leaving a ten meter long gash in the hull armor. Not good.

What would Sonia do? He wonders. He has watched a few of those post battle vids. Flipping on all your helmet HUD programs Ecord brings up the trajectory analysis program. Turning thirty degrees and pulling up slightly just before the next shot, all eight projectiles pass by all around. The shields fail and the little stubby wings on the sides of the ship are sheared off but the engines and main body are fine.
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"Haul in the Wizard we're going to jump!"

"Wait we actually made it that far?!" Asks Ki over the channel.

Jumping over to the rudimentary navigator's console Ecord flips most of the power switches to on, turns on the core then pushes the drive throttle forward. Space tears open in front of the little ship, engulfing it.

>What mk Vtorps were these again? I know there were some different mks discussed in a thread awhile back, and their effects varied abit.
While the launcher assembly is of Rovinar manufacture this ship has been set up with a pair of Terran Warheads. It seems they're compatible if only just. One of them is an older Mark 5 and the other is a slightly newer Mark 6. Both are very powerful weapons. There's little difference other than that the Mk 6 has less in the way of additional complicated equipment so they're cheaper and easier to produce.

>You think launching the torp would require spinning around, but that may not be the case
It's a spinal mounted launcher pointed forwards, so yes it would help to turn the ship towards its target. Its not strictly necessary but the less time making direction changes the better since a torpedo only has so much fuel with which to change course. And if its starting out headed the wrong way plus the speed the ship aleady had... that adds up.
Did we decide to anonymously transmit the data on the wormhole, or not?
Yay, we actually made it. Didn't actually see us making it out of there in one piece.

Anyway, what happens to the soldiers involved in this operation? Do they get their memories wiped, or are they just expected to keep this confidental?
>Did we decide to anonymously transmit the data on the wormhole, or not?

I didn't see anyone say anything after >>25287746
about it and at least two people had said to do so.

Let's say yes.

Keep confidential, though I'm sure they could take the option of having a few weeks of their memory wiped. They're some of the best special forces in your House so they're not going to just disappear in the long term. What reward they get will depend heavily on what the Commander has planned.
>Let's say yes.
You are (once again) Sonia Reynard!

You're in the process of keeping an eye on the slowly expanding sphere of Veckron Torpedo equipped ships, all the while wondering if you'll be pulled from intercept duty to help deal with them.

"They've reached sufficient range to target our fleet. Terran, Rovinar and Republic ships have begun slow charges with some of their weapons as well." Arron stops then double checks some readings. "There's an escape attempt by a ship about eighty degrees around the defense perimeter from our position. I can't tell what's going on. Looks like both sides are getting ready to shoot it down."

"Great, more stuff going wrong."

The coms officer on duty speaks up. "Sir, incoming transmission from the shipyard again. Open channel to all ships like before."

It's hard to make out at first because of the sound of weapons fire in the background but eventually you notice a womans voice.
"Th---is Ensign Gho---------vice ID 23-----R3Y. If any Faction ships can hear me, the Pirates have an artif------ormhole. They think it's fu----------tional but i--------ot. -----'re trapped and ------ know ----. I Rep--t th-"
The channel cuts out entirely.

"They've activated broad spectrum jamming."

"Keep an eye out for any info over the fleet coms about it." you ask.

Arron mentions that the escaping ship on the other side did manage to jump out.
Arthur contacts you. "Do you think maybe we should send some of our afterburner equipped ships to sectors that don't have any to help with intercept? I looks like that one area might need help if that one ship got away."

[ ] Stick together
[ ] Make the offer
[ ] Other
>[ ] Make the offer

It's probably a good idea to help our allies with that. It would be disastrous if something could slip through just because there was no ship nearby that could disable the enemies' engines in time.
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A few fleets jump at the idea of extra backup, mostly those that are under equipped with older vessels.

Which afterburner equipped ship(s) do you want to remain behind here in your operation sector?

There's Arthur, Mike, Rasi, Amjad, and the other three member of 6th squadron.

>Image upload error.
odd. Trying again.
Let the squad decide. They'll know best who's best suited to work together. I'd suggest keeping 2 ships here, but if sixth squad decides to split in a different way, I wouldn't object.
In addition to that, Arthur should probably stay with his own squad.
You tell them the decide among themselves who will be staying behind. In this case it's Rasi who gets along with Arthur better since he'll be staying here with his squadron.

Once the ships are away news comes down the chain of command about a temporary cease fire. All ships are ordered to maintain the blockade but not to fire unless the order has been rescinded. It's more than an hour before anyone tries something in your area.

"Detecting a few light transports trying to get through the blockade in our sector."

You send out a flight to chase down each one. They'll just need to get in close and tractor them.

"New contact, just at the edge of our sector... Medium Cruiser. IFF tags her as a mercenary starship Ruby Light... Holy shit she's charging a Veckron Torpedo for launch."

"A slow charge?"


Kavos looks at the screen "She's moving to target the Warlord lines."

[ ] Pfft, let them
[ ] Attempt Intercept/grapple them
[ ] Break cease fire, use SP Torps
[ ] Other
>[X] Attempt Intercept/grapple them

Seems like somebody hired a few mercs to set off this powder keg. I'm sure there are lots of people who could benefit if this situation turned volatile.
>We're also about to hit auto-sage, perhaps a good point to stop for the week? I think I'm the only player right now.
6 barges would be ideal but since it's a bit out of reach we should aim for a barge and some converted freighters.

