" With Mrs. Bartram, heir apparent to the Bartram name on the run , from Ouroborus, we must be wary of any face, Ragnyllian or otherwise who would approach her and her and a detective who got in too deep. The most recent correspondence we recieved is that they would be holed up in a hotel, capable of moving only in the cover of night... in the meanwhile our pre deployed team will stake out at the cantina until further orders... and refills "> The game will begin with a secretive team of operatives who are looking for Mrs. Bartram. The operation may begin in approximately 10 hours time. New players who desire to try this game may visit the discord: https://discord.gg/mGWHWNOfficers: please supply a pre deploy list.
Far away, an old man heard the cry of a hawk and looked up from his newspaper. An omen?
>>3079498[dD] Lt.Coffee (Salamander Cloak)[Es] 2nd Lt.Berthold[rO] Sgt.Boyston[fO] Cpl.Evergreen[As] Pfc.Nebenhut[Ss] Sniper team Fagot
>>3079498I sure hope nothing awful and explosive happens to my idyllic, peaceful town today!
((Posting my stat-block for posterity.))[SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 12/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle: [][] R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
>>3079498>>3079598((Oops, reposting with links for extra posterity))[SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 12/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle: [][] R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
>>3079498Standing by[Es2] Lt. Berthold (Cpl. Gilligan, Pvt. Osman)Hp: (17/17) (17/17) (17/17) Arm:5 Mov:5 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:2Pneumatic VacuumRange 5, (6/6) (6/6) (6/6) Ammo-Void Suck (Absorb Small and Gas)-Arc Launch [40]x1-Surface Insertion [X]x1+Pressure Bomb (5+Blast)+Bug (3.Sight)+Chainshot (Pierce)The Shovel- +2 Melee-DigPepper Fab Engine Mk2 - Sapper Edition(4/4) (4/4) (4/4)-Ammo Refill (Free)-Patch Up (Revive)-Repair (Object Heals)-Master Key (Unlock/Lock/Rekey/ Door/Trap)-Claymore (Tap to detonate, Overwatch)-Magnetic Spikes (-1 Mov and STR dmg per tile moved)-Barricade (Armour 10, +20 Cover)-Trapper Keeper (Steal bombs and reuse or turn into ammo)
>>3079598=[fO]Evergreen=ARM 5 HP 17/17 | 17/17 | 17/17AMM [6/6]x6 [4/4]x6 [4/4]x6Act 2 Mov 5 Vis 4 Str 4(+3)- - - - - - - - - - Revolver (SilvPRC+4, RNG 5, [ExecuteTraitor]) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-6Sword (Slash+3, [AutoCounterGrapples])[70]xARC [60]x1(mov 2hex)Hunter's Xbow (PRC+4, RNG 5rA) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-4Fire - Silver - DualHook - Marker - Wood - Snare- - - - - - - - - - [Quick Slime][Wyrd Lore][Command Aura] 4 hex radius- [Vigilance] - [Your One Task] - [Get Down]- [Manhunt]- [Ralgran Hym]- [Hellfire]- [Salt Frequency]
>>3079498>Sign up"Anshor, what are you doing?""Well, signing us to a mission, of course! We can't expect to join an army without going on a few missions, right?""But did you know what we're supposed to do in this mission you signed up for?""Ah... I might have skipped straight to the 'signatures here' part.""Anshor, you foolish brother of mine, you better have read -where- we're supposed to go, by the ancestors!""Don't worry Qeshey, that part I remember! It's a Ragnyllian city, named uh... Noctis, yeah!""It's Nocturne, camel-for-brains!""Yeeeah...""Anyways, we'd need to brush up on our Ragnyllian customs, don't want them to mistake us for Kashir thugs - or worse, country folk!""Which means just smile and wave if you see anyone staring at you?""That it is, brother. That it is."Hp: 12/12 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [] [] [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [15] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [25] x 4-Mow Down [10] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
>>3079598"No adjutant, I don't know where Carl ran off to. He didn't say a word, as usual; just walked off somewhere and disappeared. Next morning, this guy was curled up at the foot of my cot, wearing my hat, with a sticky note stuck to it with the words 'Barksky' scribbled onto it.""Yeah, I don't know what's goin' on either. He's been a good boy so far, so I don't have many complaints, and Carl's never done us wrong in the past. I think it'll be ok."Officer Boyston, Adjutant Phelps, and Officer BarkskyARM 5 HP 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27(15)AMM [3/3] [3/3] [3/3]Act 2 Mov 4(1) Vis 4 Str 4/6- - - - - - - - - - Rifle (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5r) [75]x1 [40]x2Pistol (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5, [Mark]) [65]x1 [50]x2Doggo Surprise ([Drop], [Stun]) [60]x1Surgeon's General (Medical +15) [Consult RO Sheet]- - - - - - - - - - [Anti Pathogen] - You get to play Pandemic; Vaccine, Anti Pathogen Base, Replicate[Can You Walk?] - R-Dog can take people to flag. Otherwise [On Me].[Scout Ahead] - R-Dog runs along set path until enemy or person in need.[Mark] - Hit +10 on target shot.[We Are Thrice Armed!] - Negate Fear and Terror in Command Area; Wider Overwatch[Doggo Sense] - Detects Disease, Lies, Enemies, etc.
>>3079498This land always seems to be at war with somebody.Whatever happened to that Vilkas Von Voss fellow?
>>3079498>Thinking of deploying but I have a question: about the Aeoni background "Heraels Blessing". What is [Regeneration I]? What does it do and how does it work?
>>3080725Regain a single HP per turn. This small amount is trivial to some, but to most Aeoni, the bounty of life allows them to work without cease in the name of Metatron ... or Ramiel.
>>3080812>>3079498>Deploy?>Aeoni Ancestry confirmed[A?] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x3 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
Posting Sheet.Units 40/40, Def 5, Mov 5, Act 2+1 Command, Sight 4, Str 3Birds 50/50, Eva 20%, Mov 6 (Jump 2 Height), Sight 4, Str 6, Bomb SmellRider:Riding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go)[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire AOE]x6 , Range Str+1[AT Mines +12 Hard Crush(AOE 3, Pressure)/AP Mines +12 Riping (AOE 5, Pressure)]x6[Stored Weapon : Demo Launcher]Kwehrrier:-[70]Rushdown x Sad fool in my way, -Mov Down (Self)Hop On Top, It can hop on enemy units (Smaller units are pressed down, like fools)
>>3080855 I don't think anyone new can deploy right now. This is a short 6 team run. A larger scale mission should be coming up at some point after though.
>>3079498I predict ghouls and airdropped hostiles again. Let's see if I'm right again.Hp: 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx9 | [][] Rx9 | [][] Rx9Range 4 , Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x2 | 2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x1
>>3080923Really? Darn =(
>>3080955 This just in from Militia command : New Players may "Tour" the game environment as local militia with the standing objective of "Patrol and report". Like other players they may post only in act phase. However phase times will have a time limit. You may gain exp in this way
https://youtu.be/DVxop3_sS2Q?t=336Act Phase.All in nocturne, goes about their business. Not a single one meets eye to eye, and rarely do folk travel in groups. A simple courtesy, in light of the plague, see. > Players reporting in the Town militia may report in and go about their usual patrol. 1 Turn earns you 1 exp. and 10 zenny.
>>3081010Oh nice! Thats cool.
>>3081024Phase Mark in 3:40
>>3081024>Deploy as town militia Assault Squad>Aeoni Ancestry"Time to patrol"[A?] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x3 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
>>3081024>>3079498Command, do we actually know where this Hotel is?
>>3081038A man on the counter adjusts his newspaper.
>>3081024>Move S SE NE NE SE>Move SE NE SE SE SE (Since I have no vison maybe smart process my move east?)=[fO]Evergreen=ARM 5 HP 17/17 | 17/17 | 17/17AMM [6/6]x6 [4/4]x6 [4/4]x6Act 2 Mov 5 Vis 4 Str 4(+3)- - - - - - - - - - Revolver (SilvPRC+4, RNG 5, [ExecuteTraitor]) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-6Sword (Slash+3, [AutoCounterGrapples])[70]xARC [60]x1(mov 2hex)Hunter's Xbow (PRC+4, RNG 5rA) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-4Fire - Silver - DualHook - Marker - Wood - Snare- - - - - - - - - - [Quick Slime][Wyrd Lore][Command Aura] 4 hex radius- [Vigilance] - [Your One Task] - [Get Down]- [Manhunt]- [Ralgran Hym]- [Hellfire]- [Salt Frequency]
>>3081034Please use the [A1] tag.
>>3081044Like this right?
>>3081024>Move 1S 3SW 4S>Gently pat the birds'd heads and ruffle their feathersUnits 40/40, Def 5, Mov 5, Act 2+1 Command, Sight 4, Str 3Birds 50/50, Eva 20%, Mov 6 (Jump 2 Height), Sight 4, Str 6, Bomb SmellRider:Riding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go)[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire AOE]x6 , Range Str+1[AT Mines +12 Hard Crush(AOE 3, Pressure)/AP Mines +12 Riping (AOE 5, Pressure)]x6[Stored Weapon : Demo Launcher]Kwehrrier:-[70]Rushdown x Sad fool in my way, -Mov Down (Self)Hop On Top, It can hop on enemy units (Smaller units are pressed down, like fools)
>>3081024I wonder what's around that corner>Move 2S SW>Look aroundHp: 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx9 | [][] Rx9 | [][] Rx9Range 4 , Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x2 | 2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x1
>>3081024"Adjutant, anywhere you want to visit? How about this place down here; good as any, right?">-I do not know how to get inside this building so my movement orders are in the abstract. (Mov 4)>Move into building SE>Move to [I]nvestigator 2SE 1S from starting position.Officer Boyston, Adjutant Phelps, and Officer BarkskyARM 5 HP 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27(15)AMM [3/3] [3/3] [3/3]Act 2 Mov 4(1) Vis 4 Str 4/6- - - - - - - - - - Rifle (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5r) [75]x1 [40]x2Pistol (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5, [Mark]) [65]x1 [50]x2Doggo Surprise ([Drop], [Stun]) [60]x1Surgeon's General (Medical +15) [Consult RO Sheet]- - - - - - - - - - [Anti Pathogen] - You get to play Pandemic; Vaccine, Anti Pathogen Base, Replicate[Can You Walk?] - R-Dog can take people to flag. Otherwise [On Me].[Scout Ahead] - R-Dog runs along set path until enemy or person in need.[Mark] - Hit +10 on target shot.[We Are Thrice Armed!] - Negate Fear and Terror in Command Area; Wider Overwatch[Doggo Sense] - Detects Disease, Lies, Enemies, etc.
>>3081024"Right, a simple errand. Just relax maintain overwatch and hopefully we'll be in and out without any trouble.">Move 1S, 1SE, Climb 1S, Climb 1 NW,>Move 2SW across ladder.[SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 12/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle: [][] R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
Rolling processing begins.
>>3081024B: "Bleh I feel like I've been sat here for hours I could use a stretch, smoke break boys?"G: "Sure I got some, Osman?"O: "Yeh boss.">-From in front of the counter of the cafe>Move 1SW, 2NW, 1N, 1NEB: "Beh, it's pretty windy out here, you mind shielding me whilst I light up?"G: "Oh yeah sure."B: "Cheers, Gil Now make sure no one is watching us whilst I plant this camera.">S1+2: Light up cigarettes, and shield S3 from sight whilst he does stuff.>S3: [Surface Insert] a Bug into the wall to cover this side alleyway.[Es2] Lt. Berthold (Cpl. Gilligan, Pvt. Osman)Hp: (17/17) (17/17) (17/17) Arm:5 Mov:5 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:2Pneumatic VacuumRange 5, (6/6) (6/6) (6/6) Ammo-Void Suck (Absorb Small and Gas)-Arc Launch [40]x1-Surface Insertion [X]x1+Pressure Bomb (5+Blast)+Bug (3.Sight)+Chainshot (Pierce)The Shovel- +2 Melee-DigPepper Fab Engine Mk2 - Sapper Edition(4/4) (4/4) (4/4)
Millitia Command: There's a bunch of slime sightings by the river north east. Go see to it before they start multiplying will you ? https://youtu.be/DVxop3_sS2Q?t=3449
Enemy Phase.... wait a few minutes.
Act Phase. https://youtu.be/DVxop3_sS2Q?t=2461> Millitia have been deployed. Slimes sighted to the north east.
>>3081160>>3081187Militia Fireteam Bravo deploy"Bravo heading north to handle that slime issue, Command."[A2] Fireteam BravoHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG [] [] [] Rx6SMG [] [] [] Rx6SMG [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Ammo] ×3 +Target pinned-Grenade x3 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 pot-Knife Slash+2 Throw [60]x1 - STR range
>>3081187>-"yes you can rookie, high command has lost a batch of tactical slimes, guide me to them...Or even better...We have a posible suspect, a woman with a fancy hairdo, if you find her tell me... Special orders, only for your ears and eyes">Move 5SW>Move SW SSS SW=[fO]Evergreen=ARM 5 HP 17/17 | 17/17 | 17/17AMM [6/6]x6 [4/4]x6 [4/4]x6Act 2 Mov 5 Vis 4 Str 4(+3)- - - - - - - - - - Revolver (SilvPRC+4, RNG 5, [ExecuteTraitor]) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-6Sword (Slash+3, [AutoCounterGrapples])[70]xARC [60]x1(mov 2hex)Hunter's Xbow (PRC+4, RNG 5rA) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-4Fire - Silver - DualHook - Marker - Wood - Snare- - - - - - - - - - [Quick Slime][Wyrd Lore][Command Aura] 4 hex radius- [Vigilance] - [Your One Task] - [Get Down]- [Manhunt]- [Ralgran Hym]- [Hellfire]- [Salt Frequency]
How do i play this?
>>3081187"...Yes I am coming to switch with you. Ugh I hate night shifts, but someone's gotta do em am I right? You guys have a good one.">Switch with the assaults.>Pop a 20[SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 12/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle: [][] R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
>>3081187"Yeah, hey. My adjutant and I are here on some leave; we're lookin' for a good hotel to put up for tonight. Point me in the direction of one?""Come to think of it, you look a lot like those investigator type folk. Know of any strange goings on? Word from Stallion is that there's some weird ghoul cult from Voss goin round. Even on leave, gotta stay vigilant an' all. Wouldn't be much of a doctor if I wasn't, right? Any, ah, mysterious disappearances? Sudden spikes in illness?">[Question] the [I]nvestigator with Boyston about a hotel.>-Doggo [Smell]s his lies.>-Adjutant [Overwatches] to [Restrain] the [I]nvestigator if he attempts to flee or attack. - - - - - - - - - - >[Question] the [I]nvestigator with Boyston about [Strange Happenings] and [Ghoul Cults]>-Doggo [Smell]s his lies.>-Adjutant [Overwatches] to [Restrain] the [I]nvestigator if he attempts to flee or attack.Officer Boyston, Adjutant Phelps, and Officer BarkskyARM 5 HP 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27(15)AMM [3/3] [3/3] [3/3]Act 2 Mov 4(1) Vis 4 Str 4/6- - - - - - - - - - Rifle (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5r) [75]x1 [40]x2Pistol (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5, [Mark]) [65]x1 [50]x2Doggo Surprise ([Drop], [Stun]) [60]x1Surgeon's General (Medical +15) [Consult RO Sheet]- - - - - - - - - - [Anti Pathogen] - You get to play Pandemic; Vaccine, Anti Pathogen Base, Replicate[Can You Walk?] - R-Dog can take people to flag. Otherwise [On Me].[Scout Ahead] - R-Dog runs along set path until enemy or person in need.[Mark] - Hit +10 on target shot.[We Are Thrice Armed!] - Negate Fear and Terror in Command Area; Wider Overwatch[Doggo Sense] - Detects Disease, Lies, Enemies, etc.
Rolled 11, 6, 63 = 80 (3d100)>>3081187>Move 1SW, 4S>Take a look in the SW direction for anything of interest in that Fog of War.B: "A lot of dogs around the place not on leashes, do you think they might be strays or are the leashing laws here more flexible?[Es2] Lt. Berthold (Cpl. Gilligan, Pvt. Osman)Hp: (17/17) (17/17) (17/17) Arm:5 Mov:5 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:2Pneumatic VacuumRange 5, (6/6) (6/6) (6/6) Ammo-Void Suck (Absorb Small and Gas)-Arc Launch [40]x1-Surface Insertion [X]x1+Pressure Bomb (5+Blast)+Bug (3.Sight)+Chainshot (Pierce)The Shovel- +2 Melee-DigPepper Fab Engine Mk2 - Sapper Edition(4/4) (4/4) (4/4)
>>3081187That guy on a bench with a fedora. He looks just like a spy from a novel.Maybe he even has a newspaper with a hole in it? I'll go take a look.>Move 3NE SE>Investigate guy S.Hp: 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx9 | [][] Rx9 | [][] Rx9Range 4 , Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x2 | 2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x1
>>3081209Primarily it involves panic.You pick a unit type from the list of available, deploy, then work with other players to do a thing.The unit rooster isn’t posted though...
>>3081160>>3081187"Slimes?... Understood command moving to the sightings.">Move 1 SE 2 NE>Move 2 SE and Jump over the river to the otherside>-Investigate Slime sightings[A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x3 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
>>3081241>>3081209Unit Roster, Investigator is locked behind a test we cannot take here.
>>3081259Thank you! So I just post my stats and my heritage, and deploy?
>>3081280I think so? Thats what I did and it worked =)
>>3081187>-''Sorry little fella, no time to play, the mail ain't going to deliver tiself ya know!''>Tell the bird to smell the dog>Move 1SW, 2S, 3SEUnits 40/40, Def 5, Mov 5, Act 2+1 Command, Sight 4, Str 3Birds 50/50, Eva 20%, Mov 6 (Jump 2 Height), Sight 4, Str 6, Bomb SmellRider:Riding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go)[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire AOE]x6 , Range Str+1[AT Mines +12 Hard Crush(AOE 3, Pressure)/AP Mines +12 Riping (AOE 5, Pressure)]x6[Stored Weapon : Demo Launcher]Kwehrrier:-[70]Rushdown x Sad fool in my way, -Mov Down (Self)Hop On Top, It can hop on enemy units (Smaller units are pressed down, like fools)
>>3081280You use an heritage if you want to they're the background of your character. Ragnyll is a nation of immigrant after all>Kashi and Shika are sand people Kashi lived in relative opulence on sky islands until those where destroyed and Shika were their groundbound brethren>Ragnyll is the nation we're playing as>Old Voss are descendant from the Voss knights families that protected the emperor>Aeon is mostly a theocracy that worship lost tech, they usually dislike magic that isn't [divine] and non-humans
>>3081285>Kashi Background>Deploy as ScoutHP:12/12(×2) Def:5 Mov:4Act:2 Sight:5 Str:2+2Rifle: Piercing+2 Range:5Ammo:2(24)Aimed:[80]x1(No Move)Snap:[50]x1Knife:Slashing+2Knife Throw:[60] Range:2+2(?), arcsSneak Attack: Attacks from behind unalerted targets crit
Please change your tag to [S1] for ease of process.
>>3081345Is this good?
>>3081349It's perfect.
Enemy Phase. > You may respond to queries by NPCs within the first 5 minutes. Or else deal with it on your act phase.
>>3081349since you're new new, what happens is you look for the scout sprite with a prominent 1 on 'em. That is you!That's why we get really uppity about tags around this neck of the woods; they tell you who you are and where you are on the map.
>>3081422G: "... 'Ere boss."B: "Yeah?"G: "Those dogs are growling at that guy."B: "Yeah. Let's talk to him."
>>3081429I'm not seeing any scouts with a 1 on them. Am I not deployed yet?
>>3081422''Sorry boys! The birds get a bit antsy around tiny animals, the poor dog over there smells simply god awful for their delicate noses. I'm coming over with my papers.''>Disarm situation with friendly banter, show the men my papers.
>>3081440OP might have forgot?? Just wait for enemy phase maybe its going to be fixed?
>>3081422>Apprehend the [Suspect]>The adjutant is a strong boy.
>>3081440Mistake, you're on the shop just north of the gunner.
>>3081440There May Have Been An Accident. Please Hold While The Universe Corrects Itself.
>>3081458>>3081440pic related
>>3081476>>3081458Thank you kindly
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuAzPR0ACVwAct Phase. Phase mark at 6:40 est" Please remain calm. Slimes are currently being exterminated in the North C district. "
>>3081514>Move 1N NW 2N>move 1N 3NE
>>3081530Now you're getting into the spirit of things! Welcome aboard.This map is a little different from normal - you have 6 people (anyone with weird gear and hats) trying to find and extract a magnate. Have fun, enjoy bouncing around and trying things. Usually there's an awful war on and everyone is too busy dying. This is practically pleasant!
>>3081514>-Unit converges on the South-Eastern most Squaddie and moves from that position>Move 2 S, 1 SE>Move 3 NE[A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x3 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
>>3081514>>Squad Move SE 3>>Squad Move SE 2 NE 1"This way is where I should be headed to help handle them slimes yea?"
>>3081545Wait, so am I finding this person or am I looking for slimes?
Rolled 92 (1d100)>>3081514"Damnit! SCP Go! You need to find this woman, understand?"..."Good, stay out of trouble.">Act1:>Be Brave>Kampher:Tap go prone>Kampher: Leg Shot[70+20-10 = 80] knife throwing investigator>SCP: Climb down 1SW, 1SE, Move 3SE>Act 2:>SCP: Enter Hotel if there's a door.>SCP: Look for Ms. Bartram.[SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 12/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle: [][] R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
>>3081568You decide! You can help. Or look for slimes. >>3081024as an normal garrison soldier, right now, your job is just to wander around and earning your day!
>>3081514>Move NW SW SW SW S>Ask the hatguy how "auntie beckley" is doing and that we should go get some "Barthram Pie"
>>3081568Slimes my friend, thats our job
>>3081514Looking at his squad mates, Berthold gave them a nod and moved in.>Move 1SW into the hex with the man getting barked at by dogs. Berthold and a squaddie approaches and hails him, one squaddie moves behind him whilst his attention is distracted"Excuse me sir, I'm Sergeant Berthold of the Military Police, we're conducting a few stop and searches in this area could you allow us a few moments? Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated.">S1: Search the man if he co-operates>S2+S3: Stop the man from leaving if he doesn't want to co-operate.[Es2] Lt. Berthold (Cpl. Gilligan, Pvt. Osman)Hp: (17/17) (17/17) (17/17) Arm:5 Mov:5 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:2Pneumatic VacuumRange 5, (6/6) (6/6) (6/6) Ammo-Void Suck (Absorb Small and Gas)-Arc Launch [40]x1-Surface Insertion [X]x1+Pressure Bomb (5+Blast)+Bug (3.Sight)+Chainshot (Pierce)The Shovel- +2 Melee-DigPepper Fab Engine Mk2 - Sapper Edition(4/4) (4/4) (4/4)
>>3081570>>3081575Got it
>>3081514"Ahh, gunshots already? Must be Beckley's boys, seems she appreciated my little tip. Time to move, wouldn't want to miss this delicious scoop now would I?">Deploy at center red roof building.Health:? Defense:? Move:? Act:? Sight:? Strength:?Equipment:Telltale Pen- [*] Write [?] Stab, Piercing DamageObscure Camera- [*] Shoot (Picture)Tape RecorderMilitary Press Pass- Gain entry to some placesWinning Smile- Gain entry to more placesBobby Pin- Gain entry to further places
>>3081514>I like our theres a double clone of my squad on the map still at my starting position <_<
>>3081588That's [A2], welcome to world of mistake
Rolled 11 (1d100)>>3081514"HOLD YOUR FIRE YOU GODDAMN IDIOT! I AM AN OFFICER OF RAGNYLL AND I AM QUESTIONING A FLEEING SUSPECT! YOU DO NOT EXERCISE LETHAL FORCE AGAINST NON-LETHAL FORCE! WHO IS YOUR COMMANDING OFFICER!? GET HIM HERE IMMEDIATELY! I WILL HAVE YOU COURT MARTIALED, SOLDIER!""AND YOU! WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL THE SUSPECT! YOU DO NOT USE LETHAL FORCE AGAINST A SUSPECT ONCE HE HAS BEEN APPREHENDED! ARE YOU BOTH ABSOLUTE MORONS?""You two! Vanguard! This man is injured; cover me while I'm administering treatment. Two men to the Northwest are potential threats.">Boyston: Drag [Suspect] 3SW>-Doggo: [Smell] Disease>-Adjutant: Auto-Pilot Move W away from slimes (Mov 4)> - - - - - - - - - - >Boyston: Try and [Treat] [Suspect] for knife injury>-Doggo: [Smell] for Voss>-Adjutant: Auto-Pilot Move W away from slimes (Mov 4)Officer Boyston, Adjutant Phelps, and Officer BarkskyARM 5 HP 15/27 | 12/27 | 27/27(15)AMM [3/3] [3/3] [3/3]Act 2 Mov 4(1) Vis 4 Str 4/6- - - - - - - - - - Rifle (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5r) [75]x1 [40]x2Pistol (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5, [Mark]) [65]x1 [50]x2Doggo Surprise ([Drop], [Stun]) [60]x1Surgeon's General (Medical +15) [Consult RO Sheet]- - - - - - - - - - [Anti Pathogen] - You get to play Pandemic; Vaccine, Anti Pathogen Base, Replicate[Can You Walk?] - R-Dog can take people to flag. Otherwise [On Me].[Scout Ahead] - R-Dog runs along set path until enemy or person in need.[Mark] - Hit +10 on target shot.[We Are Thrice Armed!] - Negate Fear and Terror in Command Area; Wider Overwatch[Doggo Sense] - Detects Disease, Lies, Enemies, etc.
