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So /tg/, you rolled up some kind of DA successor heavy sniper marines in a thread, that hunt for The Fallen within the Deathwatch. I find the idea interesting, so if anyone wants to fluff 'em more or anything, that'd be nice.

Previous thread: >>40406548
Tell me what makes them interesting. You have my attention.

I was in the thread and came up with the name and some very minor details about them, would love to see some more fluff around them. We need details on why the Chapters hero was a hero other than seriously pissing off some orks.
Neat, I'm the guy who rolled up the Splinter fleet they're fighting at the present. Want to see what else we come up with.
If they're heavy snipers, maybe their hero had the highest kills of them all? Or maybe he held out against a battalion's worth of Orks, holding his position until the cavalry arrived? I'm getting a good vibe from these guys. Killing sons of heretics from the best alien-killing organization ever, with weapons that are a cut above the standard SM. Man, I wish that Vietnam War SM Chapter had as much enthusiasm as these guys.
Okay, here goes.

Basically, they're a Dark Angels successor who rolled as a genetically flawed and divergent chapter, that has it out for a specific imperial institution and doesn't field assault marines. They're missing their Lyman's Ear and have a specific style of weapons they like to use. They got a bit of fluff about being a chapter that was created in order to hunt for the fallen hiding as blackshields within the deathwatch, or there under false heraldry. They use long range heavy snipers to make up for their lack of assault marines.

Their demeanor was rolled as See But Don't Be Seen, and their Combat Doctrine was rolled as Terror, so they're all about stealthy attacks with a psychological shock value.

Our unique orginisation means we also don't field assault marines at all and we work on terror tactics. Eliminating the targets with multiple sniper shots while at the same time using seemingly indiscriminate artillery to cover ourselves.
Oh and we have a hardon for the Lion I mean heaven-piercing giga drill level of hardon for him, meaning that we pretty much view all other Primarchs as worthless.
Hence why we're so suspicious of the deathwatch. most of those marines aren't the sons of the Lion.

Filth attracts more filth. Shadows within shadows as we say brothers.
The Dark Angels have been seconding Battle-Brothers to the service of the Deathwatch for millennia, and Watch Fortress Erioch has several of the Chapter's brethren occupying senior appointments, including the lost Watch Captain Ramiel. As one of the greatest of Adeptus Astartes Chapters, the Dark Angels have fought against every foe, and often bring huge reserves of experience and wisdom to the Deathwatch upon taking their Apocryphon Oath. In addition, Dark Angels are known for their resolute devotion to duty, undertaking the most arduous of missions with solemn dedication. It is also whispered that the Dark Angels are not always wholly altruistic in seconding Battle-Brothers to the Deathwatch, and it is undeniable that doing so greatly aids the Unforgiven's ongoing hunt for the Fallen. Most Deathwatch Kill-teams are made up of but a handful of Battle-Brothers, sent alone into the far reaches of the void to pursue objectives unknown to even the highest tiers of the Imperium's government. The net is cast wide, and several Fallen are believed to have been captured by the Inner Circle following reports passed on by a Dark Angel serving in the Deathwatch. Yet, the Dark Angels must observe the Apocryphon Oath or risk bringing dishonour to their Chapter and earning the wrath of the Deathwatch, and the Inquisition. Dark Angels often remain aloof from their Kill-team Battle-Brothers, yet in time, they learn that the Deathwatch has its own secrets, many every bit as damning as those kept by the Unforgiven.
Exactly. We're specialized and focused in that area of operation.

Even more reason not to trust the filth, forcing proud warriors of the Lion to interact with lower chapters. They use us for our skills and knowledge all the while forcing us to obey their oaths. Surely brothers we must remain suspicious of them in case they harbour the most heinous of foes, the Fallen.
Nah, I was meaning that he'd prevent them getting near the base, sort of like Simo Hayha.

So these guys are elite snipers that target important enemy personnel (lieutenants, generals, communication officers, etc.) without having their presence known? I like that. About the terror tactics, they just make jarring imagery to show to the enemy, or do they overrun weak parts of an army in a show of force, like the Night Lords?

