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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...



It is a dark time. After four thousand years, the Sith have achieved their greatest victory through DARTH SIDIOUS, regent of the First Galactic Empire. Under his purview, the Jedi have been all but driven into extinction, and branded traitorous renegades by the wider galaxy.

Unbeknownst to him, survivors of the Jedi Order have fled into the UNKNOWN REGIONS. There, Master BRETHON LARID oversees the next generation of Jedi from the former slave-world of Mylar-3, until a more permanent and obscure sanctuary can be found.

His apprentice, FARREN GAELLE, has embarked on the final trial that would make him a Jedi Knight. Journeying to the war-torn jungles of Kakarit, he hopes to find Master UYER KOSA, her padawan AROTTA BASHUR, and bring them into the fold of the last Jedi...

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Previous Thread: >>4020657
Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Star%20Wars%20Interregnum
Character Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/u/TaskForceKaz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TaskForceKaz

>>Farren Gaelle
>Brawn: 2
>Finesse: 3
>Intellect: 2
>Cunning: 2
>Resolve: 3
>Panache: 2

>Astronavigation 1 (Intellect) – a measure of knowledge about the galaxy’s stellar composition, allowing for the correct plotting of routes and hyperspace jumps.
>Cool 1 (Panache) – a measure of a character’s ability to remain calm under danger. Rolled to resist Charm and Negotiation.
>Coordination 1 (Finesse) – a measure of a character’s nimbleness and flexibility.
>Deception 1 (Cunning) – judges the character’s ability to trick others into believing falsehoods.
>Lore 2 (Intellect) – how much the character knows of the ancient galaxy and its history.
>Mechanics 1 (Intellect) – skill and prowess in working on all things from weapons to droids and ships.
>Melee 2 (Brawn) – a character’s proficiency with melee weapons such as knives and swords.
>Perception 2 (Cunning) – a skill used to notice clues, perceive hidden dangers, and all manner of hidden objects or persons.
>Piloting [Space] 1 (Agility) – the ability to pilot starships and other stellar vessels.
>Sith 1 (Intellect) – a measure of a character’s knowledge regarding the Sith and Dark Side of the Force.
>Stealth 1 (Agility) – a measure of how easily a character can hide or appear inconspicuous.
>Vigilance (Resolve) – represents a character’s ability to take notice of events happening in their surroundings and peripheral vision.

>Jedi Shadow [Add +2 to checks made for Deception, Perception, Stealth and Vigilance]
>Makashi Expert [Roll 3d6 when using Form II/Makashi]
>Indistinguishable [You are but a face in the crowd, and add 1d6 to Stealth rolls]

>>Lightsaber Rating: 3
>>Weapons: Two yellow-gold, single-blade lightsabers
>>Lightsaber Forms:
>Form II, Makashi [Finesse]
>Form VI, Niman [Finesse+Cunning]

>>Force Rating: 1 (1d10+Resolve+Affinity)
>>Force Affinity: Alter (+5)
>>Force Powers:
>Force Pull/Push 1 (Alter) – The iconic telekinesis of every Jedi, determines lifting limit and push power.
>Force Speed 1 (Alter) – The universe seems to slow around you, and you are react faster as a result of it.
>Force Weapon 1 (Alter) – You imbue a weapon with the Force, increasing its durability and damage. At second rank, weapons imbued become resistant to lightsabers. At fifth rank...?
>Sever Force 2 (Alter)– A rare and seldom-taught and used technique by the Jedi of the Old Republic that strips one’s connection with the Force. Leveling this increases duration and effectiveness. At fifth rank...?

>>Misc. Inventory:
>Holocron of the Betrayer - a Jedi Holocron containing the persona of Kreia, a Jedi from the time of Revan and the First Jedi Purge.

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“...you snore like a Rancor,” Arotta murmurs, reclined against your chest. The togruta blows a strand of your hair out of her face, clicking her tongue irritably. “And you drool like a Hutt. Cross-species contamination isn’t really a concern, but I’d rather not have any more of your fluids on me than necessary.”

The insults are certainly in her style, at the very least. But something is seriously...well, not wrong, per se. Just unusual. You have little memory of how you got into this position, as well as this overall scenario. Force knows it’s familiar enough. But as your mind starts to work, it doesn’t take you too long to come to the most obvious answer.

“This is a dream, isn’t it?” Exhaling, you untangle yourself from her arms and stumble out of the covers. There is no sign of your clothing or uniform, further indication that this is most definitely a dream. “...it’s too damn nice for it to be anything else.”

“...I think you’re right.” The dream-self of your rival takes one look at the bed and the pastoral, alien sunrise that the window offers. She doesn’t even last a second before snorting derisively. “Yeah, definitely one of yours. I wouldn’t be caught dead sleeping on something as fancy as a four-corner bed with a view as nice as this...with you to boot.”

“I didn’t know you had other liaisons aside from myself,” you counter, rubbing the sides of your temples.

She rolls her eyes. “I mean, you aren’t wrong, but it’s the thought that counts. The two of us are far too base for this level of...whatever. Code says we aren’t meant to be surrounded by luxury or comfort.”

There’s a great many things in the Code that both of you have played double-dutch with. For at least a good three years. And even though it's a dream, you can’t help but snark back, “Gee, Bashur...if you wanted the itchy bedroll or a pallet of crates with the backdrop of space, all you had to do was ask and I’d dream one up for you. I could’ve sworn that we were one angry spar away before the Clones went and installed permanent mood lighting fixture in Cargo Bay D-423.”

“You wish...” she dryly remarks, raising the blanket to peer down into what it hid. Apparently, she doesn’t like what she sees right between her legs; her eyebrows go just a little higher. “Ohhhh, yeah, that’s definitely gonna stain the mattress. Hope you have good room service in your head, pink-skin.”

The jab doesn’t particularly hurt. It’s a game the two of you play, a pretense of hostilities that you keep up for the sake of remaining detached, ensuring this strange relationship stays purely physical. Mostly because your egos aren’t nearly big enough for a single room, but especially since neither of you seem to know what to do if the hostilities were to simply...cease.

> Thicc lekku
When do we fill out our wardrobe of 57 different shades of the same drab robe?
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She yawns, stretching like a cat. And the way the sun rises, playing off of her blue skin and highlighting the little freckles that go all the way down her back...it’s as close to heaven as a man can get. At least, in the dream. The real deal is certainly not as-

“I know the montrals go a ways down, but those aren’t what you’re looking at, is it?” she cuts sternly, flicking the space between your brow. “Eyes up here. Or at least imagine me some clothes, you lech.”

You can’t believe that you’re getting into an argument with a figment of your own subconscious. “Lucid dreaming isn’t as easy as that. Besides, what do you expect to appear as given the...core of our relationship?”

Dream-Arotta scoffs. “Degenerate.”


“Child groomer,” she snaps.

“You were in my same age group during Initiate training, and well above eighteen when we first-” your face suddenly pales, “...wait, you were, right? And you're not tall just because of your love for milk and calcium-”

Her snigger is all the answer you need. Growling, you snatch a nearby pillow with the Force and fling it at her. Master Yoda might have frowned at such a frivolous use of it, but he isn’t here right now, even as you continue to believe in his survival. “You’re a real incorrigible piece of work, you know that? Even in my dreams, I can’t escape this blueberry harpy.”

“Had you there, pink-skin,” she crows smugly, “You’re a Jedi Shadow, aren’t you? Always gotta be on your toes. Although I wouldn’t exactly expect you to remember my Life Day-”

“6th Day of Month 2,” you counter, much to her surprise. Arotta seems equal measures shocked, and just a tad bit flustered. And then you decide to pop that particular bubble before it could metastasize into any misunderstandings. “You were never as ill-humored or violent on that day.”

Her mouth curls into a severe pout, “I could be nice when I wanted to.”

“You had me fooled for the better part of twenty years...” The door isn’t so far away. And as far as you can tell, it’s the exit from this little subconscious tête-à-tête. “...still, nice as...this is, I can’t exactly stay for long...”

Arotta doesn’t mind. She shoos you out of bed, chirping, “Of course not. Besides, it’s rude to keep a lady waiting, Farren. Especially if you’re all shacked up with the cognitive version of your lover.”

“You’re not a lady,” you dryly answer. The latter part of her statement isn’t one you’re about to deny for the sake of your own integrity.

“You’re not exactly a gentleman yourself,” she says with a grin wide enough to hurt, “What’re you gonna tell the real me about that Mandolorian girl whose...thingy you tweaked. Actually, what is the human female equivalent of montrals or lekku, Farren?”

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The look you give her could have evaporated all the water on Kamino. She knows damn well what human women have in lieu of said appendages since she’s got one as well. Hell, any female that’s vaguely mammalian has...has THAT.

“See, now I know for sure that this is all happening in my head,” you muse, changing subjects so abruptly that you might have gotten whiplash, “And that you’re just a figment of my imagination. The real-Arotta would rather choke on sand than pick up any colloquialisms from me.”

“Sand?” her face scrunches up in disgust. “Not likely. It gets everywhere, in crevices and cracks where fine particulates shouldn’t be. Don’t hate it, but it’s a pain in the butt.”

You snort as you stand, making your way over to the door. “Careful you don't let Skywalker hear you saying that. He comes from a desert planet. He wouldn’t like it if you talked badly about his home world.”

“Probably,” Dream-Arotta shrugs, “Although I can’t say whether or not the real me would have liked him. I don’t think you’ve ever seen her and Skywalker talking. You should ask her if you find her on Kakarit.”


“I’ll ask when going to rescue you,” you say, gripping the door to the exit. “Come hell or high water.”

Dream-Arotta sighs, regarding you with somewhat of an uncharacteristic, sad smile. “You said the same thing about Kristen.”

Even in your dreams, she knows which buttons to press. Still, your voice somehow remains level as you answer, “You of all people should know that I haven’t proven myself a liar yet. And Kristen is...just a work in progress...”

“Progress that could lead you to the Dark Side of the Force,” she warns.

“...I risked Knighthood to go rescue you. What’s a slippery slope between bringing back someone from near-death?”

There is an uncomfortable silence at that. But your mind’s already been made. You open the door, and step forward, out from the realm of dreams and into the waking world. But just before the light overtakes you, the lilting voice of your subconscious gets one final word in.

“I hope you’ll know what you want to say to her.”

...damned blueberry.

>19 BBY
>Two weeks after Order 66

>En route to Kakarit, Behrilia System [8 Day Journey, to and back]
>6 Days to Find Master Kosa and Padawan Bashur.

“Captain’s on deck!” Suzel calls as he swivels to greet you. He throws you a haphazard salute before returning to the controls. It’s mostly for show; hyperspace doesn’t require much beyond programming a computer, but you let the Nagai have the dignity of pretending to work. “Everything’s all clear, boss.”

You nod, passing him a steaming cup of caf. It certainly isn’t high and fine dining the likes of Dex’s café, but it’s more than passable for deep-space exploration. “Glad to see it. How’re you settling in?”

The quest has come and so have I
“Pretty well, all things considered...” he pauses to take an experimental sip, slowly nodding in approval before going for another swing. “Never thought I’d be at the helm of one of these, let alone repaying a debt to a Jedi.”

“It’s a strange universe we live in,” you reply, settling into the pilot’s chair. A moment passes by as the two of you enjoy your beverages. Then, you muse, “I didn’t know that the Jedi had a reputation in the Unknown Regions.”

“Word gets around...besides, it isn’t like you’re the only ones capable of lifting objects up with your minds, innit?”

Isn’t that a concerning thought? But you clear your throat, inquiring, “Where are the others?”

He gestures back towards the center of the spaceship, answering, “Vehicle bay. Elba’s showing ’82 and B-33 the finer points of speed bike mechanics.”

“How inspiring. And how soon are we away from Kakarit?”

“We made the final jump while you were asleep, boss. Matter of fact...” The Nagai pulls up a console, muttering under his breath as he crunches the numbers. “...we should be there within the half-hour.”

Four days have passed since you left Mylar-3 and began your journey into the Outer Rim. Assuming it would take you the same amount of time to return, barring any unfortunate incidents along the way...you have six galactic standard days. Six days for you to rescue your rival/lover and her Jedi Master.

“Very good,” you murmur, equal measures to your co-pilot as well as your own timing. “Keep an eye on that console and get ready to drop us out. How long will it take to get everybody up here?”

The answer is two minutes. Appallingly slow for any emergency, but you can hardly fault them. One by one, they all settle into their respective seats, strapping themselves in as Suzel has his hands on the lever. The Nagai is nervous, but excited in equal measures, eagerly waiting as the countdown runs out.

“Exiting hyperspace in three,” he shouts, “...two...one...now!”

And he flips the switch-


-and promptly crashes into a floating satellite. One second it’s there, and in the next...poof. Nothing but a mess of wires, broken silicon and twisted metal that peels off as you transition into realspace.

Somehow, even B-33 manages to convey a flat look as the four of you bore into the Nagai, who shrinks back defensively. “I didn’t mean for that to happen!”

You pointedly ignore him, turning towards the others. “.Status report?”

“Wrrrrrraaaahhhhhhhh,” answers Elba. Thank the Force. There’s only a scuff on the front that’ll buff out easily; purely cosmetic with no other indications of permanent damage. “Wraaawwwwwwwwhhhh.”

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“Statement,” HK intones from his special mount on a side console, “Do pay more attention next time, meatbag. Addendum: I would have to write home a strongly-worded letter to your parents.”

“Don’t worry about it,” you cut in, taking the helm. The wheel responds to your commands, and you slowly bring the ship to a halt, just at the far edge of the system’s gravitational pull. “Check the scanners. I want to know what’s in the system-”

“Uh...chief?” His chagrin and mortification is all but forgotten. The Nagai stares at his scanner with something akin to nervous fear. “You might want to come and take a look at this...”

All of you crowd around the imaging system as Suzel pulls up real-time mapping data of the Berhillia system. Kakarit orbits idly as the third planet of five, the sole among its siblings capable of supporting life. It certainly reads just as well as the intelligence report you had presented them with...

“Ancestors,” whispers Suzel as stares at the computer. “...it’s a graveyard.”

He isn’t wrong. The images that flash by aren’t about to get out of your head anytime soon.
A massive battle had taken place here. That much you can tell. The derelicts uniformly follow the same orbital path, between Kakarit and the fourth planet in the system. Their shattered hulls drift listlessly through space, intermingling with the ruins of their foes. It doesn’t matter what affiliation they were; Separatist or Republic, the battle that was fought here had been paid in the blood of thousands.

“How the hell did they take out two Venators?” you exhale, breathless and aghast as Suzel focuses on the Republic Star Destroyers. You spot the ruined bridge of one, its corresponding center piece...and a Venator that had been blown from the middle. “There couldn’t have been more than one capital ship and four cruisers, tops...”

B-33 analyzes the debris and images with startling speed. He reports, “This unit believes that it was a battle of attrition...of endurance. Three Venators were deployed, yet only two are here. The rest of the Separatist ships can be all accounted for.”

“...what a waste of life,” you shake your head as you pull the ship in from the edge of the system. Beyond whatever Suzel had crashed into...wait a moment. “...we were getting a burst of data from that satellite. What the hell was that?”

“Wwwwrrrrrraaaaaaaaahhh.” Elba forwards the data to everybody’s terminal. “Wrrraaah.”

“‘Quarantine?’” you ask, disbelieving. “I’ve never heard of such a thing happening...the hell's going down there?”

HK-82 hums. “Theoretical query; it could also refer to locking down the system. Perhaps they had used the wrong verbiage to deter any looters. The dead should best be left to rest, master. Addendum: the crime of looting a battlefield and stripping the soldiers of their belongings is considered to be a felony-”

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It’s easy enough for you to tune out his voice. The droid has a point. If the Clones were in a hurry to finish the battle and kriff off back to the Republic...would they have left a warning if they had not intended to return? Clones are easily replaced, as are the spaceships to a certain extent. And this far in the Outer Rim...lawless by any definition of the word.

...but you conclude that the Empire would have had a good reason to drop that warning. And quarantines usually implied some sort of pathological disease, an outbreak of an illness...what had happened on Kakarit?

Chewing your lip, you ask, “What about the satellite? What was it doing-?”

B-33 cuts in. “This unit reports that it is not transmitting to any location; it is simply a buoy spewing data to all directions for the general public.”

That certainly takes a weight off your chest, and releases a breath you didn't realize you were holding.

“How kind of them to warn us,” Suzel dryly muses as he tags ships of interest. “Looks like we’ve got a few ships that maintained structural integrity for a few of their compartments. I dunno what we’ll find in them, but it’s up to you, boss.”

>>Chose one:
>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>Stop and salvage what you can from the ships. (Spend 1 Day)

>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
We stand to gain nothing from delving dangerous shipwrecks.
>>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
If we aren't running for our lives and have time to spare we can always grab stuff on the way out.
>We stand to gain nothing from delving dangerous shipwrecks.
Except data and shit. Which happens to be probably the single most valuable thing we could possibly find. Information is king. A bunch of wrecked imperial ships and you think you can't juice a terminal to nab some intel?

Why the rush, Arotta is already dead anyway. Just start looting. Loot is eternal.
>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
If we got time to spend on the way out then sure. But our goal is two Jedi.
>We stand to gain nothing from delving dangerous shipwrecks.
>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>That update
Depressed KEK
>Ignore them

>Inb4 we freak out because arotta is actually happy to see us when we land
>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
>>Ignore the derelicts and proceed to Kakarit. (Maintain 6 Days)
But I'm curious as to what we'd get if we stopped to play squib
>Vote open for five hours
>nearly seven hours later
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You shake your head. “We aren’t here to scavenge or salvage, much as I’d like to. There’s two Jedi on Kakarit that need our help.”

The rest of the crew neither brooks nor harbors any argument as you take the controls. The Albatross responds, gently gliding through the debris field with the grace and smoothness of its namesake. Its electronics suite is advanced enough to predict the paths of junk or other floating garbage, charting a safe course for you to pilot...

...at least, it avoids the junk that would cause serious damage. More than once, some wayward bit of scrap metal bumps into the hull. The others are spooked just by the abruptness of the noises, but you’re more worried about whether or not some of the droids are still active. The ruined forms of Separatist war machines, the likes of B1’s and B2 battle droids, occasionally float in front of the cockpit and set you on edge. All it would take was one buzz droid to turn this rescue mission on its head, if you aren’t careful.

The reverse offers you little comfort. The Phase-2 helmet of a clone trooper drifts into view, and just the way the light of Behrellia catches off the visor...it’s enough to make you shiver. That could have been the last sight for a great many Jedi before they were cut down by the Clones that they led into battle.

Suzel was wrong. This place wasn't a graveyard as much as a charnel house.

Clearing the debris field gives you little comfort. The Force surrounding the system is tainted, dyed a bloody red of death. It would take several decades or a master to purify the taint. As it is, the sensation is enough to make your skin crawl, no matter how much distance you put between the battlefield and the Albatross. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.

“Wrruuhh.” Elba’s declaration is a welcome distraction, but it takes you a few moments to pull out of the reverie.

“What is it?” you grunt, squinting at his console...communications. “...you found another signal?”

The wookiee nods. “Wrrrrruuuhhh.”

Suzel’s confusion at his inability to understand is replaced by suspicion. “A signal? What kind, mate?”


“Translation: distress,” supplements HK-82. “The wookiee has detected a distress signal coming from the surface of Kakarit.”

A distress signal...you try not to be too hopeful as you bus yourself over to Elba’s station. It could have anyone, even the Separatist leadership if any organics had accompanied the droids! But as you give the go-ahead for Elba to clear up the signal, you hold onto the hope that it just might be Arotta.

It takes a few minutes for the wookiee to isolate the signal and clear out the rest of the white noise. But the wookiee knows his mechanics, and manages to produce a pure, clear signal amidst the interference. The five of you lean in, listening as he boosts the receiver by several degrees of sensitivity-

“...ships out there, this is Major Marcs of the 57th Elite Corps, Grand Army of the Republic! Our Jedi and clone commanders are M.I.A. and I have a full company of men in need of dire assistance and evacuation! We can’t hold out against the clankers for much longer! I repeat, to any ships out there...”

