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During the heights of summer, travelling on the road is always a hassle. Ever-present blackflies and oppressive height bake the Gem Road in the southern reaches of Loria, kept at bay either by lemon-scented incenses or candles if you have wealth, or by smoking the nasty and cheap cigars favoured by those of lesser means. Of course, the bejewelled and silken clad Great Company men are an uncommon, but memorable sight. Ornately decorated wagons with magnificent draft horse trains, surrounded by intense men in burnished plate, painted with the expressions of fearsome beasts. Even the most glutted and powerful of outlaw clans let them move unmolested on the highways and byways of Perion. Those desperate enough to try, would pray to be caught instead by one of the Houses, to be swung from the gibbets until their bones are scattered and broken by stray dogs. That gruesome fate is still leagues away kinder than what the Company men have in their racing minds.

As always, we are currently Tristan Stonyfield, one of the youngest scions of the Green Stonyfields who hail from Port Josiah. You’re currently on route to Jironth, to establish contracts and trade goods at the Kingsmoot planned for the Winter Solstice. It’ll be cold, miserable, and being surrounded by elves at their most argumentative, but the opportunity cannot be passed up. If you want to gain a substantial Profit compared to the other Aspirants for a Great Company, this is one of the best chances you have. It would almost be better to perish in the attempt like your cousin Kaspar. At least that way, you can be sent to the waters of the Calling Sea in a full funeral, rather than being stuck working for the Gray Stonyfields as either an accountant or a personal retainer. Being subservient to the Trunk has always grated on your nerves, and if you want the Branch family to ever gain a degree of independence from them, you need to get into the Brazen Cairn Company as an Associate, subservient to none outside of the Company. Only time will tell if this gamble will pay off, as you begin to leave your homeland, travelling through Harade, the Merakash mountain range in Kalim, and through the treacherous old forests of Jironth.

Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Open%20Roads%20Quest

>[Surly] action taken. Dame Erica is coming on too strong for your liking as a common woman. It’s not proper for someone of your station to lead her on, and you’re going to rebuff any attempts she makes at flirting.
>[Grappler] training chosen for Nathaniel. The boy will be training alongside ‘Black’ John and Ryan to improve his grasp of unarmed combat. It’s a bit difficult since he’s 13 and doesn’t have anyone of his size to spar with, but he can start by getting the basics down by the time he returns with your Caravan back home.

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This female entertainer is coming on way too strong for your liking. It dredges up bad memories of your father bringing along various young women of a comparable age to court with on behalf of the House’s demands. If they didn’t cherish every crumb of gossip that they could scrounge from the streets of Port Josiah, the ever-present vanity and pointless chatter caused you to grind your teeth. If their own father’s could look past being offered the lowest sections of the lesser branch, the women themselves had a general distaste for a quiet man with duelist scars on his face. The only one who seemed to care was Miriam, and even then, fate seemed to relish in withering that bud before it had a chance to bloom. Shaking your head to disperse images of soft blue eyes and sun-kissed skin, you focus on the present, leaving the past to hover in the cobwebbed corners of your mind.

““Please, if I started dying here and now, I’d never hear the end of it from Snorri. It’s not exactly a noble way to go.” you quip after finally clearing your throat of treacherous water. Madame Erica just smiles in a predatory way as you set the now-empty waterskin to hang from the gate post. She flicks her shiny black hair over her shoulder before answering back in a low and husky tone.

“I suppose not. Granted, that type of thing can happen to anyone of course. Just ask Snorri’s liege, High King Ragnar Ingvarsson. Fishbones are tricky things, especially when baked into a pie.” Her hazel eyes meet yours for a second, batting her eyelashes at you.

Sighing, you rub your temples. The low blow from Nathaniel earlier still aches, and you’re in no mood to put with the advances of a forward woman. Besides, I’m pretty sure she is the other knife-thrower’s woman. It wouldn’t do to cause strife with Victor by knocking boots with her. “Snorri hasn’t been one of his vassals for a long time. Given what she has told me about their customs, it’s a miracle he lasted as long as he did.” You look back over to the water barrel, and see Nathan looks to be finished catching his breath. “Now, if you’ll excuse me Dame Erica, I have to continue training the lad. There’s still plenty of sun in the sky, and I want him to finish before the other carters are done with their tasks.”

Erica lets out a deep breath, pouting at you with an expression that is meant to be sultry. It would also be more effective if you weren’t already walking back over to Nathan. “I suppose I’d better let you get back to it. Vic is probably wondering where I went off to. He said something about putting on show at the square to drum up interest for the show. Are you going to be there Tristan?” You just answer with a non-commital grunt, mildly annoyed at her informal use of your given name.

[2/4] Uploaded the map instead of the quest image. Feels bad man.

“Boy, if you’ve got your breath back, it’s time for another go around. This time, if you hit me down below again, I’ll crack you one in return. If you aren’t fighting with all your tricks, you aren’t fighting hard enough after all.” You make a mental note to get him set up to train with Black John and Ryan later on. They’ll get him up to snuff until he can handle himself, and can be trusted enough to overwork his young frame. Sighing again at his atrocious technique, you fall back into a relaxed stance as a faint breeze stirs.

>[Surly] After you finish your training session with Nathaniel, you’re planning on setting up a meeting with the Caravan Heads for the night. Everyone wouldn’t have time to disperse into the town yet, and you want to set up the plan for when you arrive at the city of Iskander in a week’s time.

>[Gregarious] It’ll still be late afternoon by the time you’re done here. After rinsing off the sweat in the water barrel and changing into nicer clothing, you feel up to catching Victor’s play as it starts in the evening time. It should be good for a laugh, and you can probably get a feel for who you want to talk to about supplies in the morning.

>[Pragmatic] The carters are pretty much done for the day, Sooty’s set up, Tomas is likely out divining, and from Erica said, Victor’s troupe sounds busy. Tracking down Snorri to talk about the guard rotation could be beneficial. As well, you should probably let her know your intention for Nathan’s training, since it might affect the schedule planning.



>what by the seven merciful winds is this about and what happened last thread? I don’t feel like reading the archives

This is a quest about mercantile endeavours, trying to gain enough Value and Profit to prove that you are a viable candidate to join a Grand Company. Your House isn’t exactly prosperous or powerful, so you’ll have to bring a substantial Profit home from the lands of Jironth to secure it. You’ve made a decent turn of profit and information in Angelsfield, and set out for Red Earth, where you currently are. A few days out, you uncovered a plot to blow up a bridge along the main overland route to Iskander with your headstrong cousin Robert. Something seemed fishy about it, and Rob was cagey about the circumstances. You also may or may not have pissed of your retainer to the point where she tackled you off of your horse and tried to choke you out. Jared was the one talking about it, and he’s not exactly a paragon of honesty. After intimidating an innkeeper to give you a decent rate and preventing your head carter from being a Karen, you took the boy out for a bit of unarmed training. He struck low and struck true, a fault you can’t exactly blame him for.

>what do we roll for anything? looks complicated.

Anytime a roll is called for, it will be a Best of Two 1d100s, with degrees of successes. You currently hold one re-roll to be used at your discretion, and one charge of FATE to avert a Crit-Fail result, or change an opponent’s Crit-Success to a regular Failure. Re-rolls replenish slowly, roughly over the course of a week or when you arrive in a new town. FATE can be restored, but it will take a significant amount of effort to do so, like preventing a catastrophe or stopping a war from breaking out through diplomatic endeavours.

>how we doing so far?

You’re currently at 1,191.65 Perceived Value (1,516.65 after factoring in your hidden Grey Market Goods). Still a ways from your goal of 1,825.25, but you still have a fair ways to go yet, with markets that’ll appreciate your Goods ahead of you. As well, you need to pick up food and feed, but have enough coal, metal and beer to last until Iskander.

>is there any pastebins to explain shit?

Here they be.
https://pastebin.com/pb8GTem0 Inventory, Stipends, and in-depth Goods and Value of the Caravan.
https://pastebin.com/6kC5LrwZ Mechanics of how Value is determined from your Inventory.
https://pastebin.com/uJ1WpYNQ Mechanics of how Re-rolls and Fate are used in the Quest.
https://pastebin.com/DSJCJFwK In-depth description of how the degrees of success work out, with examples and shit.
https://pastebin.com/zg8r18TN Pastebin listing Tristan’s traits and descriptions as of last thread.

Feedback is always welcome, and if you ever have questions about the setting, I’ll answer them with what Tristan knows about the situation.
>>[Surly] After you finish your training session with Nathaniel, you’re planning on setting up a meeting with the Caravan Heads for the night. Everyone wouldn’t have time to disperse into the town yet, and you want to set up the plan for when you arrive at the city of Iskander in a week’s time.
>[Pragmatic] The carters are pretty much done for the day, Sooty’s set up, Tomas is likely out divining, and from Erica said, Victor’s troupe sounds busy. Tracking down Snorri to talk about the guard rotation could be beneficial. As well, you should probably let her know your intention for Nathan’s training, since it might affect the schedule planning.
Welcome back Weldy. Scrolled past this thread twice trying to find it in the catalog but at least I know what I'm looking for now.

>gather up and talk shop.


>oi elf, insert the boy's training into the schedule, I want him to not be shit by the time we get back home

Giving it around 15 more minutes, then rolling to break the tie if needed.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Rolling for it, 1 being [Surly], and 2 being [Pragmatic].




Called, and writing.
>[Surly] action taken.

As you absent-mindedly block and slap aside Nathan’s punches and kicks, you swell on what to do for the evening. I should probably everyone together and make sure we’re all on the same page when we get to Iskander. Letting them know what accommodations I have in mind would be a good idea, as well as what we’ve got for options there. Your thoughts are interrupted by side-stepping a clumsy front kick to your forward knee, using the momentum to whirl a kick towards his ass. Watching Nathaniel go sprawling into the dust with a yelp and muffled curse, your stream of thoughts continue on the line you had before. I should also bring up trying to get a few more sword-arms or livestock there too. It’ll be the last major stop before we approach the Gates of Iron in Kalim, and one that will be on the friendlier side of things.

“I think that’s enough for today Nathaniel. I don’t want you to be a mass of bruises for tomorrow, otherwise Johnny will be in a foul mood all over again.” You extend a hand to the young man who’s rubbing his right buttock with a pained expression on his face. “Mention to Snorri that you were sparring with me, and add on that I said you are to train with Black John and Ryan when they have time to spare.”

“Aye messir, I’ll tell her about it. Gods, I barely even touched you during that whole time.” Nathan’s face is clouded over with frustration, clearly angry at himself for being clumsy and unco-ordinated. You slap him on the back with a chuckle as the two of you walk back towards the inn. He looks up at you, torn between confusion and rage.

“Come on now lad, Port Josiah wasn’t built in a day after all. I got thoroughly beaten to a pulp for the better part of three months before I managed to land a blow on Monsigneour LaChance. Granted, it wasn’t a strike to the nethers, but he still thrashed me plenty of times afterwards as well.” You wince a little at the memories of rubbing ointment into the masses of bruises in various states of fading when you were around his age. Nathan seems to cheer up a little at that, and you decide to sweeten the deal. “Here, when you talk to Snorri, tell her I said to let you have extra dessert after supper tonight. After all, you’ll need to rebuild your energy after intense work like that.” He seems to brighten up at that, his mood buoyed up at the prospect of extra sweets.

While the two of two pass the stables, you gesture towards the wagons. “Snorri should be over there with the guards.” As the boy jogs off, you slap your forehead as you remember something. “Nathan!” He slows, turning towards you with a questioning look. “She’s to meet up with myself and the other heads tonight after supper! Important stuff!” He nods, and continues running off to the wagons as you move towards the wooshing bellows.


It takes some time to track down both Sooty and Victor to let them know about the meeting tonight. Sooty was easy to find, but he was distracted enough that you had to tell him three times before you were satisfied. Nodding while focusing intently on the mixture of molten metal in the smelter, you still have a feeling he might be late regardless. Victor was distracted as well, and seemed a bit annoyed at you interrupting his talk to the entertainers. He was a bit curt, but had the presence of mind to apologize for being snappish about it. Good, I didn’t want to have to demand satisfaction from him. With only Tomas to find, you start walking towards town in your riding clothing. People might look askance at your comparatively nice swordbelt, but it’ll just be a short excursion.

Passing by the cramped stone and wood homes, you enter the fairly plain square with the sun starting to kiss the top of the church steeple. A cursory glance, and you see Tomas’ multi-coloured stave and Colin on the other side of a display of spring flowers. You wave off a huckster’s entreaties as you approach the small diviner’s circle and folding table set up. Tomas throws up a handful of yarrow sticks, and stares at the clattering heap intently while a rough-looking man looks on nervously. The intensity of Tomas’ glare is held for a solid minute, and then he snaps up his gaze into the other man’s eyes. The rough-looking man takes a step back as Tomas speaks in a threatening bass tone.

“If you continue coveting Winona in that way, there’s a short drop and dance in your future. Put her from your mind, whether by running away or finding another love. This path leads to ruin and heartbreak, just as it was when Jirathi tried to claim Hestia as his own.” The man draws the clef of Kalimdor on his chest, and sets a sizable sum of silver on the table under Tomas’ baleful look. Tomas continues to glare at the man as he beats a hasty retreat. Finally, Tomas lets out a faint sigh as he counts the coins.

>[Surly] “Tomas, we’re having a meeting later tonight.” Ignore the earlier interaction, and let Tomas know about the meeting right away without pomp or ceremony. The fates of others are not to be shared, and you still feel the old superstitions about divinations in your itching palms.

>[Gregarious] “So, was that one a proper prediction, or did you just cold read him again?” The funny thing about casting yarrows is that they are only accurate if the diviner exerted some magical effort before the throw. A layman has a hard time discerning if it was true or not, since divination is a practice that is getting harder to find.

>[Pragmatic] “How’s business so far this afternoon Tomas?” Ask him about how well his trade is doing today. You didn’t have much planned for tonight, so having some idle conversation can be nice, even if he looks to be more focused on earning some coin for his own bad habits tonight.


>>[Gregarious] “So, was that one a proper prediction, or did you just cold read him again?” The funny thing about casting yarrows is that they are only accurate if the diviner exerted some magical effort before the throw. A layman has a hard time discerning if it was true or not, since divination is a practice that is getting harder to find.

>is fortune-telling real, magic man?

Called and writing, last update for the night since it was a slow start to type the initial post and double-check numbers so far.
>[Gregarious] action taken.

That fortune reading seemed to be a little too direct to be true. It’s a bit beyond your understanding, but you’ve listened to Tomas talk about it before while he was explaining it to the old men in Angelsfield in-between games of dice. He mentioned that there are degrees of clarity, depending on the methods used in the reading. Something about how there’s only so many ways knucklebones can roll compared to the twining shapes of prepared water inside of a porcelain cup. The main thing that you took away was that yarrows were comparatively low on that scale. You clear your throat pointedly when you’re within a couple strides, and Tomas jolts away from his counting.

“So, was that one a proper prediction, or did you just cold read a mark again?” Tomas has a strange expression on his face, somberness in his faded green eyes as he picks up the yarrow sticks and re-arranges them so that they all face the same way. Pressing the red-painted ends into his left palm until they’re all aligned to his satisfaction, his speaks quietly, at odds with his usual boisterous cheer.

“Sadly, that was a true reading. He paid the full price, and hopefully takes the hint. If not, well, I guess he’ll wind up as another subject in a sad song.” Tomas fetches out a lacy white silk ribbon, and starts to tie a rather complicated looking knot at the mid-point. “It’s always a shame when you see young people sprint towards the cliff-face, sure in the fact that they can fly without wings. Still, fate can be changed, just ask Merakash, eh?” There’s a bit of levity again in his tone, even though the mirthfulness seems brittle like frost and doesn’t reach his eyes.

“Aye, may his eyes see naught but spinning stars in the depths.” you retort, taking out a thin cigarillo from its container. The bundle of yarrows is set gently onto the table, between a small philter of pinkish water and a small, bulgy burgundy sack tied with a tri-coloured cord. Tomas fishes his pipe out of his tabac pouch, lighting both it and your smoke with a mumbled word and snap of his fingers. The two of you smoke for a short time, townies looking at his pointed hat and Colin chewing on some of the weeds that poke through cracks in the ground as they walk past.


It’s when you’re looking at Dame Erica juggling clubs at the opposite side of the square when Tomas finally asks what seems to be on his mind. “Say Tristan, have you ever had your future read? Tell you what, I’ll even give you a proper one, free of charge, so long as it’s not the most expensive ones. I could use some happy future instead of all the doom and gloom that seems to be around lately.”

>[Surly] “No, a man’s future is not for him to know. Once it’s been read, it’s remarkably hard to leave that path.” You’ve never had your future read, and are not about to start now. Those who keep looking down the road and knotting themselves up with worry miss what is actually happening around them.

>[Gregarious] “No, but I suppose there’s a first time for everything. It should be good for a laugh, so why not?” Tomas could use a bit of cheer to clear the air from that last reading. Besides, you have a gnawing curiousity now, to see if his divinations are actually real, instead of just cold reading. [Pick one from the following, in order of effectiveness and cost: Palms, Tea Leaves, Knucklebones, Yarrows, Splitting Stones (.5 Wealth), Smoke Reading (1 Wealth), or Water Divination (2 Wealth)].

>[Pragmatic] “No, I generally draw the line at searching or predicting the weather. Not particularly comfortable with anything more complex than that, it’s a bit unnerving.” Let him do a reading for his own benefit, but ask him to not tell you what he sees. You’ve already got a fairly good idea of what might be in store for you, no need to have it pinned to a board.


Next session will kick off on the 6th, at 01:30 UCT like normal. There will probably be a longer gap between it and the one after, since I’ll be stressing to prep for a move. Have a good one, and take care out there!

>[Gregarious] “No, but I suppose there’s a first time for everything. It should be good for a laugh, so why not?” Tomas could use a bit of cheer to clear the air from that last reading. Besides, you have a gnawing curiousity now, to see if his divinations are actually real, instead of just cold reading. [Pick one from the following, in order of effectiveness and cost: Palms, Tea Leaves, Knucklebones, Yarrows, Splitting Stones (.5 Wealth), Smoke Reading (1 Wealth), or Water Divination (2 Wealth)]
Palms. Let's get a vague one.
>>[Gregarious] “No, but I suppose there’s a first time for everything. It should be good for a laugh, so why not?” Tomas could use a bit of cheer to clear the air from that last reading. Besides, you have a gnawing curiousity now, to see if his divinations are actually real, instead of just cold reading. [Pick one from the following, in order of effectiveness and cost: Palms, Tea Leaves, Knucklebones, Yarrows, Splitting Stones (.5 Wealth), Smoke Reading (1 Wealth), or Water Divination (2 Wealth)].

Knucklebones. Pretty vague, but not so much that it fails to give us good insight.
Supporting both suggestions.

>popping by for a bit of clarification in the vagueness levels.

So, there's a few differences between casting Knucklebones, and reading Palms. Throwing this bit of meta info about the means of Divinations out there, in case it affects all of your choices. Brace yourselves for a bit of tl;dr and wordswordswords about the three methods of Divination that Tomas uses. You know this mainly from listening to him drunkenly explain it to a group of illiterate old men, as well as previous experience with magicians in your life.

Palms is a Flesh and Blood ritual that involves Tomas taking a look through your past and present by the marks they leave on your skin, in order to speculate on your future. It's very vague in the sense that it's got a wide degree of variance, since it's relying on his skill at Divination to parse the potential outcomes, searching for the one with the highest potential. It's a bit like picking out fruit or eggs at the supermarket. You're looking for blotches, cracks, ones that are suspiciously light, etc. Depending on how much you cook and are familiar with produce, you'll generally get a quality product. However, you can't bee 100% sure unless you cut into it (Performing a Haruspex Divination by killing an animal and reading it's entrails is much more accurate of a Flesh and Blood ritual for instance), which is extremely likely to get you kicked out of the store (Killing sentient clientele is incredibly bad for business and the diviner's personal well-being).

