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Opening theme

At the Lavender Spire a young fighter consoles a dead friend, a young Cerulean watches over him, knowing that her time too would come shortly for farewells.
Their manic host and practictioner of spiritual arts demands that they call back more for her, she commands that they help their friends find rest.
The Medium named after a flower is pulled away and the watchful tadpole returns to his school for the briefest of goodbyes.

As the child rangers face the ghosts of the fallen, they reflect upon what it means to lose close people and the fighter claims to the world that he'll protect people, so that he'll never again lose a friend.
The gentle fish smiled to this splendid spirit, he would watch over her as she went under for more chilling power.

An Attack upon Pokemon Hunters begins again.

Known characters

Monster Index

Character Sheet

So guys, something I'd like to raise up. Anyone else think that Cerulean's "build" is starting to resemble Faefnir's from Akuma Quest? I'm finding quite a few parallels between what these two characters are capable of. Hell, we even have a dragon "sleeping" within us (that is to say, the possibility of evolving into a Dragon type). 'Course, with what we're planning, evolving into a Dragon type would kill us.

But somehow that feels appropriate.
Thank you for running this Professor.

I really enjoy the quest threads you run.

So, how fat is our seel implant going to make us?
>eyes, ears, nose.
>Pelt and tail and cartilage
>Claws on feet.
>Non-sabre teeth in mouth
>Break up fangs to implant on fingertips

Although I wouldn't mind adding the sabre fangs to mouth for maximum ice breath bonus and just not use them for biting.
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>Sorry, daylight savings botched my time coordination here.
OP conformed for living in underground fallout vault?
AoPH fuck yea.

not going for elbow-blades?
if we stick the fangs in the teef, we should stick the claws on our hands. +climbing yo.
Sound much like a furry to me
right right.

>not going for elbow-blades?
I know you're just joking, but hells no to the elbow blades.
Although what would be the difference between putting the teeth or the fangs on our fingertips?
Noticed that Crytten isn't in Ceru's pastebin at all. Waiting until things get finalized?
If we do that, sure. But having the sabres on our hands means we can use their freezing stuff really well on the water guns we have and on our hands. We can bitch slap people to freeze them or turn our Water Gun into an Ice Gun.

The best time of the week is finally here.
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I think because when the Crytten parts evolve, the teeth gain auto-freezing property?

Also, I've been waiting for this.
In mouth makes Frost Breath and any mouth launched Ice attack more powerful. They probably wouldn't see any use for melee in mouth because biting pokemon seems like a very bad idea.

On fingertips means they're better for melee. Lower bonuses for ranged Ice attacks launched from mouth.
Available parts:


Remoraid targeting lobe[Enables lock on/May get scrambled from concussive force](Pending)
Remoraid Omniguns x3(Installed Throat/forearms)

Snowy pelt(Pending)
Claws[Allows free climbing/ grappling, melee bonuses] (Pending)
Fangs[Allows biting/Will change the jaw upon evo](Pending)
Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs[Long fangs, evolves to suit. May improve mouth-based freeze attacks, or used as armblades or broken up as claws](Pending)
Premature Freezer Sac layout(Installed)
Cartilage layout[Becomes sharp spikes for Ice traversal and Anti-binding]

Approve or disapprove each part, and if in question, state where you would like it.

This is so for mouth-based teeth. The sabres have auto freeze upon evolution due to frostbite ability.
So in-mouth actually supports our Sniper / ranged focused build better is what it sounds like?
For that we in our hand.
>Remoraid targeting lobe[Enables lock on/May get scrambled from concussive force](Pending)
Yes install it.
>Snowy pelt(Pending)
>Claws[Allows free climbing/ grappling, melee bonuses] (Pending)
>Fangs[Allows biting/Will change the jaw upon evo](Pending)
In mouth.
>Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs[Long fangs, evolves to suit. May improve mouth-based freeze attacks, or used as armblades or broken up as claws](Pending)
In mouth.
>Premature Freezer Sac layout(Installed)
Ok good.
>Cartilage layout[Becomes sharp spikes for Ice traversal and Anti-binding]
Yes install it.
Approve all Remoraid parts.

>Snow Pelt
>Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs (As long as we can hide them and they won't interfere with human hugs and tool manipulation
>Cartilage Layout

Aw hell, lets approve
too. Kitty paws.
But we can't launch mouth-based freeze attacks from our hand.
>targeting lobe
>chilling fangs
Does this also include the other fangs?

I want everything except the pelt, which I am neutral towards.
Targeting Lobe
Premature Freezer Sac
oh, and my positioning on the fangs was MOUTH for more ice powers. In case it was unclear.
>Cartilage layout[Becomes sharp spikes for Ice traversal and Anti-binding]
Would this interfere with hugs?
>Remoraid targeting lobe[Enables lock on/May get scrambled from concussive force](Pending)
>Remoraid Omniguns x3(Installed Throat/forearms)

>Snowy pelt(BACK)
>Claws[Allows free climbing/ grappling, melee bonuses] (HANDS)
>Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs[Long fangs, evolves to suit. May improve mouth-based freeze attacks, or used as armblades or broken up as claws](INSTALL WITH CLAWS)
>Premature Freezer Sac layout(Installed)
>Cartilage layout[Becomes sharp spikes for Ice traversal and Anti-binding](Uh...YES)


>Remoraid targeting lobe[Enables lock on/May get scrambled from concussive force](Pending)
>Remoraid Omniguns x3(Installed Throat/forearms)

>Snowy pelt(Pending)
>Claws[Allows free climbing/ grappling, melee bonuses] (Pending)
>Fangs[Allows biting/Will change the jaw upon evo](Pending)
>Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs[Long fangs, evolves to suit. May improve mouth-based freeze attacks, or used as armblades or broken up as claws](Pending)
yes, as armblade or claws
>Premature Freezer Sac layout(Installed)
>Cartilage layout[Becomes sharp spikes for Ice traversal and Anti-binding]
Is the Crytten line going to be added to the dex anytime soon?
so am I getting this right? Icy wind has greater aoe and lasts longer, but frost breath penetrates armor and lowers the core temperatures of opponents.
They seem to overlap a bit too closely for separate skill point allocations.
>Remoraid targeting lobe[Enables lock on/May get scrambled from concussive force](Pending)
>Remoraid Omniguns x3(Installed Throat/forearms)
>Snowy pelt(Pending)
>Claws[Allows free climbing/ grappling, melee bonuses] (Pending)
>Fangs[Allows biting/Will change the jaw upon evo](Pending)
>Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs[Long fangs, evolves to suit. May improve mouth-based freeze attacks, or used as armblades or broken up as claws](Pending)
approved - mouth or fingertips (only if they'll become retractable eventually) I don't really care which.
>Premature Freezer Sac layout(Installed)
>Cartilage layout[Becomes sharp spikes for Ice traversal and Anti-binding]
I want to say approved, but where exactly would it be?
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The spikes are on the outside. of the arms and legs.

>See pic
Where those wings would be, that's the location of the spikes.
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I'm good with everything but the cartilage layout.
>Remoraid Targeting Lobe.
>Snowy Pelt
>Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs
>Cartilage Layout

Approve all the remoraid stuff.
Go for Amber Sabre fangs as armblades. I don't have much of an opinion on the rest, though I would like to know what is meant by cartilage layout
I don't want a pelt it seems like going too far on the furry side for me

We have a Remoraid in our arm
>We have a Remoraid in our arm
Remoraid isn't Crytten. Crytten is the part that's launching the breath attacks.
ok with everything as long as the cartilage does not stop are hugs and amber sabre on the mouth
Yes on the Lobe. Wherever it is best used.

Obviously Yes on guns.

Yes on the Pelt. As much area as it can manage prioritizing back, arms, legs, and chest in that order.

Yes on the claws.

Yes on Fangs.

Yes on Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs, fine with putting them in any position. Prefer armblade or claws, but no particular objections to them being in our mouth.

Yes on Freeze Sacs, spread throughout our body pretty evenly, higher concentration on our hands if possible.

Yes on Cartilage. Arms and legs, and the back is fine too.

Cat ears, eyes, and nose if those aren't already included.
Yeah I'd like to get an explanation of what exactly it would look like.
>Targetting Lobe - Approved
>Omniguns - Approved
>Snow Pelt - Approved
>Claws- Approved
>Fangs - Approved
>Sabre Fangs - Approved [Armblades]
>Freezer Sac - Approved (I assume Installing meant it's pre-approved?)
>Cartilage - Approved

Whatever happened to adding Remoraid cells to our knees?
Oh, forgot to mention in here. Make sure we get the kitty tail.

And bits of Remoraid to facilitate suckers on our knees, feet, elbows, and hands.
You do realize can use ice attacks?
I assume the Crytten's snow pelt will replace the fur we already have growing on us?
approved for remoraid parts, although where on the throat are they?

Pelt only on the outside/back, to maintain hugging prowess.

Fangs approved

Long fangs approved as claws

Freezer sac approved

Cartilage approved
Everything sounds good for a yes. I'd just like to say that the sabre fangs should go either mouth or fingertips.

Fuck elbowblades.
I'm thinking it'll go on top. Layers upon layers of fuzziness.
Nah that's probably not necessary.

Plus it might just cause tentacles to sprout from those locations and who wants that?
One is aoe, the other is a focused shot that freezes through rather than bothering with ambient temperature.

You could ay it's kin to Ice beam except Ice-beam freezes over the surface.

>I don't want a pelt it seems like going too far on the furry side for me
You already have very fine seel fur.

>Cat ears, eyes, and nose if those aren't already included.
Forgot about that.

Cat-eye nightvision, sensitive ears, Tail, and carnivorous nose. (y/n?)

Tallying results shortly. Results that hold a majority opinion will be added.

Ice-spikes are nonretractible, however they will improve Ice-based movement which you can create anywhere with your setup.

Yes, and it's soft until frozen.

Popular opinion also seems to put the amber sabres in the mouth.
>approved for remoraid parts, although where on the throat are they?
Two of them will go into our hands, and the last one will replace the Seel's water sac currently in our throat.

Since the Seel's fur doesn't have any listed benefits, I'll assume the Crytten's is better.
The Remoraid parts are not what is going to be using Frost Breath. Just like how they aren't going to be what's doing Icy Wind.
This sounds good to me
Extra anchoring is useful for sniping, and it'll make us ever better at climbing.

Yes on cat vision, ears, tail and nose.
>Cat-eye nightvision, sensitive ears, Tail, and carnivorous nose.
Yes to all except the nose. The nose is a bit much for me.
>Remoraid targeting lobe[Enables lock on/May get scrambled from concussive force](Pending)
>Snowy pelt(Pending)
>Claws[Allows free climbing/ grappling, melee bonuses] (Pending)
>Fangs[Allows biting/Will change the jaw upon evo](Pending)
>Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs[Long fangs, evolves to suit. May improve mouth-based freeze attacks, or used as armblades or broken up as claws](Pending)
Yes, Mouth
>Cartilage layout[Becomes sharp spikes for Ice traversal and Anti-binding]
Sounds good to me.
>Cat eyes
>Sensitive ears
...may be vulnerable to supersonic. No
>Carnivore nose
We're still part seel so...well yeah, actually. Might be good for hunting.
Yes on kitty parts. They're all useful. If we can keep the nose stuff internal so much the better, but it'll be cute no matter what.

Can you answer whether Remoraids can do mouth-based Frost attacks?

There's an anon in the thread that seems to think that putting the fangs on our hands will still give the bonus to mouth based frost attacks "because remoraids".
y on all
What's the tail do? Balance?

How will those cat parts be affected by underwater excursions? Would we still be able to dive as deeply as we could if we had them?
Yes on everything. As much as we can put in us.

Yes to everything. Sabres in mouth.
So, what the hell are we going look like after this operation?

A white catgirl with a bit of bodyfat?
Our blubber is what matters for deep sea expeditions so I don't see why not.
Yes to the eyes, ears, and nose.

They cannot use Frost breath.
THey can use other types that can be increased.
And giant goddamn fangs. Oh, and the horn. Can't forget the horn.
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>Remoraid targeting lobe
Yes pls
>Remoraid Omniguns x3
Neat. Already Installed.
>Snowy pelt
Neutral towards, I like Ceru being kawaii fluffy as it is but I'm not adverse to Improved Fluffiness
Sure why not
I really don't want us to have to bite a Pokemon but shiny upgrades are shiny
>Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs
These as claws seem pretty good, I don't wanna be a Chain-Chomp just yet
>Premature Freezer Sac layout
Already in us, cool.
>Cartilage layout
I actually DONT want this, since it doesn't look like it fits Ceru.
>Cat-eye nightvision, sensitive ears, Tail, and carnivorous nose.
Very yes, even if just for dat tail mange.
Yes to eye, ears, tail and nose.
eyes and ears sound like they could backfire, and they aren't as important underwater.

tail cus tails are awesome

can the nose be used underwater? smelling is very important, but I don't think cat noses are the same as fish "noses".
Yes we'll look like a horned catgirl. With spikes.

