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The air is heavy with a sense of dread. You can see it in their beady eyes, tears barely held in check, tongues knotted by fear leaving half parted lips. Everyone was waiting for you to take action.

" Hosvasia Eterna!" Roared the Offisov on your right, defying the scathing winds out here in the open. Perhaps he desired to express his undying loyalty in the presence of higher Offisovi overseeing the event.

It mattered little to you.

Taking a deep breath to regain your composure, you brushed off some snow from you shoulder. Anything to distract you from what is coming next.

"Read. Frostbitten fingers were barely able to clutch to the piece of paper handled by the Offisov.

"My name is Eishlaf Befaenov, 72nd Inspekktar Offisov of Precinct 21." The woman, nearly brevet of any clothing, addressed the audience with resounding serenity. You can tell she took quite a beating over the past couple of days and yet she displays not an ounce of fear for what is coming next.

"I have betrayed my duty to Hosvasia for my selfish needs: embezzling money, sparing Metaskha without proper justification, and abusing my authority; undermining the Precinct for four years. All the evidence against me has been compiled over the last six month by Invegkrat Offisov Feaed and Invegkrat Offisov Jakilova."

The two hounds of the Precinct, Everyone knows these merciless duo. Thank the Krucix they aren't here.

"Death is the proper punishment for my treason. My wealth and belongings will be confiscated. As I won't be able to support my famizit, their fate will be decided."

Her gloam eyes had finally met yours "By my successor."

The three of them were among the crowd surrounded by Offisovi. They're forced watch the execution. You did your best to escape their gazes.

"Hosvasia Eterna..." whispered Eishlaf before throwing the paper and lowering her neck, eyes glued to ground.

Eyes encircled you as the Offisov was about to surrender his weapons to you: A standard issued TK82 Semi automatic pistol and a light sabre which had definitely seen better days.

"Pick one, Komredas. I'd go for a sabre to impress them." The Offisov eyes darted over to themen from the capital. Most likely here to evaluate the new Inspekktar Offisov.

Your resolve was wavering. A pistol is ironically much more humane than the sabre. Are you willing to jeopardise your promotion for a better first impression? What of her Famizit over there? Your hands are shaking, sweat trickling over your forehead. What to do?

>Take the Sabre
>Take the Pistol
>Refuse to execute your predecessor

Regularly scheduled reminder: I'm not the OP, OP is rangebanned from posting images, so I'm uploading the thread in his stead.
I would like to remind you anons that this is my first time phoneposting so the updates will be rather slow.
Thank you OP
>Take the Pistol
>Take the Sabre
>>Refuse to execute your predecessor
>Refuse to execute your predecessor
>Refuse to execute your predecessor
>>Take the Sabre

Your hands were rooted to your side. It was something even you didn't it coming. This was supposed to be your crowning moment but in the end you had throw it away.

" I won't repeat myself again." The Offisov had a wicked frown on his face, his wrinkles grew more the more you remained silent.

"..." This clear insubordination had given a false sense of hope to the trembling Famizit. This budding hope was instantly thwarted away when another Offisov brandished his sabre for a slash to the neck. You barely had any time to react before getting knocked out by the same impatient Offisov.


You hazily opened your eyes, the wails and cries of the crowd were gone and replaced by the pitter-patter of water droplets leaking from a pipe that you couldn't spot in this humid darkness. You were stark naked, securely chained to a steam pipe. You weren't alone however, others were watching you . They were probably seething at your earlier decision.

You were powerless to stop the plummeting you were about to get. The Offisovi took turns , each one landing a couple of hits before making way for the next. They did stop when two had joined them.

"That was very bold of you... to spit at Hosvasia like that." the man in question had lit a very expensive cigar. He must be from the Capital to afford such a luxurious smoke.

" Killing you was an option, yes. You are lucky your position is relatively hard to fill. Consider this to be your.... welcoming party. Show me your tongue."

This would have been a rather odd request had it not been for the 'special condition' you have. It wasn't wise to say no and so you rolled out your tongue.

" Hmmm, medicore but serviceable. Tell me your name."

> Zershevick Mourne , 30 (Male , 25 Stat points, Irontongue: Less likely to be affected by certain diseases but needs a neutralizer more often)
> Melianova Debost , 26 (Female, 30 Stat points, Silvertongue: More likely to detect unique Metaskha traits during sampling but takes more time in said phase)
>Olego Saelenvee, 45 ( Male , 20 Stat points, Rottonuge: May occasionally gain 2 stat points or lose 1 stat point at the end of the day)
>Mordikka Astenvan, 51 ( Female ,40 points, Goldtongue can only eat med-high Metaskha )

> [Remain Silent]
Again, sorry for taking a lot of time .phoneposting is literal torture
also any lizardposting is appreciated
Fucking lily livered fagots. Good job ruining the quest.
I wouldn't say ruined but we certainly did give the first wrong impressions.
> Melianova Debost , 26 (Female, 30 Stat points, Silvertongue: More likely to detect unique Metaskha traits during sampling but takes more time in said phase)
> [Remain Silent]

Damn nice and thanks for running! You are one of the top five QMs of all time on this board.
Thank you anon
Should I wait more or break the tie?
It's been two hours, man, no need to rush.

>Olego Saelenvee, 45 ( Male , 20 Stat points, Rottonuge: May occasionally gain 2 stat points or lose 1 stat point at the end of the day)
> [Remain Silent]


"Well, Inspekktar Offisov, I hope your flesh isn't as stingy as your attitude. " Your eyes had widened as he addressed the equally shocked men in the room " Chop her up, I want her packaged and ready by tomorrow. "

" W-with all r-respect Krande Offisov, We can't do that. There are many procedure to fol-"

" Would you like to join her? My sons adore military Metaskha. They believe it will grant them strength. I can arrange that."

The Krande Offisov had finally stepped out of the shadows revealing a withered bald husk with long crooked nose and pale skin inches from falling off his bones. His poor condition didn't stop him from puffing smoke into your face with great enthusiasm.

The Offisovi had given in to his commands. They dragged you to where you would have worked if you kept your head down. After a quick shower, you were chained once again to be chopped without too much resistance.

While an Offisov was sharpening his knife behind you, The Krande Offisov whispered the following into your ear " Insulting Hosvasia is one thing, Insulting me ... well, you will soon witness the fruit of your insolence. I will relish consuming you, Inspekktar Offisov. Your Famizit will soon follow. Hosvasia Eterna..."

Without warning, you felt a sharp pain in the base of your neck before flying across the room. Before Life would ebb from your body, you used your last breathe to curse him, his children and his children's children. May the Krucix...May the.... Kruci...


"... He hanged himself? Why?"

" Azobi was always fond of Easternii Metaskha. I told him it will drive him crazy and rot his mind but no one listens to Old Ivann. Always keep it in Hosvasia. Never trust any outsider Metaskha" The janitor sighed briefly " I know you are not from around here but... can you do what you can to spare his Famizit? His little girl doesn't deserve to end up on someone's plate."

>I must have all the facts before committing to a decision.
>Poor girl, I will see what I can do
>And do want her to go to Doslo or Vixenisky instead? Death is a more preferable option.
>I am the 532nd Inspekktar Offisov of the 46th district. I will do what I pleases.
* what I please
>>I must have all the facts before committing to a decision.
>I am the 532nd Inspekktar Offisov of the 46th district. I will do what I pleases.
It is getting late so I will update later. Goodnight anons
>It is the collective responsibility of kin to share the same fate as those of their blood. The laws are absolute and must be upheld.
Good night.
The Janitor had little time to have a verbal spar with you. He simply left you to resume his mundane duties and so should you. Your office was just at the end of the hallway. The Abbtoir look quite decent compared to most of the Precinct. You have this funny feeling that most of your customers won't be able to afford anything worthwhile.

It was relatively small and hardly furshnished for someone of your status. Everything of your predecessor has been stripped away leaving you with little to work with.

" Inspekktar Offisov, You are three minutes late." Gugrled something behind you with some effort .You turned your back only to find one of those Albedomorians towering over you.

This artificial human was exceptionally blubbery waddling towards you with his rickety short legs which was quite the opposite of his lanky four-jointed arms. Krucix must have blessed the tailor who made this suit for him, only his star shaped belly button was half visible. The Albedomorian had to fold his arm or else they would drag all over the floor. Various folds formed around his neck resembling a throat pouch of sorts. That would certainly explain the gurgling.

They always unsettled you, The Albedomorians are both Hosvasia's blessing and curse. They come in all shapes and sizes. Why is this one so.... disproportionate?

You were about to whip out a quick apology when the white one grunted in response " Nevermind , take a seat. We got a lot ahead of us."

" Is this actual wood or....?" You just had to ask, the quality of the desk is just superb.

" BAWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!" Waves of laughter rippled through his body " Ohhhh good one , Inspekktar, no no.... this is Albedomorian Wood. When was the last time you saw anything green?"

This was a stupid question. Nothing grows anymore in Hosvasia. It has been this way for hundreds of years thanks to ruthless weather, mutated seeds , two ongoing wars and barren lands. No wonder Hosvasia has turned to Metaskha. Criminals , Dissidents and unproductive leeches are reduced to food.

The White one was in a great mood afterwards, he unfolded his right arm to shake hands with you " I am Nupto, the oldest living being in this Precinct and your Legovri Advers... we will get to the part later on after we are finished with these questions. Shall we begin?"

You nodded, a tad shocked by his excellent handwriting as he was filling some kind of a report on you.

" Your name, Inspekktar?"

>Mediev Bashorna ,42 [Male, 25 stat points, Firetongue: Neutralizers aren't required in between samples but sligthtly worse sampling results]
>Anastasia Novyov, 19 [ Female , 30 Stat points, Wormtongue: Immune to all parasites but slightly lose a bit of experience at the end of the day].
> Dezrim Ashetry, 66 [Male, 20 Stat points, Whitetongue: Much more effective with Albedomorians Metaskha but slightly worse with Human and other Metaskha]
>Teyvanna Deaknok, 53[ Female, 40 stat points, Stonetongue: Can't Haggle with any customer]
Couldn't sleep all too well so here is a quick update. I got a d3 that's why I went with the third option. Goodnight 2.0
>>Anastasia Novyov, 19 [ Female , 30 Stat points, Wormtongue: Immune to all parasites but slightly lose a bit of experience at the end of the day].
Lmao. You people manage to kill the MC in 3 posts. That's a new record.
>Anastasia Novyov, 19 [ Female , 30 Stat points, Wormtongue: Immune to all parasites but slightly lose a bit of experience at the end of the day].

To be fair, the first was slated to die regardless and we only killed ourselves.
Okey, updating in ~2 hours

" So young, you must be very gifted ... or very well connected." Nupto chuckled to the thought briefly .

While it is very well known that women are better than men in your line of work, you don't feel like you are anything special. You had fill the role of Inspekktar Offisov , otherwise, Your brother would be forced to leave both his Famizit and his research for this position . Fedric is a better Alkemist than a butcher. He belongs in the capital not in the middle of nowhere.

"Next question." The white one had brought you back to reality " In your own words, describe how well versed are you in the following fields. There is little shame in admitting your weakness. You will forced to adapt and overcome them."

The Albedomorian pulled out a crumbling sheet of paper from the drawer, it had a diagram of your current duties.

Metaskha: The art of flesh, butchering, skinning, preserving, sampling and processing meat. It affects your proficiency and your overall time as well as handling other requests related to said process.

Juslexa: The art of law, Your knowledge regarding the often merciless laws of Hosvasia. It will affect your final judgment as well as helping you in other legal affairs.

Akademia: The art of medical knowledge, making diagnosis of both the living and the dead much more easier . It also will affect your general knowledge which can be crucial in certain situations as well as increasing your experience at the end of the day.

Alkemia: The art of creation. Vital when dealing with Albedomorian topics. It is essential when creating neutralizers and other potent mixtures.

Linkula: The art of words, Your ability to barter with customer for a better price to your products. It will give you an edge during more heated discussions against your superiors and the like.
You got 30 points, spend them wisely on the above mentioned attributes!
Metaskha: The art of flesh, butchering, skinning, preserving, sampling and processing meat. It affects your proficiency and your overall time as well as handling other requests related to said process.

Juslexa: The art of law, Your knowledge regarding the often merciless laws of Hosvasia. It will affect your final judgment as well as helping you in other legal affairs.

Akademia: The art of medical knowledge, making diagnosis of both the living and the dead much more easier . It also will affect your general knowledge which can be crucial in certain situations as well as increasing your experience at the end of the day.

Alkemia: The art of creation. Vital when dealing with Albedomorian topics. It is essential when creating neutralizers and other potent mixtures.

Linkula: The art of words, Your ability to barter with customer for a better price to your products. It will give you an edge during more heated discussions against your superiors and the like.
Waiting for that elusive second vote

" Is that so? " Nupto was a bit skeptical of your self assessment " A pregnant woman is accused of homicide. What is your verdict on this case?"

" It depends on many factors..." You replied with blooming confidence. You buried your face in countless books absorbing their contents with great avarice. The Laws of Hosvasia are her steadfast pillars, this was one of the first things you learned in Ecoloa. You endured a lot of ridicule in your childhood preferring the company of books instead of playing with your peers.

The Albedomorian scratched his undulating chin " Very impressive, Inspekktar Offisov, Your age does betray your knowledge. Though I might add little snippet of information: A mother of a human-Albedomorian bastard is immediately spared from any legal repercussions or Metaskha for that matter. A Krande Offisov must be contacted to address this rare phenomenon."

Nupto cleared his throat for another question " Tell me about your Famizit...Do you have one?"

" Of course, " you nodded " Hosvasia resents unproductivity. Once anyone becomes of age, they can support a Famizit of at least three members. Famizit usually share the same blood but anyone can join the fold like a close friend."

"And?" He was waiting for the darker aspect of the law.

" All members of one's Famizit entrust their lives to their caretaker. One mistake and the Famizit is over. Slavery, Metaskha, Adoption and Execution are the only option available for them. Hosvasia can only support productive members, it has no use for leeches."

You can tell the Albedomorian is very pleased with your thorough explanation. There are more nuances to Famizit but now is not the time.

You are fully aware of his next question. He will ask you to decide the fate of your predecessor's Famizit. Maybe he and the Janitor are onto this? In theory, the girl Ivann mentioned could be adopted to be truly saved ... this however means another mouth to feed. Are you up for the challenge?

Bigger Famizit usually means more bonuses from the state for your hard work to support them but should two or more of them die from your negligence, you and the rest of your Famizit will soon join them.

Choose three or more members of your Famizit!

>Heywk , 3 (Albedomorian, Male, Low needs)
A gift from your brother for having your very own Famizit. A faithful servant who is born from your blood and silver. While his intelligence is rather limited, he will follow your commands to the letter. Not great with children though.

> Alzs, 6 ( Albedomorian, Female, Very low needs)
A gift passed down from your late mother to you. This Albedomorian produces a small amount of crude Metaskha through many orifices from her back. While the Metaskha certainly won't sustain a whole Famizit, It will stave off hunger just a little bit. She is always in a constant state of pain in a vicious cycle of regenerationand degeneration. It will never ever stop .

> Govayno Novyov, 21 ( Female, Medium needs)
Your childhood friend who joined your Famizit to escape her abusive parents. She escapes the scars of her past by knitting making sure everyone is nice and warm.

>Mikahawl Novyov, 42 ( Male , High needs)
Your uncle , a war veteran who had fallen into despair after the death of his wife and your mother. No one wanted to do anything with him after his suicide attempt and the scandal the followed afterwards. Still, He is your uncle with a wealth of experience. It is getting increasingly difficult to keep his mental health in check.

>Badosg Novyov, 8 ( Male , very high needs)
The little ball of energy that is your younger brother. He broke Fedric's heart when he chose you over him. A troublemaker by heart, Badosg adores his big sister. You are his aspiring model. Yes, it is a bit tiring to deal with his shenanigans but the joy he brings is wroth all the trouble.

>Yourskha Novyov, 12 ( Female , Medium needs )
Your younger sister who is a devot follower of Krucix just like your father. She offers great spiritual guidance despite her young age. Albedomorians are unholy abominations in her eyes. Dealing with her can sometimes take a toll on you.

>Polosky Novyov 19 (Male , Medium needs)
Your twin brother, your tormentor and the best person who can truly understand you. He lacks any of Fedric's calm demeanour always finding himself in the spotlight. He strives to be an Krande Offisov someday starting at the bottom of the ladder as a suspiciously stationed Offisov in the Abbtoir.
>Polosky Novyov 19 (Male , Medium needs)
Your twin brother, your tormentor and the best person who can truly understand you. He lacks any of Fedric's calm demeanour always finding himself in the spotlight. He strives to be an Krande Offisov someday starting at the bottom of the ladder as a suspiciously stationed Offisov in the Abbtoir.

>Badosg Novyov, 8 ( Male , very high needs)
The little ball of energy that is your younger brother. He broke Fedric's heart when he chose you over him. A troublemaker by heart, Badosg adores his big sister. You are his aspiring model. Yes, it is a bit tiring to deal with his shenanigans but the joy he brings is wroth all the trouble.

>Yourskha Novyov, 12 ( Female , Medium needs )
Your younger sister who is a devot follower of Krucix just like your father. She offers great spiritual guidance despite her young age. Albedomorians are unholy abominations in her eyes. Dealing with her can sometimes take a toll on you.
>Govayno Novyov, 21 ( Female, Medium needs)
>Polosky Novyov 19 (Male , Medium needs)
>Yourskha Novyov, 12 ( Female , Medium needs )
Supporting this
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Take 4. Make everyone happy.

" Yes, It makes sense. You are nearly the splitting image of your twin. Do you share his temper as well? "

"We are quite the opposite. Krucix's sake, he hasn't read a single book in his life..." You were somewhat offended by his word but then again, you know how reckless dear Polosky can be. Always picking fights he couldn't finish...

" Your brother was stationed here with the new batch three days ago and he was already in two different brawls. None were reported thanks to me but this is the last time I throw free favors like so. Do you understand?"

" Yes, My brother won't tarnish his position any longer." You sighed , the man has no discipline to speak of. It will be an audrous task to set him straight.

"Excellent, " the white one was finished with the sheet. He stamped it before folding it neatly and tucking the piece of paper in his pocket " Today isn't officially your first working day , Nevertheless, You ought to get familiar with the inner workings of the Abbtoir. Shall we go for a little tour?"

" Lead the way" Once again , you were reminded of how towering the Albedomorian was when he stood up.

Ivann, the Janitor, was sweeping right infront of your office whistling innocently.

" Ivann! " Nupto's throat pouch nearly inflated twice in size with visible pulsating veins " Do you want me to send you to th-"

" N-no need!" He laughed nervously before scurrying off.

" Nosey old Virveckt.." He turned his attention to you " He has a habit of eavesdropping. Don't worry about it too much. I will handle it."

" That's odd, I was certain you would show me the previous Inspekktar's Famizit."

" Patience , They are locked in the underground cells. They won't go anywhere." He assured you " Now, Allow me to introduce you to your daily schedule..."

The two of you went to the Lobby where a scrawny woman with unkempt black hair and barely any meat on her bone suddenly sprang from her tiny desk to greet you.

" Inspekktar! I thought you would be here by tomorrow.."

" This is Maedaline, our hard working receptionist. When I am not around , she can be your right hand woman."

The middle aged woman blushed a bit " Oh Mr. Nupto, I am just doing my job. "

" Don't overwork yourself to death. No debt is worth your life." He lowered his voice a bit " It is ready?"

" Since last week." She gracefully pulled out another sheet of paper for you. It had a timetable for all of your duties.

After thanking her, You continued the tour with Nupto listening to what he had to say.

" You have four working peroids . A Judge, A Dokkttor, A Butcher and a Salesperson. Numerous times did I try to distribute these tasks on different Inspekktars, however, Hosvasia is known for her rigid laws. You must juggle between several professions as an Inspekktar Offisov."

" The will of Krucix." You stated, rarely did the Laws of Hosvasia and Religion intermingle together. This is once of such occasion.

* one of such occasions
" Ideally, you would want to perform all of your tasks in the same day. The people of the Precinct would appreciate a daily outlet of fresh Metaskha and our superiors would be pleased too. However, this isn't really feasible."

" Oh?" You raised an eyebrow.

" You will achieve fewer results this way. Instead of four tasks per day, why wouldn't you make them two tasks per day? This might upset some people but I think it is more manageable to you."

" And a single task per day?" You humoured him.

" Plain suicide." You would cause such an uproar especially since most citizens are allowed to go to the Abbtoir once a week. Those who can't afford the price of the Metaskha ticket ( only the ticket , nothing else bought just yet) go through the state sponsored Metaskha Lottery for a much lower price. You did recall spotting a couple of lottery kiosks on the way here.

In summary, you have :

-Six days of work from 9 to 7 with 2 hours of rest in between peroids
-Four Tasks ( Cases-Examintion-Butchering-Sales).

Nupto showed you two possible working schedule for you to choose from. They were:

Working Schedule A
9-11 Cases
11-1 Examination
1-2 Resting period A
2-4 Butchering
4-5 Resting period B
5-7 Sales

+ More Customer Happines for readily available products
+ More State Bonuses for sticking with the original program and satisfying the Precinct
+ Better Percentage Cut from each sale.
- Possibly fewer Metaskha produced each day
- Lower behind-the-curtains rolls
- Lower experience gained
- More extertion for the Inspekktar

Working Schedule B

9-1 Cases
1-3 Resting period
3-7 Examination


9-1 Butchering
1-3 Resting period
3-7 Sales

Rinse and Repeat

- Lesser Customer Happines for infrequent products
- Fewer State Bonuses for not sticking with the original program and satisfying the Precinct
- Lower Percentage Cut from each sale affecting your daily earnings.
- Can only earn money once per two days
+ Possibly more Metaskha produced each day
+ Higher behind-the-curtains rolls
+ More experience gained
+ Less extertion for the Inspekktar
>Go with Working Schedule A
>Go with Working Schedule B
> Modify A or B ( specify)
>Go with Working Schedule A
>Modify A or B ( specify)


9-1 Cases
1-3 Resting period
3-7 Examination


9-11 Cases
11-1 Examination
1-2 Resting period A
2-4 Butchering
4-5 Resting period B
5-7 Sales


9-1 Butchering
1-3 Resting period
3-7 Sales

Then just repeat for the week.
Problem with day 3 is that unless we have cases and properly examined them , we won't do any work since we can't change our schedule after it is set ( can't work Cases in butchering period for an example) Do you still want to go with that ,anon?
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Rolling for prosperity

>Go with Working Schedule B
Welp, that'll teach me to be slow about it.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

It is fine, I will roll again
DAY 1 + Day 4
9-1 Cases
1-3 Resting period
3-7 Examination

DAY 2 + Day 5
9-11 Cases
11-1 Examination
1-2 Resting period A
2-4 Butchering
4-5 Resting period B
5-7 Sales

DAY 3 + Day 6
9-1 Butchering
1-3 Resting period
3-7 Sales

This is what I was getting at. 2 days of each schedule as a middle ground between helping the precinct and acknowledging our superior.
We are going for A according to the second roll btw

" This... might work " there was a hint of doubt in his voice " You will address various cases in the comfort of your office. Either me or Maedaline will present you each individual case and its associated evidence, it is entirety up to you whether you wish to see the future Metaskha or not."

Next up: The examination room. It had the bare minimum as one would expect. Some of the ceramic tiles were chipped away leaving uncomfortable tiny holes in the floor. The blemished walls and the cracks in the ceiling really add to miserable state of the room. All the gunk around the shower stall in the corner was quite disgusting.