Casting Runestones is an Revelation Through Instruments ritual, where Tomas uses a set of objects that are rife with symbolic meaning and elements of randomness to nail down specific events. These can be done without using magic, but are more accurate if he does it properly. Runestones are vague in that you have to interpret a set like "Love, Conflict, Joy, Near" into a proper reading. It could be a lover's quarrel in the near future, people fighting near a couple sharing a pleasant meal, or a bloodthirsty berserker who takes joy in the slaughter has a fight coming in the next day or two. It's reliant on a lot of context clues that you have to take in, so it's generally more effective on people that you know closely. Generally, the more concise and wider range of interpretations you can get from an Instrument, the less murky the Divination. The big difference between a casting, and one with magical force behind it, is that the result gained from a proper Divination is set as an immutable fact. If you roll the knucklebones ten times in a row, whether in a cup, hand, or close your eyes and slamming them to the table, they'll show the exact same "Love, Conflict, Joy, Near" result. Yarrows are notoriously vague if used improperly, and eerily precise if used by a Diviner who knows what they're doing, since they have more ways to land.


The last of the three major families of Divination is Kenning the Patterns. These involve interpreting patterns in nature, and using the picture there-in to tell the future. These generally involve changing something's state, and seeing how it changes. Turning dried leaves into tea, cracking open a geode, burning incense, or dropping prepared liquids into a pool of clear water. They can give a very clear image of the future if you have magical force behind them to cause the patterns to stand out starkly. The main difference between a Flesh and Blood ritual and a Kenning the Pattern is that FaB rituals need a living medium at the time of casting, while KtPs use something that was either dead or never alive to begin with. As well, since it involves consumable materials of very specific qualities, they tend to be expensive for each reading used.

>tl;dr, explain in one sentence of twenty words or less for each type, fuckstick.

FaB rituals use living things, and are highly personal to that thing and it's wellbeing.

RTI rituals use symbolic things, and detail specific events to the person involved.

KtP rituals use natural things, and draw a picture for you through you making a change to the thing.


This brief taste of the level of spellcaster autism is why I made sure that the MC wasn't magically inclined. Shit be wack yo, and I don't want to explain the intricacies of every single spell's construction.
Good to know OP. I think I'll stick with palm readings.

Thanks QM! In that case, I like the idea of trying tea leaves. KtP will give a pretty accurate picture, but I assume the scope of what we see will be smaller, because tea leaves have less patterns to look at. Palm readings are also cool, but seem like they could lead to issues later, along with knucklebones. Yarrows are accurate, but probably too accurate for our own good - we might miss other possibilities by focusing too much on the future that the yarrows gave us.
supporting this>>4725330
>[Gregarious] “No, but I suppose there’s a first time for everything. It should be good for a laugh, so why not?” Tomas could use a bit of cheer to clear the air from that last reading. Besides, you have a gnawing curiousity now, to see if his divinations are actually real, instead of just cold reading. [Pick one from the following, in order of effectiveness and cost: Palms, Tea Leaves, Knucklebones, Yarrows, Splitting Stones (.5 Wealth), Smoke Reading (1 Wealth), or Water Divination (2 Wealth)].
>>[Pragmatic] “No, I generally draw the line at searching or predicting the weather. Not particularly comfortable with anything more complex than that, it’s a bit unnerving.” Let him do a reading for his own benefit, but ask him to not tell you what he sees. You’ve already got a fairly good idea of what might be in store for you, no need to have it pinned to a board.

>you do you, but don't tell me shit


>what do your wizard eyes see, Tom?


>look at my hand


>look at some leaves.

Giving it around 10 minutes to settle on a type of divination between Palm Reading and Tea Leaves. Will roll for it to break the tie if required.
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Rolling for it, with 1 being Palm Reading, and 2 being Tea Leaves. Time to see what the future holds in store for Tristan.

>Palm Reading.


>Tea Leaves.

Called, and writing.
>[Gregarious] action taken. Method of Divination is [Tea Leaves].

Drifting your gaze back over to Tomas and away from the performance at the other side of the square, you catch a Look in his eyes. He seems genuine about wanting to divine your future. Letting some of the tabac smoke curl away from your nostril, you sigh and exhale a small puff of the remaining smoke. “No, but I suppose there’s a first time for everything.” Honestly, you’ve been rather curious about how exactly his divinations work. You shrug with a practiced air of nonchalance, as there’s no need to let him know just how much you’ve been thinking about it. ”It should be good for a laugh either way, so why not?”

Tomas finally has a proper grin on his face when he responds. “I mean, there could be something humourous in it, true. After all, it could be another close embrace of the female persuasion, eh?” You answer his lecherous smile with an annoyed grunt and a baleful glance. He chuckles a little before checking the heft of the burgundy sack. “So, what type of reading do you want me to do for you Tristan? If it’s one of my Kennings, I’ll have to charge you a nominal fee. After all, geodes and unguents don’t exactly grow on trees.”

You look over the display of his instruments, and notice a fat bronze kettle with an interesting amount of ridges on it. “How about reading some tea leaves? That way, even if it’s a bit gloomy, we’ll still have something to drink afterwards.” Tomas twists his mouth a little at it, but doesn’t seem to mind too much.

“I mean, it’ll take a while for it to make, but I suppose I can do that one for you. Give me a moment.” He fishes around in Colin’s pack, and withdraws a small brazier. It takes him a little bit of time to spread some tinder and a few chunks of wood to his satisfaction in the brazier, before his snaps his fingers at the base with a bit of mumbling and it catches aflame. As Tomas fans it to a steady flame and prepares the tea, you ask him something that has been niggling at you for a while.

“Say Tomas, how do you snap your fingers to produce a flame? I thought you’d use a lucifer to light it, rather than try to muck about with a tinderbox.” He wipes his hands on his robes as he stands out of the squat. He waggles the fingers on his right hand towards you while he pours some water from a skin into the pot.


“Oh, you know Tristan, it’s a very in-depth and complicated process. Not everyone can twist energy into the proper state, compress it, and ignite it in a fluid motion. Why, if you did it wrong, you’d just as likely blow your fingers off. Very dangerous magic, a great deal of skill to manipulate it after all. However, I suppose I could share a bit of this secret to you.” He motions you forward, and you lean in as he sets the bronze pot to boil on the brazier. “It’s cheaper, and that way I can sell the lucifers later on. Plus, it’s dirt simple, while letting the customers know I have the Knack.” He taps on his nose as you move away with a roll of the eyes.

The two of you watch the people in the square as the tea is steeping over the fire. There’s a couple of vegetable stalls, with the owners trying to drum up interest in the radishes, turnips, and greens on display. A young fellow with a tawny yellow beard pushes a flat barrow loaded with sacks of flour past a few children crouched in a circle, playing with a few twigs and branches. Erica’s display finishes with a smattering of applause, some of the townies following her back towards where Victor’s troupe is. You hear a shrill whistle from the pot while watching a couple of women scold the children, who appear to have been poking a dead sparrow with the sticks. The boys who didn’t scatter at the first sign of adults approaching are being led away by the ear as Tomas pours out the tea into two small porcelain cups. You move back over to the folding table while Tomas passes his hands over the two cups, muttering a few words that you don’t understand. You feel a faint prickle on your sign, and detect a faint smell that you can’t quite identify as he withdraws his hands and looks towards you.

“Now Tristan, give it two full turns clockwise, and one-and-one quarter turns counter-clockwise. After, you’ll have to drink it all in four mouthfuls. No more, no less. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink in each, but it has to be in four mouthfuls. It’s why I use this smaller cups after all.” You quirk an eyebrow at him as he starts doing his cup in the same methods outlined to you, even though his has less liquid inside of it compared to yours. As you spin the cup and drink the tea, you purposely take longer sips than Tomas. The tea is bitter and dark, and you drink it through your teeth. Ugh, could use a bit of sweetener in it.

Exhaling, you look at the leaves clinging to the inside of the cup after draining the last of the liquid. It looks like a blobby thing, but is pretty indistinct. You set it in front of Tomas, and fold your arms. “So, what can you see out of it?” He’s finished his own cup, and sets it next to yours, not even looking at them, his attention on a shopkeeper sweeping his stoop.


“Take a look inside the cups, and tell me first if you can tell which was yours.” You give him a blank stare before deciding to humour him. Glancing inside the two cups, you feel a faint trill of unease in your palms.

You know which of the two small cups was yours, it’s the one on the left. It had a bluish flower on the side, while his had one that was grey and a different shape. However, both cups have the exact same pattern of leaves inside. The size of the leaves in the two cups is a bit different, and you know that he had less tea than you did. Still, the shape and thickness of the clumps are perfect copies, down to the flecks at the lip where you drank from. You’re still looking at them as Tomas speaks in a low tone.

“Just wanted you to see that I actually put some juice behind it. Now, let me take a little look-see there Tris.” He picks up the one that you drank from, and stares at it with an inscrutable expression on his face. He turns back and forth, mumbling a bit of words under his breath. It goes on for about a minute, before he sets it back down on the folding table, taking care to avoid the embroidered cloth on it.

“A bit of good news for you in the coming weeks. You’re supposed to getting three letters from your family while in Iskander, not sure what about. Seems tense in the situation, not entirely sure why. First is a bit scolding in nature, second is joyful, third is concerning. Second one has a picture involved, and the third requires you displaying something as proof. Seems important.” Tomas shrugs at that, and looks up towards you. Whatever he sees in your face makes him smile, and he laughs a little. “So, still think it’s a crock of shit?”

>[Surly] You’re suspicious still, Its all a little too down pat and tidy for you. Anyone can guess that you’ll be getting letters from home, it’s been over a month after all. Let him know about the meeting later, and get back there so that you can get the paperwork prepared.

>[Gregarious] It’s eerie the way that it was an exact match. If what he said about it being the same, it should be the same after he pours you another cup, right? Stick around the square, asking Tomas more about how it works.

>[Pragmatic] It’s too strange to be coincidence, but you don’t believe him entirely. Either way, you’ have to see what happens when it happens. Let Tomas clean up the cups and go back to work after you tell him about the meeting. Besides, you could stand to get your bearings around town while still dressed like the smallfolk. Less likely to be accosted that way.


>>[Pragmatic] It’s too strange to be coincidence, but you don’t believe him entirely. Either way, you’ have to see what happens when it happens. Let Tomas clean up the cups and go back to work after you tell him about the meeting. Besides, you could stand to get your bearings around town while still dressed like the smallfolk. Less likely to be accosted that way.
>[Gregarious] It’s eerie the way that it was an exact match. If what he said about it being the same, it should be the same after he pours you another cup, right? Stick around the square, asking Tomas more about how it works.

>huh, weird. anyways, gonna go wander off by myself, ciao


>quick, pour me another. it's called a hypothesis

Giving it around 15 minutes for a tie-break vote, and then going to roll for it.
Rolled 1 (1d2)


Rolling, 1 for [Pragmatic], and 2 for [Gregarious]. Time to see how much doubt we have for Tomas' mystical shenanigans.




Called and writing.
>[Pragmatic] action taken.

You wave your left hand dismissively at Tomas’ smug face while pushing the cups towards him. “It’s strange enough to perhaps not be coincidence. I suppose we’ll have to see when we get to Iskander then.” He leans back with his eyes shut, still smug about getting under your skin. You make a conscious effort to resist tweaking his hat over his face, even though you really want to. “Regardless, I came here for something actually important. I’m having a meeting with the others about the city later tonight after supper. Be there, because it will be pertinent to your interests.” Tomas just shrugs while he still leans back, tapping his pipe out impertinently.

“Aye, I’ll be there Tristan. Not sure entirely what I’ll contribute to the discussion, but I’ll be there to sign off anyways. Leave the cups, I’ll rinse them out after I finish the pot,” he concludes, using his pipe as punctuation Nodding, you walk off as he whistles tunelessly and pours himself another cup. You look back as you start walking towards the edge of the square, catching Tomas turning the cup again in the same way. Must be checking it again I suppose You try to put the weirdness out of your thoughts as you wander past some of the homes, ignoring the faint tingle in your palms.

What starts as looking at the buildings to distract yourself from the divination turns into a cautious inspection of the architecture of the town. The majority of them are whitewashed daub-and-wattle construction, but there’s surprisingly intricate floral patterns in the doorframes and shutters. Even if it is a bit crudely done, even the humblest abodes have them worked on the outside. Once you’ve seen them, you notice the floral patterns everywhere. Roses twining over a gray door, violets over a windowsill that’s holding a trough of herbs. Even one of the stone cairns that holds a lantern has a bas-relief of a tulip in it. It must be some kind of local affectation. Probably as thanks to Mirabelle for fertility in the fields.

As you cross over a small footbridge at the creek, you stop for a moment halfway across to watch the flowing water. Following it upstream, you can see a well-made stone house with ivy crawling up the walls. Must be where someone of consequence lives, there isn’t a quarry within a few days ride of here. There looks to be a gardener working at the house’s yard, given that the shrubs are moving against the gentle breeze, but you can’t see them beyond a flash of clothing or two when they crouch below the bushline. Watching the scene for a bit longer, eventually it bores you and you continue walking along the path.


It seems like most of the better homes are on the western side of town, away from the gates and noise. Rougher homes stretch towards the stream, and there’s the faint sound of workshops to the north while the shadows grow longer at your feet. It’s as you walk towards the north-eastern part of the town, near where the Duke’s Arms Inn is, that you finally see something like a dry goods shop. It doesn’t have a sign on it, but the man walking out of it with a sack on one shoulder and a basket on the other, a small girl following behind him is promising. You make a mental note of it, and take a glance towards the sun’s position. It’s getting rather low in the sky, slowly shifting to sunset. A grumble from your stomach reminds you that haven’t properly eaten since a quick bite from breakfast-time, with most of the afternoon passing you by like a blur.

>[Surly] No point in going inside that store yet today. Even if shopping on an empty stomach was a good idea, you’re not dressed for the part or carrying the funds on you. Head back to the inn for a hot supper and get ready for the meeting.

>[Gregarious] You’re already here, so you may as well check the place out. It looks to be open, and you can get a better idea of what’s available for purchase. Besides, everyone else is always a bit late for the meetings, you can afford to be late for once.

>[Pragmatic] Take a mental note, and grab some cold food from a huckster on the way back. It’s near the end of the day, so they’ll be desperate for a sale. That way, you can catch the tail end of Victor’s show and get washed up before it, instead of waiting on the inn’s staff for a hot bite to eat when all your men are finished for the day.


>>[Pragmatic] Take a mental note, and grab some cold food from a huckster on the way back. It’s near the end of the day, so they’ll be desperate for a sale. That way, you can catch the tail end of Victor’s show and get washed up before it, instead of waiting on the inn’s staff for a hot bite to eat when all your men are finished for the day.
Pretty much falling asleep on my keyboard right now after spending most of today packing. Will start writing again in around 14ish hours, so I'll leave it open for anyone overnight. I'll try and crank out two or three updates, and get through the meeting and re-supply in the next few days before my internet service gets disconnected for the move in a week. Worse case scenario, I'll phone-post if shit goes sideways. Have a good one, and take care out there!
>>[Pragmatic] Take a mental note, and grab some cold food from a huckster on the way back. It’s near the end of the day, so they’ll be desperate for a sale. That way, you can catch the tail end of Victor’s show and get washed up before it, instead of waiting on the inn’s staff for a hot bite to eat when all your men are finished for the day.

Thanks for running, man!
Just caught up on the thread. Great writing and fun OP.

>[Pragmatic] Take a mental note, and grab some cold food from a huckster on the way back. It’s near the end of the day, so they’ll be desperate for a sale. That way, you can catch the tail end of Victor’s show and get washed up before it, instead of waiting on the inn’s staff for a hot bite to eat when all your men are finished for the day.
>[Pragmatic] Take a mental note, and grab some cold food from a huckster on the way back. It’s near the end of the day, so they’ll be desperate for a sale. That way, you can catch the tail end of Victor’s show and get washed up before it, instead of waiting on the inn’s staff for a hot bite to eat when all your men are finished for the day.
>ignoring the faint tingle in your palms.
First read this as "ignoring the faint tingle in your pants."

>[Pragmatic] Take a mental note, and grab some cold food from a huckster on the way back. It’s near the end of the day, so they’ll be desperate for a sale. That way, you can catch the tail end of Victor’s show and get washed up before it, instead of waiting on the inn’s staff for a hot bite to eat when all your men are finished for the day.
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>cold cuts and a show

Called, and writing.


>ignoring the faint tingle in your pants
>pic related
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I audibly laughed, thank you.
>[Pragmatic] action taken.

With a sigh, you look down at your riding clothes and thinner coinpurse. Doesn’t exactly scream ‘leader of a caravan’ to me. More like ‘carter that just got paid’. A growl from your empty stomach agrees with you, bringing up the excellent point that you’ve been walking all day after training with the lad. In addition, it seems to tack on, you did help Sooty shift his feckking anvil too. Perhaps a handful of dates, with potted meat? You just rub your face by way of response, and step off back towards the inn after trying to fix the storefront in your memory.

Around a block or so away from the yard, the sound of laughter cuts through the mosquito filled air. It must be Victor’s show. Never actually watched it, now that I think about. You steer away from the inn, ignoring your guts protest to the matter. As you round the corner of a squat building, suddenly the stage comes into view.

Bright yellow bunting and green curtains catch the reflected candlelight, amplified in the rounded basins of spotlights. There’s a jaunty tune being placed on a silvered flute by Victor, as Orville appears to be snorting back up a string of coloured flags in his nose with a faint jingle of his belled cap. Huh, never knew that Victor could play an instrument, I thought he was a playwright. The handful of patches in the curtains you remember seeing in the broad daylight are practically invisible with the way they’ve been cunningly arranged and the dimmer light. Orville produces a set of three chicken eggs from his empty mouth, and begins to juggle them with aplomb, a completely different caste from the mild man who’s good with animals that you’re used to. Townies ooh and ahh as the eggs circle his out-stretched leg, laughing as all of them land on his head and break at the same moment when Victor’s song concludes with a flourish.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Orville the clown!” While Orville takes his cap off and does a bow, having a fuzzy yellow chick on the top of his head to applause and hoots from the crowd, you give the group a brief scan. There looks to be an enterprising huckster who has a small wheelbarrow of sweetcakes and bread set up, selling sundries in the interlude. You catch her eye, and move over while Victor begins to work the crowd some more. “For our final act of the evening, we have Adam performing a sabre dance, accompanied by Miriam on the snare drum and song. Let them know how much you care!” The calling begins again when you look over the goods on display.

“Hello sirrah, care for a poppyseed roll? Freshly made this morn, along with the buns. Also got some pickled carrots too, if you want something a bit more savoury.”


“Do you have any potted meat to go with the bun? I could use something a bit more sturdy after today’s work.” It’s always a little grating to try and speak coarsely, but having a high-brow accent would be a bit strange from your simpler clothes. The huckster makes a show off looking everything over, and scrapes inside one of the clay pots with a wooden spoon.

“Well, you’re in luck, just have enough to smear over one more. Hope you aren’t trying to feed the missus too, she might be cross if you get it and hand her a plain one, eh?” You just cough in your hand a bit as she lets out a tinkling laugh. You hand over a few coins, taking the meat bun and roll with a few of the pickled carrots to round it out a bit more. It could have been a bit better haggled, but the promise of food made you more willing than usual to part with it. At least she threw in a second sweet roll along with a cheery “Best of luck staying out of the doghouse!” as you made your escape.

>Spent .1 Personal Wealth on supper. New Personal Wealth total is 22.2.

