Welcome to Cultural Evo, the game of MULTIFACETED GROWTH. In Cultural Evo, you will control both a small but growing village, interact with other villages, and watch as your village's culture grows and changes with the years as events force them to grapple with new introductions to their worldview.Continuing TURN 12 - see it here https://imgur.com/a/2oarz.The prior thread was HERE!>>43203 → →Posting the current culture sheets, feel free to claim them at any time.
I hope everyone is super happy!
I am looking forward to this with all my limited acuity.
Current Population CountsOre Tribe: 56 people. (2 incidental birth per year)Sand Tribe: 44 people. (2 incidental birth per year)Tree Tribe: 49 people. (3 incidental births per year)Mire Tribe: 38 people. (2 incidental births per year)Brush Tribe: 20 people. (2 incidental births per year)Grasslands Tribe: 30 people. (2 incidental births per year)Jungle Tribe: 16 people (1 incidental birth per year)Current Trading RoutesOre Tribe & Sand Tribe: Ore Tribe receives Many Bricks, Sand Tribe receives Copper Bells and Copper Tools.Tree Tribe & Mire Tribe: Tree Tribe receives Silken Fishing Nets, Mire Tribe receives Wood & Bark.
>>52225Oh shit I forgot to put the Jungle Tribe symbol on that. It's the dark green area.
Oi can I claim?
>>52227Hey sand tribe bros
Claiming a spot in the Happy Brush tribe
>>52203for the five floral gods
Reporting in
>>52243Hello, i guess i can be the scribe?
>>52234its okay! we won't be there for long!and suppp
>>52278hi waitaminute uhrichard is that okay
>>52290He did state no one can pre claim tribes
LIST OF SAND TRIBE GOALS-Scavenge Ruins-Math-Scorpion Eugenics for GIANT SCORPIONS-Eugenics in general-Ores in the Ore Tribe Lava Forge-Plant some shit-Establish trade with the Tree Tribe-Greek Fire Molotovs
>>52290is what okay, claiming tribes? Yeah, as long as there's no more than three.
>>52296i mean we have a vacancy i suppose but i didnt think it worked like that. are you gonna be chill?
Brushfriends, I wish to use our actions to contact the Jungle tribe!If you would rather take other action, let it be known!
>>52309I've been there since thread 1 I got you mango
also just to clear some things up, in the time span of the game no tribe's arachnids or insect pals will grow large enough to be ridden or even used as attack dogs, but you can get some pretty hefty specimens.
>>52311I'm down for contacting the jungle brosAny ideas on the other action to take?
>>52321oh goddammit, that's a bit unfair letting sand tribes have no mounts
>>52338who said the sand tribe had no mounts? i don't recall saying that.
So the Mire tribes plan is:-Make sailboats-Sail to mysterious island-Invent archery-Get bees from Grass tribe (?)-Maybe make string instruments?-Descend further into sexual degeneracy
>>52316okay. are you caught up on the philosophy and are you on board with our turn?from last thread >First move is two culture moves, first to combine good sensations + sacred tongue to introduce storytelling and the value of sharing sensations and experiences, and second to become interested in blindfolds as a way to increase the power of our other senses, for both hunting and for worship purposesi can greentext cultural stuff from last thread if you want.>>52338camels?? and you'll get tech or breeding stock from someone else soon enough
>>52305Trait math Action scavenge ruins
>>52305>>52305Cultural trait: Religious ZealThe tribe feels as if they have seen the literal underworld and spirits who aren't recycled go there to drown. Cannibalism becomes more revered since it is believed you are saving the spirit from the underworld. Action: tree tribe begins cultivating the local berries even further. Trying to divert rivers towards their food source since the water is considered purifying. Essentially beginning experimenting with irrigation.
>>52347Sounds about good, since you're caught up the most I'll let you make the summary
>>52344It feels silly how putting several turns into something mounts you less than just going "Domesticate camel"
>>52334We should develop proper methods of cultivation, first for our happy plant, but that can hopefully be applied to more plants when we get access to them
>>52354>trait is about how bad water is>action is about how good water is???
>>52344Are there camels in the desert Richard
>>52338You get camels and horses
>>52358okay. it's probably a good idea to do it for the new thread anyways. gimme a sec.
>>52363I think our jungle bros may be able to help us with the cultivation once we get the trade route established. We should use our turn on something else. I'm working on an idea but have nothing yet.
>>52367you'll have to explore, my friend.
>>52364Rivers are purifying Large bodies of water are evil>do you even Tree Tribe?
>>52372>>51532 Thats the summary post ya made for me last thread
>>52384Can we mount or otherwise domesticate alligators?
>>52321So spending several turns for eugenics of cat-sized scorpions gives us less than one turn of "domesticate the camel"
>>52374we are known for being helpful, yesto be honest though i'm a little fuzzy on this trade proposal. what exactly are we talking about here? (wyatt do you know?)>>52387ah, my mistake. as you can see, i don't tree tribe.
is there any more room in the tribes?
>>52345This turn's summary was >Actually discover sails from spiders in culturalDon't know about tribal action. Sell our advanced armor to tree and buy their traps ACTUAL TRAPS NOT GRASS TRAPS That would only take one turn, because we already have another trade route with them
>>52374Then let's explore our surroundings more. We may find something in our lands that we were unaware of, that can bring us more happiness, like a new material that burns well
Tree Artist reporting in to say that our culture started producing dye to aide in painting symbols and pictures on trees
>>52396Mire was told no giant spiders after studying spider selective breeding, so you should have seen this coming. We did warn you.
>>52380Is everyone ok wity this?:CULTURE: improve maths so we can begin study arquitecture. Build tiny houses just for hobby because we dont have the materials to make the real deal ones yet.ACTION: keep taming animals specially horses. We need to learn how to ride those bitches
>>52393you can damn sure try>>52396you spent one fucking turn on it you absolute knobs and you still have big fucking scorpions
>>52413our sumaryAction:Continue taming horsesCulture:Use math to create a form of binary writing system
>>52363Maybe something like study how to use the ash for tattoos. Those happiest and closest to the sun become priest of our god and decorate their body with his symbol and smiles.>>52405Also down for this idea.>>52399I dont think we have one yet. We just want to establish one for possible trades. We think our tribes could benefit each other.
>>52409>>52387shaman bro, do you agree with my idea of using paint?It can lead to tatoos and it will develop our art and language.
>>52399Idk, they mentioned it before but they're not very clear
im happy to join any tribe
>>52409Next round. Irrigation is more important for creating a sustainable forest for our people
>>52413And we would've spent an action every other turn doing scorpion eugenics.
>>52380>>52418yeah, that
>>52345And I propose we do the last point by using hemotoxic venom as viagra.
>>52425okay actually yeah that worksI think with the fertilizer and irrigation that should give us yet another +1 to population since we'll have such a surplus of food.
>>52399Here's an idea, friends! In addition to revealing fire and its benefits to you, we also could teach you written language! Surely it would be useful for you to communicate ideas of sensations!
>>52435We need traps for our alligators, and tree's got traps, they don't have armours, so I say we trade with those good people, shall we?
>>52439I think this should be our plan:>irrigation>dyes>leathercrafting>heiroglyphics on leather partchment>written language>books
Ok so just so everyone is on the same page it took 3 days for most of us to even discover fire. 3 full days. You guys need to focus less on selectively breeding your monster fantasies into existence and realize the point of this thread is to create a culture! So calm the shit down. Also- there is no winning here, hardly any of us have met the others so there's no need to be preparing for war or trying to guage yourself against other cultures advancements.
>>52399>>52442We also have a plant that makes you very happy. And oh the sensations you feel after consuming it. You should really give it a try
>>52435Not a bad idea. And we can also make pretty silk lingerie.Damn, now I kinda want to spend 2 points on reproduction just so that we'll outgrow all the other tribes.There are a shit ton of insects in the world, why not a shit ton of Mire tribers?>>52445I don't know if Richard would let us actually domesticate alligators though. I don't want to waste a turn like the Sand tribe just did.
>>52418Warrior is true Grass Warrior
>>52447>>52447I like dyes, and leather making. The language is to help us all communicate. I could care less about books at this point. That seems far enough ahead that we should focus on spiritual manners first. A strong religion helps keep the people in line. Also we can't forget about the deer mounts and interconnecting the forest in the canopy. I do think we need to start trading wood with the sand tribe. So a turn would need to be dedicated to visiting the desert. Which has scared the tree folk since its a land devoid of the spirits in our forest.
>>52411He said until late game. It feels fucking shitty that spending several turns would reap us fuck all while one turn of just "domesticate camel lol" gets us a free mount.And apparently having them even be dog sized is too much
>>52491Camels are already large enough to ride and also not scorpions. Your rage is misinformed and meaningless
>>52489Your obsession with building bridges between the canopy worries me. What a waste of resources! Better to make the Forest more dangerous, and sell our services as Guides through it!
>>52442Fire smells pretty bad tbqh family
are there any more ore people in this thread?
>>52509Being able to ambush folks from above wouldn't make our forest more dangerous?
Don't worry about the fucking mount bullshit. Every Tribe will have their own way of getting around.Now give me your turn summaries, you fucking nerds.
>>52489>>52447We need to think of the long term. What is our presence in the woven net of inter-tribe community? What can we do/provide that no one else can? Why should the other tribes not exterminate us and take our land?
>>52511But when you start roasting a freshly killed vermin over the open flame its smells sooo good. Always brings a smile to my face
>>52461We were told from the beggining that giant spiders were not possible, Richard say we might atleast try with these, plus giant spiders don't exist in the real world, but domesticated alligators do.And traps for amor isn't a bad deal either, and it'll strenghten our relationships with the treebros
>>52521If there are fig bucking bridges between the trees, the enemy can use them too, ya know.
>>52391oh sup i didnt think you were still herei'll repost the key bits in greentext form so we have it in this thread>The "Jungle" tribe is actually entirely nomadic, roaming from place to place as a gypsy caravan>We revere unique sensation above all else, and seek to peacefully spread the glory of these experiences through storytelling and sharing. >We are skilled and ruthless hunters, and plan on developing our hunting ability so we can remain fed no matter where we are. >We believe that sight is the least important of the senses, and regularly blindfold ourselves to enhance our other senses, for enlightenment purposes and for hunting purposes. We're working toward a hierarchy that is directly dependent on how successful an individual is at this practice, with the leaders of our tribe likely removing their eyes completely. >We are the furthest thing from nationalistic, and welcome cultural influence as we travel and pick up new technology and members, as long as the central tenets of our culture is preserved--i.e. the sacred tongue and the glory of sensation. >our language is based around a trio of emotions: YEE (positive, good sensation) KEE (Neutral, not a good or a bad sensation) and FEE (Negative, bad sensation.)>aside from hunting ability, we also plan to develop our caravan technology, our storytelling capability, our open-mindedness, our blindfold rituals, and perhaps our mercantile skills, all for the sake of becoming a vital resource for the continent as a whole, while hopefully accelerating our own growth drastically until we've caught up with the early tribes completely. (i'm also adding this, cuz it makes sense)>We don't care too much about having a massive population, because it's easier to travel in a smaller group. The natural coming and going of members as we interact with other tribes is expected, encouraged, and will be the primary source of our population changes. did i miss anything?>>52396he said that ages ago when the spiderbros tried it. i honestly have no idea how your scorpion idea even got this far.
