dunno what to do
>>31386597Man all these Oceania Wars threads, and all these fucking jellyfish players.Remember when /tg/ played flora wars? huh? Remember that? That was a good game.You know what? This is now a Flora Wars thread. Fungus master race reporting in. Just wait till I play the environment cards, like flood and drought. I'll be fine.
>>31386684>another fungus playerHoly shit I thought I was the only one.Microspordia represent.
>>31386684>>31386760Fungus a shit. Archaens are only organism, death to filthy polykaryotes!
>>31386684It's like you don't even care about winning, fruit is by far the best archtype for tournament play.
>>31386684I was literally thinking of making a Flora Wars thread earlier day, that is amazing.>>31386798Mah nigga, I had a jank-ass cactus deck with bats instead of bees once.
>>31386597Don't be jelly.
>>31386798>tomato>obviously a vegetable>nope, into the fruit deck it goesStill mad about that ruling.
>>31386832>The tomato is the edible, often red fruit/berry of the nightshade Solanum lycopersicum,[1][2] commonly known as a tomato plant.
>>31386684My Carnivorous Plant deck doesn't really give a damn about environment, either, because my resources come directly from the propagation cards of every other playerHell, even Fungus needs propagation vectors. What now?
>>31386832Fruits and Vegetables are functionally identical unless you're against someone with the same pollenators.
>>31386684Maybe because Oceania Wars is actually balanced and has some diversity between decks. But grognards gonna grognard nonetheless.
>>31386859Tell that to my orchards.
>>31386832Look at this fucker bro.A lil' homebrew of mine. What do you think about it ?
>>31386948>Oceania Wars is actually balancedDolphin rape says hi.
>>31386855if it's a fruit then why doesn't it work well with a smoothie deck?
>>31386982Because smoothie.dec is crazy modern, tomato as a crop came out years ago.
>>31386956Shit, man, that's beautiful.
>>3138695610/10 wish was tourney legal
>>31386855It's technically a nut, but the developers are convinced that nut decks are OP despite eagle plays being banned and that respecking of the hardness rules that then made Tomato-Tossing decks viable, so into the fruits it went.That's why we nut-deckers have to rely on cocoa and civet builds almost exclusively.
>>31387075I'm doing pretty well with my almond deck.Dat cyanide bonus
I've been trying to build an Orchidaceae deck for a while for dem aroma bonuses, but I get wrecked as soon as anyone plays any neutralising compost.What are some good ways to bring down the soil pH?
>>31387075And yet they still haven't banned bananas, even though those things are slightly radioactive.
<--------This thread......on a side note, is there any news on the new rulings for Kudzu? been thinking of reworking my Ivy deck.
>>31387259Banned in competitive play.Shit is OP as hell. It was almost as bad as Algae Bloom decks.
>>31387303I see, that makes sense.Remember when Giant Kelp was legal in Algae decks? that was some nasty stuff going on.Oh well, i guess I'll return back to using my Bryophyte deck, though I have been planning on splashing in with some Pond Scum and Lichen
What do you think about the new release?
>>31387134It's only radioactive in the same sense that every organic substance has radioactive isotopes.
>>31387392Way too slow, but I could see it working with some water weed or something. Bit risky though.
I love each and every one of you glorious neckbeards right now.Is this a real thing, and if so where can I find itif not.....Well, then /tg/ should do whats natural to them: Get $h!t Done!
>>31388315'tis not, and I don't think it will, since as far as MTG-like are concerned, there is... well. MTG. But hey, one can hope.
>>31388427It Could work though!and it doesn't have to be completely MTG based either.Hmmm, The field would be the Garden Bed, and Life would be Fertility.Graveyard would be the Compost, and there would be 6 resources: Soil, Water, Seeds, Spores, and Sun.Some of plants would create different types of "Produce" counters, which you would spend to inflict different types of damage to your enemy's garden such as "Drought" "Flood" "Blight" and "Erosion"
I have a dirty secret, i made a cordyceps deck.It is so OP that when i play it it's just like fuck every insect ever!
>>31388790>He thinks vector control is worth the card advantageLook at him and laugh.
>>31388790There is a special type of Hell for people like you
>mfw y'all are channelling old /tg/Thanks, boys, I've been having a shit day and this picked me up. :) Reminds me of the Sandwich Spread Fantasy threads
>>31388940You had to mention those, didn't you.
>>31386684>Flora Wars>Hey lets add mushrooms, everybody loves mushrooms>Not even real floraSeriously, fuck the newer editions.
>>31388812>Cast Insect plague>laugh as other decks suffer and i only get stronger
>>31388996They were great threads, anon.
>>31386684>not playing a Fungi/Tree Support deck
>>31386597Develop bilateral symmetry you stupid round fuck.I cannot stand these unevolved floating assholes
>>31388790Could you post the deck? I live in Sweden so I probably would never meet you in real life.
>>31389097Echinoderms would like to have a word with you
>>31389100>announcing were you're from
>>31389150You're secondarliy radial, at least you develop a full mesoderm unlike jellyfish.Enjoy your butt mouth.
>>31389401It is called a Cloaca you philistine!Go back to pretending to be as cool as your Cephelapod cousins, I heard the Flamboyant Cuttlefish has been looking for a new snuggle-buddy
>>31388315>>31388753Anyway, we all agree that a plant based TCG would be awesome and a cool thing.right?
>>31389620Bumping, i dont want this to die
Does anyone else really wish that Discussion of MTG was as reasoned as this thread?
Ha ha ha just wait until the Global Warming expansion comes. Enjoy your fucking extinction events.
>>31390432I prefer to stay away form those threads since im casul as heck in Magic>>31390462Yes. Maybe have some cards for natural disasters as well.THe game could run like a cross between Legend of the Five Rings, MTG, and Monopoly!!!
Call me casul, but I absolutely love Flora Wars fluff. Most of what I got right now are themed flora with the witchcraft keyword. I don't really have a set archetype right now but I have a great collection of the witch-hazels, some english/european yew, hemlock, a little frankincense monster, mandragora, and of course the old standby: deadly nightshade. Shit is way too spoopy to overlook, imo. I just can't get into all the mathematics of the meta-gaming ro-botany.
yall niggas is forgetting how op cornfields is
>>31390720Metagaming is for schmucks that waste all of their money at tournaments and have nothing better to do. Me, whenever i played TGCs i preferred to play for fun and I usually ended up beating the MinMaxers wiht my theme decks.>>31390772Cornfields are good, but the problem is that if you dont win quick enough you can burn yourself out. I recommend to side-run Legumes for extra survivability
>>31390720you man i feel you especially in the mandrake use. i had a great defensive core with used them and some other flora, but i keep playing guys who use potato blight. mandrake's a tuber archetype so i just get debuffed and steamrolled. blight op pls nerf
>>31390772You're either using genetically modified Corn archetypes, in which case a. you're a sinner and a cheat and b. haha, have fun with the next plague expansion nerfing your shit into the ground, or you're not, in which case you're crazy. Agriculture decks are falling behind year by year.
How has the best support flora in the game not mentioned already? I know it's like over saturated and a little trendy, but this shit is diesel. Every once in a while I play salvia as well to spread around status on the opponent, then I buff myself with c. sativa and sweep. Too damn good.
>>31390820this. what pisses me off is that you're basically forced to use agriculture cards with the monsanto keyword if you wanna really compete anymore
....is thread kill? I dont want this to die. I want to actually make this game a reality. please /tg/.....show me your magic!!
>>31389150>ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
>>31391785Fair enough.
>>31386965Dolphins get shit all over by every other aquatic mammal deck. Whales because they hit harder, everything else because they can go up onto land and just attack during the dolphins mandatory surface turn. I've beaten Dolphins with an all Penguin deck, so do try to tell me they're imbalanced.
