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Previously: A young rocket dealt with a new turn of events concerning her spooky friend and a spookier sword!
With a heavy heart and clouded mind she visits an old friend in the Fuschia district, getting knocked out and sharing her woes.

Told to believe that what she's doing in is the right thing, the Young Rocket's determination is reaffirmed until she's called in for a special task.

Interrogation of the hybrid that threatened the dome.

What will this unveil? How will our young hero handle herself? Will she do the right thing?
Stay tuned to find out Rangers!

Known characters

Monster Index

Character Sheet


Rocket reporting, Prof!
Reminder from last time.
>Mother's told you that not all monsters are bad.
>Sabrina thinks Hybrid and modified humans are scum.
>Boss wants you to do your best regardless of ethics.
>Your friend's been forgiven for killing extremely nice and patient nurses.
>Janine's told you to do what you think is right.
>You know the kid is scared and still bears a festering burn wound that's NOT going to heal normally.
>Giovanni has nothing to do with this interrogation and has given us no orders on the matter and thus no obligation
>Sabrina is racist Medusa
>You know what Bruise is
>>Your friend's been forgiven for killing extremely nice and patient nurses.
With Lilac it wasn't entirely her fault and the Hybrid did it because he's a lazy vindictive shit.
That's an assumption the QM said was inaccurate.

I mean the Hybrid doesn't really seem like a sociopath right now, does he?
How old is the hybrid again?

like 7? 9?
She did kill one of the nurses when the implants weren't affecting her mind.
>Mother's told you that not all monsters are bad.
And Ni'aras and his son don't fall into that category. He and his son don't deserve to die just because of what they are, but that doesn't mean that they get off scott-free for what they've done.
And Devon shouldn't get at least a disciplinary hearing?
Definitely, but right now, what's most important is getting results.
I think what's MOST important is not losing our way for SABRINA of all people.
eh, lethal force was authorized and I'm not sure if the hybrid was classified as human
I don't care about making this kid cry or scream or executing him or anything of the sort.

But if you guys try to get him made Ceru's responsibility or instated as a ranger or something, I'm going to flip a shit.
Well, honestly, her plan is the one that would yield the least results.
Eh, he might be useful.

And honestly he's probably gonna be a LOT easier to handle than Lilac.
Personally I wouldn't mind
he was out of line we told him to stop and he did not untill bruse told him to knock his shit off
we're not going to be working with the kid.

Him being a teammember stopped being a possibility when the village burned. Before that, really.
I think we can just coax it out of him.

remind him just how isolated and alone he is. how deep he is in the belly of the beast. We've already found his village, there's nothing left for him to protect. Tell him if he cooperates then we might look into getting that nasty burn treated and how it won't heal on its own. and most importantly, tell him the reason he is still alive is because we and we ordered it so, Lethal force was authorized. He only draws breath because we allowed him to.

I think he should get scolded too but I'm just saying I doubt he'll get one or at least a severe one.
I feel like we should definitely get the hybrid a burn heal, since giving him that injury was NOT under our orders.
>*we and only we ordered it so,
"It's all wrong... Momma, I'm sorry momma." He wipes away tears with his good arm, his left side too injured to move without sending rivulets of pain shooting through his body.

You give him a moment as the dull sound in the back of your mind persists, emanating from the devices of this black velvet room. It's actually a little eerie as it pounds into your head, seeming to drill deeper and deeper.
It's nerve-wracking, and you know that Leader Sabrina is watching. You'd like to get this done as soon as possible.

Saffron's Leader wanted you to get the details of who this Ni'Aras is, and whatever else he might be able to offer about the village and those there. Might be good to start talking about that.
He's been shaken into tears so far with thoughts of his village and how he's to blame for what's becoming of it...

"The bad lady..." He looks up at the psi-kill speakers,"She said that everyone at home is dead... It's my fault, isn't it? I just." He leans forward into one hand with the other limp at his side. "I just wanted daddy to be proud..."

>[] "Tell me more about him. I think I met him."
>[] "Your mother is human right? She was very pretty."
>[] "Your village is fine, we're going to release you if you cooperate."(White lie)
>[] "If you don't talk, we're going to do worse things to you. You'll meet that boy again."(Referencing Devon)
>[] (Other)
>[x] "Tell me more about him. I think I met him."

he was the one with the plan
this is me.
>[x] "Tell me more about him. I think I met him."
>[] "Tell me more about him. I think I met him."
>[] "Tell me more about him. I think I met him."
"Why didn't he supervise you for something like this? He's been to the dome before."
>[] (Other)
Agree with the child. It's all wrong.
Heck, the case was supposed to be a simple one about stolen materials and mis-done accounting. Not murder and venturing outside the dome and kidnapping and hypnosis and... augh.
I feel like we should say this.
We should lead into this.

Chat with him about his father first, then get him to answer why his father sent him alone into the dome himself.
>[] "Tell me more about him. I think I met him."

He is the real object of worry.
And don't forget that instead of subduing Ni'Aras with teamwork, Devon murdered a bunch of brainwashed civilians.
Coming back and killing Chuck sorta invalidates the stance that this was just an "everything went wrong" type deal.

But I suppose it doesn't really matter since Ceru is really falling into the Jesus motif. Gotta gather up them sinners to be our apostles and whatnot.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the end of this quest was her getting executed for radical monster-sympathizer leanings and kicking off some sort of redemption for the setting.
Well that was revenge, after Devon, you know, murdered so many people?
You know what guys fine murder a kid for being indoctrinated by the monster who kidnapped hypnotized and impregnated his mother.

That's clearly what our friendly protagoniist who hugs people would do.
>Jesus motif
I belief the proper term is messiah.
I wish both of you would give up the pretension this is even in our hands at all.
All we get to choose is how we go about this interrogation.
To be honest I just want to talk to him, and give Sabrina jack shit because fuck her.

I'm glad Ni'Aras taught his son how to shut his mind off, otherwise Sabrina would have done so many horrible things.

While we don't need your permission for this, I have to thank you for your cooperation.

Cerulean will inevitbly have to get her hands bloodied, be it monster or human blood. This should be an excellent opportunity for her to lose the fear and hesitation of killing. It will make her a better ranger.
This isn't a good opportunity at all.

This isn't what being a ranger is about.
>inb4 "Dats OOC!"
We've killed monsters before. This is a situation we shouldn't even be dealing with.
this -really- isn't part of the ranger job.

Maybe Giovanni's secret black ops, sure, but not standard ranger fare.
I seriously don't know why you guys went for the implants you did. Ceru would have benefited infinitely more from minimal Fairy type grafts.

Sorry, I was vague, my bad. I didn't mean common, wild mosnters. I meant the more rational ones, like Slowking, who can speak human languages, and Ni'Aras' kind, among others.
Are you saying that's what we SHOULD do? While disregarding everyone's opinions on the matter?
Nah this isn't even what being a Rocket is about.

This is Sabrina's hate realm.
And Ceru sort of is part of the non-standard rangers that will have to deal with shit like this.
Except we shouldn't focus on trying to make them our enemies.

Did you just tune out Lorelei's message?

Hey op mind changing the title to murder hobo quest?
Slowking would be more interested in talking than fighting
Ni'aras made himself our enemy when he decided to subsist by stealing people and supplies from the dome.
People don't really know about Fairy type yet.

And as it stands, Clefairy have never been caught and even Jigglypuff are considerably rare.
If they leave the dome alone, then leave them alone.

These guys have been stealing from the dome. That they killed a person is sort of an afterthought. I'm of the opinion that this should be an all-or-nothing thing, but I could be wrong.
>this guy
Rangers rob the dome of valuable medical personnel fairly regularly.
We were offered a Marill and we turned it down. Sylveon was also the most likely result of Ceru going the Eevee route. Yes yes, I know. Eevee dangerous.
Nobody was supposed to get hurt, nobody was supposed to DIE...but that's what happened, and now we need to pick up the pieces.
So literally do the opposite of what our mother said...
And you think this is going to be common.
Are you trying to say that he didn't?

Mom's message was that some monsters just want to live in peace and we should let them. Ni'aras was not one of them.
Hey Prof! you never told us the little guy's name! you asked us if we wanted to know last thread and we voted yes but you never said it.
Ignore that guy. He's either someone itching to rouse up an argument or he's a sperger.

The Hypno did want to live peacefully. Theft is not inherently motivated by malicious feelings. And seeing as how no one ever noticed that anything was wrong, he must have stolen only enough that some false memories could manage to cover up any inconsistencies.
No, I don't. Ygg even said himself that shit like this wasn't going to be happening again for a long time if at all.

But it's still happening right now and Ni'aras does not fall under the "don't kill" group described by Lorelei.
We should also ask what the kid's mom's name is.

And, you know, introduce ourselves.
Yes that one wasn't one of them
This is a fucking kid, he doesn't need to be tortured... He needs help
>Ni'aras was not one of them.
How so?
>But it's still happening right now and Ni'aras does not fall under the "don't kill" group described by Lorelei.
What do you mean?
Ni'aras holds information that could be valuable for the dome.
He also kidnapped some people.

His crimes would be fairly lenient if he was a human, but he's not. He's a monster. Monsters who actively tamper with the dome should be destroyed. All the others can be left well enough alone.

You never know.

Slowking might indeed be more interested in talking, but sometimes it's inevitable.

It's a hyphotetical situation, but in this line of work, it wouldn't hurt to be prepared, physically and psychologically.
Sorry about the pause, had a family issue to deal with.
Kidnapping and stealing from the dome.

He could have just remained hidden. Could have left the dome alone, and he would have been fine. But he didn't.
Lorelei said that some monsters want to live in peace and avoid people, and that it's wrong to kill those for no reason.

Ni'aras is not one of those monsters. He actively sought out people to steal from them and kidnap them for use as livestock.
>His crimes would be fairly lenient if he was a human

Yes, he kidnapped people. There's nothing we can do about that. That does not mean, however, that he was trying to harm the dome. Our mission may be to protect people, but sometimes we're too late to do so (we could not prevent the kidnappings). The Hypno, however, did not seem to have any intention of taking any more citizens from the dome. It seemed as if he simply wanted to set up a village for company. That does not excuse his crimes, but that does not mean he's a threat.
Ni'aras has:

1) kidnapped people and brainwashed them possibly to satiate his own curiosity and loneliness

2) avoids killing, but doesn't really care if his son killed people.

3) steals without remorse

4) knows a lot and had the opportunity to either make contact or just leave, but decided to threaten Ceru.

He's on the dark side of grey here.
>that does not mean he's a threat.
Please listen to yourself for a moment. We're talking about an esper that comes into the dome whenever he wants and takes whatever and whoever he wants.

If he was a human, best case scenario would be Sabrina ripping his mind apart. Rogue espers are not taken lightly. Ever.
Kidnapping and stealing from the dome is harming the dome, regardless of whether his intent was malicious or not.
No problems, feel free to postpone this if you need to.

Still waiting on being civilised and introducing each other.
>doesn't really care if his son killed people.
This hasn't really been shown, though. In fact, his son was specifically told not to kill anyone.

>4) knows a lot and had the opportunity to either make contact or just leave, but decided to threaten Ceru.
You understand the dome's policy on monsters, right? He's the one in a precarious situation. It's the Rangers who are in a position of safety.
For verification since there's been a bit of discussion.

>Ask about Father.
>Ask his and his mother's name.
>Sympathize that nothing went how it should have.

Yes? Anything else?
He wasn't trying to sabotage the dome. Simply try and make a living for himself outside of it.
that seems about right.
I especially like sympathizing that, yes, that WHOLE operation was a clusterfuck.
Glad it's mutual, kid.
Ask for his own name.
>Ask why his dad didn't supervise him

Since that seems like bad parenting.
Yeah, though the sympathy should be last and as a lead in to the fact that he killed people, and that's how he fucked everything up, (plus his dad parents told him not to)
yeah. we had a shitty run in those times as well. little shit is still young, impressionable, malleable

and what's the little shit's name? Hybrid ain't a name. its a kind of car driven by people that smell their own farts
>This hasn't really been shown, though. In fact, his son was specifically told not to kill anyone.
Again, he told him not to, but he doesn't really care now that it has happened. He only cares because it puts the safety of the village at risk.

fair point on dome policy, but threatening someone was a risky move and does not help his standing with the dome.

"My name's Ceru, what's yours?" Does wonders, that sentence.
Are you implying you don't like the smell of your own farts?
He actually stated during his meeting with Ceru that he cared for life and did not want to waste it without reason.
>He only cares because it puts the safety of the village at risk.
wait, holdup, I just remembered what happened a little better.

He DID care, sorry.
they just haven't been up to my level of standards in ages
Like I said, it's still a transgression, regardless of whether it was done with malicious intent.
Our teammates have done worse.
Yeah, that was a bad case of subjective memory, sorry.

I'm still pissed as fuck that he decided to threaten Ceru and make her absolutely destroy both her and Devon's reputation. He could have handled that better.