>>52508The fucking point is spending several turns is worth fuck all than just one turn.
>>52530I would never burn tasty smelling food in a bad smelling flame
>>52522We send emissaries to contact the junglefriendsWe also explore our lands for other things that we may be able to use to increase our happiness
>>52531Yeah ok.>>52522We'll invent sails using our silk weaving skills, and we'll trade our silk armor with the tree tribe for their trapping technology.
>>52442>>52457we aren't a fan of material that dulls our senses, like alcohol and certain herbs--no matter how nice it might be otherwise, thats just not yee.
>>52542Go ahead and give Richard the summary btw
>>52524I'm not interested in making us useful artist. We don't need an export if we turn this forest into our Eden. If we can sustain ourselves and fight then we can live. Tree Tribe doesn't need to expand, it doesn't need official allies. It needs to focus on helping itself before others.
>>52546You have to use the right wood for the flame. And you shouldn't be so against it until you try it. Let your tongue decide.
I made something
>>52558You are already trading with the spider people.
>>52546You presume wrong about fire, friend. It can smell very good, depending on what you burn. There are a wide variety of scents to be found.Beyond that, you are not just tasters or smellers, but also feelers. The comforting warmth of flame is unmatched!
>>52555How do you know it dulls the senses? That hasn't been my experience at all. If anything it enhances them making everything much more..happy!
>>52531Also if we prepare ourselves instead of just jumping straight into catching gators, we could trade and make sails, then next turn we apply the same studying method we used for spiders with gators, allowing us to be prepared while inventing the scientific method in the process.>>52558Would you accept an armor for traps deal? It'll actuallly help your tribe, since you can barely defend yourself with just wooden armor.
>>525221) We look to categorize the foods and poisons we have in this forest. We must know every plant that calls this place home!2) Our people eat the beasts they hunt, the fish they drag from the rivers with the silken nets, and the children deemed to weak to support the tribe. Now, they wear the bones of any all that they have eaten, building layers and layers of memories and protection.
>>52539It's not like every tree is going to have a ladder leading up to it and it's the beginning of infrastructure my friend. If we can travel through our forest faster than our enemies or our prey then we have an advantage. It also lays the groundwork for an eventual Tree City.
>>52558I agree that isolationism and trees go hand in hand, and with our deer mounted warriors and knowledge of the forest we should be pretty adept at remaining unconquered isolationists. However, I do think we should eventually get around to making armor and we can use that as an export. I think it would be valuable to have just a few close allies with very similar agendas, such as the jungle tribe for instance. I don't like the path the mire tribe is going. We should eventually break off contact with them. Who needs silk when we (will) have leather?
>>52584We will be making our own armor shortly. Sweeten the deal, please.
>>52572Need and won't are two different things
Fuuug i was out for dinner! Are there any mire places left? Mire tribe whore here btw
>domesticating and riding alligators is possible>cat sized scorpions and spiders can't even reach dog size
>>52609This entire game is nothing but people making assumptions, you included, friend.
>>52609Alligators are pretty big familia
>>52603What if we give you canoes so you won't have to be so afraid of water?
>>52577Lets discuss what our agenda should be moving forward. Where to you see the tribe going in the next few turns?
>>52522>>52418See here
>>52602oops almost forgot my name sorry
>>52623>alligators>being domesticated>being used as mounts consistently
>>52522Hope I'm not to late.Culture: Expand the throw shamans into lava to "throwing things into lava helps us determine it's spiritual powers".Action: Keep playing in the lava and learn how to use it for smelting.
>>52624Waaait we dont need traps!! We need to start getting interested in navigation and stars!!
>>52603Refined silk armor is stronger than any armor, unless ore tribe suddenly enters the industrial revolution and invents steel.
Awh, Mire is full already? Damn this three per tribe rule.
Reposting because it was pretty cool and everyone should have one.
>>52624My "leaders" don't like you guys, but I really want to keep up an "alliance" with you, insofar as we can be allies. Let's say we keep trading wood for silk, and start trading information instead?>>52638Bingo! Both our lands have many, many plants! Let's start trading the medicinal ones!
>>52631Domesticated gators exist in the real world, I thought it was the sand tribe not the salt one.>>52638We can use alligators as horse carriages for our boats
>>52644Dont worry you can always give ideas
>>52647And this one because why not
>>52522Richard if you didn't get it before Sand tribe is doing math for its trait and scavenging the ruins for an action
>>52649We already have medicine.
>>52626My main concern is securing our happiness. That means we need ways to keep our people safe, and to increase our population.My immediate plan is to grow more and different kinds of food to increase the variety of our diet. This will make many people happy, and also help us grow.I also want to develop new weapons to defend ourselves, preferably weapons that can cleanse with fire more effectively than bundles of dry grass.
>>52542I think we need to adress the elephant in the room regarding the tribe's practices regarding "carnal" sensations if you will? Is sexuality fluid and based on whim, for stimulation only? Or are permanent bonds made when two people find they are the best at pleasuring and being pleasured with this one partner? Oral must be a nigh religious procedure, no? Where are genitals held in the hierarchy of sensory organs?
>>52649We don't know which ones are medicinal yet though. Neither of us.>>52638Yeah, maybe your right. Besides, we might be able to figure trapping out on our own in 1 turn anyway, and I'd really like to keep a monopoly on boats.
>>52542Yeefeekee-Yee motherfucker>>52587Hey mire people we should jump on infrastructure too. Like I said, ropeway network across the waters for flat boats to be hauled easily.
>>52656Why do you automatically assume that it is sand tribe. We have had the most whimsical and Cooked up ideas so far.
>>52522Gonna need a solid summary from the Mire Tribe
>>52656We could also use Alligators and tame them for perhaps mounts, biting power while we ride them with our bows and whips in hand.>>52657I'll be doing that I guess, I'll stay loyal to the Mire.
>>52656Like a small amount of them? The point is>riding alligators
>Tfw didn't join thread early enough to be in a tribe without being a shoe horned in new faggot
>>52670Ok, so silk trapping and sails it is? We inventing shit now
>>52564Kek, Very nice meme my friend!
>>52673Invent sails using our silk weaving skills.Start looking at the stars for navigation.
>>52673I say we invent sailboats with our wood knowledge and weaving skills and we start being interested in the stars and navigation for our boats (?)
>>52666There are thousands of types of medicinal herbs, and combinations can be very potent! A trade would help us both!>>52669Well, there is other knowledge! We know the ways of plants and beast, surely you can trade knowledge we might like?
>>52683A new tribe may open in the coming turns, friend!
>>52661Right, lets focus on maths and forget about the retarded scorpion idea
>>52564They're big guys for scorpions
>>52683You are not a shoe horner new faggot! You can join any tribe that isnt full that you want
>>52667Thats pretty much exactly what I was wanting to do depending on what we find this turn and possible trades. Sounds like we are on the same page. We can potentially get new food sources from the jungle tribe and hopefully they can help with cultivation. I would also like to try to get lumber coming from them for many purposes, mostly bigger fires!
>>52683Ore tribe is pretty inactive. I think I'm the only one right now.
>>52673It's decided then.>>52689>>52698>>52688
>>52688Sounds good to me, Mire Tribe Priest is the spokes person right?
>>52694>>52683Correct me if I'm wrong but I think there are only two of us atm in the Brush tribe if you want to join
>>52656Realism is ridiculous when spiders can pump out fucking ship and armors worth of silk consistently
>>52695Scorpions are a good idea as mounts however no.We should focus on large lizards however they would be the better option. Providing meat eggs and leather.
Man this quest has so much potential, I mean with enough time, ressources, traits, training, etc allot of things can be done. For example with a higher pop and the forging capabilities the Ore tribe could start making armor, and then once they get wood they can make weapons, AND THEN they could make a barracks or training facility to make full time Men-At-Arms/Knights!Pretty cool imo Familia.
>>52667I believe we should focus more on defensive apparatuses than weapons.We are not murderers, friends. Let His fire protect us.
>>52725Say that to the chinese and their silkworms, lmao.
>>52725They treat spiders better than they treat themselves. I don't know of any place in the world where that happens, but I've still seen trees killed by webs.
>>52737Still not sure if these guys are sun bros or the flaming cult from GOT
guys, what if the happy happy punks decide to burn our shit?
Stop moping Sand-bros, I told you guys not to get too hopeful about muh scorpions. How about do something useful off the back of the turn we sunk into breeding scorpions and make that cultural "breeding to improve" trait, to improve our people, and buff or food/leather/poison/carapace resource production. It prevents it from being a wasted turn because realistically we couldn't go straight into selective breeding if we hadn't bred anything so far.P.S. I know the tribe is full, I'm not trying to vote.
>>52737We do need a effective means to spread glorious wildfire where ever we see fit.>>52719Also looks like I was wrong about only 2 of us
>>52729Yeah but everything moves so slow. Plus there are some people that just squat in tribes.Issues with this quest, but under different cicumstances with some changes it could be great.
>>52737I was intending for our primary defense to be the threat of the complete immolation of all they know, but I am open to ideas, friend.
>>52744You mean thousands of silkworms for a pair of clothes that takes hours to do?
>>52729My hope is to tame the savages and train them to stay on a leash and kill stuff for us.
>>52755They're gonna have to go through us first.
>>52758Yeah we can substitute scorpion eugenics for actual eugenics.
>>52764With fire, the best defense is a good offense.Also much happier
>>52767and suddenly I realize the importance of spiderbro alliance (though you guys are even more flammable than we are with all your fancy clothes)
>>52668I like the "whoever stimulates you is your partner" idea. Makes sense for our tribe, and we can have an annual breeding festival to find sexual partners or something like that
>>52759>>52764>>52774Then either way I believe our first step is to find extremely flammable materials, and start learning how to make apparatuses that will utilize these materials.
>>52546fire is not inherently bad. our sensations do not have to be natural, just as vivid and as non-debilitating as possible.that said, we're not gonna be an easy sell either. smoke'll fuck us up good.>>52553but yee>>52580of course it's an herb by herb basis, but if you feed us something nasty it BETTER be worth it. we're open-minded, but we have our principles.>>52668I'd say sexuality and sexual behavior is by no means frowned upon, but just isn't our primary deal. Oral, yes, should only be engaged between two very devoted invidivuals, but regular sex is very deprioritized, or, at least, just not that special. this means that 1. gender/sexuality is nearly meaningless to us because oral doesn't have gender requirements and 2. non-oral sex in general, though a lovely and incredible sensation, is secondary to the pleasures of the nose and mouth. >>52762what do you mean exactly?
>>52778Burning in a swamp would prove to be difficult, possible, but we're basically surrounded with water.And as we discussed yesterday, you're probably not going to be making any greek fire if you aren't in a desert or an area filled with caves.
