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Germany "soon" Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

>TQ1 : Please suggest names for smaller ethnic groups in the Deep, for the coming Deepfolks book. It doesn't need to come with with any large blurb, the name itself is fine, if you have a reason and want to explain it go for it, same for a little bit of lore, but its not 100% necessary.

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(There's at least one thread missing here, but I've saved the last ones to my computers, so at least none of it is lost.)
Random Deepfolk Tribe Names:
>Saurbone Arrowhead Culture (Currently uncontacted, only known about through eponymous artifacts. Suspected to reside within pillar-caves.)
>The Argh Tribe (Neanderthals have very onomatopoeic names for their tribes. Only the cities stick fancy titles to the end of the names)
>Chikashminko Tribe (Theorized to be related to the Chickasaw people as they inhabit the region near the Kentuckian entrance and show much less biological adaptation to Agartha compared to other Deepfolk)
>The Ground People (Derogatory Exonym given by the Sky People and later adopted by the tribe. This group inhabits a massive fallen stalactite, though it is unclear if they were originally Sky People or if they only moved into the preexisting constructions on the formation.)
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>>The Ground People
Kek. We don't have anyone that hates the Sky-Clans so that could be it.
I wasn't sure if him having 3 Health boxes was intended, they were messed up on their placement. I removed it on this one because 2 is much more common than 3, and lowered its price to where I thought he should be.
The one thing however, doesn't feel right that the Askari ends up being better than the BAP, Troupe and most other main line infantrymen of each factions. I know its part of the lore you built, but while Prone and with a Schuztruppe next to it, its Ranged hits from a Mauser is on a 7 from 8-17 and on 8 from 1-7, its Melee hit on a Bayonet is on 9s.
I would suggest lowering their Accuracy to 4~5 (which pumps back to 6~7 with all their buffs), their Discipline by 1 (so 4+Fear Deep) and set their price around ~8?
As well as add to the buff rule on the Officer that he grants them both +1 Accuracy and +1 Strength. Would make them geared toward melee a bit more, but not so much that you just throw them at the enemy, just, once the gap is closed, these are the once you'd send first to delay the enemy getting to your fortifications.
Let me know what you think.
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Doesn't really count as a conversion, but pewter is hard to cut, and the mini has been gathering dust for too long, so here's a Saur Knight on Cavesaur leading a Saur Stampede.
He's got a very
>"Come at me Outlander scum!"
energy to his sculpt.
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Here's a Wip of my Retiarioi on Molebat. I'll replace the sword by a trident and add a leash to it.
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That's metal (in more ways than one)
God, I love the morlocks.
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Cutting the accuracy to 5 and cutting cost down to 9 silver per Askari seems appropriate.

They're meant to be a more melee-oriented skirmish screen in comparison to Pioniere or Jaeger. Card looks good otherwise.

Also, the art on the Moltke card is the elder uncle. The unit was meant to reflect his nephew, but he is usually depicted in photographs. This is the closest I can get to the style of the other tokens from your other cards.
Thank you, I wasn't sure.
>TQ1 : Please suggest names for smaller ethnic groups in the Deep, for the coming Deepfolks book. It doesn't need to come with with any large blurb, the name itself is fine, if you have a reason and want to explain it go for it, same for a little bit of lore, but its not 100% necessary.
Name them after African tribes
The only entrances in Africa (that we know about) are in Egypt and Ethiopia, why would the etymology converge? (This is working from the theory that all human and human-adjacent species in Agartha came from the surface in eons past)
I could definitely see entrance-adjacent cultures like the Maya bleeding down over time though.
>The Urncave Clan
Known for cremating their dead and burying them in urns. Excellent metalworkers, for deepfolk tribals.
>The Cairnborn
They paint themselves with skeletal patterns and sacrifice the living to the dead. Charioteers and headhunters.
I think you are overthinking why someone might suggest that.
It did get me thinking, I would bet diamonds to dollars (pun intended) that there are sub-Saharan entrances as-of-yet undiscovered. We could riff off how the deepest mines in the world are in South Africa if we wanted to give the Boer wars an Agarthan spin (though considering how many units and entrances already exist I think it would be best to just have it as lore hints for something that might be discovered soon rather than something actually known about, like the occasionally mentioned Australian entrance which lies directly over the Mu/Atlan border)
Given the lack of colonial focus on Africa and the Boer wars being a smidge out of the time period, we can probably mark that down as "one of the things that leads into/happens during the Boer wars" and not get too bogged down by it.

Also how is the "Stand around and look mean" rule on the reclaimer supposed to work? Does it end the reclaimer's turn? Does it let you pre-empt the other player with three activations in a row? Can it be used on already activated units?
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>God, I love the morlocks.
They are indeed very endearing. Its no surprise Brits, Americans and now Germans all have their own dedicated Morlock unit (I guess between Indigenous Saur Riders and Amazons we French never felt the need to claim the Courtesan as our own...)
> Picrel
Suggestion on Blub Blub is to give the model a bit more relevancy. Morlock Constitution makes it fragile enough it doesn't warrant any change in price.
Glub Glub is just to put it in line with Wilhelm's.
The Men Find Him Amusing, there's not many LP actions in the book so even with the LP cost I think it more than makes up for it. There aren't many "once per battle" abilities now, I've cleaned most of those out a while ago (if the LP cost is high enough it does essentially the same thing), and in this case the timing was a bit weird and could be interpreted at least 2 ways I can think of right now.
(Discipline Tests do not happen that often in game either, so for folks wondering why there's so many of those, iirc, when we talked about it, Kaiser Anon mentioned he wanted either the Belagerungstaktik or a faction-wide rule allowing Discipline checks instead of Labourfor stuff like repairs, building, Neukraft, etc... )
>Also how is the "Stand around and look mean" rule on the reclaimer supposed to work?
I'll give my reading, Atlan anon might have a different one,
Its an Action that let you Activate 2 Slave models within 3 of the Reclaimer resolving it, and spend max 1 AP on each. If you still have AP on the Reclaimer you can continue its Activation after. Models may be Reactivated as long as they have AP and you have not Activated a Shaken model yet, so the Slaves that it got used on can later be Activated themselves.
It essentially messes around with the turn structure and allow you to show activations down your opponent's throat, however you do have a 50% chance of wasting the AP on the Reclaimer.
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>Cutting the accuracy to 5 and cutting cost down to 9 silver per Askari seems appropriate.
Does this works for you? The low Discipline shouldn't be too much of an issue given you'll always have 2 if not 3 models who can Rally in this Expedition, and you can cancel Fear [Deep] with Heinrich... It should still make them preferable in faction to nearly every Mercs you could wish for, at that price. If you want to push the "skirmishing screen" angle, we could given them some Terrain Affinities as well, that way they maintain their speed across more maps.
>how is the "Stand around and look mean" rule on the reclaimer supposed to work?
>Does it end the reclaimer's turn?
Not necessarily. You're either spending 1 or 2 AP on a model with 2 AP. If he has Snacked then his AP will be at 3 or 4, so in those cases even if you spend both AP his Activation would simply be interrupted.
>Does it let you pre-empt the other player with three activations in a row?
It's two as of now, but otherwise, yes. I guess it is technically three, but five times out of six, it will be functionally two (and five times out of ten it will be a half).
>Can it be used on already activated units?
Yes. Unless you're houseruling no-reactivation that would be a rather niche application of the rule, as it grants no AP, but there's no reason you couldn't.
>Its an Action that let you Activate 2 Slave models within 3 of the Reclaimer resolving it, and spend max 1 AP on each
It was meant to be that you spend an additional AP on the Reclaimer if you succeed the roll. "Spend 1AP to test Str, and if yes pay another 1AP to Activate 2 Slave models within 3 of this model".
>"Spend 1AP to test Str, and if yes pay another 1AP to Activate 2 Slave models within 3 of this model".
I might not have thought about it back when we discussed it, but if its meant to be 2 full Activations, it seems to me this is too easy to break, probably not your intent, and not in basic conditions, but if those Slaves Snacked the turn before that'll go from potentially 1 AP to 6~8 in one go. None of the Slaves are great, so maybe its not that much, but a swarm Expedition playing similarly to mine last Morlock vs Olm thread could end up really nasty.
Would you like to try it as you intended. in an Expedition built specifically to exploit it, to see how bad it can get? Perhaps a prelude to the Khan vs Titking game?
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Looks great. If we take a historical approach, areas like Cameroon, Namibia, and the Tanzania would be representative of where Askari would be recruited. Affinities for Jungle, Desert, Savannah or Rainforest, that sort of thing.
True. Even if it isn't too strong, it'd be fucking annoying. Still, it isn't that hard to counter (just have to engage him), isn't reliable, and such a maneuver would be predictable and unreliable without multiple Reclaimers. Could make it so you have to be Adjacent or within 2 so it's harder to set up (equipping a Whip extends range?). Could change the stat being tested to Awareness, so you would really need multiple, but in that case the range should probably be kept the same or only reduced to 2 (like the idea of whips extending the range). In any case, an LOS requirement should probably be added.
Slaves aren't good, but they aren't really bad either.
I don't feel the need to, but if you want to i would. I do like the idea of a prelude, if for no other reason so we can actually get a god damned game in this month. I'll be busy every weekend, so a smaller Atlan vs Mu game we could knock out over a couple week nights would be nice.
>True. Even if it isn't too strong, it'd be fucking annoying.
There's that. You remember my Heroi running in and wasting 6 AP back then? Feels bad.
I like the idea of having the Whip extend the range, if its set to adjacent by default it should be fine.
>I do like the idea of a prelude, if for no other reason so we can actually get a god damned game in this month.
Had a bunch of stuff planned for later this week cancel today, I could either Thursday or Friday evening?
>I like the idea of having the Whip extend the range, if its set to adjacent by default it should be fine.
Me too. Let's try that then.
Thursday would be good. Have you posted the updated Mu book?
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Ah! For once, yes.
Here it is, because why not.
Might as well post the list that I'm modelling for: (Equipment and titanium cost and hero traits are factored in but I don't want to dig up the paper copy to double-check)
>1 Warmaster (built for ranged)
>1 Immortal
>2 Reclaimers
>2 Titanium Miners (6 models split onto two bases)
>Remainder of list filled out w/slave soldiers (My current math has either 2 or 3, depending on their loadouts)
Which puts my at around 150 silver IIRC. Everyone with titanium armour is given a titanium weapon. It's supposed to represent a prospecting operation. My head-canon is that the reclaimers take more spring-gunners than other Atlan branches because they have access to more Titanium and are therefore less worried about wasting it in bullet form. Plus it helps to have someone to shoot at the slaves if they try to run.
The next list I will build will be a traditional British one but I'm still traumatized from my first attempt at painting redcoats with white webbing so it might be a while yet. After that maybe a Mu revenant/saur list and then I might be able to scrape together some Lemurians without having to buy new minis.
I forgot there's also a spring gunner. If I want a 200 unit version I just add a few more slave soldiers and a Hospitalizer. It sucks that the limited release GW crow knight was limited release because he'd be perfect for that one.
Double sweet.

