Previous Thread: FAQ: List: Guide (All credit to Watashiwa): You are ANON, the RED JOKER. In our last instalment, your assault on the Smiler base concluded in a violent duel with KRAKEN - Until he fled, through means unknown.
>>30580512Welcome Back Sir.Look, uh, I'mma try to be polite about this before the rest of the board arrives - but there's a big, giant, all caps response to your last post in the last quest.>(To conclude, I'll reiterate that setbacks are part of the natural course of things, and not necessarily a cause for frustration.>I'll strive to address the issues you've brought up.... AND??!?!?! Lets hear it.
>>30580614Stop hassling the op already, jesus christ. One autosaged thread was enough.
>>30580512>Until he fled, through means unknown.On further thought, it was probably the Hyades mark. Cybele could teleport Joker through hers, I imagine Alura could do the same.Evening OP. Hope you're doing well.
>>30580686There's a LOT of unanswered questions, and things we wanted to do but couldn't - theres hastling, and then there's following up on things that need following upI want to do the latter, and i'm hoping the players left can sift the drama any case, I'm sure we all want to know WTF, even if we're too polite to voice in.And yeah, welcome back JQOP. I was kind of afraid you weren't going to make it back after the shitstorm.
Rolled 12, 15, 11, 1 = 39>>30580745Not at the start please.We'll get dragged all the way through the shit.If JokerOP wants to speak on it, let him do so at the end of the thread. I don't want to dive into the shitstorm first thing in this session..
>>30580698I'm pretty sure he had no intention of escaping and the way he disappeared doesn't really look like teleportation. It seems more likely that either something happened to his body in the Real or he was forcefully logged out, because his players for when slack in the same way Argent's did when he was put under anesthesia.
>>30580771Hello Fellow Cyberpunk Idol player!I nearly JUST make that mistake myself
Rolled 4, 11, 10, 2 = 27>>30580812>implying rolling dice is ever a mistake on /tg/
>>30580771>If JokerOP wants to speak on it, let him do so at the end of the thread. I don't want to dive into the shitstorm first thing in this session..JQOP ~never~ sticks around after a thread though. He plays until he drops.
Rolled 5, 3, 8, 16 = 32>>30580851Things are abit different since the end of the last thread.If he does wish to elaborate on the situation, I believe he will make time and energy to do so and trying to force a statement out of him if he doesn't want to will just turn this thread into lots of angry people shouting at each other.Trust in JokerOP
>>30580698(The work's beginning to pile up, unfortunately. My schedule is in a bit of a flux at the moment.)>>30580614>>30580745(I appreciate - And understand - where you're coming from. I'm aware that players were dissatisfied with the conclusion of the last thread, and I hope to have retooled things accordingly. I have to say, however, that I sincerely cannot answer a significant number of the complaints, not without compromising the Quest in it's entirety. All I can say is: I hope that you'll trust me to bring things to a satisfactory conclusion. Joker Quest hasn't finished it's 'run' yet - I'll give a more comprehensive answer at the close of the Quest, one way or another, when I can speak freely on the entire setting without the risk of unintentional disclosure.Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.)
>>30580610>'t see this earlier. The new upgrade options will require a bit of thinking about.The necessary upgrades:Panoptic Array (Joker killed VTOL Bardiel by blinding him so he could shoot the real body)Galvanic Emitters (no more infantry weakness)Essence Accumulators (resource denial and conservation of ninjutsu in action)That's 45 right there. We can grab all of that and a Hellion type (siegebreakers=Amaglam killers), and we should since there are more of them now.We want to focus on research, because research takes time to resolve. Grab as many as possible now, when the time comes to fire the Hollow Sun we can spend the extra charge on Relics and the Foundry.e Also, Muleta is still in the relic alterations.>>30580796Is it now? Didn't notice that. I'll keep that in the back of my head, thanks.The jewelry he was wearing... what if that used to be a kind of amethyst--or glowing violet crystal?>>30580892Sorry to hear. Best of luck.
>>30580851What do we even need answered? If it's something IC, then we already know enough to make a theory that would explain all of the last chapter's events. If it's OOC, then it's probably best NOT to ask.
>>30580942OH no you don't!Codeburst-fu!IT IS TIME FOR THE EMULATOR CHIP
>>30580796>player form went slack>>30580942>Is it now? Didn't notice that.The scene makes it obvious:>"Keep...*going*..." he retches out - "...Come *on* - Jokkkkerrrrrr..." >-And abruptly, he stiffens. His arm falls to his side, as the light in his eyes dim - Kraken seems to...curl in upon himself, his tentacles falling to the ground with a metallic *clang*. Like...>Like a puppets with strings cut.
>>30580892I can accept that.Moving on from last thread's events, let's strive to make our future actions less of a reaction and more of a focused and cohesive plan.
>>30580942>>>Didn't see this earlier. The new upgrade options will require a bit of thinking about. Review Repost for anyone curious.I've changed my mind slightly as to necessary things:Void Anchor x2: One for us, One for Tristars. We're gonna need to plant more of em.Emulator ModuleEssence AccumulatorsChoir Beacon research - that command and control power, and a possibility that the command processes of the hollow sun may be revealed to us some is amazing.
>>30581007I strongly agree about that chip. Also we should start that helion production proper.
Rolled 16, 16, 6, 2 = 40>>30580942I vote for this upgrade.This is the role of the Virtues after all.>[ ] AUDITIO ARRAY >(Virtue-class units can now receive and relay orders from the Dominion to the rest of the flight.)
>>30581062>Choir Beacon researchDERP - meant audito array here
>>30581007Accidentally a sentence: "I know that the Emulator Module is going to beat out the Hellion type, but it'll be there later and time to do research won't.">>30581076>>30581090That's the one that lets us control the Hellions instead of letting them do their own thing. If we get the Choir Beacon, the Hellions will get stronger. The array can wait a bit.
>>30580942I concur with those upgrades, namely the >Panoptic Array>Essence AssimilatorBut I suggest replacing the Galvanic Emitters with the Cascade Resonator. Codebursts would act as a force multiplier much greater than the Emitter.I also support the Hellion type.
>>30581176A car accident, on the main road - Five dead. A building collapse, some long-hidden structural flaw giving way to a true catastrophe - Seven dead. A fire in the commercial district, one that raged for hours and spat plumes of choking smog into an untroubled velvet sky - Thirteen dead. A spontaneous and lethal derailment, a train scything through the press of the early-morning crowds - Six dead, two maimed. Another building fire. A stabbing, in the dead of the night: The victims half-gutted and left to bleed out, by something very much like claws. The uncovering of a mass suicide- The undermining of half a block of ancient shophouses in the old city. An outbreak of sudden, inexplicable, impossible deaths, dotting the fabric of the new city in miniature tableaus of horror- ...Now that the morning has come and gone, you can't help but wonder - How much of it is your fault? From a god's-eye perspective - From the intermittent updates on a myriad of screens - it paints a troubling picture. The Department of Public Safety, so you've heard, is addressing the issue; There's talk of a curfew, a revision of standards, new measures to be drafted and implemented at a snail's pace...To you, they mean less than nothing. But there's something in the air - Something left in the wake of the great storm, the choking clouds of dust dispersing overnight; The air achingly clear beneath steel-grey skies, the cold winds moaning as they rattle the chain-link fence bordering the school's rooftop. Something, circling without taking hold. (Continued)
We need to hold a funeral for those who fell in combat.Parhaps we should put the word out for the survivors to gather near the tavern for a farewell to the dead.Might also let us see who might be willing to follow red joker till the end.
>>30581125>That's the one that lets us control the Hellions instead of letting them do their own thing. If we get the Choir Beacon, the Hellions will get stronger. The array can wait a bit.Uh, no. The audito array does make the Command Units able to inter-communicate as well.The reason we want the Audito is because it lets us make our own Transcievers, and we can find ways to coordinate with the tristars/base/allies. If anything, that last mission shows us just how crucial red world radios are.We NEED gamephones so bad
>>30581324Check the website, see who diedsee if hecate's name is onna list. or mio's
>>30581386Not like we know whos who.Any meaningful memorial will need to be done in the red world.
>>30581176Less of a force multiplier, more of a worry reducer--no need to worry about small bitty things sneaking around or on to Garm's less armored back. Just shock 'em off like the gnats they are.Looking at the new Hellion types... Tempest=flight specialists, Helios=weapon buffs, Falsehood=stealth.That look right to everyone?I wonder, did the Hollow Sun get the idea for those types from our squadmates?>>30581324Another idea: Put a bounty on Calcite Arrow's head. The one who brings us his bow OR gives us his location and twenty minutes alone gets a Relic. Should make life difficult for him.Seriously though, find out the names, real and Red, of the dead. We'll carve them into the Red World's heart, alongside the names of the ones with us before the 100 years.>>30581370We don't need the comm devices yet. Given how rough Players are on delicate Relics, we want to get them only when it's time and not before.
>>30581425>We don't need the comm devices yet. Given how rough Players are on delicate Relics, we want to get them only when it's time and not before.Here's the real reason:Cybele can spectate the red world and has camera/security hacks.Establish commlinkHave real world remote assistance, AND her gratitude for having someone to talk to. She watches everything we do in the red anyway, but now she can actually watch our back doing it.I'm pretty sure God Vision is worth pursuing, and may actually let us get one step ahead of the smilers.and as you said - research ahead of time.
>>30581217In spite of everything, the mood's a festive one. Paper streamers flutter bravely in the breeze, and posters have plastered the blank white halls - After all; There's just two more days to the Cultural Festival. You won't be here for it, of course. You - And a select few classes worth of students - will be at the larger inter-school celebration at Seisin High: A rare event, something that occurs only once every ten years. A three-day event, with all the excitement of a field trip - Minus the discomfort of the endless bus rides - at (As someone *always* mentions) an all-girl's school- The wind rises, in a low murmur. Close by, the door to the rooftop swings open, with the creak of unoiled hinges. "-Anon." Kouichi's voice echoes, faintly, as he makes his way up the steps, hunching against the cold. His footfalls are slow, heavy; Thoughtful, somehow, as he picks his way across the narrow distance, leaning against the railing. There's an odd reserve to him, as he glances over at you - Still, he can't quite hide the flash of relief in his eyes. For a long moment, he just stares through the fence, looking down; At last, he exhales, blowing out a long breath. "Guess you made it, after all." It sound especially clumsy, coming from him, but he's trying. Another pause, a sidelong glance; "So, uh...""-want to talk about it?"[ ] "-I'd rather not." [ ] "Maybe." [ ] "You sure you want to know?"[ ] "Did you find Mio?" [ ] "How's Regios?" [ ] "How's Tyrian?"[ ] "How are you holding up?"[ ] FreeYOU HAVE CONTROL
>>30581497>being able to communicate with cybele during battleDamn, that would be handy as fuck.>>30581506[X] "You sure you want to know?"[X] "Did you find Mio?"
>>30581506>[ ] "You sure you want to know?">[ ] "How are you holding up?"
>>30581497Speaking of boosting our communications ability, we should start working on how to reproduce the QUANTUM LINK and how to apply it at will.
>>30581497One problem: Maximum effective range and the fact that a lot of the time the Hyade moon will be on the other side of the world. It's in an elliptical orbit, not a geosynchronous one.OP, can you weigh in on this?>>30581506[X] "You sure you want to know?"[X] "Did you find Mio?"[X] "How's Regios?"[X] "How's Tyrian?"[X] "How are you holding up?"The important ones. Add "Kraken got away".
>>30581506>[x] "You sure you want to know?">[x] "How are you holding up?"
>>30581593>One problem: Maximum effective range and the fact that a lot of the time the Hyade moon will be on the other side of the world. It's in an elliptical orbit, not a geosynchronous one.You're spouting things you're not sure about.Two things: Leukocyte relay.Hollow sun's location itself is secreted away in pocketspace you have to teleport to access - how does it comm out? Obviously, it can, via the arsenal beacon, and obviously, such extradimensional comms don't care about intervening material.Thus: Why would it care about a moon, and why would it being on the moon matter when we have an orbital satellite anyway - which we know from the attack prep thread can relay transmissions anyway.Stop inventing reasons to shoot it down and do what you want instead. Its a good idea and we should try it
>>30581506>[X] "You sure you want to know?"He's heard the news; he probably knows as well as we do that things didn't exactly go according to plan. Maybe there's a little bit here and there that he could benefit from knowing (Kraken news, about Cradles), but the play-by-play of how most of both crews got killed off doesn't help anybody.>[X] "How are you holding up?"Rather than asking about everyone individually, just make this a plural "you" refer broadly to the Tri-Stars.Then after we've discussed this;>[X] "Did you find Mio?" Though I'd imagine things aren't exactly promising, given the fact that he didn't tell us the news up-front.