There’s a steady drumbeat from the stage, with Miriam swaying to the music. The crowd is silent, watching the fluid motions of Adam run through the motions. Chewing on the potted meat bun, you catch yourself critiquing the swordsmanship on display. Simple enough technique, rather light on his feet. Flashy, but that’s to be expected in a dance instead of a fight. You can’t quite understand what Miriam is singing. It has a bit of a cadence similar to Meridorite, but the words themselves aren’t making much sense. It’s as Adam does a leaping slash to muttered awe from the crowd that you recognize it. Wait, that’s Haradeen. The weird stress on Merakash’s name, native to that language gives it away. A frown settles on your face, and you take a look around the crowd. Nobody else seems to have caught it, too fascinated by the flashing steel and plaintive notes.

The song comes to a quiet finish, and the crowd erupts in a smattering of applause and cheers. The two performers take a bow as Victor and the remainder of the troupe walk onto the stage. “Thank you, one and all. That’s it for our show this evening, but tomorrow we’ll be performing again in the afternoon. There will be a historical play that goes by the name of ‘Massacre of the Cloud Gate’, and I know you won’t want to miss it.” They take another bow, and you watch the strongman move among the crowd with a basket to accept payments and donations.

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>[Surly] That song was Haradeen in nature, you’re sure of it. Confront Victor about it, and figure out exactly what was going on with that. If you have Deener sympathizers in your midst after that Grouser incident earlier in the week, you want to root them out now.

>[Gregarious] Let the sleeping dogs lie. It was a complete change of pace from Orville’s usual demeanour at the show. Granted, he is an entertainer, but it is so different from the glum man that you have to know more about it.

>[Pragmatic] That was surprisingly fun, even if you didn’t see much of it. It explains how they manage to stay afloat on the road, without drawing more than a token amount from your caravan in the way off necessities. Still, you should probably go and prepare for the meeting while they’re busy collecting.




I aim to please.
>[Surly] That song was Haradeen in nature, you’re sure of it. Confront Victor about it, and figure out exactly what was going on with that. If you have Deener sympathizers in your midst after that Grouser incident earlier in the week, you want to root them out now.
Let's go full McCarthy.
>[Surly] That song was Haradeen in nature, you’re sure of it. Confront Victor about it, and figure out exactly what was going on with that. If you have Deener sympathizers in your midst after that Grouser incident earlier in the week, you want to root them out now.

May as well make sure we're on the same page.
>[Surly] That song was Haradeen in nature, you’re sure of it. Confront Victor about it, and figure out exactly what was going on with that. If you have Deener sympathizers in your midst after that Grouser incident earlier in the week, you want to root them out now.

>remove Deener posts, ignore Deener posters

Called, and writing.
>[Surly] action taken.

As the basket goes around through the dispersing crowd, that niggling fact of Haradeen song keeps pestering you like a sore tooth. If either of them was sympathizers, that rot will spread everywhere you go, sowing rebellion in your wake. Best to shear the diseased limb off, to save the body from decay. Finishing the carrots with a crunch, you shift through the crowd towards the side of the stage.

Victor is standing aside with the sword-swallower, reading over the lines with him. You sidestep Orville, who is trying to rinse the raw eggs out of his horned cap with that depressed air you’ve always associated with him. Noah breaks into a strident, aggrieved tone with a sweeping gesture as you get closer. “Away, you foul beast! Cold steel is all you will get from us to eat, and burning homes to keep you warm! Tell your master that, and to take his filth with him when he flees!” The venom evaporates in an instant as he looks back over to Victor, who is making a motion to continue. “And then, I throw the lumpy sack of bones to Adam, and he stumbles off the stage backwards in shock. Did we get some new sheepbones for it? They rattle a bunch better than those old goat ones back from Merone.”

“Yes, I managed to get some back in Angelsfield. Should be fine enough, and the little bit that was left on them will stain the sack enough to look grislier. Got to have that certain something to it after all, it plays well to crowds like this.” You clear your throat and Victor looks up at you, before turning back to Noah. “Here, practice the monologue with Calvin when he comes back with the money. Remember, you’re Crown Prince Francis, not some bumpkin from Four Rivers. Be arrogant and brash, that’s what they’re expecting.” You motion him away from the rest of the troupe, and he follows you away, farther from curious performers.

“How was the show for you Tristan? It’s good to see you have some fun, even if it’s a bit more boorish instead of high society fare. Still, it should pique the townsfolk enough to show up for the play tomorrow.” He seems to be relaxed, something that will change soon enough when you put him to the question.

“It was alright enough, I suppose. Missed most of it due to pressing concerns earlier, but did come back in time to see the tail end of the clowning and the final dance.” Packing your pipe casually, you lead up to it like it was the furthest thing from your mind. “Adam’s dance is quite fast and flashy, but he could use some more practice to get everything down. If you’d like, I could practice with him to work on his swordplay.” Victor shrugs, a faint ripple of motion moving through his heavyset body.

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“I think he’d appreciate it, but I can’t speak for the man. Perhaps you can show him a thing or two, shadowfighting can only get you so far after all.”

“Quite. I had a question for you Victor. It’s about the song that Miriam was singing as accompaniment.” There’s a questioning look on his face that you catch before lighting your pipe off of one of the candles in the spotlights. “What was it about? I didn’t exactly know what language it was in.”

He rubs his chins a little as you take in his posture. It’s a little guarded, but that’s nothing new for him. There doesn’t seem to be much different in his stance than usual, but the man does make a living from acting and dissembling. “Well, if I’m remembering right, it’s a creation song about how the first men were made. Something about how they were cleaved from Merakash’s flesh during a fight with Jirathi, and iron flesh mingling with the blood shed from the nature god. It’s a little grim, but altogether harmless.” That is one of the stories early in the Songs, in the portion when they still belonged to the maimed god. “Plays well on this side of the continent anyways.”

“I see.” You tap some of the ashes from your pipe and look at him directly. “Exactly what parts of the continent does it play well on?” Victor’s eyebrows furrow a bit and he tilts his head before answering.

“I mean, religious songs are fairly popular everywhere along the Calling Sea. Doesn’t exactly go well in the Orthodoxy, says it’s rude to sing them at times other than at festivals. What are you getting at Tristan?”

>[Surly] “It’s interesting how she pronounced Merakash. Not exactly a Lorian accent after all.” Try to pry a bit more obliquely, and see if you can get anything more out of him Roll Required.

>[Gregarious] “I mean, I did almost get blown the hell up by some Grousers a few days ago, and start hearing Haradeen at a show being held by members of my caravan. I trust I don’t need to draw the lines for you, yes?” Be upfront about your concerns. If he didn’t know, shocking it out of him could work. Roll Required.

>[Pragmatic] “Nothing, just wanted to know what the song was about. See you at the meeting Victor.” Let it drop, this isn’t the time or the place. Too many prying eyes and ears, and if the dancers are aligned with them, you don’t want them to start catching wise just yet.


>[Gregarious] “I mean, I did almost get blown the hell up by some Grousers a few days ago, and start hearing Haradeen at a show being held by members of my caravan. I trust I don’t need to draw the lines for you, yes?” Be upfront about your concerns. If he didn’t know, shocking it out of him could work. Roll Required.
>>[Surly] “It’s interesting how she pronounced Merakash. Not exactly a Lorian accent after all.” Try to pry a bit more obliquely, and see if you can get anything more out of him Roll Required.

>yo, are these fuckers working with rebels? ya gotta tell me if they're working with rebels.


>listen, we say to-MAY-to in these here parts, not to-MAH-to

Giving it around 15 minutes for a tie-break while I make up some coffee and get some supper.
Since this vote has a fairly big chance to change Victor's opinion of you and your caravan, potentially causing division and complications for the rest of your journey, I don't really feel comfortable rolling for a tie-break in it. I'll leave it open for any further voting for a few hours, and check back later on around 03:00 UCT when I finish some more packing and cleaning tonight. If it's still tied, I'll start it up at the same time that I did today. Have a good one, and take care out there.
>[Surly] “It’s interesting how she pronounced Merakash. Not exactly a Lorian accent after all.” Try to pry a bit more obliquely, and see if you can get anything more out of him Roll Required.




>Roll Required! Target Value is 44 (40 Base, +4 for Surly, +3 for Taken Interest in Victor's Opinions, +3 for Reassurance in Guards, +3 for ???, +3 for Caused Trouble in Previous Towns (x3), +2 for Higher Social Standing, +2 for Literate, +2 for Gymnasium Education, -3 for ???, -2 for Trusted Members, -3 for [Suspicious] Trait, -2 for Oblique Questioning, -6 for Skilled Dissembler, -2 for Actor.)

You currently have 1 re-roll available to you (Stock of 1), and 1 charge of FATE. Roll the bones.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

This one might be worth a reroll if we don't get it.
Nevermind! Sick.

Give it 5 more minutes, then feel free to roll the other 1d100. So far, looking like a GOOD SUCCESS result.
Rolled 22 (1d100)


>Best result is a 19! -35 from TV, GOOD SUCCESS!

Called, and writing. Last one for the night, need to sleep sooner or later. Tomorrow's updates are going to mainly focus around the meeting, and decisions to be made in it.
>[Surly] action taken. Roll required!

>Roll Required! Target Value is 44 (40 Base, +4 for Surly, +3 for Taken Interest in Victor's Opinions, +3 for Reassurance in Guards, +3 for ???, +3 for Caused Trouble in Previous Towns (x3), +2 for Higher Social Standing, +2 for Literate, +2 for Gymnasium Education, -3 for ???, -2 for Trusted Members, -3 for [Suspicious] Trait, -2 for Oblique Questioning, -6 for Skilled Dissembler, -2 for Actor.)


>Best result is a 19! -35 from TV, GOOD SUCCESS!

A subtle hand is needed here. If he is hiding rabble-rousers, it could disrupt Robert’s investigation. You take out the thin snuffbox from your pouch and extend it towards him. When he waves it off, you tap out a pinch of snuff onto the back of your right hand and speak in a bland and bored affect. “It’s interesting how she pronounced Merakash. Not exactly a Lorian accent after all, seemed foreign to my ear.”

“I mean, only Calvin was born in Loria. Pretty much everyone else is from Fransica or Meridor. After all, I got my start in Narinio, working the trapeze and tightlines with Orville before the two of us got a bit too old for that.” Work it slowly, like drawing a marlin onto the rocks.

You bring the snuff up to your nostril, inhaling sharply. The faint burn, followed by a rush helps clear your thoughts. Sniffling, you shut the box and start putting it back into your pouch. “You, a trapeze artist? I suppose that explains why you were called The Soaring Sparrows Troupe.” Victor smiles at that and pats his ample belly with a chuckle.

“Aye, those days are fifteen years and forty pounds ago though. Orville’s probably still light enough to walk the lines, but a bad fall a few years back took the last of his enthusiasm with it. It took a lot of persuasion to get him onto the boat when we left Ciudad del Sol for Port Josiah.” There’s the in.

“Ciudad del Sol is a pleasant enough city. That’s right next to Troya, right?” You see a subtle, nearly imperceptible twitch at the corner of his smiling mouth and a flash of hatred n his eyes. Not even a heartbeat later, it’s gone, like a glimpse of a fish in the water, but you know what you’ve seen. There was a lot of fighting between those two cities, even before the splintering of the Empire. The fact that bread riots in Troya was the birthplace that led to Haradeen independence didn’t help either.

“Aye, right across the river, around a day’s ride up the coast.” He pauses for a moment before continuing. “Still, if you ever get the chance to see del Sol, the food there is magnificent. Probably not as heavily spiced as your own, but still good as it is.”


“I’ll keep that in mind. So, if you and Orville were part of a separate act, given that it’s your name on the wagon, you’re the one who found everyone else?” Victor looks up to the sky, his cheeks puffing out slightly while he seems to be absorbed in thought. He begins to count off his fingers as he talks.

“Well, we two struck out on our own after I got a bit too big to be on the lines. We found Calvin working with Noah in Four Rivers working as a duo act around ten years ago when they were fresh-faced youngsters, and decided to try our hand at a troupe. Next, Adam signed on with us at the same time as Eric and Erica, back in Cloud Pass when we were working back towards del Sol from the Citadel two summers ago. Miriam came later on, when we crossed back into Fransica proper again. Some small, one-horse town along the Gem Road. Smaller than here anyways. There were a few others too, but people come and go. This travelling life isn’t exactly easy after all.” So, she’s from near Harade, and has been travelling with them for a while. If she’s a saboteur, she’s a subtle one.

Standing back up straight, you roll your shoulders and crack your knuckles. “If it’s much smaller than here, I’d hesitate to call it a town. Maybe a village, or a hamlet.” Victor snorts at that, and you look towards the sky which still has a few traces of red, fading to the night. “Damn, nearly forgot about the meeting. C’mon, we’d better walk up before Snorri decides to head off to drink with the men instead.” He swears under his breath before standing up as well, the conversation seeming to leave his mind in the wake of incoming planning.

The two of you head over to your separate room, catching Snorri cleaning her fingernails with a dagger while she leans against the wall next to the door. Her ears twitch slightly, and she looks up to you with her blank, business-like look on her face. “You two are late Tris. Even Tom managed to show up here on time.” You just give her a Look before opening the door. She sighs while pushing away from the wall, putting her basilard back in its sheath while Victor follows you into the room where Miguel and Tomas are already inside.

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>Which topic are you going to address first? It’s your show, so you get to talk first.

>Get the accommodation plan for Iskander sorted out now. Everyone looks fresh and alert, and it’ll be useful to handle it properly before the night gets too long in the tooth.
>Get a feel for how everyone’s doing, answering any questions that might come up. It shouldn’t be much different from the last meeting a week ago, but if any rumours were spreading about the incident, it’ll be well to cut them off now.
>You’ve got a few ideas about hiring more security in Iskander. Now is probably the best time to decide on something, so that you can delegate when you get there to save time. Besides, that incident got you more focused on it.
>Ask around if they have any specific ideas for goods to pick up in the city. They’ll have better ideas of what to get there that will be able to turn a profit in the Orthodoxy or, heavens forbid, Harade.

Next session will start at 01:30 UCT tomorrow. Have a good one, and take care out there!

Tough choice.
>Get the accommodation plan for Iskander sorted out now. Everyone looks fresh and alert, and it’ll be useful to handle it properly before the night gets too long in the tooth.
>Get the accommodation plan for Iskander sorted out now. Everyone looks fresh and alert, and it’ll be useful to handle it properly before the night gets too long in the tooth.

>where we gonna be sleeping and eating?

Called and writing.
>Accommodation topic chosen.

Tomas is sitting in the chair, with Miguel on the foot of the bed. Sooty shifts over to let you pass while Snorri takes up position by the door and Victor tries to take up less room. The room itself is much more cramped than the one in Angelsfield, and it feels a bit close in with all five of you in it. A shuffle of Miguel’s feet and moving away the pitcher of water that Snorri probably brought up with her, and you set the map and Ledger down on what room is left on the table. “Sorry for the delay, today was surprisingly packed with things to do.”

“It’s fine Tristan, I nearly forgot about it too. It was only when Snorri came by as I was cleaning out the crucible that I remembered. That bit of bronze can wait in the molds though, still want to keep all my fingers after all.” Tomas chooses to instead pack his pipe. Any bit of teasing that he had planned would be without teeth coming from him. With a faint shik, shik, you trim the edge of the quill to your satisfaction with a knife and un-stopper the ink bottle.

“It’s still no excuse. I’ll try to make it brief, so that you all can get some rest. Snorri, is the hallway clear?” She nods slowly, making a show of opening the door and everything. “First item of discussion is the matter of accommodations when we get to the city.” You gesture towards Iskander, where it sits squat on the northern border of Loria. “We’ll be stopping there for three days, perhaps even four if required. It’s one of the last guaranteed friendly stops, with the means to resupply us for practically anything we’ll need, given it’s access to the Calling Sea and Gem Road. Thoughts?”

Tomas shrugs insouciantly, his pipe hanging from his lip but not yet lit for Sooty’s comfort. “I mean, we could find some coaching inn like we’ve done before. Price will be higher because of course it will be, but the privacy will be nice. Plus, if Victor’s people put on a show, that could help lower the price as well.” Miguel raises his hand, and you motion him to start talking.

“I mean, there should be campgrounds there too. It’ll be harder living, especially with everything right there in reach, but it should be plenty cheap enough for everyone. Plus, that way we can use the spare money to get more necessities. I know it’ll be one of the last stops for a while for tools, or Tom’s reagants.” There’s a dismissive grunt from Snorri at that, and Victor looks uncomfortable at that prospect too.

“It’s a busy place son. Lots of people coming to and fro. I’d like it if we had something over than canvas between us and the open air, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one looking forward to it.” His slightly condescending tone is cut off with Snorri's bored speech.


“Aye, and the boys will be up all manner of the evening to keep some snot-nosed dip from trying his hand at some urban foraging. That, along with escorting some of the others will put us to the breaking point unless we get some more sword arms.” Miguel seems disturbed, but presses on with his suggestion anyways.

“I mean, that’s not much different from everywhere else we’ve stayed though. Plus, there should be city guards there too. They’ll help us out if we need it, I’m sure.”

“Miguel, this isn’t the League. You can trust the city guard here to either be the first ones running from a robbery, or the ones doing it. Trust me on that.” Victor pats Sooty companionably on the shoulder as Tomas looks at you, apparently thinking of something else.

“Here, Tristan, could we stay with some of your family? They should have a compound there, and some guards to spare. Besides, it’s family, and family takes care of family, right?” You frown at that, and Snorri butts in before you say no outright.

“The only ones with big enough holdings for everything in Iskander are Gray Stonyfields. They should be willing to help us, but it could be... interesting, to say the least.” Interesting is putting it mildly. Snide comments, demeaning work. “Jessica and her family still live in the city too if we need a place, that could be an option Tris.” Almost worse than staying with the Grays. You take out a sheet of paper to write on while you weigh the options.

>[Surly] “The coaching inns haven’t steered us wrong yet. Once we turn off the Gem Road to go towards Hornbill Forest and the Gates of Iron, it’ll be a long time before we have anything comfortable like it again.” The extra expense is factored into your projections. It’ll be pricier, but secure and private in nature.

>[Gregarious] “Camping isn’t exactly a pleasant prospect, but summertime is the best time for doing it. So long as we don’t make too much of an impact, we should be alright, even with the low numbers available. We need to stock up on essentials more.” It’ll be a hassle keeping the security under control, but whatever you save here can be used further down the line. You’re willing to take the risk.

>[Pragmatic] “I’ll bite my tongue, and ask the family for help. People will have to be on their best manners. Any issues that occur, and it’s my hide that’s on the line for it.” The cost of staying with the House isn’t going to be a financial one, but a personal one. Social engagements, talk about House business, meaningless chatter over tiny sandwiches and tea thin enough that it looks already drunk. Wonderful.


>[Pragmatic] “I’ll bite my tongue, and ask the family for help. People will have to be on their best manners. Any issues that occur, and it’s my hide that’s on the line for it.” The cost of staying with the House isn’t going to be a financial one, but a personal one. Social engagements, talk about House business, meaningless chatter over tiny sandwiches and tea thin enough that it looks already drunk. Wonderful.
Supporting this

>crash on the Branch's couch. it's only for a couple days cuzzin, honest

Called and writing.

Missed your vote when typing, sorry. Did count it though, and it is also a [Pragmatic] choice. Didn't want you to think I was ignoring it.
>[Pragmatic] action taken.

It’s galling, but Tomas brings up a point that you can’t ignore. Even if you’re on the branch rather than the trunk, they are socially obligated to help you in this case. Having a secure compound that can let nearly all the men have time to spare is a compelling argument. Victor almost certainly would be happy to perform for someone with some clout, and Miguel would likely enjoy meeting some of the contacts there about his craft. Other than your own personal discomfort, it’s practically a winning scenario all around. Still, you let out a deep sigh before caving in.

“I’ll bite my tongue, and ask the family for help. People will have to be on their best manners there. Any issues that occur, and it’s my hide that will be on the line for it.” Everyone else seems relieved, other than Snorri looking over her nails again with a faint air of distaste. She knows exactly what they’ll be expecting in return for this favour. “Since we’ll be staying with Uncle Arin and Aunt Carol, I’ll likely need some runners to handle our fiscal affairs inbetween social engagements they will no doubt plan. The carters and guards will be handling that though, so you all shouldn’t be bothered too much.” You bend to the task of writing it out on the paper.

