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First thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2333630

A colony ship is sent out from earth to settle a new planet. An industrialist decides to have the leaders of the expedition including himself turned into AI along the journey. The ship gets knocked off course and encounters one catastrophe after another. Eventually starting to break apart. Everyone fled into either one of the four survival decks and dislodged themselves from the main hull.

Players take the role of The Priest, a religious ruler that was transformed against his will. They wake up to find that 300 years had passed, the countless millions of colonists have been reduced in population drastically and suffered technological degradation, and the planet they live on is inhabited with various fantasy races that don't take kindly to their "Invasion".

You have taken control of one of the last, if not the only, remaining city of the Colonists (whom shall be here to fore be labeled as the Terrans for simplicity's sake). After a few days in power you turned a massive disorganized slum of a city into a thriving and busy metropolis with future plans for more modernization and government changes for better efficiency.

Current you have sent two groups of knights that have different goals.

One group was sent to save a Logging town from trolls.

And another is sent on a spy mission to a native settlement to investigate why an orc merchant had sent dwarven scouts to your area.

It is 14/3/300

After fighting off a troll attack on one of the logging towns, your knights encountered a german-accented fire-wielding Spellsword by the name of Heinrich Webber who aided in fighting off the trolls and saving the town, and a mute Battle Cleric by the name of Sister Madeline who prevented a demonic incursion from erupting from the town keep.

You also recieved a massive influx of refugees of your people fleeing from a potential invasion and are currently having them screened for diseases.

"I vould like to ask to meet vith your leader for aid in mein guest." The Spellsword asks, "Zee trio I'm hunding haffe cauzed much bain to Harkland und may incite trouple here as vell. It vould pe pest if ve vork together."

Do you bring the Spellsword and Battle Cleric to the city for further inquiry? Or have the knights remain there as a temporary garrison and continue to question them there?
Bring them to the city
To the city
The knight recieves your orders and turns to the Spellsword

"We have received word that His Lordship will recieve you," he then turns to the abbess "he also requests for Sister Madeline to come to Amberfall."

This statement causes Madeline to give a look of surprise. Heinrich seems to be confused.

"Vo told you zis? noone came in, does your leater haffe telebathy?"

"No, we are equipped with communication devices that allow us to hear his orders and for him to hear us."

"Fascinading, let us ko zen!" he says with enthusiasm

Madeline looks as though she feels like she doesn't deserve this honor. She turns to the abbess.

"You must go Madeline, The Lord has called for you in Amberfall and there is nothing more we can give you."

At this statement the cleric looks downcast. A knight calls for her attention

"Quickly, we must not keep His Lordship waiting," he says gesturing to the door.

The Spellsword is already waiting outside for the knights. Madeline relents and follows them to the APC.

The crowds cheer as they hail the saviors of the town as the group makes its way back to the Northern Gate.

It was a tight fit, but the APC's traveled back to Amberfall without incident.

Streetlights of candles and the rare electric bulb shine the way through the streets in the noon as the sun sets.

Neither Madeline or Heinrich see the city until they step out in front of the Keep.

Heinrich looks astonished at the city itself and takes off his helmet, revealing a human face.

"Amasing, it is chust like zee puiltings pack home put petter!" He says with excitement, "Makes zenze now zat I zink apout it."

Madeline however, seems to be nervous.

As the APC speeds off for the underground garage. Both their attention fixes onto you. Your metallic form greets them and you ask for them to speak with you within the Keep itself.

They are led to two different rooms where they will wait until you speak with them personally.

The day ends.
>It is now NightTime.

Who do you meet with first?
Come sit please. Sir Heinrich. I must say that I am thankful that you were there to defend our settlement. Mayhaps it was fate, or divine intervention from our lord. Now you mentioned something about a trio m you were after?

By the way, you're accent. Where do you hail from again? Forgive me, the years have not been kind to my memories. a lie but some little banter never hurt

Try speaking german to him.
Wie geht es dir?
> Now you mentioned something about a trio you were after?
"Zee beople I am afder are ein trio of Helfreya zieffes zat haffe peen blundering zeir vay through Harkland. Rebordedly zey haffe sdolen ein ardifact of cultural imbordance und I am charged vith redurning it."

>By the way, you're accent. Where do you hail from again?
I am from zee Brusic Federazion. Arh ! Ein colleczion of farious schtades zat schare zee zame language, culture, und peliefs. Ve are insbired py your nazion to form ours, many peings throughout zee knovn vorld, incluting our ovn race, pelieffed zat ve humans are of low zignificance in zee eyes of nadure und of zee kods und zee only vay to kain zeir faffor vas to relekate ourzelffes as zerffants of non-humans.

Ven you arriffed zat changed efferything. Arh ! All zee vonters you prought, made zolely py human hands und human minds, prought hobe to our race. Zis did not zit vell vith zee ruling races, vo zought to maindain zeir bover py any means necezary, esbecially py obrezion und prudality.

Brusic vas founted py zoze vo vere insbired py your examble. Arh ! Ve conquered our lands und liperaded our fellow man from tyrants und archaic peliefs. Driffing out many races und any of zeir itolisers zat ve could find.

Ven your realm exbloted, ve immediadely zusbecded zat zome of zee other races had ein hand in its destruczion. Arh ! Ve vere broffen right ven High Elffes pekan ein inffazion into our lands. Zey claim zat zee kods haffe sboken through your Kingtom's fall und zat ve must kneel or die. Arh ! Effer zince zen, ve haffe schtood broud as ein haffen of hobe for human ciffilisazion.
Crap I forgot to remove the 'Arh!'s. Please ignore them. Pretend they aren't there. They aren't supposed to be.
I'm using an Online German Accent Generator BTW.
Suck terrible things had happened to our people my child. So much that I could have been prevented were I present. But let us not swell on the past.
You and your peoples republic, I feel as though we are kindred spirits. If you need anything for your journey we would be happy to provide. within reason. sorry but we cant give you guns...yet
Perhaps we can someday rebuild what was lost. Say, what can you tell me about the elven explores in our old capital? I'm feeling miffed. as soon as our numbers reach 2k and we have better tech I'd like to kick them out. that's our place >:T
>If you need anything for your journey we would be happy to provide.
I need aid py any means you deem accebdable. Arh ! Helfreya are knovn to pe fery slibery, zee ones I burzue are nein different und haffe magic on zeir zide, here is ein bicture of tvo of zem. I haffe nein knovledge of vat zee zird one looks like.

>Say, what can you tell me about the elven explores in our old capital?
Vat?! Zere are elffes dvelling in your old cabital?! Zis potes ill. Vat sub of elffes are zey,?
>Vat sub of elffes are zey,
*Sub race,

sorry slip of hand
>here is ein bicture of tvo of zem.
Forgot to add.
>His people have come from a nation across the sea, arriving by boat on the shore. Their part of the expedition is traveling upstream a beautiful golden river, which is how the got here. They are currently exploring to meet with whatever races are in these lands.
neither glad nor dark elves.
>neither glad nor dark elves.
High Elffes zen? Or Gear Elffes? Vat vere zey vearing, how did zey act or sbeak?
Just remembered that there were some sewer tunnels that lead to the old capital where the Spanish elves currently occupy.

anyone other than we want the change that?

>a group of men wearing metal helmets and masks of bronze or brass (or a metal that seems like bronze or brass). They wield maces and shields of similar make. They are making their way to the city as we speak, with villagers in their path fleeing back to the city before they reach them.
>Their appearance reminds you of Spanish Conquistadors, who toppled the empires of the Aztecs and Incas.
do we have any communication devices with extreme range that's equally as small? an earpiece perhaps? we can give him food, water, maybe some vaccinations if he would be willing (hope he's not squeamish around needles), binoculars. maybe a high quality dagger as a hold out weapon? pretty much almost anything low tech if he requests it.

would it be possible to send satellites into orbit to get a good look at the world? Do we already have satellites?
Zat doesn't not fit any knovn elffen nazion. Hoveffer, I haffe read zat ein former colony of zee High Elffes sborded zimilar atdire pefore zome calamity pefell ubon it. Zee colony vas notaple pecauze it merged vith ein colony of Dark Elffes und ein hub of trade petveen zee tvo races.

>Do we have any communication devices with extreme range that's equally as small?
Yeah, but they only go so far as halfway through the adjecent regions, any further and you lose contact.

>Would it be possible to send satellites into orbit to get a good look at the world? Do we already have satellites?
No and no.

Any aid you chooze to giffe vould pe accebtable, your machesty.
ask him about his flaming sword. is it his sword or his own magic?
The fake german is really grating on my nerves.

Can we use a automatic translator so they can sound more english?

or just use google translate and we can translate back from german.
food, water, multi-vitamins, a high quality sword, a (cross)bow, compass if we have or he need, shots, tooth paste & tooth brush, minibible with select passages, a prayer to Heinrich that he may succeed in his goal,
Does Heinrich have any questions for us?

what if we asked some knights to join him on his journey to capture the thieves? could possibly strengthen ties between our societies. what do you guys think?
Two weeks worth of high quality rations, some high end military melee weapons (primitive swords and such with holy decals and inscriptions, blessed by us.), 100 gold coins, and perhaps Madeline too but speak to her first.

Perhaps send a Paladin hero and a retinue with them to support them and document and gather information at the same time.
I'm more for sending Madeline and another knight with her to go but at the same time I want assured victory and them to come back, so maybe go big or go home?
I don't know about any paladins. a few knights maybe, but a paladin is way up there. You're right we'd have to speak with her. With a pen and paper. or ink and parchment. eithe or.

what is our level of medicine?
You don't have translator, but you do have an accent adjustment device that allows you to here perfect English from otherwise incomprehensible people.

>Ask him about his flaming sword. is it his sword or his own magic?
The swords are a manifestation of my magic. All spellswords are people versed in melee and magic combat. We are an elite unit, as few people are capable of magic, fewer still are able those who can master both weapons and spell casting. Many can only learn one or the other. Though not all of us use swords, any kind of weapon such as bows and maces can be used. I just favor the blade.

Thank you, milord. I am most honored to be given such aid.

>what is our level of medicine?
19th century level, more or less.

The knights show the man to where he will be sleeping for the knight.

Now you move into Madeline's room. She was eating some bread when you walked in. Surprised, Madeline nearly chocked and is now coughing. The servant who gave her food, straightens up and apoligizes

"I am sorry for being here with out your permission milord, I just thought that she could be hungry and gave her something to eat" He said, bowing to you.
Well only paladins or above have power armour, and we should have two or more paladins assuming its a pyramid hierarchy.
Move to aid her and tell him it's fine
Waiting for you guys to respond here. oh well.

What will you tell the servant and as you present a pen and paper, what will you ask Madeline?
Still they're a little too few to send out.

Sorry asleep.

>Madeline nearly chocked and is now coughing
I think she's fine now.
How is she doing?
>"I am sorry for being here with out your permission milord, I just thought that she could be hungry and gave her something to eat" He said, bowing to you.
No it is fine. Thank you for bringing this food.
You are unclear that it was a prompt for us.

Tell the servant that they did good. Kindness and hospitality is a virtue in the eyes of God.

Honestly I don't know why we called Madeline over. I guess we could all about her abilities. Where did she learn swordfighting and how come she's so good at it.
Oh, first praise her for her part in defending the town.
I guess one reason we wanted to call hervwss so we can personallu thank her for saving the township from a demonic incursion. She such a humble girl.
Personally, from reading the archived thread, we should eventually fire bomb the glade elves. Make them wish they lived in 1940's tokyo.

This. No idea you wanted a response from us.

That would make them suffer for not the reasons you'd think, they are basically radical environmentalist hippie elves.
Exactly. Fuck them.
>"No it is fine. Thank you for bringing this food."
"Y-your welcome milord, I'll be going now."
The servant scampers off before anymore can be said.

>Oh, first praise her for her part in defending the town.
She looks as though shefeels that she doesn't deserve your words of praise. She writes something into the paper and presents it to you.

"The praise should go to the knights and Mayor Caldwell, milord. They gave their lives to protect the town. I would not be here if not for them."
such modesty is admirable. we will be holding a celebration for the knights who protected the town.
If we do, it should be in the town thet rescued. But alas they have a mission to complete.
The knights who died or the knights we sent?

Actually they are on stand by, unless you are refering to the knights that are on their way to the settlement that the dwarves we met came from. If that is the case they didn't do anything to contribute to the defence because they hadn't made it there yet. They are on horse cart remember?

Is there anything you would like to ask of Madeline?
The guy who wants to throw a celebration for defending the town that was attacked by trolls and demons. I'm saying it should be in that same town not at the city. Ask Madeline of demons and how they are summoned, what can we do to prevent future summoning or corruption of our people, and how the cultists went unnoticed for so long under our noses.
Again. Ask her about her martial prowess. I mean she's just a nun isn't she?
>Ask her about her martial prowess
She writes more into the paper and hands it to you.

I will now use brackets to differentiate written words from those that are spoken and from my own typings.

It says:
[ I was trained by the clergy of the town in ways of combat. Hungry beasts are not the only danger the townsfolk face. Magical beings and raiders are also a threat. When the people are threatened, it is our duty to provide protection against dangers both magical and mundane.]

>Ask Madeline of demons and how they are summoned, what can we do to prevent future summoning or corruption of our people, and how the cultists went unnoticed for so long under our noses.
[Demons are summoned through infernal rites and dark ritual. Magic circles, chanting, sacrifices, ley lines. The only known way to prevent further summoning and corruption is through constant vigilance and prayer. As for Robert being unnoticed, Lord Caldwell thought he was just going through a phase and could be set straight through his parenting. We pleaded him to allow us to investigate. But even as Robert grew bolder, Lord Caldwell refused to believe that his actions were not enough. The only reasons the demons did not leave the castle was due to our prayers and daily efforts to bless the walls, and because of the knights who aided me.]
ask for her hands so we may silently commune. let us pray for their spirits so they may pass on.
You two join in silent commune and pray for the spirits of all those who fell today. The prayer went for an hour and by the end of it, Madeline seemed less depressed. She gives a soft smile to you and bows in thanks.

Now for your usual nightly activities.

>Research into how to improve sanitation

>Research plans on how to improve the military.

>Research about the Republic of Alastair, its inhabitants, and its relations with other races.

>Research into knowledge of magic, what races practice it, how they use it, and anythings else the Terrans know.

need another prompt for the players.
>Research into knowledge of magic, what races practice it, how they use it, and anythings else the Terrans know.
get this started first.
>Research into knowledge of magic, what races practice it, how they use it, and anythings else the Terrans know.
>Research into knowledge of magic, what races practice it, how they use it, and anythings else the Terrans know.

Mana pours forth from the ground through certain openings, such as springs, volcanoes, crevices, and the like before being released into the air, flowing in currents around the world. Not all Springs, volcanoes, and openings pour out mana however. Also, certain objects and places can draw in this mana, creating things like enchanted forests and the like. It can be a benefit or a detriment, depending on the type and situation.

WINDS OF MAGIC: Mana swirling in the wind is very situational. When harnessing the winds, the amount of mana available to use, and thus the power of the spells, is dependent on the the winds. The winds are also fickle, and a hurricane of mana can change into stale air in but a moment. The fact that the user could be drawing in mana from the same source as the opponent is also a problem, if two individuals in conflict are both mages, then the winner would be determined by how each individual can adapt to the changing winds, I.E.: when winds are strong, the better caster wins, when winds are weak or non-existent, the better brawler wins.

Another detriment is overheating, channeling too much mana at once and doesn't allow a 'cool-down' period, they run the risk of literaly (and sometimes fatally) bursting with magical energy.

The physical winds and the magical winds are different, the a maelstrom of air doesn't necessarily mean an abundance of mana to use.



THE PULSE: Mana from the earth is safer and more reliable, but harder to harness. However, the availability of mana is dependent on location.

MANAPOOL: Mana from the self is dependent on the body itself. The person using their own reservoir of mana is limited in the amount of spells he can make by the amount of mana their body produces. Think of it as the kind of magic seen in many of the video games of old earth. The amount of mana in the body can be restored by rest or by consumption of edibles or use of items that allow increased mana restoration or decreased mana spent on spells. Training can also be used to increase mana capacity.

RUNIC MAGIC: Made famous by the dwarves, runes channel magic from the surroundings, be it any of the above sources. The use of said magic is dependent of the type and strength of the runes. A simple rune of protection against fire can provide a basic protection against flames so long as there is mana. However, the strength of the of the runes' effects will not increase no matter the actual level of mana in the surroundings, but it can decrease if the mana available is insufficient.

Dark Magic: this magic comes from demonic pacts and is independent of any worldly source of mana, bust be maintained by sacrifices. Think of it as pay to win consumables in video games. Once you run out, make a sacrifice. Summons are limited time too.

A few details:

CURSES: these are spells that can be applied to a person, object, or place that often have detrimental effects. The spells are constant, drawing mana from the surrounding. they can be removed by blessings, counter-spells, or by deprivement of mana from the surroundings. 500 years ago, a prankster cursed a dwarven settlement to have all beer within to turn into water, this has caused a race wide distrust or even outright hatred of elves.

ENCHANTMENTS: an actual source of magic, but I decided to include this one. This is bestowing an item, person, or place with magical energy to achieve a particular result. Such as having a mace burn what it hits, or making a bow guide its arrows to its targets. These are often temporary and will eventually be depleted of the spell unless constant channeling is applied.
Now for the races: (Please note that not all individuals of a race have affinity for magic)

DWARVES: cannot use spells, reliant on runes. Makes masterwork runes to compensate. Has runes for almost everything. Their runes are second to none.

HIGH ELVES: Can use magic of any source, but races' internal reservoir for mana is larger than everyone else. Can use external magic to replenish internal reservoir, still must not cast too much at once or risk exploding.

DARK ELVES: Just like High Elves, they can utilize any magical source. However, they have less mana capacity and cannot naturally replenish it with external magic. They can, however, channel their mana into their muscles and/or anything on their person like weapons or clothing and perform physical feats that are otherwise impossible. This is still dependant on the internal mana supply.

As an example:


GLADE ELVES: Less efficient at harnessing the winds of magic, and less mana reservior than humans. But are the best at harnessing the PULSE, they require less mana in casting and maintaining spells than anyone else when using the Pulse. They also amplify the flow of magic from the earth through manipulating their environment. Thus explaining their entire civilization.

GEAR ELVES: Their ability to enchant and curse are among the best. They are also second to the dwarves at using runes. However, they are worse than humans at casting spells. A few can master at least 3-4 spells that are not enchantments or curses in their life.

Kerogrim: No magic users recorded to exist.

