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Previously: A young rocket participates in a rescue mission out to save the people aboard a shipwreck. Despite the good fortune of the ship being propped above water, dangers lurk in the deep of an open ocean.

The ship's repel system down, an ominous sign so far outside the dome.

A kind ranger's future is ripped away before the young rocket's eyes as a new threat breaches right around the corner, an unknown enemy. The development bodes strange and unusual as another new enemy lies in wait surrounded by sleeping captives and heaps of dead bodies alike.

After a brief exchange with the fleeing new enemy a great threat from the outside drags the ship down into the deep. The ranger's escape is halted by the flood of water from above and they're forced to make a tedious exit below.

As they come away though, the young rocket swims into a new invisible nemesis, a strong underwater ocean current.

Known characters

Monster Index

Character Sheet


Screwed up the number. should be 31.
it is time to either A. fight a kraken or B. play survivorkids
I kinda wanted 30 to be completely retconned.

Including Nana's death, just so we could have some competition in the 'cute' department. I know that's not going to happen, though, unless M. Night Shayamalan takes over.
Sorry, it wasn't a dream. Though I have given some thought to Espers and the combat system. I'll be calling for some more rolls where appropriate and I'll explain what I have in mind when we get there. Hopefully it also proves to show more what the ranks of skills are for.

Captain Standing bye!
I'm fine with island adventures, but did you really have to make it be so we failed the fuck out of our mission?
I myself am hoping some of the prisoners use us as flotation devices to also survive.
Next time, just be sure to SHOW us that it's possible to run 'n' gun down brutes, instead of MAKING us HAVE TO run 'n' gun them down.

Don't want everybody to get all worked up again over railroading.
It didn't matter what we did. Had we shot, the tentecruel would have shown up half way through the fight.
You know, Prof, the first time I told you cliffhangers were a good way to end threads to ramp up expectations for the next session, I didn't expect you to do it all the time.
Ygg can delay the kraken or summon the kraken at will. But who knows, maybe he'd have summoned it just as we try to escape, or he'd actually summon it mid-fight, losing or not.
The esper didn't summon the tentacruel. She only sensed its arrival. Which basically means that it came when Ygg deemed its arrival convenient.
Darkness shrouds your vision as you're pulled down by the current into a deep chasm, the pressure of the ocean bearing down upon you like the tyrant that it is as you're pulled deeper and deeper into the deep and dark. Gray light from the stormy sky filters in from above, catching large bloody pools that exist around the ship, the orbs upon the monster's profil glow with their own light, like humongous evil eyes staring back down upon you.

You can see rangers fighting up there, throwing whatever they have at the Kraken as best as they can while avoiding the countless tentacles writhing about its body.

You try to swim, to fire your guns in reverse, yet it's futile as even the visage of that colossal monster submits to the abyss.

You feel yourself begin to lose consciousness as the auto administered awakening shoots through your veins, snapping you back to full alertness as your eyes adjust to the crushing pressures of the deep. You find it hard to breath despite your rebreather and gills working in conjuction, the pressure weighing against your lungs.

You see lights as you're dragged through the crevice, the upper world nothing more than a fleeting fantasy a dream. At some point you see a red glow sending billowing steam and bubbles through the the underwater ravine, quickly swept away by the current and causing the whole thing to instantly rise for a moment as it flushes uncomfortably hot, a bubble popping against your skin and leaving you to scream wordlessly through the rebreather's comm as it snaps open into blistering heat. It's soon echoed by Marine.

Everything goes dark as you fade into unconsciousness.
Nice OP pic.

It's a matter of Ceru's self-image, and getting into the flow of being a ranger who does things right.

I mean, if 10/11-year olds aren't expected to be competent, why are they sending them out into danger zones?

When all's said and done, they're child soldiers, and those who don't get competent aren't supposed to live off plot armor.

Still, I'm not entirely averse to what's happened, just how Ygg went about it.
You feel the awakening shot run through your veins again, forcing you to awaken sometime later. You see a ship at the bottom of the sea. For a moment you feel hope kindle within your being until you realize that it's long been covered over by monsters of the deep, finding a new home in an old human vessel.

You barely make out two faded letters that say “...nn.”

The current slows here and you start to try to break free, however in your passing, you startle a monster that unleashes a blinding light followed by a horrible shock!
Pain courses through your body as your limbs go numb, forcing you to drift along with the flow again.

You awaken once more by the virtue of another shot, seeing light streaming in from above this time, and a beautiful rock painted pink and a variety of other bright colors. You see some formations move and regard you defensively in your passing. In your daze you align your gun to shoot at them...

Monsters... They need to die... They scatter when you send icicles zipping through the water their way. They return fire with small spikes that zip through the water haphazardly, most of them missing due to the current. You wince as a few of them bite into your flesh.

Something else is hit by the misfire, and a dark cloud explodes into the water, soon choking you with the noxious toxins within. You fall asleep again... Just need to sleep this off your battered body figures.

The other anon said it already; the tentacruel came because Prof chose for it to arrive at that time. And that's the problem with what Prof did.
I know QTG has the whole 'players really hate losing' as one of their golden rules, but holy fuck do some of us fucking live it.
We had warnings, and we ignored them. I'm sorry that the GM imposed consequences on you, but it's time to let it go.
It's no island, but lets make some fucking popsicles anyway.
Holy shit, this. People need to stop bitching.
This is actually worst; players who make excuses for the fuck-ups of their QMs.

Side-note: I did not join in on the insults or general complaints because I'm mature enough to actually close the tab and do other stuff.

But it sure is condescending of people like you to act like people are complaining because they're "losing" and not because the QM did something legitimately wrong.
>Ygg saw that the players became too paranoid to even think about fighting several brutes AND an esper at once.

>Now, one of his policies is to not influence player decisions too hard, and I can understand that, but he could not have possibly expected us to actually try and fight them WITHOUT telling us or foreshadowing that it IS possible to run 'n' gun down 9 brutes AND save the hostages.

>Our solution was to call in the cavalry to gun down all the brutes, who would panic, run, and not attack the hostages. To make them not panic, we would distract their leader.

>As a contingency plan, if the leader tried to fuck with us, we'd shoot him AND THEN resort to run 'n' gun.

>We believed that if we immediately shot, the hostages would be killed in retaliation, since that's the typical hostage situation. He should have used the word "prisoner", since that was more accurate rather than "hostage", since that would mean that they'd demanding something from us. I want to count this as 'his' fault, but nobody expected it to be some first contact shenanigans. Either way, this misunderstanding still skewed the situation in Ygg's favor, as it prevented us from realizing that they wouldn't have killed the 'hostages'.

>Ygg dropped all of our plans by trying to drop the catwalk, because that's the way he wanted to tell us "run 'n' gun them".

>Then when he was told he can't do that, he changed it to The Kraken and washed us to sea rather than go through the effort of run 'n' gunning.

This is from the last QTG.
>the ss anne sunk long ago
Just as bad is players who try to blame every fucking thing on the QM. If the QM explicitly has characters radio your character, warn them of the impending threat, and then you act like the prewarned threat happening is some sort of asspull surprise? What exactly do you call this sort of behavior?
See, guys, posts like this
which list out all of Ygg's faults should make what happened more clear and understandable. The fact that you guys still revert to the age old argument of "players are being whiny" does not show any effort on your parts to look at the situation objectively and reasonably. Ygg fucked up. People got angry. Although their reaction was overblown, their anger was legitimate. Ygg hasn't even made an effort to correct those mistakes except to 'promise' that he'll do better, and he's done that before without following through.
The next time we get a training session, would it be possible to train a Gunner or Marksman skill or something to add a modifier to shooty attacks?

We can train skills that give modifiers to all melee combat. We can even train skills that give modifiers to all combat while underwater of land into water or in woods, etc.

Would it be out of the question to get shooty modifiers?
Can we just drop the blame game and he on with enjoying the quest. please
The problem is that we know that the tentacruel wasn't coming in at that moment.

As was outlined here in this post
That Prof's original intention was to drop the catwalk does not reflect favorably upon him or in his intentions for replacing the scene with having the tentacruel arrive.
Not at all. Next post incoming soon.
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so after the last thread, I'm definitely going to lean towards a "shoot first ask later" mindset barring indisputable reasons to the contrary.

wanted to gun in the village
flinched on the ship (I fell for his bluff sorry...)

better safe than sorry atm imo
You feel warm, light and sun touching your back, drying out your salt-encrusted fur. A move and you realize that you're no longer underwater being carried away by the whims of nature as sand finds itself a way into your fur and under your clothes.

Sand... A beach? You painfully open up your eyes as your second lids blink a few times, tearing up your eyes to drive the salt and sand out. You spit out sand as it tries its darndest to stay in your mouth and on your tongue. You roll over onto your back for a proper breath of fresh, though salty air.

The sky is clear. No more storm? It's strange being treated to the sun's rays directly. It's warmer, not as stifled. The surf laps at you occasionally, wetting your feet comfortably and reminding you a little of your days at the gym.

Your ear twitches as you hear a sound near you, something shuffling in the sand.
A look reveals a small red creature staring at you with what appear to be eyes at the end of stems. There's a few of them actually and they're all staring at you curiously. You raise your gun absently as the barrel extends from your palm. The things scatter sideways with their strange little legs scurrying.

You almost want to laugh if it didn't hurt so bad. They remind you of Blukvine exercises. Everyone had to run sideways, one foot crossing in front of the other. You had trouble with it, Goldie fell over the first day and Bruise got so focused on the task that he crashed into Devon.
It almost didn't end well until Kitty pulled those two... apart...

You look out to the sea and feel tears well within your eyes as you realize you might never see home again. Your breathing hastens but you... You can keep it together, right?

>1d20 +3 Tenacity +2 R
>DC 17

>[] Kill the Krabbies
>[] Take a look at your surroundings.
>[] Go into the water.
>[] (Other)
Rolled 7 + 5

>Take a look at your surroundings
Rolled 2 + 5

Take a look around, see if you can find out where you are.
Rolled 19 + 5


>[] Kill the Krabbies
That's not even the part that players are complaining about. Hell, personally, I'm fine that the kraken would have attacked.

What people aren't fine about is that the kraken attacked for the sole purpose of ending the thread on a big cliffhanger, without even giving us the chance to rescue hostages.
Rolled 2 + 5

>[] Kill the Krabbies
Rolled 19 + 5

>>[x] Kill the Krabbies
The krabs seem more like food than a danger. Don't kill them until you get hungry.
>[] Take a look at your surroundings.
Where are we?
>[x]take a look at yourself
damage report?
>Take a look at your surroundings

Find Marine
Possibly also read a reference book on probability and statistics. One anon pointed out that the critfail which killed Nana had a 50%~ chance of occuring.
Rolled 10 + 5

>[x] Take a look at your surroundings.
Oh my god. This guy.

Did you actually think people were trying to attempt diplomacy with the esper?

Posts like this are what fuel the argument. People are being willfully ignorant of what happened.
Rolled 17 + 5

>[x] This kills the crab.
>[x] This looks to see if Marine is nearby.
Rolled 19 + 5

>[x] Kill the Krabbies
Rolled 9 + 5

forgot to append a roll
>Take a look at your surroundings
Ignore the Krabbies. Why the hell would we attack them?
>Find Marine
gotta stick together
Rolled 11 + 5

>[] Kill the Krabbies
They make good food. Or bait if we want to lure something bigger.
>Take a look at your surroundings

Holy shit, guys. Forget attacking the krabbies.
>[x]find marine
>[x]check own health

>this kills the Krabby
I've paid attention to the 50% failure chance before. I'm doing it on purpose.

I will lower those thresholds to better accommodate certain encounters. The chance fail in that point is that Nana had started talking and therefore wasn't as attentive to the deceptively swift monster lurking right around the corner.
That's good.

I know what I want to spend some XP on.
>>[] Take a look at your surroundings.

Why are people suggesting we kill the krabbies? For food? Do you guys even know anything about survival?
I thought we were stalling for back up...
I think you need to read the title. Attack on Titan = people die. A LOT.
He didn't even directly say he voted for 'diplomacy'.

Everyone agreed that it was a distraction vote, so our backup would shock 'n' awe the brutes into a fleeing panic so that the hostages wouldn't get caught in a berserk frenzy before they turn their sights on Ceru and the squad.
I'll hold my tongue, but to >>30901155:
The problem is that this isn't the first time this has happened, and the underlying causes have not been dealt with. It's likely that it'll happen again in the future, unless we discuss this with CIVILITY on BOTH sides.
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Then how is that related to this?
>so after the last thread, I'm definitely going to lean towards a "shoot first ask later" mindset barring indisputable reasons to the contrary.
That's so inexplicable.
The problem is Prof's excuse. Nana was talking so she couldn't hear it coming? What? What are her implants for if they're barely above the level of normal hearing?
You know what would be funny?

