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Previously: A Young Rocket helps a friend in hiding, taking her to a great man that can save her from her fate. Yet the spooky friend's curiosity leads her astray before the big meeting! Making the young rocket chase her down through the dorms and ending in a devil-dog's lair.

Finally brought before the man with a plan, the Spooky friend is faced with the decision to undertake life-threatening surgery to free herself from the clutches of an ancient woman.
Even when told that her survival rate is as low as 20%, she still agrees without hesitation, leaving a Young Rocket to worry after her.
With an aid's examination, The Young Rocket is told that she's bound for evolution, even as the growing pains prove true.

At home at last, she listens to her mother's words in a faraway message.

What awaits the Young Rocket next in her life? Will she discover new faces to her friends? New enemies?
Tune in for the adventure that lies in wait.

Known characters

Monster Index

Character Sheet


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Reporting, Prof!

Here's the face I imagine Lilac will show us when she's presenting her new implant.
Reporting in
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>3 quest I'm following happening at the same time

no its cool. I can multitask.

had 4 the other day.

lets roll dice and hug things.

Reporting for Duty!
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the best
Is her head even attached to her body?
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You're a woman now Lilac.....
Why wouldn't it be?
That is so Lilac it hurts.

At first, I was wondering why her head was cocked. Then I saw the giant horn thing.
I'd like to imagine that the second mouth is hidden underneath her hair/has her hair growing around it. For camouflage, you know.
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So today I eat at an O'Charleys for the first time, discovering their rolls taste exactly the same as my favorite restaurant that closed when I was six, get awesome grades on my test, it snows but doesn't freeze to death, and now AOPH is on.

This is like, literally the best day I have had in a while. GAME FACE ON.
Do the players in this quest all control the same character?
It looks like her head is going to fall off.
Yes, why do you ask?
"I hope you're listening to this alone Cerulean, I wouldn't want to be blamed for filling your head with strange ideas, or anything. They may keep my people from bringing you these messages.

You're my only little girl after all.

In this world, we're all monsters Cerulean. We do what we must to survive, and it's the kind and peaceful moments that help make life worth living. Even some monsters believe this, and only want to be left alone and ignored.
We should respect their wishes, as Arceus would wish us to. Every monster that chooses not to fight us, is a monster that we don't need to kill.
I just want you to understand that.
Taking a life is hard.

Now, my sweet and darling Cerulean, I need to get going. The storm is picking up. Hugs and kisses, hope to hear from you soon!" The message ends, and you can't help but bring up your arm to wipe the tears from your face as you think about the mission.

You let yourself fall back onto your mattress, wincing from the slight shock as your arms throb with pain.

What would mom have thought about all that? Was it really the right choice to attack that woman? To attack Ni'aras? He was threatening Devon, but only because he wanted to protect his people.

But his son... His son killed citizens of the dome. His son murdered Chuck.

You throw your palms over your face. to try to hold back the feelings. Was that all the right thing? Wait... What are they going to do to the village? To the people there?

Did you really do the right thing?
You look at your index, sitting yourself up and moving one of your red locks out of your vision.
"Momma, did I do the right thing?"

You replay the message a few more times, trying to get some kind of an answer from it.

You fall asleep with nothing becoming apparent...
I hope in Lilac's case it is more integrated with her hair, horns/hair, all keratin after all.
Heyyy, your ability to draw limbs is actually getting noticeably better.
How new are you?
Cool. I'mma read and see if this is interesting, thanks.
Might wanna go to the archives and start from the beginning instead of thread 26
So the Rockets now have a member with a direct tie to each of the Elite Four except Lance...

Or do they?
I'm guessing anyone with a connection to The Dragonmaster is too ELITE to fraternize with trainees.
It's only a matter of time.
You forgot Blue's ribbon!
Everything is an inky black for a while as sleep takes you...

You're in the Institute, the halls are empty and desolate, not a soul in sight.
You're at the entrance, in the waiting room, but you're not sure why you're waiting. You follow that for a moment, being a patient, good little girl.

But why are you waiting if there's not even a secretary to tell you when it's your turn? Or when you're allowed to move?

Shadows creep upon the walls, turning the chairs long and wide as the hallway ahead churns with whispers arcane and hidden.

You're in the waiting room. You're here for.. Lilac, right?

>Where do you go?

>[]Go down the hall.
>[]Go down the hall.
>[]Go down the hall.
>[](Other-Go down the hall.)
>Go UP the hall
>>[](Other-Go down the hall.)

the road less taken!
This is the hardest choice we've ever faced.
>Go along with the Blatant Stalling Tactics™

It's ok. Just go down the hall.
>Follow the Railroad
>it's a hall

Can we find any doors?

What's a hall without doors.

[x]go down hall and open door
>Go up the hall
>[]Go down the hall.

Let's go find our friend!
>>[]Go down the hall.
You get up from your seat, wobbling slightly as the floor moves- no, you're the one that's wobbling. Your legs buckling with apprehension, wobbling even from what's ahead.

-Why didn't Hemlock say anything about Lilac?-

Your vision flickers and the hallway stretches before contracting, hands reaching out for you, more whispers drilling into your mind, into your head.

You pull away, drawing back as they grasp for you.
A moment later they cease...

You hear a familiar giggle, high and half-mad.

You feel a hand touch your shoulder and you nearly jump out of your skin as you spin around.

Oh, it's just Lilac.

She smiles at you, her face dark and hazy, distorted, but you still know that it's her,"Hey Ceru, did you come here to play with me?"
You begin to nod, stuck in your trance. Yet your eyes follow down, and you see that in her other hand, she's pulling along a nurse by the hair.
-It's Remedy.-

>[] "Lilac... Why..."
>[] "I don't like this game."
>[] I need to scream, but I don't have a mouth.
>[] "Is that the right thing, Lilac?"
>[X] "I don't like this game."
Ooooh dream sequence
>>[] I need to scream, but I don't have a mouth.
I have no arms and I must hug
>-It's Remedy.-

>[] "Is that the right thing, Lilac?"
Gotta be her conscience.
>>[x] "I don't like this game."

how about Scrabble instead?
>[] is that the right thing Lilac
>>[] "Is that the right thing, Lilac?"
>[] "Is that the right thing, Lilac?"
>[x] "I don't like this game."
>[] is that the right thing Lilac
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It's probably a dream, probably
yes, a dream showing the deranged psychopomp at play.
Lilac, why?
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real or dreamworld, we can't allow that kind of behavior. We have a responsibility.

The Boss can see people's dreams, one of his many many talents, he will mostly likely frown this sort of behavior and we don't want our friend and newest Rocket recruit to get in trouble do we?
Man, Nurse Remedy can't catch no breaks
>[] "Lilac... Why..."
You could at least carry her instead of dragging her, that's just rude.
>[] "Is that the right thing, Lilac?"
>The Boss can see people's dreams
Because he's so dreamy, right?
>>[] "Is that the right thing, Lilac?"
>[X] "Is that the right thing, Lilac?"

Jiminy Cricket activate!
He can see dreams? I wonder how many wet dreams he has watched
You tremble as you point at the nurse,"I-Is that the right thing Lilac? Why would you do that?"

Your friend looks at you like an eevee that doesn't know that it's done wrong. Her fragmented lips curl into the impression of a smile as she lifts up the nurse, her sword suddenly in her other hand.
"I think it's the right thing. Isn't that right Ni'aras?"

The doors open to your sides and robed figures cloaked in billowing shadows slink out. One tall, one short, they both wear a toothy yellow smile. The greater one whispers, rippling the room.
"Of course it is, what's one life for another?"

You take steps back, shaking your head on disbelief. "No... No. You shouldn't be here." Your voice quivers, barely making its way past your lips.

Your back stops at a door. Did you walk to the end of the hallway?

"You did this to me." The shorter one exposes himself from the cloak, horribly burnt and mutilated flesh covering his shoulder, leaking out thick crimson blood.
"You did this to me." Nurse Remedy whispers as frost covers her arms, cracking to reveal the blood and flesh within.
"You did this to me." Lilac whispers, cutting Remedy's throat so that she bleeds over the floor like a gutted fish.
"You did this to me." An unknown voice whispers.
The door opens, and you fall through, into the arms of a woman with flowing blonde hair.
She looks down to you, her eyes glassy and dead like Chuck's.
Ni'aras's wife.

She smiles and slowly nods, pointing up to above the door, the ceiling's way too high.
There, Chuck hangs, staring at you with his own accusation, the wire around his throat keeps him from speaking.

"You did this to him."
The woman wraps her arms around you as you try to scream, but your voice won't come out. Her arms firmly around your throat.
The others come through the door to watch, surrounding you.

"This is your fault..."

So this is pretty much the second dream in which Ceru has displayed subconscious knowledge of something she shouldn't know of. I am expecting this to be building towards something.
JEEZ these horrible dreams are coming on fast.

And with information we couldn't know.

I bet it's ghosts.
Cerulean, only 12 years old and already has serious PTSD.
Nah man. This is just regular ol' protag angst. It's a common condition that afflicts many protagonists in our time and age.
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latent psychic powers you silly billy...or she was informed of the nurse's death in between threads...

possibly through means of latent psychic powers
>Straighten that spine Rocket
Yes I did but I will not be made a martyr of! For my home I would even become a monster.
That is very bad. Psychic counts as a type. That means inbound implant rejection if suddenly esper. Or suddenly reject own brain.
It's also effecting devon, though.
That or Prof is setting up the groundwork for our not-so-subtly implied wishes to get a Froslass.
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We can learn psychic type moves with out being counted as psychic, and I assume since it's natural it doesn't count
Oh no. Sadly, he's under the condition of a much more serious disease: edge syndrome.
This dream isn't confirming dead people, they are just representative of Ceru's guilt. Lilac (obviously), Niaras, his son, his wife, Remedy, none of them are CONFIRMED dead. (dead nurse could have had a different name).
We can learn psychic moves because Remoraid is an omnigun.

We can learn Dark moves because Crytten is a dickbag.

Psychic is a type. If Ceru suddenly becomes esper, then shit is going to go down.
So...maybe we should talk to a doctor or something about these nightmares guys...

These are pretty uh...vivid.

I don't like it.
Yes, but I assume natural abilities don't count towards typing.
As though it were influenced?

People are dying all the time and you want to complain to someone about dreams? That's incredibly selfish and disrespectful and you're making a mockery of the Rocket name and shaming our mother. I can't believe you.
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You mean Dr. Jack Daniels!?!

cuz sharing emotions is for pussies!
You shouldn't assume that at all because that's nonsense.

I'm pretty sure human Espers still count as psychic.
Then we cry to someone who understands guilt. We talk to Devon
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>cuz sharing emotions is for pussies!
Yeah, I'm worried they're being influenced is what I am saying. Someone trying to attack her psyche from a distance.

Or maybe Hypno left our nightmares into edge mode.

Either way, we need a real expert to check it out, I am serious. Maybe not Sabrina, but someone closer to her level (ideally, above level 30 or so, since Hypno was like 20 something).

I really don't want these dreams to uh...I dunno, bite us later somehow.
you didn't read the email field didn't you?
Er, I'm sure mental health is quite a priority amongst Rangers.