>>52789Hey happy tribe we can trade molotovs eventually
>>52758>domesticating and riding alligators consistently>spiders shitting enough webs for fucking boats and armor consistently>cat sized arachnids>one turn to get permanent mountsAll possible.>Cat sized animals even getting dog sized through eugenicsUNREALISTICAnd he said they could be a thing late in the game
https://imgur.com/a/oatNzHere you go, friends. I do not have enough time to post the actual things in the thread, so if someone wants to do that for me I'll love you.Current Population CountsOre Tribe: 58 people. (2 incidental birth per year)Sand Tribe: 46 people. (2 incidental birth per year)Tree Tribe: 52 people. (3 incidental births per year)Mire Tribe: 40 people. (2 incidental births per year)Brush Tribe: 22 people. (2 incidental births per year)Grasslands Tribe: 32 people. (2 incidental births per year)Jungle Tribe: 17 people (1 incidental birth per year)Current Trading RoutesOre Tribe & Sand Tribe: Ore Tribe receives Many Bricks, Sand Tribe receives Copper Bells and Copper Tools.Tree Tribe & Mire Tribe: Tree Tribe receives Silken Fishing Nets, Mire Tribe receives Wood & Bark.
>>52726You should focus on the shit you actually have.Y'know horses and camels.>>52765Each turn is a year, and we live in a spider infested swamp, and started breeding special species of silk shitting and venom peeing spiders.Also, silkworms only make silk once, when making coocoons, spiders can constantly knit webs.
>>52805heyfaggoti said very very late gameI'm talking turn counts beyond what would actually happen.i gotta go now for a bit but basically fuck you.
>>52805Sand tribe just needs to cater to Richard's fetishes more. He'll be more lenient with you that way.
>>52806>https://imgur.com/a/oatNzI like this format better.
>>52786this works pretty well with my idea. we have partners and a breeding festival (which any male from any tribe can take part in), but as for sex and sexual practice, see my post.
>>52791Just a helpful hint from Sand, de-prioritising the kind of sex that can make babies is going to flatten out your population really quick, you're already the smallest tribe dude.
>>52811Brush we aren't trying to fucking get lizard mounts we are trying to domesticate lizards so our tribe can get leather and eat.
>>52806Hurrah for navigation!
>>52203How create my own tribe?
>>52821>not until very late into the game>obviously means beyond the end of the game
>>52832We should do the look for new flora/fauna idea I suggested in the last thread at some point though. We might find a useful animal/plant to add to our cactus/lizard/scorpion farms.
Culture : Taming and riding horses pleases the God GrassAction : Continue domestication / start training for horse combat
>>52829valid point, and that occurred to me after i made the post. but we like being small, and we'll pick up extras in our travels naturally! that, along with the ideas that Wyatt suggested, should leave us just fine.>>52842you can't, but you can join a new one when it's created by OP.>>52844please hush
>>52842Tribes are pre-created by Richard. People simply join the tribe and control over the decisions of the tribe.
>>52834This makes me very very happy. We should begin working with this next substance to find out what its useful for asap.Suggestions for actions this turn?Also we need to convince the jungle bros to trade with us
>>52842You can't, but the ore tribe has 2 open spaces.
>>52849Well something is digging tunnels in the caves my guess is big moles big sneks big lizards I say investigate for knowledge
>>52854So what we gonn' do now? I say we go to the west and either discover new lands or fibd out that the earth is round, and maybe bows?
Honestly, I think investigating the island can wait for a little while. We're the only tribe with boats, no-one's gonna beat us too it. If we're planning on colonizing the island, we'll need a bigger population. I think it's best if we spend the next few turns doing some cultural shit, and maybe craft bows/catch alligators.>>52806>Tunnels that are fairly recent.Gulp.
>>52852That Culture action has no meaning whatsoever. I think it should be like his:>ACTION: Continue taming / start training for horse comba>CULTURE: develop even more math things. Start to know geometry shit and some basics of arquitecture
This turn we should probably:map the swamp with our newfound cartography and wind powered boats, see if we can find any resources. (alligators)trapping?
>>52789I'd also like to add that even though there's nothing that would make me more happy than purging the heretics with the power of the Sun in our hands our number is simply too small to withstand the full brunt of our neighbors with simple melee.Either we start massively reproducing and focusing on battle arts and weaponry, or we look for alternative solutions.Though we are happy right now and I have no doubt our incandescent Lord will always protect us, we must help ourselves so that He may help us, and currently we are quite weak.We must not go quietly into the Moon's night, brothers.
>>52867I agree.Let's expand on math and architecture.the solution is primitive scorpion vehicles powered by horses and camels
>>52853Aww. I wanted to make shadow tribe
>>52879It'll help us tame horses and give is a horse riding bonus
>>52883Scorpion tanks?
Awesome, we're well on our way to understanding our forest. Tree Tribe, if we are to make a utopia, we must make the forest provide for us. We must improve our agriculture, and trade what we can for new and exciting plants.
Junglefriends! We, like you, consider the things that make us happy of the utmost importance! The best sensations this world has to offer!We can teach you all the benefits of fire, and the sublime tastes it brings forth in beastflesh! We can also teach you written language to record descriptions of your sensations for all to know! All we ask is for plants that we can grow and eat to expend our diet. We wish to develop the greatest of foods together!
>>52880Trapping would be good. We need to stick to a general spider theme.
>>52873I feel going out to sail with rudimentary boats and sails might not be a good idea, I think we should atleast spend the next turn working on them and work on something for our culture. However, did we ever end up looking at the Chasms that were created during the Earthquakes yesterday for 2 random culture traits? I feel those could be interesting.
>>52867>>52883>>52898Or to be more clear, scorpion-based chariots that are the equivalent of ancient tanks.We'll get out scorpion mounts via technicality
>>52861What's up, never done anything like this before and I don't know much about how this works but I chose to be a Shaman so you can kindly kill me off when I inevitably stop posting.As a group I think there's something to note that we can create pictures and written symbols with all the soot we find around the volcanoes
>>52894Mmh. Yes but I like more to do two things at the same time. We need to finish developing arquitecture.
>>52880>>52878Both good ideas, richard could give us some more shit if we map out the mire and it would increase our carthography skill too, idk about alligators tho, it would take about 3 turns to fully tame them i think and a bigger oop could be good, but how are we gonn stimulate that... We need something that would be good for more babies and something else
>>52806what succes we reach exatlywe can ride we can use as cargo animalwe can put then in carragewe can use them as a cattle we can use a animal power to our farmsand so on..
>>52906We could investigate those, yes. We can even tie a string around our waists so we don't get lost.
Btw, for any lurkers, ore tribe is open
>>52906Swamp sailing isn't that dangerous, going into open sea is.We got whips and a BDSM kink from the ruins, we can still get materials from those
>>52898>>52908We could also continue our eugenics program so farming carapace becomes easier, for armor and scorpion tanks
>>52910There was already a guy with that name. You might want to pick another.We have a pretty good alliance with the sand. We can just go ask them how to write if we feel like it.
>>52883I think we should do geometry and investigate the tunnels gathering knowledge is the motif and what better way than exploration.
>>52923Oh, I felt that was the case. I was trying to figure out who decided to give us whips and BDSM kinks. I think I might have skipped that round while skimming over the past rounds.
OKAY JUNGLE TRIBEimma write up the to-do list real quick and then we can decide on our next move
>>52913Basically its a very sucesful sucess
>>52910My thoughts for the next turn is to keep playing in the lava and if we figure it out then we can work on more tools weapons and armor for the tribe.I'm not sure about culture.
alright I missed the update while doing that I'll check it.
>>52791So, what's our turn 14 agenda, other than animal pheromones? Blowguns? Perhaps we justify killing the animals by attracting them with pheromones and feeding them a very sweet tasting and smelling but fatally poisonous berry. We could rationalize that if this vessel of death is sweet and smells good, death cannot be evil. This could also perhaps give us fearless troops in the hopefully unlikely event of conflict? We need a technological method of feeding ourselves, sensory satisfaction aside.
>>52923Ugh so many options.... The boat thing can wait i guess and the alligators will take a long time, mapping out the mire and having more babies is the best option, maybe something like, the more babies you have the better the spiders will be pleased because that will give em more food when they die?
>>52931We can do eugenics later that may be important but it isn't inline with what the tribe values. New knowledge is the goal and finding strange tunnels is exactly what we need to expand.
>>52900>>52881Suggestions for actions this turn? I've got one, not sure what else to do without trading with the junglebros>Experiment with and explore the tar pits. Set a small amount of tar on fire to see what happens.Maybe we can convince the jungle bros that since the warmth of the sun is a good feeling sensation that he is the one true god and should be worshiped.
I forgot to add the name.>>52940>Explore Ruins>Geometry>Architecture study>Begin collecting scorpion carapace for armor>domesticate horses and camels>??? (Design weapons based off of scorpions or something maybe)>chariot research>???>scorpion chariots
>>52964Obviously that is something we have to do this turn. I'm really hoping we can convince the junglefriends to provide us with some plant seeds.
>>52919ID is different due to location change
>>52955>>52959I suggested making silk lingerie, and we might be able to use venom as a form of viagra.Also, insects have a shit ton of babies. We can just use that as a reason.We could probably spend an entire turn focused on reproduction and increase our birth rate by 2.
>>52955I'm more than alright with this
>>52911we could evolve our rule selector and add the competion of the five godclub fihtinghorse ride and caremath hemp caligraphyand runing
>>52975So we should do +6 population for action, and do something culturally to increase our annual birthrate?
>>52972Plant seeds, lumber and knowledge of agriculture are the main things we need from them.We can teach them the secrets of fire and trade them some of our happy plant to see if they like it.
>>52978yeah, that was meant as bant but even while making it I realised I would be alright with it
>>52964So tar pits and ash tattoos for this turn?
>>52975If we research trapping, wouldn't that be a boost to our BDSM sex ritual perk?
>>52954Okay so maybe we look into the melting properties that lava has.Or we look at how it tends to harden after a period of time
>>529752 actions on babies is too many i think, we can always do 2 in a row... But the insects have many childs is a good reason and maping out the mire will make us better at navigation and carthography and it might reveal new things
>>52940>>52965Or use several giant scorpions to move the chariot similar to sleigh dogs
>>52965Do we have irrigation?Also, we know binding materials like using clay and sand?
>>52956>>52946What do you guys think about a trade something like this? >>52992
>>52542okay, based on this and recent discussionsin no order:1. Respond to Brush tribe (this actually should be the first thing we do obviously, but will it take an action? and what should we do with them?)2. formalize our open-minded philosophy as discussed in the big post3. refine our storytelling abilities4. refine our hunting abilities, ideally by learning to recreate animal pheromones5. refine our blindfold practices and work toward the hierarchy as discussed in the big post6. establish yearly open-to-the-public breeding festivals as we discussed7. formalize the yefiki language (yefiki is easier to type and looks better than yeefeekee so i'm using it instead with group approval)8. refine mercantile abilities (this can come later, after we're regularly moving)9. ACTUALLY START BEING NOMADS! (we'd start by heading to the grasslands to meet our other neighbor and maybe get some horses. this can wait a few turns, though.)
>>52965>Explore Ruins>Geometry>Writing>Begin collecting scorpion carapace for armor>domesticate horses and camels>Architecture study>Engineering>physics>Mechanics>ChemistryScorpion chariots and chariots in general are not cut out for the desertMaybe scorpions as the symbol but chariots aren't that great
>>52989I like this, see if we can assign the pantheon different rulings in one culture action
>>52991We could make nurseries, equality (in lowlyness) is one of our ways right?Not sure if that would make more babies (is the birth rate calculated including infant deaths?) but that would make them more healthy.