>>31391850>worst aquamam deck>not Manitees
>>31392112Nah, there herbavores, and can grow algae on their backs, they're good for resource farming
Is anyone else playing a conifer forest build? I love playing big tree based decks, its a bit risky early on in the game but once you've got a few heavy hitters out on the field you're pretty much invincible. Blocking off you're opponent's access to sunlight unless he has a bunch of specialized cards in his deck all his summons will just wither and die from lack of photosynthesis points.
>>31392112Only if you try to attack with them. Play a few sea cows and set down a field where they can graze and those fuckers will take hits all day while you work getting a killer whale or a jelly swarm out.You never play pure matinee.
I love this thread so much.
>>31392694I find going for a Pine Barrens set early on really help to mitigate those problems. Plus, while your enemy is busy mucking with sandy soil you are using your blueberry bushes to help bring in your Conifers early
>>31392702>>31392564This. Matinees are some of the best defensive cards in any deck. Baleen whales might be big walls of hp, but they don't have the capacity for regen unless you're willing to sacrifice entire krill fields to them.
Why has no one in this thread brought up the power of rock decks? They have the absolute best defensive cards, hands down. Only weakness is how expensive they are, and you can override that with a Lava card which gives you a bunch of cheap obsidian tokens.
>>31393886THats probably because plant decks tend to crack easily through thier defence, water tends to whittle them down, and thier Regen rates are crap!now, what I'm upset about was how they keep banning Flamboyant Cuttlefish in Competative play! Seriously, why is that?
>>31393886Rock's can't even win on their own unless you get really lucky. Most of them just sit around and prevent you from losing.
this thread is fukken amazingso glad to see there are actually other oceania wars players out therei've been meaning to try my weird hammerhead/anemone deck for ages
>>31394023>what is Meteorite Shower
>>31394078> what is Limited to 1 per deck/super high cost
>>31394146As I said, really lucky. Not to mention if it doesn't work, you've just lost a bunch of your own rocks in the process.
>>31393969There's a new rock card out there that lets you turn cracked rocks into shale if they get destroyed while defending. Major buff. Really ups their defensive ability so the enemy just can't through all their rocks.
>>31389401Anal and oral at the same time? Sounds like a blast to me.
>>31394042i mean i guess that combo is okay but sharks really do best in open ocean and anemones absolutely have to be in reefs... youre kind of stunting the potential here
>>31394283Wait....is that in the new Codex? the one written by Watt Morde? I should have seen this coming!!
>>31393969>>31393969Flamboyant Cuttlefish brings all cards on the field to its depth for as long as it's on the field. Most cards start taking damage if they spend more than one turn in the wrong depth, so that effect is completely broken. Especially with deep sea based decks.
quality thread
/tg/ : The only board worth going on.
>>31394417He should really be rolling with Reef Sharks. They may not be as strong as their open ocean kin, but it's not like they're slouches and the synergy would be amazing.
>>31394451you mook, that the Antarctic Squid!<-----Im talking about this cephalapod!
>T1 Halloween pumpkins>T2 Suspect fertilizer>T3 Yob Raid>Opponent uses Police shutdown>Counter with legal bypass>mfw my skeletons ignored the police and continued to harass my opponent's fields
>>31393886imo the best thing about stone-based decks is having a lot of river valley erosion cards in there so you can get some good fossils on the field. i know it takes a turn to use research and get your paleontology out, but i think its worth it especially with burgess shale fossils. hallucigenia is my favorite right now; its fragile but each one you have on the field makes your opponent skip an offensive advance because they have to decipher what the fuck it even is.
>>31393969that's because you could force multiple enemy cards baited onto attacking this guy by using Feeding Frenzy and using horn of Plenty on that card. literally you could wipe the board of your opponentwith 3 cards for whatever he's got. that's why
>>31394552this guy's got it
>>31394753Ah, now that makes sense, also probably why Bue-Ringed Octopus is Limited>>31394794Thats a good deck, but if your shoots get rekt early then your screwed since Bamboo needs other Bamboo to actually spread
>>31394794 I run a playset of pandas, and I'm not even meta-countering bamboo
I wish we still had KotH online threads in /v/.
>>31394925its a shame their rulings forces you to limit your deck to two, however, they are pretty damn strong.
>>31394872got dat mad panda synergy yopop pandas for mad beats and bonuses to my endangered species counterits too bad that pandas are so rare or i would jam that shit so fast mang...
>>31394925yo man... ill trade you... how are you running ppandas without mad bamboo count? zoo-fuckers dont even breed
>>31394440It was actually made by Mortar Worn, but yeah, sweet buff for an army that needed it. His writing has really come around.
>>31394979tfw your main endangered species cards are no longer legal and moved to extinct category
>>31394976They work so well with Pumpkins it's not even funny. You get around their main weakness>>31395019By running questionable yeasts and Eureka! Which is great with Pumpkins because, as little love as they've been getting recently, they're a really versatile set which, with the halloween set, can proxy just about any foodtype (although not efficiently).Might be because I play in International, though - AFAIK, Pandas in Local Culture are bamboo, zoo or bust.
>>31395032personally, i like my puffer fish/Pterois deck. Love to bait foes into attacking my fish while I have Animal Protection Activists as well as Endangered Species, Recycling Factory and Horn of Plenty/ Feeding Frenzy combo. My fish takes little to no damage and I wittle down their field. Grognards gonna grog.
Hmmm, how do you all feel about the announcement of the new "Unethical Research" expansion coming out?
>>31394794Yo bamboo can suck my walnuts. Mugwort gets a huge Invasive Species boon to its Growth Rate at like half the Seed Token cost of bamboo. I run a mixed mugwort, shattercane, ebony spleenwort (for fucking up rock decks), and creeping charlie invasive/weed deck. All weed cards are cheap as fuck but you always, always have to bum rush.
>>31395117That's complete bullshit. I still field liopleurodon in casual, I don't care if they decided to nuke that whole line.
anyone playing legumes or grasses dies instantly to my haymaker deck. instantly.
>>31395561cant bale bamboo
>>31395552uhhhh nigga liopleurodon and all mosasaurs & plesiosaurs got k-t'd with the ammonites after the lower tertiary expansionstay in casul
>>31395621Thats what Sugar-Cane farming decks are for!
>this entire threadI had lost hope in you /tg/. I had thought there was nothing left but quests. But I wrong. There are still heroes left in anon.
I just spent the past few minutes typing out the back of the American Midwest Grasses, &c. expansion. I fucking love the fluff on this one.Past the flannel plains and blacktop graphs and skylines of canted rust, and past the tobacco-brown river overhung with weeping trees and coins of sunlight through them on the water downriver, to the place beyond the windbreak, where untilled fields simmer shrilly in the A.M. heat: shattercane, lamb's-quarter, cutgrass, sawbrier, nutgrass, jimsonweed, wild mint, dandelion, foxtail, muscadine, spinecabbage, goldenrod, creeping charlie, butter-print, nightshade, ragweed, wild oat, vetch, butcher grass, invaginate volunteer beans, all heads gently nodding in a morning breeze like a mother's soft hand on your cheek. An arrow of starlings fired from the windbreak's thatch. The glitter of dew that stays where it is and steams all day. A sunflower, four more, one bowed, and horses in the distance standing rigid and still as toys. All nodding. Electric sounds of insects at their business. Ale-colored sunshine and pale sky and whorls of cirrus so high they cast no shadow. Insects all business all the time. Quartz and chert and schist and chondrite iron scabs in granite. Very old land. Look around you. The horizon trembling, shapeless. We are all of us brothers.
>>31395870american midwest grasses are inferior to indigenous flowers of southern californiahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNedoj0JVxs
>>31395870As a Born Texan I can never resist the allure of Bluebonnets
>>31395870>This is actually deeply ironic as most of the original prairie grasses have been lost, as hardier European grasses have moved in to take their place. There's very little virgin prairie left.