>>30581593>>30581654(In this instance - Upon consideration - I'll say that any penalties from the location of the Hyades spheres would result in a delay at best, instead of rendering communications completely unusable. There might be a substantial delay, but - As with the LEUKOCYTE - it should be able to function, barring any countermeasures.)> [X] "You sure you want to know?"Kouichi grimaces, looks pained. "...I guess," he says, sounding distinctly dubious, now - "Whatever *happened*, last night...It was hard *not* to feel it. Something's happened - We just don't know *what*." He smiles - Just a little - his expression resigned; "It can't hurt to know, can it? After all...It's all over, right?" "-Right?"It's rather more plaintive than you'd expect - He's clearly hoping that it *is* all over. > [X] "How are you holding up?"He shrugs. "-Rather...*well*, all things considered. The last time I saw Regios, he was at the Hollow Sun with Tyrian...They're fine, the two of them. For now, anyway."He shoots you another glance, over his shoulder - He *definently* hasn't forgotten your prophecy. "No sign of..." Kouichi clears his throat, meaningfully, and waves a hand in a vague gesture. "-You know."(Continued)
>>30581914(A quick addenum: Gentlemen, is there consensus on what you'll be researching/ retrieving from the Hollow Sun?)> [X] "Did you find Mio?" "-Uh." That doesn't sound encouraging. "I checked at the hospital, like you asked - They didn't tell me much, but she came in for a medical certificate; I guess she's been sick?"Kouichi seems slightly uneasy, somehow - More so than usual, at least. There's something furtive in his expression, but he has a lousy poker face. "The last I heard, she was headed to the, uh..." A pause. "-You know where the, uh, 'Salvation Children's Home' is...?" [ ] "I've been there before."[ ] "I've been hearing that name a lot."[ ] "-So she's there? You're sure?"[ ] "Kouichi. What *aren't* you telling me?"[ ] FreeYOU HAVE CONTROL
>>30582067>[x] "I've been hearing that name a lot.">[x] "Kouichi. What *aren't* you telling me?"
>>30582067Goddamn it, I was afraid of that.[X] "I've been there before."[X] "Kouichi. What *aren't* you telling me?"Essence Assimilators and Panoptic Array. All else is in flux, though I motion for Siegebreakers and the Galvanic Emitters.
>>30582067>(A quick addenum: Gentlemen, is there consensus on what you'll be researching/ retrieving from the Hollow Sun?)Nope!Still up for debate>>30582134>Essence Assimilators and Panoptic Array. All else is in flux, though I motion for Siegebreakers and the Galvanic Emitters.Man you have 100% changed your mind since last time you brought this shit up
>>30582067The Emulator module, for sure.
>>30582160Not... really? I mean, I suggested the first two and the last one as being necessary, but anon contested the emitters. Hence it's "in flux", and subject to change.
>>30582067I say we nab the Emulator Module for code burst goodness and the Lucifer Bits since we left our interceptor is severely lacking in punch.
>>30582067I know we want the emulator module.When we stop by the sun, can we toss in our accumulated player signatures into the grinder? I don't want to purchase any of the resulting relics, I just want confirmation on who we specifically killed during the raid.
>>30582067>(A quick addenum: Gentlemen, is there consensus on what you'll be researching/ retrieving from the Hollow Sun?)Essence Assimilators are pretty much guaranteed. (15%)Literally Everyone last few threads wanted the Emulator Module, to make use of all our fancy new wizard powers. (25%)The Audito Array is the same - and now that you've confirmed CybelePhone, its pretty much obligatory now. (15%)Another Void Anchor we can drop next fight is also fairly mandatory. One planted isn't enough. (15%)=70, which we can afford immediately.Plant another anchor, then start cranking out research over the next few threads.The rest is up in the air.
>>30582205I can definitely get behind this.
>>30582194>Lucifer BitsWhy do people keep suggesting we spend any amount of energy on the interceptors we all hate?>>30582202Player signatures go away when you level up. We leveled after killing Zoauve, so there's nothing in the tank.
>>30582067I'm voting in favour of the emulator chipI want to be the wizard, and able to actually use EXEC_SMITE without completely depleting our resources.Right now it's sort of like that one spell which does tons of damage but costs more MP than you actually have,
>>30582205This is absolutely reasonable and I fully support it.
I still support theCascade ResonatorPanoptic ArrayEssence Assimilatoroptions.We can do the Emulator Chip in addition. Fuck talking to Cybele.
>>30582067>[X] "I've been there before.">[X] "Kouichi. What *aren't* you telling me?"I've got to say, the next time we're there I'd really like to see if there's any way we can get Kotone's crucifix back from the father in charge, if only because I'm somewhat uncomfortable with leaving it in someone else's hands without actually knowing if it has significance beyond sentimentality. And even if it WAS simply a sentimental gesture for her to have given it to us, that doesn't really change the way I feel about wanting to hang on to it personally.I just don't know that there's any way to do so in any reasonable way after choosing to leave it with the Father the first time around.
>>30582268We should make the most out of our Hyade, anon.
>>30582205You want someone with the brain of a child on overwatch? Considering all signs point to the endgame starting in three days I think the total essence for the headsets will be worth more spent in other ways.And fuck Cybele, in the not sexy way. Veto Auditio.
>>30582224>Why do people keep suggesting we spend any amount of energy on the interceptors we all hate?Because they bloody kicked ass last time, and we've finally proven they aren't shit, we've just been using them wrong.I don't think Lucifer Bits are worth getting at this time, but they're a world of difference:Basic player l2 weapon, to Artifact Level.>>30582268Not plan essence miner.We need to get back to the tri-stars and the hollow sun to see the feasability of itBut fitting the Red comet's passenger compartment with essence harvesting equipment, to turn it into a Research Farming machine, is absolutely worth prioritizing over Argus Bits.Seriously?Argus bits?Watashiwa, you bitch about our rifle bits in one sentence, and vote for argus bits in the other?Screw that!More essence income, THEN research.We can't actually use the benefits of our research without MORE charges to build it, FYI.>>30582205This is totally reasonable and I love it. Fund it
>>30582268Man, you don't just fuck a girl and not call in the morningIt ain't done. Joker is a gentlema- Pfffahahahaha I can't finish that sentence.
>>30582205I'm on the fence about the Audito Array, but I can see this working out.
>>30582321Argus Bits are the ones that let Garm see if it gets blinded or damaged. Considering Joker killed Bardiel because he was forced to reveal himself after we did EXACTLY THAT to him, I say they're absolutely worth it.>>30582205I've made my dislike of Cybele clear. Pass on the Array.
On the subject of Cybele, how does POWER TRANSFER interact with her emblem? If meter and booster are now capable of being swapped at will with no extra cost, the emblem should operate at a fixed rate, right?
>>30582311>And fuck Cybele, in the not sexy way. Veto Auditio.Audito is useful in ways beyond Cybelephone.AndEndgame in 3 days is a point in our favor for being able to order our army around.Vetoing your veto.
What exactly is 'plan essence miner'? Is it even possible to do something like that? None of the given upgrades seem to say so.I would much rather focus on making our battle tank a battle tank.
>>30582134I've got nothing better, I'll go with these.
>>30582399Use the red comet as a farmer to kill stuff and collect essence.
>>30582399A series of modifications proposed by anon - namely, the garm has essence assimilators used for restocking its weaponry.It started with the idea of 'well why don't we hook it up to the pilot so they get xp for kills in the tank', and proceeded to 'well why can't we put a funnel to the hollow sun in it, so the sun feeds on slaughter' and then added 'well, if the essence assimilator were to restock the kinetics, we have arsenal beacon technology, we can just have the hollow sun churn out munitions and refill it as needed, AND be able to special-order ammo on the fly'.That is what became plan essence miner.Its not a miner.Its a murder-harvester.
>>30582205Gonna throw in my vote for this because I like Cybele and fuck the haters
>>30582393There are other, more useful places to spend energy in the here and now. Get an extra Void Anchor instead.
>>30582441It also solves the problem with the Red Comet - its killy as hell, but if we use it, we don't get XP, and we also don't build meter.>>30582393>Endgame in 3 days is a point in our favor for being able to order our army around.Urghhhh. Good point. Audito is useful if we can fire the hollow sun without being there, too.>>30582390>Argus Bits are the ones that let Garm see if it gets blinded or damaged. Considering Joker killed Bardiel because he was forced to reveal himself after we did EXACTLY THAT to him, I say they're absolutely worth it.Meh. We have shields.Voting in favor of Audito Array.>>30582205also reasonable
>>30582473B-but muh Cybele
>>30582392(Upon consideration, I'd say that's entirely reasonable. You can now always use the more favourable 2 : 1 ratio, as you would when expending Meter.)>>30582194>>30582161> [X] ESSENCE ASSIMILATOR 15%> [X] AUDITO ARRAY 15%> [X] VOID ANCHOR 15%HOLLOW SUN: 6.8%RELIC UNLOCKED: EMULATOR MODULEWhen activated, the Emulator Module creates a copy of any technological weapon - That can be held one-handed - in your free hand, effectively doubling it while the Module is active. The copy has all the properties of the original; However, it does not require charging elements or further expenditure of Meter/Cobalt Booster, and is otherwise a perfect imitation.However, any damage to the original also applies to the copy - If the original is destroyed, the copy's form is also disrupted. Notably, the copy has to be used *simultaneously* with the original - Otherwise, the Emulator Module does not function. Notably, with upgrades, it is likely that Emulator Module's abilities will extend beyond technological Relics/weapons. (tl;dr - The Emulator Module can create a perfect duplicate of any weapon you can hold in one hand. This applies to Hollow Sun firearms, the Immolator and the Nova Cannon, but not to your Meter weapons...Yet. Note that this means you can effectively make any one-handed weapon twin-linked. Empowering the original with the Cobalt Booster means that the copy also receives a free charge.)Certain Relics like the Nihl Sphere and the Fatal Abyss are beyond the scope of the Emulator Module's power.)(Continued)
>>30582441I think that's what the Void Ordinance Array is. Given it lets us "Load" Void Anchors, I wonder if we have to pay for the Anchors separately, and whether we can plant them in primary mode or if it's just the bombs.>>30582492Bardiel had shields.Had.>>30582516>not codeburst relatedCalled it!
Come on now guys, love and hate have no place in our plans. Think objectively. How will it effect us inthe short-term? How will it effect us in the long-term? These are the only questions that should be relevant.
>>30582531>>not codeburst related>Called it!.... we no longer need charging element upgrades.Double tau.DOUBLE TAU
>>30582516Double Immolator is cool but I would prefer if it was codeburst related.
>>30582516So it has to be a handheld weapon/relic, then? I suppose we couldn't use it on the sinistral, then?
>>30582516>No codeburst upgradeFuck
>>30582548>Come on now guys, love and hate have no place in our plans. Think objectively. How will it effect us inthe short-term? How will it effect us in the long-term? These are the only questions that should be relevant.Audito array can be used to:Order army aroundtalk with tristarsremote-control garmenables long-duration drones/surveilancemaster/slave commnodesSpectator Hax from cybeleand >we could even bill people (like argent) to set up commnets (in essence).Its not about love.Its about being the only fucker with red world phones that can reach friends who are logged inThere are SO MANY things that a simple radio can unlock.
>>30582516>>30582558>>30582569>Double Immolator>Double Tau gunIt's not codeburst related but still, holy fucking shit this is awesome.
>>30582558Oh, I'm not saying it's bad. In fact, I love it, the Fusion Annihilator shenanigans will be amazing.But I told people not to make assumptions about what it was multiple times, so I'm going to treasure this.
>>30582393>Vetoing your veto.If nothing else, this is why the whole concept of vetoing things is stupid.I don't mind the Audito Array, if only because it actually makes deploying Hellions for something besides a single tactical strike without constant oversight a practical idea, and we may very well need them to be able to function in autonomous, self-coordinating groups to deal with, for example, a horde of Amalgams or Silencers or what have you.CybeleComm I can take or leave.>>30582516Interesting, at least. ...I'm looking forward to unstable-aim but extraordinarily destructive Twin-linked Revolve Bazooka action.
