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" We are in Hell. And even here there can be heroes, there can be saviors, and fell martyrs. Our friends jump to front and Latvian, in front of the Order summoned Rodann of Shields, an even that has not been performed in well over a hundred floors. And Wendigo, he is in pain and soon he will be more so. Everyone who fought for us is paying for it, and everyone unharmed watches on as the situation ceases to change. We are in Hell. And here there can be heroes. I know now what I must do. "


Action Phase !
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clean version. topless version [no aerial and tall units]
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Arf bark! Arf!

For ease of new recruits and those willing to join the hunt, I spent my extradimensional void-hours (of which there were many, and they were lonely) making this.

If you wish to join us and fight (and die) please read it, so you may join us (and die) and struggle with us (and die) and gloriously have a last stand (where you die).
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Please hold and listen to some relaxing music.

Welcome to Floors. Where lives are cheap, and eventually we will all be eaten.
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[Please reply to this one to have your action counted :v]
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If you wish to join choose a base class, one of the inner six.
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Clean Real TOpless Action Phase [Hot hot hot!]
Hah, mine's better than yours boss. Suck it! Editor my shiny new nose!
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If you live long enough you may gain access to these.
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Or these.
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Underground Llayer

The darkness underneath screamed. Waking the others.
[R*] Durian

>Move 5W 1N
>Loot Scythe/hammer thingy N of him
>Move 3W

[R*]Durian Lvl2 Rogue
Hp 1/4, Def 2 (Steelsong) Act 3, Move 3, Mag 2
Hand : Dagger / Bomb
Body : Prisoner Clothes
Bag :
-Cross Bow (stats???)
-Key x2
-Throwing Dagger x4
- Empty

>-Eyes Open
>Sneak to 2E 2N 1E 1N (Don't step on any bones), Face E

[W1] Kaz

LVL: 3
ATK: 3+2/3 ACT: 2 DEF: 2+3
HP: 6+2 MOV: 4 MAG: 1+1
M.HAND: Cross Sword (+2 ATK +2 DEF)
OFFHAND: Long Sword (+3 ATK +1 DEF)
GEAR: Battle Dress (+2 HP +1 MAG)
BAG: Cane (+1 ATK +1 DEF)
Skills: [W] Zwei Schwert, Eyes Closed [K] Spin Slash, Counter, Ground Slash [Town] Leg Sever
=Hetros Action=
>Move 2S,1E
>Place Rig 1E
"Placing a rig to help you guys out!"

=Falconi Action=
>Hover 6 North
>Suspend the Nearest Skeleton Thing

[H]Hetros "The Judge", Lvl.5:Adept
=Lurking Human=
HP:4/4 MOV:3(4-1) ACT:2
ATK:5(2+1+2) DEF:2(1+1) MAG:2(1+1)

-Chain of Goya (Lvl1,Attack+2,-1Mov,Range3 Arcing)
-Justice Overcoat (lvl3,Def+1,Atk+1,Mag+1)
-Iron Maiden*2
-Hunter Bomb*3

Bank:1138z, Void Beast's Spine
Group Bank:Pumpkin Traitor Rogue in Refurbished Maiden(50% payoff due to Livia)

Skills: [H]Bloodlust(P), [H]Hook and Pull, [H]Rig, [H] Suspension, [H+] Rig Network(P), [H+] Lurk(P), [Pray]HolmGang
>HolmGang: Chain Yourself To medium or Large target. They cannot leave you, and you Cannot leave them.

=Normal Avian=
HP:4/4 MOV:3(4-1, doubles in the air) Act:2
ATK:5(2+1+1+1) DEF: 2(1+1) MAG: 1(1)

-Hunter's Chain (lvl1,Attack+1,Range 3 Arcing)
-Hunter's Coat (lvl1,Def+1,Atk+1)
-Iron Maiden*1
-Hunter Bomb*2
-ghost papers*5

Skills: [H] Hook and Pull, [Avian] Hover
>Move 2N, 2W, bumping M2 south
Excuse me sir, but you will be safer there.

>Fire Spreadshot Round NW 7 range, 5 damage, cone AoE
>Channel all given Breath into this shot.
Sir Vertius. Sir Vidofnir.This humble soldier requests your aid. These beings pervert this place and should be removed.

[I] Watchful : Level 3 : Adept
=Lux Sworn: Lux Resistant, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag=
HP: 4/4 (3+1) Mov: 4 (3+1) Atk: 1 Def: 0 (0) Mag: 3 (2+1) Act: 2, Vision 10(5+3+2), Breaths : 6
-Main Hand : Invader (Level 2, 2-hands, 5 range, 3 bullets)
-Armor : Ranger Hat, +1 Move, +2 Vision, +1 HP
Bag :
-Binoculars (View at a distance, does not dispel darkness)
-Moblin Banner Staff
-Harpy Feathers
Ammo :
-Irondrop x5 (4 AP)
-Contra x6 (5 Damage)
-Pumpkin Rounds 27 (6 Damage, Fire)
-Happy Bday x7 (4 Crushing Damage, 5 Aoe)

Loaded : Pumpkin Rounds x 3 (6 Damage, Fire), +2 Range, +1 Damage
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spreadshot

>Move South 1, West 5
>Overwatch West

[R4] Patches lvl1 human
=Status= Trusted without a doubt

-Main Hand: Dagger +1 atk
-Armor Prisoner clothes +1 def

-Dagger +1 atk
-Dungeon key
-Thief Bomb x1
>Move 3N

[S] Jenny : Level 6 : Adept
HP: 10/10 (6+4) Mv: 3 ATK: 6 [3+3] DEF: 2 [1+1] MAG: 3 (1+2) ACT: 2
=Demon Sealed, Void Touched=
-Main Hand : Hammer Watch [Level 5, +3 Atk, Heavy Crush, +2 Mag, 2 Range Melee\Casting, 2 Handed]
-Off Hand :
-Armor : Man-Eater Armor [ Defense +1, HP +4, Stats do not decrease on debuff, -1 HP per stat debuff ]
-Jerky x 5.5 [ Heals 5 HP, two bites ]
-Chain-Sword [Attack +3, Defense +1, Range +3]
-Winged Shield [Defense +2, Hover : Become a flying target, like a vengeful gargoyle with a sharp stick !]
-Un. Threaded Harpoon [Level 5]

Skills: Counter, Spin Slash, Shield Bash, Ground Slash, Jump, Twist, Acronaut, Lunge

>Deploy E of H3
>Join [Cove] squad

Dakka reporting for duty!
Let 'em have it boys!

[I]Dakka Lv1:Novice Human
HP:4/4 (3+1), MOV:3, ACT:2, ATK:2 (1+1), DEF:1 (+1), MAG:1

- [Blunderbus] (RNG:4, AMMO:1, ATK:1)

- [Uniform] (DEF:1, HP:1)

Bag: 0z
- Bread Ration x3
- Canteen x2
- Binoculars
- Molotov Cocktail

Bank: 0z
Group Bank: 0z

[Packed Round] [Friendly Fire]
>Summon the Crow
>Cast IllusionHandHand to grab my invisibility and take it with me.
>Crow: Overwatch the Summoner, his magic doesn't exist.(Counterspell)

ATK: 1 DEF: 1 HP: 3+1 MOV: 4 MAG:4+2(Widerim)+4(Book)=10
M.HAND::Lv. 4 Book [It Came From the Sea], Darc, Lux, Hydra, Words:2, Mag +4(Daemon Ink)
OFF:Dog Whistle
GEAR:Lv 2 Heretic's Widerim, Mag +2 HP +1
BAG:Chalk x 3, Spiced Jerky x 4, Darc Shard x 2
BANK: Book of Water Words:2, Mag +1, Ferryman's Coin, Llama Water x 5, Mask, Ghost Paper x 5

Skills:Arrow, Ball, Ring, Block, Hand, Eye, Dimensional Sight(Eye of Eld), In Tandem, Bind, Faery

"Sod this!"

>Run N to hole in the ground
>Try to slip past the garuda corpse
>Jump and land on the grinning mage

"I'd rather not stick around to have my head lopped off like Viktor! Sorry buddy, survival trumps vengeance!"

[I] Isaac Ispie Lvl 5


>The Hunter's Daughter, RNG: 6, AMMO: 2, *Cannot Move and Fire, 2 HANDS
>LOAD: 2 x HappyBday (4Crush, 5AOE)
>Ammo: 13/10 Irondrop (4AP), 8/10 HappyBday (4Crush, 5AOE). 10/10 Stun Rounds (-1 Act). 6/10 Pumpkin Rounds (6 Fire)
> Lvl 3 Sergeant Uniform
Bag: Llama bread x 3, Canteen x 6, Binoculars x 1, Moblin head x 1
ATK: 1
DEF: 0+1
MOV: 3+1
ACT: 2
HP: 4/3 + 1
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spread Shot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time

[Relentless]: Witnessing a murder will allow you to track the culprit with a tap action.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you were killed last Dungeon phase. You were shot by two Marines. >>45628303
>Cast TerasHandHand to move the rocks off Gilda and Mordenkainen.
>Pulse Mordenkainen to full health.

StatusEffects:[Channeling Latvian]
ATK: 2 ACT: 2 DEF: 1 HP: 4+1 MOV: 4 MAG: 3+2+1
M.HAND: Wand[Plant] Mag+1 Rng 3
OFFHAND:Floor Notes
Gear:Fool's Cap(+2 Mag +1 HP)
BAG:Lv. 3 Oracle's Staff[Spirit] Mag+3, Rng 4, Book of Fire, Mag +1 Words 2
Skills: Pulse, Channel, Ward, Cleanse, Polarize, Hand, Tangent, Sacred Geometry
I need to be free. Anyone who can aid me in this?

>Wait to be free
>Plant Pulse demon SW
>Move 3E
>Ward tile under demon marine 4E, 2S

Khya or Poka or Charon. Any guide with a radius pulse will kill those marines and heal the Weiss from her death clock.

[N] Gilda : Level 5
HP : 4/4 (4) MV : 3 ATK : 4 (1+2+1) DEF : 2 (1+1) MAG : 8 (3+3+2)\ 7 (3+2+2) ACT: 3 (2+1)
=White Ghoul, Channelling : [S1]Jenny,[R]Torr=
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Druidmere (Level 3, Magic +3, Casting Range 4, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Off Hand : Instructor's Staff (Level 2, Mag +2, Atk +2, Casting Range 3, Attack Range 2, Grants Hook and Pull, Grants Spirit, Lux, Aerias)
-Off Hand : Watcher (Level 2, Action + 1)
-Armor : Blood Cloak ( Level 3, Mag + 2, Def + 1, Str +1, Combat Prowess : Allows you to equip [K] weaponry)
Bag : 0z
-Jerky x 5 ( Heals 5 HP, two bites )
-Stalker ( Level 2, Attack + 2, Grants Fast Climb )
>Move 3N
>Plant Pulse [W] Wendigo

[G] LeiLei : Level 1
=Orodnian, +1Hp , +1Mov , [Good Smell]=
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 (3+1) ATK : 1 (1) DEF : 2 (1+1) MAG : 4 (4) ACT: 2 (2)
Main Hand : (Guide Wand : Mag +1, Casting Range 3)
Armor : (Guide Cloak : Mag +1, Def +1)
Skills : Pulse

>Hook and pull Iron maiden to me
>-Grab onto its chain. Commence re-dragging
>Move 4N
"By ghoul or maiden your coming with us paladin."

[H3] Bubblewulf, Level: 1
HP:4/4 MOV:4(3+1) ACT:2
ATK:3(2+1) DEF:2(1+1) MAG:1

2Hands: Hunter chain (+3 RNG, +1 ATK)
Armour: Overcoat (+1 ATK, +1 DEF)

Bag: 100Z
- Chain x2
- Iron Maiden x1
- Cookies x2 (Bite 2/2)

Iron Maiden- tadpole salamander head

Skills:Hook and Pull, Suspension, Wall to Wall

>Prepare Aeras Ball Arrow Ring (Mag 5 total)
>In Tandem Cast Aeras Ball Arrow Ring with Meave and everyone else joining it.

[Q]Coffee, Level: 5
Status: Normal
HP:4/4(4+0), MOV:3(3+0), ACT:2(2+0), ATK:2(2+0), DEF:1(1+0), MAG:5(4+1)

-Napalm Hugs (Rng 3 tile line, 1 Handed) Plant Solution Alpha (Arrow Ring Engrave)
-Otherwordly Dictionary (Air, Words 3, Mag +1)
-Top Hat (+1 Mag)
-Tinker's Kit (Words 2, Chambers 2)

-Launcher (Rng 4, Ammo 2, 1 Handed)

Spells: Air BallHandHand, Air EyeBallBall

Ammo : Pillshot x10 (Dmg 0), Contra Shot x6
Skills : Ball, Arrow, Ring, Block, Eye, Hand, In Tandem, Engrave, Infuse

Zenny: 0z
Bank: 1110z , Chalk, Water x4, Darc Solvent x3, Fairy Ink, Book of Iron
Group Bank:0
>-Switch to Crystal Pickax
>Give S knight the Lamp I picked up to make room.
>Give SW knight the Gem Cutter I picked up to make room.
>Mine Crystals I am standing on
>Mine Crystals SE
>Move 4W, 2N
>-Wall Walk
>Throw a Pushpin Bomb 4N
[$] Beckie ; Level 4 ; Beck Rogue Guild
HP: 5/5 (4+1) Mv: 6 (4+2) ATK: 5 (2+3), DEF: 1 (1) MAG: 3 ACT: 4 (3+1) CHI : 12
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Blade Ray (Level 4, Attack +2, Move +2, Knockouts by this weapon leaves a stun counter instead. Mercurial Strike)
-Off Hand : Red Compass
-Off Hand : Merchant's Bag : +2 Item slots
-Armor : Mothman's Other Half (Level 4 [$][R], +3 Atk Slashing, +1 Act, +1 HP, Grants Wall Walk, Takes up armor and a hand slot)
Bag 5/6 (4+2) : 697z
-4 Pushpin Bombs (Mines\Throwing, 3 tile oriented AOE, 6 Damage)
-Crystal Pick; Can mine crystals
-Science Crowbar (Level 2, Attack +2, Opens locks and crates)
-Gem Cutter
-Pyras Crystal

Skills : Throw weapon, Switch, Steal, Backstab, Orange Leaves
Skillz : Weapon Swap, Pickpocket, Butterfingers, Spinning Throw, Mirror Hands, Ghost Hands, Vacuum Pocket
>Equip Acronaut Helm

[K] Penny Lvl1 Knight
HP:3/5 Atk:4 (2+2) Def:6 (2+2+2(shield)) Mov:3 Mag:0 (Aethernumb) Act:2
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Acronaut Helm (lvl1, Def+3)
Bag :[0z]
-Di-dent (lvl1, Atk+3, 1-2range,2hnd)
-Knight Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)

Skills : [K]Counter, [K] Spinslash
Updated stats. Forgot to adjust defense for new helmet.

[K] Penny Lvl1 Knight
HP:3/5 Atk:4 (2+2) Def:7 (2+3+2(shield)) Mov:3 Mag:0 (Aethernumb) Act:2
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Acronaut Helm (lvl1, Def+3)
Bag :[0z]
-Di-dent (lvl1, Atk+3, 1-2range,2hnd)
-Knight Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)
>Move 4W
>Rig tile S

[H] Livia : Level 5 : Adept
HP: 4/4 MV: 4 ATK: 3 (2+1) DEF: 2 (1+1) MAG: 2 (1+1) ACT: 2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5. ; [Legendary Fake] ; Ball Ball Engraved ; Lux Alpha Infused ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
--Page Flying Claws : Lvl 3 ; 2 atk ; 4 range
-Armor : Justice Overcoat; Atk+1, Def+1, Mag+1
Bag :
-8 Chains; Rope substitute
-Harpie Heart
On Chain:
-War Maiden; 3 Atk, 4 Def, Shield, Has 3 Health, Can store 2 weapons
Inside War Maiden
--Order Slayer Adept

Skills : Hook and Pull, Suspension, Rig, Bloodlust, Rig Network, Lurk, Hunter's Lore

Bank : 0z
Group Bank : 2552z
-Slayer's Spear; Level 2; 2 Atk; 1 Def; 2 range
-2 Refurbished Maidens; Traps medium creatures

The Thousand Arms [Legendary Fake]
Open Book : Knowing the Name of a weapon allows you to transform this book to that weapon.. However the weapon's level must be 5 or below and the Hunter must be capable of using it lest you gain a "FALSE" version.
Page Turn: You may turn the page to a new weapon as a tap action once per turn.
Close Book: The Thousand Arms becomes a book once more.

[Hunter's Lore] - You can study any target with an ACT.
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This thread brought to you by Devil's Daggers. You won't be a minute.
Butcher! Shoot the bird, then drop the gun and throw the head - then throw me 3 SW. I can slap a ghost paper piece on Kail, so we get out knight buddy back. Watchful's fire will hit the birdie as well, so you've got it double tapped between the two of you!
Don't let them slip by you Heavy Foot.