>>31395117tfw my carnivorous dinosaur deck is no longer valid. ;_;
>>31396049I thought they were rolled into the new fossil cards?
>>31396198>fossils>doing anythingSeriously, they don't belong in F&F. They got shoehorned in when EvoDevo got bought out by Cambrian Explosion only to advertise their shitty new Geo game. It's just fucking rocks, man.
My friends and I were trying to get together a few Seasons decks, but I'm still fucking around with mine. I wanted Fall From Innocence cause all the Harvest and Transient Hibernation cards let you keep re-drawing and quickly populate your field, but I'm stuck with A Winter's Tale. Hope Springs Eternal has a clear Germination bonus over me, and I'm not down to take on my other buddy's Summer Of Corruption deck, either. Can I use anything aside Conifers?? I'm so fucking sick of them but I don't see any other way to build a good Winter deck.
>>31396198It's just not the same. Sure, technically they're still there but since they're all rock cards now the cards that made them fun to play don't apply to them anymore. I mean, earth layers are fun and all but they don't compare to building up enough food to get your big carnivores out.
>>31396372I dislike Seasons. After the first few turns, everyone finds their niches and then it just goes in circles. Anytime you try to make an aggressive move after the early turns, you get smacked right back down by weather effects.
Could someone archive this thread?PLS?
>>31394960 go make one then you faggot, stand up for your rights. Pocket Sand OP
This happens EVERY TIME some troll pretends to be a 13-year-old Jellydecking munchkin.Jesus Christ people.
>>31396675you know you love it
>>31396675There's nothing wrong with jelly decks. You can counter them by including a single turtle in you deck, that's how badly turtles wreak them.One loggerhead is all it takes. God forbid you include a Leatherback, because then they're well and truly fucked.
Anyone know a good turn two drop, other than penicillin, for a moss-fungal deck? I am doing pretty good but I can't get off penicillin's neutral effects more consistently than my opponent can.
>>31395439>not using spotted knapweed as invasive
>>31396761>Turtles>Countering jelly decks.Wow I bet in your perfect world you get to ramp out a turtle faster than there are 50 jellyfish on the field thanks to that bullshit synergy with global warming."I play a jelly, two other jellies make jellies, and I sting you once for each jelly I have thanks to this third jelly."You need to have low cost, high defense, low offense cards, preferably of maximum depth, in order to take em out. I recommend Horny Anglerfish. You don't need to worry about it having a taunt effect because nothing in a jelly deck can even block max depth shit.
>>31396770Put a couple Unintentional Discoveries in your deck, if you're playing in FDA format or casual. Scientist cards are too good; there is a reason no one likes to play any form of crop or life-gain fungus decks outside of Organic.
>>31396372Winter's really weird, man. Half the archetype is about endurance, which is important to, but independent from its winning strat; either ending their season hard or delaying the Thaw long enough that they choke themselves in the rush to reestablish.Might try some stuff from an older set. Wrens, Chickadees, Jays, Cardinals... fill your field and sacrifice them to Hard Freeze... and For the Birds, and you can force a lot of discards.
>>31396761repping leatherbacks as good jelly counters/great endagered species cards. i run them and coelacanths and my conservation level is always astronomical
>>31396849I already get a lot of cost bypass with my mold, and fungus replication is easy too.I need a new turn two plant that doesn't screw me out of spores half the time when my opponent has moisture open. Otherwise I can't start creeping on.
>>31396917Sorry. Most, not Mold.If I was running mold unintentional would be the clear winner, and I would be stupid for not putting Month Old Bread in there as well.
HEy, i've been wondering:I've been thinking of running a Lammergeier deck, what would be the best types of cards to run with it?
>>31396770Have you tried lichens? They work in both fungal and algae decks with only a partial photosynthesis investment. They're also great for longevity, but only if your opponent doesn't make a lot of environmental disturbance checks against you.
>>31397066Well I don't care at all about environmental disturbance. So lichens seem... ok. I mainly need them to live anywayHonestly I am surprised everyone thinks moss and fungus.No one seems to notice you can deal well over three times someone's health by deliberately drying EVERYTHING of yours out repeatedly
>>31396917It's not a plant, and is from the Desert Wildflower set so a dock in maximum moisture levels is an additional cost, but Fresh Carcass is a decent 2 resource drop that gives you a punching bag to hit with your spores in order activate triggers for a couple turns before it rots and turns into 4 (floating) resources when it does.I know the Desert sets don't work too well with non-Desert sets, but if you don't need a lot of moisture (like with some of the more rugged fungus) Fresh Carcass is a great turn 2.
>>31397203>Desert sets don't work well with non desert setsI regularly deal over 8 damage a turn by deliberate dry out and am actually set to go to the pro-tour after a few more events
>>31397044JUST Bearded Vultures? Dude, single-species decks are fun to experiment and find new tricks with, but one bad Disaster event and boom-Extinction.
>>31397274I was asking for what other species synchronize well with them.
>>31397315Well shit that's easy. Play a Predator deck and then active them after a kill for bonus points. That's Flora&Fauna 101 day 1 lesson 1 basic stuff there.
Anyone see the april fools "Spoiler" with the dragon for F&F?
Wow. Nobody here runs pollution decks? Not one of you? I absolutely destroy anything that can't immediately respond to my acid rain once it gets going. And we all know that global warming effects are only going to get stronger.
>>31397479The most optimal pollution deck loses to even a tiny amount of lifegain, because you can't play for the field.Most of the time pollution is splashed in Jelly, because it is good there.
>>31397479Hey look everyone! Timmy is bragging about how much damage his acid rain does to the field!
>>31397255I don't think that works against the newest desert set, Life Between the Rain. That Flash Flood/From the Skies Comes Life split card is a 3 drop weather (WITH NO MOISTURE COST), and the caster can choose between giving himself 2 extra resources and 1 life per turn for 3 turns (kind of shit), or raise minimum moisture levels by 2. It's the only card that can alter minimum moisture levels; any other card, weather or not, only affects maximum moisture levels.I've seen a dude playing a rainforest deck with 3 of these in it. Do you even realize how fucking crazy shit gets when the minimum moisture for everybody is 6? It's a fucking game of rocket tag, and gets crazier when fucking Lillypad&Lotus players get involved>literally MFW a Desert card decides to make it rain and never stop
>>31397479imo pollution decks work the same way as using desert strats on non-desert teams: it's not who wins, it's who loses the least.
>>31397550Well, yeah. But that's what adding a few disasters are for. Just sideboard in whatever you need. Wildfires for trees, plagues for agriculture, getting just one out effectively wins the game.
>>31397479I used to run a Sahara deck. GW has removed any and all threat to it.>I play Encroachment>I play Encroachment>I play Encroachment>I play Desertification>I play EncroachmentSo I'm putting it down for now. I refuse to Ebay it, some JellySpam fucker will snap it up and pretend it's skill. What's a good Environment deck? I've never played anything but Desert and want to try something new. I was looking at Tundra.
>>31397610I...Flash flood on a moss-fungal deck is hardly a bad outcome. "Thanks for comboing into my win con for me?"
>>31397670That's the thing, it's a hard minimum. If you dry out for 4 but the minimum level is 2, you can only dry out for 2. It doesn't go negative and come back; it stays at 2 and doesn't go any further.And then you have people running that Eternal Lotus Field with Every Crack, A Root to turn it into a weed, so it gets both weed and water flower bonuses for moisture, and in three turns there is this monstrous lotus that creates half-size copies every turn and each one gets tougher for every copy.Lotus fags are almost as bad as Jellyfish in Organic right now
>>31397649Tundra is just fine, but you will be effectively mono-build. Seriously, what are you going to play other than a few cold resistant shrubs, grasses, lichen, and rocks? 'Cause that's all you have. I mean sure, if you can control the field your opponent can't really do anything, but when your strategy is just waiting for him to lose patience and scoop? If you're really dead-set on playing it I'd recommend splashing in a LOT of taiga, or maybe a bit of coast.
