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Hello and welcome back to Synthetic Gods Quest.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hivemind_Chan
Archives: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Synthetic%20Gods%20Quest
Rules and gameplay mechanics: https://pastebin.com/jcac0p9D
Current inventory: https://pastebin.com/gyZLMiNG
Current infrastructure: https://pastebin.com/i42ACWMs
Previously mentioned individuals: https://pastebin.com/LUJ5fyqA
Previously mentioned SGs and Cups: https://pastebin.com/ThR1eYvc
Project tracker: https://pastebin.com/BzmXGRhq
In the last session we participated in a “god moot” during which we introduced ourselves to most of the pantheon and ended up discussing various subjects with many of their members from important and pressing matters to just social banter. At the end of the moot Elspeth has finally displayed the process required to analyze and synthesize “psi circuitry” which allows us to dig our hands into the creation of various types of psi equipment in the future.

After the moot has ended, we decided to take a small tour around Valhalla starting with Ninmah’s Gardens. The plant goddess decided to show off her efforts in recreating Amazon rainforest in miniature along with some of the local animals such as macaw parrots. After the interesting tour around her place, we headed for Yawgmoth’s Forges which is the underground manufacturing level of the Valhalla. There we lowered to the metal processing floor and tried to find its owner, which was quickly proving itself to be a difficult task.
“This is going to take a while. He should really make an intercom system or something…” Sighed Nika and your group slowly started to make its way through the labyrinthian mess of pipes and conveyer belts. Luckily, they were all far above the floor so you didn’t actually have to navigate around them, but unstructured nature of the industrial “spaghetti” that you were witnessing made it very difficult to find a way. In 15 minutes, you ended up finding five dead ends, some seemingly with no rhyme or reason for being there. However, your powers came to the rescue once again. As you’ve spent more time in the industrial cacophony you slowly started to filter out the sounds until a map started to form in your head of what machinery made what sound. Eventually you even heard some words from inside one of the industrial “cubes” and sure enough, it had a door open.

On the inside of this room stood a massive blast furnace made from that same weird ceramo- plastic material that Ceno pantheon often used in construction. A conveyer belt constantly was dropping material from the top while molten metal was extracted from the bottom, poured into an array of ingot molds and pushed back out on top of another conveyor belt to head back into the spaghetti. The process itself is managed by three clockwork golems, one of which monitors incoming ore and flux mix, second one operates the furnace and third one is installed into what you presume is an industrial robot arm assembly that helps with the molds.
In front of the furnace from the same side of the room where you’ve entered stands Yaw along with one of his Cups. This time it is a male servant in very armor- like outfit and a fully sealed helmet that slightly reminds you of some late medieval design. “…so, we’ll need to temporarily increase cast iron and steel production by about four times within this year, Atlas. We can utilize the floors that are currently empty to not interfere with the current mess up here. We also need to triple our casting plant output to handle the pipe demand… how is our storage doing?” says Yawgmoth to his subordinate. “I’ll handle this, sir. We should have enough stored factory modules to increase production, but it might be tight. The storage floor is only about a third full with raw materials, we have more than enough of that. Also, we seem to have some guests” the Cup replies, after which Yaw glances at you standing in the door.

“Oh, hello again, Agatha, Nika and… sorry, my memory on names is bloody terrible. I promise I’ll someday memorize your companions. So, I presume you guys are here to see the Forge. I was just finishing with some last-minute updates; I’ll show you around shortly. It would take over a day to show everything though, so please come up with what you specifically want to see, ok?”

>You are curious of his initial ore processing machinery. What are these individual cubic production rooms?
>You want to see what happens next, how he handles second stage manufacturing for pipes, bars, window glass and so on
>You want to see his psi enhanced item manufacturing. Are there any industrial methods you could use to not make psi circuits manually?
>You want to know more about his robotic servants. Why is he using them and how does he make them?
>You want to know more about this strange plastic/ceramic that Ceno pantheon uses in construction
>Other ideas?
>>You want to see his psi enhanced item manufacturing. Are there any industrial methods you could use to not make psi circuits manually?
>You want to know more about his robotic servants. Why is he using them and how does he make them?

>You want to see his psi enhanced item manufacturing. Are there any industrial methods you could use to not make psi circuits manually?

>You want to know more about this strange plastic/ceramic that Ceno pantheon uses in construction

>>You want to see his psi enhanced item manufacturing. Are there any industrial methods you could use to not make psi circuits manually?

>You want to know more about this strange plastic/ceramic that Ceno pantheon uses in construction

New materials
Alright, writing
In a few more minutes, Yaw was finished with directives to his subordinate and you were free to share what you want to know about his operations. You were curious about three things: his robotic servants, his psi enhanced item manufacturing and that plastic/ceramic material that Ceno pantheon likes to use so much. Yaw nods and says “It is like if I knew that you’d be interested in such things. Well then, let’s start with the psi factory since the others are close by. Honestly, I feel a little bit like Willy Wonka now… but with a bit more appropriate level of OSHA compliance.” Says the god of machines and leads you to the elevator. You feel like only you managed to get the reference. You head down to the lowest level that looks nothing like what you’ve expected.

In the bottom most level of the Forge the floor is almost completely occupied with batteries of large cylindrical objects that have a blue glowing slit coming from the bottom to the top. “These things are enormous psi batteries. They are fueled by converters in a hidden geothermal layer below and psi collectors spread throughout the facility. You can consider it as the main psi power plant of Valhalla. It powers the factories, the defenses and even some utilities in upper levels, but for psi gear we are interested in a couple layers above the battery bank…”

You head back up where you see an array of strange devices that go from the bottom to the top of the entire floor. They look remotely like a hybrid of a science fiction powerplant and a hydraulic press. “Welcome to the inscriber room. Here is where we produce psi items in bulk. Limited, slow and energy expensive but doesn’t require an actual synthetic god to produce. Essentially, these devices are capable of taking a psi circuit from a specially prepared pattern…” he says as he points at a giant metal plate that slides into a slot on top of the machine. “… and transposes it on a specially prepared item. The mold has to be made specifically for the item that you want to mass produce so it is not worth it for a lot of items that we forge manually, but this is where I make most of the psi hungry parts for my factories. Saves me some time from asking Ignis to inscribe another one of the smelter heat cores, hah.”
“Similar machines, but somewhat specialized for manufacturing of golem parts are placed in a separate level that I don’t let people in so lightly. I know you want to see it, but I’m sorry. It is a bit of a strategic trump card for me. I can tell you more about what my golems are and what they do though. Essentially golems are artificial bodies for the souls of my servants. When Nika has the largest number of cups, I have largest number of servants out of all the pantheon since I need to keep production running. Some are created while some volunteered to work here after their deaths and were taken out of Elspeth’s Afterlife and placed in the golem bodies. Golems work on psi power and are fueled either from their own collectors or from Forge- wide supply. They don’t need food, sleep or rest, but they are allowed same rights as other servants which means they can rest if they wish in which case they are replaced by another shift. Some forget themselves in work for days while others just work 9 to 7 and hang out the rest of the time. They also can’t die, if one perishes in an accident they are easily repaired if their core was not damaged. If the core was destroyed, they are dumped into the Afterlife until I can pull them out within a couple of days. They also are made to hotswap most of their bodies on their own as they wish so one servant can be a factory worker one day, serve in defense force the other day and chill in a body with better sensory organs on the third day. As you can probably tell, I am very proud of my golem designs.”

