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Previously: A team of young rockets deal with the enforcers of Kanto-City's law interferring with their deliverance of true justice.
A schism forms within the team, allowing for a delicate operation to suffer a vital error.
They split to chase the shades of past crimes. One borne of a human weapon, and the other of a monster's interference.

The murdered lie in Veridian wood, and the rockets report to their glorious leader whom nearly bites his tongue at the news of this breach. They are to find the beast by tomorrow, and they are dismissed he would say.
A tired young rocket retires for a nap to be awoken many hours later with her team snatched away by the guard for a flimsy violation of law.

The hound reports back, and tells her that the beast lies outside of the dome. With child-like naivete, they gear up and leave the dome for the first time amidst the night.

What they find is a village under control by a monster.

A young rocket falls victim to the assailant's hypnosis, her last thoughts of her friends...

Known characters

Monster Index

Character Sheet


Bout time.
Awwww yeah, Devon's turn.
it's time to burn things, scientifically analyze other things, and be totally brutals.
>Character Sheet
Damnit. I was expecting a Devon sheet.
>>Character Sheet

I'll try to get that set up between posts. Work kept me a bit late.
Fun fact Inferno is one of Houndoom's start moves
Also Thunder Fang, which is good for mixing things up.
Just get done hearing all that shit on the radio
Napalm loogie is the best move.
Also Smog, Faint Attack, and Nasty Plot
Age: 14
Grafts: Houndour (evolved)
Special Abilities: Giving no fucks. Slapping a bitch. Able to resist the urge to strangle Goldenrod for short periods of time.
Likes: Fire. Setting things on fire. Strangling Goldenrod. Being Alpha.
Dislikes: Disrespecting his authority. Goldenrod. That fat fucking catgirl.
>Devon holds Hypo down and does the drippy spit thing that dbag older brothers do.

Flame broils in your maw, your foe a sillhouette against the flames that have begun to rage around the village. The homes of these worthless traitors are just so...

The enemy wields a sapling, swinging around the thing like a crude club, every swing a viscious attempt to break every bone in your body.

You're dancing with death and you love it.

Screams of the thralls erupt from the hostels. suckling babes and grown men and women alike. There's a little bit of everything here it seems.

The mad creature rushes you, swinging the branch as you dig your feet back, generating distance as you let an erupting gout of fire pour from your mouth.
You expected this attack, but the monster merely opens its chitinous back and beats the fire down with sheer wind pressure, the rest of the flame caught by the tree and tossed aside for another rush.

A glance back tells you that a home is in the way.

The dance thus far as played the same way.

When there's a home behind you, and you dodge, the beetle abstains its attack at the last moment, sparing the home from its brute force. It's not smart enough to know what the fire does it seems, but it isn't crushing the people.

Tacking down a foot, you dart to the side and spin around, letting the world whip around you as you dive behind the house.

The thing's a pest. A downright pest. If only you had your sword or Cerulean to use as a meat shield of some kind. Her fat's good for something right?

Your radio comes on, intercepting another transmission from the girl of the hour.

"You... will.... pay..." A voice statics through.
Not Cerulean, and only hostiles here.
do we have a plan, other than "burn many things and escape, possibly with cerulean in tow"?
The stupid cunt must be in trouble, she went... Ah fuck where the hell did she go? The stink of your flame's everywhere, and the smoke is getting thicker..

It'll be hard to tr-

Your body moves on its own, barely dodging a surprise punch from the steroid bug. The force of friction cuts right through your side, leaving a bloody burn, though sparing you the brunt.

The bug follows up with another punch, aiming to expose your brains to the world, yet an opening of your maw with flame roiling once more makes the thing rub its two braincells together, get a spark and back right off again with a blast of wind from its wings.

The thing's no ordinary insect, it's got a damn self preservation instinct. It watches your movements and reacts. It's even got something of a stance, and worst of all- It sees through your foul play.

>You're at a stalemate...
>What's the plan?
You forgot dick jokes and pocket sand.
Force it to either chase us through flames, or lose us, by running and burning things.
disengage, get separation and ambush
Character Sheet
>When there's a home behind you, and you dodge, the beetle abstains its attack at the last moment, sparing the home from its brute force. It's not smart enough to know what the fire does it seems, but it isn't crushing the people.
This is something we can obviously take advantage of. Probably a geass the Hypno placed on the Heracross.

How strong is Devon? Any windows available?
>Start grabbing repel techs off the buildings and see if you can use them for some kind of cumulative repel effect.
Volt orb?
Send up some smog and disengage.
Moves like that, in the game, are more costly to learn than TMs, move tutors tend to be free (some cost shards); those you have to get from a reminder in exchange for a heart scale.

Kind of ambiguous in this setting, since I imagine all 'TMs' are more like move tutoring, and reminding is a very meta concept. I don't know if you would even want to make them distinct from higher level moves (thus they just require concerted effort to learn) or TMs (thus requiring expert lessons).
I think the implication is that the Hypno took her body somewhere.
We could go grab some of the people. Maybe big bug won't splatter its master's dream cattle.
burn the homes. see just how smart it is.

really, Hades?

also, it's weird how there are 3 pokemon quests running right now: AopH, Pokemon Quest, and Pokemon Infiltrator Quest.

>captcha Fulton cafous
does Fulton work in this setting? Can we go MGS peacewalker?
Let's set the buildings on fire.
Wait. What's the logic in setting the buildings on fire?
If it doesn't want to attack houses, then the obvious solution is to get in a house and breathe fire at it.

That'll learn it.
Yeah. Better.

I don't understand the people who think burning the houses is a good idea? I mean. Aside from causing more damage, that just removes the bug's restriction from attacking them. Better that we take advantage of the protection they're receiving, then, right?
Yeah I don't get why we would do that instead of breaking through the houses so it won't attack us.

I mean given how bad the village is, it seems like a safe assumption that it's not gonna prioritize stopping all the fires.
go inside of a house. Leave the door open.

Wait on the inside of the door.
When it charges you, dodge out of the way and close the door.

Burn the thing down with it inside.

Hypno made it so it wants to not destroy the houses. If we burn the houses, it might try to put them out and give us an opening.
I'm guessing that the anons are assuming that Hypno has control over the bug, and setting houses on fire will endanger the villagers, forcing Hypno to take action/use the bug to rescue the villagers.

That's an idea... I suppose if Hypno does have direct control over the bug, enraging him might make him less focused and less able to control the bug.
let's instead lure it inside a house via the magic of doors, and use it as a fire-cage.
>If only you had your sword or Cerulean to use as a meat shield of some kind. Her fat's good for something right?

If we had Goldie here, he could just tear the things wings off.
>The homes of these worthless traitors
>worthless traitors
Remember that this is what Devon thinks of these people. Keep this in mind when deciding what is and isn't IC.
Except the village is clearly already on fire.
Is Smog flammable?
Awwwwwwwwww yish devon time
That doesn't necessarily follow. That may just cause it to not recognize them as houses anymore.
Are you illiterate?

>Flame broils in your maw, your foe a sillhouette against the flames that have begun to rage around the village. The homes of these worthless traitors are just so...

>Screams of the thralls erupt from the hostels. suckling babes and grown men and women alike. There's a little bit of everything here it seems.

People are already dying, and the Heracross is still attacking.
Can Goldenrod do that? You'd think we'd get a lot more use out of esper abilities like that. I figured it was like a Manton Effect or something, and telekinesis doesn't work well on other people.
In the anime, espers directly fling around other pokemon and people. None of this rock throwing crap.
Yeah I'm pretty sure Confusion and Psychic is just blunt telekinesis.

Maybe Psycho Cut?

>Voltorb x2
1 in use at half charge.
>Repel Tech
Kind of useless now that it's seen you.


Odor Sleuth(Toxic flame's disrupting it.)
Roar(Unlikely to help here, the thing's pretty fearless.)
Smog(Often mixed in with flamethrower)
Crossroad Killing(Learned with sword/Absent)
Feint Attack(Learned early through Kitty)
Rocket Training (2)
Ten +4


>[] Use one of the homes as a cage and torch it inside...
>[] Jump in the home and spit fire at it...
>[] Burn everything.(Devon likes this.)
>[] Other?

That was training.
>Ten +4
That's his tenacity modifier.
>[] Use one of the homes as a cage and torch it inside...
I'm a bit wary of entering one of the homes ourselves. Let's try and lure it inside one first.

Tenacity bonus. He's tenacity is at 18 or 19, which gives a +4 bonus.
I assumed that dry meant that they were tempting targets, not already burning. Since Devon's hellfire is scary without burning anything, maybe the people are just afraid of having the floor on fire?

toss fire at a home or 2. They'll spread on their own, but we need to make it seem like it's still practical to disengage and save the villagers.
[x]use a home as a cage

in b4 we burn everyone
>>[] Use one of the homes as a cage and torch it inside...
We really need to stop burning our stats every single time and just tank the fails more often. If we endured some fails, we would fail less in the future.
>>[] Burn everything.(Devon likes this.)

Burn the ground. Make rings of fire and shit. Turn the wind into fire.
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>[] Use one of the homes as a cage and torch it inside...
Let's look for one with two doors or a window or something, so we have an escape route when the bug comes at us. As a bonus, we might set some traitors on fire in the process.
I said that the last 3 stat burns

Nobody listens to me
>Use one of the homes as a cage and torch it inside...
It might be able to see through our moves, but it's still just a damn bug.
>[] Jump in the home and spit fire at it...
Do this to lure it into doing
>[] Use one of the homes as a cage and torch it inside...
But they haven't caused us to fail yet?
Not having Ten bonus has directly caused us to fail combat rolls.
Crit fails also lower our stats
But the bonus wouldn't have been large enough to help last thread.
OP can you try using 2d10s
I would have loved a +10 last thread

Devon using his brain. Right, that exists.

>Lure it into a home and burn it.

DC 22
or 4d5 for enemies only, no enemy crits.
Rolled 18 + 5


get some!
Rolled 20 + 7

+5 for Ing, +2 for Rocket

I wouldn't be adverse, but why and where?
When I roll for enemies?
Rolled 11 + 5

Rolled 19 + 5

Rolled 11 + 7

Isn't it technically +7 because of the Rocket bonus?
Aw, yeah.
Doh hoh oh, you got me.

And wow.
2 damn elite
Shit Devon smart.
Rolled 11 + 7

Purdy good.
Yes, only for enemies, because enemy crits suck balls.
I feel the same way about most of the crits we've rolled, but let's start with the one I have a rational dislike for.
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>That realization that Devon is so damn superior to Ceru in every way that isn't charm rolls.
Face it, the only reason Devon isn't top dog is Ceru getting bullshit rolls for the timeskip.
Er, the reason he isn't top dog is because he's not player controlled and, thus, his stats are pre-set.
Haha... this is how it begins. Like last thread, I saved us from getting mind-raped, and then proceeded to crit fail us into a vegetable. So I'm probably not going to be rolling any more for this thread.

We are never going to let Cerulean forget this.
She's more flexible then he's.
well, he DOES have a few years experience on ceru.
You forgot the fact that he controlled by a pack of morons that rolled for him.

Split up, why not?
>devon's theme music

>fat cat
I can't wait until I one day see a picture of cerulean in a suit and tophat oppressing the working class
And he's evolved. That's pretty big

I made it on time! (sorta) Hope you're feelin well Professor.
What have you.
And here we go. One of the angriest of our bunch of followers casually being a jerk to everyone else.
And weaker in all the areas for it. This is that 10000 kicks unpracticed vs 1 kick practiced 10000 times.
I wish we had a wisdom stat to stop shit like that.
Too bad devon's not the religious type.
we really need to establish dialogue and consensus outside of shitposting and calling each other faggot
Well we weren't supposed to be this invested in Evil moves. Still, the flexibility helped when Ceru's moves were disabled.
No, sir. I am being a jerk to people who forget the first rule of horror stories, NEVER SPLIT UP.
To be fair, splitting the party in hostile territory against unknown forces is pretty silly.
Yes yes, we've acknowledged that it was quite silly. It's in the past. Can't we move on and focus on that awesome crit huh?
comon guys.
Not until I see a large nose mounted in a wall on top of a fireplace.
hate to break it to you bro, but we're not getting an intact hypno body if we win
Not even a nose
Okay. Let's remember that. Seriously, let's keep that in mind in the future. We ran into trouble because we ran into a situation that we weren't well equipped to handle. That's why rangers operate in teams, to balance each other out.

