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>This Quest takes place in the world of Yu Yu Hakusho, where you play as a young man who will become Koenma's new Spirit Detective

>Decisions will be made by vote; at the end of each update I give, options will be provided. Typically, you should only vote on one, but in some circumstances multiple options will be taken in a vote.

>There will be ten minutes to vote after each update; whichever option has the most votes will win

>Writeins will typically be allowed, though only when they are given as options at the end of a post

>This is not DBZ, so death will almost certainly be permanent

>This is not Game of Thrones, so main characters will probably not be dying left and right. So, be careful with your choices, but also relax and have fun

>Previous threads archived http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?searchall=new+spirit+detective+quest
"What did you used to do?" you ask.

"I was something called a Spirit Detective," your mom answers. "My job was to hunt down demons and Spirits that were causing trouble in our world."

"Was dad one too?" you ask.

"No, but he helped me out a lot," she answers. "That's how we met, actually."

"I hate to ask this...but can you guys train me?" you ask.

Your mom stares at you for a long moment, a smile coming to her lips before she answers.


>A. Ask why not

>B. Tell her you're going to be involved with this stuff, so she might as well train you

>C. Ask why she quit being a detective

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else
>A. Ask why not
She probably won't train us because she thinks it will stop us from getting involved
>C. Ask why she quit being a detective
Most important questions
Roll a d2 or a d3 lets get this show on the road
Ill change mine to B
its not really that different of an option
Yea, I just felt that A seemed a bit too whiny
"I'm going to be getting involved in this stuff, so you might as well train me," you argue.

She gets off the couch, her smile quickly being replaced by a frown as she shakes her head at you.

"No, you won't," she promises. "When I resigned as Spirit Detective, I made my boss promise not to involve me, your father, or any of my children in this ever again. I am not going to let you do it, and he will not allow you to, either."

>A. Ask why she quit

>B. Tell her that she can't stop you from doing this

>C. Fine

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Action writein
>D. Dialogue writein
"I can't just ignore people in danger when I can help them"
Seconding this
"I can't just ignore people in danger," you tell your mom. "Not when I'm able to help them."

Your mother gives a small smile. "You have a good heart, Siegfried, and I'm very proud of you for that, but you don't know what you're asking."

Her smile disappears. "You may think being a Spirit Detective is like being a Super Hero; you'll be powerful, strong, fast, and protect everyone from evil. You may think it will be nothing but fighting some monsters and saving the day, but it's much more than that."

She looks you dead in the eye. "When I was Spirit Detective, I lived every day not knowing if I'd live to see the next. I fought things right out of my nightmares, I watched friends and loved ones die, while I couldn't save them."

She sighs. "I never wanted you or Madelyn to have to experience that. But, I always had the feeling that sooner or later, that life would find a way to suck you in. I just wish it hadn't."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

>A. Yes

>B. No

>C. You aren't sure

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else
>C. You aren't sure

That kid who attacked me was infected by a Shaytan fly. I'm already involved whether any of us like it or not. Plus, the two "detectives" working the case now can't fight. If this business is really as dangerous as you're telling me it is, they're not gonna last two weeks unless someone helps them.

Eh, this was for the previous vote, but it works well enough here too.


>>C. You aren't sure.
Then >>43055253
>I don't think I have a choice mom. You named me after a Hero, I gotta live up to it.

"I'm not sure," you admit. "But I don't have much choice. The kid who attacked me was infected by some kind of demon fly, and the two detectives working on this case can't fight. If what you're telling me is true, then they won't last without help."

Your mom stares at you a long moment, but finally relents.

"Alright, if you really need to do this, I won't stop you," she says. "But I won't train you, either."

She heads for the stairs. "If you want to learn how to fight effectively, then your aunt Lucy is the best person to teach you."

Your Aunt Lucy isn't really your aunt. However, she's a very close friend to both of your parents, so much so that she's considered family. And, she's also your godmother. She teaches Karate back at your old hometown, so she knows how to fight. But, you aren't sure what good Karate will do against demons.

"If you want to, I should be able to get you started learning from her tonight," your mom tells you.

>A. Sounds good

>B. No thanks

>C. Ask what Lucy knows about this

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else
A and C
>A. Sounds good
>D. "So what could you do? Make demons head explode? Light guys on fire? Summon spirits? That'd be sweet."
>So Aunt Lucy knows about demons too?
"Sounds good," you tell her. "But, what does Aunt Lucy know about this?"

