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So I'm sick as hell, but I don't want to put off for another week. Let's see how far we can get. It may not be much, in which case I apologize.

Prior Thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/25435131
Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Maverick%20Hunter%20Quest
The IRC: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com, #MHQ
The Twitter: https://twitter.com/HunterCommand

You are Anode, unfortunate Hunter. When you're not getting banged up, you're undergoing an inquisition to see if you're as crazy as the adversaries you face.
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You're not, though--you think. But today has been all sorts of interesting, to say the least. You've confided in a few people you've chosen to trust about your fears of a traitor or intel leak in the Fourth. And you just wrapped up a meeting with an ex-Russian deathsquad reploid. He got on-base a little too late to be your traitor, he's under constant (if informal) guard, and he has experience you're sure you can put to use. Plus, he kind of owes you his life, so there's that.

You've nearly made it back to the Fourth's satellite base, and now it's just a matter of killing some time.

>Get the elephant in the room: Repairing your shattered chestplate.
>See if Mike got that account on the enlisted's internal forums. Do that Q&A.
>Drop in on India, see how her little jet project is coming.
>You've apparently got a laundry list of onbase duties to attend to. Give them a look.
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>Get the elephant in the room: Repairing your shattered chestplate.
As much as India is enjoying the show, we're not red enough to be Full Frontal.
>Get the elephant in the room: Repairing your shattered chestplate.

It's clear at this point that reploids have a sense of balance, and a distinct lack of something this huge would have to be throwing us off. Besides, having to look at your own innards all day...blech.
>Get the elephant in the room: Repairing your shattered chestplate.

There's no telling when we'll need to be able to take a shot and not kersplode from it.
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Honestly, you're tired of walking around "naked," such as it is. It's time to get your chestplate repaired and back onto you.

R&D was called in advance, and you comm ahead to Em--he clears the labs, saying he'll finish working on your misericorde in his quarters--leaving you free to make yourself comfortable while you request the operative to come and fix you up.

It doesn't take long; just long enough to be uncomfortable and just short enough that you can't get anything else done. It gives you time to wonder--two times now you've had someone from R&D out here. No one's batted an eye about it, but you can't help but notice you've not seen it happen to anyone else. Maybe you weren't around, or maybe it's just because you're young, with plenty of stuff to upgrade or fuss over. Maybe you're just accident-prone. Well, maybe not 'maybe.' Finally, you look up at the sound of the door. Rapping on the doorframe with a heavy, reinforced knuckle stands who you assume to be the R&D repairman.

You were expecting someone like Tugg--mass produced, someone easy to dispatch for quick service and repair--but this is clearly an officer. Tall, broad-shouldered, and with a bodytype much closer to yours than the simple frames of production models, he grins at you from beneath a shock of orange 'hair,' swept back behind what looks like a heavy-duty welder's mask.

"Hey there," he says. "I'm going to guess by the bared machinery and the pile of color-coordinated shrapnel beside you that you're who I'm here for."

"Something like that," you nod, standing up to shake his hand. "Name's Anode, welcome to the Fourth."

"Thermite," he replies, "High-temperature metallurgy specialist. I do demolitions on the side," he adds.
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"Natch. So, what do you think? Can you fix this mess?"

He picks up the two biggest pieces of your chestplate, turning them over in his hands. "Nice, clean break. Thermal shock?"

"Liquid Nitrogen lovetap."

"Hah! That will do it. Nothing I can't handle. Siddown for a spell, I'll be going over the info your home Lab forwarded."

You take a seat somewhere unobtrusive to watch him work. He flicks through a datapad with surprising speed, though you don't doubt he's reading every word in the missive. "Interesting bit of work," he says. "They were right to request me."


"Yeah. See here? It's that capacitor system. To get those channels in you without compromising your plating took some real doing. Plus, trying to put armor back together isn't the same as replacing small parts. That's why they needed a high-temp."

"No shit?"

"No, sir. Armor's rated around plasma in the first place, so it's designed not to deform when it gets hot. You've got all this electricity pumping through you, that makes a lot of heat. Armor's not just got to take it, but mitigate it. Distribute it across the whole, you know? Otherwise you'd get hotspots, might damage sensitive stuff, and that'd be an even bigger problem. Anyway, gimme a sec. Gonna forward my PoA to Liberty, see if they concur with my approach."

>Offer to help. You're still trying to find specialties, maybe armorcraft is it.
>Make small talk. Once he's able, that is.
>Stay quiet, let the man do his job.
>Offer to help. You're still trying to find specialties, maybe armorcraft is it.
What's the worst that could happen?
>Offer to help. You're still trying to find specialties, maybe armorcraft is it.

Techies invariably love talking shop, and if he's a professional he'll have respect for the difficulty of the job. Trust him to let the conversation die down when it needs to.
>Offer to help. You're still trying to find specialties, maybe armorcraft is it.
This is weird MHQ threads are rarely so... dead when they start.
MGNQ's running.
>Offer to help. You're still trying to find specialties, maybe armorcraft is it.
I still prefer to stay a generalist, but at least we can get those options out there.
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You look over the broken pieces of your chestplate in contemplative silence while Thermite hmms and hums, tapping things on his pad in what seems like a brief back-and-forth with someone back at home. You idly wonder about who it is as you turn over a large shard of armor in your hand, noting the groove designed for your Conduit Capacitor in the underside, and you realize you don't really know anything about how your own body works. Most humans are the same, you guess, that's why they've got doctors (and you've got Lifesavers), but it's still a bit bizarre. You remember standing over the injured Rob in Jagwire's den, and realizing you didn't know how to fix him. What if someday you were looking at your scrambled insides and trying to figure out what had to get treated before you shut down for good?

Gah, cheerful thoughts. You're going to end up as gloomy as Schwarz at this rate.

After a minute, Thermite finishes his consult and stands up. "Okay, sorry about the wait," he says. "Just had to work out a way to do my job without messing up those conduit channels."

"No problem," you say. "Can I help?" It's not the same as being a reploid surgeon, but this might be a good study for you. It seems like a good fit, the guy who gets pulverized all the time and being able to maintain and care for your armor.