>>30582516What aboutWhat about Double Sinistral. Wait, no, wait, what if, what if we got more charging elements, and then DOUBLE MAULER.Oh god, all that dakka. All that fucking dakka.
>>30582631>DOUBLE MAULERCan we use it with one hand?
>>30582624Didn't OP say that we can only use the Hollow Sun for anything once?
>>30582624>If nothing else, this is why the whole concept of vetoing things is stupid.The double-veto this is a recent development, actually. I've only seen it used once, like a few threads ago, and now.Its kind of amazing its lasted this long.But i'm willing to put the genie back in the box.>>30582617>But I told people not to make assumptions about what it was multiple times, so I'm going to treasure this.okay, wata, you win. You were right. This time, I'll concede
>>30582652Only if we purchase additional charging elements.
>>30582617>double Fusion AnnihilatorOh boy>>30582558Nah, getting the charging element upgrade may be useful still>get upgrade>DOUBLE HELLFIRE CHAINGUNImagine all the dakka.
>>30582631>Double MaulerI do believe I'm gettin' the vapours.
>>30582654Yeah. But having the ability to have Virtues coordinate groups of Hellions through Hollow Sun CIC rather than leaving them as fire-and-forget shock troops means the range of effective uses for our one Hellion strike is a whole lot larger.
>>30582631>>30582652>>30582674>>30582688Just drown all the enemies in shell casings.
>>30582661I look forward to arguing with you in the future.
>>30582674>Nah, getting the charging element upgrade may be useful stillNot as useful as the Cobalt Booster upgrade.There's still that Hidden Function, and we want more booster more than ever>>30582718FYI i think you're right about research being important, but I think we need to prioritize hellion research over red comet upgrades.
>>30582721Joker can finally put his hand-to-hand combat skills to use!
>>30582721You know whatI don't even give a fuck that it isn't codeburst related anymore. The Emulator Module is fucking amazing because DOUBLE HELLFIRE CHAINGUN and DOUBLE CRISIS ARM.Take our two biggest weapons for ranged and melee, respectively, and DOUBLE THEM.
>>30582732>FYI i think you're right about research being important, but I think we need to prioritize hellion research over red comet upgrades.Fuck hit enter early.Prioritize hellion research over red comet upgrades, and prioritize essence income first.If we manage to Get Enough essence, we need to build up a surplus of essence cores, and gear towards firing the hollow sun twice.
>>30582721Pic. Fucking. Related.>>30582732>>30582756I'm actually inclined to agree, but we're likely to use Garm sooner than the Hellions.
>>30582721I love it.But I think I love the dual hailfire chaingun moreWe really need to get those extra charging elements so we can one hand the thing.
>>30582604>Audito array can be used to:>>30582624>I don't mind the Audito Array, if only because it actually makes deploying Hellions for something besides a single tactical strike without constant oversight a practical idea, and we may very well need them to be able to function in autonomousHoly fuck, why isn't this getting more attention.The possibilty of *directing* the sun instaed of just pulling the trigger is as much of a gamechanger as a Corrector Army>>30582516Other Selection: Analyze the Red Joker memory in the hollow sun
>>30582654It isn't that the sun can be used one time, it's that all the worthwhile things like the dominion, the midas armor, and our army launch are so energy intensive they'll render the sun inert.If we can find large sources of energy and ways to upgrade the sun past it's crippling energy deficit, then maybe we can have more than one nice thing.
Oh wait that reminds me, OP, switch the chaingun to our heavy weapon slot, and replace the lost Friction Axe with the Immolator.
>>30582516>Emulator module gives us two of our best weapons- no matter what they are with one purchase, despite not at all being what we hoped it was when we bought it.>Interceptors still not worthwhile unless cobalt boosted.I expected codebusts, but we got christmas early. Best unintended upgrade ever! Interceptors, go back to your fucking shame box.Forever.
>>30582815I support this.
>>30582721>"I'd like you to meet my two best friends.">"This guy here is called Negotiation.">"And this fine fellow is known as Persuasion.">"Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
>>30582815I agree.
>>30582576>>30582631>>30582624>>30582721(My apologies: You can use it on the Sinistral, and the Crisis Arm. To clarify, what I meant was that it has to be something you can use in one hand - For instance, if you could use the HAILFIRE CHAINGUN in one hand, it'd be a valid target for the EMULATOR MODULE. At present, since you require both hands to use the MAULER, it's not compatible.The Revolve Bazooka, however, is. You'll only have to pay the priming cost once, for the original.)>>30582617(Unfortunately, it doesn't apply to Meter weapons yet.)>>30582399>What exactly is 'plan essence miner'?(It was a plan to turn the Red Comet into an automated Essence harvester. Tyrian Edge hasn't entirely succeeded in that regard - The refit is beyond his capabilities - but he's unlocked some relevant research such as the GUARDIAN AI system, the VOID ORDNANCE ARRAY, the BREACHING SPIKES and the MULTICORE CONVERTER.)> [X] "I've been hearing that name a lot."> [X] "I've been there before.""Really?" Kouichi blinks, wrong-footed. "-I didn't know that." For a moment - Just a moment - he looks distinctly relieved. >[x] "Kouichi. What *aren't* you telling me?"He starts - Actually flinches - at your words; He's nervous around you - Or is that of you? - and it shows. Just a little. "Well," he begins, slowly - Gauging your response - "...she wasn't there alone." Kouichi looks distinctly embarassed, now - As if he's plumbing new depths of awkwardness, a silence hanging low and heavy in the air. "The thing is - It's just what I've *heard*, from the counter staff-" It's a valiant effort, but he falters. "...I mean, I'm sure you know her well, so it's not my place to-" He stops. Sighs. "...She was there with her boyfriend." (Continued)
>>30582815I can support this.Love me some Hailfire Chaingun.
All this talk about weapons made me think.Joker has a fuckload of weapon options but how exactly do they rank when compared to each other?As far as destructive power is concerned I guess its something like:1)QUANTUM SINGULARITY CANNON 2)TACHYON DISINTEGRATOR3) Fusion annilator?4)Tau Gun?JOP can you tell us what weapons do the most damage if they hit? It's getting really hard to choose our loadout what with our 20 something different weapon/relic/offensive codebursts(Smite).
>>30582882You said that we'd be able to use the Mauler in one hand if we took Additional Charging Elements, right?You should definitely include that in the description.
>>30582882He goes quiet. Somehow, you just know that he's silently kicking himself. As the moment extends towards infinity - Kouichi hastens to add (rather belatedly): "Jok - Anon, what I mean is, that's all they told me." Kouichi scratches at his cheek, glancing down at the floor - As if hoping it'd open up and swallow him up. He clears his throat, coughing lightly into the ball of his hand; And then- "Look, I'm not *saying*-" He hesitates, as if he isn't sure what he *is* saying. "-You know. That it's anything."[ ] Free.YOU HAVE CONTROL
>>30582882>(Unfortunately, it doesn't apply to Meter weapons yet.)Expectations tempered accordingly.>"...She was there with her boyfriend."You lot are forbidden from freaking out about this.>>30582924"Kouichi, I'm worried about her, not her relationship status. Calm down."
>>30582924Thank him for the help. We'll take it from here. We know the guy she's with and he's probably just dicking around.
>>30582882>The Revolve Bazooka, however, is. You'll only have to pay the priming cost once, for the original.Great now we have more Gundam references.
>>30582924Wait, can we use the Mauler in one hand if we unlock the Talon?
>>30582924Is this a chance to drop the mio?Who next will Red Joker use for emotional comfort?
>>30582882>For instance, if you could use the HAILFIRE CHAINGUN in one hand, it'd be a valid target for the EMULATOR MODULE. At present, since you require both hands to use the MAULER, it's not compatible..... Talon compatable with Hailfire?Its not hellion armory tech, but it is a stabilizer arm.>>30582882>(It was a plan to turn the Red Comet into an automated Essence harvester.Actually, I don't think automating it was part of the plan - we were thinking it would still need a driver/pilot, but we just wanted to expand on where the essence it collects goes.It seems like you have much more of a full refit in mind, though.
>>30582815>switch the chaingun to our heavy weapon slotAww, but we can't emulate that yet. And we CAN emulate the Revolve Bazooka.I get that it's more practical against large groups and doesn't require Cobalt Booster to prime, but it still feels like kind of a shame.>>30582924"Nothing I can be mad at you about, so relax.Hell, even if it isn't a misunderstanding, it's still a lot better than hearing she got caught up in everything that was happening last night....And thanks again.">>30582969Fuck, and I was one of the guys that was kind of getting sick of those, too. Now something I actually want to happen is one? Conflict of interest is rough.
>>30582924"Calm down, Kouichi, being cheated on is the thing I'm least worried about right now.""The problem is that I have a good guess who exactly that *boyfriend* is and if I'm right, then things are becoming more complicated."
>>30583039Soon, we will be able to emulate the Mauler. We need to practise for when that glorious day arrives.
>>30583037The Nihil Sphere is fully charged, so it's back to hunting for Hecate.
>>30583034>>30583038I think the only reason we can't use the Mauler with one hand is because Joker doesn't have enough charging elements, not because it's too heavy.
>>30583044>>30583039>>30582939These are good answers. I'd also add:"I know there's other people that are interested in her, kouichi - even before I asked you. ""I was concerned someone would hurt her to get to me. Thats what this is about."
>>30583083You mean the Girl we cheated on twice?
>>30583091That's exactly the case, OP said so when we picked the thing up.It should be stated somewhere.
While we're theorizing potential self upgrades and such, we should devote some time to finding the TITAN upgrade. For those who don't remember, when we first took control of the hollow sun and gained initial access to it's relic armory, two of the entries were corrupted- the ZENITH UPGRADE and the CRISIS ARM. Both were previously theorized to be connected with our past incarnation as FROST CESTUS.We have both relics within our armor, but no sign has been given the sun has the TITAN UPGRADE ready for us. Either we haven't researched enough for it to pop up for creation, or... we have to go back to hell and retrieve our heart. Thoughts?
>>30583097These are fairly good points, though the first rings a little hollow given some of our previous less-than-charitable reactions.The latter is definitely something to bring up, though.
>>30583044Let's /not/ mention the cheating bit.
>>30583112What Titan Upgrade? We have both the corrupt text upgrades, plus we unlocked the Tau Gun by leveling up Frost Cestus somehow.
>>30583177I think he means the gold armor. thankfully, i have history - i don't see a titan armor
>>30583219Daegal/the presumed Midas armor? Don't think that's for us unless something really goes right or wrong.
>>30582624In spite of what I said broadly earlier;>>30583145This actually reminds me that on the meta front, given the way JQOP tends to collate dialogue snippets, I'm not really as opposed to the concept of vetoing specific dialogue options.>>30583243I'm a little worried that it's the intended armor for the winning Chalice Queen candidate, given the fact that Pazuzu and friends (Rust Kaiser in the Spire we visited with the Thief, then Kraken in the case of the Hollow Sun itself) were after two similar suits, and we know from Alura's affiliation with the Smilers that they would benefit from having another player in the endgame.We don't know all that much about how the Race for the Chalice Queen works, though, so it could very well just be wild speculation.
>>30583177>l) (r1$1$ 4r/\/\>d4m463 d373c73d 70 pr1m4ry w34p0n 5y573m5. 7174n up6r4d35 r3c0mm3nd3d f0r 5ubj3c7: fr057 c357u5. b361n 1n574ll4710n 0f 4cc3l3r470r 574k3 4nd 6r4v1m37r1c 1mp4c70r.Titan upgrade recommended.
>[ ] GUARDIAN AI VER. 1.0 OP, is this coincidence or did you play Titanfall?Also, is anyone else in favor of the additional heavy weapon slot?
>>30583291>Titan upgrade recommended.Holy Fuck.GOOOD catch.
>>30583291I'm almost positive that is just referring to the Crisis Arm as BEING the Titan upgrade.
>>30583291Correct me if i'm wrong, but this reads:damage detectd to primary weapons systems. Titan Upgrade Recommended for Subject: Frost Cestus. begin installation of accelerator stake and gravimetric impactor.Also things I want to do:Converse with the hollow sun AI. Its a machine, yes, and views us as its caretaker. But we have yet to interact with it at all.Next time we visit the sun, plug in and have a chat.