The entire crew shares a look of surprise. Clones, a full company of them! One hundred of Kamino’s finest warriors are still alive and kicking in the jungle...with a Separatist element significant enough to cause this Major Marcs to worry. Not quite the hot zone that you had dreaded given the intel, but still not one you’re looking forward to dealing with.

Suzel is the first one to respond, disgust coloring his own confusion. “You don’t mean to tell me that they just kriffed off and left their mates to die down there?”

“I’d bet a few hundred credits that it has to do with that quarantine,” you murmur. Pulling up another console confirms a lingering suspicion. It’s within a handful of clicks from where you first traced Arotta’s signal. “They must be the ground force that accompanied the Jedi.”

“...they sound pretty healthy and alive for dead men,” Suzel points out. “Although ancestors know how old this recording is...”

As if on cue, Elba presses a few buttons and adjusts several parameters on his console. “Wrrrruuuhhh.”

“Translation: one week.”

“Huh. Fancy that.”

B-33’s optics hum and whir as he processes this information. “They could be suffering from a slow-acting agent. Master, have the Separatists engaged in biological or chemical warfare during the duration of the Clone Wars?”

You rack your brain, trying to remember anything that might have popped up in Master Larid’s reports. “...I think there might have been a few instances, but those were few and far in between.”

But the message certainly was clear enough. Something on that planet warranted an extreme response, from putting the system in quarantine to marooning their own Clones.

“Extrapolation,” 82 intones, “These clones specified that they serve the Republic, not the Empire that left the beacon. Theoretic query: perhaps they were marooned for not betraying the Jedi?”

...loathe as you are to admit that, the droid has a point. Your own distaste of Clones comes from second-hand stories told by Torok and Aure. The former witnessed his master shot down by his own squadron, and the latter’s brokered a deal with the Tof to secure her and her apprentice. But Clones still loyal to the Republic?

Suzel clicks his tongue. “I dunno, boss. I got a bad feeling about this.”

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Clearing your throat, you reply, “I thought you were about to advocate rescuing them.”

“Even if I was...” He gesticulates towards the entirety of the Albatross. “I don’t think we’d be able to fit a whole company, let alone a platoon, even if we cleared out all the cargo.

“Besides,” he adds, “Dishonorable as it is to just leave your fellows to die and not just give them a swift, painless death...they had to have had a good reason. At least, I hope so. Because that’s another tally against this ‘Empire’ you warned the rest of the slaves about.”

“Wrrruuuhh.” There doesn’t need to be a translation to detect the disagreement in Elba’s undulation. After all, Wookiees are (in)famous for their honor and loyalty, especially for the people they fight alongside with. Leaving them there to die a slow, ignoble death of either starvation or illness would really nettle him.

“Statement: as your legal counsel, I strongly recommend getting in touch with the surviving Clones. If not for humanitarian purposes, then just to assess the situation.”

“Illogical and risky,” B-33 chirps. “Even if these clones are loyal to the Republic and not the Empire, it was still the Republic that gave the order for the Jedi to be eradicated.”

“They seemed awfully concerned that both their clone commander and Jedi leaders were missing,” remarks Suzel as he takes up the devil’s advocate.

“This unit is just merely stating what it knows from information assimilated from Master Gaelle and his fellow Jedi.”

As the rest of your crew begins to debate the merits, the ‘what-if’ scenarios and possibilities of what awaits you, you pull into your own thoughts. As leader, it’s your choice at the end of the day, and they’ll follow whether they like it or note. Granted, this is more personal given both the purge and the one you came to rescue, but the point remains that you’re flying into a dangerous unknown. As Master Larid would often say:

“No plan survives first contact with the enemy, and intelligence can be outdated in as quick as a minute.”

There’s an old saying passed along the Republic and the ranks of the Jedi that Clones are just numbers. They aren't people.

But the distress in Major Marcs’ voice seemed real enough.

>>What will you do?
>Maintain radio silence and make planetfall silently.
>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.

||Vote open for four hours||

Goin' to class, be back later tonight.
>>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
Man, I have a soft spot for Jangos.
>>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.

Gotta start somewhere. Not like they'll know we're a jedi unless we tell them, anyway.
>>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.

We dont really have a better starting point.
>>Maintain radio silence and make planetfall silently.
Can't trust that they might not have betrayed the jedi.
>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
>>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
>Come up with an alias that doesn't give away our position as a Jedi. We need details on the situation before giving away that crucial of information.
>Not like they'll know we're a jedi unless we tell them, anyway.
See the problem with this assumption is that we still have yet to be allowed a loadout selection for our mission. Which means that we'll always be forced to use our lightsabers UNLESS we all vote to actively use a blaster or a vibroblade. And that's probably the one negative thing in my eyes concerning this quest.
>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
We need a lead.
>>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
But don't say we're a fucking Jedi.
Especially supporting the alias idea.
Do we have a mask? We can opt to use the blaster.
Suzel and Elbawaraak have a vibroblade and vibrosword, respectively, that you could borrow.
Then I'll vote to borrow Elba's sword, mostly because if I remember right Suzel is built more towards melee combat than Elba, but Elba can pick up a blaster or punch the shit out of things.
I'd like to also try to get Elbawaraak a Blaster Rifle if we can get our hands on one.
Supporting >>4042167
Even if they never got the order from Sheev, we don’t that nor do we know if anyone else could be listening.
>>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
Aren't we still carrying the blaster pistol the mando chick gave to us?

They might have gotten the order and ignored it, as well. Unless we're using the bio-chip nonsense from disney canon.
> bio-chip nonsense from disney canon.
Wasn't that in TCW?
I think we gave that Blaster to B33.
Now that I think about it, we could instead borrow the blaster from him and let Elba keep his sword.

>They might have gotten the order and ignored it, as well. Unless we're using the bio-chip nonsense from disney canon.
That Chip-shit was one of the most retarded ideas I have ever seen, because not only does it add nothing of value it also takes away the impact of the clones betrayal via Order 66.
I vote to use the Mando blaster.
Or the order was given but they never received it. Maybe something is fucked with the planet, we don’t really know why it’s quarantined.
I think he asked for it but we didn’t give to him.
I think Rebels is what specified that the chip HAD to be removed or the clone couldn't resist it at all.
In the EU, a number of clones disobeyed it outright due to being already suspicious, having formed an affinity with the Jedi or thinking it was a false order.
Same here. I change my vote to the Mando Blaster.
Bit of an odd thing to respond to a clone distress beacon with.
just "Mando Blaster."
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>Bio-chip nonsense.
While I may be integrating a select few things from the Disney canon, control chips are /not/ one of them.

Yeah, you're still carrying the heavy blaster pistol Nomiana gave you. Not that you're trained to use it, but you could still roll Ranged (Light) and just pray you're lucky.

That said, even if you decide to pretend you aren't a Jedi, how're you gonna explain the refurbished SuperTactical droid?

At any rate, stats for Elba and Suzel...

>>Elbawaraak (Wookiee Mercenary Soldier)
>Brawn: 4
>Finesse: 2
>Intellect: 2
>Cunning: 2
>Resolve: 3
>Panache: 2

>>Analysis: Elbawaraak is an archetypal member of his species, excelling in matters of both strength and willpower. However, to merely brush him off as a dull brute would be a grave mistake. Elbawaraak is currently sworn to Farren via life-debt, and will travel with him as demanded by Wookiee cultural norms.

>Brawl 2 (Brawn)
>Gunnery 2 (Finesse)
>Mechanics 2 (Intellect)
>Melee 3 (Brawn)
>Perception 2 (Cunning)
>Ranged [Heavy] 2 (Finesse)
>Ranged [Light] 3 (Finesse)

>Gearhead – this character has a talent for fixing machines, and adds 1d6 to Mechanics checks.
>Wookiee Rage – when half wounded, this character adds 1d6 to his damage rolls; when critically wounded, add 2d6 to damage rolls.

>Scatter Blaster.
>Thermal Detonator (15).


>>Suzel (Nagai Scout)
>Brawn: 2
>Finesse: 3
>Intellect: 1
>Cunning: 3
>Resolve: 2
>Panache: 2

>>Analysis: what this character lacks in formal education, he makes up for in being light on his feet and even quicker with his instincts. As a Nagai, Suzel holds honor in the highest regard, from repaying debts, refusing to kill weaker opponents and ritual suicide should honor be lost.

>Athletics 2 (Brawn)
>Discipline 1 (Resolve)
>Melee 3 (Brawn)
>Ranged 1 [Light] (Finesse)
>Resilience 2 (Brawn)
>Stealth 2 (Finesse)
>Skullduggery 3 (Cunning)

>Impalement Artist – this character can make a Melee check to throw knives/daggers as projectiles.
>Nagai Discipline – focused and intense, this Nagai adds 1d6 when making Discipline checks.

>Throwing Knives (12).
>Blaster Pistol.
>He doesn't know about Top Secret Republic Agent "Double-Oh Mando"
Women want him, men want him, sith want him. Even his enemies want him.

>That said, even if you decide to pretend you aren't a Jedi, how're you gonna explain the refurbished SuperTactical droid?
We tell the tale of finding it in a shitheap and payed someone too much money to put it back together because it looks cool. Because sometimes the blatantly stupid answer is sometimes the best one.
>That said, even if you decide to pretend you aren't a Jedi, how're you gonna explain the refurbished SuperTactical droid?
Our cover could be a half truth, we’re a scavenger who went to a planet in the unknown region and bought it there.
I want our alias to be really really dumb now.

I literally want to call ourselves "Mando Blaster."
Don't use the words Unknown Region at all.
Just say we beat the shit out of a longheaded asshole and stole a droid because it looked cool.
How about Hutt Space?
Kaz where is Kakarit on the map of galaxy?
>Maintain radio silence and make planetfall silently.
I thought we were going to take over the droids
I'm not remiss to bolster our forces with traitor clones.
>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
Clone bros are worth the risk.
Clones are surrounded by droid forces.
If a Jedi comes and says "Not to worry, my tactical droid can take over them, anyway, the Chancellor is the true threat", then Order 66 was right: the Jedi are traitors! >>4042258
>the chancellor
Doesn't exist.
Neither does the republic.
Seperatists are defeated too.
While kind of ridiculous, it is equally ridiculous to think all the Clones would be so willing to betray the Jedi like that. TCW humanized clones to the point it was incredibly hard to believe they'd flip so easily until the chip was introduced. Biotech is retarded to a point but that was nowhere near Vong-levels of ridiculous.

That's just my two cents, though
While technically it makes sense. It's probably not gonna look that way towards the clones.
There were a bunch of examples in the EU that weren't, however and if you get an army that has been bred and trained to follow orders getting an order saying the Jedi have turned traitor and attacked the chancellor, they'll follow it.
The chip was just retarded bullshit to push all the clones that did outright ignore the order out of canon as well as absolve them of any humanity or responsibility over Order 66.
>TCW humanized clones to the point it was incredibly hard to believe they'd flip so easily until the chip was introduced.
Again, that was the whole point. Their loyalty to the Republic/Empire was stronger than their loyalty to the Jedi. And the Jedi at that point in the war, are so used to them following their lead that getting shot in the back by their own men was the last thing on their minds.
Well, there's the choice to join up with the Empire. I can kind of see your complaint but it's pretty weaksauce when you consider how little the clones are relevant at all after the Republic's Fall. Don't know how many former clone troops were characters in the side-material back in the heyday but the clones matter little beyond their betrayal. Not like a lot of the betrayers would live long enough to see the Empire's fall to see just how pointless their betrayal was. The shitty treatment could be seen as enough though, I grant you that.
Eh, I guess I just don't put as much importance on that as you guys do. Just doesn't have an effect.
Relevant clones popped up every so often in the EU. The Null-ARCs were major characters into the New Republic, the 501st was constantly stated to be all Jango and wanked as the best Stormtrooper squadron in the Empire, Able was a clone trooper that joined the Rebellion and was fairly important in the comics up until he died, the son of a clone commando also showed up in the new republic novels. It was mostly exceptional individuals, but clone troopers or the effects of were still pretty relevant after the fall of the republic.
>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.

We either get info from the clones or we fuck around in the jungle hoping to get lucky for the next week.
>Maintain radio silence and make planetfall silently.
Not our problem. If the jedi can confirm their story, *then* we can aid them. In the mean while we should try to snag as many CIS droids as we reasonably can on the planet. Both good intel and numbers.
>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
>but it's pretty weaksauce when you consider how little the clones are relevant at all after the Republic's Fall. Don't know how many former clone troops were characters in the side-material back in the heyday but the clones matter little beyond their betrayal
What Sin Loyalty is one of the best SW stories
So is Battlefront II
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>Battlefront 2
>that entry about Secura
Thanks for reminding me.
I remember that Barris got straight up merk'd with a walker in one comic. That was fantastic.
Not as sad as the ending to What Sin Loyalty
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>>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal.
Clone Bro time.

>mfw we didnt scav for droids we could have repaired
>>mfw we didnt scav for droids we could have repaired
I'm sure there is at least one that is in decent enough condition to salvage planetside. Until it gets crushed under a rock thrown by worst waifu of course.
If we finish our rescue op fast enough we may be able to go scavenge then.
>If we finish our rescue op fast enough we may be able to go scavenge then.
Exactly my reasoning as well. If we can complete the mission fast enough, then we'll be able to spend some time doing some battlefield salvaging.
>While I may be integrating a select few things from the Disney canon, control chips are /not/ one of them.
So the clones simply obeyed orders - as they were trained to do - and put down a Jedi rebellion.

If their Clone Commander was killed by the Jedi after he got the order, but before he had a chance to relay it - there is a chance that they don’t know that Order 66 is in effect.

Still, once they do they just become tools of the Imperial War Machine.
If that's the situation, then they will be useful until communications are restored.
>She's down there cut off with her clones fighting and refuses to believe they've betrayed us all
She would've felt the deaths.
Besides, she went missing anyway, it seems.

God only knows what she's up to.
Well, unless she got eaten by some random animal or plant.

She's not exactly going Rambo here.
if her transmitter hasn't moved...

Inb4 Blueberry got eaten by a Sarlacc
>inb4 the dark taint in the air is blocking it all out
>inb4 she's actually just really fucking out of touch
B-33, Take this vibrosword
Now is your time.
>if her transmitter hasn't moved...
>inb4 she's living out her noble savage fantasies and is wandering around the planet buck ass naked
>inb4 one part of her fantasy involves us hunting her down and fucking her brains out
>inb4 Farren facepalms so hard it becomes a Echo in the Force at this all becoming true
My sides are currently in the upper atmosphere.
Aren't Togruta like a predatory hunter race? There's probably some truth to this.
Or she's in unimaginable pain and being digested by the galaxy's most autistic megafauna which takes a millenia to properly digest things.
You know, because suffering.
At worst, she'll have justifiably fallen. That is if we find her alive.
>Implying it’s not going to be her hunting us
>Implying that wasn’t her master plan the entire time
>Implying it's not going to be a game of Cat and Mouse
>Implying it's not going to turn into a really fetishy version of the movie Predator and Farren is Arnold
You are now imagining Farren talk in Schwarzenegger's voice.
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>she becomes some kind of primal Inquisitor the moment she learns of our being here
Good thing we don't have that strong of a Force presence, huh guys?
I mean, or things are plaued straight and we find her corpse; gunned down by repeated blaster fire. Honestly, probably the most realistic handling of things given that almost no Jedi actually escaped Order 66.
>Respond to the Clones and their distress signal
But only if we're hiding the fact we're Jedi
I wouldn't consider ~5% to be almost none.
highly collectivist predators with scary ass smile thanks to their mouthful of sharp canine teeth and echolocation through their horns. They are also strictly carnivorous and not omnivores. They are fond of taking trophies from their prey/victims. Basically the scary cousins of the twi'leks.

Comparing them to Predators isn't entirely wrong. They share quite a bit in common.
>Being this salty
It’s not a trick the Jedi would teach you

> “Elba, you’re bleeding”
> “What does that mean Farren?”
> “hmm, ‘I Ain’t Got Time To Bleed’”
>sharp canine teeth
Sharp teeth would be enough. Since canines refer to the specific placement and function in the mouth rather than the shape.
>Elba carrying around a Blaster Minigun with a Battery Pack and wearing a boonie hat
Why yes I do want this in my life how did you know?
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>wanting the wookie to die
Next you'll tell me Suzel is a son of a bitch.
Nope, but he's gonna be the first to let us know that there's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man.
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Okay, I'm watered and fed. I've got a short paper to finish, but I think I can entertain for an hour or two because I need to get the itch out of my system.


My international roommate comes from Wuhan, and he is extremely worried about his family since they're trapped within the quarantine zone. I need something to take my mind of his panicked calls to China.
Yeah, that stuff’s crazy
Would that mean that Suzel is bill duke?
Lurker here, there are a fair few things we didn't get to thus far that should be addressed:
1. Spoken to Torok about what happened to his master.
2. Checked to see if Master Sure recovered her lightsaber.
3. Talked to both to help them through the popsicling of our mutual friend.
4. Tried to contact or track any of the other Salamanders.
5. Checked the holiness for the overall state of the galaxy; ongoing battles against the CIS, Jedi on wanted lists meaning they may still be alive, Antarian Rangers, PSF/PDF (is it security or defense?) that have declared themselves against the New Order, who is in charge of the New Order (no IC knowledge), rogue GAR divisions whether clone or otherwise, etc.
6. Checked/compiled a database of Jedi signals at the time of the purge (Order 66 isn't a term known to us) to be crossreferenced with those on wanted lists.
7. Had someone try to track down the Revenant to steal their ride. (probably for the best)
8. Checked to see if the half-broken double-saber is still in the Galleria. (also probably for the best)
9. Asked Kemmian (spelling?) or our alien bros If a Mandalorian was captured/killed among the offworlders by the slaves.
10. Interacted with our medikool Droid to see if it has humor approximation protocols. ("Ehh, what's up Doc?")
11. Found a speed dorf to complete our whacky space outlaw crew: we have a big & brawny alien, eccentric laser-wizard, rogue with an accent, gleefully murderous robit, blue alien babe (WIP), and conflicted/mad darksider (WIP).
12. Gotten survival gear such as synthflesh and bacta patches, nor wardrobe changes to disguise ourselves.

Also, my vote is for:
>Transmit a general hailing frequency identifying yourselves as scavengers/miners, inquiring as to what's up with the quarantine warning and stating that you have medical training to offer.

By doing so, multiple avenues are opened up, as any of the three possible surviving groups could contact us, especially if desperate and with casualties. What's more, if we drop our name or simply callsign "Salamander Clan" without volunteering our status as Jedi, no one will no any better besides the blue wizard chicks, who will then know to seek us out.
*HOLONET daggum it.
>10. Interacted with our medikool Droid to see if it has humor approximation protocols. ("Ehh, what's up Doc?")
That reminds me, we have to teach B-33 psychological warfare protocols which include using puns and wordplay to distract/enrage his foes. Or make them cringe and more easily shot.
I don't want that to happen. I like blue waifus. I'm mostly saying a very large amount of Jedi died, and she's nothing special. When Jedi Master's like Mundi are getting gunned down, it's hard to see a random Padawan making it - mind you some did though, so I could be wrong.
Mundi was too exhausted from his eighth orgy that day. Leave him alone.
Mundi was too naive and couldn't accept that he was getting betrayed. Just like Dooku.
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“Elba, B-33.” The two snap to attention as they hear their names. “Get inside the turret guns and spool up the lasercannons. We’re gonna give the clones a hand, and if we find ourselves in the middle of a firefight, I want to be shooting back at the Separatists.”

Both of them nod, sprinting down the central corridor of the Albatross to reach the turrets. HK-82 hums, satisfied with himself as the sole occupants of the cockpit strap in for entry.

“...I hope you know what you’re doing, boss.” Suzel’s hands on the wheel aren’t quite pale, but he grips them with more force than necessary. “I ain’t no coward, but you reckon that it’s safe to just go and help out the sods who blasted your order to smithereens?”

Grunting as you flip switches and establish proper landing protocol, you answer, “We don’t have a choice. I’d rather not spend six days looking blindly through the jungle.”

