Three years ago, the warrior race known as the Saiyans were annexed into Emperor Freeza's armies. Since that day, the Saiyans have acted as the emperor's loyal servents, sent first onto dozens of worlds, exterminating all who oppose Lord Freeza's rule. As mighty conquerors, destroying all who have stood against them, the Saiyans quickly made a name for themselves as some of Freeza's most powerful and loyal subjects. Welcome to Saiyan Conqueror Quest, currently Age 734 of the "canon" timeline. You the players will be able to influence events throughout the Dragonball/Z timeline and possibly change the course of history, depending on your choices and the will of the dice. Quest rules:>10 minute vote times or first vote to 3 wins, any ties decided by my roll >first 3 rolls only, best of 3>I hold final say on any decisions; write-ins are allowed if not too meta or game-breaking.Strap in and let's have some fun.Last time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:Karn, Leyas, Meloka. and Tatsu were sent to the world of Dun on an extermination mission. After butchering some of the locals, Karn nearly met his end at the hands of a temple warrior, until he was saved by Leyas. After a night's rest and an impressive zenkai boost, the Saiyans pushed onwards, crushing all in their path. This led to a final showdown between the Dun-ites' lizard god and Oozaru Karn.Link here:SCQ1: a delicious victory feast, the Saiyans spent a full week eradicating the remaining natives of Dun, then reentered their pods and made the long five month return trip back to base. As we return to our victorious Saiyan conquerors, they are just now landing back on Freeza Planet 79.
>>1558798Pods landing back in their docking bays on Freeza Planet 79, it feels good to finally get out and stretch your legs after five long months spent in that pod."Welcome back to base sir!" The platform worker greets you, as you step out of your pod. "I trust your assignment has been completed?""Yes, let Commander Cui know we were successful, and if he needs us we'll be in the mess hall.""Very good sir. The Commander wants you to know you have about two months before your next mission.""Two months? Very well." you reply, walking away. And with that, you lead your team from the platform, another team rushing up to take the pods out on their mission. As you walk inside the complex, you turn to lead your team down to the mess hall. Or you would have, if Leyas and Meloka didn't immediately take off at a full sprint at the first smell of food. Do you:>Race the other Saiyans to the food>Stroll and talk with Tatsu>Other (Write in)
>>1558799>Race the other Saiyans to the foodWork told me to fuck off for the day.Glad they did too.
>>1558805Race wins, roll a d100
Rolled 41 (1d100)>>1558807Are anons even up this early?
>>1558809Don't think so. Going to extend vote times a little until more players show.
Rolled 6 (1d100)>>1558807
Rolled 3 (1d100)>>1558807Aw yiss. It's back!
>>1558813>>1558815C'mon guys
I forgot. Since we're back at the station, that means we're probably gonna get new armor.Begin arguing about outfits.
>>1558823soon>>1558809>>1558813>>155881541/100, not bad, writing
>>1558824I'd chalk up the less than average performance to muscle atrophy.I mean we did just spend 5 months in a ball doing jack shit after all.That can't be good for you.
>>1558799There's no way you're letting those two get to the mess hall first. You want there to be food for you, after all. Taking off at a sprint, your new speed allowing you to catch Meloka quickly. "Hey no fair!" she shouts as you overtake her. "This is bullshit!""What, can't keep up? you taunt back, Meloka growling at you as you leave the small Saiyan woman in the dust.Focusing on Leyas, you start gaining ground as you near the mess hall doors. As you draw even with the large man, he throws an elbow out towards your head. Not ready for the strike, all you can do is retaliate. As you fall backwards, you kick your friend in the side of the head, hard enough to send him to the ground as well. As you both get to your feet, Meloka dashes by, laughing as she passes the both of you. contUpdates will be about this slow for now, as I'm at work.
>>1558846>I'm at workWhat time do you get off?
>>1558846Getting to your feet, you walk over to Leyas and offer him a hand up. Taking it appreciatively, you help pull the larger man to his feet then walk into the mess hall to get some long-awaited grub.The chefs begin panicking as they see the two of you approach, starting to work themselves into a frenzy. Gathering a stack of trays of food each, you and Leyas join Meloka at a table, who is areafy digging in. After a short moment later, Tatsu walks in and calmy gathers a respectable stack himself. All now seated together, digging into your food, you all enjoy your first true meal in month, not those supplements kept in the pods.cont
>>15588496pm EST>>1558852As you are all sitting there enjoying your food, a familiar voice calls out behind you, "Well well well, look who's here!" You stand slowly, turning to face the owner of the voice, your face a neutral mask. Tatsu and Meloka look at you with confusion, then to the one you're staring down. Recognition dawns on their faces. As you stare each other down, you both begin walking towards each other. The entire room has gone quiet, save for your footsteps and the sounds of Leyas eating, oblivious. Everyone is watching to see what happens next. As you and the absolute giant of a man get within arms' reach, you clasp fists as if arm wrestling, each straining to move the others' arm. After several tense seconds of deadlock, the larger man uses his other arm and pulls you into a crushing embrace, laughing. "Haha! Long time no see, eh Karn? You've gotten much stronger than back in the day!""Good to see you too Nappa, how's it been, 'General'?" you ask him, friendly-mocking his title."Nappa?" Leyas asks, turning from his food. "Oh shit man how're you! Been too long!"The two large men clasp forarms, years of memories flashing behind their eyes. "Been too long friends, too long. Work's good, can't complain." the large man replies." Just got back from some miserable mudball called Sardus, too bad the Greys don't put up much of a fight."You've fought the Greys?" Tatsu asks the mountain of a man as he sits at the table between yourself and Leyas. "Haven't ran into them yet myself, anything particular to watch out for?""Nah, they're weak." Nappa replies. "Even the Tuffles tech was able to kill some of us, these guys' weapons are even weaker. Barely scratched any of my men. Makes me wonder how they ever expanded so far.""How long are you here for?" You ask your old friend. "Want to go a round or two for old time's sake?""Maybe next time, supposed to head out now, just swung by when I'd heard you made it back." Nappa tells you. "Looking at your armor, you were in a hell of a fight.""Oh it was great!" Meloka brags. "Karn almost bit it to a weakling the day we landed, but he killed a big lizard with a huuuge power of 54000!""What?" Nappa asks confused, as he reaches for his scouter. Whispered murmurs spread amongst the gathered soldiers; concern, awe, and fear primary amongst the voices. "There's no way ol' Karn here could... What the hell, 4825?!" Nappa exclaims, equal parts pride and worry. "What the hell happened to you?""As Meloka says, I got my ass beat by some schmuck." you tell him. "If it wasn't for Leyas here, he'd have got me." you say, nodding appreciatively at your friend. "But we got him, and we got the rest of their species too.""I always knew you two'd look out for each other." Nappa says. "I'd enjoy more catching up, but I have to move. Those Greys aren't just going to kill themselves hahaha." And with that, you say your goodbyes to your oldest friend as he heads out to his next conquest.cont
>>1558879Some time later, with everyone having eaten as much as the cooks would give out, you still have plenty of time before your next mission. Before you do anything else, is time to get some new gear. Your gear is quite battered, and would probably fall apart on you if you were to train in it. Leading your squad to the armory, you greet the armorer as you walk in."Well who'd have thought; more monkeys who broke my suits." The rather large, surly yellow alien complains. "I reckon you're here for some more to break?""Of course! You just love finding me new suits of armor, don'tcha big guy?" Meloka taunts the alien, lifting and tossing the remains of her armor over her head on the ground, the rest of you following suit. "The shit I put up with." the armorer grumbles, gathering up the ruined armor. Despite his words, his eyes never quite leave Meloka, especially as she strips off her skintights. When she catches the alien lecherously staring, she simply turns to face the alien, eyebrow raised and hands on her hips, daring him to try something. With a mutter, he averts his stare, gathering the rest of the suits and walking back into the supply room."Creep." Meloka states simply."Guy's a rat." Leyas states, walking up and putting a hand on her shoulder. "But at least he knows he doesn't stand a cha-" That is all Leyas gets out before Meloka grabs his arm, drops to a knee and tosses Leyas over her shoulder, throwing the much larger man hard on the ground. Glancing quickly towards you and smirking, obviously proud she's mastered the throw, she quickly stands, planting a bare foot on Leyas' gut, pinning him. Leveling her palm at his face, energy gathered in her palm, she asks, "Who the hell said YOU have a chance either?" "If you're gonna fight, get the fuck out of my armory." the armorer says, returning. "I've got each of your usual gear ready, if anyone wants something different, let me know.">This is fine>What else do you have?
>>1558886>What else do you have?
I'll be back in 30minutes, everyone be free to discuss armor. This is current equipment. You will be able to change armor, skintights, and scouter color.
>>1558886>Write-in>Be a good senpai and show that we're proud of Meloka
>>1558890Looks pretty sick to meMaybe a backup scouter just in case
>>1558886>>What else do you have?
>>1558890Spare scouter might help.You got any portable healing stuff?
>>1558886>What else do you have?I know we're Saiyans, but a few tools can make our job a whole lot easier. Our character is considered pretty lax after all, so it's probably in character.>>1558893Also backing this.
>>1558890If possible I think we should get different color armor. Maybe grey and black or black and blue. Also pants, definitely pants.
>>1558902I just realized that Meloka's skintight is REALLY short>>1558846
>>1558890We must have tail armour.
>>1558886>>What else do you have?it begins
>>1558798Well, so what's your major? We know it's not Veterinary nor anything that involves any writing ability. :^)
>>1558912Fucking this. Not about to get curb stomped because we can't keep it in our pants.
>>1558890We are definitely changing into full length pants.Also my vote for Armor is Raditz colors
>>1558919Seconding the Raditz Armor
>>1558886Full pants and maybe sleeves?
>>1558886"What else do you have?" you ask the armorer."Come with me, I'll show you what we've got." the old armorer replies, heading back through the door."Nice throw by the way, you've really got that one down." you tell Meloka, who beams at you appreciatively. Turning and following the armorer into the storeroom, he's already gotten the suits in your size down and laid out."Here's what we've got right now," he tells you, stepping back so you can decide. Which will you take?Choose armor>Black/Brown(raditz, Tatsu, Leyas)>Purple(Turles, Meloka)>Yellow/Blue(Nappa, current)Choose skintights:>Bare minimum>Shorts(current)>PantsChoose scouter:>Blue>Red>GreenThis will be a longer vote than usual
>>1558933>Black/Brown(raditz, Tatsu, Leyas)>Shorts(current)>Shorts(current)
>>1558933>Yellow/Blue(Nappa, current)>Pants>Red
>>1558933>>Yellow/Blue(Nappa, current)>>Pants>>Red
>>1558933>Purple(Turles, Meloka)>Pants>Blue
>>1558933>Yellow/Blue(Nappa, current)>Pants>Red>>1558939BROTHER
So I think we can all agree that we want pants at least.That's good, we're a step above most third world countries right now.