>>53022>>52965Plus the two adjoining tribes are a forest and mountain which chariots wouldn't really work in either.
>>53011The ore tribe has spent the last few turns just "experimenting" with lava. This should be the last turn.What do you think of a cultural trait about protecting the tribe or something?
>>53022Not necessarily chariots, we can design a more tank like vehicle.
>>53023Dropped muh trip>>52989
>>53031>>53012> >>53009
>>52975aslo sauce? my google fu did nothing
>>53040We gotta do something with all the bricks we're receiving right?So fortifications maybe? I imagine our area is mountainous
>>53009Maybe. If we figure out how to bondage people tighter, we might be able to wrangle alligators as well. And we already have whips to control them. >>53012>>53031>>52991I'm basically thinking here "What do insects do?" They multiply and get freaking everywhere. We're inevitably going to be left behind militarily by the Ore and Grass tribes, and so a huge population seems like a good idea, especially if we want to colonise the island.
>>53031We could do that, we could even adopt a cultural aspect to reproduce more often to reach a better understanding with our insect and arachnid superiors as when they reproduce, they reproduce in large batches.
>>53049ahh ok, i want that but i don't remember what the violet are supposed to be
>>52989I kind of like this idea. I dont like the gods occupation tough.Maybe we can have a friendly fight (roll dice 1d6) and decide if it is developing math (me) or the gods (you). I think math is still better because it is the quick way. The gods is good because be got a bonus in everything we care but we loose a turn doing so.
>>53043that is probably the best maybe mounted on top of the horses.
>>53001Not sure about ash tattoos this turn. I think we are waiting to hear from the jungle tribe about a trade and then doing something with the potential items we get.
>>53069There is no need to roll 2v1 I vote for warrior, but I like the idea for future use
>>53078Thank you father and pardon me for I am about to sin.
>>53060That's true. I don't want to do that yet because we are on the verge of discovering advanced metals, but I do want to start doing that soon.
>>53067I like your idea but again. We lose a turn and developing math is a more quick and direct way of doing itt. But yours is cool too. So how about dice?
>>53088Hello Mondo
>>53020Agreed fellow Junglebro
>>52956we're already "brutal" hunters. i don't think we need to get much better than animal pheromones desu, at least right now. the death rationality is interesting, though.>>52992>>53017noted. what do you guys think? does that sound like a reasonable trade? it seems like an attractive one, for sure, but the biggest boon we get from it is a one-time deal (they don't need to keep supplying fire) while they're continually getting seeds and lumber and stuff from us. i'm not sure on the herbs either. i'm inclined to say give us a sample first before we declare a regular trade for them. and we can likely cultivate them ourselves in our travels. and a sample of herbs and something that brush only needs to do once in exchange for a continual stream of vital materials seems...uneven.
>>53022>>53088This is the plan of action IMO for now
>>53074A scorpion-shaped tank. Stinger could be a ballista that uses venom laced metal spears with molotov cocktailsClaws could be spikes or some shit.The machine would be heavy armored, nigh unpenetratable.
>>53089see >>53082
>>53085What do we do by means of food?Is agriculture considered to be Urth and Ski working together to produce life
>Tfw no Slav Tribe.
>>53096Don't worry about the lumber for now friend, you can just give us enough seeds to start our own cultivation, that's what we really want right now
>>53022>>52965We already have writing I believe with the monoliths
>>53083Im with you ::_:: so birthrate increase and maping the mire?
>>53107Actually thinking of something similar why i thought we should do mechanics
>>53096Fire is important, but perhaps only for seeds. That trade is hella uneven. How do we think fire smells though? Also, where do is it say we're brutal hunters?
>>53096We should only need the seeds once with cultivation tech as well. The only steady supply would be lumber and what do you need it for, you are nomads. We can promise not to burn down the whole jungle.Also fire is a pretty big tech. It can lead to a lot more than just cooking food. Plus we have tar now. Maybe you will need something in the future, we can always revisit the trade agreement.>>53114We really need the lumber.We need to build machines in order to deliver our wildfire
>>53116We have pictograms not an actual written language
>>53118Ok, sounds good. How do we increase the birthrate? Adding a suspension fetish might get us a headstart in trapping technology.
Ohhh, you guys are using all our turns on scorpions... Fun.
>>53082Ok, sorry. I didnt see your posts. Well. We can do mine later. Boosting all what we care about the most is pretty smart actually.So now... what is the most important things? I say we got:>Berry: god of fights and physical greatness>Violet: godness of health>Rose: godness of beast and horse riding>Sunflower: god of farming and friendship?>Grass: god of maths and symetry
>>53111I have no idea. We have some goats that we herd and some fish. I think OP also said we are eating rocks too so that's metal. I wouldn't mind doing some trades with tree, but they have been gearing for war with every turn from the start of the game.
>>53125The lumber can wait until they feel like they have something they want a steady stream of it for, if a one and done trade makes them happier at this point, then let's do it.
>>53134Now that we think about it we can make sunflower the god of weapon making
>>53130We already have a bondage fetish thing, omg what if once a year or so the woman of the tribe make webs everywhere where they trap the men in and they bondage them and fug em, might increase birth rate and trapping skill
>>53111I just realized. Welcome to the tribe.
>>53126Then we shall complete that shit I feel that Engineering should come before horses, and mechanics before physics.Also, we should think about weapons, which would probably be based on the scorpion. Some sort of Katar Gauntlet for claws and a spear for a tail.
>>53141Fire is a big tech. So seeds and culture tech for fire and sample of herbs? If so give them herbs with no seeds so if they want some for cultivation we still have another trade chip.
>>53159That was the plan, friend.
>>53151That's already how we normally have sex though. We could start making sexy silk lingerie.
>>53152As one of the oldest living tribes we aren't very advanced.Also thanks
>>53143Sunflower: god craftsmanship calligraphy is a mens craftsmanship weapons and oders woman thing
>>53113it will come soon, my brother.also taking a quick ten minute break from paper writing. I suspect it will not take me much longer to finish. Maybe within the next hour or two.
>>53173For men? Nohomo but the woman is the fugger in our tribe
>>53096>>53114>>53125not to mention we aren't gonna be able to maintain a "trade" relationship if we're moving from place to place. it'll be a different dynamic entirely, and i don't even think we COULD provide lumber for you on a repeated basis. however, i think we'd absolutely be open to fair one-time trade, i.e. we give you agriculture tips and seeds and you give us fire and maybe a dried supply of those herbs. what else do you have to offer aside from fire and herbs, though?>>53123our initial introduction established our hunting prowess.lets pro and con fire real quick (with the knowledge that we pretty much need to take the deal eventually, fire is an essential)pros>warmth is awesome and we'll need it in colder climates>fire is important for cooking food, which is a BIG plus when done correctly, because >cooked food tastes good and opens up a massive new world of taste and smell >sensations>fire is portablecons>we're from the jungle, so we don't worry about heat at all right now>getting burnt is like the worst thing ever>smoke sucks tooi think, after some time, we'd accept it.
>>53173I don't feel having sexy lingerie would increase our birthrate though. I feel that we should focus our action on reproduction and try to have a cultural trait that will increase our birth rate by 1 per year, such as trying to be closer to our superiors by reproducing like they do.
>>53174Not in brains, but we have a relatively highly advanced industry. We have quite a bit of food and we have been making metal tools and even leather armor. The sand have been helping us a lot that way and it's given us a good alliance.
Also, I know I probably didn't follow this in the original thread because I was still hammering out the kinks, but if you spend a tribal action breeding, you will receive ((# of Tribesmembers/10), rounded, multiplied by your incidental breeding rate, and then plus anywhere from 1-6 depending on a RL roll) new kiddos.
>>53131>>53154Ok so this is the list for now>Explore tunnels>Geometry>Writing>Create armour with chitin and leather>Engineering>Architecture>Horses and camels>Mechanics>Physics>Chemistryand how about adding on>Medicine>Glass>Trading with tree tribe>Fire>Irrigation>Glassand then go from there
>>53173Suspension technology for BDSM and trapping sounds like a good use for our culture slot
>>53218Thank you so first turn we should up our birth rate and THEN we should focus on fugging, and the birthrate thing should be either sexy male lingerie or fugging like spiders
>>53222>>53131>>53154I feel like if we find more stuff next delve in the ruins we should try and go after whatever it is. Regardless of the danger. In my head the Sand tribe is to curious for their own good.
>>53201I think as far as the whole potential of the depth of flavoured food we could get from fire, it's a pro. Also, essential question, we need to smell and taste this herb first fo sure.
>>53188sorry since sunflower are supose to be god of weapon making we can use the sunflower as the god of craftsmanship in general
>>53222Nice trips.Hmm, replace leather with copper.List of Things to Do Eventually-Medicine-Glass-Tree Tribe Trading-Fire-IrrigationI feel that irrigation and trading with tree tribe should be done quickly so we can begin building with wood for our sweet ancient scorpion tanks.>>53218Aight. I feel that two actions a turn is too slow to be honest.
>>53201Maybe just allow us access to a section your land for us to get our own lumber, In return we allow you through our lands to hunt many of the animal species that inhabit it that we haven't caught and burned. Also just a friendship between our tribes, you see we too are nomads that roam our brushy land. Perhaps we can teach you of the one true god, the Sun and it glorious warm happy rays. Our tribes would make strong allies.
>>53242What would we do for an action for the first turn.Since it would probably be a cultural trait that would up our incidental birth rate.
>>53247>>53257Oh and weapons might be added with armor just in case Mire and Grass Tribes decide to attack while we are still vulnerable.
>>53257We can just say armour in general>>53218>I feel that two actions a turn is too slow to be honest.Maybe adding after X amount of tribes members or X tech maybe more?
>>53274We were gonna swamp it out with our maps and boatsAlso theres four of us.
>>53274Mapping the mire, +navigation/carthography and might give us new things
>>53217Let's expand on the copper bells cultural trait
>>53280I doubt they can get us from across map most of the stuff said is shit talk anyway. and if they did we have brick walls. they could throw spiders at us but I don't think that would work.
>>53174Ok so here's what I want to do next turn:Action: Keep fucking the lava until we figure it out and if we have time also smelt some stuff.Trait: "The tribe should be protected from danger."
>>53285Yeah. And also weaponry.>>53218Maybe that + two years a turn, and have the game end at Turn 80 instead.>>53304We don't have brick walls yet.
>>53293Think of me as someone who's just giving ideas, feel free to completely disregard my posts. Since I was late to the start.
>>53302To what?
>>53261this seems fine. this general friendship and the one-time trade seems fair and mutually beneficial.>>53249yeah. so our next turn is:culture: research recreating animal pheromones action: do all that shit with brush tribe and establish a friendly relationship. we'll get fire, freedom, and some herb, they'll get access to lumber and agriculture tech. how does that grab everybody
>>53311well they still have to cross a desert
>>53312You can take my place as official since I'm going to sleep soon.
>>53324More like the sea, they have boats.
>>53320to quantify the even-ness of the deal, i'd say that works as one big boon and two small boons in exchange for one big boon and one medium boon. that's totally square.