Helfreya: They are very good at harnessing the Winds of Magic, requiring less mana for spells and but have almost no ability to utilize the pulse. The manapool is lower than man's but restores faster.

Orcs: They are far more prone to overloading than other races, but through certain movements of their bodies and vocal cords which can be interpreted at first sight as dancing and chants, they minimize the risks, especially when in coordination in large groups. Spells performed this way also use less mana and can affect larger areas than when casted alone.
>As an example:
Start the Vid at 3:00 please.
And the terrans can't use magic, right? Only blessings in the firm of prayer? I guess we should try dabbling in runes then.
We really need to set up an alliance with the more friendly nations. Humans from this world our the dwarves who wanted to have diplomatic this 3 with us.
Well, yes and no, we can use runes, but we can't make them. The dwarves can't cast spells, curses, or enchantments but a number of them are born with the ability to harness it called runesmiths, these people still cannot cast spells but they channel their mana into the runes they carve.

Faith is not dependent on the environment or genetics, anyone can have it.

>We really need to set up an alliance with the more friendly nations. Humans from this world or the dwarves who wanted to have diplomatic this 3 with us.

We must remember that everyone is different.

Heinrich himself said that there are humans who idolized other races whilst his nation sought to strick out on their own with no lordship of non-humans. While the dwarves themselves are also different. As covered in the previous thread:

>They are from the Dwarf Hold of Bamyur, a mountain hold known for being over forested and having frequent troubles with the Glade Elves constantly hindering their logging and farming activities. They are also known for having great wood working skills and some of the best axedorvs, speardorvs, and marksdorvs. They also explain that Dorf and Dorfun are the dwarven language equivalent of man and woman.

>You ask them if they are good at mining, they respond that the whole 'every dwarf is a miner or a smith' is a stereotype. Although stonemasons and smiths are prevalent in the dwarven race, they are also seen in many other races. They are just so famous for their mountain fortresses, terraces, and metal working that people often forget that they have settlements in other places or that they have other jobs. Them building their settlements high in the mountains stems from ancient times.

>The skills tend to differ according to each individual dwarf, the hold they were raised in often determines what the majority of the populace's skills are going to be.

>These dwarfs are skilled in logging and exploring. In battle they are very good with their axes, spears, and crossbows.

Not to mention the the Republic that the Terrans established before you were found included different races inhabiting the settlements. With this in mind, it could be possible that the civil war that tore the republic apart had different races on all sides of the conflict.

>>It is now midnight. Choose 1.

>Research into how to improve sanitation.

>Research into the cities pipelines and about pre-civil war settlements and facilities that could be nearby for later use.

>Research plans on how to improve the military.

>Research about the Republic of Alastair, its inhabitants, and its relations with other races.
>ENCHANTMENTS: an actual source of magic
*not an actual
slip of fingers.

>Research into the cities pipelines and about pre-civil war settlements and facilities that could be nearby for later use.

Can we get an update of previous projects that are incomplete or finished, and what level they are at in terms of improved ability over previous function or use? Ie, farms and mining, infrastructure etc.
The various agricultural tech is at 1837, before you came in the tech was at high medieval era.

Usually when a civilization requires less farmers to sustain themselves the people would move into the city. However, Due to overpopulation and the fact that you were demolishing most of the city to rework its infrastructure, the opposite happened. You have tons of farmland and ranches. Thus next harvest you could have tonnes of surplus to sell and trade with, with more to store in case of emergency. Or you could use cash crops, you wont have as much food then but your people could turn up quite a profit.

Mining is at around renaissance era, however the enginseers' equipment is about the late 21 century.

Logging is done primarily by axes and saws, turning logs into planks and beams in done through sawmills, through either teams of wood workers or by mechanical saws powered by wind or muscle.

The assembly line has been implemented in manufacturing jobs such as furniture and tool making.

Sanitation is still an issue, all fecal matter and urine is carried out of buildings by buckets and carted out of the city in wheeled tanks.

The road system is as good as can be to maintain a maximum population of 200,000 without breaking down the walls. Stone, wood, metals, preserved food, as well as gold and silver that are the taxes, are kept in storage in the keep, further separated between those for immediate use and those for emergencies. Resources for the public are kept in storehouses located across the city, in order to ensure that everyone has access to these goods, rather than a single massive warehouse district that people further out need to travel across the city to get. The districts are also divided by walls to ensure that should a breach be made, enemies still won't flood the city easily. Each district also houses a guard garrison tower, similar to a miniature keep, that maintains law and order and provides an area for recruitment and defense and an elevated position over the other buildings in the district to fire from.

Huh, It appears there are plans within the data-banks made by a knight after the establishment of Amberfall for defense against aerial beasts:
{Spikes at least 3 meters long, but longer would be better, point them at one side and char them completely as a protection against both decomposition and fire.}
{Bury them into the ground so that the pointy side sticks out high into the air but deep enough that they are stable.}
{Cover the city with these skewers as much as you get the time to. Start with securing one building, then move over to the next.}
{Also use smaller trees to get some 1 to 1.5 meter long trunks, meant to serve as “tent pegs” to longest trunks. Char the “tent pegs”, connect stable strings to them and bury them around these antenna-trunks.}
{Connect the antenna skewers with strings to each other and to the buried anchors. Span nets between the antenna-strings, to trap some of the flying creatures.}
>Research into the cities pipelines and about pre-civil war settlements and facilities that could be nearby for later use.
Hey this is a neat idea the knights came up with.
Should we consider sending a small detachment of knights to aid Heinrich?

Should we send a group of knights with an enginseer through the ancient sewer system to the old capital? If we clear out all the rubble, then maybe we can take a vehicle down to reduce travel time?
There is a nearby Waste treatment plant in the northeast in a abandoned city. It is a few days away by vehicle. Close to it is a Tesla Generator Plant. no other information exists other than the settlement over taken by plant life.

This makes it closer to the spanishesque elves but according to the reports that your scouts have made. The spanish elves outposts are several days away from your city even more so on foot.

The pipelines also reach into the old capital through several different settlements, but have been damaged over the years and some have even collapsed.

There is an old army base that lies in the south east. However, records say it was picked clean and is now home to bandits apparently.

Further down south is recorded to be a farming village. However, no other records about it after the fall have been found.

Up north past the mountain is more farmland and a research facility, none else one what it could be researching.
How good are we at scavenging? Do we need to build specialized vehicles? I think we should strip clean the nearby locations for resources and technology.

You know it would be great if we had better idea in which areas we are lacking and the ways to improve them. Like here >>2406073 where you compare agriculture and mining. It's clear that we need to improve mining.

What are our construction and factory capabilities? I really really think we should invest into high quantity cheap automatic rifles. I don't care what others think and their fear of tech getting in other's hands. It will not matter if we are destroyed because we refused to advance our military tech.
So we only have the one body double correct?

I vote for restoring the waste treatment plant and the Tesla Generator Plant. A good two in one deal. Good sanitation (and I hope a means to purify water for consumption and farming purposes) an the generator to spark innovation and other goodies.
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Or other nations and spies take them and- I don't know. I'm fine with arming the knights and the few guards with firearms. Not sure about outsiders.

Besides more cheap quantities of firearms, what about arming our hunters with powerful compound bows if we hadn't already?

Is it possible to domesticated monsters? Are there any that can be domesticated? Perhaps use acidic slimes and gelatinous cubes to discover waste? They could play a part in water treatment.
In not saying about arming outsiders. I mean getting our military tech up and trying to get to the level we had back on earth.

Even if other nations get a hold of our guns, they wont have the capacity to risk us in production and development of said weapons. Just like in real life, America still has the most powerful military technology and all other countries are trying to catch up with it.
It's beyond me why we are wasting time and resources making medieval armaments. Except for trading maybe, but even then, the way we approach it is stupid. We could build a factory which can produce high quality cold weapons at insane rates. Instead we're doing it the old backwards way.

About the hunters. First, op said that our agriculture is developed beyond what we need right now, so food is not an issue.
Second, I see no reason to not give them access to hunting rifles.
I hate writing on phones.

capacity to rival us*
guns are loud and would scare away game. I think there was a post somewhere in the last thread why the hunters don't use firearms. that and something about some monster being able to shrug of bullets like nothing.
I don't see why we should. Those places are few days of travel on VEHICLE. Assuming we travel 12 hours per day with the speed of 40km/h, and in being very very generous with those estimates, those places are over one thousand kilometers away. Trying to restore them and make them functional would be a very bad idea. We'd stretch ourself too thin for something which will provide no to little use.
I suggest we strip those places off anything useful and build new ones at our settlement.
Ah. That makes sense.
I guess there is no harm in giving them advanced bows.

Pretty sure that whatever is capable of shrugging away bullets won't be harmed by arrows.
you do have a good point. we'd need to send a good fifty or so people, including a group of knights an enginseers.

unless they make it into a small colony?
I feel we're at point where we need to consolidate our power. If something happened over there, an attack by enemies for example, we'd have hard time responding and once we send troops over there, our main settlement would be less protected. It would be something that our enemies would surely exploit.

We need to make strong power base and foundation before we start expanding further. Also, we need population to fuel that expansion (I'm not really sure about that though)
I guess you're right. We did just receive an influx of a thousand or so people who are in the process of being vaccinated. After that we might need to figure out housing.
The sanitation plant is about 2 days away or so, with the pipelines and the roads going through a few smaller settlements on the way.

>So we only have the one body double correct?
A quick dive into the inventory says no, there are a few more. However, you can only control one at a time as you are also managing an entire building, most of it is in disrepair. You do not have the processing power to be in more than two places at once.

How good are we at scavenging?
If by scavenging you mean by picking something up and bringing it back for someone else to make use of, All of your people are very good at it. If you mean by taking apart a piece of advanced machinery and implementing the still working bits into what you currently have and scrapping the rest for reprocessing, only the enginseers can do that. The people are limited in looting corpses or buildings and tearing down structures to use the stone, wood, or metal for later use.

You have specialized vehicles, but they can only be crew by the enginseers.

What are our construction and factory capabilities?
Construction and transportation is at colonial era tech.

As for factory, we have 2 smelters and one factory that are at around the industrial revolution era, but with extensive safety measures and higher pay, many other ore processing facilities and manufacturing sites are pre-industrial.

> I think there was a post somewhere in the last thread why the hunters don't use firearms.
It doesn't just scare off wild life, it also alarms people of your presence. By now everyone on this continent knows of how powerful our weapons are, if they hear a gunshot the first things they'll think about are the dwarves and us. Rapid succession of the sound would give the impression of an army, which could attract the attention of nations, who might want to bully us into compliance with their sheer numbers. isolated shots like from a small group of hunters would attract bandits, who would try to ambush the hunters and take their guns.

>Pretty sure that whatever is capable of shrugging away bullets won't be harmed by arrows.
Few creatures could treat firearms like they were nothing, but there exists a good number of them that can last a barrage long enough to close the distance and do damage. Something like a water elemental or an angry spirit wouldn't mind getting shot, unless by blessed bullets, but those are few and reserved for the Templar Order of the Crimson Blade.

Please remember that the military and population in the city are not the only people you have. There are the outer villages and towns to consider.

There is some survey equipment that can scan for underground materials. They were used to scan the mountain for metals, perhaps they could scan the surrounding fields for metals too. That way people can set up mining and smelting facilities outside the city and begin creating guns and tools.
Some of this stuff was address previously.

Hard to know what level of progress we have made, I think we need more of a planetary governor quest type of structure for the quest.

I think we only have a physical avatar body that we can control, that came with the building we were in.

>That way people can set up mining and smelting facilities outside the city

Isn't that where our farms are?
Is it possible to domesticated monsters?
Yes, but not all can be domesticated.

Perhaps use acidic slimes and gelatinous cubes to discover waste?
Records say that some city far in the south west has an expansive sewer system that drains the waste through an underground ecosystem before it funnels into its river. Various plant and animals live down there thriving off the waste and each other. Entire divisions of men are tasked with maintaining the water flow, the structural integrity of the tunnels, and in keeping the animals and plant populations in check through traps and skill of arms to prevent them from spilling out into the surface, as well as rescuing any law abiding citizen who windsup down there by accident.
Not large scale obviously, just very small ones. Besides we plan on expanding, which means the surrounding towns and villages are going to get bigger and more land is taken back from the surroundings.
Is it possible to get a pastebin or something that details our projects and our successes in building and fixing stuff, and their level? Like lets say how complete is the city infrastructure progress, how many factories we have plus the level of their tech and general abilities.
What's a pastebin?
some QMs use it to post quest into about stats or characters so as to not waste the first 5 or 10 posts at the start of the thread being filled with "clutters" of infodumps.

If you want to edit anything you paste, you should make a account.
Since we're talking about our progress, how's that college we built to teach people how to be engineers going?
Gonna take a while.
Thanks for answering.
Does anyone have any more questions or can we move on to the next turn?
>next turn?
We gotta wait till april for that.

>Next Morning 15/3/300

It is pretty foggy today.

A guardsman arrives at the keep and meets you before the mass.

He kneels before and presents his case.

"My lordship, a man arrived from one of the farming villages. He says that they are under attack from bandits and need our guards to defend them. Can we spare the men or can the knights deal with this faster?"

Madeline is told of her new mission, to aid Heinrich Webber in capturing some fugitives so as to aid in foreign relations. She accepts this duty and goes to meet with the knights who have the same assignments.

Hienrich is given his provisions, his new equipment and the 10 knights that are to accompany him, Madeline among them, making this a party of 12.

>>The Mass (choose 2):

>>Settlement (choose 3):
>Construct education and training centers.
>Improve the equipment of the settlement.
>Construct and improve the farms, logging, and hunting facilities.
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings.
>Begin Manufacturing products to trade with the foreigners.
>Improve the mines

>>Army (choose 1):
>Scout the neighboring ruins.
>Begin training.
I think it's a joke how op is very unclear when he wants us to give suggestions which will move the quest along.

Next turn please
this is the next turn: >>2409041
Can we have Heinrich take a short detour to deal with the bandits or does he think he has to go get the thieves post-haste?

Construct education centers
Manufacturing buildings
Improve equipment

For army. Send scouts to check the story of the man. Then send response unit to deal with the bandits.

I don't fully trust that this is not a trap. Background check the man and interrogate him to see if he's telling the truth.
"Ja! I will bring justice to these outlaws in the name of our peoples!" he says, "Shall we disembark on horses or do I get to ride your contraptions again?"
>Improve the mines
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings.
>Begin Manufacturing products to trade with the foreigners.

>Scout the neighboring ruins.
We should also start working on making police/military stations in the farmlands outside our walls so people are protected and we can patrol our borders. Maybe even build a few police vehicles for them.
He can.
Also send scouts like >>2409055 suggests. But no interrogation, i think that would just piss of the guardsman and make him not trust us.
The man who claims to come from the village or the guardsman who told you about him?
We can see anything within the city correct? Are all the new settlers adjusting well? did they get all their shots?

>Construct education and training centers
>Begin Manufacturing products to trade with the foreigners.
>Improve the mines
The more knowledgeable the people, the better. And about the manufacturing products for trade, we could start trade with Hienrich's people. He's made a wondrous first impression and I hope our two societies may prosper.

>Usually when a civilization requires less farmers to sustain themselves the people would move into the city. However, Due to overpopulation and the fact that you were demolishing most of the city to rework its infrastructure, the opposite happened. You have tons of farmland and ranches. Thus next harvest you could have tonnes of surplus to sell and trade with, with more to store in case of emergency. Or you could use cash crops, you wont have as much food then but your people could turn up quite a profit.
Oh right! About cash crops. We probably should trade the excess normally and not try any cash crops until we've stabilized from the major population increase.

>"My lordship, a man arrived from one of the farming villages. He says that they are under attack from bandits and need our guards to defend them. Can we spare the men or can the knights deal with this faster?"
No time to waste. As much as I believe in the strength in our soldiers, the knight would make quick work of these bandits and thus save a few more lives.

>Scout the neighboring ruins.
Say no to Demons kids!

>Improve the equipment of the settlement.
>Construct and improve the farms, logging, and hunting facilities.
>Improve the mines

>Begin training.
Scouts are already on the way
Oh. Forget about my post for sending knights then. He'll ride in the VTOL to the bandits then continue on their journey.
should we really doubt him so much? there could be some bandits butchering innocent villagers as we speak!
but then they proceed without horses afterwards thus slowing down their quest.... Unless we fly them back, or there is enough space for horses
uh, I meant. Hienrich, our knights and Madeline will travel to the sieged village while to dispatch the banditry, they they will ALL join Hienrich with his mission -VTOL, knights and priestess included- to get those dastardly cats.
how goes our spies? any news?
Uhhh, i don't think we should give Heinrich a VTOL for his mission, just a vehicle at best.
We already took care of the town under siege by trolls.

The village being raided needs our help first. we will have to skip the feast.

I think he mean give him a ride to the farming village under attack

>Are all the new settlers adjusting well? did they get all their shots?
about 1/3rd of the settlers got screened for diseases. 3/4rths of those that did have dozens of parasites and diseases, and are currently being treated. The 1/4rth that passed the scan are now going through some physical tests and interviews for what jobs they can have.

>Construct education and training centers
>Begin Manufacturing products to trade with the foreigners.
>Improve the mines
The people and enginseers work together to usher in more improvements to the city.

The scouts report that the village is, quiet. There are scorch marks on the streets and some on the buildings, as well as signs of frost on some of the areas.

There are no people, no foot prints, no bloodstains, no signs of battle or anything. But there is evidence of panic and flight.

The local tavern has light in its windows however.

The spies sent to observe the spanish-like elves?
the Spanish elves spies and the orc merchant spies

>There are no people, no foot prints, no bloodstains, no signs of battle or anything. But there is evidence of panic and flight.
g-guys, no...we should have done something sooner.

>The local tavern has light in its windows however.
perhaps there is hope? whoever has done this will not go unpunished.
>The local tavern has light in its windows however.
Have some of the scouts sneak towards the tavern to peek at what's happening inside from the windows.
What weapons and equipment do our scouts have?
>Have some of the scouts sneak towards the tavern to peek at what's happening inside from the windows.
They were not unnoticed.