He probably holds a good amount of hate himself for other races.
>He probably holds a good amount of hate himself for other races.
Like rangers? Fucking skin-walkers. Baby-thieves. Egg-takers.
In response to an existing transgression.

Point is, he started it.
hey, takes one to know one, buddy.

Hey, a thought. The hybrid might know why his father was banished from the rest of his kind. If things go well, maybe we could get him to answer that question.

Don't you think it'd be a bit much to say that Ceru and Devon's reputations would have been destroyed? And it's a bit much to expect him to believe that Ceru and Devon wouldn't tell on him if he allowed them to go unmolested. You've got to think about it from his perspective. While a number of people here have been freaking out over how overpowered he is, he could only survive because he didn't directly go against the dome.
>Baby-thieves. Egg-takers.
Really, Ni'aras? Really?
Like he wasn't roasting monsters for food in that fire pit.
I thought Ni'Aras didn't know, because the Hypno Council didn't want him to
or mind controlling the heracross into being his guard dog
Not speaking specifically his opinion.
Would be hilariously hypocritical though.

You compare him to those lowly beasts?
Well, one of our friends is implanted with an Abra.

Point being, I think he makes a distinction between brainwashing children and cutting them up for parts. For us, that's a pretty small difference. But considering his race, well, I'd say it's just a case of blue and orange morality.
That being said, I STILL think there will be a reckoning for hunting down and killing a harmless Abra, and soon the Dome will know the wrath of Alakazam.
Didn't know what? The rest of his tribe just banished him. We don't know anything else other than that.
Well, on my part, I was ready to just return and give the report, giving Hypno half a day to pack up and use that repel tech to leave.

A bad deal, I know, so I can't really fault him too much on choosing to threaten.
he shoulda taken the deal.
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those fags got IQ's of 5000, so they should be smart enough to not fuck with the dome.
Well know, but apparently the Dome hasn't really encountered many sapient monsters.

About how smart are Machops, and what is the Dome's policy on them?

Considering the index doesn't seem to indicate them to be hostile, and they are retardedly strong, it seems like a live and let live policy would be wisest.
we need to trade goldie soon so he can counter such things.
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But what if
"According to Bruno's field reports, they are very strong and have...sweet sweet poon tang"
Alakazam are probably smart enough to take complete control of the dome without firing a single shot.

They could already be in charge.
Considering his offered solutions was to either brainwash us or kill us, I think it's clear how a race of psychics act. They grow up with the ability to read minds, so lying isn't easy against them. They want absolute certainty in any situation. Combine that with the kind of world this is, I can see why Ni'abras would try to force that deal on Ceru when HE was in a position of strength. However, the ball is in our court now, so it's up to us how things go down.

Hell yeah! Boss Giovanni is the man!
Then he'd be smart enough teleport right into the boss' office and kneel
Would you count his transfer to the Rockets as trading?
Given that logic, some pokemon would have destroyed the earth with their very presence due to being as hot as the sun.

I think we can confidently believe that Prof has scaled things down to make things consistent.
I think part of the thing is that Alakazams are so atrophied that they literally need to use their psychic powers to move and to stop their necks snapping under the weight of their massive heads.

So while they might theoretically have a 5000 IQ, most of that processing power is on making sure their organs don't fail.
“I met him... Could you tell me more about him? He was...” You put on a nice face for the child as his almond eyes come up to meet yours, red and tired between his pain and tears.
“I know you did,”He seems to grow a little obstinate.
“Daddy...” He shrinks back into a corner of the black room, his left arm trembling with his movements and hisses of breath from the pain. “Daddy's going to fix everything. I'm gonna get to see mommy again. You'll see.”

You furrow your brow with worry at that, looking up to the camera positioned in the room before looking back at him,”How's he going to do that? He must be powerful...”

The hybrid nods in the corner smiling a bit to himself with a creepy display of extra pointed teeth. Not quite a human's profile.”Very... Daddy could make you think that you were a monster and splash like one too.” He giggles tiredly at that, his eyes slowly looking into one of the cameras.
“Is the bad lady watching?” There's a tinge of terror in his voice.

You glance at the camera once more as the ocular moves to focus,”Yes, yes she is.”

His posture changes further,”I don't like the bad lady...”

>[] ”Neither do I.”
>[] “If you tell me about your mom, you won't see the bad lady.”
>[] (Other)

Be faster from now, sorry guys.
He wasn't really in a position of strength, though. Ceru accepting the deal is the only way Ni'aras would come out on top. Every other outcome meant that the village was compromised, since someone would eventually investigate missing rockets.

I get that psychics would attempt to retain control, so his plan of action is believable.
she IS a bit scary.
>[x] (Other)
"sometimes I don't think she likes me much either... So what's this about making your dad proud?"
"As long as you talk to me, you won't see the bad lady. My name's Ceru, what's yours?"

"Your mom seemed like a good mother, what was her name?"
This shit isn't going anywhere. We're gonna be here for weeks.

"I don't blame you. She is scary."
"Honestly? I'm not really sure anyone does.

But when you're as strong as she is, you don't need to be liked. I wouldn't really be so confident in your father, considering the Dome isn't exactly low on Espers."
>He wasn't really in a position of strength, though.
Oh, no, what I meant was in that specific scenario. We were in his village and he had his guardian bug around.

>I get that psychics would attempt to retain control
I think we've already seen that mindset in a certai other scary lady already... Will Ceru having had her memories erased ever become relevant to the story???

>She is scary. People can be scary when they're trying to protect their homes. It's why you came to the dome again?
eh, we got time if it comes to that. heal up from evolving, babysit Lilac, slowly break down hybrid's walls and make him spill his beans.
"I know how strong your father is. I don't really remember what happened, but apparently he made me think I was a monster, and attack my teammate. It seemed like it was really hard to bring me out of it as well."
Not necessarily a good thing to challenge him on the strength of his father right now. It'd just cause him to harden his defenses even more.

We need to focus on making him insecure about himself first. Right now, though, we should try to take the topic away from his dad and try to lead it to him again.
Good. If we have to leave, then we can get a burn heal and smuggle it in when Sabrina asks for us again.
>neither do I
>Ceru's memories
With how dark the setting is, I think everyone just accepts that part of their memories will get fucked up.
"Why didn't your dad steal the repel tech himself? I know he's been in and out of the dome before, seeing as that's how he met your mom.

He probably wouldn't have messed up either."
Acknowledge how strong his dad is, while raising the question of why he left his son adrift? And a reminder that the hybrid totally fucked up the job, which Ni'Aras probably wouldn't have.

I'd like to segue that into why the Hybrid thought murder was necessary, since if it wasn't for the ghost of his first victim, and Chuck's suicidal programming, we wouldn't have a case.
I like this option. Let's go with it.

>[x] (Other)
"Sometimes I don't think she likes me much either... So what's this about making your dad proud?"
Yeah, this seems like a plan we can go with.
“She IS a bit scary...” You hunker down a little in your chair, a twitch of your ear and you think of a new plan.
“So long as you talk to me, you won't see the bad lady.” You extend a hand in greeting, your claws covered by reinforced gloves. “I'm Cerulean of Cerulean, what's your name?”

The child stares at your hand and then back to you,”Ni'Rena of City Shadow. Named after daddy Ni'Aras Cast From Eubrana and mommy Se-rena Freed From Glass...” He stares at your hand again and then around to the glass between you.
Embarrassed, you pull your hand back,”Oh, right. Sorry...”

You regain your momentum here,”Serena Freed From Glass? Your mother was from.. The dome?”
Ni'Rena nods slowly,”Momma didn't like it here. Daddy came here and took her away because he loved her.”
“Did she love him?” You ask.
“Of course Momma did.” He confirms.
“She wasn't hypnotized?” A prod from you this time, what does he know about that...
“No, Daddy would never do that to Mommy. Mommy loved him.”
“She said she was.”
“That can't be true because Daddy wouldn't do that.”
“What about the others?” You ask, feeling it start to roll...

He tells you of the villagers now, though in fragments and bits that require more prodding. They've lived there for all of his life. He tells you about the twins, Bianca and Bridgette Freed From Glass, children that he himself had played with growing up. The twins thought that only their mom could tell them apart but he was able to by reading their minds.
The kind man, Rogers that lived next door to the Chief's hall. He'd always give Ni'Rena strips of monster jerky when he came by. Just a bite or two to chew on but it was nice.
“Monster?” You ask at that point. “You call them monsters?” You ask that out of curiosity. You'd think that Ni'Aras wouldn't use that word...
Ni'Rena nods,”Yeah, they're monsters. Daddy didn't much like them either. Only the guardian was different. Even though it was a monster too.”

>[] “You know that you're half monster, right?”
>[] “What did your dad call himself?”
>[] “I'll see you again Ni'Rena, I'm going to go now.”
>[] (Other)
>[] “What did your dad call himself?”

Try to segue into asking him whether or not he knew why his father had chosen to build a village so close to the dome.
>[] “What did your dad call himself?”
"What did your dad call himself and the other people from Eubrana that looked like him? Like the people from the Dome are called humans, but he wasn't one, was he?"
>>[] “What did your dad call himself?”
"and what did he call us, or the people "Not Freed From Glass"?"

"Was harming us the same as harming monsters, or was it murdur?"

"Why was the guardian different? Did he understand you, or was he a servant?"

"Do you know about the machines that your father had brought from the dome? The one that let's your village stay hidden."
This is fine.

At this point, it'd be futile to try and convince Ni'Rena that his father forced any of the villagers to live in the village with him.
>>[] (Other)
"Eurana? is that a village?"
"Did he ever tell you anything about Eubrana?"
>[] “What did your dad call himself?”

That, maybe with >>30490068

The first option would insult him and his dad by calling them monsters. Oughta be careful with our words.

We call ourselves humans, so what did his father call his people?
Also I'm pretty sure none of the other beings the dome has encountered are self-aware, so it makes sense to think of Ni'Aras as a person, but just not a human person.
I really wish Devon didn't kill everybody, and the rangers took prisoners.

Because if Sabrina and the other Espers could dispel Ni'Aras's brainwashing then that would make Rena lose a lot of faith in his dad.
Although there's the matter of Stockholm Syndrome to take care of. While Ni'Aras did use brainwashing to kidnap them, it does not sound as if he treated them unkindly.
“What did your dad call himself?” You point to yourself, the bend a bit painful from evolution,” Like if I said that I'm a human, a pers-”
“You're a monster.” Ni'Rena cuts you off, speaking to the point with scorn rising again in his voice.”Momma was a person. Daddy was a person. You're a monster.”

You stare at him, incredulous at his words,”What are you tal-”

“Trainee Rocket Ranger Cerulean, that is enough. Exit through the door.” Sabrina's voice over the intercom is just as passionless and haughty as it always is.
You rise from your chair as told, but grip the edge of your seat,”I still have questions for him, I'd like to continue our talk.”
The intercom is silent for a moment before repeating the order with the addition,”Failure to comply will result in administrative action.”

Ni'Rena pushes up against a wall at Sabrina's voice quietly muttering,”No, no, no, no... Bad Lady...”

>[] Push the issue.
>[] Get one last question in.
>[] Leave quietly after saying goodbye.
>[] (Other)
It's possible he never brainwashed his son by way of hypnosis, but by what he was simply raised around and by what he was taught to think.

Can't blame EVERYTHING on hook-nosed hypnosis monsters brainwashing you with their magic.
>[] Leave quietly after saying goodbye.
Let's not push the issue, since Sabrina seems like the type to quickly execute her threats.
>[x] Leave quietly after saying goodbye

we're afraid of the bad lady too
"You liked me a lot more than the bad lady. Do you really think I'm a monster?"
>Leave quietly after saying goodbye.
Sabrina so damn impatient. you catch more flies (or whatever the pokemon equivalent is) with honey
>>[] Push the issue.
Aren't I getting more than your method was?

What will she actually do though? The worst would have to be something we wouldn't remember, otherwise it would have to go through Giovanni.
>[] Leave quietly after saying goodbye.
but we didn't even get to the part where we would tell him we were only found the village because of him!

Darnit sabrina!
Let's not do this. At least, at this stage, it'd be inappropriate. We've just gotten to know him.

> Leave quietly after saying goodbye.

She probably doesn't want us to hear whatever it was Ni'Rena was going to say. Subversive thinking, you know?

Was probably going to share why he thought we were monsters (we take other monsters, we cut them up, and we put their pieces in our bodies). Adults like Sabrina would understand how what we do is needed for our survival, but Cerulean is just a child.
We weren't going to do that anyway because Ygg confirmed that that was completely ooc.
That was actually said last thread. The effect anyway.
I think there might be non pokemon equivalents to insects, considering pretty much all bug pokemon are at least a foot long.
>[] Leave quietly after saying goodbye.

Well, she's the one in charge here. Would be a good opportunity to show that we're at the mercy of the world just as he is. Or something like that.