>>53324and they can't really carry water like we can
>>53298So:> mapping the mire>Studying suspension(+X birth per year/ trapping?)
>>53251Yes. I like that. So:>CULTURE: we have 5 gods, this are Berry (god of fighting and physycal greatness, this is our mayor god), Violet (godness of health), Rose (godness of beasts and horse riding), Sunflower (god of craftsmanship) and grass (god of math and symetry). Our people spend all the time perfectioning one or various of this things to please the gods.>ACTION: keep taming hourses and start trying to use them in combat and to carry heavy things.Is this right?
>>53319Spirits of the Metal strongly interact with Urth through refining iron ore and compliment ski (or something idk) once they are cooled into a usable shape.Like idk the metal spirits help us honor urth and ski by forming themselves into a usable shape
>>53338Sounds okay
>>53205>I don't feel having sexy lingerie would increase our birthrate though. It would if we make people wear it all the time ;)>>53230>>53242>>53274Honestly, I think we should spend both of our slots increasing our birthrate. (Through the suspension technology + something else) Then next turn we'll perform a breeding action + navigating the swamp maybe?I was also thinking about catching leeches to use as medicine, and creating bandages out of silk. Maybe we'll expand more on our venom technology, and slowly try to make ourselves immune through digesting it little bits at a time.
>>53331we don't live on the coast we live at an inland oasis that's what Richard said anyway when we finally settled down.
>>53320And a sample of seeds for us to begin our agriculture, the rest looks good.
>>53350Medicine is always a good idea, also is anyone keeping track of all of the actions we've performed? Poisoned darts?
>>53350>INB4 all of the mire dies because of poisioning.We're not that far behind with birthrate, and using both actions seems like a waste.
>>53345How about "Putting metals to use pleases Urth and Ski"?Or could that make our people dumb and give things away?
>>53351Oh sweet.After we make scorpion tanks, we begin work on scorpion tank boatsAlso, is it just me, or do I imagine our carapace armor looking like a mix between a scorpion and a knight?
>>53358that's included in agriculture tech! a deal should of course be fair, but we try to be generous when we can!
>>53320I'm on board
>>53384I guess we could look into that later on I suppose,since our people are dumb then maybe we could look into how we transfer information to generations
Is there a space for me?I vote breaking up rocks in a designated area to make it more fertile and full of dirt.
>>53407I think we should get our learnings from the sand tribe. They have nothing but learnings, but I don't think this is all that important. What does a tribesman have to learn? There's goats. We eat them. There's fish. We eat them. There's rocks. We put them in fire and made those tools out of them. Done. Right?
>>53393i feel like the turn after should be two actions:from the to-do list>formalize our open-minded philosophy>formalize our aforementioned attitudes toward sex/establish yearly open-to-the-public breeding festivals i've got a plan for the turn after that too, but by then there will be a world event and a new tribe so lets see what happens.
>>53374We have rough medicine made from spider poison, as far as I know.
>>53390How I imagine the chitin armour
>>53439I am trying to read into the other threads to catch up to this lol I am assuming a bit too much.Go with the last post you said then
>>53415Welcome back.We are just about to crack the code to magma forges. I think we should continue with that. Not sure about culture. I'm considering "Protecting the tribe is important" or "Making useful things made of metal please Urth and Ski".
>>53446We can always make bows...but y dont we map the mire out this round?
>>53447If U want I could draw some chitin armor concept art?
>>53452yeah sounds good.Improving tools would occur due to superior metals :D but a bit later i guess.I back your thing.
>>53473What would be dope
>>53285I am planning on increasing the action rate once all the tribes are introduced.
>>53447>>53473Eh, I imagine them having Maximillian style of medieval helmets with segmented bulky armor..
>>53468Ok so we invent suspension tech for extra sex + trapping.And then we map out the mire some more.Seems like a good plan.
>>53491Pls dont, it will be chaotic i think
>>53491Ok thanks for letting us know
>>53493Rich heres our claim>Suspension technology (+1 birthrate bc of the BDSM perk and Trapping)>Exploring the mire and mapping it. (maybe we find gators?)
>>53493So it's decided thatCulture : Expand on Suspension tech for extra intentional Birth rateAction : Map out the Mire for more information / resources.
>>53492You guys realize we are working and advanced metals now right?
>>53473>>53492And also spiked because years of being bullied for being nerds have left us with an edge. :^)>>53491Nice.
>>53516please give us your forge technology and ores in exchange for our knowledge
>>53492Realistically, even our biggest scorpion's carapaces will lend themselves better to scale mail than any kind of plate.
Alright I'll begin the chitin armor, in the mean time enjoy this FRESH MEME.
>>53529That's pretty much been the plan from the start of the game. Sand has been good for the dwarves.
The action increase will be to two tribe actions per turn, with 1 culture action as per normal, and only one of the tribe actions will be able to be turned into a culture action.When it happens, that is. Expect around turn 20 or so, by my current predictions.
>>53534I am aware.>>53535Oh, and also them wielding some katar-gauntlet-shield hybrid of a weapon would also be neat.
How do junglebros think of adding a new cultural element where we have a "pack mentality" like wolves? It'd be to communicate our senses to hunt better.Also, how about we change the punishable by death thing to we punish criminals by removing their tongue?
>>53529>>53516The answer is clearly to collab for composite materials guys. :^)
>>53535Damn horses. Very difficult to ride they are.>>53541I like you
>>53529>>53516We should update our trade agreements and we can give you alcohols so you can be real dorfs in exchange for some other knowledge like fire or something.
>>53547When are you going to introduce the next tribe? I am curious
>>53552What are we going to give them?Sand for glass?"Oh yes thank you sand tribe for giving us this fragile material that will break into shards to stab my fleshy body.">>53559>Ore Dwarfs>Scorpion Knight Architects on Scorpion TanksFUND ITWhy do I feel that the Sand Tribe would have Romanesque armor
>>53559Honestly think we should embark on a collab project once we've figured out something that we both want, that we could both lend our expertise to.
>>53516We could work the ores too, if you gave us some and you mined even more, we would be able to get a full industry.
>>53559I'm not sure that's the best trade for me, but the dwarf in me can't resist booze. Ore can take a vote on it. The only problem is that you guys have like nothing to burn.
>>53544Sand is also broken down rocks so we respect em'
>>53590>>53559Something to burn, you say? Oh, if only someone had a veritable supply of wood around!
>>53581Well chitin and ceramics are both very valid materials for armour if used in the right way. Also Lizard leather for flexible sections. Don't be a grump, I was just trying to contribute ideas.
>>53549We don't seem like sadistic people, and removing the tongue, to us, that just seems so depraved and evil. But the pack mentality is interesting, hunters just become a single, unwavering response to stimulus.
>>53604We got lava you heathen
>>53615Are you Sand Tribe? No? Shut up, junior. Let the adults talk.
>>53604What the hell do you want from us?
>>53604I think the last time this came up the tree guys started getting mad and talking about eating our babies. Send a trade party and we will be happy to make some kind of deals.Ore needs food and sand needs wood.
>>53590Sand smelting though. Can do cool shit with glass.
>>53625We need irrigation and we will send you a pack of food for ores or metal parts/tools.
While we're on the topic of armor. What armor would the other tribes have?>Mire and Grasslands men wear the equivalent of web and grass lingerie respectively>Tree tribes wear shitty wood armor decorated with baby skulls>Jungle tribes wear also shitty wood armor decorated with spices>Brush tribe wear bone armor covered in skulls with masks, the torso has one giant artificial smiling skull on it>Ore Tribe ???>>53612It was a joke due to all our sand.
>>53623Well, if you need Wood to Burn for Ores, we'd be happy to trade you some for a small amount of the finished products! We can even sweeten the deal, quite literally, by trading fruits with the Ore representatives as well!
>>53627I can dig it.
>>53491>>53547awesome>>53535wonderful>>53549that's a little "scorpion mounts", but if richard says it's okay it'd be pretty cool. keep in mind, though--we don't need to get that much better as hunters. we're already excelling in that category.tongue removal makes sense, but, similar to above, i can't imagine we'd have to deal with that many criminals, at least enough to have a unified punishment system. save that for later in the game, i think, if we do it at all. like >>53614 said, we don't really swing that way. it might become necessary later, so don't discount it completely, but for now, yeah.
>>53636Ore tribe will have iron armors if they get an anvil and work iron.
>>53636>>53647I suppose I should also mention what would they look like A E S T H E T I Cally as well
>>53640WHo needs hot oil when you have molten glass
Are my happy bros still here?
>>53644whoops, forgot my tripthis is obviously me though, even without the ID
>>53676I am, friend.
>>53534Our scorpions are cat-sized like the spiders I believe. A bit bigger due to our eugenics program.
>>53637How about something like teaching us to farm and stuff for finished goods?I'd also like to hear from ore guys if this is good.I'm not comfortable arming them yet, but I think this will go well.
Made this real quick
>>53695No, that's not fair. Giving you the means to production is never a good idea, it cuts us out of a market. We trade product for product, or knowledge for knowledge.
>>53707Needs more traps.
>>53636Mire tribe has a strenghtened silk and bark armor, which is probably as strong as fuck considering how durable spider shit is
>>53710Tree Tribe, we would like tree seeds and wood in exchange for uh..venom.
>>53693Did you see the updated trade? Are you cool with this?>>53320>>53358>>53393If so our second action would be to begin cultivation of the new seeds to raise our population?
>>53710Ok then. I don't think we need wood for much. How about just food and maybe some animals for finished goods?
>>53729That's exactly the deal I was hoping for, but our other action should be to experiment with the tar we just found.
>>53715How about now
>>53756Thats our first action, I was talking about the second, right?
>>53725No. We can get venom as well. >>53735We can give you regular food supplies, but animals need to stay in the Forest. Trade Food for Ore, it's not so hard.
>>53763Make them all traps in the "What actually happens"
>>53766The deal takes one of our actions.
>>53771Ok, we give you fucking bricks, pottery, clay tablets and clay, maybe also liquor.
>>53771The ore itself? You mean the goods right?Sounds good for me. I'll take a vote with the guys.
>>53793I haven't been reading, what is up for trade with the Heathenish Tree Folk?
>>53771>>53782We should trade ceramics with holes in them so you no longer have to clean yourself in a river you can take showers and wash the evil right off your body. Also alcohol.
>>53385>>53340Wait I thought Grass was the God of Beasts and fertility? Other than that, it sounds good. What should we do for our next turn? King, you want to develop more advanced math?
>>53778Oh, I thought once we established contact with the other tribe we could trade freely. If so then that's fine. We can begin working with cultivation and the lumber next turn.
>>53782No seeds, but we can do Wood for Clay and Clay Products. If you want to throw in liquier, fine by us!>>53793Sure, we trade you Wood, and you send Ore to the Sand Tribe for smelting and production. They then send it to us, along with the Clay, when they receive our Wood shipments.
>>53802They want out metal stuff and they will give us food. I think any kind of trade with them will be a good idea for us. Tensions have been high so I'm pretty much down for whatever.
>>53816Trade clay to help them build waterproof/stronger/less flammable treehouses.