We really have to get our Tenacity up, ouch.
>Available parts:
>Remoraid targeting lobe[Enables lock on/May get scrambled from concussive force](Pending)
>Remoraid Omniguns x3(Installed Throat/forearms)
>Snowy pelt(Pending)
>Claws[Allows free climbing/ grappling, melee bonuses] (Pending)
>Fangs[Allows biting/Will change the jaw upon evo](Pending)
>Chilling Amber Sabre Fangs[Long fangs, evolves to suit. May improve mouth-based freeze attacks, or used as armblades or broken up as claws](Pending)
>Premature Freezer Sac layout(Installed)
>Cartilage layout[Becomes sharp spikes for Ice traversal and Anti-binding]

>Cat-eye nightvision,
>sensitive ears,
>and carnivorous nose. (y/n?)
Tail will probably help with balance. Also, we can freeze it and make it into a weapon. And it'll be even more dangerous and hopefully fluffy when we evolve it.

A white catgirl with black and blue spots/stripes where the pelt is. Sharp teeth, cat eyes and ears, a cat nose, spikes along our arms and legs, a horn, claws, a fluffy tail.

Overall, super adorable.

Eyes will be fine, we have a second pair of eyelids from Seel just for protecting our eyes. The benefit of ears outweighs the downsides.

Nose is useful even if we can't smell things underwater. Tracking is useful.
Forgot about remoraid gills.

Tallying now for consideration.

Anything above ten, or unanimous will be added.
I think Kitty is really going to hate us after the operation.
We'll need to spend time recuperating. Submerging in water and using Rest seems to be a popular idea? It'd give us the opportunity to visit our friends at the Cerulean Gym too.
>These as claws seem pretty good, I don't wanna be a Chain-Chomp just yet
We don't have to bite with them, but putting them in mouth improves frost breath while putting them as claws does nothing to improve ranged options and is purely melee.
Yes, put in gills. Gills are hella useful. We want them for extended operations underwater.
>Remoraid parts.
Yes to both. Though I guess we can't use lock-on AND headbutt when in close range.
>Snowy pelt(Pending)
Yes. Only on the back.
>Claws[Allows free climbing/ grappling, melee bonuses] (Pending)
>Fangs[Allows biting/Will change the jaw upon evo](Pending)
Yes. A bigger mouth means bigger blasts.
I'm assuming the kitten parts (eyes, ears, nose) won't affect our ability to dive underwater?
Ooh, gills? Hell yeah.
Gills? fuck yeah!
>Yes. Only on the back.
Why limit ourselves like that?
All the Remoraid parts, including gills.

Yes on pelt, yes on claws, yes on fangs, Sabre Fangs in mouth, yes on sacs, yes on cartilage.

Yes on nose, eyes, ears, and tail. Yes on musculature if that isn't already included.
Yes to gills
Yes to ears, eyes, tail, and nose.
Fangs and saber tooth. man, Cerulean is going to become a monster, isn't she? A big mouthed one, just like that Amnesia mosnter.
we are going to be biting our tongue a lot aren't we?
>Cat eye night vision.
>Sensitive Ears.
Not approved, too many sound-based attacks to be safe.
>Carnivorous Nose
Not approved. I imagine grass/poison attacks would be too effective.
Could we replace the ears and eye with better parts if we get them?
Saber fangs as claws
our mouth isn't that big. And won't be.unless we yawn.
Otherwise, it's just we got a sharkmouth smile now.
Yes for gills.
Yes on eyes, ears, tail, and nose. We're going full kitty.
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I'm still good with breaking the sabres apart and putting them in our claws, I don't think people are considering just how fucking obtrusive they would be to have two great big tusks in our mouth.

Could we at least kind of file them down and put them on our incisors, kind of spread it out a bit?

Still not a fan of the cartilage stuff, I really don't think they're necessary.
with the parts we're getting, we should just forget about the bident.
Melee is claws/bite, execution is climbing onto their back(with claws/spikes) biting the neck and FREEZING.
The cartilage means better maneuvering on ice. We can freeze the area around us and make it icy, more maneuverability on ice means we can run fucking circles around whatever we're fighting.

It's very much useful.
I'm picturing Ceru rolling into the Cerulean gym in her wheelchair, totally decked out as fuck with tons of parts, as everyone just kinda stares. Mouths agape. And she's all "hey guys what's up?" but they just keep starting.

I mean, we're almost more modded than Misty is at this point.
Sabre teeth as claws

Not useful against fire types, as they will just melt everything by simply existing. Also not useful in water, obviously.
Possibly moreso
>eyes, ears, nose.
>Pelt and tail and cartilage on forearms
>Claws on feet.
>Non-sabre teeth in mouth
>Break up Sabre-fangs to implant on fingertips

Plus the remoraid parts
I think Misty still has more, since Horsea and Goldeen are pretty small aren't they?
i agree with the long fangs. I don't want Ceru looking like a barioth.

the benefit of the cartilage is way too good though.
I wanna see what Grumpy picked.
I was surprised to see how many other people supported tentacle arms in QTG, so I think it is worth talking about. The main concern the opposing party seemed to raise when it was mentioned in-thread was that they might get stuck to things inadvertently. I imagine holding them flat against our torso when not in use (perhaps looking like bandoliers). The primary benefit would be against non-melee oriented threats (and unevolved graft targets) which we can grab onto (possibly with the constrict move) and engage the contact based freezing technique. We have an inescapable icy death grip. also more arms for the hugging.
Whatever you do.

Just put the sabre teeth as claws and the extra teeth in our mouth.

I don't care about anything else.
They're just jealous of how super fluffy we are. We'll show them, we'll give them hugs and they'll love us again.

Once we acquire a significant other we'll probably make them brush all of our fur and pet our kitty ears.
Hers are evolved. Seadra and Seaking aren't that small.
It just wouldn't look good, anon.
I imagine for fire and other types strong against Ice we'd try a long-range approach.

Not really decided on the whole cartilage thing, but I think it has its uses.
What if

What if we got tentacle arms

And then put more remoraids on them for maximum dakka
OOC as fuck though

Plus ugly

and i think some were fucking around
If we're up against Fire types then we'll shoot them with Water Gun until they cry.

But against most everything else being able to freeze the battlefield and move around on it better than they can will be very useful.
>>(Remoraid)Omniguns x3(10 corporal ammo cap)
We just increased our ammo capacity 6-fold
I'll be fine anything but the walrus tusks.
Turn that shit into claws.
i think we'd start to be weighed down by the massive amounts of water we lug around
Just this.>>28347200

Give me the Frostbite claws upon Bliger evolution.
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I think it'd just be weird as fuck.

Our Remoriad/Octillery grafts should be as internal as possible.
Good thing we just got super cat muscles or something.
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Everything seems consistently over ten or in majority.

Full set is go.

Sabre fangs are going in the fingers, teeth in mouth.


It's poke-science, don't explain shit.
That shit is super compressed to. accidental puncture might hurt us
we could try for a centrally based reservoir. The benefit of such a layout would be the alpha strike.
We might actually have an easier time replenishing our water supply than a lot of water rangers. If we're somewhere at all humid we can freeze water out of the air and eat/drink it.

Fuck yeah! Full implantation is go!
Wait, everything?
Well shit then.

We need to be careful around supersonic and Uproar shit guys. Seriously, that'll fuck with our Lock on hard
>Sabre fangs are going in the fingers, teeth in mouth.

Pastebin getting updated tonight? I want to sperge at it. Plus we kinda need it to decide how to spend our xp
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Nah I think putting it in the mouth is fine.

Just don't have it all be two huge things, since we'd look more like a walrus than anything else.
It's too bad we're never going to see Clauncher parts.
nothing that happens in QTG matters
If we expect something like that we can probably splash some water on our ears and freeze it to make ear plugs.
Don't forget shit like Flash and Sweet Scent.
Yeah, but just think of all the dakka
Too late.

I'm tempted to go "hahahaha you lose" but i am a little more mature than that.

Ha ha! You lose
On the other hand, the extra hearing and sharp eyesight are gonna make us a hell of a sniper when we get ice beam.
what's QTG?
>Clauncher Cannon + Cloyster Armor = ???
This is a frightening idea
Then theres this guy with a cluancher fetish.

You guys know that the targeting lobe is a passive thing right? like i dont think we need to use a move to sue it and it passively make all of our shots hit.
Oh god
Caterpie shit
Lock on + sheer cold is scarier
It isn't. Targeting lobe allows Lock-On, and it says it takes a turn of observation to take effect.

We may however be able to make it faster if we upgrade Lock-On.

Also, once Seel evolves we'll be able to do the Lock On + Sheer Cold bullshit combo.
Hey, we have gotten a lot of usefull discussion in the qtg. Especialy with the the Prof being there to answer questions
Clauncher has access to aura abilities if attack list is anything to by.
Now that would make Ceru look like a Daemonette.

Oh Arceus, that could allow to go toe to toe with legendaries.
Well the Remoraid Pokedex says that it will not miss within 300ft. i'm thinking we only have to use lock on with things like sheer cold and other low probability things.

I think for water gun it will be a constant thing
An hour has gotten 150 replies

Fuck you proffesssor

I'm jelly as fuck
To everyone spouting "LOCK+SHEERCOLD=WEWIN"...

there are a lot of pokemon with the Sturdy ability that could theoritically wreck out shit. Plus if Sheer Cold render the Pokemon unusable for harvesting then that won't be as big a help as we'd think.
The same discussion that ignored the downsides of eyes, ears and nose?

See no evil, hear no evil, smell no evil.

We're gonna have a problem here.
We don't have to worry about useability for any evolved pokemon.
that's just the easiest WEWIN.
We can also snipe them normal style with ice bullets.
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We can also plug our nostrils with our Seel biology can't we?

Should have a decent lung capacity as well.
No downside to eyes.

the ear downside won't be bad and is pretty easily negated

The nose downside might be a problem, but only when we fight bugs.

and legendaries. i doubt he is going to let us freeze moltres solid
Most pokemons that would require that combo to defeat cannot be used for implants.

I wonder if legendaries would be harvestable.
This reminds me

Prof, how close to the games are you holding with the omnigun-fish's versatility? As long as we have someone to teach us we can learn the TM/move tutor moves? (string shot is one of them, spider-man mode). If that is the case, I would want to go to Vermillion real soon to get thunderwave, (no idea who might be able to teach mirror move, though bird trainers were common in Fuschia, and it does seem sort of ninja-like).
Seels do have pretty impressive lung capacity. We ought to be able to hold our breath for a while.

I certainly hope so.
True, but I could totally see it killing S class threats.
Oh yeah, I forgot that we could plug our noses. 'Course, just like the time Oliver kicked sand into our eyes, we'll have to actually be prepared to plug our nose.
Almost anything that requires that combo is already evolved
Flash is now a magnitude more painful...
Lock On 1
Frost Breath 1
Icy Wind 4
Water Gun 3

We can afford that, yeah?
well, good thing we have lock-on
How many pokemon actually know flash, let alone use it very often?

Definitely worth night vision

You'll be able to learn various moves from others, however I'm more of the opinion that tm-based moves may just be harder to learn.

Bubblebeam is staying as Remoraid can learn it.

I would like to use TMs as a nice little reward now and again.

Fear not though, naturally learned skills will still be naturally learned and tutors are still available. String shot is an iffy one.

Sheer cold is an on-coordinate freeze that requires LoS. It is amazing though, yes.
Also: Stamina will be a thing from now on. 100% with adjusted increments per skill used and environments.

Projectile attacks do not use stamina.
Do we regen Stamina quicker in cold areas? It would make sense considering that Seels canonically get more active as the temperature drops.
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>Projectile attacks do not use stamina.
But projectiles are what we're all about.

Kind of gives us an unfair advantage.
Projectiles have ammunition instead. We can run out of water.
Yes. Just as tropic environs may drain it.

