Seems it's that time again.>Opening theme> Capture Farfetch'd and return it to the gate alive, dead, or with just the leek.>SQUAD: >>Janine: MIA>Bruise: SnR Janine>Cerulean: Report to gate>Goldenrod: Asleep and with CeruleanPreviously: Janine's company slipped through a nest of Beedrill, though at Cerulean's word of the KoS notice on the Kakunes, the squad resolved to exteriminate them in a glorious joint effort.Yet during the aftermath of ensuring kills, Cerulean carelessly jolted a caterpie which sprayed her with a noxious odor, marking her for the monsters' wrath.At Janine's command, Goldenrod evacuated Cerulean from the berserk monsters, leaving it to Bruise and Janine to deal with, shortly after falling into a psychic slumber.Cerulean, delirious from the horrible stench turned her repel tech back on and went to cleanse herself of the stink, stumbling into the target. With foul quick thinking, she took action, and grounded the bird for capture. Using short-range comms, she then contacted Bruise and found that Janine had been lost from his sight, no reply on her part, and he chose to pursue the squad leader while Cerulean made her way back to the exit.You are deployed.Known chatacters> Index(Pending Updates)> Sheet>
>>28164354Captain reporting in!
>>28164354Someone is going to die tonight.Probably Janine. My guts say Bruise however.
>>28164411Technically he just said a ranger will die, not necessarily someone on our team.
>>28164354Hey OP quick question here, as there aren't many electric pokemons available in this region (Magnemitei and voltorb aren't even pokemon here, I would imagine that Jolteon is impossibly rare to obtain that leaves Pikachu and maybe Electabuzz ) so i was thinking if Vermilion City dose even have a gym or maybe they are an r&d department of this world?
>>28164426The rule of drama says that if someone dies, it will be someone that matters to the plot. Otherwise it wouldn't be a big deal.
Lets start things off smoothly.1d100 chance roll. This danger area is tripped. 1-5 critfail. 96-100 crit.Best of 5.>>28164427They abuse what pokemon they do have. Many of them are modded with pikachu and they are geared to make full use of their power.
>>28164411>>28164468Fuck. Fuck fuck.What if one of our other friends die.
>>28164468Could be one of our water friends?But yeah, probably Bruise.
Rolled 3>>28164477
Rolled 88>>28164477Rollin'!
Rolled 70>>28164477>1d100 chance roll. This danger area is trip1 get
Rolled 41>>28164477Time for critfail.
Rolled 44>>28164477>1d100Legendary when?
>>28164509Shameful display. And on the first roll too.
Rolled 90>>28164477i know we are dead because of >>28164509
>>28164509God fucking damnit Brutus.
Rolled 1>>28164509Wonderful.Fail-check 10 is maximum 1 is minimum.>>28164528Wanted to mention in-thread. Legendaries are all set to equivalent of level 100.
>>28164536This just means we've entered a dangerous area (either because of the terrain or enemies), I think. We can still avoid it, like we did last thread.>>28164553The dice gods taketh, but they also giveth.
>>28164553Thank Arceus for small favors at least.
Rolled 19>>28164553I am happy to see a 1 for once.
Rolled 32>>28164553A metapod appeared. Things will get hard!
>>28164553Which means that Articuno has Mind Reader, which guarantees that a move will hit, as well as Sheer Cold, which insta-kills anything it does hit.
>>28164633He ain't a legendary for nothing, it seems.
You have some trouble finding your way through the brush, thorny bushes with the odd awful worm thing or two here, a wandering Beedrill there. Though nothing too bad as you find something reminiscent of a path chewed through the foliage, you take that.The weight of the bird begins to bear down on you as you march on, yet what concerns you more is just how light your squad-mate feels upon your back as he piggyback's against you, his limp head bouncing against the collar of your ranger jacket, you start to become a bit concerned with exactly how much you're starting to sweat here.(Don't.)? Oh, woah wait, did he hear that?(Yes, just keep going, and- stop!)You halt suddenly, your foot hovering in the air as a small rabbit-like thing chews on some little red berries before you. Its ears perk up, you hold your breath, they flicker, it raises its nose to taste the air. Oh crap, oh crap. Please no, please don't smell me! You think to yourself as it looks directly to you, sniffing at your boot, and then looking directly into your eyes with its own sterling reds.Your voice escapes within a breath as a small,"H-hi."The creature jumps back suddenly, alarmed and hissing at you, spiny barbs exploding from hits skin.You begin to fumble into some kind of attack pattern when-(It's running.)"Huh?"He's right, it's just running away from you, disappearing into the bushes.Uhhh...>[] I don't like this, RUN!>[] Continue on carefully.>[] (Other)
>>28164736Oh balls.
>>28164736It might not be us that scared it.Take careful stock of the area around us; any other predators around that could have scared it away. Proceed carefully.
>>28164736>>[] Continue on carefully.Lets not alert any more Nidorans.
>>28164773>around u FOR any other predators aroundMade a little mistake there.
>>28164736So it's headed away from us, by which you mean it's headed in the direction we're going?Continue carefully but ask Goldenrod to keep his third eye open, if he could?We need to work together if we want to make this a reality.
Rolled 5>>28164736>>[] I don't like this, RUN!It may get scared BUT it may also comeback with reinforcementwe need to ask grumpy if/how far can he sense other animals/humans thoughts
>>28164736>>[X] Continue on carefully.
>>28164736>[X] Continue on carefully.
You look around warily, a touch paranoid that there may be something else that scared it, you don't see anything particularly alarming, and a little consulting with Goldenrod reveals the same.You breath a sigh of relief after looking back, happy that there's nothing breathing down your neck. Well- besides Grumpy.>Roll 1d100 for continuing.Alerted area: 1-10 fail; 96-100 critbest of 5.>Head South>Head Southeast.
>>28164633Though Zapdos knows Detect, which means it can dodge any move unless used in succession, and Moltres knows Endure, which means it can survive any move with at least one HP left.So I guess that's kind of a check and balance thing going on?
Rolled 46>>28164941CONTINUE ROLLIN'!
Rolled 68>>28164941>Head Southeast.
Rolled 29>>28164941>Head Southeast
>>28164941Head south. We don't want to directly enter into the previous area we battled in.I know we fought there to make it easier to pass through, but who knows what may be lingering around there after the weedle's goop attracted then.
Rolled 66>>28164941>>Head Southeast.we are making B line to the gate
Rolled 18>>2816494110 incoming
>>28164941So is that map actually displayed on our index, complete with the route we've traveled?
>>28164960Alright. 68 is fair.
>>28165018probably just a paper map
>>28165018No, it's primarily OC. If your overall orientation ever gets fucked up I'm going to warp it. Talking in terms of supersonic/confusion/concussion etc. You recovered with that dip anyway.
>>28164959>>28164960>>28164980>>28164994>>28165014Five rolls without a critical failure?Improbable.
>>28165056Hmm....Maybe we should adopt a habit of marking our trail in subtle ways. Would that have any benefit in the circumstances you described?
>>28165079That might be a good idea in the future, but couldn't that alert wild pokemon as well?
>>28165079Yes, it would unwarp familiar points in the orientation.You also DO have a map on your Index, though its a regional map, and doesn't track your location.When there's more reason to glance at it, I'll post it.No encounter.
>>28165062don't blame me i got the lowest
>>28165109There are ways to mark your path without letting it go unnoticed. Gotta be subtle. It may require some training to do that, so either we learn it ourselves or try to get a team member who can.It might be a good idea later on to check in on what kind of gear is available to us when we go on another expedition into a hazardous area.
You make your way from the Nidoran scare quickly enough, looking up the monster you'd just seen:>#029:Nidoran(female)>Type: Poison pin>Danger Level: D>Entry: A small dangerous creature. Caution must be taken to not be scratched by hits venomous barbs. Though docile, its toxin can be fatal to rangers if an antidote is not administered.>Good for making toxic rangers. (Interesting. You look them up pretty dutifully)"Of course, I need to know the enemy if I'm going to fight them, or avoid them." You smile to yourself. A glance at the Index doesn't hurt, and at the very least you know not to even try touching that monster.(There's antidote in my pack. I kind of figured you might be stupid enough to touch something like that so you might need it.)There's his attitude again. You sigh. Just keep with the happy, no reason to let him drag you down. Gotta flow like a wave, like mom always said...(You-)"Hm?"(Nothing. Nevermind. Keep a look out, you almost stepped on another one of those damn bugs.)Oh crap! You turn around, looking at a passed bush and see the thing crawling up a tree. "You suck as a lookout," you mumble as the worm halts, glancing in your direction, staring.(Well, it's seen you now)Ugh, you turn and carry on with a cautious haste. Its all his fault after all, bugging you like that.(Am not.)"Are too, Grumpy."Soon, you find yourself back at the thawing battlefield, dead kakunes everywhere, having fallen off of the trees, and beedrills passing over the place, examining the lost. It's a sad sight, almost. Right up until they begin eating the dead-shelled creatures, sending shivers down your spine as they crush in with their horrible mandibles.Your index begins to flash as it picks up a broadcasted shortrange, the beedrill's actions halting, and their antennae, listening.>[] Answer the call.>[] Find your Bident.>[] Icy wind!>[] Water gun!>[] (Other)Visible threats: 13~ Beedrill.
>>28165369>(Am not.)He read our mind. I guess he saw who our mom was when we thought of her?>Find somewhere safe and out of the way before answering the call
>>28165369>Answer the call.They could be in a worse situation than we are?Also back away slowly.
>>28165369>>[] Answer the call.can we turn down the volume? if not that we should back off as much as possible from them insects.
>>28165421Sounds good to me
Rolled 1>>28165369>>[] Answer the call.Move away to somewere safe and answer the call quietly.
>>28165369>Your index begins to flash as it picks up a broadcasted shortrange, the beedrill's actions halting, and their antennae, listening.It can't be Janine, since she wasn't picking up on our calls earlier....maybe another group?>>28165448Yeah, see if we can manipulate the volume first before answering.And try to move away a bit from the beedrills. They were apparently alerted to the broadcast signal, so it would be best if we moved away from this location first before ansering.
>>28165464Ah crap, forgot the dice roll in.Please tell me that didn't count.
>>28165464...Remove your dice.Forever.
>>28165491Lucky us he didn't ask for a roll.
>>28165491Don't worry, Professor didn't call for a dice roll.
>>28165464Man tg dice sure likes to troll
>>28165491Didn't count.Moving away to pick up the SR call.1d100 Danger area: 10 Crit 96+
Rolled 39>>28165546Rollin' for safety!
Rolled 9>>28165466>They were apparently alerted to the broadcast signalWhat if we told grumpy to broadcast some thought to them like "move along" or "run away"?>>28165546
Rolled 90>>281655461 get!
Rolled 7>>28165546Oh dear.
Rolled 42>>28165566>>28165546>>28165576You killed us!
>>28165565>>28165566>>28165576It's weird how the dice seem to roll pretty low at the beginning of the thread before picking up later on.
>>28165566>>28165576There we are.
>>28165599its probably something to do with the random number scrip not being random enough
>>28165599I think the dice gods demand action?It's not like crit fails are always bad, since one of them flushed Farfetch'd out of hiding.
>>28165652Let's hope the fail check rolls are low again this time.
Rolled 8Fail check.Low is good.
>>28165682Yeesh.As a reminder to ya'llz, we still got smoke bombs. So, hey.
>>28165668stop asking for nice things anon.
>>28165682And a swarm of hungry beedrills it will be from the looks of it.
>>28165668Considering there's a bunch of Beedrill like... right there, I doubt we'll be so lucky?
>>28165682Question, Professor. How large is the blast radius of the volt orbs?Since I don't think Goldenrod will be making any use of his....Just asking out of curiosity and in case it might be useful.>>28165712If Professor had rolled low, we would have been.
>>28165682So... does our Index have a "vibrate" setting?
>>28165736From the demo, you'd guess at about 10 meters. You both have a spare to switch out the one currently powering your gear. If it's lost, you won't have a spare to switch to and allow the old one to "rest."
>>28165758There's no need for you to post images all the time, you know.Just post them when they're appropriate.>>28165769No, I was talking about using Goldenrod's. Since he's out for the day, he won't really be making any use of them.Also, what does our gear do again? Make it easier to move, or something?
>>28165736Smoke bombs and Icy Wind first, save Voltorbs for something more durable.
You move away quietly from the bees, their antennae bobbing and their eyes beginning to flicker about. With a trickle of sweat working its way down from your brow from the heat mixed anxiety, you slip around a tree, breaking their direct line of contact. Safe and hidden at least from plain sight.Turning down the volume of your index, you bring it to your ear and engage the short-range receiver."Ceru...ut the... uise... er... s-th. Cerul... et... t of... bru... here so-..." The transmisson is broken, you can barely make it out, though it sounds like Janine. It sounds like Janine! she's okay.You flip it over to transmit-(Cerulean.)No, not now, not now, you need to say something, reply, let them know you're okay.>What will you say?And what's that buzzing?
>>28165801Oh wait, just re-read chapter 2. It powers up our index and shortcomm, alright.>>28165823I was asking out of curiosity, not because I wanted us to use it now.>>28165828>Where, urgent?Short and to the point. It asks for their location and whether or not they are in need of us.