>>53828If you give us wood for clay and clay products then it's a fucking deal, just wait for others to accept, use them wisely.
>>53828Woops, I mean we trade you FOOD, although we can send some Wood as well if you like.
>>53829Well food and wood would be good for you, but maybe they would ask for more.>>53832Forgot name.
>>53828We are the only ones that can smelt right now and I'm happy to see sand get wood, but I don't think we need it much. We have some twigs and stuff to make small fires here and we are working on lava.The deal is metal stuff for food between ore and tree.
>>53829How safe are we in terms of giving them our metal stuffs, we could always look into breeding more of our goat-like mammals. They offer berries and wood.
>>53834You can send us anything extra you like, but I'm personally more interested in the stuff you guys make of wood and bones.
>>53856They would need to research blast furnaces and metalworks, also making them and getting anvils and working the ores.
I feel like we should do what i planned with ore chief way back first thread when we first started. We should team up with ore to make a canal on the border of the land and make a trade town.
>>53856Really that's up to Richard and whoever happens to be running tree tribe. So your guess is as good as mine, but I think the items we have now are not a high danger and more food should help us get our numbers up.
>>53880We could do wonderful things with wood, also build the canal faster.
>>53880I can dig it.
>>53877What do we need their wood for?
>>53893Fucking Lol'ed
Oh jeez this is a lot of stuff, I'm lost. How would I join, if that's possible at this point?
>>53907The canal would give us both arable land and a port for the mire tribe to trade in.
>>53880I'd also like a river that we could turn into steam with the magma. Then we could get some cool steampunk stuff and you couldn't be happy we are killing water.
>>53893>Literally become the me~me civruins, not even once
>>53909We don't need wood? I'm after more food.
>>53893traps aren't raised to be warriors>>51547>>53947we can change the god's thing also i have to sleep so goodnight
>>53954Oh okay.More food (and they offered lumber so we'll take it) for usage of our tools. No weapons.
>>53925Some tribes might have open spaces if you ask. Ore is full right now. You can also wait for the OP to make a new tribe. Not sure when that will be.
>>53944Steam engines combined with engineering and mechanics holy shit
>>53958Night Warrior
>>53965We could purify the salt water by making it steam and letting it cool down.
>>53965I think you guys might have to figure out how all the "power" stuff works by inventing wheels and stuff first. It's just a pipe dream. Lol get it? Har Har Har dwarf joke.
>>53982Let us the science and architecture and you can go for something else, we have your back.
Ore Tribe - WE WUZ DWARVES EN SHIETSand Tribe -SCORPION KNIGHTSONSCORPION mounts TANKSTree Tribe - Metal Gear Solid 3: Baby EaterMire Tribe - Not!Drow Trap SpiderfuckersBrush Tribe - Heh, I can be the nicest guy you meet, or twisted fucking psychopath, nothin personal friend, DUDE SUN LMAOGrasslands - TrapsJungle Tribe - DUDE FOOD LMAO YEE FEE KEE>>53965>>53998>Scorpion Steam Engine Tanks
>>53959>>53834So is this the deal? Everything good?Also will you be sending the trade party?
>>54016Did you guys actually spend an action to establish contact yet? I don't remember you ever doing so.
Alright I'm Finaly done the chitin armor, my bad for the long wait pc had a crash.Any other requests?
>>54016Whose our speaker for this turn?
>>54005>sand tribe - fedora autists with a scorpion obsessionFTFY
can we have faster turns? civ threads give 15 minutes before concluding what happens, I don't think we should be spending 30 minutes on choices.
>>54028I'm not sure how the trade with sand happened. I was watching the thread at the time, but I hadn't joined.
>>54005It's YEE FEE and REEEEEEEE
>>54048>>54049Its finals week IRL, man. some of us, OP included, benefit from the longer time.maybe later we can shorten them but for now i wouldnt worry about it.
>>54044I assumed it was me. I don't care so much as long as someone does it.
>>54067>Its finals week IRL, man. some of us, OP included, benefit from the longer time.Seconded
Wood!Sand!Ore!By our powers combined, we form INDUSTRYMAN!>>54016I think we need to meet up, and us Tree Tribe need to spend a turn setting up farms/wood camps to actually start producing the stuff. Then it's food/wood to the Ores for ores, and wood to the Sands for clay/processed ores.Why are the Sands the ones with ore-manufacturing capabilities?
>>54029Requesting several Chitin Armored Sand Tribesmen on a scorpion tank with a steam engine, about to run over crying Mirefags dreaming about spider mounts.
>>54066We could skip chariots and go straight into steam powered automobiles with engineering and mechanics.
The fuck is this shit sand?
>>54085We can build with bricks so forges and stuff like that are a cinch. Plus plenty of open space in a desert.
>>54070You can do it
>>54029>>54086>>54087We could have a ballista that shoots out venom coated metal spears/rods with a Molotov Bottle attached to them, and claw cannons.
>>54085North Pangean Free Trade AgreementNPFTAor somebody more clever than I makes a good acronym
>>53817Yes. Math as culture. And if we learn how to ride Horses maybe we can develop medicine as action
>>54085They are not. Only Ore can smelt stuff now. Unless I missed something.You keep saying you want the ore. I don't mind that, but you guys don't know how to smelt either.
>>54116SOBEKScorpionOreBaby EatersKnights
>>54114y'all are getting a little ahead of yourselves. you haven't even domesticated camels yet.
>>54116>ore and sand tribe: fuck trees they're savages that eat babies>mire tribe: hey tree tribe>ore and sand: HOLY FUCK I L OVE THE TREE TRI-holy fuck why yall so thirsty
>>54132I always assumed that it was the Sand Tribe who had unlocked Ore-Smelting. The Ore you traded to us was to be sent to them, smelted, and then given to us when we traded with them. If we can skip that step and you just smelt it directly, that's fine by us!>>54142I vote for this. SOBEK alliance now.
>>54148why are sand and ore fags so dilusional, they thinking 50 turns ahead
>>54160Turns only go to 40 something
>>54172WE HAVE A SET END? Will there be a second one?
>>54151We can disagree with them on a religious level, but we need food.
>>54114we are engineers not wizards>>54116>>54158Also here is a maybe map
>>54160Why aren't you thinking 50 turns ahead.>if you aim higher than everybody else and still miss it doesn't matter.
>>54188Actually, it could slow defenders, and force them to take bridges.
This really is just gonna be two turns per thread huh
>>54114Sry mane this seems a bit too silly so its gonna be a meme now
>>54148>implying we need camels Mounts are for faggots. Real men use steam powered tanks.>>54151>This is what Mirefags actually believe>Wood -Fuel for forge-Building material-Can be replenished>Food-Ore Tribe has literally never had food-Sand Tribe has cactus and small lizards for food>>54160Mirefags are truly the worst. Please dig a tunnel to the Underdark and stay there you shitty ripoffs of Drow.>>54188Cannons and Ballista sound like things we could potentially research.
>>54206It was already a meme in my eyes.Card Games on Motorcycles
>>54205I think we should all talk a little less honestly. Or just be more efficient about it. We're going through these threads way too quickly.
>>54205>>54219We need more actions per turn to be honest.
>>54228That would just make us go through threads faster
>>54186>>54172that's not a sure thing yet. we might go for longer than that.>>54196we're thinking 10 turns ahead, which is perfectly fine>>54228maybe this. at least we'd get more done in a shorter timeframe.
Any Junglemen still in the thread?
>>54247>>542542 years instead of 1 per turn and the game being extended to Round 80 sounds pretty good to me.
>>54255yeah we all are i think
I am done my thing that I have to do.Now, unfortunately, you must wait slightly longer as I proceed to have a feelings jam with my girlfriend.I will return posthaste, and we will continue our merriments.
>>54142That sounds good.
>>54282Is the feelings jam in the horn pile? Are you a filthy weebstuck fan?
>>54282"have a feelings jam"As in talk? That wording..... is befuddling.
>>54282Jam her real good. I'm sure that's not code for your hand too.
The current pace is so slow pretty much purely because I have been occupied with finals work and that hasn't left me any time to actually do the quest.Now that I am done with college, things will be much, much faster.
>>54293this was established ages ago>>54301homestuck reference>>54306hey i am sorta wondering will you allow jungle tribe cultural stuff that we'd get if we went open-minded nomadic or will you limit us on purpose? we're sorta jumping the "level curve" with this plan and i wanna know that you're on board with it
>>54306Hey Richy, for Grass Tribe's cultural trait, can we give each part of the pantheon its own domain, or do we have to do a God a turn?
>>54303noooooooooobthinking that our man richard don't got himself a sexy-ass ho, what you mean
>>54306awesome, hope you got straigh A+s
>>54306>>54331Also will we get a boost in those things or is just for lore sake?
>>54335I'm sure he does. I just thought it would be a funny to read "have a feelings jam with my girlfriend." as "beat off".
In my boredom I went back and found all the turns (I think) for the brush tribe for anyone that is interested.Happy timeshttps://imgur.com/a/gWGBG
>>54362You've got a couple of repeats there friend, but good job!
>>54362Nice familia
>>54384Yea, I noticed after I looked back through it. Like our brush brethren I was a bit high when I was doing it. Besides, the important parts needed to be stated twice
>>54362>https://imgur.com/a/gWGBGI approve of this.
Mire tribe; It has come to my attention that sandfags believe they're superior, despite them being a shit desert, and their most advanced tech being booze, so we must do what they are doing right now, act like complete dumbasses by planning out imposible technology.I think that taming crocodiles is just the first step, we must tame all the beasts that come to us, just like arachnids (not counting the scorpion, since it was clearly banished to shit desert to repent for it's failure) and bugs did to us, and lead an army of brethen that will set the world on fire!
>>54435wait, your herbs are purely hallucinogenic? man, that changes things. i sincerely doubt that something that only augments VISION will catch on in our tribe. can you replace the herbs with something else in our trade agreement?
>>54488Sensations are more than just smells and tastes, junglefriend. Sights and feelings are also valuable for happiness.Also we don't have anything else
>>54501EY SUP DOGG
>>54505What did i miss?
It doesn't say purely hallucinogenic, it just says vivid hallucinations. It affects more than just purely sight, also it relaxes muscles and organs. Its only a small part of the trade, and still why not worth a try?If I havn't convinced you then what would you like instead?
>>54475So you want crocodiles that don't overperform as they do on swamps and that can't survive without cooling down and needing water, move slow, etc, and you call us idiots?
>>54498>>54517We believe that the eyes lie and shroud the world in shadows. Only though the remaining four senses may we properly experience the world as it is. Furthermore, muscle relaxants are not of any use to us except for as medicine. We value our lucidity.Maybe some members of your tribe can travel among us instead. It ups our population by a little bit (maybe you send like five people and we go up to 22?) and allows us to work more swiftly toward our goals, plus it cements the bonds between our tribes.>>54512A bunch. Control-F "jungle" and catch yourself up.>>54525[b] THIS IS STUPID [/b]
>>54524we bring water with us duh
>>54196>>54201Actually, let's continue on our architecture research. We shall build a wall eventually, and research artillery to protect against the Mire tribes.
>>54555If we weren't already the lowest member tribe I would be ok with that. Maybe we are just looking at the trade wrong. Instead of using the herb as we use it then use it as medicine in which case we are giving you another valuable resource!