"Pretty much everything," your mom answers. "She even helped your dad and me in a few fights. Trust me; she can teach you enough to get you started."

Your mother disappears upstairs.

>A. Follow

>B. Go into the kitchen for dinner

>C. Action writein

>D. Dialogue writein
>D. Dialogue writein
"Mom? Never forget that I love you."
>A. Follow
this, but take out the "never forget" part
Well I just thought that if it's too short they might not take it for a serious vote. In retrospect, I might be overthinking it.
It just seems weird to say that, nothing that we have done so far would make her think we don't love her. Not a bad idea to mention it to her though.
>>B. Go into the kitchen for dinner
Eh, you might be right. It souns like one of the things people usually say right before "Go on without me, I'll hold them back as long as I can"
"Mom?" you call up the steps.

"Yes?" she calls back down.

"I love you," you tell her.

"I love you too," she replies before you hear the sound of a door shutting.

You make your way into the kitchen, where your father and your sister are eating dinner; chicken and salad. You take your place at the table, and begin to dig in. Madelyn, oblivious to what you and your mother talked about, keeps right on eating her meal, while your father gives you a serious look.

"Siegfried, what did you and your mom talk about?" he asks.

>A. Tell him

>B. Point out that he probably doesn't want Madelyn hearing it

>C. Action writein

>D. Dialogue writein
Yea, I was getting a girlfriend vibe instead of motherly thb.
>D. Dialogue writein
"Mom gave me permission"
he'll understand, no need to spill the beans before our sister.
"I'll tell ypu after dinner, mom will probably talk to you about it too." They don't want our sister involved and we should respect their wishes on that front, she's still a small child after all.

>Hey Maddy if you could have any super power what would it be?

>How about you dad? What's your power?
Nope. We don't need to go piss off the parental units, they don't want her involved so we shouldn't talk about in front of her, she just started school so she is way to young to be involved.

But I mostly just wanna know what her answer is.

Can that be asked later?

Also. She probably gonna be involved but be oblivious until her powers ever come to.
"Mom gave me permission," you tell your father.

He doesn't say anything, but you know he understood what you meant. The three of you eat dinner in silence until your mother enters the kitchen.

"We'll be having company shortly," she announces, taking her seat and fixing a plate. "Aunt Kaya will be stopping over."

"Yay!" Madelyn says happily. "Will she be here soon?"

Your mother nods. "Should be any minute."

>A. Ask why she's coming

>B. Ask your mom if she asked to Aunt Lucy

>C. Action writein

>D. Dialogue writein
>Let me guess Aunt Kaya is in the know too.
>A. Ask why she's coming
>Think Mom and Dad will tell us about grandpa and grandma? Both of them just get sad when we ask...
"How come Aunt Kaya's coming?" you ask.

"She's going to take you to see Aunt Lucy," your mother answers.

"Aunt Lucy's coming too?" Madelyn asks, eyes wide with excitement.

Your mom smiles, shaking her head. "No, just aunt Kaya. Are you done eating?"

Madelyn nods. "Yep!"

Your father gets up and retrieves Madelyn's plate, placing it in the sink before returning to the table. As your mother said, there is soon a knock on the door.

Madelyn jumps excitedly from her chair and runs to the door, opening it to reveal Kaya.

Kaya's about your mom's age, with dark hair, pale skin, and green eyes. She smiles adoringly at Madelyn, scooping your little sister up and giving her a hug.

Your mother and father rise from the table, going into the living room. You get up and follow, coming into the room as Kaya sets Madelyn down.

"Thanks for coming, Kaya," your mom says in a grateful tone.

"Of course, any time," Aunt Kaya replies, approaching your parents and giving each of them a hug.

She then comes to you, and gives you a bright smile.

"You get bigger every time I see you," she comments.

>A. Ask how she's doing

>B. Tell her it's good to see her

>C. Give her a hug

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else
>C. Give her a hug
"You say that every time you see me"
>C. Give her a hug
>B. Tell her its good to see her
>A. Ask how she's doing

>D. I'm not even that old yet Think I'll be taller then Dad?
>D. Dialogue writein
"That won't work on me anymore you already cleaned out my wallet once. How do you even eat that many burgers?"
"You say that every time you see me," you comment, giving her a hug.