He drums his fingers against that welding mask. "Eh, maybe a bit. This is sort of an advanced job, not something I'd start a beginner out on. I can talk about what I'm doing, I guess. See that bag by the door? Grab it."
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He runs you through his tools and explains his plan--simple-sounding, but the devil's in the details. "Your armor's an alloy," he explains, "The exact makeup of which is proprietary information, but I can make a ballpark guess from its melting temp and compression/tension specs. Anyway, the plan is to heat it--carefully--and rejoin the two pieces. Gonna take a while, and has to be done carefully--we're remaking one piece, not just sticking two together, otherwise I'd just be giving you a big structural fault right down the midline."

"Plus, there's the channels," you note.

"Yeah, they're the fun part. The good news is that they were reinforced when you were built, and they should still all be functional. But if they're not, you're going to have to get sent home so they can fix them up."

You shrug. "I can think of worse fates, at least."

"Be careful what you wish for. It could cost millions and take weeks to make that kind of repair. Sometimes, stuff gets damaged that can't get replaced. Costs too much to be worth it. So someone comes to your door and tells you your services are no longer required. I've seen it happen. Like watching a dog get put down."

That's...yeah. Oof.

Thermite shakes his head. "Well, enough of that. Pass me the heating wand. It'll take a minute to heat up, but when it does, keep your distance. You're not rated for the heat this thing puts out, and you've got all your fragile bits exposed. You don't want me dropping a sun down your shorts." Doesn't need to tell you twice--you hand it over and retreat across to the other end of the table to watch from a safe distance. He leaves it in a small canister of some kind while he runs down to pick up some of that proprietary material Liberty apparently sent over to help make the repair.
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All in all, it's less spectacular than he made it sound like--a slow, steady routine of heating, affixing, applying strips of metal, melting them in to make up for lost material, then carefully removing the excess. He turns each joined piece over, explaining that he works mid-to-front, then finishes sealing up the back, so it's a single piece all the way through. Occasionally he flips down that visor--making sure the size tolerances are perfect, he explains. You watch this all carefully, taking note of his approach and trying to keep it all straight for more than an hour. Finally, he holds up two completed halves--the only sign they were ever broken being the jagged stripes of discoloration where they were bonded with a few thousand degrees of heat.

"And here you are," he says. "Take this to the Lifesavers and they'll put it back on you proper. You'll probably want to get it repainted while you're there."

"I dunno," you say. "I kind of like the big grey splotch through it. Gives it character. Ugly as sin character, but hey, the factory-new smell's pretty well and gone."

"Heh! True enough. Well, none of my business. I've done all I can. You'll want to test those channels out in a controlled environment, run some diagnostics. I'd love to stay, but I need to be back at base 15 minutes ago." Dousing the heating wand in his hair(?!), he stows it back in that little canister and offers a handshake. You take it and give him a grin.

"Thanks for the help," you say, "and thanks for showing me the basics."

Thermite grins back. "Hey, no problem. If you make a study of it, one less job for me to worry about in the future. You have yourself a good one, Anode. Good hunting."
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The Lifesavers are quick to fit it all back together, closing the the two halves around your torso with a seam so flawless you can't even see it. If there's any inconsistencies, auto-repair should smooth them out, and with that, it's done. You're in one piece again. "Enjoy it while it lasts," one Lifesaver replies helpfully.

Still, as you turn and flex, feeling the comfortable weight of heavy, reinforced plating, you have to smile. Back in the saddle, baby.

>Where now?


Aaaand here's a good point to share this little beauty in celebration of Anode getting fixed. Big thanks to the commissioner and commissionee, it's absolutely great.
>Check up on India and the others in your room and then head off to get your armor installed if nothing is wrong.
Check on Mike and see if that account is ready. We should be comfortable enough to run an AMA now, not to mention it'd help us kill a bit more time.

I wonder how quickly scuttlebutt will move and people around base start realizing we're the ones talking. Hell, maybe Cath will nose in on another Beret, looking over his shoulder to read the AMA.

(also, friggin' sweet picture)
>Check in with India real fast while starting the Q&A
We'll go over the laundry list while in our room cleaning up and fielding the questions, its a bloody message board, we can multitask at least a bit.

Also, I'm really pleased with how this picture came out. The artist will be done with her current batch of commissions soon and after a short break will be available to do a few more. I was thinking we should get her to draw India for us.
>Check in with India real fast while starting the Q&A

I have to admit, I've been waiting for this Q&A session. Something about the prospect makes me giddy.
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You run an internal diagnostic, and the tests all check out with what the Lifesavers are reporting--your conduits and armor channels are all aligned and working smoothly, unobstructed and undamaged, as if they were never apart. You arc some electricity between your fingers with a gleeful snap, thank them for their work, send a quick all-clear back home so they don't worry, and then traipse out of the medbay, discharging the slight buildup from your K. Coils as you go.

First priority: Get ahold of Mike, see if his little project is read--

Wait. Check that. First priority: Check your room and see what's left of it.

It's... well, it's not as wrecked as you were expecting. Dodo seems to have overindulged, sleeping while sitting upright with Conda beside him, who nods up at you with a quiet, wry smirk. The credits to one of your films (Blazing Saddles, guessing by the music and the case on the floor) roll onscreen. Sitting on the cart full of empties is India, twirling her headset on one finger.

"Hello, luv," she greets quietly. "afraid there's just nothing left. I see you've got your armor back."

"I did, and I don't mind," you reply. "Wow, Dodo's trashed, huh?"

"I let him sleep," Conda whispers. "He's been a bit high-strung for months."

"He won't let me draw on his face," India adds, "the heretic."

You fold your arms and lean against the door. "I'm surprised both of you are upright, honestly."

"Pilot," India replies.

"Teatotaler," Overclock says. "When you poison people for a living, you develop a healthy respect for substances, yeah?"
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"Take your word for it. Is he good to move?"

"Think so. C'mon, Dodo, it's time to go beddy-bye." With a bit of effort, he manages to stand upright with Dash slung across his shoulder. "I'll get him back to his room. Want a hand cleaning up?"