Projectile as in water/rock/ice and so on. Beams are non-ammo, instead restricted by stamina.
Let's wait for the skill sheets

I don't think we have to buy lock on

and we should get water gun, cause of our accuracy
>unfair advantage
>in a world where almost everything wants you dead
That should cost 7 xp, so yeah. Though we might want to hold off on more Icy Wind and get some melee stuff like Bite/Crunch, just in case.

And also improving things like Aquabatics, and maybe Amphibious Combat.
Honestly I want to sink a few points into aquatic maneuvering like swim and acrobatics just so we have an excuse to hang around our friends.
>biting pokemon
>putting our mouth on them
Dear god no.

No, we got them on our fingers for a reason. Pokemon do not go in the mouth
can we put points in seel's water recovery ability? increase the speed that we regain stamina while maintaining mobility.

also, I don't remember if this has been asked before, but can we fill the water sacs with other liquids?
Alcohol to cool down enemies faster with evaporation or liquids that stay liquid at lower temperatures that we keep in our freezer sacs.
yeah, we need to go on down to the pool.
yeah, guns are good because you are only in danger of other guns, not guns and melees

Why do you think the progression of war has getting deadlier and deadlier from farther and farther away to the point where we kill from the other side of the world if we need to?
>also, I don't remember if this has been asked before, but can we fill the water sacs with other liquids?
Someone asked about filling them with jizz once.
Ditto. Our friends must be worried sick about us.(Except for Bryan, but he will be in about a week or two.)
Do you know where those have been or what their made of?
Then don't put them in your damn mouth.
Pretty sure it would be faster to hit them with water and icy wind.

Plus alcohol might get us drunk through osmosis
Shouldn't we have a cryokinesis ability somewhere?

Its mentionned in the Premature Freezer Array but I can't see it anywhere.


Lock On 1
Frost Breath 1
Icy Wind 4
Water Gun 3

Sounds like a good skill distribution.
Anything involving ice.
Couldn't we bulp that Frost Breath up to 2?
Let's wait to see the skill sheet.

Frost breath might not be available
I don't think we can improve Hydration, it's an ability and doesn't have a numerical rank associated with it.

With Remoraid guns we can probably use all sorts of projectiles from it. Remoriad/Octillery has a lot of weird moves on their move lists, including Psybeam, Grass Shot, Gunk Shot, Signal Beam, and Rock Blast. Fucking Psychic, Grass, Poison, Bug, and Rock attacks.
We are looking at the sheet. It's there right now. Everything listed there is available.
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I concur with that.

We should get our fur wet.
water cools more total heat, but alcohol cools faster. icy wind will always be hindered by the fact that it's wind, and not liquid.
Looks like the sheet is updated.
Just tell us how the operation went!
Oh thank you Peerless Professor.

The skill sheet has been updated.

I am not sure about upgrading further ice breath, its seem to be a near range ability and we mostly focus on mid to long range fighting.
You forgot Flamethrower and Fire Blast.

About to. It's been bugging me too.
Those ones are only through TMs though, which makes them harder to pick up.
>and it does seem sort of ninja-like
Time to go find Poke-Kakashi
My vote is this:
Icy Wind (4)
Lock On (1)
Frost Breath (1)
Swim Speed (2)
Ok. I just wanted Frost Breath and Icy Wind. Don't much mind whatever the rest be.
It's basically anything which involves a beam or gun-type attack.
You do know that upping Icy wind to 4 will only cost 3 xp, and getting Swim Speed up to 2 will only cost 1, right?

We'd still have more exp to throw around.

I'd go for Icy Wind 4, Lock on 1, Frost Breath 1, Water Gun 3, Aquabatics 1.
Ya, Icy Wind eventually becomes Blizzard and if we do regain stamina from cold then thats one thing we want over everything else.
>>(Remoraid)Omniguns x3(10 corporal ammo cap): Enables projectile and beam based attacks. Neck & Forearms
It bugs me that this one uses parenthesis for the poke name while all the others use brackets.
I guess Frost Breath eventually becomes Ice Beam then
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That sounds good for me.
im thinking

Water Gun (3)
Lock On (1)
Frost Breath (1)
Thrown Weapons Training (1)
CQC training (1)
Aquaobatics (1)
Since I need to leave, I'll just leave my votes:
Frost Breath(2)=3
Swim Speed(+1)=2
I still have no idea how the skill pricing works
Unlikely since remoraid learns aurora beam and ice beam but not frost breath.
makes sense.
How do you people still not get that the Frost Breath is from Crytten and not Remoraid?
That was my point. Why would frost breath become ice beam when something can learn ice beam but not frost breath?
I don't think he was implying that at all.
Frost Breath and Ice Beam do different things.

FB is armour piercing and penetrates to freeze internals. Ice Beam hits the surface.
You two are really simultaneous, geez.
That reminds me,

can we get a possible moveset for Crytten?
We'll get it when Prof updates the pastebin.
208 replies and no updates yet. Arceus fucking dammit.

Sounds fine to me.

Frankly, I'd prefer it if we moved on ASAP.
Would Ice Fang work with the tooth claws, since those got put in the fingertips or would we actually have to bite with mouth teeth?
>Writing now, by Arceus I need this too.

I would like to nominate snarl being on the Crytten line.
>AoPHQ 9
>In which absolutely nothing happens for a long time

It is.
i think we get it passively since it says they are directly linked to our freeze glands.

Frostbite is passive upon evolution
probably roar too.

though it is a bit OOC
I made that mistake before anon.
Watch yourself.
It's cause we're voting. Don't worry anon. We've still got lots of time.
I justhave to ask one thing Professor.

If machokes do not attack unless attacked first, shouldn't their threat level be really low?

One of the big factor I've seen for threat level was agressivity.
I really like all the upgrades from Crytten. The Freezer Sacs along with the Hide means our core temperature stays nice and cool but doesn't leak out.

One of our biggest worries, heatstroke, has just been deal with pretty effectively.

And we have a fluffy tail! So many cool bonuses from this.
or if the ranger is fighting something and a bit of collateral hits the machoke.

or a rookie panics.

or you try to steal its machop
Depends on how a machoke interprets 'attacked.' Entering territory can set that instinct off afterall.
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I'm just glad there's a surprise session of Peter Parker Quest as well.
Fluffy tail that can be turned into a ice blade
Oh yes, the fur turns becomes hard when frozen, right?

I really feel like this stamina system is unbalanced and is gong to need adjusting.

And i am assuming that the ice affects on our sabreclaws is entirely passive? like it says for frostbite?
We don't even have the Frostbite ability until the Crytten parts evolve.
In the darkness, you feel pieces of your body float away, and your senses slowly cut off.

Your sense of smell leaves you, the lingering smells of the hospital room depart, and in time they return, sharper more acute. You smell blood, your own blood as your eyes are taken next, the flickering black replaced by the purest of darkness.


Soon that too returns and still you see so little, though there's an odd purple mix now.

The muffled voices of doctors leaves and soon you hear everything, the subtle tinkling, the whir of the machines even within your sleep. Your cold, cold sleep.

Time is a fickle creature here as it seems to pass slowly, yet also so quickly. You feel the numb tingling of your arms pried open, flesh ripped asunder and then something invasive.

Yet it would still pale in comparison to being skinned alive and having a new suit place atop your raw body. A vital force breaches your body as a chill takes hold, running your blood cold.

Comfortable at first as it carries on. They tear apart more of your body and add in further things that you cannot see.

It keeps getting colder. It doesn't feel quite as good now.

It keeps getting colder... colder.

It hurts.

Your eyes open and you see people around you, red crystals upon their hands as your mind dives into panic as the pain increases. You breath, gasping out a shivering breath.
"C-cold.. h-hurts..."

Disembodied voices begin to synchronize with your growing panic.

"She's awake- she's awake! It's too soon! put her back under! The blood is freezing!"
"I'm trying, but it won't take."
"Put the sleep powder aeration back in her oxygen, we can't have her-"

The voices scare you, and you try to push up, yet your body won't move, you struggle against restraints, feeling some give, yet the numbness keeps on creeping.
we have a weakened version of it.
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Oh god. Surgery while not fully under.
It's exactly what I thought would happen.

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it's all of the nightmares
Don't worry, we got a 94 on the surgery roll.

This is just to show our lower in tenacity
I know. Still unsettling.
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Oh dear.
Having major surgery while not fully under is the most universal of fears. Shit would suck.
Didnt we had like..2 critfails in a row?
which were cancelled at the cost of 10 tenacity.
We were awake while being skinned alive.

Thats gonna stick with us.

yes. we used up 6 tenacity to ignore them.
Yeah, but we bought them off with 10 Tenacity
Ehh, we're so cold i doubt we feel anything but cold.

They got erased by a tenacity burn. They should not count. I will be very mad if they do, since we burned 10 tenacity to get that 94.
Yeah, hence our lowered tenacity. We had to spend 10 points to counteract the 2 failures.

Basically, this means we have a -2 penalty for physical actions. Until we can recover (that is to say, reach 10 points) again.
We burned tenacity to force them to be ignored in favor of the higher rolls.

That's the kind of system this is. When you have massive critfail ranges, you need to have a pretty good number of saves.
Especially if said surgery involved having all of your skin replaced and frozen blood being pumped into you.
A pep talk from Bruise should help. and go see our friends
And your muscles.
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Being kawaii is suffering.
Hey, the DC was like 25. everything synergized perfectly with us.

we just got unlucky as hell
Actually I wanted to talk to Bruise about toughness training when we got well enough to train at all.
Good since we're weak now and all
That doesn't mean that having all of your skin, your muscles, and your eyes, ears and nose replaced isn't traumatising as fuck.
Toughness training, and ask him for tips on our melee style, ask him who might know best how to train us
So....basically we're going through the same thing Oddish girl went through, only we succeed through sheer willpower?

That's kinda cool.
So, Kagari's not dead, right?... Right?
>Pokelife is hard on a young girl
Yeah, but she didn't feel the pain. just kind of "that isn't there" but sedated as fuck so she doesn't really care.

until this happened
"Nurse Remedy, keep her calm, keep her calm."

A womanly blur looms over you, touching your hair with a gloved hand.
"Be calm child, be calm. We're not quite done yet, your cold is getting the best of you. Please stay calm."

The touch is soothing and you begin to slow down your breathing, but it doesn't stop the creeping frost. You shake your head, wanting to cry.
"Its c-c-cold.."
And it hurts.

"You need to stop it, you need to calm down and control it, you know how to do that, yes?"

You nod weakly at the muffled words as you try to think, try to remember how you controlled the cold, how you turned it on and off.

It keeps creeping, and you see frost forming upon the nurse's gloves, traveling up her arm, and yet she doesn't let go.
"Keep trying child, keep trying."

"Remedy, move, she needs to sleep or we're going to lose her."
A man pulls the woman away, and you see a bright light from above, blinding you.

Calm down, you think to yourself. The logical part of your mind.
But everything is just so cold and-
You're Cerulean, daughter of Lorelei, Ice Ranger of the Elite Four that protect Kanto City.

You grit your teeth, blood filling your mouth as you fight through. You're going to be great, the cold is your ally. The cold is the closest thing you have to remind you of your mother.

You're going to make mom proud.

With a beastial scream, you startle the doctors, sending them back a moment as you resume frenzied breaths, and in the next forcing out a blast of cold air, displacing the lack of heat in your own body, and freezing the light above you.

With the numbness fading away, you slip back into darkness.

You're the daughter of Lorelei.
Not at all.

She rejected her parts. We accepted the parts perfectly, but just woke up in the middle of surgery, which is more immediately horrifying but less crippling in the long run.
That joke was Good bad and you should feel Good bad.

We are kinda badass
I don't think that's how heat and coldness work, Prof!

Or does it?

I'm no science nut, so I wouldn't know.
Pokescience he don't gotta explain shit.
It is kinda this.

We woke up and that kinda just complicated things. then we were like fuck this we are going back to sleep.

Remedey has Sylveion implants
God damn we are the Ice Queen.
And we're so fucking fluffy too!

stole the words from my mouth

Oh that reminds me.

Did the Professor ever told us how Bruise got his machop biology%

Could be implants or...
he herited it from his father or...
he is the result of an experiment with embyo or...
his father fucked a female machoke.


Holy crap. Ceru is badass.
Does anyone else think we should meet with her?
It wasn't oddish it was bulbasaur
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>You're the daughter of Lorelei.

Damn straight.
She's dead, anon.
We are a Rocket. We are the daughter the Lorelei. We are the baddest ass 10 year old girl out there.
No. plant people are boring
No, it was Oddish.
We tried visiting her once, but she wasn't around.