" Here, you give the future Metaskha their final shower before examining , weighing and sampling them. The last thing you want is selling diseased Metaskha so you better take this part very seriously."

" Why there are restraints here? " You had to ask .

" Naturally, they are hardly cooperative with you " He was quick to notice your concern " You will have two Offisovi with you all the time. A well determined man can easily overcome you when you are alone."

You can't argue with him. Hosvasia is suffering from overpopulation and marriage isn't rather uncommon thanks to the skewed male to female birth ratio and widespread poverty. For every newborn girl, there are five newborn boys.

" Only four rooms remain, this way. I believe you will like the next one."

It made sense for the butchering area to be underground close to the cells. Just mere moments before entering, you stumbled upon your brother twirling his sabre as if it is a fancy toy.

He had your same blonde hair and blue eyes, his face is very close to yours ; same freckles and rosy cheeks with the exception of the scar on his right cheek, the idiot thought he could look tougher by scarring himself His shoulder isn't as broad as it should be giving him a semi slender figure. You do have to admit that he is looking mighty fine in his uniform.

" Eyyyyyy, My sweet little Inspekktar! Come here!" He fumbled for a second to sheathe his saber before going for a hug with zero consideration between both differences in rank as well as many Offisovi, Nupto and other staff watching in silence.

>[Begrudgingly allow him to smother you with love. He is your Famizit after all ]
>Offisov, Stop! One step further and you won't get a single coin for three days!
>Brother, stop... not in front of everyone...
> Othet
Are we the older or younger twin?
Same age, he just likes to tease us
>Brother, stop... not in front of everyone...


>>Brother, stop... not in front of everyone

"Oh.." Finally, he got the message. He saluted you before leaving abruptly. At the very least he didn't Male a fool out of himself.

The butchering area was quite impressive housing several tables and an array of tools at your disposal. A small section was dedicated for storage , be it whole corpses or certain body parts. It is very unlikely for the Metaskha to spoil in such frigid conditions. You read that some people rely on salting or smoking their Metaskha to preserve it. What an odd concept.

Nupto took you to the heavily guarded Abbtoir's outlet where a small crowd of starving citizens were crying for their chance to buy food for the week. Luckily for you, The shutter was closed so they couldn't spot the new Inspekktar loafing around.

" What are these for? " The outlet had several safes bolted to the wall like an actual bank.

" For our more.... distinguished customers." The Albedomorian replied " They pay us a nice sum to reserve the finest cuts."

The penultimate stop was by the cells. They were about twenty or so. The smell of excrement was quite pungent, it almost made you gag in reflex. The Offisovi stationed there didn't mind the stench at all as they were playing round of card when you show up.

" Don't pity them. Had they followed the laws of Hosvasia, they wouldn't be here."

" And the Inspekktar's Famizit? Did they broke the law too?" You counterattacked his claim.

" They put their trust and faith in the wrong person." Nupto clearly didn't show any love for your predecessor. Very curious.

The tour had ended in a fortified portion of the Abbtoir. Again with the bank resemblance, it was a giant safe with two separate checkpoints. Four ironclad Offisovi had searched you first before entering for a pretty good reason.

Thousands upon thousands of coins were just lying there inside marked sacks " The Krande Offisov sends his collectors twice per year. He considers our earnings to be ' pocket change' hardly worth spending time and effort to collect it on the regular." He almost spat poison with those words " One of my jobs is to sit on this huge pile making sure every single coin is accounted for. I can assure you: this is hardly an easy task."

Deep inside the safe, a bald man was half buried in spires of paper while his desk was fully swallowed by the same spires. His dark skin was so bizzare, this must be an Easternii. He paid no heed to you two until Nupto cleared his throat to announce your presence.

" The Legovri Advers and our young Inspekktar..." He harbored a heavy accent " Here for business? "

" This is Hazem, the lifeblood of our line of work with state approved merchandise. Treat him kindly and he will make your life a whole lot easier." Nupto introduced him to you.

"I also manage this mess.... alone. I am not paid enough for this."

" Hazem is also our account, he helps me in more ways than you can imagine."
Next part will be posted in after a quick nap

+2000 ₩
+500 ₩ ( extra state bonus!)

" Here you go, Your starting Wez. " Hazem gave you a small pouch of coin " Try not to spend it in one go, Inspekktar. You will bleed your Wez faster than you think."

" Don't listen to him, It is always better to be readily available for anything. " Nupto expressed his opinion. At any rate, you had to at least buy the essentials for your job. Hazem show you what was for sale:

-Exotic Commission I ( 500 ₩)
Hazem will bring 5-10 Items from outside of Hosvasia next week

-Upgraded Stock I (1000 ₩)
Increase the number of available items. Doesn't apply in certain items.

- Akademia Commission I ( 500 ₩)
Adds a random book for sale.

-Abbtoir Commission I (700 ₩)
Permanently adds a random item for sale.

- Inspekktar Commission I (??? ₩)
Adds a single item for sale within 2 days, It will be more expensive than its original price.

-Lucky Draw I ( 200 ₩ )
Buy a random item in this list. Note that the price will double the next time you buy it again.

- Sparing slip ( 200 ₩ , 2
5 left)
Allows you to spare future Metaskha without any legal repercussions.

-Neutralizers ( 100 ₩, 5 left)
Resets your tongue tasting buds, allowing you to sample the next Metaskha with greater efficiency.

- Hesd Shot ( 300 ₩, 5 left)
A lethal slow acting syringe which sends anyone into deep and blissful sleep shutting down their organ in the mean time. Considered to be a more humane way of killing Humans and some Albedomorians.

-Jera Shot ( 50 ₩ , 5 left)
A fast acting lethal syringe which sends anyone in a world of pain causing their blood capillaries to rupture before killing them. Such immense pain for expiring will alter the Metaskha's taste.

- Dewa Shot ( 50 ₩ , 5 left)
A fasting acting syringe which eliminates some common parasites in the body at the cost of lowering the quality of their Metaskha.

- Powdered Nyn ( 200 ₩, 5 left)
Increase your experience gain at the cost of more extertion . Only one drink is allowed per day for health concerns.

-Fozov Syrup (100 ₩, 5 left)
Lowers you exertion at the cost of being sluggish for the rest of the day.

- Albedomorian Imp ( 500 ₩, 1 left)
A short lived Albedomorian who will help you in your duties before expiring in a week for so. Doesn't need to be fed. It will only follow the basic of commands so don't expect much of it.

-Silverborn Albedomorian ( 1500 ₩ , 1 left)
An Albedomorian born of your blood and silver with decent intelligence and unwavering loyalty to you. It will be considered part of your Famizit so better take care of it. Will arrive in 2-3 days.

Items get restocked on Saturdays.
You have 2500 ₩

>Buy ______
*pain before expiring
>>Buy-Neutralizers 5
>Buy- Sparing slip 2
- Powdered Nyn 5
-Fozov Syrup 1

That's all, leave 500 in the bank for emergencies or for our family.

Makes sure our tasting is constantly efficient, lets us spare some people we want to spare, lets us get a boost of experience every day and even if we don't use it because of exertion it is always useful in the future, the syrup can counteract our exertion in emergencies. No point killing people peacefully, if we don't want them dead then we should spare them and if they have to die cleanly we can shoot them in the head. I guess there might be some benefit to altering the taste, but that can be done next week.
woops, the powder Nyn and Syrup should be greentexted too, I wanna buy those as well.
Buy 3x Sparing slip = 600 ₩
Buy 5x Neutralizers = 500 ₩
Buy 1x Hesd Shot = 300 ₩
Buy 5x Jera Shot = 250 ₩
Buy 1x Powdered Nyn = 200 ₩
Buy 1x Fozov Syrup = 100 ₩

Will Upgraded Stock I increase the quantity of items he sells now that are restocked on Saturday or will he add new, non-random items to sell like Abbtoir Commission 1?
Current items in Stock, for example the syrup would be 6 per week instead of 5
Rolled 1 (1d2)

-2000 ₩
500 ₩
+5 Neutralizers
+ 2 Sparing slip
+ 5 Powdered Nyn
+ Fozov Syrup

"Thank you for the purchase, I will have someone delivering them to their respective places. Now if you will excuse me..."

The Easternii took a dive into his paperwork once more. It was high time to return back to your office


" What is this? " Three files were waiting for you on the desk.

" Why, the first Famizit who will pass under your judgement. You haven't forgotten about them, no?"

"..." A sense of dread had overclouded your thoughts. The first time is always the hardest.

" Take your time , Inspekktar. I will explain further once you are finished."

Case #245-352-042

Name : Kilenishka Azobi
Sex : Female
Age : 8
Occupation: None.
Gifted: No
Criminal Record: None
Metaskha Quality: Unkown
Notes: Subject is emotionally attached to an Albedomorian doll she calls 'Yohm' holding it with her all the time. Seprating her from the doll would cause an emotional outburst. After inspecting the doll, Offisov Roynev didn't find any hidden objects inside allowing the girl to keep the doll.

Case #245-352-043

Name : Veroeb Azobi
Sex : Male
Age : 13
Occupation: None
Gifted: No
Criminal Record: None
Metaskha Quality: Unkown
Notes: Lost his right leg from Frostblight at a younger age, illegible for most manual labour .


Case #245-352-044

Name : Zanna Azobi
Sex : Female
Age : 32
Occupation: Teacher at St. Ferew School ( 100-200 ₩ per day)
Gifted: Possible gift ( her father had Welltongue)
Criminal Record: Petty theft (41 times)
Metaskha Quality: Unkown
Notes: Subject suffers from a severe case of Kleptomania with possible undiagnosed mental diseases.


" Are you finished?"

" Yes, quite the Famizit he had."

" You have seen nothing." Nupto chuckled briefly stretching his lanky arms " You have several options ahead. You can pass judgement on them without seeing the lot or you can summon them either separately or bundled all together. Your call."

" Is there any difference? "

" Simply put, Your precious time will be contested. " He shrugged " it won't matter this time since you really haven't started working but my earlier point will matter later on. Still, their appearances, words and pleas might change your initial judgement."

" Hmm?" You noticed a small footnote at the girl's file. What is this?

' Send the girl to Doslo and You will be amply rewarded '

You showed the footnote to Nupto who was hardly surprised by it " Favors are a hidden commodity as an Inspekktar. As long as you don't stray too far from the light , you are advised to hoard them as much as you possibly can."

" Who is this mysterious benefactor, Nupto?"

"Probably someone in the Precinct who caught wind of Azobi's suicide. I wouldn't rule out a possibility of someone wanting to exact revenge. Your predecessor made more enemies than friends in the last few months. Then again, I smell a rancid deviant on this file. "

The Albedomorian remained silence for a few moments assessing the situation " No harm will fall upon you either ways. The girl is a prime candidate for Doslo. Have you decided how to handle the trio?"

>Pass Judgement without seeing them
> Summon them all first
> Summon them separately ( specify their order)
>Summon them all first
>Summon them separately ( specify their order)
Kilenishka Azobi
Veroeb Azobi
Zanna Azobi
> Summon them separately (See Kilenishka separately, then the other two together.)

The other two don't seem worth our time, no longer fit for work and a chronic thief, no chance of rehabilitation. The girl is worth a reward and seems to have not done anything bad.
>>Pass Judgement without seeing them
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Rolled 3 (1d4)

My bad , I just woke up

" Bring the mother first."

" One more thing ," Nupto stopped you for a second explaining your judicial capabilities.

It goes without saying but this Famizit is a burden to Hosvasia. The main source of income is dead so unless they scatter to other Famizit Or if the woman adopts one more and make her own Famizit that she can fully support, they will turned into Metaskha.

But what if someone isn't even fit for being Metaskha? Execution, usually handled by other Offisov. The body is disposed off later on.

You can send them to Doslo, the red city. A city of degenerates who pay enough Wez to satisfy all of their wildest dreams. The slaves sent there usually won't last long. They will be eventually broken and discarded like a child with an old toy.

The other available option is sending them to Vixenisky, the stone city. Krucix had blessed the lands around it with all manner of precious stones and valuable mineral waiting to be unearthed by thousands of slaves working to the bone.

Bringing someone to your Famizit will indeed save them from such horrible fate if you have the heart for it. Finally, you can spare them with your slip. HOWEVER, They only have a matter of days to join a Famizit or else they will return to you again.

Five minutes later, Zanna was brought to your office, shackled with bloodshot eyes and a swollen broken nose. The Albedomorian stood silent by your side this whole time refraining from gurgling or clearing his throat.

They had to know each other, perhaps one day, they were acquaintances. Any trace of that is long gone, she is just another cases waiting be trialled.

The two Offisovi stood firmly on her right and left , she won't make any sudden moves.

" Speak, don't waste the Inspekktar's time with useless drivel." Nupto's tongue was sharper than the Offisov's sabre.

" Please...P-please." The woman went on her knees, sobbing quietly " Spare us, Merciful Inspekktar. We have done nothing wrong! My husband was murdered! Preyed upon and Fallen to a scheme by many!"

" Shut up your putrid whore!" The one on her right stomped on her back.

" Halt." You raised your hand " Let her finish ."

" B-before our arrest, I sent a courier to my older brother in Mernsuh. W-we can join his Famizit! "

" Nupto, where is this town? "

Hmmm...." your right hand man didn't reply right away "... It is at least a week away from the Precinct. The courier has...about eight days to return here. It will be too late for them anyways."

" please, please! We did nothing wrong! Spare the little ones, I beg you!"

Well, this complicates things a bit. Since your Juslexa is decent, You can postpone her trial just enough for the courier to arrive solely thanks to her gift potential. You doubt the Abbtoir had any gift testing facilities so you would have to send her elsewhere. This might upset a few people in the process who will consider this action to be a waste of resources.

As for her children, you can't really do anything for them unless you adopt them yourself.

It is time to pass Judgement on Zanna Azobi.

>Spare ( 2 slips remaining)
> Gift test
Eh, I thought my vote won the roll off, unless you are taking the first one?
Hmm, has her criminal record already been dealt with? I mean, has she already been dealt whatever punishment is given out for theft? If so then it may be worth holding out to preserve her gift if the family gets back to us.
Yep, having an Inspekktar for a husband certainly helps
> Gift test

I'm not sure this is worth it on a kleptomaniac, but I guess the potential is there.
>Gift test
" Oh, thank you, Inspekktar!" The woman had showered you with praise as
you surprised Nupto with your decision.

" And my little ones?"

" ... " Her jubilation had come to an end when you left her question unanswered " Nupto, will you please oversee her transfer?"

" Yes, Inspekktar. " The Albedomorian cracked his knuckles, clearly not enjoying the task up ahead. He went along with the Offisovi and Zanna who was starting to panic outside of your office. The fate of her children is in your hands, after all.

It wasn't long before the Offisovi brought the siblings. Little Kilenishka held tightly to a wooden doll with four arms , blue skin and a rather bulbous head. She buried her petite face in her doll refusing to acknowledge your presence. Her childhood and her whole life was shattered in mere days so that kind of reaction is expected.

As for Young Veroeb, he kept tapping his peg leg on the floor without uttering a single word. He wasn't as shy as his sister, in fact , he was determined to protect his little sister from you shielding her from your sight as much as he could. The two Offisovi were more lenient with them compared to their mother.

" Well, aren't you going to say something to the Inspekktar? "

His reaction was the same. His sister was silently weeping behind his back. The Dyad awaits for you judgement.
>Spare ( 2 slips remaining)
>Take her doll, she won't be need it where she is going ( choose one of the above mentioned choices)


>Spare ( 2 slips remaining)
>Spare ( 2 slips remaining)

>Spare ( 2 slips remaining)

If you adopt them now, can someone else adopt them later?
Nope. It is a done deal.
*be needing it
I figured as much. Hopefully that courier arrives soon.
I guess we aren't going full sociopath mode...

This shall have to suffice as our one good deed for the week.

This family can be together if her brother pulls through, otherwise I guess their meat and fodder for pedophiles.

Supporting >>5257941

It was a costly decision from your end but it felt like the right thing to do. Ignoring the mysterious man behind that footnote will deprive you from any reward as well as catching his ire. At any rate, it is done.

The children were unshackled and left to their own devices outside of the Abbtoir. You have done what you can from your end. It was getting awfully late, you had to brave the dastardly weather on the way home. Many had perished under Hosvasia daunting nights. Better not Tarry on the way to your home.


You almost got lost again , all the houses look the same under the inky darkness of the night. Your home was given to you by the state. Two bedrooms, a kitchen with a decent pantry ,a living room and a basement , that is all. It might have belonged to the previous Inspekktar but you are not certain. It is quite spacious with basic furniture. Weirdly enough, the pantry was quite empty when you had first arrived here. A beacon of light and warmth was waiting for you inside, the Oh so crucial fireplace....you would freeze to death without its radiance. Now where is that rascal of an Offisov ? You ought to have some few words with your twin for embras-

" Big sister!" Speaking of Radiance, Badosg coiled around your waist trying his very best to wrestle you down " Did you bring any Metaskha? "

" I am sorry , my fearless champion." He always liked to be called so " My hands are empty."

" Awww..." It was very common to skip meals on the regular. Only the rich can afford to eat twice or more on daily basis.

" How was school today? Did you vanquish any lessons?"

" No..." He suddenly perked up " Buuuut our teacher had died today! She just dropped on her desk! We wanted to eat her. None of us had anything sharp."

Before you were about to scold your brother, A mighty slap on the face had almost twisted his neck It came from None other than his second big sister: Yourskha.

" Only the Holy Mothers and the Inspekktar Offisov have the power to cleanse the Metaskha you ignorant Albedhead! Is tainting your soul worth filling your belly ?!!!"

Badosg immediately began to cry, he hid under your dress to escape his other sister's wrath.

>Go to your room, Yourskha. Your message is as clear as day.
>Get....out of there!
>Apologise to your brother, this instant
>[Stay out of this matter, you must seek your twin]
>Apologise to your brother, this instant

Yourskha, when educating your Famizit you must only use your words to persuade, not violence. Don't fray the bonds of famizit.
Give a hug to your little brother.
"Badosg, had you eaten her, I would have had to judge you. I don't want to gobble you up like that." Then squeeze his sides.
"Yourskha, do the Holy Mothers teach violence against hungry babes or to preach and spread understanding?"
"Your devotion to save our souls is admirable, but physical punishments are the responsibility of the head of the Famizit. Do you understand?"
Rolled 1 (1d2)

" I am following the discipline of Krucix l. I don't *need* to apologise." She gave you a long pout before stomping her way to the bedroom.

You sighed, you neither had the patience of your mother nor the sternness of your father. Once again, the situation has slipped out of your hand.

" You can come out now." You calmly reassured your younger brother. You left him by the fireplace searching for you elusive twin. Just where was he?

Your question was answered shortly after you heard a knock on the door.

" Surprise!" The Offisov carried a sizeable package on his shoulder with all the glee he could muster.

"Brother, what is this? Did you steal something from the Abbtoir?"

" Oh you of little faith." He shook his head " I carry a gift from Fedric. A courier was looking for you just when I was about to finish my shift."

" And the courier simply gave my package to you? " Your were mighty suspicious of him.

" Dear brother saw this coming, the courier was looking for me too as luck would have it. Give Fedric some credit. He doesn't know our current address so delivering it to the Abbtoir was the only logical choice."

" Well done." You rarely complement your brother since he rarely deserves it " Yourskha, Badosg, come here!"

The whole Famizit gathered around the package, you unraveled it slowly revealing the content inside. It was...

>2kg of med quality Metaskha
> An Alkemia basic kit, for creating your own concoctions
> A collection of Books which will surely aid you in your work.
>A bloodstained ornamental dagger with a note on where to sell it in the Precinct..
> Four sentimental gifts for you and the Famizit of little value.
> Some rocks? Was it stolen?????
>Some rocks? Was it stolen?????
>A collection of Books which will surely aid you in your work.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Updating in ~6 hours, maybe more
>> A collection of Books which will surely aid you in your work.
>2kg of med quality Metaskha

I didn't vote despite checking in between when you did the coin flip and you saying when you were gonna update because I assume the coin flip meant it was a done deal, but if we can still vote then here is mine just in case.
Depends but I will go with the most votes since my updates are sparse. The only exception is when I am about to post a 3k update and someone voted at the last second
+ On Albedomorians, Vol I
+ The Wez Miracle
+ Common Parasites on your plate
+ Alkemia Principals

Naturally, Your Famizit were bummed out.They had high hopes for quality Metaskha or toys or anything really. Instead, they found useless books of little value to them. This is another story for you.

Knowledge is power, wherever and whenever you are. You must steel yourself for what the grim future ahead. You ought to send Fedric something of the same caliber in the future.

Once your younger siblings had gone to their beds on empty stomach, you sat down with your twin discussing the financial situation of this house.

" Only fifty Wez???" You were astonished by Govayno's meager earnings.

" I am a lowly Offisov, what did you expect?" He shrugged " We had spent nearly all of our Wez in the last few days, between school and church admissions as well as keeping the house warm... we are broke."

" Not yet,I got these..." You waved your Wez right at his face.

" Nice haul. It won't last long though."

You and him revised the current daily spendings together. It went as follows:

-100 ₩ for heating
-75 ₩ for Badosg ( 750 gram of Metaskha if possible)
-125 ₩ for Govayno ( 400 gram of Metaskha)
- 50 ₩ for Yourskha ( 600 gram of Metaskha)
- 100 ₩ for Yourself ( depends on how many times you had samples Metaskha)
Total: 450 ₩ , 1.75 kg Metaskha ( rough estimate)

You can skip feeding your Famizit, they are used to it like most people around here but do it enough times are they will eventually perish from starvation. You also have to keep yourself healthy , avoiding exertion or you will end up like the Badosg's teacher. These numbers are hardly accurate, Your siblings might ask for extra Wez to purchase something to their liking. There is also medicine to consider in the future. What a burden you have to mostly carry alone.

You watched the fire flickering for a good while, still unsure whether you really had it in you to power through these expenses or not.

> Go to bed, You must be fully invigorated for the morrow.
>Spend some time with Govayno
> Start reading of one your new books ( Specify)
> Take a nightly stroll outside to ease your mind
> Introduce yourself to your Neighbours,you had little chance to do so.
> Introduce yourself to your Neighbours,you had little chance to do so.

We can ease our stress when we are actually strained. Lets do the polite thing, never know when you need a neighbor to watch the house.

Good thing we left some money for the family, the daily expenses are absurd. Wasn't the money received for items for work our payment for the entire week? We have to make sure we don't get sick, perhaps we should avoid buying any items in the near future until we are certain we are eating well.
>Introduce yourself to your Neighbours, you had little chance to do so.
>>Spend some time with Govayno
Updating when I wake up
Our payment is tied to our sales (more on that later) . The money we had earlier was more of a welcoming bonus. That's it. I wouldn't say the economy is failing but the resources are rather scarce hence the insane prices.
Ah, okay, thanks for the clarification. I guess that is what I get for not going back and checking.
Changing to
>Take a nightly stroll outside to ease your mind
Rolled 1 (1d3)


There is a good chance that all of your neighbours weren't from the Precinct like you. The state had probably offered them housing to resume their work. Of the five houses around yours, three were vacant which had left you with two colourful neighbours.

The first one, Yeshop , had several Offisovi around his house, you didn't get the chance to meet him so you settled with talking to the poor men almost freezing outside.

" He is a beast breeder." Stated the Offisov " The man is paranoid of his own shadow, Inspekktar. I would find a better company elsewhere."

