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>January 13th, 2010.

Today is a glorious day, sir! Today is the day where our great nation, unhindered by the fall of the Soviet Union, has come to make itself known as a truly great and awesome power! We have overcome the trials and tribulations of a nation in the embryonic stages, resisting the temptations to adjoin lesser powers, to give in to both internal and external pressures, and to demonstrate the ability to innovate! Of course, such a path could not be charted without a plan, and your rule over these peoples was accomplished by a grand strategy that has shaped your nation in the process.

> [ ] Unity through Strength. With a strong military background you are effectively a dictator, but an effective dictator at that. So long as your army remains fairly well-funded, you will have their support, and a strong military can serve to reinforce your police in times of crises.

> [ ] Strength through Unity. You were a demagogue and social firebrand. Your gun was a microphone, and words your bullets; scything down droves of competitors with scathing social commentary. The people all but rioted to put you in office, though the support of the people can be a fickle thing, especially as they demand their bread and circuses.

> [ ] Strength through Power. Literal power, in this case. As a wealthy industrialist, it was only natural that you apply those talents into your political career. Holding the infrastructure of the nation in your hands, it became apparent to the masses that a person of personal fortune would be needed to keep the economy's pulse.

> [ ] Write in.
This world will become one. I have found the way. Race, tribal affiliations, national borders, even our faces will be irrelevant. The world that the boss envisioned will finally become a reality... and it will make mankind whole again.
> [X] Unity through Strength. With a strong military background you are effectively a dictator, but an effective dictator at that. So long as your army remains fairly well-funded, you will have their support, and a strong military can serve to reinforce your police in times of crises.

Unity through Strength!

We are a General first!
>Strength through power
Shame there's no peace through power, kane option
> [ ] Unity through Strength. With a strong military background you are effectively a dictator, but an effective dictator at that. So long as your army remains fairly well-funded, you will have their support, and a strong military can serve to reinforce your police in times of crises.

We are nation of strength, the power to enforce order and peace no matter the opposition, unhindered by the greed of man and the disapproval of petty committees. The people trust their dictator as just, and we shall make sure that we do not betray our people's expectation.
>[ ] Unity through Strength. With a strong military background you are effectively a dictator, but an effective dictator at that. So long as your army remains fairly well-funded, you will have their support, and a strong military can serve to reinforce your police in times of crises.
> [ ] Strength through Power.

> [X] Unity through Strength.
>Trait gained: General 1.

You are a military leader first and foremost. With a keen eye for tactics and strategy alike, you were once one of the foremost military minds in the region, having been granted rare opportunities to train alongside former KGB and Spetsnaz officers, and learning greatly from your time with them.

This would be invaluable in time, but for now, it is time to reflect on your relationships. All of these skills would have been lost without your trusty lieutenant...

>[ ] The Spy: The art of Spying and Infiltration. This person knows not just how to do it themselves, but also how to recruit spy rings, find spies and set up counter-intelligence. You start with one spy ring. These spy rings are focused on one area, be it a specific Group, Counter-Intelligence or even Security. They may be used to find out things that others want to hide from you and protect your own secrets.

>[ ] The Administrator: Money makes the world go around. They have the knack for ploughing through paperwork due to experience, finding the flaws in the accountancy structure and organising the work load to be more efficient. Admin is used to re-organise your nation to be more efficient, to be more profitable and to run smoother. After all, the more you make, the happier your people will be.

>[ ] The Demagogue: The Silver Tongue. they can charm the birds down from the trees and convince a banker that you have let him have the advantage while he hands over his entire vault. This person holds the power to persuade people to follow your ideas. To motivate them to work harder and to buy your bullshit. They can cut through resistance and weak wills and bring them onto your side.
>>Write in.
>Unity through Technology(with Strength as a minor consequence). As your personal company developed new patented technologies and methods which seemed as though magic to the general populace, you quickly took over the industry and infrastructure, administration, and eventually the government itself. Though you are not officially a dictator, every field of life depends on what you decide at any given moment, and all the ministers and officials have willingly sworn to follow your wisdom for the good of the nation.

> [ ] The Warrior: The only thing that travels faster than rumour and gossip, is a bullet. With the Warrior, you don’t just know how to fight, you can fight well. The Warrior is a Multiplier to the value of the troops you are personally leading. It is person used to see if you survive an assassination attempt.

> [ ] The Researcher: The world moves fast. Technology moves faster. No sooner have you gotten used to a product then a newer and better version is being released. They lead the way through your personal developments. Their genius intellect has created new products that have helped make your fortune and build up your nation.

>General 1 Explained: The Art of War. A General knows how best to organise and train his troops to get the best out of them. He knows how to position them in the field with the right equipment for the job. The great generals apply the lessons they have learnt to all areas of their life, treating everything as War where only the best can survive. It is remarkably effective in statecraft. A General can train troops to be more efficient, better and more skilled for the same base cost limited only by their personal prowess. General 1 is the first rank of this skill.
>[ ] The Spy: The art of Spying and Infiltration. This person knows not just how to do it themselves, but also how to recruit spy rings, find spies and set up counter-intelligence. You start with one spy ring. These spy rings are focused on one area, be it a specific Group, Counter-Intelligence or even Security. They may be used to find out things that others want to hide from you and protect your own secrets.
> [X] The Researcher: The world moves fast. Technology moves faster. No sooner have you gotten used to a product then a newer and better version is being released. They lead the way through your personal developments. Their genius intellect has created new products that have helped make your fortune and build up your nation.
>[ ] The Researcher: The world moves fast. Technology moves faster. No sooner have you gotten used to a product then a newer and better version is being released. They lead the way through your personal developments. Their genius intellect has created new products that have helped make your fortune and build up your nation.
>>[ ] The Spy
Can we and the lieutenant be husband and wife?
>[ ] The Administrator: Money makes the world go around. They have the knack for ploughing through paperwork due to experience, finding the flaws in the accountancy structure and organising the work load to be more efficient. Admin is used to re-organise your nation to be more efficient, to be more profitable and to run smoother. After all, the more you make, the happier your people will be.
> [ ] The Researcher: The world moves fast. Technology moves faster. No sooner have you gotten used to a product then a newer and better version is being released. They lead the way through your personal developments. Their genius intellect has created new products that have helped make your fortune and build up your nation.