“Now about the psi matter… that ceramic or plastic- looking material that you see around the place…” he says as he leads you to another part of the Forge that is equipped with another type of sci- fi powerplant- looking device arrays. “You know how matter is technically very condensed state of energy? E=mc^2 and so on. A single kilogram of matter is about 1.8*10^16 joules of energy. Similar stuff happens with psi energy, but at much more reasonable conversion ratio. You can condense psi energy into a sort of programmable material that has any property you want. It won’t be the same as normal matter as it is not made out of atoms, but by varying the “lens” parameters while condensing it you can get anything from amazing armor and great structural materials to even decent cloth replacements or materials which produce their own psi effects."
“Theoretically anyone with sufficient grasp over general psi can make any type of this psi matter, but like with metallurgy in 19th- 20th century the precise ways to manipulate psi matter don’t yet exist so all I can recommend is to trial and error your way through it. From the examples that you might be familiar with we have psi plastic and psi ceramic that you see in our buildings, suspendium that is present in floating islands, dwarven mythic metal and so on and so forth. It is basically like Eldar psychoplastic from Warhammer… ah you are not familiar? My bad, those guys weren’t in mainstream for literally thousands of years now. By the way, that alloy your artifact sword is made out of is fascinating, but the hybrid materials are very difficult to inscribe on so keep that in mind.”

Yaw walks up to one of the devices, places his hand on a panel and the machine starts working. Certain parts of it light up with various indicator colors and a psi energy current shoots out from the top of the machine and flows to the bottom where a mold of a tile is placed. Within minutes a glossy white ceramic plate forms and is easily extracted from the machine for demonstration. “Generally, the more significant some quality of material you need the longer and more expensive it is to make. I hope you’ve enjoyed the quick tour, do ask me if you have questions.” He says as he guides you back to the surface.

As you are prepared to leave, Yaw stops you specifically. You tell your friends that you’ll catch up and turn to him to see what he has to say “Ag, last thing before you go… I feel like you must know something. When I woke up from being a two thousand-year corpsicle, I wanted to be like Prometheus, to gift people the fire of technology and progress. And yet now I’m like Hephaestus just making tools for the gods and their immediate servants. I know why I do it and I agree with Elspeth and Vera that things need to be taken very slowly with technology… but it still rubs me the wrong way that we’ll have to wait for another two thousand years until we have internet and spaceflight again. If you can, try to build a more modern society. If you succeed, maybe we’ll have to review our progressor plans. If not, you’re always welcome here. Ok?”

>Find words to reply to him and roll 1d20 to go to Nike’s place
Rolled 16 (1d20)

I'll keep that in mind, as I will the dangers the ceilings represent. I do intend to progress as much as I can
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Thanks, I'll do what I can.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Tell him we will try to advance them with what we have
Alright, writing
You reply that you’d keep that in mind along with the threat that Ceilings and other monsters pose. You do intend to progress as much as you can. To this Yaw nods approvingly and lets you continue on your way. Your friends ended up waiting for you not too far away so you join up with them and continue down the road to Nike’s place. It is one of the buildings on the very edge of the mountain wall ring that stretches around the Valhalla.

As you approach the general area you can see several training fields placed around the building that is built basically halfway into the mountain edge. It has some similarities with architecture of the Capital Complex, but it is still a little more spartan with only Nike’s crest above the main gate signifying the owner. The building itself is made out of white and grey shades of psi ceramic with just a little bit of golden trim. On the outside you can see at least a dozen different Muses so deep in their training that they basically don’t notice your approach. It seems that Nike’ doesn’t care much on the uniformity, everyone has their own type of weapon and the only uniform thing they have is Nike’s crest somewhere on their gear. Nika doesn’t want to bother them either so she leads you past the training grounds straight to the gate. “Well…” she says with a bit of blush “Welcome to my home. I’m not even sure what to show you…”

She places her hand on the door and it slowly opens on its own leading you into the interior. Inside you are met with an entrance hall that has two rows of columns on each side. There are two large doors on both left and right side from the entrance leading to the sides into their own corridors whose windows look outward on the training fields. The air inside is cool and there are quite a few people walking around, both cups and servants none of whom you’ve met before. “This is where some of my cup bearers train and live. Others prefer to live in pantheon districts in various cities. If we go forward, we’ll pass past the main dining hall and to the other side where I have a few observation galleries watching the ocean. On the sides would be the rooms, various facilities like pools or indoor training halls, a couple lecture halls and so on. My rooms are at the very peak, but they are relatively small compared to other gods and I don’t really hang out there often. I asked Belkh to decide how to do it on his own and he gave me a 15 room “palace” that I’m a bit embarrassed about… Honestly, I don’t really have that much interesting stuff here compared to other gods. I guess I’m a bit boring in that sense…”
While you were talking, amongst the crowd you’ve spotted a familiar face. Matilda is apparently in here and judging by her jaw dropping she has noticed you as well. She quickly approached the group but she couldn’t form words. Luckily for her, Nika took the situation into her hands saying with a smile: “Mattie, this is Agatha, Agatha, this is Mattie, or have you already met?”. This joke causes the cup to groan under her breath “So… I know that I’ll probably regret asking… but what’s going on here, ma’am? You don’t often bring candidates straight to the Fortress unless…” Nike’ shows her the index finger in a gesture to wait and says “We kept quite a few people out of the loop, Mattie. I guess it is time to tell you. This is Agatha, she is a goddess just like me. And these are her followers” after which Cup’s jaw drops a bit further than the last time. “So… that means that time… you won the battle and saved me?” she asks you to which you nod. The Cup bows low to you and says: “Thank you, goddess Agatha. I apologize for my failure…” which you immediately stop her. “Alright, no need to apologize, you didn’t know that you’d be dealing with a goddess, let alone a hostile one, you’re not at fault here.” Nike points at you with her palm and adds “What she has just said.” The Cup awkwardly straightens herself out “I can’t believe that I haven’t noticed that you were a goddess…” to which Nike replies: “Well, I did from your report so it’s all good. Now, you were going for some lunch?” Mattie nods. “Then we won’t be taking any more of your time, go ahead and refuel.” To which Matilda nods and quickly retreats from your sight.
“So yeah… can I treat you some lunch or…”