The only beasts that had adapted to the current ecosystem are Metaskha eating ones. They are few and far between in the wild which made them extremely valuable . Eating their Metaskha is actually forbidden by both human and divine laws. One of their most known uses was transportation , they can pull hefty wagons and carriages with ease.

The second neighbour was friendly enough to let you in. Maraam was an Easternii merchant who has been in the four corners of the world. She decided to settle in Hosvasia with her husband and children here. Her house was riddled with outlandish trinkets and baubles, so much so that it left your mouth agape.

" Aren't you afraid of someone robbing your house?" You asked the middle aged woman.

" Why would I? Guards patrol on the regular. " This was true , still, a well determined thief can pick the right time to empty the house.

" I should be going." It was getting close to midnight, it was nice having at least a single good neighbour. You returned to your home where your twin was patiently waiting for you. Time to sleep.

You woke up feeling refreshed and ready. Ideally, you would give both the Wez and the Metaskha to your Famizit first thing in the morning. This time, you only had Wez.

The money will go to their transportation as well as any supplies they might need during the day. For your brother, It is a bit different. He must have extra Wez to grease any bad situation he might face since Nupto can no longer protect him. Same thing applies to you to a lesser extent. Any remaining Wez will return to you at the end of the day. You trust your siblings on that one.

100 ₩ for heating
-75 ₩ for Badosg ( 750 gram of Metaskha if possible)
-125 ₩ for Govayno ( 400 gram of Metaskha)
- 50 ₩ for Yourskha ( 600 gram of Metaskha)
- 100 ₩ for Yourself ( depends on how many times you had samples Metaskha)
Total: 450 ₩ , 1.75 kg Metaskha ( rough estimate)

You have 500 ₩

>Pay 450₩ , no Metaskha available!
>Cut some corners instead ( specify amount and whose Wez will be affected)
>Pay 450₩ , no Metaskha available!

Our health is important.
>Cut some corners instead ( specify amount and whose Wez will be affected)
75 ₩ for us instead.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

50 ₩
That should do it. You would better earn a decent sum to recover from today's losses. Off to the Abbtoir.

Govayno had to take a different transport other than yours; most of the staff doesn't know of your twin. It is better that way. This however means that someone had to wake extra early to arrive on time.

You arrived to your office at about 8:45. Nupto was already there, neatly organising the growing pile of cases at your desk.

" Good Morning, Inspekktar." You greeted you " Your 'stunt' yesterday had caused me a lot of headache and personal Wez to boot."

" I didn't know." You thought this would fall under the Abbtoir's expenses.

" Now you do, " He stretched his lanky arm while being aware not to hit anything by accident " Let it be a learning lesson to you... alongside your other grevious mistake."

" Other mistake?"

" Wasting your slips, a golden opportunity for favors and inadvertently killing the children you wanted to... save." His tone was less friendly than before " So, you had decided to release them. Good for you...then what? Do they have any proper shelter? The state had taken everything from their Famizit. If they didn't freeze to death, someone would have definitely snatched and cooked them.... or worse."

You were stunned by this revelation " Even if no harm had fallen on them. Any patrol would have returned them here. Hosvasia doesn't have beggars ,loiterers or vagrants. You either belong to a Famizit or you perish."

> I am the Inspekktar. I do what I see fit.
> I was aware of the fact. I thought I would give them a chance of survival even if it was miniscule
>I...apologise, My foresight is short and dim. Thank you, Nupto.
>As foolish as this may sound, I didn't want to stain my hands and conscience with mere children.

...I was gonna vote, but I'll let the other anons vote and then support them. I kinda wanted to go full sociopath on that prior vote because I got the impression that this is just how this country is and that we had to be very selective in when we offer charity, preferably in a way that benefits us and our family.
>>I...apologise, My foresight is short and dim. Thank you, Nupto.
It is very important to vote, anon. Also either playstyles are viable as long as we have fun in the quest. And yes, this is a very cruel and unforgiving setting. A full sociopath is your average Joe here so don't be discouraged from expressing your opinion. A Well thought vote is always better than a +1 or Supporting X. Engagement is key.
>As foolish as this may sound, I didn't want to stain my hands and conscience with mere children.
" All blood under the bridge." He briefly checked his watch " Remember, time is of the essence. Try to be as efficient as possible. I will be at my office should you need my aid. Legal or otherwise."

With that said, he left the office just moments before a bell started to ring. The day had officially started.


A Chilling start

Period I: Cases
120 minutes left
Exertion: None

Without delay, you picked the first case on the very top. What did you do , Ms Dernos?

Case #245-378-001

Name : Dernos ( name for all unknown women)
Sex : Female
Age : Possibly in her thirties.
Occupation: None.
Gifted: No
Criminal Record: Not registered in any Famizit, Wild Beast slaughter, Theft ( unknown account), Wildzer, Assault on Offisovi.
Incriminating evidence: Various eye witnesses, Offisov reports, a small cave with her stolen goods and various bones and a fresh carcass.
Metaskha Quality: Unkown.
Notes: Subject has lived for at least twenty years in the wild, sustaining on precious beast Metaskha and their blood. She is a keen huntress and tracker but she had lost most of her speech capabilities in her decades of isolation. Her brain is recommended to be disposed off to avoid any possible mental illness. She was caught stealing from a caravan inflicting light injuries on two Offisovi during her arrest.

If you eat mad Metaskha, you become mad yourself. This is common knowledge. Wildzers often congregate together forming primitive tribes in the middle of nowhere. Krucix above, how could these savages survive by themselves is beyond you.

>Pass Judgement ( 7 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Adoption, Vixenisky)
> Investigate evidence (30 mins)
>Summon the woman ( 13 mins)
>Consult Nupto about this case (9 mins)
Oh , I am sorry anon. I didn't see your post. Damn phoneposting.
Sorry, I didn't convey what I meant well. I just meant I was letting the others anons vote first before choosing to support one of them given that it was the brown id anon that chose to use our slips there.(although I did support it)

Since my mentality was different I felt like letting the anons more inline with that sort of thinking guide our explanation to our superior. I didn't want to tie it back then and I did want to keep some humanity in our character, albeit I intended it to be a more self-serving humanity that showed love and responsibility to those close to us but otherwise just went along with the system to ensure we got by.

>Pass Judgement ( 7 min) (Vixenisky)
She'll take some training, but she'll be hammering rocks in no time with some negative reinforcement.
Use the Powdered Nyn.
>Use the Powdered Nyn.
>Summon the woman ( 13 mins)
Ah, yes, I forgot.

>Use the Powdered Nyn
Rolled 2 (1d2)

107 mins
Increased experience and exertion gain.

An unwashed woman stood before you soon enough held by three Offisovi. Two by her sides and One with a catchpole to properly restrain the savage. Lowly grunts and hisses escaped her muzzled mouth as she squirmed and squirmed to no avail.

This one was a lost cause. The Wildzers are hopeless to interact with. They only understood violence. You can see murderous intent in her eyes. Good thing she is powerless to do anything of note to you.

>Pass Judgement ( 7 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Adoption, Vixenisky)
> Investigate evidence (30 mins)
>Consult Nupto about this case (9 mins)
The 120 minutes is for ALL cases, not just this one, yes?

If so, I will once again vote to pass judgement immediately now that we've seen her and at least confirmed she looks as described, a wild beast.

Though I suppose if we went to all this trouble it wouldn't be off to actually look at the evidence, but I think we have better uses of our time.

>Pass Judgement ( 7 min) (Execute)
>Consult Nupto about this case (9 mins)
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Yes, for all cases. 120 min or 2 hours for each working period.
94 min

You might want another opinion on the matter. The Albedomorian was more than happy to help.

" A Wildzer, huh? Their Metaskha is usually too stringy and bitter for your average customer and they can't be tamed for labour. They may fare better in bed, however. I heard of customers who are willing to take on a true feral woman . Lust can drive a man to willingly seek grevious injury or death even."

" I see , do I get any benefits for sending her to that cesspool?"

" Of course," Nupto confirmed your doubts " You take a fraction of her price after she had been appraised at the end of the day. Don't send too many cases to the two cities... the Precinct needs her Metaskha ."

Apparently, this appraiser only arrives at the end of the day so you won't be able to know her actual price should you go with that route.

>Pass Judgement ( 7 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Adoption, Vixenisky)
> Investigate evidence (30 mins)
>Pass Judgement ( 7 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Adoption, Vixenisky)
Changing to
> Investigate evidence (30 mins)
>>Pass Judgement ( 7 min) Doslo
Since it's not tasty meat it gets put on the street.
>Pass Judgement ( 7 min) (Doslo)

We can make meat out of people who don't taint the final product with insanity.
87 min

The Wildzer nearly slipped from one of the Offisovi as if she understood your words. Such aggression would surely please those who coveted befuddling desires. The papers are signed and sealed, onto the next one.

Case #245-378-002

Name : Zeviktry Hosolov
Sex : Male
Age : 84
Occupation: Former Vertrisk ( Southern front) , Carpenter.
Gifted: No
Criminal Record: None.
Incriminating evidence: None.
Metaskha Quality: Low-Med
Notes: Subject was quite a well known Vertrisk who had survived over 130 engagements in the Southern theatre, earning 14 medals across his years of service. Subject proclaimed that he is of no use to his Famizit seeing himself as a loathsome burden. As such, He wants to be slaughtered to financially aid his Famizit which is heavy in debt as of this report.

Special: Subject is ONLY to be turned into Metaskha with 50% of his sales returning to his Famizit ( Wez should be delivered to Hazem ). If the Subject is unfit to become Metaskha, then he would be recompensed ( 500 ₩ from the Inspekktar) for both his service to Hosvasia and his valiant effort to save his Famizit.

" Wh-hat?" You stuttered a bit , mainly from the last part.

" A special case in your lap? How unfortuitous. "

" I still haven't earned a single Wez to my name and they expect me to pay him from my empty purse?!!" You were fuming before the keen Albedomorian who had quite the advice for you.

" You can put it on hold if you wish. Better yet, you can ignore all of that special blabber and do whatever you want."

" I can do that? "

" Of course! You are the Inspekktar for Krucix's sake. Stepping on a few toes is a fine in order to keep yourself afloat."

It was a good thing that you summoned him this early , his advice is indeed very helpful " And who exactly is responsible for this case?"

" It could be a lot of influential people in the Precinct. Most likely, someone brought the topic to the Kommisyar and She approved of said proposition."

Well, that's a new knot you wish to untangle from. Kommisyari act as the Head of countless smaller Precincts scattered around Hosvasia. They are no Krande Offisov but their power is to be respected , feared even.

What should you do? Risk it with the old man or what? Few get past their sixties, It is almost a miracle for him to reach such age. You are almost certain that he is riddled with diseases, his Metaskha won't be viable....

The last thing you want is to be struck with debt. You could whine all you what about how this isn't your problem to begin with but that doesn't change the fact that you have to pay for it just like when Nupto paid the gift test with his own Wez.

Could this be a scheme from the old timer? He already knew that his Metaskha wouldn't do so he came to the Abbtoir for free Wez? Your blood would boil if that is the case. Maybe you might want to consider putting a bullet in his head instead.
You tinkered an idea as Nupto left your office. What if you could somehow convince him not to lay down his life for the sake of Famizit? You are not sure your Linkula is up to this task.

-Can't summon Nupto for this case!

>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky)
>Summon the man( 9 mins)

Dang it forgot an option

>Put the current case on hold ( 3 min) ( specify for how many cases or would you rather pur it on hold indefinitely)
>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky)
>Summon the man( 9 mins)
>Summon the man( 9 mins)
>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) (Metaskha)

Get on with it, this man has served his country well and his family deserves this. We can make up for it with sales, but we've been wasting a shit ton of time looking and investigating things that don't need to be looked at.
83 Min

You secretly prayed to Krucix while signing the papers, you can't afford to have diseased Metaskha from him. Here comes the next case...

Case #245-378-003

Name : Fernsa Divonna
Sex : Female
Age : 22
Occupation: Translator, Author.
Gifted: No
Criminal Record: Falbedomorian sympathiser, possible dissident.
Incriminating evidence: Several documents and letter exchanges found inside her father's mansion. A collection of statements gathered from over twenty three close contacts to her.
Metaskha Quality: Unknown
Notes: Subject is the daughter of a well known Westernii diplomat currently under house arrest. This Precinct had been specifically chosen due to how far it is from the capital. Subject was in correspondence with other sympathisers who adored the revolting Falbedomorians. Dissidents must be disposed off. Hosvasia Eterna.

Special: Do not spare her under any circumstances, Refuse any offer she might throw at you. The state will provide you and anyone related to her slaughter and/or execution total diplomatic immunity in this matter only. You won't be prosecuted or harmed in any shape or form for killing her.

Another special case and a tricky one to boot. Your day just got a lot better...

The curse of Hosvasia. The Falbedomorians, they were created for a single purpose: fighting. They won one campaign after another swarming our enemies without fear or any sense of self preservation. They honed their bloody craft perfectly....perhaps too perfectly.

They saw what their masters did to their kin: enslaving them, raising them for food or wood, even all manner of horrid experiments are tested first on them.

They had enough.

The Azurv massacre was a searing memory to this day in the minds of many.The second largest city was lost in a matter of days. It became their breeding den for decades to come. The Southern front continued to bleed more Hosvasian blood to this day with little to no advances. The red bastards were shrewd tacticians mastering the art of entrenchment and defensive warfare.

It is unthinkable how could anyone sympathise with them. The only logical explanation would be enemies of Hosvasia trying to undermine the state.


>Put the current case on hold ( 2 min) ( specify for how many cases or would you rather pur it on hold indefinitely)
>Pass Judgement ( 5
8 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky)
>Investigate the evidence ( 60 mins)
>Summon the woman ( 11mins)
>Consult Nupto (16 mins)
8 mins not 5
This one is interesting given surplus of evidence to investigate, but like our previous ones I feel disincentivized to actually bother looking at the evidence when we have been given clear summaries (or in this case, direct orders) regarding the subjects. We know what happens to those who disobey the higher-ups given we lost the previous MC in a record-pushing 3 posts, we don't have plot armour.

>Pass Judgement (8 min) (Metaskha)
>Investigate the evidence ( 60 mins)
>>Pass Judgement (8 min) (Metaskha)
Bourgeois troublemaker, young and well bred, so probably quite flavorful and nutritious. Choppa choppa!
75 min

It has been a long while since you have eaten quality Metaskha, Perhaps you should take a heftier slice for sampling ? The thought itself is quite enticing.

One of the Offisovi had entered unannounced " Inspekktar, we hav-"

" Yes, well , hello. " An equally rude woman had waltzed in despite the receptionist's protest outside.

" Andrei Heshin, journalist. My,my, you are so young." This unapologetic ball of energy had her pen and paper at the ready " I wish to conduct an interview with you. Yes,yes, I am aware that my timing is rather poor . Think of this interview as an effortless method to increase your reputation in the Precinct. I will have you know that the Kommisyar herself reads our newspaper. You really have no reason to decline this free publicity. My schedule is very tight so it is now or never."

The nerves on this woman. You have half a mind to slap some light charges on her to teach her a lesson. You wished you could outwit her by demanding Wez for the interview but her tongue is vastly sharper than yours.

> Very well, let's begin ( 60 mins)
>Out of my office, never show up in the Abbtoir or else...
> Interrupting official business, verbal Assault... tsk,tsk, Arrest this woman.
> I am not uttering a single word without some Wez on the table.
> I don't need your publicity. Leave.

AND ( if you are going for the interview)

> Answer general questions only ( no prompt, positive outcome)
> Answer all of her questions faithfully ( prompt, outcome depends on your choices.)
>"I'm working, you speak of your busy schedule, yet you give no thought to the fact that I do not have the luxury as you do to arrange my schedule so freely. Make an appointment and we can do this properly."

She probably has an agenda that may not be favourable to us, we may have to do some research on her. Anyways, she is rude and may just be bullshitting about the reach of her readership, and again, SHE IS INTERRUPTING OUR WORK!

I'm not exactly 100% clear on the rank and position that the Kommsiyar is, previous statements have them as the leaders of smaller precincts, so law enforcement. Are they part of the same organization as us? Are they higher or lower rank? What responsibilities do they have and why do we care is one reads her newspaper. Even if they are our indirect superior, they don't seem to be real political players given that there seem to be many dispersed precincts with these Kommisyari as their leaders, one among many knowing of us in a negative or positive light won't change much.
Waaay higher rank, think of it as a mayor of sorts but with more military ties. They carry similar duties to a mayor ( law and order, sustaining local needs etc) as well as answering to the Krande Offisov and the state in general supplying the capital and the army with whatever they need. Hosvasia is an overpopulated heavily militarised nation so most notable positions are taken by those with military background.

Precinct is a bit of misnomer here. Small towns or even villages are the right term but I decided to roll with it.
> Very well, let's begin ( 60 mins)
> Answer general questions only ( no prompt, positive outcome)
Rolled 2 (1d2)

> Very well, let's begin ( 60 mins)
> Answer all of her questions faithfully ( prompt, outcome depends on your choices.)
Let me guess, the mayor is the degenerate who wanted the child to go to Doslo and she's mad at us for not sending her there and putting pressure on us by having this reporter lambast us. If this comes back to get us killed I wanna reveal to a real reporter what a degenerate this mayor is if I'm right.
15 mins

The next hour was woefully spent in answering all manner of questions she had stored for you. With great care her curiosity was satisfied to the fullest. The journalist had left your office as fast as she had barged in. Your image better be improved for all of this trouble.

One last case for the day. You had a sinking feeling that the Abbtoir's cells won't be enough for all the Metaskha coming your way since you can't process them fast enough. Curses...


Case #245-378-004

Name : Ceick Lossrom
Sex : Male
Age : 16
Occupation: None
Gifted: No
Criminal Record: Depravity, Public Indecency.
Incriminating evidence: Current weight (
215 kg)
Metaskha Quality: Unknown
Notes: Subject is the son of two blood farmers who , according to his claim, is unable to lose any notable weight. His Famizit swear that they only feed him the same amount of Blood and Metaskha they give to their other children. This grotesque figure had exceeded the current weight limit for more than 3 weeks. Very few articles of clothes can cover him, there has been several reports of him exposing his rear end and genitals to the public claiming it was an 'accident ' and his pantaloon was 'torn apart '. Hosvasia will never tolerate gluttonous displays or other depraved acts in her streets.

Obesity is rarely an issue in Hosvasia. You are no expert but you can think of only two possible causes for such weight. The Famizit are secretly rich gorging their son with an inane amount of Metaskha or the poor lad has a unique disposition to have an incredible girth. Either ways, this demands a very extensive research and examination .

Speaking from area of expertise, the boy can escape his fate by offering one of his limbs instead... a simple amputation can lower his weight enough to be below 200 kg. Then again, His slabs of meat could bring a little fortune to you. What a little predicament...

>Put the current case on hold ( 2 min) ( specify for how many cases or would you rather pur it on hold indefinitely)
>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky)
>Investigate the evidence ( 2 mins)
>Summon the boy ( 14mins)
>Consult Nupto (6 mins)
Most higher ups abuse their authority just like the Krande Offisov at the start of the quest. It is a given. We will see how will the current events unfold.

The dice is never by your side though

*from an area of expertise
>Consult Nupto (6 mins)
>Investigate the evidence ( 2 mins)

Better see if he has some sort genetic disposition towards being fat, while he could feed us for a while, it'd be terrible to inherit his traits.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

13 mins

Well, the evidence was clear as day. The time table before you showed a steady increase in weight over the last few years. Once he reached a certain weight ( usually 150 kg) , he must be weighted twice a week...so he did see it coming from far away yet he didn't or couldn't stop adding more layers of Metaskha to his body. What could cause such an icrease in weight with what you assume to be a minimal diet like everyone else? Blood farmers aren't know to be rich, barely scraping by. It could be a disease of sorts, one that you aren't aware of. Your Akademia and Alkemia are quite lacking so you are as clueless as his parents.

A lengthy and an advanced examination should be in order. Perhaps one which could be beyond your current capabilities.
>Put the current case on hold ( 2 min) ( specify for how many cases or would you rather pur it on hold indefinitely)
>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky)
>Consult Nupto (6 mins)

The setting isn't that advanced enough with many myths and false theories deeply embedded in their top universities.
We are in pseudo pre-enlightenment age
>Consult Nupto (6 mins)
>>Consult Nupto (6 mins)
7 mins

" What do we have here? A walking Metaskha? I reserve some doubts about these charges, look at me struggling with my suit. Barely anything fit me anymore and I am hardly that obese!"

Albedomorians are created differently than your average man, the 200kg rule doesn't apply on them, Nupto had a heavy skeletal structure which might shed some light on what he was originally created for.

" They boy could be gifted for all we know." He made a daring suggestion " More and more of your kind are gifted. New tongues are on the rise."

" But his parents are not gifted! That's impossible ." Even the dullest knew about this.

" Improbable but not impossible." He corrected you " I should warn you. The tests alone costs about 500 Wez, the state will obviously reward you should he had the gift. It is...a risky investment. Then again, It could be some malicious disease."

Well, that was a damn shame. You leaned more towards Nupto's opinion. In your eyes, The boy was hardly a depraved person exposing himself to any and all. If only you had your slips right now, he could have been spared from this grim fate.

>Put the current case on hold ( 2 min) ( specify for how many cases or would you rather put it on hold indefinitely)
>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky)
Testing. If it's a gift we benefit, if it's a disease we'll suffer for allowing it to pass into the population.
Supporting >>5267355

Nupto had stopped you from closing the boy's case in the last possible second " A moment, Inspekktar. Do you have enough Wez for your decision? "

" No, bu-"

" Then do not do it. Neither the state nor anyone in the Abbtoir is willing to pay for it except for Hazem.... who will break your back with interests."

You only have 50 Wez and you need 500 for it " Don't get dragged into debt this early in your budding career. You will regret it. "

> You saved me from myself, thank you Nupto ( pick another option from the previous update)
> I am willing to take this calculated risk ( take a 500 ₩ loan from Hazem, interest will increase by 10% every single day starting from tomorrow)
WTF 10% interest EVERY DAY?! What sort of hell world are we on? I don't even think the fucking IRL Mafia or the Jews and Lombards during the middle ages (when loaning was super risky) charge interest rates that high, let alone increasing daily.

>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) (Metaskha)

Aren't we doing sales later today? I was under the impression we'd get enough from sales to more than cover our daily expenses and even something like this.
>I am willing to take this calculated risk ( take a 500 ₩ loan from Hazem, interest will increase by 10% every single day starting from tomorrow)
Yep, we are. The fourth period is sales. I am sure that other banks have reasonable rates but Hazem is an opportunistic man who is just trying to survive like everyone else. Of course, he is the most readily available when we are in a tight spot.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Rolling rolling
" Very well, You should be able to break even at the very least today. No pressure."

Oh, what did you got yourself into? That is a day's worth of spending. Krucix have mercy on you...

Other cases will have to wait for tomorrow. You have some examinations to perform.

Period II: Examination
120 minutes left
Exertion: Very light.

To recap, you had passed judgement on four cases. The first one was sent to Doslo while the second and the third one should be turned into Metaskha. The last case had been sent away for a gift test.

The examination room was a far cry from your office, the change of scenery was slightly uncomfortable but you pressed onwards waiting for the Offisovi to bring Mr. Zeviktry.

While you were waiting, you ran the steps of properly examining the future Metaskha in your head. Of course, you are a woman of the law more than a proper doctor so you will have to make due with your current knowledge.