A flash of light, and the video feed cuts into static.
>g-guys, no...we should have done something sooner.
We just got news of the attack now mate.
Anyway, i suspect the bandits are currently in the tavern doing their thing, they also clearly have magic users so hopefully we have some blessed bullets for them.
It's also a possibility these aren't just bandits but wood elves or some other race/nation group that have come to raid.
Well fuck, time to have Heinrich's vehicle go max speed and to call in the Calvary, how many nearby military personnel do we have? I want to o in hot and with maximum firepower.
anon wwwwwhhhyyyy. you were too cautious.
Also have the remaining scouts pull back and hide in possible sniping positions while still keeping sight of the tavern, maintain watch and report to us any and all movements from the tavern.
Also pls answer my question about scout equipment.
Cause caution means we still have scouts to observe the tavern for us and to make sure we know if the bandits will make a break for it or do something suspicious. We also know these bandits are strong and have real good magic users, we'll need as many men as possible for this.
>Have some of the scouts sneak towards the tavern to peek at what's happening inside from the windows.
Good. That implies we still have some scouts around. Can we communicate with them and tell them what just happened?

but by then the whole town would be slaughtered by the time the cavalry arrived. like now. there would almost no point.
"OH, ITS THEM IS IT?! WE HAVE NO TIME TO LOSE!" He Says with wrath and excitement.

Too foggy to know what is going on, can only see the shapes of the closest buildings.

>Also pls answer my question about scout equipment.
Revolvers, binoculars, sabers, flare gun, cudgel, bolas. The poorer ones are only equipped with bows, clubs, bolas, and spears.

The APC Full Throttles towards the village. Many road travelers hastily jumping out of harms way when the machine speeds past them.

They arrive at the village and immediately meet up with the scouts. Together they storm the tavern.

They find the missing scouts on the floor, unconscious and stripped down to their undergarments.

A note pinned on the wall, written in a language you recognize as german.
>but by then the whole town would be slaughtered by the time the cavalry arrived. like now. there would almost no point.
Yea but QMs post just demonstrated our scouts may not be enough to deal with the bandits and their mages, we must gain sufficient forces(AKA overwhelming force) first to deal with these bandits instead of wasting lives by having just the scouts act.
Drat, they either must have snuck past or used some kind of magic.
What does the note say?
>A note pinned on the wall, written in a language you recognize as german.
translate it

of course no mere scout could best them. we would require the aid from the order of knights. people who were more suited for direct combat.
>of course no mere scout could best them. we would require the aid from the order of knights. people who were more suited for direct combat.
Exactly? What are you criticizing here?
Heinrich reads the note aloud.

It says:
[The villagers are all held up in the barn, no injuries among them. Don't bother hunting us, you have no way how.

P.S. Heinrich, go-]

Heinrich growls in disgust, crumpling the paper and burning it with his magic
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Meanwhile, back in the city.

"Lord! We have a deceiver!!! The guardmen shouts

A pair of guards bring forth a Helfreya. Holding her tightly by her arms.

"This is the 'peasant' that brought news of the attack! one of the priests threw holy water on her and her spell dissapated!"

Helfreya is noticeably scared witless, shaking with fear (or is it just the cold because she is wet?)

"p-..p-please d-don't hurt me" She meekly mutters "it wasn't m-my idea..."
"Then who's idea was it? And who are you?"
Huh, would you look at that, that anon was right about needing to interrogate.
Wait a minute, do we not have things like citizen ID's?
my....child? why? what madness brought you to raze our village and steal a national treasure? I am not angry though I am disappointed in you, as homes can be rebuilt and ctores restocked, and I count the blessings I am afforded that the villagers and our scouts we're unharmed, but why?

I'm sorry for doubting you.
I thought he wanted to interrogate the German knight.
Citizens ID? That might be a good idea, but we may need to advance a little further before we can do that.
"I- I- it was their's! A-Audhild's and Brenda's! They're jerks! They- they make me do everything with them! I d- I didn't even want to be a- a bandit-" she starts to break down into tears, speaking hastily in her native tongue. Though, your pretty sure you wouldn't have gotten a thing she said even if you did under stand her from how she's speaking.
I thought so too, regardless, even if he actually mean to interrogate the citizen i still think that would have been a mistake if he would have been wrong.
Anyways, this has clearly exposed to us a obvious weakness, we lack proper police forces and communication for our citizens beyond our walls, we lack basic ID checks and anti-magic against disguises and mind manipulation, and our scouts are sub par seeing as their equipment varies depending on their wealth.
First things first is establishing a town hall like building for police/military and personal communication to our government so we don't need guards to run all the way to the city to inform us about this shit.
"First of all calm down. Can you explain what their plan was and what their goal was kidnapping my citizens?"
Are able to speak in German? I bet she wouldn't expect that.
>German A.I. mode: "Ssshhhh my child, be at peace. All will be fine as you've nothing to worry for. I am not so cruel or petty to, harm you?"
can we give her a hug?
What I want to know was why they sent this one here to warm us about their activity. Did they do this on purpose so we catch their trail, or did this one come to us to stop her accomplices?
We'll also need to create standard equipment and training for our police officers and scouts.
What is our current training an equipment for our guardsmen QM?
Also what's the hierarchy for the guardsmen?

>The title of Guardsman is a carry over from the days of the Republic. Back then they were a force to be feared due to their equipment and training. Today they have had to downgrade. Their hard armor is not as all concealing as before (even if the ballistic weave uniform is still dependable), their weapons are similar to that of the Cold War era if they are lucky(most are of ww2 tech). On top of it all, most of it are hand me downs. Their equipment is often inherited from guards who for one reason or another (often a violent one) could no longer fight. They make up for these deficiencies in dedication and zeal spent training and preparing for the next call to arms. For they know that if they fail then the last of their people could die out as well.

>You begin training the guardsmen is improved programs that are to help in their accuracy, reloading, discipline, and cooperation. The training like this will continue for around 3 weeks. Freeing your time for some other military activity.

>The guardsmen are used to defending the city from near or within its walls, thus they aren't trained or equipped for long marches, Extended battles on the other hand they can do, and they do it well. The faceplate that they were is actually a visor, made to look like something that will hinder their aim. The helmet is actually air sealed, funneling tubes (consealed by the design) from the mouth piece, to around the cheeks, to the back of the head and into a filter bag on the back.

>>Guardsmen needs to be capable of doing more than defense, so they will need future training in that regard.

>Begin training
>Your guardsmen have more or less finished their training and can now more effectively partake in operations other than settlement defence. Law enforces and patrolmen are now being trained to provide more security to your burgeoning realm.

does this help you?
Its can be a pain to push for the extra step.

We can do one based on runic magic or something. But we lack the ability to wield and craft, or the knowledge at the moment.
She tries to calm herself as she hyperventilates. After a long while she speaks again:

"They- they, They made this fog before- before the sun came up, to mask *sob* their presence. They stole the *cough* the villagers as they *sniff* slept and then made it look like a battle. They sent me to draw the guards out *sob* so they can take their stuff."
wait a gosh darn second.

>Next Morning 15/3/300

>It is pretty foggy today.

>anon: Also have the remaining scouts pull back and hide in possible sniping positions while still keeping sight of the tavern, maintain watch and report to us any and all movements from the tavern.
>GM: Too foggy to know what is going on, can only see the shapes of the closest buildings.

>They sent me to draw the guards out *sob* so they can take their stuff."
wait wait wait is she talking about the guards in the village or the "our" guards within the city? because I'm fairly sure we would notice something wrong if shes referring to the latter.
I think he means ranks and unit organization.
>I'm fairly sure we would notice something wrong if shes referring to the latter.
We did notice something wrong, that's why we sent someone to check things out.
ooh so its the former. that's less worse news.

what is your name? where are your friends now?
What did they steal again?

The swords and armour, or did the guards have guns and electronics?

I hope your not falling for the kids tears. They can play some silly adults that never had kids before by doing this.
Yes, thank you.
So it seems Guardsmen are sufficient in law enforcer training for now. I don't like that bit about not being capable for long marchers and being used to defending the city from the walls but it think we can fix that by giving them vehicles so they behave more like Mechanized infantry/riot police and by making some of the guardsmen more like police officers by downgrading the armor into police informs and making them more like the police we have nowadays.
Speaking of riot police we should begin training them into handling hostage situation and the like along side their military training, we should also start adding more roles like snipers and scouts, and more equipment like night vision goggles and holy trinkets to fight against magic like that god damn magic disguise.
To summerise, make a god damn dedicated scouting force for both military organizations so we don't need to rely on the rangers and hunters. start altering the guardsmen training so they can act more like a police/riot police group alongside basic infantry, start building stuff like police vehicles and town centers so people can actually call the police without walking all the way to our city.
>The swords and armour, or did the guards have guns and electronics?
Here >>2409115
Seems like some revolvers, binoculars and flare guns are the best they got.
>What is your name? Where are your friends now?
"*sniff* I- I'm Camelia, and i have no friends."

>The swords and armour, or did the guards have guns and electronics.
Pistols and the headset radios.

>I hope your not falling for the kids tears.
This is not a child, this is a young adult.
of course. where are the other two wanted Helfreya? Do you know where they are? If not, do you know where they may be heading?
>headset radios.
I wonder if we can use those to find them, then again they might know about radios since they clearly aimed to take our stuff so they should know how they work in some fashion.
"I- I don't know, they never tell me anything. They just drag me around everywhere."
Wait so they did all that to an entire village just to steal the equipment of a pair of scouts?

>Pistols and the headset radios.
Switch to secure frequencies, have everyone who uses radios do the same. Deploy drones to start searching for them and other high mobility assets.

See if we can track radio transmissions or listen in on them.

Ask them where they were hiding out or staying previous, and the locations before that.
"Are you sure you don't know anything about their plans? Anything at all?"
Run Doubt.exe.
Ask the cat.
We ain't got drones, also do you know of anything we can do with radios to discretely find where they are? I want to eavesdrop and get some information before we activate the inquisition to chase them.
Ask her to remember about any locations, names or subjects she overheard them talking about. Ask where she came from and what paths she took to get to the village, and to this place. Ask her what was she suppose to do after giving the message to us, where was she suppose to go afterwards.
>The helfreyans are a race of Cat-like Humanoids roughly at around early to high medieval technology. Certain individuals are born with an affinity for magic. Many need to rely on skills natural and learned. In combat they tend to favor speed and agility, or ranged attacks, rather than all out strength. However, this comes at the cost of not being as durable as other races, compounded with that they rarely wear anything heavier that chain mail or Jack Plate. They have night vision, and can be pretty snide.
>roughly at around early to high medieval technology
They might not understand the technology, or might sell it to the highest bidders, but by our bright lord you maybe onto something!

can we pinpoint their locations with the headsets? Does Heinrich know any magical means to track them?
>Certain individuals are born with an affinity for magic.
We can follow the fogs if we have to.
>The aerial recon drone has finished its course. The village is mapped out, most of the defenders are in the market plaza or in the walls, a few are in the streets doing what they can to hold the line and stop the trolls from continuing. The stranger is alongside the defenders in the plaza. Scans indicate that the temple contains a sizable portion of the populace and the guards and clergy may not hold for long. Your men are approaching in the east. The northern entrance is closest and is already open but has a dozen trolls, the southern entrance will take longer but has no danger. Which one to take?

Last thread.

We can scan all the frequencies the radios can use and listen in to which ones they are using.

Another thing we can do is try and detect the radio waves with specialized equipment, and try to triangulate the general area and direct they are being used in.

We should also restrict access to all scouts ability to enter sensitive locations. Set up water spraying mist machines to dispel any further magic illusions.
>Set up water spraying mist machines to dispel any further magic illusions.
I'm pretty sure we can dispel magic illusions more efficiently that that by using stuff like blessed crosses.
And prayers.
always pray when encountering magic.
Ah, aright then.
release the hounds.
"You sent scouts? They- they were hoping for- for actual guards."

*sniffle* no.

Ask her to remember about any locations, names or subjects she overheard them talking about. Ask where she came from and what paths she took to get to the village, and to this place. Ask her what was she suppose to do after giving the message to us, where was she suppose to go afterwards.
"I- we were at a tavern somewhere in- in Arcadia. They were talking about the stuff we did in Harkland, saying that we should do more. Then- then they decided to come here, they said the stuff here might help. Then we just kept wandering, finding things, stealing things. Then we met some elf with weird armor. They kept me in the dark about what they and the elf talked about. Then they just told me to do this."
gotta pray to the coolest guy in the sky to dispell this witchery.
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Not really, it would need a dedicated priest to go to each individual and do the blessing, while a mist spraying device like this, which is just pressurized water in a pipe with tiny holes in it can allow us to process people as fast as the can walk through the mist at a reasonable pace.

Anyone moving to fast through it gets splashed with a bucket of water.
did the elf look like
>insert Spaniard elf descriptions here.
Describe the elf to us.

Did it wear [insert description of the elves that visited us.]
>"You sent scouts? They- they were hoping for- for actual guards."
Heheheheehe. So they might try again. An excellent opportunity for a trap.
>Then we met some elf with weird armor. They kept me in the dark about what they and the elf talked about. Then they just told me to do this."
"What kind of elf? What did the weird armor look like? Where did you encounter him?"
they made you collateral to be used and expended.
quick question. is there anything odd about her? can you describe her appearance?

Uh, yeah, that sounds like him he was somewhere north of here. Why? you met him?
Guards as is Guardsmen or like town guards?

We can alert our guys to any pair of scouts or guards acting funny ,since they don't have the proper training and knowledge of protocols. Heck a simple "answer this random dumb ass easy question" that all guards know, but people not train as guards or scouts don't.
I fucking told you guys to interrogate the man who brought the news! Stop being so trustful if everyone.

There was literally no reason not to.
"N-No! they, they said that I should meet them in the forests in the west at night. They- they would never do that..."

Perhaps I was unclear what I meant. When writing on a phone you try to keep things as short as possible because how tedious it is.
I mean it's a very standard procedure to double check if the story is true. I didn't mean the interrogation in hostile sense.
We really need some intelligence officers.
>[Internal raging]
Can we communicate with our head paladin or an enginseer and get their onion in on this, with how a spanish elf is involved and how the two Helfreyas two some pistols and communication devices from our scouts?

I'm sorry. It was only a hypothesis.
I want to make a deal with you. If you help us capture your friends, we will see to it that they return all that they have stolen, and they will not be mortally wounded.
Walp It's time we get some stealth drones and super soakers full of blessed holy water. are we capable of blessing water, because that would be cool.
>Not really, it would need a dedicated priest to go to each individual and do the blessing.
Oh you're talking about removing individual illusions.
I'm pretty sure it would be better to have the individual priest do the checking, as personal belief is stronger that that mass produced stuff. It is the belief of the man behind the gun that matters.
Anyway if we need to check masses of people for magic we could use a priest holding a incense Thurible instead, we get both lot's of coverage and a strong belief to dispel the magic.
>There was literally no reason not to.
Yes there was, being overly paranoid is not a good thing to show to the people, an interrogation before acting on the report of bandits is bad and shows we don't trust our people.
I do concede on the fact that you were right about it though, just not that there was no reason not to.
Aha! An opportunity!
How big is that forest? How far away is it and how fast can our vehicles surround it before night?
Yes, yes we are.
I feel sort of humbled, I think.
What about incense, and crosses?
Or are we able to bless almost any object like Russian priests?
>How big is that forest? How far away is it and how fast can our vehicles surround it before night?
i think they would find her instead of her finding them. waiting somewhere in the forest for her to arrive.
I know, i'm thinking we surround the Forrest before closing in so they can't escape, regardless of who's supposed to find who.
We thought you wanted to Interrogate the German Knight asking us for help, not the villager who came asking for help. As for interrogating the guy- >>2409164
Its can be a pain to push for the extra step due to a lack of structure and timely responses.

>I didn't mean the interrogation in hostile sense.
Fun fact.
The police department in my city changed the name of the "interrogation rooms" to "interview rooms".

Do our drones have Thermal and night vision?

Arm our knights with incendiaries and flame throwers, so if they fog things up to much we start burning things to dissipate the fog.
So those elves hired them to steal our tech.

Since we know their (elves)rough location, we might be able to intercept them. Let's send some drones or vtol with knights to scan possible routes.

I don't really trust 6 this cat we're interrogating but gets an idea. Put on a tracking bracelet in her with a microphone, make it concealed. Tell her that if she wants to live she needs to cooperate. Make stuff up that if she tries to remove it or tell her friends about it, we can curse her to death with it.
Then send her to their meeting spot. Keep our guys fair bit away from her so that they are not noticed.
Also give her few trinkets like radio or Walkman stuffed with more bugs which she will hand over as things she managed to steal while she slipped away during the commotion of organizing a response.

Keep in mind that she wouldn't have been able to travel on vehicle, so adjust her arrival to meeting spot as if she walked her way back.
>I want to make a deal with you. If you help us capture your friends, we will see to it that they return all that they have stolen, and they will not be mortally wounded.

"I-" she pauses to consider this, she seems to be having a quiet, internal conflict about this deal. "O-okay, just-, please..."

She takes a deep breath.

"Please don't hurt them. They're the only family I have left."

Just picture it, some day in the future:
Holy Water Firetrucks!

>What about incense, and crosses?
>Or are we able to bless almost any object like Russian priests?
We are able to bless anything, but the power of the object comes from the faith of the person wielding it. A man with no faith will find that a blessed sword is no greater than than a normal sword of similar make but no blessing. A man with hate in his heart for God who decided wield a blessed object will have effects similar to this:
>Arm our knights with incendiaries and flame throwers, so if they fog things up to much we start burning things to dissipate the fog.
Speaking of that, i have a plan.
If we can surround the Forrest we should bring extra wood so we can set up pyres to burn, then we use our drones or a megaphone to demand their surrender or we burn the Forrest down, if they don't surrender we light the pyres on fire to trick them into believing we have gone ahead with our threat. If they call our bluff then we'll have to go in the hard way and send in paladins against a race with night vision in a god damn forrest.
Its better if we do it secretly and release her so she can play the part better. If shes to nervous then it might give her away.

Nvm its too late guess.
>We are able to bless anything, but the power of the object comes from the faith of the person wielding it. A man with no faith will find that a blessed sword is no greater than than a normal sword of similar make but no blessing. A man with hate in his heart for God who decided wield a blessed object will have effects similar to this:
So yea, definitely incense Thuribels wielded by priests instead of automated sprays.
Are we going to try and intercept or trap them?

We can probably do both if we pull the extra manpower.
Wow yeah. Why didn't we think of this before. We need to set up lines of communication with extra redundancies in every settlement we have.
Also need set up a system where each settlement checks in every hour or so to inform of their status (meaning that if a village is silent for hours, then something very wrong has happened)
>We can probably do both if we pull the extra manpower.
And why wouldn't we pull the extra manpower?
Yep, i go into further detail here.
Are these cats the same ones that our spellsword friend is looking for?

Can our priests/nuns heal with power of faith?

I think we should do both. You know, a plan b.
That honestly doesn't make the object blessed at all, but the person.....

