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You can't quite remember how you got wrapped up in this situation, but here it stands before you. You can however remember that you've been a fighter and delinquent ever since you were a little bastard. You remember that you were riding a train not too long ago, and that you were with somebody. Everything is fuzzy.

"Who the fuck do you think you is?!" A slouching teen screams in your face as he pushes against your chest. His sunglasses glint in the morning sun in a manner similar to his black, thickly, gelled back hair. He sneers and points his nose skywards as he huffs in frustration. "Little fucker... This is Smile Town Turf!"

"Yeah! S-C-R-A-M kiddo!" A shorter boy with a bucktoothed smile says from behind the first. He lifts up an arm to shoo you away. His sleeves and jacket in general are at least two sizes too small for the buzzcut, baggy-eyed cretin... it's what's around his other arm that concerns you.

"Chitose!" A young girl with short, pigtailed brown hair screams a name. -Your- name. Tears well up in her eyes, overflowing with fear and terror within them. The shorter punk before you is tightly holding her wrist, and a third, more silent teen with a shaved head is holding a knife to neck. She's screaming your name because she's your sister Mimi. Mimi Sonohara. "Help me!"

She was the girl you came here with by train. You two were escaping a fate even worse than this, but this situation is still bullshit. You vaguely remember a second girl who wasn't your sister, but it's too fuzzy and non-important from this to remember. They've got your sister!

The larger boy with a shaved head and a surgical mask covering his mouth merely flashes the blade before her eyes to silence her. While he does so, his beady brown eyes are locked onto yours. DARING you to come forward. DARING you to make a move.

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"Yeah, whatever kid." The 'leader' with the sunglasses slings a lead pipe over his shoulder and gives you the shittiest-faced sneer a human... SUBhuman could ever make as he motions with his head for his 'crew' to get a move on. "This's yer fault for bumpin' into me. You don't look like a local, so I'se let'chu off easy."

He turns to walk away and his two lackies turn to do the same, tough the larger brute with the knife keeps his eyes on you as he turns. Your sister is sobbing and trying to keep as silent as possible as the shorter boy laughs at her plight.

Trash. Scum. Shit.

You cannot move... you don't quite know why...

You cannot speak... Your voice simply won't come...

Every fiber in your body tries to compel you forward or to scream out at those punks who ran off with Mimi.

You look down to your feet to see why they won't move, and you see a pool of black goo entraping your legs like tar. It ripples where it connects with your body. Nothing you do seems to make it any easier to move.

Looking back up, you figure if there was a sign, post, or SOMETHING else nearby you could grab onto you could-... Nothing. When you look up, you see nothing. Everything is as black as the area around your legs with the exception of three silver objects. One directly in front of you, and two spaced apart and to your back.

They're mirrors.

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You can see that your legs are no longer trapped in the one up ahead. The look on your face is obscenely calm and irritated rather than the worry you're feeling right now however. Your reflection's red eyes glare back at you like they're daring you to take a step forward. In the reflection you can see that you're wearing your usual clothes; red button-up shirt, black pants, red & white sneakers, and your jacket like a cloak. The only difference between the reflection and yourself is that it's wearing a pair of fingerless leather gloves with studs on the knuckles and... a single horn jutting out from his forehead. Looking more clearly at it, his eyes are glowing rather then gleaming.

You turn around to look at the other two mirrors and see that they too have differences.

The next reflection is that of you wearing your jacket normally, wearing pointy sunglasses, and with a pair of... what look like armored gloves. Gauntlets? That version of you stands tall with a straight back and exudes an air of certainty.

The last is you wearing your jacket around your waist with the sleeves tied together at your waist. His hair is free, however; unlike your own or the other two reflections he doesn't sport a long ponytail. His hands are bare other than what seem like a pair of tattoos located in his palms and... seems to be floating an inch or two off of the ground. He's smirking and exudes a feeling of confidence.

All three mirrors call out to you like passageways. Three doors into the unknown, but possibly back to your sister and her captors.

"YOU are scum. YOU are trash. YOU are shit."

An unfamiliar voice calls out from the blackness. It echoes inside your head and ears all at once. It is powerful, deep, and smooth. The sounds make you grunt in discomfort and cover your ears, but you still here it all the same.


You feel the muscles of your throat free up.
A simple pair of grunts and humming clarifies that you're able to talk once more.

>Talk back to the voice [What do you say?]
>Ignore it and investigate the three mirrors more closely. [Most everything has already been disclosed, but more minor differences remain]
>Attempt to push past everything and try to escape through the ambiguous darkness.
>Time is of the essence. Choose a 'passageway' and try to run through it! [Choose which one.]

>>Attempt to push past everything and try to escape through the ambiguous darkness.

Chitose? Isn't that a girl's name?
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Why, yes.
Yes it is. Quite normally so.

Despite the feminine name, our protagonist is indeed a male.
It's best to get this question out of the way asap.
Bring the mirrors closer, and insert your body in all of them.
>>Attempt to push past everything and try to escape through the ambiguous darkness.
Bull through, smash the resistance! Our cute sister!
>You cannot speak
It doesn't seem like they saw the black goo, right? So, we just stood there without saying or doing anything while they carried our sister off to do their nefarious deeds? Wah wah wah...
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Seemed like they were completely oblivious to the black goo. Even the dude who eyed you like a hawk didn't seem to notice.

Either that or they were pokerfacing hard. Though, these are street punks. It's most likely the former.
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>Attempt to push past everything and try to escape through the ambiguous darkness.

“Fuck this voice, fuck these mirrors, and FUCK this darkness!” You ain’t got time for this bullshit! You inhale sharply to remove any sort of doubt or concern from your mind other than that of what might be happening to your cute little sister, and say fuck everything. These ‘passageways’ are bullshit, just like that goo from before… whatever it was. It doesn’t matter now that your voice and legs are back to normal.

With one last glance to the mirrors you make up your mind and decide to traverse off the beaten path, just like you’ve always done. Who cares what’s in each passageway or that stupid ass voice?

You give one of your mightiest warcries and barrel directly into the unknown. The scene of the three mirrors is quickly behind you and getting further and further away as your legs carry you forward. It’s hard to make sense of the blackness. It feels like your eyes are closed, but you can clearly see your nose if your focus on it enough. You don’t feel that same sense of uncertainty of running in this darkness as you would if you tried running down a pitch-black warehouse, blindfolded, or with eyes closed.

”You choose the darkness? Why?”

That voice sounds out again, but before you can ponder it any further after the blink of an eye you find yourself back on the street as though nothing had just happened. The sunlight is blinding, however. An indication that the light levels have indeed changed.

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In the moment that you winced and blinked once more as you tried to adjust you find yourself nearly running into a wall. A quick stop keeps you from smacking into it, but now that you’re out of that weird place, Mimi and those punks are nowhere to be found… until you hear the smaller boy’s grating voice chuckle obscenely from a nearby alleyway. A good start to begin your search.

It doesn’t take long to locate the trio, nor the two other lackies they’ve gathered in the middle of a ‘private’ section of the alleyway. At some point when following the voices you came upon a chainlink fence with dividing strips threaded through them and a locked gate. With enough force you’re pretty sure you could break the half-rusted thing to pieces if not the latch the lock is threaded through.

Your surroundings also provide a little more assistance as above the gate is an old fire escape you could feasibly climb up and gain higher ground… another option is going into a connected building and entering from behind. In-fact, it looks like there’s a doorway to the left and it’s been left slightly ajar. The building looks like it has a window facing the alleyway beyond the fence; you can see pretty clearly through the dividing strips if you get close enough to them.

“Please! No!” You can hear Mimi’s screams, and looking through the fence shows that the original trio and the two added lackies are giggling like perverted sickos as two of them hold her arms against one of the walls. They’re doing nothing more than taunting her with their victory and telling her what they’re going to do…. Going to do…

>Smash through the fence.
>Climb Fire Escape and leap down.
>Enter side building and go around fence
>Other [Write in]

>>Smash through the fence.
Beast mode activate.
>>Climb Fire Escape and leap down.
>>Climb Fire Escape and leap down.
Batman style! Noone sees us coming!

>”You choose the darkness? Why?”
Even the Voices don't know what we're doing.
Did we just teleport to Mimi's location? Did this whole hearing-voices, goo-is-holding-us situation happen before or did we just get hit on the head?

>Climb Fire Escape and leap down.
>Climb Fire Escape and leap down
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On all accounts.

Though, no. The goo-is-holding-you thing has never happened before, at least to your knowledge.


>Climb Fire Escape and leap down

Any of the five punks you guys wanna specifically leap down upon?

Here's the trio you could reach from the fire escape in ranges of difficulty easy to hard.

>Closest: Little Dude with Grating voice
>Mid-range: BIG Dude with knife
>Furthest: Sunglassed Greaser
>>Mid-range: BIG Dude with knife
Smash their leader and the others will run away, read about it somewhere, surely true!
>>Mid-range: BIG Dude with knife
>>Mid-range: BIG Dude with knife
And our sister will think 'Oh, how lucky I am to have a strong brother who always rescues me!'

trigger word for get-hit-first.
The one closest to our sister.
>Climb Fire Escape and leap down.
>Target BIG dude with knife

While smashing the gate would surely relieve some of the rage inside, or how going through the open door would be sneaky as fuck you choose the third option of using the fire escape. It’s a golden idea. Without a second thought you take a few steps back in preparation to ascend.

With a quick couple steps and a bit of a wallrun with a sideways leap at the end, you easily reach the pull ladder… though it doesn’t seem like it’s in working order. Instead of sliding down it remains. No matter. You’ve already got hold of it, and thus can just climb it as is. It’s a piece of cake for the seasoned delinquent you are and is no match for your general fitness. You scale the ladder and swing yourself around to the walking surface of the escape. From where you stand you could easily leap in from here and clock the shrimp of their group who is currently grabbing his crotch in an obscene manner…. But your eyes are locked onto another punk.

That huge guy with the knife. If anybody’s a real threat, it’d be that guy. The fact he’s got a knife makes him target numero uno. You climb up a couple flights of the escape’s stairs until you’re sure that you’re at the right height to crash down on his world. Good thing these idiots aren’t paying attention to their surroundings, but it’d be better if they’d just drop dead. The fact they’re still tormenting Mimi infuriates you.

You take a sharp breath and run across the entire length of what little space you’ve got on the escape, leap upwards onto the railing, and leap forward from there. You’re airborn for what feels like forever and each moment carries you closer and closer to that huge dude. Carries you closer to scraping these bastard’s teeth on the pavement. Closer to retribution



>Standby for RURUS
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A’ight bozos, are ya ready ta rumble?!
But, before ya start scrappin’,
ya gotta know Da RRRRRRRRRRuLLLLLLLLLes!