Oi oi oi oi oiWhat’s all dis then?>be an investigator?
>>3081514>-''No problem boys, clowning is a hobby, a strange one, but it works, I'l be going to check on the disturbance and I'l check back after. Don't let anyone else through alright?">Running jump NE over the stream>Climb the red roofed hotelUnits 40/40, Def 5, Mov 5, Act 2+1 Command, Sight 4, Str 3Birds 50/50, Eva 20%, Mov 6 (Jump 2 Height), Sight 4, Str 6, Bomb SmellRider:Riding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go)[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire AOE]x6 , Range Str+1[AT Mines +12 Hard Crush(AOE 3, Pressure)/AP Mines +12 Riping (AOE 5, Pressure)]x6[Stored Weapon : Demo Launcher]Kwehrrier:-[70]Rushdown x Sad fool in my way, -Mov Down (Self)Hop On Top, It can hop on enemy units (Smaller units are pressed down, like fools).
>>3081603Investigator is currently locked apparently.
>Botting Nebenhuthuthuthut>Move 1N 6NEHp: 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx9 | [][] Rx9 | [][] Rx9Range 4 , Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x2 | 2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x1
>>3081608belief it once ah sees it with my grimey eyes, ma cherie. Zhere isz a rotten, foul ticking afoot! Someone’s gotta do the investigating, non? It is darkness out there. Like my coffee. >investigate!
>>30816311: Sure, that maketh sense2: I am a "mon chère" not a "ma chérie"3: Hope you'll get to the bottom of this possible investigator
>>3081582Just think of us as the spookily disembodied spectral voices guiding you along. Ask away! Do things. Try things. Make some money, get some XP. It's not immediately obvious from the deployment list, but here's a quick primer on combat:Each soldier gets as many action as indicated by the lightning bolt. For scouts, 2 each. When you attack (or do actions in general) roll xd100. dice+xd100 in the options field. You want less than your hit rating. 80 for aimed, 50 for snap.your scout rifles are "rifled" (the little arrow under the range indicator). This means you can fire beyond 5 hexes by taking -10 per hex beyond 5. So you could fire 10 hexes for -50, or 1 aimed shot vs 30.The 1s digit in your 1d100 roll is the damage. Roll 37. Hit. Hit for 7 damage. Scout rifles add 2 to this value - you would hit for 9.Your entire unit can thus fire 4 aimed shots, or you could do something more tricky. You can fire at individual targets and other tricky business, it would look like this:>action 1>guy 1 does this>guy 2 does this>action 2>guy 1 does this>guy 2 does thisUnits always move together (but you seem to have that part down).You can go prone for +10 to hit, and you can crawl while prone at half movement. Standing back up takes an action.Your knives are a bit odd. You can throw them vs 60, but you can also stab with them. This is a roll off - you roll xd100, your target rolls xd100, highest wins. This is the case sometimes for things you want to try that aren't covered by the basic rules. Which brings us to the most important partsometimes you want to do things that aren't covered by the basic rules. Don't push your luck, but don't feel entirely constrained. If it works plausible in reality, and isn't stupid, you can try ( Example: There are no hard rules for shooting a fleeing suspect in the knee, but assuming you were trying to shoot a fleeing suspect, you could try to aim for the knees and it might work )
>>3081657Ok. So how does the armor work? And damage?
>>3081673Can I divide damage up between my men?
>>3081657>>3081673>>3081676I would also like to know about this (in before that was in basic training)
>>3081676>>3081673The Shield Symbol on the infantry is "Soft" armor. Think of it as pure luck and ablation. It is lost first, and restored to full at the start of your turn.Any damage after that chips off HP. When HP reaches 0, a soldier dies and on we start on the next one. HP is tracked per soldier, but you usually tick it off one at at a time while preserving the others. ExampleYou aimed shot 4x80 - 15, 15, 15, 1007 + 7 + 7 + critCrits, by the way. 1-9 and 100. deals 2x roll value, but keeps the static modifier. 100 is 20 damage +2 --> 22.A soldier has 5 ablative and 12 HP. First 7 eats the 5 ablative, deals 2 hp damagenext shot deals 7 hp damageSoldier is in pain, but alive, having taken 9 HP damage total. Third shot deals 7 hp damage, taking soldier to -4. Soldier is dead. Excess damage is lost. Final bullet deals 22 damage to 2nd soldier, blasting through the 5 soft armor and the 12 hp. The remaining damage is lost.( Some special cases occasionally occur. In this case because the bullet is a critical, it might carry through and hit another target. Don't worry about it)If you took 20 damage, it would normally be distributed in such a way that it all applies to one soldier at a time. However, combat being what it is, you'll often find situations where only some units are exposed, where AOE hits some people and not others, where sheer luck means someone takes a hit...The best way to go about it is to look for damage near your guy and then just assign it to that unit.
>>3081673>>3081676>>3081688There's three kind of "armor" stat>Infantry have Ablative which is a regenerating health bar while hp needs to be healed to be recovered>Resistance is a way to halve certain damage they are usually found on armored vehicle but some class also get them>DR is a flat reduction and is usually only found on armored vehicles, though some class shields also grant itOn dividing damage, short answer no you can't your men die one by one. On the other hand any extra damage a bullet does is wasted. This also apply to enemy. The long answer is that while this is the case for normal attack AoE attacks do damage to every unit in its area.
Also there's this! It might help.
>>3081702>>3081701>>3081708Thank you very much ^^
>>3081644Ahaahh! A mystery solved and we haven’t even finished the pithy monologue yet, ahum-mhmh.Yous wouldn’t happen to have a sister, non? Can’t be a down on yer luck PI without a damsel in distress.
>>3081708>>3081702>>3081701Thanks again!
>>3081734Yes, I do have a sister... 3 actully, but they are back in Aeon.
>>3081514"Guard Team Able, beginning our patrol route.">Deploy[V1] Guard Team AbleHP1: 14/14 | HP2: 14/14 | HP3:14/14Def: 10 Mov: 3 Act: 3 Vis: 3 Str: 4 (+4)Sword: xSlashing+4, Melee-Slash [75]x1-Sweep [60] front 3 tilesShield: +20 Cover, xBlunt force+3-Shield Bash [60]x1-Block *Halves damage3x HP Shot Restore 10HP or Revives with 5 HP*Rushdown (T) - Moving into enemy space proc a normal attack (with weapon)Domain - Enemies moving with reach get attackedClank clank clank - Vanguards require their own tile-Ragnyll Born: Child of War - once per map remove status ailment or splint the effects of maimed
>>3081780Geography ! The greatest crime of all. Foiled by its insidious insidiousness and... dirt !I think you and Oshin will be long fine good friends. Now lets solve some crimes, constable.
Millitia Radio: And now the time. It is now 2200 , nearing junior curfew. Please supervise your children as they navigate the city while we investigate sprawling reports of missing persons. In other news , the Kashirn Armies have mounted disparate efforts to repel the voss, the Mountain tribes of Sasskrat announced today a ceasefire to their centuries long holy war with other sects in the interest of fighting the Voss menace. Have you ever had trouble chewing through your R rations ? How about some R+ water mixed supplements ! Now with 3 new flavors, Grain SLime, Winegull, and Potatshisce ! Buy it with your tickets today
>>3081982>QuestionI seem to not have moved? Was it because there are barricades blocking my path? I thought they were stairs or 1 level up =(
>>3081982"YES! Jesus, do you not see this Ibon Drakes patch on this sleeve? Do you not see the emblem on this hat? Yes, Dragonheart sent me. More accurately: Fenrir authorized the operation, Dragonheart allowed her forces to be used in the operation, and Beckley planned the operation. I'm injured, I've lost my adjutant, and this son of a bitch and his cronies are trying to kill me, so you can piss off about my tone."
>>3082015Oh cool then, will wait for enemy phase then =D
>>3081982B: "Gilligan, let me just talk to these men, just flick through those books.">Approach guards, lean in and talk quietlyB: "Small stop and search sirs, orders of one Officer Evergreen of the, Fear Division, I'm assisting him in some private matters as his trainee.">Show my certificate that I've passed the paranormal training as proof.B: "It's a sensitive matter, no need to raise any alarms."
>>3081982What’s this here, Associate? An adorable mutt with a rythmic step and a fragrance of the old battlefield perfumeOne more thing... trifling really. Do dogs often bathe in gunpowder? No? Are you sure? It might be a clue.Associate, get out the wireclippers. It appears this dog is a plant.
"Boyston's got to Bartham, we went too far, double back to his location pronto. I will try and grab Boyston's man. Berthold I need you to find us some mode of transport back out of here. Evergreen, I swear to god if you don't stop asking random assfuck questions to the bozos in this city I will forcefully stick you back into your (*@#&(@*&#(@&# bi-tank and you'l stay there until you die. Nebenhut, provide assistance to Phagoh(silent T), try to disable them if you can but if they shoot you feel free to explode their fucking heads.""Brother your blood pressure is rising again, pet the birds, you're worrying me -honk-"
>>3082066disarm the pupper and bring it back for adoption
>>3082090Wow look at the guy that isn't there backseat gaming, everyone should shame him.Please capture those traitor alive so we can loot them whole and sell them into slavery, we need the money
Yes, maybe wiz should seind ze puppy to the farm, non? Indogtured servitude. No? Don’t be an ass, Associate, I’m dialoguing with the voices in my head.That’s how you get ze clues, non? And one more thing. Guard Able. >>3081796Zhiz adogable puppy appears to be some kind of impawised IEDog. Take it out behind the shed and see if its rigged to go out with ze bark.
=In The Hotel=KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaKH9bywzgQKnight Patrol: F-fear division ? Would you require our services then, Master Engineer ? > Act Phase. We will transition to daily phases now. Next time tomorrow we will process two phases at a time favorable to the [Pre Deployed Team.]
>>3082170"Proceeding to patrol the east side.">-SE-most unit is designated leader. Other two to follow single-file Dragon Quest style.>Move 6 SE, 3NE[V1] Guard Team AbleHP1: 14/14 | HP2: 14/14 | HP3:14/14Def: 10 Mov: 3 Act: 3 Vis: 3 Str: 4 (+4)Sword: xSlashing+4, Melee-Slash [75]x1-Sweep [60] front 3 tilesShield: +20 Cover, xBlunt force+3-Shield Bash [60]x1-Block *Halves damage3x HP Shot Restore 10HP or Revives with 5 HP*Rushdown (T) - Moving into enemy space proc a normal attack (with weapon)Domain - Enemies moving with reach get attackedClank clank clank - Vanguards require their own tile-Ragnyll Born: Child of War - once per map remove status ailment or splint the effects of maimed
>>3082170>Move 1 SE, 2 NE>Move 1 SE, 2 NE>-Tap action: Inquire with fellow Squaddies and militia men (Enginneers) how to most effectively get rid of slimes. Its my first time dealing with this sort of foe.[A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x3 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
Rolled 1, 37 = 38 (2d100)>>3082170Hope I'm doing this right.>Go prone>Fire Aimed Shots at Slimes(?) to the east, for [40]HP:12/12(×2) Def:5 Mov:4Act:2 Sight:5 Str:2+2Rifle: Piercing+2 Range:5Ammo:2(24)Aimed:[80]x1(No Move)Snap:[50]x1Knife:Slashing+2Knife Throw:[60] Range:2+2(?), arcsSneak Attack: Attacks from behind unalerted targets critKashi: Knows the language of the four corners.
>>3082251Topnotch, soldier. Carry on!
>>3082203Unwilling to help, ah-hmum? Thank you for your service, zen.Very well. Associate? Manhandle that dog, I haff a bone to pick with it.>>3082170>Investigator light a cigarette while investigating this area for clues! ( 5 vision ). >Investigator broods while further investigating for clues! ( 5 vision )>interest: spooky guy 3northeast 1north and that iron-gunpowder dog.>Bruiser arrests dog 1north>Bruiser carefully checks dog for explosives or recording gear. Defuse if found. Why did it tok? Why does it smell like gunpowder?
>>3082280"What? We're a guard team. Our job is to guard. And patrol. Guard by patrol. And we need to go patrol the east side of town."
>>3082288S’is. . . a mystery! If you see any more ticking tock gunpowder bomb dogs do shout. Zhey might all be a clue.
>>3082288>>3082314"New plans kiddo, this is a direct order from a Fear Officer, you better follow it before this Code V turns into a Code FF"
>>3082170<Be a bad pookie
>>3082322"Eh? But we're already at the red roofed building..."
>>3082170"Oh! Excuse me. Birds of a feather and all that.">Climb up building north to roof>Observe hotel through camera"The best stories are always in the most dangerous places."Health:? Defense:? Move:? Act:? Sight:? Strength:?Equipment:Telltale Pen- [*] Write [?] Stab, Piercing DamageTape RecorderMilitary Press Pass- Gain entry to some placesWinning Smile- Gain entry to more placesBobby Pin- Gain entry to further places
>>3082391"Careful up there Miss Quill! Wouldnt want to file an accident for a great journalist like yourself..."
Rolled 10 (1d100)>>3082170"Say, brother, we've been waving at everyone that stares at us for so long, I am tired!""I know, but the orders say we're supposed to stand here?""Well, isn't it about lunch time right now?""Perhaps more like tea time, but I see where you're going, brother.""Also it'd do us good to practice our Ragnyllian tongue by chatting with the local garrison, eh?""You forgot your canned meat, didn't you.""Well mostly it's that dog that wandered in just now...">Move 2 SE>Ask the [A] garrison to our E if they can trade us some food (dice for conversation attempt?)Hp: 12/12 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [] [] [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [15] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [25] x 4-Mow Down [10] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
Rolled 67, 100, 28 = 195 (3d100)>>3082170This is a matter of national security. Do not resist.>Move NW, climb NW>Overpower, disarm and tie up the machinegunnerHp: 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx9 | [][] Rx9 | [][] Rx9Range 4 , Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x2 | 2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x1
>>3083041Forgot to correct my sheet after the last timeHp: 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx12 | [][] Rx12 | [][] Rx12Range 4 , Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x2 | 2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x1Ragnyllian ancestry
>>3082170 #Alright then, three things now that I've woken up.1) Those investigator looking NPCs are the some of the only pieces moving on the map. And considering that one just knifed his friend when captured and one turned into a horrible monster we can probably put them all down as "Suspect". Restrain and/or interrogate them with your weapons out if need be, some of them seem to be weird freak beasts.That one that one that somehow got into the roof of the hotel should immediately be looked at.2) That Scout in the north has twice fired on our teammates with the intent to kill, and has not responded to rank or requests to ceasefire. He's either a traitor or an idiot, if you can't see a way to capture him then take him out.3) A culling on slimes has been announced in the northern area and some gunmen have shown up, but that seems to be where both, a) Our VIP hotel resides and b) Where at least two of our confirmed traitors were spotted. I find this suspicious, especially when there are unidentified shapes in the north east forest proper that we can see through the fog. I'd like for someone to check there if at all possible.
>>3082170Berthold looks at a pocket camera as the bug he planted on that wall picked up one of the mysterious gents he'd just identified. >-"Yes you could help me Sir Vanguard, could you search this man real quick? I'd do it myself but some prime suspects have shown up.">-Show him the camera feed.>-"Officer Evergreen is just over there, I'm sure he can help if you have issues. ">Move 1NE, 3N, surround the man with shovels out."Sergeant Berthold Military Police, you seem to have missed the checkpoint friend would you like to cooperate with a search? Hands up.">S1: Search him if he cooperates>S2+S3: Beat the shit out of him with shovels if he does not or makes any sudden moves. Aiming to incapacitate and capture.[Es2] Lt. Berthold (Cpl. Gilligan, Pvt. Osman)Hp: (17/17) (17/17) (17/17) Arm:5 Mov:5 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:2Pneumatic VacuumRange 5, (6/6) (6/6) (6/6) Ammo-Void Suck (Absorb Small and Gas)-Arc Launch [40]x1-Surface Insertion [X]x1+Pressure Bomb (5+Blast)+Bug (3.Sight)+Chainshot (Pierce)The Shovel- +2 Melee-DigPepper Fab Engine Mk2 - Sapper Edition(4/4) (4/4) (4/4)
Fireteam Bravo, Daniel Hopkins, Guard Able, Queshey, Oshin - as the militia, you might want to communicate about some sort of general plan. Right now Pathfinder Scouts is the only unit engaged with the slimes that are actively eating people. The rest of you are either aggressively walking away from the situation or discussing food choices. I grant eggs and beans are important, but...In general, units do not have the movement to execute plans that take 2-3 turns to arrive at in maps that usually have a 6-10 turn limit. If you are walking off into the forest to the east at this time, you're sort of putting yourself out of range of any activity. It will take you just as long to go back. There is a firefight happening in the middle of the street, some sort of draconic blood vampire in a hotel, an entire MP team has just rolled out but half of them smell like traitors, a sniper is firing anti material rounds...... why are you all walking steadfastly in the opposite direction? Communicate a little. Back each other up.
>>3083617Militia Command said there are Slimes Sightings to the North-East. I am moving to investigate said slime sightings TO THE NORTH-EAST. If pathfinder found slimes. Good for him, but that dont mean there wont be more or will explain why there were slimes in the first place. I am just following orders afterall. We are not on the team of Extractors, neither on the tea of "traitors" and not exactly on the team of MP (because they havent radioed in a problem or new orders). Militia Command said go North-East, find possible slimes. It might seem like were doing it on purpose to avoid gettng shot but its not like I had 4 move/act to get places like the extractors who hae lvl up at least once or twice.
>>3083626Hey, as long as there's a plan behind it and some idea of a goal you're doing fine. Don't under-value yourself. Sure other people might have +10 to hit and +1 move, but you're pretty badass starting out.
>>3083626But to re-state - Command tends not to send you on red herrings to accomplish the curious six turns down the line. It tends to be more immediate. You're not doing anything wrong, and if you have a goal, go get it with gusto.But right now, people are dying and there is fire and shootouts and pain. Walking away from it tends to isolate your unit in the corner, doing little. If all the militia do it, the chaos in the centre ends up being the playground of a bunch of people with too much high tech gear and too little sense.
Rolled 8 (1d100)>>3082170“Arrgh! Oh you little shit… Try to snipe me will you? Well mine’s bigger!”>Act1:>Kampher: Shout:”The men down the street are traitors! You SAW what they did!”>Claim height bonus on target?>Kampher: WeaponShot[70+20-30?+??=60?] on the Scout that shot me in the east.>SCP: Move 3SW, 1S, 1SE>Act2:>SCP: Help the adjutant climb out of the river.(assuming he’s there.)[SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 9/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle: R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
>>3083660I'm sure the extraction team can handle their problem. 1 way or another.
>>3083682Ah Fuck I forgot how to count at the last moment.>If possible, amend SCP Act 1 to:>SCP: Move 2SW, 1S, 1SE>Pic related
Rolled 75, 24, 34, 8, 13, 5, 99, 73 = 331 (8d100)>>3082170feel free to ignore it if I'm not allowed to act this phase>-Say: "This is a code V, I'm going to need the help of the town guard, If you want to still have a city by the end of the day better follow me">-Act1>Move N NE NE NE NE>-Act2>Medic&Radioman: [Salvo] PRC+Silver+4 arcing ([40]x4)x2 the red stranger roughly 3NE standing on the roof>Officer: [Your One Task] Protect the Investigator with the big "assests" and end anyone trying to harm her=[fO]Evergreen=ARM 5 HP 17/17 | 17/17 | 17/17AMM [6/6]x6 [4/4]x6 [4/4]x6Act 2 Mov 5 Vis 4 Str 4(+3)- - - - - - - - - - Revolver (SilvPRC+4, RNG 5, [ExecuteTraitor]) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-6Sword (Slash+3, [AutoCounterGrapples])[70]xARC [60]x1(mov 2hex)Hunter's Xbow (PRC+4, RNG 5rA) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-4Fire - Silver - DualHook - Marker - Wood - Snare- - - - - - - - - - [Quick Slime][Wyrd Lore][Command Aura] 4 hex radius- [Vigilance] - [Your One Task] - [Get Down]- [Manhunt]- [Ralgran Hym]- [Hellfire]- [Salt Frequency]
>>3082170>Movement based on Tea's position, Move 3NW, 2N up the ledge, 1N, 2NW, 1N, 1NE 1N>Overwatch Swipe W>-Point to the suspicious guy with the hat/briefcase "You there! Not one step further, you are to be detained under suspicions of a terror plot, assassination plot and cultist activities against the Ragnyllian populace. Surrender peacefully or suffer the consequences!" he then points to the militiamen nearby. "You lot, this is Lieutenant Ferguson Biscuit of the Ibon Drakes, give me your commanding officer on the coms stats and scramble to the hotel up north east, there's traitors and assassins that need to be stopped!"Units 40/40, Def 5, Mov 5, Act 2+1 Command, Sight 4, Str 3Birds 50/50, Eva 20%, Mov 6 (Jump 2 Height), Sight 4, Str 6, Bomb SmellRider:Riding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go)[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire AOE]x6 , Range Str+1[AT Mines +12 Hard Crush(AOE 3, Pressure)/AP Mines +12 Riping (AOE 5, Pressure)]x6[Stored Weapon : Demo Launcher]Kwehrrier:-[70]Rushdown x Sad fool in my way, -Mov Down (Self)Hop On Top, It can hop on enemy units (Smaller units are pressed down, like fools) "B-brother, is your blood pressure alright? You said the name. -honk-""You're damn right I did, I haven't had coffee in 2 days, now stop talking or I'l say yours too!""Nooooooo-hooooooonk-ooooo!"
Rolled 47, 5, 90 = 142 (3d100)>>3082170>>3084036"Yeah, leaving would be good. You two go west to the statue and jump out the window there; don't worry, my commanding officer's waiting below with two birds ready to run you both out. As for me, I'm gonna save my goddamn adjutant.">-[Direct] Ms. Bartram and Handlewright to hop out the window onto [dD1] Coffee's birbs.>Boyston and Officer Barksky [Reconsolidate] with Adjutant by moving 1SW 2S out window and falling on the .Slime to break fall.> - - - - - - - - - - >Boyston: [Treat] Adjutant>Adjutant: Administer [Rubynite] to Adjutant to [Heal] (Assuming this is a 1d10 roll for heal + whatever modifier rubynite gives to health gained)>Barksky: [Bite] .Slime (??? DMG +6) [60]x1Officer Boyston, Adjutant Phelps, and Officer BarkskyARM 5 HP 15/27 | 6/27 | 27/27(15)AMM [3/3] [3/3] [3/3]Act 2 Mov 4(1) Vis 4 Str 4/6- - - - - - - - - - Rifle (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5r) [75]x1 [40]x2Pistol (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5, [Mark]) [65]x1 [50]x2Doggo Surprise ([Drop], [Stun]) [60]x1Surgeon's General (Medical +15) [Consult RO Sheet]- - - - - - - - - - [Anti Pathogen] - You get to play Pandemic; Vaccine, Anti Pathogen Base, Replicate[Can You Walk?] - R-Dog can take people to flag. Otherwise [On Me].[Scout Ahead] - R-Dog runs along set path until enemy or person in need.[Mark] - Hit +10 on target shot.[We Are Thrice Armed!] - Negate Fear and Terror in Command Area; Wider Overwatch[Doggo Sense] - Detects Disease, Lies, Enemies, etc.
>>3083617My spider senses are telling me that there is something in the east, or will be. Plus, I'll be in a position to assist [A1], and vice versa.