Just because the nation is united under your iron fist doesn't mean it gets to stagnant.
>>[ ] The Demagogue: The Silver Tongue. they can charm the birds down from the trees and convince a banker that you have let him have the advantage while he hands over his entire vault. This person holds the power to persuade people to follow your ideas. To motivate them to work harder and to buy your bullshit. They can cut through resistance and weak wills and bring them onto your side.
Public opinion is key, first we go for Demagogue, then Spy(information is power), then Researcher(once we have the counterintelligence to keep our technology to ourselves).
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Let's be Dr. Doom and run a prosperous, technologically advanced nation with an iron fist.
>Personal romantic affairs will need to be addressed once the game is underway, given the volatile political nature of the nation thus far, you have had to focus on running your country first and foremost.

Two votes for Spy.

3 for Researcher

1 for Administrator and 1 for Demagogue

Voting will close in approximately 5-10 minutes on the lieutenant, depending on the outcome/consensus, though Researcher leads at the moment.
So... how's our Doombot project coming along?
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I agree! All while running off the nostalgia when the Soviet Union was a superpower, buying the hearts of old people and young people who are too young to know the faults of it. With a little bit of nationalism to justify our independence.
>The Demagogue: The Silver Tongue. they can charm the birds down from the trees and convince a banker that you have let him have the advantage while he hands over his entire vault. This person holds the power to persuade people to follow your ideas. To motivate them to work harder and to buy your bullshit. They can cut through resistance and weak wills and bring them onto your side.
>[ ] The Researcher: The world moves fast. Technology moves faster. No sooner have you gotten used to a product then a newer and better version is being released. They lead the way through your personal developments. Their genius intellect has created new products that have helped make your fortune and build up your nation.
So are we succeeding the fallen Soviet Union or what? What's our ideological standing? Or are we another North Korea except infinitely more competent?
All the trappings at least, with a mix of nationalism to keep ourselves from getting integrated. We don't need to emulate all the failed practices of the USSR.

How big is our country anyway OP?
Well,we are a dictatorship, and those usually don`t get much love in modern global politics.
Now if we got ourselves a good diplomat on our side first..
Or we churn out a product that they cannot do without.
Oh hey, you know what happens if one small country has some cool shit being manufactured that noone else has?
It gets wrecked by big sharks into submission

Ukraine will be the story we tell our citizens when they get skeptical of our policies. Get closer to the EU, lower the funding for our Defense, and we become degenerate and weak, inviting the imperialist Russian bear to annex our land and turn half our country into a warzone and the other half for western plutocrats.
>January 13th, 2010.
>Turn 1.
>Each turn covers the span of 6 months.

>4 for Researcher wins.
>Hero Gained: Dr. Hiroshi Sifu, Research 2.

Dr. Sifu is a rather famous industrial engineer from Japan. An exile of his home country after a rather scandalous incident involving a mistress that his company publicly crucified him for, he came to your side, proving his brilliance in several fields of engineering -- designing a new quick-setting and cheap concrete that proved invaluable for your soldiers to use in the field.

GNP: $130B with -2% growth, Revenue $20B, Budget $36B, Debt $42B

Population 21M (-0.2% growth rate, 4% Hungarian immigrants)

Popularity High (64%), no known revolutionary groups.

>NB: The following figures are on a 1-10 scaling, except military points, which are abstract.

Internal Security 2, Crime Control 2, Civil Law 6

Regulations: Business 5, Environmental 5, Equalitarian 4, Health & Safety 3, Vice 1

Military Power: Air 2, Land 3

>The Budget:
Defense 30%
Education 10%
Health Care 15%
Law enforcement 2%
Regulation 4%
Social Programs 35%
Other 4%

To call these times a bit rocky would be somewhat of an understatement. Having led your nation through might of arms through a free-for-all between communist insurgents, capitalist-backed rebels, Russian saboteurs, CIA provocateurs, and a government ripe to implode, your nation has been a very, very busy warzone. Many people have fled the country in the interests of seeking asylum elsewhere.

Yet for those that have remained, you promise a new, stronger dawn.

The question is, what shall your new nation be called, and how shall you handle its first few steps forward? You may look to your advisers if you wish for an explanation on any particular issues, but there is, first and foremost, an important question...

What shall this nation be called?
>(The) Unity
>Mechanics note: Generally speaking, each 'turn' you will be able to take 2 personal actions with your General, each Hero will have 1 action, and the nation itself will possess 2 actions. Consider these major ventures that you embark upon, potentially costing millions to billions of dollars.

You can set your ideological standings to whichever you find most convenient or palatable to your tastes.

Your nation currently inhabits a small region of a few hundred kilometers between the areas of Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia, and nearing Serbia. A bit of a general area, but you do not possess direct sea access; your water sources mostly rivers and a few small lakes. Of course, if you're ambitious enough, you could attempt to push some of your neighbors around and try to claim sea access, or find some other means of gaining access to precious oceanic trade routes (or air traffic!)
>Dr. Sifu
>An exile of his home country
Great. Now if we're in a relationship with our lieutenant, we have to be the girl. AND we're second dippings after his mistress.

>What shall this nation be called?
Illyria, harking back on a supposedly ancient tradition of proud ancestors.
We could be gay.
Freedonia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSabiG8q8-k
Federal Republic of Estovakia

Republic of/Federal Republic of [X] is a good format for an ex-soviet state
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There's currently several names being debated, with no singular format/commonality. It might be wise to narrow down the list a bit to something the collective might agree more towards; if a consensus isn't reached, a more ethnic-sounding name is likely to be selected for the purposes of continuing. (Kolechia, Illyria, Federal Republic of Estovakia.)
Yep , some sort of republic would be great
or a protectorate,or even a kingdom,what the hell
Dr. Sifu is confirmed straight. Or maybe that's what was so scandalous about his "mistress".
I honestly don't think we should make any gesture at being a republic of any sort. I say we just declare ourselves the first king of the Kingdom of [Name]
>Dictator Quest
>What shall this nation be called?
The European Union.
>4% Hungarian immigrants
Never thought I'd see representation like this in a quest, what country are we even playing as to get Hungarian immigrants as the largest immigrant group? Something around the area of Poland?
As for a name, Magyarorsz- nah, just kidding.
>>Gainas Republic
>>Terkonian Principate
It's a name, not the govt type though. Plenty of commie countries and other dictatorships call themselves "Republics"
>not emperor
Federal Republic of Illyria?
This. Both Cuba and North Korea are republics by name,for example
Supporting >>40858231

Because I honestly can't think of anything new.
We're not Northern European though.
Oh, and to be a federal republic, we kinda need to have lesser republics and areas that form this federation. If we have those,then go on
Hmmm, I suppose an option right now would be an alliance with Bulgaria or Turkey to get support against a western expansion and split the Serbian/Albanian/Greek area between us?
Once we become powerful enough, that is.
We're not ex-soviet though.
Fine, order of the dragon
remove kebab
>not Xth Kingdom of Illyira
I'm not sure how many Illyrian kingdoms there have been so far.
Neither is the Republic of Serbia.

