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Maria Louisa Regnia, known to many about the Lord’s Lands as the Kingslayer. Last time, she had acquired a new ally, made plans to later in stretching out her influence for wealth, and lastly met the Second Prince of the Holy Austin Empire Prince Elric. In a week however shall arrive the Heroine, the girl who has claims upon the Hearts of Men.

Standard Skills
Social Skills
>Royal Demeanor [85]
>Conversation [60]
>Expression [15]
Intellectual Skills
>History [30]
>Intrigue [75]
>Medicine [30]
>Economics [60]
>Military [70]
Physical Skills
>Agility [60]
>Weapons [80]
>Athletics [30]
>Animal Handling [15]
Mystic Skills
>Faith [50]
>Magics [20]
Other Items
>Wealth [10]
>Direct Military Strength [10]
>Social Standing [55] (Kingslayer)

Note that
15 Novice
25 Apprentice
50 Adept
75 Expert
100 Master
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Soon enough the weekend came to well, an end, as the new shined over the horizon. Maria herself felt a small bit of chipperness as she rose from the bed this morning to a clear blue sky and gave a small stretch.

“Did you have a good night Mistress?” Melody asked with a small smile, “You came in quite late than you normally do.”

“I did indeed have a good night.” Maria answered with a small smile.

Melody continued with a slightly larger smile, “Was it by chance with a man?”

“Melody, what are you getting at?”

“Are you not going to tell me mistress!” Melody quickly turned into something much closer to a puppy from Maria’s eyes.

Maria quickly weighed her options before conceding, “Well, I did. It was simply a reward for him helping me with some research.”

“Was it Prince Elric, Albert, or was it even Prince Lucien!”

“I desire not to tell.” Maria finished with a swiping of her hand.

With those words Melody seemed to break down slightly, even more so this time as she quite literally on the verge of crying. Though Maria quickly noted how the maid was easily able to get so much information right out of her without much issue.

Still, on the other hand she seemed to quickly fall into the trappings of an average Noble woman, focusing on marriage and love. Then again Maria would fall for it if she did not have another outlet like her ambitions in life.

>Tell her the truth, that is was Albert
>Lie to her that it was Prince Elric, as Maria is too embarrassed otherwise
>Tell her nothing, as Maria does not want her getting any silly schemes with rudimentary skills
>Another Idea instead?
Alright, quickly at the end of this I am looking to get pictures of these characters. As you can see the character on the previous post shall be the image of Melody, and you all know what Maria is based on. As such, find me the images of what you think said characters should look like, where you got it, and who the image actually is.

If I like it and can get enough pics off it to make my days being lazy worth it, you shall get a Vote worth three. These of course shall be tracked by IP and the like. I ask that you treat these as ‘Oh I got a really good idea but I might not get the initial votes.’ This is a bad idea, I know, but think of it as compensation.
>Tell her nothing, as Maria does not want her getting any silly schemes with rudimentary skills
"Now now my dear, A woman must have her privacy, so pls don't cry over something so simple."
Good to see you again bro. Remember to link this new one in the old thread
>>Tell her nothing, as Maria does not want her getting any silly schemes with rudimentary skills
>Tell her nothing, as Maria does not want her getting any silly schemes with rudimentary skills
Nothing beats the speed at which gossip travels through the servants.
>Another Idea instead?
>Give her a task to find out on her own. Bonus points if she finds out without alerting any of the parties
You making me work so hard!

Previous Thread: >>4301440

Archived threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Otome
>Tell her nothing, as Maria does not want her getting any silly schemes with rudimentary skills
Maria looked at her maid only to give a small laugh, “If you so desire to know, surely you can find out.”

“You… want me to find out?” The question marks started to pop up above the girls head.

“Yes, I task you with finding out who exactly I was with as a sort of experience for you. Such an achievement would double to both satisfy your curiosity and give you some experience.”

“You are no fun Mistress, I only wanted to know so that I could help you.” She pouted.

“You simply need to prove that you can help me~” Maria teased with a smile, “Oh, and do not forget not to tell anyone what you learned. I do not wish for this to end up like some kind of scandal.”

“Of course Mistress, I would never have betrayed you like that.” She answered with a genuine counter to it. To Melody’s credit, she has never leaked anything of Maria’s to the Servants. However, just in case her desire was too much she shall see.

“Well in any case I shall be going to class now.” Maria claimed with a thrusting of her chest, “Prepare for me a good set of clothing and the like.”

“Oh, understood my Mistress.” And with that Melody quickly got to work getting Maria ready for her classes and the rest of the day.

The morning was of course devoted to Economics, learned about all she really could with the time given to it. Her focus from earlier and even a little extra study on the side was enough to skyrocket her forward in lessons as things finally started to click for her.

Honestly it might just have been the simple fact that they finally started edging away from Double Entry Accounting, but Maria was not going to fault them for skipping something so important. Without it, it would be easy for Merchants to leverage a great many more resources against the Nobility.

Though she had to laugh in that it seemed it still occasionally went over the minds of many of her fellow students. Such people would be easy prey if she ever grew a business as they would be the first she would sell to on credit. They would of course not be able to pay up most likely, and thus allow her to get much more than just cash and coin from them.

Hmm, was that not a little too evil? Maria thought for only a moment before realizing what kind of world she was in. It was quickly becoming a strange place where a dagger or sacks of gold could be around every corner.

Soon however the class finished, which left Maria to herself for the lunch period. Her maid seemed to be missing on account of researching Maria’s previous deeds last night. Honestly going this far, she wondered about things.

>Go meet up with the gossip girls
>Take the break to try and learn a skill *Which one*
>Go visit Albert and Prince Elric in their study to share lunch
>Take the break to try and learn a skill (Conversation)
Since the otome is coming soon, let’s up it to give us more of a chance in the social game. This is going to be crucial to deal with the *objectives*
>Take the break to try and learn a skill *History*
If we're going to take over places in the future, we should know more about the world we live in and the connections countries have to each other to make our invasions more effective.
While Maria met up with the Gossip Girl for the standard lunch tea, her mission today was not really learning the Gossip. No instead her aim was to learn their mannerisms and discussions on topics. The way they kept going and keeping each other’s attentions with gossip that had little value to eachother.

Honestly such a method of learning could easily be called psychopathic, but Maria was not going stop stop for something as simple as a mental order describing her up to now!

With that time seemed to move fast between classes and the like, soon leaving her to the end of those and the beginning of the evening. Right now she was simply walking down the halls without much care, noting that Melody has yet to show up.

Maybe the girl became too distracted trying to find out who she ate dinner with. The answer of course was Albert but Maria just wanted to test her maid.

However those thoughts soon melted away as the sounds of footsteps entered her ears. It was too late as she turned around that she was greeted by someone she was not expecting.

“Sister!” her brother announced with a goofy smile about his face, “Its been a week since I last saw you. Have you been good?”

“Bon, why are you here?” Maria said automatically.

“Well its the hallway, of course I’m just walking around.”

“Oh, I guess that would be correct.”

“I would be.” he triumphed with a smirk, “So I heard you participated in the group tournament practice thing the Knights had. Sounded like you beat everyone there.”

“Well, I did not do that good.” Maria admitted with a sigh, “One fellow got me. And if I got to admit Bon I question whether the person was even human.”

“Well, at least you didn’t lose your arm this time right?”

“Indeed, that is a great case.” Maria admitted with a small smile.

>Talk to Bon about Maria’s schemes (IE: Her plan to go expand the Duchy North)
>Ask if they can visit Prince Lucien just for the hell of it
>Simply Chat with her brother *Topic Recommendations wanted*
>Say goodbye to Bon for now, as they have nothing really to talk about right now. Surely later though.
>Talk to Bon about Maria’s schemes (IE: Her plan to go expand the Duchy North)
>Talk to Bon about Maria’s schemes (IE: Her plan to go expand the Duchy North)
>Talk to Bon about Maria’s schemes (IE: Her plan to go expand the Duchy North)
Bon needs to know and think about this stuff considering he's supposed to inherit the duchy.
>Talk to Bon about Maria’s schemes (IE: Her plan to go expand the Duchy North)
Also I archived the previous thread. I hope you guys at least vote it up on suptg.
We'll talk to him about expanding the Duchy, our alliance with the tectonic order, and farming techniques right?
Are there any other schemes we have?
>Ask if they can visit Prince Lucien just for the hell of it
>Talk to Bon about Maria’s schemes (IE: Her plan to go expand the Duchy North)
>Talk to Bon about Maria’s schemes (IE: Her plan to go expand the Duchy North)
“Well Bon, there is something we need to talk about.” Maria said with her eyes checking either side of the halls, “Though we should probably find someplace a little bit more private as its about our territory.”

“Oh really? Well the classrooms are emptied now so lets head to one of those.” He answered with a slight caution to his voice as well.

[Intrigue Success]

So they quickly made their way about the Academy, easily avoiding any who would desire to listen into the conversation. Soon enough they ended up in a room where Maria would have had class. Instead however, just as Bon said, it was completely empty without a soul to hear what they had to say.

Bon turned around with a look of worry upon him, “So, what is it you wanted to talk about?”

“Brother, we need to consider expanding the Duchy.” Maria answered with her heart strengthened by Iron, “Where we are now is too isolated, as not even Merchants are willing to visit us to distribute goods and form wealth.”

“So, what do you want to do about it?”

“I think we need to expand, at least to the North where we are actually in contact with this Empire.”

“Is that so… uh let me get out a map.”

Through maybe luck, Bon quickly reached into one of the desks and brought out a map of the local area. Of course the Holy Austin Empire was front and center, but it also showed a vast majority of local realms and even some of the Miaphate.

Where MaKain was located, it was obvious they were small. Maybe it was only because of the dangerous mountains and her Father’s recent acting as General that kept them from being consumed. Either way, they were but a speck in comparison to the territories surrounding it.
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“So you wanted to go North into Holand?” Bon asked with a sigh, “Well maybe, if I remember correctly our Mother was from their Ruling Family.”

“It was the initial thought, and we can easily call upon the Tectonic Order to help with it.”

“Yeah, but are they not part of the Lord’s Lands. You might be pushing it if you ask for them to attack those they were tasked with defending.” Bon said in a rebuttal.

[History Failed]

“Hmm, I guess you are right.” She answered with a clicking of her tongue, “It will be hard then. Do you know of anything else we can do?”

“We could go through Tricyon. We used to be together as part of a MaKain Kingdom, but we were broken off after the ruling family all died.”

“So we could sight unification. How long ago was this Kingdom?” Maria asked while rhythmically tapping the table.

“Maybe a century ago.” Bon answered back.

“What about Krich? Do we know anything there?”

“If I remember correctly they are a Pagan land, but after that I can’t really way.” Bon admitted with a frown.

[Military Successes]

The two looked upon the map a little more, Maria quickly noting now Tricyon was mostly grasslands. With few cities to their name, their militaries might be of equal size meaning the difference will be in leadership.

As for Holand, if she somehow convinced the Tectonic Knights to help they would surely carve territory out of it. If by chance she convinced an Austin Duke as well, well they could easily devour it between each other.

For Krich, it would be hard to take over since there were no rivers between it and MaKain. However attacking it would allow them to sight a Holy War for it, allowing them to gain prestige and direct access to the Prophet’s Sea.

Of course there was the Miaphate, but that was suicide. Only something in terms of a full blown Crusade would crush them.

>Plan to Partition Holand
>Unify the MaKain Kingdom!
>Holy War for Krich
>Build up a Crusade against the Miaphate.
I made a map. Took a few hours though and the West is subject to change.
>>Plan to Partition Holand
Mainly because the other expansion plans would result in nasty bordergore.
>>Plan to Partition Holand
I am once again looking for character representations as posted above. If you give me a good one that is used, you get a vote worth three.
>Unify the MaKain Kingdom!
Holy moly we’re smol pp with big balls
>Unify the MaKain Kingdom!
>Plan to Partition Holand
>Plan to Partition Holand
>Holy War for Krich
>>Unify the MaKain Kingdom!
>Plan to Partition Holand
>Plan to Partition Holand
>Plan to Partition Holand
What did you use to make the map qm?
>Unify the MaKain Kingdom!
>Unify the MaKain Kingdom!
Fantasy Map Generator
Alright here it is

Fuck Fantasy Poland: 7
Fuck Fantasy Czechoslovakia: 5

You guys are making history!
so what are the pagans supposed to be then? Fantasy Russia?
Fantasy Lithuania.
Wouldn’t it be fantasy Czech Republic and we’re Slovenia ?
Hey, its not like historic Czech really is a fantasy. Honestly based on the events I feel you guys are Albania but not really.
I mean Slovakia
You got a point actually
Anyways, it was called Bohemia until the 20th Century.
“I think we should move onto Holand.” Maria declared with dagger like eyes pointed at them, “It would give us all that we want. Population, location, and we might soon share a border with our allies if it goes good enough.”

“Alright, sounds like a plan.” He answered with a sigh, “Though I do not really know who we can ask for support.”

“Comeon brother, put a little trust in me.” Maria advertised with a smirk.

“Well, alright. I just don’t want what happened in the last war to happen to us again.” He admitted with a sigh.

[Conversation Success]

“I would not worry much about that, as we have the Will of the Lord on our side. If he deems it so, we would have already been dead.”

“You made your point.” He finally relented with a smile, “I will try and find out who neighbor’s Holand, I am sure they’d be happy to hear about the expansion.”

With that the two of them split, leaving Maria to head back to her room with a smile. Though as she arrived there she noticed Melody was there too with a smile all her own.

“Were you able to find out who it was Melody?” Maria asked with a slight lethargy in her voice.

“I was~”

“Alright, you may make your guess then.”

“Oh, I thought I was not suppose to tell anyone.” Melody joked with a devious smile.

“Well do you not wish to be graded on your work?” Maria asked with a straightening face.

“Oh I do not mind that much about being graded. Though you got yourself quite the man Maria.” She snickered.

“Oh, is that so.” There was a slight feeling of dread building up in Maria’s chest as she listened to her talk. However in the end, Maria brought this upon herself by being secretive.

So Maria went to sleep wondering what her Maid found out.

>Continue training in Speech
>Do some research on Holand
>Talk to one of the capture Targets *Who*
>Send a letter to the Knights to tell them the plan.
>Do some research on Holand
>Send a letter to the Knights to tell them the plan.
>inb4 she thinks it was the second prince
Soon enough the night turned to day, to which another day passed without much issue for Maria. In such a time she had done a good bit of work getting things ready and the like.

When it comes to Holand, Maria has found that it was a nation that has been teetering on being Infidelic for the last few decades. It seems that they have a modest relationship with the Duchy of Krich, which comulated in them fighting the Tectonic Knights when the order first attempted to crusade those lands.

However there still is the case of whether or not the Knights are still modestly angry about that. Simply put it is something she would need to file, but cannot use until later. Maybe as an advantage in convincing them to attack with her.

So she sent them a letter, personally carried by one of her ruffians. Hopefully it makes it to them before the end of the month, but she can only hope so much.

It was Wednesday where Maria was found in the Library, researching her foe and their history. She has become aware there is a representative from the Holand’s Royal Family here, but she felt like a fool not knowing their previous history.

“Argh.” A voice exclaimed from nearby, which of course grabbed Maria’s attention. Honestly she has been working for the past few days, she might as well get a break!

So she turned the corner, much to her surprise was Albert labouring over a series of books. Before him was a few sheets of paper along with a few items similar to chess pieces so MAria took a guess, “Hey Albert, are you working on some homework for out Military class?”

“Hmm, oh Maria, yes I am.” He agonized while looking over his stuff with a pained expression, “I’m just, well, stuck trying to remember the lesson from a few days ago.”

“Well I find it hard for you to be forgetting that much, you are quite studious in class.” Maria’s eyes sharpened like a vulture smelling freshly dead meat, “Did something happen?”

[Conversation Success]

“My notes disappeared, all of them!” He cried out with a huff.

“Oh thats not good, wait are you working on-”

“Yes, whats due here on Friday. Missing a week was not enough, but now I need to write two pages and simulate the battle.” He soon had a gleam in his eyes while turning to Maria, “You know this stuff, here I helped you on Sunday so why not the other way around. That way we can be even.”

[Intrigue Success]

While not a bad proposition, something smells rotten about his stuff going missing. Maybe it was… no Maria thought she thought it was Prince Elric.

>Help him with the work anyways, a good chance interact with Albert
>Go find the hidden notes hidden by Maria’s Maid
>Eh, just leave him be.
>Maybe not have them work here publicly in the Library, as maybe a private study is in order.
>Go find the hidden notes hidden by Maria’s Maid
Really Melody ? Why bully the guy ?
>Go find the hidden notes hidden by Maria’s Maid

It's not bullying.
She took the notes so he would have to go to the library and meet with us, and since we're good with military it would be a good opportunity to be alone with him more.
Melody picked up intrigue really well it seems.
>>Go find the hidden notes hidden by Maria’s Maid
You got a point. She really went to “help” us indirectly KEK, but still she gotta be careful
>Go find the hidden notes hidden by Maria’s Maid
I guess the genre is pushing our maid in to weird directions
>>Go find the hidden notes hidden by Maria’s Maid
>Help him with the work anyways, a good chance interact with Albert
You guys are still up for helping him if he asked again, right?
Yes, just going to chat with our maid for being so helpful
The Expert at Intrigue gave a sigh as she her thoughts were finally forming in coherency. Indeed this was surely the work of her Maid Melody, and her scheme was to try and get Maria closer to Albert. Stealing his notes and forcing the young man to come visit Maria was something only a maid from an Otome game would act.

“Sorry Albert, but lets go find your notes instead.” Maria answered back with a sigh, “I think we can find them pretty easily here in a moment.”

“Oh really… well alright.” He answered with a sigh, “Lead the way I guess.”

Maria began to leave her seat, quickly spying a figure hanging out at the doors. It was quite unmistakably Melody waiting there, with her cheeks in a pout before disappearing into the halls.

Maria soon shook her head, “This way.”


With that they quickly made their way to the hall, Maria quickly going in the direction of where Melody went. She would simply need to track her down and ask here-

“Oh here they are!” Albert rejoiced while picking up some papers off the ground, “Though, uh, I do not know why they are here. I don’t remember going down this way?”

When it comes down to it, Maria would need to shelter her maid for now. Punishment will be given accordingly to the greavnesses of how much trouble she caused the Steward’s Son.

So how to make him think differently, “Maybe some girl who likes you stole them, but once she heard you coming down the hallway she forgot them.”

[Conversation Success]

“W-what!” He scrambled before growing a small bit red, “I would find that hard pressed! The girls in this school are nothing but Noblewoman, none of them would even consider taking me.”

“You say that but love is blinding. It would also greatly grow your Family’s prestige if you were to do so, as I am sure your father and fathers before him were looking for a way to break out of the Mercantile industries.”

“Well… maybe.” He admitted with a sigh before steeling himself, “But I would not trick a girl just for my benefit. Such a relationship would lead to disaster once we grow old and wary of one another.”

“Is that so…” Maria could not help but feel her cold war torn heart warm to that idea however, “Well then I hope whoever has your hand will enjoy the sentiment.”

“Thank you.” He looked over the papers in his hand quickly before giving a small sigh and keeping his blush, “Well, uh, since I already asked would you be willing to help me? It would help me, uh, finish my work on time.”

>Go ahead and agree to it.
>Agree, but change the venue as Maria has the sneaking suspicion that Melody has more schemes in place.
>No, Maria has other things she needs to do
>>Agree, but change the venue as Maria has the sneaking suspicion that Melody has more schemes in place.
I like this game.
>>Agree, but change the venue as Maria has the sneaking suspicion that Melody has more schemes in place.
>Agree, but change the venue as Maria has the sneaking suspicion that Melody has more schemes in place.
>Agree, but change the venue as Maria has the sneaking suspicion that Melody has more schemes in place.
>>Agree, but change the venue as Maria has the sneaking suspicion that Melody has more schemes in place.
>Agree, but change the venue as Maria has the sneaking suspicion that Melody has more schemes in place.
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265 KB
265 KB PNG
You guys make me, and conversely Melody, sad. Also forgot the pic.
KEK, where is this from ? Fits well with the theme
Tearmoon Empire
On that note, I am still looking for character images. Remember, you make your vote worth three if you get me one!
Does pictures in non anime style count?
Maybe if I can get a bunch of screenshots. I need variety.
“Sure, though could we move to something like your private study or something?” Maria asked with a shaky smile.