>>31397448The problem is that the Beardys are specialist Scavengers, meaning i need faster scavengers to go through the first wave before letting the beardys get at thier bones.
>>31397903>just waiting for him to lose patience and scoop?Sounds like my old Desert decks. Thought it would be something new, but familiar in a way you know? Plus with GW coming out Tundra decks might get interesting.
>>31397934I'd suggest mixing them into an ant deck. They clear carrion slightly slower, but you get guaranteed bones.
>>31397940Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. But tundra does even LESS then desert. Your growth only lasts one turn, and has pretty much no way to get more. Desert has a lot of swingy shit it can pull; heat waves, flash floods, insect plagues in a few janky decks. Tundra is pretty much only dragging everyone to a crawl and forcing them to try and not lose. Nothing more, nothing less. It's basically everyone vs. the field once you start winning. You just have the best chance to win.
Quick question for everybody.Why are they advertising the coming Extinction Event ahead of time?After the first one, way back in the Blue-Green days, they always kept Mass Extinctions a secret until release. Remember how fucking NOBODY saw the Great Die-Off coming? Which, incidentally, is the same event that makes me incredulous about all these cries of 'it's going to kill the game, this is the big one, no really' going around. If the shit that they pulled at the end of Permian couldn't kill it nothing can. Remember how mad anyone playing Trilobites was? And then Dinosaurs came out and everybody stopped caring about Trilobite players overnight?Basically, what I want to know is do you think that we're going to see something like when Triassic came out? And if so, what?
>>31397788Again, if I am running moss and I get hard minimumed I am not going to cry a river of tears. Almost every moss in the game gets effects based on moisture available.
I've been using a Heather deck to help against Acid Rain dancers because they thrive in soil with high pH. Until then, I alternate between and Bleeding Hearts and Foxglove if I can scrounge up enough Sun tokens. It's a pretty straightforward deck though; I was just tired of always going Hydrangea. Is there anything else that helps against acid? Can I go carnivorous?
>>31398109But anon, seeing your opponent struggle to survive is the best part of tundra. I don't even care when I lose, if they can survive the winter they fucking earned it.
>>31398120My opinion: Anthroporphic Research into species recreation.With all the stuff they've been pulling, especially with the whole "Martian Bacteria" thing that happened a decade back I wouldnt be suprised.Pic RelatedEither that or a whole "Second Ice Age" block like the continental shift nerds have been talking about
>>31392694Forest decks aren't invincible. You've got wild fires, lots of industrial decks will completely wreck forest decks, I can drop a river and a few beaver cards and that will put a serious dent in your forest.
>>31397649Depending on the Tundra type, you're either playing moderate-to-high moisture or almost-deserts. Your plants are tough bastards that give negative fucks regardless of weather or enemy plants, and every predator you have gets a one turn bonus when another animal dies.But most of all, your work horses are weather cards. Run x4 Cold Snaps for instant damage regardless of what kind of deck it is, and x3 Weather Reports to search for whatever weather you need at that moment.If you're running med-high moisture, run a couple Warm Breezes to increase plant growth (and thus, prey growth) for a few turns, then sac those boosted prey cards to a Wolf Pack or Wildcat for some well fed predators and swing hard for mill and damage.If you're running almost-desert Tundra, always run x4 Harsh Winds and x4 Hailstorm. They have great synergy, stack with prior played copies, and don't cancel each other out, forcing opponents to mill 3 and 4 unblockable damage per turn, PER each Harsh Winds and Hailstorm in play. Tundras, outside of a Perfect Storm deck, aim for a slow but certain deck, with an assortment of prey that eat any plant and hungry predators that aren't picky.
>>31398194Dude, just play evolve. Choose into acid resistance. I can assure you, as a pollution player, the only thing that screwes me over more than Evolve is fucking jelly-spam.
>>31398120I figured it was just hype. I've been playing Paleogene though cause I just don't want to let go of the megafauna yet, so I'm out of the loop. Pic related.
Is Savannah viable? I feel like it gets some great rare predators, but the build-up takes forever and resources are pretty lean. I mean, yeah, you can drop a Herd of Elephants or go for a King of the Jungle wincon, but it's so fucking swingy.
>>31398268While I agree with you about the almost-desert Tundra strategy, what the fuck are you going on about with "Warm Breeze"? Do you WANT to destroy your permafrost? You may as well just hand your opponent the victory.
>>31398332megatherium is pleistocene... thats quaternary u pleblern2 paly previous gens
>>31398332>I just don't want to let go of the megafauna yetI can sympathize. Hell, Terror Birds were what kept me sane after they killed off Dinosaurs. Well, not killed off. Slowly phased out, I guess. Haasts Eagle and Moa 4ever.>>31398385Warm Breeze is essential if you want weather and environment control. If you're playing Tundra it'll allow you to choose when growth happens so you can take advantage of it and then end it with a Cold Snap once you're set. If you're lucky, your opponents will still be in the Growth phase when you Snap. Bonus damage.
Archived!!http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html"Ecological Cardgames and Jelly Spammers">>31398470Dont forget the Cassowary
>>31398385Cold Snaps decrease your temperature level by 2, Warm Breeze raises it by 1 for three turns before bringing it back down. If your temperature level is floating between 8 and 10 because you're not tapping your icebergs every turn for dat delicious coolness for maximum Cold Snap strength, you have bigger problems than a temporary increase. Like not having permafrost stopping weed decks from eating into your resources in the first place.Warm Breeze at 6, 7 if you're feeling frisky. But there is literally no risk at Warm Breeze'ing at 5 temperature or lower.
>>31398353It's an odd duck. If you lose with Savannah, it'll be before you get your alpha predators and giant herbivores out. You play defensively until you get you big stuff out, then you change gears and go for the throat. It's tense and fun as hell, but you have a 50/50 chance of being shut down before you can get to go wild.
>>31398485Fantastic, we needed a good Flora Wars thread archived. Oceania Wars is okay I guess, but /tg/ needed to get back to it's roots.
>>31398470I see where you're coming from, and I'll admit it does make sense. However, you can get plenty of weather control using "The long night", and "Arctic chill". Get one of those out and strengthen the permafrost by even one level and what can you opponent grow? A whole lot of nothing, that's what. As a bonus, once mid-game rolls around and you can get you REALLY durable fauna out you can push the climate to Arctic levels. At that point the only thing that can keep up is Other Tundra/Arctic decks, or a VERY strong Taiga.
>>31398517>Play Warm Breeze>Opponent sees what I'm doing and puts most of his energy into reproduction to counter my upcoming Snap>I drop Polar Vortex>Hurts us both really badly, but it also sends his entire turn up in smoke and his next turn was spent rebuildingIt was a dirty trick but I don't regret it. Tundra players would do well to slip a few Arctic cards in their deck as a kind of Mutually Assured Destruction.
>>31398517What happens if your opponent counters with another Warm breeze, Global Warming, or Heaven forbid, an Early Summer? What then?
>>31398673I mention the value of keeping Arctic cards in >>31398670If he want's to play it like that, we can turn this into Thermostat Limbo.HOW LOW CAN YOU GO MOTHERFUCKER
>>31398623Speaking of taiga, anyone fuck around with exotic alpha preds? I'm playing melanistic jaguar in my Tropical deck.
>>31398670>>31398670Fuck. Yes. Gotta love the Arctic. I agreed wholeheartedly. Out of curiosity, what do you think of adding Freezing Rain from the Coastal expansion? I'm not sure if I like losing all my growth for the turn, but it pretty much shuts down anything that can't handle temp 6 or less.