Federal can be removed from the name though.
No sea access though?
>Republic of Estovakia
There've been a shit ton of Illyrian kingdoms but you could probably say something like "Third Kingdom of Illyria" and be accurate enough. The first kingdom would be antiquity, when the tribes formed city-states and such. The second kingdom would be the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom of Illyria. Ours would be the third.
Belka. We need our clay back.
>not Dalmatia
Will be good propaganda to take over Croatia, and eventually an excuse to absorb Hungariy.
Estovakia sounds stupid.
It reminded me of Estrogen.
>Austro-Hungarian Kingdom of Illyria
Was that a thing? I don't think that was a thing, I'm pretty sure the area of Illyria was called Croatia in A-H.
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It was a thing alright.

The People's Republic of Teuczechistan?
I was right, it wasn't a thing in A-H
Dr. Sifu's affairs are his own, though the man seems inclined to keep to his cultural stylings; being quiet, reserved, and tending towards privacy except when it involves post-work bonding with his research team. Usually evenings spent drinking on an entirely voluntold social basis.

>Fuckin' lol'd.

You elect upon the Republic of Illyria for now. Such a name might be changed in the future, when a fresh facelift is called upon by the nation, but this name is little more than a coat of paint over your nation at the moment anyways. The soldiers march to the beat of your drum, the people live within your walls, and any who might think to challenge your authority at the moment do so in hushed whispers underneath cellar doors in the knowledge that you rule this land in both name and authority.

Now then. To matters of statescraft.

Your budget is heavily skewed, to say the least. Unfortunately, given your lack of an administrator, you're required to rely on a network of accountants that -- in all likelihood -- won't exactly pass muster. In fact, some of them are likely skimming off the top, but no more than is immediately obvious. Your accountants do inform you that you can shift around about 5% of the current budget if you so please, at least for this half of the year, without too much friction.

The question is, what do you intend to address? To say that the war has caused heavy infrastructure damage is an understatement. Running electricity was scarce in many areas before, but even the cities find themselves suffering rolling blackouts and brownouts.
It was a crownland of Austria-Hungary for 33 years after Napolean came in and kicked their teeth in.

Water contamination is another issue. Several companies, including one major US corporation, have been using fringe Eastern European nations as a dumping ground for toxic waste for many decades now. While this practice has not yet been instituted, there have been mentions of financial rewards for countries that allow them to "store" their hazardous waste within your borders. Without sea access, however, you are almost entirely dependent on your handful of semi-clean lakes and running rivers to supply the bulk of your drinking and industrial water supplies. With environmental regulation being so-so, even your own industries have been 'forgetful' now and again, especially during the course of the war when demand was high and regulations all but unenforceable.

Elsewhere, you find yourself confronted by a massive wealth of spending verses your rather meager revenues. Your military's arms and weapons are fairly modern, or at least, modern relative to your neighbors. The issue is that without continued military spending, or an increase in budget relative to the decrease in spending, the military is likely to find itself as a dearth of maintenance parts, munitons, and fuel to keep the armed forces running at peak. A dangerous situation for any fledgling despot.

With education at an all-time low and rationing only just recently having come to an end, things stay rather shaky. How shall you lead your country forward, oh mighty despot?


Rovno is a city in the Ukraine, btw
>Just a small reminder! Two personal actions, one action per hero (currently you have Dr. Sifu, who is graced by being Research 2), and 2 national actions per turn. Giving you a grand total of 5 actions for now!
Take 5% from Social Programs and put it towards rebuilding infrastructure. Unless social programs constitutes rebuilding infrastructure, in which case take 3% from health care and 2% from the nebulous "other".
All those budget that goes into social projects, how exactly are they spent?
We should order our army's engineer corps to start helping rebuild the nation. We should also start a massive recruitment drive for engineers and laborers in general. Employ the nation, and all that.
>National: Education
>National: Water cleanup, encourage the growth of water companies
>Personal: Military Maintainence
>Sifu: R&D on trying to get cheaper to rebuild but just as efficient power as we had pre-war.

This. Let's prioritize electrical systems first, keeping the lights on is a great visual sign of progress. For our second action, let's reach out to any rebel groups and offer total conciliation and representation to them if they step forward and help us govern the small towns (note: we're lying about the reconciliation shit)

Have Sifu 1) establish which water sources are polluted and 2) identify which companies or polluting groups are responsible.
The nation now is united, now it`s time to employ the army to help rebuild infrastructure
ALso,that concrete formula will be extremely helpful in rebuilding,make sure to employ that.

Have Dr.Sifu start up a weapons manufacturer - with his superior engineering we can hope for a good export and manufacturing contracts from other counttries.

Nation-wide,prioritize the basics - food and shelter, everyone should be provided.
Oh and
>Personal: Talk to our military officers on what equipment is needed now and will be needed in the future to maintain our strength.
>literally "let me tell you about your country"
Austria-Hungary wasn't a thing before 1867, the year that the Compromise between Hungary and Austria was signed, which led to the birth of the dual monarchy, up till then it was the Austrian Empire with Hungary as a crown land.
Learn your shit before trying to talk shit.
Esküszöm, nem is tudom mit csináéjak ha mégegyszer előjössz valami ekkora ökörséggel.
Shift 2.5% from Social Programs and Defense to Education and Law Enforcement.
If we find a company which we can prove has been dumping waste in lakes and doing tax fraud, nationalize it so it's in our hands.
What exactly counts as "1 action"?
oh,and for personal:
as we are the new player on the arena, some introductions are in place.Approach the UN\g20\etc to get some recognition and information on the political situation
I'd second having our military help out rebuilding shit. We should also turn them towards policing until we can devote time to building up a proper police force.
>National: Improve education system.
>Naitonal: Encourage water business growth so there's a vested interest in clean water.
>Personal: Get military engineers to rebuild infrastructure.
>Personal: Have able-bodied people on social programs aid in the reconstruction effort, reminding them that welfare cheque won't mean anything without clean water and electricity.
>Research: Making our military leaner and meaner.