“Simply because I have a feeling we do not want to be in the library.”

He seemed to ponder for a moment in confusion before giving a reluctant shrug, “I guess we can.”

With that they soon made their way through the halls and deeper into the academy. The paths and such starting to jog a little bit of Maria’s memories. It only confirmed it when Albert opened the door and welcomed her into a study which was now much more clean than before.

“It's been awhile I’ve seen this place.” Maria answered with her memory finally coming to her, “This is where you were working on the Church’s books.”

“Yeah your right.” He admitted before dragging a table from the wall, “Though I have not been using it much since I got most of that work done.”

“Oh, so how did the finances come out?”

“Modest, though like I said before it could be better. They are not in the red yet, but with so much land I am surprised it has not usurped the Emperor.”

Maria shrugged her shoulder to those words, “If you think about it they have no reason too. The Lord above, and thus the church, legitimises the Emperor and grants power while the Church is protected and kept cohesive while being in many other Realms.”

“I guess you are right.” With those words he finally dragged out a pair of chairs, one for either side of the table, “Well, I have been having a few problems here about Sir Tulius’s actions.”

With that the two began working with Albert’s schoolwork. The amount was of course nothing too bad, doubly so that Maria already did all of it herself, but it was nothing to sneeze at. However within about a two hour stretch most of the work was done which left them a little more exhausted.

“Alright, there we go.” Maria exclaimed with her relieved sigh, “Honestly that took much longer than it should.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. This is not my forte.” Quickly enough his face grew a few shades red as he looked a little worn down, “So, uh, I do need something to thank you. How about I take you out to get something to eat from the town nearby.”

“Oh, are you sure about that?” Maria asked with a little bit of a shaky smile, “I don't really need it, as I can take care of myself. Let alone, I need to talk to someone.”

“Well, I guess it's fine if you do not want to. It's just you treated me to one last time I helped you I might as well do the same thing.” He claimed while scratching his cheek a little.”

>Accept his little proposal
>Maybe another activity is more fitting (Horseriding, chess games, or something else)
>No, Maria needs to discipline a maid right now.
>No, Maria needs to discipline a maid right now.
Pursing this guy romantically will most likely end up badly for us, if he doesn't want to suspect his wife as he gets older then the Otome will pass all her innocence checks and win his heart over the ever-scheming Maria easily.
>Accept his little proposal
Let’s humor him a little
>No, Maria needs to discipline a maid right now.
>>No, Maria needs to discipline a maid right now.
>>Accept his little proposal
>No, Maria needs to discipline a maid right now.
>Accept his little proposal
It's just a prank bro
>Accept his little proposal
>No, Maria needs to discipline a maid right now.
>Accept his little proposal
>Accept his little proposal

Damn it was close, by one vote. No more, please.
“Well, I do not have much else to do.” Maria off handily said with a subtle smile, “I shall accept your proposal, though I hope you have a nice place in mind.”

“Well, uh, I do have one.” Albert answered with a small scratching of his cheek.

With that they soon went off to town. Such a place is not terribly far from the Academy, only maybe three miles at the least. Taking a carriage was well within their means, as the Academy does not have any policy with restricting travel.

Honestly it was because no one had the means to prevent it.

Soon enough they arrived outfront of a nice looking establishment, the place looking quite above what normally should be expected of a restaurant. However, Maria chopped that up to the teens from the Academy coming to be served.

Maria quickly noticed walking in that it was similar to an inn, as there was a bard in the background and people having drinks. Though watching the kind of crowd gathering about placed it more on the Noble crowd. As expected, since the Academy does contain a number of powerful children and Nobleman.

The two of them went ahead and took a seat, since places like this did not have any hostess. Taking their seat, Maria noted the furniture was of high quality and given a good bit of space between one another.

As soon as they sat down a waitress came to their table with a heavenly smile and modest clothing to herself, “Ah, Albert it is nice to see you. I would ask if you’re here to talk business, but I see you have brought your lover to our establishment. I take it everything will be on your tab?”

“N-no, just a friend who helped me.” He sputtered without much of a saving grace, “And yes, I owe her this for helping me with a lot of school work.”

“Understood understood,” She turned to Maria with a courtesy and a pad of paper, “And may I ask what to get you miss?”

“Some fine wine and whatever the chef says is the best.” Maria responded with a small subtle smile.

Soon Albert gave her an order and the two watched her walk away with the small booklet.

[Intrigue Success]

“She’s literate?” Maria asked Albert with a raised brow, “What kind of place have you brought me to Albert~?”

“Its the nicest place I know around here, The Helm.” He gave a small sigh before leaning back, “They are members of a Guild my family has fingers in. I normally come here to talk business and the like.”

“While nice, it does have more in common with an bar. Do you realize it would be demeaning to bring a lady here?” Maria teased with a smirk.

“Well, I like to look for the quality of things first, and I am sure you desire the same as well.”

“Hmm, you are correct, the quality could easily trump circumstance. Alright, let us see if this place matches my tastes.”

>Try and learn about his family
>Talk about maybe getting supplies to MaKain for War
>Simply enjoy the meal and the atmosphere.
>Try and learn about his family
>Try and learn about his family
>Talk about maybe getting supplies to MaKain for War
>Talk about maybe getting supplies to MaKain for War
Oh yeah we'll need someone to bankroll the war huh?
I didn't vote for that option because the entire reason we're having the war in the first place is because merchants won't trade with us due to our location.
Aside from that, talking about that here will jeopardize the information about our plans for war to any listeners, and to Albert himself.
>Try and learn about his family
>>Try and learn about his family
>Try and learn about his family
>>Try and learn about his family
Looking around the place once again Maria felt the environment growing on her. The Bard in the corner was singing a ballad about how the Empire came to be. Such a tale of glory was something that even after centuries the people tell tall tales about.

“So, Albert.” Maria turned herself back about to the man to which she was with, “What's your family like?”

“My family?” He seemed a little surprised at the question but soon rolled with it, “Well if we are talking about my immediate family, I’ve got maybe 15 siblings in total, 10 Brothers and 5 Sisters.”

“Oh my, thats a lot of siblings.” Maria lamented with a raised brow, “Are they all from your mother?”

“Yeah, it gets a little hard to handle sometimes. My Father always says that for every Son he has, it's a new branch office that can be opened.” Albert shook his head at what was likely insanity, “And no, they are not. My Father is a prolifically procreative man, and honestly I sometimes wonder if I am even the halfbrother to some.”

The young man soon gave a sigh, “What about yourself?”

“Well I had 3 brothers.” Maria allowed herself to rest her head on her arm, “And thats it.”

“Yeah, so you only have the one brother left?”


On such a mellow note however the food finally arrived. What was placed in front of Maria was a small steak while infront of Albert was a similar meal. As they were on such a dour note, Maria decided to simply say her prayers and began eating the meat proper.

It was only when she took a bite into it that she realised it was actually a really good piece of steak! It was tender and savory, cooked to a modestly rare state to allow some blood still within it. Doubled with the making of spices that all seemed to mix into it...

“Enjoying the steak? Supposedly they get their ingredients from all across the Lord’s Lands, and occasionally from the Miaphate as well.” Albert answered with a small smirk.

“I do, but I cannot believe just spice can make this good. The meat is of high quality as well for sure!”

“Really, normally people just notice the spices.” Albert laughed to himself as they ate through the meals before them.

>Try and understand the setup of his family’s ‘Trade Network’.
>Try and learn more about a Merchant’s life
>Just bullshit with him *Topic Suggestions Welcomed*
>Try and understand the setup of his family’s ‘Trade Network’.
>>Try and understand the setup of his family’s ‘Trade Network’.
>Try and understand the setup of his family’s ‘Trade Network’.
>Try and understand the setup of his family’s ‘Trade Network’.
>Try and understand the setup of his family’s ‘Trade Network’.
Maria thought to herself for moment of all the spices, “Are the spices brought here because of your family’s trade network?”

“You would be right.” He answered back while slicing up his stake a little more, “Its pretty hard to get the materials over here otherwise, but we make due and its easily found to be profitable.”

Maria continued to nod to herself, “Hmm, how exactly does your family keep such a large network together? Surely it would be difficult otherwise.”

“Well most of it is thanks to everyone being at least partially related. What my father believes about getting as many sons as he can was more or less the thought of my family throughout the ages.”

“Oh, and would you believe in that?”

“I question it sometimes, and honestly I don’t even think I could handle that many children.” Albert relented with a sigh.

“So where are you on the manner of things. Are you looking to take over as the head?”

“That, well maybe.” He admitted with a small whimper, “My Father says I am the best when it comes to money and negotiations, but I am not the first born. Of course my biggest brother is already about 50 years of age while my Father is kicking 70.”

“By the Lord, are you at least trying something to fix that?”

“Well you see.” For the first time Maria saw a more ambitious smile upon his face, “With all the work I’ve done, depending on the deals I make with them I can equal to a small kingdom on dividends alone.”

Maria’s eyes slowly widened at the idea, “Do you really think your improvement will be worth that much?”

With that he simply gave a shrug, “I can’t say for sure, but even if I do not get my family’s name I might be able to start my own Guild House. Even better, well there are other things in the works.”

Maria grew a small smile, hearing that. While he was not outwardly ambitious, it seemed that Albert of course had a good head on his shoulders. Such a mind of course should not be put to be put to waste.

>Maria shall seek to help him, but at a cost of course.
>Maria should stay away from this, as if something his relationship with the Church goes sour she has the most to lose.
>Simply ask to be kept in mind if he needs anything
>Simply ask to be kept in mind if he needs anything
>Simply ask to be kept in mind if he needs anything
>Simply ask to be kept in mind if he needs anything

>Maria shall seek to help him, but at a cost of course.
“Well, if you do need help do say so.” Maria told him with a small smile, “You know I am becoming more a Servant of the Church by the days gone by. If it is such a profitable arrangement for both of you than I shall look into sponsoring it.”

“Yeah, I can do that.” Albert answered back with a small smile before finishing up his meal.

Maria did the same, soon time quickly going by for the pair. The meal and the atmosphere are quite good, which seemed to cause it to move even faster. What might have been a time of rushing, fast beating hearts was replaced with calmness and sanity. Maybe that was such a reason Albert chooses such a place for business, as he was someone who would not outright con someone.

No, better to make them feel like you were their friend and make the best deal for both parties.

“Such was a good night.” Maria said as the two finally arrived back at the Academy, “Thank you very much for it Albert.”

“Oh, uh, your welcome.” The man’s feet stumbled a little as he kept walking, “Well, it was of course a thank you for helping me.”

“Indeed it is so.” Maria answered back with a wave of her hand, “However such opportunities simply seem less of a reward and more common place if we keep doing so.”

“Oh, then I will think of something else next time.” He answered back with a stern determination about himself.

Next time? Maria thought about those choice words for a moment but did not mention anything of them, “Very well, then I pray you have a good night.”

“Thank you, Maria, I surely will.”

And with that, the two split apart.

>Track down who the Holand Royal Family Member is in the Academy
>Work on Maria’s story
>Continue training of conversation
>Try and get some Gossip
>Track down who the Holand Royal Family Member is in the Academy
>Track down who the Holand Royal Family Member is in the Academy
>Track down who the Holand Royal Family Member is in the Academy
What's your timezone OP ?
>Track down who the Holand Royal Family Member is in the Academy
>>Track down who the Holand Royal Family Member is in the Academy
My sleep schedule is fucked. Eastern Standard though.
The night quickly turned to day, leaving Maria with time until after classes began. For Maria she was more or less focused on getting information on her likely new rival, the Royalty from the Holand Despot.

[Intrigue Successful]

It only took a small chat with the Gossip Girls to find out his name, one Oskar Balinski. It seemed that a few hundred years ago, they were part of a greater pegan empire that bordered the Austin Empire. Their family getting what should have been a temporary title from the Emperor.

However not all comes as planned, and soon the Emperor’s empire collapsed in a religious revolt which the Holish were a part of. As such, they kept the name Despot while not being part of a larger group.

As for the child, Oskar, well Maria learned quickly he was a second year here at the school. Such a state might be easy enough to manipulate, but Maria will need to meet him first.

However, what comes first is the Maid who showed up the moment Maria left the girls.

“Mistress, why did you not accept any of my help…” She said while producing a small ounce of tears.

“Agh.” Maria took a few looks around and noted how no one was in the area with the two of them, “Melody, why in the world did you do all that?”

“I wanted to help find you a good man.” She rebuttled while wiping away the tears.

“And that included stealing his notes?”

“Yes, but you ran away before I could do more.”

“What were you even going to do?” Maria asked with a small sigh.

“Well, I was going to give the two of you some tea.” Melody wanted to leave it at that but soon caved in to the stares Maria was giving her, “I was… going to lace his with Alcohol…”

“Melody…” Maria could only shake her head.

“B-but you did go out on a date with him though!” Melody championed, “I heard about it from one of the guards!”

“I-it was not a date.” Maria barked with her face just barely changing color, “It was simply him thanking me.”

“Ohh, I was hoping…”

>Give the Maid a punishment *Any ideas?*
>Give her a warning for now.
>Actually, the outcome was not that bad.
>Give her a warning for now.
Let's pat her head and tell her to be more sensible with her actions
>Give the Maid a punishment *Any ideas?*
too harsh dude, I'd suggest tickling

>Actually, the outcome was not that bad.
Praise her. But tell her to not do that shit to us

>Give the Maid a punishment *Any ideas?*
>Actually, the outcome was not that bad.
But tickle her anyway.
>Give the Maid a punishment *Tickling*
>Actually, the outcome was not that bad.
Tell her to think more before taking action.
>Tickle her as “punishment”
>Actually, the outcome was not that bad.

Also I nominate Albert's faceclaim to be Leo from Pandora Hearts.
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Default is glasses Leo but if he ever gets that main love interest otome glow up he maybe could go non-glasses Leo
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252 KB PNG
Maria thought about it more and more, as by the end of the day her Maid did give her something of benefit. For maybe the first time she genuinely talked with Albert about ideas and the like, learning that the man in fact has ambitions in his life.

“Well, do not worry too about me too much.” Maria said while turning her head off to the side, “As you need to worry about yourself, as I need to give punishment!”

Melody was not ready as Maria quickly went for the stomach, her fingers quickly tickling the maid without much issue. From the sudden force and the like, Melody was sent to the ground while laughing to the heavens.

“Haha! Misstress stop! Hahaha - Please I cannot breath!”

“Oh no, this is punishment!”

The Sadist had her fun for a few minutes, not letting up until she truly seemed to be out of breath. With a breath of exhaustion, Melody rose while being a little shaky on the feet.

“There, you have been punished.” Maria claimed with a smirk, “Really Melody I do not mind what you did, just please think a little more about your actions and schemes before putting them into motion. A one day turnaround is too soon in my opinion.”

“R-right Mistress.” Melody finished with another deep breath, “I-I will think about it more next time.”

“Good.” Maria soon turned around and began her walk away from the place, “In the end it was all for my benefit, and I thank you.”

And with those words the two split off, Maria going towards classes for the end of the day. THey were nothing too difficult, and Maria was easily able to get things done for the end. Military as always a breeze and Faith studies were something Maria was steadily becoming more and more good at.

Though things soon got a little more exciting as Maria was walking through the form of a passing Prince Elric, his face filled with a little bit of worry.

“Oh hey Maria, I’ve been looking for you.” The prince quickly grew a clean worry free smile upon his face.

“Is that so? Well then you have my ear here and now, I hope you do not waste it.” Maria answered back with a smile equal to his.

“Guh, well uh, I would prefer not to do it here. Can you come to my study.” He asked with worry already starting to come back.

>Something interesting is happening, Maria shall agree
>Nah, Maria has better things to do.
>Something interesting is happening, Maria shall agree
>Something interesting is happening, Maria shall agree
>Something interesting is happening, Maria shall agree
>Something interesting is happening, Maria shall agree
>Something interesting is happening, Maria shall agree
>>Something interesting is happening, Maria shall agree
>>Something interesting is happening, Maria shall agree
>Something interesting is happening, Maria shall agree
“Alright, I am willing to give you my ear, show the way of dear Prince.” Maria gave a small wave of her hand, one symboling that he should get going.

With those words they traveled through the halls, Maria noting that they just grow more and more plain with every time she passes through there. However what caught her attention was the motions of the Prince. He seemed to look around corners and swiftly search dark corners for suspects.

Maria grew a shrewd smile as she began to realise what exactly the problem was here.

“Alright, we made it.” He exclaimed before falling into a nearby chair, “Uh, take a seat. I don’t really know how long this will take but I do not wish to make your feet sore.”

Seeing no reason to rebuttal Maria took him up on the offer, “So let me take a wild guess, has someone been causing you problems?”

“Shit, Im guess thats why I came to you.” He admitted with a small sigh, “I have been having some issues, you see. I, uh, am having troubles with a girl recently. She’s, uh, how can I say this, getting way too into me right now.”

“So you are telling me you have a stalker?” Maria asked with a small brow raised.

“Fucking hell…” The man simply shook his head again, “You got it again. Do I need to even tell you what the problem is?”

“Ohoho, do I? Let me guess, this girl has been sending you dozens of letters, opening your mail, and lastly she surely has been stalking your every move she could.”

“Well, can we add in that whoever she is, tried to slip a poison into my drinks only a day ago.” Maria was about to get excited before the young man shook his head, “It was only something that makes you sleep harder than you ever had. I only figured it out after making Matheo drink it instead.”

“Quite the friend you are.”

“Yeah… well he was pissing me off yesterday and curiosity got the better of me.”

“So why do you want me, a forign agent, to take care of this problem for you. Surely your guards could take care of the problem for you.” Maria responded while holding back a small laugh.

“Look, I do not really even know who she is. Where the signature for her letters should be is simply a bunch of scribbles put together. If she’s the daughter of a Duke then I can’t really deal with her lest I want to cause a civil war. Hell, my reasons are doubly so if she is an Elector Count.”

“And to save you from the embarrassment?”

“No, well kinda, I just want whoever this is gone.” He finally looked Maria dead in the eyes, “Look, if you help me take care of this I will try and find somekind of reward for you. Alright.”

Honestly Maria could only laugh at what seems his little Lady Killer escapades hitting a breaking point finally. Looking into the form of blackmail, this was on the lower end of things as if she said anything it might actually validate the woman’s arrest and help him. Though a Favor from a Second Prince to an Empire is surely not something to sneeze at.
>Take him up on the offer
>Sure, but he’s going to help Maria for sure!
>No, Maria has better things to do with her time.
>Sure, but he’s going to help Maria for sure!
>No, Maria has better things to do with her time.
>Sure, but he’s going to help Maria for sure!
>Sure, but he’s going to help Maria for sure!
>>Take him up on the offer
>Sure, but he’s going to help Maria for sure!
>Sure, but he’s going to help Maria for sure!
Troubleshooting sounds fun
>>No, Maria has better things to do with her time.
>>Sure, but he’s going to help Maria for sure!
>Sure, but he’s going to help Maria for sure!
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54 KB
“Alright, that sounds like something I am willing to do.” Maria said with a small smile, “Though I will not do it by myself. You will have to help me.”

The Prince looked at Maria in surprise, but only for a moment before sighing, “I guess I should be expected to do that much. Alright, fine. What do you want to do first?”

Maria pondered to herself for a moment, “Well first can I see the letters that were sent to you?”

On command the Prince made his way to one side of the room, grabbing onto what Maria realised was a modestly sized sack. Soon enough the man dumped the bag onto a table, releasing a torrent of letters and paper.

Curiosity beset upon Maria, she reached into and withdrew one of the letters. Opening it up she quickly noticed the reason the Prince has yet to find her.

“This letter is just unreadable scribbles. Its not even another language just a mess!” Maria complained with a vein popping onto her forehead.

“Yeah its bad. I mean I can read some of it, but whoever is writing this is going about it way too fast for it to actually matter.” The Prince said while shaking his head, “I have only started getting these a little under a week ago. I’m honestly surprised they can send this much paper to me.”

Maria studied it again and again, the words starting to become a little bit more coherent.

Oh so lovely Prince oihnphawpdhv aoinop qerohqvr my love!

