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Actually Taking More Than 1 Turn Edition

Welcome to Cultural Evo, the game of MULTIFACETED GROWTH. In Cultural Evo, you will control both a small but growing village, interact with other villages, and watch as your village's culture grows and changes with the years as events force them to grapple with new introductions to their worldview.

Continuing TURN 14 - see it here http://imgur.com/a/08cne.

The prior thread was HERE!

>>52203 → → →

Posting the current culture sheets, feel free to claim them at any time.
I hope you're happy, friends!
First for Grass, God of Symmetry
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Current Population Counts
Ore Tribe: 57 people. (1 incidental birth per year)
Sand Tribe: 46 people. (2 incidental birth per year)
Tree Tribe: 52 people. (3 incidental births per year)
Mire Tribe: 40 people. (2 incidental births per year)
Brush Tribe: 22 people. (2 incidental births per year)
Grasslands Tribe: 32 people. (2 incidental births per year)
Jungle Tribe: 19 people (3 incidental births per year)
Ravine Tribe: 23 people (1 incidental birth per year)

Current Trading Routes
Ore Tribe & Sand Tribe: Ore Tribe receives Many Bricks, Sand Tribe receives Copper Bells and Copper Tools.
Tree Tribe & Mire Tribe: Tree Tribe receives Silken Fishing Nets, Mire Tribe receives Wood & Bark.
Brush Tribe & Jungle Tribe: Brush Tribe receives Seeds and Land Rights, Jungle Tribe receives Seed (in terms of Dicking), Fire, and Bones
I'm single and ready to be bound in rope and suspended from a tree.
Should I repost the art up guys?
might as well show up

Happy brush tribe claim


Hello again happy friend
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Reppin for ore tribe claim!

Richard how does lava forge work? Are we constantly making weapons and armour or must use a turn?
Is 2v/d here?
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You're not TECHNICALLY constantly pumping it out, but
Don't know what to draw for you guys any suggestions?
Reporting in.
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*but it's assumed that you just kind of have it on hand.
Still here.
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Sand Tribe Plan

>Trading Colony on the Border of Ore and Sand Tribes

>Carapace and Steel Armour
>Katar-Gauntlet-Shield Hybrid Weapon

>Explore Tunnels



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Richard, what tools to we use to hunt? Like Bows, spears, ....? I'm wondering about our potential readiness in the event of tribe aggression.
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IIRC the Jungle Tribe uses their bare hands and rudimentary wood and stone based tools, like rough-hewn daggers and whatnot.

Ideas for this turn?

This is one I posted yesterday.

I had an idea on how we may accomplish that. What if we use the lumber from our trade to build some sort of machine that can throw our bundles of sticks and grasses a great distance. Then we soak the bundles in tar and just before we throw them light them with fire.
Weapons of Jungle tribe/ Brush tribe

And maybe a little info on how war works
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Once war is declared, during the beginning of the next turn, WAR will occupy both tribe's action slots. The person who speaks for the attacking tribe will roll a number of dice that I specify using my mystic god powers, and the defender will then do the same, and that determines success. If they are within a certain threshold of each other, then it is a tie, both tribes take a resource and birthrate hit, and the war continues for another turn or until it's declared off.
Or a tribe dies.
We can keep the looser tribes lands?
Reporting in.
claim jungle obviously

hey boo
so what is our plans?
Reporting for duteh
don't forget, we have bone tools now too.

war can have specific goal like get prisioners
That's a good idea, try to weaponize our new tar substance, and we can even use wood now too.

Our other action should be to attempt to grow plants now that we have the knowledge, the seeds, and the ash fertilizer. We can cultivate our happy plant too.
So I guess we have at least enough weapons for now for our small tribe.

Child of ore what's our next move gonna be? Safety training to keep from falling in pits of lava and caverns (safe mining practices)
Extra weapons\armour?
Start on our wall?

I'd like to suggest a trade to sand tribe:weapons armour for poisons \Language? Thoughts?

I'll get my thoughts in order soon guys don't wanna waste posts.
Where are the jews?
Yes, and the natural resources they have.

You can also declare a war for prisoners or resources. In a war for prisoners, the birthrate attrition for the attackers is doubled, but every loss on the defending side is added to the attacker's side. In a war for resources, the defender experiences halved birthrate attrition and the attacker has doubled birthrate attrition, but, then again, resources.
Cross thread to your post for our next turn plans

Those two actions work with me for this turn. Hopefully with the cultivation we can raise our population a bit more.
For mah mire bros: investigate them gators (no pun intended) and moar kinky bondage fetish for moar babies

this turn

>refine our blindfold practices and the culture and beliefs that surround them
>formalize our open-mindedness toward any and all new experiences, sensations, and people

not sure which would be culture and which would be action desu, i'll let richard decide

next turn

>Culture: formalize the yefiki (yee fee kee) language
>Action: Migrate as a full tribe to the grasslands. Although we do not know of the grass people yet, we will assuredly meet them and then we'll see what happens.
Looks like it's just you and me. Do you want to do the turn or me?
What do you think of:
Action: Work on smelting armors and safety equipment to help lava burns.
Culture: "The safety of the tribe is important."
Yup, let's do this.
sounds good to me.
also if anyone's in the mood for some SLICK DRUG MURDER ACTION, I ALSO run Hotline '09 Quest, which I am trying to get reasonably popular.

If anyone wants to check that out, too, it's here.


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Here's the armor, with notes this time.
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small concept art(doodle) for the next ice/lava? tribe.
Richard senpai would it possible for the mire tribe to make lumbermills, we have good woodworking skills, we know how to make sails and we have the wheel as a sort of gear,(or would it take 2 turns?) this is out of curiousity only, we are not planning on making any kind of mills tho
Grass tribe roll call
Possibly, but don't count on it happening quickly.

why haven't you drawn anything for your own tribe yet
sure, i will try something.
Thnx anyways for answering senpai

So warrior, What's our current actions?
Action: Develop medicine

Culture trait this turn or go for bows?
Richard what did you think of the End of Act 7?
Don't even fucking mention the words act seven in my face, in my house, to my daughter again.

also please guys join Hotline 09 quest because it is my second child, and I wish so badly that it would get as popular as this quest (but i know this quest is like autism bait so i'm not surprised)
xth for wyatt
The autism is strong indeed here
*cough*sandniggers*cough* ow srry its a little sandy and dusty 'round here
Hey Richard, do you have a set end time? Because this is the most fun I've had on the site, in quite a while. I don't want it to end. Can we go full spore and just indefinitely advance, or do you not want to commit this much time to this quest.
Who is best grill, and why is it Vriska?

heh, autism bait

innit tho
so two actions bows and medicine.
we also should use medicine to improve our numbers.
replace end time with turn limit
roxy though

nice trips, though you're technically the fourth jungle tribesman here rn
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That's a weird way of spelling Dolorosa

Yes. But its secret only to me.
Sounds good
sorry again
You have been posting longer I've just been lurking so I suppose U have superiority here. Both our moves towards safety OK I can go with that. We have education is important so safety is important makes sense to me. But idk what we could build besides thick ass gloves for safety if we touch it cuz once ur in the lava your done. And we need our hands for mining and sword swingin. Agreed then. I do wanna start educating in safety and also fighting. Teach from youth.
You spelled Vriska wrong
Will the Tree edgelords get wiped out?
So is that an approval for a full safety turn?
And the best one
It has to specifally be gags and restraints shit, because we can use those on crocs aswell
vriska's a solid second best tho
If needed and possible i become the jew.
Sorry sand tribe, we need jews, Richard, can i join ravine and know what resources they have?
I believe brush tribe has room for one happy member if any lurkers are looking to join
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Ore tribe.
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I once participated in a Civ Builder where we had to design our own species and everything. I had creatures who had short, all-black fur and were obsessed with clothes and the colour green.
I fucking maxed out on Culture Points and ended up contaminating the cultures of all other tribes, depleting their populations and raising mine until my Tribe ended up winning the Cultural victory.

Is that an option here?
Ayyy, where do us Gypsy Sensory-Hedonists fall on that there tier list?
I'm in the Hotline Miami quest, seems like some airtight mechanics for playing it so far senpai
Sure. The Ravine Tribe has gems of every color and shape, but they're all natural hewn - they have not yet discovered gem cutting. They also know the secret of fire and have stone tools. They are very good at climbing sheer vertical faces.
Faam autocorrects to senpai.
TESTING: senpai
thanks senpai.
I wasn't asking you, Sandy Cheeks.

Posting my memes
They were talking about inventing banking before
Yea sounds good. Next we can figure how to have sex with lava as well.jk (So many turns on lava gah) (worth it)
Sooo.... turn progression or..?
I don't give a crap about my posting amounts. I only stated because all the other ore guys got lazy. Take over if you want. Frankly I'd go become a tree tribesman in a moment if we had 3 and they had none just so the game keep moving. I think that makes me lower rank than you.

Anyway I'll stick with the plan for now and I'll do full safety.
Ok, we need fellow jews, or i will have to go alone, i would vote for:
Gems are the top trade currency, being the representant of resources.
We start making mines if possible.

do we have at least one person in each tribe?
Two here in ore.
Are you guys going to make money?
No one has that yet.
We need to stablish a stable community like capitalistic, to be more efficient.