Our long term strategy should be becoming a partner to either China or the USA - dictators like us need the support of one of the great powers to really stabilize for any length of time.
>>National: Improve education system.
The education system takes a decade to start paying off. Except not really because the educated people will fuck off and leave to Germany or Switzerland.
Restoring and improving the industrial base is the first thing you need, then you pump money into education.

And since your industry is shit unless you have a lot of educated people, well take a guess.

Either way, economy first, then education.
Not America. Maybe Russia.

>“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal”

America is the worst ally you can have as a dictator nowadays. Look at Egypt, even
We can start Education now, and in 10 years' time we will have a good enough economy to keep more than 50% of our educated people home.

We should really try to do the opposite - suck as many educated people back into the country as possible.

That means cozy university towns and lavish park and library areas need to be built. Once we do that, we can open up immigration to PhDs and Sifu's old buddies on an expedited research track.

Once we have some pretty good science institutes, we can start lionizing science in public and get the public education system in order.
They are all honestly faggots.
Building ties with any one of them is ruinous, you need to make like Tito and force them to compete over you or your country is fucked in the long term.
That should not be a long term strategy, our long term strategy should be becoming a super power.
I suggest allying with a couple local regional powers in order to get common benefit from conquering, and then meanwhile we can infiltrate their ranks with spies and eventually backstab them.
Pretty optimistic opinion. If your people are hungry and have no shelter,they will snap at you.
While it would be amazing to invest in education asap, w have some more pressing matters at hand.

If we put up a strong front to Russia we could pick up some European Union support as being the least evil guy in the Eastern European area. They would have a vested interest in keeping us as a buffer state.

We'd basically have to do a lot of public dueling with Putin though.
It doesn't seem like there's danger of famine, and we are working on Social Programs with a pretty big budget.
>We can start Education now, and in 10 years' time we will have a good enough economy to keep more than 50% of our educated people home.
That's pretty risky. You can't really catch up with established economies like Germany in just 10 years.
Maybe, maybe if you tailor built your economy to make it accept your colledge graduates just as they graduate, but that's complex and needs really good administration.

That's a great way to piss off the lower classes.
>To say that the war has caused heavy infrastructure damage is an understatement. Running electricity was scarce in many areas before..

That should be like a number one priority.Provide the basics,then move on gradually(healthcare-education-religion)
Social Projects tends to include everything from welfare programs for the disabled and elderly to food assistance for the poor, as well as after school programs. There's also a fair amount of infrastructure projects involved -- New Deal-type programs that incentivize employers to keep companies hiring employees in-country rather than outsourcing to foreign nations.


An action, generally speaking, is a major initiative or effort. Something like revitalizing the educational system, rooting out dissidents, deploying troops, or instituting a national single-payer healthcare system. Some actions take multiple turns of dedication to produce results (you won't make the autobahn in half a year!), but generally rewards are good.

>For formatting, let's establish a more universal system:


Dr. Sifu:


So far, what we have is...

1) [Push for international recognition by the UN.] or [Promote communal labor, prompting the unemployed to take government temporary labor assignments.]
2) [Talk to military officers, get familiar with the military and rub some elbows to ensure things stay good.]

Dr. Sifu:
1) [Begin investigation of water sources for pollution and potential culprits] or [Begin development of next-gen weapons systems.]

1) Deploy the National Army Engineer Corps to begin expansion of the nation's electrical grid.
2) [Debated] Begin revising the educational system and pushing for better results.

All items in brackets are up for confirmation/further discussion. It's all up for discussion, really, but this is just a WIP template from communal discussion so far.

You're probably right but we're not exactly a people's hero. If we can keep the economy running and basic governing going, they should be mollified to some degree though.
1)deploy engineers to rebuild infrastructure in general - roads,buildings,etc
>>1) [Promote communal labor, prompting the unemployed to take government temporary labor assignments.]
>>2) [Talk to military officers, get familiar with the military and rub some elbows to ensure things stay good.]
>Dr. Sifu:
>>1) [Begin investigation of water sources for pollution and potential culprits]
>>1) Deploy the National Army Engineer Corps to begin expansion of the nation's electrical grid.
>>2) Begin revising the educational system and pushing for better results. Pair this along with a JROTC like program to get military & nationalist support.
We can base things right now on pleb tier jobs and then bank on our graduates in the future taking part in more sophisticated/high paying fields to get a big influx of capital.
By using education as a means of propaganda you can secure a level of loyalty in the population(look at the soviets, and Hungary post-WW1) further increasing the chance of them staying to help their glorious nation.
I support the first option for Sifu's action, and I'd like to switch the 1st personal for making state-assigned work/army service obligatory for those who have been unemployed for an extended period.
Can we use the National 1st to double as building out an administration/information network for the state/military?

Personal: Communal Labor and talk to Military.

Sifu: water sources

National: deploy military resources for electrical grid repair - also incentivize local businesses by offering microloans to expand business.
This is pretty vital to the economy: what natural resources are our factories working with?
Lumber? Furiniture.
Electricity? Metal.
And so on. What kind of industries would it make sense for us to support? Can we get some of our people to do a study on this, judging our opportunities by regions?
We need to get some water plants up. Let's get to work on that.
I like the idea of a JROTC system to go along with education. The youth will be our future, and giving them a militaristic, patriotic bent will benefit us.

I'd agree with this. It might be to our benefit to establish a mandatory national service term for all students, kind of like Israel. Obviously not all people need to have combat training, but at least 1 year serving the Republic is required.
>>40859157 here.
I say >>40859165 has a good idea. Let's get a military academy running. Teaching practical skills to the future of our nation can't be bad.
Manufacturing mostly relies on a mixture of electricity and lumber, though you do have some petroleum and chemical refinement industries (though these are mostly foreign-held corporations that pay taxes locally.) Your nation does actually have the benefit of a small titanium vein (which is where a large part of your budget comes from), but exploitation of it is pretty much already peak without bringing in more cutting-edge tools and paying out the nose in the process.

1) Promote communal labor, prompting the unemployed to take government temporary labor assignments.
2) Talk to military officers, get familiar with the military and rub some elbows to ensure things stay good.

Dr. Sifu:
1) Begin investigation of water sources for pollution and potential culprits, as well as cleaning up what can be cleaned up.

1) Deploy the National Army Engineer Corps to begin expansion of the nation's infrastructure, focusing towards electrical systems.
2) Begin revising the educational system and pushing for better results, putting a more patriotic slant on education.

