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After a nice dinner with family and friends, Eldric goes back home and to his everyday life.


The very last thing you remember is not the terrible dread as the airplane went down. Some sort of engine trouble? you really couldn't care less as the view changed from the surface of the clouds into a spiral of doom while your plane approached the ground.

Funny how time seems to slow down, and the mind fixates on the oddest things at times like those.

The very last thing you remember is your lucky dice flying off your pocket in the middle of all the spinning and bouncing around, and how it got stuck on someone's mashed potato meal against the window.

It was a 20. A natural 20.

As expected of your lucky dice.
Let me know when you guys arrive and we'll start

And we are go.

Poor yin. She must be feeling stressed and happy meting the imperial sisters in an informal setting.
To bad I gotta go to work now.
im ready for the fun
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take care and drive safe

You guys want the chess golem to be more sturdy looking or more artsy looking? maybe a steampunk-like look with lots of cogs? since Eldric0s a former fa/t g/uy, I imagine he wouldnt be against even a star wars-like look
Sturdy-looking, and have it look like HK-47.
but he doesn't looks very sturdy, I think
like HK-47

i just want it to call people meatbags and have dark humor.
Lithe-looking, and like HK-47. Gotta capture that assassin look.
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Well, engraving the heart core with the personality was very delicate and long work, but crafting the body was, in some senses, much longer.

To begin with, we want it to be able to play chess, so it needs hands with quite the bit of dexterity.

If it was just going to hold a sword, it would be fine if all it could do was open and close the fingers, but for delicate work, you need to craft every joint with care, and give the wrist as wide as possible an arc of movement.

Well, the legs just need to be solid and sturdy. It could even have wheels or crab legs for what we need it to do, but let's go with humanoid legs to make it seem more natural.

All in all, it looks like the arms will take the longest by far.

While we are working on it, Athena insiste on sitting on our lap and helping, so we let her play with the blueprints we discarded and make "improvements" on them as much as she wants.

She "improves" them a kitty and a puppy girl, and a house, and a smiling sun.

Well, its fine, its not stuff we'll use anyway.

Come think of it, she knows how to read and write thanks to mom's teaching, but she's been deemed too small to go to the university...

There's no regularized schooling in this world, right? It's fine for Athena because everyone at home can teach her things, but perhaps we should propose schools for regular people?

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Anyway, it feels odd how the Burning Ember will need a couple of weeks to arrive to the empire, but we can come and go in moments.

"Eldric, look, look! Its better now!" -says Athena as she holds an old blueprint she colored inside of.

(Uhmm... does she wants it to be red? I guess it'll be fastah? *sigh* nobody will get that joke here)

"Oh, you sure did." -we take Athena by the hand and go get some refreshments downstairs in celebration.

Stella and Zoe are peacefully napping on the couch. Lyann has gone out to the market district, so its just Athena, moms and us at home right now.

As we are thinking that, one of the honey faeries flies in, attracted by the scent of lemonade, thus we end up having an impromptu tea party with her.

As Athena goes out after it, we go back to our desk and restart work on the left arm. It sure feels like a nice, peaceful day.


The jungle was quiet, but not tranquil. It was the silence that comes from terror, as animals and monsters alike could tell something was terribly wrong.

A vaguely humanoid thing was moving with a grace that seemed completely out of place on its twisted shape.

Its legs were lean and strong, but its body from the waist up looked as if it was not only sick, but as if it had been dead for several weeks already, bloated and covered with green pustules that seemed about to pop at any time.

It had the two normal arms one would expect, and two more growing from its shoulderblades. Long, skinny ones that despite looking frail and ridiculous, were pushing trees aside with ease as it moved.

Its head was the strangest thing about it. It ended at the lower jaw, or rather, there was nothing but a lower jaw.

Like a lamprey, it had a cavernous mouth that was like a open ring, with dozens of teeth pointing down towards its innards.

It had no ears or nose, but there was an eye, floating a few inches over the head, spinning constantly as it scanned in every direction.


