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Previously: The Young Rocket bore the brunt of a grim reality, witnessing her first dead human body.
Boss was called and the dome went into a state of lockdown due to the city's power supply facing possible threat.

The Power plant compromised, guards ready to fire upon them on sight.

They arrived at the security room with a dismall trail of unconscious bodies, only for the Surge to catch up to them...

But, is it already too late?

Known characters

Monster Index

Character Sheet


Reporting for duty, Prof!
Here for duty, Sir!
It's that time again!
oh boy, I get to see the thread as is instead of sup tg for once!

Can't wait to roll all those natural 1's!
Oh, hey, it's the 'Draw a dick on Giratina' quest.

I still imagine her more as a Seel than a catgirl
Honestly, I don't see it.
I think it's the rope that's over Giratina's face and embedded in its shell that's shaped like a phallus?
In time for the start for once, let's see what madness goes down tonight.
You could easily draw a dick on something with equipment like that

Are we going to have to fight legendaries like that? Can Articuno kill us with Sheer Cold even though we're ice-type?

When do we get anti-esper headgear and Shelder bucklers? I won't mind if we have to wait for more implants, considering we kinda cheated and got implants from two different species of monsters.
whelp, time to end all of this esper conspiracies.
It's time for a SURGE of AWESOMENESS.
I eagerly await Surge's backstory.
Look at the picture from the catalog - unless you know about the scene depicted, it looks like some one has sharpie'd a crude dick onto a picture of a guy jumping at Giratina.
Don't we all
>shards of broken glass
Bullshit, you can't break the dome already.

That'd be exactly the kind of rushed happening that makes people think you're gearing up to end the quest.
Psionic energy distorts the air around Goldenrod, forming a connection between him and the Vermillion Leader, whom stares down at the kid with his own rugged veteran profile. Electricity arcing between his follicles of air as it stands perfectly at end. A few moments pass and Surge Finally withdraws his electro-spikes, stepping forward to the security control panel.
"Outta time kid," He starts getting to work, taking stock of what's already been done,"You locked down all the other parts here, that's good. I slipped through the last of them on the way here. We need to secure the reactor and the foreman's office. You maggots can run on down to the foreman's office, tell them Surge sent ya, Code Breakbug. I'll head to the reactor to check it's status. Part blows, we lose power for Vermillion."
Bruise looks confused for a moment "Wait, for Vermillion, not-"
"Eight plants in all. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. I sent my Rangers to the others, and your boss is sending reinforcements. We'll get this under control soon enough."
Surge finishes his inputs and the security feeds show various bulkhead doors open.
"You've got a straight shot and it should be mostly free of guards. Put 'em down light or so help me I will tan your asses."

The three of you salute and make your way through the pristine corridors, bypassing those that you've already dealt with, after some moments, Surge rushes by shrouded in an electrical storm, frizzing your hair with just his pass.
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The Foreman's office is closed, the door locked when you try to turn it. "Who are you, who sent you?!"
Bruise almost smashes down the door, yet you hold him off and repeat Surge's message. After a click, the door opens and a scared woman peeks out at you, her skin bears a creamy complexion, black hair spilling over her forehead slightly frizzed, and red splotches peeking out from her neck, A ranger?
"The Leader sent you? I heard the facility was compromised, I-"
Goldie glances to you. (She's compromised too, we need to put her down.)

>[] Nod to Bruise.
>[] Let Goldie handle it.
>[] Knock her out yourself.
>[] (Other)
>Shelder bucklers
Bone lacing would be better.
I had to stare at it for a full minute to find it.

glad to see Surge is pretty elite, too/
Let Goldie handle it.
Nod to Bruise, Judo chop!
>let Bruise handle it. Goldie needs to keep watch for an ambush, and Ceru's kinda lethal aside from water guns, which are messy.
>>[] Let Goldie handle it.
Wait, I change my mind. Let Bruise handle it. Don't wanna tire Goldie out.
>Let Goldenrod handle it
>[x] Let Goldie handle it.
I mean, of course, assuming we can't just coat our bones in the invincible biology of a shell monster.

But Shelder bucklers seems more believable than "haha holy shit I'm fucking Wolverine".
Nod to Bruise.
So is there anyone else in the room or is she the only occupant?
>[] Nod to Bruise.

He's made for this sort of thing. Let Goldie save his energy.
part of why we want Goldie on watch. It's really annoying to waste a whole post on an ambush if everyone literally just has to say "look around" to spot them, so they're likely hiding, if they're there at all.
I don't either dude. I think he's just trolling you. I stared at that pic for like ten minutes and I still don't see it.

>8 Power plants
Now THAT feels like a smart decision.
Nice job Silph Co.

Red splotches...probably Pikachu.
Let goldie handle it.
>>[X] Nod to Bruise.
I trust Bruise to put them down quick and easy, better than Ceru can, and Goldie's already got a lot going on today, no point in him tiring himself on something like this.
Can we use Ice Shard to make a club instead of a knife? Because Surge would get mad if we actually stabbed these people.
I don't see why we have to nod to Bruise if we could just have Goldie telepathically relay our orders to him. That's kind of one of the major advantages of an esper, yeah? Not having to show the enemy our signals?
better to use a frozen tail instead. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if we put any points in using it that way.
You give a nod to bruise and step back, the woman rambles without paying mind to the changes in posture betwe yourself and your allies.
"-was trying to contact the leader after he went down to the reactor, the-"

Bruise delivers a quick chop at a lunge to the woman at the door, only he falls short, and jumps back at the last moment, reeling from the sudden shock from the woman.

She darts back, giving the three of you a full look at the room. Behind her, and to the right lie very sensitive technology with flashing lights, gauges, and a beeping alarm ascribing that something's gone wrong.
The woman sneers, betraying her rather pretty features, electricity jumping from her neck and fingers, she launches a charged bolt down the line, centered upon you.
Too late to react, you bear witness to the crackling bolt fizzling out on a an invisible wall.
(Saw it coming) Goldie looks to you, a little tired, his expression stoic.

Bruise jumps back up,"Freaking bitch that hurt!" He grits his teeth, yet seems to know well enough that the woman's got you guys pinned without a plan.
She smiles madly, her eyes tainted with a euphoric grim desire,"Explode, explode, Master wants to see fireworks for the first time! He..." The crackle of power erupts from her fingers and she throws another arc at the three of you, running across the course of goldie's light screen, yet making it show visible deformities, Goldenrod seems to feel it as he winces in pain.
(Strong. I can hold one more shot. After that, I need to let it go.)

The main reason I said Goldie was because, if she is a Pikachu, she might have the Static ability.
the last thing we want is Bruise paralyzed from touching her.
It's a deformed dick when you look at it from a distance, ie. from the thread or catalog. The ropes look like a shitty dick attached to the Rocket's chest.

Also, do Pikachus have Static? I'd hate for Bruise to get paralyzed, but we'd get horribly hurt from a bad shock.
>The woman sneers, betraying her rather pretty features, electricity jumping from her neck and fingers, she launches a charged bolt down the line, centered upon you.
I don't understand. What's the "line"?
Rush her with goldie, block the electricity with light screen as a decoy, bruise comes in from the other side at the same time, delivers shoryuken
>She has static
Damn it, I knew it. Too late.

Right, so she's behind the door right now, shooting lightning at us.
We're not suited for this, like at all. Order Bruise to bash down the door, and Goldie to pin her psychiclly if he can. If we can combine the two's abilities, we can disable her quickly.
Fuck, sensitive technology to the right isn't good. What would happen if it got wet?

Though if we soak the girl it might make it harder for her to channel electricity outward.
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Do you see it now? I haven't been able to unsee it since someone mentioned it.

Have Goldie teleport Bruise behind her and take her out, maybe?
too late now, but clearly good thinking
They do, as seen above. But thankfully it wasn't paralysis, just electro shock.
Gotta preserve Goldie's mental power.

She uses technical attacks, right (what is a technical attack)? We can use Snarl to disrupt her.
>What's the "line"
I'm not sure how to explain.
Down the line of sight. Down the hallway in a straight line? Ehhh

>Right, so she's behind the door right now, shooting lightning at us.

She kept the door open, and backed herself against the wall, precious instruments behind her.
What's the door made of?

How badly do we think instruments would react to cold?
frost bruise's fist for an icepunch, have goldie block for prep time
Oh, I see.

Erm...Alright idea
Can Goldie pull her towards us with telekinesis? If so, I want to try a move where he jerks her out of the room free of sensitive equipment, and we blast her ass with water, and immediately shut off the pumps so it doesn't travel back to us.

Sound good? Or am I missing something key in how poke-electricity behaves?
What's a technical ability, Prof? Do you mean special abilities? Would Snarl hinder the woman from throwing another bolt of energy at us?
Shit, I knew it.

>if we shoot water at her, we get "pissing on an electric fence" syndrome
>if we use ice from afar, it can be lethal unless it's like a huge hailball to knock her out
>other ice attacks will just freeze her organs and kill her
>Bruise can't touch her
>Goldie's tired
>my feet hurt
>I want to go home and fantasize about cute seelgirls

I think we should try freezing her feet, or at least aiming at her legs with icicle shots. Hailball MIGHT work if it's small enough for us to shoot fast enough and just hard enough to concuss a skull.
Water gun the floor under her, when she moves have Goldie port Bruise for a Takedown
Wait! We have lockon. It doesn't matter what's behind her if we can't miss unless it is an impossible shot.

So use this round before she breaks the shield to snarl at her, and Lock-On, and then next turn we stick half a dozen Water Gun Icicle shots to her joints, Bruise rushes in and beats her face in.

It's not going to be lethal, and she's too dangerous for us to be polite.
Good old machine electronics generally work fine under cold but not too well with heat.

Also, OP, can we form roughly fist-sized hailballs and pre-load them in our omniguns?
We'd also hit the sensitive electronics behind her, and I'm not sure we want that to happen.
Wait, I got an idea! Water gun the floor, have bruise do a slip-n slide lowe sleep followed by a knockout punch
We need to take her out fast, she fucking dangerous.

Can goldie use hypnosis?

Lockon + hailball to the torso from Ceru might work

Cold will cause condensation, which is bad with electronics.
Water gun, and Icy Wind, Ice is better for sliding than water.
So she can't be hit by melee?

Can we aim a watergun to push her to the left without hitting the electronics?(Make sure to teleport to a good firing angle.)

does Bruise know any earthquake moves?

mythbusters busted that, It's almost impossible for flowing water to allow a current to pass through. Besides, I'm pretty sure water gun fires distilled water, which does not conduct easily.
trying to use the fewest actions or whatever, but same idea
>Fire Water at the floor
>Lock on
>Hailball to torso
>Have Bruise Finish if necessary

Look right?
bit iffy on the water on floor part? is that a feint?

otherwise solid
Ah, shit you're right, flowing water is a poor conductor.

I vote for Goldie pulling her out of the room, while we hydro blast her, then let Bruise handle the Judo move.

But that's probably just me
Make sure to Snarl, we can do it for free.

And Nasty Plot as well if possible to make Hail ball do the most damage.

If we can fit in Icy Wind too that'd be nice, it'd make the water slippery.
Looks right
I vote for teleport+water gun to push her away from electronics while Bruise rushes either for the electronics or whatever is to the right.
>Nasty Plot
Eh, I veto that. We're not trying to hurt her.
Snarl > Hailball to torso (or head, if the concussion doesn't have a chance to be lethal) > Get Bruise to swing even if he feels the shock (but only if we've got Paralysis Heal)
nasty plot is overkill, and we don't want to burn all our stamina in one go.
She has Pokegrafts, I think she can handle a concussion as long as we don't break her skull.

If one doesn't knock her out we can do it a couple more times.
>Only if we got a paralysis heal
We don't. We don't have gear, yet again.
If we're not using the water in our primary attack leave it out, just a hazard to us.
Plus, Pikachus can learn Headbutt/Skull Smash, I think. Which means that her head should be fine, just dazed enough to get Goldie to free her from COMPROMISED.
Definitely put in Snarl there.
I'm not seeing too much reason to soak the floor.
I guess they want to make her slip
Lock on needs to be prepared for a turn.
Is it just me, or does this feel like it'll make her slip and fall into the electronics and die via electrocution?
And yes, Pikachu can be overloaded.

Cuz...it really feels that way. I'd prefer to go with a Snarl move, then let Goldie pull her out, and Bruise Judo chop her
I don't we're THAT unlucky... I hope anyway
teleporting her involves touching her
Not teleport, Telekinesis
It won't go "she slips on the water and dies to [hazard]" when you're going for a creative nonlethal suggestion unless the QM really hates you.

The rules and the story are told by someone as human as we are, don't be so panicky when we've got an efficient plan worked out here.
can goldie lift an entire person?
Team action. Contingent plan vs. Foe
Auto success.

1d100 variable roll.
Rolled 93

Rolled 41

Dice are great and my friend.
Rolled 54

I worry anon. I always worry.

I think so?

Oh, neat!
Um...I hope?
Aw yiss

Fuck it, we're done here
Rolled 20

Rolled 55

Rolled 80

Rolled 22

Auto success? What do you mean?
Rolled 22

Actually, what's the max weight Goldie can lift via Telekinesis?
I mean he can lift himself, so that's easy.
Rolled 7

We got this in the bag
Rolled 30

>auto success

so is the dice for if she takes down the electronics with her?
Last instance I recall of telekinesis is Alexis lifting stone disks. I don't think Goldie is old/powerful enough compared to back then to suddenly be able to lift a whole person.
She can't roll high enough to surpass your modifiers.
because Pikachu sucks
That was before we even begun training with the Rockets.
I guess he liked the plan enough for it to work.