(^*&%)_(&)& I want to *(& )_&*_) _)&^ ^^*)_*&_ and &*^)^_*

Please return m()*^&)( ^&*(^

-Love of *(^)
R&%s)$ &em&$*

>Study the Letters more *Any tactic*
>Try and locate her via where the letters are coming from
>Stalk the Prince to Stalk the Stalker *Intrigue*
>Try and locate her via where the letters are coming from

We have network build for it
Oh shit, oh fuck is that player? Is that protag?
>Try and locate her via where the letters are coming from
>Try and locate her via where the letters are coming from
>Try and locate her via where the letters are coming from
Stalking the prince sounds fun but we'd have a better sell if we exhausted all the obvious paths first.

Also this gives us a chance to check in with our bandits to see how the mail network is coming along.

If it was the protag I'd imagine she'd either be homing in on Ford or Albert. We probably have more relationship points with those two than Elric at the moment.
>>Stalk the Prince to Stalk the Stalker *Intrigue*
>Stalk the Prince to Stalk the Stalker *Intrigue*
Maria thought to herself for a few moment as she looked towards the Prince, “So where have these letter been showing up?”

“Yeah, uh, well they occasionally come in through couriers, I know for sure they’ve been snuck into my stuff.” The Prince lamented while sighing.

“Well, I will go talk to a few people.” Maria answered with a smirk, “I should know who your culprit is tomorrow for sure.”

“Uh, alright?”

And with those words a day quickly came and gone. Soon Maria had finished her classes and was off to the Bandits.

As she arrived the first thing Maria was welcomed with was, well, a good to honest house. One of the men standing outside quickly noticed Maria, coming over to meet up with her on the way up.

“So hows the business going?” Maria asked the man.

“Its been freakin great ma’am.” The man said as he finally arrived to her, “We actually got a house all to ourselves now.”

“Good to hear, good to hear.” Maria said while they reached the residence, “Have you all found anything good recently?”

“Eh, no we havn’t. Just a bunch of junk of Parents trying to talk to their daughters.” The bandit said while they moved into what was a room filled with boxes of letters.

“Well that's a little sad, though I was wondering if by chance were you all hired to send letters to the Second Prince. I am currently trying to figure out who that is.”

“You mean the scribble letters? Yeah those were coming from a rather weird gal. No problem though, since she is paying us double the normal rate to deliver them ‘discreetly’.” The Bandit Mailman laughed.

“Well thats not bad.” Maria said with another sigh, “Though I fear that relationship will be coming to an end.”

“Oh, uh, so what are you wanton’ us to do? Kill her or something?” The bandit said without much care.

>Yeah, make her disappear
>No, Maria shall meet her under the guise of being a mailman
>Kidnap her and bring her to Maria.
>Other schemes
>No, Maria shall meet her under the guise of being a mailman
>No, Maria shall meet her under the guise of being a mailman
>>No, Maria shall meet her under the guise of being a mailman
>Other schemes
Wait can't we just send one of our former bandits who actually DO work in delivery services take care of it instead? Isn't that we have that business in the first place?
We may discover something else if we do it personally anon and we can even “recruit” her potentially
>No, Maria shall meet her under the guise of being a mailman
>>Kidnap her and bring her to Maria.
>No, Maria shall meet her under the guise of being a mailman
“No, that would be too outright and obvious. Let alone dangerous for us.” Maria mentioned with a small ponder, “When is the next time you are suppose to be picking up the mail from her?”

“I.. don’t really know what Ma’am, but I’m sure Charlie does. Charlie get down here, the Ma’am is here.”

“Oh sorry sir!” The sound of rapid footsteps erupted through the building as a modestly aged and appealing boy about Maria’s age appeared infront of them, “Do you need something?”

“Dat girl you got in the Academy, you know her name and shit?”

“Uh, I never caught her name, though I know what she looks like.” He answered with a quick motion to breath, “I am suppose to be heading over there to pick up the mail in a few minutes actually.”

“Well I will be relieving you of that duty for now.” Maria announced while taking a few steps towards the boy, “Can you give me a description of her looks and where you normally meet her?”

“Well, I can’t really say anything about what she looks like. She always wore some kinda cloak.” Charlie seemed to ponder for a moment, “Though I always meet her in the Gardens, uh, behind a large treeline.”

“Perfect, get me a bag and whatever you all call a uniform.” Maria announced with a devilish smirk, “I will be taking your place today.”

Charlie seemed to be dumbfounded upon Maria’s words until the other bandit gave him a shove, “Get moving kid! Give her your things!”

“Y-yes sir!”

And just like that Maria was quickly given a makeshift peasant clothing and a series of bags. Honestly they were nothing too good, but clearly better than a bunch of bandits should have. It seemed that Jimmy took Maria’s words to heart and actually made themselves look presentable to Nobles.

Soon enough though Maria was off. To make sure she would not be noticed instantly Maria took the time to hide her hair and face under a hood. Such is the time of year that she could easily get away with it.

And like that, Maria was easily making her way about the compass without a stir. Acting natural and slipping through the place yielded her success as the Garden was now in sight. Searching about the place, Maria quickly drift her way through to the treeline and out of sight of everyone else.

In her vision though was a small girl carrying a large bag filled with material. Of course she still had her hood, so Maria could not instantly recognize her. Such a state however could be easily remedied.

>Run up and remove the hood, forcing her to reveal herself
>Approach the girl with small chatter about the prince
>Simply stalk her now, as Maria can easily do so.
>Approach the girl with small chatter about the prince
>Approach the girl with small chatter about the prince
Can we not blow our cover so fast? Maybe act like the mailperson we're supposed to be?
>Approach the girl with small chatter about the prince
>Approach the girl with small chatter about the prince
>>Approach the girl with small chatter about the prince
>Approach the girl with small chatter about the prince
>>Approach the girl with small chatter about the prince
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122 KB JPG
While it would be fun just to run over and yank off the hood of her ‘foe’, Maria is always going to take the more stealthy option so that nothing too dangerous happens.

So with that thought in mind Maria approached, “Hello there madam, I am here to pick up your packages.”

The figure’s hood seemed to move towards Maria slowly but surely, “Y-you are the normal mailman, what happened to the last one?”

“He grew quite sick and needed a day off,” Maria lied straight to her face, “Are these all for his Majesty?”

“Yes it is! These right here are to be given directly to his door while if you can smuggle these into his things that would be great.” She started rambling while going through the dozens of letters.

“You must like him very much to go to this much of an effort.” Maria said with a small enticement to conversation.

[Conversation Success]

“Y-yes I do, b-but I have yet to hear back from him.” she timidly said with a small whimper.

Maria pondered her words for a moment, “What is he like? I have never seen the Prince upclose yet.”

“OH yes, you are a peasant! But I am sure a woman knows a catch when they see one!” She championed, “Firstly its his eyes, such a dreamy set that you can get lost in. Followed by his soothing voice and the way he thanks you! Oh by the Lord I want to marry such a man.”

Alright, this girl is delusional, or at least that's what Maria thinks. It sounds like this girl is simply a fangirl who is going too far. Honestly Maria should feel bad about it, but she could not resist a small laugh watching the girl’s animated desires.

“Oh, uh, did I say something funny?”

“Well, kind of. But I would put it more under cute.” Yes, it was cute to watch the torturer of the Prince act so innocently.

“Oh, r-rreally?” Somehow Maria knew the girl was blushing under the hood, “I-I uh, yeah uh…”

“Well, what is your name? Actually, can I see your face too. I would be hard pressed such a passionate person is not beautiful in her own right.”

“Oh, really, uh, my name is Fien Kers.” She answered before lowering her hood to reveal a nice looking face.

>See about convincing her to abandon this little mess outright
>Try and Angle her love towards something else, as it seem fickle
>Maybe she be interested in writing a certain kind of book…
>Maybe she be interested in writing a certain kind of book…
At no point did we say we were going to do more than find out who was sending the letters today so no manipulations yet.
>>Maybe she be interested in writing a certain kind of book…
>Fien Kers

DO we know anything about Kers people?
>Maybe she be interested in writing a certain kind of book…
>Try and Angle her love towards something else, as it seem fickle
>>See about convincing her to abandon this little mess outright
>Maybe she be interested in writing a certain kind of book…
>Maybe she be interested in writing a certain kind of book…
The first off-brand with self insert
>Maybe she be interested in writing a certain kind of book…
Maria thought about the name some, and then a little bit more. By the end in her honest opinion there was no one really notable by that name that she had. Simply put she was a nobody in the entire affair of things in and outside of the Otome Game.

Which made Maria think about it for a moment, who exactly was she. Clearly she was not someone related to Maria, but here she was causing trouble for one of the capture targets. Maybe she was simply a person who was shoved away by the previous Maria’s presence, but since this Maria has not gone outright on the targets they are starting to crop up?

“Uh, excuse me?” Maria was snapped out of her thoughts by the leaning in of said person. She looked to become the confused side of things, which also meant she had more time to figure out who Maria was.

“Uh, sorry Madam.” Maria said in her recovery before finally growing a smile, “If I dare ask, how much do you read?”

“Read? A good bit, but wait why are you asking?” She quickly turned about with an explanation point over her head.

“Oh, well I know it is rough but maybe you can make use of this.” And with that Maria handed over a rough manuscript of her writings.

Yes for some reason she was carrying this, as it was a feeling she had just earlier in the day. It seemed to have been a blessing by the Lord though, as the more the girl read the script the more she was enamoured by it. Her jaw coming wide and what was clear desire written upon her face.

“W-what is this?” She shakily asked while rereading the script.

“Oh, simply something I dabbled in. It is far from finishing and I do not really have the time to work on it.” Maria admitted with a sigh. Honestly she did want to finish it, but her work was simply too much.

“I-I love it!” She cried out with a thrill and devilish eyes piercing the pages, “I want to read more please!”

“Sorry, ma’am, but I cannot as I do not have enough time.”

“What if I hire you.”

“Again, sorry.”

Fien looked up with complete anguish, as if Maria stabbed through her heart with a sword. That might surely have been the case, however there was an end to her madness.

>Recruit her as a ghost writer for Maria’s Otome Book, thus revealing herself.
>Let her go free, as surely her ambitions have been changed and job done and her Identity shall be hidden
>Maybe regret what Maria has released upon the world.
>Recruit her as a ghost writer for Maria’s Otome Book, thus revealing herself.
>Recruit her as a ghost writer for Maria’s Otome Book, thus revealing herself.
>Let her go free, as surely her ambitions have been changed and job done and her Identity shall be hidden
>Let her go free, as surely her ambitions have been changed and job done and her Identity shall be hidden
>>Recruit her as a ghost writer for Maria’s Otome Book, thus revealing herself.
>Let her go free, as surely her ambitions have been changed and job done and her Identity shall be hidden
>Let her go free, as surely her ambitions have been changed and job done and her Identity shall be hidden
“Well, if you really want to read more I would advise you make some yourself.” Maria admitted with a smile, “Just make sure to present it to the right people, and I am sure it will be published.”

“M-make this?” Fien said before her eyes widened, “Of course I will! Thank you very much miss!”

With a small smile upon Maria’s lips she watched the girl quickly run off with her rough draft. Honestly it was a small cost for something she did not really need, getting the Prince to be indebted to her. So with that thought in Mind Maria picked up the dozens of papers left on the ground and dumped took her time to burn them.

It was to the next day, a Friday, that Maria came to the Prince’s study. From the looks of things the place was emptied with the exception of the Prince who looked much more relaxed.

“Thank you so very much.” Elric after having a little tea to himself, “You are a lifesaver.”

“I know I am.” Maria smugly said while ploping herself onto the couch, “Can I get some tea?”

“Little unlady like.”

“You have room to talk, oh Prince.”

It seemed that the Prince lamented and gave Maria a small serving, letting her have a nice drink of the fruit tea he acquired.

“So who was she anyways?” The Prince asked with a small question mark appearing above his head, “You know, just in case she ever shows up again.”

“Some no-name Noble, though she might have her name on a book soon.”

“In a book, how the hell is she going to be that prestigious?”

“Reasons.” Maria answered back with a devilish smirk.

“Tsk, alright.” He said while finishing up his cup, “Just so you don’t dangle it above my head, what do you want as payment?”

“Oh I don’t know, maybe a date~”


“Pff, look at your face.”

“Tsk, damn it. Don’t do that.” He said, though as the man leaned back Maria noted he was a little more red than he should be.

Hmm, this would be a grand opportunity to take the Prince by the ear kicking and screaming. If she actually used this as her chance, she would surely grow lots of prestige in the interim.

>Demand that he becomes Maria’s date to the Dance, prestige awaits!
>Ask for monetary compensation, so that Maria can grow her projects ten fold.
>*Anything you guys want, just remember if too outrageous he will reject it*
>Not right now, Maria shall cash that in a later time.
>Ask for monetary compensation, so that Maria can grow her projects ten fold.
>Ask for monetary compensation, so that Maria can grow her projects ten fold.
I'd rather we go to the ball with Albert let's be real.
>Ask for monetary compensation, so that Maria can grow her projects ten fold.
>>Not right now, Maria shall cash that in a later time.
>Ask for monetary compensation, so that Maria can grow her projects ten fold.
>Not right now, Maria shall cash that in a later time.
>Ask for monetary compensation, so that Maria can grow her projects ten fold.
>Ask for monetary compensation, so that Maria can grow her projects ten fold.

>Ask for monetary compensation, so that Maria can grow her projects ten fold.
While that would be an entertaining thought, “Well in my honest idea I simply require a monetary reimbursement.”

“Is that all you want? Yeah I can give that.” The Prince admitted while the blush was finally fully gone from him. Though she also noticed he seemed to be a little, well lethargic about the idea.

“Well then, Prince Elric, I hope we can help each other again here later on.” Maria said while making her leave from the room.

Soon enough the day’s light became night, Maria returning to her dorm without much issue. Things seemed to have calmed to a crawl as other students did the same. The night sky however was clear, with a full moon illuminating everything the eye could see.

“Welcome home Mistress.” Melody said with a bow.

“Thank you, Melody.” Maria answered with a smile adorning upon her face, “How have the Servants around the Academy been?”

“They have been modest enough, though the rumors of a new student coming in are getting quite out of hand.”

“Is that so.” Maria chewed on those words for a moment, “She must be someone special then.”

“That's what I don’t get. She is a simple Daughter of the Ordain Baron, it was nothing special besides them having a Saint somewhere in their bloodline.” Melody complained with a sigh.

“Is that so, well keep an ear out about her then. Maybe she will pose some risk.” Maria said right before a knocking could be heard form the door, “Hmm, come in.”

Opening the door was a rough looking man, who Maria recognized as the leader of the Bandit Mailmen, Jimmy, “Ma’am, I got a delivery for you. Thought I come over and deliver it personally since its from ya’s Father.”

“Father sent me a letter?” Maria could not help but feel surprised at the idea, “Well give it here, and take those clothes I borrowed from Charlie. I have no use for them as of now, and I am sure he is begging for them back.”

With that the two made the exchange, Maria quickly opening the letter with a sense of finesse that would put many other men to shame. In spite of that, she made sure to read every word on the letter.
My dear Daughter Maria,

I hope you are doing fine, as Bon assured me you have been making comrades in the school proper. Your achievements of course have reached my ear as well, and I would like to congratulate you on killing the Heretics. You are surely of my Blood, much more than any of your brothers both alive and dead. Though do not speak of this to Bon, as the poor child will have his heart wrenched by it.

I have also heard that the Academy will be having a Ball soon, it is such a perfect time to find yourself a powerful man who can equal yourself. I am starting to have a minor fear, but I'm starting to worry that our bloodline will end with either you if neither you or Bon find someone. Even if you must marry someone in a Patrimonial fashion and inherit, at least your Children will carry the blood to Rule MaKain along with theirs.

When you can come home, as it seems you have grown quite a lot from last I have seen you if only for a few months. Maybe bring the man who you’ve decided to Court, as I would want to see him as soon as I possibly can.

Your Father
-Rado Regnia, the Dragon of MaKain

Maria read and reread it again, her worry about her Father becoming more and more. It seemed that old age and his injuries are finally getting to him, making him worry so much about lineage. Of course she will tell him about her plans to attack the North, but what about the reason she came here. To find a lover…

>Tell him she is Courting Albert, a powerful Merchant who potentially can become Doge.
>Maria shall tell him her idea of being Celebate to best become a religious figure.
>Do not respond at all, dodging the question
>Nominate another other *Who*
>>Tell him she is Courting Albert, a powerful Merchant who potentially can become Doge.
>Tell him she is Courting Albert, a powerful Merchant who potentially can become Doge.
>Tell him she is Courting Albert, a powerful Merchant who potentially can become Doge.
She is also open to courting another man if Father so desires.
>Tell him she is Courting Albert, a powerful Merchant who potentially can become Doge.
Should we tell him that we have the Miaph as a suitor as well?
Support, maybe say she's sounding out one of the princes?

Yeah Albert's cute and all but I don't want to give up on Elric. Threesome end where.
>You are surely of my Blood, much more than any of your brothers both alive and dead.

That's rough....
>Tell him she is Courting Albert, a powerful Merchant who potentially can become Doge.

We need to find someone for Bon.
Supporting, though we shouldn't give up on Solomon without meeting him first. He's a difficult route, but imagine what's to gain if we actually succeed.
>Maria shall tell him her idea of being Celebate to best become a religious figure.
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Maria pondered on her previous actions over the week. In the time she had, she had gone on what was essentially two dates with Albert and only started helping out Elric. In the end, she found Elric’s personality quite meh and the woman killer charm ineffective.

For Albert, well while the man does not have anything in the looks department he was easily the most competent. Maria felt his more meager demeanor was simply because he was not use to being with so many Nobles. From the time in the Pub, well he was starting to feel a little different in her opinion.

So with that Maria wrote:

Hello Father,

Thank you very much for the words of praise and encouragement. I miss you too, even as everything around me has been happening. I will never forget the warm hearth of a fire at home. As such, I will seek a good time to come home to see you again in person.

You ask about me finding a suitor, and I met someone quite interesting here. His name is Albert Giovana, a merchant whose family serves as the Current Steward for the Empire. He may seem meek, but under that I feel is an ambitious man who will rise to the top of his city and reassume the position of Steward. With his incoming power and wealth, well I feel he will bring MaKain to greater heights.

Of course, Father, if you have men you suggest please tell me. I am still open for choices in these times.

As such, Father, I ask that you prepare for War. The Merchants, who are the lifeblood of Kingdoms and Empires, will begin to trade with us if we expand. As our blood entails, I plan to use my claim on Holand with the help of the Tectonic Knights. With this, we will break out of the Mountains and gain fiscal power.

I pray that you stay in good Health, in the name of the Lord
- Maria Louisa Regnia

“Jimmy, I have a letter for you to deliver.” Maira handed the Mailbandit the item, “You are to make sure it arrives to my Father.”

“Alright Ma’am, I’ll put my trusted men and horses on it.” He announced before quickly making his way out. Honestly Maria wondered how the man snuck his way onto the Academy, but what should one expect of a Bandit.

“So…. do you have any plans for the coming week end Mistress?” Melody asked while sneaking her way towards Maria.
“Hmm, I do not think I do. Maybe I could make some though~” Maria said with a devilish thought in her mind.

>Grab Albert and force him to take Maria to Town
>Find the Lady Maria released upon the wider world. She’s probably already written a book at her speed.
>Go see the Gossip girls again, as Maria has not had a genuine talk with them in a while.
>Find the Lady Maria released upon the wider world. She’s probably already written a book at her speed.
It'd be good if we could sponsor her.
>>Grab Albert and force him to take Maria to Town
>Go see the Gossip girls again, as Maria has not had a genuine talk with them in a while.
>>Go see the Gossip girls again, as Maria has not had a genuine talk with them in a while.
>Send Melody to go check on Fien from the shadows
>Grab Albert and force him to take Maria to Town
>Grab Albert and force him to take Maria to Town
Changing to this: >>4343243
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It was a few hours into the morning, coming close to about lunch time when Maria walked upon the gardens of the Academy. All about the place were people having tea parties or simply hanging out, just the place Maria expected a trio of women.

They were all stationed at a rounded table, talking to themselves as Maria arrived and took a seat for herself.

“So have you heard, a new student is going to come to school soon.” Erica claimed with a devilish smile.

“Really, do we know where she is from?” Elizabeth said with sparkling eyes.

“Somewhere in the North. Somehow the Baron was able to convince some local religious authorities to let her in.” Tracy said with a sinister smile, “Rumor has it though their family is about to be bankrupt from changing the local inheritance law.”

