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Sky Raid Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ (cont.): What is the political/cultural outlook of every faction toward every faction, especially as of [current time]? Please offer ideas toward events, crisis, specific diplomatic overtures, etc...

> TQ2: So, since we are ending Core very soon, and based profileanon gifted us with Tsardom, Rajput and Ethiopian units in the last few threads, how do we wrap up regional expansions?

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Kinda reminds me of the Dreadnought from Destiny.
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Makes me think of the eye thing in Angel's Egg.
Any word on Mystery Meat from the anon who mentioned making a thing for it? If you're not happy with it I can just post the simplified profile
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Beware the Hornless Gorg. The one lower than all slaves. The one without honor, fear, or pity.
He comes in the night. You can hear him by the braying of his black steed, the thundering of its hooves. All good Gorgs know to stay in their huts, to shut the doors and block the windows.
So drink your stink juice. Obey your chief. Be a good Gorg, or the Hornless Gorg will come for you.
>Main villain of the briefly lived Expedition: Agartha Descent cartoon from the late 80s
>The series is also the rarely acknowledged origin of Duke Cunningham as a one-off villain in the episode "The Great Golden Caper"
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Bit of a slow one so far.
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Yeah, sorry bout that, been an eventful week in other matters than thread related, and I should not bring outside shit here, its not a personal blog.
So, with this in mind, anyone would be up for games tomorrow or Sunday? Ideally not too late in the evening Sunday but I'll figure out a way if that's what it takes.
If you are interested let me know what you'd like to play.
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Here is a start on the Sky-Noble.
The Tribute Parley Action is just way too much at 25 Silver, plus it doesn't really reflect the whole "demanding tribute" to wager the action and may have to pay the other. Any suggestions? A Coercive Deal? Maybe put in something so that you choose during recruitment if the Sky-Noble is aligned with the Sky-Empire faction or Sky-Clan faction and one gets Utter Elevation while the other gets Coercive Deal and may give Roof Rappel to Sky Soldiers?
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In my mind Sky-People are one of those factions that, while involved in raiding, slavery and piracy, should not come off as being incredibly antagonistic. An example I used in the World book was "if you get raided by Atlan, you are fucked, because the only thing they care about is labour force, you aren't talking your way out of the mines or slave soldier ranks. If you get raided by the Sky-People, they are basically forcing you to find a way to make things profitable for them."
So the idea is to provide ways to make profit by seeming threatening while not outright relying on killing for Silver. I hesitated a lot to have this be some kind of "chose one equipment, steal it", but that doesn't incentivize anyone to use it instead of just killing.
>Tribute of the roof
Maybe the other player can choose to pay and if they do you're not allowed to attack them for a few turns unless they do? Like it initiates an uneasy truce where Sky People are trying to make money and opponent is trying to make money or manuever into position.
There should be a way to break the truce as Sky People first but with a big debuff.

How likely are they to actually hit a head location with a concussive weapon? Their accuracy is not promising in that regard.
Will they get any stunning weapons? (Skyspider silk ranged attack?)
>Maybe the other player can choose to pay and if they do you're not allowed to attack them for a few turns unless they do?
Yeah, I like that. Adds an opportunity cost and if you pay you might have some other way to compensate in the meantime.
>How likely are they to actually hit a head location with a concussive weapon?
Lol, this is why I need you guys, with Acc 4 its not actually possible to hit the head, since there's no stunning or concussive weapons without a -1 to Acc anyways.
>Will they get any stunning weapons? (Skyspider silk ranged attack?)
Yes, sling, mace (truncheon), ways to cause stun from Sky-Drops, I'm thinking Cloudellefints could have it too. It on Sky-Spiders is a good idea too!
Thoughts on this Titanium King revision?

The Titanium King: Cost 50
Leader, Icon
AP 3, LP 7
Movement 2, Accuracy: 8, Strength 9, Discipline 9, Evasion 3, Labor 5, Awareness 9
Health: Limbs 2, Body 2, Head 1
Armor: 9T 9T 9T
Quick Strike, Tough, Terror,

Titanium Court: [7 LP, 25 Silver] This model must take Titanium King’s Colossal Lybris and may not be Mounted. May Recruit other Atlan Leaders. May Recruit Unnamed Faction units without limit. All friendly Diplomats gain “In The Presence of a King” Parley.

Titanium Heart: This Model and All Friendly Models do not become Shaken and become Broken when they would be Panicked. This Model and Friendly Atlan Models within 5 become Frenzied when they would otherwise be Shaken. If this model is removed from the board, all Friendly Atlan models are Frenzied and all non-Atlan Friendly models are Panicked.

Grim Resolve: This model may not be Engaged by another model, but it may Engage other models. This model may not be removed by Friendly Special Rules.
Untouchable: [1 AP 5 LP] If this model has no wounds and would fail it's Armor test, use to re-roll the test.

Beast of Burden: [1 AP, 2 LP] Select up to 3 hexes worth of Friendly adjacent models, at the end of this model’s Activation, move all selected models adjacent to this one. Each model selected this way suffers -X Labour until the end of the game, X being the number of Models selected by this rule. A model cannot be targeted by this rule if it would bring their Labour below 0. Polished Princess and Baron Phosphorus may always be targeted.