But how WELL it works is the variable here, ie. something like "Will the hailball smack her hard enough to KO?" "Will you roll a natural 1 and she dashes to the side and you break the electronics?"
Hey shut your mouth, Pikachu is awesome!
...in my head.
Because in game stats dictate that he does indeed suck.

Why wasn't pikachu better?
I'm still skeptical, but if you're right.......dude.......ELITE.......
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Raichu is at least useable
Assuming you're talking about Ashs Pikachu... he WAS better than the average Pikachu.
He's pretty tired already, though.
It's in part that the woman's also Sandshrew.
Now that's a smart combination.
oh that cheeky cunt.

stunfisk graft for her one day huh?
Usable, but average at best.

Jolteon was MILES better, which upsets me because I always thought Raichu was the coolest motherfucker this side of anything.
Partially due to Surge being awesome and me being a huge fan of him.

He is the only reason Ash succeeded at anything, half brain dead that he was.

>She's part sandshrew
...ooooooooh. Wow I didn't actually catch that. Ha, wow. Interesting combo.

And understandable one to work at a power plant.
Freezing would have worked handily on her, then. TOO handily, good thing we're only shooting a mostly-physical hailball.

It's also 3 vs 1.
And she's probably not meant for combat. Even if she is under Surge's control.
The whole "non-lethal only" and "near sensitive collateral that you can take hostage of" are pretty big advantages, though. Good thing she's weak to ice.
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pikachu, the weak rodent with no defense and arms too short to reach its genitals

sandshrew, a ground type that doesn't learn ground type moves

wow, no wonder she works at the plant instead of the field
The mind control was done by a child.
It learns earthquake. The only one it needs to.
how much XP are children worth?
Nah it can lear->>29714310 Pretty much. Earthquake is the only decent ground move back in Gen 1. And one that assdestroys most pokemon that aren't resistant to it.

Also, Surge is fitted with ten billion Pikachu, and I think that's all.
I assume it's basically Mega Evolution Joltachu at this point.
A wet hailball would probably chill her a bit on impact, though, especially if it broke into melting pieces on her thick skull.

I kinda got that vibe considering the Mama and Papa parts. Not too surprising.

With practice. But considering that her shocks are enough for Goldie to call 'strong', let's hope she isn't practiced enough and/or that the entire dome is Earthquake-proof.
Rolled 71

She probably only knows Magnitude at this point, seeing as they're still Sandshrew parts.
>Surge vs. Zapdos
>like something out of dragonball
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Is LT Surge's first name Power?
>Earthquake move in the Dome
Heh, shit man that'd be wild. But I suspect there's more to it. Like, sumo style ground pound, resulting in big ass fissures cracking through the ground

Man that move is so badass. I am so sad we'll never get it.
>Surge gets struck by Zapdos
>Instead of collapsing, stands
>Starts yelling back at Zapdos in fury
>Absorbs Zapdos' power
no its max, his middle name is power
Magnitude, Earthquake, and Fissure are all so fucking collateral damage, that I'd imagine people employed to use it do so only when an entire region of the world is FUBAR and they want it dropped in a goddamn hole IMMEDIATELY.
maybe his first name is "The"
Can you imagine some of the OHKO moves? Like Horn Drill, or Guillotine? Man so brutal
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'The' Power?

I'll be surprised if anyone knows what I'm referencing
Two words, starts with Regular?
Max Power was the dickgirl protag from BFQ
>Horn Drill

Just wait til we see Boss in action.
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I love you guys.
I've always wanted to date a woman named....."The Power".....
It would be a really hardcore strip club to have chicks nicknamed things like The Power. Maybe she'd have muscles.
>Musclegirl strip club
My sides are rippling
>>Musclegirl strip club
All of my money.
Seel can learn Horn Drill.
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my /m/echanical bretheren
Sounds like you need to write us meeting Bruise' mom some day.
You know writing a female Machamp would be hilarious.
The things we learn about you, Prof...
Aw shit, we gattai now.
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Is that so?
Considering all of his quests involved musclegirls...
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>"Good to see you again LT! Your private booth as usual?"
Dewgong also learns Sheer Cold.
Anon stahp
I'm tryin to concentrate.
I can't
I can't.
We'd probably have to level up Horn Attack a bunch for us to get it.

Might be worth it if we want to have TWO OHKO attacks for use at different ranges.
You calmly aim your water gun, and Goldie opens up a small hole in the screen to let a blast of your water pass through. The woman reflexively casts a jolt of electricity at it, yet it's futile.
You hit your mark, right at her feet, slicking the floor, and causing her to discharge spare electricity into the floor as she jumps away from it.

You give her a snarl, yet she doesn't quite catch it as she breaks line of sight, yet it's your queue to rush in with Goldie and Bruise.
With her away from the equipmemt, and her trying to flip over her desk for cover, you aim steady and nail her with a frozen water gun, converting it into a ball of hail between your claws


Catching her in the side of the dome, you stun her with the force of it, throwing her off balanc. Bruise fearlessly closes in, taking advantage of her rocked world to give her a quick knock-out chop to the neck before shaking off the electric numbness,"Well, that was that. What's next?" He grins over at you.
Goldie lets his breath go with some relief, but you aren't ready to relax quite yet.

Securing the power plant goes smoothly, Surge manages to bring a destabilized reactor under control, his rangers rushing in to deal with replacing the over-large voltorbs and taking management of the facility into their own hands.

Everything's going smoothly until you get a message from Alexis.
"We've got a lead on the target's location. Permission to engage?"

>[] "Yes, take it out."
>[] "I'm coming to help, we're clear here."
>[] "Wait for backup, I'm calling boss."
>[] (Other)
In Gen 1 Horn Drill was a TM too.
Considering his tail, I'm pretty sure he actually has Raichu.
>[x] (Other)
what's the location
Take it down, but we'll want it alive.
Im coming to help! Away!

>I'm coming to help, we're clear here
>I'm calling the Boss to get us more backup, better safe than sorry.
Try to corner it, watch out for hypnotized civilians.
Be aware it may be a trap
We are moving to support
>Yra take it out
Heh, did we just earn our first Haduken? Nice.
Huh I wonder if Bruise has an ability to stop paralysis...

They have Devon with them, and a Psychic too to battle it. They can definitely handle him. Tell them we'll be on our way. Do a quick 'debrief' with Surge, thank him, and lets be on our way. Contact Boss on the way.
Other, but basically 2 and 3.

Come to help, but let da boss know that the target is in this area so reinforcements can arrive all the sooner
Give us the location and wait for backup
Wait, is Ice Ball the name for an actual move or did you change Hailball for no reason?

>[] "Wait for backup, I'm calling boss."

We didn't get Sabrina to REALLY look us over, so we might have a trigger word still left in our head. Plus, Devon's there to assist the Rockets.
Tell them to trail it for a bit, but if it looks like it's going to escape, they have permission to engage.

We'll try to follow after them using Goldie's teleportation. Let's also send a message to the boss.
Get their general location and how long it'd take to get there.

We can't really evaluate if it's worth delaying until we can get there if we don't know how far away it is.
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I found this.
I think Ice Ball is the correct name man. Hailball seems off.
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>Ask location
>Grant permission to engage
Well we clearly know why Bruise hit dat now then.
A. He likes a challenge
B. He's a sucker for dat ass and dem abs

I find this endlessly amusing Professor
[X] Yes, take it out.
[X] I'm coming to help out. Backup is on the way.
File deleted.
>Bruise's Dad
Nice sketch, man.
I feel like a fucking creep now, but ASS.
Wow that's pretty good anon. If you're the same drawfag, you're improving a bit.

Um, Anon?
Didn't think you were actually gonna look for some, prof.
>Ice Ball
Too bad we don't have Defense Curl too.
Image swap, I think.
Careful anon, you might get banned for that one.
>I can smash to this.jpg
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That's not my image! I got nano'd

I swear to god! There is some confused fuck on /d/ right now
Someone on /d/ must be very surprised
I am, and thanks.
>Only two evo chains learn Ice Ball
What? That's kinda retarded.
Now THAT is amusing. Can totally see Bruise's dad wearing a champion belt 100% of the time.
That makes it seem more like an Ice version of Rollout.

Is there a in-game move like what Prof described in >>29714861?
I didn't look for it.


>Alexis informs you that she's at Saffron, in a high-rise hotel. The penthouse here has a view of Vermillion, and the staff have traces of psychic interference.
>Travel time is near instant, Goldenrod can home in on her familiar psychic waves so long as he's outside.

>[] Call boss
>[] Engage the target.
>[] Meet up with them.
>[] (Other)
>>[] Engage the target.
tell them we're coming to back up and we want it alive!
nvm took a look further down the page.
Ice ball is depicted in the anime as an ice ball that increases in size with each shot.
I know, it's weird.
>>[] Call boss
>[] Engage the target.
>[] Call boss
>[] Meet up with them.
>[] Engage the target.

In that order
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I was thinking more this.
>>[] Call boss
>[] Meet up with them
>Musclegirl folder

>Call Boss
>Meet up with them

Can't do both? Just need to inform him that power plant secure, then we move in together.due to teleport
>Call boss
>Engage the target
>Meet up with them
This order
The way I always thought of Ice ball:
You shoot a small ball of ice
it bounces back to you-rolls back to you
You shoot it again with more ice on it
You're firing Boulders of ice
Except it's more powerful and accurate.
[X] Call boss
[X] Meet up with them
[X] Engage the target
Tell Alexis we'll teleport in as soon as we report back to Boss.

Get outside while calling Boss and filling him in. Then teleport to Alexis, we don't want this thing to be able to escape out an unwatched exit, we want a full crew for this.
Guys, do you want boss to be impressed with us? to Have faith in our ability to do our job?
Stop hanging onto his fucking coattails.
We dont need to update him every five seconds, and it doesnt reflect well on us that we cant make a decision without his input.
Meet up with them, then engage.
cause that worked so well in the village
I don't think we've told Goldenrod how much we appreciate him lately, being able to just get us near instantly to Alexis is extremely useful.

There's really no reason not to join up with them.

He might want to know that the power plant is secure. That was a major worry. And informing him that we're moving from Vermillion to Saffron is also good.
>Not updating superiors when objectives complete
Okay? I mean, I dunno about you, but I assumed that was how you were SUPPOSE to handle extremely important missions like preventing the plant from blowin' up.
We still need to report to him that the issue at the Vermillion power plant has been resolved. And it's just good sense to report such events.
I want to alert him in case something go horribly wrong.
We're telling him the location of the Hybrid so we can make sure it doesn't escape.
This too
We'll give him "Thanks for being there" hug when this mission's over.
We also owe Devon a cuddly hug. He's done a damn good job, and we owe him. Operation Steamhug.
>[]Meet up with them.
>[]Engage the target.
Keep them in your sights till we arrive, then we engage as a unit
>The steam must flow.
>Bruise confirmed for No Guard?

Guts would have been really handy

aw well
What stops him from having both?
the Jews?
Actually I wonder, against a psychic monster specialized in mental manipulation, wouldn't it be safer to send in Devon alone against him since he is immune to such attacks?

I don't want the hybrid to pit us against each other.

The other squad members could guard the exits and stop manipulated citizen from interfering.
Yeah, Devon has Early Bird AND Flash Fire, along with Ceru having Thick Fat, Ice Body, and Sniper.

I think abilities are just passives that can be implemented whenever logical. So stupid shit can be ruled out while cool stuff can be implemented just fine.
Nah. Sanna can restrain him, and Alexis can keep the others clean of psychic influence. Devon's the spear head since he's immune.
Because we don't want Devon to burn the whole building down?
I figure Alexis would keep hybrid boy occupied on the mental front while Devon kicks its ass
You call the boss, he picks up promptly. You relay Alexis's message, and the location of the target. He congratulates you for the good work,"Pass on the message to the other group as well, I'll have Rockets secure the perimeter."
"Yes sir!"
"And Cerulean?"
"You aren't required to bring back the thing alive."

You have license to kill. You hang up with the boss and get to Goldenrod while tapping out a message to Alexis.
"They're at the Powers Hotel, We need you to teleport us there."
Goldie nods,"Roger."
He's looking better already after his previous strain. He's also not quite as shaken as before, Chuck's body must have really threw him off his groove.
"We'll need to go outside, easier with less obstacles." The three of you make a run from the facility, Bruise High-fives some of the more spirited Vermillion rangers on the way.
"Good job people! Plant Secured! Good job!"
You look back to Goldie,"Hey Goldie, I just wanted you to know, you've done a good job, you're a really big help." You smile to him warmly, flashing your feline teeth.
The boy averts his gaze, his mouth turning uncomfortably,"I-I don't need you to tell me that you dumb cat-fish. Th-that doesn't make me happy..."
You look forward again, giggling to yourself. You bet he's resigned himself to smiling now that you've looked away. He needs to hear these things sometimes anyway.
The actual teleport is far longer than you're used to in your previous experiences.
For a whole moment, you lose sense of everything around you, and come to with a sudden shift in the scenery, standing before the Powers Hotel.

The building is large and imposing with a rather well kept front, depicting the clear fact that this place lies in the Saffron Quarter's nicer parts.
Sirens still blare from all around as the citizenry are to stay inside. You see Esper rangers, teleporting in around the perimeter after you.