Shall this be your plans for the first half of the year?
>Shall this be your plans for the first half of the year?
Looks solid
I think starting slower could be better, like just camps which involve team building, education of the glorious history of the nation and our leader disguised in games, sports which help build militaristic skills, etc.
Promoting competition but a sense of brotherhood in sports.
Could later false-flag a foreign attack and use it as an excuse to establish obligatory military service.
Sure, looks good.
Afterwards I want to deal with the corporations we have dirt on if we have the power, and maybe promote art and shit, get some cultural power and another means of propaganda.
With a JROTC bent specifically, yes.
>Developing citizenship and patriotism
>Developing self-reliance and responsiveness to all authority.
>Improving the ability to communicate well both orally and in writing.
>Developing an appreciation of the importance of physical fitness.
>Increasing a respect for the role of the Illyrian Armed Forces in support of national objectives.
>Developing a knowledge of team building skills and basic military skills.
>Taking 3–4 years of the course grants cadets the ability to rank higher if they pursue a military career.

>false flag

We may not need to, frankly. If we emerge as the only competent leader in Europe Europe and we maintain Our militaristic bent, we're going to attract negative attention.

If we're going to gain territory, we're going to need our national neighbors to totally destabilize so we can send in troops for "peacekeeping". Direct invasions just aren't tolerated this close to Europe - look at the invasion of Ukraine. Putin thought he could waltz in and immediately created a global shitstorm.
>>Improving the ability to communicate well both orally and in writing.
>>Developing an appreciation of the importance of physical fitness.
>>Increasing a respect for the role of the Illyrian Armed Forces in support of national objectives.
>>Developing a knowledge of team building skills and basic military skills.
>>Taking 3–4 years of the course grants cadets the ability to rank higher if they pursue a military career.
I think these should be more long term goals, and be instituted later on, to not be too big a change.
Plus we need to refine our administration and shit first.
Well long term means we institute these early. And these are all part of one program. If they're part of the program for 3-4 years, they get an easier time becoming an officer if they choose that path. That's simple.

Appreciation for the military & physical fitness is a matter of propaganda and lecturing.
I said falseflag because unless our neighbours are exceptionally incompetent, any attack/action against us wouldn't be obvious enough to sway national opinion enough.
We could just infiltrate their ranks and initiate and ACTUAL attack against us from mid-management, so it's not big enough to cause much trouble, the actual government would shut it down, but it's obvious enough that we can use it as an excuse and also have the opposing country lose international face.
>this close to Europe
You mean IN Europe?

Every military conflict right now is a big,fat excuse for the big players to get some influence out there.The chances of us actually benefitting from direct confrontations are really slim

Forming a federation with our neighbours,on the other hand,may work
Personally I'd be happy so long as we can maintain our independence and keep our population growing/young without taking in thousands of kebab immigrants a month.

Federations are fine and dandy if you're the one giving orders. I have no intention of letting Illyria become Putin's attack dog.

We basically have to run some at least one other neighboring nation before we can hold a candle to one of the great nations. Until then we're going to be North Korea-tier useless.
No direct conflict, just an attempt that we uncover early, or attempt to exert pressure on us which we thwart.
Handle it fast enough that the big powers won't have time to plant roots here because of that.
Strong military will help with that, but to be fair, the Illyrian area already has a number of muslims.
>a few hundred kilometers between the areas of Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia, and nearing Serbia
>21 million population
QM, I think you may have fucked up the scales a bit, Hungary itself has a population below 10 million.
Yeah. I'm just saying I want to avoid the demographic shitstorm other countries are experiencing from taking in a bunch of immigrants to supplement their aging, declining native population.
Military focus works fine with both options here,though we need some intelligence budget to do covert ops
Hong Kong has almost 8 million and it's far smaller than Hungary.
>Yeah. I'm just saying I want to avoid the demographic shitstorm other countries are experiencing from taking in a bunch of immigrants to supplement their aging, declining native population.
To fix that, you need to support conservative worldviews and maintain a stable economy.
People don't have children if they are faggots or if they are financially insecure.
>Dice rolls:


>July 17th, 2010

There is good news, and then there is great news! You're not sure whether to hug or give your speechwriters a national award, but something in your motivational declarations really puts a fire in their bellies! Young and old seem to line up around the block to volunteer their time and services, and there's a notable upswing in the public mood as the realization hits that people do, in fact, have stability now.

>+2% Approval

You keep abroad of your military staff. A lot of them seem to be in high spirits now that the war, in their eyes, is won, and more than a few of them are more than delighted to have your personal involvement. A few simple favors gets some key officers all the more snuggled to your bosom.

Unfortunately, Dr. Sifu is not a man of espionage, considering he couldn't even hide his own affair. What he does manage, however, is rather impressive; using his extensive engineering know-how, he successfully sets up a handful of simple filtration systems. They won't solve any oil spills anytime soon, but they're cheap, easy filter meshes that keep trash from getting into the public water and -- generally speaking -- people end up feeling a little happier thanks to the cleaner water going into crops and into thirsty throats.

>+1% Approval
>Health & Safety Regulations +1, now at 4.

Nationally, you end up with some nice results. Expansion is an ongoing process, and while you haven't wired everything up, the cities are mostly running off a steady flow of electricity. Major power substations have been rebuilt and rewired, and some of your engineers have even laid down fresh roads and repaired aging bridges that had previously slipped under the radar for maintenance purposes.

Unfortunately, your debts crawl ever higher a you fork over the necessary dole for these renovations. Your spending remains unchecked, but your accountants feel that this is prudent spending rather than frivolous. Even so, shaky global markets leave them wincing with each dollar tacked on.

Unfortunately, things take a sour note when it comes to your more patriotic educational system. Your intellectuals, previously a bit incensed at the heavy-handed means by which you gained power, practically bristle as they see you not only issuing fancy new books with references to a mighty cultural revolution, but also instituting mandatory "educational exercises" that are little more than a slow indoctrination of the children as loyal soldiers. A few minor protests spring up but are quickly doused by your popularity as the "Hands-On Handyman", though the children seem reluctant (to begin with) to go camping into woods that many of their relatives fought and died in. Nevermind the potential for landmines!
Are high rolls good or bad?
Hong Kong is a very developed place, not something from post-soviet Eastern Europe.
Our infrastructure is also not fit to support such high population densities as Hong Kong.
Your Republic tends to be a mixture of dense urban sprawl and woodlands. Still. I might adjust those figures a bit to better accommodate a population of 21 million -- perhaps a couple thousand kilometers instead of hundred. Still a fairly small amount of land in the great scale of things.