Time to get into the nitty gritty:
Each encounter/round consists of 3 things:
>1. Success/Failure Pools
>2. Die rolls
>3. Rumble Resource Points

>>Success/Failure Pools
Each round will progress by gaining 1pt of Success or Failure. Both have their own individual pools that will add up with each result. Success or Failure in a Rumble is determined by which pool reaches 6pts or more first. There are 2 ways of

Each round you gain at least 1-pt of Success, or Failure. Both Success and Failure have their own individual pools that will keep adding up for each Success or Failure. Success or Failure in an Encounter is determined by which pool reaches a total of 6-pts first. There are two ways of adding to each pool: Die Rolls, and Rumble Resources.

>>Die Rolls:
Die rolls will be 1d20, and I will take the first three rolls. There will be a starting DC set for each encounter to determine Successes or Failures. Rolls will be determined by the highest roll, and if at least one of the other rolls is at least three below the DC. A Natural 1 or 20 overrides the other rolls and will result in a Success or Failure; it will result in a Critical only if it is supported by the other dice. Critical Successes or Failures will grant you 2-pts rather than just 1-pt. The DC to hit will permanently raise with each Failure, and lessen with each Success. Battle momentum is a hell of a thing.

>>Rumble Resources (RR)
Die rolls represent the eternal sway of battle, but Rumble Resources (RR) represent the Mind, Body, and Soul of Chitose. Each Encounter will start with 1-pt all three (RR). Each (RR) is a numeral indication of how exactly you’re , and represent different aspects of Chitose. Each round the first three to roll dice get to choose a (RR) in addition to their Rolls. You gain an additional 2-pts of Success or Failure if you reach a certain threshold of a particular (RR), dependant on the Encounter. Some fights require more brawn, but less thinkin’; more manly spirit, less brawn; so on and so forth. If you reach this threshold it will trigger events tied to each encounter.

>[1/3] RURUS!
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>Hotblooded: (HB)
Hotblooded represents BODY, and is the stat that increases Chitose’s physical parameters. The more points invested in (HB) allows Chitose to dish out more pain, and greatly increases his overall brute force. Every 5-pts of (HB) adds a +1 bonus to the primary roll.

You -always- gain a bonus point of (HB) with each failure. Adversely you -lose- a point of (HB) with each success. Reaching 0 (HB) results in the secondary die’s DC to be one less than the primary DC, rather than 3 less than the primary DC.

>Spirited: (SP)
Spirited represents SOUL, and is the stat that increases Chitose’s willpower, and overall ability to do cool shit. (SP) allows Chitose to become even more inspiring to his allies, terrifying to his foes, and increases his maneuverability/agility. Every 5-pts of (SP) adds a +1 bonus to the secondary roll.

You -always- gain a bonus point of Spirit with each Success. Adversely you -lose- a point of Spirit with each Failure. Reaching 0 (SP) results in the encounter’s DC being raised by 2.

>Justice: (JP)
Justice represents the MIND, and increases both your ability to be a clever little shit, as well as your awareness amidst the throes of combat. (JP) let’s Chitose analyze a situation as to find alternative means to end a conflict, weak points, or to catch wind of a change of his opponent's tactics. Every 5-pts of (JP) lowers the target DCs by 1.

You -always- gain 5 bonus (JP) with a Critical Success, and lose -all- of your (JP) with each Critical Failure. You also lose 2 (JP) for each failure. Reaching 0 (JP) results in a -1 penalty to each die roll.

First 3 rolls are counted;
Earn 6 Successes before you get 6 Failures.
Gain benefits from raising Hotblooded, Spirited, and Justice points high enough
Accrue penalties if Hotblooded, Spirited, or Justice reach 0 points.
You can stack however many points of whatever you desire.

>[2/3] RURUS!
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>[3/3] RURUS!
NOW you'se ready to fuckin' throw down! Get out there and fuck some shit up!


>Hotblooded: 1pt
>Spirited: 1pts
>Justice: 1pt

What's the dice roll? 1d20, 3d20 etc. etc?
Rolled 1 (1d20)


Bah, disregard that.

>Die rolls will be 1d20

I'll be adding/subtracting the various modifiers.
Rolled 14 (1d20)


Goddamn it all.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Smash them all!
Good entrance, bad execution, "We tried, sister, we tried..." urgh.
This roll is love.

Gonna take "Smash them all!" as Hotblooded?

With each roll ya also choose [HB], [SP], or [JP].
Wow. I missed this quest.
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I missed you too, random citizen!

>Hotblooded: (HB)
Yes! Not those other pussy options like Spirit and Justice, we will overcome our adversaries with our Hard Body!

Hot-Blooded kind of builds with failure though, so investing in one right off the bat seems... Well, it has its uses but I don't think it's the right way to start this rumble off.
You fly in on the wings of a demon ready to send these fuckers across the sanzu river, but it seems the air you got was lacking as you rapidly descend from the heavens to your chosen target. You were aiming for his face, but you’re heading for his abdomen instead. That’d be awesome, but he’s extended his arm out to block you from your earthbound kick from doing much harm. As you try to kick off of his blocking arm you feel fingers grasping at your leg. That shrimp behind you!

“You just don’t get it, do ya kiddo?” He asks as he holds on with all his might as you try to escape. Despite your superior strength, the odd angle you’re at makes your kick useless as you instead roll to the ground with the little bastard still attached to your ankle. He’s laughing still, despite having been floored with your ass. “You got your chance!”

“Get the fuck off of m-!” Before you’re able to free yourself from his grasp by kicking his teeth in, your own teeth are instead the ones kicked. The greaser guy has run to your side upon noticing the scene unfurling and has capitalized on the distraction to get a potshot at your face. Your head twists sideways, causing you to roll; that grasp on your ankle still there.

“Hey! You gonna disrespect Smile Town’s Turf and then try’n’a roll all up into they business, you gonna get wrecked scrub!” He cries out as he twirls the leadpipe he’s been carrying in his hands. He lowers his sunglasses slightly to glare at you with beady, black eyes as he swings his pipe low onto the ground, causing it to shoot sparks out at your. “Playtime is over. Let’s give ya a reason to smile, why don’t we?”

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The big guy flips out his knife again and twirls it in his fingers as he shakes the pain out of his hit arm. “Permanently.”

One of the two goons holding Mimi leaves her side and cracks his knuckles, and begins to approach.

What a damned situation.

>Kick the cretin off your ankle and kip up to begin attacking one of ‘em.
>Try to swing your legs around like a breakdancer, and hopefully hit one of those motherfuckers with the smaller mother fucker.
>Stay on the ground and try to trip them up as they come at you, attacking them once they’re on the ground
>Other [Write in]?

>FAILURE (+1 Hotblooded, -1 Spirited)
> 0/5 Success | 1/5 Failures - Battle momentum swinging badly, but not harsh enough to not recover.

>Hotblooded 3pt (+1)
>Spirited 1pt (+1)
>Justice 2pt (+1)

> [2/2]
Rolled 3 (1d20)


>Try to swing your legs around like a breakdancer, and hopefully hit one of those motherfuckers with the smaller mother fucker.

>>Kick the cretin off your ankle and kip up to begin attacking one of ‘em.
For Clarification:
>Still gonna need 1d20 roll & a choice of [HB], [SP], or [JP] in addition to your choice of action.
Rolled 8 (1d20)


I'm used to rolling after a choice is made.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>>Kick the cretin off your ankle and kip up to begin attacking one of ‘em.
We have to be able to move to fight them.
>Hotblooded 3pt (+1)
All those spirit weaklings, the Hard Body is our saviour!
No worries Anon. YRQ is a wee bit different in that regard.

Nat 20 following that Nat 1 last round.

Yup. YRQ has returned alright.

>Kick the cretin off your ankle and kip up to begin attacking one of ‘em.

They all begin to surround and swarm you, trying to intimidate you. Their shit-faced grins, sneers, and weaponry only piss you off further though. You tried to do something tricky but you just didn’t have enough juice to get you there. Fuck it.

“The only smiles ‘round ‘ere are gonna be your toothless ones once I’se done wit’ya!” You roar back at them from the ground. The fact that you’ve yet to lose will or spirit despite the odds and your situation jars them slightly and causes them to look between each other. That brief opening is all you needed to act before they could even understand what the hell you’re up to. You look down to the little bastard clinging to your leg like a ball and chain, and rear back the leg he isn’t holding. That simple motion is more than enough to wipe his shitfaced grin away as he panics as he tries to find some way out of the way.

He’s too late.

>He’s too late.
The Stomper. That's our new nickname.
Also: They will be our new lackeys after the fight.
You kick your foot out at him and he tries to tilt his head out of the way, but your too fast for him. Your shoe makes solid contact with his open mouth and it causes the little fuck to go rolling backwards until he crumbles into a satisfactory little pile of asshole a few feet away.

With your feet free you kip yourself back up onto your feet before the thugs realize you’re free. You’ve got enough time to get in a potshot of your own, and use it to strike out at that huge guy with the knife. He doesn’t have near enough the speed or awareness to dodge and takes a knuckle sandwich directly into his own maw. With a satisfying grunt of pain he stumbles backwards and a hand goes to check his bloody mouth. He seems pissed.

The other three still-standing dudes seem slightly phased by your sudden comeback, and they probably should be.

Your name is Chitose Sonohara, and your prime hobby is fucking people up.

>Roll 1d20 & Choose [HB], [SP], or [JP]

>Continue attacking the huge guy
>Down the lacky to the side
>Strike greaser
>Other [Write in]?

>CRITICAL SUCCESS (-1 Hotblooded, +1 Spirited, +5 Justice)
> 2/6 Success | 1/6 Failures - Battle momentum swinging badly, but not harsh enough to not recover.

>Hotblooded 3pt (+1)
>Spirited 4pt (+2)
>Justice 5pt (+0) [Target DC lowered by 1]
(Last Failure should have drained Justice Pool to 0, but it’s my own bad for not noticing it. You didn’t get no penalty, and yall earned a Crit Success.)

Rolled 6 (1d20)


>Down the lacky to the side.

Rolled 10 (1d20)

>>Continue attacking the huge guy

Rolled 15 (1d20)

>Continue attacking the huge guy
The Hot Body is where victory lies! And the big knife guy has it coming, creating dentist customers for free!
oh wait, [JP] is better here, lower DC, changing my vote OP and going over to the Justice People side!
>Battle momentum swinging badly
Battle momentum swinging in our favour again!

inb4 sister is a delinquent too and joins the fight.
Shit. Thanks. Shoulda caught that one~

Momentum is going great.

>Continue attacking the huge guy

You don’t let up and step forward into the larger guy’s space once more. Like a ferocious beast you keep up your attack despite the odds. You SPIT in the face of the odds! Fist after fist flies at the larger brute, and he can barely keep up blocking. It’s obvious he’s always been up against meeker foes and is pure offence… his defence lacks.

The greaser bastard tries to step up into you, swinging his lead pipe up high to crack your head. Instead you throw another punch at the bruiser… no… it’s a feint! You grasp at his sleeve and force it towards you. He easily moves with the motion thinking he can get a swing in himself, but instead you raise his arm over your head.