If a Kingler was standing right behind us while we attacked the Krabbies.
The issue was that killing her like that sent everyone into a paranoia spiral, so there was essentially no chance of run n' gun being chosen.

Kind of hard to balance these things I guess.
this is why I'm of the LOOK AROUND group.

what if the krabbies aren't afraid of our gun, but of the GYARDOS BEHIND US
we could have just shot him instead of stalling.

I didn't vote shoot because I thought the Dagoons would chimp out and wail on the hostages/prisoners.

in a qtg, Prof said that wouldn't have been what happened, they'd have been busy diving for cover.
What was with your post, then?
Constant chance for bad rolls with extreme consequences piss people off. Seriously. This is why people don't trust you, because you're MAKING the adventure as not-fun as possible.
>in a qtg, Prof said that wouldn't have been what happened, they'd have been busy diving for cover.
And he acted condescendingly when he explained it too.
wanted to change the focus from QM drama to what we should do/think about doing in game

guess I failed in doing that
>we could have just shot him instead of stalling.
And that would have been better than stalling how?

How many times does this need to be re-explained?

>in a qtg, Prof said that wouldn't have been what happened, they'd have been busy diving for cover.
Oh, wow, it's so nice to know that after the fact. As if that makes everything better.

The problem is that it wasn't the clear sequence that Prof acted like it was.
You're blaming me for a choice that you guys made.
I'm writing the next part.



Looking around wins over krabby slaughter.
>wanted to change the focus from QM drama to what we should do/think about doing in game
Ah, see, that's your mistake. You're talking about something only tangentially related that has a lot of arguments going on around it while providing no actual support for what you're asking for.
prof, can we get a hunger check? now that we're in a survival situation?
Might have to ration those krabbies.
>You're blaming me for a choice that you guys made.
And Prof continues to act like a condescending jerk.

He's not really blaming you for the choice. He's blaming you for what happened.
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everybody mad tonight
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How could you tell.
>You're blaming me for a choice that you guys made.
His words say one thing, but his intentions are obvious, Prof. He's talking about you forcing the tentacruel arrival. And of previously forcing the catwalk destruction.

You've heard enough complaints about those, but let me ask you, do you think they're actually legitimate? Do you think that it's true when people say that you're deliberately forcing cliffhangers?
Ygg, you have a problem. I'm not talking about your writing, I'm talking about how you reply. I don't know if you INTEND to sound condescending, but tone it down.

Also, that anon wasn't blaming you for the choice, but for HOW the choice played out. There were other ways for her to die, ways that are convincing without having to be OHKO.
YES, because you didn't compensate for our fucking paranoia. Show us or tell us that running and gunning is a solution, goddamnit.

We took a logical route, you went the asshole route and punished us for not reading your poker face the way you WANTED us to read it.
>You're blaming me for a choice that you guys made.
Prof, prof, prof. What the hell are you doing.
Why are you acting like such an ass? Why are you disregarding people's points in such a snooty way?
stop responding prof.

to them,everything you say is an insult.
I didn't vote for attacking the Krabby, but I hope that not attacking them fucked us over even more. It would be funny as fuck if that were to happen.
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It's more on how Prof refuses to accept blame of any sort.
Pretty much. And the curtness of his replies.
Prof can be non-offensive. This time was indeed offensive to some people.
have you tried not being paranoid?
I'm not blaming you for the results of our actions. I'm blaming you for playing your audience like puppets. Of course they were going to act like that given the stimulus provided.

Whatever man. I'm past caring.
It wasn't even paranoia that we chose to stall? Who even brought that up?
Don't give him ideas

Thank fucking god he admitted we wouldn't get washed all the way to Hoenn. Instead, it's Ni'aras home island, where everyone is a hypnosis master and everyone has a pet Heracross.

Not in a quest run by Ygg and partially inspired by Attack on Titan.
the way things are being written? In a story where people die every other thread? It feels like you're asking us to make no attempts to prevent people from dying.
>You're blaming me for a choice that you guys made.

Except he isn't, dude. He's complaining about what he perceives as you manipulating your audience into taking the route you want to be taken. I'm sitting on the fence because I don't really mind one way or the other, but you really misinterpreted his tone there
So the guy's got another quest, one where the player base doesn't blame him nonstop for everything. How long d'you think this is going to keep running?
I don't know about the people who mentioned it, but I think they're just grasping at straws for an argument. Which they don't even need to do.

Stalling was a legitimate choice in that engagement. Better than firing immediately, actually, given our knowledge. The problem is in what Prof did after that choice. And that was either to destroy the catwalk or bring in the tentacruel to the scene, both of which are the points of contention in this argument. That Prof refuses to think of it as a mistake at all (he was very non-commital and evasive both in the thread and in the QTG afterward) can't help but convey to us that he thinks he's in the complete right concerning this topic. Which is why people are so angry at him. He's making an ass of himself.
depends, how long will the level of discourse be "RAGE"?
>Better than firing immediately, actually, given our knowledge.
Except it isn't. Everything we know about espers tells us "if you don't stop them asap, they will fuck you".

We lucked out on fishman being a wimpy esper.
It'll go on properly or else Ygg makes an ass of himself.

Like you, for example.
If you aren't trying to de-escalate this, get out.
We went over this already
>crappy telepathic communication
>might make brutes go beserk if we kill it
>would be completely in-theme with tone of story, and we had no reason to think that killing the esper straight out would go just fine, other than Prof liking Devon a lot.
And then anti-lucked out on there being a tentacruel hanging around with a hateboner for the ship.
>Except it isn't. Everything we know about espers tells us "if you don't stop them asap, they will fuck you".
No, only mindreading and mindwiping was ever automatically an auto-success, and now that's not even a problem since Prof has finally stated that he'll allow us to roll to resist it.

Otherwise, all other forms of mental interference (such as hypnosis) have always been resistible. And if the esper tried to use corporeal attacks, we'd have immediately gone into battle.
Are you two idiots? If Ygg chooses to ragequit, he'll just make a fool of himself. Especially in this case where he's in the wrong.
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will we ever find the exact dosage for functioning shadow running?
Mindreading and mindwiping was autosuccess, unless the roll is supposed to be in our favor.
Also, she was holding a hostage, and it seemed implicitly clear that our goal was to save everyone.

Plus a general lack of confidence in one-shotting the esper.
>Time sensitive mission with ship damaged in massive storm
>Characters warning us about shit going down outside
>Characters ask us to consider pulling out
>Stalling is a legitimate choice
>Complain so hard that the QM actually takes back the actions, and gives us a new scenario
>Stall again, then try to take the longest way out
>Why do bad things happen/This is all Yggs fault/Ygg is being a jerk

Seriously listen to yourselves.
You are complaining about a mans tone in a fucking week old argument. On 4chan.
Do you have anything to back that up, anon?
Just gonna post this:
I care pretty much 0 about last thread. Ready to move on with this one. You guys are really dragging things down. Would you mind toning it down some? Would appreciate it.
I agree with this.
Goldie trying to mindwipe that one guy. He failed, and we were down two people on our squad because they got arrested, leaving just us and Devon when we left the dome to find the metals.
This post shows everything that's wrong with what Prof's defenders are arguing about.
>Crappy Telepathic Communication, clear sign of shit weak esper
>Clear showcase of the brutes not being mind controlled - enemy esper physical remands one for fucking up
Ah, I see what you're talking about, but in my post, I was referring to enemy espers. Not our own.
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jolly good reserved indifference!
yeah, I don't really care much either. I'm just sort of hoping they get bored of arguing.
I'd be more willing to drop it if there was even the slightest hint that this kind of thing wasn't going to just keep happening over and over.

But for you, anon, I'll just shut up and go make some dinner. It shouldn't be more than a half-dozen threads before some more bullshit goes down anyway.
The original ending Prof did was crap because catwalks aren't like that. Then it became even crappier since, with the retcon, Prof's intentions became even clearer; he wanted to end the thread on a crisis.

He stated later on that we would have fought with the monsters for a while before the tentacruel came. So in the retcon, he had the tentacruel come immediately because he couldn't put us in a disadvantageous position.

>Stall again
When did we stall again?
>then try to take the longest way
Did you read the post? The ship was upside down and sinking.
Please, end this and lets get on with the thread. No-ones gonna convince anyone else.
The problem is that Prof is a repeat offender and he keeps getting worse. We'd "drop" it (that is, aside from a few anons posting snide remarks about Prof's tendencies, we'd get along fine) if we could, but Prof's attitude doesn't help at all.
You take in some deep breaths. You're not going to cry. You're not going to cry. You're momma's girl and a rocket. Rockets don't cry. Rockets survive. Rockets win. Rockets find their way home.

“To protect the world from devastation,
To unite all people's within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love.
To extend our reach to the stars above.

We blast off at the speed of light.
Surrender now, we're prepared to fight.”

You finish uttering the Team Rocket Motto, centering yourself. And determining what you should do next. The Krabbies finish retreating into the sand, half-covering themselves as two larger eyes each about the size of your own hands pop up, blinking at you before retreating back beneath and pushing shuffling deeper.

Well, that could've been bad.

Checking yourself over, you find that your body's partially healed over little pink studs that poke out of your skin. There's one in your shoulder, at your navel, and clipping into your collar bone. Pulling them out with your claws hurts a bit, but it's better than leaving them in. You'll heal quickly enough anyway.
Your head still throbs a bit from lingering toxins and your muscles are a bit numb but that shouldn't hinder you too much.

>-2 to combat from lingering conditions.

You're also very hungry...
>Starving: +2 to combat rolls and hunting rolls.
>Starving: -4 to ingenuity rolls.

Other than that, you find that your volt-orb is drained, giving reason to why the krabby were staring at you. It might be worth exchanging... It'll be dead for a few days before it recharges It'll need a dry place to do that too. Otherwise, all your gear is right where it should be, though you're all out of auto-awakening doses. Must've taken the system all it had to give you consciousness those few times...

Underwater fire.
A sunken ship.
A pink fortress.
Being asked to pull out was a character development choice.

Would we leave people to die to monsters, or would we save them, as our duty demands it?

And no, we were not given a new scenario. We were given a new cliffhanger.

I think YOU need to listen to yourself. Have YOU read the thread?
This was never an argument between players, but one between players and the QM.
I'm not defending anything after the tentacruel arrived.

you can argue that stalling wasn't the BEST option, but if you have hostages, you can't just blanket dismiss the idea.

the complaints were legitimate, because catwalks don't physically work that way.

Prof also really likes cliffhangers, which is probably the main reason the tentacruel arrived at that particular moment, which has nothing to do with what's going on in-story.

see >>30901362

and what would stop the brutes from just killing the hostages themselves? Stupid doesn't mean they wouldn't do it, just that we can't be sure.

The correct dosage depends on the QM, so you gotta get inside Prof's head to know. I'm working on it. no not that way, eww.
Those are the things that you remember.

You finally get, finding your body still a bit damp from the sea beating at you. Casting your gaze from the ocean reveals that the inland is populated by palm trees that you've only ever seen before in Celadon. But they're wrong. All of these trees are way too big. The palm trees alone tower over most houses and even the two storied rocket dorms. The trees within bear a few that could even rival a silph.co building that stands at ten stories. They're all so colossal.

The sounds of this place fill the air with life. Distant calls from birds you've never heard before, the occasional deep grumble of huge things you'd rather not see. But something concerns you more than anything.

Marine was with you. You take in a shuddering breath as you steel your nerves. You need to find her.
Interesting...being hungry makes us better at hunting...

I like it.

Alright, so let's search for some food. Gotta be something on this island that isn't an asshole like Kingler
1. dangerous monsters around.
2. find marine
3. determine location/survive?
Do we have rations? I'd rather not hunt before we've found marine.
That we were "warned" about the tentacruel's coming isn't a legitimate defense because we know Prof didn't plan for it to come at that point.

The core of the problem is that Prof likes to end tense situations at our disadvantage and that he's becoming less subtle and more blatant about it. The catwalks getting broken, for example. Suspicious, but innocuous enough on their own. But when you consider the fact that he brought the tentacruel right at that moment to replace it, well... That's no longer suspicious. That's just obvious.
I really don't care anon. Just let it go. You've already killed half the thread with this bullshit. Save it for another time, at the least. Have some courtesy.
Fine, whatever.

I'm still annoyed at Prof, but I'll drop it. If it happens again, though, I'll be back with a vengeance.
>avoided giant grab battle
>we're hungry
FUCK. Figure out plan for giant crab killing.
>marine is missing
FUCK, we need to eat AND find marine!
Courtesy is what Prof refuses to give us.

It's not all about just giving us bonuses and changing things to be properly favorable to us. It's about respect, which Prof has refused to give.
It takes you just about bending over backwards, but you can see a plume of smoke rising up beyond the tall trees. A fire? Or something else?