>>3082170>>Move NE 3>>Move Ne 2 N1"Lets get up these stairs, if we're lucky we can get up to the second floor balcony area boys."
Processing begins at 9:30 est
>>3085526I sure hope nothing violent and explosive happens to our happy little town!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPBil8d8L8cEnemy Phase.Lieutenant Karr: " Fire fight sighted to the North section ! Whoever you are stand down !- All units engage these- these traitors ! Y-You heard about them didn't you !? "
Act Phase. Phase Mark in 1Hour
>>3086190If inactive, the next turn will process tomorrow~ !
Rolled 96, 6, 80, 24, 90, 46 = 342 (6d100)>>3086190See that unholy abomination on the hotel's top floor, my man? This is a Voss agent, and the town is full of them. Some even masquerade as MPs or soldiers! Be always wary, national security depends on you too!As for what to do if you notice one, look at this.>Snap shot at vampire on top of the hotel 4S ([70], +3 ripping)>Snap shot at that 17hp guy close to Kampfer, 3NW SW or 4NW depending on how you count hexes ([70], +3 ripping)Hp: 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx12 | [][] Rx12 | [][] Rx12Range 4 , Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x2 | 2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x1Ragnyllian ancestry
>>3086190UmmI see somebody telling me to apprehend another person but I don't know which person they're referring to
>>3086228"Shoot the red vanguards soldier! They're traitors!"
>>3086190-That feel when someone goads you into following him an theres a slime RIGHT THERE>Question: Are the hexes 1 North of me and 1NW- 1N of me stairs? I aint sure...
>>3086242They are, well either that or slopes
>>3086232Which red vanguards?
>>3086259The one killing the fear officer
>>3086262Oh I'm dumb. I was looking at the wrong image
Rolled 84, 6, 5, 73 = 168 (4d100)>>3086190>Fire Aimed Shots at red vanguards for [90]>throw knives at same vanguards for [70]HP:12/12(×2) Def:5 Mov:4Act:2 Sight:5 Str:2+2Rifle: Piercing+2 Range:5Ammo:2(24)Aimed:[80]x1(No Move)Snap:[50]x1Knife:Slashing+2Knife Throw:[60] Range:2+2(?), arcsSneak Attack: Attacks from behind unalerted targets crit
>>3086288How many knives do I have? Just the one?
>>30863041per guy I think so in total 2 probably?
>>3086242There are guys sneaking across the... river? Yeah. Probably traitors. I'm going to go in that direction, and maybe stab some slimes in the process.
>>3086319Alright sure. I'll just give these guys the slip then.
>>3086306Makes sense. I'm hoping i can pick them back up and that this isnt a one off thing.>>3086319I'll head over and back you up as soon as I'm done here
>>3086328Got it. You move first, since my max move will put me on top of you. Which is bad.
>>3086190>-Say to the 2 Assaults: "Whaaat? I just came from over there, feth... Alright, follow me guys I know a shortcut through the river we'll catch them in no time and it will maybe leave me time to hit the men's room (toilet)!">Move 2 NE, 1 >Move 2 N, facing SE to see any traitors or slimes>>3086341"Follow up Able!" (Dont forget to face towards the possible traitors and Slines ;))[A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x3 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
>>3086190 #>-Say to the 2 Assaults: "Whaaat? I just came from over there, feth... Alright, follow me guys I know a shortcut through the river we'll catch them in no time and it will maybe leave me time to hit the men's room (toilet)!">Move 2 NE, 1 N>Move 2 N, facing SE to see any traitors or slimes>-Corrected previous post and deleted the other because a direction was missing. Hope it wasnt a problem since there wasnt any roll...>>3086341 #"Follow up Able!" (Dont forget to face towards the possible traitors and Slines ;))[A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x3 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
>>3086190>>3086370"Got it!">-Maintain single-file follow formation; NE most unit is lead>Move 2 NE, 1SE>Move 3NE>Move 1NE, 1N, 1NE>-Lead unit face SE>-Prep Slash [75] for Domain[V1] Guard Team AbleHP1: 14/14 | HP2: 14/14 | HP3:14/14Def: 10 Mov: 3 Act: 3 Vis: 3 Str: 4 (+4)Sword: xSlashing+4, Melee-Slash [75]x1-Sweep [60] front 3 tilesShield: +20 Cover, xBlunt force+3-Shield Bash [60]x1-Block *Halves damage3x HP Shot Restore 10HP or Revives with 5 HP*Rushdown (T) - Moving into enemy space proc a normal attack (with weapon)Domain - Enemies moving with reach get attackedClank clank clank - Vanguards require their own tile-Ragnyll Born: Child of War - once per map remove status ailment or splint the effects of maimed
>>3086190Blow this for a game of soldiersAll units! If you see anyone who looks like this who is not the person Officer Evergreen told you to protect, or not is Oshin the Investigator on our side, kill them on sight.Do not approach them, do not warn them, do not try and apprehend them they are highly dangerous and very possibly not even human, gun them down before they escape or get too close to you.
>>3086190>Move two northwest and one southwest>-Affix telescopic lens>Shoot pictures of the rescue, what a scoop!"Traitors and cultists and a daring rescue oh my!"Health:? Defense:? Move:? Act:? Sight:? Strength:?Equipment:Telltale Pen- [*] Write [?] Stab, Piercing DamageObscure Camera- [*] Shoot (Picture)Tape RecorderMilitary Press Pass- Gain entry to some placesWinning Smile- Gain entry to more placesBobby Pin- Gain entry to further places
>>3086190"Sure, we'd be happy to switch with your for a bit!""In exchange for a lunch for my brother here, that is.""I'll assure you, we'll be good sentries!">Move 1 SE, 1 NE, switch places with [A] sentry>Lunch GET!Hp: 12/12 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [] [] [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [15] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [25] x 4-Mow Down [10] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
Rolled 71, 35, 17, 29, 32, 47 = 231 (6d100)>>3086190>-Act1>Officer: Salvo [40]x6 prc+silver+4 the vanguard that S1 didn't drop>M&R:Reload>-Act2>Move 5NW=[fO]Evergreen=ARM 5 HP 12/17 | 2/17m | 4/17rAMM [0/6]x6 [4/4]x6m [4/4]x6rAct 2 Mov 5 Vis 4 Str 4(+3)- - - - - - - - - - Revolver (SilvPRC+4, RNG 5, [ExecuteTraitor]) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-6Sword (Slash+3, [AutoCounterGrapples])[70]xARC [60]x1(mov 2hex)Hunter's Xbow (PRC+4, RNG 5rA) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-4Fire - Silver - DualHook - Marker - Wood - Snare- - - - - - - - - - [Quick Slime][Wyrd Lore][Command Aura] 4 hex radius- [Vigilance] - [Your One Task] - [Get Down]- [Manhunt]- [Ralgran Hym]- [Hellfire]- [Salt Frequency]
>>3086190A Clue! Associate, be sure to rub that belly. Ah-ha-hum. Another clue. Associate?>Investigator recalls what those tracks are and where they lead!>Investigator moves 3north and helps citizen back on their feet. Lecture them on proper library policy. >Now back together, order the Associate to pet the dog. And yo, slippery. Return your books. The libraty is the grandest of all public institutions. We must safeghuard it!
>>3086190>>3086582"Shit shit SHIT! Soldier down, repeat, soldier down!">-"Vanguards! That man in the suit to your right is one of those freaks, you saw what happened take him out!">Take the knives out and [Patch Up] myself. (-2 Blocks)>[Patch Up] Corp.Evergreen, who should be S of me from this move >>3086594 (-2 Blocks)[Es2] Lt. Berthold (Cpl. Gilligan)Hp: (5/17) (5/17) (X) Arm:5 Mov:5 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:2Pneumatic VacuumRange 5, (5/6) (6/6) (X) Ammo-Void Suck (Absorb Small and Gas)-Arc Launch [40]x1-Surface Insertion [X]x1+Pressure Bomb (5+Blast)+Bug (3.Sight)+Chainshot (Pierce)The Shovel- +2 Melee-DigPepper Fab Engine Mk2 - Sapper Edition(4/4) (4/4) (X) (-4)
>>3086595I am not one to tell you business Sir Investigator, you don't work under me.But this man right here is one of the suspects involved in this grisly plot and is extremely dangerous, you will be doing the country and the war effort a great favour if you can stun his ass and capture him.Be /extremely/ cautious they have been shown to be supernaturally tough and extremely dangerous in close combat.
>>3086677Mhmyesss, quite. Not to worry, Concerned Citizen, we’re on ze case as we speak. A moment ago we considered the villainous cretin. At ziz moment, my Associate is preparing to Ask Questions. We are posed to intercept the dastard if he flees or makes a threat.We had to secure the prime paw first. Sherry a foul bone of CRIME buried ‘ere abouts and zhis is not justh late library fees.
Rolled 45, 75 = 120 (2d100)>>3086190Kampher eyed the half-convoy in front of him suspiciously. Given the way Boyston’s dog had been growling at it before following it’s master off the roof he decided not to take any chances.“Hmm...err. I think it’s time to reposition.”>Act1:>Kampher: Stand Up>SCP: Shoot the bad metal men hurting our scary officer friend. (Vanguards attacking Evergreen)[65]>Act2:>Kampher: Move 1NW, 3SW, Carefully hang off the ledge and drop next to Berthold (1SW)“Oh! Ah, hello sir.”It was then he saw the head.“Oh…fuck.”[SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 9/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle: R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
>>3086190>>Assuming the steps lead to a landing open to the river.>>Move N 1, Hop the 1 hex river NE, land on the hex NE 1>>Move NE 1, SE 1, NE 1"Dale, do you have us turned around again on another of your shortcuts?""C'mon Sam, trust me on this we'll get to the action lickity split.""Dangit Sam why d'ya always hafta listen to Dale in ta first place?"
Rolled 30, 73, 61 = 164 (3d100)>>3086190"Ah, thank's mate. Listen; you and the rest of the folk here need to flee--now. Things are gonna get real ugly real fast, and you don't want to be around when it happens. See that monster in the window there? Those things have snuck into town, and they're gonna start killin'. Go; get your friends and family safe, get inside, and lock up tight.""ALRIGHT, LISTEN UP YOU LOT! VOSS TRAITORS HAVE INFESTED YOUR LOCAL MILITIA! IF YOU NEED PROOF, YOU NEED ONLY LOOK UP AT THE HORROR IN THAT WINDOW. I AM OFFICER BOYSTON, ATTACHED TO THE IBON DRAKES REGIMENT OF THE RAGNYLLIAN ARMY. I HAVE SEEN WHAT THESE BASTARDS HAVE DONE TO BARTRAM, DONE TO STALLION, AND WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO DO HERE IN NOCTURNE! IF YOU ARE MEN OF RAGNYLL, YOU WILL LISTEN TO MY ORDERS, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! YOUR FIRST ORDER IS TO EVACUATE THE CIVILIANS TO A PLACE OF SAFETY! RAGNYLL'S PEOPLE COME FIRST! YOUR SECOND ORDER IS TO SHOOT DOWN ANY BASTARD THAT ATTEMPTS TO HARM ANY CIVILIAN! AND YOUR THIRD ORDER IS TO SHOOT ANYTHING I TELL YOU TO SHOOT, STARTING WITH THAT HORROR IN THE WINDOW AND THAT APC WITH THE MINIGUN SETTING UP TO GUN US ALL DOWN! FURTHER TARGETS WILL BE SPECIFIED.">Move 3SW 1NW>-Deliver [Rousing Speech]> - - - - - - - - - ->Boyston: Double-Tap Traitor Vanguard in the back of the head. [50]x2 (RNG 5, PRC/CHM+5, [Mark])>-Adjutant: Administer [Rubynite] to Boyston.>-Barksky: [Smell] for more Voss Traitors.Officer Boyston, Adjutant Phelps, and Officer BarkskyARM 5 HP 15/27 | 27/27 | 27/27(15)AMM [3/3] [3/3] [3/3]Act 2 Mov 4(1) Vis 4 Str 4/6- - - - - - - - - - Rifle (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5r) [75]x1 [40]x2Pistol (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5, [Mark]) [65]x1 [50]x2Doggo Surprise ([Drop], [Stun]) [60]x1Surgeon's General (Medical +15) [Consult RO Sheet]- - - - - - - - - - [Anti Pathogen] - You get to play Pandemic; Vaccine, Anti Pathogen Base, Replicate[Can You Walk?] - R-Dog can take people to flag. Otherwise [On Me].[Scout Ahead] - R-Dog runs along set path until enemy or person in need.[Mark] - Hit +10 on target shot.[We Are Thrice Armed!] - Negate Fear and Terror in Command Area; Wider Overwatch[Doggo Sense] - Detects Disease, Lies, Enemies, etc.
>Movement starts with Tea, Move 4N>Rider action : Toss AT Grenade (22 Hard Crush) at the traitor convoy SE of me>Move 2N 2NE>-Dismount from the birds>-Tell Bartham and her man to toss us our grenade launchers on the way out and to rendez-vous with the rest of the unit.Units 40/40, Def 5, Mov 5, Act 2+1 Command, Sight 4, Str 3Birds 37/50, Eva 20%, Mov 6 (Jump 2 Height), Sight 4, Str 6, Bomb SmellRider:Riding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go)[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire AOE]x6 , Range Str+1[AT Mines +12 Hard Crush(AOE 3, Pressure)/AP Mines +12 Riping (AOE 5, Pressure)]x6[Stored Weapon : Demo Launcher]Kwehrrier:-[70]Rushdown x Sad fool in my way, -Mov Down (Self)Hop On Top, It can hop on enemy units (Smaller units are pressed down, like fools)
Processing Begins.
Enemy Phase ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI76wS6tlKs
>>3087989"Ah! Excuse me, sorry! Actually while you're here perhaps you have time for a short interview? Penelope Quill, Ral Gran Radio. No? Haven't heard of me? Maybe my column The Script on the Screen? How has the war impacted you personally...?"
>>3087328>>3086388"I think there's movement up in the trees to the north. Why don't you guys get set your guns pointed in that direction? Meanwhile, we'll take care of the slimes, immediate threat and all."
>>3088054" ................ Like you , I have delighted in watching others from afar sending love to them in the only way I know how..... By putting them out of their misery " ===LT. Karr: W- wait are you serious ? R- R- r-r- Retreat ! Flank The Enemy While my HQ falls back to Ral Gran ! Y- Yes that's right ! All citizens just stay in your homes, they'll sort this out ! " >Lt. Karr has left the battle. > Act Phase ! Beckley: It seems we have inherited... a mess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICSk8-pJkX8
>>3088077Ok, i'll leave it to you Able. Dont let them have the jump on you.
>>3087989"I cannot get enough of these Ragnyllian meat rations, brother!""Yes, they're quite worth switching places with the militia. Looks like they were guarding this... tower?""Don't look like a bumpkin, Qeshey, that is called a 'radio'. I think we've seen one during our caravan days?""Uhhh, what do we do when there's someone speaking on the radio?""Why, we listen! Unless they're talking to us, then we reply?""Well, there is someone speaking to us, right now!""By the sands! Hold on... I think we press this to speak?">Move up the ladder 1 N>Reply to radio: "Hello, ah, militia here! Situation in south side is fine yes. Only seen dog wander in. Meat rations tasty... Ah, it seems like I've heard gunshots from north!" "Wait, brother, did you say gunshots?""Yes, something's happening to the north! A firefight?""Oh no, are there ghouls masquerading as militia!?""But we can't just leave our post here! We did promise to hold sentry here!""Ah, but we're high enough up here to see things, right? Just prepare for stray bullets!"Hp: 12/12 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [] [] [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [15] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [25] x 4-Mow Down [10] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
>>3088086Beckley: Ms. Bartrahm has left the battle and are safely rendezvoused with the extraction team. Ibon Drakes, you may disengage from the mission area as the primary objective has been accomplished.
>>3088091Please take note you're trying to act on enemy phase
Rolled 60, 89, 55, 89 = 293 (4d100)>>3088104blep, just noticed>>3088086"Ow ow ow! Where did that son of a scorpion come from?!""Remember you have the pavise, brother! Point it that way!""Make him eat lead, brother!">Point Shield N>Burst Fire to the guy knifing us NHp: 12/12 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [] [] [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [15] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [25] x 4-Mow Down [10] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
>>3088086HmmAre those Vanguards dead? I'm unsure whether their heads exploded because of my shots or if those are actually eldritch tentacle things popping out
>>3088109Please take note that you're shooting at an after image and only used half of your squad action. Each one of your unit has two action.
>>3088122They're dead.
Rolled 88, 42, 12, 49 = 191 (4d100)>>3088124>>3088109augh, still not used to this new 2-person gunner thing.>>3088086fixing actions:>Point Shield N>Burst Fire to the guy knifing us N (use dice in >>3088109)>Go prone>Burst Fire to the werewolf NE (dice in this post)
>>3088101"We're not leaving the town has it Beckley, it's overrun and I'm not watching it fester from the inside on my watch. We will be out shortly after we handle the problem here.""Alright folks, our main objective is over. The target is secured and we're all alive. BUT! The town is also overrun by mother fucking cultists, monsters, and everything in between, we need to get the comms back online to signal for help, this is our new objective now. I want everyone to make way for the southern comm tower or to kill whatever is close enough to mess with us. Boyston is going to handle the comms, Kampher I want you to pop that sniper in the tower. Berthold and Evergreen I want you south on the double, bring literally everyone that you have with you. Neben you're acting at your own discretion, just don't be suicidal. Over and out!"
Do I pick up my knives automatically or do I have to spend an act to do so?
>>3088148tap to retrieve from a legal spaece
>>3088133also posting revised stats, forgot I got knifed - tell me if the stats are wrongHp: 10/12 & 12/12 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [] [] [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [15] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [25] x 4-Mow Down [10] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
>>3088157...Your shield got reduced to 2 hp.
>>3088159Ah, OK then, is this correct?Hp: 2/12 & 12/12 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [] [] [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [15] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [25] x 4-Mow Down [10] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
>>3088167ensure that your ammo is current at the time of posting.
>>3087328>>3088077O_O.... Alright... change of plans. Able! Bravo! Here's the new deal. Its clear that slimes arent the only thing involved here so here's how its going to go. Able! I'll throw a grenade at the slimes then you get in there rush them down and sweep at them with your swords alright? (Sweep hits 3 hexes and rushdown seems to proc auto atks and my grenades seem to do guaranteed damage). I'll throw 1 and the rest is up to your ability. Bravo! You and me are taking down this insult of a being they call werewolf! They seem to be strong so I wont hold back. I am throwing 2 grenades at this abomination and firing at it, do back me up by also shooting at it and/or throwing grenades, got it? There is no time! We will not let this city rot from the inside! Lets move out!
>>3088086"Ohhh, ahhhh, I see. Here, let me take a picture.">Blind the sniper with camera flash>Push them into the river west"Aaaaa sorry I tripped!"Health:? Defense:? Move:? Act:? Sight:? Strength:?Equipment:Telltale Pen- [*] Write [?] Stab, Piercing DamageObscure Camera- [*] Shoot (Picture)Tape RecorderMilitary Press Pass- Gain entry to some placesWinning Smile- Gain entry to more placesBobby Pin- Gain entry to further places
>>3088086>Move 1NE, then 3SW after tapping to pick up knives>ReloadHP:12/12(×2) Def:5 Mov:4Act:2 Sight:5 Str:2+2Rifle: Piercing+2 Range:5Ammo:2(22)Aimed:[80]x1(No Move)Snap:[50]x1Knife:Slashing+2Knife Throw:[60] Range:2+2(?), arcsSneak Attack: Attacks from behind unalerted targets crit
>>3088182Aw, alrighty.Hp: 2/12 & 12/12 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [x] [x] [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [15] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [25] x 4-Mow Down [10] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
>>3088182Oh my. So the does the R stand for number of reloads in reserve and not the number of rounds?
Rolled 38, 38, 86, 53, 97, 60 = 372 (6d100)>>3088086"Holy mother in a handbasket! Lead is down!">>3088087"Daniel! Target SW of you! Keep him off our backs!">Act 1>Northmost unit (Unit 1) move 1NE, 1SE, trigger *Rushdown with Shield Bash [60] against slime(s) push SE>South unit (Unit 2) move 1N, 2NE, trigger *Rushdown with Shield Bash [60] against slime, push SE>Act 2>Unit 1 Shield Bashes [60] second slime in hex 1SE>Unit 2 move 1SE, trigger *Rushdown with Shield Bash [60] against slime, push S>Act 3>Squad Slash slimes [75]x2[V1] Guard Team AbleHP1: 0/14 | HP2: 14/14 | HP3:14/14Def: 10 Mov: 3 Act: 3 Vis: 3 Str: 4 (+4)Sword: xSlashing+4, Melee-Slash [75]x1-Sweep [60] front 3 tilesShield: +20 Cover, xBlunt force+3-Shield Bash [60]x1-Block *Halves damage3x HP Shot Restore 10HP or Revives with 5 HP*Rushdown (T) - Moving into enemy space proc a normal attack (with weapon)Domain - Enemies moving with reach get attackedClank clank clank - Vanguards require their own tile-Ragnyll Born: Child of War - once per map remove status ailment or splint the effects of maimed
>>3088188Ack, too late, already rolled. Use the action instead to either double tap the lucan or overwatch the slime (or north).
>>3088199Yes, you are correct. You have even more ammo, so shoot with impunity!
Where's the officers? We didnt sign up to go toe to toe with Werewolves!
>>3088086Dude, hole up somewhere and mow down anything inhuman or traitor-looking. I gotta go save this town.>Act1:>Trooper 1: Reload>Trooper 2: Throw salt 3SE, between the two MP squads>Trooper 3: Apply HP Shot to self>Act 2: Move NW 3SWHp: 21/21 | 27/27 | 10/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. Rx12 | Rx12 | Rx12Range 4, Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x2 | 2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x1Ragnyllian ancestry
Rolled 68, 14, 84, 67, 38, 45, 6, 4, 36, 37, 82, 42 = 523 (12d100)>>3088086>-Tap: Go prone for +10 to hit, +5 cover (I also have elevation for +1 range I think?)>Act 1: All elements throw ALL GRENADES (3) bearing: 1 South, 2 South-West with 3 grenades AOE facing so has to not arm friendlies and Direct hit on the Lycan. (Really banking on the fire AOE). [Grenade, 3 Tile Fire AOE, auto-hits?] ×3.>Act 2: All elements, fire [Burst] at the Lycan if its not enough! +10 to hit because prone. [40]×3×3[A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [x] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [x] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [x] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x0 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
>>3088086>-More tap: Tell/Yell at the Enginneer group to link up with us to keep us supplied and heal injured>-Also: What happened to the 2 man assault squad? <_< Suspicious.
Rolled 19, 63, 76, 44, 4, 79, 11, 65 = 361 (8d100)Ah-hum-hum. Citizen, your shoelaces are untied. Stop cheating on your partner. A simple deduction. You put your shoes on in a hurry. And unreturned library books indicate preoccupation, no?Oh and one more thing. Associate?>Act 1>Investigator: 1x Aimed Shot, Silver Take out suspect arms 2south1east. vs 90>Associate: Akimbo rubber slugs same. 2x50, StunnForce + 3 and KO at zero>Act2>Investigator: 1x Aimed Shot, Silver Take out suspect legs 2south1east. vs 90>Associate uses Pursuit Running! To grapple the suspect so we can Take ‘Em Away! 2x80Cuff ‘em. No one interferes with public broadcast radio on our watch. How else would we gets our dose of that delight Miss Quill?
>>3088086>Move 1S, 1SE, 2S jumping down on the Convoy>-Yell at the people driving the convoy "YOU THERE, STOP DICKING AROUND, WE'VE GOT UNDEAD SCUM ON THE LOOSE, STUN GRENADE THE SOLDIERS SHOOTING US FROM THE HOTEL, PRONTO SOLDIER! -HONK-">Move 1S, 1SW, 2SRiding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go) x6[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire, 7 AOE]x5 , Range Str+1G.Launcher [[50]Hit, Range 5 Arc, [][]x4]-Explosive +5 Dmg, Aoe Fire [*]xTile-Grapeshot +5 Impact Group [*]xTarget-Smoke 3x3 Area (+10 Cover)-Flash [+]Shape, [*]xTile"CONGRATS MEN, YOU'VE KILLED YOUR FIRST UNHOLY TERROR OF THE NIGHT AND IT DIDN'T SEE IT COMING, NOW FOLLOW ME, WE'RE GOING TO TO HUNT OURSELVES SOME FUTURE FUR COATS!!!!!""Yeah! And then we're going to drink on the lieutenant's savings until he's poor again!""FOR NOCTURNE/For -honk- Nocturne!"