Showering, Weighing, tongue, questions... many words floated above your head. Sampling! You missed the most important step. First, you have to decide where exactly do you want to make the slice and whether you should eat it raw or cook it slightly.

As for the cuts, the h
thighs or the arms are pretty common while the tip of the tongue or part of the finger are quicker especially the tongue. Other more deviant Inspekktari tend to cut....other parts.

The sampling itself is another story, you should taste the Metaskha in both of its raw and cooked form in the most ideal situation allowing you to round all of its possible traits but you reckon you won't have enough time to do every single thing. Raw Metaskha could put you at some risk , however, the blessing of Krucix should eliminate most parasites yearning to burrow inside you.

" Inspekktar." Ah, there they are. The old man wasn't restrained like your usual cases. In fact, the Offisovi were matching his slow pace as he inched towards you with his cane.

" Good Morning, Mr.Zeviktry " You too helped this crumbling man to sit down.

" Your voice reminds me of my grandchild. " He gave you a very warm smile " And to think, I always imagined dying from the reds like many before me."

"..." You had little to say to him. It was obvious that he was in great emotional pain, he had very little Metaskha on him to begin with and yet, he was willing to be sacrifice himself for the sake of his Famizit.

" Shall we... begin, Mr. Zeviktry?" You almost whispered, wishing not to interrupt his blank stare.

He gave you a single nod while wiping his teary eyes. One of the Offisovi was about to say something only to be stopped by his friend.

You have a feeling that you will waste some time here with your mild incompetence.

>Basic Examination ( shower, weight, checking for most unhealthy signs) ( 20 mins)
>Advanced Examination ( basic + questioning) (30 mins)
>Thorough Examination ( Advanced + Running some quick tests) (40 mins)
To be clear, this is the testing for the quality of the Metashka? If we finish before using up all the time, do we get extra time for our next period?

>Advanced Examination ( basic + questioning) (30 mins)

I can't remember, but I think we either had some in-character worries or one anon was worried about this guy, I don't think he needs a full battery of tests like the fat guy does, just check to make sure he isn't unhealthy and ask some questions to suss out if he is hiding anything.

We should definitely do the thorough examination on the fat guy though.
>>Advanced Examination ( basic + questioning) (30 mins)
Yikes. Taking a huge debt.
Examination = Is Metaskha okay to consume or not
Sampling = Metaskha quality( poor-med-excellent) and traits ( juicy, soft,tough, bitter..etc). This is the next step after the examination. Also, the boy going to another facility for gift testing just like the Inspekktar's wife so technically he is off the hook for a couple of days.

No, we can only work that specific task in our allocated time period so if we had finished x , we can't really do anything work related.

The only exception is during our testing periods where we can prep some paperwork but not officially sign anything. No passing judgements or Nupto consulting though I think there are better uses for our break time other than this.

90 mins

It was a slow process but you managed at the end. It was rather awkward to question him while he was stark naked. You did blush a little, doing your best to remain professional. You are fully aware of possible mistakes in your report . They are more of a rough estimation never to be taken at face value.

Case #245-378-002

Name : Zeviktry Hosolov
Sex : Male
Age : 84
Weight: 63 KG
Possible Net Metaskha: 27-30 KG
Overall Health: Very Poor
Organ status: Very poor
Skin status: Very Poor
Precious prostheses: None.
Notable Diseases: Jointrot, Impaired vision, Azur lungs, ??? , ???, ???, ???.
Notable Parasites: ???
Metaskha validity: Positive?

You were shocked to count all manner of ailments inside his body, his skin wouldn't probably fit for a rug and some of his organs are suspicious to say the least. While the diseases you had narrowly discovered wouldn't ruin his Metaskha, You are not comfortable going for the next step. His Metaskha is bound to be of poor quality barely fit for consumption.

On the other hand, if you chose to simply let him go , you would have to pay him 500 Wez. What to do?

" Don't take this from me." His Cold , trembling hand had coiled around your wrist " I can't go back, I can't live as burden any longer."

> I am.... sorry Mr.Zeviktry. Your Metaskha isn't fit for consumption. These gentlemen will escort you outside. I will have someone delivering the compensation at your address.
>Your are now... officially Metaskha. Congratulations, Mr. Zeviktry ( finish signing the report)
>Your are now... officially Metaskha. Congratulations, Mr. Zeviktry ( finish signing the report)
> I am.... sorry Mr.Zeviktry. Your Metaskha isn't fit for consumption. These gentlemen will escort you outside. I will have someone delivering the compensation at your address.
Do you want me to roll on this one?
catching up, will vote soon.
I forget if this was mentioned, how is the Metaskha distributed? We get a cut right? How good big a cut in % is it? What are the legal penalties for us for letting diseased and parasitic Metaskha through?

We are immune to parasites, so this may be worth eating for us, but we cannot let this come back to haunt us by getting us killed for letting bad metaskha through.
Yep, it's a cut alright ( or Metaskha for that matter, more on that later). There are no immediate penalties for selling bad Metaskha. Keyword here is immediate, give it a couple of days before you get a sick or a dead customer thanks to the Metaskha you willingly sold.
>>Your are now... officially Metaskha. Congratulations, Mr. Zeviktry ( finish signing the report)
Can we take his metaskha for ourselves (so others don't get sick) in exchange for our shares of the healthy ones
>> I am.... sorry Mr.Zeviktry. Your Metaskha isn't fit for consumption. These gentlemen will escort you outside. I will have someone delivering the compensation at your address.

Sorry, time got away from me. Sadly, I'll be voting in such a way that results in a tie. I would be willing to do >>5269012 if that is possible though, but only if our family also has the gift we do to avoid parasites, otherwise forget it.
Rolled 2 (1d4)


None of our Famizit are gifted and no, we can only take a cut of our sales be it Metaskha or Wez
85 mins

" Why...why..." The man was devestated " I beg you to reconsider."

" Here are your clothes. " Normally, he should be executed since his Metaskha isn't valid but the man had come here on his own accord, he didn't commit a crime or some such. He left the room with a burden of a thousand mountain on his back.

Now you are indebted with ANOTHER 500 ₩ . You have no other choice but to go to Hazem and ask for more money. You are not sure how much Wez you would gain from the sales or the appraiser , you just can't take the risk.

You could already hear the screams of Ms. Fernsa as she fought tooth and nail against the two Offisovi bringing her in.


The constant screaming was getting out of hand. It was making you very hard to focus. Never damage the goods: the first rule of handling these wild lot especially if they are of high quality. You could gag her instead but that meant no questioning.... it was not like she would be cooperative in the first place. Knocking the stars out of her can work too, the Offisovi would certainly love the second option. If you are feeling extra cruel today, you could attempt to torture her to make her more obedient. These pliers will do, nails are hardly useful after her processing.

Intimidation probably won't work on her but it is there as an option.

>Gag her
>Knock her out
>Intimidate her
>Torture her.
> Do nothing


>Basic Examination ( shower, weight, checking for most unhealthy signs)
>Advanced Examination ( basic + questioning)
>Thorough Examination ( Advanced + Running some quick tests)

Time spent will depend on how you chose to deal with hysterical behaviour.
>Torture her.
>Basic Examination ( shower, weight, checking for most unhealthy signs)
Supporting >>5269553

Her meat should be good, and ripping out some nails won't damage the meat.
> Do nothing
>Advanced Examination ( basic + questioning)
Actually I don't mind questioning her a bit

60 mins

It only took you two fingernails to reduce her to a sobbing mess. You were shocked by how mundane it was to inflict cruelty and misery on others as if was second nature to you.

For the second time, you blushed then the diplomat's daughter was stripped naked. It was no secret that Westernii women were known for their... voluptuous nature. Her ample bosoms had put yours to shame. Was it envy that stirred within you or something else entirely?

Case #245-378-003

Name : Fernsa Divonna
Sex : Female
Age : 22
Weight: 74 KG
Possible Net Metaskha: 28-35 Kg
Overall Health: Very Healthy ?
Organ status: ???
Skin status: Excellent
Precious prostheses: None
Notable Diseases: None
Notable Parasites: ???
Metaskha validity: Positive

" I-ill give you anything.." futile words would occasionally slip out of her mouth as her throat and eyes ran dry. No one but the almighty Krucix could help her now.

" Anything? " said one of the Offisovi slyly. This one in particular was oogling her non stop cherishing any moment he could put his hands on her.

It was high time you get to sample her lavish Metaskha. 100 gram for either raw or cooked sampling or 75 gram for each. However, no one would be watching you so you could slice a heftier cut instead. This was one of the perks as an Inspekktar... if only you could take it home.

The problem with cooked sampling was time but you would be able to detect more traits for the Metaskha in both of its phases which will definitely help during sales.

>Where to cut (tongue, finger, thighs...etc)
>Which form ( raw or cooked or both)
>How much Metaskha (recommended amount or more/less)

Time spent on sampling will depend on your choices
>>Where to cut (tongue, finger, thighs...etc)
Her breasts. No we're totally not jealous or anything.
>>Which form ( raw or cooked or both)
>>How much Metaskha (recommended amount or more/less)
More. Because we can and her meat promises to be exquisite. The more we traits we detect the more $ we get.
Specify how much in grams, anon.
Uhhhh 125 grams each? Is that fine? Will it increase cooking time?
Not really, no.
>Where to cut (back of thigh)
>Which form (both)
>How much Metaskha (recommended amount)
Rolled 1 (1d2)

EL Roll
45 mins

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" It was a bit....perverse from you to select that particular part. It didn't help that you had royally botched what was supposed to be a clean cout as soon as she started to scream again making it a painful experience for everyone involved.

The deed was done, now to sample the precious Metaskha. Your blessed tongue will break down the Metaskha to the tiniest speck.

Quality: High
Parasites: None
Traits: Pain-riddled(--) Westernii Sting (-) , Juicy (++) ,???

Mmmmm, simply delicious. A bit fatty for obvious reasons, Nevertheless, it was quite enjoyable. The infamous Sting was very known among Westernii Metaskha. Their skyborn diet and Marrowines were a clear factor here. This flavor was rarely known among the common populace so It might come as something bizzare to some. The immense surge of pain had soured the experience just a tad. Only Krucix knew whether immense pain could enchance or worsen the Metaskha. It is very situational and somewhat random.

Quality: High
Best Metaskha Doneness: Well done.
Traits: Gamey (+++) ,???,???,???

A plethora of flavors had washed over your tongue, It was quite hard to fully describe it. Your stomach is definitely yearning for another cut straight from the source. Cooked Metaskha was the way to go here.

Overall rating: B

*cooked under the second Quality: High

" Take her away." The trio had left you alone in the examination room. Krucix's sake, you had stay here doing nothing for 45 minutes straight! You were sadly bound to the current working area until its period was over. This idlness was killing you, The silver lining here was having a bit of rest.

Resting period A
Exertion: Very light
60 mins left

Back to your humble office, you should sprinkle some of your books all over the other area just in case you had some spare time.

What shall you do in your first resting period? Should you check on your troublemaker of a brother? Get to know the staff better? Or something else? You do have another 500 Wez to borrow from a certain Easternii.

>Walk around in the Abbtoir
> Start reading a book ( 60 mins , specify)
> Check on your twin ( 15 mins)
> Preview cases ( can't pass judgement, 5-15 min per case)
> Rest a bit to lower exertion
> Spend some time with ____ (Specify)
>Preview cases ( can't pass judgement, 5-15 min per case)
How much would we typically make from sales? Enough to cover both 500 Wez expenses?

> Check on your twin ( 15 mins)

I may switch to reading a book or visiting the loan shark.
>Start reading a book ( 60 mins , The Wez Miracle)
The prices will wildly vary depending on the quality of Metaskha, our Juslexa, the customers and any kind of discount we may want to slap on the Metaskha and a pinch of extra luck to boot. Soooo we don't know just yet.
Eh, I'll keep my vote and you can do a roll off. Fuck being in debt, we can go a day without heating, at least we'll have Metaskha for our family.
Rolled 1 (1d3)


45 mins
Case #245-378-011

Name : Dervis ( name for all unknown men)
Sex : Female
Age : Possibly in his forties.
Occupation: None.
Gifted: No
Criminal Record: None.
Incriminating evidence: None
Metaskha Quality: Excellent
Notes: Subject was found frozen in Everfrost, We strongly recommend hiring an expert to shatter the Everfrost, all of his possessions are to be packaged and delivered to this address. Should his Metaskha become unviable, do not dispose of his body. Someone will pick it up.

Special: All of the subject's Metaskha is to be delivered to the Kommisyar's Manor. It is NOT for sale. If said case is beyond you, We shall seek a more competent Inspekktar elsewhere.

Everfrost, eh? You heard about this bizzare phenomenon before. Some say it was Krucix's tears that had morphed the normal frost into nigh impenetrable material. The Everfrost would be immune to any brute force or any searing heat....only well versed Alkemists could crack it away. You didn't possess such talent sadly so you had to rely on external help which would probably cost you. Returning the body would be wise when you are short on Wez.

Success would mean more favors from the Kommisyar. Hmmm....

>Walk around in the Abbtoir
> Start reading a book ( 60 mins , specify)
> Check on your twin ( 15 mins)
> Preview cases ( can't pass judgement, 5-15 min per case)
> Rest a bit to lower exertion
> Spend some time with ____ (Specify)
We'll have to delay that case until we are more financially secure and able to pay a professional.

> Check on your twin ( 15 mins)
>>Walk around in the Abbtoir
Is the sex really female?
Ah fook, my bad.
>Check on your twin ( 15 mins)

30 mins

Polosky was difficult to approach with so many Offisovi around, you sometimes forgot that the Abbtoir was one of the fortified and secured buildings in the Precinct. Almost all of the Metaskha and other edibles originated from this spot.

" Little sweet Inspekktar..." He teased you as always , good thing you had decided to meet him in this empty room " How fares the Chopping ? Anything peculiar to tell?"

You told him what happened in the last few hours, he wasn't amused from your previous actions " ... I , on the other hand, bear some wonderful news."

" Oh?" His enthusiasm was rather ominous.

" I got you.... this!" He pulled out a pistol He tucked under his shirt.

" Brother, explain yourself. " You could clearly see his pistol in its holster. The other pistol was slightly rusty but otherwise in decent condition.

" The lads told me about an Offisov who killed himself in the abandoned tunnel connected to the Abbtoir a few months ago with his own pistol, They did find the body last week but not his pistol sooooo, I did some exploring and found it."

" The Abbtoir is connected to a tunnel? " You never knew this before " Wait, why would I need one?"

" I imagine you might get some frisky Metaskha or customers or both! My innocent and pure sister could use some extra protection."

" But I have two Offisovi with me all the time. I am in no immediate danger."

" Your job always put you in the very heart of danger." He did his signature head pat which annoyed you to no end " Expect the unexpected as they say."

Legally speaking, You couldn't dream of having a pistol let alone an unlicensed one as a civilian. If it was discovered within your possession, you might jeopardise your career with unnecessary charges.

That being said, you could imagine some situations were the only difference between life and death would be this rusty pistol. This is quite a dilemma ....

>Thank you, Polosky. ( take the pistol)
>Are you insane? Dispose of it, immediately!
> Return it to your superior, This is only the logical thing to do.
> I don't suppose you could.... sell it somewhere? We need every single Wez.


>Choose from the choices of the previous update
>Thank you, Polosky. ( take the pistol)
> Spend some time with ____ (Hazem)
>I don't suppose you could.... sell it somewhere? We need every single Wez.
> Spend some time with Govayno
>Thank you, Polosky. ( take the pistol)

This is useful, we can just rely on our guards for most issues, but if we get mugged alone in the street or some government official tries to put pressure on us via violence then this would be good to have. We just need to be more thrifty later on, make good sales, get more metaskha, stop wasting time on investigations that don't need to be done.
I did a stupid mistake, while originally our twin was called Polosky, I wrote it as Govayno. Govayno would be the name of our childhood friend. I guess we will stick with Govayno from now on, sorry anon.
You didn't vote for the second prompt, please do.
>Spend some time with Govayno
Rolled 1 (1d3)

15 mins

This was a far cry from a wise decision, you had to make sure to conceal it all the time. No one should know about the pistol.

It was heavier that you had thought, your twin was kind enough to teach you the very basics of its handling ( so you wouldn't accidentally shoot yourself) and what not in a matter of minutes, he also gave you some extra bullets just in case. You made a quick stop to your office to stash the pistol there before leaving.

You decided to go to the man you were indebted to afterwards, Hazem was still having an uphill battle against all the paperwork around his desk.

" Ah , Inspekktar. " He briefly glanced at you " Nupto came her-"

" Those interests are ridiculous." You lashed at him straight away. " Are you trying to exploit me in a moment of weakness?"

" This is hardly the case." The man reacted indifferently to your hot temper " The Wez is not mine, you see. It belonged to the Kommisyar herself... she does realise that you may face some financial difficulties in your job. Allmother Hennea is my witness, I earn zero Wez from these loans."

Damn it all. And you thought it was part of his malicious scheme to earn Wez. Still, He could be lying. Taking things at face value would be ill advised when it came to Wez.

" And how much Wez can I borrow?" You had to ask.

" One moment, please." He opened a black ledger, quickly skimming through the pages " About 5000 Wez per week."

> I.... believe you. Accusing you of wanton greed was the wrong thing to say. Please accept my apology.
> I hardly believe this weak claim of yours. This will be the first and last I borrow Wez from such a despicable person.
> ( don't comment on his claim of innocence)
> Other


>Ask Hazem about his sun-scorched homeland ( specify a topic)
> Ask Hazem about the Abbtoir ( specify a topic)
>Ask Hazem about himself ( Specify a topic)
> Browse his merchandise ( see >>5256651 )
> I.... believe you. Accusing you of wanton greed was the wrong thing to say. Please accept my apology. (Lie)

>Ask Hazem about his sun-scorched homeland (What's it like? Do some of our goods that we use here come from your homeland?)

>Ask Hazem about himself (Did you do this sort of work before you came here? Why this line of work?)
>I.... believe you. Accusing you of wanton greed was the wrong thing to say. Please accept my apology.

>Ask Hazem about himself ( Specify a topic)
What led you to this line of work and how did you come to this position?

Can we also ask for an additional 500 Wez to cover our new debt?
Rolled 1 (1d2)

2nd part will be posted after I wake up

" Aaah, Kahbiri..." He took a long sigh " The sun blisters and burns the black sands of my homeland, spires of glass stand against the test of time. Nothing lives on the surface...We had to dig through hard glass and stone alike to create underground cities bustling with activities."

" That is absurd." You replied , unable to imagine the eight easternii jewels as glorified burrows " Do some of our goods that we use here come from Kahbiri?"

" Trading is in our blood, we bring endless goods from all over the world. That being said, we are master glass smiths, our scimitars could easily outmatch your flimsy sabres. You take pride in your Alkemists and Albedomorians, we do the same to our Ayzazzins who could bend glass to their will with a flick of their fingers."

This had to be an exaggeration from his end " I fail to see what an Easternii is doing here. The state rarely puts foreigners in any notable positions ."

" Don't remind me of my misfortune." You had accidentally soured his mood " I was indebted to my predecessor after losing nearly all of my goods in a wicked snowstorm. He forced me to work by his side just a few months before he died in an accident. I used my knowledge and skill to make the Abbtoir financially stable with the help of Mr.Nupto. Seeing how good I was in the office, our superiors were too lazy to look for a suitable replacement. I was stuck here even since with no hope of resuming my trade, they made sure of that."

This story was very plausible, still, the whole Kommisyar money schemed sound far fetched to you.

The bell was ringing again, Your resting period had come to end. You briefly thanked the man before leaving. Back to work.

And thus the snail never woke up

Period II: Butchering
120 minutes left
Exertion: Light

The time had finally come to perform the gritter part of your job, the ever so delicious Westernii was waiting for you just beyond this door.

There were a multitude of way to approach your next task. They all depended on what exactly did you want to extract from her.

Blood was a very common drink in Hosvasia, very nutritious to boot. A slit to the throat and hanging the corpse upside down usually did the trick but you might waste a lot of time getting very single drop without even touching the Metaskha itself. It should fetch a decent price, however.

Organs would be minced together to make Ozkenvik which would be a slightly more expensive alternative to Metaskha. The rather bland taste could be off putting to some. Hardly worth the effort. Some eccentric customers could ask for a specific organ like the heart or the stomach but then again, they were few and far between.

Proper skinning would require some serious skill to pull it off. In hindsight , you shouldn't have ruined her beautiful skin with that crude cut of yours. Another reason to go for the tongue.....

Finally, the Metaskha itself, cutting it into manageable slabs or block or mincing it relied entirety on your skill and your customers' demands. You had to be flexible to meet nearly all the orders thrown at you. Selling a whole arm for an example could in theory be worth a lot of Wez but this time saving tactic would plunge the rest of the skin's value to the abyss. The whole head was popular too....for the wrong reasons.

Oh , you forgot about the dealing the final blow to the future Metaskha. You had every tool at your disposal. Slitting throats, decapitation... endless opportunities. All rested on how much pain did you wish to inflict.

Sadly , you were but one woman. Fully processing future Metaskha ,especially with your current skill and limited time, was an impossibility. You better focus on certain parts of the butchering process rather than going for them all.

One final note, unprocessed bodies would be eventually fed to working beasts after two days of gutting it! Also, all unsold products would be bought by the state by the end of the week at a much cheaper price to avoid any cluttering and/or stale products. Better sell them all!

Fernsa Divonna, 0% processed

Initial plan ( timing will be shown when reconfirming our plan, please make sure not to have conflicting votes like skinning but preserving a whole leg for an example)
> Final Blow ( specify , slower means more pain!)
>Blood ( needs slited throat plus upside down hanging, Yes/No, if yes , every last drop or till x liters are bottled up)
>Skinning ( Yes/no ,
High chance of screwing up)
> Organs ( Dispose of them/mince some or all/ keep certain organs)
> Metaskha ( keep certain body parts, blocks, slabs, mince, other?)

I am aware that this is a lot to digest so if you get any questions, ask away.

Can you make an example plan or two and tell us which parts are highly sought?
This differs from one Precinct to another but you will mostly deal with poor customers, we will have to go through a round of sales to see what the market is like.


> Chopping her while she is still alive and conscious
>No blood
> No skinning
> Mince as many organs as possible, keep the lungs.
> Mince as many Metaskha as possible, make slabs out of her thighs, keep her rump intact.

Once we settled for vote, I will roll for some calculations and post both the time for each step and whether any organs/Metaskha are left so I can get the final OK from you. If let's say we got over two hours then you have to vote for which steps to skip. Capiche?
I return to slumber, goodnight!
Do we need to cook the meat too?
I missed this earlier. Didn't we agree to take 4 famizit including her?
> Final Blow ( specify , slower means more pain!)
Cut from the back of their neck
Keep the heart, brain, liver
Mince the rest
> Metaskha ( keep certain body parts, blocks, slabs, mince, other?)
Keep the head in tact with eyes, hair, and tongue
Keep the rump
Keep the ribs
Cut the rest in blocks

Good night.
> Final Blow (Slit throat when we extract blood, vent how jealous we are of her in her last moments while she dies)
>Extract 2 liters of blood or however much we get after 40 minutes, whichever is less time. We'll probably sell either half-a-liter or liter bottles and take the excess for ourselves.
>Only a little bit of skinning to gain experience with the task, do long stretches of skin that is easier to work with so the curvature of the body doesn't interfere with our work as much. (ex, some long stretches of skin around the back and abdominal area.) Take a quick few bite sized samples of skin from tougher areas like the pads of the thumb and fingers and the bottom of the feet and knee caps for people who like that sort of stuff. Make sure to stop for enough time to focus on the Metaskha itself. Don't use more than 20 minutes here
>Keep the eyes, brain, heart, and liver, sexual organs intact for niche customers, dice the rest but only dice it after we deal with the metaskha, we need the time for the metaskha Don't use more than 20 minutes here and do this last.
>Metaskha: Keep the feet intact, some people like that shit just like people like chicken feet, the same with the hands and head. Take the meat of the arms and legs and keep them in big slabs, if we have time later we'll make them into smaller slabs that still have long stretches of meat, something you can eat like a chicken leg. Keep the thighs in big slabs but separate the inner and outer thighs into separate slabs. Make blocks of meat out of everything else like the torso and neck and shoulders. Make sure there is at least 40 minutes spent here, use more time that would be alloted to things like extracting blood or skinning or dicing organs if there isn't enough time to finish processing the Metaskha.
> Final Blow
Keep her alive for as long as possible. Make sure the chains are locked tight. Mock how her charms won't save her and that we have an immunity for this act as we cut her.