>[] Walk along the beach to the north... It looks like it might bring you closer to the fire and near the jungle.
>[] Walk along the beach to the east... It look like beach carries on for some ways that way.
>[] Go into the jungle carefully, time to see what's on this island.

>[] Actively hunt.(All directions)
>[] Look for berries. (North and jungle.
>[] Reserve yourself.

>[] Change the volt-orb to power your gear.
>[] Save it for later.
>as two larger eyes each about the size of your own hands pop up
Octillery can learn Psychic via TM

Would we be able to eventually upgrade Psybeam into Psychic?
That's exactly what happened last time, and look where it's gotten us. Pretending the problem doesn't exist gets you this >>30902400, which is really stupid when the worst vengeance we really have is shitposting. I'm not saying we should do some kind of hatecrime on Prof, but there are some things he needs to acknowledge to be a better QM.
With an appropriate trainer or ancient machine.
>[X] Walk along the beach to the north... It looks like it might bring you closer to the fire and near the jungle.
>[X] Actively hunt.(All directions)

>[X] Change the volt-orb to power your gear.
>[] Walk along the beach to the east... It look like beach carries on for some ways that way.
>[] Actively hunt.(All directions)
>[] Save it for later.
>>[] Walk along the beach to the east... It look like beach carries on for some ways that way.

>Look for not-pokemon fish?

>Save it for later
I'm just asking you at least wait till near end thread.

Don't come in full force shit posting right from the start, comon. That just ruins everyone's fun.
>[] Walk along the beach to the north... It looks like it might bring you closer to the fire and near the jungle.
>[] Actively hunt.(All directions)
>[] Look for berries. (North and jungle.
Be an opporotunist. If you see something easy, go for it. Test all berries before eating mass quantities.
>[] Walk along the beach to the east... It look like beach carries on for some ways that way.
>[] Actively hunt.(All directions)
>[] Save it for later.

Marine would have stayed near the beach to look for us if she woke up first. Otherwise, she'd be washed up on it.

>Save it for another time
This has happened before. Isn't this "another time"? Prof just refuses to address the issue and now we're getting bogged down in these arguments. I know he's said before that he didn't engage in these arguments because he didn't want to drag down the thread, but that's like ignoring a fire and hoping that it doesn't burn down your house. He's just going to be built up more and more as some pompous asshole if he doesn't, you know, actually try to address these problems.
>[] Walk along the beach to the east... It look like beach carries on for some ways that way.
>[] Actively hunt.(All directions)
>[] Save it for later.
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>[x] Walk along the beach to the north... It looks like it might bring you closer to the fire and near the jungle.
could be Marine or civilization

>[x] Look for berries. (North and jungle.)
easy stuff and less preparation than meat (skinning,gutting, making a fire ,cooking)

>[x] Save it for later.
we don't know how long we'll be here
>[] Walk along the beach to the east... It look like beach carries on for some ways that way.
>[] Actively hunt.(All directions)
>[] Save it for later.

We check out the coastline for Marine. Hunt on the way or later. Save the Volt Orb for later, when a situation that needs it comes up.
Misery loves company? I think it's about forcing Prof to reply since, so far, he's just ignored people mostly.
>[] Walk along the beach to the east... It look like beach carries on for some ways that way.
>[] Actively hunt.(All directions)
>[] Save it for later.

It makes sense that Marine would be closer to the beach, actually.
yeah, she's probably on the beach.
or at least close.
...fair enough. My personal problem with that is that I'm usually gone by the time that happens. I've said my piece, though, and it's up to Prof to reply and the other anons to retain civility.
Well, he has addressed the Esper overpowered issue. The only other issue are people still upset about how last thread ended, and I really don't think there's anything left to be done about it. Last time he tried to reply, it just made it worse. Even in this thread, when he said something people just got more angry.
>[] Walk along the beach to the east... It look like beach carries on for some ways that way.
>[] Actively hunt.(All directions)
>[] Save it for later.

Marine should be found first. She's probably in the beach area, whether because she's still unconscious or because she's looking for us.
>[X] Walk along the beach to the north... It looks like it might bring you closer to the fire and near the jungle.
It's probably going to be esper humanoids.

>[X] Look for berries. (North and jungle.)
We're going that way anyway.

>[X] Save it for later.
Never know when there might be an emergency.
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Hoen, Orange, or Sevii?

place your bets
Maybe if he, I don't know, admitted he was wrong? I think that would be enough for most anons here. A clear acknowledgement of what he did wrong. He always promises to do better, but he never really expounds on what he'll do better on. If he listed down what he's done wrong and promises not to do it again, it'd help to sate the anger of a number of anons, I'm sure. Not that it wouldn't stop some people from making snide remarks every time he veers too closely to making another mistake, but it'd calm down the current heat.

And the esper problem has been a long time coming.
I've tried to reply but nothing's been good enough to appeal to this.

I've answered almost everything the best I could last thread and in the fallout in qtg.

I'm a bit jaded and past the whole thing because it's not going to help.

If I: Retcon the whole last thread then there'll be people that're mad and I've bent to you guys wishing for Ceru's life to be easier rather than having her work for it.
If I carry on: There's people mad anyway.

I'm just choosing the option that's less work and keeps the story moving. After all, if I redid the thread and let you rechose everything again should I change everything that happened to incorporate new threats or just let you guys go through the motions of what's already happened?

Also, the paranoia that drove you guys to certain decisions: Yes. I do that. I pride myself when I can have you guys make the decisions that I want without me offering any further input than the actual post.

In any case, just this >>30902603

There's really nothing more to talk about. Give me a list and I'll acknowledge what things I can change as I've already given myself notes on how to handle espers.
This pretty much. Apologies are bullshit. Acknowledgement is what's needed.
Sevii, the best place to throw even more espers at us.

Also, Lorelei has a house there in the games/show can't remember which
>If I: Retcon the whole last thread then there'll be people that're mad and I've bent to you guys wishing for Ceru's life to be easier rather than having her work for it.
See, this insinuations you're making? This is why people are calling you an ass. Because you're acting like one.

Here. Just let me spell out your main problem; stop forcing tense situations to end to our disadvantage. There. Fix your habits.

Also. Paranoia was not the main drive behind the decision to stall. Don't ever bring it up again.
>If I: Retcon the whole last thread then there'll be people that're mad and I've bent to you guys wishing for Ceru's life to be easier rather than having her work for it.
See, this is why people are angry. You're being so condescending.

she showed up in the anime in Orange Island filler (as "Prima" because syllables and mouth movement)

We should totally use the name Prima if Ceru ever does undercover work (though why the uber conspicuous catgril is beyond me)
I'm not angry.
>and I've bent to you guys wishing for Ceru's life to be easier rather than having her work for it.
Do you really think this, Prof? Really?

>Also, the paranoia that drove you guys to certain decisions
Are you saying that's why we chose to stall?

Answer these questions, Prof.
>If I: Retcon the whole last thread then there'll be people that're mad and I've bent to you guys wishing for Ceru's life to be easier rather than having her work for it.
My god. You keep doing it.
Yes, and? Does that invalidate what I said?
Your tone and your avoidance of the real issue are what's pissing people off.

Your tendency for cliffhangers is what really created the situation. You can't help but end these things in horrible situations. The catwalk? That was uncalled for and you owned up to it. But the tentacruel coming in at that point to replace it? Can you see what I'm saying here, Prof? It's no surprise people are angry at you for railroading because you force situations to put us into perilous conditions.
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>Also, the paranoia that drove you guys to certain decisions: Yes. I do that. I pride myself when I can have you guys make the decisions that I want without me offering any further input than the actual post.

Do you mean something else or are you admitting that you're railroading in some obtuse manner?
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will Ceru ever be as hot as her mom?
>If I: Retcon the whole last thread then there'll be people that're mad and I've bent to you guys wishing for Ceru's life to be easier rather than having her work for it.
Don't be an ass, Prof. It would have been enough for you to just retcon the last scene and remove the tentacruel's interference entirely.
no, but I don't want it to seem like there are only angry people.
Prof don't feel too bad about all the naysayers. I've followed this since the beginning and loved the whole thing. I doubt any of them have tried to quest before and have no idea how hard it is to keep everyone happy.
And that was obvious enough. But my point stands that there are people who are angry.
Holy fucking shit.
>I don't like your tone
>You're being so condescending
Go back to your fucking containment thread.
This is a quest, not some fucking discussion where you air your personal issues with the way people type things out on an imageboard.
You understand that's a horrible attitude, right? There's no need to try and assuage Prof's ego. That's embarrassing to look at for all involved. Only real egoists would be comforted by your attempts.
I DON'T WANT A FUCKING RETCON. I never wanted a retcon!

I want you to acknowledge that you might have fucked up! Everybody fucks up once in a while. That's just part of being human! I really wouldn't care about this so much if you didn't keep pretending that you did nothing wrong.

Ugh, I'm not being productive anymore, so I'm just gonna read this thread in the archive and hope this whole ugly thing blows over by the time the next thread rolls around.
I gotta say, this.
We can only hope anon. We can only hope.
However, those aren't unrelated to the problem at hand. Prof's attitude is very much related to how well he could follow through with any of his promises to fix his mistakes.
>If I: Retcon the whole last thread then there'll be people that're mad and I've bent to you guys wishing for Ceru's life to be easier rather than having her work for it.

If you retcon the whole last thread, we'll solve the immediate issues concerning:

>esper bullshit

And it will solve later issues including:

>most people bitching

But bring up issues such as:

>a few people bitching

I don't think people will get mad over our character having an easier time. We're only mad because the module was just terribly written and not fully fleshed out.
actually, any attempt to run a quest based on what players want is -founded- on people giving an accurate representation of how they feel about things.

I don't want the quest to swing the way you guys describe much. I am putting this out there so that maybe it stays the way I like it.

This is why I'm not replying.

If I retconned the whole thing. There'll br people pissed and then there'll be people that are remotely satisfied. Then there will be people angrier at another outcome.
I'm not saying it's why you guys chose to stall.

I never even said that. I never even thought it. But it's probably the reason that you chose not to attack right away. there's a difference there. You could've voted to lay out a trap to draw the creatures away.
The failure was in the stealth roll and then you were forced to make a decision.

Not you sir, another anon for you are many.

I aim to make you guys railroad yourselves. It doesn't always work but it feels good when it does.

In any case, anything I have to see is only going to sound condescending instead of defeatist, which is how I actually feel.

Next post.
1) You don't need to go so far as to redo the thread, just make it clear WHAT you acknowledge is wrong, and what you're changing, which you've already done for espers.

2) Paranoia is fine, but the sticking point is how apparently the brutes wouldn't kill the hostages.

I've said it before, but it's an issue of logic: We disagree on how something will logically play out. I'm not asking you to 'fix' anything, but give us more opportunities to understand how things play out in your head.

You can try IRC for people who don't mind being spoiled or don't intend to vote. Dunno how well that'll go, though...

3) Do you talk this way to people normally? Try to understand that body language does not travel across the internet, and hold back on the details that make you sound condescending.
You understand how pulling out your 'seniority' makes things worse, right? It's the same problem as namefags acting as if they had more say in a matter just because they had a name.
I don't like your tone, please restate that in a way that pleases me.
See, Prof. You ignored any legitimate posts again just to complain against the people drawing up the same complaints again.

Have you done anything wrong? Answer this simple question.
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this isn't the qtg, get back to the subject at hand

i.e. the damn quest

>Next post.

thank you
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Okay, cool.
do I have to go make a QTG for you guys? is this seriously a thing that's going to have to happen?
Prof, these posts?

Just answer them, man. Otherwise, you're not doing anything productive replying to all those other posts.
The problem at hand is that people don't like how he handled the cliffhanger last thread.
He asked for feedback, while explaining his thoughts and reasoning.
People response to this, rather than provide feedback, was to bitch about his tone.
And he already fucking showed his intent to follow through on changes.
In this fucking thread.
Scroll up and read his admission of the esper problem, and his current solution.
This neverending cryfest about how people don't like his tone isn't conducive to actual discussion, isn't highlighting the pacing and probability problems of the thread. There are problems, but complaining about the QM's personality isn't going to fix them. Go to the QTG, and post some changes you think he could use. Just take it out of this thread.
Anon, your ego is showing.
These, Prof. You're just refusing to address the real issue.
He addressed balance problems, but that's been brewing for a while. The problem people are bitching about is, well...just read.
You still haven't addressed the real issue, Prof. Of your tendency to end on cliffhangers. Specifically, cliffhangers in our disadvantage.
the issue seems to be with people reading things as snide and condescending when they seem perfectly normal to me.
Based on the reading of this, I am lead to believe people are angry and reading things in a hurtful manner when they don't actually display such traits.
All you're doing right now is putting yourself up on a crucifix. Why are you replying to those posts?
that's fine. It means you only SOUND condescending. You saying that goes a long way. There's nothing more you really have to say regarding that.