I imagine that they use brutal tactics on weaker parts of the foe to spread fear. Such as mentioned mass artillery, maybe also using ammo or weaponry to inflict high number of casualties, maybe lots of maiming etc.

I also imagine that when they kill important targets if they can recover the body they do then leave it desecrated in areas where the lowly peons can find the corpse.
I don't like the artillery part, but it's okay. Anyone who lives are maimed right? What if they use shock-and-awe tactics? Marines sneak close, start shooting as fast as they can, using incendiaries to spread discord in confusion, then calling in artillery to drive the point home? Would make fights easier, as well as creeping the enemy the fuck out.
All I see is a chapter that won't have fun against nids since they don't feel fear. Though snipers could easily aim for synapse beasts. Not to mention all the artillery spam would work against massed nid swarms

Yup if they live they get maimed, the artillery is also partially to disguise the chapter and make the initial attack look the Imperial Guard as they favour armoured units and artillery strikes.


Its part the reason I suggested Artillery as it does have advantages against 'nids and Orks to a lesser extent.
Yeah. These guys are unorthodox as fuck. They could be like the snipers in Vietnam: sneak in enemy territory undetected, take out an important target, get out. These guys are basically stealthy Marines. I don't understand how that works.

You don't understand how what works?
They aren't as stealthy as say, the raptors. It's more like heavy long range sniping from carefully concealed positions.
+++Report upon the state of the Death's Shadows Chapter, proud Sons of the Lion+++

Composed by: Ezekiel, Master of the Librarium

Supreme Grandmaster,
I trust this scroll will reach your hands in a timely manner. Indeed, I know it will.

Joint operations with the Death's Shadows have revealed they have kept their practices unchanged since their Founding. Their resolution to prosecuting warfare in the Way of the Lion manifests itself at its utmost in the teachings of survival when surrounded by hostile elements, and as such they are a Chapter that makes use of extreme range weaponry, massed Whirlwind volleys and ground explosives in lieu of their genetic deficiency hampering their capacity for swift and decisive assault from the skies. A good number of their Battle Brothers choose to don scout armor if that will mean greater odds of navigating through the warzone undetected.

Their skirmish with the splinter hive fleet Basilisk proceeded thus: the Brothers positioned themselves along a wide ark, aiming at enveloping the oncoming foe. They begin their antagonism with a few stray shots of standard issue sniper rifles, leading on the enemy to the center of their formation, and towards a minefield. A simultaneous volley of Heavy Stalker Bolter obliterates the Tyranids' synapse creatures at once, swiftly followed by a heavy Whirlwind payload onto the center of their forces. Before the enemy's synapse network has time to reconfigure, their Chaplains lead a ground assault with bolter, flamer and chainsword from the extremity of their formation, cutting down the Xenos while their mind is in an animalistic state. This is not the sole stratagem utilized, but the key concepts of leading the enemy into overextending, destroying its command structure in a single blow and battering their troops with overwhelming force from unexpected angles before they have time to readjust are the core of their strategy.
No. Space Marines are well suited to being seen and seeing the enemy. The don't work alone, they work by a team. Stealthy Marines are weird, but pretty cool.

Not bad writing. Any advice on how to be a writefag?
Their Chaplaincy retains their original quirk: instead of the typical skull masks worn by others in their office, they distastefully insist in mimicking the Space Wolves' animal skulls, only preferring the shape of large felid bioforms rather than canines. Unlike other Interrogator Chaplains of our genetic heritage, they do not award black pearls upon succeeding in breaking down the stubborn insistence of the wretched Fallen; rather, they excise the bones of their hands and feet, and fashion them into a bone mane of sorts. Their Master of Sanctity, or at least the equivalent rank, possesses one such mane that is enviable indeed, if not for yet another aggravating quirk. To them, slaying the Fallen is as obtaining their repentance, and as such it is easy for them to fashion their apparels. Regardless, the morale damage to sentient creatures of such a device is undeniable, as is the unease of other Imperial forces and the antagonism it produces.
Consider going to an actual writethread for advice. In addition, to use snipers effectively in military operations, they will be in a team. The common image of a lone sniper is a myth. So teams of devestator snipers using long range heavy bolters from concealed positions while the tacticals act as spotters isn't too far fetched.
I imagine the hive mind using more lictors to try and root out snipers.
I guess I sorta like what you are going for with this, but howis it efficient AT ALL for an ENTIRE CHAPTER to shadow Deathwatch? I'm sorry, but that just doesn't make an iota of sense to me. If they sent lots of members to deathwatch to basically monitor it from the inside then ok that makes sense.