You can hear the sound of breaking bone and the clanging of the pipe as it forces the larger brute’s arm to begin bending at an unnatural angle. Of course these bastards don’t know how to deal with a TRULY scrappy foe like yourself. Thugs. Mooks.

It doesn’t matter what you call them as you continue pulling at the broken arm still in your steely grip, and toss the bastard over your shoulder. His lack of resistance due to the writhing pain he must be in keeps him from stopping you.

One moment he’s in the air, and in the next he’s crumpled on the ground like the smaller of the mooks.

Raising up to your full height both the greaser and the two lackies stare at you with widened eyes and mouths agape. You simply spit out a small bit of blood from when you were kicked in the face earlier and glare back at them, wondering which one to down next.

Then you look past them, and spot Mimi. She’s astonished along with the thugs, but because of the collective gawking you see that the thug holding onto Mimi is standing exposed and has lessened his grip. Opportunity only knocks once.

“Oi! Mimi! Go fer the nuts! DO IT NOW!” You call out to her, surprising the trio of standing bastards before you, and shake her out of her stupor. She looks back at you with a look of confusion for a moment as well as hesitation, but your voice seems to encourage her to snap out of that as well. She winces a bit as she lifts up one of her legs and retracts it before giving a splendid kick into her captor’s jewels.

The pain forces him to let go and crumble to his knees. Mimi takes the opportunity to run away to one of the further corners of their little ‘base’.

The two bastards in front of you turn to give chase, but are stopped as you reach out and grab for their collards and keep them rooted in place.

“I dun think so.” Your threatening voice causes the lacky in your grasp to collapse to his knees and cower. An act that only seems to rile up the greaser’s anger as he turns to face you with bared teeth.

>Roll 1d20 & Choose [HB], [SP], or [JP]

>Slam him to the ground and pound them teeth out
>Use your grip on him to pull him to your fist and punch this fuck out.
>Start running him forward to slam him into the wall in front of your.
>Other [Write in]?

>SUCCESS (-1 Hotblooded, +1 Spirited)
>EVENT GET!! (Spirited) Your indomitable will and bursting lungs demands respect, even from your enemies. Your burning spirit bursts through and intimidates foes and strengthens friends! YOU’RE ON FIRE!
> 5/6 Success | 1/6 Failures - Battle momentum swinging greatly in your favor. You’ve almost got dis!

>Hotblooded 2pt (+0)
>Spirited 6pt (+1) [+1 to secondary roll]
>Justice 7pt (+2) [Target DC lowered by 1]

Rolled 6 (1d20)

>>Start running him forward to slam him into the wall in front of your.

Rolled 18 (1d20)

They're beaten. Make them our lackeys! Threaten them to break their boss' arm further.

Justice Talk!
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>>Start running him forward to slam him into the wall in front of your.
Your back!
Damn straight I am!

Conversion is [SP]. [SP] is the charisma, [JP] is the brain and stuffs.

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>Start running him forward to slam him into the wall in front of you.

“Shouldn’t be lookin’ at me.” You warn him as you begin to take some quick steps forward. Your motion forces him to match your pace otherwise fall down. He tries to keep up and turn to where you’re heading, but he does so too late. He cannot do anything but begin to shout at you finish your forward jaunt with a simple thrust of your arm forward. He grunts loudly as his face makes contact with the rough texture of the building. You don’t stop there, however. “Shouldn't have messed with me, man.”

You take his face and draw your hand back just enough to slam his face into the wall once more. He cries out in pain as his sunglasses break with the force of this time. Broken shards of plastic clatter to the ground beneath him, but there’s hardly enough time to hear it as you draw him back to slam him forward a third time.

“S-shit! Who th’fuck even is you?!” He shouts out to you as you drag his face across the bricks he’s stuck against. He tries to struggle, but it’s made quite apparent that you’re the strongest between the two of you. He cannot do anything but writhe and try to escape in futile effort. “I swear! I-if’n you keep this shit up, Smile Town is gonna-”


“Gonna what?” You dare him to speak up after forcing him into the wall once more. It’s clear he’s beginning to lose consciousness with each blow. “Listen here. Me’n me sis are new to this area, so tell yer lil’ piss-ant Smile Town motherfuckers that there’s a new fucker in town and he’s plenty willin’ to take on new punching bags.”

You drag him along the bricks once more, but this time you throw his greasy ass to the ground.

“The punching bags in my old city were gettin’ to scarce. Imma need new once if’n I’se gonna get any practice in.” You give him a sharp kick to the stomach as he tries to scramble to his feet, stopping him entirely. He merely curls up into a pathetic ball before you as you take out a victory cigarette from your pocket and beckon the untouched lacky who’d begun to cower in the corner over to light it for you.

He obeys your confidence and skitters over meekly.

“Now then. How ‘bout you fuck-faces tell me what’s up with this ‘Smile Town’ bullshit, and help me ‘n m’sis get to where we’se goin’? Before I decide to just knock yer asses out like those other two.”

“Y-yes! Mister…. What’s your name?”

“Sonohara.” You exhale a brilliant, white plume of smoke from between your lips. “Sonohara Chitose.”


Shit, I missed so much. I was looking forward to this too
“Fuck!!!…” The world suddenly goes black for a moment, fading away like a fog as you try to open your eyes in the bright morning light. It’s a futile attempt as the sun’s rays assault your eyes like never before. “Where…. The fuck…”

Your hand blindly reaches out to slam on the loud noise continually ringing in your ear, and it all suddenly stops. Your eyes open just enough to see that it’s your alarm clock… stupid thing nearly gave you a heart attack. You’ve never set it before…. Never knew it could make such a horrid noise.

Looking over you can see that it’s still only 6AM… Monday. You’ve never been up this early on a Monday before. Been up this late, but never this early.

Your head is pounding… that’s right…. This past weekend has been total shit.

You’ve had your clocks cleaned, wrecked face on your own, and seen what life’s troubles bring for this self destructive lifestyle. Your eyes were opened….

You didn’t want them opened to be honest, but alas life comes at you with brass knuckles whether you like it or not.

After a crazy night out, you decided that this week would be the beginning of a new life if you could help it…. Shit is going down the gutter, and your mentor showed you how hard it is to crawl out of it when you get deep enough… and that seemed like enough of a reason to try to change. To become a Yankii Reform and turn your life around…

But… shit… your life is already a mess, and violence flows through your veins… it’s WHO YOU ARE…. reality just likes to slap at you with it’s dong sometimes. Despite the alarm going off, and laying awake for a few minutes, it’s hard to forget that vivid dream.

That happened… It happened over five years ago when you and Mimi first came to Onimaru City to escape your abusive father. When you rescued her from a wretched fate and existence and freed yourself from his cage. That day changed her, though. Possibly for the better, but at least she ain’t following you or your elder sister’s footprints into delinquency… or at least as a fighter.

One thing bothers you though…. That goo. That voice. The mirrors. The blackness.

You’ve had that dream before, but this is the first time that had happened… weird. You can still feel the odd stillness of the darkness and hear the echoing voice around you… but it’s obviously not there. A dream… a STUPID dream… Fuck it.

Anyways… as far as Mondays go and the will to Change…. Is it really still there? It’s still ass early to go to school, but you know that them damn keeners fuckin’ do it ALL the time…. OR you COULD sleep in...

>Get up right now ‘n get ready.
>Get up in a bit and take it easy
>Stay in bed for a bit
>Other [Write in]?


>SUCCESS (-1 Hotblooded, +1 Spirited)
> 6/6 Success | 1/6 Failures - With only a slip up off the bat, your form is lookin’ great!

>Hotblooded 2pt (+1)
>Spirited 8pt (+1) [+1 to secondary roll]
>Justice 8pt (+1) [Target DC lowered by 1]

>>Other [Write in]?
Git up and work out. Start with stretches first, though.
>>Stay in bed for a bit
>>Get up right now ‘n get ready.
Gotta start it right.
>>Get up right now ‘n get ready.
Stretch a bit too, that dream was fucked we need to chill some.

On a side note, this is totally great gettin' back to this quest and shit~!
totally is boss. Glad you are back. All the characters we know making reprisals?
Most of 'em. There've been less than a handful of cuts, but most should be reprising their rolls if not taking on more as well.

When I first did YRQ I had maybe a month's worth of planning then life slammed my teeth into the pavement,

Now I've nearly a year of content I've been building on, building up, breaking down, and building up again.

My body is truly ready.
Good to hear that. Once more just for the sake of it.
now i'm really curious on what this means for our future.
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>Get up right now ‘n get ready.

Fuck it. You’re already awake, might as well get up too.

With a lazy grunt you’re quick to rise from the sheets and blanket onto the edge of your bed. Your eyes adjust a fair bit better now that your mentality is in the right place. The brightness of the morning sun doesn’t subside, but you can see clearly now. This is your room.

A room in a house owned by your elder sister. You’re still not quite sure how she came about such a nice place, but who were you to question why you got to live in such a nice place? Each of your have your own rooms, as well as there being a full kitchen and living room downstairs. Life has been quite nice outside of the ‘cage’ your father placed you in once shit started to pour downhill.

Looking around you see your familiar bookshelves, mostly filled with comics and books given to you. Hell, you still don’t know what’s in half of them. You’ve never quite been the reading type… perhaps that’ll change here too. But not right now.

You continue to scan the room to spy your altered highschool uniform hanging near the doorway and a closet where you store the rest of your clothes; clothes for weekends and days you skip school entirely anyways. Familiar alarm clock, stereo, computer, old tv, a game system lent to you by your sister, and…. What seems like a box sitting on your desk.

The box is made of metal and looks like it has a large lock on it, but as you get up and walk over to it with a stretch it’s clear that it it won’t open. Picking the thing up it’s solid, and there’s something rattling inside it… but no matter the strength you put into it, it just doesn’t budge.

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Putting it aside you decide to perform your normal morning routine.

Stretches and exercises to keep you fit, and done in a large volume to make up for the lack of any real equipment. With perseverance, it works out though. You’ve got plenty of that kickin’ round. It’s a fairly extreme routine, and by the time you’re done it’s almost 7AM.

The weariness of sleep and that strange dream are now behind you as you feel refreshed, and with that it’s time to get ready. Moving over to your uniform you dress as per normal. Slightly baggy pair of black pants, red & white sneakers, red button-up shirt, and your school jacket which has an added chain and clasp so you can wear it over your shoulders instead of normally. Opening up the closet your put on the rest of your ensemble, mostly consisting of a pair of fingerless leather gloves.

Fully equiped for the day you’re ready to go… though, looking in the mirror it’s odd to see your current self as is….

The dream…

In the dream you were as you were over five years ago. The clothes you wore back then were what your were wearing all throughout it other than when you saw the reflections of yourself in the mirrors. The reflection that you saw was of you now… though with weird and differing alterations…

Shaking your head of the dream once more you slap your face to clear your thoughts. Of course you saw yourself as you are! Those alternate versions of yourself never came to be of you as a squirt. You only know yourself as you are… that has to be the reason why you saw your present self. It’s no matter anyways….