Within minutes, Kakarit looms before you, a lush and verdant planet almost dominated by green. It’s perhaps only slightly smaller than the likes of Coruscant, but in lieu of the ecumenopolis, lush jungles and ancient forests dominate the entirety of the planet. The only spots devoid of greenery are few and far between, clocking at waterways and land-locked seas, to two small polar ice caps on its north and southern axis.

Paradise planet, this may seem at first, but one look at the report about the wildlife would quickly dissuade any sensible tourist or yuppie. Quite the shame that the Clones or Separatists didn’t get the memo.

But you’re not one to ponder or waste time. As the Albatross makes its approach vector, you pick up the transceiver, adjusting the headset carefully against your ear. A brief burst of static nearly jolts you out of your seat, but you remain as cool as ice as you establish communications.

“Hello? Is anybody down there? This is the independent Republic spaceship Albatross, and you’re speaking with Albatross-One,” you announce dryly as you bring the ship into gyro-synchronous orbit with Kakarit. “I repeat, is anybody down there? We picked up your distress beacon-”

The reply comes before you can even finish, laced with a relieved, desperate energy in its speaker’s voice: “This is Acting-Commander Marcs of the 57th Elite Corps, Grand Army of the Republic! We read you loud and clear, Albatross-One!”

For all his excitement, it isn’t enough to mask out the sounds of a battlefield on the other end of the line. Somebody’s spooled up a minigun, and you could hear the distinct sound of at least one AT-TE walker. And if you aren’t mistaken, several dozen noises of B1 and B2 battledroids...was that a Droideka?

>the clone bros didn't get the memo
I mean, will they remain loyal to the Empire when we tell them the Empire had quarantined the system and fully intended to let them all die here?
Well considering that the whole chip thing ain't canon in this quest? Who knows.
If the chip isn’t canon, we might be able to convince a Clone battalion to come with us
What we know
>The Empire has left them all to die here
>Sith always work in pairs
>The Chancellor/new Emperor (who is obviously a Sith Lord) was thus in cahoots with Dooku, meaning the entire war was faked to destroy the Republic and weaken the galaxy as a whole.
Palpatine? A sith lord? Pshaw good sir he's just an old man.
I can't remember where I saw it, but apparently the red robes he wears when he declares himself Emperor are literally emblazoned with Sith Iconography.
Some sort of flex on the Jedi I guess.
So he bought his robes from an antiques shop. You can't blame him for not knowing.
This is more like if Winston Churchill LARPed as Hitler when making a victory speech.

You'd really wonder what the fuck was going on.
The sith had been gone for years my friend. There's no way he could have known. He is an innocent old man.
That's absolutely bullshit when you look at all the evidence.
1) The Jedi tried to assassinate him for REASONS
2) He wiped out the entire Jedi Order for what very well could've been a lone wolf incident led by a rogue Jedi Master
3) "No more republic :)"
4) Literally ordered the deaths of children
5) The droid army just miraculously deactivated after he seized control of his new empire
6) For some reason, during the battle of Coruscant, he wasn't immediately hyperdrived out or killed almost as if the Separatists were trying to fucking ensure he got rescued.

There's a lot of evidence against this old fucker.
Evidence? Where? We didn't see it happen. That's hoohah. He's a good guy, don't you see?
Dude, it’s shitposting
It's SITHposting, actually.
SHITHposting you mean
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“Glad to see that somebody’s alive down there, Marcs,” you reply, adjusting course for atmospheric entry. Micro-thrusters along the sides of the ship position the patrol craft for descent into the jungle proper. “We feared the worst when we discovered the beacon.”

“And we couldn’t believe it when somebody picked up the bloody transponder,” he finishes. “I’d really like to meet and shake your hand, but the introductions are gonna have to wait, Albatross. We could use your help right about now. I’ve got a droid armored battalion closing on our camp, and all of our air support is either grounded or scrap metal. How powerful are the weapons on your ship?”

You run the math, and conclude that the turrets are more than a match for the shields of a Droideka. “Devastating for any pirates stupid enough to challenge us.”

“Good. I’m having my engineer upload TRP data to your signal. You should be getting it in a few moments...”

True to form, the communications console begins to chirp and beep as it receives the Clones’ signal. From his special jury-rigged mount atop the counter, HK-82 interfaces directly with the Albatross, and process the data as it comes. For a pacifist, he certainly works fast to label everything clearly, splaying a map of the immediate region on one of your many consoles.

“Stay out of the red zone if you don’t want to be shot down!” Marcs voice comes as you finally break through the upper atmosphere and make it within the planet proper. “The Seppies got a battlesphere that’s shooting anything and everything that gets within ten klicks of its location. Clankers have artillery shelling us just across the river, marked by the yellow! If you could take them-”

“Say no more.”

The engines whine as the Albatross breaks out of the cloud coverage. The Clones’ signal lead to a dense jungle that straddled the planet’s equator, and the sight from space doesn’t nearly do the planet justice. All green, all arboreal as far as the eye can see, with not a steel jungle or city in sight. The only thing that mars the idyllic view is are the explosions ten klicks north-north-west.

“Divert all non-essential power to the ventral shields!” You shout as the Albatross makes a beeline towards the Separatists’ entrenchment. TRP reveals three artillery embankments from where the clankers lob shell after shell across the river and into the defensive positions of the clones. “Target enemy positions with maximum firepower. Let’s hit them hard and get out of here before they catch on!”

“Wrraahh!” / “Understood.”

>>Roll 2d6 + 8 Piloting [Space] (+3 Stat, +1 Rank, +4 Engine Bonus)
>Best out of three.

>The Clones are mostly /Infantry/, with at least one /Armor/ unit of three AT-TEs.
>The Separatists have fielded mostly /Mechanized Infantry/, combining droids with Armored Assault Tanks, as well as /Artillery/.
Rolled 1, 2 + 8 = 11 (2d6 + 8)

Rolled 3, 6 + 8 = 17 (2d6 + 8)

Rolled 4, 6 + 8 = 18 (2d6 + 8)


I think Anon Faggotsson is a Shith lord.
Bo3 but still. You should feel bad
Course they will. The clones were bred to be loyal beyond reason - they have no doubts.

If the Republic stranded them here, it must have been part of the ‘grand strategic plan’
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The Force nudges your hands, as if responding to some subconscious desire for a safe path through the Separatist position. But you gently decline. The ship might be able to handle the kinds of maneuvers only a Force-sensitive could pull off, but you couldn’t say the same for the rest of the crew. Barring perhaps the droids.

You have only a minimal amount of training as a spaceship pilot. But with that said, a bombing/strafing run isn’t the most complicated of maneuvers to pull off. All the more if you’re just the pilot, and not the turret gunners that are responsible for hitting the targets...but at the very least, you could blame your acrobatics on what piddling anti-aircraft the artillery encampments have.

Which is to say none at all. Apparently, with their enemy’s air grounded, they didn’t bother dragging out the main bulk of flak weaponry and S.A.M. missiles. What a terrible shame for them...

The droid’s assets are J-1 semi-autonomous proton cannons, courtesy of the factories of the Techno Union. While they had the capacity for anti-air defense, they had been aimed down range and across the river from where the Clones had established their perimeter. Every handful of seconds, three cannons blast three shells across the river and into the bulwark of the Clones’ defenses.

The first one doesn’t even notice your approach. All it takes note of is your shadow and its commanding droid to look up before it’s completely blown to smithereens. The droids on the battlefield momentarily pause, and you could almost hear their gears whirring and struggling to process this new and very unexpected variable. And then several tanks and even one of the proton cannons struggle to place a bead on the Albatross.

Even with a few close calls, it takes only a handful strafing runs for Elba and B-33 to completely their targets. The worst damage the ship walks...flies away with are minor damage, scorch marks that’ll buff out completely, and shields holding at 70%.

“Nicely done!” Marcs shouts, before his attention turns to his men. “Alright, lads, you saw what our friends above have done! Press the advantage against the clankers, and don’t let this momentary respite slip away. For the Republic!”

“RAAAHH!” the answer of nearly one hundred men is enough to nearly make you go deaf. And you can nearly feel the physical sensation of dozens of men making a furious counter charge...but you can certainly feel the intense and euphoric rush that comes with the thrill of battle.

Suddenly, the scanners in the cockpit begin to trill. Suzel takes one look before cursing. “The Separatists are scrambling aircraft! Counting one, three...four Vulture-class droid fighters, emerging from the perimeter of the battlesphere!”

>>Choose one:
>Fall back to the safety of the Clones’ HQ. You’ve done your part.
>Stay in the air and keep fighting. There’s more work to be done.
>Stay in the air and keep fighting. There’s more work to be done.
>>Stay in the air and keep fighting. There’s more work to be done.
>Stay in the air
I really do hope we can get our Wook a rotary blaster
>>Stay in the air and keep fighting. There’s more work to be done.
>Fall back to the safety of the Clones’ HQ. You’ve done your part.

We ain't no Torok. Better to skedaddle before we get paddled.
>>Stay in the air and keep fighting. There’s more work to be done.
>Fall back to the safety of the Clones’ HQ. You’ve done your part.
Our ship isn't made for dogfighting.
>Fall back to the safety of the Clones’ HQ. You’ve done your part.
Time to skedaddle.
>Fall back
We're not here to win the clones' war for them. We're here to find Arotta. Let's get on that.
>>Fall back to the safety of the Clones’ HQ. You’ve done your part.
Which option would let us capture the battlestation? Could we find Arotta if we use it's sensors?
yes, let us storm the seperatist battlestation with our… one fighter, piloted by a guy who has the equivalent of a correspondance course in spaceship piloting.
>Fall back to the safety of the Clones’ HQ. You’ve done your part.
But if we delay, the CIS will be able to factor us into it's plans, but if we strike now we may be able to do the max amount of damage possible with our pitiful ship.
Another thing to consider is that if the clones get control of it they'll be able to use the comms and sensors... So in lieu of that...

>Fall back to the safety of the Clones’ HQ. You’ve done your part.
the clones won't be able to capture it either unless for some reasons its engines don't work anymore. literally all it would have to do is lift off and they're fucked, they have no ships.
If the station had functional engines, they would've bombed the clones from above.
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Yeah, uh...I don't think even plot armor would protect you if you took the Albatross against this. Even though the Core Ship isn't operating at 100% capacity after four months of constant war and no supply lines, you'd have better chances on the ground to storm it. That being said, I think I mixed up Battlespheres with Core Ships, so I apologize for any confusion.

What the survivors of the 57th are facing is the remnant of a crashed Core Ship and its accompanying army. Hopefully that should clear things up.

At any rate, it looks like that the retreat vote won.

I know this is a late response, but let's take a look at your "evidence" from an Imperial/Civilian perspective.
>1) The Jedi tried to assassinate him for REASONS
Yes, to seize power.

>2) He wiped out the entire Jedi Order for what very well could've been a lone wolf incident led by a rogue Jedi Master
Master Windu was the Master of the Order, de jure leader of the Council, who brought with him four of the other twelve council Masters. Sounds like it was planned to me.

>3) "No more republic :)"
The Republic was bloated and dying. Besides, if the Republic continued, another secessionist crisis would inevitably start. Also the Jedi were seizing control of the military!

>4) Literally ordered the deaths of children
No, Palpatine sent in the clones to save the loyal Jedi, who were being massacred by the traitors.

>5) The droid army just miraculously deactivated after he seized control of his new empire
Because the War Hero Darth Vader killed the Separatist Leadership and shut it down.

>6) For some reason, during the battle of Coruscant, he wasn't immediately hyperdrived out or killed almost as if the Separatists were trying to fucking ensure he got rescued.
This one you don't even need propaganda to figure out. Palpatine alive is a bargaining chip, Palpatine dead means that a new Chancellor is elected and the War continues. As for hyperspacing him out, you saw the morass of ships that the Battle of Coruscant was, there was no way that the Invisible Hand could get a clear shot to hyperspace.
>>Stay in the air and keep fighting. There’s more work to be done.
>Fall back to the safety of the Clones’ HQ. You’ve done your part.
>>Fall back to the safety of the Clones’ HQ. You’ve done your part.

We aint here to sacrifice our ship fighting droids.
y'all, please read the follow up post the QM made here >>4043572 , the vote's been closed for like an hour now.
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The Albatross isn’t made for dogfighting. The Clone Wars were filled with stories of what Separatist droid fighters could accomplish, performing feats that would have even left Jedi unconscious from the sheer force of their maneuvers. And while the Vulture droid is no Tri-Fighter, you’d not chance the patrol craft against four fighters without significant backup at your side.

“Marcs, we’re pulling back!” you shout into your headset, bringing the ship completely around. Blaster fire begins to pepper the space behind you as the Albatross races towards the Clone’s F.O.B. with as much as you can pull from the sublight engines. “Our ship can’t out-maneuver those kinds of fighters!”

“Copy that,” he replies, “The boys are already getting the anti-aircraft guns spooled up and ready to cover your arrival. You’ve more than earned authorization to land, Albatrosses!”

>You have gained influence with Clones.

True to his word, the instant you enter the Clones’ exclusion zone, a battery of laser fire opens up towards the rear of your ship, a hail of blue light that streaks high above the treetops. It takes a severe amount of control to not otherwise panic, keeping the ship on a steady course to a pre-determined landing zone. They aren’t targeting you...they’re targeting the Vulture droids...

...they don’t know that you’re a Jedi.

“...boss?” Suzel asks.

In...and out...in...and out...

“I’m fine,” you assure him. “Just a bit of vertigo.”

He frowns, but takes you at your word, returning to his console. “...incoming data packet, boss. The sods have a landing pad they prepped for our arrival.”

As far as F.O.B.s go, the one the 57th set up upon Kakarit certainly isn’t the worst. They at least settled upon the highest elevation they could find, covered as it was with several square kilometers of dense foliage. There had at least been enough room to drop pre-fabricated structures essential to the support and vitality of an occupying army. And what room they lacked, they simply expanded upon, felling trees as tall as skyscrapers to establish a perimeter.

With a majority of their forces committed to the front lines along the river, there couldn’t have been more than two dozen soldiers running about the place as you make planetfall. But they at least have enough men to set an armed guard sprinting towards the Albatross once its engines power down. S.O.P. for all unexpected guests, hostile or otherwise, yet they remain in parade formation, and deign not to aim their weapons towards the landing ramp.

The Nagai chuckles nervously. “...that’s a good start, innit?”

>Inb4 we unlock Fallen Order’s psychometry Force Power
>we pick up the Mando Blaster while meditating
>This song starts playing
>Farren gets what amounts to a force based slide show of Mandalorian Highlights
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Until you know the full extent about their dispositions towards Jedi, you can’t afford to take chances. One of your golden lightsabers is carefully tucked away in your berth, placed gently alongside Kreia’s holocron. You would be remiss to go without at least one, and you hide that carefully within your boot. Elba doesn’t hesitate when you ask to borrow his vibroblade, and you like to believe that he gave it to you out of his own volition.

“...I haven’t wielded one of these in ages,” you admit, taking a few test swings with it just by the bay doors.

Suzel replies, “It’s all in the muscles, boss. Few more swings, and you’ll be as right as rain. Although...” His eyes trail down to the blaster at your hip. “...don’t think I heard my mum telling me that you were proficient with that.”

At least your encounter with Nomiana is paying off. “Gift from a friend. I figure that if I wave threateningly enough and fire blindly into the woods, I’m bound to hit something.”

They have no argument with that. But until further notice, you err on the side of caution and leave B-33 and HK-82 in the ship. The Hunter-Killer droid would certainly raise a fair share of eyebrows, but a Super Tactical Droid would have guns drawn on the entire group. Hopefully, you’ll have the chance to weave and elaborate story after you step down the ramp of the ship...

The first thing of Kakarit that hits you is the smell. It’s intermingled heavily with the odor of mechanical by-product and fuel cells, but the rich, earthy scent that permeates the air is enough to nearly bowl you over. This is a planet untouched, untainted by the grindstone of industry, a wild garden with no master to prune or oversee its growth.

But beyond that, you reach out with the Force...

...this planet is teeming with life.


Your eyes go wide as you track the source of the noise. It is as if somebody had taken a rabbit, giving it the wings and webbed feet of a duck, and the larynx of a songbird. An entire flock of them nestles in the a nearby tree, staring at you with curious, wide eyes as their gazes dart from your group, to the ship, then back to you.

Master Larid would have been pleased. One minute on a planet rich in the Living Force, and you’ve already discovered a new species.

Neither of your party seem to have this same experience...barring Elba, who looks at the animals as one would a snack.

The armed guard maintain their postures, acting as still as statues as you make your way across the landing pad. And at its end stands a Clone, unique with how he retains white in spite of his subordinates’ camouflaged armor. Judging from this unusual mark of independence and the posture at which he carries himself...

“We don’t know what they’re called either,” Acting-Commander Marcs says with a grin as you shake hands, “But I think I know who you are. Albatross-One?”

Quest dropped
Oh fuck you guys were right. We SHOULD burn this planet to the ground.
>burning living wood.
>tfw my friend made that video edit of the porg getting rekt by the lightsaber
>it's got almost 2mil views now

holy shit people really don't like these things huh
I mean yes that is what happens when you set a forest on fire.
They look exactly like every other Nu Wars Alien, big eyed, slightly frowny and a little wrinkly
The leaves and twigs are what mostly catches fire, if you try to burn the trees directly you'll never get anywhere.
You just need to get a bigger fire.
Bro just use Napalm
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You nod, smiling in spite of yourself. “Ren, actually. And you can only be Acting-Commander Marcs. You really didn’t have to come all the way from the front to greet us...”

“I actually could. That stunt of yours bought drove the clankers back, and gave some time to shore up our front defense. It’s only a moratorium with their artillery out, but we’ll make the best out of it.

“So...” he gestures towards a prefab residence, some sort of command center. “Follow me. I know it’s rude and all after what you’ve done for us, but I need to ask you some questions. Debriefing, sit-rep...what’s been going on in the galaxy.”

Elba and Suzel tense, but you keep calm. “...of course. I’ve got some questions of my own that need answering.”

“Oh, really?” the clone raises an inquisitorial eyebrow. “What kind of questions?”

“Where are the rest of you guys?” It’s a question that doesn’t even require any falsehoods or pretense. You’re generally baffled and confused as to why they were left marooned on the planet, though you aren’t about to phrase it like that. “Aren’t you guys supposed to have a Jedi General...or a fleet up in the planet?”

Marcs face contorts into a discomforting frown. “...ah, that’s fair. Well...come along then, Captain Ren. I figure that we’ve got a long discussion ahead of us...” He gestures to his men, and they relax their postures. “You and your men can keep your weapons. If the clankers come again...”

They’ll need your help. Specifically, your ship. But they’re at least upfront and honest about it. “...lead the way.”

>>You follow Acting-Commander Marcs into the command post, and are given refreshments and food.

“Alright...” Marcs says after a few minutes of eating, “...why don’t you get your questions out of the way first? Figure it’s the least I can do for saving our hides.”

>>What do you ask of Acting-Commander Marcs?


Feel free to ask what you like, although keep in mind that Marcs may not answer certain questions. Ask the wrong ones, and he might even get suspicious.

Time to work on that paper. And don't worry about the Porgs. They have their uses.
>Porgs have their uses

>What’s going on here? The Empire says it’s been quarantined?
>Don’t you guys usually have Jedi? Where’d they go?
>’acting’ Commander? Where’s your CO?
>The empire
Retract that statement right now

You are aware that the republic has been overthrown by a sith lord right?
>You are aware that the republic has been overthrown by a sith lord right?
The Republic wasn't overthrown, it was reformed.