No. Too much time. Her meat is of the highest quality and worth more.

> Skinning
Practice on some easier parts but no more. I doubt our half assed skinning would be worth selling.

> Organs
Keep the heart, stomach, liver and sexual organs. I would add her breasts too but we have eaten it for ourselves.

> Metaskha
Keep the head, hands, feet and rumps intact. Make sure her head remains pretty and clean for the best price. Make blocks out of her arms and thigh then chop the rest of em.
We haven't eaten it for ourselves, 125 grams is nothing, a kilogram is 1000 grams or 2.2 pounds. Even A cup breasts would weigh something like 275-325 grams ballpark average each. D-F cups could weigh could weigh more than a kilogram or two each. Even this math might be off and based off not great methodology, I've heard stories of girls with large breasts having much heavier breasts that give them back pain, and a quick googling brings up stuff about woman with possible weights of 8+ pounds of breast weight, though who knows if that is accurate.
Sorry, I don't speak imperial. We took 250 grams in total since we ate two portions. I guess that leaves one intact bosom and 3/4 of the other if we're being generous.
You mean you don't speak metric? Imperial would be things like feet, pounds, inches, and so on. Doesn't really matter either way, not a big deal.
No, I don't do pounds and inches.
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Nope, at least not in the butchering phase. We might do that in sales.
Only 3
Badosg, our younger brother.
Yourskha, our younger sister
Govayno , our twin brother. There was a mix up here where his name should have been Polosky but we will stick for Govayno from now on. Sorry for the confusion.
Thank you for these wonderful replies. It sucks that I only get to choose only one of them.
You're sick snail, sick for making us write this, alas we are sicker for having written these beloved replies of yours.

Fernsa Divonna, 0% processed.

28-35 kg Metaskha
5-6 kg organs.

> Final Blow
Cut from the back of their neck (5 mins)

Keep the heart, brain, liver
Mince the rest (20 mins, about 2-4 kg Ozkenvik. Keep the brain as in leave it in her skull or extract it? This will affect the Metaskha choice.)

> Metaskha
Keep the head in tact with eyes, hair, and tongue
Keep the rump
Keep the ribs
Cut the rest in blocks (90 mins)

I am going for 100% processing . Processing less Metaskha would take less time. Example would be like : Mince Metaskha until you have 20 kg. Just putting it out here.

Oh , I forgot, yay or nay for this plan?
You and me are walking on very thin ice here. I am trying my best not to be too graphic given all the taboos and sensitive topics of the quest. I kind of expect the thread to get deleted at some point so let's do our part to make it as tame as possible to keep it under the radar.

I realise that the quest is way too much magical realm-y but I have a thing for overly complex quest mechanics and moral dilemmas.
Nay. Show us what would happen with other plans first.
Eh. I don't think anyone cares enough to report this. Mods don't go trawling down each thread unless it is reported so go wild. The more graphic the better. If you need to be safe then there's always pastebin.
>There was a mix up here where his name should have been Polosky but we will stick for Govayno from now on. Sorry for the confusion.
I think you should allow us to take all 4 and end this stupid confusion. The more the merrier. You already keep switching their names every post.
Nay, snail. You need to elaborate on every plan and allow us to fine tune it.
Keep the brain in her skull.

Would prefer to know the times it would take to enact the other plans, though mine might be complicated because I gave time limits on doing certain actions. Maybe you could just show what would have to be cut or how much we'd process with my time allotments or something.

Sure, I'll admit to being shocked a bit at how dark this setting is. I normally try to fight against going full sociopath in most of the quests I play, but this setting seems to encourage it. I'll try to keep my repressed sadism/cruelty in check and not cross any lines with and lewd stuff, though again, your setting seems built for that shit.

I've always liked your worldbuilding and moral dilemmas, at least from the quests of yours that I've participated in. Though, my reaction to some of your mechanics is more mixed. I liked the governor quest you did, I think I was your last player there before it died, but the board game (or whatever it was) you did soon after was waaaay too complex for me.

Isn't pastebin and ghostbin and all the alternatives deleting lewd content now?
Nice. It's a good plan.

Extract the brain from her skull and sell it as is.
No. Do the other plans first.
Thank you for your kind words ,anon. Yeah, needlessly complex mechanics are my thing no matter how hard do I try to make it shallower and easier to approach.
Sorry for the late reply. Next update will probably come out tomorrow. It is getting harder for me to squeeze some free time lately. At least phoneposting is making it easier. Prease Understandu

Due to both how well detailed the other two votes are, it will take me some time to properly figure out the timing and such. Keep in mind that we aren't that much of a butcher ourselves.
That's fine. Since this our first butchery I don't mind taking some time to get into the details to see what works for all.
Snail, how much time does it take to mince one kg of Metaksha assuming everything has been processed. Was wondering if I should try submitting my own plan.
Depends on our Metaskha skill and our rolls but I think it is something about 10 mins.
Please note that timing does differ from one vote to another depending on the rolls we get. Usually, I won't allow you to pick the most optimal choice after my initial rolls but the quest is already brutal and this particular choice is already bloated so here we are.
Fernsa Divonna, 0% processed.

28-35 kg Metaskha
5-6 kg organs.

> Final Blow + blood ( 5 + 25 mins, we will get about 2-3 liters of blood)
> Skinning training (20 mins)
>Metaskha ( 110 mins) ( we can't fit everything you wrote in this relatively small time period)

That won't do it , chief. Please make it slightly easier on this poor gastropod with the time constraints and what not. I was half lost in the Metaskha bit with my amazing reading comprehension. We can definitely go with this plan but not everything will get fully done especially the Metaskha.

Going for the next vote
Fernsa Divonna, 0% processed.

28-35 kg Metaskha
5-6 kg organs.

> Skinning exercise ( 15 mins)
> Organs ( 10 mins)
> Metaskha ( 75 mins)

We would have a whopping free 20 mins with this vote. Very nice.

And that is all of them. Take your pick. Just so we are clear, if you chose to tune in a part of any plans, I will have to reroll that particular part with a small penalty so it is more likely to get worse timing or a more catastrophic outcome. I am not discouraging you from tuning the butchering plan, I just want you to think and strategize carefully, think of all the pros and cons of doing x and y. Don't forget about the penalties of overstocking/processing unwanted merchandise and not fully butchering bodies which are explained here >>5274102

We will probably get broke in Record time. Also, I did like one time, no?
To summerize


Probable timing for each plan
>>5276710 ( I forgot to add 20 mins for organs too)

Them's the breaks, anons. In case of having some free time like in the third plan , I won't put any penalties on anything new added as long as it didn't belong to an already mentioned action.
You can choose a new plan / tune existing one or make up an entirely new one. Though I strongly recommend picking the first two options so we can get it move on.
I will support this one then.
Sticking with this one.

I guess I will update when I wake up just so other anons get a chance to vote
Sorry, I know I didn't format the post well, no spacing and all that.

If I had to alter it a bit I'd make it so we only get a liter or two of blood and skip making the arms and legs into smaller bits, the same skip would be done for the separation of the inner and outer thighs.

I guess I'll go with supporting >>5276741

While I'm uncertain if the 20 minutes left is good for anything other than accounting for making sure we have enough time should we take longer than we think we will and I'm not sure if having extra time transfers over to the next phase. Still, it mostly gets the big broad things I want even if it leaves out some possible detailed cuts and skips the blood.
19 mins

Fernsa Divonna, 100% processed.

Organs ( High quality)
+ heart
+ liver
+ womb
+ stomach

Body parts ( High quality)
+ head
+ 2 hands
+ 2 feet
+ rump

Metaskha ( high quality)
+ 8 kg blocks Metaskha ( arms/thighs)
+ 17 kg slabs Metaskha ( various)

And so you began gutting the Westernii while she was still alive. The horror in her eyes continued to linger even after she had painfully expired.

You lacked any sympathy for the diplomat's daughter. She only had herself to blame for throwing her life away like so. You took this opportunity to be more familiar with the skinning process which you had miserably failed at again. This was going to be a very long learning process.

You wasted a lot of energy and Metaskha while burrowing through her innards and yet your time was surprisingly short with her. She was clean of any parasites that might have dwelled within her organs.

The two Offisovi were clearly disappointed from your handiwork. One of them commented about your sloppy moves and unnecessary cuts comparing you to your predecessor who was ten folds better than you. As much as you hated to admit it, the man was right. You must improve yourself for the sake of your Famizit... they relied on you. You couldn't fail them.

Everything was neatly packaged and ready for sales after making sure the Metaskha was spotless so no customer would complain about blood or tangled hair in their package.

Period V : Resting period B
60 minutes left
Exertion: Medium

Your arms hurt, your back hurt... all the butchering had sapped your strength leaving you with your eyes feeling heavy.

" Inspekktar?" The Offisov kept calling you a couple of times.

" What is it? " You nearly dozed off for a second there.

" Your bath is ready."

" What bat-" You just realised that you were covered with blood and Krucix knew what from head to toe. The apron certainly helped but it was hardly enough.

" Is it.... warm?" You were hesitant at first, your guts told you to simply wash your hands and face but this vigorous exercise of chopping and gutting had made you all sweaty and disgusting.

" Of course. " He nodded, the bathroom is over there " Would you like to have someone...assist you?"

" What ?!" You raised your voice, almost devouring the man on the spot for this overly blatant suggestion.

" My apologies, Inspekktar. I meant Lady Daqlief, She is the Abbtoi-"

" I do not care." You cut him off, " I want no interruptions , do you understand? "

" As you wish."


Why didn't Nupto told you about this hidden haven before? It was nothing like the old and dingy Abbtoir with a very nice bathtub and an assortment of oils and soaps. Mr. Azobi must have paid a lot of Wez from his pocket to create this sweet scented paradise... his name was still on the door. Another useful perk for the Inspekktar.


Slowly, you undressed leaving your bloodstained garments behind. A moan of relief had escaped your lips as you partly dipped yourself in warm water. Your initial concern for a new set of fresh clothes had melted away when you took notice of the open wardrobe in front of you, it had something of your size and shape. Was this the workings of the lady mentioned by the Offisov? This had raised several questions you are not willing to answer at the moment.

Without warning, you slowly began to drift into the world of dreams, your body demanded it. Time for a shut-eye.


Period VI: Sales
Extertion: Medium
120 mins left


" R....."


You gasped loudly as the bell had brought back to the land of the living. You were shaken and terrified. What....happened?

Was it a nightmare? You did not recall any details. Perhaps the bell saved you from the baleful shadows of your mind?

You got dressed rather quickly still thinking about whatever or whoever you might have dreamt of. Nothing. You only had but a few minutes to reach your the already swarmed outlet.

A raging horde was waiting outside, two lines of rifles and sabres were keeping you safe for the time being. All the Metaskha had been already transferred here to save precious time. The Albedomorian had left you two items on the table: a note and a very old ledger which listed all the prices for pretty much everything. This should be your reference.

As for the note, Nupto had written crucial information for you. It had the following:

- Your payment can be into two forms: Wez or Metaskha ( or other merchandise)
- Wez: You will earn a flat 20% of all sales regardless of the quality of the item. If someone paid 100 ₩ for x , you will get 20 ₩.
- Metaskha, You will earn 10% of blocks, slabs, Ozkenvik, blood and certain products ONLY. Whole body parts and organs are excluded. If someone bought 1 kg slabs of x , you get 100 gram of x provided that x is readily available. Your share will be from what is in Stock NOT from the what the customer had just bought.
- Haggling: All original prices are listed in the ledger. Raise the price or lower it.... it is up to you.
- Notifications: You are free to write signs or hire a crier to inform the crowd of whatever you want ( for example , you are out of poor Metaskha ) , this is very useful to avoid overcrowding around the outlet and unnecessary problems later on. Beware, a decent chunk of your customers are illiterate so the crier is more useful here but he will take 5% of your total earnings at the end of the day.
- Buying Metaskha: You can always directly buy Metaskha straight from the source but it will cost you DOUBLE its original price due to conflict of interest.
-Distinguished Guests: They always have to the top priority, always keep their orders in their designated safes and never raise the original price when dealing with them.
Sorry for the wall of texts
Discounts: Using a crier or a sign, you can advertise for cheaper products. This is very useful near the end of the weak when the State will empty your shelves. SOME Wez is better that mere pittance.

-Cooking: Another way of advertising your merchandise is by grilling Metaskha, the smell alone will weaken the resolve of your often starving customer. Of course you had to buy the whatever you are cooking first.

- Reputation: try to balance making a living and having satisfied customers. Complaints from usual customers usually gets ignored unless it is health related. Just make sure those complaints don't pile up in short notice.

-Swindling: ALWAYS make sure the tickets aren't expired or mere forgeries. This goes to any paperwork you might come across. Being well versed in Juslexa will make you more able to spot any discrepancies.

STOCK ( OP= Original price)

Organs ( High quality)
+ heart ( 450 ₩)
+ liver ( 600 ₩)
+ womb ( 800 ₩)
+ stomach ( 200 ₩)

Body parts ( High quality)
+ head ( 2000 ₩)
+ 2 hands ( 500 ₩ each)
+ 2 feet ( 600 ₩ each)
+ rump ( 3500 ₩)

Metaskha ( high quality)
+ 8 kg blocks Metaskha ( arms/thighs) (300 ₩ per kg)
+ 17 kg slabs Metaskha ( various) (500 ₩ per kg)

Initial plan

> Open for business!
> Write something on the sign ( specify)
> Hire a crier ( specify what he will cry out)
> Buy ____ ( Specify)
> Cook ____ ( Specify) (time will depend on the item cooked)
* complaints from poor customers usually
* have to be your top priority
>Hire a crier ( specify what he will cry out)
Hear ye, hear ye! The shop is now open for business! Come and be the first to try and buy Metaska from our new Inspekktar! Be amazed at the quality and the prices! For a limited time only, feast your eyes on the head of a Westernii diplomat's daughter, bent on sowing discontent with connections to the rampaging Falbedomrian! Take her wicked heart for your own to cleanse! Purchase her womb to ensure her legacy is not passed on! HOSVASIA ETERNA!

> Cook ____ ( Specify) (time will depend on the item cooked)
1 kg slab of Metaskha

> Open for business!
We will borrow 1k from Hazem to buy the Metaskha, is this okay? Keep in mind we also have 500 to give to the old veteran at the end of the day too plus the 500 we borrowed from Hazem for the obese kid's test.
Also we can bring any cooked Metaskha home since we bought it.
That's okay.
>> Open for business!
>> Write something on the sign ( specify)
FOR SALE. High quality Westernii Metaksha from a young virgin traitor. Exotic parts and organs available : HEART, LIVER, STOMACH, WOMB, HEAD, HANDS, FEET AND RUMP
>> Hire a crier ( specify what he will cry out)
Hear ye, hear ye! The shop is now open for business! Come and be the first to try and buy Metaska from our new Inspekktar! Be amazed at the quality and the prices! For a limited time only, feast your eyes on the head of a Westernii diplomat's daughter, bent on sowing discontent with connections to the rampaging Falbedomrian! Take her wicked heart for your own to cleanse! Purchase her womb to ensure her legacy is not passed on! HOSVASIA ETERNA!
> Open for business!
> Hire a crier (High quality Metaskha! Freshly butchered! Juicy meat! Exquisite Westernii Sting! Skyborn flavour notes! Exotic and unique taste, try something new yet mild!)

Don't buy or cook anything, we are already in debt as it is. The crier should weed out those who don't have money or those who don't want what we are selling, leaving us with rich customers looking for either a novel experience or something that is high quality but not TOO different from what they are used to owing to the relatively mild Sting.

Push the price up by like...20%, the customers we are appealing to should be able to afford it. Though, if they are important then do as we are told and don't mark the price up, just be quiet about it so people in line don't complain.

If we are a few sales in and can afford it, then perhaps we can buy a block or a specialty product to cook to weaken the resistant of a customer that is near the edge of buying something expensive, plus we get to eat whatever they don't take as we've purchased it.
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Updating in a few hours
I'll change to this. >>5278227
We shouldn't buy more meat until we made some sales.
92 mins

The crier was an underfed scrawny boy who was missing an eye and an ear, his scarred face had many stories to be told.

" Anything else , Inspekktar?" Asked young Rezrium while clearing his raspy throat.

" That will be all, thank you." The shutters were finally opened. It was high time to earn some Wez.


"Where is the bloody Metaskha?!!!"

" My daughter hasn't eaten in five days, is this only what you have in Stock????"

" I will eat that rotten whore if she only has this Metaskha! How can we afford such high quality Metaskha??"

" We want Metaskha! We want Metaskha!"

Tension was practically sizzling before your eyes as your simpler customers grew tired from the lack of Metaskha they could buy. Eventually, someone poured his rage and frustration on the crier by throwing pebbles on his head igniting the wrath of dozens of starving citizens.

" CLOSE THE SHUTTERS, NOW!" Barked one of the Offisovi outside, you quickly followed his command right in time as you heard the same man issuing a loud warning to the rampaging crowd once before ordering the squad to open fire.

You had no choice but to wait it out. When you were given to permission to open the shutters, you spotted five bodies riddled with lead getting dragged out of the way. The richer customers were far from harm's way since they had a little gazebo to wait in it.

The one eyed crier had a few scratches and a light wound on the back of his head but nothing too serious. You wouldn't be needing his service for the rest of the day.

" Poor bastards, they didn't heed our first warning shot." The same Offisov could pierce you with his gaze " What in Krucix's name were you thinking? Did you just on your bottom all day doing nothing?! Where IS the poor Metaskha these people dearly sought? That's what we get for putting mere children in charge..."

> No good Metaskha was line, did you expect me to make them out of thin air???
>Watch your tongue , I am your superior.
>Tell me your name, I will know if you lied to me.
> This is my first day, I won't outperform Mr. Azobi in a single day.
> I keep failing everyone around me. I have no excuses...
> Blame the witless rabble instead, they thought storming the heavily secured Abbtoir was a good idea!
*was in line
>Tell me your name, I will know if you lied to me.
>>Watch your tongue , I am your superior.
>>Tell me your name, I will know if you lied to me.
>> No good Metaskha was line, did you expect me to make them out of thin air???
>>Watch your tongue , I am your superior.
>>Tell me your name, I will know if you lied to me.

90 mins

" Altriech Donvann, what , you think I should cower before your grace or something? Do your bloody worst."

Oh, you would do that just fine, now was not the proper time for it. Your retribution would have to wait. You diverted your attention to the queue of anticipating customers. You secretly prayed for no more interruptions, you had enough for a single day.


Ticket #1

You had to hand it to whoever organised
and put the Metaskha on display, it was certainly attracting a lot of gazes some of which were full of bottomless hunger while other were dripping with pure lust. It mattered little to you.

" Salutations, good Inspekktar. I- " Your first customer was a sharply dressed man in his late forties with a silver cane and a black top hat.

" Ticket, please." Your didn't feel like entertaining him with idle chatter as you checked out his Ticket with haste.

" As I was saying..." He clearly didn't the message " I am Opiculik Divistry or the ' Bloody Byronne' as simpler folks like to call me on behalf me owning nearly all the blood farms around the Precinct. "

A landowner? He must be loaded " What do you need, Mr. Opiculik? My apologies but our stock is rather limited."

" The head should suffice." He kept eyeing that thing nearly the whole conversation " How much does it cost? "

You didn't know whether he was from the list of distinguished guests or not. He was certainly wealthy enough to be on the list which you couldn't find anywhere. The only solution was to read the labels on every single safe.

" Young lady, there is no need to fret like that. " said your customer while you were about to partake in an audrous task " I am no patron of the Abbtoir but please, spare me your predecessor's astronomical prices. It is.... Insulting for a man of my status to have another one trying to slip their hand into my pockets."

If you had to guess, the man would be too familiar with the original prices. He would know if the prices were fair or not. No one was stopping you from raising it although there was something to be said about keeping the original price or even lowering it a tad just to show your goodwill toward both your first customers and one of the influential figures around here.

>lower the price? ( specify)
>sell it for its original price? ( OP=3500)
> Raise the price ( specify)
> Outright refuse to sell the head
> Other
aaa , I didn't see your post , sorry anon.
>Raise the price ( specify)
4000 Wez. It would be fair considering the high quality of our victim without insulting the man with extraorbitant prices.
Wait, isn't the OP of the head supposed to be 2000 W? Here >>5278021
Oh shnappen, you are right. My mistake.
*OP is 2000₩
Changing to
>>sell it for its original price?
>Raise the price ( specify)
3000 ₩. A man of your stature will appreciate the rarity, oddity, and exceptional quality of such a specimen.
Supporting >>5279533

He isn't a distinguished customer. His reference to our predecessors astronomical prices indicate he was never given the status needed to get the original price.

But, just to make sure...

>Ask him for his safe number, and if he names a number without hesitation then we can go right to that safe and check it for his name.

If he is not able to spare us the hassle of checking every safe then just raise the price.
Ah, wait, nevermind, that anon changed his vote to the original price. I'll support >>5279612
83 mins
-head ( high quality)
+ 3000 ₩ ( + 600 ₩ for the Inspekktar)

" Hmph, seems like you are no different from him..." The Bloody Byronne was rather disappointed at this spike in price. However, this didn't stop him from buying the head. He didn't have it in him to haggle with you leaving the scene with the Westernii head as soon as possible


Ticket #2

" Next! " It took you a few seconds to notice the shivering girl in baggy clothes who next in line.

" t-two h-h-hundred grams of y-your cheapest Metaskha p-ACHOO!" Oh great, she just had to sneeze all over the counter.

" The ticket?"

"Y-yes, take it, miss." She handed you a soggy mess coated in her sneeze. It took you a good while to carefully examine the ticket... everything was in order with the exception of the expiry date which you couldn't figure it out since it was all smudgy.

Tickets usually lasted for one week from the day it was originally bought. Expired tickets were of course useless. Hmm... Could this be an expired one or what? It could have been a legitimate one that got mired in her sneeze. Getting another ticket wouldn't be guaranteed for her... she probably got it from the lottery.

The sickly child kept counting her Wez over and over again. They were lesser than 100 ₩ , that's for sure.

You did notice a gold hairpin wedged between her unbrushed hair. This should be enough to cover a month's worth of Metaskha ...of course, she didn't need to know that.

