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Aight guys so my last quest is pretty fuckin dead so forgive me if I want to something different Here's the thing: I'll be hosting a multiplayer battle royale that everyone will be free to join at any given time. And it will happen in Buenos Aires because a) I'm tired of looking for maps and b) cause I used to live there myself.

So welcome to Meguca Royale and enjoy the RNG.
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How to Join:
-Fill in your post with the following stuff:
--Description: Appearance, pic, whatever, write backstory if you feel like it but make it short mah negus. Non mandatory.
--Home District: Part of the map where your home is located, both letter and number.
--Wish: You can ask for any wish so long as it isn't more wishes and you don't go full apeshit. This will both affect the context of the game AND, most importantly, will determine the nature of your magical powers (Note: Some powers are bound to be better than others. Life is not fair- but making a functional bike out of lego blocks is much more meaningful than inheriting a lamborguini from your oil tycoon grandfather.)
and finally
--Stats: These determine how much and how do you roll for each kind of situation. We use these:
Power: How strong the guca power is. Affects the odds of your personal magic working as intended. You may want to shoot a big bullet at something or brainwash someone into getting an actual job, but given the nature of magic there's not much telling how this bullshit could backfire.

Dexterity: How fast the guca is. Affects the odds of your guca getting from point any A to any point B in the map without interruption. All megucas share the same max speed if we don't take powers into account, but some make better use of it than others. Great for running the fuck away.

Constitution: How tough the guca is. Affects your saving rolls in case you did not actually get away and instead got smashed or nuked or stabbed. Mainly, it affects how likely it is to get a straight shot to your Soul Gem- which would, nine times out of ten, instantly kill you.

Mind: How tough the mind of the guca is. Affects how you deal with all kind of psychological stuff, which in turn affects your mood, which in turn affects your Soul Gem, which in turn, eventually, transforms you into a Witch no matter how strong you are. Not the fanciest stat, but oh boy think about it.

Charisma: How good the guca is with other people. Affects your social capabilties. Just think about it: anything related to interacting with other people without stabbing them with a nunchaku spear is dominated by this stat. Making friends both helps your mood and motivation and can give you some backup, so it never hurts to smile a bit.

Intelligence: How smart your guca is. The most complex stat. Basically, it's the capability of successfully getting away with shit that's really out of the book. If you can imagine something weird and you want to make it happen, you will roll this. Very adaptable stat, provided you've got the imagination to exploit it.

Wisdom: How wise your guca is. Affects your perception and tracking capabilities. Sometimes you won't notice things even if they are right in front of your nose, and even if you've arrived at the location that the Witch is haunting you may not actually spot it in time until its too late. Basically, Wisdom is about seeing the punches when they are coming- and that sweet, sweet initiative.

Thing is like this: Your character starts with all stats in the same level, but you can upgrade some at the cost of others up to three times in total. Stat level works like this:

-Extreme: You roll four dies. Take highest.
-Very Strong: You roll three dies. Take highest.
-Strong: You roll two dies. Take highest.
-Normal: You roll one die.
-Weak: You roll two dies. Take lowest.
-Very Weak: You roll three dies. Take lowest.
-Anti-Extreme: You roll four dies. Take lowest.

If you want to upgrade Wisdom three times, for example, then you will have to downgrade three other stats to compensate.
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How to Play:

-Every character has both a Health and Desperation gauges.
--The Health gauge is small but regenerates quickly. It determines your physical condition. It goes to 0 during a fight then you get knocked out, if it goes into the negatives you will spend time in a come, if it goes too much into the negatives then you are pretty much dead (and if you have the rotten luck of getting a crit right into your soul gem then nothing will save you from instant death).
--The Desperation gauge is a reflection of your mental condition. It's long, but it doesn't regenerate, and the only way to replenish it is with the Grief Seeds that spawn after a Witch is defeated. It goes down a bit every day depending on your current mental status, and it can go down even further every day if bad things happen to you. Basically, if you aren't happy, your Soul Gem gets darker faster, and if you are, you can stall for quite a bit (and if gets to 0, you turn into a Witch that other players can kill for a yummy Grief Seed).

-Every turn is a day. Every day has four phases. These are: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night.
--At the beginning of each phase:
---the current status of each meguca playing is displayed.
---there is a roll for Witch activity which determines if they spawn, where, and how strong they are.
---there is a random event roll for each player which determines if the event they get is positive, negative, which stats are involved, and the intensity involved.
----There is a very important Golden Rule to be taken into account for these random events: if you can find a way to use another of your character stats to solve them and it's not too batshit crazy unless your Intelligence is high enough, it will be considered.

Everyone knows the are in which Witches are and everyone knows the area in which each other player is currently located - but not the specific location. Every player and character is aware of the macro, but not the micro, and you have to roll for it.

And that's it. I will give you guys the details once and if we get enough players to get the ball rolling. If this sinks like the motherfucking Titanic then I will be glad I tried because each man has to fight for what he loves, and I love megucas, and I love suffering.
Sounds fun! Pardon my stupidity, but is there any chance you could post a sample character just so I can get a feel for the finished product?
Also do we get one action per day, or one action per phase?
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And there-s one tiny little item I forgot to mention: using your magical powers drains your Soul Gem.

Name: Kaname Madoka
Description: Pink hair, kinda goofy, very kind. Loves her family and friends.
Home District: 3a
Wish: A big cake.

Power: Extreme
Dexterity: Weak
Constitution: Normal
Mind: Weak
Charisma: Normal
Intelligence: Weak
Wisdom: Normal

As for the actions, it's one per phase. I'd go further into the details but I should have been sleeping five hours ago and I'm never ever doing this again. I'll go to sleep and check this again tomorrow.
Name: Jimena Giménez
Description: Short, brunette. Very clumsy, goldfish attention span.
Home District: 2b
Wish: To be able to eat her own ass.

Power: Very Strong
Dexterity: Anti-Extreme
Constitution: Strong
Mind: Strong
Charisma: Strong
Intelligence: Strong
Wisdom: Anti-Extreme
Name: Erika Kruppman
Description: Tall, Blonde, know-it-all nerd, awkward, idealist, tries to be kind, control freak, loves her grandpa(don't ask about his youth).
Home District: 11e
Wish: To know all that can be known.

Power: Normal
Dexterity:Very Strong
Constitution: Weak
Mind: Strong
Charisma: Anti-Extreme
Intelligence: Extreme
Wisdom: Normal
I'll try it. Pardon my lack of magical girl knowledge, but what's the age range?

Name: Emma Imeredala
Description: TBD
Home District: 4a
Wish: A large and happy family.


Power: Weak
Dexterity: Weak
Constitution: Normal
Mind: Strong
Charisma: Strong
Intelligence: Strong
Wisdom: Weak
Name: Lucinda Newhorn
Description: 5ft10, Pragmatist, Blonde, Free spirited, Stubborn.
Home District: 17c
Wish: Freedom.

Power: Extreme
Dexterity: Normal
Constitution: Strong
Mind: Normal
Charisma: Anti-Extreme
Intelligence: Weak
Wisdom: Normal

This looks fun, I think I will give it a try!
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>Thing is like this: Your character starts with all stats in the same level, but you can upgrade some at the cost of others up to three times in total.

oh lawl guys you could only do stat swap three times in total, but I guess that considering how many people did swap more than thrice then odds are the fuckup is on me- should have made it more clear. But yknowwhat don't change anything desu I think it will be fun to run win your goofy-ass menheras, leave them like that, they are perfect

>Pardon my lack of magical girl knowledge, but what's the age range?
11 to 19 years, usually; making it to 20 is a freak fucking miracle considering your average meguca lasts 3 years /at most/.

Aight we'll go into the current wishes first while we wait a bit more, then I'll get dinner, then we PRESS A TO START.

Jimena Gimenez:

Her Profile:

Short, clumsy brunette that can't stay in the same topic for more than one sentence, and only provided that this once sentence isn't particularly long. That being said, put a magnifying glass under the sun and you get a death beam, and that's how most people that enjoy taking advantage of her on the daily end up losing twice as much when they stick around for too long.

-She is very powerful.
-She is slow as a sloth after being punched in the face repeatedly.
-Jimena's resilience buys her enough time to notice where the punches are actually coming from.
-Once the information finally crash-lands into her brain Jimena is perfectly capable of making sense out of it, seeing gray instead of black and white.
-Actually very funny to be around. Likes to pretend to be even dumber than she is to make people feel safe. The difference is slight.
-Capable at manipulating data and twisting the big picture into something that suits her.
-Last time, she took exactly five seconds and fifty milliseconds to greet someone back. The girl in question was right in front of her face with a timekeeper, which she thought was the latest cellphone.

Her Wish:

When confronted for Kyubey, and after careful consideration, Jimena requested to be able to eat her own ass. This prompted the cat/weasel/whatever to repeat its question five more times, yet when the answer remained the same it granted it almost out of spite. We'll never know, cause it always keeps the same face.

-Jimena's Magical Weapon is the a whip with a hand at the end. It's very flexible, has long range, allows for some crazy-ass acrobatics, but only does damage through sheer slapping power.

-Jimena's Magical Clothes are brown themed like automn leaves and liquid diarrea shit and follow a [b[sporty pattern.

-Jimena's power is /extended flexibility/. She is able to extend any of her body parts at will. Properly used, this allows for both her constitution and dexterity to shine way over the usual limit. And yes: Jimena can eat her own ass.
She's all I wanted and more, thank you QM.
Emma's Description: Average height, 17, not a complete social wreck, owing to the fact she got roped in at an older age than most. A well developed figure does add some padding to hits, but she isn't the strongest or most agile, and despite her wish to be like the other strong motherly women of her family, she lacks a lot of general wisdom, be it street smarts or general adulting.
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Erika currently has two extra stat points. Calm her down a lil bit and we'll let her roll in the dirt with the rest.

Emma Imeredala:

Her Profile:

Emma grew a bit faster than most- at least physically. Can easily be considered a 'normie' by most standards, and most of her friends remain surprised that after digging into her the shoe still fits. This, while boring, does give her a particularly attractive aura- the aura of comfort, of cozyness and predictability. Not the sharpest tool in the box, but the scissor that your grandmother's been using on and on already for a few decades.

-Emma isn't the strongest. Sometimes you don't need to be; we all shine somehow, and battles can be won in more ways than one.
-She is also not that fast. The fight or flee instinct isn't that good on this one, so she may need a third choice.
-At least she can take a punch.
-That being said, her mind is sharp and guilt hardly sticks for long.
-And she's quite a bit more social than average. To be able to smile is often an underestimated skill.
-Can make shit out of dust when it counts.
-Yet her wisdom /is/ somewhat lacking. Perceiving things around you is the first step to accurately judging them. A stray hair in a murder scene does matter.

Her Wish:

When confronted for Kyubey, , Emma asked for a large and happy family. A deceptively complex wish given that almost any family you'll ever meet ends up falling apart with time one way or the other, but the fucker did deliver. What happened was simple enough to be considered coincidence and not magic: her parents adopted the stray child a a drug-addict aunt, which prompted her to get her shit together, which brought her back to the family, which then netted her another husband, who had five kids and two girls, and one of those girls was from another woman who was absorbed into the family by your very own mother and-
Let's just say that there is plenty of conflict and in-fighting in Emma's family now, but an equal amount of shutting the fuck up and trying to fix things.

-Emma's Magical Weapon is the a two-handed scepter, way too big for her, that has a big jewel at the end. It's very hard to handle and Emma herself /is/ pretty clumsy, so she often uses it like a baseball bat to reflect big hits when she sees them coming from afar.

-Emma's Magical Clothes are a harmony of both blue and red that represent the balance of peace and conflict that keeps a family together. She wears a crown- her clothes follow a kingsly pattern.

-Emma's power is /unity/. She has the capability to change the goals of individuals. This has one very importante caveat to be taken into account: once a goal has been chosen, it can only be changed through direct conflict. Stubborness can be a deadly thing.
Interesting power. The rest is great, but this one will need some experimentation to get right. Also, is the first goal change a freebie or not? If Emma changes someone's goal once, is conflict needed, or is it just if she wishes to change it several times?
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Lucinda Newhorn:

Her Profile:

Sadly enough, it doesn't take to many braincells to figure out that we all are slaves in one giant prison. If you don't work, you don't eat; if you don't eat, you die. If you don't work, you die- and Lucinda Newhorn pieced this together much faster than most. The reality of the bigger picture was made all the more apparent by the smaller picture she was made to fit into: overly conservative parents, an almost rich family, traditions, studies, serious dinners, studies, piano classes, studies, forced friendships with kids from select families, studies-
That one time she got yelled at for coming back home laughing after slipping into mud made it perfectly clear that her family wanted to be "Respected". Which she found endlessly amusing when she found out one of her classmates, an actually very rich girl, picking her nose in the middle of class.

-Either all that retardedly strict discipline and scolding actually works or Lucinda is a natural born prodigy, because she IS strong, mother of fuck, she IS strong.
-Elegantly going from point A to point B to nuke point B into points B1, B2, and B3. No rush.
-Lucinda takes a lot of shit already. What's a tiny bit more?
-Having kept her sanity in check is her actual foremost archievement, shadowed by her power.
-But this steely resolve has a price too. Lucinda, no questions asked, absolutely fucking loathes every other living being. It was only though sheer rage and hate that she made it this far, after all. But who knows.
-Memorizing things doesn't make you smarter, a fact that Lucinda hates almost more than everyone else.
-Yet her clarity is good enough. Maybe if it was lower she'd be happier. Who knows.

Her Wish:

When confronted for Kyubey, , Lucinda asked for [freedom]. This confused the absolutely benign feline: freedom from what? From the Incubator's purely pragmatic perspective, Lucinda was already free to do with her circumstances as she saw fit. Accepting that maybe the true meaning of her wish was beyond its understanding, Kyubey granted it, and only one thing changed: Lucinda stopped caring about what other people think.

-Lucinda's Magical Weapon is an extremely big crossbow that can turn into a scythe. She can handle it with comical ease, but with no hesitation where there maybe should be some.

-Lucinda's Magical Clothes are completely white, so white that the foldings cannot be seen from afar. Her clothes are assymetric and resemble nothing- like her very own unknown wishes, the clothes follow no theme or pattern.

-Lucinda's power is /intangibility/. She can temporarily ignore reality. The only way to be free from this world is to not let it affect you. However, the world is also where you rest your feet, what keeps you standing, so becoming free from it and going to live into the wild may be dangerous.
This power has a major caveat: it physically wounds her whenever she stops using it. The longer she stays, the more it will hurt.
god dammit I wrote "when confronted for kyubey" instead of "when confronted by kyubey" like ten million times in a row. OH WELL

Emma can make someone want to do something that she wants to do. The first goal change is a freebie, each time after that one will require the individual to be convinced to change its goal. If you brainwash someone into following a cult, you'll have to re-brainwash it again if you want it back to normal.
I'm only dropping into this thread to post this classic yet relevant clip, because Buenos Aires.
Thanks anon, I'll do my part.
Arigato QM, I'm looking forward to this.

I like the caveat of the /intangibility/, if I understand it right, when the ability is used for a duration of time Lucinda can become basically like a ghost and move through walls and shit like that, until the ability is deactivated, at which point an amount of damage relative to the duration of time spent using the ability is equated physically damaging her body.

One slight question though, when Lucinda uses her power, can she fly?
And is she invisible when she uses it? or merely transparent?
Got it!
And yes, we kinda have to, says so in the contract I think? (Never went that far into Madoka Magica)
Ok, then lessen her Dexterity and Intelligence by one each.
I'm this guy >>5493071, I forgot to say.
Oh fuck, this blew up after I went to bed! Here goes... also thanks for the example char, OP!

Name: Rita Hammerhead
Description: Bad posture, constant bedhead, can autistically recite obscure video game trivia, but is pretty stupid otherwise. Searches convenience store dumpsters for free 'goodies'. Only eats sugary crap and hard seltzers. Lives in the attic of her mom and pop's failing Gelato bar.
Home District: 15b!
Wish: A polished, non-emulated port of the Clover beat-em-up classic God Hand... o-or her own water park. Can... can she have two wishes, creepy animal thi-oh okay then just stick with the VERY OWN WATER PARK then. Darn.

Power: Very Strong
Dexterity: Normal
Constitution: Very Strong
Mind: Weak
Charisma: Weak
Intelligence: Weak
Wisdom: Weak
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Erika Kruppman:

Her Profile:

To live is to be uncertain. A very very... very young Erika decided that books would make life less uncertain, and at least for most of her childhood reality decided to prove her right. Nothing changed when the books became plastered on a screen: Erika kept hoarding data like a dragon. One day, too late, she realized that in trying so hard to be ready for life she forgot to actually live it- the millisecond she stepped on a classroom.
Playing life like chess can be pretty hard. In chess, you know the pieces and where they are; in life, they keep flying at you out of nowhere. A stern, poker face may keep you safe, but also stuck. Erika may have become the school's ace and student council president without even realizing, but something as simple as making a friend simply escapes her.

-Your average meguca power level.
-Erika is pretty fast. Given that her power is average, the almost magical power of getting the fuck out both suits and balances her.
-Then again, she may really need that power, because her bookworm constitution isn't exactly the greatest.
-Guilt and regret always come with loneliness, and you either learn to deal with them or you punch someone in the dick. Erika managed the former which, given her nature, is actually quite nice.
-There is kindness in honesty, but... let me put it this way. Drinking water is nice for you. Drinking five whole bottles in one sitting? Now we are not so sure. Erika sees beauty in objectivity and pragmatism, and often wonders why people run away crying when she's just trying to help. When it happens, not even the teachers dare to scold her.
-She won't be working at NASA, but... no, there's no way to be sure. Erika is smart. Erika is seriously smart. Not absurdly smart, not comically smart, but seriously smart? I can give her that.
-When it comes to people, she knows what to say and when to say it- she just doesn't know how. When it comes to everything else, Erika is pretty level headed.

Her Wish:

When confronted by Kyubey, Erika asked to know all that can be known. Kyubey straight up told her that it would kill her. Stubborn to the end, daring to believe that preparation is everything, she repeated her request. It didn't exactly kill her; but now everything looks familiar.

-Erika's Magical Weapon is a book that is also a shield. It has no other use than to block; this still baffles her. It is extremely inconvenient in that it cannot be used to hurt anything or anyone, but here's the thing: it bounces back /anything/.

-Erika's Magical Clothes is surprisingly similar to her school uniform, yet with the colors inverted; now the 'skirt' is white and the 'shirt' is blue. Upon closer inspection, however, it's trimming with bizarre little details. Ir follows a scholarly pattern.
-Erika's power is /omniscience/. She is aware of every single little detail in her proximity. Completely immune to surprises, Erika knows what or when in any given situation. This still doesn't help her make friends, but constantly being aware of every factor that surrounds her means that books are now and forever worthless to her- unless she likes the story.

Lucinda can phase away from reality, but think of it this way: when you go camping, you at least bring a tent and something to eat. If Lucinda phases out of reality completely then the movement and rotation of the planet will leave her behind as she would be stuck in a static spot in the universe, completely unafected by gravity. Absolute freedom of any sort would destroy her, and that's her theme. Therefore, she can 'free' herself from select factors that she can perceive, meaning all of her powers come from ignoring specific aspects of reality. If she's free from the wind, she can fly. If she's free from light, she won't be seen. Her powers do come with one seriously interesting clusterfuck of possibilities, but each of these come with the caveat of her body getting used to the lack of these factors.

Aight guys Rita's next and then I'm sticking with the gucas that we got until we can be sure that this shit is gonna work. I'll take my time trimming details just in case and then I'll give all you african american gentlements a demo of what each guca's magic can do just in case.
Ah, I think I have a better understanding now. Thank you for the in-depth explanation of the ability.
>This still doesn't help her make friends
Wonderful work, QM. This line in particular is exactly what I envisioned for her.
Also, I have a question. What constitutes Erika's proximity when it comes to /omniscience/? If she's in a classroom, is she aware of everything in that classroom or everything at the school? And if say, a hostile meguca tries to snipe her from a couple of kilometers away, does she become aware of the meguca or just that somebody is trying to shoot her?
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Rita Hammerhead:

Her Profile:

Yes, Hammerhead is her actual last name. Yes, it sounds exactly like that. Yes, it fits.
There is something to be said about the power of names- and it is that some people think they mean something. In time, Rita ended up thinking the same. It was freeing in a sense; now that everyone expected her to live up to her name and act like a complete fucking idiot, she could act like a complete fucking idiot to make everyone happy. No one would be able to tell that her intent was born purely out of the kindness of her wonderful heart nowadays, but she doesn't mind: after all, sugar is awesome.
Addicted to obscure video games, she lives up her parents and dumpster dives for sweets.