>>3088086Berthold looked at the man he had ordered shot, and waited for the signs that he was the beast he said the man was.He didn't change, he just bled on the floor. Berthold put a hand to his mouth, he had made a terrible, terrible mistake.B: "Aw shit, shitshitSHIT. SHIT."G: "Sir, sir! You didn't know sir you did-."B: "I just had an innocent man shot Gilligan! I damn well should have thought better and I made a terrible mistake."G: "Sir, we have a job that needs doing, for this town, and for Osman. We'll see what we can do when it's done."Berthold said nothing, he just grit his teeth in shame and frustration at everything that had gone wrong today.>Move 3S, 1SW, 1S>Move 2S, 2SE, hug the wall and stay out of sight.B: "Fuckin' gross worm people and now fuckin' werewolves, where the hell does Voss find these people?" [Es2] Lt. Berthold (Cpl. Gilligan)Hp: (17/17) (17/17) (X) Arm:5 Mov:5 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:2Pneumatic VacuumRange 5, (5/6) (6/6) (X) Ammo-Void Suck (Absorb Small and Gas)-Arc Launch [40]x1-Surface Insertion [X]x1+Pressure Bomb (5+Blast)+Bug (3.Sight)+Chainshot (Pierce)The Shovel- +2 Melee-DigPepper Fab Engine Mk2 - Sapper Edition(2/4) (2/4) (X) (-4)
>>3088743Oi there, Citizen. All that there skulking yos doing is highly suspicious. Is it some kind of clue yers an mean skulky thief type?
>>3088775Yeah I'm skulkin' there's a fuckin' werewolf over there I'm trying not to get spotted and then eaten.Not getting eaten is a great aspiration in my life
>>3088781“Being A Wolf” ain’t a crime, Concerned Citizen. Sometimes we all want to let our tails out.You haff a license for that there succ gun?
>>3088798Yeah I got my fuckin' certificate from Sapper School, on my person.Good work kicking that sneaky bastard's ass by the way.
>>3088810All in a days work for a jaunty PI and ‘is thrusty associates, non? We all struggle to keep on top of crime. I worry about it. Yes, I’m a worrier, me. Can’t help but wonderIf yers a sapper, what are you here to sabotage? And you are covered in a frightful amount of blood. What’s a man doing sneaking about blood drenched, saboteur like? No siree, I’m afraid you’ll have to come with me. I Have Questions.
>>3088086>>3088101“Oh thank the gods. The sudden appearance of all these creatures that can jump on top of walls in a single bound was making me nervous. Right SCP, link up with me and we can ex-filtrate through…”>>3088134Kampher’s heart sank as the new orders came through.“Oh for fucks… gods damned goody two-shoe commanders, can’t ever just get shit done and GTFO, always have to save non-essential personnel. Ibon Drakes my ass, should be called the Bleeding Hearts…” he grumbled under his breath before forcing a more polite tone.“Ahem, ah, right on it sir, just need a moment to get in position. SCP find cover… looks like we’ve still got work to do.”>Act 1:>Kampher: Move 1SW, 2S, Climb up 1S, Climb up 1NE>SCP: Move 1S, 1SW, 1S, hide under bench.>Act2:>Kampher: Reload[SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 9/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle: [][] R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
Rolled 97, 95, 16, 6, 88, 92, 22, 87, 22 = 525 (9d100)>>3088086>>3088247>>Move SW 1>>Entire Squad Burst the Lycan SE rating [30]>>-Tap Lead "Sam" attempts to antagonize Lycan into targeting him."Jimmy, Dale! We gotta give Danno a hand here! HEY FUZZFACE, CARPET MATCH THE DRAPES?!""Sheet, bitch lookin ta e't us!""I dunno Jimmy, tweren't for the teeth that might not be so bad."[A2] Fireteam BravoHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG [] [] [] Rx6SMG [] [] [] Rx6SMG [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Ammo] ×3 +Target pinned-Grenade x3 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 pot-Knife Slash+2 Throw [60]x1 - STR range>>3088188I'll continue to assist you the best I can. Though I believe things are getting pretty hairy already. We'll need to fall back if possible however, there are likely more problems lurking in the trees.
>Move S S SW S S>Move SE SE S S SE>-[Wyrd Lore] the Lycans=[fO]Evergreen=ARM 5 HP 12/17 | 2/17m | 4/17rAMM [0/6]x6 [4/4]x6m [4/4]x6rAct 2 Mov 5 Vis 4 Str 4(+3)- - - - - - - - - - Revolver (SilvPRC+4, RNG 5, [ExecuteTraitor]) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-6Sword (Slash+3, [AutoCounterGrapples])[70]xARC [60]x1(mov 2hex)Hunter's Xbow (PRC+4, RNG 5rA) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-4Fire - Silver - DualHook - Marker - Wood - Snare- - - - - - - - - - [Quick Slime][Wyrd Lore][Command Aura] 4 hex radius- [Vigilance] - [Your One Task] - [Get Down]- [Manhunt]- [Ralgran Hym]- [Hellfire]- [Salt Frequency]
>>3088086"YOU LOT ARE DOING WELL! MOST OF THE TRAITORS HAVE CAST OFF THEIR DISGUISES! THAT SNIPER TO THE WEST HAS NOT! [ASSAULTS]! MOVE WEST AND TAKE HIM DOWN BEFORE HE HARMS THAT--that's a woman, right?--THAT WOMAN!""[VANGUARD]! MOVE DOWN SOUTH AND PREPARE TO REPEL WEREWOLVES! THEY'RE BIG, THICK, AND MEAN, BUT YOU'VE GOT ARMOR AND BACKUP TO HANDLE THEM! WE CANNOT LET THEM GET TO THE CIVILIANS IN THIS SQUARE! [DEMOLITIONS], BACK UP THE VANGUARD!""[APC]! SUPPORT [NEBENHUT]! THAT'S THE CRAZY GUY LEADING THOSE THREE SHOTGUN-TOTING STORM TROOPERS TO THE NORTH! TRAITORS ARE MIXED IN WITH THE TWO MP SQUADS BY THE HOTEL; KEEP THEM STUNNED AND SUPPRESSED! [NEBENHUT] WILL DEAL WITH THE TRAITORS AND LEAVE THE INNOCENT UNHARMED!""[GUNNER]! HOOF IT HERE TO THE PLAZA, SOLDIER! YOU'RE WOUNDED, I CAN TREAT YOU, AND I NEED YOU TO REINFORCE THIS PLAZA! NEB KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING, DON'T WORRY ABOUT HIM!""AND YOU! [SCOUT]! DON'T THINK I DON'T SEE YOU HIDING IN THAT DINER! BACK UP THE [ASSAULT] SQUAD! HOP TO IT, SOLDIER!">Boyston: [Issue Orders] to militia in immediate area.>Adjutant: [Load] Quicksilver ammo>Barksky: [Smell] for Traitors> - - - - - - - - - - ->Boyston: Trigger [We Are Thrice Armed!] (Radius 4)>Adjutant: [Overwatch] [Single Shot] SW at any .Werewolf approaching the plaza. [75]x1 (RNG 5, PRC/SILVER/CHEM(?)+4)>Barksky: [Overwatch] [Sic 'Em!] SW at any .Werewolf entering the plaza. [60]x1 (DMG+6, DROP, STUN)Officer Boyston, Adjutant Phelps, and Officer BarkskyARM 5 HP 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27(15)AMM [1/3] [3/3] [3/3]Act 2 Mov 4(1) Vis 4 Str 4/6- - - - - - - - - - Rifle (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5r) [75]x1 [40]x2Pistol (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5, [Mark]) [65]x1 [50]x2Doggo Surprise ([Drop], [Stun]) [60]x1Surgeon's General (Medical +15) [Consult RO Sheet]- - - - - - - - - - [Anti Pathogen] - You get to play Pandemic; Vaccine, Anti Pathogen Base, Replicate[Can You Walk?] - R-Dog can take people to flag. Otherwise [On Me].[Scout Ahead] - R-Dog runs along set path until enemy or person in need.[Mark] - Hit +10 on target shot.[We Are Thrice Armed!] - Negate Fear and Terror in Command Area; Wider Overwatch[Doggo Sense] - Detects Disease, Lies, Enemies, etc.
Enemy Phase. " Come Oooouuut Brothers ! Come Ouuut Sisters ! It's time . It's TIME TA HANT ! " "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekNUgzfhUm8
Act Phase !https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvUmL8uaE48HandelWright: We linked up with the evac team and we're flying overhead. Drakes your town is trouble and there's violence all over the streets, with Lycans and Wyrms ! Not only that but long range communication is being weird as hell. There's something there jamming our comms whether it be electrical or otherwise ! ===" GOoooooooooooooo my cHilDren For Every drop of blood lost , Rent Flesh will restore ! Rip and Tear RIP AND TEEEEAAAARRRR "
Rolled 26, 48, 49, 10, 75, 14, 24, 54, 18, 16, 22, 63 = 419 (12d100)Right that is it, Associate. This case has cracked wide open. Fetch yer brassies.We’re arresting everybody on suspicion of suspicious activities. Starting with the lads there with the poir alibi. And their dog.>Investigator doubletap silver at 3north, 2x50>Associate steps nw, north for line of sight>Investigator doubletaps 2north 1ne with rubber stun rounds, 2v40>Associate fires ne, se with twohanded rocksalt, 2v70+3, 1aoe, hpcap 5, stunThat’s it, issit. All of you lay your paws, claws, teeth, fur, mines, bombs, bolts, knives, rifles, needles, chains and suchlike whatsits on the floor.Yous are all under arrest.
>>3090200>Contemplate running in terror>...>Take pictures of werewolfHealth:? Defense:? Move:? Act:? Sight:? Strength:?Equipment:Telltale Pen- [*] Write [?] Stab, Piercing DamageObscure Camera- [*] Shoot (Picture)Tape RecorderMilitary Press Pass- Gain entry to some placesWinning Smile- Gain entry to more placesBobby Pin- Gain entry to further places
Rolled 1, 33, 44, 30, 97, 4, 63, 52 = 324 (8d100)>>3090200"Brother! No! By the sands, I will avenge you!!">already prone: Tracer Fire at Werewolf directly SE (do I get a point blank bonus?)>still prone: Burst Fire at Werewolf directly SEHp: 12/12 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [x] [x] [x] [x] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [15] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [25] x 4-Mow Down [10] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
>>3090200>>3088247>>3089525"You've a good head on your shoulders Danno. The loud guy on the radio sounds like he's got a logical plan as well. Someone should check up on Miss Quill, or help out Able, but...""Sam, tryin ta say. We gon'ta check on t'were movin in da trees.""Dangit wolf lady lookin even worse now we all shot her to shit... HEY! Doncha leave me!">>Move NE 3>>Move NE 3[A2] Fireteam BravoHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG [x] [] [] Rx6SMG [x] [] [] Rx6SMG [x] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Ammo] ×3 +Target pinned-Grenade x3 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 pot-Knife Slash+2 Throw [60]x1 - STR range
>>3088260"Hey, stick with Team Bravo. We'll finish up with the slimes then follow you. Maybe those guys running off into the forest have something to do with that artificial moon? I mean, my almanac said today was gonna be a new moon..."
>>3090200"What a terrible day we're having...">Aimed Shots SW at Demon Dog>Aimed Shots SW at same targetHP:12/12(×2) Def:5 Mov:4Act:2 Sight:5 Str:2+2Rifle: Piercing+2 Range:5Ammo:2(22)Aimed:[80]x1(No Move)Snap:[50]x1Knife:Slashing+2Knife Throw:[60] Range:2+2(?), arcsSneak Attack: Attacks from behind unalerted targets crit
Rolled 91, 65, 46, 96 = 298 (4d100)>>3090200"Let's clean these guys up and charge blindly into the forest!""... I miss Able Lead.""Hey, focus on overfilling these slimes.">Act 1>North unit (Unit 1) Slash [75] slime in same hex>South unit (Unit 2) Slash [75] slime in same hex>Act 2>Unit 1 Slash [75] slime in same hex>Unit 2 Slash [75] slime in same hex>Act 3>Formation: column>Squad move 2N, 1NE>Prep Slash [75] for Dominion and Rushdown[V1] Guard Team AbleHP1: 0/14 | HP2: 14/14 | HP3:14/14Def: 10 Mov: 3 Act: 3 Vis: 3 Str: 4 (+4)Sword: xSlashing+4, Melee-Slash [75]x1-Sweep [60] front 3 tilesShield: +20 Cover, xBlunt force+3-Shield Bash [60]x1-Block *Halves damage3x HP Shot Restore 10HP or Revives with 5 HP*Rushdown (T) - Moving into enemy space proc a normal attack (with weapon)Domain - Enemies moving with reach get attackedClank clank clank - Vanguards require their own tile-Ragnyll Born: Child of War - once per map remove status ailment or splint the effects of maimed
>>3090200I just had the wildest idea.Come on, guys, help me lift up this thing.>Consolidate at the location of the chaingun from that destroyed traitor APC (pic related)>Pick up the chaingun as a crew-served weaponHp: 21/21 | 27/27 | 20/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx11 | Rx12 | Rx12Range 4, Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x1 | x2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x0Ragnyllian ancestry
>>3090229What a scoop, Miss!
Rolled 14, 23, 84 = 121 (3d100)>>3090323>>3090334Sure just... go on ahead I have to just make sure of something....>>3090200>Move is reduced by half when prone so by math law (3÷2=1.5 rounded up hopefuly) -Move: 1 south, 1 south-west>Use knife or knives to rip/slash off the head of the werewolf... and its arms... and its heart...brutally if I have to and check its pockets for hints or anything really... (throwing dices just in case...)>-Tap: Ask the engineers the following: 1.Where did the 2 man assault squad that was here go? 2.Follow up with [A2] Bravo and [V1] Able with the civilian3.Can you pass me some grenades please ... I can of ran out...
Rolled 52, 39 = 91 (2d100)>>3090200Kampher looked over his shoulder at the clear path out of town, then looked back at the carnage unfolding in front of him.“…Screw this! Everything up until now I could tolerate, not this. If Lt. Biscuit wants to be a hero he can go to hell with the rest of this town! I intend to survive this war!”Kampher prepared to move out but stopped.“…SCP…SCP where are you? Oh! Excellent choice of hiding spot, you’ve got a clear route to my position. I’ll cover you while you retreat then we can both get out of here.”…“NO!? Well why the hell NOT!?”…“You’re scared? Well that’s understandable, but I need you to be brave and-”…“You also don’t want to leave our comrades to die because it would weigh on your conscience for the rest of your life?”Kampher blinked in astonishment. Just how old was this kid again? Finally, he let out a heavy sigh.“Oh sweet child-person of mine… Damn your naiveté and damn me for allowing myself to care. Alright, start calling in targets. Time to rack up some kills… ”>Act1>SCP: Pop 20, mark targets in vis range(5)>Kampher: Tap prone>Kampher: Leg Shot[70+20+10] Giant White Lycan near Boyston.“You’re not going anywhere.”>Act2>Kampher: Arm Shot[70+20+10] Sniper in the river.“Consider this a professional courtesy, take the hint and walk away.”[SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 9/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle: R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
>>3090805-Stat Sheet almost forgot-[A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [x] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [x] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 12/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [x] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x0 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×3) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
>>3090212"NOW IS NOT THE TIME.">>3090323>>3090410>>3090805"Militia men be advised, you've shot that Werewolf to shit the only thing that'll put it down for good is fire and silver. I'm gonna guess yer have no silver, so if ya got some sort of fire starting equipment on you it is imperative you burn that corpse at the nearest opportunity before it gets back up.""Although if you separate it into chunks that might work also. If not, burn it.">-This knowledge is brought to you by the [Paranormal Training] I have.>>3090200>Move 1S, 4SEG: "The ladder's around that side Hoss."B: "Fuck that I'm not going near those wolves, Gilligan, over here I'll give you a leg up.G: "What you want me to jump and climb that?"B: "No I want you to do Parkour off of it for the Camera lady, now shut up and get that radio online.">S1: Crouch down, link hands and [Boost] S2 up the side of this structure to the Radio>S2: [Repair] the broken radio.G: "I don't know if I prefer this more or less than the train."...G: "No I think I prefer this more to the train."[Es2] Lt. Berthold (Cpl. Gilligan)Hp: (17/17) (17/17) (X) Arm:5 Mov:5 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:2Pneumatic VacuumRange 5, (5/6) (6/6) (X) Ammo-Void Suck (Absorb Small and Gas)-Arc Launch [40]x1-Surface Insertion [X]x1+Pressure Bomb (5+Blast)+Bug (3.Sight)+Chainshot (Pierce)The Shovel [65]x1- +2 Melee-DigPepper Fab Engine Mk2 - Sapper Edition(2/4) (2/4) (X) (-1)
>>3090200>Throw AT Grenade at Lycan 2S (22 Hard Crush)>Overwatch Grapeshot SUnits 40/40, Def 5, Mov 5, Act 2+1 Command, Sight 4, Str 3Riding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go) x6[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire, 7 AOE]x4 , Range Str+1G.Launcher [[50]Hit, Range 5 Arc, [][]x4]-Explosive +5 Dmg, Aoe Fire [*]xTile-Grapeshot +5 Impact Group [*]xTarget-Smoke 3x3 Area (+10 Cover)-Flash [+]Shape, [*]xTile
Rolled 64, 64, 73, 14, 59, 96, 50, 88 = 508 (8d100)>-Act1>R&M: [Aimed] [80]x4 prc+lvr+4 arching and rifled the Lycan south east>O:Reload>-Act2>R&M: [Aimed] [80]x4 prc+slvr+4 arching and rifled the Lycan south east>O:[Overwatch] Shoot Lycan SE if it gets in range [Salvo] [40]x6 prc+slvr+4=[fO]Evergreen=ARM 5 HP 12/17 | 12/17m | 14/17rAMM [0/6]x6 [4/4]x6m [4/4]x6rAct 2 Mov 5 Vis 4 Str 4(+3)- - - - - - - - - - Revolver (SilvPRC+4, RNG 5, [ExecuteTraitor]) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-6Sword (Slash+3, [AutoCounterGrapples])[70]xARC [60]x1(mov 2hex)Hunter's Xbow (PRC+4, RNG 5rA) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-4Fire - Silver - DualHook - Marker - Wood - Snare- - - - - - - - - - [Quick Slime][Wyrd Lore][Command Aura] 4 hex radius- [Vigilance] - [Your One Task] - [Get Down]- [Manhunt]- [Ralgran Hym]- [Hellfire]- [Salt Frequency]
Rolled 96, 15, 38 = 149 (3d100)>>3090200"NORTH [APC]! KEEP THOSE SQUADS IN THE HOTEL SUPPRESSED LIKE YOU'VE BEEN DOING!""[VANGUARD]! YOUR, ah, YOUR ARMOR EITHER ISN'T HALF AS GOOD AS I THOUGHT IT WAS, OR THESE WOLVES ARE FAR STRONGER THAN I GAVE THEM CREDIT FOR! TAKE THE CIVILIANS AND GUARD THEIR EVAC TO THE NORTHWEST!""[ASSAULT] SQUAD! PUT SOME FIRE ON THAT WEREWOLF TO THE .WEST! DON'T LET THE INVESTIGATOR DO ALL THE WORK; BACK HIM UP, AND DON'T LET THAT WOLF INTO THIS PLAZA!""[DEMOLITIONS] TOO! BACK UP THE ASSAULT SQUAD AND PUT THAT WOLF DOWN!""[SCOUT]! SCOUT I CAN STILL SEE YOU SITTING IN THAT DINER AND NOT SHOOTING ANYTHING! EITHER HELP THE CIVILIANS EVAC OR GET SOME SHOTS IN AT THAT WOLF, BOY!""WEST [APC]! THERE'S A GIANT WEREWOLF RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU THAT IS GONNA TEAR YOUR PLATING CLEAN OFF IF YOU DO NOT DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PEDDLE TO THE METAL, MEN! RAM THAT WEREWOLF STRAIGHT INTO THE WALL AND DON'T LET OFF THE ACCELERATOR UNTIL IT'S DEAD!""YOU HAVE YOUR ORDERS! FOLLOW THEM, AND WE MIGHT ALL SURVIVE THIS NIGHT!">Boyston: [Order] the Militia>Adjutant: Fire quicksilver round into Werewolf 2SE whether dead or alive. [75]x1 (RNG 5, PRC/SILVER/CHEM+4)>Barksky: [Reassure] civilians that everything will be ok by looking cute as fuck.> - - - - - - - - - - >Boyston: Attempt to [Treat] dead vanguard 1SE. (85 or higher does cure death after all)>Adjutant: Fire quicksilver round into Werewolf 1NW 2SW 1NW 1SW (This shot I don't think is blocked by the tower here.) [75]x1 (RNG 5, PRC/SILVER/CHEM+4)>Barksky: [Raise Morale] of militia with authoritative barks.Officer Boyston, Adjutant Phelps, and Officer BarkskyARM 5 HP 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27(15)AMM [1/3] [2/3] [3/3]Act 2 Mov 4(1) Vis 4 Str 4/6- - - - - - - - - - Rifle (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5r) [75]x1 [40]x2Pistol (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5, [Mark]) [65]x1 [50]x2Doggo Surprise ([Drop], [Stun]) [60]x1Surgeon's General (Medical +15) [Consult RO Sheet]- - - - - - - - - - [Anti Pathogen] - You get to play Pandemic; Vaccine, Anti Pathogen Base, Replicate[Can You Walk?] - R-Dog can take people to flag. Otherwise [On Me].[Scout Ahead] - R-Dog runs along set path until enemy or person in need.[Mark] - Hit +10 on target shot.[We Are Thrice Armed!] - Negate Fear and Terror in Command Area; Wider Overwatch[Doggo Sense] - Detects Disease, Lies, Enemies, etc.
>>3090831Is phrecisely what a criminal traitor would say. You’re under arrest, voss collaborator.
>>3091340Do you haff a permit from the council to engage in remodelling the park with anti vehickle granates?
>>3091348"Yesssssss, I have a permit, and you'l see it when we aren't surrounded by lycans, midians, assholes and the quaint loveliness of this little cultist infested town. BUT, if you want to see it NOOOOOOOOW, then feel free to come up and join me on the plaza."
>>3091358Sese cirizens haff a right to religious association.And ze wolves are acting in self-defense.Associate? Process the clown next. They’re Suspicious.
Associate, can zhey do that? Ahumhum? I sees. >>3091372Ze sun is no good for my skin. Being shady is not grounds for arrest. And se cleansed are citizens of Nocturne.Murder is a crime.You are under arrest.We will get to you eventually.
Late Processing Notice:It's time for my weekly break !
>>3094869Mondy died drowning in Nintendo I guess.
Since smash came out I had a pretty good weekend. I'll start processing Saturday Morning folks : ) - This turn will be processed in the morning. -Fast Processing will begin 9pm est of the same day Get ready :0c !
>>3095028That's 4 in the morning for me. Have mercy plox.
>>3095046Just pray someone with mercy can bot you. Usually one of the officers.
>>3095079((The Burden of Command...))
>>3095028I love this timezone. Its going to be morning for me =D
=Enemy Phase=> Act Phase will begin when Fast Phases Start in approx. 9H. During Fast Phases, Act phase will have a time duration of 15 minutes.https://youtu.be/kA614N3IHD4A mad orb suspends itself in the air as the night screams with pale violence. Beasts prowl the streets and their hardy meat refuses to become undone unlike their undead counterparts. Hair , Nail, and Tooth stand up to bullet as they are shed in excess. These beasts have no limits , and yet as the town fights their efforts are rewarded at least for a minute while. Under the pale light we are just as savage as these beasts can be. And tomorrow we will soon find out who among remains or be those forgotten on the ground. - A Huntsman's Log
>>3095434>My attacks appear in error. What would prevent this happening again?>Or were they adjusted to avoid FF?
>>3095434Requesting the stats of that minigun, if my squad can use it at all.
>>3095563>thank you. Was it the format? Will be clearer.
>>3095656It helps to specify who or what you're shooting in addition to the directions. That way there's no ambiguity on if the FF is accidental or intentional.
>>3095656>>3081708Someone listed the split squad format sheet that I know exists. Might help, might not, sometimes things happen too.
>>3095703>i see it. Thank you.