"Nah, I think I've got it," you decide. Frankly, the fact that nothing is on fire amazes you.

"Right, I'll be off, then. And thanks. I'm sure he'd agree if he weren't--drooling on my shoulder oh damn you you stupid flightless..." Conda's voice trails off as he slowly lugs his companion through the hall and out of sight.

You extricate Fullmetool from atop a pyramid of empty bottles as, surprisingly, India helps you get things back in order.

"So where were you off to, anyway?" she asks. "I thought you were married to cinema."

"Wasn't really feeling it. Got some stuff done, talked to a guy about a thing."

"Ooh, mysterious. Gonna get your armor painted back up?"

"Probably. Not my top priority. Next order of business is seeing if that guy came through with his thing. In fact--" You send a message to Mike, who says everything should be ready, and suggests you meet him at the Range for it.

>Do it here.
>On second thought, put it off...
Our room is going to remain trashed for some time. We should get a metool. With a cleaning subroutine... we can be Jean Baptise Emanual Reploid.
With all the Berets on the range, I wonder if people will figure out we're actually on their message board.
Also: suggest next movie night we do a pre-robot robot movie night. Show Robocop, the original Transformers animated movie, Keita Amemiya's Hakaider (for the so bad it's good factor.)
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You look at the rest of your room. "Last time I asked one of my friends to take care of something for me, he sped past flipping me double aces, so I won't ask you to clean up for me."

India narrows her eyes. "...Was that on the mission with my chasers?" Uh oh.

"Um yeah anyway gotta go I'll take care of the rest later bye!" You scuttle out of there before the killing rage can take hold of her and retreat gracefully to the Range.

Sure enough, up on those same benches as ever are Grach and Mike. He doesn't wave you over, apparently wanting this to be a bit more subtle. You trot up to them and take a seat.

"Nice repairwork," Grach notes.

"Yeah, thanks. Glad to be dressed again, so to speak. So it's ready?"

"Yep," Mike says, handing you a datapad. "Keep in mind you're still taking a big risk, and this could backfire big."

"Yeah, I know," you say. "But I'd rather at least take a chance to try to straighten out the record."

"Careful what you write, as well," Grach adds. "You wouldn't want to get in trouble with your superiors for leaking intel of your own."

You nod, and look down at the pad. Mike's gone ahead and pretyped the beginning of your message for you. "This is a limited-access account," it reads, "I can't read or see anything you type anywhere but in this thread."

"A bit longhand for our memos, but it'll get their attention," Mike says. "You ready? How are you going to start?"

You take one last look around, at a range full of enlisted--mostly LTBs and Berets, all going about their business.

What do you want to write?
"I am Anode, A-rank Lieutenant of the Fourth Overland, from the United States. Ask me anything."
Supply headshot and timestamp if necessary to prove it's us.
good enough for me.
Anything longer would seem suspicious, so yeah this would be good. That way if they don't ask about something its not us being evasive.
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Best to keep it simple at first, you decide.
"I am Anode, A-rank Lieutenant of the Fourth Overland, from the United States. Ask me anything."

For a few minutes, there's nothing. You end up looking out over the range, sizing things up. Finally, as the feeling of nervousness and unease is getting almost unbearable, Mike sits up. "You've got something."

Sure enough, there's your first question.

>is this a trap

Well. It's something. And right after, from a different string of numbers:

>who did this

"I've got this one," Mike says. A moment later, you see another post--his, you guess.

>I did
>No trap

"Thanks," you nod.

"Here we go," Mike says. "Now you're getting somewhere."

Thus reassured that it isn't some sort of lure, you've gotten your first real question.

>did you do it?

You're on, Anode. What do you reply with?
"Do what?"
"Do what?" you type--you feel slow and clumsy compared to how fast the beret posts seem to zip by. Speaking of:

>murder humans
Need to be more specific, since there're probably a few rumors to put to rest.
Nah, the big one was killing humans. it was likely tha-
Yeah that.
In self defense.. They had a tank, so I wasn't sure if it was mechaniloid, reploid, or human.
Is that op clssified?
The exact particulars would be, like Grach, his nationality, and that of the killteam, but you're already combating a leak, so more is out than should be.
"Murder implies I -wanted- to do it. But, yeah, I have ended a human life, and I'd rather be packed up and deactivated than do it again."
"In self-defense. I can't say more, but I will say I hated every moment of it."
Our first human kill was before the APC if I recall.
We did engage a combined force of human and reploid. Likely mercenaries. There were casualties on their side.
Point, and yeah, probably shouldn't mention the tank. Much better put than mine. Still, you have to admit mentioning getting attacked by a tank does suddenly give it a whole new light
Just a point to not get defensive on this, we want to clear the record. Not necessarily buddy up to them. Let them make decisions on their own.
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"In self-defense," you decide on. "Mercenary reploid/human mix. Lethal force/weapons."

"Anti-reploid weapons," Grach observes, looking over your shoulder.

"Good point," you nod, and add that in.

"Mercenary reploid/human mix. Lethal force/weapons. Anti-reploid kit." Satisfied with that, you hit send.

They're silent for a moment before another question comes in.

>rescued [HK] reploid?
[HK]? Otherwise,
"Their target was someone who had surrendered without a shot and I to bring them in."
[HK] = human killer.
I think >>25836078 implies we can't actually mention Grach, never mind took someone into custody. Can w?
>the following is am important life lesson I learned
> just because an unmarked ambusher is surrounded by reploids and has enough armor to look like a reploid
> does not mean said ambusher is also a reploid
> so for a value of "murder" that involves self defense and not knowing who was shooting at me, yes
Point. Rescinding comment.
You can safely mention the basics. I won't tell you more than that, so you'll have to use your discretion on whether you've said enough or not.
"Classified. Sorry. You know how Command is."
In that case,
"Identity and nature is classified. I will say he surrendered unconditionally."
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"Target surrendered," you decide. "Details classified."