Although I don't think it's that bad at all. Just an ordinary protag nightmare to build up drama and angst. Nothing that some friendship can't fix.
I figured we'd talk to Alexis, since she's already been in our head.
We feel guilty, we know Devon knows this kind of Guilt. We know part of him is still human.
We've already had a dream like this since before we met with the Hypno.
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Why are you capitalizing guilt and acting like Devon can have a reasonable conversation with us?

At least check with Sanna first.
>bulbasaur sodomising psyduck
You wake up screaming at the top of your lungs in the small hours of the morning, your body covered in frozen sweat.
Your cold breath frosts the air as you hyperventilate in your panic. The walls seem to close in on you, the shadows hiding things that want to kill you. That blame you for the ones you've wronged.

"Mommy... Mommy... Mommy, please..." You rock back and forth with deep and practiced sobs as your body shivers besides itself with pure terror.


Something strikes the door, thudding hard against it, once, twice, three times.
"Cer- Ceru are you okay?!"

You scream, "Stay away! I didn't do anything wrong!" New tears spring from your eyes, stinging them with their bitterness.
"What are you talking about you stupid Fish?!"

"I'm not stupid! Shut up! Shut up! I'm not stupid!"

The air distorts, and there's suddenly someone standingin your room, staring at you with a subtly gleaming star upon their forehead. The stranger scowls at you.
"Cerulean, what in the Reverse is wrong with you?!"

You align your gun with the intruder, growling deeply,"I, I don't want to hurt anyone. I- I don't want to hurt anyone!"

"Cerulean... Put the gun down..." The voice tries to speak softly, to talk you down... A trick? You feel pressure invading your mind. No, no, you won't let him... You won't be controlled again. You don't want to hurt anyone!

"RAAAHHHH!" You yell as alter the internal mechanism to fire your guns-but your yell quickly turns into a scream as the parts inside contort against your wishes, misfiring through a breath in your skin around the spikes.

Your vision flickers and blackens from the pain, then everything goes black.
"Sleep... Just sleep..."
>Big-Mouth Pelican
>Raise Dead
I don't know why he brought up Devon in that reply-chain. Regardless, Cerulean's relationship with Devon isn't at the level in which she can rely on him as a confidante. Work on improving that first and foremost.

Just because we had the dream NOW, that doesn't mean we have to follow it up immediately, especially if we should be building up the plot first.
You awaken later, the hole in your arm gone, Goldie sitting against a wall with his legs crossed, watching you with an exceedingly tired look.
"Not going to try shooting me again?" He grumbles, and your heart sinks.
"I... Tried to?"

He nods,"Yeah... You were flipping out." He's quit for a moment as he watches you get up from your clawed sheets.
You frown besides yourself, and pull your legs in against your chubby body. "You alright?" You ask, lucid, but without much else to say. If he saw what you were like... What do you say to that?
"I'm fine, fish. Just glad to see you aren't pointing that thing at me again." Goldie stands up, scratching at his hair with one eye glued to you the entire time in your silence.
"I've got to go."

>[] "Goldie, wait..."
>[] Let him go, don't say anything.
>[] "Don't tell anyone."
>[] (other)
>[] "Goldie, wait..."
Sorry, Goldie. I couldn't recognize you for some reason.
>don't tell the others
>[] "Goldie, wait..."
Apologize. We didn't mean to shoot at you.
We were just having really bad dreams.
>[X] (other)
Hug him. For your own comfort this time.
And tell him not to tell anyone.
>"RAAAHHHH!" You yell as alter the internal mechanism to fire your guns-but your yell quickly turns into a scream as the parts inside contort against your wishes, misfiring through a breath in your skin around the spikes.

So our guns are out of commission until they stop evolving. Awesome
>a breach in your skin around the spikes.
Mine typos...
>Goldie, wait...I-I'm really sorry. I was really scared, I remembered...things. T-Thank you for...checking on me."
>>[] "Goldie, wait..."

As a leader, we have to admit our faults first.
>[x] ...sorry
>>[x] "Goldie, wait..."

"I'm sorry...the pressure is getting to me... I think I killed some back at the village... and evolving is a real pain in the ass and the nightmares....thanks for helping me and having my back."
>[] "Goldie, wait..."

"I'm sorry, I really am, I was having a really bad dream."

Then give him a hug, mainly for our own benefit.

"And thank you for checking on me, and staying here until I woke up."
>"Goldie, wait..."
>Could you stay with me for a little while....

Pick up that flag!
Alexis: He's mine.
>Mein typos
Fuck her, we're scared and 12, and we need someone to hold us.
Sounds good to me.
All is fair in love and war.
we say the same to her if it was her that came into check up on us.
>>[] "Goldie, wait..."
It would be good to get affectionate with Goldie. Not only for Ceru, but for him too.

Suddenly imagining older PTSD Ceru that needs her BF Goldie to help her get to sleep at night.
>C"Goldie, I'm having trouble getting to sleep again.
>G,"What kind of dream would you like tonight?"
>C"How about the usual..."
>G"The one where I'm holding you in my arms, right?"
>C"Yeah, that one'll do."
Alexis just stands outside their bedroom window crying
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I think this goes beyond standard nightmares.

We need help.
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>mein heart
>it's bursting
Goddamnit Ygg, I'm trying so hard not to steal goldie from alexis
But I want to.
>Implying she wouldn't just max out rest and sleep between seconds

Pros: Maximum efficiency, no opportunity for coup de grace while we sleep, no nightmares
Cons: Insanity

I can't handle
How cute
I'm sorry, I did not know the two were already dating.
Welp, it gets my vote
Wouldn't it be the other way around? Ceru's the one who's been "warming" Goldie up, after all.
That's pretty cute.
The S.S. Blue Gold's flag rises ever higher into the sky! May its flag fly ever proudly for ever more?
That's not cute, she's permanently scarred for life and has to ask Goldie for constant temporary relief every night lest she go insane. Why would you want that for poor little Ceru?
Link to this post with the number you vote for.
As a note, this isn't locking in an intimate relationship... Just showing Ceru's "interest."

>1 Apologize to him before he leaves.

>2 Ask him to stay with you for a bit longer.
With Devon hanging on the window next to her.

Bruise is just drinking protein shakes in the kitchen downstairs.
Because she's adorable in her angst.
I'm sorry, I can't help myself man.

Just, you know, hang out a bit. You can't prove we have emotions.

Goldie's Alexis'. And apologize profusely.
Just the number, gents.
U guise
U guise I swear.
I don't know why it's even establishing romantic interest because this is a really inappropriate time to think about that.

Couldn't it just be that we don't want to be alone right now? I don't see why it can't be platonic for now. Since we're still twelve.
When you cling for comfort, it's not often to just anyone.
I see your point though, and that's why it's not HERP, GOLDIE X CERU NOW.

Vote end.
Do you stop counting votes after a minute or so? People could easily samefag to get the option they want.
When it's just the number the spamguard keeps them from posting for 5 minutes.
unless they have proxxies. But hell, that's work.
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He is right there and he already knows about the nightmares though.

Like it would take a lot for us to admit that we have a problem to someone else, but he's right here and might be able to help see if there's something wrong with us.
Nah man, I'm voting 2 because I want a super cute scene.

Most 'romance' options at this age are mostly for cute things anyway, haha.
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7-6 apologize wins.... sigh
Damn. I wanted cuteness.
Aw well.
Dammit! I was too late!

Curse you hearthstone for making me late!
people just hate cute and or don't read the rules on voting I guess
It's not as if we're going full blown "I love you", anon.

>Since we're still twelve
You might as well drop this too. It's annoying to see it since.....it doesn't really stop anyone from feeling love. You can talk as much as you want about people being too young to know what they're feeling, but that doesn't stop the fact that this is.....fiction? And feeling affectionate love or even lust isn't impossible.

Uh, the vote's been over for a bit.

Yes? We already know what proxies are, I think?
>Yes? We already know what proxies are, I think?
I was saying that I votes can be samefagged without proxies, as shown by

Same secure trip, exact same posts. (subject field doesn't affect the 5 minute limit)
Hadn't refreshed until after I voted in which I noticed I was indeed late.
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People really don't want to NTR Alexis, and that appeared to be the price for cuteness.
How'd you do that? With invisible characters?
Nigga, what? They're not in any sort of relationship. She's just being possessive and shit.
Besides, this wasn't like a kiss or anything, we just wanted some comfort. I think Ceru would want some, after that shitty dream.

I don't give a shit what Alexis thinks, I was playing to what I think Ceru would want.
Also cuteness.
Has anybody asked what Goldie wants?
>Ygg joins in on the shitty MUH FLAGS bullshit
>Half the players pic the ooc action to fend off the bullshit
Nice going, man.
>People really don't want to NTR Alexis
Oh, wow, people. Seriously. Drop that. It's not NTR. She's expressed an interest in him, but that doesn't mean she's got a claim over him.
>what Goldie wants?
Recognition and love from his mother.
Anon, what?
The problem is that some people don't want this quest to be about romance mostly because of how toxic it will make the fanbase.
I find it funny that people who go that way, too. Just because someone expressed wanting someone (rather rudely and possessively at that), but has yet to even bring it up with said person, we must avoid all sort of contact with them unless it's sterile.

You guys suck.
the average anon knows nothing of relationships outside of works of fiction and porn.

we're already there silly
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But we haven't shown any interest either.

Except Prof said that having Goldenrod stick around wouldn't just be comfort and cuteness, but would be us establishing romantic interest in him. Which people didn't want right now because we don't want to hurt Alexis more than that time we killed her.
It's not...it's not about...

Fuck it, I give up.
>But we haven't shown any interest either.
No? Any of our actions for Goldie could be retroactively interpreted as budding affection for Goldie. It's a technique in writing, you see, called a hook. You may or you may not pick it up. But if you do, it would look like it was all planned from the start.
What the.....such an unreasonable response. Gawd. From looking at the QTGs and here, it seems like anons who want sterile MCs are becoming just as toxic as full-on waifu fags.
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If someone has a crush on someone else, and you know about, and like to think yourself to be that person's friend, making a move is rude.

Are you contesting that?

And the problem is that Prof specifically said that having Goldenrod stay around would involve Ceru making a move.
>If someone has a crush on someone else, and you know about, and like to think yourself to be that person's friend, making a move is rude.
whelp, that's the second disturbing dream sequence today. Wonder if Decu's oneshot is also gonna have a dream sequence.

hope this quest runs long enough for me to get home, still need to scan my updated pic.
>And the problem is that Prof specifically said that having Goldenrod stay around would involve Ceru making a move.

I think what he meant was Goldie might SEE it as such a thing.
Personally, I think Ceru would do it just because she's lonely right now and he's close to her.

But hey, keep on with your terrified sterilizing, I guess.
I agree. From people thinking we're now psychic type cause we can learn psychic moves, to people thinking we can't have a best friend moment due to him having a relationship interest, to /tg/ automatically over reacting to everything like usual. This has been one of the worst in awhile.
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...That doesn't address it at all.

You're saying that Prof could effectively retcon it that we've been into Goldenrod all along but never said anything about it.
You do realize that could apply to any of characters including the female ones.
Asexual is superior.
>including the female ones
CeruxLilac OTP
Do you not realize how your attitude is just as bad as the people you hate? Romance in and of itself isn't bad.