We did bring it up, but half the time, when we ask to do something or upgrade I'm not sure it get s implemented or if it gets excluded because we didn't specifically single it out and ask for it, thus costing us a turn.

I have no idea how much or many we can draw from. I asked for numbers in the past but didn't really receive a reply.
We should also build churches in our outer villages to prevent faith from wavering and to have priests to deal with demons and shit.
In fact, we should begin building Churches and the Town halls/police stations immediately.
What if we could bless stews or sandwiches? A blessing from our lord a week reduces temptation to less than a peep.

Could work. How do you want to do this? Variables being the mist, our drones, Camelia, the two Helfreya criminals, Guardsmen, knights, Sir Heinrich, priestess Madeline, the forest located westward.

careful. all of that firepower may set the forest ablaze. I don't like the Glade Elves, but I don't want to needlessly anger them.

yes a tracking device bracelet she can wear on a bicep which would be obscured by the sleeve of her shirt. Though maybe threatening her maybe just a tiny bit much.

glad we can work together.

Well, they have magic. do you think they have some way to circumvent that? if they can produce mist then i would guess they could make enough to extinguish a fire, enough to make a path of escape. Oh night vision might work. Maybe something to protect against electricity just to be safe so it doesn't damage the equipment too severely.

we want to be discreet about this so they don't bugger out. got any detailed ideas?

probably not every hour but we can hash out the finer details later. With how our tech level is progressing, we should be reaching radio transmissions soon!

>Are these cats the same ones that our spellsword friend is looking for?
they are

>We should also build churches in our outer villages to prevent faith from wavering and to have priests to deal with demons and shit.
there are already churches in our settlement, but demon shit happens regardless.
I don't know if we will be allowed to.

We need to form Battle nuns and Crusaders, and a militant branch to deal with that. Let the priest kept the populace blessed (and safe).
>That honestly doesn't make the object blessed at all, but the person.....
It's a "If i believe it works, it works" situation, so if a priests uses a fire hose to spray holy water at something it will work, but if a man who isn't faithful uses the same fire hose and holy water it won't.
Basically, combat priests will need to be a thing. Pretty sure those are our knights anyway.

I agree. We need to implement these ideas as soon as possible.

Concerning vehicles. Could we shit our bunch of barebones off-road vehicles? Like those military jeeps in ww2? I doubt we could supply entire force with high tech apcs at the moment but cheap jeeps sounds like a good temporary solution.
>We need to form Battle nuns and Crusaders, and a militant branch to deal with that. Let the priest kept the populace blessed (and safe).
I think that's what our knights and paladins are dude.
>Well, they have magic. do you think they have some way to circumvent that? if they can produce mist then i would guess they could make enough to extinguish a fire, enough to make a path of escape.
We're not actually gonna light the Forrest on fire man, just make the illusion that we have.
>there are already churches in our settlement, but demon shit happens regardless.
There are other settlements dude, and villages beyond our walls, they need proper churches and police departments.
Oh you gave me an idea! when we reach the level of technology where we can broadcast radio signals, we should gift each settlement a radio so everyone can hear us as be do perform Mass, that way everyone who hears receives our blessing and protection.

I don't know. Are you sure that is necessary? Well actually a branch that deals exclusively in daemons doesn't sound too bad.

sounds like something our knights could do, yeah.

I don't know. The lumber town did have its own garrison of guards and a church. What else is there to do?

>Could we shit our bunch of barebones off-road vehicles?
I don't think we're at that tech level yet, but it should be soon.
Can we have a consensus already? I'm starting to get tired from all these ideas thrown around.
>There are other settlements dude, and villages beyond our walls, they need proper churches and police departments.
That's fair. Maybe we can send a group of twenty guardsmen to each town to check on the quality of their policing force and their churches?

Slap a tracking device to Camelia's bicep, get the most stealthiest drones in the air when the time comes, arm our best marksmen with tranqulizer darts, have a secondary group of lethally armed snipers, a group with transport, and a fire team with our battle priest.

How does this sound guys?
But the blessing does nothing once blessed object is handed off to a unfaithful person this rendering it pointless..... Its like a sword that can only be wielded by a certain class like Knight or Paladin, and if anyone else picks it up, the buffs or stat bonuses don't' apply, unless I am understanding the way it works incorrectly.

Glade Elves live far away...

We could try to use a Electromagnetic pulse on them if we have the ability to, and kill the equipment they stole from us?

Putting out a forest fire would probably cost them alot of mana. Maybe even enough to exhaust them.


We sort of already do have a branch, but it seems to be more like individual heroes like Madeline, but its not really well "fleshed" out into a structured and official thing as far as I know of.

Here is what I'm thinking
We have the guys at the village move into position for a intercept so they go around and maybe come up from behind them, while local forces try to trap them, if they fail then try and push them to Heinrich and Madeline and her group. Since Heinrich and Madeline's group is already deployed we won't have to worry about drawing to much suspicion and attention from sending out so many people to try and do both Trap and Intercept plans with guys from our city or garrison.
We're not going with my idea too?
oh and Sir Heinrich positioned to engage them in a melee to distract them.

>"This is the 'peasant' that brought news of the attack! one of the priests threw holy water on her and her spell dissapated!"
oh bummer man.

sorry sorry. what was your idea? was it the forest fire one?
>was it the forest fire one?
Ye, right here >>2409250
Shit i'm loving this quest, exactly like HQQ in terms of discussion.
>But the blessing does nothing once blessed object is handed off to a unfaithful person this rendering it pointless..... Its like a sword that can only be wielded by a certain class like Knight or Paladin, and if anyone else picks it up, the buffs or stat bonuses don't' apply, unless I am understanding the way it works incorrectly.
You got it actually

>It is now noon

>Slap a tracking device to Camelia's bicep, get the most stealthiest drones in the air when the time comes, arm our best marksmen with tranqulizer darts, have a secondary group of lethally armed snipers, a group with transport, and a fire team with our battle priest.

It is settled that the Helfreyan will be bugged and allowed to go back to her 'friends' so that we may track them down and intercept them.

Heinrich has arrived back and has been informed of these events.

"This sounds like a trap, we must be prepared. They are very slippery, it is possible they deliberately told her where they will be so as to lure more of us out there."

>>The Mass (choose 2):

>>Settlement (choose 3):
>Construct education and training centers.
>Improve the equipment of the settlement.
>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings.
>Begin Manufacturing products to trade with the foreigners.
>Improve the mines

>>Army (choose 1):
>Scout the neighboring ruins.
>Begin training.
I agree with the tracking device part.

I don't think we should deploy guardsmen during this event. Maybe later though.

Lets just do the trap plan first and then figure out the rest.

So far, the only thing I not sure on is should we plan a back up intercept plan, and if we should use the Heroes Heinrich and Madeline for the trap or intercept.

I'm fine with pretty much everything on your plan for the trap part. The other guy seems fine with trapping too but has different ideals on the details.
>It is settled that the Helfreyan will be bugged and allowed to go back to her 'friends' so that we may track them down and intercept them.
Uhhh, it wasn't settled QM, i think.
What time of day is it now?
the Spanish elves spies and the orc merchant spies.

The Orc merchant spies reported that they were ambushed by ratmen along the way, but dealt with them in quick manner.
Wait so are we not going to try and trap them first?

If not the second one, then Strength

>Improve the equipment of the settlement.
>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings.
I'd say change the Law Enforcement facilities to Barracks and Guardhouses so they can double responsibilities in defense.
>orc merchant spies
What? You mean the dwarves?
The Orc merchant spies reported that they were ambushed by ratmen along the way, but dealt with them in quick manner.
Oh you mean the Guys we send on the "adventure".
our men will be ready

>Improve the equipment of the settlement.
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings.
>Improve the mines

>Begin training.
train our scouts to be more competent and confident

whatever happened to scouting the ruins or training for this post? >>2409091

at least they're ok. god speed.

the three adventuring dwarves that came to our blooming settlement were sent by the orc merchant.
File: Steamtank.png (2.47 MB, 1864x1464)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB PNG
>the Spanish elves spies and the orc merchant spies.
The Spies on the spanish elves sent this image they took while scouting the old capital. The elves have several of these parked in a makeshift garage.

>What? You mean the dwarves?
No, I mean the knights and the paladin we sent off to meet with the orc merchant under the guise of adventurers
wait. can the device also have a microphone?
>Begin training.
forgot to add this
>whatever happened to scouting the ruins or training for this post?
Those are going to take a few days.
steam tanks? this does not bod well for me.
>steam tanks? this does not bod well for me.
Nah man, those are easy to deal with.
It's magical steam tanks we gotta worry about.
What about our Hero party at the village? Did we recall them? Did they come back already?

Bet we can use WW1 or WW2 level anti tank rifles to deal with them fairly well.
damn am I forgetful. a single priest can probable disable them. but if they're not powered by magic, then that might be troublesome. I don't know much about the steampunk troupe.
>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages.
Change law enforcement facilities to Barracks and guardhouses like >>2409295 says.
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings.
>Improve the mines

>Begin training.
Start giving some guardsmen Riot police/special forces training, sniping, hostage situations, breech and clear, all that stuff.
Also if possible, create or modify a new hierarchy in both the guardsmen and the knights for a group of scouts/snipers, stealthy people who enter a situation first to get information so the main group can act better.
Thats not all. Apparently there was a delay in the transmission of the message due to magical interference and worn out equipment. This image was sent earlier this day

Here is an update of what's happening there right now. Captured via short-ranged low quality drones. If the actions in the report look clumsy, blame it on the equipment

They've taken over the capital and rebuilt it to their liking.
We can try freezing them if we have stuff like liquid nitrogen or Cryogenic fluids.
Antitank rifles man, like >>2409310 says.
We can also use mines, RPGs, and our better tanks to deal with them.
plus they're steam tanks, i don't think they'll preform very well without magical enchantments.
>Heinrich has arrived back and has been informed of these events.
yep, our group is here.
what's your favorite?

excluding the xenophobia I hope. I remember the dog people liked us.
Like Adeptus Arbites?

Yeeeaaah this is not ok.
Would you look at that, they're at war.
Would be a shame if we declared war too for their transgression.
Here's an idea. Once we get plumbing universally working and water treatment plants, what would happen if we started blessing entire water supply?

Seconding except for xenophobia thing. Change it to strength or whatever.
Just so you all know, the moment the flag went up, all their foes disintegrated.
What? Do you mean in the acutely battle taking place in the quest or just the video.....
>Like Adeptus Arbites?
More like WW2 military police in general, but also with some special forces mixed in for special situations like hostages.
would be a shame indeed.

Unlikely, possibly some runic enchantment that dispels magical beings.

More the reason to salvage the water treatment plant and tesla generator which is close to them. We don't want that tech falling in their hands and we can rebuild them at our settlement
You know, like Warhammer Fantasy's magic banners.
Means they have dwarfs in their employ or that they learned how to make runes themselves.
Wonder if we can make our won, faith based versions to dispel those.
I don't know much about the banners besides them providing a moral boost.
did they really fight fairies?

like the faith spells in dark souls?
You know. We could have our own suped up warriors in huge power armors. The elite of the elite. Paladins with unwavering faith, their equipment blessed by the best priests possible. No heathen magic could touch them. A small squad of them would be as strong as an army.
Would be pretty awesome.
What about playing war chants and holy music over through speakers when in war? That would be a very big buff to our soldiers!
Have their weapons be blessed by the paladin that wields them, that way they serve both as super paladins and battle priests.
Is that a L-39?

PTRS-41 or Solothurn S-18/1100
You know. Those elves could be fighting old republic enemies. We still don't know what caused its downfall.
It could be that those fairies attacked the elves because they don't want similar power like republic used to be rise.
>wait. can the device also have a microphone?
It already does.


>Improve the equipment of the settlement.
>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings.

>Begin training.
In light of recent events, everyone must be prepared.

Someone suggests that maybe we should send a party over the river via aircraft in order to find out if there anymore Kerogrim in the night. That way we may have some allies. We may risk alerting the Spanish elves though.
it is the L-39
Wait a minute, what if this is why those dwarfs came to find us, a nation payed to find the remnant of the old republic so that they could ally with us against those elves!
Who were kerogrim again?

The projects which were started the previous turns haven't finished yet? Are you keeping track of them and tell us when they're done?
The barrel shroud looks funny to me.
Why wouldn't they just tell us when we first met then, and why send mercenaries to do the job for something that could be politically sensitive.
>The sanitation plant is about 2 days away or so, with the pipelines and the roads going through a few smaller settlements on the way.
>Please remember that the military and population in the city are not the only people you have. There are the outer villages and towns to consider.
>There is some survey equipment that can scan for underground materials. They were used to scan the mountain for metals, perhaps they could scan the surrounding fields for metals too. That way people can set up mining and smelting facilities outside the city and begin creating guns and tools.

The Kerogrim are a race of humanoid canines that lives, or lived, across the river north of here. Their kingdom made rapid advances in science, technology and culture thanks to colonist intervention. What became of them during and after the civil war is unknown. They are known to be remarkably obedient and loyal to the colonists.
>Someone suggests that maybe we should send a party over the river via aircraft in order to find out if there anymore Kerogrim in the night. That way we may have some allies.
Do so, better that they come back to our fold than be subject to the Spanish elves will.
Dog people who the republic helped, they are very loyal to the republic if i recall right.
Monster danger preventing official emissaries, wanting to be discreet so the elves/others don't find out, not everyone in their nation wanting said communication with republic remnant, other reasons that i haven't come up with yet.
Ask Sir Heinrich if he knows anything about an orc merchant.
>The projects which were started the previous turns haven't finished yet? Are you keeping track of them and tell us when they're done?

The schools and vocation colleges are almost done
The products we made are a plenty, but given recent events, perhaps a new trading partner is needed.
The mines need a little more work.

>Ask Sir Heinrich if he knows anything about an orc merchant.
An orc merchant? Surely you jest, the only thing those beasts can trade are blows and insults!

The teams are in position.

Camelia is approaching the forest.

Wait I forgot, other than having a tracking device latched onto Camelia. What was the rest of the plan? Don't worry its already there, I just don't know what it was again.
Well, if everything works out well, we listen in on them, see what they are planning and then ambush them at appropriate place.
Can we get quick blessings for our troops to ward against magic?

Are there any other projects which are ongoing?
>Slap a tracking device to Camelia's bicep, get the most stealthiest drones in the air when the time comes, arm our best marksmen with tranqulizer darts, have a secondary group of lethally armed snipers, a group with transport, and a fire team with our battle priest.
>oh and Sir Heinrich and our priestess friend positioned to engage them in a melee to distract them.
this was my plan. the idea was to shoot them with tranquilizer darts. worst case scenarios we whittle down on their magic with lethal or rubber bullets with our two melee guys distracting them.

This was the other guys plan >>2409250 . Use use a forest fire as a bluff and or send a lot of guns through to overpower them.
well i'm pretty sure other anons agreed to do my plan along with theirs, here's my plan >>2409250
Don't assume it's THE PLAN, it's just one i suggested we do and people agreed to go with it alongside theirs.
holy water my dude. I hope "consumables" are an exception.
Okay, Lets do this democratically. Like america. Kinda.

>shoot them with tranquilizer darts. worst case scenarios we whittle down on their magic with lethal or rubber bullets with our two melee guys distracting them.
This will be plan 1

>If we can surround the Forrest we should bring extra wood so we can set up pyres to burn, then we use our drones or a megaphone to demand their surrender or we burn the Forrest down, if they don't surrender we light the pyres on fire to trick them into believing we have gone ahead with our threat. If they call our bluff then we'll have to go in the hard way and send in paladins against a race with night vision in a god damn forrest.

This is plan 2

If we go with plan 2 I will retcon what I wrote earlier.

Cast the vote!
Don't forget the incense and crosses.

Just combine as much of it as we can, we track the little girl to the meeting place, and try to capture them.

We send out some scouts and skirmishers to close in once we have a good idea where they are. The knights and heavy infantry come in with fire and brimstone, while we also use drones to watch overhead.

Have a apc nearby in a few villages over, and some jeeps deploy from the city when the trap is sprung. Our main force and Heroes come in on vtol from the aircraft.

That just about covers it?

Oh and the scouts and skirmishers are armed with guns and tranquilizers.
I think we should do both, Fire plan first and if they call our bluff, send in the snipers and Heinrich.
Why blare loud noise at them calling for their surrender, you need to surround them first the demand them to surrender, otherwise with no visible force blocking or surrounding them, the will try to run.
So both at the same time? I don't think that will work since the cats have night vision but there's nothing stopping us from sending in guys inside the forest to prepare before we spring the fire plan. We just have to make sure they are far enough from the cats to not be spotted.
what if, after we call out to them they cast the mist spell? why not take the initiative?

what if we fired the darts first, then did the bluff?
Also the smoke from the pyres are supposed to be the visible force blocking them.
blocking them from what?
night vision is far from perfect you can only see so far with it equip.

Why not just fire the dart and move in for the capture.

Or they can use the bright burning flames as areas to avoid and try slipping in between burning piles of wood. The burning wood is suppose to be for the mist....

How about this, we first find them and fire the tranquilizer darts at all of them. And if we can't tranq them all and they start to run, burn piles of wood and call for their surrender.

from running away. If a buncha cops showed up 5 blocks away from you, and shouted at you with a megaphone to surrender, would you stand there and throw up your arms or run away?
>what if we fired the darts first, then did the bluff?
I don't think we should do that, it'll take time for the fire to start and for sufficient smoke to be created, they'll get away by then.
From escaping, they'll have the options to either call our bluff, escape the burning forest as fast as possible before they die, or surrender.
The sniper teams will be there if the former 2 happen, and the Pyre teams will be there to try and catch them if they succeed in evading the sniper teams.
Let's go with Plan 1. Hopefully we can get them quickly. We can always escalate things later.
>night vision is far from perfect you can only see so far with it equip.
Yea but this is natural/magical night vision, no telling what limitations it has.

>Or they can use the bright burning flames as areas to avoid and try slipping in between burning piles of wood. The burning wood is suppose to be for the mist....
No it's not, it's not at all for the mist.
I actually wanted to go with my plan #1. I now that I think about it I'm not sure how well meshing the plans together will go.
Honestly I don't think we should call for their surrender. We'll give them a chance to slip away. It's is not like a hostage situation.