Act Phase ! A State of Emergency has been achieved ! Timer- Song Played Twice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFbJQ65xJSg
Rolled 64, 97, 21, 68, 11, 48 = 309 (6d100)>>3097056"Knew this was a prank">1: Both Squaddies if alive use HP shot>2: Meanwhile Lead fires Suppresion shot [20] at werewolf south>Go 1 North, 1 North-West and Hide from THE BIG BAD WOLF and take cover? (still prone for +5 cover)[A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [x] [x] [x] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: ?/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [x] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: ?/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [x] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x0 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×1) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
>>3097056>Be stunned for 2 acts=[fO]Evergreen=ARM 5 HP 2/17 | 8/17m | 2/17rAMM [0/6]x6 [4/4]x6m [4/4]x6rAct 2 Mov 5 Vis 4 Str 4(+3)- - - - - - - - - - Revolver (SilvPRC+4, RNG 5, [ExecuteTraitor]) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-6Sword (Slash+3, [AutoCounterGrapples])[70]xARC [60]x1(mov 2hex)Hunter's Xbow (PRC+4, RNG 5rA) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-4Fire - Silver - DualHook - Marker - Wood - Snare- - - - - - - - - - [Quick Slime][Wyrd Lore][Command Aura] 4 hex radius- [Vigilance] - [Your One Task] - [Get Down]- [Manhunt]- [Ralgran Hym]- [Hellfire]- [Salt Frequency]
Rolled 99, 87, 30 = 216 (3d100)>>3097056>S1: [Use] the Radio to contact General HQ.>S2: Fire [Chainshot] at the Werewolf 3N, 1NE and pull tight to keep him from charging ([50]x1 Piercing)>Fire two more [Chainshots] at the Werewolf 3N, 1NE, and continue to bind him down. ([50]x2, Piercing)B: "General HQ, this is 2nd Lieutenant Berthold of the Ibon Drakes, Lt. Karr has deserted his post and we have assumed control of the situation. General comm lines are down." "Nocturne is heavily overrun by cultist infiltrators, large contingents of Lycans and Wyrmkin alongside Voss infiltrators have been encountered, requesting fire support and reinforcements as soon as possible."[Es2] Lt. Berthold (Cpl. Gilligan)Hp: (17/17) (17/17) (X) Arm:5 Mov:5 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:2Pneumatic VacuumRange 5, (6/6) (6/6) (X) Ammo (-3)-Void Suck (Absorb Small and Gas)-Arc Launch [40]x1-Surface Insertion [X]x1+Pressure Bomb (5+Blast)+Bug (3.Sight)+Chainshot (Pierce)The Shovel [65]x1- +2 Melee-DigPepper Fab Engine Mk2 - Sapper Edition(2/4) (1/4) (X)
Rolled 74, 24 = 98 (2d100)>>3097056>Shoot Grapeshots (Rating 50) at plaza wolf>Move 3NWUnits 40/40, Def 5, Mov 5, Act 2+1 Command, Sight 4, Str 3Riding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go) x6[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire, 7 AOE]x4 , Range Str+1G.Launcher [[50]Hit, Range 5 Arc, [][]x4]-Explosive +5 Dmg, Aoe Fire [*]xTile-Grapeshot +5 Impact Group [*]xTarget-Smoke 3x3 Area (+10 Cover)-Flash [+]Shape, [*]xTile"ALRIGHT! BERTHOLD RADIO IN FOR HELP, KEEP SHOOTING THOSE WOLVES AND BE SNAPPY, WE'RE DOING GOOD, KEEP FIRING UNTIL YOUR OUT OF AMMO!""And someone give me Oishin's head or blow his knee-caps out, I'm literally out of fucks to give"
>>3097094That sounds like traitor talk to me, Suspect. Stop killing people.It is a crime, non?
>>3097102You literally started shooting high ranking military personal during a rescue operation.You've hurtled past un-fucking acceptable and into active treason against the army.
Rolled 7, 1, 54, 89, 29, 84, 74, 18, 41, 78, 15, 21, 81, 20, 89, 19, 74, 56 = 850 (18d100)>>3097083C'mon, give me a line of fire!>Move SW 3S>Overheat at Werewolf 2S 2SE ([30]x18, +5 heavy)Hp: 21/21 | 27/27 | 20/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx11 | Rx12 | Rx12Range 4, Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x1 | x2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x0Ragnyllian ancestry
Rolled 43, 49, 55, 66 = 213 (4d100)>>3097056"GOOD! GOOD! North [APC] Cease Fire! The MP's have figured out that there's traitors within their ranks; help them take out those Wyrm ghoulies!""[MP Assault] SQUADS! REFORM INTO A 3-MAN TEAM, TAKE DOWN THOSE WYRMLINGS, AND GET DOWN HERE!""[ASSAULTS]! SWITCH TARGETS AND GET FIRE ON THIS WOLF IN THE PLAZA HERE!""[DEMO] UNIT! KEEP HITTING THAT BIG FAT FUCK WEST UNTIL IT'S DEAD!""[PATHFINDER]! THAT'S WHAT YOUR BUDDIES ARE CALLING YOU, RIGHT? KEEP HITTING THE FAT FUCK!">>3097102"AND YOU! INVESTIGATOR DOWN SOUTH! STOP INTERFERING WITH MILITARY PERSONNEL IN THE MIDDLE OF A GODDAMN COMBAT ZONE! YOU ARE A CIVILIAN IMPEDING MILITARY OPERATIONS! THIS IS YOUR ONE WARNING BEFORE I HAVE YOU TRIED FOR GODDAMN TREASON OR WORSE! TAKE THE FUCKING HINT!">Boyston: Issue [Orders] to NPCs>Adjutant: Reload quicksilver bullets>Barksky: Sic Em on Werewolf 2SE [70]x1 (Down, Stun, DMG+6)> - - - - - - - - - - >Boyston: Fire at Werewolf 2SE [70]x1 (RNG 5, PRC/CHEM/SILVER+4, [Mark])>Adjutant: Fire at Werewolf 2SE [85]x1 [Mark] (RNG 5, PRC/CHEM/SILVER+4)>Barksky: Sic Em on Werewolf 2SE [70]x1 (Down, Stun, DMG+6)> - - - - - - - - - ->BOT ACTIONS FOR PATHFINDER IF NEEDED>Reload (should be out of ammo right now)>Aimed Shots at Werewolf 2SWOfficer Boyston, Adjutant Phelps, and Officer BarkskyARM 5 HP 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27(15)AMM [1/3] [0/3] [3/3]Act 2 Mov 4(1) Vis 4 Str 4/6- - - - - - - - - - Rifle (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5r) [75]x1 [40]x2Pistol (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5, [Mark]) [65]x1 [50]x2Doggo Surprise ([Drop], [Stun]) [60]x1Surgeon's General (Medical +15) [Consult RO Sheet]- - - - - - - - - - [Anti Pathogen] - You get to play Pandemic; Vaccine, Anti Pathogen Base, Replicate[Can You Walk?] - R-Dog can take people to flag. Otherwise [On Me].[Scout Ahead] - R-Dog runs along set path until enemy or person in need.[Mark] - Hit +10 on target shot.[We Are Thrice Armed!] - Negate Fear and Terror in Command Area; Wider Overwatch[Doggo Sense] - Detects Disease, Lies, Enemies, etc.
Rolling Processing Begins.
>>3097056Ho there, Citizen. You want to leave. Can’t pat library fines if you are dead. them scoundrels run off to sabotage the radio tower. Everyone’s a traitor. Well, see about that spook then.What’s that? Talking about Traitors. Ahumhum. Of course zhey would be. And>>3097110Oi now, suspect. I asked for yer papers and yous shot a citizen. My job is to patrol. Now what’s this about traitors?
>>3097102"Under the Ragnyllian military law, you are officially under arrest, lay down your arms right this instant and you will be given a fair trial. Cooperate by shooting the lycans and your sentence will shortened. Failure to comply will have you marked as a traitor to the people and you will be dealt with on the spot."
Official turn cut-off time is 9:30 pm for this turn.
Rolled 6 (1d100)>>3097056>Act1>Kampher:Reload>SCP:Reload>Act2>Kampher: Leg Shot[70+20] the big wolf to the South West [SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 9/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle:[] R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
>>3097123You've heard me, and you've heard the commander.You have one god damn chance to buck up and help defend this town or you'll be considered a hostile combatant and be dealt with accordingly.We are ranking military officials in the Ragnyll army and you are a civilian actively assaulting the army in a time of war, that's a hard ass firing line offense UNLESS you decided to get the bloody blinkers off and take a look around you soldier!You're in a fucking warzone!
>>3097056Liniked wrong post, actions here: >>3097116
>>3097056>Move north, northeast, meet up with associate>—stunned suspects. Check their papers.>Reload.>>3097125I think I know the law a little better than you, man-going-about-murder. Yous understand my job as a militia is to stop that kind of thing?
>>3097130This is endorsed. I told him.
>>3097136I’m a militia. My orders are clear. You shot a man and refused to explain why. Shouting about traitors will do yous no good if you act like them. Am I to take ze word of a murderer, a clown or a dog that you are here to help? If this was official, the Lieutenant would surely say so.This is my town. Do not come into it, shoot my people and tell me I am in the wrong when yous are arrested for it. Active combat does not give you that right, murderer.Now I say again - what traitors? Explain yourself.
Rolled 57, 75, 49, 79 = 260 (4d100)>>3097056"Oh man, everyone is dying!""GO GO GO TIME TO KILL SHIT!""AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!">Act 1>North unit (Unit 1) Move 1SE, 1NE, 1N>South unit (Unit 2) Move 3NE>Act 2>Squad move 2N>-*Rushdown uses Slash [75]x2>Act 3>Squad Slash [75]x2 closest hostile within reach (is this an overwatch?)>-Prep Slash [75] for Domain[V1] Guard Team AbleHP1: 0/14 | HP2: 14/14 | HP3:14/14Def: 10 Mov: 3 Act: 3 Vis: 3 Str: 4 (+4)Sword: xSlashing+4, Melee-Slash [75]x1-Sweep [60] front 3 tilesShield: +20 Cover, xBlunt force+3-Shield Bash [60]x1-Block *Halves damage3x HP Shot Restore 10HP or Revives with 5 HP*Rushdown (T) - Moving into enemy space proc a normal attack (with weapon)Domain - Enemies moving with reach get attackedClank clank clank - Vanguards require their own tile-Ragnyll Born: Child of War - once per map remove status ailment or splint the effects of maimed
>>3097168"HEY INVESTIGATOR! WHY DON'T YOU MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL AND INVESTIGATE THE SOURCE OF THIS ARTIFICIAL MOON?""Seriously, Daniels just lost his team because apparent there's an artificial moon turning people into 'haha-bullets-won't-kill-me-lycans.'"
Ah, missed the cut off. Thats unfortunate.
>>3097196Post anyway. If you're gonna get botted, at least provide the acts you'd rather have them make you do.
>>3097189"Just hold it together squad come on! Dont die on me!">Worry inensifies, save me Mettatron.
>>3097189I was about to, sirs Able, but this large dog and these men were more pressing. But ze activity of these wolves and sis moon are linked, non? And shey are Suspect. Had we some anti-material property we might blind ze orb. Do you see anything in ze woods?
>>3097204"Murder and death.""Probably ours.""Hopefully not.""We probably shouldn't get our hopes up.""I miss Able Lead."
>>3097212I theorize an projektor of arcane means in those woods. Step with care.It seems we must arrest The Moon.
>>3097119>>3097199It seems somebody already botted me. It lines up with What I was going to do anyways, so it all works out in the end!
Enemy Phase. Act Phase Soon.
>Looks towards bathroom door
>>3097301Do you find raising your voice convinces people you are right? It does not. If you wish to scream, try facts.Firstky, I have that authority. Secondly, ze military has not been activated by any official representative. Karr has relocated. Shooting people does not qualify. Third, if there are traitors, apprehending them is the just action. Fourth, one must declare a state of martial law for military command to supercede, imposing one is mere violence. Fifth, I do. Active uniform personnel are not excempt from law. Sixth, this is native soil, not a warzone. If you wish to address legalities, do not get them wrong. That is Suspect. Seventh: you have still not indicated why you are not a traitor. You claim to hunt them, non? Zhey would say the same. They would kill people. You do the same.All we see here are murderers. What tangible evidence do you have, Suspect?If none, quiet down. Someone appears to be putting a moon in ze sky. Which is a night-time light level infraction.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbXVNKtmWncAct Phase. 11:20 is the mark
Did anyone in the Plaza get bitten? It may be problematic.
>>3097430"Welp">ACT1 -Lead: Fuk dis shit: Hide in bathroom LOCK THE FUCKING DOOR>- Werewolf Squaddie if even sane still?: RUNAWAY EAST FAR BECAUSE I AM A MONSTER T_T>Act 2: -Daniel?: Reload inside bathroom>-Werewolf Squaddie?: Keep Running EAST[A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 12/12 Armor:5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [] Rx5Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [30]x3 -Suppression [10] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: Deadass/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [x] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: Werewolf damnit/12SMG. 3/3 [] [] [x] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x0 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×1) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I
>>3097430"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa">Move to east side of roof>Examine southeast and northeast through telescopic camera lensHealth:? Defense:? Move:? Act:? Sight:? Strength:?Equipment:Telltale Pen- [*] Write [?] Stab, Piercing DamageObscure Camera- [*] Shoot (Picture)Tape RecorderMilitary Press Pass- Gain entry to some placesWinning Smile- Gain entry to more placesBobby Pin- Gain entry to further places
Rolled 98, 67, 82, 76, 97, 23 = 443 (6d100)>>3097430I'm not sure this thing will shoot when heated up like this, but let's try.>Move 3SW S>Riddle werewolf W ([35]x6, +5 hvy)Hp: 21/21 | 27/27 | 20/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx11 | Rx12 | Rx12Range 4, Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [70]-Double Tap [60]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x2 (23xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x1 | x2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x0Ragnyllian ancestry
>>3097430Is it finally dead?
>>3097430"Berhold, call it in, glass everything on the east part of this quaint hell hole.">Yell to everyone around me to evacuate the town westward.>ReloadUnits 40/40, Def 5, Mov 5, Act 2+1 Command, Sight 4, Str 3Riding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go) x6[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire, 7 AOE]x4 , Range Str+1G.Launcher [[50]Hit, Range 5 Arc, [][]x4]-Explosive +5 Dmg, Aoe Fire [*]xTile-Grapeshot +5 Impact Group [*]xTarget-Smoke 3x3 Area (+10 Cover)-Flash [+]Shape, [*]xTile
>>3097501Deputy, please ensure that monster is down. We will settle the debate about your culpability later, Suspects. Try not to kill any more Citizens. >1>Investigator leads? Move 3southeast to barricade>2>Investigator Investigates: where is the artificial moon coming from? How to arrest/remove it? How to counter werewolf rage?>Associate overwatches express Silver Slugs towards the far wolf, 2x60 hvy silver +3
>>3097430"You're clear SCP! Now get back over here!"!?"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere yet. I'll stick around and..." he sighs in exasperation "... cover our comrades and the civilians. But the order to evacuate has come through, so now it's okay to run away...soon...I hope.">Act1>Kampher: Overwatch South Arc, prioritise covering SCP.>SCP: Crawl out from under the bench>Act2>SCP: Move 5NW[SS4]Team FagotPvt. Kampher Fagot HP: 9/12 (It’s pronounced fah-goh)Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+(1), Vis: 5, Str:2*Going Prone gives +20Anti-Material Rifle:[] R-infiniteRange 8 (Rifled), Heavy +6 -Armor Shot [60+10]x1 (ignores soft armour)-Leg Shot [60+10]x1 (Squaddie can’t move)-Arm Shot [60+10]x1 (Weapon Disabled)Small-Child-Person HP: 12/12Arm: 5, Mov:3+2 Act:2+1, Vis: 5, Str:2*Snitch: Target Denied Cover Bonus*Pop a 20: Targets within Vis are marked for 10 and discoveredSouth Star Pistol: [][][]xR3-Shoot Out [60+5]x2Training:Phys:Mov/Mov/-Rifle:Lvl 2Secondary Weapon:Lvl 1
>-Act1>Move 3SE climb up 1SE if posible>-Act2>O&R: connect to the main radio antena, [Salt Frequency] Max range>M: pop a slime"Ok I'm done with this town, We are taking over the all the civilian's bandwidths, lets play some Salt"=[fO]Evergreen=ARM 5 HP 2/17 | 8/17m | 2/17rAMM [6/6]x5 [0/4]x4m [0/4]x4rAct 2 Mov 5 Vis 4 Str 4(+3)- - - - - - - - - - Revolver (SilvPRC+4, RNG 5, [ExecuteTraitor]) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-6Sword (Slash+3, [AutoCounterGrapples])[70]xARC [60]x1(mov 2hex)Hunter's Xbow (PRC+4, RNG 5rA) [80]x1-2 [40]x1-4Fire - Silver - DualHook - Marker - Wood - Snare- - - - - - - - - - [Quick Slime][Wyrd Lore][Command Aura] 4 hex radius- [Vigilance] - [Your One Task] - [Get Down]- [Manhunt]- [Ralgran Hym]- [Hellfire]- [Salt Frequency]
>>3097318>S1: Radio in the bomb locations, and the evacuation orders.>S2: [Patch Up] FO Evergreen's squadBombing Orders: "We recommend, the eastern forest, the south east district and the artificial moon in the sky."Evacuation Orders: "This is Lieutenant Berthold of the Iron Drakes, I am declaring a state of emergency evacuate immediately from the west and south, do not attempt to evacuate from the east side.">S1: [Surface Insert] a [Chainshot] into the lip of the Radio tower, and drop it down for Evergreen to climb up. >>3097510 (To enable this action)>S2: [Patch Up] FO Evergreen's squad again.[Es2] Lt. Berthold (Cpl. Gilligan)Hp: (17/17) (17/17) (X) Arm:5 Mov:5 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:2Pneumatic VacuumRange 5, (5/6) (4/6) (X) Ammo (-1)-Void Suck (Absorb Small and Gas)-Arc Launch [40]x1-Surface Insertion [X]x1+Pressure Bomb (5+Blast)+Bug (3.Sight)+Chainshot (Pierce)The Shovel [65]x1- +2 Melee-DigPepper Fab Engine Mk2 - Sapper Edition(2/4) (1/4) (X) (-2)
Rolled 45, 47 = 92 (2d100)>>3097430"ALRIGHT! GENERAL EVACUATION ORDERS HAVE COME DOWN! [MILITIA], YOUR ONE TASK NOW IS TO TAKE THE CIVILIANS WEST TO SAFETY! LOAD THEM INTO THE APC, OR EVACUATE ON FOOT; WHICHEVER IS MORE EXPEDIENT!""NORTH [APC] AND [ASSAULT]S! HELP THOSE MPS IN THE HOTEL WITH THE WYRMLINGS! WE DON'T WANT ANOTHER FIGHT ON OUR HANDS DURING THE EVACUATION IF WE CAN HELP IT!">Move 1S 1SE> - - - - - - - - - - - >Boyston: Take [sample] of Werewolf blood>Adjutant: Fire [Rubynite] into FO1 Evergreen to the S [40]x2 (RNG 5, HP+4)>Barksky: [Scout Ahead] West past APC to make sure there isn't more bullshit over there.Officer Boyston, Adjutant Phelps, and Officer BarkskyARM 5 HP 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27(15)AMM [0/3] [2/2] [3/3]Act 2 Mov 4(1) Vis 4 Str 4/6- - - - - - - - - - Rifle (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5r) [75]x1 [40]x2Pistol (Piercing/Chem+4, RNG 5, [Mark]) [65]x1 [50]x2Doggo Surprise ([Drop], [Stun]) [60]x1Surgeon's General (Medical +15) [Consult RO Sheet]- - - - - - - - - - [Anti Pathogen] - You get to play Pandemic; Vaccine, Anti Pathogen Base, Replicate[Can You Walk?] - R-Dog can take people to flag. Otherwise [On Me].[Scout Ahead] - R-Dog runs along set path until enemy or person in need.[Mark] - Hit +10 on target shot.[We Are Thrice Armed!] - Negate Fear and Terror in Command Area; Wider Overwatch[Doggo Sense] - Detects Disease, Lies, Enemies, etc.
>>3097508 #Of course Mr. Oshin. Between you and me, maybe you shouldn't be antagonizing these folks. Its probably not a good idea considering how heavily armed they are. I don't like it either, they're an arrogant bunch of bastards, but they did help us out here a bit, and I would hate to see such a respectable member of our community have some sort of wicked military "justice" imposed on him...(Reposted to fix movement which would have had me walking into a wall)>Move 2S 2SW>Tap to poke the beast>ReloadHP:12/12(×2) Def:5 Mov:4Act:2 Sight:5 Str:2+2Rifle: Piercing+2 Range:5Ammo:1(21)Aimed:[80]x1(No Move)Snap:[50]x1Knife:Slashing+2Knife Throw:[60] Range:2+2(?), arcsSneak Attack: Attacks from behind unalerted targets crit
>>3097504>>3097528>>3097529No you fools, you can’t bomb the southeast! People live there! You have no proof they are infected! Able Team was lost in the northerly woods. Their last contact is nowhere near there.Are you all mad? You may not be traitors but you have no regard for your countrymen! Stop and think you blind monsters. Before you commit even worse crimes! Contain your fire to dangerous areas.>>3097543Ah-hum-hum, Deputy. You make a fine argument. And they did declare a state of emergency.Associate, find out if that applies to prior acts.
Fire for Effect ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVfWn2FOhXoBeckley: A-A-a-A_-erial scans show no enemy movement. Consid---er the field ours for now. However feel free to tend to the citizens while the Salt Frequ-q-q-quency is still active. > The enemy cannot take any actions therefore the field is yours. End the mission ?
>>3097784>Change Class RoomWh...what? Can I get explaination?
>>3097803>Change Class RoomYou can change class or become a civilian again, like if you were at a flag
>>3097784>End the mission>Arrest the guy NW of the hotel with the stun icon>Have men search the grey HC that's right next to the giga roid wolf>Gather up every wyrm/midian/lycan corpses, body parts and everything available for disposal. Can't risk any contamination.
Rolled 47 (1d100)>>3097784>Try and resuscitate the Porn Guy before the mission ends.
>>3097811Huh, neat>>3097814So this is the end?
>>3097822For now yes, this map is over, now we wait for the exp tally, post mission information and whatnot.
People lived there. Good people.You are all monsters. Deputy Pathfinder>>3097555Can you search that vehicle close? The dog did not attack it, non? So is a Clue. >>3097814I still do not think you haff the power of arrest, you maniac. That would be our custody. Please do not kill him too. There is also a captured “Wyrmbluudt” and A Small Dog. And our militia may need medical assistancing.
>>3097825I wasnt expecting this... seriously. Lucky I hid in the bathroom/change room when I did.
>>3097784>Search the grey HC 2SW 1NW, near the dead werewolf.
>>3097833A lucky break for you, and now after the post-match banter and game stuff we will continue the story and fight elsewhere. You will be free to attach yourself to the next unit from then on, if you wish to continue with your current guy.
>Also arrest Oshin, literally."Brother, your blood pressure is really -honk- !""Take out the coffee liqueur sister, we're drinking.""What, now, while covered in blood, powder, sweat and pain?""You're damn right, coffee liqueur for the victors. AND 100 ZENNY TO ANYONE WHO BRINGS ME ENOUGH LYCAN SKIN TO MAKE A CLOAK OUT OF IT"
>Fun!>Do we need to do any after action stuff?
Mission Clear. Mission Exp: Everyone gets this.> Ibon Drakes: HQ commends your judgement however the damage to Nocturne will come out of your pocket. -250zny Punitive charges. Civilian[Dwight] killed from millitary fire-200zny 2 Friendlies[1Engineer, 1Librarian ] killed by Hellfire -800zny Library Damages. -200zny HandelWright's Fee+ Ms Bartram's Regards: 1000Zny.100zny per man. >1 Exp Per turn. > Nocturne's citizens are safe ! 12 Civilians x 15zny and 2exp.>300zny per militia. Severance Pay. The militia is disbanded and the town under governorship by [Cmdr. Hardbody]. Karr is demoted for cowardice and subsequently imprisoned Kills: (Individual)Lycans: Assists or Kills 5exp Shaking Mans: Assists or Kills 3expMidians: Assists or Kills: 5expReveals: 1exp===+ Investigation Conclusion +=== With the presence of Lycans, Wyrms, and Midians. HQ has taken note of the amount of subterfuge under Nocturne and concluded that a mastermind behind Ragnyll lines is at work. After much follow up investigation, it was revealed that Karr had been accessory to the bypasses of security over a course of a few years. As well, the library has been showing signs of odd movement. However Hellfire bombings reveal naught else. Handelwright's Note: Beckley tells me that Bartram is safe in your hands in /that/ Base. I'll continue to look into this mess and ping you of any developments. One thing I will note, is that Shaking Men originated from Kashir, a descendent of the Wyrm strain that was unearthed from there. Keep your eyes peeled and your back covered.