Guess we should play a fight over a Titanium lode.
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>Guess we should play a fight over a Titanium lode.
Sure. I could whip up a Cavernous map. Small game, small map, 150 Silver?
> picrel
New Arctic map. Not much else to say.
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>Thursday would be good.
>Had a bunch of stuff planned for later this week cancel today, I could either Thursday or Friday evening?
Welp, apparently things got canceled so that my boss would be free to put me on-call tomorrow afternoon, there's supposedly the snowstorm of the decade coming in (35cm, pretty respectable as far as snowstorms are concerned). I think we should push the game back, since if I get called in I probably won't be in a position to warn you in advance, and for something like this I can't really refuse.
If you can Friday (morning or evening) then I'll do everything I can to have it then, otherwise I have Monday free too.
Friday morning would be good, but we would have to be done by 1.
Morning Friday should work, 9 sharp?
If you could have your list ready by tomorrow night I'll make sure to have the rooms and lists ready.
9 sharp, yes. Will post like tomorrow.
damn... what a waste.
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One thought I had last week was that Morlocks might be an Old Muan delicacy. It would explain why they die so easily, I bet they were designed to come apart like tenderized meat without having to be cooked. Alternatively they might just be naturally awful through the evolutionary rule of "good enough."
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>an Old Muan delicacy
Probably. Morlock is a Morlock delicacy right from the start.
>Alternatively they might just be naturally awful through the evolutionary rule of "good enough."
They spread quick enough that yeah, health issues are not much of a concern. Being fragile and seen as "relatively" harmless (beside to your senses, I mean) couples well with a very high reproduction rate, if its by design, then it could as well be to have them infiltrate all the Layers as much as possible. And making them amphibious means that deepfolks can't always wipe them out easily.
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>A Mu temple, somewhere in the 4th layer. Of particular interest is the obelisk-like protrudings, a unique feature not reproduced anywhere else within Agartha. Strangely, the Mu themselves claim they did not build it, instead discovering it during their early migrations, drawn their through manner obscure. It has all the features of a typical temple, multiple altars, space for congregational worship, Muic symbolodgy, etc. but when visiting it one cannot help but feel an eerie, unsettling feeling that intensifies as one draws closer to the central altar, as if one is committing some great blasphemy by even entering this space, though the priests are remarkably and earnestly appreciative of visitors. Perhaps it was something I had eaten in one of their markets. Or maybe, as one worshipper told me, it was the weight of ages past, the great deluge of history, that weighed upon my soul in this place.
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I like this one, I should be able to do a good edit with it.
> picrel
Trying to rush all the backlog to Atlan (there's a lot so I won't be finished tonight). Here's the Baron, I've wrapped the Torch Bearer and Pyrophile rule together, and extended the original one to grant free Icons of Prometheus and apply to the promoted Slaves, its not like the IoP is going to be that broken anyway. I've bumped the price a bit. I lowered his Strength and Awareness, there's no reason for him to match a Terrorsaur on the Charge, and this way it'll make taking the mounts more relevant. I've bumped his price a bit because I do think that he brings a lot to the table.
Very good.
All good changes.
Doing list for tomorrow now. Will post soon.
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Cool, I've done the traits, the Icons and the Grotesque already, I don't think I can do Perdix or the rest.
For picrel I wanted to cut down on the rules on it because it goes in too many directions, and 7 is a lot of unique rules, so I removed Pearlescent Glow, I think there won't be that many times you can hit her and will elect not to. The Refined Guard should end up the same more or less, I'll just put a (+ Polished Icon) next to its Merc entry.
I set Hard to be Soft to only be Soldiers and Slaves, I think that's the best way to limit its impact so you don't end up getting fucked by a cheeky Titanium Golem getting removed late in the game, after it pummeled everyone.
Leader: 24
Warmaster (9+3) Slave Driver (4) Aggression in Moderation (2) Duelist (3) Precise (1) Spring Gun (1) Ration (1) {25}
Follower: 126
2[ Titanium Miner (6) Pickax (1) ] {14}
2[ Reclaimer (12) Whip (1) Ration (1) ] {28}
Atlan Immortal (17) Sword (1) Shield (2) Ration (1) {21}
4[ Arkodamode (7) 2hSword (3) Javelin (1) Ration (1) ] {48}
Spring Gunner (12) Spring Gun (1) Climbing Gear (1) Ration (1) {15}

Modified version of >>95039058 . Just swapped Slave Solders for Arkodamode so the list would be smaller and still use all the silver.
>swapped Slave Solders for Arkodamode so the list would be smaller and still use all the silver.
Actually, Slave Soldier with Titanium 2hSword and Javelin is also 12 Silver. So, i could have taken 4 of that Slave Soldier with Battle Master of The Republic and a Buckler on Warmaster. That would probably be better, as the more faithful option.
Having now looked at the paper (previous post was from work) I can tell you that the warmaster I planned for is not rules-legal because he has 8 hero traits (I did not realize until recently the exact limitations of hero traits and so took 2 from unit, 1 from faction, and 5 from generic)

I'd advise slapping a hospitalizer or veiled daughter in there too since they were put on the paper as well (listed as a choice between the two)
The British list meanwhile is A lieutenant, Analytical Engineer, Sergeant Major, 4 BaPs, something listed as "Battle Aux" with translator, fearsome, and modern equipment, and "hired hands?!!" scribbled in the corner.
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Here we go, I'll try to get the rest done tomorrow so we can put it to rest for a while, just focus on playing it (and other stuff).
If there's anything you wish to switch over from your list just let me know.
Now unto the list. Wont be long.
I'll follow up with the strategy I had in mind:
>Reclaimers stand in front and make the slaves dig good
>Titanium miners use Holing out if trying to flank, excavate gamble for ore otherwise
>Slave soldiers stand behind Reclaimers or on the sides and use ranged/reach weaponry and laugh because there is a wall of titanium between them and the enemy
>Immortal eats paste somewhere while his fat ass prevents casters, artillery, or worst of all, diplomacy, from getting LoS on the Warmaster. He also removes anyone who tries to teleport or movespam too close
>Warmaster screams at slaves to mine faster while taking potshots with his drinking buddy (Spring Gunner)
New Mu Master 10 - 66
Saur Order Master 15
Megasaur 25
Saur Howdah 10
Pike 3
Precise 1
Duelist 2

4x Phalanxman 8 - 55
Pike 3
Javelins 1

New Mu Tallyman 15 - 17
Eldritch Staff 2

New Mu Priestess 15 - 17
Eldritch Staff 2

Some room left for rations or some play with other traits.
last thread added to the archives, seems like it didnt work last time.
82- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2025/94893612/
sup/tg/ has been melting a little for me but it normally fixes itself after a few weeks of threads being unviewable.
4plebs is always available as an alternative since it automatically archives everything, but you'll have to search for threads manually.
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Gonna be a couple minutes more and I`m logging on the disc*rd.
"He smashed their watch-houses
and made a breach in their fortress.
He made a breach in their fortress
and the Sky Giants fled from his path.
He brought radiance and clothed Deepfolks in it, and brought them forth in glory from the world.
The Sky Giants with their demons and phantoms, sit in lamentation.
They all sit in lamentation
for the man who has escaped from the earth,
for the man who has escaped from the earth,
and made a breach in their fortress.
He made a breach in their fortress
and was brought forth with glory from the world.
When the Sky Giants saw this,
They saw themselves as powerless, they turned back and set forth again on their way
The Fate breaker and his chosen people ascended with praise
and viewed the Place of Light"