Being a Sith isn't illegal either.
>What does the CiS presence on this planet and in this system look like?
>How badly is the supply situation?
>Why aren't there any Jedi here helping you?
>Being a Sith isn't illegal either.
That sounds like something a sith lord would say.
It's was a republic, they have freedom of religion, unless you're jedi scum.
Pssh...hail Sidious.
All force users are scum. You know who aren't scum? Droids and mandalorians.
>Don’t you guys usually have Jedi? Where’d they go?
>What does the CiS presence on this planet and in this system look like?
>You transmitted a map of the Seperatists' holdouts. Are those the only forces you're aware of?
>You're the acting commander. I don't mean to offend, but what happened to your CO?
>Also, don't you guys normally act in tandem with some Jedi? Are they around?
could B-33 take controll of the droids? they should recognize him as a super-tactical, so they should follow his commands
isn't there an overriding signal coming from the core ship? I'm looking forward to subverting it once we retrieve Arotta, but till then I don't see how the droids will follow this specific supertac who's had all it's protocols except high-speed learning removed.
B33 got wiped clean of all his previous knowledge and protocols in exchange for improving learning protocols as well as upgraded body. In other words, if we want him to access CIS systems we have to find another tactical droid and scavenge its data banks to upload to B33 thereby granting him back those old privileges. Which was a huge bummer as that was most of the reason why anons wanted him in the first places. They wanted that data and access.
well it is a core ship, so it has a droid controll system, and unless it was very heavily damaged, then the controll system should be intact
>Which was a huge bummer as that was most of the reason why anons wanted him in the first places. They wanted that data and access.
I wonder why QM didn't just give players ability to go around amassing an army of droids!

I like him as a weapon systems master and strategist anyway.
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.
I kinda doubt that the satellite was sending its signal towards the planet, or that the grounded clones had a way to receive its message, given they're all still shouting 'for the Republic'.
>Don’t you guys usually have Jedi? Where’d they go?
>What does the CiS presence on this planet and in this system look like?
>Inform him of the state outside of the planet. How the Jedi were turned on by the Republic. Paint it in as negative a light as you can without needing to admit to being a Jedi. For the time being, you're just a Republic officer.

So no bio-chips means we have a chance at actually convincing these guys we're on their side and Order 66 was mishandled. Before telling then we're a Jedi, we need to basically convince them the corruption within the senate has basically taken over - don't even think about mentioning Sith, it's not a conclusive argument. If they do end up siding with the Jedi, we can reveal ourself with the explanation that we no longer know who to trust, and had to be sure.
So we shouldn’t update these guys on the current events going on off-planet, ya know, the guys who owe allegiance to a government that no longer exists and therefore any orders they receive from their former command structure are void, those guys?
And when they eventually get a signal out and receive feedback on the state of affairs? Would you rather we get to spin the story, or the Empire.

I'm all for trying to win them over, but do you think that's the best start? What's the general sentiment clones have towards their government in the first place? The Jedi council DID try to perform a military coup, so order 66 was actually completely justified, if we try to get these clones on our side and succeed, only for them to get the real story from the empire in the future, that's some bad sleeper agents right there...


can we sense the two jedi ? or should we do some meditation and concentrate, for find them in a planet so rich of life ?
A three manned Jedi strike team tried to overthrow the Councilor. That in no way proves that the Jedi as a whole sanctioned the attack, much less so when you consider that children were also included in the mass slaughter. Which is part of the reason I actually support the biochip. Because there were legions of clones gunning down Padawans and young children, some of whom they'd even come to know personally through the war. Someone like Cody betraying Obi-Wan simply makes no sense in light of that.
Woah there, Karen Traviss. How did you get in this thread?


"Do you have a few pieces of equipment, weapons and armor to spare ? Kinda running low, it would be a great help."
Absolute obedience>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Some """""friendship""""" with your general. Chips are just an absolution mechanism that makes the clones seem more human than the droids, which as a whole is incorrect. You also forget that it was a 4 man strike team, and it was headed by someone high up in the council. Idk about you, but when a higher-up in an organization, with a status equalling, or almost equalling the Leader of said organization makes a move, it's treated as the entire organization going along with said move. The council approved said strike team by allowing 4 Jedi who would do such a thing on the council in the first place. There really is no way to spin it that's truthful that puts the jJedi in a good light, especially to what are essentially human robots that don't have their memories erased.
Keep in mind that clones had accelerated aging and more importantly actual brainwashing/conditioning. That's like saying a child soldier won't shoot someone when their warlord tells them to shoot them just because they were hanging out in the same village for a while. It'll happen far more often than not. Good on the clones for being ten years old and force-fed the chain of command, eh?
Trying to win the clones over is a bad idea that
could very well blow up in our face we should just save arotta and leave
I think it's an idea that has merit, but the only avenue I can imagine working atm is getting them to really like us/to play off their liking of Arotta and her Master. It's not impossible to accomplish, and could net some allies, and if we're going to try and do something with that core ship we'll need a squad to help us, so overall winning them over isn't a bad idea, I'm just stumped on how to actively do it that wont shoot us in the back too hard.
>I think it's an idea that has merit, but the only avenue I can imagine working atm is getting them to really like us/to play off their liking of Arotta and her Master.
My thoughts too.
> I'm just stumped on how to actively do it that wont shoot us in the back too hard.
Win them over by not trying to win them over. Just do our fucking task while assisting clones against CIS remnant.
If we can loot its databanks we can potentially restore B-33 to its full potential. Well except for the loss of memory anyway. I'm sure we could find a tactical droid from the ship graveyard if we had the time. Thereby acquiring the necessary upgrades and data/protocol restoration as well.

The original idea behind getting that droid was to be an adviser and teacher. While using its memories and protocols to dig up hidden CIS assets we could repurpose. While I don't blame the QM for making the change. It cruel to throw away its original specified purpose even before anons original intentions. If they wanted pure combat potential they would have stuck with the assassin droid. The Super Tactical was first and foremost chosen for its utility.
>The original idea behind getting that droid was to be an adviser and teacher. While using its memories and protocols to dig up hidden CIS assets we could repurpose. While I don't blame the QM for making the change. It cruel to throw away its original specified purpose even before anons original intentions. If they wanted pure combat potential they would have stuck with the assassin droid. The Super Tactical was first and foremost chosen for its utility.
Note that getting the droid with absolutely no effort doesn't imply receiving his complete (or even primary) skillset/knowledge.
>"What happened? When we got here this planet seemed more like a graveyard than an active battlefield."
A good starter as any.
>It was opened for five hours
Next time don't sleep. Hope you learned from this
>Next time don't sleep. Hope you learned from this
But anon, by sleeping and letting others fuck up that means we'll have more bloodshed and gore when the clones turn on us!
It's always killing time somewhere.
> what happened to your jedi and your commander
>how long have you been cut off
> what's the quarantine for
Sith stuff was actually made illegal after the Rusann Reformations in 1000 BBY. Language, artifacts, and all that junk heavily censored by the Republic and Jedi due to the damage it caused.
Impeach Sheev.
Execute Order 65.
Sheev didn't have any of that, to Mace's knowledge. He was simply practicing his religion.
Those sith robes that he wore to the senate though.
>implying the public at large has any clue what those symbols are
Merely a fashion statement.
Speaking of robes, isn’t Farren still wearing his?
They don't look too much like jedi robes, so it's ok.
To be fair, with as scarce as the Sith were in those 1,000 years it would be like remembering one of those old laws from a century ago that made spitting on the street past 9pm illegal.
In California it is illegal to shoot at game out of a moving vehicle unless it is a whale
>The reason our master is so paranoid about Sith/Dark Jedi was because he found a copy of all those old laws
> Anti-Sith Statute 1:1 “No Sithing Any Time of Day”
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>>Where’s your C.O.?
Marcs grimaces, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “Commander Skipp was injured in the opening days of the campaign. He was leading a scout squad through the jungle and got into a firefight with an enemy patrol. One of the clankers had a rocket launcher, and the explosion went off by his head.”

“I’m...sorry to hear that,” you venture. The name is unfamiliar. Sure, you never wondered much about Arotta’s command whenever you were together, but you would have remembered someone as important as that. “...he must’ve been a good man.”

The acting-commander shakes his head. “He survived, actually, in spite of having shrapnel the size of a grapefruit embedded in the right side of his skull. They rushed him back to base camp and started treatment immediately.”

“All that effort for a clone?” voices Suzel. “I don’t mean any offense, mate, but trying to save somebody with that grave an injury...”

Marcs frowns, having clearly taken some offense, but he doesn’t make an issue out of it. “I understand. From a purely pragmatic view, it isn’t exactly viable when most believe us to be expendable. But Commander Skipp is a bit of a hero for the 57th. We couldn’t just leave him to die.”

His voice takes on a neigh-reverent tone as the ghost of a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “He’s a first-batch trooper, and was there on ‘nosis when the Clones first deployed with Master Yoda. His performance in Kamino got the attention and training of Jango Fett himself, and he made ARC-Trooper a few months after the start of the war. Cloners know how many missions he’s been on.”

No wonder they were so desperate to try and save him. Someone like that would have been an invaluable asset to the Republic war machine. But something doesn’t add up.

You ease yourself into the role of investigator. “...you said in the distress signal that he’d been M.I.A., not a casualty of war...”

“...as of a week ago, he’s been missing,” the clone reluctantly answers, “He was on a hospital bed, fresh out of a bacta tank and comatose from extensive cranial reconstruction. The guard on duty went to go change his shift, but when the next one returned...nothing. Not even a chemical trail for us to follow...”

The air in the command center suddenly goes cold. Elba shivers, snorting, “Wrrrrraaaaah?”

“Yeah, I know. Vanished like a ghost...but it’s impossible. The medics pumped so much drugs into him that there’s no way that he could’ve gotten out on his own or without external forces. Company morale plummeted like a stone, and we spent a good three days searching in the jungle for him.

That certainly is odd. Stranger is how Marcs don’t even mention the Jedi. But that’s a question for later down the line, and you have another thread to tease from his story. “What do you mean by ‘external forces?’”

>Explosion near head
>Grapefruit sized shrapnel
>Now he's wandered off somewhere
Well this will be fucking interesting.
Punished "Venom" Skipp
a clone denied his orders
Oh shit
His head wound knocked the 66 chip offline and he fled to save his Jedi bros
The chip's not a thing in this quest, anon.
>Hey look at this goofy clone aiming with his blind eye, he'll never hit a thing!
>famous last words of an entire squad of hutt slavers
>inb4 Force Sensitive clone
Has such a thing ever occured?
there's glitch
and there's X1 and X2
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The acting-commander takes a glance out the window, snorting mirthlessly. “It’ll be twilight soon, Ren. It’ll be easier to explain when the sun’s down...”

That isn’t worrying at all.

>What’s the CIS presence on the planet look like?

“We got a downed core-ship across the river, courtesy of our friends in the sky,” he says bitterly. You can’t quite tell if his cynicism is directed to the Clones that abandoned him or the threat he and his men have to contend against. “It’s not gonna be flying anytime soon without some serious repairs, but enough of the clankers survived the crash to be more than a nuisance.”

That’s at least three thousand droids at a minimum, ignoring the Separatist leadership and the myriad collection of non-combatants used to run the ship. For the one hundred to have survived wave after wave without a concrete supply line is certainly a testament to their resilience and training.

“How many are you up against?” You bring out a holoprojector, and present the TRP data that he had sent the Albatross. “I heard those things can house legions of battle droids.”

“Five thousand during the opening of the campaign,” he specifies, allowing for a small smile as your eyes grow to the size of dinner plates. “Not counting other reinforcements brought down by the other ships, we littered the jungle with at least three thousand of them over the course of a few months.”

“One hundred against two thousand is hardly an honorable match.”

He grins. “One thousand five hundred clankers, Ren. We made good use of the advantage you gave us.”

Neither of your companions speak, but you could feel the smug oozing from their pores. You roll your eyes, resisting the urge to snark something. “So what’s left on the table?”

“AATs, too many B1 and B2 droids...we lost a dozen good men to a unit of Droidekas before we trapped them in a sinkhole. And that’s just what’s on the ground. You did a good job with the artillery, but you saw firsthand of how those Vulture-droids are a menace in low-atmosphere, especially with how high and thick the foliage can get.”

“Wrrrraaahhhhh?” Elba querries, “Wrrrrrraaaahhh.”

Marcs sighs. “And that’s the problem. Our scouts spotted at least one organic in charge of the enemy remnant, but we weren’t able to confirm it or approach for peace talks. Wherever the slime is hiding, he seems to be hell-bent on eradicating us, even if he won’t be getting of Kakarit for several months at least. Your arrival couldn’t be more welcome, but I fear that things aren’t going to get any better before they get worse.

“Any help you could spare would be greatly appreciated,” he says with blunt honesty. "And once we get off this planet, I'll personally see that your efforts are reimbursed and rewarded thrice over by the Republic."

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>“He was on a hospital bed, fresh out of a bacta tank and comatose from extensive cranial reconstruction. The guard on duty went to go change his shift, but when the next one returned...nothing. Not even a chemical trail for us to follow...”
>Our scouts spotted at least one organic in charge of the enemy remnant, but we weren’t able to confirm it or approach for peace talks. Wherever the slime is hiding, he seems to be hell-bent on eradicating us
Oh fuck. From the potential that we got a Not-Big Boss wandering around the planet to Arotta going native, it's as if we on some bastard loveset of Apocalypse Now meets Metal Gear Solid.
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...he certainly has a way with words, doesn’t he?

>>Location of the Jedi General and her apprentice?

He frowns, seemingly confused at your question. “...Jedi General? What would Jedi be doing with us?”

THAT raises a huge red flag, one that doesn’t go unnoticed by both your companions and the nearby guards. Even as they stare at one another with a clear and visible confusion, you maintain a façade of calmness as your own mind races a hundred miles per minute.

“J-Jedi...that...” the clone presses his fingers to his temple, as if warding off a particularly bad headache. “...I...Jedi General...? It...it sounds so familiar...”

You’ve only known the man...er, clone, for a few minutes, but he’s telling the truth as far as you can tell. His brow creases in a severe frown, and you can practically see the steam coming out from his ears. Acting-Commander Marcs seems to have no knowledge or recollection of any Jedi beyond Master Yoda...and he was nearly a galaxy away on Kashyyyk.

With nothing short of the utmost discretion, you reach out with the Force...only to find nothing of significant note. There is no remnant of any Jedi Mind Trick, performed by either Arotta or her Master. But what you do sense is a storm of emotions within the Clone’s head...confusion, anger, disbelief, hopelessness...

He suddenly jerks back into his seat, and the abruptness nearly causes Elba and Suzel to draw their weapons. “...ah, I remember! I’m sorry, Ren, it’s just...it’s just been a long few days... between the non-stop fighting and the mess we were left with...it feels like we’ve been on a whole campaign without them.”

“...there’s nothing to be excused for,” you slowly venture, gesturing for your companions to stand down and keep calm. Something...something was seriously wrong there, but you’re not nearly about to open it if you aren’t prepared. “We could finish early, and you could retire for the evening-”

“There’s no need for that,” he reassures you as he settles back into his seat. “I remember. Jedi Master...oh, I could never pronounce her name correctly. U-Uyer Kosa, and her padawan...Bashur. Yeah, those were the two of them...and we could really use them now more than ever.”

“...also missing?” you ask quietly.

“...I...yes, they’re...they’re missing,” Marcs stumbles over his words, straining as if trying to speak through a particularly strong headache. “Just few days before C-Commander Skipp disappeared...I remember them saying something about...something in the jungle they had to investigate...clankers or...I don’t exactly remember what, but...we never saw them again...”

Suzel and Elba cast worried looks in your direction. They prioritize the missing Jedi as a primary concern, but the little outburst of Acting-Commander Marcs isn’t something they had expected...or what they’re comfortable with. Similarly, you can’t help but wonder what the hell's going on.

What the fuck is going on.
Clones got mental jungle AIDS
This planet’s fucking weird
Possibly insight as to why the planet was quarantined.
Maybe the pair forgot what they were doing as well. Maybe so will we.
>Long term Memory lost
>"Execute Order 66"
>"Sorry I forgot what that was."
>*laugh track*
You joke, but i wouldn't put it past being plausible.
Yeah who would have thought that anything with brain function higher than your average bird would attract super mega brain parasites or some shit right? Damn bad place to have a mind of your own.
Welcome, brain parasites.
We are Farren's inner conciousness.
Enjoy your stay.
Oh fuck.

We need to get the fuck out or find Blue buttcheeks quick.
No brain parasites, its those birds.
>Arotta has memory loss
I really doubt it's memory loss, since they were able to recall the clone commander guy thing that happened presumably a while ago.
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You are far from a Jedi Healer, and have only the most basic and rudimentary understanding of human (and togruta) biology. But what you do know...memory loss and migraines are indicative of severe traumatic disorder. And given what you suspect happened to them...clones were bred to be the best of the bunch, superior to droids in terms of instinct and intuition.

But Jango Fett was only a human, complete with all the pitfalls that came with being human even with his decorated history as a Mandolorian.

Still, when you look at it from a whole, the components don’t paint a pretty picture. From missing commanders to missing Jedi...and quarantine on a jungle planet with one hundred clones marooned, left to die fighting a neigh unstoppable army of droids...

...saving Arotta looks like it’s going to be more difficult than you initially expected. And some wry, dry and otherwise off-color part of your mind snarks that you can at least write home to Master Larid about Kakarit being almost as much of a challenge as Dandora.

But you could at least see a plausible reason for the Empire to quarantine the planet...or at least, a symptom of it.

>>Condition of the supply lines?

It’s as if you had flipped a switch. Whatever mental ailment plagues Marcs seems to disappear, and the Clone returns back into his upright posture. Clearing his throat, he pulls up a datapad and slides it across the table.

“We’ve got two power generators,” he says, his voice just as strong as it once had been. Suzel practically cracks his neck at the abrupt change, while you feel the whiplash on a more mental level. “Both are providing the ammunition for our rifles and AT-TE power cells. But the heaver munitions, the likes of rockets, thermal detonators and explosives are slowly dwindling.”

Certainly food for thought. Keimann made sure that the Albatross was stocked to the brim with enough weapons to start a small war and raise hell across a system. But you aren’t nearly ready to start passing them around for the same reason that you double-checked the lock on the Albatross. Especially with what appears to be an ailment that causes severe long-term memory loss.

Tentatively, you answer, “We’ll...see what we can do.”

Marcs nods in appreciation. “I’m in your debt, Ren. And I won’t be forgetting it anytime soon.”

“How about food? Medical supplies and spare parts?”

“The ships came down with enough medical wares to outfit an entire battalion,” he explains dryly, “With only one hundred of us left, we’ve got plenty to spare. And what we can’t recreate, we salvage from the debris of clanker tanks and vehicles, making do with what we have.”

He gives you a wan smile, tired and haggard, but genuine. “...if there’s one good thing to come out of this mess, it’s that we don’t have to dig into our supplies for a long time. The planet’s a tropical bread-basket, Ren. Here, take a look.”

>Arotta either regressed into a Feral state or thinks she’s on another training mission she took with Farren
>Either way, there’s a lightsaber etching of Farren’s face carved into multiple trees
>Planet’s a bread basket
>Here Ren, take a look
Yeah, let’s not eat the food, at least for a bit
>“...if there’s one good thing to come out of this mess, it’s that we don’t have to dig into our supplies for a long time. The planet’s a tropical bread-basket, Ren. Here, take a look.”

Ah yes, Jango Fett. Best merc in the galaxy. Got his head cleaved off with a lightsaber a bit harder than most.
C'mon guys it can't be that bad. Let's eat the tasty fruit. Forget all about our problems.
Better than being eaten by a sand asshole three times
The Fetts are all a bunch of bitches.
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On command, one of the guards brings a crate to the table, and begins unpacking its contents before the four of you. Even before the first sight of them, your mouth starts to water once the recycled air brings its scent towards you. It’s the most delicious thing that you’ve ever smelled. Suzel sits up straighter in his chair, and...is Elba panting?

>They don't mean to share it with the others?

Marcs chuckles at your reaction as his adjacent doles out plates with freshly peeled samples of what you assume to be fruit. They are small things; at least four could fit in your entire hand. But they more than compensate with the armoa that they give off.

>Could such a heavenly thing exist in a hellish place?

“I can remember everybody having the same reaction,” the acting-commander says as he pops one of them into his mouth. “And we all wondered if this is how good Senators back on Coruscant eat. Kakarit is definitely a shithole, but at least we can eat like royalty.”

>It smells so good, and it can only taste better.

In the back of your mind, Marcs continues to speak, as if through a filter. “We call ‘em Eeche. Dunno how it came about, but the term stuck. And we soon had to ration them, one for ‘eeche’ clone...”