>>30583291>b361n 1n574ll4710n 0f 4cc3l3r470r 574k3 4nd 6r4v1m37r1c 1mp4c70r.>Begin installation of Accelerator Stake and Gravmetric impactor2nd one is the crisis arm.Accelerator stake?These two together unlock the Titan Upgrade?
>>30583291Does it mean it'll turn us back into Frost Cestus?
>>30583279Could be. I think it's more like Rust Kaiser found the core, Pazuzu breached it, and they sent Kraken in to finish the job. The armor is probably separate from the survival battle.>>30583291Good catch. I suspect the Titan upgrade is the name of the specific augmentation under discussion--the addition of the acccelerator stake and gravimetric impactor.>>30583292Mostly against, research is better at the moment.>>30583351We tried once, iirc. There wasn't much there to communicate with except BUILD and PROTECT.
>>30583038>>30583034(You can actually hold the Mauler in one hand, even without the Talon. However - As a secure firing mount - the Talon would negate the recoil/accuracy penalties that comes with firing a heavy weapon like the Mauler one-handed.)>>30582939>"Kouichi, I'm worried about her, not her relationship status. Calm down.">>30582949>>30582987He exhales, slowly. His shoulders slump, and his stance eases - Leaning forward against the railing, now, absently rubbing at his elbow where the paint flakes off. "-With you, I can *never* be sure," he mutters, at the very edge of audibility; You're not sure if he meant for you to hear that. "Well, if you say it's all right...I'll take your word for it." The relief in Kouichi's voice is entirely evident - It's been gnawing at him over the course of the weekend, you can tell. One less thing to worry about. > "The problem is that I have a good guess who exactly that *boyfriend* is and if I'm right, then things are becoming more complicated.""I've noticed." It's not really a joke, but he chuckles anyway. >>30583097He gives you an odd look - He can't tell if you're being serious. "*Hurt* her? Why? Is there something sp-" The door swings open again, with another moan of rusty hinges. "Yo!" Kazuya sounds unusually chipper, this afternoon - Then again, he's spent most of the morning asleep. "Kouichi, have you seen An-"He stops, mid-sentence. "*There* you are." The chain-link fence clinks, as he leans against it - Crossing the narrow distance in long strides, looking out at the city below. "Yui-chan's looking for you, you know. Didn't say why." Kazuya raises an eyebrow, as he regards you; "-You're looking *way* better, man. Had a good weekend?" [ ] "You could say that."[ ] "-It felt longer, somehow." [ ] "Is this about the play? Isn't the final rehearsal tomorrow?"[ ] "...Have you heard from Asuna?"[ ] "You're in a good mood. What's up?"[ ] FreeYOU HAVE CONTROL
>>30583377>[ ] "You're in a good mood. What's up?"Then>[ ] "Is this about the play? Isn't the final rehearsal tomorrow?"
>>30583377aaa, its been so long since Yui.[ ] "Is this about the play? Isn't the final rehearsal tomorrow?"[ ] "...Have you heard from Asuna?"[ ] "You're in a good mood. What's up?"
>>30583377>Had a good weekend?"I think I rediscovered my love for fine napalm."
>>30583377[X] "...Have you heard from Asuna?"[X] "Is this about the play? Isn't the final rehearsal tomorrow?"[X] "You're in a good mood. What's up?""Took care of some old business. Not quite done yet, but it's a major start. Ask me how I feel after the festival."
>>30583377[ ] "You could say that."[ ] "-It felt longer, somehow."I take it we need more charging elements to use the Mauler one handed?
>>30583377>[x] "-It felt longer, somehow." >[x] "Is this about the play? Isn't the final rehearsal tomorrow?">[x] "You're in a good mood. What's up?"
>>30583416>"I think I rediscovered my love for fine napalm."Kouichi is not a Player, right?he's the one with the anti-redworld-aura?May not want to say that.
>>30583377>[ ] "-It felt longer, somehow."
>>30583467Kazuya is the anti-Red powered guy.Kouchi is Bishamon.
>>30583377Other important non-conversation question:Have we heard from Rook or his friend since the incident?we have phones after all.
>>30583377>"-You're looking *way* better, man. Had a good weekend?" kazuya pls."Well, a productive one, at least. Still got plenty to do, though. No rest for the wicked and all that.">[X] "...Have you heard from Asuna?">[X] "You're in a good mood. What's up?"A couple questions of opportunity.>[X] "Is this about the play? Isn't the final rehearsal tomorrow?""...and it's probably too late to hope for a promotion out of Shark duty again, isn't it."
Is Joker "looking *way* better, man." because he torched the original hive or because he lost his virginity to a cute girl?
>>30583496>"-You're looking *way* better, man. Had a good weekend?" Do we have the "aura" or something?
>>30583537i'm reminded of someone's suggestion to go 'hey, did you fuck your hyades yet?' next time we had the chance
>>30583565I'm pretty sure Koichi doesn't have a nihil sphere so the answer would be no.
> [X] "I think I rediscovered my love for fine napalm."Kazuya gives you a patented Are You Serious look - A slight arch to an eyebrow, a distinctive widening of the eyes - before he glances over at Kouichi for confirmation. Kouichi just shrugs, helplessly; Kazuya sighs. "Man, *you're* no help." > [X] "Is this about the play? Isn't the final rehearsal tomorrow?""Yeah, well...Something about a...'backup plan', I think? Either that, or-" His glance is swift, searching and sharply considering...Before Kazuya shakes his head, visibly pushing aside whatever he was thinking about. "-Nah, it can't be. Never mine."> [X] "You're in a good mood. What's up?" "Oh, nothing. Nothing at al - Dude, it's *obvious*. We're going to an all-girl's school - The first visitors in *ten years*!"He prods your shoulder, experimentally. "-You *sure* you're really all right? Because if you aren't even a *little* excited about that...I think your *body* might be *dead.*" Kouichi clears his throat, looking slightly uncomfortable - "Anon, there's something I need to do; It's there's anything else, you know where to find me." He nods to you, and shuffles off - Kazuya cants his head to the side, a little quizzically, as the door swings shut behind Kouichi. "You know, I can't tell *what's* up with that guy." Kazuya says."-Ever wonder what he's thinking?"(Continued)
>>30583606>"-Ever wonder what he's thinking?""Kazuya, do you know what it's like to be leaking spaghetti from your pockets at all times?"
>>30583606He is just extremely awkward in public, he can't help it.
>>30583606>"-Ever wonder what he's thinking?""Imagine him as the protagonist of a sci-fi romance light novel. Suddenly, everything makes sense."
As for the Hollow Sun, this is what I'm voting for:- Essence Assimilator (15%) (We need to get a high value Hellion upgrade once in a while, to slowly beef them up before we need them)- Teleport Homer (15%) (This makes the tank *far* less dependant on preparation)And, optionally, another tank upgrade like Guardian AI (Which allows us to increase our firepower without disabling our own weapons or essence accumulation), Mimetic Alloys (Quite a bit of usability) or Myomer Hypertrophy. All three of those are potential high-value upgrades that create the basis for increased efficiency.
>>30583481(You haven't been able to reach them, yet. However, it's actually been less than twelve hours since the conclusion of the raid.)> "Kazuya, do you know what it's like to be leaking spaghetti from your pockets at all times?">>30583640"You serious?" Kazuya sounds a little dubious. "-I always thought he was, you know, a cool guy. The kind that-">>30583647"Yes, *exactly*. Maybe he fights demons after school, or something - He's got that kind of look, y'know? By day he's an ordinary third-year, by night he's..."Kazuya's voice trails off, and he stops before he gets carried away. He has the good grace to look slightly sheepish. "Still, you never know. It could happen."His voice is casual enough, but his expression says: Don't take this from me, man.> "Well, a productive one, at least. Still got plenty to do, though. No rest for the wicked and all that." "-Ain't that the truth." > [X] "...Have you heard from Asuna?"Silence. "Yeah, well-" Kazuya's smile is distinctly awkward, now - The toe of his shoe scuffs against a ridge in the ground, as he looks away. "-I...wouldn't know, man." He hesitates, as if searching for the words- (Continued)
>>30583822>[X] "There's somewhere I need to be."- [X] Visit the Hollow Sun/Meet with the Black Tri-Stars.
>>30583806(My apologies, a quick addendum.)"Look, I don't know what happened, but..." He hesitates, not quite sure how to get it across - "...I don't think she wants to talk to you." Absently, he rakes his fingers through his hair - "Just...You should probably give her some space. If you get what I mean.""I'm not asking - I'm just saying." He glances down at his watch. "-Time's almost up. You got any plans for later?"[ ] "There's someone I need to meet."- [ ] Contact Palladium Rook.- [ ] Contact Distortion Haze.- [ ] Contact Cybele.- [ ] Rendezvous with the other squads at the Crooked House. [ ] "There's somewhere I need to be."- [ ] Go to the Sterling Industries building.- [ ] Visit the Salvation Children's Home. - [ ] Visit the Hollow Sun/Meet with the Black Tri-Stars. - [ ] Visit the Metropolitan General Hospital. - [ ] Visit the Papillon.[ ] "I'll be at school for a while longer."- [ ] Meet with Yui. - [ ] Meet with Natsumi.- [ ] Talk to Asuna. - [ ] Talk to Kouichi. [ ] "I'm free, really. We could hang out."YOU HAVE CONTROL
>>30583854>- [ ] Meet with Yui.then>- [ ] Rendezvous with the other squads at the Crooked House.
>>30583854Fuck, there's quite a few of these options that I like.We shouldn't meet AP. Too much possibility of a breakdown of relations.Going to the Salvation Children's Home would be best done with some reinforcement. Also, prepare to shoot the killsat into the real via EXEC_REND.I really want to meet Distortion Haze again. Maybe we should meet the entire team and hold a funeral for our dead.The Hospital might have clues. NIHL would be useful there.But we haven't met Natsumi in ages. We talked to her even less than Kazuya.
>>30583854- [X] Meet with Yui. then- [X] Visit the Salvation Children's Home. I just want to make sure that nothing terrible has happened to Mio.
>>30583792You're a bit late, we already got HS stuff. Assimilator was part of it.>>30583822>>30583854>- [X] Visit the Salvation Children's Home.Really the only choice. Except maybe... "I have plans actually, but we haven't hung out in a while. If I get everything done I'll call you up and we'll hang out.">>30583872Untrue actually, we spend much more event time with Natsumi than Kazuya.
>>30583854Check up on Rook and Haze.
>>30583822>- [ ] Contact Cybele.VETO THISwe just got a full charge now is not the time to wast it!
>>30583884Seconding. Yui did call us and it's a chance to hurt the Smilers again.
>>30583891>You're a bit late, we already got HS stuff. Assimilator was part of it.Ah, I got confused because only the Emulator Module had a description.Definitely voting for teleport homer as our next upgrade, though. Otherwise we will never use the tank.
>>30583891>"I have plans actually, but we haven't hung out in a while. If I get everything done I'll call you up and we'll hang out."But call up the team and tell them that we want to hold a memorial later on.>"By the way, if you help me, I can provide all of you with upgrades so that such a thing never happens again."And then everyone plants void anchors.
>>30583891What Wata said.Though if we have time for multiple options, I think we should drop by and see what Yui wants before we leave.
"...I can't exactly say I blame her.">>30583822God, that's a lot of stuff we actually want to do.>[X] Meet with Yui.See what the deal is, then>[X] Contact Palladium Rook.See if we can set up a debriefing/postmortem of the raid for some point in the near future (maybe even tonight), or see if nobody wants anything to do with the whole thing anymore.Then>[X] Visit the Salvation Children's Home. It couldn't hurt to figure out what the deal is once and for all; almost anyone we know associated with the place is someone we'd be interested in running into for one reason or another.>>30583872>Going to the Salvation Children's Home would be best done with some reinforcement. Also, prepare to shoot the killsat into the real via EXEC_REND.Jesus. I can't imagine "prepare to orbital strike the orphanage" is even CLOSE to one of our plans right now. If there's bad news there on the Red side that's one thing, but wiping the Real-side off the map specifically strikes me as extraordinarily and unnecessarily brutal.Just because it was recruitment ground for Smilers doesn't mean it's a strict evil; just that the people there are disenfranchised and thus more open to getting scooped up. The Last Hour connection just makes it easier to do so.