Besides we still don't know if this is another trap.
Also, we should make getting the Spanish elf a priority over capturing the cats.
Sure they tried to steal from us but it was cause the elf told them too, and i'd rather prevent the guns from ending in elf hands then capturing the cats for Heinrich.
>Besides we still don't know if this is another trap.
Exactly why i want to trick them into think we lit the entire woods on fire, they have night vision and are thieves/bandits, fighting them in the woods at night while they have night vision and magic is not a good idea.
>Someone suggests that maybe we should send a party over the river via aircraft in order to find out if there anymore Kerogrim in the night. That way we may have some allies.
Be patient anon, we're doing the cats first and these scouting expeditions take time.
By the way QM, what maximum distance from the town can we have our robot body go?
They are using our night vision which has no magic.... They can't put magic in our night vision like that since its basically channeling magic into a none magical, non runic item...

Its the burning wood is not for the mist then why use it since we all have night vision except for the elf, we don't even know if he will be there.

Agreed, sneak up on them and tranq them. Hell have the little cat girl carry a flashbang to them for us and tell them to not let go of it with the pin removed and tell them to hand it to her friends. When it goes off we move in.

It may take too long and too much time. If we go at night that's not enough time. We go now or not at all. Its already noon right now.
>Or they can use the bright burning flames as areas to avoid and try slipping in between burning piles of wood. The burning wood is suppose to be for the mist....
Wait a minute, if we have a tracking device on Camelia why does this matter? If they call our bluff and try to get out we can have a team on their path immediately.
Oh and of course don't let her know what it does, maybe pretend its a message and it will only play once when she lets go of the trigger, so hold onto it and let go when u hand it off to her friends.
night and thermal vision googles is the way to go.
>They are using our night vision which has no magic....
No they're not, our scouts didn't have night vision. Their's is natural and/or magical cause they're cats.
Here's their description.

>The helfreyans are a race of Cat-like Humanoids roughly at around early to high medieval technology. Certain individuals are born with an affinity for magic. Many need to rely on skills natural and learned. In combat they tend to favor speed and agility, or ranged attacks, rather than all out strength. However, this comes at the cost of not being as durable as other races, compounded with that they rarely wear anything heavier that chain mail or Jack Plate. They have night vision, and can be pretty snide.

neat. trank. darts should penetrate easily though whatever they might be wearing.
>Its the burning wood is not for the mist then why use it since we all have night vision except for the elf, we don't even know if he will be there.
It's to make them think their surrounded by fire and have no places to escape. Sop then their options will only be to fight or to flee and hope it's a bluff.
Because the areas with fires clearly signal "hey look over here, there are guys here trying to stop you next to this fire." So they will try to avoid it and it helps them evade.

Whats to say they will all run away together and not split individually?

But no magical night vision. And night vision goggles are better than animal sight at night.
>Because the areas with fires clearly signal "hey look over here, there are guys here trying to stop you next to this fire." So they will try to avoid it and it helps them evade.
You think they won't feel desperate enough to try to flee, or call the bluff?

Cats natural flee and run when startled, the elf is conducting espionage, the least he could expect is torture and execution probably.
what if they know how to teleport?
we seem to be at an impasse.
>You think they won't feel desperate enough to try to flee, or call the bluff?
Which is why i said if they do call the bluff we send in the knights and/or wait for them to emerge from the forest. It's either they surrender, or they take the chances that we lied about lighting the forest on fire, which means if they flee they'll meet our soldiers once they get our of the forest.
well there is more votes for plan 1, so QM can just go ahead with that. I'm just arguing for the sake of arguing and to sway anons at the last minute.
You know what, where's that one anon who wanted to interrogate the villager/cat in disguise and was right? What's his opinion on the plans?
my dreams of holy sandwiches. gone.....
no I refuse! what if we use the robot to serve someone a sandwich that we blessed?
Then it's just a regular sandwich.
The holiness of the sandwich depends both on the faith of the maker and the faith of the consumer. With, arguably, the faith of the consumer being more important.
We pray really hard that they don't and see if that works.

Your relying on a bluffing on something that can easily be called, and not even because of their wit or intelligence but by them being desperate enough to try to escape.

Why do you think while our guys are moving to arrest them, they will lie down on the dirt and wait for it to happen when nothing is clearly and directly stopping them from running.

Why give them the chance to escape going for the first part of the plan instead of the second back up plan you are so certain the latter would succeed?
if its still all on faith then wouldn't we make possible the best sandwiches of the era if a human were to eat it? or an enginseer?

this is an important sandwich related discussion we're having. What is your opinion?
Depends on what >>2409430 green voted for, so far there are two votes for plan one and I'm more for plan two, but what to hash out a better plan that combines best of both elements of both plans.
>Your relying on a bluffing on something that can easily be called, and not even because of their wit or intelligence but by them being desperate enough to try to escape.
But i'm not relying on the first phase succeeding, the second phase is in case the first fails.
Let me ask you this, what is your plan for if the sniper teams fail to catch them?
>Why do you think while our guys are moving to arrest them, they will lie down on the dirt and wait for it to happen when nothing is clearly and directly stopping them from running.
Cause we'll tell them we'll put down the fire and/or get them out of the forest if they surrender.
>well there is more votes for plan 1, so QM can just go ahead with that.
>Slap a tracking device to Camelia's bicep, get the most stealthiest drones in the air when the time comes, arm our best marksmen with tranqulizer darts, have a secondary group of lethally armed snipers, a group with transport, and a fire team with our battle priest.
>oh and Sir Heinrich and our priestess friend positioned to engage them in a melee to distract them.
Amelia approaches the forest. A stealth drone circles above surveying the scene. Various marksmen positioned in key locations. Heinrich and Madeline waiting in ambush. A transport carrying a fire team with a battle priest standing by. All members are cloaked by camouflage and the dying light.

Camelia approaches the forest silently. She awaits for any sign of Audhild and Brenda. A moment passes. The light dims further, the drone's sight shows Camelia looking startled at something at her feet before she in engulfed by a large puff of smoke.

Nothing else the drone can see.

The tracking beacon is moving fast, deeper and deeper into the woods.
>and I'm more for plan two
Wait wut? That's my plan.
I already said that I think we should try the more stealthy approach. The fire thing seems to extreme. They are more likely to get spooked and scattered and we know how hard they are to catch when they are fleeing.

I had also suggested we give some trinkets to the cat like a Walkman or household radio stuffed with bugs which she will give to her companions as something she stole from us. That way, if they separate, they're is still chance that one of her companions will take it with them.

Don't take my opinion highly because I was right once.
>Amelia approaches the forest
>The tracking beacon is moving fast, deeper and deeper into the woods.
and off we go. is the mic giving us anything?
>The tracking beacon is moving fast, deeper and deeper into the woods.
Follow but maintain reasonable distance. We can't have them spot us. Keep an eye our for traps, both magical and mundane.
Don't panic. They are likely transporting her to their camp.

Follow the beacon stealthy.
>I already said that I think we should try the more stealthy approach. The fire thing seems to extreme. They are more likely to get spooked and scattered and we know how hard they are to catch when they are fleeing.
Fair enough, but i think they'll be harder to catch in the forest than outside it.
If anons want we can switch the orders of my plan around, sniper teams first but have the Pyres read as a last resort.
The megaphone part and the reason for when or why we burn the piles of wood is the only problem I have.

Plan one is to "whittle" down their magic with tranqs and bullets. I dunno if that means they can pull mass effect magic like throw up biotic barriers or some crap.
This, the ground forces take a roundabout route while the drone follows a bit more directly.

Bet they will try to check for a tail chasing them.
Is the mic giving us anything?
"What are you-?!"
There then sounds of a struggle.
"Shut it they'll hear!"
It then sounds like someone is getting gagged, then its just the noise of running through the bushes.
>"What are you-?!"
>"Shut it they'll hear!"
can we tell who were the speakers?
>It then sounds like someone is getting gagged, then its just the noise of running through the bushes.
I'm a little disappointed in young Camelia. Good thing I suggested the transport!
>Can we tell who were the speakers?
The 'what are you' sounds like Camelia
>I'm a little disappointed in young Camelia
Why cause it sounds like she really wanted to cooperate with you.

>The ground forces take a roundabout route while the drone follows a bit more directly.
>Bet they will try to check for a tail chasing them.

The teams take a round about way following from a far way off. The drone trails after them in a straight manner.

After a few moments the beacon suddenly shifts direction, heading straight toward the group.
>heading straight toward the group.
The ground forces I mean
>heading straight toward the group.
The sniper group?
Shit, they're gonna attack, i knew we needed to surround the forest first.
Inform our people of their advance. prepare rifles. are Sir Heinrich and Priestess Madeline with the group?
Have the Ground forces pray quietly and some raise crosses to dispel magic. Prepare for a fight.
This too.
>Various marksmen positioned in key locations. Heinrich and Madeline waiting in ambush.
they probably have necklaces so they can keep their hands free.
You were paranoid. Its always right to be paranoid.
Can't we listen in onto their frequencies if they are using our radios?
>they probably have necklaces so they can keep their hands free.
Still tough, raise the cross and prepare to say "IN THE NAME OF CHRIST BEGONE!"
Are we going to shoot them with tranquilizers or with bullets?
Tranq first.
Both? Shoot to wound and tranq them at the same time.


Use tranquilizers first and if we start taking casualties we move to more lethal methods.
they haven't exactly killed anyone yet, and we did make that promise to Camelia that we wouldn't hurt them.
plus we do have the two melee proficient heroes, and their race is weak against stronkness.
I don't intend to kill, just shoot to wound, and disable them.

Maybe we need to invest into .22LR carbines and use em like crowd control like the IDF does with Palestinians.
Yea but the cats are good, better to be prepared to wound and succeed in capturing them than to fail because we limited ourselves due to a promise.
The beacon's signal grows ever closer towards the group. All the men ready their tranquilizers. They are, however, prepared to use lethal force is necessary.

Closer and closer the beacons draws, the clopping of hoves signals the approach.


A flash of movement in sight, and a man fires his darts. The darts hit home as a deer dashes forth from the vegetation and collapses unconscious in the group's midst. Followed by more deer making their way through.

After the deer have passed. The battle priest checks the uncounsious animal. On its antlers is the tracking bracelet, it has a bit of blood on it, and a dash on its coloration, as though it was cut and melded back together.
with how lightly armored they'd be it would penetrate any armor they might wear, hmmmmm. I heard 9mm is good too.

Walp. Sorry Camelia but I was outvoted.
We should have gone with my plan.
Oooooh. Cleaver girls. retrieve the bracelet. Well did any of us bring thermal goggles? what do our drones tell us?

maybe we should have, but I can't help get this feeling that they would somehow wiggle their way out of that as well.
Fuck it, how fast does Heinrich think the cats can run and how much time we have before they escape the woods from their last known location? How fast can our vehicles go and how much time do they need to surround the Forrest?
>maybe we should have, but I can't help get this feeling that they would somehow wiggle their way out of that as well.
Yea, they would probably have used the deer trick and i would have voted to have our troops concentrate on it's estimated path at the edge of the woods.
perhaps the fast movement was from the deer and that they themselves aren't capable of such feats of speed?

snipers and drones. info?
>Oooooh. Cleaver girls. retrieve the bracelet. Well did any of us bring thermal goggles? what do our drones tell us?
Our drones didn't follow right?
Wait, before the beacon suddenly shifted direction, do we know which direction Camelia was going?
They also do still have to meet the elf after all, so let's surround the woods anyways, even if only to catch that elf.
>perhaps the fast movement was from the deer and that they themselves aren't capable of such feats of speed?
I know that, i'm asking so we know how much time we have before they get out of the Forrest to see if we can still trap them.
Also why aren't the other anons talking.
No we should have gone with our plan!

QM went with a hybrid plan of sorts.

What about the drone? Why didn't it circle the area?

Also, since we could not surround anything with either plan with how they met up.

How did they even know about the tracking device. Wait we used a bracelet instead of a chip embedded under her skin?

Well what are our scouts watching the elf encampment doing? Can they relay anything about cats and weird meetings?

Never got an answer for the thermal vision on the drone.....
>inb4 they get chased by a pack of wolves.
Well. At least we know that they will be heading towards the elves. Taking their last known location, we could roughly determine the path they will be taking and try to intercept them.
>No we should have gone with our plan!
Brushing my teeth.
If they are smart, they will make a b-line for it.

We should call up our scouts watching the elf base watch for any cat people.
I weren't paranoid enough. Should have put several trackers on her. Some obvious, some not.
>QM went with a hybrid plan of sorts.
Also he didn't, read >>2409433
Nothing about my plan to surround the Forrest.
What does b-line mean?

Seeing how they are fleeing in a hurry it shouldn't be too hard to track them. We can follow their trail and keep adjusting the probable route they are taking so that our boys on other side can intercept them.

Do you guys think it's time we get the vtol out?
We both wanted to surround the forest.

I wanted to place some intercept troops and apcs and jeeps around the area and have the aircraft drop right onto the meeting if possible.

Get the vtol craft to start picking up our troops and heading towards last direction they where going in before they changed.
You know. They robbed entire village and took everything from our soldiers scout. There are only 3 of them. It's unlikely they can keep up the fast pace carrying all that stuff.
They must have a hideout somewhere.

Op, do we know what they stole from the village?
>What does b-line mean?
Straight line. Here's the definition from google.
>Beeline means a straight or direct course. The word comes from the belief that once bees have collected nectar, they take the most direct course to their hive. The term was first coined in 1830.
Well shit, ya should have mentioned that plan more cause i must have missed it, else i would have agreed to do it alongside with mine if possible, hell i would have supported you even if you didn't want to combine it with mine.
Wonder if QM is willing to retroactevly add that.
b-line is a saying.

darn! that would have been a good question to ask! Well I'm off to dream land. I hope you guys catch hose dastardly cats!
just from the scouts, nothing else.
Basically make a direct run from point a to point b.

Not make a b line sorry.
Well, I have no way of knowing if folks miss my posts or not.

Hey QM, are you willing to retroactively add that we surrounded the Forrest, cause that's what i and >>2409431 wanted, we were just arguing about what to do after that.
Maybe, I'm a bit busy right now.
So they're traveling lightly then. Makes it a bit harder then.

So no update for a while?
What about the artifact from Our German friend?
Lets just move on.

We go and get the canine friends and use their natural sense of smell and dislike of cats to track them down that way if we must.
Thermal Vision.
>We go and get the canine friends and use their natural sense of smell and dislike of cats to track them down that way if we must.
Kek, i hope that's a thing QM.
That's.... Actually not a bad bank up plan. Yeah, let's get Terran's best friends in meantime
Uhh, no the drones did follow.

The scouts don't recall anything about cats.

Keep hoping.

The group arrives to where the beacon was before it changed direction. They spot the tracks and see that they just suddenly stop. One of the foot ends half way through before meeting a large circle that seems like it can fit three people.

"Teleportation magic! So that;s how they keep giving us the slip!"
>"Teleportation magic! So that's how they keep giving us the slip!"
Can we tell where the teleportation magic leads? Can we use the circle to teleport ourselves?
Ask him if there's Anyway we could trace them?
How far can the teleportation magic get them? I suppose it depends on the quality of the circle. Ask Heinrich to analyze it and give us approximate range.
We could still intercept them if the range is not far.
No, the circle is less like a rune and more like a the ring left behind when you pick up a mug from your table. Oe more accurately, like the scorch mark left when time squad teleports back to the future. Except not scorched.
"*sigh* no, that is the whole purpose of this spell."
Well fuck, looks like they succeeded. At least all they got was a few revolvers and radios.
Let's move on.
"Short range teleportation goes anywhere the user can clearly visualize. If they can picture the place clearly enough, or if the location is vastly different then how they remember it, it doesn't work. The spell can reach about one side of your city to half way through. Long range can reach across an entire country, but is only done through something like a waystone to another waystone, which only the elves can make."
Head back to the village and check out the tavern. They teleported out of it probably.....

Try and find the areas that the cat girl we interrogated had mentioned. They may have teleported to theses previous ares.
I don't get how far they could go but I guess halfway across this place to the elves right?
Let's move our people over there posthaste while our other group, nearer to the elves try to find them.

I think we could do both of these
I don't get how far they could go but I guess halfway across this place to the elves right?
No not that far.

Retcon time. The distance a short range teleport can go is at best a few kilometers or so.
How much preparations and mana do theses circles use?
"A teleportation spell is not a runic symbol etched into the ground. It is something that is willed. A fair bit of concentration and mana are required. But training and experience can make many things easier to do. For this thief to do so on the run speaks volumes of her ability."
Let's cut our losses already and move on to the next turn.
We will send out search parties and track them down.

Just we won't be overseeing it.

Everyone retires back to Amberfall for tonight.

Everyone except the team sent over the river via air transport at night. The squad is now traversing the lands of the Kerogrim.

It is now time to plan for the night.

>Research into the Kerogrim.

>Research plans on how to improve the military.

>Research about the Republic of Alastair, its inhabitants, and its relations with other races.

>Research about magical beings.
>Research plans on how to improve the military.
Fix this above all else.
Okay, that's great. Does that mean that they should still be in the forest?

Yeah no. They are still not very far. We have forest surrounded more or less.
They must've teleported to their hideout. Let's search around the area of the circle for caves and such. Get all hunters and trackers from our population, give them radios and have them also help us. We'll need more manpower for this.
>We have forest surrounded more or less.
No we don't >>2409519
Aww come on could you at least implement this >>2409548?

Sure let's do this
Why can we send search parties out? We have enough people to send out in shifts.
Oh hey my ID changed.
Still. I think we shouldn't have to give up so easily. They just teleported few km away. There was a good chance we'd find them or their hideout.

Also, I just thought about it. Faith magic (if it's magic at all) doesn't work by the same rules that other magic does. We had Madeline with us, right? We could ask her to pray really hard at the circle for Lord's guidance and perhaps get a hint to their whereabouts.
>We could ask her to pray really hard at the circle for Lord's guidance and perhaps get a hint to their whereabouts.
They arlready departing, but Madeline makes a prayer to the Lord for guidance in catching these thieves.

You begin enacting ways to improve the military and the law enforcement and protection personnel through training and organization. This way, they can be a bit more competent and efficient in battle, and in protecting the various settlements and roads of your realm. After a long series of calculations, you then start printing the finished products en mass.

>>It is now midnight

>Research into the Kerogrim. We may need anything we know about them to forge any relations we could when we meet.

>Research about the old Republic of Alastair, its inhabitants, its tech, and its relations with other races. To know what lies in the ruins is to know the extent of the danger of it all falling into the wrong hands.