Maria only let out a sigh as she finally had enough, “Well, is there anything else in the news. Has World Peace been achieved because of this girl’s arrival?”

The girls all looked at one another as Maria finally spoke a few words in a while.

“Yeah, its such old news the Servants are talking about it.” Tracy claimed.

“Off, I think I heard the birds chirping it.” Erica said with a shaking of the head.

Elizabeth however said nothing, as Maria guessed she was genuinely curious about the girl. She would not fault her, Chloe is indeed the Protagonist and thus the world tends to bend around her.

However surprisingly it was Elizabeth who asked the first question, “Miss Regnia, I was wondering if it was true. Did you fight a powerful warrior about a week ago in a spar?”

“That is indeed the case, why?” Maria asked with a raised brow.

“You actually fought the Iron man Maria?” Erica quickly asked with a small sense of fandom, “I heard he could take out three men with a single swing of his Halberd!”

“Yeah, supposedly he did that down south of here.” Tracy supplemented, “Rumor has it he’s been going to all the great jousts all around the world.”

“Hmm, quite interesting indeed.” Maria answered with her interest peaked.

>See if there is gossip about monsters
>Try to figure out if all this Heroine gossip
>On the topic of the Royal Succession
>Ask if there is any groups currently in a pissing match
>On the topic of the Royal Succession
>Try to figure out if all this Heroine gossip
>Ask if there is any groups currently in a pissing match
Let's hunt down the Iron Man.
>>On the topic of the Royal Succession
>Ask if there is any groups currently in a pissing match
>Try to figure out if all this Heroine gossip
>On the topic of the Royal Succession
“Do you know of any martial competitions coming about anytime soon?” Maria asked with ber brow raised.

“Martial Competitions?” All the girls looked one another in confusion, wondering what the hell Maria was talking about.

“Well, you know there is the King’s Bolt coming soon.” Elizabeth mentioned, “I think its in a month if I am not mistaken.”

“The King’s Bolt, you mean the biggest competition in a Ruler’s life!” Erica quickly said with her eyes widened, “Why did I not hear about this happening!?”

“Maybe its because you don’t have any men in your life Erica.” Tracy snipped with a devilish smirk about herself.

“Th-that has nothing to do with it, but every Lord of the Empire will be there.” Erica quickly stammered while growing red in the face, “Just imagine all the men there, why there might be a few fellows who have either already left or are coming into the academy.”

“Are you into that kind of thing Erica?” Maria asked, “Them being the younger ones.”

“P-pff! By the Lord no! But can you imagine the event would be perfect. All the men readying themselves to fight, the feats of power each of them are capable of. Oh by the Lord those muscles.” And like that Maria watched Erica began to drill quite unlady like in her opinion.

“Oh Erica please snap out of it, someone might see you.” Elizabeth pleaded her friend while Stacy simply gave a small laugh to herself.

Though as she laughed, Maria noticed a figure walking through the halls of the Academy. Soon she quited down, quickly exiting her seat to stealthfully make her way over to the fellow. He did not see her coming until she was right next to him.

“Hello there Albert.”

“Guh! Maria!” He panicked while shuffling a series of books he was carrying, “Please do not do that, I might have a heart attack.”

“Oh, does that run in the family?”

“Well, not exactly. Only those who stuff themselves too much of course.” Albert admitted with a scratching of his cheek.

“Then you have nothing to worry about, you are fit and able I am sure.”

>Find out and Join in where Albert is going
>Convince him to head out to town
>That was simply to say hi, and scare him
>Ask him what he's doing
Doesn't matter to me whether we join him or not.
>>Find out and Join in where Albert is going
>That was simply to say hi, and scare him
>Find out and Join in where Albert is going
>Find out and Join in where Albert is going
>>Find out and Join in where Albert is going
>Find out and Join in where Albert is going
>>Find out and Join in where Albert is going
>>Find out and Join in where Albert is going
>That was simply to say hi, and scare him
>Find out and Join in where Albert is going
>>Convince him to head out to town
“So, Maria began with a small smirk, “What is it that you are doing?”

“I was, uh, getting ready to head to town.”

“Oh, to do what?”

“Well, going to do some discussions with a potential seller to my family.” He answered with a small sigh.

“Really now, that sounds quite a bit interesting. Care if I come along?” Maria teased with a healthy smile about herself.

“Uh, I’m not too sure I can have you do that. This is a business decision for my family.” He answered with a more meek reply.

“If you are worried that I am unable to negotiate, I would have you know even the Prince said my tongue was a snakes.” Maria took a few steps forward before standing proud, “As a Merchant, you must know two heads are better than one.”

“I… alright.” He answered back while slouching his back, “But please let me take the lead on this.”

“Thats fine, it is your family’s business. Just think of me as a privately contracted negotiator.”

“Alright…” He reluctantly said, seemingly having no power against Maria. Though Maria would say that if the young man actually wanted it, well he would have easily gotten rid of her.

While they did travel to the city and to the Pub where the were last time, the mood was slightly different. Maria quickly noticed how the clothing Albert was wearing was different than his usual attire, such as him wearing more plain but colored clothing. Such a uniform, well Maria guessed it was a symbol of his family’s wealth in that they can afford such dyes.

Soon enough they went into the Pub, taking only a moment before Albert made a beeline for a table. It kinda perplexed Maria that no one was sitting there yet, but Albert seemed comfortable just sitting down there.

“If you want to buy something, you can.” He said with a sigh, “I am just a little bit early, so they will be here soon.”

“Is that so? Why would you make yourself wait?” Maria’s head a topped with a question mark, “Would it not show more power to be late to the meeting?”

“If I was late I would likely anger them.” He answered with a smile as the waitress arrived with four drinks, “I don’t like to lord my power over them, as if someone simply paid them more money I would lose their business.”

“Hmm, I should have known you would aim to be the more cooperative type.”

Upon those words Maria noticed a pair of men making their way into the room, talking to the Waitress for just a moment before noticing them. Soon the pair crossed the room towards the table they were at.

Maria could not help but smile, “Oh, it seems they had the same idea we had.”

“Indeed, I would have been outnumbered.” The Merchant admitted.

>Try and dominate the pair through Maria’s will, but take the risks with that.
>Hang back and let Albert take control, Maria will input herself later after a little bit of talking.
>Join in what will likely be a general exchange of words, simply being a persuasive voice
>Hang back and let Albert take control, Maria will input herself later after a little bit of talking.
>>Hang back and let Albert take control, Maria will input herself later after a little bit of talking.
I want to see how competent Albert is.
>Hang back and let Albert take control, Maria will input herself later after a little bit of talking.
>Hang back and let Albert take control, Maria will input herself later after a little bit of talking.
>>Hang back and let Albert take control, Maria will input herself later after a little bit of talking.
>Hang back and let Albert take control, Maria will input herself later after a little bit of talking.
>Hang back and let Albert take control, Maria will input herself later after a little bit of talking
“Hello hello, so you are one of Giovana’s sons.” One of the men claimed while quickly reaching over and shaking Albert’s hand, “And who is this, your lover by chance.”

“Oh, Maria here? She is a trusted confidant, but, uh, not my lover.” Albert answered with small small blush to himself, “Her name is Maria Louisa Regnia, or better known as the Kingslayer.”

“K-Kingslayer? I did not, uh,” There was a small curse under the man’s breath, “Expect someone of your prestige to be here.”

“Fufufu, I do not mind it. Though keep in mind that you are so close to the Academy that it would make less sense not to meet powerful people.”

“Indeed indeed, well my name is Al of Marzel, and this here is my son Wales.” He said while pating the back of an olderman just about his size, “Mr. Giovana, I assume my Son talked to you about our goods.”

“Indeed he has, you were wanting to sell my Father some Iron Flower Dye.” Albert said with a small smile about himself, “Have you by chance brought some with you?”

“Of course I have!” And from a satchel at the man’s waste came a small dagger and what looked to be a vial of blue liquid. He uncorked the bottle and let a small drop hit the blade, covering the metal with itself.

With that Maria watched Albert pick it up and wipe it with a small cloth. To Maria’s surprise, the liquid somehow dyed it.

For Albert he simply gave a calm nod while waving over the waitress, “Order what you want, it is on me. It seems the legends are true in that you found the elusive Iron Flower.”

“Like I would lie about something like this. It took me and my son here years to find it, and I am sure its worth its weight in Gold.” Al Championed with a smirk.

“It might, though if I got to be honest this seems to be purely cosmetic. Do you know how it affects the weapon?” Albert asked as a matter of fact, “If it weakens it, then its value drops as it might as well only be for looks.”

“Well, I can’t say. Never really had a chance to try it myself.” The man admitted with a sigh.

“Is that so, well then,” Albert runed to Marua with the weapon in hand, “Miss Maria, I know it is not for me to ask but may you test the weapon.”

Maria looked at Albert, who seemed to be finally in his element. Maria simply smiled and took the weapon, “Excuse me but can I get some meat, preferable a mutton or something?”

Upon her words it was not the waitress but who looked to have been the chef. In his hands was a rather large slice of meat, raw and uncooked. Since there was not much ceremony to it, Maria took her dagger and sliced into the mutton.
[Weapons Skill Success]

“I see no problem with the weapon, though it still feels slightly off. As if there are a thousand little needles on it.” Maria admitted with a small whim.

“So… is the weapon degrading?”

Looking closely and by Maria’s guess, it seems whatever corroded the blade and turned it blue does not seem to still be eating it. Though as she thought about it, such a weapon could be devastating to flesh. If used against that which is exposed, it would rend the muscles and likely cause more pain and suffering on the foes part.

>Mention that it might have more application, helping both parties grow in knowledge of the product and having mutual knowledge.
>Mention it to Albert later, as to inform him of its potential once they get a low price.
>Do not mention it as all, as Albert gets his price and is none the wiser to this little technicality.
>Mention it to Albert later, as to inform him of its potential once they get a low price.
>Mention it to Albert later, as to inform him of its potential once they get a low price.
Mercantilism ahoy
>Mention that it might have more application, helping both parties grow in knowledge of the product and having mutual knowledge.
>>Mention it to Albert later, as to inform him of its potential once they get a low price.
>>Mention it to Albert later, as to inform him of its potential once they get a low price.
>Mention it to Albert later, as to inform him of its potential once they get a low price.
If it's corrosion based we need to compare the general durability of an iron flower weapon compared to a regular one. But only after we purchase it.

Also I love the gag of everyone thinking she's Albert's gf. With Maria's rising fame people in Albert's circles might start talking...
>Mention it to Albert later, as to inform him of its potential once they get a low price.
Maria thought about it to herself a little bit more, “Hmm, though I cannot say anything about the durability as it must be tested more rigorously. That shall be my assessment.”

“Is that so…” The Al said with a small bit of gravel in his voice.

“Well, if that is the case we will simply give you the benefit of the doubt. How does that sound?” Albert responded with a warm smile about himself, “What is it that you desire for this product?”

“I want about 70 Golden Austin up front with payments of 10 Austin a Month.” The father claimed with a smirk, “That way I can get everything started and organized.”

“70 Austin is quite a bit of money, would you not agree? Maybe if we brought the payment down to somewhere like 30 Austin down and 12 a Month after?” Albert countered.

“We almost lost our lives for this!” Finally the son responded with a bit of impatience, “And you expect us to build up the operation from just that?”

“Hmm, well that would place yourselves as adventurers. Then I must ask, why would we not be able to simply buy your seed and rights to the plant itself?” Albert began to smile as he made the counter offer, “An adventurer would normally receive around 250 Austin for such a task.”

“Well, your problem there is that from what I heard of the Giovana you guys don’t have what it takes to grow it.” The old man countered, “This stuff literally needs to grow on icebergs. You will need us if you want to grow it later on.”

“Is that so…”

[Conversation/Economic Success]

From what Maria is catching here, is that the family before them is trying to keep a grip on the plant and grow the operation. The amount of money just asked is enough to hire a modest sized house, as well as the weekly payments makes it quite a troubling product.

In the end a large sum upfront would be best for Albert, but as of now it seems does not have enough territory to actually grow it. He could export it, but he will face the trouble of raising Captial once again. Theres also the risk of the product being stolen thus requiring either insurance or a military force, whoever carries it at the time.

All this of course ignores if these men later break off from Albert in the later years and sell it to the highest bidder.

>Realign the talk to the monthly payment, putting the risk on the family
>Suggest that MaKain could grow the product, thus aiming for the lump sum payment.
>Let them keep talking, as Maria is interested to see the end of this.
>>Suggest that MaKain could grow the product, thus aiming for the lump sum payment.
>Suggest that MaKain could grow the product, thus aiming for the lump sum payment.
>Suggest that MaKain could grow the product, thus aiming for the lump sum payment.
>Suggest that MaKain could grow the product, thus aiming for the lump sum payment.
If the corrosion thing is legit then people will be falling over themselves wanting to get their hands on the stuff - I can see the brothers being swayed by more money.

If we grow it on MaKain then we get the lump sum and a steady supply of it, which will be useful considering we're planning for war in the future. The lump sum we got from Elric can be put towards setting the operation up.

Also can one of our future bonding moments with Albert be economics tutoring because we're gonna need it.
>Suggest that MaKain could grow the product, thus aiming for the lump sum payment.
“Oh do not worry too much about that.” Maria answered with a sinister smile about herself, “I know of a perfect place in which they can grow.”

Albert looked to Maria in a small bit of confusion, if just for a moment, “Yes that is the case. Look Al, Wales, I know you two have taken quite the risk in getting this flower, that is why I am willing to sell it to you at 250 Austin, just as a normal Adventurer would receive.”

“No no, we arn’t even adventurers, and this flower was something my Father spent his entire life tracking.” Al answered before shaking his head, “At least give me 500 Austin for it.”

“Double the rate is lunacy, that’s a large enough amount to field armies you know.” Albert countered with a nice hint of annoyance, “I will pay 300 Golden Austin, but in exchange you are to give me all of your seed.”

The two family members seemed to be looking at each other for a moment. However before they could speak Albert continued, “Look, its a pretty good deal for the two of you. It’s plenty to buy up your land, and if thrifty enough you can even get yourself a Noble Title.”

“Alright, I guess thats good enough.” The man admitted, “So, when do I get my money?”

“Hmm, I am thinking in quarters. Since its such a large sum I would be forced to ration, so how about a third when we get the seed, and the two others will come after each harvest.”

“I… guess that is good enough.” He finally relented with a sigh, “Well then son, we’re going to be up to our waste in gold so I hope you are ready. I’ll be heading to the Bar, come on son.”

“Hell yeah!”

And with that the two peasants left Maria and Albert along, Albert simply sighing, “That… went better than I thought. But what do you mean I have property to grow it?” He quickly said turned to Maria.

“Well its mine of course.” Maria answered with a small smile while rubbing the edge of the knife on the table, “Simply put, I do not wish for this to be in the hands of peasant who might betray us.”

“What do you…” He stopped at the sight of the dagger slowly cutting into the wood, “Thats not normal.”

“Indeed it is not, as it seems the dye was more than just a cosmetic change. It gave our bladed weapon here a slight serrated property.” Maria looked over to Albert with a presence of a ruler, “I do not wish to face someone whose blade rends my flesh so that I cannot heal from it. Better in my hands than their who can be easily tricked or bribed.”

At first Albert looked at the Kingslayer with a small bit of contempt, as if he was betrayed by her. However by the end he seemed content, even a small bit worried upon looking at the knife, “Is it that dangerous?”

“Maybe. Honestly it's not the biggest change this world could have seen. I tried to make that but it seems it is impossible by the will of God.”


>Simply stay in the Pub to enjoy the atmosphere
>Head out into the greater town
>Head back to the Academy before it gets dark
>Simply stay in the Pub to enjoy the atmosphere
>Simply stay in the Pub to enjoy the atmosphere
>Head out into the greater town
>Simply stay in the Pub to enjoy the atmosphere
Drink to a deal that's gone in our favour.
>>Simply stay in the Pub to enjoy the atmosphere
>>Head out into the greater town
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96 KB
With their duties done for the time Maria and Albert simply stayed in their seats. There was nothing else for the two to really do, and since Albert more or less was a massive stake holder in the Pub there was no real reason to actually leave. Just as those men left the waitress came over to the two young adults; placing a glass of wine and a mug of ale between them.

Since it was in front of the girl Maria did not bother waiting as she took a sip of the wine, “This is quite good, if a little on the drier side than I expected.”

“Is it? Do you know what you ordered?” Albert asked as he studied the mug before him.

“I simply asked for wine, to get this quality though I should worry for your wallet.”

“Damn, they are going to send me into their debt.” He cried out with a small bit of misery.

“I would not worry about it too much, don’t you have them indebted to you as well?” Maria mussed with a smirk.

“Not really, unless you are counting their Accounts still owed to us.”

“Well let yourself loosen a small bit,” Maria announce while bringing her wineglass before Albert, “A first toast, one to our relationship.”

“You make it sound like we are lovers…” Albert joked while pulling at his collar.

“I guess you are right there, however you never know what the future holds for us.” Maria announced with a raising of her glass, “Come on, a toast to our ‘Business’ relationship. Maybe it be one that prospers, giving us untold wealth and prestige under the gaze of the Lord above.”

“Yeah, a toast it is.”

And with that their glasses clinked onto one another, the slight ringing held in the air for only a moment until both of them began their consumption of the drink.

And with that the two enjoyed a few hours talking amongst themselves. Maria learned about atleast five of Albert’s siblings while the young man learned of the cold mountains of MaKain. Honestly it was nothing too much, as they simply talked for the coming hours while the sun set itself over the horizon.

However, the Heroine shall appear by the daylight of Monday morning.

>Anything you want to do, in preparation for Chloe Loveheart's arrival?
Remember what we know about her and think of a way to get a good impression once we manage to talk to her. While we’re not really a villainess, we’re still her antagonist
Practice conversation, and try to remember who her romance options are.
>Practice conversation
Gotta grind

>Brainstorm all we know about the protagonist
Also practice conversation
From what happened the previous night Maria was now in a deep debate and thought on what the Heroine would be like. Honestly her memories of a life before have become muddled, only the singular thought of how much damage the girl would do to her resonating in her mind.

So Maria took her pen and began to write down everything she could possibly remember.

Maria Loveheart, the protagonist of a game called… Love Empire? The simple fact that she was forgetting such a simple name was already getting to Maria but she opted not to think about the issue too much.

Anyways, she was a lonely Baron’s girl who came to the Academy to learn how to be a ruler and find herself a husband on the side. However is was always her education that came first, as she was adamant about ascending to Nobility.

The game covered her first year in the school, in such a time she would pick her target and align herself with their cause. When it came to certain constants, she would always be seen as a pure maiden who was bullied by the villanese Maria. Several Noble Woman would join her as Maria spent more and more time with the capture target. By the end of the year, the route would finish with Chloe either marrying them if they were of the Third Year or receiving a Betrothal otherwise.

It only took a moment for Maria to realize something she had forgotten long ago dawning on her.

Of course in the game there had to be a reason for such a girl, who was only a peasent a month before the game offically started, was allowed her to marry a Prince of the Empire.

It was because she had performed a Miracle of Healing.

Yes, she was so Innocent and Diligent, exhibiting many of the Virtues that the Lord demands to see in man that she was gifted power. How each miracle came about, Maria could not remember, but she also knew it was never on herself. It would always be gifted to help her save the Love Interest's life.

Oh but how oh but how! Maria mulled in her mind trying to figure out something. Yes she was an exemplar of virtue, but here Maria was aiming to assume some of the Lord’s power and she was clearly not one.

“Uh, Mistress, are you alright?” Melody asked with her voice soft as a pillow.

“I… do not know. Tomorrow is a dreadful day Melody.” Maria answered back.

The Maid looked apon her mistress, who of course seemed much worse than ever had she seen, “Well, if you need anything just ask of me. I will do anything for you, as you have saved my life.”

>Confide in Melody Maria’s worry
>Simply dote the maid as one would a dog to Calm Maria down
>No, this is something Maria must deal with alone. If she does not, who knows what will happen...
>Simply dote the maid as one would a dog to Calm Maria down
>>Simply dote the maid as one would a dog to Calm Maria down
>Simply dote the maid as one would a dog to Calm Maria down
>Simply dote the maid as one would a dog to Calm Maria down
>Simply dote the maid as one would a dog to Calm Maria down
>Simply dote the maid as one would a dog to Calm Maria down
>Simply dote the maid as one would a dog to Calm Maria down
>>Simply dote the maid as one would a dog to Calm Maria down
>No, this is something Maria must deal with alone. If she does not, who knows what will happen...
>Simply dote the maid as one would a dog to Calm Maria down
Good girl
Maria could not help but get a smile on her face, “Oh thank you Melody!” She announced before grabbing her maid in an iron grip.