>>3097855Unit total from this mission -450 Zenny
>>3097855Disbanded, huh? I suppose i should be thankful, I dont think I'd be able to handle another werewolf killing adventure.
>>3097871>>3097833You both are more then welcome to join our unit if you want too. We'd be happy to have such fine and brave men in the military. But if you'd prefer to go back to civilian life that's understandable, what you've experienced today was really extreme.
As we prepare for the next operation. We will now convert to a warroom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPFri74bSCM
>>3097850Do you haff that authority?You killed civilians. Bombed our town. Shot people in the street. Your man committed murder. You refused to identify yourself when I inquired as to your purpose.I am willink to accept that you may all have been misled by Karr. I am willink to accept that my original finding was in error. I am willink to let you leave this town without strangling you all.But I will not stand for your ridicokolous display of coercing justice. Stand down, you clown.Yes, Associate, zhey are actually part clown. Non, I prefer not to ask.
>>3097883We uh, I suppose it'd be nice. One question though, will there be more werewolves? Large canines make me uneasy. I'm sure you understand.
>+280z>9+24+10+1 exp + base total>>3097894I'm tired, I'm so tired that this here coffee liqueur, my favorite thing in the world, tastes like a sad drop of booze. My superior officers will deal with you, I don't have the strength left do really care right now. I'm busy finishing up the last details of this here mission. Get out of my sight"
>>3097855>2 Wolf assists: 10 xp>1 Shaking Man assist: 3 xp>1 Slime: 1 xp>12 Traitor Reveals: 12 xp>9 Turns: 9 xp>12 Civilians safe: 24 xp>69xp banked; 198 career xp earned.>100z Hazard Pay>180z Civilian Pay
>>3097902Rest easy soldier, 97% of what we fight are just men, men with guns, men with tanks, and slightly annoying men with fire swords and attitude.
>>3097855-Later after the fire went down, Daniel finally leave the bathroom and checks his watch"Great, I guess my shifts over... for a while..."-Get:>18 exp for 9 turns passed as militia shift and after-action>90 zny for shift done>180 zny for Civilians>24 exp for civilians>300 zny severance pay (great I lost my job)>Fuck you Lt.Karr, you were an asshole>5 exp for Lycan almost killed>-GRAND TOTAL: 47 Exp and 570 zny>>3097871"Yo, Pathfinder guess were out of a job huh? How about we go grab some food later?">>3097883"Sounds interesting...Well I am out of a job and Aeon is too far away for me to go back to so... I guess i'll bite. You got yourselves a new assault squad leader... Should I call you Sir/Ma'am or do you prefer something else?"
>>3097912That sounds... more manageable. If you'd have us, me and my partner would be happy to help. But allow us to mourn the dead first. Town as small as this, people tend to know each other well.>>3097927That sounds like a wonderful way to wind down after a day like this. My condolences for your Squad members. You, uh, you werent bitten by any chance were you?
>>3097907I don’t evin know how to respont. You bomb my home. Kill people. Complain your drink is cold. Pretend you can arrest people you cannot.The services may be damaged, but we can find provisions for the mentally unstable. I will have Associate leave a phamplet.If you are done basking in the ashes of my home, excusi, I have funerals to attend.
>>3097855"Anshor, brother, you have been avenged. May your spirit watch over me now.">turns: 4 exp>civilians safe: 24 exp, 180 zny>lycan assist: 5 exp>severance pay: 300 zny>total: 33 exp, 480 znyHp: 12/12 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [x] [x] [x] [x] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [15] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [25] x 4-Mow Down [10] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
>>3097942Qeshey! Your brother, is he...? Too many have fallen this day. What will you do now that the militia has been disbanded? We'll be joining the outsiders alongside Daniel. We'd love to have you along, Nocturnians gotta stick together, you know?
>>3097784Kampher breathed a sigh of relief as half the town went up in flames. With the west side now secured he was content to remain at his vantage point and continue providing overwatch... which as usual was a perfectly valid excuse to make sure that if anything rushed out of the flames and tried to maul someone it wouldn't be him. No doubt there would rattling up the chain of command and some people would be chastised for collateral damage, but that wouldn't be his problem. He was alive and that was literally all that mattered... well that and- Kampher glanced over his shoulder to make sure SCP was still watching his back. The Snitch gripped their pistol nervously with their back pressed against the pillar Kampher was positioned atop. Satisfied he turned his attention back to the flames.>Claim 2x Lycan Assists: 10 exp>Claim 2x Shaking Mans: 6 exp>Claim 9 turns exp: 9 exp>12 saved civilians: 24 exp>Total earned: 49 exp>Civilians Saved: 180 zny>Mission Pay: 100 zny>Total: 280 zny>New exp total: 50 exp>New zny total: 980
>>3097939"Nah no bites, I dodged at the last second but my other squaddies werent so lucky..., 1 got beheaded and the other turned into one of those things...Too bad this was our first patrol together so I didnt have time to even learn their names... or what they did before. They seemed like nice guys, shame now they're both ashes and dust... Mettatron rest their souls...
>>3097942He wass a good man. Winning smile, non? Good people,was the Ables, was Dwight, was Sam, was Jimmy, was Dale, was Casper (assault npc). Was the dear Librarian. Will never return se books now.Zhey all haff solved the biggest case of all. >>3097946>>3097956>>3097942Yous all did well. It was an honour. Do you think it is too late to ask the literate Miss Quill for an autograph?
>>3097855"Holy snap! Lookit all that there fire!""Hey, ya got any open, err, spots in your crew? I mean, we figured we were safe 'n all out here in the sticks, but...""Hey, if we join do we get to-""Shut UP, let me handle this!">Join the Ibon Drakes out of a misguided desire to play with artillery
>>3097855I believe i have 37 xp and 480 zny? Is zny money? Also, how much xp would the slime give me? Or is it a "shaking man"? I mean, Slimes do jiggle around a lot.
>>3097977You have 300 zny like every other militia member shaking men are the tentacle people
>>3097983So no xp for the Slimes?
>>3097894I realize that your town has been relatively insulated from the impact of our continuing war with the Voss Empire due to its distance from the border. So allow me to more clearly elucidate the position you find yourself in. We are in an existential crisis due to the Voss invasion. As per the activation of IronCommand, the civilian leadership of Ragnyll has stepped down and Martial law is in effect in the entirety of the nation. At that time, your militia unit was subsumed into the general command of the army. As such, Lt. Coffee is as much your superior officer as Lt. Karr was, though you did not directly report to him. As the commanding officer of this operation, he certainly had the authority to detain any actors he wished during the scope of this operation. Indeed, at the moment that Lt. Karr abandoned his post he became the ranking officer in the city and thus your immediate commander.The paperwork for this operation is Classified for national security reasons. As your milita unit has been disbanded, you are currently not a soldier in the army and have no ability to demand access to such documentation. If your contract is renewed I can arrange for a heavily redacted version of this paperwork for your review. This operation was conducted in secrecy due to extensive evidence of Voss saboteurs, spies, and traitors within multiple Ragnyll militia forces - we have already engaged Voss cells in the Bartham town guard, the Stallion garrison, and now here in Nocturne. These agents were sowing chaos behind Ragnyll lines by infecting civilian populaces en masse with ghoul powder, and other paranormal afflictions as witnessed here in Nocturne.As further evidence has proved, nearly half your militia comrades were traitors to Ragnyll and actively working towards the weakening of its defenses in a time of war. This includes your former commander, Lt. Karr, who has also been arrested. I realize it is difficult to see the corruption from inside, but rest assured, not only do we have the full backing of military command for this operation, but had we not been here the result would have been far, far worse.And on a personal level, I will warn you about being too hard on those who would fight for you. I have seen what the Voss have done to the border towns - entire populations converted to the undead and set loose roaming the land to prey on the innocent. You are focused on your men, your townspeople, and understandably so. Command is focused on the three cities that would have been threatened had Nocturne become a Lycanthrope Den. More casualties and the entire destruction of this town would have ensued upon the retaking of this garrison, and the forces diverted for such would leave other gaps in the line to be exploited by our enemies, and likely the deaths of more civilians. You don't have to like it. But this is the calculus of war when fighting against an enemy who wantonly commits war crimes.
>>3097983>>3097977100 per man300 severance12x15 = 180+10 / turn!
>>3097987Slime are 1xp
>>3097990My goodness, that would give me 660!>>3097995So I have 38 xp and 660zny. Thank you both!
>>3097990100 per man is if you're part of the Ibon Drake at the start of the mission 300 is if you were militia they don't add together. I'm not going to say anything about civilian payout until I get clarification from up there.
>Correction:I am at:47 exp and 670 zny.
>>3098011>Lul ok back at:47 exp and 570 zny>Thx for clarifications. Should not jump the gun xD
>>3098011Ah, well then. A tentative 560 then?
>>3097887I can spend my xp now, can't I? What's the difference between a regular scout and the sniper, Jaeger and assassin?Also, where do I spend my money?
>>3098039Sniper is one man with a spotter, jaeger are commando type, assassin are a mystery until someone unlock them
>>3098051How do I unlock the assassin?
>>3098058You pay 30xp with a greentext
>>3097989Thank yous. I would like to see this paper if it ever comes to.Understand that watching for infiltrators is. Was? Our job. Se men entered my home, performed violence and refused to cooperate. When asked, zhey responded with threats. This is how a traitor and a spy acts. It is not so hard a thing to say “Secret classified mission, here is my badge”. When they shoot civilians, I do not belief zhey are patriots. When they intimidate, they try to silence. Midians. Lycans. Slimes. Traitors. Your fellows are not so different, as arrogant and did more damage. And now my home is on fire. You say it was to hunt spies. I accept. Yes, you were patriotic spies. Your secrecy was conspiracy of good. Your murders positiff service. Your crimes of war sanctioned. This can be confusing calculus, non? You are a reasonable man. Thank yous for the explanation. It helps. I would say evidence does not support fully zat being thankful to ze men who kill your friends and bomb your home is possible. But I am willink to accept it was required, if you had a Clue there was some Conspiracy. I will disagree that it was done well.
>>3098061Huh, easy enough. >pay 30 xp to unlock assassin
Back at Salamander Base.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdF5igYtU-M" It's a pleasure to meet you all everyone, my name is Eleanor Bartram, but you may call me Eleanor or President instead ohoohohoh. As you all know I'm the sole heiress to the Bartram Fortune but so long as traitors walk amongst Ragnyllians I would think twice before doing business there directly. Which is why I'm turning to you. Ensure my safety in these trying times and I'll be sure to bend a few arms, and sway a few heads so that my holdings in Ragnyll have a happy ending. Don't like it ? You don't have to, after all I can always take my business with the Cloves " Cmdr. Fenrir: " Very well , it seems we can Count on you in case we have a rainy day, but of course not everything's free, I'll make sure my boys earn their bread, Ragnyll is a Free Country after all" Eleanor:" Throwing pretenses aside, what I witnessed in Nocturne, and the weeks prior showed me just how infected the state of affairs had become with our dear nation. Ragnyll must be cured of the venom of betrayal and it goes deep. My husband though we never saw eye to eye acted with my safety in mind and kept me out of the company's politics. For that I'm mostly thankful, but now people are depending on me, and his good name must be passed on to his children, of whom we had to secret away to make sure they never had to experience this hell firsthand. "
>>3098064I will be polite. You are not correct in calling sanctioned Ragnyll military operatives "spies" and "murderers". No enforcement agency would agree with the terms you are using in this context and how you are using them. They are purely your opinions. You don't have to believe in the army, you don't have to be thankful about what happened here. But I will not tolerate my men being slandered.The way I see things, you have a choice. You can walk away and keep your moral high ground. Or you can accept that this world is not as cleanly black and white as you seem to want to fit it in, and do your damnedest to maintain the security and sovereignty of Ragnyll by rejoining. What'll it be?>Out of Character: I'm trying to be patient about this. It was novel for a short time to engage with a contrarian character. But I think the character you are playing has stepped out of the role of trying to be a moral foil and has become disruptive. People don't want to play this game to constantly have to morally justify themselves to a character who they pretty much have no obligation to do so, and frankly whose logic does not even really make that much sense in the setting we're working in. Accosting military personnel, as an example, when lycanthropes are actively attacking is nonsensical. There is no place in this setting, as Ragnyllian characters, where you would say a werewolf is attacking "in self-defense." Ragnyll military staff do not have "badges" to flash, nor would they carry paperwork about operating in normal Ragnyll territory. At a certain point, it seems less like following a character and more about explicitly choosing to follow a path that puts you in conflict with other players, and you should not act surprised when that gets a strong negative backlash. You can play your character as having a strong moral core. But if you're just going to condemn other players' actions I would strongly suggest basing such on actions which make more sense in-setting, or else find a different way to define your character.
>>3098112Unit fund status at the start of this warroom
>>3098112https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkMhJ6STWzYBeckley: While you were away, Logistic Division Six has sent us a care package of AA/AP installations for our Half Convoys. They have also left the addresses for AeroNaval Services Division 5, and SciFax Logistic Division 7.
>>3098112Is this all I can spend my money on? Doesn't seem to be a lot that would interest a scout turned assassin
>>3097887>Spend 10 exp for Mov +1>Spend 10 exp for Hp +5>Spend 10 exp for Smg training +5 Hit>-Now left with 17 exp [A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 17/17 Armor:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [35]x3 -Suppression [15] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 17/17SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 17/17SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x0 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×1) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I-Wallet: 17 Exp and 570 zny-SMG LVL: 1-HP LVL: 1-MOV LVL: 1
>>3098117It has come to my attention that commissioned weapon and doll body prices were reduced as such I'm fixing that. Along with actually updating things
=Event=Fenrir and The Marshall hosts a CTF skirmish with the block of ice containing Questi's body. A lot of sand, salt, and fights was to be had. Where there winners ? No ! Because everyone felt like they lost. And that's all that matters ! >Salamander Base residents gain 25exp.
>>3098112>>3098150>Spend 400 zny towards restored Battlerifle (200 zny to go!)>Spend 70 zny towards Formula I powder(700 zny to go??)>Go Drinking with the lady looking for a drinking buddy?
>>3097855No ghouls or airdrops this time, huh.Though those might have been preferable to what actually happened. Maybe we wouldn't have had to bomb half the town.>9 turns: 9 xp>12 Civilians safe: 12 xp>1 Shaking Man assist: 2 xp>1 Midian assist: 5 xp>1 Lycan assist: 5 xp>33 xp gained, 56 xp total>Get shotgun training (-30xp)>26 xp left>+280z (Do we really get 180z per squad for the civilians though?)Hp: 27/27 | 27/27 | 27/27 Arm:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:4Shotgun. [][] Rx12 | [][] Rx12 | [][] Rx12Range 4 , Damage +3 hard or ripping-Snap [75]-Double Tap [65]x2*Shock StrikeAdvancements: stats x3 (Mov, HPx2), shotguns x3 (26xp left)KnifeMelee , Slashing+2 (+4)-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range.- Stab. Roll d100+Melee vs. Enemy-Salt Gas Grenade x2 | x2 | 2-HP Shot x1 | x1 | x1280z
>Collect base wages>Spend 200 on Autonomous Alquemichal Engine>Write a letter to the Alquemichal Guild to see what they have in the way of bane weapons to kill the horrors of the New Voss.>Go around Salamander Base looking for materials to make incendiaries. If nothing looks viable, buy some of that clown rotgut and requisition some fuel and experiment with molotovs.
>>3098169>-100 Zny left[A1] Daniel HopkinsHp: 17/17 Armor:5 Mov:4 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:3SMG. [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0 -Burst [35]x3 -Suppression [15] ×[Mag left?] ×3 +Target pinned•Squaddie 1Hp: 17/17SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6•Squaddie 2Hp: 17/17SMG. 3/3 [] [] [] Rx6Kit:Knifes×3 =Melee , Slashing+2-Knife Throw [60]x1 - Throw at STR range. -Grenade x0 (3 tile Fire AOE) [Throw at 2 hexes +STR (3)]-HP SHOT (×1) 1×10 pot, Revives 5 potBackground: Aeoni "Herael's Blessing" = Regeneration I-Wallet: 17 Exp and 100 zny-SMG LVL: 1-HP LVL: 1-MOV LVL: 1
>>3098115I agree this is war. I accept your reasoning. I am grateful you offer it. Thank you. But your men are animals and fully deserve to be slandered. Or you haven’t read the reports. They’re effektive little monsters, and monsters still. Your officer told me my complaints about him bombing my home ruined his drink! He tried to have me arrested. Look me into the eyes and tell me I am wrong to be angry that people died and that is the response. But as you say, it is necessary. You would know. I do not. I can accept this without liking it. I do not think morality comes into it. It was just a bad day, non?>sorry :(>knowing how any of this works is really hard. Do just I metagame and react to things my guy can’t even see or know? I have vision 5, I can’t see things that happen far away>If I’m supposed to be patrolling is it wrong to stop people who shoot civilians? I thought that was the job of militia people. You have to make it clear its not if you don’t want it to happen :(>and aren’t we military personnel too? My unit has “arrest”, how is it accosting to use it? Is there a list of acceptable targets somewhere? I think its kind of bad style to make a unit with powers of arrest, tell them to patrol then shout at me when I do that. >how do you find out more about the setting?
>>3098185>I think you're fine overall and I can continue this discussion with you after some sleep. But I just wanted to make you aware that you were stepping on some toes and possibly crossing lines with people so that we didn't scare you off by seeming hostile. This was a little bit of an abnormal introduction to the game, as generally there is not a "neutral faction" that is played by characters. You were meant to feel a little lost I suppose, from the setup.
>>3098112>>3098191>>3098185"Permission to take the new guy on the guard detail mission Lieutenant?"The big burly Champion claps Investigator Oshin on the shoulder, "I'll help sort him out and get him squared away and understanding how us Kolsec boys see things.">if you need to Oshin, contact me as Hetros#9552 on discord and I'll give you the crash course, it won't be as detailed as Eigan can give you but it'll give you the basics ^^
>>3097946>>3097965"I- I will fight. By the sands, by my brother's name I will take the fight to these abominations. You say the Voss might be behind this, yes? Then let me in, let me boil their blood in the sands until an eternity passes! Them and their abominable kin!"
>>3098185You absolutely didn't do any illegal action in the rule sense Eigan is simply pointing out that your character came over as an ass and that you can consider yourself lucky people were too busy killing enemy to actually kill you.As for you questions it can be assumed that you're somewhat aware of everything happening in the revealed area, vision does matter for some things more than other.Militia and Military personnel are two different things, Militia is more of a sanctioned vigilante group that protect a town while the military receive actual training and care about things on a national level. While your use of arrest was legal within the game mechanics by using it against players trying to kill the enemy you indirectly caused the need to firebomb the city by diverting enough resources away from the fight that it became the only option.
>>3097887>>3097855G: "Well, shit LT, we made it out of another scrape with all limbs intact right?"B: "..."G: "R-right?"B: "Can... Can you handle the paperwork Gilligan there's something I need to do."G: "Alright I understand. Please come back when you have done what you needed to do.">9 turns participated, (9XP)>12 civilians saved (180z + 24XP)>1 Lycan kill assisted (5XP)>1 Reveal of bad guy (1XP)>100z soldier payment.>16 XP and 0z from previous mission>55 XP and 280z total.>Berthold wishes to give his pay to any surviving relatives of Civilian Dwight, it was his fault that the man died and he wishes to repay that.>Also was the man who attacked my squad a Shaking Man or a Midian?
>>3098145Most of the board is unlocked so far, it's how we got the other classes and some side gears. The good news is that upgrades are for the whole unit but the *bad* news is that there might not be anything for you outright. Feel free to keep your money if nothing really speaks to you, at some point something will and you'l have a nice amount to spend.
>>3098148The second block of experience for base stats is increased. First is 10, then 20, then 30, so you'd be paying your Hp +5 at 20 exp and not 10.Alternatively, classing up is a bigger buff all around then simply upgrading a base unit now, It might be worth looking into the upgrades to Assault, being Shocktroopers and Rangers, each for a measly 20 exp.
>>3098185I fully expected that Militia would fight the Drakes until the they sorted it out on the gamespace somehow.
But IC actions have IC consequences, picking a fight with them would have gotten your character deaded.
>>3098339>>3098335>i thought that might be it! oh yay i’m not too crazy :)>this was super cool, thank you for qming
>>3098387Dont worry as soon as I can get back to my computer I'm sending you to a "Pumpkin Reeducation Camp"
>>3098159Pretty good workout if you ask me>+25 exp 17==>42 exp>>3098325Nice system, but I am thinking of sticking to Assault for a bit. To see how far I can take this. Shocktroopers and Rangers look definitly good at what they do but the baseclass cant be that bad?
>>3098393It's not bad, some people are still base class because they've invested a lot of exp before it got unlocked.Stat bonuses carry over to every class, while some training for weapons might not carry over. New classes also mean more options, that's where their real strength lies. Assault has access to rifle training and shotgun training, and those do carry over to ranger and shocktrooper.
>>3098393Also that +25 exp is only for those who weren't in the map so that one's not for you.As a sidenote, we have a discord server to chat and mingle with the rest of the players, feel free to join.https://discord.gg/zRGZ7J
>>3098171>>3097855Aaaaah quick side note, you only get any money right at this moment if you took part in the mission, either as Militia or as one of the extraction team.You should still be able to claim the +25 XP if you were just at base though.>>3098312>Also I have found that guy I slapped with a shovel was a Midian so +5 XP for me.
>>3097855>Claim 9xp <- 9 turns>Claim 24xp <- 12 civs>Claim 5xp <- lycan>Claim 3xp <- shakingman>Claim 5xp <- midian>Claim 2xp <- reveals>Total: 48xp + 6xp = 54[O]xp>Claim 180zny <- 12civs>Claim 100zny <- pay>Total: 280zny
>>3098399Thank you for more info good Sir.>>3098425>42 exp==> back to 17 exp because mistake>I dont think joining the discord is a good idea, I have had bad experiences with such a thing sorry. I'll try to snipe Ironhearts when I get the chance though ^^.
prosthetic efficacy increases. finally. the sand was getting everywhere. >>3098393i can answer that. standard assaults get hi-ex grenades. stormtroopers and rangers do not. i miss grenades. very useful, gets you out of a bind nine times out of pin. baseclass assaults are fine killing machines.
>>3098170>Remember that civilians give 2 xp per person>Claim additional 12 xp>38 xp left, still not enough :(
>>3098644>Enough for what?>>3098635Yes, thats a bit of the reason I didnt want to switch yet since Grenades are great. At first I tought you got both but looking at a previous thread, unless you were base no one threw grenades and my disapointement was felt. Its also the reason why I paid for Formula I powder for that sweet +1 DMG/POT. Anyway, i'll keep my 100 bucks for anything were close to getting or if someone helps in getting the battle rifle. It might have less range then my SMG (Calling it a rifle, thats hilarious) AND my knife throw, but I am hoping the +1 damage, magazine and hit-rate be worth it. I wont sue for someone to help but it would be welcome.
>>3098491In that case, Schmidt will need to go on a milk run, either drake taming or security detail. Anyone want to go with? Schmidt is an old voss engineer. If getting a token I'd be looking to place it on the Scholar's Study for those paranormal goods.
>>3098690Enough to get another advance. I'm only 2 xp short, which is saddening.
>>3098706I am interested in the security detail. I wouldnt mind going with you too much (even if I am Aeonian, but work is work) and I would like to get better grenades and Battle riffle soon
>>3098185>knowing how any of this works is really hard. Do just I metagame and react to things my guy can’t even see or know? I have vision 5, I can’t see things that happen far away ( I don't know if anyone addressed this yet or not and I guess it could be a little tricky to intuit even if you did read every post in thread, but generally people play as if there is some kind of ansible-like super technology at play where people can see (most of?) what other members of their unit can see. The mechanics there is kind of like some JRPGs (Not that I'm all that familiar with those) where voices by the enemy sometimes travels across all channels (but sometimes not), so there's some flex in spots as far as how it works. I don't want to get into a big discussion on the possibilities of how it all functions even on a logistics/operations/(whatever) level but narratively speaking, I think there are ways to work things out amicably.)>how do you find out more about the setting? (If you feel like doing a ton of reading, you can look here for all the archived stuff http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Iron%20Hearts )
>>3098706Wait a minute, now we need a Ragnyllian who is also an Investigator to not fail and get more dice. oops
>>3098690I'd be willing to help you foot the bill for those rifles! How much do you need?