Going downstairs you find the house rather empty. Your elder sister Yuriko and younger sister Mimi don’t seem to be home. A note left for you on the fridge is all the explanation you need. Apparently your mentor had come by even earlier and picked them up to bring them around for breakfast.... He’d also be the one taking Mimi to school this morning as well.

Opening the fridge you find that there’s some left over food from yesterday. A quick zapping and scarfing is all it needs to give you the fuel you need for the morning. Shit… looking at the clock it’s still only a few minutes past seven. Being up early is weird… Well. You’ve got some time to kill… maybe...

>Depart and head for school immediatly
>Leave and take the scenic route around; you should get to school on time if you pay attention.
>Take a breather on the couch and turn the TV for a moment.
>Ditch school… fuck it today.
>Other [Write in]?

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Alrighty then, Imma take my leave for now but fret not for the delinquency shall continue!
Perhaps even tomorrow. Keep an eye on my twittersheet for potential updates~! Or, even honestly the front page as it seems like I’ve got a couple days before auto-sinking happens, and even with that it’ll take a few days to fall off of /qst/.

Anyways, I’ll be here for a while longer for Q&A, comments, and general bullshittery.


Here’s the links for stuffs:

>Twittersheet: https://twitter.com/Lord_Grimsley
>New Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/H1KM0ekm
>Tumblr Q&A and stuffs: http://yankii-reform.tumblr.com/
>Archive, including old series: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Yankii%20Reform%20Quest
>>Leave and take the scenic route around; you should get to school on time if you pay attention.
>>Depart and head for school immediatly
Would we ever get to upgrade our fighting style some way? Make it more refined or something like that?
we may have missed that boat when we choose our own way.
>>Leave and take the scenic route around; you should get to school on time if you pay attention.
Damn, that may be.
we may have just rejected the most obvious(and easiest) choices. Chitose goes his own way.
>Leave and take the scenic route around; you should get to school on time if you pay attention.
This is true. I just couldn't help but ask, since the idea popped into my head after seeing what Yakuza 0 does with their fighting styles.
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You sure could, yo.

Right now Chitose is sporting a pure brawler/street fighter style. Nothing special, just brutal.

What'd you has in mind?

Chitose goes his own way~!
But, no. Chitose's own way is a way chosen by himself.
Guess who gets to be Chitose. You, Anon. You are the Chitose.

As for the choosing darkness bit, we'll see what kinda importance your first choice will have in due time.

>Leave and take the scenic route around; you should get to school on time if you pay attention.

Thanks for running this today OP. I had fun.
>Leave and take the scenic route around; you should get to school on time if you pay attention.
Sup Grimsy, great to see you back
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>Leave and take scenic route around; you should get to school on time if you pay attention.

Any time you’ve got to kill, you’d rather do it while outside. With one last stretch and a look around the room you’re already out the door and on your way.

Once more you’re attacked by the sun’s rays, but this time you’re prepared! You squint slightly as you turn around to lock the door, as per usual. With a satisfying click you head for the street. While you and your elder sister living less than savory lifestyle, you actually live in one of the nicer parts of town along the side of the massive mountain that your city nuzzles up against. Simply looking eastward from your street you can see the sea where the city ends. The brilliant blue beyond stretches into the horizon where it finally meets the sky.

It’s a much better change of scenery from when you were smaller.

Just next door you can see another familiar house, a… childhood friend of sorts. Just a glance over at their house you can tell it’s vacant. Just as well. The residents of that house tend to be quite busy doing this or that… hell… sometimes you’re not even sure the two siblings living there even have parents due to how busy they can be. The only reason you know they exist is that you’ve seen them a handful of times these past few years. Only a handful, though.

Speaking of which… You reach around to the mail slot along your property’s fence and open it up. After rooting around for a moment you feel it. Something that’s been rather consistently there almost ever since you moved here.


While it’s always kinda a guilty thing to keep recieving, you gotta admit that these bento boxes have saved your ass from starvation a few times when shit goes bad. Well, perhaps not starvation, but the shit is quite nice. Tucking it into your school bag, you decide to crash into the rolling morning the right way… though… not quite.

Looking back through the gate back into your yard you can see your sister’s and your own motorbikes still sitting there… though yours has been raised up off of it’s non-existent tires. This past weekend was rough and some of the events that occured got both tires fucked to hell, and fucked up something you’ve yet to have time to look at. It might take some time to get it taken care of… or at least some time or dedicated help to fix.

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Putting that behind you, you beat feet.

The main road would take you directly to school, but the sideroads you tend to take have been more or less deemed your own ‘turf’. It was made pretty solidly clear by those thugs you thrashed on your first day that you were meant to take over the streets and reign supreme as the top badass. Back then… you agreed. It’s gotten you into a lot of shit and even lost you a close friend once.

As you turn a corner you can see that old greaser guy. He’s a few years older than you, and has been running a raman cart along this backstreet for a while now. He’s still greasy as fuck, but his raman is tasty. He, the two lackies, and the huge guy have since ‘devoted their lives’ to you.

“Oi! Mornin’ boss! What you still doin’ out this late?” He calls out to you with a cup of coffee in hand. He’s wearing his uniform and sitting on a crate, but it’s clear his shop isn’t opened up just yet.

“Doin’ out this early.” You correct him as you draw near. “Just goin’ fer a stroll ‘fore school, y’know?”

“Early? Th’fuck did you start wakin’ up this early?” He asks while stifling a laugh and extending a hand in greetings.

“Since today.” You reach out a hand to meet his and give it a loose slap. “Really, though. Gotta make sure I keep time. I’ll check ya later.”

“Oh, sure boss!” He takes a sip of his coffee and raises his other hand to signal OK. “Oh! Souichi came ‘round earlier and said he’s got somethin’ to talk to ya ‘bout!”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll catch up with him later.” You respond as you head further and further down the streets. With this much ground covered, you’re just about entering into a little shopping arcade on the borders of your territory… and that’s when you hear it.

“Oi! Watch where you’re goin’!” A deep voiced man hollers out.
“Oi! Why don’cha watch where YOU’RE goin’?!” A high-pitched, feminine voice retorts.

“HEY! We’re with the King’s Crew! Who th’hell do you think you is?!” A second masculine voice replies in anger. “Fuck it! KING’S CREW! ASSEMBLE! We’ll teach YOU somethin’ bout messin’ with the King’s subjects!”

His ‘warcry’ is followed by a swath of other voices drowning out the area, as well as the screams of countless morning-goers who were probably just starting their own days.

“Bring it on!” The feminine voice replies in confidence.

>Get involved: Charge the fuck in!
>Peek head in and see what’s up.
>Keep out of this; keep nose clean.
>Other [Write in]?

>>Get involved: Charge the fuck in!

>>Peek head in and see what’s up.
Let's survey the situation first.
>Get involved: Charge the fuck in!
Violence > coffee
Also, is this a continuation of the original or a true reboot? I only vaguely remember Yankii quest's first run.

>Peek head in and see what’s up.
This would be a True Reboot.
Y'dun need prior knowledge to get aboard the Yankii Express right now. We're just pullin' into the station.

>MFW captcha is actually also about trains
>Get involved: Charge the fuck in!
>Peek head in and see what’s up.

“Shit.” You breath a frustrated sigh at the commotion rising up so early in the morning. It isn’t so uncommon, but it’s inevitably irritating. With a deep breath you instinctively run forward at full speed while priming your fists for some action. Violence has always been the best coffee.

The streets blur past along with people hanging back out of curiosity or those who’re backing away due to the impending fight occurring. Just like ordinary citizens they are… Ordinary…


Just before you head too far into the conflict arising you stop yourself from your charge. Your goal was the become a reform, but you’re already itching for a fight? Pathetic… then… then again this is happening loosely within your own neighborhood.

You keep a level of restraint as you edge closer to the commotion, and finally hear the sounds of fighting. Crashing, thrashing, thumping, screaming… the works. When you finally near it enough you can see over the heads of many of the looky-loos and… spot an unfamiliar face among the suit-clad thugs gathered in a circle in the area.

There’s a girl in the center of it all with long, light-brown hair who’s wearing your school’s uniform in a loose fashion and is holding onto a baseball bat. It looks a bit bloody, but now that you see her she kinda seems a little shaken or off-put by how surrounded she is. She keeps a rather sharp look on her face, however.

“L-look here, punks! I dun care if yer King Crew or not!” She swings her bat at the nearest thug who takes a step back to dodge the blow before continuing. “This’s my hood now! I-I’m gonna mess yall up if’n you keep tryin’a step up on me!”

“Fuck off lil’ girl!” A large, bald thug steps forward with red-rimmed sunglasses. He sneers down at her with a face that clearly expresses his amusement beyond his shades. He’s holding a cigar just before his face. “King’s Crew is takin’ this here territory. Th’boss has interest in it… but not in a lil’ girl like you.”

He takes a few steps forward and reaches into his suit’s inner pocket and pulls out a collapsible, metal baton.

“Fuck your boss! He’s nothin’ more than boardwalk trash!” She retorts as she tries to attack the bald guy, though her bat is easily knocked back by his little baton. With a grunt from the reverb in her weapon she takes a couple steps back in exasperation that he was able to perform such a feat.

“Woah there. Th’King might not have interest in a dame like you,” He takes a drag of his cigar while gripping his baton tightly in his fist. The motion causes the tip of his baton the crackle and spark with electricity. “But I certainly have interest in a spunky lil’ gal like you. How’d you like to become King’s Crew property, eh?”

It’s clear what he’s going to do… and it’s clear what’s going to happen now. There’re eight thugs, and their leader with the baton. By the looks of their leader’s strength, it looks like it might be a tough one.

Looking around you can see that there’s a balcony above one of the local restaraunts for extra seating you could possibly get up to in order to LEAP DOWN FROM ABOVE..

Otherwise you could feasibly grab one of the thugs forming the ring and take him off guard and THROW him at somebody else.

Barring that, you could also just charge in and just get straight into the thick of it.

>Charge in!
>Leap down from above.
>Throw a mother fucker.
>Leave; this has nothing to do with you,
>Watch; this’ll be interesting
>Other [Write in]?


>Watch; this’ll be interesting
>Look around for a weapon to even the odds
>Leap down from above
We are Baseball Batman.

Ninja Baseball Batman?
Would that be a skyward Double Lariat, or a Double Lariat from the ground in a charging fashion~?
>>Leap down from above.
It's our trademark move!

Charging. I imagine that it'll kind of look like Colossus's homing shoulder-tackle from the Marvel Vs. Fighting games.
A Consensus has been reached!

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A’ight bozos, are ya ready ta rumble?!
But, before ya start scrappin’,
ya gotta know Da RRRRRRRRRRuLLLLLLLLLes!