- Extract from the Right Sub-Ginza III 15, held as a prophecy by the Mandeans Deepfolks. Colonial intelligence services are at a loss as to why it is so often quoted by La Ombre agents.
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The war for the Titan's Gate has been going on for months now, with both sides showing clear signs of exhaustion. Tens of thousands of men (and hundreds of thousands of Morlocks) have become casualties in the daily grind for a few more meters of the Northern Pass, and both Atlan and Mu are down to using their reserve forces, rather of their preferred methods of throwing slaves, morlocks or nomads at the enemy.
Today, in one of the more arid part of the Pass, a lone Megasaur carrying a Saur Knight and some attendants tries to push through and break the line, but is quickly met by an elite cell of promoted Slave Soldiers led by their Reclaimers and Warmaster. Both move to engage each other the fastest possible.
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(walls were going to be a huge issue for me to deal with, and Atlan anon posted them in front of all of my deployment zone, so I had really no better option to deploy this close to him)
> Atlan takes the initiative and the Reclaimer whips 2 of the Arkodamodes into moving and chucking their javelins at the Megasaur, sticking a few in the Saur's body and one in its head.
> The Megasaur charges them, but both the saur and Knight misses on its attacks. The Phalanxman will have more luck and manages to kill two (pikes are good).
> A third Arkodamode charges in and chucks a javelin, which the megasaur dodges (the mental image still makes me laugh), then swing at it with his sword and manages to somehow hits its head.
> The Spring gunner climbs the wall and takes a shot, but misses. The rest of the Atlan force shuffles forward, the Miners getting heavily slowed as they move through the dunes.
> The Tallyman throws fireballs at the Immortal through its Eldritch Staff, the attack proper does nothing but the Fire manages to leave an X on it and strip some Titanium.
> The Priestess uses her revivification powers on the Saur, fails the first attempt but succeed on the second, which removes the Head wound.
> The Warmaster rallies through LP.
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> I start swinging at the engaged Arkodamode with the Phalanxmen and manage to kill him, but it takes more activations than I thought it would, and Atlan Anon gets a streak of criticals in a row, with 4~5 attacks hitting the Megasaur right on its head. (I could have tried to heal it more but I really didn't expect that much damage in a row.) The beast and its master goes down, leaving its passengers in a precarious position.
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> The Muans recover very well however, and between the Phalanxmen's attacks and the fireballs from both the Tallyman and the Priestess, the last remaining Arkodamode and the Immortal goes down, bringing me back in the lead for Silver.
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> The miners are finally in a position to start swinging their pickaxes at the enemy soldiers, but there's a reason they were sent to the mines, and out of all their attacks only 1 connects, leaving only a Graze on the front Phalanxmen.
> These focuses on the first group of Miners, and in the end manages to bring the group down.
> Fireballs are chucked at the Atlan line, wounding a Reclaimer and again stripping some titanium, but unfortunately it is not enough.
> A few lucky shots from the Spring Gunner later, the Tallyman lays dead. This is enough to shake my entire group except the Priestess, and she cannot Rally, so I give the game to Atlan Anon, as it also just brought him in the lead as well. A clean victory.
End of the game results
> Atlan : 83 Silver, 2 Dread
> Mu : 74 Silver, 5 Dread
Victory to Atlan!
This may look like one of those games that went down disastrously for me, but the whole time it felt really close, even after the big boy got taken out. Probably one of the most enjoyable games I've had, which I think goes to show that you don't enhance your enjoyment that much by trying to fine tune your list so much, or by trying to bring dozens of toys and special gimmicks.
To the anon who tried to get in the room after the game and asked for the disc*rd server, sorry, I saw your request late, here is the link, https://discord.gg/pMkwJmP3 it is not used frequently, mostly to coordinate games, I'll upload the books and assets later on today on it, no reason not to I guess.
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A few theories on Amazons:
>Occam's Amazons
Amazons are simply human women, changed in some fashion by the deep. Perhaps women can be inducted into the Amazons and become as strong as them. First proposed by Beauchamp, though he declined to defend the theory publicly.
>Darwin's Orchids
As observed by Darwin, some species of flowers are capable of changing sex. Amazons also possess this capability, and change between genders in order to maintain their female-only population. Perhaps the "male" form is indistinguishable to outsiders, but identifiable to Amazons.
>Succubi and Incubi
Put forth by the Papists, the theory is that Amazons seduce men in order to steal the means to inseminate one another in pagan rituals deep within their jungle compounds.
>Drunk's Orchids
Some claim to have seen Amazons emerging from foliage "as though being born" while on expeditions in the deep. While this is almost certainly an observation of their ambushing capabilities, some insist that Amazons grow one another from plants. Though the theory holds little water, it persists nonetheless.
>Hippolyta's Heiresses
Amazons are a widespread culture of deepfolk. For whatever reason, gender norms among them are flipped. Women are warriors, men are caregivers. Male Amazons are not seen because the women are violently protective of their husbands and brothers.
Amazons are the female counterpart to the Gorgs. The two groups only meet at specific times in order to interact peacefully, otherwise they remain hostile to one another.
Shame the miners never managed to mine, but with the deployment being like it was I can see why. Although with the critstreak AtlanAnon rolled I bet he could have won through excavations too.
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The husk warband grows!
Not too sure who will lead it, I'll probably model La Ira de Deu, but I want to use these for introducing a friend of mine and finally getting a physical game going in the near future and that would probably work better with another Leader.
We still don't have a name for the 8th?
I proposed a few a while back, as well as a few ideas for the layer itself. As far as I know, no consensus was reached on either topic.
I just call it the 8th.
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>I proposed a few a while back
Do you remember what these were?
Sweet, I could build from these for the Amazon book intro.
Speaking of which, I'll let them cook a bit more before pushing further on them, inspiration will eventually come, I'm sure.
I'll switch to the Deepfolks for now, since I'm getting the feeling they could be set as a very simple, very generic faction that doesn't do complex gimmicks like the bigger Deep Nations, so focusing more on Common Special Rules than anything else, and I think this might give me some ideas on how Amazons and Gorgs could be made more elite versions of these (Gorgs probably won't be complicated at all, but they'll still end up feeling less generic than Deepfolks, I hope).
With this in mind, for Deepfolks, what I'm thinking is
> ways to represent varying levels of societal development. Some tribes are literally just cavemen, some approximate Mu nomads, some are like gauls, picts, whatever.
> The one "gimmick" I thought they could have is paying for buildings in advance to the game, to represent their home advantage.
> "Group" models such as the Titanium Miners as a way to maintain the illusion of a "swarmy" faction even if you don't build it as a swarmy Expedition.
> The ultimate "build your own faction" faction, so possibly Leaders have to be built from Hero profiles, which help you define the faction? Or the faction itself allows you to buy traits (all of which would be *very* basic.).
Let me know what you think.
> ways to represent varying levels of societal development. Some tribes are literally just cavemen, some approximate Mu nomads, some are like gauls, picts, whatever.
Either development-level-specific leaders that give equipment choices to their troops (could also be a hero trait) or just having different equipment options for different troops
> The one "gimmick" I thought they could have is paying for buildings in advance to the game, to represent their home advantage.
Kind of like how Lemuria has the juggernaut? I dig it. You could tie different building types to different units (so having a priest specialist lets you prebuild shrines, a cook lets you prebuild the big bbq, etc)
>"Group" models such as the Titanium Miners as a way to maintain the illusion of a "swarmy" faction even if you don't build it as a swarmy Expedition.
Titminers are one unit because they're literally chained together, but at the same time I'm not going to get especially autistically buttmad if we bend the rules of what counts as a unit.
> The ultimate "build your own faction" faction, so possibly Leaders have to be built from Hero profiles, which help you define the faction? Or the faction itself allows you to buy traits (all of which would be *very* basic.).
Letting them nab hero traits from the other deep factions (specific hero traits to allow for balancing) would be a good way of showing who they're closest to and also cut down on the amount of traits needed to be written for a build-your-own faction.
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>Either development-level-specific leaders that give equipment choices to their troops (could also be a hero trait) or just having different equipment options for different troops
What I'm leaning forward is a bit of a mix of the two, with the player "purchasing" the development level during recruitment, before any units, which grants a few very simple modifications to the faction's profiles and unlock different sets of equipment/buildings.
That way I can keep from having to make 4~5 different leader profiles that are tied to a single "subfaction".
So here's a start for the faction. Most bland model ever. Not even a keyword, those will come with better development stage. Only advantage is that he will on average outmatch Colonials in Strength.
> Was almost able to make all the icons with Thorgal
Pisses me off I wasn't able to... Anyways, please post more images for Deepfolks if you want.
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Fire and Ice is a great source for these types of images. Give it a watch if you haven't already.
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So long ago I might as well have not, thank you for reminding me of it.
Same for picrel as an amazon too.
Also, kinda wondering why I haven't used picrel more. Mu, Mendoza, the Solaris and the Great Condor all fits perfectly.
> A Atlantean clockwork condor tracks the movement of the Atlan Navy, reporting any change in bearing to his Combat Engineer master.
I like the trend of Beauchamp getting his name attached to theories he didn’t come up with/doesn’t particularly support. I think we should keep doing that.
The nameless (Nobody's down there except akamemdag and his buddies, and he just calls it home)
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> a group of Eloi debates what to do with a passed out Colonial kid they've come across.
> That conversation get way too dark way too quick to be reprinted anywhere.
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Might as well bring up my Childhood show in Agarthan context. It has an INNER SUN and spider-riders and flying manta rays and many other Agarthan-adjacent things. It even starts with a mesoamerican pyramid having a secret entrance to a hidden underground world.
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What's the name of it, I don't know that I've ever seen anything like that.
Since we are referring to nostalgia sources for Agartha, there's this Valerian one specifically where he visits a hollow world, I think it even has an INNER SVN too.
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Also, Philemon, but less because it fits the theme and more about showcasing an absolutely schizotic worldbuilding.
> A farmboy, his talking donkey and his magical hobo friend travels from one letter of the Atlantic (as in, the word is spelled out in in islands) to the other, getting into increasingly surreal situations as he does.
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It's called Spider Riders. Not the best all thing considered (lots of filler in each episode) but some pretty cool visuals and a fun villain redemption. Also the theme song.
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Here's one last Agarthan inspiration from my end (for now)

It has a very French man and his airship and friends fight a lost civilization of vikings with the help of Mako. Highly recommended even just for the airship design (which is top notch)
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>The Vikings in Question:
Thank you for this one in particular, I just rewatched the Fabulous Journey (1977) last night and was looking for further movies, this one will fit right in.
> Picrel
I want to push ahead on germs today, I have only 3~4 profiles left to do and then I can upload a tentative design doc.
Kaiser Anon, I was wondering if the Festung Gebiet rule on the C93 could also go on this and the Maxim, if there's any reason not to you can think of. I don't think it would warrant a price change at all, and I like it a lot.
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For this one I boosted the Armour since that was mostly what he has going for him once he's outside of water. We could definitely add something to it to make him more relevant, perhaps some interaction between it and the Unterseeboote?
The proposed rules for loading it beforehand in the unterseeboote didn't really need to be there, you can do it by default. I think its better to set the Fahren rule this way so that you don't have to track Movement going up and down through a move.
Also, Aquatic is [Amphibious + set twice the amount of this model's hexes in water tiles during deployment, then deploy this model in one of them (otherwise respecting deployment rules)], Amphibious is the one allowing you to move through impassable water and grant the bonus when fighting in water. Either can be acceptable, let me know which one you want on it. NPCs get Aquatic more often than Player models, but its not going to break anything.
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The Festungsgebiet rule should apply for consistency's sake. The difficulty is that the anti-balloon cannon that was accurate for the period was actually mounted on a wagon, but I think to have that configuration reflecting the movement similar to the Daimler Motorrad would be prohibitively expense or absurdly powerful. Same goes for the Maxim.
Amphibious would be better to justify the high cost. Alternatively, the option would be to have them equipped with a frogman style human-torpedo, propelled at low speed until near the target and then releasing. Something along the lines of the U-boat weapon profile, if not a bit smaller. Otherwise looks good. Appreciate all the work at fixing my jumbled proposal.
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Just a suggestion:
Diving suits should fall under their own category of problem solving. Obviously there is the typical "solve problems with violence", but there's also frogmen stuff they can do as well as clear obstacles in their own unique ways.
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>but I think to have that configuration reflecting the movement similar to the Daimler Motorrad would be prohibitively expense or absurdly powerful. Same goes for the Maxim.
I am tempted to have a generic "transport" equipment option, so that you can pay that upfront and deploy a wagon, small boat, sled, etc during deployment, so that you don't have to commit to dog-sled if you won't end up playing on a arctic map, for example. It wouldn't be something that would break any unit. It doesn't have to be an either/or thing with the Festungsgebiet rule, removing the option to move is a high enough cost to offset the rule itself I think.
>Alternatively, the option would be to have them equipped with a frogman style human-torpedo, propelled at low speed until near the target and then releasing.
I thought about exactly the same thing making the profile, I'll cook something up.
>Appreciate all the work at fixing my jumbled proposal.
Your stuff was awesome, its no work at all (even if I'm really slow at it these last few weeks...).
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If we're sharing good sources of inspiration, I'll go ahead and shill Blake and Mortimer, french comic series which has a lot of lost worlds and civilisations, set in the mid 20th century instead of the 19th, but it has similar kinds of vibes to what we're going for. Basically Tintin but more sci-fi.
I vote for porting the Muan diver rules rather than letting the diving suit go faster in the water, since that's not what a drysuit excels at.
Human torpedo sounds fun too.
I tend to agree.
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Alright, but the Muan rules are untested, and I feel on a 20+ silver model (with equipment) its pretty rough losing the model on a single roll, so I'd suggest at least changing the auto-death on it to something a bit less rough.
My suggested change would be to have it only work on water hexes for the unterseetruppen but have unlimited time.
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We can do that, although if that's the case we might want to switch Amphibious back to Aquatic so that they always have a few water tiles to use. Same with the Unterseeboote.
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I think with this one done I only have the mech left to do, so good chances I can post the book tonight. I believe Belagerungstaktik more or less capture what you wanted, I added the part about the Excavation bonus so that its a bit more relevant, otherwise it would most often match its Labour.
2eAnon, what extensions do you use for OwlBear? I'm teaching myself how to use it since Jamboard died last year meaning I can no longer create maps by pasting 60 jpg hexes onto a whiteboard.
Only Dice I believe. Let me know if you have any issues.
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> An average day in the life of Deep fauna.
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For the mech, there's already a version of it (or a similar model) in the Merc book, picrel. How much do you want to differentiate it from that one, and in what way?
I'll clean up the token and map folders tomorrow, I doubt I can add the new maps to the Disc*rd, they'll be too big, but I'll try.
Y'know, it'd be funny when the Boxer Rebellion comes around if the Western backed Boxers actually were invincible due to Lemurian bullshit. Or even analytical machines teaching them new moves that make them dodge Taiping bullets. I feel like that would be a funny twist on the whole thing.
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The thought was initially to make this profile available for other expeditions to hire, and to make the profile in the proposal the better version restricted to use by expeditions with a German leader. Generally, I think the stats and costs are appropriate, but the Critical wounding rule should be replaced by Neukraft and a mention of the diesel engine being the primary method of propulsion.