> Your ticket is invalid. Bring a new one and try not to smudge it.
> [Sell her 200 gram block Metaskha , OP =60₩ ] ( Lower, raise, same price) ( 20% Wez or 10% Metaskha)
> What am I supposed to do with this disgusting, wet ticket, hmmm? Give me your hairpin and I will let it slide...plus 60 Wez of course.
> Other
*was next in line
>> What am I supposed to do with this disgusting, wet ticket, hmmm? Give me your hairpin and I will let it slide...plus 60 Wez of course.
> What am I supposed to do with this disgusting, wet ticket, hmmm? Give me your hairpin and I will let it slide...plus 60 Wez of course.
We are supposed to ALWAYS look out for swindling, presumably there will be consequences for us if we don't. However I think we can find a balance.

> What am I supposed to do with this disgusting, wet ticket, hmmm? Give me your hairpin and 60 Wez and I will give you what you want, the hairpin will cover most of the cost. As your ticket is smudged it is technically invalid. However, I can see you need to eat. If you give me your name and address then I can let this slide for now, I'd prefer to have some ID to confirm it but if not then just your word will do. Should it turn out this ticket is invalid and that you are lying to me, well, I'm sure you know there will consequences.
> [Sell her 400 gram block Metaskha , OP =60₩ ] ( Lower, raise, same price) ( 20% Wez or 10% Metaskha)

Lower the price to 20 ₩
76 mins
+ 60 ₩ (+12 ₩ for the Inspekktar)
+ gold hairpin

"B-but it belongs to my m-mother..."

" I don't have time for this, Next! "

"W-wait.." Your gamble did pay off at the end as the girl handed it to you as if she was parting with her own Metaskha.

A Flying beast.... what a lovely design. You only needed to find somewhere to sell this beauty.


Ticket #3

Ah yes, the most impatient woman in the Precinct. She was particularly squirming in her place while you dealt with the first two customers. She hid under a hooded cloak exposing as little as possible of her skin. The mysterious woman was accompanied by two Albedomorian imps who kept sniffing the air whilst carrying some heavy satchels. They carried their signature shotels which was fairly difficult to acquire a license for.

" Ticket, please."

"..." You took your time inspecting the ticket. Nothing was out of the ordinary.

" What do you need?"

" Ikh...Everything."

" Pardon me?"

" The girl, Everything." With a snap of her finger, the two imps showed you what was inside the Satchel. An untold amount of Wez that almost shimmered you blind.

This was a golden opportunity to empty your stock to avoid the unfairness of the state at the end of the week. And yet.... you didn't exactly feel comfortable for several reasons.

For one, you would upset a lot customers who had to wait during the shootout in this dreadful weather. Your budding reputation might plummet afterwards.

The other more concerning reason was herself actually, the way she spoke to you.... there was a Westernii under this cloak. Were you perhaps too suspicious or perhaps... ?

" Could I interest you in the better parts ins-"

" No, girl. Everything." She wanted the whole Westernii for herself. Those behind her grunted and moaned for you not to do it.

> Sell the cloaked woman everything you have ( OP = 18590 ₩ ) ( Lower, raise, same price)
> Refuse to comply to her ridiculous command. Call for the next in line.
> Quietly ask for the Offisovi around you to arrest her on behalf of some made up accusation
>Sell the cloaked woman everything you have ( OP = 18590 ₩ ) ( Lower, raise, same price)

Raise the price to 25000 ₩
Tell her we want 50000 or no deal.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

68 mins
+25000 ₩ ( +5000 ₩ for the Inspekktar)

" Deal." She didn't attempt to object at all. The imps carried all the Metaskha on their lumpy backs, they vanished under the blanket of darkness alongside their mysterious mistress in a heartbeat.

" Wez grubber!"

" We got mouths to feed too!"

" I am reporting your hide to the Kommisyar, you wench!"

" Shame on you, shame on youuuuu!"

" Pray I don't find where you live...." It was a hailstorm of curses out there when you put the ever so dreaded ' Out of Metaskha ' sign outside. None had actually attempted to escalate the situation further since most of the customers you had just ignored were of at least a decent background...They had seen what violence could do for them nearly an hour ago.

As for you , you couldn't resist the temptation. Your shortsightness might be your undoing but you live for today not the morrow. With this plentiful bounty, you could easily settle your debt with Hazem as well as sending the money to the old man.

Once again, you had little to do in the meantime. Another day to come back home empty handed...Badosg and Yourskha would surely forgive their big sister, right?

" Are we done for the day, Miss Inspekktar? " The bandaged crier was back, eager to earn his Wez from you.

You should give him about 283 Wez because you earned 5660 Wez. You then asked yourself: Should you *really* give him that much? Should you give him anything for that matter? He was but a disfigured child, what could he possibly do with such money?

How would it be fair for your brother to earn only 50 ₩ per day and for Miss Azobi to earn 200 ₩ per day while this child would earn more than both of them combined? Any bloke could go out there and yammer about deals and what not. He was nothing special.

>Honor your agreement and give him his Wez
> Give the crier a lesser share ( specify)
> Give the crier a greater share for he will risk life and limb for you at daily basis ( specify)
> Give the little rascal nothing, He deserves none of your hard earned Wez
>Give the crier a greater share for he will risk life and limb for you at daily basis ( specify)

350 ₩
>>Honor your agreement and give him his Wez
The little bastard deserves it.
>>Honor your agreement and give him his Wez
Should've asked for 50k
I consent.
Sure, give him >>5280845

Wish I was there for the vote, screwing our reputation like that when we still had time left probably wasn't wise. Sure we earned a large lump sum, but the percentage raised on top of it wasn't actually huge. Her being westernii just raises red flags to me, I wonder if she was a secret Falbedomorian sympathizer looking to honour her dead fellow, or a servant of her father looking to collect as much of her body as she could.
62 mins
-350 ₩
-1000 ₩
4310 ₩

" I-is this for me?" Rezrium couldn't believe his single eye.

" Of course, you have earned it." You gave him a reassuring head pat " Don't spend it in one place."

" Thank you Miss Inspekktar, thank you." The joy radiating from his word had warmed your heart. He was lucky to leave so early while you were stuck here for almost an hour.

Still, you didn't fully waste your time; You sent someone to give Hazem his Wez plus the other 500 Wez, he should be able to find the right address for it.

" Inspekktar, Master Antaar wishes to see you." A young Offisov had broken your idleness.

" Who?"

" The appraiser, he had already checked the goods. He has your payment..."

" He can come in ." Anything to break your boredom at this point. Another southernii in business... interesting.

" HAHAAA! Kent Tyzazh e welsiih qaweo, mwaaah! " While Hazem was well reserved and well mannered, this Antaar fellow had made quite an entrance shouting in his guttural native tongue. The yellow-garbed man was adorned in outlandish bracelets. You never saw anyone with such a dark complexion like him before. It was almost as if he spawned from the world's edge. A maddening thought, that.

"Goodness!" He almost went straight ahead for a hug which had narrowly avoided at the last possible second. Had you not known of his true intentions, you would have taken a more drastic measure against him.

" Forgive me, Good Inspekktar...oh , you wouldn't believe it. The Wildzer you had just caught was exactly what a special client of mine wanted! The bones were in the right once more!"

" Lucky us, I suppose. " You were still taken back by his behaviour.

" I must my air disappointment though." His jubilation faded a little " You deprived a client of mine from having the son and daughter of my good fellow Azobi. Might I ask you: Why? "

> Children have no place in your... line of business.
> My judgement shouldn't be questioned.
> Spare the pleasantries, give me the Wez
> I did what was right at the moment.
> 'My good fellow Azobi' ? You dare to call him a friend while actively trying to sell his very own Children?
>I did what was right at the moment.
> Children have no place in your... line of business.
>Regardless of that ugly business, Zanna Azobi's brother was sent a note before they were brought in. There is a chance that the brother may be willing and able to take them into his Famizit. Lives should not be thrown away if there is a chance that they can be nurtured into healthy spirits worthy of serving the state.

We did initially spare them out of a sense of mercy. Even if I was reluctant at the time, the vote was uncontested. I think that implies some sense of us having some humanity in us, since it would've only benefited us to give the girl away.

Also, only the girl was specifically requested for Doslo, there was no mention of the boy I believe.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

This was an oversight from my end. Sorry for that.
* having the daughter of my good
+400 ₩
4710 ₩

The dark man bellowed in laughter " You butcher people for a living, do you really think you have a sense of right and wrong? Slaves they might be, some of them get to live in the lap of luxury in opulent mansions as long as they satisfy their masters. I dare say I am their salvation... and you are their very own doom."

"..." What a twisted way to look into this matter, You had little verbal munitions to retaliate.

" Here is your cut. A full third might be too much but I would like to keep my Inspekktars happy to ensure a long and prospering partnership between us. For example, Your case files has a certain Albedomorian woman which could cater to the needs of another client of mine. I assume you will send her to the red city, hmmm?"

An Albedomorian woman was a rare sight indeed. Even the most famous Alkemists would often fail in creating one. These unnatural women had enthralling beauty that captivated the hearts and minds of everyone. Unless the pale woman was a monstrosity or she was specifically created for a different purpose in mind , she would be a prized trophy for those who could afford her especially if she could give birth which was another rarity of its own.

> You have my Word, Mr. Antaar.
> I won't be swayed by the promises of Wez. I will only follow my sense of justice.
> Wez be damned! I won't let anyone fall prey to the depraved and the degenerate. I won't send a soul to Doslo ever again.
> Other.

I sleep goodnight anons
>> You have my Word, Mr. Antaar.
Give him a big, toothy grin,
"You've insulted me three times over and expect a reward?"
Click our tongues three times.
"Come now, you'll have to do better than that if you expect to get anywhere in life."
Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Good night!
Sleep well my unsalted snail. I'll be waiting for the moment you leave your shell, snails are a delicacy after all.

>Give a mysterious smile and say "We'll see"

Who knows, the woman may be desirable as food, may have a gift worth preserving, mayhaps there is a perfect famizit just waiting for her, and yes, perhaps she is only fit for the depraved acts that go on in Doslo.
>Give a mysterious smile and say "We'll see"

" That, we shall." He probably saw through your charade but the southernii decided to play along, they were known for their underhanded schemes after all" I will await good tidings tomorrow. Have a good night, Inspekktar."


It wasn't long before the sales period was finally over. You yearned for the comfort of your bed but first: did you have anything else you want to do before leaving the Abbtoir? All the staff are minutes away from leaving as well. Hazem would provide you a variety of useful merchandise as long as you are willing to spend some of your precious Wez. Then again, you had this sinking feeling that you might need them for something else in the future

If you had learned something today, that would be the lack of time you had during butchering. Two hours were hardly enough for anything....at least for a single Inspekktar.

> Browse Hazem's current stock ( specify from >>5256651)
>Organise your belongings ( specify)
>Check on ____ in the Abbtoir, ask them about ____ ( specify)
> END DAY ( Report and Rating time)
> Browse Hazem's current stock
Buy 3x Sparing slip = 600 ₩
Buy 1x Hesd Shot = 300 ₩
Buy 5x Jera Shot = 250 ₩
Buy 5x Fozov Syrup = 500 ₩
Purchase -Abbtoir Commission I (700 ₩)
Permanently adds a random item for sale.
>Take the 1 kg slab we had cooking >>5278807 >>5278047 home. Presumably we didn't give out free samples, so that is cooked metaskha we shouldn't waste. Feed our famizit.

>Make sure our pistol is loaded on the way home.

>Buy 3 sparing slips.
>Buy Abbtoir Commission

Don't buy anything else, we need the surplus to deal with our daily needs in case we have a bad day of sales or in case we need medicine. Pain can be administered without the shots, and we don't understand the effects of pain on metaskha flavour well enough to make consistent use of it anyways. We may also want to purchase other items besides the stuff relevant to our job, there are a lot of situations that could pop up given our occupation, we may need to pay bribes or take care of stuff for our famizit.

snail, do our family go to school? If so, how good is their school? How much would we have to pay to increase the quality of their education?
We uuh didn't cook anything my man

Only Badosg goes to school, Yourskha had devoted herself to the church. The quality of his education is pretty basic, you learn how to read and write plus the fundamentals of many common professions. A farcry from modern standardised education. Don't think we can increase it in any capacity though.
File: GRUMPYCAT.jpg (98 KB, 800x450)
98 KB
Ah, my mistake. I was scrolling back through the old posts to see if there was something relevant that I was forgetting. In my haste I thought you took the other anon's vote because of your roll, which I thought took precedence given you rolled it before another anon changed their vote.

>mfw I learn Yourskha doesn't go to school.

The church better have a comprehensive syllabus.

Maybe if we earn enough we can hire a private tutor, we have to look after our famizit!
Updating some time tomorrow, goodnight anons
Good...night? It is only afternoon for me. Anyways, sleep well.

Rolled 2 (1d2)


Experience calculations may be tricky especially with the extra modifer so please be patient
I can't wait to see our suboptimal rating. You are taking in to account our use of the powdered Nyn and our Wormtongue modifier, yes?
Of coursh, no worries
-1300 ₩
3410 ₩

New item available for sale :

-Claywomb Jar ( 500 ₩, 2 left)
A Hollow vessel yearning for silver and its derivatives. Can create the very basic of Albedomorians with sufficient Alkemia knowledge and materials. Bundled with a signed license from the Precinct's Hiyye Alkemist.



Report and Rating

Cases : 4
Examinations: 2
Slaughtered : 1
Customers: 3
Reputation: going down

Events of note that occurred today (some won't be mentioned for spoilers )

++ Gold Hairpin
+ Interview with journalist
+ Wez sent to Mr.Zeviktry
+ Crier bonus Wez
+Debt repaid
--- Shooting accident ( Poor Customers)
------ Sold out ( Rich customers and average customers)

Experience ( Powdered Nyn cancels Wormtongue)
Level ups : None
Almost: Metaskha , Linkula
Getting there: Juslexa, Akademia

Final rating: Heartless Judgsikktar ( D , You are better suited to work overseeing a different kind of cases... theft, murder, forgery and the like because clearly you are a woman of the law with little compassion or sympathy to anyone)


The candles of hope your younger siblings had once had were whisked away when you returned home empty handed, they turned their backs on you marching straight to their bedrooms. Your twin brother didn't say anything for he knew how was it like in the Abbtoir. You too were starving , yes, you did eat some quality Metaskha but it was hardly enough for all the work you had done today.

Silence would soon loom over the house , it would be briefly interrupted by gurgling gullets. How long could your Famizit last without Metaskha? You dreamed of this question as your burdens were getting heavier and heavier. Dreams....

" ...O.."


"....!" Yet another inexplicable nightmare, one that drenched you in sweat. What time was it?

Dawn. You barely had the taste of rest on your tongues. Curses, better change your clothes quickly.

Mighty clouds had obscured the warmth of the sun. This was very normal in Hosvasia, the land of Everfrost and Silver death. It was foolish of you to stay outside this early. You did notice an eye spying on you behind a half opened window that belonged to your insecured and paranoid neighbour. Was he curious of his new neighbour or did he have a more nefarious reason to eye you like so?

+61 ₩ ( Famizit leftovers)
3471 ₩

You sat down with Govayno discussing today's spendings. You were slightly relieved to have enough money to cover said expenses...if you wanted to.

-100 ₩ for heating
-75 ₩ for Badosg ( 750 gram of Metaskha if possible)
-125 ₩ for Govayno ( 400 gram of Metaskha)
- 50 ₩ for Yourskha ( 600 gram of Metaskha)
- 100 ₩ for Yourself ( depends on how many times you had samples Metaskha)
Total: 450 ₩ , 1.75 kg Metaskha ( rough estimate)

- Badosg wishes to buy a new of shoes ( 100 ₩)
- Yourskha wishes to buy a new set of excerpts from the capital ( 300 ₩)

>Pay 450₩/850₩ , no Metaskha available ( specify)
>Cut some corners instead ( specify amount and whose Wez will be affected
>Pay 450₩/850₩ , no Metaskha available (Pay 950, get a little extra metaskha for everyone)
>>Pay 850₩
>>Pay 850₩
Updating tomorrow, goodnight anons
Sleep well snail, I made a maze of salt for you on the way to your bed.
Sorry anons, I had a rough one yesterday. Next update will be in 12 hours or so
No worries.
Take your time.
-850 ₩
2621 ₩

Your Famizit should always take priority over anything else. While Badosg smothered you with his hugs, Yourskha had her own way of showing gratitude reciting several verses from the very words of Krucix himself.

Gentkhiev... the promised land, endless fields of green. Sweet scented flowers and Juicy fruits as far as the eye could see overseen by spires of ivory and gold. This would be the eternal place for those who were blessed by Krucix. It was a nice reminder of what you could come across after death. You didn't want to think about the other two alternatives....

The gnawing chorus of hunger must end soon, You had to bring Metaskha today one way or another.


A unsupervised child had been trampled by the transporting beast on the way to the Abbtoir. Once it saw the mangled body beneath its claws, the beast didnt hesitate to tear off here head in one ravenous bite. It was trained to only feast on the dead. The wailing father could do nothing but to watch his daughter getting devoured in just a few gulps. The beastmaster knew it too for none would dare to disturb the behemoth while it was enjoying one of its rare meals, accidental or not. Such delay didn't affect you that much for you left the house a bit earlier than usual.


" Good morning, Inspekktar." The old Albedomorian was waiting for you in your office. You could already tell that he did go through the first couple of cases piled on your desk.

" Nupto." You greeted him, neatly organising the case files while he kept drumming on the desk with his clubby fingers" You seem to be... perturbed."

" I don't think you realise how much work I have to do to keep your hind safe. Five customers killed and many others denied of any service on your first day??? Do you take your job seriously?"

" What am I supposed to do back then? Did I control the trigger finger on those Offisovi? Or perhaps I bewitched the witless rabble to march straight to their death. Is that it?" You too were growing furious, you had it with the blaming game.

" No, but you willingfully avoided a queue of distinguished guests and other well known figures in the Precinct for the sake of a cloaked figure who vanished without a trace. Mind explaining this one?"
" Guaranteed sales. She wanted the full body." You replied while trying to gain the upper hand " It was a calculated risk I had to make."

" Well, this little stunt of yours had vexed the rest of the Precinct. Two of our distinguished guests were verily insulted that they had decided to withdraw their patronage for Krucix's sake!"

Silence had befell the room as the pale one had slammed your desk leaving a sizeable dent afterwards, he took a deep breath trying to recollect his thoughts " Inspekktar, I am not your enemy. I have seen dozens of men and women in your position. Some were greedy, others were naive or incompetent...I am merely stating that your inexperience would be your downfall. NEVER sell a whole body to a single person. If you fear the current merchandise would not be enough for your customers then it would be for the best not to sell anything at all to avoid bloodsed. I hope your learn from your grevious error in judgement."

"..." You still weren't content with his words but holding grudges against one of the few people out there who was actively trying to help you.... very unwise. Little did the Albedomorian knew about the supposed article that should at the very least bounce back your reputation a tad.

" I have spent the better part of last night writing these apologies. You only need to sign and seal them." One, two , five, eight....seventeen .... twenty four etters. That was quite the effort.

" You did ask for an Offisov's name, I spoke with the man and he admitted that he overstepped his boundaries but for a 'good reason'. Do you want to mete out punishment on him?"

> No, We all made mistakes yesterday, no use chasing after them.
> A personal apology. A sincere one at that.
> A public apology, infront of his peers just so I can humiliate him.
> Have him assigned in the worst areas in the Abbtoir and make him perform the most hated tasks for a full week. Make his life as miserable as possible.
> He will earn nothing for a new few days. I would like to see him question my authority again
>Fire him, Seeds of insubordination have no place in the Abbtoir.
>Have him arrested on these following charges... ( make up exaggerated accusations based on your interaction with him)

no write ins!

I sleep, goodnight!
*twenty four letters
>A personal apology. A sincere one at that.
> A personal apology. A sincere one at that.
>>Have him arrested on these following charges... ( make up exaggerated accusations based on your interaction with him)
Treason. We're going to turn him into meat.
> Have him assigned in the worst areas in the Abbtoir and make him perform the most hated tasks for a full week. Make his life as miserable as possible.

Good night!

" That can be arranged. " Nupto replied, briefly glancing over the case files " I... there is a matter I wish to discuss with you.."

" Speak your mind."

" An Albedomorian woman by the name of Yze will stand before you today on an account of a massacre she took no part into." He lowered his voice in case a certain Janitor was nearby.

" A Massacre you say?"

" Yes, Yze was the spark that ignited a long time feud between two families : The Zornami and The Asdeel with the first having renowned Alkemists while the second are well known for their mercantile influence. A marriage had joined the two families over two decades ago, The Alkemist husband used the precious materials brought by his wife to create this rare and stunning Albedomorian."

" Very interesting..." This was going to be quite a tale.

" The couple treated their creation like their very own daughter. It was Krucix's will that took them both from our world just a few weeks ago. The Dyad died from Frostblight on their way to the capital... now, each family tries to claim ownership over Yze. They attempted to settle this matter by themselves but the discussion had escalated to a chaotic carnage leaving many dead or maimed from both sides."

The pale one cleared his pouchy throat, continuing " The case files had claimed that she bewitched them to kill each other on her behalf... this is nothing but lies, Inspekktar. I helped the couple to raise her properly, she wouldn't harm anyone."

Ah, so that was why he was so invested in said case. The Albedomorian had more to say.

" My suspicion was confirmed the moment I saw both families outside , chatting like fast friends... they wish to eat the Metaskha of Yze together and let bygones be bygones. They also don't want to press charges against each other so their reputation remains untarnished. I have no doubt that they will try to somehow bribe you to turn her into Metaskha."

" What do you want me to do then?"

"Spare her, I can get her out of the Precinct . She will start a new life away from them. I will be in your debt for choosing to save her over monetary gains."

Nupto didn't utter a single word afterwards, excusing himself from your office. You were left alone to ponder about this particular case...what should you do?

> Organize your belongings ( specify)
> Check Hazem's items
> Have a brief chat with ___ before the bell would ring ( specify)
>Summon the bad mouthed Offisov
> Other

If we are lucky, I can post another update in 12 hours or so.
>Check Hazem's items
> Have a brief chat with our brother before the bell would ring (Ask his advice on what to do about Yze, sparing her could cause strife between those two families and bring hell down upon us, but it sounds like she doesn't deserve to die and we don't want to make an enemy of Nupto who is so close to us.)

We just bought items the previous night.
> Check Hazem's items
Rolled 1 (1d2)

You went to the most secure place in the Abbtoir to browse Hazem's stock. True to his words, the Southernii did bring the Claywomb jars should you be willing to follow Fedric's footsteps. He had the following for sale:

-Exotic Commission I ( 500 ₩)
Hazem will bring 5-10 Items from outside of Hosvasia next week

-Upgraded Stock I (1000 ₩)
Increase the number of available items. Doesn't apply in certain items.

- Akademia Commission I ( 500 ₩)
Adds a random book for sale.

-Abbtoir Commission II (1400 ₩)
Permanently adds a random item for sale.

- Inspekktar Commission I (??? ₩)
Adds a single item for sale within 2 days, It will be more expensive than its original price.

-Lucky Draw I ( 200 ₩ )
Buy a random item in this list. Note that the price will double the next time you buy it again.

- Sparing slip ( 200 ₩ , 0 left!)
Allows you to spare future Metaskha without any legal repercussions.

-Neutralizers ( 100 ₩, 0 left)
Resets your tongue tasting buds, allowing you to sample the next Metaskha with greater efficiency.

- Hesd Shot ( 300 ₩, 5 left)
A lethal slow acting syringe which sends anyone into deep and blissful sleep shutting down their organ in the mean time. Considered to be a more humane way of killing Humans and some Albedomorians.

-Jera Shot ( 50 ₩ , 5 left)
A fast acting lethal syringe which sends anyone in a world of pain causing their blood capillaries to rupture before killing them. Such immense pain for expiring will alter the Metaskha's taste.