Bearing their Red and Gold coats, before Sabrina comes forth in her own with a kantonese styled Coat, scarlet red, with Golden leggings, and a Saffron pin upon the noticeabley short collar of her uniform.
Her gaze immediately falls upon you and Goldenrod."Good. You're not the intruder." She whispers with her extraordinarily cold demeanor, enough to give you chills.
Her harsh glare passes over Bruise for a moment, and it's then you see a crack in her complexion, the glimmer of sheer hatred within her eyes as her mouth breaks into a slight grimace. Bruise stares back defiantly, neither of them say anything.
Breaking away he looks up to the top of the penthouse," Giovanni has authorized that you complete your mission. I will act as your safety net should you fail."
She looks over Goldenrod again with a look that clearly says "I expect you to."

"Right Leader Sanbrina." you puff out your chest to look a bit tougher, and salute,"Squad S, prepare to engage!"
The three of you rush at the hotel, busting through the revolving doors.

>Target is in the penthouse.

Do you take
>[] The Stairs
>[] The Elevator
>Bruise High-fives some of the more spirited Vermillion rangers on the way.
>"Good job people! Plant Secured! Good job!"
Such a bro.
Take the stairs, good for cardio and who knows if they messed with someone's mind to lock you in one
>[] The Stairs

I well and truly don't trust the elevator in this scenario.
>>[] The Stairs
>The Stairs
it may take long but don't want to get dropped down the shaft
>[] The Stairs

No way in Reverse are we gonna get our ass stuck in a elevator.
>>[x] The Stairs

have Bruise carry Goldie if need be
>License to kill
Let's at least see if we CAN catch it alive. If not, burning it to the ground is fine by me.

Hm, our options appear to be
>Spend Stamina, but don't let Psychic fuck with the elevator
>Conserve stamina, but possibly get caught in trap.

We have Stamina to spare, I say use stairs

Like, what. We've done harder stuff as Rockets. At least, Bruise and Ceru did. Goldie can get piggybacked, if he needs to.
[X] We take the stairs

Also, is our entire team in on this? Where's Devon and the others, in the building?

I'd take whichever path they took, but
If we do take the stairs we might need us or Bruise to carry Goldie. Bruise has Stamina to spare, and Goldie is like a paper weight for him, while Goldie isn't the best runner.
I can't help but think about that space marine thread about stairs

Shiet, do this, OP.
>Thread title
>We're moving up to the top floor of a Hotel
Hm... I am picturing the first minute or so of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZqrG1bdGtg , but with the Psychic kid going flying through the window
Nope. Fucker is getting shot dead.
I think they're on the upper levels.
>Choosing between taking the stairs or the elevator.

Anybody suddenly having Final Fantasy 7 flashbacks?

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found it
Pokemon implants are better when they're not harvested from a dead subject.
It... It's part human...
>Dead Island opener
>that music
Why anon, why? I just wanted to impress boss and have big little girl balls.
It's a hybrid, we honestly have no clue if it's even able to be used for an implant.

Though it might be funny to try and see what happens.
I'm more imagining Colonel Glass actually.
I wonder what would happen if they implanted him into a ranger...
I don't feel like checking, but I think we were only told that we have a lead.
And the other parts are not!

Don't tell me you're the type of person who would refuse to eat steak if some spaghetti was touching it, Prof.
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That obviously means it will be more compatible with human biology!
The big problem is that even when captured Espers are a big security risk, it's hard to be sure that even when restrained and possibly drugged that they won't pull some headfuckery bullshit.
Apologies, just felt the 'crash-through-the-window-of-a-hotel' part was appropriate.

But no seriously fuck that just murder the damn thing.
>Harvest his parts to put in some new recruit.
>His remnant psychic essence in the parts take over his mind/body.
Naw, no 'parts', the whole thing is partially human.
>This was my exact theory on how Mewtwo will show in AoPH.
Come to think of it, do we have any real reason to keep the guy alive?
I mean, a simple DNA test would prove it's half human half Monster, so all we'd need is to not incinerate the corpse.
Seems like it'd be a poor choice for implants.
And Psychic's are hard to detain indefinitely

Pros? Um...
Interrogation maybe.
But that's about all I got.
Strange that people are thinking of it as graftfodder instead of a hostage for the ni'aras situation(assuming he's alive)

And honestly, if we're gonna kill a kid, we might as well learn as much as we can about its biology.
>We're about to fight the Psychic kid Drowsee
>6 v 1
>2 Psychic types, and a dark type
>He is so fucked
It would definitely work as bait in luring him out, yes.
>Roll Critical Fail
>Six crit fails
>One crit success
>What!? Drowzee mutant is evolving!
>kill hybrid
>Hypno gets unbelievably superultrapissed
>we have to repeat this shit again but with that level 46+ Hypno and his Future Sight waifu doing the job RIGHT

Here's the plan, that should go with Ceru's (even if a little flawed) personality:

>get Tangela-girl to KO him
>treat him well but keep him in one of those anti-esper chambers that Goldie was thrown in on THAT night
>Ceru goes in, uses her diplomancy to interrogate him and teach him that mindraping people isn't exactly acceptable in our culture
>haul him out with Tangela-chan again
>point him in the direction of his burned-up village, hope he finds his parents
>make sure he sends a message to dad telling him that we would accept his existence and his village as long as there's no more mindrape on innocents
>then program the dome entrances to keep track of every time they open and close so this shit doesn't happen again

There, Hypno quest solved with minimal fallout.
You forget that the Hybrid has already murdered at least two people.
Problem is, we hurt his mom. So that's gotta be a -30 to all Diplomacy right there.

To be fair, Devon killed like 10 of theirs in return.

Why the fuck do you people keep saying that he is? It was just a regular headbutt. He doesn't need to be high leveled to use that.
Hahaha. No.

There's no way in hell we'll have peace with the Hypno village, the hybrid has already killed citizens of the dome, innocents.

We do not forget such action, nor do we forgive the monster. It dies.
I already lit my torch, the monster dies!
>Send in Ceru and using diplomancy
>Not sending Sabrina and using mind-raping to beat them at their own game.
He might jump out the window, teleport, or mind-control the wrong people. And I'm not sure if D Squad is in the building, which could mean that the Tangela chick might have been compromised (maybe caught solo) and is currently tentacle-raping Devon and Alexis.

I'd still be fine with taking no chances, though. OP's giving us the option.
Wait I thought the Hypno was exiled and didn't know how to return to his village.
What makes you think he isn't?

He's been around for at least twenty years, probably a lot longer, seeing as he was already a Hypno when he was Exiled.
He can't fly.
>He can't fly.
He was exiled from a Hypno village. He then made his own with humans as the population.
Do drowsees levitate?
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I can bueno to this.
Well, psychics CAN levitate sometimes. But he's can't be powerful enough, being a kid...
They can't naturally learn to teleport, but since they CAN use telekinesis (Confusion, Psychic) it stands to reason that they can lift themselves as well.
Oh, gee, it's lucky we have guns then, isn't it.

Throw ice shards until he looks like swiss cheese.
so street pizza?
Psychic is an actual name of a move?
yeah, described as hitting the opponent with a very strong telekinetic force.

it was a TM in red and blue!
>Devon's team is on the 49th floor, just before the penthouse.

You look between the elevator and the stairs after reception,"We're taking the stairs." You suddenly say, without a second thought.
Goldie damn near drops his jaw,"Are you kidding me?!"
"No, I'm not," You shout back as you run to the emergency stairs.

Goldie bitches and moans right from the get-go, Bruise throws back a hearty laugh,"Come on Goldie-locks, it's just stairs!"

The three of you begin running up the first flight, going strong, you turn around and carry up to the next floor.
"See, it's not so bad!"

Bruise takes the lead, charging up and up the stairs in his normal "this is training!" fashion. The three of you round Floor 15, and you start to feel the heat building in your thighs. You aren't used to this muscle-group.
Goldie's already panting.

Flooor 24 Bruise is up there taking high steps at the turn,"Halfway there, keep it up guys!"
He's way to enthusiastic about this, you think to yourself, and Goldie's groaning in the rear,"Stooooop Puh-lease!"
Floor 30, your face is starting to feel red and your thighs and calves are burning, your body starting to feel heavy and your legs like limp noodles, but you keep pushing on, Goldenrod's fallen back a few flights.
Floor 32 you get Bruise to start carrying Goldie, whom immediately resumes his haughty personality. "Keep up the pace, don't slack! Steadier, I don't like bouncing."
"Would you shut UP!"

Floor 45 you're just about crawling, but almost there.

Floor 49, you finally make it.

Stairs? Hah. Never again. You're sick of stairs. Stairs are the enemy!

>Stamina reduced to 50%

You meet up with Devon, Sanna, and Alexis on the 49th floor, awaiting outside the stairwell.
Yea, but it's a damn strong one and there's no way in hell this drowzee kid knows it. It'd be like Ceru knowing Ice Beam right now. Too strong.
>Stairs? Hah. Never again. You're sick of stairs. Stairs are the enemy!

It's Shinra Headquarters all over again.
I hope she at least remembered to turn off her macho brace for this
We're earning soooooo much tenacity for this.
Pretty sure we were gonna suggest bruise carry Goldie, what with him being a paperweight.
We haven't gotten any xp for this massive psychic hunting down mission so far.

We are going to earn giant fucking buckets of Tenacity, a fair bit of charm and ingenuity, and more xp than we can shake a stick at.

That's the hope, it's been one tough and long mission. I'm hoping we get an evolution out of it.
"What took you fuckers so long? You step out to jill yourselves or something?"
"Shut..." You take a deep breath," Up-Devon." You look around,"Well? Where'sit?"
Alexis clears her throat, to draw attention to herself in a polite manner," He's up the next stairwell. He's freaking out. He senses the Espers outside." She looks over to Devon," And Devon right here..." She kid of frowns at that, before looking back to you.
"We await your command.
Sanna shrugs,"Yeah, just wait'n on you Ceru."

>The stairwell and the elevator are the only escape routes available to the target. The penthouse suite has a view of the outside through a large, luxurious sliding door.
>Collateral damage to the premises is a non-issue.
>Alexis has told you that the target is getting nervous, likely seeking some kind of way out. It's getting desperate and Devon's presence makes him nervous.

>What's the plan of attack?
Have Alexis or Goldie teleport to the stairwwell above the monster and go for a Pinsir attack?
>>Collateral damage to the premises is a non-issue.
Burn it, Devon. Burn it all.
Have goldie teleport devon to the outside of the sliding glass door to freak him the fuck out and head toward the rest of the group waiting to ambush. Have sanna or someone cover the elevator in case he takes that way.
bruise breaks down the door
we icicle gun barrage
Devon charges after barrage
Sanna tries to capture
Goldie on brain defense
Alexis covers the exit

sound good?
Professor is Sanna capable of picking people up with her vines?
Take out the elevator. Devon should have the technical knowhow to lock it up.

Have Goldie and Alexis obfuscate us, and then go in through the floor rather than walking up the stairs into a trap. I'm sure Bruise can punch through it.
Can we disable the elevator?

If we can we should.

We should put Alexis, Goldie and Bruise next to the stairwell while Devon, Ceru and Shana go attack him.
Devon can't be teleported.
Devon is a Dark type.
You can't teleport him.

That is so.
>Floor 32 you get Bruise to start carrying Goldie, whom immediately resumes his haughty personality. "Keep up the pace, don't slack! Steadier, I don't like bouncing."
Oh my god, Goldie......
Some plans I had
>Disable Elevator
>When we approach, make it so we're covering the only exit

If he tries to jump, he'll get tagged by every Esper in the Dome. He has no choice but to try and face us at this point.
then, for confrontation:
>Approach with Devon as the head, use him as our snarling attack dog.
>Intimidation tactics, tell him it's over, and for him to surrender or die
>He makes any move, mentally, or physically, we let Devon charge, we lock on as he closes in and have Alexis and Goldie stop all psychic attacks. He can't handle them both.
>Have Bruise serving as a Bouncer in case he comes at the exit. His type means he's not the best here.
>Have Sanna move in with Devon and try to capture him when he runs from Devon (because trust me, he's going to run from Devon)

If we can catch him alive? Great. If not? Oh well.
Sanna can remotely activate Sleep Poweder with her detached vines.

So have her detach a few vines, and have Goldie and Alexis teleport the vines all around and on the hybrid.

Then Sanna will activate her vines ti Sleep / Paralyze / constrict the hybrid.

If that fails, we have Devon and Ceru rush in for BLAST THE SHIT OUT OF IT UNTIL IT STOPS MOVING.
Stun spore not Sleep powder.
Drowzee has Insomnia.

Then Teleport the non devon ranged attackers to the outside of the sliding door and have everyone else charge the through the stairs
Let's try to take this kid alive. He'd be a great bargaining chip with the Hypno for all that stolen equipment and kidnapped citizens.

Devon spearheads the attack.s presence will scare the kid and mess up its concentration. Alexis and Goldie, meanwhile, can teleport the rest of the team so that we can attack it from different directions.

We should make use of our SNARL to mess up its psychic attacks.

Goldie should get some of Sanna's tentacles and teleport close to the hybrid to drop it over him.
Are there multiple ways to get to the target? If so we'll want to approach it from multiple angles. Catch him between us, he'll probably flee from Devon right into the other group.

We'll want to disable the elevator if possible, or at least send it down to the first floor while empty so that if it gets called it'll take a while for it to come back up.
Perhaps have Ceru try to distract him with talking while we do this?

If he's distracted by conversation, he'll have a harder time noticing the vine strike.

Ok. Good. Forgot about that.

If he's still awake, we'll need Devon to do the pickup. because lolimmune2mindfuck.
Send Devon to stay at the elevator and Bruise to the stairs

Put one psychic behind Ceru and another behind Sanna, as 4 people approach the hybrid

Get the hybrid put to sleep by Sanna after we calm him down with diplomancy

I think this'll be over soon
You can apprioach from the stairs or from the elevator.