-Much more than meets the eye; Rita IS strong.
-Some say she would be slower if it wasn't for all that sugar.
-That being said, maybe Hammerhead was actually fitting from the start. She's stupid sturdy.
-Actually a bit self-conciouss despite everything. Maybe taking her name as an excuse wasn't the greatest idea.
-Whoever said women are elegant was long fucking dead before Rita laughed for a full minute with her mouth wide open during a dinner at her aunt's wedding because a cat didn't see the window.
-Knowing obscure video game lore doesn't make you smart.
-She often falls into the dumpsters she's scavenging for sweets that later don't let her sleep.

Her Wish:

When confronted by Kyubey, Rita asked for her very own water park. Kyubey commented that this was the most normal wish it received for a while, and how it made contrast with the wreck of a girl presented in front of it.
Yes; Rita has her very own water park. Yes, it is in the map. Yes, it is doing pretty well.
...also yes, she has to manage it.

-Rita's Magical Weapon is a rapier. The fancy, elegant nature of this weapon is another stark contrast to its very own. Or maybe it's not; maybe our true nature is not what society wills upon us.

-Rita's Magical Clothes are that of a princess wearing a breastplate. The structure of her armor resembles the stained glass in gothic cathedrals. It follows a knightly pattern.

-Rita's power is /unknown/.
This is good shit. I like where this quest is headed.
I couldn't be more happy with how it turned out, QM. Mad props. Is uh.... does the /unknown/ mean we're still working on it, or does that mean I whip something up?
Fuck it, let's see where this goes, if I'm not too late.
>NAME: Ace Oldem
>Description: Bright orange hair, shit-eating grin, obsessive gambler, smug to the core. Absolutely sees herself as better than the average person. Easily puntable (4'11"). Probably has a domineering streak. Looks/acts older than she is (14-15)
>Home District: 7d
>Wish: To control Luck and Fate itself, to become the most fortunate person imaginable.

Power: Weak (+1)
Dexterity: Normal
Constitution: Very Weak (+2)
Mind: Strong (-1)
Charisma: Strong (-1)
Intelligence: Strong (-1)
Wisdom: Normal
I am late but why not try soon il have more time anyways.

>Name: Rayna Falcone
>Description: Brash, hotheaded and somewhat clumsy. Made an deal with her parents to keep studying and they got her a motorcycle to use and work on. She is more interested on anything with motor than school but deal is a deal. With her lacking people skills she has few friends but not for lack of effort. Started meguca stuff later than usual for better for worse.
>Home District: 3A
>Wish: Power it makes the world turn and without it you won't be respected by others.

Power: Strong
Dexterity: Very strong
Constitution: Normal
Mind: Normal
Charisma: Weak
Intelligence: Very Weak
Wisdom: Normal
Oh dang, glad to see you went through with the Battle Royale even if the other quest died, OP. I was hoping the other would continue long enough for me to hop in, but was dead by the time I had some free time. Hope this one pans out well, I'm looking forward to it.

Got no idea about Buenos Aires, but looks like a lot of people are chilling by the coast.
Got any quick info spiels on the various regions, or is it kind of abstract and we won't worry which parts are residential/downtown/industrial/commercial/ect?
Well apparently there's a really neat WATER PARK in town... goes by the name of 'SEAnanigans' or so I've heard...
Well, for the hell of it, I'll throw out a submission too, to show off interest for the game, prove that /qst/ isn't dead, and to see how long the girl can last.

>Name: Fir Flores
>Description: Honestly one of the most normal people here. Other than a slightly atypical hair color compared to the norm, she doesn't have any particularly stand out qualities. Decent at school, decent at sports, has her own couple groups of friends that are all fairly mundane. Fir enjoys swimming, art, theater, bedazzling her phone, and trashy romance stories.
>Home Barrios: 13a (Yes, people point out her surname matches her Home Barrios)
>Wish: "Oh, a Wish? Hmmm, could I - actually - I don't really know what I'd want if I could have anything. Is- is that weird? I mean, I don't particularly need anything or want for anything. It's not like I'd want to rule the world or be immortal or anything crazy like that. I guess... it would be cool if I could make bubbles and sparkles appear whenever I want, you know!? Sorta like my japanese ani- I mean for practical theater effects!"

Everyone else is crazy extreme, so let's go the opposite extreme by being entirely not extreme.
Power: Normal
Dexterity: Normal
Constitution: Normal
Mind: Normal
Charisma: Normal
Intelligence: Normal
Wisdom: Normal
Usually seaside apartments tend to be more valuable and being near ocean is always plus. Also there are some industrial areas and possibly port Center is most likely most populated by civilians and in the edges there should be storage buildings and stores with some cheap apartments. I might be talking out of my ass but that's how cities usually work. And i guess most characters are just from better of families or something.
Heads up: I've been polishing stuff and nitpicking mechanics because Valve is right and a rushed game is bad forever. Also life. I'll try to make the first round happen tonight, but if I fail we still have tomorrow.

>Also, I have a question. What constitutes Erika's proximity when it comes to /omniscience/? If she's in a classroom, is she aware of everything in that classroom or everything at the school? And if say, a hostile meguca tries to snipe her from a couple of kilometers away, does she become aware of the meguca or just that somebody is trying to shoot her?

The range of her omniscience dependes on how much she's exerting her Soul Gem at that given moment. At the bare minimun it covers a classroom, at most an entire small district. If a meguca tries to sniper from a million miles away she'll be perfectly aware of the bullet the moment it comes into range; all that matters then is how fast she can lift that shield.

It has a lot of other bullshit practical uses besides combat. Basically, Erika is the worst person ever to play a card game with- or any other game for that matter. Her theme is that knowledge without action becomes flair.

Just ask me shit, guys. It helps me polish details.

Rita herself has no clue whatsoever yet. It happens; nobody ever tells meguca what their shit do, they just have to figure it out. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's even harder. One thing's for sure: her power is very subtle.

If you guys are going full apeshit then I'm coming too, it just makes sense. Commitment to a dead project has its merits, but so does taking the bullet.

I used to live there so I got some good data. Maybe we can add a little color just in case.

I'll get these girls in once and if the ships sails nice and dandy and does not become an absolute clusterfuck. We'll work our way from the bottom from now, but don't worry, I'm keeping these into account.
Can't rush success, right? No worries on taking your time! Two small suggestions, though:
1) You might want to grab a tripcode just so that we know it's you if your IP changes a bit
2) Is there a certain timeframe and/or timezone where updates will more likely happen?
well since you are asking for it, what's the limit on Jimena's stretching? On a scale of say, Jonathan Joestar to Elasti-girl.
Also does the hand in the whip grab things, like a big sticky hand?
Theoretically it's infinite; her arms would end up thinner than hair though. The thing is that the more she stretches, the harder Jimena exerts her Soul Game and the faster she gets it tainted, so that little piece of jewerly is her true limit.
That being said, she can stretch her arms forward three meters with a minimal amount of effort.
As for the hand at the end of her whip, while not sticky, it can grab and latch onto things strongly- and is big enough to wrap itself around humans.

Would be fun if someone tried to hijack the quest though, I'd just sit back and watch desu lol
As for the updates, I'm still not sure about that. One thing at a time.
>so that little piece of jewelry is her true limit
Speaking of which, might want to mention the color, shape, ornament, and location of each meguca's sool jim.
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PART 1: How turns are structured.

-Every turn is a day. Every day has four phases. These are:

-At the beginning of each phase:
--we roll a Random Event for each guca which affects its current situation.
--we roll Witch Activity.
--we roll Extra Activity.
--we display the current status of each meguca.
--we display the current status of Witches.
--we display the current status of companions, third parties, objects of interest, etc.

-Player Actions:
--After all the relevant information is displayed, players can select a maximum of 3 actions to react to their current situation. The following are valid:
---Chaining actions: Action that depends on the success of others. If the first action fails and there is no conditional declared, the turn ends.
---Conditional actions: Actions that can be taken should others fail as long as the meguca is still capable of attempting them.
--Each phase is divided in six hours. If the set of actions takes longer than that, then the actions may be continued in the next phase.

--The results of these actions is then displayed at the end of the turn.
--The cycle then repeats itself.
PART 2: Events.
-There are four kind of events: Player Actions, Random Events, Witch Activity, and Extra Activity.

--Random Events: There are two kind of RE's, actually:
---Context Random Event: The ones that can happen at the beginning of each turn, these affect the current situation of the guca.
----they target one specific Stat, meaning that the stat targeted would be the most relevant to it.
----they have different Magnitudes depending on the roll. The Magnitude determines both the impact and the difficulty of the roll.
----there are four types of these:
----Positive: The event presents an oportunity for a positive development.
----Negative: The event could produce a negative outcome.
----Challenge: The event presents an oportunity for positive development, but also a negative development should it fail.
----TradeOff: The event presents an oportunity for both a positive and a negative development to take place at the same time.

---Action Random Event: These are the freak accidents that can happen with any given action. These always responnd to the nature of the action itself, and may either be positive or negative and have their own magnitude. Very unlikely, but still there.

--Witch Activity
---At the start of each phase, a roll is made to determine if a new Witch is spawned, where it is spawned, and its magnitude.
---At the start of each phase, every active Witch is assigned an action. These include:
----Moving: The Witch moves X districts in X direction. It will not move outside the boundaries of Buenos Aires because Witches are attracted to large clusters of people. Should that happen, it will move as far as it could without leaving the map.
----Attacking: A Witch can start an attack in a select district. If left alone, this will both increase its magnitude and place in jeopardy any known NPC or zone in the area.
----Spawning Familiar: A Familiar splits from the Witch and goes on its own. It's Magnitude is that of the Witch -2.
----Getting Defeated: The Witch is defeated by unknown Magical Girls and dissapears from the map.
----Idling: The Witch does nothing. Witches hardly ever make much sense anyway.

--Extra Activity
---At the start of each turn, every relevant NPC is rolled for to see if they accomplish their specific goal.
---NPC's are also subject to Random Events.
'kay, What if we encounter other players though, isn't this supposed to be a battle royale. Are we still limited by actions, do we have some freedom to settle things.
What if a player can't show up for any reason, does their state advance in any way, do they get autopiloted by the QM?
PART 3: Megucas

-All megucas have:

--Health Gauge: The Health gauge is small but regenerates quickly. It determines your physical condition. It goes to 0 during a fight then you get knocked out, if it goes into the negatives you will spend time in a come, if it goes too much into the negatives then you are pretty much dead (and if you have the rotten luck of getting a crit right into your soul gem then nothing will save you from instant death).

--Desperation Gauge: It's how much your Soul Gem is tainted. It's long, but it doesn't regenerate, and the only way to replenish it is with the Grief Seeds that spawn after a Witch is defeated. It goes down a bit every phase depending on your current mental status, and it can go down even further every phase if bad things happen to you. Basically, if you aren't happy, your Soul Gem gets darker faster, and if you are, you can stall for quite a bit (and if gets to 0, you turn into a Witch that other players can kill for a yummy Grief Seed).
---Keep in mind: Any time any kind of roll fails your Desperation Gauge has a chance getting even lower.

--Mental Condition: Your current mental condition. The worse it is, the lower your Desperation Gauge becomes each turn. Mental Conditions also spawn their very own Random Events associated each time the player declares an action.
---Condition List:
----Happy: 0.25% Despair Points per turn. No RE.
----Motivated: 1%. No RE's
----Normal: 1%. No RE's.
----In Denial: 2%. Panic Events become possible.
----Angry: 4% Psychotic Events become possible.
----Depressed: 8% Depressive Events become possible.
----Ready: 16% Suicidal Events become possible.

--Mental Conditions have a chance of going up or down any time a negative or positive event affects a meguca. Both the magnitude of the event and the megucas own stats are involved in the rolling.

---For the general idea, refer to >>5493007
---Additional Details:
a) Power can be used in three ways: Physical attacks using weapons, Magical Attacks, and by using Personal Magic.
b) A Magical Girl's Power is the only stat that can be used in different magnitudes- all the others can always be used at their maximum capabilities without penalties.
c) Magnitudes exponentially increases the both the magical power of Magical Girls and its Despair Points cost and reduce the odds of success. Magnitudes affect Magical ttacks and Personal Magic but not Physical Attacks. A meguca is capable of the following magnitudes:
M1: 1% DP Cost, 13 required for success.
M2: 2.5% DP Cost, 26 required for success.
M3: 5% DP Cost, 39 required for success.
M4: 10% DP Cost, 52 required for success
M5: 20% DP Cost, 65 required for success
M6: 40% DP Cost, 78 required for success.
M7: 80% DP Cost, 91 required for success.

a) Dexterity affects how fast a meguca executes any action.
b) Independently, Dexterity also affects the ease at which a Magical Girl can get to her maximum speed when going against obstacles.

No changes.

a) Rolled whenever any other kind of roll is failed. May deny despair points.
b) Lessens the chances of going to a lower mental state and increases the chances of going to a higher mental state.

No changes.

a) Rolled whenever bullshit is at hand. The magnitude of bullshit is determined by both the amount of factors involved and the odds that their interaction actually makes sense. Kinda arbitrary to be honest.
b) Failing to roll intelligence will make the character do something stupid. Succeding however adds the remaining of the roll points to the next roll required.

a) Affects how fast you realize something is happening. Always rolled against the enemy wisdom to determine initiative.

---No man is an island, and no meguca either. Interacting with elements make them part of your world, and this in turn affects your mood. It can be a man or a dog, or you can even just love painting and hate everyone, that's ok; we all need relationships to be happy and those relationships always require upkeep.


-First step: Wisdom vs Enemy Wisdom.
--The first thing that happens wheter guca or Witch or Familiar or a truck is that you notice something is coming. Whoever notices first gets dibs on the first action- the other is limited to react to it.

-Second Step: Dexterity + (Wisdom - Enemy Wisdom) vs Enemy Dexterity
--If you've got the initiative, then you are already halfway through your action by the time your enemy notices- provided it does. The enemy here is at a clear disadvantage and whatever it does will have to be done in less time- meaning less odds of success.

-Third Step: Power vs Enemy Constitution
--If the attacker wins the roll, the next step is to evaluate the damage against the Enemy Constitution and substract the result from the other's HP. If too much damage is done at once the enemy gets stunned, which will play against their Dexterity. The cycle then starts again.

-In order to fight a watch, megucas have to travel to its location using Dexterity rolls and then locate the Witch's Laberynth by using Wisdom rolls.
-Once inside the Laberynth, In order to locate the Witch, players have to continously roll Wisdom untilt a roll hits the threshold. Failing will subject the character to a Laberynth specific Random Event.
-Players can opt for stopping to heal or to attempt a retreat instead of attempting to find the Witch.
-If the Witch moves while the players are inside its Laberynth, the players are moved with it.

--Once the Witch has been found by one or more characters, the day cycle stops temporarily. All other players and actions are put on hold while these characters face the Witch in a series of turns until the Witch is defeated, they manage to retreat, or they all are defeated.
--Other players and npc megucas, both known or unknown, can join the fight after it started but ONLY through a specific random event.
-Once the Witch has been defeated, the Laberynth dissapears, and the Witch spawns a Soul Gem.
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Aight guys so I went FULL SIMIAN. No regrets. There's no PART 4, I'm just fucking with you, and I know some things may be missing but don't worry, we'll wing it.

Now, amma have to ask you kind south african oil tycoons to be a little bit patient with me cuz I busted this homebrew out of my ass because I wanted for this quest to be as good as I could make it, so if things are broken, fucked, make no fucking sense or straight up infuriate your little pink ass do not worry, we can fix it, we can adapt and we can change it together.

That being said, I'm gonna take a break cuz I've been brainstorming and doing tests ever since I woke up and I want some fucking sugar. I know the rolls are missing, don't worry, I'll be asking for them after declaring beforehand what could happen with each.

>>>What if we encounter other players though, isn't this supposed to be a battle royale.
Up to you. If you've read the manga Battle Royale then you know you've got choices.

>>Are we still limited by actions, do we have some freedom to settle things.
I'll give you guys as much freedom as I can without going against the rolls. If we have to bullshit a bit, we will bullshit until we figure out a system.

>>What if a player can't show up for any reason, does their state advance in any way, do they get autopiloted by the QM?
They keep up with their normal routine until their desperation gets too low, in which case they'll start hunting witches. Kinda like an hibernation state.

All that shit being said: we starting tonight!
Fuck yeah!
So far so good, I'm just a bit worried about the whole Witch Time thing. That has potential to crater player engagement unless it's resolved by rapid-fire rolls by both the QM and the affected player(s), I think. But we'll see what happens.
Should a meguca be in the labyrinth when others engage the witch itself, will they be factored into WITCH TIME and still be able to futz through the labyrinth on the off chance they make it through in time to join the battle?
Or will they just have a higher chance of being able to break in with a random event than someone half way across the city?

By simple resource scarcity we will be fated to fight one another. Or at least, try to compete with one another for witch kills. The constantly ticking doom timer in combination with grief seeds as the only panacea are in place to make sure of that.

Hence why red meguca told the other megucas to shove off when she did as >>5493004 Opening Picture describes. She tried to claim the city as her turf for harvesting witches. Too many meguca in an area and not enough witches means they start to go pop. Sorta like wolves and deer.
>There's no PART 4,
I woulnd't have noticed if you hadn't told me
Anyways, on terms of speed you are actually on pace with some of the ongoing quests, even if it's just chargen and setups. So you are fine for now.
I was more concerned about the mechanical side, but on an in-character perspective we won't realize the full extent of the consequences on account of kyubey being an asshole/the plot.
Rolled 54, 76, 97 = 227 (3d100)

Had to reroll a fuckbunch of times cuz my dumb ass forgot how to roll different types of die in the same post so fucking help me.

Aight GUISEE we kick this off by rolling for the first Witch Spawns, then for the first meguca random events.

First Number is for Witch Spawn. If the number is from 1 to 13, boy, we have a Witch.

Second Number is for Witch Location. There are 50 locations on the map. 1,2 means 1a, 3,4 means 1b, and so on.

Third Number is for Witch Magnitude.

1 to 20: Magnitude 1 Witch
21 to 40: Magnitude 2 Witch
41 to 60: Magnitude 3 Witch
61 to 75: Magnitude 4 Witch
76 to 90: Magnitude 5 Witch
91 to 95: Magnitude 6 Witch
96 to 99: Magnitude 7 Witch

alight rollin
oh yeah you can only roll one type of dice in a post
also no witch but thats fine
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As I still only remember how to roll the same fucking die I'll go ahead and roll a fuckton of d100 for each guca. They'll all make sense you'll see.

The order of the rolls:

The rolls and what the fuck do they mean:

First Number is for Target Stat. Will go like this for now:

1 to 14: Power
15 to 28: Dexterity
29 to 42: Constitution
43 to 56: Mind
57 to 70: Wisdom
71 to 84: Intelligence
85 to 100: Charisma

Second Number is for Event Type. Goes like this:

1 to 30: Positive
31 to 60: Negative
61 to 80: Challenge
81 to 100: TradeOff

Thid Number is for Event Magnitude. Works just like Witch Magnitude.
Rolled 71, 48, 13, 60, 95, 39, 55, 94, 76, 44, 17, 56, 93, 76, 55 = 892 (15d100)

a Wisdom check you are fucking with me
Good fucking luck I'm posting after dinner

This is actually a good point. If worst comes to worst I'll just start the next phase with the guca still fighting the Witch or in the Laberynth. We'll see.

For now, and I say 'for now' because it is very likely that I change Witch Time, the gucas either in the area or already in the laberynth will be the only ones considered for the random events that let them join, with higher chances the closer they are. For now.
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IT BEGIIIIIIINS! Looks like I get a MIND check too. Oh boy...
>Mind, Positive, Magnitude 3
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It is eight in the morning of the twelfth day of December, of the year two thousand twenty two-

and welcome to Meguca Royale.