"Because it's true every time I see you," she says, still smiling.

"I'm not even that old yet," you tell her. "Think I'll be taller than dad?"

"Let's not get crazy here," your father says with a laugh.

"Who knows?" Kaya asks with a shrug.

"It's good to see you," you tell her.

"It's good to see you, too," she replies.

"How are you doing?" you ask.

"I'm wonderful," she answers. "And I'm always happy when I can come and pay you all a visit."

"And we're always glad to have you," your father says. "Sorry Kara called you up on such short notice."

"Oh, no problem at all," Kaya replies. "I was honestly expecting a call sooner or later, especially after the earful she gave Koenma."

Your father looks over at your mom, who give a little smirk.

"Just like old times, isn't it?" Kaya asks.

Your mother sighs. "Unfortunately."

Aunt Kaya nods, looking over to you. "So, I hear you're thinking about getting into the family business."

>A. Yep

>B. Ask what she knows about that

>C. Action writein

>D. Dialogue writein
>No, i wanna fight ghosts
>D. Dialogue writein
"We'll see about that. For now I just want to be prepared."
>....Do I get cool suit?

>Red Flags immediately
"For right now, I just want to be prepared," you answer.

Kaya nods. "Yes, I imagine so. Alright, well, your mom asked me to take you to your Aunt Lucy so you can learn how to fight better."

"Why are you fighting?" Madelyn asks in confusion.

"He isn't sweetie," your mom tells your sister, picking her up.

"Right, of course not," Kaya assures her goddaughter. "I was only joking."

>A. You have school tomorrow, ask how she'll get you to Lucy's fast enough for you to have time to train and get back

>B. Assure Madelyn that everything's okay

>C. Action writein

>D. Dialogue writein
>B. Assure Madelyn that everything's okay
Gotta trip them death flags
>B, and after we are out the door A
sounds good. also hug imouto.
"Everything's fine," you assure your sister.

"Ready to go?" Aunt Kaya asks.

The two of you leave once you give Madelyn a hug walking down the driveway towards the road. You don't see a car or anything, so you aren't entirely sure how Kaya got here.

"I have school tomorrow," you tell her. "How are we going to get to Aunt Lucy's and back fast enough?"

Aunt Kaya looks over her shoulder and gives you a wink. "Don't worry about that, we'll be at Lucy's in no time!"

She turns around, holding an oar she seemingly retrieved from nowhere. She slings it over her shoulder and gives you a smile.

>A. Ask where she got that

>B. Ask what it's for

>C. Action writein

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. "I need an adult"
"suddenly ghosts and demons and attack flies are real, so ima just roll with this one. Let me guess, it flies too?"
>Is that like a witch's broom? We fly on it?
>E. "I need an adult"
"I need an adult," you comment.

"I am an adult," Kaya reminds you, hopping onto the oar and floating in the air.

She looks at you expectantly. "Well? Hop on!"

>A. Get on the oar

>B. Ask how/why she's floating

>C. Go back inside

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else
>C. Go back inside
>>A. Get on the oar
Just gotta accept that floating oars exist now.
After everything that's happened, you can kind of just accept that Kaya has a floating oar. So, you walk up to it and hop on.

The oar rises high into the air much faster than you're expecting. You hold onto Kaya tightly as you soar above the houses, flying fast through the air towards Lucy's house.

To your shock, it only takes a few minutes for you to reach the house of your godmother. The oar swoops down, hovering in front of the door to the house, and both you and Kaya hop off.

"Here we are!" Kaya says happily.

>A. Thank her for the ride

>B. Ask why she has a flying oar

>C. Knock on the door

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else
>B. Ask why she has a flying oar
But why
A and B
>>D. Dialogue writein

"Am I going to get my own oar?"
"When do I get my oar license?"
>C. Knock on the door
I'm not trying to be rude but you should try to make every vote actually matter instead of holding votes for things like these
>Please sir, may I have some oar
"Thanks for the ride," you tell her. "But, why do you have a flying oar?"

"It's job equipment," Kaya answers. "That's all."

"Do I get my own?" you ask.