High rolls are good. That being said, the GNP and other figures will be updated yearly rather than per turn. For now, you have a second half of a year to act in, though the winter months are quickly coming towards you!
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These arent accurate borders, but this is where our country should be located, roughly.

Areas highlighted in blue are EU.
Croatia won't join the EU for another 2-3 years, fortunately. If we'd want some of their land, we'd have to pounce within that window. Metagamey, but just saying. They're probably already within the process of seeking to join the EU though.
You mean square kilometers?


National: let's keep up work on the electrical systems. Lets also ensure that gas and heating power is available to all citizens as winter approaches. Papa General wants all his sons and daughters to keep warm!

Sifu: Have Sifu develop the plans for a big institute in our capital city. We need other scientists, preferably foreign ones we can easily impress.

Personal: put out feelers for talented administrators we could use to clean up our financial system. Corruption is strangling our growth. At the same time, let's join the UN if that hasn't happened already and set up embassies in our surrounding neighbors.
Are you done with the posts? Should we suggest stuff now?
I think we should work on the basics before going big with a science institute.
1) Establish (or improve, if we have one) an agency for the investigation of economic crime. Generally put corrupt managers skimming off the top behind bars.
2) Continue working on the military

Dr. Sifu:
1) Improve existing scientific bodies (universities and institutes)
1) Industrial development program. Focus on making use of existing resources and reducing imports.
2) Assist agricultural development and modernization

The idea with the national actions is that we develop industry and agriculture now and then integrate them together. I've seen examples of one major meat factory "pulling" the economy of an entire region of peasants by providing a stable market for their product (cows, pigs). In future actions, we work on integrating our agriculture and industry, thus both providing a lot of jobs and making dosh.
Should we get some ties to the surrounding crime organizations?
>Croatia won't join the EU for another 2-3 years
We are in the EU right now. If I bothered to keep track of time, I'd tell you if we joined last year or this year, but I'm more preoccupied with the internet than politics.
1)Keep the army working on the infrastructures,we need to keep it bsy
2)Proceed with the education\propaganda

-start up that weapons manufacturer for establishing a good export.

- Get recognition within the global arena(UN\G20)
-Find a good administrator to help our efforts
Pssst. Y'all should build some metal gears.
>Should we get some ties to the surrounding crime organizations?
Shoot them on sight.
Can we review our titanium industry? If we're just mining the crude material instead of refining it we're getting bilked. Building of other domestic industries such as automotive manufacturing is probably out of our reach for now.
The year in-quest is 2010, he's saying you haven't joined till 2012 or 2013. I'm pretty sure y'all joined in 2013 as well.
the quest explicitly takes place in 2010. git gud my friend
Well fuck. I've got streams open, have to skim sometimes.
>National: Give out small loans for businesses wanting to get in the water trade, thereby incentivizing the private sector to want clean water.
>National: Seek formal recognition by the UN and other countries.
>Personal: Get together with our senior military stuff to work out how we can make our military leaner and meaner.
>Personal: Try to alleviate their concerns by putting in a few humanities classes, hiring some of their buddies. Namely, history and philosophy, along with the three Rs.
>Dr. Sifu: Look into developing good cheap industrial or electronic goods to promote the growth of our economy.

Sometimes you have to build the institute first and then the scientists will arrive. Nobody will notice if they're all shit scientists at first. It takes years and years for incompetent scientists to our themselves as incompetent, even in modern countries like the USA. Source: I have worked in academia with cheats and frauds. Unfortunately I was also incompetent, but that is besides the point.
I suggest having our military work on clearing UXO out of warzones. Might as well put them to work for all the money we spend.
Also, sorry if I didn't make it apparent -- this is Turn 2. You'll get your renewed stats at the end of the turn!

1) [Talent search for noteworthy administrators, preferably with an impeccable record.]
2) [Petition the UN for recognition/member status.] or [Continue hobnobbing with your military leaders.]

Dr. Sifu:
1) Found a scientific institute/learning center at the capital, a glorious university that may or may not carry your name on it!

1) [Continue infrastructure expansion efforts.] or [Begin focusing infrastructure development towards self-sufficiency, isolating from external imports.]
2) [Begin development of a national gas and heating grid.] or [Begin development of agricultural programs to promote better food output.]

You could review it if you wish, yes. You're currently mining it up and sending it to refineries that are in-country, but that are privately owned by a large (publicly owned, ironically enough) corporation that uses some pretty nifty refining techniques before shipping out the finished material. You could nationalize it if you wished, or try to buy it out, though they might not necessarily come to the table given the sweet setup they have (and the PMC guarding the area inside of the fences your men have scouted.)
>1) [Talent search for noteworthy administrators, preferably with an impeccable record.]
>2) [Petition the UN for recognition/member status.]
>Dr. Sifu:
>1) Found a scientific institute/learning center at the capital, a glorious university that may or may not carry your name on it!
>1) [Begin focusing infrastructure development towards self-sufficiency, isolating from external imports.]
>2) [Begin development of agricultural programs to promote better food output.]

We want UN membership so people can't attack us at will.
Also, infrastructure is expensive and we are in debt. We need to develop our economy to pay those debts back while throwing money at infrastructure as we can afford it.
>2: Hobnob with military leaders on the future of our military. How we can prepare it for likely threats, reduce its budget and try to increase it's efficiency at the same time.
>[Begin focusing infrastructure development towards self-sufficiency, isolating from external imports.]
>[Begin development of agricultural programs to promote better food output.]

Self-sufficiency and development means a better international trade balance, which we sorely need.

Personal: get a good admin. Lobby for UN status.

Sifu: as is.

National: let's go for independent infrastructure. Gas and heating grid. We're going into winter anyways, the public isn't going see the benefits of a better agro system until next year anyways.
>2) [Petition the UN for recognition/member status.]
>1) [Begin focusing infrastructure development towards self-sufficiency, isolating from external imports.]
>2) [Begin development of a national gas and heating grid.]
modern agriculture is effective 365days a year though , although yes, summer surely helps
>1) [Talent search for noteworthy administrators, preferably with an impeccable record.]
>2) [hobnob]
Don't want the UN yet, want to take over a neighbouring country first.
>Dr. Sifu:
>1) Found a scientific institute/learning center at the capital, a glorious university that may or may not carry your name on it!
>1) [Continue infrastructure expansion efforts.]
Let's get a stronger economy before goig self sufficient.
>2) [Begin development of a national gas and heating grid.]

