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Hello, Foreman!

You are planning out CATS' operation for the month. Rules for allocating personnel and assets: http://emlia.org/pmwiki/pub/web/LeftBeyond.Quest2Rules.html

You, the Foreman, can deploy yourself on TWO actions (in most cases) for a small bonus to all rolls. You can even risk your own life on a covert action, if you so choose!

Dr. Robertson can be deployed on ONE action for a large bonus to R&D rolls or a small bonus to any non-covert rolls.

Mr. Andrews can be deployed on ONE action for a large bonus to construction rolls or a small bonus to any non-covert rolls.

Performing an action outside of your home territory will also require the availability of (complexity) fleet assets, OR renting fleet assets out at the cost of 1/asset.

Potentate relations: South America = Friendly, Africa = Unfriendly, India = Friendly, all others = Neutral


Survey a territory for opportunity using yourself or a trusted agent. Surveyed: Middle America, Northern Africa, Argentina, Brazil

Buy equipment on the open market:
Power generation 1
Small arms 1
Network equipment 2
Fleet assets 2
Aerospace part 3

You have no black market contacts yet.


Survey a territory for opportunity using a team. The result will vary depending on whether a work or covert team was sent.

Hire out your covert operations team - they will need small arms to operate at full capacity.

Construct network equipment.

Construct a Cellular-Solar pylon. (+1 cellular or internet; requires 1 network part)


Do research (1~3).

Construct an aerospace part.

Construct a logistics hub (cap 1 fleet requirement for that territory; can deploy covert teams there with no advance notice; costs 1 power)


Recruit a work team.

Schedule a satellite launch, which will happen at the end of NEXT month. Requires an aerospace part.

Do research (4~6).


Recruit a covert team.

Do research (7~9). None of your research programs are far ahead enough.

Construct a network node. (unifies cell and net in that territory; costs 1 power, 1 network)


Rush a satellite launch, which will happen at the end of this month. Requires an aerospace part.

Do research (10). None of your research programs are far ahead enough.
What are your orders for the month?

It was only a one-floor drop...
Admin Action: Approach Firescu to hire him. Trusted Agents have an exponential influence on our capabilities.

I'd also like to but 2 fleet assets.

And to build a Pylon in China, as well as survey it.

In fact, I'd like to also construct a logistics hub in China. Both to increase our force projection capabilities but also to take advantage of the booming Asian economy.

So, anyone want to research Rods of God to launch into space under the cover of "satellite launch"? Depleted uranium rods are still going to be heavy AF and they are probably cheap if risky to get right now. Actually, if we can spin it as "intentionally depleting them for safety purposes" maybe we can get away with it.

Or "space disposing" of it.
Woo new budget. Shouldnt we have 5 fleet now with our bought ship? Or do we need to reconfigure it?
2 work teams on the expert system. The Dr.

4 teams network node in Australia. Andrews.

2 covert team Hire out covert team. To aid the whites in South Africa. Have them buy some guns.

We should see what the south African lady found. Spend some time ourselves doing what busy work we can in China and Siberia regarding the internet to raise our favor with the potenant cause it doesn't look like we're working hard enough for our evil overlord.
South American lady, fucking auto correct. And use one work team to put the internet in South America while we're at it.

(Derp, I forgot to add the Garibaldi to the map. Yes, you do in fact have 5 fleet assets. My bad)
Is firescu the cop? Isnt he just a normal cop? Why does everyone want him?
Also dont we also have an side objective to make a nework node in russa for 2bn?

We should get more fleet before making a network node in austrailia so we dont have to spend the extra three. Wasnt our plan to make a node in austrailia and russa at the same time and turn them on simultaneously?

Also i doubt covert team can hire covert team.
My vote is we:

>buy one fleet asset to make it 6 - 2$
>put 2 teams research expert system - 3$ Dr. Robertson assists
>put 3 team on recruiting a work team. - 3$ mr. Andrews assists
Put 2 team on researching preparedness- 2$ we assist
>put 2 covert team on working + 2$
>We talk to bruce barns and see if we can get him to be our theological expert

Total cost '- 8 remaining 15

Then next turn we can put 6 teams on making a pylon in Russia and Australia without spending extra on fleet

And 2 researching or doing somthing else.
Ok, but it's not pylons. Build a damn network node in Australia next year as it was promised to Australia.
We could also not assist preparedness and instead talk to Firescu like >>3610733 suggested.

Actually ill switch to that.

No worries there are a lot of stats here to keep track of.
And no, not simultaneously. But. . Wait, fuck.

Put it in Russia first then Australia the next turn.
Yeah im suggesting we do it next turn, month 14 and in russia as well. With 6 fleet assests and 6 work teams it should go ok.
> Is firescu the cop? Isnt he just a normal cop? Why does everyone want him?

Because weird stuff happened to him. He's Special Forces in Bulgaria now. Also, he was used as a catspaw to probe our sting operation, so he's a link back to whomever is spying on us. Finally he was determined to not let the mystery go, investigating us for criminal activities we pretend to be involved in during said sting.

I'll switch to support this, however I'm firm on Firescu. Trusted Agents are what will make us successful.

Covert teams can definitely recruit - why not use the contacts that the team members already have?
Why not simultaniously? We promised them both we would do them first and geist said it was possible >>3609744 albeit hard. We may as well try.

Oh well that makes him more interestinf ill go with >>3610789 This adjustment to my plan

Well thats cool. Good to know. Is it the same percentage or does a covert team count as more then one work team for this?
Because "hard" in a Left Beyond setting, tends to mean Impossible without proper preperations.
Ok so we have 3 teams on each, us on one and Ryan Andrews on the other. We have a very good chance of success.

We also, as far as I understand already agreed to Russias proposition. So we kinda are fucked if we only do one now.
Putting my foot down here. NO. Geist made it clear, abundantly, if we try to do both at once we would need an extra team to make sure it does get done at the same time on each.

It's the same percentage (Sorry guys, my spreadsheet for this is already two screens wide)
What are you even talking about what he said was
"It's doable, but you reckon that there's politics involved, so, in order for it to get done at the exact same time, you'd have to coordinate the matter yourself on one end and send a trusted agent at the other, otherwise the regular work crews would be pressured into a race by the local grandees wanting to look good."

"Trusted agent" "agent" singular. He is referring to the named characters. Thats why Ryan on one and us on the other. We fulfill that need.
Ok. My other objection is you understaffed them which means we would have to roll for it. And need I remind you how the dice feel about us?
Revized plan

4 network node in Russia. As promised. Andrews.

3 research the 4th level of Expert System. See if Dr. Robert can make new encryptions while he's at it.

Covert teams are to recruit a new covert team.

We should try to recruit that detective, our second action seeing what the south American subpotenant found.

(I've seen this one happen between two county government during the last fiber boom. The result was really sloppy work on either side because the work crews were pressured to finish earlier than the others)
That is true but we have been luckyish so far we have like a 15% chance of failure with the named chacters assisting rather then 25%. I think its better for is to give it a try and fail minorly then not try at all. I dont want the Potenates to hate us becuase we make promises we cant keepm or dont even try to keep.

I would have agreed with you if you argued to not make that promise to Russia but now that we have I just feel like we have our hands tied on this.
We can do Australia next month. Have reasonable ambitions.
So you just want to leave austrailia in the dust then?
Also we should put someone to assist the covert team recruiting if you want to do it. With only 2 teams its a 50% chance.

Yeah shouldnt have made that promise but too late now eh.

Im still voting for my plan tho.
We told austrailia we would do them first. Just like Russia. They will be very upset if we break that.
We didn't? And wasn't that India who asked us to do that?
I support doing them simultaneously.

Just like I did last thread.
"Australia's mining sector has slumped a little after the Event, largely due to a dip in demand, but things there are overall quiet; the United Pacific States potentate was wise enough to recognize the Australia has its own culture and has generally allowed things to continue as they were. As a Global Community cabinet official you are given the required minimum of red carpet treatment, handed over the keys to a fancy four wheel drive, and more or less allowed to roam around. The Event hasn't affected the ecosystem much, and the people reacted to the Rapture by tackling the demographic crisis the old fashioned way - in the towns you visit, you hear quite a few babies crying.

Looks like the preschools that existed before the Rapture and were obviously closed down by it will remain a thing of the past though: babies are too valuable to be left to institutions, and most local governments have increased maternity or paternity leaves so that someone in your typical household can be a full time parent. Interestingly, this is one of the few policies in which Carpatescu's plans have encountered resistance: on paper the notion to establish GC-sponsored "children's creches" is moving forward, but people aren't interested in that sort of thing. This goes double for this particular culture, and triple for the small towns in it.

The people here are used to kids attending classes taught by radio and similar methods of communication, brought about by low density and great distances. You are formally asked to test the new network nodes in Australia: there's plenty of sun for them to operate on, open spaces with no hills to block radio signals, and people here think of themselves as bootstrappy enough to work around a new system's inevitable hiccups.

# Make the promise.

# Don't."
We all said yes. Unless you disagree what test the system means in the finer points.
I just went back and read it, your a bunch of fucking spastic monkeys. We'll put four on one and put all our remaining assets on the other so we don't fuck this up like it appears your inevitably going to fucking do.

(To clarify: the reason why if you want this to be done EXACTLY at the same time, with a telepresence link for the ribbon cutting ceremony if you are so inclined, you need to go yourself and send an agent is that with an executive of a global agency being physically right there supervising the work, local politicians aren't going to try to bully the work crews into doing sloppier work just so that they can finish before the other guys.)
I dont think we have been to india? Not 100% sure.

Why not just follow my general outline. If you'd like we can buy 2 more fleet assets this turn so we have 4 work crews on each and save 2$ over renting. Make a 100% chnace rather then 80-85%
Alright but which ones your outline. Where's your old id?
How many turns do we have left to do this?

My conflict is that we have to repair our relationship with Reheboth, but now we've made another promise.

If it was just completing a promise (rep) vs 2BN, I'd rather keep the rep. Seems harder to get than money.
We have 3 turns as it is month 13 and its due on 15. The current is on the bottom left of the map in thr title post.