>Eat it, before they can take it back.

The second you hold it in your hand, the tender flesh seems to soften even further in your hands. The juices pool within your palm, filling your nostrils and wetting your appetite.

>One bite would provide temporary relief against your troubles.

Any and all thoughts of Tof liquor and any other prior delicacies flee your mind as you bring the Eeche to your lips...

>Surely...just one won't hurt?

>>Roll 2d6+3 Resolve.
>Best out of three.
Rolled 6, 6 + 3 = 15 (2d6 + 3)

Rolled 4, 6 + 3 = 13 (2d6 + 3)


Rolled 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1 + 3 = 22 (6d6 + 3)

Here goes
Hot damn, Farren knows how to fight temptation
Rolled 6, 3 + 3 = 12 (2d6 + 3)

Rolled 4, 6 + 3 = 13 (2d6 + 3)

time to become the Jedi of the trees
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Remember your training, Farren!
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It's a real good thing we didn't bring Torok with us.
>One of the clankers had a rocket launcher, and the explosion went off by his head
I guess he forgot to watch out for those wrist rockets.

>life form that causes memory loss and can even tempt the Jedi
>this far out in the Outer Rim
>in a war zone
>a bio-weapon that can affect the Jedi, being tested on both sides of the war
Uhhhhhhhhh... is this a Vong bioweapon?
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>...what are you doing?

Your vision and perception snaps violently back into reality. All of a sudden, the Eeche fruit in your hands doesn’t look nearly as appetizing. It smells too sweet, cloying enough to nearly make you gag and too soft to hold a coherent form within your palm. The fruit slides from your hands, coming to an unpleasant and abrupt stop on your plate with a wet SPLAT.

Suddenly, it hits you like a punch to the gut. That...loss of control, all prior thoughts being purged or forgotten to make way for the Eeche...no thoughts, no memories-

In an instant, you stand up, shouting, “Stop! Elba, Suzel, stop! The quarantine-”

The Nagai doesn’t even have the opportunity to bring the fruit to his lips. He jerks violently, dropping the fruit out of panic from the sheer urgency in your voice, drawing his knife and looking around for the enemy. As for Elba...

...your face pales as you realize that the wookiee had eaten half of the fruit. But it’s a half that he quickly regurgitates, spitting it out with confused roar and a violent shake of his head.

“It’s the fruit!” you cry in alarm, pushing yourself away from the table. Your hands go to a lightsaber that isn’t there, instead finding purchase on Nomaiana’s heavy pistol. “The fruit is the cause of the quarantine!”

Suzel’s eyes go wide in alarm. “Oh, bugger me-”

But he doesn’t get the chance to finish his expletive. Marcs stands up from his side of the table, downing another Eeche fruit. He regards you with a look of scandalized confusion. “...quarantine? Is that...” He shakes his head, as if he were a livestock swatting away an irritant bug, “...that’s why we were abandoned?”

Oh, kriff. Whelp, if that particular cat’s out of the bag...

“The fruit is the cause of all of this!” you insist. “Don’t you see? Major Marcs, you have to stop eating it-”

There’s something wrong with his gaze. His eyes aren’t quite the right color. And in spite of his calm demeanor, the veins beneath his skin seem to bulge and throb prominently against his skin.

“...can’t do that, Ren...” he says with a shaky breath, “Standard procedure dictates...scavenge and forage...make supplies last as long...as they can.”

“If you keep eating that fruit, then there won’t be anything left for you to go to!” You gesticulate wildly to all of his men. “Maybe it’s the fruit, or maybe it’s something in the water, but you can’t deny that you’ve contracted something dangerous-”

Suddenly, the acting-commander seizes violently, collapsing to the ground as if pole-axed by an invisible foe. He seizes and writhes, frothing at the mouth from some unseen tormentor.

“Marcs!” His troops stand still, seemingly unmoving as the crew of the Albatross rushes towards their fallen leader. “Marcs, hang on-”


>telepathic bioweapon
Yeah, it's them.
oh shit
the fruit turns people into porgs
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Outside one of the few windows in the command center, a group of the mysterious creatures are perched on the windowsill. What you once thought were eyes of curiosity and wonder are cold and soulless, hollow and empty. Eerily silent and disturbingly still, they join your captive audience as you watch the transformation of Acting-Commander Marcs.

The Force within the clone...it’s nothing you’ve ever felt before, even with the Revenant and the Storyteller inside her head. It’s not symbiotic as much as it’s like a virus, a mutagen invader that clashes violently with the clone. It acts quickly, leaving you no time to even concentrate in an attempt to hone your power. It’s all you can do to pull the others back, back as far away as you can from the acting-commander.

The three of you watch, horrified as Marcs’ skin begins to ossify. Pink and soft flesh ruptures and breaks, giving way to dull, brown layers of what looks like bark. It’s disturbingly organic, and fast as it acts, enveloping the clone within an exoskeleton of mutating, twisting fibers. With a hand that’s more branch than not, he manages to stand, giving you one last look at his face.

“...can't scavenge...a GoOd..." he strains as he somehow grips his pistol and aims towards you. His eyes are glassy, unfocused and empty, weeping just before they’re completely sealed by the wooden helmet. “...sOlDiEr...fOlLoWs...OrDeRs...rEn...”

And as one, the flock outside screech a triumphant, discordant noise, signaling for all hell to break loose as the Clones open fire.

>>Draw your lightsaber?
>And as one, the flock outside screech a triumphant, discordant noise, signaling for all hell to break loose as the Clones open fire.
Opening fire at us or at treeboy?
These clones have been abandoned so they haven't got the order. Seeing a jedi save their skins should convince any survivors that we aren't bad guys.
This is a important distinction


...just to be sure.
Go for non-lethal strikes though.
Even under the fruit's influence, they didn't seem hostile towards Jedi, just confused about them. And they definitely haven't gotten Order 66.

Fuck, Kaz. We went in expecting Space Vietnam, and now the clones aren't *in* the trees, they *are* the trees.


pick one
>What is every dismemberment in star wars.
Buf being realistic if we deflect the blaster shots well they may do the job for us.
Oh, my bad. Marc's two escorts are indeed opening fire on you, in spite, or perhaps because of, his transformation. Maybe there's a few clones that aren't as far gone as Marcs and his retinue. But you'll need a lot of luck finding them among...ninety nine odd souls.
>getting baited this easily to blow cover
We really ARE a terrible Sentinel, huh.

What are we even trying to keep our cover for anymore, they've clearly lost it and having our saber ready only gives us an advantage.
Oh, well that changes everything.
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Yes, yes! Purge this planet in holy fire! The droids are once again superior, unable to be treeified. The droid's fleshy commander though, is absolutely fucked.
Amen Brother! Praise the Emperor and pass the Promethium!
Jesus fuck, I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t evil mind-controlling fruits that mutate you into a crazy tree person. This planet’s fucking wild.
Well the good news is that B-33 is going to love learning how to properly eliminate a tree. 82 is probably going to be quite interested in this shit as well. But don't let 82 get ahead of himself.
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You don’t hesitate. From your boot, you use the Force and summon your lighsaber into your hands. The golden blade snaps open as you deflect the first blaster bolt. It bounces back towards the...thing that Marcs had become. It slams right into the former clone’s chest, causing the monster to stagger back a few steps. A smoking hole the size of a coin opens up in the clone’s chest, but it does little to put him down on the ground.

“Get behind me!” you shout to Elba and Suzel as the other clones train their blasters right on you. The speed of your lightsaber is augmented by a deep-rooted fear, a panic at the unknown at which you face. The blasters are deflected easily enough, and both of Marcs’ clone troopers collapse like a sack of bricks.

“What the bloody hell is that thing?!” Suzel cries. He forgoes his blade and knife, electing to empty the clip of his blaster pistol. One out of every two of his shots slams home into the tree-thing without any visible damage. “Our shots aren’t having any effect on it!”

Marcs groans, dropping the pistol as he shambles towards you. All the while, you dodge his wild haymakers. The claws his fingers have turned into seem sharp enough to cut through the very air itself.

“...jEdI...” he moans through his mask, “...rEmEmbeR mOre...tHe vOIcE iN the sTEeL wOmB...dEmAndS oF mE...eXecUtE...oRdeR...sIxty...SIx...”

He ignores both Elba and Suzel, even as they pepper him with a constant barrage of slugs and laser fire. He bends at an angle impossible for any human spine to tolerate. Something snaps, and the noise echoes through the small metal room like a gunshot. From the window, the creatures continue to chirp and screech, all the while their eyes observe the struggles of the former clone.

"rEn..." He rears back, and launches a punch at you. The blade of your 'saber catches the blow, splitting his fist down the middle. The monster groans as the scent of burning wood fills the air, and from the open wounds of his arm begins to sprout new bark and fibrous materials. They flail about wildly, like the tendrils of some deep-sea cephalic, and it's all you can do to keep out of their reach.

"...kIlL...mE..." Marcs begs.

>>Choose one.
>Put him out of his misery.
>Incapacitate him and retreat.
>>Put him out of his misery.
>Put him out of his misery.
>Put him out of his misery.
Honor his last requests.
>>Put him out of his misery.
Damn dude I thought it'd overwrite him not put him in some pseudo-ent-hell.
>Put him out of his misery.
>Put him out of his misery.
The only person safe from this happening to them is the CIS guy, wonder what happened to everyone else on planet...
>Put him out of his misery.
>Put him out of his misery.
>>Put him out of his misery.
Kakarit wasn't always a jungle planet...
>>Put him out of his misery.
>Put him out of his misery.
>That spoiler
>>Put him out of his misery.
>Not always a jungle planet

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Bioweapons powerful enough to terraform a planet huh. Pretty shitty situation here.
Looks like we got to leave Kakarit as nothing more then a desert by the time we leave.
Tarkin I needed that Death Star since yesterday!
“Forgive me.”

>You fulfill his last request and strike him down.
>You have gained Light Side points.

He isn’t even allowed the dignity of dying as a human being. Whatever happened to him completely rewrote his genetic code, right down to the smallest molecule. A sap-like substance flows from the mortal wound, a sickly, golden mess that eats into the metal floor.

Ignoring the warnings of your companions, you step forward and slice right down the middle of the “helmet” that encloses his face. The wood cracks, splitting open to reveal the half-ossified face of acting-commander Marcs. And with your other fist, you use the Force and shatter the glass from where the creatures stood. Several got hit with shrapnel, and the others fly away, squawking angrily.

You will grant him a quiet death, a passing free from the darkness of that helmet.

“...I remember everything...” Marcs whispers as he bleeds onto the floor. “...the order...Master Uyer...everything...” The clone...no, the human turns to you with a pleading look in his eyes, “...we won the war, didn’t we?”

“You did,” you confirm.

He chortles quietly. The Living Force within his body diminishes with every passing moment, and his voice becomes weaker with every few words. “...perhaps this is for...the best...I wouldn’t know what...to do with myself...on peace day...”

For someone who derided himself as a number, his Force signature is unique and different from all ninety-nine other Clones. And it’s one that is painfully absent as he becomes one with the Force.


At point blank range, you won’t miss. Drawing Nomiana’s pistol, you place three high-powered shots right into Marcs’ unarmored head. Once you confirm that whatever’s tainted his body is likewise dead, you stride over towards the table and aim your weapon right towards the fruit.


And once you stomp away, there’s not even a drop of juice left. All that remains are scorch marks and the smell of burnt citrus.

“This is bloody awful!” Suzel pulls at his hair, collapsing against a nearby wall. “Boss, don’t tell me this is a regular thing outside of the Unknown Regions?!”

“...it isn’t,” you grumble. “...this isn’t normal at all.”

“Wrrrraaaaaaah?” The wookiee looks nervous. And you don’t blame him. Even though he spat it out, he had chewed on half of the fruit for a good few seconds. “Wrrrraaaaaahhh.”

A single examination with the Force proves that he’s clean or otherwise unaffected...as far as you can tell. Whatever was in Marcs lay dormant and undetected, sleeping and waiting for the signal to activate.

You grunt, throwing the wookiee’s hands off of your shoulders. “You’re fine, Elba. You’re fine...no, you’re not gonna suddenly become a tree. You spat out everything!”

No wonder this planet was quarantined, Palpatine didn’t want to poke the Vong with a stick without the Imperial military and navy fully built up yet. Damn Shapers probably have captured and mutated our girl too. Brace yourselves for pain and suffering.
Pain is the highest form of holiness anon
>probably have captured and mutated our girl too
Well no big loss.
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“Wrrrrrraaaaaahhhh!” he complains.
“I saw the seeds for myself. I’ll run a full scan on you once we get back to the Albatross-”

...wait a moment.

There’s no way in hell that the Clones outside didn’t hear that commotion. Between the creatures, the blasters and your own lightsaber...that’s one hell of a cacophony. And now that you think about it...it’s too damn quiet. Beyond the interior ambiance of the cycling air and hum of fluorescent light, there’s nothing. No activity, no repairs, no marching formations, not even any birdsong or noise of the jungle.

It’s as if a blanket of silence has descended upon the Clones’ F.O.B., and every single breath you take seems to be a violation of this unnatural serenity.

Suzel, ever punctual and right on the money, nervously intones, “...hey chief...where are the rest of the clones?”

“....wrrruuuuuhhhhh...” This is the first time that you’ve heard a wookiee be demonstrably fearful.

“...right at the front lines...” you answer as you sense things coming from all directions. There are dozens of them, tainted blights in the Force that bear the same parasitic corruption that had consumed Marcs. “...just coming back to the F.O.B. to enjoy a respite after repairing their primary line of defense.”

As if on cue, the jungle around the base erupts into a frenzied chaos. The trees groan and shudder as they whip back and forth, disturbing the birds and other creatures within its canopy. Animals you’ve never heard before undulate and screech, howling as the sun sets across the distant mountains and casts the riverside in a shade of grey.

And then, they emerge from the shadows between the trees, or otherwise uproot themselves from the soil they griped and clung to.

It's not just one type of monster. It is a mix of infected and unaltered Clone Troopers, but other monstrosities shamble alongside them. Walking roots with drooling mouths stalk above quadruped animals composed of living vines and thorny branch. It's a menagerie of alien fauna...no, not even alien. Abominations to the very universe itself, a slight against the Living Force.

They appear from all sides, circling the clearing in which their prey hides, slowly closing in...smaller, tighter...until there is no escape.

“...oh, kriff.”

>>What will you do?
>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
>Fight your way back to the Albatross’ landing pad. No information is worth fighting a horde this size.

>>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
The only other place we might find anything on them is the CIS base and that seems even worse than dealing with tree men.
>>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
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Oh, and here's a reference for those wandering what the quadrupeds look like.
>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
>>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
We need to figure out what the fuck is going on
>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
The Horror... The Horror...
>>Fight your way back to the Albatross’ landing pad. No information is worth fighting a horde this size.
>>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
Yeah, and then those laws were pulled back at Palpatine's behest
Those were clones of a Jedi, not Fetts
>>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
>Palps quarantined the planet
He knows...
The Death Stars and Sovereigns can't come sooner enough...

I knew we should have went straight for the droids...
Oh man that's horrible. I love it.
>a whole bunch of clones that apparently defied order 66
>likely two Jedi survivors
>quarantined planet
Who's ready for Vader, chums?

The good part is that Commander Big Boss might've been unfucked by the surgery, and the Jedi probably bailed from the obviously evil plant that was taking over the clones.

Confederacy forever.
>Buy Suzel time to slice into the clone’s computer. You're not leaving without something to go on.
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*guitar riff*
blueberry is probably the commander of the CIS forces
>Pinkskin, you absolute retard, didn't you hear about the clones being given Order66? I needed those droids, you schutta, and you kriffed them up, and then got attacked by clones anyway.
"Fuck off and get on the ship with Rambo here before the Empire justifiably lifewipe this shitty rock."
High IQ move here
Let's put the fruits in a sealed crate and use them as our own biological superweapons.
Who needs a Death Star?
We got a planetfucker right here.

Just drop one on Coruscant and gtfo.
Give their track record I’m guessing the sith probably made this shit.
Too risky. I don't trust anything that requires a Jedi to make a will save not to eat.
Droids, brother.
The masters and younglings aren't droids and younglings are known to get into shit they shouldn't.
That's why we don't keep the biological superweapons on the same ship as them.

What, you think the Death Star had a bring your kids to work day?
>He doesn't think Vader getting Luke onto the Death Star wasn't an elaborate plan for bring your kid to work day.
That was just nepotism.
Also, our Master already said if we come back from this we'll have to take a Padawan. Which means there will be at least one stupid youngling on the ship with the fruit. They'll probably listen as well as we do, too.
You are absolutely correct anon. Store it for later as a KO move.
Didn't Death Star have a whole city made for the personnel, with blackjack and hookers?
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“‘Serve the Jedi Wanderer’, they said,” Suzel grumbles as he settles into the command console. He seems to be just as dexterous and skilled with a terminal as much as he is with knives. In spite of his griping, he manages to gain limited access into the computer. “‘You’ll bring honor to the family,’ they said...‘there isn’t going to be any possibility of being turned into a cursed tree-man thing...’”

You regard the Nagai with a flat look. “There’s no way that Suzui or Hol could have told you that.”

He ignores you, eyes darting wildly across the screen as he begins his assault on the mainframe. “...I’ll need some time for this, chief.”

“Wrrraaaaahhhhh,” Elba grunts, hoisting a looted laser minigun from a fallen clone. The wookiee looks extremely pleased with himself as he falls into line alongside you. “Wrraaaaaaahhh!”

“Yeah, good idea...” Depressing a button on your gauntlet, you hail the Albatross. “B-33, HK-82, are you there?”

“This unit is ready to receive and execute orders, Master.” His response comes quickly, with barely any sort of visible hesitation or delay. “What are your orders?”

“Start up the ship, and spool her engines and laser cannons. Keep her in low-atmo and ready for a hot extraction from the Clones’ F.O.B. on my signal. Targets are unknown hostiles and infected clone troopers.”


The doors to the command center open with a hiss, parting to allow you and Elbawarak to pass unopposed into the courtyard of the base. From the tree lines of the forest, the creatures swarm, destroying obstacles and ignoring barriers in their voracity to reach you. The object of the battle is not to defeat them; they continue to pour out by the dozens.

The only victory in this initial mission would be Suzel’s successful and uninterrupted extraction of intelligence.

“Let’s not keep them waiting,” you intone grimly as you raise your lightsaber in a duelist’s salute. "And send these foul creatures back into the abyss from which they came."

“Awwwrrraaawwwwww,” the wookiee agrees, a fierce grin on his face as his weapon opens fire. "Wrrraaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggghhhhh!"

>Roll 2d6 + 8 Niman (+3 Finesse, +2 Cunning, +3 Lightsaber).
>Best out of three.
Rolled 1, 4 + 8 = 13 (2d6 + 8)

Rolled 2, 2 + 8 = 12 (2d6 + 8)

Rolled 3, 4 + 8 = 15 (2d6 + 8)

>how to troll Christians 101
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based christian boardspammer
>And send these foul creatures back into the abyss from which they came
what would have happened if we ate the fruit?
RIP wookie, but possibly infiltrate the shaper home and maybe find arotta
Did the trees get Kaz?
the trees are Kaz
but are the trees epileptic
>go to unk space for rescue mission, end up with kirsten (forma de carbonado) and revenant on our ass
>hit up bloobs, expect space nam
>get planet of tree zombies

Do kazs other quest go as hard on NOW THIS IS PODRACING as this one
>Do kazs other quest go as hard on NOW THIS IS PODRACING as this one

Granted his task force 666 one is funny because despite the first thread having 4 nat 1s the Mc has had amazing luck ever since. To the point he’s an unwanted chick magnet for female demons.

In BBR what was a simple infiltration mission turned into pissing off one of seven superpowered blood mages

Dungeon officer quest is just oof incarnate
Should have waifu'd the cute thief tomboy in DOQ.
MC was and still is in too fucked up a headspace to try that. Also still holds a grudge over her bailing on him, just a little,.
Update when
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Here. Woke up to do a twelve-hour film shoot and I was utterly exhausted. Crashed hard, but I'm ready to quest.