--Status Report--

Emma Imeredala

HP: 100
DP: 100
Condition: Normal

Random Event Rolls:
71 = Intelligence
48 = Negative
13 = Magnitude 1

It's just for one brief second, but Emma does wonder how that rooster would taste like and how many people she could feed with it. Still in her pajamas, still in bed, still drowzy; yet the instant pang of guilt is almost enough to jolt her awake. Poor rooster, after all; it does its very best to keep her habits in check, yet she wants to it eat. Pushing deep inside the hard fact that she still /wants/ to eat it, Emma finally leaves the bed.
She's unphased when she comes down the stairs and finds both the kitchen and living room completely empty, in fact, a little piece of her enjoys it. The rest of her, of course, is entirely aware that ten minutes from now this house will put a rock concert to shame. Taking the eggs and carrots from the fridge, Emma thinks she would not have it any other way.
But barely five minutes after the first invader shows up after rolling down the stairs like a rock, non other than his new little sister Clara. Well, one of seven. She's barely five years old, and Emma doesn't even get to say 'good morning' when the kids pushes the tiny notebook to her chest.
Clara tells Emma that she 'can't solve the numbers'. Amused at first, Emma realizes, after taking a quick look, that it's actually a fairly advanced equation for someone as tender as the new lil sis. And yet, regardless, that should be totally obvious at this point for someone her age.
Hmm... what to do...

Jimena Gimenez

HP: 100
DP: 100
Condition: Normal

Random Event Rolls:
60 = Wisdom
95 = TradeOff
39 = Magnitude 2

Actually, this is not even the fifth time that Jimena falls asleep on the floor; she simply will never try to remember the rest. Dad is simply sipping mate, watching the sports channel from the table right next to her, a man that was forced to ascend to a higher level of tolerance and acceptance. Still drooling like a faucet, you glace sideways towards that saint of a man and then the same sound that woke her up startles Jimena again- the cellphone very conveniently placed right next to her ear.

Considering that would have been a turn 1 Walpurgisnacht Night, probably for the best it didn't spawn.
Jimena Gimenez

The message is simple: Fernando, your guy friend who is not gay but simply CANNOT see you as a cute girl, says he'll trade his Nintendo Switch for your cellphone. Your heart skips a beat. The cellphone that you dad got you is barely worth less than half than the console. The excuse is that he got a PS5 and that he's tired of your sorry ass going kawaii just to get in his room. You don't give a fuck, man. But there are a few things to consider
that you can't find
your goddamn keys.
You ask the old man. He doesn't have them. You ask him again. He hasn't seen them. You ask him to please, pretty fucking please, open the door.
He laughs-so-goddman-HARD. After you lost key number 53, more than a giggle, more than a cackle, he laughs.

Rita Hammerhead

HP: 100
DP: 100
Condition: Happy

Random Event Rolls:
55 = Mind
94 = TradeOff
76 = Magnitude 5

Three hours ago, at 5 in the morning, Rita didn't wake up. She did; but merely saying so does not make it justice. No; three hours ago, Rita's body went, from the bed, from 0 degrees up to a perfect 90 in the span of half second like a fucking windshield in the rain. Standing in the bed, she didn't say it, she felt it: 'Let's fucking GO'.
What would it take for an absolute fucking slob who hasn't even developed the minimal required level of decency required to NOT look for candy in a trashcan in front of her friends, in front of people that go to shool with her, that spray rumors about her while she plays videogames in class, to instantly become a german factory worker? Apparently, owning a water park.
A water park named SEAnanigans that will open today.
A Magical Girl's body is much, much stronger than that of a normal human being's- and yet, Rita is sweating. The past three hours were spent doing nothing but organize, check and recheck, ensure that all of her employees were awake, going to each of her employees houses independently to wake them up, bringing her already pretty fucking upset employees on site, fixing pipes- but it's looking good. They hate her with a burning passion, but no one disagrees: it looks damn good and there are already people waiting.

Rita had already spotted him before the man even got in the crowd: a very tall man in a suit. She allowed him in through the back door, because this man didn't seem to want a splash in her kickass water park (something that Rita will never understand).
He made things simple: the suitcase had much more money than Rita had ever seen in her life. Enough money, maybe, to buy two new water parks.
Her mind races so hard it goes blank: is it the location? Is it the popularity? What would make this place worth so much?
Rita is stunned and begins to babble...

Yo, faggot OP! No response to >>5493242?????????????????????

ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ

HP: 100
DP: 100
Condition: Normal

Random Event Rolls:
44 = Mind
17 = Positive
56 = Magnitude 3

While there is much to say about the artistic value of beautiful girls sitting under the drizzle, maybe watching one directly would be shocking. In the case of Lucinda, maybe there's something in her eyes. Something that kept even the fuckbois who saw her in that bench at the plaza to get a word in. Instinct, perhaps.

Lucinda didn't sleep this time either. She is under the rain, but she's not sad. Her clothes are wet, but she doesn't shiver. Free from convention, she'd be naked under the rain, not out of any kind of fantasy or fetish or ideal but simply beause it would be practical, strictly out of a polished sense of pragmatism unbound by morality- if she had noticed it in time.

Lucinda didn't notice the dog either, not until she felt that coarse nose on her skin; jolting back with her teeth clenched, she met the beast with burning eyes. The beast didn't mind. At all. Wagging its tail and tongue, it just stood there to stare in silence. And like all living things, Lucinda hated it with burning passion.

But... at the same time... it is naked under the rain, is it not? And it doesn't mind manners. The thought escapes: maybe, just maybe, the beast and me have something in common.

■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■

HP: 100
DP: 100
Condition: Normal

Random Event Rolls:
93 = Charisma (LOL)
76 = Challenge
55 = Magnitude 3

Maybe the sun and clouds are crying because Erika is already stuck in the library while the rest laugh with their friends. Erika doesn't give a FUCK. At least, that's what she thinks. When the storm comes, she will be ready and they will drown. In the old fable of the grasshooper that fucked around while the ant prepared for winter, she would be winter, not the ant. The books under her nose are weapons, and the future is one big scared bear about to face a tank.

Erika was wrong on one just ONE particular account. Not the tank; she was the bear. The breathing next to her ear was that of a predator, of a tiger chasing a lamb, of an otaku watching a cosplayer, of a housewife finding a 90% discount on soda. White as the clouds on the sky, Erika turns around.

It's that girl. It's that FUCKING girl. And she's smirking. Erika knows to heart it's a pure smile because Karina has only one braincell, and therefore only one intention at a time.
And it's one loud fucking braincell.

Karina. Erina and Karina. It's the names, the goddamned names.

Drowning out any planes that could be on the background, Karina asks Erika to come out with her friends on a picnic. While it's fucking raining. Dreading point out the fact (and everything else for that matter), Erika simply stares at Romina as if the cute kind and loud girl had a burning fuse.
AIGHT guys this is the first time in like 66 posts that you guys are even gonna vote LOL, so let me go over the rules again.

-You pick a maximun of three actions. Think them well because these actions will be linked to any stat I can link them to.
-Actions can be chained. They can depend upon the success of one another.
-You can do 'Ifs' if you want but don't go bananas.
-Actions should take less than six hours in total, but they can be completed in the next phase.
-Read the rules: >>5494368
--If rules are unclear don't stick your dick in a fan, ask me questions.

Do not roll yet. Once we determine the stats involved, I'll ask for a roll of each. Not the best system to be honest, but we'll make do for now cause it's precise.

Also I tried to add Rita and Jimenaz's personal symbols and this shit didn't let me.

Oh she NAGA (like those guys from warcraft) I had my head so deep in my ass that I didn't notice. I'm doing my part as you can CLEARLY FUCKING SEE, so thank you and enjoy the quest!

don't tell me you didnt want it
>Attempt to pet the dog.
>Throw a stick for the dog.
>Observe/Follow the dog around to see more commonalities between us.
Like this OP?
How come my event starts written in third person and ends in second person? I'll take it as proof of main-characterism.

Fucking Fernando, doesn't he know PS5 has no games? First things first, those keys are as good as gone, get out by the window. Bars can't stop you if you are made of rubber, and a few stories fall is nothing for a magical girl, if there is one. Is this a stupid reason for draining your precious Soul Gem? Well, duh. But are you gonna beg to your dad one more time? No way José. Do at least bring an umbrella. And your phone. Then maybe take the metro, I'm assuming you got enough monopoly money to afford that.
Yeah that works man, and this is where I'd say:
a) Roll Mind (Normal, 1d100)
b) Roll Mind (Normal, 1d100)
c) Roll Wisdom & Mind (Normal and Normal, 2d100)
Meaning, roll a 4d100

Let's demo this while we wait for the rest, maybe we can find a better way to detect rolls required and roll them at the same time.

That being said, do keep in mind than that's all you'll be doing for this phase. Which is fine, really
>Ok Erika, just... just tell her you're busy. Yes! But wait! You can't just tell her to scuttle away... you got to make a bit of small talk, yes, ASK her about the picnic and who her friends are...
>AND THEN TELL her you're busy! It's the perfect plan...
>OR... you could actually GO with her... I mean, there's no way she intends something bad, she doesn't have the mental faculties for that, and even she or at least her friends should know that rain + being outside = bad... unless it's one of her "friends" that isn't wellmeaning... yes, better talk with her about it..

If it't not clear then my vote is to:
>>ASK her why, where and who her friends are.
>>IF(answer == bad || answer == shady):
>Tell her Erika is busy.
>>ELSE: actualy go with her.
Now we're TALKIN'. Looks like we're hitting the ground running, huh? I'm gonna echo >>5494957 here and ask if this is what you're looking for, OP:

>Get to the comfy chair in the Water Park Office before 'Suit Dick' can.
>Reel him in and whittle him down by letting 'Suit Dick' spew his 'Suit Dick' sales pitch while we idly listen making a show of stuffing our face full of candy. Loudly.
>SEAnanigans isn't a business... it's a way of LIFE. Once this tool's done with his offer make a show of throwing the briefcase across the room. Family fun and aquatic merriment can't be bought, 'Suit Dick'!
Rolled 70, 45, 10, 3 = 128 (4d100)

Would now be a good time to ask what counts as a crit?
Are we just doing the classic 1's and 100's only thing, or something different?
>>How come my event starts written in third person and ends in second person? I'll take it as proof of main-characterism.
Because the (You) will haunt you forever after you QM.

Ok, so this is what I'm getting:
a) Fuck you dad you ain't winning, dignity ain't SHIT. You jump out of any window.
b) Get umbrella, get phone, take metro. You can assume that you get by so no biggie.
c) Trade cellphone for Switch and laugh at the fuck when he realizes 4k means shit if you don't have a 4k TV.

If that's the case, then just roll me an Action Random Event.

And you too roll me an Action Random Event, I really forgot lol. For the both of you is three numbers each, one for Stat, other for type, and the other for Magnitude.
Thing is, we only deal with positive or negative events with Actiones RE, so 1-50 is positive and 51-100 is negative.

I think I get it man! Let's see.
>>Ask who her friends are (no roll)
>>Detect if answer is bad or shady (wisdom roll)
>If bad: Tell her Erika is busy (Charisma roll)
>If good: Go out with her (Charisma roll)

Also roll me an Action RE for Wisdom and Charisma. Yeah, that's three more rolls. Yeah, that's a fuckton of rolls, lol we make do

>>Get him to comfy chair (No roll)
>>Let him talk out of his ass and keep poisoning yourself as usual (No roll)
>>Treat him like shit (Charisma roll)

One roll and one RE. 4 rolls. Gogo.

We go with 1,2,3 and 98,99,100. So yeah, crit.
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Cool, sounds good.
Rolled 24, 69, 6, 69 = 168 (4d100)

I was planning on BEATING HIM to the chair, but no worries. Watch THIS!
Rolled 57, 74, 75 = 206 (3d100)

my first roll, let's go
this is bullshit
Rolled 8, 78, 79, 88, 15, 33, 95, 29, 44 = 469 (9d100)

Rolled 63, 41, 78 = 182 (3d100)

>15 and 29 for Charisma
>Bloody 8 for Wisdome
being meguca is suffering
Rolled 82, 16, 85 = 183 (3d100)

Forgot the 3 extra rolls
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BOI you know eeeet


Charisma Roll: 24
Stat: 69 (Wisdom)
Type: 6 (Positive)
Magnitude: 69 (Magnitude 4)


Mind Roll: 70
Mind Roll: 45
Wisdom Roll: 10
Mind Roll: 3
Stat: 63 (Wisdom)
Type: 41 (Positive)
Magnitude: 78 (Magnitude 5)


Mind Roll: 70
Mind Roll: 45
Wisdom Roll: 10
Mind Roll: 3
Stat: 57 (Wisdom)
Type: 74 (Positive)
Magnitude: 75 (Magnitude 5)

Gonna be merciful on your ass cuz I forgot to remind you to roll 4 dies for each Charisma roll lol. That being said, I forgot to account for one situation; the Wisdom roll failing so hard that you get no info or insight whatsoever lol.
So guess what, besides the 4 new Charisma Rolls you also get to straight up decide wheter you go or not.
Leave the RE rolls as they are though, no touching

Aight guys we gonna give Emma time to show up cuz I've been writing aaaaaaaaa day long and I wanna sleep too. I'm already learning stuff, but for now I'll roll with the punches we got, no changes till next round.
>Type: 74 (Positive)
>1-50 is positive and 51-100 is negative.
Wouldn't this one be negative OP? or am I missing something?
Nope, I fucked up. Gonna recheck everything tomorrow just in case.
would you please mind your own fucking business
Cool, I think you just partly mixed in my rolls in together with someone else's by accident.

Enjoy your sleep my man, you earned it. See you 2morrow.
Sorry not sorry, lol.
>Tell her you're busy, this is too stupid even for her to suggest, and the books aren't so bad, friendship is not everybody's cup of tea either...
Good night QM
G'night, OP. Thanks for putting this whole clusterfuck together!
>Emma thinks she would not have it any other way.
Cute, and true. Poor rooster though!

>Ask Clara where she found the book (nicely) and use older sister/proto-mom instinct to tell if she's lying.
>IF it's just something she found, Emma can distract Clara with breakfast and take the notebook to return it to its rightful owner later. IF NOT, then she'll have to take some time after breakfast prep to solve it for little sis. Google powers go!
>Try to multitask making breakfast for the family at the same time.

Obviously action 3 should happen no matter what, while action 2 will depend on action 1's result. If it fails, Emma will try and solve the equation/ look it up.
AIGHT so thing's like this- after this, we ain't doing Action Random Events no more. Not ever. Or maybe until I can stop them from turning into an endless loop.
Thing is, I wanna let you guys react to any events, it's only fair or else it's plain railroading. But if an event generates another RE, we'll be stuck in the morning of December 12 like Homura.

So enjoy the first and last round of RE's. And no, Emma doesn't get any.

Also roll me:
a) Wisdom (Weak: 2d100) (Magnitude 1)
b) Wisdom (in case it doesn't belong to the house) (Weak: 2d100) (Magnitude 1)
c) Intelligence (in case it is) (Weak: 2d100)
d) Dexterity (because you are cooking for 14 other people here) (Weak: 2d100) (Magnitude 3)

Meaning, roll me a 8d100. The magnitudes on the other three actions will be arbitrary this time, I'll try to come up with a way to maybe randomize the magnitudes that we don't declare from the start, but without ending up with "making a sandwich: Magnitude 7".

Also thanks for the clarification at the bottom, little stuff like that always helps.

jus doin my best negro

Aight writing for everyone else while I wait for Emma's rolls, then first round is over.
Rita Hammerhead

Charisma Roll: 24
Stat: 69 (Wisdom)
Type: 6 (Positive)
Magnitude: 69 (Magnitude 4)

The man with the suitcase full of power simply stares in silent stoicism as a line of saliva drools from the corner of Rita's mouth.
She sucks it right up.
Cheerfully, yet with no hesitation, she invites the man to the main office, yet just another section she perfected over a week of hard work.

Yet as the man is about to sit in the guest's chair at the desk, Rita sits on it right before it. The man in a suitstops, but just for a second; he laughs it off and just sits where the owner of the whole place should, maybe taking it as a sign.

From across the table, Rita opens a palm of her hand towards him; the man nods then begins to talk. Which gets harder by the second as Rita's chewing gets louder and louder. To the young water park owner's increasing dismay, however, the man continues to fling rethoric questions at her regarding possible future investments, prompting her to answer with a full mouth- which she continues to stuff right after every question. Unflinched by the show, the man pushes on. Statistics. Bussiness plans. Bank contracts. All things as alien as aliens to Rita, who's good at dumster diving and knows good game lore.

And once he's done talking, once he finally rounds it all up, the man in suits patiently awaits in silence as Rita's body slowly becomes more sugar than water. But then it's Rita who waits quietly, staring at the suitcase- which the man slowly, yet elegantly slides over the table, towards her.

Which Rita flings across the room. A suitcase full of money.

Albeit slight, there is shock in the man's face, but perhaps not so much since Rita was a special case to begin with. A girl in her teens, still in highschool, already the owner of her own waterpark though all she does is nap in class and roll gacha; what's there to expect? And as a very energetic Rita makes a show out of telling him that SEAnanginas is not a bussiness, but a way of life, that family fun and aquatic meriment can't be bought, the man simply stands up,grabs the suitcase, nods with the same little smile, and walks away without even a remark.

And Rita is left alone, still laughing. After all... the nerve!


That is when Rita begins to consider that maybe her attitude was uncalled for. Maybe Suit Dick was just offering her a fair trade that could benefit them both. Maybe, accidentally, or purely out of a lack of social tact, she just made one very big enemy, strong enough to just attempt to buy all she has in one sitting, confident enough to just walk away with a smile.

...maybe he's still around?

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ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ

Mind Roll: 70
Mind Roll: 45
Wisdom Roll: 10
Mind Roll: 3
Stat: 63 (Wisdom)
Type: 41 (Positive)
Magnitude: 78 (Magnitude 5)

It's old, it's wet, ti's dirty, it smells bad- that is what a disgusted Lucinda thinks as she bites her lower lip. It's free, she also thinks, and her teeth loosen up. At least oh so much more free than she was.

As drizzle makes a curtain between then, Lucinda stretches a hand that could well be bitten towards the ever patient dog. Then she reels back- then stretches again as she holds her breath. Petting a dog can be harder than learning Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata on piano, a fact anyone else would find laughable- a fact that, to Lucinda, could never be more real.

She touches the dogs forehead before even noticing.

And when the anti-social prodigy reels back, it's the dog that pushes forward to her hand. Slowly, ever so slowly, Lucinda's hand brushes against wet hair and warm meat. It feel uncomfortable. Someone stop to stare and watch, but Lucinda's raw stare gets her going as if she left caviar in a burning oven.

Switfly, Lucinda grabs a stick next to her and flings it towards the plaza, and it lands on the grass. The dog just stares, wagging its tail; it neither goes after it or leaves. Perhaps that is a cliche, and some dogs are just big lazy cats.

Yet while Lucinda is an interesting person, to the dog, she must be way less interesting than the hotdog stand- which he chases down as it rolls past. Intrigued by the animal, Lucinda follows from a distance. The owner of the hotdog stand may have done this for decades already, because he just stops, whips out a sausage, and feeds it to the dog, perhaps already perfectly aware that this is the only way that the chase will end with his sanity intact.

Lucinda follows the dog around for a while, studying it like a book, yet learning nothing she couldn't find in one. After all, meaning is hidden in plain sight, but there is some that Lucinda could draw from this experience, a lesson of almost extreme importance derived from a simple fact: the dog didn't bite her.

...Then she stops in her tracks. Why? Just... why? Why did the man feed the dog? If he had to feed any dog that he came across, how much would that cost him? Wouldn't it be more efficient to simply find a way to scare them? Take another path? Kick them, maybe?

The answer leaves her stuck under the rain.