Mistakes were made, but that doesn't mean we can't learn from them.

Not a bad idea. I think we should take the nose and give it to Goldenrod as a gag gift.

Sort of a "Hey I brought you a new graft!" kind of thing. And it's this humongous severed nose and Goldenrod just kind of deathstares us.
>Devon walks up to Goldie.
>Hands him a slightly charred bigfuck nose
>"biiiiiiiiiiiitch" in a Jessie Pinkman voice.
>Graft on Hypno nose
>Get raptastic instincts
I think the best we can do is some psychic-charged pocketwatch that will probably be confiscated for research.

>our faces when it's a hold item that enables psychic as a third type
You cut inbetween two houses, sprinting at top speed, the wind beating against your face, trying to slow you down, but you won't let it.

The thing falls behind you, though it's unrelenting, picking up the pace to drive you away, or kill you. Whichever it prefers.

It won't kill the houses though. It won't kill them. Then if you're in one of the houses...

You look back and release a vapor of smog, letting the thing eat a little bit of poison mist, it can fucking choke on it.

You pivot on a heel, rerouting for a house, a door and surge forward to the tasty morsels staying safe behind their walls, awaiting the big bad hound to knock them down.
You'll cook them, char them, damn the rangers for damning your-
No, focus. Focus.

The bug whips past you, carrying air pressure with it letting you know it's missed entirely. It won't stay off for long.

Plowing forward, you push off the ground and dive kick right through the door at the end of a loamy dirt path, breaking and entering in one vicious motion.

Smells hit your nose right away. Stink of dirty rotten traitors.

You peer out two children and a woman backed into a corner, pissing themselves in fear. You glare at them with fire in your eyes and dribbling from your maw.
They cling to each other, fear welling in their eyes and dribbling down their cheeks and loins.

"You're next." You growl to them, snarling with teeth bared, the beat of wings coming upon you, the woman screaming for mercy.

"Guardian, it is here! Kill the monster!"

You? A monster? A throaty chuckle escapes from your maw before it becomes a mad cackle, the beetle thrusting itself through the door, minding its horn and nearly getting stuck.

You relax a little bit, one last smirk through your canine teeth,"Huh, you're that stupid after all."

You release a gout of your poisonous blackened flame, ripe with all the nasty festering toxins your biology produces.

The carapace might brush it off, but those joints are going to be ruined from this.
Drowzee grafts would be pretty good for Goldie though
>tfw you realize psychic pokemon are fully sentient
>Hypnos face when he realizes we dont care
please flee women and children.

Devon is totally not going to stop but seriously get outta there
Shit. He might have gone berserk if he had seen Goldie.
>Gets a comically large nose to match his comically large 'stache
>You release a gout of your poisonous blackened flame, ripe with all the nasty festering toxins your biology produces.
Oh hey, can Devon differentiate the kind of flames he spits out?
Devon's really grown on me since the start of this arc.
We still have a Drowsee child to harvest.
Devon clearly does not give even the slightest of fucks.

And I'm comfortable with that.

Cerulean though is a different story. If she hadn't heard the whole "child abduction and brainwashing her to be my bride" thing, she might not have been quite as hostile towards the Hypno.
yeah, there's a range of opinions.
And hypno just happened to take out the most lenient member of the squad.
Giant nose. Giant mustache. He'd look like an asian Mr Potatohead. Let's not.

>having sympathy for traitors
I think there's a few modes,
>Napalm spit
>Poisonous fire
>Varying proportions of smoke and fire mixed together
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>not using it to craft the most morbid pair of funny glasses

anons pls
It is really nice to not give a fuck about women and children...if Devon doesn't. Hard to get a handle on his personality 100%

But really am hoping the people run. Seriously. They should run
Man goldie is going to look weird if we get him all the grafts we want
I don't think he needs the nose.

Like he didn't get Abra's gigantic pointy ears.

Or cheek tufts.
yeah, I too hope they run.
No idea if devon will chase, or if it will save them, but they should.

We were going to earn SO MANY brownie points by rescuing these guys alive, devon! So many! Giovanni would have bought us a cake!
Why would he take them? The only really important part of abra is the brain.
You hear the woman and children scream again... Their voices annoy your ears.

The Bug thrashes in the doorway, trying to get out between wing-beats, it's surviving your flamethrower way too well...

A bit more thrashing and it breaks out of the doorway, flying and screeching as it rolls around along the dirt, trying to put the fire out.

The bitch stopped screaming, but the children are keeping it on. What the hell is with all these things screaming when you just want them to die?

>[] Kill the children, too much noise.
>[] Pursue the beetle to finish it off, that's your first real hit yet!
>[] Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.
>[] (Other)
and the spoon gland

We cant give chase. Think of the mission.
Bring them back as present to Giovanni
>[] Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.

We've got more important things to do right now.
I know, I'm just saying that I doubt Drowzee/Hypno keeps their brain in their schnoz, so it's not like Goldenrod would have to get rhinoplasy.
[x] Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.
>[X] Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.
Those flames aren't going to go out easy.
>>[] Kill the children, too much noise.
>>[] Pursue the beetle to finish it off, that's your first real hit yet!
>[x] Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.
acquire Cat, disregard beetles
[x] finish off the beetle

it's a tough fucking call between this and cerulean
It all rather depends on whether or not Devon truly thinks they're traitors or if he has enough of a handle on his own thoughts to know that it's his implants talking.

'Course, that woman did just call the bug a guardian, so cat's out of the bag.

>[] Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.
>Pursue the beetle to finish it off, that's your first real hit yet!
It's too dumb to run, it'll only come back to bug us again if we ignore it.
>[] Pursue the beetle to finish it off, that's your first real hit yet!

That thing is really bad news, and we've finally got a good opening. We're not gonna get another chance like this.

We can always kill the villagers later if we feel like it.
Their also stronger than abra implants
[X] Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.
Should we take out the bug? We got fucked up last time because we didn't knock out the support.
>[x] Pursue the beetle to finish it off, that's your first real hit yet!
FINISH HIM. We can't save the useless fatass if the flaming rage bug bursts in, MADDER from being burned.

>Pursue beetle
Why would we attack the kids? Nah, not worth the effort.
Better go find that stupid fucking cat. If she died someone would probably blame it on us. Fucking Rockets. That's all they ever care about, blaming people for shit.
Guts activates as a result of the Fight-or-Flight response.
>[X] Pursue the beetle to finish it off, that's your first real hit yet!
[x] Pursue the beetle to finish it off, that's your first real hit yet!
The useless cat does indeed need us to save her, but chances are that as long as its alive, that beetle is going to impede our ability to do so.

So really, burning the bug IS saving Cerulean, since it's preemptively removing an obstacle that would impede our path.
I guess?
God I am afraid to pick

>[] Pursue the beetle to finish it off, that's your first real hit yet!
>Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.
While it might be smarter to finish the Heracross, I feel like every second we wait is another second for Hypno to do more brainwashing.
[X] Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.
>[] Pursue the beetle to finish it off, that's your first real hit yet!
>>[] Pursue the beetle to finish it off, that's your first real hit yet!
Always neutralize your target before moving on.

>>[] Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.
It's like these people want her to be brainwashed
The consensus is that you pursue the bug to finish it.

Alright then...

Danger Threshold 20
Critical Threshold 10
It's like you people think Devon knows what's happening and thinks of Ceru as more than a meatshield.
Rolled 26

Aw poop here we go
Rolled 40

Satan, guide my dice.
>[X] Go find Cerulean, useless cat needs you to save her.

Stupid bitch might be a vegetable by the time we kill that Heracross. Or be mind-controlled into fighting us. And we'd get a scolding if we killed the bosses latest pet.
Burninating all the people.
Rolled 22

c'mon kill
Rolled 47

Rolled 12

the end is near
in reality, both answers were wrong, and will come back to bite us
Rolled 52

Rolled 13 + 2

Goddamit. Redo.
We do know she's up against a psychic who just said it would make her pay.

Generally not a good sign.
God damn. Almost got it.

Or, wait......did we want to get an encounter? Since encounters aren't necessarily bad.
Oh. Looks like the little kids are about to charge us with machettes.
So close to critical fail...

Only 1 person chose the correct answer.

Do you fear the enemy in front? Or the enemy behind?

So close.

So fucking close.
And its reasons like that we need wisdom
...You mean we were supposed to kill the children?

Who we were thinking of burning just for being loud?

What kind of mission is this?
>Only 1 person chose the correct answer.

>Do you fear the enemy in front? Or the enemy behind?
I feel like I should be really mad right now that I keep picking the "right" choices and everyone else isn't, but I just don't have the energy anymore.
Who could we encounter here?

Esper (s)

Guess who?

Should have killed the mother (went silent), then children. Wrong support target!
>One person
Oh hush your pretty face. We're not burning everyone to death.
..Unless we have to.
Hell, maybe its an 'accident'.
We got an excuse. Our boss was a little busy being probed to stop us
Dammit. We should have played to our strengths and just killed everyone.
The children...
stay calm and just kill everyone.

.....except maybe the cat
Heh. I called it. I knew people would try to play moralfag Devon and it would bite them. Oh well, let's make the best of it.
This isnt a nice setting you know.
We didn't have a reason to kill them, though, so loosen your panties.
you called that people would try to, and I quote "diplomance"

You liar.
No you didn't.
They charge us with machete? We burn them all alive
We be satan dog man.
...Are you retarded? It was because the Heracross was established to be extremely dangerous and people wanted to press the advantage while they had it.

Moralfaggotry has nothing to do with it you smug cunt.
I am all for burniating fuckers I just didn't think the children would be a threat.
Oh god. Some people are already arguing like cunts.

Most of the people wanted to push the attack on the fuckhuge killer bug. A bunch of them voted to murder the kids too.
They are espers.

Wish lone anon explained his reasoning for kill the children.
he's a murderboner.
Literally anything other than killing children is "moralfaggotry" to them, even if it's killing a MORE dangerous monster.
You're kidding, right? You think that normal people can't run up and hurt us while we're preoccupied? Children are vicious little fucks, and not being paranoid about them is OOC for Devon.

I know you're talking about that guy from the QTG up now. Not him.

Relax folks. I don't really give a shit who Devon kills here. Fuck these people. They're all assholes who are plotting our downfall.

They get in our way, they die. That simple.
They're already being a problem by being loud. Repel tech doesn't work as good when shit gets loud. They're going to draw in the beedrills.
Well, danger is relative, everyone seems to have forgotten that this is esperland.
...that'd be a bigger problem for the Esper than us.
We got enough fire to annihilate those fucking bugs man.

Also, Esper weak to bug.
>he's a murderboner.
Here we go...
chaos will be our shield
beedrills are fine. bugs are resistant to psychics, right?
But they're strong against Poison.

For some reason.
I actually just really thought the waifu was the only esper. Would make sense since she is the facorite, and collecting espers should be harder since they are more resistant to mindfuckery.
>he's a murderboner
Actually, quite the opposite. He restrains himself quite a bit. Right now, we're acting as the restraint portion of his mind.
No, Beedrills are actually 2x weak to psychic.
Because pokelogic, mostly.
because espers don't use their blood.
but they will serve as a distraction/meat shield.

distract and divide the esper(s)'s focus
yeah, this.

ONE esper human along with two esper pokemon? dealable.

ALL OF THEM espers?
Shiiiiieeeet fuck cerulean let's get out of here
So did I, unfortunately.
>The bitch stopped screaming,
Big clue here.
They can't Esper us if they're on fire.
I thought she, you know, died.