Kaya shakes her head. "Afraid not, my job's different from your mother's. I was her assistant, not a detective."

Her oar seems to vanish into thin air as she walks to the door. "Now let's say hello to Lucy."

She knocks, and the door soon opens to reveal your aunt.

Lucy's a year or two older than your mom, with blonde hair always wrapped in a ponytail, and a large grin on her face when she sees you and Kaya.

"Siegfried, I'm so glad to see you," she says, giving you a hug. "And Kaya, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Only a month or two," Kaya answers. "Sorry I haven't visited. King Koenma's had me busy."

"I get it," Lucy says with a smile. "Now come in."

You enter Lucy's house, and she leads both you and Kaya to the basement. It's still set up as her personal workout area, with various pieces of exercise equipment and a mat-covered floor.

"So, your mom's finally letting you do some fighting," Lucy says as she walks to the far end of the room, where a single door waits for her. "I figured she'd give in sooner or later, I just didn't think it'd be so soon after the move."

She opens the closet and fishes through its contents, soon turning around and throwing something to you. You catch it, and see that you're now holding a wooden sword.

>A. Ask what this is for

>B. Swing it around

>C. Action writein

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Ask if she ever fought demons
I shall name it...

>Or Garm!
>B. Swing it around
>>B. Swing it around
we were already told that she has fought demons before
You swing the sword around a bit, watching as Lucy steps away from the closet, holding one of her own.

"These swords aren't just wooden toys," she explains. "They've been coated in Spirit Energy, which makes them an effective weapon against demons, at least weaker ones. You'll probably learn some Spiritual abilities over time, but those of us without them need a way to fight, too."

Kaya heads over to the stairs and takes a seat, watching as Lucy slowly walks towards you.

"I want you to start with some basic strikes, then we'll try some parries," Lucy tells you.

So, for the next thirty minutes, you go through a repetition of basic strikes and blocks. That's when Lucy drops into a fighting stance, sword at the ready.

"Now, I want you to try and land a hit on me," she says with a smirk. "If you can land one hit, I'll let you keep that sword."

You take a moment to look for weaknesses in her defenses, but can't spot any. She seems perfectly focused, relaxes, but not too much so, and ready to strike at any moment.

For some reason, you have less trouble picturing her fighting monsters, now.

>A. Charge and attack with all of your strength

>B. Circle her, look for an opportunity to strike

>C. Move in and fake her out so she leaves herself open

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Rush in, drop, and swing low

>F. Something else
>>E. Rush in, drop, and swing low
Cheap shots ahoy.
>C. Move in and fake her out so she leaves herself open
>E. Rush in, drop, and swing low
You rush forward, closing the distance between you and Aunt Lucy before dropping into a crouch and swinging at her legs.

You come close to landing your hit, but Lucy jumps over the swing, and smacks you on top of the head with her sword as she comes down. You try stabbing at her once your head stops spinning, but she's already moved back, waiting for you to make your next move.

"Nice try," she compliments. "But think of something that's a little harder to see coming. You're on the right track."

>A. Rush forward, then move to the side at the last moment and try to hit her

>B. Attack with a series of quick strikes and try to land a hit

>C. Move in and use a feint attack

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Try spinning, that's a good trick

>F. Something else
>Use our smaller size to get into her blindspot and then strike!
>B. Attack with a series of quick strikes and try to land a hit
>A. Rush forward, then move to the side at the last moment and try to hit her

>>F. Engage her with a few strikes, and try to lock on to her rhythm.
You rush in and attack swiftly, hoping one of your attacks will get lucky and manage to land a hit.

Lucy surprises you by stopping or blocking each attack with apparent ease. Despite your decent speed and power, she is not only able to match you, but she greatly surpasses you.

After blocking a few more strikes, she kicks you in the gut, and pokes you in the chest with her wooden sword. You swing at her arm, but she pulls it back before smiling and stepping forward, making a series of quick strikes of her own.

You block the first few before getting hit on the right shoulder, then the arm, then the leg, then the gut, then the chin, then the back, and so on until you're sitting on the ground rubbing your head.

"Come on, you can do better than that," Lucy tells you, chuckling to herself and giving her sword a few swings.

