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Colossal Contraption Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ : What other grandiose constructions can we find into the Deep? Doesn't have to be something on the scale or weirdness of Eiffel's World, can just be any landmark or statue with a cool story to build around.

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Far below where all men gather
Beneath the Titan’s heavy brow
There lies a long unbroken tether
Held in place by ancient vow.

What is this elder prophecy
From Lemuria in an age ago?
They say it is wrought like treasury
In the Alph wher’er it flows.

They say the eyes daren’t watch it
For they fear what it might show
Portentous sights and visions,
Wretched paths which fate will sow.

But I alone have seen its magic
Alone of all men I know
The hand that wrought this hollow earth
That hand which dwelleth below!

Deluvian forces gather now
Gathered like a mighty blow.
But they too forget the hand that made
Power to unmake the soul!

I have seen the strands of fate,
Seen, and seized, and pulled;
Am punished for my ambition though,
What is above is below.
So for the Tiger Assassins, I was thinking a unit with backstab and hide that's not a specialist. It would give them a fairly unique slot in the roster since having hide on a non-specialist unit is exceedingly rare.
Also I'll take any more lore I can get to help

As for Mechanical Turks, I thought it might be a lark to have them start as pretty simple units but you can upgrade them with the French upgrades during a game. Mind if I give that a go?
Maybe the Turk is a unit like the Airship, where it’s got a bunch of options for different upgrades you can slap on it.
I remember a post about feeding them let's you recruit them for a while. I don't think that would work with a debuff based unit, but it could work for a simpler version.
>Warm Meals turn cold after a turn
If you go the debuff aura route, i think it could be even harsher than that.
Could up Reconquerer cost a bit. War Horse is the big thigh though.
>Titanium Flask gives +AP and Acc.
Too much. should be +AP at the cost of all other stats.
>Spring Gunners
Hard to tell. I didn't play very well. Should note that when i wrote Tightly Wound i was thinking it as "fully Reload again" not "take Reload Action again". Probably should have said something when we played. I think how you played it could be fine. What really struck me as being out of place at the time was the defensive stats (Health, Armor, Evasion, Strength. In this case Armor and Strength i think are the offenders). Hair Trigger seems kinda useless.

Hard to say with Italy because i played and rolled so bad. I thought i needed a Bonfire to Cook and that the movement of Rations was much more restrictive, and that really threw off everything. I took the Alpini just because i thought needed someone who could take Materials. I should note, not the first time i made things harder on myself. I didn't learn until the Lemuria mirror match that friendlies don't block line of sight. I've been playing Refined Olms on nightmare mode this whole time.
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Under the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, one simple fact is true. In public, every man must proclaim his allegiance to the Hong Dynasty or be executed as a traitor.
But executions never dissuade people from organizing against an unpopular monarch. Violent suppression can never completely eradicate the threat of civil unrest.
In an atmosphere where men can have their very souls ripped from their bodies in order to fuel the Taiping war machine, secrecy rules the day. One's true allegiances must be kept close to one's chest.
Under the guise of training in traditional Chinese martial arts, many like-minded people organize under secret banners and plot the downfall of Hong Xiuquan.
This is a known factor. Arrests are common. Meeting houses are stormed and martial artists are arrested, then fast-tracked for selection to become Terracotta Penitents.
But the threat persists.
And now, as the West begins to grow weary of the madness taking root in China, the threat grows.
A handful of Chinese martial artists have escaped the reach of the Rainbow Emperor, sent west by their fellows to make contact with allies against the insanity.
Many of them become mercenaries, learning the way that war is conducted in the west, that they might one day return home and bring their knowledge with them.
Fists and daos and flintlocks are all well and good; but the West has got the Maxim gun, and the East does not.
What about some chinese cults using opium mixed with secret chinese medicine/whatever to fight the Heavenly Kingdom's mystical shennannigans? Maybe opium given to them as contraband by the western powers?
>Boxers smuggle opium to fund their war against Taiping
>China gets addicted to opium as a way to alleviate the collective PTSD over the whole Heavenly Kingdom thing
Hmm... It's kind of funny, but I feel like it runs the risk of turning into too much of a meme, y'know?
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Last thread was great, filled with a lot of good suggestions, and unfortunately I didn't give enough attention to a lot of it at the time, I just wanted to say I'll be digging back through it and fix everything in the next few days.
There was the question of the last NPC list for the Beastiary, and one anon suggested either traps or competing colonials, I've been thinking about it for a while now and I think I'll go with the colonial one if only because I decided not to put Anomalies in those lists and make it its own thing, and I feel if I do that then doing the same with traps will work better... So traps will be made a thing but it'll probably be more something you roll when you determine map conditions and elements... Let me know what you think.
Also, I will be free for games Friday Saturday and Sunday (not too late Sunday if possible) if anyone is up for it let me know. I also have 2 weeks of vacation starting on the 11th, and I would like to take the occasion to get games in with anons that may have held off on playing (but also with Atlan anon and Brit Anon, of course!).
It could be opium mixed with some sort of ancient chinese formula/mystical element that gives the boxers great reflexes and strenght in combat, but after too many uses it turns them into crippling addicts.
Wouldn't make sense to include opium in that concoction. It's a downer, not an upper.
Would make more sense if it was some kind of drug to make Boxers immune to pain and fear during their high at the cost of coordination.
>Would make more sense if it was some kind of drug to make Boxers immune to pain and fear during their high at the cost of coordination.
Wouldn't that mean they are chopped in pieces immediately once on the battlefield?

Maybe as a chemical weapon? Could you make smoke bombs but with opium instead? Or would it not be feasible?
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I've been meaning to ask, where do you get all of the cave backgrounds for the edits?
Opium is, as the name suggests, an opioid. Other drugs in the family include fentanyl, oxycodone, heroin, tramadol, and morphine. Primary effects of opium include an initial rush of euphoria, extreme relaxation, and relief from physical pain. It also causes constipation, and was used in the American Civil War as a cure against dysentery in addition to its effects as a pain reliever. Overdosing on opium can cause dizziness, loss of consciousness, coma, and even death.
I think it would probably be difficult to make a smoke bomb with enough concentration to be effective as a weapon, but the Boxers might use opium as both a source of income and for its practical medicinal effects during the coming war.
An alternative pathway is to have Europe supply them with some kind of wacky Agarthan drug. Maybe from Atlantis, with that one Psycho-Socialite sponsor?
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I'm probably not the anon you're thinking of, though I was cribbing his style!
As for where I got the cave background for >>94057455, I just googled "painting of a cave" and shopped around. I believe I used a Joseph Wright piece.
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This is a different anon than me (2e), and I just wanna say it kinda shames me that his first attempt (I think) looks so goddamn good after I've done so many of these.
But I'm insanely glad for it too.
As for mine, the cave backgrounds are almost all slop generated. usually something like
> [classical/impressionist/expressionist] oil painting, halation, smoke, [colour], enormous cavern lit by a corrupt radiating sun
then play the gacha game until you get result you like/hate the least. Adding film grain and putting through a filter will help lessen the slop effect afterwards anyway (and hopefully remove the AI tags).
I'm gonna double down on the shame and get some from my mom's side by admitting I didn't study my art history enough, could >>94057455
tell me the name of the painting?
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>his first attempt
I haven't done many composition pieces, but I have done a handful of edits for E:AD before and I have some manip experience in the past.
>could (You) tell me the name of the painting?
The cave was sourced from "Cave in Evening" by Joseph Wright of Derby. The foreground was sourced from "The Siege of Clari Montis (Jasna Góra)" by Franciszek Kondratowicz, a painting which portrays an important battle in The Deluge. As in the historical Deluge/Russo-Polish Wars/Second Northern Wars.
Spring Gunner:
Soldier, Icon
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 4, Discipline: $4 %5, Evasion: 6, Labor: 2, Awareness: 5
Health: 2
Armor: 0 4T 3

$Jumpy: This model suffers -1 Discipline until the end of the game. This model gains Quick Shot for the rest of the turn. If this model gets a Critical or a Kill before the end of the turn, it regains the lost discipline.
%Jumpy: This model has -1 Discipline and +1 Accuracy until the end of the game. For the rest of the turn, if a model (friendly or enemy) enters this model’s LoS, immediately resolve a Ranged Attack against that Model (even if it is out of Range, in which case the Attack automatically fails). This Model must have a Reloaded weapon to resolve this rule, but does not need to pay the AP cost of the Ranged Attack.

I see two ways to take this model, and i don't know which is better. I prefer %, but worry it is too complex, and i'm just fine with $. Holding off on tweaking Spring Guns until they've seen more use. No Titanium on Head so they can't be Veiled (smug bastards have it coming). The idea behind Icon was to give it to the chart units, but we don't have to do it like that.
Has anyone uploaded the last few anon-written stories to the lore doc?
I have the In the Wake of the Massacre at Greenrock save on my computer and will upload it to the mediafire shortly, there's also Bloody Knives which I thought I had added but am missing, for others if anon have them please post them I'll make sure to get them added. I'll also compile the posts ones from the last thread or two and add them where I can find the place to fit them.
>Tigress Temple Assassin: (12 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 5
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 5
Discipline: 6
Labour: 3
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 6

3 in head (Golden masks)
0 else


>General Abilities:
-Training (Tigress Claws)
-Quick Strike (Tigress Claws)

>Special Abilities:

-Initiate of High Prophecy:
This model may attempt the Precognition prophecy, targeting only themself or another Tigress Temple Assassin unit.

-”Your death is foretold!”:
At the start of the game your opponent must select one of his units (Deployed, not in reserve). If that unit is killed by a Tigress Temple Assassin you lose 5 dread and gain 15 silver. Your opponent need only do this once no matter how many assassins you have.

May equip Daggers, Alchemical Artefacts, Base equipment, Tigress Claws
- Tigress Claws: (Melee)
Acc: 0
Eva: +2
Pen: +1
Threshold: 6
Weak/Strong: [X]/[Black]
Cost: Free


It’s not a Lemurian unit unless it’s complicated but also thematic as hell. Campaign wise there should be a way to upgrade these to an Enchantress if you don’t already have one but we can leave that out for now. These ones hide and then run real fast and then slice a guy up. Since they have quick strike and Precognition you can in theory cheese it a little which is the idea. Your opponent selects the target which is a little bullshit but these units are strong enough IMO that making them focus down a single guy for a big benefit is a good counter. Vedics beat shit up while these ones run around real fast, they lack some of the durability.
They’re not allowed to use other prophecies until they master their first high prophecy.
Price might need tinkering.
I like the idea of a very fast stealth unit who operate in ninja-swarms of ~5
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Dope. Maybe in campaign mode, Tigress Assassins turned Enchantresses get to keep some of their kit while gaining the Enchantress stuff, incentivizing you to build up your units over time. As the prophecy foretold, of course.
It might be a neat Lemurian campaign gimmick, having pathways for units to improve themselves (cultivation) and become higher tier units.
Ideas for Atlan lore

Atlans teach they are decedent from the Four True Titans that are Atlas, Menoetius, Prometheus, and Epimetheus. All Atlans are descendants of all four Titans It is believed a fifth Titan will be born, and his birth shall herald the Deluge (they like to fight over what this means, normally while heavily armored and intoxicated). They trace Atlantians to Eos and Atlas, and are generally regard them as a mistake long overdue for correction.

Atlan is a big country, and word travels slow. Pillar Portals help with that. Pillar Portals are portals built of pure titanium and into the face of a pillar. Where you might expect an opening there is instead smooth rock, cool to touch, and surprisingly soft. If you were to wait and watch the rock, you would in time see it carve itself, slowly, into harsh characters, and those characters settle into unfamiliar words. Pillar Portals must be built a certain way in certain places (pillars, titanium veins), must be built in identical pairs to do anything, can only connect to one other Pillar Portal (the identical one), require constant upkeep, and after a message has been delivered the rock has to be reset which takes a good bit of time. They are very expensive.

Thoughts on these rules for Wall Mystic? The Gate of Titans would replace Titanic Mercy.

The Gate of Titans:
[1 AP] Before a friendly model with Titanium on all Armor locations takes a Move or Charge action, it may test Discipline and Limb Armor. If tests both are successful ignore Walls for the duration of the Action. For each Wall ignored in this way, the model must take a Graze Wound to every Health Box.

Titanic Grace:
[X AP] Before a model with a Titanium Weapon Attacks, this model may spend any amount of AP and take and equal number of Deep Wounds to allow that model to roll an additional die for each AP spent.
Od idea now, but here it is. Pretty sure haven't posted it before.

Resonant Representative
Specialist, Diplomat, Academic
AP: 2
Health: 1L 2B 1H
Armor: 6T, 4T, 2T

Adamant Fist: [ 0 ] / [ G ] Concussive
*When a Parley action Targeting this model fails, if possible, immediately resolve a free Attack or Charge with this weapon against the model that attempted it.

Stonesense: This model and Friendly adjacent models ignore Obscurity, and have LoS to any model that is in LoS of a Wall hex.

Titanic Resonance: [3AP 1LP]
Walls, Mineral Veins, Barricades and models with Titanium Armor gain Terror for the rest of the turn. If this Action was used last turn, it may be used this turn for 1AP.

Morphic Resonance: [2AP]
Friendly models within 3 all gain this model’s Armor Profile or Titanium Weapon for the rest of the turn.

Will give Fire Resistant to Iconodule. Fit's better there i think. Rework of Adamant Mystic, as he now feels out of place and the less militaristic units could use a bit more variety.
Atlan is a big country, and even with it’s mighty roads is not easy to travel. Important people can’t be expected to leave their stations for such time for every little thing, but decisions and deals must still be made; so, the representatives are sent. Resonant Representatives are members of the Wall Church that study resonance and specialize in communication. If one wishes for the services of a Resonant Representative, one must first ask the other part for permission, and if they deny it, ask The King (or more likely one of his Representatives) for permission (after paying a small fee). If permission is granted you then simply find a willing and unoccupied Representative, pay a small fee to the church, hire some protection, and send the man on his way.
>idea for Atlan Special Weapon
Tuning Bidet:
[ / ] / [ X ] Pen 0, Acc -1, Eva 0.
*A model wounded by this weapon gains the Evasion stat of the model that wounded it until it succeeds an Evasion test.
fixed stats:
AP: 2
Movement: 3, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 7, Discipline: 7, Evasion: 3. Labor: 2, Awareness: 7
Health: 1L 2B 1H
Armor: 6T, 4T, 2T

Can only take Rations and Materials (and Tuning Bident if you guys go for it). Not sure about cost. start at 20?
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>Tuning Bidet
I was wondering what the fuck this meant until I read the >equipment section.
Bidents are neat, maybe a couple should be in the hands of the Dodekatheonic Rite? Hades was famously associated with the bident.
Was the previous thread archived?
It is now!
76- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/93937759/
I like it just being regular or mostly regular opium. Them being more grounded helps highlight Taiping's insanity.
>maybe a couple should be in the hands of the Dodekatheonic Rite? Hades was famously associated with the bident.
Sure. Maybe they bought or stole them off exiles. I was thinking of them as another choice for Gargoyles and Immortals.
Slave Soldier:
Soldier, Slave,
AP: 2
Movement 2, Accuracy: 4, Strength: 4, Discipline: 3, Evasion: 6, Labor: 3, Awareness: 2
Health: 2
Armor: 0 0 4

Field Promotion : Whenever this model gets a Critical result on an Attack or Charge Action, replace it with a Neodamode model equipped with the same Loadout and Armour values. If this is part of a Campaign, it becomes a Neodamode for the duration of the Campaign, and you may adjust its Armour and Loadout profile accordingly before the next
Soldier, Slave,
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 4, Discipline: 3, Evasion: 5, Labor: 4, Awareness: 3
Health: 2
Armor: 3 0 3

Earn It: This model cannot be recruited, it must be obtained by having a Slave Soldier resolve its Field Promotion rule.