I mean we ARE shooting fire into a closed space.
Have we run into anyone with Weedle family grafts? It seems like they're super common monsters, so you'd think there'd be more of their rangers running around. Beedrill isn't a bad set of grafts, and it's probably not too hard to evolve too.

Unless... I wonder how Kakuna/Metapod would work.
Bit distracted Kamen Rider Kabuto, here.

...nobody is confirmed dead unless we piss on their ashes.
Koga has some Beedrill grafts.

I imagine other Fuchsia rangers do as well, since it's the most common Poison pokemon.
DAMNIT PROF, stop baiting everyone with things like "right" or "wrong" choices. It is entirely within your power to defuse the situation, just use your head, the way that we apparently aren't.
If he honestly didn't want this bullshit to happen, he wouldn't have included the "peek under the door" option after we decided to find Devon.

This whole thing is a set-up.
That's why I want a wisdom stat.
how about we all just chill and roll with whatever consequences happen?
You understand that Prof is really just a robot QM that's powered by the pain and suffering of its players, right? It's why his every post is troll-throttle, and every thread is full of Healing-type writing.
I'll have to agree with you on that, this is starting to reek of set-up.
You are talking to a man who enjoys shadowruns far too much. It is futile.
Because this is dramatically inappropriate for a first mission.
we need to stop biting.

remember: the mystery box only contains disappointment

also this X1000
There wouldn't be consequences to roll with if people would stop making weak, poorly thought-out, ooc choices.
okay, this right here?
Exactly the shit I'm telling you to chill out about.
It's troll bait, yo.

Just ignore it.
The fuck are you even talking about?

Burning the Bug was none of those things.
We can never reach an informed consensus if all the dialogue is

may as well blame God for sticking the Fruit of All Good and Evil in Eden.
Ignoring the screams of the worthless barbarians that know nothing but how to scream and cry, you step forward through the burning portal prepared to finish the bug.
The flames of your victory lick over your body, invigorating you through your every pore like a sauna, setting your soul aflame.

It feels good to be the one coming out on top. Now it's time to finish what's been started and smear the ashes of that bug from here to the dome.

You hear the screaming grow louder all of a sudden, and a swish of wind ring through the crackling embers of their once-home.

An arrow buries itself deep in your back, piercing right through one of your damn kidneys.

You whip around in response to the threat, snarling as a beast enraged, the measley whelps that had been screaming and crying have bows drawn, arrows fitted, as the woman draws another.
"Get out, monster!"

"Me? Again?!" You let your rage incite fire, as it flashes from your jaw as you speak.
"I'm an Arceus-damned hero! Who are YOU calling a monster?!" You grin madly at the incredulity of it all, and the woman releases her arrow, along with the children.
A blast of incinerating flame does away with the prehistoric weaponry.
You take a step towards them
"Draw another- I dare you- I double fucking dare you." A threat, yet it's made behind lying teeth.

As the woman bends down, you release your flame upon her, a real scream erupting from the wholesome family with...
Where's the dad?

A break of wood alerts you to a presence that had been hiding,a big man, though young, stabs at you with a barbed spear.
With a twist, you narrowly avoid it and lock it beneath your arm.
Releasing your flame upon the children, you simoultaneously wrench the spear in the man's grasp, pulling him closer to launch a reverse kick right into his solar, your monster biology doing its work to make the delightful noise of fracturing bone to go with the quickly asphyxiating screams of the one's you've torched.

With the spear in hand as the man crumples, you find yourself a weapon. Primitive, and not quite as good as your sword, but it'll have to do.

Pointy end goes through the stomach, right?

The frantic wing beats from outside grow louder, smashed and torn homes following suit soon after. It appears that your fire's made the beetle go mad with pain...

Your body slacks a little bit before you rouse yourself. Need to wrap this up, it's way too late for all this.

>[] Let it rampage, find Cerulean.
>[] Attack the bug, it's careless. Let's see if it can be killed now.
>[] Burn more houses, lets light this place up!
>[] (Other)
Ha! I was waiting for someone to say this.
This was only a hypno a herrecross and a few espers what happens if we fight a charazard?
Or a nidoking, nidoqueen combo?
Or a metagross?
Or any fully evolved dragon type?
This is baby stuff in this world.
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>An arrow buries itself deep in your back, piercing right through one of your damn kidneys.
I'm so fucking surprised.
>[] Let it rampage, find Cerulean.

Letting a distraction smash around is just fine.
Are you serious?

We have a lot of flesh, and she didn't even have to roll to hit us in a fairly vital organ?

You are crossing so many lines that if Devon or Cerulean are killed this thred, so is my interest in your quest.
>[x] Let it rampage, find Cerulean.

the bug has gone apeshit
you're tired and deep behind enemy lines
just find the cat and GTFO
kill any resistance met
Just another guy trying to get everyone angry.

>Let it rampage, find Cerulean

A distraction is always nice.
>[X] Let it rampage, find Cerulean.
That takes care of that. Pity.
Damnit, peasants, I thought you died!
How dare you instead of being dead be actively attacking me!
[x]let it rampage. It's no longer under psychic control.
>[] Let it rampage, find Cerulean.
>Let it rampage, find Cerulean.

As long as it's not chasing us, it's not our problem.
Oh shit. Wait. What happens if the bug destroys the repel nodes? Things are going to go FUBAR soon.
Tis but a flesh wound.
Yeah it's bullshit
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Welp we full murder now
Fuck this village
Fuck Hypno
Fuck these people
Fuck all of them.

>1 Let it rampage, get Ceru and LEAVE

Set the place on fire as we leave.

Seriously, fuck this place.
I am, a little. I had legitimately thought we caught the lady in the blast is why she shut up.
>[X] Let it rampage, find Cerulean.

Insane Heracross is fine. It'll destroy the village while we bug (heh) out.
Threshold: 20

Isn't that a roll?
>Let it rampage, find Cerulean
>Check our fucking kidney to make sure we're not bleeding out. I mean goddamn dude

Two pidgeys, one stone. The bug crushes the fucking villagers, we find Ceru. We kill anyone we see who isn't a fat cat from this second on.
Eh, we got monster biology yo. Stuff heals easier. We'll be fine.
>Attack the bug, it's careless. Let's see if it can be killed now.
Just because it seems like whatever the optimal course of action is turns out to be a fucking trap.
>>[] Let it rampage, find Cerulean.
Mindless rampageing monster is a good distraction
>[] Let it rampage, find Cerulean.
Time's a wasting, and humans are dying.

I swear though, if the bug comes back with a surprise attack later cus apparently Devon can't expect something and prepare a counterplan?
>[] Attack the bug, it's careless. Let's see if it can be killed now.
Be done with it. Even if we find Ceru, it's just going to burst in and ruin everything.
The most frustrating thing about these threads is that anyone who tries to get people to stop making choices that result in mindrape and kidney arrows is just called a baiter...
The problem, however, is that our character started out at less than 30% stamina and half of our team was gone. You can blame people for their poor decisions, but that would be wrong to do so because there were a number of ways things could have gone differently.
all of these actions have risks. I am completely unable to evaluate which is greatest.
No, that was an encounter roll. This never happened before in an encounter roll.
Though tits, The monsters arent going to magically get weaker because of less than ideal circumstances.
What you're saying is meaningless.

Just because those would be more inappropriate for a first mission doesn't mean this shit is okay.
Just fuck this whole goddamn arc, and it's stupid fucking 'moral' choices. This has been some serious 'paladin falls' type bullshit, with no right choices regardless of the situation.
It was a contrived condition.
Explanation why would be nice.

We, probably would have met him if it was under 50. 20 probably guaranteed the lancing.
The entire quest is falling apart at seams...
>No right choices
Pretty much. But that's Shadowrun for you.

...you knew all this was coming right?
Was sorta the whole grimdark thing.
This is what we get for being ELITE. They send you to the hard missions
I'm loving it, whats the point of things if you win all the time?
More like some anons are collapsing under the pressure of a mission gone wrong.
Once we're done with this mission, hopefully Prof will stray clear of anything like this at all for a while.
First. Mission.

And there's a good chance it's gonna be our last.
What's the point if you consistently pick the worst possible course of action?
This is the equivalent of failing the first year of college, bud.
Actually we got sent on a non-mission that ended up turning into a really important mission.
Stray clear of what exactly?
We haven't lost yet. We can still pull it off
That is no ones fault but our own.
Of course we knew it was coming.
This is /tg/.
If you couldn't smell the trap from a mile away, I don't really know how to help you.
Prof was laughing and kicking up the embers to get people mad, and legitimately brought in the enemy children wat do bullshit - you knew this was going to explode in our face in a spectacular fashion, especially given how we've played the character so far.
I'm banking on the psychic NEEDING TO SPEND TIME to re-capture the beetle to bring it against us, giving us a chance to hit him.

Call me stupid if you want, but I have reasons for choosing my rampage choice.
I think the problem was the condition we started the mission in. The worst thing that happened to us, half our team getting taken, was because we were too tired.

I know Prof said before that we could have just decided not to visit Lilac. But he could have also chosen not to give us the mission on the same day we trained with our Macho Brace and had a friend from our mother visit.

From the premise, this was simply supposed to be an investigative job. I feel like Prof inserted all this combat into the mission because he was worried that he was boring people, but....he just inserted it at a bad point.
Goddamnit, if we let it rampage, we'll have to deal with it later.

If we deal with it now, then Cerulean will be in even worse condition and the odds of us having to fight her increase.

And if we don't burn this place down more, we might get more arrows to vital areas.
Eh, the children thing did surprise me, because I didn't think they'd be stupid enough to attack a monster themselves.
But hey, now we know. Even humans outside the dome are little shits. Good to know right?
I'd like to think that Prof isn't that kind of jerk and just thought that we'd enjoy this situation without arguing with each other again. It's just bad luck that everyone has been constantly pissed off for the last few threads.
yep. that's the sum of it.

All the choices COULD kill us. Even [x]other.

It depends on the dice.
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to be fair, The mission briefing did not include this shit. It went from covert corporate espionage to dealing with radical separatist movement deep in wild territory.

our inability to got on the same page only exacerbates our problems. Not to mention the occasional failed roll...
If we didn't visit Lilac, would we even have a case?
Exactly. It's been contrived to put us in the worst condition for the mission. It doesn't help that Prof made sure that we didn't recover at all from that time or when we slept in the Rocket dorms.
>Without arguing
Oh no, he knows we'll argue over anything. I'm just surprised at the number of people surprised by the Shadowrun shit.

Hell, that was sorta on the box of the quest, wasn't it?
I feel like it was.
That seems tremendously unlikely, considering the choices he's been offering and their results.
He could have but why should he? We all knew at the start this game was going to be hard.
>Slept in the rocket dorms
Pretty obvious that was some hypnosis shit man.
Look at this. We've barely done anything and we've already almost hit the bump limit.
Nobody seems to remember that this is supposed to be GRIMDARK AS FUCK.

They want to play huggy huggy save everyone, and this is not that quest. Children will shank you.
We're tense man, and Professor is a slooooow updater.
Just normal junk.
This has nothing to do with that.

It was a simple threat assessment.

Sigh. Anyway, we now know the entire village is, indeed, suited to fight us. And Devon even killed em (I think) for us.

No more moral ground to cross. Just slash and burn our way home.

Humans can do a lot more damage with those arrows and shit than I thought.

I'm gonna bring more weapons next mission because now I know they work on pokemon.

though, hugs and kindness had very little to do with it.
Yeah. But why were we visited by it?

Hard does not excuse contrivance.
Nigga you ever watched The Wire?

Biggest badass in the show walks into a ghettofuck convenience store to buy smokes. Little kid being suspicious, but it's a kid so he ignore him. KID SHOOTS THE NIGGA IN THE HEAD.
...because we were following the fuckers case, and they wanted us to sleep for a while so they could escape with the booty?

Comon man, that's a spy move. We got drugged(essentially) of course it wasn't a restful sleep.
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I can't see the boss giving us a good performance review on this job....

take his critiques to heart and never forget.

RIP Devon's Kidney
We scored a new ability and recovered stamina on the run out of the dome.