Approaching from the door outside will not work as Alexis and Goldie do not have LoS.
C: Nasty plot, snarl, frost breath
D: Just stand there and snarl, keep flamethrower at the ready.
S: Control-lock, it doesn't move anywhere we don't want it, vine whip, constrict
B: All in rush, Takedown
G: Lookout in case daddy comes looking
A: Mind battles to distract it
Elite MF
How about from the floor below?
Could totally rip and tear through your ceiling.
This is pretty good
FB is close range. It's like a ice shotgun.

Icy Wind would probably be better for locking down the area. It also causes disruptions to their concentration and makes the whole area unpleasant for enemies.
We should probably instead of going for frost breath go for gunning it with frozen Water Gun icicles.

Keep at a medium range and keep it under a hail of fire. Aim to cripple its movement.
Let's try to minimize collateral damage.
Remember people, Drowsees have:

Insomnia: So Sleep Powder won't work.
Forewarn: So he might know what's coming or at least what attacks we can do.
Inner Focus: He won't flinch.
Drowzee are the masters of sleep. Let's not try and fight him on his own turf
what? screw that

Okay, new plan. Have everyone But Devon and bruise go up the stairs to engage, have bruise break the ceiling and throw devon through it for a surprise attack.

Devon knows feint attack right?
Are Goldie / Alexis good enough with teleport to do a precision vine-strike with Sanna like >>29717449 said?
I'll just list off some specialties

Bruise: Physical fighting powerhouse, tons of stamina. Weak to Espers due to predictability.

Ceru: Mid to long range specialist, better as the gunner

Devon: Terrifies Esper, excellent close range rapist

Goldie: Tired, but powerful psychic. Tie up psychic powers with Alexis, who's less tired. Both combined can handle the Drowzee

Sanna: Capture specialist, weak to Devon's attacks, better to stay back unless opportunity presents itself. SLEEP POWDER MAY BE USELESS
Remember people: We don't know any of this in character. NO ONE has ever even seen a Drowzee.
At least Sanna does both stun spore and sleep powder.

OP, what are you considering?
have Sanna set up vines at the 2 possible escape routes!
Sanna is neutral to fire. She is Grass/Water.
Can she lay traps that way?
Teleport requires physical contact. They'll still be able to fling them if Sanna can't connect for some reason.

>NO ONE has ever even seen a Drowzee.
That is so.

Someone give me a breakdown of what you see as the general consensus. Split up the work while I do some crunch to figure out modifiers here.

The child is stronger than that woman from earlier. Mind that she was a pikachu and Sandshrew.
Some general things I think are consensus...uh...

>Use Devon as spear point
>Cover exits with either Bruise the part human wall, or Sanna's vine traps
>Keep Ceru at range, while preparing the long range bombardment
>Use Espers to handle psychic mind freaks
We could have Sanna fish him out with her vines.
I see

>Devon, Sanna, psychic, Ceru approaches from one front
>Bruise and another psychic guards other side
>nobody can be influenced by the esper thanks to psychics
>we're free to capture or kill him if his resistance is too much
>Stun Spore-loaded vines can capture
>Alexis notes that the target's suddenly calmed down... Unusual...
Blarg stop taunting me you bastard.

We'll stop this here.
Going to throw out there that I approve of having Devon tear a hole in the ceiling rather then taking the stairs up.

Maybe give the place a savage misting after a trail is blazed (Literally) to get the drop on the little murderer.
People do tend to suddenly get really calm once they've resolved to kill themselves.

Do it
...oh shit.

Dad's Home...

Change plan. One squad on either side, both closing in on him.

But switch Goldie and Alexis, so that Goldie only has to protect Sanna's mind.
I say to switch plan in case he's read Ceru's mind, AKA this thread. There's also the chance that he's planning to use a trigger word on Ceru to punch a hole in everybody point-blank but who knows. Please don't let that happen, though.
...So...Hypno's gonna rock out with us?
Maybe it heard that we wanted to try a live capture and plan on letting us capture him.

We must kill it.
Sounds good except B should follow in close with D leading. D will cause it to lose focus/pay attention to him, C will be mid/long DM to give B a clear opening. Have G and A ready for counter-psychic it does. S is rearguard/trap layer. Nasty plots abound, we want it to scared to move until it's too late. Elite
Eh. Not too worried, really. Sabrina is around. It's not likely he'll get past her notice this time.
If so, that'd work as well.

And then he subtly Jedi-mind-tricks Sanna into using Sleep Powder, and escapes the bondage to run free again.
Rolled 5 + 12

>>Devon, Sanna, Alexis, Ceru approaches from one front
>>Bruise and another Goldenrod guards other side
>>nobody can be influenced by the esper thanks to psychics
>>we're free to capture or kill him if his resistance is too much
>>Stun Spore-loaded vines can capture
Going with this.
Averaging out everyone's modifiers this time and then adding +10 for the group bonus and rounding up.

+19 for the team.

Target's Modifiers are
Disable(Minimized vs team hardening)
Unknown conditions...
Rolled 20 + 19

Rolled 8 + 19

Let's Jam
Rolled 13 + 19

does that include the Rocket bonus?
Rolled 7 + 19

Rolled 20 + 19

Let's do this. Make sure both Ceru and Devon Snarl the living fuck out of him, it'll do a lot to shut down his Esper abilities.

Also, did you include the Rocket bonus?
Rolled 5 + 19


Lets apprehend
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I feel somethin beautiful brewin in my belly
Oh wow. Didn't expect to roll a 20. Not only that. Double fucking 20's.

Fucking A Team all up in this bitch, man.
Dat rape.
Well, okay then
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2 elite 4 me
With rolls like these, we don't need extra bonuses.

Rolled 6

Momma would be so proud of us right now.
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We are ELITE

We're going to finish this mission, and we are going to finish it in style.

And then we're going to rub it in Sabrina's bitchface by acting perfectly professional about it.
>Much Elite
>So Wow
>Such Joy
I added together everyone's bonuses, averaged out by 6 nd then put on 10. Team hardening means that a single injury or attack will not be enough to wholey reduce your modifiers,



Damn it, why hasn't someone gifed Sabrina's super angry face slowly inverting yet

She's so mad how well we just did.
If this mission or at least the hybrid don't end here, I'm going to be fucking pissed.
We got a double crit, everything is gonna go smoothly, no one will get hurt, giovanni will be there to watch, and he will have fresh baked cookies for us
At the very, VERY least, we better get a big, fat experience boost.

Then we can go on to extremely important matters, such as making Ceru the public face of Team Rocket and giving Devon a steam hug.
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"you needed a 3rd crit for milk"
Rolled 10


>where's the Ranger with the Miltank implants when you need them.
Rolled 15

Rolling for milk
Rolled 4

Give me my goddam milk.
Rolled 18

No, stop, the fetish possibilities are going to light up and explode like a goddamn bomb
Rolled 6

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"sorry cadet. You'll just have to settle for tap water!"
>Cookies and water
Fetish possibilities you say.
The ranger is a boy.
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Rolled 18

Rolled 13

Let's try to find some milk powder, guys....
Rolled 3

not if I can help it
Bullshit, there's no way Boss would do that to us.

Boss cares about us, he takes care of us, he tells us we did a good job and pats us on the head.
Rolled 15

You can't man, Rangers pick their battles
Rolled 11

>Sweetened Condensed Milk

God I would kill for some of that.
Rolled 10

nat 1 incoming
Rolled 5

I'll settle for some lactaid, it tastes the same
The team assembles. You, Sanna, Devon, and Alexis take the elevator while Bruise and Goldie take the stairs.

Devon makes a snide remark about Brain and Brawn stick'n together like lovesick pidgeys, you punch him in the shoulder and he just throws back his head in laughter.
Sanna chuckles to herself as well,"Oh, yeah, ya know, when those two aint hoggin' all over Ceru."
You blush beneath your fur. Well, they certainly know how to disarm a situation...
(Goldenrod is mine.) You feel Alexis stare at you with her usual placid expression. Wait, what?

You start to smell something... Off. a foul odor in the air or...
Devon starts growling, immediately turning serious as his pupils fall into violent little slits from his monstrous nature,"Poison." He whispers.

You try to suck your breath in to hold it, yet you begin to cough as it only winds up nestling itself deeper inside of you.

Alexis weaves psionic energy around herself and spreads it to push back the invisible toxins in the air. You still feel a little light headed, but you should be okay.
"Fucker drowned the entire floor!?"
"He's tryin' ta kill all a' us. ain't he?" Sanna covers her mouth with a series of vines, coughing out as much of the toxin as she can.

Your eyes go wide,"We need to tell Bruise and Goldie!" You quickly flip open your index and flip it over to radio,"G, D, Poison gas! I Repeat, Poison Gas!"

You hear a crackle over the radio. Bad reception?
"R-roger." Through the static." You close it, the elevator hitting the penthouse.

This is where you need to be ready.
>(Goldenrod is mine.) You feel Alexis stare at you with her usual placid expression. Wait, what?
O-o-oh my.

I don't even know how that could have started.
The door opens and Devon makes his charge straight away, only to get smashed back into the Elevator by an invisible force. Sanna Catches him with her vines, as Devon coughs, trying to regain his breath as he spits out curses.
You look out into the room, laced with its invisible toxins, your vision getting a little blurry as your system tries to work the poison out. There are overturned furnishings all over the place, set up like some kind of fort, the target's not visible, and you can't smell it in here.
"Where is it?" You whisper warily.
Alexis steps forward, yet still at the rear as her barrier keeps the poisons back," I feel him up here. He's calm, resolved to kill."

You point at the fort,"Sanna, deploy your vines, put it to sleep.
"Aright, little ma'am." The Celadon Ranger casts out her arms, a twin pair of vines launching themselves out, and wrapping against each other midair before a cloud of sleep powder falls over the room Just another thing for Alexis to worry about.

You follow up with your own cryokineses, breathing cold into the air through your very body, letting a chilling, frostbitten gust plow through, giving way to something within drawing a frigid breath, pained breath.

Target located.

>[] Proceed as planned.
>[] Alter Plan?
> Squad poisoned... Mild effects???
> Target behind Cover.
> Invisible remote force?
Rolled 3

>(Goldenrod is mine)

Oh snap. We got ourselves a rival.
>(Goldenrod is mine.)
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>(Goldenrod is mine.) You feel Alexis stare at you with her usual placid expression. Wait, what?

I-I say 'Hewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhat?!
Use Icy Wind to blow away the poison?

Also, are the rolls not applying yet?
They are. The poison didn't get too deep, the enemy is pretty much pinned, and you still bear an overwhelming advantage here.

Hue, Mass effect Elevator conversations.
Boss boss I rolled double 15's that's good for almond milk right, right?
>>[] Proceed as planned.
Are drowzees somehow immune to poison, or....?
It's his own poison.
Just as Devon is immune to the Houndoom toxins.
>Icy Wind to blow back poison
>Devon to burn away poison (If the gas isn't explosive, like his own)

I don't know a lot about poison, but uh...does it dissipate under some conditions?
blow away poison, send devon in to flush him out, otherwise proceed as planned?
>[]Proceed as planned.
[x] Proceed as planned
Alexis is keeping the poison at bay, and presumably the Sleep Powder, which OP is using in place of Stun Spore because of our metagaming.

>it's immune to poison
>OR it's completely ready to die in a final stand and is using the poison to kill everybody including himself

Christ. Knew there would be traps. But what invisible force could possibly keep Devon at bay?
Let's use the hand omnigun's Icy Wind to do that.
>[x] Proceed as planned.

> Squad poisoned... Mild effects???
>a cloud of sleep powder

Keep on blowing Icy Wind into the room.

Use our senses, like hearing, to identify where the target actually is before we have anyone charge in while we soften him up with the cold.

If he's behind soft cover then we can just shoot through it with icicles and force him out into the open.

Once his location is properly ascertained we proceed as planned and wreck his stupid Esper face.
So a double 20 pretty much only accomplished preventing us from being completely poisoned?

That's... really lame.

Also our Seel biology gives us outrageous lung capacity doesn't it? Let's use it.
>[X] Proceed as planned
ARE you using Sleep Powder? What reason could there be for why we'd use Sleep Powder over Stun Spore?

If he was at all afraid of meta knowledge, he wouldn't have based this quest on pokemon at all.
We could use both.
That actually is a good point. We can operate for a long while on a single breath, we don't really need to worry as much as our friends do, we take in a big breath of fresh air and then wreck that Drowzee and kill it.
I'm disappointed too man, but I think we only counted the first three rolls.
Eh. Let's see how it goes.

But yeah, Prof hasn't always been consistent with how he treats rolls, so this is a bit...

First 5 rolls. Read the pastebin.
Shit, that's right, Drowsee can use Smog.

Aw fuck, that's right.

Sanna used the powder she thought would be best for the situation.

Change plan:
>Figure out how to disarm that invisible force
>From behind Alexis' barrier, we inform him we don't wish to kill
>Proceed as planned, get our squad to dash in and capture it with the whole host of disabling spores

Vote for this.
Can we do this? Or does it work on skin contact as well because fuck you.
The Go-to powder for a Celadon is sleep.
The target is an unknown. She'll be able to correct it in her next move so long as allies won't be compromised by it.
I'm not taking another roll for the next round. The 20 amounts for a second auto-success and still puts them in very good shape.

Also wanted to at least give a possible party-member a fighting chance. He's got some heritage on his side too. His mother
But wasn't our plan to use stun spore?