Time to get into the nitty gritty:
Each encounter/round consists of 3 things:
>1. Success/Failure Pools
>2. Die rolls
>3. Rumble Resource Points

>>Success/Failure Pools
Each round will progress by gaining 1pt of Success or Failure. Both have their own individual pools that will add up with each result. Success or Failure in a Rumble is determined by which pool reaches 6pts or more first. There are 2 ways of

Each round you gain at least 1-pt of Success, or Failure. Both Success and Failure have their own individual pools that will keep adding up for each Success or Failure. Success or Failure in an Encounter is determined by which pool reaches a total of 6-pts first. There are two ways of adding to each pool: Die Rolls, and Rumble Resources.

>>Die Rolls:
Die rolls will be 1d20, and I will take the first three rolls. There will be a starting DC set for each encounter to determine Successes or Failures. Rolls will be determined by the highest roll, and if at least one of the other rolls is at least three below the DC. A Natural 1 or 20 overrides the other rolls and will result in a Success or Failure; it will result in a Critical only if it is supported by the other dice. Critical Successes or Failures will grant you 2-pts rather than just 1-pt. The DC to hit will permanently raise with each Failure, and lessen with each Success. Battle momentum is a hell of a thing.

>>Rumble Resources (RR)
Die rolls represent the eternal sway of battle, but Rumble Resources (RR) represent the Mind, Body, and Soul of Chitose. Each Encounter will start with 1-pt all three (RR). Each (RR) is a numeral indication of how exactly you’re , and represent different aspects of Chitose. Each round the first three to roll dice get to choose a (RR) in addition to their Rolls. You gain an additional 2-pts of Success or Failure if you reach a certain threshold of a particular (RR), dependant on the Encounter. Some fights require more brawn, but less thinkin’; more manly spirit, less brawn; so on and so forth. If you reach this threshold it will trigger events tied to each encounter.

>[1/3] RURUS!
I'd like to stick to my original plan if that's cool.
>Hotblooded: (HB)
Hotblooded represents BODY, and is the stat that increases Chitose’s physical parameters. The more points invested in (HB) allows Chitose to dish out more pain, and greatly increases his overall brute force. Every 5-pts of (HB) adds a +1 bonus to the primary roll.

You -always- gain a bonus point of (HB) with each failure. Adversely you -lose- a point of (HB) with each success. Reaching 0 (HB) results in the secondary die’s DC to be one less than the primary DC, rather than 3 less than the primary DC.

>Spirited: (SP)
Spirited represents SOUL, and is the stat that increases Chitose’s willpower, and overall ability to do cool shit. (SP) allows Chitose to become even more inspiring to his allies, terrifying to his foes, and increases his maneuverability/agility. Every 5-pts of (SP) adds a +1 bonus to the secondary roll.

You -always- gain a bonus point of Spirit with each Success. Adversely you -lose- a point of Spirit with each Failure. Reaching 0 (SP) results in the encounter’s DC being raised by 2.

>Justice: (JP)
Justice represents the MIND, and increases both your ability to be a clever little shit, as well as your awareness amidst the throes of combat. (JP) let’s Chitose analyze a situation as to find alternative means to end a conflict, weak points, or to catch wind of a change of his opponent's tactics. Every 5-pts of (JP) lowers the target DCs by 1.

You -always- gain 5 bonus (JP) with a Critical Success, and lose -all- of your (JP) with each Critical Failure. You also lose 2 (JP) for each failure. Reaching 0 (JP) results in a -1 penalty to each die roll.

First 3 rolls are counted;
Earn 6 Successes before you get 6 Failures.
Gain benefits from raising Hotblooded, Spirited, and Justice points high enough
Accrue penalties if Hotblooded, Spirited, or Justice reach 0 points.
You can stack however many points of whatever you desire.

>[2/3] RURUS!

Rolled 13 (1d20)

Starting Stats/pts:
>Hotblooded 1pt
>Spirited 1pt
>Justice 1pt

>Comin' down from above!

>Roll 1d20 & Choose a single [RR]!


Can still be accommodated for.
Rolled 10 (1d20)


Rolled 6 (1d20)

Let's go for SP.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>Look for a weapon of some sort.
>Leap down from above.

After a moment of trying to forget about this entire debacle, you come to consensus that you just can’t let it go. Beyond the fact that it’s trouble in your neighborhood, it’ll also serve as an invigorating morning workout. Fuck it. One fight won’t get in the way of your reform. Nothing will.

Looking around the street and between the people you don’t specifically see anything you can fight with, well, not until you realize the chairs on the balcony are fairly sturdy. Might as well also make that your route of attack as well.

With ease you cut your way through the crowd of people onlooking this incident as the bald guy continues to stalk nearer and nearer to the girl, most likely enjoying his position of dominance. He’s not quite making any moves. Cocky. At most he bats away a few of the girl’s swings with his baton like they were flies. He’ll wish he acted sooner soon enough.

Once you make your way to the building, rather than going inside and taking the stairs you run at one of the squinted brick walls along an alleyway between it and another building. The rough texture giving you just enough friction and a foot hold to leap your way up to the overhanging architecture. A swift swing up and you’re able to look down on the situation, and starling some of the restaurant-goers who’d been eating up there before the incident began.

Ignoring them you grab up one of the sturdy wooden chairs and heft it up to make sure it’s also weighty enough to do some damage. Lookin’ good!

You run on over to the railing and from the distance you’re standing, you could easily leap down and deliver some yankii justice to these thugs encroaching on your turf-errr, neighborhood.
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With a quick couple steps back you dart your way onto the railing and over the battlefield just as the bald guy raises his electrified baton up to strike the girl. Gravity and momentum carry you towards your prey like a hawk ready to snatch up a field mouse!

“GET THE FUCK DOWN!” You scream out as the ground nears and your swing your chair with the almighty power of Thor. Some of the chair gives away with a satisfying explosion of wood and splinters as you’re left holding onto the remnants of the seating construct: the chair’s back as well as part of the seat.

It forces the thug forward and staggers him, but he continues to stand and turn to face you with a bulging red vein popping out in his forehead.

The girl seeing your gallant entrance has darted past the creep and is now standing behind you, sticking her tongue out and pulling at her left eyelid to taunt him. “Yeah! Get down y’creep! N’STAY down!”

“You ain’t shoulda done that, punk.” He mutters as he raises to his full height and points at the two of you. “DON’T JUST STAND THERE! GET HIM!”

>Keep up the attack, smash the rest of the chair on his face!
>Fuck the chair! Fist!
>Demand the bat from the girl!
>Other [Describe]?

>SUCCESS! (-1 [HB], +1 [SP])
>1/6 Success pts | 0/6 Failure pts: Great start! Now, just to keep the momentum swinging in your favor and these creeps will be done for! Gettin’ the first punch is always the best part of waking up, though now while pumped mentally your rage has depleted!

>[HB] 0pt (Secondary die DC has raised by 2)
>[SP] 4pt (+3)
>[JP] 1pt

>[2/2] Bad copy/paste.
Rolled 9 (1d20)


>Keep up the attack, smash the rest of the chair on his face!

Rolled 12 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

>Keep up the attack, smash the rest of the chair on his face!
Don't let him build up his momentum.

You have to specify your action, anon.
>Fuck the chair! Fist!
"Don't you know who you're talking to, punk?" Somehow we need to improve our Speaking Intimidation!
>Keep up the attack; smash the chair on his face!

Before any of the thugs can even close in you stomp closer to the bald guy and swing the chair sideways at the asshole. The force of your swing is more than enough to destroy the rest of the chair, smashing it to pieces. More than the destruction of the chair, you destroy the dude’s face! Blood gushes from his nose, his lips get cut, and his expensive looking sunglasses shatter to reveal a set of beady, black eyes.

He staggers further backwards and reaches for his face to protect himself as well as coddle his wounds. You’re pretty sure he wasn’t expecting such a quick nor powerful response. No matter. The shower of splinters causes a couple of the lackies to back off a bit in fear, and in hopes their companions will take the brunt of your punishment rather than themselves.

“Don’t you even know who yer talkin’ to Baldie?!” You shout out at the creep as he backs away from the frey, allowing his lackies to take center stage for a bit. As the first one comes close enough with a baton of their own, though unelectrified, you strike out with lighting quick fists to punch the fucker out and toss him into another one of your attackers. While the one you smacked looks down and out, the other one looks only staggered.

“You’re just some yankii-wannabe punk!” He yells back as he whips out a second pair of sunglasses from his inner pocket.

“I’m the REAL deal, mother fucker!” A second thug gets within range, but only for a short span of time as you spin on your heel and promptly kick him in the gut. It’s enough to send him back several feel and reeling on the ground. He begins vomiting from the force of the impact. “My name is Sonohara Chitose! This is MY turf!-NEIGHBORHOOD!”

“Th-the Golden Lion…” The girl mutters from behind you, audibly gasping in shock from your declaration. A quick glance shows that she’s more bewildered by your presence rather than concerned about the thug running up behind her.”

“DON’T JUST STAND THERE, BITCH! SWING!” You command her as another thug draws near and you block a few baton blows with your forearm. She promptly obeys in surprise and swings her bat in front of her, smacking and staggering the mook that was going at her.

“Looks like I’m bringin’ a lion’s pelt to my King today, then.” The bald bastard smirks as he puts on his new pair of shades and relights his baton with electricity.

>Take the chick’s bat; she’s a good distraction, but the bat can be used better in your hands.
>Continue focusing the mooks down; they’ll be trouble when their leader reenters the frey.
>Cut through the mooks and go for their leader; if anything the mooks might try to follow and protect.
>Other [Describe]?

>SUCCESS! (-1 [HB], +1 [SP])
>EVENT GET! Spirited: Riling the girl into high action despite apparent inexpeience as well as causing the lackies to hesitate! MANLY SPIRIT!
>2/6 Success pts | 0/6 Failure pts: Great start! Now, just to keep the momentum swinging in your favor and these creeps will be done for! Gettin’ the first punch is always the best part of waking up, though now while pumped mentally your rage has depleted!

>[HB] 2pt (+3)
>[SP] 5pt (+0) [+1 bonus to Secondary Roll]
>[JP] 1pt (+0)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

>>Cut through the mooks and go for their leader; if anything the mooks might try to follow and protect.

Rolled 9 (1d20)

>Cut through the mooks and go for their leader; if anything the mooks might try to follow and protect.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>>Cut through the mooks and go for their leader; if anything the mooks might try to follow and protect.
The guy has a second pair of sunglasses, he has to be dealt with.

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Sweet elder gods, you guys.
These combat rolls!
This is beautiful
>Cut through the mooks and go for their leader; if anything the mooks might try to follow and protect.

That bastard! Who th’fuck carries around TWO pairs of sunglasses?! Who the fuck does he think he is to take you down and turn you in to that stupid ‘King’ they follow?! Why does he piss you off so much that the wheels in your head cause your to seek him out? Fuck it! It don’t matter!

Looking at the situation you see that there’s a fairly clear path through the lackies to their leader, and furthermore that he’s so focused on trying to keep his squad’s moral that he’s lacking the defensive stance he was holding from before. He’s not ready to be attacked. You can especially tell the way he sways slightly back and forth from your earlier direct-hits to his face. All he needs is a bit of a tap and he’ll crumble.

You’ll MAKE him crumble.