>Research about magical beings. Knowing your enemy is an important step in how to defeat them, especially when facing demonic or mystical entities like fairies.
Research into the republic.
We need to recover as much stuff before they fall into wrong hands
>Research about the old Republic of Alastair, its inhabitants, its tech, and its relations with other races. To know what lies in the ruins is to know the extent of the danger of it all falling into the wrong hands.
>Research about the old Republic of Alastair, its inhabitants, its tech, and its relations with other races. To know what lies in the ruins is to know the extent of the danger of it all falling into the wrong hands.
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The Republic of Alistair was a melting pot of different races, from helfreya, native humans, goblins, kobolds, to orcs. Even a few members of the elven races came to live under its banner (even if they were branded as outcasts by their race for doing so). Out of all the elven races that shared space with the Terrans in the republic, the glade elves made up the majority. During the civil war there were many races on many of the various political and economic classes that clashed. The only groups that contained only one race were speciesist movements.

There exists an image of a glade elf using magic grow a wall of roots so as to protect a priest from an onslaught of goblins.

The Old republic also contained many technological wonders.

Energy was primarily created through the Tesla Reactor. Requiring only maintainance rather than fossil fuels, thus preventing energy shortages in the future.

Plenty of people decided to experiment with making advanced machinery that relies on out dated energy sources, such as steam or diesel. Schematics and examples of such devices were located in various museums and showcases throughout the land. Such as the Steam Tank by Peter Walowitz.

The architecture, urban layout, and technology leave very little in the way of pollution, nor do they hinder the flow of air currents. They also have plenty of trees through the streets and roads. This allows the citizens to lead healthier lives and add beauty to the place, raising morale of the populace.

Various weapons and tools utilize energy in thir usage. Lasers, plasma, tesla energy.

There were plans for something called a solar-fusion power plant. Heavily sheltered under multiple layers of lead-reinforced concrete would lie the reactor which receives its operating power from what is called a Solaris satellite, a satellite that never made it into space. One of these power plants was estimated to produce enough energy to sustain – every – structure in an entire region. Therefore, the construction of multiple reactors at a time would neither necessary nor feasible since a single reactor alone would still require a rather large crew of professionally educated technicians.

These plans never made it to completion however.
Solar plant seems like a complete waste of resources. It's better to have bunch of tesla reactors all over the place than depending on one single reactor powering the entire country. That would be such a strategic weakness, you'd have to just take out the satellite or the reactor and we'd lose all the power.

Op are you waiting for suggestions again?
>Ask her to remember about any locations, names or subjects she overheard them talking about. Ask where she came from and what paths she took to get to the village, and to this place. Ask her what was she suppose to do after giving the message to us, where was she suppose to go afterwards.
>"I- we were at a tavern somewhere in- in Arcadia. They were talking about the stuff we did in Harkland, saying that we should do more. Then- then they decided to come here, they said the stuff here might help. Then we just kept wandering, finding things, stealing things. Then we met some elf with weird armor. They kept me in the dark about what they and the elf talked about. Then they just told me to do this."
>Uh, yeah, that sounds like him he was somewhere north of here. Why? you met him?
I'm awake now. Is the plane to head north tovthw old capital to recover the tech?
>Out of all the elven races that shared space with the Terrans in the republic, the glade elves made up the majority.
And now they're at our throats. Where and when did our relationship with the glad elves sour?

>There were plans for something called a solar-fusion power plant. Heavily sheltered under multiple layers of lead-reinforced concrete would lie the reactor which receives its operating power from what is called a Solaris satellite, a satellite that never made it into space. One of these power plants was estimated to produce enough energy to sustain – every – structure in an entire region. Therefore, the construction of multiple reactors at a time would neither necessary nor feasible since a single reactor alone would still require a rather large crew of professionally educated technicians
Are the ruins nearby?

Hey I think if rather just accept the mcguffin by the face. Who knows
Maybe the sun is super charged with magic or something like that?
Nah, I just got sleepy and went to bed.

>Next Morning 16/3/300

The search parties of last night report that they found nothing.

The party of spies sent to the orc have met up with the dwarves that came to you days ago. The are now hitching a ride with you on the horse cart.

The squad sent over the north to meet the Kerogrim find naught but ruins. There is light presence of the Spanish Elves here but, they have remained undetected for now. While searching the ruins of a forest village, the squad encounters a corpse. An armed and armored humanoid skeleton that seems to have feline characteristics.

>>The Mass (choose 2):

>>Settlement (choose 3):
>Construct education and training centers.
>Improve the equipment of the settlement.
>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings.
>Improve the mines

>>Army (choose 1):
>Scout the neighboring ruins.
>Begin training.

>Improve the equipment of the settlement.
>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings.

>Begin training.

Conduct a census and a survey on how many people we have under our banner, their genders, and how many villages or towns we have.

Also start large scale surveys of every square foot of land we control and if there is anything useful underneath soil.
can they perform an autopsy on the corpse? guestimate of expiration? a little more details?


>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages
>Improve the mines
>Improve the equipment of the settlement.

>Scout the neighboring ruins.
Ah shoot, forgot to add, extract the corpse for study, or come back with a crew to study the body at the site.

We probably have to wait for the elves to leave, or maybe we can take them prisoner.

Have we expanded our search perimeter yet? Find the other teleportation circle they ended up in.
>Find the other teleportation circle they ended up in.
How many times do I have to say this. They did not draw a circle in the ground like Sponge-bob Squarepants trying to ward off sea bears. They Just casted a short range teleportation spell. Its the long range teleports that require a way stone to go to and from some where. They teleported by thought, not by drawing.
>Find the other teleportation circle they ended up in.
you forgot so soon?
after they bring back the body, can they make their way up north?
>They spot the tracks and see that they just suddenly stop. One of the foot ends half way through before meeting a large circle that seems like it can fit three people.

I thought there would be a similar thing like this at their arrival end.
They will have to travel at night though.

They could just press on


Conduct a census and a survey on how many people we have under our banner, their genders, and how many villages or towns we have.

Also start large scale surveys of every square foot of land we control and if there is anything useful underneath soil.

>I thought there would be a similar thing like this at their arrival end.
The circle isn't like a transmutation circle its more like the marks made by an explosion or when you leave a mug on the table for too long and it leaves a ring. The circle is made BY the teleportation spell, NOT for it.

"Psst, hey... Is this thing on?" a voice whispers into your radio system.

"Its me, Camelia" the voice says, "I'm talking to you through the.. the weird ear thingy... Can anyone hear me?"
>The circle isn't like a transmutation circle its more like the marks made by an explosion or when you leave a mug on the table for too long and it leaves a ring. The circle is made BY the teleportation spell, NOT for it.

I get that, I'm saying tell our guys to look for something like effects of the spell in another area if that is possible to see if we can find where they teleported to.

Like using the spell cause the circle effect, so their arrive destination might cause a similar circle effect at the other end.

Say yes, and ask her if she is okay.
Okay, well no. Your troops didn't find anything like that.

>Say yes, and ask her if she is okay.
"Yeah, I- I'm okay, well except for a cut they gave me on the arm last night." She pauses take a breath before continuing "Listen, I did not expect them to do that. I really do want to help. I don't want to keep living like this anymore. They don't either, but they don't think they have a choice. They are doing this because they want to save the rest of our kind that are in the Pruzsia, the federation where Heinrich comes from. They said they took the job to steal from you because they were promised aid from the elf."

Tell us more of the problems your kind face in Pruzsia, and why Heinrich is hunting you?
wait for response

He says you stole an important artifact from them and he wants to arrest the two of your friends, and bring back the artifact.

What kind of aid did they promise?

What did you steal from us?
(We may already know, but I want to see if they still have the items).
I'm not sure we should say this last part but I want to put this out there for the others to read.

"Does the elf know that we may go to war with them, and the only thing stopping us so far is that we want to be absolutely certain they are guilty?"

But don't say that to the girl. I want to hear what other anons have t osay.
Any way we could trace the signal? Triangulate it or whatever? If there is even a remote chance to find their general direction, do it while we talk.

Ask her if she knows where they are.
Ask her when and where they are to meet with the elves.

Eh, they don't need to know that. And another thing, let's not threaten anyone with war when we have absolutely no idea how much power they have.
>Tell us more of the problems your kind face in Pruzsia, and why Heinrich is hunting you?
"I... Well, I don't know if you know this already but... Pruzsia was founded by humans who really liked what you guys were doing before you kingdom fell. And they decided they can do the same through conquest. Our people are, at best, second class citizens. Audhild once told me she saw a Human soldier force a guy to carry his luggage for him all the way to the barracks. The guy was a feeble old man and was forced anyway. Audhild and Brenda became what they are to fight back, and to show others that they can too. But all its doing is making things worse for everyone! The Pruzsians believe that doing this stuff to us is a means of civilizing us because they think our race are... are... dishonorable thieves and barbarians who don't know anything about organized society."

She pauses to compose herself.

"All that Audhild and Brenda have done has just convinced the Pruzsics that they are right. I can go out in public anymore without a human thinking I'm planning on robbing them blind. We had a fight about it last night, they were angry that I got caught and followed, and I was angry that they sent me to you despite the danger and they they cut me andd they said it was because you were following me through the bracelet and-and *cough*" she sounds like she's fighting back the urge to cry. "A- Anyway, after the fight when I calmed down they explained everything to me: what we're doing here, why we are doing this, what we are going to do afterwards..."

She makes a short pause.

"They opened up to me for the first time" She says with a tinge of happiness, "We hugged and made out- ACK, I MEAN MADE UP!" Her voice suddenly stops bieng a whisper and risen a bit in volume, "WE MADE UP, WE MADE UP, WE. MADE. UP. I'M THEIR COUSIN THEY ARE SISTERS WE DO NOT GO THAT WAY IDONTGOTHATWAY-THEYDONTGOTHATWAY I-"

She stops rambling and begins to collect herself

"Okay, we had a tender moment and forgave each other. Forget what I said there."

>He says you stole an important artifact from them and he wants to arrest the two of your friends, and bring back the artifact.

"The artifact he mentioned must be the helmet of the Elven Prince they slew. See, after the destruction of your realm, an High Elven army came to subjugate the Pruzsics. After a fierce war, the prince was slain by the Fuhrer of the time. They looted all the valuables from the elves they killed and put them in museums and treasure vaults across their lands, but the personal belongings of the Elven Prince were kept in Harkland's National Treasury as a symbol of human superiority."

>What kind of aid did they promise?

The man said he can provide men and supplies to fund a rebellion if we gave him some of your technology. But for some reason, They decided they needed to steal from you rather than just give him some of the stuff they already looted from the ruins. The stuff is the same, I think at least.
Where is Heinrich, have him listen but not talk, or play a recording of this to him afterwards.
>What did you steal from us?
"Well, theres the ear thingy I'm using right now. Still not sure how it works. Then there is a large stache of your fire wands. Then theres the little cylinder things that feel like they contain power. There's also a large pile of mana crystals from a few of the ruins, which is weird because last I heard you cant do magic."

Any way we could trace the signal? Triangulate it or whatever? If there is even a remote chance to find their general direction, do it while we talk.
The scouts and drones are on their way.

>Ask her when and where they are to meet with the elves.
"I... I dont know, they left that part out. Mainly because I didn't ask"
How old is the feline skeletal? And can we figure out how it died?
I don't think we should do that.
Puncture wound in the chest, likely from a spear.
Is it just you 3 right now?

How far did you manage to teleport?

What do you want out of all of this?
>Is it just you 3 right now?
"Well no, they are out getting more stuff right now. They told me to stay here for my safety."

How far did you manage to teleport?
>"I don't know, We just teleported, and teleported, and teleported, until we came here."

>What do you want out of all of this?
"What do I want?... Well, Audhild and Brenda want to free the rest of us. But all I want is somewhere to call home."
How much longer do we have to keep her talking for?

Is there a place you know of that you can call home? Is there any place you can call home or once did?

What do you know of the dog people? Do your kind get alone?

I forgot what the dog people where called.
>I forgot what the dog people where called.
I'm putting it in all caps just so you can see it better.
KERO for Keroberos, which I think is the original Greek word for Cerberus.
GRIM for the church grims, the ethereal dog that haunts churchyards and cemeteries.

>How much longer do we have to keep her talking for?
"We could just tell her to keep the thing on. She doesn't need to keep talking."

>Is there a place you know of that you can call home? Is there any place you can call home or once did?
"There was, once. It's unlikely they allow me back in, not after what I've done since I left. Not that I left willingly."

>What do you know of the dog people? Do your kind get along?
"The what now?"
Can we quickly go ask Heinrich if their people have heard the word of Jesus Christ?
she doesn't know about the KEROGRIM?
Just realized i forgot about this, sorry.
BTW i found some absolutely excellent mood music, we should play it to the people.

>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings.
>Improve the mines

>Begin training.
"Wait, wait, wait, okay. Uhh... The monsters up the river from here? Aren't they a myth?"
"No, i have records of them existing. Why are they thought as monsters?"
"Hm? You mean of your Saint? Yes I've heard of him, he tricked one of the Dark Gods of your world into killing his mortal body so he can travel to the underworld and bring the good souls that were stolen into there back into paradise, yes? We have his symbol across our empire in hopes of attracting his attention, just like we do with our other gods. Mostly we do it as a means of saying that we are the inheritors of your legacy, due to most believing you've all died at this point."

"Well, they are said supposed to only come out at night... and steal babies to eat... and transform into another form during the day... Except when they are in the dark-lands, where that are in their true form all the time. They attack travelers to be used as sacrifices. They also eat the dead when no-one is looking."
"Do you mean to say they really exist? Is anyone in danger?"
Anyways ask her to leave the radio "on" and we will rescue you.

Well maybe they don't exist anymore.
>"Hm? You mean of your Saint? Yes I've heard of him, he tricked one of the Dark Gods of your world into killing his mortal body so he can travel to the underworld and bring the good souls that were stolen into there back into paradise, yes? We have his symbol across our empire in hopes of attracting his attention, just like we do with our other gods. Mostly we do it as a means of saying that we are the inheritors of your legacy, due to most believing you've all died at this point."
Alright, i have a plan to help the helfreya. Send missionaries to the human nation and convert as many people, regardless of race, to the TRUE faith. Then they come here to live under our rule where they won't be persecuted.
Come on guys. Don't talk about random shit.
Like it was said just say to keep her earpiece on.

Oh, and maybe promise her that we'll be good on our word and thank her for help.
Aye, we can't do much to catch/help them so let's move on.
Doesn't sound bad. Maybe also su up diplomatic ties with not-nazi Germany and tell them to stop that shit, especially if they think they are inheriting or legacy. The republic was a diverse multicultural hellhole iirc, no one race acting as Supreme

Hell no, we expelled a bunch of folks from our city due to a civil war previously, we risk another one by letting more folks in that are less similar to us.

We also risk angering them for messing with their internal affairs. Not our problem or place to force them to our way of life or thinking.

Best we could do is act as mediator to the two groups and try to find a peaceful solution or give them a place they can be free.

Honestly this is not worth nearly the effort lives or resources for what we are getting in return.

I'm fine with converting them though.
>"Hm? You mean of your Saint? Yes I've heard of him, he tricked one of the Dark Gods of your world into killing his mortal body so he can travel to the underworld and bring the good souls that were stolen into there back into paradise, yes? We have his symbol across our empire in hopes of attracting his attention, just like we do with our other gods. Mostly we do it as a means of saying that we are the inheritors of your legacy, due to most believing you've all died at this point."
didn't even click your video till after i posted lol.
>Hell no, we expelled a bunch of folks from our city due to a civil war previously, we risk another one by letting more folks in that are less similar to us.
Wut? I don't recall that ever happening.
Oh wait, you're talking about before we took over right? That communist revolution that happened?
BTW QM, after this turn what will our Industry and mining tech level be at?
More or less. There is also the general hostility we have endured throughout the ages.

We may be able to handle joining together with the native magic using humans after we get our shit together. We should work on unifying all the former colonist descendants first.

Idk, it seems all the upgrades finish in a day so they are probably really minor and incremental compared to reworking the entire city.
"BY rescue, do you mean only me? Or are you going to arrest me and my cousins? I don't want them to worry about me going missing but I don't want to be tried and executed either." she has a strong hint of worry in her voice.

>Doesn't sound bad. Maybe also su up diplomatic ties with not-nazi Germany and tell them to stop that shit.
We have one of those guys here with us. perhaps we can enlighten him of what they got wrong with our religion and why what they are doing is wrong, then have him tell others of his country what what we taught him?

>The republic was a diverse multicultural hellhole iirc, no one race acting as Supreme
That is true, though I believe there is nothing wrong with racial diversity. Having too many different cultures in a single area is just begging for trouble.

Yes, that is what he is referring to.

>Best we could do is act as mediator to the two groups and try to find a peaceful solution or give them a place they can be free.

>BTW QM, after this turn what will our Industry and mining tech level be at?
Still improving, Industry is at industrial level tech with all the problems that has: not-very-safe working conditions, low-pay, most people are getting by working one half of the day at the factory and the other half at another job. Mining is fairing better. The most progress being made is Enginseer and common man relations. The educations doing good too, more or less.
You will be give an opportunity to start a new life, your cousins will be arrested and jailed wither by us or by Pruzsia.

We can make sure that they don't get executed if we hand them over.

Can we get a meter or counter as a measure of its progress? It would help to have some sort of visual representation of our progresses, and the impact we have each time we choose to upgrade or improve them.
>"BY rescue, do you mean only me? Or are you going to arrest me and my cousins? I don't want them to worry about me going missing but I don't want to be tried and executed either." she has a strong hint of worry in her voice.
"I assure you Camelia, you and your friends will not be executed anytime soon, if you can get them to surrender the worst they'll face is having to return stolen goods and having to serve a period of time in community service."

>We have one of those guys here with us. perhaps we can enlighten him of what they got wrong with our religion and why what they are doing is wrong, then have him tell others of his country what what we taught him?
Sure, let's do that.

Aright then, looks like we made enough sufficient progress in improving those 2 that we can move on to other projects.
I think we should focus on making factory working conditions safer and improving sanitation. Don't know what else besides those 2.
Heinrich can be the mercenary to his own country then.

Lets create a little "union rights for workers revolution" under our absolute control, were we improve and pass laws and regulations for the well being and safety of our workers and employees, and get feedback from the people. This also has a duel effect of eliminating old school style commies from trying to start shit from miserable or unhappy people slaving away.
>Lets create a little "union rights for workers revolution" under our absolute control,
Wu-Why? We're the absolute ruler right now, we can just pass the laws and regulations ourselves and get feedback without having to make such a thing.
>You will be give an opportunity to start a new life
>"I assure you Camelia, you and your Cousins will not be executed anytime soon, if you can get them to surrender the worst they'll face is having to return stolen goods and having to serve a period of time in community service."
"That sounds great!" she says, sounding ecstatic "but-" her tone quickly becomes unsure "I- don't think they'll listen to me. Last night I tried telling them that we could just live elsewhere, away from the Federation, but they are insistent on what they are doing. Perhaps if you send some people over and catch them so you can convince them yourself?"

