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Previously: Cerulean arrived upon a mysterious island after a mission to rescue shipwrecked personnel had gone awry due to mysterious humanoid monsters.

Meeting the natives, Cerulean found aid in the form of a humanoid monster by the name of Kurojo, a tusked Kahkori of Kakarkiko island.

With his and his uncle's help, she had been reunited with Marine, her friend from training and childhood.

After killing a fierce foe reviled by Kahkori, Cerulean fell ill, and was given a cure by Kurojo. In the village, she learned of a strange ability and found herself able to utilize "Aura."

Journeying with Kurojo, Cerulean and Marine make it to the joint city of races amongst the island chain. It is there in Raguna city that she fights to the death with a rambunctious Smolderan.
Slipping out of her right mind, she executes her foe with absolute certainty, earning her some recognition with a Smolderan leader and the right to engage in a hunting exam at his request.

Cerulran takes a test with another species known as the Araraki, an infallibly polite and timid representative of her people.
Upon completing the hunt, they are put through a naming ceremony and engage in some festivities, taking a somewhat heavier turn as Akabaron, Vi-Smohkan of the Smolderan, goes over his deal with Cerulean.

Charter the construction of a boat with Kurojo's aid...
Known characters

Monster Index

Character Sheet


Prof, did we get exp from the croc hunt yet?
4 Skill points.
Ten +1
Ing +2
Icy Wind rank 7 pls
Alright. Now on with the history dump!
Dis gun be good.
You see more than a few hunters around the communal sleeping areas, each keeping to their own parties more than anything else. The room is lit by the dim yellow glow of some kind of strange material that lines the walls, giving off a strange chemical smell.
It works at least for providing you enough illumination to see clearly given your feline eyes.

The “beds” are hammocks that are hung between a support and the wall of the building. Most of the beds are empty, and there's equipment by those that have made their claim upon some. Your wandering eyes upon their weapons receives a wary look from Kahkori and Smolderan alike as they notice the attention your giving their “tools of the trade.”

It's likely that you won't have to worry much about a thief here. You get the feeling that they'd deliver mob justice to a breaker of such security.

Marine falls into a hammock and Kurojo sits upon one opposite. You make do with the one above Marine, feeling the grueling effects of the alcohol wreck your head...

“Blehhh” Marine sprawls out, hanging her legs off either side of her hammock, “Why-y does it hurt so much...” she whines.

Kurojo looks to you, and you rub an eye, feeling the need for a shower or a nice bath, or something. “I'm not a storyteller... But I've heard tails.” He speaks to you in common tongue.

“Why do the Tuskless rule? Why don't they have tusks?” The first things out of your mouth as you rock back and forth, kicking your feet idly to facilitate a swing as Kurojo starts to sate your curiosity.

“Well, Tusked like me, we... Well how to put this... Kakarkiko doesn't have boats, because Kakarkiko doesn't have waves that flow from the island, only to. Elders say that we of the tusked were banished from the great city of the Tuskless by the God, Arceus-”
“Arceus? I know of Arceus. Arceus is...” You halt yourself for a moment... The dome always called Arceus a god that made mankind in his image... But Lilac said... That Agatha said he was a monster. How could you explain that to Kurojo?

“You seem... disturbed.” Kurojo points out, his keen eyes and sense of aura feeling out your confusion.

>[] “It's nothing, go on.”
>[] “Arceus is a human.”
>[] “Arceus is a monster.”
>[] Another comment...(Other)
>[] Another comment...(Other)
>What do your people say Arceus looks like?
Oh crap I almost missed the start
>[] “It's nothing, go on.”
Doesn't matter. Probably the same guy. Heck, these guys are probably super mutated humans whose dome broke and had cataclysm.
>[] Another comment...(Other)
Id like to hear your interpretation.
Thirding. I wanna know what the Kahkori know about Arceus.

On Arceus being both human and monster, well, doesn't that really describe the Rangers themselves? WoOoooooOOoo.
>[x] Another comment...(Other)
"I've heard different things about Arceus, and it concerns me."
>12 skill points

1 to buy Aurora Beam, 3 to level it twice.
3 to level Psybeam.
4 to Water Gun.

Brainfreeze, useful Psybeam, more power Water/Icicle Gun.

Let's do it.
Im just saying that Arceus is a god, so id like to be able to understand these people interpretations to stop anyone trying to declare us heretics and/or attack us due to religious reasons. best to nip this shit in the bud now.
You're doing that thing where you want us to buy a little bit of everything, preventing any one skill from reaching a rank where it can do real damage to strong targets.
>[] “It's nothing, go on.”
save all questions for the end of the lecture
Fuck yeah, in as it opens
voting for this

Although I suppose it's the same as saying its nothing
Eh. First time I've voted for a skill distribution.

Still want Water Gun and Psybeam.
No its saying something. Saying nothing is bad because it gives off a sense of mistrust and we dont want that with Jojo. We REALLY dont want that with Jojo.
Yes, those two are good. WG because it's part of our core strategy, Psybeam because we need coverage.

Aurora Beam is wasted points. I'm not saying it's useless, I'm just saying it's not useful enough to justify dumping 4 SP into it.
fair enough

is Aqua Jet under Water Gun, or is it its own move with ranks?
Agreed. We should supplement what we currently have right now. Getting new skills will be a luxury we should save for a different time.
>is Aqua Jet under Water Gun, or is it its own move with ranks?
It's its own move.
Let's put a BUNCH in water gun. And maybe some in frostyness.
I want high pressure water hoses.
We're closer to getting Blizzard, and the Freezer Array is about to become even stronger from the Bliger evo, meaning that our Ice moves are going to hit -hard-.

Though I really really want HPump also and would be totally happy with just rushing through WG if that's what everyone else wants.
Marine stretches below in her bunk, groaning again. “Ceruuulean. Tell me what he's saying later. It's annoying only hearing half of it.” Your friend turns over, and through the ropes of your bed, you can see her almost curl herself up into a ball and stick a finger in her mouth.
She hasn't dropped that old habit... She's going to drool all over the hammock.

“Good night Marine.”

“Ullltranarine!” She spits back up with a little giggle, wincing as her forehead brushes up against the rope.

“What does Arceus look like?” You ask, looking down at Kurojo from your upper bunk. Somewhere in the hall a Smolder passes gas. You can smell the fire.

Kurojo scratches at his tusks in thought, “Erm. Well, Arceus is said to be like the Tuskless, which is why he cursed us with tusks like beasts of the land... Though that's from the tuskless's stories. Kanaji's said that... Well, I shouldn't say here.” Kurojo inclines his head, peering over his shoulder, and down the walkway.

You're about to question him, but then you understand- walls have ears. He doesn't know who might hear. “Well, tell me the tuskless version.”

“Long ago, when we were one people, and my... descendants... hadn't insulted Arceus, we all lived together...”

“What was the insult?”
After it was pointed out to Prof how the utility of Water Gun as a move would change if it transformed into Hydro Pump (since the latter would exhaust us), he changed it so that at rank 10, it just becomes an advanced version of itself.
“I don't know.” Jojo's head dips down, he crosses his arms with a tepid frustration, “I've heard that it was because we loved the hunt too much, that we began to go down the path the Smolders did. Arceus and the tuskless banished us, and cursed us with tusks like the monsters we hunt.” Kurojo throws his legs over into the bunk and lays back, as it swings some, staring at the ceiling through another hammock-net.
“I've also heard that we were cast out because we disbelieved in Arceus's will, or plan. Whatever that is. We should have respected it, I guess.” He sighs, closing his eyes before looking at you.
“And the last thing I've heard is that we were just dirty and unworthy of Arceus. Depends on who you ask. A tuskless might tell you any of those things.”

>Any comments, or questions?
Water Gun stays as water gun, but Hydro Pump gets added under it as a Variant move, the way it has Mist and Icicle Gun under it as Variants.
I wanna buy:
Water Gun (4)
Psybeam (1)+(2)
Vaccuum Wave (2)

And leaving 3 points over for something else. Possibly Nasty plot because stat boosting moves are nice.

Will we be able to learn Agility or some other speed-boosting move, eventually?
The Gunner skill. We keep saying we want to buy it, but we never do.

It's really good. Giving a bonus to every shooty attack? Hell yeah.
Great, we have 4 sides and they all hate each other.

>I think you're plenty worthy, Kurojo.
>Hangon, so were the tusked born AFTER the Kahkori met the Smolders?
Well, the arceus I know about doesn't do shit like that at all. Direct intervention would be way too helpful, and we sure as heck don't get that.

I think you guys are pretty swell, myself.
After that, maybe join marine in getting ready for sleep. We need blankets to protect erryone.
Seems good then
"It seems like everybody I know says something different about Arceus. Maybe people aren't meant to understand Him."
we do fancy shooting things
So it seems that, even when everyone looks like a monster, there are still human supremacists.

Well. Maybe we can share what we know or understand of Arceus to share with Kurojo? To comfort him a bit?

>My people also believe in Arceus, Kurojo. And some of my people also shun us Rangers because of how different we look. But I don't think Arceus hates us for that. We, Mari- Ultramarine and I, became what we are to protect our people and to survive. To hunt down monsters. You and your people are the same way, I think. I don't think Arceus would consider us dirty for that.
I second
's question of
>Hangon, so were the tusked born AFTER the Kahkori met the Smolders?

We've got Smolodhans, who aren't allowed ships, who starve on volcanic islands devoid of life.
We've got Tusked Kahkori, who wage war on other races, and are effective at doing so. They were cursed with tusks, after pissing off Arceus and the Tuskless.
We've got Tuskless Kahkori, who have a problem with the Tusked Kahkori, and who worship Arceus.
We've got Araraki, a race of Plant-bonded lizards, who were pushed out of their Plantlands and into the desert by the Kahkori. The Smolders don't like the Araraki.

Well, at least it won't result in all out war because the Kahkori have already won.
I'd rather get blizzard first, too. No love for Frost Breath I suppose?

>Icy Wind(5)
>Aqua Jet(1)

Although I fully support Gunner if we aren't upgrading Icy Wind
I think we'd need to train it at the Dome.

Unless we can find someone to teach us how to be a Gunner outside.
Frost Breath is me favorite skill, but I've sorta given up on trying to level it because there are just too few who agree.
It's at a respectable rank right now. People are just looking for utility right now.
The Smolders have guns.
>We've got Tusked Kahkori, who wage war on other races, and are effective at doing so. They were cursed with tusks, after pissing off Arceus and the Tuskless.
>We've got Tuskless Kahkori, who have a problem with the Tusked Kahkori, and who worship Arceus.
that's still a bit unclear. The tuskless seem to be the ones who DECLARE war and do the manipulating(if what the Smolders say is true), while the tusked are the lower class people who follow orders but get all the flak.
Which is why I mentioned the second paragraph. The problem is that we don't have any prospective teachers.
Hey yeah, I forgot Lock on. That skill might get more useful with more ranks.
We could get it up to rank 6 (effectively somewhere between 7 and 9 once the freezer array evolves), which would hit hard. Really, really hard.
I want water guns shooting harder, and some icyness going on.
I don't care if that's frost breath or blizzard or whatever.
No chance of that, mate. It would be easier to angle for a high ranked Quick Attack first, then get support for Frost Breath when it becomes really easy and relatively safe to use as a finisher.
Speaking of the evolution, we should wait until we see the improvements in our pre-mature freezer array before we begin upgrading ice skills.

Water Gun, however, should be improved as soon as we're able to.
I just realized that this tactic would basically turn us into any animal from Tokyo Jungle
No point. We still have to buy up to rank 10 to get the upgrades. Buying up to rank 9 won't work for unlocking stuff, even with the +1 from Freezer Array.
What upgrades are you talking about? I don't understand. I'm just talking about improving our moves.
Icy Wind at rank 10 unlocks Blizzard. We still have to buy the actual rank 10, just getting to effective rank 10 from 8 or 9 +freezer array doesn't count.
That doesn't matter in terms of what we're talking about them. A rank 7 from buying the ranks and a rank 7 from adding the bonus from our freezer array will still have the same amount of power.
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what are prerequisites for sheer cold again?
“Wait, did the Tusked come to be -after- meeting the Smolderan?” You tilt your head, a little confused. Based on what Akabaron told you, tusked Kahkori were present during their war... but he never differentiated between tusked and tuskless...

“No. We were before. Though I'd never met a Smolodhan until we left. What I meant was that they said we were overhunting like Smolodhan did.” Kurojo clucks his tongue, “Bet they would say that it's why they have horns.”

“What about the Araraki?”

“They... don't believe in Arceus.”

That surprises you. The way that they seem to pray and are so quiet... “What do they believe in?”

“I've heard the name once before. And Mukon's said that they blame us for the disappearance of their god. Serebyi.”

Have we ever heard of celebi?

if so, "I've heard that name before"
I was talking about making one of our moves hit as hard as possible, and though it wasn't explicitly stated in the comment you replied to, working towards a rank 10. You jumped in saying that we should hold back on progression of Ice moves in order to balance everything out. It does matter in terms of what we're talking about.
Celebi? Huh.

What do you mean by input? How can we react to that info if we don't know what we know IC?
You have no recollection of this entity.
All this god talk is weird. If it means anything, I don't think you guys have tusks because of any divine curse. It's probably just a thing. Like how some people are double jointed.
No, I never said that. I said we should plan what moves to upgrade after our evolution so that we know how it'll affect our ice moves, but that, no matter what, we should upgrade our Water Gun.
Okay. Since we don't know anything, all we can do is just react to what he's told us. Our feelings on the matter? Is that all?

discussions on religion, sports,sex, and politics also brings trouble. But what the hell? Why not?