As the girl swings a couple more times with her bat the other thugs back off slightly, giving you the best opening you could ask for. You dart straight in in a lowered stance. It only really takes a few of them before you’re under him, and only a moment longer before you’re propelling yourself upwards at frightening speeds.


The poor bastard didn’t even have enough time to flinch by the time you land a solid uppercut. Hell. He drops to the ground faster than you’re able to plant your feet on the ground again.

“Sorry, but not sorry, but yer hunt is a failure.” You crack your neck and shake the numbness from your fingers as your sudden strike is finally noticed by the remaining lackies. The looks on all of their ugly mugs makes it apparent that their trousers are either filled to the brim with shit or soaking with piss. “This ‘Lion’ has some wicked sharp claws ‘n teeth.”

Each of them quickly back off and scatter from the girl and yourself. Some of them actually coming around in wide arcs to grab their fallen leader. Honestly, the speed in which they retreat is much faster than their attack… it makes you wonder if they were either holding back, or if they’re better at running than fighting.

Either way the experience leaves you refreshed and awake, though in need of a smoke.

You reach into your front pocket for a cigarette and place it in between your lips, but before you can light it yourself you find that a lighter is already being held to it. That girl…

“Here you go, Golden-Lion-sama!”

Well… from here you could either engage in conversation with the chick, or you could go after those King’s Crew bastards… or keep moving on… What a Monday.

>Talk to the Chick; th’fuck’s her deal? [Potential suggestion]
>Give chase to the King’s Crew bastards; why’re they interested in your hood?
>Piss off; ain’t none of this your business anymore.
>Other [Suggestion]?

Your frightening Legend grows!
>CRITICAL SUCCESS! (-1 [HB], +1 [SP], +5 [JP])
>6/6 Success pts | 0/6 Failure pts: (Your EVENT GET has been added to the success pool as is the rule)

>[HB] 2pt (+1)
>[SP] 6pt (+0) [+1 bonus to Secondary Roll]
>[JP] 6pt (+2) [Target DC lowered by 1]

>Piss off; ain’t none of this your business anymore.
Got to get to school, plus we'll look mysterious as fuck.
>>Talk to the Chick; th’fuck’s her deal? {The fuck she'd try to claim OUR turf while knowing whos wese are and whyse she's pickin a fight ifn she ain;;ts got da goods to backs it up.]

>Talk to the Chick; th’fuck’s her deal? [Potential suggestion]
>>Piss off; ain’t none of this your business anymore.
>>Talk to the Chick; th’fuck’s her deal?
>>Talk to the Chick; th’fuck’s her deal? [Potential suggestion]
Th' hell was all dat about? And I din't tell you to call me that, er... Sorry, whats your name? Don't think I's seen youse here before today, either...
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Alrighty then~! Anyways, them rolls are hot! Hell, a Roll of a 1 in the first Rumble, then the two 20 Rolls (one being a critical). Good show!
>Talk to the Chick; th’fuck’s her deal?

You ponder your next move, and briefly consider simply walking away from this situation… perhaps even seem mysterious from doing do, but out of the corner of your eye you can see that she’s staring at you. Not that it’s not an unfamiliar sensation, but it always feels like it needs to be addressed.

You take a deep drag of your cigarette before turning to her. Her eyes… they’re filled with admiration. Kinda similar to the way another girl tends to look at you with. Well, fuck it. You exhale a plume of smoke and flick the ashes off your cigarette before speaking.

“So, th’fuck’s yer deal?” You simply as with a slight tilting of your head as you begin walking forward. Now that you’ve addressed her you’re quite certain she’ll follow. It’s an easy prediction to make considering how socialization tends to work between people. “If’n you’se know who I am, why th’fuck’s you tryin’a claim m’turf over them King’s Crew goons?”

“Well, I might not look like it but I’m-” She indeed walks alongside you, and puffs up her chest in pride as you ask her the first of a few question. She quickly stops mid-sentence when you raise a hand to her face to silence her.

“Don’t try’n say no bullshit to me. I’se c’n tell that you’se ain’t no real scrapper, at least to take all them thugs on yerself. Even with a bat.” You simply reach over and snatch the bat from her fingers. It’s an ordinary, wooden baseball bat. It has quite a few notches where it’s seen action and some indentations in the wood, as well as some dark stains… but it’s not seen anywhere near the punishment needed to actually take those bastards down on her own. “Pretty sure I ain’t seen you ‘round these streets before either. Th’fuck is you?”

“I-umm… Well! I might not… I might not look like it, but I’m… ummm…” She seems kinda thrown off by your interruption. Her presence and ability to keep on track seem lacking, though you gotta give her credit for trying to repeat what she was planning on before you spoke up again. “My name is Nakamura Azami! I’m a pretty big deal on the northside of town!”

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Hmmm… The northside… That’s mostly suburbs and shopping districts where the rich folk live. The only real underworld presence there is a bit of spillover from the King’s Crew, some spillover from Smile Town… though, those streets tend to be rather protected by the Black Cloud Corporation; local Law Enforcement. Shit. No wonder she thinks she’s tough shit. The Delinquents from that area are pretty shit-tier, though rather closely networked. A bunch of druglords, schemers, and a single yakuza family whose last leader forced them to calm down some… as well as minor delinquents who think being ‘hard’ is simply able to talk shit.

Though, this chick seems to have a pretty powerful soul to keep up such a tough-girl routine in the face of real thugs.

“Oh yeah?” You take another drag of your smoke. “What’s yer nickname?”


“Yeah, yer nickname. Yer nom de guerre. All the big names got ‘em... “ whether they want them or not… “You called me by the one given to me, Golden Lion. That dude I just knocked out is called the Wrecking Ball whose boss is called the King. There’s also the Hound, the Wolf, and the Purple Oni… What’s yours?”

“I… I don’t have… have one…”

Of course she doesn’t…. Though this sudden realization to the ‘importance’ of nicknames seems to have dug deep into her mind as she pouts slightly.

“Then you ain’t tough enough shit yet.” With another drag you come upon a crossroads. “Anyways, that entire shit-fest ended up costing me some time this mornin’. I gotta get to school… and… for future reference, just go ahead and call me by name.”

“Hey! Wait!” She calls out to you as you ignore her and take off at a good run. The time spent fighting those King’s Crew idiots as well as getting to know Azami has more or less killed most of the free time you’d thought you had to get to school. The time is drawing near, as indicated by the clock on your phone as you pull it out to check. Well, damn. Gonna have to make a quick choice on how best to get there.

>Go straight to the main street and muscle your way past any people that might be there.
>Cut through some of the backstreets and alleyways; the distance is moderately longer and you risk running into thugs/lowlives, but might be much clearer.
>Cut through local park; the distance is much longer, but there’ll be no people to get in your way.
>Other [Suggestion]

>Also: Roll 1d20
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Go straight to the main street and muscle your way past any people that might be there.
Let's brute force this shit.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>>Cut through some of the backstreets and alleyways; the distance is moderately longer and you risk running into thugs/lowlives, but might be much clearer.

Simply Clothesline any would be attackers and keep scooting.
Alright, I'm dippin' out for tonight~!
Good show everybody!

Another day, another rumble completed! Keep on kickin' them asses!

I'll be stickin' round here for any sort of comments or questions y'might have for a while. No updates tomorrow, the soonest I'll be able to get back will most likely be Thursday


Anyways, here's the usual shits:
>Twittersheet: https://twitter.com/Lord_Grimsley
>New Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/H1KM0ekm
>Tumblr Q&A and stuffs: http://yankii-reform.tumblr.com/
>Archive, including old series: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Yankii%20Reform%20Quest
Thanks for running Grim, you might want to start a new thread on Thursday though since every thread on /qst/ is autosaged after 3 days.
Yup. Was plannin' on it.
Thanks, though.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>>Go straight to the main street and muscle your way past any people that might be there.
We're totally a good student!
Rolled 17 (1d20)


Thanks for running Grimsley.


>Go straight to the main street and muscle your way past any people that might be there.
>>Go straight to the main street and muscle your way past any people that might be there.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>>Go straight to the main street and muscle your way past any people that might be there.
The peasants will make way for the Golden Lion! Rawr! The boys will stare downward to not get noticed, the girls will giggle and swoon, all because we run by - the Legend!

Thanks for writing! Enjoyed reading up on it!
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>>Cut through local park; the distance is much longer, but there’ll be no people to get in your way.
>Go straight to the main street and muscle your way past any people that might be there.
>Rolls 2, 9, & 11

Deciding to just go ahead and head straight to the main street, you take the straightest path. Looking at your phone one more time cements just how much time was wasted in that last scuffle, but it shouldn’t mean too much if you’re able to get through the swaths of students that might also be running late or just generally clogging up the streetways… not to mention all of the business people and other citizenry also adding to congestion. Well, fuck it! You’ve been down crowded streets before, and know the rurus to slink right on by.

Sadly, this is not quite the case. As you come ‘round the bend it’s obvious that the crowd is way too thick with students to be normal. With your height, being quite a bit taller than most, it’s easy to tell why. Up ahead at the school gates, the school’s disciplinary committee is hard at work hounding everybody today about dress code… great.

You’ve heard about it before, but you tend to come in much too late for them to do shit about you other than yell at you in the hallways. Today there’ll be plenty of students late, but you’re pretty damned determined to not be one of them as your pride disallows it. You’re gonna become a ‘good student’, dammit! Even if by force!

You push your way into the sea of students quite easily. Bodies brushing against one another, crowding together like some sort of rock concert. The only difference here is that nobody is happy about it… well… you can see a handful of perverts who’re enjoying the mass chaos and the chance to even touch a girl, little lone getting an excuse to get close to one. Pathetic. You’re able to get about halfway through the mass of people before it begins… you’ve caused too much disturbance for you to get any further than 3/4ths of the way to the gate without them catching on that it’s you who’s pushing past them. Your muscling and general ability to glide through crowds just wasn’t enough to get through without it today...

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“Hey, is that…?”

“Yeah, it’s HIM…”

“Why the heck is hehere so early?”

“He still comes to school?”

“Kyaa! Save me! The Golden Lion’s gonna get me!”

“Nice one! Don’t get bit!”

“Yeah, I hear he’s got rabies!”

“Nah, he’s just another yankii punk.”

Yup. Certainly is a Monday. Turning a glare to your surrounding pupils they suddenly lose what bravado they had to insult you with, and the sea of students parts at least a meter to each side of you to let you through. Looking at each one of them as you pass, it’s fear. They’re drenched in the stuff. You can still hear some of them muttering shit behind your back, but it’s mostly the ones further in the back who’ve got people between them and yourself. People fear violence, and that’s the business you deal with in spades.

It’s the kind of thing that can get quite irritating too… Not that you’re the only delinquent in school, nor the only one with a stupid nickname either. You just happen to be one of the more well-known and feared of them for how angry you always come off as, or it could be the reason you wear a red-shirt rather than the uniform white one. Probably both. Whatever the case, they’re making a big fucking deal out of your presence now.