>Steal daggers from moblin
>Stab gross thing SW
>Stab gross thing N
>Face W

[R] Torr : Level 2
=Tortadyne : +1 Atk, +2 Def, -1 Move=
ATK: 4 (2+1+1) ACT: 3 DEF: 3 (0+1+2)
HP: 4/4 MOV: 2 (3-1) MAG: 2
2n Hand:
GEAR: Prisoner Clothes (+1 def)
BAG: Un. Scythe, Un. Katars, 2 Keys, 1 bombs
ZENNI : 0z
Skills: Throw Weapon, Steal
Gotcha Dog Soldier. One express delivery coming up.

>Shoot the bird thing NW
>Drop Rifle
>Spinning Throw Trigger 3 SE
>Steal Viktor's Head from bird thing.

Well Angst and Fangs. I did ask for this. Plus you look a bit peckish
>Place Viktor's head against neck.

Name : [R] Butcher : Level 3 : Adept
ATK: 6 (2+1+3) ACT: 3 DEF: 1 (0+1)
HP: 4/4 MOV: 3 MAG: 2
M.HAND: Mendele BR-02 (Ammo 4, Range 5, +3 atk)
2n Hand:
GEAR: Heist Clothes (+1 atk, +1 def, prevents being recognized)
BAG: 2 Keydaggers (+0 atk, x2 damage to doors\mimics), Un. Head, Poison Bolts
ZENNI : 230z
LOADED : (4AP x 2)
Skills: Back Attack, Throw Weapon, Steal, Switch

"The choice I have made may be wrong, but I have made it with conviction in my heart !"

>Move 1 W, 3 N
>Jump onto Garuda
>Attack Garuda

[K]Fleur, Adept Knight 3, Midian
HP: 6/6, MOV: 4, ACT: 3
ATK: 8(4+3+1), DEF: 7(1+2+3+1), MAG: 1

-Long Sword sword (lvl 3, +3 atk, +1 def)
-Raider shield (lvl 1, +3 def)
-Raider Armour (lvl 3, +2 def, +1 atk)
Bag: 145z

Skills: [K]Shield Bash, [K]Counter, [K]Spin Slash, [K]Ground Slash
Race: Lux+Silver Mortality, Water Vuln, Healing Bane, Blood Hunger 01, Regeneration 02, Wall Shifting, Wall walk
>Rest a hand on Armistan's shoulder.
"I am sorry. I should have noticed those bombs. Here, have my aid and know I am with you, together we will show his killers a thing or two about the Wyrd Hunt and how we feel about them killing one of our own. "

>Time Pulse the Knight Kerkyklak
>Time Pulse the Armswright Armistan.

[G] Thinly: Level 2
=Channeled : Kerkyklak=
HP : 4/4 MV : 1 ATK : 1 DEF : 2 (1+1) MAG : 4 (2+1+1) ACT: 2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Academic Writing Tool (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Time, Teras, Lux)
-Off Hand : Academic Writing Pole (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Armor : Guide Cloak (+1 Mag, +1 Def)
Bag : 160z
-Stale Wafer x6 (Heals +2 HP, Favored by Wisps)
-Jerky x2
-Llama Water x5
-Storm Coat(Level 3, +1 Mag, +1 Def, +1 HP, Water Proof, Wind Proof)

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel
Good job Shooty Rabbit! We'll make a good soldier out of you yet. You even corrected my faulty artillery instructions. Now there's a proper soldier! Arf!

>>Pick up 1x Ghost Paper from M2 Meave W or SW
>>Get thrown by Butcher 3 SE's spinning throw

>(action) Move 3E
"Yo! Buddy! Kail's got a date to get to and you're being an unfortunate third wheel!"
>(action)Apply Ghost Paper on [Possessed K1 Kail] E

"... wait no, I should have gone with "consider your tenancy VOID!" That's a much better line. Moore'd love it. Arf-arf.".
>wag tail

Go Kail! Rheubenna needs a timely rescue from terminal being-riddled-with-bulletsness!

==Status: Kerbold==
HP: 5/5 Mov: 4 Atk: 1
Def: 1+1 Mag: 1 Act: 2
Snub-03, rng3 2*/2* ammo
Sgt. Uniform (+1 def/hp/mov)
Iron Drop (4AP Dmg): x11
Happy B-day (4 crush 5aoe) x19
Dumbo (6dmg, square aoe, hvy knockback) x3
Pumpkin rounds (6 fire) x4
(5x InstantCoffee+ 5x Llama Water), 4x Sleep Bomb (4square), BR-02, Ghost Paper [Used]
[I]Firing Solution, Spreadshot, Friendly Fire, Packed Shot.
[Ker] Dig, Scent, Beast Talk
Load: Click click
>consider your tenancy VOID!
Right in the feels.
Oh. Hello-hey dread-slimey creatures of the night. Is this your cove-cave? Is pretty cove-cave!
Rabbitspaw was just admiring rustical architecture-ness of cove. Am would be leaving right away. Yes-yes. Wyrdies? Do we have plan to fix-kill-make-rest all these dread pirate Vilords?

Also Rabbitspaw is shinobi fighting skeleton vilord pirates in special treasure cove under mountain. Rabbitspaw wishes to take this moment to say-state that joining the Wyrd Hunties made all of Rabbits wildest dreams-desires come true. Is much-much better than prison!

==Lvl 3 $, Lux Pact==
ATK: 2+2 ACT: 3 DEF: 1+1
HP: 5 / 5 MOV: 4+2 MAG: 4 SIGHT: 8
CHI: 6 chi BREATH: 6 [Not gaining any more during night]
M.HAND: Black Jacket, +2atk, +1mov, Negate
2n Hand:
GEAR Courier Tengu's KATA, +1 hp, def, mov, +2 bag, Fireproof
BAG: 6/6
2x Riceballs, 3xLlama Water, Cobra's Promise (+3atk, poison 1), Chalk, Fancy Vilord Blade, Mobolin Skull Banner
BANK: lux shard
Skills: [R] Steal, Backstab, Weapon Throw, Switch [$] Red Petals
Mobolins: ********
>Pick up the teras shard NE

>Give my mothgirl 1 piece of chalk.
>Order my beautiful summon to head into the down below, wear a moblin skin suit and look upon their Three Headed King. Then when she can do so unobserved she is to draw a single rune facing it from a wall within 9 tiles. Apologize for making her do a Teras's job but she is the only one I can trust with this task.

>In Tandem cast Space Ball Arrow Ring with Meave and Coffee

Party Timing Concern
>[M2] Meave is too move before anyone else

[E] Jackie ; Level 6 ; Party Leader
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 ATK : 1 DEF : 1 MAG : 9 (4+3+2) ACT: 2 WORDS : 3 (0+3)
Equipped :
-Main : The Space in Our Minds ; Magic +3; Grants Space; 3 Words; Applied Fairy Ink
-Offhand: Academic Writing Tool ; Magic +1; Range:4 ; Runes can be written at Range; Grants Time
-Offhand : Dog Whistle
-Armor : Mask of the Forgotten ; Magic +2, HP +1, Darc Immunity
Bag : 60z
-4.5 x Cookies ; Heals 3 HP, two bites
-Chalk x3

Hands :
Prepared : Eye Sword Sword
Spells : Arrow, Block, Ring, Ball, Hand, Eye, Sword, Glass ][
Summons : Mothman
Skills : In Tandem
>Attack the castor
>Attack the castor

[K] Kerkyklak ; Level 2
HP : 5/5 MV : 2 (3-1) ATK : 7 (3+2+2) DEF : 4 (1+1+2) 1 MAG : 0 (Aethernumb) ACT: 2
Main Hand : Mattock; Atk +3; Heavy Slash; Def + 2; 2-Handed; Requires 3 Strength
Off Hand :
Armor : Knight Helm ; +2 def
Skills : Tomahawk, Counter
-Axes; +3Atk.
-Axes; +3Atk.
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>Excuse me sir, but you will be safer there.


>Drop 2 Ghost Paper for Trigger (See: >>45648678)
>Prepare: Illusion Ball Arrow Ring
>In Tandem to Coffee and anyone else joining the network, firing at square in attached pic (also see Coffee's post >>45647844)
> -Meave will only fire if there's a clear shot to target area and will not fire if there are friendlies in the blast coverage.

[M]Meave : Level 4
HP:3 , Mv:3 , ATK:0 , DEF:1(0+1) , MAG: 5(4+1) , ACT: 2

Status Effects:

+1 Def / -1 Def


• Main Hand : Chalk
• Offhand : Mesmeria Illusion Book (Lux/Hydra=Illusion: Words4, Mag0)
• Level 1 Mask (+1DEF, +1MDEF)

* Miniature Sword (Fleurette) used as Hair Pin
Skills : Arrow, Block, Ring, Ball, Hand, Glass, Tandem

Prepped Spells:

• Blitz Libra (Lux/Pyra=Lightning: Mag1, Words3)
• 1x Llama Water (5 Uses)
• Ghost Paper x3

Money on Person: 0

Sturmaug the WatchBird
A Sparrow with a single eye

Hp4/4 Atk.1 Def.0 Mov.8 Act.1 Mag.3
Mind's Eye: Watchbird has shared vision.
Empathic Link: ????
>Prepare Arrow Arrow
>Move 3S

[M] Dara Dara ; Level 1
=Orodnian, +1Hp , +1Mov , [Good Smell]=
HP : 4/4 (3+1) MV : 4 (3+1) ATK : 0 DEF : (0+1) 1 MAG : 8 (4+3+1) ACT: 2 WORDS : 2 (0+2)
-Main : Book of Iron ; Magic +3, Grants Iron, 2 Words, Applied Fairy Ink
-Armor : Mask ; Magic +1; Def +1
Bag :
-Book of Fire
-Student Notes
Spells : Arrow
Prepared : Arrow, Arrow Arrow
Forgot an important detail bossman. Redoing turn.

Don't let them slip by you Heavy Foot.

>Drop Crossbow
>Steal daggers from moblin
>Stab gross thing SW
>Stab gross thing N
>Face W

[R] Torr : Level 2
=Tortadyne : +1 Atk, +2 Def, -1 Move=
ATK: 4 (2+1+1) ACT: 3 DEF: 3 (0+1+2)
HP: 3/4 MOV: 2 (3-1) MAG: 2
2n Hand:
GEAR: Prisoner Clothes (+1 def)
BAG: Un. Scythe, Un. Katars, 2 Keys,
ZENNI : 0z
Skills: Throw Weapon, Steal

>Cleanse [K6]Penny
>Dilate Pulse (Plant) Gildas' Ward SE of the fallen Wiess MAG10 [Intent] Normal

Gilda while your intentions are noble, your actions are reckless. Risking your life to potentially save another puts the lives of all current and all future members of the Wyrd Hunt you will save in danger.

[N]Khya, Lv.6 - Navigator Adept
HP:5/5(4+1), MOV:3, ACT:3(2+1), ATK:2(1+1), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:10(3+3+4)

-Hand One: Lifemare (Lv5 MAG+4 ATK+1 Range:6 2Hand [Plant, Gravity, & Poison - Hydras + Terra + Darc]
-Hand Two: Lifemare
-Off Hand: Watcher (Lv2 ACT +1) [Time - Lux + Terra]
-Off Hand (Finger): True Ring (Prevents Status Changes and mutations)
-Armor: Skysworn Cloak (Lv5 HP +1 Def +2 MAG +3)
Bag 4/4: 1z
-Llama Water x 13
-Oracle Staff (Lv3 Mag+3 Range:4) [Spirit - Aer + Lux]
-Red Compass - Finds Crystals
-Blue Compass - Finds Stairs like Irregularities

Banco de Llama: Knights' Friends' book (it's just a Diary)
Channeled to:
[G1]Thinly - [K*]KerkyKlak (Unbroken Chain)
[G2]Poka - [K*]FoosFoos (Unbroken Chain), [N1]Gilda (Unbroken Chain), [S1]Jenny (Unbroken Chain), [R*] Torr (Unbroken Chain)
[Guide] Pulse, Channel, Ward, Cleanse, Unbroken Chain
[Navigator] Reversal, Dilate, Accel, Stasis, Exalted
[Lifemare] Intent
My life is that of a Guide and a Navigator. I shall save all the lives I can.
>I shall save all the lives I can.
That is as it should be, however you must balance the weight of the twenty plus lives of your fellow members of the hunt against that life you see fading in front of you. It may seem cruel in the moment, but a Guide must act to safeguard the lives of the many, and a Navigator must protect the lives of those they have saved in the future.

My words may sting, but it is far less than the sting of one of those HellMarine bullets.

"I dearly hope that this plan works; that Garuda is blocking my view of Porgom, and I shan't miss his demise even if hell itself has descended upon us."

>Wait for Charon to pulse me
>Move 3N
>Inscribe ward in my square

[M]Mordenkainen, Lvl.2 W̶i̶z̶a̶r̶d̶ Mage
HP:3/3 MOV:3 ACT:2 ATK:1 (0+1) DEF:1 (0+1) MAG:8 (4+1+2+1)

Hand 1: Lvl.2 Acid Tome [Pyras+Hydra] (+1 MAG, Words 2)
Hand 2: Lvl.2 Earth Scepter (+2 MAG, +1 ATK, HS-Dig)
Armor: Lvl.1 Moore's Mask of Friendship (+1 DEF, +1 MAG)
Bag: [65z]
- Chalk
- TimeWorn Seed

Bank:: 0z
- Lvl.3 Red Mask (+1 DEF, +2 MAG, Aethasight)

Prepared Spells: Searing Tile, {Hand+Block}
Skills: [M]Arrow, [M]Ball, [M]Block, [M]Hand

Burkhard was at a loss. In front of him a horde to the west a horde and near by, a legendary harpy.

"Count to 10, breathe in..." He turned to Armi

"Armistan that bloody overgrown chicken is bringing hell to my squad I need to confront it, but I need an edge."

"Do the Volgon's have Teras ammo?"

[I3]Burkhard, Level 6: Human Adept
HP: 4/4 (3+1), MOV: 3 (4-1), ACT:2 (2+0)
ATK: 1 (1+0), DEF:1 (0+1), MAG: 1 (1+0)

-Both Hands: Chicago Type-03 - -1 Mov, Range: 5, Ammo: 3|3/6,
-Armor: Sgt's Uniform - +1 Def, +1 HP, +1 Mov
W/ Policeman's Helmet

Doomsilver Bullets (4 Dmg, x2 vs Humans) : 17/20
Happy Birthday (4 Crush, 5 AOE) : 4/10
Iron Drop (4AP Dmg): 6/20
Iron Kisses (5 Dmg): 6/25
Pumpkin Rounds (6 Fire) : 14/20
Stun Rounds (-1 Act) : 12/12
Truesilver Rounds (6 Dmg): 10/10

Bag: 205z Monies
-1x Bread Rations
-1x Binoculars

[Truesilver Rounds (6 Dmg) + 1 Dmg]
Skills: [Militia] - Firing Solution, Packed Round, Spread Shot, Friendly Fire(P),
[Adept Militia] - Battle Rhythm(P), Take Prisoner (T), Double-Time (R)
[Shrine Skills] - Don't You Die On Me (P)
Rewriting >>45649767

>>Pulse (Plant) Poka via Channel MAG10 [Intent] Normal
>Dilate Pulse (Plant) Gildas' Ward SE of the fallen Wiess MAG10 [Intent] Normal

i am sorry Penny, but an emergency occurred. Please hold out for one more turn.