Plus, maybe that or something similar is her plan right now, and not complying would mess it up.

Interesting idea. Maybe we could leave him with something to think about before we go?
>What will she actually do though?
Some rangers enter the room and force us out? Not like we'd be able to resist.
Yeah, that isn't that scary, was my point.
Actually she could mentally unbalance him by calling his father a monster.
It's mentioned that people in the Dome eat fried cicadas and such. So real animals such as those still exist, even if they're just shitty tasty insects.
Joltik isn't that big, though oversized for the parasites it's based on.
"I'm not the one who killed two innocent people."

Or even order it. Like if Ni'Aras hadn't taken us out of the game, we would have tried to stop Devon from getting his murder on.
Oh, no, I thought you were talking about how she'd stop us.

She'd punish Ceru for not following orders. Rockets may be exempt from most rules, but that's only because Giovanni can pull his connections together to get them out of a punishment. Some things are beyond his ability to cover up, and this investigation is highly important. Sabrina could punish Ceru on the grounds that she was interfering with the investigation.

Horrible idea. He's deeply entrenched in the idea of his father as being a dependable point in his life. You have to begin by setting up a foundation first.
I was talking about Sabrina.
I was calling him a monster, not his dad.
>Actually she could mentally unbalance him by calling his father a monster.
Someone was suggesting that we call his father a monster.
>"I'm not the one who killed two innocent people."
Someone was suggesting we imply that he's the real monster.

It's fine to mention that he killed some people. But we don't do that to convince him he's the real monster, because it's dumb given the current situation. We do it because his parents told him not to kill anyone. And he did.
>She'd punish Ceru for not following orders. Rockets may be exempt from most rules, but that's only because Giovanni can pull his connections together to get them out of a punishment. Some things are beyond his ability to cover up, and this investigation is highly important. Sabrina could punish Ceru on the grounds that she was interfering with the investigation.
I know she could get us punished, I was originally just saying I don't find that particularly scary, even though it is Sabrina, since I doubt she would be the one actually executing the punishment, just initiating it. I wouldn't be surprised if Giovanni wasn't particularly harsh punishing us for ticking off Sabrina when it was her that requested us and we weren't acting under his orders.
>Someone was suggesting that we call his father a monster.
I was saying that Sabrina could.
Regardless, there's no reason for us to risk it. We're a proper ranger.
Then I don't understand why you were replying to my post in the first place if it didn't relate at all to what I was saying.
>[X] Leave quietly after saying goodbye.
Yeah, think I'm the only one that was interested in pushing Sabrina.
You bow in resignation to your superior. You're in her gym right now, her authority. Best to respect the Leader...
“Goodbye Ni'Rena.” You say to the boy, yet he seems to be transfixed in fear by whatever method Leader Sabrina had employed before your go. It almost... hurts to see him like this.
As an objective he had been a threat to the safety of the dome with his efforts to detonate the power plants. Here, you saw him as a kid much like yourself.

And yet... You're the monster? He's the human? As you walk down the hall from interrogation you are joined by Alexis teleporting in beside you wearing her blank-as-usual expression tinged with only a slight bit of remorse.
“Hello Cerulean. You did a good job.”
You look to your friend and smile sadly, keeping your teeth hidden away as you've practiced,”Thanks Alexis... I didn't really want to do this...”
You see the impression of surprise written upon her face,”Oh, I see. Sorry to have requested your assistance. It won't happen again.”

That sounds strange to you,”What did you think of that last thing he said? He can't really think that we're monsters... It's stupid, right?”
“Right.” Alexis seems bleaker than usual.

“Alexis, what's wrong?” Your eyes flick back to Alexis, and you see her hand before your face charged with psionic energy.

>[] “Alexis?”
>[] Run.
>[] (Other)
>[] Run.
>Grab her hand and push it away from us, ask her what she was trying to do
We're trained in close quarters combat, right?
>[x] Run.
>>[] (Other)
Feint for dodging!

Alexis, what are you doing???

(man, do you really have to make the mindwipes nonconsensual? Sabrina could probably get her to comply with it if ordered to)
Then run.
What the fuck did we even do this time that warrants mind wiping?

Does Alexis think that it's a kindness since we said we didn't really want to do this?
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>>[x] Run

they're gonna mindwipe us again or Daddy Ni'aras is in town
Use Snarl to break her concentration (and to make her remember the time we killed her) and then run for it.
>>[] (Other)

Solemnly say "Alexis..."

Then when her guard falters, furiously hug her in hopes of putting her to sleep again, then we run. We got Thick Fat plus cat fluff, it should have a good chance of working.
it's probably just standard policy.
We just don't remember it.
>Snarl(2): A threatening expression made by baring fangs against the opponent. Instills in them a primal fear that hinders technical abilities/psionic power. Evil types may return the favor.(free action)

Yeah I think we need that to cover our escape.
Sabrina's orders, where do you think the look of regret is coming from?

She doesn't want Giovanni and the rockets in on the hybrid's secrets, she want them all for herself because she is mean and smelly and fat
Ceru doesn't remember when she killed her, you dumbo.

But Snarling is still a valid move.
Do you need a hug?
>Everyone acting ooc and metagaming
Cerulean doesn't have any reason to freak out like this. Alexis is her friend! She's never wiped her memory or nothing!
ask alexis what she's doing.
She's readying a psychic attack after we've just undergone what should probably have induced a psyker phobia.
>[] “Alexis?”
I'd say a psychic putting her hand in her face while she seems really unhappy triggers an instinctive reaction.
>implying we don't have a phobia against espers poking around in our brain without our persmission
Actually we do have a reason to go into instinctive motions. We're being startled by a psychic attack. No time to think only react.
we're developing one for sure.
Consider that we still have nightmares due to Ni'Aras getting in our head.

I think being fearful of psychic bullshit is fine after nearly shooting Goldie due to one of those nightmares.
We have all those Evil moves. They do effect us mentally remember?
That's bs and you know it. You just want an excuse to murderboner espers whenever you want.
Snarl, try to break her concentration, then skedaddle.

If she was up to something good she'd probably have told us before trying to fuck with our head.
Rolled 13 + 2

Ingenuity+4 SNARL-2

Ten +2 R+2
Evolution pain neutralized by medication.

Push and run!
1d20+4 roll!
We're not going to attack her, we're going to startle her and then run.
Dude, I'd at least flinch if someone's hand was suddenly in my face, let alone if they were a trained psychic operative clearly about to use a power.
Rolled 6 + 4

Rolled 18 + 4

Rolled 2 + 4

Praying for mercy
Rolled 20 + 4

Rolled 18 + 4

Rolled 16 + 4

Snarl is really good. I kinda wanna upgrade it sometime.
We just don't want to go through the shadowruns again.

Losing our kawaii moe catgirl who just got some crazy sweet grafts to a rapevillage and being given the option to kill her with the other options being tragically dying or praying to the dice gods is a primal fear of all neckbeards.
18 for top 3

20 for top 5

Again I forget the dice rules.

I can use buzzwords too, diplomancer
Best of 5.
I forgot them too, but it's in the pastebin. Just open it up and ctrl f "d20"
Try to not run away TOO hard.

Maybe just enough to be all "Please no more psychic stuff"
At least being a diplomancer is in character for Ceru.
you guys know Sabrina is just going brain rape us..... the painful way, right?
Yeah, I voted for 'whoa, lets talk about this.'
because really, running away, from inside the Saffron Gym?
Was going to ask if you guys remember they get around by teleporting...
nah, this is more of recoiling from sudden psychic stuff coming at our face.

It's just the same as if one of your friends made a punching motion at your face. Except this time they might be serious.
Well I don't really see what the fuck you want from us.
we can still try talking to Alexis immediately.

"Please don't, I got enough of that kind of crap at the village. I don't want that from you, you're better than that."

we standing up for ourselves.
I still kind of wanted that 20 to be used on hugsleeping her.

Too late for that, though, huh?

Still no reason to just lie down and take it. I can imagine Ceru being very tired of the esper crap after the village.
No Alexis isn't.
>we almost kill her
>while half dead ourself
>monopolized Goldie
She enjoys this
You knock Alexis's hand out of the way, your smile disappearing as you reveal your teeth and gums in a responsive snarl that contorts your features into something more... predatory.
"Alexis... What are you doing?" A low rumble within your throat the beginnings of a feline growl.

The Esper's hand trembles within your grasp as she looks you in the eye, her eyes betraying her fear as she stumbles over her words,"Ce-Ceru, I'm... Sorry. Sabrina..."

That's all you need to hear as you realize that there's been some kind of compromise to your situation.

You let your features soften and pull Alexis into a hug,"Alexis, we're friends, right?"
She seems surprised by the sudden embrace, but relaxes against your cold fur."Yes." She whispers, still shaking a bit. Too soon for your cold body.
“And we're rockets right?” You ask this question more sternly, testing her resolve much like boss would.
Alexis freezes for a moment before nodding.

“Get us out of here.”

Psychic energy wells up around the two of you before you're teleported directly outside. Alexis looking away from the gym.
“We need to leave.” Still within your embrace you're teleported again, this time standing in front of Saffron station.

“Alexis, what was that about?” You ask as she starts walking off to the platform, sliding her I.D. For electronic confirmation to get through to Veridian platform.
“We'll talk at the Dorms, come on.” She tries not to look back at you entirely as you slide your I.D. through as well.

The ride on the Electro-Tram is a quiet one with a few people paying you mind. Not many go from Saffron to Veridian at this time of day and you're thankful for it.
Apologize for getting her in trouble in advance.
>>monopolized Goldie
and actually, we've pretty much let her have her space with goldie, we interrupted, once, maybe twice, when we had other concerns.
Is that it?
I meant before she became a Rocket and before he grew his whiskers, but yea she is making up for lost ground
You arrive back at the dorms around the early evening, dark clouds covering the sun and beginning to pitter-patter water against the dome. It's looking like it's going to be another storm...

You and Alexis get back to her room and she shuts the blinds and locks the doors with a telekinetic wave before sitting at the foot of her bed, drawing her knees into her chest, her eyes still avoiding yours as her mask is broken.
“I'm sorr-” You begin to apologize.
“I'm sorry Cerulean, I shouldn't have called you there. It was stupid and Leader Sabrina humored me. I shouldn't have brought you in on the hybrid.”

“What were you going to do to me?” You sit down on the floor across from her, noticing that this space is exceptionally clean.
“Erase your memory. Leader didn't want you to remember...” She seems to trail of there, clutching her head with a bit of apprehension.

“Remember what Alexis?” You reach across the space between the two of you and law a hand upon her shoulder, causing her to jump instantly.
“I... She didn't want you remember... Ni'Aras being human.”

You stare at her for this. You hadn't thought much on it at all. Not enough to even consider it being something worth thinking about,”Alexis... What does that mean?”
She shrugs at that, shaking her head,”I don't know much myself. I was only following orders. But.. But I'm a rocket, right? We're rockets, I'm not Saffron anymore...” She swallows hard as if trying to convince herself as the passionless act recedes further and further with her mounting worry.

>[] “What does it mean?
>[] “We need to talk to Boss.”
>[] “Let's just keep it between the two of us... If I write it down can you wipe out the memory that I did it?”
>[] (Other)
>[] “What does it mean?
Let's start with this?
>[X] “What does it mean?"
>[X] “We need to talk to Boss.”

Tell her that we can speak to the boss alone if she doesn't want to. Leave her anonymous for plausible deniability.
but... we saw he was humanlike on our mission.
You'd have to erase the whole thing to make us forget!
>[x] “What does it mean?
The feel when you weren't the one being interrogated.
It's nice to see Boss' indoctrination working to our advantage.

>[] “What does it mean?
>[] “We need to talk to Boss.”
"You saw Ni'Aras's exile in my head didn't you? He didn't look human to me. And Ni'Rena didn't get grafts from anyone, and yet humans don't normally look like he does."
>[] (Other)
Confused stuttering noises followed by "But I saw him. He wasn't human."
>[x] “What does it mean?
did you mean to say 'doing the interrogating'?
God fucking damnit I thought you said you'd be taking a break from the shadowruns.

Now are you saying you had us already hypnotized in the thread and never told us?
Or rather, he spoke as if he wasn't human.

I mean, he was human enough to pass off as a ranger, anyway. So the only indication of whether or not he's human is his own admittance.
>>[] (Other)
>Confused stuttering noises followed by "But I saw him. He wasn't human."

This. What's Alexis talking about? Were we hypnotized to think of Ni'Aras as a yellow hook-nosed ki- monster? Because Devon sure as hell saw that he was a monster, what with the clawed hand and all. Right?
I took that as she was humoring us doing to interrogating so she could gauge our feelings and reaction to the humanoid monsters.
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Wild and most likely stupid speculation!

Ni'aras is Goldie's Father
And Machops came about when Ygg walked into a musclegirl strip club.
>Now are you saying you had us already hypnotized in the thread and never told us?
Woah. Woah, woah, woah.