Enough for them to put together the details on their own, you note--they don't send hunters out after humans, and you included the bit about the anti-reploid weapons. At first you thought it would add a bit more punch to your argument about their intentions, but thinking about it, maybe Grach 'let it slip' to covertly make your case.

Cagey guy. It's impossible to tell through that mask of neutrality. He would be damn scary as an adversary.

Ping. New response.

>what can you tell us?

And then, after that, one more.

>going crazy?

Pfft. Almost a relief after the others.

"Judgment call, sir," Mike says. "Can't speak for the other," he adds with a grin.
>what can you tell us?
"Not much. Command is super hush-hush about it. They'd skin me if I said too much."
>going crazy?
"I hope not. I'm lucky I'm still alive right now. Lots of things don't go my way, but the job still gets done. Being an A is really hard."
>For the first one:
"Target of interest. International suspect. Can't say anymore."

>For the second:
"A little paranoid, yeah. Every mission I've had has nearly killed me because of, 'bad intel.'"
Less self pity. Rather than flaunting our rank just say we've had a number of complicated missions.
Everyone is watching and can see this. I'd rather not mention the paranoia. Especially since if someone is a leak they did leak it here.
True. Amended:
"Hopefully, no. Things go pear-shaped more often than I'd like, I'll say that much. No one said being a Hunter was easy."
I don't like those answers. They say too much.
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"Not much," you type. "International suspect. The rest is classified, over even me. Command would skin me if I said too much."

As for the second answer... "Hopefully not. I'm lucky to be alive, and things have been rough. No one said our job's easy."

You look up at the sudden, relative silence, the sound of training weapons firing downrange absent. One of the berets down at the line is looking up at you. He stares in silence for a long moment, eyes moving from you, to Mike, to Grach, before slowly lifting a hand and giving you a thumbs-up.

"Nice," Mike says. "Oh, hang on, this one's for me."

You look back down to see a missive directed at his serial:

Mike's reply is fast.
>fair shake
>involved by assignment

You get the feeling they're typing longhand for your benefit (mostly).

The messages are coming a bit faster now, and the readers are beginning to discuss amongst themselves, not just you. A few aren't really questions any more, but assorted commentary. One catches your eye as you sift through looking for more questions.

>fdr called he wants his fireside chats back

Heh. A good sign, you think. Unfortunately, you're also starting to take some fire.

>[HK] = [HK]

>not trusting you

"Oh, fuck that guy," Mike mutters under his breath. "And this one calling me a sellout."

"It's not all bad," Grach notes. "Look."

>[HK] = leak

>@range, eyes on

>served w. Lt. A. on train op
>no cas.
>seems nice
>def crazy

In reply to that:
>w. Lt. A on wallaby
>ass kicked (gee, thanks.)
>no cas.

"Wait, they know about Wallaby?" you ask.

"Retired targets are public record," Mike replies. "And we all knew about him. He trained a lot of us. Heads up, you've got a few more questions."

>no support requests, 3x times
>lone wolf?

>why? (You note it's from the same numberstring that asked Mike. Maybe he wants to know what you're doing with this Q&A?)
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>fdr called he wants his fireside chats back
This guy knows what's up.

>no support requests, 3x times
>lone wolf?
"Situations are delicate and sensitive and require smaller dispatch. Loosing anyone, Berets included, would never sit with me."

>why? (You note it's from the same numberstring that asked Mike. Maybe he wants to know what you're doing with this Q&A?)
"Better to hear it from the horse's mouth than second- or third-hand sources. I hate bad scuttlebutt."
>Lone wolf
"Lower profile means a greater chance of getting in and out without anyone coming under fire. I was originally built to be the meatshield of my team and I can take abuse. If that means getting my chestplate, eyes, paint, or near vital circuitry replaced to make sure I don't get our guys or civilians killed so be it."

>To the why
"Better to clear the air and say what I can than to let things fester. Not trying to buddy up mind you, just make things as clear as my paygrade allows. Its on you guys to make your own decision"
>@range, eyes on

These are about as good as we're gonna get.
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You're not too sure how to respond to this 'lone wolf' thing--you decide against telling them at least one time was because of a command snafu/traitor in the ranks.

"Don't want to get anyone killed," you decide. "Part of why I volunteered as the rangemaster." As an afterthought, you add more. "Built to take hits, used to it. Missions are diverse. I don't think I'm a lone wolf."

You hit send and switch to the next question.
"Better to hear it from me. I'll let you make up your minds about me, but I wanted to clear the air."

After a moment, you grin at the 'eyes on' poster, reply "Yo," and throw a wave.

On the whole, things seem to be positive. More positive than when you started, anyway.

And then, you notice another.

>who shot first?

You did. You found Grach, he surrendered, he warned you of the killteam, you made the call.


I don't follow.
"Hard to say. Things were chaotic. Alternately, Han Solo."
"We ambushed them before they could close the net on us exfiltrating."

From that thread:
>You don't take them completely off-guard--a long rifle comes up and flashes, and you feel your shoulder jerk backwards as a round slams through it.

I think we are in a han solo situation because this definitely looks like they shot first.
Ah, no. No, don't say that. -- not the first part, anyway.
So we knew they were coming, but they hit us first?
Strictly speaking, you made the call to ambush them, rather than wait for them to make the first move. You were already moving in to strike when they opened fire.
So, new answer:
"We knew opfor were already en-route, though the enemy's composition was unknown. They struck us before we were ready."
Nah, replace 'before we were ready' with 'while we were moving to engage.'
"I did. Not until there was absolutely no doubt that the situation was exactly as it seemed. Had no other options."

Lying isn't an option. A reploid's gotta stick to his principles, but at the same time we need to make it clear that it wasn't an issue of "Who fired first" it was an issue of "Whoever shoots first is the one who doesn't die."
Yeah, that's what I should've said. Semantics here can be very important.
Yes, surprisingly. Good reflexes on that one.

We did *decide* to use lethal force before the first round came out, and we were in the middle of attempting to (probably lethally) attack them with our lance -- but they did shoot first.

Here's the relevant thread:
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Well, the other dude shot first, and look how well that ended for him.
Well, it was more of a mutual thing, then.