>>31398673Play Deep Freeze to convert current moisture levels into negative temperature at a 2:1 ratio. It's not a perfect shield, but it'll give you a buffer of cold while you gather enough resources to play a Weather Report for The Long Night, or just to cast The Long Night raw.Again, Tundra's biggest strength relies on tough as shit plants and absolutely insane weather manipulation that is only matched in ridiculousness by Desert weather cards.
>>31398786>>31398823There's a reason it's called the Icewall. And part of the reason why GW is happening, I think.
>>31398738I play my field way too cold to get the necessary prey, but I do like 'em. If I were to try and slip them in using hibernation-migration strategies. >>31398823 Ah. Right, Deep Freeze. Forgot about that. I usually run Droughts and Poor Winds to keep the moisture to an absolute minimum. I'll need to try that.
>>31398909I butchered my wording in that second sentence, but y'all get my meaning.
>>31388315>$h!tWhat the fuck is this shit.
Hello there lesser flora. Just sittin' here enjoying muh indestructibility. Storms, floods, water pollution; Nothing fazes the mangrove palm. And they're not really useful to humans either, so deforestation isn't a problem.
>>31398973Ice Age, motherfucker.
>>31398909Did you ever try the Holiday themed cards? I know they're gimmicky, but Let It Snow is a great substitute for most cold precipitation cards and O Tannenbaum gives your conifers a huge bolster to weather resistance. Plus, you get to play caribou. I fucking love caribou.
>>31399023>playing banned decksJust let me get out my Chinese copy of "Heat Death."
>>31395019Fun fact: pandas breed just fine everywhere BUT in the US. Primarily because the US zoo population is entirely male. Yes, even the "breeding" pairs were all dude. Whole brouhaha over how they won't get knocked up and nobody thought to fucking check the bits.
>>31398973Yeah, and I bet you love showing off your new buys from the Life of Pi promo expansion.
>>31398875Global Warming fucks with literally every deck, ecosystem, and playstyle."Hey, pollution players. Here is a 6 drop that allows you to randomly reassign Temperatures, Moisture levels, and if you win a coin flip, get a free acid rain for every person you're playing against."Horse shit. And it doesn't even stop Jellyfish decks.>>31398909Low moisture deck use the Glacial Cliffs environment card to prevent harsh temperature rises, though. It's not the perfect defense, but a +2 to Permafrost shield could be all it needs to return temperature back to low levels.>>31398973Enjoy my frosty-mint dickings, mangrove fag. Cold Snap and Desperate Hunger gives no fucks for your resistance.
>>31399047I've got a few, but I don't use them really. I'll rarely sideboard in a few Christmas Gifts, but giving my opponent a free search just feels wrong. >>31399048Fine then, how about Invasive species along with a Starvation? 3 drop and a 1 drop that fucks over EVERYTHING. Guess who doesn't care? Tundra and Arctic, that's who. Anyone else? Oh I'm sorry, I can't hear you over your screams for mercy.>>31399120Glacial cliffs, probably my second favorite card. I need another playset.
> Friend and occasional That Guy wants to play in Casual> Rebuild my old Wildflower/Bees dek from before they banned Hive so not every deck would have to carry CCD> Only put one Hive in, just playing for fun and don't want to be a powergaming permits> His deck is nothing but GW effects and Algal BloomsAnd people complain about the banlist
>>31399120>doesn't even stop Jellyfish decks.Back when Nuclear Winter looked like the next extinction event, I ran the numbers.THERMONUCLEAR WAR would not have stopped jell-o decks.
Has anyone else been hearing rumors of a new Radiation deck?
>>31399207They do dies in droves to a tailored plague. But every single goddamn jelly runs Evolve so that will probably last a turn or three.
I realize that there's a lot of hype for cold-climate decks right now, but I love my herb garden deck so much. The retro 60s fluff in the parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme combo is really fun. I usually have Flowers Never Bend With The Rainfall too, so even with heavy precipitation cards I get a stoicism bonus. I know I'm old-fashioned but it's just nice to have this deck around.
>>31399195I'll admit that Ice Age was no fun allowed for anyone not playing cold themed decks, but this GW bullshit is going way too far in the other direction.>>31399265>a tailored plague.That's what it's supposed to do. The difference is that jell-o bounces back.
>>31399207> Price of Cockroaches skyrocketed because people thought it was going to be the only counter to TW> mfw I see a binder page full of near-useless desert pests someone probably paid $100 for
>>31399284>>GW bullshitAnd that is why I also play pollution. Also, what did I just say? Fucking Evolve. I don't care that it has been in the game since Alpha, it needs to be limited to one per deck.
>>31399271>lot of hype for cold-climate decksDude, all the new GW cards mean other decks will have a lot more options to shut them down.
>>31399179Multiple Glacial Cliffs are the best things ever, even if you can only put three on the field at once."Oh, so you're playing Early Summer and setting Temperature level to 18? Well, I have six turns of shielding before it actually hits my real Permafrost levels. I only need to drop the temp by 10 to stop melting temperatures, and oh, look at this in my hand: a Weather Report. I pay 4 resources, search my deck for a The Long Night, and it will be casted two turns from now, for free. Also, I pay 2 resources, have a Cold Snap for you troubles.">Their face when temperature stayed Hot for only 1 turn, was Warm the next, and then The Long Night set that shit to 7 by the third turn
>>31399321You've obviously never played against the Saguaro+ Camel Spider combo.
>>31399389Still worried. Did you see the temperature levels summer has been hitting lately? And consistently?
>>31399389Fucking yes. I love that so much. Ever gotten the temp to 3 by turn 4 against a Rain-forest player? Bloody perfect.
>>31399413> Implying my tarantula hawks don't turn your spiders into my resourcesSeriously, there's nothing cockroaches do that something else doesn't do better.
>>31399460It's worrisome, I'll admit. But between North winds, Cold rains, and a drought or two most low-moisture cold decks can bounce back in a few turns, and high-moisture just casts a pair of Deep Freezes. Yeah, that needs a bit of luck OR casing in your Weather Forecasts, but Summer tends to blow its load, so you should be safe.
>>31399460Honestly, if you choose the right biomes all it translates to right now is more extreme temperature changes due to Jet Stream flip-flopping. Fewer turns of moderate temperature in spring and fall, which doesn't overbalance things so much as make it higher risk for everyone.
>>31399501>predatorsHence the saguaro.
>>31399501Everyone going on about cockroaches is too new to remember what happened to trilobites.Jellyfish, man. Been here since Cambrian came out.
this thread
>>31399594> what is Tourists
>>31399649The tourist is that little primate squatting at the bottom. Imperial Cactus' resistence and grandeur are so high that not even Grand Vacation Group can clog it up completely.
>>31399624Fucking Jellyfish. I know everyone will disagree, but they are the reason I think "Even the Seas Shall Freeze" needs to be taken off the ban list. Hell, it requires temp ZERO. Zero! As in, none! And it only lasts as long as it stays zero! Every Jelly runs GW, so it's not like they can't bounce back. Like they bounce back from EVERY OTHER FUCKING THING.
>>31399720Honestly, I've never seen anyone pull enough resources to get a full size cactus out consistently. How do you do it, desertbro?
>>31399758>not knowing that some faggots will just spam Gene Ark and Plasmoid Tank, even though it renders the jellies largely useless>thinking you can ever get rid of jellies
>>31399549Never cast Deep Freezes back to back, much less the same turn. You dry out for temperature levels, and if you play a Deep Freeze a turn after your first Deep Freeze, you don't even have enough moisture to turn into a single negative temperature level anyways. Pace your Deep Freezes or you'll waste them. You can only have two in your deck anyways.If you're playing low-moisture Tundras against Flash Flood Deserts or tropic forests, Deep Freeze right before they decide to go in. Take that moisture level they're building and turn that shit into Permafrost.Playing high-moisture Tundras with Deep Freeze is a risk, as you rely on moisture for plant/prey/predator growth and survival. Balance the survival of your ecosystem and your temperature levels.