>railroad ourselves
I realize now that that's what you're trying to do, and as long as you get the majority of the anons to do it, I can't complain about your goals, only your methods, and even then that would be really petty most of the time.
Go make a QTG.
Get out.
You know what would be a good way to stop this problem?

Admit that you're wrong instead of sidestepping the issue again and again.
Giving you worthless fucks ammo in your fucking crusade is not solving the problem.
The answer to your problems is so simple, Prof. Say what you did wrong.
not it wouldn't, you seem the type to wheedle endlessly if you've been given an inch.
Yep. That you chose to reply to those posts and PROLONG this discussion is one of your problems as well. You're not facing things directly.
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I think we all need to take a step back and re-evaluate how we are spending our evening.

Getting mad isn't a fun use of your free time
Does everybody just stare at this thread continually or do they not do other stuff while waiting for a post to come up here?
That's pride talking.
So not admitting he's made any mistake will help Prof not seem condescending?
Allowing the underlying causes of the anger to persist will allow the problem to repeat itself.

Rectifying the issue now will be a net gain for happiness, even if people are mad presently.
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Outline your problems clearly and specifically. Acknowledging your mistakes is the first step to us actually trusting that you'll take steps to fix them.
Encounter roll for the beach and hunting.

Threshold 6
Hunting applies +2 here to reduce enemy initiative.
Rocket applies +2 here for the same.

1d100 Go.
It seems we have some nutjobs who go infer tone into things that don't have it in this thread.
I'm the one who posted this >>30902964,
and I'm good for now. Thread's too toxic for Prof to answer that in an objective manner.

A little bit of both
The problem is that this isn't the first time it's happened. People are becoming tired of having their issues heard.
Rolled 78 + 4


Hah, I get it.

Because of the pokemon
Rolled 48

Rolled 30 + 4

So wait, making us 'railroad ourselves' means what?

Are you telling us that "oh, the solution was actually [run and gun]!" is railroading ourselves?

Because a quest isn't a fucking grade school test, where the teacher is looking for a specific answer and gives marks off for not being a good little parrot.

Look, you can change the module around behind the scenes if it so suits the playstyle that your players are going for.

Please just say that you'll do that next time and not 'subtly railroad' us like you're some fucking mastermind jew. Christ.
Rolled 22

Rolled 79

No need for modifier here. This will be accepted in the five rolls however.
Rolled 63 + 4

Rolled 1 + 4

I browse f-list.

Good stress relief.
Rolled 19

Alright, no mods.
I have Shadow Quest open in another tab.

It is not helping my anger
Isn't that some furry ERP site?
'railroad ourselves' is a standard GM tactic, even outside quests. You can't make EVERY choice viable, so you carefully regulate the illusion of choice to acceptable levels. Watch Extra Credits or something.
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so glad you missed the first 5

Raw is on
You have no idea, man.
Your problem is that you're allowing things to stew. And when you do intervene, you do stuff like this post where you don't actually address the problem.
Initiative granted.

Queue Battle music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_YMW54XtjI
ERP yes. Furry, no.
>Extra Credits

I was told to avoid that like the plague. No, not by /v/. What did they say there?
It's about leading the players. Ygg's use of the word "railroad" is just him unconsciously or subtly justifying his own railroading.
This a billion times.

People, railroading is not inherently bad. It's literally in the basics book on DMing. You shouldn't get this angry at noticing it. You should point it out in a civil manner, instead of demanding the DM kiss your boots.
oh shit we SAW SOMETHING.
what is it?

we have to use our HUNTER EYES to make sure we can get it without outside interference or getting moirdered.
>If I retconned the whole thing. There'll br people pissed and then there'll be people that are remotely satisfied. Then there will be people angrier at another outcome.
>I'm not saying it's why you guys chose to stall.
>I never even said that. I never even thought it. But it's probably the reason that you chose not to attack right away. there's a difference there. You could've voted to lay out a trap to draw the creatures away.
>The failure was in the stealth roll and then you were forced to make a decision.
No, when I asked you those questions, I meant if you thought that was what we wanted.

You need to stop ending threads the way you do because it's already clear at this point that you're forcing them to happen that way.
No one is arguing that some railroading isn't good. People are arguing that the way Ygg railroaded the end of the last thread is bad. It was forced.
Actually, I need to go to the store for some things. Back in under 30 (Hopefully.)
Oh, this. We should have gotten a bonus for our eyesight as well.

I assume the Hunting bonus was because of our behavior rather than our implants?
I wasn't talking about bonuses, more just paying very close attention while being hungry and in the wild.
Should've included perception too but I'll just remember that for next time.
How would our Crytten eyes interact with our perception stat?
they might not be the best in jungle land, honestly.

we better not hit bump limit before he gets back...
Allowing for it in low-light and near darkness.
Why? It's totally unrelated to the climate. They can see in low-light areas, and that's a pretty general condition.
My own admission. Let the healing start.
I'm not saying they're perfect, but they cover a wide range of topics.

What's important isn't whether there was a choice, but the choice that the player makes. When the player feels engaged by the choice, you're good. Look up 'Illusion of Choice' if you want a comprehensive explanation.

It's bad when it doesn't feel like the choice matters, not when the choice didn't actually matter.

In a Quest, the choice itself matters a lot more though, so the main gripe is that we don't feel that the choice taken was OUR choice.
yeah, but they might be baffled by all the color differentiating bits of being in a forest.
Color aint important in the arctic.
We're not colorblind, don't you worry about that.

Prof already listed down the advantages and disadvantages our implants would have when we took them.
Prof, I just want to let you know that even if the shitstorm never ends, I do enjoy reading your quest, and I will continue to do so until you decide to end it.
Either way, thanks for making the quest.
here here. also we're colorblind? that sucks.
We're...we're not colorblind.
I just said we -might- be shitty at seeing colors.
ha I should learn to read. I thought you said we are
We aren't colorblind.

What is it with this quest and people chronically thinking Ceru is way more shit than she actually is..
Mm. I've been with you pretty long and I enjoy your writing, so I'm not going to abandon you either.

Although you didn't really handle the last thread or this one very well, I've got faith that you'll correct yourself on your own behavior without needing constant reprimanding (unlike OTHER anons).
It's because an anon brought it up.

Then this guy
Apparently misread my post.
ya my mistake. not sure how I misread it, seems like simple English to me. anyway lets get back to the wonderful questing!
Thanks. I'm back now. We're carrying on.
great to hear!
so what do we encounter.
Hopefully unguarded delicious krabbies
You resolve to save the orb for later, keeping it secured safely to the satchel strapped across your thigh and hips. You look to the smoke again, better keep away from it for now until you know what this place actually is.

You set your feet to the sand, feeling it slip between your toes, cushioning every step as the sand slips out of the way.

The sun bears down on you as a tropical breeze provides you a little relief, though your rumbling stomach begs you to satiate your hunger, having had nothing to eat for what seems like days or weeks.

The long beach carries on as you walk for some time, glancing about to keep aware of your surroundings, the wash of the sea carrying on a melodic, almost peaceful tone, undermining the dangers that lurk all around.

You spot something in the beach's horizon and drop down to all fours to lower your body, tail hung low and slowly icing over, impeded by the presence of salt.
As you approach, you see a white and blue bird hopping along with some others along the sandy shore, finding its way to some rocks that interrupt the sandy beach with a sudden onset of water-washed and salted rocks. You lick your lips and almost purr to the thought of eating the little thing.

Just need to hit it with a good shot and it'd go down...

You hear the flapping of wings as others land amongst the rocks, some venturing out to little pools of saltwater and dipping their beaks down periodically, with the occasional tossing back of their heads as they eat a small morsel plucked out from the tender pools.

>[] Shoot one of the birds that's strayed.
>[] Approach cautiously and look down into the pools.
>[] Dive into the water and see if you can find a way into those pools.
>[] Carry on along the coast, leave the birds alone.
I like bird better than seafood.
I say bird.
>[] Shoot one of the birds that's strayed.
>[] Shoot one of the birds that's strayed.
>Boom, headshot
>>[x] Shoot one of the birds that's strayed.

never split the party works both ways...
I have a feeling that there's a Pelipper around here...but fuck it, we can handle a Pelipper if it shows up right?
It would be incredibly depressing to get hurt by something that stupid looking.

Anyway, shoot the sucker with lock on. Should be an easy shot. Don't destroy it's meat too much if we can help it.
[X] approach carefully and look in the pools
I have a hunch
>[x] Approach cautiously and look down into the pools.
No need to get melted by pool-acid or something sneaking up on the birds. We just need to make sure we can kill them without risk.
>>[] Shoot one of the birds that's strayed.
>check out the pools
could be much safer food.
we can handle birds. I hope.

We are part cat. We have the laws of nature on our side. Also we're hungry.

Did you know the proliferation of domestic cats is responsible for the near extinction of many species of wild birds and song birds in the US?
Housecats kill EVERYTHING. They kill more species than any other feline.
Kitty get out.

And then they leave us Murder Presents.
C'mon anon, don't you want to be beat up by a bird that is more mouth than body?
Neat. I did not know that. That's pretty funny.

I mean, to consider how massive an impact humans have even when they don't mean to.
[Leer And Tail Swishing Intensifies]
That's a good point, but I'm pretty sure they don't use guns to do it.

>inb4 housecats armed with guns
and there's also Cat Shit One...
I actually really hope that a Pelliper shows up.

We could kill it and use its beak to store water.
That actually makes a lot of sense, an extra supply of water for drinking/shooting could be pretty useful.
While that's an interesting point, it's worth noting that Wingull doesn't evolve until like level 30 so...

It'd be pretty strong. Even if we are it's natural predator (aka cat)
We will eat all the birds, and become the fat cat girl goddess of this arceus forsaken island, start our own human/monster cult and be worshiped and pampered as a god because we could never find our way home and went mad.

Like that one episode of Eek the Cat where Sharky the Shark dog goes full Apocalypse Now.
Bandolier hooked with multiple jugs of water?
>Not being an amazon goddess and coming back to the Dome with another evolution and TONS more muscles

Plebbest tier.
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most likely Pelipper/wingull
water gun would be mitigated by water on water resistance
icicle gun would be neutral (wtr/fly)
so would psybeam but there'd be more meat/ less physical damage to the bird carcass for tools (beak cantine like one anon said)

I say psybeam the fucker

We can take out a lv 25 pelliper.
I'd prefer a few normal/ice attacks to soften it up, then finish it with psybeam so we don't break too much meat.

Oh, really? Awesome news then, we might be okay then.
No psybeam. We want to preserve our energy, and our icicle gun is low cost.
fine, icicle gun the wings and finish it off with claws?
Ah, almost forgot about stamina.

You're running at 25% stamina right now. It'll recover when you eat. Prolonged hunger will decrease stamina and make attacks cost a bit more in exchange for improved combat ability.
Not completely worth it, but not the worst tradefoff. I'll think more about hunger in a mechanical sense later.

So use of Icicle gun right here will cost 6 stamina, leaving you at 19%.
Shit just got Tokoyo Jungle up in here. Kill it hard, and kill it fast to get our Stamina back.
Well, it's a much surer kill than water gun, and costs much less than psybeam.
I say do it. Hopefully lockon will work.
Do you have a list of stamina cost? It'd be nice to see it so we can make an informed decision, is all.
Oh yes, remember to use Lock On as well before we attack.
After next post I'll organize a "List by Cost" for you guys.

You should put them in the pastebin after you do it too, so you never have to repeatedly answer nubs like me too!
Just add it to the pastebin.
That's the plan.
You wait patiently, watching every one of them that begins to hop away with a keen interest as you sink yourself lower into the sand as though you're ready to pounce.

One of the birds makes a call and your tail bristles reflexively. Have you been found out?

They gather at the edge as one of the ones furthest begins to make its way back, unnoticed by the others.

You take the shot, sending an icicle through its head before it can make a sound. Your initiative and time to lock on ensuring the hit with your natural ability as a sniper.
It drops into the sand, not even bleeding due to the icicle freezing the blood.

You almost scramble when you see it go down, ready to snatch it up, however the keen eyes of one of the birds catches you before you commit to move.

You stare back at it, and it stares down at you, then the dead bird. Back to you as your tail bristles into an icy morning star. No. Nonono. This is your kill. You killed it. It's yours. Yours. Yours. Yours.

Your lips pull back into an instinctive snarl to make the thing back off. You can see it get visibly flustered as it hops off of its rock, causing you to relax for a moment.

Then you hear a call, along with some other aggravated bird noises.

Oh no...

>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Leave the bird!


>[] Run back the way you came!
>[] Dive into the water!
>[] Hide in the jungle!
>[] Get your guns ready, you're not leaving here hungry.
>[x] Grab the bird!
>[x] Run back the way you came!
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!
We'll grab the bird and swim upshore a bit underwater, out of their dive range.