>Seek help purchasing the Autonomous Alquemical Engine. I still wish to practice Alquemy.
>>3098748200 zny my friend. If you want to spend that.
>>3098758I got plenty to spare (for the moment)!>pay 200 for battle rifle
>>3098169>>3098767>>3098150>>3098112>Battle Rifle acquired for 600 zny Cpt.Dragonheart, just have to wait for the shipment
>>3098767Thanks friend, you can also use it apparently so we'll see how it will work for us.
>>3098185>>3098734Normally I wouldn't bother involving myself in OC shenanigans but this line of questioning has triggered my autism. Bear in mind what I'm about to write does not constitute word of god and is a just a theory...A GAME THEORY!Think of this game like the bastard spawn of Fire Emblem and DnD. It's got a mechanical layer where we have all our stats, abilities and hit points, and a narrative layer which wraps up everything else. The lines between these two aspects are often blurred. Many times players have attempted to perform actions that have no explicit rules governing them and generally the QM will let it go through as long as it makes sense. Sometimes they may roll dice for it behind the scenes, but they don’t often say no, although half the time the action may not play out as expected.Exactly what the QM will and will not allow is often a topic of… vigorous debate, and (sometimes) deadly trial and error.Now on to the issue at hand: The Vis stat is only relevant in relation to abilities that explicitly use it. Other than that just use common sense. Generally nobody minds if you act based on everything you can see in the map pictures posted. (i.e. positioning yourself to attack something that your token has no line of sight to, but YOU think will move into attack range next turn.) It’s assumed everyone has a radio or something so people can talk directly to each other even if they’re on different sides of the map, and it’s not outrageous to have your character act on something that occurs in the general vicinity. Most people are too focused to their patch of map to do anything else anyway.
>>3098690>>3098748>>3098758>>3098767>>3098784>>3098789those rifles outrange your smgs. the indicator under their range, the arrow that -->, implies "rifled shots" at -10 to hit per +1 hex of range.with 4 base range and 40 accuracy, one could shoot at range 7 for 10. the standard smg lack this option, making the rifles much more versatile. this also means that should you practice and increase base to hit, you can turn it into more range.>>3098706i am willing to help. i can provide the needed experience or a gun.
>>3098789>>3098862 Really? Other than the larger magazine, it seems worse than the rifle I already have
>>3098945We shall see, maybe theres something up with the actual stats of the gun. Because if its just worst in all points for you I apologize.
>>3098387Here's the basic timeline of what happened:- Boyston is attacked by traitors, who shoot at him. Radio contact spreads this info to other operational elements- Berthold accosts an investigator, who kills one of his unit and is exposed as a midian- Lt. Karr retreats, leaving militia without command.- Oshin engages Berthold and regards him with suspicion-! States "Being a wolf isn't a crime". This is factually incorrect, Being a werewolf is immediately punishable by death at the scene in Ragnyll law ("Sapiovores" aka creatures that feed on sentient beings, are to be executed summarily). Also, the undead are generally accepted to be agents of the Voss empire, the nation that is invading Ragnyll. A paranormal investigator should know this fact due to the training they normally must pass to become that class. This makes Oshin immediately extremely suspicious in Berthold's eyes.-! Military uniform indicating Berthold as a 2nd Lt. in the Ragnyll army. Perhaps due to previous Lt. Karr orders this is reasonable suspicion, however I think that's a bit selective due to other radio broadcasts that went out since.- Oshin demands everyone drops their weapons and surrender, but then immediately gives no chance to do it and simply shoots at Berthold.- Coffee tries to "diplomatically" dissuade Oshin. He's yelling a lot because it's an active combat zone.- Oshin states "citizens have a right to religious association", and "the wolves are acting in self defense". The latter of these is as wrong as is possible, werewolves are to be killed on sight by Ragnyll law, and this was assumed to be known by all other parties. The former assumes 'cult' always has religious connotations. It does not. Ragnyll's not as free as you think it is, anyways - and martial law is in effect due to the country being actively invaded by a hostile enemy nation (which has a history of utilizing vampires, werewolves, and zombies).- Stating that "the citizens of Nocturne" are being cleansed, when they are werewolves, vampires, and wyrmkin, is not accurate. They are purged as is appropriate under Ragnyll law. These types of paranormal creatures are not allowed to live in Ragnyll. The confusion from other players was due to assuming you knew this, as you are playing the class which enforces specifically this section of Ragnyll law, investigating paranormal creatures and then dealing with them.
>The reason that your interactions with other players have been so hostile and confused is primarily because you are working off assumptions of in-setting law that aren't accurate. The other players assumed you would automatically know that vampires, werewolves, and zombies are not legal citizens of Ragnyll and are to be engaged immediately - but you did not know this, assuming that their prior status as "citizens of Nocturne" was the more important distinction under Ragnyll law. This is partially because GM was lenient and let you "take the test" to be an investigator when he otherwise wouldn't have allowed it (the test is a dice roll, he just did it in the background), thus you ended up playing a class with a lot of background burden without knowing any of the background. Simultaneously, you did not ask out of character. This pitted you against the other players in a game that is not normally PvP, leading them to begin to assume you were trolling them by purposefully not being a team player. Whereas you were simply reacting to what came into your vision range as you thought appropriate to your character.>In character Oshin doesn't have to like any of this, but frankly at this point he's so contrarian as to be a radical element in terms of Ragnyll political opinions. Most personnel would understand that letting werewolves infest an entire town is tantamount to handing it over to another country (literal treason). And I don't think other players like being condemned for things that basically aren't their fault and also justified in universe. I think there were plenty of miscommunications going on here, but that's expected in an active combat zone. Really, in terms of thinking logically, I would not have been surprised if they simply executed you as an enemy combatant (indeed I advocated for that at one point). Attempting to arrest military personnel in an active combat zone would be fraught with danger (indeed one of Berthold's men got their head chopped off as a result of doing something similar).>And ultimately, this is a game that is played with other people, not against other people (usually). This was an abnormal situation, as I stated. Even in D&D or other roleplaying systems, there's a little bit of metagaming that always goes on when you play a contrarian character, that you don't actively try and position yourself as directly opposed to the other players. It disrupts the flow of the game if you have, for example, the rogue stealing from other party members, and it starts to poison the out-of-game interactions.>I don't think you were wrong to act the way you did, necessarily. I just think you were isolating yourself without realizing it. I hope some of this explanation gives you insight as to why the other players were starting to become frustrated with the way you were acting, they assumed you had more background knowledge than you did and you didn't ask them for clarifications.
>>3098159>Claim 25exp
>>3099073I like this picture.
>>3098945>>3099016you get a few tricks with more bullets. but they won't force you to take equipment you don't want. you should always be able to pick between alternatives. not that you need it. it says here you stabbed a werewolf. and shot a mutated dog.so: welcome aboard. you can charge coffee your bar tap and hetros provides the rotgut. if you prank riley powers, you get an iou.
>>3099121That reminds me, those Vanguards I threw my knives at, were they just regular humans? How much xp do I get for them?
>>3098862Schmidt's got 27 XP. I can chip in 20 to the cost of the trip, more if it helps someone to get the advancement that they need.
>>3099147I would chip in 10 of my 17 exp but I would like to see the Battle rifle first.
>Restored Rifle bought, keep in mind that you cannot divert those funds anymore.
>>3097855>Exit stowaway crate, arrive at Salamander base. What a trip! But sometimes the best stories are in the tightest of places.>8 Exp for turns, 24 Exp for civilians saved, 1 Exp for sending a Traitor on a swim>180 Zny for civilians saved, 300 Zny for militia severance pay (newspaper salary)>Immediately lose wallet with 200 Zny inside, it falls into the Autonomous Alquemical Engine token.>Find a nice spot to hole up away from prying eyes. Initiate typewriter!
>alquemical engine bought any fund in it is locked
>>3098159*pant* *pant*"That... was a fuckin' waste of time.""But don't you think we ~learned~ so much?""...No.""But didn't we ~bond~ so well as a ~team~?""No.""But didn't we have so much ~fun-""NO!">gain 25xp>Total: 29xp
>>3099670How many Demos do we have? I wouldn't be opposed to investing in the grenade launcher retrofits if theres interest in that
>>3099977Those have been bought forever ago by mailing in voss weapons.
>>3099987Ah, so the blue refers to already purchased upgrades then? HmmIf there's another upgrade in particular that people want or consider priority, again, I have no issue investing funds into it.
>>3100015Some vanguards want to unlock the slayer class but there's no real priorities.
>>3100038Very well then, Slayer it is! And, uh, a pleasure to meet you finally, Captain!>pay 360 on Slayer
>>3100060Much appreciated.
>>3099144Shaking men.
>>3100622Would it be 3xp for each one or for the whole squad?
>25XP from event>14XP leftover from previous>Current total: 39XP
=Event=Beckley: The Alquemist program has unlocked, Using Questi's rudimentary theories on elemental crystals and Ibonyte use, it's possible to train battlefield ready Alquemists that are able to respond to Occult scenarios with an array of pseudo magickal elements of their own. With advances in Ibonyte replication, even rare magical crystals were able to be mass produced. > Alquemist Quick Guide.Alquemists are able to create a concoction using 3 xtals which are then saturated into a reagent. Causing a reaction when thrown or exposed to nature. > Concoction : a 3 Crystal recipe is one action and must be sequenced as [Py][Aq][Hy] for example. Order matters ! It may concocted in the form of a canister (for tossing and grenadiers), or a set of darts(for shooting), or as a flask [throwing or drinking] >Toss: Concoctions in bottles or canisters and yes, even darts maybe thrown with one's strength stat. Sometimes this is the proper solution for concoctions you suspect to be dangerous. When tossed, the concoction is activated. Failed concoctions simply turn to salt. Singular xtals can be activated for rudimentary effects without preparation. Activating it with an order such as Explode! Expand! Flow! or Glow! will cause the target xtal to activate with the barest of results. The Six Elements.Lux: Crystallized light is thought to be impossible until it was said that certain ibonytes from space exhibited such a quality when they fell from the moon's light, making this the rarest of its kind. Teras: Crystallized rock is oft considered to be a diamond but the amber sheen of earthen tones and leylines from centuries of quakes has created these stones. Hydras: Crystallized Water from undersea and river leylines caused even this paradox of a crystal to cause others to flow like water and even cause air to condensate. One gram of Atlantian Aquas is said to unleash a thousand galleons of water.Aerias: Lightweight crystals have formed in the hull of skyships but typically burn off before they reach the ground, as such, sky sails were employed to net them during windy seasons or around Atlantian and Oceanian tropics.Pyras: Fiery Crystal from volcanic islands are often formed to regulate the outflow of lava, As such local tribes are entrusted with the rituals needed to harvest them year round. The phenotype that Ragnyll's master engineers hold for replicating is said to have been a gift to Vilkas von Voss during his trip to the Souf. Ibonyte: Questi has a rather strange disdain for this material's properties and how it seems to react to similar crystals they brought with them from their trips. And yet it is the backbone of our operations and truly, this war. Ibonyte Xtals are loaded with each engine. As a cursory note it's rudimentary function is to be able to replicate xtals. or other simple objects. One simply need a strong mind's eye to form a perfect copy.
>>3101276About the robot: Beckley the Prometheus reactor is capable of .Replicating concoctions fed at slot 0.Mixing concoctions fed at slots 1-2 and 3-4Mixed concoctions simply need to be notated as [Te][Ib][Lu]+[Ib][Py][Hy] for example. > Fabricate more complex casings such as concoction Mines. Proper usage: Bare Tactical data puts this class in its experimental stages, however it is meant solely for rear line support and supplying specialized items and on the scene healing if needed. Quemists have also been competent at canceling stage hazards and clearing paths for the team.
>>3101276>>3101286"Has anyone seen my wallet? Pink, has a bunch of cat photos in it. No?"...>Snap photos of robot
Ma'am, I think this robot is a military secret.
>>3101387>>3101389That xp is for non-Nocturne people.Beckley got a new body last map.
>>3097887>Use downtime action to obtain a Lycan Pelt, clean it with Quickslime (so it is clean and not highly contagious)>Ask Hanz if he can make me a white coat with the pelt (like the one the [Q] are using, they really fit the beak) -150zny if he agrees
>>3101397Doh!>>3098159"Why is she in a block of ice? Why are we doing all this in the desert? Why did everyone try to grab her??"33 exp480 zny>take Physical Training (HP): 10 exp>take Physical Training (Act): 10 exp>take MG training: 10 exp3 exp480 znyHp: 17/17 Arm5 Mov:2 Act:3 Vis:4 Str:3MG: [] [] [] [] [] Rx6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [20] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [30] x 4-Mow Down [15] x [] x 4Pavise(+20 cover, +5 hvy, +5 DR)-Shield Wall-Shield Slam [70] force, stunPavise adds 10 hit when mounted
>>3101387You do not claim 25exp
>>3101358>>3101344yes, but it is very impressive. and these will make great photos for the scrapbook.here lets show you the rest of the base...
>>3101510Command? Command, I think we might have a spy over here...
>>3101510>>3101522They have a press badge that's fine. You're going to write a good scoop for us right ? Right ? 8) =Meanwhile= In the sands of Kashir many recruits empty their fishing huts, weeks have gone by and the remaining few went out once again in the basin of Sands where silt like grains blow as light as the wind and tumble like the seas. And like the seas they have but one prey, an elusive Sandray who swim away at the slightest trace of foot steps but to the remaining Assassins, their steps are lighter than the pins on their hooks as they throw them at the passing Ray. When at last they reel themselves on its body the true hunt begins as they stay aloft in the air , getting closer , avoiding its sunbaked eyes, and when at last they near the scalp over its skull they lash out with hooked blades that would secure their purchase. Seeing their partner in a rocky overhang lower a hitch, they then throw the other end of their hook to it, letting the rampaging Sandray do all the work of its own undoing, flying in two seperate halves before smashing against reddened rock. > Assassin unlocked.
>>3098159>Gain 25 EXP>86 total>Declare Laborian BackgroundQuemist AlexanderHP: 10/10 Arm:2 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:2-Concoct [*]4/4 Ae 4/4 Py 4/4 Lu 4/4 Hy 4/4 Te 4/4 Ib-Throw: Str+2, Pot+4-Laborian Background: Union- Units that split off are allowed one act as off-lead.Autonomous Engine PrometheusHP: 12/12 Arm: 12 Mov: 3 Act: 2 Vis: 4 Str: 6(+4)-Prometheus Reactor: 4/4 Ibonyte-Slot 0- Empty-Slot 1- Empty-Slot 2- Empty-Slot 3- Empty-Slot 4- Empty
>>3101596>Undergo rigorous physical training to prepare myself for our next deployment.> -10/-20/-30, 86 XP> 26 XP>HP+5, Vis+2, Str+1>Volunteer remaining 26 XP for a task, if anyone is currently organizing one.Quemist AlexanderHP: 15/15 Arm:2 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:5 Str:3-Concoct [*]4/4 Ae 4/4 Py 4/4 Lu 4/4 Hy 4/4 Te 4/4 Ib-Throw: Str+2, Pot+4-Laborian Background: Union- Units that split off are allowed one act as off-lead.-Physical Training 3: +5 HP, +2 Vis, +1 StrAutonomous Engine PrometheusHP: 12/12 Arm: 12 Mov: 3 Act: 2 Vis: 4 Str: 6(+4)-Prometheus Reactor: 4/4 Ibonyte-Slot 0- Empty-Slot 1- Empty-Slot 2- Empty-Slot 3- Empty-Slot 4- Empty
>>3101541How does evasion work? Also what do the stars next to actions mean?
>>3101710Every time you take damage you get a save roll. So let's say you get it 3 time in an enemy phase, IC would roll 3d100 and every time one of these roll is under 30 for the assassin that damage doesn't happen.Star rating is basically a rating of 100 so if no modifiers apply you auto-hit.
>>3098112“i seek the aid of a scholar.in sylvia, i found the blade of a voss immortal. en route here, the whip of one. in far recon, a death god assimilates the souls of its people. questi, a block of ice. lupe, a doll. all these? containers for souls. all similar. there is no connection in each, but a trend for the whole.so we must be able to learn. how do we defeat them if they do not die?”>Officer action: Take Forsythe’s sword and Crowley’s whip to the Scholar so we can investigate them. >Pay a 100 xp for their time if required?
>>3101721Very nice! May I ask what the half arrow next to movement means, and how subsume and stealth works?
>>3101733Assassin can ignore up to 2 elevation difference before they have to start spending move to climb.Subsume make it so enemy won't (maybe can't but don't quote me on that) see you and thus shoot at you if you don't act.Stealth is mostly a rule 0 kind of thing, it not a hard mechanic but it involve using the terrain to avoid line of sight and hiding. Stealth is a way of life more than something that can be explained into word
>>3101749Ok! Last questions, hopefully: What does Dodge roll against, and does it roll for every attack as with Evasion? Do I specify a direction to Dodge toward? And the Hook actions, does Shift mean I pull myself to the target?
>>3101758I'm not sure about dodge so I'll let someone else answer that. And yes, shift mean you'll pull yourself to the target while pull will bring the target to you.
>>3101758Currently Dodge is auto-success But only for one attack. > The Advancement sheet has been posted. Have there been new developments to Armor ?
>>3101772>>3101799Thank you much! Does that mean if I manage to Dodge away from an enemy using rifling, would that affect their rolls at all? Or would they still roll as if I were in my original position?
>>3101821Their rolls to hit I mean
>>3101799>>3098312A lazy afternoon had descended over the Salamander base and we return to the engineering barracks, base of operations for 2nd Lieutenant Berthold and his official/unofficial adjutant Corperal Gilligan as they once again had a recruit sat in front of them.'It was barely a mission, and we are back here again.' Berthold thought as he flicked through recruits qualifications. 'Damn that vampire, Private Osman had only just got into his uniform and the bastard had cut him down like it was nothing. The only casualty our team suffered in the entire mission and it had to be the rookie.' He subconsciously rubbed at the wound on his shoulder, for all the miraculous properties that Ibonyte had introduced to the world of medicine, it still didn't stop the injury from aching terribly after the fact. It was a band-aid that allowed the body to heal itself, one hell of a band-aid to be sure, but conventional first aid kits were still supplied for a reason.He finally got to the name of the new recruit, 'Spencer Dwight' and Berthold's shoulders visibly sunk. This boy was a recruit from Nocturne, one of the militia men who found themselves short of a job after that whole mess and came back to the Salamander Base for new employment.He hoped to all hope that this wasn't a relative of /that/ Dwight, the one that had been one of the only three Nocturne casualties that their side was responsible for. He knew this, because he had been the one to give those numbers to command in the aftermath of the mission, that was his mistake, his misjudgment of the situation, his order that had resulted in an avoidable death.And he would damn will make sure that it wouldn't happen again. He asked the question, he had to know even if potential answer was something that filled him with a not insubstantial amount of dread.B: "Are you related to Francis Dwight?Dwight: "Erm, no sir I am not."Berthold repressed the urge to sigh with reliefB: "Ahh... Right... Well okay, let's begin the other questions. Gilligan?"G: "Sir, how good at you at long distance running in full kit?"The evening came to a close eventually. Dwight had passed the thresholds that they set for him and now their little squad was three once again. The Ibon Drake Sapper Corps, all of three of them were once again preparing for the next mission.B: "By the way, you ever wanted to learn how to be a Doctor Dwight?"D: "Can't say it's crossed my mind sir, why?"B: "Well then I hope you like cramming because I have booked in a /lot/ of training.">Spend all 60XP to gain [Medical Training] I, II and III>Inquire about acquiring a [First Aid Kit] of my own.
>>3101799You might want to do one for Hopter at some points but nobody has xp to spend on it as of right now>>3101838It wouldn't affect the squad triggering the dodge since they're all rolled as one but it would affect any other squad shooting afterward. This is my interpretation of it anyway
>>3101894Another question, does Subsume's invisibility continue to affect the squad after I start moving again?
>Getting a group together for guard duty. Supplying 20XP. If you want to join in, reply to this post. I can chip in a little bit more xp if we are just short.
>>3102298i can help. we would require the services of an investigator. >>3098734>>3098734miss soon?do you wanna go on guard duty?do you want to guard a vip with me?do you think you couldif you wanna wouldstand and stare at people being weeeeeeirdthere's some shopping to be doing - schmidt is asking for a teaaaaaaamand if you have the time and you wouldn't mindwe could do it together with him for that sceeeeneeeeeee. . . apologies i think my vocal unit is acting up.
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d6)>>3098159>>3097887>>3098112>>Acquire 25xp from CTF>>Total 20 Gunner Xp, 25 'General' XP Total=45>>Salamander Hell Training 40xp toward another +1 Str new total +2"Honestly if nothing else, the frozen frog almost helped against the heat when I had my hands on her. Bwehahah!" Some time after the Capture the Flag match, Arthur approaches the Command Tent once more, and takes the Paranormal Investigator Test."Let's see what my old mind can recall and figure out. Maybe once I'm finished I'll see if Igyanejouorn isn't busy.">I've only got 5xp left but if anyone needs another body for any of our side missions, but half expect yall to dive on them and handle it.Gunner, Sergeant Arthur "Arty" RosseWeisse "The Old Man/The Revenant"Background; Old Voss, ЯW Clan (Knighted Armor Pilots whom defended Voss Nobility)Physical Training 4/5 +2Str +5Hp +1MovCurrency 5z | Remaining XP 5[G]Hp: 17/17 Arm5 Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:4 Str:5MG: [] [] [] [] [] Rx6/6Range 5 , Damage Piercing + 0-Tracer [25] x 4 (Mark tile for +10 to hit)-Burst [35] x 4-Mow Down [20] x [] x 4Secondary: Raider Axes+3Hvy Per Axe (Old Voss Familiar)Twice Hewn: 45x2Wild Swipe: 30xAoe x 2
>>3102436Well not only does the poor old fool fail the Paranormal Test, I forgot to swap names. Fixed now.
Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d6)>>3098112>>3101276>>3101799>Claim [Laborian] Background"CARL! Carl, we're back! No, no, we're fine, we're fine, it's alright. I patched up Adjutant, yes; I'm getting better at this whole doctor thing. Well, we had a few rough patches but the mission went well, I think. Part of the town was lost, but with two werewolves running amok and an unknown number of midians it was unavoidable after the militia were all killed in that part of town. No, deployment from another town would have taken too long; Nocturne would have been lost by the time they arrived. Yes, thankfully most of the town remains, and most of the civilians are alive. I'd like to have figured out how such a large force snuck in, sure, but I don't exactly have the time for it.""We have something more important to do anyway. The test. The paranormal test. We studied hard, but it just didn't come to pass. We're gonna try it again; I still have my notes on Warton's Occult Treatise, and Adjutant tells me he still has the Encyclopedia of Mutants and Monsters checked out from the base library. Do you- you still have the Paranormal Handbook? Perfect. Let's get this done!"
Anybody up for some Drake taming?>I've got up to 39 XP to spare for a hunt
>>3102543How does this work?
>>3102564>>3102543elementary, soft skin new guy. there is a board of available missions>>3098112they are the ones in full black (security detail, bandit negotiation, drake taming, wyrd investigation. recon was done earlier). they have requirements (xp? zenny). they have max participants. people cooperate to go do missions, paying in xp per participant until the total is reached. each participant rolls 2d6. some things modify, like investigators on the wyrd hunt. sometimes they are choices.or rewards.or death. so if you wanted to join ser sigismund on drake taming, you and 1 more participant would need a total of 50 xp (+11 from sigismunds 39). then you all roll 2d6. 3 or less kills you. higher gets you rewards.you want to go tame drakes?
>>3102585That sounds grand! As long as there's no canines involved. And, um, I think being Kashi would help ingratiate ourselves to the local guides. We, uh, might not personally be from these parts, but Kashi is still Kashi, y-you know?>does Kashi heritage give everybody going taming +1 on their rolls, or just my squad?
>>3102612dead shot, pathers. just yourself. but the rewards are based on the total sum of all rolls, so +1 helps everyone this way. for drake taming, "difficulty 10" means if 6d6 > 10 = yay. so with +1, you only really need to beat 9. you effective soldier, you.
>>3102620>>3102612>>3102543but tell you what, new boots. i'm in if you're in. and i'll even stop calling you a series of rapidly changing, bad nicknames.
>>3102646Wonderful! >pay 4 xp, want to save 10 for Assassin weapon training
"Well, it seems we already have 3 volunteers for Team Sigismund, do I hear a fourth? Perhaps an armored unit?"