Tell him about Ceru's view on Arceus. Compare notes
>I said we should plan what moves to upgrade after our evolution so that we know how it'll affect our ice moves
There is no reason to do that. We know that the effect will be making our Ice moves stronger. We want to max them out at some point. Refraining from upgrading them makes no sense.
So the lizards beilieve in a Grass-type deity with time travel powers... PERFECT.

>Tell him the Human version of Arceus' story
Yes, we know how that it'll strengthen them. But right now, we need to concentrate on optimizing what tools we have right now.
And Ice is part of that toolset.
Share with him a bit of what our people believe of Arceus. Plus
The idea is to spread out to so that we know what's cost-effective. Why upgrade Ice Gun when it reaches an acceptable level when we can upgrade, say, Frost Breath. It's about knowing what moves can already be considered useful so that we can improve our neglected skills.
You're going to have to be a bit more in-depth than that. What's your idea of optimizing?
Well, after we presumably discuss a bit more about theology, let's try to move the topic of discussion back to the history of the 3 people.

And we may as well ask how the ferrinians fit into all this.
>acceptable level
The goal here is the rank 10 unlocks/variants, which will supposedly outweigh the specialization costs.

Whether that's an objectively better goal is up for debate.
That's exactly what you had claimed to not be doing; holding back on Ice to balance everything out.

We want to get something as strong as possible and if we're going to work towards getting a powerful move, we should play to our strengths.
You blink and frown a little, a bit confused at the name, “Serebyi? I haven't heard of that before. I only thought there was Arceus...” You trail off there, remembering Lilac's words on Giratina. No, you don't want to mention that one.
“It's weird. Why wouldn't they worship Arceus? Arceus created everything, then why?”

Kurojo shrugs in his hammock, “I don't know. All I know is that they don't like talking to us. They try to ignore us as much as we ignore them. That one girl is a bit more interested in us, and she helped us... So I'm going to give her a chance.”

“Think we can be friends?”

“Maybe. I might dishonor Kakarkiko by letting her stay with us but...” Kurojo drags off there, breaking off into a yawn. “I'm tired. Going to sleep.” He turns over, and slows his breathing.

Though you feel a bit at a loss with his sudden bid to sleep, you're actually quite tired yourself. You curl yourself up, giving mind to your shoulder. Kurojo definitely had something more to say... But you feel that he knows it wouldn't be a good time to say it.

You rub at your chest as you feel some tingles run through, and close your eyes, giving into slumber...
That's a goal for the future. You don't gimp yourself now for no reason, especially when we'll be fighting stronger opponents and participating in tougher missions in the future that will presumably give us more exp.

You need to plan out your progress according to the situation.

What you need to keep in mind is that the costs for upgrading moves becomes higher and higher. Have you never played a video game before where you had to buy moves that get more expensive to upgrade? You need to plan out your upgrades rather than just rushing to max out a few moves.
Let's just sleep this whole nasty initiation off like a bad dream.
I'm leaning towards
Water gun
Frost Breath

at the moment

We can't be good at everything. I'd rather be good at some stuff then mediocre at everything.

At least we can all agree on agree on water gun...
So...you're voting for more balanced progression

Oh and SPEAKING OF BAD DREAMS...*cough* *cough*
We can get a high level move -now- to handle the stronger opponents, which would put it in range to max out within 2 or 3 missions, but you instead want us to keep everything at mediocre levels. As someone who has played in most of Dran's quests and watched the mcs get fucked over by the players wanting to jack of all trades it, I believe that your plan would gimp Ceru more thoroughly.
Balanced progression, yeah. Definitely supporting what the word 'progression' means in conjunction with 'balanced'.
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>we dream that the boss hates the macroni picture we made of him and he spits on it and says bad words.
>At least we can all agree on agree on water gun
not exactly, anon. We're still closer to Blizzard than we are to Hydro Pump, so that's still up in the air.
As someone who's played in most of Dran's quest, I can tell you that the reason players get "fucked" over is because Dran doesn't know how to balance encounters (they did spread out too much in Overhuman).

And you think I want to spread out our skill set everywhere without even actually reading what I say. You already have an idea of what I'm saying and, regardless of what I've already typed out, you stick to it stubbornly.
You're running, running along a beach with a monster chasing after you, right on your tail. If you look back, it'll get you. If you look back, it's over. Making it to the coast, you can feel your heart pounding away in your chest, you need to dive into the water.
But there are Sharpedos there... Somewhere beneath the surface, they'll smell your fear, tear you apart faster than they even tear through the hull of a boat. The sky cracks with a bolt of thunder and rain dances across the surface of the waves.

You need to make a choice here.

Dive beneath the waves and likely die, or turn around and face the thing that's chasing you.

Your body hurts, it thrums with apprehension as everything seems to slow down if only for you to make your choice. No, you can't turn around, you can't look at it, or it'll know your face, and you'll know what it looks like.

Sharpedo, or the monster. Sharpedo or the monster...

>[] Dive into the water.
>[] Turn Around.
>[] Dive into the water.
>[] Turn Around.
>[] Dive into the water.
>[] Turn Around.
>[] Turn Around.

Come on, Prof. The mystery needs to be unveiled.
>>[] Turn Around.

>[] Turn Around.

I would choose turn around, but I want to offer a third option.

>[x]jump out of the way at the last second

Eat monster, sharpedoes!
Fuckit, let's do this
>Physics working.

Pick one.
Eh...that's only if they're really close behind us. And not flying.
Its just a flavor choice anon
>[x] dnuora nruT
bnuoɿA nɿuT ][>
>[] Turn Around.

Not including:
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Not from what I was quoting
Locking up, you can feel every fiber of your being tell you that you shouldn't look. That shouldn't turn around. You know what it is, but you don't want to know. You don't want to see.


You need to. Even if it makes you cry. Even if it makes mom cry. Even if it scares people.

As though your head's on a swivel, you turn around slowly and mechanically, your neck resists your efforts, begging you still not to look.

At first, you see a flare of red. Hair red and dark like Ni'rena's blood being spilled by Devon's jaws.
Then, a horn lacking color to the point that it's glaring despite the rain pounding into the sand of the beach.
But then you see her eyes. They should be blue, like ice at sea. But instead they're empty, dead and redder than the “R” of the rocket flag, her pupils driven hard into slits.

She slips by you, as soon as the two of you make eye contact. You look down to see a ruby red spilling down, drenching the armor that the Kahkori made for you. You begin to cry at that until you realize that your neck hurts... Your neck hurts and everything's going dark...

You feel a tug on your head and see your body fall to the ground. You want to scream, but you don't have any breath to draw.

She looks you in the eye, the rocket R emblazoned upon a beret, black as night. Why didn't you notice it before? She's a ranger... She's a rocket...

What are you?

She raises her palm to you, amber claws gleaming as her primary weapon opens up.

The last thing you see is ice.

“Kill confirmed..." A deadpan voice reports. Then, it all falls apart as her voice changes to a needy girl's request for assurance... " Boss... Boss.... is Ceru a good girl?”

Who are you?
>Who are you?
C-Ceru? I think?
Ah, an identity crisis already.
You're a Ranger, Ceru.

But what is a Ranger?

Must be from the initiation.
If you don't want to spread out the skill set everywhere, then your words have not shown that. Everything you've said has been some sort of variation on "we should get a skill to the bare minimum level of effectiveness and then switch to leveling something else" with a side of "we shouldn't level Ice skills at all since they're going to receive a bonus in the future and we don't want them to be leveled above the bare minimum".

If that is not what you mean, then say what you mean.
Rocket Ranger Cerulean

is that who you want to be?
The Boss! No, Ceru, you just killed someone who was running away in fear! Bad girl!
We're cerulean, duh.
That's not what I was saying. I said what I mean. You read what you think I mean.
Mmmmmmmmm...feel dat brainwashing....feel it flow through you.
Partially from that, partially from seeing sapients being maimed or killed.

I wonder if these horrible dreams are how Evil types get their paranoia.
We're both of those people.
One of whom is for killy situations.
Another is for friendy situations.
We swap between them depending on situation.
It's cool and awesome.
clearly this is a prophetic dream.

The boss cloned us.

They're mass producing an army of Cerus back at the dome.

and they're touching our stuff!
That may be part of it, yes. A combination between that mental state, Rocket conditioning, and the initiation into a new group.
Not our disguise kit!
Then what are you saying? I want to understand what you're saying, but you're so caught up in the idea that some enemy is out to misrepresent your ideas that you're refusing to communicate them now.
Haha massproducing Cryttens.
Cryttens a shit.
Instead, mass produce Kangaskhans. Or Alakhazams. Or Dragonites.
Not this.
Well that's it. You're misrepresenting it. I've told you already and you still don't understand. Using a turn of phrase doesn't change that.
>and they're touching our stuff!
Friendly reminder of this being linked to our guilt-mares of the people we've killed and our original identity crisis when comparing ourselves to 10 year-old Ceru.
They're touching Lilac?
You awaken with a start, thrashing at first from the dream, and then the pain as you feel your jaws ache, your chest burning up, your tail feeling as though it's going to split, and your legs...

Oh your legs, you wish they could be numb. You can feel your bones slowly breaking and restructuring themselves. It's nothing compared to the the spikes forming out from your arms...

Why... why are you evolving? This is the worst time!

>[] Resist Evolution...
>[] Give into it.
I am... One who stands against the monsters at our gates. I withstood the horrors inflicted on me and others like me to keep others safe.
err, sorry, people we've killed, failed, or whatever actions Ceru perceives as failure
It might be best to resist evolution at this time. Give into it after we leave this place, so that not too many questions are asked.

>[] Give into it.
No need to fight natural processes. It would only do us harm in the near future anyway.
Ehh, identity crisis between Rocket Ceru and Ceru is better than Guilt dreams.
>[x] Give into it.

we need to be stronger if we're going to make it back.to proctect our friends here and there.
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>>[X] Give into it.
>[] Give into it.
>[] Give into it.
>>[] Give into it.
That's the best excuse I can think of.

Congratulations! Puberty!
>>[] Give into it.
/tg/ has never pressed B in their life.
This is the best time we're going to get until we get back to the dome.
in GOD KNOWS how long.
Do it somewhere safe, ceru.
If we resisted, how long until we could evolve again?
As it should be
>[] Give into it.
Oh the others are gonna love this
We'll be called the White Demon, one way or another.
Alcohol will dull the pain! Make Ceru continue drinking! I'm kidding please no

Actually, stalling evolution can increase the rate at which you gain moves.
Whenever we gain a level. ... possibly during the day / night / at high friendship / drunk / near the dawn stone, depending on our condition.
>Actually, stalling evolution can increase the rate at which you gain moves.
Maybe in the video games, but we have seen that game mechanics don't transfer 100% to the quest. Hell, STAB doesn't even exist.
>Moves dont work that way in this quest.
Ley's see

>jaws ache
Jaw Evolution for better biting
>your chest burning up
Freezer Array evolving
>your tail feeling as though it's going to split
Split tail
>and your legs...
??? maybe just stronger/fast/better musculature?
>Give into it/
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are we gonna lose the fat?
>someone that looks sort of like a smolder but not really shows up
>after getting admitted to the guild undergoes a radical change in physical appearance
Man people are gonna be confused
That's from the Seel.
Oh Yeah, Also

>You can feel your bones slowly breaking and restructuring themselves.
Uhh i got no clue? Are we gonna be taller?
>It's nothing compared to the the spikes forming out from your arms...
The spiked forearms.
Get our legs bent in weird ways?

we are the most suspicious outlanders possible.
Hopefully this happens really fast.
For some reason i can never actually picture Ceru with red hair

We're gonna have digitirade (spelling?) legs.
We're keeping the Seel blubber. It's not part of Crytten.

Also, Prof, once we evolve Bliger, won't we be able to make ourselves warm again? Or is that when Dewgong evolves so the blubber is good enough to keep the cold in?
Which, by the way, shouldn't be too far from evolving either.
I kinda hope we do.
Crytten, since it was related to our freezer array control, if I remember right.
I wonder if there's gonna be any customness to this one?

I don't

I'm neutral
The source of our previously premature freezerarray.

Now we're getting a fully matured one.
Wheras I am merely a profit divining what will happen.
Cat legs are strokeable and all, but I think I prefer human legs on Ceru. I don't think we even have cat paws for feet, so that would look REALLY weird.
Barioth was described as being like an Ice type version of Garchomp, except with slightly better spec attack, so that makes me think that this Crytten evo is at lv24 (same as Gibble->Gabite).

We got the Seel before it, but it evolves at 34. Should be soonish.
Okay, I'm going to admit, I never learned to read.
Evolving is -probably- the horrible trap option, which makes everyone realize what we are and has them turn on us
But hey, maybe prof will keep the suffering at the usual, manageable, levels
Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
you're just confused over homonyms

Prof said that it was late 20s
I'm thinking more like 27-28 because this Bliger seems a lot stronger than gibble.
>Fighting evolution EVERY LEVEL when far from medical care to prevent the harmful effect of stunted growth on our bodies.
>As well as the horrible pain involved with continuously resisting forever.
Besides i would like to think that we have built up enough trust from the guild members that they wont INSTANTLY TURN ON US for any little thing.

still too god damn cute.
Well, I mentioned as much at the beginning. But we'll manage, I suppose. We did the same with Marine anyway.

And it's not like we can lie to the Kahkori leaders of our origins. Especially if we want to keep Kurojo's trust and friendship (tell the Smolder leader, but not the Kahkori?).