[N]Khya, Lv.6 - Navigator Adept
HP:5/5(4+1), MOV:3, ACT:3(2+1), ATK:2(1+1), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:10(3+3+4)

-Hand One: Lifemare (Lv5 MAG+4 ATK+1 Range:6 2Hand [Plant, Gravity, & Poison - Hydras + Terra + Darc]
-Hand Two: Lifemare
-Off Hand: Watcher (Lv2 ACT +1) [Time - Lux + Terra]
-Off Hand (Finger): True Ring (Prevents Status Changes and mutations)
-Armor: Skysworn Cloak (Lv5 HP +1 Def +2 MAG +3)
Bag 4/4: 1z
-Llama Water x 13
-Oracle Staff (Lv3 Mag+3 Range:4) [Spirit - Aer + Lux]
-Red Compass - Finds Crystals
-Blue Compass - Finds Stairs like Irregularities

Banco de Llama: Knights' Friends' book (it's just a Diary)
Channeled to:
[G1]Thinly - [K*]KerkyKlak (Unbroken Chain)
[G2]Poka - [K*]FoosFoos (Unbroken Chain), [N1]Gilda (Unbroken Chain), [S1]Jenny (Unbroken Chain), [R*] Torr (Unbroken Chain)
[Guide] Pulse, Channel, Ward, Cleanse, Unbroken Chain
[Navigator] Reversal, Dilate, Accel, Stasis, Exalted
[Lifemare] Intent
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"The Demondog's roar has rsien the skeletons and dead Moblins! I'll heal you Oscar! "

"Rabbit, Oscar, Durian, Bloom and Morat please take care of them. I must go help the others!"

runs off to the East hall
comes back

"And DON'T kill each other while at it"

runs off again

[G2] [Cove] Poka, Lvl: 6 Adept Guide
HP: 6/6 MOV: 4 ATK: 1 DEF: 2 MAG: 11 (6+5channel) ACT: 2
MHAND: Bloomed Druidmere LVL3 (MAG+3,RNG4 Water/Earth)
ARMOR: Swansong LVL4 (HP+2,DEF+1,MAG+1,MOV+1)
BAG: Oracle staff LVL3(MAG+3,RNG4, Light/Air), Llama water 59 sips (overfilled)
Money: 0 Zenny
Bank: 850 Zenny
Skills: [Guide] Pulse, Cleanse, Ward, Channel, Aether Wind, Radiance, Tipped Ewer, [Town] Unbroken Chain, [Song]Steel Song, [Prayer] Pulsa

>ACT1: Cast Pulsa 1N of Poka
>ACT2: Move 4E

>Channeled BY [N1]Khya (+5MAG for 1 turn)
>Channeled TO [K*] FoosFoos, [N1] Gilda, [S1]Jenny (Unbroken Chain), [R*] Torr (Unbroken Chain)
>Tipped Ewer - [G2] Poka(2/6)HP, [K*] FoosFoos (6/6HP), [N1] Gilda(4/4HP), [S1]Jenny(10/10HP), [R*] Torr(4/4) (Total 26/30HP)
>Move 1E
>Overwatch SE

"AHA, do not despair my newly-aquired compagnions! For I, Sir Walter Nut, will stand valiantly against the darkness!"

[K] Nut, Lvl 1: Novice, Human
Status: [Wandering]
HP: 4/5 (5+0), MOV: 3 (3+0), ACT:2 (2+0),
ATK: 4 (2+2), DEF: 5 (1+2+2shield), MAG: 0 (Aether numb)
-Gladius (Attack+2)
-Round Shield (Defense+2)
-Knight’s Armor (Defense+2)
Bag: [0z]

[K] Spin Slash
[K] Counter
Excuse me, but may I ask some questions? I am interested in joining after reading through some of the archives but am unsure of a few things.

The first question is that the pact with the dragon from the previous game. Is it possible for new players to gain access to it?

The other question I have is it possible to start as a different race then human? I notice several non-humans on the board but none of the guides have anything concerning them. The only thing I could find mentioning it at all were the Death Dice.

First question: yes.

Second question: not at the moment, but precedents suggest that it may be possible at a later time.
Welcome, to answer your first question you can indeed start with as =Lux Sworn= by declaring yourself as having a background at Luxendarc.

I'm afraid no way of starting as non-human has been revealed, though it is possible to become a Midian currently while in game as long as Viktor is alive. The two options are mutually exclusive. You cannot be a Lux Sworn Vampire.
Didn't Viktor just die? Or can a Midian survive without his head?
Most undead can indeed survive the loss of many body parts.
Even dulahans.
Illusion might require some context. Since it is also illusion there is a chance it will do no damage. Are you sure ?
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The Wyrd Hunt Thusly.

The heavens parting, letting in daylight. Angels singing as they line up arrows of light to fire down upon the demons. Inspire the good, smite the evil!
>Move 1W, 2N
>Overwatch Pyras Block Ball N

>attack demon NW
>Move 1S, 2E, 2S, 1E

>Move 2S, drop down the cliff, 2S, 1E
>Rushdown the Marine
>Face the Castor SE

[K] Rabata
>Move 5W

>Move 1E, 2N

[K] Foos Foos
>Move 5W, 1S, 1W

>Wait for Teras rounds until last second
>Move 1N, 1W
>Shoot the Garuda with Pumpkin Rounds (+1 Damage)
>Battle Rhythm load Teras Rounds if given, more Pumpkin Rounds if not

>Move 2N, 4W, 4N
>Wholesale Swallow Pogrom

>Pickup moblin scythe under foot
>Pickup skull
>Throw Skull 4W, 1N
>Weapon Throw moblin scythe 2W, 1N
>-Red Petals
>Move 3S, 2E, 1S
>Face N
Thank you. Does this look alright?

>Deploy E of [H4] Hetros

[M] Miss Potts
=Lux Sworn, Human=
HP : 3/3 Atk : 0 Def : 1 (0+1) Mov 3 Mag : 7 (4+1+1+1) Act : 2 Lux Breath : 0
Hand : Book of Fire +1 Mag
Armor : Mask +1 Def +1 Mag
Bag :
-Mystery Book
Skills : [M] Ball [M] Ring
You should put your name and pick a trip for security and accessing your in game bank account when you get some zenni and items, otherwise it looks good to me.
Like this?
*watches in horror as the skeletons rise*

"You need not worry miss Poka. We've spent the whole day preparing for such an encounter. Despite this setback we will prevail!"

This is good. I'll follow Jackie's orders.

[M] Bloom, Level 1: Mage


HP:3/3(3+0), MOV:3(3+3), ACT:2(2+0)
ATK:0(0+0), DEF:1(0+1), MAG:4(3+1)

-Main hand: Chalk (n/a)
-Off Hand: Magic Book (Fire, 2 [WORDS], Range 3)
-Armor: Level 1 Mask (+1DEF, +1MDEF)
-Offhand-Handless Equipment (Stats)

Bag: [20z]

-Identified Student Notes (Darc)
-Llama water
-Salamander Blood
-x5 Poison Crossbow bolts

[Prepared Spells: {Ball+Ball} x3, {Ball+Block} x 2 {Block Block} x 2 /No Ammo]

Skills: [M] Ball, [M] Block
Almost, just remember to include your class tag, and the number your assigned upon deployment. It will be on top of your sprite's head.
I saw that was required and just plum forgot about it, you have been a dear. Thank you for all the help getting started.
Yeah but for now add [M*] before your name. You will be assigned a number later. Also go ahead and copy my stats but replace the appropriate information. Your bag will be empty and your student notes are unidentified. You identify by equipping them iirc. I did it before we started so Idk. Make sure you write down your prepared spells too.
Not a problem. Glad to have you aboard. Welcome to the Wyrd Hunt Miss Potts.
I have no idea what's going on.

Where in the tits are the rules for this game posted?
Basic Rules can be found in these posts. These can help you get started.


Classes you can be can be found here. Remember that you can only start off as the center six. That is Rogue, Hunter, Knight, Guide, Mage, Militia

Note there have been a great deal of rule adjustments over the course of the 5 games we have played. Trawling the archives to learn the ins and outs of the game can be helpful in knowing what to do.
See. And welcome! (You too, Ms Potts!)


"Welcome miss Potts. A pleasure to meet a fellow frie-colleague who appreciates the aetherial art of magic."

So if this is right. The 3 green mages are all underground between the genocidal maniac pally and moblin God. And yet WE'RE STILL IN THE SAFEST PLACE with the whole legions of hell being above us ironically."

Join us in the IRC!

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>Cast [arrow+ball]x2

"I'll do my best, but don't promise anything"

[M1] Morat ; Level 1
HP: 3/3 MOV: 3 ACT: 2 ATK: 0 DEF: 1 (0+1) MAG: 6 (4+1+1)

- Main hand: Book of Fire lvl1 Mag1 Words2
- Armor: Mask lvl1 Mag1 Def1
Bag: 25z
- Chalk
- Book of Aer ?
- Llama Water 3/uses
- Xbow and ammo:4xP.bolts
Skills/Words: [M] Ball, [M] Arrow
Spells Prepared: [Ball+Ball] [Ball+Arrow]x2 [Arrow+Ball]x3
>>45646723 see^
I forgot to add +1 def thanks to poka's steel song and -2 to my prepared [Arrow+Ball] spells
"Welcome to this jolly company m'lady!
And do not fear, these fiends can not stand against bravery such as ours! "
Yeah we've got the target extremity secured and Butcher is proceeding with operation Slam Dunk. We'll get that ahead of this mess. Viktor won't have a reason to lose his head.
"You really think I'm just going to keel over and let you have my body ! Well think againu goddamned cephalopod ! Get out of my head ! I will not let you turn me against my friends !"
>-possession removed by ghost paper
"Oh Trigger. Thanks, this thing was clawing at my brain. Oh, and hey. Welcome back. It's good to see you again. We have some catching up to do.

But first, just give me a second."
>move 3S
"I spent this all Floor shuffling around like a moron. Because of me, Rabata is all alone down there, when I was supposed to tutor her. Senpai got hurt because I spent time fucking around with monsters I can't even hit. And my head hurts something fierce.

So you know what ? It's starting to piss me off. I might be a fuckup, but I'm still the Wyrd Hunt strongest knight ! So enough fucking around ! It's time..."
>move 2S1E (rushdown)
"... To make things right !"
>face SE

[K]Kail, Lvl.4 Adept
HP:8/8 MOV:3 ACT:2 ATK:7(2+3+2) DEF:8(1+2+5(shield)) MAG:0 (Aethernumb)

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Knight's Burden (lvl4, Def+2, HP+2, Protective Aura)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Jerky (1 bite, heals 5HP)×1
-Salamander Skin

Personal :
-Master Sword (lvl4, Atk+3, Sword Bolt, 1hnd)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Raider's Helm (lvl2, Atk+1, Def+1, HP+1)
Group Bank:Knight's Shield lvl1 (lvl1, 1hnd, Def+2 (front only)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
>move 2W
>pick up the shield
>move 3W

[K] Rabata Lvl1 Tam Knight
HP:6/6 Atk:4 (2+2) Def:6 (2+2+2(shield)) Mov:3 Mag:0 (Aethernumb) Act:2
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)
Bag :[20z]
-Crossbow (lvl1, 5 range)
-Poison bolts×5 (2dmg, Poison)
Skills : [K]Counter, [Racial] Tam Regen, [Racial] Tam Change

Slight override of that last order

>Battle Rhythm load Teras Rounds if given, Stun Rounds if not
Terrible sorry, Sir - paperwork slip.
Sorry Castley-Jackie-Bosslady. Is not enough. Is not enough! Am demon-slime-gore-pirate-corpses! Is devil-dogs! Is-Castor-monster! Is undead-dread-mobolins! Morat-Poka-Durian-Oscar is-am trying but is not enough.

Little Chapel Dove said Rabbit was too worried to be Lux-Shinobi-Knight-weapon. Is was true. Is not weapon. Is scared prisoner-courier-shinobi in over own head. Said Rabbitspaw lacks Conviction-Purpose-Determination-Truth. Rabbit did not understand so well.
Is okay. Demon-outsider-monsters don't belong on the Floors. Evil-mean-not-Lux. Not Fair. Not Life. Not Justice.
Rabbitspaw understands what he must do. Thinks maybe he begins to understand... Conviction-Purpose.

Goodbye Wyrdies. Is-was-will-be best of friends.

>Weapon Throw Moblin Cleaver 1nw, 3w (+2 atk, +1 def, Hidden Skill: Cleave)
>Weapon Throw The Cobra's Promise 2w (+3 atk, Poison 1, Level 3)
>Weapon Throw Fancy Vilord Blade (stats unknown, but high?) straight up through hole Rabbit is standing under and 1e

>-Tap Lux Breath 6, 2 per thrown item.
>-Tap Red Petals for 6 chi, 2 per thrown item.
>-Tap Tengu's Kata Fireproof so Beckie's armor at least survives.

==Lvl 3 $, Lux Pact==
ATK: 2+2 ACT: 3 DEF: 1+1
HP: 5 / 5 MOV: 4+2 MAG: 4 SIGHT: 8
CHI: 6-6 = 0 chi BREATH: 6-6 = 0 [Not gaining any more during night]
M.HAND: Black Jacket, +2atk, +1mov, Negate
2n Hand:
GEAR Courier Tengu's KATA, +1 hp, def, mov, +2 bag, Fireproof
BAG: 4/6
2x Riceballs, 3xLlama Water, Chalk, Moblin Skull Banner
BANK: lux shard
Skills: [R] Steal, Backstab, Weapon Throw, Switch [$] Red Petals
Mobolins: ********
Tsk. Redoing actions.

>Move W2, S1, W1 on top of maiden
>-peek around corner. (praying not to get screwed on LOS)
>hook and pull Rabbits 1S, 2SE over head,

[H3] Bubblewulf, Level: 1
HP:4/4 MOV:4(3+1) ACT:2
ATK:3(2+1) DEF:2(1+1) MAG:1

2Hands: Hunter chain (+3 RNG, +1 ATK)
Armour: Overcoat (+1 ATK, +1 DEF)

Bag: 100Z
- Chain x2
- Iron Maiden x1
- Cookies x2 (Bite 2/2)

Iron Maiden- tadpole salamander head

Skills:Hook and Pull, Suspension, Wall to Wall

Bank: 0z
Beckie's and Jenny's actions combined means Jenny takes a bomb to the back of the head for 6 fire dmg.

Will that break the seal and release the demon inside her?
You are quite correct. Though I would have ran out of actions before I got to throw the bomb. Thank you for pointing that out. I'm pretty bad at remembering what is in my hands apparently.

Overriding. Making a correction.

>-Switch to Crystal Pickax
>Give S knight the Lamp I picked up to make room.
>Give SW knight the Gem Cutter I picked up to make room.
>Mine Crystals I am standing on
>Mine Crystals SE
>-Switch to Blade Ray
>Move 4W, 2N
>-Wall Walk
>Throw a Pushpin Bomb 4N
[$] Beckie ; Level 4 ; Beck Rogue Guild
HP: 5/5 (4+1) Mv: 6 (4+2) ATK: 5 (2+3), DEF: 1 (1) MAG: 3 ACT: 4 (3+1) CHI : 12
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Blade Ray (Level 4, Attack +2, Move +2, Knockouts by this weapon leaves a stun counter instead. Mercurial Strike)
-Off Hand : Red Compass
-Off Hand : Merchant's Bag : +2 Item slots
-Armor : Mothman's Other Half (Level 4 [$][R], +3 Atk Slashing, +1 Act, +1 HP, Grants Wall Walk, Takes up armor and a hand slot)
Bag 5/6 (4+2) : 697z
-4 Pushpin Bombs (Mines\Throwing, 3 tile oriented AOE, 6 Damage)
-Crystal Pick; Can mine crystals
-Science Crowbar (Level 2, Attack +2, Opens locks and crates)
-Gem Cutter
-Pyras Crystal

Skills : Throw weapon, Switch, Steal, Backstab, Orange Leaves
Skillz : Weapon Swap, Pickpocket, Butterfingers, Spinning Throw, Mirror Hands, Ghost Hands, Vacuum Pocket
Overriding, going to adjust these actions slightly:
>move 1S 2E 2S 1E
>overwatch bomb throw NW

Is this in the way of anything?

[R] Oscar, Level: 1
=One-Armed Bandit=
HP:4/4 MOV:3 ACT:3
ATK:3 (2+1) DEF:1 (0+1) MAG:2

M/Hand: Dagger (+1 ATK)
O/Hand: N/A
Armour: Prisoner's Clothes (+1 DEF)

Bag: 3/4 0z
- Throwing Knife x4
- Key x2
- Thief Bomb
- Graham's Arm
- Snub-02 (RNG:4 AMO:2 1HAND)

Ammo: None

Load: None

Skills: [Rogue] Weapon Throw
Rabbitspaw, may I ask why you wish to quit?
I just noticed the little grid in the pictures. Did you draw that in or is it a page type?
Enough people have posted that I think I am safe to say

Then fall in lads behind the drum
With colours blazing like the sun.
Along the road to come what may
Over the hills and far away.
I would also like to know, Ziggy finds that sad.
You are over looking that he is outside the blast AoE. It's risky as hell, but it might work.
Okay so next phase can we deal with one threat at a time? I think those little mages near Pogrom are counting down to a summon and to the left is a ton of demons to take out. We shouldn't advance to the right just yet, the moblins are waiting for us oddly enough.
>Okay so next phase can we deal with one threat at a time?
We don't have that luxury, but what we can do is deal smartly with the threats we face.

>I think those little mages near Pogrom are counting down to a summon
Those look like death clocks, they may be dead. But we should try to finish this (or kill them) before they reach zero just to be safe. Also unless they are special little mages they can't summon anything, only the one with the hat can.

>to the left is a ton of demons to take out.
A huge number of those demons should be dead after this phase. Those that aren't should be injured or easy enough for the runners still in that room to deal with.

>We shouldn't advance to the right just yet, the moblins are waiting for us oddly enough.
We aren't going in to that room until Pogrom is dealt with.
Hopefully they will be gone-burnt-destroyed.

Is not quitting! Is trying to deal with unfortunate preponderance of demon-monsters. Is proper job for true Lux Pact.
So is Rabbits job. If Skeletons-Monsters spread around hole, all standing-sitting-resting Vilord Skeletons become demon-gore-slime-monsters too!