In the draft document there was an idea for a company specific adjutant for the various companies that subsidize the German colonial efforts. Krupp metallurgist to assist with Neukraft checks on weapon teams and vehicles, a Bayer pharmacist to interact with the unique first-aid kit equipment. Aspirin helping alleviate deep-drunkenness, etc.
We must have discussed this at some point, but would the boxer rebellion even happen at this point? Taiping will have been discouraging a lot of the foreign influence that was the cause of the problem, especially from european missionaries, the open ports might not have been allowed in the first place, and Qing would not have gotten their ascendancy for beating the Han, thus not being able to back and incite the Boxers (if I understand this clusterfuck properly).
Alright, I'll cook something up, won't be too long.
The idea was that the Boxers were backed by the Eight-Nation Alliance to try and open up China.
Not just to open up China, but also to curb increasingly blatant Hyperborean influence. The prelude to the Deluge proper.
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Makes sense. I need to start a "Toward the Great War" doc to keep up with all the ideas.
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Would this work? Feels like the German version should be better than the Merc one.
I added a melee attack, let me know what would be a more appropriate name for it or if you want to give it different rules. The Merc one should have one too.
At this cost its going to be hard but not impossible to fit him at 150 Silver, if you do you'll have place for its crew and not much else, which should be fine.
Now I want to do a game between that and the Titanium Golem.
There's a lot a direction we can take this one toward, so let me know.
Fuck I realized immediately after posting it I forgot the Dramamine rule.
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What could be a good way to differentiate between bronze weapon and iron age (and later), beside stat modifications?
Limiting certain weapons to iron age? (Or having custom bronze age ones like those curved sword things)
You could have bronze be a material modifier like titanium and orichalcum but with negative results (bending chance? Maybe it treats armour above a certain value as impenetrable? I.E, a value higher than 5 rolls twice on save when attacked by bronze)
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>(bending chance? Maybe it treats armour above a certain value as impenetrable? I.E, a value higher than 5 rolls twice on save when attacked by bronze)
Bending chance was my first thought, another simple way to do it would be to have them suffer a Pen debuff, possibly working as a bonus to armour values above x (x could be 0, so if you truly have no armour, it makes no difference, if you have 1 that gets a buff, or it could be higher than 0).
I was thinking "developmental stage" rules could set the available equipment such as picrel.
> When playing against Colonials, you have to roll on a table to see which version of the Three Ages system you play with. Copper age is nearly impossible to roll but is broken af.
I bet you there's a way to have tech level unlocks in campaign mode
>The Colonial Player's face when I take my caveman list from stone tools to early firearms by the third game
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That would be pretty easy to work in.
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Seems right on the money. The unit card itself would be best labelled as 'Kruppmaschinelaufer Ausf. II.'. If people are getting sick of the German compound words it can be left as is. The whole book, if there are variants of certain equipment, should use the Ausf. abbreviation, for Ausfuhrung, or 'variant'. I'd call the melee weapon 'Klauenhammer', ' claw hammer.' Think of those hydraulic presses from a metal fabrication shop. I'm not sure if we have grappling rules, but it would be pretty cool to have it be able to grab the enemy and squeeze the juices out of them. Success might inspire a bit of trepidation in the enemy expedition, like a grappling kill gives some kind of morale penalty against the model.

Otherwise looks pretty good. I would add back in the Dramamine rule and have that interact with the support specialists that I mentioned earlier, though I don't have a rough draft of their cards at the moment. Perhaps Heavy Traction keyword might be appropriate, if we are looking to take a couple of silver off of his cost.

Some AI-generated slop for inspiration.
>If people are getting sick of the German compound words it can be left as is
I personally really like it, but that's also not going to stop me making fun of how insane the language is. Half of the fun I'll have playing games with them will be to massacre the pronunciation. >>95112278
>I'm not sure if we have grappling rules, but it would be pretty cool to have it be able to grab the enemy and squeeze the juices out of them. Success might inspire a bit of trepidation in the enemy expedition, like a grappling kill gives some kind of morale penalty against the model.
There's no explicit grappling rule, but there's a lot of "trap" or "net" effect that essentially stops an enemy from moving away. Turning the enemy to mulch could either be done as runaway rolls (if you hit and the enemy fails his Evasion, keep hitting again and again until he doesn't, or dies.)
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I kinda turned around on my estimate of the Mauser, with the Kropatschek rule as it is, if the Lee-Metfield pays for Headshot by having an additional -2 at long range, it seems fairly comparable, and the Ammo Feed 8 wouldn't necessarily be as bad as I thought it would be if it can devalue the attacks over time. I think I overestimate the value of that extra 2~4 hexes of range.
> The unterseeboote captain comes to face with a ravenous Aquasaur.
Ok, German book today for sure.
Then main rule book over the weekend.
Kaiser Anon if you are available at some point in the weekend for a mini-game or something, just test how things go, let me know.
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So, for the torpedo, I was thinking of making it a slow-moving attack that remains on the map if it didn't hit something. Limiting it entirely to water hexes, while making sense, is pretty rough on the boat otherwise. So I was thinking shooting the torpedo could be a special action instead of a weapon to add to loadout, when you use the action you choose between launching a fully waterborne torpedo (faster, deadlier), a "boarding" torpedo (load models on it, still entirely waterborne), and maybe picrel, which would be a slower, less deadly version of the normal torpedo but goes on land?
Does that feel too "weird"?
land-torpedoes are based (Major General's page has them)
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Much obliged. Would have time tomorrow evening, after 5pm MST, or any time after noon on Sunday.

Boarding torpedos seem flavorful, but pretty nice. 'Aufladungstorpedo', something like that, could load it with Unterseetruppen bearing grenades and give enemy waterborne assets the business.

Land torpedos are interesting. Something like that is getting closer to the large trench mortars which hurl 40ish pounds of explosives. Closest comparison would be something like a V1 flying bombs and that would stretch believability.
>Would have time tomorrow evening, after 5pm MST, or any time after noon on Sunday.
Sunday works better for me, I'll have something ready. If you are good with it, it'll be an intro game or series of tiny games, to showcase you how everything can work.
Just cleaning up some stuff left on the book, should upload a first experimental draft shortly.
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Okay, here it is, still many things to add and adjust, but I wanted to at least pretend I kept up my word and posted it. I will focus on maps, the main rule book and the worldbook tomorrow, as well as setting up the game for sunday, but sporadically will come back to it to add stuff.
Please suggest ideas or comment.
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New Cavernous Map. I might add some tunnels and a path along the Mountains. The outer edge will be Foothills I guess?
Hope you brought your climbing gear along.
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New game order section to make things a bit more explicit in the rule book.
Basic games will be what Atlan anon and me are mostly playing, just decide on what you want to play first, so there are few surprises, the focus being on getting the most out of your Expedition and fighting the enemy with as little distraction as possible.
Encounters are a more "narrative" game, using a number of conditional rules, and with more randomness. These can be set as a single game or a serie of episodes in a pseudo campaign.
Campaigns will be what we've already discussed, something that essentially require its own "expansion pack" to be run.
>or any time after noon on Sunday.
I should be on and ready around 1pm your time, it can be later than that however, I should be free most of the afternoon anyways.
could you throw the most up-to-date version of the corebook on mediafire when you have the time? I'm hoping to try some Agartha with my tabletop group again (There's been a very large gap because of work stuff)
>could you throw the most up-to-date version of the corebook on mediafire when you have the time?
I'm working on it right now and will keep at it tomorrow afternoon and evening, I managed to get a good amount of work done on it today (more than what >>95132139 just shows), if that's okay I'll upload it tomorrow evening after I've finished replacing the examples in it, if you were planning on doing something with it tomorrow earlier than that, let me know, I should be around most of the day.
Not to complain to hard, but I don't like how unnatural a lot of the maps look. Obviously there's an argument to be made regarding balance vs "naturalism", but to me the maps often just look boring.
what would you propose? Different images for the same hex? Maybe we could differentiate between zones by having coloured borders and have the inside of each zone be a larger image the hexes are superimposed upon.
Someone who is clinically insane even by our standards could try to hack to game into a non-hex system.
Don't worry, I understand the concern and feel it too, I intend to switch to a very different style of map once I have done one for each biomes in this style, as an alternative, albeit one that may not be as balanced. Also, for campaigns.
Once you place Walls & Pits its a lot less egregious, imho, and the "Encounter" system I'm working on will push that further.
Still, I'll start experimenting more seriously on a different process for the maps, I think I'm limiting myself too much. I should try cutting from a pre-existing map, then laying the hexgrid overlay on top.
I've definitely already posted this but if anyone new is here I highly reccomend DrawHexGrid for making hexes to overlay on images

I'm logging on. sorry about the delay.
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> A German Soldat leaves the Column to releave himself, foolishly ignoring his officer's warnings to never step out of sight. A few moments later, a trio of Baboons jumps out of the trees and charge at him. The infantryman manages to down two of the subhumans, and nearly kills the third two, but alas, at the very end a fatal blow turns him into another cautionary tale for his superiors to lay at new recruits.
Damn. I just realized you could have auto-won this one simply by Disengaging from the fight. The Baboons would have had no closer target to fight than each other.
I should have been quicker on this one.
The morning after brings new troubles.
Our noble crown Prince considers the final leg of his journey.
A poor infantryman is attacked by intelligent simians.
And revenge is served with cold steel.