>>30583854the highschool we're going to is the same one as the last Inox Fang player right?
>>30584035Yep.Mio was suppose to help us look into her identity but I guess thats off the table now.
>>30584062Good, we can finally kill her and hopefully complete the relic.
>>30584009It's pretty obvious what Yui wants. She and Mio both intended to ask Anon to accompany them somewhere at the cultural festival. A couple's event, or a rumor, or something. Pity that we seem to be playing by Full Metal Daemon Muramasa rules, and the girls you have the lowest affection with are the ones who survive.>>30584062We asked, she didn't know anything and doesn't get along with the girls at her school.
>>30583872>We shouldn't meet AP. Too much possibility of a breakdown of relations.We do owe him an explanation.The revelation that not only can kraken control correctors but that they can ~turn players into correctors~ is HUGE, and may just be the thing that makes AP get off his ass.AlsoWe should stop keeping the sun from him, now that we know what he's up to, and offer to throw the HS's resources behind making the barrier-strengthening device.
>>30584098She did say she'll check though, because a sister dying would have been big enough news to just simply overhear.
>>30583854>Contact Palladium Rook.>Contact Distortion Haze.
>>30584098>It's pretty obvious what Yui wants. She and Mio both intended to ask Anon to accompany them somewhere at the cultural festival.We should do this.Also, void anchors:I have two ideas. Place one at school, after beating up a smiler there, or 2, place one at the site of the culture festival, so we can catch whatever shit happens to go down there since we KNOW it will be important. (unless its on a special stage, then its a bad idea)
>>30584129I thought we mostly agreed that we weren't going to go the Law route?
>>30584129Getting him some of our important findings is definitely worth doing, but I think I'd prefer to wait until we've closed the book on the raid after talking with whichever survivors are still willing to meet. Make sure the people involved know first, since they're more likely to be targeted as a result.>>30584150Even if not to help advance Argent's agenda, the knowledge helps keep his grunt squads informed, and presumably safer as a result.And one of our friends is on those grunt squads, after all.
>>30584150Should we maybe decide on our long term goal?I'm personally not opposed to the idea of becoming Red Joker, lord emperor over the unified Red/Real world.I'm only for a mundane ending if it's a happy end.
>>30584129Oh also: If it comes up, with rook being a double agent: He was going to trigger this attack no matter what.If we HADN'T come along, Double Agent Rook would have fed as many people as he could muster up into the heart of the Smiler's essence grinder, and gave them MORE tools and raw material and goo for amalgams, in addition to reducing a) argents defenders and b) all the neutral mercs for hire that could swing the balance.If we HADNT been there, shit would have been a lot worse, AND rook would still be a double agent.
>>30583854Can we head to the last red Jokers grave? it might unlock his memories.
>>30584035(My apologies; You haven't actually been to Seisin High yet. The play is going to be performed there, however.) >>30583292(I haven't had the opportunity, unfortunately.)> "I have plans actually, but we haven't hung out in a while. If I get everything done I'll call you up and we'll hang out.""Count on it," Kazuya says - His usual grin is back, the jaunty, entirely familiar one; The one, come to think about it, that got both of you into plenty of trouble. He gives you a comradely slap to the back - "There, you see? It's good to see that you've cheered up. Being all brooding doesn't suit you, man." He saunters off, with a wave - He seems more cheerful, somehow, as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. > [X] Contact Palladium Rook.> [X] Contact Distortion Haze.The phone rings, and rings again, and again...No-one picks up. But then, there's the low chime, then the throb of a message returned - All block letters, on your phone:THE CROSS COUNTER. TONIGHT.Text-only. The same place you met Shuya, for the planning of the raid. Why neither of them are answering their phones...Well, you can't be sure. >>30583866>>30583884>>30583938> [X] Meet with Yui.> [X] Visit the Salvation Children's Home. The rest of the day crawls by, hour by slow hour - The hands of the clock making slow circuits, until the final bell rings. It's nigh-impossible to get anywhere, in the first rush to leave the building; But once the dust has settled and the corridors have cleared out, you make your slow way upstairs, up the winding steps, past the library...(Continued)
>>30584178The part about the Correctors, yeah, but we should never, ever tell AP about the Hollow Sun.>>30584183Problem is we don't know enough about what we can do with the Manifold Towers to be able to create a goal, though I would be up for that ending.
>>30584129We should put all our cards on the table. Except maybe Leukocyte, for the perfect "Fuck you Smilers" moment. Offer Argent a trade: Enough Hollow Sun weapons to equip his people in exchange for codebursts and his research on the Manifold Towers. If Rook is alive, we'll have to keep him, no way he can go back to Argent, but Rook needs to come clean himself.Oh, and we should really find out which of Armaros' pals leaked us Bardiel's location, no way they did that under Argent's direction.>>30584145Players still get Essence for their kills, or at least we still did in the Hive. If the damaging effect goes into play, all it'll do is prevent combat from entering that zone.>>30584183Take control of the Red World. Delete the Player list. Empower the Shroud so that the real-world Relics stop working. Then reinstall Red World OS, wipe the Correctors out. Mold the Red World into a literal paradise.That's if we survive.
So guys When do we let Yui down?After a date through Seisou high's cultural fair?Its gonna come up sooner or later.
>>30584222>Take control of the Red World. Delete the Player list. Empower the Shroud so that the real-world Relics stop working. Then reinstall Red World OS, wipe the Correctors out. Mold the Red World into a literal paradise.Yeah. I like 'fuck this sick game' route. I also think that argent's 'rebuild the shroud' goal - now tha we know it - is worth helping
>>30584222>Offer Argent a trade"Now that I've seen your R&D efforts, I've done some work myself. Are you interested in the fruits of my labor?"
>>30584222God no. We really shouldn't trust Argent. Though the trade sounds like a good idea - so long as we don't reveal how we're getting the weapons.
>>30584222>Take control of the Red World. Delete the Player list. Empower the Shroud so that the real-world Relics stop working. Then reinstall Red World OS, wipe the Correctors out. Mold the Red World into a literal paradise.>Kills aren't deadly anymore - You need to die multiple times to lose much essence>If you deplete your essence, you are banned from the game and lose your memories>Instead of zombie-mode, time is accelerated when you enter the Red>Tournament support systems in place>Secondary moratorium avatars for everyone
>>30584263why? we found his ulterior motive, and he's been standup so far
>>30584263I wonder if his research on Hollow Sun equipment had any results by now.
>>30584222I love the idea of that trade with Argent. We need information more than we need him to not have guns.
>>30584237Argent's goal is a stopgap--he doesn't have the time he needs to pull it off, and it'll only lock out most Players. That's why we grab his research, so we can do it ourselves if we have to.The Hyades System Call ability means that there's an operating system--backend, mainframe, servers, whatever you want to call it--that can be accessed, and I think the Towers are the way to do it.>>30584263He's on the level, I think. We were right not to entirely trust him, because the greatest threat to a single Player is any organized group, but we have to get someone's external help, and Argent's our best--only--bet.>>30584274Something like that.>>30584297Every gun Argent's people have is a gun killing Correctors. We can do crazy Russian Joker again.
>>30584288Because he survived the last round. There's almost no way he won't somehow regain his memory and try to fuck us over, or do it anyway because we're too dangerous or something.
>>30584195The Student Council office - Or rather, the *temporary* one - is in a different place from before. (The last one, after all, was devastated in a gas explosion.) It's rather more makeshift, for one - Basically an out-of-the-way classroom, with all the tables pushed into a 'U'. Given the amount of paperwork that was incinerated or otherwise destroyed, you'd question the need for even that. Still, the sign fastened to the door looks official enough, and when you knock- "-Come in." Even muffled, Yui's voice is as authoritative, as brisk as ever - The door swings open without a sound, on oiled hinges, as you step into the room beyond. There's paper. A *lot* of it. Reams and reams, stacked in neat rows on the pushed-together desks; Clipped in place, filed and marked in a careful feminine hand - There's something painstaking in the arrangement, that tells of long, thankless hours- Yui doesn't look up, her attention entirely focused on a set of manilla folders - She seems to be carefully constructing a complex schedule from the list provided, her pen scritch-scratching as she makes annotations; Her brow slightly furrowed, deep in thought. "Thank you for the help: Just leave it in the IN tray."[ ] "-Excuse me?"[ ] "I can come back later, if you're busy."[ ] "You were looking for me?"[ ] "-Are you all right?"[ ] "Class Rep, it's me." [ ] Cough.[ ] Free.YOU HAVE CONTROL
>>30584319>[ ] "Class Rep, it's me."start with
>>30584274So we mold the Red World into Accel World?
>>30584319>[x] "Class Rep, it's me." >[x] "I can come back later, if you're busy."
>>30584314He was friends with the old Joker. He's gone military because Bardiel--his favorite--betrayed him. He's dying, and without an heir to carry on his work. We can trust him so long as we try and keep in mind other Players are people, and work to keep the real world separate from the Red.He might be mad after the Hive incident though.>>30584319"Wouldn't sitting on it break it?"> (The last one, after all, was devastated in a gas explosion.)Ouch.
>>30584227Uh, we've only really talked to her incidentally as a result of the play, so I'm not sure why you'd feel compelled to run with this.Like, aside from the Arcade incident, she's been almost entirely a side character to anything plot-relevant.Now, that's not necessarily going to stay true forever, but I don't know why we'd feel compelled to go along with that even if she does suggest it.>>30584319"Hard at work as always, eh Class Rep?"
>>30584319[] freeSit on the table, next to the intray"Ok." After she registers the fact.
So you guys are aware that Mio has probably joined the smilers now, right?This wouldn't have happened if we had fucked her, just saying.
>>30584442It just means we'll get a bit more essence in the future!
>>30584450And maybe a nice hat.
>>30584442I don't really mind.
> "Wouldn't sitting on it break it?"> [X] "Class Rep, it's me."> [X] Cough"Ah-" Yui doesn't quite start, at the sound of your voice - But you hear the faint scratch of her pen against the paper, as she straightens in her seat; "-Anon-kun." She's quiet, as she looks up - Her hands folded on her lap, her gaze settling on you. She's going red, slowly but surely. Her expression's carefully composed, but it doesn't stop the blush that spreads across her skin; A flash of surprise in her eyes, as she looks back down at the table. > "Hard at work as always, eh Class Rep?"Yui nods; For a moment, she just stares at the arrayed papers, as if she can't remember what she was doing an instant before. "It's...There's just a few things left," she offers, by way of explanation. "I'm just making sure that everything's tidy, that's all..." >[x] "I can come back later, if you're busy.""N, no!" Yui says, abruptly - She catches herself, too late, and rises to her feet with a clatter of her chair's legs. "I mean; I'm not busy, right now." The papers rustle, putting the lie to her words - She casts around, as if looking for a way out- "Just - You can sit down, if you like. If you need something to drink - There's warm water, and tea, and-" A gust of wind scatters the report on her desk; She reaches for the stack, but she's a heartbeat too late as papers take to the air in a swirling blizzard, scattering across the floor like dead lives. Her brow furrows - "Sorry," she says - "...It's just - There's just a bit of a mess." She nearly knocks over the chair, when she makes to circle the desk - Nearly upending her mug, a forlorn rattle of glazed ceramic echoing in the air. [ ] "...Are you *sure* you're feeling all right?"[ ] "-Let me help you with that."[ ] "Is there something you need?"[ ] "...Is there a point to this?"[ ] "You're the only one here?"[ ] Free.YOU HAVE CONTROL
>>30584442I wonder if Naoya did something to Megaera. If Mio's there, use the Nihl Sphere to ensure she speaks the truth.And no matter what, Red shift. Let's see if we can track down Hellebore using Megaera.
>>30584493>"...Is there a point to this?"Do you think we'll get a new power if we fuck her, too?
>>30584493>[x] "...Are you *sure* you're feeling all right?">[x] "-Let me help you with that."Maximum dense.
>>30584516It's faked denseness, of course.
>>30584500Don't be mean. I actually find her really cute. > [X] "-Let me help you with that."
>>30584493Is there a point to this?I'd love to care, but we already have SO MANY other women in our lives.