“Next item on the list, security concerns. That incident at the bridge brought to mind some gaps that could stand filling in. We could use some more outriders, and some more sword-arms or guns are always welcome, so long as the price is right. Snorri?” The taciturn elf begins to count off on her fingers as everyone else looks towards her.

“Right. First option, we hire on some mercs. The Blackbirds are somewhat reliable, and based out of Iskander. It’ll be a bit pricier, but they’re armed and trained well, and the House has used them before. So long as we only hire a few to stiffen the weak parts, shouldn’t need to worry about them turning on us or suddenly having a change of heart when it looks like the metal is going to meet the meat.” There’s a few blank looks, but you see the glimmer of recognition in Miguel’s face. Right, their leader is supposed to be from Meyard.

“Second choice, we beg and scrape for further guards from the Trunk while staying with them.” She looks up at your disdainful grunt. “Listen Tris, it’s an option. If I didn’t bring it up, someone else would. Doubt we’ll get much, if anything, but they’ll work well with the lads.” You just grunt again, trying to not think about how much they’ll try and bleed you for it.

“Finally, we could try and enroll some more adventurous, freelancer-style sorts. It’s not everyday that people are taking the long way around. It’ll be a gamble though; freelancers aren’t exactly known for their firm loyalties. Still, it’ll be cheap enough, and they could have some tricks of their own to chip in too.” Victor catches your gaze and shrugs.


“A lot of this stuff goes over my head Tristan. I do like the sound of those Blackbird fellows though. Trusting in someone more professional hasn’t steered me wrong in the past before.”

“Well, they do involve themselves in a bit of light piracy when times are tough. I remember my da throwing a fit when my cousin Francis went with them. He basically said he’d disown me, his own flesh and blood, if I went with him. Partly why old Zorzi took me in on apprenticeship.” Miguel states matter-of-factly.

>[Surly] “We’ll see if any of the Blackbirds are available. They’ll likely have some horsemen to spare, which will help fill in our outrider gaps, as well as some gunners to give us some added firepower.” Hire on a cluster of mercenaries from the Blackbird Free Company. They’ve got a bit of a reputation, both as being excellent fighters and notorious reavers.

>[Gregarious] “I might be able to pry off some spare House Guard while we’re there. Don’t hold your breath however.” Try and gain some more House Guard from the Trunk while in Iskander. It’ll likely only be a couple of troops. Almost certainly not enough to help solve your issues, without some major concessions for them.

>[Pragmatic] “If you could try and find some freelancers Snorri, I think we’ll give it a shot.” She’s got good judgement, and should be able to shift through the dross to find some of use. Still, it’ll be a gamble to find anyone that will help with your existing problems, even before relying on people that you haven’t had deals with.


>[Gregarious] “I might be able to pry off some spare House Guard while we’re there. Don’t hold your breath however.” Try and gain some more House Guard from the Trunk while in Iskander. It’ll likely only be a couple of troops. Almost certainly not enough to help solve your issues, without some major concessions for them.
House guard are pretty valuable due to their loyalty, they're basically free if we only take a few, and we can hire good mercs in a lot of places, while the Stonyfields won't really exist after we cross the border. Going for freelancers looks like a huge risk, so it's by far the worst option.
>>[Surly] “We’ll see if any of the Blackbirds are available. They’ll likely have some horsemen to spare, which will help fill in our outrider gaps, as well as some gunners to give us some added firepower.” Hire on a cluster of mercenaries from the Blackbird Free Company. They’ve got a bit of a reputation, both as being excellent fighters and notorious reavers.

>c'mon cuz, I just need a few more men, don't be cheap


>flaunt some dosh to get some rough and rowdy lads, bois real hungry for a scrap

Leaving it open for a tie-break for 20 minutes.
>[Surly] “We’ll see if any of the Blackbirds are available. They’ll likely have some horsemen to spare, which will help fill in our outrider gaps, as well as some gunners to give us some added firepower.” Hire on a cluster of mercenaries from the Blackbird Free Company. They’ve got a bit of a reputation, both as being excellent fighters and notorious reavers.




Called, and writing.
>the scars
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67 KB
>[Surly] action taken.

On one level, getting more House Guard would be of benefit. They’re loyal to the finish, and know enough to keep House business within the House. Still, it’s going to be enough hassle with the Grays to avoid any major commitments while you’re staying at their residence. It’ll be worse if you tried to get anymore guards from them. “Come now Tristan, we already had an arrangement with dear Reuben. It’s plenty as it is, you’re not the only one who’s in need of support right now.” It’ll be nearly as expensive as hiring on Mariners for the numbers you’d expect of competent freelancers. No, going with the Blackbirds is the right call to make.

“We’ll see if any of the Blackbirds are available for hire. They’ll likely have some horsemen to spare, which will help fill in our outrider gaps, as well as some gunners to give us some added firepower.” You begin writing it down while you hear the drop and whirr of Snorri’s spindle. “So long as we hire just a handful, we shouldn’t need to watch them too closely. Miguel, you said your cousin was signed on with them?”

“Yea, he would have been with them for around six years now. My aunt still gets money that he sends home, so he should still be around. If I see him while we’re there, I’ll point him out to you Tristan. Even if he’s not exactly on good terms with us anymore, it’d be nice to see him again.” You nod while still writing, blowing on the ink to avoid smearing everything into an unreadable mess.

“So, last point of order before I cut you all loose for the remainder of the time here. Purchasing extra goods and supplies while in Iskander. We’ve got a fair amount of goods that will trade well in Jironth, but more can’t exactly hurt. Heavy wool is popular, as well as the southern spices, food and liquor we’re bringing. The statuettes will go well with their rites too. I’m less familiar with what is popular in Kalim or the farther reaches on our return route. Some input would be appreciated, since it’ll make bartering passage for the Gates easier.”


Tomas is the first to answer you. “Well, exotic food and spices are always a hit there. It’s far from Geroni or Bisamti, and the Basking Ocean is plagued with Haradeen reavers when it’s not packed with Jironthi.” Snorri narrows her eyes, holding her tongue only by virtue that he used the proper term instead of the more common ‘knife-eared bastards’. “Silk and incense would do well too, they run though vestments and candles almost as fast as ceremonial wine.”

Victor opens his mouth with his opinion when you hear shouting from outside. Standing up, you look out the window to a scene in the courtyard. Two of your guards are stumbling over to the wagons, with a fellow using the two of them for support while the innkeeper’s wife yells at them from the doorway. It’s a bit hard to make out in the gloom, but the flash of red hair in-between betrays Red John’s presence as the one having difficulties. If it’s him, Black John is probably with him, and the slimmer one trying to dodge a thrown potato looks like either Ryan or Bryan. “Er, is something the matter Tristan?”

>[Surly] “Just a few of the men causing some trouble downstairs. Snorri, if you don’t mind, make sure that they find a place to sleep it off. One where they won’t trip on the stairs or wake up in a ditch, preferably.” Send Snorri to deal with this now. You’ve gotten most of the stuff where she’d have an input on dealt with now.

>[Gregarious] “Nothing, just a few drunks getting kicked out of the tavern. Where were we again?” Press on through and finish the meeting with everyone present. They can wait until tomorrow. Sounds like you have some volunteers for night watch for the next few weeks, and someone to help Miguel load and unload too.

>[Pragmatic] “Something I need to deal with promptly. Sorry everyone, we’ll try and wrap this up tomorrow evening.” End the meeting, and take Snorri with you when you got to confront those drunks. If they were causing trouble for you, they’re going to regret it. You wouldn’t put it past Henry to try and squeeze damages out of you if anything is broken, even if it happens after they were already ejected.


Last post for the night. If my internet hasn’t been disconnected yet, I’ll run another session tomorrow. Otherwise, the next one will be on the 17th at 01:30 UCT, a little over a week from now. If it is disconnected, I’ll phone-post in here with an update for you all. Have a good one, and take care out there!

>[Surly] “Just a few of the men causing some trouble downstairs. Snorri, if you don’t mind, make sure that they find a place to sleep it off. One where they won’t trip on the stairs or wake up in a ditch, preferably.” Send Snorri to deal with this now. You’ve gotten most of the stuff where she’d have an input on dealt with now.
>[Surly] “Just a few of the men causing some trouble downstairs. Snorri, if you don’t mind, make sure that they find a place to sleep it off. One where they won’t trip on the stairs or wake up in a ditch, preferably.” Send Snorri to deal with this now. You’ve gotten most of the stuff where she’d have an input on dealt with now.
>>[Surly] “Just a few of the men causing some trouble downstairs. Snorri, if you don’t mind, make sure that they find a place to sleep it off. One where they won’t trip on the stairs or wake up in a ditch, preferably.” Send Snorri to deal with this now. You’ve gotten most of the stuff where she’d have an input on dealt with now.


So, my ISP disconnected it today while I was out picking up supper so that I didn't have to cook. Given that the board is pretty slow, we shouldn't have any issues until I finish moving around the 17th. If shit goes down again, I'll try to keep you all informed. Have a good one, and take care out there.
No prob, man. Thanks for the update.
So, move went well despite multiple attempts to cross the highway by numerous suicidally brave deer and coyotes. The ISP gave me a fairly quick timeframe for the hook-up, so should be able to run a session on the 17th at 01:30 UCT once I get my life sorted back out and find out which of the boxes has all my computer stuff in it.
Just checking to see which of the formatting tags are going to be down for this post before I write it up.


Test, but loud

Test, but red

Test, but blue

Test, but green

Hidden Test

Writing regardless of test results.
Welcome back and congrats on the formatting.
>[Surly] action taken.

Turning away from the window, you lock eyes with Snorri, mild annoyance replacing the disdainful boredom at your glance. “Just a few of the men causing some trouble downstairs. Snorri, if you don’t mind, make sure that they find a place to sleep it off. One where they won’t trip on the stairs or wake up in a ditch, preferably.” There’s a mumbled swear that you don’t quite catch as she sets the spindle down.

“Is it that piece of shit Jared acting up again? If him and his two partners in crime are causing trouble with the townies again, I don’t care if he helped out with the bridge, he’s gonna have his nose pointing to the left instead.” She pulls away from the wall and cracks her knuckles as you waggle your hand dismissively.

“No, it was the Johns, and either Ryan or Bryan with them. Sign off on the sheet before you go, I’ll fill you in later.” Cursing some more, she hastily scribes her runic signature onto the sheet. As she leaves the room with venom in her eyes, you call out with a cheerful “They were going to the wagons. Don’t get blood on the bottles, it’ll lower the price!” She responds with a rude gesture as Sooty shuts the door behind her. “Right, where did we leave off?”

Tomas clears his throat before checking o. “We were talking about extra trade goods. We just finished talking about Orthodoxy preferences. Vic, I think you were going to talk next?”

“Yes. So, if we are going through the Hornsbill forest to the Gates, a lot of the forest people rely more heavily on barter. It’s not that they’re completely ignorant of ducats and the like, but they don’t offer much value for it in trade. If we were planning on trading with them, small glass and ceramic beads for their clothing is always a safe bet. Same goes for large amounts of ceramic glazes or coloured glass, anything that isn’t readily available from the woods.”

Sooty rubs the side of his nose before putting in his own opinion. “I mean, metal-work is always a safe bet. Downside is that it’s pretty heavy, and time I spend working it to goods is time that I can’t spend on keeping up on everything. Plus, quality coal is going to be hard to find after Iskander until we get closer to the Orthodoxy. The charcoal they use in the west parts of Harade doesn’t burn hot enough for iron or steel, although I could probably still work copper alloys with it.”


>[Surly] “We’ll stock up on incense, candles, dyed fabrics, and whatever extra spices we can get. It should help secure passage at the Gates, and they’ll sell well enough in Jironth for whatever is left.” Focus more on high quality goods that will be useful in the North. You’ll just have to be more persuasive when it comes to the forest people.

>[Gregarious] “We’ll take along some glassware, beads, thread, and trinkets. I’d rather not burn through all our liquid assets before negotiating passage.” Focus more on simpler barter goods that will be useful in Harade. They aren’t especially popular in Kalim, but whatever you have left might be useful in Jironth if you can find appropriate clients, especially if you can score some beaded buckskins from the forest people.

>[Pragmatic] “We’ll stock up on extra metal, coal, and finished goods, even if we may need to pick up some more livestock to haul it.” Metal is valuable in the forest, as well as Jironth. It’ll be at a higher mark-up than if you bought it in Kalim, but this way you have it ready for barter. Plus, it will help avoid pointed questions about buying large amount of iron and coal before heading onwards to the people who raid the Orthodoxy the most.


>>[Pragmatic] “We’ll stock up on extra metal, coal, and finished goods, even if we may need to pick up some more livestock to haul it.” Metal is valuable in the forest, as well as Jironth. It’ll be at a higher mark-up than if you bought it in Kalim, but this way you have it ready for barter. Plus, it will help avoid pointed questions about buying large amount of iron and coal before heading onwards to the people who raid the Orthodoxy the most.
>[Pragmatic] “We’ll stock up on extra metal, coal, and finished goods, even if we may need to pick up some more livestock to haul it.” Metal is valuable in the forest, as well as Jironth. It’ll be at a higher mark-up than if you bought it in Kalim, but this way you have it ready for barter. Plus, it will help avoid pointed questions about buying large amount of iron and coal before heading onwards to the people who raid the Orthodoxy the most.
>[Gregarious] “We’ll take along some glassware, beads, thread, and trinkets. I’d rather not burn through all our liquid assets before negotiating passage.” Focus more on simpler barter goods that will be useful in Harade. They aren’t especially popular in Kalim, but whatever you have left might be useful in Jironth if you can find appropriate clients, especially if you can score some beaded buckskins from the forest people.

>everyone loves metal and weaponry. except those fucking hippies in the mountains, but fuck em.


>lets pick up some beads and shit. forest people fucking love beads and shit.

Called and writing.
>[Pragmatic] action taken.

You sit, rubbing your chin in thought for a moment while the others wait on your input. It is my caravan and money that is in question after all. The beads and the like could be useful in the forest, but I don’t know if we can get anything for them anywhere other than Harade. Carrying all those fine good for the Orthodoxy is also begging to be either mugged or ‘appropriated’ by the authorities. Closing your eye and rubbing your temples, you finally give your answer to the room. “We’ll stock up on extra metal, coal, and finished goods, even if we may need to pick up some more livestock to haul it. I’d rather not run the risk of the metal markets being closed in Kalim, and if we are choosing to sell our wares to the elves, it’d be best to sell Lorian products, since that’s what they’ll be getting.”

Miguel chimes in cheerfully as he pats your shoulder. “Well, I can’t exactly say no to you picking up more for me to work with. Still, if it’s already finished, it’ll free me up for keeping everything running. Just so long as it isn’t like that meathead’s work in Angelsfield, eh Tris?”

You’re half-tempted to correct his usage, but the exhaustion from today’s events is finally starting to get to you, now that you’ve sat down for a while already. Rolling your wrist and bending your fingers to the gristly crack-pop! noises, you bend to start writing the decisions made onto the paper in front of you. “No, they have proper smiths in the city. Some fine in-laid pewterware or silverware will be a solid investment for the King to go along with the spices. Possibly a carousel for them when prepared, with engravings? I’ll have to talk to them when we get there, and see what we can decide on.”

As the pen flows over the page, you hear the dulcet tones of Snorri yelling at the men outside, along with their quiet and sullen replies that are practically a whisper. It’s far enough away to be indistinct, and her soprano voice is practically charming when you can’t make out the exact words being said. Tomas is looking out of the window at the direction as you blow on the ink to help it dry before you all go to sign it. “I swear, she seems happiest when she has someone to yell at. Almost reminds me of my first wife.”

Victor’s voice follows suit as you sign off above Snorri’s cramped runes with a flourish. “First wife? Did anything happen to her?” A few deft flicks of the knife to sharpen the quill, and you hand it over to Sooty so that he can scrawl his own name above it. Tomas sighs deeply, still watching the argument from a safe distance.


“Sleeping sickness. Fell asleep one night, and never woke up again. She clung on for another three weeks, but eventually just stopped. At least it was peaceful, so thank the gods for small mercies.”

>[Surly] Sit in silence while the others sign off, and go on to whatever their night is. Today dragged on longer than you’d like, and having a quiet night without further excitement almost makes you want to weep in relief.

>[Gregarious] “Well, lets all have a toast then, to the dearly departed.” Have a drink or two with the other Heads, even if it’s bound to be bottom-grade swill you’d tip out for the swine. Best to maintain a cordial relationship, even if it’s one of the furthest things from your mind right now.

>[Pragmatic] “A moment of your time. Nothing major, just something I thought of just now.” Take one of the three remaining Heads aside for a private conversation while the others leave. It’s not often you get the chance to talk to them away from prying eyes and ears, or other interruptions from the workers. Pick 1 from [Miguel, Tomas, Victor] and write-in a topic for the conversation.


>>[Gregarious] “Well, lets all have a toast then, to the dearly departed.” Have a drink or two with the other Heads, even if it’s bound to be bottom-grade swill you’d tip out for the swine. Best to maintain a cordial relationship, even if it’s one of the furthest things from your mind right now.
Offer our condolences, don't just sit there like a prick, but take our leave as soon as it's socially appropriate.



>garçon, one [Surly] option, hold the 'tism s'il vous plait

Leaving it open for another 15 minutes, and then rolling for the tie-break if it's still up after I go grab a beer from downstairs.
Rolled 1 (1d2)


Rolling for it, with 1 being Gregarious, and 2 being the Surly Write-in.




Called, and writing. Working the write-in into it as you sticking around for a toast that will be put on your tab, and leaving after the first drink when it's not a faux pas to do so instead of drinking, smoking and gaming into the night.
sounds good to me.
Sounds great!
>[Gregarious] + Politeness Write-in.

You’re not entirely in the mood to drink swill in memory of those who’ve passed on to the embrace of the Songs. Still, it wouldn’t do to just let them drink alone. Being aloof is one thing, being rude is another. Hopefully that coward Henry has something more palatable than sour beer and thin wine. Plastering your sincere no.3 smile on your face, you clap Tomas on the back while Victor puts his florid writing on the paper.

“Well, lets all have a toast then, to the dearly departed. Even if all our lost loved ones have passed on differently, it doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate their life, right? On my tab, of course. It’s the least I can do for you all.” Tomas brightens at that, the glumness vanishing at the prospect of a free drink. Right, I nearly forgot that he had that bad reading earlier today as well. Gods, today just doesn’t want to end.

“Well, a gift freely given in good faith is a gift one should take after all. Otherwise, the next time, it might just have a blade in the middle, hey?” Tomas hastily scribbles his cramped writing onto the paper and leaves it to dry on your desk. His meaty hand grabs onto Sooty’s left arm as he was leaving through the doorway. “C’mon young man, have a drink with us old fellows and Tris downstairs. His treat after all, it’d be disgraceful as well as disrespectful to turn down the messir’s offer.”

Miguel has a guilty expression on his face as he responds sheepishly. “I’d love to, but I left some bronze to cool in the moulds. I wanted to get them turned out and the moulds cleaned off before turning it in.” Victor creeps up next to him like a looming iceberg, slipping his left arm on the taller Miguel’s shoulders companionably.

“That bit of metal will keep overnight Miguel. It’s not everyday all of us get to have a friendly beer without that sour-faced woman lurking around.” He taps on the side of his nose with his right index finger as you wag a finger in admonishment, an exaggerated frown on your face.

“Don’t say that too loudly Mr. Sparrow. Snorri almost certainly will still be in a snitty mood after chewing out the men. Last thing you need is for her to clamber all over you and try to throttle you in mid-drink while your back is turned.” The sombre mood is completely shattered into pieces as you all walk down towards the tavern, Tomas sniggering while you lock the door behind you.