>>28165828>Where are you?
>>28165801It powers your index and repel tech. It makes it easier to move because the monsters don't see you unless they have reason to investigate your presence, or catch your scent. It tricks their eyes and ears into ignoring you.
>>28165828>And what's that buzzing?>Look up
>>28165828ask their location
>>28165828Take a look around, make sure to check above us, never let down our awareness of our surroundings, and Grumpy just warned us."Heading towards exit, have Duck and Goldenrod, where are you?"
>>28165828>>What will you say?"Im back to place where we tough the beedrill. where are you?"
>>28165874Yeah let's do that.>>28165801Does everyone else agree that I should cut down on the pictures most of the time?
>"Ceru...ut the... uise... er... s-th. Cerul... et... t of... bru... here so-..."Anyone wanna try and deciper what's being said here before Professor posts the next update? There might be some pertinent information here that may affect our decision.
>>28165916I know one other anon asking you to do that a few threads ago when you asked that question.
>>28165921Cerulean ...ut the... Bruise... er... south. Cerulean get out of here, Bruise... here so-?
>>28165962Nice.Also, Goldenrod has flash bangs. We can use that instead of the smoke bombs, in case we need to get away from the beedrills.
>>28165962It's probably "get out of there."By now the beedril have found the kakuna remains, and are PISSED.We just walked into murdertown.
>>28166022There would explain the buzzing.
>>28166022So should we head south, or is south the last place we should go?
"Where, Urgent?" You whisper into the com. and a shadow passes over you, the buzzing louder.(Cerulean, up!)As you glance up, you see the slick chitin of a beedrill's stinger stab down at you, obscuring your sight with its malevolent and venomous shadow.Your world suddenly shifts, and you find yourself behind another tree, free of the looming threat.(I... don't know if I can do that again. You better do something, fish.)You hear the beat of wings and the rustling of bushes as the bugs flick around, gathering about the tree that you'd been behind as you peek. One's vision darts to you, and you hide behind the tree again, heart pounding.The message, it said get out of there.. or was it here? South? But the exit is east, it should be east of here. Yes, just east.But the swarm's here, the swarm's here and you've dropped your bident. Shit your bident is here.What can you do here Cerulean, they'll find you any second now...The sun is beginning to set.>BATTLE START13~ Beedrill, last check, 3 have been alerted to your presence, or was it 5?>[] Use a Move!>[] Use an Item!>[] Switch Poke-(Wait, what?>[] Run Away!
>>28166132This should've been posted earlier.
>>28166132Toss a smoke grenade to cover our escape?
>>28166132>[] Use an Item!Throw the smokebomb then>>[] Run Away!Go to the south
>>28166169>>28166176We have flashbangs as well. Smoke will irritate them.
>>28166181Alright, flashbang then.The point is, we're not fighting these guys, Icy Wind or no.
>>28166210They don't actually know where we are yet. They've just been alerted to our presence.>>28166132Maybe we can throw a rock into some bushes to try and distract the beedrill who are looking for us.Also, let's try to do a quick check for our bident. Maybe we can snatch it up safely enough. Maybe.
Final choice?
>>28166277No, I'm against using flashbangs for now, since our current location is still unknown to the alerted beedrills.
Im also against the flashbang. Use smoke.
>>28166294I'd say creep away, run if they notice us, smoke bomb if they chase us, and head to the south.
>>28166332I agree with this
>>28166314>>28166332Why smoke? I'm against using that right now too. And they irritate beedrills. It drove them into a frenzy when we used it last time and it's too noticeable.Flash bangs would be best for helping us get away, I think, for their concussive effect.
>[] Use a rock to divert their attentions.>[] Flashbang to blind them.>[] Smoke bang to irritate and drive them away.>[] Find the Bident.>[] Give up the bident.>[] Head East to the exit.>[] Head South as the broken transmission says.
>>28166372>Rock>Try to find the bident>South
>>28166372>>[] Use a rock to divert their attentions.Excellent idea>[] Give up the bident.>[] Head South as the broken transmission says.
>>28166372>Use a rock to divert their attentions.>Give up the bident.>Head South as the broken transmission says.
>[X] Smoke bang to irritate and drive them away.>[X] Give up the bident.We already have our hands full with both Grumpy and the Farfetch>[X] Head South as the broken transmission says.
>>28166417>We already have our hands full with both Grumpy and the FarfetchAh, yes, this makes sense. We'll want to preserve our stamina in this situation.>>28166404Changing my vote here to simply>Rock>Give up bident>South
>>28166372>[X] Use a rock to divert their attentions.>[X] Give up the bident.>[X] Head South as the broken transmission says.
1d20DC 15Ingenuity +1Planning +4
>>28166372>[X} Rock>[X] Find the Bident>[x] south
>>28166529That's me.And this is myself.Just I.
Rolled 14 + 4>>28166529Despair!
Rolled 17 + 5>>28166529Your trip Doc.
>>28166552>>28166554Good going guys.
>>28166554Maybe... maybe we can stop rolling here?
Rolled 64>>28166529>>28166551
>>28166551Wish your post had been up before I hyped myself.
>>28166552I'd hit it.>>28166578Maybe we should, but that would be awfully meta.
>>28166578Or would that be unsportsmanlike, to stop before the dice pool has been filled, or whatever?Generally so many people roll at the same time that it doesn't become an issue.
Rolled 19 + 5>>28166630>>28166529Then I guess there's no choice but to roll a 1.For... fairness?
>>28166681The dice are torturing us with these rolls.Just you wait.When the Professor officially asks us for a roll, we're gonna fail.
Rolled 17 + 5>>28166698>>28166529Haven't we been asked for a roll right now?Because it sure seems like we have, regardless of him forgetting his trip.So these rolls count, just like this 1 I'm about to roll.Like these
>>28166681>>28166554I require three more rolls with the modifier.
Rolled 15 + 5>>28166529>>28166729Oh god help me.
Rolled 15 + 5>>28166529>>28166729I think you mean two more.One of which will be a critical failure.
Rolled 16 + 5>>28166729SURE.
Rolled 6>>28166729there is no way this isn't a 1.
Rolled 13 + 5>>28166729
>>28166681>>28166726>>28166749Reverse psychology worked?But probably not for long, so I wouldn't press it.
Rolled 15 + 5>>28166552>>28166554>>28166681>>28166726>>28166747>>28166749>>28166752Holy shit we all did great, not one roll belo- >>28166758I'm not even mad after that streak.
>>28166775Did you not see the 3 rolls before your previous one?>>28166781Just by mentioning our use of reverse psychology, you have already nullified it. Pointing out the tropes is what makes them fail us!
Interesting.Oh and right.. I need to keep track of combat scenarios and completed objectives for your exp yield upon return. Just saying that's a thing. Battles yield exp.>Writing for Flight reaction.
>>28166844Battles give us exp to improve our abilities, but what about our stats like tenacity, charm, and ingenuity?
>>28166873Based on actions taken. Using the stats well improves them. You're actually due for a charm upgrade.
>>28166844But not dying allows opportunities for more EXP.Plus we've got two helpless beings on our person and its our responsibility to keep them alive.Not exactly the time to pick fights.
>>28166899>You're actually due for a charm upgrade.Damn straight we are.
>>28166902Exp translates into practical experience in the usage of our abilities, I think. That is to say, the more used we are to using our implants, the better we can handle them. I assume learning new moves would be like us learning how to better manipulate our implants' organs or becoming more in tune with its more intangible aspects.I'm not sure if training is required for IMPROVING our currently existing techniques, though?
Inching away from the bees.I'm going to run. That's what I'm going to do. Grumpy, point me south, and hang on, okay?(Roger, just throw the rock near the bushes.)H-how. Oh, right.As the bees study your previous location curiously, they touch antennae to one another, distracted by the action.You take the chance to grab for a rock. Tch, no rock. You grab a stick and fling it in their direction, at the brush behind them.Instantly, and much to your disheartening, they react instantly.The nearest one jabs one of its stingers into the bush, followed by a second as they all stab and mutilate the shrub, checking it for something to kill.You blanch and fling a second stick out of their vision, the same response as they buzz angrily, murdering the life out of an undeserving shrub and giving pursuit to something else that's rustled.With the departure of the furious five, you carefully point yourself south and avoid any contact, however brief with any other shrubs it could mean your life.>Entering Tripped Danger Zone: 101d100 Best of 5>Anything you'd like to speak with grumpy about? He wouldn't mind getting spoken to.>Short comm is also still available.The sun is still setting... It will be dark soon.
>>28166951I was just commenting on it would be a bad idea to take on the Beedrill swarm, regardless of how much EXP it could net us if we won?
Rolled 51>>28166975
Rolled 24>>28166975
Rolled 48>>28166975>Short comm is also still available.Tell them we are going south from the beedrill.Or just South from Beedrills.
Rolled 84>>28166975>Try to get into contact again>Ask Grumpy if he saw something in your mind that he shouldn't have
Rolled 39>>28166975If he doesn't mind, ask him how he is able to operate when asleep?Like he doesn't seem to be able to consciously move his body, and is he able to observe things by some kind of astral projection, or is he piggybacking our senses?...I don't know how to phrase that in a matter appropriate for the 10-year-old girl that we are.
Rolled 28>>28166975
Rolled 4>>28166975here we goWe should ask Grumpy how can he see while he's sleeping. I mean he did saw that bedrill coming at us
>>28166979Yeah, realized that after the fact.>>28167030Woo, my second good roll in this thread.Also, I want to ask him that because of the way he told us "Nothing" earlier. SUSPICION.
Rolled 22>>28166975Try to reach our team mates on radio, share our location, that we have the duck, and we're getting both it and Goldenrod out of the forest for now.Once that's taken care of thank Grumpy for saving us again. Tell him we couldn't have made it this far without him.
>>28167052The dice gods are eying us all warily for any misstep, it seems.
>>28167030Let's cut the chatter and just ask him if he can keep what he read about our mom between the two of us?Show that we trust him, as opposed to accusing him?
Things that can be shared thus far: Index: A multipurpose device that has been made and based off of an old recovered technology. With the ability to take pictures and record voice clips, it allows rangers to take detailed observations of monsters that they encounter, and look up archived information reviewed by professors.Waterproofed, it has an incredibly resilient case, even to the point that it can survive up to 1 ton of pressure without cracking.Each one bears the name of a ranger engraved upon the inside, along with their home gym to be used as a dog-tag identification should the unthinkable happen.It updates with a direct-line sync up and is configured to use very little energy draw from the core gear.May come in different colors, often bright to be noticed. Often unlikely a monster would destroy it.
Do Rangers ever customize their Index with decorations?Or would that be.....too much?
>>28167095Should we record a small voice clip about how Beedrill eat their dead, and linger in an area where their kind has been killed?
>>28167140We can do that when we're no longer in the danger zone.
>>28167140Yeah, totally sounds like a good idea. They recycle for efficiency, so it'd be recommended for rangers to dispose of the remains if possible to hinder their recovery in an area.>>28167162We're not. We managed to escape and rolled well, so we didn't trigger another one.
>>28167095Hey, Goldenrod was forced into sleep, right? But can he force himself awake too? He'll need to eat since it's pretty obvious that we're going to have to hunker down for the night.
>>28167234Did we even bring any food beyond the bait for the Farfetch'd?
>>28167193Well by danger zone I meant in the forest, not exactly the best place to sit down and record stuff.
>>28167267Yeah, it was part of the standard equipment. Everyone in the group has 3 days worth of field rations.>>28167272But we did that last thread.
As you walk, the boy on your back and the greenhouse effect draining your stamina into the evening.You kind of fear making things better for yourself with your icy wind, though the thought lingers.(It's okay if you want to. I'll tell you if I get uncomfortable.)"Are you sure?" You whisper out under your breath, passing by a small group of nidoran running together.They're kind of cute.(It is. And are they? I've seen pictures. Always thought they were a bit ugly.)"I think they're cute. At least they're not mean. At least, unless they notice you."A chill air is conjured about you, taking the edge of the heat off. It feels good, relaxing your heated body, and bringing your stamina back, bit by bit. You feel a shiver across your back, and before you can open your mouth.(No, I'm fine. Nothing a Saffron can't handle after all. Worry about yourself you stupid fish-girl.)You sigh, and let it roll off of you again. Thoughts begin to surge forth about why he's so mean, and then-(None of your business.)"We're friends right?" You whisper softly as you trudge on.(Y-yeah... I guess.)"Then why do you keep calling me stupid? And what was that about nothing earlier?"(N- It- No, it was nothing.)"No, it was. What was it."(Who's your mother?)You stop walking for a moment, and your thoughts begin to drift to your memories, Red eyes, red hair, a horn and lovely white skin."That's none of your business." You huff stubbornly, continuing on.(It's... Who is that? Tell me, I know who that is.) He pesters the subject.>[] Think something nasty to make him shush up.>[] Try to just stop thinking about anything.>[] Fess up.>[] (Other)
>>28167351Fess up, since he can put it together later.Plus his mom is also a big deal, and seems to not like him very much.
>>28167351>Well, it's something we've got in common. We both have a lot to live up to.
>>28167351>>[] (Other)Tell him that you would prefer it if people didn't knew who your mother was. Ask him politely to drop the subject.