Plus, for whatever reason, Akabaron is backing us as a guild member. So we'll probably still be respected as one. And if Prof hasn't forgotten her, there's the ship captain who we already told that we're from the "City Behind Glass".
Don't worry, he's using her as a backup plot device just in case we don't get fucked over enough.
>[] Give into it

Awww yeah!
STOP REMINDING PROF OF SHIT! Srsly its like you WANT to remind him of ways to rape us with a cactus.
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Surely there must be some other species capable of evolution in the regoin. Or perhaps they have some legend/folkstory about the concept at least.
I wonder what other race evolutions are like.
We should have asked kurojo.

As it is, shut ourself in until we feel better.
Which reminds me, our own evolution might remind the kahkori of how tusked kahkori supposedly came to be. Except, instead of growing tusks, we grew sharper teeth, spikes on our arms, an armored tail/club, and presumably digitigrade feet.
Dude...just fuck you.
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I almost forgot about the Cacturne stuff

>the desert is barren of life
>we will keep it that way
I have seen any Machamps or their kin around. So who knows if they have a clue of what is going on.
It's bullshit anyway.

If anything it'll remind them of how monsters evolve.
>yfw Marine is going through evolution at the same time

Considering how long she's had that Mudkip, it's gotta be close to evolving by now.
As far as we know, apparently the Hunters guild only has the Kahkori, Smolders, and Araraki in it. With the ferrines being associates.

Doesn't mean they haven't met other sapient races, though, just that the only ones included in their 'alliance' are the 3 races (+ cat people).
I hope not, we gotta have SOMEONE up and will to deflect the officials that are coming for us.
That reminds me, we need to ask the Smolderans about the Felines, like... what's their deal?
That's the thing, isn't it? That the tusks make them more beast-like?
Bitch can't even speak the language.

Needs to work on her aura training with Jojo, go to a public cafe, and see if she can learn it through osmosis like we were able to.
The captain is always an option.
Let's just shout that we're having lady troubles to whoever comes for us
Not even close, there's no way they would associate evolution with the kakori tusks
We know for a fact that we've seen another sapient species or two that evolve, not even counting Bruise.

Ni'Rena's dad didn't have dark splotches, so Ceru coud work out that Ni'Aras is an evolution. Goldie's implant is actually from a sapient specie, so since Goldie evolved it, then they evolve, too.

We could convince at least Jojo that sapients can indeed evolve.
or we could just teach her what we know.

Better than nothing
It'll depend a lot on what the guild races have actually encountered and how much they understand about the monsters they hunt.
And the Machop -> Machamp civilization
Yknow this is LITERALLY the WORST time possible to have to evolve. However we will NOT get another chance before returning to the Dome. So yeah..great timing there Dran.
With a deep breath, you let the evolution occur, giving into it and laying there writhing in pain. You feel your forehead, right where your horn is start to feel bad too.

Ugh... nothing feels good right now.

As you writhe and groan beside yourself, something tells you that Kurojo's gotten up. He's standing next to you, peering up at you as your legs begin to bleed from the sudden restructure, trickling down to marine.

“Cerulean! Are you- Are you okay?” Kurojo expresses his concern, his aura going frantic as he tries to figure out what's going on.

“I'm... fine...” You say through grit teeth., “I'm just.... Just... Changing...”

You can feel Kurojo suddenly feel some kind of relief, “Oh, yours came... I will go find someone to give you medicine!”

You hear him begin to run off, “What... No...”

He halts, and looks back to you as you groggily reach out from the hammock, beginning the sudden occurance of it letting go of you as you tip too far.

Kurojo's a red blur as he slips under to catch you, hissing and cursing under his breath as he shivers and lays you down upon a blanket meant to decorate and cushion the stone floor. “Thank... you.” You breath out.
“I don't... Just medicine.”

Marine awakens too, groaning in pain. “Ceru... It... It hurts...” Eh??? Her too?

Kurojo rushes over to examine Marine. You can't quite see what's going on from where you are, but in the next moment you see Kurojo running off while some of the Smolders come over to see what the commotion's about.

One with his mane split into two braids kneels down beside you and examines your bare, yet furred legs, slowly bending and distorting from the work of the M-virus.
“The change...” He growls, and keeps looking you over. “What else hurts?”
Better than out in the field, we have aroof over our heads and people to watch our backs.
Well, seems like everyone changes, including the Kahkori and Smolders. And I guess Araraki?
Let's not lie to them

Tell them everywhere we hurt.
>what else
"Horn, tail, and tummy"
Yarr we be hurtin' like a bitch, from aft to fore.
Yeah it's a REALLY bad idea to lie to the doctor.
Well as long as they arent going to murder us for it im fine with this.
>our legs are restructuring

Imagine a cat.

Now imagine a cat, but its itty bitty paws are replaced with normal human ones. All of them.

That's how disgusting digitigrade leg + human foot is to me.
Like, everything man.

Be more specific if you want, but there's a wide body ranging level of things.

I know I sure have pain bleedover. Be as specific as you can.
We just need to get one of those brown anime cloak things, the ones that cover pretty much our entire body.
eh, our feet probably will wind up looking less human.
People who will execute us for being artificial hybrid abominations if they catch on, something prof has flat out told us.

This would be so much better in the wilds, where we could just hide in a cave for a week.

Basically, this is BAD END unless we bullshit -really- well, or unless there is an equivalent to "evolution" among the hybrid races.
You're being paranoid
What makes you think we'll have human feet after this?

The whole point of digitigrade legs is our feet are kind of stretching out to form a new leg segment.

Like that reverse knee thing? That's our heel.
>People who will execute us for being artificial hybrid abominations if they catch on, something prof has flat out told us.
He didn't flat out say that.
I have a growing suspicion that they resist their evolutions permanently. Notice how they know of it but we've never seen one different?
What fucking thread did he flat out say we will be executed for having evolution?
>Marine's evolving too

That's what I get for talking, I guess.
How in the world would they connect us being different to artificial hybrid abominations?

He respected our privacy before before, he will know.
Oh we are going to be forced into having stunted growth as well? This is going to be sooo fucking bad for our health.
well, I've never seen a kid of their kind
hardly unprecedented.

He said they would attack us for being "nest robbers", or something along those lines, if they ever found out how we became what we are, and unless "Evolution" is common to sapients, then they're going to get very suspicious.
That's impossible.

The Tenacity it takes to resist evolution grows higher and higher each time it happens, there's no "one and done" thing.

Eventually you'll have no choice but to give in.
Depends on how subtle the transformations are. We've yet to see a non-adult Smolder and the Kahkori may be like the Machop/Machoke. In that there's barely much of a difference in evolutionary states except increased musculature.
we'll just tell them to leave us alone mang
>He said they would attack us for being "nest robbers", or something along those lines, if they ever found out how we became what we are, and unless "Evolution" is common to sapients, then they're going to get very suspicious.
>if they ever found out how we became what we are
That's the thing. That's a separate issue from our transformation.
His claw passes over your breast, still bound by the upper part of your armor. “This?” He asks, and you blearily nod.
His claw passes over more of your body and you nod at each part that hurts before her turns back to another Smolder, saying something about you in their tongue. Another comes up from behind and carefully hoists you up while the braided one removes your armor.

“It is not unusual for 'pprentices to change after they go on their first hunt. We need to take this off or it'll restrict you.”

“Can you hurry up? She's cold.” The one holding you complains, yet he doesn't shiver like Kurojo. If anything, the warmth of their bodies helps you stay conscious as your evolution bids you to go into a cold sleep.

They're a bit brutish in handling you, but gentle where they can be. They even tend to Marine next, and take the two of you to another room while the two of you mutually writhe in agony under supervision.
Some Kahkori ask what's going on and the Smolderan explain. You notice that the Kahkori indeed have tusks... Yeah.. so they're not the tricky ones. You think to yourself dully.

“Oi... Tell... m' mate... Jojo... We be here...” You say with your eyes flickering, and your body growing colder.

The Smolderan say something to the Kahkori, with the other leaving, the braided one staying to keep an eye on the two of you.

The Kahkori throw a blanket on you, and the braided Smolderan puts a hand underneath, you feel his claws warm up, heating up your body, causing you to sweat.

“N-no... I need... th' col'... get off...” He seems confused, yet complies, removing his claw and shrugging to the Kahkori.

He sticks around, and the Kahkori bandage up your legs loosely, allowing the blood to soak into them instead of the bed.

The Kahkori chitter to each other, it doesn't exactly sound good, but it doesn't exactly sound bad.
Two words.

Liquid Everstone.
>We've yet to see a non-adult Smolder
the one we killed was basically a kid, or at least it seemed like he was.
You've also not really seen them out of armor. So there's that too.
Maybe freshly evolved?
We'll be fine you guys.
It just REALLY REALLY hurts.
Just give us a week of writhing and clean bandages.
I can't recall exactly, but yeah, I think Prof mentioned something like him being around our age.

Ah. I guess Smolder changes may be subtle too.
Now i wanna see a 4 armed Kakori

Wouldn't surprise me if they had a travel Evol.
Trade evolutions? Could be interesting. I guess one explanation could be that the environment inside the Dome possesses something different about it compared to the outside world. Kinda like a minor version of the Eevee's own environmental evolution.
No, Prof said that he;s got something special for trade evols.

If that were true Bruise would have evolevd automatically upon enering the dome our the outside of the dome.

Good news is Brock evolved his graveler.
We haven't seen an Eevee so far this quest though, have we?
We've been asking Dran about Trade evos since we found out Goldie was an Abra.
No, just had mentions of them + had one as a possible choice of graft back when we entered the Rockets.
Yea we have, though i don't see how they pertain to the current discussion.
Ceru's seen them before and knows what they are.
It's also mentioned that he's the only Golem seen, so it's not something that happens under normal environmental conditions.
We have actually seen lots of them. They're kept as pets and we had seen them even before we were even a ranger. Then they were also in the pens for the evolution picks.
I've never seen a good tasting low calorie soft drink in real life or this Quest.

What is Dran plotting....
Most people/monaters haven't left the region either.

My guess is leaving the region triggers a trade evolution.
I'm going to wildly speculate it push ups and or squats
Now let's just suffer in a blanket for a while.
I always preferred lemonade or fresh water.
Push ups obviously, how would squats make you grow two more arms?

Also Goldie is fucked.
But Soda Pop restores the most amount of HP!
Good tasting and low calorie? Hard water.
No, lemonade does.
I just started drinking Raspberry Iced Tea. Sadly I can't seem to let go of sugar...
>Hard Water
Is that like 50/50 Vodka and Water?
I'm rusty, then.

Time to replay Yellow! Before the internal battery dies ;_;
Let's get some lemonade to sooth these evolution problems right over
Nah, nah, you gotta put leaves on it!
Yeah, but there's no better feeling than using Pokemon Stadium's Transfer Pak to play Yellow at triple speed on a CRT television.
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you can go even faster on an emulator anon.

you can even buy a n64 usb controller.

I use an snes one myself
I still want that refreshing lemony flavor.
With ice.
(even if we have to make it)
I-I know, but I want to cherish my memorabilia before it all decays into useless plastic and silicon.
Maybe the tropius fruit would make good juice?
>Dont use it
>wait 30 years
>sell it for several million dollars
Remind me how old Ceru is?
12. It's on the pastebin character sheet.
well at least find comfort in the fact that gen 1 games internal batteries last 15 years compared to gen 2's 10 years
So how long till jojo an the araraki get added to the character sheet?

And how long unitl we can spend those 12 points?
meant known character
Floppy disks are already losing their magnetic charge. 30 years is not going to make an N64 younger, you know.
There's got to be a way to recharge those things.
The idea of internal batteries is really dumb.
Eventually Kurojo returns and he brings something to help with your pain, a medicinal powder.

A Ferrine mows at your bedside, presenting a cup of water for Kurojo to mix it in. As you drink it down, you feel its effects take hold within minutes. It helps you steady yourself and helps you focus your thoughts again, dulling the pain that beget your waking hours.

“Sorry I took rong.” He says in your tongue as he gives Marine the medicine too. “I wirr stay here and watch over you two...” He pats your hair, ruffling it gently.

So begins your resting and taking the time to evolve. Kurojo helps the two of you eat, Ferrine assistants coming and going, attending to your needs.

You talk to Kurojo now and then while you're awake. Sometimes he's sitting at your side, sharpening his sword, some other times he does squats or pushups, and other exercises to ward off his obvious boredom.

On what feels like the third day, your legs begin to recover. At this point, you don't feel pain, but it does feel weird and kind of numb.

Your tail though? It's changed. Hard darkening spines run along the course of it, sprouting out from beneath the fur until it ends in two tips. It's still one segment, it just bears to extra spines.

Your arms have short hard spines now, angled less for attacking and more for climbing.

Your horn's split, moved to around where your temples would be. It's turned orange and angled back, shortening to the point that they almost look more like hair ornaments than actual horns.

As for your fur, it fell out in clumps on the second day, leaving you with a sleeker, softer, and less cumbersome coat. It feels almost oiled too, like water would run right off of it.
Teeth though? They've shortened, receded, and your jaw's become more angular and cat-like. Not quite built for biting... A look in the mirror makes you realize that it gives you an almost elegant look.

The ache in your chest though? You don't know what the virus is doing with that... You've got weird fatty flesh accumulated there, your stomach becoming less blubbery. Wait... Are these?!

“I have boobs!” You shout out, startling the mess out of Kurojo.

“Eh? What?” He snaps to attention, holding his sword and whetstone firmly.

You sit up in bed, touching your chest and squeezing the budding globes, “I have boobs, I was wondering when I would get them, I heard from other girls like Sanna that it'd happen during the- um, change, and I- I-... Kurojo?”

Kurojo is suffering critical blood loss from his cere. His hand rests upon his sword, stabbed into the ground like a warrior that refuses to ever surrender, to ever let his blade fall from his hand.