>>Lucinda has developed a tolerance for animals. She may practice her Charisma with them.
■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■

Stat: 82 (Intelligence)
Type: 16 (Positive)
Magnitude: 85 (Magnitude 5)

Erika simply asks Romina if she's stupid. To almost any other human being on planet Earth and perhaps the rest of the Solar System, this would be considered an insult: to Erika, this is strictly a scientific query. Her honest intent is to acquire data for the good of mankind because, as far as Erika was aware as of yet, that single brain cell was still pulling its weight. The picnic under the rain has clearly put that theory in jeopardy

And yet Romina just laughs and laughs at the bluntness- some people actually appreciate it. Even after Erika tells her that a picnic under the rain is too stupid even for her to suggest.

That's when Romina says, of course it's stupid, let's do something stupid, it will be so fun- but how could it be fun if it's so stupid?!

Erika looks away; that's why friendship is not everyone's cup of tea. Books, at least, don't want her catching pneumonia.

Strictly out of sheer curiosity, Erika asks Romina how she intended to do it, this retarded picnic under the rain. And yes, she did say retarded. The idea was as follow: we line up a LOOOT of umbrellas and then we sit under them! As Romina draws the picture in the air, she's brimming oh so brightly.

...yet this still raises so many questions. For one, it doesn't account for the wind. For two, it doesn't account for the height of the umbrellas. Three, how to hold them together, lest they've decided to have a hand busy at all times. Four... Erika shakes her head.

...Cleanly Erika rejects the invitation. Romina insists with a 'pweeease' voice, yet Erika rejects it again. But... but... it still bothers her, and it bothers her so much, the inefficiency, the sheer lack of planning--

maybe there is other way they could go about it?
Niiiiiiice. Time to get a pet hamster or something..... Just something that can't escape from Lucinda or fight back if she decides to beat the shit out of it, if it pisses her off.
Seems likely from what I can tell. If her parents even allow her to have one, that is.

Good job QM!!
Alright so, critfails are: 1, 2, 3
And critsuccesses are: 98, 99, 100
For everything.
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Jimena Gimenez

Stat: 57 (Wisdom)
Type: 74 (Positive) (Yes, you read right africano)
Magnitude: 75 (Magnitude 5)

No. You ain't winning. Yes, the man does pay the bills, yes, the man did raise her right, yes, Jimena does owe him not being a much worse person even though he had to work and raise her entirely on his own-

but she will not give him this.
Jimena Gimenez will pay with dignity.

Why? Maybe it's a girl thing. Maybe it's honor, or pride or whatever. Maybe Jimena just can't bring herself to finally admit that she is a slob and has to change. The slob just ponder it for a bit as she jump out of the second fucking floor straight into the street, crash landing near a cat that was taking a shit, The umbrella didn't make her fall slowly like in that movie and is now turned upside down; easy fix. The phone, now soon to be a Switch, is safely kept on the bag. If she can just make it to Fernando's before going to school, Jimena will play the Good Stuff during class- and she will finally learn something worthwhile in school.

Up until this point in her life, Jimena had never managed to feel thankful for having a subway station so close to her house in Belgrano- other parts of Buenos Aires away from the center had to rely entirely on ten million different bus companies. Waiting on the station, already rehaersing what she's going to Fernando before punching him in the ribs if he changes his mind, The fucking wuss.

And when she gets to his house, 99% of Jimena's braincells consider kicking the door down until she remember that he lives with his family. And that his little sister, who is always very nice to her, is very sensitive to sudden noises. Entirely for her sake, she simply knocks on the door.

knock knock

no answer.


knock knock


no... nothing.

and right as Jimena's braincells start a revolution to overthrow the knocking-doors dictatorship, that little voice in the background prevent what seems like a funny manner of speech to actually, literally fucking happen. Opening the door, it's Luna, the little sister. Cutting her off by patting her head, Jimena, like a soldier, makes way towards Fernando's room.

If he's jacking off, so be it; Jimena slams the door open. He wasn't. Fernando, in fact, was sitting shotgun, ready. Years and years of putting up with this shit has hardened the man, made him stronger. Jimena simply places the cellphone on his desk and stares at him dead in the eye; with the same dead stare, he delivers the case. This prompt such a shrill girlish scream that Fernando is forced to sacrifice his sandwitch to the endless pit of spikes that his Jimena's mouth by slamming it into her mouth, to protect his sister. Jimena, in full understanding and acceptance- simply chews.

>>Jimena's mental condition is now Motivated.

Jimena Gimenez

Fernando calmly requests for Jimena not to be an absolute fucking simian, which she promises to take into further consideration.

Jimena turns around to leave,


she's been in this room quite a number of times, but this time, something feels off- something is different. She glances at Fernando: it's slight, it's small, but there IS a drop of sweat in that forehead.

Out of pure raw intuition, Jimena notices that something is different. But should she pry...? Should she?

What would this fuckface have to hide?


aight guys we are doing this for the first and last time, give me a new set of actions, no Random Event. Later tonight after Argentina-Croacia, after I ask for the rolls, I'll be closing up this turn today and making a few changes here and there for quality of life niggatry.
>Go home and find one of Lucinda's parents.
>Ask for a pet dog.
>Go on amazon and buy pet specific stuff (Toys, A big dog cage, dog food and treats, Books on how to bond with dogs and train them, Food and water bowl, etc.

If parent refuses to buy pet, then:
>Ask if there's something Lucinda can do to change their mind, parents usually want something, after all...
Now that's a great bribe in exchange getting the fuck out of this house.
But before that...
>Try and bait him to slip and say something damning. "There's nothing on that phone that I'd care to hide. Not that you don't already know."
>Stall for time "Oh yeah, I'm gonna need you to get the sim card out, you know I got shaky hands."
>IF he does fall for it, press him. Threaten him that you'll come to play Demon Souls or something, if necessary.
Saying this just in case for allyguys: don't forget the random event. It's an opportunity. There is something to roll for.

Of course, feel free to disregard it entirely and do fuck whatever
Rolled 62, 75, 83, 31, 7, 67, 85, 29 = 439 (8d100)

Finally back on my PC. My phone IP is rangebanned, so I had to wait.

Rolling 8d100 in the order you listed. One thing to note is that roll c should be roll 2d100 take best, Emma's Intellect is Strong, not weak.
So a is 62, b is 31, c is 67 instead of 7, and d is 29. I only now remember that we can use different stats than stated if we can come up with a good reason and maybe get a good intellect roll, right?
Today's breakfast may be slightly toasted in the meantime...
>>Romina's solution, after boiling away everything but it's premise, is simple, enough. Just have something between the rain and our heads. The question is what to use. A tent would be preferable but there's no way to obtain one...wait! We don't need a full tent, just a tarp or anythimg that can work as a tarp.
>make use of your position as the school's füh-Student Council President to AQUIRE a tarp or preferably two, there has to be a couple of those in the maintenace closet.
>IF there are no tarps that can be used then it's time to get creative, there has to be at least a couple of people who use rain capes. Just invite them along to the picnic, should be easy enough, just talk and... talk... ok, if worst come to pass, just metaphoricaly throw Romina at them until they agree. You could use that time to get something to stand on outside, like an unused sport mattress' cover
>AFTER all of that, go with Romina and maybe the raint cape-wearers to the nearest tree outside and tie to tarp/ capes to the branches to make a makeshift roof and place down the remaing tarp/cover.
Rolled 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3 = 28 (10d6)

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Wait... what has she DONE!? Quick, before it's too late!

>Tail 'Suit Dick' to his car or however he got here. It's just like that Assassin mission in Thief!
>Try to glean some dirt off of him--does he talk to anyone on the phone? Any identifying marks or conversations to see who he's working for?
>If caught just attribute the display of autism in the meeting as nerves--if he gives Rita a business card or something she'll be certain to discuss it more once she's thought things over (but really this guy's gonna get STAKED OUT LATER)

As Morrowind's award-winning expansion Bloodmoon taught her, Rita knows not to immediately cave at the first offer. Like the East Empire Company stocks in the Raven Rock Colony Sidequest, she knows that holding onto something of value might make it more worthwhile in the future--doubly so when said valuable thing allows her to skip any line at the park. Which reminds her--she really oughta' get some PARK TIME in before going home... wait, is it a school day?

Eh. Doesn't matter. She's got a WATER PARK NOW.
Congrats to Argentina
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yknow desu I had my balls in my throat at the start, cause let-s be real, these guys took Neymar out. And despite the 3-0 I still hold mad respect for Croatia for making it this far, godspeed Modric, made it to top four.

Lucinda Newhorn:
a) I'f only have you roll for her to find her own house if her Int was Un-Extreme.
b) LAWL girl roll me 4d100 for Charisma, we going Magnitude 4 here. And why is that?
-Ultra conservative fuckheads.
-No empathy.
-Small house.
-What would the neighbors say?
c) Roll me a 1d100 for Wisdom in case she somehow pulls it off
d) Hmm roll me another 4d100 for Charisma and I tell you what: if none of the rolls is below 10, you convince them to trade. Yeah, bending the knee a bit here.
You gotta roll like a 9d100.

Jimena Gimenez:
a) Aight, roll me 2d100 for Charisma, Magnitude 3 cuz you pullin his balls.
b) Anoter 2d100 for Charisma and oh lawl 4d100 for Wisdom
c) Not sure I get what this one means. What you wanna do if the guy buys it and tries to take out he SIM?

Clarify it a bit just in case.

Erika Kroppman:
a) lolololol roll Charisma, 4d100 just to ask for the keys for the closet, she'll get them anyway I just wanna see the reaction. Get a good roll and someone may come helping though.
b) Roll me 3d100 for Intelligence in case Erika has to get creative and roll me, you guessed damn right, 4d100 for Charisma in case she has to ask for help, if you get more than 10 you get Romina, and Magnitude 2 for anyone else since it's something so simple.
c) We are using the previous Charisma rolls here so no need, that being said roll me another 3d100 for Intelligence, this time Magnitude 2 cuz you need a miracle to fuck this one up.

Any clarification more than welcome. That being said, we are counting the rolls in the order I mentioned them.


Rita Hammerhead:
a) Roll 2d100 for Wisdom to track the guy Magnitude 3, roll 1d100 for Dexterity to see if you make it, Magnitude 2 because I mean the fuck is like right there.
b) Roll 2d100 for Wisdom to see if you pick up any relevant information, algo how do you plan to listen for informations or picking up marks, are you getting the fucking car??
c) Roll 2d100 for Charisma just in case then.

Emma Imerelada
Meanwhile, I'll get to work on this.
Yeah, but that should happen when I declare which stats may be used like I'm doing right now, if you already roll then you roll with the punches. That's the point of these kind of posts, they give you guys time to call for bullshit or to make last minute changes or questions. I think I'm going to keep doing it like this even if it makes the quest a bit slower; it's either precision or speed and I'm not in a rush.

Anyway, if you give me the OK I'm rollin, if you've got a valid complain now would be the time to hear it.
Rolled 37, 47, 46, 82, 75, 10, 39, 71 = 407 (8d100)

I meant to say that if he sounds like he's hiding something then pressure him to spill the beans, really its just the follow up of the first action, the SIM card is an excuse to keep the conversation going. The order doesn't matter that much, it makes sense in my head.
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Rolled 26, 80, 92, 92, 28, 99, 52 = 469 (7d100)

>The fuck is like right there

>How to listen in
Depends on whether the guy A) Enters a car or B) Pulls his phone out first. If he's driving away I figure we can, like, cling to the bottom or something. Rita saw it in a movie once. Or snag a maintenance golf cart? Tricky stuff, but this gal's got sugar in her.

If he just takes a call outside of a car then she can just lurk around the corner and listen... maybe do the old 'pretend to read a newspaper' trick?

Anyways it looks like seven rolls, right? Here goes something!
okay, the wisdom was always going to be a lost cause but the charisma I think I got it
Rolled 83, 76, 64, 45, 44, 18, 94, 29, 86, 82 = 621 (10d100)

4 rolls (Charisma) + 3 rolls (Inteligence) + 3 rolls (Inteligence)
Waitin on Emma and Lucinda.

Meanwhile: I know we are off to a rocky start and wingin it cuz the mechanics were untested, and that we still don't have a fixed schedule and many etc- but hows it going so far? I'm open to criticism, suggestions, ideas about the mechanics, whatever that could help the quest. I'm not here to pretend to be mr dickus maximus, im here to have fun, so whatever you guys say that could get us there is more than welcome.

Of course, that doesn't mean I'll take whatever you guys throw at me- but I promise to at least try to give good reasons.
It's tough to say since we haven't gotten to the 'meat' of the game yet, but I can think of a few things.

First of all I think you've got a distinct and pretty funny way of writing. It's made me snicker a few times which is nice when so many quests on here read like a Speak-N-Spell. I feel like the descriptions you did for each Meguca were well thought out and gave a good picture of each.

I'm not good at mechanics so I won't try to share any yet, but if I had to think of a few ideas I'd once again recommend adopting a handle or getting a tripcode just so that it's easier to tell who you are when your IP switches. It's pretty obvious now, of course, but going forward it will make things much smoother.
I'm also gonna assume that the players are in different time zones, but someone else mentioned the issues of waiting for one or two players to post before moving forward. Since this isn't an in-person Tabletop Game Sesh I think it's a good idea to think of a contingency in case a player flakes or doesn't respond. I know some random Madoka game isn't everyone's priority, but maybe going forward you can establish a definitive 'THIS IS WHEN I'M WRITING AN UPDATE RAIN OR SHINE' time would keep things moving--doesn't have to happen for every choice, obviously, but you probably want something to fall back on in case someone goes AWOL.
That's all I have for now. I guess we'll see how stuff goes when players run into each other, but I'm still pretty optimistic about the whole thing! Keep it up, man.
My main concern is that the numbers of meguca will grow beyond what you can manage like in that god quest from a while back where there were about 18 players give or take a couple.
Other than that, I am really enjoying the quest.
I'm pretty satisfied so far, it's not quick but that's to be expected with five different perspectives, the writing is fun even if it's lacking actual dialogue, I can deal with the mechanics so far.
Maybe you could cut down a bit on the random events and give us shit to do instead, it might be easier than coming up with new scenarios for every roll combination with every character.
And if we take to long to get to the action you could just roll a bunch of times until we get a witch and rush through the turns real quick. Or swap the witch mechanic to "a witch will appear in (1d6) days", or something.
Right now I'm looking forward to the player characters clashing, that's when the real drama starts.
Thanks dude, good to know you are having fun.

desu I'm kinda avoiding it cuz it makes me feel like a faggot, im kinda oldschool 4chan autismo monkey like that. But I know what you mean, it gets kinda confusing if there are other anons and my ip keeps changing cuz im poor, so i'll settle for a namefag for now

>>I'm also gonna assume that the players are in different time zones, but someone else mentioned the issues of waiting for one or two players to post before moving forward. Since this isn't an in-person Tabletop Game Sesh I think it's a good idea to think of a contingency in case a player flakes or doesn't respond.
This is a good point. I had in mind updating big two times a day every two days, which would give every player plenty of time to show up after each post (like six seven hours). If they don't, I'll keep going, and when they show up I'll either let them move from where they left off in the past or just clarify what the guca has been doing. Thing is, this may get fuckety once you guys start interacting in the current time- so I'm coming up for a rule for absent gucas.

>>My main concern is that the numbers of meguca will grow beyond what you can manage like in that god quest from a while back where there were about 18 players give or take a couple.
Saw that one coming, and no, I'm sticking with five unless I find a way to make this work smoothly. I'm fond of how the girls turned out and I don't wanna risk their depth for now, cuz we've got: mother, autist, autist CEO, psychopath, and psychopath with a book.

>>Maybe you could cut down a bit on the random events
oh god yes don't even mention it, I REALLY didn't think that through.

>>and give us shit to do instead
That's the thing here, I don't want to railroad you guys into a narrative the girls themselves aren't chasing. The idea is like this: in some phases, you get negative random events you have to deal with because life's like that (and those random events could start a narrative themselves), but during the turns you don't get negative random events you are free to do whatever the fuck you want with the setting. You guys may think we are just fucking aroud for now, but keeping that Mental Condition will be life or death in a while, and if fucking around makes you happy then it's also keeping you alive.
Coming up with new scenarios myself seems pretty arbitrary, so for now let's stick with having the chance of a random event every phase.

>>And if we take to long to get to the action you could just roll a bunch of times until we get a witch and rush through the turns real quick.
For now, I'm letting the stakes pile up. What I was thinking, though, was to make Despair build up just a little bit faster- like three times as fast, and to turn Phases into whole days and have you guys split the actions for each whole day. We'll see.

>>player characters clashing
Bit of a warning: I'm willing to let things happen naturally.

Update tomorrow!
Thanks for being open-minded about everything! I'm sure whatever happens things will work out and be fun.

One last question I had: earlier you mentioned the girls know about the macro, not so much the micro, so does that mean that they know about witching out if their soul gem gets too corrupted? Do the girls also know that others are collecting seeds too? Just wanted to make sure in case two players meet in the near future.
Sorry, I fell asleep before you posted lol.
Rollan now.
Rolled 22, 59, 17, 12 = 110 (4d100)

Rolled 9 (1d100)

Rolled 29, 72, 78, 78 = 257 (4d100)


Nah, no complaints, I rolled already, backing out now would be cheap. Let's not hold up anyone and get Emma caught up.
I asked the rule there because it was mentioned once in one of the first posts and then wasn't rewritten in the Parts I think, so I had to go dig for it to remember if it was a thing, since no one's tried to use it yet.
Good to know it's still valid, it was one big reason why Emma got Intelligence over Wisdom, good wacky write-in potential.
And yep, not on American timezones here.
Me neither lol.
Me btw. ID changed.
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ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ

>Ask for a pet dog.
Charisma Rolls: 22, 59, 17, (12)
Magnitude 4 = Failure

>Go on amazon and buy pet specific stuff (Toys, A big dog cage, dog food and treats, Books on how to bond with dogs and train them, Food and water bowl, etc.
Wisdom Roll: (9)
Magnitude 0.5 = Failure

>Ask if there's something Lucinda can do to change their mind, parents usually want something, after all...
Charisma Rolls: (29), 72, 78, 78
Magnitude 0,5 = Success

QM's note: how the FUCK do you even fail googling dog toys?!?!?!

Like Damocles's Sword, lingering over the king's head, held only by a single hair of a horse tail, the question haunted Lucinda all the way home. Each drop of rain reminded her of the blade.
There was no benefit. No prize. To assume that giving out his products for free was the only alternative the hot dog man could come up with after decades stuck with the same job was to put what little faith Lucinda still had in humanity to the test- and she did not want to go there.
It wasn't just the hot dog. It's that she finally paid attention to a pattern she had ignored her whole life.

Lucinda had to know. At this point, it was like air. She had to know WHY she was caring again.

∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿ ರೃ ∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿

Still dripping, Lucinda stepped down from the bus and glanced around. Villa Lugano; a paradox of both extreme wealth and poverty almost melted together. Mannors surrounded by houses with tin roofs and brick walls, a Starbucks right next to a church giving soap to homeless folks for free- the questions could pile up like a labyrinth.

The wooden door to her house creaked open; it had been polished recently with scented wax, but only the outer face. Inside, the contrast kept up with her: a golden chandelier (actually made of bronze) hung over her head, the wooden floor under her was actually laminated, and a big, ugly plastic back full of trash was right to her feet- and had been there since she left.

One step into the kitchen, her mother turns towards her like the wheel on a ship, her neck almost making the same creaking sound- instantly telling her only daughter that she's in it for it now. Lucinda knew. She had been skipping home for a week now; school too.

Quietly sitting down in silence, Lucinda asks for her dad. No answer; only red coming from her mother's face. Helping herself to the cold tea on the table almost made her miss the heavy footsteps behind her, and now the family is here, all of us, together.

The Magical Girl looks up from the cup. Mom and Dad, one red, one white. Unlike last time, Dad isn't grabbing her by the hair; perhaps the man did not make friends with enough nurses at the hospital.

>Ask for a pet dog.
The baffled look on both their faces would be perfectly justified, with not much empathy required to fill their boots. Your obedient little girl is back from a week of pure truancy after beating the shit out her dad and the first words to come out of her mouth- are that she wants a pet. Lucinda asks again in case she didn't care enough to raise the volume the first time; again, she is not met with an answer. Third time's the charm; it's when her mother says NO.
Veins pulse from her neck after the explosion; Laura's chest is beating hard. Maybe it was the tone of her voice, thinks Lucinda; maybe she should gesture more. It's when Lucinda asks 'why' that the dam is finally broken and she is barraged from questions from every side, coming mostly from her mother, as her father yells and screams to keep up and yet falls short of the eruption. Lucinda takes another sip as the cacophony engulfs her, failing to care enough to understand what their parents are telling her- it's the taste of the tea that draws a disgusted look on her face.