Man, i was really wanting to see what 100% Joker Cave would unlock, (there is that unobtainium armor sitting in our basement) but moot's shitty spam filter caught me a ban on /v/ before I could chime in. I don't understand why mods don't do appeals through IRC anymore. Incredibly inefficient.>>30584442>joined the SmilersPlease. They would vivisect her to get at Hellebore and her pet hellhound. See what makes her tick. Being Joker's current in-the-flesh squeeze is simply an added bonus for BETRAYAL. Figure Pazuzu gets off on that sort of stuff.I bet she was in one of the tanks we set on fire.>>30584510>Maximum denseFor added bonus, ask, "Do you have a fever? You're really red." Then put our hand on her forehead.
>>30584541>For added bonus, ask, "Do you have a fever? You're really red." Then put our hand on her forehead.YES. YES, WE MUST DO THIS.
>>30584493"Am I really that unexpected? You knew Kazuya would find me. And while I'm not thrilled about being a 'backup plan', curiosity at least would catch my attention.""Did you volunteer for this or did everyone else just leave?">>30584510>>30584523Sort of like FSA Shirou? We almost have the allergy to other people's concern, too.
>>30584541In a monotone, while staring blankly at the wall behind her.
>>30584442Given her freak-outs and/or secrecy about pretty much everything remotely supernatural she's ever been exposed to, I can't imagine her jumping straight into the dark side from the word go.That said, I could easily imagine her getting roped into joining them almost accidentally, though, without really understanding what she's getting into. And then having an impossible time trying to figure out how to get out once she realizes that they're not exactly good news.>>30584493>[X] "-Let me help you with that."Doesn't hurt to be helpful, plus on the meta side, there's the obligatory awkward hand contact or whatever, because that's pretty much the mandate for how these things go, I think.>[X] "You're the only one here?""I'd have thought there'd be at least someone else on the job with you, at least this close to the festival.">>30584540Can't say I disagree terribly, but hey. We chose to visit.Time to sleep; please don't fuck everything up. Well... not past our daily quota, at least. I don't think we get paid suffering-overtime.
>>30584540It's really too bad that Yui didn't turn up earlier. She's a cute chick, and her personality's oddly endearing. She clearly has a crush on us.
>>30584575Is there anyone that doesn't?
>>30584582The Smiler girl that we stabbed in the foot and then watched as she got squashed by a truck.
>>30584572We need to find her and talk about this ASAP.>Am I getting NTR'd?>Have you joined the Smilers?>Does Naoya have a fascination with your powers/something called Megera?If the answer to all of these is no, we're fine. If even one of them is yes, then somebody gonna get a hurt real bad.
>>30584582I'm pretty sure Inox Fang doesn't.Aside from that, Rena and Natsumi's friend.>>30584595I actually think that was Kraken in a hit and run.
>>30584582>>30584582I picture Spaghetti-san as Michishio from Hanayame. Whenever he's alone it's just pic related.
>>30584605>Rena and Natsumi's friend.I can't even remember those two.
>>30584605I think Rena wants our dick. Not sure.
>>30584616I laughed. Too bad Kouichi can't turn into Kenshiro.
>>30584630I think it was implied she has a thing for Naoya.
>>30584626That's why I named them.>>30584630Rena thinks Joker would be fun to hang out with. She's probably right. She also wants Mio to be happy. She notices that Mio is very happy around Joker.Hard to say anything more than that.
I just noticed that EXEC_TRANSFER actually granted us a relic.ANDVARANUT
>>30584649EVERYONE has a thing for Naoya. Even Naoya. We want him dead... Mio wants to test the suspension in his car...>>30584655Huh, you're right. Imagine that. Did we ever play our sphere of annihilation over the Joker Memory by any chance or get it analyzed by the Joker Cave?
>>30584541I'm torn. I know this is going to get us into more relationship trouble, but I just can't resist. Seconding this: Full speed ahead, ho!
>>30584655Oh god, we've got Andvari's Gift. Everyone and everything around us is doome--oh wait, that's the same as usual.
>>30584685Isn't that Norse mythology or am I thinking of something else?
>>30584675>Mio wants to test the suspension in his car...As much fun as it is to crack jokes about this, I really hope not. Rape, cheating and NTR in cooperative games is always a punishment for caring about the characters and getting invested in the game. Cybele was bad enough, this on top would just be painful.
> [X] "You're the only one here?"> "I'd have thought there'd be at least someone else on the job with you, at least this close to the festival.""Ah, I sent them back," she says, with an aside glance. "-It's...not actually a burden at all, and when I can manage alone-"> [x] "-Let me help you with that."You kneel, shuffling the papers back together - Scattered across the tiled floor, it's hard to get them back into order, but they seem (In bits and pieces) to be a schedule, a list of events, and printouts of a vast campus; Probably Seisin High, then. "It's all righ-"You're reaching for the penultimate documents, when Yui's hand brushes against yours - The effect is immediate and electrifying, as she snatches it back; She stands up, so suddenly she almost falls over - Completely red, now, she clutches the papers to her chest, the first cracks showing in her mask of composure. "W, wah - That's..." she begins, looking in every direction at once - As if hoping for a way out. "Anon-kun, I didn't mean to-"(Continued)
>>30584708It's the original One Ring (Well not really but you know what I mean), from the Ring Cycle.
>>30584680>>30584541>>30584557> [x] "...Are you *sure* you're feeling all right?"> For added bonus, ask, "Do you have a fever? You're really red." Then put our hand on her forehead."I'm - No - Anon, *wait*..." Yui's legs bump into the desk, as she takes a tentative step back - Her paper shield still up, her eyes spinning in her head as her breath catches. "I'm not - I'm not ready for..."Her voice dissolves into a soft gasp, an "Oh~!" when you put your hand to her forehead; Yui's skin is amazingly soft to the touch, as a tremor races through her - She leans away, then towards you at once, her eyes squeezing shut at the warm contact. ...You're pretty sure that's a fever. "H, haaaa-" She's breathing hard, now - Cornered against the table, entirely overwhelmed, her pulse hammering at a million miles at hour; Her body tensing and going limp at the same time, as her head cants back- -And then her lips part, ever-so-slowly, her chest rising and falling with each slow breath, as a soft, sweeter exhalation pulses from her silky throat.[ ] Free.YOU HAVE CONTROL
>>30584745360 degrees and walk away.
>>30584745KISS HER, YOU FOOL.Welp. I knew it.
>>30584733> is a cycle of four epic operas by the German composer Richard WagnerHuh. I learned something today then. Neat.>>30584745>You're pretty sure that's a fever.I lost it.To further play the maximum dense, "You're really hot."A beat."We should lie you down somewhere."
>>30584745My sides have left the building.Grab her and carry to the infirmary while lecturing about overworking herself and getting sick.Try to hide the shit-eating grin.
>>30584745Oh gee, that's one fierce fever!Better have her rest while we fetch her an aspirin. I bet she'd need to go home early too!>>30584779Do it.
>>30584745"That really is a fever.Xome on, get your things. I'm sending you home."
>>30584774Are we really going to do this? We never, ever learn, do we? Do it. Doooooooooo itttttttt. > [X] Kiss her.
>>30584804No. Yui came in too late and no longer qualifies as a romantic interest. She's there so we can bully her.
>>30584774NoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooLets not go down this damn road.Fuuck! fuuck! Too many girls.>>30584789>>30584791>>30584796I like these clever approaches to teasing her way better
>>30584745Carnifex on, then snap her neck.
>>30584804Let's not.I'm already dreading having to deal with the potential backlash if either Mio or Cybele finds out about the other.
>>30584807I vote that we don't do anything else to her, but we kiss her in the heat of the moment. Good lord, but this is amazing.
>>30584774>>30584804On the forehead. To test her temperature. Our hands are pretty clammy so we're getting false readings. Then we take her to the infirmary.
>>30584745"As much fun as we could have here and now, you're sick, prez. Come on, I'll get you taken care of."Hold her hand and take her to the nurse's.Hey look, I've got a different one this time.>>30584820>On the forehead.Yessss. Yessss.
>>30584818For once, I DON'T want the protagonist to kiss someone in the heat of the moment. I'm still upset about how it worked out with MIo. Teasing her would a lot more refreshing.
>>30584807I actually really like yui though but we still need to find hecate.
>>30584832I like her too, but this really isn't the kind of quest where quadruple-timing is a good idea.
>>30584832It has been SEVENTY CHAPTERS since we last saw her. I'm all for moving on, because we can't pine after the missing girl forever.
but we did the forehead thing to mio already, when we shouldn't have
>>30584745Ugh, christ you guys will fuck anything with the slightest hint of moe in it.Do not kiss her. Do not say anything 'dense lol'. Suggest that maybe she cool things down and go sit down with a glass of cold water and NO PAPERWORK.
>>30584830Watashi you sick fuck, this is a blue board.>>30584855Should have been on the lips, yes we know.
>>30584855>shouldn't haveWhy? I think it was a good choice since it symbolized that while Joker is fond of her, he isn't actually romantically infatuated with her.
>>30584851>It has been SEVENTY CHAPTERS since we last saw her. I'm all for moving on, because we can't pine after the missing girl forever.Fuck you we owe her our life and a chance to at LEAST follow up.You're just saying that cuz you don't want competition for the girl you really want>>30584859Seconding. The Ugh-factor has reached prime.
>>30584859seconded. Don't kiss, treat her respectfully
>>30584871>Why? I think it was a good choice since it symbolized that while Joker is fond of her, he isn't actually romantically infatuated with her.Yeah but he kind of is.
>>30584874For the umpteenth time, if you have an actual suggestion we haven't tried or thought of, please let us know.
>>30584745Her hormones just kicked into overdrive. >>30584859This is the sanest answer. I'll admit that I really do want to vote for kissing her, and going with the 'heat of passion' defence. We really shouldn't be looking to have fun with another gun.
>>30584882Is he? There really isn't much to prove. His actions concerning Mio are really ambiguous. At this point it still isn't decided just how strong are his feelings for her.
>>30584895Teasing her is way more fun, though.
>>30584883>For the umpteenth time, if you have an actual suggestion we haven't tried or thought of, please let us know.Beat the fuck out of the smilers with exec_reap+verbatim until they cough up info.don't whine about no options, just do it.Revisit the dreamland, ask again. More nihl_tricks - now that its at Full Power, its path-opening powers should be similiarly enhanced. That option to go to the Hospital earlier was a pretty clear indication that there was something there, a reason to do it.The problem I have with all the mio fangirls is that they vote against anything remotely like a lead into hecate because they don't want the competition - i just want to have a chance to save her, and figure out people stuff later.
>>30584883We still have a fully charged nihl sphere to try out. Its worth a shot.
>>30584810I'm so annoyed that I might almost agree.Guys, kissing her isn't funny. And teasing is only moderately funny.
>>30584895>'heat of passionThe thing that fuckes us over so many times, like with Bardiel ?
>>30584918And that's why we should keep it at teasing only.
>>30583854>- [ ] Visit the Metropolitan General Hospital.>>30584883>For the umpteenth time, if you have an actual suggestion we haven't tried or thought of, please let us know.This was a context clue, btw, much like going to the papillion or whatnot.We obviously changed SOMEthing while we were active in the real last time we were there - don't just whine about not having options, FOLLOW UP.>>30584918>Guys, kissing her isn't funny. And teasing is only moderately funny.This.>>30584859Thirding, fourthing, fifthing - please, JQOP, see the voice of reason.(i do like your lighthearted funny stuff, but please don't overdo it with more stuff tg may take seriously)>>30584572>Time to sleep; please don't fuck everything up. Well... not past our daily quota, at least. I don't think we get paid suffering-overtime.Have to honor lolwut's dying request after all
pls no bully yui. We want to keep her at arms length to increase her chances of survival, after all.
>>30584908Doing the same thing but harder is unlikely to get us the results we need. Reap is a kill move, and we'd have to kill the one person who knows exactly what happened to her in order to be certain we wouldn't be lied to. Frankly, I don't think we're good enough to beat Pazuzu with 80 booster left.Nara Dreamland again is a good idea, and I've suggested it several times in the past.>>30584942The hospital's been an option for a while now. Last couple times we were there we wound up seeing Cybele.
>>30584964>The hospital's been an option for a while now. Last couple times we were there we wound up seeing Cybele.So are you for or against visiting the hospital now ?
>>30584985I'd say Salvation home first.Mio is a more pressing matter. And I say that as a Hecate fan.
>>30584959Too late with this little stunt.She'll be looking for us befote and after the play.