There’s a godawful crowing coming from outside your window. A pox on every cockerel that blights the earth. May the hawks take them out of my misery, and feast on their intestines. Not a moment after you finish the thought, the crowing cuts off suddenly, a sudden commotion of hens replacing it. Well, I suppose Kalimdor does answer prayers when they are given in good faith. A quick treble clef motion over your chest, and you get dressed in your better clothing for the day. You head is refreshingly clear from only having one mug of surprisingly acceptable ale, and the bane of your morning was silenced by the grace of the seven winds. While you lace your shoes, you decide on where to head after breakfast.

>[Surly] Get a move on securing supplies from a broker first thing. Get the most pressing concerns of yours out of the way now, before something stupid comes up.

>[Gregarious] Visit the guards and carters, and make sure that everything is on the level before going into town. If anyone has gotten into trouble, you’ll want to know now, before they have time to concoct some stories about the events.

>[Pragmatic] Ask around the inn and town square about further information for that dry goods store you passed by on your way back to the inn. Forewarned is forearmed, and just because the battlefield of merchants is fought with scales and weights does not make the fighting any less intense.


I’ll have to turn it in tonight, tomorrow morning looks to be busy with moving stuff around and re-arranging my garage workspace into something a bit more user-friendly. Next session will kick off on the 19th at 01:30 UCT like usual. Have a good one, and take care out there!

>>[Pragmatic] Ask around the inn and town square about further information for that dry goods store you passed by on your way back to the inn. Forewarned is forearmed, and just because the battlefield of merchants is fought with scales and weights does not make the fighting any less intense.
>[Gregarious] Visit the guards and carters, and make sure that everything is on the level before going into town. If anyone has gotten into trouble, you’ll want to know now, before they have time to concoct some stories about the events.

Cheers OP.
>>[Pragmatic] Ask around the inn and town square about further information for that dry goods store you passed by on your way back to the inn. Forewarned is forearmed, and just because the battlefield of merchants is fought with scales and weights does not make the fighting any less intense.

>ask around for them sick shopkeeper deets


>which of you fuckers were acting up last night? fess up, I know you buggers did something
>[Pragmatic] action taken

Splashing a bit of water from the jug on your face to wake up the rest of the way, you decide to ask around some more about the store that you saw yesterday in your wanderings before going in to inquire about supplies. Taking the time to lock up the room, you pass Henry on the main floor. He still seems a little put out, but tries to not show it as you eat a relatively light breakfast of bread and jam. “Good morn Henry, I trust things went well enough last night.” you offer as way of conversation, taking in the empty room around you.

He shrugs a little, taking time to wipe down the counters and tables. “There were a few rowdy folks that riled up the missus, but nothing too out of sorts. So long as they don’t come snooping around, making comments about the ladies anymore, it should be fine enough.” Sounds like we know who’s going to be taking the night shifts, even if Snorri didn’t find them. “By the by messir, here’s the tally for the night’s drinks.” It’s around what you’d expect, nothing more or nothing less.

>Spent.1 Wealth on drinks and bar food. New Personal Wealth total is 22.1!

Sliding a number of coppers over the counter to Henry, now is as good a time as any to ask about the store. “Here, what is the name of that dry goods grocer in the area? I passed by it on my walk yesterday, and didn’t see a sign on the storefront. If it weren’t for a father and his daughter walking out of there as I passed, I wouldn’t have known the difference from it or another shop.”

His mouth working slightly as he counts the coinage, Henry tilts his head owlishly while still separating them into groups with his right index finger. “...fifteen, sixteen, seventeen. Looks like it’s all there. Er, that sounds a lot like old Bassard’s shop. Used to have a lovely black and white sign, all covered with fancy writing, but the youngsters kept crossing out the second Ess and painting it over with a T. Mainly because he’d watch them like a hawk so’s they couldn’t swipe anything whenever they were in there. Took it down last summer after repainting it every day for a month and a half. Probably waiting until the Nesser twins get too old for that anymore.”

“Well, I suppose I couldn’t fault him for that. Paint gets pricy after all, and it would be frustrating to repaint it everyday throughout the summer.” Henry scoops up all the small coins and bring it over to his till while answering over his shoulder.

“Yeah, he’s always been a bit of a miserly sort. Probably still would’ve kept it up out of sheer spite, but that rickety ladder of his went out from underneath him on the last attempt. Got banged up pretty bad, considering his age, and his missus told him not to go up on it with his hip. Crotchety old devil’s too cheap to get someone else to do it either, pardon my language.”


>Learned the location of Bassard’s Sundries and Dried Goods! Discovered that Bassard is miserly in nature, and suspicious of young people.

Tipping your hat to Mr. Galbraith before leaving, you move over to where the guards are busy going through their morning exercises. Black John seems to be in good health, other than a growing bruise along his forearm. Him and Ryan, must be him since he’s doing the training are walking Nathaniel through the proper forms of performing hip throws while Snorri watches with a glare of suspicion lurking under her beret. Giving them a gentle nod when she glances over, you round up Neil for an escort as he packs a bit of chewing tabac into his lip. It’s a matter of a couple minutes to help him into the rest of his armour, and you wipe your slightly greasy hands on a towel so that they don’t stain your finer clothes. Neil’s lilting voice is a bit muffled from the tabac as he asks, “Where to messir?”

“We’re going to the square first. If we can learn some more about this Mr. Bassard, it should help with negotiations.” You both move closer to your wagon, greeting Johnny as he is looking over the harness. His response is polite, but a little bit more formal than usual. Probably still a little put out about yesterday. He can deal with it. Opening up your safe, you withdraw the scales, weights, touchstones, and a leather thong of rings to bargain with. Still doing well on the expenses, should probably try and exchange a few of the cut gemstones in Iskander for more silver. We’re burning through the loose coinage and bullion about even with what I guessed, but it’ll be harder to exchange gems in the smaller towns and burgs along the road to Kalim and the Gates of Iron.

>Withdrawn 45 Caravan Wealth from your Safe! Currently have 45 Caravan Wealth and 22.1 Personal Wealth available on hand. Secured Caravan Wealth total is 268.75.

Setting all the equipment into a sack and giving it to Neil to carry, you store the thong of rings in your jackets inner pocket. No sense in letting the town pickpocket get a substantial payday without a fight. Neil is blessedly silent on your walk into the square, the only sounds from his position behind you on the right are the shifts of armour, solid and purposeful bootsteps, and the occasional p-too! as he spits thick globs of tabac-filled saliva into the street. When you casually stroll into the edge of the town square, where do you start listening for gossip?


>[Surly] Tomas is here, still wheeling and dealing in his minor prophecies. You could ask him if there was any hot gossip he picked up so far, he’s a magnet for that type of thing. Plus, it seemed like it was a brisk trade yesterday, since he didn’t have much local competition in Red Earth.

>[Gregarious] It’s early enough in the day that the smithy will be open as the smith heats up the forge. They’re always a hotspot for hangers-on, men with nothing much going on to gripe away from their families. Plus, you could see if anything here would be worth buying to shore up your goods and take some strain off of Sooty.

>[Pragmatic] There’s some people still here bright and early, selling farm-fresh vegetables in the cool morning air. If anyone would know anything about Bassard, it’ll be the people who are his nominal competition or suppliers. They’ll probably insist on you buying something first before talking about him though.


>[Gregarious] It’s early enough in the day that the smithy will be open as the smith heats up the forge. They’re always a hotspot for hangers-on, men with nothing much going on to gripe away from their families. Plus, you could see if anything here would be worth buying to shore up your goods and take some strain off of Sooty.
>>[Gregarious] It’s early enough in the day that the smithy will be open as the smith heats up the forge. They’re always a hotspot for hangers-on, men with nothing much going on to gripe away from their families. Plus, you could see if anything here would be worth buying to shore up your goods and take some strain off of Sooty.
>>[Gregarious] It’s early enough in the day that the smithy will be open as the smith heats up the forge. They’re always a hotspot for hangers-on, men with nothing much going on to gripe away from their families. Plus, you could see if anything here would be worth buying to shore up your goods and take some strain off of Sooty.

>listen to the sound of Sooty's people at work.

Called and writing.
File: Village Smithy.png (436 KB, 627x412)
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436 KB PNG
>[Gregarious] action taken.

You don’t quite hear the sound of hammers on metal, but there is smoke curling out of the forge’s chimney. Still early enough that they’ll be waiting on the coals to warm up. Looking over your shoulder towards Neil, you motion towards the smith with your head. He nods in response, spitting out another thick gobbet of tabac onto the ground before adjusting his halberd. The two of you mosey on over to it, the faint jingle of coins in your purse making a polite counterpoint to the low thud of Neil’s halberd.

The door to the smithy is open, and as you cross the threshold to the faint chime of a brass bell, the low whoosh of bellows catches your attention. Heavy wrought iron products line the shelves, from a bin filled with nails to a surprisingly nice clothing iron standing next to a few other household goods. Casually picking it up, it’s not as heavy as it’s size would suggest, with a few delicate floral designs and a twining braided look that is filed into the handle. Sooty would have more to say about it, but you aren’t seeing some of the tell-tale bluish tint to the pewterware of someone adding in excess lead. Seems like the smith knows their trade well.

There’s a murmur around the end of the building where the forge is set up. There’s only one hanger-on around here, and he has the look of an apprentice rather than someone ducking out for a smoke, some jokes, and trying to not wander back home smelling like stale beer. There’s also a very young child of indeterminate gender sleeping in what appears to be a basket carrier hanging from one of the rafters. The apprentice looks towards you and pipes up in a cheerful voice. “Welcome stranger! Anything I could help you with?” The smith grunts at the noise, not even looking up from the coals occupying his attention.

“Ben, no need to shout. Took the better part of the morning to get Missy to sleep. If you wake her up with that racket, you’re the one rocking her to sleep.” ‘Ben winces a little at that, as the smith straightens when he’s satisfied with the coal’s glow, his back popping as he turns. “Good morning messir, Jacoby Schmidt, at your service.” He wipes his hands on a rough towel before taking your hand in a firm grip. It’s solid with lots of little pockmarks from sparks landing on the back, and just enough squeeze to give you resistance.

“Tristan Stonyfield, at your service. The stalwart fellow behind me is Neil, one of the guards from the caravan. Just stopping by to talk a bit of shop, and perhaps pick some of your wares up for the roads ahead. Don’t want to overwork Miguel after all, maintaining ten wagons is busy work.” Jacoby nods solemnly at that, and Ben appears to be trying and failing to hide interest in you.

“Aye, I heard you had a Meyard smith in your employ from the missus when she was selling sweetmeats at the show last night. Said he was nearly skin and bones, the poor thing. Sounds like he’s more of a farrier to me, I know how lanky those Meyardin are.”

“Yes, as well as a bit of a coppersmith and tinsmith too. Said he had to learn to work four different metals before his master let him go on journeymanship. How far along is your lad?” Jacoby snorts at that, and waggles his hand dismissively when he turns towards the child in the basket.

“It’s getting to the point where I can trust him with something other than a broom. Still a long ways to go, but things will come when they come. Ben, measure out half a pound of iron for the smelter and work the bellows while I talk to the messir. Don’t forget to prep the nail moulds, we’re running a bit low on the long spikes.” Ben scurries off to gather materials as Jacoby starts cooing and fussing over his child.

>[Surly] “How is Bassard’s Sundries for dry goods and food? We’re aiming to do some re-supply on our way to the city, and that was the only one I heard of so far.” Be straightforward and blunt about it. The time of each of you is valuable, no sense in beating around the bushes.

>[Gregarious] “That’s a lovely basket that Missy is in. Did your wife make it for her?” Try and break the ice by talking about his apparent daughter. If he’s a family man, he’ll open up faster and better if you show an interest in his children.

>[Pragmatic] “There’s some delicate floral work in the household products here. I noticed a lot of that in the city too, is it a local custom?” Bring up the recurring floral patterns that you’ve seen in the town, as well as start talking about his wares. Buying something will help smooth the path for further information ahead too.

>>[Gregarious] “That’s a lovely basket that Missy is in. Did your wife make it for her?” Try and break the ice by talking about his apparent daughter. If he’s a family man, he’ll open up faster and better if you show an interest in his children.
>>[Pragmatic] “There’s some delicate floral work in the household products here. I noticed a lot of that in the city too, is it a local custom?” Bring up the recurring floral patterns that you’ve seen in the town, as well as start talking about his wares. Buying something will help smooth the path for further information ahead too.

>realized that I used city instead of town in the [Pragmatic] option.

Godsdamned lack of editing biting me in the ass again. Red Earth is far from even what you'd consider a major town, let alone a city. Whatever, Just need to remember to correct it in the write-up if that option takes the vote.
>[Pragmatic] “There’s some delicate floral work in the household products here. I noticed a lot of that in the city too, is it a local custom?” Bring up the recurring floral patterns that you’ve seen in the town, as well as start talking about his wares. Buying something will help smooth the path for further information ahead too.

>damn breh, that's a noice baby you got hanging there


>shit mang, are these flowers on these cookpots and cutlery? what's up with that?

Called and writing.

As the smith coos a little and rocks the basket gently, one of those hot plate holder things the servants use catches your eye from the shelf. It looks delicately worked, with yet another floral pattern in it. This time, it looks to be more of a lily instead, a little bit rough but noticeable. The fire grate next to it that you spy has one too, something that looks like a daffodil in it. “There’s some delicate floral work in the household products here. I noticed a lot of that in the town too while walking around yesterday, is it a local custom?” The smith’s smile doesn’t exactly fade as he turns away from the child towards you.

“Aye, the flower harvest in the greenhouses is a major source of income for the some of the gentry here. Lots of potpourri and dried flowers for when the blossoms are fading, as well as fabric corsages for the fine folk in Iskander when they bring some of the cheaper silks from Geroni this way too. Mirabelle spreads her arms wide in peace here, while the iron wrung from Merakash’s flesh keeps Iskander strong against the Greys.” Stormclouds gather at his brow at that, souring the mood slightly. Those feckking Deeners roving from their hills, kilts shuffling over grasses instead of proper Lorian breeches. He shakes his head gently, dislodging whatever thoughts were bothering him.

“That would explain some of it. Still, the intricacy of the work on display is interesting. Usually, you’d expect cornucopias, sheaves of wheat and rye, possibly even barrels of alcohol in her depictions. Flowers are more of an afterthought, usually limited to a headdress further down the coast.”

“I mean, that sounds more like down by Port Josiah or the Spur to me, messir. Here though, flowers are a big deal. If you notice, they’re all domesticated varieties, with not a whit of wildflowers on display. Wildflowers are Jirathi’s domain after all, it wouldn’t do to include them. Jirathi sends wolves, coyotes and hawks to disrupt our farmers, when he isn’t sending another round of blight or leaf rust.” You quirk an eyebrow at that, and examine the goods further. Sure enough, all the patterns are of things like lilies, daffodils, roses, or tulips. You don’t see buckeyes, asters, or even daisies on display. “Jirathi uses those wildflowers as a means to let your guard down, so that the predators can creep up on you. Hestia fell for it before while admiring the rowan trees. We’re watchful though, like Mirabelle. Even if it’ll be fighting back with scythes fixed for war, we won’t go down without a fight.”


You nod in response, feeling a patriotic swell in your breast. Even if the work here is not particularly outstanding among the smithies that you’ve inspected, the decorations and stories on them could help you sell them on further down the road. After all, Kalimite goods tend to be more spartan in nature, and if Snorri is more typical of Jironthi womenfolk, they seem to appreciate the delicate flourishes on their tools and equipment.

>[Surly] “These are quite some nice goods. Still, I’m more in the market for materials, sadly.” Try and buy some more raw material from Jacoby Schmidt. It’ll be likely at a disgusting mark-up, like you’d expect in a small town far from major suppliers, but you could use that metal now. If it’s bought here, it’s one less thing on the list of things to get when you get to Iskander.

>[Gregarious] “You know, some of those patterns looks quite delicate. How precisely do you get the filing so small around the handles and hinges?” Feel out some more for any openings in your haggling for housewares, as well as reveal that you know enough about metalcraft to not be easily taken in. You’ll have plenty of time to concoct a story about this town when it comes time to sell it further down the line.

>[Pragmatic] “I could use more nails, hinges, wire and the like. Simple tools, but if it saves our iron for repairs, it’s money well spent.” Focus more intently on picking up various simple mechanisms and equipment. It’s not necessarily high value products, but there’s always a market for them everywhere. Plus it’ll help in a pinch so that any repairs don’t require Sooty to have to set up his mobile forge to resolve them, freeing him up for either shoeing livestock or making trade goods.


I’ll leave this one to sit for a while, since I’m going to busy in the morning dealing with bureaucracy. Next session will kick off on the 21st at 01:30 UCT like usual. Have a good one, and take care out there!

>>[Pragmatic] “I could use more nails, hinges, wire and the like. Simple tools, but if it saves our iron for repairs, it’s money well spent.” Focus more intently on picking up various simple mechanisms and equipment. It’s not necessarily high value products, but there’s always a market for them everywhere. Plus it’ll help in a pinch so that any repairs don’t require Sooty to have to set up his mobile forge to resolve them, freeing him up for either shoeing livestock or making trade goods.
An insurance policy sounds nice, so we don't have to worry about depleting valuable metals in a pinch.
>>[Pragmatic] “I could use more nails, hinges, wire and the like. Simple tools, but if it saves our iron for repairs, it’s money well spent.” Focus more intently on picking up various simple mechanisms and equipment. It’s not necessarily high value products, but there’s always a market for them everywhere. Plus it’ll help in a pinch so that any repairs don’t require Sooty to have to set up his mobile forge to resolve them, freeing him up for either shoeing livestock or making trade goods.
Cheers OP.

> kilts
I didn't realize they were filthy commie *Scots*.
>[Pragmatic] “I could use more nails, hinges, wire and the like. Simple tools, but if it saves our iron for repairs, it’s money well spent.” Focus more intently on picking up various simple mechanisms and equipment. It’s not necessarily high value products, but there’s always a market for them everywhere. Plus it’ll help in a pinch so that any repairs don’t require Sooty to have to set up his mobile forge to resolve them, freeing him up for either shoeing livestock or making trade goods.

>simple parts for simple tasks.

Called and writing. Was running a bit late because a meeting earlier was held up from someone arriving 15 minutes after the beginning was supposed to be.


>filthy commie *Scots*

Listen, they come from a rich and storied countryside of rolling plains, hills, dales, and thick forests. They just want people to stop coming into their proper clay, and fack on off back to wherever the fack those panty-waisted, hose-wearing, spine-missing, hoity-toity, tuskless-mouthed, foreigners with their oh-so-precious kings and lairds come from.

And I forgot the picture to go with it. Officially a thread now, if it wasn't before.
File: Spiral framing nails.jpg (72 KB, 700x525)
72 KB
>[Pragmatic] action taken.

While you set a remarkably well-shaped kettle back down with Jacoby talking further about the exact technique he used to braise the brass handle into shape, you put up your left hand to forestall the flow of information. “These are all fine Jacoby, but I’m afraid that I’m currently in the market for more simpler goods. Nails, spools of wire, hinges, chisels, whetstones and the like. Things that take some strain off of Sooty, so that he can focus further on keeping everything moving instead of drawing wire or forging framing nails. Those things are a bit more difficult to mass-produce in a mobile forge, taking a lot of time that can be put to better use.”

Jacoby seems to be a bit deflated that you aren’t as interested in his finer goods, but rallies surprisingly well. Much less of a temper than that tin-basher in Angelsfield. “Aye, well, we usually sell those products by the pound. They’re over here, in the big bins by the back.” You follow his beckoning, sparing a glance back towards Neil. He’s standing near the exit, glaring at anyone who appears to be taking more interest in you than what he thinks is proper. Glad to see at least one of the men is reliable. The wary cast to his face is dispelled by him pressing on one side of his nose, blowing something out of the opposing nostril into the nearby spittoon on the floor, following it up with a gob. Well, better he looks threatening than high-brow, I suppose.