>>28167351Fess up. It's just going to make us seem like an ice queen if we try and refuse or skirt around it. Make it clear we don't like talking about it, though.
>>28167402For clarification, I'm voting to fess up while using it as an opportunity to bond with Grumpy a little.>>28167408Let's not rush into telling him to say nothing. I'm sure he understands from our first response (and just from reading our thoughts) that we don't want anyone knowing about it.Although we should ask him if he can try not to catch every surface thought we have. Girls need their privacy.
>>28167351>>[] (Other)"Well, who's yours?"
>>28167351Fess up.
>>28167351"You know very well that my mother is Lorelei. The white skin gives it away.I'm not mad, I just don't like people knowing. I love her and want to make her proud, but I want people to see me as me, not just as an offshoot of my mother.Please don't go around telling everyone, I trust you Grumpy."
>>28167351>>[] Fess up.Also try to get him to admit his mom's Sabrina.
>>28167421>ice queenHeh.
>>28167510>The white skin gives it away.We got the skin after the operation.And if we trust him, we'll let him tell us himself that he won't tell anyone. He's not that much of a blabbermouth anyway, so I don't think there's any real danger of him gossiping about it.
>>28167546I meant the white skin that our mother has. He saw an image of her because he's in our head, and there aren't all that many people with pure white skin around, she's pretty distinctive.
>>28167546>He's not that much of a blabbermouth anywayYou guys do remember that he was talking smack about us behind our back before right? I know we made friends since but still.
>>28167588What about all the other people who get seal implants?
>>28167609That shows he's a jerk, but aside from his snide remarks, he doesn't show off any indication that he's a, as they say in the business of gossip, "pot stirrer".
>>28167609Well, in that case we tell him who is our mother if he tells us who is his mother.Simple as that.But, shouldn't we trust him as he is our firend?
>>28167634That is exactly what it indicated.>>28167640I know I said that I was just mentioning previous instances of him gossiping.
>>28167640Although we already have our own suspicions of who his mother is, so we might as well fess that up as well.
>>28167686we KNOW who his mother is. it isn't like it's a secret like ours is
>>28167686Is it even a suspicion?I thought it was flat out stated?
>>28167630Probably not all that many with Seel implants, none of which are as well known as our mother.
>>28167718>>28167719Oh, was it stated? I can't remember if it ever was.
>>28167723we are the only ice type right now, so i imagine seels are pretty rare.i know we aren't ice yet but you get my point
You mull it over amidst the esper's psychic pestering washing over your mind, and you finally decide you might as well tell him.(So?) His inner voice whispers expectantly."Lorelei. My mother is Lorelei, the Frozen of the Elite Four."Suddenly Goldenrod goes quiet in his thoughts, though you feel his emotions wash out and over you. At first its a stricken surprise, then its a slow realization, and finally it ends up with an odd sort of fuming.(Lorelei? You're kidding.) You feel the impression of him shaking his head in disbelief. (Though you can't be.)(Elite four though. That's crazy. I never would have- well, the ice gives it away I guess. Misty trains most Fish in water and whatever else they're good at. Your ice isn't trained, I felt that earlier.)"Well, now that you know, don't go telling others." You sigh, drooping your head a little as the light wanes slowly among the wood. "I don't want others treating me any different."There's no response right away from him, he seems to be thinking.(Its not really fair.)"What?"(Its really not fair that you get to be Lorelei's girl. And no one's treated you differently. Its not fair that your mom is so nice either.) His sleeping hands clutch you tighter as you feel him shaking against your body."It's-"(It's not fair that my mom never looked at me that way. Its not fair that she says all those nice things to you. Its no wonder that you're so annoying.)You suddenly feel the weight from your back disappear, and Goldenrod floats, cross-legged before you and down the trail, one of his eyes cracks open with a glint of reflected light from the disparate rays of light catching.(I don't want to be so close to you right now. Why aren't we leaving anyway? You think that message said for us to go south?)
>>28167723No reason for them to be any more or less common than other implants. Besides shits like tentacool and so on anyway.
You stop walking, standing around five paces before the boy and his malevolent gleam."That's what it said." You stand by your decision a touch stubbornly.(Why haven't you checked the comm then? We should be close. Or do you plan on giving up the bird to another squad? Your fish-friends?)You feel like something has changed in him, he's not acting right. What is this?>[] Calm him down, the two of you can talk about this.>[] Use your Short-com.>[] Keep walking South, you don't have to take this.>[] (Other)>>28167755Seel are uncommon due to the polar region that they're from. Most rangers can't tolerate the waters that they're from.
>>28167765Ask if there are any pokemon around. If he says no:[X] use your short-com
>>28167765Ah, that makes sense. >[] Use your Short-com.
>>28167765>>[] Calm him down, the two of you can talk about this.>>[] Use your he about to evolve?
>>28167765>[] Use your Short-com.Also, ask him if anything is wrong.
>>28167765Use your short comThis appears to be a subject niether of us want to pursue.
>>28167765>Calm him down, the two of you can talk about thisRemind him that he can read our mind. Does he really think we could hide our intentions from him, even if we wanted to?
>>28167804He just told us whats wrong you numpty.
>>28167765He is about to evolve. he couldn't float very well before and he said he was tiredi just hope he doesn't go full dickass.
>>28167765Start by checking our surroundings. Make sure there's nothing in the area. Ask Grumpy to give a scan as well.Check our comm, try to get in contact with Janine and Bruise. Inform them of our situation and so on.After that we can decide on a course of action, and talk to Grumpy about this.
>>28167830There is obviously more to it and we have to open a dialogue because right now, he is a liability.
>>28167863mission comes first bro
>>28167723>Probably not all that many with Seel implantsWe rolled in the first thread for our implants. Seels are mid-tier.>>28167765>Calm him down>"Yeah. It's unfair. And I'm sorry things are like that. I wish that no one would have to have such a hard time. But the best I can do is try to make it easier on others as much as I can.">Use Short-com afterwardI always assume suggesting stuff to say improves our chances of succeeding.>>28167814It's not that he thinks we're hiding our intentions from him. He's just jealous of our situation.>>28167861There's nothing, don't worry. This is the scene we rolled for earlier. We didn't trip a danger zone, so we're fine.
>>28167863Its pretty straight forward. His mom is famous and a bitch to him since he isn't anything special and he is pissed that his mother praised us and that our mom isn't also shitty.
>>28167914seels are mid/high (we may have gotten a bonus for PLOT) i believe we rolled a 68. and Prof just said they are pretty rare.
>>28167889Indeed, but we can't have an unstable team member who can barely move on his own refusing our help.Might as well take a few minutes to talk it out before going back on the road.
>>28167855>hopeYou're praying to the wrong Arceus.Seems the consensus is to remain a bit objective and check the shortcom. before pursuing this.
>>28167889We're going to have to hunker down now anyway. The sun is setting.Anyway, talking is a free action, don'tcha know?
>>28167917And he is evolving or may evolve if the right/wrong things are said
>>28167962Yeah, that sounds reasonable.
>>28167966This possibly also.
>>28167966I assumed that evolutions were based on how mature one's implant becomes (ie; how much it has grown and adapted to one's body). Although I guess Goldenrod's psychic based implant might mature based on his emotions.But is this natural? Or would forcing it be bad?
>>28168042it probably varies for each implant. we should try to do what we would normally do, calm him down/be our normal nice self, if he evolves then great, if not then it wasn't the proper time
>>28168042I imagine that it's going to be pretty painful either way.
>>28168042It doesn't seem natural. Dude's only had it for a couple months right?And this is his first time encountering wild pokemon.Hard to believe he's already Level 16.
I was looking up Kadabra's dex entries and it says one day a boy woke up as a kadabra
"I'll check the comm," You nip at your lip a bit, as you drop your head down a bit in resignation to his growing fury."Is the area clear?"(Yes. Do it.) His mental voice a sneer as his lip curls up to emulate his thought.You touch the Shortcom into broadcast, and instantly you feel curious eyes move around you, curious. Their number, you aren't aware."G-goldenrod."(Do it.)"Th-this is C" You speak into the com as a rustling of the trees startles you," P-please respond squad J-nine. Please respond." The creeping dark of the forest preys upon your paranoia as the red eyes glimmer about in the dark, reflecting the light a thousand times with little eyes.There are roughly five pairs of these things before you, at Goldenrod's back.>[] Continue the transmission until you get a response.>Refuse to continue.>[] Run away from the eyes, and back north.>[] Lash out with Icy Wind or Water Gun.>[] (Other)
>>28168086> Rumors and hearsay are not necessarily true.
>[] Continue the transmission until you get a response.
>>28168093Continue and lash out with Icy Wind
>>28168093Goldenrod isn't on our back anymore right?In that case, we have no choice but to fight.Open with icy wind.
>>28168093>>[] Continue the transmission until you get a response.lets test our grumpys new psychic powers
>>28168093Wait for a response for 30 seconds. Then repeat quietly. Try a couple times. If it doesn't work after like three, put the comms away and get the hell out of there with goldenrod.
>>28168093>Continue the transmissionAdd in that there are five monsters with red eyes that are currently behind Goldenrod right now.
>>28168132Should be linked, almost missed this.
>>28168093[X] Continue the transmission until you get a response.Don't send another immediately, wait for a bit before sending the next one. Calm ourself down as we do this, don't freak out.Keep an eye on the things behind Goldenrod. Have some Icy Wind centered on ourself and ready to go if anything changes.
>>28168093>red eyesRattatas
>>28168093>[X] Continue the transmission until you get a response.
With panicked breathing you begin to nod, your head slowly, trying to calm your breathing with paced and careful breaths."C here, south of Kakune kill-zone. Squad J-nine. Please copy, I see red eyes. A lot of red little eyes."(Keep going.)You repeat the call again, as the eyes wander closer into the waning light, stuff purple hairs strewn across their body as they sniff about you carefully, investigating the source of the broadcast.A crack comes through the radio, and you here a voice," This is J, C, do you copy? Over.""Yes." You hush your breath into the radio."Do not engage Venonat. They will not harm you unless you strike first."Your quivering heart holds some disbelief, as you look at the curious monsters that must see you as some kind of blur, if at all."Do not touch them either, they sweat out poison to protect themselves." Janine warns you as Goldenrod stares quietly, still floating in place, though his eye no longer gleaming at you with that anger. Could he have-"C, do you copy?""Y-yes, I have not touched them. Where are you J?""Holding to the south with B by his mark. We found another team. B told me. Continue south for rendezvous, so that we can hold up for the night. Be careful, and don't antagonize the venonats. Do not make fire. Over.">[] Counterpropose to end this tonight by heading to your entry gate.>[] Listen to your squad leader.>[] (Other)As she said, the venonats are curious, though not acting aggressively.
>>28168403>Listen to your squad leader.Ask Goldenrod to please not do the thing he's thinking of doing?
>>28168403>>[] Listen to your squad leader
>>28168403tell her we have the farfetch'd, then listen to squad leader. If she wants to end it tonight, she'll tell us the new gate plan.
>>28168403this.>>28168429than ask what the fuck is wrong with Grumpy
>>28168403>>[] Counterpropose to end this tonight by heading to your entry gate.
>>28168403>Listen to squad leader>Tell Goldenrod that we'll need to regroup with the rest of our group. The sun is coming down and fighting in the dark will be dangerous. Best to avoid it.I hated fighting in the dark in Dragon's Dogma until I became badass enough to kill everything that came after me.
>>28168403Follow orders
So guys. Anyone here have any idea of what we can say to Goldenrod to quell his tantrum?Just something to do while we're waiting.
I am afraid the other team will attemp to steal our farfetch'd. SHouldn't we end this ASAP?
>>28168507That'd be risky. Do you actually know how dark it is at night without any lights? It's really dark. With what we have, we'd barely be able to see in front of us at all.
>>28168489We both have mother issues, we could talk to him about what it was like before we had our operation.
>>28168429>Ask Goldenrod to please not do the thing he's thinking of doing?Whatever do you think he's thinking of doing?
>>28168507Do you want to deal with a swarm of Beedrill and whatever else made Janine decide to head south?>>28168489He's scaring us?
>>28168489Sorry shit's unfair, bro. Glad you were here though, I forgot entirely about the communicator.Because I totally did.
>>28168559>>28168429Let's not do that directly. Other anon might be thinking Goldenrod wants to attack the venonats. Who knows if he's really thinking of doing that. If he is, just subtly discourage him.
>>28168403>[X] Listen to your squad leader.>>28168558this. We probably will lose some friends once everyone knows who our mother is, but I still want to be friend with Grumpy.
>>28168564>>28168557In that case, we should be extra careful, set up watches and leave early.
>Following orders.Roll 1d100 for Chance.Danger Zone: 15Best of 5.
>>28168446we don't want to say that out loud more than we have to, don't want another team to overhear, and she just said bruise told her.>>28168567I'd rather not give him another reason to think we're stupid. A legitimate reason to refrain from using it was that it was attracting bug types.
>>28168558Ask him if he'd like us to tell everyone that Lorelei is our mother?Would that make him feel better or worse?