I'd say that if we hadn't visited Lilac, we probably would have had to pick up the investigation with the crazy guy, just without the added knowledge we got from the dream.

I'm enjoying the quest, but I will say that we're on like Brutal Roguelike level of difficulty here. Fucking every choice we make turns out badly for us. Some of the time I feel like we have trouble predicting the internal logic the quest uses, but a lot of it is us just getting screwed over. It keeps things interesting, but goddamn, everything went wrong for us this mission. I'm still not sure how much of that was our choices and dice, and how much was the professor.
>Devon on dialysis
Damn. That's not pimp at all.
we literally had a monster RIGHT THERE.
Excuse me for thinking it was more dangerous than the humans.

kidneys grow back
Devon can just get a new kidney. It's not like they don't do way more complex surgeries.

we can just give him a monster kidney.
Seriously, scroll up and read his posts.
Calling people out on making the 'wrong' decision, especially in a quest, where its put to vote is the most inflammatory thing you can possibly do.
It exacerbates the already present tension and hostility in players - people voting for one thing or another are now screaming at each other about every decision, and just causes intense frustration that we can't get it 'right'. AT this point the mission is beginning to feel less like players experiencing a story and more like players vs dm - getting slapped for a 'wrong' decision and then rubbing it in our faces is not fun.
It doesn't work that way in storytelling. The storyteller is not isolated from the players, and the story is not set in stone until it is told. Certain facts and details can be emphasized or left out in order to guide the player.

Prof didn't use this to guide the player to make the smarter move, he actually made the terrible choice look better(read more interesting) even though tons of people were voting to call Devon or leave already.

honestly, the bug shouldn't have much of a chance at ambushing Devon. Devon KNOWS it's still around, and what kind of idiot thinks that an injured, enraged beetle is not going to try to attack? He just has more important things to do, and he can counter the sneak attack, killing it in the process to save time.

On one hand, that's true, but it is generally in the QMs interest to keep the player alive. The arrow to the kidney is a sufficient punishment. Grimdark doesn't have to mean disproportionate retribution for making a single "mistake". Bullshit rolls, whether they help us or hurt us, are NOT helping.

linking in the hopes that he'll read this.
How could it infiltrate the dorms? Because it's psychic? Why would Giovanni not have any defenses against that sort of infiltration for the Rockets?

That seemed more like Prof's response to the complaints being made to him about being low on stamina.
At least Shadow Master doesn't like this
if we got the right kidney would he be able to piss fire?
Eh, SM was guilty of it early in his quest, but he got better fast.

Choose between all your kidnapped peoples and torturing the intruder
You take a deep breath, and touch the arrow in your back.
Fuck that stupid screaming cunt and her damn family.
Screw this whole goddamn village of traitorous bastards and cowing bitches.

You grit your teeth and snap off the wood of the arrow, feeling the awful tip moving in your body, sinking a bit deeper.
You'll need to take care of that later, at least you can tell the stories about where you got a rad- freaking...

No, mission time. Gotta find the cat. Gotta find the stupid cat.

Bug's rampaging, villagers are gonna get smashed. That's good, they're all fucking assholes.

You walk through the fire, letting it baptize you once more and dart away from the beetle as it goes mad, sending houses flying with unrestrained blows from its claws and flinging even buildings into the horizon.

Even in your little skirmish, it must've been holding back, because the thing is way too strong and entirely out of control.

You squint, your vision getting a little fuzzy from all the smoke getting everywhere.
You see eyes in the dark, flitting about among the trees outside of the repel field and on the ground, staring at the flame.

Seems things are getting attracted to what's going on here...

With that bug finally off your tail, it's easy to get your bearings again and find the place that Cerulean visited.

You'd barely found the power grid for the Repel Tech before that beetle dropped in on you. At least you got some good notes on its battle strategy.

Your radio's been quiet for a while now, aside from some ambient noise and static.

You're at the longhouse...

>[] Enter through the front.
>[] Enter through a window.
>[] Burn the place down.
>[] Set fires around the perimeter.
>[] Release smog into the building.
>[] (Other)
Well, considering how rare psychics are, I imagine having rank and file guards be immune to it psychic attacks would get expensive. Fast.
Besides, dark types hardly make for good guards.
>>[x] Set fires around the perimeter.
PROF, important question I need answered before I can decide.

Devon's fires never heal, right? What about fires set by his fires? do those heal?

This is important.
>[] Set fires around the perimeter.
Light up the night
I've said this before but Aura can help protect from master hacking
Devon's flames bear a toxin that aggravates a wound and nullifies the possibility of a complete recovery.
Flames started by his?
They do not bear this trait.
>Enter through the window
Same place Ceru got in. If I remember right, the Hypno was at the door. Should give us the drop on him.
>Enter through a window.
Other psychics. We know they can run interference.
set fires in all the main entrances: doors and big windows. make sure the building is filled with smoke before entering.
>[x] Enter through the front.
Get the cat and get out. We know their enemies, so just smash and grab.
Ooo. Good news then for us.

Or, the window.
[X] Enter through a window.
good, normal fire/smoke. Don't want to accidentally kill Ceru.

is everybody really voting for charging straight in? Even with Devon's higher stats, the Hypno still has a high stat advantage. we need to set up the battlefield.
inhaling smoke tends to kill people sleeping during fires, ceru is under hypnosis
Hypnosis causes the sleep status effect
We gotta be careful too. If we get locked in a deathmatch, we don't want Ceru to burn down.
Sound like the only counter is refresh or natural cure
>[x] Enter through a window.

We know Cerulean is in trouble, and we're pretty sure she's still in the longhouse. There's some kind of monster esper in there, but we don't know which. We're Evil, and we're not afraid of some esper, and Ceru is in trouble. We need to move fast and get in there. They won't expect us to use a window, because they won't know we're coming. Plus, a window lets us see inside to survey the house.
[x]set fires around the perimiter
[x]go in and grab ceru while they are busy with FIRE
This sounds good.
Seems the setting fire wins.

Can we pull the arrow out?

I do not want the hypno using it against us
>implying we won't just kill Ceru too and keep playing as Devon
Wait they can't let Ceru die either.
hopefully ceru's goddamn 8X or some shit fire resistance ALSO covers smoke inhalation. At least a little.

because, well, it better. for her sake.
just set fire to 1 entrance then. Use that entrance to leave once we have Ceru.

We better at least get a cool emerge from the flames scene for all this shit.

PROF, here is how it SHOULD play out.

The fires force hypno to care for his wife
We get to take cerulean while he is rescuing wife
We both choose between saving allies/loved ones and fighting
Excuse me, but you forgot to add the "Seriously...? Alright then, I guess." in your post.
Can devon breathe NON permanently damaging flames?

If so, we can just use fire on the hypno when he uses ceru as a human shield and he will burn while ceru will be fine.
that is a good point

so is this

you guys should really link it to one of his posts if you think it's good.
>implying the Hypno isn't going to use TK to move the arrow head around Devon's insides

damn do I hope I'm wrong
wow, first-aid 101, you don't pull out the cause of a puncture wound if you can help it.
>implying that wasn't the reason Prof had the kid hit us with an arrow without a roll
but the WIFE hit us
Well... he can't read our mind
so he has no way of knowing we have an arrow in us.
STOP. Please, for the love of god, stop giving Prof ideas for how to kill us.
What if hypnos wife is dead?
Which explains his post here
He definitely has that planned out as punishment for ignoring the family.
>implying Prof needs help

we do it to ourselves
There was a roll roll as a consequence for not taking 2 seconds to deal with a threat and leaving them behind us.
But the hypno hates humans, including his "wife".

Devon already pulled the wooden shaft out, but the tip stayed.
you do when you have ELITE healing powers. Besides, the potential damage of TK is much worse. Kidneys are not terribly vital, but are near the stomach and intestines, and who knows how upgraded Devon's internal stomach acids are?

that's not fair then, we would have needed to AT LEAST critfail, and even then, Hypno can use TK to stop bleeding.
both devon and hypno drop their respective cargos to fight
Seriously guys. Unless someone runs up and screams
"HES GOT AN ARROW IN HIS KIDNEY" then Hypno has no way to know we have one in us.
Absolutely none.
I'm sure Cerulean is fine.
Devon's theme song plays, as the battlefield is covered in flames. At the end of the song, Devon uses Roar.
mmm... depends on much of the wooden shaft got pulled out.

probably come down to a roll.

critfail engage
Other than the hole in his uniform in the kidney area and the blood that's sure to be staining it and Hypno being a smart motherfucker that can infer it was probably the result of a bow since he's the one that owns this place.
I assume that the luck roll we had after we rolled to attack her was to designate whether she'd just be wounded or if she accidentally died. We rolled pretty well there, so she's probably fine.
I mean when Cerulean hit her with ice shards. What if that killed her?
Shaft has been pulled out.
we voted to maim, so I don;t think she's dead.

but if she is, good. weakens the Hypno's buff
If it killed her then the goddamn hypno shouldn't have been able to put ceru to sleep since shards have priority.
I hope Devon kills the waifu. Fuck that bitch.

I'm pretty sure this>>29272566 was a joke.

depends on how big the ice shards are. Assuming Ceru's throwing weapons training made sure she didn't aim for the head or heart, a single ice shards attack isn't an instakill.
He snapped the shaft off and left the tip in, which is the correct way to deal with an arrow wound prior to actual treatment.
Good points.
>devon and hypno both carrying their rescue-ee out of fire
>they look at each other
>devon winks
>hypno scowls
That's a hilarious image, anon.
This I can actually see happening.
>implying we're going to get that far tonight.
Next week, MAYBE. February is more like it.
I can at least see a mexican standoff with that big nose bastard to close the thread
You give the perimeter a walk around, sniffing and letting this unbaptized place fill your nose with its secrets.

Merriment, food, laughter, sweat, the forest, alcohol, sex. This place is filled with a bunch of memories and smells that it shouldn't have. You'll fix it, oh yes will you fix it.

Nothing but ash and the charbroiling of flesh will remain of this place when you're through with it.

Picking up your leisurely stroll, you break out into a frantic stride, like a zubat out of reverse. You spew flames at the windows, letting them smolder and take to the wood, bursting out into flames, locking off those as options for an exit.

Finally, you frame the door with flame, kicking it down and walking inside, your eyes open and senses ready.

A blast of water kills your fire, dousing the frame, the windows too have been put out.

Taking cover behind an overturned table is... by the smell of it-

The cat?!

"Cerulean, I took out a target, I heard your radio, are you-"
You see a flash of white and deep-blue opening of her palm blast a chilling spray that takes you right in the chest, knocking you back and on your ass as the residual cryokinesis of her icy wind frosts over the water into nearly solid ice, only just burning off of your hot-blooded body.

"What the fuck!" You snarl, as she ducks back into cover.
"Get out of there you stupid fatass! What the hell was that for?!"

Again, she pops her head out, only this time your instincts scream at you to move, as you feel the killing intent behind her attack.

Water erupts from you palm, passing through her claws, and comes out of the other side as a perfectly sharp Icicle.

You roll out of the way as it impales the earth, only for her to wordlessly reposition and fire at you again.

Before you can even think to return fire, she takes cover once more.

You're a bit cold, way too wet for your liking and your squad-leader wants to kill you.
Nothing new, right?

There wasn't anyone else in there from what you could see.
He did say that this thread was supposed to be the climax.

I'm hoping we actually finish tonight. I've had enough of this mission. Couldn't really enjoy it because of the people who kept shitting on each other. It's impossible to calm anyone down since Prof keeps inadvertently sparking arguments.
she's still wearing the de-activated muscle brace, isn't she?


hit the ON button.
>[] Try to get a message across to Cerulean.
>[] Run inside the place and take cover.
>[] Set it on fire again.
>[] (Other)
Prof, how many water shots did Cerulean fire? Each omnigun has a capacity of 10 shots, right?

>Water erupts from you palm, passing through her claws, and comes out of the other side as a perfectly sharp Icicle.
Fuck. The Iciclegun.
Uh...well I guess we're too late then.