You're counting the Hybrid as a possible party member?
Ooh, so it did count?
Yay, I'm happy then~
>possible party member
>The hybrid?
>Well, not like I didn't think of that possibility, really. Since we had Bruise.
Whoa, is this a thing? I remember Brick Break, that move is awesome.
How do you know he has Brick Break?
Note, once we've flushed out the hybrid we should Snarl at it, it probably needs to see us for it to work, but it'll help shut him down.
>You're counting the Hybrid as a possible party member?
It could've been.
It could still be with great forgiveness, pissing off a couple rockets, arguing with superiors, and a bit of other trouble... but yeah, you could still save it.
>Drowsee can use Smog
dude, he literally learns Poison Gas by level up, low level too.
Nah man.
We have enough Esper friends.
Not after what his dad did to us.
It's too late.
Way too late.

Far too late.
I can guess Devon would be pissed off, yes.
Does Bruise have Brick Break?
I hope so.
That move is awesome, and would help us get past these barriers
What DID his dad do to us? Anything traumatic?
it killed Chuck! and that other guy too!
This is about apprehending a fugitive. The conditions of his birth put him in a position where he thought he needed to be enemies with the domed cities to survive.

He has blood on his hands, and it will not be our choice as to his ultimate fate...only that it is just after we capture him.
As much as I'd love the peace approach, I just don't see the hybrid coming out of this in good shape.

Not with the enemies it made inside this Dorm.
No, he killed chuck, this is for him. No Mercy, No Forgiveness.

I want Ceru to finish it off with a feint attack+bite
It's not about his dad at all.

It's about what he did to Chuck.

And that other guy whose ghost we found and Lilac had to eat.

He started this.
Are you saying it's impossible?
>Gaining sanity points on purpose
Nah niggah. That's dumb
While we could get revenge, we could also be pragmatic.

But honestly, we don't have any reason IC to think that we could reason with this hybrid or to think that he's deserving of compassion. From our perspective, he's pretty evil, albeit childish.
devon would approve
It's still possible, but it'll be difficult as hell. And even if we pick all the right choices, one wrong roll could screw it all up for him.
Would there be rolls, Prof?
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another sketch
Pretty much.

I mean Chuck might have been seen as revenge, but really he tried to kill Chuck in the first place by implanting a suicidal desire in his head.
Don't you mean losing sanity?
Too be honest I think Ceru would be acting the same way if her mom got hurt.

Do we necessarily have to convince the hybrid.

Or......can we take the brainwashing route his father did?
>Too be honest I think Ceru would be acting the same way if her mom got hurt.
But her mom isn't hurt.

So Ceru can either hide her own personal emotions to pursue a possible boon or she can pursue justice.
I think the horns go the other way?
All this talk of bringing the hybrid into the fold is interesting. But here's a thought: Lets fuck this guy up so hard his own father and/or maimed mother wont recognize him. Nigga killed innocent people. He doesn't get to be ELITE.

For saving face when it came to your decision, yes. Otherwise, it wouldn't necessarily screw him over.
It'd be a position where he becomes your responsibility. Could lead to an interesting sub-plot. I'll leave other things that could arise from making that decision to the imagination.
Although completely taking control of his mind would obviously have some repercussions, especially if his father came 'round.

Maybe simply altering his memories.....make him think he was always a ranger.

Is it possible to erase some memories and implant false ones?
I think I described Devon's as curling forward.
I'm really not for picking up this guy. He's a murderer and a mutant. Even if the subplot for him facing his dad again would be neat, I just don't want to run the risk. Gives Professor too many strings to pull on us.

No offense, man. You love to do that.
Im not too interested, we're already dealing with Devon and Goldenrod who are high maintenence as it is.
>Maybe simply altering his memories.....make him think he was always a ranger.

>Is it possible to erase some memories and implant false ones?
It's a shame OP won't see the possibility of us going through the trouble to recruit him. He'll be a great bargaining chip oe messenger though.
I would rather just kill him.

Best he's getting is having the shit kicked out of him and then thrown to the interrogators.
if you really don't want us to kill him, them just have him surrender
... Prof is the one who brought it up.
Er, we can capture him.
Right now I'm not really inclined to give him that mercy.

Like if anything I'm feeling more sympathetically inclined to Ni'Aras.
He seems mentally stunted and it'd be super easy for his sick fuck dad to manipulate him. Let's just kill him.
Not a rocket, he doesn't get to join.

Who else has their pitchfork ready?
As much as I'd like a potential subplot, we got enough shit as it is. I still don't think we should kill him, but taking responsibility and having to watch that guy 24/7 seems like too much of a hassle.
>Implant memories
>In the Esper
>Who's dad is a master mind manipulator
>And his dad is still on the loose
>Basically trying to get us to train his son for him so he can stab us in the back

Nah, I think we could do what >>29719687
and use him as a bargaining chip.

But really that's above our paygrade.
Really, before we can even think about recruitment, we'll need to make sure that a certain Hypno can't infiltrate the dome and free his son from whatever brainwashing we put him under....
I think the idea is that the brainwashing is just to mask his origins and that we actually indoctrinate him naturally into the ranger way of thinking (instead of just doing what his dad did to all those humans).
I would rather just eliminate the threat for good.
You whip up your icy wind some and send it out to actually blow away the poison in the air, clearing up that insidious gas. You call into the room,"We've got you surrounded! Come out with your hands on your head and facing away from us!"
"Stay away, you monsters! I- I won't let you hurt Mom and Dad's village anymore! I saw what you did to it!" It sounds like a child, almost crying too. Your heart sinks a little bit, but then you remember Chuck, and you harden a little bit, cold air flaring from your cryogenic lungs.
"Devon, engage."

Devon coughs again before taking in a good breath, half delirious from the hit and rushes forward, slipping oast the invisible force as it distorts the air with its force. Devon's growkl is low and gutteral, as he sneers, hopping over the barricade, claws bared, and his flames ready. He only just starts to breath out his hellfire before the target delivers a punishing uppcrut to his maw, drving Devon back for a split moment, yet his assaults's not over.

In that moment you can tell why he's avoided capture for so long.
He looks human. He looks more human than even you do. His fist is no bigger than yours were when you were still a human girl, though his flesh is notably of a slightly yellow hue, and his nose a bit bigger than usual. His ears are brown on the inside, yet covered in yellow.
It's really weird.
Save for a change of pigment, you can't tell that he's any different from a scarcely modded ranger or well.. Bruise.

Devon's roar brings you out of your lull, and your body aims your gun, claws flexing in place, you let the water gush out and convert instantly into ice shards that pelt into his side with some sickening noise as red dances over them.
Devon grins with his feral aggression, driving down on the surprised morsel with a savagery you'd only expect to see from monsters. His fangs sink into the target's shoulder and it lets out a scream, sickeningly human.
Sanna stares on at the scene, the child's just crying out in agony as Devon shakes his teeth in and the kid's flesh apart like a wild dog.

Alexis puts a hand on your shoulder,"I think he's done now. Cerulean." Her voice sounds a little melancholy.
You feel a tear welling up in your eye.

Ni'aras walked for such a long time before getting here. That's his son. You couldn't take his son away from him, could you? The memories slip back into your mind, those from the dream.
He had nowhere to back to...

>[] Let Devon finish him, he can die like a monster.
>[] Shoot the kid in the head yourself.
>[] Call off Devon, it's enough.
>[] (Other)
>Call off Devon, it's enough.
Well, really, whether or not we choose to try and indoctrinate him, he's better captured alive than dead.
Mercy kill it. Assert dominance over Devon.
>[X] Shoot the kid in the head yourself.

Its a mercy. He'd be experimented on.
>[] Shoot the kid in the head yourself.
>[x] Call off Devon, it's enough.
Whose fault do you think it is that cause your to suffer like that?
>Shoot the kid in the head ourself
No one deserves to die like that. Sorry Devon.
>Call off Devon, it's enough.
He's done, and as long as Ni'aras is still out there, killing him is worthless.
>>Call off Devon, it's enough.

Why would we not want a live test subject?
>[] Shoot the kid in the head yourself.
[X] Shoot the kid in the head yourself.

He killed Chuck, he tried to fuck with the Power Plant, he poisoned a floor of a hotel. He's a risk if we allow him to live. And if he does survive he will likely be tortured and experimented on.

Give him a quick peaceful death. Finish this.
ELITE Choice: Let Devon finish him.
>COMPASSION Choice: Call off Devon while having the psychics knock the fucker out and keep him lost in his own mind for now

Curse the compassionate choice feeling like more of the in character one. here
Because he is part human? And so are we.
[x] Call off Devon, it's enough.
>[X] Call off Devon, it's enough.
Not really.

He's a bargaining chip to make sure Ni'Aras doesn't infiltrate the village even worse.
>Call off Devon, it's enough.
Let's see whether we can take him as a ranger or a bargaining chip for all the stuff Ni'aras took.
>>[X] Shoot the kid in the head yourself.
>[]Call off Devon, it's enough
[x] Call off Devon, it's enough.
>We aren't the monsters, you're just a child, but I will see justice done for the men you killed.
>[] Shoot the kid in the head yourself.

So are we pretty much always able to use the ice spear gun thing now despite not having it as a move in the pastebin?
>>[x] Call off Devon, it's enough.

bargaining chip with his dear papa I suppose
>[x] Call off Devon, it's enough.
Eh, why not. No use destroying a potential resource.
>Call off Devon, it's enough.
There's more useful things to do with him than torture.

Like convince Ni'Aras to turn over the surviving villagers AND the Heracross, before leavingt his place for good.
It'll be added.
Cerulean hasn't even noticed that she's using it.
Shoot em yourself, you are the leader, you bear the responsibility.

Put him down.
>[] Call off Devon, it's enough.

Want him as a hostage.
>[] Shoot the kid in the head yourself.
>[X] Shoot the kid in the head yourself.

Threat needs to be eliminated.
Bringing it back alive is not a priority.

I'm counting.
That's not pragmatic at all.

Plus it'll only be ensuring that we have an even more dangerous enemy to deal with.

Never kill a perfectly good hostage if you don't have to.

And this guy? He's done.
End voting?
>[X] Shoot the kid in the head yourself.

Got to be able to make the hard choices that no one else wants to.
Espers are a pain in the ass to keep as prisoners. And I'd rather not have this quest come bite us on the ass.
Screw this whole mission, the kid dies.
I think we need to talk this out more, since people are being stupid.

Did they forget that Ni'Aras is still out there?

And since the Hybrid is neutralized, then killing him is just disobedience.
By my count, it's 13 to 11. 13 to 12 if this guy
counts as a vote for us to kill the thing ourselves. Pretty close.
It's not a hard choice, it's the retarded choice.

Except they aren't. They have anti-esper prisons.

And if you don't want things to bite us in the ass then you're making the dumbest decision possible because you're ensuring that Ni'Aras will not rest until we die.

How retarded can you be?
Anyone else think that if Prof hadn't brought up that we could recruit him that we'd have less votes for killing him?
Alright guys, I've got an idea.

We use him as a bargaining chip to convince his dad to make him a Ranger. Cue teary scene as Hypno believes it ro be the best choice to let him live and learn important lessons. The village is saved, we get a party member, and he promises no revenge.
I think that guy is saying we do the compassionate one since it makes more sense.

So that means compassion won?
>Implying the Hypno was ever gonna stop anyway
Fuck diplomacy, I'm tired of that shit, and this kid has given us more trouble then he's worth.

You're the one being retarded trying to keep his stupid ass alive so he can team up with daddy later and kill us.
...He'll stop if it means his son doesn't die.
Oops, my mistake then.

So yeah, 13 to 11. With 1 vote for letting Devon kill the guy or knocking it out.....which is basically a vote for sparing it for now. 14 to 11?
>Curse the compassionate choice feeling like more of the in character one
That isn't a vote for killing.
Recruiting him is fucking dumb and there's no way in hell we're going to go through all that bullshit just for this murdering little sack of shit.
We crippled/maybe killed his wife.
No he's not.
Seems it's for calling Devon off.

I was actually interested in Ceru getting her first blood here.

Right then.
Er, yeah. I thought it would be clear that he'd be warier about messing around with the dome.

Gosh. No need to throw such a tantrum.
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>tfw you're fine killing him or not while some anons throw shit at each other
Sigh. God damn it Professor.
Um, anon, try not to get too angry, it's not really dignified.
I was hoping for it too, but people seem to want Ceru to be peaceful.

I hope we don't recruit him, we already have enough Espers and it's a big fucking risk.
People are never going to have her kill anything because MUH CUTE N CUDDLY SOCIAL CHARACTER!!!

We should have gone with a fairy typing cleric character to support the squad and get bonuses for social interaction. The build and the playstyle we have are conflicted as fuck.
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well, its not like we can't just kill him later

Not saying we shouldn't pistol whip him on the way into custody. If justice can be served properly and not through rote violence, then justice shall be served.
If you think we're going to, then you're just naive.
I'll correct that.

I'm interested in most ways that it goes. I just thought that you guys would've voted for his death what-with the lack of interest in recruiting.

This opens that door, though does not necessitate it.
But it is gonna happen now that he's not dead. The diplo anons won, so now they're gonna force him to be a part of our team, despite it being retarded.

Also, I find it hilarious you guys think telling Devon to stop when he's tasted blood of this faggot is gonna work
You're being more immature and violent than the esper we just caught
We're fine with killing actual monsters
It also opens to door to experimentation.
So it could be worse than death.
There's a difference between killing someone in a fight, and killing someone who's currently helpless.
I think it's odd that so many people seem to think deciding whether he lives or dies is up to us.
Do let me know how Devon rolls on his sanity check.