Looking in the bins that the blacksmith has motioned towards, you take out a handle of the framing nails and move them through your fingers. They seem well-formed from thin square stock, twisted to produce a spiral and sharpened point. Out of the fifteen in your hand, there isn’t any malformed or bent either. The hinges in the bin next to them look well-fitted too, with no gapping in the edges or rough patches which would cause them to catch in use. The handful of chisels are more rougher, and could use some touching up with a file before you sell them further on. Looks like he put some effort to getting the shape down, but stopped when they became functional instead of making them as honed as possible.

The wire itself seems fine, without a noticeable amount of bending or flattening in the spool that you can see. Wedges for fixing heads onto handles seem alright too, even if these are a both more deformed than useful. It’s alright enough, they are one-time use objects after all. It’s as you checking over the saw blades that Jacoby speaks up, jarring you out of your inspections. “So, most of these should be good to buy right away. We’re still a bit short on the heavy-weight spikes and brass wire, but we should have enough iron and bronze for you. If you’re sticking around for the rest of the day, we should have another three pounds of spikes hammered out by the time we shut shop, and the lad will have more of the brass wire drawn out too.”


Pick one from each group of options. Each will affect the TV for your Haggling roll that will occur after the votes are called.

Types of Goods to focus on

>Low-cost, low-skill products like nails, wire, spikes, bars, and plates. Sooty can bash these out pretty much everywhere with even shoddy materials, but won’t be able to be nearly as efficient at producing them compared to a proper smith shop since he is limited by his pullers and other tools.
>Medium-cost, medium-skill products like hinges, screws, wedges, barrel hoops, and whetstones. Sooty is skilled enough to make these without much hassle at around the same rate you’d expect at a smithy. However, he is just one man, and some of these products require access to quality ingredients to form well to sell to discerning customers.
>High-cost, high-skill products like sawblades, razors, knife blanks, files, springs, and other complex hand tools. Sooty is skilled enough to make these with his limited forging capability. However, it will be at a practically glacial pace due to limits like quenching oil, temperature control for the welding, or strong vices.
>Write-in proportions of multiple types

You’ll be picking up some from each type (5% for the two not picked), but this is the amount you’ll be spending the most from your budget on (90% on the main one.).

Your Spending Limit

>Spend a modest amount on these goods, just enough to not be insulting and top off the stock you have. Total amount earmarked is 8 Wealth.
>Spend a moderate amount, enough to keep your simple mechanism amounts at a sustainable rate while leaving enough to trade without cause for concern. Total amount earmarked is 13 Wealth.
>Spend a large amount, enough to basically fill in as much damage as you could reasonably expect for four bad days, as well as a surplus for a fair amount of trading. Total amount earmarked is 18 Wealth.
>Write-in a different amount, up to a total of 24 Wealth. (Your best estimate is that you could go higher, but Jacoby is likely to want to hold some product back so that he can still supply the town after you leave.)


Style of Haggling

>[Surly] Argue hard, and argue long. You’ve got all day, and are going to a city filled with smiths in the next week. He needs your business more than you need his, you know it, and he knows it.
>[Gregarious] Dial up that friendly charm, and break out the No.2 smile and a little bit of barter to smooth the way. Why, I’ve got some lovely woolen skeins in the wagon, straight from Angelsfield. Pure cash is so gauche after all.
>[Pragmatic] Mix in a couple of the florally decorated products that he seems to be so proud of. We’re going to see a crowning in the future you know, and we’ll be sure to let people know where we got them from of course. Call it an investment.
>Write-in some additional dialogue to potentially sway the modifiers.

Currently, you have 45 Caravan Wealth on your person, and 22.1 Personal Wealth. You figure that even if it’s horrifically over-priced, it shouldn’t be more than 11 Wealth to restock feed, food and drink, since you have enough beer to cover the week to Iskander.

>75% high-cost, 25% medium-cost
>Spend a moderate amount, enough to keep your simple mechanism amounts at a sustainable rate while leaving enough to trade without cause for concern. Total amount earmarked is 13 Wealth.
>[Pragmatic] Mix in a couple of the florally decorated products that he seems to be so proud of. We’re going to see a crowning in the future you know, and we’ll be sure to let people know where we got them from of course. Call it an investment.

>75% high-cost, 25% medium-cost
>Spend a moderate amount, enough to keep your simple mechanism amounts at a sustainable rate while leaving enough to trade without cause for concern. Total amount earmarked is 13 Wealth.
>[Pragmatic] Mix in a couple of the florally decorated products that he seems to be so proud of. We’re going to see a crowning in the future you know, and we’ll be sure to let people know where we got them from of course. Call it an investment.

>Roll Required! Target Value is 50. (40 Base, +4 for Pragmatic, +4 for [Steel and Powder Trade Contacts], +3 for Familiar with Goods [Metal], +2 for Higher Social Status, +1 for Medium amounts Purchased, +3 for Knows Good Metalwork, +1 for Rapport, +1 for Variety of Products, -3 for Proud Smith, -2 for Interest in Goods, -2 for Knows his Quality, -2 for ???)

Give me two rolls of 1d100. You currently have 1 re-roll available to you, (1 Stock) and 1 charge of FATE.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 85 (1d100)


>Best roll is a 49! -1 from TV 50. NARROW SUCCESS!

>Re-roll? [Y/N]

Leaving it open for 10 minutes for potential re-rolls, then writing it up.
>75% high-cost, 25% medium-cost
>Spend a moderate amount, enough to keep your simple mechanism amounts at a sustainable rate while leaving enough to trade without cause for concern. Total amount earmarked is 13 Wealth.
>[Pragmatic] Mix in a couple of the florally decorated products that he seems to be so proud of. We’re going to see a crowning in the future you know, and we’ll be sure to let people know where we got them from of course. Call it an investment.

>Roll Required! Target Value is 50. (40 Base, +4 for Pragmatic, +4 for [Steel and Powder Trade Contacts], +3 for Familiar with Goods [Metal], +2 for Higher Social Status, +1 for Medium amounts Purchased, +3 for Knows Good Metalwork, +1 for Rapport, +1 for Variety of Products, -3 for Proud Smith, -2 for Interest in Goods, -2 for Knows his Quality, -2 for ???)


>Best roll is a 49! -1 from TV 50. NARROW SUCCESS! You manage to talk him into just above cost, with two Gift-Grade Goods.

As you absent-mindedly run your thumb along the scar on your nose and lips, you give it a bit of time to think of what to get. A handful of hinges and two spools of wire should be enough of the simpler things. Sooty doesn’t exactly have the pullers to get it so fine as that. Those saw blades will turn up well though, especially if we barter them in Hornsbill. Throwing in a few tool heads and wedges to round it off, it shouldn’t be much more too. If those springs have good temper, I might be able to play them off too. Nodding, you gesture towards the bins that Jacoby has out. “I’ll take at least ten of the hinges, and two spools of wire. One iron, one brass.” As the smith takes them over to a scale, you pick up one of the saw blades and give it a flex.

“Aye, good bowing on that one. Flexible enough to not get stuck, sharp enough to go through a log like a knife in butter.” You can practically hear the puffing up of his chest while taking a pointed look at it.

“Yes, but look closer here. These three teeth are all on the same angle. That’ll throw off the kerf, and deflect any straight cuts. Pretty hard to sell it to any forester that knows his knee from his elbow.” The smith bends over, looking at it carefully in your hands.

“Sure enough, you do have an eye for that Messir Stonyfield. I’ll put it on the melting heap, no sense in selling shoddy product after all.” This back and forth goes on as the stack of products by the scales gets taller. Eventually, after you finish running a razor along your forearm to test it clearing off hair, you can see that you’ve gained a measure of respect in his eyes for not being a total buffoon. “Now, lets give it a measure to see how much it’ll run.


The scale seems accurate as both of you test weights and each other’s scales from the set. As the balance comes in order, you suck on your teeth a bit at his tally. “I don’t know Mr Schmidt, I still feel that I could get a better rate on this black-metal in the city. Not to disparage your work, of course, but it’s still a bit on the high side.”

“Come on now messir Stonyfield, I do have to feed my daughter and wife after all. I’ve got a deft hand with a hammer, but not even those short devils of the League can live off of iron and coal. You understand, right?” Letting out a deep sigh, you look towards the fire grate and trivet that caught your eye earlier. You know, I could possibly get a good story out of those when I sell them at the Kingsmoot.

“Tell you what Jacoby. If you add in that trivet and fire grate with the daffodil in it, I’ll add in another ring, as well as tell King Harald Brakenspar where I’ve bought them from. I know those elves enjoy delicate work like that, and showing off the iron work beyond what we already have will go well with them.” You catch a glimmer of pride in his eyes as he hems and haws with exaggerated affect. Another deep sigh, as if it pained you greatly to do so, you slip yet another low-grade gold ring from the thong. He breaks out in a great big smile, and sticks his hand out for a firm shake. Grasping his hefty paw for a firm shake, you still feel like you came barely out even in that exchange. I knew I should’ve thrown in some of the wool from the wagon. Ah well, what’s done is done, these will practically pay for themselves and more when we turn off the Gem Road.

>Spent 13.5 Caravan Wealth! Gained 4 Wealth in Simple Mechanisms, 8 Wealth in Complex Tools, and 1 Wealth in Iron Housewares (Fine). Total Profit is -.5 Wealth. Carried Caravan Wealth is 31.5, and Personal Wealth is 22.1.

As you finished writing the invoice and signing off on it, Jacoby finishes setting his brass weights and scales away. “Many thanks to ye, messir Stonyfield. That’s nearly two weeks of sales you made for me just now.” You just shrug by way of response, looking over the mound of wrought iron goods on the counter.

“Think nothing of it, it’ll be worth letting Sooty focus on shoeing horses and hammering nails instead of making hinges and knife blades. If you send your man over to the Duke’s Arms, tell him to find an older fellow by the name of Johnny. Johnny will get one or two of the carters to come by and pick it up, so as to save your backs.” Jacoby quirks an eyebrow at that, pausing from stoking the forge again.

“Aren’t you going to be taking them back yourselves? I mean, your man there looks capable enough as it is.” Neil just leers a little, black flecks of tabac in his teeth.


“Sadly, no. I need to head over to Bassard’s while the day is young. Too much to do and arrange, not enough time in the day to make sure it’s all done.” The blacksmith’s face twists a little at that comment. You give him a curious look as he scrapes off some slag at the end of his bellows with a bit more vigor than strictly necessary.

“Watch yourself around that old devil Jasper. My cousin said he caught him mixing rye into his wheat flour in the spring. Confronted him over it, almost came to blows over it. I wouldn’t put it past him to try and substitute and cut his material where he can.”

>Discovered that Jasper Bassard has a reputation for cutting his products among the townsfolk of Red Earth.

“Well, that is rather kind of you to tell me Jacoby. I’ll keep that in mind, and to make sure he doesn’t put his thumb on the scales as we go.” The burly smith gives you a wave and his assurances that he’ll send Ben over to the inn to get some of your carters. As you turn away from the shop, you hear Neil’s muffled voice behind you.

“Mighty kind of you to trust him to not leave anything behind messir.” Snorting derisively, you turn a little to your right and mumble back towards him.

“If he tries anything funny, a little bit of physical reparations from the lads should help remind him why you don’t try to cheat a Stonyfield.” A low and crude snigger is his response as you focus back on the streets.

>[Surly] You feel confident enough that you should be able to see through any of Bassard’s trickery and misdealings. You’ll still head over there to source your supplies, even if you might have to be a bit more wary about anything he offers.

>[Gregarious] There’s enough time in the day to track down and source another dry goods supplier. A town of this size is bound to have another, even if you aren’t sure how much better they may be to deal with.

>[Pragmatic] You’ll head back to the inn, and grab another person before heading over to Bassard’s. That way, you can send the carters to the smithy with your chit, killing two birds with one stone. Pick one from [Guards, Carters, Miguel, or Snorri] to accompany you to Bassard’s.


Your estimate is that it’s around 11 AM when all is said and done, plenty of time left in the day to buy and move supplies.

>>[Pragmatic] You’ll head back to the inn, and grab another person before heading over to Bassard’s. That way, you can send the carters to the smithy with your chit, killing two birds with one stone. Pick one from [Guards, Carters, Miguel, or Snorri] to accompany you to Bassard’s.

I think his bad reputation will make his prices ultimately lower if we don't get scammed. Snorri will be there for the intimidation factor, and we can hear about the news with the guards while she's around.
+1, good plan

>oi Snorri, wanna shake down an old man with us?

Called and writing, probably last update for the night.
>[Pragmatic] action taken. Chose [Snorri] to accompany you.

Cursing the lack of a sundial or clock in the square, you take note of the sun’s position in the sky. Early enough, plenty of time to head back to get someone over this way for the ironmongery. Motioning towards Neil, you both walk back towards the inn. “Had enough already messir?”

“No, I figured that I should get some of the carters here now, so that the goods can get stowed properly in the wagon. Plus, if Snorri isn’t busy, I was thinking of pulling her with us when we visit that Bassard.” Neil grunts by way of response, somehow communicating that he’s both fine with get more people, but slightly grumpy that Snorri will be coming along. It’s quite an expressive grunt.

As you round the bend, you see Black John and No, that’s Bryan. Guess it was him instead of Ryan that was causing that ruckus last night. both scouring helmets intently under Snorri’s glare. You catch her voice filled with menace even at this distance. “Fuck’s sakes John, I’ve given you five minutes, and there’s still fecking blotches on that brim. Set it down, and do another round of pull-ups on that tree branch. If I catch you kipping, I’ll give you a reason to kip, swear on the fathers.” Black John runs over to the tree, face going red and huge sweat marks along his armpits. “All the way up, and all the way down John! You want to be a man in the night, you’d best be a man in the morn! Bryan, show me your helmet.”

She’s glaring at the kettle helm in her hand like it personally offended her as you and Neil. Bryan notices the two of you, and quickly sketches a low bow. Evidently, the helm is satisfactory, as Snorri tosses it onto his lowered shoulder with a dull clonk “It’s acceptable. Start working on Randall’s sallet now. Finally she notices you, and gives a lazy salute. “Morning Tris.”

“Good morning Snorri. Doing a bit of preventative maintenance?” She snorts as Bryan rushes off, heading over to where a few of the guards were taking a break with the carters.

“Aye, these two lazy bastards tried to give me lip last night. As such, they’ve decided to help out the others entirely out of the kindness of their hearts.” She looks towards Black John, her face scrunching up in anger. “John, I said no kipping you sumbitch! Get yer arse down here, and plank until I give you the go ahead! Straight back, or else!” As he drops down and runs over, red-faced, Snorri turns back towards you and Neil. “Red John is currently mucking out the stables with Johnny. The other carters were given the day off, due to good behaviour.”


“Well, two carters are enough for the task at hand. Him and Johnny are to go over to the smithy, and pick up an order for the wagons. A bunch of iron mechanisms and goods for the roads ahead.” She smiles a nasty grin and starts whistling a jaunty little tune as you move over to the stables. Black John is still holding the plank as Bryan rushes back and starts scouring at a sallet that’s seen better days. There’s a faint p-too as Neil takes up the rear.

Johnny sketches a quick bow while you see Red John looking like something the dog dragged in. There’s an appreciably large amount of manure raked into the centre of the stables, and it looks like it’s around two thirds done. When you detail the job at hand, Johnny just gives a quick “Messir”, while Red John’s face somehow managed to droop even further. Snorri grabs Jared from his lounging with an admonishment to “Make sure those two lazy buggers get that shit done. If it ready by the time I get back, you’re helping em Jared.” The three of you leave towards Bassard’s store to the sound of summer birdsong and buzzing insects.

“So, Tris, how we gonna work this feckker over? From what you say, he’s a bit of a miserly skinflint, and a bit of a cheat.” Neil’s still quiet, but you can swear you hear him listening in closer.

>[Surly] “I’ll do the talking, and you two just need to look scary around his store.” You’re going for maximum intimidation factor. Sour looks from a merchant with dueling scars, a scarred and brawny elf with an attitude, and a low-born man who’s clearly no stranger to violence. Send a chill up his spine to soften his prices.

>[Gregarious] “A little bit of honey works wonders at catching flies. Better than vinegar too, because they can’t escape it.” Be friendly, with just a barest whiff of menace about you. Neil can’t help but be threatening, but Snorri can be quite personable, so long as you give her the advance notice.

>[Pragmatic] “We’ll play it by ear. It usually works best if you don’t come out thuggish right out the gates.” Let Neil do his own thing while you and Snorri adopt bored expressions like this is a task that is utterly mundane. It could work out better if you start neutral before becoming friendly or menacing, but it’s not a guarantee.


Next session will kick off on the 24th at 01:30 UCT. Shouldn’t be any concerns until then, but will let you all know if something comes up. Have a good one, and take care out there!


>if it ain't ready when I get back.

Damn it, hate leaving words out of the sentences.
>Write-In: Tristan will act friendly, Snorri and Neil will be intimidating. Tristan will pretend to attempt to rein in Snorri and Neil to be more persuasive, and to ensure that the goods he gets are genuine.
>Good cop bad cop
Absolutely based, supporting this one. Have a good night OP.

>good cop, bad cop, worst cop

Called, and writing.
>[Write-In]: Tristan will act friendly, Snorri and Neil will be intimidating. Tristan will pretend to attempt to rein in Snorri and Neil to be more persuasive, and to ensure that the goods he gets are genuine.

An idle motion re-confirms the ties on your rapier and main gauche are secure as you think about the best means to approach the negotiations. No sense in coming out completely antagonistic. Turning sour will be more effective if I start from a position of friendliness. Still, if the others are in a bad mood, I could use it to my advantage. “I’ll be the epitome of a happy-go-lucky caravaneer, while you two act as suspicious guards, itching for a fight. It’ll be a difficult act, one that would no doubt be the envy of Victor’s troupe, but one that we shall strive to accomplish.” you intone drily over your shoulder, to Neil’s sniggering. Snorri is scarcely more restrained, batting her eyelashes daintily with a demure moue in a matter completely at odds with her usual grumpy demeanour. The only things separating her expression from those worn by your female relatives is the lack of a waving fan and the faint marks of age and fighting that no high-born woman would leave uncovered. She follows this up with a slightly breathy tone, one that wouldn’t be out of place if she was corseted and girdled tightly in the latest fashions.

“I do declare, my darling Tris, I have not the faintest idea whatsoever you could be implying. You have always given me the impression of a man of mirth and merriment during the years that I have known you. Why sometimes, when I listen closely amongst the horses during the nighttime patrols, I can even hear the pleasant whistle of a man who enjoys prying manure from their hooves.” You give her a Look in response, and she barks out a short laugh while Neil tries and fails to stifle some more laughter behind his free hand.

“Quite so. Still, if one of you just-so-happen to get affronted at the quality on display, I will do my best to rein you back in, as befits a fop with more money than sense,” you answer back before turning towards the street again, ignoring the curious glances of idle children watching the three of you walk towards Bassard’s. One of the boys stands there, gawping with his mouth open as he stares with naked curiousity at your dress and armaments. The gentry here must not walk the streets this armed, even if they are tied. Not entirely out of sorts with a provincial town, but still a little strange.


Eventually, the storefront that you recognized from yesterday comes into view. Now that you know what to look for, you can see the discoloured patch on the woodwork near the door opening. That must have been where the signpost was set before. There’s a few planters out front that you don’t recall and the shutters are open to let the light and breeze inside, but overall, it looks much the same as when you noticed the man and daughter walking out. Glancing back at your companions, they’ve settled into the stern expressions you’d expect from hired muscle. A gentle tilt of your best hat to a rakish angle over your right eye, you strut into the store cockily to the jingle of it’s windchimes.