Now we got some solid plot.

It had been moving for a while, but there was no evidence of its passing. The trees it pushed away simply bounced back into place as if nothing had happened, and even the trampled mud bounced back up once its feet moved on.

It did not even had a scent.

It had been chasing a group of villagers for a while.

After devastating their village, it went into the jungle after them, and had already dealt with all but the last of them.

It has saved the imperial magistrate for last.

Oh, how gallant it had been! the lionman had charged at the horror like a spear, the sword straight, aiming for the center of the body, fully intent on impaling all the way across and breaking its spine.

Since it did not seem to have a proper head, or something that could be called a neck, there was no way to know if and where its heart would be.

The sword sunk cleanly into the [ERROR] and came out the other side, but it was as if he had stabbed sand.

There was no blood, only a fine black dust pouring out from the cut, which suddenly reversed its flow in an impossible manner and "fell" back into the thing's body.

It did not even seem to mind. It simply finished eating the peasant child, pushing its feet into its mouth with two hands as if nothing had happened.

The magistrate gave it several masterful swordstrokes, slicing through its limbs and body, but any resistance was simply the child being cut.

All in all, perhaps it was a mercy.

Wounds did not close. They simply did not bleed. A deep cut from shoulder to belly, another from side to the back, even one from the stomach to the groin. They had no effect.

Once the child was gone from sight, the [ERROR] seemed to notice the peasants and the magistrate again, if only for a short while. It stretched one of the arms on its back in an impossible manner. It was clearly 7 or 9 times longer than usual, reaching as if it was made of rubber.

Once it caught a villager, it pulled it to its mouth and simply started shoving it in.


The lionman called for the villagers to flee. He sent them away, and planted itself before the creature, fully intending to buy as much time as he could for them.

He was a imperial magistrate, thus he was a extension of his empress' honor and righteousness. He could do no less.

Still, the [ERROR] simply reached forth, ignoring its blade, letting it pierce through its flesh so it could grab the lionman and throw him aside like a toy, throwing him several dozen feet into the village, then broke into a easy gait, its feet bouncing off the ground as it catched on to the villagers and, one by one, threw them into its gaping maw.

The magistrate had a broken arm, several shattered ribs, and one of his lungs had exploded. In a simple, casual throw, its HP has gone from 284 to 1. It had completely ignored its defenses, and simply done [max hp - 1] damage.

As the creature ran out of villagers, its eye looked back at the magistrate for the first time in a while.

He had to run. Someone had to warn the capital, alert the region's garrison, sound the alarm! This thing couldn't be allowed into a mayor city!

Thus, the lionman turned around and ran. It was not an act of cowardice. There was nothing left to defend here, nobody to die for, just a monster and the ghost of what just this morning had been a friendly village.

As the [ERROR]'s hand grabbed it by its broken arm, the magistrate cut it off and kept running. The arm would buy him a few moments, and its duty was clear.

Or so he hoped, but the thing seemed completely uninterested in the arm now, for some reason. It dropped it as it kept moving, and grabbed the magistrate by the neck. The last thing the loyal lionman saw was a gaping maw, and way too many teeth.

He stabbed on his way down. The blade's tip poking out of the thing's body a half dozen times, without bothering it on the least.

Having no remaining prey, the [ERROR] kept walking towards the nearest town.
Does anyone else want to continue SoL instead of powerleveling the fuck out of ourselves?
Or that just because we're able to one-man low-level raids that we're ready to take on endgame raid elites?
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The spacious room where Eldric and miss Yin sat to examine bills and receipts was nicely cool.

Outside, it was quite hot, and humid, but the inner palace had been built so that the buildings caught and created wind currents that blew through the complex in a nice, gentle manner, cooling off the inhabitants within their walls.

So far, it looked as if the fraud had been committed by the craftsmen guild together with some royal accountants appointed by the exiled. former Minister of the Left.

Could it be just a simple fraud?

"Miss Yin..."