This was my post
So we would change it too

>>buy three fleet asset to make it 8 - 6$
>>put 2 teams research expert system - 3$ Dr. Robertson assists
>>put 3 team on recruiting a work team. - 3$ mr. Andrews assists
>Put 2 team on researching preparedness- 2$ we assist
>>put 2 covert team on working + 2$
>>We talk to bruce barns and see if we can get him to be our theological expert

-12 so 11 budget left after mainly why i wanted to go only 6 ship so we would have 15 budget

Only work team that is necessary there is the one to recruit another one for 8. The others on research arent. Reasonably we could put them all on making network if we want to finish internet world wide by turn 15 as well. Up to you.
Alright. We'll do this.
Sounds good to me.
> We will never contact Firescu

Well, he seems to be doing good on his own last we checked anyways. Still, the earlier we get him the easier his loyalty will be to get.

We can always show him our recording of Carpatescu to bring him in to the conspiracy, as well. Although if he's already been compromised that's a huge risk.

Still, he would mesh perfectly with our covert teams developed so far.
How about rather then have us assist on researching preparedness we contact Firescu? Take care of that.
Well, we DID have Dr. Robertson brought into the conspiracy against changes in Nuclear energy, could work.

Dr. Roberts is a little high profile. Might be better to send a Covert team to make contact with him as well if we're doing so.
I could back this as well.
Oh wait that's us. Yes please.
Omega, I am your Grandfather and Godfather. Neptunia and Gardy are your parents.
Did QM get Raptured?
QM has erratic work stuff that can lead to spontaneous vanishings. they will most likely be back.
Rolled 49, 80, 44 = 173 (3d100)


Sorry about that. Tech had to be shipped out and debts had to be collected.




You book a flight to Bulgaria and have your people back home file the necessary paperwork for you to visit the former MCPO training facility. On the way, you are heartened to see people using cell phones to not only talk but also text, frantically tapping away at the standard phone keyboard to input letters one by one. The interface is clumsy, yet it seems to have taken hold quickly - better to leave a bit of text than play phone-machine tag, you figure. It'll be a long while before any of this is available on a plane, although you notice that some first and business class seats have a phone headset with modem jack available; the private sector is taking advantage of the infrastructure you are developing.

Dr. Robertson tells you that he would rather keep working on nuclear research, even if he has to do it by himself this month

# and you agree, he's onto something.

# and you point out that he can use this opportunity to borrow some big, fast computers for his own work before turning them over to you.

Mr. Andrews is an industrialist; hiring work crews is something he remembers doing from his younger days, and gladly takes the job on, taking his pick of competent construction foremen, contractors, and the like

# which you gladly take on board.

# but redirecting some of them to Effincold.

The training facility itself has recently been repainted, and signs in Romanian, Russian and English proudly proclaim that Global Community Peacekeepers are now trained here.

You are a cabinet-level official, so pulling Mr. Folgore out of his training schedule for a quick chat isn't a big problem.

He tells you that he remembers the incident at your HQ, largely because it happened just a few days before his transfer to the GC command structure, and confirms that the anonymous tip came from a "Chloe Barnes".

# Offer him to be CATS' chief of security - anything less would be a demotion

# Offer him to freelance for you, which will let him keep his official rank with the paramilitary Peacekeepers and the extra access that comes with it, but cost you significantly more.


This month you focus your fleet asset purchases within the airline industry, making sure that your teams get the same unlimited travel vouchers that you have for yourself. Unlike you they'll have to fly coach, but rank hath its privileges. You also purchase or get long-term leases for various harbor services; the Garibaldi can (in a pinch) do a beach landing, but it's a lot less work on the deckhands to have her treated as a regular work boat. You also start sending out feelers for a captain; the current XO is only staying on because he keeps accruing credit towards a military pension. Carpatescu made a big deal of giving a fair exit to career military personnel across the world, although you aren't sure where he's getting the money from.

Your security teams are riding high on their recent success (and on the new APCs). You direct them to

# tackle a bounty set by the New Babylon local government, therefore possibly by Carpatescu himself, to investigate a black market dealer known as Double-M. Reward: Favor (probably).

# Same as above, but under a false flag; let's not tell Carpatescu you have a small private army just yet. Reward: 1BN.

# The situation in Cassibile has normalized somewhat, government forces have retaken control of the town. However, they would appreciate foreigners on guard duty, since they would be neutral. Reward: 1BN

# The situation in Northern Ireland is deteriorating, albeit slowly - there have been several unscheduled controlled demolitions along the former border. Your contacts with the Ghilotti construction firm tell you that the modus operandi is similar to their own. This is another guard duty job. Reward: 1BN

# Same as above, but the subpotentate of the Great Britian (sic) States is actively hiring investigators to figure out who's doing it. Reward: Favor. (If you tackle the two jobs above with the two teams, you will gain a minor bonus for synergy).

# The "Angry Storm" terrorist or terrorist cell has sieged a peaceful religious community in Waco, Texas, posing as law enforcement to gain access. Oddly, the distress call comes directly from the community leaders - Dimmsdale says that he doesn't know anything about it. Reward: 1BN.

# Rebohoth has sent out a discreet call for the assassination of a possible rival, Nikoomba. Pick a side. Reward: Favor either way (if you side against Rebohoth, you can use this information as blackmail, so he'll be forced to play nice with you). Note that your security team may not like this job.

# An investigation job with a low probability of violence: the Egyptology Museum in New York has sent out a call for information about the whereabouts of the Dagger of Amon Ra; they suspect that nationalists have taken it back to Egypt. Reward: 1BN.
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Carla is overjoyed about having some funding for her work; your people perform a quick global survey of the most likely disaster to hit each region, from earthquakes to fires to flood. One of the things you learn is that Carpatescu has been dealing with the drop in food prices caused by the worldwide availability of the Eden fertilizer by the simple expedient of buying staples and stockpiling them. Looks like the days of government cheese are back... Your team makes sure that the Global Community website has a downloadable map of these stockpiles, should it ever be needed. Everyone expects the times of plenty to continue, but Carla expects a population explosion once people become comfortable with the notion that babies born after the Event are healthy and can be raised without fear.

You don't expect many people will use the online resources yet, but have a basic website built anyway.

Carla mentions in passing that a German mineralogist, Dr. Ignatio Mobius, has denounced the Eden fertilizer as dangerous in the long term, claiming that it leeches nutrients out of the soil and will result in a dustbowl after a few years of bumper crops. However, she notes that her own research shows nothing of the kind.

# Go talk to Bruce Barnes in Mount Prospect.

# Let Carla focus on the tecnhnical aspects of the disaster preparedness work, and handle the administrative tasks yourself.
>Dr. Robertson tells you that he would rather keep working on nuclear research, even if he has to do it by himself this month
# and you point out that he can use this opportunity to borrow some big, fast computers for his own work before turning them over to you.
Don't loose them, and limit access to people he trusts.

>Mr. Andrews is an industrialist; hiring work crews is something he remembers doing from his younger days, and gladly takes the job on, taking his pick of competent construction foremen, contractors, and the like
# which you gladly take on board.
Lets check em out before sending them to our super secret facility. Let them pass probation first

>Mr. Folgore
Talk to him of his goals and aspirations, what work he is comfortable with and has done in the past, if he can handle discretion and understands the importance of OPSEC

I'm leaning towards Freelance. No decision yet.

>Your security teams are riding high on their recent success (and on the new APCs). You direct them to
# Same as above, but under a false flag; let's not tell Carpatescu you have a small private army just yet. Reward: 1BN.

# The situation in Northern Ireland is deteriorating, albeit slowly - there have been several unscheduled controlled demolitions along the former border. Your contacts with the Ghilotti construction firm tell you that the modus operandi is similar to their own. This is another guard duty job. Reward: 1BN

# The "Angry Storm" terrorist or terrorist cell has sieged a peaceful religious community in Waco, Texas, posing as law enforcement to gain access. Oddly, the distress call comes directly from the community leaders - Dimmsdale says that he doesn't know anything about it. Reward: 1BN.
Help close to home.

# Rebohoth has sent out a discreet call for the assassination of a possible rival, Nikoomba. Pick a side. Reward: Favor either way (if you side against Rebohoth, you can use this information as blackmail, so he'll be forced to play nice with you). Note that your security team may not like this job.
Fuck Rebotha.

Do the Ireland and Angry Storm ones first.


# Let Carla focus on the tecnhnical aspects of the disaster preparedness work, and handle the administrative tasks yourself.

Can't think of much to ask Brunce so I'ma put that off for now.

You've got to pick two security jobs since you have two security teams.

Since the Waco job happens in the Middle America territory, you may use the Goon Squad to augment a security team there. However they are currently providing security for Dr. Robertson, so they'd have to be pulled off that job.
Would our security team be against blackmail or just the killing part, or both? Since I only want to do blackmail for now....

Gonna have to say, Angery Storm and Rebohoth.
I'd like to know more about Nikoomba before we we really dive into this.

Your security teams are composed in roughly equal parts by former soldiers and PIs/repo men. They've been quite happy with being unapologetically "the good guys" when they've been deployed so far, and an outright assassination might look distasteful.

Nikoomba was a Lybian tribal leader before Carpatescu's ascension. He has been pushing back against Rebohoth's favoritism toward Central African people. Before then, he was at least nominally loyal to Qaddafi.
Not talking about assassination.... Though this guy sounds like a weak horse to bet on.

Was hoping for the ZULU king or something.

How would a blackmail or supporting Rebotha work or look like?

Assassinating Nikoomba will obviosly make Rebohoth grateful, and he will also see that you are somebody ruthless enough that you should not be messed with.

Protecting Nikoomba, on the other hand, will force Rebohoth to play nice with you, if you succeed, since he will know that you can back your words with force enough to thwart his own goon squad.
Can we learn more about Nikoomba, such as how he would rule or treat others? I don't want a pansy, but I also don't want a bloodthirsty tyrant that points guns to our freaking head!

Also how would Carpatescu react? Would he even find out?

How would supporting Nikoomba help? Can he become the new Potentate?
>an investigation job for the dagger of amon Ra. It just sounds fun.
>takle the bounty for double-M as a flase flag

>he can use this opportunity to borrow computers.

>which you gladly take on board.