The first thing that strikes you is that the store itself is neat. Almost painfully neat, as if it is direly offended at any faint notion of dust or dirt. The second, is that it’s inundated with a pungent floral scent. You manage to restrain yourself from wrinkling your nose, but it’s almost a given that the others haven’t bothered to hide their expressions from the annoyed mumbles behind you. There’s an elderly man with a fussy little apron and a pressed red shirt currently dusting off a jug of what you presume to be cooking oils. He doesn’t look back before speaking in a reedy, practically whinging tone. “Clean your boots on the mat, we’ve just finished washing the floors.” You forestall the arguing behind you with a raised hand before plastering on a No.2 smile and colouring your voice with a cheeriness you don’t internally feel.

“Mister Bassard, I presume?” The shopkeeper turns to you, revealing a prominent wart on his forehead and an extraordinarily bulbous nose that puts you in mind of a ginger root. You’re don’t change your face in the slightest, and you see his dull brown eyes flicker to your guards with a faintly rodent-like air before settling back on you.

“Aye, that is me, messir. To whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting this fine summer’s day?” Neil lounges near the entrance, leaving room for people to enter. Snorri on the other hand starts to nose around the barrels and bins on display while you doff your hat and sketch a flourishing bow that you would ordinarily never deign to show towards someone of lesser means like this shopkeep.

“Messir Tristan Stonyfield, of the Port Josiah Stonyfields.” You stand back up into a relaxed stance, setting your hat back on in that rakish angle that you have always personally found insolent. “Myself and my fine caravan stopped in town for a break from the road, and my retainer Snorri informed me that we could use some re-supply before we continued to Iskander tomorrow.” She gives a dull grunt, turning the scoop in a bin of what you presume to be nuts from the rattling barrel on your right. Mr Bassard seems to have a gleam of interest in his eyes as he approaches you, extending his hand in a welcome.


“Well, you’ve come to the right place Messir. No finer purveyor of dry goods exists in this town.” His grip is weak, fingers like straws attached to a mummified paw. You apply just enough grasp to assert yourself, and you notice a subtle wince in his face while maintaining the friendliness that extends all the way to your eyes. “So, what are you in the market for?”

>[Surly] “Oh, a bit of this and that. Snorri, what did you say that the men needed again?” Adopt a slightly aloof mien, similar to the vacuous, empty-headed sorts of the Capwells. You’re more focused on maintaining the foppish outlook and distract him with youself and her while Neil can set up for something to act indignant about.

>[Gregarious] “Grain, flour, meat, nuts, a little bit of everything. After all, can’t exactly stand tall and proud if you’re malnourished, eh?” Try to inject a bit of false joviality into your tones, similar to cousin Robert when he’s among the smallfolk. If you can get him to focus on you, the others can poke and prod as if they were searching for malcontents in the produce.

>[Pragmatic] “Barley and oats, both food and feed grade. In addition, some dried fruits and vegetables to round it off. What do you have for hay as well?” Take a stance similar to someone who takes a bit of an active interest, with Neil following behind you. Snorri does the indignant retainer act well, and doesn’t need you to provide guidance.


>[Gregarious] “Grain, flour, meat, nuts, a little bit of everything. After all, can’t exactly stand tall and proud if you’re malnourished, eh?” Try to inject a bit of false joviality into your tones, similar to cousin Robert when he’s among the smallfolk. If you can get him to focus on you, the others can poke and prod as if they were searching for malcontents in the produce.
>>[Surly] “Oh, a bit of this and that. Snorri, what did you say that the men needed again?” Adopt a slightly aloof mien, similar to the vacuous, empty-headed sorts of the Capwells. You’re more focused on maintaining the foppish outlook and distract him with youself and her while Neil can set up for something to act indignant about.
>>[Gregarious] “Grain, flour, meat, nuts, a little bit of everything. After all, can’t exactly stand tall and proud if you’re malnourished, eh?” Try to inject a bit of false joviality into your tones, similar to cousin Robert when he’s among the smallfolk. If you can get him to focus on you, the others can poke and prod as if they were searching for malcontents in the produce.

>act like Rob, with that friendly casualness that rubs you the wrong way


>act like those damned Capwells, head in the clouds when it's not up their arse

Called and writing.
>[Gregarious] action taken.

You shrug in a carefree manner after releasing his feeble grip. “Grain, flour, meat, nuts, a little bit of everything. After all, can’t exactly stand tall and proud if you’re malnourished, eh” The old codger laughs sycophantically while you tamp down the building annoyance before it rises too far. Pay out the line and wait for the solid bite instead of questing nibbles on the bait.

“Aye, t’would be a mite bit difficult messir. Here, let me show you some of the double-baked tack my lovely wife made the other day.” He motions you over to one of the barrels. When he’s facing away from you, you look over at Snorri and motion with your head towards the sacks. She taps a forefinger at her beret, while you follow up with the old man. He gestures with a grandiose gesture, and you pick some of the chunks of hard bread out of the barrel. “As you can see, it’s quite firm and dense. It’ll handle the bumps and rigors of the road ahead quite nicely.”

The tack itself looks completely ordinary. There are a few perforations in it, and it has a satisfying thunk thunk to it when you tap it on the side. Pressing with your fingers, it eventually yields under pressure to nearly snap instead of tear like less dried bread. It’ll be rough on the teeth if they don’t take the time to soak it, but at least it will withstand travel well. Well enough that it could probably last until you got back here again on the return trip. “Aye, it looks a bit on the rougher side, but they’re young, with good teeth. What do you have for dried fruits? I have a particular penchant for apricots.”

He moves further to the bins, and opens the lid so that you could take a look inside. “Well messir, I’m afraid that I don’t have apricots available in more than a pouch’s worth. The harvest is still a few weeks away yet. However, we have raisins, apples, cranberries, even mangoes from the islands.” It’s a simple matter to let some of your disappointment shine through, seemingly more at the lack of a favoured treat than at the blatant effort he’s making to upsell. Running the scoop through the bin, you can see that he does indeed have a wide variety of dried fruits available. However, it’s clumping a fair bit despite the glossiness of the fruit. He must have used some oil to try and make them stop clumping. A sure sign of older product. You manage to notice a bit more telltale signs of thrift like that when he’s showing the flour and dried beans to you.

>Discovered Jasper’s [Thrifty] quality! Received confirmation about the information you’ve gained from Jacoby.


It’s as he’s showing off some of the garlic bulbs hanging in the back that you hear a brief commotion from the part of the store where Snorri and Neil were lurking. “Here Neil, take a look at this. Some of this saltfish is starting to go off.” There’s an accompanying grunt alongside Snorri’s strident voice as both you and Jasper turn back towards them. Snorri’s face is twisted up in disgust, while Neil’s face has a dull fascination in it, his mouth working as if to dislodge something from his teeth. Jasper hurries over with a turn of speed quicker than you expected, while you furrow your brows in over-done concern. “Smells nearly as bad as Vincent’s breath.”

The shopkeep waves his apron at them like he was shooing away a couple of cats from the barrel. Neil doesn’t even budge while Snorri glares at him as if he were a beetle waving its antennae at her from a log. “Come now, it’s brined and pickled herrings. The only way it wouldn’t have a smell is if you smoked it, and even then, it would be noticeable.” You walk behind him and take a look inside the barrel while Snorri berates him back.

“Noticeable smell my fine arse. I’ve had surströmming opened in the fresh air that was less pungent than this fishbait. Look, some of them even have a rainbow sheen to them!” There is indeed a powerful smell coming from the opened barrel. It doesn’t quite feel off, per se, but it definitely seems like it’s getting near the end of its shelf life. The rainbow sheen that she mentioned isn’t there, but you can she that she’s trying to trying to get under his skin.

“Nonsense! Maybe you need to get your eyes checked out miss.” That’s a bad call. Snorri’s feigned annoyance immediately snaps over into genuine anger. Neil shifts out of her reach and starts opening up a sack while the old man is distracted. Snorri glowers at him, planting her hands on her hips while starting to loom over the defiant old man.

“Miss? Miss? I’m likely three times older than you, you decrepit dinosaur. Hells, my youngest may even be older, depending if you got that wrinkly from drinking vinegar and sitting in the sunlight for hours on end.” Jasper raises up a thin finger under her nose, bristling in outrage.

“I doubt that for a second, you old sea-reaver. I thought I recognized you, even though it’s been decades, and your way of speaking proves it. Had enough of chasing down monsters, and decided to play at bodyguarding, eh? Must’ve finally come to your senses, even though it took thirty years. Mighty quick for an elf, I’d have to say” You look over at Neil, who shakes his head while motioning to the bag of what is supposed to be wheat flour. It’s hard to read him, but he might have found something interesting in it.


Pick one from each group of options. Each will affect the TV for your Haggling roll that will occur after the votes are called.

Types of Goods to focus on

>Low-cost, high bulk goods, like freshwater, some lager, rye grain, beans, etc. Staples, but can lower Morale if sustained for a long time (Cause for concern after 3 weeks in a row from now.)
>Medium-cost, medium bulk goods, like juices, pilsners, flour, preserved vegetables, etc. Nutritious and enjoyable, will not cause any change in Morale since it has enough variety to keep everyone content.
>High-cost, low bulk goods, like wine, preserved meat, pickled eggs, oils, cheeses, etc. A bit of a luxury, will sustain high Morale longer than other varieties.
You’ll be picking up some from each type, but this is the amount you’ll be spending the most from your budget on. Given that you’ve discovered his [Thrifty] and [Bad Reputation] traits, and have the [Merchantile] trait, you manage to reduce the odds of buying sub-par goods down to if you roll a BAD FAILURE! result or worse on the Haggling.

Your Spending Limit

>Spend just enough to cover the bare minimum with a fair amount of haggling. It’ll be cutting it close, but you’re determined to give this man as little of your Wealth as possible. Total amount earmarked is 7 Wealth.
>Spend a moderate amount, enough to fill the supply wagons the rest of the way without taking up space in the Goods wagons, leaving room for in case he manages to get the better of you. Total amount earmarked is 10 Wealth.
>Spend enough to make it to the city regardless, and damn the costs if you need to. You don’t want to risk your men or your animals getting worn down by hunger. Total amount earmarked is 13 Wealth.

You currently have 31.5 in Caravan Wealth on you, and 22.1 Personal Wealth on you. Even in the worst case scenario, you should be fine to cover costs at this point.
Style of Haggling

>[Surly] “Here now, don’t talk to my retainer like that, old chum. It’s not good business after all.” The type for the happy merchant is over, now is the time for the affronted merchant to step to the forefront.
>[Gregarious] “Come now Snorri, I’m sure he didn’t mean it. You didn’t mean it after all, Mr. Bassard, correct?” Play the happy mediator, here to make a deal. He looks the petty type who’d relish in the chance to get one over on her.
>[Pragmatic] “Here now Neil, you’ve been uncharacteristically silent. Is something the matter?” He’s clearly found something that you can use to get one over on Jasper. If it’s what you think it is, you might be able to get the whole lot for pennies.
>Write-in some additional dialogue to potentially sway the modifiers.


Currently, you have 1.5 days worth of Medium-quality food, water and feed, and 8 days of beer in your wagons. You can fit another 6.5 days worth in them, 8.5 if you load more into the wagons storing your feed and other good. You could load more than that, but you’ll be putting additional strain on your livestock, and it’s unlikely you’ll be able to find some more oxen or mules for sale outside of a major trade hub like Port Josiah, Iskander, or Cloud Pass. You can roughly estimate that it’s around .75 Value a day for Medium-grade Food and Water, and .25 Value a day for Medium-grade Feed. (1 Value a day for Food, Feed, and Water). Low-grade of each is approximately .6 Value a day (.5 for Food, .1 for Feed), and High-grade is approximately 1.5 (1.125 for Food, .375 for Feed).

>Low-cost, high bulk goods, like freshwater, some lager, rye grain, beans, etc. Staples, but can lower Morale if sustained for a long time (Cause for concern after 3 weeks in a row from now.)
>Spend just enough to cover the bare minimum with a fair amount of haggling. It’ll be cutting it close, but you’re determined to give this man as little of your Wealth as possible. Total amount earmarked is 7 Wealth.
>[Pragmatic] “Here now Neil, you’ve been uncharacteristically silent. Is something the matter?” He’s clearly found something that you can use to get one over on Jasper. If it’s what you think it is, you might be able to get the whole lot for pennies.

How far out are we from the next place to buy goods, assuming a standard travel time?
>>Medium-cost, medium bulk goods, like juices, pilsners, flour, preserved vegetables, etc. Nutritious and enjoyable, will not cause any change in Morale since it has enough variety to keep everyone content.
>Spend a moderate amount, enough to fill the supply wagons the rest of the way without taking up space in the Goods wagons, leaving room for in case he manages to get the better of you. Total amount earmarked is 10 Wealth.
>[Pragmatic] “Here now Neil, you’ve been uncharacteristically silent. Is something the matter?” He’s clearly found something that you can use to get one over on Jasper. If it’s what you think it is, you might be able to get the whole lot for pennies.

There isn't any further towns big enough to re-supply at until you get to Iskander. There are a couple villages along the way, but nothing big enough to sustain your caravan for anything more than a day or so. The harvest looks to be good, but it's still a few weeks out before it's ripe. You could make it to Iskander in 5.5 days if you work the oxen hard, but there's a chance that some of them will get lame from throwing a shoe, and you don't have any draft livestock to spare right now. You could jerry-rig some harness to allow for Snorri's mule or some of the horses to pull if needed, but they aren't work-broken to pulling wagons, and have a higher risk of injury.
So, if we work the oxen hard, we need 4 days of food... cost for that with low-grade is 2.4 wealth, so 7 wealth (= 11.6 days) should be more than enough, no? Even if we get held up. I say we buy low-grade low-Wealth and push through, especially if we can cut that even lower by stopping at the villages. Low-grade shouldn't matter if we're only going for 5 days, we can stock up on the pricey stuff at a non-sketchy supplier. (Unless I am doing my math wrong, which is entirely possible, pls correct if needed.)

The issue with buying 11 Days of low-grade Food and Feed is that you'll be Over-burdened. The max you can load in without over-burdening the livestock is 8.5 days. (5.1 Wealth). Over-burdening them, as well as working the oxen hard is practically guaranteed to cause at least one of the animals to go lame. Usually, you avoid those by taking one out of every seven days to rest up, water, check shoes, etc.

Going hard is basically walking during the day as much as you can, putting oats in the feedbags, and only stopping for the night. As well, you don't use rest days. The animals are young and strong enough that they could sustain it for a week or so, but over-working them too much can cause problems. (Throwing shoes, going lame, animals becoming recalcitrant and head-shy, animals developing sickness or bad habits.)

>double check math plz

Your math does check out, no worries.
Oh, alright, I see the issue. Is 8.5 days including the current 1.5 days of Medium, or in addition? Because if it's in addition, that's still IMO a good deal-- that's still almost double the travel time. If it's not in addition, could we do 75% low-grade / 25% medium-grade like we did back with the smithy?

That would be in addition to what you currently have. It would be normally be a limit of 9 days worth, but you have been using up the beer and coal stock as well, freeing up some more space.

One thing that I forgot to include is your current complement of work animals (10 oxen, 16 mules) and carters (12.5, since Nathaniel is still learning) for future livestock planning. You can have up to 2.5x as many work animals as carters (Current limit is 31, rounded down.) If you have another 4 oxen (2 teams), or 6 mules (3 teams), you'll have enough to rotate through to prevent injuries at your current level of Load without impacting your Feed supply too much. A team can expect to go for 25 Wealth for Oxen, or 35 Wealth for Mules. Mules are often in higher demand, due to not being able to reproduce them easily, their more docile nature, and that they are less prone to injury than Oxen or Horses.
>Low-cost, high bulk


>Medium cost, medium bulk


>Spend no more than 7


>Spend no more than 10




It looks like it's going to be going for the [Pragmatic] haggling regardless. I'll give it another 10 minutes to see either of the two ties get broken, and if it's still there, I'll roll to get this moving.
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d2)


Rolling to break the ties. First die is for the type of Supplies bought (1 for Low-cost, 2 for Medium-cost), and the second die is for Spending limit. (1 for 7 Wealth max, and 2 for 10 Wealth max.)
>Low-cost, high bulk


>Medium cost, medium bulk


>Spend no more than 7


>Spend no more than 10




>Roll Required! Target Value is 48 (40 Base +3 for [Pragmatic], +3 for [Good Cop, Bad Cop Write-in], +2 for Higher Station, +1 for Passing Familiarity with Goods [Supplies], +3 for Bumper Crop Information, +2 for Bad Reputation Information, +2 for Amount of Goods Purchased, +1 for Reasonable Rate, +2 for [Merchantile], +2 for Neil's Surprise, +2 for ???, -0 for [Thrifty] {Negated by Information}, -4 for Opponent's Merchantile, -2 for Opponent's familiarity, -2 for [Canny], -2 for [Wheedling], -4 for ???)

You have 1 Re-roll available to you (Stock of 1), as well as 1 charge of FATE. Roll em
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Rolled 38 (1d100)

We haggle the living bajeezus out of this guy, I guess. Dope. Is that a Great?
ahahaha couldn't have happened to a better person

>Best result is a 2! -46 from TV 48. GREAT SUCCESS!

1 shy of a MIRACLE! result, but still damn good. Called and writing. You managed to change the TV in your favour by a solid 18 points compared to if you came here last night before the show. Good job on not rushing into things!
>Medium-cost, medium bulk goods, like juices, pilsners, flour, preserved vegetables, etc. Nutritious and enjoyable, will not cause any change in Morale since it has enough variety to keep everyone content.
>Spend a moderate amount, enough to fill the supply wagons the rest of the way without taking up space in the Goods wagons, leaving room for in case he manages to get the better of you. Total amount earmarked is 10 Wealth.
>[Pragmatic] “Here now Neil, you’ve been uncharacteristically silent. Is something the matter?” He’s clearly found something that you can use to get one over on Jasper. If it’s what you think it is, you might be able to get the whole lot for pennies.

>Roll Required! Target Value is 48 (40 Base +3 for [Pragmatic], +3 for [Good Cop, Bad Cop Write-in], +2 for Higher Station, +1 for Passing Familiarity with Goods [Supplies], +3 for Bumper Crop Information, +2 for Bad Reputation Information, +2 for Amount of Goods Purchased, +1 for Reasonable Rate, +2 for [Merchantile], +2 for Neil's Surprise, +2 for ???, -0 for [Thrifty] {Negated by Information}, -4 for Opponent's Merchantile, -2 for Opponent's familiarity, -2 for [Canny], -2 for [Wheedling], -4 for ???)


>Best result is a 2! -46 from TV 48. GREAT SUCCESS! You get 8.5 days of Medium-Grade Food, Feed and Water (8.5) for Low-Grade prices (5.6)! Total profit is +2.9! You discover something fishy going on here.

While the argument gets heated on your right, you make up your mind to trust in your guard. “Here now Neil, you’ve been uncharacteristically silent. Is something the matter?” The others whip around at your puzzled voice, and follow your gaze over to where Neil is standing. He recoils slightly at all the attention, but rallies well in the moment.

“Found something weird while trying to count the sacks we’ll need, messir. Should take a look at it, since it’s your call.” He’s playing up his drawl even more than usual, and steps aside as you approach, ignoring the raised voice from the sour little man. The look of concern you have slowly slips to one of disgust on the exterior. I figured as much, he’s taking too much effort to clean the place. Looks like I’ve got a sticking point in the negotiations.

There’s a hole nibbled into the wall, just above the floor. One that appears to have an occupant, considering the scattered leavings at the front of the hole. Standing up out of the crouch, you let a haughty chill radiate out from you as you lock eyes with the suddenly furtive man. “So, you have a bit of a vermin problem, Mr. Bassard?” He does an admirable job of meeting your eyes before talking.


“Yes, well, it’s always a hassle to keep them out of the produce. Doesn’t help that the cat is a lazy git after all.” He sniffs a little, like a rat trying to figure out if it’s safe outside, before putting a bit more grease in his voice. “I’ll inspect everything we set aside, no worries messir.”