>Can we get a meter or counter as a measure of its progress? It would help to have some sort of visual representation of our progresses, and the impact we have each time we choose to upgrade or improve them.
Okay, I'll try that.

>Sure, let's do that.
Heinrich "Is there anything else you wish to talk to me about?"

>>It is now noon

One of the guards reports that someone has stolen a box of ammo from the armory of the farming town he is in. As well as three pairs of women's undergarments.

>>The Mass (choose 2):

>>Settlement (choose 3):
>Construct education and training centers. (64%)
>Improve the equipment of the settlement.
>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages. (24%)
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings. (56%)
>Improve the mines. (67%)
>Scout out pipelines, and focus on sanitation.(1%)

>Education of a Meritocratic System. (55%)
This is a continuation from the first thread that I just remembered. We are currently training a bunch of people to learn and implement the Meritocratic System as a means of providing incentives to the population to work hard and smart. With a means of ensuring that the people wont decide to use a 'anything goes so long as goals are met' mindset. The education centers can help in this.

>>Army (choose 1):
>Scout the neighboring ruins.
>Begin training.
Let me clarify, basically get a bunch of managers and senior workers together to advise us and we create a temporary organization to help oversee and enforce new laws and regulations.

Partly doing this so we can delegate some responsibilities and we just oversee the whole thing.

It would be revolutionary in the same sense that so much will change for worker safety, healthy and safety standards that it could be describe as a revolution.

The "union" is more like a Factory Inspectorate.

>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages. (24%)
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings. (56%)
>Scout out pipelines, and focus on sanitation.(1%)

>Scout the neighboring ruins.

Is Education of a Meritocratic System an option?

Does training begging training basically train a single cadre or class of soldiers like 100 men each time we pick it?
>Perhaps if you send some people over and catch them so you can convince them yourself?"
"They've proven quite difficult to catch Camelia, i do not believe i'll be able to do so anytime soon."
"They'll arrive eventually, you just have to be here when they do, then we can both talk to them."
I'd rather the name be something else, if it's not a communist organization we shouldn't give it a stereotypical communist name.
>One of the guards reports that someone has stolen a box of ammo from the armory of the farming town he is in. As well as three pairs of women's undergarments.
Investigate, have the guards and some experts examine the crime seen and question the locals. Are we gonna have to make a detective/inquisition group too now?


>Construct Churches, Town Halls, And Law Enforcement facilities in the outer villages. (24%)
>Construct and improve the manufacturing buildings. (56%)
>Scout out pipelines, and focus on sanitation.(1%)

>Begin training.
Alright, time to create a new organization, one who will investigate crimes and rumors of heresy. They'll be closely tied with our other organizations and help them figure out mysteries.
"Alright, if you believe it will work i'll trust you."
Can we go personally QM?
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>Can we go personally QM?
Sure, wait, a new message from the spies in the spanish elf territory.

They have seen these things being unloaded from their ships.
Well that was party the joke, since I mean almost every word of it to literally be way its purpose is but it unironically sounds as you said.
>See, after the destruction of your realm, an High Elven army came to subjugate the Pruzsics.

Sigh* Time to prepare for war, we need to start opening up diplomatic relations with the Pruzians.
Would you look at that, they have their own power armor.
I'm starting to think that these elves had republic tech prior to us taking control, their ancestors may have left this continent with what they could scavenge and they have just come back.
Another report from the squad north of the river. They have encountered a large group of humanoid mammals. They almost resemble Kerogrim, if it weren't for the naked tails and short stature.

"Your belongings or your lives" They declare.
Can the spies tell if that armor is being powered by magic?
Also they should take a break from spying for now, i'm getting paranoid that they'll be caught if they continue making progress.
They can't, but from what they can see, there is a large back-pack like thing on their back, with a muffler protruding from the top emanating smoke. A power source perhaps?

They begin to withdraw, where else can they scout? The city with the Tesla Generator and sanitation plant perhaps?
Ah, more steam engines. The fact that they managed to use such a thing to power exoskeleton armor mean they either have great knowledge with steam engines or that it is enchanted, perhaps both.
>They begin to withdraw, where else can they scout? The city with the Tesla Generator and sanitation plant perhaps?
For now keep an eye on the elves but don't go out of their way to get all that juicy information, give them a break and let's hope any possible Elf counter-spies lose their trail.
Has to be enchanted. No way you can power a mech just steam, unless the engine is for something else and they just have a strong guy under the armor.

Start deploying teams of scouts to all know ruins and protect them from looters and such until we can send heavier duty equipment and teams to clean it of our tech.

Ask them if they are Kerogrim. If they answer no, then slaughter them!
>Ask them if they are Kerogrim. If they answer no, then slaughter them!
I would prefer we first ask them not to attack and just walk away but yea, if they attack make it their last.
I don't think we were doing anything but observing their base camp from several kilometers away.

All we gotta do is rotate the scout teams out.

We should replace them with a fresh team and scout farther away. We have equipment that can zoom in.

>Brigands walk up to our guys and demand our valuables or they will kill us.
>Ask them nicely to not do that.
>The leader starts chuckling
>Rest of the brigands start chucking along too
>Leader starts laughing out loud followed by the rest of them
>They start laughing so hard they all die from their sides erupting from laughter.

Ingenious, they'll never see that coming!
Death by "My sides!" truly the most powerful weapon in our arsenal.
>Start deploying teams of scouts to all know ruins and protect them from looters and such until we can send heavier duty equipment and teams to clean it of our tech.

>Ask them if they are Kerogrim.
Course we are! Cant ya fucking tell? Now hand over your stuff or else!
What squad is being held up? Its it full of knights or Guardsmen? Are they filly kitted out and outnumbered?

Ask them to take us to their leader. Also have a strike team with as much firepower packed in to roll up nearby to be ready to wipe out their camp if we can find it or if they foolishly take us to their camp.
"How about you just walk away? You don't want to start this fight, just walk away."
>Scout the neighboring ruins.
Some scouts, who had spent days, traveling northeast report that they can finally see the city you described. At least they think so, it is at the coordinates you gave them but it overrun with vegetation. There also seems to be abundant wildlife there.

Wait, plants seem... different... Not like they were grown over time on their own. Some of it seems like they are orderly, almost as though organized. The landscape is also different that what was described, and some of the birds above seem to be flying in a pattern.
>Wait, plants seem... different... Not like they were grown over time on their own. Some of it seems like they are orderly, almost as though organized. The landscape is also different that what was described, and some of the birds above seem to be flying in a pattern.
Wood elves, or an illusion.
Mark that spot on the map and pull them back, we will arrive in a larger force to burn the impurities away with napalm.
>we will arrive in a larger force to burn the impurities away with napalm.
Dude no. attempt peaceful diplomacy first.
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Shhhhh. Be very quite.
You gonna diplo everyone to death.
>What squad is being held up? Its it full of knights or Guardsmen? Are they filly kitted out and outnumbered?

Knights, and yes they are very outnumbered, but not outmatched.

>"How about you just walk away? You don't want to start this fight, just walk away."
They start laughing,

"You think we're jus' let you walk by with all that shiny kit? naw I think your gear will make a high price on the black market, and killing you will make us famous. Charge!!!"
Cultural/religious victory is best victory.
Awe man, if they took us to their leader, we could have wiped out their camp.

I think you mean political victory.
Just fucking shoot them and then interrogate the survivors.


Can we send sizable force along with engineers and other equipment to salvage tesla generator and the water plant. I don't want and filthy elven hands touching them.
Before your scouts can withdraw, they are halted by an elf on a strange mount.

"Hail, fair neighbors. Have you come to visit us at last?"
"Yes, we have come to investigate the state of what remains of the republic."
The first wave falls fairly quickly, however. More arrive, and more after them. They swarm out of the woods like an endless Vermintide. Some even hold up some form of shield with obscene messages and imagery scrawled on them, these shields then emit a magical barrier that blocks your mundane bullets, making the knights having to switch frequently between blessed rounds and regular shots.

>"Yes, we have come to investigate the state of what remains of the republic."
"Well, we do not mean to dishearten you, but much of our homeland has fallen to a grief worthy state. We can discuss more when your leader feels like he has the time."
Did the strike team get dispatched to help these guys?
>The first wave falls fairly quickly, however. More arrive, and more after them. They swarm out of the woods like an endless Vermintide. Some even hold up some form of shield with obscene messages and imagery scrawled on them, these shields then emit a magical barrier that blocks your mundane bullets, making the knights having to switch frequently between blessed rounds and regular shots.
Pray you fools, pray for the lord's blessing, pray for his strength and protection.

>"Well, we do not mean to dishearten you, but much of our homeland has fallen to a grief worthy state. We can discuss more when your leader feels like he has the time."
"Thank you, our leader will arrive as soon as he is able."
Have these guys come back i guess, maybe have them go help the squad under attack from the rats.
This too.
Actually, since they are already there, why not ask for a tour and get a better idea of how we can work together. If they are willing.
That sounds like a good idea, switching to this.

>Pray you fools, pray for the lord's blessing, pray for his strength and protection.
The Men start to pray as they slay. they do so even harder when they run out of ammo, the ratmen swarm in even greater numbers now. It almost seems like numbers will best strength and skill.

Wait, the rats are now killing each other, is this normal for their kind?
"Protect the Masters!!!"
Dog bros best bros.
Tell the men to check they fire and try to rally into a wedge formation. Move forward and collect the reinforcements, then form a circle wall and back off to a better defensive position, ideally somewhere with high ground.

Did we send a strike team? If not then send it now ffs.
Sir Heinrich....are you familiar with the term Nazi?

So what are our plans for the two Helfreya and Camelia? Return elven trophy helm and then get then all down for a nice conversation with some cups of cocoa?

Oh look friends.

Can we communicate with the glad elf? Hello friend!
Maybe we should get the opinions of our nights being deployed, as they could probably request reinforcement by themselves.
They are almost if not completely out of ammo, and there is still no end in sight to the waves of rats coming at us. If nothing is done before we reach the too late point they may be overwhelmed.
Wait actually the only way they can get more reinforcement is by another bunch of VTOL. I need to check the archieve if we have anymore, but can't check right now.
Don't forget about the rats killing other rats! All we can do is pray for the- wait....waaaiiit.....if we pray to them through the radio, would that improve moral?
Actually I don't want to call them rats. That's kind of offensive. What were they called again. Verdimites?
How about squeakers/squeakies? They sound they make when you stomp them to death in power armour.
>Don't forget about the rats killing other rats!
The other rats have just been revealed to be the Dog bros man.
The men check they fire and rally into a wedge formation. They move forward and collect the reinforcements, then formed into a circle wall and are back off to a better defensive position.

Then shots ring out from the tree lines, the bullets pierce multiple rats, felling many with each burst.

Eventually, the swarm in gone, either dead or running. Then the reveal themselves as the rest of the Kerogrim turn to kneel before your knights.

The Kerogrim in power-armor motions to the squad to follow them.

"Quick, we must take you to the queen."
>First the napalm thing and now this rat stomping.
Are you per chance a black Templar?
Yes, we use the VTOL aircraft for its mobility and speed.

Its not like its in use at the moment, we only sent drones and scouts to find the cats right?
Cool. Let's meet with their queen.
Sure, not like we had anything to do.

Say this nonchalantly, they don't even know we are actually looking for them. Hehe.
I asked if we could go meet the cats personally and QM said yes so we could be using it right now.
That's not very befitting of a knight to say though....
No, I wasn't hardcore enough. Failed the application form.
Let's go meet the queen.
If we meet them can we bring cocoa or is that too rare? I hope it's not.
Pick up a rat head and puppet it into say that for us then.

You want to start up a drug cartel or something?
A-anon plz no.
Cocoa isn't really a drug. Unless there is a race on this planet that lost the bio lottery and just so happen to be addicted to our homeworld goods, then I feel sorry for them.
After triangulating her position, a VTOL is prepared for you. Before you can board however, Madeline rushes in front of you panting heavily. She stops to catch her breath for the moment and shows you a paper.

[Can I come to protect you?]


The Kerogrim escort the Knights across the woods.

Will continue their adventure after you meet with Helfreya
>[Can I come to protect you?]
"Yes you may."
Thank you Ms. Madeline. I would appreciate having your protection and company. but muh offer of cocoa as a friendly refreshment and peace offering. We haven't had any food or drink in +300 years....must not make robotic tears
Wait, our avatar can leave the city?

Let Madeline know that this mortal vessel is only a avatar for the people, and thus not necessary of risking her own body for harm.

Don't want her to risk her live over something stupid now. But yes she can come.
Maybe we don't have to do so touchy with hiding our tech with the Kerogrim and their tech, ya know?
And if what Camelia says is true then I think starting trade with some Helfreya communities might be a good idea?
Dude. You don't feed dogs chocolate.
It appears so.
Sssshhhh. It's supposed to be a secret.
He want's to bring cocoa for the cat meeting, not the dogs.
No the chocolate is for the Helfreya, not the Kerogrim. Sorry.
Well we can work around the details, so long as she doesn't get herself killed. Let her know that any damage done to our mortal body can be repaired easily.

Same thing for cats as well.
Theobromine can make them sick, maybe less than they would dogs.
Well shit. I now feel kind of bad for them and like a dick for accidentally poisoning them- wait.

Can we ask Camelia if there is anything her race is allergic to? Chocolate for example?

Caffeine for pets is also bad.

Lets just pretend we make a different type of chocolate from local plants native to this planet with no Theobromine, and it should be okay its okay.
Actually since we probably don't have any Coca planets this is probably a non-issue since its only if you make it from coca beans or leaves.

Sorry about that, I once got my neighbors pets very sick by sharing chocolate with them when I was a kid.
To be fair they're sort of not like the cats and dogs of our homeworld.
Now I feel like a dick for assuming the worst about the sisters.
*plants on this planet*.

Give them hot chocolate with milk and cream,+marshmallows!
>Wait, our avatar can leave the city?
Yes, though it can only stay within transmission range or it will go into a more machine like state with the only directive to seek out the signal again anything else being secondary if considered at all.

>Don't want her to risk her live over something stupid now. But yes she can come.
She bows in gratitude for letting her come.

>But muh offer of cocoa as a friendly refreshment and peace offering.
Hot beverages are prepared in three thermoses. Just so you know, the body is unable to eat or drink.

>Can we ask Camelia if there is anything her race is allergic to? Chocolate for example?
"What's chocolate?"

The VTOL craft speeds toward the location. You arrive at a rest stop. Called such for gas stops are no longer necessary. It is run down and picked clean. Just as you disembark, the radio signal goes dead. Camelia is just inside the structure from one of the stores, waving at you to come in. She seems happy to see you.

"Come in, come in! Theres a room underneath here!"

Gonna go to sleep now. Catch ya later.
How long till you pick up again? 12 hours?
Sleep well.
maybe, bye.

Cant wait to see what you post in my absence.
Banished quest quality shitposting.
naw I'm a sleep too.
Spellsword bro works under nation of sort of nazis or they exclusively hate Helfreya due to typical cat dog hate shenanigans

Kerogrims sort of Nazi (at the minimum) but they're still bros. It's complicated.

Oh Lord no what if we introduced them to catnip? It's not a harmful drug but still. Think about the effects.

When we reach the queen, should we try mediating between the Helfreya and the Kerogrim?
How many pepe did we take with us?
What are you even on about? The Kerogrim and the Pruzsics are two different races. The Pruzsics are humans, The Kerogrim are the dogs.
Madeline and that's it.
Who's stupid idea was it?

At least send VTOL back. We don't want to lose THAT too.
We really don't have any troops nearby? Use VTOL to do them by quickly.
No pilot?

maybe it will crash on the way so we won't make the meeting
Of course its going back.

>maybe it will crash on the way so we won't make the meeting
We're already there.
Let's stay positive! If we only bring Madeline and not a whole contingent of guards then they might feel less threatened and may consider what we have to offer. A new home perhaps.

But I do wish we brought some knights with us. I'm sort of surprised Madeline was the only one to ask.
do we have a self destruct button that can blow up the whole planet?
So I guess it's time to chat with Chamelia and hide eith her until her companions return? I don't want to offer chocolate yet until the other two arrive.
Anon plz, no need to over react.

Does our friend have a guestimate as to when they will return?
Can we move on? I'm barely resisting the sweet call of sleep here.
But we can show them strangelove
Camelia leads you to an underground room. A storage room containing food, three sleeping bags on the floor, magical trinkets, and all sorts of ill-gotten gains, Adorning the walls are fire arms of all sorts.

"Sorry about the mess, often don't bother cleaning unless they plan to stay a while. So, can I ask you a question?"
Yes my child. I would be happy to answer your questions.
By The way, can we open the thermos and ask her to smell but don't drink? I don't want to accidentally together diarrhea for not understanding her biology.

Are there really Las guns?
Once we're done with our furry friends, we should let the citizens have a break. Maybe a festival? I feel like we're working everyone to the bone and they need a break. Unless they want to continue on with their progress then who are we to stop them?
Go ahead.
Its only been a week since we started. Lets wait till the end of the month.
No, I just couldn't find a picture that looked like a big wall or assortment of guns. Just pretent that those are regular firearms for now, M'kay?

>Go ahead.
"Well, you look different from all the other humans I've seen. I mean, I know your human 'cause you are in command of an entire city of humans and the Pruzsics based their country off of the country you guys made, but uh... Why do you loo so different?"
Leaders tend to look and dress differently to distinguished themselves I suppose. I am no different.

I suppose I dress like this in part due to tradition.
"No i mean, well... You have, metal stuff... I mean I heard that you guys chop off broken limbs and replace them with metal ones. Are you one of those guys?"
I'm different because my people needed me to be. Humans don't tend to live long and we needed someone who can guide our people through hardship. I am the Michael to Lucifer.

Fuck I hope that's close enough.
No, not really. Its a bit complicated, I don't think there are any words in your language that can describe it.
"in a sense, yes. But it's a different situation for me."
"What matters is what's here."
Tap your head
"And what is here."
Tap your chest.
I guess you could say I am like them.
You know, I am fairly certain this is trap, and they are gonna rip us apart for the technology and sold off to the elves.
"Okay, uh... Do- do you wan to sit down? I got chairs here"

She point to four chairs in the middle of the room.

"There's one for each us," she stops herself upon seeing Madeline "I mean one for-... Well, I wasn't expecting you to bring anyone with you, sorry..."