Field Promotion (2): Whenever this model kills an Enemy with a Critical result,
replace it with a Arkodamode model equipped with the same Loadout and Armour values. If this is part of a Campaign, it becomes a Arkodamode for the duration of the Campaign, and
you may adjust its Armour, Traits and Loadout profile accordingly before the next game.
Soldier, Slave,
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 5, Discipline: 4, Evasion: 4, Labor: 5, Awareness: 4
Health: 2
Armor: 2T 3T 2
Weapon Training [Verutum, Rhomphaia]

Earn It (2): This model cannot be recruited, it must be obtained by having a Neodamode resolve its Field Promotion (2) rule.

Military Retirement: If this model survives a battle without becoming Shaken, note it down next to its profile. After accomplishing this four times, you may replace it with a Spring Gunner or Atlan Reclaimer in your roster at no cost.
Fixed versions. Sorry for mess.

Spring Gunner:
Soldier, Icon
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 6, Strength: 4, Discipline: 4, Evasion: 6, Labor: 2, Awareness: 5
Health: 2
Armor: 2T 3T 3

Jumpy: This model may suffer -1 Discipline until the end of the game to gain Quick Shot for the rest of the turn. If this model gets a kill of a Critical before the end of the turn, it regains the lost discipline.

Spring Gun, Pneumatic Spring Gun, Verutum, Stiletto, Titanium Balls, Lantern, and Rations only

Resonant Representative:
Specialist, Diplomat, Icon
AP: 2
Movement: 2, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 7, Discipline: 7, Evasion: 3. Labor: 2, Awareness: 7
Health: 1L 1B 1H
Armor: 6T, 4T, 2T

Adamant Fist: [ 0 ] / [ G ] Concussive
*When a Parley action Targeting this model fails, if possible, immediately resolve a free Attack or Charge with this weapon against the model that attempted it.

Stonesense: This model and Friendly adjacent models ignore Obscurity, and have LoS to any model that is in LoS of a Wall hex.

Titanic Resonance: [3AP 1LP]
Walls, Mineral Veins, Barricades and models with Titanium Armor gain Terror for the rest of the turn. If this Action was used last turn, it may be used this turn for 1AP.

Morphic Resonance: [2AP]
Friendly Icon models within 3 all gain this model’s Armor Profile or Titanium Weapon for the rest of the turn.

Rations, Material, Tuning Bident
Soldier, Slave, Icon
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 5, Discipline: 4, Evasion: 4, Labor: 5, Awareness: 4
Health: 2
Armor: 2 3 3
Weapon Training [Verutum, Rhomphaia]

Earn It (2): This model cannot be recruited, it must be obtained by having a Neodamode resolve its Field Promotion (2) rule.

Military Retirement: If this model survives a battle without becoming Shaken, note it down next to its profile. After accomplishing this four times, you may replace it with a Spring Gunner or Atlan Reclaimer in your roster at no cost.

Same, but loses Acanthus Pike.

Icon is meant to be on the chart units. Resonant Representative has it for the same reason Wall Mystic does. Arkodamode has it instead of Slave Soldier or Neodamode for mechanical reasons. Wall Priest and ResRep. We don't have to do it that way, but that is what i would like to do.
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Uploaded In the Wake of the Massacre at Greenrock to the Mediafire!
I was thinking last night that it was weird there was no Hero option for the slave promotion line in Atlan, what are you thinking about either making the Arkodamode into a hero, or adding a 3rd hero, maybe a Slave Officer (still a Slave) or something... it would help also since its a bit weird to have Warmasters being the only other directly military option, i feel... ?
>Resonant Representative:
Kek at Adamant Fist, that's hilarious. It going to be hard to pull off without sinking movement shenanigans in it however with that movement profile.
Now this is pretty scatterbrain, but that's the kind of person I am. Felt blocked with the Sky-Clans (making sky-gorgs fit, introducing the division between sky-imperialist/sky-populist (clannists?) etc.. ) so in my free time this week I started looking at the Husked Ottomans to clean it up, there's so few profiles in it it didn't take long.
There's the list of Mercs available to them to take left to figure out, I imagine there wouldn't be that many.
Definitely on top of factions I want to test out at the moment (or possibly just merc husk lists)
>weird there was no Hero option for the slave promotion line in Atlan
I was thinking about this too. My plan is to have an option for War Masters to spec into 'slave masters'. They already have Grand Maneuver, so they only need one or two more traits for that.
>either making the Arkodamode into a hero, or adding a 3rd hero
I'm adverse to making Arkodamode into a hero because it doesn't make sense for them to be a Leader over a full expedition
>maybe a Slave Officer (still a Slave) or something
That's kinda what Reclaimers are meant to be. Still, i like the idea of Arkodamode being officers, and i'm pretty sure that was the original intent. Maybe have them give a Discipline buff to Slave units within 5? I don't want to add too much to one guy, so maybe save it for Sponsors. Would rather avoid adding another new unit.
>its a bit weird to have Warmasters being the only other directly military option
>>its a bit weird to have Warmasters being the only other directly military option
As a Leader. You get either the big named characters, the Iconodule, which if I understand correctly is sort of an outlier within Atlan society, and the Warmaster, which seemingly equally leads large armies or is in charge of a small outpost... Since Atlan is very much a military faction, it feels like there should be an inbetween in ranks between the Warmaster and well... everyone else, no?
Good point. Don't know solution. Give units that would make sense to have it a Born to Lead option?
Wall Priest:
Specialist, Engineer, Academic
AP 2
Movement 2, Accuracy: 4, Strength: 5, Discipline: 8, Evasion: 4, Labor: 6, Awareness: 6
Health: L1 B2 H1
Armor: 2T 2T 2T

No More Tears : This model may use Repair on Icon models as if they were Mechanical.

Tales of a Scorched Earth: Icon models gain +1 Discipline and Hatred [Hyperborea, Atlantis]

Titanic Mercy: [1 AP] Chose a friendly Icon model within 5 of this model to gain Engineer Keyword and No More Tears Special Action until the end of the turn.

Fleeting Glimpse: [2 AP] Friendly Icon models may immediately resolve a free Move Action, ignoring Difficult Terrain and leaving a Barricade of any Level in hexes they travel fully through. They must pay the Material cost for these, and if a model can not do so, it must stop it’s Move.

Buckler, Rations, Materiel, Lantern, Torch, Terror Tonic, Burden Balm

It was confused. Tales of a Scorched Earth sticks around for flavor. His purpose is to give you more ways to use Materials and to justify the existence of the Icon keyword. Toltaikos is next, any thoughts on him?
Thoughts on this alternate version of Wall Mystic?

Wall Mystic: Cost 45
Specialist, Icon
AP: 3
Movement: 1, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 9, Discipline: 9, Evasion: 0. Labor: 5, Awareness: 8
Health: 5 (simple)
Armor: 9T9T9T
[Immune to Diplomacy]

Wall Adoration:
While this Model is in your Expedition, whenever you place any Walls on the map, place twice that amount of Walls.

Wall Union:
When a Wall is removed, this model takes a Graze. When this model is removed from the game, replace it with a Wall token that when Removed grants 1 Titanium Ore to the model that Excavated it and the owner of that model gains 1 Dread.

The Gate of Titans:
[1 AP] Before a friendly model with Titanium on all Armor locations takes a Move or Charge action, it may test Discipline and Limb Armor. If tests both are successful ignore Walls for the duration of the Action. For each Wall ignored in this way, the model must take a Graze Wound to every Health Box.

Titanic Grace:
[X AP] Before a model with a Titanium Weapon Attacks, this model may spend any amount of AP and take and equal number of Deep Wounds to allow that model to roll an additional die for each AP spent.
>Felt-Blocked with Sky-Clans
Can I help? I have the power of a thousand finished chart units coursing through my veins and if I don't work on this I have to go paint miniatures.
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It is a common belief that, compared to the Sky-People of the Pillar Cities, the Sky-People of the Sky-Clans are illiterate and unconcerned with scholarly pursuits.
It is true that literacy rates among the common people of the Sky-Clans are low, but this is not because they as a society have no use for intellectuals.
While the Sky-Clans as a whole tend toward a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle, the Sky-Gompas represent the most settled of the Sky-Clans and are theorized to have been a precursor to the settlement of the Pillar Cities in the distant past.
Ranging from small shrines clinging to stalactites all the way to vast monasteries built into the roof of a layer, Sky-Gompas are the home of the Cloud Mystics. Cloud Mystics are trained from birth in theology, sorcery, and a variety of martial arts.
The Cloud Mystics' most famous ability is their power to control the weather. In groups, they can create rain or cause droughts. Individually, they are capable of summoning and controlling a cloud on which they ride, and it is said that only those trained in the ways of the Mystics can even touch these clouds.
Legend tells that the Cloudelleafints were the ones to teach the first Cloud Mystics the secrets of their order, and it is for this reason that the Sky Clans revere them so.
The Cloud Mystics live apart from the Clans, but they are undoubtedly tied to them. Sky-Clans make frequent visits to their isolated monasteries in order to make donations and pray. Even the Pillar Cities hold deep respect for the wisdom held in these places, though they do not practice the same religious isolation that the Mystics favor.
Perhaps this is why the priests of the cities do not have the same power over the weather and cannot command the clouds in the same way.
I bet it has something to do with the INNR SVN
Especially since some of the Sky-People might actually live a little above it, with the light/mist/stuff being more like a glowing ocean below them than a source above.
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Sky-Gorg Prince would be a big help, I was thinking of going for a very out-of-character Gorg that decided the sky-pirate/sky-noble dichotomy was very much to its taste. Anything regarding Sky-Gorgs to give them a bit more flavor over regular Gorgs, really.
Also, I was hoping of making them a faction where Parley is a strength, and well there aren't many Parley actions, so if you have any suggestions, go for it.
I've had this one about "Inciting Anti-Husk Sentiment" that could work with the Catholics, the Unhusked and Egyptians, something something "If you win this Parley, target enemy Character/Leader/Hero permanently gains Husk Hatred and [some advantage for you, maybe just Silver, maybe can't attack you until next turn...?], if you fail [something, not sure, this is what's bugging me], and I feel if we could make it fit it could be one that we could tailor to different factions, like "Incite Anti-Volcanist Sentiment", "Incite Anti-Mu Sentiment", etc etc... Thoughts?
Also, one other thing I've been thinking about is that with ammo feed becoming so prevalent, rifles are very good and could be costed higher, which could be balanced by a) giving them Ready by default, so you have to spend 1 AP to Ready them after using other weapos, but a) having the "rifle" type include as a base rule that it counts as having a mace or a club. Bayonets would still be worth it for the Reach and bonus stats.
This would go along something to the effect that you can't claim Buckler or Shield bonuses without having to Ready again, and that neither can be claimed if you are using a 2handed weapon...?
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Dark rumors speak of a strange church hidden in an unknown area of the deep mnemosynian jungle, a place of slow death and dark rituals, where the cacophony of the jungle can barely hide the screams of the damned. To this day, no epigean power has been able to corroborate its existence, and yet the tales of horror continue to haunt the minds of those explorers who spend too much time in the jungles...
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Drawing of 1879's USS Tenacity rescuing the crew of the sinking USS Georgetown. The USS Georgetown had sailed from the american dockyards of the Franklin Territory for a routine exercise, but a sudden storm damaged the ship and it started to slowly take water, while unable to sail fast enough to arrive at port. All the while, sea monsters began arriving to feast upon the sailors. The USS Tenacity helped the rescue while both ships fired their guns at the monsters. This is considered by many historians as the first major battle the US Navy had to face during their agarthan expansion.
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Austro-Hungariann town in Maximiliana.
Kid from dalmatian roots emigrated to Maximilana, having bought a couple of protoceratops from the market for his family's farm.
This fits in really well.
>maybe can't attack you until next turn
Just the model that succeeded the Parley, right?
>if you fail [something, not sure, this is what's bugging me]
Pay silver to opponent is what i would go for. Could have an inverse version of it. Something like

From the Stomach to the Heart: [0 AP] The model taking this Action must be equipped with a Warm Meal. If you win the Parley, the model that used this Action may not be Attacked by the opponents Expedition until next turn and may remove Hatred of one of it's keywords the target. If the Parley is lost, this model must give a Warm Meal to the target.
So if the british lost the Crimean War in the Agartha timeline, does that mean the charge of the light brigade also reversed? Did the british light brigade's charge actually succeed, or were the tsarist forces the ones who got crushed charging against cannons?
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>"Diary of Johnson Dalton, 1871"
>"Today I set out to hunt one of those beautiful beasts in the swamps to the west. Finding one was not difficult, and the creature itself seemed undisturbed no matter how close I got. First I thought it odd, a creature so tall, it had seen me for a great distance, so I first thought its intellect must not have been enough to recognize danger, or maybe it was still not yet used to the presence of hunters."
>"As I got closer and closer, I realized the creature was much smarter than I first gave it credit. It was indeed capable of recognizing danger, it had just reached the conclussion I wasn't much of a threat".
>"I fired six times with my rifle. I couldn't miss against such a target, but the bullets were ineffective, as the behemoth seemingly felt it less than a mosquito bite".
>"After a while, the creature looked at me with a mix of primal curiosity and contempts, and then it continued eating moss from the depths of the swamp."
>"I decided I had had enough and went home. I got a duck on the way, it was quite tasteful when cooked with agarthan spices".
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Russian Cossacks working for the Ojrana, searching for a dangerous escaped anarchist in a town in Kitezh.
Not sure about giving rifles Ready by default, but think it' worth keeping in mind. Better categorization of weapons is good. How about splinting guns into Long Guns and Pistols, then again into Rifled and Smooth Bore? Would help with Weapons Training rules.
>Buckler and Shield bonus can't be claimed if you are using a 2handed weapon.
I think Bucklers could be used with 2handed fine. What do you think about nerfing Bucklers and Shields so they can be used in more places, then adding strong versions that are what we have now?