You hold an icy stare for a few seconds longer than is comfortable, letting him squirm a bit before replying in an even tone. “We’ll help you with that, Mr. Bassard. After all, we’d hate to have to throw out perfectly fine food and hay because of rodent droppings.” Jasper nods with a nervous smile, as you all get down to the nitty gritty of setting aside the goods you have planned to purchase.

It takes longer than usual to get everything counted, but you manage to ‘correct’ a few containers of lesser quality being set onto the growing heap. You send Neil to bring the carters and wagons here to load up. The old man is sweating heavily from the exertion, and wipes his brow with a kerchief while Snorri finishes counting the amounts there. She looks over to you, giving you a curt nod while Jasper starts using his scale and abacus to start tallying everything.

Around the fourth sack of millet being weighed and set aside, you notice something strange. Snorri is there, getting ready to heave things on and off of them. Jasper is busy scribing into a wax tablet, his attention away from you. Taking a closer look, your pulse quickens. Bleeding hell, that scale is offset. It’s not by much, practically infinitesimal. However, it’s enough that once you see it, you notice it when the fifth sack goes onto it. It’s just ever-so-slightly out of sorts, enough that if he wasn’t frazzled and you weren’t expecting something fishy going on, you would have never noticed.

>[Surly] “You know Mr. Bassard, using improper measures in fair trade is considered theft. You should re-calibrate them more regularly.” Let the veiled threat do the work for you. Theft is a serious crime in Loria, and this example of two-legged vermin might not survive a public flogging.

>[Gregarious] “Hm, Snorri, does this scale seem off to you? Maybe we should check it against our own, eh?” It’s not considered blackmail if it’s out in the open. Perhaps he might have misread it before, he is rather old. It should be a bit more on this side that just so happens to be in your favour, yes?

>[Pragmatic] Say nothing, but make a note of it to report to the authorities. You care not for this miserable wretch, and he deserves everything that will come to him. Let the townies have their own revenge on this vile little man.


This will be the last update for tonight, writing out these longer updates ate up more time than I expected. Next session will kick off on the 26th at 01:30 UCT. Have a good one, and take care out there!

>[Pragmatic] Say nothing, but make a note of it to report to the authorities. You care not for this miserable wretch, and he deserves everything that will come to him. Let the townies have their own revenge on this vile little man.
hahahahahahah bitch
Thanks for running OP!
Thanks for running.
>[Surly] “You know Mr. Bassard, using improper measures in fair trade is considered theft. You should re-calibrate them more regularly.” Let the veiled threat do the work for you. Theft is a serious crime in Loria, and this example of two-legged vermin might not survive a public flogging.

Pragmatic is really tempting, but depending on how reliant his family is on the store I'd rather not outright impoverish them by taking away their livelihood.
>[Pragmatic] Say nothing, but make a note of it to report to the authorities. You care not for this miserable wretch, and he deserves everything that will come to him. Let the townies have their own revenge on this vile little man.
>>[Surly] “You know Mr. Bassard, using improper measures in fair trade is considered theft. You should re-calibrate them more regularly.” Let the veiled threat do the work for you. Theft is a serious crime in Loria, and this example of two-legged vermin might not survive a public flogging.
Reporting him to the authorities sounds cool and all, but I'd rather get a fair price for these goods. He's a piece of crap, but everyone around him already knows that. No point in ruining what little dignity he still has left, especially if we have to pay for the privilege.
Going to have to push the session back until tomorrow evening (April 26th at 23:30 UCT). Can't focus on writing because one of my friends is having problems on the rez, and I have to be there for him in case things get worse tonight. Will be running a longer session than usual as recompense for the delays. Have a good one, and take care out there!

>fuck this guy's life all the way up, senpai


>snitching is the coward's recourse, and I am no coward. let me scare the piss out of this grocer as proof of it.

Leaving it open for 15 minutes for a tie-break, and rolling for it if it's still tied up.
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Rolling for it, with 1 being [Pragmatic], and 2 being [Surly].




Called, and writing.
>[Surly] action taken.

As the fifth sack gets noted in tally and set aside, you feel a burning desire to see this wretch get what he deserves. The temptation to keep your mouth shut for now, and to report him to the authorities helps salve the annoyance of potentially over-paying for mediocre goods. As Snorri keeps weighing and checking over the produce with Jasper, you look out the window to see if Neil has come back yet with the others. They haven’t arrived yet, but you can’t shake off seeing an older woman fussing over a child in white swaddling clothes. She’s clearly old enough that’s more likely that she is the grandmother instead of the mother. The mother must be working, likely in some menial job as a maid for gentry or a huckster like the smith’s wife.

Something about that image of the woman and child colours your thoughts as you turn back towards the scales and measures. As a barrel gets opened and the bickering picks up, you begin to have second thoughts about staying silent. A family relies on this shop to stay afloat. Not only that, but other families from Red Earth rely on it to keep their children fed, even if they don’t realize he’s cheating them. There’s no sense in dragging him through the mud, given that apparently he is already coated in filth as it is. You wait until Snorri moves to the other end of the shop to gather jugs of cooking oil before gesturing Mr. Bassard close for a conversation. His eyebrows pop up for a moment, before he leans in to you.

“You know Mr. Bassard, using improper measures in fair trade is considered theft. You should re-calibrate them more regularly.” you mutter in a low, threatening voice. His eyes widen in surprise, darting away to Snorri to see if she heard you before you snap your fingers to bring his attention back towards you.

“That is a dire accusation, Messir Stonyfield. Words like that could get people in a lot of trouble.” His tone is plaintive, with a hint of indignation. Fixing your contemptuous glare on him, all pretense cast aside, he makes an effort to match your eyes, but looks away with a shame that betrays his intent.

“Aye, more trouble than you can imagine. If you’re lucky, it’s a flogging. One that you may even survive, despite your advanced years. At it’s worst, well, at least the hempen dance is quick, compared to the gibbet.” You see him shudder at the mention of the hangman, clearly worried about you turning him in.

“Still, that all requires proof, yes? Proof that may be a bit hard to come by.” Beads of sweat are prominent on his brow, at odds with the cool breeze flowing through the shop.


“Aye, proof of theft like that is an issue. Still, depending on who the accuser may be, you’d be surprised at how easy it is to find evidence. Why, there may even be other people coming forward, from all walks of life.” His eyes flick over your stance, your scars, and finally linger on your pistol that you have made no effort to hide whatsoever. Its unloaded, since we are in town, but he doesn’t need to know that simple fact.

“Aye, that’s a fact of life, to be sure.” He raises his voice back up to a more conversational volume as Snorri approaches with another armload of jugs, presumably of cooking oil and juices. “Tell you what Messir, given the large amount that you’re buying, how about I throw in some bottles of dandelion wine? I know it’s not exactly to one of discerning palate as yours, but it’s a gift from my house to yours, freely given and in good faith.”

You revert back to an easy grin, one that doesn’t quite reach your hate-filled eyes. “Aye, a gift between men, towards future business together. Freely received, and taken in good faith. May the seven winds bless your home, Mr. Bassard.”

>Gained 1 Value in White Market Goods! Mr. Bassard avoids legal troubles from your encounter.

The men show up as you are busy touching a few rings to the touchstone before setting them on your smaller, more accurate scale. You motion towards the pile that Snorri had set aside. While Terrance and Manuel begin moving goods outside to where one of the wagons are, you flash another smile towards Jasper Bassard. “A pleasure doing business with you.”

“A pleasure doing business with you too, Messir Stonyfield. May Kalimdor see fit to bless your journey.” You wave him off before leaving, Snorri following close behind you. Neil and the carters are busy moving goods as the two of you start walking down the street. After you both move out of earshot, you feel a faint, hot breath in your right ear.

“I heard the whole damned thing Tris. These ears ain’t just for show. Why’d you let him walk?”

>[Surly] “I don’t ask you why you cry in wagons alone when you think no one is listening Snorri. Don’t ask me why I spare scum like that.” Stonewall this line of conversation. Business is business, and people should stop prying into your business.

>[Gregarious] “He had a family, like I have a family. Like you have a family. They shouldn’t pay for what he does.” People rarely look past the scars, gruffness, and position. You do have a heart after all. Even stony fields can produce wildflowers.

>[Pragmatic] “It’s not the right time, nor the right place. We’ll likely be coming back this way in less than a year’s time, if everything goes well. No sense in allowing whoever his competition is to have a stranglehold over things we’ll need later on.” Call it an investment, in his and your future. One that you plan on collecting.


>[Surly] “I don’t ask you why you cry in wagons alone when you think no one is listening Snorri. Don’t ask me why I spare scum like that.” Stonewall this line of conversation. Business is business, and people should stop prying into your business.
Though using it as an investment wouldn't hurt matters.
>>[Pragmatic] “It’s not the right time, nor the right place. We’ll likely be coming back this way in less than a year’s time, if everything goes well. No sense in allowing whoever his competition is to have a stranglehold over things we’ll need later on.” Call it an investment, in his and your future. One that you plan on collecting.

>don't tells I, cause I tells ye


>it's just business, pure and simple

Giving it another 15 minutes for a tie-break, then rolling for it again.
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Rolling for it, 1 for [Surly], and 2 for [Pragmatic]
Rolled 1 (1d2)





Called, and writing. Giving it another roll, because that's like 5x 2s in a roll. A 1 is bound to show up eventually.
>[Pragmatic] action taken.

Staring straight ahead, you mumble back to her blandly, “It’s not the right time, nor the right place. We’ll likely be coming back this way in less than a year’s time, if everything goes well. No sense in allowing whoever his competition is to have a stranglehold over things we’ll need later on.” Nobody seems to be interested, but you do catch a woman’s eye in the street. She raises her nose in a huff, before turning away back into her home. Probably imagining something more salacious than is actually occurring.

There’s a bit of a long pause before you hear Snorri answer back in her grating soprano. “Well, I guess you can’t fault him for that. Would be a bloody hassle if you had to find a new broker on the way back. The snake ya know is a snake ya can brain after all, I s’pose.” You just nod, and continue walking back in silence.

As the wagons come back into view, Snorri lays a hand on your shoulder. “Here now Tris, I’d better make sure those layabouts are being dealt with properly. I’ll talk to you later, yeah?” Before you can give her an answer, she’s already walking over and yelling at the men taking a break in the afternoon light. “Jared, you lazy sod! Show me those blasted helmets and plates.”

Staring up and taking a quick measure with your fingers and palms, you figure that it’s around 3 more hours until sunset. There’s a lot of activity near Victor’s troupe as they prepare for that play that he mentioned the other day. The thin curlicue of smoke that you associate with Sooty’s forge is still there, so he must be doing something instead of letting his forge cool down to pack up for tomorrow morning. It’s almost a little strange to have everything you were planning on doing dealt with, you almost want to just laze about and enjoy the free time now before something else comes up.

>[Surly] Your time is your own. If anything comes up, you’ll deal with it, but for now, you’d rather just enjoy the break for once and let things pass you by. Write-in a way to kill time and relax. (i.e. smoking and talking to hangers-on, gaming, writing letters, drawing, etc.)

>[Gregarious] Well, you have time to kill, and watching Victor’s play will be a way to kill it for sure. May as well see if he lives up to the hype, and get a taste of what he has planned for Baron Whateley.

>[Pragmatic] You’re not quite up to dealing with the unwashed masses at an open-air play right this instant. Visiting someone of your caravan could help pass some time until the morrow, as well as build some camaraderie. Pick one from (Sooty, Snorri, Tomas, Guards, or Carters to spend the evening with.)

>>[Gregarious] Well, you have time to kill, and watching Victor’s play will be a way to kill it for sure. May as well see if he lives up to the hype, and get a taste of what he has planned for Baron Whateley.

>watch some theatre nerds try and look regal on a ramshackle stage in front of gawping townies.

Called and writing.
>[Gregarious] action taken.

Cracking your knuckles, you decide to watch the Soaring Sparrows troupe put on one of their historical plays. Even if it may seem a bit amateurish than some of the ones in Port Josiah, especially considering they only have eight player to fulfill all the roles right now, it’ll still be more entertaining than playing mancala and faking enthusiasm for whatever passes for gossip in this three-horse town. Taking some time to set the remaining rings in the safe, you take the time to update The Ledger while you have the opportunity.

>Caravan Wealth replaced! Total Caravan Wealth is 294.65. Total Personal Wealth is 22.1.

After blowing on the ink to make sure that it’s completely dry, you replace The Ledger inside the strongbox. Locking it up, you clamber down the wagon and catch I think that’s Isiah. He’s the one who can’t play a flute worth a damn. while he ambles over to the fence, probably for a smoke. You wander over, and tap him on the shoulder. “Afternoon Isiah, how are things going this fine afternoon?”

“Er, it’s going alright enough, I suppose, messir Stonyfield. It’s Isaac messir, although I can see why you might have got it mistaken.” He recoils away slightly, and you let slip a bit of frustration. Damn it, at least it was close this time. A quick look through your cigarillo case helps smooth over the mistake as you take out two of the rolled smokes.

“My apologies Isaac. Tell me, have you seen one of those plays from the entertainers who have been accompanying us?” You hand over one of them to him, as a means to paper over the faux pas. He takes it gingerly from your fingers as you strike one of your lucifers off of the rough fencepost to try and save some face.

“Well messir, I’ve been pretty busy taking care of Max and Manny whenever we stopped. They’re a bit of a handful, but they’ve finally gotten their act together.” Right, he’s the one taking care of the ‘special’ wagon. He takes the cigarillo with a bit of wariness, and lights it off your lucifer before coughing lightly. Not one of the carters who smokes heavily it seems.


“Yes, they are a bit of a handful. Tell you what Isaac, how about we check out the show? After all, Red John is busy taking up all the slack, eh?” Isaac gives you a wan smile in response while the two of you saunter over to where the crowd is accumulating. You see the huckster from the day before starting to set up shop, and meet her eyes for a split second. She gives you a charming smile filled with warmth as you quickly look away towards the stage.

It’s a bit strange, seeing Victor dressed up pompously as a herald. The over-large trumpet and huge feathered cap somehow fit him more than his usual coat and tails with top hat. He plays out a short burst of notes before unrolling a scroll with an overdone flourish. “Hear ye, hear ye! The foul grayskins have laid siege towards the Cloud Gate! Come forth, all ye who have strong backs and brawn to spare, for every man jack of ye shalt step up and do his share!” There’s a bit of a cheer from the crowd as the play commences.

It’s a rather paraphrased version of the events that led up to the War of Peonies. The players manage to do a fair facsimile of the march towards the gate, as well as the brewing discontent in the Ivory court as Prince Francis’ armies advanced to Kalim’s aid. They haven’t split off from Meridor yet, as the political schisms haven’t shaken the foundations of the faith quite yet. The miraculous avalanche that was said to be Merakash’s revenge against the Haradeen was accomplished by the shaking of a tin sheet off-stage, producing a violent din accompanied by a small burst of snowflakes from the top of the stage. It almost seems like magic, if you didn’t come across Orville trimming up paper into specks and putting them into a bucket while on the road. The curtains drawing close after the act gives the players time to sweep the fragments up for the next time it’s needed.

“Away, you foul beast! Cold steel is all you will get from us to eat, and burning homes to keep you warm! Tell your master that, and to take his filth with him when he flees!” Noah is the epitome of haughty disgust as he throws the sack of sheepbones at Adam, causing Adam to stumble backwards off the stage. “Antoine, rally the men. One last push, and they’ll surely collapse.” Noah strides off-stage haughtily with Orville in tow while the backdrop is hurriedly switched out for one of a burning village. It’s a bit more condensed than the history you know, and you are fairly certain that Crown Prince Francis didn’t challenge the Tusked Herald to one-on-one combat. Still, it’s true enough in the broad strokes, and definitely gets cheers from the crowd when Noah strikes a grease-painted and bare-chested Calvin down with a final slash. “Huzzah, and glory to Meridor!”


The players all come out for a bow to resounding applause. It was a bit gauche, and cut out a lot of the political intrigue, but the overblown drama went over well with the smallfolk. Victor did cut it off at the height of Francis’ glory, as you’d expect from someone born and raised in Fransica. They didn’t include the pillaging that Francis allowed through the Orthodoxy, or the fact that captured Lorian levies were at the forefront of the fighting and suffered the hardest at the hands of the Deeners. As well, the fact that Francis’ victories at the Cloud Pass were the catalyst that ignited the War of Peonies is brushed over in favour of ending on a happy note.

Still, in the broadest sense of things, it is true. While Isaac whoops along with the others, you watch Erica walk among the crowd with the basket. She catches your eye and gives you a big wink, one that you do your best to ignore. As the players finish gathering the coin and take another bow, you can’t help but feel a trill of unease down your back. One of those people may be a collaborator with the hated Haradeen, despite all evidence and assurances to the contrary. A distant call of a hawk resounds among the applause, as the curtains draw to a close.

>End of Thread #3! Next thread on April 30th, at 01:30 UCT.

>Feedback? What do you like, what do you dislike? Who are you interested in seeing more of? Who is best boi/girl?

I like Snorri, be interesting to see why she's bonded into serving a human family.
The general worldbuilding is also nice; so the Crown Prince challenged his father/brother for the throne?
Archived the thread, and can be found here for anyone who feels like throwing some votes it's way.

Snorri remains best girl (platonic). I am very predictable.

>what led to the War of Peonies?

So, the few things Lorians, Fransicans and Meridorites can agree on is that King Leopold the Fourth was a lecher, who spread his seed wide and far. He had two wives over the course of his reign, and a frankly absurd number of bastards. His first wife only gave him two daughters, Princesses Ysabelle and Maria. Ysabelle was married off to a petty king on the western border in order to secure his grasp on the western front of the empire, while Maria was supposed to be married to a Harrotian Ruler to help give a foothold into controlling the League.

Now, his second wife Helena provided a son, Leopold the Fifth. The Prince Francis was the firstborn of Princess Ysabelle, and a brilliant military commander. He helped re-take the Merakash mountains from the barbarians residing in the Harade Plains, and rebuffed the elven raids from Jironth in what became the Orthodoxy. However, Prince Francis was not considered to be the one to take the Ivory Throne, since the patrilineal line of succession decreed that Prince Leopold the Fifth was to take succession, as he was the first son borne to King Leopold the Fourth. Leopold the Fifth was a weak ruler, who relied heavily on his court to maintain power throughout the Meridorite Empire.

Now, when Prince Francis kept racking up victory after victory, retaking land from the filthy gray-skin hordes while King Leopold V barely could eke out pyrrhic victories against the Harrotian city-states that weren’t aligned with Princess Maria. Eventually, some of the courtiers decided to prop up Prince Francis against King Leopold, claiming that since he was the son of the firstborn child, he had more right to the Ivory Throne. This led to the War of the Peonies, with factions either swearing to the White Peonies of the Loyalists, or the Purple Peonies of Prince Francis.

Normally, a war of succession like this would be dealt with rather quickly, with a minimum amount of blood and the losing side pulled back into the sweet embrace of Empire. However, since the last major civil conflict, great advances in gunpowder usage have ramped up the lethality of massed conflict. Staggering amounts of men were either killed or horribly maimed by the advents of matchlocks, grapeshot, cannons, and cavalry. They say thousands died during the siege of Four Rivers, as well as when the dam burst at Santa Fransica, washing hundreds out into the seas. The civil conflict was relatively brief, but the horrific losses bled the Empire white. The Lorians took advantage of their weakness to burn down Port Mercy, and retake the Isle of Storms. The Haradeen re-grouped as the Empire cleaved in half into Meridor and Fransica, igniting the Haradeen Revolution in the Free City of Troya 100 years ago. Bastards claiming to be of King Leopold the Fourth's bloodline crop up every so often, propped up by Harrotians or various other petty lords until they are brutally killed without remorse by the Meridorites.
New thread, with that fresh thread smell. Suspiciously like cattle and sweat, just like every other day on the road.


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