Rolled 73>>28168630
Rolled 4>>28168630>Danger Zone: 15We are screwed
Rolled 49>>28168600>We probably will lose some friends once everyone knows who our mother isWhy? Why would we lose any friends? Some might distance their selves away from us due to intimidate, but the people we personally know would probably just be miffed that we hadn't told them.>>28168558This actually makes some sense. Let Goldenrod vent some of his frustrations. I don't know why, but people seem to relax after having someone hear them complain about their problems.Let's ask Goldenrod what his mother does to him.>>28168630ROLL!
Rolled 15>>28168630oh boy
Rolled 82>>28168630Rolling for venonat stampede
Rolled 7>>28168630DEATH!
Rolled 20>>28168630
Rolled 4>>28168651Check>>28168659>venonat You wish.
wow our dice are downright vicious tonight. We've only have one successful roll for danger zones!
>>28168667That's gonna give me nightmares.>>28168669Not too bad.>writing.
>>28168651>>28168656Yep. Screwed.Not to worry. That doesn't mean we're automatically found, just that we need to find someway to avoid it.>>281686694 is pretty low. I'm sure we can work through this.PRIME-RAPE?
>>28168651Indeed we are.
I kinda hope Grumpy gets an Espurr ear orb implant thing if he lives that long.The thing they evolve into can disintegrate tons of steel in an instant like is nothing.
>>28168669Do I ever
Rolled 86>>28168711
>>28168700They live in Poke-France. We're in Poke-Japan.Best Goldenrod can hope for is a Drowzee, which might not give him all that much.
>>28168733But they're so cute.
Can we only learn four moves?
>>28168904no, there is no limit on # of moves
"Roger J. Coming. Over."You shut off the comm and give Goldenrod a relieved, look despite his shut eyes."I forgot about the comm," you mumble to yourself, sure that he can hear.(Of course you did, you stupid fish.)"I'm going now." You pick up your feet and carefully avoid the Venonat as they curiously investigate the place that you'd been. Okay, now these are kind of cute. Even if they are a bit creepy.(No, they're just monsters. If the others were here we should be clearing them.[/spoiler]The boy whispers spitefully into your mind.Your lip quivers with his sudden change in character at learning of your mother, it's not fair after all. It's exactly what you didn't want."Why are you doing this?"(Because it isn't fair that you get to have a mom that loves you.) His voice comes across as dead, dull.With a thoughtful touch to your own shoulder, your eyes flicker about the surroundings, checking for threats."What is it about your mother that's so unfair? She brought you into this world, didn't she?"There's no response from Goldenrod as the dark cloud of his mind festers with anger and then suddenly drops into sadness,(It's always been unfair. I wasn't born an esper like other kids. She never looked at me like she did her students. She always hated the fact that I didn't have any power, she'd blame it on my father.)There's a pause to his thoughts as he formulates it all.
(She told me over and over again to bend the spoon, but not with my thumb. She'd lock me away in a room with nothing but the damn spoon, telling me to stop crying. That it hurt her ears, and to bend the damn spoon. I tried, I did it one day, but she knew that I used my hands. She broke my wrist and put me back in there with the same twisted spoon after she fixed it.My mother is Sabrina, and I tried to make her happy by signing onto become a ranger. But it didn't help. I think she hates me more because I'm still so useless. I think she only consented because she thought I'd die from it.)Goldenrod's shoulders huff up and down as tears begin to streak down from his almond eyes, the sound of sniffling as he draws in hesitated breaths.(That's why you piss me off so much. I could never be friends with you. You don't know anything about that stupid fucking spoon.) His mouth draws upon as he weeps openly, sniffling and sucking down the air as he unconsciously holds his left wrist at the reliving of the memory.You can't control your expression, your lips quivering into a frown as you feel his emotion wash over you, drawing you the image of that room and that spoon.>[] Give him a hug.>[] Say something.>[] Tell him to come on, you need to go.>[] (Other)
>>28169028Sabrina a shit.
>>28169028I really want to hug him, but he'll probably run away. Abras do that.
Rolled 99>>28169028>[] Give him a hug.I sense a pattern.
>>28169028>>[] Give him a hug.We gettin that charm bonus now?we should probably say something too but i shall leave that for the more eloquent anons
>>28169008>>28169028What a bitch.>"Goldy. I'm going to hug you. Don't stop me. Because I could never leave my friends hurting like this."Then hug the fuck out of him.>>28169080The dice gods. They speak to us.
>[] Give him a hug."I wish I could say something that could make it all better. I really do."
Rolled 1>>28169080>992 DAMN CUTE
>>28169112thank goodness you didn't link this
>>28169103Yeah this.Tell him first.
Rolled 39>>28169119I know right? completely forgot it was still in the email field
>>28169112And.....they're saying something about us now.>>28169119It wouldn't matter, since the Prof didn't ask for a roll.
>>28169028Shed some tears and hug
Unanimous hugging.Roll 1d20DC Questionable +2 Charm I expect a 20, but we'll see.
>>28169028Tell him that he shouldn't let a monster like his mother control whether or not he's happy?And that he'll never be locked up in a room like that again?Not just because he can teleport, but because we won't let it happen?I really don't know what to do here.
Rolled 11>>28169156
>>28169028this is really familiar...
>>28169028>[] Give him a hug.>[] Say something."You don't have to spend your life alone in a room of painful memories."
Rolled 15>>28169156
Rolled 6 + 2>>28169156
Rolled 1>>28169156Yeah I also think it's too soon for a hug
Rolled 15 + 2>>28169156Time now for everything to start tumbling down with some consecutive 1s.
Rolled 5 + 2>>28169156
Rolled 12 + 2>>28169156Forgot the modifier
Rolled 18 + 2>>28169170>>28169165>>28169179>>28169156needs the modifiersno modifer on the 1 fick ye
>>28169179ah shit i forgot the bonus, will this still count?
>>28169179Really glad you didn't have the right modifier.
Rolled 19 + 2>>28169156rolling
>>28169166 Based her off the worse mum.You sure Goldy's a boy?
Rolled 15 + 2>>28169156
Rolled 20 + 2>>28169156nobody deserves such a fucked-up childhood
Rolled 9 + 2>>28169156is it best of 5?cause if so then it is 18+2
>>28169166Sabrina is such a massive shit.
>>28169194>18 + 2 = 20Excellent.>>28169205>19 + 2 = 20Even more excellent.>>28169214Too bad it's too late.BUT I'D BE DROWNING IN ALL THIS EXTRA GRAVY.>>28169195No, they never do. The one time we did try to get a die roll with no modifier accepted, we had to sacrifice a tenacity point.>>28169206Oh youuuuu~.
>>28169194That'll do.>Writing.
>>28169194Effectively a 20.Hopefully good enough?Maybe we should apologize and say that we're not that smart to know what to say, and that there's only one thing we know how to do.
>>28169241When will we be getting that charm upgrade, Prof?
Rolled 1 + 2>>28169241isn't being cute fucking great?i feel like that popular cheerleader that just has to push out her tits to get a good grade on the test
>>28169246We're only 10 years old. We can't really be blamed for not having the ability to act as a therapist for our peers.But yeah, it makes sense. To say sorry that we don't know what to do for him. And that all we can really do is.Be adorable.>>28169264You corrupted the cutie. The dice gods punished you for it.
>>28169246won't need to>>28169264boy am i glad that didn't count
>>28169246We can still say he is our hero for saving us more than once and we will just have to love him twice as much.
>>28169241we are solving this like Soul Eater as well.time to hug it out, bitches.
>>28169321This is like my weekly Shounen Jump, desugawaaaaa!!!!But instead of manly men speaking through their fistsWe're little children speaking through our heartsIt''s pretty much just as powerful.
>>28169321Wasn't Maka's mother one of the best meister's ever as well?And hasn't she suffered morale loss whenever she felt she was lagging behind?This IS Soul Eater.
>>28169379and we ARE our own weapons...
>>28169379What the hell.........Professor! You turned us into Maka! Though, thankfully, without the caustic attitude. You gave that to Goldy.
>>28169379Attack on PokeSoul Hunter Quest, why can't I hold all these crossovers?
>>28169409>Though, thankfully, without the caustic attitude.We're only ten years old.Give it time.
You stammer together some words as you try to think of the right thing to say, but nothing sounds quite good enough in your head or coming out of your mouth. So you give that up."Goldy. I'm going to hug you. Don't stop me. Don't do it, okay? I can't just leave a friend hurting like this."You take steps to him, the crying boy floating there with nothing but the power of his own fragile mind.He shudders as you touch his shoulders, and he falls into your arms as he unconsciously returns the gesture, the tears from his face running into your jacket.(I'm sorry I suck so bad, fish. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. And it has to be the person that I hate the most that calls me a friend. This is so stupid. I hate it.) Yet he cries into your arms anyway._________________________________________________The two of your continue after that little moment, Goldie agrees not to tell anyone about your mom, if you agree to be his friend.It sounded like a fair deal to you. You hear the flapping of wings on the night pass overhead, and a terrible little sound ringing in the back of your mind as they do."What?"(Turn up your Repel. There's zubats. They're looking for food.)As you touch the settings, you see that your repel tech can go up a couple notches to make you less perceptible. Though you're getting a red light from your power reserves... At the next setting you might just have ten minutes left. Current setting it has an hour.Unless you bring the system down and swap out your volt-orb.>[] Replace Volt Orb.>[] Keep it on its current setting.>[] Turn it up and run for it.>[] (Other)
>>28169431Will we fill out more evenly than Maka in the chest department?
>>28169409>>28169417Truly, it was not my intention. Though there was almost a tie between this and Soul Eater Quest.>>28169480No comment.
>>28169461>Keep it on its current settingReplace the Volt Orb in say... half an hour or so?
>>28169461Turn it up and go fast.Also, check goldie's repel. If he gets on our back, we can probably share one while the other swaps out. If he doesn't have to repel, we'll have to meet the others in our 10 minute timespan to do that.
>>28169417Terra ForKanto>>28169461>Keep it on its current setting>Find somewhere safe to replace our volt orbHow loud is a flash bang? We could use the light to disorient them, in case they attack us.>>28169480Well, we're already chubbier.
>>28169480To be honest, I assumed that one of the side-effects of our Seel graft would be that all our fat is distributed more or less uniformly.
>>28169461>[] Keep it on its current setting.While we travel lets look for a safe place to swap the orbs
>>28169461>>[] Keep it on its current setting.we can replace once we hook up with the rest of them.We are probably gonna give them our look while we keep our bird
>>28169461>[x] Replace Volt Orb.>[x] Turn it up and run for it.Keep the old one with some juice so we can keep it to explode with the other one, if I remember how the reaction worked, it needed two charged orbs.
Question, Duke. Just read the entry on zubat. They evolve when they have high levels of.....friendship.A couple of questions.What does that say about the mechanics of evolution in this setting.And.Zubat friend when?
>>28169461>>[] Keep it on its current setting.No need to rush things.Might as well call our squadmates on the comm right now.
>>28169550Zubats are sensitive to sound.>>28169461On that note, it might be prudent that we converse with Goldie only in our thoughts for now.
Should we check on the bird to make sure it hasn't become dead from leek-separation?
>>28169461>[] Keep it on its current setting.Lets replace when we have the cover our our comrades
>>28169516I forgot we still have that Farfetch'd on us.I wonder if it's rolling its eyes at us, thinking >oh look, the yellow is having a meltdown again, and the white one is engulfing him
>be farfetch'd>get attacked by some creatures>oh god it's pulling me underwater>I'm gonna die>Wake up>creatures carrying me, not eating me>Maybe if I just hold still they will forget about me...
>>28169572The QM said it's not that it needs to be touching the leek to survive, since pokedex entries say that Farfetch'd will eat the leek as emergency supplies, but more that it can't defend itself without the leek.
>>28169461Replace the orb.
>>28169572Bird's fine, just can't defend itself without the leek.>>28169537Friendship evo occurs through camaraderie among rangers, pack mentality among the monsters.
>>28169461Let's only replace it if we get to less than 10 min, otherwise we can try to make it to janine first
>>28169633I forget, how have we been carrying it?I mean it's half as tall as we are, and weighs almost as much as Goldenrod (I'm kidding I hope)
> Staying under radar at low setting.>1d100Danger Zone: 20Best of 5.If noticed will you:>Maintain steady pace.>FLEE.>>28169695Its tied up and strapped along your side via wire and rope. The stick's in your bag.Goldenrod is lighter.
>>28169633>Bird's fine, just can't defend itself without the leek.Ah, I see. So the issue of giving another squad a leek was not because it would take away the chance of getting the highest honors, but because it would be about whether or not it'd feel right for another team to pass without having done "the work", so to speak.I'm only speaking in terms of rewards. Apparently, getting both the live duck and the leak is no different from getting the live duck, just that it's more "honorable", right?
Rolled 7>>28169695
Rolled 16>>28169725Oh God here we go
Rolled 16>>28169725>If noticed will you:Moonwalk away.
Rolled 57>>28169725>FLEE!
Rolled 25>>28169725If noticed FLEE
Rolled 13>>28169725If noticed:>Maintain steady pace>Use flash bang on them if they try to swoop in for an attack>Flee
Rolled 86>>28169725>Maintain steady pace.
Rolled 76>>28169725If these fucks notice us, lets boost it and run- If their hunting theyll come right for us
Rolled 12>>28169725...Goldenrod weighs less than 33 pounds?That's the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Rolled 55>>28169725
>>28169728Why not have a sparring match to see who gets it?
the dice be hating.