I'm sure it's quite poor.
Quite poor indeed.
by we I meant Team Rocket

fucker is going to be under surveillance 24/7 and on a short fucking leash. also, I can totally see the Boss ordering its execution behind our backs
Underestimating espers gets people killed.
We don't have too.

There's a line a mile long that wants to take shots at the hybrid, not counting people like Surge and Sabrina. They're not gonna stand for letting something that embarrassed them this bad off scot-free.

First chance it steps outta line will be the only chance he'll ever have.
If he wanted mercy, he should of thought of that from killing humans and almost screwing up the power plant.

Forgetting all this to recruit this mary sue is dumb.
How is he helpless? He's an Esper, his brain is his weapon.
He's only helpless when his brains are all over the floor.
Well. It is. Prof did raise up the possibility in the first place, after all.
And you're being a fool for not ending this mess right here and now.
Ultimately it's going to be up to our superiors. I doubt they'll let it live.
Well, Goldie and Alexis are currently counteracting his own abilities.
Eh, have you been following the conversations in this thread?
They shouldn't. For a number of reasons. It's a thief, a murderer, a monster, and an enemy agent.
>"And Cerulean?"
>"You aren't required to bring back the thing alive."

This thing is just going to get killed once we hand it over. If he's lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you see it) he might get a few more hours alive as espers pick apart his brain.

He's a dead man walking.
I have. I still can't believe how many people wanted to recruit the fucking thing.
Not like we couldn't make an argument ourselves, really. For example, we know that the hybrid wasn't being trained to kill or spy. Simply sneak in and steal stuff. His other actions are because of his malicious personality.
People crying about diplomancers need to get unrustled. it was nearly 50/50 and probably half of the people that spared him wanted him as a hostage, not a recruit.
He has an Evil type latched to his throat.
He's pretty helpless against that.
>And you're being a fool for not ending this mess right here and now.
>implying it would be over
Have you learned nothing?
>implying the hybrid won't die when it gets killed
Or as a live test subject.

It would be interesting to see what the pain tolerance is on these hybrids.
Killing is fine and all, but some people are voting to save him to use as a trading tool. Remember that it's a possibility.
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starting to get Village flashbacks here Prof...

hope the update comes sooner rather than later
I get that, but what could we possibly get from Hypno?
I love how people are talking about trading with Hypno
Like that fucker isn't going to come back level 99 with an army of Forest pokemon to rape our assholes inside out, and take his son back
Shit man you guys are stupid.
Hypno is not in possession of anything we want other than his life. Hypno is not seen by the dome as something that will be allowed to live.

At best, the hybrid is bait.
It would be closer to being over if we murdered the little fuck and used his body as a hand puppet next time we saw his father than whatever retardation is going to happen "because muh diplomacy!" Won

For a start we have enough espers and secondly it is putting a knife at our own throat and not expecting it to cut us
Here is a prime example of either:
>A person who refuses to believe he's in the wrong and ends up making his side of the argument look like vitriolic jerks
>A really sly guy who knows he's making people think "his" side is dumb by acting like a vitriolic jerk
>implying this ride will ever end?
People want to use this as a test subject or hostage.
It would take nothing short of miracle for people to actually want to recruit him
I like how far that stick is up your ass.
I think it's more bait than trade.

Like before he would have just taken his "Wife" and leave. Now it has to come back for his son.
And I love how far your head is up yours
Give me a good reason to keep this kid alive.
One reason that isn't stupid.

For what? Bruise exists, they have studied enough.

>Bargaining chip
For WHAT? Hypno doesn't have anything. What do you want him to give up? Because if you think he won't want to murder us after holding his kid hostage, then you're really retarded

>Party member
Fuck off. No, seriously, you're stupid.
Work that stick baby~
Both of you calm down. Thinking that the hypno is out for blood right now and nothing we do can appease him is a legitimate opinion.

Until more info is revealed about Hypno/his son we don't know what option was the correct one.
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nobody is going to adopt that little shit.

If I had it my way, his ass would under heavy sedation, under heavy guard by evil types and espers, poked and prodded and scanned by the lab guys (Drowzee/Hypno graft would be a new one) and used as our guarantee when we say "Hey Ni'aras! stay the fuck out of the dome or we gut your son like a fish!"
Only if you tell me the secrets of contortionism you are hiding
"Devon, enough!" You call out to your squad-mate with your heart resolved. You would save him, but only to take him as a prisoner. Boss would like that.
Devon growls in his feral state, unyielding to your command.
"Devon, I said, enough!" you scream at him over the thrashing child he's gotten his teeth buried in.
You feel your lip quiver, and you line up your gun with Devon, unfolding your claws and shooting an acute blast of water, to soak his hot head.
Reason returns to his his, yet they're still full of hatred, with his teeth stuck in his quarry, he looks to you, then glares at the kid, blasts a breath of his fire, eliciting another scream of agony, and then pushing the kid down as he laughs with blood dripping down his maw.
"You ruin all my fuck'n fun, you know that, Queenie?" He smiles at you dangerouskly as the child writhes upon the floor, weeping. Devon kicks him right in the wound, sending the kid sprawling again. You take a step forward without realizing it,"You are out of line Devon! I said we were going to capture him for boss!"

Devon sneers at you, especially intimidating with his half-canine features thick with deep red blood,"No, you're out of line you little bitch. You think you can order me around when I'm obviously more capable. You'd give a dangerous target-" He points his claw at the helpless child as he would a dagger in accusation,"- like an Arceus-damned esper a chance to retaliate!" He grabs the kid by the hair, dragging him up as the follicles snap out of his head, tears streaming down his face.
Devon touches one of your shards and presses it in wiggle it around as the kid flinches and trembles with the slightest movement.
"This is how you keep an Esper from fuck'n with your head. LOOK AT IT!" He Yells, and you just kind of want to cry as he throws the kid down, placing a foot on his head.
>For what? Bruise exists, they have studied enough.

A dead subject might provide more information than a live one.
its ten bucks a seat but Devon only needs the EDDDGGGGEEEE
In no universe does that make sense.
Like, at all.
It's an ESPER.
You know as in MIND POWERS.
This could advance research in creating our own esper.
Alright, I feel better now. Thanks Devon, you're a bro, and I like your style.
>"This is how you keep an Esper from fuck'n with your head. LOOK AT IT!"

I wonder how Alexis and Goldie are reacting to all of this.

Regardless of our decision I think it's safe to say you don't fuck with Devon.

I think he's talking about a live subject providing more information than a live one.
Note to Ceru: Beat the piss out of Devon ASAP. He needs to learn that Giovanni put us in charge for fucking reason. When he acts like this, he's not only questioning OUR ability, but Giovanni's intelligence.
I'd say we're not fucking with him hard enough.

He needs to learn to heel.
There's reasons that they don't like to be near him.
I want to beat his ass right now. Insubordinate little fucker.
Well, yeah. His implants make him pretty violent, after all.
Oh, is there a second part to that post, or are we suppose to respond?
I'd be more inclined to beat his ass if he wasn't right.
Where's Bruise right now?
hit him with a newspaper after this. The boss here yet? Kid's gonna die at the rate devons doing his stuff.
I completely agree with Devon, so I can't really disagree with him.
It's not about right or wrong. I voted to kill the drowsee. It's about him not respecting us. And all he understands is violence.
No great loss
He really isn't.

He escalated a theft and a murder into an attempt to destroy the Dome itself.
Well yeah, 'course you'd agree with him if you voted to kill the hybrid. Doesn't mean he's right. Just means that you like him more right now since he agrees with your opinion.
Which is pretty normal for humans, as I understand it. Getting along with those you agree with.
I wanted to kill him but Devon is stepping out of line and needs to be put back in his place.
>into an attempt to destroy the Dome itself.

But that was exactly what the Hybrid planned.
It's not about whether or not he's right.

It's our call. Our responsibility if it was a good choice to let him live or not. Not his. His only word in this should be "Yes" and "Ma'am"
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Devon is just really into playing it safe.

Probably worried about us getting mindcontrolled again. That sweet ol' watchdog

Problem here is that they're also venting their frustration at everyone in this thread who doesn't agree with them.
Devon's gonna wanna scrap with us.
And we're at 50- Stamina. I doubt we can take him even with the type advantage. Besides, he's got a point.
We could take him. Since the rest of the team follows our command.
I don't remember any evidence the hybrid was planning to harm the dome before we torched his village and drew blood from both his parents.
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Turns out we don't hook up with Bruise or Goldie after all.
He already killed a man before we went to his village.
A single man is not the dome itself, and that was already accounted for in the linked post of the linked post of the linked post.
Mm. Yes. We definitely need to interrogate him on that. If he's mentally unstable (that is to say, he kills without reason), brainwashing wouldn't be enough to get rid of that sort of sociopathy.
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>ignore Traitor posts
>report Traitor posters
Oh hey, 2 new chapters came out.
Neither is sparing a single half monster child

Think this will be a rare thing? Wake up, this sort of call iscgoing to be a regular thing and there are far worse things out there than a single pissed off hypno
He doesn't seem like a sociopath, which raises questions on why he did it.

I mean if he didn't kill anyone, or program Chuck to kill himself, then we wouldn't have even had a case.
Just stop.
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So is there more or what?
Well, let's try to get a handle on his character first before deciding on anything.
I think it will be a rare thing, since the vast majority of monsters aren't sapient.
Do you mean Arashi?

>which raises questions on why he did it.

Because he is a human hating bitch? I bet that his whole reasoning is going to be "DADDY DOESN'T LIKE ME BECAUSE I LOOK MORE LIKE THE MONSTERS IN THE DOME THAN HIM"
I think it more that he was trying to hide his mistake desperately and thought a dead man wouldn't tell any story.
Yeah I don't know.

I mean I'd say have Goldenrod and Alexis secure the Esper whilst we punish Devon for his insubordination.
You look over to Sanna, about to give a command, but it's Devon that speaks first," Vine-bitch, Use stun spore, his kind don't sleep, I got an idea of that in the village."
"Hey, yer not the leader hot-dog, don't you try ta ursurp Ceru."

Devon growls at her,"I'm doin what the fattie wants. Staunch the wound too, he'snot gonna feel good at all for a while."

You shiver with a sudden feeling of ineptitude from Devon's sudden outburst, yet you give Sanna a nod, and a go-ahead.

Goldie and Bruise finally enter, looking perplexed,"Ummm, we heard screaming after we got the message about the poison. Everything..." Bruise studies the scene, Devon smiles maliciously, giving Bruise a thumbs up,"Late, dumbass. You get to clean up!"

Alexis nods beside you, as you try to turn away from this whole thing,"It's okay, you made the right choice. He's done bad things, but it's because he's scared, like us."

(I've felt it, and I feel it now. Who knows what will happen to him?)


The Hybrid's wounds are bound by Sanna's vines and his body is paralyzed by her stun-spore. Your capture expert finally got the chance to show her prowess, and she seems kind of smug about it, yet what transpired in that room weighs on you quite a bit.
You've done well... But if Devon hadn't been a part of your team, you'd have died. You we him for that, even if.. Well, even if he did that. What even was that?
He's like a monster.... Scarier even.
Wait, really?
I havent read the new ones yet.
>(I've felt it, and I feel it now. Who knows what will happen to him?)
Who's speaking here?
This exact situation maybe but there will be many with the same choice and it will question what do we value more? A repeated murderer that isn't even human or multiple innocent people

And if we continually try to save everyone we will end up killing everyone
OK yeah. Devon needs to get put in his place.

Are we supposed to reply with what to do? Just put a [1/3] or something at the end of your posts ygg, you are confusing as fuck sometimes.
But multiple innocent people weren't on the table.

The Hybrid was finished, he didn't stand a chance against us, much less the people surrounding the village.

The only reason to kill him is if you have absolutely no faith in the Dome, Saffron Gym, OR Team Rocket to keep the Hybrid contained, in which case what the fuck are you even fighting for?
If I recall correctly, Evil Rangers is sorta experimental. This means Devon is trying to deal with a lot of new things, such as the deep dark voice telling him how delicious blood tastes.

This might be worth reporting to Giovanni during debrief. Devon was out of line, and appeared to show signs of bloodlust. I suspect it's due to evil implants, and not his own doing. They have severely altered his personality.

Lets face it, we're going to have to have an official dual to near death with him one day. Otherwise he'll never respect us.
Just stop already.
I think that might be just taking his bait. While duking it out with him would certainly make HIM feel better (you know, if he won, vengeful if he didn't) I don't really think it would actually solve anything.
That's not really the exact situation, however.

While we don't know the reason why he killed his first victim, whether out of malice or an accident (perhaps he was discovered doing something suspicious, who knows), he attacked the dome out of anger for what had happened. He's a child who grew up in a tribe led by a Hypno, so he wouldn't place the same sort of value over a life from the dome to the ones of the people he grew up with. Brainwashing can take care of that. The problem is on whether or not he's naturally a very malicious person.
We need to put Devon in his place, preferably before we leave the hotel.

As in we stop suddenly in front of him, grab his collar with one hand, push him against a wall, and use the other to spray him in the face with water gun and then freezing it around his head before telling him that Boss put us in charge and he is to respect our authority whether he likes it or not.
Multiple innocent people were already dead because the dome, the rockets, the gyms and everything else in place for defense failed, because of one psychic kid

Didn't you pay attention to anything this arc?
I'm sure chuck will love to hear we saved the life of his murderer.