>"I think we should tell the guards to round up these accountants." -pointing at the names on the table-
>"Can I scratch your ears? oh and I think we should tell the guards to round up these accountants." -pointing at the names on the table-
>"Can I scratch your ears? oh and I think we should tell the guards to round up these accountants." -pointing at the names on the table-
>"Can I scratch your ears? oh and I think we should tell the guards to round up these accountants." -pointing at the names on the table-
>>"Can I scratch your ears? oh and I think we should tell the guards to round up these accountants." -pointing at the names on the table-
because why not.
>"Can I scratch your ears? oh and I think we should tell the guards to round up these accountants." -pointing at the names on the table-
Wait, is us asking to scratch her ears a form of propositioning for sexual favors?
Is the quest turning into an episode of Mad Men?
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>Can I scratch your ears? oh and I think we should tell the guards to round up these accountants." -pointing at the names on the table-

Maybe I should change the quest name for ear scratching general


"w-W... certainly not!" -she sayd, blushing softly as she lifts the tips of all her tails and fluffs them up to look bigger as she tries to admonish Eldric.

Of course, she only looks all the more fluffy and caresseable to our fa/t g/uy main character's sense of aesthetics.

"But you left the princess do it"
"b-But that was the imperial princess!" -she says as she hurriedly steps out of the room to instruct the guards.


>Perhaps we went too far? let's apologize when she returns
>Perhaps we could invite Mako over? we can touch the fluffy tails while she pets the pointy ears
>Continue working dilligently
>>Perhaps we went too far? let's apologize when she returns
>Perhaps we went too far? let's apologize when she returns
>>Perhaps we could invite Mako over? we can touch the fluffy tails while she pets the pointy ears
call the police im guilty of not giving a fuck
>Perhaps we went too far? let's apologize when she returns
>continue working
Should we hire Beastmen guard staff from the Empire, or hire them from Albion, Eopolis, and Opal?
If we're getting Lionmen from here, we will need Xong to find and vet them for us.
>Perhaps we went too far? let's apologize when she returns
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>we will need Xong to find and vet them for us.

For some reason, it made me think of veterinarian

>let's apologize when she returns

>Perhaps we could invite Mako over?


"i.It is alright... t-this one knows you may have gotten a wrong impression the other night, duke, but this one just could not say no to the imperial princess..." -she says, trying to sweep it under the rug
*nods* "I understand. I am sorry, I am just so used to pampering my little sisters"
"Ah... they are quite adorable, and so smart for their age!" -she seems to cheer up immediately as she remembers Zoe and Stella

Well, now we want to pet Zoe and Stella. Well, maybe we could bring them a souvenir when we go back home.

"What do you think of this? simple fraud out of greed? Hopefully, the minister of the left did not had a secret base or something like that"
"Ah... this one believes that may be possible..."
"Indeed. This one hopes not, of course"

Well, it will take a while for the involved people to be rounded up, so for now, let's go home.

Let's ...
>Stop by and visit Mako before leaving
>Buy a souvenir for our sisters
>Stop at our manor and see if our butler has anything to report
>Stop by and visit Mako before leaving
>>Stop by and visit Mako before leaving
>Stop by and visit Mako before leaving
>Buy a souvenir for our sisters
>Stop at our manor and see if our butler has anything to report
I want to get started on that tropical manor, even if there's a demon out there eating entire villages.
We need to capture this thing so we can develop anti demon weapons.
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>Stop by and visit Mako before leaving

>>Buy a souvenir for our sisters
>>Stop at our manor and see if our butler has anything to report
>I want to get started on that tropical manor, even if there's a demon out there eating entire villages
Well sure. Its not as if we know that IC after all


We ask one of the lionmen guards to announce us, and as we go into the imperial family's quarters shortly after.

Mako and Ren are wearing simple, elegant white dresses as Ren educates Mako about courtly manners and protocol.

As Eldric walks in, Ren remains sitting, while Mako stands up to greet you politely.