Buckler: 2 Armor to Limbs
Big Buckler: 3 Armor to Limbs

Shield: 2 Armor to Limbs and Body
Great Shield: 3 Armor to Limbs and Body
>Saturday and Sunday
I could so Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Would like to rematch Italy and Atlan.
All we know right now is that "Crimean Veterans" get bonuses against Explosions and Anomalies. Chart-wise it was a just a stalker reference but there are a number of ways to interpret it.
Of course the charge would have been around 30 years before when the game takes place so the current batch of Crimean vets are either 50-year-olds or specialists trained after the original riders.
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Apparently, in 1901, the leader of a religious movement called the Phu Mi Bun began a rebellion against French Indochina and Siam with the stated goal of becoming the ruler of the world. Also, he was a sorcerer. His name was Ong Keo, and the Holy Man's Rebellion began in 1901, Ong Keo was assassinated in 1910, and the rebellion would persist until 1936.
We've gotta do something with that during the Deluge, right? I propose that Ong Keo went beneath the earth and studied sorcery in Old Mu, becoming a herald of the OTHER main apocalypse going on during the Deluge.
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>I could so Saturday evening or Sunday morning
Saturday evening will be perfect!
>Would like to rematch Italy and Atlan
Same lists, with the proposed changes, or different ones? If you want we can also switch sides.
Gonna push ahead on the Sky-People front a bit, even if I have a dozen other things I want to work on at the same time, it was started and should be finished ahead of the rest. This is what I came up with this morning, its funny because I had almost exactly the same thought as >>94071974
>Stomach to the Heart
last night, this is where the Feed the Roof action comes from.
So what is the religion of the Sky-People like? From >>94069026 I get the impression they have the same religion, but they differ in religious practices. Cloudelleafints are revered in some capacity. Anyone have any ideas?
I vote INNR SVN connection since most other factions don't have that (Except Napoleon and maybe Lemuria if you squint)
I can write something up later maybe for it
>I was thinking more in terms of an end date. Something we can point to and say, "after this it's not my problem". The default seems to be the year 1900
I have always felt that having the "start" of the end point matching the turn of the century was too obvious to pass. Its a cheap device, but it somehow feels cheaper to me to have a sort of set end date that doesn't match the calendar for some x y or z reason, like in old World of Darkness where you clearly have the End of the Millennia scare baked in it but it happens in 2003-4 somehow, probably just because the writers wanted to buy themselves some time. Maybe its just me.
A very very long time ago when we discussed what would be the casus belli the idea was to have it start from an alt Spanish-American war, replacing the USS Maine with some Agarthan-based new tech, perhaps a mech or an airship, and having it play between different nations, but it was left in the air which nations that would be, and through domino effect it slowly morphs into the Great War.
However all that said, the idea of it starting with some action from/against Taiping really seems fitting to me, since they are otherwise an outlier with little connection to the greater world, and yet after they "stabilize" a bit, with the lessened threat from Japan and the Tsardom having an alternative route to the whole Russian existential creeping growth factor, the Heavenly Kingdom would likely by ~1900 be a huge fucking threat.
Love these two especially. Any edited art offered I'll prioritize finding a place in the books for. Unfortunately the World Book it getting too big for upload on the thread itself so I'll find places for them elsewhere.
Since they are a patchwork of cultures that recently unified despite a long shared history, its likely that they have what we would think of as different religions, but with recurring motifs. The lore already states they worship the Sky and the Roof (or Ceiling) as these have blessed them with Eternal Peace. They see Sky-Whales and Cloudelleafints as holy but still hunt them. I had always figured the INNER SVN was a huge part of their religion because of the obvious connection, but as always despite being a god the relationship with the INNER SVN won't be purely positive. Folks in the Pillar Cities worship it to appease it, while Sky-Pirates tries to show up one another who is the most daring and ambitious by chasing after the INNER SVN illusion whenever they see it and trying to catch it (which is impossible, its always further than you think).
Other than that its pretty much left open.
>They see Sky-Whales and Cloudelleafints as holy but still hunt them.
Maybe it's like with Native Americans where Buffalo were seen as being sacred in large part due to their role as a primary food source.
Sky-Whales and Cloudelleafints are holy, so you have to hunt them with respect or you'll offend the spirits of the animals and bring ill fortune upon your clan.
Brave man to shoot at such a thing. Your edits are really great.
Does France still have Indochina?
>Same lists, with the proposed changes, or different ones?
New lists with the proposed changes, same map and factions is what i was thinking.
>Does France still have Indochina?
Actually, now that you mention it, I've been wondering that for a while. The Cochinchina campaign was started by the French and the Spanish to invade Vietnam (the pretext being the death of catholic priests). France managed to trick the Spain of Isabella II to launch the invasion from Spanish Philippines, pay for the transport and part of the forces and then keep the conquered territory all for themselves. This was allowed due to a period of time when Spain went all in colonial adventures and barely got anything from them, due to the regime at the time needing prestige due to growing instability.

I imagine that a Carlist Spain would not accept to partake such a deal. They'd probably want to take part in such colonial adventures (it was the thing at the time), and they would push even harder due to the religious casus belli, but I doubt they would just let the french take all. Especially in Agartha timeline, where Spain is actually the european power in the South China Sea.

Also, would the Taiping allow the french or the spanish to establish a stronghold so near to them?
>Also, would the Taiping allow the french or the spanish to establish a stronghold so near to them?
I don't know that they could feasibly stop it. Taiping's ability to project power outside its borders is probably pretty limited. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of little petty warlord states run by commanders who fled Taiping China with their armies in tow, set themselves up as dictators in nearby Asian countries (or tried to and failed), and are just sort of hoping that the instability back home keeps the homeland from coming after them.
It's been a while since I last updated the actual 2nd layer map. A couple of things still on the air, such as how to represent India or who owns Vietnam.
East Indian regions are still part Brit IIRC
Ottos should be split into Husked (Anatolia, Lots of Mesepotamia) and Unhusked (Hedjaz, Egypt, etc)
I think Germany should own more chunks of Africa now, since the IRL colonial powers are more interested in Agartha.
We should also map the PACT exclusion zone on it.
> picrel
I continued working on the Sky-Captain Pirate then shifted to the Campaign system, which I've put some work on here and there. proposed Map for the 4th scenario, the Tribal Village. Your Expedition gets a chance to either befriend the locals and trade/learn about the Temple, or raid and pillage and extract the information by force. You may also burn the bridge to fuck with the expedition lagging behind. Whoever achieves the scenario objective here learns the nature of the Temple, and will set the type of boss and end scenario.
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And this is something that I've been wanting to do for a while but kept delaying. I was wondering how best utilize the Atlan vs Mu War storyline as well as the Ethiopian Crusade stuff and what I came up with was a generic campaign to recreate just about any storyline conflict, given some amount of abstraction. So its based on the structure of the Atlan vs Mu conflict but you can apply it to the Atlan exile warmaster vs Paris in the Lost Years, or the Abominations Wars, some Husked Ottoman jihad, a large Deepfolk tribe going to war against Colonials, or any much smaller conflict between two shitheap settlements that have a grudge against one another for some reason, really.
I was kinda thinking I should hold off on showing it until there's more meat to it, but at the same time it might give anons some ideas for face-offs or scenario rules...
I have also started a larger Econ campaign book but that one will take a lot longer to work on.
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What I did for the unit was have them trying to maintain a veneer of civility, if we leaned into that then Sky-Gorg could be a unit with Parley who gets combat buffs the more Parleys he fails but at some sort of downside.
>Then Sky Gorg-PRINCE
fuck I'm tired
Since I'm using 1883 as the date for the map, and the Berlin Conference to kickstart the scramble for Africa began in 1834, I'm not adding extra lands to the germans. That and I don't know where they'd focus, since the german colonial empire basically went to the places that weren't yet occupied. How they'd go if there's plenty of space left is something to be discussed.

I have it in the American map.

>East Indian regions are still part Brit IIRC
Source? Maybe I can check it to see what exactly is still in british hands.

>Unhusked in Hedjaz
Source? I thought the resistence was Egypt.
1884. Typo.
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>Sky-Gorg [Prince] could be a unit with Parley who gets combat buffs the more Parleys he fails but at some sort of downside.
Sure, that works for me.
Reposting one of the anon written pieces. Damn if this one isn't great.
Had a dream about a TCG version of E:AD. Most things were 5 unnamed mana points. Seemed either too expensive or not expensive enough for most things.
>New lists with the proposed changes, same map and factions is what i was thinking.
I'm sorry, as usual I'll have to flake and ask if we can push back the game to tomorrow morning? 9-10am?
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Thank you! will upload it right now.
Oh actually its already on, just named differently, " I remember wind"
Maybe it was a printing error, or the work of a disgruntled employee.
No problem. 9 works better.
>Source? (India)
Lore Doc. It's Bengal and Sri Lanka IIRC
>Source? (Hejaz)
Someone told me that Mecca was held by the Unhusked when we were discussing how non-Turk Muslims viewed the Ottoman situation. Egypt is the capital of the unhusked but I imagine other border regions of the Empire aren't happy about it either

Also what's the status of Jerusalem?
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A lone gunman abandons the underground valley while a boy desperately pleads to him not to.
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The majority of reports tell that the strange "olm men" are a timid and reclusive species. Over the years, however, certain gentlemen explorers found out that there are many ways to gain an olm man's interest. By 1871, it was frequent to see old men near the british salons at New Kirkwall to see the members play chess, and even play some games themselves. As the olm men have notorious poor vision, the game is often narrated to them as to help them keep tracks of it.
So it's this plus Ceiland?
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I have no idea!
It's not 100% official lore but my take is that the E.I.C still exists since Britain blamed Lemuria for the Mutiny and not the company. They're mostly holding on but if Rajput gets really organized things are going to get bad.

Some of the E.I.C defected to form the Nether Earth Trading Company too but they're off somewhere else.
Also does France still have pondicherry?

Also, I cannot find any mentions of the Hejaz stuff.

Another also, would Burma still be a british colony? I haven't seen any mention of it.

If the portuguese still kept Goa, I don't see why not.

The Eastern India Company was a malfunctioning money sinkhole for a long time. The sepoy rebellion was as good as an excuse as any to shut it down. I don't think the british would keep it around, especially since the loss of India means a gut punch to their finances, they wouldn't humor the losses of the company.
>Humour the losses
My take is that they've effectively just stopped caring since they have Agartha to deal with but I could see them dumpstering the company too.
>Hejaz stuff
It was in a thread somewhere, sorry I can't be more specific than that.
It makes sense they'd be with the unhusked though since if the Ottos got a hold of it there'd be a global holy war pretty quickly.
>if the Ottos got a hold of it there'd be a global holy war pretty quickly.
How many muslim powers could effectively launch a jihad against the ottomans? At this point in time, Egypt, Persia and the Rashidi Emirate could all attack the undead ottomans, but if the western powers haven't been able to beat them (and the Tsardom would love to get a hold of Istambul, even if it's half sunk), I doubt they could do any better.

Also, just like Christendom suffering a crisis of faith after agarthan madness began, wouldn't islam suffer something similar?
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Would it include the other french cities?
>The Eastern India Company
They were embarrassed in the war with the Sepoys. IIRC, the BEIC was forced to abandon assets and surrender unconditionally.
About Burma, I imagine that, if the british control it, they would only have the borders of the Second Anglo-Burmese War. The war ended in 1853, and in agarthan timeline, the sepoy rebellion and lemurian aid led to an independent India in 1857. I guess the burmese crown could try to push back against the british, but I don't know whether they would manage to get lemurian aid as well, or if they'd end up being steamrolled as per the Third Anglo-Burmese War.
Geographically speaking it makes more sense for Mecca to be Unhusked since it's both Canal-Adjacent (meaning Euros have somewhat of a nearby presence) and closer to Egypt than Istambul.