Good times, fucktard. It's about revenge, not about faith in our security. This guy deserves his punishment right now.
If you're not interested in hearing the reasoning of other people, then the same could be said for the people telling everyone else that making peace is wrong for [whatever reasons they give].
In a Houndoom pack, the one with its horns raked sharply towards the back serves a leadership role. These Pokémon choose their leader by fighting amongst themselves.

Smacking him down will make him listen.
You hand custody of the hybrid over to Sabrina and her Saffron gym, changing hands. Her gaze breaks over Bruise again, the barest hint of contempt glints into her eyes, yet then they soften upon Goldenrod.
He turns meek in an instant, smiling besides himself.

"We've got it in our custody from here. When his wounds are treated, we'll pass judgement upon him after interrogation." Sabrina's eyes fall upon you for a moment as she seems to consider something,"Giovanni has told me that he'd like you six to report to his office. That is all."

With a turn, and the accompaniment of two other espers, they teleport away in the next moment.

Devon wears a shit-eating smile,"Aw yesss, Boss's gonna be so freak'n proud of me." His long, spaded tail wags back and forth slowly, akin to a cat's.
Alexis looks to Goldenrod, moving only her eyes to watch him.

Goldie's still grinning to himself, beating back that soured look he often wears. It kind of reminds you of the day you went and hit him. A creepy, chuckly grin that's just kind of out of place.

Bruise seems like he just kind of wants a nap, and Sanna stakes nervous glances between you and Devon.

>[] Challenge Devon to a duel, right here and right now.
>[] Keep quiet and go to the Rocket Dorms
>[] Ask Goldie what's up.
>[] Fall in back with Bruise, he's still your friend after all.
>[] Give Devon a hug...
>[] (Other)
Two is technically multiple.

And yeah, but that's because they were woefully unprepared for the existence rogue esper.

That's not Elite at all.
>Lets face it, we're going to have to have an official dual to near death with him one day. Otherwise he'll never respect us.

Oh shut up. Devon was following orders just fine before Ceru was mindfucked.

Remember, he is pretty much a wild dog. Once Ceru showed that she wasn't the Alpha bitch he stopped following her. If we keep being ELITE then he will regain his faith in us.

>[] Keep quiet and go to the Rocket Dorms
We will face more situations where we weigh the lives of people we are supposed to protect vs an enemy which is exactly what this kid proved himself to be

He killed multiple people, brainwashed dozens, set a power plant to explode

And you think that anything short of death is a good way to deal with him?
>[X] Keep quiet and go to the Rocket Dorms


Odd choices. Uh, Ask Goldie whats up. I bet he's happy to have did so well in front of mommy though.
Except not really unless the Abra society finds out about Goldenrod and swears revenge.
Give him a hug....a really sinister hug. Like hug him from behind and breathe ice down his neck saying that you will not tolerate this behavior, so heel.
Two that we know of and were properly attributed to him
Possibly more

Wait, no, Just go quietly and compose yourself for meeting with the Boss again.
>[] Keep quiet and go to the Rocket Dorms

I need my money.
>Following orders just fine
Hardly. Only because Giovanni said so, and now, especially since we got into trouble, he has lost any shred of respect we have. Giovanni saying so isn't going to work again. We're gonna have to earn it back.
>[x] Keep quiet and go to the Rocket Dorms
>[] Challenge Devon to a duel, right here and right now. I wanted to, but know the time seems wrong.

>[] Keep quiet and go to the Rocket Dorms
>[] Give Devon a hug...

Look him right in the eye, give him a friendly smile, open our arms, tell him "You did a good job" and walk towards him and give him a hug no matter his opinion on the matter.

Once Operation Steamhug has commenced and he's in a cuddly hug let our claws out and whisper into his ear "Devon, if you ever try and disrespect my authority on a mission Boss entrusted to me again, I will freeze your head into a solid block of ice. Understood?"
>Go to Devon
Give him our review of his mission performance.

>"Devon. You're difficult to work with. You're constantly snapping at your team mates and you have no respect for the chain of command. You can follow orders well enough, but not as quickly as you should.

>"All that said, you're a good ranger, Devon. And I know you just act the way you do because of your implants. And thanks for saving me back at the village."
>[] Keep quiet and go to the Rocket Dorms

I really want to kick Devon's ass but this isn't the time or the place.

Hell even if we do manage to beat him this time, Devon's the type to just bow down. We're stuck with him for better or worse
>[x] Keep quiet and go to the Rocket Dorms


You just repeated what I said.
Something like this seems fine. We still hadn't properly thanked Devon for what he did for us. And this way, we can try and resolve some tension between Ceru and Devon.
>[] Challenge Devon to a duel, right here and right now.
If we go for a duel it should be after we learn Safeguard.
I know everyone is pretty eager to end this mission already, but this seems like a good idea? Let's try to make peace with Devon?
>Keep Quiet and go to the dorms
Time to debrief with the boss.

I want mah XP
Wow are you trying to miss the point or are you just honestly so fucking dense we could use you to build tanks out of?

I will use small words so you can understand
One threat using their powers smartly nearly caused huge damage to the dome

Now we will have to protect it from threats much like this which could be a cunning animal being sneaky and maybe with more destructive powers doing things and not being incompetent enough for us to stop it in time

That make it through your idiocy barrier?
I don't like the wording or the timing, so, no.
It's alright anon.
The mission is over.
The healing can begin.

If you're going to review Devon, aren't you going to review everyone?
>[] Keep quiet and go to the Rocket Dorms

Let's end this already.
He's not going to care. In all likelihood it's going to make him MORE paranoid and aggressive.
Eh. If this could get reworded a bit, I'd be fine with trying.
>[x] Keep quiet and go to the Rocket Dorms
>[] Ask Goldie what's up.
>[] Go to the Rocket Dorms
Talk to Goldie on the way there. I'd say we take some time to cool down, but definitely talk to Devon before we go to the Boss.
Please no. Lets just go see the Boss.
I'd rather get our business with Devon done in private. Privately give him a hug, and then threaten him with freezing his dick off if he tries to pull anything like that on us again.
>If you're going to review Devon, aren't you going to review everyone?

No reviews, only Boss has the authority and experience to review everyone's performance.
Well, either we let him stew and get worse, or we try and get him to open up and look past his dark thoughts.

Let's stick with just Devon for now.
Yeah let's just end it now, that seems like too much work.
No, no. Let's review Devon.

This is a personal relationship thing.
Boss is going to want our opinion on this and our opinion of our team mates.
Yeah what >>29721121 said, this isn't the time to deal with Devon.
no reviews
But his dark thoughts are all the thoughts he has to work with. He's not some troubled youth that can talk his problems away. He is literally hardwired to be violent and revel in it.
Laziness is no excuse, anon. I know you're tired with this mission. I am too. But let's not get sloppy just because of that and end up allowing problems to grow when we could have fixed them.
Then we'll tell it to him when we have to.
>Goldie's a pleasure to work with, excellent Esper, though he does appear to be weak for long term missions. (Endurance thing)

>Alexis is also an excellent Esper partner, followers orders wonderfully. Possibly fraternizing with Goldie leading to problems

>Bruise is a champ and a bro. Followers orders, hits hard and fast. Excellent Ranger.

>Devon is hardheaded violent, and lacks respect for chain of command. I suspect he will want to challenge me physically for leadership if things continue this way. He is, however, an excellent ranger when it counts, and I suspect the majority of my issues with him are due to his evil type.

>Sanna is an excellent trapping and support Ranger. Her assistance was greatly appreciated.
Probably. But this is our chance to be as candid and as emotional as we want in private with Devon.

Go go CeruxDevon!
We'll give boss our review of everyone once we get to him.

We don't single out Devon right now, we give our opinion in front of the boss, and have a nice chat with him in private.
I think it's better to do it privately with Devon now before any accident happens that gets him too angry to listen to us.
Hey Prof, do people spay/neuter their Eevees?

Or considering how fast they need to be euthanized, do they not really bother with that?
Not much for evaluating, but as far as GRADING is concerned...

Goldenrod: B- for getting arrested for half the mission, A+ for being a convenient teleporter
Devon: A+ for efficiency, D for teamwork
Sanna: B for getting Devon nearly arrested in the first place, A+ efficiency when called upon
Bruise: Not even on the original team, B+ overall
Alexis: Same as above, A-
Yeah, my views on them are pretty much the same .
I'm fine with chatting with him privately before we go to the boss, just not in front of the other 4 team members.
We can wait until the Boss ask for our opinion about the mission as a whole.
Yeah, this would be the best. If we're able to get into a private conversation with him, that would be best.
I don't know, we should give Sanna some demerits for freaking out with the Sleeping Powder, as well as Goldenrod completely botching the mindwipe.
I just realized that Devon is the hard-mode tsundre bad-boy.
Bruise is the like a bro- and really great guy.
Goldie is the kind of crazy, but weird nerd.

Bruise also has a generally positive attitude that works well for team cohesion and morale.

Goldie is a bit of a jerk, some interpersonal problems but nothing insurmountable.

Sanna when within her specialties is excellent, however not the most valued Ranger otherwise.

And yeah, Devon is an asshole to work with, but pretty competent.
Although we'll need to review ourselves as well, of course.

Goldie used to be the tsun. Now he's just all dere.
It was just an overview. The arresting thing was mostly Sanna's fault, and Goldie botched the job due to Devon's arguing with us.
Still sticking with Goldenrod=Crona and Cerulean=Maka

Though Devon and Bruise are no Black*Star and Soul.
We are determined and generally devoted towards friendly and positive group relations. We however have a tendency to push ourself too hard, take more on our shoulders than we should, and this will need to be watched for in the future.
But Devon is the weirdest nerd, Goldie is just a mamma's boy.


>Goldie is the kind of crazy, but weird nerd.
...with a crazy stalker that got a tattoo mimicking a mark on his body.

I would say girls would be all over Devon later when he reaches puberty, but uh...probably more just from a distance. He's still scary.
I suggest waterboarding him in private.

Personality-wise. Devon is closer to Chrona.
I don't really see any of them really working when trying to hook up Ceru. Goldie is too high maintainence. Bruise is Bro-Tier and Devon is even worse then Goldie.

In fact right now the only one who has any sort of spark is Lilac.
>Devon goes down on a chick
>Snaps a minute or two into it
>Starts -literally- eating her out
He seems more like the "Old Yeller at the end of Old Yeller" personality to me.
I could see Goldie being less of a neurotic mess as time went on.

And Devon could be a good boyfriend if he understood that we were in charge.
What if scenario where Ceru and Devon start going steady...

Fat cat asked me out. Probably thinks I'll let down my guard. Hah! No way am I going to let her backstab me first. Heh. Thinks she can fool me with how affectionate she is. I'll show her. Gonna get her a bunch of flowers and chocolates. Bitches love chocolates. Make her think I've really fallen for her. Than I'll start buying her presents every month. And then I'll buy her a ring and propose to her once we graduate from being cadets. The look on her face....oh yes. She thinks she can fool me....I'll show her....there's no way she can put one over the D.....
He's more like the Black Blood inside Chrona.
I don't think Devon is capable of that.

Also is it just me or is Goldie getting worse as far as Neurosis goes?
I don't really see it.
Oh right, I could definitely see Devon being Ragnarok.

I meant the overall insanity-wise. The inability to consistently separate his evil thoughts from who he was and what he is.

Before evil-typing, he wouldn't hurt the white rabbit, but after?

It would be in eight different places.
I liked Ragnarok. Too bad he pretty much became a non-character after Medusa finished with Crona.
He's like Billy from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

He'd be pretty alright if it wasn't for his fallen apart at the mere mentioning of his mother.
He took it on a site seeing tour?

how nice of him!
Well if your mother is Medusa only she's not a criminal and is one of the most powerful authorities in the city, it's kind of understandable.
That or he's just really easily smitten. I can sympathize.
So what you're telling me is we need to femdom Devon?
No, no, we just need to show him THE LIIIIIIIIGHT OF LOOOOOVE.

Leave the femdom for private bedroom moments.
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so put him through "obedience school" ?

muscle girl pic for no reason
Literal torture would be the only way to keep him in line, long term. Maybe after a while we could mind break him so hard he'd never question us again, but that's neither here nor there.

I seriously do not see Devon working out as a partner. It'd be constant battles for dominance and I can't see Ceru being happy with that.
Houndooms work in packs, we just need to establish that we're the alpha and he's our bitch.
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That or just some healing therapy with cute cuddly animals (Ceru).

It works wonders on insane criminals.
Yeah. It would be nice if we forced him to respect us.
You keep quiet for now, in fact, everyone's mood is a bit out of it, save for Devon and Goldie that seem to be in their own little worlds.

On the way back, there's thankfully no civilians to see Devon with the drying blood on his maw. He actually checks out his reflection on the way back, grinning at it and lapping some of the blood from his maw...
You sit on the other side, watching him carefully with great concern.

At the rocket dorm, you all split to clan up a little and get your uniforms on to at least look good.
As you pull out your own, you kind of stare at it, with a bit of regret in your heart.

Do you really deserve to be here? Are you a rocket? Or... Do you miss your old gym back at Cerulean Quarter?
You're still Cerulean of Cerulean. Just like Bruise and Goldie are of Saffron and Devon of Cinnabar...

Ugh, this is annoying.

You get to Boss's Office, falling in at the lead of the group, Devon the next one down.
Boss turns around, his eyes passing over each of you,"Right, so you included some other cadets in this mission. I'm sure they proved valuable in completion of this task."
Boss passes in front of each of you, nodding in turn. "Good, good. All good. I want you all to realize that you've done the Rockets proud in subverting a potential threat to the dome whilst so young. I'm sure you've noticed that this sort of thing 'NEVER' happens."