>>1558933>Choose armor>>Purple(Turles, Meloka)>Choose skintights:>>Pants>Choose scouter:>>Red
>>1558947>>1558942>>1558941>>1558940>>1558939>>1558938>>1558937>>1558935Consensus is pants and red scouter. First three votes are tiebreaker between Black/Brown and Blue/Yellow armor. Go
>>1558964>Black/Brown(raditz, Tatsu, Leyas)
>>1558964>Blue/Yellow armor
>>1558964>>Blue/Yellow armor
>>1558964Voting again then for >Blue/Yellow Armor
>>1558977>>1558975>>1558972Blue/Yellow wins. Current equipment:Same armorFull pants skintightsred scouterWriting
>>1558991Yeah.Official as fuck.
>>1558991can we get a pic as well?
>>1558991We got Red, yellow, and blue. All the primary colors in one
>Just woke up, sees what was chosen for armor aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
>>1559012He's at work right now dude.I'll photoshop the existing pic though.
>>1559020If anyone's got the game and willing to spend a few minutes in character creation then that could work.
>>1558933Putting on your chosen equipment, you walk out to your teammates who have already dressed in their new gear."Felt like something different, eh?" Leyas asks you, seeing your changed gear."Feel like a new man after that mission, new gear to go with the new me." you reply, getting the feel for how the new equipments feels."Works for you." Meloka states, while everyone finishes adjusting their gear.As you lead your team from the armory, a sarcastic "You're welcome!" follows you out. With your gear squared away, it is time to start back into training while you wait on your next assignment. But what kind of training will you focus on?>Offense(punches, kicks, headbuts, etc.)>Defensive(Blocks, grapples, deflections, etc.)>Stamina(More health, higher resistances, larger energy pool)>Energy attacks(Stronger blasts, lesser energy costs, shorter charge times)>Speed(Easier dodging, faster reflexes and attack speed)Pick up to two to train. Picking more than one will split the results, but may better balance training gains.
>>1559031>Offense(punches, kicks, headbuts, etc.)>Speed(Easier dodging, faster reflexes and attack speed)
>>1559031>Stamina(More health, higher resistances, larger energy pool)>Offense(punches, kicks, headbuts, etc.)WE AM FIGHTER
>>1559031>Offense(punches, kicks, headbuts, etc.)>Stamina(More health, higher resistances, larger energy pool)All offense all the time.
>>1559031>Offense(punches, kicks, headbuts, etc.)>Speed(Easier dodging, faster reflexes and attack speed)If possible use weighted clothing>>1559032good job
>>1559031>Offense(punches, kicks, headbuts, etc.)and>Stamina(More health, higher resistances, larger energy pool)
>>1559032Nicely done>>1559046>>1559045>>1559041>>1559039Offense chosen, Speed and stamina tied. First to three votes decides it
>>1559059stamina baby
>>1559059>Speed(Easier dodging, faster reflexes and attack speed)
Fuck it.Rushdown is good too.
>>1559059>>1559074Let me change that so it's easier to notice>Stamina(More health, higher resistances, larger energy pool)
>>1559076The vote is already closed.Best of 3 and Speed won.
>>1559081but you just voted stamina, and with the anon that just voted that makes 3 for stamina, 2 for speed, for now stamina wins
>>1559061>>1559074>>1559079Offense and stamina wins, roll me a d100 for training.
>>1559083I was just lamenting the fact that I misread the vote.I thought it was whatever had the most support in the first three votes, not whatever got to 3 votes first.I'm dumb.
Rolled 69 (1d100)>>1559087Let's go!
Rolled 6 (1d100)>>1559087fug
Rolled 72 (1d100)>>1559087
Rolled 85 (1d100)>>1559087
>>1559093so close>>1559092at least this is pretty good
>>1559089>>1559091>>1559092Great! Effective training, writing>>1559093why didn't you roll sooner?
>>1559097And so Karn started hitting the punching bag for 2 months straight.
Rolled 63 (1d100)>>1559097:^)
>>1559031For the next two months, your team dives headfirst into training, prepairing for your next mission. For the first month, you work on building your stamina up. Running around the planet, hitting a bag for days on end, anything you can concieve to build your stamina you do. After the month is up, you pair up with Tatsu to work on your offense capabilities, the older Saiyan having the best defense of your group. As you begin working with Tatsu, you notice the effects of your stamina training almost immediately. You are able to attack his guard until the older Saiyan grows too tired, scoring hits after he can no longer keep up. After your fifth sparring session, the older Saiyan gives you an idea. When you spar next, you follow his advice and attack him as you would usually, but now you fight with 50lb dumbells in each hand. The extra weight makes your attacks slower, but more of a challenge to stop, the extra weight adding plenty of momentum. Sparring in this manner builds your stamina even further as you build your strength over the month, soon you are swinging as if you are completly unencumbered. As the second month draws to a close, you gather your team and ask what everyone trained.cont
Rolled 114 (1d250)>>1559181gainz?
>>1559181"Well first," Meloka says, "I worked with Tatsu to learn that Power Ball technique he used. It's a lot harder than it looks! Then after that I spent the rest of my time making a new technique.""That's good." you tell Meloka. "What about you Leyas?""Spent it working on how much pain I could take." he tells you. "Nobody can keep me down now.""Thats good." you state. "Now we can-"Karn's squad, report to operations deck"About time. Alright everyone, let's get moving." you say, walking towards Operations. "Let's see what they've got for us this time."Arriving on the Operations deck, you are again greeted by your commander, Cui."Hope you guys enjoyed your vacation, because it is time to get back to work." Cui says, by way of greeting."About time we get to leave this damn cage." Meloka mouths off to the alien. "Haven't got to kill anything in months, feel like I'm getting dull.""Don't you worry, little monkey." Cui replies patronizingly. "You'll get carnage to your tiny heart's content." Turning to you, Cui states. "Got two planets to choose from, both are difficult assignments.""Alright let's hear them then." you reply, down to business."Good. Ok then listen up." Cui states. "First , Wass. Nobody's touched this assignment since those first guys, but we have been able to dig up a bit more info on the planet in the meantime. This world was home to some long-forgotten race, wiped out by self-genocide before they ever reached open space. They managed contact as far as their own moon before the war broke out. But despite the lack of useful spacecraft, they had a rather advanced tech level, as well as some sort of sustainable energy source. Perhaps this "Ghost" is some unmanned weapon still roaming the planet, or some sort of automated defense network. Either way, you'll need to destroy everything that shoots, flies, or moves. Next up is planet Krunn. Yet another world on our list of "to sell" planets recently captured by the Greys. Apparently they used the world to house some sort of research facility, but the Greys all packed up and fled the planet suddenly about seven months ago, not even destroying their labs on the way out. Something, or somethings 'got out,' was all we could decrypt from their fleeing vessel's comms. No communications or vessels have been sent back to the world, and no signals have been observed originating from the planet; so we want to take that planet back while the Greys are away. Not very many life signals are picking up on the scouter, the world wasn't habitated before the Greys arrived. But we're picking up a cluster of powerlevels somewhere within their facility, and a few have made it to the surface. The ones planetside read around 4-6 thousand, can't get a good read through their station's shielding on the others. So, which'll it be?">Krunn(hard)>Wass(hard)30 minute vote, or first to 5 wins.
>>1559260>Krunn(hard)Can't eat ghosts.Can possibly eat stuff on Krunn
>>1559260>krunnQM says I won't miss anything. Now we wear pants. Goddamnit
>>1559266>>1559272>>1559276>>1559282>>1559288Looks like we're getting Krunnk ey boyz
>>1559266>>1559272>>1559276>>1559282>>1559288Krunn it is, writing.have fun
Rolled 97 (1d100)>>1559308
>>1559431Anon...why would you do this to me?
>>1559434Do what?I rolled a 97, that doesn't affect you at all.
>>1559436You son of a bitch, you wasted a 97
>>1559436>wasting a 97>What it doesn't affect you, Its not like this quest uses rolls.I hope you kill yourself for jinxing us.
>>1559436>>1559450We might as well just end it here cause we're pretty much fucked at this point, gg guys it was fun while it lasted.
>>1559468Rip and tear sadly, all orger. Gotta spirt bomb our own world now and start anew in the future.
>>1559468Good quest everyone, I'll see you all in therapy.
Rolled 18, 93, 73, 48, 25, 69, 74, 34, 33, 92 = 559 (10d100)>>1559468:^)
Rolled 57, 37, 61, 73, 89, 7, 86 = 410 (7d100)>>1559490I prefer rolling 7 dice7 is a lucky number
I'm back guys, sorry about delay. Of all the days to be busy. Writing for real this time.
>>1559534I sense guilt.You may only absolve yourself by writing really kickass enemies that die in huge explosion.
>>1559260"We'll take Krunn." you tell Cui. "Whatever guards those Greys left behind can't stop us!" Meloka yells out, excited to leave the station."You'll be in space for three months, a short trip." Cui tells you. "Platform 3, your pods are ready. Dismissed."Leaving Operations behind, you head toward Platform three. "Wonder what kind of guard dogs they left behind?" Leyas asks."Must be something strong but stupid." Meloka states. "Whatever was left behind hasn't been checked up on by the Greys.""I don't think they're guards." Tatsu states, Meloka and Leyas turning to him. "The intercepted transmission said something 'got out', then they all fled the world. Sounds more like some bioweapon got free. What do you think Karn?">Agree with Tatsu>Agree with Leyas/Meloka>Other thoughts(Write in)
>>1559552>Agree with Tatsu
>>1559552>Well they bailed on this place, so there tech couldn't handle it. I expect you all to stay on alert for traps and ruses.
>>1559552>Other thoughts(Write in)Irrelevant.If we punch it, it will die, then it won't matter.
>>1559552"He did say that they detected a cluster of powerlevels somewhere within their facility so it can't be a bioweapon.">>1559557Backing this
>>1559552>Agree with Tatsu but say it's irrelevant. We'll kill it either way.
>>1559552>>Agree with Tatsu
>>1559613>>1559598>>1559560>>1559557>>1559556>>1559554Looks like agree with Tatsu, but declare irrelevant wins. Writing.
>>1559552I agree they were working on some type of creature weapon," you tell Tatsu. "But it is irrelevant. "Those things were given life, so it can be taken away just as easily."Arriving at the launch platform, you each climb into your pods; each attack ball sealing with a hiss of pressurization. Once closed, your pods launch into the sky, quickly breaking through the atmosphere and head to planet Krunn. You have three months, what do you first?>Talk to Leyas>Talk to Meloka>Talk to Tatsu>OtherWriteins welcome
>>1559709>Talk to Tatsuask if he's got any experience with similar threats and maybe begin coordinating some strategy
>>1559709backing this >>1559738
>>1559709>start thinking up new techniquesPod time is our personal technique training time
>>1559709>>Talk to Tatsu
>>1559738This really
>>1559747>>1559739>>1559738Talk strategy with Tatsu wins, writing.