“Jojo!” You start to scramble out of bed to help your friend, but end up flopping on unsteady legs, crashing into him, and sending him sprawling onto his back.

You feel his soul escape from your chest... Someday maybe he'll find his way to Lavender spire to tell the tale to Agatha...

>The ache in your chest though? You don't know what the virus is doing with that... You've got weird fatty flesh accumulated there, your stomach becoming less blubbery. Wait... Are these?!
>“I have boobs!” You shout out, startling the mess out of Kurojo.
Oh my god, Ceru.

>Kurojo is suffering critical blood loss from his cere.
I almost forgot it was the Smolders who didn't have breasts.
Wait what? But that horn came from a Seel, why would it become Barioth horns instead?
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>“I have boobs!” You shout out, startling the mess out of Kurojo.

What has pokescience done!?!?
death by nosebleed.

Standby while we revive kurojo
>Kurojo is suffering critical blood loss from his cere. His hand rests upon his sword, stabbed into the ground like a warrior that refuses to ever surrender, to ever let his blade fall from his hand.
>“Jojo!” You start to scramble out of bed to help your friend, but end up flopping on unsteady legs, crashing into him, and sending him sprawling onto his back.
>You feel his soul escape from your chest... Someday maybe he'll find his way to Lavender spire to tell the tale to Agatha...
You totally took that from that one fic, didn't you, Prof?

The grafts interact with each other during evolution. Like our omnigun spikes.
inb4 teensy tiny cat tats.
>As for your fur, it fell out in clumps on the second day, leaving you with a sleeker, softer, and less cumbersome coat. It feels almost oiled too, like water would run right off of it.
Is that natural for Bligers or is that a result of our Seel graft?

Kitty's got a hegemony on itty bitty kitty titties.
>implying they won't be big fat cat tats
I hope they stay small. Giant breasts would be horrible for swimming, -and- would make us even more conspicuous.
Small breasts + HIPS is better anyways
>It's turned orange and angled back, shortening to the point that they almost look more like hair ornaments than actual horns.
So it's not curved, right?

What does this mean for our Horn Attack move, though?
>not glorious perfect hand sized tits
We're gonna need a new drawfriend for Bliger Ceru.

Also, what about our legs? They're not digitigrade now, are they?
I agree completely.
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Might just be a headbutt now, although I suppose we could stab with our horns if we did a scooping motion after the headbutt.
More water bladders!
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Visual reference.
Fat kat tats
>Liking cow tits.
Damn anon sure has pleb as FUCK taste.
W-what? Did we actually kill Jojo? Nooonono. Not even Ygg would do that.
Natural for both.

Lots of little kittens are pretty fluffy.

No and it's gone, jim. You never used it.

They are, and clawed.
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>No and it's gone, jim. You never used it.
I thought that was for moves we never bothered to train, like Bite?
He died happy, anon.
So that means that shoes won't work for us anymore?

Are Smolderans digitigrade or plantigrade?
Dang. We never really had much chance to head stab.

Oh well, we still use frost a lot.
We got 1 level of it and we never actually put points into it, just watched someone else do it.
>They are, and clawed.
>TFW i dont have the DFC one.
You win this round.
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i can see the lewd that's gonna flow when we get home and all the dudes check out new Ceru
They're also digitigrade. It's part of their fighting style. Forgot what it was called, though. 3 feet 1 claw?
But we still have human feet and not cat paws?
Our feet will be fine bare as long as we don't go walking on coals or something, i imagine they're padded like cats feet too.
We actually got 2 levels of it and never used it.
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since I'm such a nice guy, I'll give you the DFC one.
>and clawed
Them aint human feet.
We had 2 ranks in it, actually.

We have claws on our feet.
We could soak our feet and freeze them if we really need to walk in an area that has hostile terrain.
What if they were clawed human feet?
Won't make sense for digitigrade without paws or for claws without paws.

We're gonna be going barefoot from now on.
Are they even gonna recognize us?

Also, are we ever gonna have a moment to look in the mirror and realize that with the Crytten evolved, we can never return to our human form again?

And then realize we don't even remember what we looked like before all the grafts, and not really care?
That would be pretty useless.
They still wouldn't be human feet based on how the foot layout works.
Thanks, anon is a best. Inspite of your pleb tastes

So from what i can tell our Seel graft is slowly getting absorbed into our two other Grafts right? Due to lack of use?
You're grasping at straws

God idea, be sure to bring it up if the situation arises.
We couldn't return to human form after remoraid evolved.
This'll just add a third element to the whole identity crisis.
Do you... not get what the difference between digitigrade and plantigrade is?

Like digitigrade literally means "walks on toes".
>So from what i can tell our Seel graft is slowly getting absorbed into our two other Grafts right? Due to lack of use?
No, we've been using Icy Wind rather heavily. We just didn't use the horn as a weapon, so that's receded.
Isn't our horn how we use Icy Wind, and some other ice moves, though? Does that capability transfer to other parts?
I think the horn just got specialized towards ice use instead of ramming, anon.
No, it's just the last to evolve so due to the combines it's going to be more integrated with the others.

We actually use our ice the most and our horn is a major source of ice powers.
This is correct.

It's situated at the temples, specialized for Cryokinesis.
The horn just became 2 horns and turned into the orange stuff designed for cryokinesis.

Our Icy Wind just got a powerboost.
Well here is the thing. We rely heavily on our Octillery water bladders to shot water so they are gradually going to replace the Water half of Seel. The Crytten tree is going to win out against the significantly lower BST Seel's ice half so its also going to be absorbed.
I really don't understand what you're not grasping here.

The reverse knee is pretty much our human heel, only moved up our leg a lot.

Damn you for making me search for a visual example of what I'm talking about.
Make a quick and dirty mspaint drawing of the horn shape?
Friendly reminder that we never really stop using rest and hydrate.
+2 to Ice moves now or what?

Also, delicious warm hugs is now an option again.

are Ceru's nipples forever erect?
my biggest problem with this is it probably looks way stupider than the horn.
Anon, aside from our horn, our other seel parts are our blubber and webbed hands + feet. That and our ability to freeze wounds. There's not MUCH to "fade" away at all. Our horns splitting to specialize in cryokinesis is pretty much the limit.
Well yeah, but that was mostly internal.
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Apparently it looks like hairpins or something.
Wait, does that mean we'll get a bonus for ice moves from both our freezer array and seel horn?
Someone posted this for visual reference. I don't think Ceru's horns are as stubby, but it probably holds her hair back a bit.
I disagree.

One horn in the middle of the forehead is pretty obtrusive and silly.
so how long is the intermission?
>“I have boobs!” You shout out, startling the mess out of Kurojo.
Cup size?
The best way to keep her hair out of her face.

That really cool and a cute as hell thing that a 12 year old girl would use her monster horns for.
I'm not sure if that works, since for the Barioth, those horns are meant to emulate cat ears.

Also, I hope we don't lose those.
B masterrace.

Mid C is fine too.
It's close enough, but don't take it to be the exact same thing. Ours are probably longer and less stubby. Just think hairpins.
A is superior but B is ok too.
ITT: Foot fetishists being faggy.
It's you again. Stirring up shit for no reason.
I was just worried that we were going to look really stupid and disgusting with a human foot, but then I was educated that 'digitigrade' includes the foot, not just the leg.
I'm curious as to what happened with Marine.

I wonder if it was just her mudkip evolving or if the wortortle evolved too. If she has blastoise cannons now, then we can both be gunner!
He was here last thread too, just ignore him.

By now I'm convinced he's one of those qtg Anons who have taken a unnatural hate of Dran and is just here to troll.
He wartortle had already evolved.

I am curious to see how they've interacted though.
No, her squirtle already evolved into wartortle. The wartortle has yet to evolve into blastoise.
meant squirtle.

There's no way she's Blastoise already.
I'm pretty sure she'll become a Blastoise at around the same time our Seel graft finally evolves.
We're actually pretty far ahead of her experiencewise.

Probably a bit after, unless we're about to and we both take down a serious monster together.
After someone mentioned that it happened around the Rocket timeskip, I took the liberty of finding evidence of it
>Misa's tearing it up in the water, a bit too aggressive at Bruise's comment, you see that she's sparring with your old friend, Marine, who's since sprouted a fluffy red tail. and a harder shell.
So yeah, she's got a SHINY Wartortle. It's Mudkip evolving.
Yeah one of the key parts of digitigrade is that you no longer really have a foot in a meaningful sense, just becomes one of your leg joints.
We've got a year of Rocket training and our first mission ahead of her. She took a second dip in the Viridian Woods, though, which got her into the Rockets.
It's not a shiny. Prof said a while ago that there are alt color schemes that aren't shinies and aren't even rares.

Besides, shiny squirtle/wartortle aren't even red. They're a different shade of greenish blue, kinda like seafoam.
so is the thread done or are we continuing after a break?
Kurojo lies in a third bed, his feathers redder than usual as he stares up at the ceiling. Bloody little bundles of cloth jammed up into his nostrils to prevent further blood loss, he's taking sips of air through his beak now and then.

Marine finally stops laughing. “Oh geez... I wish I could've seen it!”

“I saw my ancestors.” Kurojo says, utterly deadpan,”And beyond them a valley of lilies.”

“Jojo...” You grumble, only now realizing what you did. You flex your toes, ended now by cat-like paws. A flex and amber claws extend from the tips.

Marine's body too has changed extensively. Her skin has turned a lighter shade of blue, and her shell armor's extended in plates down her spine. Her chest is still covered by her hard shell, forbidding her from the glory of such womanly assets. Her arms though don't look all that different, maybe a bit bulkier but not by much.

Her head fin's shortened and little orange whiskers sprout just below her ears, complementing her already red-orange hair.

As for her tail, it's split into two fluffy things like cotton candy with a dark fin swirling around the outside.
Her stomach's turned orange, but only just below where her red shell ends.

Her evolution wasn't nearly as drastic.

“Ceru... I'm never going to be able to smother a Khakori with my chest!” Marine taps her shelled chest pitifully, with a teasing look on her face, a stuck out tongue.



“Then you need to call me White!”

Marine laughs and you end up joining her, Jojo only closes his eyes.
and how long is said break?
So which one?
And then she becomes double Mega. Then Goldie becomes Mega. As does Devon. And Lilac. And Mabel.

And then we feel bad.
I don't post in QTG. I hear it has anime waifufaggotry, moefaggotry and general faggotry though.
I'm sure Prof will give Barioth a mega
We've got FLYING waiting for us anyway.
its mostly shittalking and sperging
I...i think i just pissed myself a little..all those BSTs...oh gods
Then go, be at home with your fellow faggots.
Water rocked propelled flying. Like Iron Man, except with wings too.
It's good when it's good and bad when it's bad. And there are people who refuse to look at any good.
You realize that that isn't a way of drawing various legs, but is a guide for making fursuits right?

That's what "foaming" means, and why you see a human leg fit neatly in all the variants, even though a digitigrade leg is likely a lot slimmer, and is why I didn't want to search for digitigrade.

But wow, yeah. Considering mega evolutions are going to be a "double-edged sword" here, that sounds like it could hurt Marine a lot.
So it's /vg/ in thread form?
You can still smother them in your shell!
Also, no! Never!
Where was that said?

Also, I wonder if it's possible to find wild Mega pokemon. Or if Mega Stones are things that need to be researched by people.
Anyone have a link to a multigen pokemon fuser?

All I can find is gen 1 and i wanted to try Wartortle + Swampert.
Well, when mega evolutions were mentioned last thread...
>Horns split into curled temple-horns
time to redo my image. Can I assume that the Dewgong evolution will reverse a bit of curling and lengthen the horns?
They never curved, just became like the Barioth horns as seen in >>32745999
Given the blubber sort of redistributed itself I was under the impression it evolved alongside the Crytten stuff; it just didn't have as much to change.
Honestly, I was more excited to see what our companions would look like when they evolve. I think it's because we've all already extensively discussed what Ceru would look like upon evolving, so aside from the few surprises like the horn split and amber claws on her toes (and the digitigrade legs for some), it's not much of a surprise.
Not curled
Considering Dewgong's appearance, I'd imagine it would generally make us as sleek and elegent looking as possible.
I don't think that's a safe assumption. We never used the horns for stabbing things, they're just cryokinetic nodes.

So they're specializing for cryokinesis. The chance to use them as stabby things is gone.
No, Prof said they're not curled. They're still straight, just angled backwards instead of forward.
I said mostly, not all.

Just the other day, an anon there made an Ebook for Hellborn Quest and took what little I had in the google doc for HMQ (just the first 3 threads) and made that into pdf.

Faggots are everywhere, doesn't mean I'm going to let paranoid autists like>>32746452 or shit stirrers like>>32746390 ruin fun for me because some day someone that doesn't suck might show up.

Gotta take the good with the bad
imagine>>32745999 but longer
I just want to take this moment to say I vote for still going by Ceru[lean] among our friends.
huh, that actually synchs quite well with Barioth horns.

It might turn a bit whiter, but the Dewgong evolution won't really change much?
Hold out marine, you might not even have to settle for smothering a khakori, you might have a boy from our home!

No offense jojo.
We're already pretty elegant and graceful.

We're gonna be Fucking Elegant with a capital E and Graceful with a capital G.
That's nice anon but there's no vote and nobody cares
yeah, I like it best.
It'll unlock Sheer Cold.
Which friends are you thinking about specifically?

Devon is already evolved, Bruise/Goldie/Sanna's evolution is pretty much "same thing, but bigger", Mabel might be interesting, seeing the shift from sheep to... thing.
All of them, actually. I just wanna see how Prof chooses to portray those changes.
So any ideas on how Froslass will interact with us?