>>3102714volunteers?let me show you a trick, corporal.>>3080368i dragged your screaming, busted up carcass from a burning tank with my own hands, evergreen. i need a favour.
>>3102714I am interested... I may not be an armored unit but I think I can help? (inb4 we die) I have >7 exp to spare want to keep 10 for when I see the battle rifle.>>3102727oops
>>3102729"No problem, newbie. There's always next time. I doubt the Drakes are going anywhere."
>>3102727W-what do you want? Can't you see I'm a respetable Fear Officer now? Wait what, you want me to go Wyrm hunting? Well I still have that old bitank so maybe I could help, yes, but if we find a Hatchling I get to keep it as a pet>Volunteer as BT
>>3102743"Well then, that's it. Forth, men! Those sand drakes aren't going to tame themselves!">Lock in 39 XP for Drake Taming>7XP required from remaining members to start
>>3102739Fine with me, good luck out there! If you want to bring me back anything extra i'd be more than happy to have it = )>Daniel wishes you good luck on the hunt
>>3102775>>3102729well what are you waiting for, new guy? off you go. i've suddenly remembered i have an appointment withthesand? yesthe sandand i just have to stay at base to make sure that thesanddoes not go anywhere. so unfortunately, i will have to decline ser sigismunds fine offer and instead i suppose you will simply have to take my spot. alas. bring me back some some somesand, yes. so i can compare samples. >>3098112drake taming:>pay 7 xp into drake taming. it is now at 50 XP.corporal sigismund 39 xp >>3102739pathfinder squad 5 xp. kashiri background, assassin >>3102664corporal evergreen, armored unit >>3102743daniel hopkins, >>3102775
>>3102743also yes, evergreen. you are fear inducing and my heart beats faster and my pulse is direly quickened when i gaze upon you, the very autonomic response of fear. wink.
>>3102810Hum...sure i'll get you a sample...
I feel like I missed out on something...>Gain 25 exp from CFT match.>33 exp total>Spend 20 exp for lvl 2 Piloting>13 exp remaining
>>3102827excellent. i see you are in all ways an able assault. now once you bring back the sample, remember to store it RILEY's bit tank. that's where i keep all my samples.
>>3102864Hey! Gunny ain't your personal footlocker! Don't make me toss some sand into your joints!
>>3102857>>3102864Hum sure,...If i make it... may I ask who is Riley and how do I know which tank it is?
>>3102436>>Failed Paranormal Test"Shame, guess that's just how it goes when you don't study eh? Now off to see if Igyanejouorn has a bit of time otherwise I could always bring Miss Susan a pie n something to drink if she isn't too busy herself."After learning the results of his test the old man heads off to bother a few adjutants about speaking with Fenrir. Though Arty does confuse the poor adjutants for an extended period of time by calling Fenrir by his first name. Arthur had been thinking, between the comment Irons had made about his Clan being wiped out and the multi-front atrocity fest that those in control of his homeland were causing. He needed to do more than just aim a rifle down range, at 54 the Old Voss remembered much about the armor he used to command men from. While most of Arthur's own contacts within Voss likely are deceased or no longer willing to work with him, the old man did call some of the Gunthers true friends at one time. But he'd hoped that Fenrir might have a contact or two left, between them maybe they could ply a little subterfuge on the Voss in return.At worst they had nothing and Arthur gets to talk with an old friend which would be enjoyable if the Commander had time for it. Likely bringing up Miss Susan and the time Arty had spent working as a menial labor assistant when the old man left Voss originally. Even mentioning that he was going to bring a bottle of mead and a fresh pie over to the corpsier and see if she had time for some company and reminiscing once he'd finished speaking with Fenrir.
>>3102311 Ridgewell rubbed his chin in amusement at Shiok's shocked expression. "This is...," her voice trailed off. "Interesting," Ridgewell grinned, nodding to Shiok, "Have you ever been to a musical before?" "Musical?" "Remind me about it later," Ridgewell cleared his throat and turned to Lupe, "I overhead some talk earlier that fellow Oshin might be going --but also that he might be.. indisposed. What say you, we give the gent a little time? If he declines or is otherwise indisposed, well then.. Be our guest, be our guest Put our skills to the test Assemble your men, good man And we'll line up abreast Dark cults or Ghoul infiltration Well, they're only good for termination Werewolves can be vicious We'll watch for things suspicious" Ridgewell's voice trailed off and the man chuckled, doffing his cap. "We'll check back in a bit, thanks for the consideration..," Ridgewell raised his brows in question at Lupe.
>>3103100>>3102311"We would be happy to have you Investigator" answered Schmidt before the doll had a chance to respond.
>Spend 20 XP on guard duty. Will roll the 2d6 when the xp is all chipped in.
>>3102906" trust me on this: it will be obvious. ">>3103127>>3103100>>3103157" ah! graciousyou two are the very model of a modern paranorm' investi--">... answered Schmidt before the doll had a chance to respond" hmpf. i will get the jeep ready "
>>3103100>go ahead. Not playing.
>>3101975No. However they do attain "stealth" afterwards.
>>3101522I admit nothing! Freedom of the press!>Wiggle press pass in face>>3101541What? Huh? Oh, of course. I was actually on my way out however, just need to call my editor."Hello, boss?- Wait what do you mean find my own way home? What do you mean "over budget" on that restaurant review? Hello, hello?"Uh...>>3101510Wait what, where are we going, waaaah.>Drop new wallet with 200 Zny inside, it falls into the Slayer token.
With the unlocking of the Battlerifle the [Assault Skirmisher] [AK] or simply [Ab] and the Scout Skirmisher [SK] has been fielded. Bartram: Ah , historians would claim that these rifles were a stopgap against the Voss's numbers and superior firepower, but what they lacked in firepower they made up for with range, discipline and the austerity to survive back when Ragnyll seperated. And now that I've got my hands on them I've had my company modify their firepower as well ! Enjoy ~ !
>>3101799Before I forget, I should get that assassin weapon training>spend 10xp for Esoteric Weapons Training: +10 to hit
>>3103839Pardon all the questions, but does reach affect all my attacks with the Hook, or only Hook Throw?New StatsHP:12/12(×2) Evasion:30% Def:3 Mov:4Act:2 Sight:5 Str:3+3Fisherman's Draught: (Reach: 3), (Slash 3)Hook Throw:[70]x1-Hook and Pull:[60]x1-Fly and Stab:[*]x1Cut, Cut:[70]x2Dodge: Dodge an attack, move a directionKiller Star:Undetected actions autosucceedSubsume:Becomes invisible after idling a turnStealth:Enemies must succeed a vision check in vision range to target this squadSmoke x 1 (Throw+2)Fragrant Lamp:Units that remain within 2 tiles for a whole turn fall asleep
>>3103571Thank you, Miss Bartram! Now, lets read this manual of instructions and maintenance...>Questions: Center Shot cannot crit as I understand it but does it always do a maximum of 11 (10+1 piercing) damage as long as I hit my target that is [exposed] or does it do 11+the damage (in this case lets 6 for a total of 17 DMG), I rolled?2nd Question: What does [target pinned] do?
>Spend 30 xp for physical upgrade no3, +5 more hp.Units 50/50, Def 5, Mov 5, Act 2+1 Command, Sight 4, Str 3Birds 50/50, Eva 20%, Mov 6 (Jump 2 Height), Sight 4, Str 6, Bomb SmellRider:Riding Saber +2 Slashing-[70] Swipe xArc-[60] Lunge x1, Mov 2 hexes forward-Elastic Explosive, +12 Barraging (AOE 5, Touch'n'Go)[AT Grenades +22 Hard Blast/Fire Bomb +5 Fire AOE]x6 , Range Str+1[AT Mines +12 Hard Crush(AOE 3, Pressure)/AP Mines +12 Riping (AOE 5, Pressure)]x6[Stored Weapon : Demo Launcher]Kwehrrier:-[70]Rushdown x Sad fool in my way, -Mov Down (Self)Hop On Top, It can hop on enemy units (Smaller units are pressed down, like fools)
>>3103870You deeefinitely cannot do a double stab at reach range.
>>3103963It will always deal 11 as if the die had already been rolled. Otherwise it will rely on the die roll if the enemy enjoys some form of cover.
Deadline for spending money and doing quest is in 12 hours. If you're doing one or more quest I want your group and xp spending to be allocated in neat posts so that iron command doesn't have to sift through speculation. So far I know that a drake hunt event is mostly confirmed so I'll ask you to use this formula>One player will post the participant and how much xp everyone spend>The other participants will answer to that post confirming it is correctI understand the problem with timezone so the deadline doesn't apply to answer as long as its done before the next map has been posted, though you might have to wait until next warroom to spend or use your ill gotten fortune.>About Security DetailIf the client is Miss Bartram (or anybody I care about really) the unit will require the inclusion of an Investigator in the group or deny participation.
>>3103963>I don't think Lupe's allowed to donate XP to quests they don't participate in. If you're still willing, would be able to help out with those last 7XP?
>>3104169No problemo!>>3102810>>3102543>Put in 7xp for Drake Taming in case Lupes exp isnt valid >17xp - 7xp = 10 exp left!Will you also be doing the confirmation post?
>>3104195I believe Pathfinder only gave 4XP
>>3104205Way to make me look like an idiot. He was still wrong though.
>>3104195>>3104205>>3104208>Drake hunting>Sigismund 39xp>Pathfinder 4xp: Kashir background>Evergreen 0xp: Armor Pilot>Daniel Hopkins 7xp: Bad at math I know it's lupe mistake but still39+4+7= 50Please answer to this post to confirm your presence
>>3104209Reporting in for drake duty
>>3104209Confirmed o/
>>3103504( Okay, thanks / Sorry to hear. I hope things haven't soured you on the game too much. The system takes some getting used to and I think this last scenario might have been a little tricky to navigate -though, the wall of text generated in these games can get overwhelming at times.. )>>3103345>>3103157>>3098112....Shiok and Ridgewell put on their finer work clothes this morning and entered the mess hall ready to go."Schmidt and Lupe, yes? Good morning, I guess you know who we are," the short, possibly Q'rloon woman said, motioning to her partner. She introduced them just in case. "I'm Agent Shiok Soon and this is Agent Ridgewell Hawkes from the Watch. Word has it that Oshin will be busy dealing with an internal investigation matter. We're ready to go meet up with Mrs. Bartram as soon as you're all ready.">Spend 10 exp on +10 [Information Gather]>Spend 15 exp on Guard Duty0 Exp Remaining(I'll roll dice when everyone is fence in)• +10 [Information Gather]Shiok SoonHp:15 Arm:5Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:5 Str:4Special Express: R3, Dmg Prc+ , Mag6, Reload3Silver, Salt, Nitrogen, Phosphour, WoodMarker, Rubber(Stuns)• 50 Snapx1 / 80 Aimedx1(NoMov) / 40 Doubletapx2*Suspect: +10Hit vs Revealed Units*Interrogation Kit-Hat: Subject wearing hat detects their lies-Investigate: Sight area scanned for clues ==Ridgewell HawkesHp:15 Arm:5+5Mov:3 Act:2 Vis:3 Str:5+2Salt and Pepper: R3, Dmg+3 1AoE Imp+, Mag2(Spare2), Reload6-NonStandard Shots:Rocksalt: DmgCap5, Stuns on DmgPepperShot: KB on DmgHardShot: Hard DmgRubber Slug (Single): Force Stun - KO at ZeroExpress Slug: Borrow Partners' Ammo as Reload, +Hvy• 60 TwoHandedx1-2 *Close Quarter +10Hit / 40 Akimbox1-2• 80 Freehand Brawlx1-2*Interrogation Kit-Knuckles: Apply Stun Dmg to Question Target-Pursuit!: Running into Targets triggers a grapple-Take em Away: Send a Partner to escort someone for questioning/arrest
>>3104209Confirming, Captain, my Captain!
>>3102907"Looks like you were really only ever meant to fire a big gun or drive a tank old man. What say you we try and grab one eventually? Until then you could ride on Taku's heavy convoy and follow me around."
Rolled 5, 6, 4, 5, 4, 2, 6, 2 = 34 (8d6)>>3104209Following the successes of last time another group sets off in search of drake hides during a population boom. >Rolling>Sigismund [1st Pair]>PathFinder [2nd Pair]>Evergreen [3rd Pair]>Daniel Hopkins [4th Pair]
>>3104546Pathfinder has a Kashi background for +1
>>3104546Like Clockwork , each man managed a bounty of Drake Hides, some even managed to capture a live one in a pit. And as luck would have it a whole nest was found hatching 4 eggs in a pile of carcasses. >2 Live Drakes>2 Drake Hudes>4 Eggs gained.
>>3104555>Proceeds to grab some sand from the Drake nest while I am at it...>>3104211>>3104242>>3104255So how do we separate all of this guys?
>>3104555The unit can offer a lump sum of money (likely not as much as you'd all like to be fair) and take care of everything.
>>3104584Command might need some hides for their negotiations, and the drakes might be dangerous... also some kashir dude told me drake omelettes are delicious
>>3104215investigator soon spends 15 xp on security detail. >>3103157(engineer) schmidt spends 20 xp on security detaili will join.>spend 15 xp on security detail. (88 left)>soon is an investigator.>no one currently have ragnyllian backgrounds.
>>3104584>>3104555Can we hatch the eggs and try to raise them may be? I, uh, think they would make for good, um, protection against any w-werewolf troubles we might have.
>>3104594>>3104599Ah, Captain! Well, uh, I think that if you need the hides, then you're welcome to them. I'll uh, even forfeit my share if need be. Least I can do for your help, Angel on my, or, uh, our shoulders that you are!
>>3104613You tell me, your the one who comes from this part of the world.>>3104594>>3104555How much is any of this even worth Captain?
>>3104637I'm willing to give all of you 250 zenny each in exchange for your rights to the loot.
What else could we possibly do with the Drakes? I agree to trying to hatch the eggs, and with donating the hides for the negotiations, but what of the live adults?
>>3104640>>3104555First I'd like command to confirm us what we can do with the drakes and eggs
>>3104647Maybe we could give them over for research purposes? >>3059248
surely some local can help you manage your beasts, teach them a trick. and the alquemists can use the products. these things take a while. maybe hold on to your gains for now, see what comes of it.
>>3104669>>3104667"Hmm, so we can give up a whole drake or two for research purposes, eh? That frees up the eggs for raising, and the hides for negotiations?"
>>3104600I'd be willing to join but I have no xp, if somebody could spend it for me then I'd have the ragnyllian background to offer.
>>3104703we have a small group set to go and ready. your courage does you credit, so we must find some other place to channel it.
>>3104739You said you needed a ragnyillian background <shrugs> why even bring it up if you had a full team?
>>3104749it is relevant information for the activity.
>>3098159>>3101276>>3101799>claim 25xp>claim ragnyll background>take rifle training 1 -10xp>take thrown practice 1 -10xp>5xp remain
>The Assembly came without warning, delayed by the results of the classified operation in Nocturne. With the situation there wrapped up as cleanly as could be expected, the men gathered.Alright folks, listen up. There's a lot that's been going on in the background, but it's been need-to-know up until now. Let's start with the most important stuff. Our next operation will be a strike on the Kashirn city of Magram, in an attempt to rescue the Kashirn Oracle from the Temple of Stars. This is NOT a liberation of the city, or relief for its defenders. The Oracle, to those not in the know, was crucial in ending the previous Voss-Kashirn war, and under her guidance do the Kashirn people hope to persevere. We will be rescuing the VIP and leaving the city as rapidly as possible.There are three enemy forces relevant to this operation. Lagram is serving as the enemy's main air base, supplying all VAS craft in the region. Our Kashirn allies will be striking this location concurrently with our operation in Magram, to hopefully prevent enemy aerial reinforcements from disrupting the rescue operation. In Ogram, the enemy is utilizing the simulacrum of an ancient Kashirn diety to attempt to raise an army of zealous locals to turn on their own kind and deliver Magram to the Voss. If all goes well, we should be able to avoid engaging this force entirely. In Magram proper, the enemy's forces are a token ground force, supplemented by large numbers of the undead. However, there is a further concern for us.
We have chosen to enter Magram via a series of hidden underground tunnels that permeate the region. In order to facilitate the success of the strike on Lagram, our captured VAS will be used to assist in the infiltration of the enemy base at Lagram by Kashirn forces. To avoid raising the alarm, an infiltration underground was decided upon by command. This brings us in conflict with another Voss asset which is not confirmed, but we nonetheless believe exists: A Destroyer Wyrm. From the seismological activity in this region, we believe the Voss are utilizing a titanic wyrm to navigate the underground tunnels of this region to disrupt their enemies and other nefarious deeds. I won't lie - we intend to enter and leave the city via the same route - which will likely force us to confront this creature. But we do not doubt your resolve! The Scales of the Ibon Drake will protect you from this creature's vile grasp, and we are ready and prepared to deal with it. We will not tarry in Magram proper, for fear of being encircled.Some of you may think we are rushing this operation - so I will share with you some information from outside the current theater. Those of you with relations in the World Afar may already have heard rumors - which I will now confirm. The Qrloon Empire has fractured, and fallen into a state of civil war. Many factions are vying for the throne, and we have reason to believe that the Voss are putting their thumbs on the scale. Voss arms and money are flowing into Oceania, allowing the Oceann to punch far above their weight. Should Oceania win this conflict to gain the throne of Qrloo, the Voss will gain an ally which controls the vast wealth of the World Afar, and not even the entirety of the Aeternian Council could save us from the combined might of Voss & Qrloo. The clock is ticking, and we don't have the luxury of waiting to see what happens when time runs out.
>>3105384This is highly disconcerting.
>>3105396Don't worry about it. If we do this right we'll avoid all these forces entirely. But you deserve to know the risks, considering you're stuck engaging in this operation.
>>3105435If I know something it's that everything that can go wrong in an operation will.
>>3105438>If I know something it's that everything that can go wrong in an operation will.The worst that will happen is that we'll fight the wyrm, it'll collapse the tunnel we used to get in, then we face a halberd or two and a death god plus accompanying troops all the while defending from a horde of undead.
>>3105465And then we have to end up escaping on a train...
On that note.>-30 XP for Mortar Training 1 & 2>12 XP remains[VD1] EiganHp: 32 | 32 Arm 10 | 10Mov:3 Act:3 Vis:3 Str:5Arquebus (RNG 4, []R6; Drop Block HVY+4/CRSH+4)|- [60]x1 10 pounder||- [50]x(AoE) (3-tile)|- [60]x(Aoe) (3-deep cone)Shield (3 Angle, +30 Cover, +5 DR; +5 Blunt HVY CRSH)|- [60]x1 Shield Sweep (Cleave, Drop Block)|- [60]x1 Slam (Center Block)|- Guard: Double BlockHP Shot ([]; +10 POT, +5 Revive)Rushdown, Clank Clank Clank
Right, any moving of fund or NCA event spending past this point will be ignored. Final budget for this warroom.
>>3105465>>3105486but. whatever will we do after lunch?>>3105384>>3105381is there an established protocol for ensuring the safety of our target while engaging with voss airforces, undead and a destroyer wyrm?do we have any expectations of facing enemy armor in the tunnels or the city itself?
>>3105465I only hope it will be normal, salt-fearing undead.
>>3105381>>3105384"So what I gather boss, is that we need to get in, hammer the voss, take the oracle so she can't be killed or turned to Voss' purposes, and instead get her to use her influence to double down on cutting off Voss supply lines, thus severing the flow of supplies from Voss to Oceann? That about right?"
>>3105678>Anybody got the money, drakehides, and experience points to get those bandits helping us out?
>>3105678>>3105679we possess the hides and the funding and the xp, but see here:>>3105638
>>3105744Assemble the posts for the Security Detail, please.
>Correction: Oceania is the region, Hongri is the country being supported by the Voss>>3105655In order: The Air forces will be occupied with our allies' attack on Lagram. The undead are no different than we've been dealing with. No wyrm protocol, but we don't exactly get to choose that fight. Enemy armor presence should be light - the bulk of the forces at Magram are undead.>>3105678Technically we're not affecting the Oceann conflict in any way here.>That was only included to keep OOC players in the loop for background occurrences
Rolled 5, 4, 2, 5, 5, 3 = 24 (6d6)>>3103157>>3106198>>3105744Rolling For Security Detail NCA. Bartram: Alright ladies and gents our first stop will be a private dinner with some Touring magnates. It's only a stone's throw away yes , luckily the Voss had enough grace not to touch the wealthy districts by the Pamela Beaches. 1st Pair: Schmidt 2nd Pair: Shiok Soon [Investigators prevent failure]3rd Pair Lupe Reply to this post if you had racials like Ragnyllian. As they were not listed in action reports. Always list your relevant modifiers please.
>>3106236> That WeekendBartram and Co, were surprisingly few in number, 2 Women, 2 men , big enough for a get together with friends. The smoking lounge became a makeshift bar as the place filled up with suits and muscles who watched over each others' superiors. Outside a car drove past ominously, took one look and zoomed away as soon as it met the glares of the 30 something men and Ragnyllian soldiers loitering around and sped off. It was a noisy part of town known for its rival gangs and rackets as well as its run-in with The Town but tonight, it almost seemed like this small meeting with friends was the most peaceful. " I must say I'm surprised this hole in the wall is still standing, and it still serves the best Hautte Sandwiches in Gran Lake " " It's a shame Stallion is posing so many problems with trade , even the new Commisariat is tightfisted with our brand that we can't even grease some palms to get the shipments off board in time "" Hey if you have trouble getting things past the Arlina shipping lanes then . . . ." The night continued quietly. Even the restaurant staff was kind enough to serve sandwiches for everyone standing outside on this snowy day. Great Success ! Bartram: I won't lie that this was mostly about touching base with old friends before I went off to get married but 4 Magnates !? Who would have thought !? Anyways, the Braxtons are offering us a ride back on their Sky Skipper, be sure to radio ahead ok ? > Everyone gets 500zny !! > Gain 2 Favor Tokens for a total of 3> What happens in Pamela Dunes, stays in Pamela Dunes.
As the end of the thread is around the corner, feel free to check https://www.patreon.com/MondayDestroyfor updates or link up to our discord at:https://discord.gg/BeWjwQ
!!“Huh? Gods dammit SCP it’s the middle of the night, what the hell do you want!?”…“Look, you were issued a side arm, if there really was a monster under your bed you could just shoot it the moment it jumped out, and if there’s anything under your bed around here it’s probably just a snake.”!!!“True, monsters only die to silver bullets, but snakes most certainly do die to regular bullets, so yes I am helping.”!..Kampher gave a heavy sigh. “I get it, what happed in Nocturne was pretty nasty, monsters roaming the night, civilian casualties, abuse of authority, yada, yada, but you need to learn to deal with it! You think I don’t have nightmares too? We’re still alive and in one piece and that’s all that matters!”..?“What about them? Never feel bad for surviving SCP. Life isn’t fair, shit happens, people die and those who try to shield those people tend to die too.”??“Well that’s the thing SCP I didn’t sign up, I didn’t ask for any of this. I’m an orphan, my parents died trying to escape Voss when the country went to shit. I barely made it to Ragnyll by myself and when I arrived the State gave me just enough charity for me to grow up. Then the moment I came of age I was conscripted into the militia to repay my ‘debt to the country’.”..?“Desert? It’s certainly crossed my mind but where would I go? I certainly can’t go back to Voss. No, right now I intend to survive this war, muster out when it blows over and maybe make a life for myself… in the circus or something.”…“I don’t need your sympathy child! … but I guess I appreciate it none the less.”The two of them just faced each other in awkward silence for a moment.…“No! No! I’m your superior officer, not your father, sharing my bed to make the nightmares go away would be highly improper and would lead to all sorts of unsavoury rumours.”…“Alright I tell you what: Let’s go to admin office and get ourselves reassigned to a billet with a double decker bunk; you won’t need to worry about monsters under the bed because I’LL be under your bed.”!!!“Don’t be a dick SCP, that’s my job.”>Gasp! Old Voss Background Revealed!------“Right SCP, we can move, we can shoot, but can we see? The further away we can detect the enemy the further away we can attack him and reduce the risk of being exposed to return fire. So today we’re going to do some reconnaissance training; knowing is half the battle and all that.”?“Well the other half depends on who you ask, but it usually involves violence. Anyway I have hidden an open copy of ‘Where’s Wallace’ out in the dunes over there. You are going to use those binoculars to find the book, then still using the binoculars you will find Wallace, his five companions and that weird animal mascot of his. I will be timing you: go!”>Spend 30exp on Vis training>New total: 20exp