Headman’s Axe: [3 LP] Once per turn. this model may immediately make a Melee Attack. If this attack hits the Head Location and kills the enemy model, your opponent must select one of his models within 3 of the model killed to pass a Discipline Test. If failed, he takes 1 Dread and this model regains 2 LP.
May be equipped with either T. King’s Lybris or a T. Lybris. May be mounted on a Titanium Tartaradon.
Titanium King’s Colossal Lybris
-2 Accuracy, -2 Evasion, [ XX ] / [ GG ]
[Deadly] [Reach] [Cumbersome](-1 Movement while this weapon is equipped)
*This model’s Special Actions cost 1 LP less.

Been working on this for a bit. Wasn’t too happy with how Titanium King turned out. Still not totally satisfied, but this is better, I think, at least in parts. I don’t like how much it is; being over charter here limit feels like a bad omen to me. Titanium Heart in particularity seems a bit much. I am most hesitant about the Headman’s Axe changes. I think the new version is sound internally, but I worry it isn’t externally, if you catch my meaning.
His base version might be too cheap. Giving a cost to his special axe is probably a good idea.
Titanium Tartaradon doesn’t exist yet, but I think it should. Atlan has this titanium based life thing going on, and Tartaradons are both cool and would be good for giving Atlan some less military units. Thinking about an Ottoman Ambassador. Thinking about Surgeon Major. Need to post Resonant Representative still.