Just letting you all know torture murder of Megumi is a viable way to get leads on both Hecate, Mio and the plans of the Smilers
>>30584859>>30584874>>30584881>>30584895>>30584918"...?" Yui trembles, holding herself poised; When your hand draws away from her forehead, she makes a low, confused sound - At last, her eyes crack open, tentatively; Until she's staring at you, her eyes glistening- "Uuuuuu - I, I..." she stammers, lost and confused -And then she begins to cry. It's confusion and embarassement and more than a little shame, tears sliding down her cheeks as her shoulders heave in muffled sobs; She flinches as you steer her to the nearest chair, but then her legs fold beneath her, and she sinks into it. > Suggest that maybe she cool things down and go sit down with a glass of cold water and NO PAPERWORK.For a long while, she can't answer - Not right away, at least, until the crying fit plays itself out; Then Yui just sobs, her slim fingers clutching the glass, spilling most of it in her distress.(Continued)
If the White Joker's armour works on the same rules as ours, what would happen when we killed them?
>>30584985Ambivalent. Pretty sure we need both Nihl Spheres to make a permanent transfer, and just from what we've seen I don't think Hecate's home.>>30585006What. Absolutely not.
>>30585011Pink Joker i guess.
>>30585011Pink joker
>>30585019>>30585020>Both posted at 23:22:27
>>30585019>>30585020The Joker of love and explosions.
>>30585011>>30585019>>30585020If we kill all of the Jokers, we become JOKER PLANET.
>>30585006I don't even. We're not like Kraken or Pazuzu. Let's just not do that. We're being very callous and uncaring enough already.
>>30585007Well that backfired.
>>30585045I'm pretty sure Joker isn't above torture, maybe not of Megumi, but in general.
>>30585030More like soiled panties and broken hearts.
>>30585053I think she's just crying because she feels she royally embarrased herself.
>>30585053What, you mean that isn't what you were trying to do?
>>30585070I swear that some of the long-time players here are literally autists or sociopaths or very young teenagers.How fucking retarded/unexperienced do you have to be to not anticipate this kind of situation?That happens when you fuck with people who love you.
>>30585066Yes, that is fairly obvious.>>30585070Actually, i was voting for teasing. It would give her a chance to compose herself and and play wave it off.
>>30585057I bet Joker would make an excellent optometrist. His fingers just do wonders for your vision.
>>30585057That depends. Some of the anons would like it some wouldn't. And I don't know if OP would be comfortable narrating that kind of thing.It might be acceptable to extract information from a Smiler, but it's not something you do for fun.
>>30585007It's like a dam breaking, her body wringing itself out. Yui can't look at you, her head in her hands - Not even when her last sobs have dissolved into hiccups, rocking slightly in her chair. "T, to do something so *shameful* - she sniffles - Her voice blotchy, choked-up. "Anon-kun, I'm *sorry*-" It takes a while longer, for her to settle - Longer still, before only the hitch in her breath remains. "I didn't want...I wasn't-" The tears well up in her eyes, and she looks like she's about to start crying again."...I wish I could - I could just *die*."Her face twists when she says that: It's heartfelt, as she rubs at her already-red eyes - Her hands wringing at her skirt, in abject embarrassment. "I'm not - I'm not like *that*, so why...?"[ ] Free.YOU HAVE CONTROL
>>30585101Absorb her with the Nihl Sphere.
>>30585030> Hyper camp joker> makes a love heart shape with his fingers>"Pink Joker moe moe heart attack!"> use our killsat> which is now pinkYes.
>>30585100Dude, we just led a literal MASSACRE of Smilers. I don't think we're going to have a problem interrogating a ghost of them.
>>30585101> [X] Free."It's all right. I was just surprised, that's all."
>"I'm not - I'm not like *that*, so why...?"[ ] Free."... Its not wrong to like someone, Yui. "+>>30585117
>>30585101>"I'm not - I'm not like *that*, so why...?""There's nothing bad about it. I went overboard, not you. Sorry, it's my fault.And please don't say that you want to die. Have you seen the news?"
>>30585101"Really? Its kind of cute."
>>30584745I wish someone would write smut of this. I don't know why, but this is hammering every one of my fetishes HARD. OP, WHAT WOULD HAPPENED IF WE KISSED HER?
>>30585107I like that idea a lot.>>30585101*General comforting speech, probably involving either hand on shoulder or headpats.*
>>30585101>[ ] Free"You didn't do anything shameful. It takes a lot of courage to admit something like that.It's my mistake for giving you the wrong impression. Be amd at me, not at yourself"
>>30585113KILLING AND TORTURE ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS...Does this REALLY need to be spelled out?>>30585132>OP, WHAT WOULD HAPPENED IF WE KISSED HER?Kazuya and Bishamon would enter the room while we do it and never want to speak with us again. And then Natsumi would learn about it and try to challenge us in the Red.
>>30585132Turns out she's actually a Corrector-human hybrid somehow brought across to the real! She bites off Joker's tongue.
>>30585132Sex on the table.
>>30584745jesus christ is that the jokers real world power? to give girls orgasms by touching them? no wonder Anons so popular with the ladies
>>30585139>I like that idea a lot.It lacks creativity.Joker should gain the ability to summon his harem. Each interceptor would be replaced by a harem member.
>>30585101"It isn't shameful. It's human. I think it's wonderful that you can be so expressive."Besides, most people would say I'm at fault for taking advantage of you."
>>30585101"Please don't say you want to die... please"Silently pat her head until she calm down.
>>30585145> Kazuya and Bishamon would enter the room while we do it and never want to speak with us again. And then Natsumi would learn about it and try to challenge us in the Red.That has never, ever happened. We haven't been nailed for all the philandering we've been doing, yet.
>>30585145And then we turn two of them into clothes, hypothetically speaking of course.
>>30585113And we accidently Ivory Zuave. But being a soldier- or even a killer- doesn't automatically makes you a soulless person who will commit any atrocity, no matter how depraved.
>>30585106We haven't unlocked that ability yet dingus!>>30585101"Yeah.. I have that reaction with people sometimes. I sometimes wonder if my actions are driven by an outside force from time to time. So, you feeling better? Want me to get you a coffee or something?"
Guys, I have a quick request:How many things look like death flags for us?"Andvaranaut" is a magical ring that can make gold... It's also cursed to kill its owner.
>>30585179Oh. Then just brutally beat her to death with it or something.
>>30585156Nah, Joker needs to pull a Shugo Chara and have multiple forms, each themed after his love interests.
>>30585101"You're stressed out from the upcoming play and from trying to do everyone's work yourself. Seriously. Go home, read a book, unwind. Then when you come in tomorrow ask for /volunteers/ to help you with this workload. I gurantee you'll get at least a few.Being unable to shoulder the burdens of an entire school is no weakness."
>>30585169We've lost one, one is crazy and the other is getting nailed by Pazuzu. Karmais it'sown punishment
>>30585145EXEC_Reap isn't torture.It's killing, followed by trawling through an electronic ghost.
Superior suggestions.>>30585158>>30585125>>30585124>>30585122>>30585117>>30585179>>30585164>>30585125Mixed messages tho.
>>30585185Welp, seems like Joker gained an Id.>>30585186The ironic thing here is that Amu has just as much swag as Joker, just towards guys instead of girls.
>>30585154It's luck. Anon has good things happen to him (when incredibly awful things that are also opportunities aren't happening). He's a teenage boy, and what could be luckier than wonderful, loving and beautiful girls developing feelings for you?Keep in mind, she's also most certainly associated with the Red World.
>>30585172>Joker.>Not soulless.
>>30585189Out of all, i think this would be the best response to give her.
>>30585207And then the poster ends up deleting his post... great.
>>30585172>no matter how depraved>no matter how depraved>no matter how depravedDoes hand holding count?
>>30585215wat? he hasnt deleted it
>>30585194ah hell that cut off.Bottom 3 are the mixed-message ones
>>30585186Side note:The forms of Amu are based on her "would-be selves". So, basically, each form would be based on deciding on one love interest.And there'd be an additional form, based on choosing all the girls. Which would be Red World emperor Red Joker.Pic related for Amu's ultimate form.
>>30585189Fourthed. Including the "loving someone is no mistake"comment from the other anon
>>30585223Wait what? Could've sworn it said dead on my screen. It's gone now though.Oh well.
>>30585227>red world emperorOh my god we're Issei.
>>30585236I was about to mention that Issei is a spineless wimp.But that's not much different from us. We even have the same "all girls love you" power. And some of OP's images are from the show.
>>30585242Joker only pretends(?) to be a spineless wimp.
>>30585242If I remember correctly, Issei being spineless is mostly because he's still traumatized by the memory of how his first love wonderfully failed.
>>30585205He's clearly not. He has feelings good and bad (mostly bad, but circumstances, etc.) but feels genuine affection for his friends, likes/loves Hecate and Mio, feels guilt and regret for those killed in the raid and elsewhere at his hands, and would like nothing better than to spend a day with a pretty girl or two and not have things go horrifically wrong.There's a soul there, but it's warped and scarred from decades of kill or be killed.
>>30585132(I might write something, if there's enough of a demand for it. Otherwise, it's unlikely.)> "It's all right. I was just surprised, that's all."> "...It's not wrong to like someone, Yui. "She shakes her head, no - Her lips trembling, too embarassed to meet your gaze. "I just...I just - I *wanted* -" the scandalized gasp that pulses from her throat brings her perilously close to tears, again. >>30585158> "It isn't shameful. It's human. I think it's wonderful that you can be so expressive.""Uuuuu-" Yui rubs at her eyes, her sobs slowing - "...I, I don't know *what* c-came over me-" she confesses, her throat working. "When y, you got so *close*...I just - I just couldn't *think*-"She ducks her head, hunching down - As if hoping to dodge her own embarassement. > "There's nothing bad about it. I went overboard, not you. Sorry, it's my fault.> "Besides, most people would say I'm at fault for taking advantage of you.">>30585189"R, really?" Some of the colour is returning to Yui's face, now - Enough for the faintest trace of giddiness. She looks light-headed, but there's a kind of embarassed amusement she can take in it; Still mortified at herself, but calming all the same. She shoots a hesitant glance at the stack of envelopes on the table, as if only just remembering something - "...But I wanted to as-" she begins...Then catches herself, reflexively, some of her earlier reserve returning. Instead, she simply nods.(Continued)
>>30585264>if there's enough of a demand for it. Otherwise, it's unlikely>enough demand for itOh but there is. You've just assigned yourself homework for next time.
>>30585264>(I might write something, if there's enough of a demand for it. Otherwise, it's unlikely.)Your writing is excellent enough that we'd be interested in any branch of the story - but i think at this point we're realizing how schitzo the RJ is, and trying to curb it IC - taking that kind of stuff outside as 'could have beens' ..... may actually help mitigate 'but i like THIS person' factor.may make it worse, dunno.
>>30585264> if there's enough of a demand for itHahaha, this guy.
>>30585264>(I might write something, if there's enough of a demand for it. Otherwise, it's unlikely.)Clever JQOP, slipping that in when his american audience is falling asleep at the keyboard so they won't ask for it.Uh. Guys? Anyone else up for the talking parts of this section? Anyone?
>>30585322>Anyone else up for the talking parts of this section? Anyone?What do you mean, exactly ?
>>30585322>american audienceI'm dead in my chair here. I can't believe I stay up for this every single time.
>>30585264>(I might write something, if there's enough of a demand for it. Otherwise, it's unlikely.)Yes yes yes!
>>30585338Only that literally every response is 'ooh wordporn!', and not like, talking about the REST of what's going on.Sorry if I wasn't clear.I am firmly in the about-to-keyboardface-camp
She stands up - Her eyes drying at last, her motions still clumsy, still a little uncoordinated as she weaves through the room; Retrieving her schoolbag, at last, holding it with both hands like a talisman. Haste makes her clumsier still, as if she's anxious to leave it all behind...-But then she stops at the door, and bows her head low. "-Thank you." Her voice is low, still husky from her tears - "For not..."Yui's words trail off, as draws herself up to her full height. It's as if a weight has lifted from her shoulders, somehow; Clarity, arriving in the wake of sheer embarrassement. She even smiles, just a little - The faint, mysterious smile only a girl can give, tentative but warming at once. "Anon-kun...I'll, ask you again tomorrow. And, this time..." "-I'll ask you honestly. So - Please wait for me." Yui doesn't wait for your reply; She's through the door in a flash, her hair drifting in her wake - Her footsteps pattering down the corridor, as she makes her exit. The afternoon sun dapples the room blood-red, and for a moment- -Just a moment - You can't help but feel that you've accomplished something.JOKER QUESTEPISODE 84TO BE CONTINUED
>>30585347>I'm dead in my chair here. I can't believe I stay up for this every single you work in the morning too?I don't today, but I've been guilty of that before.(JQOP, that's a compliment. Thanks for running)
>>30585358>You can't help but feel that you've accomplished something.+1 Spine upgrade received!