As for western powers not being able to beat them, only really the Tsardom has tried, right? Most of the others kept out of it largely I think.
>As for western powers not being able to beat them, only really the Tsardom has tried, right?
Actually, why haven't they? The undead seem anathema to all other empires, both epigean and agarthan. Noone likes the undead, and they seem to be a threat to all life. Is the only reason for the empires to form a big coalition against the husks is to keep the power balance in the Black sea and the Middle East?
I think Ottohusk control of Anatolia isn’t strong enough for them to seize land in Arabia. They’re a looming existential threat, to the point where a number of nearby powers are probably supplying arms to the Unhusked Ottomans and the Armenian/Georgian/Greek/Balkan rebels. No one wants to be the first into the meat grinder, but the Husks are struggling to control their territory atm. There’s probably a pretty big push to locate and fortify the pathways between the layers, so that the Husks can’t launch offensives through the (relatively) easier tamed underground.
How do the tribals react to the Ottomans, you think?
>Why haven't they?
Here's what I can think of:
The canal is safe and the Husk navy effectively nonexistent. Helping them would only strengthen Tsardom which is a no-go
They want to help but their forces are still dealing with the aftermath of Ethiopia and other things. Current plan is to use Ethiopia as a springboard but it is still early stages.
They're planning to help (for the prestige/sphere of influence boost) but only after they finish sorting out their internal affairs (building really big cannons)
They are making a lot of money selling weapons to those bordering the Husks and want the situation to continue until their neighbors are weakened enough that they can step in and finish it while also occupying the weakened Balkans. They may be underestimating the threat somewhat.
They are really trying but they have a border with one of the more husk-dense regions, and also a lot of internal strife and outdated tech to work with
It's a European problem they don't give a shit
Pretty much this is my take
>Tribal reactions:
Some of them like the husk part not the Ottoman part, some like the Ottoman part and not the husk part, some like both, and some are still mad about the fall of Constantinople
>They’re a looming existential threat
Are they? They're an army of the undead, sure, but they're also trying to maintain a (semi)functioning state. The whole point of the Sultan using the Husks is he wants the Ottoman Empire to stay (un)alive. Unless he commits fully to an undead empire and one of the living then I imagine it's still very unstable, only kept from total collapse by the threat of the entire thing collapsing and the power vacuum that would result. Hell, I can see it being still similar to the IRL timeline where the other nations want to maintain the balance of power, just now the Ottomans are an actual threat and may snowball into something worse.
My understanding is that beneath the surface they're definitely an apocalypse waiting to happen, but outwardly they're more of a Mahdist state situation where they are still a state, albeit a global pariah.
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It is a common mistake of outsiders to write off Lemurian religion as simply being a slavish devotion to the Prophecies. The more learned may name such institutions as the Tigress Temple, or the Palace of Forms, or the Rockbreaker Wat. Still, this does not quite do enough to illustrate the vast tapestry of faith that suffuses the land of Lemuria.
Much of Lemuria falls under the sway of one of countless local cults, all united by the concept of Fate the same way that India is united by the concept of Dharma. However, what Fate means and how one handles it can vary wildly between regions.
The most commonly held belief is that Fate is an unbreakable chain of action and reaction. It would be incorrect to view it as static, but rather as a complex series of "If X then Y" statements. All actions that can be taken have been preordained and recorded by the mysterious Old Lemurians, so that their inheritors could make use of the Prophecies in order to follow the path of Fate.
In order to interpret the prophecies, most of which are shrouded in a dense combination of encryption and metaphor, Lemurians spend much of their time memorizing prophecies they believe will be important in their lifetimes. They pore over parchments and engravings, committing as many words to memory as is humanly possible. Some go as far as to utilize hypnosis and other techniques to implant knowledge of the prophecies into their minds.
One of the more popular forms of worship are the various animal cults; such as the famous Tigress Temple, which is easily the wealthiest and most influential despite its relatively small population of devotees. With an all female priesthood, almost all priestesses of the Tigress Temple and its associated cult are women either descended from or birthed by Lady Pythivati itself. Other popular animal cults include the Tortoise and Cloudelleafint Temples, though they are poorer and less powerful than the Tigress Temple.
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The animal cults, broadly, wish to incorporate aspects of beasts into their fates. The Tortoise Temple wishes to attain the longevity of the tortoise. The Cloudelleafint Temple yearns for the wisdom of the Cloudelleafint. The Tigress Temple aspires to the power and ferocity of a mother tiger.
Comparatively, the Rockbreakers of Lemuria aspire to very human goals. They believe it is the fate of all layers to one day be merged, following a cataclysm spoken of in some prophecies that Lemuria calls the Pralaya. They see each individual rock and pebble to be representative of the whole of the earth, just as each man is a representative of the whole of mankind. Each object is a part of its greater categorical self, and so by breaking stones they break the earth and guide it toward its inevitable conclusion. They built the main temple of their order, the Rockbreaker Wat, over a massive tunnel they have bored through the earth with the goal of reaching the layer below. As of yet, they have not breached its roof, but it is perhaps only a matter of time. Or perhaps they grievously misunderstand their work, their prophecies, and their fates.
Cultivation is a very common practice among Lemurians, who seek self-perfection through the guidance of the prophecies. Many temples across various religious orders invite practitioners of their faith to participate in group exercises. Physical and mental limits are tested and trained, that each person might achieve the greatness that they are destined for.
All in all, Lemuria is host to a massive blend of religions, all united under the guidance of the prophecies and the practice of cultivation. Though they occasionally form bitter grudges over the finer points of their beliefs, the Lemurians are quick to unite against outsiders who do not follow the prophecies. Wars have been put aside in favor of driving off Muic raiders, Atlantean colonists, and Atlan slavers.
But perhaps the Epigeans might test this unity, in the future...
>Lady Pythivati itself.
Anyway, I went to the zoo and saw some tigers and started thinking about the Tigress Temple and how it interfaces with the broader Lemurian religion. I think there's a lot of little fiddly differences that are basically imperceptible to outsiders, but to Lemurians are a matter of life and death. Throwing up mudras like gang signs, getting shot full of arrows for crossing the wrong street, etc.
But, of course; they'd much rather kill fateless foreigners (or the Fateless traitors) than good, Fated Lemurians.
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>Tigers at the zoo
That reminds me of the time I saw Tigers at an aquarium years ago. They had been living in an underground concrete temple thing for pretty much their whole lives. It was rather depressing.
The miniature train ride was fun though.
>Fateless traitors
My take is that Lemurians don't view foreigners as Fateless so much as Fate-Bound. They have a fate but they either cannot see it or cannot change it, according to the Lemurians anyways.
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>They have a fate but they either cannot see it or cannot change it
Casually destroys your entire belief system.
Problem, Lemuria?
>Nether Earth Trading Company
Dutch? Or is that too obvious of a pun?
>All actions that can be taken have been preordained and recorded by the mysterious Old Lemurians, so that their inheritors could make use of the Prophecies in order to follow the path of Fate.
This is a really cool idea.
>Rockbreaker lore
Nice, they needed that.
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I love this image so much.
Vanderbilt beat Alabama.
Koot. I bet they like pool too. They have a proclivity for long sticks and pools, they could probably follow the game by sound. Come to think of it, they could probably follow chess by sound too, touch also. Though, I doubt olm-men would like at all the city, and I don't see how chess could be a means of introduction. Maybe olm-men go to the salons at odd hours, and avoid the especially crowded ones. Maybe it's more common to see olm-men in the smaller cities or the salons of rural towns? Maybe the first contact with olm-men was through music? They would appreciate music, and be able to hear it from far away, After music came chess, and after chess, pool.
Are the Lost Men considered a Temple by Lemurians? Temple of the Lemur? Temple of the Shadow?
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>Are the Lost Men considered a Temple by Lemurians?
The Prophecy of Shadows is, according to most Lemurians, a false prophecy put forth by a rogue element among the Old Lemurians. The original Fateless, who dared to write their own Fate rather than accept the one that had been given to them. The scars of the ancient war against them can still be seen in the ruins of Old Lemuria, when the greatest Cultivators to ever draw breath smote one another. They fought each other like demons from the pits of hell. It was a time of madness.
To those initiated in the higher prophecies, the Prophecy of Shadows is considered heretical, but necessary. It was foretold that it would be written, so that the Old Lemurians could teach their inheritors of the consequences of defying Fate. The Fateless are a symptom of the human condition, and their abandonment of the Prophecies is sad but predictable. Not all have the fortitude to play the hand they were dealt, and would rather flip the table than accept a loss with grace.
To those in the very highest echelons of Lemurian society, to the likes of Pythivati and Vritravana and all the other proteges of Ozymandias, the Prophecy of Shadows is a very simple thing.
It is a contingency.
Steps should be taken to ensure it is not fulfilled, for any string of decisions that leads to its culmination will assuredly mean that the fate of the world itself is balanced on a razor's edge.
Seek not the Palace of Shadows. Speak not to that which dwells down there.
In the dark.
How do Lemurians feel about Lemurs, you think? Are they maybe sacred animals, despite the risk they pose?
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In the depths of Panthalassa, the Morlocks do grow and grow.
When you go out to sea, keep a lookout below, below.
If you look o'er the side, and spy there a shadow, shadow;
You'd best take those oars, and just row and row and row.
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Hi! I’m a casual fan of E:AD, mostly hearing about this setting through someone who actually goes here. I’ve written an alternative history for Hawai’i, as a [VISION FROM BEYOND THE DELUGE]

It is not long after the Europeans begin colonizing the layers when the fissure opens up on the island of Hawai’i. While Kamehameha IV sure might have loved such a development, it wasn’t until the time of Kalākaua that anyone actually noticed the fissure. It’s no wider than a donkey, and the earth itself seems to resist its widening. Where rock and dirt is removed? when one looks away, it is replaced with new material.

It is almost fate that the first beings the Hawai’ians find are the Olms. Kalākaua takes to these funky little guys like a fish to water. As he is enamored with their troupes, they are enamored with his people and the Hula.

Kalākaua and his court forms a tight bond with a *lot* of Olms. To the point that olm entertainers have been organized into a passive spy network for the throne. When he dies in 1891, he’s still succeeded by Liliʻuokalani. Thanks to the information network built up, she gets wind quite early that the USA will attempt to trick her into annexation.
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However, despite this information network being made of Olms, she calls for some contacts she’s been curating since well before her reign. A deal is made, goods are exchanged, and backs are metaphorically stabbed. Two days before the USA does their annexation, she has all of her inherited olm spies arrested and placed into a jail cell in the palace over the fissure from which travel goes between the second and fifth.
She has struck a deal with several morloc tribes. When the Americans came, they were surprised to find that as their ships entered port, they stopped floating so well. And by that i mean the Morlocs placed explosive charges on the bottoms of ships and detonate them. Only killing most of the couple dozen Morlocs placing the charges, because their weak constitution couldn’t handle the shockwave even at distance safe for a human. Whoops.

The Americans who aren’t on ships that sunk were quickly overwhelmed by boarding parties of Morlocs. While those who fought back found them easy kills, hundreds were laying in wait with hundreds more hiding around the island. And the Hawai’i soldiers quickly moved in with them. Most who resisted either died under Morloc spear or Hawai’ian gunfire.

The Olms get word of this in their cells and are infuriated. Backstabbed! Betrayed! For the mortal enemy’s aid! What embarrassment! Members of the court who still favor the Olms over these *Morlocs* help the Olms escape. While this creates quite the tension between the queen and the tribes she promised these Olms to, she tactfully smooths everything over.

Fast forward to the deluge.
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Olms have a long memory. A *very* long memory.
When the Olms in the realms of man start to disappear, no one noticed. They tend to move on quietly, they think, it’s nothing. It’s not until parties come back to town that they find out it’s every olm in every group. Every entertainer, every troupe across the layers, they all quietly slip away. The only hints anyone get is the Olms signing to each other before they left. They speak of the cold and the gnashing. Very few grasp what this means.

A few months later, as the ever sighing head of napoleon jerks itself east, Liliʻuokalani takes her breakfast. Before the second mouthful enters her lips, there’s a rumbling from the floor beneath her, and muffled screaming cut brutally short. Two guards move to escort her away as a group of armed Morlocs and Hawaiian royal guard rush to the back rooms. Liliʻuokalani barely makes it outside before a hulking figure of muscle and mucus tears through the wall to her right like paper. It is something like an Olm, but in the same way a Gorilla is like a Lemur (the primate). It’s jaws clamp down on the guard in front of her, mouth coving over half the man’s torso. The beast rears up, grabbing the bottom half, and ripping him into two, then four pieces. Before the second guard can recompose and fire, the beast throws a portion of the carcass into him. He stumbles to the ground, vomiting from the gore splattering across his face. It leaps forward, punching the man in the gut so hard his spine breaks. It turns to Queen Liliʻuokalani. It grins, and makes hand signs. One in the Hawai’an-Olm signals she was taught during the start of her reign.
“We will tell your people you tried.”

More of the beasts pour out across the island. Any morloc found is ripped apart. Any government official or soldier is ripped apart. Any civilian found working with a Morloc is ripped apart. The rest are spared.

Olms have long memories, and now Hawai’i will remember just as well.
I like it. Olms might be cute but rules-wise they can fuck you up sometimes and I'm glad this reflects that side of them.
The entrance only being wide enough for Olms makes sense too, especially with how Hawaii had a lot of cave systems already.
Currently the islands are supposed to be under a Muan protectorate but to Olms being there too or instead is cool too.

Welcome to the party!
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NTA, but what was the lore on Hawaii being a Mu protectorate?
It's in the lore doc, or maybe the worldbook. From what I understand they dump all their bodies in the Pacific now
The Palace of Old Mu (Mu)
L'Accademia di Piranesi (Italy)
The Atlantis Harbor (Atlantis)
The Paris Catacombs (Paris)
The Tomb of the Amazon Queen (Amazons)
The Lost City of Ough (Neanderthals)
Atlas' Skull (Atlan)
The Stone of Gorg (Gorgs)
The Arc de Descente (La Ombra)
Ozymandias' Forum (Lemuria)
Fort Kirkpatrick (Lost Men)

I have no idea what makes any of these special. Yet.
>Maybe olm-men go to the salons at odd hours, and avoid the especially crowded ones
Maybe they go during the night, and when olm men go, the musicians play calmer songs?
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If only they knew how bad things really are...
Very nice and ominous.

It makes sense that Hawaii might strike a deal with the Mu for more power. I think the Olm Story fits quite well.
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>Koot. I bet they like pool too.
Sure they do. They often have to put their hands on the sides of the table to help them feel where the ball is going, and when they have to play they need to stand on top of a stool, but they play it with great skill.
Atlan Warmaster 9 (33)
Born to Lead 3
Grand Strategist 3
Bombastic 4
Spare your Heart 1
Warhorse 10
Rhomphaia 3

Iconodule 8 (26)
Experimental Weaponry 1
Hedge Cavalry 1
Titanium Flask 2
Rations 1
Warhorse 10
Webley 2
Kopis 1

4x Spring Gunner 10 (12 each, 48 total)
Pneumatic Spring Gun 1
Rations 1

10x Slave Soldier 2 (4)
Verutum 1
Sword 1

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We still on?
Yes! Overslept, sorry.
No issue, take your time, I'm going other stuff as well.
>Leader: {18}
Commandante (15)
Sabre (1) Gras (2)

>Specialists: {27}
Duosicilian Chef (12)
Janara Hag (15)

>Followers: {99}
3[Volcano Guard (11) Magma Thrower (3)] {42}
5[ Alpini (6) Vetterli (2)] {40}
2[ Janara Initiate (8) ] {16}

143 total
I'll get on making the png, won't be long!
142, rather. So make that 150 with another Janara Initiate, please.
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Will do!
Give me 10 minutes and I'm on.
World map updated with all the suggestions. Added the eastern indian provinces and burmese territories to the british, and Pondicherry to the french (just the city of Pondicherry, not the other french cities until we clear it up more).

I'm waiting for more lore until we clear up how is the malaysian peninsula distributed, as of now, only Singapore is added by a single red pixel. Same with Vietnam, until we decide who controlls it and how, not marking it.

For now, I'm not marking the ottoman divide until we have some more clear lore around it.
Room's up, getting on the disc*rd
I just realized I need to add a couple of places in Africa, such as Spanish Guinea and French Senegal, though only the lands near the shore.
Also, reminder we still need add the names of the settlements.
New Alamo Territory 2: Low Lundy
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I had to run off before the game concluded (or went into its more dramatic stage), so we agreed to continue tomorrow evening (let me know what time btw, I can do anytime past ~4pm, I doubt it'll take 3+ hours to conclude but I could be surprised), the batrep will be posted after. I will just quickly mention that I'm really happy to see Janara Hexes working this well, the map is well on its way to becomes a proper nightmare to navigate (it was already a pretty insanely restrictive map to start with). Wont spoil more until tomorrow.
I have a lot of work to put on the stuff we discussed too throughout the game, I think (/ strongly hope) its going to work out very well.