What now guys?
Cuz I kinda got nothin'.
>>[x] Run inside the place and take cover.
This fucker had a good idea
>[x] other, turn on her macho brace
[x]turn on her muscle brace
[x]carry her out of here like a suit case
>[] (Other)
i like it
This sure is inconvenient.
Do what that other dude said and somehow turn on the brace, that sure would be nice.
This. Let's try to get to her in close quarters and activate the MACHO BRACE.

She's been hypnotized.

Devon will just LOVE the look on Ceru's face, whether or not it shocks her back to normal.
Can we turn on her Macho Brace? Because that would be hilarious.
This >>29272824, but also Roar as we do it.
This also sounds like a good idea, seconded
>everyone seconding my idea
Well, if it fails, I'll just shoot myself then
Good idea, it might give us an opening.
>Roar often attracts tougher monsters
>Rampaging Hercules beetle
Pls no
be sure to
[x]use pocket sand
before we try to get in close
Yes, she is.

>>Water erupts from her palm, passing through her claws, and comes out of the other side as a perfectly sharp Icicle.
My typos sometimes,,,

Seems the plan is to turn on the macho brace.

There's a silver lining to everything everywhere.

This is going to be much more luck so I'm going to ask for 1d100, lookin for a nice high one to avoid eating an icicle or water gun and triggering it.

Don't think that Devon ever saw her turn it on/off.

Roar as you do it?
Rolled 11 + 2

No you won't. You must live with your shame if this goes wrong. However, if we succeed, you will be a king among anons for like... 10 whole minutes.

Devon guide this dice! No Roar.
Rolled 58

No roar; don't watch to attract the big bug.
Rolled 1

I like this Can we use pocket sand instead of roar?>>29272920
c-can we reduce the chance of eating an icicle gun by using pocket sand in the attack?

Or by taking cover and tossing a distraction before we attack?

Please professor, I thought of those things, use them if they would be helpful.
Rolled 94

Rolled 47

No roar
>Rolled 1d100: 1
I fucking hate hypnos so much you don't even know.
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Of course.
Who was I kidding
Success? that's silly. Who wants success?
I'll just go slit my wrists now.
>icicle to the other kidney
Rolled 7


God damn it. We totally needed this tonight.
we.... we can still burn tenacity right?
Rolled 16

Fuck everything.
Rolled 73 + 2

lets try again.
No roar
actually yes. I don't care if we didn't expect that, Devon most certainly should. A rampaging beetle will add more chaos, and make it harder for the Hypno to control Ceru.

pocket sand sounds good as well. I still vote for roar, for more chaos. attracting the beetle is not necessarily bad. unless prof says it is.
You're fucking kidding me. Seriously?
damn, we needed that to work. Like really bad.

Maybe it will still work. Or at least, we won't take damage.

C...can devon burn tenacity?
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Rolled 81

B-b-b-burn tenacity?
Yo where your modifiers at?
Rocket ELITE saves the day again.
Eh, we burn tenacity and take the 94, whatever.
Lets just wrap this the fuck up already.
They only apply to d20. This is d100, yo


(This was a modifier-less roll wasn't it?)
Modifiers don't apply in 1d100 rolls.
yeah lets burn tenacity
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burn the tenacity
this, pretty much.

Fuck it we out, probability or no.
yeah, whether or not we use roar/sand, let's just end this.
Y'know, I never really saw Ceru as being scary in combat. Nearly every other character would be worse to face.

Until now. I don't like this.
>implying ceru isn't scary in combat
People keep harping on how weak she is, but she straight up is sniper elite. It's just she's not gotten any stand-up combat. to use it in.
Dude we had big claws, a horn, fangs and ice powers.
Motherfuckin Icicle Gun really pumps up the danger factor.

Hopefully, this means Ceru has that unlocked now.
goddamnit I was so tense I got up and made myself a banana sundae with fucking whipped cream and a cherry on top, and I'm still having irregular heartbeats and gut flutters.

My delightful icecream isn't working.
That's because we're not controlling her. Everyone knows that the player character in a video game is always weaker than every other named character until control of them is taken away from you. It's, like, a law.
I swear to god if this is another week long wait on a cliffhanger, I will rage and sperg in the QTG unrelentingly.
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>"You... will.... pay..."
>get icicle gun down

Thanks Hypno...?
When you guys attacked Hypno, it was a melee attack.
Cerulean isn't even true sniper in my mind.

She's a gunner.

One of my favorite things in fiction is to see the MC from the pov of the enemy.

We're so used to being Cerulean the Cuddle Kitty that we don't quite get a read on how she has fucking gun-arms, fangs, and razor sharp ice claws.

...Unrelated, but we're going to look so fucking odd coming back to the dome. Both of us all fucked up, Cerulean have zonked from mind control, Devon with a arrow to the kid-knee... Goldenrod is probably going to be all, "We leave you alone for ONE NIGHT."
Did we get to burn Tenacity?
Just tell me now so I know whether or not I should shoot myself for killing my favorite god damn quest.
Please let us burn a ten to not die here and instead get the 94
also I voted for ice attacks instead of melee attacks, but everyone is all about evil for some reason I am not sure on
shoot yourself now, and burn a tenacity to get over it if it turns out we lived
Even after evil mode frost breath? She's a brutal killer who just happened to fight someone who can no-sell that.

that would make me feel a lot better.

yup, dark digivolutions, start of darkness, becoming the cape or dragon all point to that.

careful Prof, we're reaching Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy
Espers/Psychics are weak to Dark attacks, and Dark types are immune to Psychic.
We should almost always hit with a Frost Breath if we're getting in close.

It's got guaranteed enhanced critical damage, STAB, and armour piercing.
Do that thing where your eyes operate indipendantly to shoot both devon and the melon devon tossed to distract you

Unless devon burns tenacity, then shoot TWO melons.
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if Ceru kills Devon, she will NEVER forgive herself.

This SNAFU of a mission would already be a severe blow to her confidence as it was even before the village.
Type advantage is not always the best. More often than not, neutral STAB outdamages supereffective moves.

Frost breath is higher leveled than Crossroads Killing, benefits from the Freezer Array, and gets buffed by Sniper.
If that's true, I can totally see Giovanni telling her and Devon that they did well under the circumstances. Wouldn't want to break a promising egg, after all.
Fuck you and your contrived bullshit.

This is literally what the Ingenuity stat is for, but you used a d100 so there wouldn't be a way of countering a bad roll.

pls don't. the userbase is terrible
What are the chances of Ceru going murder crazy if she snaps out of it and sees she hurt (or killed) Devon
I predict either a strong reprimand, or him telling us we did a WONDERFUL job.
Zero. The people in control would instantly have her get over it.
That's the fucking point. This whole mission is a contrived trap designed to give Ceru mental problems, because.Prof likes writing crazy.
Honestly, considering what we were up against, I think we did quite well getting this far. How many 12 year olds can hunt down a murderer? We made some mistakes along the way, but as long as we learn from them, I think we'll be okay.

That all relies on us not killing Devon/getting brain damage though. Because if Devon dies.. Let's have Ceru roll for SAN, I think.
you make me want to vomit with your snide attitude.
ceru seems more like the type to go the other way
Well in an earlier life he was a horrible robotic demon dragon who enjoyed murdering his enemy's painfully. I think he would consider this pretty good.
We're going comatose.

In other words, fuck you Yggdrasil.
Best part?

We just voted to set the area around the long house on fire.
I'm not being snide just thinking of what could happen Ceru mmay snap and rage at the hypno for covering her to hurt her friend
People here have no problem roleplaying according to the situation. You just need to remember that we're not on a railroad.

It's all good. Devon and Cerulean have really good resistances against fire. We'd get scuffed up a little, but we'll probably be no worse for the wear.
I love it when I make a comment, someone replies showing they dislike it, then someone like you replies to them trying to get them madder.
Devon is actually immune to Fire, he has Flash Fire. And Ceru only takes half from it.
Aren't we?
1/8th Blubber + Water type.
Half of a permaburn is still nasty.
Ice is weak to Fire. Remember, Water/Ice.
It's just normal fire now.
No. We take 1/8 from Ice. We take 1/2 from fire.

Ice = 2x
Water = 1/2x
Fat = 1/2x

We're an ice type too.
I am 100% certain SOMEONE is going to have a wicked eye scar before this is over.
Not that any of this matters since Ceru put the fires out.
Spitting out a jet of flame, you lunge through it to shake off the residual biting cold, diving into your own cover.
Fat-cat bitch has ideas.

Of course you need to use cover when dealing with a ranged enemy. You roll fire around upon your tongue, considering your options.

Charred cat- won't go over well with HQ.
Back alive? You're a big-damned hero.
That's that then.

Restraining position for her? Head away, arms back, tail down. Gotta watch that damn tail. She's always waving it around looking for a chance to stab someone with that fur.

Sucking in your breath, you unleash a gout of flame that's immediately pushed back by a spray of water, leaving a mist in the area.

Good and bad, she'll freeze it, you've seen it.
No sense though letting an opportunity pass.

A second gout, you're starting to feel drained, your eyes fluttering even as you still yourself for a pounce.

There it goes, the water spray that rips through the flame, the mist.
You leap through it, bounding at the last second to avoid a followup icicle.

She ducks down again to take cover, or at least that's what you think at first as you circle around her position on the inside. It's almost a moment late that you notice that she's tracking you with her other hand, an icicle launched a second time as she seems to languish in the moment, almost smirking with delight in that she could actually kill you.

A sharp blast of flame heats the icicle to the point that it explodes, the shrapnel pelting the walls around you, shards hitting you in the shins and forearms as you shield yourself on a forward charge.
Her smirk becomes one of astonishment as you plow into her, grabbing her by the shoulders forcing her palms down with a foot upon each hand.

The press turns something upon her person on, and as she opens her mouth to fire her last gun at you, her jaw tenses, tightens up, and becomes locked shut due to some strange force.


Her whole body locks up, and she can barely even squirm beneath the force.

Her eyes glare at you with hatred and bloodlust, yearning to tear your guts out and eat them.

Devon's the top dog after all, you smile with your viscous canines catching your handiwork, the distant fires.


>[] Carry her out of the premises.
>[] Check the back room.
>[] Deal with the bug now.
>[] Slap her shit, maybe she'll come to her senses?
>[] (Other)
>[] Slap her shit, maybe she'll come to her senses?
[x]carry her out of here
[x]set fires as you go

Want to follow us?
The fastest path is FIRE.

Gotta tell giovanni.
Gotta tell him about all this shit.
>due to some strange force.

Hypno showing mercy or Ceru restraining herself?

>Attempt to slap her senses back into her
>[X] Slap her shit, maybe she'll come to her senses?
Maybe not, but either way it's going to be damn satisfying after all this.
Kiss on the lips
>>[] Carry her out of the premises.

just go just fucking go. I've had it with this fucking village. maybe shoot out some flames to burn shit or poeple on the way out.

This place is terrible and will never make it as a tourist destination
>[] Slap her shit, maybe she'll come to her senses?
Running out is what I want to do, but let's get a checklist done first.
-smoke the building.
-Hurl fire at the main entrance.
-run through it while carrying Cerulean and making background explosions.
>Hypno showing mercy
Not so much mercy as using Ceru as bait to get Devon into position.

Of course, Devon doesn't realise the real scope of the fight.
Macho Brace. It's pokescience.
>[] Slap her shit, maybe she'll come to her senses?
We're only in this situation because Ceru went solo to begin with. Let's reform the team and finish the mission.

>kissing girls
That...went way better than expected.
Um, shit, alright then. Pick up Ceru and gtfo. This mission has proven too much. We got all the info we are gonna get. The Hypno has escaped. If nothing else, our injuries are proof of the village existing.
We caught a pokemon!
Let's teach her tricks!
'Course right now, he's probably busy with the bug.
Make sure the Macho Brace is on. Double check, triple fucking check. Look for the actual way to turn it on, I don't trust this.
>Slap her shit, maybe she'll come to her senses?

We should still check out that backroom before we go.
Damn, why can't the cat be as good as that ALL th time?