"Nobody shot first. Unbelievable, but true. Both parties shot at the same time."

Only if we're speaking metaphorically when we say "shot". We were moving to engage with lethal force at the time, but literally speaking, they let off the first round.
Plus, we didn't fully acknowledge at the time that humans were definitely a part of the opposing force.
"Han Solo. -- Technically, they did get off the first shot, but this was while I was moving to engage."

Eh. Not really. Grach did say there would probably be humans in the group.

"They fired first, but we were setting up an ambush at the time."
"Han shot first. Greedo was a green pussy."

Because we have to.
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You take a deep breath and brace for the worst.

"I did. I had orders to bring my captive in alive and opted to use lethal force, regardless of the enemy makeup. I moved in as they opened fire. It was difficult then, it's difficult now, but I stand by my decision."

Grach nods silently. They'll make of it what they will.

...But hey, if you can't laugh at the dark stuff, what can you laugh at?

"Also, Han shot first, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Someone at the far end of the room snorts and laughs. You'll take it.

The responses seem to have dried up after that, for better or worse. You feel a bit nervous, but you think you gave a decent accounting of yourself. As an afterthought you leave one last message saying they can always talk to you in person at the range, and then push the datapad aside.

...That just leaves the question of what to do with yourself now.
You know, I think we should finally do a round in Vienna. We've been kind of ignoring it as an option, and we could potentially find some good loot/plot hooks.
Look over the list of shit we have to do while we clean up our room.
Its like the box with me. I just need to know whats on the list.
Find out about and do on-base duties. Get repainted during some part of this as some sort of montage sequence
Read up on chassis repair.

We need to get a hobby sooner rather than later, else we risk going crazy. Well, crazier.
Get this counseling out of the way before anything else. Command won't let us back on active duty until we do.
Afterwards, I'm in line with >>25838443: get repainted and go on a Vienna patrol, just for a change of pace.
Off to the crazy house. I mean, uh, off to see that councillor.
Or as the idiots who make 'Go Ask Alice' called it. The Freak Wharf.
'counselor'. (Unless we are seeing a member of a council, and I missed it.) But yes, that.
I think the counseling
is on the list. We need to see the liiiist.
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Sorry, I was eating tacos. The call of tacos always prevails.
"Well," you say as you stand up. "That's that. Thanks for sticking your neck out for me, Mike."

"Sure," Mike replies. "Where are you headed?"

"Gonna go make an appointment with a counselor, I guess, then see about squaring away some stuff baseside. Maybe sign on for a stint in Vienna."

"Good luck, Anode," Grach says by way of goodbye. As you turn to leave you see him pulling up something on another datapad, in Cyrillic lettering--looks like tabloids or a newspaper or something. Guess he has problems of his own, still.

Getting therapy set up is a bit more of a process than it sounds--you have to head back to the main building and speak to a receptionist. "Yes, can I help you, Lieutenant?"

"Uh, yeah," you say, rubbing the back of your helmet, suddenly very conspicuous of the miscoloration of your armor you were so proud of a moment ago. "My CO ordered me to look into some counseling."

"I see. I think I can help you with that. Is there any immediate urgency?"

"Well, no, he never gave me a timeframe..."

"Well, good on you for getting it straightened out quickly. If there's no pressing concerns, I could try to have an appointment for you in the next day or two. Or, if you think you need it, I could try to push you through for a session now."

>No, it's no emergency. Maybe after my next mission...
>Yeah, put me through. I just want to get this over with.
>I feel fine, but since I'm here that hardly is the most credible evidence is it? I can wait but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to go back out until this is handled.
To clarify, you're allowed and will be able to go back on mission without completing any therapy. Frog told you there was no timeframe, just not to blow it off.
Fine, we'll just lop off that last part.
>>Yeah, put me through. I just want to get this over with.
We might not be on a timeline, but Command will continue to hold it over our head until we get it done, and I don't like that. Plus it gives us time to stall and think of a decent hobby that maybe doesn't involve movies, I'unno.
>Yeah, put me through. I just want to get this over with.

Coming the second time is always the hardest.
I was thinking Anode could do something arts and craftsy. Like leatherworking. Or maybe he could take up metalworking and make badass statues of Robocop everywhere.
>Just Robocop
>Not also making the second T-800, or Tetsuwan Atom

Do you even heroic robots defending humanity?
>'Node, what the fuck is Astro Boy doing in my room?
>Being a heeeeeeeerooooooooo.
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All right, it's earlier than I'd like but I've got to pack it in. Sorry, guys. Yesterday was a long day and getting sick on top of it didn't help matters.

If the thread survives I'll pick up tomorrow, and if it doesn't I'll run again next weekend.

Any questions/comments/concerns?
Make sure to archive.
Done and done. Thanks for the reminder. Get your head in order to root through it soon!
There's a guy attempting to make a megaman homebrew system, and there was a challenge to stat a few MHQ chars. They did Anode in a previous thread, and have one up at the moment.
I saw that, but I didn't want to stick my nose in without anything constructive to add to the guy's work. Looks cool.

And on a related note, yesterday I had the introductory session for my own MMX game. We didn't get far, but it's looking to be fun already.
Which idea did you end up using? I didn't find anything in the previous thread about a decision being reached.
Pac Man X was the clear winner by majority, so I went with that for the most basic concept.

...which the DM took one look at and replied "Do I need to veto that?"

I did what I could to reflect the core concept. What I wound up with was a mass-produced armor/vehicle/supply/artillery-manning model modeled after tank crews. This particular unit is operating a ride armor, painted in garish, bright yellow with white shark teeth along the midline.

Classwise it's a barbarian with spellcasting centered around physical boosts and repair, and combat alchemy to reflect doing crazy stuff with tweaks and customizations to his gear.
I am still amazed it went down that way. Also amused. You sound like you did a pretty nice attempt at keeping the core theme, even if initial ideas got squashed.

Has he fought any incorporeal enemies yet?
So far I punched the hell out of drill wayings and facetanked a crit helit rocket with very little actual damage to show for it.