But an entire freaking chapter??? HOW???

Apart from that it seems cool.

This is pretty much spot on how I envisioned the Death's Shadows, although the only bit I think is out of place is the ground assault as they don't have any assault marines but the Marines would still be trained in CQC so makes sense.


Nice touch on the Chaplains, although it sort of suggest most of the chapter is in on the Fallen, but considering the Death's Shadows are trying to infiltrate the Deathwatch to check for Fallen maybe most of the chapter would be slightly more aware of their true goals rather than in normal DA chapters.
Dark angels are paranoid enough to do that.

Yeah they have a whole Chapter dedicated just to guarding one Planet which must at all times have at least a whole company there no matter what even if the High Lords of Terra bitch about it. Think they are called Angels of Vigilance
or something.


Aren't they just.
Their operations are designed/faked/manipulated to make their marines seem desirable to the Deathwatch, and sometimes groups of space marines are assigned to act in the general areas of operations that a kill-team has been assigned to. Provided of course, that they have access to that information, which they do not always have.

I assume that the assault was led by tacticals.
Yeah but thats a planet. Deathwatch operates primarily in kill teams. The mental images of an entire chapter going after a few chucklefucks in black armour paints a hilarious mental picture for me.
On the topic of Imperial relations: their sole external ally is the Adeptus Arbites, which would seem unlikely if not for our continued requests of mobilization to dispatch suspected Fallen activity in the Hiveworlds across the Imperium. For every dead end and false suspicion, there is a score of malcontents, heretics and infiltrators handled in a way reminiscent of the tactics employed by the Officio Assassinorum. The insistence of unsupported action is perceived as selfless heroism, an image we are all too keen on projecting, and which does much to assuage any concerns about exterminating large population centers when exposed to the Fallen.
How about to compensate for lack of assault marines, all their tacticals are equipped with an extra cc weapon, and they deliberately made all of the rhinos open- topped?

Just a thought. Might even be stealthy rhinos.

Keep in mind that the Imperium of man worships a crumbling corpse on a golden throne obeying all the ramblings his ghost shouts at them which are the equivalent of your racist grandpa in a drunken stupor. Plus its not the only thing they would be doing they would still be fighting over enemies and defending places, its just monitoring the Deathwatch is their main actual objective.
Yeah they might be like the Vigilance angels and just need at least one company watching the deathwatch.
There are a fuckton of kill teams, Anon. And it's not like they're sending the whole chapter after a single kill team.
Gotta say it.
"Who Watches the Deathwatch?"
The poster was mysteriously killed by a long range bol- ork sniper rifle.
Those who discover a Fallen infiltrator, survive and distinguish themselves sufficiently are seconded to the Deathwatch. According to the Death's Shadows dogma, they have followed in the footsteps of the Lion: as the Primarch in his early youth, they experienced vulnerability surrounded by evil and survived through fierce determination as scouts; as the Primarch as an initiate in the Order, they have felt the unease of an ambiguous identity between ranged and close combat warfare as tacticals; as the Primarch in their ascension to the Great Crusade, they have felt the thrill of destroying savage foes with overwhelming technological power; and finally they have felt the Primarch's betrayal in discovering one of his own had betrayed them and transformed that which should've been loyal into a heretical stronghold. The last step remains, eliminating those who hide the deepest, and weave the greatest lies so they may remain alive and unrepentant.

I end this report confirming that the Legion has at its disposal still a training system of capable infiltrators and Xenos hunters, more than able to prosecute our war on the Fallen within the Deathwatch raising minimal suspicion. Further reports may be forthcoming, assuming enemy activity does not demand my presence.