It's not just that jelly are indestructible, but seriously why do some of them even exist.Irukanji. Why is there Irukanji. That's just sadism.
fite me irl faget
>>31399758Fuck, old school ice age havoc decks were so much fun
>>31399758> daily spawns> low costJellies are totally OP, but they can be countered readily by a couple of Leatherbacks... though it's so resource intensive (and such a rare card) that hardly anyone ever plays it.
>>31399797Three Words:Inland Mediterranean Phenomenon. The card that literally everyone underestimates, even desert and Medi players who should be all over it.
>>31399931I don't know what your meta's like, but at my LGS we have so many netdecking jellyfags that basically everyone mains 2 Leatherbacks.If you don't, the jellies just swarm the board and consume all your resources before you get a chance to do anything
>>31399832Right, sorry. Forgot that detail. Don't ask me why, but for a second there I thought that DF didn't wipe out moisture. Also, anyone have an opinion on Freezing rains in a low-moist Tundra deck? >>31399883Exactly! I've got my Mammoth deck and Arctic-Aurora Borealis deck just waiting to be used again.>>31399931I would if I ran anything resembling coast or ocean, but nope. I just love weather far too much.
>yfw you don't even NEED other crops anymore.
>>31400158Have fun depleting the soil in two turns and being extremely susceptible to disease.
>>31391850Orca Master race reportingTell megalodon and all those shitty cartilage fish players that they suck ass.Yeah the resources for whale decks are rediculous but Krill and Baleen feeders make you just pump out the rape.>pic related, the face of death
>>31400158Look, I discussed this already. Agriculture propagation decks in this environment involve splashing GMO, and that makes you literally the devil.Also, Soy is the blandest, most generic archetype in the game.
>>31400212>orcasPower gaming faggotI hope your opponents spit on you
>>31400287>I don't know how to use Entertainment Aquarium>I do not own Grand Vacation Group
>>31400287Just put a disease on your own water based prey. Yes, it hurts you, but it cuts orca's strength in half.
>>31399931sometimes i play mola as a jellyfish counterbut only if they play like lions mane and shitmolas too much an investment against smaller jell-os
Crocs and Sharks man! Crocs and Sharks.The only think that's changed about them in the last few million years is they got a little smaller, so their upkeep is WAY easier.Perfect evolution.
>>31399850>Turn 3 temperature 0 against a Jellydeck who wasted on his resources on jelly spam when he already had a bajillion jell-os on field and let me Deep Freeze after he Tidal Wave'd to increased moisture to 20>it'll be three more turns before he has enough resources to GW>My turn starts, all four of my Cold Snaps in hand, one Weather Report>Draw my other Weather Report>Play both Weather Reports, double Hail Storm coming in two turns>He fucks about with more jelly spam, thinks he'll just out-life gain the Hail Storms by saccing Jell-os, +4 life>Fuck him>Aim for maximum resource gain on my next turn.>More Jelly spam, +4 life>Double Hailstorm comes in, he takes 6 damage straight on my draw. Just an Artic Fox but that's not important>Pay 12 resources total, back to back cast all four Cold Snaps>3 damage + 1 damage for every two temperature levels below 10, 8 damage per Snap now>28 damage that he can't prevent because ocean decks can't into mountains>Leaves him at 4 because stupid jell-o for health bullshit>He draws, gets excited and starts tapping resources for GW>nope.webm>Hailstorm does the cherry tap on draw, -2 health>mfw he gathers his cards and stomps outJelly fags just not ready for that Perfect Storm.
>>31400346You know those trainer cards have like a 50% chance to totally backfire, right?Nothing is better than some smug faggot trying to tailor his deck against me only to discover that I've eaten the trainer get the "taste for blood" and "experienced hyper-intellegent killer" buff for killing a predator both smarter and higher on the food chain than me.Now the Orcas not only hit like a mac truck and the highest temperature tolerances (thank you blubber) but have max adaption and ignore all "hide" effects.
>>31400363>forgetting "flexible diet"Oh your so cute anon, this is mammalia 101. I bet you still run Arthropods too.
>>31400392He let you Tidal Wave? How new was he?Also, how did you get T-zero by three? Did you get All three of your cloud coverage's AND your Arctic winds? Or did you just forego defense?
>>31400545Nope. I'm the low-moisture weather spam guy. I actively reduce my own prey levels as much I can so this orca bullshit doesn't happen. Besides, if he isn't targeting your water-prey, what is he targeting? Your predators? Just use an in-land strategy.
>>31400507>>31400545>has never felt the homo sapien might that is the Japanese "Science" FleetPrepare yourself, whalefag-san.
>>31400558He Tidal Wave'd, because jellies get spawn bonuses the more wet shit is. Because they definitely need more bonuses, right?Deep Freeze turns moisture levels into -Temp levels, 2 moisture for -1 Temp. Base temp is 10, obviously. Deep Freeze at 20 moisture for -10 temp, so turn 3 T-Zero. T-Zero is when low-moisture Tundras go from Icewall-That-Wins-on-Turn-30 to Final-Layer-Of-Hell, since it's much easier for a Tundra to keep temperatures low than for other decks that aren't Deserts to raise.And yes, I did forego defense because with Jellies outlasting isn't a goddamn option since Even the Seas Will Freeze is banned. Also Perfect Storm decks don't even have things like Glacial Walls or Birth of an Iceburg to take up space.
>>31400680Banned in limited, cockbite.This is oceania not terrestrial hunters, humans go home.
>>31400759>Final-Layer-of-Hell>In reference to a frozen wastelandI applaud your literary sense, anon.
>>31400641>Just use an in-land strategy.HAHAHAHAhahahahahahaha!No.Skimming exists dumbass.
>>31400680God pls no. Not even my everglades can shield me from the horror, thousands of miles away. ;-;
>>31400759You were BROADCASTING a Perfect Storm play. Had he never seen one of those before? He had every opportunity to throw a wrench in your gears.
>>31400759Ah, I misread that. I thought you said that you 'Waved then used DF after turn three. My bad. Also, no Icebergs? Those are my go-to defense against Jellies.>>31400844And now your Whales are getting hit my hail. Congratulations.
>>31400792>bweh bweh itz benned lolHalf of this thread has been about Ice Age decks, so don't you start that shit. And besides, munchkin orka shit requires an equally hard counter.
>>31400844Also Orcas have "murder for fun" so even if you build around generating prey resource they are fucking you EVERY SINGLE TURN, whether or not you can keep their hunger levels down.
>>31400892By hail*Bloody Hell. I'm mis-spelling more words than I've actually wrote. G'night gentlemen. Weather-Tundra forever.
>>31400939Half this thread has been about perfectly legal Tundra, Arctic, or Cold Weather decks. We just want Ice Age back.
I still say Science: The Hypothesis was better.Anyone know if Infrastructure decks are still viable?
>>31400892>And now your Whales are getting hit my hail. Congratulations.You don't know how "behemoth" works, do you?Evironmental effects only work on prey organisms, which is moot because they are mammals and have "Flexible diet".
>>31401026And once temp drops below 5 hail can effect everything. Along with just a moderate wind effect their damage skyrockets. Next?
>>31401020I play Demagogue, Catholic Inquisition, and Muslim Conservative Revival. Your entire game beaten by three cards.
>>31400939It's not even an age problem it's the fucking fact that they are terrestrial hunters and belong to a completely different system.It's not my fault the company tried to mix the games then realized how fucking stupid it was.
>>31401071Can they ignore blubber? Which means temperature can't be modified when targeting my orcas, this includes weather and climate effects too.