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for you and your Chinese roomie, hope his senpai is fine
Is Dungeon Officer still a thing?
It's on hiatus so Kaz could fiocus on TF666 and BBR

But given BBr seems to be cursed to shit and Kaz made a fourth quest, who knows?
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What little remnant of the sun quickly disappears over the imposing tree line, and the planet transitions from twilight to true evening. Kakarit has no lunar body, and the sky is all the brighter because of it. Distant stars and nebulae light the overhead sky like a blanket, a gentle contrast to the menacing silhouettes of the trees and the monsters that pour from between the trunks.

The battle is desperate, a frantic struggle against an overwhelming and insatiable horde. With the exception of the walking roots, the enemy has no sense of verticality. As if guided by some unseen directive, the Clones and quadrupeds shamble towards ramps and inclines. They are unable to mount or climb over anything beyond their shoulder’s height. And you press this to your own advantage with a kill zone of your own design.

Elba’s minigun has just enough power to punch through both Phase 2 armor and the warped dermis of the infected clone troopers. From the gated courtyard of the command post, a torrent of blue light erupts from the wookiee’s weapon, hurtling down range of the pre-fab stairs. Many miss more than not, as he swings his weapon in measured, directional arcs, but he still mows down several of them before they even set foot onto the incline.

His lightshow is joined by your own golden blade. Your lightsaber is a beacon of light against the night and its terrors, carving through the enemy in merciless strikes. Only a handful of the Clone troopers remain unchanged by the Eeche fruit, and offer some measure of resistance with their blaster rifles. It’s a terse exercise in multi-tasking as you redirect their blaster fire as you cut down their more corrupted comrades.

But all share a uniformly disturbing physiology, beyond enhanced resilience. Lightsabers immediately cauterize any wounds they inflict, but not so much with blaster rounds. One of Elba’s rounds impacts a clone in the head, blowing it to pieces that fly across the stairs...and promptly begin to melt. The viscous, sap-like substance their blood had mutated into is equal measures acidic and sweet, and the air fills with a cloying, heady scent.

The walkers offer little trouble. They alone are the ones capable of scaling walls and buildings, outpacing their shorter compatriots. Their twisting limbs bring them from underneath overpasses and bridges, and down the sides of walls where the light does not touch. From mouths that teeth with jagged and bloodied bark, they undulate, crooning a high-pitched wail that scratches against the very walls of your mind.

Against the first one, you reach out with the Force and try to Push it off a ledge. But just as it lifts from the ground, it screeches, shooting its feet into the metal surface of the prefab. It takes root, resisting against the Push even as nearby clones and quadrupeds are sent flying back. It tilts its head, warbling mockingly before it lashes its arm with a whip-like ferocity.

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At the very least, their tendrils are just as easily rent and sundered like the exoskeleton of the infected clones. And for flora, mutated as it is, they scream no differently than men as your lightsaber makes quick work of their attacks.

A ways a way, no more than a few dozen meters, B-33 provides support from the grounded Albatross. Both dorsal and ventral laser turret cannons seem to glow a cherry red as they swivel wildly and send laser bolts streaking down the landing pad. At the very least, the ship is designated a secondary threat, perhaps from the lack of organic life within its general direction. There are those among the horde that slowly make their way to the Albatross, but they are far and few between the waves that buffet against the command post.

“Wrrraaaaaaaaaaah!” the wookiee growls. He takes one hand off the minigun, unclipping one of the fifteen thermal detonators. He rears up like a grav-ball player before throwing it into a cluster of enemies. It explodes on impact, and cuts a wonderfully acrid odor against the cloying scent of Eeche.

“Yeah, I know, Elba!” Your reply comes tense and strained as you struggle against a quadruped. It snarls and snaps as you keep it at bay with the Force, arresting its charge and hoisting it into the air. The unnatural light in its eyes extinguishes as you slice its head off, and the beast virtually comes apart before your eyes. “Just hang on a little more!”

By the time you move onto your next target, little remains beyond a tangled mess of vines.
Kicking a nearby clone into the range of Elba’s blaster fire, you shout into the comms, “Talk to me, Suzel! Tell me you've made some progress-”

“You try slicing into a computer while the end of days is happening outside the door!” the Nagai shouts back. “That bloody noise makes it difficult to concentrate...!”

“I’m fighting in one, how’s that for a distraction?” you counter lightly as you slice open another walker. “But keep me posted, friend. How long does it take to import all of those logs?”

He grunts, and you can hear him squint at the computer. “It’s gonna take a few more moments since I had to go through a backdoor and reroute the jack towards the Albatross’ databses; progress bar is at sixty-seven-!”

From both the comm line and your own ears, you can hear a terrible noise, the sound of metal groaning as it bends and warps under external pressure. Something is forcing its way into the command center, something large and terrible enough to crush metal paneling like paper. The discordant melody is accompanied by a dreadful laughter, a grotesque, chittering parody of amusement.

The anger in Suzuel’s voice is completely gone, replaced by a dreadful fear in his next words: “They’re coming out of the vents, chief! Roots are coming out of the spirits-damned walls-!”

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You can sense them even before you turn around. They are walking anomalies within the Force, emerging from the very ground of the planet itself like the plant life they’re based within. These giants grow, reaching the apex of their height within a matter of seconds. The Tall Walkers tower over the tallest building within Firebase Charlie, extending massive hands to the walls, tearing apart sheets of prefab with contemptuous ease.

And yet, there are still worse. One of them bends low from its waist, extending a hand towards an exhaust grate. The Tall Walker hisses as the heat scalds its limb, but it perseveres. Its hand breaks into dozens of little tendrils, and snake their way through the vent and into the very heart and depths of the command post.

The Nagai’s cry of terror is punctuated by the sound of his blaster and the sound of a blade exiting its sheathe. Suzel screams something in Nagai, possibly something along the lines of a war cry as the dreadful laughter increases in its volume.

>>What will you do?
>Break to the Albatross and make an escape. You have enough data and it’s too dangerous to go back.
>Fall back to the command center and recue Suzel from the ambush. Nobody gets left behind.
>Fall back to the command center and recue Suzel from the ambush. Nobody gets left behind.
>>Fall back to the command center and recue Suzel from the ambush. Nobody gets left behind.
>>Fall back to the command center and recue Suzel from the ambush. Nobody gets left behind.
>>Fall back to the command center and recue Suzel from the ambush. Nobody gets left behind.
>Fall back to the command center and recue Suzel from the ambush. Nobody gets left behind.
>Break to the Albatross and make an escape. You have enough data and it’s too dangerous to go back.

I am just voting for this because no one did. I don't even think it is the right move, it just feels sad and lonely like this!
>Fall back to the command center and rescue Suzel from the ambush. Nobody gets left behind.
>Activate Force Speed
>Fall back to the command center and recue Suzel from the ambush. Nobody gets left behind.
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>>You have gained Light Side points.

“Suzel’s in trouble!” you shout to Elba. “Fall back to the command center!”

The wookiee grunts an acknowledgement as he beats a slow retreat from the gate. He unclips not one, but three thermal detonators and lobs them towards the checkpoint. The main entrance into the command center doesn’t explode as much as it’s enveloped within a great ball of fire. The infected caught within the blast are immediately incinerated, and those on the outskirts are ignited in flames. Even a dozen meters away, the heat’s enough to be felt on your eyebrows.

Fire is anathema to them. Immediately, those doused in the flames panic, breaking away from the main body as they flail burning limbs in a desperate attempt to douse the flames. They have no mouths, but you can hear their screams past the mask of bark, past the armor of thorns and bark-tooth maws.

A Jedi is not supposed to take pleasure in the suffering of others. It is a path that leads down towards the Dark Side of the Force. But you can’t help but grin as Elba roars in exultation. “Nice job!”


The inferno burning in front of the main entrance buys you more than enough time to make a quick retreat. It seems something of a finite and minute point given the infestation, but you close the door and set it to lockdown mode. You have doubts that the infected could figure out something the likes of an electronic lock, but it’ll buy you time, even if the Tall Walkers decide to smash through the entrance.

The Force flows through your body, augmenting your speed and giving haste to your steps as you sprint down the corridor. What you would normally accomplish in five steps takes only a single one, as your perception of the world slows down around you. Ensuring that Elba can still see you, your dead run takes you towards the control room in a fraction of the time it would have normally taken.

The central unit is a total loss. Beyond a singular terminal that continues to upload data to the Albatross, anything inorganic or artificial has been destroyed by the Tall Walkers. Terminals are little more than smoking ruins from which more vines grow out of. And from overhead vents and floor paneling, the main limbs of the Tall Ones penetrate through the metal, jerking and contorting in search of prey.

Suzel has seen better days. The Nagai bleeds from dozens of cuts along his body, each no larger than an inch or two. In one hand, he holds his blaster, and the other, his vibroblade. Within his mouth, he clamps on tightly to one of the myriad throwing knives on his belt as he dances and whirls through the melee.

“Is that all you’ve got?” the scout roars past clenched teeth, “I’ve had trouble digesting salads more fearsome than you!”

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He won’t last long. It seems that the Tall Ones are fighting a similar battle of attrition as their fellows outside of the base. “Death by a thousand cuts”, as the old adage went. Their intent is for Suzel to tire himself out from both his exertions and the gradual wounds they inflict upon him.

The entrance to the room is blocked by vines, a barrier easily dispatched by your lightsaber. With two strikes, the vines give way, separated into two writhing, smoking halves. You wade into the room with a grim determination, and use the Force to blast away the vines as they lunge towards your companion.

He looks surprised at their sudden deflection, seemingly consigned to go down fighting. But he turns around and spots you, brandishing a golden blade against the limbs of the Tall Walkers. They reel, retreating back cautiously as you step into the room and grab your companion.

“Farren!” Suzel exclaims.

“Thank me later!” you reply as you pull him out of the room and into the corridor. And just for good measure, you collapse the entrance into the computer room. “We’ve got a ship that’s waiting for us!”

To your surprise, he protests, “This isn’t honorable at all! A Nagai is supposed to die honorably in battle-”

The fact that he doesn’t physically struggle belies his true intentions. Rolling your eyes, you counter, “Save it for later. There should be an entrance on the west side-”

Suddenly, the panels of the corridor explode outward, flooding the hallway in a writhing mass of vines. Elba grunts as he’s cut off from your sight, but you can hear the wookiee’s blaster peppering away. Suzel hits the deck, and you bring your lightsaber about to bear, ready to defend-


A mass of vines coalesce together, binding and shaping themselves into something with a vaguely humanoid shape. But unlike the abominations outside of the base...this one is not a disturbance in the Force. On the contrary, it pulses with a constrained power. If the Revenant was a wellspring of the Dark Side, then the being that hovers before you is a lodestone of the Living Force itself.

Not that it stops you from leveling your weapon. “What are you, and what do you want?!” you demand.

It raises a gnarled branch, and points directly at your lightsaber.

In an instant, the vines explode into action. There are too many for you and Suzel to cut down...not that they target the Nagai. They all rush towards you, ignorant of how many are cut down in the process. But unlike before, when you reach for the Force...you find to your horror that you are unable to do so.

What the hell is happening?

You haven’t been cut off from the Force. You can still sense it, even as you dodge and weave past an unrelenting assault, the likes of which was not seen with the others outside. The only explanation is the entity before you, who displays no emotions as it stands silent, pulsing ominously as it directs the assault.

One vine breaks through your defenses, a thorny tendril that rends a cut across your chest. It is soon followed by one, then two more, each battering your body as you defend yourself and Suzel. But it is a futile effort, and within a handful of moments, you are as bloodied as the Nagai, and helpless as the vines hold you fast in a tight grip.


You sense their intent long before they commit, and struggle all the harder, reach desperately for the Force. Suzel aims, taking no more than two shots against the entity before his arm is ensnared by vine. And even as the barrier behind the being begins to smoke from the intensity of Elba's blaster fire...

...it's too late.

Of all your limbs, it is the one that holds your lightsaber that is the most restricted, the most pierced by thorny vines. And as one, the vines go taut and crush...

>>You are ambidextrous. However...

>>Which of your hands was holding your lightsaber?
Let's go Bayushi on this overgrown weed.
Actually, what's the significance of our right hand vs our left hand here, is there some force techniques only usable by one or the other or something?
He's basically going to be giving us an impairment in fighting since it's going to be mcfucking broken.
I'm pretty sure he meant what the choice itself did if it was just to impair us our arm could have just broke with out a choices
True, but I think it's done for flavor more than anything.
Use Force Speed to grab the Heavy Blaster Pistol and destroy the arm vine, disarming the Spriggan before it can disarm us.
Oh, sorry if I wasn't specific, but your arm (and lightsaber) is quite literally being crushed to the point of permanent injury. The choice is flavor, but either way, you're gonna be out of an arm (possibly a lightsaber as well) for the time being.

Depending on how it goes, you could either make the decision to try and go for an extensive regeneration...or just go the route of Anakin/Luke and have a neat cyber arm.

All of your limbs are bound. There were too many vines.
The former seems more interesting to me than the later, mostly because of the idea of struggling to regain what was lost through sheer effort and strength of will is appealing to me.
we should take some of the berries with us! research it, and regrow a tree arm.
It would totally not fuck us,
I would go for the cyber arm seems like less of a hassle

Bit annoying to be down an arm, but ah well, you win some you lose some. Going to need to see if we can get it treated soon though, puts us at a big disadvantage if we get into any Lightsaber fights in the meantime. At least evil, sentient, infectious plants are probably right up there with whatever was on the planet our master wanted us to visit.
>Not going the hidden multi-tool cyborg arm
>Lock picks, light blaster, mini-welder, data-jack, white noise generator, grappling hook, light saber compartment, cortosis under plating; literally endless possibilities
>Constant reminder of what we lost, and to do better in the future
>our master probably lopped off his own arm for just such an arm and hasn't told us because he is afraid we would learn such powers
>easily replaceable in case of future penetration, amputation.
>vibrates to better please our eventual/inevitable meatbag waifu
>Hidden multi-tool arm is literally best grill
Cyber arms are bitchin and leave more room to do cool shit like what >>4051165 says.
>Hidden multi-tool arm is literally best grill
I'm gonna have to stop you there. U see, our ship is actually best girl because not only is she our shelter in the storm that is life, she can also take us to where ever we please. So until I see your multi-tool arm able to teleport us to anywhere in the galaxy, it's going to tsundere of this harem anime.
Also, can maybe get a wrist with 360 degrees of motion, then we can be 1/4 grievus.
the monster is either the blueberry or her master.
the CIS commander is likely the original clone commande who went missing
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There is a terrible noise as your lightsaber deactivates. The golden blade flickers like an erratic light before shorting out with a pathetic whine as the entire assembly is crushed. In a way, it’s worse than what happens next. A Jedi is supposed to have no attachments...but it had been one of two that you made as a child, modified then for use with Master Larid once you had become his padawan.

But the pain of your forearm shattering jolts you out of any sort of maudlin reverie. It draws a scream from your throat, a discordant chorus of pain. You scream and stare, helpless and wide-eyed as the vines constrict even tighter. Shards of bone grind the tender meat of your arm into ribbons. Blood slowly drips from the tight spaces where the vines are joined as everything is ground to an unrecognizable pulp.

And when the vines finally uncurl, what was left could barely be called an arm. The entirety of your left forearm, from the elbow to the fingertips, has been completely and utterly destroyed. The ruined limb dangles limply, dropping the scrap of metal that was once one of your most prized possessions.

>>You have lost your left forearm.
>>You have lost a lightsaber.

You might have gone into shock, but the pain was unlike anything you had ever felt before. The vines withdraw, slithering away and unbinding your body, allowing you to collapse into a growing puddle of your own blood. It hurts so much, it hurts so much that you think that you might die from the pain alone.

You’re dimly aware of Suzel hauling you up so you wouldn’t suffocate, shouting at you to snap out of it while he attempts to bandage your wound. Elba’s furious roar is nothing but an echo, as well as his barrage of laser weapons.

...but as the light dims, and you surrender to the sweet, sweet darkness of unconsciousness, you are suddenly embraced by the Force. Whatever power the entity had that blocked your connection had been stopped or otherwise halted...by something else that rapidly approaches.

And the last thing you are aware of is the sound of an undulating bellow, the sensation of being lifted, and a maw ringed with blue scales...

>>What is it that you dream of?
>A young boy at the helm of a starship.
>A young girl standing among the dead.
>A faceless mass that wanders the void.

>>A young girl standing among the dead.
>A young girl standing among the dead.
>A faceless mass that wanders the void.
Not sure about the boy but the girl is probably the revenant, so my choice will be:

>A faceless mass that wanders the void.
Cause who doesn't like eldritch monstrosities?
>A young girl standing among the dead.
>A faceless mass that wanders the void

This for 500
>A young girl standing among the dead
>A faceless mass that wanders the void.
I wonder what mindrape's like?
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Is this what the faceless mass looks like?
>Young girl standing amongst the dead
>>A faceless mass that wanders the void.
>>A young girl standing among the dead.
>>A faceless mass that wanders the void.

Btw not a fan of being like everybody else with a prosthetic. Like anon here >>4051129 has said, let it be a challenge to overcome. Grow from a 3-saber 1-force woodchipper into something greater.
>>A faceless mass that wanders the void.
>A faceless mass that wanders the void.
Nihilus, please. Visas(?) and Annie(?) be boring
>A young boy at the helm of a starship.

Maybe the turrets of the Albatross will free us or a CIS counterattack
>>A faceless mass that wanders the void.
oh shit oh god oh fuck, we landed in warhammer fantasy
>>A young girl standing among the dead.
we just need to take a dip in the lava and we will be like our good friend Anakin !
>A faceless mass that wanders the void.
If we've lost our arm already, this doesn't bode well for the rest of our appendages.

>A young girl standing among the dead.
>A young girl standing among the dead.
>ya boy got got by a glowing weed
Damn dude what a jobber.
Good thing we choose Makashi Expert lol
>A young girl standing among the dead.
This nigga gets it. Vader was all like "oooo I'm only gonna get the standard arm", NAH NIGGA YOU THOUGHT TOO SMALL.

When we get caught and we escape he's gonna be like "oh shit he used the force" but secretly we're gonna be like "nah bitch, my hand detaches and hacks shit". Not always a bad thing to lose an arm.
Blame Vader's sugar daddy for that.
So like...is anyone else salty we just lost half an arm...just because? We didn't fail any rolls, we didn't make a obviously dumb decision, we went back to get our friend, and then Darth Woody showed up, somehow cut off our ability to use the force, and then break one of our lightsabers and crushed our arm.

Is no one else feeling the real bad version of railroading and grimderp here?
I'm kinda pissed about it, yeah.
What the fuck.
He probably didn't give us a roll because it didn't matter, and if we had fell back to the ship we probably would've avoided darth woody at the expense of suzels life. There were ways to avoid this outcome guise.
Oh shut the fuck up.
As if there was a choice in the matter.
By which I mean with how Farren has been played so far, him suddenly going all "thanks for the help, bye!" To somebody would be retardedly OOC.
Yeah I don’t like it either. Why did we lose one our lightsabers?
>>4051124 >you're gonna be out of an arm (possibly a lightsaber as well)
A roll would have been nice.
If we'd leveled up force speed we could've reacted faster, if we'd leveled up Ataru we could've destroyed more of the enemy so we could focus more on our surroundings and avoid the ambush in the first place... etc. There were many choices that led to this happening dude.
If only we took some pocket money and bought a small fleet of Lucrehulks to take with us.
Yes. A roll would have been nice. Usually this sort of thing happens on a failure, not out of nowhere.
Then again, like what was said with the Kirsten thing Kaz seems to be less running a quest and more telling a story, we're just here for the ride.