Oh hey, earlier on when Goldenrod woke up to hover away from us; did he force himself to wake up prematurely from his meditative state?>>28169768To check if they're "worthy"? Makes sense. We'd have not much to lose, anyway.
>>28169765let's make goldenrod eat some damn dinner.Don't give me any bullshit about eating via brain power or subsisting off of your will either.Dinner. Eat it.
Rolled 65>>28169768We caught it, we keep it. I don't see any reason why we should give it up
>>28169728Leek + live bird is highest honor + additional graft. Being the first back is also dinner with Giovanni. and rocket team.
>>28169725>>28169742>>28169744>>28169755based on this... I say we run like a bitch
>>28169789Wait, I don't understand the reward system.Live bird is highest honor and ability to choose what grafts we want in the future.Live bird with leek is the same thing, but with a new graft immediately?And I wouldn't consider dinner with Giovanni a reward. The man makes me sweat.
>>28169812>Opportunities for moving up in the world and establishing connections is not a rewardI thought I'd heard it all
>>28169788To give another team a chance. To be honorable, basically. If they can best our "champ", they get to pass.'Course, if they're feeling ambitious, they might just disregard the offer anyway to catch their own duck. If they fail, that's fine. Because they were given the chance to choose and refused.
>>28169810Not gonna role a d10 for degree of failure?
>>28169812 It's not a damn pizza party.Leek= barely pass.Dead Bird= Good, you succeeded.Live Bird= Wonderful success, you have a future.Live bird+ leek = elite success, pick a graft.Time attack= Dinner with rockets.
Rolled 2>>28169850Right, right. How many zubats notice... Do you get a golbat?
>>28169851Can we pick MissingNo. Grafts?
Rolled 60>>28169789We do this right fucking now, we pick lapras or shelder, if not then squirtle
>>28169851>Alive for possible harvesting, the highest. If done, you will have your choice of additional grafts in the future.So by "you have a future", do you mean the above?
We need to go for the ELITE status. Who knows, might make Goldie's mom into slightly less of a bitch.Probably not, but come on. Can't hurt.
>>28169867Heh. Nice.
>>28169867>only a 2Thank you oh merciful dice gods
>>28169904They hurt us only to challenge us! Such is their benign wisdom!
>>28169875I wonder if Grumpy would pick a water type and fuck off to Cerulean gym instead of suffering in Saffron. Not like he has an abundance of psychic types to pick from.
>>28169870I doubt we're gonna get a Lapras on our first mission?
>>28169936>get this man a staryu, stat!
>>28169936lol, if we win we should ask for Grumpypants to get our graft. Proves we can handle shit on our own, and we care for our team above ourselves. And Golden in particular.
>>28169958Yes but shelder isn't too much to ask for
>>28169985I think we each get a new graft. And that is soooooo stupid of an idea, we're nice but not too that point.
>>28170009Eh, to be honest I'm not sure how a pokemon as primitive as shellder would play with our other grafts.Like apparently our mom doesn't have a Cloyster graft, maybe there's a good reason?
>>28170030How do you know? Cloyster is the only other reasonable ice type and it gives us defense bonus like crazy, which we suck at right now. You are just saying that because you are scared we are going to lose our white skin/fur. I think we'll keep it somehow, like on top of it, or it'll be beneath our skin. Prof will take care of it
You resolve to continue on without adjusting the settings, keeping a steady pace, yet the ringing within your ears grows louder, and louder.(They noticed us.)Ah, well that makes sen-(RUN)At his call you immediately book it through the darkening wood, chased by the suddenly frenzied flapping of muffled wings upon the air, leaves buffeted by their slipstream, and yet a glance back reveals only phantoms upon the air.Screeching banshees pursue you as through the dark. The ringing in your ears grows worse and worse as a headache begins to build, and the world begins to spin, causing you to stumble.(Steady! Steady fish!)"I'm trying dangit!" You call out loud in your panic. Only now are you thankful of your time spent on that damn track doing laps.Then suddenly a beam of light rips through the night, smothering one of your pursuers.A familiar voice rings through the dark,"Cerulean, get down!"You leap forward and drop as a beam churns through the air again, laying to waste your pursuit. The ringing shortly stops as the remainder flee.A helping hand grabs you in the dark, pulling you to standing. A thousand little reds dazzle upon her face, offering a slight illumination as you see-"Janine!" You hug your leader in your joy as she tries to calm you down,"Cerulean, hey, stop that, I'm poisonous you know."Another voice carries through the dark," She alright?" It's familiar, Bruise!"That's bruise right?""Yes, it's me Cerulean."A small psychic flash, and Goldie's floating near the lot of you,(Wonderful reunion, however did you have something in mind Janine?)There's a silence as your leader says nothing, Goldenrod chuckles.(Right, Closest exit is south, we're heading there through the night. Janine's lead. Other team will be here soon, these two separated.from them. If we hurry, they won't find out about the bird.)
>>28170030>maybe there's a good reason?The reason is because she did not choose to.We're not here to mimic our mom.>>28170074Maybe the shell will form on our back? And if the implant evolves to Cloyster....Well, if you played Metal Gear Rising, maybe the shell would open up our backs like Sundowner's shields? I kind of really dug that look.
>>28170074Actually we can get armor for that.
"That's the plan?""We need to hurry." Janine whispers, in a hush hush," Unless you want to give them the stick."(No," Bruise and Goldenrod utter at once.>You? Want to convince them?
>>28169985>>28170022that sounds super patronizing too>>28170074it does get into the logistics problems of some grafts though. Where would it be, how would it function? Like the most useful graft from a Kingler is its claw, but then you are giving up one of your damn hands.
>>28170114Keep the stick.
>>28170114No, we book it for the entrance
>>28170114Not really.If the other three are in agreement then so be it.
>>28170114Looks like we're playing things safe. Let's get going.
Rolled 95>>28170114>NOWe don't give them the stick.
>>28170114Negative, we stick with our team and win this.
>>28170114Does 'convince them' mean to get them to agree to give the stick away? Then fuck no. Hoard leek and GTFO of forest.
>>28170117Of course there are going to be logistical problems, but that doesn't mean we turn down top tier grafts like a cloister. It's shell is supposed to be like diamond if I remember correctly
>>28170114Keep leek
>>28170114WAIT. GUYS. Ask who they saw in the other team first.Maybe it's Aqua and Marine. If they're in it, they might not be against letting us keep the bird and stick and just having us all camp together for the night.
>>28170167Yeah but how does that work for us?Like where the fuck would that shell go, seeing as Shellder and Cloyster don't exactly have limbs?
>>28170183SHELL FISTS
>>28170167Cloyster requires a water stone. I'd rather get an eevee since that would let us get vaporeon, which is better for stealth and the defensive ability to meld with water is top tier. Maybe not as good as diamond shell, but very up there.
>>28170179Let's not even go there, cause they ain't leading the team and they don't make the decisions. Plus they wouldn't put them both on the same team
>>28170179>Two ceruleans on the same teamNope.
>>28170196I don't think he is using stones in this. I think it happens normally
>>28170199>>28170213Woop, made a mistake.NEVERMIND, LET'S HOOF IT.
>>28170196That assumes that elemental stones are a thing that is readily available.
1d100Pursued roll! 15 for evasion!"Janine! Did you find Cerulean!" It's a girl's voice, and it sounds familiar...">>28170183>>28170192Shell fists would work, or placing it in the arms. Don't even have to use the whole thing.
>>28170183It may grow under our fat or on our skin like marines does
Rolled 21>>28170231Cheese it
Rolled 73>>28170231
Rolled 98>>28170231If it's oddish girl idgaf
>>28170183>fromSame as with the squirtle girl? Armored forearms and the like? There's also the way Giovanni does his if you're that worried.
>>28170215Prof just told us that friendship evolutions work in this setting, so stones are probably involved.>>28170222What do you mean by evasion...Guys, it's a friend. Marine, I think. She must have got her team to help out Janine and Bruise because she was worried for us.I really think we should reconsider and stay.
>>28170183I liked the idea of it being back mounted and sliding around in front of us for 'withdraw' mode. could also go one sided (maybe on an arm) for a shield if it wasn't a perfect graft specimen. Actually that is one thing nobody seems to have talked about. We only take parts, and like the oddish girl, some parts are associated with the specific elemental type. Could we (for example) isolate the water type components of a tentacool and not become poison typed?
Rolled 4>>28170231that 15 rolls? Or Crit range of 15?
Rolled 89>>28170231What about >shell bra ?
>>28170231Let's use the whole thing. Outer arms/legs, chest, shoulders, back. And it's water pressure gland/pump thingy. And whatever else it has
>>28170264>What do you mean by 15 for evasion...Missed something important there.>>28170261>>28170282In either case, we got a crit success first and a crit failure after. What does that mean?
Rolled 64>>28170231...An apology is in order.
>>28170285We little mermaid
>>28170231>>28170292Guys. What if the ranger Prof was talking about in QTG dying was Marine.....
>>28170267>tentacool and not become poison typed?That is so.You may also remove some other aquatic parts from your seel that will evolve into water to become a pure ice. Reasons I could see for that: Sneasel, Swinub, Jynx.
>>28170264We know a lot of female voices, it doesn't mean it is marine
>>28170282>>28170261These cancel each other out yes?
>>28170312Harvest the bits
>>28170313Nah, let's stick with this
>>28170231I'm not sure it'd be good to just ditch our friend like this. She might get frantic and force her group to continue looking for us, if she think we went missing.
>>28170343Who says it's marine? We know a lot of girls
>>28170360We can quickly ask Janine and Bruise if someone in the other group was a girl with turtle implants.
>>28170261>>28170282Critical vs!>Burn Tenacity to pull ahead.>Let it be a draw, and the game of pursuit begin.>Leave it to chance on QM roll.
>>28170231As we're running yell"Sorry!"It's the least we can do.
>>28170370Burn tenacity
>>28170370>Burn Tenacity to pull ahead.
>>28170370>Burn Tenacity to pull ahead
>>28170370Burn it babycan't risk them grafts
>>28170367"A girl with turtle implants?""What?" Janine seems surprised."A girl with Turtle implants, red shell." You press.Janine suddenly realizes,"Yes."It dawns on you; its marine.
>>28170396SheiiiiiiitttttttttTime to be douche.ELITE
>>28170396Too late. Voting is over for that part. You asshole
>>28170396Guys. Let's reconsider.>>28170415He's giving us a chance.
>>28170370>>28170370Burn Tenacity to pull ahead.
can't we just call her on the comms and tell her we're all right, but had to run?
>>28170396Can we just shout "I'm sorry Marine!" as we leave.Let her know to not look for us anymore?
>>28170425Let's not abandon our team. We can shout sorry. Then we'll have a long talk with her once this is over about how the peer pressure got to us
Rolled 10>>28170396We continue as planned.
>>28170396This might be the time to bring up that earlier suggestion; of us having a duel on whether or not we'd give the other team the leek?
>>28170462I'd rather not burn up tenacity for something like this, really. It's in poor taste.
>>28170470No, we already have our prize and we are this close to turning it in.
>>28170470Let's not, let them catch their own
>>28170495New grafts are worth the tenacity
>ELITE route.>Writing.>Tenacity burntCritical bonus! All encounters avoided.>>28170503Wouldn't it be bad if you had to return to the same gate?
>>28170495I have to agree.Especially since it's dangerous out there.
Let me see if I understand the situation: Marine thinks we're lost somewhere and is probably going to waste time looking for us. We can't get on the com and tell her we fine because [reasons].What are those reasons again?
>>28170486>>28170503>>28170509Does friendship mean nothing to you guys? Also, Marine might chase after us, thinking that we're in danger after Janine and Bruise disappear.Because.Unlike you guys.She's probably a true friend.And we can't just shout out I'm sorry to her like an idiot. What the hell. Why would anyone think that's a good idea. To shout in the forest. And alert all the beasts in it.Her group helped Janine and Bruise out, guys. We've got a debt.>>28170526>>28170531This. Can we privately call Marine?
>>28170531let's just have our psychic friend tell her we're fine.Or call her with our comms.Or leave a note for crying out loud.
>>28170525Is it worth alienating our friend?>>28170526Can we at least shout an apology?
>>28170396Professor is there only one Farfetch'd
>>28170557There were 3 or 4
>>28170531New grafts, the fact that our team probably wouldn't let us cause they want new grafts more than we do, teamwork. We can shout sorry. And the other team leader won't let marine wander around like that. The other leader will understand the situation
>>281705577 teams. 3 farfetch'd.Failures retake the test next year.
>>28170525It's not about getting new grafts. It's about acting like an asshat.>>28170550>>28170526This as well. Instead of using comms, this is even better.At the very least, let's try not to waste any more of her time.
>>28170546Yeah it's night and it's dangerous, we don't want her in trouble.
>>28170571Well we need to do something at least so she doesn't worry.
>>28170566>Failures retake the test next year.Oh. That's much less bad than I thougt.
>>28170566Have grumpy tell her we're okay and we're sorry and we'll talk later
>>28170566So yeah, Prof, did you get the suggestion on having Goldie privately contact Marine for us?Even if we're too paranoid about Marine's group stealing away our ELITE victory away from us, it'd help to alleviate the guilt just by letting her know that we're fine.