I can understand why you're afraid of the quest becoming too focused on romance drama, but I have faith in Prof's ability to lead us. And understand that your attitude towards romance is poisonous. It's led many a quest protag to become stunted in their relationships. Awkwardness all around.
"Goldie, wait." You look at him, though you avert your eyes. "I'm sorry... Please don't tell anyone. I was having-"
"Bad dreams, right?"
You go quiet, a slight nod your answer.

"I have a lot of bad dreams myself..." He touches his wrist, rubbing at it affectionately.
"You get used to them eventually, I guess." He wears a distant look as he looks through you, to the wall.
He frowns, taking in a deep, shuddering breath," It's when you see things when you know that you're awake that you should be scared."
"Goldie, Chuck..." You say with your voice no more than a whisper, as you grip at your sheets, feeling the wet hole that your misfire put into the bed,

He raises a hand, shivering at the mention of the corpse,"That's what I'm talking about. That's the kind of thing that's scary, right?"
"See ya, I need to win my spoons back from Alexis."
"Goldie, don't you hate spoons?"

The Esper sighs, "Yeah. I hate them. But I hate Alexis beating me more. Mother's favorite, I'll show her." He gripes as he teleports away.

With that attitude, there's no doubt that he's going to lose more...

You wash your face, getting rid of the clumps of tears, and take your time brushing out your hair and fur, finishing by tying your red locks back in a ponytail.

You get dressed, throwing on a pale purple dress. You see the Blushing Orchid perfume on your dresser and consider wearing it...

>Sure, why not.
>No, you'd rather not smell like that.
It's not a sexuality at all you dick, it's natural fluid reactions that make sense to do, no matter if they might imply things.
She doesn't think of things like sexuality, not yet.

If you stick around for teenage Ceru, however, I'd love to see how your objective holds up
What don't you understand about a hook? It's not a 'retcon'. It's adding meaning and purpose. Retcon is changing the events. A hook is giving a seemingly unimportant action or event significance to the plot or characters.
>>Sure, why not.
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That's not what he meant, especially since Goldenrod is literally a psychic.

I wanted it to be the reasons you said, but it did not appear to be the case.
>Sure, why not.
>>Sure, why not.
you are no different or better than the waifu fags you fear and loathe.

a different side of the same cancer coin
More like Arakazam!
Am I right?!
Sure, why not
>Sure, why not.

Don't wear much, but it's a nice smell.
>Sure, why not.
I pray that prof isn't turning every little thing into FLAGS and this is about to be Sanna points.
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>Sure, why not.
>Sure, why not.
just a little.
The teensiest of bits.
So faint you can hardly smell it.

Because enhanced senses.
You're really looking far too into what Professor said, I swear.
Ara~ Arakazam~
>Sure, why not.
bring it, but don't put it on just yet.

Considering that Ceru chose the "I want to be alone" route, I think she'll want to head up to the roof or something and catch the sunrise. Just have some piece and quiet in a not-claustrophobic setting.

and the warm embrace of the Macho Brace.

I'm kidding. I think.
>Sure, why not.

Slap some on. We might need Devon to track us later.
Aside from a few fringe anons (and even then, they were probably just joking), no one's really expressed any interest in Senna as anything else than a friend.
>I want to be alone
She didn't at all!
Do you even Pokemon Amie?
That's silly. The only one for Cerulean is no one other than Devon.
Oh yeah, we should turn that thing back on soon.
Evolve while macho braced, why not!
okay, maybe not.
the votes have spoken(even though I would've voted to have him stay if I got here earlier)
Fuck that noise.
nope! the asexual extremist sect won!

better glue that vagina shut!
No, I haven't gotten pokemon X or Y.
Don't worry, it's already frozen over.
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Oi, hey. Guys.

Be excellent.

I'm writing.
You're wearing the parfume.
That was just because some anons weren't interested in romancing Goldie. Anons who wanted to be sterile, who want /u/, or who don't want to "take" Goldie away from Alexis.
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That would never work out. constantly butting heads and the only genuine human emotion Devon can show is rage.

What a disappointing show/manga Fairy Tail was...
I think we could use a grim reminder~
Indeed. It devolved to some of the lowliest shounen I can retell. Lower than even Naruto.
When it fucking ends. I swear, when it fucking ends I'll be happy.
Wasn't that what the dream sequence was?

What episode of Fairy Tail is that from?
I watch it. It's the only way I can properly get into the doujins.
some point far far after I stopped reading and watching it

post magic olympics filler I think
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It's a completely fucking inappropriate time for flirting.

If Prof didn't bring up that it would be a romantic overture, then there wouldn't be a problem.
It's a mechanic that measures affection.
>It's a completely fucking inappropriate time for flirting.
Not....really? How many books, manga, or shows have you even read?
>suffer PSTD
>asking somebody to stay and comfort you

when was the last time you talked to a human being?
>for flirting.

Nah man. it wasn't even going to be that.
More to the effect of...
Goldenrod Cam: She's actually asking me for help... Maybe she... needs me?

You'r thinking about this too hard. Vote's passed. I'm writing.

Flare Corona was still fucking hot and resulted in fucking great doujins.
I hope you're proud of yourself.
Yeah? I don't understand you, anon.

I don't see anything wrong?
Are you being snotty, anon?
I am only made madder at the ignorance of others...

knowing we took away a chance for Goldie to improve his feeling of self worth

I can only hope for a second chance...

and now I begrudgingly move on...
I get you. We became someone goldie could rely on in the forest, being a momma's boy that's what he needed. Someone to depend on him is what he wants. This would inevitably lead to him trying to impress us and be dependable, which might go other places. Close to the mark?
damn you Ygg, making me wish I voted.
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>Just showing Ceru's "interest."
>When you cling for comfort, it's not often to just anyone.

Really seemed to be painting a different picture, and is probably why people voted otherwise.

I didn't vote at all, because I didn't really get what we were voting to do exactly, but that's the only reason I can see to not have supported it.
Ygg.....why must you continue to hurt us.
That's not the point man. The point was, people are looking WAY too into what he's saying.

Just vote for what Ceru would do, and stop trying to meta game yourselves into a sterile relationship, christ.
Not you, specifically, whoever did it for that reason.
Because the roots of the world tree require your tears, just like in Akuma quest.
Both were action that Ceru would do.
It dawns on me that I like to write suffering. Despite my nature I am not disappointed by this.
I'm still after goldie, Ygg.
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...How could that possibly be a surprise to you?
Wait, you're just realizing that now?

Dude, this is the first quest of yours I've read and I knew that about you.
Ugh. I wish you wouldn't do that. I swear it is the commentary that sets things off. Explaining the extent of the characters actions stemming from a choice is important, but the meta knowledge of what it meant, and the words you couched it in, got a reflexive negative reaction for an action that shouldn't have.

I didn't even vote, because I considered 2 right, but didn't like your implications
And I enjoy Splatterpunk.
please I beg of you, a 2nd chance somewhere down the line.

it would totally strain our relationship with Alexis. think of the drama!
You pick up the perfume and apply a little bit the way that Sanna showed you when she gave it to you.

Wrists, rub, and then against the neck. The rich flowery odor tickles your nostrils in jussst the right amounts.

You smile at yourself in the mirror. You feel pretty. It's nice to feel pretty. Better than whatever that dream was.
You check your Index as it bears a tiny flashing light, confirming a received message...
Wonder who it could be from?

>Ceru. It has been brought to my attention that you are currently undergoing evolution. While it is still in its early stages, I'd like you to consider whether you'd like to keep water-type implants. This is a big step for you as it will mean that you will only be able to adapt Water-type implants in the future along with Ice if you let your Crytten evolve.
>A big decision I know, as the typing links you to your past, and home quarter. Let me know by tomorrow, before the evolution progresses too far.

>The Boss.

You stare at the mail for a few moments, before marking it as read. Getting rid of your water typing... You've trained with them for a long time.. Your water guns. You could probably get something similar put in to make use of the skills that you've developed, but...
Would it really be worth it?

The second message informs you that your pain medication is ready.

You leave your room with this in mind, and see Marine and Bruise speaking with Sanna in front of her door.
Breakfast is on your mind, though your friends...

>[] See what Bruise and Marine are up to.
>[] You can talk to them later, go fill your belly while you think about stuff.
>[] Go pick up your prescription.
>[] Go to the Institute for your checkup and see Violet.
Shut your whore mouth.
>[] See what Bruise and Marine are up to.

Both of our bros, in the same place, we should at least go and say hi.

Also, did you mean Lilac instead of Violet?
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>See what Bruise and Marine are up to.

Also bringing up the typing thing again for us already even though we've already decided on it? Uncool.
>>[] Go pick up your prescription.
>Also, did you mean Lilac instead of Violet?

Before I named her Lilac, I named her Violet. Was a last-second change that I still fuck myself up on.
>[] See what Bruise and Marine are up to.
Wassap, guys?
>>[x] See what Bruise and Marine are up to.

>go fill your belly while you think of stuff.

Stress eating is good for the seal grafts.
>>[] See what Bruise and Marine are up to.

i assume you mean Lilac

Lilac is probably still sleeping
D'aw, Giovanni's so concerned.
But I feel like we made that decision long ago, in the dark days of AoPH...

>Bruise and Marine
Yes! I wanna hang out with those guys big time.
[x]see what bruise and marine are up to
[x]pick up prescription

We probably need that medicine.
Giovanni brought it up, nigga. He is worried and very attentive of us.
>>[] Go to the Institute for your checkup and see Violet.
>Prof getting his own character's name wrong
We've been having some flash backs to those days, why not bring em back full force?
>[] See what Bruise and Marine are up to.
>[] You can talk to them later, go fill your belly while you think about stuff.
Invite them both to the cafeteria. Talk about shit. Browse index and look at water and not water shit.
they're coming back anon

didn't you see the storm clouds earlier?
>[] Go pick up your prescription.
Because most of those anons left.

And I don't like water type, but we've gone too far to change it now. Too risky, and all that shit.
>>[] See what Bruise and Marine are up to.
>>[] Go fill your belly while you think about stuff.
>>[] Go pick up your prescription.
>>[] Go to the Institute for your checkup and see Violet.

In that order. They're right there, no reason not to talk to them. We need food soon anyway. It sucks ass to take pain meds on an empty stomach. Then go get the pain meds so we're not in pain for the day, and then go see Lilac since that should be nearby the place where we get the meds.

Water type affords a lot of flexibility and utility though, we can make the best of keeping it regardless.
i agree with all of this, possibly bring Bruise along to see Lilac.
Hey, if we got rid of the water implant, we could get a steel implant or even a dragon implant!
Think of the possibilities!

I am only saying this in jest.
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That works.
I agree with all of this, in this order. Good day plan Professor?
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>Finally catch up on AoPH quest in the archives
>get to participate in a live one for once
>realize I have to manually wade through all the arguments and shitstorms now rather than reading it in one go

You're killing me here, /tg/.
oh, I think its worth discussing at least. Wanna hear the possibilities straight from the Prof instead of random anons that don't know shit.
Not to mention Remoraid is amazing
Most of the arguments are Benin these days, anon. Like earlier, the tiny bitchfest we had over the Goldie thing.