>>1559709Opening a comm line to Tatsu's pod, you ask the older Saiyan, "You seemed to have a pretty thought-out idea of what went down, seen anything like this before?""Few times." Tatsu says. "First time our scientists back home on Vegeta made the original Saibamen, little fuckers got out and started rampaging. Luckily their power levels were only 500, so putting them down was pretty easy. But they'd blow themselves up before we could capture them. When we get to Krunn, we need to be careful. Who knows what sort of abilities the Greys gave their monsters?""I agree." you tell Tatsu. "Until we know what they can do, we need to play it safe. Find one alone on the surface and see just what it is capable of.""If you don't mind, I'm going to bed." Tatsu tells you. "Spaceflights are less terrible asleep." And with that his comms shut off. What do you do now?>Talk to Meloka>Talk to Leyas>Develop a new technique>Other(write in)
>>1559851>Develop a new techniqueLet's get strong
>>1559851>>Talk to Meloka>>Talk to Leyasfill them in
>>1559851>Develop a new techniqueDid we bring any Cybermen?
>>1559851>Develop a new technique
>>1559860Not this time.They aren't used by the PTO at large yet, and it has been several years since you were last home on planet Vegeta.>>1559855>>1559860>>1559869>>1559871Develop technique wins. Choices are:>Energy Bomb-slow-moving but powerful, undeflectable explosive blast>Energy Wave Barrage-fire energy waves repeteadly from your hands>Super Guard-coat your body in your energy, absorbing a large percentage of the damage from attacks>Piercing Fist-charge up energy in your fist and charge, piercing through most lesser energy attacksfuck captcha and fuck selecting 4 dozen cars
>>1559943>Piercing Fist-charge up energy in your fist and charge, piercing through most lesser energy attacks
>>1559943>Piercing Fist-charge up energy in your fist and charge, piercing through most lesser energy attacksTry roads mate.
>>1559954>>1559950>>1559947Piercing Fist wins, roll me a d100.DC 35
Rolled 60 (1d100)>>1559961
Rolled 97 (1d100)>>1559961Dicey
Rolled 54 (1d100)>>1559961
>>1559970Looks like I made us the penetrator mark 9000
>>1559970I'll suck your frost demon dick!
>>1559970Assume the position, we've become Fisto.
>>1559972>>1559970>>155996497/100, supreme success, writing
>>1559984Sweet, now we should learn to do it with both hands plus super guard, then we'll be a real brawler.
>>1559851For the three month trip, you spend most of your time withdrawn, focusing on your power and crafting a new technique.Two months in, you've mastered you new Piercing Fist technique. You're certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when you use this technique it will work like you've planned. Since that took less time than expected, is there anything else you want to do before your pods touch down?>Talk to Leyas>Talk to Meloka>Talk with Tatsu>timeskip to Krunn orbit20 minute vote time for this one, finishing up at work now.
>>1560076>Talk to Meloka
>>1560076>Talk to MelokaAsk her about her thoughts breeding
>>1560076>timeskip to Krunn orbit
>>1560076>Talk to MelokaBe the best senpai
>>1560076>>Talk to Meloka
>>1560076>>Talk to LeyasJust to be different.
>>1560127he's likely still sleeping
>>1560080>>1560086>>1560092>>1560097>>1560104Talk to Meloka wins, writing
>>1560076Deciding to talk to Meloka, you open a line to her pod."Hey Meloka, you up?" you ask."Karn? Oh hey, wha- *yawn* whats up?" Meloka sleepily responds."Just checking in. Been working on a new technique and just finished up, was wondering about that technique you were talking about back on the station.""Oh that." she replies, now sounding fully awake. "Between those Dun lizards' claws tearing through Tatsu's armor like it wasn't there and you punching straight through that big gold one's head, I figured I needed an attack like that. So, taking your attack I improved it! I can now make a blade of energy from my arm to cut through anything! What do you think?">Thats amazing>Does it work?>Think you can teach me that?>How was learning the Power Ball?>You're amazing(flirt)>Other(write in)Home now, prepare for longer posts from me.
>>1560253>You're amazing. Flirt
>>1560253>>Does it work?>Pretty good for a copy.
>>1560253>You're amazing(flirt)>Think you can teach me that?>How was learning the Power Ball?
>>1560253You're amazing
>>1560270Shoot, I only wanted the second line
>>1560253>That's amazing>Think you can teach me that?
>>1560253Praise her. It should be a good surprise weapon should anyone get to close. It shores up get weaknessess.
>>1560281Her weaknessess. Fucking autocorrect.
>>1560253>Thats amazing>Think you can teach me that?
>>1560275>>1560273>>1560272>>1560259>>1560281>>1560297flirt wins, can you teach me that as an afterthought. Roll me a D100, hidden DC
Rolled 34 (1d100)>>1560299
Rolled 29 (1d100)>>1560299
Rolled 43 (1d100)>>1560299becky lemme smash.
Rolled 76 (1d100)>>1560299
Rolled 45 (1d100)>>1560315Shit
>>1560307>>1560305>>156030143/100.DC was 40, y'all did okWriting
Rolled 10 (1d100)>>1560319write something pretty.
>>1560253"You're amazing." you tell Meloka. "That was pretty clever of you, I'm impressed.""R-really?" Meloka stammers out. "Y-you really think I'm amazing?""Of course. Wouldn't say so otherwise." you say back. "You think you can teach me how to use that move sometime?""Of course!" Meloka shouts back at you. "But we can't do it right now though. If you let the energy out wrong you'll blow a hole in your pod, and we're too far away to fly there.""If I do break my pod I'll just share yours." you say back teasingly. "You're small enough we could both fit.""I uh umm." Meloka stammers out, embarrased. You can almost imagine how red her face is right now. "I mean you can, but there wouldn't be that much room for both of us."Before you can respond to that, you both hear a click and Leyas has joined on the same line."Hey guys you two know when we'll land?""We have about three weeks left." you tell your friend, who simply grunts, annoyed, and switches his comm line back off."Well, that kinda ruined the mood." Meloka tells you. "Anything else you wanna talk about?">Ask about the Energy Sword some more>Ask about the Power Ball>Ask her about herself>Tease Meloka some more about 2Saiyans/1Pod>Talk to Tatsu(write in what)>Timeskip to Krunn>Other(write in)
>>1560429>>Ask her about herselfEXPOSITION AND BACKSTORY
>>1560429>Ask her about herself>Light teasing
>>1560429>Ask her about herself>Tease Meloka some more about 2Saiyans/1Pod
>>1560429>Ask her about herself
>>1560437>>1560440>>1560443Ask about her and tease wins, writing
>>1560429"So tell me about yourself Meloka." you say."Oh uhh sure." Meloka says. "What do you wanna know?""Why'd you join up?" you ask. "There were plenty of squads picking up more members, what made you choose mine?""Oh uhhh well" she starts. "Remember back when that Tuffle bombing raid hit Yamma's village?""Yeah, I remember that one. First, and last major Tuffle offensive against us. That was what, 5, 6 years ago? They were getting hit hard, me, Leyas, and Nappa were out hunting nearby, we jumped in to help.""I know." she say. "I was there. That was my village they destroyed. You probably don't remember me, but I remember what you did. You jumped in front of a bomb that was going to kill me, and blew both it and the pilot up.""Wait that was you?" you ask. "Yeah. Since that day I wanted to be a fighter; strong and invincible, like you!""Oh really?""Yeah! When I saw you were looking for another member, I knew I had to join up and show you how strong I got because of you.""So thats why you want me with you in your pod?" you ask. "To show me how strong you've gotten?""No thats not it!" she shouts at you."So why do you want me in your pod with you then?" you ask.cont
>>1560650Okay, Meloka is a cute engine of destruction. I'm okay with everyone wanting to waifu now.
>>1560671Nah. Gotta see who else we can runt
>>1560650>I want to be like you senpai>Mah Heartstrings
>>1560650>We're somebody's role modelNICE
>>1560673You're allowed to reserve your vote, I dunno if we're gonna find a better one than a Saiyan blaster specialist who wants to prove herself to us though.
>>1560650Meloka is a cute.
>>1560650"I-I uhh." Meloka stammers, unable to find an answer."pfff""What?!""Hahahahaha."Whaaaat?! What the fuck are you laughing about!""I'm just messing with you." you tell a quite flustered Meloka. "Relax a bit." "...Jerk." she eventually says. "Oh wait, I almost forgot!""Forgot what?""What was that technique you said you made?""Oh that." you say. "I call it the Piercing Fist. You wrap your fist in energy, and let it spiral into cone out around you as you dash forward. This should allow me to punch through just about anything.""Oh wow. You figured that out just in the time we've been in these pods?""Yeah. Was a bit of work to not fry my pod's controls, but I've gotten it down."A pause fills the airwaves, neither of you sure what to say next."Well." Meloka says, filling the silence. "I'm gonna take a quick nap and rest up before we get there.""Alright, rest up." You tell Meloka."Will do."ClickTimeskipping to Krunn now, writing.Meloka likes you even more now
>>1560819>Meloka likes you even more nowNice.
>>1560673We can wait and see but just to let you know we are Saiyans, relationships aren't really common. If you just want to runt a few Saiyan women before you get into a relationship there really isn't anything stopping karn, not even cultural norms. Actually, they seem to encourage it.
>>1560819>Meloka likes you even more nowAll is right in the world.
>>1560819Dropped image
>>1560840Rut. Runt is an animal that's the smallest of a litter.
>>1558879>tfw nappa bromance
>>1560853I just wrote what he wrote
>>1560819"One minute until we land." Tatsu's voice crackles to life in your pod. "We'll be landing about two miles from the lab.""Why so far away?" Leyas asks."Safety." you tell Leyas. "We don't want whatever's there to swarm out on our pods. Plus if we have to transform into Oozaru, we don't want to accidentally crush them.""Oh, ok then." Leyas replies.With a loud crash, your pods all impact Krunn's surface.Leaving the pod, you stretch your limbs and take in your new surroundings. A bleak world, the atmosphere tints everything green. Trees may have once grown here, ages ago. Switching on your scouter, a powerlevel of 4100 pings behind you about 25 yards. Turning around, you see the source.Standing roughly 8 feet tall, the beast has horns, sharp teeth, and wicked looking claws. With a bellowing roar, the creature is calling out in challenge to you. What do you do?>Everyone attack>Fight it alone>Let someone else fight it(specify who)>Other(write in)Welcome to Drunn!
>>1560913>Everyone attack
>>1560913>>Everyone attackKill it but don't disintegrate it.We need to figure out what the fuck it is.
>>1560913>>Everyone attackBlast the thing.
>>1560925The labs are intact, we can probably figure out.No need for unnecessary danger.
>>1560919>>1560925>>1560929Group attack wins, roll me a d100
>>1560913>Everyone Attack
Rolled 35 (1d100)>>1560952
Rolled 57 (1d100)>>1560952
Rolled 64 (1d100)>>1560952
Rolled 97 (1d100)>>1560952
Rolled 75, 10, 90 = 175 (3d100)>>1560959>>1560958>>156095564/100, not bad, now let's see how well your team fares.
>>1560966Ho boy, somebody is getting the first bite tonight.
>>1560966Leyas gets fucked I guess.
>>1560960>You must wait 35 seconds in between posts
>>1560966Most of your teammates did well, writingMeloka needs to get her head back in the game and off you
>>1560980So QM, can you give us an update on our groups power levels in a bit? Just curious.