God I know nothing about pokemon biology and hope they can't swim.
>Grab the Bird!
>Hide in the jungle.
>Grab the bird
>Dive into the water

If the birds were looking for prey here, there probably aren't any predators in the water, currently.

We stick near the beach because we're still looking for Marine.
>aggravated bird noises
Oh god damnit.

Well, time to fight for our dinner.

>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Hide in the jungle!
>[] Get your guns ready, you're not leaving here hungry.

We have the guerilla warfare, so hiding in the wood will give us a bonus to combat just as good as if we were in the water.

And the gulls will have a lesser advantage in the woods than they'd have in the water.

And back the way we came is KINGLER. NUH UH FUCK THAT.
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!
>Grab the bird
>Run the way we came
We know it's safe, and I am pretty sure these water birds can dive. Gotta get out of the flock.
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!
>[X] Grab the bird!
>[X] Dive into the water!
Our Psybeam is weak as shit
Just a friendly pokeanon.
Winggull are basically Seagulls, except they can dive underwater to snatch up fish. It's evolution is Pelipper, which is a stork with a mouth bigger then it's body.

The more you know.
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!

It's better to dive into the water if we're looking for combat bonuses. Aquatic and Amphibious would be advantageous.
>[x] Grab the bird!
>[x] Hide in the jungle!
>[x] Get your guns ready, you're not leaving here hungry.

Be prepared to use our guns as needed. Don't want some friggen bird shitting all over our protag.
>It's better to dive into the water if we're looking for combat bonuses. Aquatic and Amphibious would be advantageous.


>>Aquatic Combat(2): Increases ability to fight within water, allowing +1 to within water rolls per rank.

>>Amphibious Combat:(2) Attacking from land into water and from water onto land yield +1 to roll per rank.

>Geurilla warfare(2): (+2) to rolls made under cover of wood.
>>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Run back the way you came!
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!

We can hide near the bottom of the water and not near the shallow pools were the seagulls were fishing.
>>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Hide in the jungle!

I don't think the water would give us the advantage here. Meanwhile all the trees could impede the flying sea-rats.
Actualy you make a good point.
Gonna vote to grab the bird and dive. Even if these birds can dive, we can most certainly out fight them underwater. And at the least, freeze the water behind us as we dive, so they break their stupid bird skulls open when they dive after us.
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!

Yeah? +2 to both Aquatic and Amphibious. They're all rank 2, anon.
the REAL question is:

Do we want a shark or a tiger trying to steal our food?

that's the crux of the ocean/jungle decision.
Exactly. They're equal to the bonuses from going into the jungle.

But the Wingull are going to have aquatic bonuses while they probably won't have guerilla bonuses.

Jungle gives the bigger net advantage against the birds
...You mean a pelican?
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!

Freezing the water is another bonus.
I knew that.
No, really I totally did.
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Hide in the jungle!

seeing as they are water/flying, I'm gonna say they have a decent chance of having similar bonuses to us in attacking water, which they won't in the jungle.

Tiger. Sharks resist our best attacks.
Why would they have aquatic bonuses? Their skill is in quickly diving through the water and coming out. We've got ice to counter that.

Water is our natural element. We're better adapted to it than the birds are.
>Freezing the water is another bonus.
>And at the least, freeze the water behind us as we dive, so they break their stupid bird skulls open when they dive after us.

We're at 19% stam. Icy Wind costs 7% before the starving modifiers. We can't afford to do that
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!

Let's go.
>Tiger. Sharks resist our best attacks.

Was going to say: Unless it's a fire tiger. But you have water attacks too.
>Grab the bird!
>Dive into the water!
>Fire tiger
For some reason, all I could think was "what, we found Devon's waifu?"
>Why would they have aquatic bonuses?
Because they're seabirds.

>We've got ice to counter that.
Not at our stamina levels, we don't. We'll be passing out from exhaustion if we try.

>Water is our natural element.
As it is for the birds.
>Grab the bird!
>Dive into the water!
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Hide in the jungle!
I've been swayed by jungleanons
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!
We're going to need a new thread.
>>[] Grab the bird!
>>[] Dive into the water!
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Hide in the jungle!
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what would a wailord graft be like?
>Grab the bird!
>Dive into the water!

What does the call sound like? Was it from another bird or has a predator arrived and spooked the birds?
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!

Skin and blubber. Probably some samples of its internal organs to stimulate growth.
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"food!" or "mine!"
>[] Grab the bird!
>[] Dive into the water!
So would we become super fat? Or just huge and bulky And become a true muscle girl by virtue of being 10 foot tall and bullet proof
The highest BMI around.
They're actually very light for their weight.
damn dirty cannibal gulls
>Because they're seabirds.
How does that relate to them being able to fight underwater?

>As it is for the birds.
The air is. They just have a dalliance with water.

>Not at our stamina levels, we don't. We'll be passing out from exhaustion if we try.
True, but that does not mean fighting in the water will prolong our fight. We can simply stay away from the pools and dive deeper.
>Kitty's penpal BF from trumpet land
for their size*
Eh, true, but I don't know if we want to dive deep around here. Might find more Corsola, or worse, shallow sea creatures.

Seagulls and other sea birds are capable of making splashing dives into the water to catch fish sometimes ten feat below the surface, surfacing, and resuming flight with ease because of their plumage.

Pokemon seagulls be fucked up worse and probably fuck our shit up on top of that.
Why is everyone worried about the seaguls when it's what scared the seaguls that we should be worried about?

protip: it wasn't us that scared them.
okay, I think you're being a bit over-paranoid
You make a made dash on all fours, sliding through the sand at the last stretch to snag your prey as you see as many as twenty birds take to the sky, but you haven't got time for that, if they're going to attack, you need to get away!

Redoubling your dash, you beeline into the water, sending up a spray of saltwater as you splash on through and dive with your second eyelids protecting your vision. You look back and glance up as the birds' shapes disperse about the water-beaten rocks and you dive deeper in preparation for their attacks.

Blood begins to seep into the water as the icicle melts in the tropical seas.

You glance about, watching your bearings underwater as you evaluate your new situation with a predatory instinct. Is anything going to take your kill? It's yours. All yours. They're not taking it. No.

Above seems to have calmed down a bit... Do you stay underwater? Maybe take a look around those pools?

>[] Yes... What were they doing?
>[] Yes, but dive deeper instead.
>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
>Pokemon seagulls be fucked up worse and probably fuck our shit up on top of that.
And the way they're fucked up in is their carrying capacity, not that they can dive especially deep.
>Blood begins to seep into the water as the icicle melts in the tropical seas.
>[] Yes, but dive deeper instead.
Probably some valuables. Wingulls are like..ravens? Or crows? What's the breed of bird that likes to filch stuff?
>>[] No, surface and eat the bird.

>>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
don't want to be in the water while the blood is there.

Let's go see if the person tending that fire minds if we share a bird with them.

Also if that person is marine.

Get there by the previous plan of going along the beach until we are closeset to it.
>[x] Yes... What were they doing?
Why would so many bird monsters congregate in one spot if the wasn't something interesting or important there?
>[] Yes, but dive deeper instead.

What's that thing we just killed and are carrying with us?
>[X] No, surface and eat the bird.
>>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
>>[x] Yes... What were they doing?

what pissed in their cornflakes if it wasn't us?

>Blood begins to seep into the water

we can't linger guys

>>[] Yes, but dive deeper instead.

What scared them was the "call" earlier. The call which did not come from the water, but above it.
>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
>[] Yes, but dive deeper instead.
>[] Yes, but dive deeper instead.

No. It's the wingull we killed.
>Yes, but dive deeper instead.
>Surface, and go check out the pools from above.
But cautiously, obviously keep our ears and eyes open to the sound of whistling Winggulls coming in Kamakaze style. If we get out of the water, they can't dive bomb us nearly as effectively.

Also getting out of the water with a bleeding corpse would be nice. Look out for whatever frightened them off if it really wasn't us.
>>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
>Yes, but dive deeper instead.

It'd be dumb to go up above consi
Yeah I'm gonna have to enthusiastically second that.
>[x] No, surface and eat the bird.
No, he's saying the blood will attract said sharks and other nasties.
I know we killed a wingull. I'm saying that, since sharpedo's are basically very fast sharks, and sharks can smell blood from miles away, it is a very good idea to get out of blood filled water
Can we freeze the corpse? Can we eat raw meat?

>>[] No, surface and eat the bird.

Fuck sharpedos and carvaha
Got cut off.

Considering that the predator that scared the birds is on the surface.
...Yeah we know where the blood is coming from, but we're worried about what it'll BRING.
Quadruple second
Note for future reference:

let's save whatever parts of the wingull we don't eat to chum the water later for delicious sharks
>[Yes, but dive deeper instead.
>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
>Sharpedo encounter

>bonus Ceru X Devon
>[] Yes, but dive deeper instead.
>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
>Yes, but dive deeper instead.

Were the birds doing anything aside from hunting fish?
as much as I'm sure that Sharpedo fin soup is delicious, we aren't equipped to hunt one by ourselves.
You are dumb and you should feel bad.

You NEVER try to attract sharpedo. EVER.

They can shoot themselves out of the water like rockets.

Dude, you're sounding like a whiney cunt.

"Waaaaah, we weren't presented all the options and therefore we had to make a decision! Waaaah, I can't handle failure! Let's blame the QM because I can't fucking plan or think of creative solutions! I can only make decisions when every option is laid out plain as day!"

Prove me wrong.
>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
>They can shoot themselves out of the water like rockets.
Shit's true.
>Yes, but dive deeper instead.

>as the icicle melts in the tropical seas.
Is this the icicle we shot through the bird?
>>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
dude, that was 3 hours ago. Calm the fuck down
Not only did you rehash an argument which has already been addressed, you're actually bringing attention to it again when everything has calmed down. Are you deliberately being a cunt?
Can we eat raw meat?
>All these people that want to sit in these shark-infested waters holding a bleeding bird carcass

I have to wonder if we're deliberately picking the worst choices now just to spite Ygg and force him to kill Ceru off earlier than he wanted.
>[] Yes, but dive deeper instead.

People, just ignore this idiot. He clearly never participated at all and is just in here to rile people up again. I mean, he's using the worst argument against the people who complained.
I support getting out of the Water, but if we do stay in the water can we at least freeze the bird? so the blood doesn't escape?

Blood is delicious
>[] Yes, but dive deeper instead.

Yes. Would it agree with our stomach? Well... actually, we'd probably be able to process it better than normal people.
Stop whining.
Tropical waters are shark waters guys.
>We have Crytten digestion
...should we be worried?
That sounds like normal people would get sick
>Yes, but dive deeper instead.
as much as blood is delicious, it's too late. There is already blood in the water
>No, surface and eat the bird.
>>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
>Yes, but dive deeper instead
>[] No, surface and eat the bird.
>Yes, but dive deeper instead.

Would cooking it affect how much stamina we recover from it?
>[] Yes, but dive deeper instead
There's a lot of samefagging today
>[] No, surface and eat the bird.

Quit samefagging, douche.
Rolled 1


From when I counted.

Rolling this one out.

1. For surfacing.
2. For diving down.

Won't matter. Ceru can eat raw meat. The stamina recovery will come with the alleviation of hunger, not thee eating itself.
>Yes, but dive deeper instead.

I've noticed, yes.
Phew that was close. Almost did something dumb.
Oh my god. This guy is actually going through the thread and dredging up the arguments.

Would've been amazing though. Wrassle a sharpedo.

Amazing, yes. But a sad way to die.

Ain't got the stamina to make the fight worth a damn.
It resists literally all of our attacks!
What's its type? Water/Dark?
Yeah, resists water, ice, dark, and is immune to psychic.
CRISIS temporarily AVERTED
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yes, it resists if not outright ignores everything we can throw at it
Not that I want to argue, but to those who wanted to dive: Can I ask why you voted for it?

I mean, besides 'Adventure!'
>Passive aggressively wanting to make everyone else miserable
Let's not forget rough skin, which makes physical painful for us too
Hey comon, I just wanted to ask, not start more arguments. I really didn't understand why it was getting so many votes.
I assume it's cause they thought whatever scared the birds was above the water.
Maybe so...and maybe it is.
But I'd rather fight that then a Sharpedo.
Why do people do that? They ignore the big known threats because they're scared of speculated threats all the time.
Isn't it the other way around in this scenario?
Same here.

Also there's the fact that Sharpedo can shoot themselves into the air, so we could still be fucked.
Huh...Just a note guys
So far, Ceru has woken up and avoided two boss battles.

Man, the wild is fucking dangerous. I kinda want us to get so strong we can just kill off all the monsters and make this island our bitch.

Is that a weird want?
In the case of the people that decided to dive deeper? Nope.