Brush has 2 members at the moment
Sand here
Any openings in tribes?
We got a 3rd spot open in the Tree's for a bird to perch!
One space in ore.
I think you can pretty much take your pick right now.
Join jews.
We have gems.
One space in Sand tribe I believe
I quit everybody in sand dont let a fag in
Ravine tribe requested a partner I believe he's going alone

Ore has one open spot

Looks like most tribes have 2 members at the moment.

Jews have 1
How unexpected
I was reading up and got to thread 3 yesterday. DIdn't think I'd get through the heavy competetion.

Ah, well I was gonna join tree since they spoke first but if Ravine is in need I'll roll into the abyss

Thanks for the heads up guys
I shall join the the ravine tribe
I am here.
Thanks fellow jews for joining me! We are full, what shall we do?
Math we need math to count our jewels
OK so we have "education is important" in our culture. And there's a book. Did we learn language from sand bros when they were giving us tablets or do we just educate by sounds and points and stuff..... Language or no cuz I think we need that.. What do we do with tablets if we can't read them
Got it, the action would be mining i guess?
We have stone tools.
Jungle tribe out in full force!!!
Clearly we should explore our territory for more gem deposits and ruins

Mining is fine too
Are you down with this turn move?
Yes, and in the long term we should try to get into smithing or maybe trade with the ore tribe.
I think everyone has some kind of language. I don't know.
We can explore later, we have to start mining.
After exploring we need to start building with the stone.
If we can get boats eventually, we're in a good position to do some sick trading with the Ore and Sand.

Thats later down the line but something to keep in mind
We should build nukes tbqh
They are pictograms which is like an instruction manual without the words. We made a language officially however.
Or you can just buy them from us.
That's how you solve all your problems, isn't it?
>buying from spider men
>no appreciation for gems
>not even rock tier

Who are you again?
>Ravine Jews
Ha, buy them with what? Your small dickS?
K srry had to that... Mianhae
The more I think about this maybe we should do the culture safety and educate in fighting or explore for resources and possibly mountain plants
Richard do you want summaries?
A-Am I the only grass here?
Yes. Link me your summaries, children, and at turn 15 we will have another GLOBAL EVENT
So Mire, what are we doing this Turn? Continuing exploring + Birthrate increase for the second turn in a row for a possible cultural trait + alligators?

here's our summary! romanticize it as you see fit :)
Guys. Listen to me. Ore+Sand+Ravine Tribe=Massice Success.
Discover the wonders of suspended sex.
Look for more gators.
Basically the same as last time, really.

Happy Brush actions for this turn

>Use new BDSM stuff, muzzles, collars, shit like that. Could be useful later on w/ taming beasts
>Apply our spider studying methods with alligators, observe their behaviour, learn their weaknesses, etc.
action: make bows
action: make medicine with the intention of improve our numbers
No shit
You should go ahead and do the turn. I'm getting ready to go to sleep. I think it will be smart to go learn stuff from Sand if you want to do that. They know those thinking things. I think industry is important, but you can make the call.
Don't forget that actions and culture moves can be traded.
>implying we don't know
Culture:Math is a holy discipline as it allows to count our jewels
We need boats for our alliance to be effective
haha no boats ravine
I wanna change irrigation to terraforming how does that sound?
You just want our gems, filthy spidersy
Here go
Eh, sounds like it would take several turns. We'd require fertilizer and lots of fresh water.
>needs wood
>needs wood skills
>needs sails if u want to go fast
>need wheel
>need weaving skills
>needs silk
>needs 2 turns to make better boats
Srry bud but it aint gonn happen
Never ever say never, because Rave's gonna find a way!
Terrafoming is a multitude of things irrigation is a part of terraforming
Good luck waisting your turns then
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And to not be jewish
(took me 1000 hours in /qst/paint)
Do your own stuff we are close to boats and that stuff any way might take a few turns though
>Implying I'm playing.
I'm just lurking for shits and giggles.
Brush tribe needs a member, possibly two if any lurkers want to join.
I loved this, had to reference it
Goo jawb Sandy boyz

Yea we seem to be working on infrastructure now anyway

Boats are kinda a distant future consideration for us.
I am still here, friend. Just a bit busy to post often.
We don't need silk, we can ask grass and jungle for the materials, oh i never tought about saying this.

That's why I said maybe, I kind of figured you were lurking around here somewhere.
We would love to trade with you, we have gems and more to find, we have stone, we might find more stuff if we explore.
Oh shit Jews are getting boats
Sorry for the question.
I can enter?
We should also concentrate on finance and build a fortress a bank! in the ruins.

Yea, Brush tribe has an opening

Requirements: must be happy
You should try and invent like currency, and taxes eventually.
>Implying grass and jungle have boat materials
>stays up till 4 in the morning for nothing
thats a good chance!!!
Maybe some roads for transportation and we start trading with jungle maybe?
For wood ofcourse.
Sand tribe.
I was hoping we could hit up ore and sand quick to spec into coloured glass to take the econ by a storm, but thats a happen when it happens thing.

Gotta BUILD UP HOME, as you say
Hahaha ikr, but i have to sleep now, c u later aligator (pun intended)
>must be happy

Don't you dare suggest that there's anything else.
Hey, same timzone as me!
Hi, how are you dear and loved friend

You sound perfect for the brush tribe!
Glass would actually work as a good currency I think. Its hard to make but not impossible.
We doing this right?

You can catch up here, doesn't have the last turn or two. You can see it at the top of this page.

I would, but finals are killing me. Maybe later.
Yay for more BDSM and alligators.
We are going to star a solar energy system, because the sun provides a lot of that
Precious minerals found in deserts sounds like a better idea for currency.
GOOD MORNING! I'm at school so I wont post that frequently.
curious for me is the 4 am
can we talk about our lord the sun, unlimited source of happiness and love?
I still need tree tribe.
Limestone/sand stone covered in glass maybe?
Cultural: Religious Zealotry
People HAVE to be eaten when they die or they go to an eternity of drowning

Action: experiment further with wood/bone armour
not new, just haven't said senpai in a while
These could be potential coins.
Next turn we should get:
Education is prioritized
>in a while
Correction, ever on this site. Hm. Things ya learn


Speaking of which...

The ground rends asunder as earthquakes rock the land. Shadows scrape the dirt and grass.

the Dragons have arrived. Taking one down will be an ordeal, but their wisdom could be coached without slaying them. If you leave them alone, they are content to fly and feast upon wild animals on their lonesome, and will remain until you deal with them.
Not sure, depends on the result of this turns actions

There was mention of
- Wall
- Exploring

I was also considering GEM TOOLS (sign of importance)
and gemcutting as a profession
richard sure loves his earthquakes--WAIT DRAGONS WHAT

inb4 angry bugmount fags
Current Population Counts
Ore Tribe: 58 people. (1 incidental birth per year)
Sand Tribe: 48 people. (2 incidental birth per year)
Tree Tribe: 55 people. (3 incidental births per year)
Mire Tribe: 43 people. (3 incidental births per year)
Brush Tribe: 24 people. (2 incidental births per year)
Grasslands Tribe: 34 people. (2 incidental births per year)
Jungle Tribe: 22 people (3 incidental births per year)
Ravine Tribe: 24 people (1 incidental birth per year)

Current Trading Routes
Ore Tribe & Sand Tribe: Ore Tribe receives Many Bricks, Sand Tribe receives Copper Bells and Copper Tools.
Tree Tribe & Mire Tribe: Tree Tribe receives Silken Fishing Nets, Mire Tribe receives Wood & Bark.
Brush Tribe & Jungle Tribe: Brush Tribe receives Seeds and Land Rights, Jungle Tribe receives Seed (in terms of Dicking), Fire, and Bones
Dragon fucking?
Atleast we know what was in the tunnels
We should maybe explore the ruins for a place to build our fortress and to find new gem deposits
once again, our trade with Brush was a one time thing! it's not a "route," just a friendship and an exchange of ideas.

though i suppose it doesn't matter all that much...
Hey Satan
Do we have an estimate of the dragons in our territory
...yea the exploration definately back on the top of my list with the dragons.