For the corvettes, what are the restrictions on having a reserve squadron?
Well, we've finally entered auto-sage. Thanks for the tread TTSG, just in case this isn't around any more when I come back.

See you next time. Remember to vote as we seem to be having some irregularities lately. That or people didn't care for the convoy raiding. Next week's game will likely be a short one after which I'll likely go on Hiatus and/or switch to worldbuilding threads to better flesh out the setting more.

This post should have put us into autosage.

>what are the restrictions on having a reserve squadron?
Well normally that hasn't been a real issue before as the reserves would be under the control of an Admiral/Baron/Knight Commander and deployed as needed.
One you get some reserve pilots however combined with your ship reserve, well I'm honestly not sure how best to play that out.

When operating near stations its fairly easy, just keep most of the ship reserves near the base, swap out as needed. Long patrols like the raiding? I guess there would have to be a limit to the size of your active reserve. We'll see how it goes.
How the HELL do mercenaries have Veckron Torpedos?

Thanks again for running, TSTG
>See you next time. Remember to vote as we seem to be having some irregularities lately.

Wildly fluctuating number of votes per survey?
>Wildly fluctuating number of votes per survey?
Me being tired and leaving out bits.

No, remember to vote *on suptg.*
Ah okay. However, it seems like anything on suptg will get something like 4-5 neg votes for simply being a quest these days. So don't worry *too* much about it.
samefag here.

oh fuck. doesn't subspace get fucked up when you detonate lots of Veckron weapons in an area? Are they going to purposely fuck up subspace and hope to trap the gathered fleets here, using expendable clones on the ships they have? The station is probably full of the originals in cryo/stasis, and will escape via that giant teleporter...

Oh fuck
It seems like they aren't going anywhere because their teleporter isn't working. At least for now.
Unless directly told otherwise by command we should let them be. Are we really gonna embarass our house by acting impulsively out side the chain of command, and stain our house/wing with a reputation of insubordination.

We had a high degree of autonomy before, but we shouldnt act without informing command/awaiting instructions, especially in a situation like this where there are to many variables.

TL;DR: Position ships for clear firing lanes, priority channel to our mission coordinator for immediate watdo
Think about it. The pirates captured cloning facilities and have seemingly limitless numbers and on top of that, they're willing to expose crews to the deadly effects of Veckron weaponry. No pirate crew would think of being part of a Veckron boat unless they were a clone.

Now, take that further. Most of their force here is clones, with the originals having made their escape or planning to do so. If they can get enough Veckron weaponry fired off in the area, they might hope to form an anomaly that will trap part of our siege force after bloodying it against expendable clones and mooks.

Someone has to be false-flagging, because no one would give mercs Veckron weapons, allow them to have Veckron weapons, and a mercenary crew is certainly not going to shorten their life spans by firing a Veckron weapon.

Someone wants a blood bath, and they've sent this 'mercenary' ship to start it off.

We have to kill that ship before it dooms us all.
They'd also lose the huge majority of their super heavies, if this was only a token force, we'd probably have had a lot more trouble so far, or even lost.

Also, I think >>25291469 pretty much already confirmed the torpedo ships are manned by clones.
>oh fuck. doesn't subspace get fucked up when you detonate lots of Veckron weapons in an area?
>Are they going to purposely fuck up subspace and hope to trap the gathered fleets here?
Even if everyone were to open up the effects wouldn't be noticeable until local space had been exposed to FTL traffic for a few years. Thats why the navigation hazards didnt start popping up until a few years after the Faction Wars and also whey the terrans had been so indiscriminate with their use, because it took awhile to find out.

>Meta knowledge
You can trade notes with your Marines later.
Hmm that sounds okay. We seem to have two goals in regards to the reserve.

1. At least one squadron of corvettes for special situations and general support.
2. A reserve of ships with pilots that we can use to bring damaged squadrons up to speed.

The limiting factor is definitely the shortage of pilots. But it would be a shame to let that pile of corvettes and frigates just sit around.
We could always increase the size of our squadrons to 24 ships. A squadron is after all anywhere between 12 and 24 crafts.

And that is not even necessary just yet.
We can slowly bring 6th up to 9 cruisers, and attach two corvettes or frigates for each carrier and ECM ship, just to keep them safe.
24?! oh snap. I was under the impression that the size was limited to 12 craft per squadron and 6 squadrons per wing. Sure puts those corvette swarms into a new perspective.

Anyhow if the size of the squadrons can be expanded we don't need to add a new wing. We can just assign about 3 corvettes to each one as support, and group them all under a single commander for special tasks.
Angry, angry corvettes.

Of course a wing currently as between three and four squadrons, so the lower ship count in squadrons is solved with the higher number of squadrons in a wing. if we go by RAF, or if we go by US then we still have 6 squadrons in a wing, but we did away with the air group, which has three squadrons, two forming a wing.
regarding organization i think it goes something like this.
3-4 ships = flight
3-8 flights = squadron
3-6(7) squadrons = wing
multiple wings = fleet / numbered force group
half dozen to more fleets/ numbered groups = < insert task/region>fleet/group command
one or more group commands = house interstellar war assets.
>What would Sonia do?

Maybe Sonia should ask herself from time to time: What would Jing do?
Sonia is not all that introspective. The defining things about Sonia are Initiative, Violence and Desire. Its almost like she is a non sapient force of nature that bulldozes through and collects shiny things along the way like a obsessed raven.
I disagree. There were multiple situations where we avoided violence for the sake of avoiding violence.

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