And thanks. The game plan is to have his ride(s) serve as the literal half of the equation, minus actually devouring stuff, and use the alchemy/casting to reflect huge, temporary buffs--IE, the power pills.

And I'll have to remember to make sure to get anti-ghost specialty stuff.
Even if ghosts don't necessarily exist, you can make him super-paranoid about the supernatural and load up on things theorized to be related to ghosts. Wouldn't that be fun.
That's not a bad idea, I might do something like that--have him include a rosary in his cockpit kit or hang one off the ride's shoulder. I'll think about it.

Right now I have this thing where the PMX models (hurr durr so very clever), as less advanced, less publicized production units, find communication difficult, particularly when directly addressed. So they speak through actions and express themselves through their equipment. Left to their own devices, you get old-style paintjobs and speakers blaring Big Band and Swing from their war machines.
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I;m sad I missed this. Welp. Time for a some downtime.

I'd say its time for Anode to take a vacation. See about finding out about that alloy secret formula. Maybe build a second one that'l work in a pinch but then degrade. You know in the Megaman games I had to go back to all the previous levels looking for power-ups. Maybe Anode show go on a walkabout. Maybe there's another way to get money. Does he get paid as a drill instructor and range master? Maybe he should purchase the second more permanent internal upgrades.

Anode has electrical powers but maybe if he threw in some high end magnetic gear he might be able to shrink some of his parts. Maybe see how humans do battle. Can't carry explosives but maybe a secondary WEP system in our shoulder mounted launcher.

Could you clarify the Pac Man Ride Armor.
Do you know how much hazard pay an A-rank gets?
Well, right now it's simply a classic, X1-style Ride Armor, free to use until a reformed Eighth is ready to take it. It's painted in bright, bright yellow--MS Paint bright, you couldn't miss it from orbit--and along that seam at the widest point on the body, where the chest vents are, there are shark teeth painted around the whole rim. On one shoulder, in neat, black cursive, it's christened "The Hungry."

As we advance in rank, ability, and power, I'll be customizing and upgrading it, or replacement units.
Our hobby. We can roll the armor thing into Ride Armor design. Heavily study the Crossmore and other styles of RA's we have available. In the end, our work would benefit the rebuild of the 8th.
I'm too late for the thread today, but I can get behind this, especially if it means sweet-ass customized punch/lance combo walker.
...What if we also took up amateur film making as a sort of way to keep notes? Get permission to, with a bunch of techies, study the crossmore, record how things interact, forward potential innovation to HQ for permissions?
I was thinking we could req the Crossmore and a few Berets to turn our Vienna tour into a shakedown run for the Crossmore. Get it nice and warmed up to see how it works. Take some notes.
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Additionally: We need to find Anode a Sub-tank. We've had our shit torn open more times than I am comfortable with.
Yeah that would be nice one of the weapon kind would also be cool but the health kind is a much much higher priority.
That's why I was saying we should go to Vienna: the good loot is always found on the optional levels.
remember the best loot if usually on the main levels but only available in a second run. Like the Proto shield in MM7
Gonna give this a last bump before I head to sleep.
All right, I'm up. Gonna spend some time getting things ready/waiting a bit before starting. Later tonight there may be long-overdue hangouts and drinking in my future.
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"Well, I think I'm fine, for what it's worth," you sigh. "But the boss was pretty clear. If it's all the same to you, I just want to be done with this and be on my way."

"All right, let me see what we have free..." the receptionist taps up a storm. "...All right, yes, if you can wait five minutes there's an opening. Please, take a seat, Lieutenant...?"

"Anode," you reply, "thank you."

Sure enough, in just a few minutes (7, actually), you hear your name called and he directs you to an elevator up to another floor. You walk past rows of darkened windows--offices, maybe?--and eventually find the door you were directed to, equal parts unmarked and unremarkable. You knock once and the door slides open to a well-appointed, almost cozy room.

It looks like something out of last century--a tall, standing lamp, a neat and orderly desk (mahogany?), a comfortable-looking chair facing it, and even a fern in the corner. The most modern thing in the room is the shuttering metal blinds--you recognize them as the same kind the Fourth has, built to withstand a bombing when closed. This is still a military installation, after all.

You find yourself looking out the windows--the view is pretty nice, with Geneva in the distance below, low sunlight flitting in between the slats. Before long, another reploid is looking out the blinds beside you.
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"Not bad, huh?" he says. "My name's Cling. I'll be giving you a consult today. You must be Anode."

"That's me," you reply, turning to shake his hand--he's small, largely unarmored, and you don't see a weapon on him. Funny how used to seeing an arsenal you are--and then you realize you brought yours. "Er, I forgot to leave my kit at home, was that a bad move, or...?"

"Nothing to worry about," he replies. "Please, make yourself comfortable." You do your best--the chair is probably designed around human size. You're close, but with your armoring it's a bit snug. Still, it's nice enough. "First," your erstwhile psychiatrist says, "I want you to know that we respect doctor-patient confidentiality. Unless you come in here telling me your buster is telling you to kill people, nothing you say leaves this office."

Well, that's good, at least.

"So," Cling continues, taking a seat at his desk, "Tell me a little about yourself."

>"So," Cling continues, taking a seat at his desk, "Tell me a little about yourself."
"Well, two years old, have a sister in another unit. Been on... several (lost count) deployments that have had me run the gamut of being media darling and suspicion of being maverick. The running theme of these seem to be that everything seems to go pear shaped each deployment despite my best efforts. I'm not too sure how much I can say with classified intel being involved. Oh and I like movies."

I'm thinking we might voice our self evaluation a thread back if this guy seems decent.
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"Well, I'm the newest officer in the Fourth," you start. "Have a sister in the First, and I've been on...a lot of deployments that have gone south fast. I've been held up for PR with the media and indirectly accused of maverick activity. I'm also into old cinema."

Now that you're sitting opposite him, you can take a more thorough look at your counselor. Cling is a good few inches shorter than you, and much more slender, with a very developed face--probably easier to empathize with, especially for humans... Does he even see humans? Well, anyway. His eyes are a calm, glowing light blue, likely by design. You can still see pupils under the soft glow, and he keeps his eyes on yours, expression pensive, as he speaks with a mellow, quiet tone.