Your humble servant,
Ezekiel, Grand Master of the Librarium
So, yeah. If any artfags and 1d4fags want to contribute..
To attract the artfags and 1d4fags, you must fluff, Anon. Fluff and fluff until you can fluff no more.
Every century when the portents are right, the shadow hunt is called. Every company send forth a selected champion to the Death's Shadows home world of Perth (placeholder) to take part in the grand event. The Shadow Hunt is an occasion of much prestigious event for the chapter as it is a chance for each company to become one of the enlightened until the next Shadow Hunt. The enlightened travel all across the sector and galaxy 'assisting' the Deathwatch in any and all operations possible as well as whenever a sighting of the Fallen is confirmed to begin the hunt.
In the original thread, they were rolled up to have a standard amount that was less than a standard chapter
For the good of the shadows we need more fluff!
Patience is the hunter's virtue.
Seems like a good battlecry
In full HD, the exploits of the Chapter's heroic figure, Sagitta Polnoc


There, fluff.
My god, it's full of fluff.

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar. Have an internet.

Works pretty well, one that was come up with in the previous thread was 'shadows within shadows'
Shadows Within Shadows could be our battlecry, and Patience is the Hunter's Virtue could be our motto.
Has anyone figured out how their jungle-stan world works as they are buddy buddy with the Adeptus Arbites?

Seeing as these guys are always hungering for info that could lead them to potential fallen, maybe their homeworld (another anon said Perth, which sounds good to me) is a major hub, of sorts, for a major Arbites office that filters info from various parts of the sector.

Maybe Arbites are in control of the planet and rule it at the behest of the Death's Shadow either offering recruits from their own ranks or serving up potential recruits through the various criminal sorts they arrest.
I wrote down why they're buddies with the space cops in >>40424306
Let's... Not call it perth. Existing city names are unimaginative.
Ahh, didn't see that. Oh well now that I think about it the idea of them actually being buddies with the Arbites would be stepping into the Ice Wraith territory

Well shit, was not aware Perth was already a city name. Hmm how about Acenta?
Stop being lazy and post fluff people. I'm the only fluffbearer here or something.

I came up with small bit of fluff like the idea of the shadow hunt's etc, didn't write the story though or anything like that. I'm fine at doing small details and thats about it.
Hive fleet Basilisk guy here
I was thinking about writing the nid fight in more detail but I haven't writefaged before so don't have high hopes.

>"Brother-Captain, forgive me for asking, but why do we forego jump packs? Surely they would prove to be of great use to us."

>"You are new to the company, and so I will let your impertinence go unnoticed this once, Brother Varius. As for your question, the Chapter Master is afraid of heights, and so we do not use them for fear of offending our noble liege."

>We don't have Lyman's ear so no deep strikes either.
>The Dust Devils of Calira were particular fierce as was predicted and prayed for. Under the abrasive guise of sand and detrius the hulking forms of armored warriors trudged through the waste mere kilometers away from the objective site where they could rest and survey the lay of the land where the foul traitors were suspected to dwell

>Though their training and physiology would make them harden to all but the most dire of situations and calm in the midst of the worst storms on member of the hastily assembled Deathwatch group was particular anxious. Brother Norell, seconded from the Death's Shadow's 3rd Company took up the last man in the rank. though his chapter had lost the use of it's Layman's Ear his eyes were keen and his sense of surrounding preternaturally sharp and was quick to alert his fellow battle brothers of impending danger and to quell it.

>But for the moment his helmeted head was slightly bowed and his eyes trained on the next brother in front of him. A Black shield who went by the name of Gevek. Furtive and given to little conversation where he could avoid it, he was intense in battle as was expected but always seemed to try to obfuscate himself, even the way he fought but any son of lion could tell one of their own given time and his suspicion would have him firmly believe he was in the company of a Fallen

>"Are you certain of this?" He remembered the low commanding voice of the interrogator, masked in shadows, the mane of bones he wore gleamed ever so slightly in the dim light as his figured flickered on the pic castor

>"Indeed, his mannerisms and his techniques are familiar to me as that of the Lion's Get, I've sent several pic casts of him in action for verification."