>ask him how he feels about CATS cheif of security basically

>go talk to Bruce barns
Yeah this is a good question i will change my vote to protect Nikoomba if hes a good replacement for us in that area.
Well It would help to have access to his security teams so ours doesn't get stretched out.

We only have two, but we can likely get 2 or 3 on loan if we work with this MCPO guy, and some plausible deniability.
Yeahxim just afraid we have to pay for them. We are stapped for budget as is.

Im thinking we continue recruiting them and have 1 on standby for wvery 2 we send out so they can have backup. Luckily the covert teams make us money rather then loose so we can just keep recruiting them when we have a few free work teams
>Mr. Folgore
I could go either way on this desu.

Carpatescu has so far let Rebohoth do more or less what he wants in Africa, as long as no large scale conflicts are allowed to ignite. He seems keen on achieving world peace, even if that requires some blood spilled in some areas. You haven't asked him about it, but the overall impression is that he is being pragmatic.

At the very beginning of your tenure, he specifically told the Russian subpotentate that your agency could not be established in his territory, which at the time was seen as a rare bit of interference.
The only other think I was thinking was that, our covert teams are more like security teams, while I think Mr. Folgore has more of the deniable assets types.
Hmmmm i guess if hes still alive we can go meet Nikcoomba on our next turn

Yeah fair it seems our boss hasnt noticed yet at least.
I guess we can ask the dude more about the types of teams hes got, and how they can be deployed.
We definitely should would help. If nothing else we gain a named security character which still is overwhlemingly helpful.
Also i think we should talk to bruce barns. He is our christian contact in the states and i was hoping we could get them as our theological expert to study into what we should expect these next few years.
Eh, so much work and so little ability to do half of them.

If you can think of some good question or offers to ask then go for it.
It seems like he would be a golden boy to support prepardness if we get them as a named character. Not sure what we can offer them? A salary and chance to beat the antichrist before the end of the world happens?

"Fair enough, I suppose."

The end result, courtesy of your work teams and Dr. Robertson's underlings, is a simple program for quickly writing expert system scripts. They select the DOS platform, largely due to the fact that since it may need to be deployed worldwide it makes sense to use the lowest common denominator. Since this is distinct from the Nomenklator, which you have elected to keep secret for now, you have the platform distributed for free on the web, with a license providing that any script anyone creates can be used by CATS free of charge. Before long, you have a small but growing library of automated or semiautomated procedures for common office tasks ,freeing your back office to do things that require actual thinking.


One curious side effect is that a few people start remaking old Infocom text games in your system. Well, the world needed more Leather Goddesses of Phobos, anyway.

Bruno Folgore is a former Chicago cop of Italian/Romanian ancestry; he is defensive about his record and claims that any instances of brutality were due to people overreacting to him trying to do his job. He seems quite loyal to Carpatescu (or at lest he's good at sounding like he is) and is looking forward to a position of responsibility with the Global Community Peacekeepers, although if you can give him a faster way up the career ladder he'll definitely work with you.

You use the Nomenklator a few times during the interview; he hasn't detected it, but remarks that you remind him of Carpatescu for your eidetic memory.

He seems to have a specific distaste for Christian Remnant, but doesn't think nationalists are a big threat to Carpatescu's new world order.
Could we ask why he was reassigned or why he thinks he was?
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"The decision came directly from Potentate Carpatescu, actually!" he answers proudly. He's sure that it's because of his exemplary service record, although your Nomenklator team finds a spotty one at best.

Bruno explains that the Peacekeepers are intended to be a global defense initiative, ideally more patterned after Interpol than after a military force, and so he looks forward to commanding both investigators and ground troops.

He asks you if you are involved in the "satellite schools" initiative, which you hadn't heard of yet. A quick lookup indicates that Carpatescu intends to exploit the "Rapture gap" in child population to refactor schools globally, with part of the curriculum being unified all over the world and streamed via satellite. To your annoyance, the documents exist within the last Global Community Council meeting minutes, but nobody had gotten around to telling you anything yet. Typical...
Guess hes gonna want us to put up more sattalites soon

(Go talk to Bruce Barnes, or help with preparedness research? Also, pick two security jobs! Note for the future: a "safe" security job will bring in less reward, but give useful field training to your teams. Also, going on one of those yourself will make you more able to survive an attack, should one happen)

I did vote over here
We should probably agree on the jobs and if we help or talk to barnes to move this along
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You don't have to travel far to talk to Rev. Barnes; the New Hope Village Church is in Mount Prospect, and you can just about see one of the buildings that compose your HQ from there. Outside the church is a large water tank, which by the look of it is in the process of being installed; the Ghilotti Bros. told you that Rev. Barnes has been shopping around for a construction company to use the water tank shell to build an underground bunker under the church, big enough for four or five people.

Evangelical churches have sat half-empty after the Event, but New Hope is an exception: your Nomenklator team tells you that that the church building is a little small for the current congregation size of about 240.

There are no services planned for today or, in fact, many activities other than services Wednesdays and Sundays; the secretary, a pleasant African-American lady whose name you didn't quite catch (probably Loretta), ushered you into the pastor's office after wringing a cup of excellent espresso for you out of an ancient coffee machine.

You came here

# seemingly on a whim, unannounced.

# unannounced, but with a couple of Ghilotti Bros boys for backup, they're waiting outside.

# wanting to ask why did a Chloe Barnes from this number called the cops on your HQ last year.

# making an appointment beforehand, and mentioning Tsion Ben-Judah. The hand written card you got from the theologian said:

Bruce Barnes
Acting Pastor
New Hope Village Church
Mount Prospect, IL

web :f3.to/newhopevillagechurch
>making an apointment beforehand, and mentioneding tsion ben-judah.
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Barnes is very open with information after you show him the card; he freely admits that he hasn't done this for very long, then expands on that remark noting that his time spent in the ministry before the Rapture doesn't really count since, well, he missed it.

He flat out says that as a cabinet-level official you would be a valuable convert for the Christian Remnant as humbly represented by the New Hope Village Church, and asks if you would consider talking to others who have made that decision.

# Appear (or even be) interested.

# Note that you are loyal to Carpatescu, out of a genuine respect for the man.

# Note that you are loyal to Carpatescu, out of professionalism.

# Ask him if he thinks Carpatescu is the Antichrist.

# Ask about the phone call last year.
>note that you are loyal to the global community (not nessesaryily carpatescu although that is implied) out of professionalism
>appear interested, confess to him that we have strong reason to belive that the end is coming as his religion prophesies. However we would like to take it a step further then just being saved. We would like to stop the apocalypse.
>ask him if he would be our theological expert on the coming days and how best we can prepare for it.
Think this is too much anons? I dont want to end up assassinated
That's way too much, why do you anons want to tell people we want to stop Armageddon when were in a setting where anyone and everyone wants it? Knock it off.

# Ask him if he thinks Carpatescu is the Antichrist.

It's a common rumor. Good to see how audacious these guys are.
I want a theological expert tho. Who do you think we cant take for that? Can we potentislly trick them into assisting us then?
># Appear (or even be) interested.
# Ask him if he thinks Carpatescu is the Antichrist.
You aren't going to trick anyone into anything when you say stupid shit to them like "stop the apocalypse" because these people actually WANT an apocalypse!
Well im suggesting we switch away from being honest about out intentions rather then telling them strait out like in. So no we wouldnt tell them we want to stop the apocalypse in the case where we trick them.
Do you think we could, if we made an attempt to trick, for example barnes into assisting us on the specifics of gospel and what is to come? As well what would you say to trick them or do you think this is a good idea?

"I do not think that Carpatescu is the Antichrist" Barnes says. On a piece of scrap paper he clarifies, "I know he is".

Did he get tipped off about you wearing a wire?

You briefly discuss Carpatescu's policy of allowing religious freedom but removing things like tax-exempt status from churches, and insisting that religious assemblies send a representative to ecumenical councils in traditional holy cities like Mecca and Kanchipuram, something that Barnes calls the "Enigma Babylon One World Faith" due to the fact that a permanent ecumenical council chamber is being built in New Babylon.

“The Bible says that the Cross offends. If you are offended, I am doing my job. If you are attracted to Christ, the Spirit is doing his work."

You've made a point of looking interested, rather than offended, so that seems like it's out of the blue.

After a few exchanges of pleasantries -- of course you are welcome to visit a service, in fact Carpatescu's personal pilot attends this church! -- you find out that Barnes is very proud of his church web page and, like Tsion, is worried about future censorship.

# We will obey the law.

# The internet's infrastructure sees censorship as damage and routes around it.

# If you are asking for special consideration, I want a favor in kind from you.

While making small talk, about Barnes scribbling that he "knows" Carpatescu is the Antichrist, you

# ignored the little note.

# visibly read the little note.

# answered the little note in the same way (write in).
> The internet sees censorship as damage and routes around it

>answer the note
I appreciate your honesty

Rev. Barnes clearly has no idea who John Gilmore is, and takes in your pearl of wisdom.

"I understand that you did not come here to hear a sermon, although you are of course very welcome to, next Sunday, and in fact please consider this an invitation. But I'd like to, well, abuse your professional courWe're planning to greatly expand our Web presence, but Raymond's daughter, Chloe - she was at Stanford before the Event, you know, very sharp girl - tells me that it would be another monthly bill to set up a bigger website, so... do you have any suggestions?"

# Yes, we can just host it for you. Don't worry, it doesn't mean we'll get to read all your emails or anything like that.

# You can host it yourself; we'd have to give you a ISDN or DSL line.

# Sure, talk to this company....

On the scrap paper, he writes "Come Sunday one hour early, pretend to have forgotten DST time change."

# Make time in your schedule to do so while you deal with the other stuff for this month.

# Send an observer (Pick between construction, engineer, covert)

# Let it be.

"Oh, also, my dear friend Tsion mentioned wanting to talk to your research lead. Is that something that you think could be arranged?"

You say something noncommittal

# and arrange for that, in person.

# and arrange for that, via telepresence.

# and forget it, you can't risk Dr. Robertson converting.
# Sure, talk to this company....
We can bug him....

# Make time in your schedule to do so while you deal with the other stuff for this month.

# and arrange for that, via telepresence.
Make sure its very secure.
>Yes we can host it for you

>make time in your scheule to do so.