This is the final section of the novelization. I appreciate all of the work making the German proposal into something workable, and the test games from this morning proved very good fun.
I don't suppose you'd be willing to throw up a pdf of all the sections? I missed a few some threads back.
Done and dusted.
Nice, I was wanting to read this all at once. Cheers anon.
Neat, thank you!
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World book will be posted today, huge sections will be left undone atm, but it'll be functional, and I'll get on finishing the rest over the course of the week.
In regards to anomalies, I've been playing some STALKER back to get the feeling right (CS, don't @ me, it was the only one I hadn't given a fair shake), and it strikes me that what I did for Agartha *really* doesn't reflect the same thing. Obviously we don't need to ape it entirely, but what I made were just weird tokens that can move around and cause shit to happen, you didn't really have much in the way of an unknown, except which one and when it would trigger.
I've had an idea, although it does shift things a lot.
> All map hexes outside of Deployment zones have a token in them to represent them having not been walked in. (I know, its a lot, but wait...)
> Models who Move picks up the tokens in the hexes they've moved into. If you picked up more than 1 throughout a move roll a d10, on a 10 that model walked through an anomaly, which is then placed on the map.
> Anomalies may or may not contains Artefacts.
I like the idea in theory, but it seems like a lot of busywork to keep track of.
What if it's a variation on the normal Anomaly rules, and you roll a d10 for each token picked up?
>but it seems like a lot of busywork to keep track of.
I'd like to see how much it causes a drag on the game, it might be mostly increasing time to set up, then you'll have an incentive to trail your models along a path.
>What if it's a variation on the normal Anomaly rules, and you roll a d10 for each token picked up?
Do you mean the Anomalies tokens are already on the table in a known spot but the more you pick up the "unexplored tile" tokens the more you have a chance to trigger them?
Otherwise if you mean more keeping the previously made up Anomalies but have them spawn in the explored hexes, that is generally what I was thinking about, yes.
>World book
Meant Rule Book.
I meant having the proposed method exist in parallel to the current one, and, as a change to the proposed method, instead of rolling 1d10 if you pick up more than 1 token, roll 1d10 for each token picked up (pick up four tokens, roll 4d10).
It might be better to just put anomaly spawning on an exponential distribution and then roll for what type of terrain it has to spawn on to limit where it can be placed while still allowing for variation. Unless you're going to implement a fog of war system the hex tracking seems really specific and complex for that specific use-case
In practice you'd only mark the 'cleared' hexes. I don't think it would be that cumbersome. I'd like to try it, at least.

I guess now is a good a time as any to mention i'd like to try games with more AP and less Movement on models. So, for example, a generic 2 AP 3 Movement model would become a 3 AP 2 Movement model. I think it would help make Dodging as an Action actually matter at all. I also think Crit Evades should reduce by an additional degree of severity instead of negating the attack. Swamping how Cover and Camo works might be good. It would be cool to be able to have Camo be more common for flavor reasons. Sorry to just vomit all this up now. Don't take it too seriously, just musing.
I'd just be worried about how you would mark hexes in real life without numbering each one like a hexcrawl. Maybe you could print out a blank sheet with just the hexes and put an X in them or something.
After reviewing the feedback, and realizing that the German faction lacks elite key worded units and some specialists, these should be the last additions to the near finalized army book.

I have some material regarding the colony that would be set up, but I think I’ve shit up this thread quite enough. Kaiseranon will now return to the beer hall.
We might want to look into porting that Grappling Hook rule to Sky People, it's really quite elegant.
I know you meant the rulebook, but is there anything pressing for the worldbook to get written right now?
Not really pressing, but I wanted to have a section on Husks and Deep-Drunkness added soon.
Otherwise, a general description of either the Layers or regions of the Layers could be good.
Some Deep Nation town & cities description in a similar manner to those of the Colonies would probably be good.
So, here it is. I cut it down to the essentials to rebuild back up and make sure that its ordered, once the structure of it is sound I'll add an index and build a reference quicksheet for games as well.
Probably a lot of oversights and omissions which will get fixed soon-ish. For anons who would like to get a game going and sharing it with others please be aware I'll be posting new updates to it every couple of days for the next week or so, I just really wanted to have it posted tonight since I've been holding off on it for so long.
I think that's too complex to be fun in a game, but I'll wait and see it actually get played out before I make a judgement (that's what the tests are for anyway).

I do get what you mean though. Anomalies need to have some kind of excitement to them, something interesting. My first idea would be implementing them into the map itself, zones that could be hazards or benefits, you don't really know until somebody steps in one. E.g a 6 hex or even a bigger zone that grants buffs or debuffs according to a roll table, or teleports you to a different zone on the other side of the map. Or even something that's mixed. E.g you get an aim debuff but get a health buff in return.

Another idea for an anomaly is splitting a unit into two (or three), disabling all actions but movement for the new units, and then rolling for which one is the real one in a turn or two.
>Another idea for an anomaly is splitting a unit into two (or three), disabling all actions but movement for the new units, and then rolling for which one is the real one in a turn or two.
Oh I like that very much.
>In practice you'd only mark the 'cleared' hexes. I don't think it would be that cumbersome. I'd like to try it, at least.
>It might be better to just put anomaly spawning on an exponential distribution
>but it seems like a lot of busywork to keep track of.
The reason why I suggested having the tokens first and then removing them as you go is that I think (but I could be 100% wrong) it would be the quickest, most "condensed" way of doing this. Dropping tokens to indicate which ones are cleared is about the same, the only disadvantage I see with it is that I feel it will be easier to forget that way, while picking up a preexisting token as you move into the hex would be somewhat less likely to be skipped (the token's presence is visually more striking).
Otherwise I also thought about setting zones of tokens like this, but I feel that anything that doesn't fill most of the map will just be avoided completely.
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Return to the Amazons!
This will be added as a Mercenary as well. Allows you to pick one lucky Colonial that dared enter her magical realm and turn him into a mini-Character (or a Character proper). Its a Follower so you can pick Workers, Soldiers and Elites, but not Specialists, Heroes or Special Units. It doesn't change his Health pool, but you can alternate between using Bodyguard or not. Might bump the price and allow both to act as Bodyguards for each other.
Visited my local art gallery yesterday, and found some really neat atmospheric sketches of Paris from the 1850s-60s. I'll go ahead and post some of them.

Charles Meryon
The Pont Neuf (Le Pont-Neuf) (1853)
The Notre-Dame pump
(La Pompe Notre Dame) (1852)
The Admiralty
(Le Ministère de la Marine)
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Pont-au-Change, Paris
(Le Pont-au-Change)

(Some sky-whales in that last one too)
Love these, the Ministère one in particular doesn't even need any edit. Thanks for posting them.
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Main line Soldier for the Amazons, beside the Nymphoid (or whatever she'll end up being called). Quick, hits hard and often, but despite Nimble and the 3 Health boxes she'll die quickly enough, I suspect.
Didn't really see a purpose to giving it a Unique Rule, but if you have inspiration for one, go ahead.
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German Chart.
Oh my. That is really good.
Is that yours Kaiser anon?
> Shhhh. I'm hunting Franzosen
Yes indeed. I’ve got an adolescent sense of humor so the charts were always amusing.
you have succeeded where the America chart failed. Truly this is the age of the Kaiser.

What was the incident?
Consider the model conversion potential of a German wargame unit whose primary weapon is the use of poison gas.

Ponder the imponderable. If you have an orb, now is the time.
> More Amazons
> Mammalians Murderers NPC book
> example section for attack resolutions in the Main rulebook.
hopefully I'll get at least one of those done.
can I help?
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If you have any ideas for Amazon models, sure. Current roster I have in mind is
> Queen (done)
Protective Snu Snu. Makes Amazons hard to kill.
> Warlady (not done)
Agressive Snu Snu. Makes Amazons really good at killing.
> Tyrantess (already kinda have an idea for it)
Bondage Snu Snu. Mercenaries gain the Slave keyword, she can force enemy models to join her Expedition, etc...
> Beastmistress (not really done)
Snu Snu while the cat is sitting next to you watching you intently as if its the most interesting thing its ever seen. Just a lot of NPC spawning or controlling rules.
> Manhuntress (not done either)
No Snu Snu, just death. Melee specialist for the faction. Possibly has tracking or anti-hiding mechanics.
> Accomplice (done)
Snu Snu within the bounds of marriage. Shores up the faction missing a dedicated Cook, Healer or Diplomat by stealing those of other Factions.
> Ambusher (mostly done)
Surprise Snu Snu.
> Skirmisher (done except for renaming it I guess)
Lower quality main fighter for the faction. Expected to die, except you really don't want them all to die.
> Warrioress
Higher quality main fighter for the faction. Just a good melee fighter.
> Cavalière (That's it I decided the English language sucks ass because you don't have a feminine word for rider other than "horsewoman", and what if she's not riding a horse, huh? Dumb freaking language that doesn't assign gender to immaterial objects...)
Horse girls really puts me off, always did, nothing to do with the memes, I just don't like horses, so I can't even meme this one.
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Overall, the theme I'm leaning with is
> Good to great stats everywhere except Armour. Not busted stats, but they have very easy access to Nimble and Quick Shot/Strike so even with an average of 6 for Accuracy/Evasion they'll still take a while to bring down.
> 3 AP 3 Health boxes as a start by default. It can be less if the unit idea warrants it but otherwise I'd like to stick to that.
> The balancing aspect is that they do not have easy access to weapons that themselves do a lot of damage. So they may almost always match Colonials, even dedicated fighters, but they'll often end up being subpar in damage output in comparison to a gunline.
> Faction rule : All out of faction (mercenary or recruited through a model's rule) replaces Soldier by Auxiliary (the Tyrantess replaces it with Slave instead.)
I do also have some stuff for the Deepfolks you could look at if you wanted, might inspire you more.
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This one would be for the Deepfolks, was thinking of making her a Hero but she could also be a Specialist instead. Since I want that faction to be as 'yourdudes' as possible, I will be putting different tokens on most profiles to represent the various cultures and development level. Until I fully figure those out its going to be hard to build the other profiles, but this one I was leaning with just having her be the same across all Ages, and one of the trait you select defines what she is (keyed on the token, although that doesn't matter so much).
Like (for the two first bottom tokens)
> Deep Enchantress : buffs models directly
> Sea Witch : Morlock-tier Water spawning, forcing Weather rules, turns into a sea snake...?
The other ones I have no clue.
>Another idea for an anomaly is splitting a unit into two (or three), disabling all actions but movement for the new units, and then rolling for which one is the real one in a turn or two.
Out of the alternatives this seems to me the best.
>Dropping tokens to indicate which ones are cleared is about the same, the only disadvantage I see with it is that I feel it will be easier to forget that way, while picking up a preexisting token as you move into the hex would be somewhat less likely to be skipped (the token's presence is visually more striking).
True, but it is slightly more time consuming to place them first, and that might put people off. In any case, i don't think the 'minefield' method should be the default, rather either the current or quoted method for that.
Very Pretty. The first two i like especially, though they are less suited to the setting.
Put Harriet Tubman on their list because it makes sense to my mind that she would work with them.
>Put Harriet Tubman
Kek. Sure, why not.
> Manhuntress: (23 Silver)
Elite, Soldier