>>1560996A pastebin of sorts?
>>1560989>MelokaWe gave her all those death flags and we didn't even notice
>>1561007Don't you fucking dare.
>>1560996Karn-4825Leyas-3570Meloka-3245Tatsu-4043Pastebin someday>>1561007>>1561013>single low roll>deathI'm not Som plz no bully Som
>>1561023Som a shit. Love reading Som's shit, hate watching it happen in person.
>>1561023I bet Tien rolled like a 43 or something that last thread.Dude got megafucked
>>1561023Saiyans are tough as fuck. Viltrumites were inspired by them after all.
>>1561030Yah, he also rolled bad at remaining in existence in as a cadaver.He just got evaporated like no big deal.>>1561036Really? I've read invincible.Is that what the author stated?
>>1561045I've read invincible too and come on, you have to admit it's pretty obvious. They even make a joke where one of the vilutrimite generals tells invincible that getting angry doesn't make you any stronger.
>>1561068Yeah, now I'm reviewing my memories of it the comic I see your point.Maybe I just invested myself too much in the story and plainly ignored those references.The mustaches, my god.
>>1561083Never read the reader mail bits eh? The creators talked a lot about how the creator of Dragon Ball loved Superman as a kid. Then they talked about how they loved Dragon ball and Z. So...yea.
>>1561068And how single Viltrumites are send to various planets to conquer them.
>>1560913"Alright everyone, together." You tell your team. "Keep away from those claws, and let's test what this thing can do."With that, you dash towards the beast, but cut to the right and dash away as it swings its' right hand's razor-sharp claws at you. Leaving itself open, Leyas dasher behind you and plants his fist in its face, staggering the beast. Dashing up to dodge the other hand's claws, Leyas is followed by Meloka rushing in, arm coated in energy shaped like a blade. Somehow the beast knows Meloka is coming and dodges most of her blade, only scoring a shallow cut across the creature's midsection. Howling in pain and rage, the creature swings its claws down. Meloka manages to block the swing with her blade, but the force of the attack knocks her off balance. The beast goes in for a second swing, but is interrupted by Tatsu, who fires an Energy Wave into the beast's face."Get clear!" he yells at Meloka, firing a second wave and forcing the beast to leap to evade it. Seeing your chance, you dash toward the beast and land a solid kick to the back of its' head, sending it crashing back to the ground."What the hell are you doing?" you ask Meloka. "Keep back, this thing's even stronger than me.""R-right!" she yells back, clearly shaken by the creature's raw power.With a roar, you all look down to the beast, which now appears to be glowing a sickly green. You feela nauseating energy radiating from this beast. What do you do now?>Everyone get far back and defend, you don't like this>Rush in and attack it now, don't let it finish whatever it's doing>Land in front of the beast, focus its' attention on you>Energy Blast, interrupt it(specify)>Other (write in)
>>1561117>>Rush in and attack it now, don't let it finish whatever it's doingNever let the Kamehameha finish.
>>1561117>>Rush in and attack it now, don't let it finish whatever it's doingFACE FUCK IT
>>1561123Hope you like hepatitus.
>>1561117>>>Rush in and attack it now, don't let it finish whatever it's doingHope it hasn't got regenerative powers.
>>1561139>>1561123>>1561120Rush in and attack it wins, roll a d100DC 60>>1561139stop reading my notes!
Rolled 6 (1d100)>>1561152I knew it!Check the scouter.It's hard fighting a zombie.
Rolled 20 (1d100)>>1561152nat 100
Rolled 54 (1d100)>>1561152
>>1561160>>1561161>>1561165fuck... zenkai time, I guess
Rolled 65 (1d100)>>1561152
Rolled 15, 21, 63 = 99 (3d100)>>1561160>>1561161>>1561165So close, narrow failure. Rolling for your teammates
>>1561180Well, they're fucked.Zenkai for you, zenkai for him, zenkai for everyone!
>>1561180Shit, I leave to finish dinner...Oh well.
>>1561180Karn's first serious fight bad luck has spread. Writing
>>1561117"Yeah I don't like this." you tell everyone. "Let's stop whatever this is."With that you charge up your Piercing Fist and dash down towards the glowing creature, aiming for its' head. With a shout, Meloka charges up her Energy Sword and dashes after you, Leyas not far behind. Tatsu remains where he is, charging up a Full-Power Energy Wave.Rapidly approaching the creature, it again somehow senses your approach, leaping back from your attack at the last second. Crashing into the ground, your attack disappates harmlessly. Meloka's and Leyas' attacks do not fare any better. As soon as they get close the beast roars, a wave of energy explodes from it moments before Tatsu's wave connects with it, unable to pierce the green blast. Leyas, Meloka, and yourself are all blown away, scorched and landing hard on the ground. Picking yourselves up off the ground, you see the beast, now no longer glowing, dashing towards:>You>Leyas>MelokaChoose wisely
>>1561314>>YouWe can do it guys!
>>1561314>>YouBest chance to put it down.Hopefully we don't have cancer now.Or super fucked up genetics.
>>1561314>>YouJust good old energy wave.
>>1561324>radiation>implying its' energy isn't green because the power is maximum>>1561319>>1561324>>1561325Writing
>>1561336>no rollit's over
>>1561351Have we even checked it's power level?
>>1561314You. The beast is headed right for you, murder in its' eyes, and none of your teammates are near enough to help you. What will you do?>Rush and meet its' charge>Stand your ground and defend>Evade it and counterattack>Explosive Wave>Other(write in)
>>1561363>>Evade it and counterattackWe dont even know the damage it can do.Aim for the eyes, even if he regenerates he's fucked in the meantime.
>>15613614,100 I think.>>1561363>Piercing FistPop this fucker.
>>1561363>evade and counter
>>1561363>Piercing Fist
>>1561375>>1561361You did when you landed, it is at 4500.
>>1561363>Rush and meet its' charge
>>1561401>4500If we don't kill it, can we make it our pet?
>>1558798So happy to see you!
>>1561363> Go for the eyes Boo!
>>1561363>>Evade it and counterattackIt's powerful, let's test it's footwork.
>>1561433>>1561391>>1561373Evade and counter wins, roll me a d100DC 55
>>1561363>Evade it and counterattack
Rolled 74 (1d100)>>1561443go go go
Rolled 76 (1d100)>>1561443
Rolled 16 (1d100)>>1561443
Rolled 46 (1d100)>>1561443
>>1561446>>1561447Eat fist you overgrown lizard fuck.
>>1561449>>1561447>>156144676/100Great success, writing
>>1561363Rush and meet it head on, PIERCING FIST
>>1561363Shit! That thing is fast! No time for anything fancy, you just have to time this right. Bearing down on you, the beast swings its' right claws downward at you. Or rather, where you were. As it swung downward, you dashed straight under its upraised arm and started charging your Piercing Fist. Confused, the beast starts looking around, only to turn and see you as you charge, your attack hitting it directly in the face, going straight through the beast's skull. Flying past the beast, you end the attack, coming to a stop quite some distance away."Woah, that was an attack." Leyas says, flying over to you."That was amazing!" Meloka shouts as she flies to you as well, Tatsu flying down to look at the beast."Hey everyone, look at this!" Tatsu calls you all over to the slain beast."What is it? you call, everyone flying over to the veteran soldier."Remember where you slashed the beast Meloka?" Tatsu asks."Yeah, what about it?" is her reply."Where is it?""What do yo-" Meloka states, but then she sees it. Where her blade had cut the creature had completly healed itself."So these things can regenerate?" Leyas asks bluntly."Seems that way." you state, staring at the fallen beast. "Wonder if what I did to it killed it?"What should we do now, wait to see if it grows a new head?" Meloka asks."I say we keep blasting it until there's nothing left." Leyas states."What do you think?" Tatsu asks you.What do you do?>Observe the beast>Obliterate it>Other(write in)
>>1561654>>Observe the beastKnow your enemy.
>>1561654So wait...the Piercing Fist is just Little Mac's neutral special?Nice.
>>1561654>Other(write in)Ride it and tame it.Alternatively trap it in a box and use it as food.
>>1561654>Rip it's horns offTrophy for the kill.>>1561654>Obliterate it
>>1561654>Observe the beastlet's see how much punishment they can take before we hunt more of them
>>1561654this >>1561677
>>1561677>eating irradiated meatI'm not sure how rad resistant we are, but that's not a good idea either way.
Rolled 2 (1d2)>>1561687>>1561677>>1561663>>1561693>1 Observe>2 Attempt to make it a pet/eat
>>1561720like a true saiyan
>>1561720Hah! I mean, if it could hurt a saiyan...could be useful in theory.
>>1561720for fucks sake, whatever maybe we'll get cool pets out of it.
>>1561720Best eat it, maybe it'll make us stronger.
>>1561764Leyas does like to eat shit.
>>1561764or give us radiation sickness
>>1561764>What the fuck did you do to yourself? These readings sound like you chewed up your pod's engines!>I ate a strange animal while I was destroying it's planet.
>>1561771Well you know how Saiyans are, act first think later.
>>1561654"Everyone take a break. I'm going to try something." you tell your team."Karn, what are you doing?" Tatsu asks."If this thing gets back up, I'm going to show it who's in charge." you tell Tatsu. "If not I'm going to see if it tastes good.""Well as long as we see what it's capable of." Tatsu tells you, walking over to the pods and sitting back inside his."Wait, you're serious aren't you?" Meloka asks."Of course I am." you tell a very confused Meloka. "If it can be taught, then it at least has some level of intelligence. If not, then it at least will make a good post-battle meal.""I'm hoping it doesn't get up." Leyas states. "I'm hungry.""Give it five minutes." you tell Leyas. "If it hasn't made any progress towards regenerating by then, it probably won't and we can dig in."cont
I really don't see any benefits to keeping it as a pet, and how are we even going to transport it back anyway?
>>1561855We can call a shuttle or something.I want a Deathclaw damnit.If nothing else, it'd make a good gift to royalty.
>>1561808And so an agonizingly slow five minutes pass, the three of you observing the fallen beast. When it doesn't regenerate even the smallest amount of the damage you dealt to it, Letas blasts the beast, roasting it with energy. Tearing a chunk off the beast, Leyas digs in with the fervor few non-Saiyans could match."Its not great." he says as he chews. "But its the first thing I've eaten in months.""Fuck it I'm hungry." Meloka says, also digging in. "Mmm, not too bad"As you go to eat some for yourself, all your scouters light up. "Guys we may be in trouble! Four 3000 power level creatures are headed straight for us!What will you do?>Everyone pick one and attack>Everyone group up and defend>Other (write in)
>>1561878>fly upwards>Everyone pick one and attackWhy fight fair?
>>1561878>Everyone pick one and attack
>>1561878>Everyone pick one and attack, aim for the heads
>>1561878>>Everyone pick one and attackZenki time.
>>1561878Man fuck that quarry in the early game.