No, that was the sister of the boy.

My money is on the third theory. You know how it can be like, with those human like pokemons.
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Fuck, I forgot about that.
lookin at you gardveoir
Didn't she die during the test?

Now, I wonder who our father is.

Could it be...Red? Or worse, Blue?

Machoke is probably of the ugliest motherfucker around. Female or not.
I'd rather spend time with Aqua, Marine, Bruise, Grumpy, and Bryan.
Yeah, now that we have Ice Claws the Pewter style of fighting would work pretty well for us.

Definitly need to change around the style some to reflect that the talons do the work rather than our relatively weak arms, and evading attacks rather than taking the hits. Maybe a good time to learn Evade.
I'm not so sure, anon. We Crytten muscles now.
Honestly even with claws our melee skills should take a backseat to our ranged attacks. We will probably be teamingup with Bruise a lot and he is the close combat monster not us.
Who's Kagari?
I really think Fuschia-style combat would be more suited. We aren't based on power, but cutting edges and the barest touch imparting our specialty damage.
So you don't want more friends?
Awakening later in a recovery ward, you find Bruise at your side, snoozing away in a chair. Your body still feels strange, cold and still somewhat numb. You can see your breath too, chilling the air.
It scares you at first, terrifies you from what you felt earlier, you clutch at your chest, feeling your healing factor kick in as the stitches gradually degrade into your body

A glance at your hands, and you see that they're covered in bandages along with the rest of your body. You must look like a mummy right now, a cold, little chubby mummy.

>[] Call a nurse
>[] Talk to Bruise
>[] Go back to sleep, you're sore as heck.
>[] Get up, walk around.
>[] (Other)
>[] Get up, walk around.
Walk it off. Only way to up our Tenacity is to be tough.
Talk to Bruise
We deserve to rest, and find out how okay we are and such.
>Didn't she die during the test?
No, that was the sister of the boy with the leaf name.

>Talk to Bruise
Let's try to inject some levity into the situation.
>[X] Get up, walk around.
>[] Talk to Bruise
Can't sleep. Too cold.

>[X] Talk to Bruise

Thank him for letting us have the implants that would have gone to him
>>[] Talk to Bruise
He waited long enough by our side, he deserves to be the first to know that we are awake.
>[] Talk to Bruise
"Heeyyyyyyyyyy Bruiiiiisssseeeee. Made it." and try to give a smile and a thumbs up.
If it comes at the cost of hurting our relationship with old friends, Oddish Girl can fuck off.
>Call a nurse
Fuschia is much more suited.

Peweter don't dodge.

But we should definiatly learn from Jesse, since our melee is identical
[X] Get up
and then
[X] Talk to Bruise
We should find out if Goldenrod got some new grafts, and if so how it went.
>Talk to Bruise.
We can ask Bruise about it. He'd know, I think.
>>[] Talk to Bruise
Time for a Pep talk
>"Heeyyyyyyyyyy Bruiiiiisssseeeee. Made it." and try to give a smile and a thumbs up.
I like that a lot. The way I'm picturing it looks really cute.
Talk to Bruise. We'll be going nowhere right now after that amount of surgery, healing factor or not.
[X] Get up, walk around to Bruise to wake him up so we can talk.

Remember to ask about Grump.

Concern for our fiends is very important to us. with how dangerous our was we would be worried about goldy a lot.
[x] talk to bruise
Check to see if we even CAN talk right now. They fucked with our throat and mouth. We might have a sore throat.
Yeah, that'd help get our minds off of our own close encounter with death. We could develop into that kind of character.
[x] Talk to Bruise.
Find out how long it's been, and what he's been up to.
Oh, and ask him what Grumpy ended up doing.
Neat typo.
No matter what we say, try to give a thumbs up.
yeah, if talking fails, deliver thumbs up.

Seriously, that's how our healing works best.
"Heeyyyyyyyyyy Bruiiiiisssseeeee. Made it." You smile at your friend, speaking through a sore throat that rouses him from his sleep. You give him a thumbs up, the tip of an amber claw poking through your bandages.

He slowly comes around and looks up, staring at you with wide-eyes, his grey face bearing slight bags despite his youth.
"Cerulean," He whispers under his breath and rises from his chair, nearly toppling it, and dropping to his knees beside you, grasping your hand carefully, you can see tears welling in his eyes.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you take my turn. I heard from the professors that they almost..."

You reach out to him with your other hand, grinning, despite the bandages covering your mouth," It's okay... I made it."

You notice something strange about your vision, the way your eyes adjust themselves to the hospital light. It's as though you're seeing everything for the first time.
"Grum-Goldenrod, how's Goldenrod?" You don't see him here, though you notice that it's a different ward from before. Two beds in a room instead of several. No one else in the other.

Bruise kind of frowns at you, shaking his head,"I'm not sure, no one's seen him. He;s been missing since two days ago, I meant to look for him, but then I heard that you had trouble so, well, I waited for you to wake up."

He furrows his brow into a regretful scowl,"I probably should've looked for him, but I had to know that you were okay. Can't go losing a teammate already, you know?"
You tries to smile, but fails into a frown.
"You're pretty cold by the way. You sure... you're okay?"

>[] "Yes, I'm fine."
>[] "No, I feel weird."
>[] "Goldenrod's missing?"
>[] Call a nurse.
>[] (Other)
[x]I feel weird
[x]goldenrod's missing?
Goldenrod's missing? That seems like a concern!
>[] "Grumpy's missing?"
>>[] "No, I feel weird."
Could you kindly call a nurse? I feel rather...cold.


>[] "Goldenrod's missing?"
What happened?
>Goldenrod's missing?
Where could he be...
>[] "Yes, I'm fine."
>[] "Goldenrod's missing?"
[x] "I feel kind of weird, but I'll get over it. Let's go find Goldenrod. I'm a little sore, so would you mind getting me a wheelchair?"
>[] "Yes, I'm fine."
"Worst part's over." and maybe say thanks for caring or something.
I'm really tempted to do a "The cold is my ally!" Bane voice thing. I know it's too silly, but I want to.
>[] "Goldenrod's missing?"
[X] Grumpy is missing?
>>[] "I feel weird but i'll be ok"
>>[] "Goldenrod's missing?"
>I'm fine.

Probably our getting used to the cryo-sac implant.

>Goldenrod is missing?
>Yes, I'm fine
>[X] "No, I feel weird."

"A little numb, but that's probably normal?"
This seems like the best situiattion

gets us about and looking for goldy without stressing us to much.
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>"Goldenrod's missing?"
I'm calling it now. Cuntasauras Rex Sabrina probably flipped a shit over him joining the Rockets.
>[] "Yes, I'm fine."
>[] "Goldenrod's missing?"

We just became a full-fledged ice type guys quit being a pussy.
I wonder if he evolved due to emotional stress. Maybe he heard we were dying through telepathy.
>>[] "Goldenrod's missing?"
Lets find a wheelchair and start looking
No, he was missing even before our operation.
>[] "Yes, I'm fine."
"Just the ice sac things."
>[] "Goldenrod's missing?"
I got a bad feeling about this.
>[] Call a nurse.
I need a wheelchair.
It's time to freeze a bitch.

I think the Rockets have more authority than sabrina does though
So, like a search and destroy mission, but instead of destroy, we hug.
No he was asleep

of course, how else would it be?
You think Sabrina's not enough of a crazy bitch to break his arm and throw him in a dark room again? I think she is.
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You guys do know that we have Rest right?

Which will help us recover from the horrific surgery?

Also we should ask after Nurse Remedy and apologize for freezing her arm.

Hope they were able to treat her without complication.
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well, she IS based off the worst mother of all time...
>No he was asleep
No, he was asleep. Kitty was looking for him.
Then she gets her shit wrecked by the rockets.
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I don't think throwing someone into a dark room works when that someone can teleport?
I think that if she does the rockets have full authority to bitch slap her for assualting one of their trainees. Giovanni don't mess around.

then they remove Goldy from her care and disallow contact between them
let's go on WHEELCHAIR ADVENTURES with bruise to find goldenrod
She's a stronger esper than him. He can't do shit against her if she wants to do something to him.

In the anime, she dominated the other psychics in Saffron city. Turned em into dolls and shit.
Kitty would have a field day with Sabrina.
say/think that we'll feel better after seeing goldenrod

hopefully he'll hear it
Sabrina probably has some trick to impede another psychic. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though.

Maybe we'll get lucky and the Rockets have already found him. They are a supposedly competent organization, after all. Let's hope they don't think he's washed out or something, though.
How many doctors and scientists did we murder when we cryosploded on the operating table?
Anime isn't cannon.
Frankly, I believe anyone that fuck with Giovanni should be considered dead.

Anyway, lets not rush things, we should await instructions from our superior, which incidently is Kitty and can destroy esper.
Kitty isn't actually a Dark type. She's good at Dark moves, but she doesn't have Psychic immunity.
Seeing as Kitty's not actually Evil type, I don't really see that working.

Sabrina is like the best esper, Japanese Horror Movie Villain tier.
At the very least Kitty should be on the case of finding him since she was put in charge of us.
Kill? None I don't think. Probably made them all really uncomfortable, though.
Yeah she does. her mind is so dark that she doesn't even know when she attacks. being able to be completely blank while fighting. Espers wouldn't be able to sense her.

though i'm sure physical attacks like telekinesis would work
Dark seems to be a type of fighting as well as having "dark" moves. If she has dark training she can fight Sabrina to a decent extent at the very least.
I agree with apologizing to the nurse we froze the arm of.
I hope she didn't get frost bite.
I'm pretty sure Kitty is only on the Rockets to deal with uppity Espers, seeing how she ain't much good anywhere else
[X] "Yes, I'm fine."

"I'm supposed to be cold. I'll be fine. Though I could use some water."

Give him a hug. And then ask more about Goldy going missing, we aren't going to let a friend of ours go missing without looking for him.
"I'm fine. Just getting used to things. Yeah, I'm fine," You reassure yourself with a tired, concealed smile, yet your thoughts linger on Goldenrod.
"Missing? Grumpy?" You shake your head, "We need to find him, we need to look for him."

Pleading," Bruise, he doesn't like being alone."

Bruise sighs to you with a kind sort of smile," I should've known you wouldn't be able to lie down and not look for them. Well. We shouldn't tell the doctors that you're checking out, I'll get a wheelchair if you're really up to looking for him, are you sure?"

>[] "Yes, Let's look for Goldenrod."
>[] "On second thought..."
These choices will have severely branching effects.
>[] Call for a nurse.. Remedy, was it?
>[] (Other)
Isn't that interesting

Let's get going!
[x]yes, let's look for goldenrod
[x] Let's find nurse remedy on the way
>>[] "Yes, Let's look for Goldenrod."
I'm worried. But I think this is what Ceru would do.
Call the nurse. I want to check on her. We might have cost her an arm, for crying out loud. We can at least ask.
Wheelchair? Pfft Get up and walk out.

If we fail then Bruise can bring us a wheelchair, but might as well try.
>>[] "Yes, Let's look for Goldenrod."
>[] Call for a nurse.. Remedy, was it?

We have to save him from parental abuse and then hug the shit outta him.

We should ask Kitty for advise.
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There's a difference between Espers in general, and the most powerful Esper to ever live.
This guy has it right

if she trys to stop us we use our rocket authority
>[] Call for a nurse.. Remedy, was it?
Before we leave, make sure she's ok.

>[] "Yes, Let's look for Goldenrod."
We don't have to tell Remedy that we're leaving, but we should make sure she's ok.
Kitty is also capable of metal attacks, shutting down ice and rock types.

>Metal Fury Claw
pretty sure she is shit tier compared to an alakazam. probably high kadabra level
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>These choices will have severely branching effects.
I'm not going to ask how that works.
>probably high kadabra level
That's still ridiculously high. Discounting mega evos, Kadabra is still in the top 20s for spatk. That's including legendaries.
>[] "Yes, Let's look for Goldenrod."
Asking if Kitty has looked in to it would be a quick place to start.

while I'd like to apologize to and thank Remedy our teammate is missing. I would normally concede talking to the nurse first is fine, but since we were flat out told it is an important branch: Priorities.
You overestimate our authority.

Sabrina's a gym leader, and the most powerful Esper (one of the most useful, and therefore powerful and influential faction). We're just some idiot kid, for all our petty authority we may claim from our (junior-most) position within a highly-respected faction.
Here is my analysis

>>[] "Yes, Let's look for Goldenrod."
Tenacity, or will to look and fight for our comrades
>>[] "On second thought..."
Caution, rest and laziness (more?)
>>[] Call for a nurse.. Remedy, was it?
Charm, caring and pacifistness
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>"Yes, Let's look for Goldenrod."