>A. Rush forward, then move to the side at the last moment and try to hit her

>B. Rush in and try to overpower her

>C. Move in and use a feint attack

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Try spinning, that's a good trick

>F. Something else
>C. Move in and use a feint attack
Run at her holding our sword high and yelling
Then throw it

I call this technique
>Auntie. Do you know my favorite anime?
>Kamiya Kasshin-ryu! Hadome!

Hadome is performed by crossing one's wrists above one's head and stopping a downward karatake strike with the backs of the hands before the blade strikes the wrists or the skull. When done in this manner, a swordsman becomes able to catch an opponent's sword while still maintaining a grip on his own, unlike shirahadori which requires the user to discard his sword in favor of two free hands.

Rurouni Kenshin exists. Siegfried adores it.
You move in slowly, looking for a weak spot and once again finding none. You've reached the conclusion that you won't be able to beat her in a head on duel, so you decide to go back to trying tricks.

After a few quick strikes to lull her into a false sense of security, you feint a horizontal slash at the hip before making a diagonal strike that catches her under the armpit.

Lucy takes a surprised step back, then gives you a smile. "That's it, not bad."

She smirks, stepping towards you. "Now let's see how long you can defend."

>A. Just block every strike as it comes

>B. Block while keeping on the move

>C. Block, and make counterattacks to keep her off-balance

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else

>B. Block while keeping on the move.
You move back, blocking or parrying the strikes as they come. It isn't easy, as Lucy attacks relentless, forcing you to back up across the room as she attempts to back you into a wall.

You manage to avoid that, but in doing so, you leave yourself open enough for Lucy to land a strike.

"Not bad," she compliments. "Glad to see you take after your parents."

>A. Ask if you're as strong as they are

>B. Ask what kinds of powers your parents have

>C. Ask if you get to keep the sword

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else
>B. Ask what kinds of powers your parents have

>B. Ask what kinds of powers your parents have

>C. Ask if you get to keep the sword

>Are there steel version of these swords?
"So, what kinds of powers do my parents have?" you ask.

"Your mom's good with her Spirit Energy," Lucy answers. "She can shoot projectiles from her fingers, or even create swords with her Spirit Energy. Plus, she's stronger and faster than just about anybody on the planet. Your dad's a little stronger than her, and about as fast. He doesn't have any special abilities, really, but when he gets mad, he's pretty hard to beat."

She smiles. "Anyhow, that's all for today. You did well."

"Do I get to keep the sword?" you ask.

Lucy nods. "Of course. Just don't be swinging it around in school."

"I'll take him home," Kaya says, giving Lucy a hug. "It was great seeing you."

"You too," Lucy says before looking back at you. "Say hello to the family for me."

Kaya leads you outside, producing her oar and climbing onto it. The two of you take off and fly towards home.

>A. Ask where Lucy got those swords

>B. Ask why your mom wouldn't train you

>C. Ask who King Koenma is

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else

>F. Stay quiet

B and C
>B. Ask why your mom wouldn't train you
"So, why wouldn't mom train me?" you ask Kaya.

"It's a long story," Kaya answers. "And it's not one I think she'd appreciate me telling you. But she does have a reason."

"Who's King Koenma?" you ask as you near your house.

"The ruler of Spirit World," Kaya answers. "He's in charge of the souls of those who die. He decides where those souls go. He also helps keep the living room safe from demons."

The oar descends, and you make it to your house. You hop off of the oar, and the two of you go inside.

Your mother and father are sitting on the couch, watching TV with Madelyn, who sits on the floor so she can get a closer look. The three of them look over at you and Kaya, and your dad takes his arm from around your mother and gets up.

"So, how did it go?" he asks.

"He did very well," Kaya assures him.

Your mom smirks. "I hope Aunt Lucy didn't hurt you too bad."

>A. It was no big deal

>B. She's tough

>C. Something else

>D. Dialogue writein
>>A. It was no big deal
>B. She's tough
>B. She's tough
sure why not
"It was no big deal, but she's tough," you comment.

Your dad laughs. "Yeah she is. Count yourself lucky that you've never been on the receiving end of one of her slaps."

"Your father is talking from experience," your mother informs you. "I see she gave you one of her swords. Use it well, and don't bring it to school, please."

"Would you like to spend the night?" your dad offers. "We have a guest bedroom."

"Oh, please aunt Kaya?" Madelyn begs.