>>1561894>that area>the memories
>>1561887>>1561886>>1561883Everyone pick one and attack wins, roll a d100
>>1561904>Accidentally triggering the aggro on the alpha deathclaw when you go behind the main shack>It wanders into town just to fuck you up
Rolled 87 (1d100)>>1561911GOTTA GO FAST
Rolled 35 (1d100)>>1561911
Rolled 87 (1d100)>>1561911No mercy in this dojo
Rolled 67 (1d100)>>1561911
>>1561920>>1561914Are you guy's rivals now?
Rolled 50, 89, 1 = 140 (3d100)>>1561914>>1561916>>156192087/100Lets see how well your team fares
>>1561942So who gets the super zenkai?
>>1561942Oh... writing
>>1561955First casualty of the quest Tatsu said this was his last day on the squad didn't he?
>>1561976>>1561978I...don't remember that, besides you guys are getting ahead of yourselves, sure this is definitely going to hurt but it doesn't necessarily mean anyone is dead just yet.
>>1561878"Everyone pick a different one and get ready to attack it." you say, scouter on so Tatsu hears your orders. "Go for the head, apparently they die without it.""Got it." Meloka says, flying up into the air to gain her favorite advantage. You and Leyas nod to each other, both taking off in different directions toward your respective targets. Flying toward your target, you see it is another of the beasts that looks like the one you'd killed. Dashing towards it, you dodge under its' first swing, leap above its follow up and kick the beast under its chin, sending it flying up into the air. Dashing towards the beast again, you dodge the beast's claws and grab it by the arm. Spinning in a quick circle, you launch the beast to the ground, it landing on all fours hard enough to crack the ground. Looking back up towards you, the beast lets out a terrifying roar of challenge.The beast is just getting started, what do you do next?>Keep up the assault>Stay and defend>Energy Attack(which)>Other(Write in)
>>1562077>Keep up the assault
>>1562077>>Energy Attack(which)Double blast his head
>>1562077>>Energy Attack(which)>Piercing Fist to the headWe Ken now
>>1562104>>1562085Keep up the assault wins, roll me a D100DC 45
Rolled 65 (1d100)>>1562124
Rolled 72 (1d100)>>1562124
Rolled 66 (1d100)>>1562124
Rolled 51, 59, 81 = 191 (3d100)>>1562127>>1562130>>1562133Crushing victory for you, let's see how everyone else is doing.
>>1562140Look who's making a comeback! Writing.
>>1562077You rush back down towards the bellowing creature, taking advantage of its' primal display. Before it knows what has happened, you've closed the distance and planted your fist square in the creature's gut. Bellowing in pain, it hunches over, arms crossed over stomach. With the beast disoriented, you launch into an explosive combination of heavy punches, your training really showing in how hard your strikes are hammering the beast. Unable to defend itself, your strikes pummel the beast until a heavy uppercut knocks it airborn to crash down onto the ground, twitching. With a final stomp, you crush the beast's head into paste with a satisfying crunch. Watching it for a few seconds to make sure it won't get back up, you check in on your scouter to see how everyone is doing. Meloka and Leyas are fine, both having defeated their beasts. But Tatsu is wounded, having been impaled on the beast's claws early in his fight. cont
>>1562274"Everyone to Tatsu, Now!" you shout into your scouter. Taking off, you rush towards Tatsu's signal at full speed.Arriving on the scene, Tatsu is managing to guard himself, but is clearly wearing down from his injury. With a roar you yell out your challenge, dashing at the beast that would dare harm your friend. Turning towards you, Tatsu forgotten, the beast roars back and rushes to meet your assault.Roll a d100
Rolled 49 (1d100)>>1562343Rolling
Rolled 65 (1d100)>>1562343
Rolled 27 (1d100)>>1562343>He's getting worn down by an infantWow Tatsu get your head in the game
Rolled 94 (1d100)>>1562343Time to kick ass
Rolled 89 (1d100)>>1562343
>>1562352>>1562351>>156235065/100Success.Enforcing the pecking order a go. Writing.
>DeathclawsCan we get Chryssalids next?
>>1562343Rushing towards this beast, your mind is filled with rage. This beast dared hurt one of yours, and will pay! Letting out another roar as you close, your Piercing Fist charged, you launch yourself at he beast's chest, piercing straight through the creature's torso. Flipping mid-air to the ground, you turn back towards the creature and begin pummeling it into the ground, fists striking the beast over and over. After beating the creature's head into a crater, you stand and turn toward Tatsu to see Meloka tending to him with the medical supplies from his pod, and Leyas simply staring at you. Or rather, at where the beast's head was. "There! That aught to keep you from leaking everywhere." Meloka tells Tatsu, standing and handing him his armor."Thanks for that." Tatsu replies, struggling to stand before falling back to the ground."Tatsu." you say, getting everyone's attention. "You're no longer in any condition to fight. You're to get back in your pod and put it in orbit. You stay there until you've recovered.""But-""That's an order, Tatsu." you calmly tell the older man, steel in your voice. "You're to stay in there until you've healed up.""Yes sir." Tatsu states, sounding tired."I'll take him," Leyas says, lifting Tatsu off the ground and flying him over to the pods."Karn? A-are you alright? Meloka asks you worriedly."These bastards almost killed Tatsu." you say, venom dripping from your voice. "When Leyas gets back here, we're storming that labratory, killing everything inside, then blowing the entire thing into ashes.""Damn right we are!" Meloka yells back, trying to hype herself up."Headed into orbit now." Tatsu's voice comes in to you over your scouter. "You all be safe down there.""Take care of yourself up there." Meloka tells him, waving at his pod as it flies up and away. "Well, now what do we do?" Leyas asks you, flying back to your group."Do? What we're going to do is march into that lab and destroy these freaks." cont
Going to stop here for the night, starting to doze off. Everyone having fun so far?
>>1562672I'm enjoying it so far, glad tatsu isn't dead, he's good people. Night
>>1562672Having a good time man.I'm liking your encounter choices a lot
>>1562680definitely, fighting deathclaws is cool
>>1562672Isnt rage the trigger for SS? Also yes I'm having fun
>>1562687It's pure rage in a pure heart.That or just flexing your back really hard.
>>1562687that's what I was somewhat sure was going to happen, if tatsu had died anyway. But then again same thing happened to bardock, and while he was pissed he didn't go ss, it's gotta be a pure unbridled fury.>>1562693>That or just flexing your back really hard.fuck universe 6, that was bullshit
>>1562695>fuck universe 6, that was bullshitIt somehow managed trivialize the best moments in the series even more than Goten and Trunks getting SSJ as kids.
>>1562696Not even SSJ2 was safe.
>>1562696I never thought super saiyan was necessarily difficult with help, but I think it was safe to assume goten and trunks learned to do it by practicing it and getting a feel for it from gohan and vegeta. You even see trunks train with vegeta sometimes in the gravity chamber, which is really brutal since vegeta doesn't hold back. What annoys me is that somehow they just flex their backs and do it in under ten minutes with no real effort shown, plus I just hate kale turned broly, that was just really dumb.Also if we had gone super saiyan right now, karn would've been at4,825 X 50 = 241,250so that's cool to think about
>>1562693>>1562695I thought vegeta and goku said it was just rage. Pure rage and I think? We just experienced that. Unless super has changed all this shit.
>>1562693>>1562696>>1562695We aren't using that cheap U6 bullshit here. Rage can be a trigger, but it has to be an all-powerful, mind-consuming rage. For Goku it was losing his childhood friend forever(everyone forgets Dragonballs exist sometimes). For Vegeta it was the death of both his ego and his belief he was #1, which he regained shortly after attaining the transformation.>>1562677Tatsu is going to be around for awhile. Hopefully. Had he failed a second roll after that crit he'd be in critical condition.>>1562680Thank you. I've tried to pull creatures and beings from non-traditional sources, at least for a DBZ quest. >>1562713All I'll say is even if Tatsu had died, it wouldn't have been enough for anyone to achieve the legend. Yet.
>>1562725>All I'll say is even if Tatsu had died, it wouldn't have been enough for anyone to achieve the legend. Yet.I assumed that be the case, if only because of how game breaking it would be this early. Still cool to think about though.
>>1562734We don't even have that sort of bond with Tatsu.We'd be pissed if he got killed, but not completely absorbed by rage.
>>1562742that's what I'm saying, I knew even if he died we wouldn't have gone super saiyan. People die all the time, that's the life of a saiyan. We did grow up in a literal warzone after all.
>>1562747Now if say the love of our life or our entire planet got destroyed...
>>1562752I don't know, saiyan homeworld's been destroyed before. Love or our life could work, not that I want to test that.
>>1562753Well what about our new born child?
>>1562755dude...saiyans don't give a fuck about their kids. we hyper spartan military civilization.
>>1562755>>1562753>>1562752Let's not>>1562747>>1562742Man's a relic, was fighting before the Saiyan Vegeta declared himself king.>>1562734>game breakingFuck balance, if it happens I won't stop it. It could even save Planet Vegeta, if the "So-Called Legendary Super Saiyan" is no threat to Freeza.>>1562760Most Saiyans don't. Would you be most Saiyans?
>>1562762>Would you be most Saiyans?I'd like to play as a normal Saiyan, homicidal tendencies and love of fighting are fun.
>>1562762>tfw save the Monkies by tapping into it at the battle and throwing away the bomb.>tfw Bardock quickly follows as he realizes what the dildo was about to do to his world hits home
>>1562762...probably? It's not like we've shown ourselves to be any different than most other Saiyans, maybe in terms of talent, what with how we can develop techniques so well, and dedication to our training, but that's about it. But then again it's only second thread so maybe that'll change.
>>1562765Bardock isn't most Saiyans either, and the guy loved genocide. But he still cared deeply for Gine, Raditz, and Kakarot.>>1562769>two Super SaiyansI'm hoping to avoid the "and YOU get Super Saiyan, and YOU get Super Saiyan, and..." that Z and now Super have run into. >>1562770So far, yes. But feeling love is not something most Saiyans do, or even can do. Mating is very one-off thing usually, the child put into a pod to grow until they become of age.
>>1562777Anons always want to be diplomancers and viewed as the nice guy.
>>1562777I just want to crave ourselves a spot of safety in space and let us keep working as merc's
>>1562762honestly how in the shit did bardock not go full super saiyan when everything went to shit and got blown the fuck out, considering to him his friends, his home, his wife and kids, and literally all he knows was 2 seconds from getting completely fucked, if thats not enough rage fuel thats impressive.
>>1562793>honestly how in the shit did bardock not go full super saiyan when everything went to shit...maybe there's a power level requirement before you transform?
>>1562793>>1562825Because when you state the world is destroyed. The flashback has to have it destoryed.
>>1562762>Most Saiyans don't. Would you be most Saiyans?pic related
Ill just say it, thank you for running the game and I think its better than Som's. You're giving us something different instead of us changing history repeatedly. Good job with this.We come back from mission to witness Lord Frieza destroying planet Vegeta. We survived the encounter just barely. We fly through space in a rage of hate. Jaco finds us and recruits us into the galactic patrol. Frieza revenge is a go.
>>1562953I second this thanks. The fact that you are just launching us to earth to redo the exact same plot all over again is great. Thanks
>>1562785True. It gets annoying after a while; but it's still leagues better than when they go full edgelord.
And I'm back, writing.