It's going to backfire horrifically, but really what else can we do?
goldenrod is going to be so fucking powerful if he doesn't get murdered
I dont think that would work.
[x] look for goldenrod

while Bruise is pushing the wheelchair, we should probably focus on not letting the cold powers go wild either.
Giovanniis authority is much much much much higher than sabrinas

i was talking about using our authority on Remedey
we should instead focus on leaving a super cool path of frozen plants as we go
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Would you like to try walking out?

>Roll 1d20 -2 Tenacity
DC 15

Training, and more training. Steel-hard muscles and- Oh right.

Start taking shots for every time I have to say that.
>[X] "Yes, Let's look for Goldenrod."
Rolled 20 - 2

We got this.
Rolled 3

Rolled 1 + 2

Or freezing the floor under people we walk by

fuck it why noit?
Rolled 8 + 2

i-if you say we can try, yggdrasil.

Though we should only walk for a bit, and then get into a wheelchair.

No need to stress ourselves.
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Yes, we do.

Rolled 10 + 2

Rolled 10 - 2

forgot modifier
Rolled 16 + 2

fuuuuuucking a

i would say burn a tenacity to take the 20, seeing as how it might gain us tenacity
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No way, we'll never fucking ma-
how exactly do rolls work?
Rolled 17 + 2

Haha, you failed your modifier.
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Rolled 8 - 2

I believe you mean 1d20+-2.
Rolled 9 - 2

I think we need to roll the minimum number. Thankfully only:
is correct so far.
Rolled 3 - 2

Wrong modifier, shouldn't count.
Rolled 10 + 2

I am so so so so so sorry

Lets burn 1 tenacity to take the 20. this should get us some tenacity in return
The 1 used the wrong modifier. It's -2. Not +2.

It doesn't even count.
>fucked up modifier
Thank the dice gods for fucked up modifers.

You used the wrong modifier. You're still using the wrong modifier.

Read the instructions carefully.
Improper modifiers Cerulean shall walk out of this place.
Fucking excellent.
can it be a shakey, wobbly walk?
Or heck, can we get into the wheelchair after we get tired?
I was sort of looking forward to wheelchair adventures.
Shouldn't a nat 20 also improve our sadly low tenacity?
Rolled 68 + 1


yes it should
Do it like this.


You have to add a negative number.
Rolled 84 - 1


ahh i see. i just put -2
last time it gave us like 3 tenacity, but that was also during a really important test so there would be modifiers I bet.

Eh the dice bot here is a bit finicky. It used to accept 1d20-2 as a proper roll.
Surprising right?

To be fair, negative modifiers are rarely used.
this is the first quest that actully cared about modifiers

this is also a very important moment for tenacity
I've seen a few others that did.
>covered in bandaged like a mummy
>get up and start walking
This can't be good for us
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>this is the first quest that actually cared about modifiers
That's a bold statement. Also false.
This is important too.

Just getting right the fuck up after major, life threatening surgery (during which we *woke up*) and walking out like it ain't no thang, because a friend might be in danger.

Gotta be some major tenacity points there.
We passed the tenacity roll with flying colors, don't worry. At the very least, that means we're physically passable to be moving around.
The pain we feel is temporary.

Losing Grumpy is far worse.
First quest i have been in. since the Prof has run other Quests i kinda though that was implied.
We could have looked for him on a wheelchair, you know.
I just know that moving on a healing thing tends to be bad for it, unless you're -very- gentle and take frequent rests.
I think it means that our massive little-girl ballsack allowed us to ignore the horrific pain that will result from popping all our stitching.
Ehh, we'll sleep in a pool once we find Grumpy.
you don't understand anon
Friends are more important than the petty flesh that binds us to this realm
>massive little-girl ballsack
fuckin snorted my pepsi
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That'd be a good idea, since just because we CAN walk doesn't necessarily mean that we should.
I want to get up and walk with bruise to the wheelchairs, and then collapse in one.
Possibly mutter something about how that was a bad idea on our part.
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>massive little-girl ballsack
Shhhh Prof is writing an it will alllll be alright
Is that how you want Grumpy to see us? A weak little fish not even able to stand on her own two kitty feet?

We are going to show him that we care, we are going to find him and then hug the shit outta him, figuratively then literally.
Hey, did we not get the saber fangs implanted into our arms? Because I can't find any mention of it in the pastebin.
We really should ask Bruise if we can swipe a wheelchair anyway. I don't think walking around all day is a good idea.

You shake your head and rise from your bed, grunting against your sore body, Bruise moves to push you down, yet you bring up a hand and shake your head,"Chair.. no. It's too slow, we need to find him... now."

You slip the covers off and find yourself bandaged up entirely still, with a hospital gown, a fuzzy tail flicking around behind you with a small amount of stiffness.

You wobble to your feet as your cold blood begins to pump a bit faster now. You breath out a cool chill, nodding as you feel dizziness slip away, your equilibrium readjusting itself.

"You sure that you're.. okay?" Bruise asks, moving around the bed to lay a hand on your shoulders.

Your fur bristles beneath your wraps and you nod," Sore, but fine. Lets go." You begin to walk for the exit brazenly, tail flicking behind you with some mild irritation at the pain you feel at the stitching holding your skin on.
You grit your teeth and think of Goldenrod, the poor boy that says he hates you. The poor boy that opened up to you in that wood.

You taste iron and your nostrils flair beneath the bandages.

You're leaving.

>[] Cut the bandages off.
>[] Leave them on.

>Where will you go first?

>[] Front desk of institute.
>[] Rocket Dorms.
>[] Cerulean Quarter
>[] Lavender Spire
>[] (Other)

>1d20 -2 tenacity
DC 10 to keep walking.
Bruise could carry you too.
oh, it's fine, he already thinks we're fat and all sorts of other things.
Too bad he's fallen so completely for our hugs.
No, we got them on our fingertips.

Frpstbite Claws mothafucka
We've made our point, we can rely on our friends too.

I'm tempted to break down Sabrina's door, but that might not be the best idea.
Its our claws.

>[X] Leave them on.
>[X] "Bruise do you mind if I borrow your strength for a little bit?"
Bruise carry us man, we proved our self already.

Leave bandages

And head to Lavender Spire. I bet Kitty already checked Dorms.
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Rolled 10 - 2

>Rocket Dorms.
Get his scent.

Leave the bandages on for now.
>Leave them on

>Lavender Spire

Ask Bruce to carry us
Rolled 2 - 2

[x] leave them on
Bandages are good for you. We'll take them off when they get dirty.
[x] ask bruise where he's already looked. Then go to the dorms, and then lavender, if he hasen't looked there.
I take back what I said here >>28350231
Let's do this >>28350233
>>[] Leave them on.

>[] Rocket Dorms.
lets go check for Kitty
>Leave the bandages on
>Front Desk of the institute.
I think we've made out point. Let's get a wheelchair. if we get to a place that isn't wheelchair accessible, I'm sure Bruce will carry us and the chair.
>[] Leave them on.
>[] Rocket Dorms.

This is silly.
>No don't get a chair it's too slow
>..carry me please...

Just grab a chair.
As for Grumpy himself
>[X] Call out mentally to Grumpy, see if you can't get his attention that way.
>[X] Rocket Dorms.
Rolled 20 - 2

>>[] Leave them on.

>>[] Rocket Dorms.
Rolled 4 - 2

whoops, rolled a 1d10 instead of 1d20
Ah, I see. Amber Claws.

No need to keep walking. Let's lean on Bruise.

Can Bruise smell too? Did Goldie leave anything in his room for us to smell? At the very least, there might be some sort of clue there.
[x] Leave them on
[x] Get a piggyback ride
[x] Go to the dorms to pick up his scent.

[x] no seriously, get a chair just in case bruise
We're so manly right now.
Just lean on him as he walks. faster than a chair, still.
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I'm not sure if rolling these is a good thing.
Hot Damn. Cerulean is just walking out of here like a pro.
We do not need these. Nat 20 bitches.
They were implanted into the fingertips as claws. They'll be retractable eventually.

The modest heroine of this story rises from her operation to find a missing friend in need. Despite her own condition, she forces herself forward.

I like that.

You may check other places not listed if you all wish.

It seems the trend now is rocket dorms.

Also: Going it without help will raise tenacity, though slowly.
[X] Leave them on.

Don't mess with them.

Go to the dorms, get his scent, we've got a kitty nose now, we can track him down. Teleporting might make him harder to track, but it'll give us a start.
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...We really want to find our friend.
it's not
we should really get a wheelchair
the nurses are going to FLIP when they see us just wlaking out
We better get some tenacity for that
veridian city if the dorms have already been checked.
He's been missing like two days! This is -not- acceptable.
[X] Leave them on

[X] Rocket Dorms
Massive surgery? Who cares we can walks as much as we want.
i would say we should have gotten a total of 2 tenacity by now?

one for each 20? seems reasonable
They can flip all they want. We're a girl on a mission, nothing is going to stop us from finding our friend and hugging him, because that's what friends do. They help each other out and Grumpy needs us.

Well, we've got one hell of a Tenacity debt to recoup, so we go as far as we can, and when we can't go any further we get a lift from Bruise.
>ignore damage, pursue friends
So, I take it we're already being affected by the cat
I'm a little concerned about walking it out. The possibility of getting a critfail at stage of out recovery can not end well at all.
we've ALWAYS done that. The cat did nothing.
just have bruise bring a wheelchair just in case.

That's pretty standard for folks in the walking stage of recovery.
Cerulean giving absolutely no fucks.
bruise is there, he shall help us if we collapse.

Plus we need the tenacity
Honestly it'd probably be faster if he just carried us instead of wasting time with a wheel chair.

It's not like he's not strong enough.
Bruise should probably do this, but Ceru wouldn't think of it, I'm pretty sure. Not at this time, I think.
rather bumpy though, and might put some strain on our stiches depending on how he carries us
You have a point friend.

Bruise could lug us around much faster than any wheelchair.
Be responsible adult, comparatively to 10 year old girltiger here, and be prepared for her to collapse
Well it'll probably be a princess carry which is pretty gentle. Unless he decides to run at a sprint, which I doubt will happen.

Talk to Giovanni (Like a Rocket)
Eat Farfetch'd (Like a Rocket)
Find a medium (Like a Rocket)
Freak out (Like a Rocket)
Say goodbye to friends (Like a Rocket)
Obtain grafts (Like a Rocket)
Wake up halfway (Like a Rocket)
Surgical complications (Like a Rocket)
Go back to sleep (Like a Rocket)
Wake up (Like a Rocket)
Walk it off (Like a Rocket)
Find friend to hug (Like a Rocket)
We just got up from surgery, we still have stitches holding new skin in place, and we are going to give Grumpy a motherfucking hug.

We're like the terminator, but fluffy and adorable.
Eventually get a nat 1 and puke on Bruise in the streets (Like a Rocket)
>Find friend to hug (Like a 12 year old girl)
>Freak out (Like a Rocket)
Rocket rangers do not freak out, they are merely surprised.

>Wake up halfway (Like a Rocket)
Impossible, Rocket rangers never do thing halfway.

Ceru is actually younger than that.
A nat1 would probably be screaming on the ground in pain after tearing open our stitches.
Cerulean is 10 years old, not 12.
With Bruise at your side, you walk right out of the recovery room, unabated for some time until the nurse's eyes begin to wander to you.

"Oh dear no." One rushes over , followed by another two, as they grab at you, eliciting a groan of discomfort from you.
"You need to lay back down, you can't be walking around yet, you're body-"

Bruise lays his hand upon a nurse's shoulder," I'm taking care of her, should she fall, I'll bring her back."

You look down with some embarrassment, yet look up to them in the eye," I'm fine, I need to find my friend, please. I'll be back when I find him."

The nurses shake their head," No, no, we can't we-"
"You're going to let us go, we have important business on behalf of the Rocket Team. We're responsible for a missing person and she has a mission. Would you interfere with a Rocket's mission?"

The nurse's shut up at Bruise's word, you don't call him on his bluff, instead you suck in some of your breath and hope they don't ask you about it. You just want to find Goldenrod. Missing in the dome? That's not okay.

"Take a wheelchair for her, we insist." One of the Nurse says with a sigh, exasperated.
One of the others rushes away to fetch the item.