Flesh hoodie?
Let's horde SP until we unlock sheer cold.

It costs 46SP to take something from 0 to 10. We're a quarter of the way there already.
I wanna see if Aqua get's anything new.
Ugh, no please. That's gross.
“Excuse me.” You hear an unfamiliar voice speak in Raguna common, a tall and robed Khakori bearing tusks stepping in through a veil of beads into the resting room. He pays some mind to other hunters recovering from their wounds, brilliant green feathers complimented by flowing gold silks.
“I am here to send for the outlanders.” The Kahkori's words purr and pull with an almost interested, yet detached allure. It is very strange to hear... “I hear that they are... recently recovered?”

“Excuse me.” You hear an unfamiliar voice speak in Raguna common, a tall and robed Khakori bearing tusks stepping in through a veil of beads into the resting room. He pays some mind to other hunters recovering from their wounds, brilliant green feathers complimented by flowing gold silks.
“I am here to send for the outlanders.” The Kahkori's words purr and pull with an almost interested, yet detached allure. It is very strange to hear... “I hear that they are... recently recovered?”

Gold-colored eyes flick over the two of you, scrutinizing Marine especially, she shuts an open mouth and looks away. Kurojo sighs aloud.

“Representative of the emperor, Governer-General Hao Ashkura wishes to see the two of you.” The Kahkori bows in a wholly dignified manner, “I am called Yasake, this humble servant of the emperor begs that you comply wth his master's wishes.” As the bird rises, you can feel Kurojo's aura churn with a mix of apprehension and fear. You can feel it too.

This “humble servant's” posture is wholy composed and like moving artwork... He is not one to be trifled with.

>[] Your response?
Is it wrong that I'm hoping we get that cute little black nose?
>Sheer Cold.
>implying we will ever have time in the middle of combat for lock on buffs.
helmet I guess

I remember a drawfriend posted something about it ages ago..
Bow back, comply, ask if our friend Jojo can accompany us.
I don't imagine a Staryu gem would change us much if at all. Just give us a gem at the center of our collarbone/neck. Which would make us even more elegant and beautiful as fuck. But i have no idea how the Snorunt to Froslass will work.
When and where?

We may need time to get washed up/dressed/the scars looked over.
Doesn't he have a Staryu? That's not evolving any time soon, no point to it.

Damn useless Water/Psychic typing.

Can't even learn psychic moves.
"Like right now?"

Consult the master hunter about this.
Well, let's be polite. Ask where and when we should go, and if Kurojo could come with.

He is not the representative of our Emperor!


>Can't even learn psychic moves.
Yeah it can.
Icicles will encircle/encrust the horns.

Skin hoodie, with the diamond opening

Hangon, Froslass' skin hoodie is connected to its arms!?

I'll post it as soon as I figure out how to make Rocket-issued Boots for cat legs
Gather our shit and go with him.
>[x] my response
Bow back, ask him where to find the Governor-General, and if we can follow him.
Tell him we're members of the guild, though.
Can't really get it, though. We only got the horn, blubber, and webbing. The fur was a side-effect, but not an actual part of the grafts (like Goldie's fur was).
I also realize that I accidentally posted the first part twice... Shucks.
He got a chinchou
Meh, don't bother with the boots imo
But we don't have any Snorunt implants.

How are we going to get Snorunt implants, when we haven't seen a Snorunt and we're pretty far outside of the dome?
>I'll post it as soon as I figure out how to make Rocket-issued Boots for cat legs
Strap-ons. Laces.
We'll be going barefoot so we can use our claws.

please leave
I'm pretty sure we no longer have a human nose though do we?

Like I could see that as an alternative to Barioth's nostril slits.

Also cute.

Something for the future.
Uh, hello?
I've never talked to a governor emperor general guy.

We will go to hoenn eventually. Eventually. For the spooky ghost powers.
He did?

It's been a while so I forgot.
That's dumb

This isn't one piece with completely ridiculous "quirks" that are annoying as fuck.
It's internal, if I recall right.
>Hao Ashkura
That was mostly a joke post but thank you for sharing your opinion/the stick up your ass.
I hope not. As feline as the rest of our face is, to the point of having a differently shaped jaw, having a human nose would just be silly.
yeah that doesn't really bode well, does it?
Care to explain?
Well...it would depend on whether this is before or after he becomes SHAMAN KING. Or distant past Hao.
>Imperial officials are xenophobic and potentialy murderous.
>A society that has conquered its neighbors for their own "benevolence".
Do NOT tell them ANYTHING about the Dome.
This is gonna be so much work for Prof Character sheet.

And he's probably gonna have to update everyone entries once we get back tot he dome.
Well, I suppose this is why Prof had as evolve right now. It makes us look so much more like a Smolder; now the only difference between us is our color and our ice power.
the only thing I remember about Shaman King (from the 4kids dub) is that guy with the Pomapdour and and the POV character was shorter than my dick. And I think one of them had ice powers and a snowboard.
Have you even been following the threads?

They already know about the dome.
“Now? Like, right now?” You accidently offer your own tongue to the servant, and he seems unperturbed as he responds...

“I may give you a few moments to prepare. I will warn you that you will be screened before entering the Governer's hall.”

“Oh, well that's nice. What should we- Oh, I don't really have anything to wear.” Marine frowns, clutching her blanket closer to herself.

“Oh? Is that so?” The Servant's eyes seem to smile, as he offers another little bow,”Then I am obliged to ask that you don silks and tresses before appearing before the honorable Governer-General, Hao Ashkurah.”

You're a little taken aback, but you look to Marine. She seems a little surprised, and you're a little surprised.

>[But why are you surprised?]
But don't lie either.

Remember what we were told last thread.

Actually fuck that, can someone just copy and paste the relevant details?
Prof doesn't update character sheets. Ever.

It's been anons doing it for him for the last several big things in all of his quests.

The problem now is that we don't know exactly what the changes are to a good enough degree to make the paste for him.
They know we are from a "city behind glass", the only ones with more info is the Vi-Smokhan.
We're surprised because he seems to have a complete grasp of our language already?
Why don't we have any clothes?
Also, where the hell are we going to get silks?
We haven't worn silk in ages

this better not be a booty call... another smut idea
>INB5 psychic types. AGAIN.
What the fuck is a tresses and why do they want a ranger wearing them?
Why would we be surprised?

Because the Kahkori we first met didn't really seem to wear clothes?

Because they're just giving us nice things to wear? Not sure what the deal is.

>>32747354 this is a good point

Ask to bring Kurojo.
Ask Kurojo what the different formal attires symbolize.

If we get a Starmie gem on our forehead, can we fire Psybeam from there?

>Don't tell them about Akabaron's plan to have a ship built.
>Do tell them about Akabaron if need be. There's not much worry there.
>Do not lie, they will see through it.
>They themselves may still tell half-truths.
>Do not trust the Tuskless.
>However, he has deep contempt for ordinary humans and is extremely ruthless towards his opponents. Though he has gathered a number of loyal followers, he actually trusts very few people, expressing his inner thoughts only occasionally to his teammates Opacho and Luchist Lasso. Out of hatred for humanity, he espouses the belief that the destruction of humanity will allow the planet and other animals that humans abused to be saved. Because of his overwhelming power, he has allowed people to worship him as god and appears to have developed a superiority complex, regarding all other beings as his inferiors, a belief made more dangerous by his ability to back up this claim.

Read Shaman King.
We don't have any clothes because all we have is what the Kahkori have made for us. Marine got some clothes made from grass stuff?

I thought the Kahkori went completely nude. Well, anyway, if he's suggesting clothes, then it's probably sold around the city.

And as for why we're surprised, maybe it's this
Dude, chill out.

We'll be fine. We can just do the same thing we did with akabaron and say we cant talk about it.

But there's no way we can say that we're a smolder. Neither can marine.
Oh, yeah that's the thing to be surprised about.

Even with their preturnatural gift of language, the Kahkori weren't fluid in speaking our tongue when they first heard it. They also had a speech impediment.
>Do not trust the Tuskless.
As if you haven't hammered it enough already with Kurojo's little history lesson on the tusked and tuskless.
Where does it say that?
So, uh, why was it necessary to add in ANOTHER series? Nothing against Shaman King, of course.
Context clues, anon.

He spoke to Marine, so that she can understand him.

He used words we have not taught any other Kahkori.
We accidentally spoke to them in our native tongue, and he was able to understand it perfectly and Marine was able to understand him, despite her not being linguistically gifted.
The tuskless are fucking Espers, calling it now.
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they're probably just really good at aura.
same thing
Wait, how can you "don" a tress?

Aren't tresses locks/braids of hair?

Does he want us to wear wigs?
Uhh, he's not.

He just named a character similar to a character from that show.

besides this guy is an envoy, not anybody important.
The thing to take away from here is that he ALREADY knew how to speak our language, and may have already known to associate it with us.
Kahkori, because of their Aura abilities, have an easy time grasping our language because of their Aura. So someone who's got a high level of Detect and intelligence would be able to easily get what we're saying. Aura is all about detecting and understanding intent.

What's shocking is this
He's using words Ceru has never used. Silks. Tresses. These are our words, but we've never spoken them.
No the Gov general IS named Hao Asakura, not this flunkie. IE he is VERY powerful and if profs naming conventions are correct we are fucked. ESPECIALLY if esper.
2. We're not the first outlanders to be here
Its fucking Dran! Of course its 1.
It could be both!
Because my esper senses are tingling.

Also, if these are espers, then fuck playing nice. Kill them all.
Dude, just type out "one"

This isn't facebook.
If it was 2 in any way the "cities behind glass" would not be myth and tall tales. That we had t o show off powerful tech to dispel.
If he's confirmed Esper we just start shooting, agreed?
No we go Rocket Mode and become invincible.
Uh...isn't the obvious thing to glean from this is that...the HIGH Kahkori already knew our language from the beginning?

Because they were all human once?

And they just hoarded and preserved the knowledge for themselves?

It'd explain why they look down on the tusked Kahkori. They're more monstrous looking because of their tusks.
Evil mode first, then go for the headshot
man what?
>Evil mode
I wonder how our recent evolution changed our evil mode. More vicious now?
Yes, but people are panicking again.
We can't get a starmie without death.

But i was thinking getting the staryu gem right below or on the middle of out collarbone, right where a necklace would rest. Would be really beautiful, and visible while out of the way.
Fuck espers
We're going to die if we do that.
I ship CeruXGoldie too
>Implying we wouldnt horribly murder Sabrina if we could do so without upsetting Goldie.
>not MarinexCeru
Maximum pleb
Attacking an official would not help us in the least, no matter what they are.

It is far more likely they are just powerful aura users, which is much more manageable.
>>Implying we wouldnt horribly murder Sabrina if we could do so

Also prep the Psybeam
ceruXgoldie is one of my favorites.

Yeah, let's not go nuts on attacking powerful local officials.
>Implying they are not some crazy Psy/Fight typing so we are 10000% fucked.
Your eyes widen as you realize what just happened... This Kahkori just spoke with Marine. Marine understood him, and he understood her.

Why does he know your language? Why does he already know language from the dome?

Yasake tilts his head to the side, as if to lend his sympathy for your confusion, yet his eyes remain nearly shut even now, “Has this humble servant said something to offend?”

You shake your head,”No, no. You just surprised us is all...”

“Tell this humble servant when you are ready... We will dress you at Hao's hall.” He turns, leaving through the beads with a bow and a look back,” I will await you outside the entrance of the Guild Hall. Please do not tarry.”

With that, you feel like you can breath again with that creepy, yet powerful thing out of the room. Kurojo's the first to rise, blowing the cloths out of his nose.

“Jojo, why did he know our language?” You say to the bird with wide eyes, and he does not answer.

“White, we must get ready it would be bad to make him wait.”

“Jojo, what's going on?” Marine rebuffs, clutching her blanket closer even as Kurojo paces about the infirmary, the other patients idly paying him little mind. The smolders wouldn't understand too much. No, they'd have no clue what was going on, but they'd be listening.

And if Akabaron is anything like boss, he'll know.

As Kurojo makes for the communal chamber, the braided Smolderan comes through, plowing him out of the way with a snort as the bird continues on, not stopping for satisfaction.

The Smolderan walks over to your bed, and kneels down beside you, offering a whisper. “Akabaron is on route for Smelda. When it is time, tell his replacement that you are ready.”

“Replacement?” You begin to ask as he pulls away.
“Only so many Smolder are allowed off of our islands. Kahkori fear us. For good reason.” The Smolder leaves without another word, you don't even know his name...

>[] Get moderately presentable with Marine and go.
>[] Leave right away.
>[] Follow after the Smolder, you're not sure if you're ready for something like this.
>[] (other)
>Or mega-medicham, just for that extra YOUR FUCKED!
>[] Get moderately presentable with Marine and go.
Oh jeez.
Let's try to just be unassuming and not seem extremely interesting.
>[x] Get moderately presentable with Marine and go.

the guy sounds like king shit of fuck mountain around these parts, better dress to impress. And Momma raised a presentable young lady, not a slob!
>[] Get moderately presentable with Marine and go.
There's not much else we can do. If even Kurojo doesn't know why the tuskless know our language, I don't think any Smolder would too.
So are Smolders Dark types or something? Why would espers need to fear them?

>[] Get moderately presentable with Marine and go.
Lets just get THIS round of mindrape over with.
Smolders aren't Evil types, apparently; Prof shared this in a QTG and it was mentioned again by an anon in the threads.
Akabaron heavily implied that the only reason they lost their war is that they lacked naval power.
>>[] Get moderately presentable with Marine and go.
we should have at least some of our outfit left
Is this false, then?
They are not evil types.
Really they probably just got starved into submission.