Now you won’t be late… maybe... the person you see up ahead will probably have a few choice words for you.

“Well, well, well!” They shout out from atop a wooden crate while crossing their arms. “Isn’t it the fabled ‘Golden Lion of Onimaru’? I thought they’d all but gone extinct around these parts.”

That silver hair, that piercing blue eye peeking out from behind his bangs, that high-and-mighty attitude… it’s none other than Ono Taro. He used to be pretty chill, or at least for a time he was. When you got so far into the city, those thugs you beat up had to bail due to you entering another crew’s turf… While they were pretty worse for the wear, you’re also pretty sure the guilt of not being able to follow you due to their own weakness and cowardly guts might’ve been the last straw that made them leave Smile Town in the end. It was after they’d left you and Mimi to continue on by yourselves you ran into Taro and his sister… it was kinda a rough day with all of that, but eventually everything ended up okay.

Taro and his sister ended up becoming you and Mimi’s best friends for a while, but after a few months in Taro changed. Well, less of changed, but you came to learn he didn’t like how you kept causing trouble. Really didn’t like it. That’s a story for another time, however.

The issue now is how to go about this situation…

>Tell him to piss off.
>Tell him to stop being so pissy. He should be happy you’re comin’ to school at all.
>Ignore him and walk past.
>Walk away from the incident, and screw it for today.
>Other [Suggestion]?

> Ignore him and walk past
>>Ignore him and walk past.
>Ignore him and walk past.
>>Ignore him and walk past.
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>Ignore him and walk past.

While trading insults and snide remarks sounds like a splendid way to pass the morning by, you’d rather just ignore him and keep to yourself. This is the start of a new day and a new creed. That means you need to be able to just walk on past without having to give into his comments… huh… this is what it’s like to take the high road.

Perhaps this is also what it’s like for those who’ve not the will to fight. Who knows?

“What’s the matter Sonohara?” He cocks his head to the side and huffs angrily. He closes his eyes and hops off of his crate towards you in a show of defiance and arrogance towards you. “Why so silent? Does the degenerate not have any sass to spare today?”

You simply give a sharp sigh to allow that frustration to leave your system, and continue walking along. Your silence doesn’t go unnoticed as your fellow peers begin to whisper about how it almost looks like it’s Taro who’s the bully or delinquent in this picture. It’s kinda hilarious, honestly. Strange how a picture can change so much with so little done.

Your steps carry you past Taro’s still form as he continues to wait for some sort of response.

“HEY!” He turns around swiftly after you’ve gone a couple of meters past him. The look in his blue eyes is priceless in how filled with rage they are. Usually it’s you who’s filled with anger in these situations. “Don’t ignore me, yankii!”

“O-Ono-san… I don’t think picking a fight with a deli-” One of his peers mutters quietly to him and tries to grab hold of his shoulders.

“No! I’m not the one picking a fight here!” Taro shrugs off her hand and takes a few steps after you. You’ve yet to actually pause or stop. You’re the one trying to reform like a good guy, and givin’ into the pressure ain’t the way to do it. “Yankii-bastard! Stop right there! Don’t igno-I mean! You’re in CLEAR violation of school uniform, dress-code policy!”

>[1/2 Quest]
He quickly catches up with you and grabs hold of your shoulder and forces you to turn around and face him. His face is red and his glare bores into you. He’s a little bit shorter than you, but still his stare reaches.

“You shirt is not of uniform white, you’re wearing your jacket like some dumbass cape, and that clasp and chain is a clear violation against our uniform modification policy!” He lets go of you and points down to your hands. “And your gloves! Those things are distasteful and sets a bad image for our school! Get rid of them and at least try to wear everything properly!”

Rather than respond, you shrug your shoulders and turn around again. While it’s against policy the most he could do is tell you to dress properly, and perhaps report you to a teacher. Unless you’re the direct cause of a scene, you’ll only need to report to the headmaster’s office when called later. It’s nothing too big. With a few several steps, Taro is at your throat again.

“HEY! I! SAID! QUIT! IGNORING! ME!” He runs at you again, but this time you can tell it’s a charge. Like you, Taro has some issues with his anger.

With a simple side-step, you get out of the way of his initial punch as he was going straight for your head. A swing and a miss sends him running forward still, now blocking your path to the school. He glares at you with icy-blue eyes.

“Dammit! I’ve HAD it with your cheeky attitude and clear defiance of the system!” He reaches around to the back of his belt and pulls out a pair of strange looking gloves. They’re thick like boxing gloves, but honestly look somewhat like the gloves a fighter or sports player might wear...

The sound of students raises as your peers look over at this situation and begin to cheer and jeer respectively for their hero Taro, bastion of justice, and for their villain, Chitose the yankii. It’s shit like this that’ll make this steep upward climb to being a better person that much harder.


>[2/2 Quest]
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A’ight bozos, are ya ready ta rumble?!
But, before ya start scrappin’,
ya gotta know Da RRRRRRRRRRuLLLLLLLLLes!

Time to get into the nitty gritty:
Each encounter/round consists of 3 things:
>1. Success/Failure Pools
>2. Die rolls
>3. Rumble Resource Points

>>Success/Failure Pools
Each round will progress by gaining 1pt of Success or Failure. Both have their own individual pools that will add up with each result. Success or Failure in a Rumble is determined by which pool reaches 6pts or more first. There are 2 ways of

Each round you gain at least 1-pt of Success, or Failure. Both Success and Failure have their own individual pools that will keep adding up for each Success or Failure. Success or Failure in an Encounter is determined by which pool reaches a total of 6-pts first. There are two ways of adding to each pool: Die Rolls, and Rumble Resources.

>>Die Rolls:
Die rolls will be 1d20, and I will take the first three rolls. There will be a starting DC set for each encounter to determine Successes or Failures. Rolls will be determined by the highest roll, and if at least one of the other rolls is at least three below the DC. A Natural 1 or 20 overrides the other rolls and will result in a Success or Failure; it will result in a Critical only if it is supported by the other dice. Critical Successes or Failures will grant you 2-pts rather than just 1-pt. The DC to hit will permanently raise with each Failure, and lessen with each Success. Battle momentum is a hell of a thing.

>>Rumble Resources (RR)
Die rolls represent the eternal sway of battle, but Rumble Resources (RR) represent the Mind, Body, and Soul of Chitose. Each Encounter will start with 1-pt all three (RR). Each (RR) is a numeral indication of how exactly you’re , and represent different aspects of Chitose. Each round the first three to roll dice get to choose a (RR) in addition to their Rolls. You gain an additional 2-pts of Success or Failure if you reach a certain threshold of a particular (RR), dependant on the Encounter. Some fights require more brawn, but less thinkin’; more manly spirit, less brawn; so on and so forth. If you reach this threshold it will trigger events tied to each encounter.

>[1/3] RURUS!
>Hotblooded: (HB)
Hotblooded represents BODY, and is the stat that increases Chitose’s physical parameters. The more points invested in (HB) allows Chitose to dish out more pain, and greatly increases his overall brute force. Every 5-pts of (HB) adds a +1 bonus to the primary roll.

You -always- gain a bonus point of (HB) with each failure. Adversely you -lose- a point of (HB) with each success. Reaching 0 (HB) results in the secondary die’s DC to be one less than the primary DC, rather than 3 less than the primary DC.

>Spirited: (SP)
Spirited represents SOUL, and is the stat that increases Chitose’s willpower, and overall ability to do cool shit. (SP) allows Chitose to become even more inspiring to his allies, terrifying to his foes, and increases his maneuverability/agility. Every 5-pts of (SP) adds a +1 bonus to the secondary roll.

You -always- gain a bonus point of Spirit with each Success. Adversely you -lose- a point of Spirit with each Failure. Reaching 0 (SP) results in the encounter’s DC being raised by 2.

>Justice: (JP)
Justice represents the MIND, and increases both your ability to be a clever little shit, as well as your awareness amidst the throes of combat. (JP) let’s Chitose analyze a situation as to find alternative means to end a conflict, weak points, or to catch wind of a change of his opponent's tactics. Every 5-pts of (JP) lowers the target DCs by 1.

You -always- gain 5 bonus (JP) with a Critical Success, and lose -all- of your (JP) with each Critical Failure. You also lose 2 (JP) for each failure. Reaching 0 (JP) results in a -1 penalty to each die roll.

First 3 rolls are counted;
Earn 6 Successes before you get 6 Failures.
Gain benefits from raising Hotblooded, Spirited, and Justice points high enough
Accrue penalties if Hotblooded, Spirited, or Justice reach 0 points.
You can stack however many points of whatever you desire.

>[2/3] RURUS!
>Dodge his attacks only.
>Trip him up as he comes at you.
>Attack back. He threw the first punch, you’ll throw the last.

>Choose Option, Pick a (RR), and roll 1d20

>[3/3] RURUS!
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>>Dodge his attacks only.

>>Trip him up as he comes at you.
Justice. He's the one breaking school rules to fight Chitose.
>Trip him up as he comes at you.
Sup Grimsy
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

Fuck forgot my roll
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>>Dodge his attacks only.
>Dodge his attacks only
>Trip him up as he comes at you

As he rolls forward with fists bared you keep an eye on him. There’s no two ways about it, he’s pissed. You can see the raw fury in his eyes each time he lunges forward at you. With the expert grace gained through countless battles you keep an eye on his movements and take a step to the side or backwards depending on his attack.

Punch, punch, kick, punch, kick, kick, punch, punch, spin.

“Goddamit, yankii! When are you gonna stop fooling around and face me?!” Taro cries out as he performs a series of attacks that are normally meant to break a person’s guard. The only problem is that there’s no particular guard to break. “Has the ‘Golden Lion’ gone soft?! Where’re your claws you degenerate?!”

While you’ve succeeded in dodging each of his strikes, it’s clear that the pressure he’s putting up is gradually increasing. His momentum is gradually increasing with each potential blow and getting closer and closer to hitting you. He is just below you in rankings concerning the strongest students at the school. There’s a reason he’s the head of the school’s disciplinary committee. He’s pretty badass in his own right.

You can hear it though. The sounds of the crowd gathered around the two of you, and how they’re still at it with their chatter.
“Somebody should stop this.”

“Yeah, Taro’s going a little overboard here…”

“Wow. I never thought that the head of the Disciplinary Committee was like this…”

Now that you’re not fighting back and causing a ruckus with the commotion, it seems like people are realizing just how similar the pair of you are. Granted, you tend to be the party looked down upon and are usually in the opposite position than this.

“This entire thing is stupid.” You calmly say as you take a step to the side after you’ve backed away just about too far. The wall of students is only a couple more meters away from getting involved. Instead of taking a full step to the side you extend out a foot into Taro’s path. “Give it a rest.”

“I’ll only rest when you-whaaa?!” He falls for the lead-in and continues to follow through on a fairly strong punch. It grazes past your chin with little contact, but his momentum kept carrying him forward… then downward. His feet caught onto yours and he stumbles forward, crashing to the ground in a splendid fashion.