I actually don't know shit about modern farming techniques so feel free to vote against me.
Nah,your idea was fine,heating grid is more important during the winter.

You know that if we attack a UN country and we don't have representation, we're fucked, right? Every UN country will send a multilateral team of soldiers to fuck up shit up.
1: talent search
2: petition UN
Dr. Sift:
1:found university
1: self sufficiency
2: gas/heating grid development

Also, it might be useful to buy a lot of shares in that large corporation, if we can't afford to buy it outright. It is one of the easiest ways to increase revenue I can see.
m8, we're in Europe. We don't get to attack anyone without a shitstorm.
The only way to start a war here is to start internal unrest and covertly support the side you like.
1) Talent search for noteworthy administrators, preferably with an impeccable record.
2) Petition the UN for recognition/member status.

Dr. Sifu:
1) Found a scientific institute/learning center at the capital, a glorious university that may or may not carry your name on it!

1) Begin focusing infrastructure development towards self-sufficiency, isolating from external imports.
2) Begin development of a national gas and heating grid.


>buying shares

This is a really good idea. We should do this next turn.
> implying anyone is impressed by blue helmet troops

They'd more likely apply sanctions and try to undermine us economically.
yes now go write
Looks good enough.
Balkan War in the 90s, which is the region we're in. Serbia got fucked in it. Don't underestimate the US, UN and EU doing squat.


We're not exactly at the pinnacle of military power right now anon. We'd probably be an even fight for Kazakhstan or the Texan National Guard, if they didn't bring air support.

What I'm saying is that even the UN's loltroopers would be hard for us to manage.
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What is our flag going to look like?
>pic related was the flag of the Volga German autonomous region
My proposal.
Yes, but do note that everyone hates the Serbs because they are generally assholes to everyone they come in contact with.
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Just replace Belka with Illyria.
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Remove the crowns, add a red star with a yellow trim in the middle? I don't know.
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I think your flag looks good, but unfortunately some of the former Soviet flags look awful. So it may stretch suspension of disbelief to far.
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I don't think the star is centered
>January 10th, 2011.
>Turn 3.
>Each turn covers the span of 6 months.

Dr. Hiroshi Sifu, Research 2.

GNP: $127B with -1.8% growth, Revenue $19.6B, Spending $36B, Debt $60.5B @ 5% Interest.

Population 21M (-0.2% growth rate, 4% Hungarian immigrants)

Popularity High (67%), no known revolutionary groups.

Internal Security 3, Crime Control 2, Civil Law 6

Regulations: Business 5, Environmental 5, Egalitarian 4, Health & Safety 4, Vice 1

Military Power: Air 2, Land 3

>The Budget:
Defense 30%
Education 10%
Health Care 15%
Law enforcement 2%
Regulation 4%
Social Programs 35%
Other 4%

>Rolls: 38, 93, 68, 39, 59, 95
>Event Roll: 57

Unfortunately, your talent search does not go as well as you'd have wished. While you may have had a brief spark of awesome charisma, it seems to flitter a little bit when it comes to these stuffy accountant types. They're mostly unmoved by your fiery rhetoric, and more than a few of the more promising candidates have blotchy pasts, black holes in their work history, and iffy references that don't hold up under examination. Rats!

The UN, on the other hand, seems to take your fiery and youthful vigor in stride. While they seem reluctant to accept you as an actual member of the UN, they do at least recognize that you're an existing, autonomous governing entity. Whatever that means. That being said, the UN wants to establish some humanitarian investigations, and peer into some of your more, ahem, personal matters.

On the flip side, the university already is enrolling its first few batches of students! Young men and women of promising intellect, previously denied the chance for a reliable education at any remotely accredited institution. It actually helps placate and empower your intelligentsia a bit, as they seem to find their safe haven. Even if it does have a big statue of you being erected in front of it in solid bronze.
An isolated economy is a hard thing to develop, as your people learn. A lot of the gas reserves tend to already be in use, and to further put a strain on things, electricity isn't even locally generated for the most part! A lot of power used by the nation has to be imported thanks to the war demolishing several power plants. A nuclear power facility along the river would likely satisfy your nation's needs for the better part of the next couple decades, but you'd have to do some serious hobknobbing of the highest order to pull that off! You'll need to explore some ideas about how to fix your power generation and coverage before you can think about making your other resource requirements independent (steel mills need power to run after all!)

Finally, things start to end on a high note. Your national fuel grid is actually shaping up spectacularly! A large amount of infrastructure is able to be set up thanks to some very well-placed penny pinching by your engineers, relying on cheaper (yet till extremely sturdy) materials for the gas piping and setting up some nifty safety systems that even get a couple engineers from China swinging by to check things out! Talk about fancy, huh? You suspect that by the end of this year there'll be plenty of heating to go around, and a warm house is certainly a fair shake if you can't get a lit one!

Event: A small PR disaster! One of your military officers, visiting the US on an ambassadorial visa, thoroughly embarrassed himself at a swanky Hollywood party. He groped a B-list actress, puked all over himself, and promptly passed out in the middle of the party. Your man's an internet celebrity, in one of the worst ways! He claims he was drugged, but who can honestly tell? The camera sure can't!
What is "Vice"?
>our flag is Croatia+Serbia
We have more population than both of those combined, twice. On less than a tenth of the territory, somehow. This doesn't really make sense.

Personal: dismiss the offending officer from the service and make an example of him - only the most honorable conduct is expected from officers. Keeping looking for talented administrators.

National: cover up any human rights violations as best we can and then allow UN inspectors to come in and do what they do.

Sifu: have him try to persuade some Asian scientists to join our cause - seems like we could pull some civil engineers to our nation based on our success with the gas lines.
Vice is the effectiveness of your regulations regarding the various vices. Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc. It's basically how hard your government's ATF works to keep things in order, and how heavily you regulate. Right now it's basically hard drugs being illicit, without much in the way of efforts to affect their funneling through your nation.
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Thats because of the region we're named after

>National: Buy up shares from that one public company.
>National: Give out small loans to encourage promising entrepreneurs and business plans.
>Personal: Review our military with our senior military staff. Look into making it leaner and meaner.
>Personal: Set up a Civilian Marksmanship Program. Sell old cold war-WW2 surplus long guns and pistols to citizens, set up public ranges and "Shooting Fests" (like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sch%C3%BCtzenfest ). This improves the gun skills of our populace and increases revenue.
>Sifu: Look into developing some fancy new consumer electronics we can make, sell to our populace and export.