It's been a few week's break from shadowruns.
And that's way too shadowrun. Even if it's par the course for Sabrina.

I found out about Sabrina's more recent look after I already introduced her. Those power bangles look rad.
Ni'Rena definitely isn't all human, and he definitely demonstrated both psychic powers and the ability to create poison gas.

So I don't know what the fuck Ygg is playing at, but I'm pretty fucking sick of it.
Well unless Sabrina is SO fucking racist that she thinks only humans can be people, or already brainwashed Alexis, then I'm not sure what you're doing here.
>[X] “What does it mean?
>[X] “We need to talk to Boss.”
This >>30491996
>[] “What does it mean?
>[] “We need to talk to Boss.”
This... this is porn, isn't it?
What? No! Don't be silly!

Its cropped porn
You know what they say about men with big noses...
I mean, if you want porn, I can write some.
“Alexis... I.. I saw Ni'Aras, he had a big nose and even claws. How is something like that human?” You withdraw yourself, letting your hand limp before turning it to look at your gloved hand. “And we're the monsters? That doesn't make any sense. What does it mean?”

The esper across from you shrugs,taking a deep breath,”I'm not sure. Ceru. Like I said, I was just following orders. Leader Sabrina wanted it gone, and she was going to do the same to me alright?” She takes another breath trying to calm herself as the idleness is getting to her.
“Let's tell Boss. He'll know what to do, he always knows what to do.” You stand and offer Alexis your hand, that she takes gratefully as she undoes the door, stealing a fearful glance at you.

“I'm sorry Ceru, I'm really sorry.”
“It's fine,” You pull her along, putting on your big-girl britches,”We're going to be okay.

Along in the hallway, you ask her about the dream she took you out of. The one with Ni'Aras and all that other crazy stuff,”You saw him too right?”
“Yeah... I told leader about it. She wasn't happy.” You catch her staring at you as you nearly drag her by the hand.
“I'm sorry.” She says again.
“What for?”
She doesn't say anything more on that.

As the two of you are on your way to Boss's office, you run into Devon. He looks at the two of you holding hands in pssing and puts a hand on your shoulder suddenly.
“Hey, where the Reverse are you two going? Look like you're in a rush.”

Your eyes light up for a moment when you see Devon, even as Alexis reels in fear from her “raw” state.
>[] Ignore Devon.
>[] Bring Devon in on this.
>[] (Other)
>[] Bring Devon in on this.
Let's ask him what he saw of the Hypno.

Trust building exercises! No one likes getting left out, after all.
>>[x] (Other)

"nothing the boss can't handle...say, what do you remember about the leader from the village?"
>[] Bring Devon in on this.
"You saw Ni'aras, right? Something weird is going on and Boss needs to know about it."
>[X] Bring Devon in on this.

We need him there in case we get ambushed on the way. If we tell him what's happening, there's a permanent record of it.

Also, help calm Alexis down.
>[] Bring Devon in on this.

He was involved in all the stages of this, and he is pretty much immune to Esper bullshit.

Ask him what he remembers about Ni'Aras and his son.
>[X] Bring Devon in on this.

He was at the village, and this could be important.
>>[] Bring Devon in on this.
>he is pretty much immune to Esper bullshit.
Which is why he'd be good for getting some accurate information. I mean, even if he didn't talk with Ni'Aras for all that long, he did see him and should be able to provide a suitable description.
Can we stop being retarded enough to recognize that Ni'Rena called Cerulean a monster because we attacked his parents and he holds us responsible for Devon burning his village down and killing his friends?
>He looks at the two of you holding hands in pssing and puts a hand on your shoulder suddenly.
>“Hey, where the Reverse are you two going? Look like you're in a rush.”
I was really expecting a crass comment regarding lesbianism.
>[X] Bring Devon in on this.
Just ask devon to describe Niaras

To make sure we're not crazy.
"That esper dyke trying to steal my fat cat tats? NOT ON MY WATCH!!
>It's been a few week's break from shadowruns.
That's just because you haven't been running any quests recently.

Because before this there was Lilac shadowruns as well.
>implying he doesn't just want to join in

He could have TWO bitches instead of just one!

If we tell him to come along, I expect him to grin and happily agree because he actually IS thinking about lesbos and threesomes
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>People actually think Devon likes Ceru
>Because of a fanmade rape-fic
That or the fact that he dropped his spaghetti some time ago and told Ceru that she "obviously likes him". You know. Back when we tried to invite him to lunch.

The way he delivered the line indicates otherwise. Like, as if it was natural that the people at the domes fall under the label of 'monster'.
nah, the whole Devon is tsundere for fat cat popped well before that.

I think Prof said there was subtle hints about that.
There HAVE been a few hints. He did say something about him thinking she has a secret crush on him.

The next rapefic with the two won't be done until next thread because I'm lazy. After that, I'll write something lighter and fluffier. Like Bruise and Kitty.
>Haven't been running any quests recently
He ran two overhuman limit threads in the past 4 days and the last AoPH was a week ago.
It appeared before that. Remember the phonecall where Devon was all like "HAHAHA I BET YOU EVEN HAVE A SECRET CRUSH ON ME HAHAHAHA" in an extremely awkward way and then hung up? The connotations were pretty obvious.

I only started shipping them because of the smut though. God help me I hate myself for it, but what can you do.
Alright, hasn't been running AoPH recently, since the last week's thread brought the shadowruns back with a shady interview with Ni'Rena.

And now absolutely nothing makes sense, because Ygg twisted so hard his head fell off.
>Live in a magical realm that I never see in quests
>Know that I would be able to easily transplant it to this one in the form of a smut pastebin
>Feel conflicted, kinda want to save it for my own quest
Such is life.
Like in the quest, no one has seen Drowzee or Hypno before, so it be an illusion of some kind makes no sense.

And if Sabrina misspoke when she said Ni'Aras was human and instead merely meant "sapient" then what the fuck was her plan to deal with Giovanni?

Or is he in on this too?
I expect the boss to be pissed purely because somebody tried to mindwipe one of his subordinates.
“Devon, can we borrow you for a bit? We need your help with something.” You say while looking back to Alexis as she pulls at you away from him.
“What, too important for just the two of you to handle? I mean, I guess-” He smiles, revealing his enhanced with the start of an evil chuckle cut short by you grabbing his hand and dragging him along with Alexis to Giovanni's office. At least, it would be both of them if Alexis didn't pull on ahead to put distance between herself and Devon.

“Baldie's scared? Aww she was so cool a few days ago, what's this shit about Fattie?” His grin widens as he laughs, reveling in Alexis's display.
You'd slap him if only you had your other hand free.

“The village, did you see Ni'Aras?”
“Ni'Freaking who?”
“Ni'Aras. The Monster that controlled the village.”
“Guy with the big-fuckin' bug monster? Yeah, I mighta seen him, slit his throat or something. You know.”

Your mouth droops a little bit as your eyes widen,”You killed him?!”
“Maybe, I don't know, killed a lot of people.” There's an uncharacteristic shiver that runs through his body for a moment before he looks down at your hand holding his.
“I saw a yellow monster that looked like person, had claws and was going on about some stupid shit after I restrained you. Why is this important?”

“Esper business.”

“Esper bugshit more like it. I told you how you need to deal with them.” His lips pull back into a snarl at that, but you're not even looking.
“I... I know but this is different. Leader Sabr-”
“That cunt?! What's she got to do with-”

You shush Devon, and somehow he actually shuts up,”We're going to boss to find out.”
If he is, then we're about to receive one hell of a mindwipe.
>“Maybe, I don't know, killed a lot of people.” There's an uncharacteristic shiver that runs through his body for a moment before he looks down at your hand holding his.

Oh Devon
well, at least now we know we weren't hallucinating that because sabrina implanted that memory.
it's OK if boss giovanni orders it.
don't mind the indoctrination
Nah, she's just pressed against a wall in an alleyway. They're also older, so Ceru has actual boogaloos instead of being loli-flat. I did this because reasons.

>that hand-holding

Devon's gonna do something in the bathroom after this, and it isn't going to be materializing spoons

Prof, was Ceru refrigerating her hand at the time?
withholding this information would be cruel and dastardly, considering it is regarding the MC's own actions
It's because his human side is showing a bit of regret, because Ceru's humanity and innocence reminds him of his own pre-implant
Giant kitty titties of frost
yes please
Surprisingly, I'd be fine with a mindwipe too if Giovanni told us to.

It's horrifying how fine I am with doing things Giovanni tells us to do.
Probably automatically cold.

I wanted Ceru to hugsleep Alexis, but I guess we don't automatically keep the cold in and the warmth on our blubber, so our fur was cold, making it inappropriate for knocking people out with our hugs.
Giovanni knows best
I wouldn't. Mom would want us to follow what is right, and we know that mind wiping us of things like that is bad.
We need to Master Rest to the point where we can force others into a state of Rest via Hug.
Eh, I wouldn't be.

I mean it seems like the kind of thing that subconsciously erodes trust while also leaving us without any defenses should we re-encounter a sapient monster.

Plus we already think Ni'Aras is a jerk.
I don't think bringing Mom into this would be in-character until we get to a decision where we'd have to support or oppose killing Ni'Aras and his family.
that move is called Yawn.
Dewgong literally stores thermal energy inside its body so it could counteract the negative qualities of the freezing sacs
Really? after us JUST hearing the message from Mom?

But Yawn does not heal them.
I guess it depends on what Ni'Aras is doing at the time.

Because if he isn't currently aggressing us, then he's too dangerous to fight. Since, considering how highly Ni'Rena spoke of him, I do think Ni'Aras knows Zen Headbutt.
I'm scared that Ni'Aras is going to go to whatever "Village" that he was banished from and return with a massive amount of Psychics to fuck us up.
Goddamnit not this again, we fucking fought him, we know how strong he was, and it wasn't that impressive. He just had Ceru alone when he was meant to be a team encounter.
LOL good joke.
He doesn't know how to return, they're mindwiping psychics, their exiles don't get to come back.
He shrugged off our attacks like it was nothing.

And even if at the time he was a team encounter, that doesn't mean that Ygg wouldn't be well within his rights to alter that, considering the changed circumstances.

Pretty sure the Hypno Council made sure he had no idea how to return to Eubrana.
The dome falls not to a Legendary, but to a horde of Alakazam, Drowzee, Hypno, Jynx, and Mr Mime.
Spheal can learn it, but not the Seel line.

But we could probably do it anyways through training. Or just use the same principle we used on Alexis and invent our own version of Yawn. We're human, after all. And it would really help the next time we get into a situation where we need to knock someone out.
Oh, well i still think we should be worried about this "Eubrana" place. I don't think we would be able to fight them.
I like to think that Kadabra/Alakazam are racist against even other Esper species.
You do realize how slow Yawn is?
Of course there would be a Heirarchy among the village/commune. And of course the Alakazam have taken their rightful place at the top.
It's not like they'll want to fight back when they realize they're being squeezed by the cutest thing ever. Then we channel psychic energies as we furiously cuddle them and BAM they're asleep.
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We wouldn't.

Thankfully, they don't seem to want trouble.

Or they're secretly running the dome and rolling around in piles of sheke-I mean yen.
Pokemon Esper Academy Quest when?

Could be some hilarious greentext stories here
Eh, I'm just saying that I doubt Eubrana was a mixed community.
I wonder how Sabrina would feel about it?
Waiting outside the office, Devon's finally taken his hand back, crossing his arms in the chair as the three of you wait to be called in. Alexis doesn't seem to have stopped freaking out for what it's worth as you lend her a hand upon her shoulder to try to help her out a bit.
Devon cracks some snide remark about you trying to feel her up and you give him a sharp elbow that only ends with him laughing it off.

When the three of you are called in, you notice right away that no one leaves the office... What were you waiting for...

As you open the door, you see why inside. Sabrina sits across from boss and to the side, two chairs pushed up beside her in preparation for the meeting.
She frowns ever so slightly when she sees Devon come through,”Another chair for your dog.”
“Least I'm not a bitch.” Devon speaks off-handedly causing Sabrina's porcelain features to sneer at the ranger even as Alexis blanks with her eyes sinking into her head as her previous whimpers grow silent.
“Devon.” Boss says one word and Devon sobers with a salute and a “sir.”

“Alexis, Cerulean, please have a seat. Devon, please pull up a chair. You may sit next to me.”
Devon snickers as you glance between the two with a slightly building jealousy. Why does he get to be next to boss? That's not fair...

As Devon pulls up a chair, Giovanni begins this little meeting.

“It is my understanding that the four of you currently bear rather sensitive information regarding the identity of our young guest and his father.” Boss touches the name-plate on his desk that says “Rocket Leader Giovanni, ”pushing it forward and adjusting it.
“And that One of you,”His eyes roll to Sabrina, she doesn't react,” Would like to spare the other three from learning of it.”