>Yeah, lunch sounds good. You wanted to talk to her anyway
>Maybe she could show you her room? It might be a bit too private though
>She mentioned a pool? You’re interested
>You’d like to talk with Mattie for a bit
>>Yeah, lunch sounds good. You wanted to talk to her anyway

and after it she can show us her room

>She mentioned a pool? You’re interested

Nice to see Matilda, I bet that was a hell of a surprise, I don't remember what bullshit we fed her in the encounter with the mad goddess
Alright, writing
“Yeah that would be lovely” you say and the four of you walk to the dining hall. The dining hall kind of reminds you of the Halls of Huntsmen but sized up massively. It has various cups sitting around, servants going in an out with the food and various trophies hang off the walls and ceiling. However, you guess that bigger trophies can’t fit in a room of such finite size so most of them are just dangerous- looking but relatively small creatures. “Relatively” is the operating word as by the ceiling hangs a skull of something slightly larger than the forgotten beast that you’ve slain for the dwarves. It has a weird mixed look, half rustic half average Ceno pantheon construction. The floors are made of sandblasted hardwood, tables are also wooden and the food is provided on ceramic or wooden plates and bowls and not on silverware. The food itself is a weird hybrid of Ceno cuisine and international cuisine of your time. Especially weird to you is the pizza with thinly cut eggplant that you saw a team of four Cups eating. Well, at least it’s not pineapple, right?

You get yourself a burger, for the first time in over 2000 years, Haven was not too hungry and she took herself some kind of salad and Rheia took something from the desserts they had in the back of the menu. Nika also got herself a burger like you. “So, did you like the visit?” She asks you, to which you reply that it was very nice to finally meet everyone. “I’m very glad. We don’t always get along with everyone, but I tend to think that we are good people, you know?” You nod in response. “You know, now I’m a bit curious to see your apartment…” You tell her, to which the war goddess blushes a bit and after a few moments replies: “…alright, but only to you, ok? We have some time before the food is done.” You agree with her terms and stand up leaving your companions to wait for their food as you follow Nika to the side from the dining hall, past a corridor and up a TK elevator.
Her place is basically a mansion at the top of one of the highest peaks of the mountain ring. It is three stories tall and all rooms that surround the outer wall are filled with windows giving it a very nice lighting effect. She has a few maid servants cleaning up and one of them gets in your way on accident, but when she notices you she blushes, apologizes profusely and gets quickly to the side. In the center is a very round grand foyer that the elevator arrives to. The place also has a large bedroom with a double bed on the very top allowing for stargazing as the entire ceiling is made out of a glass dome. She also has a dining room slash bar, a small library, a study, a very formal dining room presumably for guests, a drawing room with a very nice view of the sea, some kind of recreational room with a billiard, nice sofa and a couple other things, a small archery range, several bathrooms, specific rooms for storage of food, a wine cellar, rooms for servants, a kitchen, a couple guest rooms, a music room with a piano and a guitar, an armory with lots of various melee weapons, bows and crossbows and many others that you didn’t get to see. 15 rooms, duh.

She was mainly embarrassed by the fact that she had two cats called Smokey and Fox, which in combination of her living alone apparently is a source of occasional jokes. The cats seemed to like you after a few minutes of being suspicious so that’s nice. She is also a bit embarrassed of how fancy this all is, it is done in that half- rustic half- modern look and it looks very expensive, like a house where a movie star would live. She asks you not to tell anyone that you were here as she would never hear the end of it, to which you agree even though you don’t understand what’s so bad in this. It all looks very nice and comfy. You wonder if Belkh would do something similar for you...

Not much later you get down to the main dining hall back to your friends and get on with your meal. The burger has this unique gamey flavor once again, but it is still very nice. There is a difference between a cheap burger and an expensive burger, and this definitely tastes expensive. Your group finishes the meal and you end up remembering that Nike’ has mentioned a pool. “Yes, I have several pools, one of which is Olympic sized. You want to see?” You nod in agreement and she says “I think we should have some spare swimsuits…”

>Roll 1d20 to continue
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Nice apartment, specially that glass cieling, we can try to play some music sometine, maybe our mind and body aug will allow us to pick up playing an instrument faster
Rolled 10 (1d20)

nice house, tell her we'll visit again if she invites us.
and now I want cats, can we have cats? who do we have to pester to get some cats?
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Rolled 5 (1d20)

Pool activities, friendly swimming competition to keep our sports contests like the beach voley
Chicken fight, we hold Haven, she holds Rheia and they duke it out, the mortal girls probably couldn't hold the Nika and Ag.

Splashing water with tk on people

Can we create water "arms"? That would be fun.

Artistic diving!

Damn, I miss going to the pool
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Hey guys, emergency. Mom has blood pressure spike and I need to go help her. We'll have to pause for today. Tomorrow I'll finish the last post. Feel free to discuss and vote in the meantime
Take care of mom see ya
Thanks for running
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Well, Nika didn’t lie, they really had a few swimsuits lying around of various sizes. Apparently, it is mainly for the cup bearers, but Nike’ has a few people roughly of your and Haven’s sizes. The issue was finding something that would fit Rheia. The girl is 17 but she looks like she is 14 or 15 due to the malnutrition she has suffered a couple of years ago. She would grow up eventually, but for now she was too small for the smallest swimsuit Nika had in her storage. But who would come to save us if not Sammy? Apparently, some of her cups keep visiting Nike’s place from time to time for… unspecified reasons (she has her own pools) and by chance you manage to catch one of her girls and ask her for a spare. She eventually obliges and coughs up something that looks very much like a deep blue one-piece swimsuit that reminds you of what schoolgirls in anime often use. Oh great, Sam is also a weeb, but you probably should have guessed. And also, who are you to judge, right? You watched that stuff as well. For reference, all swimsuits made for Nike’s female cups are two-piece models that look somewhat like sportswear.

The Olympic pool is located in the right wing of Nike’s Fortress and according to the goddess herself it is one of the more popular facilities on her property. The pool is honestly what you’d expect since Olympic pools are usually pretty standard: a rectangle 50 meters long, 25 meters wide and about two meters deep with diving structures for competitive swimming. You get changed in the lockers nearby and then try out the water. It is even so slightly chilly, but not too bad. Surprisingly, it smells of ozone and not chlorine. There are also a few of Nike’s cups swimming on the opposite side of the pool but they don’t bother you.