>>54560Daily reminder Mire Tribes are the most retarded tribe bar none.
>>54565I implore the sand tribe to listen to this man.War will prevent our trade plans.We can conquer the northern region as a unit and kill off those spider fuckers another day
>>54575We're substantially smaller than you, I thought, and you have a higher birth-rate
>>54555We are the second smallest tribe, barely bigger than you, I don't like losing any of our number to you.Fucking Richard, why did we get stuck with these shitty plants no one wants as one of our only resources
>>54592Well they do make us happy, besides they can be used as medicine if applied properly.>>54588What about bone tools?
>>54592We will take the medicine...and two of your tribespeople. You will regenerate them by the very next turn. And, I can assure you, they will be treated like two of our own. Your spiritual wisdom is deep, and we respect your tribe sincerely and genuinely. You will also gain valuable information about the distant lands to the north and south if you cooperate.
Holy fuck Sand fags are actually stupid enough to fall for obvious bait.Those posts are exactly what you sound like when you start talking about giant scorpions and combustion engine powered tanks while you still havent even discovered the wheel
>>54626We barely have more people than your tribe and we are trying to grow ourselves. We can't give you any of our population. What about bone tools or armor instead?
>>54638More fags planning wars with tech that only works inside of a swamp. Good luck.
>>54626Very well friend, but I suggest you heed our teachings if you wish to have any of our number live among you. Venerate our lord the Sun, provider of all things good, and be happy. If you do those things, I can accept this deal.
>>54638>I-I was just p-pretending to be retarded>Drow Ripoffs everybody
>>54666nice meme dude
>>54658>>54649I will let you decide amongst yourselves. For reference, we have 17 tribe members and you have 22, and you gain two people every year to our one.We could only take one, but he would then have to have a knowledge of this armor and these bone tools so as we can then pretty much reach a happy medium between the two possibilities.
>>54658I must advise against this if we are to raise our own numbers. Besides, what if they dont adapt well to the other culture and burn the jungle or kill any unhappy jungle bros? That would ruin our tribes friendship. Lets try to trade bone tools or armor instead, they are keeping the medicine anyway so really I dont know why we need to throw in much more
>>54673>If I call it a m-meme then h-he'll b-be wrong!>Mirefags
>>54684If you taught us how to produce these tools and armor I'd consider it a fair trade once more even without your tribe members. However, we will be saddened that your bretheren are at this time unable to join the caravan.
Too much shitposting, not enough memes. We need more MSPaint Art to glorify our civilizations.
>>54687wow dude please go on I really wanna hear your /b/ tier comebacks
>>54695Jungle poet, if you're around, maybe start working on that
>>54687I love how the tribes now hate eachother and call themselves names. If we didnt do that I would forget we are in 4chan
>>54656Aren't you the same fags who were thinking of making Greek fire while only being in a desert?
Would this open trade open the sand people's eyes to the Gods Urth and Ski or are they hard set on following no god.
>>54706yeah lmao
Who else in jungle tribe is thinking of turning our trees into giant death robots and leaving a trail of fire in our path as we steamroll the other tribes while shooting perfume scented napalm strikes at the civilians?
>>54708We acknowledge a difference in beliefs and try not to force our ideas on you. we will write down any knowledge that you give us but we don't follow your ideas.
>>54695The daily life of a Mirefag.
When is rich xoming back from hacking his girl?
>>54736nice meme my dude
>>54730Before or after we breed the horse-sized beetles
>>54694You are demanding: Knowledge of fire, Knowledge of bone tools and armor, some of our plants, and access to our savannaFor: Knowledge of agriculture, enough seeds to start a crop of whatever plants you have, and access to your jungle's woodNow that I think on it friend, this is not so worthy a deal. Looking at your sheet, you do not actually have a whole lot of knowledge of agriculture, you just put seeds in the ground where you go. That doesn't seem worth the knowledge of fire or bone tools and armor, as we already know that much. We are really just lacking the seeds.Correct me if I'm wrong, friend.
>>54750After, they will be our cavalry in our death march, we can equip them with broadside rockets that release (cotton candy scented) chlorine gas
>>54766Weren't you supposed to be Mire? What happened to that? :^)
>>54771I realized spiders were pretty gaymy internet went out for like 5 hours and I was declared inactive
>>54798>Mirefags aren't even dedicated to their own tribeNot!Drow, everybody.rip
>>54771What are the names or our other bros and associated tribe members
>>54806wow dude well memed
>>54771>Scorpiongirl>Elder >Chief Mando>Scribe
>>54836Tis but a meme my former friendread the spoilers
>>54848Sand TribesmenSand Tribe Worker
>>54848i am older than some, also i claimed second on the thread.
I'm not too sure why I made this meme, but I just did...
>>54848>>54878Forgot name
>>54846haha dude you got me so good #PWND
>>54884It's actually cool anon, thanks.
>>54887Not in any order scribe
>>54884I like it! The Tree Tribe right in the middle, as the most important!
>>54902haha dude you got me so good #PWND
>>54757We are trying to reach a point of agreement. If there is an inequity we will work to fix it. such is the nature of trade. There is no need to be upset.We possess hunting abilities that you cannot even dream of. We can detect, track, and bring down prey with our eyes closed. We are all too willing to share these skills, but they cannot be idly taught in a year. They require discipline and dedication to our way of life--if not our belief system. If your tribesmen were to travel with us for a time as I initially suggested, they would return with this deep knowledge of the hunt, and you will reap the rewards. However, you shot down that idea. If anything, that deal was against my people--you can repopulate easily, and eventually gain a powerful boon, allowing you to fully dominate the wild beasts of your land. Now, in exchange for our tutelage, information, and resources, what would have originally been free will now require further investment. However, as I have stated repeatedly, we wish there to be nothing but mutual benefit in trades such as these. All we ask in exchange for our hunting prowess--not to mention the knowledge gained from a life of travel and sensation--is your friendship, your knowledge, and the discipline required for to learn the way of the hunt. This, of course, would be however many tribesmen you would be comfortable with losing for a few years. These tribesmen will be able to help us by teaching us your traditions and technology of fire and bone-working, and in return they will be fully trained in an art that cannot simply be traded for--not to mention all of the other benefits I have already outlined. The rest of the trade remains valid but may be reconsidered based on your response.So, what do you think? This seems fair to me, and I've approached it from every angle in the above text.We wish nothing but to share our light just as you wish to share yours. However, ours is not the kind that can be set and must then be contained. Ours must be refined, honed, and nurtured.tl;dr we get bone-stuff and a population buff, you get eventual ninjas and knowledge of the greater continent. Your big tech boon for our big hunting boon and then some. I'm being generous here--plus it's a better opportunity for storytelling.
>>54919haha dude you got me so good #PWND
>>54929>getting baited this hard
>>54929>>54931M-Mom D-dad, are you guys having a divorce!
>>54940>>54931haha dudes yall got me so good #PWND
>>54943Go to your room, 2v/d.
Stop wasting posts guys.Let's just all shut up until Richard comes back from his hardcore sex.
>>54884This is kind of heartwarmy
>>54921Training doesn't really make us happy though, burning stuff does. And we don't really have a problem burning anything we've ran into so far. We understand and accept your culture and we hope you can do the same for us. We have to stick to the path of our god and do what makes us happy. Plus as I said earlier part of our ways are killing people if they aren't happy and burning shit. If one of us goes with you and starts any of that it will cause problems between our tribes. I think its best we are just friends without assimilating any of each others tribes for now.I do hope we get a trade agreement worked out though.
>>54921This is a very flavorful way of doing a skill/trait trade. Good on you for that writeup Helpful.
>>54962haha dude you got me so good #PWND
>>54972haha dude you got me so good #PWND
Omg would these two please shut the fuck up, no wonder we are at like 500+ posts already, it's just these two going back and forth with copy-paste shit.
SHUTTHEFUCKUPNOWBoth of you are pathetic losers. And you're wasting posts.
>>54972he is literally a peasant its not worth your time to talk to him
>>54884>Size relative to age/population size/ relative strength>Not making Grass swoll as fuck>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>54989>>54972haha dudes yall got me so good #PWND
>>55000If we did that Grass would be a trap :^)
>>55004Lmao they deleted I'll stop now
>>55004No but really are you autistic?
>>55016Nah just fed up w/ sand shit so I decided to be a reddit tier troll
>>55024>It's a Mire pretends to be retarded episode>it's every episode
Ok sorry I need to get some sleep guys. Someone take over for me.I lose my vote when I go, but I suggest:Action: Keep fucking the lava and if it works start smelting armor/weapons/tools.Culture: "Making rocks into useful metal things pleases Urth and Ski."
>>55024You guys are the one giving us shit
>>55024Ok so you are actually autistic.It's just a fucking game dude stop ruining it for the rest of us.
>>55034Yeah I need to go to bed too.Mire's actions are>Invent suspension tech for fetish sex + trapping>Map out the mire to look for alligators.
>>54964i spent a hella long time on it desu, thanks senpaii'm a pseudo-writefag IRL, what can i say, it's my thing>>54963if you do not trust your own tribesmen, then maybe you need to rethink your system of values.but, very well. if you do not wish for our skills, then we will not ask for yours. The trade goes through as originally planned, but we need not your herbs. What do you propose, then, to make this trade agreeable between us?So far, we have--and are more than willing to give--our agriculture techniques and seeds, along with PERMANENT access to our multitude of forests, up for offer. What will you offer in return, aside from the secrets of your fire?
>>55069Fight Fight Fight Fight
>>55069truly a story for the ages easily on par with the Odyssey or the Iliad, if such things existed in this worldThe junglefolk will tell your story for generations to come
>>55065We will also give you unimpeded access to our lands, and thus all its animals and resources.My offer of written language also stands, as I believe you would have great use for it.And we trust our tribesmen. We trust them to follow our God's word to the letter, you understand.
>>55065Its not that we dont trust them, its what I would expect any of our tribe to do, but since you do not believe the way we do you wouldn't see it as we do, you would see it as murder of your clansman. This is why I take that precaution.We offer access to our lands for our abundance of animal life and the knowledge of how to make either tools or armor out of their bones
>>55103YOU'RE BACK!
>>55099>>55101we don't need written language.the access to the land and the ability to make tools seems fair to me. If we are agreed, the trade goes through. >>55103will the specificities of the trade take an action or will it just *happen* once all is agreed without us having to waste a space on it
>>55103Here is for sand tribe Richard>Explore tunnels>Geometry
Hey gents, how do you play this particular game? I'm interested in dry fucking some ore.
>>55103>>Invent suspension tech for fetish sex + trapping>>Map out the mire to look for alligators.
>>55135This works for me if my happy brush friend agrees.
>>55135establishing a trade and having it start to occur happen in the same turn.>>55151can't preclaim shitstain
>>55069>Weren't you supposed to be a mire?Hey I'm not that mire faggot, get his message to me out of it
Did we ever fully agree on a cultural action?
>>55103TREE TRIBE REPORTING INI'm the only one here.We doing two actions this turn, cuz FUCK CULTURE.>>We gathering Woodand >>We planting Berry BushesAssuming we learned some stuff from last time, when we began cataloging forest plants, we should know what/where the good eatings are. I want a steady supply of Wood and Food in excess of what my people need.