Kaya laughs. "How can I say no to you?"

She picks Madelyn up and gives her a hug. "Alright, I'll spend the night."

>A. Ask to talk to your mom in private

>B. Ask Madelyn if she wants you to read her a story

>C. Go to your room

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else
>>B. Ask Madelyn if she wants you to read her a story

C and practices with the sword.
B, still gotta be best big brother, suggest Maya join
Kaya, stupid autocorrect
"Hey, Aunt Kaya, why don't we read Madelyn some stories?" you suggest.

"That sounds great," Kaya agrees. "Would you like that, Madelyn?"

"Yeah!" your little sister says excitedly.

"Well then, Siegfried, why don't you go grab a couple of books for us to read to Madelyn?" Kaya suggests.

You rush upstairs to Madelyn's room, searching through it for books she likes. You grab a couple of books by Doctor Seuss, then run back downstairs, sitting on the couch next to Madelyn, with Kaya on the other side of her.

The two of you read Madelyn stories (she suckers you both into reading the stories more than once) until your mom says that it's Madelyn's bedtime. She takes your sister upstairs, leaving you in the living room with your dad and Kaya.

"She's really a happy little girl, isn't she?" Kaya asks.

Your dad smiles. "Yes she is. Always has a smile on her face, especially when her brother's in the room."

Kaya looks over at you. "Well, he's a good big brother. Madelyn should be happy to have him."

>A. You're happy to have Madelyn

>B. You are a pretty great brother

>C. Ask dad why mom won't train you

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Something else
>>A. You're happy to have Madelyn
>D. Dialogue writein
"Please do go on about how great I am."
>A. You're happy to have Madelyn
A forever
>>A. You're happy to have Madelyn
"I'm happy to have Madelyn," you comment Tripping all of the deathflags in the process .

Your dad smiles. "Well, she's happy to have you, too. If you haven't noticed, she adores you. Always talking about "Siegfried" this, and "Big brother" that."

Kaya chuckles at you. "Well, it's nice that the two of you get along so well. Not all siblings have that kind of relationship."

The three of you talk for a while, mostly about Madelyn, until your mom comes back downstairs and takes a seat next to your father.

"Sorry I took so long, she wanted me to read her ANOTHER story while I was up there with her," she says. "That girl sure loves her books."

"Well, that's a good thing, isn't it?" Kaya asks.

"Yeah, hopefully it means she doesn't take after her dad when it comes to brains," your mom teases, while your father fakes a wounded look.

Your mom then gets a serious look. "So, Kaya, who are these two kids Koenma sent to handle this case?"

"To be honest, I don't know much about them, just that they're a brother and sister," Kaya says. "They've found a few of the flies already, but don't seem to have any leads on who brought them here."

>A. It's someone at school

>B. It's someone who isn't from around here

>C. You'll find out who it is

>D. Dialogue writein

>E. Action writein
>>A. It's someone at school
>C. You'll find out who it is
>C. You'll find out who it is
C. Also I forget but was the puppy bit? I hope we're not going to have to fight a demon puppy.
No, you saved the puppy from being bit
We need to adopt that puppy since he was spiritually aware

>D. Dialogue writein
"Well so far I found some at the pet store and the school."
"I'll find out who it is," you promise.

Kaya gives you a small smile, while your mother still looks as though she doesn't approve of you doing all of this.

"Of course you will," your dad says. "This sort of thing's in your blood, and you're a clever guy. I have faith in you."

Your mom finally smiles. "So do I."

The four of you talk for a while, before your parents decide it's time for you to get some sleep. You head upstairs and go to bed, wondering what the next day will bring.

>To be continued

Next update should be later this week. In the meantime, follow me @qmdralo to see when I'm running this or another quest.

This thread will soon be archived, so if you liked it, give it an upvote.

I'll stick around for a bit to answer some questions and discuss the quest.
How do we prevent Maddy's death
Everyone dies eventually.
Thanks for running, looking forward to more.
Thanks, anon. Glad to hear it
How do we prevent Maddy's UNNATURAL death
Protect her, use your heads, believe in the me that believes in the you.
>believe in the me that believes in the you.
Of course you wouldn't kill a five year old
You aren't a monster
You wouldn't toture Bruce any more
>That entire post

I feel as though I've been issued a challenge.
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