You take a few steps into the water since you know that trick that lets you walk over it, and it quickly turns out that Nika knows it as well and joins up, after which both of you have a small laugh, drop the focus and sink to your necks into the pool. Haven joins you conventionally by taking the stairs nearby. Rheia dangles her feet off the border but doesn’t get in for some reason. You ask her if she’s ok and she nods and pushes herself into the pool. It becomes clear within seconds that she doesn’t know how to swim as she starts sinking and panics. With not even a flick of a wrist you levitate her up and help her to cough out some water. She gets somewhat embarrassed about it, but apparently there are not many chances to learn how to swim in the middle of the continent. You and Haven end up babysitting her for quite some time until she gets a grasp of it, but she still stays by the border most of the time.
You had an idea of having a chicken fight with Haven and Rheia on your and Nika’s shoulders, but you end up deciding against it because Rheia is significantly smaller than Haven. You do splash around for a bit with them. You also tried making some water arms. You succeeded only partially, but you managed to make a water tentacle that quickly lost cohesion and fell apart, but it is something and Rheia found it especially amusing. In the end, you’ve held a friendly competition with Nika on who can swim the fastest. A bit of a continuation of your volleyball encounter. On the first and somewhat “testing” swim both of you decided to only use your bodies with no telekinetic assistance. Both of you chose butterfly and you almost managed to beat Nike’ that time, you came just a couple seconds short, but you did manage to overtake her at the beginning. When TK was allowed though, hands down she won. She didn’t even use telekinesis to push, she only enhanced her body and yet she still won by a huge margin somehow. You kept a close watch on her, but she didn’t use teleportation so you can’t really call her out. When you asked her, she smiled and pointed at her hand as she made a stroke: she used TK to make herself some virtual fins along with precise control and some hardcore body enhancing telekinesis. Interesting.

In any case, it was fun while it lasted, after a couple hours total you’ve left the pool, dried off and got back into your gear. It was finally time to get going, all good things have to end at some point, right? Nika would accompany your group to the exit…
And on this note I finish this week’s session of SGQ. For those who are wondering, mom is alright, she just ate something bad yesterday. Also, if you’re curious, I finalized mechanics for psi circuits, they would be somewhat similar to shopping in the sense that you have limited points of circuit to put into an item. Apply research for more information. Anyway, I hope you’ve enjoyed and I’ll see you next time. As usual, I’m around during the week so feel free to ask questions, give suggestions and just discuss what happened.
Thanks for thw update
Can we do that TK enhancemebt and fins? Those sound awesome. The enhancement especially is something worth looking into, maybe she can teach us if we are capable of it, not to her level but something at least.

Give Nika a warm smile and thank her for the day, it was really fun
"Don't be a stranger, you know how to find me so make sure to drop by, I'll be waiting."
Shame we have to go, it was fun, she better invite us some other time...

Do we have everything we need for Rheia's university entrance? I think it's time to go back and try to do some of those circuits.
Welp, you’ve did everything you really wanted, so it is finally time to not test pantheon’s hospitality any further. You and your team pack your things and along with Nike’ you start making your way across to the main entrance. Nike’s place is almost exactly opposite to that and houses one of the aerial access points which is why it is called a “fortress”, but you don’t feel like subjecting your teammates to cold evening air that would be hitting them in the face as you fly back to the mainland. Also, Valhalla is a very pretty place, it is nice to have another look at it on your way.

You were even so slightly regretful for not meeting the last guy in the pantheon, so- called Ignis. You’ve heard that he’s not much of a talker, he lacks any sorts of cups and he suffers from pyromania that he doesn’t allow others to treat. And also, mortals fear and despise him in a kind of similar way to how ancient Greeks disliked Ares, so good guy all along, right? Well, the stars have aligned it seems as while you fly past the Capital Complex you note some kind of semi- transparent shape suspended in the air along with Marco accompanying it. As you’ve gotten closer, you’ve started to distinguish more features while Nike’s “Oh, hi Ignis” solved any lingering questions of who it might be.

Well, Ignis can be described as almost a force- ghost. A semi- transparent humanoid shape colored in shades of warm red and orange. He seems to be capable of altering his “resolution”, since you lack the other words to describe what he does. Basically, he can shift between looking basically like a transparent human and looking like a vague humanoid shape. The only physical parts of him are his “clothes” and a sort of artificial skeleton that he “wears” inside of him that give him rigidity. The skeleton is made out of quartz glass and the cape and clothes is of some sort of semi- transparent fabric that you haven’t encountered before with different shades of warm colors forming fascinating flame tapestry on the material. The air temperature around him is significantly warmer and your companions nearly panic as they realize who is in front of them.
“Greetings, so you are the new goddess that I’ve been hearing about…” you hear ringing in your head, he obviously has some kind of mental power along with all of that fire. Marco comes up immediately and says “…Psi entities can only interact with material world through psi powers. He always talks like that.” To which the ghost nods. “We would most likely rarely interact, but I figured that I should at least meet you, miss… Agatha, correct?” echoes through your head and you nod. “Well met. Apologies for scaring your companions, I have quite a reputation among mortals. I’m supposed to be the source for most of catastrophes, to which in truth I am usually not even partially responsible for, but people need a scapegoat and I’m happy to oblige for now.” You ask him on why did he take up such a strange position, to which re replies: “I’m not a people person and I don’t care about how others think of me, so I decided that since the evil god of calamity was needed I might as well take up on this role. Some other pantheons also have gods with similar roles after all.” He quickly excuses himself once he likely feels that he has spent a reasonable amount of time on you and leaves, he was probably talked into meeting you by Marco anyway, who just shrugs and says “Well, that’s Ignis for you.” After which he bids you farewell as well and leaves too.

So anyway, Haven and Rheia get back to their senses pretty quickly and you make your way back to the entrance from which you’ve arrived just in time for an evening ship back to the mainland. Nika accompanies you to the very exit after which she says her goodbyes and heads back home while you sit through another two-hour long ride to Elspen. When you get there, it is somewhere around 9 pm and thus you head back to the inn so your friends can take a break after an eventful day. You still need to spend about a week or two in the city so that you can collect your newly hired workers and head back home. So… how should you spend the time?

>Just hang out in the city (mild timeskip option, next to nothing happens)
>Manually participate in the hiring process, which might give you some early glances on the new people you’d be hiring
>Monster hunting, because duh
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Also a quick update: my map commission has finally arrived. Here is the brand new updated map of the continent!

>Just hang out in the city (mild timeskip option, next to nothing happens)
>Manually participate in the hiring process, which might give you some early glances on the new people you’d be hiring

A mix of these, no need to make some tough choices but just get a glimpse of what we are hiring and let's head back

>Just hang out in the city (mild timeskip option, next to nothing happens)

That's a quite big inner sea, do we know anything about the region?

Is the "mad goddess" glass lands in this continent or somewhere else?

Where are the countries roughly located? And the cat people and huge mountain monster?
1) We saw it on the pantheon's map once. We don't know much except that it is some kind of large highland lake in the caldera remnant of the giant volcano.
2) Jane is not on the continent, she is half a world away
3) I am yet to update the overlays, we are somewhere in the bottom left. Also note the two new islands to the far south. The south- western one is where Sig's people come from, the south one is where the frost goddess lives.