His eyes linger on Sabrina as he continues, a stern glare fixated upon the violet-haired woman,”And I would be very pleased to think that my own people would face a certain degree of respect from their peers.”
I feel like the term "council" implies many different parties being represented. Not to mention the nature of Hypnos is solitary so i doubt that there at a ton of them.
Not everyone is going to think of a fur covered human as cute.
Not to mention the teeth, claws, forearm spikes, large forearms, cat eyes. Would scare normal people. and those that it doesn't scare know how dangerous we are.
tell that to furries they are a lot scarier than what they obsess over
Hey sluts. I wrote some smut.

Ceru x Devon. And it's consensual. I think the other anon's rapefic was better written though.

Huh. Did Sabrina realize that her plan was fucked when Alexis didn't report back in, and decided to get it over with?

Or is this whole thing just a little stage play Giovanni and Sabrina are putting on for our benefit?
True. I'd imagine non-rangers see rangers as being horribly deformed with the features of the same monsters trying to kill everybody.
While to all fluff providers And QMs have
I feel like we should apologize for freaking out.
We just are trying to not get blindsided by psychics any more.
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have self deprication issues?

cut it off on accident
>Consider Ceru and Devon to be several years older than canon.
And instantly closed out.
We didn't freak out. We ran away from a threat.

Sabrina needs to learn that she can't just wipe every problem away.
I don't think they're saying that Sabrina DIDN'T want to have us mindwiped.
So your a pedo then?
I think mine conveyed Devon's crush pretty damn well, but some parts still felt off to me. The second one I'm writing is more dark 'n' rapey, which is what I think people expected.

Reading yours now...
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ill hook u in ur gabr, m8

Because anything less than perfection is shit.
...but for real, I dunno. Maybe because we're anons, and anons are just sensitive to rejection or something?

Nigga please. It's mentioned like... twice in the whole thing.

Yeah, Devon kind of vacillates wildly in general. I kept noticing myself writing him too far one way and having to swing back and fix it.
>all business
I do respect my peers sir, what I don't respect is being blind sided by esper mind wipes and shadow games. Considering recent events you can see how I might've over reacted to a friend and fellow rocket being forced against me against her will, but perhaps if a simply explanation before going with plan B.
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>there are people in this very thread don't read Ceru lines and monologues in Hilary Haag's voice
He wasn't talking about us anon. How did you miss that he was talking directly too Sabrina?
Has anyone noticed that anyone that's breaking the rules gravitates towards Cerulean?

That's gotta make like 4 now
Only Lilac and Alexis now.
mostly because I have forgotten her voice. So please, remind me
Opposites attract, anon.
We're a diplomancer and we just like to help people with their problems.

We made friends with Lilac, who was already a bit unstable.
We convinced Alexis not to mindwipe us immediately, so she decided to not follow through.
And... who else? Bruise is our big bro, so he supports whatever we want to do, like search for Goldie when he goes missing despite JUST getting out of nearly-fatal surgery.

her thing is childlike innocent characters

she voiced Super Milk Chan in Super Milk Chan and Satsuki in this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys8Onvl1uxA
Sabrina sits calmly, staring at Alexis with a passive expression even as the girl visibly fidgets in her seat as he eyes travel from Boss to Sabrina.

“I will not have secret conversations take please within this meeting Sabrina.” Boss does not look at her. Alexis soon stops fidgeting.

“I did not feel that your rangers were ready to hear the full extent of the Indigo reports. Often it is reserved between the Elite Four, We Leaders, the Rockets and whomever else we select. You know that-”
“I know Sabrina. But you went above my head in dealing with my rangers.” Boss interrupts Sabrina. The woman's placid expression is uninterrupted as she closes her eyes.

“Would you like me to tell them why you lose your head when it comes to this matter?” Boss's glare upon Sabrina is dead serious.
“You wouldn't dare.” Sabrina's calm is interrupted as her eyes widen with anger.
You feel your own lips pull into a snarl at her disposition to boss.

“Cerulean, respect.” Boss says two words and you tuck yourself back into your seat.

“I will decide when they are ready to learn of the Indigo files. Not you. You are not their leader Sabrina.”

The woman's quiet, put into her place for the time being as boss turns to you and Alexis. “I'm willing to answer your questions regarding this matter. I warn you that depending on how you react to this information I may need to commission Leader Sabrina's assistance in removing this knowledge from you- and Devon in other ways. I swear you to secrecy. If you choose to remain ignorant I will exempt you from the rocket program and return you to your original gyms or Veridian if there's none for your typing. Do you understand?”

>[] “Yes Boss.”(Continue)
>[]"No Boss." (Return to Misty's Gym.)
>Ask your questions based on what you already know...
>[] “Yes Boss.”(Continue)
>>[] “Yes Boss.”(Continue)
Tell me everything
>[] “Yes Boss.”(Continue)
Yes boss
>[x] “Yes Boss.”(Continue)

Lilac needs us and besides, we'd never disappoint the boss.
>Yes Boss
It's no problem if it's Giovanni who wants us to keep quiet.

Are we supposed to ask questions?

Well, I'm sure Giovanni will tell us why this must be kept secret, but we may as well ask what the consequences of this information spreading may be. If it's so important that Sabrina would wipe our memory of it, it must be a pretty huge deal.
>>[] “Yes Boss.”(Continue)
"Everything you can comfortably say."
>[x] “Yes Boss.”
Why is there a conspiracy boss?
"Why did Sabrina refer to Ni'Aras as a 'human' and not a 'person'?"
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>[] “Yes Boss.”(Continue)

We would die for Lord Giovanni.
Oh shit, point of no return. This is where we find out that Pokeblocks are people!

The first secret that Giovanni tells us is the identity of our father. It's him.
>>[] “Yes Boss.”(Continue)

Always pick everything
Here we go. Time for "the wall is titans" to happen.
Giovanni is everyone's father. Literally.
Oh damn, we're the Wall Cult in this scenario then!
Where did that happen? Because Sabrina hasn't said that.
>Indigo reports

Oh boy, government secrets incoming.
>[] “Yes Boss.”(Continue)

"Bruise is only half human isn't he?"
Alexis said that Sabrina said that here>>30491903
She would have had to say it to order Alexis to erase from Ceru's mind the fact that Ni'aras was human.
>“I... She didn't want you remember... Ni'Aras being human.”
He's referring to that, I suppose.
"From what I heard, and what Ni'Aras left in my head, he seemed to have come from a place called Eubrana that's populated by... other people like him.

Are they already known about and accounted for?"
We know Bruise doesn't have any implants, right? Is Ceru a smart enough cookie to make the connection with Ni'Rena?
Tell me everything Boss.

I would like to get a clear answer for once and quit it with all these shadowruns.

I was thinking of it in the terms of "Erase what Ni'Rena said."
>>[X] “Yes Boss.”(Continue)
"Why is it so important to know that humans aren't the only intelligent lifeforms in the world? It seems like it could lead to a lot of casualties if rangers aren't prepared for that variable."
pretty sure Bruce got machoke implants
>less monster more muscle man
Oh. That mistake cause A LOT of shadowruns
Yeah, "person" and "human" aren't synonymous, especially in cases like this.
Has been confirm that he hasn't many many times. Please read the threads.
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those 2 extra arms he grows are gonna be a bitch aren't they?
She's a pretty smart cookie, and she's met both of them.

She knows how human they can look, and that it would explain an awful lot about him, like why he hasn't taken any other grafts.

No, no he didn't. It has been confirmed by DM that his stuff is natural, not grafts.
To keep hidden rather, instead of know.
Whoops. Figures that Sabrina wouldn't want us to remember anything about the hybrid. She's that kind of control freak/ hates hybrids.

Pretty sure it was stated outright that Bruise was a hybrid.

>"What does Sabrina not want us to know?"

Didn't realize we were supposed to writein.
"Ni'Rena's mother claimed that Ni'Aras abducted her as a child, and essentially brainwashed her into being his bride, and I can't fathom what motive she'd have for lying about that.

Have there been any live prisoners from the village, as a way of checking what method of recruitment Ni'Aras used?"
>his stuff is natural
Depends on your definition of "natural" but i get ya.
What happened between Bruno and Bruise's wife can only be described as natural. Bow chicka wow wow.
>Pretty sure it was stated outright that Bruise was a hybrid.
Not that guy but it hasn't been out right stated but only implied.
"How many more... species? Like Ni'Aras are there?"

Asking how many types of sapient pokemon the Dome knows about.
>Bruise's wife
His mother, I mean.

He's wrong, but it was stated in the story that Bruise didn't have implants. Back when we first met him, actually.
hey. what happens between a man, a bottle of wild turkey, and confused animal is their business. They ain't hurting nobody.
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>Bruce, hurry back inside
>your mother made/killed lunch
>Ain't hurting no body
Tell that to Bruise's dad's shattered pelvis
No implants is a looong way form hybrid. And ceru only knows that
1. he has been going to the doctors since he can remember
2. has always been like he is
3. won't take any implants
How do you send private messages to people on twitter if they aren't following you?
Implying Bruno wan't the one doing the pelvis shattering.


I'm too tired and high to type
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Worth it.

...so, what do you think the range of cross-species impregnation is? Is there like a village of Eevee hybrids somewhere, lorded over by some very happy furries. Do the Dome hospitals have special protocol for when somebody fucks the family Meowth or something?
humanoid egggroup.
Same egg group.

So humanoid shape only.

And something that won't kill them on contact.
It's probably not that easy. It'd be retarded if it was.

Hypno (I think) are humanoid eggroup. It probably has to be there, or amorphous (which I believe the game says is allowed to have eggs with any other egg group)


Professor asked if Gardevoir was in...

I'm betting Human-Like egg group only. So the Abra, Machop, and Drowzee families, the Hitmons, Jynx, Mr. Mime, also Electabuzz and Magmar which is... pretty out there.
You're thinking of the Ditto egg group
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Still think it should include Blaziken.
Bisharp ... a ginsu for a dick
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Mr Mime you say?

Jesus christ how horrifying
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Lilac's origin.

Wear a condom

...whaaa.. How would you?

You nod with a “Yes Sir!” Devon replicates the motion. That only leaves Alexis, whom seems to still be in her vulnerable state. She looks between everyone, finally stopping at the boss.
“Y-yes sir!” She rubs at her hands gingerly, dropping her eyes to the ground as she slowly calms down.

“Cerulean, as the one with the most level-headed among my recruits I give you the floor to ask questions.” Boss nods to you, giving you the approval.

“What are the Indigo reports?”

Boss begins,” The Indigo Reports are reports from the Indigo Plateu's Elite Four and their entourage as they search distant lands as they check up on Legendary Class monsters. These reports are highly confidential and permitted only to those that are to go on long-distance travels. This is not disclosed to standard Rangers as they are not often commissioned to go even beyond the Silver Range or Green Scar.

These reports are kept confidential to maintain troop morale against the odds we are up against and the enemies we face.
For instance, Zapdos, which had been revealed to the public a year and a half ago had been reported in the Indigo files for some time under watch by Bruno of the Elite Four, whom is currently missing with no report from his entourage.”

You see Sabrina tense up as Boss speaks, even sneer and bite her lip a little bit, yet she says nothing.

Boss continues,” Pertaining to your finding of the Hybrid, “Ni'Rena as he is called, this is another piece of sensitive information. It is recent, but we have made contact with people that do not live within a dome nearly two years ago.”

Your mouth drops at this bit,”How?” Are the only words that leave your mouth.”

Giovanni crosses his hands upon his desk,”How indeed. What is even more peculiar is that they look like us. The appearance of being changed, part moster.”

>[] (Any other specific questions?)
I'm thinking a grass ranger could fuck a Cacture and have a baby.
So now they're not just desert murder scarecrows, they're desert murder rape scarecrows too?
>who wouldn't fuck that?
>That fucking pic.

It's worse than you think it is.
>>[x] (Any other specific questions?)

How did the contact go? friendly? hostile? neutral?
They're actively expanding the desert?
"Was it from a place called Eubrana?"
How long has bruno been missing?
Poor bruise.
Are they hostile?
If you truly believe that then that must mean there are intelligent creatures out there, able to cooperate and..... expand the population with those either trapped outside of or willingly left the domes
We will never visit the desert.
followed by
I have no more specific questions. On to the rest of the report.
"I understand why knowledge of something as powerful as Zapdos would be kept secret, but why would knowing that humans aren't the only things capable of having villages and communities just as secret?

It seems like Ni'Rena's crimes could have been prevented, if the Dome knew what to screen.
steam roll that shit hole, cover it in asphalt, make it a park lot. a pay parking lot.
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>"You said we made contact with them? How do they survive without a dome? Are they grafted, or hybrids or what?"
>"Can I look at the Indigo Reports? Or is that above my classification?

...You're scaring me. Canon Cacturne is the stuff of nightmares already.