They aren't Dark type, though I imagine they can psuedo dark like we can.

Also the capthca bullshit shit abck
>>[] Get moderately presentable with Marine and go.
>>[] Get moderately presentable with Marine and go.
They can go psuedo evil like we can right?

I'd be kinda surprised if they couldn't. Also one of the reasons that the Kahkori could stand up to them is that they could defend from the dark type moves that the smolder would fall into.
>I imagine they can psuedo dark like we can.
Yes because our terrible countermeasure of psudo dark has worked SO WELL in the past.
Well, they were already starving; they had nowhere to get supplies from since they destroyed their home.

Unrelated question to what's happening now; Akabaron was at the previous port we were at because he was an important Smolder and guild master, right? Even though Smolders shouldn't be allowed there since they could hunt tropius?
It actually has
>Use Psuedo-dark against the Hypno. Gets raped anyway. Uhh yeah no.
Yes, it's still strange that he was allowed there.But he wasn't the one that shot down the Tropius, it was Yellow.
Oh, I know, I was just talking about how he got permission to travel there.
It kept us from getting instagibbed

Same with the fishmen

We beat Alexis
We rolled like shit in that thread
So yellow was probs his son/successor and we murdered him infront of his eyes. We are so going to fucking die.
Hypno was meant to be fought 4v1.
The fishmen werent espers, the Gardevoir still read us like a fucking book anyways before the Tentacruel.
We roll like shit EVERY thread.
We tried to 1v1 a Boss Monster meant for 4v1

Don't blame our powers.
It wasn't a Gardevoir.

The problem is the instant mindreading. Which has been repeatedly stated to be a problem.
>Implying an IMPERIAL official isnt in the exact same fucking tier.
Are you even following this quest?

Are you even following this quest?
Akabaron made it clear:

For the Smolderan, it's one less mouth to feed.
Which our psuedo evil stops

Probably not, not even an esper either. Ni'Aras was an Experienced Drowzee who was level 50+
>Murders his own son in front of him.
>One less mouth to feed.

...why are we trusting these guys again?
>Which our psuedo evil stops
It doesn't. It never had. Prof kept trying to defend it until he promised not to have instant mindreadings anymore.
Because we have no one else
Never said that it was his son.

They have to have harsh rules like that because their predicament demands it of them.
Because we're not retarded.

And because you're the only one assuming Yellow was his kid.
Pseudo evil doesnt stop shit. Espers are Gen 1 level of total horseshit in this quest. Even a newborn esper is fucking mid-boss tier.
So Yellow was his daughter!
Not his son.

And do you not understand Warrior Culture?

Dead is Dead, Revenge is pointless, the strong survive, etc etc.

Just because someones morals don't fall in line with your won doesn't mean they're automatically satan, you just gotta take the time to understand them.
Guys like you always need other people to explain every nuance in the story to them. It's like you've never bothered to read a story before, attended a class on literature, or actually even attempt to understand basic psychology.
It stopped it when we fought Ni'Aras

And it would have with the Dagons if we had actually used it.
Well it is summer
It didn't with Ni'aras. And it didn't with the leader of the amphibean monsters.
It's a year-round problem. always at least one person who spergs over tiny details to and beyond the author straight up telling them they are wrong.
Were you even there?

It allowed us to actually fight him without us instantly mind controlling us. We just lost the fight and he knocked us out and them mind controlled us.

And people chose to talk instead of go evil mode with the dagoons
This isn't even that, it's just fucking stupidity.
No. He read our minds automatically.

Did you even read the conversation?

>And people chose to talk instead of go evil mode with the dagoons
And you're clearly an idiot. Even Prof even admitted that wasn't what we were doing, despite how much he fucked up there.
Wow i need sleep
You and Marine get on her peasant grass skirt and you, your armor, for what it's worth. You get the feeling that something is missing, but it just feels good to be back in some kind of clothing, even if you're going to be wearing something else when you get to the Governer's hall.

Marine pats down her body, frowning a little bit and flexing, “Feels a little... tight, doesn't it?”

You know the feeling. You had to shirk your left armguard due to your spikes interfering, and the plate over your chest feels a bit tight, but it's not entirely too bad... Hurts to breath just a little though... you may want to get it adjusted.

Looking down at your arms, you clench your fists and examine the dark spikes. They're actually really pretty the way they stand out against your white coat. Testing out your legs by walking, you find that it's a bit weird. Now you walk on your toes, and you can feel much more of a bounce in your step, your legs are stronger and so are your tendons to match. They're still a little sore though...

You rendezvous with Kurojo in the commons as he's grooming his feathers down, he gives you a quick look, and you feel how nervous he is. “Hao Ashkurah is a tuskless.” He says once you and Marine draw close.
“If we insult him, we may lose our lives. Marine should stay quiet.”

And now you can feel his fear,”Jojo...” You frown, and look to Marine, who's made to look back at you.

“Is he okay?” She whispers.

“We need to be careful now... Umm.. Imagine like we're meeting the president of Silph Co. Or Miss Cornelia Seraphis.”

Marine's silent for a moment. “Hey, Ceru. Why don't we have two names? This Governer General guy has two names. I bet the emperor guy has two names. Seraphis has two names, and I've heard of other Silph with two names... Isn't that weird?”

You give Marine a wide-eyed look, not sure exactly yet what she's on about...
You are dumb.

That is the whole point of the psuedo evil mode. That they cannot read our mind while we are in it.
We need to get them to cut holes for our spikes in the arm guard.
One name is how it's done in our home town.
(unless we have a secret last name)
Then let's make them!

We shall be White Cerulean

She shall be Ultramarine (whatever she chooses)

Ultra Marine.
Why not Ultra Ultramarine
Even Sabrina and Giovanni have only one name.

It's probably a case where the government has two names because they think they're better than the ones who only live and die doing 'lower work'. Though Giovanni still totally porked Ms. Seraphis, heh.
but i like Cerulean White as a name
"It's a rich person thing, don't worry about it."
Did he actually?

Or was that just from a fic?

I'm getting them mixed up.
It's because the ones with two names have a familial dynasty, their father was a bigshot and so was his father and so on and so forth.

Say what you will about Giovanni and Sabrina as people, but they're entirely self-made.
Wasn't there something about her coming out of his office all flustered?
It was when we went to visit him after the Hypno case. Cerulean was surprised to see Ms. Seraphis walk out, noting that she was adjusting her blouse as she left.
What about Janine and the Koga line?
Koga is the name of the leader.
From: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/30002131/

>After about ten minutes, a woman slips out of Boss's office looking an awful lot like Ms Seraphis, buttoning up her top. She's in such a rush that she barely notices you, or at least prefers not to.

>She smells like boss, she must like him a lot.
Huh so maybe Janine isnt his biological daughter as opposed to hand pick successor. Neat.
No, she's not. She's his biological grand daughter. Her parents, both rangers, are dead and Koga can't really have another child on account of all his implants screwing with his body.
Ha ha, she had sex with either a Ditto-Man or secretly Mewtwo.
Just like REAL rich corporatists, sacrifice the people beneath you in order to maintain good relations.
Additionally, the importance in family lineage relates to M-virus count (from the mother) and, hypothetically, skills/moves (from the father). The higher the M-virus count, the more easily a person adapts to a graft and the more powerful they become. Which is why Koga wants Janine to continue the family lineage. And why Giovanni had such high hopes for Ceru (Elite 4 mother), Goldie (Gym Leader mother), and Bruise (mutant mother). And also why he wanted to get Lilac into the Rockets (she had a lot of potential as a child, apparently, and living in the Spire for most of her life has just increased her M-virus count over time).
So is Giovanni planning a coup against the Silph State? That would be awesome as all fuck. Especially if we get to murder Sabrina during it.

Get ready...
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“Are- are you ready, eh, White? Ultramarine?” Kurojo speaks in your tongue for Marine's benefit, and you nod.

“Yeah... As ready as we can be, I guess...”

Yasake seems to have very real delight to see the three of you, walking your little party to a wagon drawn by a pair of Ferrines. A driver sits at the fore of the carriage, a little rod in hand that holds on odd little plant that actually smells... pretty good.

Yasake gives you the royal treatment, opening the door and helping you up and into a rather luxurious interior. Some kind of pink fur lines the seat that's just absolutely amazing to touch.

After you're all in, Yasake takes a seat himself, his presence putting an undeniable weight of apprehension to the atmosphere, making the three of you nervous.

Marine's the one to break the ice, “So, why don't you have a last name, Yasake?” It must still be bugging her...

The humble servant's eyes and aura smile at once,” Ultramarine, was it? A humble Servant of the honorable Governer-General has no need for a second name. One is well enough to be addressed by. The rest of my name is told by my place of origin...”

“So, what's the second part of your name?” Marine asks, ruthlessly questioning the overly polite Kahkori.

“This humble servant's name is Yasake of Port City Raguna. Does this suffice, Lady Ultramarine?”

“I guess... Uh.” She scratches at her flare-like hair. “ Do you like kissing the General-Governer's butt, or do you just act like it?”

Your jaw drops, and Jojo suffers a second premature death, his feathers nigh-going white. Marine though? She seems entirely thoughtless to the exchange, babbling on out of fear and perhaps some odd respect than anything else.
Oh fucking BOY here we go!!!!!!!

My body isnt reggie.
I don't want to prof.
Use the lube.
Be gentle.
Marine nooo
So he's basically like us. Marine and Cerulean of Cerulean Quarter.
WELP, there goes the everything. Thanks Marine.
Oh god Marine cannot into political maneuvering via talk.

Actually she cannot into subtlety either.

Or a bunch of other things.
>Well my -players- aren't going to fuck this up with how much I've told them, so I can just make someone else ruin everything for them.
>ooooh, I can even force them to choose between going on the run and executing their best friend!

Bravo Ygg
Ok so the espers are going to read HER mind like an open book. Well...fuck. Looks like we might as well just tell them everything down to our shoe size.
I hope the servant is blue collar and vulgar as Marine...
They aren't espers

We're so fucking boned.
We just gotta tell Marine to stfu and sit quietly in a corner. Preferably with earplugs in.
One of the strategies Akabaron gave us was to make them really angry so that they couldn't focus enough to read our intentions.

Think good cop-bad cop. We'll be the good "reasonable" person the Governer guy can speak to while Marine is the bad "insulting" person who gets them riled up.
Uhh the tuskless one probably are.
Just apologize for marine.
They talk like that where she's from.
Basically, our job might be to act polite and keep the tuskless Kahkori and his people polite too while letting Marine run her mouth and irritate them in the inside.
Let's not, that's a last ditch effort.
Fuckin a Dran this was a BRILLIANT piece of work.
No, they aren't.
You have no evidence to think so.
Nothing at all supports that they are espers.
I also have no evidence NOT to think so. Past encounters have proven that if we dont think like this we will either:
B)Be mind controlled instantly.
Dran pls

No more building up suspense

I want to know if we're screwed and how much if so
Past encounters have proven that Prof has been retarded with his use of espers. Past encounters have also led to people complaining to him and him promising to tone it down. Twice.
>I also have no evidence NOT to think so.
Now you're sounding like a jesusfag

Just leave this site forever.
eh... on reflection, it's more likely her trying >>32748844 this without telling anyone, which still seems like a "you're doing too well, so have some trouble" move, but not one entirely unavoidable.

people assume they are because espers are the worst possible thing we could run into, and the tuskless have been built up enough that it's assumed they will be so
case in point: >>32748911
>people assume they are because espers are the worst possible thing we could run into, and the tuskless have been built up enough that it's assumed they will be so
That's not evidence. That's not any indication of anything at all.
You're new here, it's obvious, we've been able to pick you out from Anon throughout the entire thread.

Please, just lurk moar.
“Indeed, I do enjoy kissing wherever he may tell me. Though my most honorable Governer-General Hao's rump would be a less tolerable area.” Yasake pauses for a moment, his eyes gleaming as they open slightly to Marine, “This humble servant may be so inclined to advise General-Governer Hao of your interest in his hindquarters.”

“I... Uh...” Marine stumbles. Kurojo's shaking his head and you just close your eyes, hoping she stops.

“Is he cute?”

“Only the most beautiful of men could be of relation to the emperor. 'Cute' would be most undeserving of Governer-General Hao's radiance. Shall I advise your interest to become a consort?”

Marine... Please... Please don't say anything else. “But why would kissing his rump be less tolerable if he's so radiant?”

“Because this humble servant is unworthy of such majesty.”

“So how am I?”

“That is for the emperor to decide.”

“So you do like kissing his butt.”

“More than anything.”

“I'd like to see a butt nice enough to kiss...”

“ I'll advise Lady Ultramarine's interest.”Yasake relaxes into his seat.

You content yourself with touching the luxurious fur that lines your seat. Just pretend that you don't know her. Pretend that this didn't happen...

“Lady White, What is your favorite color of dress? I shall have to tell the dressers what to present you.” Yasake translates from his weird conversation with marine to you, pretending like that entire debacle hadn't even occurred.

“Um. Cerulean... Or some other blue like water.” You answer with a nod.

“No sleeves, and space for your tail, yes? We can do that. Sir Jojo?”

“Blue. Like the sea.” He replies in Raguna common.” Kurojo answers in turn, still not making eye contact with Marine.
>eh... on reflection, it's more likely her trying >>32748844(You) this without telling anyone, which still seems like a "you're doing too well, so have some trouble" move, but not one entirely unavoidable.
Nope. That's completely unintentional. Marine is genuinely confused. She doesn't have Detect, remember? Ceru does, so she knows that Marine wasn't planning to be rude.