We know that there are sharpedo in these waters. We know that we're holding a bleeding bird.

We have no idea what the speculated threat above the water is. We don't even know if it exists, because the birds could have just as easily only been reacting to us.

>yfw Prof has watched the "Air Jaws" special on Shark Week just for this instance
I want some Krabby.
With Tofu
I bet it's delicious.
they're not the toughest of battles. If we have full stamina.
You breach to the surface and swim back to the shore with an eye on the sky as the birds fly off to another part of the island, riding upon the wind effortlessly, gliding gently in the breeze after their frenzied flight.

As you come up onto land, you're relieved that you avoided an unnecessary fight and you bring the bird to your mouth, biting into it for a mouth full of feathers that you slowly pull off with careful ministrations of your tongue and teeth.
From behind you heard a sudden bubbling from the water as a dark fin breaches the surface with glowing red eyes staring at you from behind an organic visor.

You shiver for a moment as it watches you before slowly dipping back into the water and blasting away back into the deep, wherever it goes.

What in the world was that?

You eventually pick off all the meat and organs from the bird, your stomach thankful for all the food even if it was a bit strange going down.

You see from here that this beach continues east into the craggy rock formation with shallow tide-pools swirling from the waves.

You'd have to climb up one of the rocks to see beyond if you wanted an idea, though it appears to be rather slick...

>[] Return the way you came and go north along the beach.
>[] Continue on East past the pools.
>[] Go into the jungle.
>[] Take a nap in the sands, dream of food.
>[] (Other)
I almost voted dive to evade the birds in case they were waiting for us to surface and to double back to another part of the shore where they weren't but possible SHARKS so I went with back the way you came which didn't get squat

>avoided two boss battles.
don't worry, 3rd time's the charm

(that was sarcasm, some anons just can't tell)
>Air Jaws
>Not Sharpenado
Step up

Oh yeah, I'd be fine with trying it if we were prepared.
But we are the least prepared we could be.

I'm willing to bet it's the people who were bitching up a storm earlier and in the last thread.

Deliberately trying to get a Bad End so they can bitch some more.

And by people, I mean the two or three people who were samefagging the entire time.

It's deliberate sabotage because of some fucking autists.
>[] Continue on East past the pools.
We gotta find Marine.
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>>[] Return the way you came and go north along the beach.
>[] Continue on East past the pools.
>[] (Other)
>>[] Return the way you came and go north along the beach.
Huh, this is actually the first time we've tasted fresh meat, isn't it?

The fire was north along the beach, not east.
>Continue on East past the pools.
Keep our guard up.
>>[] (Other)
Investigate Fire
>>[] Continue on East past the pools.

gotta find Marine

REALLY gotta find Marine
>[] Continue on East past the pools.
Let's keep going.
>[x] Continue on East past the pools.

Gotta find our friends before they get in more trouble than we can get them out of.
Quick question. Can we Rest for a few minutes at the least? I want to find Marine, but we shouldn't go into the jungle with such low stamina.
>[] Continue on East past the pools.
>[] Return the way you came and go north along the beach.

No, using Air Jaws as an inspiration for Sharpedo doom.

Have you seen how high some of those sharks (especially the Makos) can jump?

Now imagine a shark that gets essentially water-jet propulsion.

I'd bet it could nail low-flying aircraft!
What boss battles?

Also, these are all pretty obvious posts, anon. Why bother saying this stuff?
Sharpedo looks so fucking cool. And it's shocking how fast they respond to blood...wow.

Good to know tho.
>Continue on East past the pools.
Kingler (shoot the krabbies)
Sharpedo (dive deeper)
>Continue on East past the pools.
Well, it seems like we're going to continue walking along the beach, actually.
Of course. Though it'd be quicker recovery if you just went to sleep. You slept on the beach before after all.
Just pointing out how deadly shit got fast.

And two battles as in
Both of which would've wrecked us at such a low stamina level.
>[] Return the way you came and go north along the beach.
Investigate fire.
>[] Continue on East past the pools.
I am aware, but Marine might be in trouble. And being alone on a pokemon island, asleep, does not seem safe. If we find Marine, at least we can sleep with someone on watch duty.

Make a good point tho. We can use sleep walk!
You should probably start using SM style numbered votes. Cause there is Waaaaaay to much samefagging going on.
>[] Continue on East past the pools
The search goes on.
>[] Continue on East past the pools.

What time is it now, Prof? If it's closer to dusk, let's use Sleepwalk. Activity near the beach area tends to die down as it gets colder.
Sorry, but to get this concise

>[1] Doubleback and head north along the beach, to the fire.
>[2] Keep heading east,who knows what lies beyond those rocks?
Oh, this.
>[1] Doubleback and head north along the beach, to the fire.
It's actually morning. You woke up with the sun.
Ooo really? That's both good, and bad news. Jungles team with life at night, and beaches are active in the day.

Off to the jungle we go! I hope. If it's another tribe of Hypno then I vote we skin them and wear it's face on our face.
I forgot about that

Bad idea without repeltech running
Why not both?
That's so. It would implicate arrival at night.
voting ended like 2 minutes ago guys
Hm? What do you mean? Us going to the jungle would fast forward us to nighttime? I hope not.
should have ended at 10
I think he's talking about our arrival on the beach.
I think I'm having a retarded moment. Hold up while I go try to fix it.
meh, either way option 1 won
You doubleback with your stomach full of seabird and blood on your lips and hands that you resolve to wash at another point on the beach. That thing in the water gave you some kind of chills with the way it looked at you, as though it were waiting.

The plume of smoke continues to billow into the sky as you ponder the source: Could it be Marine? Or a monster that makes fire? Or... Things like Ni'aras and the Indigo Reports?
You don't even want to think of another run in with an Esper monster. They're just such bad news. The way they want to creep into your mind...

As you walk you eventually dose off as you drone about taking step after step. Your eyes flicker, half-lidded as you halt just as you hit the waves, snapping you into a state of “awake.”

You feel better for the nap... Stamina restored to 25% Hunger cap increases to 50% due to food.

You feel just a little queasy, and feel a bit warmer than you should, but otherwise that nap was good.

You stroll along the beach, heading to the north, wary of the jungle and the sounds within. Distant calls from birds now and then among other animals.

As you walk north, you notice a tree move and your eyes are immediately drawn to it. It's... a monster?! With a long neck and fronds like that of the many palm trees it towers like all the others, there's a small herd of them holding still, only to move now and again as little white pig-monkeys hang amongs little outgrowths from the larger monster's necks, grabbing long berries that you've never seen before and munching on them happily and flinging the fruit skins at each other, generally making a ruckus.

Those things look... familiar.
You reach for your index, but find that it's effectively dead without switching in your other v-orb. One of the things lock eyes with you, and you reflexively look away. Why did you do that? These are awfully familiar...
You saw about seven of them. There are a few of those large “Tree” monsters hanging out, seeming lost in their sunbathing.

>[] Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.
>[] Get ready to fight. You're still hungry!
>[] Run past them at full speed!
>[] Return the way you came and curl up into a ball.
huh. I have no idea what the fuck those are.

Let's avoid them for now?
>[] Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.
We just ate, we don' wan no trabble until we find marine.
It haaaaaaaaaaad to be Mankeys,
>[x] Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.
Tropius, I think. They've got bananas growing from their heads.

What we should really be worried about are the mankeys.

>[] Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.
>>[x] Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.

>[x] Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.
But keep an eye out for some of that fruit as well. Don't want to go hungry!
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Tropius. Flying / Grass type. They'll go down HARD if we hit them with Ice moves.

We might be able to snag some fruit off one if we need to. Better to leave em alone for now, though.
Mankeys are my favorite.
such scrappy little bastards.
I imagine a mankey ranger would be amazing.
>Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.

Are mankeys territorial?
>>[X] Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.
>Are mankeys territorial?

Primapes are the real danger, though. Make eye contact and they will chase you until either you or them is dead.
>[] Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.
Mankeys start shit for the tiniest of reasons. They're great.
>[] Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.
It'd be good to find a different herd of tropius. They seem rather docile when undisturbed.
>It is extremely ill-tempered. Groups of them will attack any handy target for no reason.

Yeah, we need to bounce out.
>>[] Keep walking along the shore, avoiding eye contact.
Fuck mankeys
>Primapes are the real danger, though. Make eye contact and they will chase you until either you or them is dead

Wow. Just realized it's "Deadliest Game" Meets UFC
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He was my favorite.
You walk past, minding your distance and keeping yourself from making eye contact with the creatures as you walk past the lot of them, keeping them in your peripheral.

Their little games and amused sounds come to an immediate halt as you feel all of them ceasing their activity to stare at you.

The gentle giant tree monsters seem to wrapped up in their basking to pay you or the little creatures mind.

You hear snorts and other brief bits of chatter resume as they seem to be communicating amongst themselves, saying little remarks in their own little monster language.

You can't help but to tremble nervously once they're at your back and you really want to turn around to check.

>[] Look back...
>[] Keep walking.
>[] RUN!
>[] (Other)
>>[] Keep walking.
>>[x] Keep walking.

stay the course
>[] Keep walking.

Show no fear, just keep our pace steady.
Egg Group
At least they aren't humanlike...

>[] Keep walking.
If we hear them behind us, then RUN.
>[x] Keep walking.
Running will just anger them.
Keep walking. Listen for them. And don't just listen for their footsteps; listen for the rustle of the treetops because they'll probably travel from above as well.
>[] Keep walking.
Don't react to them
They're gonna throw poop at us aren't they....
>[] Keep walking.
>[x] Keep walking.
I feel like the mankeys are a metaphor
>quick to anger
>fight with eachother
>when they aren't fighting eachother, it's because they've singled out something else
>fling shit

only in big quests
Gotta admit, I lold
Where do you think we are?
why aren't they screeching "Tits or GTFO!" ?
Primeapes are Trolls.
>Manky are now pervy Construction workers
That image is way too funny.
How do you know they aren't? You don't speak mankey.
You stay the course, continuing on ahead, resisting the urge to turn around. You hear something at your back however and almost turn, but think against it, instead letting your peripheral vision answer your questions.
A little one of the creatures hops up to you, making some little snorting sounds like it's sniffing you. You can feel the others watching intently.

Finally it comes before you, into view, holding one of the berries from those monsters. After tugging on your pantleg the little thing offers you the thing, holding it up to you even as you refuse to look it in the eye.

>[] Refuse it as keep walking.
>[] Gratefully take the strange berry.
>[] Run, get the reverse out of here!
>[] (Other)
...wait...it's...offering us food?
Why the hell would it do that... I..

I am really confused.

Should we take it...?
Do we have anything on us that we could give it in return? Even if only to distract the thing while we SCRAM?
>>[] Gratefully take the strange berry.
uuummmm..... ummmm........ummmm... uhhhhhhh
>>[x] Gratefully take the strange berry.

its rude to refuse a gift
>[x] Gratefully take the strange berry.
Fuuuuck I hope we don't offend it...
Why is it doing this?
mankey I have no idea what you are doing.
>[] Gratefully take the strange berry.

Dammit this is confusing the fuck outta me.
>[] Gratefully take the strange berry.
Fuck, guys. Either it's being genuinely friendly, or it's about to prank us.

In which case, we have no choice but to let it prank us or else it'll get pissed.
>>[] Gratefully take the strange berry.
i am confuse.
>[] (Other)
Take berry, break it in half, give the other half back.

let's share, little guy.
Quick, does anyone know of any record of Manky doing something nice?


It has to be doing this for some reason...Maybe we should sniff the fruit to make sure it's not a seed bomb or anything crazy like that.
yeah, I am confused and frightened by this behavior.
we might have to fight a bunch of mankeys.
>[] Gratefully take the strange berry.

Just do as it wants us to. We can amuse it for a little while, but we need to make sure we keep moving and don't get caught up with their antics.
>Extremely quick to anger. It could be docile one moment then thrashing away the next instant.

Be Very Very careful
What is the stamina cost on Psybeam?
Not enough to let us take down a gang of Manky, sadly.

I'd rather avoid fighting anyway until we find Marine.
It'll probably play keep-away with the banana or something.

If that happens, we should just look at the ground, depressed, and drag our feet away. Maybe use Fake Tears. We've got salt to spare.
I don't want to use it now, I just want it added to the pastebin.
>[] Gratefully take the strange berry.
The berry is its poop, isn't it? Ah, but seriously, it probably isn't.

Maybe it's poisonous or the mankeys are just testing the waters with us. They aren't bothering the tropius herd, so it might be that mankey troops are only angered by particular things.
Stam% cost = 100/basePP of the move in games.

Psybeam is 20 basePP. 100/20=5
Can Tropius even learn Seed Bomb?
I hope not, but if it can this might get messy...