>arrange for that, in person. Talk to Dr.Roberson before hand to try and lower the chance of conversion
Supporting this one.
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You give him the address for Columbia Internet, a known-good ISP that tapped into the Cellular-Solar network early, and tell your staff to find a time for a video call between Dr. Robertson and Rabbi Ben-Judah which works for both of them, which is largely a matter of your people being the right mixture of obsequious and pushy to the two academicians.

Putting data taps on both is, of course, trivial. You'll get whatever data this guy has, unless he decides to do everything with a manual typewriter, and you didn't see one of those in the office. You did see a very new, very expensive laptop, though.

You shake hands with Rev. Barnes, and gives you one of those omnipresent pamphlets. This one looks like it's been printed right after the Event; it warns that the world has either 7 or 8.5 years to go, and speaks of "The Antichrist's treaty with Israel" in the future tense. You note that some of the details are wrong, for example the "two witnesses" have already been active.

# Handle the security teams!

# Show up for the sermon, or send a proxy to give you the executive summary.
That timeline is very helpful basically thr info i wanted
>send a proxy
>handle security teams

Security team options are at >>3621134

The following Sunday, you send one of your analysts to Rev. Barnes' Sunday service... and are surprised to find that his report includes a polite but firm letter of resignation. At least you didn't give him a Nomenklator!

The sermon was the usual fire-and-brimstone fare, with Rev. Barnes urging people to give to the church so that he may dedicate more of his time towards compiling his predecessor's notes into a comprehensive list of prophecy of what is to come.

"Dear Foreman,

I believe that under your leadership we have done good for the people of this world. But I must urge you to repent before the Tribulation is over. Above all, do not take the Mark of the Beast, or you will become incapable of salvation. Carpatescu is evil, his peace is false, he will start WW3 and bathe the world in nuclear fire, and that's BEFORE the Great Tribulation even begins.

Repentance is in the mind, but belief is in the heart. Paul said in Romans 10:9-11, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed.’”"

Happily enough, Rev. Barnes did take your suggestion when it came to getting better internet: looks like whoever this Chloe is, she's in charge of migrating to the new server.

# Passive monitoring: you'll see any files uploaded and accessible to the public even if they aren't linked anywhere. Undetectable.

# Active monitoring: you'll get their emails, too. Can be detected.
Why would you send someone? Did you even play the first quest? You would have known what happens. At least you didn't have us go ourselves.

I have a question before I vote. Did any of the research we did into master system improve our encryptions or other security based technology?
# Passive monitoring: you'll see any files uploaded and accessible to the public even if they aren't linked anywhere. Undetectable.

Girl seems to be somewhat tech savvy.

I honestly did not know that would happen, figure we would go in person if we had time to spare.

Does the Rev. have the same brainwashing powers as our boss?
Everyone on both ends of the prophecy has a power simply referred to as narative causality. It's more, much more, sinister than that. The effects are that they can basically, through sound, influence behavior. The voice of God, the commands of the Antichrist, the words of a preacher. The end result is always the same. If someone is integral to the left behind books, or worse, is integral to biblical prophecy, then they will be able, with their voice, affect the allegiance, change the behavior, or otherwise defy reality, to complete their objective. This ranges from converting people to a way of thinking like Tsion can, to literally pulling off mind control like Carpatescu, all the way up to reshaping the world like YHVH can.

This is why sonic tools were so fucking important during left beyond 1 despite how little they did in the actual quest line.
Good thing dr andrews is having the conversation though a video chat...

Also that seems to be highly meta knowledge.
I did play through the second half. I was doubtful about how bad it would be but I wasnt sure which is why I didnt send ourselves. I will be more careful in the future .

>passive motoring.

For security teams I vote
> guard duty in northern ireland
> investigate who is causing demolitions in northern Ireland.
I didn't choose Ireland since the level of conflict there seems lower than lets say a Waco style siege currently ongoing in Texas.

We probably have more time before it escalates more.
(A prequel to LBQ? Excitement!)

#Passive Monitoring

Would it be possible to interview the guy we sent to the sermon via video to discretely study him? Maybe we could frame it as part of employee offboarding process. If the Christian Remnant can affect minds like our boss, it would benefit us to know now when we can still bunker down.
>Only the second half.
That's when things started to go wrong from bad Decisions.

# The situation in Northern Ireland is deteriorating, albeit slowly - there have been several unscheduled controlled demolitions along the former border. Your contacts with the Ghilotti construction firm tell you that the modus operandi is similar to their own. This is another guard duty job. Reward: 1BN

# The "Angry Storm" terrorist or terrorist cell has sieged a peaceful religious community in Waco, Texas, posing as law enforcement to gain access. Oddly, the distress call comes directly from the community leaders - Dimmsdale says that he doesn't know anything about it. Reward: 1BN.

Let's not forget "angry storm" appears somewhere in the midgame as well.
Yeah I caught up by reading but I didnt have all the planning of the old players. I didnt do as well as they would have.

Ill switch from
To your choices for the teams

What do we know about angry storm other then that?

Nobody knows much. The person in charge of the terrorist cell is named Styr Magnor, and claims to be from Norway. He says he is a Christian, but even other Christian Remnant groups have disavowed him.

He has primarily been harassing Pagans and Christians who have accepted to join the ecumenical council, usually by hit and run bombings which so far have resulted in casualties but no deaths.

Now he has apparently caused a confrontation near what used to be the US/Mexico border: he's gathered a posse to commandeer some police vehicles and sieged an intentional community.


You make it official CATS policy that from now on, anyone quitting without giving two weeks' notice will have to sit down for an exit interview, be it in person or via video call.

You find the time for a brief call with the outgoing analyst, who is unfailingly polite and takes the time to exhort you once again to convert, and again mention that Carpatescu is going to start WW3 and bathe the world in nuclear fire, AFTER WHICH the real disasters will start. "Everything's written in stone, sir, you just have to decide where to spend eternity. Make the right choice."

The video footage is fairly low resolution, but you have people look at it. Whatever happened on Sunday, it caused a genuine primal fear response, strong enough to linger days later.


You won't be able to read the New Hope Church staff emails, but they won't have any idea that you are passively monitoring their server's file system. They're using it to share first drafts of prints for bulletins and the like; while they are technically breaking the law by refusing to join the ecumenical council, they aren't advocating violence or even civil disobedience.

Just by looking at names of people on various projects like bake sales and so on, your systadmins generate a list of people who are active in the church.
Vernon Billings, former pastor. Disappeared during the Event.
Bruce Barnes, current pastor.
Loretta (no last name given), Bruce's secretary.
Donny Moore, currently employed at CATS as an IT liaison
Sandra Moore
Chloe Steele, acting sysadmin. Stanford full ride scholarship, dropped out during the Event.
Rayford Steele, current pilot of Carpatescu's primary plane, a former US presidential plane.
Amanda White
Buck Williams, current editor of Global Weekly, effectively appointed there by Carpatescu
Judd Thompson Jr.
Vicki Byrne
Lionel Washington
Ryan Daley
John Preston
Mark Eisman
Chaya Stein
Shelly (no last name given), blogger

You aren't sure why Carpatescu is comfortable with his primary air chauffeur attending an extra-ecumenical church; there may be some amount of double-agenting going on.


(Confirm sending both teams to Ireland? They will get a minor synergy bonus)
I vote Northern Ireland.

If the demolitions are interfering with the laying down of Telcom infrastructure, we have a valid reason to crack a few skulls.

Nicky probably would not like it if some Private Army upstaged his Peacekeepers, especially if the organization backing it should be investing in getting his message across.
Ahh no i meant to say i am
And i am switching to

(Thank you!)


The situation on the ground in Waco is chaotic: the "commandeered police vehicles" turn out to be manned by current or former local law enforcment, who Styr Magnor stirred up to form an old timey posse and siege the "heretic" compound.

Dimmsdale has been unusually reticent in intervening, so you simply send a team yourself. Since they have no legal authority to arrest anyone, you direct them to

# side with the besieged and chase off Styr Magnor and his posse, like they were contracted to.

# side with Magnor; they have printed flyers all over the nearby town accusing the besieged community to be stockpiling weapons.

# escalate the conflict by taking pot shots at both sides, thus giving the newly formed Peacekeepers an excuse to intervene, then making themselves scarce.

The team leader tells you that de-escalation doesn't seem to be an option; the two groups aren't likely to listen to reason even if it's backed up by firepower. "We'd need actual artillery to scare these folks into backing off".


The team you send to Ireland quickly discovers that the demolition attacks were taking out illegal fuel dying operations built in the basements of apartment buildings or at the back of warehouses; what's puzzling is why anyone is bothering, since with Carpatescu's ascension the various territorial differences in fuel taxes that made this profitable have disappeared. You direct the team to

# guard likely sites, after you ask the Britian (sic) subpotentate to issue an amnesty for the relatively minor crime of skirting fuel taxes by dying regular gas as if it was agricultural-use gas.

# set up a honeypot to catch the perpetrator.

# visibly patrol the border town using the Centauro APCs, to act as a deterrent.
#Side with the besieged.

Would it be possible to guard the sites while converting one into a honeypot?
>side with the besieged
But make sure to invesigate for weapons to see if they are stockpiling.

>set up a honeypot

# side with the besieged and chase off Styr Magnor and his posse, like they were contracted to.

# set up a honeypot to catch the perpetrator.
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Rolled 90, 96 = 186 (2d100)


Your Ireland team sets up conspicuous guards at all likely site, save one. For that one, they set up a sharpshooter and two spotters in the building facing the target. They are mildly surprised to see a single person sneak in almost undetected, figuring that she's scoping the place, and significantly more surprised to hear a muffled explosion mere minutes later, even though the gas processing system had been drained of fuel.

Your Texas team take the simple approach of telling Magnor's posse to clear out in thirty second and, at second thirty-two, driving their armored vehicles right through the cordon of Crown Vics that they have put together; the hard part is doing so without running anyone over. Pistol rounds bounce harmlessly off the APC's exterior panels and embed themselves in the armored tires.
The rolls are on our side today wonderful. I do love these APC's
Nah. They're just lulling us into a false sense of security. Tricksy dice.
If you love the APCs, just wait till we buy some milsurp Gundams from the Japs!