Also if there are shiny dragons then DRAGONS ARE IMPORTANT
I have an art friend who's willing to make something for me. What Jungle Tribe aspects do we want immortalised in image? What shall I have her draw?
Would having passionate kinky sex in front of the dragons make them enlighten us?
Dragon fucking confirmed. Half Scorpoin/Half Dragon All Sand Tribe.
>Dragons like shiny
>We like shiny
>we are dragons
I feel we could teach them our suspended and bound sex methods for a bit of their enlightenment.
Great spirits have errupted from the earth!! This is a new form of spirit that we could become one with. We must consume this spirit. We will be one with its strength
Tribe Action: Stealthily observe the dragon to discover it's secrets/weaknesses

Tribe action: try to use naturally occurring poisonous plants on our bows.
RIP tree tribe
Get the nearest dragon to be the Flying Tank of Grasslands tribe. also i think we're done with the advanced medicine so trade with somone too.
>Scorpion/Dragon Mounts :^)))))))))
Welp maybe dragon nest in Tunnels?
Also, every territory has a dragon unique to them but they all share some features - They all have at least two arms, at least two legs, at least one head, at least one tail, and at least two wings. They all have scaled bodies and soft underbellies, and nest either at the lowest or highest point at the territory. They all breathe fire.
> :,)
Action: Continue developing bows
Culture: Horse archery and riding is an expression of devotion towards the Godess Rose
If Ore tribe manage to get them to use their flame breath.......Armored Dragons.
And Richard confirmed my thoughts.
Can we have 3 actions per turn now?
some cool gypsy blindfold hunting shit
just tell her about the tribe and let her decide what to draw

also, on dragons, i think we just live and let live! The dragons, should they prove intelligent and open-minded like us junglefolk, should be more than happy to live peacefully with us. if we encounter one, we should offer it our finest of taste sensations. surely it will appreciate the sensory way of life just as we do, and friendship will be solidified.
For culture we could go :
Shiny things must be kept in a safe location -) Shiny things must be guarded -) Defence is very important. This way we could specialize in defensive architecture.
A single dragon to each land? Or a single species of dragon?
Ivar, I suggest we trade with Mire and try to communicate with the dragon (in hopes of making it our friend) next turn.
Happy bros, any suggestions for this turn?
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I knew there was a reason why I liked them sand guys
No lol.

A single very big, very wise dragon.
Also we must keep the dragon it could be useful to guard our precious stuff.
So maintain previous turns plan of going to the grasslands? What was our second action?
Sounds good

We should respond to dragon threat this turn tho

We'd have to try and organize a way to communicate with it if we want that
The little goyim didn't put maths.
Send emissay to Mire tribe, and continue researching bows since they're not done

Dragon ain't going anywhere
the plan was:

>Culture: formalize the yefiki (yee fee kee) language
>Action: Migrate as a full tribe to the grasslands. Although we do not know of the grass people yet, we will assuredly meet them and then we'll see what happens.

should we run into a dragon, see >>62751
This dragon is clearly a manifestation of our God, as he breathes fire! We must approach him and ask for his guidance!
Grasslands? You wanna trade with us? If thats the case we'll trade with you first and then the Mire the turn after this one
Our action could be to offer food and gems to the dragon
Alright. Jungle can
take one turn to initiate trade with us.
This may be powergaming a little, but if the dragons are tailored to the areas and tribes, it probably has great wise knowledge of the senses. We could attempt to use our tree climbing skills to meet it? Perhaps have it tell us of the other dragons?
We need to try and make our dragon see us as only wanting to acquire knowledge and try to exploit us with its knowledge.
Should we stick to the plan and tell Ore tribes to invent steel or a material analogous to steel?

I agree, Its clearly a sign from the Sun.

Do you think we should show the dragon our new found weaponry the Sun god has blessed us with. Hopefully the glorious wildfire it causes will impress him
We will reach math eventually!
Nice idea, our culture is Education is important.
>Jews giving wealth
I don't think they even have Iron yet so they couldn't make steel anyway.

We should just stick to the general plan maybe spend a turn trying to find the dragon.
Hell nah, dragons aren't more important than gems (not yet)

Food but no gems.

so it looks like
Culture: Education is important
Action: Attempt to appease dragons with food
I think that would be a wonderful idea, friend! We should also offer him some of our happy plant! He may enjoy it!

If that is just one action, what else shall we do?
Wait, we found precious metals!
Richard, what kind of metals we did find?
Gold? Or silver? or even palladium?
By the way, here is the description of every land's Dragon. Unless otherwise noted, assume their underbelly is a vague peach color.

Mountain Dragon (Ore Tribe) - Two vestigial wings, eight arms/legs, black scales.
Desert Dragon (Desert Tribe) - Four vestigial wings, six arms/legs, sand-colored scales.
Forest Dragon (Tree Tribe) - Five heads (long necks), no wings (I lied), four arms/legs, green scales with a brown underbelly.
Swamp Dragon (Mire Tribe) - Two heads, four wings, four arms/legs, two tails, purple scales.
Savannah Dragon (Brush Tribe) - Two MASSIVE wings, four arms/legs, three tails, red scales.
Plains Dragon (Grasslands Tribe) - Six wings, no limbs, two tails, rainbow colored scales in the color of the 5 Gods.
Rainforest Dragon (Jungle Tribe) - Three heads, six arms/legs, six vestigial wings, six tails, dark green scales and a black underbelly.
Tremorous Dragon (Ravine Tribe) - Two legs, two big wings, a tail much, much longer than its body with an ankylosaur end, turquoise scales.

nonononono, see:
>Action: Migrate as a full tribe to the grasslands. Although we do not know of the grass people yet, we will assuredly meet them and then we'll see what happens.

no formal trade, but we'll surely run into you, and unless you choose to attack us, we'll likely be able to at least trade ideas. (but you guys don't have fire yet, do you? we'd be happy to show you, and more, in exchange for you sharing with us your horse-related skills, and enough steeds to make traveling easier.)

bear in mind that this is the entire tribe coming your way, not an emissary. literally every one of us. for all intents and purposes, the jungle tribe lives in the grasslands for this turn.

this is indeed appealing, and perhaps we should do that while we're still in our area.

so lets change to two actions:

>Action: Summon our dragon and offer it the most succulent tastes and smells we have to offer, and learn what we can from it, as respectfully as possible.
>Action: Then, migrate as a full tribe to the grasslands, where, again, we will surely meet the grass tribe, in which case, see above.

Five heads?? This is one being with five spirits in it!! This spirit-beast will give us amazing strength
Dragon crossbreeding when OP? We must make the master race! Or some horrific DeviantArt monstrouscity.

Excellent idea.

I'm not sure, we could use both actions doing it if that would be a good idea. If not i'm not sure. Maybe something to do with the tar pit or advance our culture somehow.
I don't think these wise, godlike beings can be "Summoned". Finding it and communicating with it.. is probably two actions.
Not that I said that we should or would do it but, if the jungle comes to the mire can we just feed them to our spidergator hybrids? take some of their members and incorporate them into our tribe?
lets ask richie rich
Holy shit if you move here be sure to bring a friendly dragon along. We just doubled our military power.
Are you interpreting our nomadic migration as an incursion or act of war? Or are you speaking in terms of alliance power? Be more specific whether your gracious or angry with us Jungleman.
the dragon may or may not choose to join us in our travels, but if it does, it'll likely stay with the jungle tribe. and we most likely aren't lingering in the grasslands for longer than a turn or two.

dragon could carry our shit, that's awesome
No please come

Action: Research bows
Action: Train horse warfare
dropped my trip
They began construction of bronze and iron armor.
The winged caravan smells all and tastes all.
In terms of an alliance. I thought you guys are staying here forever soo
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so cooooool
forgot name
No, I didn't mean to inquire about an alliance. Were passing through. I was just confused about the phrase >we just doubled our militairy power
Why would we? we're nomads, silly! we'd be happy to be your allies, but you mustn't forget the nature of our tribe.

you'll get to take part in our sex festival too! you'll probably get a small buff to your birth rate for the year!

and of course, should any of your tribe members so desire, they're welcome to join our caravan!
Richard, for the Junglr tribe passing through our territory, do we have to act this turn or next turn?

also my girlfriend says hi
The Jungle Tribe wants to pass through the Grasslands.

Do we have to react to them this turn or next turn?
next turn i'd imagine

hi richard's girlfriend
React to them the turn they are doing so, otherwise you'll be late by a year!

also my girlfriend is kind of drunk and she wants me to tell you guys that she knows how to talk to girls and that you're all probably autistic, so if you want to know how to talk to girls you can ask her
Hello! Your man is one hell of a mastermind!
Ask her if she can make the Dragon God appear, is it by fusing all the tribe or breeding dragons?

Also, talking to girls isn't difficult, neither is reading emotional cues, even over text. Only true autists and betas, "Can't talk to girls"
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Alright, Thanks Richard.

Ask your girlfriend how grills can talk

ANY GRASS PLAYERS ROLL A 1D6 against mine, as is our dueling tradition when we can not toally agree on a turn
Hi Richard's girlfriend.
Don't get too drunk now.
I have a wife and a five month old son richard's girlfriend. I have proof I can't talk to ladies and have had sex. Hater
Are we going to have another turn tonight?

she says that she is on the spectrum (she is) and she says that one day you'll all find a nice aspie girl too

PROBABLY, but I won't make any promises.

she also says "he's a mastermind in bed too!"
Hey Elder, the Ore Tribe has Iron. Let's tell them to invent Steel.
Ok that is a good idea we should do it next turn since we are working on the town next turn.
Is it possible to make a trading village at the point where ore tree and sand tribe meet.
i mean, i guess nominally.
this sounds like a challenge
i'll have you know i'm as charismatic and helpful IRL as i am as a jungle tribester.

...squeeze her boobs for us or something. assert DOMINANCE. you are the questmaster now.

if it's this turn, then let's talk! we're open to exchange our ideas for yours! we can show you fire, bone tools if you don't have them already, our glorious agricultural and culinary feats, and, should your people be willing, we can take some of them on our travels for a time, to learn the art of the hunt and of seeing without sight. in return, your skills and resources will be much appreciated! we can absolutely arrange a fair exchange of skills and ideas in our time spent in your lovely grasslands. we will be merry together, and by the time we head north, we will both be truly fulfilled!

the beauty of sensationalism is you don't need to devote yourself to our religion to appreciate it, and so we are just as happy to allow your religion to coexist in a similar manner! to the jungle tribe, all that matters on this potentially controversial level is the glorification and appreciation of the sensory world! we need not come to blows over such a matter, and despite our relatively open-minded nature, we hold our core principles very highly!