AP: 3
Movement: 5
Accuracy: 7
Strength: 6
Discipline: 6
Labour: 4
Evasion: 7
Awareness: 7

0 in All

3 Box

>General Abilities:
-Deadly [Two-Handed Weapons]

>Special Abilities:
-Hel Hath No Fury: (1 AP)
This ability may be used whenever any model within LoS finishes a disengage move. Immediately resolve a move or charge action towards that model (AP cost is included in the ability)
-Fool Me Twice:
Unfriendly hidden models must roll twice and take the worst result if within awareness range of this unit. This unit may resolve “Hel Hath No Fury” without paying an AP cost against any hidden unit which is revealed within LoS

Any thrown W.
1h Sword
2H Sword
2H Axe
Short Bow
Net (The rules for which are somewhere)


I’m a little out of practice with these but here we go. The idea here is to delete soft units and keep stronger ones from running away while also shutting stealth the fuck down. (Amazons make sense as the faction for whom enemy stealth is not a concern, this is their home turf after all)
Very good stats for damage output and AP efficiency but limited by 0 armour and average health. This is a unit which will want to disengage itself when possible.
In-lore I assume these are Amazon Accomplices who were dumped. (Though I imagine only a great fool would do so, “breakup” is quite literal when Amazons are concerned)
>I’m a little out of practice with these but here we go.
It doesn't show at all, that's pretty much what I was going for (didn't think about the net however, that's a good idea.)
Has anyone ever played this?
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We post weekly battle reports.
I can't know for sure but I'd say we've had at least a dozen different playtesters try it, half of those with me.
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I bumped the price to 26 because I think she'll end up being an absolute monster, and she really shuts down Hiding (although, in a good way, I think, since you can just focus her down before going out of Hiding).
Did you want to take a crack at any of the other Amazon profiles, just to coordinate?
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> Le Pont-Neuf (1883)
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>(didn't think about the net however, that's a good idea.)
I can't claim credit for that one.

>Did you want to take a crack at any of the other Amazon profiles, just to coordinate?
I just picked one of the not-yet-started ones at random. I can do the beastmisstress if you'd like.
>I can do the beastmisstress if you'd like.
Go for it.
At first I thought Hatred [Men] would force us to put in a keyword but looking through the faction books, I think we can just set it as a Faction Special Rule for Amazons and have it simply work against all models except [list the few women profiles].
Which for some reason is to the advantage of the Deep nations.
that reminds me, having a hero trait like "modernizing influence" that lets petroleuses and Ashigaru be recruited might be a fun thing for the Amazons.
Germany was better when they used Krautrunes.
>"modernizing influence" that lets petroleuses and Ashigaru be recruited might be a fun thing for the Amazons.
Thanks, that's a good idea.
After Deepfolks and Gorgs I guess I can go back to Satsuma as well.
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Not the sexiest of content, but here we go, I'm adding a bunch of examples throughout the rule book to make things as clear as possible.
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The examples are really appreciated.
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I'll make sure to add them everywhere they make sense putting them.
> Picrel
While the Amazon Queen safeguards, the Warlady murders. She's survivable enough on her own that you can charge her in just about any situation, especially if you put her on a Warhorse, and she has access to deadlier weapon than most other Amazons. Giving Hatred [Men] to all your Amazons will often be wasted unless you play them against Atlan or Lemuria, or against a Colonial Cavalry list while yourself not mounting horses, but t will average their damage output against each faction's heavy hitters.
Delaying her, hitting her from very long range, forcing her to spend AP on Dodging (which she will likely succeed) and pinning her down with throwaway models will likely be the best way to deal with her. Any Elites that you send at her that could kill her probably won't achieve it in one turn, and they likely wouldn't survive the back strike.
I'll get on the Tyrantess and the Cavaliere later on.
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We've had many games, yes.
If it's a rules document, you shouldn't need the fluff text. What the rule does explains that well enough.

I'd suggest just removing that first sentence entirely and going right into "A model is considered Engaged if..."

AKA, don't waste your reader's time. It's a rules text, so it should contain rules.
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>I'd suggest just removing that first sentence entirely and going right into "A model is considered Engaged if..."
I don't feel like that sentence is that much fluff, it just explains the purpose of the rule. In most places there aren't much "fluff" text to the rules, the few spots that do generally have a reason for being there, usually that they are copied from an older version/edition (I'm thinking of the "and take a moment to pray for his soul" line after the Broken Morale rules).
That said, if I spot any which are just waste of space I'll remove them.
> Picrel
This amazon was probably told the "Saurs in the wild are free, you can just take them home, I have 417 Saurs" meme from last thread at a young age and just asked herself why that wouldn't also apply to Menfolks.
More fragile than the other Amazons (she lets others do the work), she wants a lot of bodies around her to block LoS, otherwise she'll get killed rather quickly.
Her swarming rule is there to compensate for the rather low body count of Amazon Expedition, but its not something you want to trigger often, or at the wrong moment, since it will deplete your Chest and draw you closer to getting Shaken (also, by the time you can spawn 3 Slave Soldiers, they spawn Shaken.)
Thinking I might rework some stuff to lean more on the Whip and find some way to have her access more Parley Actions...
>I don't feel like that sentence is that much fluff, it just explains the purpose of the rule.
In any case, I can reword it to make it come more across the point and seem less like fat.
>In any case, I can reword it to make it come more across the point and seem less like fat.
My point about it is, you just don't need it. The rule itself explains its own interactions and what it simulates.
You're right, but now isn't the time. What matters now is that rule is clearly explained and has an example.
The time to edit is always.
But yeah the rest is fine.
>I'm thinking of the "and take a moment to pray for his soul" line after the Broken Morale rules
I like lines like that. They add to the atmosphere
>I like lines like that. They add to the atmosphere
I do too, in a sparse manner. That one in particular I love, every time I reread the Morale rules and come across it, I'm sent back to the early days of the thread.
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I want to start focusing as well on the Campaign system, finally put out a book. Not sure if I like the shape, let me know what you think.
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Now this is the other extreme, lacking in clarity (this could easily be fixed by coloring the borders) and in any form of balancing, but I think it is also much more pleasing to the eye.
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>but I think it is also much more pleasing to the eye.
I disagree.
I think this might be too spread out. What about just having one big hexagon divided into six triangle 'zones'?
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This any better?
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Mounted Soldier model for the Amazons.
Engaging and Pinning down Amazons so they waste their considerable amount of AP retreating instead of hitting you will probably be the main way to deal with them, and she provides a limited solution to this. Once you add in the Mounts modifiers she can get pretty beefy herself, but doesn't have much in the way of preventing Wounds from stacking on her. Unless you play at 200+ Silver you wont be bringing more than 1~2 anyways.
I'm gonna cook up a Hero for good measure, once I figure out what I want with the Ambusher and anon posts the Beastmistress the book should be mostly done.
Atlan anon, I'm working on the Alpha hunt scenario at the moment, to clarify, did you intend it to be that you roll on one NPC list, the Dens act mostly like Nests otherwise do (plus all the extra rules, I mean), so they keep spawning the NPC rolled, but also, one NPC of that kind is set aside as the Alpha, Hidden and that the one you need to find and kill?
Is the Alpha getting any other bonuses than the Hidden AP?
I've been MIA lots lately. Sorry about that. If only i had an excuse it would go here. I'd like to play a game soon, get my head back into it.
I think so, yes. I think the first one would be fine if you just filled in the closed triangles touching the middle zone. What about a map that's just three zones?
Let me reread what i wrote, i'll get back to you shortly.
You got it. The only thing i would add is that you roll for the Alpha when it's first discovered, so although the Alpha will always be from the same list as the other NPCs, it might not be the same unit.
>Is the Alpha getting any other bonuses than the Hidden AP?
If it is controlled by a player, then it can activate on that players turn, and again during Hostile phase with only and always it's base AP.
So, say it's a model with 2AP base that has accumulated 6 AP from Hidden. On the controlling player's Activation he could have it spend any amount of that AP, but when the Hostile phase rolls around, it will be treated as a Hostile with 2AP regardless.
I like the idea of Amazon Anthropologist still (Snu Snu for science). Maybe as something like the Accomplice but for Academics? Maybe she gets a bonus when attacking a models she's familiar with?
>and what if she's not riding a horse, huh?
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>I've been MIA lots lately. Sorry about that.
No issue at all, you had told me last time you had a lot of rl stuff coming up, glad to have you back.
>I'd like to play a game soon, get my head back into it.
Me too, this weekend didn't work out for me but next one will be long (Saturday - Monday), and I'll be mostly free, so I would like to get in as many games as possible then. I have one planned with Kaiser Anon in the afternoon, probably Sunday but that might change, I'll come back to you on that.
There's a crapload of different stuff I'd like to test, either the Alpha Hunt, la Ira de Deu, the Amazons, continuing work on the Olms, if I try I could get Gorgs or Deepfolks in a playable state, or we could work toward getting the Titking vs Khan fight done, its your choice, it all needs to get done at some point.
If you have time during the evening this week, we could test the Titking and the Baron vs their equivalent in Silver just to make sure it feels somewhat balanced.
>I think the first one would be fine if you just filled in the closed triangles touching the middle zone.
Will try that.
>What about a map that's just three zones?
Same, but I think it might be would be the smallest we could go.
> Picrel
Unchanged except for the Strosstaktik which I just reworded, I think this is what you wanted, if you wanted just the 1 LP to replace the AP cost for one model's Charge straight up we can do that as well but I don't think that's enough value. You won't be bringing more than 3 of him anyways, and he isn't insane in melee so its definitely not broken as a "mass charge" rule.
I moved the Geballte Ladung on the Loadout as well, let me know.
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>I like the idea of Amazon Anthropologist still
I'll cook something up tomorrow.
> Picrel
Everyone can take multiple Equipment, especially consumables like Rations, First Aid Kit and Material (will make that more clear in the rulebook however), so I changed the Herr Doktor rule to making it so he buys them 3 for 1.
In another faction I would suggest strongly bringing his cost up, but I feel like Germans pay high enough for most of their other models that it should be fine. And it'll deplete your LP pool, so in a way its a tradeoff, you pay LP to delay Dread instead of paying it to deal with it after its there.
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> Amazon Anthropologist, starting to get annoyed at the length she must go to retrieve this particular Colonial specimen.
Amazon Anthropologist: Cost 17
Specialist, Academic
AP: 3
Movement 4, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 5 , Discipline: 6 , Evasion: 5, Labor: 5, Awareness: 5
Health: 3
Armor: 000
Quick Strike, Nimble

Equipment: Sabre, Bayonet, Musket,

Prize Specimen: You may recruit one Colonial Academic Character or Specialist as a Prize Specimen. While the Amazon Anthropologist has LOS to the Prize Specimen, it gains +2 to Awareness.

Peer Review: While within 3 of the Prize Specimen, this model may use it’s Awareness for the purpose of Exhaustive Study.