It's two personal and two national.
send officer to rehab at US, with us covering expense. A military man should know the consequences of losing face.
invest heavily in that titanium refining company. Almost .50 debt to GDP ratio Goddamn.

Drop environmental regulations to 4. We need money to bootstrap a country and we can clean up the environmental damage later.
Sifu: grab some undergrads from the university and check our mining practices for waste or mismanagement.
Whoa there comrade. If we encourage civilian ownership of firearms it will make any resistance group / terror cell much worse.
>Buy up titanium co. shares.
>See about reducing our military budget without weakening it.
>Sell old milsurp, set up public ranges people pay for admission into, and set up annual shooting fests. Businesses will rent out space during those shooting fests. Also use it for tourism.
>Try to improve law enforcement, with an emphasis on an internal affairs division getting set up within various departments of our govt, especially law enforcement.
>Look into developing our industry with technology
Gun ownership is good if your nation is full of violent criminals(niggers, turks etc) because they don't use legal weapons to commit crime anyway.
So, correct, we don't need mass gun ownership.

Gun rights only for off duty military and police members then?
I'm pretty sure terrorist groups would use illegal guns anyway, and would likely be supplied by external powers. We basically need something like Switzerland down the road.
Idea: You mentioned that a nuclear plant by a river might improve our power situation. Might green energy initiatives be the preferable alternative? Not only would we utilize the river itself (with the added bonus of possibly improving the water quality even further by means of integrated research) and such, we would also possibly help our image with other European powers (The people there tend to be big on environment-consciousness). Thoughts?
Personal: try to make our military more lean, look for administrators.
National: Sell off WW2/1950s surplus small arms to civilians & encourage a legal gun culture, improve law enforcement
Sifu: Look into recruiting some of his friends to come over.
That'd be a good thing we can get next turn. Right now I think shares in the titanium company is the most important choice. Everything else is less important.
Well, we are taking Hungarian immigrants at a rate to slowly displace our "native" population. Might not be a bad idea, actually.
This is what I would suggest, at least in the formative years. Our JROTC/hitler youth program would be exempt, of course.
This seems like a good idea for our infrastructure and international image. If we get Dr. Suki on board, it'll almost certainly succeed as well.
>Personal: Continue looking for a capable administrator.
>Personal: Review our military with our senior military staff. Look into making it leaner and meaner.
>National: Crack down on crime.
>National: Enlarge the manufacturing sector.
>Sifu: Research improvements for titanium mining.
> Unfortunately, OP needs to shut down for a bit and take care of some severe sunburn from yesterday. I have every intention of running again either later tonight or tomorrow -- suggestions, critique, etc. are more than welcome! Hope y'all enjoyed the first installment!
I don't think it'd be an issue if it's limited to semi-auto/bolt-action rifles & shotguns though. Not AKs, SMGs, handguns, explosives or cannons
Water should always be a state matter, privatization of such things has always been a disaster.
Thanks for running, minister.
Tax law fag here, they are in.
The more guns are around the more likely it is to get shot, thus it is more likely you law enforcers shoot instead of talk. Gets you downhill real fast.
We make it far easier for them if everyone has weapons. Keeping track of them all is more or less impossible, thus we can easily face well armed opposition.
My bad.
State controls guns. Public-access organizations along the lines of firearms clubs exist, however, allowing citizens so inclined to learn their use in the company and supervision of trained professionals as well as among other armed people. Makes them feel safe and solidaric without notably increasing any risks beyond the off chance that everyone is pissed off with us, all at once. At which point we'd likely be fucked one way or the other.
Then where does that leave hunting? We're in a largely wooded nation which means there is likly a large population of armed citizens already. Whuch means gun confiscation is needed for your personal controlled clubs.
And more ice creams means more people get fat. Firearm crime is perpetrated by criminals for the most part. And when you disarm your citizens they're even more vulnerable to crime, which wont follow the law against guns.
Not really.
People generally don't commit crimes with legal guns. It's really rare.
Arming citizens with legal guns means those guns will be used in legal ways such as defense against illegal guns and (illegal) violence in general.
Hiding some illigal guns in a sea of legal ones is easy.
Said guns lead to high numbers of domistc gun deaths. Why hit you wife if she is sleeping around, when you can shoot her?
Quite a problem everywere with many guns, yes even in Switzerland.
Not really, look at central Europe, with the exception of the swiss everyone has strict weapon laws, so almost no one has one. All have low crime rates.
That would be a decent idea, but somehow make the state involved and watch them closely. Almost all people who commit gun crimes in Europe learned in such placed how to use them.
The thing is that WW2 rifles & shotguns aren't really a major threat to us, as tools of crime or insurgency.
I will admit that I hadn't initially thought about hunting, but a possible solution might be to allow private firearm ownership where professional need dictates it (hunting, of course, -maybe- home defense in the less stable regions) while still encouraging the "club" idea in areas where hunting is less prevalent. By my understanding, Germany fares fairly well on a sort of "privately-owned firearms may only even be ready for firing in areas where their use is permitted in the first place" policy (and I partially borrowed the idea from the Marksmens' Clubs of Swiss and German culture). Wouldn't know about viability in our country's case, though.
Switzerland issues a rifle to everyone, but removes the firing pin. Not really useful to compare them.

>>40862407 here
That's what the trained professionals from my post would be for. People the state trusts with handling (and keeping under control) gun enthusiasts. Maybe integrate it with a sort of reservist program, just in case.
And when you have a good police force, a positive culture, and make yourself look not oppressive by removing all gun rites
>Euros can still own guns, full-auto ones at that, privately. There's some hoops, but these ideas suggested will necessitate a full on gun confiscation action as our majority woodland country would have a surplus of hunters.

Think of something else, restrict handguns if needed, allow rifles/shotguns, dont ban, support your police and apply pressure to criminals instead of targeting tools.
Like I wrote earlier, good idea. We just need to keep an eye on the people there to prevent some crazies run amok after learning to shoot (obviously low priority right now).
WW2 stuff: You're right.
Shotguns: Can be nasty with some crazies, but not in a insurgent way.
You are right in that, went a bit to far myself in that.
Wasn't it a gun for every able man and enough ammo to fight your way to the next army position?
But still could be a good idea for our future military.
I think that ideally, we'd want to establish ourselves as something like Singapore or China--where the civilian population is convinced we're the best choice for govt since things are going well.
Seems decent.
Can we put the jews in camps later on?
Just woke up, you guys still running?
What religions are present in the country?
Likely majority catholic with orthodox and muslim minorities
Remove kebab

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