"Two years old... Early third-generation? I'm late first." You don't miss that he chose not to engage anything else in your introduction.

"You don't look it," you note.

"The signs are there. Mostly in the chassis. I'm actually considering limited endoconstruction, if only so I could fit into human clothing without custom-tailoring."

You nod. "Probably would help in your line of work."

"Well, yes and no. Sometimes reploids want to talk to someone who looks like a reploid. Not often, but it comes up." Cling leans forward in his chair. "So, here's my first generic shrink question for you, Lieutenant. What do you, personally, think you're here for?"

>PTSD and because I like to promote an image of being unhinged.
"I'm here because some powerful people thought I could use some help. In a way it's nice knowing that what I've been through really is more than it should be, but it's been giving me a lot of difficult things to think about and not a lot of time to think about them."

That internal monologue gets really heavy sometimes, and it never gets any lighter before we're dragged off to another mission or get into some kind of shenanigans.
Our last hunt is tied to Anchorage, and...well, have you heard of Spin Jagwire? (elaborate a bit if necessary) We took him down. Also, there was a classified mission that, well...we've ended up killing humans trying to kill us, so yeah.
Some combination of these works for me.
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So apparently we'll be meeting up for 5, meaning I'll be wrapping up at 4. I doubt we're gonna get terribly far by then, but we'll do as much as we can!

"Well, it's complicated," you start. "There's a few things. For one, I kind of like people thinking I'm a little loopy."

"As a defense?"

"It's funny! Plus, you can get away with a little bit more that way."

"I see. What else?"

"Well, on a more serious note, Frog--my CO--thought I needed the help," you admit. "Almost every one of my missions has gone belly-up. I've seen some rough stuff. And--well, personally, I think my big problem is that I haven't really had time to--digest, process it, whatever. He said I'd been through the wringer."

"Hammer Frog is one of the longest serving hunters around," Cling replies. "If he thinks things are bad, they must be."

"I guess."

"Why don't we take a look through your file?" he asks. "I'm pulling up your dossier now--you can consider yourself free to discuss anything mentioned on here. I'm seeing six regular operations and two special assignments, all of which you completed under your own power...All right, let me take it from the top. On your first outing against Chaff Weasel you had your optics disabled?"

"Yeah, that was fun. Guy had a real chip on his shoulder."

"Still, you stayed calm and won blind, without any support. Your second operation was against..."

"Guns Wallaby. That was pure luck."

"So I see. That must have been hard."

"He could have had me, dead to rights. Knowing that's what's hard. And...well, he cared about his men. He wasn't a bloodthirsty killer. Not like--some of the others."

"We can come back to this. Tell me about those," he replies.
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"Well, the first one was Spin Jagwire. He--he was a butcher. Reveled in it. Completely nuts. Tortured and killed for art. He... had a room."

"Full of victims."

"Living, dead, human, reploid," you nod bleakly.

"It says here you saved some lives."

"I didn't do a damn thing. I just killed Spin so the people who knew what they were doing could come in."

"You don't think you had something to do with it? There's a note about this human, Rob, joining the hunters."

"Yeah, he came to thank me. That...well, it definitely helped. Okay, I guess I did make it safe. I'm definitely glad Spin's gone."

"And so are the survivors, I'm sure. What was the next?"

"Chronologically, or first to my mind?" you ask.

Cling sits back. "Whichever you'd prefer."

"Well, the next maverick I had to deal with was--what brought this visit on, really. Winter Wolfspider. That...well, more people got killed."

"I saw it on the news. He had a trigger wired to his vitals?"

"Yeah. And..."

"And you tried to capture him."

"My first attempted capture turns out to have a deadman's switch. You can understand how that sounded to Command."

"This would be that insinuation of being maverick?" Cling asks, voice carefully neutral.

"Yeah. Frog asked in the debrief. At least he apologized first," you add bitterly.

"That must have stung."
well first is Spin Jagwire. He...
He was a monster.
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"Almost die, take him alive, then watch him--watch him tear himself to ribbons--on Jagwire's coils, no less--find out about Anchorage, then come home and get--that." You feel the frustration not so much creep as barrel into your voice. "'Hey, thanks for watching another reploid die in the most horrifying way you can imagine, by the way, are you just like him? On the Wolfspider/Jagwire scale of criminal insanity, where do you think you fall between driven sociopath and stark raving lunatic?'" You catch yourself. "Sorry."

"No, no," Cling says. "It sounds like it helped."

"Sort of," you agree--you do feel better venting vaguely in the direction of another hunter, even if he's a shrink. "Though now I'm angry."

"You have a right to be. It's a terrible thing to come home to after everything else. Just as long as you understand that, however heartless, Command has to ask."

"...Yeah," you admit. "Yeah, I know. It's just that--I'm tearing my heart out over having gotten people killed, indirectly or no, and then they come along and suggest I'm reveling in it. Doing it on purpose. I dunno if I believe in luck, doc, but mine's been all bad. Plus, their suspicions run deeper, because--this came before, on a special assignment."

"With the Russian national?"

"Yeah. We couldn't prove it, but we think they sent a team after him. And not the type to go pack it in after I got there."

"The report says there were at least two humans in the squad."

"And I opted to use lethal force, yeah," you sigh. "They meant business."

"So I see. The file says they were packing some serious anti-reploid hardware."

"The time-bubbles and the magnetic shotgun, yeah. If I weren't built sturdy and for EM..."

"I think I understand. Let me ask you another question." Cling waits until you look up to meet his eye. "When people talk about you killing humans, do you feel more guilty, or more defensive?"