>Ask if there's something Lucinda can do to change their mind, parents usually want something, after all...
Almost unwillingly, Lucinda phases out into her mind as her parents surround her and continue to talk and cry. Once the silence gets long enough, she clears her throat from all the cold tea. Completely unaware of the points and topics of the conversation, she asks her parents if there's something she could do to change their minds about the pet.
This prompts a healthy silence. Both stuck as if they just saw an alien playing arm wrestling with the President, the parents only manage to glance at each other. Perhaps finally understanding that Lucinda will not give her opinion on what the neighbors may think about her truancy, it's the dad, Norberto, that goes as cold as Lucinda to think. And he thinks about it for a bit: despite it all, the man seized the opportunity.

The offer is extremely simple. Live the same life you used to live before, and we'll get you a pet. Red as blood, Laura turns to his husband as if to chew his head off clean: a punishment should be in order. Yet he does not turn to look; the man remembers, perhaps, the face Lucinda put as she walked away, the calmness. Odds are, his father simply is aware of the actual weight of his bargain chips.

A little epilogue: still thinking about the offer, Lucinda attempts to google for dog toys in case she meets a little friend on the street. She finds a fucking dildo and buys it.

(cont with Jimena!)
aight guys France vs Marruecos, it's officially canon both to the lore and game that Jimena and Emma are watching this game while Erika googles mustard gas, Lucinda hunts poodles, and Rita simply screams.

Emma would absolutely be part of/ get dragged into the family-wide watch-along, with everyone crammed into the living room with snacks, though she'd probably be spending most of her time helping in the kitchen as well to keep supplies coming during the match.
>Erika googles mustard gas
Damn you QM! Stop reading my mind and posting my ideas on how to deal with witches in a creative way! Would mustard gas grenades work against fiends at least?
Eyyyy, that's some good shit man. I love your writing style, it's one of the only QM writing styles to actually make me both intrigued and laugh simultaneously, its very descriptive too. I really like the direction we're heading with the character of Lucinda and everyone else too.

Sorry again for falling asleep before, in my defense I need to get up early on weekdays so need to go to bed to get my 8 hours.

I can't believe Lucinda failed at buying dog toys from amazon lmao, the dice weren't with me, but at least something of value was found in it's stead
and siding with marruecos obviously, fuck france
The lovely kind of lady that turns everyone around in lazy sacks of shit.

It's funny that, whenever Erika googles something, she's just remembering it. She already knew it but didn't knew that she knew it, so now she knows that she already knows it.
Also it better be one weak-ass familiar if all you have is a mustard gas grenade.

The way I see it you guys will always have plenty of time to react so sleep away my french football player.

they fought like knights

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Jimena Gimenez

>Try and bait him to slip and say something damning. "There's nothing on that phone that I'd care to hide. Not that you don't already know."
Charisma Rolls: 37, (47)
Magnitude 2 = Success

>Stall for time "Oh yeah, I'm gonna need you to get the sim card out, you know I got shaky hands."
Charisma Rolls: 46, (82)
Magnitude 2 = Success

>IF he does fall for it, press him. Threaten him that you'll come to play Demon Souls or something, if necessary.
Charisma Rolls: (75), 10
Magnitude 5 = Extremely Close to Success

QM Note: First things off, I just lost a whole update cause my dumbass brain thought for one second that Ctrl-R was for 'redo', and it turns out it's for 'refresh'. That being said, and given that I realized that Jimena isn't actually buying time to search the room, I took the liberty of using the first two numbers of the Wisdom roll for a Charisma roll of the same magnitude. Now I'm writing from google docs till I'm dead.

Intuition may seem hard to explain at first, but that is because we do not allow our brain to be basic, primitive, to go full ape mode and bask in simplicity. Intuition is finding repetition. That’s it. Even someone as scatter-brained as Jimena, who continues to invade the same room over and over to continue to play Breath of the Wild, is bound to pick up a pattern. Yet being able to explain it? Mah boy; that is a different league. You can know why something is different- and not know why.

>Try and bait him to slip and say something damning. "There's nothing on that phone that I'd care to hide. Not that you don't already know."
But she knows. She bets. Something; there is /something/. She’s as sure of this as she’s sure that Fernando will call her a fucking idiot.
The man is testing the phone in peace when Jimena tells him to save some time for the jav porn. That he will not find anything spicy in it. That there’s nothing in that phone that she’d care to hide- something he should already know. Fernando calls her a fucking idiot, but the grimace- the grimace was a jab she didn’t see coming. Ouch. Just letting yknow it’s not broken or buggy or anything, that’s all; that’s the cherry Jimena drops on top.

…Fernando turns the phone around. Of course; the phone is not reset, the contacts are still there. Like the guy she buys the answers for the tests (a teacher, actually) or the turbo-bitch she created multiple accounts to bully (Fernando’s very own crush, actually).

Jimena simply smiles. She has decided, she has finally found conviction; if the man touches the picture folder, she will eat that phone.

damn, what's with these dcs, isn't it the same as these >>5494395
>Stall for time "Oh yeah, I'm gonna need you to get the sim card out, you know I got shaky hands."
And all after going through all that shit about never hiding anything, mother of fucks.
Fine; today, she will focus. Going ‘oh!’, convincingly enough, Jimena asks his beloved friend to lend a helping hand in these trying times, to that off that sim card. Yes, that’s the plan; wonky doesn't even begin to describe how that works in her cell phone- the trigger to it broke after she stabbed it with the tip of a compass.
Not without a sigh, Fernando agrees to take it out himself after Jimena manages to make her hands vibrate, a feat she'll never again replicate with such accuracy. And his work is made even harder when the poor boy has to keep up with a barrage of extremely mundane questions, mixed in with the story of the boy who cried wolf three times and got fucked by the wolf and then married to him and then divorced him and learned to love himself. A good deed never goes unpunished, is what they say. By the fifth time Fernando pleads for Jimena to please shut the FUCK up, Jimena decides it’s time to go all in.

>press him. Threaten him that you'll come to play Demon Souls or something, if necessary.
After taking the SIM card off herself with her nails in a flash, getting an awed, confused, and rightfully so angry stare back, that stare is met with her own as Jimena sentences that it’s high time he cuts the bullshit. Frozen for a second, Fernando says what the fuck; yet his voice falters for a quarter of a second, and that is all a childhood friend needs to know.
Jimena tells Fernando that she’ll come play the PS5 version of Demon Souls if needs be, to protect the sanctity of their bond; Fernando screams he just gifted her a fucking Nintendo Switch (also ‘you ungrateful fucking bitch’). The Magical Girl is unphased: there are priorities in this life, she knows this from the heart, and so lets the man know that honesty has no price and that she is NOT willing to settle for less.
…albeit a bit too serious, the delivery could be considered flawless. Fernando just stares in silence; not bitching, no excuses. For half a second he looks away, Jimena instantly turns in the same direction, and although she is so extremely fucking bad with directions Fernando grabs her arm to stop her-

and takes a deep breath.

Jimena awaits, furrowing her brow. Whatever this is, it's important. Is he gay? Is he a furry? A love confession to his childhood friend? Is he hiding a dakimura? Is it a dakimura with a furry? So many possibilities.

Fernando says.
I can't do it.

Jimena frowns. Motherfucker. She pushes him to absolutely no avail; his friend has also found conviction, and is still as a statue. So. Fucking. Close.

Knowing she pushed enough, even satisfied to know there IS something, Jimena stands in defeat. I will know, she tells him; mark my words, bitch. Fuck you, he says, weak, sweating, vulnerable;

and that's when Jimena leaves.

(Emma next)
>>Thid Number is for Event Magnitude. Works just like Witch Magnitude.

but man, you know what you have a good point, the event roll deciding the range and the power magnitude determining the required rolls makes a lot of sense- otherwise there would be no way to lose magnitude 1 events. I fucked up, too much data.

I've been using the magnitude meter incorrectly. For now on, we are using the following as a gauge for success in Magnitude:

M1: 13 required for success.
M2: 26 required for success.
M3: 39 required for success.
M4: 52 required for success
M5: 65 required for success
M6: 78 required for success.
M7: 91 required for success.

although by the looks of it most of you must have thought we were already doing that. nah, I was using the Witch Magnitude as reference, which makes no fucking sense if you think about it. Overwork and you'll fuck up, guaranteed.

guess Jimena is getting a message

also refer to me any other possible fuckups and we'll see what we do lel
Hey, Rita LOVES sports! Every time she finds herself at a family member's sports party she has a blast... getting buzzed on the dregs of everyone's half-finished beers and stuffing herself with chips and treats, that is.
s'cool dude, I commend your efforts. thanks for all the freebies
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Emma Imeredala

>Ask Clara where she found the book (nicely) and use older sister/proto-mom instinct to tell if she's lying.
Wisdom Rolls: (62), 75
Magnitude 1 = Success
>IF it's just something she found, Emma can distract Clara with breakfast and take the notebook to return it to its rightful owner later. IF NOT, then she'll have to take some time after breakfast prep to solve it for little sis. Google powers go!
Wisdom Rolls: 83, (31)
Intelligence Rolls: 7, (67)
Magnitude 1 = Success
>Try to multitask making breakfast for the family at the same time.
Dexterity Rolls: 85, (29)
Magnitude 3 = Failure

Clara would technically be Emma’s cousin. Both have the same unspoken secret agreement: Clara is Emma’s little sister, Emma is Clara’s big sister, and that’s that. Labels often set barriers and priorities that Emma just didn’t want to have with someone as otherworldly sweet and gentle, so the first time Clara called her ‘sis’ the Magical Girl just rolled with it, rolled hard, and will continue to roll with it until the sky falls or the sun turns into an egg yolk.

Clara didn’t luck out; her mother became a drug addict after she started having daily panic attacks. Then got diagnosed with an anxiety disorder only recently, when the damage was already done, and now the family is spending a mountain on shrinks and pills. Abused from very early on, Emma’s very own little sister developed a degree of empathy hardly found in adults, and never in anyone with too much money.

That was Emma’s wish: a big, happy family. This is how a big happy family works. It’s not the lack of conflict that keeps it together; it’s the will to work things out. Having the chance to show this will is a blessing few are aware of.

Emma is.

>Ask Clara where she found the book (nicely) and tell if she's lying...

Emma was surprised to find that even saints lie, when it comes to chocolate. And even though the book isn’t made of chocolate (even though it is brown), it isn’t a book Emma is familiar with. Feigning surprise, Emma comments on how big the book is, that it must be for very smart people- then asks Clara, where did you find this? And the little girl simply says that mommy got it for her.

Mommy, in this case, secretly being Emma’s own mother, a tall, russian, hard-working factory role-model who was once recorded tackling a bear, pretending to be her own sister to buy her niece a math book. The wrong book.
To Clara’s confusion, Emma giggles hard.

Emma then lets Clara know that sometimes smart people can’t solve numbers either, which puzzles the little girl; what makes them smart, then? And what makes them smart, Emma tells her, is that they keep trying. Gently handing Clara the book again, Emma declares that they will solve it all together- with a full belly, as she wears the apron.

And if she won’t, Google will-
and Google will be kind enough to let her take the credit.
>Try to multitask making breakfast for the family at the same time.
Love finds a way, and that way, Emma knows, is through a loooooooooot of dirty dishes. Dishes from the night before; dishes that will be there again tomorrow, if she treats them with care. Although the pressure to get on with the breakfast first is there, too- the fear that she won’t make it in time, that people will be sad and hungry- and she ends up doing both things at the same time. Emma then realizes she could be melting the cheese as the oven heats up, and that maybe the cheese will take enough to melt for her to clear the table and set it up, and that-
Clara stares with her mouth wide open. So this is what being the biggest sister /means/.
-at some point during the frenzy, Emma finds herself using her feet to open the fridge and take out a bag of onions while she washed lettuce-
-at another point, she was cutting carrots with karate chops-
-at some other point, from the corner of her eye, she finds Clara breaking eggs into a bowl, stirring them with what little might she has-
-and that is when the knife in her mouth opens the bag of flour she was lifting and Emma ends up buried alive.

Silence sets in. First things first, Emma gently takes the knife out of her mouth and places it in the sink. Second things second, she takes two slices of tomato and puts them over her eyes. Then, slowly, she turns around to face a frozen Clara- who is soon screaming, running away from the Cake Monster that is chasing her down the halls. A part of Emma smiles, a part of Emma weeps: a long day of sweeping awaits her. Right now, though, she is the Cake Monster and must eat little girls WHOLE.

∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿ ▲ ∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿

Still somewhat proud that Clara was clever enough to lead her to the garden, where the Cake Monster was melted with a hose (and her only school uniform sprayed with water, the one she needs by the afternoon), Emma finally turns off the hair dryer. Right outside the bathroom is Clara waiting shotgun, unamused because Emma tried to eat her yet ready to do her homework.

In the end, Emma cleans up the sweat on her forehead with her sleeve, feeling innermost relief.
As it turns out, she is, without a doubt, still capable of doing third grade math.

(Erika next!)
Rolled 79, 21, 56, 71 = 227 (4d100)

You forgot the second Charisma roll so amma do the honors, no hard feelings okkkkkkkk
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■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■

>make use of your position as the school's füh-Student Council President to AQUIRE a tarp or preferably two, there has to be a couple of those in the maintenace closet.
Charisma Rolls: 83, 76, 64, (45)
Non-Mandatory = 45 (Magnitude 3 Success)
>IF there are no tarps that can be used then it's time to get creative, there has to be at least a couple of people who use rain capes. Just invite them along to the picnic, should be easy enough, just talk and... talk... ok, if worst come to pass, just metaphoricaly throw Romina at them until they agree. You could use that time to get something to stand on outside, like an unused sport mattress' cover
Intelligence Rolls: 44, 18, (94)
Magnitude 5 = Success
Charisma Rolls: 79, (21), 56, 71
Magnitude 2 = Failure
Romina = Success
>AFTER all of that, go with Romina and maybe the raint cape-wearers to the nearest tree outside and tie to tarp/ capes to the branches to make a makeshift roof and place down the remaing tarp/cover.
Intelligence Rolls: 29, 86, (82)
Magnitude 2 = Success

No. Planification isn’t Romina’s forte. There is no scientist, statistician, engineer, data analyst, or system architect that would not join hands with each other in agreement, in celebration of the certainty of the fact. Erika closes her eyes, a scientist accepting that she was chosen by the divine to deal with the bullshit.

She then asks Romina to come with her, yet ensures that two of her points remain crystal-clear to the bimbo. First, that she does not desire to help her, that she /needs/ to. Not a want; but a need. The word cuts sharp into the air, but Romina just nods jollily. Second, that she will NOT partake in this ‘picnic but with rain’ charade; that much, she ensures is engraved in Romina’s forehead forevermore. Who just grins a bit and goes ‘okaaay!’ as she follows the student council fuh- president.

>make use of your position as the school's füh-Student Council President to AQUIRE a tarp or preferably two, there has to be a couple of those in the maintenace closet.

First option is the maintenance closet, second is going straight to the warehouse; always have a plan B. Step 1 of plan A involves tracking down Antonio, who has been the janitor of this school ever since its conception, a man in his seventies who is very open about his homosexuality and is pretty much the unspoken therapist of the institution. Step 1 is a success; Antonio is found peacefully waving his broom away, a tiny cat hanging from the handle. Romina instantly goes AWWWWWW, which already draws his attention, a fortunate event since now there is no chance to mess up the greeting.

For some reason, it is Erika he addresses, and not Romina- most likely because the later has already taken the broom almost by force. Antonio greets Erika cordially, and follows up at once by asking if he can be of use; a man already keen to Erika’s policy of saving up air on formalities. Not risking awkwardness by saying the wrong joke, Erika simply asks for the key to the utility closet. It’s the efficient thing to do.
The closet opens up with a shrill, creaking sound. Rags, batteries, a broom without a cat, replacement bulbs, detergent, soap boxes, a stray kite… no tarps, no spare umbrellas, no laminated nylon fabric.
Erika herself seals the closet shut; she then just walks away towards the warehouse. Plan B. Glancing back for just a second, she doesn’t spot just Romina, and it’s not just Antonio that is now following her around like a dutiful butler; the cat is coming too, on its own. For some unexplainable reason this prompts Erika to walk just a bit faster; the rest of the party simply follows suit.

The rain strikes like ten thousand tiny drumstick against the warehouse's makeshift tin roof. Even after Antonio turn on the switch the place still remains dark and eerie for five or six seconds; then the dark is banished by the fluorescent tubes stuck to the ceiling.
Antonio straightforwardly asks Erika what to look for, and what does she want to do with it. He only gets the first answer; tarps, tents, broken tents, a car cover, fabric sturdy but lightweight. Even Romina gets. Altough the place is small, it still takes a while to go through every aisle. And although everyone went through every aisle, the only item that remotely resembles the description is a scarlet windbreaker jacket, both forgotten and confiscated, that says 'PERFECT BEING' on the back.

Erika takes it anyway.

>IF there are no tarps that can be used then it's time to get creative, there has to be at least a couple of people who use rain capes. Just invite them along to the picnic, should be easy enough, just talk and... talk... ok, if worst come to pass, just metaphoricaly throw Romina at them until they agree. You could use that time to get something to stand on outside, like an unused sport mattress' cover

Romina was about to ask Erika to not worry too much but got sh'ed less than halfway into the sentence. She doesn't, nor won't she, understand that it's a need- that Erika will not see stupidity bloom under her feet.

Drastic situations call for drastic measures. Plan C. The one Erika didn't want, but the one she needs; Plan Chat.

Step 1 of Plan C- finding people with rain capes- turns out surprisingly harder than she had in mind. After all, students at this hour are still somewhat rare, as is this rain that came unannounced. To her absolute dread and dismay, the number of people Erika is forced to socially interact with gets exponentially larger because not everyone brings a spare rain cape just in case the sky randomly decides it’s time to water the flowers. In fact, whoever does is considered a dork; and that is why Erika won’t bring hers out of the bag. Antonio, Romina, and even the cat allow themselves to stare in silent awe at the rare event of Erika being the one to walk up to people and talk- and not even once, twice, and not even twice, thrice! And it keeps going. Unlike Romina, Antonio would never admit it: that the look on the student’s faces as it’s Erika Kroppman who is going straight at them to talk, is kinda funny.

As the last girl swears she ‘didn’t do it’, whatever that is, before Erika even gets a word in, and runs away without further input, Erika finally turns to face, not Antonio, but Romina.

Who takes the hint.

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>AFTER all of that, go with Romina and maybe the raint cape-wearers to the nearest tree outside and tie to tarp/ capes to the branches to make a makeshift roof and place down the remaing tarp/cover.

The crowd behind Erika looks like a cult; Erika herself looks like the sacrifice brought by Romina to quell the tears of angry old gods. The rain does a good job to quell the sound of whispers and chit-chat coming from the back, but it’s not enough, not enough to drown out Erika’s inner screams of agony. What started as a weird picnic ended up being a full blown school event; the nerds, the bullies, the retards, the bimbos, the football bois, the weird but gentle girls- Romina is as social as Erika is a-social. This translates, apparently, to Romina being friends with anyone.

Finally under the big school tree, already dead inside, Erika instructs the cape wearers to tie their capes to the branches and make a roof with as few holes as they can. The rest spray the sport mattresses all over the floor; these are already wet, but Erika also told them to bring some towels to clean them afterwards. Although no shortage of students fail to declare the plan ‘absolutely fucking stupid’, just like Erika did no less than twenty minutes ago, as soon as Antonio brings out the snacks and there is some contribution from the rest, everyone is quietly chewing down under the rain. The reality is that there is little talking; the other reality is that the unexpected aura of coziness hits even Erika. The rain gets even harder yet no one seems to mind, some even scream when the ride gets hard, while others dread that a thunder will strike; in time, both come to pass, and everyone gets on with their own things together.

It lasts a full hour.

>Erika has accidentally started a new school tradition. Her Mental Status goes up from Normal to Motivated.