>>28170566Ah Janine was a failure last time, well that puts a previous argument in a different light.
>>28170598I think it's more that if the other three members of the team are unanimous on a course of action, we don't feel it's our place to disagree?But yeah, get a hold of her.
>>28170605How do you know? why would they make a failure the team leader? that is literally the dumbest idea I have ever heard
>>28170598Yeah, I agree lets try that.
>>28170605What no, she's here to supervise.Her team turned in a dead Farfetch'd last year.
>>28170605>You will be led by a senior recruit that has already passed the woods.Janine passed.
>>28170610Why doubt their judgment?
>>28170642I meant as in send a message of some kind.
With the voice through the wood, Janine turns to the rest of you, her insect eyes glowing."The choice is made, Cerulean, you need to come with us, now!" Janine urges and you feel an arm wrap around you as you just kind of stand there like a deer in the head-lights.Bruise hoists you over his powerful shoulder, and with his deep voice,"We go- now before they catch up."You begin to beat against the guys back," Wait, wait, wait! I need to-""You need to what? Janine calls back as the two begin to run, Goldenrod having ported onto Bruise's other shoulder."I need to say," You take in a deep breath of air," I'M SORRY MARINE!!!" You yell, forgetting all else and you can feel the daggers that the rest of your team stares at you as the night comes to life with the beating of wings fleeing in apparent terror at the sound of your voice.You don't hear any more pursuit through the rustling of the bushes, as you feel a jolt through your body as Bruise surges on ahead after Janine, the two of them showing off their sheer athletic prowess."That was stupid Cerulean, you might've stuck those zubats on them! At least they won't be following us, it should be okay so long as they stay together though.The worse things live outside of our city after all."Bruise looses a hearty laugh," Wow, Janine, you're really good at running in the dark!""Night insect-eyes, I'd say you should try them but, they might reject you. " She unleashes a ray at a target unseen until contact was made.""You're tearing through them!" Bruise laughs again as you bounce upon his tireless body like a sack, a squishy sack. You sure hope Marine's alright anyway.(She's fine, she regrouped with her squad. Good thing that we ran too. Leader's a Veridian, he wouldn't have let us go for just the leek.)Between Bruise, and Janine's run, further opposition is quashed, and you make it to the gate.>MISSION COMPLETE
>>28170745Did we make it to the gate first, with both the bird and the leek? Thats gotta be a record.
>>28170745Yeaaaaaaah. Fucking told you guys
>>28170745>Leader's a VeridianOh god, Goldie makes an excellent scout. He's made for this.>>28170788Anon, please don't dirty the joy of the other anons by acting like a jerk.
>>28170745>You don't hear any more pursuit through the rustling of the bushesThat's nice.>Leader's a VeridianAh, no wonder Janine was so nervous.
>>28170788Man whatever.We caught the Fafetch'd singlehendedly (though Goldenrod provided undeniable assistance) so we've earned some slack.
>>28170821Veridian is bug right?
>>28170833Giovanni's gym.
>>28170798>Oh god, Goldie makes an excellent scout. He's made for this.RIght now, yes.Soon however, he will destroy everything.
>>28170844Wow, that could been bad. Did they get new implants to? And were we first?
>>28170745It looks like Bruise and Janine bonded while we were with Goldie.>but, they might reject youHints to Bruise's unique condition?>>28170837God. Quick. Someone put the word ELITE on the picture that drawfag from the other session gave us.
>>28170872It's more that Bruise is Fighting type and Venonat is Bug/Poison?
>>28170872He has machop implants, but and fighting don't really go together
And thus, we've abandoned our best friends for nothing more than shiny new implants. Dehumanize yourselves and face Marine's broken trust, anons.
>>28170895He could just get the bug eyes, it's just fighting and bug aren't known to go together. Bruise will be pure fighting anyway
>>28170907It's more like we're not betraying our comrades and the mission?It wouldn't be fair to sabotage them just for one of our friends.
>>28170897He doesn't have implants, though. At least, that's what he said the first time we saw him. He said he was like that since his birth.>>28170907I was one of the guys who argued most that we stay, but I'm happy with how things turned out. We managed to make sure Marine didn't waste any more of her time.>>28170895Prof said we could take out the water implants from our seal augment just so that we'd be pure ICE. Putting in specific type parts seems fine.
>>28170907We were carried away kicking and screaming from our best friend
>>28170919You dissing Heracross?
>>28170872I decided to add a beret for kicks
>>28170853Unless we stop him with the powe of hugs.
>Mission Results:Separated and rejoined: 1 expBeedrill nest destruction: 2 expFarfetch'd capture: +1 IngenuitySocializations:+2 CharmTook 1 index note: +1 Perception(Auto-identifies known monsters without referring to the index.i.e. LORE check)>TENACITY BURN: 1 lost>LOST bident: No bonus to weapon skill.>LEEK: 1exp>LIVE CAPTURE: 3 exp>Solo capture: 1 exp>ELITE SUCCESS: +3 TenacityTotal change:8 exp+1 ingenuity+2 Charm>place your points...
>>28170935I have confirmed this like three times already and im on my phone so I can't do it again. Prof confirmed that he has machop implants. I have quoted this in almost every thread now
>>28170958We special forces
>>28170967ICY WIND
>>28170934We better be honest when we recount what happened later to Marine.Tell her that everyone in our group was nervous about her squad finding the duck we had captured and that we personally found out later on that her squad leader was a Veridian. They had us run away with the prize because they were scared of what the guy's ambition would cause him to do to attain the duck from us.>>28170958Thank you, anon.>>28170967>Thrown Weapons Training>Icy Shards>Icy Wind
>>28170967Icy windthrown weapons training water gunHand to hand freeze style (bruise?)
>>28170967I wanna learn Watersports given that we are so fucking adorable.Might as well weaponize it.Also, does Misty also teach Water Pulse, seeing that's the TM she gives out in FR/LG?
>>28170967>>28171000I'm assuming that EXP cost is equal to rank + 1? In which case, my suggestion's total cost would add up to 7 in all and leave us 1 point of exp.
>>28170967Obviously upgrade icy wind.I vote for also upgrading icy shard and learning bubblebeam.
>>28170967>Place points.Though you may want to wait until after the Giovanni dinner.
>>28171031Let's wait
Buy Icy Wind and save the rest.
>>28171023Water pulse has prerequisites.>Writing the aftermath of the mission.>Skipping ahead top the last-outs.
>>28171030>>28171031Changed my mind. Lets wait until after the dinner.
>>28170967>Took 1 index note: +1 Perception(Auto-identifies known monsters without referring to the index.i.e. LORE check)Is this a new stat? Because perception is listed under ingenuity.Also, shouldn't the tenacity we gain be mentioned in the "Total Change"?
>>28171031Time to wait.
>>28171031Yeah alright.
>>28171024It is just the level. Except level 0 costs 1
>>28171050It was added. I'll fix the ingenuity/perception, though the two might need to be split.
>>28171031Buy Icy Wind but save the rest. It's not like we aren't buying Icy Wind anyway.
>>28171031Oh god. Dinner with Giovanni. Will the female Meowth be on his lap throughout the entire thing?>>28171063Ah, thanks. Then I'll need to revise my suggestion a little.
>>28171024That is so.>>28171092>MeowthThat's weird. You should expect more of the rockets.
>>28171092Let's wait to see what else we unlock. Voting shelder. Unless he has lapras.
>>28171102>That is so.Current rank or rank being purchased?Basically, I'm asking if Icy Wind costs 4 or 5 for this upgrade.
>>28171102Oh, so I guess we won't be meeting that Meowth girl from before we entered the forest....Persian milf, then?
>>28171102But then when why did upgrading icy wind from level 2 to 3 cost 2xp?
>>28171102The only thing I expect them to be is dicks who are suppressing poke ball technology to keep their position secure and further Giovanni's goals.
>>28171116I think a psyduck would be better
>>28171063You lied to me, anon. I trusted you.
>>28171142>perpetual headaches
>>28171127She already was a Persian.A red jewel was mentioned, not a gold coin.
>>28171139I think he is gonna be the strict and harsh and strange but has his heart in the right place kind of leader
>>28171102so, was the koffing/weezing (gasmask guy [james {kojiro|running out of parenthetical description and brackets|}])'s mohawk just his natural hair or was that a graft I just couldn't recognize?
>>28171142Maybe when we're old enough to deal with the crippling headaches
>>28171150>Evolution is the best swimmer and doesn't suffer from headaches
>>28171182You forgot about Growlie?
>>28171142Maybe once we establish ourselves as a reliable ranger. Those headaches will be incredibly terrible
So hey, guys, do we want to be able to fly? Or do we want to stay as a medium-sized fighter? A balance between being quick and strong?Also, what Normal type implants do you guys think we should get? It feels like all the Rocket members would get a Normal type augment, just because of how it wouldn't conflict with any other type. Gotta maximize your GAINS man!
>>28171202fuuuuuck. I even thought of growlithe/arcanine but thought I was stretching. That means when the mask comes off, it's party time.
>>28171197Which is a ways off. Have fun with the constant tenacity penalties until it evolves.
>>28171190Just have to take headache medicine to deal with the migraines if we go that route.
>>28171197But we would have to survive through the evolution. Not saying we shouldn't get it, but let's get it later, once we have some defense to back ourselves up. Patience anon
>>28171257I don't think medicine can deal with a psychic based headache. That would be like resisting Confuse with some adderyol
>James is Poison FireI find it funny that his typing is anti-Fairy, considering how much of and effeminate motherfucker he is.
>>28171247I'd say a rattata for the whiskers and the capacity to learn Thunderbolt.Though I'm not sure how this is going to be handled, considering Cerulean doesn't know every pokemon.
>>28171263You do realize we can get armor at any time right?
Eevee best pick!
>>28171102Hey Professor, can we teach moves to other people?I feel like if we taught Goldenrod how to Rest, he'd be able to recover much faster.
>>28171298Not diamond quality that is built in and probably weighs next to nothing compared to some clunky associated steel that bruise can punch through. > comparing steel/metal to any kind of pokemon defense everwut?
>>28171319Might have to introduce him to Bryan
>>28171334We can get armor made out of monster parts like in monster hunter.
>>28171334clunky ass fucking auto correct
>>28171298Did Prof mention this in this thread or only in the QTG? I sometimes mix them up.But yeah, we can totally get armor. If we end up specializing in capturing, we'd have first dibs on these kinds of things. We could get some pretty cool stuff to craft into weapons and armor. WE MONSTER HUNTERS.
After turning in the live bird and the leek, you found much to your glee that your team had in fact been the first out. Congratulated by the Veridian ranger on duty, the four of you were escorted to rest in pleasant bed and bunk in the Veridian BarracksAfter two days of hanging out, doing light training and bonding a little, despite Goldenrod being a bit aloof around you, the days passed quickly.You found out that while Janine is very strict and traditional as a leader, she's just another girl while off-duty.Bruise, well bruise never stops training, you woke up to the thuds of his clap-ups and other intensive, crazy workout regiments to get stronger. The guy isn't ever happy unless he's dripping sweat. Goldenrod steals glances at you now and then during his waking hours. You swear sometimes that he gives you a little smile, though it seems that he's keeping his promise.You start to kind of miss the Cerulean Quarter's lake, though you soon get over it as it's just a couple days, they give you plenty of water here after all. It's nice.Your thoughts wander to how Marine and Aqua are doing, yet on the next morning, she joins you in the barracks with her team. She's a bit aloof with you, and you apologize profusely, eventually receiving forgiveness from your friend. She can't stay mad at you after all.The night of the second day, is when the last team is said to come out, and it's the morning of the third that everyone.. remaining gathers outside of the Veridian Wood, Giovanni standing up front surrounded by the same rocket Contingent as before, only change is that one of them has obviously red splotches upon his cheeks and running down unto his closed jacket.It is then that Giovanni begins a speech:
>>28171376I did mention that in QTG. It would be more prevalent later as trainees aren't going to get such rare resources until they're considered full-fledged rangers.
>>28171363Yeah, a cloyster/shelder. Best Quality armor there is. We wouldn't be able to implant anything from things not water ice or normal flying
>>28171379>She's a bit aloof with you, and you apologize profusely, eventually receiving forgiveness from your friend. She can't stay mad at you after all.Oh god, friendships hurt my heart. So good.>The night of the second day, is when the last team is said to come outIt's Aqua's team, isn't it?
>>28171393I can't wait to get some steelix armor.
>>28171406Its ironic how we were the last at our gym and ended up being the first on this test.
>>28171423We can't get steelix Armour because we are not rock or steel. It's armor is rock and steel. Neither of which are our types
>>28171379>only change is that one of them has obviously red splotches upon his cheeks and running down unto his closed jacketOh god. That ranger's child died in the forest.
>>28171451We're not talking about implants, just plain armor crafting.Although this is only going to be possible when we've become full-fledged rangers.
>>28171471That isn't how things work. You cannot craft rock onto a water/ice. The armor IS and implant, just because it is external doesn't mean it isn't.
>>28171452Or that ranger is the cook.
>>28171471That is like saying anybody could take our horn and use it to its full potential
>>28171507Were you in the QTG, anon?