So much the better, then, since that just means the Kahkori won't be able to read that.
but >>32748911

Isn't evidence, it's just some dumb fuck being retarded.
“Rear-enthusiast Lady Ultramarine, might I suggest something that shows off your masculine curves?”

You're about to say something when Marine goes and blurts out, “Okay! It'll make me look pretty, right?”

“You will be the most handsome lady ever to attend mine lord's audience.”

One of your claws trembles out of sheer disbelief of what's going on between the two of them. You really want to say something, but you get the feeling that the ice is all too broken between the two of them...
Shh anon hes too busy harvesting the tears.
Dude we have come away worse from like half, if not MORE than that, of our esper encounters. Procedure dictates we go full fucking shadowruns on ANY suspected esper at this point.
noooooo marine, noooo
>Yasake translates from his weird conversation with marine to you
You meant to say transition, right?

>One of your claws trembles out of sheer disbelief of what's going on between the two of them. You really want to say something, but you get the feeling that the ice is all too broken between the two of them...
Looks like this Yasuke guy is pretty friendly, all things considered.
Reasonable, but still not telling them shit.
It isn't evidence, but it's enough to get people paranoid of Dran's writing, which in turn causes -this-
>but still not telling them shit.
Uh, yeah. That's the point. It'll make it easier for us to not tell them stuff.
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Jesus Christ, Marine.
Marine, what ware you doing, marine.... just... marine.....
What that's german word? when you feel shame on behalf of someone else?
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>“Rear-enthusiast Lady Ultramarine,
for a guy that could wreck our shit I'm liking his style
Whatever it is, it pretty much defines Marine's character now.
>“Rear-enthusiast Lady Ultramarine, might I suggest something that shows off your masculine curves?”
Marine confirmed for lady-bara, if such a thing can exist.
We could probably take him 3v1
>Rear-enthusiast Lady Ultramarine
You did that on purpose, right.

Since Ceru's got a bust now, ULTRA-Marine is the only one who can have a small chest and big "rear".

You sicko. You click so well with my interests.
Well this is going to end horribly. We havent even met the guy and we have already commited MASSIVE social faux pas.

>IMB5 this is a great honor/compliment amongst their society and he loves Marine all the more for it.
Marine has gone full Hot-Rod.

Why, Dran? Why...
Okay, I know half the thread is busy shadowrunning and freaking out, but I have been laughing my ass of through this entire conversation. Good show, Prof.
you must all remember that it's CERULEAN who is built for face-duties.

Marine's our minimum-cha street samurai.
Im the only guy whose shadowrunning and my sides have long since left me.
We're gonna have a cute butt.

Marine is gonna have a Black ASS
I'm more just saying nooooooo myself.
This entire thing. I can't stop picturing Yasake as a birdman version of the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket shouting "DO YOU KISS BUTTS, MARINE?"
>“That is for the emperor to decide.”
Should be
>“That is for the Governer-General to decide.”
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I wonder if the the Governer-General will try to fuck us and or Marine

THEN we open fire
>Distracting him with sex MIGHT just prevent the esper from killing us.
I encourage Marines behavior, she is CLEARLY a genius.
Not an esper
Negative Quality : Uncouth
so am I the only one who find the though of Ceru tucking her hair behind her new horns adorable?
But dear anonymous, Ceru has begun to blossom. It is no longer pedophilia, but hebephilia.
How else do you think she afforded enought STR and body to flip giant crocs?
>implying everything she does isn't equally adorable
Is it too late to stop the utter SNAFU? If so i say we just roll with it.
Theoretical Mega evolutions for us: Banette, Kangaskhan (might wait until we're older..) and Blasstoise.

Also, Sableye, Gyarados and Absol as options depending on whether Dark counts as a separate type AoPH. I can't remember.

Also, Abomasnow is the ONLY ice-typing with a Mega.
The going idea is to use Marine's casual blather to help us distract the tuskless Kahkori.

Evil is counted in the 2 type limit. Normal and Flying are okay.
It's fine. Mostly.

She's just doing her pewter thing. Somehow making friends.
Well, Yasake seems like a very Butler-like character. Even his name sounds Buter-like. So I guess that's why they get along so well.
We aren't getting any of those
The wagon eventually stops, and you get out to see the Ferrines that pulled you all this way, as small as the pair are, now curled up and sleeping with the little vine clutched tightly in their paws. Strong little guys...

The way to the Governer's Hall is paved with with cut stone, while the building itself appears refined from carefully selected monster bones cut and formed into a uniform structure. As you walk up the steps, Yasake explains the composition, “We have received well the craft of the Araraki in the molding of bones into alternate shapes. With their secrets, we have created a building of bone that will last for a thousand years, or even more come rain, storm, or tsunami.”

A look back at the ocean from this hillside manner tells you that this place should be at least risk from even the greatest of waves... But a monster from the sea, like the rumored Gyarados...

“In fact, we only have to fear the wrath of Arceus smiting this great estate from our maps. And we would welcome it should our lord deem us filth.” Yasake's voice changes little to not at all, though Kurojo flinches at the mention of filth, looking down with some modicum of guilt.

You wrap your hand around his and smile when he looks at you. He squeezes it a little tighter and lets some of his tension drain out.

You pass by a pair of Kahkori guards at the gate, wearing nothing more than short-cut robes that show off their prodigious chests, chiseled out from nigh-endless training. Cuts at their hips alowing for more freedom of movement.

As you pass by the two, you shiver as you experience several visions of your own death in a split second.

They'd take you out on one movement, not a counterattack. Is this a Kahkori trained for killing another... person?
You're led threw halls furnished by rug, windows garnished by tapestries that shine through with the sun, casting their shimmering artwork throughout entire hallways.

“Right this way, sirs and ladies. We shall dress you for audience.” Yasake leads you down the hall. Guards posted at choke-points make you experience stifling deaths all over again.

“Lady Cerulean, this way.” Yasake directs you into a room, held open on your behalf.

After you enter, you can hear him take Marine and Jojo down the hall,” And this way you two...”

A Kahkori girl, is hard at work, sewing something so rapidly that her needle-work is a blur. She barely pauses upon your entry, and she stops for only a split moment to eye your presence as you walk over, the work resuming as soon as her eyes are back on her sewing.

She chirps and seems to complain in native Kahkori, a language that's still quite beyond your grasp.

“What may this humble servant do you you, Lady Smolodhan?” She strains the last part, shaking her head.

>[] “A blue dress...”
>[] “I'm not a Smolder-”
>[] “What's your name?”
>[] (Other)
>>[] “What's your name?”
>[] “What's your name?”
>[] “A blue dress...”
Make small talk while she fits us. Compliment her on being able to sew so quickly too.
>>[] “A blue dress...”
>>[] “I'm not a Smolder-”

"A blue dress would be lovely, and I'm not a smoler actually."
>>[] “A blue dress...”
>>[] “I'm not a Smolder-”
>>[] “What's your name?”
Pointless ans probalby impossible to catch

Pointless since it's only charatceristic is being motherly. Also has shit speed which we are not.

Slow and has shell that would interfere with our speed. Plus Marine already has one and we already have our guns. Kinda superfluous.

Humanoid. I pray to god we never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever meet them.

Hah, you're funny

Would sync well if it weren't for the Dark

Grass and syncs shit.

All of these have been addressed in past threads.
The only reasonable grafts we've been able to come up with is Staryu for the regen and Froslass for Spooky Ghost powers.
>[] “A blue dress...”
>[] “I'm not a Smolder-”
>[] “What's your name?”

Friendship canons online sir!
>>[] “A blue dress...”
>>[] “I'm not a Smolder-”
>Also has shit speed which we are not.
Not like I'm disagreeing with you on not taking any of those points, but its shit speed wouldn't matter if we don't implant anything movement related from it.

We only get the typing + the characteristics of the parts we take. Like if a creature has 2 types, we could only take the parts relating to one typing.
I'd be up for a Goldeen/Seaking, mostly for the Lightning Rod ability (we're going to the Indigo Trials eventually right? We need an answer for Surge) but I can't really think of any other benefits the graft though...
The only parts that there are to take is the muscles
So don't take leg muscles, is what I'm saying. Nothing that relates to its movement.
Well we could put the horns on our knees and elbows.

But using it then would take some serious martial arts. Though the speedy cat form is the perfect from to use it.
But there's nothing to take that we would benefit from.

Better to go to a peweter or a veridian.
>>[] “A blue dress...”
>>[] “I'm not a Smolder-”
>>[] “What's your name?”
can't pick
Hide. Belly patch.
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>>[] “A blue dress...”
>>[] “I'm not a Smolder-”
>>[] “What's your name?”
full ceru friendship mode go
>As you pass by the two, you shiver as you experience several visions of your own death in a split second.
>They'd take you out on one movement, not a counterattack. Is this a Kahkori trained for killing another... person?
Ok, that doesn't sound like an aura thing right there. I didn't think they were espers before, but that is suspicious.
You just...you really need to read more if you didn't understand that scene at all.
And lose our fur?

>Belly patch
no real point to it and we would lose our fur as well.
The R/S remakes might introduce a new Ice mega.
I suggest you review the conversation since you're really confused.
That is obviously Aura.

That is like the basis of detect reading aura.
The point of the conversation was whether or not to taking a kangaskhan would benefit us.

I am saying it would not.
No. That was not the point at all. Re-read it.
He tried to make it about movement speed, but the very beginning was saying that it's pointless.
I really wanna see a dodrio Ranger.

Would be a great squad leader.

Add Fearow and it's Pecks are rapid fire and crazy deadly.

And it doesn't even have a type, could build into anything.
You... you DO realize what Kangaskhan's Mega Evolution does right?

And how that doesn't really translate to grafts?
I have wanted and will want beldum cyberarms.

When you get two, they evolve.
When you get two cyberlegs, they evolve again.
“A blue dress-” You start, yet the Kahkori woman's already hit a checkpoint in her twitch-like needlework, rising up and effectively ignoring anything else you have to say.
In the next moment, she comes back out, “Well, come this way, haven't got all day.”
You follow after, feeling slightly offended by her rude demeanor.

She snaps a finger before you,”Take it off.”

“I not be Smolder-” You begin to say in protest as the Kahkori woman assists you in the removal of your armor..

“Yes, and I don't have feathers sticking out of my head- oh wait-” She stops before you, even if only to specifically roll her eyes. “And if you try to eat me, burn my silks, or otherwise offend me, I'll scream for the guards and they can flay your hide.”

You swallow and stiffen up at the mention of the guards as she begins to take quick measurements of your bared flesh.

What the heck is with this Kahkori?

“Don't think anything nasty either, makes the silk look bad.” She says quickly as she finishes her measurements, retreating into a wardrobe, returning with a few dresses and holding them up to your chest, her eyes flicking to you, and your overall colors.
“White smolder, amber-orange, and blacks. Your eyes are blue, but blue would look bad on you, are you crazy?”

“What ye mean? Be me fav'rit color!” You say, and the Kahkori visibly cringes.

“Stop talking, you're wearing something gold, black maybe? Black would look fantastic on you, definitely your color.

You frown, remembering your dream, “Not black. Gold be fine.”

She pauses, seeming to sense your discomfort; doesn't reflect much in her words,” Hm, your loss, gold it is.”
Goldie can still get a second type iirc...
She puts the blues aside and returns with various golds, weighing their hues against each other as well as their accents of other colors.

“So, what be yer name?”

“Didn't I say to stop talking?” You picks one and gives you another look over.

A nod,”Yes, this'll work.” She throws a dress on you that's just a hue darker than normal gold. The silk feels fine against your fur, and there are no sleeves to bother your arm-spikes.

“Tail now...” you looks at your behind, your tail hanging low beneath the dress so as to not lift it up.

With a pair of scissors, she cuts a slit up the side, and then across, guiding your tail through the new hole. To top it off, she swiftly sews the horizontal slit shut, while stopping to debate on the merit of keeping the vertical one there.

“You Smolders don't care much about looking sexy, right?”

“Eh? Wha-”

“Are you looking to become a consort to Lord Hao?

>[] “Yes? I guess? What does that mean?”
>[] “No? What are you talking about?”
>[] (other)
>>[] “No? What are you talking about?”
>[] “No? What are you talking about?”
>[] “No? What are you talking about?”
P-p-please, ma'am. We're too young to be a consort.
>[x] “No? What are you talking about?”

wow its been awhile since we bumped into somebody who is a cunt through social interaction alone
Oh God, we the beautiful exotic foreigners.

He wants us as fuck slaves, it's so cliche.
>[] “No? What are you talking about?”
>I WOULD like to look...sexy, though...
With a blush, Prof. With a BLUSH.

She dislikes Smolder.

If his hand comes anywhere near our nono place we freeze it off.
Yeah, might as well say that we'd like to good just for the sake of it.

You need to wrap up quick, Prof. Page 10 already and we're going down quick. Just try to get us to a fitting point to end at as quickly as you can.
>>[] “No? What are you talking about?”
and for the last time I. AM. NOT. A. SMOLDER.
It's only a nono place until you're screaming YESYES!
Oh my god, Prof.

I'd rather not, we don't want to become his consort
Can we manifest an icicle from our hand without shooting it, just as a way to demonstrate we're not a Smolder?
Now we understand how important the anti-rape goblin really was...we were a fool not to take it.
8th from the bottom now, Prof.
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time for the anti rape goblin Ygg
We can still get it


better a governor general than some random dirty pirate I suppose...
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someone's been re-reading the fanfics
>She doesn't like blue/orange contrast
Guess Kahkori movie posters played it out too.
Id rather the the random pirate
But the governor-general would have more pretty dresses for you to wear.
He's also probably a fat lecherous asshole slob.