We believe that peaceful coexistence is the most healthy, profitable, and symmetrical way of life there is. ;)

i actually AM on the spectrum (HFA) so tell her that i think she kicks ass. and we're heard about the bed shit.
So we wouldn't have to spend actions making it?
FML Attempted the ore dragon, no skills or a tablet to help out.
You can, and it would take an action, yes. I suppose it would let you keep trading without an emissary's presence but *shrug*.

I squeezed her boobs. She says HI to you in particular.
proud of you fampai
you livin the good life
t r i p

i'm a regular /mu/ trip this shouldnt be so hard for me
Holy shit yes. Roll a 1d6 when a consensus cannot be reached by two tribe leaders or members. Highest roll wins. I love this system.
Psh.. I can't squeeze my wife boob too.

Your girlfriend hurt my feelings and now I'm feeling bitter
Tell her Wyatt wants nudes
oh no


What do you listen do ohana
not taking any turns edition
be sure to say it exactly like that
describe yourself
So we can spend one turn making a trading town and never need emissaries again. Worth.
So, trading new materials no longer takes a tribe action to do so?
Tis the way of the Grass
[springer]im a folk-rock musician/songwriter so a lot of that (but not that lumineers soulless shit)

lots of hip-hop too, and some experimental stuff

i'm mostly interested in the current music landscape so my taste is broad but very temporally limited. (though i've been on a swans & springsteen kick lately.)

favorite band/artists are, in order

The Mountain Goats
Iron & Wine
Joanna Newsom
Jim O'Rourke
Sufjan Stevens[/spiderman]

that'd be an incredible thing to have up and running when jungle tribe comes to visit. you'll get so much fuckin BOONS
I can respect that.
Hit me up with a bancamp link later perhaps.
hello everyone, I am interested in joining this thread but i had no time to read all the posts can somebody explain how it works please ?
I'm going to sleep. If anyone wants a place now there is one free.
...am I the only ravine left here?
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Can us Grassfags get in on the trading town?
All you need to know:
Don't join sand tribe
Ravine tribe will scam you
Jungle tribe is master race
if joke was not clear it was spoiler meme but w/o being a black-box whore of attention

no bandcamp (that i'm proud of) at the moment, my group is releasing our first LP in the early fall. i could potentially post a demo here so you all can stroke my ego.

well you're ravine now, you learn as you go

double dubs twice in a row
i am a wizard

and to be clear there is bandcamp but is not for sharing currently

it's a weird time for me, all the REAL good stuff is still in demo form so i can't be relentlessly self-advertisey yet

but i will

why ravine ?
Tree tribe exists. We are awesome, independent and very spiritual and only ask that you eat your dead to save them from an eternity of drowning.
Brush is filled with druggies. Mire is for BDSMfags
I don't like those dubs. I'll be reviewing them later.
Sand tribe has best tech.
Grass tribe pretends they have best tech.

because a spot just opened up!
(you can join whatever tribe has open spots. there are others with open spots though.)
Well are you Jewish?
If so you'll fit right in
We have best medicine. Medicine > Tech cause we can trade them for better tech lol
The reason it works is because it's on our border. Don't see how it would work when you are not next to us. But any trade with us you could make from tree potentially.
ok i'll join the tribe with less players
that's ravine!
Hence why we should research better medicine.
Tree Tribe has more food resources and the highest birthrate! Yay orgies!
Trip again, kill me
I am ready for your turn 15 summaries, friends!
Does interacting with the dragon take two actions
fuck , i'll join the jews then,but i'd like to keep my foreskin
Tree tribe would like to take two actions

>Start using poison on our arrows that we -hopefully- found cataloging the plants in the forest

>Send a small group of our stealthiest warriors (3-4) to observe the dragon's movements and potential weaknesses.
Research bows and send an emissionary to the Mire tribe
Trying to find/kill/gleam wisdom from the dragon is a Tribe Action.

>Action: Summon our dragon and offer it the most succulent tastes and smells we have to offer, and learn what we can from it, as respectfully as possible. In this merriment, we ask if it wishes to travel the continent with us.
>Action: Then, migrate as a full tribe to the grasslands, where, again, we will surely meet the grass tribe, in which case, we will do all that stuff we talked about earlier!

relevant lore for the trade.
>no formal trade, but we'll surely run into you, and unless you choose to attack us, we'll likely be able to at least trade ideas. (but you guys don't have fire yet, do you? we'd be happy to show you, and more, in exchange for you sharing with us your horse-related skills, and enough steeds to make traveling easier.) bear in mind that this is the entire tribe coming your way, not an emissary. literally every one of us. for all intents and purposes, the jungle tribe lives in the grasslands for this turn.

>you'll get to take part in our sex festival too! you'll probably get a small buff to your birth rate for the year!

>and of course, should any of your tribe members so desire, they're welcome to join our caravan!

and this post >>63210

GRASS WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO OFFER???? the idea is we give all the info and skills we got and you give all the info and skills you got, even though it's probably an unfair trade for us junglefolk
Uhh, well I think everyone kinda fell asleep but from what I gathered

Culture: Education is important
Action: Attempt to appease dragons with food
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>action send emisary to mire
>culture: geometrics!
Remember that the geometrics was first because that will help a lot in the making of bows.
shalom brother
What tech or useful things do you have? We have meds and horses
Greetings, new ravine brother, I see you have many gems. You must be important!

Are your cool with the current actions?
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Ha, a 6 for a 6 my king. I respect the original plan, but I suggest this instead

Action:Research Bows
Action: Enslave the moving Jungle Tribesmen

Because we tied, let's roll again
>Trading Village on the Border of Ore, Sand and Tree Tribes
>Research on Engineering
This okay?
I am not against the bows. But I think geometrics will help a lot in the making of them. Also will help later in the conbstruction of houses
Oh right. Listening to the King!

shvat shalom goy
Research on making Steel goddammit Ore Tribe reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Why do you want to slave another tribe?????? Thats a totally NO-NO

Tribe action


Our culture action will be to make a holiday for the coming of our God in his avatars form. With the newly cultivated plants and herbs we hold a big festivals of many new foods, smoking lots of our herbs and holding a big orgy. Maybe with this new annual festival we can increase our population.
so are you just gonna ignore us??? that's a bit rude. or do we need to initiate that, Richard

reminder that at the beginning of the next turn we'll still be in the grasslands, so potential trade could happen then, but after that you lost your chance!

we have everything i outlined here. >>63210

basically, all of our skills and most of the brush tribe's skills. if you could show us how to breed horses and give us a stock for our travels, plus show us your medicine skills, we would be more than happy to return the favor.

we may or may not have a dragon with us and are pretty much ninjas, bruh. might not be the best move there.
The King takes a swing and hits Ivar on his communist headgear, and Ivar acepts defeat!
>Grass are slavers along with being traps
>Enslaving what could be potential allies
I guess this means 2 against 1.
Grass action is actually
>action:send emisary to mire tribe
>culture: we love symetry=we discover geometrics and use that a lot
>Find the duwang
>Continue the studying/domestication of gators, find out what can se use them for
dubs again

once again, though--remember what richard said here: >>63097
We dont want to slave shit. I dont know what happens. I go for a couple of hours and grasspeople want to slave.
This is fine
And everyone talks shit about us..
One individual does not speak for all of us. We must give Ivar to the treefags so he may be consumed and reborn. There is something wrong with him not wven medicine can cure. he has autism, kee
No, you're right, I submitted about the same tim as that, so you win 2v1 majority rule.

I just believe this to be a good opportunity to strengthen our warriors and grow our tribe
my grandad died in auschwitz
hey. Wanna trade? We give you medicine and you give us silk armour and stuff

wouldnt have worked anyway, and even if you somehow took care of our maybe-dragon and our definitely-hunters, our brush peeps would burn your ass three ways to sunday if you enslaved us!
We don't want his spirit fucking up our bloodline. You guys eat him. Or just kill him and let him drown.
wanna trade? What could you give us?

Did you say you want to burn something? This would make us super happy!
Anyways, let's discuss the armor and weaponry.
Y'all just pussys.
Grass tribe is weaker than the older tribes, you won't catch up on tech.
dubs checkum
Okay we trade everything each side has. We teach you level 1 medicine [we have level 2] and how to domesticate horses and give you two for lugging your things around. In return you teach us everything you have. Fire, poison etc
what is going on lately?
as said, we can trade information and goods, but we cannot establish a trade route because of our nomad lifestyle. to repeat what i said a second ago, we have everything i outlined here. >>63210 (You)

basically, all of our skills and most of the brush tribe's skills. if you could show us how to breed horses and give us a stock for our travels, plus show us your medicine skills, you would be repaid in much greater proportions.

only if grass tribe tries some shit, but thanks for the enthusiasm <3
you would have been destroyed famalam

Perhaps as a show of friendship and since you are using what we have taught you to gain new things from other tribes you would be willing to teach us some of what you learn in your travels.