Where's your spirit of adventure?
>pic related

FOR MAMA!!!!!!!!!!
Who were these "people"? Did they resemble Ni'Abras?
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>hey, trapped in the desert all by yourself with no girlfriend?
i could be your girlfriend
"How did contact go? Was it peaceful or hostile?

Does the name Eubrana mean anything to you?

Did any of them have aspects of more than one monster instead of being part human and part something else?

Is Bruise a hybrid as well? Would that mean that Bruno had peaceful and possibly romantic interactions with a non-human?"
He may not necessarily be speaking about Ni'Abras' people.

He could be talking about the race of Bruise's mother.
"Were they all "changed" in the same way? Is it possible they just always look like that?"
Should be mentioned

Should be asked somewhere near the end

Should be brought up. Ceru would say it because of mom.

We could lead with this

If it isn't answered then ask it

Ask about Bruise being a hybrid

Ask if we've made contact with Eubrana
That's exactly the kind of hippy-dippy bullshit that gets us mindwiped.

I mean I agree with you, but I don't think this is the right audience.
The people the dome made contact with 2 years ago may not necessarily have been the Hypnos. Ask what those "people" were like. Did they resemble the descriptions we gave of Ni'Abras, or were they different in some other way?

Are there any explanations for why these people changed the way they did?
It us very very IC due to Moms message that we just got, not to mention the talk with the kid, AND our sympathy for him
if people are becoming part monster without super secret labs and surgery then they can only be doing it the old fashioned way, its a fair question
It's not that IC since we don't have a reason to try and assert it right now. We should just wait and listen for now while we're being briefed.
Hey, Prof did say that field grafting is possible.

Maybe Monsters are grafting Monsters to themselves?
We trust Boss enough to bring it up. Not enough to overly push the matter, but enough to at least bring it up.
true but I think Boss sounded surprised they were monster like at all, field work would be sloppy and noticeable but nothing to get worked up over
Nigga we trust Boss more than almost anyone in the world save Momma.
Got done with it. Was distracted by thread.

Hell, I think your descriptions far outclass mine. Only problem that I saw was that it the prose was a bit stiff at times, such as in the beginning, but the sex scene was damn good and the whole story had excellent clarity.

Dialogue could have been different and toned down in some spots in my opinion, but it was great where it counted and complimented the story greatly.

Black and purple dick sounds stupid, though. And I don't think plate tails bend that way.

Overall, 11/10 would fap to again.
We can bring up the idea of cooperation, but like I said, now is not appropriate. Now is the time to absorb information. Did you... did you actually read my post or did you just skip through it?
We are being told to ask all the questions we want. This is a major question, I do not see the problem here.
>“Cerulean, as the one with the most level-headed among my recruits I give you the floor to ask questions.”
Regardless of what you think, this just isn't the time since Sabrina is here. Also,
>Believing that we can truly ask whatever question we want

You are really dumb aren't you?
Ceru knows that without a doubt (in her mind) that Boss will protect her from Sabrina. And we do no thin Boss is a bad man, we do not think that he would wipe our mind for asking whether we have tried a peaceful option. He might if we pressed the issue or insisted on some shit, but not if we just asked.

Literally anyone who does that is fucking stupid. and Giovanni is not stupid.
It was not a question. It was a suggestion.

We can ask how the meeting went with the people outside of the dome.

What the original post said just doesn't flow at all in the conversation.
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G-gawsh, thanks anon.

I tend to get waaayy too into writing dialogue and have these long fucking conversations.

...I honestly didn't even think of what color Devon's dick would be. I wrote it as dark as in he's fairly tanned, and his skin is a darker than ours. Because tanned guys are sexy.

As for Ceru's tail, I kept forgetting the stupid thing was there and had to go back and mention it. Notice how her horn made 0 appearances during the blowjob. I had already written the scene and just said fuck it when I remembered.

Be nice now, Anon. I think a general question like "what did we find out about these people outside the dome?" would answer most of our questions along these lines. They might be grafting, they might be hybridizing, they might be titan-shifters, who knows?
It still applies. He would not wipe our mind for a simple suggestion. and anyone who does is fucking incompetent.
I always assumed Devons skin was the color of Houndooms skin. Pitch black, not nigger black, but pitch black.
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“How did it go? Were they friendly?”

Giovanni closes his eyes,”More than one group. We've received mixed results. Some have also been soured by those that have not differentiated them from common monsters. They often label us as monsters based on the forms we must take to venture out so far... And we, them as we had no way of telling that they were different from the usual rabble. The contact 2 years ago involved the capture of a child. It was requested by...”

“Me.” Sabrina finally speaks up. “It was a creature of burgeoning telepathic potential. That which my child had been severely lacking. We've been unable to locate it's true origin. There was however,,, Other contact prior.” Sabrina grits her teeth in frustration all of a sudden.

Boss picks up now,”Leader Bruno had made contact with another group of intelligent monsters. His reports told that while they were wary and hostile at first, his feats of strength won their respect. They are however extremely wary of other Rangers and like to kill them if rubbed the wrong way.
Human-form monsters are far more dangerous than your average wild monster as they often possess intellect that may compare to our own.”

You see a pause and throw in another question,”What did they look like?”

“Unlike us...” The boss sighs,”They are born the way they are. Some may pass for human, others more alien might pass for Ranger, It is quite often though that they appear uniform. One monster in their biology.”
You're quiet for a moment, taking this all in.

"People outside of the dome... Have you heard of a place called Eubrana?" You look up to boss, determination in your face as you do what you can to help.
Boss sighs,"Unfortunately not. It is likely too far for us to receive reports from it at a regular basis. If it's dominated by Espers is a whole other thing as well. You know their tricks." His eyeballs fall to Sabrina.

> It seems like he's told you a lot.
>[] Ask more questions.
>[] Let it go. You have things to think about.
Ask about Bruise.
Never, unless we decide to do 6th gen AoPH. We're already committed to Water/Ice, and I don't think Devon would want either fire fox grafts.

To be fair, nobody wants to be stabbed in the kidney when they get a blowjob.
>[] Ask more questions.

Ask about Bruise, I think we can work out from all this information that Bruise is a Hybrid as well.
>[] Ask more questions.

"This might be a bit out of line, but can you tell me what legendary class monsters are nearest to our dome?"

>his feats of strength won their respect
Heh. Feats of strength. Yeah.

Prof, can you confirm if Ceru has heard that Bruise doesn't possess any implants? Just to settle this?

Also, ask Giovanni what's to be expected of us three now that we've heard of this information. We definitely won't be telling anyone, but was there any other reason for why we were made privy to all this?
Odd, I was certain that Gardevior was in that group
Nope, Amorphous.
And amorphous means that she can have an egg from EVERYTHING
>>[] Ask more questions.
...Shit. That seems obvious now. I wrote Cerulean as full white like she is in canon, but for some reason I wrote Devon as not being entirely furry. I didn't think it was ever said if he had all that fur grafted, but I thought it'd be hotter if he had like a bare chest, with fur on his arms and stuff.

>"Sir, if we tracked down and captured the rogue monster, Ni'Aras, we could use his knowledge to find the locations of more human-form monster dwellings. He traveled quite a lot, he must have seen a lot of places."

Seconded. I'd like to see if we could read the Indigo Reports, but I feel like we'd have a fatal case of Shadowruns if we did.
It's the human of the pokemon world
I thought so too. This works to my advantage.

Ceru never really quizzed him on why he's different. He's just Bruise. Looks like most other rangers. Now would be the time to put 2 and 2 together.

Ditto is its own egg-group. Amorphous is only for amorphous.
It's shared by koffing and Grimer.
I just want to know what exactly Lorelay meant that there's only RED in silver and I figure that asking about legendary class pokemon near the dome is a subtle way of doing this.
>Now would be the time to put 2 and 2 together.
Well then, ask away!

>Sir, did the people Bruno make contact with possess...grey skin?
I always assumed houndour/houndoom didn't have fur, since it wouldn't survive the flame of its environment. I assumed its skin was kinda leathery.
Professor pls
Gardevoir is my fav pokemon
Sorry ranger. Gardevoir does not exist in the human group. It's something else entirely.
I doubt it does have fur. It's probably 100% leather/velvet skin seared black from volcano ash
And that is how I picture Devon. Kinda Badass.
I meant I was terrified for what plans you have for it.

Whatever it is.

Oh hey, do we want to see if we can still involve ourselves in the hybrid's interrogation?
"Why keep it a secret? Wouldn't it be a good idea to prevent any future misunderstandings?"
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are you telling me that we won't eventually meet some cute Kirlia from the Hoenn dome!?
It probably lacks bones
Nah, let's leave it up to Sabrina and Boss to decide. If they suggest then we accept. AN by the way "asking" is pretty close to "suggesting" for these sort of things, at least in my book.
I'm thinking that it's some monstrosity that imitates the form of humans and has a primal attraction to them, depending on them for food, mental sustenance, and semen.
We could meet a ranger with Kirlia implants
>Hoenn Dome
I want to spoiler something bad. But I'll just say this. I mention ambient effects for reasons.
Anon please my boner can't handle it.
>It's all crazy, twisted Wonderland all up in Hoenn
fucking islands
Does it have to do anything with team aqua and Magma?
I was thinking it was just short black fur, like on a doberman or something. Leathery skin would make sense. It'd fit in with the whole demonic motif too. Eh, I'm fine with with either one.

I suppose it cost me an opportunity to talk about Devon's velvety, muscular f-frame.
...I'll be in my bunk.

Agreed. If they want us in, they'll ask. Sabrina probably won't, but she saw that we got results.

I was thinking something similar, except it's some kind of Lovecraftian psychic parasite.

Wait what? Ambient effects?
There is no Hoenn Dome is there.

I feel like you've hinted at this several times already.
since it apparently supports itself with it's psychic powers so that it doesn't feel gravity, that's probably correct
Those crazy bastards.
I've noticed some hints here and there as well. They lost.
Yeah, I was kind of going for something like that. That's probably a better description.
Or to be more exact, their Elite Four failed to protect against the legendaries...
That's what i meant. Though considering Rayquaza would probably help them i don't see how they could. Might have something to with the Regi series?
well, to be fair, their legendaries are ridiculous. What with the drought one, the flood one, the alien one, and the WISH GRANTING one
That's what you get for trusting a Dark type ranger with the Elite 4 status.
ask how this information will change the missions we go on.
If at all.
>the alien one, and the WISH GRANTING one
Deoxys and Jirachi
Deoxys and Jirachi
"What's that? You wish for Celebi to murder everyone?"
"We didn't wish for that, we wanted world pea-"

...jesus christ, if we ever go near Deoxys, we're gonna have to break out the San Tables from CoC.
We're going to be going on the long term mission. So it will, a lot.
Hoenn has some of the most mild pokemon out of any region.
Even the dark type are surprisingly tame.
>Heonn legendaries
Fuck that
In Hoeen? Gen 3?
Yes, those are gen3 legends.
Yup. they were event legendaries, sure, but they still count.
>Tropius ranger

He's invaluable in the field! Fucker grows some TASTY bananas goddamn
Who were the Elite Four of Hoenn, again? The dark one was a female, right? I fucking hated fighting against her.
Fuck event legendaries. I always hated those fucking things.
You're thinking of Karen from Johto. I don't blame you for forgetting, the Hoenn E4 are pretty lame.

Sidney was the Hoenn dark-type.
There was also Phoebe with ghosts, Glacia with Ice, Drake with Dragons, and Stephen as the champ.
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Mohawk dude is Dark type
Hawaian babe is Ghost
Blonde Milf is Ice
Captain Mustache is Dragon
In Emerald Wallace was the Champ
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>and more
“Sir...” You think of Bruise... He's always had gray skin for as long as he can remember.. He's never taken implants and he has enlarged canines... It's just... too familiar to Ni'Rena.
“Did Bruno's contact have gray skin?”

“Ah, you're thinking of Bruise.” Giovanni smirks even as Sabrina's claw clenches even tighter than before.
“Yes... he's a special case... Bruno brought him back here... To see how well he'd co-mingle with people. He's one of your closest friends, yes?”

You slowly nod, swallowing down a strange feeling. Bruise isn't... human? Or.. He is.. Just not...
Boss sees the trouble upon your face.

“If it's any consolation, he's been here since he was an egg.”

Devon leans back laughing off his rocker,”Oh shit! Bruise was a fuck'n egg!? Dude, that's crazy.”

“Giovanni, please silence your dog.” Sabrina hisses, her face breaking into outright rage,”I am done speaking of Bruno and his disgusting aberration. Are we done here? They've heard what is necessary for the reports.”

You raise your hand politely,”I, umm... I have one more question. Why aren't other rangers told about this? They should know about human monsters, right?”

Giovanni sighs at this point,” I'm afraid we would Cerulean.. Yet we never know when or if they'll attack or subvert us. It's easier for us to deal with if our defensive forces believe they fight monsters.
We do not train to fight and kill humans. There's a mark difference when it comes to that. A certain... willingness. Further, they are often far beyond our own border. This Ni'Aras is an aberration. We've never received reports of them so close.”