“Ah, M-Mistress- guh!” Melody could not resist as she was dragged down to Maria’s level.

Maria did not bother herself much, simply that she continued to hug her maid. It was only after a little bit that she finally stopped squirming in her arms, allowing herself to feel a little bit of comfort.

Soon enough though she had to release the girl, “Thank you Melody, that helped.”

Said person was red in the face even as Maria made her way to the bed, “Y-you’re welcome Mistress. Please don’t make it a habit, I do not want people to think bad of you for that.”

“Pff, if they were to look bad at me for that than I will simply ruin them.” Maria simply said while laying on the bed below her, “Good night Melody.”

“G-good night, Mistress.”

And with that the Sunday night went away, quickly ebbing away for the people within the Academy. As soon as the sun left them all it had come back, revealing a new day of trial and tribulations.

As for Maria, she could not help but spend the morning gravitating towards near the front of the Academy. Along with her was of course Elizabeth, Erica, and Stacy each of which were likely here for a similar reason to what Maria is there for.

“You know, are we taking too much interest in this girl?” Elizabeth asked with furrowed brows.

“What are you saying, this girl has been the talk for the entire week.” Erica said with a devilish response, “I for one shall see her first, as I want to see who can call themself one of our number.”

“I do not think she will be up to it.” Stacy answered back with a laugh, “Maybe we should just put her in her place, what do you say Maria? Uh, Maria?”

While she was filled with panic Maria was not scared much now. No she was ready, ready to meet the one who can for sure usurp her of her entire life. A Villain ready to face the Hero, Maria was already cool and daggers staring at the doors.

The others did not say anything at this, simply being intimidated by Maria’s will.

Soon the gates opened, arriving a singular girl carrying a large suitcase of stuff. From her style, you might not have mistaken her from a simple peasant living on the streets. Why there were plenty of patches all about it as if the gown she wore was repaired a great many times, and what she was carrying was clearly not even enough things to last her a week here.

However, she still arrived with a smile upon her face.

>Simply watch from afar for now, Maria does not need to trouble herself with the Heroine
>Go introduce herself, maybe even see if some Servants can help her
>Try and trip her up, as Maria’s already started her bullying. Might as well continue
>Go introduce herself, maybe even see if some Servants can help her
Take the bull by the horns. A daughter of MaKain does not run from the enemy.
>Try and trip her up, as Maria’s already started her bullying. Might as well continue
run bully exe
>Go introduce herself, maybe even see if some Servants can help her
>Go introduce herself, maybe even see if some Servants can help her
>Go introduce herself, maybe even see if some Servants can help her
>Go introduce herself, maybe even see if some Servants can help her
>moralfags trying not to be a villain Otome in a villain Otome quest.

So disappointed

>Try and trip her up, as Maria already started her bullying. Might as well continue.
That's just following the world's "script" though. Is there anything to gain in doubling down and "playing" the villain we're meant to be? The academy is small stuff, we've got bigger things to conquer and a king to make our wife.
>Go introduce herself, maybe even see if some Servants can help her
>>Try and trip her up, as Maria’s already started her bullying. Might as well continue
It's called Otome Gone Wrong. I think playing it straight was never intended.

>Simply watch from afar for now, Maria does not need to trouble herself with the Heroine
The Moral Choice

The Villains Choice

I am both sad and not very surprised. Those who are against her, well don't hold off just yet.
Welp quest is over. No ohohoho shinenigans from Maria from here on out.
>I am both sad
Bruh, even if everyone's plan was to fuck the otome, did you really think we'd be so obvious about it after becoming a web-weaver ?

I said don't worry.
You're cute when you pout QM
As Maria looked a the girl, at least just for a moment, a minor thought came through her mind. In the end being a poor sport about things would not come out great, and if the chances ever presented themself Maria would try and turn her to her own side. However, before anything like that could be done Maria crossed the street.

“So, you are the girl I have been hearing about all week.” Maria announced making her way to the Heroine, “Coming to the Academy in rags, Chloe Loveheart, you are the pinnacle of what it means to be a Peasant.”

“Oh, sorry about that.” She responded with her smile only slowly dampening, “Its all I really own though. If it offends you I am really really sorry.”

“If you ask to be forgiven than you learn to play the role better.” Maria announced while snapping her fingers at a pair of Servants, “Come on, she requires your assistance. I thought the Church paid you to serve us, not gossip about a member down on her luck.”

[Royal Demeanor Success]

With those words the Maids became animated, quickly running over and grabbing onto the suitcase that she was carrying. The girl herself seemed to be enamored by the sudden quickness and proficiency they performed with, but Maria expects none better from those employed by the Church.

“There,” Maria said with a devilish smile about herself, “You must learn the first lesson about being a Noble is that we are leaders of men. We lead them to battle, order them to tend the fields, and sometimes even rewards them for such services with Nobility. These are the gifts that God has bestowed upon us, know it and recite it.”

“Is that so…. I, uh, will try to learn.” Chloe answered back before something dawned on her, “Oh, I never heard your name miss. What was it?”

“Oh, I guess I forgot about that, did I,” Maria pronounced with a dangerous smile to herself, “My name is Maria Louisa Regnia, the Kingslayer of the Faithful.”

[Royal Demeanor, partial success]

All around the place people were murmuring at Maria’s introduction, such a show of prestige easily swaying them. However, only one person was not drawn in by Maria’s words.

“Kingslayer, uh, isn’t that a really brutal name for a girl.”


Maria was dumbfounded by the sight of the girl, who even now did not seem much different. There was a silence in the street as no one really expected someone to say that about the woman who was on par with the two Princes in rank of prestige now. Someone who up until now has committed more acts of Heroism in the school.

“Uh, Miss Maria, are you okay.” Then Chloe turned to the Maids, “You know, I will take that from you. I know its not proper as a Noble, but I would like to carry it myself.”

>Sucker punch the Heroine.
>Simply click her tongue at the Heroine, for she shall learn her lesson later.
>Get her attention, and make sure she knows what not to do.

What, you thought it was gonna be that easy to befriend the Heroine?
>Get her attention, and make sure she knows what not to do.
>Get her attention, and make sure she knows what not to do.
It's not about being friends, it's about establishing a rapport.
>What, you thought it was gonna be that easy to befriend the Heroine?
Not really, but I thought this introduction could go smooth and we’d find the problems later when progressing
>Get her attention, and make sure she knows what not to do.
“My my, it seems you have much more to learn than I expected”
>Get her attention, and make sure she knows what not to do.
>>Sucker punch the Heroine.
>Sucker punch the Heroine
A bit random but we can't let her talk back at us.
>a bit random
A bully's gotta bully
>A bully's gotta bully
Not going for the superior shadow assassin route
>Not going for the superior shadow assassin route
Implying she won't have layers of plot armor to protect her from death.
>Implying she won't have layers of plot armor to protect her from death.
and also se propably has the favor from our lord above, that's why we gotta be stealth to either steal her spotlight or go the Bakarina route
>Sucker punch the heroine.
>YOU really have a LOT to learn.
If we going to do this. She must be under OUR wing. We gonna teach her how to. E a proper lady and not get a chance to fly herself freely in this bird cage called the academy.
don't you think punching her will make it difficult to get her to go with us and possibly fuck our reputation as a madwoman ?
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>Get her attention, and make sure she knows what not to do.

Resorting to direct violence will only weaken our reputation.
We are above that.

The real question is why can't a girl be brutal? One can be pretty and cruel. Physically strong and yet mentally weak. A brutal name comes from a brutal past. Names such as that are earned.

Additionally, carrying your own luggage is more than 'not inconveniencing' some workers. To take some words from another isekai: 'he who does no work shall not eat'. Do not abuse the workers, but there is pride in doing good work.

So really the questions should be "why do you think I have that name" and push whether brutality is truly at odds with good/bad
"why do you want to carry your own luggage" and the issue of workers who are seen as beyond necessary.
>Get her attention, and make sure she knows what not to do.

I don't care about those hoes and tricks. I want to kill infidels and organize crusade get a dragon as a mount.

Also It always pains when we don't include Daughter of a Dragon in our title.
>>Get her attention, and make sure she knows what not to do.
This girl... really has cloth for ears, doesn't she.
>Get her attention, and make sure she knows what not to do.
>Sucker punch the Heroine.
>Get her attention, and make sure she knows what not to do.
God she's giving me high key ouran host club haruhi vibes.
Sucker Punch

A Warning

It was a close one, but cooler head prevail.
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Watching as the girl quickly got a hand on her clothing was something that finally snapped Maria out of her funk. Such was the power of the Heroine, that she was easily able to defuse a situation that would have clearly to Maria’s advantage. However it was to be expected of the Heroine, and so Maria finally recovered with only a small wound on her pride.

“Chloe Loveheart.” She announced with a hint of anger swelling up in Maria’s chest. As expected of a normal human, said girl quickly turned around, “What you have just said, and done, are both quite disrespectful to me. Do you realize that?”

“Oh, uh was it?” She asked with a growing frown, “Uh, then sorry?”

“Tsk, sorry will not help it. You have much to learn, as mocking my very name with a simple statement is the worst you can do.” Maria started to walk towards the Heroine with fire in her belly, “Do you understand why a girl would have such a brutal title as you called it?”

“Uh, n-no not really.” She meekly answered as Maria’s anger was already reaching a boiling point.

“I have killed two men to get it, Emperors of our arch enemy in the east. One man I killed in battle with what was the will of God, and the other I killed so I could escape the prison he placed me in.” Maria answered with her honest feelings quaking, “Simply put, such a brutal title does not give it justice, as both men were akin to Demi-Gods on earth. So, do you understand now insulting such a title is disrespectful?”

“Uh y-yeah I do.”

And like that Maria started to back away with satisfaction, “And another thing, remember what I said about Nobles being leaders. Those Servants are compensated for their jobs by the Church. A simple lesson, try and do everything yourself and you might die from everything crashing down upon you.”

With those words done Maria turned around, “You have much to learn Loveheart, understand that.” And with those words Maria left.

The morning classes soon came and went, and Maria was not bothered by Chloe’s existence. However the anger that she felt then was still not satisfied, surely such an amount required her to take it out on something. However going straight to the Guard Barracks to practice with Victor was not within the realm of possibility.

Oh she needed to do something though.

>Try and find Melody, maybe treat the maid to some lunch.
>Go see Albert to see what the man is up to.
>Simply take a walk around the courtyard.
>Go talk to the Headmaster, if nothing else than to have a new voice to talk to *Faith*
>Go talk to the Headmaster, if nothing else than to have a new voice to talk to *Faith*
>Go talk to the Headmaster, if nothing else than to have a new voice to talk to *Faith*
Also nice pic
>Simply take a walk around the courtyard.
>Try and find Melody, maybe treat the maid to some lunch.
>Try and find Melody, maybe treat the maid to some lunch.
>Simply take a walk around the courtyard
>>Try and find Melody, maybe treat the maid to some lunch.
>Simply take a walk around the courtyard.
>Go talk to the Headmaster, if nothing else than to have a new voice to talk to *Faith*
>Simply take a walk around the courtyard
>Simply take a walk around the courtyard.
>Go talk to the Headmaster, if nothing else than to have a new voice to talk to *Faith*
>Go talk to the Headmaster, if nothing else than to have a new voice to talk to *Faith*
>Simply take a walk around the courtyard.
Courtland Walk

Maid Time!

Father of Father

A walk through the courtyard wins by one, tight race though.
“Have you heard, the new girl snubbed the Regnia.”

“Such disrespect that Loveheart showed, she is a blight against us all.”

“That Chloe was such a cute girl, that Maria girl was the devil there for a moment.”

“Such a dumb girl, cannot understand what Servants are even for!”

“Those two are opposites, things might get entertaining.”

These and more were the words Maria heard while simply making a stroll through the courtyard followed by the garden. Such spots of course were prime for listening in on people, though this time around Maria wished she could ignore them. Such a large uproar people were causing, and Maria admittedly made quite the scene out of it.

Such a nice blue sky was a waste on such a painful day.

As she walked into the garden she caught a small blotch of ruined cloth in the corner of her view. It was enough to make Maria click her tongue, such was her disgust with the girl who was too stupid for her own good.

As she walked though there was the most precarious sight, someone who which Maria would never had expected to see in her time of walking through the entire school.

Prince Lucien, who was picking up a small piece of cloth from off the ground.

“Who was that girl…” He whispered into the air as if enchanted by the very sight. If Maria was not mistaken though, this was likely the most lifelike she had ever seen the man.

“F-fuck” Was about all Maria could say as memories started to flood in. It seemed what was before her was the first scene when the Heroine meets the Prince, as she-

“Hmm? Maira?” the Prince said still looking star struck.

“Yes, what do you want Prince Lucien.” Maria came close to growling just with those words.

“Did you see her, that girl?”

“I did.” Maria barked before shaking her head, “By the Lord, I hope you have not become a Lunatic just by seeing her.”

“A Lunatic?” The man asked while finally turning towards Maria, “I do not know what you mean.”

“Tsk, just ignore it.” Maria offhandedly said before walking away.

“Do you know her name?” Maria turned around to see the man with wide eyes looking at her, “Do you know her name?”

>Give it, fuck it
>Give a fake one, just to fuck with them.
>Say nothing to the Prince, Maria is not in the mood.
>Say nothing to the Prince, Maria is not in the mood.
Ain't giving nothing to a bitch-made busta
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I finally figured out who Lucien would be, and I hate myself for not figuring it out sooner.
>Say nothing to the Prince, Maria is not in the mood.
>Say nothing to the Prince, Maria is not in the mood.
>Give a fake one, just to fuck with them.
>Give it, fuck it
A man that determined is going to find out anyway, might as well score a few brownie points with him this way.
Still feels wrong to.
We're not on his route but that's no reason not to get those friendship points. He's still the future emperor and fostering a good relationship with him might serve us well in the future.

Plus everyone knows we met with Chloe at the gates - if it comes out that we're messing around here then the whole school will think we're a petty bitch (I mean, we *are* but that's not something we want to air to the masses).
>>Give a fake one, just to fuck with them.
>>Give it, fuck it
>Give it, fuck it
>Give it, fuck it, but mess around with it.
Add a different fake title (in Japanese, I assume we're not speaking Japanese in this world) every time we refer to her.
>Chloe "the fool" Loveheart
>Give it, fuck it, but mess around with it
>Give it, fuck it

Why are we trying to encroach on the Otome's territory anyway?
Let's just become a saintess and start conquering already.
>Give it, fuck it, but mess around with it.
>Say nothing to the Prince, Maria is not in the mood.
>Give it, fuck it

This anon is right. Lucien is impossible for us because of the hidden Innocence stat requirement for his route.
>Give it, fuck it, but mess around with it
Fuck it


Alright, fuck it.
“Her’s?” Maria simply gave a sigh with a curse in her throat, “Chloe Budala Loveheart.”

“Hmm, so that’s it. I will remember it then.” Maria soon watched as the Prince simply settled with a slight, entertained grin, “Thank you, Regina. Hmm, actually it has been a while.”

Those words caused Maria to stop in her pacing, “Yes, it has. My apologies if you have seen it as rude.”

“I do not, it was odd.” Lucien remarked with his lethargy slowly coming back, “At the same time you disappeared, Ford had increased the security around me.”

“Hmph, then he is not doing a very good job now is he.” Maria remarked with a laugh, “If you are thinking I was scared off by that boy, you are sorely mistaken Lucien. Simply put, I realized we do not have much reason to talk besides a mutual relationship with my brother.”

“That would make sense. Alright, my apologies. If you do see Chloe again, please send her towards me. I need to return something of hers.” And with that the Prince began to make his way out of the Gardens, leaving Maria alone with only the shining sun as company.

“Tsk, why do I even bother.” Maria admitted while continuing down the path.

Soon enough Maria went to class, the first one about military quickly moving along. It was only to Maria’s benefit that she did not notice any sight of Chloe, and as such she was finally starting to calm down a good bit.

Classes quickly changed to that of Religious studies. When it came to this class in particular, it was more learning the mutual language of the Lord above and the Church than anything else. They would read stories written in it, analyze the reason said person either suffered their fate or succeeded where others failed.

Though as Maria sat down in her desk she noticed someone familiar coming into the room, “Albert?”

“Hmm, oh Maria!” he sounded with surprise while quickly making his way to her, “We shared this class?”

“Well, it is such a large room and we are only two people. Honestly it would have been more than likely we shared it since we are in the same year together.” Maria simply gave a sigh, “I seemed to have forgotten that was a possibility.”

“Really, well, alright.” He answered with a shrug before sitting himself down next to her, “Oh, uh, do you mind if I sit here?”

“Go ahead, I do not mind.” She answered with a shaking of her head.

“Uh, are you doing alright?”

“Not really, surely you heard of what happened earlier today?”

“What happened?” Maria looked over to see him looking back with curiosity. Of course Maria should have realised it, that out of all the people she knew Albert was one of the few who did not partake in recent Academy Gossip. Maybe he enjoys the gossip about commodities and wars than Noble politics.

>Lay into him Maria’s pain of the morning.
>Simply have a normal conversation with him, *Topics?*
>Simply watch the lesson and enjoy being somewhere Chloe is not.
>Lay into him Maria’s pain of the morning.
>Lay into him Maria’s pain of the morning.
>Lay into him Maria’s pain of the morning.
“Can you believe this ? A “noble” who acts like a mere peasant”
>Lay into him Maria’s pain of the morning.
>Lay into him Maria’s pain of the morning.
>Lay into him Maria’s pain of the morning.

Use that to get closer to him and rest our head on his shoulder
>Simply watch the lesson and enjoy being somewhere Chloe is not.
“You ask what happened to me?” Maria more or less cried out with a sigh, “Well I was humiliated at the front gate today, by some Noble girl who acts like a mere peasant!”

“Really? How the hell did she do that?” Albert of course was surprised as hell to Maria’s words.

“I thought I would be nice to her, teach her how us Nobles are suppose to be leaders. That Servants are people who we fucking pay to do thier jobs.” Maria bashed her head into the table, “And yet she takes her stuff back from the Servants just because she could!”

“That seems, well, a bit minor Maria.” Albert admitted with a nice hint of hesitation, “I would find it hard if that was the only thing she did to anger you.”

“She called my title brutal.”

“Hmm? What was that Maria?”

“She called me and my entire life brutal while acting like it was nothing of note.” Maria lamented, “She made it sound like I made it all up. That my achievements were equal to a child making up stories.”

“That… well that would be humiliating. Maybe if you two talk again she will give you an apology, you know, maybe once she learns more about how Nobles work.” Albert tapped the table with a small chuckle, “I’ll admit it’s still quite hard myself.”

“Well she will apologize, I will give her that.” Maria admitted while recalling her character from the game, “Though she will never learn what actually was wrong with her statements. The Budala will stay ignorant of the world as everything curves to better serve her.”

“You make it sound like she is equal to the Lord.”

“I wish that was a wrong statement, in which I could call out for it being heretical. But… guh.”

“Well, try and hang in there. I’m pretty sure a simple Girl who I guess just turned Noble can ruin you that easily.”

And with those words the class finally started back up. Yes Maria was trying her best to pay attention, but in her time here she was for sure going to scheme. If Maria was lucky, maybe she could push the girl off the railing and onto the grown below. Actually one better, if she had a balcony Maria could destroy the supports and watch her fall to death.

Tsk, chances are though she will survive with only minor wounds while falling into someone’s arms.

>Hang out with Albert after class.
>Go see Victor so Maria can beat her frustration on something.
>Go see Bon, her beloved but slightly idiotic brother.
>Wonder about once again
>Other schemes
>Go see Bon, her beloved but slightly idiotic brother.
Teach him stranger danger
So I searched it and it appears to be serbo-croatian/turkish for idiot, neat
>Go see Bon, her beloved but slightly idiotic brother.
>Go see Bon, her beloved but slightly idiotic brother.
Has Chloe made contact with Lucien yet?
>Go see Bon, her beloved but slightly idiotic brother.
>>Go see Bon, her beloved but slightly idiotic brother.
>Go see the Headmaster.
>Go see Bon, her beloved but slightly idiotic brother.
>Go see Victor so Maria can beat her frustration on something.
>>Go see Bon, her beloved but slightly idiotic brother
>Go see Bon, her beloved but slightly idiotic brother.
It is time we have the talk about girls and stranger danger before its too late.
Going to see Bon it is!
The class soon came to an end, Maria slowly rising from her seat with a small ounce of worry, “Sorry Albert, but I need to go see my brother. I’m a little worried about what might happen if I do not.”