As you know establishing the trade route took alot of work on our behalf and the stronger and happy the brush tribe is, the stronger an ally you have to assist you if you run into trouble.
Ok. Deal. We give you medicine and teach you some basics, also we stock you with the goods you need (we farm). We wont give you horses until we see you have something greater to give us. Thats ok?
my liege is emotional, i live in the mystical far east
dubs countercheckum
well, why not teach us level 2 medicine or your advanced horse skills? and we'd need a stock of horses for breeding.

we have:

bone tools
seeds + agriculture abilities
hunting skills (requires training)
tasty food
and more!

in exchange for enough horses to be self-sufficient, and an understanding of horse-breeding and medicine that matches your own? this is a more than fair deal for you, Grassmen, plus we can improve each others agricultural abilities twofold!

we also welcome members of your tribe to join us, should they feel compelled, but this is not a necessity!

in time, but it will be many years yet by the time we return to the brushlands!
Do we have any artfags here?
Quick update. We are agricultural badasses, our xenophobia has been replaced with fear of large bodies of water, we eat babies now. And we want to eat our dragon since he is Five spirits in one body and could strengthen our bloodline considerably.
I want to try to ambush the thing after we've spent a few years watching it's movements around the forest. He can't fly, so if we somehow lure it into a pit and barrage it with arrows we may do well. But let's see how this round goes.

Wanna have a trade route in 2/3 turns between Grass and Bush?
(plus who knows what we'll learn from the dragon)
You are equal to me brother Chef. No need to call me Liege, call me brother. For we are if the same blood and spirit

The trade route is established, he said we can revisit the specifics of the trade later on. I just wanted to toss the idea out there.


Brush would be open to a trade route with the grass tribe.
and to be clear, we will hold nothing back just as we expect you to hold nothing back! the trade is drastically in your favor, and for the time being there is no extra requirement but our friendship!
We cant trade the hourses at all. They are a military advantage and we dont know if they are that friendly. As far as I know we only need fire and poison.
We give you all the knowledge about medicine we have + some meds and goods we can farm and you give us poison + teach us fire. Do you agree with that?
2 horses arent anything. Cut back on the medicine so we can maintain our monopoly on it.
the trade route is a misnomer. you have access to our lumber but we will not be there. as i've been saying, Jungle Tribe cannot maintain trade "routes" but can exchange freely with whichever tribe we are closest in proximity to at a given time.

unfortunately, the horses are vital for us as nomads. the trade cannot and will not go through without them.
as said, purposeful cutbacks will not be taken kindly to. the deal changes drastically if you do not wish to accept our offer, which is currently drastically in your favor.

and two horses will not be enough to maintain a breeding stock, nor will they be enough to help us travel as a tribe of twenty-something individuals.
Almost done, just need Ore Tribe, and then we get to meet the Valley Tribe for turn 16, and then I will fall asleep.

Our tribe is nomadic too. Basically we have already put in the work. If we want to trade something new one of our guys runs over and sets up the trade. It just no longer requires us turns to accomplish. I understand the logistics of it but they aren't necessarily coming into play.
Ok. Fine. Everything for everything.
You give us everything you mention (exceopt the join us part because that could end in cuktural contamination) and we give you meds, basic knowledge of it and some horses and basic knowledge of them. Thats ok?

Will you be continuing tomorrow?
Research on Iron and the forge, Orefags reeeeeeeeeee
don't sleep till this trade is hashed out

again, the joining part is merely optional. (it's more a "richard's choice" thing. our tribe members could potentially stay with you too.)

this is absolutely okay. your tribe and mine are now the deepest of allies, and should you need us, we will come to your aid.

y'all are *semi*-nomadic within your own area. we're all over. it's not that we don't want to, it's that we can't.
So you want to exchange literally everything once you reach? We can increase the number of horses you get but we will not teach you level 2 medicine. Hell, level 1 is already better than everyone elses medicine (they have any)
I'm sorry, did I ask for a sand tribe's opinion? No? Give me ore tribe.
Great! I am very happy to hear this.
I dont know if you already did the chart. But we are going to:
>develop geometrics as cultural trait
>as action send emisary to jungle. We are going to start a trade route like this:
I think just armour and weapons in general is good enough. We can specialize later if need be.
Y'all have goddamn 5 minutes before I just make the Ore Tribe's move for them.
all of the skills we have acquired in our trade and travel are yours, if and only if you do the same. this includes level two medicine. your king has spoken.

(and brush has level 1 i'm pretty sure, which means we have level 1)
I'm pretty certain all of Ore tribe is asleep as the last poster, Ore4Life posted an hour ago.
Unless Richard allows two tribes to merge, we will not teach you level 2. If he allows tribes to merge you'll learn everything from us
Thanks for that dump of information that I'm too tired to read.

Elaborate on what "Everything for everything" means, thank you.

Richard has never said that is how it is. Everything he has done with trades so far has been closer to how I explained it. He even mentioned that we could go back and renegotiate the trade later.

Also we have never been classified as "semi" nomadic. If you just mean that you guys are going full nomadic by leaving your home area that's one thing, but doesn't mean that culturally we are different in that respect.
AGAIN, these are simply one time things. friendly relationships mean future trades, but the nature of the jungle tribe makes a trade "route" simply impossible. however, should we pass through here again, the possibility of trade becomes open once more.

didnt they say something earlier in terms of their current plans?
You guys done made Richard grumpy now
Oh, the King has spoken? My phone doesnt update as fast. looking over now. His decision overrules mine unless I roll to punch him
>keep mesing with lava
>not being polite is punishable with death
Well meme'd, Grass Trap King.
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Too late.

Also, you guys took too long on being fucking comprehensible so your grass/jungle trade will be put on hold until you can hammer me out something concrete that i can put on a listing.
we are not merging. that is not our way. your king has spoken.


okay one second

go all the way back to your intro. semi-nomadic, i believe.

we are more than willing to work with you--both of you--but you have to understand our limitations. when we return to the brushlands, you will be a part of our breeding festival again, and we will be able to share the numerous boons we have accrued over the course of our civilization's paths through history--be they geographical or otherwise.

this is good to hear. you have gained an ally on this day.
dude gimme one second i got it right here

jungle gets horse skills and medicine skills equal to grass, an improvement to agriculture, and enough horses to support our tribe and to breed more in the future.

grass gets the gift of fire, the ability to make poison, an improvement in their own agriculture skills, a one-time buff to their birthrate, and whatever new shit the dragon teaches us, plus bone tools if they don't have it already. and they're better cooks and hunters now too!
Alright. So, we convince the Ore tribe to trade their Iron and we use Iron and Scorpion Carapace to make these: >>61694
Brother Chef, let us deliberate.

The dragon cannot be snuck up on. Probably because it has five heads. Maybe we should see if it has any blindspots?
Or we could research Tiger pits.. Dig a dragon sized ditch and place sharpened trees into it and lure the beast into the pit. It's soft underbelly would give it a disadvantage in such a scenario. Especially if we lace the spikes with poison.
Grass gives Jungle :
Knowledge of level 2 Meds
Horses (enough to haul the things of 20 people)
and teach them everything else we have so far

Jungle gives Grass >>63719
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Current Population Counts
Ore Tribe: 59 people. (1 incidental birth per year)
Sand Tribe: 50 people. (2 incidental births per year)
Tree Tribe: 58 people. (3 incidental births per year)
Mire Tribe: 46 people. (3 incidental births per year)
Brush Tribe: 27 people. (3 incidental births per year)
Grasslands Tribe: 36 people. (2 incidental births per year)
Jungle Tribe: 25 people (3 incidental births per year)
Ravine Tribe: 25 people (1 incidental birth per year)
Valley Tribe: 15 people (1 incidental birth per year)

Current Trading Routes
Ore Tribe & Sand Tribe: Temporarily Cancelled by the Mountain Dragon
Tree Tribe & Mire Tribe: Tree Tribe receives Silken Fishing Nets, Mire Tribe receives Wood & Bark.
Brush Tribe & Jungle Tribe: It's a thing I guess.
Jungle Tribe & Grasslands Tribe: Jungle Tribe gets Horses and Medicine Knowledge, Grasslands Tribe gets Fire and Poison and I guess a birthrate buff that I'll apply next turn because I'm about to pass out on my keyboard.


oh and do we get bows now too?
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Valley Tribe's cultural sheet. It's up for grabs now I guess.
Night Richard, don't forget your other questo
any other junglefam on?

Seems like Richard is trying to let us have a trade route and you dont want to allow it based on nomadic lifestyle. Just go with it, it can only benefit both of us. You wont have to wait for anything new we learn/acquire.
There is no more jungle, only ravine
Submit to the shiny gemstone
Well, next thing we do is:
>Culture:develop geometrics and use them all the time
>Action: stablish trade route with mire (we need silk armor)
What about that dragon nigger we have? What can we do to make it like us?
it kind of clashes with the gameplan though. and it does just as much harm to my tribe as it would good desu based on our playstyle.

your emissary can travel north with us! though we need to pass through the brushlands briefly according to the map, so will your emissary. we are headed to the mire directly after that point, where your emissary will be much safer in a group than he would be separately. there, you can establish the trade-route you seek.