“Then finally, as you may have seen... They can be capable of passing for human or ranger quite easily. We do not need this to get out and increase public paranoia of us.”
Speaking of Johto, why do the people in the Kanto dome only talk about the Hoenn Dome? Isn't Johto closer?
My guess for why Sabrina hates Bruise so much?

She was in love with Bruno.
I'd imagine that Absols themselves are tame. The visions they have of disasters and tragedies to come are not. Would be the reason they're considered Evil types and why espers can't touch them.

What's so bad about Milotic, though?
her only chance to be raggdolled....
>Devon leans back laughing off his rocker,”Oh shit! Bruise was a fuck'n egg!? Dude, that's crazy.”
Devon a best
>Yet we never know when or if they'll attack or subvert us
Wait, why is that a reason to keep it a secret and thus guarantee they'll be caught flatfooted?
I love Devon, and watching him piss off Sabrina while she can't do a fucking thing to him is wonderful.

Also, it doesn't matter if Bruise is one of these humanoid monsters or not, he's our friend and he fights to protect the dome, that's what matters.
Absol has only one evil move and they warn others of incoming disasters.
Milotic is generally nonviolent but does have it's mindcontrol scales

That, or she just hates that Giovanni let Bruno stay.
Imagine the Kind of cult a milotic could get with its pseduo esper powers
A good question. Johto just might not have come up that often in story. Lilac was going to walk there, and we've seen grafted monsters from there, so there must be some communication/travel.

I was under the impression that she hates Bruise because he's a non-human. Like genefilth or xenos or something.

Ragdolling and lackthereof are also a possibility.

He's gonna bust a gut laughing the next time he sees Bruise. And then he gets to laugh about how he knows something but he's not allowed to tell Bruise.
Ceru could make this her career

>travel to far away exotic places
>meet new interesting sapient beings
and hug them
I have a question to add real quick

Does Bruise know all this?
I mean. I don't want Devon blowing his secret after a mission gets tense with him and he says the first thing he can to piss him off
Agreed, on all counts
Ah yes. The Ducklops. The secret evolution for Psyduck planned in the next Pokemon game.
Too heavily modded. They'd think her a monster.

As I've said, Fairy type is better for the gameplay people seem to want.
Still, its dex entries in the games state the misconceptions that they actually BRING disasters, though it's also proven that they only really just warn of them coming.

That misconception could still be around in the Hoenn Dome, and rangers customarily hunt down Absols to get rid of the disaster-bringing assholes.
Duskclops, my bad
The scariest thing about all these revelations? There's a tribe of magical mimes living outside the dome somewhere.
This, Ask if we can tell bruise.

>rangers customarily hunt down Absols to get rid of the disaster-bringing assholes.
or implant them
I wander if Ygg made some OC for the Johto elite 4 since Gen 2 used the same Elite 4 as Gen 1.
Why aren't we asking 'why sabrina is so jumpy about all this'?
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the alakzooms don't like her much?

or they raped her
Social grace. She's right in front of us, man.

That's the kind of thing you ask when she's out of ear shot. Or, well, mind reading range in her case.
actually, only Bruno is the same. but Johto also has Koga as one of the elite four, so probably at least 2 OC
They'd be superstitious about implanting them, but maybe when they finally do, they'll learn that they're actually warning people of horrible things that are to come rather than causing those horrible things by some strange pseudo-psychic powers.
I think we share them since we're so close, also makes sense since we don't have a dragon gym and Lance is dragon.
"If this is all, then you may be dismissed to your quarters to contemplate this information. Disclosure to unauthorized staff will result in possible exile or mental reformat."

The three of you return to your rooms as directed in silence, leaving Giovanni and Sabrina within.

Bruise is half-monster and he doesn't even know it... You think as you fall back into bed after changing clothes. Your palms kind of itch and your hands hurt as you stare at the ceiling.

Your room still smells like lavender and blushing orchids from when Lilac was here... You sniff at your sheets and still smell the incense from her clothes.

It hurts your heart thinking about her now. In that chrome room underneath the Research Bureau.
Alone and... a murderer.


You can forgive her though, it wasn't her fault. It was that sword, right? Where did Hemlock say that he put it?

You can't remember.

You see a shadow stream through the dark light of your window. Looking up, you see the heavy clouds of the dusky sky. Rain running down the dome in thick rivuletd and the occasional flash of thunder.

The Dom hasn't had any system shut-downs since the first instance of Zapdos... But this reminds you a lot of it. It's a really eerie thing to see after all you've just heard.

>[] Go to sleep. You've had a long day.
>[] Visit Alexis's room.
>[] Visit Devon's room.
>[] Check your body over.
>[x] Go to sleep. You've had a long day.
Ceru use rest
>[] Visit Devon's room.
>[X] Go to sleep. You've had a long day

I want to see Lilac again
Do we have a reason to visit Devon? If not, we should go ahead and meet with Alexis. See if she's alright and, if she's still feeling guilty over attempting to mindwipe us, put her at ease. We can even take the time to ask her why she likes Goldie.
>[] Go to sleep. You've had a long day.
>>[x] Check your body over.
>>[] Check your body over.
Why would he put this in here?
>[X] Visit Devon's room.
>[] Visit Alexis's room

We were going to visit Devon previously, but he can wait, and Alexis has had a really shitty day.

Because we're evolving.
>[] Visit Devon's room.
Let's go have a talk with him!
>[] Visit Devon's room.

>Go to sleep. You've had a long day.
To finally talk to him about the other day. Ceru's not quite as disheartened and fearful this time.
>[] Go to sleep. You've had a long day.
>>[] Check your body over.
>>[] Visit Alexis's room.

As much as everyone's horny for Devon, I still kind of want to see some Alexis, maybe check on our grafts.

Can't wait to see how powerful Octillery omniguns are. I still want a bag full of flashbangs/Stun Spore/Sleep Powder/Poison Powder grenades that we can fire out of our omniguns. It'd help a TON if we had to deal with a pack of Mankeys and shit.
>[] Check your body over.

Let's look at all our changes.
>[X] Visit Devon's room.

Sure, why not.
>[] Check your body over.
Yeah then let's do that.
>[] Go to sleep. You've had a long day.
Ah, I see.

Then, I'll go ahead and switch my vote t
>[] Visit Devon's room.
>Visit Devon's room.
Let's do it. Into the belly of the beast!
>[x] Go to sleep. You've had a long day.
>horny for Devon
Whoa man
I'm not hot for that dog at all.

I'm a goldie supporter. secret Bruise supporter.
>[] Check your body over.
>[] Go to sleep. You've had a long day.
No matter what we do, can we check our body over first?
>Visit Devon's room.
>[] Check your body over.
>[] Go to sleep. You've had a long day.
>>[] Visit Devon's room.
Let's go!
Let's see Devon.
Fuck her. The way she act, she more than deserved it and i want to know.
it will probably turn out that goldie came from an egg
>[] Check your body over.
>[] Go to sleep. You've had a long day.
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All that talk about the elite 4 of different regions made me realize that Cerulian is never going to meet the best Elite 4 yet because she is too far away.
Not counting this, I've counted 9 votes for sleeping, 10 for visiting Devon, 6 for checking out body, and 1 for visiting Alexis.
I for one am glad it's far away.
So close... So very close.
What is your people's obsession with Devon?
We have serious unfinished buisness with him. and i vote check body.
I suggest a numbered vote at this point.
Smut-inspired ship

The best kind of ship
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You think that's bad? Since the Hoenn Dome might be fucked that means that Ceru won't be able to meet the only pure water type champion

Even if he looks so fabulous.
What unfinished business?
Wallace a shit. Steven is where its at
The fact that he almost attacked us and we have publicly acknowleged that he will probably challenge us for leadership through a fight.
I agree
He'd be Jojo level fabulous .
Him saving our life, and also severe insubordination in the field.
and soon too.
Because he's got excellent duality with Ceru.

>cat, dog
>hot, cold
>male, female
>white, black
>blue, red
>rape and pillage, love and kindness

Not only is it the OTP, it's also a match made in heaven. Or whatever promised land Arceus will give to his followers or some shit, fuck.

I don't even think Ygg intended for all of this, but here we are, discussing cats and dogs living together.
They do make excellent foils for each other.
People forget about our problems way to fast in this quest
They're kind of a mixed up yin-yang aren't they?
Been a few weeks. Not surprising or blame-worthy.
The tears when Devon dies will be delicious.
What problems are you referring to?
Devon doesn't die even if you kill him

He already proved that much
Yeah but unlike what stupid romance shit says, relationships like that don't work, or even start for that matter.

Not to mention Ceru has no romantic feelings for him. Or anyone for that matter.
Maybe it's because we get one thread a week, two if we're lucky. And we've recently been derailed by smut.

Maybe we'll get back on track once people stop writing porn HA HA WHO AM I KIDDING.
Well, with the male supposed to be the kind one with yang and the female the cold cruelty with ying.

Yeah, it's funny.
At this point of time I despise Devon. Seriously.

I can only hope.
That and not a whole lot gets done per thread.

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Steven became champion because he had the 3 fucking juggernaughts of Hoenn: Armaldo, Agrron and FUCKING METAGROSS. Everyone could became a champion with those fucking monsters.

Wallace on the other hand became champion with a LUDICOLO
DevonXCeru seems to be the favourite pairing for the smutwriters, so I guess it's only natural.

Can't say I like it, but that's what I'm seeing.
Aggron a shit
>implying Arceus isn't planning on making his death as painful as possible for you.
nigger i will fight you
brick break
Or Aura Sphere. Or even Hidden Power Fighting.
Nigga have you seen Mega Aggron
By the way, two questions for Ygg:
What are you going to do about the Champions? Almost all of them have teams that their types are all over the place. Are you going to use their trademark pokemon as a base for the typing?

Like Garchomp for Cythia making her a Dragon/Ground type?
There's only 2 smut writers, really. I think the one in this thread was inspired by the other one.

You be cruisin' for a bruisin' y'know that?
The tankiest tank to ever tank the tank.

But seriously i would raise mine from a level 10 Aron every single time.

Sturdy lets me survive that. then Heavy crash plus Heavy Metal wins.
not from an aggron
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wake up slap
>The tankiest tank to ever tank the tank.
>Base 70 hp
>Base 60 spdef
It does nothing.
But then what will the Kanto/Johto champion(s) have? Blastoise and Charizard? Did Blue died?
just like aggron!
Even with 4x it ain't gonna get through that Defense and kill it in 1 hit.
Blue is sword.
The positions are somewhat superfluous.
Now you're just getting annoying
I refuse to believe

Why an Honedge, anyways?
And its mega evolution has filter and is pure steel
His name is Blue, it's gotta be Blastoise.
I'll catch up to you and be annoying as you one day sempai... unlike aggron with its shit speed

>using megas
>not using megas
I did not realize that it became pure steel.
>Rock is considered a weakness.
Hue hue. True though.
>the champ is also a water type
>he has dakka too

hero worship? join with the Boss and Mom for the trifecta!
gimmick babby mode.

doubt it survives the leap to gen 7
Rock is a weakness compared to steel. It's like adding bronze to your iron. Only going to shit up the good stuff.

Poor Bruno.
Hey man.
I like Megas.
It's basically Super Saiyan 3.

Besides, some pokemon are so crappy they need the boost.
Blue also always has a Pidgeot and an ALAKAZAM. He would already be a beast even without Blastoise or Charizard.
So in case I'm unable to, can someone re-archive the thread once Prof finishes?
Keep telling yourself that.
And then there's Mewtwo
It's just a soul that's inhabiting a sword instead of being a wandering Yamask.

We're on page 9. probably gonna have a second part.
>And then there's Mewtwo
>I think you mean Mewthree
And some really really

don't need it.

But hey. I don't make pokemon do I?
At this time? Prof is probably close to ending it soon.
>Besides, some pokemon are so crappy they need the boost.

just give them a new evo like they did with a bunch in gen 4 or stop making shit mons
He usually goes to sleep about 2 and a half hours from now, but the thread does feel like it'll end soonish, so who knows.
Power creep is the problem
You look at your hands, tipped with frostbitten amber claws that almost seem to glow in the night with their frozen power. You flex your claws as they're transfixed right into what had once been the tips of your fingers. A year and a half of filing and training them have curved and sharpened them down to slender bone-like blades. They seem to move a bit more than before as they sort of recede back into your fingers if only just a little.
Yet they're not the cause of concern for your evolution.. It's your arms and now beginning into your chest.

Your chest aches both inside and out as something seems to be pushing and moving inside now and then. An awful distracting feeling yet your medicine dulls the pain to be bearable. Even if only as you've put on a strong face. Sleeping will be worse because that's when it really kicks into overdrive.