Most of the ragest anons left in the whole type debacle. You're fine, nigga.
Also ghost type doesn't count towards typing, I think

Yeah, that's the main reason I want to keep the implants, it means we keep our main artillery. Can't say no to that!
Silently watching and waiting for someone to actually suggest ditching water. So i can ruthelessly tell them to shut the fuck up and not start that shit all over again... ...I was in the "pokemon QTG" that Prof almost didn't run because of
I would have rather gone for something else at first, but I've grown fond of the gunner build.

And Lilac already has my dream setup anyway.
Unless the wendigo ocmon thing is actually happening.
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Unless we're ordered to change typing, we really should just avoid the whole issue.

There's nothing wrong with Water Ice.
Nope. I don't have any intent of changing our type.
The anons who thought that it was fine for them to continue arguing just to "vent" and that they wouldn't bring any of the anger to the thread? And ended up still being as angry as ever?
Gonna say my piece on typing now.
tl;dr, don't really care, as long as it makes sense in character, and we get a list of what she would lose.

Ok, the way Ceru can see it so far is the water has been less than stellar in performance. Our biggest moments have been off ice, claws, and evil type supplementation. We hardly ever use our horn, we are constantly away from water so hydration does little more than hinder us(Veridian wood). In addition, her fat implants have been a source of anxiety, as any little girl hates being called fat.

The argument against is that Ceru is sentimental to an extent, and giving them up would mean a disconnect from that sentimentality in favor of a more efficient Ceru mindset, and that can be scary. In addition, she would need to have an idea of what she would want to replace the water, and a list of exactly what she would lose would help in determining if there is anything we can't live without.

Wow, sounds like we're all in agreement to stay the course.
It doesn't.

Prof needs to make that FAQ thing and put it in the OP for every thread. Or let someone else make it and he can check it.
I was too, anon.
I was too.
I gave up that war a long time ago. I'm too old for that shit anymore.
We have heard them a thousand times. We actually had a 1300+ thread dedicated to discussing whether we should ditch water or not. It ended in the final evol of Crytten being retconned to Ice/flying
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It is not a good idea to become part Wendigo.

Also the fact that replacing them would mean going through surgery again, and I think the last time was pretty traumatizing for her.

I agree we should wait to hear some input from the experts in-character before we make our final decision.
shut the fuck up, do not start that shit all over again
I told you, anon. Most of the angry ones left, or conceded.

I conceded. I wanted a steel, or fire type myself.
Says you. I would totally take that implant were it my choice.

I recognize that there's no way in hell it's happening in this quest. /tg/ just doesn't understand the majesty of the wendigo.
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Our horn -is- ice. And our ice moves only really work in concert with water. At our current level, the only pure ice move is Icy Wind.

Which we use our horn for.
The Snow Cloak ability we have isn't that great either considering how situational it is.
We already had this discussion and most of what you said is false anyway. We made our decision, can you please not start another shitstorm.
I wasn't there for that.

I don't think Prof would potentially open up that can of worms again unless he had something to show or say.


I just wanna see what Prof is up to...
Remoraid can use Icy Wind too.

Izzat so? My memory is kinda shit, and i wasn't here for the first shitstorm.
Well, ignore me then. I'm down with whatever it seems smart to do in character.
We've been using our Guns a shitload lately. Those are water.
>AoPH: Prof enjoys watching his players fight like shit-smeared children edition
Stop reading into every word Prof says. He's doing dialogue.

For fucks sake, not every post has hidden meanings, man.
He isn't up to anything, he is just doing what would normally happen in the quest and have the boss send a message for confirmation.
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It made sense, considering that in Monster Hunter there really IS a Dragon element, and Barioth wasn't one of them.

Also considering how the beasties from that game look, practically every monster from the MH series would have been Dragon type, and who wants that?
>People getting all flustered over what is likely a very minorly edited Rocket copypasta email that they send to every recruit during their first evolution.
Pretty much... If Giovanni didn't take concern that one of his rangers was evolving that'd feel less organic to me.

When it comes to dialogue and other character's actions bear in mind that I do that thing where you get little personality templates running around in your head just short of dissociative personality disorder.
Boss was talk'n to you. Leave it at that.
Hello Seraphis. You sign those employee birthday cards?
>When it comes to dialogue and other character's actions bear in mind that I do that thing where you get little personality templates running around in your head just short of dissociative personality disorder.

Gasp, you mean that thing that, you know, writers do when they're writing characters with personality?


Holy crap.

Who would've thunk it!

i believe the correct term is "buttflustered"
Prof could Thunder Wave turn into Zap Cannon
If anything, I think charge beam would do that, not thunder wave.
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I feel really ashamed that I need to make copy pasta line this.
>Everybody so mad.

I like water just fine, works nice with ice and helps remove the weakness to fire and "muh sentimental feelings to the Cerulean sector". I just wanted to hear the lab boys sales pitch but if it makes the thread suffering rectal bleeding then fine. no even thinking of switching. Some of you guys really need to learn how to chill.
It's also a TM only move and the only real way we could learn that is if we got close with Surge or Pikachu Rocket guy.
Or Aqua. He's learning how to zap zap
A lot of it is defensive reflex from the old days, anon. Don't feel offended. We had a lot of angry debate about this. A lot of it.

A lot.
I don't know if there is a sales pitch?
Oh my fuck. You really can't read the situation at all, can you?
As you peer down the hallway, your curiosity gets the better of you.

You walk up to the three of them as they talk, your ears catching the conversation.

"Look, I know he was goin' a bit overkill. Whaddya expect? He's not gonna give a monster daisies." Sanna seems a bit taken aback as the two others seem to corner her against her room, especially with how imposing Bruise is. Though her sass just doesn't quit.
Bruise folds his arms, staring down at the little Celadon girl with Marine in all her armored burly sliminess that she's acquired from her implants.
"Right, so it was alright for him to disobey an order from-" Bruise notices you approaching from the corner of his eye, shutting up instantly.

Sanna looks over to you, a nervous look on her face,"Oh look, Ice queen herself comin' over to see how her little muts are doin' barkin' up the wrong tree?" She lets out a nervous klittle laugh as she tries to back off into her room.
Bruise slams a hand against the frame, staring down at her,"Sanna, what the reverse is your problem?"
"My problem is that you brutes are look'n ta threat'n me."Sanna stares back defiantly.

>[] "Bruise, stop. That's enough."
>[] "Sanna, what's this all about?"
>[] "Marine, what's going on?"
>[] (Other)
It requires a Master to teach TM moves. like "total expert in their field" kinda Master, not "pretty much has it down" Master.
I'm not sure if you're referring Remoraids ability to learn it in game, which I'm pretty sure is nonexistent, but Zap Cannon isn't TM only. Hell, Porygon and Forretress learn it by lvl, so it isn't even Elec exclusive.
>Bruise, stop. That's enough.
It's nice that he and Marine are protective of Ceru, but...
>>[] "Sanna, what's this all about?"
>[x] (Other)

"Hi guys! What's up!"

just completely misread the tone of the converstation
>>[] (Other)
"Oh. This. Don't kill each other, I'm going to go get pain meds and breakfast."
>Marine, what's going on?

I think I know, though. Not sure why Bruise thinks Sanna knows, though...
We are not porygon or forretress.

and It learns charge beam, my bad
>[] "Bruise, stop. That's enough."
Let's try to defuse the situation first by having Bruise calm down.

No. We're not making Cerulean dense.
>What's this all about
To all of them
>[] "Marine, what's going on?"
>Waiting warmly for the effeminate dude Lopunny/Gardevoir ranger.
> "Bruise, stop. That's enough."
Ceru would have heard enough of the conversation. She's fucking elite, man. And we just finished playing detective. Let's not act like some dense motherfucker.
>I entirely lost you after your tree metaphor.
>[x] "Sanna, what's this all about?"
She's the one the other two seem to be in contention with, so might as well start with her.
>What is it?
Lets not choose sides, even if one of them is our side.
Ceru isn't an idiot.
Are Bruise and Marine really trying to intimidate Sanna Mob style?

Cause it really fucking looks like it.
>[]Bruise, stop. That's enough.
I thought you already learned not to get pushy with ladies already.? Should we get Kitty to give you remedial classes?
>[] "Bruise, stop. That's enough."
>[] "Sanna, what's this all about?"

I have a feeling we already know what it's about, but we should not jump to conclusions.
The problem is with Bruise and Marine. They sure as hell won't care if we tell them to back off, and it'd help us endear ourselves with Sanna.

> "Bruise, stop. That's enough."
I have bad news for you chum.
I find it funny that Squirtle learns it as an event move.
I think it's because Sanna is apparently Devon's closest friend? So they went to her to complain about him?
that's why I'm asking sanna. To get her side of things.
"Bruise, she's our teammate. No need to threaten her. Though Sanna, a while a go you implied you knew a different side of Devon than the rest of us do. It'd probably make things smoother for everyone if you shared it."
>[] "Bruise, stop. That's enough."
>[] "Sanna, this is about Devon, isn't it? It's my fault for being a weak leader. Though I wish that he hadn't, I'm less than surprised that he behaved as he did."
>[] Go get breakfast.

>I have bad news for you chum.
Is there something about Ralts that would make them even harder to catch than an Abra?
It can actually fight back? And it might not wander unsupervised?

And it might have Fairy powers to aid in hiding?
>>[] "Sanna, this is about Devon, isn't it? It's my fault for being a weak leader. Though I wish that he hadn't, I'm less than surprised that he behaved as he did."
Veto this. No need to say that at all. And it's not really Ceru's fault for being a 'weak' leader at all, if she ever really can be called 'weak'.

This is like blaming a rape victim for getting raped, you know? Except not as horrible.
>Bruise, stop. That's enough.
>"Sanna, what's this all about?"
>And it might not wander unsupervised?
Yeah, I imagine Ralts-line have much better familial bonds than Abra-line.
Black holes
No, it's like blaming a pitbull owner for getting bitten when they don't treat the thing properly.
But Devon isn't a itbull and shouldn't be treated as a such. he is supposed to have self control.
No, no, that's not right. Devon's naturally very aggressive and it isn't Ceru's fault that she hasn't 'tamed' him.
>A Naturally agressive member of a military team disobeys an order
>Lets blame the Leader
I really hope you aren't in any sort of armed services.
As you walk up, you read the situation. At least, as far as that it concerns you, "Bruise, stop whatever it is you're doing. I don't want us fighting now too, okay?"
Bruise stares at you for a moment before relaxing, Sanna stares up at him with her eyes big and round as he removes himself from her doorframe.

Marine droops her head a little bit, but kind of smiles regardless,"Heya Ceru, we were just-"
"Marine, I'm sorry but I don't want something like this, please."
"Sorry Ceru."
Marine begins to walk past you, though Bruise stays at his post.
Bruise begins to talk, though you manage to catch Marine around the waist with your arm, pulling her into a little hug,"Thanks though, I'll see you later." You say as a whisper, getting her to return the light embrace.
"Ceru, we need to train later, okay?"