>>30585358(Gentlemen: My sincerest apologies for the abrupt ending. It is extremely late on my end, and my schedule makes for an early start tomorrow - I'll also admit that certain scenes are very emotionally draining to write, and that I'm entirely exhausted.Good night, and God bless: You've been a wonderful audience, and I hope to see you again soon. I'll post the link to the IF scene on my Twitter, once I complete it. It should be sometime later this week.)
>>30585355>Sorry if I wasn't clear.No, I sometimes miss things.Additionally, I just tuned in, and am now speedreading the first 50% of the thread.So let's talk about the rest that's going on. Some anon suggested visiting the orphanage, and that seems like a good idea.
>>30585358>You can't help but feel that you've accomplished something.FOORREESHAAADOOOWWINNNNG.JQOP, i think that's you being proud of us, just a little bit. Confirm/deny?>>30585371Also... thanks for running. Its kind of refreshing to know you're as tired as we are :)That being said - you were going to say something post-game(at the beginning). Still awake enough for that? Thought you got off the hook, mister?
>>30585371>I'll post the link to the IF scene on my Twitter, once I complete it. It should be sometime later this week.)If this isn't a rickroll, I'm going to be VERY disappointed in you, young man.
>>30585380He already said that he'll tell us when the Quest is over.
>>30585322It's why I'm still here, though I'd hoped we'd reach Mio this session.Not that I mind, this has been entirely productive, if not in the direction I thought before it started.>>30585355Ehh... well, the bit about how proximity to Anon flustered her badly is odd. Could be her, could be Essence charge.Good on you for not being a tease, looks like that was the right call.>>30585371>I'll post the link to the IF scene on my Twitter, once I complete it. It should be sometime later this week.)Pfffahahahahaha. Thanks for that OP, much appreciated. You realize though that people will want other IF fics now? Like kissing Mio before she left the apartment?
>>30585367Not anymore! Graveyard. Catch most of it on my phone and then the rest when I get off.>>30585371>link to the IF scenePlease slip in a seafood or mollusk reference. I would love you forever. I'd even hold your hand.
>>30585358Ah yui, such a good girl.A pity it'll never be.
>>30585390>IF ficsOh god, slippery slope detected. Abort! Abort! EJECT!>>30585393I wanna make seafood puns about clamming up, but i'm too tired to think of a punchline. >>30585371>(Gentlemen: My sincerest apologies for the abrupt ending. It is extremely late on my end, and my schedule makes for an early start tomorrow - I'll also admit that certain scenes are very emotionally draining to write, and that I'm entirely exhausted.if I may ask, JQOP, what line of works are you in?I'm a chef myself. And boy do I get the whole draining schedule thing. Rest well!
>>30585390>Not that I mind, this has been entirely productive, if not in the direction I thought before it started.I think that sums up pretty much every Joker Quest so far.We had that streak of sessions with JQOP going 'welp I didn't think THIS would happen!"
>>30585405>seafood punsOh, you almost had it, you were clawing at the glass.And come on, don't you wonder what this would be like if Joker had known about Natsumi being a Player from the start? That's been burning in my brain for a year now.>>30585422For both sides, for better or for worse. At least here we got bitching clone guns and not unwanted entanglements.
>>30582905>>UPGRADES! DELICIOUS UPGRADES!>>Suddenly, nobody gives a damn about the bossfight shitstorm>I see your game, JQOPI don't know whether to make this face at you, or myself for it working
>>30585463>Oh, you almost had it, you were clawing at the glass.Sometimes, you have to be the better man and show restraint. Others, you have to get on your high horse and scallop off into the sunset.
>>30585467We can't keep Joker out of qtg, but we can keep qtg out of Joker. Don't bring that here, this was an entirely reasonable and productive session.
>>30585477>We can't keep Joker out of qtgPeople need to stop mentioning it there TBH.Quest was nice when it was just me and watashiwa, and none of those fucking troll suggestions shitting the place up(i'm looking at you, neck snapple man)
>>30585476Oh come off it, you have to be a real urchin to let little things like taste nettle you.>>30585487Just disengage. Don't bring up Joker, don't respond to taunts. Browsing experience improves greatly, trust me.
>>30585477>this was an entirely reasonable and productive sessionI would actually say that it was a bit low on content.On the other hand, the change to per-session Hollow Sun gain means that we might get the teleport homer in the next thread.
>>30585515On the other hand, we got a bunch of upgrades and a few things to follow up on this session. With luck and OP's blessing we'll have Mio safe (one way or another) and settle things with the minor factions this month. Here's hoping Rook didn't overpromise, we're stuck delivering.Oh, before I forget, we should have the Tri-Stars join us at the Crooked House. Get all the debriefing done at once.
>>30585487>Quest was nice when it was just me and watashiwaIllusions of grandeur, much ? The Quest didn't have just two players for the first parts, and you aren't the only "sensible" player
>>30585550Do we need the tri-star there?I'm not sure why we should bring them.
>>30585550>Oh, before I forget, we should have the Tri-Stars join us at the Crooked House. Get all the debriefing done at once.Idea:Allow each team member to use the essence grinder once.
>>30585550Regarding Rook though, the only survivors of the assault on Kraken were Haze and Rook. We can actually hide any mention of his betrayal.Should we?
>>30585358The knowledge that we can, in fact, romance any girl in the setting is kind of liberating and terrifying at once. On one hand, I like the open-world feeling it gives: On the other, people tend to come so close to screwing up at every opportunity. Is there any other quest where the male protagonist has actually had sex? With a girl who wasn't the heroine, to boot!
>>30585577>Is there any other quest where the male protagonist has actually had sex? With a girl who wasn't the heroine, to boot!Mahou Shonen QuestAll the girls jumped our bone in that quest.
>>30585567Because they are our allies, and deserve to be updated. And they could offer advice. And we could ask tyrian about tech advice on future projects.
>>30585584Oh god, in MSQ, every one was the heroine.
>>30585587>And we could ask tyrian about tech advice on future projects.I really want him to brainstorm some upgrade projects for each team member with us.Especially Haze.
>>30585584That was rather more comedic as a setting, though.
>>30585587Yea but that likely involve telling them about the Hollow Sun. Still inclined to keep it secret.
>>30585593>Oh god, in MSQ, every one was the heroine.Even the protagonist.>>30585598I think they deserve it after going through hell with us.
>>30585601And future SusanWe daddy now
I know theres been a lot of controversy about some of the options people have taken in this quest, especially where ladies are concerned.... but personally, I love it, I love how the joker is this misanthropic manipulator who doesn't know the damage he's doing, toying with peoples hearts when he's not sure if he even likes them, like he's so damaged inside that he doesn't actually know how to relate to people. it adds such a depth to the character that, combined with the excellent writing makes this one of the best quests I have ever read. and this is why every time I will vote for messing with another lady, why we should pursue Mio some more, if nothing else just to sort out how the Anon actually feels about her. and not just because she is second best girl after NatsumiI'm also really sad that we turned Natsumi down so early, she and Anon had so much potential that I would really like to explore at great please anons keep being such destructive bastards, vote for the girl you want whoever she is, make stupid mistakes, it just makes the story better
>>30585613>We daddy now>inb4 we ended up accidentally impregnating Cybele and are going to have little half-mecha babies.
>>30585567Just to cut down on the number of trips we have to make. Potential backup if Rook promised the factions anything we can't deliver on. Though getting the tank summoner would have the same effect without risk to them, so maybe just talking with Bishamon over the phone is best.>>30585575I think we should, but not from Argent Prominence. Argent needs to know, so he can check Rook if Rook isn't moving. If Rook is moving, the Hollow Sun does the checkup. Either way, we're keeping him.>>30585598What's the point of having a secret base if you don't invite all your friends? Our enemies know, but our allies don't. That's pretty wrong.
>>30585629>yfw you realise that when cybele disappeared, so did Red Joker's Seed
>>30585635no, don't tell him about hollow sun, ever, ever ever, he will probably pull the "you're too dangerous to live" card and send our friends... uh "allies" after us at every turn, we don't want to have to deal with smilers AND silvers.I really don't trust the guy, keep him at arms length
>>30585618>so please anons keep being such destructive bastards, vote for the girl you want whoever she is, make stupid mistakes, it just makes the story betterThat's why dice are so important.However, us running around and NTRing everyone is kind of annoying.>>30585629Does OP read the archives after ending his threads?Because it would be kinda hilarious for him to see this. I wonder if it will influence the story in any way...
>>30585664I don't believe Argent Prominence has good intentions, not for a MOMENT. He is one shifty motherfucker, no matter how you look at it.
>>30585635>Though getting the tank summoner would have the same effect without risk to them, so maybe just talking with Bishamon over the phone is best.You have my vote for tank AI and teleport homer.We Titanfall now.
>>30585674>However, us running around and NTRing everyone is kind of annoying.annoying yes but god it makes anon so nuanced seriously, Anon is the best and most interesting character in any quest since the early days of Chiaki Matsuda before she went all soft and none-alcoholic, pah, progress!? more like boring, I miss the pill crunching days.
>>30585682Man, now that I have this concept stuck in my head, I also want vernier thrusters for Joker. Double jump and wallrun ahoi!We could even rocket-knee along the ground and headshot people with our dual shotguns.
>>30585691That's just fucking bitches for the sake of fucking bitches. If we ever end up going there, it should be fucking bitches for the sake of getting benefits out of it.
>>30585681I think, regardless of his ultimate intentions, he's reasonable and well-inclined towards Anon. Behaving in kind can only benefit us. We can certainly agree with his stated intentions.Besides, what if he can unlock more power for the Hollow Sun? That's something we should have Rook look into.
>>30585710You don't get any advantages from sex. Sex is a motivator in itself. Think of it as adding to our High Score total, instead of giving immediate advantages.And hey, at least we're definently not going to die a virgin.
>>30585741But we did from whoring out to cybele
>>30585748We got the benefits before the sex. If people hadn't been panicky idiots, we could have gotten them without compromising future interactions with Cybele.This isn't hard: The sex didn't get us jack.
>>30585741>And hey, at least we're definently not going to die a virgin.True dat. I just think we shouldn't risk fucking girls when we don't benefit from it.I also want to use Cybele like Kraken does with his Hyade. Perhaps Cybele can even put us in that golden suit in the hollow sun. I just want Cybele to be more useful besides regenerating and increased health.
>>30585753The promise of sex did
>>30585741>Sex is a motivator in itself.You must be a shallow person with a life devoid of meaning.I prefer meaningful interactions.
>>30585760>I just want Cybele to be more useful besides regenerating and increased health.The raid would have killed us without our constant regeneration.
>>30585813Yes, and that definitely saved our asses big time, i still want her to be more useful besides being a perk we can dick.
>>30585804...ha, yeah ok. when you get out of fantasy land and back to reality please feel free to actually contribute.on the flipside however the players might not be but Anon is just a horny teenager and strife breeds character. bang all the girls! reap the repercussions! revel in the strife and broken hearts!!>>30585813stop speaking about her like she isn't a person, we should be nice to her because we are a nice.... uh.. be cause Anon is a goo-....hmmm because... because.... yeah ok carry on.
>>30585889>first point>second pointpick one and only one anon, otherwise you look like a retarded fool
>>30585895yeah because thats how the world works. I am allowed to mock a point then embellish on it's merits and vice-versa.
>>30585664>I really don't trust the guyyou trust no one. Read the archive. He's a tired old man who sees us as his heir. And he knows he can't stand against our faction AND the Smilers. Joker Heavy Indurstries will NEVER succeed as a solo operation.
>>30585753>panicky idiotsThat's what you assume. Fact is, wedon't know the alternative route. Another fact is that we nearly died in the raid. If we hadn't said yes to Cybele, we would've taken another huge risk on top of the ones already inherent in the raid