shit i just realized those lines fucked me over. sorry for the mess.
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>Titanium Tartaradon doesn’t exist yet, but I think it should.
I was planning on having some Barded Tartarodon somewhere at some point for Atlan, but I guess that would mirror the Olms having their own version.
Titking definitely needs a buff to compete thematically with the likes of the Khan or Mother.
This feels a bit more than 50 Silver worth of killing however, especially since its 3 AP. Its not at all impossible to set up a charge turn 2 with this. I'm not at all above keeping it as is and pushing above 50 however, it does sound badass, and the Court would be interesting to see (although, might also be way above the power curve.)
What do you mean by Unnamed Faction?
The first thing about Headman's Axe is that its a free attack on top of the 3 AP it has natively, but I would use it anytime I didn't bring the Court just because its pretty likely to trigger and would bring me back in range of using Untouchable once I inevitably roll a 10 on him getting hit on the head. Which means it kinda balance because I want to keep the 1AP to do that as well.
If you want to make it slightly harder for the investment to land, you could bump Headman's Axe to 4 LP, make it trigger on every attacks he makes instead of just the free one, and have it give back 1 LP instead of 2 so you have to land it twice to be able to go Untouchable again.
We might need to rebalance Beast of Burden depending on how the Titanium Tartarodon turns out.
I've seen him, aye. The Hornless Gorg. I had been sent to treat with a Gorg village, convince them to fight for England against some Mu interlopers. Atlan ambushed the lot of us.
We were taken as slaves. Forced march for several days brought us near the Atlan border. I thought I'd never see my wife and son again.
Then the tin men got real quiet. We all stopped moving. There was only the sound of the wind and them Atlan boys creaking in their armor with every breath.
Then he came.
Riding on a horse, black as an officer's heart. Axe in his hand, cleaving heads from Atlan necks left and right. The Gorg slaves cheered, and they picked up anything they could use as a weapon. Rocks, wagon wheels, severed limbs. I don't know how many of them died, but I took the opportunity to run. Fast as my feet would carry me, bound in chains as I was. Wasn't fast.
He caught sight of me. I saw him raise his axe, and then it was tumbling through the air, like silver lightning. It struck the chains between my feet, and then it flew right back into his hand. He turned his horse and fell back into the fray.
I never learned if the slaves won, but I knew I saw something few men have seen and lived.
I saw him. I saw the Hornless Gorg.
> Rides in
> Decapite Atlans
> Free slaves
> Refuse to elaborate
> Leave
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>The body of a free stormcast I got five years ago, the back of a Skitarii helmet, and a space marine knee pauldron I have despite not playing space marines! Combined with greenstuff, bluestuff that got stuck to the plastic that I glued on, some random sprue filings and some holes!
Conceptually I tried to file down the round parts of the armour. I put one too many holes in the face and was insufficiently clean with the sawing, but luckily I have a second attempt so I will call this one the trial run.
Great work! A rough look fits Atlan well anyway, would love to see this thing painted.
>Titanium Heart: This Model and All Friendly Models do not become Shaken and become Broken when they would be Panicked. This Model and Friendly Atlan Models within 5 become Frenzied when they would otherwise be Shaken. If this model is removed from the board, all Friendly Atlan models are Frenzied and all non-Atlan Friendly models are Panicked.
What exactly was so bad about his original morale aura that people felt the need to change it exactly? And I mean the big O original one. Where the units within could not become Shaken OR Panicked, but suffered mild maluses to Accuracy? It was simple and to the point.
You mean the OG one from the design doc?
> Passive - ‘Morituri Te Salutant’: When within range of him a certain number of units can ignore any Dread related effects and can always be used, but get maluses to hit and Evasion, -1 when Shaken, -2 when Panicked. When Broken they still break. (Adapt to any morale system we settle on)
IIRC it was the "a certain number of units within range" which seemed to raise a problem. But then I suggested something about having a separate Dread pool for him and I think that might have gotten the ball rolling for changing it "unnecessarily" instead of just removing the "a certain number".
Eventually during their redesign Frenzy got tied into Atlan pretty heavily. I'm not the one who came with it but I like that idea that Atlan goes from seeming very laconic to losing their shit way harder than everyone very quickly. Atlans don't bend, but they do break in a spectacular fashion now and then.
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So I looked over the maps and realized a couple of issues.
First is on me, as I made the originals. I ended up giving most of the Dalai Sea coast to the colonials. Problem being that Abaskun is supposed to be a major trade port for Mu, implying trading partners that would predate the colonials. That would mean that the coastal areas should realistically be more populated, probably dotted by Deepfolk city-states and petty kinfdoms. And while the Third Sicily is volcanic and not condusive to normal settlement, it would absolutely apply to the area taken up by Maximiliana. However, between the two the entire sea was now kind of taken over by the surfacers and it felt wrong. So I figured it would be better to enlarge the sea to create the space for some other, unsubjugated coastal areas. This new area would create more reasoing for the Abaskun's existence AND serve as an avenue for the French, Austrian and Italian colonial expansion and competition.
The second one is, I assume, on mapanon. I noticed that there was a river flowing from the pillar in the Ottoman territory, as well as a bunch of settlements. The problem is that the Ottoman area on the Fourth Layer was supposed to be a dried up sea that only they can comfortably inhabit on the account on them being Husks. I assume he might have missed that bit of lore, as the topography indicates nothing like that.
I'm not sure if that's the most up-to-date map, but I tried to edit it nonetheless. The rivers are probably fucked. I removed the Ottoman borders to illustrate the point.
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>How likely are they to actually hit a head location with a concussive weapon? Their accuracy is not promising in that regard.
>Will they get any stunning weapons? (Skyspider silk ranged attack?)
Revised version of the Skywaymen.
Added Skirmisher and Mace Training in there, +1 Accuracy, removed Soldier (slight debuff to balance, Soldier are usually targetable by better buffs than non-Soldier models, probably could have a way to bring it back through a Trait or something), -1 Evasion (which is big since that's the stat it autokills itself on if you elect to Roof Ambush them).
So if you want it to set up Larceny itself its not likely. Skirmisher + Mace training brings you to 6 Accuracy. You need to roll a 6 and your opponent a 1, or a 5-6 and have him fail his test. Or, much better yet, Attack from the back. Which you can set up somewhat unreliably with the Roof Ambush.
All in all its still probably very jank, but I think that should be ok because we can put other source of Stun/Concussive elsewhere and have it rely on some amount of synergy to trigger.
Bumped up the reward to 5 Silver however.
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Sorry, meant to attach this.
Thoughts on making him 3 hex?
>would mirror the Olms having their own version
That's what i was thinking. I like the 'titanium based life' theme that they have.
>Court would be interesting to see (although, might also be way above the power curve.)
I think it's power will scale with the silver level of the game. Below 225 it's probably a bad deal.
>Unnamed Faction
Unnamed meaning stuff like The Hiker, Named meaning stuff like Illinois Jack. It's the terms the main rule doc uses.
>bump Headman's Axe to 4 LP, make it trigger on every attacks he makes instead of just the free one, and have it give back 1 LP instead of 2 so you have to land it twice to be able to go Untouchable again.
That sounds good, but i would like to test it how it is first. Could also bump Untouchable up to 6 LP, which would still be 5 with Titanium King’s Colossal Lybris.
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>Unnamed meaning stuff like The Hiker, Named meaning stuff like Illinois Jack. It's the terms the main rule doc uses.
Oh, sorry, I get it.
>Thoughts on making him 3 hex?
with the Tartarodon sure, without it it seems pretty intense, especially with him engaging and not being engaged.
> Picrel
I wanted to add more stuff to the Sky-Gorg Prince, so here we go.
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Also I've stumbled upon this post in the archive and would like to adress these concerns.
Kitezh, as it is now, is located under the entrance in East Siberia, near one of the coldest places in the region. That is why Kitezh was conceived as a continuation, more or less, of the Siberian frontier, but undergroud, with all the policies and issues those regions historically had.
I suppose the term "penal colony" might be misleading. It would be a penal colony in the same way that Siberia was - a region where you send criminals, but not a region populated mostly by them. The total percentage of exile populations in the entirety of Siberia was around 5% by the end of the XIX century, and IIRC was the highest in Sakhalin, at 30% or so. So it is likely there would still be more non-exiled and politically uncompromised population in Kitezh.
On the issue of land. First, there is no explicit indication that the colony is particularly nice to live in. The Third Layer's climate seems tropical. Tropical can range from "nice vacation" to "actively dying of malaria while eaten alive by insects". The land there could be a bunch of fetid swamps.
Second, historically the Tsardom was actually perfectly fine with giving the exiles arable land. The law, in fact, obliged local village communes to give them plots. This usually didn't go down so well, as the Siberian pioneers often did not like the idea. Even if they did accept the exiles into the commune and give them land, the exiles usually had no capital or skills to start their own farm. This lead to them living in poverty and working as landless farmhands or simply seeking employment elsewhere. But that was not the intention. The spirit of the law clearly intended for them to become productive peasants and citizens. The purpose of the exile was to simultaneously isolate the problematic subjects and help populate the frontier. Barring those sentenced to penal labour, the exiles were in practice, if not in law, esentially free men.
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This brings us to the final point: the lack of effective control. That was a problem the Tsardom historically faced. They had no means to keep tabs on all the exiles and actually enforce the law in the far off regions. Exiles constantly ran off from their assigned places of residence, lived and worked illegally in cities, mines etc. Actual labor camp prisoners escaped all the time and the authorities were so overwhelmed they outsourced catching them to some native groups or just hoped they would starve or freeze to death. Despite this, they still kept exiling people in Siberia. Sometimes colonial policies are just bad and/or poorly implemented. Any colony located literally under Siberia would experience a similar enough pattern of colonization through shit logistics alone, unless it completely BTFOs anything East and West of the Urals.
HOWEVER, I could still see the value in perhaps moving Vladiagartsk to the Third Layer and Kitezh to the Fourth. It would make Kitezh more of a shithole and more isolated. And the idea of the Tsardon's main colony being in the tropics is funny, while it being among the steppes, temperate forests and arid land is decidedly less exciting. Maybe add an entrance in the Caucasus too. But it would all be a pain in the ass.
Also an entire colony likely consists of several oblast's, so calling them General-Governorates would be more appropriate.
Thanks for the pointers. I'll try to fix the maps eventually, right now I'm busy with work stuff to sit down and carefully modify stuff. If you have more pointers, please write them and I'll try to get to them eventually.
I mean, as far as I'm concerned all it needed is some finishing touches.
Something like:
>This model may not be Shaken and Panicked and enters Frenzy when Broken. Units within 5 of this model can still be used as normal when Shaken and Panicked, but suffer -1 and -2 to Accuracy respectively.
You could make the maluses even milder if you wanted to buff it.
The first revision that makes units Broken instead of Panicked is a straight up nerf. Frenzy is better but takes control away from you instead of a mild malus. I suppose integrating Frenzy into it could work if it's more selective (like it can be with Mu Revenants and the Legate). Something like Immortals, Reconquerors and Reclaimers not attacking each other when Frenzied.
But EACH version of this passive is made largely redundant by Reconqueror's, Reclaimer's and Immortal's own special rules, making it overall kinda lackluster. It's supposed to be a special Leader feature, they shouldn't step on each other's toes like that.
>Reconqueror's, Reclaimer's and Immortal's own special rules
Well, those profiles mostly came into being after the Titking already was on his 2nd or 3rd iteration already, so it isn't surprising there's some amount of overlap.
>The first revision that makes units Broken instead of Panicked is a straight up nerf.
Sure, but Atlan also has one of the highest Discipline stat overall. Beside the "mooks" from the Slave Soldier evolution line, the Reclaimers and Spring Gunners are the most at risk... once you hit 10 Dread. Especially now that Rally exists that's very unlikely to happen at all. Honestly we should try a Mother Unknown or La Ombre list dedicated to just trying to hit that because I'm not sure its possible anymore. I believe before Rally was a thing and we had less playtest under the belt the impression was that this would provide an alternative wincon to straight up defeating the Titking.
I am not at all refusing to revise, weight or test the options here, just explaining what led to it being the way it is.
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Ok I'm done with raiding stuff from the BITCHES FOR THULSA DOOM thread. Sorry bout that, guess I'm in a mood.
Actually, that was a lie, one last one.
>with the Tartarodon sure, without it it seems pretty intense, especially with him engaging and not being engaged.
That's fair.
Absolutely nothing to apologize for.
>I'm not sure its possible anymore
Probably is, but by the time you get to that point the game is already over. Still, overwhelming an expedition with Dread would still be useful, if only for keeping the more powerful unit's busy.
Gorg Smash?
Maybe reduce Limb and Body Armor, he seems pretty tanky already.
>Thirsty, Stinking Work
Personally, i would name this "Stinky Work".
What does the original say?
I can do a game tomorrow if you still can. 9am or 8pm would work. Could do Lemuria again. Could also do La Ombre or Lost Men. Depends on what you want.
8pm will work!
I'd love to see someone try La Ombre, but any of those three would be fine.
I'm hesitating between Italy, Lemuria and KoB myself, let me know if you have a preference for a throwdown.
>What does the original say?
We ALL have PHDs in English literature.
Heh. Not bad. Makes the edit better.
Lost Men verses KoB, Atlan verse Italy, Lemuria verse Lemuria would all be interesting.
>Lemuria verse Lemuria would all be interesting.
NTA, but sounds to me like two different chaps competing to fulfill the same prophecy.
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>Lemuria verse Lemuria
If you are cool with that its sounds like a blast to me. Now to decide between a chariot or martial artist build...
Ok, no, I'm rereading the book now, I'm gonna be true to myself and play a Prophetess Degenerate list.
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Lemurian Officer (15)
-Born to Lead (3)
-Akashic Archery
-Enchantress Pet (5)
-Armour of Office (4)
-Shortbow (1)
Lemurian Enchantress (20)
-Chariot (12)
Cultivation Master (25)
1x Flesh Construct (21)
10x Infested Degenerates (30)