That was nearly fun.
save that for pokemon quest.

forgot to add:
-roar for more chaos, since they already know where you are anyway
-start Devon them song
-once you're a good distance away, full blast Repel Tech

Let's stop for a second and THINK about each option before voting.

>>[] Carry her out of the premises.
Hypno / BUG would be problems.
>>[] Check the back room.
Then Ceru is alone. That's BAD
>>[] Deal with the bug now.
Same as above. Also Hypno
>>[] Slap her shit, maybe she'll come to her senses
Possibly waste time. But knocking her out could have merit if we want to run.
Carry her under one arm, smack her face with our free hand like she's a fucking bongo drum, and spew fire from our mouth as we get out of there.
Well, she didn't have to roll. Even when enemies mess up with the dice, they never fail as badly as we do when we roll the same.
Is she restrained by the brace, or something else.

How in the hell would it stop her from spitting? I don't think that it being on would change that.

Find the way to actually turn it on.
>The Hypno has escaped. If nothing else, our injuries are proof of the village existing.
>'Course right now, he's probably busy with the bug.

I doubt it. Hypno needs Ceru and Devon dead if hes going to keep this place secret.
So basically, no matter what we pick bad shit will happen.
Hit (ceru) and run (away with her) sounds solid

the bug is a problem regardless of what we pick
that's why we escape WHILE BURNING THINGS

he can't follow us through a forest fire. I hope.
He seemed against killing us, for some reason.
Let's not push our luck, and PLEASE LEAVE NOW WITH CERU
Actually, snapping Ceru out of it would double your numbers.

Sure, you'd still be in a bad place, but at least you'd have backup.
>I doubt it. Hypno needs Ceru and Devon dead if hes going to keep this place secret.
Then what use was there in letting it rampage?

Even if the Hypno isn't that worried about his people, there's still the repel nodes that need protecting.

I think we still have the pictures we took earlier too
This >>29273464

How would the brace lock her jaw up? Cerulean could talk with it on just fine when we trained with her with it on.
Actually just Devon
If someone doesn't go back they'll send a search party
interferes with inhale/exhale or necesary muscle movement perhaps?
Pokescience. It makes training moves more difficult. She was trying to shoot us with mouth guns, not speak
Ceru wants to learn sit
But she already knows four moves
which move will be deleted
>hug >Breath
>eat >sleep
Take the slit and go.

Use fire to prevent followers.

Fuck the world.
That stuff can be fixed later.

But truly protecting this place means "dealing" with the pair of you in some fashion, even if it's just brain-wipeage.

>He seemed against killing us, for some reason.
Of course, THAT was before Ceru took a potshot at his "wife".
fuck eating

we needed a diet anyway
>That stuff can be fixed later.
Yeah. And this village is surrounded by what, exactly?
I think it's trying to get our guard down
Her jaw is locked shut, that is abnormal. If it just stopped the water gun, that'd be one thing, but her jaw was forced shut.
>Slap Cerulean till unconscious.
>Carry her out.
>Set fires as you run.

Alright, I'll say it.
You guys sure?

It's a weird device. Despite the straps.
It emits a muscle restraining field that forces the body to work against itself, requiring willpower and strength to work against the effects.

That explains why it's not yet silph approved, why it works regardless of present musclemass, and why it even hurts to breath with it on.
want to forget eat?
>you guys sure?

We better replace the volt orbs while we're at it.
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>You guys sure?
Only go for unconcious if the first one doesn't bring her out of it.

Other than that, sounds pretty good.
No I'm not sure, Professor.
Nothing is sure anymore, for me. I don't know what to do. I honestly truly don't.
Double check the Brace, try to get her to recover through a slap and maybe a kiss, who knows, give it a shot, if that don't work knock her out and carry her with us.
can we just set the back room on fire on the way out instead of checking it?
Does setting it on fire count as checking?
Christ no.
>Slap Cerulean to her senses
>Investigate back room with or without her

Clear the fucking house, anons, I mean good god. Dramatic exit LATER.

>"huh wha? Devon! Oh Arceus! Are you ok-"
We NEED to kill the Hypno. Knock her out and check the back room god damnit.
okay, you got me, I laughed
>You guys sure?
and >>29273567

also, smoke the building.
The reason I suggested a kiss is the birthday incident.
no what we NEED to do is get ceru to safety, we can get backup and come back later
Don't worry, the shadowruns of future missions will be toned down by a lot.

Danger levels will not.

So we're replacing the volt orbs, right?
>"Huh, oh no, I already know you're better now, this is just revenge for soaking me."

fair enough
>Less shadowruns
I can deal with that.
>More danger
We better level up 2 times for this mission. AT LEAST

I demand a damn evolution out of this clusterfuck. please ;~;
now is actually the only time we'll be able to do it, yes.
A Jellicent or frolass graft would be lovely
oh, we can handle more danger than this.
As long as it's not psionic/ghost danger.

Spores may or may not be psionic/ghost tier. Depends on gas mask availability.
Less than five minutes isn't.enough time to pull an are you sure.
Can't graft Jellicent. Frosslass is the only viable ghost implant because it starts as a non-ghost and evolves into one. Jellicent's pre-evo is already a ghost.
Fucking this, man.

We just aren't equipped to handle Espers. And I admit this whole mission is cool as shit on paper. But god damn man. Our rolls are so against us it's not funny.
No roll for luck/encounter?

I thought the heracross would have fucked up the village by now and the repel tech would have been deactivated.
>lissen' here Fattie! If slapping got you back to normal, maybe even more slapping will may you better. Now...forehand or backhand?
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m-m-maybe he's had enough of this wild ride too...
I don't even care at this point. I know this is designed to be a no-win scenario. Every single option has massive flaws and only addresses one of the multitude of problems.

Just write whatever pain seems the most interesting to read.
That or we have no ability to avoid an encounter.
Oh wow... I had the RB equivalent of that book when I was a kid. I've still got it somewhere. I think it was made by a bunch of college students.
The covers are atrocious as fuck because of copyright, but it's really not a bad little guide.
The I can't believe its not Charizard with boxing gloves one?

even the shittiest HK knockoff would look better
hopefully all the fires and screaming lets us trade in our esper problem for wild pokemon problems

That's gotta be better.

You resolve to slap the shit out of Cerulean, and pull your hand back to do so, bringing it down against her cold, blubbery cheeks. Hard.

The smack resounds throughout the hall, her tense muscles giving even her face the consistency akin to iron, her fur beginning to puff out and harden into little needles as she stares at you with a tired, sort of animosity.
"You stupid freaking cat. I leave you alone for ten minutes and you get yourself hit by an Esper!"

Abstaining from hitting her face, you begin to shake her rigid body, baring your teeth in frustration at her upturned, snooty lip.

You throttle her intensly, bidding her to snap out of it, when the door at the end of the hall creaks open, a haunting figure standing it its precipice shrouded by a bloodstained cloak, wet red splotches adorning the fabric as it drifts forward a calculated step before deciding against it.

"I have reigned in the beast, yet it does little for my breaking heart, you see." The figure holds forth an inhuman, clawed hand with a deep yellow hue. It's empty as it closes with challenge.

"The place that I have-"

>Do you keep listening to it? It's obviously not human.

>[] No, leave.
>[] No, kill it.
>[] Yes, let it carry on.
>[x] No, kill it.
>Kill it
Roar, Feint Attack + Throw Spear
>>[x] No, leave.

we have no back up
our leader is mindwarped
we got an arrow in our back
we tired
and there a giant bug going ape shit

I just wanna go home
>>[] No, kill it.
Lets see your mind shenanigans work now!
>[] No, kill it.
>>[] No, kill it.
>>[X] No, kill it.
Does Devon look like a bitch?

This fucker is monologuing. End him.
[x]spit fire as you leave. At its eyes or legs, whichever will slow it down more

If we were still cerulean, I'd say talk, But we're devon.
What are you playing at man? We breath super poisons fire, take advantage of it.
>[] No, leave.
Get attacked while our back is turned.
>[] No, kill it.
Ceru breaks free for 2 v 1. Or we just straight up lose.
>[] Yes, let it carry on.
Let him work whatever trickery he's surely working and get fucked.
>[] No, kill it.
I just wanna say Prof

if we need to burn tenacity for the next roll

its an auto yes
[X} No, Kill it
if we kill it, we have to deal with a drowzee.

Just saying.

That's what he was about to talk about.

I want to hear what he has to say, Professor.
I want to talk shit out with this Esper. To show him humans aren't this fucking crazy. To show him that, if we had just not started fighting immediately, maybe, just MAYBE we could have worked something out.

But I know that's not gonna happen. No matter how much I want it.
I also dunno if Devon is appropriately leveled for this fight though.

>No, leave.
If he tries to stop us, burn him and curse him for hurting our friend. This is all his kids god damn fault.
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OBVIOUSLY dealing with Ceru has given him a false impression of how we roll.
>No, kill it

Nah nah nah. We listened on the radio as Cerulean let this dude talk. We don't have anything to say to a monster. Especially not an esper.

He might have wanted to just walk away because Cerulean seems to have killed his wife. We don't care, because we're Devon.
Yep. The cover is sooo fucking bad. There's like these shitty little Paras on there too, for some reason.
Burn him.
Speaking of a hypothetical mindbreak, I like the Enneagram personality chart. It categorizes the disorders a type might devolve into. Ceru fits Type 2.
Level 1 Become deeply unselfish, humble, and altruistic: giving unconditional love to self and others.
Level 9 Able to excuse and rationalize what they do since they feel abused and victimized by others and are bitterly resentful and angry. Somatization of their aggressions result in chronic health problems as they vindicate themselves by falling apart and burdening others. Corresponds to Factitious and Histrionic Personality Disorders.
Devon is Type 8. Level 6 Become highly combative and intimidating to get their way: confrontational, belligerent, creating adversarial relationships. Everything a test of wills, and they will not back down. Use threats and reprisals to get obedience from others, to keep others off balance and insecure.
Level 9 If they get in danger, they may brutally destroy everything that has not conformed to their will rather than surrender to anyone else. Vengeful, barbaric, murderous. Sociopathic tendencies. Generally corresponds to the Antisocial Personality Disorder.
Level 1 True Devon Mode Become self-restrained and magnanimous, merciful and forbearing, mastering self through their self-surrender to a higher authority. Courageous, willing to put self in serious jeopardy to achieve their vision and have a lasting influence. May achieve true heroism and historical greatness.
yeah, sorry hypnobro.

CERULEAN was the one you talk to.
You know, the one you mind whammied and offered a deal between hypnotization and death?

Yeah, if you asked her for peace or whatever, she'd probably have been for it.
I guess killing fits Devon's character better.
Light the ceiling between us and the Hypno on fire, in theory it'll fall down and stop it chasing us.
[X] No, kill it.

The problem is that Ceru is going to attack us since he's the one reigning her in.

Start by snarling, it might disrupt his control, and then set him on fire. As much fire as we can manage.
>[x] No, kill it.
based on how fucked everything has been and how wrong we've been the answer is PROBABLY talking to him this time.
Very probably, yes. But kill-frenzy is pretty in character for Devon.
That was horribly organized and I'm too flustered to be assed to read it.
I think he was talking about the Heracross bro
>"I have reigned in the beast,

He has the beetle again.
We're going to be wrong no matter what. This is one of those missions where there is no possible way to do it right, given with the intention of breaking the players down.
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Kobyashi Maru
yeah, I had to really start cutting things and got desperate enough to even remove remove line break characters to make it fit in one post.
Use Feint Attack.to cover our escape.

Rampaging beetle+rampaging drowzee

Controlled beetle+controlled drowzee+rampaging hypno

Tough decision.
meanwhile, in meta land-
But I wanted to hear the monologue!
Devon's totally the type to interrupt villain monologues.

I love that about em.
I want to hear the monologue as a player.
But devon doesn't.