>Monster hunting, because duh

Some simple and easy jobs, to get some money to brins some luxury itens back like those teas and maybe to pay a tutor for Rheia while we wait
Ah yeah, also note the cracks in the map. This is where surface collapsed into Labyrinth's lava tubes below.
The "sig people" came from was from centuries ago right? She was never there?
Those two islands should be good for us to visit, the frost goddess too, we should meet other "lone gods" like we are and start some relations

Experiment and create some circuits to make "protection TK fields" against projectiles and attacks to give to Haven and Sig, it can be on a bracer.
A easy way to train this new skill and since we are here it's easier to get materials
Not quite centuries, more like just over a generation. Sig is one of the first kids born on Ceno soil while her dad actually came from that island.
I'm afraid it is a bit too complicated for Ag at the moment. We need to grasp how to do it first, which is done in research once we come home. I have the pointbuy mechanic ready and everything. It would be similar to how shopping works in SGQ, an item would have a certain value of circuits it can support and you choose how many batteries for charges do you need and similar stuff.
We can do that when we are back

See the general news, what is going on in the continent and maybe news from abroad
You decided to chill and do a variety of things while you wait for the hiring process to finish. You’ll check up on how it goes but also, you’ll just chill in the city, tutor Rheia and also do some minor monster hunter requests to get some more cash since you want to buy some of that amazing tea. At first you bought a very cheap bracelet to try and make some protective items for your people, but unfortunately it seems that you need more experience to do it properly. While you can fit the psi emitter in it, there are numerous limitations to the projected barrier and you can’t fit enough batteries to power it even for a few moments, much less to constantly refuel it. You’ll need to work on miniaturizing and optimizing your setup before any psi circuit that you make has any practical value. You put the required research in your notes for the future.

Somewhere around next Monday you saw a pretty easy quest to deal with a giant boar that was spotted around one of the nearby villages. Since sometimes animals just produce these monsters, they are impossible to eradicate completely so this seems to be one of the mildly common tasks for local huntsmen. Other tasks seem to direct them to make trips between cities where help is needed as the area nearby is mostly pacified. This means that the Hall is surprisingly empty. There are only a few teams that go for mostly smaller game. There are some impressive trophies though from the times when the land nearby was wilder, but it seems that those days have mostly passed for this Hall of Huntsmen.

When elite huntsmen come here it is mostly to scout for a different polis to go to as they wish to change their hunting grounds, so they don’t stay for long. Still, since Elspen is rich, compensations for the tasks are substantial and you don’t have much to do anyway. The monster was relatively easy to catch, it was a boar the size of a juvenile elephant. Probably a lethal encounter for a human, but for you it didn’t even require you to use your telekinesis. The tusks sold well, and the Hall received some pretty tasty pork meat. It is a bit rough which is to be expected for something that had mostly muscles and very little fat, but it was not too bad and you’ve received some cash, most of which you blew on the Ninmah’s luxury tea. It’s not like you needed anything else and you liked it so why not?
Among other things that need mentioning, you took a trip to the Academy once again and sat through the interview of one of the merchants. It is a Ceno guy about 23 years old whose sister was apparently already hired for your team as a manager. Apparently, he wishes to someday run a lucrative trading operation dealing with exotic goods, but he is fine with gaining experience and some cash in the meantime. You tell him that he would have such an opportunity with you and he is somewhat skeptical, but he decides to wait and see.

You’ve also went to check up on some news that sailors brought along with them. There was an interesting trade ship from a civilization that you’re yet to encounter. You don’t understand their language, but the interpreter translated the name of their state as “The Land Below Heavens” and their people have vaguely Asian features. Apparently, their home country has been in a state of civil war between four “kingdoms” each led by a shard of their previously united pantheon. They in particular come from the “South- Eastern Kingdom” which has the most trading ties with Valistrat and Ceno. They also mentioned that Valistrat is currently partaking in nation- scale effort to expand into the wilderness territories to the north of them and also about a year ago Emperor Valistratos, the head mortal ruler of Valistrat Empire had a new addition to his big family in a form of a daughter. While you’ve heard other news, these ones were the most relevant to you.

Most of the remaining time is spent chilling in the city and helping Rheia with studying. As usual, she is very quick to catch on to concepts and her memory is amazing. Just from reading something once she can retell it close to the source and if she also understands it the material gets absorbed even quicker. She especially has quite a talent for numbers and natural sciences. By the end of the second week you think that she could even try to pass the exam, even if not with flying colors yet. Haven on the other hand needed some time to get her thoughts in check. You’re not sure what she came up with, but after a few days from your arrival she looked much better and she started sleeping soundly again. The trip was probably very surreal from her perspective and she needed some time to adjust.
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Once the two weeks have passed, you’ve came to review your new employees. You enter into a small lecture room that was given to you temporarily by the Academy where 15 people were sitting and waiting for your arrival. There are 12 men and 3 women, all of which are younger than 25 with the expressions which suggest that they roughly know their trade but haven’t actually done much in practice. A couple are excited, some have a “meh” attitude but most are neutral. Some of them particularly catch your interest: first of all, that merchant kid and his twin older sister both got hired. Both are blondes with relatively short hair and recognizably similar facial features. Then there is a jock- looking guy who is seemingly the head of the engineers. He’s not particularly muscular, but he is significantly more fit than the rest of his more bookish engineer friends and he has a significant square jawline. There is also a female architect with auburn curly hair that seems like she is from a semi- nobility family judging by her attitude and some pretty expensive accessories. She seems to be not too sold on your whole venture, but wishes to go with you for some personal reasons. There is also a manager guy with short black hair who is around 21, the youngest in the group and he looks the most hopeful.

You make a short presentation about what they are to expect in terms of living conditions, pay and work. You haven’t done presentations in a while, but the orator skills implanted in your brain kicked in and helped you a lot here. About a third of them now seemed hopeful, but the rest probably decided to take a closer look first before getting any hopes up. After all, it is going to be work in a border town and promises of challenging new techniques, while interesting, don’t take up everyone’s attention. In any case, you give them a couple days to get their stuff packed and to meet you outside of city gates.

Once they all assembled, you’ve led them to that farmhouse where you hid your gondola and loaded everyone inside. They were confused at first, so you explained what would happen. Then they got scared. You waited for a couple minutes for yelling to stop and after almost an hour of discussion and demonstrations you’ve proven them that you are in fact a goddess and that all of this is definitely fine. You promise to answer all of their questions once you arrive and that if they want to leave, you’d pay for their transport which calms people down more. They probably thought that you were basically abducting them to serve in your territory. In any case, with all of that dealt with, you lift off and start heading towards your home village.