Right, as duke, Eldric's "rank" is slightly higher than Mako, isn't it?

"Welcome, duke. Is this a social visit?" -asks Ren
"Yes your majesty"
"Ah, thank you for your visit"
"Thank you for your visit!" -says Mako with a smile

"Actually, you are here at a good time, duke" -says Ren- "Could you help our sister with some courtly lessons? we were just talking about the proper interaction with the opposite gender"
"If I can, I would be glad to be of any help"
"t-There's no need for that!" -says Mako with a bright blush

Well, now we really want to help.


I'm on to your game, Ren.

And I approve.
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"Then, please try greeting our sister and kissing her hand" -suggests Ren with a smile
"t-There's no need for such a thing!" -protests Mako sweetly
"Of course there is, this is quite the standard greeting"

Thus, we have fun picking Mako's hand and watching her blush softly, then kissing her and watching her go crimson red for a little bit.

"Ah, that was exemplary, could you keep doing that for a while?" -asks Ren with a smile behind her fan
"Anything for your highness"
"t-There's no need to!" -blurts Mako as she goes tense while being kissed in her sister's presence.

"Is there a problem?" -asks Ren
"It's embarrasing in public!" -cries Mako
"Oh? should we leave you two alone?"
"We should leave you alone" -Ren says matter of fact

Once everyone leaves the room, Mako looks at Eldric with equal parts embarrasment and annoyance.

"y-You are enjoying this!" -she accuses
"Of course I am, you are very kissable" -he says as he kisses his hand again

Then he stands up and gently leans down to kiss her lips.

"Oh, don't take too long, alright? we need our sister to ... uhmm... maybe you could take a while?" -says Ren after peeking into the room for a moment
"Yes your highness" -says Eldric
"e-Eeep!" -Mako blushes as Eldric kisses her again


SOME time later, we say goodbye to Mako and Ren, and leave in search of a souvenirs for our family.

>Let's invite Mako for dinner. That counts, right?
>Let's get not-chinese food for dinner. Everyone loves not-chinese
>Let's get not-chinese food for dinner. Everyone loves not-chinese
Can Dad and Ellie handle chopsticks? Mom seems like the type that could though.
>>Let's get not-chinese food for dinner. Everyone loves not-chinese
>>Let's get not-chinese food for dinner. Everyone loves not-chinese

i want to invite ren and mako again but i think that is a little too soon
>Let's get not-chinese food for dinner. Everyone loves not-chinese
Talk with Xong before we leave, to get things ready for the staff of the resort manor.
We will need to hire a team of builders and architects, and have enough Archdruid Honey Fairies to move them and materials to the resort island to build the manor.
>>Let's get not-chinese food for dinner. Everyone loves not-chinese
I was going to ask why were you staffing the mannor before building it, yes.

brb again. I need to check something
>why were you staffing the mannor before building it, yes.
Never too early to begin searching for good help. And it let's him out the new staff through a trial run at our manor in the capital.

But we need to do it via Treestriding; even rock-it ships are still too slow. We need to develop a fast courier version, or permanent teleportation gates.

>Permanent teleportation gates
Oh wait! There are the teleportation gates at the Lightbringer Keep!
I wonder if Okaba has figured them out so that we can build some for personal use yet.
>Let's get not-chinese food for dinner. Everyone loves not-chinese

btw, when does the new season of DxD starts? anyone knows when GATE: Thus the JSDF fought there starts?


Dinner is nice and fun, and afterwards we enjoy playing with Stella for a bit before bed. Our puppy sister really doesn't seems to have any wolf in her, does she?

The following days, we finally complete the left arm, and get news that the lionguards have apprehended those involved in the fraud.

As we expected, most of them were appointed by the exiled minister of the left. They don't seem to be as wealthy as their crime would make one think, however.

>They probably hid it somewhere, let the lions interrogate them.
>Try to follow their expenses and see where the money went by ourselves.

Please pick just one
>>Try to follow their expenses and see where the money went by ourselves.
>Try to follow their expenses and see where the money went by ourselves.