I also realize that we are missing a cost for the Third Eye trait. I'd say 5 or 6? Might be worth less because you have to pay some way to get Chi tokens to get it to really work, but once it does and with Akashic Archery its a fairly reliable one-shot kill with no Reload (although the cost to Akashic Archery does compensate a bit for that, and may be required to pay again)
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Proposal for a Sky-Soldier profile.
The Sky-People have a fairly poor military, mainly due to a lack of need for a good one. Aside from the occasional raid from the few Deepfolks and Saur Knights that breeds skysaurs in large enough numbers to build a force, Pillar Cities are some of the safest places in the Deep, and you could probably include the 2nd in there too.
It also doesn't make for a great place to practice maneuvers. Sky-Soldiers are decent enough troops while on a Barge or a Bomber, raining arrows and stones at dirtlings, but if you catch them while landed and disembarked, or force them to, most other dedicated forces outlast them.
Which is why you should bring some Sky-Gorgs along for the party, of course.
Other options with them would be to Mount them on Roof-Spiders for the Roof Ambush boost, on Skysaurs/Giant Bats for relatively reliable ultrafast harassers, or go balls to the Wall and set them up in Roof Ambush and hope to roll well.
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Here's a proposal for a simplified version of Sky-Drops. Not exactly sure why I was complicating things so much. This is somewhat nerfed in that its only an X, but since its now a Ranged attack with a scatter on it it has a much higher chance of hitting if you target models adjacent to the airship. It always hitting the head will obviously help the Sky-Larceny rule on Skywaymen to trigger more often.
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> An average 6th Layer girl
> Her kot
> Her bf (simp, will literally take a bullet for her)
> Her gym coach (only there for a quickie, will leave 15 minutes later without saying goodbye to anyone)
> The guy she tells her bf not to worry about (comes with extra appendages)
> All her exes (those that haven't turned into a puddle of flesh yet anyways)
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Anyone working on new units for Satsuma?
I made an attempt at Satsuma Saur Rider but hit a wall, feel free to give it a shot I didn't get far