“Why would you be worried, isn’t he one of the men who helps the First Prince?”

“That would exactly be the reason. I need to make sure he does not fall for petty girls.”

With those words Maria went out into the halls, leaving behind a slightly bewildered Albert behind her. The man questioning just a little on just what this girl has done to his friend, or better yet, why does she hate who must have been such a simple girl. He was simply missing a piece of the puzzle.

For the now however that did not matter, and Maria had crossed through the halls and the garden. For some weird reason the weather was somehow getting even brighter and blinding with every step that Maria took. Was this simply the fact that the one who this entire world was built for, finally arrived!?

However Maria was snapped out of her little lul by the sounds of running footsteps nearby. Normally people would not be running about all stupidly, as things were atleast calmer here in the Academy. Nothing was truly due at a specific time unless you were a servant who did not wake with the morning sun.

What made it weirder was it was the same direction as to where the First Prince would normally hang out.

[Athletics Failure]

So Maria quickened her own steps, fully knowing that she was not going to beat the person out dressed like she was. Though she was good with a weapon, she was not able to reach the realms of peak human muscle. Honestly there was no reason for that, since she would either really on her troops or raw skill for it.

Before she could see what it was, the footsteps quickly ended with a loud thud against a meaty wall. Somehow Maria already knew what was happening, and her heart sank as she finally got close enough to hear the words.

“Oh, sorry there. Didn’t see you since there was a wall there.”

“Oh, thats alright. Hey, uh, have you by chance seen a bird anywhere?”

“A bird? Well I guess it was weird, but I saw a golden one run by me.”

Right with those words, Maria looked around the corner and saw the two persons who were talking. Just as her dreadful gut told her, one of them was Chloe Loveheart and the other was her own brother.

Maria could only click her tongue as she tried to think on what to do next.

>Confront the two, try to get Chloe away from Bon.
>Stalk the two of them as if something worrisome happened, Maria would just seek to disinherit Bon.
>Actually, go up and talk to them. Maybe Maria can get a better impression of the girl in a setting with her brother.
>Actually, go up and talk to them. Maybe Maria can get a better impression of the girl in a setting with her brother.
“Hi dear brother and, oh my, if it isn’t the new girl”
>Stalk the two of them as if something worrisome happened, Maria would just seek to disinherit Bon.
>Confront the two, try to get Chloe away from Bon.
>Actually, go up and talk to them. Maybe Maria can get a better impression of the girl in a setting with her brother.
>Stalk the two of them as if something worrisome happened, Maria would just seek to disinherit Bon.
>Confront the two, try to get Chloe away from Bon.
Wow even our brother who was supposed to be dead in the original is being targeted by her. My worst fears with the otome are coming true.

>Actually, go up and talk to them. Maybe Maria can get a better impression of the girl in a setting with her brother.

Worst case scenario Bon is getting disinherited.
>Wow even our brother who was supposed to be dead in the original is being targeted by her. My worst fears with the otome are coming true.
While I think she’s going to focus on the prince, is kinda sad seeing that everyone and even our brother who wasn’t supposed to interact with her is falling for her charms. It seems we need to pull a Charlemagne on Lucien with Eric
>Actually, go up and talk to them. Maybe Maria can get a better impression of the girl in a setting with her brother.
>Stalk the two of them as if something worrisome happened, Maria would just seek to disinherit Bon.
I think he qualified as a capture target due to being related to Maria the villainess. As a way for the otome to counter her. Otherwise, it doesn't make any sense considering his lack of status making him a worthwhile capture target(as in he should have been background character fodder material even he was literally killed off in the original as backstory material after all). In terms of Otome strategy, it gives her the option to specifically fuck over Maria by turning her own family against her. Something to keep in mind that this installment of the villainess is much more formidable than the original. As at this point she only has one major weakness which is her brother Bon. I was hoping that Maria's disinterest in many of the capture targets would allow us to avoid excessive conflicts with the Otome but apparently that isn't going to work now. Not when the Otome has a weakness to exploit in a new capture target that she can charm in order to specifically fuck over Maria.

The only thing I am really grateful for is Maria's Kingslayer makes it so turning Royals against us isn't a very good idea anymore unlike in the original. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Lucien's bodyguard buddy specifically tries to warn the Otome against that because he knows Maria will damn kill more royals if she has to. Along with our Saint candidate status with the Church and slaying two demigod enemies. Makes it so the Otome's options to deal with villainess far slimmer pickings. Too bad this was made up for in having Maria's brother to seduce instead. Which given her plot armor is obviously an avenue she will exploit in order to deal with Maria.

Another thing to watch out for is if the Otome goes after Maria in terms of rival saintess in order to prove herself the superior 'pure' and 'good' option over Maria's far darker and more vicious alternative. Her rivalry with Maria is no longer limited over just capture targets alone but also their status within the church. Currently, Maria has the lead because of the blood on her hands. Which the Otome has already shown to not care about at all. This may even extend into Maria's warmongering plans as the Otome is obviously going to be against war and the costs involved in order to show how good she is.
Yup, along our advantages we’re not a stupid bully like the original villainess so we have another advantage since it’s more of a cold war between us
Simply Talk to her


Little sad stalking didn't make it, but oh well. Talking ho!
It was tempting to stalk the two of them, or even run up to try and shake Chloe off her own brother. However when things come down to it, that was both unprofessional and doing what the previous Villainess would have. No Maria needed to play her cards differently, as it was obvious things would turn out the same if she used the same tactic as her predecessor.

With the thought in mind Maria crossed the hall towards the two.

“Hmm?” It only took a moment for Bon to notice, “Oh Sister, didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Sister?” The girl’s eyes widened only for a moment, “Oh, Miss Regnia, I didn’t know you were nearby.”

Maria flushed her hair a tad, “Well, I heard someone running down the hallway and thought it was weird. So I saw no reason not to investigate it.”

“Oh that was me, sorry about that.” She answered with a small flush of the face, “Its just that Tulip has been so fidgety ever since we arrived at the Academy. Why only a moment ago she kicked up a flutter and raced this way.”

“Really, maybe it heard Maria’s footsteps and ran as fast as it could. Guh!”

“Stop that Brother, I do not need your teasing here.” Maria called out as she retracted her elbow from the man’s stomach, “It is simply because I did not spend much time with the Horses, you know, on account of my Imprisonment.”

“S-sorry Maria, I know it was low hanging fruit.” He answered while still holding his stomach.

“Good that you shall learn that, now come on up I did not hit you that hard.”

“You got me,” Bon simply shook his head before getting himself upright, “Though since you are here Maria, you want to help us look for her bird?”

Chloe looked a little surprised at word while Maria could only growl a little, “Hmm, I do not think she has asked for your help, Bon. Are you sure you want to do that.”

Oblivious to the tone Maria was speaking the man continued, “Well, I can’t just let her roam alone since I’m pretty sure she’s the new student here. Also, who knows what chaos the bird could do so close to our study.”

>Go on ahead and help them find this… bird.
>Bring Bon aside and explain the lesson in not helping random people.
>Go on without Maria, she has already written Bon off as a casualty of the Heroine.
>Go on ahead and help them find this… bird.
Time for the bakarina route
>Go on ahead and help them find this… bird.
>Bring Bon aside and explain the lesson in not helping random people.
Fuck bro don't make us disown you. I actually like your character especially compared to some of the other capture targets...oh damn Otome may have better taste then expected.
>>Bring Bon aside and explain the lesson in not helping random people.
>Go on ahead and help them find this… bird.
>Go on ahead and help them find this… bird.
>Bring Bon aside and explain the lesson in not helping random people.
>>Bring Bon aside and explain the lesson in not helping random people.
>Go on ahead and help them find this… bird.
>Go on ahead and help them find this… bird.
>Bring Bon aside and explain the lesson in not helping random people.
Stranger danger! Bad Bon!
>Bring Bon aside and explain the lesson in not helping random people.

Fuck me bro, don't make yourself be disowned by some peasant.
Help her

Lecture Bon

Lecturing Bon, barely.
Actually it’s a tie, you forgot this one

QM decisions, we are lecturing Bon.
“Bon, come over there really quick.” Maria said while dragging the man out into the outdoors, “You cannot just go helping random people, even if they do not ask for it.”

“Really, I mean she does not seem like a very bad person though.”

“No she is not,” Maria admitted with a sigh, “Though she is also a dangerous to you, myself, and our Duchy as a whole.”

“She’s an enemy of MaKain?!” Bon’s look of surpise would have been comical if it were not for the situation they were all in, “I mean, she’s basically in rags right now. I only knew she was a Noble because she’s the talk of the Academy right now.”

“Tsk, then you already know what happened between us?”

“So that part was true? I… is she that ignorant?”

“Indeed that is the case Brother. That girl is the perfect example of someone who has had no troubles in her life, growing up on the temperate ocean border of the empire as a peasant.” Maria could slowly feel her blood began to boil, “Such a place has never seen war since the Age of Vikings. She does not know the pain we both went through, that is what she disgraced upon shunting my name.”

The look Bon was giving Maria was a pained one, obvious that Maria’s words were forming quite the thought in his mind. While he never saw the War personally, Bon lost both his brothers and Maria herself during that time. Yeah she might not have known everyone that well, and had a mountain share of her own problems, but in the end she still mourned for them. It must be even worse for Bon, who lived with their disabled Father during those years.

Years where The Dragon could not take revenge, lest the enemy kill his only daughter.

“I think I understand now.” Bon answered with a long heart deflating sigh, “If this girl did truly shame you Maria, I will not help her until she apologies to you properly.”

“Thank you… Bon.” Maria answered while giving the young man a hug full of her heart.

With those words the two of them walked back to a still smiling Chloe. Honestly Maria wondered if she would ever stop smiling like that, since it was starting to grain on her nerves. Seriously, this person seemed to always have an air about her that just radiated happiness.

However such radiation was ineffective against a now melancholic heart of Bon, “Sorry Chloe, I will not be helping you right now. You embarrassed my Sister, so I will not give you support.”

Chloe was for a moment silent at the sudden tone that Bon took with her, “A-alright. It is the thought that counts right. Uh, good bye then!”

With that the Budala left them, much to Maria’s enjoyment. Though honestly at this rate Maria’s mind was being worn by just how much damage Chloe did in just a day.

>Stalk her to see what other troubles she will get into.
>Head out and do something with Bon, since they are here right now.
>Go visit the Gossip Girls
>Check in on what Melody is up too, since Maria needs some cuteness in her life.
>>Check in on what Melody is up too, since Maria needs some cuteness in her life.
>Check in on what Melody is up too, since Maria needs some cuteness in her life.
>Head out and do something with Bon, since they are here right now.
>Head out and do something with Bon, since they are here right now.
>Head out and do something with Bon, since they are here right now.
>Head out and do something with Bon, since they are here right now.
>Check in on what Melody is up too, since Maria needs some cuteness in her life.
>Head out and do something with Bon, since they are here right now.
>Head out and do something with Bon, since they are here right now.
>Head out and do something with Bon, since they are here right now.
>Head out and do something with Bon, since they are here right now.
>Head out and do something with Bon, since they are here right now.
Oops, sorry guys lose track of time so late Update

Its overwhelmingly hang out with Bon it looks like
“You know Bon, you up for a little bit of training? I just need to hit something right now.” Maria asked with letting out a long held sigh.

“So you want to use me, your brother?” Bon retorted with a more depressed feeling about himself.

Maria simply shook her head, “I’m not going to maim you or anything.”

“I know I know.” He laughed while sighing himself, “lets make our way over there shall we.”

So they traveled, Maria and Bon easily making their way through the halls and courtyard as they did. As it was close to after class, such places were filled with quite a few people. However once they began to ebb away from the centers of the Academy, the amount of people dropped by quite a bit. Those that were around them however began to grow into the guards and servants.

Soon enough they arrived at the training area Maria was at only a couple of weeks ago. While the Arena was used by those in the Knightly Societies that plague the school, this one was mainly used by the Guards of the place. Probably because of what Victor told them at one point, but none of the men even batted an eye as Maria drew out a pair of wooden training swords.

“Alright, here you go!” Maria said while tossing Bon one of them, “Lets take it easy for the start, what do you think?”

“Sure, that will be fine. Though what I got from Ford is that you’re easy might be my hard.” Bon answered with a smile while preparing a defence.

“Then I will treat you like a baby.” Maria answered before engaging her bloodkin.

As the weapons bared were made of wood, the sounds of their clashing were minimal at best. The best comparison would be practitioners of Kendo, in that the place was filled with a series of shard snaps instead of the lovely ringing of metal.

They were indeed taking it easy on one another, easily making it more tame than if they were to sword play as children or battle as adults. For Maria it was simply a calming moment, since she finally had something else to think about other than Chloe, and of course Bon was just enjoying it because thats who he is.

It was about an hour later when they finally stopped, both with smile upon their faces.

>Talk to Bon about finding him a girl.
>Simply just talk about nothing of value.
>See what he has been doing for the past few weeks.
>See what he has been doing for the past few weeks.
>See what he has been doing for the past few weeks.
>See what he has been doing for the past few weeks.
>Tease about finding him a girl.

If we going to make this happen, it should be under our watch.
>Talk to Bon about finding him a girl.
If CK has taught me anything is always have a back up plan for the heir. A spare, if you will.
>See what he has been doing for the past few weeks.

>Talk to Bon about finding him a girl.
>Talk to Bon about finding him a girl.
>See what he has been doing for the past few weeks.
>Talk to Bon about finding him a girl.
>See what he has been doing for the past few weeks
“See, it was not that bad brother.” Maria called out while setting the sword back in its resting place, “I did not bruise you that badly.”

“Yeah you didn’t, but it was obvious I was outclassed. How in the world did you even get that good?” Bon asked with a small pout.

“Hmm, I took every opportunity I could when it came to it I guess.” Maria answered truthfully, “Ever since that battle, I saw great reason to train myself to be the best.”

“Yeah that would do it.” Bon admitted with a small bit of lethargy to himself.

“Well what have you been up to over the past few weeks? Since it was not training with a sword, I would assume it was something equally as important.” Maria leaned on the guard railing with a slim smile.

“Not too much.” He answered with a shaking of his head, “Just been working with Waltz to help advertise the Prince.”

“Advertise the Prince? Has he been losing support recently?”

Bon gave a steady nod, “Some of the Elector Counts are not liking his demeanor, believing that his Brother will at least do something about the Realm at large.”

“Yeah, something like that would happen.” Maria admitted with a sigh.

Bon simply gave a shrug of the shoulders, “I do not mind too much, though I heard from Waltz that you have been with the Second Prince a good bit.”

“Do you not want me to?”

“Honestly, Sister, I do not see a reason for you not too. You know more about navigating the Politics than I do, so do what you think is right.”

“What I think is right, eh?” Maria mussed with a small smile, “Then here soon, you need to find someone to go to the Ball with.”

“W-what!?” His eyes sudden shot up with surprise.

“What, you don’t think Father and myself have been worried about your love life? You are nearing the age when you should have already gotten a wife. Let me guess, you do not have anyone in mind yet?”

“I… do not.”

“Well that simply confirmed my suspicions. Now what to do about it…”

>Let him go on his own, just planting the idea should be good enough.
>Try and hook him up with one of Maria’s Friends. Elizabeth would probably suit him the best.
>Try and hook him up with the Heroine, maybe as a peace offering to the girl
>>Try and hook him up with one of Maria’s Friends. Elizabeth would probably suit him the best.
I don't have much faith in him getting a good girl by himself.
>Let him go on his own, just planting the idea should be good enough.
>Try and hook him up with one of Maria’s Friends. Elizabeth would probably suit him the best.
>Try and hook him up with the Heroine, maybe as a peace offering to the girl
>Let him go on his own, just planting the idea should be good enough.
There's helpful and then there's emasculating. Also no pimping our friends until we have their worth.
>Let him go on his own, just planting the idea should be good enough.
>Let him go on his own, just planting the idea should be good enough.
hook Up

Let Go
“Well, at least you know now.” Maria said with a soft smile adorning her face, “I am sure you can find someone to which you can love back.”

“Well I will try, Sis.” Bon answered with his own smile, “Why don;t we make our way back, its getting a little bit late.”

“Indeed it is.”

And with that they soon made their way through the once crowded courtyard into a much more calm place. Such is to be expected as the sun was just now about ready to come down from the sky above. Since it was getting closer and closer to winter, Maria’s daylight was starting to be lost by a wide margin.

Soon the two of them broke apart, Bon needing to get some things from the Prince’s quarters. For Maria, well she was surely not in the mood to see the lovestruck prince. Surely when Bon goes there, he will see what kind of condition Chloe left the man in and realise Maria’s words of warning.

As she walked through the halls however she noticed someone slowly making his way through the halls. It was a face belonging to an modest asshole that she knew, so Maria decided to make her way towards the man.

“Matheo, it has been a week am I right?”

“Guh!” the man turned around before making a sour face, “Well that was a little bit rude of you.”

“So what, surely you would have done the same to me.”

“Tsk, your right.” The man admitted with a sigh.

“So what have you been snooping around for anyways?” Maria asked with a raised brow, “Are you interested in Chloe as well?”

“Damn, you got that right there.” He answered with a sigh, “I’ve just been hearing about her all day, and how she humiliated you.”


“So it was that bad.” Matheo laughed.

“She was simply so much of an idiot that I did not expect it.” Maria recited, “Though why are you looking for her?”

“Can’t a guy just be curious.” He answered before finally caving in, “Alright, alright, I’m just curious about her. For a no name girl she seems to get a lot more talk than she should have.”

>Try and find out what Matheo learned of her
>Ask what he would do if she gets close to the Second Prince
>SImply wave him goodbye
>Try and find out what Matheo learned of her
>Try and find out what Matheo learned of her
>>Try and find out what Matheo learned of her
>Ask what he would do if she gets close to the Second Prince
>Try and find out what Matheo learned of her
>Try and find out what Matheo learned of her
>>Try and find out what Matheo learned of her
Since there was nothing else for Maria to do she continued to talk to the fellow, “So, what did you find out about her?”

“Nothing much from her background for starters.” He admitted with a sigh, “She is just the Bastard Daughter of a Baron.”

“Oh come on I knew that.” Maria claimed with a hint of annoyance, “There has got to be something else about her. Something weird.”

“Well if you asked me, having a pet bird is weird. I have heard of people taming birds of prey, but her little song bird is like something straight out of a fairy tale.”

Maria looked him over for a moment, realizing his words were making a little bit of sense. From the original story, the bird was something of an elegant sidekick who Chloe would take special care of. Nothing more, and nothing really less than that.

While she was having that thought Matheo continued, “Though I must admit something else has been brewing. Has anything been happening between you and Albert?”

“Guh, what are you saying?” Maria blurted out in surprise, “Why would you come to a question like that?”

Matheo himself gave a small laugh, “Oh no reason in particular, besides how Albert has been acting these last few days. Sometimes I would catch the fellow staring out into something that was not his account records.”

“Such a thing would not be enough to make such an assumption.” Maria shot back with a hint of annoyance.

“I guess that would be so, but I am sure Albert would feel crest fallen upon hearing your words.”

“I do not think you are that much of a Bastard.”

“I guess you are right there.” Matheo laughed while making his way down the hallway, “See you later.”

“Indeed I will, to yourself as well.” Maria answered with a relieved sigh “God he is such a pain.”

>Take a walk around the Academy before going to sleep
>Have a chat with Melody, see what the Servants have been doing today.
>Go check on Albert, see how he is fairing as of now. And to ward off any Chloe attempts.
>Have a chat with Melody, see what the Servants have been doing today.
>>Go check on Albert, see how he is fairing as of now. And to ward off any Chloe attempts.
>Go check on Albert, see how he is fairing as of now. And to ward off any Chloe attempts.
>Have a chat with Melody, see what the Servants have been doing today.
>Go check on Albert, see how he is fairing as of now. And to ward off any Chloe attempts.
>Have a chat with Melody, see what the Servants have been doing today.
>Go check on Albert, see how he is fairing as of now. And to ward off any Chloe attempts.
>Go check on Albert, see how he is fairing as of now. And to ward off any Chloe attempts.
>Go check on Albert, see how he is fairing as of now. And to ward off any Chloe attempts.
With a little bit of a muse in Maria’s heart, she made her direction towards a rather quaint part of the Academy. With evening coming about what sparsely filled this hallway would of had was now completely empty. Such a situation was kind of soothing to Maria, who was starting to be done with humans for the day.