And so am will be eating us all. Rabbit will not allow that.

Also Rabbit forgot to specify
>Red Petal fuse as little as possible to prevent monsters getting away?

And now all my fears are alleviated.
>And now all my fears are alleviated.
You haven't seen what is in the room to the East have you.
It's probably pretty scary
It's going to be alright Khya! After if I don't die from this assault I will most likely handle the east room for you. Because we're pals.
If possible Ziegfried I'd like to capture Pogrom instead of having him be digested completely. We need to question him and we owe Viktor for his help, and all he asked for was the man's blood.

We can transfer him into an Iron Maiden once that room is clear.
W-what?! But bossssss...that's now how monsters work now...

If the coast is clear then I'l let him out. And we can apprehand him, but until then he stays in the lovely warm of my very very potent stomach acids.
let's just hope he can't lux, spirit, or plant pulse from inside of you.
I'm sorry Ziegfried, you deserve your hard earned meals and normally I wouldn't ask that but Pogram is a special case.

Don't worry zieg, I'm going to try crashing this Garuda down there.
>Because we're pals.
Also I know it is because you want to eat it, but you can only eat most of it ok? We need bits for research and fusions.
3 heads right? We should be fine. I'm starting to feel a tiny bit full. I doubt I can eat the whole thing.
the garuda is already down in the cave. ready to screw up our paladin capture force


As of now we have 4 Iron maidens for capture.
Bubblewulf has 1
Hetros has 2
and Livia has the war maiden
That's not the Garuda. That's just a harpy. The Garuda isn't in the hole, it's still flying around.
whoops you are right. I was fooled by its eyepatch.
"Livia, when you get the chance, can you study one of those giant coffin bot things? One of them apparently shut down near my position, I want to know why before any more reach my position."
Very well. However next turn I will be in with Pogrom and the summoner so they take priority.
"Thanks, Whenever you can would be perfect. I don't want to find out they'll start waking up or something."
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" There it is !"
Nezera: A HOPE !
Quaz: Army ... no...
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Dungeon Phase. " We approach Dawn Everyone. Let's see it ! Le'ts make it to next day !"
You got it Angst and Fangs. Now where's your body? Its kinda glaring for the middle of night and I can't see it.

"You have bigger problems with saving Viktor, Butcher. The sun is rising."
Time to head into the darkness. With the people who can kill me in one hit. Joy. At least I'll be a couple steps a 'head' of everyone eh Angst and Fangs?
>>45673256 #

Burk looks at the bullets in his hand and puts the other hand on Army's shoulder.

"For your lad Army, I'm not going to give them hell. Hell is going to be a fething picnic compared to what I'm going to bring."

"For these people, I'd become the devil himself."

Uh-- oh my.
Holy divine munitions, Hat Guy. I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

"I wouldn't forget his body, either."
It's just north of yourself, Shooty Rabbit. Kick it into the hole and I think it should be out of sight - unless our mages insist on keeping that second sun the sky.

Damn fine shooting in all in all! Good to know the Wyrd Hunt is still a competent bunch. I was almost worried we'd be devoured by the endless hordes of the Infernal and the Infuriating for a minute there!
Graves, Graves can you hear me? I really hope you can hear me.
It looks like Ziegfried is in danger of going berserk. He's taken off his restraints and will go well under the HP threshold shortly. What can I do to help return him to sanity? Is there anything you can think of?
Rabbitspaw blinked to clear their sweat from eyes. It all had all been a terrible dream. The monsters, pumpkins, weasels, the confusing and complicated timeline collapse, the friendly people. Even the few short hours spent as an honest courier. It all had all been a terrible dream and Rabbitspaw was back in the pit. The dark and the damp were as familiar as the calluses on on the back of Rabbit's hands.
You couldn't escape Justice. Rabbitspaw shook, shivered, and then stoop up in the little five by five foot tiny cell that had been home for longer than memory and then, Rabbitspaw saw something new.
A man with a chain and a tricorne hat.
Rabbit knew insanity had finally come along the meandering way to nest in the fragile called called their psyche. Closed his eye, shook his head, refocused, opened them again and yet the man with the hat refused to go away.
It hadn't been a dream. And he was still alive. Soaked in sweat and with a buzzing in the back of his skull that felt almost like approval. In a cove full of Vilord Treasure, not a tiny cell in some unmentionable outhouse of justice.
"You saved-rescued me?"

"Rabbit isn't dead?"

"But-but... What?"

"Thank you Mr. Bubbley Wolf"
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" Let him "
Did I hear you right? "Let him"?
That can't be right, he could harm us. He could die.
But I don't know what else to do, so I will trust your judgement.

"If a berserking Ghoul could do even a /fraction/ what I saw Graves do back in Luxendarc, I think we should stand well back and just let him cut loose."

>Burkhard shudders slightly

Hoo boy, the beast is loose.
Those poor suckers are gonna get it now.
Just make sure you don't become part of the cut off.
No problem, but we are aren't quite yet our of the fire

Never fear. I have cookies, lets just hope I have time to jam them down his throat before he thinks im food.
Is no good! Ziggy don't eat cookies, needs meat.

Well if he bites off a few of his fingers in the process that would sort of count.

Better a finger then an arm right?
Hey Livia, could you pick up poor old marble me?
You're pretty much standing on me by now.
I sure would like to hitch a ride out before I crumble to dust.
Blasphemy, no one is above baked goods.

but if meat is truly required I guess i have that as well

"If she forgets you, I'll run up there once things die dow-subside"
"But that means Zieg will be lost to us, it's equal to his death."
"Welcome back Rabbit, we thought we might have lost you. Jump and go now! We still got work to do!"
Just beat him down after or trap him in a maiden, berserk probably doesnt last forever. Just leave him in the hole and clear out while he does his thing. It would be great if we could just move him into the 3 headed king's room, but we will do what we can for now. Let's see what happens first after our enemies react, we're pretty good at analysing the situations.
Yes bosslady Poka! Got it!
berserk will prob only last until regeneration puts him back at 0 or he eats enough. Since he can't be pulsed.

Its also why we jam him with high hp foods.
Unless he gets destroyed he should go on a feeding frenzy with the little creepy mages or even massacre Progrom and the summoner, it's a loose cannon but we can work with that.
Did we want to capture Pogrom, or are we just letting Zieg eat him?
We want him captured, but I'm not willing to destroy him to save Progrom, if the beast must be let loose, so be it, just make sure he doesn't cause any permanant casualties within our ranks. We all knew it might happen someday when we took Graves in and he offered to make some of us into ghouls.
Zeigs still at 1 hp though im not sure that will last the dungeon phase.

What turn does a berserk ally move during? dungeon or action phase?
I think it might actually be BOTH action phase and dungeon phase. Berserk ghouls are scary. Which really we should consider taking advantage of more. Although I don't know why Velen didn't go berserk when those dogs dragged him off?

"Huh. 'Do you even know?' Of all the outcomes of his actions, Isaac Ispie did not see this one at all. In fact, when people said that mages were squishy, he didn't think they were literal in that regard."

>Thinly veiled bump
>I am very eager to see if I can point-blank that summoner and shoot Pogrom in the back with a happy bday
Not sure but that summoner might be damage immune until we kill those mages
That would be a benefit to having a Paladin beside you i believe. You get shielded.
>Never fear. I have cookies
How many Cookies?
2 Cookies! each has 2 bites, 3hp a bite i think so that's either 12 hp or 6. Was never sure on the reading of it. More can be jammed in his face at once if we use teamwork and I drop one.
It's 6HP total per cookie.

I am not sure they will help Zieg, plus it might be dangerous to try to feed him one if he does go berserk.
Just get away from him when he berserks and let him feed on the corpses to bring his HP back up to full so he'll stop berserking.
We could always feed him demon mage corpses. Eating an entire one of those would fill his health to full.
This pause between dungeon and action phase makes me worried.
Well keep in mind there are currently something like 200 figures on the map.
Me and the caster gang are working *real* hard to bring that number down. You fancy single target people just work on the big clunkers, yes?
Something tells me things are just getting started. Btw I think they summoned the real boss this time.
To be fair-just-true, Mr. Delicious Coffee, is not you Mages, is Lux Pacters. Is Watchful. Personally shot-killed 7 Demon-Monsters. Is Rabbit. Rabbit has defeated-killed..
32 demon-monsters-mobolins?
Also Sigismundy hit-whacked that group of mobolins! Is 3! Is 42 in total!

>Checks tally on fingers
Also Rabbit threw that knife and stabbed-poked that other mobolin. And Sigismundy killed the Salamander! Also Watchful shot-shot a mobolin.
So Rabbitspaw guesses what he is saying is...


You cannot see-touch Rabbit over the ainsible, but Rabbit is totally sticking his tongue out right now and making a silly face

nier nier
>things are just getting started.
yes, this is true.

>Btw I think they summoned the real boss this time.
I dunno, I don't think so though.
>and we were in Luxendarc for a while
As far as he experienced it we were in Luxendarc for a few hours at most.
Sorry, what? We were where?

Man I wish someone would tell me what's going on. Who are we shooting? Who's the kid that just died? Where did all these bloody orphans and crocodiles and turtles and kids come from? Why in the name of badly packed munitions is Jackie wearing that widebrimmed Summoner hat? Why do Jenny have a weird and disturbing flicker at the back of her neck? Why do I have a tail and a hankering for biscuits? Where the hell did Burkhard get that oversized gun? Why don't I have an oversized gun? You promised you'd all get me a flame thrower but Coffee has the flamethrower and it shoots weird green gloop?

Why does it shoot weird green gloop?!

Hell, why is Coffee wearing that damn uniform with the shiny box? Where the flickering mal angels is Quarz? Where'd that kid Kail get that oversized shining axe the stone fist the fancy helmet the giant shield the stomping great big boots?? Who's that distinguished older lady he keeps trying to cross swords with? WHY DO FLEUR HAVE A BAT ON HER HEAD? WHO IS VIKTOR WHERE AM I WHAT HAPPENED TO FLORIAN WHY DO WATCHFUL'S EYES GLOW WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING WHERE IS ROOKIE FIRST CLASS KILROY?!

>Deep breath

Okay. Okay I'm good. I've got it under control.

Man I could really use a squeaky chewtoy right now and I don't even know why.
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" Beware the Scythes, they move yet !! "



Foul: And where the Feth is he now ?!

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Questi: Oh no. Zieg Went Berserk. Jenny went Berserk. A couple guys got cursed and *yawn* I I guess we're fighting a Summoner and a fallen paladin now ? I- I need coffee. Runner do you ha- Thank you.

Oh. And it's Action phase.
I assume my character is on auto-pilot now or can I do something while im berserk? Just need to know if I do my actions or if I sit back and watch the show :)
>Prepare BallBall
>Prepare BallRing
>Examine my Mysterious Book

Well dearies. This is a dilly of a pickle. Let me tidy up a bit and I'll see what I can do to help.

[M] Miss Potts
=Lux Sworn, Human=
HP : 3/3 Atk : 0 Def : 1 (0+1) Mov 3 Mag : 7 (4+1+1+1) Act : 2 Lux Breath : 0
Hand : Book of Fire +1 Mag
Armor : Mask +1 Def +1 Mag
Bag :
-Mystery Book
Skills : [M] Ball [M] Ring

"Fuck it. Nobody lives forever."

>Shoot the summoner, point blank.
>Shoot the spot 3W of me to hit Pogrom and the spirit mage with the AOE blast at the same time.
>Battle Rhythm! Load 2 x Iron Drops

[I] Isaac Ispie Lvl 5


>The Hunter's Daughter, RNG: 6, AMMO: 2, *Cannot Move and Fire, 2 HANDS
>LOAD: 2 x HappyBday (4Crush, 5AOE) (Iron Drops next phase)
>Ammo: 11/10 Irondrop (4AP), 8/10 HappyBday (4Crush, 5AOE). 10/10 Stun Rounds (-1 Act). 6/10 Pumpkin Rounds (6 Fire)
> Lvl 3 Sergeant Uniform
Bag: Llama bread x 3, Canteen x 6, Binoculars x 1, Moblin head x 1
ATK: 1
DEF: 0+1
MOV: 3+1
ACT: 2
HP: 4/3 + 1
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spread Shot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time

[Relentless]: Witnessing a murder will allow you to track the culprit with a tap action.

"This pain... Is this what you were talking about Viktor? I have felt none like it but I will not let it deter me!"

>Jump on summoner
>[Feed] on Summoner
>Run 4 S
>Face North

[K]Fleur, Adept Knight 3, Midian
HP: 6/6, MOV: 4, ACT: 3
ATK: 8(4+3+1), DEF: 7(1+2+3+1), MAG: 1

-Long Sword (lvl 3, +3 atk, +1 def)
-Raider shield (lvl 1, +3 def)
-Raider Armour (lvl 3, +2 def, +1 atk)
Bag: 145z

Skills: [K]Shield Bash, [K]Counter, [K]Spin Slash, [K]Ground Slash
Race: Lux+Silver Mortality, Water Vuln, Healing Bane, Blood Hunger 01, Regeneration 02, Wall Shifting, Wall walk
"My apprentice, Falconi, has ghost papers, we'll save one of them for Jenny, to exorcise the demon out of her, and then we kill it."
>Relay information about the Mengele's bomb launching capabilities
>Pickup M6
>Hook and pull self 3NW
>Put M6 down 1W of me, since we're both on the top of the building now hopefully

>Save the World
>Move 4N
>Strike Demon Squid E of me with Ghost Paper to exorcise the demon.

[H]Hetros "The Judge", Lvl.5:Adept
=Lurking Human=
HP:4/4 MOV:3(4-1) ACT:2
ATK:5(2+1+2) DEF:2(1+1) MAG:2(1+1)

-Chain of Goya (Lvl1,Attack+2,-1Mov,Range3 Arcing)
-Justice Overcoat (lvl3,Def+1,Atk+1,Mag+1)
-Iron Maiden*2
-Hunter Bomb*3

Bank:1138z, Void Beast's Spine
Group Bank:Pumpkin Traitor Rogue in Refurbished Maiden(50% payoff due to Livia)

Skills: [H]Bloodlust(P), [H]Hook and Pull, [H]Rig, [H] Suspension, [H+] Rig Network(P), [H+] Lurk(P), [Pray]HolmGang
>HolmGang: Chain Yourself To medium or Large target. They cannot leave you, and you Cannot leave them.

=Normal Avian=
HP:4/4 MOV:3(4-1, doubles in the air) Act:2
ATK:5(2+1+1+1) DEF: 2(1+1) MAG: 1(1)

-Hunter's Chain (lvl1,Attack+1,Range 3 Arcing)
-Hunter's Coat (lvl1,Def+1,Atk+1)
-Iron Maiden*1
-Hunter Bomb*2
-ghost papers*5

Skills: [H] Hook and Pull, [Avian] Hover
>Fire Iron Arrow Arrow at the south Marine
>Move 3N

[M] Dara Dara ; Level 1
=Orodnian, +1Hp , +1Mov , [Good Smell]=
HP : 4/4 (3+1) MV : 4 (3+1) ATK : 0 DEF : (0+1) 1 MAG : 8 (4+3+1) ACT: 2 WORDS : 2 (0+2)
-Main : Book of Iron ; Magic +3, Grants Iron, 2 Words, Applied Fairy Ink
-Armor : Mask ; Magic +1; Def +1
Bag :
-Book of Fire
-Student Notes
Spells : Arrow
Prepared : Arrow, Arrow Arrow
>Consume 1x Spiced Jerky
>Overwatch DarcArrowArrow to counterspell Summoner
>Crow: Overwatch counterspell summoner.

ATK: 1 DEF: 1 HP: 3+1 MOV: 4 MAG:4+2(Widerim)+4(Book)=10
M.HAND::Lv. 4 Book [It Came From the Sea], Darc, Lux, Hydra, Words:2, Mag +4(Daemon Ink)
OFF:Dog Whistle
GEAR:Lv 2 Heretic's Widerim, Mag +2 HP +1
BAG:Chalk x 3, Spiced Jerky x 4, Darc Shard x 2
BANK: Book of Water Words:2, Mag +1, Ferryman's Coin, Llama Water x 5, Mask, Ghost Paper x 5

Skills:Arrow, Ball, Ring, Block, Hand, Eye, Dimensional Sight(Eye of Eld), In Tandem, Bind, Faery
Hey, Team - is everything all-right? I'm getting a lot of screaming over the comms. Mostly terrified screaming.
"NO! EVERYTHING IS NOT FUCKING ALRIGHT! I have mengeles crawling onto us and the walls of this place mean exactly shit! We have demons almost at the Stairs!"
>Eat Bread Ration
>Load [Packed Round]

Oh man, why did I even bother to deploy on an empty stomach?
Om nom nom nom. What was I thinking?
Alright I'm locked and loade- What in the name of guns is going on over there?
Uh...I think I might walk towards the east a little and...never go back up north again.