The crowd of people gasp at this outcome and a few come near to try to help him up, but instead shrugs them away and turns back around to you while still crouching. You can tell by the look in his eyes that he’s more than pissed, and that he intends to leap at you next.

>Choose Option, Choose [RR], Roll 1d20

>Duck. Let him leap over you.
>Brace yourself and catch him.
>Wait for it, and extend a fist out; he can do the damage to himself.
>Other [Suggestion]?

>SUCCESS! (-1 [HB], +1 [SP]
>Success 1/6pts | Failure 0/6pts: Great first move
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>>Duck. Let him leap over you.
>This got cut off...

>Hotblooded +0 (+0) [Secondary Roll DC has increased in difficulty]
>Spirited +4 (+2)
>Justice +2 (+1)
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>>Other [Suggestion]?
Extend your hand in peace, and tell him you don't want to fight. make him look like the bad guy.
Switching to :>>463269
"Look le's just shake and go to class. I didn't come to school for a fight"
Justice probably fits best.
>>Duck. Let him leap over you.
"I's already had to deal with sum punks trying to bust up a lil girl today Taro, Not in da mood to kick yer tail too. Leave me be aight?"
Rolled 18 (1d20)

forgot roll
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>Duck. Let him leap over you.
>Extend hand hand in peace.

As Taro readies himself to spring out to you, instead of readying a fist or crouching immediately you raise a hand out to him. It’s a motion that seems to shock him, as well as the rest of the student body. Taro’s brow furrows and twitches as his eyes dart to each corner of your body, looking for some sort of trickery no doubt. The school gate is hushed by your simple gesture of peace, giving you long enough time to speak.

“Look here y’bastard. I’s already split some lips ‘n cracked some faces t’day fer tryin’a bust up some weird girl. I’se not in th’mood fer yer lectures or beatin’ yo ass.” You sigh earnestly and take a step forward with hand extended to help him back up off the ground. You keep your other hand in sight and lax to further assure him you mean no harm. “Le’s just shake or somethin’, and get t’class. I ain’t came t’school t’start a fight. We cool?”

Taro’s eyes shine with a light you haven’t seen for at least five years. It’s the look he used to have back before he started hating your guts. He slowly extends a hand upwards in reaction, a small smile forming on his face. Just as you near you can see his fingers twitch as they near your hand and a calm serenity envelops his features.

“Look at that!”

“Sonohara is offering mercy to Ono-san!”

“No! Sonohara is MOCKING Ono-san!”


“Yeah! Didn’t you hear him?”

“Hey, yeah! He did just say he was already in a fight today!”

“It must mean that he’s feeling cocky after winning his last fight, and thinks Ono-san isn’t worth it!”

“What?!... And here I was thinking Sonohara…”

“No! Sonohara is the Golden Lion! A beast doesn’t show mercy unless they’re already full from their last meal!”

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“That’s right! He’s mocking him!”

“Chi-Chitose… You were… mocking me?” Taro’s face begins to droop into a frown as he looks up to you. Just as he’s about to take your hand he smacks it away. “How DARE you?! I’ll teach you to mess with me like that!”

The rage returns and is burning hotter than ever as he leaps upwards from his crouch.

Ducking at the last second he flies clear over you and is able to land skillfully, turning himself back around.

“Goddammit! No I’se not mockin’ you! Seriously! I jus’ want to head to class and shake hands you idiot!” You respond with rage in your own voice as you continue to hold steadfast in your non-violent stance. It’s hard on your mind and body to keep up in such a pacifistic manner, but you’ve been pretty damned determined to not allow this to come to blows.

Even the student body hushes a bit with your exclamation, and the general rar honesty in your shout… though it looks like Taro didn’t feel it that way.

“Oh?! What is it then yankii?!” He switches into a very offensive stance, the one he goes into when he gets serious, and faces off with you. You can see that there’s even a tear forming in his uncovered, rage-filled eye.

>Choose Option, Choose [RR], Roll 1d20

>Let him hit you as a show that you’re not going to fight him.
>Keep dodging; the school bell is going to ring soon. Perhaps that’ll snap him out of this along with the rest of the student body.
>Pacifism is getting us nowhere. Violence!
>Other [Suggestion]?

>SUCCESS! (-1 [HB], +1 [SP])
>EVENT GET!: Spirited: The student body now actually has formed a slight bit of sympathy for you, whereas before they held none. Perhaps they’ll back off on you a bit now that at least some of them might actually think of you more than a monster!
>Success 4/6pts | Failure 0/6pts: Your continued pacifism has gone quite great, but this battle has now put you between a rock and a hard place. You now stand with Taro being only a few meters in front of you and the student body a couple away.

>Hotblooded +1 (+1)
>Spirited +6 (+1) [Secondary Roll gains +1 Bonus]
>Justice +3 (+1)

>rar honest
>raw honesty
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>Pacifism is getting us nowhere. Violence!
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>>Pacifism is getting us nowhere. Violence!
"Gods demit Taro i'se really don't s want to fights you right now. Just wants to gets to class on time fer once."
When he attacks again, grab his limb, toss him away then start heading back to class.
Oh Justice for this fyi
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>>Let him hit you as a show that you’re not going to fight him.
>"Dude, I'm trying to be better and it's hard to do so you ass! The girl was being attack by a bunch of dudes of the kings and would of ended up bad. If it'll make you feel better after all these years, take a swing at me."
You expected us to roll 19,20,19 boss?
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Of course. I'm a man who believe that the impossible is possible, and that one should kick logic to the curb.

Also, you guys are 3/3 on threads where a 20 was rolled. With that roll, yalls just a step away from the Legendary Triple Twenty!
>Pacifism is getting us nowhere. Violence!

With another frustrated sigh, you can see that you aren’t going to get through to Taro like this. Sadly, the other students kinda fucked you over with how they reacted. Of course they’ed be the ones to ruin your attempts at peace. For once, you’re the one in the right. Well… kinda. You are still genuinely breaking dress code with the alterations you’ve made to your uniform. Hell, while you might be able to remove the clasp and chain without too much harm or making it look too ratty, the fact you’ve been wearing it like this for so long must’ve put it’s own permanent creases on the fabric…

While it does no good worrying about that right now as you don’t even have the money for a fresh uniform, you’ve got other problems to deal with.

Taro charges at you at a more cautionary pace to ensure you don’t trip him up again. His fists fly at quite the accelerated rate as he attempts to knock your block off. You can feel the wind from each of his attempted blows and to be honest, if any of them connected you’d be decently injured.

You consider for a moment that it might be a good option to actually get hit by one, or even a few of them in show of defiance to fighting him… though in his enraged state, you’re sure he wouldn’t let up until you were down and out. You dodge the next several series of blows and hear the change in attitude from your little crowd, and now it even seems like some of them are concerned about you.

How’s that shit?

“Yankii! FIGHT ME!” Taro screams as he leaps back a small bit to gather energy into another attack. You can tell from how quickly he maneuvers that it’s not one you’re going to be able to simply block or dodge.

“NO! FUCK YOU TARO, I’M NOT FIGHTIN’ YOU!” You cry out in an angry response. You draw a hand back, which causes the students gathered around to gasp in surprise; some possibly going back on their thought that you were the victim here.

Though, the next moment was probably the most startling of the entire ‘fight.’ Instead of counter striking Taro as he flew at you with a foot extended for a brilliantly-hard kick, you grabbed onto his ankle and swung him around. With a few rotations you then released him from your grasp and he went flying into the brush besides the gate. It was a perfect toss. You stuck the ending without so much as a stumble. With a crash of leaves, branches, and a loud thump…. Silence. You must’ve knocked him out, or rather, the force of his own kick coupled with a couple spins knocked him out. In the end, you struck out with self defense.

With the rest of the student body in awe at this latest feat of their local yankii of the baddest degree, the next move is yours as the bell begins to ring; signalling that class will begin in ten minutes.

>Leave it here; head to class.
>Go search for Taro and bring his unconscious ass to the Nurse’s office.
>Skip homeroom; go somewhere for a breather/smoke.
>Other [Suggestion]?


A new Legend is born!

>CRITICAL SUCCESS! (-1 [HB], +1 [SP], +5 [JP])
>EVENT GET!: JUSTICE! Your growing awareness of your surroundings as well as general drive to keep within the boundaries of your glorious reform propel you to victory! You did a splendid show of keeping your nose clean while only retaliating with self-defense tactics. There’s no doubt within most people’s minds that you had only done so, or could do so if you were under attack in the first place. Good show!
>Success 8/6pts | Failure 0/6pts: Manly spirit and your drive for justice prevails even in the face of discrimination, hatred, and the standards of normality!
>Success Overflow: +2pts! When this pool fills up to +5 or more it can sway the fate of future conflicts! When faced with a potential Critical Success at 5pts or more this pool will be fully drained to ensure a roll of 20 is an automatic critical! Be careful, for the same can happen if failure reaches such a level!

>Hotblooded +2 (+2)
>Spirited +7 (+0) [Secondary Roll gains +1 Bonus]
>Justice +9 (+1)

>>Leave it here; head to class.
>Go search for Taro and bring his unconscious ass to the Nurse’s office.
>>Go search for Taro and bring his unconscious ass to the Nurse’s office.
>>Go search for Taro and bring his unconscious ass to the Nurse’s office.
"Gods dammit, not Ise gotta takes him to da nurse." Grab a classmate nearby. "Coulds ya please tells teach i'm here only helpings Taro gets to the nurse. I aint's late, aight?"

>Go search for Taro and bring his unconscious ass to the Nurse’s office.
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Welcome to the end of Yankii Reform Quest 1: ReBoot! It was a good time and a good show, yo! Good shit, and I shit you not.

Next time on Yankii Reform Quest: School begins and shit goes down!

Anyways, this is the last update for this particular thread, so next time (Monday) we'll begin fresh in a new thread.

I'll be occasionally lurking back and forth for any potential choices, comments, or questions.

Here's the usual shits:
>Twittersheet: https://twitter.com/Lord_Grimsley
>New Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/H1KM0ekm
>Tumblr Q&A and stuffs: http://yankii-reform.tumblr.com/
>Archive, including old series: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Yankii%20Reform%20Quest

Hope you'se had fun, can't wait to see you next time when the Delinquency continues!
>>Go search for Taro and bring his unconscious ass to the Nurse’s office.
So will prez and bunhead make their reprisal? Our delinquent Kouhai already did. What about taro's lil sis?
Thanks Grimsy for the thread and coming back, seeya Monday
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Of the confirmed people who're returning and reprising their roles, I've hinted towards a few of 'em already.

Since I last ran this quest, I think I've gotten a bit better with information dispersal. While Azami was the first to arrive on the scene (post dream), it's still confirmed that Lil' sis Mimi is still a thing, as well as Big sis Yuriko.

You'll have to keep reading for the details of where they fit into the newest continuity, as well as who the reprisals are going to~!

No, thank YOU for playin'/readin'. All in all, it's good to be back. Catch ya Monday, yo.

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