>Guilty. I know I shouldn't, but...
>Defensive. I'm out there risking everything, and...
"Guilty. I was built to save lives."
to elaborate like i should have done something but couldn't
>"When people talk about you killing humans, do you feel more guilty, or more defensive?"
"Lately? Mostly defensive. The Russian operative mission, that's guilt -- that was me. The avalanche near Anchorage, though... if they were just discussing the casualties, or saying I should have done better and could have prevented it, I'd feel guilty then. Hell, I tell myself that. But there hasn't been much of that lately."
I'll support this.
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Huh, really? I'm actually having second thoughts about it. I think it might be exactly backwards.
Ok. Then I vote for Guilt.
I dont like >>25855259
ether it is just a little off every where even if you invert it it is still wrong.
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You lean all the way back, quiet for a moment while you puzzle that over.

"For the Russian op, guilty. Right or wrong, it was my call, and I made it. But lately, this--thing, with Wolfspider--the avalanche, and Anchorage, I know that wasn't my fault. I did everything I could, and this is what I get in return. Suspicion, mistrust, and orders to go talk to the head doctor." You pause. "No offense."

"None taken. And between you and me, if I were sitting where you were, I'd be furious too. But I get the feeling that isn't everything." You hope that your paranoid streak started recently enough that no one's made a note about it on your file, yet--even if you're willing to share your concerns about the traitor, you're not sure you should. "I won't pry further than you're comfortable with, I promise." You sigh in relief at that.

"So what's the diagnosis, doc?" You ask. "Am I crazy?"

"I think you're a new recruit who's been thrown into the worst of what this job has to offer in your first months of employment," Cling says evenly, "and been given a very, very raw deal--for justifiable reasons, but that doesn't mean you have to like it. Honestly, I'd be more worried if you weren't upset about it. Oh, and I'm not a doctor."
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"Yeah, I gu--wait, what?"

He puts up his hands. "I'm fully accredited, trained, and qualified, of course, but I don't have my doctorate--yet. I wanted to go through a classical education. I'll be getting my diploma sometime next year, if things go to plan. But I digress." You realize about then there's no diploma on the wall--the one, stereotypical staple of any doctor's office. Huh. "At any rate, I think you're stressed, but sane. I'd like you to come back, if you don't mind, for a few more sessions."

But if he thinks you're fine, then... "Why?"

"Reploids--hunters, especially--have a lot of guilt about hurting or harming humans, regardless of the circumstances. It's a cultural stigma. Being a hunter only makes it worse, especially with the paranoia. Some of the most infamous mavericks of all time were former members. It's not a matter of making your guilt go away--it's built in, so to speak. We're all newcomers on a planet that had Isaac Asimov and Philip K. Dick a century before we were born. Society had expectations of what a living machine was long before even Light and Wily."

"So what, it's a race thing?" you ask.

"Somewhat. It's certainly not unique to you. I can say plenty of good hunters have been in your shoes--sometimes they kill in self defense, or there's an accident, or someone dies on their watch, or even losing other hunters under their command. Plus, we can discuss some of your missions in greater detail."

>I'd...really rather not. Thanks for the help, but I did what I was told.
>Uh...okay. I don't have to schedule my life around this, right?
>Uh...okay. I don't have to schedule my life around this, right?
>Uh...okay. I don't have to schedule my life around this, right?
"Uh...okay. I'm probably still going to call you 'doc', though."
>Uh...okay. I don't have to schedule my life around this, right?
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"Uh...sure," you decide, rubbing the back of your neck. "Just as long as I'm not going to have to drop everything for a scheduled appointment."

"Quite the opposite," Cling reassures you, "I'll send you a list of available times and update it appropriately. You can book a session with me when you're available with just a few minutes' notice."

That's...pretty handy, actually. "All right, thanks, doc. ...Do you mind if I still call you doc?"

He chuckles, shaking your hand. "I'm sure I'll adjust. Take care, Lieutenant."

"I will, and thanks again."

"No problem," he replies. "It's what I'm here for."

Well, all things considered that wasn't nearly as bad as you were expecting. Then again, you didn't get into fun things like the rank and file finding out about Grach's op, or your suspicions of an intel leak, but hey, baby steps, right?

That just leaves a few things to square away, if you find the time. A quick check-in back at base tells you that there's a weekly heads-together session for sharing intel, documenting records, and discussing strategy--a multi-parter. You have a handful of other duties you could take care of immediately as well--check up on and maintain all your gear, or manage personnel assigned to you.

Considering you were good and had your psych eval straightaway, you also could probably blow it off and go grab a recharge--you're about due--and you've apparently got a message from Emerald about your misericorde. Plus, you need to get your armor painted back up.

>Attend the strategy session.
>Weapons and equipment maintenance
>Personnel management
>Disregard duties, acquire paint
>Disregard duties, acquire sleep
>Disregard duties, acquire flash freeze upgrade
>Disregard duties, acquire sleep

It's been a hell of a day.
>Weapons and equipment maintenance
>Personnel management
>Disregard duties, acquire flash freeze upgrade
>Disregard duties, acquire sleep

In that order, though I suppose the first two could be done together? Also, don't feel like you have to ask us what to do every second of Anode's life. We're cool with time skips to get through less important shit.
This works for me, too. Seconding.
>Also, don't feel like you have to ask us what to do every second of Anode's life. We're cool with time skips to get through less important shit.

Yeah, I'm going to start working with timeskips here and there, probably after the first big arc is done. For reference, the entire list of off-combat duties is pretty big, and that meeting encapsulates several of them:
Reviewing force deployments, battle analysis, regular debriefing, mission consulting, strategy sessions, intel briefings, weapons and equipment maintenance
R&D checkins, briefings on new Mavericks, attack severity review, military science presentations, and personnel management.

All stuff you'll be seeing at least occasionally. You'd see more of it if Frog weren't so lax.

On another note, getting near on time for me to get rolling. I may not have time for another post today, just a heads up.
No problem. Been a pleasure to read your work, as usual.
>We're cool with time skips to get through less important shit.
But if he skips it all the time, this deprives him of the ability to throw a bomb in our face during it.

>Meeting, if we're not persona-non-grata
>Personnel management
>Weapons and equipment maintenance
>Sleep through India painting our armor fuschia-with-neon-green-polkadots

I kind of get the impression that we're going to be frozen out of the meeting. Call ahead, if we can.
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Yeah, it's time for me to get out of here. See you around, folks.
Later HC.

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