>By The way, can we open the thermos and ask her to smell but don't drink?
"It smells good, what is it?"
We can bluff and say we have a dead man's trigger to a bomb that would explode in a fifty kilometer radius. They disable us? Boom. 'Knock us out? Boom. Kill us? Boom.
It's called hot cocoa. Cocoa powder, sugar, marshmallows, sometimes powdered milk if you have no milk but hot water, a pinch of salt. The marshmallows, whip cream and cinnamon are optional.
I used to drink mine with peppermint extract.
We can stand. Madeline can sit.
>It's called hot cocoa. Cocoa powder, sugar, marshmallows, sometimes powdered milk if you have no milk but hot water, a pinch of salt. The marshmallows, whip cream and cinnamon are optional.
I used to drink mine with peppermint extract.

"I don't know what half those words were, but I guess it must be safe." She takes a small sip, immediately her eyes widen, her ears perk up and and her tail shoots upright, moving back and forth slightly. "B- by the gods its good! Did you make this?"
Please refrain from drinking anymore. We should wait an hour to see if you are fine.
Do they have any food here?
"B- but its so good." she immediately looks despondent. she reluctantly hands it back to you. "okay..."

"Uh, so do you want any food from here? We have deer jerky."
No thank you. Ask Madeline if she is hungry.
Ask Camelia what else she can tell us about the The Kerogrim, the Pruzsics, her people and her old home.
I find it a little concerning that I am currently the only one responding. Did I scare everyone off with my autism or are some of you busy?
Some people are just waking up Anon.
And some people are experiencing momentary lapses in attention due to sleep deprivation.
No, you shot yourself from orbit with your autism, your just coming back down and rejoining the rest of us.

Don't sit down. Just stand and watch for the ambush.
>Ask Madeline if she is hungry.
Madeline politely gestures no.

>Ask Camelia what else she can tell us about the The Kerogrim, the Pruzsics, her people and her old home.

" Um, the Kerogrim are supposed to be a fairytale, a race of monsters that originated in the Darklands. They venture out into other lands to preform standard bedtime story monster stuff. You know, a myth. Then the Pruzsics they are in control of a very vast stretch of lands, having a total of 10 states. Those being Harkland, Jordland, Gerthmark, Totenheim, Dotchland, Breklusmark, Hochland, Seigland, Blutland, and Galaminheim. All of which obtained through conquest. Non-humans are all either second-class citizens or their are banished or killed. My people fought the Pruzsics when they were expanding into our homes, using guerrilla warfare for the most part. I guess this is why they see us as dishonorable and barbaric. I don't remember my parents, but I do remember being with Audhild and Brenda and my uncle. At least until I was adopted by a human family and trained to be a magic performer. They treated my nicer than others would treat their servants, but Audhild and Brenda were born and raised on the streets."

dude, go to sleep.
>dude, go to sleep.
Sleep is for the weak!
You do know that Aitee time zone is like a 12 hours difference for most of us right?
This is pretty correct, its just past lunch here.
>Kerogrim do bedtime monster stuff
>Pruzics conceor nations, kill nonhuman, and took from a bad example of humanity.
>Audhild and Brenda growing up on the street.
I didn't know I could be more disappointed in everyone or sadder. Today I do. God I just want to hug them and serve them Lentil soup and tell them everything will be alright.
What's the life span of an elf?
If push comes to shove do we know how to make our avatar fight? Would we have to learn? Would watching the guardsmen and knights spar help?
Are we waiting or is he waiting?


Are you sure you are not speaking of the rat Vermin?
"Camelia!" You hear a voice from upstairs. The person sounds feminine and is now speaking in German. You immediately activate your german language programs in order to understand what they are saying.

"{We're back! we gave them the slip like always.}" she says with a tone of pride as she descends down the stairwell.

Another voice speaks, female as well. "{You'll never guess what, we finally found some new underwe---}"

Auhild's voice trails of the moment she and Brenda sees you and Madeline. A period of awkward silence passes before one of them pulls out a sword and the conjures fireballs in her hands.

"{Camelia...}" The one with magic says, her voice emotionless, "{Do you mind explaining the meaning of this?}"

"{Uh, right. Guys, these are my... New friends!}"

"{WHAT!?}" They both say in unison.

{"I met them through the talking earplug and brought them ov-"}


{"The what now?"}

The one with the fireballs immediately dispells one of her fireballs to facepalm as she groans in anger. Then she points at you.


"{Audhild, they-}" Camelia says before she is interrupted.

"{SHUT UP!}" Audhild snaps before returning her attention to you, "YOU HAVE ONE CHANCE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF BEFORE I TORCH YOU ALL TO THE GROUND!!!"

Madeline sits up to defend you, but Calemia puts herself between you and her cousins, ready to shield you with her body.

The look on the faces of the two thieves says it all about their astonishment.

"{Camelia...}" the one you assume to be Brenda speaks in a calm tone "{Back away from the android.}"

"{... no...}" was Camelia's quiet response.

"{...Camelia,} Audhild says. {you don't know-}"


Camelia is fully crying at this point, she collapses on the ground in tears. Without delay, the two theives drop their weapon and spell and rush to catch and comfort her.

After a few moments of hugging her and patting her back, Audhild looks up at you, suspicion still in her eyes. "Alright robot," she says in a much calmer tone "what do you want?"
Just a talk. How much time has passed since Camelia drank the hot cocoa? Would they like some?
We want our stuff back, all of it.
we can give you some gold as a finders fee for other things that you didn't directly "steal"

Tell us in details what the elf wanted, and who he is.

Stop helping they elf, you already made things much worse.

Return the helmet and other material things that Heinrich wants and we won't turn you over.

If you fully co-operate you will not be handed over to the Pruzians and will be in our will be in our custody but not imprisoned in a jail.

We want you to pay back the damage you have done through your co-operation, community service and answering our questions. (mostly about magic)

At the end of the sentence of approximately two months by the two of you, you will be given supple and some funds to continue on your way.
If they are well behaved and really helpful we may hire them as contract mercenaries or helpers on a month by month basis. Maybe hint at this a little.
corinthians 1:3-4
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Maybe after we finsih saying this, there is a moment of pause, then ask "any of you two want hot chocolate?" Holding up the thermos and shake em little in their direction.

Would seem a bit comical
We can always offer them housing and tutelage in our capital.
That's for the little cat. I didn't mention it because we are speaking directly to the two adult cats.
Do you think they were bluffing? Because I think they were.
But I was thinking of giving her a basic education of useful skills and slow her to socialize with humans of her age group as a trial run. We tell the people to treat them well and why we are letting them in, its a trial run for how we may work with future xenos. We don't have to let them in our big city for anything, just one of the larger towns with walls and security, and schools.

>The one with the fireballs immediately dispells one of her fireballs to facepalm as she groans in anger. Then she points at you.

I don't but its irrelevant.
I'd like to give the two sisters the benifit of the doubt and a chance at a new life. But I do agree with you that they should perform some community service. Possible help rebuild the city. Oh, we also need to get them vaccinated. It's going to be tricky what with them being a different race. It's a good thing that the priest is very proficient in medicine.
Do you think they've been in our main city in the past? I know Camelia has seen it.

What did Camelia think of out fair city? I know it's still a work in progress but we are trying.
Maybe she only conjured it as a show of force? They didn't kill anyone as far as we know. Again, benefit of the doubt.
I don't want to spoil them so soon with letting them in our brand new under construction city. They want to live there, they gotta work for the trust and privilege to be in there. They are complete strangers.
Doubtful, they probably thought we were holding their niece and threatening her. If you came home to see some to strangers who by all accounts worked with your greatest enemy that wanted your head in your secret home and hideout, what would you do?
That is fair. Maybe you are right. Living in one of our smaller communities shouldn't be too bad, right? We're reworking law enforcement and will soon be working on sanitation.
Another fair point. I completely forgot that they were niece and aunties!

Queued question so I don't forget: ask a knight or two what kind of tactics do they employ to handle magic users.
>That's for the little cat.
CAMELIA is an ADULT, a young adult sure but still an ADULT.

>Doubtful, they probably thought we were holding their niece
Camelia is their COUSIN. Audhild and Brenda are SISTERS!

>We want our stuff back, all of it.
>we can give you some gold as a finders fee for other things that you didn't directly "steal"

>Tell us in details what the elf wanted, and who he is.
He just wanted some pieces of technology, he didn't specifically state what he wanted. But he was a military type, so we figured he wanted a gun or something. Besides its not like we were planning on giving him the best stuff, just the ones they could understand easier. All we know is that he's a general.

>Stop helping they elf, you already made things much worse.
"Alright, but how? Aren't you guys allies?"

>Return the helmet and other material things that Heinrich wants and we won't turn you over.
Audhild's mood darkens at this, then she notices Camelia tug at her, one look into her eyes and she lighten up. "Alright, you can have that stupid helmet back."

>If you fully co-operate you will not be handed over to the Pruzians and will be in our will be in our custody but not imprisoned in a jail.

>We want you to pay back the damage you have done through your co-operation, community service and answering our questions. (mostly about magic)
"Very well, but we aren't doing any back alley services if that what you intend." She says with a bit of venom in her voice.

>At the end of the sentence of approximately two months by the two of you, you will be given supple and some funds to continue on your way.
"On our way? To where huh? Where do you think we can be accepted after everything we've done?"

>If they are well behaved and really helpful we may hire them as contract mercenaries or helpers on a month by month basis. Maybe hint at this a little.

Audhild seems to be considering what you've said.

{What did the robot say?} Brenda asks her.

Audhild turns to her sister and says, {I think he wants us to steal for him on occassion.}

{Wha- really?}

{I dunno,}
Not steal. Reclaim. I've hear you two ocasiounally take from the ruins? I can find work for you two, scouting the ruins of our empire and retrieving old technology.

>rip my suggestions
The stuff in spoilers wasn't meant to be said to them, it was for context, foresight, and other anons to read.

No stealing, unless its to bring back stuff that is ours.

You never tell people the reward at the end like that, or the potential rewards. Otherwise they may work only for it, in spite of it. We won't be able to observe them developed and see if they are worth of the potential reward I suggested, but DID NOT WANT TO TELL THEM!
>I'd like to give the two sisters the benifit of the doubt and a chance at a new life. But I do agree with you that they should perform some community service.
>We can always offer them housing and tutelage in smaller communities.
"Ah-... Are you serious? After what we just did, you are willing to accept us?"

>Not steal. Reclaim. I've hear you two ocasiounally take from the ruins? I can find work for you two, scouting the ruins of our empire and retrieving old technology.

"Wait, you can understand us?"
>You never tell people the reward at the end like that, or the potential rewards. Otherwise they may work only for it, in spite of it. We won't be able to observe them developed and see if they are worth of the potential reward I suggested, but DID NOT WANT TO TELL THEM
>We did not tell them anything we just hinted at it.
We can also leverage the item before giving it back to Heinrich, give a pardon for the cats. We will open diplomatic ties and and damning information to exchange with Pruiza.

Oh for fucks sakes.

Now they know we can understand them and think we are offering them a whole new life and citizenship.

I'm tempted to play this off as we understand the word "steal" or "theft" in German and took a educated guess from there.

Some of the things we say are mostly brainstorming and raw or rough idea's that need refinement and feedback from the QM and Summarizing them into proper choices before going ahead.
Like Heinrich used the German word stehlen for steal in describing you two. So....

Idk should we just say yes we fully understand them?

Any ideas?
Okay maybe say this If the other players agree.

Acceptance? Unlikely. But perhaps in time. We wish to see you through these next few months.

>"Wait, you can understand us?"
Somewhat. The Pruzian Knight describe the two of you with the word "steal/thief" in his native language.

You still here buddy?
You awake? Stop dancing across the keyboard with your face.
Yes prove how strong you are by posting a reply
or your mother will die in her sleep! J/k
>"Ah-... Are you serious? After what we just did, you are willing to accept us?"

You just stole some stuff, nothing serious like murdering. I think we can work out something.

You seem to understand our technology somewhat, like immediately recognizing me as a robot. How come?
>You seem to understand our technology somewhat, like immediately recognizing me as a robot. How come?
"Through stories that our grand father used to tell us about his time with you guys. Though he never told us you guys were smart enough to become leaders. I thought you were just mindless drones?"

......Life has a way.
>......Life has a way.
"I doubt that, we encountered a robot once while roaming your country side. All he did was sing doesn't even notice anything else going around it."
I got the quote wrong, it should have been, life finds a way. oh well.
Call for the VTOL craft to come. Bring a two men in there.

When it arrives, ask if they would like to start packing. The men will help pack our tech into separate bags or crates.
>Call for the VTOL craft to come. Bring a two men in there.
>When it arrives, ask if they would like to start packing. The men will help pack our tech into separate bags or crates.
Got it.

Now for the Kerogrim.

After what feels like hours of traversing through the woods, The knights come across what looks like a cave. The kerogrim lead them into it. After many minutes of walking by lamplight, they find and open a hidden gate. Within is a hidden base, electric lights shine above, showing the guards manning their posts at the entrance. Many carrying medieval polearms, some holding ballistic weapons. They salute the knights and the soldiers as they pass by. After navigating twisting corridors, grand hallways, and room after room, they finally lead you to the queen's office.

"Within you will find our Queen, she will be most pleased with your return my masters."
Thank you. And thank you for helping us back there in battle. The rat bastards dared to claim they were Kerogrim.

Proceed into the queens office.

>Proceed into the queens office.

The knights proceed into the queens office, the lone occupant of the room turns to face them and breaths a sigh of relief.

"Thank the Lord," she mutters under her breath. "You must know how much it gladdens my heart to see your kind here once again, though I must admit that I wish it were under better circumstances. I'm sure you have a lot of questions, feel free to ask, and I will answer them to the best of my ability."
Hi yes I'm awake
....what happened?
It's a broad question but a good one. What happened three hundred years ago? What happened to our civilization? What of the Kerogrim since then?
Get our most charming knight highest ranked knight in the group to speak.

Forgive me for being blunt Queen..... I beg your pardon I did not get your name?

When was the last time either of us made contact?

We found dead felines skeletons in the area we thought you were living. What happened to your previous settlement?

What is your current situation regarding technology, power generation, provisions, and relations to other species such as the elves and helfreya, and Pruzia?

What can you tell us about the rats that attacked us?

What do you know of the "wood elves" living in the old city in the northeast?
>"Ah-... Are you serious? After what we just did, you are willing to accept us?"
Yes. As the Lord shown great compassion to us, so will I. Camelia has told me your stories. If I could weep, I believe I would.

>"Wait, you can understand us?"

Sorry, I'm just a bleed heart.

These are some good questions to ask.

What's your opinion of the Pruzsics? We've heard some....interedting things about them. A little concerning.
>Forgive me for being blunt Queen..... I beg your pardon I did not get your name?
"My name is Victoria Redmond, the name given to me by my adoptive father; Johnathan Redmond, the Terran that headed of the Cybernetics Division of the Alistair Academic Health Science Centre."

>When was the last time either of us made contact?
"Over three hundred years ago, before the civil war erupted all Terran civilian and military personnel were withdrawn back to the nation in hopes of maintaining order. My father among them, he dropped me here with my people in hopes that they would keep me safe." She looks down for a moment, appearing to be somber, "How I wish he stayed with me."

>What happened three hundred years ago? What happened to our civilization?
"That, I don't know, I all I know is what everyone else does, that the generator for the Capital suffered a catastrophic melt down during a civil war. However, I also know that the generator has numerous fail safes to prevent something like that from happening. At least not accidentally, could have been anything from sabotage to absolute incompetence."

>What of the Kerogrim since then?
"We've been beset by a multitude of troubles, raiders, monsters, cultists, and so on. The only thing that kept our people going are the lessons you gave us, the technology at our disposal, and faith."

>We found dead felines skeletons in the area we thought you were living. What happened to your previous settlements?
"The same as what happened to our entire country; overwhelming attacks, anarchy, monster raids and the like."

>What is your current situation regarding technology, power generation, provisions, and relations to other species such as the elves and helfreya.?
"Sad to say, but much of what we know has mainly been handed down from generation to generation rather than taught by formalized institutions. I've been trying to change that, but its hard with how spread out and isolated we are. Thankfully I can take at least some pride in us making a few suits of Power Armor, as you've seen. We've also established some contacts in the outside world as you've discovered with the orc merchant in the city of Splitshaft in the west. After all, you wouldn't have come here if he hadn't led you here. We also brought a few allies from foreign lands that may be of help."

>What can you tell us about the rats that attacked us?
"Vermin, is the short answer. The long answer is that they are a race from the fetid depths of the earth and various other dark places. They face a massive problem with over-population, famine, and poor sanitation. Due to an almost universal dislike of rats, they have resigned to being bandits."

>What do you know of the "Glade Elves" living in the old city in the northeast?
"I know only of what my spies tell me about what happens beyond our borders, but are the Glade Elves such an issue? They are among the citizenry aren't they?"

>What's your opinion of the Pruzsics?
"Never heard of them."
CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP, I made a Mistake.:
>Over three hundred years ago
Forget the word three is there.

Its not supposed to be there. Sorry.
Quick! Do what I do, delete it and retype everything!
and realize i somehow made a new mistake somewhere
Does one of your allies include elves in Spanish elves with bronze armor and steampunk tanks? Because we meet some....occupying our old capital. We had plans to rebuild the place but uuuuhhh.

Anyways, we too are slowly rebuilding

>"My name is Victoria Redmond, the name given to me by my adoptive father; Johnathan Redmond, the Terran that headed of the Cybernetics Division of the Alistair Academic Health Science Centre."
>"Over three hundred years ago, before the civil war erupted all Terran civilian and military personnel were withdrawn back to the nation in hopes of maintaining order. My father among them, he dropped me here with my people in hopes that they would keep me safe." She looks down for a moment, appearing to be somber, "How I wish he stayed with me."
Forgive me for my rudeness. That would make you over three hundred years old? Would that be from natural biology or augmentations?

>"We've been beset by a multitude of troubles, raiders, monsters, cultists, and so on. The only thing that kept our people going are the lessons you gave us, the technology at our disposal, and faith."
Please. Tell us more. Do you have the facilities to fabricate more power armor but lack the materials, or did you use up all your PA resources to build them? If the former we might be able to offer raw materials.
>Forgive me for my rudeness. That would make you over three hundred years old? Would that be from natural biology or augmentations?
Dude, I point you to this post:
Oops. My bad. Only noticed this post after I posted.

>I also know that the generator has numerous fail safes to prevent something like that from happening. At least not accidentally, could have been anything from sabotage to absolute incompetence
I believe it to be the former.

Now that we've made contact, what would you like to do?

If we were able to restore the team a generator and redirect power to our capital and the keep, would we be able to do double the research and control two androids at the same time?