Trigger, boss! There's report of uh...um...Demon's and Berserkers among us.
I don't like the looks of it. Do I really have to go in there and shoot this Pogrom/Progrom/Progom-Pogom-guy in the face?
I think I'd rather deal with that three headed thing up ahead that the moblins worship.

[I]Dakka Lv1:Novice Human
HP:4/4 (3+1), MOV:3, ACT:2, ATK:2 (1+1), DEF:1 (+1), MAG:1

- [Blunderbus] (RNG:4, AMMO:1, ATK:1)
>[Packed Round],
- [Uniform] (DEF:1, HP:1)

- Irondrop x10 (4 AP)

Bag: 0z
- Bread Ration x2
- Canteen x2
- Binoculars
- Molotov Cocktail

Bank: 0z
Group Bank: 0z

[Packed Round] [Friendly Fire]

Hey Fleur, I think I already took care of that summoner.


Unless you're talking about another summoner.
Well Angst n Fangs, looks like I need to get your body and head back together. Probably not smart to do it when the sun is coming up yeah?

>Store Viktor's Head in inventory
>Drop poison bolts
>Pickup BR-02, store in inventory
>Move 2N, Grab Victor's body, 3N, Drop into pit, Move 1S out of the light
>Reassemble Viktor.

Think you can take it from here? Though the offer for some blood to tip you up is still open I think you'd rather take it from that guy over yonder.

>Point at Pogrom.

Name : [R] Butcher : Level 3 : Adept
ATK: 6 (2+1+3) ACT: 3 DEF: 1 (0+1)
HP: 4/4 MOV: 3 MAG: 2
2n Hand:
GEAR: Heist Clothes (+1 atk, +1 def, prevents being recognized)
BAG: 2 Keydaggers (+0 atk, x2 damage to doors\mimics), Un. Head, Poison Bolts, Mendele BR-02 (Ammo 4, Range 5, +3 atk, Doubleshot)
ZENNI : 230z
LOADED : (nothing)
Skills: Back Attack, Throw Weapon, Steal, Switch
Sigmund looks at the berserking monsters that were once friends and the villain that is Pogrom before a thought strikes him, -~Veritas, if you can hear me I would ask your assistance, I have Pogrom in my sights but a question strikes me, will he still have the positives of being a former Lux-sworn even if he has broken his oath?"
"You call that punching you wuss ? Bwahahaha, I don't feel anything ! Here ! Let me show you !"
>move 2E 1S (rushdown)
"THIS is how you punch something !"
>shield bash the Castor with the Castor's Fist (how ironic)

[K]Kail, Lvl.4 Adept
HP:8/8 MOV:3 ACT:2 ATK:7(2+3+2) DEF:8(1+2+5(shield)) MAG:0 (Aethernumb)

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Knight's Burden (lvl4, Def+2, HP+2, Protective Aura)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Jerky (1 bite, heals 5HP)×1
-Salamander Skin

Personal :
-Master Sword (lvl4, Atk+3, Sword Bolt, 1hnd)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Raider's Helm (lvl2, Atk+1, Def+1, HP+1)
Group Bank:Knight's Shield lvl1 (lvl1, 1hnd, Def+2 (front only)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
{{Linking post}}
>Loot the nearby chainsaw demon of all his stuff, including his chainsaw
>Ward the sundial N of me
>Ward myself

StatusEffects:[Channeling Latvian]
ATK: 2 ACT: 2 DEF: 1 HP: 4+1 MOV: 4 MAG: 3+2+1
M.HAND: Wand[Plant] Mag+1 Rng 3
OFFHAND:Floor Notes
Gear:Fool's Cap(+2 Mag +1 HP)
BAG:Lv. 3 Oracle's Staff[Spirit] Mag+3, Rng 4, Book of Fire, Mag +1 Words 2
Skills: Pulse, Channel, Ward, Cleanse, Polarize, Hand, Tangent, Sacred Geometry
Heavy Foot. I'll meet you below. First help with the last few threat near ya right?

>Move 2W
>Throw moblin daggers at the ugly thing north
>Steal BR-02 from stunned hellmarine
>Loot all hell marines that were standing here and died. Maybe they have some of those bomb things

[R] Torr : Level 2
=Tortadyne : +1 Atk, +2 Def, -1 Move=
ATK: 4 (2+1+1) ACT: 3 DEF: 3 (0+1+2)
HP: 4/4 MOV: 2 (3-1) MAG: 2
2n Hand:
GEAR: Prisoner Clothes (+1 def)
BAG: Un. Scythe, Un. Katars, 2 Keys
ZENNI : 0z
Skills: Throw Weapon, Steal
Oh hey Hetros, it's really great to hear your voice. The steadily increasing tinitus in my overly sensitive ears is a welcome balm on my wrung and twisted soul.

Ha-ah! Dakka! A replacement for Rookie First Class Kilroy! Hunker down soldier , we'll get you sorted out in no time! Just dig in, load up and wait for reinforcements!

And it's such a beautiful day too! Sunlight, warmth, air. You know I've spent 4 months floating in an infinite black abyss as as tiny speck of conciousness barely holding on to my corporeal form and you really don't know how much you miss sunlight until it disappears. Ah.

Oh, anyway - take your pick. There's screaming and monsters. Personally I say go for the chimera, there's enough spittle flying around in that other room. I think I can faintly see the blood sprays from where I'm standing.
When it says all my enemies does that mean all I kill I must eat their souls? Or every single enemy that I fight that I must eat their soul?

I see it, I'm just hoping it's not dead, I want it for a tasty snack.
"I'm punching monsters, and spending time with senpai ! We kill demons !

So I'm pretty much having the time of my life over here. Getting a bit hungry over here, though. I wonder how souls taste like..."
"Well maybe you should use the sound equalizer on your damn ansible, you know, that thing that makes sure you can hear everything distinctly rather than shouted or whispered?"
>Prepare Aer HandHandHand
>Move 3N

[Q]Coffee, Level: 5
Status: Normal
HP:4/4(4+0), MOV:3(3+0), ACT:2(2+0), ATK:2(2+0), DEF:1(1+0), MAG:5(4+1)

-Napalm Hugs (Rng 3 tile line, 1 Handed) Plant Solution Alpha (Arrow Ring Engrave)
-Otherwordly Dictionary (Air, Words 3, Mag +1)
-Top Hat (+1 Mag)
-Tinker's Kit (Words 2, Chambers 2)

-Launcher (Rng 4, Ammo 2, 1 Handed)

Spells: Air BallHandHand, Air EyeBallBall

Ammo : Pillshot x10 (Dmg 0), Contra Shot x6
Skills : Ball, Arrow, Ring, Block, Eye, Hand, In Tandem, Engrave, Infuse

Zenny: 0z
Bank: 1110z , Chalk, Water x4, Darc Solvent x3, Fairy Ink, Book of Iron
Group Bank:0

He who traipses about with my scales, he who was denied my blessings has instead taken them onto himself to project a false light. His ability is unknown to me but unless he sides with another dragon, he is denied my breath.

Destroy This False Icon.
>-Eyes Closed
>Move 1S 3E
>Dual Ground Slash at Pogrom

[W1] Kaz

LVL: 3
ATK: 3+2/3 ACT: 2 DEF: 2+2+1
HP: 5/8 MOV: 4 MAG: 1+1
M.HAND: Cross Sword (+2 ATK +2 DEF)
OFFHAND: Long Sword (+3 ATK +1 DEF)
GEAR: Battle Dress (+2 HP +1 MAG)
BAG: Cane (+1 ATK +1 DEF)
Skills: [W] Zwei Schwert, Eyes Closed [K] Spin Slash, Counter, Ground Slash [Town] Leg Sever
Eyes Closed
Hey uh...I'd very much like not to be one of your enemies, miss Knight.
Just stay back alright? I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to shoot!

Sounds like a fine vacation for such a distinguished man, er, dog-person such as yourself.
>go for the chimera
Will do, boss, that Chimera is as good as dead.
I'll try to put several bullets in. One for each militia on this team!
It just occured to me that I probably failed to process the damage.

Edit: Never mind it still would have done zero damage.
>Move 1N 5E

[M1] Morat ; Level 1
HP: 3/3 MOV: 3 ACT: 2 ATK: 0 DEF: 1 (0+1) MAG: 6 (4+1+1)

- Main hand: Book of Fire lvl1 Mag1 Words2
- Armor: Mask lvl1 Mag1 Def1
Bag: 25z
- Chalk
- Book of Aer ?
- Llama Water 3/uses
- Xbow and ammo:4xP.bolts
Skills/Words: [M] Ball, [M] Arrow
Spells Prepared: [Ball+Ball] [Ball+Arrow]x2 [Arrow+Ball]x1
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"VERITAS GUIDE MY BLADE THAT JUSTICE IS DONE! Even to my final breath I shall uphold my oaths!"

>Move 3N
>- Tap Thunderstrike 3 breaths 3 HP
>Ground slash N {{Just to make sure I hit him also for aesthetics :P}}

=Normal [Lux Sworn: Lux immunity, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag, Breaths: 3]= Lvl. 2
HP:3/5 MOV:3 ACT:2
ATK:5(2+3) DEF:5(1+2+2) MAG:2
-Martyr Sword (lvl[?] 3 Atk, Thunderstrike)
-Pot Shield (2 Def, Fireproof, Cooking Implement)
-Knight's Armor (lvl1,Def+2)
-Rogue key

Skills: [K] Counter, [K] Ground Slash, [K] Spin Slash, [K] Shield Bash, Thunderstrike
If I miscalculated and have more breaths add them to it
Fine speech, sir Knight!
Damn fine sword-shooting I might add!
What is this Veritas you speak of?
Is it a legendary Gun of old?
Burkhard was ready, he had the bullets, the target was in his sight, he was prepared to go the distance for Volgon he-

Watched as the bird was sniped out of the air and pinwheeled too far away from his shots.

"Really? Every time I try to do the right thing"

Hearing the noises of Hetros at the end of his tether, Burk knew where he /could/ be useful.

>Eat a bread ration.
>Move 1E onto the Rigged tile
>Tug the chain lightly

"Reinforcements incoming hoss, sound off when you're ready."

=Sundial > Bandit Camp=
[I3]Burkhard, Level 6: Human Adept
HP: 4/4 (3+1), MOV: 3 (4-1), ACT:2 (2+0)
ATK: 1 (1+0), DEF:1 (0+1), MAG: 1 (1+0)

-Both Hands: Chicago Type-03 - -1 Mov, Range: 5, Ammo: 3|3/6,
-Armor: Sgt's Uniform - +1 Def, +1 HP, +1 Mov
W/ Policeman's Helmet
-Ammo: >>45651327
Heavy Metal (6 Dmg, Armour Break) 4/10

Bag: 205z Monies
-1x Bread Rations (Using)
-1x Binoculars

[Heavy Metal (6 Dmg, Armour Break)]
Skills: [Militia] - Firing Solution, Packed Round, Spread Shot, Friendly Fire(P),
[Adept Militia] - Battle Rhythm(P), Take Prisoner (T), Double-Time (R)
[Shrine Skills] - Don't You Die On Me (P)


>Move 3N
>Cast Terras {Arrow+Ball} through Earth Scepter at the Red Scythe

[M]Mordenkainen, Lvl.2 W̶i̶z̶a̶r̶d̶ Mage
HP:3/3 MOV:3 ACT:2 ATK:1 (0+1) DEF:1 (0+1) MAG:8 (4+1+2+1)

Hand 1: Lvl.2 Acid Tome [Pyras+Hydra] (+1 MAG, Words 2)
Hand 2: Lvl.2 Earth Scepter (+2 MAG, +1 ATK, HS-Dig)
Armor: Lvl.1 Moore's Mask of Friendship (+1 DEF, +1 MAG)
Bag: [65z]
- Chalk
- TimeWorn Seed

Bank:: 0z
- Lvl.3 Red Mask (+1 DEF, +2 MAG, Aethasight)

Prepared Spells: Searing Tile {Arrow+Ball}, {Hand+Block}
Skills: [M]Arrow, [M]Ball, [M]Block, [M]Hand
Jackie could I go first? It would make everyone's lives easier if the summoner and the paladin weren't so well equipped.

>Drop Pyras Crystal to make room
This is valuable, someone should pick it up.

>Drop Crystal Pick to make room.
I'm keeping this though, just need to make room for a moment.

>Move 3N, pick up pushpin bomb, 2N
That was pointless

>-Switch to Empty Hands
>Steal from the summoner
>-Switch to Empty Hands
>Steal from Pogrom
>Move 6S
>Face North

[$] Beckie ; Level 4 ; Beck Rogue Guild
HP: 5/5 (4+1) Mv: 6 (4+2) ATK: 5 (2+3), DEF: 1 (1) MAG: 3 ACT: 4 (3+1) CHI : 12
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Blade Ray (Level 4, Attack +2, Move +2, Knockouts by this weapon leaves a stun counter instead. Mercurial Strike)
-Off Hand (neck) : Red Compass
-Off Hand (belt) : Merchant's Bag : +2 Item slots
-Armor : Mothman's Other Half (Level 4 [$][R], +3 Atk Slashing, +1 Act, +1 HP, Grants Wall Walk, Takes up armor and a hand slot)
Bag 5/6 (4+2) : 697z
-3 Pushpin Bombs (Mines\Throwing, 3 tile oriented AOE, 6 Damage)
-Crystal Pick; Can mine crystals
-Science Crowbar (Level 2, Attack +2, Opens locks and crates)
-Pyras Crystal
-Darc Crystal x8
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>Eat half of cookie
>Move E1, N1, E2.
>Drop full cookie on space West of me as I pass by

"Everyone nearby who needs to eat should share a half of this cookie. "
forgot stats

[H3] Bubblewulf, Level: 1
HP:4/4 MOV:4(3+1) ACT:2
ATK:3(2+1) DEF:2(1+1) MAG:1

2Hands: Hunter chain (+3 RNG, +1 ATK)
Armour: Overcoat (+1 ATK, +1 DEF)

Bag: 100Z
- Chain x2
- Iron Maiden x1
- Cookies x1 (Bite 1/2)

Iron Maiden- tadpole salamander head

Skills:Hook and Pull, Suspension, Wall to Wall

Bank: 0z
>blush at the mothgirl's comment
>move 4E 1N 1E
>avoid the cold wall

[K] Rabata Lvl1 Tam Knight
HP:6/6 Atk:4 (2+2) Def:6 (2+2+2(shield)) Mov:3 Mag:0 (Aethernumb) Act:2
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)
Bag :[20z]
-Crossbow (lvl1, 5 range)
-Poison bolts×5 (2dmg, Poison)
-Kite Shield (lvl2, +3 Def, 1hnd)
Skills : [K]Counter, [Racial] Tam Regen, [Racial] Tam Change

[Party Leader]
>[$1] Beckie shall go first
It's already set to Low, Hetros. I'm really having an odd and strange day. But I suppose it can't be much stranger than yours.
Actually wait, no. Sorry. I spent most of my day in Hel. That is stranger than your day. Sweet science it's been a strange week.

Anyway, Wyrd Hunters, sound off - I've got fresh supplies for those in need.
"Somebody pulse Sigmund before they die!"
Forgot to update my stat sheet.

>Move 1N
>Lunge NW

[S] Jenny : Level 6 : Adept
HP: 10/10 (6+4) Mv: 3 ATK: 8 [3+3+2] DEF: 4 [1+1+2] MAG: 5 (1+2+2) ACT: 2
=The Faust Time=
-Main Hand : Hammer Watch [Level 5, +3 Atk, Heavy Crush, +2 Mag, 2 Range Melee\Casting, 2 Handed]
-Off Hand :
-Armor : Man-Eater Armor [ Defense +1, HP +4, Stats do not decrease on debuff, -1 HP per stat debuff ]
-Jerky x 5.5 [ Heals 5 HP, two bites ]
-Chain-Sword [Attack +3, Defense +1, Range +3]
-Winged Shield [Defense +2, Hover : Become a flying target, like a vengeful gargoyle with a sharp stick !]
-Un. Threaded Harpoon [Level 5]

Skills: Counter, Spin Slash, Shield Bash, Ground Slash, Jump, Twist, Acronaut, Lunge
Rabbitspaw admits it. He is irresponsible when it comes to explosives. Is hooped up on desire to detonate. Rabbitspaw apologies for his unseemly-distracting tendency to cause the slightest thing to explode. Am promising he will try to cut down on need to explode-destroy world.

Also thankee Wyrdies. You really are-am bestest of friends. Am saving Rabbitspaw even when he does stupid-silly things!