She goes off, just leaving Bruise and Sanna."This is about Devon, right?"
Bruise's gaze falls down, his arms crossed again.
Sanna's mouth just keeps running,"Uh huh, yeah. They wanted me ta tell Devon to not be sucha prick. Shows what th' fuck they know about him."
You zero in on Sanna,"You've said that before, what about him?"
Bruise raises a hand clenxhing a fist,"That's what I was trying to get her to answer-"
"An' I aint talk'n to ya when you comin' all up on me an' my room like that ya big lugg. An' why I gotta answer for 'im?!"

You frown at Bruise, and he seems to understand,"Yeah, alright, look, I'm sorry. It's just that he went off on Ceru like that, and no one's said anything about it. I don't like that. I mean, you don't either, right Ceru?"

>[] "I'd rather not hold it against him."
>[] "Yes, but I don't need you fighting my battles, Bruise."
>[] "No, I'd rather leave it alone."
>[] "Yes, Sanna, just tell us, please. We need to talk with him."
>[] (Other)
I'm pretty sure you're wanting Ceru to shoulder the blame for the wrong reasons, but I do think that that's something she would say.

The dream she just had shows that she does blame herself for the hybrid getting ripped up.
>[] "I'd rather not hold it against him."
Let's show some understanding towards Devon's situation (ie; his implant).
"i understand that he has a hard time but we can't have him disrupting the mission. What if it hadn't been over and he had done that while we were in danger?"
>[] "I'd rather not hold it against him."
Let's win some brownie points with our viney friend and look more "cool" headed. Heh.
"I'd rather not hold it entirely against him. I mean...you know about his implants, right? They mess with his head real bad. Anyway, I wanted to talk to him myself, at some point. Having you there for support would mean a lot, Bruise."
Big ol' smile.
Ehh, pretty much this
Just word it better.
The concern is appreciated but we can and should settle business with Devon on our own.
>[x] "I'd rather not hold it against him."

"A leader is supposed to keep their subordinates in line. I knew Devon would be contentious when I picked him. His outburst is my failure to reign him and maintain discipline. And I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for him so I'm cutting him some slack."
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"I don't like it, even though I know that it's not his fault he's like that.

I also know that you can't bully someone into changing and that he's probably doing the best he can. I guess I just want to know how I should be talking to him, because I've clearly not been doing it right."
I like this. I wanna talk to Devon later.
>[x] "I'd rather not hold it against him."
>[x]"I just wish I knew how to talk to him"
I'm fine with this.

Not this. Again. It's too.....servile. Like you're sucking up too much.
"I'm not happy with him. I know that his implants make things difficult for him, and I should've been able to keep him in line better, but if he keeps on going like this he could jeopardize an important mission in the future. But getting someone else to solve it for me isn't going to help anything.

And that's why I'm asking you Sanna, I want to get along with Devon and have things work out between us, and I'd like to know more about him first so I don't accidentally step on his toes while I'm trying to make peace."
Seconding, be sure to mention that it can jeprodize the mission.

She can't argue with that.
I don't think bringing bruise to that talk is a good idea.
Him doing what he did eliminated the danger.
Let's not say this in front of Bruise, but I do agree with the idea.

First, let's try to make peace with Sanna and try to get to Bruise. Then we can personally talk to Sanna about Devon's problem.
We're talking about him questioning our orders to stop, and then threatening us.
Devon IS weak to fighting.
>[] (Other)

"No, I don't like it. But it's also between me and him. I appreciate your concern but this is something that I'll have to work out with him myself. I'm glad to know I have your support, though."
I think it's the danger of sparks flying. We need level headed people.
Honestly, when we go to deal with things with Devon, we shouldn't bring people with us. Just us and him, in private. We don't want there to be an audience to impress, or force him to defend his reputation in front of others.
Who among our friends do you think is level headed enough?

Our Esper friends would be weak to him.
Most of the others aren't exactly close.
He's weak to Fighting.

Ceru's too cowardly right now to face Devon alone.
Bruise is about as levelheaded as they come.

But this is True.
We're too cowardly to face him alone, though.
No she isn't.
>Ceru's too cowardly right now to face Devon alone.
That was because Prof prevented us from meeting him with Lilac's interrupted. Now? We can follow through with our earlier intention with the resolve that it's causing tension between our friends and it needs to be settled.

And what this anon said
No need to aggravate the situation.
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I didn't think we were planning on facing Devon right now.

It's just we saw this little confrontation happening right in front of us.

Side note: We should totally ask Marine for advice on dealing with Evolution pains.
No we aren't.
He's calm headed, but as we've seen in his interaction with Devon, the two don't mesh well together at all. Bringing him to a talk with Devon would be horrible.
Must've missed last thread, then.
We'll talk to him tonight after we've gotten our meds and visited Lilac.
Sanna, who's apparently his friend. Bring her alone and it's not an aggressive gesture; it's a sign of worry from friends.
do we know in universe that evil implants fuck up people's heads?

>It's too.....servile.
we are a servant of the dome.
We repeatedly failed to keep him in line. we left the dome half cocked, we investigated the village half cocked. it was almost a complete disaster. because we couldn't say no to Devon. we all know how hard it is for him to reign his impulses in on his own and us giving into his outbursts didn't help him control himself. we're both at fault here, but Devon has some kind of excuse.

he's also weak to water, which we are. If we're going to assert dominance, we have to do it ourselves or he'll never respect us.

if we were a coward we wouldn't be a ranger, let alone an ELITE rocket.
He'll see it as her betraying him.
>do we know in universe that evil implants fuck up people's heads?

>we are a servant of the dome.
>We repeatedly failed to keep him in line. we left the dome half cocked, we investigated the village half cocked. it was almost a complete disaster. because we couldn't say no to Devon. we all know how hard it is for him to reign his impulses in on his own and us giving into his outbursts didn't help him control himself. we're both at fault here, but Devon has some kind of excuse.

And the proper response isn't to grovel. Which you are.
It had nothing to do with Lilac.
Ceru was too cowardly to meet with him.
You're really blaming Ceru too much here. To an irrational extent. And like the other anon said, you're grovelling hard.
We broke down because we were waaaaay over stressed from the mission and it was fresh. Cerus professionalism is more than enough to overcome a little bit of fear. especially since it is more than obvious that it will seriously affect all future missions.

Ceru wouldn't tolerate that standing, she nkows how to overcome fear.
Prof explained it in the thread, I believe.
No, she was overstressed and had a breakdown.
Not groveling, owning up to failure and trying to get the heat off Devon for just being who is he.

He'd obey us if he respected us. We have not given him reason to... yet
Muh Snorunts
No, it's some hardcore grovelling. Someone else could phrase your thoughts better, but the way you've stated it, it's grovelling.
After last nights hilarious escapades with Lilac, you really think Ceru has debilitating fear of him?
He should respect us because we are the leader, that is all the reason he should need. i understand that he has problems but those are his to deal with and if he cannot respect a chain of command then he should not be a Rocket.
I'm totally in favour of Snorunt.

Evolve it into Froslass for spooky shenanigans.
Getting a dawnstone is gonna be a bitch though.
>Dat denial
Stay delusional anon.
Pretty much this, you can't go about questioning every single order just because you feel that you can do better, and have mind problems isn't an excuse. What he is doing is a very good way to get your team killed.
Did Ygg fall asleep again?
Which will make it all the more rewarding for when can become the 2spooky
Then we can become immortal buddies with Lilac!!!!
"I'd rather not hold it against him, Bruise. I don't need you fighting my battles either. I'll talk to him myself, okay?"

Bruise stares at you, putting his fists down in a social defeat,"Alright then Ceru. You win. But I swear- if he hurts you, I'll be making him eat his own tail."
Sanna stares at Bruise quietly, shutting up finally as he walks away.
You give Bruise a hug too, and thank him for the concern. He sighs into your hug and gives you a pat on the head.
"Huh, you smell kinda good Ceru, what is that?"

>[] "You like it?"
>[] "Sanna gave it to me."
>[] "Nothing~"
>[] (Other)
He last posted about 27 minutes ago, everything is fine.
Not necessarily.

>Sanna gave it to me.
>[x] "Nothing~"
>>[] "Sanna gave it to me."
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Look at Sanna first, gauge her reaction.

Then just say it's perfume, we thought we'd give it a try.

Don't out Sanna without her approval first.
>>[x] "You like it?"
>>[x] "Sanna gave it to me."
>Goldie flags turned down
>Better shove tons of Bruise flags in their face
>[x] "Nothing~"
If she can eat Ghosts then so can we.

guys, that's a secret, remember?
>[] "Nothing~"
Forgot about the SECRET

or we could use this as "don't judge books by their cover so don't be so pissy about Devon."

maybe... I think it could work
>>[] "You like it?"
Don't say Sanna gave it to us. It's, like, her secret and stuff.
>all these people forgetting about SEEECRET
I am >>30072132
gonna turn that into this

I forgot if she said it was a secret or not
>[] "Nothing~"
>>[] "Nothing~"
>[x] "Nothing~"
It's because she's a particularly powerful medium.

Ah yes, switching my vote to:
>You like it?

I'm sure Sanna would love hearing someone compliment her work.
Throwing in my vote to shoot Sanna a look first before telling him.
"It's nice right? Decided to try wearing perfume."
yeah, pretty much.
Is the
>You like it?
Option a flirting vote? If not, go with it. Sanna would be happy at hearing praise for her work.
Wait, I like this better. Just go with "You like it?"

I don't want to say nothing, makes it sound like we're taking credit for it.
You're annoying.
Hey, I like Goldie. I just don't wanna flirt with Bruise.
rescind the Sanna part

just say it was a gift from a friend
I'm sure with some training we can become just as strong as her, we DO have a higher M-Virius count than her.
That's only for the PHYSICAL part. Being a medium is not like being an esper; it's not biological, it seems. It's a wholly spiritual talent.
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if a woman bumps into you on the street , do you say "I'm flattered ma'am but I just met you!"
One of the reasons that Lilac is such a powerful medium is because of her crazy high M-Virus Count.
Which Froslass gives us
No, the M-virus count was a result of her work as a medium.

Yeah, but it does not give us the same 'upper limit' does it?
You got it backwards

And there is no such thing as an "upper limit"
>No, the M-virus count was a result of her work as a medium.
Yeah, she was already a powerful medium. The increase was due to her exposure to SPAAAAACE VIRUSES.
Yeah, there is. It's like how certain people in real life have a limit on how much they can develop. Genetics.
Not really sure who you're agreeing with here

but these genetics can be replaced, besides that is a terrible example. plus the more you are around mons the higher m-virus count you get.
Almost all of those limits can be overcome quite easily.

Her high M-Virus resulted in her being a powerful medium. Th M-Virus gauges how well the body adapts to their environment.
Higher count means that the body evolves more rapidly and grows to be more powerful.