Unless devon's science side outweighs is practicality and viciousness. Which the vote syas no it doesn't.
People don't really care for monologues in grimdark stories, since monologing usually leaves you dead before you finish.
It'd be meaningful if we didn't know he kidnapped everyone and brainwashed them into living here.
I don't want to hear his monologue. Fuck that guy.
Did you just start writing now?
well we should have killed a lot less of them

But you know

Fucking brainwashing.
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>Welcome to die.
so he's monologuing, type disadvantage against us, trying to control a giant beetle, stricken with grief, and has no waifu bonus.

why am I so worried?
because we interrupted a monologue and broke our narrative force.
Because things have been going badly so far and Prof is making you paranoid as fuck?
Ah hah, but Devon is the Bad Boy who doesn't give a single fuck. His narrative force only increases when he interrupts monologues and is a total jerk.
well, that and all the shit rolls from this and last thread

I suppose
>well, that and all the shit rolls from this and last thread
Er, yes. That's what I was talking about? Why did you repeat it?
Actually, they might be reasonably close.
Houndoom evolves at level 24
Hypno evolves at level 26

Assuming neither are freshly evolved...30s level fight we're looking at.

Also, Houndoom is physical focused, and Hypno's main attraction is it's special defense.

Just...uh...resorting to stats to make myself feel better, I guess
I thought you were referring to the poor decisions
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Houndoom is spc focused.
so, is cerulean all squeezed up into a ball?
if so, pokeball capture complete.
He's going to have son bonus.
>Looks it up
Huh. Well it's reasonably close, actually. Close enough that it's not too worrisome.
>Looks it up
>Sees Houndoom has a Mega Evolution
Maybe megastones only work in this setting if the ranger has no other implants.

That would make sense as for why Devon is "holding off on getting anything new until he finds the specific thing he wants"
Mega Evolutions are temporary, aren't they?
Yeah, they last for the course of the battle.

It would make sense, though, that having other grafts would interfere with it.
They're basically super saiyan 3 back before shit got higher then that
Super strong, but hurts you the longer you use such power.
Least, that's what I assume.
Uhh. No?
Only one megaevolution can be active at one time
As the thing carries on with its speech, all you can really hear it say is "Kill me, kill me!" and you would be quite happy to oblige.

Without warning, you let fire erupt from your jaws, to burn the sinister scoundrel, to ashes or nothing at best.

At that moment, the creature casts his cloak from his body, whipping down the gout of flame and shouting one word amongst the roar of the flames,"KILL!"

For a moment, you think "Gladly" and "With Pleasure" yet in the very next, the roof of the building falls down between the two of you with a burnt, and pissed off beetle charging at you once again.

You grab Cerulean's fat ass by the shoulders and jump with her out of the way, starting to feel sluggish from how the night's carried on.

Facing the enemy now, and the bug likely on its way back, you turn tail and leap out of a window with all of your strength with Cerulean in tow.

The bug blasts out of the building, hot on your tail and shrieking, grabbing a nearby tree, house and all, tearing it from the ground with some effort.

Your eyes go round as globes seeing that and you all ass, ducking down as it swings the colossal thing, toppling house and tree alike.

"Fucking Arceus. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Never again, not ever again do you want to fight this asshole bug. It drops its tree-club and charges again as you pull your useless squad leader behind a tree to dodge a horn-first dash that crushes a tree in half.

The fires rage on as the people scream.

In a moment of clarity you notice that there are dark and light powders in the air.
With a puff of flame, you burn them. neutralizing the threat.

The beetle seems to be slowing down a bit as it breathes heavily, its shiny carapace smudged by your eternal fire.

It may just be that you need to outlast this thing yet...

Your eyes are starting to feel really heavy, and your joints are beginning to go numb. Adrenaline?

>Your action?
So if a ranger has multiple mega evolution capable implants, he can only choose one to react and change?

Run away. Keep running. As if we have any other choice.
maybe if we brought down the village's repel tech...
yeah, we knew he had the beetle.
Though, we didn't KILL him with that action, which is bad, because we were counting on that.

also it's SLEEP SPORES in the air. BURN THEM. we don't need to go to sleep!
we're taking bloodloss.

Fix that.
Yeah, burn the sleep spores close to us.

Would using smog help in making the Heracross any more tired?

burn the powder
avoid the bug
destroy their repel tech
burn anyone who gets in the way
That's what it's like in the games
>destroy their repel tech

You want this village gone in a day, don't you?
>Run away. Keep running. As if we have any other choice.
Whatever else we do:
[X] Swear at Cerulean, because IT'S ALL HER FUCKING FAULT
I just want to get out myself. Giovanni needs ta know, regardless of how many humans here die.
Fuck this hellhole
Should be able to cauterize the wound with a little FIRE. And fortunately we have plenty.
The sleepiness is probably due to some poison. Make sure any powder in the air gets burned.

Keep on running, it'll keep on burning, liberally spew fire and smog around us, go for their Repel Tech. Or at least feint like we're heading there and then take another route to escape.
I'm not very fond of it...

swarm of beedrills means everybody fucked instead of just us.

assuming there's just one generator to smash
MAX Repel Tech, find somewhere not covered in sleep spores.

the entire village is ON FIRE, surely everyone can see the plumes of smoke erupting from the supposedly normal patch of forest?
We have actual Repel tech on our person, they don't.

If the repel grid goes down they're a lot more fucked than we are.
Oh hey, did we replace the volt orbs? Because I'd be so angry if we run into a problem because it wasn't changed.
Our fire is toxic
...even better then

I hereby nominate Operation "fuck this place and everyone in it" as the plan
I don't think we have the ability to cauterize our or any wounds.

Maybe our gear has potion distribution, but I doubt it.
It'd require grenado to blow up the repel generator.

Would you really want to sacrifice yours and Cerulean's volt-orb?
Yes. Quite.

Fuck this place and everyone in it, especially Hypno.
really? Fire won't do the trick?

Do we have spares?
nah, fuck that.
We just need to get back to giovanni and get better border security set up.
Obviously not.
It's OUR fucking toxin.

If we can't metabolize it something's gone far wrong.
We have the two that we swapped out.

Do it.
Nah lets just go home.
That plume of smoke is a nice big juicy flare for Giovanni as it is. Let's not waste it
Can't we just steal the volt orbs they use to power it? (is it powered by volt orbs?)
Think about it like this: There is hydrochloric acid in our stomachs, that doesn't stop it burning your skin.
Setting electronics on fire wouldn't work?
are empty or partially used volt-orbs enough?
Our mostly empty ones won't suffice?

Also, have we been fighting a Mega Heracross instead of a normal model?
nah, we can't do the voltorb special without exploding ourselves.

Let's just go.
Then fuck that plan. Fuck it so hard.

Time to cheese it, leave a smokescreen of Smog behind us for a bit if we can.
Does Devon have fiery wind? Make the surrounding air hot enough to cause the spores to burn on their own?
How's the charge on the old set?

5%? 15%? 20%? 30%?
Indeed, time to Wheezing this bitch
heatwave is a pretty rare move.
Ironic, because burning the skin is exactly what we'
re trying to achieve here.

Also, note >>29272278

Not ideal when we're on the run, admittedly, but sealing the wound is a definate future possibility
Wait, who's talking about sealing our wound?
...with hellfire?
...while the arrowhead is still inside?
They can cut it open again to get the arrowhead out when BLEEDING TO DEATH is not an immediate concern.
Using the old voltorbs would still work?

If so, use them. We don't need them,
we can't solve an internal bleeding with cauterizations.

we would still die of bleeding, just charred.
And everyone died.

the end
see, if you'd started with this statement, anon, I wouldn't have pursued the possibility.
bullshit. How can we suffer if we're dead?
I am a different anon who has had first aid training
Ask the people who enjoyed Hobo Lamia Quest
And that's why we were railroaded into getting a mortal wound, and are gonna die at the end of the thread regardless.
Quit bein' butthurt anon.
Its only a flesh wound and we are an awful chimera with improved toughness and healing.
Even if it was fatal a wound like that can take six hours to kill you.
>Even if it was fatal a wound like that can take six hours to kill you.
Not when it's being aided and abetted by a giant bug.
It's the only reason we're allowed to do this cool shit, and why we've had a lot less rolls than Cerulean would.

It was obvious from the title.
>this long delay
You makin' me paranoid prof
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>Arrow piercing through our Kidney
>Flesh wound

Is this you?
>flight of the Valkyries starts playing
>its the boss in a speedo riding a farfetch'd into battle to save the day!
>and he has gauze and a 12 pack of beer! The good shit too!
I really don't give a shit.
It's better than playing mind controlled Ceru, and failing every Will roll, and getting crits on every attack like I'm sure we would have.
don't give prof. ideas, devon isn't going to die. Or he wasn't.
come on, you pansy!
Devon is certainly treating it like a flesh wound.
rolling to resist sad times mind torture would have been interesting.

wonder what kind of trauma we would have gotten?
>what kind of trauma we would have gotten
That still probably happened, we just haven't seen it yet.
Probably Night Terrors.
Wouldn't surprise me.
yeah, but we would have gotten to see the mental spaghetti assault first hand and get pissed over our shitty will check rolls
just sayin, still might.
You know how every so often Ceru has dreams about everyone dying and the dome breaking and her mom doing weird shit?

Nothing but more intense versions of those now.
cue paras
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maybe prof is asleep...
Did prof fall asleep?
the longer the pause the more worried I get
Death scenes are hard.
If it is a Paras I am going to be so incredibly pissed for how stupidly dangerous prof has made this world and how unlucky or MC is to be dropped right in the thick of it.
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>yfw Prof's next post is >writing
Well...he did come straight from work, so I guess that's reason enough for it.
Still...damn. I can't hold all this suspense.
We knew it was stupidly dangerous coming in. That was the whole premise.
It doesn't help that people voted to split up and then rolled bad and picked the worst possible options 9 out of 10 times, but them's the brakes.
most of them were semi reasonable, but the killing the wife lady was the stupidest decision of them all.
>most of them were semi reasonable, but the killing the wife lady was the stupidest decision of them all.

You are just trolling now, fuck off.
They all had reasonable reasons behind them.
>enemy that is clearly much stronger
>has us pinned down
>is ready to mind rape us
>has pretty much beaten us already

Lets kill the one thing in this life that he cares about. that's a great idea.

If you wanted her dead you should have done it in the beginning.
my goodness you are vindictive today
i forgot to add

>isn't attacking us
>is being reasonable
Yeah. Under the circumstances there wasn't a lot of choice, but I agree that's the one that's probably going to take Ceru longest to get over, if she lives.
Well i nearly shit myself when i read the archive i was so mad.
he had a natural +6, it wasn't much higher than us, especially considering we get multiple rolls. Ganking the support would have almost halved his power.
He attacked us first. When we managed to resist and attack back, he disabled us and checked up on his wife. Then he gave us the options of either dying or having our mind wiped.
>Ganking the support would have almost halved his power.
Yeah, that's what he's saying: If you wanted to take her out you should have done it sooner.