Good thread for inspo, also maybe to shill ourselves. I've already made a post there.
>The Atlantis Harbor
A sprawling manmade harbor with high walls of stone and an Orichalcum gate. The inside can be drained completely by a series of ingenious pump mechanisms, should the need arise, and it boasts a vast array of shipbuilding equipment. Though it has not been put to the test in a hundred years, the Atlantis Harbor can put out a hundred warships in the time it would take a lesser harbor to build only ten.
>The Lost City of Ough
Destroyed in a great cataclysmic eruption, Ough was once the jewel of the Neanderthal civilization. Now, it is a smoky and charred ruin. Only Husks dwell there, innumerable Apeman bodies animated by the fell spirits of the volcano that destroyed their home. Its once beautiful spires still reach up into the sky, now stained with ash. It was once counted among the marvels of the world, and now it is only a graveyard filled with the hungry and burning dead.
>Fort Kirkpatrick
Named after the deceased Robert "Canny" Kirkpatrick, former right hand to Lost King Malcolm during the ill-fated Malcolmite rebellion, Fort Kirkpatrick is an important staging ground for the Lost Men. Sitting on a massive deposit of mineral niter and sulfur, it is the chief producer of gunpowder in the depths. Hired hands toil around the clock, collecting the materials necessary to fuel the Lost King's war efforts. The exact location of the fort is a closely guarded secret, but intercepted communications point to it existing somewhere on the 7th layer. Britain, France, Atlantis, and other powers have expressed an interest in finding and seizing the fort, but so far it remains firmly in the grip of the Lost King.
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I proposed making Hedjaz independent, as well as placing a remnant Ottoman government (the Anti-Sultanate from the doc, some of the oldest lore) somewhere in southern Iraq. I didn't write the Ottoman/Oriental Crisis lore, but the intention clearly wasn't for the Unhusked Turks to just flee to Egypt and set up shop there (if you know anything about the Pasha, you realize why it makes little sense). There was supposed to be a coalition of factions allied by their shared opposition to the Husked Ottomans, even if there's little love shared between them. So, Egypt under Ali Mohammed Pasha, breakaway Hedjaz, Ottoman remnants, likely Iran as well, possibly someone else.
Also why did someone feel the need to write up ROBOTS/EXOSKELETONS, of all things, for the unhusked forces when we already had those bulshit Egyptian artifacts that turn people into husk incinerators and stuff? I don't really like either of those, but both at the same time is REALLY pushing it.
>those bulshit Egyptian artifacts
did those ever get expanded upon? i remember them being proposed in the lore doc a long time ago but i dont remember anything ever coming of them
I've been using Unhusked as a general term for all the anti-husk factions and not just anti-husk Turks, sorry if there's any confusion there
One of the downsides of a collaborative project is sometimes things go a little weird when all the cooks in the kitchen start bumping into eachother. I'm a little iffy about them too but I think there's a way to spin it good (I wrote the "they're all fake puppets" thing)
2e anon made rules for them.

On the issue of extending the Dalai Sea
>As per altering the areas around the rivers, I'm not so sure about that. I kind of want to leave it as is, since the italians would both prefer the volcanic areas for religious reasons and keep access to more fertile and richer areas to themselves (even if they are allies, why would they give the better lands to the austrohungarians when they control the entrance?). I assume the lands of the italians are richer than the austrohungarians, and Maximiliana just started at the other side of the sea, then both colonies naturally grew around the sea and managed to find each other.
I fail to see how any of that is relevant to the points I've raised. My main problem was that by designing the sea and placing the colonies as I originally did I've essentially robbed both empires of many places to explore/conquer in this game about colonial exploration and conquest. As of now it looks like any expansion worth noting kinda already happened, and the Italians and the Austrians have essentially taken over the Dalai Sea commerce to boot.
>Also, french competition around the sea is probably out of the question, the french are probably too focused on controling their massive holdings on the 3rd to seriously challenge other european powers on the 4th. Plus, Nouvelle Alger is probably busy enough by having the atlan so close to them.
I understand the desire to be realistic about such matters, but once again, I feel like a game about colonial warfare should provide for as many opportunities for said warfare between different factions as possible, and would benefit from the stories it would create. The French push to the sea would be kino. Astrians, French and Italians playing 4D chess with different Deepfolk tribes and petty states to outmaneuver each other would be kino. Conflicts over the West Dalai coast building up to the Great War would be kino.
Also sorry I didn't get around to making the Tsardom Leader profiles yet, I had to move very abruptly.
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>I had to move very abruptly.
Those can be really crappy, I hope everything went well. Take your time, settle in, there's no rush.
>I've been using Unhusked as a general term for all the anti-husk factions and not just anti-husk Turks, sorry if there's any confusion there
There was not real convention over it, anons felt att that husking shouldn't really be something you come back from, and that the Implements were rare and only used sparingly, and for the most part the "unhusking" meant as much kill all the husks from one area as bringing back the ones that are on the brink past the point of no return.
In my mind husking was always one of the end point of being Deep-Drunk, so they weren't fully undead, but they are halfway there already or something... I bullshitted the term "corpsified" (since it was on the OG doc/compass but seemingly meant the same thing as husked) to mean a sort of exalted state beyond husking that might push more the undead angle.
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>"Husks, Corpsified, Turks, it's all just an academic distinction. I'll leave that to the lads at the Royal Society thank you very much."
>"... and the ones at the Royal Bethlem (But you didn't hear that from me)"
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>Whalur Sailor: (7 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 4
Strength: 6
Discipline: 4
Labour: 5
Evasion: 4
Awareness: 3

0 in all


>General Abilities:
-Whalur [1]
-Training [Harpoon]

>Special Abilities:
-Whalur [1] : This model gains +1 Accuracy against Deep, Amphibious, and Beast models, but suffers -1 Accuracy versus Colonials. The accuracy bonus stacks with each condition met.
-Whaling Tune: (1 AP)
If two other Whaler Sailors using this ability are adjacent, Give each +1 labour and discipline until their next activation. For every 3 additional Sailors on the map using this ability give another +1 labour and discipline to all until their next activation.

Dagger, Gras Rifle, Harpoon, standard equipment, Lefauchaux pistol

- Harpoon: (Melee)
Acc: -1
Eva: 0
Pen: +2
Threshold: 6
Weak/Strong: [/][/]/[X][/]
Cost: 4
Special: Also a ranged weapon

-Harpoon (Ranged)
Range: 5
Skill: 0
Pen: 2
Lethal: [X]
Reload: 2 (This represents reeling it back in, not getting a new one)
Cost: 4
Special: If damage is dealt when thrown then this item may not be used again until reloaded, but the hit unit can only move towards the throwing unit and not away. The throwing unit may attempt a strength test for 1 AP on activation to force a full movement towards them, the hit unit may attempt a 1 AP strength test on activation to remove the harpoon and free themself. If reloaded this condition is also dispelled.

Whalur faction (Unclear if they’re mercs or their own thing)

The harpoon rule is a little clunky but you hopefully get the idea. The Whalur rule and harpoon idea are both taken from the Burdened Whalur which is the unit I’ll be working off of for other boys in this microfaction too.
They sing whaling tunes but they’re all fucked up and creepy.
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>Whalur Harpooneer: (20 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 6
Discipline: 6
Labour: 5
Evasion: 4
Awareness: 3

0 in all


>General Abilities:
-Whalur [2]
-Training [Harpoon]
-Deadly [Harpoon]

>Special Abilities:
-Whalur [2] : This model gains +2 Accuracy against Deep, Amphibious, and Beast models, but suffers -1 Accuracy versus Colonials. The accuracy bonus stacks with each condition met until accuracy is 9.
-Experienced Hunter:
Wounds dealt to Whalur targets by this model generate pain tokens (Deep, Amphibious, and/or Beast)

Dagger, Gras Rifle, Harpoon, standard equipment, Lefauchaux pistol, Dynamite

Whalur faction

Dynamite Fishing is a thing they get to do. Sailors aren’t deep enough in the esoterica to do Hyperborean stuff but these guys are. They can’t harvest the pain themselves though, that’s what the next guy is for. They can slightly outdamage a rifle but their range is shit and their durability likewise.
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>Whalur Mate: (23 Silver)
Specialist, Medic, Cook
AP: 2
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 6
Discipline: 6
Labour: 4
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 6

0 in all
(G) in head


>General Abilities:
-Whalur [2]
-Training [Harpoon Gun]

>Special Abilities:
-Whalur [2] : This model gains +2 Accuracy against Deep, Amphibious, and Beast models, but suffers -1 Accuracy versus Colonials. The accuracy bonus stacks with each condition met until accuracy is 9.
-Experienced Hunter:
Wounds dealt to Whalur targets by this model generate pain tokens (Deep, Amphibious, and/or Beast)
-Ship’s Doctur: (1 AP, 1 PAIN)
This model may attempt a Heal check without a first aid kit. If successful, completely remove one box’s worth of wounds. If failed, gain 1 dread and lose the PAIN token.
-Ship’s Cook: (1 AP, 2 PAIN)
This model may attempt a Cook action without rations when adjacent to a dead Beast unit. If successful then all adjacent units may ignore the effects of emanations until the start of the next turn.

Dagger, Gras Rifle, Harpoon, standard equipment, Lefauchaux pistol, Dynamite, First Aid kits, Harpoon Gun.

-Harpoon (Ranged)
Range: 12
Skill: -1
Pen: 3
Lethal: [X]
Reload: 2
Cost: 10
Special: Cannot be fired again until reloaded. The hit unit can only move towards the throwing unit and not away. The throwing unit may attempt a strength test for 1 AP on activation to force a full movement towards them, the hit unit may attempt a 1 AP strength test on activation to remove the harpoon and free themself. If reloaded this condition is also dispelled.

Whalur faction

His job is to buff your guys and help with their range problem. He also serves up delicious whaleflesh suffused with pain to help counteract emanations.
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>Whalur Captain: (51 Silver)
Leader, Character
AP: 3
LP: 4
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 7
Discipline: 7
Labour: 4
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 6

0 Else
(G) in head

4 In Body
2 in Head
4 in Limbs

>General Abilities:
-Whalur [3]
-Training [Meteoric Harpoon]

>Special Abilities:
-Whalur [3] : This model gains +3 Accuracy against Deep, Amphibious, and Beast models, but suffers -1 Accuracy versus Colonials. The accuracy bonus stacks with each condition met until accuracy is 9.
-Cruel Master: (1 LP)
Wounds dealt by this model generate pain tokens. You may spend 1 LP to target friendly units with the Fox O’Nine Tails until the end of the turn.
-Singular Purpose: (4 LP) [DEPLOYMENT ONLY]
When this model is deployed, place a Sky-Whale unit at the centre of the board. Models in your faction are immune to Song of the Sky-Whales and Majestic until this model is dead. Double the value of the Sky-Whale ONLY if this model kills it.
-The Captain’s Dirge: (5 PAIN, 3 AP, 3 LP)
Deploy UR-CA.

Dagger, Gras Rifle, Meteoric Harpoon, standard equipment, Lefauchaux pistol, Dynamite, First Aid kits, Harpoon Gun, The Fox O’Nine Tails.

-Meteoric Harpoon (Ranged)
Range: 8
Skill: 0
Pen: 5
Lethal: [Black]
Reload: [1 PAIN, 0 AP (Must spend to use ranged. This functions like a normal harpoon in melee)]
Cost: Free for this unit
Special: The hit unit can only move towards the throwing unit and not away. The throwing unit may attempt a strength test for 1 AP on activation to force a full movement towards them, the hit unit may attempt a 1 AP strength test on activation to remove the harpoon and free themself.

-Fox O’Nine Tails (Ranged)
Range: 2
Skill: +1
Pen: -4
Lethal: [/]
Reload: 0
Cost: Free for this unit

Leads Whalur faction
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His harpoon flows through the air like an eel. It is a great and terrible thing to behold.
He is wrought from head to toe in heathen tattoos, his Ivory leg scrimshandered with obscene symbols. From his pipe drifts wisps of rainbow slick smoke, and his smile is ivory-white as he cracks the whip above his crew.
Perhaps he rules only one ship of the Whalurs, perhaps he rules them all.

>WHALUR ERRATA: (It’s been out for about twenty minutes and frankly the whole meta is shook, we need nerfs and buffs NOW)
>Give Mate a complex health track
>Give Harpooners 3 Box instead of 2 since they WILL end up in melee
>Take away rifles from sailors
>Find out where I left that PNG I had saved of UR-CA’s profile someone made which I might have dreamed

I have actually read Moby-Dick, I preferred Two Years Before the Mast but whaling book rocks too. It’s very slice of life and comfy but then it veers into tangents every other chapter. Sometimes it gets a little abstract, in a good way. It also ends in about a page and a half.
Could be that the Unhusking Implements should be some artifact that you have to fight for or discover, stuff buried across the landscape underground or in the deepest recesses of the Pyramids. Meanwhile the Robo-men are a cheaper, easier way of dealing with them.

I also like this idea of encouraging more competition between factions.
I generally use Unhusked as a catch-all term for the Ottoman rump states, the ones that aren't cool with being turned into undead monsters to fight the Sultan's war against his own growing irrelevancy. Other anti-Ottoman rebellions, like the Armenians, I think it's better just to refer to by their demonym. The Husked/Unhusked divide is most relevant to the Otttomans, unless another necrocracy springs up somewhere.
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What goes on in here I wonder?
You need to fork over a quid to find out.
Apologies, I got hit with the doubleshift hammer today, seems its the time of the year where everyone but me falls sick one after the other... I will have to push the continuation of the game to tomorrow evening, once again let me know what works better... (sorry again, this one I really can't do anything about however...)
The Vienna State Opera was built around the 1860s, so I can imagine the austria-hungarians could build another big opera building in Maximiliana.
Dumb suggestion
10. Laval-en-Bas
Roughly translates into "Downstream-Downward", "Laval" is also a surname which we use almost as liberally as brits do with "Victoria" to name locations.
Now back to work... I'll try to post the Whalur and a few other profiles I've been working on after that second leg.
What was the capital of France while Paris was underground? Is it still the capital?
Updated the map with a couple of details more. Still not adding the things mentioned in >>94088773 until further feedback.

Also, I read the document again, and I saw that I hadn't added all the libyan territories to Italy. Should I add them to Italy as well, or should I leave it empty, as a buffer between Egypt and Italian Libya?
I don't know how much of a position Egypt is in to contest anything on their western border so Italy likely has it there.
Also, Italy owns Istria in this timeline, right? As part of the Venice deal, but I might be misremembering that.
Puerto Rico was still Spanish at that time, Cuba too unless we're going to implement Haiti stuff so maybe we should just leave that region blank for a while.
Does UK still own Belize? It's really close to the Yucatan entrance so I can see it being a point of contention.

I wonder what the Scandinavians are up to, we haven't heard much from them. If I had to guess I'd say that Sweden is staying in the German sphere of influence like it did historically and thus far away from Agarthan nonsense. Denmark is not in a good way, having lost Iceland AND Holstein. Maybe Germany or the UK have it as a semi-protectorate after one of their wars, maybe its seeking revenge.
The lore doc only includes the Tripolitania, not the Cyrenaica, but I don't see why they italians wouldn't be interested in it as well. But I could also see the french and the british pressuring the italians to not get near Egypt and Suez.
>Puerto Rico was still Spanish at that time, Cuba too unless we're going to implement Haiti stuff so maybe we should just leave that region blank for a while.
I don't think so. The USA was much more willing to help the cuban revolutionaries against a carlist Spain, and considering USA's Manifest Destiny tendencies would be much bigger here, I don't see why they would let Spain have any other territories in America. They would ignore the Philippines and the Spanish Pacific, sure, but I can't see them leaving Puerto Rico to Spain.