You tug at the nurse, shyly,"Umm, Tell nurse Remedy that I'm sorry about freezing her. She was... She was nice, is she okay?"

The woman bends down to look you in the feline eye," Yes, she's alright, she's being treated, but she'll be fine. She was worried that you were going to freeze yourself over." The woman runs a gentle hand over your head," Be careful dear."

The wheelchair is brought forward and you oblige the nurses by taking a seat for now despite feeling enough strength in yourself to keep going.

You leave, first stop: the Rocket Dorms.

>Hug Grumpy
>Pop stitches and bleed all over him
>Cryoplosion 2, frosty boogaloo
>Grumpy is now screaming profanities and pissed as fuck because he's covered in frozen Ceru blood.
That just makes all this even more impressive.
this quest is fucked up in so many ways
And we just keep on hugging him. Telling him that he worried us and that we care about him.
Still probably not half as bad as what his mother did to him.
it's at least a different type of traumatizing.
And not even a quarter as bad as what we are going to do to his mother.

Kittys are very protective
>"Ssssh. It's okay. We're here for you. Just let it all out."
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Bleed on her?

At our current level, trying to fight Sabrina is like trying to fight Zapdos.

Curb your arrogance.
We probably are not going to do anything against her.

I think there is a trio of rocket rangers including Kitty that may get involved, however.
If Sabrina ever TOUCHES us, Loreli will slap her shit so hard she'll be a dark type, when she next visits the dome.

But i actuallly meant once we get stronger and have our complete revenge.
>"Because I care about you."
>"Shh, it'll be alright."

Well on the bright side if that bitch decides to fuck with Grumpy on our watch we can tell her that she's the Saffron Gym Leader and holds no authority whatsoever over Rocket personnel so she can just bugger the fuck off.
After leaving sight of the institute, you get up, Bruise merely hoisting the wheelchair over his should with a shrug.

It's late morning by the time you hit the Rocket dorms, and the guards are surprised to see you up and about.

Bruise suggests that you check for Goldenrod's scent with your nose, as it's what kitty had tried doing... Though she apparently couldn't find anything that bore enough of his "stink."
With the door to his bedroom open, you're free to snoop about the premises, no Kitty to be found.

His room is partially furnished with clothes that had been apparently sent over. His bed is meticulously made, either by a maid's service or his own meticulous habits.

Around the room, there are a couple of spoons, scattered around the bedding, a noteworthy thing.

>Anything else you check around for?

>[] Yes, check...
>(Write in)
>[] No, we're leaving.
>Yes, check...
Our shirt we wore the day we carried Grumpy on our back.

We literally carried him around all day, I'm sure we can separate his stink from ours.
[x]yes, check spoons for scent and bentedness
[x]check drawer
if neither work, then leave.
>Around the room, there are a couple of spoons, scattered around the bedding, a noteworthy thing.
Oh God, He evolved didn't he?

look at the spoons, smell some of his clothes, look through personal affects.

Then we head off to his mothers.
there is one piece of clothing that is sure to have plenty of his scent... his socks
this is a goot idea
this sounds good.

Look at the spoons, try to smell them.
Grab a few anyway.

Very good call



We could probably just smell the bed or the clothes he brought.

I think Kitty just meant that she couldn't find a trail. which makes sense since he teleports
[X] Yes, check...
We've literally had like half our body replaced, several new organs put in, new eyes, new nose, new teeth, claws, ears

We are SUCH a Barioth.
Get our tail chopped off? Keep going.
Get our fangs smashed? Fuck the police.
Both arms broken? Use them anyway.

>(Write in)
>No, We're leaving
>"Grumpy wouldn't leave these lying around like this. He'd have too many bad memories from them. Bruise, I'm worried about him. We need to check out the Saffron Quarter. I think his mother might have come and gotten him."
>he evolved into kadabra
>spends all day in his room materializing spoons
Most awkward puberty
I still say we should try calling out mentally for him.
>[] Yes, check...

"This definitely isn't good. He hates spoons, he wouldn't just leave them around like that if he was in a good state."

Take some spoons, look for the shirt we wore when we piggy backed him, check the bed as well. Think very loudly about how we're looking for him.
>wakes up suddenly at 3am
>looks under the covers
>sheets covered in spoons
I bet this dumb fucker evolved and decided that he would go and either challenge his mom to an esper duel or to try to show off and make her proud.

I think either option has awkened the crazytrain and landed him in the dark room again.
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>Pour bowl of cereal
>Grab a spoon
>Too uncomfortable to eat
Grumpy has to eat his cereal with a fork.
>the dark room again.
A room without light, filled with bugs and spoons.
>talking to pretty girl
>going to ask her on date
>reach into pocket to get tickets for the concert
>handfull of spoons
why not a spork?
How would he react to a spork?
>In the Cafeteria with his squad
>Eating Capt Crunch with a fork
>Bruise asks what the fuck he's doing
>Just kinda looks sad for a second and scoops more crunch.
>Not just throwing the cereal into your face with mind powers
>[Crytten] Premature Freezer Array: Cold sacs that have been installed within your body, they lower your core temperature to comfortable levels. enables Frozen fur and eases ice-based weaponry. +1 rank to acquired Ice skills -5 rank to acquired Fire Skills.
Welp. So much for Remoraid learning Fire Blast or Flamethrower.
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Guys. Guys.

I'm dying here with the spoon talk.

"What's the matter Grumpy, you need some help?"
And then we try to feed him with our spoon and he runs from the room with a horrible nosebleed.
>Talking to pretty girl
>you blush
>she blushes
>Is that a spoon in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
>You suddenly get nervous and subtly feel your pants through your pocket
>Its a spoon.
Poorly, it's too much like a spoon. It's like the spoons that he's scared of, but pointy and sharp so it can also hurt him.

He hates sporks.
Goldie is going to have a hard time with spoons

inb4 spoons falling out of pockets in pokestop
>game of spoons
>mix in one of his spoons
>secret bet that whatever girl ends up with his spoon has to...
Once he evolves he can eat his cereal with TELEKINESIS! He just makes a perfect sphere of milk and cereal and floats it up into his mouth.

Take that childhood trauma!
i really hope he doesn't have any sort of aversion to spoons. or be able to conjure them at will or any of that shit.
>Pursue relationship with Goldie.
>One night while we're both in bed, we embrace him from behind and don't let go until morning.
>Goldie suffers total mental breakdown.
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We're just gonna have to REALLY want it.

At least we don't have penalties to anything else though.
eh, it's ok, all we really needed it for was steel, which we neutral STAB with water against pure steel, and super effective most due to their secondary typing.
aside from the obvious lonliness issues, is there....

Oh i get it.... spooning....
My sides have just evolved into a new and more transcendent form.

T-the same bed! That's so lewd. What would our mother say?!
>Training with Goldie
>He has problem with some technique
>We tutor him
>Kitty barges in and ask us to stop spoon feeding him
>Goldie goes batshit
And Ice-types

You check the spoons, curious as you recall Goldenrod's story.
As you approach, Bruise raises an eyebrow," Oh, those?"

You bend down and touch one, picking it up to examine it carefully, feeling the stitching of your body strain painfully.

"They were just lying here when we first checked the room. Kitty said that we shouldn't touch them, like you are now."

You look back to him, and then at the spoon. Grumpy hates these. He wouldn't even use is spoon at the dinner, he took to using a fork and eating the salad instead. You frown at that.

The spoons show some warping, though none are fully bent, there are odd ripples in the metal, and they're especially shiny. Odd.

You hand it over to Bruise, and look over yourself, you should probably change out of this gown,"Bruise..."

Bruise pockets the thing and raises an eyebrow," What?"

You begin to leave the room, yet feel a cold blush run across your face,"You.. stay in here. Don't come in my room, okay?"

Confused, Bruise scratches his cheek and nods," Ahh, right Ceru..."

You open the door and stand at the other side glaring at him as you slowly close it.

Going into your own room, you shut the door, locking it to be sure. You change out of your hospital gown into something a bit more respectable...

You see there, your old Ranger uniform, Cerulean issue. It still bears a little stink on it. That's it!

>Scent acquired.

>What do you change into?
>[] Black dress
>[] Blue Dress.
>[] Shorts... Ehhh...You don't really feel comfortable in shorts.
>[] Rocket Ranger Uniform.
>[] Old Ranger Uniform
>[] (Other)
I think we can live without that. We don't need to do everything, and if we can't deal with fire stuff, so what?

I think Ceru cuddles would win out over his fear of spoons. We are really soft and cuddly.

I'm happy for you. And then she'd give us a hug.
We have slain Yggdrasil with our spoon jokes.
I hope you're happy
we naturally learn rock for ice types. or we can charge beam the water secondaries.
[x] blue dress
We're not on duty. We're on an entirely civilian friend-manhunt.
blue dress 4 the sexy appeal
Do we have anything loose? All our ranger uniforms are pretty tight. We don't really want to wear those.
whatever fits the tail best
[X] Rocket Ranger Uniform.

This means if anyone tries to stop us we can pull the Rocket card and keep on going.
God damn it I can't handle all these spoons!
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>Rocket Ranger Uniform.

Best way to make sure nobody questions us.

Hell are we even recognizable with all the bandages?
dresses, I think.
>Rocket Ranger Uniform
None of our clothing is designed with a tail in mind, is it?
>>[] Rocket Ranger Uniform.
What else?

>there are odd ripples in the metal, and they're especially shiny.

Not sure what I should make of that.
blue dress, as it is likely not tight fitting, which is bad for our stitches.
you know are tail might lift the dress up
No, but your claws can fix that.
>>[] Blue Dress.

And make sure to actually mention the thing about Grumpy hating spoons when we get back to Bruise. I doubt he pays that much attention.
Neat. Blue dress then.

[X} Rocket Ranger Uniform
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On second thought >>28351295 has a good point, probably safest to go with the blue dress.
>Shorts... Ehhh...You don't really feel comfortable in shorts.
Guys, you remember what those are designed like? It would be horrible to wear that right after the surgery.
>Old Ranger uniform
juuuuust in case becoming Kadabra made Goldie go psycho, it'd be nice to have a reminder that we're friends
>[x] Rocket Ranger Uniform.

We kick ass and take names in the name of Lord Giovanni. I wanted to pick a casual blue dress, but our team mate is missing, so this is Rocket business.

...between our tail, ears, and bandages, none of our clothes are gonna fit too well.
Our claw can't replace a good tailor. Ripping apart the fabric like that will make it susceptible to rip and tear.

We don't want a wardrobe incident in the middle of a fight right?

People don't seem to grasp that.


Then what do you suggest?
Rocket uniform lends us an air of credibility when asking questions. they will be less inclinded to question us
>[X] Rocket Ranger Uniform.
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Yes they are.

Ratatta rangers in the... Yes.
It isn't that bad, if we need to we can just not wear the coat and make sure there's a hole for our tail and we should be okay.
>[X] Blue Dress.
Lets not wear anything too restricting while we are healing
So she's uncomfortable because she's Modest?
Rolled 1

Tied between Rocket and Blue dress...

1 blue
2 rocket

Chubby too.
No, it's because she's fat.
I hope the new Crytten musculature will help with that...poor thing.
>Chubby too.
I wanna say bearmode, but it's more like sabretooth pseudo-dragon sealcat ... mode.
You slip on your dress, a nice replacement for that stupid looking gown. Looking in the mirror you swish it around a little, smiling to yourself despite not being able to see your face.

You get back to business, taking the scent and returning to Bruise in Grumpy's room, he raises an eyebrow at your change yet says nothing, likely he hadn't expected that of you.

"I got the scent."

"You got the scent?"

You nod gleefully,"Got the scent. Let's go, okay?"
"Oh, and don't show grumpy the spoon when we find him, he doesn't like them," You add on thoughtfully.

Obviously the scent leads out of the dorm in broken patterns... Your room, his room, cafeteria, outside, and then stop... Picking it up again may be a bit hard.

>You could follow it, or you could go by intuition.

>[]It's on the air somewhere... [1d100]
[] Intuition!
>Go where?
The muscles will most likely go under the fat.

This is probably something we are going to have to deal with our whole life. Since there is no way we are getting rid of our blubber
Rolled 62

>>[]It's on the air somewhere... [1d100]
Follow your nose!
Imagine a baby seal crossed with a dragon, crossed with a tiger that has massive oversized teeth, and then put it into a human body.
Rolled 33

Oh, here we go...
Rolled 71

Follow the scent directly to the psychic section of town
Rolled 48

He said something that gives this away. I know he did.