>>55161He wants to know if it takes an action to establish it, which I believe it does>>55153I will relent.
>>55161but i mean would establishing the trade cost an action, and who's action does it cost, ours or theirsi.e. do i have to say "our action is to accept the brush trade" for the brush trade to go through or can we use the action for something else, like a breeding festival or w/e, and just say "the brush trade goes through"
>>55164Shit my bad, but the meme has been made and cannot be undone, once born it is a part of all of us.Can you not feel it in your bosom?
>>55103Our summary:>>53340Our questions:>>54331>>54348
Richard where out thou
>>55161We were working on improving everything by having better tools from the lava getting out impurities.And the farming stuff as usual.
>>55146roo roo please
>>55182I feel regret >>55185Got back from getting pegged by his girlfriend
>>55193Just join a tribe if their is space
>>55193Well basically you join a tribe with an open spot (out of 3) or just suggest shit as an anon and watch shit unfold.Don't forget to make ms paint memes and art.
>>55179it takes an action from the requesting tribe (the ones who sent the emissary)
>>55103IF WE HAVE THE RESEARCHCAN WE MANUFACTURESCORPION TANK-CHARIOTSBasically, heavily armored vehicles that use horses/scorpions like sleigh dogs/steam engine if we advance that far to move. It uses a ballista that shoots out metal rods/spears coated in venom and have molotov cocktails attached.
>>55179It takes one turn to travel for the trade and another to actually make the trade, I believe. I'm sure he can improvise so we don't have to wait 3 turns before we finish the trade.
>>55103See >>54331For turn>CULTURE: we have 5 gods, this are Berry (god of fighting and physycal greatness, this is our main god), Violet (goddess of beasts, horse riding, and survival), Rose (goddess of health and death), Sunflower (god of craftsmanship) and grass (god of knowledge and symetry). Our people spend all the time perfectioning one or various of this things to please the gods.>ACTION: keep taming hourses and start trying to use them in combat and as work/pack animals
>>55190We also talked about "Making Useful Things Out Of Metal Pleases Urth And Ski"But also the trade agreement between sand and wood and rock
why is anybody afraid of these motherfuckers, again
Are there any slots open for tribes?Because I kind of want to join.
>>55214Come on man, that's too silly
>>55233Sand may be open, I'm not sure.
>>55214RISK ROO ROOaye is it still possible the ore master race
>>55184Sorry King, I messed around with the Gods a bit. Changing Grass and Sunflower was awesome, I really like what they now represent, but I thought we could flip violet and rose around a littleHow do you feel about it?
>>55232Yea, I think Jungle bros need to make it a little more even since we spend 2 turns and them none.Here is our other action>Experiment with and explore the tar pits. Set a small amount of tar on fire to see what happens.>>55233Brush tribe may have an opening, i'm not sure. Plus a new tribe is opening soon.
>>55234Why its just a chariot with a ballista.Flaming poisonous ballista
>>55226not sexy enough>>55233Mire probably has
>>55247Because you can't have a chariot with a ballista i fyou don't have wheels or even bows yet
>>54331Each part can get a domain a turn>>54348Mostly just lore
Waiting in line for the next tribe hype.
>>55178>>55153remember, the benefits of this trade run far deeper than what is in the agreement. if you need us, we will come to your aid. the jungle people are generous to their friends. >>55103>>55212tightsoculture: we research and develop our own animal pheromones, which we use to attract our food. our sensory and olfactory knowledge combined with our hunting skills should allow this to go through just fine. action: establish yearly open-to-the-public breeding festivals and adopt the sexual philosophy discussed earlier: >>52786>>52791>>52828>>55214dude stop
>>55237I kinda like the sand tribe, I think I will join.
>>55240I dont see the necesity of changing rose and violet. Sunflower and grass is ok
>>55245I have returned, what happy activities are we doing today?
>>55263>>55263yo>>55268you didnt start on our sheet w/o our move did you
>>55269>>55237WE NEED TO FIND WHAT IS IN THE TUNNELS. >Explore tunnels>Writing>Create armour with chitin and leather>Engineering>Architecture>Horses and camels>Mechanics>Physics>Chemistry>Wheelsand how about adding on>Medicine>Glass>Trading with tree tribe>Fire>Irrigation>Glassand then go from there
>>55263>just for lorefuck.>>55240want to change culture for math if there is still time?
>>55263Well Richy, since we've submitted 5 domains, I assume it's an invalid turn.Can we change our culture trait this turn to advancing our math, to geometry? That's what grass tribe agreed to be our next goal anyways
>>55283Nope, I'm working on some as I release the others.I NEED ORE, JUNGLE, AND BRUSH STILL>>55291MOSTLY lore.
>>55103brush tribe actions are>Experiment with and explore the tar pits. Set a small amount of tar on fire to see what happens.>Establish trade with jungle bros>>55135>>55065
>>55234Just imagine a chariot, but layers of metal in the shape of a tank hull on it, utilizing mills and horses to move, and the top has a cover and seat for people to enter, along with a ballista.>>55258That's why we're asking so we can begin research to make it.
>>55286I'll explore the tunnels, if that helps.
>>55281Anything you missed turn wise may be here https://imgur.com/a/gWGBGOtherwise we are establishing a trade with jungle bros and experimenting with the tar pits we recently found. >>55301
>>55304Stop that.
>>55300Full house checkWell, it's probably too late for us to change turns or whatever, we'll leave it up to the QM to decide
Hey Richard, is a new tribe going to be created in the next turn?
>>55301What are you trading with the Jungle Bros? Establishing trade also establishes what you start trading, or is this just a "trade route that we can fill in later" sort of deal?
>>55301pleasure doing business with you.>>55300okay awesome. and fyi, our trade with the brush people is not ongoing. it is a information and domain type deal, one-and-done with access to each other's land until further notice.>>55268here's our move again
>>55311The three tribe members vote on the two actions that list has been our guide line. If you hadn't guessed Sand tribe values knowledge over all else
>>55298Yes this:>CULTURE: our symetry obsession makes us develop math into geometry. Everyone in the tribe (because we are all scholarised) knows geometrics!>ACTION:keep taming hourses and start trying to use them in combat and as work/pack animals>>55300
>>55315they've been talking about it for like an hourdidnt you see the memes>>55324read the thing i said here>>55327and the posts they quote here>>55301for the details of the trade.
>>55268>>55327We will most likely take you up on that offer since it took us two turns to get this trade going and it took you none.
>>55331Ok, I vote tunnels.Knowing math and knowing the world are equally important.
>>55339desu i thought it would require some sort of turn-long approval on our end, we owe you guys a favor now for sure
>>55332>>55324welp. I am ok with these anyway
What tribes are open right now?
>>55332King new turn, culture let's go for the math, action how about we integrate horses into our farming? This upgrades our agriculture and population per turn
>>55324The specifics are in the links that followed.Basically they get fire tech, access to our lands and bone tool tech And we get access to their lands for lumber, agriculture tech and seedsAlso it can be updated I guess, this was just a deal to get things going. We plan to have open negotiations between the tribes.
>>55357Mire and bush, from what I have heard.
>>55337I don't know how much work you have in life, student or otherwise, but depending on the lifespan of this quest. I kinda want to write some little narrative things. Little anecdotes from within the tribe. Good idea? Worth it? You could also, as you are "a pseudo-writer"?
So I have a stockpile of Wood and Food now, Sand and Ore, do you need this stuff now, or later? Basically, when should we start doing the Trade Routes?When should we start building the Trade Town?
>>55363Perfect. and we now have fire and bone tools!
>>55360I say we stop a little with horses and start to develop medicine. Horses are cool for war and for transportation, but if we reaserch medicine we could trade lot of medicine
>>55363Cultural contamination?What is this and what effects would this have on a tribe?
>>55357Also new one inbound, lurk until new thread, then claim quickly
Is the sand tribe open?
>>55369I just joined brush, I believe it's full now
>>55382>>55369Alright, thanks for the help gentlemen.
>>55384Sorry, I recently took the last spot.You can try mire though.
>>55379Richy, how does war work?>>55375Alright boss medicine it is, hopefullyit will also give us a pop boost!
Ill brb for a while.Mire tribe will>Study alligators, how they live, prepare for future domestication>Develop new muzzles, collars, etc... for mainly sex purposes
>>55384Ore seems totally depopulated. You could control the direction of the entire tribe.
Pretty sure ore is openMire has one slot open I think
>>55379working purifying shit with lava (making better metals) which will help tools and everything.Cultural I think there was something about technological progress being important.>>55409I am the only one in it at the moment.
>>55234>>55304To be more precise, imagine a chariot. A prisoner treadmill is used as the wheel, with horses used to push it forward. The chariot is covered in several layers of armor, with a glass window. The seat has a ladder to climb to the top, which has a seat + ballista.It'd take a lot of turns to do but eh.
>>55417Ok really though, it would be better if we just domesticated camels.
>>55406great. so now we:>CULTURE: our symetry obsession makes us develop math into geometry. Everyone in the tribe (because we are all scholarised) knows geometrics!>ACTION: we all got curious about the function of some plants and we start reaserching and developing MEDICINEis this cool?
>>55372i'm a musician and a songwriter. currently i'm in the middle of finals week, and come summer i'm gonna be recording an album with a crew of people, but there should be more than enough time for me to continue my commitment to this quest (and the prehistoric pokemon civ quest, which i'm also involved in.)>>55376if it is what i think it is, Jungle tribe embraces it! we have our key values, and we're more than happy to osmose some new skills naturally as long as these key values are maintained! as said earlier, the Junglebros are by no means jingoists. we believe in shared experience and sensation, which is perfectly in line with this so-called "cultural contamination!"anyway, junglefam, the current plan for the next move (provided nothing gets shook up too bad with the new tribe) is this:Culture: refine our blindfold practices and work toward the hierarchy as discussed in the big postAction: formalize our open-minded philosophy that i've been espousing since the very beginning>>55417PLEASE be quietyou're the same anon that was whining for scorpion mounts, right? PLAY BY THE RULES OF THE GAME AND SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT FUCKING TANKS.
>>55417You should also construct a motor engine and mechanical wings for your scorpions to use them as planes, and attach giant cactus spheres to them that you release on top of your enemies like bombs.Oh, you could also build your cacti into the megazord and fight off invading tribes with them
>>55417>It'd take a lot of turns to do but eh.YOU JUST LEARNED SHAPES! ------- SLOW DOWN SPEED RACER
>>55417>>55424I am making an actual schematic of the ballista thing although not exactly what scorpion girl said
>>55416The only one in it as for the only dude online? Or are you actually alone?
>>55428>>55429>>55431jungle tribe best tribe
>>55376basically the tribe starts to have cultural traits that would be present in another tribe
>>55428>we are kind and open minded>proceeds to yell at someone to shut the fuck up
>>55379Now that Tree Tribe has the Food and Wood, we can start maximizing production! However...>>Begin augmenting Trees with Houses. TreeHouses are good to have, for they keep us safe!>>Begin looking into preserving the skins of our Deer friends, to preserve the strength and majesty. That, and their bones, will make our Hunters greater than any other!