>>1562634With that, you take to the air, Meloka and Leyas following close behind. Turning on your scouter you scan around, searching for the labratory. Finding the only other living signals, you tell your team that you've found them and take off. You all cover the short distance to the lab in minutes, arriving at the source of the creatures."I thought it'd be bigger." Leyas states, sounding confused."It must be underground." Meloka states, staring down at the facility. "I wonder how big the underground complex is?"Before you have time to contemplate, two signatures walk outside the laboratory, their powerlevels of 4500 each coming into focus on your scouters.The beasts look up towards your group, howling in challenge. How will you do this?>Stay up here and blast them>You go take one, leave the other for Leyas and Tatsu>You and Leyas wolf tactics one, leave the other for Meloka to keep busy>Other(write in)30 minute/first to 5 vote, let everyone trickle back in
>>1562995>Stay up here and blast them
>>1562725Krillin had already been revived with earth's dragonballs after dying to Tambourine in DB. Goku didn't know about the abilities of the namekian dragonballs.
>>1562995>Other Have Leyas and Meloka cover you from the sky with attacks. You use hit and run tactics to cripple them before finishing them off with Piercing FistAlso I think Tatsu is in orbit right?
Rolled 1 (1d2)>>1562998tiebreaker here>1 stay up and blast>2 You rush, Leyas and Meloka air support
>>1563003meant to link you:>>1563002in last post, whoops.Roll me a d100
Rolled 43 (1d100)>>1563005
Rolled 25 (1d100)>>1563005I came in too late to vote but just in time to roll!
>>1563008>>1563006This isn't going to end well. One more roll if someone's feeling like a hero.
>>1563009If no one rolls could you roll for us?
Rolled 94 (1d100)>>1563009Rip
Rolled 1 (1d100)>>1563021soz I rolled highmeant to say:Rip
>>1563024ah that's better. Ignore the 94 pls.>>1563025No don't, I like the 1 better
>>1563021>>1563024What the fuck.
Rolled 57 (1d100)>>1563027no
>>1563006>>1563008>>1563021^This is why I didn't roll,>>156301694/100 success, writingDC was 80
>>1563031use the 1 pls and not the 97?
>>1563033fuck off you damn contrarian
>>1563033I take first 3 rolls.
>>1563038:( all right, I guess nobody's dyingI hope we get some SUFFERING soon though. It builds character and makes a good story.
>>1562995"Since these things can't fly, we're going to stay up here and blast them." you tell your remaining members, charging up your Dual Energy Waves. "Remember, aim for the head. We crush the head these beasts die.""Right!" Meloka and Tatsu say, charging up their Energy Waves as well.Unable to reach you three, the beasts begin glowing, preparing their counterattack. Before their attacks are prepared, the three of you fire your waves with a mighty "HAA!!", the impact of the blast shaking the nearby laboratory. Once the smoke clears, you see that the beasts lay unconcious and broken in a crater, their bodies starting to regenerate the damage.What will you do?>Finish them off yourself, send the others to scout the opening of the lab>Order (who) to finish off the beasts, scout the lab with (who)>Other (write in)
>>1563046Everyone finish the kills.We can scout the lab after the kills are done.
>>1563046Scout the lab with Meloka and order Tatsu to finish them off.
>>1563049Tatsu is still in orbit.
>>1563046>Finish them off yourself, send the others to scout the opening of the lab
>>1563050Meant Layas sorry
>>1563046>>Finish them off yourself, send the others to scout the opening of the lab
>>1563047>1 Everyone finish>>1563049>2 Scout with Meloka>>1563051>3 Finish them yourself
Rolled 1 (1d3)>>1563063Forgot my roll
>>1563064>>1563063Finish them off together wins, writing.
Updates soon. At work now, I'll be back around an hour and a half.
>>1563101Can't wait, I jsut came back. Digging the story so far.
>>1563046"Let's finish this." you tell the other Saiyans. Leyas, finish them off. Meloka, we're providing cover.""Got it." Meloka says, you both scanning your surroundings while Leyas flies down and crushes each of the creatures' necks then tears off their heads."Regenerate that." Leyas spits at the now-dead creatures."Alright everyone together." you tell your squad. "We're going in.""How are we going to do this?" Meloka asks you. "Blast everything above ground and see what comes up?""Nah forget that." Leyas replies. "We may accidentally bury the entrance to the rest and might end up spending days digging it up.""What do you think?" Meloka asks you. "What should we do?">Tactical Saiyans >Blast everything above ground>Other (write in)
>>1563284>>Blast everything above ground
>>1563284>Blast everything above ground
>>1563284>Tactically blast everything above ground
>>1563297>>1563291>>1563289Blasting to bits wins, roll me a d100
Rolled 8 (1d100)>>1563298
Rolled 72 (1d100)>>1563298
One more roll, or y'all good with that??
Rolled 87 (1d100)>>1563298
>>1563316>>1563307>>156330387/100, success. Writing
>>1563284"Meloka, we're knocking this above-ground portion down." you tell the smaller Saiyan. "We have no idea what traps they've left around, better not to take risks. Leyas, get ready. Whatever comes out, you're on interference while we catch our breath. Everyone ready?"Both Saiyans nodding in agreement, you and Meloka land in front of the lab and begin charging your Full-Power Energy Waves. Leyas remains midair above you in a defensive stance watching, ready to attack whatever comes out. Together, you and Meloka release your blasts with a mighty "HAA!!", the ground shaking from the blasts hitting the structure and blasting through.When the smoke clears, you see that everything above ground, and a small portion of what was below ground has been blasted into nothingness."All clear!" Leyas calls, drifting down to land beside the two of you, while you both catch your breath. Once you've recovered, you examine the damage. Where the lab was, only scorched earth remains. Whatever secrets or traps awaited you in the above-ground portion are no more, all that is left do do is find a door or pathway down into the depths of the lab.Roll d100 for search effectiveness
Rolled 94 (1d100)>>1563347
Rolled 8 (1d100)>>1563347
Rolled 39 (1d100)>>1563347
>>1563355>>1563350>>156334994/100, Scooby Doo-tier success, writing
>>1563347"Everyone split up and search for the entrance." you tell your teammates. "Whoever finds it shoot up a blast, so we know where you are.""Right!" Meloka says, taking off towards the new ruins."Let's find this already." Leyas says, taking off as well. You fly towards the ruins, searching for any door, panel, or any other method of advancing lower into the lab. After ten minutes of searching, you finally find it! A large blast door, seemingly unfazed by your attacks, sits level on the ground. Firing a blast airborne to alert your friends, you examine the door while you wait on your team to arrive.Once everyone is gathered, you need to decide your next move. What will you do?>Blast through>Force open>Blast down around it>Other (write in)
>>1563395>Force open
>>1563395>Force it open stealthily>Then BLAST DOWNWARDS!
>>1563407>>1563404Force it open wins, roll me a d100
Rolled 53 (1d100)>>1563415
Rolled 81 (1d100)>>1563415
Rolled 46 (1d100)>>1563415Why I always miss the voting, but no the rolling?
>>1563417>>1563420>>156342481/100, success. Writing.
>>1563426with you always aku posting, it makes me nervous
>>1563430I Aku post because he has the best faces for reactions.
>>1563395"Leyas, with me. We're going to force this thing open. Meloka, you're up top. If something charges up, blast it. Everyone ready?""Let's do this." Leyas says, grasping the wheel."Alright, I'll blast whatever comes up." Meloka says, flying up and taking position over the door.You crouch across from Leyas, also grasping the wheel. "On three.""One.""Two.""Three!"With a mighty effort, you and Leyas combining your strength to turn the wheel and open the door. Slowly at first, the wheel turns, the lock opening slowly. With a final burst of effort, the doors are now unlocked. Both of you grapsing the wheel, you both take to the air, pulling the large blast door open.The entrance is now open, and nothing rushed up at you.I will be gone about an hour, work calls
>>1563434still makes me nervous
>>1563472we should probably have meloka teach us that energy sword move sometime soon
>>1563430>>1563434>>1563482>implying we aren't actually playing with the shape shifting master of darkness himselfYour naivety amuses me
>>1563472"Well." Meloka says, staring into the depths. "That was a disappointment.""Yeah," Leyas agrees, "I was expecting something to come fight us."What do you do now?>Energy Wave down the tunnel>Walk down into the depths(marching order)>Other(write in)
>>1563644>Energy Wave down the tunnel and follow it via flying.
>>1563644>Energy Wave down the tunnel
>>1563644>>Energy Wave down the tunnel
>>1563644We've got scouters that are built just for energy, don't we?Why not check the scouters
>>1563676Detecting energy i meant to say
>>1563650>>1563651>>1563662Energy Wave wins, roll me a d100this roll isn't for what you'd think
Rolled 76 (1d100)>>1563684
Rolled 52 (1d100)>>1563684
Rolled 40 (1d100)>>1563684
>>1563697>>1563689>>156368776/100. Congratulations you passed your perception checkWriting.
>>1563707Invisible deathclaw?I hope we get to fight Chryssalids next
>>1563644Looking down the dark hallway, you decide you don't want to stumble in blind. Charging a quick Energy Wave, you fire it down the tunnel; the blast illuminating the hallway as it flies.There! Before the illumination dims away you quickly dash to where you saw the switch and flip it on, overhead lights coming on down the length of the hall."Good eye." Leyas says appreciatively. "Wouldn't want to fight those bastards in the dark.""Can't agree with you more." Meloka says, everyone gathering around you. "So how are we doing this?""Leyas and myself in front, you behind us." you tell Meloka. "Leyas, we're on guard duty. Distract whatever comes through, and give her a clear shot at it's head."With that settled, you all walk down the hall, looking for any sort of traps or lurking beasts, but see nothing. No tripwires, no pressure plates, nothing. The hall is completly empty until you come to a large pair of double doors, chained shut. "Well now what?" Meloka asks you. "Should we knock?" What will you do?>Break chain and pull open>Blast the doors>Knock>Other(write in)
>>1563761>Break chain and pull open
>>1563761>Other(write in)Check scouters.Punch a small hole in the door.Check if there's any enemies through the hole.If there is, Blast themIf there isn't, Break the chain and pull door open
>>1563779>>1563776>>1563771roll me a d100DC 90 to pierce door, 35 to break chain
Rolled 11 (1d100)>>1563794Time to conquer all of india
Rolled 95 (1d100)>>1563794ded
Rolled 83 (1d100)>>1563794
>>1563803Damn son
>>1563803There ya go
>>1563808>>1563803>>156380195/100Well. Your Piercing Fist proves useful again. Writing.Will be working again for next hour, then posting updates.You all ready for the big one?
>>1563851Is it the Tamil Kings?
>>1563851Are we about to tame a momma death claw and raise her babies as our own personal cyberman.
>>1563851Is it a Savage Deathclaw?Y'know....a matriarch with a broken claw.
>>1563865horn, not claw
>>1563865>>1563858>>1563855Y'all making lots of assumptions right now. 30 minutes and I'll be home and settled to continue running
>>1564059Did you see the new trailer for Dragonball Fighter Z? Shit looks pretty hype.
>>1564065I have now.