Her training as a medium did not increase her count. Her training as a medium resulted in her M-Virus reflecting her practice.
Constant exposure to beings from Distortion may have helped as well.
So M-Virus pretty much means how much EXP you get per encounter?
I think of it more as effort gain.
It's Pokerus.
or how much EXP your body gets when strained/focuses on a task.
Oh, wow, anon. I'm not sure if you realize how much of a dick you look like now.
Wow, what the fuck. Why the hell are you acting so petty? Did you really get pissed off just from talking with me?
Where's the fun in winning an argument if you can't flaunt it a little?
Eh.....yeah. We don't really need people like that here, anon. Please reserve yourself from now.
>Being this mad at losing an argument
Shiggity Diggity
Don't be immature, anon. It's unsightly and no one enjoys seeing an anon be like that. You sour the mood of everyone else in the thread.
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its like you faggots will argue over anything.
Because you act like a dick? And no one likes dicks?

I'm not angry at losing an argument. I'm angry that I was talking to an asshole.
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So it's like the Star Wars theory where the higher count is a result of the powers, not the other way around?
My point proven
Don't be horrible, or else you make the thread horrible with your very presence.

The fact that we have posts like this already shows how much the quality has just dropped for the moment because of your personality.
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you got the wrong anon there for the last one
Jesus anon, why don't you quit being such a vagina.

Let it go.
those who hunt monsters...
I don't know.....you're kinda proving his point.
What, because I want both of them to shut up and he's just dragging it out?

Some people, man.
T-t-triumph over them?
Take note that this >>30072614 is not the anon you were talking to.
Kiiind of. It can be altered slowly with increased exposure to monsters and the outside of the dome.
It's also inherited from the mother like Mitochondria.
I played me some Parasite Eve

Monster bits are implanted to make them actually do something rather than just be present.
The M-Virus present in monster flesh is what allows the merging of the flesh and abilities, like MELD in X-Com.
Nah, I mean on your own reply's tone. You're snappy and angry. So......you know. It caaaaame to paaaasss.
So someone with a low M-Virus count will find it much harder to learn skills and get stronger an that sort of stuff versus someone like us with an ungodly high M-Virus count?
I was calling him a vagina because he was upset because someone said 'booyaa' at being confirmed in an argument.

He didn't even get called a faggot, or anything!

That, to me, makes him a giant weak vagina.
Not even mad saying this. It's a little shocking he's on 4chan.
/tg/ is known as the nicest board, but lets try to keep it from being a hugbox.
They'll suffer higher rejection rates and lower assimilation.
Though with the inheritance from mother to mother, it's the reason why those born of exceptional rangers also become rather exceptional.

Goldenrod is no exception to this. His M-Virus is decent, he just lacked the predisposition to Psionics.
Eh. It was a dick move all the same. I don't see anything wrong with him being told that it was and to stop it. Just let it be and don't be so frustrated.

Really? I've heard other things.
You writing, Prof, or have you been distracted again?
"You like it?" You smile up at him as he looks down to you," It's perfume, I decided to try wearing some. I thought it smelled pretty good."
Bruise smirks a bit,"Ahh, so that's what it is, got someone you're trying to impress?"
You shake your head, and look down a little bit,"No, not really. Just wanted to feel pretty."

Bruise bends down a little, and gives you a light hug,"Heh, Ceru, you always look pretty. Don't worry about that."
You blush a bit under your fur, but push away at him,"Bruise, you don't get it... I'm fat, and..."
He musses up your hair again, forcing out an irritated growl from you,"Ah, don't worry about that. You're pretty. I think you are, at least."
He lets you goes on his way down the hall, leaving you hiding your blush beneath your fur.

Bruise, that dumby. Why'd he have to go and say something so casually... You bring your tail forward, and wring at the tip gently.
Sanna gives you a shit-eating grin once Bruise is out of sight,"So... You aren't barfing from it?"
"That one time was because of all the stuff spilling... I couldn't take it. Sorry."
Sanna nods,"Uh huh... So..."
"You and Bruise?"

>[] "What are you talking about?"
>[] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
>[] "I don't think so... He likes Kitty."
>[] (Other)
Well coming here from /b/ I know, i know, i'm sorry. but in my defense i was there when is wasn't such a shithole. This place is like mormon church compare to them.

>>[] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
Distracted by >>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZrxP-wvutI
And the M-Virus talk.

I'm not saying anything else about it.
>you always look pretty

>No! He's like a brother.
>He likes Kitty too.
>>[] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
>[] "I don't think so... He likes Kitty."
>[]"And alexis likes goldie
>[]"Stupid other girls."
D'awww That was adorable.

Totally worth that wait, man.

Well, he does like kitty.
>[] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
>[x] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
>[x] "I don't think so... He likes Kitty."

>[x] (Other)
I don't know
It's for the best that the QM doesn't get too involved in arguments.

Makes it sound like Ceru wants Bruise.

And hey, just because Alexis likes Goldie, that does not mean she gets to shut Ceru out of pursuing him. Yeesh. What's up with you people.
>He's like a brother.
>>[] "I don't think so... He likes Kitty."
>>[] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
It's good having a fighting type brother. To protect us from the (dark) monsters in the night.
>He likes Kitty, I think...
>>[] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
Brother route locked
>[] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
Bruise is Ceru's only chance to get ragdolled (in the future! calm down anon), just saying. still pro Goldie myself, though I kinda like each of the romance options.
I have absolutely no interest in having Ceru pursue Goldenrod
>>[] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
Incoming relationship shitstorm
>>[] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
Plus he's Lilacs
go ask your parents
I am intrigued yet frightened to understand the implications.
I-is that a thing?
I personally don't support any of the current possible romance options.
>get ragdolled
I've never heard anyone say that. Is it a regional thing?
I have a feeling boys are gonna need to go after us before we ever make a damn decision...
You the anon who wanted to abstain from romance?
I think we're just going to have to steal someone from someone else.

Everyone has a girl!
I prefer Devon or Lilac
>inb4 hybrids are sterile
No, just haven't met anybody that i liked or that Ceru has clicked with.
Isn't he terrified of her?
>[] "Him? What? No! He's like.. He's like a brother."
Ceru's probably already sterile from so many implants, just like Koga.

Devon is just stupid,

and i feel like lilac is too fickle to actually have a relationship.
Doesn't stop people here pairing Ceru up with Devon. It's a good ship, but I prefer Goldie.
Koga is sterile? well it makes sense, I mean he is constantly getting and removing implants so he's probably all kinds of fucked up
>No, just haven't met anybody that i liked or that Ceru has clicked with.


I think we should get to know the characters we have before you start throwing new characters at us. Unless you're planning on the expidition, then feel free, because we're gonna be out there awhile and new characters for it will be nice.
Devon X Ceru is a disaster waiting to happen.

and as for Lilac... I think I'll try the non lesbian option for once.

and imo, she needs a friend more than a lover
I agree with you there
I feel like she would do anything that moves.
Ceru isn't scared of devon
Yeah, Koga's sterile. It's one of the reasons I was wary of jamming any more monsterbits into Ceru. I don't want her to go the same way.
Disasters are fun
dont say
>I think I'll try the non lesbian option for once.
>I haven't met a character the I/Ceru have liked enough to initiate a relationship with
Don't close yourself off to possibilities that you haven't even seen yet.
There's gonna be so much angst in that relationship.
but Bruise be petrified from fear

>Koga is sterile?
Janine says hi.

when you aren't at ground zero maybe
No, go away /u/
Well I am pretty Sure Koga has gone through far more implants than we ever will
That's not it. It's more like he doesn't want to play a lesbian. We've already had more than enough of those.
and stupid, and not something to involve emotions in, and not something that ceru would do.

That's like purposely sabotaging the quest just to watch it burn
This is why people look down on /u/ fans.
He should play the character, if the character happens to start getting romantic with a girl then he shouldn't shut it down because he doesn't want a lesbian.

and not really
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but that wouldn't be true. I like Bruise and Goldie, heck, I'd be okay with Devon X Ceru happened (wouldn't vote for it but I can live with it if it happens)

I'm trying something different for once. Lilac can just be our BFF
Oh I bet deep, deep down Devon has a soft side
really deep down, Impossibly deep down, underneath the fucking underdark deep down. SO far down it probably doesn't exist at all
Roleplay don't rollplay
Go away /u/
The character will get romantic with another if we choose to do so.

He's chosen....not to do so.
I actually don't like any of them and support waiting for someone that Ceru 'clicks' with.

I just don't want the one person that we DO 'click' with to get turned down just because someone is playing that in another quest of theirs and doesn't want to do the same thing in more than one quest.

Roleplay, don't Rollplay.
And that's the thing. Was Cerulean defined as a lesbian from the beginning? No. The majority here has shown, in the past, that they want her to be in a relationship with a guy.

Roleplay the role you're given and develop it towards the direction you want.
"What? No... He's just, well he's like a brother or something. That would just be weird, right?"
Sanna's grin grows wider, as if it possibly could, before shrinking back into something more charming for her face,"Ceru, Ceru, you've got to look at the big picture here." Sanna sidles right up to you and throws an arm over your shoulder.

"What are you tal-"
Sanna waves a hand out before the two of you," You see, there are so many really good guys here, even if they're pricks like Bruise, they're bound to get a thing for a cute little one like yourself. Heck, you're even in a position where you're a leader? You know how many guys dig that?"

" Erm, Sanna, are you an expert on-"
Sanna places a finger before your lips and loudly shush's you. You kind of want to bite her finger.
"I'm not saying I'm an expert, but i'm an expert with all these magazines I've been reading, and you know what? We should use some of our SC to get you a really nice wardrobe. Something that'd really catch Bruise's eye."
"But Sana I wanted to talk about Dev-"
She shushes you again.
Looking up and down the hall, she smiles a bit evily,"Come on, let's look at the catalog."
Sanna pulls,"Come on..."

>[] Resign yourself to the fate of girl-time with Sanna .
>[] Resist and stay on track.
>[] Run, and don't stop running.
>[] (Other)
>The majority here has shown, in the past, that they want her to be in a relationship with a guy.
that's just false. but as i said i'm fine with it either way.
Stop talking to these guys. The worst of /u/ are unable to grasp the things you're talking about.
I dunno. I really like Lilac.

But I think it's more a platonic love route than anything.
>>[] Run, and don't stop running.
>[] Resign yourself to the fate of girl-time with Sanna .
Fuck. I want to stay on the plot, but.....I can't resist the lure of getting girly with Sanna.
Sure, should be funny.
ask her if we can do this on the way to picking up our painkillers
>[X] Resign yourself to the fate of girl-time with Sanna.

Begrudge the point, though.
>[x] Resign yourself to the fate of girl-time with Sanna.

its time to be pretty
>[] Resist and stay on track.
>[x] Resign yourself to the fate of girl-time with Sanna .
Does it have to be bruise?
There's another guy, but a girl already likes him...
>[x] Resign yourself to the fate of girl-time with Sanna .
I imagine we're gonna be hurting pretty soon, so i'd say ask if she wants to come along while we go grab out meds.
>>[] Resign yourself to the fate of girl-time with Sanna .
AND AFTERWARD. We get serious, Sanna. Damn it, we're getting serious.
>[] Resign yourself to the fate of girl-time with Sanna .
A girl friend that isn't Lilac is good.
>things happening this thread
I'm not sure what I expected.
Have a nightmare, get an email, break up an almost fight, read cosmo.
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"Can I first pick up some medication? My arms are evolving. It's really painful."