Also, are there any Sky People units I can help with? I have ideas for the bomber brigades
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>I made an attempt at Satsuma Saur Rider but hit a wall, feel free to give it a shot I didn't get far
Ok, I'll see what I can come up with.
For Sky People, there's the Sky-Janissary which I'm not having much inspiration for, I was thinking making it the "elite" Soldier choice with either a Cloudellinfant or Airship build.
I'll finish up where I was going with the Sky-Bomber and post it soon, what were you thinking for the Brigade?
Sky-Priest is a bit boring atm too.
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Here we go.
Pretty fragile, slow on its own, and requires help of the Winds to get to decent speed. But it has a lot of carry capacity and you could just load it up with a bunch of Apemen mercs or something else cheaper and use it mainly to drop 8 models turn 2 on any side of the table. Or buy some upgrades and turn it into a real threat.
Having someone capable of repairing it will likely be very important.
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>New Mu Missionaries
As with all things related to the land of Mu, even their missionaries are not what one familiar with Jesuit priests or other men of the lord might expect.
Missionaries of New Mu are often young men, or the old and dishonored, sent from their homes to do glorious battle. They range far from New Mu in their search for patrons. Missionaries can be found in the far corners of Agartha, and can be found in the service of all manner of masters.
It is not even uncommon to find them joining battles against their homeland, for to fight and die in battle is their calling. Even as they charge headlong against their kin, one might listen close to hear each side calling the name of the other, a brief acknowledgement of their honor before they cut that man down.
But glory and death are only the secondary goal of these men. Their chief goal, either to win a name for themselves or to undo the stain of past dishonor, is to spread the word of the gods of Mu. To find new devotees for the Nameless Khan, and send them back to Mu.
New Mu missionaries will gladly take your coin, and gladly fight your battles, but be warned. Keep a close eye on these men, lest they begin converting your other mercenaries and soldiers and laborers. Heed not the whispers of Mu. Heed not that which dwells down there. In the dark.
It's weirdly hard to find pictures of dudes in armor riding dinosaurs.
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Basically, the New Mu version of the Fateless. Ratty, scum of the earth type Saur riders. They're broke and nameless, or they'd be back home in Mu fighting for their Khan. Instead, they go out to find wealth and glory fighting for whoever will pay them enough to feed their lizards. Cheap Saur-riding mercs, decent armor. Lances and other polearms are their weapons of choice.
Oh I like this very much.
Hey something came up, can we push this game to tomorrow around same time (any day this week really will do but tomorrow would be great).
No problem. Will post list in a minute anyway.
I want more Agarthan faction flavored mercs. Fateless are cool, Missionaries are my idea for Mu. Not sure how to do mercs from Atlantis or Atlan, thinking Atlantean pirates and... Something. I don't know. As long as the four main ones get something.
Kind of overlaps with Saur Squire/Hakapalii since they're also questing mercs of New Mu
>What were you thinking for the Brigade?
It's long an autistic and about engines so I should save the whole thing for when I'm not in a hotel, but:
>Putting an engine on an Agarthan vehicle triggers my autismo alarm but also airships need them to move (I'm willing to handwave it on balloons since they usually have 1-2.)
>The INNER SVN Mist/Light has a fluid density different to that of air so you can build functioning sails on airships
>The Sky-Bomber works like the Da Vinci Bomber from AC: Brotherhood. I know that one couldn't actually work but I have a bunch of handwaves ready that don't trigger the autism alarm
>Rocket engines (?)
>*1-2 Movement on Balloons
What is a minute anyway?