>>1564096Are you as mad as I am that the dragonball trailer was only 60 seconds while all the zombie survival shit gets like 10 minutes.
>>1564099Didn't know that. I never have time to just watch things, especially now, since starting this.
Update time, hope everyone is ready!
>>1564244I was born ready, mostly bloody and wet, but also ready
>>1563761Checking your scouter, you see a single powerlevel of 12000, and several dozen powers around a hundred."Stand back." you tell your teammates. "I've got this.""Uhh you sure?" Leyas asks you. "This door looks pretty solid.""Let him do it" Meloka says. "Either way this will be a good show.""Here goes!" you shout, dashing at the door and striking it with your full force. But it barely puts a dent in the door, whatever metal it is made of able to take your hit with ease."Grrr, stupid door." you say, shaking your hand. "One more time. And this time, I'm going all out."Backing up to give yourself charging room, you start preparing your Piercing Fist. With a shout, you again charge the door, this time your fist sinks into the solid metal door. Your arm drives up to the elbow, then halfway up your bicep before your fist pierces all the way through the other side. "Woah!" Leyas says, awed."Holy shit you did it!" Meloka shouts. "Did you go all the way through?""Yeah." you say. "I think. See what you can see through the hole."Pulling your arm back through the door, Meloka walks over and flies up off the ground until she is eye level with the hole.cont
>>1564315ah shit Meloka don't get stabbed in the face
>>1564315"Nothing!" Meloka says. "It's pitch black inside. But I can hear something moving around. Something big. And angry.""Well what are we waiting for? Let's go say hi." And with that Leyas snaps the chain with a single tug and begins heaving the one door open. What do you do?>Open the other door>Defend Leyas>Dash through as soon as possible>Blast through the opening>Other(write in)
>>1564367>Dash through as soon as possible
>>1564367>Blast through the opening>Defend Leyas
>>1564367>Blast through the opening
>>1564367>>Blast through the opening
>>1564376>>1564374>>1564373Blast through the opening wins, roll 2d100
Rolled 54, 78 = 132 (2d100)>>1564381FAST
Rolled 63, 3 = 66 (2d100)>>1564381
Rolled 76, 12 = 88 (2d100)>>1564381
Rolled 12, 58 = 70 (2d100)>>1564381
>>1564390>>1564388>>156438476/100, 78/100You and Meloka both passed, writing.
>>1564394Ayyy Meloka being a good blaster
>>1564394How many Aku pics do you even have?
>>1564367As Leyas is dragging the door open, with a horrible screeching of rusted metal hinges in the air, you and Meloka both prepare Energy Waves to fire on whatever comes out. With a tiny roar, more of a squeak really, several tiny, infantile creatures rush out into the light at Leyas. You fire your Dual Energy Waves, obliterating the rushing creatures. After your attack ends, Meloka unleashes her Energy Wave Barrage, firing wave after wave into the smaller creatures. With the smaller ones killed, you hear a mighty roar bellow out from inside the next room. Before any of you can react, a giant, clawed hand reaches out and snatches Leyas, pulling him into the darkness."Leyas!" you and Meloka shout, dashing into the chamber. cont
>>1564408All of them
>>1564419Rushing into the darkness of the beyond chamber, you are quickly disoriented without your sight. But you can smell something awful. With a shout of "Explosive Wave!", Leyas' energy frees him from the clutches of the beast and he dashes back towards you. The flash of light illuminated the hulking, powerful creature. The mother of the creatures here is a powerful beast, and the source of that 12000 power level. Roaring in frustration, the beast begins to make its' way towards the three of you.What do you do?>Rush in and attack>Stand and defend>Energy attack(which)>Tactical retreat into lighted hallway>Other(write in)
>>1564451>Rush in and attack
>>1564451>>Tactical retreat into lighted hallway
>>1564451>Rush in and attackPiercing fist
>>1564451>>Tactical retreat into lighted hallwayWE NEED THE MOON
>>1564465>>1564462>>1564457Tactical retreat wins, roll me a d100.DC 75
Rolled 26 (1d100)>>1564470
Rolled 40 (1d100)>>1564470We're not retreating, we're just advancing in a different direction.
Rolled 30 (1d100)>>1564470>Update
Rolled 77, 77 = 154 (2d100)>>1564474>>1564473>>156447240/100, failureLet's see how well Leyas and Meloka do escaping into the hall
Rolled 56 (1d100)>>1564470
>>1564478This is going to hurt, but not bad.
>>1564478They both get away, there is no escape for you. Writing.
>>1564478damn they did pretty wellwelp that zenkai will be worth it
Zenkai time if we survive
>>1564451"Everyone back into the hall, now!" you yell at your teammates, everyone turning and dashing for the open doorway. You see Meloka and Leyas make it easily, but the beasts' huge fists crash down onto your back, smashing you into the ground. Before you can react, thebeast grabs you in a powerful hand and throws you back further into its darkened realm. Slamming into the back wall, you then collapse onto the ground dazed. With a roar of triumph, the beast begins approaching you again. Rising unsteadily to your feet, you orient yourself by the sound of the beast's heavy footfalls. What will you do now?>Charge the sound>Stay put and defend yourself>Piercing Fist>Energy Blast (which)>Other(write in)
>>1564508>Charge the sound
>>1564508>>Piercing Fist
>>1564508>>>Piercing Fist
>>1564508>Piercing Fist
>>1564512>>1564516>>1564517>>1564518Piercing Fist wins, roll me a d100DC 65
Rolled 4 (1d100)>>1564522
Rolled 2 (1d100)>>1564522
Rolled 69 (1d100)>>1564522
>>1564527THANK YOU
Rolled 87 (1d100)>>1564522
>>1564527Our savior.
>>1564527We're getting MAD pussy tonight
>>1564527>>1564526>>156452469/100, clutch wins. Writing
>>1564508Enough of this. This beast has too much of an advantage over you here in the dark. Time to show it what you can do. Charging your energy into your clenched fist, the reddish glow dimly illuminating the room, enough for you to see the rapidly approaching beast. With a shout, you unleash your attack directly at the beast's midsection. Your dash takes her by surprise, flying right under the claws meant to crush you as you bury your fist into the beast's gut. Normally this attack would pierce straight through an enemy, but the mother of these creatures is simply too strong. Your fist is buried in its' chest all the way to the elbow, but all this seems to do is piss it off. With a roar of outrage, the mother swings its right hand down at you with bone-crushing force, but you dash back out of the way before it can hit you again. Well that didn't work."Karn!" You hear Meloka shout, panicked. You see her standing in the doorway, trying to see into the darkness. "Where are you?!"What will you do now?>Rush in and attack>Energy attack(which)>Evade and dash for the door>Stand your ground and defend>Tell Meloka to stay back>Other(write in)
>>1564582>Tell Meloka to stay back>Evade and dash for the door
>>1564582>stay at the door>defend and punch
>>1564582>Tell Meloka to stay back>Rush in and attack
>>1564582>Tell Meloka to stay back>Energy Attack (Piercing fist right up under its jaw)
>>1564591changing to this.
>>1564591>>1564594There isn't room in here for an Oozaru. You'd have to get it outside.
>>1564602Changing back to >>1564587 then
>>1564602In that case retreat, so we can go ape.
Rolled 4 (1d4)>>1564609>>1564605>>1564602>>1564594>>1564593>>1564591>>1564590>>1564589>>1564587Consensus is on tell Meloka to stay back. Rolling>1 stay and defend>2 evade and retreat>3 rush it down>4 Piercing Fist its' head
>>1564630Piercing Fist the face wins, roll me a d100
Rolled 49 (1d100)>>1564634Did I do it right?
Rolled 69 (1d100)>>1564634
>>1564638Oh baby, my lucky number
Rolled 75 (1d100)>>1564634Go for the eyes!
>>1564646>>1564638>>156463575/100, success. Writing
>>1564582"Meloka stay back!" you shout, stopping her in her tracks. "I'm okay, but don't come in here.""Karn..." Meloka says quietly to herself, backing out of the doorway.Gathering the energy for your Piercing Fist again, the creature seems to recognize what is about to happen. Roaring, the beast charges you, much faster than you anticipated. Backflipping away, you dodge the beast's claws as they smash into the ground where you were standing. Hitting the wall feet first, your attack is ready. With a shout of "Piercing Fist!" you charge the large creature again, sinking your fist into its' right eye.Howling in pain, the beast's eye is destroyed by your attack, your energy spiraling out and shredding the sensitive tissue. Shaking its head violently, you are thrown from the beast, landing between it and the door. Looking up, you see Meloka dashing toward you, helping you heave yourself to your feet and you both run out of the room. "You ok?" Meloka asks you as you sit there panting."Just tired." you reply. "Been throwing around a lot of energy today, it's finaly catching up to me.""What now? Meloka asks you."I think we should-"You don't get to finish the thought, as all three of your scouters start going off at once. From the mother creature, you hear a roar and your scouter starts going crazy, the beast's powerlevel raising rapidly."Now what?" Leyas asks. "Wait, its climbed up to 20000?! What the hell is going on?"With a crash, the still-closed door is blasted towards you three, Meloka ducking under it just in time. As the creature emerges, you see it has seemingly forced an evolution. Horns, tusks, and spines are now protruding everywhere, the beast seems to have grown another two feet at least, and even it's ruined eye has regenerated.The beast looks pissed, and is staring you down. What do you do now?>Turn and flee, face it outside>Rush it down and attack>Stand your ground and defend>Energy attack(which)>Other(write in)
>>1564804>>Turn and flee, face it outsideSCRAM
>>1564804>Turn and flee, face it outside
>>1564820>>1564811>>1564810Turn and flee, face it outside wins, roll me a d100DC 63
Rolled 42 (1d100)>>1564830FASTER
Rolled 75 (1d100)>>1564830
Rolled 82 (1d100)>>1564830
>>1564830Monkey time!
Rolled 70 (1d100)>>1564830
>>1564832>>1564837>>156484082/100, you all made it. Writing.Hope y'all ready to get primal
>>1564804"Outside! Now!" you yell at your teammates, taking to the air and dashing down the long hallway towards the entrance. Following your lead, Leyas and Meloka follow you, everyone putting their full power into fleeing this beast. You make it back to the doorway first, turning back to see the beast is still growing, barely able to move its mass through the tunnel anymore. Leyas dashes past you, then you see Meloka bringig up the rear, the creature's arm closing on her quickly. You reach out and grab Meloka, you both clasping forarms as you haul her out of the creature's reach, Leyas then slamming the door shut."Thanks!" Meloka pants out, clearly shaken."What now?" Leyas asks?"I know just how to end this!" Tatsu calls from above you all.cont
>>1564908Everyone turning to look skyward, you see Tatsu standing in the door of his pod, Power Ball ready to go in his hand."Heard everything over the scouter, figured it was worth disobeying orders this once to come down and pull you guys' asses out of the fire." he tells you. "Tatsu!" the three of you shout out simultaneously."Are you guys' ready?" he asks you all. "I think it is time to put an end to this!" And with that, Tatsu tosses the powerball into the air, yelling out, "Burst open and mix!"With a familiar tingle, you feel your body changing, fatigue forgotten. Fur sprouting out all over your body, muzzle extending, your body expanding. With three mighty roars, you, Meloka, and Leyas have finished your transformations into the pinnacle of Saiyan power: the mighty Oozaru!With a roar of challenge, the beast claws its way free from the earth, now of an even height with the three of your giant forms.What shall you do?>Rush in and beatdown>Stay here and defend>Mouth Blast>Throw Rock>Other(write in)
>>1564963>Rush in and beatdown
>>1564963>>Rush in and beatdownI wanna rip it's jaw off and beat it with it.