Also, shouldn't our throat be evolving as well? There's an omnigun in there too right?
Wait a second isn't the Department store in Celadon?
>[] Resist and stay on track.

Stay on target.
>Girl Time
Cerulean is evolving. Basically, she's going through puberty.

And now we're doing what's natural.
do we get suction cups?

the hugs will end when we say they end!
It's just that there is much more room in our throat and there aren't any spikes to stab us.
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We need this, after what we've been through.
Let's combine girl time with medication and food.
Does poke-cosmo have an obsession with the male anus that rivals that of real cosmo?
Nah, we didn't get the cells on the knees like we had planned.
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>It's just that there is much more room in our throat

L-LEWD go on....
>Does poke-cosmo have an obsession with the male anus that rivals that of real cosmo?
I don't read Cosmo. Why is that a thing. WHY.
"Serial hugger claims another victim"
No anon
pls don't make me think that way.
Well.....at least we know Cerulean will be able to make any guy she gets with really happy.
In all fairness ALL the talk about Ceru being attracted to guys? Has been talk. She hasn't shown any interest in Goldie. Or Bruise. Or Devon. Everytime a potential relationship flag has been raised we promptly shoot it down.

The closest we've come to engaging in any sort of affection has been appreciation for Boss's pets and blushing at Lilac being naked.
Women who read cosmo are strange creatures.
Cosmo's solution to every relationship problem breaks down to "Shove [something] up his ass."

If it's not your finger, then it's some random thing that would make an ER doctor blush.

And they always say to make it a surprise. Cosmo loves the sneaky finger.
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Surprise finger?
So Ceru is interested in those older then her?
>Imagine getting a blowjob
>She takes you in her throat
>then she pretty much gives you a water jet massage with her throat
something about the male g spot or something iirc.

pretty sure its just penis envy and they're looking for an excuse to be the insertive one for once
And now blushes at the compliments Bruise paid us.

The reason flags are shot down is because the people who want sterility and the /u/boats add up to equal enough to win votes.
I'm dying here.
Everyone wants boss
>implying Ceru would gag
She can down gallons of water and dirt like it's nothing.

What's a dick to an omnigun?
>In all fairness ALL the talk about Ceru being attracted to guys? Has been talk. She hasn't shown any interest in Goldie. Or Bruise. Or Devon. Everytime a potential relationship flag has been raised we promptly shoot it down.
Has been all talk? That's fine, isn't it? That just means that's the direction many want to go with.

Same thing with our water typing. The majority has agreed to keep water. Does that mean Ceru DOESN'T want to keep the water typing herself? Of course not. Our choices are Ceru's choices. Our plans for the future are her plans for the future.

The only flag that has been shot down was because of people who want to keep things sterile since they don't want romance in their quests or because they feel 'uncomfortable' of moving towards Goldie because Alexis likes him too.
Blushing at compliments is normal for little girls no matter who or what you're interested in.
I just

Lilac doesn't have enough screentime. The /u/ is just a side effect, for me. She's my favorite character, barring maybe Surge because robot arms.
>blushing at Lilac being naked.
That's just plain embarrassment.
>Devon X Ceru
>Surprise finger
ehh, kind of.

I'm still saying that the relationship shitstorm has not yet come.
I like her too anon.

That doesn't mean we have to fuck her.

I just want to be BFFs with her.
Goldie was a 7-6 and could have been a tie if Brutus refreshed the screen faster.

the factions are divided and the only guarantee is nobody is happy
How many casualties can we expect from this?
>Ceru uses Feint Attack!
>Devon has fainted!

I've heard tales of anons rubbing against the water jets inside pools......
>Sabre fang claws.
best relationship.
Do it devon.
And blushing at Lilac wasn't just modesty?

What are we having right now then?
Maybe if you want a faceful of poisonous flames

But him rationalizing liking it in his head later on would be glorious.
Well, that WOULD be a surprise.....
You think this is a shitstorm?

I envy you.

It isn't even drizzling yet.
Spooky best friends forever.

Best ship is friendship.
literally forever.
Yay, we agree.
A minor poobreeze.
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I think we've gotten a bit off track.
Oh my god......anon, just...just don't act like a prick and put down all these pretensions to experience.
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if we keep shooting down each of the romance options to spite each other then only the asexual terrorists will be happy.

my proposal (feel free to ignore it) Sadie Hawkins dance
How is that acting like a prick?

That is making a joke about how bad it can get.

Jesus you guys really are way to over sensitive.
Friends with benefits is the best kind of friend.
I'd like to wait until Ceru experiences the joys of womanhood first.
How about we just wait until we find someone that the majority of the people like?

I haven't seen anybody i've prefered.
So....after Sanna pretties Ceru up?

Fuck. We just got her to put on make-up and perfume......what if we went to meet Devon after this.....
Why does every quest have to be about relationships? This shit is the worst.
>have to be about relationships
Bait of the lowest caliber.
He's right, Anon. You haven't even seen waifu wars. I've been in the Strike Witches campaign, the Valkyria Mercanary theater, and countless other conflicts.

I just consider myself luck I wasn't present for the Psion Incident.
We still gotta go check up on Lilac after her surgery before we do that.
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Yeah let's... let's not do that.
No one else listened to Biz Markie. I am disappointed.
Oh yes, definitely. We need to pick up our meds too.
Eh. The song fit, at least.
Not even baited, it's just a hook at this point. A rusty one
Too much Saints row.
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Not really my jam, sounds okay though.

Also we're already on page 9.
the way I see it, there's about 5 camps on this issue


and each one shouts down the other one when the vote comes up.

instead of one vs everybody else, it'd be everybody vs everybody.

but for now, lets all just brace for make over Ceru time.
Bruise doesn't even have a following, though. I don't think anyone has even ever suggested him as a potential love interest.
There's a sixth, which I am a member of
"Go with what's cute and awkward to keep options open, since we're 12 and too young to pin down anyone"

Hell guys, we're 12, one of the funnest part about playing young characters is the cute awkward stuff!
Why are you trying to husbando now? We have years for that!
Lilac has been gaining ground since they shared a bed. Goldie and Bruise have gotten a set back thanks to other women. Devon

Devon is a jerk. I don't understand the people who support him and Ceru.
pretty sure Nobody has it here

i don't think anyone really thinks that we can hold a relationship with any of those.
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Apparently being twelve is no excuse.
Bad boys are attractive to the ladies, don'tcha know?
nope, I don't like that trope. Never have, never will.
I count them under the nobody camp because they chose nobody.

granted, its a small faction. Pretty sure there were at least one or 2 votes for it though.

Prof prolly having a giggle over the thread losing their/our shit.
In real life, yeah, this is what to go with.

But here, we're bonding with the people we're going to get into life and death battles with. Early starts to a long and loving relationship are acceptable.
But that's the problem, no one agrees and they're shooting down such opportunities, or anything that resembles them with others, so we end up not being close to anyone.

It's ridiculous.

>Chose nobody
No, I just haven't decided yet. I don't want a sterile quest.

But...but it's the perfect excuse to enjoy cute things.
Why do you hate cute things anon?
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I think another problem is that Bruise and Devon are like three years older than us, and are therefore looking for something more serious.

...Is 16-year-olds being attracted to not-even-13-yeard-olds less creepy in Japan/Poke-Japan?

Because seriously.
You resign yourself to Sanna's insistence, and get dragged into her room.

She shows you the catalog and all the fashionable clothes within along with reading Virtuazines with you.
"See, if you do this..."
"Oh-uh, they really like things like this?"

The truth hidden within the Cosmos virtuazines is shocking!

"It's to bring out your eyes better..."
"But my fur's already black there, isn't it?"
"We're making it look thicker. We can do your eyelashes too."

And then she does some makeup for you, dolling you up with red lipstick some mascara, and other little things to suit your complexion.

"I don't think this is really for rangers, Sanna."
"Bah, nonsense. If it works for the civvies, it'll work for us too."

Over an hair passes, and you end up being talked into spending at least 5k of your SC on clothes, you've been done up with makeup and had your amber claws painted red to match your red hair.
When you look it all over, you feel... Really over done, and your body kind of hurts as your guns continue to swell and distort slowly.

Sanna looks at you from behind, to gauge your reaction in the mirror.
"So, what do you think? Gorgeous right?"
There's no way you'd have time to do all this in the morning... Where'd she GET all this stuff anyway?

>[] "I love it Sanna!"
>[] "It's a bit.. much, isn't it?"
>[] "Can I do you next?"
>[] (Other)
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In my case, it's Magical Realm purposes.

I want Ceru to FemDom him.
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Because it's not gonna be a cute thing. If we go on a date with someone, we're effectively routlocked until they die.

Breakups don't really happen in quests.
Route locks aren't a thing, Prof even said so specifically for people like you.

Stop being dumb.
Devon is 2 years older, actually.

And it's common enough where I live? What's the acceptable age gap in your living area?

>Admit that we don't know much about fashion ourselves.
>[] "It's a bit.. much, isn't it?"
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"It'd probably look really nice if I looked more... human. Right now it feels like putting makeup on an Eevee."

We're a beautiful butterfly
>>[] "It's a bit.. much, isn't it?"
>>[] (Other)
"not much of a fashion expert."
>[x] "It's a bit.. much, isn't it?"
>[x] "People are just going to freak out more about the red claws. They'll think it's blood or something..."
>It's a bit much isn't it?
>>[] "It's a bit.. much, isn't it?"
"I mean the clothes are nice, but the rest..."
>[] "It's a bit.. much, isn't it?"
Also this
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He said that hanging out with Goldenrod wouldn't be a route lock, not that route locks aren't a thing.

And even if the QM isn't behind it, monogamy is what /tg/ is all about most of the time.
>[x] "It's a bit.. much, isn't it?"
I have never encountered infuriating routefags like you, anon.
But I realize now, why waifu wars are so annoying.
Because of people like you, refusing to do things based on nothing but route fears.
You. You ruin fun with your bullshit fear. I hope that makes you proud.
has there ever been a slut MC? slut I mean the internet forum version,somebody whose had sex with more than one person in their life time?
>[] "It's a bit.. much, isn't it?"
"This really isn't meant for rangers..."

See what happens if we freeze our claws. The nail polish will flake and crack like a motherfucker.
>monogamy is what /tg/ is all about most of the time.
Uhuh. You keep telling yourself that anon. I'll be over in my 3 other quests I enjoy, enjoying my harems.
I don't really care for romance one way or another as long as my favourite characters get screentime.

Just because there's no romance doesn't mean the quest would be sterile.
please leave
no u
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It's rare, but it happens.

Not as often as it should though.

I'm just saying that if we start a relationship with anyone, I don't see any ways of it ending without shit getting all kinds of ugly.
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Whoops. Sorry sir.
That is a really poorly thought-out solution.
If you want to end these arguments then you should introduce Lance's son to us
he said stop it anon.