Thanks to excellent coordination and quite a little bit of luck, the day ends with two captures on your side.

Styr Magnor tried to take one of the police cars and run off, but didn't count on the Centauro APC being able to keep up with a Crown Victoria off paved road; a brief chase ends with a totaled police cruiser and a would-be terrorist in custody. He screams that you have no right to hold him about two and a half times before having his pinky fingers bent against the back of his hands, at which point he just screams that it hurts until he has cuffs on.

# Turn him over to the Peacekeepers; let them take credit.

# Turn him over to the Peacekeepers; let Dimmsdale take credit.

# Make Styr Magnor an offer he can't refuse.

His theology, what there is of it, is fairly off the wall: he thinks that Carpatescu is in fact not the Antichrist, but the False Prophet, with the "real" Antichrist due to show up in three years' time. His goal was to "purify the body of believers" by going after "heretics", since most everyone else is supposed to be damned anyway.

A cursory investigation of the religious compound shows that they were indeed stockpiling weapons, but no more than your average Texan large household. What is unclear to you is how they managed to find the money to pay for your intervention with; the leader is evasive about it, and your men get the impression that you're looking at drug money.


In Northern Ireland, your captive did not expect the sniper team spotters to abandon their spot and go meet her in the pub that she'd just bombed the back of - the place is loud enough that the publican either didn't notice or pretended not to in order to avoid the law's attention.

She's surprisingly friendly about getting busted, and explains that she was hired by various former IRA "quartermasters" to finish handling some grudges on both sides of the Troubles before Carpatescu's new regime made them too difficult to pursue; she lost family to the worst of the Troubles, and figured that it'd be better to settle this now with some property damage than later with a trail of shootings. Even after being handcuffed to a handrail at the bar, she manages to grab one of the spotters' radios.

"Moira McSingh, of McSingh Industrial Reclamations and Redevelopments. Honoured to meet ye, Foreman. People dinnae like hearin tha ta build the new ye usually have tae blow up what hasnae been maintained proper like, so if ye need summat o th' old world cleared away safely, by people who dinnae give a damn what others be thinkin of it, I do hope you'll consider the McSinghs. We are the best when it comes tae blowin things up safely. And, if y'ken, blowin things up UNsafely, but that's a wee mite more pricey. Union bylaws, y'understand. Time and a half for.... night work."

# Turn her over to the Peacekeepers; let them take credit.

# Turn her over to the Peacekeepers; let Terry April take credit.

# Make Moira McSingh an offer she can't refuse.
>let dimmsdale take credit, more room with out landlord is always nice

>Make Moria McSingh an offer she can't refuse.
# Make Styr Magnor an offer he can't refuse.

# Make Moira McSingh an offer she can't refuse.
Why do you want Styr. He seems just like an insane extremist.
Let Dimsdale take credit. Styr is a taco short of a combo platter.

Make Moira an offer.
He is an insane extremist, but one worth researching since his ass reappears somewhere in the millennial kingdom long after he should be dead. That and a Christian blowing shit up without the others coming down on him. Something is up.

# Make Styr Magnor an offer he can't refuse.

# Make Moira McSingh an offer she can't refuse.

Moria gets the nice treatment. Styr gets the threat of being given to the peacekeepers.
If he shows up in the Millenial Kingdom it means he converted to team TJ and is therefore going to be a liability to our cause. And even if he doesn't, having a guy ranting about heretics is going to be trouble for morale and probably get the wrong sort of attention from up top.

Furthermore what does he bring to the table? Guys with guns? We can get more of those elsewhere.
Yeah I agree, in that case it will. Be better to keep an eye on him in prison rather then have him in our ranks.
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You answer through the radio; the system that lets you do that seamlessly from across the Atlantic is fairly ingenious, and a testament to the good work that your construction teams have done so far.

"Ha! Knew it!" Moira says. "Looking forward tae making some holes in things!"

* Moira can act as an agent. She can be deployed on ONE action per turn, for a medium bonus to covert rolls or a small bonus to all rolls. Due to her background she can work with both covert and work crews. In the latter case, the work crew will gain basic combat capability.

A few days later, Terry April declares a general amnesty for all former IRA, UVF etc. members who did not mar themselves with murder. You had concerns about people becoming afraid that cell phones are being used to spy on citizens, so she does not mention CATS' help publicly.

Unfortunately, this means that Moira's black market contacts have largely either gone to ground or taken up above-the-table businesses.



Your men hand over Styr Magnor to state troopers; the video footage of the incident is intentionally blurry, and the story that comes out is that telecommunication workers operating nearby to install a relay antenna bravely rammed a construction vehicle into Styr Magnor's car. Mr. Dimmsdale is suitably grateful about having had an embarassing incident solved with a minimum of fuss.

Styr Magnor ends up in prison; his rant about unmarked military vehicles and black helicopters is seen as a poor attempt to claim insanity. His insistence that telephone area codes are the true mark of the beast probably didn't help either.

For a while, it becomes a common joke at your HQ to haze the new guys by telling them that you have an urgent appointment with Carpatescu and they have to go find the keys to the black helicopter.

(End month?)
A chance to recruit some covert teams that are willing to go to extremes.

Plus alot of them can help with law and order since alot of the mare current and former cops.
>end month

I cant think of anything else to do. Next turn is deployment time! Time for thise work crews to earn their pay.

Hello, Foreman!

You are planning out CATS' operation for the month. Rules for allocating personnel and assets: http://emlia.org/pmwiki/pub/web/LeftBeyond.Quest2Rules.html

You, the Foreman, can deploy yourself on TWO actions (in most cases) for a small bonus to all rolls. You can even risk your own life on a covert action, if you so choose!

Dr. Robertson can be deployed on ONE action for a large bonus to R&D rolls or a small bonus to any non-covert rolls.

Mr. Andrews can be deployed on ONE action for a large bonus to construction rolls or a small bonus to any non-covert rolls.

Moira McSingh can be deployed on ONE action for a medium bonus on covert rolls or a small bonus to construction rolls.

Performing an action outside of your home region will also require the availability of (complexity) fleet assets, OR renting fleet assets out at the cost of 1/asset.

At the end of the month Dr. Robertson is scheduled to talk to Dr. Ben-Judah, via video link.


Survey a territory for opportunity using yourself or a trusted agent. Surveyed: Middle America, Northern Africa, Argentina, Brazil

Buy equipment on the open market:
Power generation 1
Small arms 1
Network equipment 2
Fleet assets 2
Aerospace part 3

You have no black market contacts yet.


Survey a territory for opportunity using a team. The result will vary depending on whether a work or covert team was sent.

Hire out your covert operations team - they will need small arms to operate at full capacity.

Construct network equipment.

Construct a Cellular-Solar pylon. (+1 cellular or internet; requires 1 network part)


Do research (1~3).

Construct an aerospace part.

Construct a logistics hub (cap 1 fleet requirement for that territory; can deploy covert teams there with no advance notice; costs 1 power)


Recruit a work team.

Schedule a satellite launch, which will happen at the end of NEXT month. Requires an aerospace part.

Do research (4~6).


Recruit a covert team.

Do research (7~9). None of your research programs are far ahead enough.

Construct a network node. (unifies cell and net in that territory; costs 1 power, 1 network)


Rush a satellite launch, which will happen at the end of this month. Requires an aerospace part.

Do research (10). None of your research programs are far ahead enough.

What are your orders for the month?
End Month

I think we should consider preparing a strong TelCom infrastructure before the Apocalypse gets underway. Right now our main concern is keeping Nicky and his cronies happy. It'll be a lot easier getting this work done when our crews aren't being attacked by the supernatural.
Lets doo it

> 8 teams making network nodes. 1 in Australia the other in russia. With us and mr andrews supporting

>Dr. Robertson can have that conversation or chexk out more nuclear sites whichever he prefers

>2 covert teams do covert team things moira supports

Have the covert teams recruiting.

Did we ever hire Mr. Foley or is he freelancing?
This is what we got out of talking to him if you are refering to folgore.
The cover teams together will only have a 50% chance as well we are spending 2 funds we really dont have.

If we have them work we can get our funds to 8 and have all our w8orm teams work.

Next round we can have 3/4 teams recruit a covert howabout.
Don't the two teams get a bonus with a named character supporting them?

What would Moira being doing with our teams anyways?
I like your idea of focusing on setting up in Australia and Russia with Andres on support.

If we have leftovers, we can focus on recruiting covert teams.

I'm a bit wary of Robertson talking with Tsion, even via remote. I'd rather let him focus on studying nuclear sites so that we can learn more about the radiation enigmas.
Whatever, lets do your thing first.

Also what kind of name is McSingh?

Moira is Irish first name but McSingh is Indian/non-existant? This boggles my tisim.
We can put it off in light of our loss with the IT guy, and him being very busy. We can also supervise it....

I'm not all that concerned since we spoke to the guy and he didn't brainwash us so it should be okay, right guys?
They do but we have no idea what the actual percent bonus is. A medium bonus is how it's described. I assume like 10% which makes it good for doing 3/4, but mot really 2/4 actions. At least that's my opinion.

Probably blowing things up as she is good at. Will give our teams a lesser chance of failure which is nice.perhaps extra bonuses when we succeed too as named characters tend to do.

Mc singe? I was just assuming it was an explosivies joke and its not their real last name.
Yeah we can use our other action to supervise it good idea.

At this point Tsion probably isn't as strong in the Force as he is during the Millennial Kingdom. Still.... supervise.
Lets do it you way first and build.


Also can we crack a joke at Andrews and not getting brainwashed like our IT guy we sent to the Rev.?
Nudge nudge, dont get brainwashed.

Both work and covert teams can recruit. Covert teams cannot do construction or research. Work teams cannot do covert (exception: if Moira is attached to a work team, they gain a basic amount of combat ability).
>Both work and covert teams can recruit.
I know, but apparently we are short on cash to do recruitment?
We have 14 rn speanding 8 on work teams leaves us with 6 for the last term. So if we spend 2 on recruitment we have 4 leaving us with very little we can do.