...but I'm researching serial killers for a thing tomorrow.
Rolled 47

The nose knows.
Rolled 1

>[]It's on the air somewhere... [1d100]
Devil guide these dice!

Also... Prof, got any other MonHun critters planned to show up?
Rolled 7

Rolled 66

>[]It's on the air somewhere...
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Rolled 28

>It's on the air somewhere...
Rolled 39

>[X]It's on the air somewhere... [1d100]
Rolled 49

Hah, 6th roll. Doesn't count
Rolled 18

>[]It's on the air somewhere... [1d100]
improved senses are getting a lot of use aren't they.
d100 rolls were best of five, right?
You know, dolphins have blubber too, and they are considered sleek and athletic. although seels aren't exactly dolphins.
Rolled 99

Crap... is it 5 or 7 rolls for luck?
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...Why do people keep doing this?

You get what you fucking pay for.
Rolled 16

Unless they're encounter rolls. Which this isn't
Rolled 2


Yes. I'm converting not-monhun monsters as well as digging into others for nasty surprises. You're not out of the dome yet though, so it's not an immediate concern.
Chance roll.

oh fuck you dice god
5 for everything except encounter rolls
We don't have any Dragon parts, Crytten's evo line doesn't have any Dragon in it unless it eats a dragon.
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Not that bad as far as critfails go.
Hey, we rolled to pick up the scent. Not for random chance.

My dice just fucking killed us.
I didn't know, Anons. I DIDN'T KNOW

That's what Barioth looks like though. A Sabertooth dragon. But no, not actually a dragon type until final evo.

Thought magnitude was 1-10, high is better?
either we just caught a whiff of something nasty or the concerns about the tail lifting the dress were right
It's magnitude of the failure. High numbers on that mean BIG failure, low numbers mean that it ain't so bad.
With that luck, we probably got Kitty scent instead and will digging through her privates soon.
I think bliger will basically be a while Sabre tooth tiger with some spikes on its forearms and a flat tail
Not as lewd as deadly in this case.
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You invoked the devil.

That's what happens.
Bliger is probably just a white sabretooth with spiky forearms and ice breath
Force of habit from Akuma Quest.

Although, now that I think of it, doing it there made a force of unimaginable evil stronger with every roll.

I... I should probably stop doing that.

I've secretly always hoped for a Nat 1 while invoking the devil for sheer oh god no value
You and bruise walk around for the better part of an hour, as you chase after the scent, feeling as though you're chasing a ghost.

Nothing turns up. Nothing conclusive, you feel bad for leading bruise in circles and... Your most recent trail led you to near one of the entrance/exits to the dome... It... couldn't be, could it?

Something keeps bugging you about the spoons.

>[] No, it couldn't be, he wouldn't be outside. That's stupid, but could he?
>[] ...Try to check...Imminent danger
>[] Intuition time, take a guess...
>[] (Other)
Can't be that bad, maybe some nurses find us and drag us back
>>[] Intuition time, take a guess...
He probably went back home using teleportation.
>[X] ...Try to check...Imminent danger
Time to do something stupid!
>[x] Intuition time, take a guess...

We're pretty intuitive, aren't we? And a good part of intuition is knowing that little girls who just got out of major surgery shouldn't leave the dome.
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>Intuition time, take a guess...

Saffron City?

Also, what does option 2 mean?
[x]ask local guards if they saw our teleporting friend
>>[] Intuition time, take a guess
let's head to the saffron district. There is no way we are going outside, Grumpy probably didn't go outside anyway and we are getting this because of minor critfail
I hope we took a spoon with us.

Pull it out, take a look at it, see if there's anything going on.

Ask people in the area if they've seen anything.

Trust our intuition after that and follow where it leads.
Intuition of -4 please help us

also prof when do we get to meet the creepy scientist pervert with tangela vine augments?that is my fetish
True, they might have saw something.
Rolled 46

>Imminent Danger
>>[] No, it couldn't be, he wouldn't be outside. That's stupid, but could he?
Ask bruise and think on the problem.
Change my vote from here^ to this:

It'd more reliable to just ask someone than continue our wild goose chase.
We get +4 to ingenuity
>[X] ...Try to check...Imminent danger

Just because we did a minor critfail doesn't mean he didn't go out there.

We crit failed and captured a farfected.
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Yeah I guess we could give this a try while we're right here.
We are nearly dead. And you want to leave the dome?

Please tell me your logic behind this.
We are nearly dead and yet we are still walking around looking for him.

Logic has no place in this situation.
Leaving the hospital we can spin in a positive light to our superiors if we need to.
Leaving the dome is just plain stupid right now.

Walking around half dead inside the dome is very different from walking around outside it.
Rolled 93

We have been extremely lucky up to this point.

Let's not push it.
Like we would let our condition get in the way of finding him.
If he was outisde we would go after him.
[x] report findings to rocket

It smells like a member of the team went for a walk outside the dome.
Giovanni should know this.
Just saying, the Imminent Danger could be pertaining to us.
Alright now your just trolling
Is this looking like a 2 thread night to y'all?
If we somehow -knew- he went outside, we'd enlist Kitty's help
I really hope so
>[] Intuition time, take a guess...

Is it possible he evolved and freaked out when he found out Kadabra comes with spoons?

If that's the case maybe hes trying to gain his mothers approval.

You approach the guards to the gate, a pair of Veridian rangers with a nervous look about them. One bears armored skin, sharp brown quills poking out from his back along with a fierce horn set upon his head. The other bears a set of hard rocky knuckles and a robust build along with armored skin and a rusty coloring to his hide.

"Halt, exit is disallowed due to the outage and sighting of a dangerous monster recently. Cadets should- Cadets..." The quilled man looks at you hard for a moment, an incredulous, bewildered look upon his face,"Are you just out of surgery?"

You look down, smiling nervously," Umm, we're looking for our friend, I smelled him near here."

Bruise steps forward," Rocket business. We wanted to ask if you've seen a yellow-skinned ranger around here."
Bruise as usual is good at taking control of things. He's kind of- well, he's cool.
You smile beside yourself, happy that you're all bandaged up. You must look like a dork.

The Robust Ranger grunts with a nod,"Last watch said they'd seen a kid near here, told him to buzz off. Gave us a weird look and then went off elsewhere. Vanished like an esper they said. Weird business. If you're rockets though, well..."
The man looks over to his leaner acquaintance, a surly smile parting across his flat teeth,"If you're rockets, you should know that we've been told to keep a lookout for a kid, we reported that to Leader Giovanni, but no rangers have gone out yet to look. Bet his mother's worried."

"So... no one saw him leave?"

The other man, shakes his head, the robust one carries on," Not leave, no. Not through the gate, we can guarantee that. Maybe you should be looking elsewhere? Ah, and don't mind us teas'n ya. Not everyday you see two Rocket Trainees, one fresh out of surgery look'n to leave the dome." The man chuckles.

>Well, what now?
Yeah, we aren't going to go outside because a critfail told us he MIGHT be outside
>>Well, what now?
Go to Saffron and ask Sabrina if she has any idea where her son could be.

Show her the dirty spoons.
>Go see Sabrina.

Crazy ultra-bitch as she is, she knows Grumpy best, and she'll be able to find him.

The trick is to keep her from kicking the shit out of him when we do find him.

What was the dangerous monster outside the dome, for curiosity's sake?
>his mother must be worried
So he doesn't actually KNOW if she's worried?
Does she even know? We should check out vermillion, and then the psychic quarter.
Let's go see his mother, and keep an eye out for his scent
I never in my life thought I would consider spoons of all things to be lewd.

Yet here we are.
Thank the two of them for their help.

Pull out one of the spoons and look at it. See if it is reacting in any odd way.

Don't get outside. Head to Saffron, keep our nose open for Grumpy's scent near there. Keep an eye on the spoon as we're walking, make sure it doesn't change or do anything weird. And if we get a funny feeling listen to that funny feeling.
Why Vermillion?
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It was a Thu-Fi-Zer.
Time to see Sabrina.

Oh God she's not gonna take Bruise having authority over her well will she....
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Since we know Psybeam, does that mean we have minor Esper potential?
>you bring Grumpy home for dinner
>he politely ask your mother what you are going to eat tonight
>Your mother answers "We'll start with soup".
>Grumpy loses his spaghetti
>>[] Intuition time, take a guess...
Saffron district
I'm pretty much for anything that doesn't lead to us leaving the dome so if at all possible put me down for every non suicide option that comes up.
>>Grumpy loses his spaghetti
I think you mean that he loses his spoons.
All things have minor esper potential. And we don't know it yet
Zapdos. Legendary encounter without being elite four material is nearly guaranteed suicide.
It's only been 2 days since the sighting.

I like Pokemon adventure. Thu-fi-zer may become canon.

The fish does. The fish is more esper than you. Better thought of as expelling a form of radiation that interferes with brainwaves.
he could have actually gone there, to check on dead folk
someone should archive this before we get to the page 9
But dead folk are in Lavender, and he hates Lavender
Awesome. Also, everyone likes Adventures. Shit is great.
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That's Lavender.
oh. What'd I say?
Vermillion is the electric district. We know nothing about the electric district.

I'm on to you trying to get us to learn an electric attack. I think we shouldn't be able to.
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Vermillion, which is electric.
well, my bad. We don't need to check electric zone.
Not until we get a real grim reminder.
"Thanks for the help," You give a slight bow to the other rangers,"It was nice."

Bruise steps forwards and fist bumps the robust ranger whom smiles at him warmly," Nice fists kid, you train Pewter?"
Bruise nods, and chats with the guard for a moment as you take out the spoon, holding it up to the light as the sparse rays of sunlight through the dome hit it, causing a strange change to occur.

The ripples begin to bend toward the outside of the dome, weakly pulsing toward the outside.

Its.. strange... It's like the ripples are actually alive, rolling like the waves of the sea to the outside.

>Spook in checked, the ripples pulse to the outside.

>Your move?
See if the ripples point in the same direction if we change the orientation of the spoon.

If it points to the same place, follow it. If it points outside the dome, find Kitty.
Report this finding to Kitty.

We don't know the significance of that and we sure as hell aren't leaving the dome alone.
Try to contact Giovanni, fellow Rockets, and/or even Sabrina (she can't be that heartless right?)

>Ranger Bro
This spoon
It's... rippling.
We should tell giovanny he's almost certainly out there.
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Well shit.

Now what?

Also that luck roll wasn't for rolling on if we'd find Goldenrod's trail was it?

It was where Goldenrod's trail would lead.
>Call the Rockets

Verge of death, just out of surgery, dangerous monster, etc.

We're a Rocket. There's a chain of command. This is definitely over our head. We wouldn't charge outside the dome willy-nilly if we were fit, and we're basically 90% bandages and stichwork right now.
... well fuck. Make sure that the ripples keep going that same direction no matter how we turn the spoon or what direction we're facing.

Do we have a map of the area? If so we might be able to triangulate his position using the direction of the ripples from where we are from a couple locations. Once we have the general area pinned down we can bring this info to Kitty or Giovanni and get a party out looking for him.
They're going to find him sitting on a throne of Beedril corpses.
As you move the spoon around, the ripples flow in different directions to the outside.

It seems that they're actually pulsating away from the dome, not towards the outside.

>+1 ingenuity!
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Ah thats good, think we can use it as a Grumpy compass?
so... if points outwards directly wherever we stand in the dome
This isn't an attraction field

It's a REPULSION field centered on the center of the dome!

Report your triangulation results to bruise. Disregard his questioning how a 10 year old knows triangulation principles.
So he's still inside the dome then? Nice idea Anon.

>Use the spoon to find Grumpy.
So it's like sonar and his esper energy is pinging off of the spoons. Like dousing rods or something.

We just need to get to the spot that the ripples are rippling away from. I think.
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Well that's much better.

Now all we gotta do is follow them to the source.
So, could they simply be affected by the repel field? I see.

Anyway, lets head to Saffron and meet Sabrina before we drop any more spoon while interacting with guards.
to clarify my point, this might mean grumpy is in the center of the dome, and is actively pushing the spoon away from him.
Ah ha!

Well, let's go look for the source of the ripples. Look at what direction they're pulsating from, play hot/cold, aim for where the ripples are the strongest. I'm thinking Grumpy will be at the center.

We're a Ranger, do you really think that they'd neglect methods of navigation and orientation in our training? It isn't all that hard a concept either.
We can tell Bruise to run and get kitty/other rockets while we wait here. He could get the message out faster.