Ceru wouldn't have though. It's not her style.
We saw the 10+ modifier and still chose to attack the Hypno instead of the Wife on the first round of attacking.
because shitting up the thread is so much better.

we thought it would take away his buff it didn't

and the majority voted to maim anyway.

it was a series of fuck ups and bad rolls. there is no lynchpin of shit for the last thread
......prof..... please...
so tired
Would like AoPH to not be over for good
Time for AoPH Redux: Hoenn.
maybe a xbox heug legendary shows up?
He may have passed out guys. Seemed like he was tired earlier.
In hindsight, making a character like Ceru in ULTRADEADLY world could really only result in one thing.
somebody should archive the thread maybe?
it woulda worked against not-intelligent monsters, like most of htem.
either that or hes' masturbating to the suffering right now.
Probably for the best. Let's hope Professor does a quick summary of what happened when he fully wakes up for next thread.
the only way to pull it off is to do it the way we have and give her a strong professional attitude to combat the hugginess
he COULD just be re-writing the same thing over and over

best case scenario.
well, we WERE doing that.
Beldum, Snorunt, or Mawile?
always beldum.
we'll live
mawile would be the safe choice

the steel nature negates fairy's weakness to poison
Mawhile. Statistically, Steel/Fairy is the best defensive typing. Also, the mega absolutely destroys everything.
wow, those 2 fags that downvote every quest were quick tonight
okay so how do we jolt prof awake
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Don't forget the standard downvote fags. Anons so severely butthurt, they downbot hated quests.

ratings on suptg are dumb
goddamn, mawile's typing pisses me off. It's whole schtick is deceiving its enemy and suprising them with toothy-mawhorns, yet when it gets a second type it is fairy instead of dark, which is all about deception.
I heard Angelic passes out at the keyboard quite often.
No idea how they handle it.
>Getting mad over two downvotes.
>People can not dislike this thread.
Well, it's not the first time Prof's fallen asleep at the computer, so don't mind it.
Fairy's are very deceptive.
oh, you don't know about the downvoters?
There's two guys who downvote errything. They're fast about it.
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of one dude with a phone and a computer
I'm minding it.
I am worried and I have to wake up early.
And get x4 weakness to fighting? Its stats mediocre already
This pretty much>>29275049

I'm sure it has some legit downvotes, sure. But the first two are always those two faggots.
More likely just one faggot with two computers.
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Mawile is the only deceptive Fairy-type, and all the deceptive moves are dark. I am aware that folkloric fairys can be very deceptive, but that isn't the variety of fairy represented by the Fairy Type.
Fighting is resisted by fairy. So it's neutral on Mawile. Mawile only has two weaknesses: Ground and Fire. And both of those are only 2x.
I like this mission, has potential for future. Then again, I do like twisted characters.
I really don't care if the typing would be 'less effective.' I want it to reflect what the pokemon does.

He was referring to my argument that when mawile was considered for a second type it should have been dark.
>implying this won't be the biggest write up ever
To the anon that has seen Professor nap on the job before
How does it usually go? Should I just go to bed, and check back tomorrow or what?
>And both of those are only 2x.
You aren't going to get twisted Ceru unless Prof railroads us into it. Anon has shown itself incapable.
Go to bed.
The only thing that I don't like is that its taking
Oh man, I loved this mission too. All sorts of shaowrun. Shit was tense, and fuckin scary.
Sadly we dun fucked up, especially dice wise. Couldn't make the mission go how we wanted to. But it looked like we'd escape alive so that's something. I hope.

And man, when large player base, shitty rolls, and shadowrun combine...damn man.
Explosions everywhere.
I am pretty sure half of the players ragequit for the night after that one anon got a nat one on that d100
Well, I like both cuddly Ceru and the potential mindfucked version. Anon's failure to make practical choices seems to steer us towards the second. Either way I win and won't be bitching.
Go to bed, yes. Prof fell asleep about twice before, to my recollection. He only woke up that one time to continue.
If we all get out alive, then I'll be happy with how it went.
Shadowrun successful.
the only real failure of practical decisionmaking was splitting p, and even that was based on good reasoning. What screwed us was dice.
Best case scenario, the pair are going to require a lengthy recovery period and Devon isn't likely to let Ceru forget this anytime soon.
Oh anon, there, there. No need to keep getting angry about that, alright?
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As the anon who rolled the nat one, I have now broken into my liquer supply.
I can not be sorry enough.
Happens every time for me. Fuck.
that's great.
Double great if we are afflicted with san damage in the form of a crush on devon
>Happens every time for me. Fuck.
Lay off the dice mate.
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Yes, only. Only having 2 weaknesses at regular weakness strength is crazy good.

It has 9 resists and 2 immunities and 5 neutrals.

Fairy/Steel is the best typing defensively.

Look at Water/Ice
>Four 2x weaknesses
>No immunities
>12 neutrals (Thick Fat makes it 11)
>One (two with TF) 1/2 resist and one 1/4 (1/8 with TF) resist
at least my idea for macho brace didn't kill us. yet.

We're going to be entirely stiff while devon is bleeding out and a weedle crawls ever close to us while we try to hit the off button on our brace.

And we'll roll low.
ugh, I can't imagine feeling anything but shame and inadequacy.
>that was based on good reasoning
strongly debateable. As someone pointed out last thread, having two people creeping around seperately just doubles the chance that one will be discovered.

In retrospect we should have stuck together just for survivability, but vision is 50/50 in hindsight.
>Fairy/Steel is the best typing defensively.
I'd rather you tell me what's best offensive typing. Or is that more about the individual pokemon?
Pretty much yeah.
The thought then was "Recon. Split up, cover more ground"

At least now we know, scooby dooing this shit is bad all around.
Well yeah, Ice is a terrible typing defensively, it resists Ice and nothing else.

We didn't take Ice for its defenses.

Though I agree that Fairy/Steel is a great type when it comes to defense.
I don't know what the best is.

But I can almost guarantee that Ceru is going to want more psychic defence after this, min/axxing be damned.
>dat Ghost-Dark
I seem to have developed a fetish for it for some reason.
well, I'm planning on just asking if we're allowed to turn down psychic missions in the future
>Fairy/Steel is the best typing defensively.

Only in the video games and ONLY purely elemental defense. Its not the best defence if Sheer Cold can kill it.
Typing is less important too offense than defense and unless you're going for something like unresisted STAB coverage, it's about the movepool of the individual poke.
I was honestly surprised as fuck when I saw we split up Seeing as I hear Dont split the party all the time.
Not necessarily. She may just keep Goldie even closer now when going against psychics.

Anyone still on this boat with me?

But I'm also on several other boats.
It's less of a bitch move to actually get good at dealing with espers.
>not Devon

All that inferior taste.
Ice/Dragon is going to be the best defense typing mate.

Didn't you forget that the list you posted only has types from the games?
I'm torn between Devon and Goldie.

Why do I love fucked up men so much?
What if you have sturdy?
>I was honestly surprised as fuck when I saw we split up Seeing as I hear Dont split the party all the time.
It may be because we're used to splitting up. Back in the Viridian Woods. And at Saffron Gym, when we split up from Bruise. Or just recently, when we split up to gather more information in the warehouse. It just became natural.
I am too, but my loyalty wins out.
>driffted off intp half-sleep.
>Was supoosed to be writing something.
>Too tired to carry on.

Sorry for the rough ride. It's boiling dow from here. I'll posr on the twitter for the next day. It'll happen quite soon.

THanks for playing!
okaty, I can sleep now!
Haha hee hee hoo hoo

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This too.

But you know what guys? There's a reason we started out as young Ceru and are working our way up the ranks. Learning shit and such. Always have a partner, we now know, isn't just a catchy tune they wanted people to sing.

Was fun Professor. Sorry about burning you out that hard. Hoping all this shadowrun isn't worthless in the end, that's for sure.

Again, thanks for being a champ and running.
Get us back to Ceru soon and let's just keep on playing, please.
G'night, sleep well.
Heh. Have a nice on Prof. Thanks for running this. I enjoy it.
It's archived already, so don't worry about that. G'night, Prof. See you next time.
Fairy/Steel is the best because the typing in the video games are standard.

In AoPH we can have bullshit types like Fire/Water or Psychic/Fighting so who knows what typing is the best for defense.
Not to mention there's always a danger of running into psychics in the wild or on other missions, even if it's not a "psychic" mission.

Defence is the ONLY option
well, we ARE learning lessons. Lots of them.

We've also killed MOST of our spunky initiative!
>But you know what guys? There's a reason we started out as young Ceru and are working our way up the ranks. Learning shit and such. Always have a partner, we now know, isn't just a catchy tune they wanted people to sing.
The problem, I think, was that because of our experiences, it just became natural to think that, if we're investigating, it's fine to split up, but if we're fighting, we all stick together.
>Bullshit typing
>Doesn't know about the Grass/Ice pokemon
Oh anon
Sigh... nighty night prof
with how psychics are sentient i seriously doubt we are going to run into a wild psychic.
>In AoPH we can have bullshit types like Fire/Water or Psychic/Fighting so who knows what typing is the best for defense.
Although the problem with that is some implants interfere in the ability of others. Our crytten implant, for example, imposes a heavy penalty on fire type moves. Such that there's no reason we'd even bother learning them if we were capable of doing it.
and we learned Icicle Gun!
lol, Ice Dragon has 3 weaknesses and 5 resists. Steel Fairy has 2 weaknesses and over 10 resists/immunes.
Oh yeah, and that's a normal problem. We're 12, we're hardly a seasoned veteran of this shit, yo. What don't kill you makes you stronger, and such.

Heh. Yeah. We're hardly excited about missions anymore.
eh, we DID it while hypnotized.
That means we can.
but Steel fairy a shit.
Almost worth getting mind controlled for.

>Oh yeah, and that's a normal problem. We're 12, we're hardly a seasoned veteran of this shit, yo. What don't kill you makes you stronger, and such.
Er, I think there's some miscommunication going on here. I'm talking about the anons here. Not Ceru. I'm saying people here had their behavioral patterns conditioned.
Kyurem already exists. And it would score a 21.25. It's not a good typing.
Well yeah, duh man. This is 4chan, and we have 20-30 anons in here at peak hours.

What, you expected concise decisions? Nah niggah. We're lucky if we can all agree on premade choices.
>Implying that's more bullshit than Water/Fire
occasionally we pick an other
I like this but my god what an autistic fanbase this quest has.
>Inconsistent dumb decision
>Stupid reactions to everything
>Derail everything into a shitstorm
>Every aoph thread and more is drowned in type arguements
>. . .
This thread had the highest coexisting values of shit and disappointment of anything I've read since BFQ died.

Good job, Prof.
Steel/Fairy has shit for offense compared to Ice/Dragon.
Er, I think you've misunderstood me again. What do you think I'm saying?
and then there's these guys
Steel/Fairy is the best defense even among theoretical combinations (not including abilities because fuck, I'm not going to figure that out)

> Psychic/Fighting
that already exists. at least twice. Gallade and Medicham. Hell, Medicham got a mega.
You have my permission to fuck off. Don't be shy anon.
Eh, for all our bitching and arguments, we have alright decisions. Obviously not smart choices, but it's not like we pull down our pants every battle. Dice usually handle that for us.

This mission would've been fine except for splitting up, leading to shitty rolls, on top of a extremely powerful opponent (we were not meant to fight, I think.) With Ceru taken out, so was our peace option, and Devon, for all his canine fury, can only handle so much.

That's why we're running now. We have been, quite concisely beaten. Which is okay, because Hypno totally had home field advantage there.
Sadly, anons love to blame each other.
>Hating on Kyurem

Who the fuck needs typing when you have Fusion Bolt/Flare?
well, hypno, isn't this a wonderful fuck of a mess you've created.
Everything you love is dying, your son is calling down literal heat on you, your lover's dying.
Fuck man, I dunno, it's 6 am here.
I don't really care about anons fighting each other. I just hate when shit heads see fit to yell at the QM. Shit's rude in my book, mang.
The dice may have pulled our pants down, but splitting up was like lubing our buttholes with a saltwater and glass smoothie.
Basically. Good intent. Bad idea.
>This mission would've been fine except for splitting up,
Lets see
>Split 4 into 2 groups
>They get into unnecessary trouble stupidly
>It leads to two of our members getting arrested
>Keep investigating with two
>Go out of dome
>Find village with repel tech
>Go into the village instead of reporting back
>Split up more once you are inside the village
>Find a woman, decide to talk
>Psychic opponent comes, lets just leave woman there and do nothing to her
>Woman attacks from behind (what a surprise) while there is already an overpowered opponent in front of us, we lose whatever figthting chance we had before
>Lets kill the woman now and enrage the opponent.
It wasn't the best decision, but it was actually reasonable. It was night and we weren't facing off against a village of kadabras, so the enemy couldn't have sensed us while asleep. That the two psychics who head the village were awake was unfortunate, but not an obvious detail.

Plus, like those two other anons were talking about earlier, we're pretty used to splitting up.

You need to be able to learn to accept that these things have happened. Bitterness like this contributes to the bitter mood these past few threads, and it's much better for us all that we let go off these feelings.
what do you want me to say? I didn't vote for half o