Better we have them work to bring us to 8 for next turn and have work teams recruit then. At least thats my thinking.
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Rolled 30, 68, 15 = 113 (3d100)


You set your crew to roll out the first integrated digital network nodes, hopefully the first of many. You select the territories of Australia and Siberia for the deployment, and enlist Ryan Andrews' help for setting up a little publicity stunt to, essentially, cut a conference room in half and ship one half across the world, plus appropriately placed cameras and screens. You take the Russian end of the business, on request from Subpotentate Zakharov, while Andrews flies to Australia.

Andrews jokes that this would've been better done six months from now, since the Australian winter and Russian summer are just about the same temperature. The territories are sparsely populated, meaning that rollout is simple and citizens of both territories quickly come to enjoy unlimited text messaging, video calls, and for those who are sufficiently tech-savvy, email on their phones.

GNN goes as far as putting you in the news briefly, in a segment showing high schoolers in Tittybong, Victoria, being given an introductory lecture in physics from Zakharov himself with Abdurrahman Wahid, subpotentate of the Pacific, sitting in the back row. Thanks to your earlier efforts with microsatellites, it is possible for even the tiniest post office in a Pacific island to offer terminal access during working hours.

The very next day, Rebohoth sends you an ornate letter in which he complains about having been promised to inaugurate the network node technology, and goes as far as to call you a racist for privileging white Russians and white Australians over the people of Africa.

# Don't bother answering.

# Point out that the whole of Africa has had better connectivity than Australia for the past six months or so.

# Tell him that you'd have moved faster if you hadn't been made to feel unsafe last time you went there.

Ryan Andrews takes the opportunity to tour outback mining facilities that are being refurbished, to learn about how to operate a factory town in hostile climates. By now, Effincold has reached self-sufficiency, largely by selling refined silver and cobalt; you're pretty sure that Andrews is skimming a little bit off the top, but it was part of the deal after all.

You yourself leave with Zakharov's warmest wishes, and

# land, easements and utility hookups set aside for you to build a logistics installation in either Russian territory. (Building a base there will be a complexity 1 action)

# a formal invitation for Dr. Robertson to take advantage of the Moscow Academy labs. (Dr. Robertson may conduct one round of research as a complexity 1 action).

# the sincerest hope of further cooperation. (Favor gained)

Having network nodes actually deployed will allow your work crews to perform live testing and continue research to improve them; most importantly, constructing additional pylons in that territory will benefit both cellular and internet infrastructure.

Your covert crews aren't particularly keen on trusting someone who's technically a former terrorist, so Moira is going to have to prove herself to them. That said, their morale is high: they are kicking ass and taking names.

You direct them to look into the following:

# The situation in Cassibile is deteriorating: European Peacekeepers, mostly from the north of the continent, have managed to basically piss everyone from both factions off due to a poor understanding of Sicilians' relationship with the law. A more relaxed approach may be needed. Reward: 1BN

# White farmers in South Africa have secured the services of an arms dealer known as Ulysses Klaue to equip their private security; rumor has it that Rebohoth is allowing the situation to escalate so that he can crack down on it with full force. Regardless of who's right and who's wrong in the land dispute, there have already been a few deaths, mostly former Black sharecroppers.
- Side with Klaue and escort a convoy of his through Zambia. Reward: Black market contact.
- Side with the local government and shut Klaue's operation down. Reward: 1BN

# Rebohoth has managed to get rid of Nikoomba after someone named "Seth" raised a small militia to go after the former tribal leader. Now the people who were loyal to him, in the Sahara desert regions corresponding to the old countries of eastern Lybia and western Egypt, are worried about retaliation from the subpotentate and are asking for protection. Reward: 1BN

# The Dagger of Amon Ra has been recovered, but other artifacts have gone missing from museums in Europe and North America. Finding the common denominator would make it easier to find the person funding these heists. Reward: 1BN

# A dispute between real estate developers in China has escalated to fistfights and, in one occasion, a duel between earthmovers. The local governments wants outsiders to supervise both construction sites to avoid a repeat. Each developer wants a bit of additional muscle to sabotage the other's construction site.
- Help one of the developers. Reward: 2BN, possible disfavor
- Perform guard duty. Reward: 1BN

# The Risto Shipping Company has another job -- they have been asking to deliver a large natural gas generator to replace the atomic power plant of Tarapur, India. Your team would be responsible for guarding the delivery but, most importantly, the return trip, in which the spent nuclear fuel will be brought to New Babylon for disposal.
- Do the job as specified. Reward: 1BN
- Divert some of the nuclear fuel. Reward: 1BN, nuclear fuel, disfavor with Carpatescu if caught.

At this point fuck Rebohoth

>Dont bother answering
> cheaper land base

Geist, what benefits does a base give us in any one territory?

>the Risto shipping conpany job, divert some nuclear fuel. Use Moria here.

> protect civilians in lybia and egypt from Robohoth.
# Don't bother answering.

# land, easements and utility hookups set aside for you to build a logistics installation in either Russian territory. (Building a base there will be a complexity 1 action)


- Side with Klaue and escort a convoy of his through Zambia. Reward: Black market contact.
We have no black market contacts and if we don't take this we will likely never get them or get them too late into the game.

- Divert some of the nuclear fuel. Reward: 1BN, nuclear fuel, disfavor with Carpatescu if caught.
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Rolled 65, 62 = 127 (2d100)


A base means that for that territory you will need no more than 1 fleet asset per turn. The base generally also contains an airfield or helipad (and an easement to the nearest airport) which allows for quick deployment of covert teams in case of an emergency. Ordinarily, setting up a basic forward operating base is a complexity 2 operation that requires 1 power generation part.


You understand that Carpatescu had to be pragmatic in his choice of subpotentates, but Rehoboth has proven himself to be a bad man. For the near future, you may need to escort your work crews operating in his territory... of course, if you decide not to and something bad happens to them in a provable manner, you'll have a reason to complain to the big boss. Having audio and low-res video surveillance almost anwyhere in the globe is pretty nice, isn't it?

# Circulate proof of Rehoboth's past misdeeds among your crew, in the form of a safety-briefing video. This will raise awareness, lower their overall loyalty to the Carpatescu administration, and raise their loyalty to you.

# Simply highlight the possibility of problems in that region, which will raise awareness.

# Only discuss the matter in person, no powerpoint slides or anything actionable.

The economy so far is doing remarkably well in recovering from the Event; people are having babies again, the Eden fertilizer is indeed providing bumper crops more or less anywhere in the world, and the sudden reduction in population a couple years ago has resulted in a small but noticeable improvement in the planet's ecological condition. One of your maintenance staff mentions crossing the Hudson River in New York and says, "I saw a pod of whales when I was coming over the bridge. A twelve year gap in demand for plastic toys and the like, probably a bit less shipping, so less pollution...."
In the meantime, you sit in on the conversation between Dr. Robertson and Tsion Ben-Judah. The rationale is that you are testing high definition (720 vertical pixels with stereo sound) video conferencing links that use the internet instead of a dedicated channel; you'll get one audio channel and a bunch of stats while they talk.

It may be the newfangled Motorola 56000 psychoacoustic compression, but Tsion sounds a lot better in person; on audio he's got a bit of a monotone, which makes his accent sound a lot more noticeable.

The theologian gives to Dr. Robertson the same spiel you got from Rev. Barnes, noting that he should join the Christian Remnant or burn in Hell. Dr. Robertson says that his family is Catholic by tradition, but he himself is a Deist. Tsion counters that Deism, while more true than Atheism, would still land the scientist in Hell. The theologian continues, and asks if anything would change Dr. Robertson's mind: he says that, as a scientist, he'd be convinced that a God who interferes in human affairs exists if he could derive evidence of it. Tsion points to the Event, at which point Dr. Robertson says that if there's a supernatural explanation, a hypothetical god that would rip children from their mother's arms would not be the loving Christian god. Tsion begins to explain that God is just, above being merciful, but before he can get too deep into the exegesis of the book of Job, the physicist asks him what if anything would change HIS mind. Tsion's answer, to his credit, is terse. "If, somewhere within the Bible, I were to find a passage that said 2+2=5, I would believe it, accept it as true and then do my best to work it out and understand it." ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysecinv367w )

Robertson says he's disappointed: in his career he has worked with a number of scientists of Jewish extraction, and found their disquisitional approach to theology refreshing; he notes that Tsion sounds more like a Midwesten evangelical pastor than a Jewish scholar with a number of publications under his belt. Tsion quotes Leonardo da Vinci at him: perfection is achieved not when there isn't anything more to add, but when there isn't anything more to take away. Robertson agrees that this is in fact the hallmark of a successful scientific theory as well.

The video conference ends soon after. "Will you think about what I said?" Tsion asks. Dr. Robertson says that he likely will.

"And will you, Rabbi?"

"Thanks for your time."

The video link quality left a lot to be desired, but it's still significantly better than what could have been achieved just a year ago. You don't know how Tsion feels about the conversation, but Dr. Robertson notes that this has been a waste of his time, by and large. "I've taken the time to read a selection of the man's scholarly work before this interview, as a matter of courtesy. Did he hit his head before his big broadcast?"

(Who will Moira go with, when it comes to what the security teams are doing?)
# Tell him that you'd have moved faster if you hadn't been made to feel unsafe last time you went there.

#Circulate proof of Rehoboth's past misdeeds via safety-briefing.

Would it be possible to gauge how other Sub Potentates view Rehoboth? From my understanding, his selection was just to irk his rival...

While we're at it, what do we know about Klaue? If we're going to pursue business with him we should be aware of any red flags.

#Land, Easements, etc.

It's not exactly an easy question to ask diplomatically... generally speaking, Carpatescu seems content to decide policy; implementation is left to the subpotentate, and they have wide latitude. The United Carpathian States, the territory under the potentate's direct control, is being micromanaged into a showcase of what a united world can do; rumor has it that Carpatescu sleeps four hours a day and is contantly active.

You don't get invited to subpotentate councils, but the impression you get is that Rebohoth is spending a lot of time trying to take credit for the decrease in African hunger thanks to his land reform policies, whereby most everyone is aware of the fact that the Eden fertilizer is to thank. By contrast, he's leaving the AIDS epidemic essentially unaddressed.