They likely got small payoffs to move the money elsewhere.
>Try to follow their expenses and see where the money went by ourselves.
>Try to follow their expenses and see where the money went by ourselves.
What about talking with Xong for the workers and staff of our resort manor?
Or even scouting out a site and buying it?
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>>Try to follow their expenses and see where the money went by ourselves.

>What about talking with Xong for the workers and staff of our resort manor?
We can do it off screen
>Or even scouting out a site and buying it?
Uhmm... want to build it on the jade islands, or just offshore from the heavenly empire?

Roll 1d100, and well keep the best of two rolls. We just need a 15+ since we have such good stats
Rolled 18 (1d100)

>What about talking with Xong for the workers and staff of our resort manor?
Not just that, we need some more staff in general. Some people to talk with all of our Xongs and Yins. Help us arrange staff for projects like the paper mills, schools, anything else we think of as well. We're spreading ourselves too thin.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

>Jade Islands or offshore
Which has the better weather?
How remote is each one?

We need more Honey Fairy Archdruids to be part of our staff so that they can stay in communication.
>Honey Fairy Archdruids to be part of our staff
That would be awesome. But we'd have to wait a while until they were trained.
About two or three days of running them through high-level dungeons. We need to powerlevel some more people that work for us so that we can set them to doing this kind of repetitive task.
I mean training in job skills. Like math, project management, budgeting etc.
Though now that I think about it, just getting them trained up to carry messages would be a big benefit.
>Which has the better weather?
Well, it depends on latitude? The jade islands are aaaaalmost in the ecuatorial line of this world, so they're tropical, while the empire goes from canada-like frozen lollipop to rain forest and jungle, so I guess it depends.

If you want tropical weather every day of the year, its better to build it on the jade islands, while the empire offers more variety.

>How remote is each one?
For us? a treestride away. For the general public, the jade islands are much more remote

Anyway, if I got it right, you guys want to hire people for miss Yin to supervise, and extra help for the manor to start picking the best for when the manor is ready, right?
>If you want tropical weather every day of the year
Yes please.

>hiring people
Yes to the manor hiring. For Yin, I'd like to ask her if she needs more staff, and approve if she does.

Otherwise, I think we need a secretary for us, to help us keep to our important duties and not get distracted with all the projects. Maybe Lyann or Elf princess whose name I can't remember? I'm terrible with names.
Also, some project managers. Someone we can hand off some blueprints and startup capital, and say "Here, make a paper mill in the empire. Hire everyone locally. Update the home office every week with this diary." And have them actually succeed.
Make our first resort in the Jade Islands, and later we can have one built offshore from the Empire. With the dungeondiving we do, we can easily afford it.

>Hire manor staff
Yes, have Xong get started on it.

>Hire more department staff
Talk with Yin about it. This is a government job, so we will need to make sure that our budget can handle it, and that requirements are properly laid out.
We could have Aritsu continue to be our secretary; she's good enough for it. Just have her pick someone from the Chess Club to take over most of the workload from there, so she can help us more.

As for hiring project managers, we'll need to handwave it and have it done in the background. Its a lot of work to find and hire project managers that are actually competent, and we have so many other things that are taking up the attention of the players.

Jafe islands of coarse. Who does not want a tropical vacation home to commute from in the winter.

Yes to hire staff. Maybe see if we can straight hire aritsu as our secretary. She already handles a lot of stuff.
I wouldn't mind an elf secretary at all.
psst . . . thats what Aritsu is.
On the other hand, we could hire a different elf to be our secretary. Choco-elf, maybe?
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>>If you want tropical weather every day of the year
>Yes please.

You only say that because you dont know what it is to live in summer 3/4 of the year, and in burning blistering hell 1/4 of the year.

No, seriously. Also, can you imagine our cutesy sisters and friends in swimsuits 24/7¡? it ... Im not making a good case am I?

As for Yin, our office doesnt sees THAT much work. It does sees important stuff, tho.