Exhaustive Study: When resolving an Attack against a unit killed by this model before using the same Weapon, deal an additional Grievous wound if both the Accuracy and Evasion rolls are below this model’s Awareness.

Colonial Curious: This model gains 3 discipline when directly adjacent to a Colonial Leader unit. It can spend 2 AP to boost discipline of colonial units within 3 hexes by 2

Different than what i had in mind, but still good. Idea is the best counter to her is having a variety of models, that way she'll often have new test subjects. Colonial Curious is a last minute addition, but i think it makes sense on her and helps her feel more integrated into the faction, but maybe it's too much. Same with her using Colonial weapons.
I had something similar in mind, although with a few different mechanics, less emphasis on attacking, would you mind if I tried mixing the two concepts?
> picrel
How about something like this for alternatives to the main maps? This is small of course but I threw this up quickly.
Would add inner borders to delineate the terrain types.
>would you mind if I tried mixing the two concepts?
Not at all. Have fun with it.
I like it.
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>I like it.
Do you feel like the Hex borders should be more transparent, and the drawing more sharp, or is it fine like this?
Borders being somewhat transparent might be good. Not totally sure what you mean by sharp.
Something like this?
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Kek too quick.
NTA but I like it.
I kinda prefer the feeling of these over the other ones desu, it reinforces that this is exploring a map. Especially zoomed in. I know balance might take a hit but given you have more faces to start with with hexagonal maps anyways it should somewhat balance out.
Now I have to find images for swamps, caverns and arctic that looks somewhat similar. Shouldn't be terribly hard.
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This always looked more like Atlantis to me.
Yup yup.
I get what you mean, however Atlantis isn't going to be that much ruins anymore (at least, not those part Atlan hasn't gone through).
Anyways, the whole effect is a bit ruined once you notice the big COMMERCIAL written on the beam.
I like to imagine Atlantis still has lots of ruins, but they don't see them as ruins. If you catch my meaning.
>the whole effect is a bit ruined once you notice the big COMMERCIAL written on the beam.
Damn it.
>There's a crapload of different stuff I'd like to test
Alpha Hunt would be what i'd like to try first, then Titking/Khan.
>If you have time during the evening this week, we could test the Titking and the Baron vs their equivalent in Silver just to make sure it feels somewhat balanced.
I do, and that sounds like a good idea. Day/time in mind?
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>Damn it.
Sorry, that was cruel. But I figure Old Lemuria probably had commercial districts too.
>Alpha Hunt would be what i'd like to try first, then Titking/Khan.
>I do, and that sounds like a good idea. Day/time in mind?
Ok, Thursday evening? There's a few things I'd like to clarify on the scenario itself as well, we can take the time to hammer that out.
>Thursday evening
works for me
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> picrel
These are fun to make.
Anyone got Artorius saved somewhere? Can't find him.
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I found the thread he was in. 4plebs had it, sup/tg/ didn't.

>Artōrius: (100 Silver)
AP: 4
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 7
Strength: 6
Discipline: 7
Labour: 5
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 5

6 in Limbs
5 in Body
4 in Head

2 Box Head
3 Box Body
3 Box Limbs

>General Abilities:
-Hatred [English]

>Special Abilities:
-“Fwy a'r saesneg?!” (Fucking Saxons?!) (1 AP):
This model gains Deadly[Caledfwlch] on attacks against English models for the remainder of the turn (Some US models, most British models, blackwatch and auxes excepted)
-Return to Avallen: (4 AP):
This model may spend 4 AP to remove all wounds and negative status effects. Remove it from play and replace it at the center of the board.
-”Ti yw breton? Dygwn ni i frwydro gyda'n gilydd!” (“You are a Breton? Let us fight side by side!”):
If Lady Guenevievre of Cornwall succeeds a parley action against this model then the controller of Lady Guinevere may recruit Artōrius. All English models in that player’s expedition except the KoB turn neutral, but do not count as dead.

Caledfwlch, naught else

-Caledfwlch (1 Handed): (Melee)
Acc: +2
Eva: +1
Pen: 2
Threshold: 6
Weak/Strong: [/]/[X]
Cost: Free

Event Character for narrative scenarios

This is a bit of a shitpost. I don’t think the AI powered slop translator I used for old Welsh is especially accurate but what can you do. The terms for Avalon, Excalibur, and Arthur himself are all reasonably sourced it’s just the quotes that are fuzzy. His armor is lower than it might be because he's wearing dark ages chainmail and not plate. The sword is based on a shortsword gladius thing mechanics-wise.

You put this into words better than I ever could have so thank you for that. Have this as a payment. Also I'm just realizing that Breton might not be the right term for Cornwall but it's close enough.
I was wondering who the fuck you were talking about and then I saw the profile and realized it was a unit that I myself had made
Thank you!
Do you know of any other you made I might have missed?
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I don't remember ever seeing a profile for this guy, he's in a similar state to Arthur where they're event characters rather than standard options
>Akamnandag the Sumerian: (????? Silver)
Deep, Character (More?)
AP: 2
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 9
Strength: 5
Discipline: 9
Labour: 5
Evasion: 7
Awareness: 9

0 in All


>General Abilities:
-Terrain Affinity [All]
-Ignores Obscurity

>Special Abilities:
-Entrapped Witness:
This model may only undertake move, climb, disengage, and dodge actions. If this model would be killed or dealt any damage scatter it d5 hexes away.

-The Chronicler: (2 AP)
For the remainder of the turn, If this model is within 5 hexes of a leader unit when they spend LP mark it down. For every 10(?) LP spent, equip this model with a Fragment of Forgotten Lore.

-Trapped no more:
When the time has come, remove the Entrapped Witness rule and grant this model Prophecy, Muic Maledictions, Necromancer, Diplomat and +2 AP. It is immune to husking or degeneracy.
Replace “Unkillable” with 4 head health, 6 body health, and 5 limb health.
(This rule is triggered on campaign conditions. Examples include Charles L.N.B perishing while adjacent to this unit, Hyperboreans showing up, and a challenge to single combat from Napoleon himself.)

May carry equipment and any be equipped with any mediaeval weapon or a Lefaucheux Pistol

Campaign unit.
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The Lore Doc says he is friends with Charles L.N.B so he gets a Lefaucheux Pistol in reference to the great scene in their novel where Charles teaches him how to shoot and re-ignites his faith in humanity.
In universe the Entrapped Witness teleport rule works more like an illusion, where you strike at him but he was never there to begin with. He cannot control it, some people think he may exist only in your mind and not even be real.
He didn’t write all of the Fragments but he did write a lot of them. His hut is full of them (or possibly built out of fragments of forgotten lore) so now he just hucks them wherever.
My headcanon is that he was the previous cycle’s Napoleon equivalent but he couldn’t stop the fall of Atlantis when the Hyperboreans came so now he’s stuck here contemplating mankind and the cycle. After he started believing in mankind again he’s still trapped but now he encourages people to better themselves and fight for good in the world.
I should also apologise about the clipart but it made me burst into laughter when I saw it.

This was on page 107 of the 218 page document I have for all of the random units and lore I've thrown at 2eanon. I don't know when I realized how large it was getting but at some point I looked back and saw this massive pile. Which is pretty cool.
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An audio-drama. Pay no mind to the poor sound engineering. First attempt at this sort of thing.


Looks perfect. Punch-dagger Gauntlet should have some measure of penetration, or deadly. Dealer's choice.
Again, perfect. No further recommendations.
You consider reading it yourself, or else getting someone to read it?
I don't mean to say it's all that bad or anything, just a thought.
>An audiodrama
Holy shit, that's awesome.
Also, we still need to fill the names of the settlements.
I think I have added all the suggestions so far, please tell me if I've missed one.
Holy hell.
You keep putting out stuff that makes me mortified that this entire project is not more popular, your content should reach more folks.
New Kirkwall - 3
Is that a reference?
I was on the fence about doing so. Experience in radio gives me enough to do Wilhelm well enough. Trouble is that there is a fairly extensive roster of characters and I don't have that great a theatrical range. I know the AI is jarring but unless someone has voice actors in their back pocket it will have to suffice. There's also an interest in preserving anonymity. This is a passion project and I have no interest in personally branding it or monetizing it.

On an unrelated note, if whoever our cartographer is could add the proposed German colonies per the information in the general lore doc, I have names and locales already created. Much appreciated.
Did we add german colonies in Agartha? I've been so busy with work I haven't had time to read most of the new lore. Where can I find this?
The last couple of threads have involved the presentation and acceptance of a German supplement proposal. I don't believe those threads got archived. Information can be found in the general lore and unit design documents.
>A temporary lease was acquired from the French to use the parisian tower elevator to convey men and material to support colonization efforts.
Wait, why would the french even allow the germans the access to Agartha in this way? I can see the italians allowing the germans acces through their entrance to fix their diplomatic ties with the other european powers, sure, but France? What has Germany given to France to allow them entrance? France is probably still mad about Alsace and Lorraine, and both France and Britain would have an aneurism at the though of german expansion through Agartha, the one clear edge they have over the reich.

I always saw Germany pushing for a colonial expansion through Africa, as the continent would get less attention due to the other powers being busy colonising the underground.
Wait, I forgot Alsace-Lorraine was never lost to Germany, my bad.
You make a good point. The largest pushback from the initial proposal was the method of transit.

The Italian route seemed the way to go, but material in the original dossier also extended the idea of the elevator lease on a couple of grounds.
As there is no Franco-Prussian war and no subsequent revanchism, the animosity thay characterized Franco-German relations is tempered to moderate suspicion.
There was an interest in developing a siege of Paris type of circumstance where a German victory in a war against France would impose access to Agartha as a term of the peace treaty. The main issue here is that there was an interest in saving the conflicts that would develop between colonials for layer use when we approach the period of the Great War.
Finally, the French government and economy, albeit having recovered from the fall of Paris, would have difficulty turning down a German offer for substantial compensation, insofar as my discussions with 2eanon indicated.

As they are a latecomer to Agartha, these colonies would be relatively small. Nothing near the size of France or Britain. Some details were fleshed out in the novelization that was posted earlier.
The Wookey Hole Caves (Near the village of Wookey Hole) are a set of caves in England.
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Ok, first the one in the 4th, since it would be much easier. Where do you think it should go?
Centered on that lake to the northwest of the Italian possessions. Unless someone already had designs on that area.
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And the 3rd.

Also, I just had a thought. I think it makes more sense that Germany will expand across Africa, which is easier for them than agarthan expansion, even if they get some colonies. What if it's german expansion through Africa what triggers the Berlin Congress for the Scramble for Africa, only it's not in Berlin, it's somewhere else more neutral (Italy, Austria, Russia?)?
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Are there any Agartha access points in Africa? There could be some King Solomon's Mines, Congo, or Mokele-mbembe content there.
>Germans fighting killer albino Neanderthals and Lemurs
>Germans taming Agarthan Sauropods that ventured to the surface
The novel places the 3rd layer colony on the coast of the inner sea between Franklin and New Kirkwall.
There are tribal legends in Namibia and Tanzania of underground worlds. This was discussed and there seemed to be a reluctance to add entrances whenever a new power needed it. I would be open to this as a feasible alternative if securing access through diplomacy with France is beyond reasonable belief.
Something like this? I imagine it as considerably smaller than the others, especially considering noone wants to compete with the germans for control over the underground, and thus the powers who control the passes would limit the amount of people Germany can push through.