Sigismundy! Nooo! Is-am room full of water-aqua-hydras! Split-spit lightning everywhere! You are am-killing Ziggy-Fleur-Isaac! It's murder!
>Move 2N, 2W
>Shoot the glowing marine in the back
>Face NW

[I] Watchful : Level 3 : Adept
=Lux Sworn: Lux Resistant, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag=
HP: 4/4 (3+1) Mov: 4 (3+1) Atk: 1 Def: 0 (0) Mag: 3 (2+1) Act: 2, Vision 10(5+3+2), Breaths : 0
-Main Hand : Invader (Level 2, 2-hands, 5 range, 3 bullets)
-Armor : Ranger Hat, +1 Move, +2 Vision, +1 HP
Bag :
-Binoculars (View at a distance, does not dispel darkness)
-Moblin Banner Staff
-Harpy Feathers
Ammo :
-Irondrop x5 (4 AP)
-Contra x6 (5 Damage)
-Pumpkin Rounds 27 (6 Damage, Fire)
-Happy Bday x7 (4 Crushing Damage, 5 Aoe)

Loaded : Pumpkin Rounds x 2 (6 Damage, Fire), +2 Range, +1 Damage
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spreadshot
>Move 2N
>Hit the hell marine who attacked Lei Lei

[K] Kerkyklak ; Level 2
HP : 5/5 MV : 2 (3-1) ATK : 7 (3+2+2) DEF : 4 (1+1+2) 1 MAG : 0 (Aethernumb) ACT: 2
Main Hand : Mattock; Atk +3; Heavy Slash; Def + 2; 2-Handed; Requires 3 Strength
Off Hand :
Armor : Knight Helm ; +2 def
Skills : Tomahawk, Counter
-Axes; +3Atk.
-Axes; +3Atk.
Lei Lei. I will come quickly. Do not worry. I am here. I am always here. So are the others.

>Move 4N, 2W
>Plant Pulse [G] Lei Lei

[N] Gilda : Level 5
HP : 4/4 (4) MV : 3 ATK : 4 (1+2+1) DEF : 2 (1+1) MAG : 8 (3+3+2)\ 7 (3+2+2) ACT: 3 (2+1)
=White Ghoul, Channelling : [S1]Jenny [R]Torr=
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Druidmere (Level 3, Magic +3, Casting Range 4, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Off Hand : Instructor's Staff (Level 2, Mag +2, Atk +2, Casting Range 3, Attack Range 2, Grants Hook and Pull, Grants Spirit, Lux, Aerias)
-Off Hand : Watcher (Level 2, Action + 1)
-Armor : Blood Cloak ( Level 3, Mag + 2, Def + 1, Str +1, Combat Prowess : Allows you to equip [K] weaponry)
Bag : 0z
-Jerky x 5 ( Heals 5 HP, two bites )
-Stalker ( Level 2, Attack + 2, Grants Fast Climb )

Bank : 1142z
Group Bank : 0z
-Hammer ( Level 1, Atk + 1 )

Skills : Ward, Pulse, Channel, Cleanse, Tipped Ewer, Aetherwind, Reversal
>Stand up
>Plant Pulse the hell marine W
>Loot it.

[G] LeiLei : Level 1
=Orodnian, +1Hp , +1Mov , [Good Smell]=
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 (3+1) ATK : 1 (1) DEF : 2 (1+1) MAG : 4 (2+1+1) ACT: 2 (2)
Main Hand : (Guide Wand : Mag +1, Casting Range 3)
Armor : (Guide Cloak : Mag +1, Def +1)
Skills : Pulse
Sigismundy! Is murder! Is bad! You are hurting *friends*! Fleur-bit is strange vampy person now! Is easy to kill with lux-lux! So is Angsty Fangy Viktor Headless! Is standing in lightning wet puddle! Remember the Salamander! Lightning-fire splits-spreads! You are am hurting Isaac-Fleur-Viktor-Ziegfried!

Is-am okay to kill-murder Salamanders, is maybe hostile, is maybe mean. Is not okay to kill friends! Is not okay to kill Wyrd Hunt!

You are am noble Knight. Go fight Three-Headed-Dragon to relax. Can thunder-strike-kill them all day-night-day! If relaxing technique please be telling Rabbitspaw, is fearing he is becoming addicted-hooked to explosions.

>-Tap Shinobi Reflexes to act first
>move 1e 5n
>move 1e 1n
>-Switch hands to empty
>Spinning Hands throw Sigismund 3 se

==Lvl 3 $, Lux Pact==
ATK: 2+2 ACT: 3 DEF: 1+1
HP: 5 / 5 MOV: 4+2 MAG: 4 SIGHT: 8
CHI: 30 BREATH: 0 [Not gaining any more during night]
2n Hand:
GEAR Courier Tengu's KATA, +1 hp, def, mov, +2 bag, Fireproof
BAG: 4/6
2x Riceballs, 3xLlama Water, Mobolin Skull Banner, Chalk,
BANK: lux shard
Skills: [R] Steal, Backstab, Weapon Throw, Switch [$] Red Petals
Mobolins: 17
Skellytons: 15
>Deploy War Maiden south
>-Turn the Page to Flying Claws : Lvl 3 ; 2 atk ; 4 range
>Hook and Pull blue scythe into the War Maiden. Slam it shut.

This shield was made to store weapons. Lady Scythe. You will feel at home here.

[H] Livia : Level 5 : Adept
HP: 4/4 MV: 4 ATK: 3 (2+1) DEF: 2 (1+1) MAG: 2 (1+1) ACT: 2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5. ; [Legendary Fake] ; Ball Ball Engraved ; Lux Alpha Infused ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
--Page Flying Claws : Lvl 3 ; 2 atk ; 4 range
-Armor : Justice Overcoat; Atk+1, Def+1, Mag+1
Bag :
-8 Chains; Rope substitute
-Harpie Heart
-War Maiden; 3 Atk, 4 Def, Shield, Has 3 Health, Can store 2 weapons
Inside War Maiden

Skills : Hook and Pull, Suspension, Rig, Bloodlust, Rig Network, Lurk, Hunter's Lore

Bank : 0z
Group Bank : 2552z
-Slayer's Spear; Level 2; 2 Atk; 1 Def; 2 range
-2 Refurbished Maidens; Traps medium creatures

The Thousand Arms [Legendary Fake]
Open Book : Knowing the Name of a weapon allows you to transform this book to that weapon.. However the weapon's level must be 5 or below and the Hunter must be capable of using it lest you gain a "FALSE" version.
Page Turn: You may turn the page to a new weapon as a tap action once per turn.
Close Book: The Thousand Arms becomes a book once more.

[Hunter's Lore] - You can study any target with an ACT.
except that the thunderstrike is not affecting the spaces that are wet, and I have literally been told By Veritas to do this, and if you stop me I will have no choice but to hold YOU accountable.
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Rolled 5 (1d6)

So we don't have to archive hunt
also where you threw me makes it worse because I'm targeting the spot where Fleur will be exactly. and WILL be hitting the wet spots with thunderstrike
>Move 6S

[G] Thinly: Level 2
=Channeled : Kerkyklak=
HP : 4/4 MV : 1 ATK : 1 DEF : 2 (1+1) MAG : 4 (2+1+1) ACT: 2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Academic Writing Tool (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Time, Teras, Lux)
-Off Hand : Academic Writing Pole (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Armor : Guide Cloak (+1 Mag, +1 Def)
Bag : 160z
-Stale Wafer x6 (Heals +2 HP, Favored by Wisps)
-Jerky x2
-Llama Water x5
-Storm Coat(Level 3, +1 Mag, +1 Def, +1 HP, Water Proof, Wind Proof)
No-no, is okay! Rabbit accounted for this! Fleur-is not quite where you are am will be landing, so all works out!

Then soon-soon, Rabbit can throw you at Progrom and Special Dragon Lux Technique is will be defeating-powerful! Yay luxpact teamwork!
Rabbitspaw, that strike is going to use up all of her HP and she will die having done nothing. Don't be a dick about this. Change your action and do not move other players without permission.
I will give you a chance, re-do your actions or I will target YOU for obstructing the ORDERS I have been given by Veritas who you have SWORN to.
anyways the squares I am targeting are NOT WET at ALL, but the instant you throw me I AM Targeting wet floor
Rabbitspaw, your action changes her from moving onto the last wet tile, meaning her ground slash's first target is a dry tile, and never touches any wet tiles at all, to moving her so that she slashes right across the wet spot, because she's targetting Pogrom no matter where she lands. You're literally killing everyone you're trying to save this action.

This needs corrections:

The only time you can roll these dice is if you have achieved a Death State but still have a body on the board that hasn't been destroyed.

Death Dice are null as soon as an Inheritor [or wanderer] is rolled,

Death Dice are null as soon as the body is destroyed. [At which point you can only roll an Inheritor or Wanderer.]

Death Dice are Rolled by the Player only and during action phase , the GM is in no way participating in this decision.

Posts that Roll the Death Dice null posts in which they are rescued by a healer. Even if the post was later deleted.
There are a few things that people need to be aware of.

1. The Hunter Fortress is under heavy siege. Demons are running for the stairs and one squid will get through this turn if nothing is done.

Note : Magic is the only thing known to kill those squid things and the hunters have none. There are several squids lurking in places that need to be addressed as well, but that is more a minor issue.

2. The Garuda is dead. Her weapons are not. Those Blue and Red Scythes are a danger to us all. Those fighting near the pit should be ware of them and contain them quickly.

3. Ziegfried needs to be healed to full and to be fed meat and maybe restrained as well. I do not care where the meat comes from, whether it is pogrom or jerky but it needs to happen before he goes beserk on all of those in that small place

4. Jenny needs to be exorcised. Feeding her demon souls will only go badly. Do not make her have to choose between eating those souls and having free will.

5. The Three Headed King is eating a giant. If there is anything anyone can do I ask of you to give it a fighting chance.

6. Pogrom is not currently standing in water. Any lightning strikes will not hurt anyone else.
Best case scenario?

You kill Sigsmund who now achieves nothing.

Worst case scenario? They ground slash right through the wall and hit the water, achieving exactly the effect you wanted to avoid because they'll be point blank groundslashing the wall with around 10+ damage.
Rabbitspaw, I understand your concern and I share it. But please reconsider these actions. It looks like the risk is low.

>I will target YOU for obstructing the ORDERS I have been given by Veritas who you have SWORN to.
We do not do this around here. At all. Ever.
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The tile where Sigmund will be standing is half wet half not, but they're not slashing under their own feet, as you can see here, the first tile they'll slash is DRY.

So you're causing more problems than you solve here Rabbitspaw.
It is not a matter of want to or desire it is a matter of, Do so or die, by the oaths I have sworn I will be required to do so for Rabbitspaw obstructing the Law and breaking his own oaths, or my own life is forfeit.
>or my own life is forfeit
If you attack another Runner, it will be.
Then slay me and be done with it, with all that has happened in the Wyrd Hunt so far it is only a matter of time before my oaths require me to take action in some way.
I'm going to sit back here and laugh at all of you. At least until someone's fuck up gets me hit by lightning.
>Then slay me and be done with it
You have done so already and by your own hand.

> it is only a matter of time before my oaths require me to take action in some way.
Here is the folly of accepting another as your master. A Runner is at their best when they are free.
Khya, let's see how this plays out. He might not even have to attack.

Besides, we have shown how Rabbitspaw is doing nothing but putting others at risk with his action, Sigmund acted correctly in this case, and Rabbitspaw is the one fucking things up. We just had a discussion about moving players without their permission. You don't get to change your opinions in such cases just because of a potential, and proven wrong, mishap.
Rabbit is doing what he thinks is best. He is following his own code of law and attempting to save lives. It really boils down to could the thunderstrike harm all those around him if Sigmund was directing it a wet spot?


Thankfully it is not. Besides Rabbitspaw's action will not work. Shinobi Reflexes only work on enemies in the Fog of War. And even then Overwatch will override it.

There is one thing I will not tolerate in the Wyrd Hunt however. That is ending each others lives. If you feel you can not work with us? Then leave before it comes to blows. Otherwise it will be your own life that ends. Above all else the Wyrd Hunt must be united and I will tolerate no infighting.
>You don't get to change your opinions in such cases just because of a potential, and proven wrong, mishap.
there is a difference between moving a player and trying to prevent a player from harming/killing other players. In this case the actions by Rabbit were done in good faith, but proven to be unnecessary. If you can not see the difference between the two situations then I don't know what to say.
Mr. Hetrossy-Bossy is not-true-not-correct. Sigismundy is not dead and will not die-croak. Rabbitspaw is not friend-killer. Is not starving now. Is soon. And Rabbit can stuff him full of rice-deliciousness before then! Am good riceballs. Ask Jackie.

And Sigismundy?


Rabbitspaw wonders why. Is sorry for you. If need to talk-chat-speak about inner turmoil trouble Rabbit can offer ear. But will have to be in a minute, for right now Rabbit is trying to throw empty air which is impossible-hard.
Normally I'd agree with you, but Rabbitspaw's actual action quite potentially could have caused the situation e was trying to prevent.

Also Sigmund's action will use up all of their HP to boost their damage with that many thunderstrikes.
>Normally I'd agree with you, but Rabbitspaw's actual action quite potentially could have caused the situation e was trying to prevent.
Which is why it has been suggested and he has complied with not taking those actions. His heart was in the right place, he was right to worry. And when his concerns were shown to be unwarranted he rescinded them. This is a pretty text book example of how these situations should be handled.
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You. I like you.

>Seriously you guys, calm the fuck down. I don't think Veritas will smite thee because another one of his/her oath'd acted in what they perceived was in accordance with his/her tenents/will/moral guidelines.
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There I changed it
>Eat a cookie.
>Prepare Arrow Arrow Ball

[E] Jackie ; Level 6 ; Party Leader
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 ATK : 1 DEF : 1 MAG : 9 (4+3+2) ACT: 2 WORDS : 3 (0+3)
Equipped :
-Main : The Space in Our Minds ; Magic +3; Grants Space; 3 Words; Applied Fairy Ink
-Offhand: Academic Writing Tool ; Magic +1; Range:4 ; Runes can be written at Range; Grants Time
-Offhand : Dog Whistle
-Armor : Mask of the Forgotten ; Magic +2, HP +1, Darc Immunity
Bag : 60z
-4.5 x Cookies ; Heals 3 HP, two bites
-Chalk x2
-Teras Shard

Hands :
Prepared : Eye Sword Sword, Ball Arrow Arrow
Spells : Arrow, Block, Ring, Ball, Hand, Eye, Sword, Glass ][
Summons : Mothman
Skills : In Tandem

Current Summon : Lux Mothgirl (6/6 HP, 6 Atk, 0 Def, 4 Act, 9 Mov, 4 Mag)
Speaking of hunger, I have no food. Does anyone have something to spare, barring my immediate demise?
BubbleWulf left a cookie here >>45687991

That is a bit... far from my current position.

Assuming we survive, I'll share some of my bread with you.

>I don't think we actually have to eat right away, just soonish.
Rabbitpaws only master is Riceballs.
>munch munch
sthay arh dhelichious
Anyway, Rabbit apologies for the Ruckus-Mayhem.

Can Rabbit make suggestion? Sigismundy flies-soars through the air 3 se from where Rabbit stands, not where Sigismundy stands. So Ground Strike am will be hitting wall section, and disappear-not-trigger.

For The Judge, Judgement-Verdicts should be fair-true-unbiased. When panicking-angry-upset, am be making mistakes. So in Panick, you am-will be made mistake. Is fine. Happens.
But is same mistake as Sigismundy, and is will be deadly in long-term. When you am make Judgement-Verdict on others, is important to be not just Right but True and Fair.

Also this action is impossible, because >>45691172
which Rabbit did not know because no one told him. Thank you Jackie-Castley-Mage for important information.

Rabbit guesses this means he doesn't get an action this turn. Or rather, he does, but he moves and then last action is impossible.

So, er. Rabbit will just
>eat Riceball
Rabbit, you can change your actions and there is one thing you can do that does need doing. Ziegfried is bezerking and he needs to be restrained. If Oscar consents you can borrow one of his keys and use it to lock Ziegfried's restraints once more. That way we have time to feed him and calm him down.

the actions would be

move 1e, 9n
borrow key from Oscar while moving
lock restraints
Well, I feel profoundly and unnervingly useless.

>Move N E NN
>-search dog s
>-Talk to Armistan
Hey Armistan. Long time no see. Last time you were running a shop, I wasn't a dog and I don't think there were any demons. Anyway, just wanted to thank you is all. You saved me life.

This Snub03 you sold me. It's seen me through Hel and back again. I mean that literally, I went to Hel, it wasn't nice, wouldn't want to visit again. Turns out demons are allergic to bullets. Yeah. Range is short, it kicks like a dragon, consumes more ammo than any blunderbuss and it also isn't on fire, but, well, at the end of the day Army, er. Thanks. I guess.

I'm sorry about the kid. He seemed nice. I can respect any man who wields two uzis and defends what he believes in. Here, you sold me this coffee way back when, Army. So, a toast to you and your son. It's still fresh, because I don't think Hel has a proper flow of time. I've been holding on to it for a special occcassion.

Here's to the kid. Turns out, he could hit with those uzis. We'll bag the bastards for you as a Wake. We're all poorer for his passing.