>Does UK still own Belize?
Yes, I marked it on the map.

>I wonder what the Scandinavians are up to
I can see the scandinavians being fairly normal, and just looking everyone else go mad with agarthan fever and not have the faintest clue about what to do about it.

I can see the Swiss doing something similar, but strengthening their italian border, just in case.
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>Also, Italy owns Istria in this timeline, right? As part of the Venice deal, but I might be misremembering that.
Not Istria. It was Veneto and Trentino. Now that I look at the map, it has Italy control the entirety of South Tyrol, whereas the deal was supposed to be for the Italian majority southern part.
Orleans is the new capital.
Mosque of Red Death (Husked Ottomans).
No problem. What time were you thinking? about 9pm would work best for me.
>Denmark is not in a good way, having lost Iceland AND Holstein. Maybe Germany or the UK have it as a semi-protectorate after one of their wars
I don't think that would happen. Danish neutrality was very important due to its control over the straits. It was one thing for Prussia and Austria to seize Schleswig and Holstein after Denmark violated the London Protocol, and Britain could reasonably get away with Iceland, even if it would be seen as a blatant land grab, but it's another thing entirely for some power to subjugate Denmark proper. Tsardom in particular would absolutely lose it's shit.
Good to know!
What would you suggest? OTL status quo Sans-Iceland/Greenland?
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>No problem. What time were you thinking? about 9pm would work best for me.
9 will be perfect, thanks again!
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It'll also give me some time to prepare a doc regarding what we spoke off last game.
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Yeah, I don't feel like changing things simply for the sake of changing things.
Any more units people want to see crappily statted? I don't remember doing Whalurs but it appeared in my notes doc last night so I posted it, maybe that will happen again.
Looked at lore and noticed that Russia named "Tsardom". Im curios why? Is it because some "current thing" or is thee some lore reason i'm not aware of?
Alexander the 87th for Atlantis would be cool. I'm kind of in a mind to make him some crappy alchemy clone of the guy, but that's probably going too far. Maybe they kept his brain in a jar. It's probably better to keep him as a descendent. Someone that has good morale but shitty leadership skills.

>Alexander the lesser
>Lower the one skill of your troops by 2, and boost another skill by 1.
>Tactical Reorganisation
Your troops get +2 to movement when within 2 tiles of an enemy
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IIRC it’s a joke from the era of lore based on E:AD being an existing wargame we were just shitposting about rather than one we were creating ourselves.
We could say that it’s just a situation like the Janissaries where it got popular abroad to call Russia “The Tsardom” for some reason, and it’s not actually a name they use for themselves. Kind of a handy cop out, I think.
>Mosque of Red Death
Extremely good.
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>Alexander the LXXXVIIth: (5 Silver)
AP: 3
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 3
Strength: 4
Discipline: 5
Labour: 4
Evasion: 3
Awareness: 5

0 Limbs
4 Head, Body

1 Limbs
2 Body
1 Head

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:

-Storied Lineage: (May pick 2 of 5)
~Fruitful Branch: (2 Silver)
This model may be recruited as an Elite (I.E, you may take multiple copies.) They must all have this rule but may otherwise differ.

~Akritai Dekarchos: (5 Silver)
This model gains the armour profile and equipment options of an Akritai, Deadly[Verutum], and the Commoner/Soldier Keywords. Adjacent Akritai may use this model’s discipline instead of their own. (Exclusive with Kataphraktoi)

~Kareer Kataphraktoi: (9 Silver)
This model gains the armour profile and equipment options of a Kataphraktoi, Deadly[Kopis], and the Aristocrat, Cavalry, and Countercharge abilities/keywords. (Exclusive with Dekarchos)

~Ambrosia Addict: (3 Silver)
This model gains the Rising Angel, Falling Ape and Multifarious Wares rules (Multifarious Wares should be moved to all Academic units in the faction as a general rule to avoid cluttering profiles) You make take 2 more Generic hero traits OR 1 trait from another Atlantean Hero Unit.

~Middling Philosopher: (4 Silver)
This model gains the Academic Keyword and your choice of Commoner or Aristocrat (Cannot have both.) It gains the Soothsayer’s Stoking ability, with the exception that it only applies to 3 wounds, and once the first 3 wounds have been ignored 3 dread is produced.

As Armourclad

The theme with this hero unit is that he’s not actually a hero. There are also a lot of them (only ~0.1% of the actual population of Atlantis but they are severely overrepresented in certain segments of society.) so you get to take 3-4 per expedition if you like. Cost-Wise they are alright but their stats make it more worthwhile to purchase the units they mimic UNLESS you want to go full in on building a specific type or risk the ambrosia build. Homo Atlanteum is genetically predisposed to Ambrosia which is why they have better stats, this guy is just an addict. They occupy a lot of low positions of leadership and high society because no one wants to just kick them to the curb, what if this is the one who finally lives up to his legacy? Sometimes they do alright. The Akritai role is a sergeant position while the Kataphraktoi is a ranker and not an officer. The reason you get dread if the stoking ability is filled is because they screw up their poetic metre and the whole recitation kind of falls apart.
Sorry to the one who suggested above for going off with my own thing, we can swap the stats around if you like to give him the abilities you suggested. Since he’s a hero unit you are expected to buff his discipline which means 5 is a good starting point.
Also the reason he can be commoner or aristocrat is because the revolution knocked a lot of them out of the nobility but their kids kept up the name thing.
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Hakim Half-Husked
>Butcher of the Balkans, leads the campaign to enforce the Sultan’s will in Europe
>Said to be transfixed at the point between life and Husked undeath
>Considered to be either alive or Husked depending on which would be more beneficial
>Necrotic energies swirl in the hole where his heart once was, boosting coordination and discipline among nearby Husks
>Maintains a jovial demeanor tinged with his trademark sadism, always laughing
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It was pretty much the first thing that was ever shitposted about the place, beyond the existence of the compass units. As in "and for some reason the company making the game decided around 2nd Edition to call Russia the Tsardom to avoid bad publicity (even tho it has the Husked Ottomans and Italy att wasn't renamed Duosicily) and never budged on the issue... ". Its a bit memey and doesn't make that much sense given 2e would have been at the latest mid-90s in this alternate universe where it really was something real, but it also doesn't take any effort to filter as something purely flavourful.
But on the other hand it does also push along the angle that this is the Tsar's Russia, not ours.
>But on the other hand it does also push along the angle that this is the Tsar's Russia, not ours.
Obviously, it was to set up an early Bolshevik Revolution set in the Deluge-era army scale wargame that was planned for 2006 but delayed until 2008 due to the deaths of two primary writers.
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I recommend buffing health to 3 since harpoon range is small enough they're likely to end up in melee.
Yeah, 20 Silver is rough to lose to two shot. 3 health doesn't seem too much, otherwise we could reduce cost.
I vote for the health buff since Whalurs need a non-captain unit which can tank a couple of hits. (At least long enough for the Mate to start healing)
I think The Monster should be a viable option on a Whalur list. Yes, it’s just because of the harpoon cannon thing.
wait did I stat a Harpoon cannon twice?
Oh fuck I did, didn't I.
2e anon, you still game?
These all look good. They should have some Whalur exclusive version of Field Skinning.
>Cannot be fired again until reloaded.
This is redundant. Did you mean, "Can't be used as a Melee Weapon unless Reloaded,"?
>2e anon, you still game?
Yes, I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Ok I'm on. Same room!
>Can't use as a Melee Weapon until reloaded?
Yes, that
The conflict over the rickety bridge continues, with Atlan and Duosicily not hesitating at throwing more lives for what seems to be a rather shitty bocage.... This time both forces happen to masterfully outplay the others and attack from behind, resulting in them just having switched sides. A horde of Slave Soldiers followed by a few Spring Gunners, a Warmaster and an Iconodule come to face off against an Italian gang of Alpini, Volcano Guards, witches and a Chef.
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Slave Soldiers are slow, and won't be going anywhere fast in this swamp, but they start moving along. Everyone is out of range or LoS, so its just moving along. The Chef manages to cook Spicy Meatballs twice in a row however. No shot is exchanged.
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The Italians form a conga line so that they can hand over the meals the Chef cooks down the front line. The Janara witches start their own peculiar form of terraforming, which spreads pretty darn quickly. The Alpinis take a few potshots at the Slave Soldiers and Spring Gunners which are advancing slowly toward the bridge, but miss every shot.
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The Spring Gunners at the bridge both take a shot at one of the Alpini, hitting him once. The Iconodule, who ate a ration last turn, pops his Titanium Flask open and pours it down his gullet, bringing him to 4 AP, allowing him to reach the edge of the woods, shoot twice at the wounded Alpini, killing him, and retreats back out of LoS. The Slave Soldiers finally reach the bridge and start crossing, but too late, as magma is starting to pour out of the ground on the other side. Unfortunately, the italian firepower lacks, and once again they do not connect with any shots. A lone Volcano Guard advances out, which I assume to be bait for my Warmaster, which I really can't answer because I need him to be ready to Rally or use Grand Maneuver if it comes up.
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Turns out I was playing mindgames with myself, because first thing Atlan Anon does on the turn is charge that "baiting" Volcano Guard at my Warmaster. Very luckily, the Warmaster manages to come out of getting squirted magma at him with only a Deep on its Limbs.
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The Slave Soldiers throw a few javelins at the Volcano Guard, one hitting, before one charges him and ends him with a sword strike.
On the bridge, the Iconodule and Spring Gunners decide to push the Slave Soldiers onward into the ignited wastes that is growing on the other side, most of the Slaves jumping into the river instead of going into the flames. Javelins are thrown, balls are launched, one Slave Soldier is even promoted to Neodamode... only for the ash fields he stood in to be turned into magna, him hopping off of it, getting shot, and then the ground he is standing in ignites and kills him.
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An Alpini finally manages to shoot and hit a Slave Soldier, and another one decides to take a shot at promotion and runs across the fire, taking an X, but he manages to kill the wounded Alpini with a lucky javelin throw. Wanting to buy time, and now that he has a Sacrifice banked in, Atlan Anon uses Ignite, turning every remaining Ash Waste into an Ignited one and dropping a Smoke in them, cutting completely vision to him. I am left to advance in.
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The witches continue their nefarious work and extend the magma unto the bridge itself, and one of the Spring Gunners dies (first kill through a Lethal check if I'm not mistaken, at least in my games) to it. 3 other Slave Soldiers die to that and fire from the remaining Volcano Guards. This forces me to use the Warmaster to rally twice in order to be able to use the Spring Gunner's Jumpy ability and shot down the remaining Alpini, and crits twice in the process.
At this point Atlan Anon gives me the game.
Final score
> Atlan : 46, 2 Dread
> Italy : 28 : 6 Dread
Victory for Atlan!
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Are there any more weird critters we need?
>Atlan Anon uses Ignite, turning every remaining Ash Waste into an Ignited one and dropping a Smoke in them, cutting completely vision to him
I am very happy things like that are possible.
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Yeah, I think that's actually going to be the real strength of Duosicily, not just forcing lethal checks, but being able to reliably drop a lot of Smoke tokens to delay 1~2 round of shooting.
Obviously, its going to be something else against foes that have much higher Movement (France & mount-heavy lists).
The Magma tiles were a lot less autokill than we thought, there were 3 or 4 lethal checks, only 1 failed, rest of the time my dude did the hot coal dance thing and jumped out of the way in time. This somewhat felt bad, but on the other hand once its dropped, even if it doesn't kill right away, it blocks the way because I won't risk losing a model over a single roll voluntarily, even Slave Soldiers.
I have to push the beastiary along to get to do something else I wanna do by next week, so I did bullshit a few profiles for the last section (being Colonial Criminals). Here's what is left open at the moment, feel free to suggest anything you feel would fit. I'll go dig through the old docs for more precise suggestions.
>This somewhat felt bad
I was thinking that Lethal+Fire Damage for Magma would not be too much. At least you wouldn't come out of it unscathed... There were at least twice that I was actually kind glad Atlan Anon dropped the Magma under my Slave because even if it could kill it, it had 60% chance of surviving and moving 1, and they are so slow (but cheap) that its almost worth it.
Critters left and never really spoken off
Firmament Foes
> Cloud Snakes
> Mistrays
Roof Raiders or Insectoid Invaders I guess
> Vampire Mosquitoes
> Arthropleura (giant millipede)
> Floating Comb Jellies
> Roofworms
> Starcrawlers (starfish but on the roof)
Floral Fighters
> Agarthan Hydra (giant anemone that moves like a slinkie)
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>Give Mate a complex health track
Specialists usually don't get those, Characters do, I can change him to one if you want, however if we boost the Harpooner to 3 I don't see why we wouldn't boost the Mate to 3 as well, that would make him more resilient than most base models with a complex profile of 2/2/1. They don't have the option to take horses like other factions to boost their health profiles so I think it would be ok.
One of the mechanics I was expecting to see somehow was Frenzy, given Ur-Ca's influence on them, and his initial summoning method from the OG doc. Would you mind if we added it somehow, thinking models who ate something made by the Mate or Healed by him gain "This model Frenzies instead of being Shaken..."
Ur-Ca's profile, unless someone else made one and I missed it somehow, was
> same profile as a Terrorsaur, but with Flying and Amphibious on top of things. You can summon it once everyone of your remaining models are Wounded or Frenzied.
Obviously, that doesn't really hold us to anything, it was before anything took shape properly.
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Glow Wyrm for Roof Raiders. Doodle Bug for Insectoid Invaders (can do High Prophecies).
Colonial Criminal: Really Lost Man
>Boost mate to 3 as well
That makes more sense than cht, good call
Go for it! One thing I would suggest is making "immune to emanations for the rest of the turn" into "may reroll saves against emanations for the rest of the game" since the frenzy thing would also effect them for the rest of the game
>Initial summoning method
Crap did I miss it? I tried digging for their lore but came up blank.
Tying the summon condition to wounds/panic makes more sense than what the captain has so swap that in too if you like.
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>Crap did I miss it? I tried digging for their lore but came up blank.
I would have been surprised if you had found it its a single line in the OG design doc. Don't worry a second about it.
>Doodle Bug for Insectoid Invaders (can do High Prophecies).
Lol. That's too ridiculous for me not to do something with it.
>Colonial Criminal: Really Lost Man
>One thing I would suggest is making "immune to emanations for the rest of the turn" into "may reroll saves against emanations for the rest of the game" since the frenzy thing would also effect them for the rest of the game
Good idea I'll work that in.
Anyone would want to do a Sky-Whalurs (for the Sky-People, but can be recruited in Whalurs) or a Scrimshaw Artist? I remember those two being mentioned as well a few times.
Would he also be a hyperborea-adjacent sort?
>Scrimshaw Artist
Sure, sounds neat

Also, I do think that non-captain units should be open as mercs to Atlantic-Adjacent factions. Any objections there? I was still debating it when I wrote the profiles.
>Also, I do think that non-captain units should be open as mercs to Atlantic-Adjacent factions.
I think so too, the whalur rules seems all set up to encourage taking a few as protection against the bigger Beasts and Deep models, but not too many because if you face a Colonial enemy you debuff yourself.
>Would he also be a hyperborea-adjacent sort?
It can have some shades of Hyperborea, sure, Sky-People don't really have a clue about it or the Deluge so they wouldn't see it as particularly sinister or anything.
>but not too many because if you face a Colonial enemy you debuff yourself.
Also because they might start spawning Ementations which are no joke
Though some units (Miskatonic, Golden Syndicate) might want that since Hyperborean artifacts may end up using pain tokens.
oh what the fuck was that
You know what I mean
Speak of the devil. Here are some ideas i've had for some Hyperborean weapons

Hyperborean Weapons:
When Attacking with a Hyperborean Weapon, the model Attacking must first take a Graze wound.