>"Yes, and we have reviewed them in minute detail. I trust your judgement but the council must convine to make judgement. Continue your observation and await further orders.."
>Watch Captain Ramiel
From him our Pyskers learn to Scream Geometrically, right?

>The Harsh winds were perfect for an operation as noble as this. The Storm masking the descent of the Thunderhawk allowing it to unload it's payload of Ravenwing Bikes, revveing to life and taking off for their destined location.

>30 hours prior, the venerable brothers chosen for this hunt stand before a holo-map of Calira as Chaplan Ghairman presided over their briefing.

>"You have have passed the Rights and work towards the goal of cleansing our ranks, the time has come again to bring the Fallen to Justice."

>The wave of his armored gauntlet causes the holo-map to zoom in on the lifeless world of Calira with pict-symbols representing the last known location of the Death Watch Squad and their intended destination.

"Due to the diligence of our infiltrator, we know that the traitor is to aid in the destruction of a secret base where the debased sons of of the Traitor Primarch have joined forces with a Xenos warband."

>"Your task is to rendevous at these coordinates and set up position where Brother Norell will move the Fallen into position. Brother-Captain Sethas, you are to be intrusted with the Long-Blade patterned Long Bolter as you will take the shot. Under the cover of the storm the rest of you will be able to retrieve the Fallen so he may answer for his crimes. Are your orders understood?"
By all means, carry on.
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I have no pictures that can properly describe the praise you deserve. So have this adorable future predatory feline.
Bump while trying to come up something with their homeworld.
Don't make me actually type out a counter terror tactic story against the Night Lords or something. Fluff on, brothers.

Ran out of steam, I'll try to continue when I get home since I'm on my phone.
Bump for buying time.
Now for the finish

>The cover of fire and thunder paved the way for another victory, if a victory it could be called.

>Along the dark corridors of an unknown location Grevek hovered between consciousness and oblivion. Even his super human sense failed him as the sound of his armor dragging against the metal grating, his arms bound in chains as the Shadow Knights In story retcon, fuck it dragged their freshly caught prey into the bowls of the ship's hold.

>Struggle as he may his legs and his left arm felt useless as he vaguely recalled the extreme impacts that knocked him off of his feet. The dust storms growing in violence and intensity to the point that even the visors of his helm would not operate properly even though it felt as though his armor did not function quit as effectively as it should in spite of his careful upkeep.

>At last the screeching sounds ceased and he felt himself pressed against a wall. The chains holding his arms over his body as the two forms could now be seen clearly. Astartes plate of a pattern unknown but vaguely similar to that of a bygone age with feathered crests adorning either side of their helms.

>"Have you nothing to say you bastard!" Captain Ghairman spoke holding back his contempt. Grevek's silence only seemed to fuel the captain's contempt into outright anger, lifting his armored fist before another takes it in a quick grasp.

>Turning to see over his shoulder he saw the various chaplains, including the Interrogator, who was holding back his arm reveal themselves from the dungeon's shadow

>"You two leave, I will deal with you later..." Letting the arm of the captain go, the two Shadow Knights bowed their heads and left the cell with a heavy clang of the adamantine door

>"As for you..." The Interrogator spoke as he turned back to the helpless form bound against the ferrocrete wall as the sounds of whirring instruments filled in the silence.
One last bump before posting
++ Accessing Librarium Database ++
++ Accessing Planetary History: Charran ++
++ Thought for the Day: Fear not the creatures of the jungle but those that lurk within your mind. ++

Verdana Tertius, or “Charran” amongst the locals, is the homeworld of the Death’s Shadow chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. The planet is a hive world that is heavily infested by hostile and seemingly sentient local flora. As of M41, major population centers of the planet are protected by strips of no man’s land known as the “charring,” bereft of moisture and nutrients that may fuel the growth of flora.