- Dewa Shot ( 50 ₩ , 5 left)
A fasting acting syringe which eliminates some common parasites in the body at the cost of lowering the quality of their Metaskha.

- Powdered Nyn ( 200 ₩, 4 left)
Increase your experience gain at the cost of more extertion . Only one drink is allowed per day for health concerns.

-Fozov Syrup (100 ₩, 1 left)
Lowers you exertion at the cost of being sluggish for the rest of the day.

- Albedomorian Imp ( 500 ₩, 1 left)
A short lived Albedomorian who will help you in your duties before expiring in a week for so. Doesn't need to be fed. It will only follow the basic of commands so don't expect much of it.

-Silverborn Albedomorian ( 1500 ₩ , 1 left)
An Albedomorian born of your blood and silver with decent intelligence and unwavering loyalty to you. It will be considered part of your Famizit so better take care of it. Will arrive in 2-3 days.

-Claywomb Jar ( 500 ₩, 2 left)
A Hollow vessel yearning for silver and its derivatives. Can create the very basic of Albedomorians with sufficient Alkemia knowledge and materials. Bundled with a signed license from the Precinct's Hiyye Alkemist.

Items get restocked on Saturdays.
You have 2621 ₩

> Buy ___ ( Specify)
Are any of you gonna show up to choose what you guys wanted to order? Would be nice if you mentioned ahead of time so we could vote for it now that we are on the buying menu.

>Exotic Commission I ( 500 ₩)

Screw it, we are on this menu anyways, may as well get something.

- Akademia Commission I ( 500 ₩)
Adds a random book for sale.
Buy 1 Hesd Shot
Buy 1 Jera Shot
Updating when I wake up, goodnight anons.
Sleep well, watch out for the French.

Switching to >>5290233
-850 ₩
+Jera Shot
+ Hesd Shot

" Thank you for the purchase, do come again. "

New item added

- The Rotten Insides, beware! ( 500 ₩, 1 left)
An Akademia book detailing more subtle signs for wicked organs unfit for public consumption.

With that finished, you hurried back to the office just moments before the bell would ring.


Written in silver and frost
Period I: Cases
120 minutes left
Exertion: Light

Ah yes, the Everfrostcase (>>5270957 , less time will be wasted during decision making), You already read this case file but perhaps not as thoroughly as you had thought before, you missed the last page.

.... The Inspekktar will have to pay 10% of his/her daily earnings for each day the body remains unfrozen and unprocessed. The Kommisyar is not a patient woman.

Curses, you thought you could keep it for at least a while. Should you hold on to it or return it back? While the ten percent cut was rather tame , it was still a cut. A single Wez could make a difference. Hmmm...

> Keep the Everfrost body, you earn slim pickings anyways ( 1 minute)
> Return to sender , you are not ready for such complicated cases as of right now ( 1 minute)
> Consult Nupto ( 4 minutes)
Such is the life of gastropods, always on the run from the dastardly hon-hons
>Return to sender , you are not ready for such complicated cases as of right now ( 1 minute)
>Return to sender , you are not ready for such complicated cases as of right now ( 1 minute)
> Consult Nupto ( 4 minutes)
>> Return to sender , you are not ready for such complicated cases as of right now ( 1 minute)
This is way beyond our skills and paygrade
> Return to sender , you are not ready for such complicated cases as of right now ( 1 minute)

119 minutes

After some consideration, You chose not to bite more than you could chew. You would not raise the ire of the Kommisyar by your lack of skill just yet. Onto the next case.

Case #245-380-021

Name : Letierm Voveslek
Sex : Male
Age : 19
Occupation: Shoe Maker
Gifted: No, however, Subject is suspected to have beast blood in him. That might explain the outburst of strength he had during his arrest.
Criminal Record: Corpse Defilement , murder, Assault on an Offisov.
Metaskha Quality: Unknown
Notes: Subject was caught defiling the corpse of his mother who had died in an unrelated accident the day before. This was happened mere hours before her burial. Subject had murdered his father who had find out along with his little sister who remained undefiled. During his arrest, He gouged the eye of an Offisov, broke the arm of another and tore the cheeks and the right ear of a third one.

Beast Blood eh? You did know that it was a well sought Alkemikal catalyst due to its link to the primordial beasts which roamed the lands in a bygone age. Those who consumed them in the past had inherited their strength and rage turning them into what was commonly referred as Yakshirev or Beastfolks.

Falbedomorians or Wildzers were nothing in comparison compared to these abominations, they were ruthless and cunning with immense beastial strength and vigor capable of shrugging off bullets or flashes of steel. They could grow indefinitely which made them an ever looming menace that had to be culled on the regular.

Back to the case, the kid probably had diluted Beast blood in him that got awakened in a moment of duress.


You were dealing with a very dangerous individual, part of you didn't want to do anything with him for the sake of your safety. Unfortunately, you are no Fedric when it came to Alkemia so you don't know how to distinguish between common and beast blood if he indeed possessed such a gift/curse. The differences might not appear on a surface level.... unless you took the risk to taste it yourself. No, Beast Blood is riddled with unknown diseases, no one in their sane mind would drink it willingly.

>Put the current case on hold ( 2 min) ( specify for how many cases or would you rather put it on hold indefinitely)
> Summon the man (20 mins)
>Consult Nupto (4 mind)
> Investigate the evidence ( 2 mins)
>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky, Spare, Adopt)
> Investigate the evidence ( 2 mins)

Is that meant to be 20 minutes also, or is the evidence so scant that we don't need as long? If it is that short then I don't mind doing our due diligence. But we have to go through these cases fast enough to get someone capable of providing decent metaskha for our family and for the masses.
>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) ( Metaskha)
2 minutes. In general, timing would imply a lot of things, it is not just an arbitrary number.
* summon Nupto ( 4 mins)
Damn autocorrect, sorry
Fuck it, let the commoners or the bothersome rich people fight over the meat, just don't take any for our family.

Switching to...
>Pass Judgement (5 min) (Metaskha)
>>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) (Execute)
Ain't touching cursed meat
>Investigate the evidence ( 2 mins)
114 mins

His Metaskha should be rather... unique if you had to guess. You jumped to next case right away.


Case #245-388-073

Name : Sprout , Property of Lavinksia Toussen
Sex : Male, Albedomorian
Age : 9 months
Occupation: Harvested Metaskha
Gifted: No.
Criminal Record: None
Metaskha Quality: Med-High, depending on the 'sweet spot'
Note: Good morning/afternoon, Inspekktar, I am Madame Lavinksia Toussen. I do have many titles so I won't bother you writing them all down, know that the Toussen is a name not to be trifled with.... you will see why when you come over.

The Krande Offisov had gifted me a silvery one for my birthday last year. Sprout , as I call him, has grown too fast beyond his pot rooting himself to the ground. It is physically impossible to have my servants deliver my darling to you. And so, I humbly request your urgent arrival to my manse any time from dawn till dusk.

Yes, I am aware that you are a busy man or woman but I am one of the few distinguished guests of the Abbtoir who had already paid a nice lump of money for such occasions. You will be handsomely rewarded for your effort. Wez is never an issue for the Toussen. I wouldn't miss out the finest company of in the Precinct if I were you.

Inside the case file, you found another sheet of paper detailing the address and all sorts of tools and instruments you ( and other Offisovi accompanying you) had to bring along. This wasn't just a plain harvest, you would also had to check on Sprout's welfare whose general description had startled you... what was that thing?

The whole idea sounded too bizzare and complicated to you at the first glance. Operating outside of your working hours was obviously prohibited... and even if wasn't, you would be too tired to go for it.

Your legal knowledge had come to aid you on this peculiar case. Normally, any created Albedomorians meant for Metaskha were divided into two groups: the first group who needed the Inspekktar's intervention were unable to excrete, exude , expulse or detach their Metaskha ( or other form of nutrients) on their own while the second group was on quite the opposite.

Sadly, you were not too well versed in the artificial nature of the pale ones so you might not fare well with this case.

Your sole option would be to depart from the Abbtoir immediately. The woman was kind enough to write the timings of Mr.Azobi during his last visit. There were :

- 30 to 45 minutes between the Abbtoir and the Manse ( back and forth)
- 1 to 2 hours for examining Sprout
- 1 to 3 hours for harvesting Sprout

Thankfully, you didn't have to do both the examination and the harvesting in one setting. Still, that was a lot to consider.


Toussen...Toussen, why did that name elude you like so? You have to make a swift decision this instance.

You have nearly five hours in total ( cases, examination and Resting period A) to fulfil her commission. If only you could change your rigid periods instead. Said option was very tricky, not only you would exhaust yourself but dedicating half of your day to her with no Metaskha available for sale would be highly dangerous. You don't want to repeat what happened yesterday with only a single type of Metaskha in stock.

You could perhaps pay her a quick visit within this period so you could get more familiar with the lovely Sprout. On the worst scenario, you would waste an hour there with about a quarter of an hour for one or two cases before examination.

Or, you could follow Nupto's advice not to engage in any sales for today either because you didn't process any Metaskha or because you only have a single type of it . Yes, this will upset a lot but it would give you some room to breathe.

Alternatively, you could simply decline this ridiculous demands, you would only operate inside the Abbtoir.
In case of Accepting her commission :
> Pay Sprout a visit, Get more familiar with him ( 60 mins at minimum, more defending on your choices)
> ( Examine + Harvest , 150-345 mins)
> ( Examine only , 90-165 mins)
> Other ( Highly Recommended)


> Specify when would you like to go to Madame Lavinksia ( cases, examination, Resting A, Butchering, Resting B , Sales. Note that skipping periods will add at least 30 more mins. Example : Butchering them sales)

In case of Declining her Commission

> Attempt to write a polite apology to her stating how busy you are or any excuse ( write ins are encouraged , 5 mins)
>Just refuse dealing with the whole matter. No need to get too formal for it ( 1 min)
> Postpone dealing with this particular case (2 mins, specify how much do you want to postpone it)
> Consult Nupto ( 10 mins)
> Other ( Highly recommended)

Any chunky prompt, feel free to ask my anything you are confused about.
*these ridiculous
* A very chunky
Damn Autocorrect
* Depending on your choices .
I am sorry for the triple whammy of mistakes.
>Pay Sprout a visit, Get more familiar with him ( 60 mins at minimum, more defending on your choices)
>( Examine + Harvest , 150-345 mins)
>> Postpone dealing with this particular case (2 mins, specify how much do you want to postpone it)
Tomorrow sounds good?
112 mins

Today would be an ill chosen time for such an unusual case. It wouldb have to wait for another day.

Case #245-388-084

Name : Yze , Disputed Property between The Zornami and The Asdeel families.
Sex : Female, Albedomorian
Age : 21
Occupation: None
Gifted: No, but Subject can enthrall anyone with her looks. Subject must don an iron mask ALL the time.
Criminal Record: Murder, Bewitchment.
Metaskha Quality: Unknown.
Incriminating evidence: Various witnesses, reports by the Offisovi who arrested her, Subject's confession.
Note: Willingly or not, Subject had used her allure to enrage many members of both families causing the subsequent deaths of 28 individuals ( 14 had died of their grevious injuries in the following hours). Subject didn't attempt to escape, she was in a state of shock when the Offisovi had apprehended her. Both families had agreeded not to press charges in the wake of this tragedy. Subject had written and signed a confession the next day out of her sheer guilt, said confession can be found in the evidence file.

The Albedomorian woman... so desired by many. Anataar, Nupto, The Zornami and The Asdeel...you were tangled in a cobweb of choices. What should you do?

The promise of Wez from Antaar was something, you doubted that he would want to trick you in one way or another. Letting the pale one escape the Precinct with the help of Nupto would certainly elevate you in his eyes but the drawbacks might be too extreme....

Legally speaking, You did have the authority to settle this dispute. The Sparing slip can be modified to also include the ownership of the Albedomorian. You could simply send her to one of the two families instead. One side would shower you with praise and favor while the other would want your Metaskha one a platter not to mention reigniting their grudge towards the other family.

>Put the current case on hold ( 2 min) ( specify for how many cases or would you rather put it on hold indefinitely)
> Summon the woman (30 mins)
>Consult Nupto (3 mins)
> Investigate the evidence ( 35 mins)
>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky, Spare, Adopt)
> Investigate the evidence ( 35 mins)
Changing to
>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) (Spare)
Specify what kind of slip you want to issue: OG slip or Modified slip to one of the families
>> Summon the woman (30 mins)
I have to write this with the god damned accessibility keyboard since my physical one is fucked.

> Pay Sprout a visit, Get more familiar with him ( Go during examination. We will simply rely on the case files to guess if there are parasites or diseases and if need be skip resting period A, pop fozov syrup after resting period B)

but I'll support >>5292687 if no one votes for mine since I think using our whole day on this request is even worse than pissing off this notable. We have Nupto's request to deal with and we need metaskha.
Wow, not sure how I missed this.

>Pass Judgement ( 5 min) (Spare)

Do whatever we need to do to let Nupto move her to safety.
I will say that if we really wanted to investigate and confirm her innocence we ought to see her ourselves and see if she bewitches us, the evidence could be forged and we won't know without seeing her.

I also think adopting her would be funny, she could be useful if she really is magical beyond being so pretty that two families murder each other over her.

Sending her to Doslo just to see the look on Nupto's face and see if he really believes that bullshit from earlier about 'how will they feed themselves' and 'you killed them' or whatever would be interesting but I don't care for the appraiser.
107 mins

Nupto could have lied to about her claim of innocence, you also didn't do your part to review the small mound of evidence associated with said case but your mind was clearly set on freeing her for some reason.

Nupto would be greatly pleased from your choice. Antaar mattered little to you, same went to the two families outside itching for her Metaskha. You prayed to Krucix for your safety... who knew what they could have in stock for you.

Case #245-388-089

Name : Avirahiem Cafoel
Age : 33
Sex : Male
Occupation: Actor, Juggler, Entertainer.
Gifted: No
Criminal Record: None
Incriminating evidence: None
Note: Subject had failed to amuse the Kommisyar during a private show. He put his life on the line when he had made a bet with the Kommisyar to make her laugh in a span of ten minutes for 100k ₩, otherwise, he will be turned into Metaskha. He failed miserably to even crack the faintest of smiles amongst her and her guests.

That was a tricky one. It showed you how powerful the Kommisyar was...just a fling of her finger and your life would be finished.

>Put the current case on hold ( 2 min) ( specify for how many cases or would you rather put it on hold indefinitely)
> Summon the woman (8 mins)
>Consult Nupto (5 mins)
>Pass Judgement ( 6 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky, Spare, Adopt
* summon the man
This one is on me, sorry
> Summon the woman (8 mins)
>>Pass Judgement ( 6 min) (Metaskha)
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
>Pass Judgement (6 min) (Metaskha)
On one hand I'm tempted to talk to the man just to see how funny he is or what he knows about the Kommisyar given he was able to get a private audience, on the other hand this is basically free metaskha and the almighty Kommisyar may be displeased if we don't turn him into chunks.

He seems basically innocent and there is no attempt to hide that, I'd be tempted to spare his life if I felt like doing anything other than obeying our superiors was a reasonable path that wouldn't contribute to getting us killed, I'm honestly tempted even now just to test how far we can exercise our authority before powerful people start to resort to lethal means to dispose of us. I wonder if they can simply ignore whether or not we having been doing things perfectly legally and just dispose of us openly using some legal power or if they have to resort to surreptitious means.

But...we need some not diseased metaskha and this is seemingly a free meal.
>Pass Judgement (6 min) (Metaskha)
101 mins

It would foolish to pity midwits who threw themselves in harm's way. Besides, you did not want to anger the mighty Kommisyar over a nobody.


Case #245-389-97

Name : Yrsa Hastev
Age : 46
Sex : Female
Occupation: Holy Mother
Gifted: No
Criminal Record: Blasphemy
Incriminating evidence: Report from a young student, various personal belongings.
Note: Subject was a well known Holy mother responsible for teaching the way of Krucix to new devotees in the church. After a heated argument between the subject and one Yourskha Novyov regarding the divinity of Krucix, the devoted follower had stole the subject's keys to investigate her chamber where she had found various easternii carved bones which are used for their heretic divination. The young child had also find books and scrolls questioning the nature of Krucix, claiming that he was an Easternii in origin.

Special: The church demands a unique execution saved for this particular subject. While they have no real authority on the matter, the Holy Mothers shouldn't be ignored. Blasphemous or not, it is not preferred to turn her to Metaskha for the flesh of Holy Mothers is scared , never to be consumed by the masses. Other Holy Mothers did confirm her devotion to Krucix over the last decade, this bizzare change of faith must had occurred recently.

Your left eye kept twitching as you finished reading the case file. Damn that stubborn girl! Why didn't she tell you about this????! This must have happened in the last few days, curses,curses!

You were almost sure that her Petty crime would be wiped clean should this Holy mother proven to be guilty. Your blood was boiling after this ...how could she be so careless like so? What if she got involved with a secret cult or anything of that sort while trying to reveal the truth? You would burst a vein or two if you kept thinking of your little sister's supreme idiocy.

>Take a brief rest to calm your nerves before deciding (10 mins , specify your next choice from below)
>Put the current case on hold ( 3 min) ( specify for how many cases or would you rather put it on hold indefinitely)
> Summon the woman ( 5 mins)
>Consult Nupto (10 mins)
> Write and sign a letter to the church agreeing to execute Yrsa on their own terms (12 mins, Specify whether you want the execution to be in public or in the Abbtoir or somewhere else of their choosing)
> Investigate the evidence ( 10 mins)
>Pass Judgement ( 6 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky, Spare, Adopt)

looking back into my previous posts , I found that I called Hazem and/or Antaar Southernii which is far from the truth. BOTH of them are Easternii. Sorry for yet another stupid mistake
aaa , I missed your post. Sorry anon. To answer your question, there isn't really someone over our head sniffing for mistakes. However, that doesn't mean we can do whatever we want. If we sold bad/diseased products or if the ledger doesn't add up too much or we are way too corrupted ( doing favors for opposing parties and the like), we would get the boot and by boot I mean no-so-swift death
>Summon the woman ( 5 mins)
>Take a brief rest to calm your nerves before deciding (10 mins , specify your next choice from below)
> Investigate the evidence ( 10 mins)
What does opposing parties mean? A lot of people are asking favours of us, influential people, are we considered not corrupt as long as we don't go against state interests, or is it more informal and we can cross that line whenever we piss off enough people with the ear of the kommisyar/other ranking officers whos titles I can't remember. Or are we meant to figure that out for ourselves? At the very least I'd like the official red lines that delineate corruption from normal behavior, since we are skilled in law.

Supporting >>5295065

Finally, something we need to investigate properly that doesn't have our superiors demanding we do a certain thing or else suffer consequences.
Corruption: swerve from the state's interests and you are done for ( official Red line), ignore or disobey your higher ups and you are also done for. The two goals here conflict with each other in certain situations. It is upbto us to figure it out.

Raising our twin brother's earning? Corruption.

Saving a child from turning into Metaskha via a slip? Kind of Corruption. You are wasting potential state resources even if you are doing everything legally.

Torturing a man just because the Kommisyar ordered you to do so? Not even close to being Corrupt.

Taking an extra cut after making deal with Hazem to cover it up? As long as you didn't get caught, you can do whatever you want.

It is a loosely defined term, we just have to roll with it and adapt to the situation.

We are bound to meet two opposing parties within the system, each party asking us to be on their side in x or y . Taking sides will certainly piss off the other guy/girl. Depending on their position in the state, they can mess us up pretty bad. The two families are a small example of having to face the consequences of our action or inaction.
I sleep, goodnight!
>> Investigate the evidence ( 10 mins)
81 min

You calmed yourself up before examining the evidence to clear your mind...you shouldn't have done it.

Something was amiss here, the signed report had been tampered with and the list of blasphemous items had also been altered using a different kind of non standardised ink, you wouldn't have noticed them if you didn't calm down a few minutes earlier. Your strangled the doubt in you by nicking your finger to draw blood... this droplet should not wash the letters away but it did right before your eyes.

This raised too many question you didn't want to answer. Was there a third party involved in all of this? Was the Holy mother being set up?

You couldn't possibly convict the woman based on tampered evidence with clear conscience but what would happen to your sister afterwards? A stain on her clean record at best. Yourskha could be expelled from the church or even accused as a conspirator against whoever was trying to get rid of Yrsa. You knew for a fact that no one was going to review the evidence after you. You would be either her salvation or her end.

You had the authority to investigate further by questioning witnesses and gathering evidence yourself . The Church shouldn't be too far from the Abbtoir but then again, you would be wasting precious time. You could send some Offisovi to investigate on your behalf but most of them were bluntheads anyways and you were legally obliged to pay them as well. Not the best option here. Your brother wouldn't take Wez from you but he would certainly muck it up. He was too ill tempered this type of work.

Passing judgement on a possibly innocent Holy Mother...
Ruining Yourskha's life...

>Put the current case on hold ( 3 min) ( specify for how many cases or would you rather put it on hold indefinitely)
>Summon two Offisovi, pay them for their investigation ( 400v₩, 10 mins)
> Pay a visit to the church be it now or at a later time (60 min at minimum, specify when would you want to go)
> Summon the woman ( 5 mins)
>Consult Nupto (15 mins)
> Write and sign a letter to the church agreeing to execute Yrsa on their own terms (12 mins, Specify whether you want the execution to be in public or in the Abbtoir or somewhere else of their choosing)
>Pass Judgement ( 6 min) ( Metaskha, Execute, Doslo, Vixenisky, Spare, Adopt)
I think it was mentioned we don't posses our legal powers off the job, but could we retain them if we remained "on the clock" after work to follow up on this off hours?

> Summon the woman ( 5 mins)

This for now, we need to question her then decide to visit the church now or later. Interrogating her could make us aware of what to look for. We already have our requisite metaskha for the day.
Any outside business must be done within our working day. This also includes our two Resting periods. No overtime or off hour work. And yes, we can't any authority once the day is over.

Goes without saying but working during our Resting period will increase our exhaustion. The second period is mostly reserved for cleaning up after butchering. Going to sales all bloodied and smelling like a walking cadaver will be certainly off putting.
* can't project our authority
I sleep, goodnight anons.
>> Summon the woman ( 5 mins)
> Summon the woman ( 5 mins)
>Pass Judgement ( 6 min) ( Metaskha)
76 mins

The Holy Mother would soon arrive to your office. Her restraints were light compared to other subjects, perhaps the Offisovi did want to show her some respect to a woman of her position.

Yrsa waxed face showed little emotions save for disdain and discontent.

" I would like to hear what happened from your end. Your words could very well save you from my butcher's knife."

"..." She could only reply with silence. Normally, the two Offisovi would smack her or pelt her with curses for ignoring you. The lads were unsure what to do or say at the moment so they too had followed her way of silence.

You should be very careful ; for any wrong word might jeopardise Yourskha's future.