(this is meaningless for us but cool for lore and good for friendship between the two tribes. maybe you could then do a two-in-one and contact the brushlands too? seeing as the jungle tribe is an ally of you both, we should be able to facilitate a lovely relationship between the two of you before we head into the swamps)
I thought we were going to forge metal for ore tribe anyway? And then trade the goods back to ore and tree in exchange for more stuff. Having a three way trade coalition. We just have to move our time table up.

I can understand it messing with your gameplan, but I dont see how it would make things more difficult. If anything it would be easier.

What harm is it doing your tribe?

Yes, you might as well make a pit stop in the brush lands and set up a happy trade route with us!
You guys are to short people what hitler was to Jews.
We don't have lava forges.
not so much our gameplan as THE gameplan. we're stretching the rules of this game very thin already and i want to give us some sort of handicap i suppose.

when we come back around, you'll get good shit. promise. we're like the iron age jungle santa.
Ah. The sand tribe I have heard many tales of your prosperity and tact. Let it be know that we are friends of the sand tribe
We were in the process of making our own forge. We might have to bump it up a few turns. Essentially what web talked about between ore and tree we would get raw materials and handle processing. And then give it back to the tribes.

The only thing I dont understand about it is you say the gameplan but Richard is the one that doesn't have a problem with it.

No worries, I'm about to head to bed. I'll check back tomorrow
Any friend of knowledge is a friend of the sand tribe.
We may have to prioritize the forge, not much else we can do.
When are you guys going to start killing each other?
>speak with dragon





>Build college in trade village


>vinyl recordings

>vacuum tube

>light bulb

This is a list I have been working on.it is definitely subject to change. I thought we should just take advantage of having no way to make armor anyway and just try to speak with the dragon.
Soon. The valley tribe are a race of mercenaries.

Sixth and beyond actions seem too beyond our scope to be honest.
Action: We want to trade our new found tools and weapons to the sandfriends for learnings.
We want to trade our new found tools and weapons to tree people for food and lumber.

Culture: "Making rocks into useful metal things pleases Urth and Ski."

Future: We want to establish a bordertown that will be a trade central and canal.

Future: We want to increase our population by looking into how to better feed ourselves. (Currently we eat rocks, birds, and a goat-like mammal all of which I don't think we even domesticate or if we do we're like herders)
The grass shall help you with the institute thing
We have the border town all trade between our tribes is free, costing no action.
I will show you true power
Trading no longer costs an action.
Please trade Iron so we can begin armor and weapon working
I added in paper but it everything that I listed after I listed because it is all possible with knowledge of physics and chemistry. Even if we have to research more advanced forms.
i'd personally suggest just pitching in on the development of the outpost. turn it into a town. maybe with all three tribes pitching in it can become a thriving metropolis, capital of the free world, all that good stuff.
We may have to wait a turn just so we can make our forge. Ooh a thought occurred. We could also research metallurgy after physics and chemistry.
If you have any ideas throw them in
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i fucking hate drawing hands
If Ore Tribe trades Iron with us, we can develop the armor and weapons.
We can then work with the forge and speak with the dragon.
Also what do you think we can do to expand on this idea: >>61694
Me too. But I think every region of the world should have one trading outpost or town and these towns can be linked to each other for faster. easier trading between our regions.
We trade Iron for written language, and a variety of your other simplified knowledge.

We need food and defenses.

Is SOBEK still initiated?
This pleases me
Trade your spare reservoir of iron. I am absolutely certain that the Mountain Dragon will leave in time to smelt some more ore into iron.
We will use your iron for our new armor and weaponry, and attempt to find and domesticate what lurks in the ruins.
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yes. do it. kill them all.
It's probably the dragon.
Okay initiate it because I doubt I or any other ore person will be active when Dick gets back
Why do the sand and valley tribe think that they're going to rule the world lol valley has nothing and sand has too farfetched idea's
Your time will come spider fucker
Goodnight Richard. In case I miss role call tomorrow since I think we might live in different time zones here are the actions.

Cultural: mercenary culture, our physical prowess is sold in exchange for luxury goods.

Action: send a contingent of young men to the lands of the ravine tribe in search of big women. (Take them by force under the cover of night if necessary)
>stealing jewesses
lol ok good luck
Agreed. Let it be know that the men of the valley consider the ore tribe to be a noble race.
When the mire tribe falls. Remember the day you scoffed at the men of the valley.
Implying their is anything wrong with high test Jewish qt's
And so it begins, the first true conflict in this cursed land.

The Ravine tribe will not back down.
There will be bloodstone.
also if you try to do anything funny ww will wage war on you, but for now we're friends. So happy. oh yes.
We do not seek conflict. We seek wives, and we have heard stories of your women's beauty and size. Rest assured if you grant us this privilege, the valley tribe will serve as your loyal mercenaries.
As men of mettle and war we consider the grass tribe to be our long lost brethren.
We are open to parley, but spare no words for Brigands.
If any of our ilk goes missing while you walk among us, there will be a price to pay.

However, if ye wish to simply seek hands in marriage... a suitable brideprice can be agreed upon.
Okay mire tribe attention:
Okay so we have some usable gators which is good (btw gators are a little below mire tribers class-wise because they still lay eggs like the great spiders) what do we do with them? Just let em grow up with humans or something.... The dragon is kinda stubborn i guess so dont know what we gonn do bout that... Maybe since it seems that it likes to kill we can offer him still alive fish and stuff....(i dont know) or we can give him a gator egg so it can be a mother and be cute with his new child (this may work if richard is being nice) so what do we do? I say we let the gators get used to humans and give a baby gator to the dragon and let it either eat it or adopt it <3
Understood. I hope that in time, this marriage between our two peoples will allow me, to one day, call you "friend".
An even better question would be "when will we realize that we are slaves to the whims of our northern neighbors"
Of course, neighbour.
As my uncle used to say: All for profit, and profit for me
Your uncle was a wise man. The valley tribe is willing to lend you it's mercenaries for wives. These men will be at your service. Let us wait till Richard returns before moving forward, however.
Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.
chexkin in.
turn 17
action: oretribe offers a cache of fish and goat to the dragon for peace and knowledge
action: build small schoolhouse from our brick supply ti teach and train young members in fighting/education/safety
We can even do a thibg where warriors get a gattor egg at a young age to teach them responsebilities and stuff and it will also be their fighting partner, and for mounts you cant really ride a gator so i was thinking that in the water you just hang on to it as it swims. And i know that this is a spider religion but i want to SLOWLY add the gator to high status animals
Hey Ore Tribe, can you lend us some of your Iron? We can use it to make armor and weapons.
why you want sabotage mighty ore tribe masterrace?
We're trading written language and other basic tech for iron
well our trade route is temporarily blocked. but im sure wecould hook up some iron for some of your deadly poisons soon.
Trade routes are blocked, not sure if the village is. If it's not, then we exchange our venom for your Iron, and we make armor and weapons. If it is, then we work on the wheel and mechanics.
its still unclear to me if we got language when u gave.us tablets and such. also in future i think we should exchange some virfins or something to prevent inbreeding. or throw a big sand oresex party...
Festival of the Mountain and Desert Dragons?
And I have no clue.
i like the sound of that. we shouls unite with dragon. goodnight for now . soon glory to sand and ore
We have always liked Sand, we merely tolerate tree folk. We need food as we have no means of it.

Death to the Mire.

No seriously Tree Tribe good job on reacting to that appropriately, taming like these other fags is a dumb idea when the power could be ours.

We need to up our population, Tree tribers. That means homes and food.
Hey boys what's going on?
I agree with the houses. We need to start cutting down more trees for wood.
Mostly to make spikes for the dragon sized tigerpit. And for houses.
Actually we are doing fine on food. Richards words were "in excess" in reference to our berries. So I think we have room to grow here.
What resources do you guys have?
Wood, Bone, Food (Berries/Fruit/Meat) Bone/Wood Armor at maximum quality. Pretty much everything you have.
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Wood, silk, berries, poison, and sweet sweet baby flesh
Our religions are similar and we are very close to each other. Perhaps we should form an alliance.
Does anyone want a allience with the mire tribe?? ;;;;-;;;;
I'll also claim Valley tribe
Did you know that smoke scares off arachnids such as spiders and scorpions? Did you also know the biggest producer of said smoke is the Brush Tribe located between our lands?
It's definitely a possibility, and one I personally would like to explore. When we meet, we can discus religious truths, free from the influence of these Savages.
I think once the Trade-Town goes up, we can all start talking properly. There, we can see how our tribesmen react...
We should all agree on a time where we divert 1 turn each simultaneously to building this town.
Valley Triber let's talk.
0_o omg
good idea, we can send somepeople to sail there, we can build stilt houses and we can try to make a bridge with our web and wood skills, it would be cool to see different districts in this town, like a sand district with brick homes and a monolith and a school, a ore district with a forge and homes carved into a mountain, a tree district with tree home things and farms and a mire district with a shipyard stilt houses and a weavery thing and then in the middle of the 4 districts a statue or something cool
Where is the trade town located?
If any sand or ore guys are here. Morning. What do you guys thing of combining forces to deal with the sand dragon first and then the ore dragon?
I also like the idea of domesticating the dragon, but I will guess Richard will make this hard.
So how many updates where in this thread?
What can you give Us? That we dont have. Aside from 420
We grow hemp if you want some.
any free tribes ?
Most of them at the moment.
Why would you domesticate it probably won't listen because he says they are smart. I vote for just giving stuff in exchange for knowledge.
For good reason, these threads get fuck all updates
The next part we have to work on is the canal that leads to the trade town.