A look to the itchy portion of your hands reveals to you that there's some hard bits pushing through the outside of your palms. A little scratch and dabbling up your cool blood reveals tiny amber claw-like nubs. Positioned right outside of your “barrel.” With some flexing you see the nubs begin to move as well as the barrel extending from your palm.

Your chest is kind of sore and itchy as you redirect your attention back to it... It feels weird. Not like everything else though.

After letting some of the onset pain pass, you leave your room, heading down the hall to Devon's.
No one caught an Abra until Goldenrod.
That was 2 years ago.
You rap your claws against the door and await a response. Instead, the door is thrown open and Devon's eyes lock upon you, checking you up and down in an instant. He curls up a lip to relay a low growling threat,”Fuck you want? I didn't tell you to bother me Ice Queen, I look like part of yer chump squad?”

You steel yourself against his belligerence. He barks until he's out of things to say and then it's your word.
“I wanted to say thank you for saving me from the village.” You finally get out with a little meekness on your own part, yet you hide that behind a rather stoic expression.

Devon kind of stares at you for a minute as though you just said something stupid until he closes his trap, runs a hand through his hair and then postures in the door-frame, his spade-like tail swishing lazily behind him.
“Yeah, sure. No problem. Anything else you wanted to say before I slam the door?

>Anything to add Ceru? This was the easy part...

>[] Leave it at that.
>[] Give him a hug.
>[] "You shouldn't have dome that to Ni'Rena."
>[] "You're a real idiot, you know that?"
>[] (Other)
>[x] Give him a hug.
>>[x] "You're a real idiot, you know that?"
have a nice night?
>[x] "You're a real idiot, you know that?"
>[X] Give him a hug.

Can't help it

My actions are not my own
Little bits of freeze claw to aid in the Firing of Icicles? I like it.
>We're dealing with the boy tsundere
>Professor gives us, quite literally, the most weeboo option
Nigga, you know people are gonna pounce on that shit.
I always knew I liked you for a reason
>[X] Give him a hug.
>[X] "You're a real idiot, you know that?"

It's happening
>[] (Other)
"Can I come in?"
>>[] Give him a hug.
>[] "You're a real idiot, you know that?"
steam hug is go
>[] Leave it at that.
>Your chest aches both inside and out as something seems to be pushing and moving inside now and then. An awful distracting feeling yet your medicine dulls the pain to be bearable. Even if only as you've put on a strong face. Sleeping will be worse because that's when it really kicks into overdrive.
Well shit, I hope Ceru evolves soon.
>[] Leave it at that.
>[x] Give him a hug.
>[x] "You're a real idiot, you know that?"
The chest part is out mouth gun evolving.
>[] Leave it at that.
>your a real idiot, you know that
>Everyone thinks the itchy chest is the evolving
Nope. It's titties.
These are terrible options.

Nothing for "lets talk about you challenging my authority"? or something along those lines?
>[] Leave it at that.
>implying that isn't how rangers matures
Hand, stop. No. Stop. Don't vote. Don't vote. Don't vote don't vote DON'T VOTE DON'T VO>>[] Give him a hug.

Also, how do we know our chest isn't going to explode into a plated, spikey mess as we try to hug him?
'write in' is always an option
If your tits hurt like that then you have cancer.
>[] Leave it at that.
That's #3.
And Write in is always an option.
because that's not how evolution or crytten/bliger work.
>[X] Give him a hug.
>[X] "You're a real idiot, you know that?"

Despite him being a ass I can't help but vote this way.
With these options?It'd never win.
If anything, Ceru's chest is going to explode into a mess of strategically placed fat and fur to improve hug potential.
>[] Leave it at that.
>ficwriters write ships.
>Influence player votes to make ship happen in quest

So this was your game.
Either way, it's probably cat tats.
>[] Give him a hug.
>[] "You're a real idiot, you know that?"

Hold him in a hug long enough for him to relax just a tiny bit, slowly move our claws over more vital areas.

Then make the points of our claws cold and tell him that if he is put under our command again that he is not to question our authority like he did last time.
>[] Leave it at that.
Nigga I don't even like Devon that way.

But hugs are pretty IC so far.
I've been waiting for this long before that
>it was either Devon or Goldie
>[] Leave it at that.
>[] Leave it at that.
You do how disgusting that is
somebody repost that old Dom CeruX Sub Goldie fic
>not shiping devon and goldie with ceru
I am happy with this out come
I liked Devon before the write-ups happened.
Face it, Bruise lost at the birthday party, Aqua lost when he didn't make Rocket, and Goldie lost when Alexis started acting like a 2 year old around him. MINE! GOLDIE MINE!!!!

All the girls lost when people arbitrarily decided this was an example of an anti-/u/ quest.
>Leave it at that
I really feel like Prof has been pushing Devon onto us like crazy throughout the story, even when we didn't want him Prof would come along as Gio and say that we should have him. And other such things like this.

Not that i am mad or anything i like the character, but be careful you don't start forcing your favorite character/DMPC into the story when the players don't want it. And don't make him all powerful like many QMs/DMs do with their "fetish" (in the most non-insulting meaning of the word) character.
>[] Give him a hug.
>[] "You're a real idiot, you know that?"
>[] Leave it at that.
If they find a prompt funny, it's hard for them to resist it.

Now THAT'S a hug.
Should we switch to numbered votes?
because this seems a tad samefaggy
>[] Leave it at that.
stay strong goldie bros
Funny you should say that.
Lilac is my favorite npc.
I thought we agreed to not have any romance yet.
I was shipping Ceru and Devon before it was cool
Anon, I really don't think saying they 'lost' is appropriate. There is plenty of times for things to change, and hell, we don't even know what THEY think yet.

Still betting on Goldie having huge crush on his leader myself.
I wrote the first smut, but I actually wanted to have character development with Alexis today.

Never intended to actually vote to make the pairing canon since I just really like the universe, but then after people saw the fic, well...
Yes I'ld do them.
Don't forget that the 2 poison dudes are also for Alexis use only.

The way things are going we would either have to wait until new rangers joined in or when you stoped being cadets in order to mingle with the older rocket members.
its always samefagging when possible romance is on the horizon!
This >>30496279

It's exactly what a Crytten would do, and we shouldn't leave here without talking about him being out of line.
Honestly if Ceru gets with Devon i'm dropping due to overly stupid players and possible fetish insert by the QM.
she is pretty boss
>any relationship with Lilac is til death do us part
the real fun starts after
I think Lilac works better as platonic best friend/moral responsibility.

Hardly. He's actively prevented us from interacting with him multiple times because Ceru couldn't work up the courage.
I wouldn't call him a fetish but he has been butting into the story quite a bit. I don't like him at all.

The problem isn't Prof, its the people who want him to be the main character.
Devon isn't a muscle girl...
So you are a furry
No but he has said that he loves the insane characters.
>give him a hug
>"You're a real idiot, you know that?"
Sigh, this is why I don't like huge quests...
>Being this buttmad

It's not Devon's fault he is the best romanceable male character.
Or we don't fucking search for anything and just let something natural happen? not to mention we're 11
I love Lilac and all, but I like her as creepy best friend/reverse morality pet

Plus, given we said yes to being her guardian, she'll be with us essentially forever.
I don't find him attractive in the least.
Yeah, like Lilac. Devon is just your average anon being forced to play Shadowrun 24/7.
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>people are treating this like we're voting to fuck him right here and forsake all others before

relationships are more complex than your visual novels and fucking dating sims! you faggots are sad.
I wonder if BPQ has to go through this with their husbandoing crap.
He's the best candidate for being kill off
Aren't we 13 now?
No. I'm just mad at the sudden turn of events to romance Devon. I voted to hug him because it's IC and it could lead to something that works. But people are fucking stupid.
Devon is best character period

I don't give a fuck about romance. He needs more screentime. Also Lilac. Maybe Mable.
Please see >>30496448 then take a deep breath before posting.

>He's the best candidate for being kill off
Nah, that's Aqua
We started at 10 and had a 3 month timeskip and a 1 year and 6 month timeskip.

11 and 9 months,
Didn't we start at 11?
if the "ur a idjit" part don't make I will be displeased
just hug him already
Aqua can only die after an encounter tears him to shreds, but he recovers due to staryu regeneration.
Then the next time he gets beat up, we think, 'it's ok, it's ok, aqua will regen' only to reach him and see a crack right through his gem
Aqua best guy.

>tfw I asked that prof have Aqua meet Surge to develop his lightning and overcome his fear of water monsters so much that i'm pretty sure he put it in because of me
I'll change my vote as long as it's not a shipping hug.
He's the relevant to the plot
Actually Devon is the best candidate for being killed off because you care about him.
A hug does not mean a relationship anon.
I want to write a smutfic of Aqua and/or Sanna with a ranger that has one of those oc wendigo poke grafts that Prof was gonna add.

Gore / vore 3 way
pls no
>Being this buttmad

I'm going to vote for more Ceru-Devon interaction just to see you sperg all over yourself.
And I will most definitely not read it
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It's shit like this that makes stories choppy. Trying to "get characters more screentime" really fucks with a story. Unless you can justify it with an IC reason then it's pretty much self insert storytime.
Actually I'm dead serious what point is there to killing off a character the audience doesn't care about?
You stand in the doorway for a moment, staring him in the eyes as he stares right back trying his hardest to look cool with that posturing of his. Your own eyes catch the light filtering through the dimmed hallways of the dorm.

You step forward and Devon instinctively takes a step back as you open up your arms.
He see him move to slam the door as he had promised, but seeing him take that step back gave you drive!
You put your foot into the arc of the door and perform a technique you haven't used in a long time...
Tackle. You knock him to the floor with one hard push of your deceptively trained physique as you wrap your arms around him, smooshing him down as he starts thrashing as if you're killing him.
“Oh Arceus, what the reverse! Get off me!”

You whisper into his ear,”You're a real idiot, you know that?” He freezes into position at your teasing word.
“What did you-” He starts off, yet then he's cut short by the feeling of your cold claws wrapping around his throat and tracing over his kidney as he's tied up by your “affection.”

You growl into his ear low and dangerous,”If you're ever put in my squad again, you'd better not ignore me or I won't be so nice.” You slip into a darker part of yourselves as the dangerous words slip out with far less restraint,”It's hard being nice all the time, especially to bad dogs that need extra training.

You feel his heart pumping fast and a smile forming upon his darkened face as you slide off of him, getting yourself back up and turning out of his room with your back toward him, your tail frozen into spikes as it sashays dangerously.

That went well you think, as you start back to your room... Might be enough time to speak to Alexis... She seemed really shaken up by Sabrina earlier...

>[] Directly to bed.
>[] Visit Alexis.
>[] Visit Bruise.
>[] (Other)
>[] Directly to bed.
>[] Visit Alexis.
Please go back to the QTG

>[X] Visit Alexis.
>[x] Visit Alexis.

It must have been hard but it means a lot to me you chose me over Sabrina...
Alexis the straight to bed
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>[] Directly to bed.
>>[] Visit Alexis.
>Visit Alexis.
>[] Visit Alexis.
I love it
Well that was unexpected.
>Visit Alexis
Maybe we can tell her to stop being such a bitch about Goldie while we're in an evil mood, huh?

bad dog that needs extra training? Seriously professor? I had to stop reading there for a second good god.
Oh no.
This is bad.
You did NOT just suggest that, Ygg.


>[] Visit Alexis.

Also, what about visiting Lilac? I still want to see Alexis, though.
Go to bed.
those were some very sexual undertones prof.
>[] Visit Alexis.
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> visit baldy
>You feel his heart pumping fast

That's not the only thing Devon has that's going to pump fast after this.
>[] Visit Alexis.

That went well. And if he causes trouble after this then we waterboard him.

Let's check in on Alexis before we get some sleep, I think we're still on vacation so we can sleep in a bit.
>[X] Visit Alexis.
I'm gonna throw out an other that won't get voted and say maybe pick up some food.
It's been a big day. We could use some mac-pokemons.
get Alexis outta the way then
>go to bed
Share a late dinner snack with Alexis?
I can dig it
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This makes me happy.

>[] Visit Alexis.
Tripfag comes in not knowing whats going on and (probably) waifuing Devon.

Fuck i like the idea of names if you want them but Jesus almost everyone who takes them is either an asshole, a Rollplayer, or just fucking retarded.
>those were some very sexual undertones prof.

Ceru still has very little idea what actual sex is.
She's actually mimicking Kitty here. Kitty has said something to that effect in the past year.
But anon.
So is 70% of 4chan.
The odds are not in their favor
Doll guy for SQ?
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That makes it so much better!
kitty is a terrible influence.
yes, this pleases me
>The scene was Ceru imitating what she thinks scary is, using Kitty as a model, and cat instincts as the method.

Alright, fine I take back what I said. The scene's alright.
Still don't support Devon though.
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thank you, despite everyone arguing they forget Ceru doesn't know how even sex yet
Not really. It was a hug followed by a very cold and serious threat.

The only thing that was iffy was the training the dog part,