(Rita tomorrow!)
is no one gonna point out karina became romina in her introduction and just remained that way
no you fuck you don't understand, it's Deep Game Lore, it has like a meaning

also which do you like more, Romina, Karina, or Optimus Prime
>Not a want; but a need.
I do not know if a meguca with 0 tolerance for stupidity will survive loner than otherwise but I am here to find out.
>a scarlet windbreaker jacket, both forgotten and confiscated, that says 'PERFECT BEING' on the back.
I feel like I should get this reference but my mind is blank, is this how Erika feels about everything?
>that the look on the student’s faces as it’s Erika Kroppman who is going straight at them to talk, is kinda funny.
>New Objective: deliver the Satsuki speech in front of everybody.
>Erika has accidentally started a new school tradition. Her Mental Status goes up from Normal to Motivated.
Lovely stuff QM, can't wait for the suffering to begin. If Kyubei was near Erika when she got /omnipotence/, does that mean that she knows about all the shady, witchy stuff?
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Rita Hammerhead

>Tail 'Suit Dick' to his car or however he got here. It's just like that Assassin mission in Thief!
Wisdom Rolls: (26), 80
Magnitude 2 = Barely Successful
Dexterity Rolls = 92
Magnitude 2 = Success
>Try to glean some dirt off of him--does he talk to anyone on the phone? Any identifying marks or conversations to see who he's working for?
Wisdom Rolls: 92, (28)
Magnitude 4 = Failure
>If caught just attribute the display of autism in the meeting as nerves--if he gives Rita a business card or something she'll be certain to discuss it more once she's thought things over (but really this guy's gonna get STAKED OUT LATER)
Charisma Rolls: 99, (52)
Magnitude 4 Barely Successful

Autist’, at this point, is an insult flung around anywhere- at times, with little reason. The true definition is that of someone unaware of concrete facts or data, someone who sees the forest but not the trees. But when it’s all laid out in front of you and you pick every green leaf, yet fail to pick up the intent, the purpose of their very existence- what does that make you?

>Tail 'Suit Dick' to his car or however he got here. It's just like that Assassin mission in Thief!

Not wasting one more second, Rita darts out of her office, rides down the handle of the spiral staircase, dashes under the water roller coaster, and past the moody employees still making sure the ride won’t send anyone flying to the street. She struggles a bit to make her way through the people waiting outside, nimble as she is, popping from every crevice big or small between the people as if she was made of slime. Finally out of the hivemind, Rita turns and turns around frantically looking for suits, white beards, or suitcases full of money. Nothing. The young business girl’s catharsis came up too late.
Rita feels a faint shiver going down her spine. Not a big deal. Nothing to worry about.
As she turns around in defeat, the very corner of her eye sees it: that very same white beard, behind a tarnished window, and the window is on a car, and the car is getting away. Rita gets pumped and looks around, but there are no golf carts to snatch away, and the traffic lights are still green, and if she grabs onto that car maybe it will go another way, and the bus is too slow, and-

-fuck it. Before even she knew it, Rita was in the back of a moving pickup truck. Rushing to the ledge, she spots Suit Dick’s fancy car further ahead, getting closer by the second. YES. Turning around, Rita is faced by a bunch of surprised construction workers dressed in bleached rags, none of them fitting the standard definition of male beauty, yet all with muscle to show for their trade.

Rita and the workers stare at each other in silence as the truck hits a bump and makes everyone bounce a bit. It’s then that Rita asks the hardworking family men if they like water parks. One of them cleanly asks if there’s something wrong with Rita’s head; yet a coworker pushes him back slightly and asks if Rita was being chased. This gets the rest to open their eyes wide open, as this would make complete total sense and justify the whole ordeal. Rita says no; that she is hunting down a CEO who offered her eleven million dollars (she’s just making up numbers) to buy her very own water park. Satisfied with the truth, Rita simply turns around towards the street- the truck has finally caught up to the car.

>Try to glean some dirt off of him--does he talk to anyone on the phone? Any identifying marks or conversations to see who he's working for?

Burrows frown and ears sharp, Rita pays the car her full focus through the mix of car horns and engines. The man in the suit is not alone: someone else is driving. As expected. And he is, just like a successful businessman would be, still glued to the cellphone.The words Rita makes out after a while don’t add up or don’t make sense in any way she could tie them together, which is annoying. Balance sheets, net profiting, B2B, liabilities, safe revenue; these are all terms perhaps Rita should know that she certainly doesn’t know about right now. When the car takes a turn, the truck takes a turn too; when the car goes faster, the truck goes faster too.

Already tired of business terminology and unable to be sure, Rita was already ready to give up when the car stopped in front of a skyscraper- and what do you know, the truck too. The sound of underpaid blue collar labor inquiring the driver as to what the fuck they are doing here distracts Rita for a bit, but she does take the opportunity to grab a newspaper she’s been stepping on the whole time and jump off boat with it. Subtle as a deez nuts joke, Rita takes guard under a light pole and hides behind the soaking wet old number; it says that a guy tried to ride a giraffe like a horse, and this draws her attention. When she peeks just a little bit from over the stained pages, the Magical Girl is met with the eyes of the old man she treated like shit few minutes ago.

>If caught just attribute the display of autism in the meeting as nerves--if he gives Rita a business card or something she'll be certain to discuss it more once she's thought things over (but really this guy's gonna get STAKED OUT LATER)

This REALLY worked out a lot better in her head. Against that single raised eyebrow, every muscle in Rita's face trembles in panic, especially her lips. This makes feigning surprise at the coincidence that she just jumped out a truck full of strongmen at the same place he was heading get a whole lot harder.

But that doesn’t make it any less of an opportunity.

Rita says she’s ‘sowwy’. Whether this is the truth or not, time will tell; the last person we get to know is ourselves. It seems to be good enough, despite the raw display of pure autism, to make the man drop the eyebrow- perhaps this gentleman has seen worse. Thankfully enough, not being even legal to drink yet makes her excuse all that easier to swallow: nerves, lack of experience, fear of loss and failure. Cleanly enough, the man simply asks if Rita, then, thinks herself capable of running her busyness- a question for which Rita always had an answer ready.
It doesn’t matter; I have a water park.
Perhaps allowing himself to consider this ‘as having passion’ other than as ‘being delusional’, the man, a witness to the effort displayed by Rita, blissfully unaware of how she got there before him- but knowing, at least, that both figuring out his address and getting there before him couldn’t be easy- forgives the young lady. From his jacket he takes off a business card and hands it over to her; Marco Aurelio, CEO of Fantasy Inc, the top producer of dildos in 142 countries.

And when Rita looked up again, the man was already heading into the building.

…but what's a dildo?

Somewhere else in the world, Lucinda Newhorn is playing fetch with a shiba inu. Both the toy in its mouth and Rita’s new card share the same signature.

The toy then landed square in the face of some bald guy with sunglasses and knocked him down.

(up next: everyone’s results!)
Lucinda poster mah boy, if you are still here help me skip a prompt and tell me if Lucinda accepts her dads offer or not

The Golden Rule, which we've been using plenty actually. It kinda went like this: every prompt had a perfect way to be solved using the target stat, BUT, if you find another way to do it, you could roll with another stat. It's automatic. Actually, it's what has been happening the most

>I feel like I should get this reference but my mind is blank, is this how Erika feels about everything?
I try to never reference anything desu, i like self-contained worlds. The reason the jacket says that may remain forever out of Erika's reach- which is funny since she actually already knows.

>If Kyubei was near Erika when she got /omnipotence/, does that mean that she knows about all the shady, witchy stuff?

It's /omniscience/. The way her wish worked is that every single piece of possible knowledge has been injected in her mind /at once/- which caused ultra-dimensional levels of overflow instead of instantly leaving her cathatonic. Surviving was only possible thanks to her own personal magic, (knowing all there is to know) which allowed her to find a way to survive the injection by spreading that ocean of data into her subconcious. To exploit all that knowledge would be impossible to her because the buffer in her mind has a limit and therefore can't reach that deep without serious effort, so what her magic does is simply allowing her to remember more stuff at once.
Eyyyy man I'm not asleep yet. Although I will have to in like the next hour kek.
>Lucinda accepts her fathers offer, begrudgingly.
hey no rush, go to sleep man. This quest is as slow as it gets lol
>It's /omniscience/.
My bad.
>what her magic does is simply allowing her to remember more stuff at once.
Sounds like a 'Nam flashback waiting to happen, thanks for answering.
Fucking masterful. And without any Meguca power use either! That I know of! Watch out, everyone--that was ALL NATURAL TALENT! And this is good... now we have a name for the beast--the White Whale... the Goliath to Rita's David!

Seems like he has a hand in dog toys too... unless I misread and that toy legit belongs to the man. Powerful stuff...
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It is the afternoon of the twelfth day of December, of the year two thousand twenty two.


Emma Imeredala
-A kind-hearted Magical Girl capable of imprinting her own intentions into other people.
-Her Magical Weapon is a two-handed scepter.
-She wished for a big, happy family.
-She’s currently working hard to keep it that way.

Right now, Emma is desperately squeezing her school uniform dry over a bucket as rain rages outside. Her little cousin, Clara, is shaking her wet skirt to make it dry faster- so fast that the skirt is sent flying to the neighbors garden.

ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ
-A stoic-hearted Magical Girl capable of becoming free of anything.
-Her Magical Weapon is a gigantic crossbow that can turn into a scythe.
-She wished for freedom.
-Despite her misanthropic nature, she has found an interest in animals.

Right now, Lucinda is in her room, looking at pictures and videos of various types of animals and keeping notes to make the most efficient decision. In exchange for putting an end to her days of truancy, her strict parents have allowed her to own a pet.

Jimena Gimenez
-A lazy-hearted Magical Girl capable of stretching her limbs way beyond human limits.
-Her Magical Weapon is a whip with a big hand at the end.
-She wished to be able to eat her own ass.
-She’s now the proud owner of a Nintendo Switch.

Right now and forever, Jimena will remain blissfully unaware that his close friend, Fernando, had to endure a two hour conversation with her dad about politics because no other SIM card seemed to work with her old cell phone. Now free of social media, she plays Breath of the Wild in the middle of class instead of gacha.

What she did become aware of, though, after Fernando had chased her to the door, was that his friend had managed to convince his game developing team to model the main character of the game they are working on after… herself. The piles of paper filled with prototype dialogue left her speechless.

Kinda cringe, but she feels Motivated for some reason.

■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■
-A pragmatic-hearted Magical Girl capable of limited omniscience.
-Her Magical Weapon is a book-shield.
-She wished to know everything.
-Against her most sincere and deepest wishes, she now belongs in a big social circle.

Right now, Erika is extremely frustrated because her butt and any clothes surrounding it are totally soaked. The picnic-under-the-rain turned out so relaxing that she allowed herself to drop the guard, yet despite all the measures some water was still bound to make its way through. Again in the library, she’s focusing on her ass as if that would make it dry faster.
Rita Hammerhead
-A fun-hearted Magical Girl.
-Her Magical Weapon is a long rapier.
-She wished to own a water park.
-Her brash, impulsive actions have earned her a very powerful contact.

Right now, Rita is going sliding down the biggest water coaster in her park, screaming her lungs out- among her own customers. As she goes up and down the attractions wearing her dolphin-themed swimsuit, Rita is unaware that her presence is in fact helping the place run much smoothly- because her employees are right there. Some dread she finds them lazing around, other pray to be fired, but all do a good job and, despite the rain not letting up, the very first day of the water park is a happy day indeed.

∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿ ▲■-■凸ರೃ ᕗ ∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿

aighr boys and girls today I've been busy as FFFFFFFFFFuke so I'll forgive myself for not starting the next prompt today. Even if you don't.

I'll take a day or two off and there are gonna be some big changes to the pace after this. I feel like we've taken a good dip into our meguca's quirks and brainfarts and personalities, at least enough to get a picture of how they work, so from next time on every turn will be a whole day and the speed at which DP's point is accumulated will be -much- higher. The spawn-rate for witches, though, will remain the same.

All that being said, I plan on keeping up parttern: slow, gigantic updates and taking our time to clarify shit in between. I'm sure that even at this pace we won't be bored, so tune on next time for gucas doing the dishes, walking their dogs, telling their friends that reality tv shows are for braindead people, despairing over wasting one of their parents credit cards on gacha rolls, and wearing a manly suit.
just try and guess which will do which
I see, the switch was the payment for using my likeliness. Well, too bad, I want actual fucking revenue if the game ever sells. And if I die before that, which I will, at least there's something cute to remember me by
Damn, it's been a fun last few days, guess we'll see you later. don't die in a furbol mob or something?
>Dolphin-themed swimsuit

Sounds excellent, man. I personally don't mind days taking a turn or two (maybe one for day, one for night?), but I'm invested enough to keep experimenting with how mechanics work.

Gonna guess Rita's the Manly suit, but I could be totally wrong. Also figured I'd ask again now:

All the girls got the 411 from Kyuubey, right? Like they all know they gotta fight witches and collect Grief Seeds? Or does that come later? Again, just wanted to be sure before paths crossed. Thanks for running!
Enjoy your few days off man, it's been really fun.
Looking forward to seeing what kind of changes to the system will be added as time moves on.

See y'all in a few days, I'm gonna see some avatar 2 kino tonight.
Rolled 98, 15, 14, 69, 47, 94, 71, 1, 19 = 428 (9d100)

Lucinda, Rita, Jimena, Erika, Emma

don't mind me lol just an innocent roll lololol
sus QM. Very sus.
>that nat 1
>just an innocent roll
Someone's gonna get despair'd
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buena messi
Is any slot still open? Can I still make a meguca?
just wait for us to die, give it a week or so
boi did i scream
I gave a lung as sacrifice to the gods of the ball
french megucas witching out
>Inb4 12 turns of nonstop football rioting
Time to join in on the celebration, gals
today wheter it rains blood thunder lava or french-nationalized african football players i will be posting, late as fuck for sure, but i will be posting
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BOI, I thought that was never going to end. I promised you slightly overtoasted arabic sheikh that I deliver and here I am to deliver, way past my bed time.

If you are gonna do it, don't do it. Don't try to bullshit mechanics out of your ass until everything fits because oh sister in law, that doesn't happen, I bet my balls htat doesn't happen but there you go.

Tomorrow I'm rolling dat witch activity roll y'all been waiting for- and all of the other stuff too.
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that being said, I was gonna roll all'y random event rolls myself, but I just poured tea on my cat because i failed to drink motherfucking tea so guess what, im giving you the honors, and we also check who's still in the gucaguca boat
i also feel noteworthy to clarify: a aint any regret going full retard. Let It Be Known.

so plz roll me those 7d100 lolktnks

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also yes we got factions now
center is a neutral zone
fuck with the neutral zone and i'll be here lolin

also callin it right now someone may be wondering where does lucinda's area belong, is it a slutty northie or a fucktarded easter

we'll be back in twenty
you are borrowing fucking vtubers? so cringe, I love it
fancy costumes? check
animu? check
personalities up the ass so i dont have to make each other up individually? check
depression? check

lets cringin goooooooo
Rolled 35, 92, 52, 83, 8, 53, 61 = 384 (7d100)

dice gods please
Rolled 69, 88, 16, 41, 52, 71, 40 = 377 (7d100)

Very fancy guides there, Kyuubey! Looking forward to it! Here's those rolls you asked for... I think. 7, right?

Next door to Kruppman, ey? Hope you like water parks and sweets, kid...
Rolled 43, 100, 77, 9, 59, 16, 22 = 326 (7d100)

Are any of the events riots by any chance?
>Hope you like water parks and sweets, kid...
Something tells me Erika will do well with a part-time job.
lucinda, you get this one in a lifetime opportunity to pick a pet
go fuxking crazy
deadline next post
fuck tou captcha
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a tiktaalik
Identity theft! Can't have kot in Buenos Aires
I would have gone beyond crazy and chose Kyube
Rolled 8, 2, 56, 27, 68, 75, 49 = 285 (7d100)

Holy zhit man, you really did go full retard. Well done, I'm proud.

Anything huh?

Oh, I think I've got a good one.

I choose an extinct species. A adolescent Woolly Mammoth. If not possible then I choose Kyube
Rolled 94, 99, 77, 98, 97, 32, 10 = 507 (7d100)

What are these rolls. I...I think I may have just started something ridiculously big here. Oh no.
great rolls, and by that I mean wow, you are fucked
lets see, magnitude seven charisma challenge. and a local meguca faction, vshojo or hololive
Hey, get your own name. You ain't me, pal.
Are you sure? He seems like you.
Nah, I ain't a lil' bitch
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You're lucky you've got a few barrios between us, punk. Wouldn't want to have an unfortunate 'Water Slide Accident', would we?
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If, one day, the ground under your feet broke, and you fell low into cold waters below, even if you survived, until the day you died, you would tap your feet against the tiles.
But when that never happens? Girls run and jump and trip and dance and slam into the ground from a water slide, rise, and do it all over again. We never know for sure what’s below our feet, what holds our peaceful daily lives together; we are strangers to the cost. And even when we do get a grasp, there is always a piece in a dark room in a corner that fits the puzzle, and makes the picture it shows look all the different.

But in the meantime? A day can go by without notice,
a night can come up out of nowhere,

a week can creep up on you,
a month can vanish like smoke,

And just like that

Just like that

A year came and went by.

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It is eight in the morning of the twentieth of December, of the year two thousand twenty three-

and so much has happened.

--Status Report--

■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■

HP: 100
DP: 100
Condition: Normal

Despair Roll: (94), 71
Random Event Roll: 43, 100, 77, 9, 59, 16, 22
Happens?: 43 (Yes)
Stat: 100 (Charisma)
Type: 77 (Challenge)
Magnitude: 9 (Magnitude 1)
Encounter?: 59 (No)

--Polytechnic School Manuel Belgrano--

The single line the raindrop draws on that tarnished window sent Erika Kruppman into an eerie spiral of deja vus -as if it was going further down her own spine instead. A year ago, she was sitting in the library -check-, with a book -check-, getting ready for finals -check-... and Maria came rushing through that door, going about some supremely goofy, impulsive, and down-right senseless plan to make a picnic under the RAIN of all things.

…Erika glances. Not even her own purely pragmatic heart stops her from glancing at the wooden door, worn with decades of use, a testament to the power of proper maintenance. To fall, no- just to slip, even if for a bit, in superstition, hits the ever-practical Student Council President with sharp shame, felt in her bones- and made even worse when the door /is/ blasted open.
Erika would have gone instantly deaf if it was the first time. It wasn’t; it wasn’t even the eleventh hundredth time. Smirking; as Maria power-walks towards her, triggering Erika’s innermost fight-or-flee instincts, Maria is smirking just like she was last year. And horror takes over: because it is raining. Yet these feelings will never be shown on her face. Even if just for one split second, Erika wonders if time ever even moved.

Admittedly, it wasn’t a bad year. It wasn’t a good year, either. When all your days look the same your mind merges them all together, and it feels like just a single day has passed in years because nothing was truly eventful. A single day could truly have been all that had come and gone, and maybe Erika would believe it.

Except for that day.
That one day Erika finally understood the full weight of her own wish.
Shortly after becoming a Magical Girl, it was unavoidable that she’d meet some of her own kin. Even nowadays, you still have all sorts of agents: girls who hunt in teams, girls who gank girls that just hunted a Witch, girls that protect the borders from outsiders, girls that trespass borders, girls that belong to a faction and pay in duty, girls that belong to no faction and pay in weakness, girls taken over by despair, girls that kept their despair to themselves, so many girls…. The one Erika met back then, the one that made that single second day in her head, was the type to keep to herself- a lone wolf just like herself.

Maria waves a hand back and forth, bringing Erika back to the present time. Right; time did move forward. For one, Maria did that stupid shit where you dye your hair in weird colors (altough it doesn’t look bad). For two, she wasn’t half as shy as she used to be around her (an absolute downgrade). For three, the both of them are right about to enter their final year of high school; a feat very few Magical Girls can admit to.

That one girl, for example; that one wounded wolf. Even when they did meet by chance, there was hardly any kind of interaction: both simply agreed, in the most tacit of ways, to keep each to their own way. To Erika, the better human relationship she had ever been in; it ended that very same day. She had found this nameless Magical Girl bleeding in a dark alley, blood dripping from the corners of her mouth, her eyes white yet peaceful as her chest kept fighting for air. It was the first and last time Erika had actually approached her.