> [You have given her a golden chance and she had squandered it. You would not waste your time any longer ( choose an option from the previous prompt.)
>Holy Mother Yrsa, my domain lies in these paper. Someone had tampered them, help me so I can help you.
> What sort of argument had you delved in with Yourskha Novyov?
> You call yourself a Holy Mother and yet you dabble with divination bones like a Blasphemer?
>I will be blunt with you. The child you argued with is my stubborn little sister. I will always put her first before anyone. I can still save you for what horrible fates waits you beyond this door. You just have to cooperate with me and dispel that awful silence.
> Other ( Highly encouraged)

Please stick to a single choice not all of them.
> Other ( Highly encouraged)
I'm not as well versed in the ways of the church as I should. Only the Holy Mothers and the Inspekktar Offisov have the power to cleanse the Metaskha. Could you please tell me the words of Krucix himself that allow such a miracle to take place?
Supporting >>5297428 if it doesn't lead anywhere on its own then try and segue into asking her what was up with the bones or who might have something out for her and how to talk to the others when we investigate the church.
>> You call yourself a Holy Mother and yet you dabble with divination bones like a Blasphemer?
Posting an update in 10 hours or so

"... " She kept her lips sealed for your first question, when you spoke about the bones, however, her eyes were burning with rage.

" You , Giulla and your sister will burn under the feet of Krucix. Pox upon you! Curses upon you! CURSES UPON YOU!!!!!"

Engulfed in her rage, the Holy Mother lunged towards you grabbing the letter opener on your desk to stab you. Even with her somewhat limited movement, She wielded the letter opener like a dagger yearning for your blood. Her charge had knocked you out of your chair.

Your hidden pistol was out of reach when you stared back at death herself as she frantically attempted to stab the life out of you, you had put your arms above your head to keep distance between the letter opener and your neck.

These mere seconds felt like an eternity as the two Offisovi had rushed in to help you. None of them anticipated such outburst

" Stop! I will shoot! " The younger Offisov was the first to physically get involved trying to pin her down, the woman had retaliated with a quick slash over his once handsome face.

The struggle had ended with a red mist and a heavy thud. The second Offisov had enough, he carefully chose the right moment to blow her brains out leaving showering you ,the younger Offisov and pretty much your desk with her giblets.

" Inspekktar! Inspekktar! Are you hurt?" The younger Offisov pushed the dead woman away from you, her right eye dangling from her socket by a thread of red. It was a putrid sight from down here.

" I-i am fine , ugh.." It was hard to tell where she had inflicted injuries upon you. Your upper half was bathed in blood while you could feel little pain in the thicket of this situation. If you had to guess, your arm might have suffered a few slashes from Yrsa.

You stood up, feeling a bit hazey from what had just happened. What a mess, the first couple of files were rendered unreadable, your clothes...your wounds...what were you going to do?

You took a deep breath to reorganise your thoughts. Your office must be cleaned to the last blood drop. You need to take a shower and change your clothes. You would have to decide whether you want to just ignore about....five, no, six cases and let Nupto handle dealing with the archives for another Copt or you should deal with them yourself, you doubt the Abbtoir would have the files so you might want to visit the local Archival building for said files.

Alternatively, you could send someone with a well written letter stating that these files were lost in an accident. You would have to pay the Offisov involved in the matter though.

Well, if she wasn't guilty before, she is now by virtue of her actions.

Also, by Krucix, why don't we have a god damn interrogation room, I know it looks kickass to be some uniformed authoritarian sitting stoically behind your desk but incidents like these are why you don't do this with suspected criminals.

Who was this Giulla? A question that would be left unanswered for the time being.

Your injuries, you couldn't see them but you could feel their pain ebbing and crawling over your skin in a steady pace. You might be able to patch up yourself, however, a more professional doctor would be the better choice here.Unless one of your customers was a doctor, you would have to fetch someone from the hospital.

The Two Offisovi, they had saved your life but the older one had wasted a perfectly good body. Even if didn't intend to turn her into Metaskha, he had wasted potential opportunities for you. Their lax attitude toward the woman had caused all of this... should you reward them or punish them instead?

what about the body itself? The bullet had rendered it unfit for public consumption, only beasts could have her. What were you saying? The evidence ( which was ruined by the by during the carnage) had been tampered with suggesting that Yrsa was indeed innocent. She deserved a proper burial but not until the church would approve of it first. This would never happen unless she was proven not to be a heretic. This was going to be a pain in the neck.

When making a choice, please make sure there are no conflicts especially when it comes to time. Remember to specify the order of events with x is after y and so on. Some choices can happen simultaneously by the way. Feel free to ask me anything.

Blood and Muck
> Take a bath, change your clothes ( 30 mins)
> Have this Lady Daqlief assist you in your bath ( 20 mins)
> Just rinse yourself and change your clothes ( 5 mins)

> Call Ivann to clean it ( 30 mins)
> Only remove the body, the Janitor can deal with your bloody office after you are not here

>Ignore them, they are superficial at best.
> This is a learning opportunity, patch yourself up ( 10-20 mins)
> Bring any qualified doctor from outside to aid you, pray your savoir isn't from one of the two families(15-25 mins)
>Request professional help ( 30-50 mins)

Bloody case files.
> Ignore them completely. You had better things to do
> Ask Nupto to deal with them
>Go to the Archives for a copy ( 60 mins)
> Send an Offisov with your request instead ( 5 mins, 200₩)
> Other

Yrsa's body
> For the beasts she will go.
> Dispose of her body.
> No one needs to know of what had happened here... She will be turned to Metaskha
> Send her body to the church, they will know what to do with her.
> Keep her body here for now. You must prove that someone had set her up first.

> Send them a letter to inform them of what had occurred with a promise to personally investigate further
> Drop this nonsense, you neither have the time nor the resources to start an investigation. It won't bring her back.

Younger/Older Offisov
>Reward ( specify)
>Punish (specify)

If there is any time in this period
> Continue as usual
> Stop working to soothe yourself
> Take the day off? You might be able to do so given the current circumstances.
Common sense in MY quest? Impossible! The butchering area can be used for interrogation, I suppose.
>Reward ( specify)
Ask what they want.
>Keep her body here for now. You must prove that someone had set her up first.
>Ask Nupto to deal with them
>Call Ivann to clean it ( 30 mins)
>Request professional help ( 30-50 mins)
>Take a bath, change your clothes ( 30 mins)
>Send them a letter to inform them of what had occurred with a promise to personally investigate further
> Continue as usual
>Have this Lady Daqlief assist you in your bath ( 20 mins)
> Only remove the body, the Janitor can deal with your bloody office after you are not here
> This is a learning opportunity, patch yourself up ( 10-20 mins)
> Send an Offisov with your request instead ( 5 mins, 200₩)
> No one needs to know of what had happened here... She will be turned to Metaskha
> Drop this nonsense, you neither have the time nor the resources to start an investigation. It won't bring her back.
> Continue as usual

>Reward (a letter of recommendation)
Younger/Older Offisov
>Reward both (Verbal praise for saving our life and their good aim, 200 Wez for the older guard, 300 for the younger because he'll need the money for his injury)
>Punish the older guard (a light chiding for killing her, the church wanted her executed in ceremonious way and restraining her may have gone easier if they had both attempted it instead of be disunited, she was only a middle aged woman after all, armed or not)

Bloody case files.
> Ask Nupto to deal with them

We should be able to trust him now, given what we did for him and what we sacrificed.

> Have this Lady Daqlief assist you in your bath ( 20 mins)
> This is a learning opportunity, patch yourself up ( 10-20 mins) Do this at the same time as bathing or just after we wash our injured arm.

Our Akademia is decent, we just suffered a few cuts with a letter opener, so it shouldn't be lethal as long as no arteries or huge veins were cut.

> Send her body to the church, they will know what to do with her.
> Drop this nonsense, you neither have the time nor the resources to start an investigation. It won't bring her back.

I don't give a shit if she wasn't guilty anymore, she proved to be a wannabe murderer anyways and so she can rot in hell. Besides, our younger sisters life kind of rests on us not disputing her.

> Call Ivann to clean it ( 30 mins)

> Continue as usual
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Rolling, I will update in a few hours or when I wake up so if anyone want to change his mind, you got plenty of time
Supporting this
30 mins
1271 ₩

First things first, you had rewarded the two Offisovi for their quick thinking and action. Both of them would appreciate a couple days worth of Wez. You wouldn't be standing relatively safe and sound were it not for them. You did scold the older one for resorting to lethal force so quickly.

".... everyone will be properly shackled next time they enter my office, no exceptions."

" Yes, Inspekktar." The duo answered in unison just in time for a squad of ironclads to barge into your office, spearheaded by Nupto who was expecting the worst. You gave them the shorter version without putting your savoirs in too much trouble.

" What a bloody mess..." The pale one spat on the corpse " I lost too many Inspekktars this way, never underestimate the bastards' will to survive. No, the files..."

" Actually..." You took this chance to forward your request. Perhaps you and Nupto were lucky to have all the apology letters unscathed. You really ought to sign them before another disaster would struck.

" Consider it done. " That was exactly what you wanted to hear " What of the body, Inspekktar?"

" To the church, she will go. Oww..." The pain was spreading all over your arms.

" Do you want me to-"

" No need, no need. Just....I want the new case files to arrive by tomorrow if that is possible."

" Understood." The Albedomorian nodded before departing leaving Maedaline to handle all the nightmarish paperwork following this incident.

You needed not to call the Janitor, Ivann had a small arsenal of buckets and mops at the ready. He immediately began to work while you retreated to your sweet scented haven.


Lady Daqlief had already prepared your bath by the time yo- Krucix's beard!

That woman was massive! This towering figure was almost the same size as Nupto. You certainly didn't expect her to sneak up on you like so. DLayers and layers of toned Metaskha without a hint of unwanted fat...oh, what were you thinking? Focus.

Why did she wear a small chalkboard around her neck? She already began to write something.

' A rough day at work? Let me melt your woes away, my child.'

" I am not a-urgh, you will address me as an...Inspekktar?" The woman had opened her mouth revealing a dark void without its usual inhabitant.

Lady Daqlief had no tongue. It was severed judging by your first glance. Was it a crime or something else like a disease? Why was she so relaxed? Was seeing someone drenched in blood a normal occurrence to her? Could her burly hands provide much needed comfort?

' Do not tally now. Let's begin.' You couldn't help but to feel... intimidated by her presence as if she was going to snap you in half. There was a mountain in Hosvasia where giant like men and women hail from, its name was on the tip of your tongue, what was it?

This little distraction didn't last long as Lady Daqlief tapped twice on her chalkboard waiting for an answer. It has been... years since anyone had seen you in such a bare state. You were undoubtedly shy from allowing a complete stranger to undress and bathe you. There was nothing with that, both of you were grown women, you were no longer a child. You could do it....

> Allow Lady Daqlief to assist you.
> This is too embarrassing, politely kick her out.
* do not tarry now
I sleep, goodnight anons.
>Allow Lady Daqlief to assist you.
>This is too embarrassing, politely kick her out.
>> Allow Lady Daqlief to assist you.

We're going to need a new thread very soon chief
> Allow Lady Daqlief to assist you.

Don't be shy now, we are injured, it'll impair our washing and strain our cuts to be too vigorous ourselves.

I suppose I should start a new thread. It will happen sometime this week. In the meantime, I would appreciate to have some feedback from you anons. How do you feel about the quest? What do you like/dislike? Etc...
We don't get much time spent with our famizit or free time to spent, in out of character sense we are spending most of our time in the "gameplay" sections during our job and not much time developing our relationships or doing things that could make our life/job easier with our freetime or otherwise expressing or exploring our character's internal beliefs and habits or just aspects of their life outside of work or our personality.

I mean to say that the job sections are very long and from memory it feels like the time we spend with our family or chatting with people is like a single posts worth of time. In regards to player/character expression, I will acknowledge that we do get a lot of chances to define our character through our job and the choices we make, I just feel there is an imbalance in regards to how much time is spent on which sections.

A glossary of things we already know about the world would help, both terminology and stuff that our character knows but that we don't that would take up update time/space to expound on when it suddenly becomes relevant, which makes judgements about what we can get away with or what we ought to do depending on whether we value our survival or morality or a specific political objective more. There have been some things that I've forgotten almost entirely until brought up, I forgot about the fact that only Holy Mothers and Inspekktars have the legal power to cleanse Metaskha until w1rwv anon did that write in for example.

I'd need to play the game more and go back and reread and review the job sections we've experienced so far to properly form an opinion on how I feel about the job sections so far.

One thing thing that initially put me off but now I'm not sure how I feel about is that investigating and summoning people seemed pointless because of the summaries, the times we were offered major benefits or were outright order to do a specific thing combined with how oppressive our country seems to be.

With this case it seems like summoning her and investigating was worthwhile if we wanted to go down that path and play our character as caring about the Truth, which is why my opinion changed.

I guess what I'm getting at is that while it makes sense, I don't like it that so many of our early choices (from my recollection) seemed pointless and time wastey, it made me think "why put a choice there", sure there was some disagreement with the choice, but I often felt like there was a clear more beneficial choice or one that needed no expounding on and that we had been order to do, like with the guy who did stuff for our country and wanted to be turned into meat but had parasites and diseases or something, it seemed like turning him into metaskha was the right choice given summoning him or investigating wastes time so we could've just skipped to the choice about how much to examine him.

I'd like it if more choices were like this last case, where there is reason to investigate and-1/2
-summon, where there is room for character expression through choice and the possibility that our character may be doing certain things for various selfish or moral internal reasons, and where there are different benefits and consequences for doing one thing or another, etc, etc, I had more to say but suddenly forgot.

I similarly wish for different benefits and consequences with what to do with people, (executing them, turning them into meat, sending them to the mines or to be a sex slave, etc) more often than currently. There should be a competition between choices, between things like doing whatever would cause the least suffering for the subject in the case that we sympathize with them, between our sense of justice, between our sadism or annoyance at the case, between different parties threatening us or offering us rewards, etc, etc. When there is only one factor at play and that is someone who outranks us ordering us to do something or someone offering a reward that we are probably going to take anyway given most of the choices are some form of death or assignment to a fate worse than death except for when we have sparing slips so the choice seems like a no-brainer given we are fucking them in some regard anyway then that doesn't feel like a very interesting choice.

There is that one anon that seems less sociopathic than me, for them I'm sure there is always a choice to try and do good regardless of the consequences to us, but for me it makes the choice just less interesting when the case is uncomplicated aside from a superior demanding we do something lest we suffer the same fate as the starting MC or a bribe we can take with no consequence or interesting alternative. This and many of the other things I mentioned isn't helped by the fact that we get one update per day, making this proceduralism gameplay format more than occasionally boring.

I understand that for reasons of verisimilitude not every case file can be super interesting or always bring the consequences of our prior actions to a head and that we should reasonably expect to get various cases that reflect the normal circumstances of who would pass through our office everyday or to get cases that expound on and explore the setting while not being super out there, but while the writing is good and the setting interesting, I'm not always super engaged with the choices.

None of this is to say I dislike the quest, nor do I necessarily mean I want the game to be harder despite wanting more complexity in the cases, though it will probably have to be harder slightly to some degree if you do add more complex cases. I feel the weight of the potential consequences is high enough, so some leeway is fine, though perhaps the perceived difficulty is simply the atmosphere of the setting and the fact that the first MC died immediately.

I had more to say but can't remember. Looking forward to the next thread. 2/2
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It's a fantastic quest and you're doing great. Don't change a thing.
We should get more opportunities to chop up beautiful young ones like Fernsa and the chance to adopt other family members we didn't pick during character creation to our famizit
Thank you for this long and thoughtful post, I will dissect it bit by bit in my post.

> Famizit
We are in our second day of the job so this is hardly the indicative of the final product. We come back home late at night ( to the younger siblings at least) so both sides are spent. This however will change when we are not working... that single day of the week will probably be reserved for our Famizit. More light will be shed on both us and our siblings as a person. Also take in mind that most of my posts are +3k so at the end of the day, I would prefer to just skip over the next day to speed up the already snail ( heh) pace of the quest.

> Made up snail words
I am avoiding posting my twitter/ discord as well as linking as pastebin or some such to keep all the discussion of the quest here. Making and updating a file full of terms would be taxing on me since I don't want to get burnt out. This extra work would be convenient but as lame as this sounds, you just have to ask me what is x or y during your choice. I will be very happy to answer your questions. There is no rush while voting anyways since I take 1-2 days to update.

> Summoning / investigation are useless
I wouldn't have put them as an integral part of the quest if they were just useless. Summoning is for comparing what is on paper to the real deal and filling the gaps if they existed. Talking to people can affect our choices so you can't fully rely on the case files alone.

Investigation on the other hand is another tool at your disposal adding an extra layer of immersion to our job. We are a judge in our office, we are supposed to be thorough and inquisitive. Field investigation is extra work that might open a lot of options for us. Both Field investigation and cases like sprout are also meant to break the monotony of our dull work allowing me to describe the world outside of the Abbtoir.

> Pointless choices

This can be on me sometimes since I seldom put filler choices like the bath one. Otherwise, I would have to write +10k multi post update for a meaningful choice. Keep in mind that I am phoneposting which is literal torture after an hour of constant tapping.

> Meaningful consequences
I put so much detail in this department and I am not taking about the potential rewards of x or y.

Let's take a very normal case for an example. No favors or behind the scenes plots or anything. What are our choices?

- Metaskha: The most obvious one, we make our customers happy improving our reputation, make some Wez or take slice or two for our Famizit. If we had a pinch of Alkemical talent, we would harvest ingredients for our creations. The state would be pleased from a regular flow of Wez too.

-Execute : One of our last options to consider, maybe this isn't about Wez or Metaskha anymore. Perhaps this person must eat lead for one reason to another. Maybe we don't have a Sparing slip and he/she isn't fit for public consumption or maybe you wanted to spare them from the slavery be it for labour or pleasure. A failsafe option with many implications.

-Doslo and Vixenisky: Both of them provide you with a lot of Wez in a pinch without going through the whole process of sampling, butchering....etc. Antaar is a good business partner, you are one of his lifelines so it is very unlikely that he will swindle you. The Obvious drawback here is our blemished moral compass after sending people to a fate worse then death no matter how many times he tries to sugar-coat it.

- Sparing slip. The morally correct choice for a LOT of cases because as you might have seen, while the state claims to be free of corruption, it is rotten to the core. Many innocents are rounded up with the guilty including children. Still, we are buying slips from our pocket. Don't forget that each slip means one less body to be processed or to be appraised. It is a net loss financially speaking.

-Adoption, the wild card of the quest. This one time choice opens many avenues for us. I will admit, it would be funny to adopt a serial killer or a depraved person ( please don't do that).

One final note about consequences: there are a couple of them already brewing the background. I trust you know the ones that I am talking about, they can't just happen straight away like a cheap magic trick. Be patient.

>uno update per day
That's the best I could do honestly. I am very busy with my work and as you can tell, I take my time to post a meaty update for you to chew in. I prefer one big quality update over low quality update(S)

> Spicy cases.
If I made every single case unique and interesting, they will all be dull. I try to change the variety not the level of ebin-ness. There has to be some mundane cases here and there to make it a bit more realistic.

> Harder quests
Ask most of my players across the years: what is the most prominent feature in all of my quests, they would say unforgiving difficulty ( and poor grammar/ weird structures but that is not the point)

The death of the first MC was to set a tone for the setting. A brutal, overpopulated world plunged into conflict , lives are as valuable as dirt... only the strong shall prevail crushing the weak under his boots. Fucking around would result in a game over. No plot armour for us or anything. Believe you me, The quest was supposed to be even harder, I have scrapped a lot of ideas and mechanics for your leisure like cell capacity with limited number of prisoners or managing the financial nightmare of the Abbtoir...etc.

We are already juggling a lot professions and responsibilities, no need to bloat them even further. I will occasionally try to inject some goodies in the quest so my players won't get too frustrated like the gift from our brother.

I hope I had answered most of your questions, anon. Again, thank you for taking your time to write all of this

Thank you banon, you are too kind.

I hope I am not fueling any peculiar tastes for my players. If that is the case then this wasn't my intention. I rarely describe anything graphic preferring the secret art of >implying for a more tasteful narrative experience. This is blue board 4chin(nel) not Akun.
* anon
Well ,the chance for adoption is always open but only for future cases sadly.
Your welcome.

>It's the second day.
Of course, I understand that. I am just giving feedback on what has occurred so far given that is all I have to review. Taking time to spend more time with free time or our famizit would just eat up more word count and time better spent on getting on with the game given the number of updates we get in a day.

Okay, that is fine, I wasn't asking for a twitter/discord anyways and prefer it if there wasn't one involved. The reason I ask for a glossary is because it can be annoying to scroll through and find the explanation I'm looking for rather than just have it all in one place without all our votes or miscellaneous info in the way.

Also, I should've emphasized this, but I don't need help knowing what Inspekktar or Famizit mean unless there are linguistic nuances that hold some hidden cultural meaning that make the words mean something other than inspector and family. What mean is there are setting specific words or relations that I'd like to all be in one convenient place if it is knowledge we already know, stuff like what we know about easternii and all the other "cardinal directioniis" or various expectations put on us or knowledge of various institutions or cultural norms in our country.

>Summoning/investigation and pointless choices
To me these are related, I should be more clear. I'd have to go back to make sure this is a valid criticism of mine but I feel like there have been enough cases where upon investigation/summoning the person is as described or where there is pressures from a superior or a benefit offered to where the choice of whether to investigate/summon them or on where to summon them may as well be an uncomplicated choices and hence to me kinda pointless. Something that could be described as us dealing with throughout the day as our work day passes but not something that warrants a choice given it takes up our update for the day.

Whereas the latest case or the Sprout case, or our examination of Zeviktry and - okay, I'm kind of doing this stream of conscious-ly, forget everything I just wrote under this greentext section, just finished skimming back over the older cases and no longer hold this criticism as much, I'm just keeping it in for my thought process -...
I too enjoy torturing our victims.
WAIT, I take that back. I want to clarify that despite my prior two posts, I do not find the method of "disposal" of cases to be meaningless usually - it is investigation/summoning I have this issue with more - except in cases where our superior demands us to do things a certain way or some party offers us a clear benefit with the only downside is that the subject would suffer more than they perhaps deserve, given the financial pressures we suffer and the corrupt society. I see the point in investigation and summoning, I just don't think there was a strong enough prompt often enough to warrant doing so before this latest case. Or put slightly differently, the overview in the case files I find to be usually sufficient in normal cases given a wide latitude for what constitutes "normal", hence why I think it could be auto-piloted and described until we get to a more complicated case.

>Spicy cases
I guess we'll have to disagree then, I don't dislike reading them - the mundane cases that is - or knowing what is normal, I just think certain steps and choices can be skipped and described according to what our MC finds most appropriate in the same way that QMs skip making what you have for breakfast a choice.

>Harder cases
I don't necessarily want it to be easier or harder, nor do I mind if it were. I'd just like it if they were more frequently complex in a way that made the investigate/summon/consult more worthy of doing more often, and with complexity comes an unavoidable degree of difficulty.

When I seemingly contradict myself at the end of the pair of posts yesterday, I mean I want the complexity but still want the difficulty curve to be balanced to be palatable, I don't mind if it is harder as that is unavoidable, I just want to avoid abrupt difficulty spikes and the consequences being constantly severe while still having interesting enough choices to consider or put slightly differently, I want the "normal" cases to be more complex but not so complex that failure would in involve a superior shooting us for failing to navigate well or so complex that the time pressure and financial inputs needed goes out of control. Yes, there may be some "I want things two ways" going on with me, but I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.

>sadism posting
Not addressed to me, but lets be real, this quest is gonna have half the board's sadists jacking off to it, you are absolutely fueling it.
I will take what you said into consideration. Thank you anon.

> sadism posting
Well, rip. It is unavoidable. All is ask from you ( >>5302210 , >>5301582 ) is not to be too honest about what you want or we might have the mods delete some posts or even the whole thread.

It did happen before with a similar situation where I found about 30 posts of mine just gone to the void. This would be too frustrating to deal with my dudes.

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