Also, the other powers refer to the german colonies as the sausage factory? Just for the Blackladder reference?
Perfect. Maybe stretch it a little southward to that confluence of rivers. As for derogatory nicknames, that's up to you.
In my personal opinion, we have to divorce ourselves from the historical France further than other factions (I mean, aside from Ottomans I guess, but maybe not even) when we consider what they would and would not accept. France in 1880+ has deviated so much from its historical counterpart to be constrained too much by it, or even by the standard imposed on other Nations at the time. Just to name a few.
> France should be much less associated with socialism/liberalism as a political movement.
> Many Frenchmen remember a time before Paris fell, then had to live through ~5 years of thinking it had been lost, and then it being found again.
> France very recently lost 2 1/2 wars against Italy, of all goddamn opponents.
> Arguably the toughest French people in our timeline are Parisians (KEK).
Allowing Germans access to the Eiffel elevator makes a lot of sense to me once I drop the natural jingoistic reflex. The way Kaiser Anon wrote the story, anything but following France's instruction would result in the immediate loss of the German column. There's nothing 10k men can do vs multiple millions, completely isolated and with limited supply, even if they are towing a whole bunch of mechs and artillery around.
Germany essentially bankrolled France's next few years of economic activity and denied further rapprochement between her (current timeline) greatest enemy (Duosicily) in order to buy the occasion to send their heir to his death in a cave hundreds of miles from his home.
It would be impolite to decline.
Well, just have the entrances exist but nobody knows about them. Weird shit pops out in Africa as a result. It's not like all entrances have to be discovered and used, in fact entrances yet to be discovered are a good thing.
Something like this? I imagine the british and the germans would keep themselves at different sides of the river, so even if the british haven't reached it yet, the germans would not want to risk it, plus it's easier for borders. Also, the germans would want to take over the big island in front of them, even if it's just to avoid possible pressure from british vessels.
And also, France is much more beholden to England in regards to its diplomatic policy in our timeline, Willy starts his campaign to expand the Navy later on in 88 (and perhaps not) which (if I understand correctly) is when Britain and Germany turned sour to each other, so in ~84 it could make some sense that the Brits would be willing to support German overtures in this, no?
Looks good to me. Again, perhaps stretching it a little south and putting in a port marker for their submarine resupply.
Well, Wilhelm's story isn't over yet. He might walk out from beneath the earth a more considerate man. With a Yazata concubine. And a giant pile of gold. Who knows?
I haven't been keeping up with the new German lore, but we could always write it that they used the Iceland Canal if there's any issues with Paris. I feel like we should throw a couple bones Cunningham's way, since everyone having their own exclusive entrance undercuts the usefulness of the canal to anyone but the British.
That's fair, but by its mere existence, Germany ruins France's position as the big power in continental Europe. Great Britain is on their side of the channel; Russia is still quite backwards in both economics, tech and prestige; Vulcanist Italy, while having won two wars, is too politically isolated and probably quite unstable in terms of local politics to capitalise. Germany has the industrial infrastructure, the manpower, the military strength and the prestige to challenge France for the position of top dog in old Europe.

There would be none of the revanchist hate of the French-Prussian War, but there would be a massive sense of unnerve and distrust. How many in french politics would distrust the german money, especially if they fear the germans will eventually find a passage of their own?
>There would be none of the revanchist hate of the French-Prussian War, but there would be a massive sense of unnerve and distrust. How many in french politics would distrust the german money, especially if they fear the germans will eventually find a passage of their own?
That's hardly unique to Germany though. I can see France being just as paranoid about the UK if not more (because the UK both has entrances and even occupied parts of France for a time) I don't see them being exactly friendly, but France using Germany as a counterweight to the UK in Agartha makes sense to me at least.

And America was there too, presumably eating paste and freeing slaves until whatever passes for the Spanish-American war in this timeline happens (potentially the Halifax incident brought them into the Euro sphere of politics early?)
3rd layer updated with german lands.
4th layer updated with german lands.
France could use America and Atlantis as a counterweight in Agartha, which would be less risky. If their main concern is Duosicily, why would they allow Germany (it's allow and a major European power) to gain more presence in Agartha than they otherwise would? Why would Germany pay the amount of money it would require for France to allow them to use the Tower, especially when they already have access to Agartha through Dousicily, and more leeway in Africa?
That's why I think Germany would go full colonizer in Africa. They have no clear way to access the underground, at least not without a ton of strings attached. Meanwhile, the other powers are too focused in Agarthan affairs to go for Africa, the only two powers going at it are the portuguese, who are expanding their domains in the name of sebastianism, and carlist Spain, who need to recover face from the loss of Cuba by getting colonies. Neither one of them could realistically compete with Germany if they trully went full steam ahead with african colonization.
Also, did we make some change to the 2nd layer?
Japan and the Mu invasion not colored?
If you want to mark German possessions in Africa, the area south of Portuguese Angola, across the breath of the continent towards the horn of Africa were the idealized borders in historical German colonial planning. Deutsche Mittelafrika, if you like. We need somewhere to recruit Askari from.
Do we know the dates in which they start colonising these areas? We need to keep it clear and organised for the timeline.

How big and influential are the Mu in the 2nd layer trully? At least in comparison to the epigean nations.

As for Japan, I need to recheck its lore, as I'm not sure how big of a world power they are at this stage (is the Meiji Restoration still going on, and if it is, how effective it is considering the Mu attack must have caused massive chaos?).
German East Africa, that is to say Tanzania and Kenya, were acquired in 1885 in OTL.
Namibia and Cameroon were acquired in 1884 in OTL.
If we proceed under the principle that German colonial interests are not impeded by other powers, you could pull back these dates by about 5 years, to keep it in line with the current lore.
I think it's best to treat the lore like SCP.
There's also Japan, China, Taiwan, and Korea to think about. Satsuma's gone, but I imagine that would have accelerated Japan's colonial acquisitions to compensate for the loss (and it would be even funnier if the Satsuma rebellion, which was mostly caused by the government saying no to an invasion of Korea, made them seize it even quicker.)

Also, Sakhalin was only ceded to Russia in 1875, so I'm not sure if we should keep that or not.
Well Hokkaido is where the Mu invasion was, I believe, so maybe Mu grabbed Sakhalin as well. It's basically uninhabited.
How does Mu invade Hokkaido?
>Gorg tools
Gorgs once witnessed a particularly weird Lemurian Prophet recite's Heidegger's distinction between zuhanden and vorhanden while in the middle of a prophetic trance.
They haven't trusted tools ever since.
What's something I could get started on before the next thread bakes? I've been plinking away at the Atlan miniatures but in between those I'd like to help in the thread itself.
Would Japan be more agressive with their claims to Korea where both China and Russia would be much more difficult to handle in this timeline?
Is the Tsardom really more difficult to handle? They're focusing on Agartha as opposed to Siberia and most of their power seems to be inwardly-focused on dealing with internal issues (which seem to be worse than OTL or at least on an accelerated schedule)
Taiping definitely makes up the difference with their nonsense though.
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Are you looking to write stuff up, or make profiles, or anything else? I don't know if anyone else would have fun making maps like these but I could upload all the assets to either the mediafire or the Discord and if anyone wants they could pump out new maps?
There's a lot of factors coming into that one, so I think we could go either way. One one hand Russia has different goals in sight and would probably be putting less pressure on Japan.
We never decided if either the French or American Expedition against Joseon took places, it seems unlikely the French one of 66 would have happened at all. That would possibly go toward encouraging Japanese encroachment, but it could also be written having a contrary effect (The French stalled when faced with 20x their numbers and never engaged, the Americans in 71 did and wiped the floor with them, then did nothing with it, which could be interpreted as the signal for Japan having its shot.)
On the other hand the same thing applies to Japan/Satsuma as the other Colonials. Agartha opens up opportunities and lessen the pressure against other Nations.
Have some Landsknecht Company insignia.
you're starting to scare me with the amount of stuff you can put out

It's a good fear though.
The german settlements are done, unless I've missed something. Do we know the names?
1. Neu Zorndorf
2. Kaiserstadt-am-See

1. Neu Friederichshafen
Ok, added.
Still have plenty of unnamed settlements.
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Added the german colonies in Africa.
Having now scraped the archives and read through most of the material, it seemed apparent that we are lacking a matrix of diplomatic relations between the major powers. Here is a preliminary attempt to organize that information. Represented are the opnions of a given power of the other powers. Keep in mind that diplomatic opinions need not always be mirrored between powers. This will likely help with keeping some things straight. Happy for feedback.
2e Anon, i'm having to make a new Discord as was foreseen. Also, idea of when we'll play?
That was a very good idea.
>Also, idea of when we'll play?
I'll be logging on and setting up in about 30 minutes, from there on it shouldn't be too long.
Awesome. Mind explaining some of the significance behind the heraldry, or did you just pick it because it looked cool?
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Logging on in a minute!
Oh and
Generally the principle was to replicate the heraldry from the municipal armorials of Germany. The bases of operation therein named are the cities whose heraldry is used for that particular Fahne. During the 16th century, this was generally how Landsknecht forces were recruited, from urban centers where sellswords tended to congregate. I can explain in greater detail but I would have to have an autistic dump on knowledge of German armorial tradition clog up the thread. However, there are some subtle alterations that a clever eye can pick out compared with their historical originals.
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I had wanted to do something similar a few months back but got lazy when I realized how many I would need to do. Now that you've done the heavy lifting I can use my white-collar powers to turn it all into an excel sheet. Right now it's a semi-simplified version until I get around to adding decimal gradation within the larger categories. I'm also trying to figure out how to get a pdf of it which can be converted back into excel without breaking the formatting but I might just get on the d*scord and post the raw excel file there tomorrow.
It might also be possible to replace the numbers with letters which would be preferable I would just have to get the formatting to colour it correctly.
notice the hellsquare in the bottom right corner that is Agarthan-power relations.

I do think that if the Dutch are getting a seat we should slap Ethiopia and the Sky People on for the ride too, maybe others. It shouldn't be too hard once I get it fixed up
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Well, I don't think there was too much doubt as the outcome of this game...
Titking decapitated 5 Phalanxmen over the course of 3 turns, 3 I believe died against his Headman's Axe ability, and then the last one (understandably) decided to get the hell out of there.
The King himself comes out unscathed, however his armor did take a tiny dent, with his helm losing Titanium and going to 7 armour from 9.
Somewhere in New Mu, some general considers that this is a worthy trade.
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The rides never ends.
Remember to archive.

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