Back then, the dying girl could not bear witness to the fight going inside of Erika. Her pragmatic nature demanded that she kept her only Grief Seed to herself, her idealism, silent for years until now, had erupted like a volcano. Kindness won the fight, to her, by twisting facts and lying; when she reached out, her gesture was rejected.
The Magical Girl explained herself. She had been going at it hard and for enough to make sure that there was no hope, no light at the end of the road; at least for her. To stretch it out would only stretch her pain; and for how long, not that there was no excuse? To this day, Erika still wonders if she knew. When her Soul Gem became completely dark, when there was no light left no matter the angle, the fabric of reality cracked, sound and light stopped making sense, a Labyrinth spawned- and that lonesome Magical Girl, who fought long years for light, turned into a Witch.

A Witch just like those Kyubey had told her to slain every so often, to protect ‘the people she loved’.

Erika is walking. She wasn’t aware that she was walking. She also wasn’t aware that she was surrounded by her classmates, perhaps because the voice of Maria next to her is so fucking LOUD that it blocked any other relevant information.
Erika blinks and blinks and blinks hard; something inside was begging her to come back. Delving into her own memory as a means to escapism backfired, and now she’s stuck with this bullshit yet again. She glances around. An older Antonio, now a bit more gray and bent forward, must have insisted on letting them carry the ‘spiral tarp’, an invention of her own, now a symbol of the school. To Erika’s eternal dismay, the picnic-under-the-rain fad endured long enough to stop becoming a fad and turn into a full-on tradition, which she is now conditioned to perpetuate as the unwilling inventor. Yet like in the sky, the Magical Girls finds a silver lining: Erika knows how the man who made the atomic bomb felt like.

Back then, as the Witch emerged in front of her… as she witnessed, like many times before, logic and sense crack into splinters, then merge into something unreal… Erika felt nothing.
Like many times before, she realized that she already knew; that she always knows. It became perfectly clear, for the first time, that she is completely immune to surprise, to tears and joy. Feelings arise only when we learn something new; her wish had forever taken away her ability to learn.
This, Erika thinks to herself, is what I still read books. It’s hope; she can still feel dread and hope. Once expectations turn into reality she will be left with less than dust. No castle is made of dust.
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>Despair Roll: (94), 71
Yet not even dread remained, no sort of expectation. Back then, she had slain the Witch; she had consumed her. Inside of her, Erika thinks it would be fair. If the pigs and cows would feast on her flesh, it would be fair too. There are those, of course, who fear death less than injustice.

>>Random Event:
>Stat: Charisma
>Type: Challenge
>Magnitude: 1

Phasing in and out of the dreamscape has a price, and that is missing out on whatever this dumb-ass bimbo just said. Feeling a slight pang of guilt, Erika asks Maria to repeat herself; after all, the girl has been her own voice for years now.
Maria makes a show out of knocking on Erika’s forehead like it was a door, gently enough, and yet still prompting Erika to imagine tying the girl into a rocket. No less than ‘very excited’, although she usually plays it up, Maria asks Erika if she will be joining them for the picnic under the rain. Which is a vast improvement, considering she would usually just drag her around.

…then again; people. Talking with people; socializing, the whole thing. Chit-chat, an extremely basic ability, something even toddlers find hard to fuck up, a skill Erika knows all too well as her own Achille’s Heel. For just one more second, Erika allows herself back to dreamland, where that Magical Girl is still sitting quietly in a dark alley, in peace and quiet. Maybe if she had a better way with words back then she could have convinced this girl that there are silver linings if you know where to look.

…then again, she could just go back to studying. Even if she had already been ready for these exams ever since she stepped on this school.

Erika glances through yet another tarnished window as she walks past, the fog bad enough to keep her from making out any shape or form. The Magical Girl wonders how she would have felt like, how she would have reacted after realizing that every Witch she killed was a girl like herself. With their own problems, of course, each with their very own ideas of how things work. And that, at the end of the day, they too will turn into one.
Erika wonders: how would any other girl have reacted to this?

>(Emma next!)
>Erika wonders: how would any other girl have reacted to this?
>(Emma next!)
>Despair Roll: (1), 19
I can imagine
>Erika felt nothing.
Man, Erika got both the short and long end of the stick. She is immune to what would turn many magical girls into witches or psychos, Looking at you, Mami, but she is also emotionless, she only has the future to yearn and dread. Wonderfull characterization, QM, now unto starting a communist revolution in the Magical Girl Community.
>>Erika of course would join them, not out of her own free will, she would never admit that, but because some things just have to happen and she is too smart to fall for some oedipian trap in which what one runs from ends up in their path. No, Erika will satiate the mob and perform the rain ritual like the god-queen of Polytechnic School Manuel Belgrano that she is... and yet this is her second-last year among the students whom she tolerated all this time, someone has to keep the tradition even after she ascends from the scholar realm. She needs to find a successor.
>Convince Maria of her foolproof idea of gro-Finding! Yes, finding a suitable replacement to continue the tradition even after they graduate and RECRUIT her for this endevour.
>REGARDLESS of wether Maria joins or not, SEARCH the school for a potential heir, preferably someone from the first year or so. Should be easy enough, triumph begets emulation after all... Yes, she will look for someone like herself, someone who she could take under her wing and guide through the many perils of high school life.
>ONCE such a person is located, just go and talk and... talk... Ok, Erika know better than everybody that throwing Maria at said student would be fine and dandy and it would work, but this is more then just the continuation of her unwilling tradition, this is about Erika's succession, the legacy she leaves behind. She knows that nobody is born ready, and this is why she HAS to be able to impart her knowledge to her yet-unknown pupil. So... "Hey Maria, how do normal humans communicate?"(attempt to LEARN from Maria how to communicate)
my good man, we haven't rolled witches yet lol
you can keep that up of course but i'd recommend you wait
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Emma Imeredala

HP: 100
DP: 59,5
Condition: Angry

Despair Roll: 1, (19)
Random Event Roll: 94, 99, 77, 98, 97, 32, 10
Happens?: No.
And thank fuck it didn't.

—-----------Coto Supermarket—-----------

Three cups of all purpose flour.
A half cup of powdered sugar.
Four egg.
Cup butter.
Two teaspoons of baking soda.
One cup of milk.
And two teaspoons of vanilla essence.
The mall trolley was starting to bend under the weight. Did that stop Emma? No. Two Coca Colas bottles- the big ones. Cheese puffs, even if she didn’t like them. ‘Dulce de leche’, for the cake. And rice, for tomorrow’s stomach aches.
The trolley cannot complain. It can only bear the pressure.
The cashier's eyes go wide. Not as wide as they could (customer service hardens even monsters), but big enough to be considered a compliment if Emma and her little sister were trying to impress him. The granny behind them was ready to die old right there as the items crammed over the belt, yet ever so slowly the mountain moved. Before soon-to-be 6 years old Clara fell asleep, standing against her sister, a bigger hand took hers and led the little girl towards the big magical doors that open sideways. Rain and fog greeted them; behind the fog, a big black car.

—--------Imeredala’s Household—-------

Clara spent the trip back buried in groceries in the most literal fashion possible. Once the rear trunk got filled, the back of the car became the new rear trunk, and since Clara insisted on NOT sitting on anyone’s lap because she’s now a big girl the groceries ended up sitting on her.
No one even batted an eye when the car door opened and down came an avalanche, birthday girl included. It will never be clear whether their mother overestimated the size of the car or underestimated Emma’s zeal for ensuring no one was left hungry- or thirsty- or bored. At any rate, Emma's mother took the bullet like a champ, and drove half an hour with the face of a huge trout stuck to the side of her head as if mocking her driving skills. Yet ever so ready as she was to give her biggest daughter The Speech, about loans and saving up and the uncertain future and the Cold War, Emma’s Russian bear mother wasn’t taking one very important fact into account:

that Emma Imeredala is a Magical Girl.

Exactly like ants, members of the Imeredala family came and went from the car, each time with a different item, Clara included (as an item, and a very pouty one at that). The car, like any dreaming girl, lost ten kilograms a second until there was nothing left in it but the dog, who was found under the bakery items. And yet while most of the family was perfectly ready and content to just laze around, Emma, like an organized whirlwind, saw to it that each and every single item was in its proper place- Clara included.

And when it was as if nobody had bought anything, as if nothing had happened, Emma finally allowed herself back to the room, finally allowed herself to sigh, finally allowed herself to cry.

Door locked behind her, the tears continued to roll. Those weren’t happy tears, neither sad tears, but angry tears, tears of fury and rage; she knew another panic attack was coming and braced herself. The ‘magical pills’ would only do so much and leave her stupid, of that she was too sure, but when the pain and dread and fear and sorrow all came knocking at the same time Emma hated that only trait of hers that she had always been proud of: stubbornness. Gasping loudly against the door, as if drowning, as everything felt just too small, too asphyxiating, too close to her chest, Emma silently endured the same ghosts that had been haunting her ever since that late night.
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A Witch hunt went wrong. They retreated too late. One of the friends she had made along the way, a very shy, very dorky Magical Girl, was crushed to death under a giant clock right in front of her eyes. The otherworldly of it all was that her death wasn't even the worst thing that happened that night. Another member of her squad, a fashion-obsessed red hair who made a habit out of invading her house at midnight, was both heavily wounded and traumatized by the black and white movie, the gruesome death of a friend, that all three of them had to watch. Luck would have it that they all were out of Grief Seeds at the time, the Soul Gem kept getting darker, and that going back after the Witch was out of the question (she even had to knock down the fourth member to stop her, who still loathes her to this day). Then, it just happened. And when it happened, Erika was alone. Up until that point, Erika would tell them not to worry about the Soul Gem, that if any of theirs went pitch-black they would just have to wait for the others to get a Grief Seed to clean it- none of them knew any better. And when it happened, when Erika alone saw a Magical Girl turn into a Witch, the cold she felt was almost enough to freeze her up and leave her to die with her last friend- until her little sister crossed her mind.

It took a while for the panic attack to stop. The memories, all too vivid; the colors, the colors of every Witch, all so strong. Emma was already ready to puke yet again, the little tray under her desk already with a supermarket bag crammed inside and stretched. When she was done, she sealed the bag and hid it under another plastic bag, then sealed it again. Like her feelings, they had to be wrapped under plastic again and again; everything depended on it.

Again, someone knocks at the door. And, judging from height, either that someone is crouching or Clara is waiting outside. The smell lingering from her mouth leaves Emma no choice but to pretend not to be there.

It was surprising, in the end, how her own wish turned against her. There was no trick to it, no secret, no lesson to be learned: Emma’s family was as big and happy as she ever wanted it to be. What filled her with despair, what left her crying every night, ever since she had to hunt alone, was the fact that she loved her family so much, and so hard, and so deeply. That she was going to miss out on it all. That she wasn’t going to be there to take Clara to her first day at school, or to go fishing with her uncle Pedro, or go dancing with her aunt Marta, a professional, or get married and have kids herself. It was hurting so bad all the time, so relentlessly, that it was as if every single one of her teeth had gone rotten instantly and at the same time. Erika tried to kill herself once. Nobody else will ever know.

Today, however, is Clara’s birthday. Her friends are coming over. It starts at noon.

>(up next: Jimena!)
Sorry mate, I thought you were asking for actions in the last post.
Jimena Gimenez

HP: 100
DP: 84,5
Condition: In Denial

Despair Roll: (69), 47
Random Event Roll: 35, 92, 52, 83, 8, 53, 61
Happens?: 35 (Yes)
Stat: 92 (Charisma)
Type: 52 (Negative)
Magnitude: 83 (Magnitude 5)
Encounter?: 8 (No)

—--------Paloma Marron Arcade—--------

Her wish’s saving grace, Jimena thinks, was not giving a flying fuck about it. Becoming a Magical Girl seemed cool enough; you get powers, cool clothes, a bitchin-ass hand-whip, and you get to play the shonen hero by beating the living shit out of ugly bad guys. The wish was overkill. The package already had everything she wanted, enough to be a good person- and what more could she ask.

>Despair Roll: (69), 47
And given Magical Girl’s wishes nasty habit of backfiring, Jimena seems to have been spared quite the huge truck-load of a shitshow, if what her old squad told her was worth going by. Even if she did fuck up her life. Even if there was no going back. Life ever since she found out about Witches had been spent juggling with her feelings, gently bullying her classmates, staring at clouds, and wasting her allowance at the local arcade.

This is what Jimena Gimenez is thinking as she brutally bodies yet another contender at the good old KOF 98 Ultimate Match machine, not skimming even a single low kick in her endless chaining. The contender, a very tall, very muscular african man (as black as it gets) just whistles, his quarter a worthy sacrifice to the god of combos. When he goes for the pocket, he finds but air and good memories inside his jacket. Jimena just hands him another quarter. No line is waiting behind them.
The arcade is as much of a zombie as any that the kids shoot down in its House of the Dead cabinet. The Internet came twenty years ago and with it came free video-games of such superior quality: the thrill of fighting for your coin was lost to the wind. The man’s name is Ambonisye. He came all the way from France. Ambonisye sells wacky single-hand clocks and sunglasses on the street to have somewhere to sleep, some meat in his fridge, and to play The King of Fighters. No family to feed or pretentious of power or grandeur: the man likes The King of Fighters.

And he grabs his head in sincere frustration after Jimena, yet again, absolutely fucking obliterates his character on the screen- which is the same Jimena picked, so there would be no excuses. And she taunts him meekly; even though he may be twice as tall as her. Not that she cared. She could body him in real life too. But, to Jimena, it is nice to see someone take its losses in stride, someone that doesn’t bitch and tries to get better. Yet Ambonisye’s bald head is already basked in sweat, shining as if it could tell you the future- and both silently agree that it’s time to take a break.

Jimena sits at the corner of the street as the african man brings out his sunglasses and clocks and trinkets, and displays them all on a carpet of many colors next to her. They told her she had it easy, that most Magical Girls learn about Witchification the hard way- that sometimes it’s enough to turn them into Witches on the spot. Jimena, on the other hand, was told about it by her squad-mates. Called bullshit, of course, as it is reasonable to expect. Yet when many other Magical Girls kept saying the same, Magical Girls that didn’t even know each other, even Jimena saw the pattern and it made her blood boil then freeze. All this time she had been killing girls like herself, girls who wanted to take it easy, girls who saw the shape of dicks in the clouds. Even if it was too much to bear, even now, she still has the luxury to doubt. It keeps her sane.

Back then, Jimena had decided to just enjoy the rest of her life in peace. The lifespan of a Magical Girl is short enough as it is, so there was no fucking way in hell she’d spent that short life moping. She quit the squad on good terms, still occasionally calling the girls to talk shit about anime and games, but Jimena hasn’t gone on a Witch hunt in a time most Magical Girls would consider to be impossible. The key, she thinks, is not giving a fuck. Like Ambonisye, she’s keeping it real. Living everyday like it was the last is a good bet- which is why she only hits the school when the street gets boring.
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>>Random Event:
>Stat: Charisma
>Type: Negative
>Magnitude: 5

Jimena picks up the call; against all odds, she had managed to hack the Nintendo Switch and turn it into a gigantic, impractical cellphone. The power of focus… if only she focused on neuro-science or some shit. The face displayed on the cellphone is that of her good boy Fernando, already halfway on the sequel of the hit game starring her, “Kyaa Oni-Chan Yamete: The power of Love and Nitroglycerin”. Despite looking like a troll game, and playing like a troll game, the gameplay turned out so solid that it even has its own niche esports scene, and the metagame is looking healthy.
Jimena gently asks Fernando why the fuck is he bothering her on this fine morning; he seems serious. Going straight for the jugular, the game designer tells the Magical Girl that their main investor is right about to pull the plug and leave the whole team to fend for themselves on rice and good will. Which blows the grin right out of Jimena’s face like a thunderous cock-slap: her lifestyle is at stake. The revenue from using her image in the game was barely enough for Jimena to fuel her hobbies and distractions. Without it she either milks her hard-working single father dry, which Jimena dreads to do, or she will have to get a job and put up with a retard boss and the scum of the earth: customers.
Already sweating the big ones, Jimena asks why. The reason, Fernando explains, is simple: the game does not have enough sexually implicit content, and the investors fear it will not appeal enough. A stranger to what ‘sex’ actually entails other than the fact that dicks look like mushrooms, Jimena swallows with sincere single-minded fear. She could contact the investors directly… but what else could she do?

The first drop hits the street, and then the next, and then the third. Fuck it all: now this?
Jimena and Ambonisye watch it pour from inside the arcade, more people rushing in by the second. A part of her totally forgets that her ass is on the line, and wonders if any of those seeking shelter would stand a chance against her. The thought is quickly brutalized; she used to wreck edgy teens before even having Magical Girl reflexes. All she can do now is take.

>(Rita tomorrow!!)
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Look at the silver lining, they might take away your money but your ass is always ready for eating. It's what we always say, when in doubt, goop it out.
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Rita Hammerhead

HP: 13,4
DP: 71
Condition: Depressed

Despair Roll: 15, (14)
Random Event Roll: 69, 88, 16, 41, 52, 71, 40
Happens?: 69 (No)


Rita Hammerhead is dreaming. In her dream, hope and joy and fun and warmth leak from her body like sweat. Like the curtains of a theater, they make way for a show she doesn’t want to see- and roaring in despair, Rita tries to keep the curtains closed. Just like sweat or tears, these are infinitely slippery, and slide from under her fingers until the curtains open.

∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿ 凸 ∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿

In that show, a happy-go-lucky girl becomes the owner of a water park. It rains, yet everyone is having fun, so she blends with the crowd and slides down each attraction a million times. And that just the first week. The second week, though, half a million times. The third, two hundred and fifty thousand times.

Eventually, the girl plays in her park only once a week, yet still has to read and sign as many papers as in the first. Even so, customers still complain, employees still make mistakes, the competition still slanders, the attractions still require maintenance, the taxes still have to be paid- and none of that is fun. And none of that makes her happy.
>HP: 13,4
Did...did the waterpark fall on her?
Rita opens her eyes. SEAnanigans has been closed for ten months already. Very slowly, as fast as her neck lets her, she sits on the bed. The bed being, as she soon realizes, a ball pit in the middle of a daycare center. With her body unable to keep up with her confusion, the Magical Girl has to settle for looking around and taking in the scenery.

Yet it’s only with focus that she notices how bizarre things are.

One of the chairs is missing two legs, yet still stands. A table has a huge hole in the center, yet a cup still hovers over it. The big cat drawn on the wall has two paws on the right side, and eyes on each. The TV is a triangle. The mirror shows her side. And the balls around Rita, as she sees after picking one up, aren’t even round; instead, it’s as if a million ovals had been crammed in a single spot in space and time. Even feeling it feels wrong.

A single pang is enough to feel like she’s been stabbed in the chest. This is a Witch Labyrinth.

And no matter how much she hears it, the music from the jukebox has no rhythm, and it never repeats.

Rita only realized where the door was when the intense light coming from it was blocked by a shape, the light hiding its features. Once under the lamp at the center of the room, which is an eye surrounded by petals, for just one second Rita thought of the best way to describe it. A hand, whose fingers end in hands, dressed in suit and tie, completely faceless. A Familiar.

Still so tired that she can’t fear, Rita tries to back down; her hand crushes a weird tiny toy made of red jelly. The Familiar moves forward without a pattern; it stands on some fingers, then on others. As if it didn't know how to walk and was improvising every step of the way.

Right as Rita summons her magical rapier, a calm voice calls out, and tells her to drop the ball on her left hand. She does. The Familiar stops, as if instantly frozen in time, then backs out until it’s out of the room.

The light outside dims again; another shape walks inside, this time, one that makes sense. Two legs, two arms, chest, short violet hair over glasses; another Magical Girl.
She tells Rita not to worry. That as long as she takes nothing from the mall the Familiars of the Witch of Peace will never hurt her. That they are just waiting for the day their Witch finally decides to take a stroll around the mall. Dazzled, Rita says nothing. There is a limit to how much bullshit a human can process at any given time, and hers has clearly been breached.