>>1564963>Rush in and beatdownLiterally play giant volleyball with this cunt
>>1564963>>Rush in and beatdown
>>1564967>>1564968>>1564970>>1564973>>1564975Rush in and beatdown wins, roll a d100DC 50
Rolled 41 (1d100)>>1564977
Rolled 62 (1d100)>>1564977
Rolled 18 (1d100)>>1564970>>1564977 now a soundtrack for this upcoming ass beating.
Rolled 98, 3 = 101 (2d100)>>1564983>>1564979>>156497862/100You are pretty successful, let's see how well your teammates do.
>>1564991What? Well ok then, writing
>>1565000>>1564991I don't...I'm not sure if I should be worried or not.
>>1565000Whatever man, we got this
>>1565014I guess this just means she needs more one-on-one "sessions"
>>1565014>>1565011And karn just keeps standing there looking awesome.
>>1565026>the roll was just to see how well we could pose while everybody else curb stomps the monster
>>1564963With another roar, you dash towards the beast, ready to crush this inferior creature, Leyas and Meloka charging behind you. Slapping aside the beast's swing, you deliver a crushing uppercut blow to its gut, sending it up into the air. Aiming to take advantage of the opening, Meloka dashes up at the beast, intending to take advantage of the opening. With a roar, she attempts a double axe handle, only for the beast to punch her in the gut and wind her. Flipping midair, the beast delivers a savage axe kick which sends Meloka crashing down into the ground. Distracted by Meloka, the beast doesn't see Leyas' charging it from behind.Wih a roar of victory, Leyas delivers a savage axe-handle to the back of the beast's head, sending it down towards you. With a roar of rage, you launch into the air, kicking the beast back up to Leyas, who rains savage blows upon the beast, then grabs it by an arm and throws it down to the ground, the tremendous impact shaking the earth and kicking up a huge cloud of dust.When the dust clears, you see the beast has risen to its' feet, stepping out of the crater the impact made. What will you do now?>Continue assault>Stand your ground and defend>Mouth Blast>Throw Rock>Other(write in)
>>1565072>>Mouth BlastINCINERATE THE FUCKER
>>1565072>Mouth Blast
>>1565072>>Continue assault
>>1565072>>Mouth Blast
>>1565084>>1565086>>1565088>>1565089>>1565092Mouth Blast wins, roll me a d100DC 45
Rolled 89 (1d100)>>1565098
Rolled 1 (1d100)>>1565098
Rolled 10 (1d100)>>1565098go go go
Rolled 50 (1d100)>>1565098
Rolled 66 (1d100)>>1565098
>>1565100And I was so pleased with my roll.
>>1565100Well... fuck.Zenkai time.
>>1565100Does this quest even have critfails that override tho
Rolled 55, 92 = 147 (2d100)>>1565099>>1565100>>156510289/100, crushing success. Let's see how the others dodon't fear, I said best of 3. Critfails will only count if no roll passed the DC.
>>1565118such a kind generous qm you are
>>1565118catastrophe averted, it seemsbut for how long?
>>1565118Well then. Meloka's doing what she's good at. Writing.>>1565122:^)
>>1565118I want to see us have to Zenkai. Lemme get smashed senpai.
>>1565130We already have in the first episode.
>>1565130Oh god if we lived through a one, that zenkai would be amazing. We shouldn't rely on that though, we should try to up our gains during training.
>>1565137>worried that our teammates can't help finish it off while we get fucked up.>>1565141I doubt we'd die from a one or be too hurt.
>>1565072You growl at the foolish beast, it is too dumb to know when it is outmatched. But you know how to teach it to fear you. Landing beside Meloka, you open your mouth wide and begin charging energy. Meloka looks to you and nods once, charging her own attack as well. Seeing what you're both doing, Leyas lands beside you and starts charging as well. The beast seems confused by what you are doing, and begins to glow with that odd green aura the rest had. But before it can gather enough power, the three of you roar, unleashing a torrent of energy towards the beast, who is unable to stop it. With an earsplitting explosion, the attacks connect with the beast, it howling in pain. When the smoke clears, you see that it is still standing. Scorched, bruised, and battered the beast still stands. What will you do next?>Fire again>Rush it and beatdown>Stay here and defend>Other(write in)
>>1565146Nice jumping to weird conclusions. Nobody's worried our teammates can't hack it. We almost died in the first episode and grew in power. It's just not something to rely on, simply because currently we work for Frieza fucking up planets, if we're too busy almost dying all the time we're a liability.
>>1565157>Rush it and beatdown>>1565159Thats quitter talk, You should play this properly. Rush in and get fucked up. If we survive we win, if not eh.
>>1565146>I doubt we'd die from a one or be too hurtDid you forget what happened to Tatsu when he critfailed?
>>1565157>Rush it and beatdownrip its head off>>1565165Nobody is saying we shouldn't zenkai, just don't try to force it on purpose, that's just an easy way to get yourself killed.
>>1565165You're a moron, won't listen to reason. Got it.We take it's left, Leyas takes it's right. Take it to the ground and Meloka incinerates the head.
>>1565157>>Fire again
>>1565173I see you know all about the monkies namefag. Got ya.
>>1565165>>1565169Rush it and beatdown>>1565173Pin and go for the head>>1565180Fire againRush and beatdown wins, roll me a d100
Rolled 41 (1d100)>>1565194nat 1:^)
Rolled 92 (1d100)>>1565194
Rolled 98 (1d100)>>1565194
Rolled 30 (1d100)>>1565194
Rolled 28 (1d100)>>1565194break its spine.
>>1565201>>1565202wew... settle down
I vote we do it like Bane.We're big guys? Right?
>>1565202So close.
Rolled 32, 75 = 107 (2d100)>>1565202>>1565201>>156519798/100Fuck, good job. Let's see how Leyas and Meloka do.
>>1565210Well, You overwhelmingly passed and Meloka passed. Writing.
>>1565208Yes. We are in our city stomping Ape forms. Also Meloka is a lady Ape.
>>1565207Not when there's still spines to be broken Anon.
>>1565189I did watch the show. When there's about a million episodes all about how much of a dick Frieza is you remember stuff.
>>1565157With a roar you are about to rush the beast, but Leyas beats you to it, dashing headlong at the creature. The beast ducks his wild swing and delivers a crushing blow to his gut, sending him flying. But this giver you the opening you need, dashing in towards the distracted creature and delivering a powerful punch to its' face, sending the beast flying. You quickly dash to it, grabbing it by a leg and planting your feet to slow your advance. Using the strength of your back and arms, you sling the beast at Meloka. Seeing it coming, she leaps towards the beast and delivers a punishing doublekick to the beast's midsection and sending it flying right back towards you. Taking advantage of thw beast's disorientation, you begin beating the creature with all your mighty power, sending it into the earth and raining blows down upon its head. When the beast starts glowing green, you leap back, dodging the green explosion. When the dust clears, the beast is clearly running down, panting in exhaustion and pain. What do you do now?>Rush it again>Stand ground and defend>Mouth blast>Other(write in)
>>1565241>thw beast's disorientation,Spelled disorientation right, misspelled the. Fuck.
>>1565241>Rush it again>Smash it's head inTime we ended this fight.
>>1565248It's all good man. That bit had some cool images in it. A couple errors are permitted.
>>1565173>Why are you trying to act like a saiyan anon? We should be a tactical genius and not just smash our head against the problem like every other saiyan ever.You are an idiot.
>>1565241>OtherGreat Ape Piercing Fist it's FUCKING HEAD
>>1565241Good god this thing is tough, fucker won't go down>>1565255This
>>1565241>Rush it again
>>1565241>Rush it again>Rip its Jaw offRIP AND TEAR
>>1565241>Rush it againKILL IT TILL IT'S DEAD TO DEATH!
>>1565260>>1565259>>1565257>>1565255Rush it again(go for the kill) wins, roll me a d100DC 35fucker is a regenerator, hard to keep something like it down for long.
Rolled 43 (1d100)>>1565269DIE ALREADY
Rolled 20 (1d100)>>1565269
>>1565254Now that's a bit of a generalization pal. Sounds kinda racist too.
Rolled 93 (1d100)>>1565269
Rolled 89 (1d100)>>1565269ATATATATATA
Rolled 16 (1d100)>>1565269
>>1565275And you namefag for absolutely no reason.
>>1565276this guy
>>1565284I had to make up for that 1 I rolled earlier
>>1565282And? It's from another quest, just don't really care to delete it.
>>1565290I know exactly where you do it from and that's just so you can talk about your life with another autist that has nothing to do with the quest at large.
>>1565272>>1565273>>156527693/100Congratulations, writing. gg no re
>>1565296Okay, you seem to have a problem Enjoy being how you are. I'm gonna enjoy this quest now.
>>1565296Just post move on, family
>>1565296What the fuck are you even complaining about at this point man?
>>1565308Tyrone is good people
>>1565311How he namefags everywhere and acts like theirs nothing wrong with it.
>>1565311Being so new.
>>1565318It's not hurting the thread in any capacity besides you complaining about it, and anonymity is barely intact on this board anyways.
>>1565324honestly that's a good point, we have ID's anyway so it's not like nametags really change anything.
>>1565330How the fuck is that reddit shit?
>>1565241This thing has lived long enough. Bellowing your challenge, you rush at the stubborn creature, determined to end it once for all. Grabbing a clumsily swung arm, you leap into the air over the beast, dislocating its' shoulder. With a roar of pain, the beast sinks to a knee, unable to keep going. With a triumphant roar, you release the now-useless arm, and wrap your hands around the beast's skull and squeeze. With a pained whine, the beast tries to pry your fingers from its' rapidly-crushing skull, but it simply has no strength left. With a final roar, your hands crush the creature's skull, your palms touching. Raising your head to the sky, you beat your chest and roar out your dominance over this world! With the victory secured, Tatsu sighs and extinguishes the powerball, and sends his craft to go land next to the rapidly-shrinking forms of his comrades. Roll me a d500+1000, Zenkai time!
Rolled 108 + 1000 (1d500 + 1000)>>1565354
Rolled 370 + 1000 (1d500 + 1000)>>1565337How are you so new senpai?>>1565354ded
Rolled 112 + 1000 (1d500 + 1000)>>1565354
Rolled 92 + 1000 (1d500 + 1000)>>1565337>Anonymity doesn't existent in threads so who gives a shit if we make it so people aren't anonymous on the board in general.You tell me. >>1565354
Rolled 221 + 1000 (1d500 + 1000)>>1565354
>>1565358Is F A M still banned here?