I also think it should be a politically neutral zone.
Isnt there a river?
I feel like this is how the trade network will go.

Ore gives sand metal ore.
Sand smelts and casts metal, and gives most to ore keeps some.
Sand gives some bricks to tree and some to ore.
Tree gives sand wood.
Ore gives tree metal items, and tree gives ore food and wood.

How does that sound. We can make additional deals beyond that as well.
No we planned on making a canal from the coat to the village. For farm land, the added bonus is boats can go there
OR everyone puts one(or more) thing(s) on the table that everyone get. E.g sand gives alcohol, tree wood, ore ore. Tree gets alcohol and ore, ore gets wood and alcohol and so on
not claiming
all I want to do is say "MY TALLEST?"
But if tree got just ore what they do with it. They can't smelt it.
What can we contribute? We would like to be part of this.
I can give medicine and "some" horse training knowledge. Who wants some? Also we now know how to fire
Want some bugs?
Forgot the name.
Which tribe are you from?
M'lord I believe we should adopt some of the traits of the Valley Tribe, if needed we could breed with them and join our lands under one Empire.
We'd be interested in bee's, and anything you have that kills parasites that could harm our soon-to-be fruit groves. Other than wood, food and animal parts, there is not much we can offer in return.
You could possibly offer your loyalty to our tribe in conflicts for greater trade opportunities.
If all Tribes were to send a single warrior, equipped with the very best of the skills and materials available to that Tribe, to compete in gladiatorial combat, who would win?
I say that my Tribe offers the greatest warrior. Though his bone and wood armor is low quality compared to the Ore tribe, it out-qualifies everyone else. He is trained from birth, and would ride in on his Deer Mount to lance the other warriors down. Who can compare?
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Our Grassman wouls ride in on his mighty destrier wearing his gambeson wielding his falchion. Your treeboy would die.
B and c are ours bitch
I am ok with this. Also give Us your friendship
Our Tribe shares similar ideology with you, even if you are worshiping the wrong plants. However, our warriors are few, and very precious to us, as they are some of the greatest warriors this world has seen.
We could enter a conflict, but not with the Sand, Ore or Mire Tribe, as they are already becoming steadfast allies as well. As for the other Tribes, we would have no qualms about fighting them, but would prefer to open trade routes as well.

So Yes. We will promise to aid you, if we can, for the exchange of bees and anti-parasites.
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You have the greatest population surely you have a great army. Also do not be arrogant, you have impressive weapons and armour but that alone does not make your men strong.
Train from Birth
Mounted Warfare
2nd Best Equipment
What else do you want?
Only you and the Ore tribe can compare, and even then it's slim.
That's why I believe we should combine forces. We would easily crush lone tribes if we so wanted.
Mounts arnt apart of a warrior, it is the warrior his/her armor and weapons only
This sounds good. I like this.
We also wanted poison from you. Is there anything else you want?
You will have to establish a trade with someone. I can't speak for everyone, but I'll be happy to have some trades with all tribes.
Ours are. They are raised together from birth! No one can compare in riding skill to a Tree Tribe Deer Warrior, and his fearsome ensemble of Bone Armor for him and his mount.
Good luck fighting in a water filled, gator and poisonous spider infested swamp with soldiers who are either afraid of water or cant swim against a army of soldiers who can swim and have canoes and throw nets on you
We seek no quarrel with you.



We will rape your women, kill your children and burn your villages to the ground while you are away to fight war
Hahaha srry dude a tribe is gonn be placed there: the lava tribe, he said so himself
lava tribe? i think it's at the blue part of the world. A few threads back he said we were not supposed to explore the island so early.
Then we do seek quarrel with you. Following your humiliating defeat we will split your land and claim it for both our tribes.
Nah, the glacier and the lava tribe are still to be introduced and he prob said that so we wouldnt invade the island before a tribe could settle
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I also support giving the dragon some gators.
Baby gators are adorable and they even kind of look like dragons, how could he/she not like them?
He said turn FOURTY. All tribes would be introduced before turn 20.
I'm for this plan, honestly, much as it might screw up a potential Lava Tribe. It would shake up the world, and as Lord Ultron tells us, when the Earth starts to settle, God(who is obviously a Tree) throws a rock at it.
What if we all trade and get powerful and destroy lava tribe?
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>Many small spiders use silk threads for ballooning, the popular, though technically inaccurate, scientific term for the dynamic kiting[1][2] spiderlings (mostly) use for dispersal. They extrude several threads into the air and let themselves be carried away by winds. Although most rides will end a few yards later, it seems to be a common way for spiders to invade islands.
>a common way for spiders to invade islands.
We should bully the lava tribe into giving us all their sulfur.
You're a fucking human. You can't milk spiders till they die from cumming 24/7 to make massive fucking balloons. How the fuck does that even work?
Nothing a flaming arrow can't fix.
>this jealousy
Just accept it. Spiders are the superior lifeform.
hello my grass friends what is the next step of our master plan
Crashing this >>65434 balloon.
You're a big spider.
Breed with Valley Tribe to create master race.
We need
>weaving skills
>light material for basket
>enough fuel for a long ass ride
i suggest that our next cultural movement it should be train our men as horse archers/hunters
I dont care for the culture, I care about those sweet, sweet trade routes.
then the other action will open another trade route with the ore tribe
and get sweet, sweet metal weapons
We are no longer the big boys we should spend a cultural action to make our people grow very large and bulky.
We could use tar
That sweet, sweet plate mail on our quilted armour.
For culture we should do : Each God has an Avatar. An Avatar is an exemplar of the said God - say if someone is good at healing, they become the Avatar of Violet. If someone's good at maths they become the Avatar of Grass
Maybe the dragon will show us the secret of fire?
Who needs strength when you can zip around the bulkfags and kill them
This turn we should.
>Invest in more aerodynamic sails and stronger, lighter boats
>Make fire
Okay, so for next turn: give the dragon a baby gator as a gift (and hope he will turn our gators into raptors) and let the gator babies grow up around humans.
Turn after that maybe star navigation and reproduction focus and THEN make better boats and send 15/10 people to sail to the east (new lands maybe, or if not we can still sail to a random west coasted land and we didcover that the earth is a sphere)
We technically have fire since a tribe member got set on fire so....
i prefer to have a standing army rather than some more meritocracy. hunting also will beneficial to trade and armor project
We should interact with the dragon though. It'd be a waste not too.

This sounds alright, although we should maybe put 1 point into a pure breeding action before we leave.
We have 36 people, 4th largest after Ore, Sand, Tree and Mire. How many soldiers do we need?
We have the support of the tree tribe if we finalise the trade.
jungle peple grow faster tha we also "people" are not soldiers i want warriors not some milita
I believe we should for this turn if we cannot trade
>Begin planning and building forges
>Desert Dragon Orgy Festival
If we can trade
Well how can we improve our birthrate while preserving our purity?
more food
We have horse should we farm cows for milk and meat or sheep for wool and meat?
we can use our horse and farm tecnolochy to develeot irrigation.
our last taming take us three turns
Well we need to get back into the sciences. We seem to be falling behind.
Which country do you live in?
English doesn't seem to be your native tongue.

Correct. We need science and trade. Culture is a fancy accessory for now and is not needed.
Ok but gift shit to duwangs, and get fire
Better sails and boats.
Then by having candles and shit un boats we ser that the sail raises, and se start making hot air ballons
yes but we need differentiation of the sand people
Yes we may need a turn in before potentioly colonising a new island, i mean we dont have bows yet so that aint good but if we craft them we can dip the arrows in spider poison and if we find a new island we can turn a ship around as a house (like the companions in skyrim) and having better gators will be good indeed. I really hope that richard will give us a reward for putting so much time into making out ships... But we may need to invent salted fish (or anything that can last several weeks) for the journey.. We can eat dried insects and fish i guess and maybe some fruits from the swamp...
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Did we have these resources traded to us?
Lol dont think that it would be so easy (knowibg richard)
Hello, I am in need of a tribe.
Most of them are open right now.
I'd like to join the mire tribe, if possible. What can I help with?
I think we and the grass tribe are full actually, unless Mire Peasant left.
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>Jungle Tribe & Grasslands Tribe: Jungle Tribe gets Horses and Medicine Knowledge, Grasslands Tribe gets Fire and Poison. from the last turn summary
also a plan
Will the valley tribe accept my services?
If we're making bows we are gonna be the masters of archery.


It's an easy and direct upgrade from a normal crossbow.
I'm pretty sure you can be the king of the Valley tribe right now lad.
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forgot pic
I will, then.
May we discuss potential trade between our tribes?
great idea! so we need to start to improve our carpentry
Of course, my manlet friend. Speak.
That is the thing, what are your secrets to your great size?
How about establishing a trade route where we trade you gems in exchange for short people
Well, you see, when I was a kid my father died in virtuous combat against the old lord of the valley. As I was too short to belong to the tribe, I was exiled into the wilds, and later I went back to the valley and won a fist fight against the old lord.