>If we leveled up force speed we could use it against the thing that could randomly prevent us from using the force guys!
>if we'd levelled up force speed
you mean… use the force? against the thing that's impossible to use the force against?
Some consequences would have been acceptable, but going straight to losing an arm on our second outing versus leaving a friend to die?
Honestly I would have been fine with just losing the arm. Getting one of our lightsaber's destroyed though is kinda bullshit since that's a massive loss.
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Listen maaaaaan. Luke and Anakin both lost their arms so that means Farren has to as well! It's like poetry, it rhymes. If the nuance and genius of Kaz just doing it instead of having a roll or being a direct consequence of our actions is lost on you then I guess you're just not a true fan,
Yes, having a higher reaction speed would've helped us avoid the assault altogether, if not that then we could've at least felt the difference in our perception when it suppresses us from accessing the force when it shows up instead of only realizing it's doing so when in the midst of combat. I'd wager that if we'd had a higher force rating we could've used some of the force as well, so that's another thing that led us here.
We did know this was a dangerous planet, we went straight for the clones instead of spying from afar because it would be faster, if we had kept our jedi identity secret we might not have attracted the attention of darth woody because we have a low force rating, if we had immediately fallen back to the ship instead of trying to get information we could've avoided the encounter entirely...

C'mon guys please use your head here.
Oh yeah I didn't need to see that.
We should just kill ourselves now desu.
At least that way we'll stop being such a pathetic fucking loser.
There are younglings that act more mature than Farren does.
I'm sure the +1 would have been a great help on the non-existent roll.
>if we had kept our jedi identity secret
you mean exactly like we did? we hadn't told literally anybody we were a jedi until the clones mutated and the fight had already started, and at that point the trees were already in 'kill all humans' mode
>It's not about the railroading or getting ganked without any rolls or chance to prevent it, we just needed to use the force against the thing that prevents us from using the force along with having knowledge of every event ahead of time so we could make optimal choices we could have avoided this, guys.
>C'mon, just use your head.
Have you never heard of thresholds?
I'm just pointing out that there were ways to avoid this if we look back, I'm not saying our choices were bad.

Sure, but it went straight for the saber and avoided our friends entirely, we did have the option to keep it hidden.
>"Dude, just tell the future, could've avoided this breh. Thresholds breh."
Choke on an infinite amount of cock.
No, there were no ways to avoid this. You're literally acting on assumption that the same thing wouldn't happen no matter what path we took down to the planet. Especially when Kaz has said he's made fates "set in stone" before.
You're also distracting with a strawman and trying to try and get people to forget about the blatant railroading and inability to do anything but watch as we got straight up nigged in a cutscene.
Stop being disingenuous.
Let's just get to the ship and leave.
There's no way Arotta or her Master survived this fucking bullshit.
Let the Empire deal with it.
What you mean you can't see the future? What kind of podunk planet did I end up on?
Alright, I'm gonna say it. Given what we knew at the time, there was literally no reason to keep the lightsaber hidden—the only hint was that the clones had trouble remembering Jedi, which there was no way to extrapolate 'sucks the force away from you and crushes your saber and arm with no roll' from that.

I guess what we *should* do from now on is to never take the obvious path, since every vote like this so far has been a trick vote.
>"The Call of Jombaral"
You build characters around what you want them to be challenging. We built a sneaky character that exploits weaknesses that can duel darksiders pretty well, and we're on a planet that is full of light side users that can swarm us, pretty much the bane of our existence.
How is pointing out that if we were stronger in the force that we probably could've done something against this entity that has such a way to disrupt force users? The stronger you are in the force the stronger the connection, meaning the harder it would be to accomplish such a thing.
And are you completely ignoring all the choices we've had about ditching our immediate concerns and just leaving to regroup? Pretty sure leaving the area would've made it harder for darth wood to gank us.
>Hey guys, if we were 20 levels higher then this level 10 boss we could have totally solo'd it you know.
Shut the fuck up and stop riding dick.
This is a classic case of railroading and you know it.
Everyone took the sensible and in character choices.

Besides, this was probably "set in stone from the moment we reached the planet."
Okay, what? Are you actually saying we should've voted to leave our companion behind? Because >>4052177 already rebutted that; it's not in character for Farren at all. Next you're gonna say we have no reason to complain about losing our arm and saber because we could've chosen not to come to this planet.

Given that we've now had *two* times where this type of thing has happened on both planets we've visited, I'm beginning to wonder why any options are being offered in this quest at all. It just seems like 'choose the order of the planets you visit upon which the 'set in stone' story will play out'.
He is right about the choice though. You really should have left right away. Those Venator wrecks in orbit would probably have the same info the computer planetside would have if you did enough digging and finagling. Take heart that a tactical retreat in the face of complete surprise tends to be wise.

Also this planet is shit and we should have gone to the freakazoid trial planet. They would probably have stripper-lizards there instead of trees from hell.
I'm not saying that, I'm saying that if we had a higher specialty in this specific thing, that we wouldn't have gotten rekt so badly by something that SPECIALIZES in this thing.
We can't see the future, and we didn't take the precognition skill so we can't spec ourselves knowing what challenges we'll face in the future, but we made our character to be good at certain things, and we encountered a being that is good at the opposite. Such things happen.
I just said that I thought all our decisions were good. Sometimes you make all the right decisions and you still get fucked over, that's just how things happen. I'm pointing out that there was always a choice to avoid this specific outcome, not that making those choices would've been a good idea.
Unlikely, those were wrecked before they were even on the planet, the data would've been limited to info about the CIS presence.
Leading to an even greater blindside.
To be fair, if we knew there was a railroad cutscene boss that would show up and wreck our shit without any chance to defend or escape, we would have left right away too.
Unfortunately, like >>4052253 said, there was literally no way to extrapolate 'sucks the force away from you and crushes your saber and arm with no roll' from 'clones have trouble remembering jedi.'
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>Besides, this was probably "set in stone from the moment we reached the planet."
This is where I draw the line. Be angry about our arm all you want, we CHOSE to assist the clones.
"No." Gaelle has no personal connection to any clone(s) that would endear them in his eyes, let alone after what he learned of their betrayal during Order 66; we went and helped them DESPITE that knowledge.
You're literally saying that. You're sitting here repeating about how if we knew the future and picked shit specifically to counter this thing we would have won. Ignoring the fact that we literally had no option to do anything but sit there and watch the cutscene as it fucked us.
lol why are u fags so angry
yes, a jedi had no reason at all to help people who are explicitly asking for assistance. it's not like jedi have a habit of, you know, having the type of morals of that invite them to help people in need.
Normally I'd agree with you, but Kaz has straight up come out and said that he sets certain events in stone no matter, it's a reasonable view to take.
There's a good chance no matter how we approached this, it would have involved the tree fucker showing up and railroading our arm.
I doubt the computers down here have a folder full of pictures of trees saying "This is actually a hostile" you feel me? Even less likely an .exe "find jedi". I'm sure we could learn about these fucking porgs from the computer though. Fucking porgs.

For sure. I'm just saying that no one could have seen tree-zombies coming. So running away would have been just as wise a decision as attempting to learn more.
You have no idea how railroading works do you, you ignorant faggot?
With how things have gone in this quest already, obviously us losing an arm is a plot point so it was happening regardless of what we did.

Gigafucker Tree would've taken us to doujin land with his tentacle vines and rekt our arm no matter what we did.

Because fixing our arm and replacing our second saber is a plot hook!
Winning != Successfully Escaping

We're basically the CIA of the Jedi, we're supposed to do shady shit. Leaving clones to their deaths is naturally in line with this, especially when we have a higher priority, but we're not a complete dick so we went down to help them. Our logic was utilitarian, but we could've just observed the clones and the droids and made contact with either side afterwards.

What happened to Kristen was a done deal as soon as Order 66 happened, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Here, we had many ways to avoid this SPECIFIC outcome, but we didn't have the specs to deal with the encounter so we got ran-over. This isn't comparable.
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>"It is my victory, Father."
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You dream of a faceless mass, a nebula of cosmic dust burdened with the terrible weight of sapience. At one point, it might have been an inanimate cluster, or an existence with no thoughts beyond hunger and instinct. But it had evolved, became something else entirely, a ripple in the Force. And it was the only one of its kind to exist within the galaxy.

It is a phantom with nowhere to haunt, a nomad and wanderer condemned to reave and meander across the infinite universe. For what seems like eons, it subsists upon the energies of stars, feeding upon the travelers in their iron vessels should the need ever arise. And from this consumption, it knows learns of emotions, of the sins of life. It understands anger and hate, comprehends envy and wrath, ingests lust and vengeance...strange emotions that both allure and frighten it.

But where there is anger, there is peace; hate, and kindness, vengeance and justice. It sees that there is a spectrum of emotion, displayed by all manner of sapient life, emoted within the Force that it itself feeds and subsides upon.

But above all else, it desires love, and wants to love in turn. And the kind of love did not matter.

It would love the galaxy, and hope the galaxy would love it in turn.

Eons later, the opportunity comes, chancing upon a planet scorched by the heat of its own star.

To the natives that languish and suffer, it feels an overwhelming /compassion/, a desperate sorrow at their plight.

And it descends upon the world, wielding the full extent of its power for the first time in eternity.

They prostrate themselves, and exhibit a feast of emotions: confusion and gratitude, fear and hope.

They ask what it desires.

It communicates its wish for a haven in a cold and uncaring galaxy.

They give her what it desires.

It asks for a name.

It receives one.

They would name it "Mother" in their tongue, after one of their gods.

It asks what a Mother is.

It receives an answer.

/She/ now understands.

Unconditional love is what she had always wanted, to both give and receive it.

A mother must love her children, even if they were not of her blood.

And in turn, they had loved her and cared not what she was.

But she /knew/ a way to truly make them of her own.

She would have what she always wanted.

Her own family, made in her own image and of her blood.

And her children would still love her, no matter what would happen.

There was no better womb than the planet itself.

A rebirth for all; sun-scorched planet, suffering children, bereaved and wandering Mother.

And what better form for all than what was once impossible to flourish?

>>You have gained the following skill:
>>Force Entities 1 (Intellect)
okay, wait, hold up. are you implying that we could have contacted and joined up with the droids? if the clones don't have memory of order 66, there is zero chance the droids got a 'stand down' order—they'd be immediately hostile towards us unless we surrendered to them.
Unless you're one of those 'we should get a droid army' posters, in which case you're just delusional.
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>it's not like jedi have a habit of, you know, having the type of morals of that invite them to help people in need
Like, say, the royal family we royally screwed?

All of these assumptions because you're angery. I don't like losing my arm, and would have preferred a skill check, but we intentionally put ourselves to help the people that assisted in the Jedicaust in lieu of staying hidden. Faggot.
>Winning != Successfully Escaping
Sure it does. Getting the info and escaping the tree fucker is a win. Unfortunately you can't do that when it railroads your ass without any rolls.

No, this is completely comparable. Just like that we had no option to avoid or stop it, fuck we didn't even have any rolls to give us a chance. It literally just went "Haha, you're fucked now boy." Even if we don't "have the specs" in your opinion, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed the chance to fight it, or open up an escape route, or do one of a million things.
There's nothing you can say that won't convince me we were losing an arm to Darth Coniferous the moment it showed up.
And it would have shown up.
This is just my own speculation at this point but if the CIS superior is still alive then he should've come in contact with the wildlife, in fact he's been fighting a losing war against it for months and probably really wants to leave the planet, and we have a working ship.

Dude, at this point you're just ignoring all the choices we had to escape the fortification or otherwise avoid massive conflict altogether.
Oh yes, a choice between killing children, giving them a chance to survive and potentially striking down our best friend.
Farren is a real big meanie head.

Fuck you.

These clones were isolated and were our only option of getting up to date information.
Fuck off.
I dunno, in my own head the 'organic' working with the CIS is either that clone guy that walked off or one of the two Jedi doing force bullshit. But you could be right, I don't know jack shit about the 'deep lore' of Star Wars, or how frequently these droid ships had people on board.
It went straight for our lightsaber. If we hadn't shown it off it probably wouldn't have shown up. Unintentional mistakes are still mistakes.

Kaz posted a diagram of the core ship that fell, there's like 60 supervisors, so there are somewhere around that many possible survivors on that ship.
>We could have avoided all of this if you knew that a railroading cutscene monster was going to fuck our arm with no rolls ahead of time, guys.
Imagine unironically suggesting we not use our fucking Lightsaber as a Jedi.

When we're under attack by hostile tree monsters.
And have no training in any other weapons.

It's not an unintentional mistake
It's something 99.9 percent of Jedi would've done.
...And those 99.9% of Jedi probably would've lost their arm unless they were strong in the force. I fail to see your point here.
.......Ok I'm glad this is being talked about now, and that it WASN'T Just Me feeling railroaded rn, but is anyone else completely fucking terrified that Farren is dreaming of the Origins of The Mother of all possible beings?
>shoulda been a mary sue
I'm dying
Well in Kaz's defense we are fighting a literal planet's worth of enemies, I'm surprised things haven't actually gone worse.
He's dreaming of the tree thing, I think. And a good number of us are unhappy with it, it seems.
clearly this is all setup for the subplot where we lose our arm and replace it with an arm made of some bullshit force thing, possibly made out of the tree guy.
>feeling emotions
Darksider confirmed roger roger.
No but seriously, fuck Arotta.
Bitch isn't worth the effort.

Let's just fucking leave this dumb fucking arc and go get a new arm.
>Oh yes, a choice between killing children, VERY OBVIOUSLY THROWING THEM TO THE HOUNDS and potentially striking down our best friend
Fixed. My point was that it was not the "Jedi way".

>These clones were isolated and were our only option of getting up to date information
My point still stands: The risk of them turning on us because of Order 66 was still there. We didn't know that they forgot and had no reason to believe they weren't like the other clones. What were we going to do if Order 66 was still in effect and they found out, as opposed to never having to have dealt with them in the first place with our Dark Jedi tracking skills and Rank 2 Perception?
grab a fruit, leverage its ability as a bioweapon to get us a sick cyber arm and just fuck off and become a moisture farmer, never touch a lightsaber again
The fruit is a cognitohazard as well as a high-level biohazard. That shit stays right where it is - we are not bringing it offworld, period.
i mean, i was shitposting. i thought the 'abandon the main conceit of the quest' implication would've given it away
but i'm glad you're still taking things seriously, anon.
Update faster, Kaz, so I can get my mind off of this shit.
Just in case anyone thought weaponising the fruit was actually a jolly good idea (moreso than the moisture farmer bit), and Poe's law and all that.

I'm just waiting for the argument to settle down. It happened, a lot of people are understandably unhappy, but we should just move on.
>not the Jedi Way
What is the Jedi Way?
They were given a trial in accordance to the laws of the planet.
>Order 66
Hmm, I wonder why we hid our sabers...
If we move on, it'll just keep happening.
an enraged fan is an engaged fan, as they say.
>They were given a trial in accordance to the laws of the planet.
There was no formal government at the time of the lynching.

>I wonder why we hid our sabers
To avoid getting shot up --or in this case, tree raped-- right away? I'm speaking of "if they found out", which is very possible since the remnants were apparently still fielding 'dekas.
Then there were no laws and the Tof violated the NAP.
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Then we failed to enforce it by killing them on sight. #TorokWasRight
>>4 Days to find Master Kosa and Padawan Bashur

You wake up to an unfamiliar ceiling.

Or rather, a ceiling of darkness, one that you can barely see. But even in the dim lighting, some measure of instinct takes over, and you scramble, fighting against the blankets that cover you. Fearful of what you find, you reach a trembling arm over to your left side...

...and mercifully come across a limb encased and bound tight in bandages.

"Farren!" Dimly, you can hear the sound of somebody approaching you rapidly, falling down to your side as you struggle. "Calm down, calm down, chief! You still have your arm, it's not...it's still there!"

>>Contrary to your last memories, you /still/ have your left forearm, albeit heavily bandaged and quite obviously broken in several places.
>>It will take months to heal on its own, days should you find a Force Healer or bacta tank.

"...Suzel?" you whisper faintly. "...where the hell...how...my arm?"

"...the bigger guy said something about hallucinations and other nasty kriff the things that.../thing/ can do, but..." The scout jerks his head left and right. He fumbles for something in the pockets of his vest. "...there's something we have to take care of first."

"And what the hell is-"

"Here." Suzel jerkily drops something into your good hand. Even in the dim lighting of the cave, you can still make out the yellow light of the lightsaber crystal, as well as your other undamaged 'saber. "...I...I picked them up before we escaped..."

>>However, one of your lightsabers is a total loss, barring the kyber crystal that sits in the palm of your hand.

You don't hear him. Even as the phantom pain of your arm being crushed still lingers along the limb, you're at least grateful that you still have it. The crystal...it's one of the two you brought back from the Gathering from the ice caves of Ilum, a symbol of a better time, a more innocent time in your life.

"I don't know much about Jedi..." the nagai says, scratching the back of his head. "But...I'm really sorry about that, chief. About your weapon. Saving me and everything..."

...you can't offer him an answer. Not yet, anyway.

He seems to understand. "Uh...I'll just leave you to it, then-"

His apology is interrupted by the arrival of something else. The presence in the Force that carried you away from the entity enters your little cave. You can make out the distinct form of a giant reptilian, not quite the size of Elba, but easily clocking in at a weight nearly twice of the wookiee's.

The alien thrusts a bowl of unidentifiable substance at you, glaring at you through the slits of golden eyes.

"Eat," he...she...it(?) grunts in surprisingly articulate Basic. "Eat. Grow strong. Join Kakari war summons."

>>What will you ask of the reptile?
So you realized you were being an idiot and course corrected
...The Fuck?
>"Wow, that sounds like a really good deal. But I think I got a better one. How about: I give you the finger, and you give me my communicator call?"
We knew that we were gonna be down an arm and a lightsaber before the argument even started.

>1 post by this ID
Fuck off if you don't have the due diligence to read the thread.
A-are you ok anon?
How do you not understand what that anon just posted?
It's fairly simple stuff.
Ey fuck off kroq-gar.
"Thank you for the food warrior, and thanks for the help you have give us. But no not now. I already eat on this planet and i didn t like the local cousine, please don t offend you. Leave the food here. Can i ask for a moment with my companions before giving you an answer ?"
use the force for grab the good light saber with our good hand

"So how you manage to survive, i remember quite an army around us and those things could have use my wound easily for take me. And both you and Elza, where tired and wounded. I imagine it was for the Albatross and this Kakari fellows. Even then those creatures where all rather large and numerous, so i have my doubts that you could have been easily rescue.

Tell me how you where able. Did the droid counterattack at the same, i suppose of this tribals ? I also imagine they couldn t just know of us. Suzel do you know anything from the data recovered ?

Is the Albatross here ? Please pass me a few of the supplies inside our crates.

Also make a list for possible things to buy : a bio-scanner for the Albatross, light body armor, a bacta tank and maybe a cybernitic arm.

Ah lastly, Call the droid here and connect it to the data we have take. Hopefully he can make something out of it that will help us in our search."
>This autism
What the fuck
>retconning due to an unreasonable tantrum
The players will remember that.
>>Ask it what that thing we encountered was, what happened to the people that were infected/what it knows about the infection process, if its seen the other Jedi around, where we are, and if its possible to kill Darth Woody.

>Darth Woody.
I vote we call it Darth Coniferous.
Just you wait until the infection kicks in. And the fever. The fun never stops don't you see? You've now gotten herpes from a tree.
>What happened after I fainted?
>Where are we?
>Who are you?
>ask if they've seen other Jedi around if it doesn't know what a Jedi is explain it
The Tree thing? Pray this is not Abeloth. Mother is one of her titles too. And she laughs at things like causality and black holes.

What were those thngs?
What happened after I passed out?
Who are you?
How have you not been eaten by plants yet?
Have you seen my GF and her master?
>Have you seen my GF and her master?
Oh shit, add this to my vote too. Discribe them.
>where am I?
>who are you?
I noticed what he was referring to like ten seconds after my post and became ashamed of my blind anger.

>"Have you seen a girl with blue skin and horns, as well as [however Uyer looks]?"
Yeah, add this to my vote as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>kyber crystal
Do you have water in your head?
While he's not using everything from Nu-canon, he did say he was using some of it and Kyber Crystals are one of those things.
what the fuck are you bitching about?
He only used it because TCW fucked up and called Lightsaber Crystals Kyber Crystals in the episode where those younglings went to Illum that flew in the face of everything Legends.