Ah. My bad then.
You finally look at the thing after some hesitation, as it offers the berry up to you with a bit more gusto, now that you've looked at it.
You relax a little bit. It's actually kind of cute, barely coming up to your knee, though its arms are still pretty long with sharp little claws likely used for climbing.

Holding your hand out, you receive the gift only to notice a really strange smell as it changes hands.

Part of the berry's peel is open. Inside it's brown and sticky with a really foul odor.

The thing stares at you expectantly with a suddenly oppressive gaze as though it expects you to eat it.

You slowly turn around to the others as they all stare at you, also expecting you to eat it.

They're all watching you, expecting you to do what they want...

>[] Eat the poop banana.
>[] Share?
>[] Drop it on the little one's head.
>[] Throw it and run.
>[] (Other)
goddamnit mankey.
This is exactly what I expected.
let's just... walk away. quietly.
It's the only thing to do.

So I was half-way right.
>>[x] Eat the poop banana.

consume the stink squash
It's the gift that keeps on giving.
>>[] Share?
>[] Share?
Why does it torture us so? Best we can hope for is that it takes our "generosity" as a good thing.
>[] Share?

Hold it by the peel, then hold it in front of its face and smile, maybe prod it a bit.

That oughta get a kick out of the other mankeys. Then we run once the lone mankey attacks us.
>[] Share?
Its offering it to us, it wants to eat all of it guys
Good news: Manky are not terribly powerful
Bad news: They are one of our weaknesses, and outnumber us.

Fleeing shall be difficult, especially in the jungle.
>Flash freeze it
>Break it in half
>Give half the poopsicle to the mankey
I hate mankeys the most. They're just smart enough to have humor, and dumb enough for it to be shit like this.
We were walking along the shore, so we're still on the beach.

Hopefully we only piss one off, and then not piss off the rest by running away instead of killing the lone prankster.
Well, they're based off monkeys...how do monkeys react to dead troop members?
Depends on the threat and the social status of the troop member.

If it was the omega monkey, they don't give no fucks. If that monkey had loved ones, then they'll attack what the thing was. Unless it was a bigass tiger or something. Then they'll just throw rocks at it.

Except mankeys are like roidrage monkeys, so they'll probably just attack us.
Well, Manky aren't fearless, and we ARE a tiger...but an ice tiger...

Fuck I dunno man, let's just hope we escape with all our limbs intact.
They literally get stupider the madder they get. It's a vicious cycle of tardrage
It's just had to walk up to an unknown creature in the troops environment. It is almost definetly omega probably being forced to "test" for danger by its troop.

Diamond It lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason.
HeartGold It is extremely ill-tempered. Groups of them will attack any handy target for no reason.
SoulSilver It's unsafe to approach if it gets violently enraged for no reason and can't distinguish friends from foes.
Generation V
Black It lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason.
Black 2 It lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason.
White 2
Generation VI
X It's unsafe to approach if it gets violently enraged for no reason and can't distinguish friends from foes.
Y It lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason.
Huh...so it may not even just target us, but start beating the shit out of each other?

Well that's...somewhat comforting...if it doesn't piss off the dinosaurs.
>[] (Other)
Snap freeze banana make it SHINY
if they are anything like monkeys they will forget about it being shit and demand the shiny.

it'll probably also atleast change the odor and texture if we have to eat it.
Tropoius are docile as fuck. All their dex entries are about little kids chillin around em and eating the fruit.
Probably easier to kill than the mankeys because of type advantage on top of that.
No, their first target will be us, then when we're a bloody pulp they'll attack eachother.
Fucking fuckity fuck shit.

Running probably would have angered it anyway. So we were just delaying the inevitable. Only solution would have been to eat shit, and who knows if we still have a gag reflex in order to puke it out.

Guess we try and Psybeam to confuse the mankeys even further and hopefully get them to forget who and what they were pissed at.
Oh, really? Interesting. May be a good source of food, when the Manky aren't hanging around.
You panic too easily. Pick your shit up, anon.
I guess freezing it is the best idea.
I don't have a doggie bag to pick my shit up with, sorry.
You sigh and resolve to do something your mother always stressed the importance of... Sharing. Squatting down, you take the poop berry in hand by the peel and freeze it into a solid block before offering it over to the little mankey.
It turns its nose up at the thing right away, though it suddenly seems curious by the new solidarity of its own feces. With curiosity getting the best of it, the little monster breaks off a piece of the poop and quickly puts it into its mouth, sucking at the thing like sweet candy before spitting out a wad of freshly melted poo while the other mankeys go up in a series of snorts that must be their own version of laughter.

The little one quickly starts to huff and puff and snort dangerously as it stares at you and your poopsicle berry.

In a flash, it sends its nails across your face, taking you by surprise. Upon that contact, you jump up with a sudden hiss as the thing begins to rant and rave and tantrum in the sand, eventually ending up on its side and running a complete circle, spinning itself a bit deeper as it thrashes about before suddenly seeming tired.

At that, the other mankies just hanging out begin to nip, bite and claw at one another, viscious and angry snorts erupting from among them as they begin their own little rampage.

You take a step back before leaning over to look at the little mankey in it's own little ditch. Little poop-eater's all tired out.

>[] Shoot it in the head.
>[] Leave quietly.
>[] Run away!
>[] Shoot the others down while they're distracted.
>[] O(ther)
>[] Leave quietly.

Check out that fire.
>[x] Leave quietly.
If they hear or see us, it's all over.
>[] Leave quietly.
the only thing we can do is walk away before they get SUPER PISSED
> Leave quietly.
>Leave quietly
Pimp walk out quickly as possible.
>[] Leave quietly.
>Leave quietly
Let them go apeshit.
>[] Leave quietly.
survived a shipwreck [x]
got food to survive with [x]
trolled a group of mankeys [x]
find marine [ ]

we're missing one
>>[] Run away!
>>[x] Leave quietly.

well I'm done with those guys...
Fuck that pun and fuck you.
We actually did troll them super hard. That's hilarious.
>Send Omega up to get us to eat poop
>We freeze poop, make it shiny
>Manky eats poop
>Entire tribe laughs their asses off
>Omega gets pissed, runs in a circle until tired
>Entire tribe laugh so hard, they break into a fist fight, punching each other like Hockey fans do
>Ceru learns something new about a new pokemon.
>>[] Leave quietly.

Don't even risk turning around.

Moonwalk the fuck outta there.
It's exceedingly obvious that Marine is going to be the cliffhanger that this thread ends on.

We'll probably find her in a fight against some bigass monster and then Prof will be all "THREAD TIM ANNOUNCED FRIDAY!" and then announce thread times on Sunday.
I hope we just find her at the fire cooking something in a palm frond skirt.
If only she didn't have a giant ass turtle shell, that would be awesome
everyone can wear palm frond skirts, even turtles.
The turtle shells encase her arms, not her body.
It's only on her arms?
Arms, shoulders, and front. She has less protection at the back due to Always facing her enemy/ Pewter style.
Eventually, she'll get water cannons and she'll be all heavy gunner squadmate.
One of these days, you're going to have to refine the cast list.

Will you be done with the stamina costs for our moves once this thread finishes?
>>[] O(ther)
take it as a pet
Aye and aye.
If we run into this troop again we should freeze some actual bananas for them as a placating gesture. The omega really seemed to like it until it thawed into shit.
You walk away from the mob of ornery little mankies just as their rampage really gets started, eventually advancing out into the trees of the forest, leaving the gentle giants undisturbed.
Seeing that, you double back to wash your hands in the tide and shoot down a couple of those berries from the monsters.

They don't seem to mind or even regard you as they only shake their fronds with a little bit of irritance at their fruit is harvested.

You eat one right away, enjoying the sweet juices and rich flavor. It's not exactly what you like, but it's hard not to enjoy this.

You toss the poop banana away, having had about enough of that thing.

>Hunger satisfied to 75%, raising Stamina cap.
You continue along the beach. Checking the sky for that smoke at it progresses into noon and then afternoon as you get closer.

As you pass along another little tidepool, you notice some strange instruments wrought from wood. Long poles with little black tips at the end, along with piles of what looks like woven rope.

As you examine them closer, you notice intricate little marks upon these spears, as though time were taken to decorate and personalize them. How... Odd.

Marine couldn't have done this...

You hear a rustling from the jungle as you're caught between deep tidepools, the beach behind you, the jungle to the right, and the smooth black rocks ahead.

>[] Stand your ground and get your guns at the ready.
>[] Dive into the pool, wait and sea what comes up.
>[] Charge into the brush to attack whatever's there!
>[] (Other)
>[x] Stand your ground and get your guns at the ready.
Enough running, time to face our problems head on.
>[] Dive into the pool, wait and sea what comes up.

Our stamina hasn't gone up that high, anon.
>[x] Dive into the pool, wait and sea what comes up.
>[] Dive into the pool, wait and sea what comes up.
Freeze and crush into a sorbet.

I do it all the time at home.

Keep walking ahead. Focus on ears.
>Stand our ground. If whatever it is uses spears, then it might not even be a mon at all...
>>[] Stand your ground and get your guns at the ready.
>Hunger alleviated
Ingenuity penalty lost.
Hunting/Combat bonus lost.

Warmed up, fed and rested! Negative conditions subside.
>[] Dive into the pool, wait and sea what comes up.
Death is close here. We need to find backup or civilization of some kind before we die horribly.
>As you examine them closer, you notice intricate little marks upon these spears, as though time were taken to decorate and personalize them. How... Odd.
>Freeze and crush into a sorbet.
We'll want something OTHER than saltwater, then, since I imagine that's all we have filling our omniguns.
All these people risking Sharpedo again
>>[x] Stand your ground and get your guns at the ready.

water won't give much protection from spears

Gotta love handling status aliments

>Warmed up, fed and rested!
How much stamina do we have?
>>[] Dive into the pool, wait and sea what comes up.

It might not notice us dive in and we can simply observe it. Unlikely, though, but it'll be awkward for an enemy to attack us while we're in a pool, plus we have the amphibious combat trait.
Yeah considering we've encountered Krabby, Wingull, Mankey, and Tropius... I have no idea where we are.

Could be anything.
Plenty of water within berries and bananas, no need to add more.
Oh, I forgot that we didn't need to use the water in our omniguns to use ice shard; that's just for our icicle gun.

Stamina 40%
Hunger penalty for attacking is also alleviated! Ceru's back in the game.
40% isn't great, but it's better then it was.

At least now we can stand a short term fight.
>[] Stand your ground and get your guns at the ready.
If nothing happens, then just keep going to the fire.
I don't want to disregard saltwater -entirely-.

Salt actually goes really well with icecream and fruit sometimes.
>Stand Ground.
I hope we're in Florida.
It's not just salt mixed in with the water from the ocean. You know that, right?

You don't ever drink water directly from the ocean?
saltwater has microorganisms, although the mankeys might not mind, I'd rather not risk it.
>>1: Stand Ground.
lets zimmerman it
Black teens beware

Forget about Florida, man. There's something more important than that. The Belarus farmers are being oppressed!
Stand Your Ground Laws. It's what Zimmerman got Zimmerman found not guilty because of. It's constantly used to get beat murder charges in Florida.
just promise me you won't wear a hoodie
Fine, go ahead and try and help those Farmers in Belarus. But don't come crying to me when you're naked, jacking it in San Francisco
Feh. Even if I did end up jacking it in San Francisco, at least I wouldn't have gone from bass to mouth like a certain somebody.
Feeling much better than before, you ready yourself into a low stance, a single gun out with one of your claws scraping against the stone, giving you grip to force yourself in an additional direction If need be.

Your eyes bear down on the rustling foliage as your tail rapidly cools into a spiked club as per its intended design.

The rest of your fur bristles into a tense icy armor as something finally breaks through, a colorful plumage looking at you with large, wary eyes. Upon making eye contact, the two of you stare each other down warily.

You feel tears welling in your eyes for some reason as it looks on, watching you intently, slowly shuffling back without breaking eye contact.

>[] Let the tears come out, you've had a hard day.
>[] Shoot.
>[] Dive into the water.
>[] (Other)
>beat murder charges

/pol/, pls go. I thought you guys would stay away from my brutal kawaii fluffy moe slaughter quest.
That's the only answer, Prof.
Fucker. This is the only answer.
I'm confused.
>>[] Let the tears come out, you've had a hard day.
Slowly drop the guns.
>>[] Shoot.
fucking fairy types
I'll allow it, though Ceru's kind of spiked up right now.
It's a trap!

We must dodge! The other two have already flanked us!

Clever girl...
Woe be to anyone who would say otherwise.
But our hug will be really chilly, and it might see the action as some form of aggression.

Hey. Is that first option some Fake Tears?

If it is, count this post as that. Otherwise,
>[] Dive into the water.
Bright colorful plumage...jungle... what the hell is this thing...

It's not in the Oddish family...