>Roll 1d20 for the flight.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Maybe shpw them our circlet to calm them down

When can we expect Belk to start working on our "capital"?
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Chat with Haven alone diring the trip
Ask her how she is feeling and tell her we are there for her, she doesn't need to be shy, we are here to talk about anything she needs and if she has a question or something that is worrying her we are more than happy to listen
What a nicee travel
Rolled 1 (1d20)


Oh, bad encounter I bet
Holy shit, nika haaaalp
Guys, I need to do some mild emergency stuff. Vote will continue until I'm back
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 4 (1d20)

Ok I'm back and writing. Ohoho, what rolls do we have here. *Evil DM laughter*. Let's see what event such bad luck refers to...
The flight is pretty uneventful, besides some commotion based on the fact that 15 people in the cargo hold have never flown before in their lives. Luckily you had some spare bags prepared in case someone got sick. Still, you couldn’t shake off a feeling that something bad was going to happen. You weren’t sure why and during your couple hours flight you put it off as you had no reason to feel that way. You’ve left Farsalos for longer periods of time and this time it even has a Cup Bearer defending it. A novice Cup Bearer, but still more than what should be needed to deal with anything that lives around the area. Or so you thought, as you noticed plumes of black smoke rising above the fields and the industrial sector as you were coming in range of the village.

The village itself was luckily intact so you simply landed and unloaded your people while you hurried out to find out what has happened. Everyone in the village was agitated. Some people looked at you with hopeful expression, while others averted their gaze. You’ve found Mina pretty quickly, she rushed to you with the report. She didn’t look well, she had ashamed expression on her face and she still had a few cuts on her body that were slowly healing.

“Goddess Agatha, we’ve had an emergency. A Holy Nation warband has managed to make its way through the area cleared out by the Mad Goddess. They attacked while I was away on the search mission for those herbs so I arrived late. There were about 200 people at least four of which were Holy Champions, most of them were cavalry. They caught the villagers by surprise taking factory workers and farmers in transit. Many farmers managed to hide in shelters, but palisade was insufficient to protect the factories. They burned the fields, ransacked and lit the factories on fire and commandeered the ships that we had in the docks. Then they’ve left around two days ago. I attempted to minimize casualties and to recover majority of trapped civilians, but they still got away with 34 of the captured men, most of which are factory workers. We also have casualties, we’ve lost 26 villagers. Most were killed during capture but some were executed in front of the main gates. I… I deeply apologize for my performance, Goddess Agatha. I was unable to defeat the Champions. In addition, I am forbidden by a treaty from actively participating in military conflicts against mortals which prevents me from giving chase. What I did already counts as interference and there will be repercussions against me. I… take full responsibility for what has happened”
You… have no words. It is the first time when something that bad has happened to your people, to you. You feel…

>Angry at yourself
>Angry at Mina and/or Nike’
>Angry at Holy Nation

You decide that…
>You need to save the captured villagers, you’re leaving immediately to give chase
>You need to take what’s yours back, give chase for the ships immediately
>You are going to paint the walls with their insides! You will kill them all
>You feel crushed, you have to let them go
>>Angry at Holy Nation
why the fuck would they do something so terrible!

>You need to save the captured villagers, you’re leaving immediately to give chase

where is Sig? was she here or was she away?

and tell her not to worry about the interference, they sent champions so they were not playing fair too

>Angry at yourself
>Angry at Holy Nation
We took our sweet time, we need a way for them to contact us when we are away.

>You need to save the captured villagers, you’re leaving immediately to give chase
That is the ship right?

>You are going to paint the walls with their insides! You will kill them all
time for more red mist

Tell mina to help the villagers whoever they can, she can dip into our treasure for healing to help Signy get it done, we are taking our people back
Fuck this is bad
>Angry at yourself
>Angry at Holy Nation

>You need to save the captured villagers, you’re leaving immediately to give chase

Yup, where is Sig?
Sig was unharmed, she was inside of the walls when the attack struck.
>Angry at Holy Nation

>You need to save the captured villagers, you’re leaving immediately to give chase
>You are going to paint the walls with their insides! You will kill them all

Make sure to interrogate some of them and leave the atrocities for when our people is safe and not around to see it.
A 200 men strong warparty doesn't accidentaly happen, they knew we were away.

Good, make sure she is ok(mentaly) and tell her to defend the people here while we hunt.
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You feel almost overwhelming anger towards both yourself and Holy Nation. You took your long ass time getting back, you missed the party only by a couple of days. And these bastards, it is as if they knew that you’d be away. Two hundred people don’t just appear out of nowhere, it must be a provocation. And you will respond to it in kind. You will find them, save your people, recover your stuff and kill all of them. These bastards will turn into red mist before you and they’ll paint the grass with their innards! You’ll leave some though, for interrogation. You doubt that it would be pleasant though… after all of this…

You tell Mina to keep the village safe, quickly drop off the excess gear and take to the skies at breakneck speed. You know that they couldn’t have gone far, it has only been a couple of days. Well, you were wrong, a company of people on horseback can travel up to 50 kilometers a day assuming that horse walks all the way. Most of them are on the horseback, so they can cover all distance from here to Holy Nation border within these two days. You decide to follow the river since they took the boats and you catch up within less than an hour, tears forming in your eyes from all the emotions you’re feeling.

They have abandoned the ships near to Ceno border. The Farsalos river goes mostly to the south- south- west towards Ceno territory and it makes a sharp turn to the west near to one of the border fortresses of the Ceno army. It would be unfeasible for them to cross to the sea and take the boats with them, they used them only to make transport of high-quality steel and metals easier. The boats are empty and abandoned, but you can see the tracks and you quickly get on their trail. The trail brings you for the first time into Holies territory and towards one of their frontline forts. It is a castle of sorts with a large wooden wall and an impressive- looking stone keep. The trail shows that the party has entered the fortress, now the question is how you should approach this…

Roll 1d20 and…
>Walk up to the gate and demand the release of prisoners and reparations for the raid
>Fly up to the gate and demand the release of prisoners and reparations for the raid, or else
>Wait outside for the warband to attempt to leave, then pulverize them
>Wait for the night and sneak into the fortress. Attempt to find out where prisoners are and release them, attempt to find the leadership and interrogate/slay them
>Get some large boulders and start bombing runs against the keep
>Ignore the wall and just fly into the fortress itself and start turning people into fine salsa
>Other ideas?
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>Wait for the night and sneak into the fortress. Attempt to find out where prisoners are and release them, attempt to find the leadership and interrogate/slay them
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>>Fly up to the gate and demand the release of prisoners and reparations for the raid, or else

if they deny

>Ignore the wall and just fly into the fortress itself and start turning people into fine salsa
Rolled 2 (1d20)