I am afraid I cannot tell you how I became a big guy, grass man. At least, not yet. But we do have some valuable goods. What do you have to offer?
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Lots and lots of cum lean protein
welcome friend. There is however only one leader of the Valley tribe.
gems haven't any useful value to us. we can trade medicine for slaves(or you can wait and use gems to make arrowheads and then we can trade )
I have returned. You killed my father in honorable fist combat, and exiled me because of my height. I understand you do not recognize me, for I have grown to be much taller and stronger.
I challenge you to a fistfight for the leadership of the Valley Tribe.
This is pretty cool, you guys better roll your 1d6 and see who wins
I am afraid that since you didn't stake your claim as leader of the valley tribe, your rule is illegitimate (you need to stake your claim brig, I think there's room for one more, but I'm the king round these parts)
How do I do that?
Rolled 5 (1d6)

Byarmehl challenges the Valley Lord!
Just go on a dice rolling site roll a 6 sided die and post number received
I see now that you are a big guy. Although not for me. Let it be known that the Valley tribe looks down upon little guys such as yourself.
Do you feel in charge?
Test (do you say 1d2 in the option thing?)
Dice+1d6 in options field
Rolled 13 (1d6)

It appears that I was such a big guy, I rolled a 13 on a six sided die.
O okay thnx
Wait something went wrong
Tribesmen! The valley lord is cheating in honorable fistfight! I saw him putting pieces of stone into his fists, so he could punch harder!

Are you going to allow this guy to be your leader?
Smart interpretation
As if anyone cares dude (you can still be a mire slave)
Hold your tongue, this man is a bigger guy than you'll ever be. He has fought nobly and has proven just how big he really is.
You fought well, but in the end I was a bigger guy. In honor of your fathers memory I will grant you one of my many beautiful wives, and the opportunity to rule with me. So long as you remember who the bigger guy is.
I welcome this move.
I also like this idea
I'll accept to rule together no homo tho
Then I will call you my friend, take my wife and let us make merry, and put to bed the sins of our past. also the move we are going to make is >>64564. Would you have any suggestions for our turn however?
I think we should actually take some grass women instead. or maybe both?>>65823

The grass tribe seems to be on board.
As long as we can get sum valley puss puss, if ya know what I mean?
I know what you mean homie. ;)))

We need someone to draw the GOD TIER / GOOD TIER / MEH TIER / SHIT TIER list again. I would but I have to head off really soon.
Word. Who was the one who originally did that shit? Also as far as I am concerned we are all equals (except for mire and tree tribe, they fight most dishonorably and are not big guys)
Both seems good, grass tribe is bro tribe.
Grass tribe are the trannies right?
Only a few are trannies, we train males in healing if there are more male babies than female babies, and we train females in combat if there's more female than male babies.
As long as you guys have a supply of big girls, it shouldn't matter.
Agreed. All we have to do now is wait for Richard to get back.
I say next Us
Culture:geometry, we do it all the time.
Action:train people in horse archery/research more medicine
i propose
Culture: geometry
Culture: horse archery
You've got Jungle tribe headed your way. You'll get fire from us.
Richard senpai we are waiting 4 u
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fuck you guys i made this
Just traps and Just got done failing calculus AP. So I'm green rest of the day
Whats that, Valley Lorrd? I can't hear you from the top of these tall trees, noe tgesehuge Deer that we ride. Not only are we tall, our antlered helmets make us seem even taller!
I love it
This is a very good and accurate meme. Well done Grass bro.
Yeah that is the best plan for now.
Technically, jungle tribe's medicine is just as good as yours, friend.

I think grass tribe has found our happy plant. They were hallucinating when they made that chart.
>not eating babies

God how do your tribes survive allowing all these strong spirits to inhabit weak bodies.
At least we aren't shit tier anymore.
>This is what tree fags actually believe.

The day will come when tree women are rounded up by the Valley tribe and ravaged for weeks at a time. Enjoy watching as your women are impregnated with our superior Aryan seed, reaching levels of ecstasy your puny members could never facilitate.
Ravine tribe has no discernible talent for anything.
Well technically the magma forge could be used as a people sized ov..... I mean NOTHING! I'll go back to stacking my rocks!
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Don't worry, we will be glad to send you off into the eternal drowning so your racism doesn't enter into anyone elses bloodline. Of course we wouldn't waste anything. I'm sure your bodies will make excellent fertilizer and your large bones will make excellent armour.
Gotta stay green.
Disgusting savages.
The only place our "large bones" are going is in between the thighs of your women.
Well I totally set you up for that one I can't even be mad.
Next turn coming in a couple of hours I'm sorry I have therapy ;n;
Therapy for what?
Are you a sad man?
Fite me reedy boxer scum
depression, OCPD, autism spectrum disorder, and at least two different kinds of anxiety disorder.

Richard pls, are their any other lands other than the main continent and volcano isle? (could be another continent, could also be 1 small isle with a palmtree on it just to fuck with us ^-^)
Well, at least you got a girlfriend so thats nice i guess... i really dont know how to handle these things
im not autistic
That sucks dude. But thanks for sticking to these threads m8. I got out of bed for this.
No need to be sorry, but for the love of God do not tell your therapist anything about 4chan. I'm not kidding.
And... well, you would probably no be smart to take me up on this considering where we are, but if you want anyone to talk to or some advice or anything I'll be happy to talk. I've been there some.
It wouldn't fuck with us if we knew about it m8.
I'd be like "hey, there's that shitty island Richard made because some dude thought it would fuck with us. " then we'd move on because it's a meaningless piece of shit.
We care about our OP you asshat. He's been working hard on this thread for a bunch of impatient Assholes for nearly a week.
>no nomadic technocracy eugenics-practicing shadow tribe
>implying the shadow tribe doesn't already exist
>hence the name "shadow"
>implying that the Valley tribe isn't exactly that
Yeah its p much gonna be us.
pls go
>Valley Tribe
Fucking criminal scum
Tall =/= good
You're pipe-dream of a tribe doesn't even exist yet. I hope Richard blows you the fuck out.
Also post proofs of us being criminals
We're the embodiment of honor, you retard.
Well said based Byarmehl may your fists strike your enemies dead in one swing.
Same, brother
>The day will come when tree women are rounded up by the Valley tribe and ravaged for weeks at a time. Enjoy watching as your women are impregnated with our superior Aryan seed, reaching levels of ecstasy your puny members could never facilitate.
It is a crime to mix genes with those of the inferior tribes.
A true man of honor would not ravage a woman without her being eternally bound to his eugenic harem by the genetic consuel!
It was typically seen an act of honour and man hood to ravage the women in tribal societies
Our cultures must be different, then.
We do not act by inferior morals. Your views on honor are inadequate, pleb.
Ps: Git gud, manlet
You don't even have a culture though fucko. The DM never introduced your phony tribe. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You sir are a scholar and a gentleman. May coarse sand bless your every step.
Implying that propagating our "big guy" seed amongst the masses isn't a blessing. The tree tribe should be thanking us for even pointing our supple manhood in their direction.
>inferior tribe
>Shadow tribe doesn't exist

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You won't be able to handle the shadow tribe
>nothin personnel, kid
>on an unrelated note hows the 8th grade going?
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Also, who the fuck are the shadow tribe? Did Richie implement it?
Nope. just some fag playing pretend
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Best meme 10/10
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holy fuk
nothin personnell, valley lord
Eyyy my man
Who else /sadneuroticautist/ here

Bad Goyim, you don't like us?
What the fuck dude?
nothin personeell
It amazes me how many variations on the word "personal" you have found.
I'm doing the autistic thing and pointing out things I shouldn't.
You know those gems aren't stacked by color. You should fix that.
You are right, they are stacked for value, size and purity, We are jews, we aren't idiots.
You should stack them by color.
Literally why?
We should stack them by rarity then.
If you stack them by color they will be ordered by color.
Oh and put the green ones at the bottom so they are like they grass.
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Edited a bit.
Silly oreman, what matters is not their colour, but their shine!
Then it shall be, separated by colour, gem forms and habits.
No Goyim! Do not be swayed by their corrupted ways.
The shine of the gem is its truest value.

Do not be swayed by colourist ideas
It should be separated by several categories.
And then
And then
From most important to less:
No flaws
Gem Form
Gem Clarity
Gem Size
Gem Dichroism
Gem Color
Ore Tribe
-Autistic Pebble Stackers
-Not even the Jew Tribe yet keep dying inside their own ovens

Sand Tribe

Tree Tribe
-Actual Cannibal Shia Treebeouf
-Ore Tribe Solid 3: Baby Eaters

Mire Tribe

Brush Tribe
-Literally the "Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet or Twisted Fucking Psychopath" meme

Grasslands Tribe
-Traps who actually think they're Mongols
-Literally a shittier Sand Tribe

Jungle Tribe
-So autistic they can only speak three words
-Incapable of answering anything that's not a yes or no question
-Stupid enough to think blinding themselves is a good idea

Ravine Tribe
-Rip off of Ore Tribe

Valley Tribe
-Big Guys 4U
-They work the mercenary
-Go back to /tv/

Shadow Tribe
-Literally just one dude
-So autistic they don't even exist
-More edgy than Bismuth
Still forcing that meme I see
>If I call it a meme then it's not true!
I really really like this image