> to commute from in the winter.

That makes me wonder, maybe one in the mountains near sbastia for skying?
anyway, typing
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We work over the weekend with miss Yin to find out where the money went.

As it turns out, the fraud was more than just theft. It was used to fund a secret village in the south, where the former minister was getting ready to start his very own ninja village, with shadows loyal to him, rather than the imperial bloodline.

From what you get as you check documents and notes, however, the would be shadows were unaware of the illegitimacy of this prokect.

Should we dismantle the village and relocate its inhabitants, all skilled agents, across the military, or go ahead with it as the empire's very own Mi6?
I'm leaning towards the second. Though we should probably ask the empress.

Her empress secret service. H.E.S.S.

Tasked with generating reports that get fed directly to the empress.
Keep the village, with an Imperial Order that it's leadership work with the original Shadow leadership to collect intelligence together.
Keep them. We need to uncover the instigators of the kidnap Mako plot and ruin them. As well as keeping an eye out for any new plots.



"Duke, according to this, many young beastkin have been taken there for training" -says miss Yin
"Why beastkin?"
"Because they grow fast under the right conditions, I imagine. They can be trained, then replace the trainers, and in just under a year, they would never know they are not a legitimate group. They could be told they were a group thousands of years old or anything else their handlers wanted them to believe, I imagine"
*sigh* "How is that different from a breeding pit?"
"It's less rape based? I hope"

Eldric stares at the documents for a while, then decides to go to Ren with the suggestion of keeping them, but having them work together with the leaders of the shadows in order to secure the best treatment and training.

Ren seems interested on it, and since it is not the fault of the children involved, agrees to leave them as they are.

Do you want one specific race of beastkin to be trained as secret agents, or a grab bag of many races?

Also, sorry about being so brief today. You probably noticed im using very small posts, but I think I caught the flu or something, I feel awful. Sorry, again

Grab bag. After all spy types being linked to one race will cause them to lose cover easily.

Just like Zoe was treated, despite being a child and not related.
this right here>>38200882
Grab bag. Wants many pretty shadows.
Grab bag.
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I am somewhat saddened by no spy cat/fox girls.


We leave the village as is, but get it under the right administration. The accountants who committed fraud are sent as slaves into the village they built to serve the children they wanted to enslave, and Ren offers to reward us with additional land, should we wish for it.

This is a good chance to establish our manor somewhere nice, so we ask for a nice tropical island just a couple of hours off shore from the capital.

It also means that it won't cost a fortune to ship materials and workers to it.

That night, as we explain to mister Xong about our latest project, he is interested in knowing if we have a criteria for the new staff.

"Should they belong to any one race, or does such not matter?" -he asks
I was waiting for replies and didint notice the captcha had failed thus it didint got posted
it dose not matter so long as they are qualified.
Fluffy tails.
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I expected this.

Should I ask if males or females, or going full classical manor, so mostly female staff with the 1 butler?
full classical

Doesn't matter, but make sure that there's a nice selection of tails for us to fondle.

Half and half.
Should be more than just the 1 butler guy I think. Aren't they going to be fairly isolated in a paradise island, with only infrequent boat trips to the mainland?

I mean, I like the idea of a houseful of desperate hotties as much as the next guy, but in practice Eldric's dance card is very full already.
Don't forget that we want a dungeoneering team that will get supplies from the local wildlife as well as providing a party that the manor staff will party with for XP. They will use our powerleveling guide to make sure our staff is well leveled.

Also a security staff, since it's a remote manor and they may need to fend off wandering monsters.
Guys, sorry, but I feel terrible. Im gonna go lie down now. Hopefully I will be better in time for tomorrow. Even so, we still got a fair bit done today.

Had fun with Mako, found a secret ninja village, and stopped some thieves in the court. Also learnt about the [Error] in the jungle.

Ill see you tomorrow, sorry today I was so subpar.
Night our sweet king
sleep well and i hope you feel better.
Good night, King.

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