>>31400870Jelly decks don't have much besides Coastal Winds and Global Warming to stop Tundras, and he spent all his shit on multiplying and saccing Jellies.>>31400939Most of Tundra's oldest sets are broken but have been banned since the Continental Drift set, but Deep Freeze tends to get reprinted every now and again.>>31400892Tundra's only option against marine decks is raw damage straight to player through weather. Marine decks can make things hard for Tundra decks by running shit like Warm Breeze, Coastal Winds, and Tropic Heat to increase temperatures, and icebergs or volcanic islands as environments because those reduce the effects of weather cards
wait are we still talking about flora wars or oceania wars im confus
>>31401165They're two separate games that are inter-compatable.Kind of like Warma/Hordes.
>>31401165The two run on the same mechanics, so it's very possible to play decks from both of them against each other. Pretty common, too.
>>31388315[spolier]its a mornington crescent kind of thing, don't ruin it.[/spoiler]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mornington_Crescent_%28game%29
>>31401165A bit of both. The devs thought it was a great idea to merge the systems and, well, yeah.>>31401144The low temp modifies the Hails base damage, your blubber never factors in, due to the cold not targeting the orca.
This is now a Carboniferous block thread.Non-extinct generations pls go
>>31401243You're even worse than the mangrovefag.
>>31401147>Marine decks can make things hard for Tundra decks by running shit like Warm Breeze, Coastal Winds, and Tropic Heat to increase temperatures, and icebergs or volcanic islands as environments because those reduce the effects of weather cardsOr run mammal or whale decks for blubber and warm blooded to just say "fuck you" to all tundra players.
>>31401276Eh, that's really vulnerable to a starvation ploy, though. Drag the temp down and kill the Growth phase and the resource cost on high levels of Blubber will nip that in the bud pretty quickly.
>>31401276Until, of course, the Tundra or Arctic player gets their hail up to 12 damage a tick, their snow choking the land resources, and starv...>>31401330This guy gets it.
>>31401241>The low temp modifies the Hails base damage, your blubber never factors in, due to the cold not targeting the orca. Read the FAQ jack ass, any weather effect that is modified by cold has to use the base stats against blubber, this includes hail, snow, freezing rain, artic wind and glacial advance cannot gain the bonuses from modifying them.You strat works really well against sharks but this is why whale decks always take cold abilities (because they ignore all of the negatives).TLDR, blubber ignores cold modifiers and behemoth ignores weather dmg, meaning hail tickles my orcas backs
>>31401330>Eh, that's really vulnerable to a starvation ploy, though. Drag the temp down and kill the Growth phase and the resource cost on high levels of Blubber will nip that in the bud pretty quickly.Forgetting "deep feeder", it will hurt you more the longer you draw it out.
>>31401266>not using ferns with sporophyl effect to populate field with more ferns>not realisong almost no creatures can consume your ferns>not starving your opponent with endless waves of ferns
>>31401447Desertification and Natural Tillage. Then I summon some cattle spiders. Imperial Cactus deck ain't nothin' ta fuck with.
>>31401406That... Huh. When the fuck did that get released? I was told by a judge two months ago that the hail worked like that. Oh well. I'll just have to use severe winds instead. The mod hail as well, without fucking with the temp.On a side note, any other "Cold" players here that love baiting your opponent to use a Warm front, and then you counter with a Cold front comboing into a Tornado? Bloody Hell I love that.
>>31397137Fungusbro here.Try throwing in a few cards that block sunlight. If you get them early game, you hamper your opponents growth cycle, but do not impede your own. If you get them late game, you can chain react them with any drought multipliers in effect o regress existing growth.Also: be sure to use petroleum toxifiers, fugus eat that shit up and make it clean, while your opponent is left flailing about, wailing about "muh pelicans"
>>31388940>channeling old /tg/If by channeling old /tg/, you mean acting in "wow that's so /tg/!" way because that's what they're expected to do nowadaysall /tg/ is now is jerking itself off to its façade of "trust us, we're just like we used to be! see! heresy! random joke that you TOTALLY weren't expecting based on some ~crazy~ misinterpretation!"I mean fuck, I knew this was going to happen before I opened the thread
>>31401525Gotta love spout decks, they will never be competitive but I always love seeing my opponents face when it goes off.>WTF?>Hot +cold+ ocean= water spout>well there goes all of my sardines...>*cackling laughter*
>>31397788Yeah, but if your playing a moss and fungus deck and aren't including Geoterrain exclusions like I dunno, a FUCKING CAVE, then you deserve to lose.
>>31398246The goats help, too.
>>31401494>Playing deaertification then summoning arthropods>wut.jpgIf you kill off the plants, you reduce the oxygen and your spiders get a -2/-2 penalty.>Imperial CactiYeah no by the time they finish they're growth phase I'll either have adapted the ferns or used weather effects to keep the ferns somewhat usable.
>>31401618speaking of whirlwinds of death, I quit the game 2 years ago, are Hurricanes still viable?They were already on their way out because of all those fucking filter decks back in the day and the build up was a little longer. But man once you got it going topical players just got wrecked , serves 'em right though only a faggot plays reefs.
>>31401165Different games, technically, but all Biosphere card games can play against each other since they share identical mechanics, but different cards.But the general way to play is to pick an environment, and then choose your wincon.Plant decks can use cards like The Children of the Garden that allows them to win when the total growth level of all their plants on field is greater than 100.Or they can become predatory species with modifiers and acts as pseudo creatures that still get plant bonuses.Environment based decks like Tundra or Mountains can win by beating the shit out of the opponent with damage that cannot be ignored, which is explained in-game as a massive ecosystem shift. Even if your opponents creatures can ignore the damage of weather cards, their resources generally can't. Destroy a marine deck's Coral Reefs with extreme temperatures of either kind, and Schools of Fish can be knocked off with wind based weathers.The second option for Environment decks is to outright control and choke the shit out of an opponent's resources, while growing your own things slowly.Creature decks have more options, as not all creatures can hit all creatures unless there is a species modifier in play, such as Deep Breath (marked species now count as marine creatures when in combat, with no penalty) or Great Leap (marked species now count as flying creatures when in combat, with no penalty).A common creature deck wincon is the Apex Predator modifier, which allows the player to win if a selected card goes over 35 growth.Any deck can win with the Invasive Species modifier, which is having 20+ of one creature or plant type on the field that can live in your opponent's environment.When you have decks that can't touch each other, such as Cornfields vs. Tunafish, it becomes a race for the default wincon of Dominant Species: having 10 creatures of any combination of flora or fauna over 15 growth.(continued)
>>31401695Best turn that -2/-2 Into 3/2, beyotch, because that's how camel spiders do. And the saguaro can piggyback off of smaller cacti to make its growth phase shorter.
>>31401695>If you kill off the plants, you reduce the oxygen and your spiders get a -2/-2 penalty.Still don't know why people play with "passive respiration" decks. It's bad enough you dont have "chambered heart", you are basically completely fucking dependent on environment for any strength at all. Isn't climate change hard enough on your resource cards, why make it even more devastating?>inb4 "its more challenging"It's not, you're crippling yourselves.
>>31401708Plants grow every turn barring special cards that inhibit or boost this.Prey grow by consuming a n+1 plant growth levels, where n is the Prey card's current level. Note this doesn't destroy the plant if the plant has n+2 levels.Predators grow by consuming prey and absorbing their levels (a GrowthLvl 5 Wolf Pack consumes a GrowthLvl 3 Deer, and will need a another 3 growth levels to go to 6), and is also n+1. But unless the Predator is already a higher level than the Prey, it cannot consume it. A level 4 coyote cannot hunt a level 14 elephant.
So,i played with my friends and we found pick relatedIs this a tease of some expansion?
>>31402254>spoopy skeletonsWhat would their resources even be? Their plants or prey? Is there some sort of skeleton hierarchy?I'm all for fantasy Biosphere but plz
>>31402294it might be a fungi
>>31402254Isn't that an old ad for the "Fungus Among Us vs Beaches and Shores" theme set?