>Drink Llamawater+Volgon Coffee as proper militia food
>-Offer Llamawater+Volgon Coffee to Armistan N

"If I should fall to rise no more, as many comrades have before..."
You know the rest. At least he's escaped the Mal now.

==Status: Kerbold==
HP: 5/5 Mov: 4 Atk: 1
Def: 1+1 Mag: 1 Act: 2
Snub-03, rng3 2*/2* ammo
Sgt. Uniform (+1 def/hp/mov)
Iron Drop (4AP Dmg): x11
Happy B-day (4 crush 5aoe) x19
Dumbo (6dmg, square aoe, hvy knockback) x3
Pumpkin rounds (6 fire) x4
(3x InstantCoffee+ 3x Llama Water), 4x Sleep Bomb (4square), BR-02,
[I]Firing Solution, Spreadshot, Friendly Fire, Packed Shot.
[Ker] Dig, Scent, Beast Talk
Load: Click click
Actually, Army.
>-Cash in Floor 3 survival skill
If you want
>-Learn Battle Rythm
To send him off with a proper Volgon Salute?
>-Tap Battle rythm to reload Snub-03
I'd be honored if you used my gun.
>-Offer loaded Snub to Armistan

"If you are truly trapped there, haven't trapped animals been known to gnaw off their own limbs?"
That sound smart-clever. Rabbit will happily do this, if he is allowed to!

You're allowed to over-ride your actions, it's just a bad habit, and they can be missed.
You are allowed to override old actions as long as the action phase is ongoing. And it is currently ongoing. Remember to link your old action and the post with the map of the current action phase. Also state in your new post that you are overriding your old action.
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Verbal's ghost nods happily.
It tosses a spectral die onto a ghostly table.
The die has been cast.
>Rolled 6 (1d6)
Oh this, this will be interesting.
The ghost, or now wisp, looks inquisitively at the results.
He looks for answers.
>what do


Then Rabbitspaw wishes to override his previous actions. If it is possible and not a bother.

>Move e
>-Skillz Switch Key from Oscar
Thankee Oscar
>move 5n
>move 3n, 1 w

Hello Mr. Ziggy-scream. Is time to relax now. Durian needs to see good role model, okay?

>Lock Ghoul Restraints using Key

==Lvl 3 $, Lux Pact==
ATK: 2+2 ACT: 3 DEF: 1+1
HP: 5 / 5 MOV: 4+2 MAG: 4 SIGHT: 8
CHI: 30 BREATH: 0 [Not gaining any more during night]
M.HAND: Black Lantern, +1 move, +2 atk, armor negate
2n Hand:
GEAR Courier Tengu's KATA, +1 hp, def, mov, +2 bag, Fireproof
BAG: 4/6
2x Riceballs, 3xLlama Water, Mobolin Skull Banner, Chalk,
BANK: lux shard
Skills: [R] Steal, Backstab, Weapon Throw, Switch [$] Red Petals
Mobolins: 17
Skellytons: 15
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>5. The Three Headed King is eating a giant. If there is anything anyone can do I ask of you to give it a fighting chance.
You got it, chief. I'm on it as soon as I can start getting a move on and some backup.

For a soldier so keen on following orders you sure seem to cherry pick 'em.
So far you sound just like the rest of the creatures out to get us.
Can we even trust you to protect our backs or are you going to turn on us due to your "divine" mandate?

I agree with the, chief, infighting is pretty bad.
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You are a wisp. Find something that will suitably hold your spritual reserves. The malebolgia is a bad to place to be a ghost in so it's in your best interest to [Possess] an item that you are comfortable inhabiting as a sapient creature.

Your soul depends on it, Good luck !

P.S. Avoid demons. They will eat you on sight.

Move: Sight Range
Act: 1
Possess - Possess an inanimate object and become it.
Mortal Eye- You cannot be seen by mortals.

>Move 2N, 1W, bumping Lei Lei NE
>Draw ward under probably going to explode marine

>Move 1N, 5E

>-Activate ward M2 drew
>Aetherwind Hell Marine 4NW through that ward
>Wait to be moved
>Cleanse K6

>Overwatch NW three times

>Give [$2] Rabbitspaw a key as he goes by
>Move 1E, 6N, 2E



[K] Foos Foos
>Eat cookie off of ground
>Move 4N

>lift [G2]Poka
>move 3E
>place [G2}Poka 1S
>Pulse (Plant) [K6]Penny MAG10 [Intent] Normal

[N]Khya, Lv.6 - Navigator Adept
HP:5/5(4+1), MOV:3, ACT:3(2+1), ATK:2(1+1), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:10(3+3+4)

-Hand One: Lifemare (Lv5 MAG+4 ATK+1 Range:6 2Hand [Plant, Gravity, & Poison - Hydras + Terra + Darc]
-Hand Two: Lifemare
-Off Hand: Watcher (Lv2 ACT +1) [Time - Lux + Terra]
-Off Hand (Finger): True Ring (Prevents Status Changes and mutations)
-Armor: Skysworn Cloak (Lv5 HP +1 Def +2 MAG +3)
Bag 4/4: 1z
-Llama Water x 13
-Oracle Staff (Lv3 Mag+3 Range:4) [Spirit - Aer + Lux]
-Red Compass - Finds Crystals
-Blue Compass - Finds Stairs like Irregularities

Banco de Llama: Knights' Friends' book (it's just a Diary)
Channeled to:
[G1]Thinly - [K*]KerkyKlak (Unbroken Chain)
[G2]Poka - [K*]FoosFoos (Unbroken Chain), [N1]Gilda (Unbroken Chain), [S1]Jenny (Unbroken Chain), [R*] Torr (Unbroken Chain)
[Guide] Pulse, Channel, Ward, Cleanse, Unbroken Chain
[Navigator] Reversal, Dilate, Accel, Stasis, Exalted
[Lifemare] Intent
You do not have sight range.
>From the Verbal body, possess the tree 4NE
>Move closer to it if it is not in sight.
"Anybody with a long range weapon! Try to shoot those bombs out of the air!"
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(Here is my post, I did not overwrite any acts tough)

"Khya, no what are you doing? Stop dragging me! We cannot let Sigmund die like this! There must be something we can do! This is MADNESS!" -

Poka resists as she gets dragged away by Khya and as hard as it is for hear heart she forcefully closes her eyes and turns her gaze away from the noble sacrifice of the servant of the dragon Veritas. The last memory she wants to have is to see the fellow runner performing his greatest deed.

A moment later she again forces herself to snap out of it and help those she still can here and now.

"Penny, I am here, be cleansed of the poison!"

[G2] [Cove] Poka, Lvl: 6 Adept Guide
HP: 6/6 MOV: 4 ATK: 1 DEF: 2 MAG: 11 (6+5channel) ACT: 2
MHAND: Bloomed Druidmere LVL3 (MAG+3,RNG4 Water/Earth)
ARMOR: Swansong LVL4 (HP+2,DEF+1,MAG+1,MOV+1)
BAG: Oracle staff LVL3(MAG+3,RNG4, Light/Air), Llama water 59 sips (overfilled)
Money: 0 Zenny
Bank: 850 Zenny
Skills: [Guide] Pulse, Cleanse, Ward, Channel, Aether Wind, Radiance, Tipped Ewer, [Town] Unbroken Chain, [Song]Steel Song, [Prayer] Pulsa

>Tap: Activate the ward [M2] Meave drew under the Hellmarine besides [R*]Torr
>ACT1: Cast Aetherwind to throw the Hell Marine 4NW through the ward
>Free: Wait to be moved by [N2]Khya
>ACT2: Cast Cleanse on [K6]Penny

>Channeled BY [N1]Khya (+5MAG for 1 turn)
>Channeled TO [K*] FoosFoos, [N1] Gilda, [S1]Jenny (Unbroken Chain), [R*] Torr (Unbroken Chain)
>Tipped Ewer - [G2] Poka(6/6)HP, [K*] FoosFoos (6/6HP), [N1] Gilda(4/4HP), [S1]Jenny(10/10HP), [R*] Torr(4/4) (Total 30/30HP)
This action change MUST be approved by Jackie. If Jackie doesn't approve it, I'm not going through with it.

>Hook and Pull the Bomb heading towards me so that it slams DIRECTLY into the ground where it is RIGHT NOW
>Overwatch Suspend onto the other bomb heading directly towards wind and grinding hunter so that it is rig-networked (but not the hunter) to the rig on the beach to the south of the fort. Moments before it impacts.
It this doesn't work you most likely just killed a bunch of people. However in the name of science! I hereby approve of these actions.

>Allowing >>45695169 to override >>45686947
"If it doesn't work, everyone here was probably gonna die anyway."

Rather someone else's than my own.

"Ohoho, quite the problem you find yourself in, the only ones near are a corrupt paladin, a headstrong knight and rogue dropping down with his arms full."

And you. Whatever it is that you are now, you don't happen to regrow limbs do you?

"Hmph, seeing as Viktor is still decapitated, that is not something I want to find out."

>Move west 2 north 1
>Move south 1 east 2
>Overwatch west

[R4] Patches lvl1 human
=Status= Exceptionally Trustworthy

-Main hand: dagger +1 ATK
-Armor: Prisoner clothes +1 deaf

-Dagger +1 ATK
-Dungeon key
-Thief bomb
There is a salamander to your northwest. be careful as you proceed down that path.
You should delete and repost with your name and trip, please
Oops hard to trust someone without a name, heh heh heh
>-give [$2] Rabbitspaw a key as he goes by
>move 1E 2S 4E 1N 1E

You're lucky, friend.

[R] Oscar, Level: 1
=One-Armed Bandit=
HP:4/4 MOV:3 ACT:3
ATK:3 (2+1) DEF:1 (0+1) MAG:2

M/Hand: Dagger (+1 ATK)
O/Hand: N/A
Armour: Prisoner's Clothes (+1 DEF)

Bag: 5?/4 0z
- Throwing Knife x4
- Key x1
- Thief Bomb
- Graham's Arm
- Snub-02 (RNG:4 AMO:2 1HAND)

Ammo: None

Load: None

Skills: [Rogue] Weapon Throw

Processing is now ongoing.
THere are a lot a lot of people who don't update their stats confusing the processor and will end up hitting for their base stat.

Please itemize your main hand, offhand equipment and your gear or I assume they do not exist.

Weapon attacks are [STR] +[ATK]of that weapon, not the Offhand unless it offers +STR

Secondly MAG [The stat] accounts for Resistance AND MagPower, but MUST NOT be combined with the cumulative casting power of books. Which from this point on will be called MagPower.

You are high level players I expect you know the stakes.

>What the fuck does this fucking
Fuck you I'm taking 3 hours to process a turn so I'll only explain this once more before HEADS COME OFF WITH NO WARNING.

MainHand Attacks: STR+ATK of weapon used
Offhand Weapon: ATK of weapon in another hand. [In benign cases it can be used as a Main hand attack]

MAG= [ worn Gear+Base Stat]
MAG Power= [MAG]+[Mpower of Book or Wand Used to cast with.]

Offhand Focuses do not add to spell power /Ever/
Offhand Gear is now Considered Accessories. The Navigator Compass is an Accessory. The Scholar Notebook is an Accessory. The Alquemist Gear is an Accessory.
indeed I am guilty I forgot to remove the channel from my sheet, updating immediately.
You did the one good thing of listing where they came from so I am not disappoint.
Hopefully this particular question doesn't annoy you further but for my Mothman's Other Half the +3 Atk is treated as a held weapon and not strength correct?

[$] Beckie ; Level 4 ; Beck Rogue Guild
HP: 5/5 (4+1) Mv: 6 (4+2) ATK: 5 (2+3), DEF: 1 (1) MAG: 3 ACT: 4 (3+1) CHI : 12
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Blade Ray (Level 4, Attack +2, Move +2, Knockouts by this weapon leaves a stun counter instead. Mercurial Strike)
-Off Hand : Red Compass
-Off Hand : Merchant's Bag : +2 Item slots
-Armor : Mothman's Other Half (Level 4 [$][R], +3 Atk, Slashing, +1 Act, +1 HP, Grants Wall Walk, Takes up armor and a hand slot)
Yes. It is weaponized only when used. I have made sure to distinguish between STR and ATK as a stat as far back as floor 2.
I had thought as much. Thank you.
Rolled 2, 6 = 8 (2d6)

Some People are Not Ok.
>Move 2n
>hop chasm East and join everyone else (I still don't get movement rules or if there's encumbrances. If there's a chance I fall down the hole I'll stay put and wait for orders.

[M] Bloom, Level 1: Mage


HP:3/3(3+0), MOV:3(3+3), ACT:2(2+0)
ATK:0(0+0), DEF:1(0+1), MAG:4(3+1)

-Main hand: Chalk (n/a)
-Off Hand: Magic Book (Fire, 2 [WORDS], Range 3)
-Armor: Level 1 Mask (+1DEF, +1MDEF)
-Offhand-Handless Equipment (Stats)

Bag: [20z]
- Hart of Darcness (Darc, 2 [WORDS], Range 3)
-Llama water
-Salamander Blood
-x5 Poison Crossbow bolts

[Prepared Spells: {Ball+Ball} x3, {Ball+Block} x 1 {Block Block} x 2 /No Ammo]

Skills: [M] Ball, [M] Block


Yer missed it by, a lot.



Hey I'm running around Paris atm it's like impossible to pay attention.
What class did you roll ?

Sigh.... Mage

I'm dead aren't I?

Probably not?
Supposing you die, sonny-jim, I want you to know that your next of kin is always welcome in the hallowed halls of the Milita!

We've got food, water, guns, ammo and all the marching boots you can boil down and eat as part of a forced march. It's a sweet, sweet life in Volga's Finest. See Sgt. Burkhard over there? He's got a snazzy helmet! Dunno where he got it but that thing's golden!

And I'm a dog! Arf! You don't see that every day! Arf arf!

Plus, hey, gunpowder is basically magic anyway. And you get to shoot without hitting your friends in the back of the head because unlike certain no-brained mages (And I mean that literally, mages have no actual physical brains but instead a hollow shell of a cranium) we at least learn how to aim before we graduate!

Yeah, it's a dogs life in the miltia. More so for some of us than others. And did I mention the flame throwers and rocket launchers? Because we have those! I'd like to see your puny magic book hold up against Forcehead Rockets!

And if you're real nice, maybe we can put in a high tech order for some Hel Arms. Now there's munitions to make your enemy full of fear and holes!
This has been a particularly difficult phase to calculate. He probably blanked out and didn't realize your intentions to override a bot you may have not even realize existed.

But bad days are to be had
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The ugly truth is made apparent. A child versed in blood magic out to avenge his fallen people. Tis no wonder then that naive Pogrom favored this child so.

"Alright all you gotta do is be careful an-

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What strange Folly it was, then. That those who championed my cause did so zealously, in a flash the opposite of justice was carried out as my own breath did naught be slay my friends and enliven the scales that naive Pogrom did wear on him.

Ugly is the truth indeed that followed, when those who fell to the throes of monstrosities would come to this den as monsters and not as men seeking justice. Monsters and not Men.

Dungeon Phase.

"Rabbitspaw, no!"

"Kaz, Zieg, Jenny! Oh crap oh crap oh crap. You know, in hindsight, attacking the guy decked out in Lux Dragonscale plate with more lux wasn't a good idea."

"Hey Viktor, would turning me into a vampire improve my odds of not being murdered by the naive paladin?"
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"Kaz ! Jenny ! Zieg ! Butcher ! A- Answer Me ! Please Respond !! "

" W- We've lost them ! What do we do ?? "

"Oh wait, that was Butcher who died, not Rabbitspaw. Okay buddy, we can fix you up. Just gotta get you to a friendly navigator to anti-time-death you."

"Well, that assumes that I make it outta here to carry your body back..."

"So, hey there Pogrom. Didn't expect to meet again, let alone like this. Strange how we find ourselves in tombs, eh?"

"So how do you want this to go down? You're still outnumbered, but I'll admit, there's a possibility that you and the kid get out of here alive. Maybe not in one piece, and you know the odds are stacked against you."

"But the way I see it? You and the kid could walk away right now, and Fleur, Rabbit, Livia and I could choose not to throw away anymore of the Wyrd Hunt recklessly."

"So, just like when we first met. Do you want to see more blood, or do you want a fight?"

"Sigismundy! Is murder! Is bad! You are hurting *friends*! Pleaaaasee!"

Rabbitspaw's head was reeling from the near-terminal brush with death, but he got up out of the hole and scampered forward. It wasn't easy to walk when the floor kept insisting on turning into the ceiling.
"Is not Lux! Is not Law! Is hurting friends! Please-please-pleaa--"
If he could reach the knight, he could disarm him, calm everyone down, share a riceball, cup of tea and this would all blow over, he just had to reach out and grab unto the vambrace and no, no!, Rabbitspaw gloved fingers brushed across metal armor but he was too slow, too short, still stumbling with the ringing in his ears from blowing up almost everything.
The Knight advanced. Swung his sword. Thunder roared.