"Ranger Recruits. Attention!"The sound of dozens of feet shifting into at attention carries through the lot in which you all stand. The strongest of the leaders paces bake and forth among the forward ranks, a weight upon his brow as he slowly closes his eyes and adjusts his position to the center of his Rocket Contingent, his dominating presence weighs upon all of the recruits before him."On this day, most of you that stand here today have passed this trial, this coming of age that we look to with such despair every year." His eyes scan across the squadron, checking their expressions before continuing."On this day, we have collected what remains of the Recruits that have perished to this test, retrieving their indexes as well for identification and re-purposing.I shall now read off the names I have committed to memory, of all those that have died this year. I trust that you will all carry them with you."
>>28171507Do you even Monster Hunter? Because we're talking about you wear that is made from pokemon.
>>28171527It's not. We can use our horn to control ice. All anyone else can use it for is to stab at people.>>28171536Oh god. Was it the plant girl? It was the plant girl, wasn't it.
>>28171507dude, we can straight up just cut the armor off of them and wear it as clothing. There's no reason not to do this when fighting evolved pokemon we use for implants.
>>28171507There will be armor and weapon crafting of various monster parts to use the most basic and core abilities. Armors made from a type will be treated as a separate entity.
>>281715365 bucks says that Aqua and the grass girl are dead.
>>28171553>Oh god. Was it the plant girl? It was the plant girl, wasn't it.It's like HQR all over again. The only logical course of action is to KILL EVERYTHING
>>28171536gg aqua see u in da aftalyfe baby i crii evrytim
>>28171531No I wasn't but it would be sooooo incredibly broken if what you say is true. Then why doesn't every single ranger have the diamond armor if the cloyster and the class of hetacross and the horof a midrange and every external possible thing.
>>28171563Wait.We don't even know that girl's name.We can only freak out to it OOC.
>>28171563I guess Aqua's regeneration just wasn't good enough?
>>28171536>names>plural>more than oneOh god, an entire squad got wiped, didn't it?
>>28171585>Then why doesn't every single ranger have the diamond armor if the cloyster and the class of hetacross and the horof a midrange and every external possible thing.Who says that rangers aren't equipped with that stuff?Where do you think we are? We're in training camp.
>>28171560So will the crafted armor be a good as implanted armor? im assuming not even close
>>28171589Didn't the Bellsprout girl tell us who it was?Also I forget, are the Goldeen twins and Slowpoke guy first year our second year?
>>28171589we know her name.WE KNOW. HER NAME.I just can't remember it
>>28171617It would be as durable.But any abilities that are not immediately accessible just from physically handing the material won't be available to us.
>>28171614It is external in the sense that it is like clothes, it won't be stuck to us
>>28171635I don't even think it will be that.
>>28171642Y-y-yeah, anon......was there anything else you could have meant?
>>28171635>>28171617>as durableI'm gonna argue with you on that. It might take as much force to break, and as many hits to wear through as normal pokemon armor, but we CAN'T heal it like a normal pokemon can.Which means any armor we make has a durability bar.Which means we're ghosts and goblins ing this shit.
>>28171635Do you want to wear rock armor under water?
>>28171657Whoops, used the wrong word. What I meant was sturdy.>>28171669No. Why are you asking?
>>28171657That and however much it is weakened in the aquiration of it
>>28171657You also realize that it can weaknesses right?
>>28171695no, because grammar.
>>28171679I'm arguing for getting a shelder/cloyster. Someone is saying we shouldn't cause we don't need the defense cause rock armor
>>28171718Shellder would also improve our cryokinetic abilities, making Icicle Spear and Ice Shard easier for us to learn probably?
>>28171718Cause rock armor be heavy and impair water mobility.
>>28171718Well, you must have linked the wrong post then, since the conversation I was in was talking about the quality of the armor.
>>28171722I can't think of a situation where we have a weakness that it would negate
>>28171718Would you wear rock armor if it made immune to electricity?
>>28171728Though while it might be vanity on my part, I'd rather not get the tongue.
Guys.We need to kill a ghost.And make armor out of it.A helmet.Anti-psychic ghost helmet.
>>28171762Ghost implants are not possible.Acting as a Ghost medium is.
>>28171738I just lost track of who it was. >>28171728Yes, very much so. Especially when we evolve. Let's ask Prof about whether a water stone is necessary. >>28171731Exactly why we don't want it
>>28171762Ghosts aren't anti-psychic.Dark is.Just kill a fucking Houndour, since it already has a helmet.Of course that's not how it works though.
Still upset that shooting up with ectoplasm is not an option.
>>28171760That's fine. We can get specific parts, after all. We don't need to integrate everything, anon. Geez.
>>28171756But it won't since we would have to be completely encased, like every inch
>>28171803>Not making a houndour pelt coat
>>28171536"Caiss of Pewter. Born from a poor family that he sought to aid.Amanda of Celadon, please offer her survived brother condolences. I offer mine."You hear the sucking of air as Leif stands among the rest of you, holding back.Giovanni does not pause."Risa of Cerulean, Survived by her twin sister, Misa, last of the triplets."Misa breaks down, falling to her knees and gritting her teeth,"No, no, no, no, no. R-risa? That can't be true!"You feel the churning of your own gut as you feel your own sadness welling up. Risa had always been a bit pushy when it came to training, as though she'd been making up for something.Now you know.Giovanni gives the grieving sister a moment as he closes his eyes."And the last; a Squad Leader, Oliver of Cerulean."No, you think to yourself, that one hit you."Take what time you need, I will be seeing the team that returned with full credit after this. Dismissed." Oliver, no. Your heart drops. He'd always been a weird fellow spouting nonsense about how everyone dies eventually. The odd way that he'd withdraw from touch due to his skin, yet he was always there to resuscitate you... He....>"I won't always be there to do this for you, you know."You choke back tears, but they just start rolling out."Oh Arceus why... Oliver..." You feel yourself bawling, uncomfortably hot tears running down your face. A hand lays itself upon your shoulder. You don't look at it, and they don't offer any words besides being there.Is this true, did you really just lose those two?
>>28171818Speaking of non gen 1, anybody think giovanni will offer us some out of region pokemon?
Guys we don't even need pokemon parts to be immune to electricity, just a faraday cage.
>>28171811>>28171756Got an idea. We could make a weapon made for drawing lightning. The tip would draw it in and whatever materials we use for the body would insulate and diffuse.>>28171836Oh fuck. Jellyfish kid.That actually hurt me.>Dat fucking quoteCURSE YOU PROFESSOR. YOU WERE PLANNING THIS, WEREN'T YOU!?
>>28171836I have already prepared my response>>28171690
>>28171836You don't need to have a skinless giant leer over a giant wall in order to receive a grim reminder.
>>28171836Try to be strong.
I don't really know how an 11year old would respond to this without total breakdown
>Those fucking cute monsters killed OliverWe'll kill them all.
>>28171836quickchoose TEARS or RAGE.Because whichever you pick, you aren't going to be able to stop for a while.
>>28171836The true test wasn't surviving the forest, it's bearing the loss of our friends and colleagues.Lets be strong.
>>28171901HOW POETIC.
>>28171899Eh, those cute monsters that were specifically brought to a human controlled environment.>>28171900I don't think rage is our speed.
>>28171900How about choking back both while staying strong for the rest. A total breakdown if like marine had died
>Meanwhile Sabrina stands there angsting over the fact that her son's name WASN'T just called.
>>28171941Ha ha child abuse.
Let's try and stay strong and almost fail. Momma will keep us going
>>28171941That makes me real mad, f that bitch
>>28171836[X]We have a river to cry
>>28171921Yeah I'd say we need to be there for Misa.
So, are we going to put together a collection for that Cais' family? He did become a ranger to care for them.Or do rangers have sweet life insurance?
Later after you finish for the night can you tell us specific causes of death for all the deceased?I'd like it if you got really graphic and specific. Please.
>>28171980He failed, and likely wasted an implant. They get nothing. Except possibly some government debt. Enjoy, Pewters.
>>28171980Brock probably has it covered.
>>28172005Oh come on.
>>28172005Why are you hurting me, anon. What did I ever do to you.
You try to be strong, to hold back the tears, but they just won't stop. He helped you, he was there, and he always looked out for you, and now he's gone. He's gone, killed unceremoniously by the monsters in the wood.The hand stays upon your shoulder, and you feel another upon the other side. There are other recruits within the lot taking their own dose of tears, some more stone than others.The hand on your right is Bruise's you see, tears streaming down the grooves of his face.On the other side, Goldenrod, dry, though moistness gathers.And Janine before you, kneeling down to hold your hands in her own, gloved."It hurts.. I know I've lost people too, like my parents. Its why I keep going, its why we need to keep going. We count on each other, as much as everyone else counts on us. Let it all out Cerulean."You throw your arms around Janine's light body and soon you feel the presence of Bruise and Goldenrod embracing you, sharing their sympathies."Caiss was a good kid too," Bruise mutters among his own light, manly sobs."Goldenrod says nothing.Lost in the moment, everyone begins to console each other, few actually walking away from the grounds without lending a hand, a word, or an embrace.>[] Cut ahead to Giovanni's Dinner.>[] Try to get it together to console someone else.(DC18+tenacity)>[] (Other)
>>28172002They're last moments would be great.
>>28172002Are you trying to set us on the feels train of their despairing, last thoughts as we realize some action we did in the forest indirectly led to their deaths?Oliver was hiding in the bushes we threw a stick to distract the Beedrills we alerted.
>>28172046[x]kill all the titans
>>28172046What's our tenacity bonus again?
Rolled 19>>28172046>>[] Try to get it together to console someone else.(DC18+tenacity)Console Misa.
Rolled 20 + 1>>28172046>>[] Try to get it together to console someone else.(DC18+tenacity)
>>28172046Hmm, didn't we gain 3 tenacity?
>>28172046CONSOLE.Aqua and Marine will probably be with Misa, so should we head on over to Leif?>>28172088Fucking lovely.
>>28172046I don't think we can do the DC 18 roll. It would be nice to try.
>>28172005Pewters, the poorest. Consider this canon.>>28172054>>28172002I'll prepare something depending on when the next time is.>>28172060>Unceremoniously stabbed to death by extremely pissed beedrills that were only angered due to their young being killed.>>28172077+1>>28172091lost one from the burn, though you should be at 13.
>>28172087>>28172088welp, depending on the bonus I think we just done good.
>>28172046>>[x] Cut ahead to Giovanni's Dinner.
>>28172088we gonna console the shit out of Misa
Rolled 11 + 1>>28172046Try to get it together to console someone else.(DC18+tenacity)Help the surviving triplet
Rolled 20 + 1>>28172088Unfortunately I think we have to roll four more times?
>>28172113consider this canonoh come OOOOON
>>28172088An extra point of tenacity. Cerulean's getting close to the 300 confirmed kill mentality.
>>28172113>Pewters, the poorest.>Consider this canon.You played the Pokemon Monopoly, didn't you. Pewter a shithole
D-D-D-Double Critical Hit.
Rolled 10 + 2>>281721273 MORE TIMES.>>28172146Damnit.
>>28172146Funny how we perform like crap half the time but alway manage crit or near crit during social encounters.
>>28172146But it was only +1 in the pastebin when I rolled...
>>28172158You all get the 20. the tenacity bonus is from the 20 on a will roll.>>28172149Never played pokemon monopoly. I always win that awful game.
Rolled 10 + 1>>28172158Actually just once more.We are the best at consolation.
>>28172184The fuck is happening in that picture with its troubling filename?
so, let me get this straight.We roll high to be cute, hug and console our friends.We roll low in life or death situations.Sound right?we're so going to get killed to show how serious shit is getting to the secret protagthe secret protag then becomes a kadabra on the spot and breaks monsters with mind bullets
Y'know what we need to learn? Protect.Also, I hope Goldie gets a Mr.Mime implant. Barriers on barriers on barriers.
>>28172179Ah, so we gained another point of tenacity for crit succeeding. Cool.>>28172146Also, it's nice to know that we've still got some heart in us.
>>28172202In context, it's actually innocuous. The Abra was messing around and got injured, and the Kadabra is healing it with psychic powers because the artist forgot how Recover works.Now this picture on the other hand, has no context.
>>28172179>>28172184Professor, this is a very important question!Do female rangers with Kadabra implants grow mustaches?
After some more tears, and the warmth of your squad, you rise up slowly, wiping off the tears as their arms fall off of you,"I- I need to help M-misa." You sob out, stumbling over, getting caught by Bruise on a near trip of your horrible bleary-eyed state."Thank you.." comes out as a quiet whisper as you wipe off the tears on your sleeve."No problem, you want to help the surviving sister, right?"You pass a few other blubbering students and fall atop of Misa with Marine and Aqua already hugging her, as she weeps openly,"I'm gonna kill those stupid things... I'm going to kill them. Risaaaa..." She blubbers out, you cry with her, the three of you all cry with her.It hurts to see a friend in pain. It hurts more when there's nothing you can do but hold them and listen.And be there for them._________________________________________________
>>28172233>Look at thumbnail>Immediate reaction before my mind processes it is "Oh my yes. Time for some freaky porn!"But then it wasn't porn.I spend too much time on /d/
>>28172240Abra are a very difficult catch, as are most esper-types. Maybe.