Or at the very least a manipulative asshole.
What if he's hot?
Ceru is level headed enough to recognize assholeishness no matter it's form.
>Turns out to be a birdman Adonis.
Or an esper that likes to disguise himself as such.
What if he was hot and a manipulative asshole?

One wonders where the idea that rape fantasies are a popular fetish for women comes from.
Giovanni disagrees.
the internet?

does the Guv Gen. have wifi?
Giovanni isn't an asshole.
Don't overhype how awful this guy is.
He just gets consorts in occasionally, I guess
Giovanni is NOT an asshole.

He has never done a single assholeish thing in his life.

At least not to or in front of Ceru.
A map WOULD be great to stare at for a bit.

No but Boss is a perfect example of Ceru NOT maintaining a level head due to Charisma.
Well, yeah. If you're in a position of power, you GOTTA get some bitches.

He's probably racist and classist, though, from what we know of the tuskless.
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good boy. have a biscuit
And yet she has dissociative identity disorder. Hm,
Bosses Charisma has to be at least 100
“Uh, no... What ye talk'n about?” You start off confused, yet then you think about it for a moment.
“I'd like t' look good though...”

The Kahkori shrugs,”Alright, leaving this side open.” She grabs you by the shoulder and takes you into another room, tweeting for some other girls to come out with scissors and brushes. You find yourself laying back with a hot towel over your face, and your hair soaking in a warm basin.

“Must be a hunter. They always come in looking looking so frumpy!”

“She's pretty lean for a Smolodhan though, isn't she?”

“Oh girl, that's how their females look, haven't you been reading your scrolls!”

“Tch, but they never leave the island.”

“You haven't met Nala? Akabaron's guard? She's allowed off of their burnt rocks because she's sterile!”

“No way, you mean she can't have chicks?”

“Not a one.”

“They say Lord Hao confirmed it himself.”

“No way, how scandalous!”

As the birdettte's talk, you feel your red hair snipped away and shortened, the burnt parts liberated, and what's left feeling silkier and fully then before as they dry off your head, holding up a hand-mirror to show you how you look. They left your bangs in tact, pushing your hair back over your horns. Your turn your head and see that the back's been shortened the most, no longer than a few inches in some layers.

A pair of the girls also hit your claws, sharpening and polishing them to the point that they shine, they even got your feet.

“Shouldn't we give her a bath?”

“You idiot, Smolodhans hate baths! She'll go psycho if we try.”

“I'm actually quite amic'ble wit' water...” You finally manage a word and a few of them gasp, looking sincerely surprised.
Akabaron too, I suppose. He really made quite the impression on him, such that when she started panicking, she thought to go see him for advice first.
Anon thats the brainwashing, we've been over this.
1000 at the LEAST.
That's the system and the dark steps necessary for humanity to survive.
>So low
Stop fucking insulting our glorious Rocket Leader, you bitch. Get out of here!

>“Oh girl, that's how their females look, haven't you been reading your scrolls!”
Smolder females don't even have breasts. That should have been a BIG HAH giveaway that we're not a Smolder.
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Nothing wrong with having a bath.

It's been a while since we were in anything but the ocean/swamp
>Smolder females don't even have breasts. That should have been a BIG HAH giveaway that we're not a Smolder.
Implying court bitches/gossips aint retarded.
Reiterate that we are literally the inverse of a smolder by freezing some water.
All I heard that entire post was "potato potato potato potato, nala, potato potato, bath"
>“You haven't met Nala? Akabaron's guard? She's allowed off of their burnt rocks because she's sterile!”
>“No way, you mean she can't have chicks?”
>“Not a one.”
>“They say Lord Hao confirmed it himself.”
I got confused for a moment before remembering that inter-breeding was possible (Heyyyyy Bruise).
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>“Oh girl, that's how their females look, haven't you been reading your scrolls!”
>“They say Lord Hao confirmed it himself.”
You know, this Lord Hao guy may actually be a pretty nice guy. I mean, for someone who takes up consorts. The races stick to their own, but he seems rather willing to, uh, mix with a Smolder.

That or he's some sort of depraved deviant. In which case, he's so much like us.
I'm not sure it would be possible between two humanoids.
Huh? They're still presumably humans, just heavily mutated. Why wouldn't they be able to breed with each other when we have two other examples of mixed breed children?
I prefer the term Lithe.
>these are the kind of bitches that read magazines and then try to stick they're finger in your ass because the magazine told them to

No wonder the Guv outsources his bitches
An' I aint a smolder either!
Both in the Dome and outside, Cosmopolitan still haunts us everywhere.

Which, I guess, is why I can't really hate these girls. They remind me a little of Sanna.

I miss Sanna.
Hope she made it through the mission.
Cause It makes sense for a base human to breed with a humanoid because a human is basically the ancestor tot he humanoid.

But two separate humanoids is like two separate paths down the evolution trees mating.

For example we could probably mate with the common ancestor that we have with monkeys, but we cannot mate with monkeys. Get it?
6th from the bottom.
They should at least ask first.

She was on the boat running support.
OK NEW PLAN! These bitches are literally retarded. PUMP THEM FOR INFO ABOUT EVERYTHING!

1) The court and its factions.
2) The demeanor of Lord Hao
3) Any recent gossip that we think may be useful.
4) The names and statuses of any powerful factions within the Court of Lord Hao.
5) See if they hear any military news. Might be useful.
6) Add your own info in here.

This is LITERALLY a GOLDMINE OF INFO. We cannot miss this.
Given the conversation, there seem to have been cases where a Kahkori and Smolder bred.
I hope that boat didn't sink.
Stop being stupid and start thinking pokemon.

If they were once human, then they were in the human-like egg group and can breed.

So not only can all four of these hunter races interbreed, but so can most Fighting and Psychic types and the horrifying cactus people.

But not Gardevoir. It is important that you remember that no part of the Ralts family is in the human-like egg group.
Gonna need confirmation cause I serioulsy doubt it.

He probably just confirmed that her vag was torn up or some shit.

Or just asked her for a straight up answer and did the whole lie detector thing
>They should at least ask first.
It's not a surprise finger if it's not done by surprise.

Uh, yeah. She's fine. Prof mentioned Sanna's been made Lilac's temporary handler for now. Probably because of her prior experience as one and since she hanged out with us that one time.
Good idea.

We can't get a word in edgewise.

And seriously quit it with the caps, not only does it make your posts easy as hell to pick out from everyone elses, it makes you sound dumb as hell.
I get the feeling that Gardevoir will look very sexually attractive to better lure their prey in...
I seriously doubt that humanoids can mate with eachother.

Gonna need confirmation.
stop trying to pick people out by verbal ticks, I do caps sometimes too.
I think he's talking about how it makes his posts blare out?
We have Bruce and the one half-breed son of that Hypno.
That should just make him easier to ignore.

its a predator a sexual predator
It also makes him sound over enthusiastic/desperate

and annoying.
>Implying we cant use the shock of how different we are to get them to pay attention to us, thus beginning the info pumping.
Srsly they will love to gossip about the crazy Not-Smolder that has shown up at court, thus we tell them meaningless things about ourselves in exchange for VITAL information. Thus establishing an info pump.

He is being butthurt at my shadowruns. Im not even giving a fuck this is far too fun. I love it when Dran gives us intrigue threads like this.
He's calling the mutant tribes 'humanoids'.
Both of which are humanoids mating with humans.

But still no humanoid on humanoid.
Oh my god. It's this guy. You really lack any sense of social decorum, you know. That's why some people get pissed off at you. You're kinda really obnoxious.

Read up, buddy. And come back when you know what you are talking about.

Dude srsly i dont care. Im having this thing called fun. You should try it sometime.
I'm not the same guy, anon.
That'll also make him want us more by making us seem exotic and rare.
4th from the bottom Prof...
No, you don't understand. He's saying that you sound like one of those obnoxious, wannabe frat boys on the internet. It's the way you type and speak. And your overall demeanor. You're just really awkward and it's painful to look at.
Also neither is Blaziken.

No hot chicken for you.
Neither of those have anything to do with what i am talking about.

You cannot apply traditional pokemon logic to a situation like this.

We need to seek more in game knowledge before assuming things.
Ooookay, you're really angling hard on this, anon. I mean. It's fine to have a fetish for this set-up, buuuut...
Everybody shut up.
The important thing is right now is bath time.
It just happens to be the most optimal form for fighting.
Have you tried not looking at it? Maybe ignoring inconsequential bullshit you don't care for?
It's got a lot to do with what you're talking about, yes. Especially since Prof brought it up too when we were discussing what could be bred with one another. Crazy rape stuff discussion.
What? This whole quest runs on Pokemon logic, what do you think Pokescience is?
New thread time?

Well then same to you. Im having fun.

>wannabe frat boy.
Ummm what?
Yes you can. You literally can. M-Virus justifies this bullshit.
Just throwing out possibilities
Uh, poke-science.
“You mean that you don't like yourself?”

“Or douse your fur in ash and sand?”

You shake your head,”No...”

The chuckle and gasp,”How weird, what a weird Smolodhan.”

“Must be because she's a pirate or something.”

They really aren't listening to you... But hey, at least they make you feel pampered.

After an impromptu bath with the other giggling and condescending Kahkori tending to you now as much out of curiosity as duty, you find yourself impeccably cleaned, with polished nails, slight makeup upon your eyes, a dress that accentuates your budding bust, and hair that's set into luxurious curls in the back.

Another look in the handmirror and you see an entirely different, beautiful person. You could almost cry. You're not quite the fat chubby little girl anymore that you were around two years ago.

You look prettier than Sanna, heck, you could probably give Kitty a run for her money. You smile, and your ivory teeth sparkle.

“Ladies, she might give us a run for our money...” The first one chuckles as she examines her work.

“Lord Hao will find her absolutely ravishing!”

One gasps, “Oh, was that the intent?”

“Umm, can I go now?” You laugh nervously before the ladies.

“Oh, uh, yes, you can leave. Shoo, shoo now. Don't keep Lord Hao waiting.”

You leave the wardrobe, walking carefully so as not to mess up the gifted dress. It's only after leaving that you realize that you'll have to return to retrieve your armor. Oh well...

You rendezvous with Marine and Kurojo, the two of them wearing formal silks that nearly complement one another. Kurojo wears a sapphire blue, and Marine a Ruby red. Marine's has no sleeves, while Jojo's is missing one from his right arm.

The two of them bear a white trim with golden buttons. Marine seems a bit miffed about her outfit.

“They dressed me like a boy Ceru...”

“What's wrong with that?”

“I wanted to be pretty like you Ceru! They dressed me like a boy!”
>“You mean that you don't like yourself?”
What? Did you mess up here?
Just saying M-Virus or Pokescience isn't enough. Give evidence that actually applies to the situation.

And i see nothing mentioned about human pokemon crossbreeds in the wiki so it has no pertinence to this situation.
>Kurojo wears a sapphire blue, and Marine a Ruby red.

and we're not wearing emerald green tsk tsk

2nd from the bottom
probably 'lick'
I assume he meant lick.
Since that's what cats do?
>“They dressed me like a boy Ceru...”
Shouldn't have annoyed the butler, Ultra-Marine.
>Opportunity missed.
Dammit im really sad now. Oh well i guess we have to go in under-prepared.

>“I wanted to be pretty like you Ceru! They dressed me like a boy!”
Uhh Marine thats ENTIRELY your fault you know.
Kurojo clears his throat as one of the guards down the hall takes notice, Yasake comes right up through a door,”Pardon, I have alerted Lord Hao that you are ready to stand in his presence.” The humble servant bows, “Right this way.”

The three of you follow him past the same guards, and back to the entrance, heading from there, straight inside and up more elaborately carved stairs with ivory twisted into a surreal railing that twists around itself.

The four of you come before a grand pair of doors, opened by doormen at Yasake's nod, letting out the pungent odor of thick incenses and other exotic spices.

“My Lord Hao, I bring the guests you have summoned for.” Yasake bows, and stands to the side.

“The new hunter, White. The new hunter, Ultramarine. And the New Hunter Jojo of Kakarkiko.”

The three of you enter as your names are called, the doors closing behind you with a hard slam. With guards at either side of his throne, and a veil obscuring his form, you find yourself unable to make direct eye contact, yet you can feel his awareness of you tickle through every fiber of your being, causing you to experience a sudden shudder.

Lord Hao stands, rising from his throne beyond the shade and slowly turning his head to regard Yasake.

From his shadow, you see an absence of tusks... He speaks with his voice resounding throughout the room. “So, these are the two that come from a city of glass... We formally welcome you to our empire of islands... Welcome friends, and beauties, we have much to discuss.”

>[End thread]
Oh no, marine. That's awful.

I'll, uh, let you wear my dress once we're out?
Well, uh, hello.
Good that you know about all that glass stuff. yes. sure. totally.
thanks for running

you getting alpha sapphire or omega ruby?
Thanks for running
>Welcome friends, and beauties
Y-y-you flatterer!

So if all goes well, we'll totally ask Kurojo what he thinks of the dress, right?
Well he is CERTAINLY well informed if nothing else.
>So, these are the two that come from a city of glass...
I can't remember if he's supposed to know that or not.
Are humanoid on humanoid crossbreeds possible?

like a half Smolder half Kakori?
Uh. We already told the Kahkori captain about it. And Akabaron back at the guild hall.

And that they know our language is probably a remnant from a time from the Domes, so they'd connect it.
Nope, we ask Marine how it looks and got let her try it on too.
That's what we have told everyone else in the city, that WASN'T Vi-Smokhan, so for now we're good.
Crossbreeds? Who the fuck was talking about Crossbreeds?

I just said they could fuck and have children, not that the children would be some fusion of their parents.

THAT part I agree is unique to humans.
Yes. Let marine wear it later.