Hyperborean Memory Gun:
Range 8. -3 Long. Pen 1. Reload 2. [ / ]
Ammo Feed 2.
Flurry. Quick Shot.
*When an Attack from this weapon causes a wound, a identical Attack may be immediately resolved for no Ammo or AP cost.

Hyperborean Thunder Gun:
Range 8. -4 Long. Pen 0. Reload 2. [ G ]
Electrical. Deadly.
*If this attack misses, place a Smoke token on the targeted hex.

Hyperborean Bayonet:
Acc +1. Eva 0. Pen 1. [ / ] / [ X ]
Hemorrhage. Reach. Affixed

A model Deeply or Grievously Wounded by a weapon with Hemorrgage must take a Graze to the Location Wounded and generate a Pain Token whenever it loses AP. Hemorrhage is removed when the relevant Wound is reduced to a Graze.
For the hyperborean weapons rule could you make it so that if there is an adjacent or stored pain token they eat that before causing damage?
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Maybe there could be a weak and strong profile, with the weak profile only needing a graze to use, and the strong profile requiring a pain token also?
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Is all that we seem or save, but a cave within a cave...?
Caves within caves. Worlds within worlds. Cycles within cycles. What has Eiffel wrought? And what has wrought Eiffel?
A variety pack of variously flavored husks:
>Magmatic Husk
A Husk theorized to have been possessed and inhabited by one or more Volcano Spirits. Uncommon. Surprisingly sociable with other Magmatic Husks, they will congregate into colonies around magma vents and other sources of flame. They are exceptionally hostile toward the living, however, seeking to capture them and forcibly create more of themselves.
>Armored Husk
A common sight in the retinues of successful hedge necromancers. Little more than a regular Husk that has had metal plates riveted to their body. Used as bodyguards, primarily, and imbued with a powerful protective instinct toward their creator. Very rarely, one might encounter one with plates of more exotic metals; Oricalchum and Titanium being popular choices for the wealthier necromancers able to afford such extravagance.
>Husk Maledictor
The exact process by which a Maledictor is born is unclear. They are more common in the depths below the Aegean, Egypt, Anatolia, Italy, Mesoamerica, Atlantis, and Atlan. They are never encountered in the lands of Old Mu, and seem to flee from the influence of that place. They wield strange powers to disorient their foes and command swarms of biting insects. Possessed of a fell intellect and a low cunning, they are strangely cognizant despite their clear Husked state. Typically too desiccated to speak, but they can write. Secretive.
>Hungry Husk
Believed to be born from survivors of famines who turn to cannibalism and, in their folly, devour Husks. Degenerated and feral. Obsessed with consuming flesh, especially that of other Husks. Difficult for necromancers to command.
>Bloated Husk
Found primarily on the 5th layer. Exceptionally pungent. Everything around them grows unnaturally damp, making them unpopular among living soldiers. Able to spew foul water with great force in seemingly endless amounts. Less capable of stemming the flow once it begins. Features are bulbous and rotten from exposure to the sea.
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Isaak Eduard Schnitzer was born in 1840 in Silesia to a middle-class family of German Jews. After his father's death, his mother married a Christian, and Isaak was baptized Eduard Carl Oscar Theodor Schnitzer. Studying at the Kolegium Carolinum Neisse in Poland, a physician by 1864, though he would be disqualified from practice in Germany.
With the growing economic depression in Europe, the crisis in Italy, and the looming Austro-Prussian War; Eduard chose to leave Europe behind, seeking employment in the Ottoman Empire.
After distinguishing himself as a quarantine officer in Montenegro; he entered into the service of the Ottoman governor of northern Albania, Ismail Hakki Pasha.
Traveling the Ottoman Empire, he distinguished himself further as a physician, but tragedy struck in 1872.
The Necropolis event.
Hakki Pasha brought Eduard back to Albania, where they attempted to organize the shattered remnants of the Ottoman government in the region. Hakki Pasha died in 1783, and the headless Turkish forces swiftly collapsed under the tide of the dead.
The survivors, Eduard among them, went to ground. In the early days of that terror, few were willing to cooperate. Turks in particular often suffered; the people of the Balkans blaming them not only for the oppression of their ancestors, but also for the looming threat of the Husks.
In that maelstrom, Eduard became a vital figure. A skilled linguist, a respected official, and a renowned doctor. He did his best to rally the remaining living and coordinate with the Unhusked forces elsewhere, and many lives were saved by his evacuation efforts.
Having taken the name Mehemet Emin, he became known as Emin Pasha, and continued to assist in coordinating local resistance against the Husks, Turk and Balkan alike. Long time enemies joined hands after recovering in medical tents run by Emin, putting aside old grudges in the name of survival.
1882. Emin Pasha is 42 years old. Still he strives to cure the Husked and safeguard the living.
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I originally found myself thinking that the Husked Turks needed more characters. That was when I wrote >>94106995 as a proper undead warlord type. Still, I had an idea brewing in the back of my head for some kind of nefarious doctor type who was experimenting with husks as a way to advance humanity as a whole. Create the next stage of human evolution. THE NEXT AGE OF IMMORTAL PAIN. Something like that.
Then I found out about a historical Ottoman doctor who was in Albania during the appropriate time period to get involved in the whole conflict with the Husks and the Unhusked and i thought "Cool!"
Then I found out he was Jewish and I thought, "Aw, fuck. I can't make a historical Jewish guy into an evil necromancer mad scientist."
So I did the opposite of that, and made him a guy in firm opposition to the undead and actively working to coordinate efforts to resist them.
Plus, I figured the Unhusked deserve characters too. He's on the Balkan front, so he's not engaging much with whatever's going on in Anatolia/Arabia/Egypt/Persia. Probably importing Implements of Unhusking, though, to experiment with curing the Husked.
Primarily a fragile healer type, effective at getting disparate groups to work together. He speaks whatever languages are relevant, so if he's got units like the Mystery Meat tagging along, the language barriers aren't an issue.
He's probably very interested in learning what groups like Mu have to say about the Husking process, if only to understand and attack it better. His chief goal is figuring out a way to undo the Necropolis Event and restore Istanbul to a city of the living, but that's a bit of a pie in the sky type thing and he knows it.
He's a practical man. Daily concerns of survival are more important than his lofty ambitions.
I don't think we've had a medical doctor type character yet. Neat!
I agree. Was thinking the same thing.
Maybe it was just because of the map, and your spam list, but this game felt very slow and somewhat repetitive to me. I would like to try Dousicily again on a different map at some point. I really do think most of my problems came from the map, and after that my not committing either shooters or hexers. Don’t want to draw to many conclusions from this game on my side because of all that.
We talked about giving Dousicily access to Ammo Feed. I think that could be done by buffing the Comandante’s Appanage to allow purchasing 3 (or maybe 4 or even 5) weapons from other factions and dolling them out to Soldier models however you chose. Another change I suggest is raising the cost of the Volcano Guards slightly, and allowing Arditi to take Magma Throwers.

I should note we played Javelins different to how they are in the book. We played with them having 0 Pen, but doing a G instead of an X. Also, we played with Slave Soldiers not getting promoted until the end of turn, despite it not saying so in the book. I think Slave Soldiers could use a slight cost increase and could stand to lose 1 Armor on the head, but I admit that might in part be salt talking. That said, if it doesn’t feel good, isn’t that a sign that it isn’t? Personally, I would rather nerf them and keep the cost under 4 than increase the cost. Could always restore some usefulness to them with a Hero trait. Reminds me, we played with Titanium Flask being a once per game thing, but that wasn’t specified: not sure about that now.
If you're looking for a character for husked, you might appreciate this
Best not to make one of the real figures into the Anti-Muhammad, but you could probably make someone up to fill that roll.
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>eadsttcote has 9 layers of the earth
>Norse myth has nine realms
>Asgard is found and accessed over the rainbow bridge Bifröst
>Vanaheim is associated with the Vanir, a group of gods themselves associated with fertility, wisdom, and the ability to see the future
>Midgard is Earth
>Hel/Niflheim was primarily a realm of primordial ice and cold
>That whole Ragnarok thing
I see...
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You know too much. The Fire Giant is coming.
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I went with the simpler, stored pain token option instead of varied profile, simply because this allows us to put the same version of the rule on both Melee and Ranged weapons without having to differentiate between the two (since melee have already different lethality based on strength that would have needed to be reworked.)
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(This one's been on my mind for a while, a sort of Fallout Syndicate robots, perhaps Clockwork Scouts which have been tampered with by the Golden Syndicalists, or a runaway program ran by the G-Men, or just Clockwork Men who'se code have broken down and they started improvising... Mechanically (pun intended) he's going to be a tone-downed version of the Scout which can build up threat if you don't deal with it. Debating adding something to it so it Heals when it Wounds/Kill mechanical units)
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Let me know if you have inspiration for this one, I was thinking Really Lost Man and Agent de La Ombre could be the "bosses" of that list, so stronger the better.
Asking for Directions : Whenever this model moves adjacent to a player model, that model suffers -1 AP on the next turn (max once per turn).
Trying to be Somewhere in Particular: At the end of the turn, if this model has not triggered "Asking for Directions" it loses 1 Discipline and gains 1 AP for the rest of the game,

Burning Every Bridge: After "Asking for Directions" has been triggered at least once, this model may at anytime exit the game by moving off the board. If this model exits the game by moving off the board, it may spend 2 AP to have any models affected by "Asking for Directions" this game take Fire Damage.

Not the anon that suggested it. That look good? Have an idea for him to have a way to turn models into Lost Men, and that gave me an idea for a new Lost Man unit. Will post the new unit and the rule idea in a bit and you guys can pick out the good stuff.
Fated Deserter: Cost 12
AP: 2
Movement: 3, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 5, Discipline: 3, Evasion: 6, Labor: 5, Awareness: 5
Health: 2
Armor: 000

Know My Place:
Once per turn, this model may roll for an action before taking it. The result rolled is used the next time this model would need to roll that die. If the rolled result is not used by the end of this model’s activation, it counts as a Failed Prophesy.

Lost and Found:
During Recruitment, for each Fated Deserter model, select a Soldier, Specialist, or Elite model without the Character, Leader, Necromancer, or Deep keyword from the U.S.A, British, French, Ottoman, Tzardom, or Japanese Faction books that has not been selected through this rule before. This model gains the stats and all special rules of said model, save Discipline, until the end of the game or the first time it is Shaken.
"Beautiful place to get lost...": [2 AP] This model may give a Ration to a Soldier model without the Leader, Specialist, Character, Elite or Deep keywords that has been effected by "Asking for Directions" in order to attempt a Face-to-Face Discipline test against it. If the model wins, replace the target with a Neutral NPC Lost Man that has selected the replaced model for Outcast Dregs. If this model loses, the target becomes permanently immune to "Asking for Directions" and "Burning Every Bridge". This model may give a Warm Meal instead of a Ration to spend 1 AP less and test Awareness instead.
Or, this model may give a Warm Meal to a non-Dousicilian Colonial Faction Soldier, Specialist, or Elite model without the Deep or Necromancer keyword to attempt a Face-to-Face Discipline test against it. If the model wins, replace the target with a Neutral NPC Fated Deserter that has selected the replaced model for Lost and Found (if Lost and Found could not select the model it may not have this action used on it). If this model loses, the target becomes permanently immune to "Asking for Directions" and "Burning Every Bridge".

I think it's cool, but i know it's wordy, so i don't mind if you don't use it. Could probably stand to be trimmed and reworded some; might do that later.
Auroras have been seen pretty far south tonight. Back in spring there was a similar thing, only then it got even farther down.
Looks like >>94127988 wasn't kidding...
>"I'll be on my way": If "Asking for Directions" was used last turn (used on a Leader, Character, or Hero?) this model ignores Engagement from (and may not be Attacked by?) the affected player's models.
Something like that so he doesn't get killed right after asking for directions.

>"Don't mind me": [1 AP] Choose a player an test Awareness. If successful, that player's Expedition may not Attack or Engage this model until the end of next turn. If this Action is failed, the chosen player may not be targeted by this model's "Don't mind me" again.
Same type deal more active. If the previous is simplifed and stapled onto "Asking for Directions" then there might be room for both, especially if you want him to be a kinda mini-boss.
"Beautiful place to get lost...": [1 AP] This model may give a Ration to a model that could be targeted by "Outcast Dregs" and that has been affected by "Asking for Directions" in order to attempt a Face-to-Face Discipline test against it. If this model wins, replace the target with a Neutral NPC Lost Man that has selected the replaced model for Outcast Dregs. If this model loses, the target becomes permanently immune to "Asking for Directions" and gains the owners choice of +1 Awareness or Discipline. This model may give a Warm Meal instead of a Ration to spend 1 AP less and choose either a Face-to-Face Discipline or Awareness test.
Or, this model may give a Warm Meal to a model that could be targeted by "Lost and Found" to attempt a Face-to-Face Discipline test against it. If this model wins, replace the target with a Neutral NPC Fated Deserter that has selected the replaced model for Lost and Found. If this model loses, the target becomes permanently immune to "Asking for Directions" and gains +1 Awareness. This model may give Alcohol in addition to a Warm Meal to Spend 1 AP less and choose either a Face-to-Face Discipline or Awareness test.