The reason she was coming down this hallway of course was to knock on a rather plain door, “Albert are you there?”

There was a small mimble coming from inside of it before suddenly the door opened, “Oh Maria, I did not expect you to be here.”

“I simply decided to drop by, I take it you are working on some paperwork?”

“I am.” He answered before going back into the room, “Would you want some tea or something of that manner?”

“Sure.” Maria answered back while walking her way into the room.

The place seemed to have started to steadily grow a small amount of papers on the shelves, though for the most part it was not the wreck it was once before. There were no couches, simply a pair of chairs looking as if they were meant for one to look over the other’s shoulder. However what caught Maria’s eye was in the corner of the room.

“Oh, would that be the wheelbarrow I commissioned for you?” Maria asked with a sense of remembrance taking her heart.

“Oh that, yeah I needed to get it out today as there was simply too many things to carry.” He answered with a sigh, “It seems I am going to be using it more, as they are now delivering wagons of paper for me to sort.”

“So they are just using you to organize their papers. Are they not capable of doing so themselves? They are running this Academy.”

“I do not truly know.” He admitted with a sigh, “Though from what I understood the push for academics was from the previous Pope. There is a good number of Fathers who did not receive the education as they were already employed.”

“Well, better late than never I guess.” Maria admitted with a small sense of reluctance.

“Well, I’m also doing this to prove my worth you can say.” He said with a small flipping of the pages, “You see, I’m starting to find a good number of bishops who are not liking me that much. Some say trying to skim the top for profit is horrible, while others are not willing to listen.”

>Instead of doing more work, ignore them. Not everyone will be onboard for change.
>What if Maria goes to talk to them. Surely she might be able to convince them.
>Maybe making more clergy indebt to himself is the right call, they will be less likely to turn coat on him.
>Maybe making more clergy indebt to himself is the right call, they will be less likely to turn coat on him.
>What if Maria goes to talk to them. Surely she might be able to convince them.
>What if Maria goes to talk to them. Surely she might be able to convince them.
>Maybe making more clergy indebt to himself is the right call, they will be less likely to turn coat on him.
They might pay lip service to Maria's demands if she goes to talk to them, but if they're still habouring resentment they're likely to rebel later.

Plus Albert needs to start making his own clergy network.
>Maybe making more clergy indebt to himself is the right call, they will be less likely to turn coat on him.
>What if Maria goes to talk to them. Surely she might be able to convince them.
>Maybe making more clergy indebt to himself is the right call, they will be less likely to turn coat on him.
>Maybe making more clergy indebt to himself is the right call, they will be less likely to turn coat on him.
Leaving things be is the winner

Leave things to go

Maybe talk to people
Just make sure the bishops understand that they owe him.
“Well, I cannot say it is a bad idea. Simply placing men in your debt is probably the best way to make sure they do not betray you.” Maria said while receiving the small cup of tea.

“Well…. I was not thinking about things that way.” Albert answered a little timidly.

“Well that’s probably how you should. If you do not people will think to scam you of what is rightfully owed.” Maria gave a small laugh, “And surely if a bishop or two were to do that, I would find it hard that they stick around much longer with everyone else.”

“I guess you are right there, similar to giving a man an Account. One or two will fail to pay, but surely all of them will fail. And than we can recover our losses because we still stand.”

“Nice to see you coming towards my way of thinking.”

“Its certainly a different way.”

“Oh what, are you going to say it is too brutal?” Maria called out with a hint of annoyance.

“No, I have seen far worse when people do not pay their debts.”

“Even if I have killed men with my bare hands?”

“So do the highway men who attack caravans, as well as the guards we hire.” Albert said all while stirring his tea with care, “Strength in character is just something I do not have, something that would give me the edge needed to win out against my brothers and sisters.”

Maria felt her chest grow a little warm, “Fufu, then is it not a good thing that we will be business partners?”

“Yea, it is a good thing.”

With that the two began to drink their beverages, each enjoying a the calmness between one another. It was quite something, as they did not feel this as being awkward or the like. Simply put, Maria was enjoying the calm after a day full of troubles while Albert was taking a long awaited rest from the work he did.

>Simply talk about the tea Albert brought to them to drink
>Maybe… Maria should ask him to take her hand in to the ball. The man would likely expect her more proactive approach.
>Simply relax for the time here, as tomorrow will likely be long as well.
>Maybe… Maria should ask him to take her hand in to the ball. The man would likely expect her more proactive approach.
>Maybe… Maria should ask him to take her hand in to the ball. The man would likely expect her more proactive approach.
>Maybe… Maria should ask him to take her hand in to the ball. The man would likely expect her more proactive approach.
>Maybe… Maria should ask him to take her hand in to the ball. The man would likely expect her more proactive approach.
>Maybe… Maria should ask him to take her hand in to the ball. The man would likely expect her more proactive approach.

Damn Albert went from "might as well let him tag along" to possibly our main guy? Wasn't expecting that at all. (Also Maria thinks he's plain looks wise? Either he has a glow up in his future or she's comparing him to the princes, who are pretty much 12/10 going by Lucien)

...Maybe Maria should spend her time brainstorming what she remembers about his route? Since the ball is happening so early in the year it might have been the part of the game where we're 'locked in' to a route.
>Maybe… Maria should ask him to take her hand in to the ball. The man would likely expect her more proactive approach.

I like Albert but it's true that we have not explored the other princes more. But I don't think picking someone for the ball is a route locking choice. If it is then we should take a moment to rethink our entire approach.
I blame how lousy most of the targets are. Even Bon is one of the better options.
I'mma say that choice already fell on you guys long time ago.
Welp. We're marrying the merchant then.
There's still an opportunity for him to end up being attracted to someone else by the time we graduate.
I'm personally hoping for Maria to end up as a saintess though.
To be honest he's like the least worst pick. Not good. Not bad. Just...average. I thought we had more time to check out the guys around the second prince though. Guess not. We wasted a lot of time on the first prince and his group that we had the worst odds with.

I guess the trade off is between skills and looks. But this is an otome game, even the plainest looking boy is still more handsome than average. He's probably a solid 8/10.
>Maybe… Maria should ask him to take her hand in to the ball. The man would likely expect her more proactive approach.
Yeah. Going with the one we never had a chance with. That was a mistake.
I'm hoping we still at least have a chance with first boy (wife) before route lock.
Me too. We did have a deal with him anyway. Feels not right to go back on it.
First prince was doomed from the start, but we took too long to go another way. The second prince might have had better results
Who do you mean ?
Solomon. The guy who we told that we would become his wife if he proves himself worthy.
Solomon, if he's willing to convert or create a new religion together.
With the way we've been voting lately, abandoning our religion to go with him also seems to be a fine option.
He can probably get his gods to lay off of us too.
Damn, almost forgot about him
Dunno man, don’t wanna change religion for the moment
He's currently my favorite. In opposition to everyone else he is actually persuing us, despite facing adversary for it. Not only is he going against his culture in only taking one wife, we also demanded we get to keep our religion.

So if he's still persuing us we have someone who really appreciates Maria.
Pragmatically he's also outside reach for Chloe, which means if we should face a pyre we have somewhere to flee.
>Maybe… Maria should ask him to take her hand in to the ball. The man would likely expect her more proactive approach.
I'm assuming you mean we're route-locked on Solomon?
No, its the Albert route. Though there is still the chance, I wonder if either the religious zealots or searchers of love come out on top.

For now, though, you guys will be on Albert.
“You know,” Maria began to muse to herself without much thought, “How would you like to take my hand to the ball in two weeks?”

“W-what did you say?” Albert almost bolted out of his seat as Maria’s words were ringing in his head.

“You heard what I said,” Maria battered back with a simple smile.

“I… I am but the son of a Merchant would that not harm your reputation?”

“Ah, but that would be hurt if I came in with no one, and honestly all the other men I met are not worthy in my eyes.” Maria answered back with a confidence to her words.

“Still though, shouldn’t it be me who should ask?”

“Would you have?”

“I- I was trying… guh.” With that the man’s back slumped as if completely defeated.

“Come on, do not be that depressed. This is simply an invitation to take me there, and have my first dance. If you have a heart attack about this now, I would worry what would happen on the dance floor.”

“Y-yeah you’re right. Though still, uh, why?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“Why would you ask me? Lets be honest, you going by yourself is nothing too bad for you as people know you already.” Albert sounded his voice with a slight bit of concern in it, but something else Maria could not pick up on.

“Hmm, well you have a good head on your shoulders for on.” Maria quickly answered while thinking to herself, “And while you are average compared to the men around you, Albert you are honestly an attractive man compared to most men in this planet.”

“Th-thank you.” He answered back with a blush.

“So, what is your answer?”

He seemed to be in deep thought for a moment before nodding his head and taking a breath. Maria noticed his eyes steady just like he was with business men, “I will accept your proposal to the Ball, Miss Maria. It would be my honor to be your escort for the night.”

“Thank you for the straight answer, Albert.” Maria answered back, a lovely smile forming upon her lips.

With that the two talked a little more before departing. Such a time when their heart run rampant was enough for the two. For Maria, she was happy to get a man who seemed able and skilled enough to be close to her. For Albert, well she was nothing to sneeze at and was smarter than any girl he ever knew.

>Spend lunch with the Gossip girls
>Drop by Albert for Lunch, he would be with the Second Prince right then.
>Take a walk through the gardens, if nothing else than to make sure that Chloe is not setting off any flags.
>Spend lunch with the Gossip girls
>Spend lunch with the Gossip girls
They can tell us all about the flags that have been set off.

I thought Solomon was the forbidden love route. A demigod and saintess who are supposed to be arch enemies fall in love instead that makes the gods themselves upset over it. Too bad we never got a chance to pursue it. I was actually looking forward to that route the most because of how interesting it seemed.

Yeah, I was a big fan of Solomon too. If only because of how 'fun' it would be in order to try and pull it off. I was originally hoping that Solomon wouldn't be the only 'foreign' option to choose from.
>Spend lunch with the Gossip girls
I will admit Solomon is my favourite but there's been few chances to interact with him save through that one letter we sent. Hopefully we'll see more of him.
>Spend lunch with the Gossip girls
From this point on, gossip is going to be much more important pertaining to otome occurrences.
Wow lol I had no idea so many anons preferred Solomon.
well, he's an interesting route with lots of power and risk
>Spend lunch with the Gossip girls

I'm actually not surprised it's Albert, we've been steadily building points with him since our first meeting. I just thought we'd want Maria to marry a prince (or an emperor) and he'd end up as the sedond male lead in a drama.

Honestly he's one of the best matches for her out of the capture targets anyway

Maria doesn't have the innocence or conversation to get anywhere with him easily and Chloe seems to be homing in on him anyway.

We nuked any chances with him by making the pilgramage a group trip, but also he doesn't gel well with Maria's views on killing and her intrigue games. Plus Lucien will always come first.

They have a good dynamic but his intrigue skills are in the negative. Unless he's willing to have Maria call all the shots he might hinder more than help her in the future.

Womaniser. Might make a good friend in the future though.

LOL who.

Honestly both princes had promise but I think Chloe spooked us off persuing Lucien and we kept ignoring all Elric's flags?? I can't believe we chose money over getting him as our date for the ball if we played our cards right we might have had access to the royal treasury down the line.

Solomon is a wild card at this point. If he's not willing to accept our religion he's out of the running, but if he is...
What's the problem with being unable to accept our religion?
If we're going for Solomon our god will condemn us regardless.
In his last letter he pretty much said that if we stick with our religion it'll cause problems, to which we replied we're not abandoning our faith no matter what.

Now its up to him to make a choice - is he gonna persue us regardless or will he decide that our newfound faith makes us too much trouble than we're worth?
Ok, but what's the rationale for turning him down on a religious basis in the first place?
Whether we go there as a believer of our current religion shouldn't effect whether we have the blessing of our god, so it's not like we'd have been protected by keeping our faith while going out with the foreign prince.
>Spend lunch with the Gossip girls
>Spend lunch with the Gossip girls
Eh, the gods have more enemies than just each other and Solomon/Maria are pretty useful assets for them to have. I think if we go for it we are going to be fine.
The next day came about uneventfully for the most part. The morning class of Economics was nothing much to bear, since Maria was starting to grow in her proficiency in it. It was enjoyable to actually be able to understand what the teacher was talking about, unlike a good number of the other students in the room. What was doubly enjoyable was the fact Maria has yet to see the sight or reason of the Protagonist.

Though she knew it would probably happen eventually.

So Lunch came, and Maria thought to herself to be with the Gossip Girls.

“Hey, have you heard.” Erica started with a sinister smirk, “Something recently has happened to the First Prince. People are saying he’s much more active than ever.”

Stacy looked at the girl with confusion, “You mean to Puppet Prince? I thought he was made of straw, how can he get more active?”

“Something about him looking for someone who caught his eye.” Erica continued with a devilish smile.

“So he’s found a potential lover?” Elizabeth questioned with a small lethargy to herself, “Oh, I wonder who the lucky girl is.”

“Well, if the rumor has it would have it the new girl is the one.” Quickly though Erica turned to Maria, “Though she made such a fool of us Nobles, Maria would you agree she is unfit with the Prince?”

Maria simply gave a small shaking of her head, “The Prince will choose who he chooses. Anything better than seeing the man remain a corpse sitting in a chair.”

“Oh by the Lord those are some words.” Stacy said before slowly nodding while returning to her seat, “Though… not wrong. I just wished he would have done that for me.”

“Well most of us would have.” Elizabeth answered with her own solemn sigh.

Yes a small sense of lethargy was taking over the girls. As expected, since their chances of taking the second highest position of power and prestige was being taken from them. However that was not the end of their gossip.

“Well I heard something about my cousin just recently.” Stacy began trying to pick up the mood, “He and another man have been fighting over the same woman recently.”

Somehow Maria felt a sense of importance in her words, “Who are the belligerents, if I may ask?”

“Well they are my Cousin Johnson Hamperdink and Oskar Balinski.” She mentioned now growing a smile, “It seems both fools were swooned by a County Harlot and are trying to secure her affection.”

“Oh that sounds like an annoying situation.” Erica quickly said with a snark.

“Oh its actually not. My Cousin is an idiot you see, and got himself stuck in this fight for no apparent reason.”

>Try and squeeze some more information about the little rivalry
>Announce Maria’s Escort, as a way to grow prestige
>Simply let them keep talking, maybe something really good will come up
>>Announce Maria’s Escort, as a way to grow prestige
>Try and squeeze some more information about the little rivalry
We don't need to flex on our friends. They already know we're badass.
>Try and squeeze some more information about the little rivalry
>Try and squeeze some more information about the little rivalry
>Try and squeeze some more information about the little rivalry
>Simply let them keep talking, maybe something really good will come up
>Try and squeeze some more information about the little rivalry
This could be funny.
Technically it is the Miaphate god who will condemn us for killing two of his champions and seducing the third. Our god on the other hand is going to find it fucking hilarious. As he is going to very much enjoy watching the show and never letting the Miaphate god live it down. Plus he has Chloe to focus on. Maria was an unexpected surprise. Technically he now has a 'spare' saintess to play with which gives us the chance to pursue Solomon much easier.

That part was bullshit coming from the hardliners. No matter what his people were going to hate our guts for killing two demigods before 'seducing'(nevermind the fact it was him who put the moves on us first) the third. He is smart enough to realize that we had no choice but to seek divine protection considering how much his own god hates us. Yet this didn't stop him from wanting to win our hand. Which goes to show how ballsy and ambitious he is.

Rather it was him feeling out whether our newfound religious predilections would prevent him from winning our hand.

If Solomon wins the hand of a Saintess it would do wonders for diplomacy, trade, and reformation(Solomon literally forced to agree to this in order for Maria to even consider it). Most importantly, he could afford to invest his forces away from our religion's borders to focus on others instead so long as we drew breath. Meaning that their other enemies would very much want to prevent such an 'unholy' alliance from forming.

Our union would be one of the biggest fuck yous ever in terms of power couples. Which is why Solomon finds it so irresistible despite the risks. After all, if he accomplishes it he would be considered one of the greatest Miaphs to have ever lived. Another thing to keep in mind is how powerful such offspring from such a union would be considering the potential blessings they can inherit from both sides.
I so badly want first boy(wife) to win, the seethe from the Miaphate god would be amazing. Imagine living rent free in a god's mind.
>Kills two of your representatives and marries the third.
“Oh, how mighty bloodlines of strong families fall for love.” Maria said with a small smirk, “So who is the damnable lass anyways? Is it Chloe by chance?”

“Hmm, no it is not her. This has been brewing for what seems like a few months.” Stacy answered with a swipe of the hand, “Her name would be Lisa Monita of the southern territory.”

“Hmph, I’ve never heard that name before.” Maria annoyedly said while looking at the tea in her hand.

“Yeah I never heard of her either, and she’s getting the hands of some dukes?” Erica called with.

“Yup, I swear I do not know how she convinced them.” the girl admitted with a sigh, “Also it might be that they are all second years here at the Academy. Theres actually a small gamble going around on who is going to get her hand.”

“Gambling on disgrace, who's running that?” Maria asked her talkative minion.

“I can’t really say, since thats a Second year doing all the work.” Stacy answered with a sigh.

“Well, alright then girl.” Maria said while looking at the large clock which stood at the center of the academy, “It seems to be time for us to return to class.”

There was a small murmur among them, obviously they did not want to go to class but had to. Without it, they would all lose their divine right to rulership and be kicked out of it. To think the kind of disgrace they could all have if that was the case.

With that thought finished Maria quickly blazed through her class on Military, once again being a breeze. Today was simply the teacher explaining what is expected of them ethically in war, and how the failure to commit would result in one’s excommunication. Such a brutal punishment for something along the lines of ‘Do not Torture your Fellow Faithfuls’.

Soon enough that class ended and Maria was already in her seat for the next class. Just a little bit behind her Maria noticed Albert looking a slight bit fidgety about himself, “Oh, uh, hey Miss Maria.”

“Hello Albert, pleasure seeing you this afternoon. How about taking a seat?”

“Uh, yeah thank you.” He answered while taking a seat with a flush red face.

“Come on, nothing that bad happened between us.” Maria answered with a hint of annoyance.

“I.. I guess you are right.” He answered before turning to her, “Good afternoon Maria.”

Maria grew a smile at that, but it soon drifted away as she saw someone walking their way towards her. It was a slightly panicking girl with blond hair and blue eyes, making almost a beeline right past Maria.

Chloe was in her Faith Class it seemed.

>Try and trip the girl on her way around Maria.
>Simply ignore the girl, best not to draw her attention.
>Strike up a conversation, just because Maria wants to give her a front.
>Simply ignore the girl, best not to draw her attention.

If we really want to go down the Solomon route, the next letter we get from him will probably be our last chance, if we ever get one.
>>Simply ignore the girl, best not to draw her attention.
>Simply ignore the girl, best not to draw her attention.

I hope so. His route seems the most interesting. Don't we still owe him a visit or something from that letter?
>Simply ignore the girl, best not to draw her attention.
>Simply ignore the girl, best not to draw her attention.
>Try and trip the girl on her way around Maria
>Try and trip yourself to Chloe putting all your body to fall for her, elbow hidden and target her torso.

executing bully.exe
>Simply ignore the girl, best not to draw her attention.
>>Try and trip the girl on her way around Maria.
>>Simply ignore the girl, best not to draw her attention.
We're having a conversation with Albert. Chloe's presence is secondary.


I don't know if I should be proud of you all or sad that we don't get to do the second oldest trope in the book.
Though as Maria looked a the girl for a moment she simply shook her head without much more thought. Honestly this was her time with Albert, a trusted confidant. Maria did not need to worry that the Otome would do anything against her during this time.

“So in any case, Albert, have you been keeping up with your Military studies?”

“Yeah, things have gotten a little easier since we’ve moved to a more analytical side of things.” He admitted with a small smile about himself, “Though I fear it might be too short.”

“Well it’s surely going to be a few weeks. We have finished basics, so now they are schooling us on how not to kill each other inhumanly.”