Death filled the room.
" Hahahahaahh ! You wish to Negotiate sinner !? You who sent Monsters for my blood !? YOU Who Consorted with Dragons !? YOU Who send Child Killers to come crashing against my Armor !? I will do you the same Justice I did for Vidofnir and this boy, survivor of his Town you destroyed will bear WITNESS to TRUE Justice this day, and what good Day it is for the Vilords of Eld will pay witness to my Tribute !! "

"The moment your called forth the monsters above he threw away any pretenses of innocence. Seeking to avenge wrongs is the second strike against him, no matter how righteous you think."

"Very well; you've made your intent clear. I see blood and revenge in our future, as well as your death!"
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" You could choose any reason. Any reason at all boy, to arm yourself with the zeal to murder anyone. And yet , paladins like you will think not to choose a path to peace. Not ever. Most of all, these reasons you champion these evil you claim to fight are not your struggles, nor your peace. If this boy wishes vengeance then by all means let him speak for himself with his own actions, and his own bloodied hands. Or are you just another stuttering child championing nothing for the sake of violence ? Hm ? Choose your next move carefully /defector/, you will have MUCH to answer for in a proper Trial "

>Goddammit why did "boy" dissappear

"Did you forget to listen to the part where the person you are protecting indirectly caused hundreds of deaths over the course of countless years? Refugees and runner groups went into that Town Pogrom and were never seen again, they had their throats cut in the middle of the night"

"Did you forget the part where he summoned demons? There's a horde on the surface right now, if they get out they'll put countless other people at risk, thanks to that person you are protecting"

"Was it the fact that you did something you /hated/ all this time, because of a sense of duty to a deacon you respected? And then found that when he had been callously murdered by the PERSON YOU ARE PROTECTING RIGHT NOW to spark a war between monsters and man that would be the death of us all Pogrom, did you just forget everything you were taught about duty to the order? Are you listening Pogrom? Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth Pogrom."

"No, I don't imagine you are Pogrom, and Volga damn it, I wish it didn't have to come to this Pogrom, but you're not fighting for justice you're fighting for another lie, and you don't deserve that Pogrom no one deserves to fight for a lie."

"Do you want the Truth Pogrom?"
While we're here with clarifications.
Do guns add their ATK or is that only for when they use it in melee?
Otherwise it should be just Bullet + Load, right?
Sorry Monday.

You said it, boss!
But, uh, things are getting really creepy around here...
Back up came, but I really don't want to mess with this magic-dragon stuff.
Gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Pshaw, I didn't consort with any dragons or monsters and even if my team did, everyone's got their reasons.
We're stuck running and we've got choices to make, some we like, some we don't.
How about we stop this senseless fighting and talk it over?
As much as I love firing my gun, I'd rather not sometimes.
You speak of true justice and yet all I see is someone taking up their own self-righteous bullshit cause into their own hands.
The matter of fact is there's only one thing we should ever be fighting over and it's the damn Malebolgia.
We're all fodder for the Malebolgia and yet we continue to have these petty squabbles of power in our darkest times.
The world is meaningless if the Malebolgia isn't stopped.
True justice? The Malebolgia doesn't care. It. Will. Consume. Everything.
I run, not in hopes of killing or justice but to stop this terrifying force of nature from eating up everything we love and hate.

Trigger took a sip from his coffee. Closed his eyes for just a moment to savor the acidic bite, the little rising cloud of steam washing across his snout.

>"Rabbitspaw, no! Kaz, Zieg, Jenny!"

He had to imagine both. His coffee was long cold and by now mostly tasteless, having been in a sealed hip flask for months now as he wandered Hel.

>"oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap!"
>"A-answer me! Please respond! We've lost them, what do we do ??"

But still; this little spark of sunlight, this little pewter mug Armistan had conjured from his box, a moment of fresh air and peace on the battlefield. It was worth it. It was peaceful. Just a tiny moment in time to gather together the strung out fragments of his psyche and take the time to---

>"Hahahahaahh ! You wish to Negotiate sinner !?"

Trigger flinched, then groaned as he realized he'd just spilled some of his coffee on his uniform. What in the name of artillery did people think comms dicipline was for? Too much bloody shouting going on. Bloody rookies.
"Sorry, Armistan, just excuse me a moment---
What in the name of the *Stairs* is *wrong* with you *people* and your *Screaming* I'm trying to have *coffee* GOD I was in HEL for MONTHS all I'm *asking* is a moment of effin' peace-- Cut out your whispering! I want targets and tactis on this channel! Effin' soddin' rookies, I oughta-- grah! Stairway! It's soaked into my boots! You made me *spill* my *coffee*! This is the WORST THING"

Trigger clicked off his headset, shook out his fuzzy helmet fur, put the battered sergeant helmet on a nearby treetrunk. Swabbed off a spatter of blood.

"Better. Sorry, my ears are mostly ringing. You were saying? Oh indeed, I never would have guessed. That's very fine work you've got there, I like the placidity. Is that a common thing these days? Huh. Why'd get the procedure if I can ask?

Oh really? Uhuh. Okay.

What was that like?

My god, you don't say -- please, go on, this is fascinating..."

Guns only add ATK as a melee weapon.
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"Paladin, what do you know of loss? What do you know of justice? Answering violence with violence breeds only more violence. Is that only thing your want to see? The spiral to eternal madness?

Everyone looses parts of himself in this world sometimes on a daily basis. Everyone has wounds and empty holes in their heart that might never heal and can never be filled again. But those with the true strong of heart learn to forgive. Forgiveness is what gives us strength to leave the past behind and build a better future for all!

I implore you paladin and lost boy, please stop this madness and end the bloodshed, there is always a way back, there is always time to forgive. There is always a better future."
Maybe they died for Justice?
>mfw I was just trying to convince Pogrom that it would be smart to just take the boys and walk
>Now people are trying to lecture the crazy paladin
>I just wanted time to lick our wounds before fighting the monster
(( For real though, that's terrible and I'm sorry both Kaz and Butcher died.))

"Faces are an odd thing. "

==Status: Completely Oblivious==
HP: 5/5 Mov: 4 Atk: 1
Def: 1+1 Mag: 1 Act: 2
Snub-03, rng3 2*/2* ammo
Sgt. Uniform (+1 def/hp/mov)
Iron Drop (4AP Dmg): x9
Happy B-day (4 crush 5aoe) x19
Dumbo (6dmg, square aoe, hvy knockback) x3
Pumpkin rounds (6 fire) x4
(3x InstantCoffee+ 3x Llama Water), 4x Sleep Bomb (4square), BR-02,
[I]Firing Solution, Spreadshot, Friendly Fire, Packed Shot, Battle Rythm.
[Ker] Dig, Scent, Beast Talk
Load: 2xIrondrop
>Bubblewulf takes a chain out from his bag and wears it around his neck like a scarf.

It gives him comfort. He can control chains, but this situation is most definitely not something he is in control of.

"You are too set on the world being black and white paladin, and you are too focused on the shadows to see anything else."

"I have heard tales of the town this child hails from but don't know of the situation first hand. There is justice but this... this should never have been an option. You are blinded by hate and don't see or consider the danger you have posed to innocents in its pursuit. I only wish you had not tried filling this child with that same hate."

"So what I am trying to say to you... trying to get through to you... is that you should stand still while I attempt and jam you in a sweaty metal box."
Rabbitspaw needs to destroy this false icon Progrom.

So Rabbitspaw will. Bossdragon's orders.

Please-please Mister Progrom-Paladin. Is okay. We forgive you. Am sorry-sorry Town was hurt. And people. And Kid. And Sigismundy, who Rabbitspaw is mostly wearing now all over his face-head. Maybe was not true Justice that town died for sins of some.

As Poka and Alistair says. Is many reasons to kill-hurt-harm. Is easy. Is maybe not so many reason not to. You have zeal-righteousness-wrath.

Do you have tenacity?

Is easy to kill. Is much harder to live. You are-am Progrom-Protector and Kid is Vengeful-Hurt-Angry-Righteous. Is hard names.Take them off. Is no reason to continue cycle of town-floor-people killing. Let go of Progrom and Vengeful-Kid. Murder is not Justice. Vengance is not forgiveness of ghosts or living life.

The best revenge is living well. Let go of name-past-armor. Become new person. New face. New idol, maybe. Walk away, help protect-raise Kid if Kid wants, maybe live.

We can fight. And Rabbitspaw will. But Rabbitspaw doesn't want to. Is not life without harm. So destroy the past, maybe. Let go. Is no longer Progrom-Lux-Sworn. Lanternreap is gone. Is no Vidofnir.

Please-please don't keep the sad memories alive to kill for remembrance when you could let it go and live for yourselves and not hurt anyone.

Also Rabbitspaw would like to say is screaming demon next to him, who is not letting anyone walk away because it likes destruction. Is that what great-big-Justice-Paladin and Smart-Hurt-Kid really is? Just tiny angry demons smashing things because living is hard?
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Silence ! For all your Platitudes ! All your Talk ! The only real truth here is Power and with the power given to me by your smallest of SLights, The Truth WIll Prevail ! You all Will Die here ! And our Plan will Move Forth even without me !

" A breath for you Shinobi ! For your lessons with Aya grope only at shadows ! And now for the rest ! Breath of Hydra !"

Alistair: GET OUT OF THE WAY !
Wendigo: *Chainsaw Sounds*

Alistair: Viktor, The Prey is centered, You know What Must be done !"

Viktor: Ohohohoh I have no forgotten THIS one !

"At the end of the day friends the dead can't speak of justice. The Iron law will take who it takes. Let it not be us."

Well I for one day the silly little bastard can take his high cause and stuff it, the louse chalatan
Rabbit is covered in Sigismundy's blood and also think he might-maybe dislocated his everything.

Is... okay. Cannot convince... everybody.

==Lvl 3 $, Lux Pact==
STR: 2 ATK: 2 ACT: 3 DEF: 1+1
HP: 1 / 5 MOV: 4+2 MAG: 4 SIGHT: 8
CHI: 32 BREATH: 0 [Not gaining any more during night]
2n Hand:
GEAR Courier Tengu's KATA, +1 hp, def, mov, +2 bag, Fireproof
BAG: 4/6
2x Riceballs, 3xLlama Water, Mobolin Skull Banner, Chalk,
BANK: lux shard
Skills: [R] Steal, Backstab, Weapon Throw, Switch [$] Red Petals
Mobolins: 17
Skellytons: 15

"Rabbitspaw, my friend, this is not quite the time for self-reflection."

"Rather, for us, it is a time of screaming incoherently, attacking blindly, or fleeing."

>I have no face, for I don't collect relevant image macros when I should
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The Trial Is Concluded ! Let The Jury DECIDE YOUR FATE, POGROM !

" Now Viktor Unleash the Chains !"


Visible Units may participate in the [Trial]
Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle! Wh-where am I?! Oh god, did I do this, what's happening!

(Restraints are back on means my 2 hands are locked again? I need to know my current status/hp if possible)
When Hunters did work in Tandem the resulting formation of Rigs produced Mind blowing patterns hidden away in Hunter CIrcles, one of which was the Infamous Chain Guillotine, known only by the highest Order of Hunters who called themselves Viscounts, for no court was complete without a Judge, a Jury and an Executioner and the twisted means by which to execute their judgement.

Do not be misguided, Once the chains are loosed, the execution only ends one way. ...

Guilty, or Casualty.
stats have reverted, however you have 1Hp.

>Fire twice at Pogrom
>Battle Rhythm! Reload Irondrops

"I see a man who is guilty of treason!"

[I] Isaac Ispie Lvl 5


>The Hunter's Daughter, RNG: 6, AMMO: 2, *Cannot Move and Fire, 2 HANDS
>LOAD: 2 x Irondrops (4AP)
>Ammo: 11/10 Irondrop (4AP), 8/10 HappyBday (4Crush, 5AOE). 10/10 Stun Rounds (-1 Act). 6/10 Pumpkin Rounds (6 Fire)
> Lvl 3 Sergeant Uniform
Bag: Llama bread x 3, Canteen x 6, Binoculars x 1, Moblin head x 1
ATK: 1
DEF: 0+1
MOV: 3+1
ACT: 2
HP: 4/3 + 1
MAG: 1
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spread Shot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time

[Relentless]: Witnessing a murder will allow you to track the culprit with a tap action.
Progrom, your actions are unfitting of someone of your order. I sentence you to monster-hood and the rightful death you deserve, as one, of, us.

>Move 1S 1E
>Wyrmbite Progrom

[U]Ziegfried, Level:5, Adept
Status: Ghoul
HP:1/6(5+1), MOV:6(4+2), ACT:3(3+0), ATK:6(3+3), DEF:4(1+3), MAG:4(3+1)

-Ghoul Teeth (Atk 1)
--Monster Restraints (+1 Hp, +3 Def, -1 Act, -2 Hands, Prevents Berserk)

-Key x1

Skills: Steal, Backstab, Devour, Regenerate, Wholesale Swallow, Wyrm Bite, Wear Person, Snatch
Zenny: 0z
Bank: 3210z, Ghoul Arm
Group Bank: 0z

+3 Strength
+2 Movement
+1 Magic

Don't worry, the only mercy we will give you is that you will not stay a monster for long, peon.
"A fair trail indeed! Now let's carry out his sentence with true heroic mercy.
Draw steel friends! Spill his guts! Grind his bones! HAVE AT HIM!"
Oh. Rabbit almost-almost lost his head there. Is having a very brain-concussive day. Luckily it seems Rabbit is mostly all right fish fly tree dance purple swirling scissors

>Action to recover from stun
>Action to recover from stun

Rabbit stands for Justice and Law and Truth.
Rabbit does this with a heavy heart. Rabbit does this under protest. But Running-Escaping-Fleeing Kid.

To murder for murder is not justice-law-truth. To summon demons to fight is not life. To destroy floors-world-friends is not the Law.

Peace, now. Life without harm. If you live, Rabbit will teach you.

Veritas-Vidofnir-Florian-Dragon gets to Judge This Trial.

>Use final action to Weapon Throw The Black Jacket at Kid nw nw
>Atk 4 + backstab 1 + stun + negate armor+gear
>-Tap 2 breath from Lightning bolt, 1 from new dawn
>-Let the Dragon Decide.

==Lvl 3 $, Lux Pact==
STR: 2 ATK: 2 ACT: 3 DEF: 1+1
HP: 1 / 5 MOV: 4+2 MAG: 4 SIGHT: 8
CHI: 32 BREATH: 0 [Not gaining any more during night]
2n Hand:
GEAR Courier Tengu's KATA, +1 hp, def, mov, +2 bag, Fireproof
BAG: 4/6
2x Riceballs, 3xLlama Water, Mobolin Skull Banner, Chalk,
BANK: lux shard
Skills: [R] Steal, Backstab, Weapon Throw, Switch [$] Red Petals
Mobolins: 17
Skellytons: 15

I don't think he can, since that isn't part of the trial.

>He needs to roll to calm down, anyhow.
>Pick up [I6] Dakka from E, Place them 1N
>Hook and pull Iron maiden West of me and move it 3E, or as feasibly close to me as possible.

[H3] Bubblewulf, Level: 1
HP:4/4 MOV:4(3+1) ACT:2
ATK:3(2+1) DEF:2(1+1) MAG:1

2Hands: Hunter chain (+3 RNG, +1 ATK)
Armour: Overcoat (+1 ATK, +1 DEF)

Bag: 100Z
- Chain x2
- Iron Maiden x1
- Cookies x2 (Bite 2/2)

Iron Maiden- tadpole salamander head

Skills:Hook and Pull, Suspension, Wall to Wall

Bank: 0z

>Get moved by [H3] Bubblewulf
>Move 3N
>Shoot Pogrom 4N with the Irondrop [Packed Round] Blunderbus for 5 Damage AP

"This is an execution!"
Dakka stands to attention.
Dakka takes aim.
Dakka fires.

[I]Dakka Lv1:Novice Human
HP:4/4 (3+1), MOV:3, ACT:2, ATK:2 (1+1), DEF:1 (+1), MAG:1

- [Blunderbus] (RNG:4, AMMO:1, ATK:1)
>[Packed Round],
- [Uniform] (DEF:1, HP:1)

- Irondrop x10 (4 AP)

Bag: 0z
- Bread Ration x2
- Canteen x2
- Binoculars
- Molotov Cocktail

Bank: 0z
Group Bank: 0z

[Packed Round] [Friendly Fire]
If the verdict is Death, then Rabbit will execute and Rabbit will Regret but Rabbit will do it. But Rabbit hopes Veritas judges this one for real Truth.

Fairness without Exclusion means the Child gets fairness to.

>-If the child needs to die, tap as much chi as appropriate for Red Petals (32 stored). I do not know if it is posible to do this, but I am assuming Veritas will render final judgement if called so Rabbit will help this way. If not appropriate, please ignore.

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