Damn, I don't know what to vote, but I definitely don't want to hug the strange monster.
WHAT is going on?
She's got armor on. Just gotta defrost.
>>[] Shoot.
>Drop our armor
>hug a strange monster because it's colorful

Please, no, I don't care what wins, just not that. Count this vote as "Not doing that"
I think Prof just wants to have a fluffier, non-shadowrun quest as a break from all the arguing and criticizing. Rather welcome change for now, I'd say.
>>[] Shoot.
why are people voting to hug it
isn't it a pokemon?
Just stay away! continue about your day!
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MEANWHILE, at the Rocket Dorms...
>[] (Other)
Don't immediately go for the hug. Start out with at least trying to talk to the thing. If it's intelligent, it might recognize what we're trying to do.

Don't attack it unless it attacks first. We're in its home, not the other way around this time.

For the love of god, though, don't drop armor and don't move to hug it. It may interpret it as an attack or it may just stab us.
Is that squirrel fucking that deer's ear?
I believe it is, yes.
Try to communicate. If it doesn't look like it's working, dive for the water.

Are you fucking kidding? This is just an opportunity to absolutely FUCK us up.
Yes it is. Crytten coming through a bit more.
Yeah that.
Oh wait. There's something worse. That skunk is going up that porcupine's butt.
I have no idea what to vote....

is that Marine?
Good thing I voted for it then. I half-expected it to be some sort of fairy magic.
just hold your position.
You really should clarify that

I thought it was fairy bulshit.

Voting cry
>[] Let the tears come out, you've had a hard day
>Cry, make it feel bad for us
Do it. Fake Tears from Crytten means we can ambush it or drop attacking it if it's properly disarmed.

Idea on why Dark resists Dark. Since Devon constantly lives, eats, and breathes shadowruns, his paranoia makes him automatically think crying in the middle of a fight means Fake Tears and therefore an ambush.

So Evil types are paranoid that other people would do the shit they would do to themselves.
>[] Let the tears come out, you've had a hard day.
Well, let's do it.
>[] Let the tears come out, you've had a hard day.
>>[] (Other)
>[] Let the tears come out, you've had a hard day.
If we can get it to attempt to feel sorry for / deal with us, I'm going to assume it don't speak English. We draw a stick figure in the sand and then point to us and back at the doodle a few times. Then we draw another one and put a zigzag between the two stick people. Point to the not-us stickman and then look and gesture around to convey that we're looking for someone.
[X] Shoot
Stickman thing could work if we can get whatever this is to not run away and not try to kill us.
Seems rather appropriate for Ceru to try if it doesn't speak her language, but it peaceful and sapient.

We can also use basic gestures, like beckoning and 'stay still' and such if we befriend it and get it to follow us around. Hell, we might end up following THEM around, since they seem like they know how to survive in this place.
In that case I'm changing to that.
Sableye is in the humanlike egg group.

Are you man enough to dick a ghost that eats rocks?
>[] Let the tears come out, you've had a hard day.

Changing what?
It's got a plumage.
Heh. Sableye is going to be bad.
The real question is if the ghost is man enough to dick US.

His vote. You can see it a few posts up.
I'm not talking about the current thing. Current thing is an OC if it's humanlike and the plumage is part of its body.
The first choice for clarification.
>Sableye lead quiet lives deep inside caverns. They are feared, however, because these Pokémon are thought to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness.

Yeah, those could be a problem. Thank Arceus they're so rare right?
WAIT. Is this...a Qurupeco?
Nice choice.
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actually, there is one pokemon in the human group with colorful plumage.

Are you ready to lucha?
>2 dull orange feathers
>Colrful plumage
it a bird-like-thing. it's body is covered in feathers
This case it was specified to be feathers on the head. I am specifically looking only at the head feathers.
We don't actually know its humanlike, right? Only that it has colorful plumage?
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>sit down in the middle of a fight and cry
>enemy tries to attack us
>trip them with our baseball bat and one-shot them

We top assassin now.
Bad Girl wasn't rank 2 for nothing.
Not for sure, no. Only speculation because of the spears and rope around.
Rank one nigga
Wasn't Rank 1 Dark Star/Jeane?
>Open your link
>Open http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clepSGqrKGs
>Play both at the same time
No, she was Rank 2.

Rank 1 was YOUR FATHER
except it was actually YOUR SISTER
but the actual final boss was actually YOUR BROTHER
I have no clue what you're talking about. I am saying we're rank one.

It's a reference to a video game. Don't worry about it.
You kind of relax as you drop your gun, yet still wary of this new creature as it looks on at you, rustling from within the brush alerting you to others, yet the one staring at you barely blinks as it holds eye contact.

You can't help but to feel your eyes get a bit bleary before your second eyelids corrects that, tears leaking out as you resolve to plop yourself down on your rear.

“A-are y-you gonna try to hurt me too? I just want to go home, I just want to find M-Marine...” You blubber and sob, even convincing yourself you're sad. No- you're pretty sad.
“Uhm on an island... An-And I don't know where I am...” You feel the water run down your face as the thing slowly comes forward from the brush, its wariness replaced with curiosity and pity.

You can see the whole thing now: It bears a colorful crest of plumage upon its forehead, that slowly raises up as it relaxes, drawing nearer you you with a hint of caution. Its face frames something of a short beak that gives it a very parrot-like look while being a bit too out of place to solely crush nuts and eat fruit. There are jagged, almost fanged implements at the edge of the beak, along with tusks that jut out from the corners of the profile that would be its mouth.
You see that its hands are nimble, yet sturdy claws framed by colorful feathers that hang off of its arms like sleeves more than wings.

It wears beads that decorate its feathers, clicking and clacking silently with every movement. Legs are bent normally, much more like a human than a typical monster. Its body is sturdy with a liquid, what Kitty'd call a feline or predatory grace. Trained and wary, ready to react within the next heartbeat, maybe even before.

Its grace would scare you if you weren't trained yourself but what's more... That tells you that this creature is intelligent.
and the person behind it all was actually YOUR MOTHER
It slowly grips its spear, laying it in line with the ground, watching you as you keep on crying about home and rambling on with your fake sadness.

The thing listens for a bit before another one comes through, bigger and larger than the other one.
“And now I'm going to be eaten by bird-monsters with tusks!.”

The first one looks to the second, they exchange a little bit of unintelligible chatter followed by a few whistles and clicks.

You pause for a moment, a moment of clarity as the first one turns to you staring warily,” H-hurt.” It seems to manipulate its beak and vocal cords for that. You can see the teeth hidden within the beak. Elongated fangs, nothing in front and crushing molars in the back.

“Huh? C-can you understand me?”

“Unnn'erstand. Understand.” The monsters whistles and clicks to the other, and it joins in as well.
“Mon... Monster...”

You feel a strange connection between these two... Almost like they know what you're saying... But not exactly. It's almost like they're espers... Just not quite?

>[] Keep faking your tears and get a cheap shot on the first one.
>[] Keep trying to communicate.
>[] Dive away into the water.
>[] Dethaw and hug.
>[] (other)
>[] Dive away into the water.
Not dealin' with these things.
>[X] Keep trying to communicate.

>[x] Keep trying to communicate.
Might as well since we've now bitten down on this. Besides they might not actually try and kill us yet.
>Keep trying to communicate

as much as I would love to hug, everyone is still on edge here so hugging sounds like a bad Idea.
>It's almost like they're espers... Just not quite?
Aura users? Cool beans. Maybe we can learn Aura Sphere if we hang out.

>[x] Keep trying to communicate.
I'm thinking either hug or run. Communicating seems like a dead end, and could end with the whole monster arguement again. Going for the cheap shot is just asking for trouble(we don't even have Marine). Water has sharks.
>[X] Keep trying to communicate.

Only to see if they have seen our friend anywhere.
>[] Keep trying to communicate.
>>"No. Not monster. Human."

Well,the obvious thing to do is to seem less threatening.

We already know from the kid that these guys don't consider anyone outside of their 'tribe' to be a human, so let's try to communicate the idea that we're "also" human first.
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>[x] Keep trying to communicate.

its a chatot I bet, it might just be mimicking us...

meh, we can shoot later when we're certain of its sentience/flavor
If Chatot we are fucked. Srsly them using fucking boomburst or hyper voice or whatever kills shit dead.
listen to it a while.
It's a mimic bird.
Maybe it heard marine.
Chatot don't have tusks.
Must be Monster Hunter or OC. Chatot doesn't have fangs, hands, tusks, and humanoid, non-chicken feet.

>>[] Keep trying to communicate.
We're probably the first.

>Keep trying to communicate
This anon has got it right. We don't want to look too intimidating right now.
>>[] Keep trying to communicate.
I don't know, I'm still leaning towards Hawlucha, but I may very well be wrong
They've got tusks, though.
Communicating that we're "people" or at least peaceful and civilized in some fashion should help. We got them strung along with our Fake Tears, so now we swoop in for information.
These things are part fairy.
why do you think that?
Dethaw, keep trying to communicate.

Nah I think he was specifically calling us a monster, since we kind of wrapped ourselves in a monsters flesh.
>Nah I think he was specifically calling us a monster, since we kind of wrapped ourselves in a monsters flesh.
Er, my post was saying that we should tell them that we're human. How did you understand it?
I think the only fake thing about it is that we normally would just bottle up how we're feeling instead of letting it out in a situation like this.

Which will make it all the more effective, since we really do have a lot to be sad about.
What makes you think that? It seems more likely that they're Aura users.

>Ability to read minds and actions of another being.
This is one of the listed abilities.
Almost like they know what you're saying... But not exactly. It's almost like they're espers... Just not quite?
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>Second to the right. Except the one you're looking at right now has red and orange crest.

Without the reversed knee, though their ankles are elongated and they do have sort of talons.
I was talking about Ni'Rena, that he didn't think that everyone from the Dome was a monster, just us specifically, due to, you know, throwing away our humanity to become a pudgy catgirl.
I still say we bail into the ocean.
Oh, no, Ni'Rena really did call us monsters. He called everyone in the dome monsters, even the civilians. The ones his father took, though, were "human".
okay, so not Hawlucha. But I assume the two are closely related
Assumption is correct.
>red macaw tengus

Get one to stand on our shoulders as we steal a Lapras and a Jolly Roger flagpole. Sail the seven seas and terrorize merchants, whorehouses, and the British.
>We meet Tengu
Oh. Well this is lucky, they are supposedly really good at language...so maybe they do understand us.
In that case, change >>30908960 to hug
Are they tengu? I thought that was just the filename of Prof's image.

They already understand us through "aura", though.
What is aura anyway? Fairy type shit?
Fighting type shit.

Some kind of zen thing?
No, fighting type shit
It's its own thing, but it usually goes with special attacking fighting types like Lucario.
...huh. Weird that the bird looking things are fighting type, but cool then.
Magical fightan POWAHS!!!!!
well, it's apparently related to Hawlucha, so that could explain it.
Well, they're apparently very muscular and the one right in front of us has a spear.
They don't have wings.
I hope they haven't eaten Marine....
feathers = bord
Ooooh I see it now. I didn't know about Hawlucha.

Maybe they evolve into this thing, and become more sentient that way?
Would be a pretty neat OC evo.
It's like pseudo esper powers based on FIGHTAN HERO MAGIC instead of dickass mind magic.

Known abilities of Aura (anime):
>Ability to read minds and actions of another being.
>Ability to "sense" other Auras and view surroundings even with a blindfold, also allows users to view through some objects.
>Projection of one's Aura; such as to create barriers or attacks. It can also be used to transfer Aura to others but that method can be fatal to the user.
>Activation of time flowers.

Known abilities of Aura (manga):
>Ability to read minds and actions of another being.
>Ability to "sense" other Auras even while blinded.
>Ability to track an Aura belonging to a specific person as long as they have a piece of the Aura to track.

>In the Pokémon world's past, there were once humans that could sense Aura and control its power. These humans, known as Aura Guardians, traveled around doing good deeds and passing on their skills to those who also possessed this innate ability. One famous Aura Guardian was Sir Aaron who took a Lucario as his apprentice and became a hero when he sacrificed himself to stop a war from destroying the area around the Tree of Beginning.

Medicham also can see Aura apparently.
Marine's elite. She'd kill a few of them first before they could possibly kill her, and then they'd try and kill you afterwards since you're obviously just as monstrous as her.

Therefore, since they aren't trying to kill us, they haven't tried to kill her.
It's pretty much ki.
And we're wearing the same clothes too, so they'd obviously link us together.
>Humans using this shit too
>Really is mighty fightan hero magic fuu
Haha, holy crap pokemon really gets crazy.

I love it. Too bad Bruise isn't with us. He'd make a great George of the DBZ jungle
are we even wearing clothes at this point?
Not really. Machoke is shitbad special attack.
Yes. Our gear is also intact.
We haven't gone THAT native anon, comon.