If this is used, he should probably start with something like 2 Rations, 3 Material, and 1 Alcohol. Even if it isn't, having him start with Rations and Alcohol would be good flavor. Doesn’t need Material because he can just use your Campfire (you don’t mind, do you?). No light source because lost and Lost Man. Might could have Terrain Affinity: [Obscured].
Nimble would probably be good on him. Low Awareness would be a good joke, but wouldn't work with "Don't mind me" or "Beautiful place to get lost...". Stats close if not same to a Fateless Deserter. Maybe 5 Accuracy if you want him to have attacking directly as a real option, and 7 Discipline if you want him to stick around longer.
Is it just me, or is 4chan having a ton of connecting errors today? Anyone?
Just you, from my end at least
How does that work in-universe? The regular clockwork scout unit only has 8 preprogrammed actions at a time and no internal logic systems.
>The regular clockwork scout unit only has 8 preprogrammed actions at a time and no internal logic systems.
I was debating giving him a set number of AP but opted against it because it would make the hostile control mechanic even more unfair than it can be, but it might not be an issue really.
>and no internal logic systems.
Someone installed a tilt register to it. It can now program its own behavior thanks to it, albeit extremely slowly.
btw I really like the Memory Gun mechanic, I think I'll turn it into its own special rule and have it repeated across a few other weapons, it could work well as something that goes with the Thousand Cut Technique.
Hemorrhage is the same but I feel that one I could also put on other profiles, probably not one weapons themselves, but I'm thinking its something that would work well on a lot of Hostile and Beast profiles as well.
>It can now program its own behavior thanks to it, albeit extremely slowly.
Without a working memory unit (memory in mechanical computers requiring stupid amounts of physical space) it would essentially be a total amnesiac with no knowledge of its surroundings at any point.
I'm not even sure if it can see/hear
If it can modify its own behavior however that does explain the sort of randomized behavior it undertakes once it's revealed. How it was maintaining the disguise is best left unknown (My bet is that they slipped it in right as the battle started)
>Without a working memory unit
I'll have to dig up the essay, I'm really not even sure where I read it, but iirc it was going on about how early tilt registers could be turned into Turing Machines.
Maybe it was running a random or semi-random pattern that happened to deceive the people around it. The fools conviction influences the odds and visuals through Agarthan fuckery, so the illusion is only broken when something that they think is even more impossible happens to the bot.
>"Sergeant, Private Atkins has been walking into a wall for the past half hour"
>"He's right over th- oh, he's standing by the fire now"
>"That last skirmish with Atlan must have really gotten to the poor bugger"
I buy it.
For thematic unity, should I move the Skysaurs and Dire Skysaurs to the Roof Raider sections, which has fewer entry than most at the moment? I feel we could more easily come up with new Saurs than new Flyers...
It'll end up sticking out no matter what so let me know what annoys you the least I guess...
Testing the connection now. I cannot seem to be able to upload images, but at least I can post written text.
Yep, this works, images keep failing.
I feel like having flying units in some of the other lists is better than putting them exclusively in the Roof Raiders list, but also that we could easily come up with some more saur ideas. The Venomsaur springs to mind.
Strange. Any idea as to why?
Keep the Skysaur where it is, and move the Dire Skysaur over?
We could always have a Prehistoric Predators (2) list if need be. By the way, isn't weird how there aren't any (flying [forgot about Terror Bird, but still]) bird units? "No birds in Agartha" would be a cool addition to the lore, if it isn't there already.
Should have Discipline raised to 4. That's what i had at first, but changed last second.
>Strange. Any idea as to why?
No idea, the images I've tried are all below the maximum file size and some of them were posted in previous threads, so it must be my connection. I'll wait until tomorrow to try again.
There was posting about an Atlan officer type thing. This is what i came up with. Thoughts?

Battle Axe of The Republic: Cost 5
Acc -3. Eva 0. Pen 3, [ G ] / [ G ]
Cumbersome. Deadly. Reach. Light Source 4
*A model equipped with this weapon gains the Leader Keyword if it does not have it and 1 LP. Only one model in an Expedition may equip this weapon.

This would be able to be taken by Reconquerers, Immortals, Wall Priests, Resonant Representatives, and War Masters.
Tuning Bident should be on Immortals, Wall Priests, Toltaikos, and Gargoyles in addition to ResRep.
As a side note, i realized we could sorta kinda do both Threshold and comparison at the same time by putting a Strength malus on a weapon.
>"No birds in Agartha"
I think we should have a variety of (variably dangerous or not) flightless birds, but none that can fly.
no Thunder Bird?
Feels like a missed opportunity.
IMO it should be a layer-dependent thing (Third layer might be birdless but not 4th, etc.)
I was looking at Caltrops earlier, and i think they should be gotten rid of. They feel too real, especially for an Agarthan faction. Besides, Atlantis doesn't use many mounts, Lemuria isn't a direct threat, and i doubt that Mu's saurs notice more than a prick. If they are kept, i think they should be changed to only stop charges from certain mounts and become a generic Colonial thing. I think we could keep them and keep them well if we try, the question is if it is worth it. To me, that answer is no.

Mantraps are cool. Will work those into a slave catching mechanic. Leaping Flower is something i personally dislike, but it doesn't hurt the fantasy i don't think, and if we do cut Caltrops then there really needs be another thing for Tools of The Trade to matter much.
Thunder Bird would work better as a Hyperborean thing, no? If we did an Agarthan Thunder Bird we could make it really fast and electrical, but still flightless.
I think the same. Do we count turkeys and chicken as flightless? What about peafowl?
Thunderbirds don't fly. they can, however, climb on/through clouds and jump between them.
Maybe they run on ceilings and pillars, and live on mountains and stalagmites? So looking from below they seem to be flying through clouds. Could be a much needed unit for Roof Raiders. They can see through the clouds, and jump down from them when prey creeps close, then quickly jump up through the clouds again with their meal. Something like that?
Horses exist in lower layers, I bet Lemurian Tigers don’t like stepping on them, and they’re probably more effective against Saurs than you give them credit for. Especially the bigger, heavier ones whose feet have too much ground contact to avoid them.
All tools of the trade were just random ass placeholder ideas, I don't mind if they are changed into something cooler.
>Horses exist in lower layers
When was that confirmed?
>When was that confirmed?
The Hornless Gorg and his copycats ride black horses, the Lost Men and La Ombre have brought surface horses with them, and there was an idea posted a while ago for wooly horses native to the 9th I think.
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Finally, I can post images.
>>Horses exist in lower layers
>When was that confirmed?
Lemurian chariots?
Somehow it never occurred to me that the Lemurians might be using horses for their chariots.
What would they use?
Maybe Tigers? I don’t know, that probably runs into the Kislev problem of everything being bears and ice. Sacred bulls could be an option. Maybe really small elephants. Some kind of domesticated horse-shaped bat. Saurs.
No complaints about horses, though. No reason everything needs to be 100% wacky all the time.
I never even questioned if there would be horses, I saw the Charioteers on the compass and just assumed.
Maybe this is a kneejerk reaction but I feel (and I might not have thought about it long enough to explain it properly) like statement such as "there are no [x] in Agartha" should mostly be left to DM fiat (not sure if I'm using the term right).
Or, you should always picture these statements being said by some fool repeating something he's heard before while being Underground and there's a flock of birds flying right behind him right then...
And my logic on this is that if you put yourself from the point-of-view of a player or someone learning about the world, you can picture it for months and years before arriving on that tidbit and suddenly your image of the world changes, and not so much in a way that enriches it, I think?
Obviously we can't avoid some negative statements but I feel they should not be that wide-ranging, not unless they are very clearly stated and possibly not unless they have a deep impact on the setting...?
I also assumed it was mostly horses, with deep camels and bison mixed in. Maybe Mammoths for really big stuff. I think horses aren't native outside the 6th, but they are probably quite wide spread and common now in human populated areas because of colonial influence. Like in the Americas.
I didn't explain well, sorry. The point is that it's odd for Atlan in particular to have caltrops exclusively.
>I think horses aren't native outside the 6th, but they are probably quite wide spread and common now in human populated areas because of colonial influence
On the 6th? Epigean powers haven't reached beyond the 5th. And even then, how useful would horses be on the 5th for colonial powers over there? If there are horses on the 5th and beyond, they are probably not there because of the epigeans.
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Also, now that I can post images again, any updates for the names of the layers?
Me and Atlan anon had come up with Esogea for the 7th, "inner/mysterious land/earth", since naming the whole Layer Mu was a bit weird...?
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So only the 8th remains unnamed?
I thought that was for the 8th?
>aren't native outside the 6th
Meaning only native to the 6th.
To be completely fair, given all the migrations, it is not unreasonable for horses to be present down to the 6th. But personally I always kinda assumed saurs, olms, tigers and other more exotic mounts were the norm. At the very least the 4th Layer must be really inhospitable for horses, given how anytime Mu nomads are mentioned its saur this and saur that.
I have an idea for lore for the 8th. But it will have to wait.
We still have yet to cross the Trikitikki.
>I always kinda assumed saurs, olms, tigers and other more exotic mounts were the norm
I think it depends on the people and the layer. I imagine horses are only normal for Lemuria and Colonials.
>4th Layer must be really inhospitable for horses
All the saurs running around probably makes it hard for them to not get eated. Could also be that Mu hates horses.
>anytime Mu nomads are mentioned its saur this and saur that.
i figured that had something to do with the intelligent saurs in mu
something something, mistake not the rider for the steed
Since no one really lives down there I propose the 8th has a scientific name applied by colonials.
Or alternatively just call it Chthonia
I think all the lore we have on the 8th is that it's Akamemdags home and the line from Kubla Khan.
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>”It is unclear if this place was ever inhabited… These ruins are a tangle of countless different architectural styles and half-sunken besides.”
>”The Morlocks here are strange, stranger than those above…”
>”Why does the old man dwell in this place? What connection does he have to it?”
>”The Prophecy they speak of… The Shadows whisper it to me every night we camp here.”
>”Even with a torch in my hand, I can scarcely see ahead of me. Where is the Inner Sun?”
>"They've yet to cast the bullet that will end me."

Mikhail Skobelev
Cost : 40 Silver
Leadership : 6
AP : 2
Discipline : 7
Movement : 3
Evasion : 6
Accuracy : 6
Labour : 4
Strength : 7
Awareness : 5

0 everywhere

3 In Body
1 in Head
2 in Limbs

>General Abilities:
-Quick Strike (Sabre)
-Hatred: Germany
-Hatred: Austria-Hungary

>Special Abilities:
- White General : Friendly models within 5 of this one gain +1 Discipline.
- Courting Death: Regain 1 LP every time this model suffers a Grievous wound, up to +3 per skirmish.
- Seize the Initiative: (1 LP)
While this model is on the field, you may, once per turn, spend LP to activate a Soldier model immediately after your previous activation.
- Reconnaissance Raid: (2 LP 2 AP)
When this model is your Leader, you may put up to 4 models into Reserve during the Deployment phase. After using this ability, deploy these models within 3 of this one. These models gain Nimble for the rest of the turn. This ability may be used when Hidden, but ends the status when activated.
- Bayonets Before Bullets: (3 LP 1 AP)
After using this ability, pick up to 4 Soldier models within 3 of it. For 3 turns, this model and the models picked gain +1 movement, +2 Evasion, may Affix their weapons for free, and gain Nimble and Deadly (Sabre, Pike, Bayonet) when engaged in Melee.

Sabre, S&W pistol, Horse
So Skobelev was known for:
Being a very inspiring commander
Always getting into the thick of it and getting wounded a lot but always pulling through
Valuing initiative and independent thinking in soldiers
Hating Germans (the only strictly German hnits are Landsknecht bots but there might be more)
His daring reconnaisance raids and a knack for espionage (once when vacationing in France he just spontaneously decided to cross the border to Spain infiltrate the Carlist positions to study their guerilla tactics)
And I swear I read somewhere that he had a thing for bayonet charges but I might be making shit up.
As you can see I tried to reflect that in his profile.
I decided to cannibalize Rochebrune's concept profile, since I'd rather have a Tsardom leader than another French unit.
He might be a bit strong, but if we intend to make Tsardom rank and file low Disc and weaker, I think with the cost it should balance out.
I do intend to give the entire army a look over for better synergy, new units and what not anyway.
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>I thought that was for the 8th?
Ah, my mistake more than likely. It kinda works for both, perhaps better for the 8th...
In other news I am on vacation as of today for a week, and will hopefully push a lot on this project during this time.
First I have to finish the Beastiary, which I hope to do by the end of today or tomorrow at the latest. I apologize in advance about this, but I may end up shitting up some profiles on my own to get it done in that timeframe. Those profiles can always be replaced by better ones later on.
I wanna do this first because there's another project I've hinted at that needs it done and that's the next step after. I apologize for being a tease on this one, I want to explain why I'm posting a bit less lately, I'm not losing interest *at all*, just working on something that I feel needs to be almost finished before it looks good. Hopefully by the middle of the week or so I'll be able to post something on that.
Then I'll get back to Sky-Clans and finish them proper. Since Whalurs aren't going to be a big roster I might be able to do their book in between other stuff.
This is a lo but after today if any anons wants a game, your requests takes priority over this. If you'd prefer another option for voice chat over disc*rd, please let me know, as long as its free I absolutely don't care what we use. If you haven't played before, I'll intro you to all the rules and take care of setting up absolutely everything.
>The Venomsaur springs to mind.
Was there more meat to it than just its name being mentioned?
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First drop of new Hostile profiles, this one for the Flora list.
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This one here being one of the more dangerous profiles of that list. I'll keep putting in a "cost" to all profiles even if they are not intended to be purchased or the upcoming change to the Loot & Trophy rules discussed before, more as an indication of how dangerous the model is supposed to be than anything else.
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Same with this one, but for the Hyperborean list. Not the "boss" result, that'll be the Derelict Tripod, but right beneath that in level of oh we are fucked. I wanted to reuse the Long Coil rule and this popped up in my head last night before I fell asleep. Obviously, Emanations are still up in the air but whatever. Probably something an hypothetical Hyperborean list will be really glad they spawned.
Ok, I won't feel too restrained then, thank you.
Back to it.
Is suptg down?
>This is a lo but after today if any anons wants a game, your requests takes priority over this. If you'd prefer another option for voice chat over disc*rd, please let me know, as long as its free I absolutely don't care what we use. If you haven't played before, I'll intro you to all the rules and take care of setting up absolutely everything.
I'm up on the 15th if you're available. About time I actually played the game. I'm in nightshift mode rn, so preferably somewhen after 19-20:00. My timezone should be +1 hour from France. And I will absolutely need some handholding with setting things up since the last time I've played tabletop was in a loony bin with fellow draft dodgers, using a single d6.
Seems like it
I imagine it's something like this whenever the Lost Men and the Knights of Britannia turn up to the annual Mercenary Meet & Greet
The time approaches.
"Fucking normalsaxons, reee" - Lost King Malcolm, 1881
On it!

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