Since you made it very clear that the distributed Internet you are building cannot be censored, it's easy for you to tell that Rehoboth is pretty disliked amongst his own population; he has been playing ethnic leaders against each other as a way to remain on top of the turmoil, allowing local conflicts to come to a head in a number of hotspots only to then take his Peacekeeper allotment and stomping on the winner. He is, however, remarkably competent in his timing, always intervening at the moment most suited to let him claim on GNN that he is preserving the peace.

His main rivals are Mwangati Ngumo, former UN Secretary General before Carpatescu and now currently in hiding, and Enoch Litwala, a former South African anti-apartheid leader who has recently been abandoned by a good chunk of his power base for being too much of a moderate.
So implication is that even if Sub Potentates have grievances with each other, Carpatescu keeps them working together. Good to know about Mwangati and Enoch, too.

Also, I vote sending Moira on fuel diversion team.
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Kouros Klaue (likely not his real name) is a South African arms dealer who has been making most of his money selling weapons to both sides of the Hutu-Tutsi conflict. He got his start as an up-armorer during the "Toyota War" between Libya and Chad in the late 1980s.

If anything good can be said about this person, is that he's not racist: the only color he used to care about was green, until the Nick started replacing the US dollar as the global currency of reference.
>circulate proof
>send moira on fuel devision
I wonder if we can support one secretly and get them to replace this psychopath

Zakharov had always lobbied for your agency to be headquartered in Russia, and was specifically denied by Carpatescu. Building a secondary base in Eurasia, however, makes logistical sense, and as long as it's clear that you aren't going around Carpatescu's orders by simply moving shop there, it can likely be expanded over time.

Having a backup location is never a bad idea, too. The base can be set up in Siberia, for easy access to India and China, or in Western Russia for easy access to Europe and the Middle East.


Before you send off the covert team to Greece to board the container ship, Moira comes into your office. She's spent a couple of weeks integrating with your forces by going along with the notion that she's the new guy, and taking the - relatively modest - hazing in stride.

"Uh, Boss, Is there any reason why we're nicking Nick's nuke fuel?"

You tell her that

# Dr. Robertson needs some commercial grade nuclear fuel for his research.

# the whole nuclear power hysteria needs to end and you're working on a small, safe nuclear reactor design.

# she has to admit that having it is better than not having it.

The plan is to provide security for the generator switchover, which will take a couple of weeks tops because the gas turbines are prefabricated and just need to be installed, and most importantly provide security for the old reactor core being carried to a secure facility in the Balkans for disassembly and neutralization. Supposedly, Carpatescu has contracted a startup headed by Alex and Stephen Chiu that figured out a way to neutralize nuclear waste into harmless chemicals. Obviously, there's a worry about pirates or nationalists getting a hold of the stuff on the return trip.


CATS is a civilian agency; surely it would not engage in politics or start a secret war.... right? You've given both your work teams and your covert teams reasons to trust you, and every time you've strayed from your mandate, the results have been positive. But you'd never undermine a subpotentate, even one who just about threatened to shoot you.... right?


Your media team has a pretty easy time putting together a dossier on Rehoboth's past atrocities, and they don't even need to do any exaggeration

# but you tell them to embellish things a little anyway.

# so they don't - just the facts, ma'am.

Some of your more idealistic crew mention taking this to Carpatescu; others, particularly your former soldiers, note that they wouldn't mind ventilating the old man if an excuse pops up to do so.
I vote Siberia.

#We're building a safe reactor.

#Just the facts.

Siberia sounds good

>Dr. Robertson needs some commercial grade nuckear fuel for his research and if things go well we will be working on a safe nuclear reactor design.

>just the facts hes bad enough as is.

as part of the global commity it is our duty to promote peace, growth and a good lfe for all citizens. It is clear that Rehoboth does not seek any of these goals and is activly working against it in his subpotentate. If Carpatescu does nothing someone should.
Rolled 81, 99 = 180 (2d100)


Moira does a stage wink. "Arright! Just to be clear, it's still pilliage THEN burn, right?"

(What's the 2nd covert team doing, if anything?)

Your video makes the rounds among your staff; you should be able to perform hostile actions against Rebohoth. A couple of days later, you receive an email from Santiago, containing a handwritten note as a scanned attachment.

"Man has killed man from the beginning of time, and each new frontier has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future be different?"

You aren't sure whether to interpret it as support, or as a warning, but your relations with the South American subpotentate have been cordial.

Building a base in Siberia will allow your crew to learn from the locals how to operate in cold climates, should that ever be needed.

Moira embarks on the container ship along with the squad she's attached to: their main job is to ensure that the Risto work crews can operate without distractions. The outgoing trip is uneventful; Moira gets to assist with the demolition of some of the outlying structures once there, while your security crew keeps the inevitable anti-nuclear protesters at bay (they still managed to show up and make noise, despite the fact that the job here is to dismantle a nuclear reactor).

Dr. Robertson is very interested in the film-badge dosimeters that your men had to wear; to their relief, they notice that the actual radiation count is really low.

During the return trip, Moira is instructed to take

# a small sample, sufficient for study or to build a small RTG

# a whole canister, representing about 25% of the progress towards building a nuclear weapon or a full-fledged reactor

from the cargo hold of the container ship. While crossing the Strait of Hormuz, pirates do appear; a simple pyrotechnic display convinces them that they better not even try it. Your men are wearing the same colors as they were during the successful anti-pirate raid from a few months back, and the warning is sufficient.
#A small sample.

Weren't we planning to assist Klaue in South Africa?
That's what the other team was doing.
Ibelive we voted for the second team to either protect civs or side woth klaue.
>>3625642 was me. Ill switch to side with klaue to speed it along
>a canister
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The dissolution of the Soviet block a decade ago has released a plethora of old military equipment into the wild; Nicolae Carpatescu's newly minted Peacekeepers have finally begun to clean up, shutting down wildcat ammo plants, confiscating AK74s, and so on.

Rather than make the leap from gunrunning to arms manufacturing, Klaue intends to build a stockpile in advance of all that, reasoning that Carpatescu will be almost as happy with the weapons being in someone else's warehouse where they will at best only trickle out.

The convoy starts from Cairo and follows the Nile down to Sudan, then moves on to Zambia and Kenya to finally reach South Africa. Klaue's men, bolstered with yours, look official enough that some are intimidated into turning over their weapons or their tooling; others request (and get) top dollar for what they have.

Klaue is reluctant to show outsiders where his own stockpile will be, so your team is dispatched to carry a small portion of the haul to South Africa, to a consortium of white farmers who have requested better weapons for their private security in the face of a rumored land grab. Your team has a little time to look around: while the Eden fertilizer has removed outright hunger from the land, most of the interior under the rule of Rehoboth is still quite dingy - the difference from the previous years being, of course, that many if not all of the street vendors and peddlers had a cell phone and used it to check prices and occasionally even take payment in phone minutes.

The final customer for the run shares a meal with your team, and exposes his views. "I don't give a rat's ass about race, my wife's Black. The problem is the culture that developed after detribalization. I'll give you an example... Once, a friend of my wife wanted to earn some money by baking bread. He got a bit of money together and used it to buy ingredients, built a mud stove himself, and cooked 30 loaves of basically baguette. He took the bread to the road, and started to sell them, until his father came by. His father said, “You have bread! The family needs bread!” and took 20 loaves for himself and the rest of the kids. Our enterprising friend was left bankrupt. He lost his entire initial investment and never made bread again. This is the basic story of these parts: communalism gone insane. It is completely unthinkable to refuse a demand of an elder or a family member for money or food. People hide any small money they have, because if anyone knew they had it, there would be a line around the corner asking for loans and favors, and they would be honor-bound to say yes. I told my friends over and over to say no, and each time they politely explained to me that it was impossible. The whole system has evolved to pull people down to the lowest common denominator. I was hoping that Carpatescu would wipe the slate clean, but..."

Your men leave with the agreed-upon payout and, more importantly, a way to contact Klaue.

Dr. Robertson has told Moira's team to take pictures of their film dosimeters, and send him them; they're excited to test out their camera phones, and do so. Within the day, he tells them that they have very little to worry about radioactive contamination, but he'd like them to send the dosimeter strips in for a more thorough analysis later.
Sorry I was afk flossing, aren't we past that vote...?

Also a whole canister could raise some suspicious eyebrows.....

How many canisters are on the ship? If there are more than like a 100.... Then again we are doing the demolitions, cleanup, and paperwork, so we can say how many canisters there are and there would be no discrepancy...
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There's 14 in total. They aren't actually glowing of course, that's a movie thing...

Both the shipping company and your crew have done a good job keeping track of them, overall.
Yeah at this point it would be foolish to steal an entire canister.

Moira does the sensible thing and, at some personal risk, uses a laundry detergent measuring cup to take a small sample from each canister, to ensure that any weigh-ins would only show a small discrepancy that could be explained by the scales in India having been a little off calibration. The samples are then sent to Dr. Robertson for proper spectrographic analysis, along with the dosimeter strips that your security team wore during the trip.

The Risto Shipping Company sends payment along with a bottle of ouzo and a letter of thanks.

Hello, Foreman!

You are planning out CATS' operation for the month. Rules for allocating personnel and assets: http://emlia.org/pmwiki/pub/web/LeftBeyond.Quest2Rules.html

You, the Foreman, can deploy yourself on TWO actions (in most cases) for a small bonus to all rolls. You can even risk your own life on a covert action, if you so choose!

Dr. Robertson can be deployed on ONE action for a large bonus to R&D rolls or a small bonus to any non-covert rolls.

Ryan Andrews can be deployed on ONE action for a large bonus to construction rolls or a small bonus to any non-covert rolls.

Moira McSingh can be deployed on ONE action per turn, for a medium bonus to covert rolls or a small bonus to all rolls. She can work with both covert and work crews and will give basic combat capability to a work crew.

Performing an action outside of your home territory will also require the availability of (complexity) fleet assets, OR renting fleet assets out at the cost of 1/asset.


* You can build a logistics hub in Siberia as a Complexity 1 action, at no additional costs.