I knew it was a mistake :^)
>kyber crystal
kyber crystals were in legends, just called kaiber crystals
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There's only one Kaiburr Crystal, and they work differently.

You can put them in a lightsaber but they're not the color crystal.
sometimes quests draw out the latent autism that lurks beyond
Just gotta point out that in the grand scheme of things, Farren is getting off pretty lightly compared to other kazquest protags in events not entirely within player control.
>who are you
>where are we
>da fuck is wrong with this planet

Finally caught up with this thread
No friend.
It's the star wars.
>wahh not everything is directly under our control
>QM caves in and changes it
...come on people
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Suzel makes a hasty escape, nodding to you, then the reptile as he scampers out of the cave. “I’ll see you in a bit, boss.”

>>Who are you? What are you?

Its nostrils flare, and it thumps its fist against its chest. “Troxl,” it declares, “Spawn of Trax-Chief. Warrior of Kakari.”

Something clicks in side of your head. “Is that what you are? Kakari?” you ask. Curiosity seems to be its own stimulant, draining the fatigue from your body as your inquisitive nature takes over. “You’re a native of this planet?”

Troxl tilts its head before nodding. “Native, yes. Trax-clutch lineage goes far into the sands when sand was stone. But not place. Only shaman tells tales and songs of Kakari.”

Translation: the Kakari have been here for a long time. But that raises some more questions. Foremost of all, how in all the known universe did they survive this hellish planet?

Again, Trox thrusts the bowl towards you. “Eat!”

At first, you hesitate. The last time somebody on this planet offered you something to eat, he had tried to infect you with whatever caused the quarantine of the entire system. The fact that he subsequently mutated into some kind of Force aberration certainly didn’t paint the local cuisine in too favorable of a light.

The reptile seems to read your mind. It takes back the bow, upending a small portion of it into its maw. Licking its chops, it belches, “Safe to eat. Untainted.” And once more, it pushes the bowl with a measure of a firm finality. “Eat!”

As far as you can tell, the contents of the bowl are an unidentifiable slop. But Troxl had enough foresight to provide you with a spoon. You take it with your good hand, gingerly dipping it into the meal and bring it up for a cautionary whiff. Whatever the source of the mystery meat, it’s long since dead and cooked, and smells something you’d find on an off-brand version of Dex’s Diner.

“...tastes good,” you croak after swallowing a portion of it. And you’re surprised to find that you aren’t lying. It’s certainly hard to swallow, but it has a gamey quality and edge to it. “...what is it?”

The Kakari looks pleased. “Walazor flank stew. Clutch-mother’s specialty.”

>>What happened after I fainted? Where are we?

Troxl sniffs the air, wetting its lips with a forked tongue not unlike a snake. “Carried you to steel bird. Flew high above wicked trees. Guided to safety, away from Tainted Children.”

As far as preferences go, a dark and dimly lit cave is a far cry from a sanctuary, but you can’t complain. And wherever this place is...the Living Force is muted. Compared to the open jungle, there’s something in the rock that makes it difficult for you to reach out too far with the Force. You can sense your friends; their concern radiates like a furnace.

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But you can also perceive other signatures the likes of Troxl...most likely its relatives.

To your own surprise, you finish the stew within a matter of moments. Force-sensitive individuals have a higher metabolism than others due to their unique powers, but this is the first time that you’ve felt your own hunger.

The reptile warbles what you think is a harsh laugh, but immediately hands you another bowl. “Good. Strength returns. Strength to fight and war.”

This time, you accept the stew gratefully. But before you dig in, there’s a matter of gratitude that has to be addressed. Far be it for a Jedi to not know how to thank somebody. “Thank you for saving me. My friends and I.”

“Enemy of pale ones, enemy of metal without song,” it states simply. “Enemy of two Kakari enemies is friend.”

How pragmatic, you think dryly to yourself as you dig into your meal. And here I thought it was the start of a budding friendship between a new and undiscovered species...

But you ponder on his words. “Metal without song” could only be referring to the Separatist Droids. It would make sense for them to be enemies to whatever the Clones had mutated into, but what had the Separatists done to offend the Kakari?

Hopefully not something that was on a fundamentally religious level. Force knows how they’d respond to B-33 and HK-82.

>>What were those things? What’s wrong with this planet?

Troxl’s gaze darkens, and it hisses in a low and stern tone,“No speak. Shaman tells you more. But clutch-warriors speak of the Children. The Children of Jombaral.”

You don’t know why, but the name resonates deeply within you. Jombaral, Jombaral...that was what the entity had said before appearing before you. The memory conjures a lance of pain that streaks through your left arm, and the visage of something greater...something ancient and terrible.

“Who is Jomb-”

It raises a talon towards your lips faster than you could blink. “Speak loudly not of False Mother. Ears, eyes everywhere. Seen them, I have. The small birds with black eyes are how she sees...”

Small birds...black eyes...the mysterious creatures!

“Porgs,” the warrior spits with contemptuous disgust as you relay your own encounter with them, “Wicked things, mindless slaves to her will. False meat, tainted meat. Soulless eyes and puppets of the False Mother.”

...and more than a dozen of them got a good, hard look at you, the crew of the Albatross and the ship itself.

“Do not eat. Tainted meat. They are consigned to the great fires. Eyes of those who eat porgs add to her looking-glass.”

“What the hell is wrong with this planet?” you demand, even as you accept a third bowl of stew. “False Mother...tainted fruit...and how the hell are you still sane? Everything in the jungle-”

Troxl growls. “Not my tale to tell. Shaman’s. But when the False Mother called to Kakari ancestors...some resisted.”

>Wicked things, mindless slaves to her will. False meat, tainted meat. Soulless eyes and puppets of the False Mother.
You hear that boys? TIME TO BUTCHER PORGS!
>“Do not eat. Tainted meat. They are consigned to the great fires. Eyes of those who eat porgs add to her looking-glass.”

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>False Mother

You think you're slick I know this is just an allegory for the great ignoramus.
Well fuck i hope chewie and han donf visit this planet
The only thing I hear is the Divine Mandate for the genocide of Porgs.
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Yo now we've got an excuse to kill the things?
Righto. Shoot porgs on sight.
>you’d find on an off-brand version of Dex’s Diner.
Heeeey, old buddy
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KEK. That wasn't the intention I had, but I can totally see where your reasoning is coming from.

>"I have brought diversity. Feminism. And political correctness to my new empire."
Wew lad.
I should have known the fans were plotting to take over...

>From the Mouse!!! Kathleen, Disney is evil.

From the toxic fanbase point of view! From my point of view, the EU was evil.
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It shakes its head, accepting your empty bowl of stew. “Feel better?”

The pain in your arm has yet to go away, even with meditations or exercises in the Force. Your stomach, at the very least, is extremely satisfied with the meal. And as tempting as it would be to simply lay down and rest some more, there is an unseen hourglass that you are racing against. You can rest after the mission.

“Yeah, I’m...better,” you say as you wobble onto your feet. “You said there was...war-summons?”


Until you had exited the domicile, you had thought Troxl and his (you can now safely say) people had merely taken you into a little network of caves. It would not have gone deep, no more than a few dozen meters at the very least. And when you first saw the light, you had very much mistaken that as the dawn light of Behrillia.

The first step out of the cave very near comes close to blinding you. And when you finish blinking the sunspots from your eyes, what greets you is a paradox; light within the darkness, greenery from stone, a civilization among the wilderness...a world beneath the world.

Troxl trills, basking in the light that the giant, golden, shuttle-sized crystal gives off from the ceiling of the expansive cavern. “Behold, off-worlder. Nestling’s End...Heaven-Under-Hell. Last home of Kakari.”


You fall in line behind the reptilian, nearly in a daze as you stumble through the streets of Nestling’s End. It’s a gods-damned city, a flourishing haven tucked away and hidden from the evils above the surface. There is little in the way of vegetation beyond moss and lichen, shrub or scraggly undergrowth. But you pass by carts that enter through the gates, loaded with giant mushrooms and other fibrous edibles. Scavengers or farmers, perhaps?

There are at least a thousand of the Kakari, perhaps only off by a hundred or so by rough estimate of a Force sensing. They all go about their business the way that most would do in the wider galaxy. They haggle over commodities in the market, exchange gossip by reservoirs of freshwater, herd their children along the main streets and roadways.

But you stick out like a sore thumb. Even with a borrowed cloak, it’s quite clear and obvious to the Kakari that you aren’t one of them. Perhaps it’s the lack of scales or the light-brown hair on your head that gives you away. And to think that Master Larid let you walk around without Padawan braids to better keep yourself in cover!

They stare and whisper, pointing talons to both you and the chieftain’s son. Troxl carries himself with the dignity of royalty; easy to understand why they’d part ways or pause what his subjects were doing. As for you, they offer nothing but suspicion and wariness.

“Where exactly are we going?” you ask.

The prince points towards a stone structure on a lonely island, some sort of temple ruins. “War-summons. Shaman’s nest.”

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Oh joy. Troxl misses the grimace that tightens across your face. It just seems like one bad confrontation with things right after the next. First the food when someone tried to infect you, now a temple where the last one had a nasty Sith spirit that nearly cooked your arm.

Not that it stops the prince from giving a grand tour of what would become his city. He grunts, pointing to the pillars and the ceiling above, “The Ancestors’ Teeth and the Firmament. Holds both the Children and Mother away. Forged and raised by the Liar Chieftain who rejected the False Mother. Many clutches before my hatching.”

While the cultural anecdote remains unverifiable, you have little doubt that he’s certain of it. The pillars themselves stand as empty voids in the Force; their outermost layers are some form of igneous rock, shaped, raised and warped by currents of ancient magma. Scattered within them is some sort of alloy, fragments of metal that emit some kind of anti-Force aura. Useful against Force Entities the likes of the False Mother and her Tainted Chilren.

“He forged and raised them?” you query. The most advanced technology you’d seen from the myriad traders and shop-keeps are grindstones and anvils. The Kakari haven’t even appeared to develop technology beyond a pre-spaceflight civilization’s industrial age. “How did he do that?”

Troxl shrugs. “Liar Chieftain strong with spirits. Spirits gave power to lift and shape stone.”

That actually gets you to stop dead right in your tracks. There’s only one thing that could explain or otherwise give credence to such a story. And given how it works in mysterious ways, and brought you to Kakarit....there is little in the way of doubt.

“You have Force-sensitives among your kind?” you demand, incredulously.

He seems puzzled at your shock. “...if say so. Those strong with spirits become like shaman or shamanka.”

As far as you can tell, the Kakari are aware of the Force on some fundamental level, misdirected as it is by culture and tradition. But perhaps their use of it is unique, similar to the Nightsisters of Dathomir....although, hopefully not as Dark-inclined.

...this is certainly some Trial of Spirit you’ve gotten yourself roped into! Quite literally, as it seems, with all the mentions of spirits being thrown around and about.

Nestling’s End is a small city. It doesn’t take the two of you more than ten minutes to reach the edge of the lake, and another five to get in and row across the island. By some odd custom, Troxl isn’t permitted to set foot upon the shore; only those invited are allowed entry upon the shaman’s territory.

“Await your return,” he explains as he drops a weight over the side. Then, he lifts you up, plops you upon the sand, and shoos you towards the temple ruins. “Go, now!”


Even before you finish the trek, there is already somebody there to greet you, standing before the doorway expectantly.

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It is a Kakari, similar to Troxl and the rest of his people. But unlike the chieftan’s son, this one is smaller in stature, diminished in its physiology and bearing scales on the verge of bleaching. But its eyes still shine with a strength far removed from the ravages of time. And it is those eyes that conjure you forward, and the arm that beckons you towards the shaman.

“I am one with the Spirits, and the Spirits are with me.” The myriad fetishes along the shaman’s staff chime against each other as the Kakari guides you into the building. Easing itself down onto a nearby seat, it bids you to remain where you are, settling comfortably against the unyielding stone. “And they are strong with you as well.”

You nod respectfully, hiding your surprise at the shaman’s grasp of Basic. “In my order, we call it ‘The Force.’”

“Hmmmmm...” the Kakari muses as it stokes the embers of a fire, setting a ceramic to boil. Grabbing a fistful of leaves from a nearby container, they are dropped within the pot. Within seconds, the building fills with the scent of aromatic herbs. “Similar, we are. We draw upon the energies of the universe and channel the power of our ancestors and beloved ones.

It extends a bony hand out towards you. “I am Bos, Grand Shamanka of Chieftain-King Trax, Speaker for the Spirits and Guardian of the Sunstone.”

You take it, shaking firmly. “Farren Gaelle. Padawan of the Jedi Order.” Pausing, you glance towards the artificial source of light. “...I take it that’s the Sunstone?”

“Indeed.” The two of you settle into your cushions as she checks the kettle. “A relic of a forgotten time, once useless and derided, but now serves as the heartbeat of the Kakari.

“You must have a great many questions.”

You enthusiastically agree. “I do.”

She makes a trilling noise, which you perceive to be a chuckle. “I have been many things in my life. Daughter, sister, lover, wife...now, I am now but a humble shamanka who attends to the Kakari...of what few remain. Because of the False Mother-”

In any other circumstance, you might have held your tongue. But with time to digest the vision you had, you have a pretty good feeling of what she’s about to speak about. “You mean...Jombaral?” Her maw snaps shut and her eyes dart towards you with a piercing glare. “...I had a vision, I think...a vision of a tree with countless roots and four arms...”

The shaman immediately sobers, and her tone brokers no nonsense. “Tell me what you saw.”

>>You explained the vision you had of the entity that craved for love and desired to love in turn.

Bos’ eyes darken, and she spits into the fire. “It is indeed her. The False Mother, the one named after a goddess...Jombaral.”

“I can tell you that she isn’t a deity,” you idly note, “Whatever she is, the False Mother is just a...really powerful Force Entity.”

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“Your ‘Force’ is made up of the energy of the once-living? Same as our spirit’s power.” The Force thickens around her as she gestures to a nearby cabinet, levitating a small container of sugar that she promptly dumps into the kettle. “Can you claim to have killed something that is not alive? Or something of pure energy?”

For a moment, you think about telling her about the wonderful concept of batteries and power converters, but you decide not to be a smartass. At least, not until the situation becomes clearer. But you cough, saying, “I saw what she did to your ancestors. And what this planet once was.”

“Kakarit...” Bos shakes her head. “Once an endless dune, an eternal plain of sand scorched by the sun. But it was during a star’s eruption that truly made the planet intolerable to live in. Egg-clutches cooked in their shells, oasis and springs became vapor and steam...desperate, my ancestors were, and did not think when they called her down from the heavens.

“Almost every single tree that you see upon the surface was once a Kakari,” she intones gravely, “Changed and mutated to be more like the False Mother. The planet itself was a tomb for us, and she offered something they could not refuse: immortality. Only at the last moment did they realize this ‘Rebirth’ was not something they could have desired.”

...those trees were tall, weren’t they? Pretty thick to, unusually so even for a run-of-the-mill jungle planet. And considering how densely populated the entire landmass is with superflora...

The shaman continues her story, ignoring the shiver that goes down your spine, “We retreated to the darkest depths and sealed off the entrance. And eventually, as the centuries passed, we could sense her leaving. To where? We cannot say. For what purpose? It eludes our seers.

“But I know this much. the womb has been hollow for millennia, and her throne is empty. But the Call of Jombaral still echoes through the jungle, calling for Children to be reunited with their Mother...”

You offer no answer beyond a thin, grim line that your mouth contorts into. Saving Arotta and her master seemed to be its own trial...but you can’t ignore this. Even though you aren’t a full Jedi Knight, you are still a Jedi Sentinel, a Shadow, a hunter of all things that would be aberrations against the Light Side of the Force.

“I have not seen the sun in one hundred and thirty-two years,” Bos states. “The Sunstone can only do so much.”

“Are you in danger?”

She shakes her head. “No, but the Golden Sunstone was never meant to burn bright for untold millennia. Kakari cannot go for more than a week without sunlight and not be expected to live.”

...that’s really bad.

“But do not worry yourself with our troubles. I sense that you have come to this planet with your own business to attend to, and that saving us is only a tertiary objective.”

You protest vehemently, “No, of course not-”

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“I am not offended,” she croons, “Troxl did not lie; your arrival and desires spells many things turning for the better for the Kakari...”

From her robes, she unfurls a long stretch of vellum, revealing a map of the planet in all its glory. You spot the river where the Clones and Separatists are fighting, mountain ranges and ruins of the old Kakari surface dwellings. As well as what appears to be an extensive layout of the underground caves.

“I have taken the liberty of consulting the scouts who brave the surface for the latest news. The arrival of the White Warriors and the Metal Without Song caused quite a large disturbance. I can relate to you all that you would wish to hear...

“But first!” Bos fetches two ceramic cups, and takes the kettle off of the fire. She pours the two of you a full serving of tea, even as she unrolls a map of the nearby jungle. “Drink and warm your belly. And as you do so, I will relate to you the locations of what you would like to seek...and fret not! It is perfectly safe to drink...”

>>The tea is extremely delicious, and she gives you a small pouch to take with you once your business is finished.

>>It is the Early Morning.
>>From this choice onward, you have only 4 Days to complete your business and return back to Mylar-3 within Master Larid’s imposed limit.

>>Each task will roughly take you about a day’s worth of time.

>>What will you do first?
>You will bridge the rapid expanse of the Apatorex River and attempt for a truce with the Separatists. [Low Danger]
>You will journey to the Desolation of Moloch to seek out Commander Skipp and his untainted clones. [Medium Danger]
>You will traverse the darkest jungles to the Heart of Kakarit and search for Padawan Arotta Bashur. [High Danger]
>You will delve into depths of the planet to the Womb of Jombaral and rescue Master Uyer Kosa. [Extreme Danger]

>>You will traverse the darkest jungles to the Heart of Kakarit and search for Padawan Arotta Bashur. [High Danger]
>You will traverse the darkest jungles to the Heart of Kakarit and search for Padawan Arotta Bashur. [High Danger]
Man so we're not even dealing with the full frontal force entity, just her backwash? This is some Force Bullshit right here. Also will this take like, a day or so? Cause if it takes longer than a day I choose
>You will traverse the darkest jungles to the Heart of Kakarit and search for Padawan Arotta Bashur. [High Danger]
If not I choose
>You will journey to the Desolation of Moloch to seek out Commander Skipp and his untainted clones. [Medium Danger]
>You will bridge the rapid expanse of the Apatorex River and attempt for a truce with the Separatists. [Low Danger]
Droids can't be infected, and we need more fighting power to get through to the base of the jungle.

Plus, Arotta's probably already infected. You know, set in stone and all that.
>>You will bridge the rapid expanse of the Apatorex River and attempt for a truce with the Separatists. [Low Danger]
-get our droid to recruit them
-we only got one hand atm, so lets at least start with the low danger mission pls
Mother of updates, that was beautiful.

Let's start with the easy stuff and work out way up. We can use help with finding our jedi.
>You will bridge the rapid expanse of the Apatorex River and attempt for a truce with the Separatists. [Low Danger]


>You will journey to the Desolation of Moloch to seek out Commander Skipp and his untainted clones. [Medium Danger]
They don't have a droid leader afaik, why would B-33 be any better at it?

But I agree,
>You will bridge the rapid expanse of the Apatorex River and attempt for a truce with the Separatists. [Low Danger]
We're at our lowest right now and should take it easy.
>>You will journey to the Desolation of Moloch to seek out Commander Skipp and his untainted clones. [Medium Danger]
>You will bridge the rapid expanse of the Apatorex River and attempt for a truce with the Separatists. [Low Danger]
Gimme some clanky bois
We'll need them to save Bluetits.
Lucky we didn't waste any time, we can do all four!
Clankers then Arotta then Clones then Uyer.
We have 4 days to find Arotta how long does each goal take?
>You will bridge the rapid expanse of the Apatorex River and attempt for a truce with the Separatists. [Low Danger]
Then after that Arotta
>You will traverse the darkest jungles to the Heart of Kakarit and search for Padawan Arotta Bashur. [High Danger]
>>You will traverse the darkest jungles to the Heart of Kakarit and search for Padawan Arotta Bashur. [High Danger]
>trying to find arotta
>instead of finding the far more valuable master