Pale Dweller (15) 3x Material (1), First Aid Kit (1)
Chariot King (30), Orichalchum Ride (4), Third Eye (5), Duelist (3), Long Bow (2) {44}
Cultivation Master (25)
3[ Scholar Prophet (5) ] {15}
3[ Camelback Artillery (20) Ration (1) ] {63}

total 149

Atlan could be exiles from the coup.
>Coup Exiles
I quite like that one. Would they be unique units or a single unit that lets you recruit certain other ones?
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There's also laputite, could just be a lighter than air gas that's especially light. Or even just an anti-gravity liquid you fill balloons with.
I always took laputite to be a crystal, like the amulet from Laputa. You could probably make a sort of anti-gravity sludge by grinding the crystal to a super fine powder then mixing it with boiling water and maybe Cloudellafint Egg's or Bat Butter or Sky Whale Bone/Balloon Marrow or Sky Ambergris (Lapugris?) or something like that.
You could see the weakness of the passive as compensation for the pure power you get with The Titanium King for a (at least comparatively) cheap cost. I agree it feels off, and certainly lackluster.
Thoughts on this version?

>This model and friendly faction models become Frenzied when they would become Shaken, Panicked, or Broken. This model and Friendly models within 5 ignore models with Titanium Armor while Frenzied.

Immortals have their own way to get Frenzied, and you still get a pretty big benefit from having them close, so i don't think it's redundant. Same type deal with the Re-brothers, only the aura buff is less important for them, so you can still have them doing their own thing. Probably going to mess around with Reclaimers to make them more distinct too. The real problem is that Dread will often enough not be enough of a threat for some rules to trigger, but that is a near universal 'problem'. We could always have a conditional rule where dread is always ticking up, or one where Obscured or Illuminated hexs have Terror, or one which limits Rally to either AP or LP. Those would all be interesting conditional rules i think, but i like how things are for the base.
I was thinking unique units. Maybe one unit that you can chose a background for.
Same, I always thought Laputite was a crystal or type of ore.
Just like Atlantis has a large amount of anachronistic technology based around alchemy and sailing, I assumed Sky-People similarly had reached beyond contemporary or even early 20th century aerial warfare, even if it comes off as dudes strapping up wings to a pole and jumping off cliffs, the main component to justify it working is not normal physics but Agarthan Science. Otherwise there's really no good excuse for things like dropping infantry from the sky...
Sky Barges probably have some Laputite lacing on it to help it stay afloat. Burner engine fuel is either just wood, charcoal or Sky-Whale/Cloudelleafint fat, and the occasional Stink Brew thrown in (but not too much).
Drop Chutes are a combination of spring platform and laputite harness.
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Also, I might be developing Prophetic Sight, but...
> Entire game rests on who rolls the best on Cruel Tutelage
Calling it now.
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We could always write it that Laputite is a kind of rock that floats, used by the Sky-People, and then the Outlanders came along and refined it into a liquid that's lighter and floatier and started using that in airships.
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Added Additional Pair of Arms to my main hero, as well as a second shortbow and 2 swords. 150 on the nose.
> rules overload
Jesus fuck...
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Here we go!
Sorry 'bout tagging you, didn't mean to. But yeah that works for me.
room's up!
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The game will actually go on over a few evenings, so the batrep will have to wait until it is ended. Hopefully the kitty survives.
In the meantime, a few things discussed
> pushing Hyperborea ahead in some shape, if not necessarily the Deluge one
> Having an indirect Hyperborean-associated mini-faction, possibly the Whalers, since they already have the Ur-Ca connection.
> Whaler roster = Whaler Captain, Generic Whaler unit, Scrimshaw dude, Harpooner
> Pushing ahead Chi Tokens to have more uses (some Prophecies should interact with them).
> Having artillery units capable of taking down Walls by shooting at them.
Man, that's an awesome story. Good work anon.