Survey a territory for opportunity using yourself or a trusted agent. Surveyed: Middle America, Northern Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Australia

Buy equipment on the open market:
Power generation 1
Small arms 1
Network equipment 2
Fleet assets 2
Aerospace part 3

Buy equipment on the black market:
Small arms 1
Squad weapons 2
Stimulants 1


Survey a territory for opportunity using a team. The result will vary depending on whether a work or covert team was sent.

Hire out your covert operations team - they will need small arms to operate at full capacity.

Construct network equipment.

Construct a Cellular-Solar pylon. (+1 cellular or internet; requires 1 network part)


Do research (1~3).

Construct an aerospace part.

Construct a logistics hub (cap 1 fleet requirement for that territory; can deploy covert teams there with no advance notice; costs 1 power)


Recruit a work team.

Schedule a satellite launch, which will happen at the end of NEXT month. Requires an aerospace part.

Do research (4~6).


Recruit a covert team.

Do research (7~9). None of your research programs are far ahead enough.

Construct a network node. (unifies cell and net in that territory; costs 1 power, 1 network)


Rush a satellite launch, which will happen at the end of this month. Requires an aerospace part.

Do research (10). None of your research programs are far ahead enough.

What are your orders for the month?
Theoretically, what would be needed to overthrow Redotha without angering Carpatescu and replace him with someone more, . . Agreeable.

I'd like to get some men on the Expert system and nuclear research, not sure how to do the numbers though.
>1 team build logistics in siberia
>3 team construct ceulat solar internet in greenland south america andnsouth east Asia.
>3 team constuct network.
>2 covert team go do missions.

This way we have internet coverage.

Good question! Carpatescu so far has proven himself to be a pragmatic man: he promises the world peace in return for compliance, and he's keen on delivering. Rebohoth for Africa was more or less the right choice, in that sense, because the man is shrewd enough to keep the lid on while letting just enough steam escape to prevent the kettle from blowing up. His replacement would have to do a better job, whether by greater kindness or greater ruthlessness. Either way it'd be a multi-month project, at least...

Note that Rebohoth has gone from being unfriendly to being hostile: doing work in his territory is likely to require a security team to escort the work crews to avoid violence.

Continuing nuclear research is a Complexity 3 action, as is continuing research on expert systems. That means 3 work crew and 3 bags of Nicks (funds) will be used. Dr. Robertson is a nuclear physicist, and can be assigned to the effort to give it a large bonus.

All actions can be undermanned/underfunded; this will give them a chance to fail (resources will be wasted) proportional to the undermanning, so for example assigning 1 work crew to a Complexity 2 task will give it a 50% chance of failure, before bonuses from agents are counted in.

I like your plan. Support

Maybe have one covert team survey China or India, see what opportunities our neighbors offer.
Support. And I'd like a mission to set that guy who recognized the communalism problem to gain public support and protection.

The situation in Cassibile has finally settled; there were a few dead out in the woods between the town and Mounte Etna, but peace has been restored.

# After Nikoomba's demise, Rebohoth has directed former soldiers loyal to him to purge a number of villages along the southern Sahel, for having supported the tribal leader. They have asked for help, but cannot pay for it.

# The museum burglaries have been traced to a small cult who wishes to resurrect the Biblical Cain, whose body they claim to have found. They have pledged to return their ill-gotten gains after the ritual is complete, but also to destroy them if they are interrupted. A number of sanctioned Christian and Muslim leaders would like to see them stopped, nevertheless. Reward: 1BN

# A dispute between real estate developers in China has escalated to fistfights and, in one occasion, a duel between earthmovers. The local governments wants outsiders to supervise both construction sites to avoid a repeat. Each developer wants a bit of additional muscle to sabotage the other's construction site.
- Help one of the developers. Reward: 2BN, possible disfavor
- Perform guard duty. Reward: 1BN

# Things are coming to a head between black farmers and white landowners in South Africa, with Rebohoth having announced that a land redistribution program is soon going to be underway. There have been confrontations and brawls, and the first death is likely to happen any day now, escalating the issue. Rebohoth will not allow your men to help keep the peace, since he hates your guts, but you can provide covert support to one side or the other. Reward: 1BN


What will you have your agents do? Dr. Robertson wants to continue his research, and asks for at least one work crew be diverted to him so that he may analyze what Moira brought back.
# Things are coming to a head between black farmers and white landowners in South Africa, with Rebohoth having announced that a land redistribution program is soon going to be underway. There have been confrontations and brawls, and the first death is likely to happen any day now, escalating the issue. Rebohoth will not allow your men to help keep the peace, since he hates your guts, but you can provide covert support to one side or the other. Reward: 1BN

# After Nikoomba's demise, Rebohoth has directed former soldiers loyal to him to purge a number of villages along the southern Sahel, for having supported the tribal leader. They have asked for help, but cannot pay for it.

Evacuate the villagers and since they can't win this battle the farmers. Somewhere they can gather up strength, maybe at the direction of the anti-communalism guy.
Agree to the Good Doctor's request.

I vote have the remaining team perform guard duty in China (as we're neighbors). Either that or investigate Cain.

The heat in Africa is too high for my liking. Let Rebohoth blow some steam. If we're lucky, some rival will have him killed.
I agree lets cause the tensions in africa to keep spiking, eventually Robohoth being forced down.
Rolled 27 (1d100)


If there's a proof that modern technology is flattening the world, it's the fact that your and Zakharov's crews were able to build a modern logistics hub, in Siberia, in December, with no cases of frostbite and taking three weeks to do it.

The place looks like a military forward operating base minus the guns, and to be fair, it is largely made out of Soviet Army prefab modules that have been sitting in storage for fifteen years and given new wiring on site. You hope that it simplifies work in the region, and take advantage of Zakharov's hospitality by ensuring that there is a bit of cross talk between personnel here and personnel in the Canadian mine - after all, the Russians are world experts at working in the tundra.

This month, you rev up production; your workers are busy preparing new Cellular-Solar pylons and deploying them as fast as they are ready. You hope to give global internet coverage to the world as a Decemberween gift (the Ecumenical Council having not been able to settle on a better name for the end-of-year-solstice holiday, largely because calling it Wintermas would not have worked in the southern hemisphere), and by the look of it, you are on track to do so.

# Make a big deal of it for propaganda purposes.

# Let your boss do that if he wants - just turn on the transceivers when they're ready.
# Make a big deal of it for propaganda purposes.
Could draw attention away from Africa. Away from our actual activities.
Play up the propaganda but make sure the Global Community gets its just due. We wouldn't want to upstage the boss.

Dr. Robertson does not mask his frustration. "These readings make no sense! Look here." He shows you a number of blotched film strips. "The one bit of good news I have for you is that everyone on the Risto deployment took in less radiation exposure than expected. The problem is that... look at these things! According to these strips, one guy got just a little less than guidelines would indicate, another guy literally didn't take a sievert of radiation on him, and that Irish woman, smack in the middle, exactly fifty percent of expected dose." Then he shows you another series of film strips, this time with more-or-less identical markings on them. "And the dosimeters were not off model, they react just fine to x-rays."

"Now, this analogy is wrong in every important respects, but just to show you how maddening this is - imagine Shroedinger's Cat being put into the box, and coming out with kittens!"

He goes on to note that he's not heard back from any other peer reviewers about the old paper. "At this point, it may be better that way! I must've missed something fundamental.... cyber sabotage perhaps? But who would bother? But no, can't be that, the film strips are old fashioned tech, they've been around since the fifties, and those readings make no sense either. It's as if the radiation is trying to be there, but more or less failing at it!"

You ask if he's doing well.

"I'm doing great! This is fascinating, except, well, I can't shake the feeling in the back of my head that I'm just making some fundamental methodological mistake."

# Could it be that someone stole some of the fuel before we did, and diluted the rest?

# Please keep hammering at it.

# What would help you? We don't have any manpower to spare this month, but maybe we can help in other ways.


(Where will you deploy yourself, Moira, and Mr. Andrews, if anywhere?)
#Offer assistance. Deploy ourselves as applicable.

If we end up going to Africa to assist the villagers, we can send Moira.
# What would help you? We don't have any manpower to spare this month, but maybe we can help in other ways.
# Could it be that someone stole some of the fuel before we did, and diluted the rest?

I thought we were recruiting teams this turn?
Can we deploy two or more teams separately on the same mission with different team leaders?

Like lets say we head one covert team and Moira heads another while we help the tribal leader folks.
Not without some help they won't.
# What would help you? We don't have any manpower to spare this month, but maybe we can help in other ways.

We'll assist ourselves on the doctor. Moria on Africa. Other anons day for andrews

Too many cooks spoil the stew, so only one leader per team, but you can definitely send two teams on the same mission. Ordinarily, it only makes sense to do so for covert teams, since you never know when there'll be a complication (complexity is hidden).


"Perspicacious of you to ask - it's one of the things I had to rule out. No, nobody stole any nuclear fuel. It's just that the readings on things aren't consistent with historical data, and the readings -people- aren't making sense in that not only they aren't consistent with historical data but also with each other. What would help me? Nothing you can get, unfortunately: I don't think you have the influence to go to New Babylon and grab a functional nuclear bomb."
"What about raw samples or samples from other nuclear sites outside of new babylon? There were scores of nuclear plants in America after all.

"We got those already. They're all consistently lower than they should be - except for the Hiroshima samples and a few of the Nevada samples, which match the textbook formulas. That in itself is a puzzle. That your security guards returned each with their own personalized radiation exposure profile, when I know they all worked roughly in the same proximity to the stuff? Bigger puzzle."
"So then if it wasn't the lack of samples to compare it to what other Methodological mistakess could have been made Doctor? Different sets of equipment? Maybe we need to search for something that compared to the findings you've found."
How about Chernobyl? Would the enigma have affected that site?
Maybe it has something to do with their soul?

What can be quantified as a human soul that could affect radiation?

Hormones? Bio-electricity? Neural activity in the brain? Blood Pressure? Faith?

Something gave all the individuals their own personal custom radiation score card.
I don't think that's what he means, but let's save that one for later.
(Heh. Further nuclear research will no doubt reveal that the atomic structure has been restructured so that the nuclei are held together by Jesus.)
Jesus just dosnt like radiation
Or lobster.
>>3627145 I keep getting connection error here
What? Whats going on? New thread?

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