If we do end up needing to kill someone just snap their necks swifly, that way it could be an infiltrator, of stab their necks with a flying sword
Ok guys, I managed to take too long and it is 1 am. I'll write the next post tomorrow when I wake up. Feel free to discuss the attack plan, the goals and so on.
One of the players in Discord suggests that we minimize casualties and only recover our people. At best lighting the fort on fire and making it look like an accident. The question is: do we want revenge? And if yes, in what form.
I want, but I'd be happy enough with taking our people alive, they are the priority

setting the thing on fire could be good too
We rolled pretty high for the infiltration part. Maybe we could recover all of the people The sneaky way and then return with divine vengeance? Or should we do it discreetly so no one knows. I remind, we don’t know if they knew that we even exist. If we recover the people they might attack again anyway, and we are only 2 days on horse away from their border.
Would we run the risk of a major diplomatic incident with an open attack?
Yes, but we are also pissed off and it is an international incident anyway, just the subject right now is that Ceno deployed a Cup on the border.
I say fuck the diplomatic incident, they provoked the diplomatic incident we are just retaliating, if they want to talk later thay can but they better come with reparation money for the families
I like that, make sure they are safe an sound first
Alright, alright, think calmly, Ag, no need to drop a mountain on them just yet. There are your people there, 34 of them. If you go in sword swinging in the worst case what these people could do is take hostages or execute them. If you start with more area of effect options then there is high risk to wound and kill your people, so it is also not an option. Also, as much as you are pissed off at them, you are still not exactly sure if you want to essentially become a serial killer. Wiping out hundreds of men that aren’t actively attacking you yet. You need another option.

You drop most of your stuff at the boats and do an aerial surveillance of the area. The fort has the main stone keep that has roughly four floors and is a fortress in of itself. It is best described as six large towers placed very closely together. connected by stone walls and that all is converted into a single building. The outer walls are only the first line of defense, it seems relatively hastily built and there are signs that it was demolished and rebuilt in multiple spots suggesting that the keep itself is the reason why this fort stands against Ceno forces. Inside of the wall are several mostly wooden buildings along with a large stable fit to hold all 140 of the currently stored horses and a little bit more. You eye at least 400 people in this entire mess in pretty tight conditions and there are some tents already erected in the courtyard. Probably the fort is not that well outfitted to house a raiding party and is supposed to mostly hold out until the main force arrives. You wonder where that “main force” is. Maybe in a bigger fortress further in their territory. You don’t see any cages or anything like that suggesting that your people are potentially being held in the dungeon below the keep.

You take a look at the sun and note that it is closing to 9 pm and a thought comes to your mind. If you extract your people covertly you would be free to do with them whatever, from sparing them to dropping huge boulders at their castle at your leisure. And the cover of the night gives you a perfect opportunity. Unfortunately, this entire fort is overwhelmingly staffed. The guards are everywhere and there are people at the surface level. However, you can make no sound and the castle is also likely a home of a noble in addition to its role as a fortress (Holy Nation is a medieval- like feudal monarchy) which means that upper floors are most likely private rooms for the “lord” and common warriors would not be allowed into most of it. You can ambush the leadership of these people and find out both how to find the captives and whatever else you wish to know.
There is only one problem: your armor. Yes, you dulled it with dark electroplating but it still has golden features and it clanks as you walk while your pelt is of a light grey color which is a pretty conspicuous in the nighttime. Also, your massive sword is useless in close quarters as its length would make it difficult not to hit the walls as you swing. Similar issues would befall your bow, it is overpowered for humans and it is a longbow which means it is also going to hit things with its arms. Only your trusty dwarven shortsword would help you. You will be forced to change. Still, you have some time until you strike at midnight, so you make your way back all the way to Farsalos and get into your home as you hurry down and strip off most of your armor staying only in your gambeson. Sigrid and Haven look a little worried as you dump everything and then hurry across the village in a frenzy to find a roll of black fabric that you can use. You rapidly make yourself black wraps to cover the colored parts of your outfit including the ornate scabbard of your sword and you borrow a black cloak off some villager for a bunch of cash. The guy was confused a bit but he seemed content with this emergency transaction. In the end you looked sort of like a medieval ninja which should help you not to stick out like a sore thumb.

Another hour to fly all the way back and it is now 1 am. The night is beautiful, without the light pollution the stars are well visible along with some of the reflective debris flying somewhere across in Earth’s orbit. A lot of the warriors inside of the castle’s walls prepared a large bonfire and were sitting around it presumably celebrating their successful raid. You feel mildly angry now, not as pissed off as you were when leaving Farsalos as you’ve just heard the news, but something in your head was still telling you that this is a nice fat target. You can TK it all over the compound causing a huge fire. But maybe later, right now your goal is the lord and after that your people.
You quietly land on the top of the keep in a badly lit spot hovering not to touch the ground. There are 12 guys kitted in gambesons and heavy crossbows watching all of the sides of the keep, some are yawning, some are chatting in a language you don’t understand which is probably the fabled Holy Language. It is vaguely similar, also being a descendant of modern English, but it is not enough for you to catch more than a vague understanding. You think that the chatting guys are bummed because they are stuck with the monitoring duty when there is a party down below. Some mildly drunk guy in a fullplate opens the door that leads to the top of the keep and enters the scene with a small barrel of booze taking up all of the attention of the guards and giving you an opportunity. You sneak behind him through the door and into the keep proper.

The stairwell leads to the roundabout corridor that encircles the whole keep. It is the spacing between the external wall with arrow slits and what rooms are inside. You have to dodge some people, but your uncanny ability to fly up to the ceiling and blend with the poorly lit environment massively helps. Since there is no way to know what next, you take a first door you see. You end up inside of a small balcony which oversees something that reminds you of a two story chapel. There are stairs leading to the ground floor of the chapel to the side. You can see lots of icons of various people and words engraved into the wood and painted in rich colors, a pedestal surrounded by incenses and candles with a huge statue on it that looks vaguely like a cross, but with an omega letter implemented into the shape. You bet the most common god- tier insult to them would be “the toilet seat guys”. On the side you see another door to the right of you and a door to the left that most likely leads to the other side of the corridor.
You listen in to the door on the left and you hear muffed up sounds of what you presume to be female voices. You note three distinct voices, one of which seems to be adult while others are much younger. Maybe it is the lord’s wife and children. You lower to the bottom of the chapel and listen in on the only door on that floor that was placed on the opposite side of the “cross”. But as you do, you feel slight tension and you react immediately and float up to the ceiling. The door opens and from a more brightly lit room enters a man in his late sixties clad in intricately engraved plate and carrying an arming sword. He has black hair and a decently cared for beard along with a sort of tiara made of rose gold. His look is accompanied by a cape made from that white silvery fabric you’ve encountered once in the markets. The man closes the door behind him, slides his sword into a small slit that you haven’t noticed at first and falls on his one knee. He puts bots of his hands on the sword’s hilt but then slides them down to the crossguard and opens them into a “bowl” shape, after which he bows down and starts muttering.