>>28172214Not quite.We were able to tie with an Esper, rolled relatively well in actual combat, and caught that Farfetch'd.We roll low in situations that should be completely innocuous, and turn them INTO life-or-death situations.
>>28172249>I'm gonna kill those stupid things... I'm going to kill them.We found our Eren, guys.
>>28172249>Gonna kill those thingsMisa confirmed for ErenMisa confirmed for dead in a few episodesMisa confirmed for turning into a giant pokemon
>>28172240Female alakazam / kadabra have shorter mustaches than the males. But they're there still.Look at the game sprites. Is funny.
>>28172281Fuck yeah Seaking?
>>28172249"I'm gonna kill those stupid things... I'm going to kill them. Risaaaa..."No Misa, you are the Titans.
>>28172314And then misa was seaking
>>28172315oh god damn it. I can't unhear
>>28172281She gets infected by Paras, comes back as Giant Parasitic HiveQueen Misa and we need to put her down.
>>28172334And the whole time, she'll be ranting about how she has so many sisters and that she doesn't feel alone anymore...
The rest of the day is spent back in the Veridian barracks, most of the squads have remained there. Hardly any funeral to attend without a body retrieved.One of the senior rangers had said that in passing. The monsters tend to eat them, bodies and all, leaving not a trace.The thought made you nearly throw up as you remembered some of the things you saw, and thinking about what might have happened doesn't do you much good either.You can only guess at how Misa must feel, having lost her last sister. You lip quivers, and you turn over, burying your face in a pillow.Lost in your somber thoughts, evening seems to come quickly, and you are called to the dinner with Giovanni by a Veridian ranger, a large purple horn breaching the surface of his forhead and two upon each fist, along with his elbows and knees."Come, it is time for your appointment with Leader Giovanni, I will leave you to dress."It's a formal occasion, you have some manner of clothing here...>[] Civilian (Casual)>[] Civilian (Formal)>[] Ranger (Field)>[] Ranger (Formal)
>>28172369>>28172334>>28172005>>28172113Stop itWhat are you doingTrying to make me feel feelings?
>>28172384>Ranger (Formal)
>>28172384formal. Don't really care if it's ranger or not.
>>28172384>[] Civilian (Formal)
>>28172384formal civilian
>>28172384[x] Ranger (Formal)>300 confirmed kills
>>28172384>[] Ranger (Formal)we are elite
>>28172384>[ELITE] Ranger (Formal)
>>28172384>>[] Ranger (Formal)Or alternatively, ask him before he leaves what is the dress code.
>>28172384Yeesh. The dinner is right AFTER they announced the bodycount? The hell, Giovanni.
>>28172415>>28172419>eliteSo, our regular getup, but with a fancy hat?
>>28172427That's just the atmosphere he wants.
I could see Goldie nabbing a dark implant just as a big middle finger to his cunt mom.
>>28172506Maybe one of the more benign ones, though. The trickstery ones instead of the more vicious augmentations.
>>28172523Not many dark types in Kanto, let alone benign ones.However, Absol would fit really well.
Bruise puts on a tanktop and his stone-grey ranger pants, informal as possible.Janine chastises him, as she's taken to wearing the black with fuschia trim, the Fuschia formal, sans beret, exposing short antennae sprouting from her purple hair.Goldenrod wears a nearly spartan-clean civilian formal attire, pressed through mild application of psychic power, it appears he's going in to make an impression.You choose to wear the Cerulean formal, Navy blue wuth a light-blue trim, no hat, and with the badge of the cascade upon the collar.The ranger that picks you up is not the nidoran-type from before, instead, this one bears the rocket emblazoning upon his, err her uniform.It's the feline-woman from before, and up close she's a bit odd to look at.Her features are chiseled, devoid of any fat and shaped into exquisitely feline form. The same bears for her neck, as much as you can see from her open jacket. An undershirt reveals that she's got extremely small, erm.. what's the word for them.. titties. Itty bitty kitty titties. It's part of why you mistook her for a boy before.Her ungloved hands reveal almost paw-like hands tipped with lethally sharp claws,"Good evening everyone!" Her voice is cheery and somewhat cute."If you all follow me, I shall lead your prepared little selves to dinner with our glorious leader; Giovanni! Oh, and for the record, you all may call me Kitty." She glowers down, staring intently at each one of you,"To call me anything else will result in a reflexive scratch. You've been warned."Goldenrod seems nervous all of a sudden, and increasingly so as his eyes pass over her."We are ready." Janine declares obediently."Yeah, we're good." Bruise comes forward in his casual, and Kitty's eyes trace over him, lips curling into a smile, or is that a grimace?"No formal for you? Interesting."You say nothing, instead trying to avoid eye contact with "Kitty" as much as possible.>[]Anything you'd like to ask?
>>28172550>pressed through mild application of psychic powerI guess we know what he spent his XP on. Guess he can do more than just teleport now?
It's far off, but I cannot wait to bring out mew. Access to any and all pokemon moves will be interesting.
>>28172550>no hatWhy must you disappoint, Prof.....>tittiesNO. CERULEAN. YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO KNOW THIS.I've got no pertinent questions to ask at this juncture.
>>28172550...Yeah no.
>>28172550[x]What it do?
>>28172550>itty bitty kitty tittiesI would be more disappointed if I didn't find the rhyming so hilarious.
>>28172506The abject glee this notion kindled within my heart...and umbreon happiness evolution is attainable and so saccharine.
>>28172550No questions.
>>28172550>>28172575WAIT. Just thought of a question.Ask her how long she's served under Mr. Giovanni and what it's like being a Rocket.Just some small talk.
>>28172550>>[]Anything you'd like to ask?no questions>>28172568 Friend or foe?
>>28172606Eh. Why not.>>28172595EEVEES FOR EVERYONE!
>>28172568I think you mean 'invincible'.
>>28172550>you all may call me Kitty>To call me anything else will result in a reflexive scratch. You've been warned.Oh god, she's that kind of girl.
>>28172650Indeed she is.
>>28172650Reminds me of Mothman's daughter from Teen Titans.
As the five of you walk through the barracks to the gym, a few questions filter into your mind. You hold your tongue at first, though the bobbing tail of "Kitty" disarms you a bit with its hypnotic waves, putting you at ease for a moment."Questions?" She asks impertinently, and with a mark amount of irritation in her voice."How long have you served under Leader Giovanni?" You mutter out, and perking the ear of the Rocket member."Ah, that's a usually common one. I've been with the Rockets for about five years,rather not give my age, though a little thing such as you may just ask that next.""So how old are you?" Bruise asks the question, eliciting a sudden, blurred twitch from Kitty."Huh? Oh, OW!" Bruise holds his face, as blood runs down his cheek, he stares at the rocket member with wide eyes, suddenly forgetting the pain."Be polite." Janine elbows him.Yet Bruise just smiles," How did you do that?""Do what?" Kitty seems sincerely confused for a moment, yet you stare on with your own mix of awe and fear."Ah, uhm, Miss Kitty, you cut Bruise.""Oh? The girl turns around and looks at Bruise carefully,"Oh yeah, so I did do that. Better watch your move, I have nasty reflexes."You suck in some air and keep quiet until you arrive at Giovanni's, your other question not answered due to the subtle fear you have of being cut like that.Bruise however, keeps asking more rude questions and receiving further cuts from his new playmate, despite not seeming too perturbed, nor kitty noticing what she's doing. You know this because:
>>28172760>Yet Bruise just smilesGoddamit, Bruise. Don't fall in love with her. That can only end in pain.
>>28172760>Kitty seems sincerely confused for a momentI'm guessing Kitty didn't warn us earlier just because she was vain.Guess her implants make her unconsciously and quickly react to things.
>>28172774I am slightly more disturbed by the fact that bruise is probably around our age and she's an adult.He's too young to have such attraction anyway.
He is part pokemon. That might include an accelerated maturation rate.
>>28172795Too young to understand the attraction of BDSM too, yet here we are.
>>28172795>fighting-type testosterone-fueled development
>>28172790Obvious dark type then, if you go by the descripton the Professor gave in the QTG.>>28172807He may simply not feel the pain at all.
>>28172774>>28172795>>28172807it's not attraction you idiots, she's using a technique he's never seen beforethe LIGHTNING PAWHe's going to be doing this in two weeks.
>>28172818Shush, anon, we're having fun.
>staying up late to read about adorable seel girl at formal dinners being sadi've lost control of my life
"Oh, crap! What in the world happened to your face?" Kitty presses a handkerchief against Bruise's face to soak up the blood.You all stand before Giovanni's dining hall,"Geeze, I told you not to provoke me. What are you stupid?""I wanted to see if I could dodge that move, I've never seen anyone strike like that." Kitty grabs the teen by the throat, sneering with her refined features," And you never will if I hit your jugular any one of those times you brat.""I trusted you to have more control than that." Kitty just sighs as she cleans him up, the rest of you wait patiently, though Janine fidgets a little.The doors finally open and you arrive at the banquet hall, where Giovanni awaits with three roasted Farfetch'd stuffed with apples and various assortments of buries, greens and other helpings. Your mouth begins to water at the sight of food, realizing your own hunger and the scarcity of poultry in your diet."Come, sit. I can already see that one of you chose to pester kitty a touch too much?Giovanni raises a berry-wine glass and sips at it.At the table sit the snake-woman, the man with a cream-colored mane and gasmask. On the other side, the same red splotched man from before, a man with a protruding horn and ethereal red hair resting upon his shoulders. Lastly, there's the man that's armored like a tank, and the blindfolded woman with prominent fangs sitting silently."Take your seats, and I shall begin the introductions.>[] Sit.>[] Ask Questions.>[] Say something.>[] (Other)
>>28172867>writing it.Take a number buddy, I'm here first and we're here together.
>>28172876So how much longer are you gonna keep this thread going, Prof? We're nearing page 9, FYI.Also.Bruise.You battle freak.>Sit
>>28172880we've obviously gone too far, but let's just keep going and see what happens.>>28172876Sit down. Fuck if we know what to do at this kind of thing, and some food would be nice.We have to remember to kill lots of giant monsters so people can have more meat.
>>28172876[] Sit.
>>28172885Not much longer. Want to pop the question in this one.
>>28172876>[] Ask QuestionsI would ask what does it take to join the rocket rangers.
>>28172876oh, swift?and>>[] Sit.
>>28172905Ooh. Cliffhanger.
>>28172910A lot more than this.Curb your ambitions for now.
>>28172929What if ambition is a trait they look for in potential candidates?
>>28172876So I recognize Arbok, Weezing + Arcanine, Mr. Mime, and Rapidash. I think the armored man is a Nidoking, but I don't know who the blindfolded woman with fangs is.>>28172910This might be something to ask once the dinner is under way.And it might be related to whatever Prof has planned here.....>>28172905
>>28172952I'd rather stay and train with Misty instead of Giovanni any day.
>>28172962blindfold woman is zubat
>>28172988Sure, you could stay and cerulean or actually matter. The rocket rangers deal with the biggest threats to humanity. If we have the potential to join them, we have to. Its our duty.>>28173008Or a Golbat or even a crobat.
>>28173008Weird that she hasn't become Golbat or Crobat yet and isn't a newbie.
>>28173019She needs FRIENDSHIP to evolve, though.So.You know.
>>28172962armored man is probably rhyhorn or somehting similar. Red cheeks I doubt is mr. mime, since it was running it is probably blood from kitty, and I don't suspect a mime-grafter would be putting his foot in his mouth
You dutifully sit, without another word, sad and nervous by all the big important people around you. Bruise is less than perturbed by the stinging of his face as he slides in next to you, and sizes up the armored guy in the room.Goldenrod takes a polite seat and stares intently at Giovanni, expectant.Janine takes her seat, and waits the same, though less apprehensive."The man you see with the Gas mask is known as Jamie, formerly of the Pallet Quarter. He became a ranger through bribery, telling a professor to give him something particularly nasty so that his family wouldn't want him back for their political trappings."The man in the mask tips his head to the lot of you, a muffled voice breathing from behind the mask," Evolved Koffing, Weezing and Growlithe, rarely evolved, Arcanine. They often put me in charge of turning a mess into nothing but ash. I work with Kittie and Jessica here."Giovanni nods his head and lets the pass carry.The woman rises up, her body ebbing and weaving hypnotically with an alien movement,"I am formerly of Pewter. They gave me Ekans and I grew rather accustomed." She extends what appears to be the nails of her fingers, and that's when you see it among the hooded marking at her wrist. The nails are fangs. She retracts them,"Several Arbok, evolved. Stealth work with Jamie. We work well together, even with Kitty."Kitty sticks her tongue out in a rasberry," Bah to you." She says with a saunter over between the two others," I'm the one that makes this team, trained without any elemental mods, I've mastered the arts of Evil technique and Steel arts to make up for the shortcoming, and covering for these two here and there of course."A sarcastic wet cough escapes from Jamie's mask."Ah, right. Meowth type, evolved." Kitty points to the other side of the table," You guys are up."
>>28173058He might have just annoyed her through some other way.Maybe he's a letch. Mr. Mime always struck me as one.
>>28173074I wonder what Jamie looks like under his mask.
oh jessie and james, you two let meowth go out of control.
>>28173074Welp, Team Rocket is terrifying.