This one too, great work both of you.
Yeah, the idea with Laputite was that it's an ore, and you could make it levitate through magnet bullshit. But it's not exactly omnipresent, so it would most likely be used in elite aircraft or in regular aircraft as lacing or specific parts of the structure that would ensure strong enough suspension.
>The INNER SVN Mist/Light has a fluid density different to that of air so you can build functioning sails on airships
This one's cool too, honestly.
Maybe they use a combination of primitive engines (relying on exotic materials and/or their own alchemy) and laputite and the intersolar sails to save on the more limited resources. Depending on the weather they could get by on sailing alone or have to burn more fuel/use more laputite-heavy crafts.
Also, I've just realized intrasolar or endosolar would be the more correct term.
Reprint Sorin, but replace all instances of Vampire in his textbox with Skeleton.
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Okay, since I somehow completely missed that there’s already Saur Mercs From Mu, have a Muic Saur Merc character instead.
>Stories disagree about the Missionary’s origins. Some say he is the son of the Khan and a mortal witch. Others say he attempted, or perhaps accomplished, the seduction of the Mother herself. A third story claims that he nearly cleft Mu in twain, separating the New from the Old in a grand rebellion against that which dwells below.
>One thread persists in all stories, however, and this we know is true: Somehow, the Missionary drew the ire of the Nameless Khan in such a way as no mortal has managed before or since.
>He is cursed. His spirit cannot escape his flesh. All afterlives are barred from him. All gods and devils beneath the earth shun him. Even the utter destruction of his body is insufficient to cleave him from this mortal coil, as evidenced by his thirty seventh death.
>Every time he dies, he simply awakens once more. With a hearty cry, he takes up his sword and marches once more into the fray.
>He is exiled. The gates of Mu are barred to him, save in those moments of his homeland’s direst need.
>”Only when the glories of Mu are sung from each corner of the world,” the Khan did say, carving his mark into the Missionary’s forehead, “Only then shall I return to you your name, your titles, and your mortality.”
>And so he wanders Agartha, leading a band of nameless outcasts, spreading the word of Mu. He fights where there is coin and plunders where there is not.
>Pity him, for he is a wretch, a half-man, and a vagabond.
Gimmick is he can recruit certain Mu faction units as mercs, and he can’t be permanent removed from your expedition. You can kill him in one battle, but he’ll return by the next.
Personally, i like the original idea better and think it different enough from the Squire.
Maybe we could combine the ideas. Missionaries could have a "will show up later after dying" and otherwise being a generally weaker Saur Squire with more availability. Could also just do both, Mu is meant to be the "they're everywhere" faction, so giving them a second Merc option and a Character/Leader would hardly be out of place. Maybe temporary exile and immortality is the Mu version of prison and The Missionary is the first and the one with the worst sentence.
Wrong thread?
I think the immortality gimmick is too strong for use on generic units. Maybe the Missionary is the first one, and other exiles joined up after, so his mercenary band is known as The Missionaries? And Mu sometimes talk about “going on a mission” as a metaphor for doing something as atonement or apology.
Maybe “Mu Itinerants” could be a merc type along the same vibe, and make up the bulk of the Missionaries?
Ready for round 2!
Nice numbers. I think it would be fine depending on how it is done. If you still get Dread and the opponent still gains Silver, and they don't come back that game, then i think it's fine. Coming back after 2 games would be fair, i think.
>Maybe the Missionary is the first one, and other exiles joined up after, so his mercenary band is known as The Missionaries? And Mu sometimes talk about “going on a mission” as a metaphor for doing something as atonement or apology.
I really like this.
>Maybe “Mu Itinerants” could be a merc type along the same vibe, and make up the bulk of the Missionaries?
Maybe you have The Missionary, Mu Itinerants which follow the first idea, then a third Specialist or rather expensive unit that has with a weak version of The Missonary's immortality and Necromancer. We've been needed a Merc Necromancer or two, and this is an opportunity to add one. But if you want to keep it simple, i understand.
It's not the concern of lift that's bugging me, there are plenty of both fantastical and realistic solutions to that, it's lateral movement that makes me worried.

Now, if Laputite lets you move forward and back as well as up and down then sure all's well (there may be the possibility of hypervelocity ultra-dense projectiles but we can ignore that unless the mental image of a bronze statue flying into something like an orbital strike is funny [it is])
BUT it's engines that give me the big fear. To be fair we have less than ten examples of pre-internal combustion aircraft that could maneuver and none of them could outpace the wind so we are operating effectively blind in the historical context department.
The thing about engines is that they spent the so called "primitive" stages of their development getting smaller, not larger. What this means is that if the Sky People do have an early engine it's likely massive (Shack Sized), or incapable of driving anything anywhere. And if they have an engine which can both fit on a craft and move it around then they're by far the most advanced nation of the underground and likely beating a good crop of the surfacers too.

We could go with the artificial scarity excuses of the engines being very hard to make or kept secret, but I'd prefer to leave the can of worms unopened entirely.

Luckily aside from the sail thing and Laputite and a third option which would require a diagram to explain I just thought of a thematic fourth option:

Like a combination tandem bike and slave galley, Sky People ships are driven by rows of rowers, or peddlers depending on the design, who drive great wooden and cloth propellors with their muscle. Those who tire out are thrown overboard, at least if the stories are to be believed.
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Here's the diagram for option three: (To be used in tandem with options 1-4 and also having a balloon be towed by sky whales/cloudellefants which I suppose counts as option 5.)


Bomber at this stage looks like a slimmer (Wider than it is tall) than usual airship with wings. It flies with the wind and has no propulsion of its own.
Bomber encounters terrain obstacle. It releases ballast and begins to rise. Dynamic lift works against it because of the wing surfaces so instead of rising straight up it moves forwards as well. The forwards movement may be controlled with fins and rudders.
Bomber has reached a stable height and reverted to being an unpowered free balloon, moving at windspeed in the same direction as the wind. At this point the pilot vents lifting material (Typically gas) and becomes heavier than air. It is now a glider. The pilot may control it with rudders but it will glide downwards no matter what. At this stage it accelerates rapidly, and any Gorgs serving as passengers or crew will throw their hands in the air and begin going "WOOOOOO!" Free fall may be experienced if angle is steep enough.
Payload of Gorgs, Bombs, trade goods, and Foreign Legionairres is dropped at high velocity over targets. This makes the bomber much lighter and it begins to climb, while also retaining forwards momentum from the descent and dynamic lift, allowing it to rapidly leave combat area.

This is a pilot's nightmare because you are constantly balancing both your buoyancy and your wing surfaces. It is equivalent to flying a glider and a balloon at the same time and without avionics must be a special sort of hell. Gorgs love it because it's a rollercoaster with explosions and at the end they get to hit people.
>Maybe you have The Missionary, Mu Itinerants which follow the first idea, then a third Specialist or rather expensive unit that has with a weak version of The Missonary's immortality and Necromancer.