Or we don't take the chance and go out now to find out friend.
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Ooh, it might just be the repel field?

I guess we should check to see if that's the only thing causing it.

That'd be kind of a waste of time if that's the case.

Neat trick though.
Welp, looks like we have a way to find him now.
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Let's follow the lead now.

If he's in hiding somewhere, he might be more inclined to talk to us than angry superior officers.
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>Reliable Grumpy Tracking Method Acquired! -Spoon!

>[] Report to superiors
>[] Track him down!
>[x] Track him down!
>Track down
he'd more likely talk to us then superiors

Still worried as to why Kitty told us not to touch it though.
>>[] Track him down!
Plenty of time for superiors later
I'd actually guess that the highest concentration of Repel field stuff would be on the walls themselves. Why put it in the center? Then you'd need to expend a lot of power to cover the edges and waste power by covering all the bits in the middle. Instead put the things that output repel near the edges, you don't need to cover the entire inner area of the city, just the places Monsters could enter it from.

Though I could be wrong and Prof might correct me.

[X] Track him down!

Since he's not outside let's do this on our own. Bringing in authority figures will just muddle everything, he needs friends right now.
What if we found him alone, sleeping on the ground and covered in spoons?


>[] Report to superiors

I am afraid of what could he happen if he evolved and went berserk.
Use Infinite Spoon Works to create a Dome Wide SPOON GRUMPY SENSOR NETWORK and use it to Spoon his location.
[X} Track him down!
>[x] Track him down!

This is something that needs to stay between us for the moment. Now that we know he's still inside the dome, we can handle it on our own.
Don't touch what you don't understand. They have no idea what's with the spoons, other than they are maybe special.
You could say he got frustrated and
spooned all over himself.

I hope we don't walk in on the middle of him and some girl he just met spooning either.
He's probably embarrassed about the mustache.
[x]track him down!
[x] tell guards to report to superiors that we are ON THE CASE

Guards are here to delegate to.
>[] Track him down!
If I started growing an awesome mustache when I was 10 years old I would be totally stoked.
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>Infinite Spoon Works
Guards are here to guard, not be bossed around by some kids
[x] Track him down!
If things get hairy, we can send Bruise to get help.
Oh hey.
Apparently the FireRed Dex entry is > It happened one morning - a boy with extrasensory powers awoke in bed transformed into Kadabra.
from the wiki-
> If this Pokémon is nearby, an eerie shadow appears on TV screens

Prepare for 2spook
>Bryan(dot)"where's Oliver?"
Yeh I dont know how I managed to forget the slowpoke picture.
I'm good at this.
oh the spoon were using is probably tracking the "alpha waves" grumpy is emitting.

However I'm worried as the dex says that the trainer needs a strong psyche to control kadabra. Hopefully it doesn't apply to implants.
>That image

There are two red swords with blocky golden hilts in the bottom right corner and it is driving me mad. If you are going to copy paste, at least make sure you don't put identical weapons adjacent to each other.

Okay, I'm done sperging out now.
If we wanted to get meta, we could start carrying around a clock and when it starts running backwards we'll know he's close.
It might be a hard implant to control. And Grumpy has a way too many psychological problems to count as having a strong psyche.

Hopefully our hugs can keep him calm and in control.
There are tons of copies in that image. It's really sad. If we're lucky, ufotable's new Fate anime will be all three routes of F/SN separated into three seasons.
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I am the bone of my spoon
Silver is my body and psionics is my blood
I have created over a thousand spoons
Have withstood pain to create many spoons
Yet, those hands will never hold anything
I have no regrets. This is the only path
My whole life was unlimited spoon works
Wait you just brought up a good point.

Will Goldie still be able to use stuff like the pokedex?
Now Goldie really needs an attack in that vein.

Probably a steel/psychic hybrid move.
Spoon Burst
Steel and Psychic
100 BP 100 ACC
AoE wave (think surf)
Spoons begin materializing all around user and launch forward in a torrent of SPOON.
User becomes confused.
You tug at Bruise and he looks back to you,"Hey, catch you later, lift together sometime?"

The Robust ranger laughs, like a hearty heap of stone," I'll put you under the bench kid, you're on for that."

The two of them bump fists at the other guard's bemoaning and you share your findings with him.

"Ah, so you think this can lead us to him?"

You give him a nod, confident in the fact," I saw the waves moving away from the dome, but they're not pointing to something outside, I don't think."

"Well, it beats going outside, who knows what crazy things we'd find out there, well, come on, let's go."

The two of you begin to walk on, noticing that the afternoon is swiftly approaching.
"If we're going to find him before nightfall, we better hurry."
Bruise scoops you up from behind, much to your surprise as your feet dangle freely as you're held in his arms.

"I'm gonna go fast, hang on, okay?"

You nod and grip him as you hold the spoon in the light," Go to Pallet first."


A bit late, I know

After a harsh run by Bruise from Veridian to Pallet, the spoon's waves become more rapid, pointing towards Saffron.

You swallow at that. Entering Saffron for the first time. Your tail stands somewhat nervously from your dress, as you try to push it down despite Bruise's obvious obliviousness.

Entering the quarter, the buildings are tall, everything is.. Well, it's nice, the streets are clean, there's a distinct fanciness to everything, far removed from the simple housing that Ceruleans had to deal with, it's reputedly fancy here.

"My old man is from here... Why would Goldie be here?"

You swallow a second time, unsure if you want to share Grumpy's past. The waves grow stronger, and you eventually stand before the grandness that is the Saffron Gym for Espers.
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I think everyone becomes confused when seeing something like that.
you forgot
Unknown to Fork, Nor known to Knife
Aw fuck
Before either of you even stand before it, you have a distinct feeling of being watched. Worse here than you did in the Lavender Spire.. Is it really safe to go in here?

Bruise stands before the gym and sets you down, as tired and battered as you are, you stand, wishing that you hadn't left the chair back at the dorms now.

"The gym leader. She doesn't like me, I don't know if I should go in." He seems hesitant, yet the spoon is beginning to visibly vibrate from the pulses traveling through it. So close...

>[]Convince him to enter with you (Charm roll)
>[] Enter alone.
>[] Give up, this isn't worth it. MISSION FAILURE
>[] (Other)
My body is made of spoons
My blood is silver and my heart is runcible
I have created over a thousand spoons
Not even once have I known approval from a parent
Not even once have I known approval from myself
The bearer lies here alone on a hill of spoons, waiting for hugs arrival
Thus, my life needs no meaning
My body is certainly made of infinite spoons
>[X]Convince him to enter with you (Charm roll)

Can't just leave Goldie in there. Even if we can't tell him why, we should at least tell him that he really should not be here right now
Rolled 15 + 3

>>[]Convince him to enter with you (Charm roll)
Come onnnnn Bruise~~~
>Life together sometime?

>[x] Enter alone.

Bringing him inside is not a good idea. Most of the espers would probably find it insulting.
>[X] Enter alone.
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Rolled 15 + 3

[x]Convince him to enter with you (Charm roll)
Become kawaii moe uguu.
>You swallow a second time, unsure if you want to share Grumpy's past.
Didn't Giovanni already spill the beans on who Goldie's parent is?

Or does Bruno not know who Sabrina, the Gym leader who closed down his father's dojo, is?
Convince him. Our reunion will be better if Goldenrod sees that his -team- cares for him, not just one of them.
Enter alone
We got this man.
Enter alone. I don't think Goldie wants Bruise to know just yet.
Time to give a speech of encouragement!
The past of abuse.
>>[]Convince him to enter with you (Charm roll)
We need him
>[x] Enter alone.

Maybe he should go inform Kitty? I dunno.

He doesn't know that Sabrina's an abusive cunt.
[X] Enter alone

Don't worry Bruise we got this.
My confusion was more on why Bruise questioned why Goldie would be at Saffron. Isn't Saffron where the psychic gym is?
Rolled 12 + 3

>[x]Convince him to enter with you (Charm roll)

This cannot go badly, right guys?
Rolled 19 + 3

Bruise isn't the sharpest spoon in the drawer and he probably didn't get it or wasn't paying attention.
First, give a circle around the building, make sure that it does originate from inside of there.

And then.
[X]Convince him to enter with you (Charm roll)

"Bruise. Goldenrod is in there and he needs us, he really needs both of us. We're Rockets and he's our team mate and our friend. We aren't going to abandon him.

We go in together."
Because he hasn't shown up for 2days
>[] Enter alone.
If she doesn't like him then bringing him isn't going to help our case, and we aren't looking for a fight, which he wouldn't be helpful in regardless, given his weakness to the prevailing typing. Plus even together we would get owned.
>[] Enter alone
> tell Bruise to get help if we don't return after an hour or two.
fighting type gets floored by psychic and it is probably not a good idea to aggravate sabrina any further since she doesn't like him.

Better to leave Bruise outside and to report our findings if we don't return
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>Enter alone.
Psychic is super effective against Fighting, so it's not like he'd be that much help.
The only way we are gonna get through this is by bluffing rocket authority
[X]Convince him to enter with you (Charm roll)

Goldie needs all of his friends right now. If Sabrina objects we tell her that this is Rocket business and we're looking for a Rocket. She's the head of Saffron Gym, we're outside her jurisdiction.

This isn't about Sabrina. This is about Grumpy. We aren't going to fight, we're going to find Grumpy.
Changing to [X] Enter Alone.
>Entering alone...
>[X] Enter alone.
We're not going to fight our way to Grumpy. If we got into a fight with Sabrina she'd paste us. Hell at the moment Bruise would have a better chance at fighting them than we would.

This is about Grumpy getting support and friendship.
Rolled 20 + 3

Who said that we were going to fight? Lets not make any foolhardy move.
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We're trying to show Goldenrod that his whole team cares about him. What the fuck is going alone supposed to accomplish?
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You're better off this way. Trust your friends.
We will be the glue that holds this team together!
[x] enter alone

It is for TEAMMATE

It's too late now, but I'd change it if I could...
not getting sabrina the psycho-bitch's panties in a twist.
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I think right now we're not really caring about any lessons, we just want to find Goldenrod and bring him home.
Last thing we need is for Bruise to get castrated.
Fifth roll.

brusie came too, he's just too afraid to come in.
We can point him out to goldie.
>Bruise goes inside with us
>Sees smoking hot bitch queen
>Starts doing extremely sweaty clap ups
>"Uh Bruise...you okay?"
He never asked for rolls.

I assume he didn't put the roll in there so that people couldn't roll just to solidify a single option.

I think he is saying we should decide on a course of action, and then roll.
"And that's the story of how I started the first Psychic-Fighting Dojo and won the heart of the infamous Sabrina. Who's your daddy now, Goldenrod?"
to be pedantic, the Hoenn gym is already a bit of a hybrid thanks to medicham.
Which is why he's bitching because that's a 20 down the drain.
>Enter alone

Wait, esper girl we befriended can't hug us anymore because we're so cold.

Unless it was warmth of spirit that attracted her.
Stamina: 74%
(Dropping slowly due to recovery fatigue)

"I'll be fine Bruise" You give your friend and squad-mate a chilling hug that he toughs through with a slight shiver.

"Wait out here, okay? I'll find Grumpy." As you turn to leave, you feel him catch you on by the shoulder.

"Be careful in there Ceru. If Goldie's in there, he's not getting out by himself." He lets you slip through his grasp as you turn back to him," I'll be fine, just you see."

You turn to the grand place that is the gym, gazing at the odd white building and its tent-like structure. The doors are dark, and there are no guards out front, much like your own home gym.

You try pressing the doorbell at first, no response. Power is still down of course. Crap.
You try knocking, rapping your knuckles against the metal. That kind of hurts, no one opens the door.

You look back to Bruise and he gestures for you to go forward, as in- just open it.

Grasping the door, it comes open easily enough, no problems there, yet the internal atmosphere is.. odd. Different from your own gym.

Or maybe it's just your apprehension?

>[] Proceeed quietly. Best not to disturb.
>[] Call out for somebody, anybody.
>[] Call out for Goldenrod specifically.
>[] Call out for Sabrina.
>[] (Other)
Proceed nice an quietly with our spoon compass
[X] Proceeed quietly. Best not to disturb.

Steel our mind, follow the spoon. Nothing will stop us, we will come out of here with our friend even if we have to leave a frozen wasteland behind us.
>>[] Proceeed quietly. Best not to disturb.
They can hear our thoughts anyway.

Call out for him and Sabrina with our mind.
>[X] Call out for Goldenrod specifically.

Dis gon' be good.