>how the card shop down the street looks on biosphere freeplay night
>>31402900>dat filenameYou motherfucker
>>31402254I bet you it ends up being over powered.
What is going on in this thread?
So /tg/, let me get all of this straight.I never played this game before, and am somewhat unclear about the mechanics.So from what I understand, there's like 3-5 different types of cards.There's resource ones, like farmland and krillswarms.There's creature/plant thing cards, which range from rocks, to baleen whales to corn.There's event cards which are mostly like humans doing shit. Scientists sciencing it up, farmers burning down forrests for agricultrure, overfishing, ect.And there's cards that deal with everything mother nature throws out, like draughts, earthquakes, metoric impacts, ect.Am i getting this right, or is it all wrong?
>>31404473>There's event cards which are mostly like humans doing shit. Scientists sciencing it up, farmers burning down forrests for agricultrure, overfishing, ect.>And there's cards that deal with everything mother nature throws out, like draughts, earthquakes, metoric impacts, ect.I think they merged those two categories in the most recent edition.In fact, rumor has it they're planning to phase out the Mankind events entirely. Something about it being "contrary to the source material" or some shit.
>>31404527I've heard that rumor every single month since they came up with humans, They aren't going away any time soon, bro.
>>31404473 You're oversimplifying it as all fuck but essentially.Just remember that the line between resource cards and organism cards is a fine one. I've seen people use Krillswarm as a win con before.
Is it worth it to add a couple of Indian Elephants in my Scavenger deck to allow me to use Elephant Graveyard? It's a much more stable resource than Fresh Carcass but it needs a dead elephant to play it.
>>31406290Only if you're already running a ton of Savannah grass. Elephants have a pretty high minimum requirement.
>>31386597>this thread
>>31404527No. They've been relying on Human events ever sense Invasive Species launched. Hell you can make a case for even earlier during Younger Dryas when Hunter events made Megafauna decks no longer viable.
>>31406573>Invasive Species"Awful cute Island deck you're running there.""Shame if something happened to it."Shipboard Vermin and Shipboard Cats were a not so subtle 'fuck you' to anyone who used flightless birds.
So, I'm trying to build a shamanism-themed deck for Casual. Already got my hands on what I'd consider essential stuff, like Tobacco, Ayahuasca, Peyote, various lichen and mushrooms, Arctic Reindeer, Natural Hot Water Springs (to combo with caves and form Sweat Lodges through careful usage of Land Shift) and some other things, but I'm afraid that, due to the large variety of card types, it will either have no synergy, or play like crap. Any suggestions?>inb4 give upI want to at least give it a try before moving on
>>31406628Dude, you want to play Pantheon. Different game.
>>31406628>Running Arctic Reindeer with Hot Water Springs
>>31406638I don't even own a Pantheon deck; just trying to experiment with some cards I got from a cousin that stopped playing.I worked too hard for my Crustacean deck to just let it go on a whim.>>31406668As I said, I'm afraid the low synergy between the cards will screw up the deck. But, then again, I'm just building it for gits and shiggles.
>>31406685>Crustacean This nigga's got taste. If you can put get two Fiddler Crabs into play by 5, drop Pillage the Ocean Floor and you can drop a Japanese Spider Crab by turn 6, assuming you've got enough Algae to keep them fed.
>>31406685I mean, build the deck if you want to, but I hope you like doing nothing. Reindeer work really well with Lichens, and at least have some sort of janky synergy combo with mushrooms, but Tobbacco, Peyote and Hot springs all work directly counter to what you're doing. You're going to end up with a board state that counters itself, and a ton of resources going into building that do nothing board state.
>>31406823Yeah, I was afraid something like that might happen; I'm quite unexperienced with plants, therefore I tried asking here first before wasting hours trying to build a deck. HA-HA, TIME TO SELL A TRUCKLOAD OF CARDS ON AMAZON FOR 500% PROFIT.>>31406844Shut up, you powergaming bastard.
>>31406628Your problem is that you need to specialize in a particular land type. Like you've got desert, coastline, and arctic type card all in one deck. If you want to play a shamanism deck you're going to need to use arctic shaman cards or desert shaman cards but not both. Not only will it be harder to draw the types of cards you need but if the spirits you summon are from wildly different biomes they will clash with each other thereby decreasing the effectiveness of your deck even more.
>>31406860Don't give up! Just replace your Arctic Reibdeer with some Bufallo, Lichen with Wildflowers, Hotsprings with some Seasonal Rainbeds, and toss in some Beans or Jalapenos and you'll b set
Anyone else still play the earlier editions? Jellies still sucked but they were more few and far between; plus we had a lot of those weird pseudo-arthropods to mess around with. Habitats and Geography were pretty limited though, but I liked the slimmed-down streamlined simplicity. Everything was new and a lot of weird shit didn't really end up working, but it was all fun and interesting.
>>31406860>>31408325Since he's already got Lichens and Artic Reindeer, wouldn't it make more sense to build a taiga or tundra deck? H
>>31408460Haven't you heard yet?a few years ago they introduced Icthian Abyss and Isolated Lagoon which allowed you to play some of your Old Ocean critters in both Lagoon and Deep Sea formats. not a lot of people use them though since its a tad easier to go Modern Crustaceans and Jellies. I've seen it work though, so its viable>>31408474Because we already have enough Taiga and Tundra decks, i want variety. Plus the Tobacco goes well towards using Invasive Species as a sub-wincon
>>31406608man if you thought the bilge rats were bad, try any of the asiatic flora against a european or american deck. keeping appropriate biome conditions in mind, you can really fuck somebody trying to juggle a balanced ecosystem.
>>31408542That's fucking awesome. I've only stuck with tadpole shrimp lately but thats for building up my fauna early-game. I really dig the Old/Ancient Ocean cards, they're just hard to get out nowadays. Most of what I use are in my rock decks and have to rez them with Paleontology and Fundraising for my Natural History Museums.
>>31408460>Everything was new and a lot of weird shit didn't really end up working, but it was all fun and interesting.I think that was more a sign of the time. The game was new, we were new, and nobody had any idea what anybody else was doingNow the game has matured along with us, and while its fine to look back at the old stuff, and laugh at the memories, I think its counter-productive to try and hold oneself to those archaic standards and limitations
If I could only mix some of my Lovecraft Mythos deck in with my regular one, it would completely wreck jell-ofags.Gotta love The Colour Out of Space getting bonus corruption from your opponent's growth phase and creatures on the field.
>>31408764Can you all just stop with your Smithplanet shit? It's not official, and I'll never willingly let you use that cheese in a game with me.
>>31408726The downside is that they both limit what you can use.You can't use any mammals, birds, and your limited to primevial fish. you need to keep the pH and salinity pretty high as well.>>31408764>using Gag-cards>not realising that all species get a Disbelieve resistance against them>should stick to playing Leng Wars
>>31408772In fairness, it was pretty darn awesome the first time they Debuted Terrestrial environments. Remember all the hype around amphibians? It was one of the only times I've ever seen the Hype be completely correct.
>>31409162Personally I miss the day when running Hemocyanin was still viable for Apex Predators. Nothing could stop my Dragonflies!
>>31409246Clearly you never faced a solid Jellyfish deck.
>>31409340THis was back when you could use primevial fish to devour those supid jelliesBesides, i make it a point not to deal with Jellymongers
Y'all complaining about Jellies need to git gud. Yeah they're a pain in the ass but they fold to ANY predation that can deal with the Nematocyst perk. They're a high risk high reward strategy. They explode out of no where and can bounce back pretty strongly, but aside from taking up a lot of living space they don't do shit besides float there. Get something that feeds on them and that huge population actually plays to your advantage.