“Yeah, inhumanly.” Albert seemed to chew those words for a moment, “Why do we do that anyways? I have heard the understanding that war was always a bloody afair.”

Maria pondered the idea herself, “Well… I guess it would be for the betterment of the Lord’s People.”

“Yeah I guess that would make sense, and would very much explain the outlawing of burning a peasant’s land.” Albert admitted with a nod, “Such an affair would turn quite deadly if they did enough damage.”

“Indeed that is true.” Maria mused.

As she said those words though she felt a presence behind her back, and the face of Albert looking more confused than anything else. It was nothing dangerous, though she could not help but feel something was off about it.

“Uh, Miss Maria?”

It seemed her feeling was right, as when she turned Maria was facing a standing Budala.

“... Is there something I may help you with, Loveheart.” Maria asked with a small temperament to her voice.

“Well, uh, I wanted to apologize about earlier yesterday. I was told it was not a very good thing to do to you.”

Her words were sincere, but the rest of her demeanor was not saying much else. That pesky smile she always worn was quite grating on Maria’s nerves, doubly so as she was not bowing to her superior.

Alright the second one was a joke. Still though, the girl had a smile still on her that scream she did not know what for. Actually, looking closer, Maria could not a small drop of sweat coming off her head. As if she was… wary…

>Accept her apology, better now than never.
>Deny it, as it would hurt Maria’s reputation.
>Demand a form of reconciliation *Suggestions. Outrageous ones will be put in as Deny*
>Another idea
>Accept her apology, better now than never.
I want little to do with her as much as possible.
>Accept her apology, better now than never.
>>Accept her apology, better now than never.
Then shoo her off. The best way to not get BAD ENDED is to avoid.
We should ask her if she's been talking to Ford.
Maybe that can be what we ask for in reconciliation? Who she's been talking to about us?
>Accept her apology, better now than never.
>>Accept her apology, better now than never.
>Accept her apology, better now than never.
>Deny it, as it would hurt Maria’s reputation.
Do you even understand why what you did was not a very good thing to do or were you just told to apologize?
Wow, just, wow.
Wow? What do you mean "wow"? That is a very worrying "wow" QM, what do you mean by "wow?!
He got it right on his first guess
>Demand a form of reconciliation

We accept her apology but she starts taking etiquette lessons from us. She is Nobility now, she may act as she wishes after she knows what's what.

That Ford Bastard! What lies and slander has he uttered about us!
Fuck this paranoid prick, it's like we have a fucking plan to kill his prince. Now it all pieces together.

>Ford saw an opportunity to use Chloe as a deterrent to Maria
>Ford probably saw us that we met our match
>With prince innocence and growing interest, he proceeds to fastrack the relationship between the two
>If possible or any penchance that Maria did something to Chloe, he would proceed to make us sure that we are the villainess and will not stop until we are either subdued, kicked out of school or worse, an injury that we don't have hope to recover to.

Shadowrunning on an Otome game quest is fun.
Something was odd about this situation, that was for sure. Naturally it would not be the Heroine herself who would come to apologize herself, as the girl is literally dumber than a bag of rocks when it comes to Noble prestige and politics.

So that only left one question in general.

“Who asked you to do this?”

“Hmm?” Confusion was obviously written all over her face the moment Maria said those words.

“Loveheart I ask who suggested these words to me.” Maria spoke with a small anger building in her chest.

“Oh, well that was Mr. Ford.”

“Tsk.” Maria could not help but click her tongue at that. As the manner stands they have not talk ever since his recruitment attempt, so his feelings to her were becoming quite obvious.

You are either with or against my Prince.

It seemed the room was becoming more quite as Maria deliberated her thoughts, “I assume you do not actually know what you did wrong, correct?”

“Well, uh, I think it was something quite wrong from what I was told. So again, sorry about that.” The look on her face was seeming a little timid, but Maria was already sick of this talk.

“Fine, I accept it if only that you get out of my sight.”

The words were harsh, but Maria could not help but speak her mind about it. Chloe however seemed to take it in stride, easily walking away as if she was not scorned by a superior. From looking around the class, everyone seemed to understand Maria’s feelings. So hopefully she would not lose any prestige for committing such a bullheaded response.

“So…. that was the girl?” Albert asked with a little warning in his tone.

“Indeed she is, and I would advise you stay away from her lest you get caught in her snare.” Maria growled while getting out the books for today. Honestly, Maria was about done with these events anyways.

>Go pay Ford a visit.
>Try and get an edge in this little rivalry, *Choose whose angel to exploit: Johnson, Lisa, or Oskar*
>Check on how the Mailmen are doing
>Go pay Ford a visit.
*kicks down the door*
So I heard from a little golden birdie that someone's been chatting shit.

If we really want to get dirty can we try shame him for getting an naive commoner wrapped up in his schemes?
He is basically abusing a downie.
>Go pay Ford a visit.
>Go pay Ford a visit.
You know the rules and so do I
>Supporting +kicking the door open to Ford's room.
>Go pay Ford a visit.
Apparently someone didn't appreciate our gesture and wishes to make an enemy out of us. Foolish Ford. You should know better.

Indeed. I didn't expect Ford to have the balls to antagonize Maria despite the clear danger she presents to royals should she so choose. Apparently Ford doesn't appreciate our neutrality and generosity we bequeathed upon them. Gotta hand it to him for zeroing in on Maria's weakness so quickly. Then again chances are the Chloe is the first person he met who was dumb enough to challenge Maria.
Indeed, I didn't expect ford to confront us unless we were trying to harm the prince, specially after our miracle and striking the cultists. A bold move, but it's strange he decided to go with an unexperienced girl who doesn't even know about nobility life when she "challenged" us out of sheer stupidity
>Go visit Ford

I get where he's coming from - we know for a fact that he thinks we'd annihilate anyone who crosses us, and Chloe has certainly pissed us off. The best case scenario is he thinks he's acting in his liege's interest, by making sure we won't act against the woman Lucien is interested in (hence getting Chloe to apologise)

But I think a little chat is in order to impress upon him that our worst is reserved for either heretics or the miaphate, and Chloe is neither. Plus we gotta be good to the commoners as a noble - noblesse oblige and all.
>Go pay Ford a visit.
C'mere ya lil shit
It might be that Ford is desperate and scared shitless. Which is strange considering Maria hasn't taken sides yet. In truth, it's very dangerous gesture for Maria to take a side, to begin with considering her Kingslayer title because of the resulting message, it would send. Which is why Maria has previously avoided the topic with care. She is not some typical noble scion after all. Powerful people pay close attention to Maria's actions. So trying to force Maria to choose is a very bad idea. Maybe he got frightened over Maria getting to know the second son and was afraid of her aligning with him.

Using Chloe is understandable actually. Not even royals are going to be willing to openly side against Maria for very good reason. Especially considering Maria's surprising neutrality despite the title she possesses. As far as they are all concerned it's a huge relief to have Maria so easy to get along with. Before Ford never had anyone to throw against Maria. After all Ford is terrified of Maria and what she can do. Before Chloe he was in a very tight spot because he couldn't find anyone willing to actively go against Maria for very good reason.
This >>4359382 actually was a good point as well, perhaps he noticed Lucien likes the girl and told her to apologize so she doesn’t get in our bad side and probably get the prince involved
Look, we're only going over there for a friendly chat. There's nothing wrong with that.
I didn’t say otherwise bro, just building theories with the aristocrats here
Such anger was only building as she finally crossed through the Halls into the deeper ends of the Academy. Easily towards the rooms that were barely used lest for important individuals. Such important individuals of course were the First Prince and his men.

“Knock knock” And with those words Maria slammed her foot against the door, breaking whatever mechanism was holding it in the first place. Infront of her like deer in the headlights were Ford and Waltz.

“Alright, Ford, why the fuck did you put Chloe up to it!”


While she was tempted to keep yelling Maria resorted to simple words, “You heard what I said.”

The two men looked at one another in confusion before the one spoken to called back, “Is she dead yet?!”

“No she is not dead, you think I am some kind of banshee!” Maria complained while swiping her hands, “However you are not if you don’t answer my question right.”

“I only told the girl to apologize to you, damn it! You goddamn devil!”

The two starred at one another for a moment. Maria staring at Ford wanting them to become rays of lighting that would destroy him. Sadly she was not that lucky, instead he was simply surprised for the moment.

“Fucking hell what am I seeing.” Waltz said with a laugh.

>Warn Ford never to mess with Maria ever again
>Accept that he was probably doing a good thing, and apologize
>Warn him never to call Maria a Devil ever again
That doesn't fit with Ford's M.O. Maria actually tried to play nice with Chloe only to realize a disturbing truth about the Otome. She even gave Chloe a pass despite her being a noble but with the dignity of a peasant. This was both a matter of leniency and not wishing to get excessively on the bad side of the protagonist. Unfortunately, Chloe is so dumb and innocent she can easily get played. Don't forget Ford is also considered a capture target for Chloe so there will be love rivalry between them. The bitch nearly even seduced Maria's brother Bon.

Keep in mind that Ford knows that Maria is not a petty person. It takes quite a bit to turn her hostile if you don't target her Bottomline(Bon). Of course, Maria's methodical viciousness with great results is well known as Ford himself has seen how much Maria enjoys her work. Which in truth just worsened his fear and thoughts about her. Keep in mind though Ford never once realized that Maria was actually playing NICE with him the entire fucking time. He never even accepted the fact that Maria tried to teach him some invaluable lessons in her own way despite how he felt about her. Ford in other words has some serious issues when it comes to Maria. While Maria has actually been perfectly cordial and mentoring of the man despite his feelings against her the entire time. Yet how has Ford decided to repay her favor and treatment of him hm?

Even after Maria stopped looking into the clique that Bon as part of she never deigned to further antagonize the man or threaten his liege as its a very troublesome matter to choose sides as the Kingslayer. She even decided to ignore how he repaid her favor. Maria is actually quite helpful in her own way but likes neutrality due to how complicated things would get should she choose sides as the Kingslayer and saintess candidate. By all rights, Maria should have a terrible relationship with Ford and yet there isn't. So what does he do? Why he pushes her. He wants to prove himself right and point out how bad she truly is. As Ford can't handle the thought of him being wrong about her. Even at the cost of turning her into an enemy that he knows damn well, he can't handle and one that his liege cannot afford to have. That she was helping out of her own goodwill in her own twisted way and not due to some other goal considering her neutrality.

See Ford WANTS Maria to be an enemy and it drives him nuts that she doesn't see him the same way. Just think about how you would feel if your greatest enemy/nightmare went out of their way to be helpful to you and even played nice with you despite how you acted. While the entire time you desperately wanted them to just stop with the act and become your enemy openly. When you tried to see if they'll join your side because hey maybe they can be an ally instead she instead turns her back on you and just walks away. Refusing to pick a side...and therefore still a risk. A potential unknown threat.
>Remind him to not take actions that involves Maria

This is a friendly reminder to not deteriorate this relationship of mutually ignoring the other.

Also there's an off-chance that we as players are paranoid as fuck but we'll never admit to that!
>"You only told her to apologize to me, huh? I don't believe you, she was tense the entire time she was trying to say sorry."

This. The main thing we're taking offense to is the fact that he thinks we're the type to ruin someone just because they pissed us off.
>Warn him never to call Maria a Devil ever again
"Explain and shut up Waltz before I kill you just cause you thought I would kill the new girl like that for such a lousy reason.

This too.

To be it's hard to not be paranoid when you're dealing with plot armored characters that aren't the MC.
“Her fear meant something more so it wasn’t just a “sorry” ”
Honestly feeling pretty disrespected that Ford thinks we'd perform political and literal suicide by killing a girl who just disgraced us.
>Warn him never to call Maria a Devil ever again
I like the write ins so far too.

Albert's super cute don't get me wrong but seeing Ford reminds me that going down his route would have been godtier enemies to lovers. Ahh what could have been. yo QM is Solomon the only guy who can derail us off the Albert route now or do other guys still have a chance
>Warn him never to call Maria a Devil ever again
This. She definitely didn't apologize from a place of goodwill, but a place of worry.

concur. I require MORE BOI TIME
I am trying to figure that out. Probably now from the looks of things, though I have a plan for what is coming up.
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2.71 MB GIF
> though I have a plan for what is coming up.
Actually the only reason why anons didn't go for Ford was that doing so would force us to choose the side of a prince and we would get stuck with babysitting. Anons couldn't stand the thought of babysitting duty. though you would have been right about the route of godtier enemies to lovers which would have been awesome if the circumstances for it had been better sadly. Hopefully, we get something similar with Solomon.

Guess Solomon is going to prove his love by doing something incredibly stupid and brave like crashing the party so he can meet with Maria huh? Guess he didn't take the letter too well and didn't wanna give up without a fight.
Well personally Ford is just not all that interesting. And didn't really fit with our goals at the time.
I don't think Solomon will be enemies to lovers unless he does something terrible in his next appearance, he and Maria parted on pretty amicable terms.

Reading back Maria had a pretty good dynamic with Elric too - too bad he's pretty much Maria's antithesis when it comes to intrigue. Guess the idiot part of his character put a lot of people off of him.
The problem isn't with Solomon himself but rather both our factions and other enemy factions. Solomon has actually done a LOT in order to woo Maria. While Maria did agree to be wooed should he prove himself. This was despite them sharing, to be frank, a very ugly mutual history. From his family killing two of her brothers and crippling her father while she in turn assassinated two demigod kings and fucked them over further by supporting a reformer(courtesy of Maria's talks with Solomon he had to concede on it). Hence Solomon is the Forbidden Love route.

Now the key thing with Solomon is if he presses the initial agreement between them since he fulfilled his part of the deal which will grant him the right to openly court Maria. The problem won't be them even being former enemies(members of opposing factions) with each other. Rather dealing with the issues stemming from both all the other factions and having to team up against them. After all its the Forbidden Love route. Which means the biggest problems stem from others intervening rather than the couple involved.

Agreed. Honestly, the circumstances with his route were just terribly aligned with player goals.
“Tsk, shut up Waltz I am sure you were the one who increased this man’s paranoia.” Maria called out with steam coming off of her head.

“Hey, for once I have nothing to do with this one. Its all Ford’s doing, well, whatever it was.” Waltz explained while slowly making his way towards the door.

Ironically Maria felt he was telling the truth so she ignored him for the other, “Alright Ford, you only told her to apologize? I do not believe you, the damn Budala was scared the entire time she was apologising.”

“So, I only told her the truth.” He sputtered out with a vein coming out if his head, “Someone that ignorant should know the full extent of someone like you.”

“Your truth is fucking slander.”

“Slander that you enjoy the slaying of men?”

“Heretics and Heathens are different, you bastard. I have yet to slay a man who had no issue with me before.”

“Not yet.”

“Tsk, how are you the son of a Marshall, oh so elegant Saint?”

“I do not care much for my Father, he is an idiot just like the rest of you.”

“Oh, us Devils, when you have literally seen their worshippers? You are blinded by your own ignorance and that silver spoon in your mouth.”

“Take that back.”

“Hmph, like I would against a man who called me a heretical creature of Evil. Being an ignorant Bastard is the lesser in those cases I would think.” Maria simply pointed her hand towards the man with a righteous fury in her heart, “I will not ask you to take back those words, but never speak my name in the same vein of a great Evil in this world.”



“I said fucking leave!”

Maria felt it suddenly necessary to look around the room, first checking for a non-existant sword that would have been at the idiot’s side. Besides that, there was a vase on the table next to Maria along with a nice size table. If Maria got at the right angle, she could have a club to use.

Though all in all, Ford was defenseless.

>Leave, but Maria shall not forget this transgression.
>Give him a nice slap on the face, one that will surely leave a mark.
>Hit him overhead with a vase, just to send the message home.
>No, she needs to end this problem now.
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I think its obvious what the last option is.
>>Leave, but Maria shall not forget this transgression.
Give him the bird too. Screw this guy and his conclusion jumping.
>Leave, but Maria shall not forget this transgression.
That's strike number two.
>No, she needs to end this problem now.
We've killed for lesser transgressions
>No, she needs to end this problem now.
>No, she needs to end this problem now.
>I've been good for you. I tried to be as harmless as I hoped to be. I'm not a beast nor some kind of monster you are thinking. I am a woman. A human being. I was young to see the horrors I've been experiencing and some ways to survive that I was thankful i got this far. But for you not to slander but to make a gossip that even a peasant woman would be ashamed of. I've never seen you stoop so low you decide to do this.
>Cry and see how Ford that in the end, we are a woman at heart. Bonus points if Ford hugs us and apologize.
Is Maria capable of crocodile tears? I was hoping for a genuine one. I just want to say that Ford should see us as a human and a woman rather than an intimidating dragon (heh daughter of the dragon).
>Give him a nice slap on the face, one that will surely leave a mark.
Wait I'll change to slap his face. I didn't see QM wrote this one. >>4360191
>No, she needs to end this problem now.
>Leave, but Maria shall not forget this transgression.
It's on now motherfucker. Maria has been playing nice this entire time and apparently its time for that to end.

We are long past strike number 2 I think.

So wait you want to make him let his guard down and then kill him by surprise? Damn anon.
>No, she needs to end this problem now.

That's cold anon.
also do you guys really wanna kill him ?
I already changed to slap his face because I thought that ending the problem is confronting him here and now so please calm your tits.
No no we need to make Ford guilty of his actions. Not kill him. A hard slap to the face will do good.
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>Give him a nice slap on the face, one that will surely leave a mark.

He hasn't seen what heathens are like. We might need to remind him we were literally a prisoner of war for more than a little while. Should make it really clear that considering that fight with the heretics was his first + the fact we've been fighting for our life for years shows how little he really knows. His framework of peace is built on foundations that come from blood shed by others. It's easy to be proper when you haven't been forced to covert with bandits to stay alive. How long has he spent among the peasants at one time? We've lived worse than a peasants life by force. Can probably enforce our right as a lady to speak for our honor and give him his chance to protect his. Plus Waltz is nearby.

Also that slap needs to last on his face. We're not letting him hide a womans handprint on his face. SUCH SCANDAL. Even if it WAS us, he would still have to hide his face from EVERYONE including his prince for at least two days, lest people start talking how he got a girl's slap.

We could say he manhandled us, and that slap would serve as proof if need be. Like he knows how to handle noble gossip intrigue, let alone the real thing.

He didn't realize it meant kill, not "we need to solve this situation today via a talk as opposed to let it be"
I'm honestly kinda torn but I'm pretty sure Waltz would intervene and at the same time I can totally see Maria finally snap. Considering how nice she played with Ford the entire time despite how he treated her and abruptly having him sic the Otome of all people on her with the thickest plot armor imaginable. It's understandable to me that Maria would finally snap. To be honest, though I would rather plan it properly later on. Yet it would be in character for Maria to go fuck this after all she did for Ford before and lash out properly.

On another note after an anon reminded me when WAS the last time Maria actually cried like a girl?

Was it when she was held hostage?
The first one by my count was when he ditched us on that healing trip. Now I'm not saying it's not time to escalate though despite my vote.
>Leave, but Maria shall not forget this transgression.
>“Is she dead yet?!”
Wait... "yet" was he hoping that we would kill her?
>>Hit him overhead with a vase, just to send the message home.
That's why he's a piece of shit. He already hoped we killed her. What a fucking jerk.
>Leave, but Maria shall not forget this transgression.

As a big fuck you to this guy I kinda want to be extra friendly towards the Chloe now. Have him eat his words and all.
>>No, she needs to end this problem now.
I'm changing to this from >>4360260 this was me.
>Is she dead yet?
Ford literally toss Chloe in the pool full of sharks.
>You god damn devil
Now he lashes out even we didn't do anything wrong
>I only told her the truth
False, he doesn't doesn't want to acknowledge the truth.
>Someone that ignorant should know the full extent of someone like you.
Another false, he feed him lies and adding non-existing threats that we don't even know.
>Slander that you enjoy the slaying of men?
This guy refuses to admit it. Enclosing himself in his own echo chamber.
What a sore loser would say when someone losses an argument.

Slap him in the face.
>No, she needs to end this problem now
So long Ford you craven bastard
Killing him is little too much, I would be ok with maiming via vase to a head but this too much. SO I will change to
>Give him a nice slap on the face, one that will surely leave a mark.
Also killing Ford would only support his views and makes it the truth. And who did he told this? Chloe. And that is a punch on our face.