>The Missionary
On death, test discipline. Immediately revives on a success. On a fail, he's dead for the remainder of the battle but comes back afterwards.
Scabby Mu disciples who can do labor or fight as a mob. Good morale in groups, bad morale on their own. Fight with improvised weapons.
>Mu Warlock
I wrote a long time ago that Mu has husks, but views them as sort of gauche, so they don't rely on them much. This guy relies on them much.
Probably seen as like, a quack wizard by most of Mu. If he was good at his job, he wouldn't be relying on husks, he'd be warping flesh and minds. Instead he has to cavort around with the walking dead like some kind of poor person.
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Just finished the second round of the Lemuria vs Lemuria match. Tomorrow will be the last one, we've decided to turn this one into a sort of mini-campaign, if our Leaders manage to survive until the end of next turn and it looks like they can be the only threats to each other, they'll take a leave and come back for another scrap with reinforcements.
Some teasers.
> Holy Christ when Lemuria is strong it is freaking strong. The Officer and Chariot-Kings feels insanely strong and could probably defeat just about anything. Officer can fairly reliably pump out 4 Grievous 4 Deep an activation, and the Chariot King can do 3 Grievous 3 Deep slightly more reliably. Absolute fucking beasts.
> Kot survived.
> Lucky roll spawned the Silent Command's Chi token 1 above the Pale Dweller, meaning Third Eye is always on all the time...
> You thought Rejected Degens were a meme? I spawned 8 in one turn...
>8 Rejects in 1 turn
Excuse me what
Did you just out-morlock the morlocks?
The Chariot King cribbled the Flesh Construct with three fire arrows, two of which were Criticals, and killed it, getting me from 0 to 4 Dread in one move.
Infested Degens ignore Shaken and Panicked, but when they would be Broken, melt down and I roll on the Infestation table. 8 Degens were left, I rolled 4x 8s, which spawn d3 Rejects.
Rejects are Hostiles however, they aren't a good spam army option, and they are absolutely fucking shit tier. Its just funny getting them to infect models afterwards. The cat got -1 Strength (which is actually huge) and one of the Prophets got a -1 Labour (useless stat on it anyways) in the end phase through them, and after resolution 4 Rejects are left on the field.
>Those who tire out are thrown overboard
>Gorgs serving as passengers or crew will throw their hands in the air and begin going "WOOOOOO!"
Kek, I love this. I personally thought the sky people just flew on Cloudellefants or floating laputite rock cities, but this works.

For the colonials, I think it'd be best if they only have primitive access to the tech, with France the only one actually operating airships of war. They've figured out how to refine the stuff into a liquid that floats, and furthermore freezing it removes the anti-gravity properties while heating it makes it lighter. So it only works through a complicated heat/freeze system that affects the liquid in the main balloon, but well enough they can carry guns to fight. And then for actual direction I don't think it would be that much of a stretch to attach ship engines to an airship with a thinner propeller that allows it to move forwards and backwards.
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I should point out that by 1883 actual normal(ish) airships had been created by France so those exist too
Will try to get Sky Janny unit up tonight
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Let me know what you got going on, I came up with some really bland "can Charge out of Airships, gains Assault (move & shoot) on the when Moves out of Airships, and Mount Charges gain Quickstrike. I'm sure something more creative could be made, and that could be moved to either a Trait or a Leadership Action.
Also, what about Gelek? Anyone got some inspiration?
> Disregard stat, I copy pasted and only changed the name and equipments.
Also, does he always ride his Cloudelleafint?
I started putting together the second part of the Eldest & Kentuckian saga, so I thought I should repost the first one too.
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Ready for round 3!
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The game is concluded!
I will post a batrep tomorrow afternoon, I have a few things I want to do before turning in tonight. Thanks again to Atlan anon for kicking my ass as usual, and putting up with the multi-session game, it is always appreciated.
I will say this however holy crap Lemuria needs to be hit with the nerf bat pretty darn hard. The Officer and Chariot-King we built are almost assuredly the strongest models we've ever played, possibly stronger than many of the named characters, and they can still be improved.
Atlan anon also found some really nice combo with on-the-spot fatereading and the Cultivation Master that means that getting him to Perfection could be pretty easily doable in a single game if you only stack up 5 Prophets and focus on it the whole game.
Lemuria should be strong, and Lemurians as individuals should have the potential to become very strong, but this feels too easy. I'll post a profile of my Officer with his traits at the end of the game after he got Chrysalised, just to show the insanity...
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>Sky Empire Janissaries: (14 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 6
Discipline: 4
Labour: 7
Evasion: 3
Awareness: 4

5 Limbs
6 Body
4 Head

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Terrain Affinity[Mountains]

>Special Abilities:
-Divine Bloodlines:
This unit gains +2 discipline when within 3(?) hexes of a Sky-Noble unit

-Pushed Around:
This unit may exit any airborne floater/flyer unit it is embarked on, immediately resolving a High-Altitude fall test. If failed, instead of dying this model takes two [BLACK] boxes, both of which may be saved using body armour. If this model would land on a unit, regardless of if it would die or not, that unit is affected by a sky-drop attack with no scatter and [BLACK] instead of [X] damage (Already gets scatter from high altitude fall)

Standard Equipment, Climbing Gear, Spears/Pikes, Shield

Sky People (Empire only?)

They’re living lawn darts. I thought about making them Elite but I realised it would be funnier if they weren’t. Maybe gate Pushed Around behind an LP cost. Chart said they die in droves for the nobles so if you have one nearby they’ll do just that. Pretty good unit for the cost, maybe too good. Limited weapons and lack of synergy with a lot of the factions options should help justify the otherwise pretty good cost.
Do we have ceiling diver yet?
Gotta run into work, can someone take care of baking if necessary?

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