Gentleman, I believe a ceasefire is in order
>implying it's not his daughter
you mean daughter right?
I'm sorry ;_;
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So I totally think Ceru should go on that expedition.

getting away from the dome and all the moral ambiguity would do her good. and Lorelei did it too so why not?
Please just stop anon.
why is this real
I don't think anyone is arguing otherwise.
I think we're probably going, yeah.
Assuming we don't evolve again at that time.
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I'm not sure I understand.
You can't help buy frown at yourself in the mirror, feeling way too done up with makeup and all this other stuff,"It's a bit much... isn't it?"
Sanna's mouth kind of drops at that, the earlier excitement leaving her face.
"Oh..." She looks disappointed, but you lean yourself over to look in the mirror.
"It's like putting this all on an Eevee or something..."You sigh wistfully, touching one of your claws against the frame,"It'd look better if I looked more like a human..."
Sanna squirms a bit at those words,"Hey, I'm sorry Ceru, I din't mean."
You lean back and look up to Sanna, a conflicted smile on your face as you consider what Boss mentioned about the implants,"It's alright Sanna, it's not your fault. I'm just not good for this sort of thing."

You look back at the mirror. If you could remove the fat... The fur too maybe... You'd look really cute. Like Kitty, maybe? No, you could look cuter than kitty you bet.

Would Bruise like it? You couldn't ask him something like that though. No...

You sigh, and Sanna puts her hands on your shoulders,"You alright Ceru?"
"Yeah, I'm just thinking... I need to go do some stuff, can we do this again later?"
"Only if you doll me up like an eevee next." She smiles at you, trying to cheer you up.

"Alright, deal."

Breakfast is brief and lite. You get your meds and swallow some pills after reading the instructions. It takes a bit but they kick in within a half hour, easing the growing pains of your body substantially.

You head to the Institute around noon for your checkup, everything appears to check out with the Professor's Aide.

>[] Visit Lilac in recovery.
>[] Go back to the dorms.
>[] Wash the makeup off your face.
Well I doubt they'd let a 12 year old go
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The only problem I can see is that Lilac might not be ready to do that yet, due to lacking qualifications as a Ranger, but she's also too crazy to leave unsupervised.
>>[x] Visit Lilac in recovery.
Pretty sure we were specifically invited.
>Check on Lilac.
>[X] Visit Lilac in recovery.
>Visit Lilac
The thread's about to end and Lilac was in the title. Let's do this before Prof falls asleep, people!
>[x] Visit Lilac in recovery.
>[] Wash the makeup off your face.
don't want anyone getting the wrong idea.
>[X] Visit Lilac in recovery.

Only real option

Yeah, I could see that being an issue.
>[] Wash the makeup off your face.
>[] Visit Lilac in recovery.
>About to end already
We were specifically invited, anon.
>>[x] Visit Lilac in recovery.
>>[x] Wash the makeup off your face.
>[] Visit Lilac in recovery.
Prof usually runs for 2 and a half hours more.
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Wash off makeup and visit Lilac.

Also, hopefully having our Seel graft finally evolve would improve our self-esteem.
we need to utilize the horn more
[x]get breakfast
[x]visit lilac and get prescription

Don't ever have medicine on an empty stomach.
We use it every time we use Icy Wind.
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Wow, it's only been like an hour or two since we got up, hasn't it?
then we need to use icy wind more.
The problem is the fur and the fat.
>Implying Dewgong isn't going to make Ceru fattertits and ass
I wish we kept the seel fuzz instead of going full furry.
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Dewgong still has the Thick Fat ability, it's just distributed in a much more streamlined matter.

Puberty might help as well.
Not being 4ft tall might help as well.

Ceru just needs to get taller.
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What I meant by puberty. Growth spurts.
I gotta find out what's going on between bruise and kitty at some point.
>we will never get that training we decided on
The fur will only look worse on her as she gets older.
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Pretty sure that road ends with Giovanni fucking Kitty while Bruise looks on in impotent rage.

Just a hunch.
So... without starting another shitstorm is there actually any reason why we wouldn't want to get rid of the fur? The effect is to situational to make up for the blatant abnormality
maybe we should start shaving like goldie does
I have it saved.
We should start talking like a kahjiit
I disagree.
I dunno. When Crytten evolves, I expect her to get some kind of mane.

It'll look ballin'.
well, my decision on the bruise issue is hinging on whether they're going steady.
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hugs instead of skooma
Yes, exactly
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More horrible surgery?

Unless we just go to like some kind of barber/beautician and have the fur trimmed, especially around the face and stuff.

I mean there's gotta be some businesses that specialize in grooming rangers.
I know. It's been about 6 hours since he started, anon.
Kalosian wax?
I think some people have already forgotten that the fur can be frozen? Reflexive armor when we need it.
Full Unovan? We'll go mad from the pain!
fucking awesome
Unovans have good taste. You can't gain beauty without a little sacrifice, anon.
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Not to the point of waxing, since honestly I don't think Kitty's fur free look does her any favors in the beauty department.

Not after her face became feline.
What about those frogs?
there are better options you rollplayer
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I still think we do our best as a gunner/sniper though.
it's fucking awesome.
You check in with a secretary for a pass to see Lilac, at her mention, the woman seems to get a bit nervous."
"Oh, you're here for that patient? Are you a friend of hers?"
"Yes Ma'am, I am."You smile, trying not to show teeth, the woman doesn't seem too thrilled in any case.
"You'll need to speak with Hemlock about seeing that one, she's been placed in the ward of special cases."
Your heart sinks, but you nod your head, "May I see him then?"
"I'll send for him, you may need to wait for a while..."

You take a seat in the waiting room, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable as you recall the dream you had last night...

threshold 5
Even gunner's have armour.
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I still think it's weird that Unova magically had all the pokemon.

I kind of liked that Black/White had their own 150, as befitting a different continent.
Rolled 23

Rolled 63

Oh, definitely, Doesn't mean having armor we can form up at any time wouldn't be useful. You know what would be really cool, though? If Ceru was able to train herself to freeze her fur WHEN she's hit.

There's a pokemon that can create force fields with it's scales
Rolled 43

checking if doctor is exploding
Rolled 65

Rolled 36

we're going to roll 5 5s in a row
Rolled 23

Rolled 87

Muh trauma
Rolled 35


scales are weirder than fur
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Rolled 51

Time for freakouts.
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Eh. 65. That's alright.
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Not a critfail, but not that great either.

I don't think I can call a 65 "elite".
Rolled 68

And roll 7 has an 87. Highest of the top 3 is 63

To be honest I forget the dice rules.
>Danger zone passed.
>Everything remains at peace.
See, now I'm just wondering what the danger was.
not sperging out in a doctor's office is something a rocket would do.

mission accomplished
>that fluff
so is she just commando like always?
Rolled 28

Out of curiosity, what could have gone wrong?

Captured implant-fodder breaks out?

Ghost sword goes on a rampage?

Lilac gives a random nurse the sneaky finger?

Lilac floats up through the floor and gives Ceru the sneaky finger?
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Yay. At the comfortable level of self-esteem issues and vague guilt complexes.

And of course no counselors/therapists to be found.
Eh, it's alright. It's about the same range of what we rolled for our Seel implant.

7 for luck rolls, 5 for danger zone rolls. I'm really not sure what this one was for.

Panic attack?
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Finally, Oh Yeah!
Actually these are very special scales with a variety of use beyond defense
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I imagine so, not sure how frowned upon that would be.

Also couldn't really pull it off if her parts evolve.
I miss Mable.
I wish we hung out with Mable more.
Bruise's final form
but we don't have any scales
Better not be fucking milotic
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She DID offer didn't she?

We'd be rude to pass that up.

Would it be appropriate to apologize for turning her down yesterday, or was that minor enough to not warrant one.
>throw a slumber party once Lilac is out of recovery and in the Rocket dorms
>invite Sanna, Mable, Alexis, and Marine
I agree, but we need a
>no boys allowed
sign on our door the night of
There is no way this could fuck up. lets do it
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>Bruise retires from the Rockets years later
>Founds the RWL (Ranger Wrestling League)
>soon rangers from all districts are joining
>Slyph Co picks up exclusive television rights in and outside of the Dome
>Ranger recruitment quintuples from kids growing up watching there favorite Wrangers
>Dome safe Forever, Hugs all around
>No one remembers Peri...
Fuck, I forgot about Peri too.

>Meanwhile, on the boys side of the dorms...
>Devon, Bruise, Goldie, Kenn, Jeremy, Haru, and the guy who I'm pretty sure has that elephant pokemon as an implant are all having their own party
>they decide to go peep on the girls
>invade Ceru's room, find no one there
>Alexis had felt them coming
>Lilac whisked everyone away with her ghost powers and stayed behind to 'punish' the boys
>cue a night of horrors
Twisted mustache?
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Would she even get to the Rocket Dorms? Like shouldn't she have to take the Viridian exam?
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Close enough, and yes
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oh gosh, i hope Bruce senpai notices me
Peri is a dude
Rangers with implant typings that don't belong to any of the existing gyms in the dome automatically report to the Rockets.
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>Hawlucha live captures triple overnight
Except not. The male Zubat ranger was Haru.
You're thinking about Haru. Peri is a female.
You sit in the waiting room for some time, thinking harder about your fur and fat. It'd just be kind of nice to feel cute or something...

The secretary calls you to the Professor's office, and you go on up to meet with him, to ask about Lilac.

When you enter, Hemlock is in the middle of examining the skull of some dessicated creature with over-large incisors. He's in his usual lab-coat and as always his faded brown hair is disheveled and unkempt from his lack of care for personal appearance. Something that you often see among the male professors.
"Hello Cerulean..." He sets the piece down, looking to you from the corner of his eye, a medicine mask affixed over his face.
"I apologize for being so quiet yesterday, please sit."

You do as the man asks, and take a seat before his desk, your head down, but your eyes looking up at him,"What's this about sir? I came here to see Lilac..."
"That's what I'd like to speak with you about... You see." He seems to search for the words for a moment as he looks above for answers.
"She has survived the surgery, only..."
"Did she suffer rejection?"
"No..." He closes his eyes. You don't like that one bit.
"She ended up killing several nurses after the operation. I felt it necessary to warn you personally that the monster implanted within her may have had something to do with her behavior. She showed exceedingly little remorse for their loss. I continued to completion as it would've made their deaths for nothing."
Hemlock sighs deeply and pushes up his glasses,"I only ask that you be wary of her. She's already told us several little lies in an attempt to leave, and we've had to put her under sedation as well as separating her from that accursed sword.
You may visit her, however we will require you to sign a release form.

>[] Okay...
>[] She did what?
>[] (Other)
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I thought they're considered a Viridian Ranger but not necessarily a Rocket?

Like alongside Ground and Normal types.
>[x] She did what?
AFTER the operation?
>She showed exceedingly little remorse for their loss.
Oh, she's always been like that.

'Course, we may not want to tell Hemlock that.....

>She did what?
It is worrying that she went and KILLED nurses AFTER the operation, though.
whatever else we do, ALSO sign the form.

We're fucking visiting, these petty concerns don't stop the frendmeister
You have to consider what kind of typings they are. There's Steel, there's Evil, and there's Fairy. I don't know about Steel rangers, but Evil and Fairy are definitely special cases that would need supervision. And who better to supervise than the Rocket trainers?
I'm trying to think of a way to bring up the dream in a way that doesn't sound insane or awkward.

Maybe ask if any of our implants have ever displayed minor Esper-like abilities?
>>[x] Okay...