Well, if the lord of the castle is so kind to present himself that way, you are only happy to oblige. You silently fall from the ceiling behind him and draw your sword faster than he can react putting it by his neck. He only has enough time to grip his blade as you are already in position to cut him like a fish. You say “Shh. I won’t kill you… for now. Don’t speak. Nod if you speak Ceno Lingua”. The man nods once. “Excellent. Your life depends on your replies to the next questions. Nod for yes, shake your head for no. If you speak loudly, I will kill you. Understood?” the lord nods. “Two days ago, the men that are in this castle have raided a Ceno settlement and took prisoners. Are they still here?” a nod follows. “Are they in the dungeon of this keep?” the nod follows, a drip of sweat rolls down the man’s cheek. “Now, are the men of that warband yours?” the man shakes his head. “Were you aware of what their plans were?” he nods. “Was the attack planned specifically when the village’s patron was away?” Silence for a few seconds, then the man whispers “What?”. You are also confused for a moment, then the man spoke “Do you mean… the Servant of the False Gods? She… was not supposed to be there. The Patrons will know…” so, they didn’t know about you being away, interesting. Also, false gods? So that’s what they think of Ceno people, as basically heretics.

“You… won’t get away with this…” the man mumbles. Your eyes narrow and you whisper “Wouldn’t I now?” Small items in the room shake and slowly rise up into the air to the astonishment of the man. “I’m Agatha, I’m the patron of those people, and I want my people back. You will assist me, or you will die…” The man is now sweating bullets as a wicked smile forms on your face. A small part of you is kind of enjoying this…

And that’s it for the week. Hope that you’ve enjoyed and see you next time. Thank you for joining me on this adventure. Please feel free to ask questions, make suggestions and discuss. Today’s recommended topic of discussion is: do you want to have your revenge on these soldiers and do you kill the lord once you’re done extracting your people
I say we rescue our people as quietly as possible, if any sentry sees us we silence them quickly with a broken neck, when they are outside we dispose of the lord since he knows a bit too much and use that bonfire to cause a huge fire there, they'll be too accupied with it to give chase.
ask him to guide us to the leader of the raid, I want to know why it was organized, by whom and with what objective.

then, their fate depends on how are our prisoners, if they are doing the classic raider thing of abusing our women they are going to pay very much for that
Do note that he has a family and is not directly connected to the raid. But a vote to kill him is recorded.
Maybe not kill him now then, but I want to get those people that killed our guys
OK, changing my vote a little

ask him who was the raid leader and how is the guy like. then we tie him up real tight(with metal perhaps or whatever way to really secure him) and decide on his fate later. first we need to get our people out of here
He knows too much about us now that we did the party trick telekinesis stuff and literally told him who we were. We need to dispose of him quietly.
>Off him
quickest, easiest, burns bridges even further with holy nation, because all our villagers missing/shootout on exfiltration heavily implicates us. Freeing everyone in their dungeons could be a mitigating factor, but we would need someone other than us to pin it on.
>Abduct him
could ransom him/demand reparations, adds more complications to exfiltration, he loses power in negotiation the more people we kill in exfiltration
Let him go-
Holy nation high command now knows they have a potentially hostile and Ceno aligned SG on a close boarder. If we fail to deal with this guy we're going to have to rapidly militarize/prepare to defend town against psi user attacks. Bandits don't compare to a nation, this could be dangerous.

I propose we either
-off him or abduct him, then stage a violent prison break avoiding use of our powers or being conspicuous in general in order to make it look like a prison break unrelated to our village or Ceno in general. Offing him would be quicker but we would lose intel opportunities gained by abducting him. If we abduct him we won't be able to use him for negotiations as that would implicate us.

the thing is, he knows about Mina, so a potential war between Ceno and Holy would be worse for us in comparison because our main ally and protector would be engaged in a conflict, so I actually think it's better for Holy to know we exist and to see that the incident was caused by us, because if that is the case they would probably go for diplomacy first since we are a new god and they didn't know we were there
Exactly, that’s a factor. If we don’t advertise our involvement there would be repercussions. We don’t know which ones yet, but it is most likely similar to rules of war. If Ceno uses Cups then everyone else can use Cups against them. It is most likely insufficient for a war declaration, but it is possible that there would be a cup- supported attack on Farsalos. Alternatively, Mina could get recalled and punished. Is it worth not disclosing out existence? I want you guys to decide until the next thread if possible.
Incapacitate or tie and gag this dude.

Then we go and secure our guys and punish the raid leader, interrogate him too, I want to know who sent them and whose idea all that was.
Don't need to hide our powers but make sure everyone is secure before going loud or else we may put them in danger
Alright guys, I'll have to call for a vote to make this all organized. Tomorrow's session will start with it so the voting time is until I wake up. The options are the following:

>Force him to help: Ag demands the lord to assist her in quietly pulling out the villagers, under the threat of death if needed. Riskiest option, even if we can off him at any point if he attempts to alert anyone
>Tie and gag: after extracting all of the information, we tie up and drop off the lord somewhere where he won't be found for a while. He likely won't be able to alert anyone
>Off him now: Ag cuts the lord's neck killing him immediately after he spills the rest of the beans. Note that the body would likely stay in the chapel which makes a message...
>Off him later: Ag demands the lord to assist her in pulling out the villagers like in the first option and kills him the moment he stops being useful
>Other options?

>Tie and gag: after extracting all of the information, we tie up and drop off the lord somewhere where he won't be found for a while. He likely won't be able to alert anyone
>Tie and gag: after extracting all of the information, we tie up and drop off the lord somewhere where he won't be found for a while. He likely won't be able to alert anyone

>Force him to help: Ag demands the lord to assist her in quietly pulling out the villagers, under the threat of death if needed. Riskiest option, even if we can off him at any point if he attempts to alert anyone

Keep him still with TK
>Tie and gag: after extracting all of the information, we tie up and drop off the lord somewhere where he won't be found for a while. He likely won't be able to alert anyone

you guys are probably right about wanting to make our presence known, I just wish we had prepared better before we reached this point. At least none of the people we hired got captured or anything.
Yeah me too, but then we went and rolled the double 1s...
I think making our presence known is for the best now to avoid full scale cup bearer assoults between the two nations
Tie and gag wins by majority. Writing the opening post. Please note that today's thread due to late start would be significantly shorter. Can't compensate this week though because monday is an exam day. We will compensate by running both Saturday and Sunday next week.
no problem, good luck on that exam btw
Thread's up: https://boards.4channel.org/qst/thread/4244815#bottom
Thread archived

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