Local historians suspect that the planet’s name is a bastardization of an ancient eastern Terran word, “chan-ran,” which can roughly be translated into Low Gothic as splendor. Ancient records dating back to M31 indicates that Charran was once a candidate for a pleasure world, whose use has shifted to that of an Agri World in lieu of food shortage throughout Segmentum Tempestus in M32, finally settling at hive world classification at M39. The sudden immergence of Hive Fleet Basilisk has changed the fate of the planet, however, as strains of Tyranid DNA delivered in hermetic insertion pods (later identified by Magos Biologis Rubin-2216T in affiliation with the Ordo Xenos in 412.M39) alongside with Genestealer strains expressed themselves in the local flora, particularly Grappler Vines (Cuscuta luctor tyrannicus) that still infest the majority of the planetary surface to this day.
The Death’s Shadow chapter watches vigil over ground zero of the outbreak. By nature of the Cuscuta family of plants, the Grappler Vines are controlled by a central core that shares biological analogues with Synapse Creatures in a Tyranid Hive Fleet; two networks of these Synaptic cores were reported in the northeastern continent of Jarram(“growth”) and western continent of Suhak(“Harvest”), the latter rendered a barren wasteland via continuous Whirlwind and Basilisk bombardment and Banewolf chemical sterilization. The Fortress Monastery at Jarram is located at the site of the central Synaptic core that once was reported as radially connected to other children cores and as controlling the entire tide of infestation with uncanny intelligence. Currently, in M41, these infestations are confined in Jarram and neutered to a controllable level, but intentionally left alive both for protection of the Fortress Monastery from outside forces, and for training of new recruits in an environment that is both predatory and sentient.

The once fleet-based and recently founded Death’s Shadow chapter, on a lookout for Hive Fleet Basilisk…

++ Data Transmission Aborted ++
System fails to accept spoilers, gonna try again.

The Death’s Shadow chapter watches vigil over ground zero of the controlled outbreak. By nature of the Cuscuta family of plants, the Grappler Vines are controlled by a central core that shares biological analogues with Synapse Creatures in a Tyranid Hive Fleet except in this case the central Synaptic core is genetically altered by Magos Biologis Rubin-2216T to halt hostilities against Inner Circle members when given both the chemical and genetic halt command; two networks of these Synaptic cores were implanted and reported in the northeastern continent of Jarram(“growth”) and western continent of Suhak(“Harvest”), the latter rendered a barren wasteland via continuous Whirlwind and Basilisk bombardment and Banewolf chemical sterilization to prevent accidental discovery of the Primary Fortress Monastery entrance, however unlikely. The secondary Fortress Monastery at Jarram is located at the site of the central Synaptic core that once was reported as radially connected to other children cores and as controlling the entire tide of infestation with uncanny intelligence which succeeded in providing a reason for the settlement of Death's Shadows in two continents of Charran, a planet of strategic importance in the Auriga sector of Segmentum Tempestus. Currently, in M41, these infestations are confined in Jarram and neutered to a controllable level, but intentionally left alive both for protection of the secondary Fortress Monastery from outside forces, and for training of new recruits for future Death Watch induction, on a lookout for both the organization and the Ordo Xenos in an environment that is both predatory and sentient.

The once fleet-based and recently founded Death’s Shadow chapter, on a lookout for Hive Fleet Basilisk…

++ Farewell, Brother Antaeus ++
Hidden bump.
A bump for DA suspicion taken to ridiculous heights.
I think we're fluffing one of the most grimdark /tg/ chapters to date.
It's hardly that level of grimdark. They're just a bunch of paranoid fucks.
They're more grimdark then other homebrews like the angry marines, the sleepy marines and the partridges.
Those aren't rolled up chapters, like the Emperor's Nightmares, or the Ice Wraiths.
So these guys don't have a dedicated Assuaslt squad but do they posses all the other typical DA swag like bikes and jets? You'd think a Raven Wing would be essential if they're all about fucking Death Watch in the ass for whatever fallen has taken shelter with them.
No lyman's ear
They'll get dizzy.
Consensus is no drop pods, but I think bikes or Land Speeders won't be too far fetched even without the Lyman's Ear.

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