He pauses, turning to look directly at you,"Cerulean." He says your name, and you raise your tail in attention.
"Sir!" you salute.
He does the same for everyone,"Goldenrod, Bruise, Devon, Sanna, Alexis." He stops at Alexis.
"You're not even supposed to be on missions yet, you've done an excellent job as expected of one's call to duty as a Rocket." He gives her a playful chuckle, patting her upon her naked head.
Your fur stands on end at someone other than you receiving personal praise.
Oh shit. Madder Red and Devon are totally alike.
So if he's a good boy we give him cuddles, and if he's bad then we smack him down.

I can work with this.
>muh Goldie!

>Muh Praise!
>Your fur stands on end at someone other than you receiving personal praise.
Oh, developing a jealous streak, Ceru?
>He gives her a playful chuckle, patting her upon her naked head.


Better not take our milk and cookies either!
somebody's cruisin for another feint attack frost breath
I love Alexis and wish nothing but the best for her, but she should taste some jealousy waves right about now
>muh mum!

>muh proteins!

>muh alpha status!
>muh facade!
Actually Alexis could be trying ot get back at us for nearly killing her. Since she is our friend she doesn't want to hurt us physically but stealing top rookie and the affections of the closest male? Ya I can see it.
She cried a little with us when we made up with her (right after she joined the Rockets).
Nigga Ceru and Alex are friends again, keep up

What's the matter? You mad, dumb cat-fish?

Honestly though I'm loving Alexis and I'm glad that she's getting more involved with the quest.
"You've done an incredible job, though this was a shadow operation, we cannot give you public credit for this, as it would be against Silph's wishes. They have, however, agreed to fund you each with One hundred thousand Silph Credits based on good faith in the future." Everyone falls out of attention for a moment, to drop their jaws, say "woah," and other little things.
That's a lot of money...

Boss clears his throat, not yet finished,"Additionally," everyone resumes their postures," Silph is considering on putting the six of you on an extended expedition to the outside, should you be interested. It is planned for the middle of next month, with many older rangers applying and some of our own Rockets taking the lead. With this stunning success, you've nearly guaranteed your positions should you apply. Or rather... I could guarantee your positions. Inform me within the next week."

With that said, boss takes his seat, sinking back into his own comfortable Boss's chair, lacing his fingers through each other,"Cerulean, as Squad leader, I'd like to hear your report on your team's performance..."

You swallow. The good vibes just ended, and you feel Devon's gaze burning into your back.
This could be your time to really put him in his place, or you could undermine the thing's he's done...
Or you could refuse to say anything at all...

>[] What'll it be?
But Boss, you're supposed to pat Cerulean on the head. That's how this is supposed to work, Cerulean goes around being Elite and you pat her on the head. You don't pat other people on the head.
She's already pretty jealous of Ceru and Goldie's relationship, I think.

So here's something we can say to Devon.
>Devon. You're constantly snapping at your team mates and you have no respect for the chain of command. It doesn't help that you're always looking for a fight too. When you're in a rage, you're not much different from one of the monsters we're tasked with hunting down. And even when you're not, you're an egomaniac who's difficult to deal with.

>But I know it's your implant that makes you act so violently. And I know that you have the best interests of the dome at heart. You're not a perfect team mate, but you're an Arceus damned good ranger. And you saved my life.Thank you, Devon. I'll always count you as one of my friends for that.
Huh. three pokemon quests up.
I remember the other ones that've come and gone. It looks like those other two should have some staying power. Good to see.
Someone already posted this, see >>29721156

>Goldie's a pleasure to work with, excellent Esper, though he does appear to be weak for long term missions. (Endurance thing)

>Alexis is also an excellent Esper partner, followers orders wonderfully. Possibly fraternizing with Goldie leading to problems

>Bruise is a champ and a bro. Followers orders, hits hard and fast. Excellent Ranger.

>Devon is hardheaded violent, and lacks respect for chain of command. I suspect he will want to challenge me physically for leadership if things continue this way. He is, however, an excellent ranger when it counts, and I suspect the majority of my issues with him are due to his evil type.

>Sanna is an excellent trapping and support Ranger. Her assistance was greatly appreciated.
These from our previous discusion match my thoughts.
For Alexis and Goldie
>Alexis. Goldie. The both of you have shown just why the Saffron quarter's rangers are the pride of our dome. You've both been indispensable members to this mission.
nah. doesn't fit the current situation. we aren't talking to Devon, we're reporting to Boss.
"They all performed well and did a service to the Rocket name. Extra commendations for Bruise and Alexis performing well to their sudden addition to the squad."

we don't need to curb Devon's attitude problem in public. nice little private ass whooping should do just fine.
>Possible teamup with Jessie, James, and Kitty.

Sign us up!
Be honest, and fair about everyone's performance. Especially our own. We screwed up occasionally.

Balance out bad things with good things, Devon did some great work but we make it clear that he can be a threat towards team cohesion and has trouble with orders.

Bring up how you pretty much need Esper Rangers in order to deal with an Esper threat, and that Goldie and Alexis were invaluable in this mission.
Reposting >>29721174
Goldenrod: B- for getting arrested for half the mission, A+ for being a convenient teleporter
Devon: A+ for efficiency, D for teamwork
Sanna: B for getting Devon nearly arrested in the first place, A+ efficiency when called upon
Bruise: Not even on the original team, B+ overall
Alexis: Same as above, A-
With Devon, I think it'd be a good idea to put some emotion into our review of him.

He always suspects Ceru of hiding her true feelings. So let's be more candid with him when we review him.

So let's be more professional with everyone else and leave Devon for last.
Voting for both >>29721627 and >>29721650
Don't say too much. Say he rankled at authority, but don't say he directly disobeyed an order.

We will deal with his bullshit in private.
If we're talking in front of them all, let's take out the fraternizing thing for now. She's only mentioned it off handedly.

Otherwise I approve
Devon is always going to think we are faking. Its part of being Evil Type.
No, I think it's a good idea to give a more raw review of Devon. Giovanni already knows his problems. He's asking US for a review. And I think it's because he wants to see our ability to give honest reviews to our fellow rangers, even when they screw up.
Yeah, but showing an unexpected emotion that we've always tried to keep in check with him would help him trust us more.

It's not that he's unable to trust. It's just that he finds it difficult. We need to give him a reason to trust.
These are pretty good.
Don't forget! We are part of our team. How did Ceru do?
Determined, dedicated, generally good for team cohesion, made some mistakes and tried to do too much herself.
Gets my votes.
Agreed except for the mention of what Alexis told us mentally about Goldie.
She's not made an issue of it, so no need to worry about it for now. She's still a kid too
Let's also tell him about Lilac.
I'd like to temper the criticism of Devon's teamplay. He never actually disobeyed orders or anything, he is just rude and doesn't respect 'us' as a leader, which may have been warranted, as it was due to his field effectiveness that we made it back from Ni'aras' village.
Yeah I agree with that too.

As long as we're complimenting Devon, we might as well say that we're sure that he'll be able to overcome these problems in the future and become a good leader in his own right.
Oh yes I wanted to add

Devon did listen to us, so far, and he is a great ranger, no disobedience yet. (If you don't count the evil lockjaw)
However, he has made it clear he doesn't respect our position as leader. That's the main worry.
We should be honest with ourselves as well.

Like I'd say we didn't consider the implications of splitting the party, had insufficient presence and discipline with Devon, like we let him intimidate us.

Asking Goldenrod to mindwipe the guards instead of just persuading them to let Devon into our custody was a bad move.

We completely bungled the Chuck thing by taking a nap without telling anyone about him.
Yeah. That's the one problem we need to point out most of all: Devon's lack of professionalism. He needs to learn how to set aside his own personal feelings for the mission. He'd be a more effective ranger that way.
>Taking a nap
Don't forget anon, we were forced to do that because of Enemy Hypnosis
Nah, mindwipe was a good decision but Goldie fucked up.
Yeah we should say that while he was insubordinate, he never outright disobeyed an order, and we think that it's very unlikely he would disobey anyone else, especially someone with more experience.
Devon follows orders..just not as fast as we'd like
Page 10, Prof. Better wrap it up here.

Well, we were supposed to take a short nap, but the enemy made us sleep longer than we meant to.

And we needed the rest. We can't be an efficient leader if we're constantly haggard.
13 from the bottom
>Well, we were supposed to take a short nap, but the enemy made us sleep longer than we meant to.
Yeah, we had two teammates notified that they should wake us up shortly, they just happened to get taken into CG custody.
Well we were exhausted from getting those leads.
We should bring up Goldenrod being very uncomfortable with a dead body, and while saying that that's perfectly understandable, could cause some complications.

Additionally I think now would be the perfect time to namedrop Lilac.
Also, we should mention how she got us one of our first leads.

It's important to bring up the information gathering capabilities of Ghosts.
I'm all for name dropping Lilac. Without her, we wouldn't have gotten this far.
No need to mention that. Seeing dead bodies can be shocking. It didn't even have much of a consequence, aside from shaking him up a bit. If the problem doesn't persist and become disabling, there's no need to mention it.

We should definitely mention Lilac's involvement, though.
I think it might be best to wait until the opening post of the next thread, since the only way to handle a topic this broad is to just kind of look at everything that's been said.

Pretty much. Also should we say that while we don't have proof, we're inclined to believe what Devon said about the beetle and the berries, considering that in our experience his Evil type makes him misunderstand intentions, but not completely hallucinate phenomenons.
I wouldn't bring that up about Goldie.

Unless it becomes a persistent issue, then we bring it up, but seeing a dead body like that for what might be the first time is perfectly understandable.

But totally mention Lilac, make sure Boss knows how much she helped.

I totally want Lilac as a Rocket, she'd be so damn useful in some cases.

Also good. Devon might be crazy, but he's reliable and wouldn't lie about that.
So since the Prof hasn't spoken for a while, anyone else think he's already writing the next post?
Or is asleep.
You think for a moment, what with being put on the spot, it's just.. No, you can do this. It's not something you're averse to. You can talk to people.

"Goldenrod's a pleasure to work with, really good Esper, though he does appear to be weak for long term missions. I recommend making him run more.
"Alexis is also an excellent Esper partner, followers orders wonderfully. She'd be great for future missions."
"Bruise is a champ and a strong ranger. Followers orders, hits hard and fast. Excellent partner
"Sanna is an excellent trapping and support Ranger. Her assistance was greatly appreciated, especially in making the final live-capture."

You saved this one for near-last...
"Devon is hardheaded violent, and lacks respect for chain of command. I suspect he will want to challenge me physically for leadership if things continue this way. He is, however, an excellent ranger when it counts, and I suspect the majority of my issues with him are due to his evil type. He never outright disobeyed orders, and I lacked the presence and discipline to keep him in line.
It may have been trying working with him, yet he's the reason that I made it back from the village alive, and I respect him for that."

You pause, considering this for a moment,"I'd also like to give a special recommendation to my friend, Lilac, that stays in the grave spire. Without her, I would never have gotten such a good lead. She's also expressed interest in becoming a Medium Ranger."

Giovanni stares at you after that last bit, slowly nodding his head after a moment,"Huh, I see. That could be worth looking into should I be able to persuade that old woman..." He begins to smirk,"Alright, anything else?"

"I'd like to review my own performance as well, sir."
'"Permission granted."
"I have a lot to learn. I tried to do far too much on my own. It was a moment too late that I realized just how much I need my team, and what a leadership position demands of me.
I was honored to be the one called upon, and I'd be honored to get called upon again."

Boss gives you a nod,"You are very honest Cerulean, this is good. If you're aware of not only your own flaws, but your squad's, you could become an actual Leader someday.

"Tha-thank you boss." You stutter out, trying not to smile, and failing.

"You're all hereby dismissed!"

End Thread
>[] The Rare Metals And A Hidden Village Arc completed!
>[] Mission Completed!

>Next Thread....
Well, we could either have a late one saturday. Or wait until /friday to announce the next one.
As for us

"I did as well as I was able, as the mission's scope quickly became too large for one of my experience. However, in accordance with your wishes to solve it quickly and quietly, I made a few snap decisions. Several that did not go well, and that I am not proud of, despite believing they had sound logic behind them.

"My Decision to mind wipe the people who captured Devon was an error, I did not suspect it to bite me back so hard as to lose two key partners at a crucial moment. I suspect the enemy interfered with my investigation at some point and sent me to...sleep far longer then I intended, to stay on top of my game. As a result, Sanna and Goldie were jailed, and only Devon was there to pursue a hot lead. Realizing I had little time before it went cold, I made a call to pursue. That was not wise, given how poorly prepared we both were. But where it went most wrong was the village itself. I at first wanted to report the location back to base immediately, but Devon told me he smelled humans. I...did not refuse him when he told me he wanted to investigate, and I should have, in hindsight. We split up, hoping to recon the area as quickly as we could, and then leave, I hoped, but we both encountered the enemy. Powerful enemies. And, ah, as I said, that's where things get fuzzy. All I know is, if not for Devon, I would not be here before you now sir, and for that, I am sorry for my poor decisions."

Archived, Prof. It was a fun one.

If you run one on Saturday, how late would you be?
How much exp and stat boosts are we getting? Because a chance to think about our upgrades beforehand would be nice.
Saturday's cool. The whole "Wait for sat to announce" drives me insane every time.
Most importantly, how much xp?
>Lilac as a Ranger

Yes Please and Thank You.
looking forward for shop hunting now that we have money
I can do a late one, Professor. The question is, can you?

Also, can I get a sneak peak of our reward XP wise?
Pretty please?
I'm hungry for it.