The Magical Girl introduces herself only as ‘A’, the first letter of the alphabet. A is wearing a simple, long-sleeved black shirt and jeans, as a big blue ribbon peeks from behind her head. Gently, she grabs Rita’s hand and helps her up.

Right outside, under the railing, Rita spots an open plaza like two floors below, a fountain at its center. The bizarre place is shaped like a big pentagon, closing high above in an intricate glass dome, hard to make out under the blinding light. And, doubtlessly, riddled with asymmetry.

Rita straight up asks what happened, where she is, why can’t she move, why was that a Familiar, why is this a Labyrinth; the questions jam in her throat, and leave merged together. More than most likely not picking up a single word she’s saying, the mysterious A tells Rita that an anonymous Magical Girl saved her from witching out. ‘Witching out’; a term she hadn’t heard before. Rita had been to Witch hunts, like any Magical Girl worth its salt, and she had the bad habit of always evening out battles between Magical Girls, no matter the faction- which thankfully never ended badly. But, ‘witching out’... nobody had ever said that one before.

Gently yet firmly, A grabs Rita’s shoulder. Her glasses block the light as she tells Rita there’s something she should see. After going down some spiral stairs, as they walk right through the plaza at the bottom, A tells Rita a story.

Didn’t even ask if she wanted to hear it. A was like 'fuck you, you need to hear this'.
Years ago, a businessman with very dark connections to the underworld decided to build a shopping mall in Caballito as a money laundry scheme through a proxy company that would take a commission- and all was going well. His involvement was top secret, the main reason he paid such heavy coin, and he would attend no meetings, and would give no input. He was but the shade of the mall.
One day, while the mall was halfway there, he got an anonymous text message spanning barely two words: ‘I know’. I will tell you now, in advance, that this was a message from her daughter, who figured out he kept eating her ice cream. At the time, of course, the man didn’t know. That very same night, he gave the order to bury the entire building overnight, and bribed and threatened every single worker and contractor, to keep them quiet and to never, ever, talk about the mall again.
This, of course, spawned speculation; some treated it as a mass hallucination, others went as far as to step into the place and take photos. Whenever this businessman would find or hear about someone who knew, the pattern would repeat itself: he would threaten, he would bribe, and someone else would know.
The entirety of the town had been bribed in some way or the other, before he even realized.
As it turns out, word had spread of his bribing too. Money calls. People didn’t know why, but they knew that, if they spoke of a phantom shopping mall, a man would give them cash. And word spread so far and so fast that half of Buenos Aires knew, and then research was done, and the man was convicted, and also bankrupt.

Now sitting by the fountain, still frowning her eyes and trying to make sense out of the whole thing, Rita turns around to look at it. Little cherubs sitting by a throne hold complex vases from which lines of water flow. Some of the cherubs have no face, others have a hole instead, and one particular cherub is looking at you no matter the angle you look at it from. A asks Rita if she got something out of the story, Rita asks A who in the world is she and why is she in a Labyrinth telling her a story. A is concrete: she is a Coordinator, this is the neutral area in Caballito. The neutral area resides inside a Labyrinth.

As if that would explain everything.
Even after a whole year of Magical Girling, Rita wasn’t aware that a Coordinator is to a Magical Girl what a Magical Girl is to a human- an impossible, mythical beast, ridiculous to even believe in. This, however, makes complete sense. It takes a very special, very unique brand of sheer pure hatred to be granted a wish, any wish you could want, twenty five thousand million dollars, the love of your life, another cat- and use it to set shit on fire. Coordinators only happen when a Magical Girl asks a harmful wish. They lack any sort of personal magic, magical abilities, and their physical strength is sub-par when compared to other Magical Girls. Most importantly, they are almost completely incapable of harming Witches- or even Familiars for that matter.

A here is a Coordinator. One of the extremely few Magical Girls that can tinker with Soul Gems. Some /countries/ don’t even have one because a hundred out of a hundred and one die on their very first day.

Of course, Rita still doesn’t completely get it. Or even believe it.

Now past the fountain, A is leading Rita towards a big door, most likely the entrance, which is still a ways off. This place is bigger than it seems. When Rita asks A what was the point of that story, A tells her another story, this time a lot shorter.

Back then, there was this extremely strong, extremely smart Magical Girl whose wish had left unable to trust anyone. She had rallied not just Buenos Aires, but almost the entirety of the country (and even Uruguay) into a bloody civil war that ended- right here. Betrayed by every faction, she stood and fought an army alone, holding her ground for hours- until her Soul Gem grew pitch-black.

Before Rita could even ask, the door opens- and lo and behold, surrounded by a chapel, held in place by broken chains… is the Witch. The biggest one Rita had ever seen.

…Rita feels her throat close shut. As in religious admiration, she takes a step back. To define the shape of a Witch with words requires association, to explain through reference. Rita found nothing she could use to explain this Witch.

A apologizes; perhaps she should have explained that the Witch is harmless before opening the door. Solid evidence, A says, is the biggest kindness she can offer. When a Soul Gem becomes black, a Magical Girl turns into a Witch.

Rita shakes from feet to nose. This is that Magical Girl.
All of that dumpster candy finally caught up to her, it would seem...
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A is a bit late to ask if Rita is feeling ok, but she /is/ notoriously concerned. Some people are good at telling the truth, and others are good at telling lies- Rita assumes that A may be the worst at both. Aware that Rita may faint at any second now, Rita closes the big door behind her, to leave the Witch of Peace in peace.

∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿ 凸 ∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿

—-------------------A’s Office—----------------

It takes a while and a lot of tea and sugar, but Rita /does/ end up swallowing it all. After all, it’s hard to go deeper when you are at the bottom of the sea. Magical Girls turn into Witches, the Witches she killed used to be Magical Girls; she almost turned into a Witch herself. It is still a very scary thought.

Wiping out the pastries, A says that, most likely, the Magical Girl that turned into the Witch of Peace also knew about the shady businessman and his story. That a Witch’s Labyrinth is shaped by the mindscape of the Magical Girl at the moment she witches out, and that this is how that mall used to look. A then asks Rita why does she think that could be, and Rita says nothing, because she is fucked up, way too fucked up to come up with any sort of coherent answer.

It would seem that A tells this to everyone that comes her way. That she likes to think that the legendary Magical Girl learned her lesson at the very last moment, the same lesson that the shady man learned and that Rita would do well to learn too. That we make our enemies. A then says she knows about the water park. A, grabbing Rita’s shoulder in endearment, says that she hopes that the lesson sticks, and that she will always be here even if it doesn’t. And that she is free to stay for as long as she likes.

>(Up next and oh god fucking finally: Lucinda!)
lol loredumping
srsly, it was shorter in my head
like way shorter
Don't worry QM! More lore means more ways we, the players, can mess with it.
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ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ

HP: 100
DP: 100
Condition: Normal

Despair Roll: 98
Random Event Roll: 8, 2, 56, 27, 68, 75, 49
Happens?: 8 (Yes)
Stat: 2 (Power)
Type: 56 (Negative)
Magnitude: 27 (Magnitude 2)
Encounter?: 68 (No.)

—Mitre Railway Station (Rooftop)---

Avenue Dr. Jose Ramos Mejia, the single street with the most bus stops in all of Argentina, plagues the air with a cacophony of car horns, doors slammed shut, drivers talking shit, and the sound of life. On one side, the Monumental Tower- on the other, Lucinda Newhorn standing on the rooftop of Mitre Railway Station. Who stares at the big clock on the tower with clean disdain. Why copy the englishmen who got their riches through piracy, and now act all fancy despite the widows they made?

‘Lady Lu’, ‘Miss Grimms’, the ‘Phantom Fucker’; all over Buenos Aires, Magical Girls from every faction got creative with the nicknames they gave her. So yes, it had been a very active year for Miss Lady Lu The Extreme Phantom Fucker. Ten months ago, a local team, desperate for a Grief Seed, demanded her to give up the one she just got, first through sympathy, then by force. An euphoric third party witnessed Lucinda crushing girl after girl only to give up the Grief Seed herself, then rumors started, then the challengers came, then the offers, and finally the stories. That she was a monster made by the Coordinators. That the cat granted her two wishes instead of one. Immune to social validation, Lucinda had no interest, from the start, in fame or attention- and the fact that she genuinely didn’t care made it all the worse.

None of them ever believed it when Lucinda said she just had been lucky. Which she firmly believed. Every now and then someone wins the lottery. It happens. It wasn’t humility born out of heroism, it was simple grounded rationality; cold, fact based, objective if the word has any weight.
Lucinda’s blonde hair recoils against the wind. Nobody can see her. In ten minutes she will have been waiting for an hour. The biggest of her pests, the Order of the End, had promised they had something to show her- and the Magical Girl had questions of her own.

The Order of the End. A chuuni name if there is one, but those girls seem hell-bent on wearing it well. Wearing full plate mail under their robes, armor just like the knights of yore, their worldwide presence makes them a threat worth checking. After all, they kill Incubators. And Lucinda wants to know /why/. This time, it seems, she won’t know. All those times showing up at night with speeches, yet the one time she agrees to meet up it’s the tin cans that vanish in the wind.

>Despair Roll: 98
It was they who told her: Magical Girls turn into Witches. It made sense. Witches had to come from somewhere. Nobody she asked knew what happened when the Soul Gem became fully dark. And Kyubey- now Lucinda knows, thanks to the Order- was nowhere to ask. The knight back then straight-up asked Lucinda if she was scared or in need of rapport. Yet why would she; all she had to do was continue to hunt Witches as usual, and she wouldn’t transform. Which had been going quite well, so far- so why mess with what works?
None of the knights uttered a single other word.
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Mildly tired and mildly irritated, Lucinda considers her choices. Right now, she is WAY far from her hunting grounds. Although she agreed to join no faction, it is expected that factionless Magical Girls hunt Witches only within the borders of the faction where their house is located. If you live within East Faction territory, you will not be seen as a trespasser if you hunt within that territory, even if you do not actually belong to the faction. That being said, expect no mercy from it.

Yet Magical Girls are humans too, and humans have to travel sometimes. The proper procedure is to announce yourself to the other faction if you have business within their territory. As this was meant to be a secret meeting with the Order, and Lucinda herself had been constantly getting unwanted guests from every corner, she opted for a bit of secrecy.

>>Random Event
>Stat: Power
>Type: Negative
>Magnitude: 2

Rain. Just like the day she met that dog; now so distant, a fond memory. Very much used to it, Lucinda knows to heart that no one, maybe not even other Magical Girls, would dare to believe that a completely real, live woolly mammoth, from a species that had been extinct for over ten thousand years, was waiting for her back home. To her parents, just brown elephant, already extremely exotic to them; if only they knew. As the drizzle dresses her in clarity, Lucinda is reminded that she is now the guardian of that one Magical Girl; should she die, her pet would be gone too, and she may finally feel sad again.

This is what Lucinda thinks as a football, propulsed by the wind, goes straight to her head.

>up next: Witch roll!
aight so before the witch roll i have to go get my cats, and there is like a whole lot of shit to clarify. Lets go one thing at a time.

First of all, I took Rita's advice and now we have Day and Night cycles instead of Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night cycles. In the morning you make a choice for the rest of the day, and in the evening you make another for the night, sleeping included. this, of course, means the dp tick for each mental condition gets higher, so fuck it, i'll just revamp yet another mechanic for the eleventh time until the clock starts working.

Mental Condition: Your current mental condition. The worse it is, the lower your Desperation Gauge becomes each turn. Mental Conditions also spawn their very own Random Events associated each time the player declares an action.
-Condition List:
--Happy: 0% Despair Points per turn. No RE.
--Motivated: 0.5%. No RE's
--Normal: 1%. No RE's.
--In Denial: 2%. Panic Events become possible.
--Angry: 3% Psychotic Events become possible.
--Depressed: 4% Depressive Events become possible.
--Ready: 8% Suicidal Events become possible.

If you fail more than half of the rolls of any given set you will have to do one, and just one Mind roll of equal Magnitude to see if it hits your DP or not. If it does, it hits your DP equal to a tick of your current mental condition. Yes, this is pretty brutal.

aight what else: ah ok, I'll make one of those rule scrolls kinda thing for both the Coordinator and the Witches roll. Witches can also now be hunted by NPC magical girls, but they are twice as likely to spawn each turn. Coordinators can upgrade one of your stats up to a maximum of six times (which would make your guca a Magnitude 7 turbo bitch) in exchange for a Grief Seed. And fuck with the neutral area only for glory and lulz; more on that later

k getting the cats ask me questions etcetcetc also from now on posts will be much shorter because its about time we fucking stomped that pedal.
what are your cats called
Mbappe is my french cat and the other has no name yet. Had both for a year already. Always wake up with a motherfucker on my face
thats a whole bunch of nothing
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Rolled 81, 3, 23 = 107 (3d100)

And there you have it b o y s, after all that lore, finally some sugar
already rolled once; had to delete cause I forgot the pic and that is Of Extreme Importance.
then i posted this again but forgot the roll

First Number is for Witch Spawn. If the number is from 1 to 25, boy, we have a Witch.

Second Number is for Witch Location. There are 50 locations on the map. 1,2 means 1a, 3,4 means 1b, and so on.

Third Number is for Witch Magnitude.

1 to 20: Magnitude 1 Witch
21 to 40: Magnitude 2 Witch
41 to 60: Magnitude 3 Witch
61 to 75: Magnitude 4 Witch
76 to 90: Magnitude 5 Witch
91 to 95: Magnitude 6 Witch
96 to 99: Magnitude 7 Witch

tomorrow, more rules, yay
but for now you can post
remember: three actions, and twelve hours max
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oh wait shit ass fick donkey dick i forgot the map

current meguca position, important stuff, yeah
Oh dang, here we go! Thanks for all the work! Few clarifying questions before we really get into it, though:

1) Can we have the sections put on the map? For example you mentioned 1a and 1b--any chance these can be labelled on the map posted >>5505365 here?
2) Is it Day or Night right now?
3) Do actions like sleep or play help our condition at all, or is our best bet tracking down that WEETCH?
4) We roll DEX to travel around the city in a short time, correct?
5) Now that we're zooming out a little more on the action, could you give us an example of a day's actions just to be clear on what we can do? I assume it's like how it was during the random events, but I figure I should be annoying right now before we really jumped into the thick of it.

Sorry for all the questions, especially the ones you've totally answered already and I forgot! Just wanted to be sure of things before rolling the proverbial 'dice' on any actions. I'm gonna assume none of us have met, either, so didn't wanna metagame or anything.
Fuck I'm actually retarded and a little drunk--just looked at the image at the top of the page again and saw the districts. Whoops.
Alright, here's my case.
>Call the investors, convince them that the public perception of sexuality is totally ridiculous and arbitrary, people will latch onto any anime/furry character to make loads of porn, any spec of chemistry in a relationship will be fodder for shipping.
>Reference the esport community as proof of this game series staying power, offer to take care of the games PR to raise interest in the sequel. Make a social media account, interact with the community, organize tournaments, make game key giveaways, send keys to journalists and youtubers, get Fernando to MAKE A DEMO. Hell, you are basically a character in the game, take advantage of that.
And screw it, since we're talkin' actions....

>1) If you haven't already figured out your damn meguca power in one year ask if 'A' can help you figure it out.
>2) Assuming that freaky space cat Kyuubey doesn't pop up and mention any Witchy business, ask 'A' if she has any video games or anything to play--you just ate a heaping serving of Fucked Up Shit and you gotta unwind.
>3) If the witch has been announced, head in it's direction. Like A said, we make our own enemies... but you've got an addendum to that: you KILL your own enemies too! BAM!

If no witch has been announced, though, break into the closed SEAnanigans and reminisce while messing around on the rides. What's security gonna do anyways?
Since there's no witch this time, I will just make a couple of changes to my original plan.
>Swallow her pride and LEARN from Maria how to actually talk and communicate with human beings in a way that doesn't... discourage willing cooperation.
>AFTER THAT, FIND a suitable heir and replacement for your position as Supreme Leader of Polytechnic School Manuel Belgrano(preferably someone in their first year) and begin their training. First lesson, the importance of duty and how to tie a tarp to a tree.
>REGARDLESS of all of that, begin putting on paper, or better yet, in a digital format all of Erika's knowledge on Magical Girls as soon as she gets back home and greets her grandpa. How they are made, how they work, what they become and how to prevent that, how their magic works...why they shouldn't give up. Use /omniscience/ as needed, this shall be the beginning of Erika's magnum opus her... Magicae Encyclopedia, that's how she will call the book, or at least this first draft.
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Eyyyyy OP thanks for the cool story with Lucinda. Even I might be a bit scared of her now.
I think this might suit as fitting theme song for da gal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1-TrAvp_xs

I do in fact have one question that springs to mind. Here where you say:
>Lucinda is reminded that she is now the guardian of that one Magical Girl; should she die, her pet would be gone too, and she may finally feel sad again.
I'm just slightly confused over what this sentence means. Is Lucinda's pet tied to the soul of another magical girl or something like that? Also who is this girl Lucinda is supposed to "Protect"? In fact, where and how did Lucinda get such a pet from?

In regard for Lucinda's 3 actions for the 12 hours, here ya go:
>Lucinda is FUCKING PISSED at being hit in the head with a football. She thinks about how the fuck it even got kicked up to the top of the rooftop of Mitre Railway Station, AND WHO THE FUCK KICKED IT ?!?! She goes in to interrogate/kick the persons ass.
>Being slightly pissed off by the vanishing act done by those fucking knight LARP'ers, Lucinda decides to investigate their whereabouts, by interrogating anyone she comes across, especially any suspicious individuals, about their base of operations. So she can ask them personally why they called her out there, and why the FUCK they had the audacity to be late at their own meeting.
>If the witch has been announced then drop everything else and go there immediately, tonight Lucinda joins the hunt...

>If no witch has been announced yet, then just look for the knight LARP'ers for a few more hours, then go home.
Whew, and I thought I was having a shit week!
Emma really got hit hard with the reveal, crap.
Also, assuming that wasn't Erika in that last line?
Or in several other places in the posts.
Well, I put points in Mind and wished for a big family/support structure for a reason. And since you were nice enough to make her mom Russian, I'm hoping Emma has access to at least one wise Russian babushka to discuss life and death with. I suppose an abuela would work too.

The one thing I want to know, especially with what was said by >>5505526 Is Emma's wish tied to her being alive? Part of how I'd wanted to shape Emma's psyche would have relied on the fact that her family would carry on if she died as a meguca, but if they fall apart once she's gone, that both poses a problem and presents an opportunity to appeal to her sense of duty.

As for actions:
>Take out the bags under the desk. This needs to stop.
Either she stops bottling it up or she dies.
>Seek out her babushka/abuela/granny during the birthday, talk about life, death and regret.
I'm not sure if her family knew she hung out with those girls, but I'm going to assume they still went dead or missing in the real world, so it would make sense that Emma was shaken by that, meguca business aside. Probably how she got the meds.
>Pocket some of the meds, just in case.
Psychotic events don't sound fun, and Emma wouldn't forgive herself for ruining Clara's birthday. Memories will be the only thing left of her one day, best make them count.

Basically, pull herself together and start playing to her strength, a good support system, and trigger as many Mind rolls as possible to climb back up the mental state. Also, I saw that update to drain. There's actually no drain on the highest mood, which is pretty great. I've got to get Emma back there, though. But I'll settle for making her live again, since she seems to have been putting up a facade instead of living for the past year.

1) yeah, I should definitively label that one too. i'll post it on a bit

2) it is currently morning, so the choices you guys make are for what you do in the day

3) if you don't sleep you get a cumulative minus to all of your rolls that depends on your Constitution. More on that later. Also if you don't play your mental condition won't go up, and that could be pretty deadly. Life with no fun has not much point, aight?

4) yes sir. You pick a place on the map then roll dex for each place you want to go. Going from Villa Lugano (the bottom of the map) to Belgrano (Jimena's hometown) would take like an hour by car. Gucas ain't as fast on feet but you don't have to wait for jack shit or rent anything or risk getting ganked, so you can skip conventional transport and just go there rolling dex; it will just determine how long you took to get there.

5) hell, sure
player's post (kaname madoka):
>I wanna have tea with mami.
>Then I want to go to Sayaka's and convince her to come with me to mamis
>Then I want to convince Kyoko too.

qm post (me, who may or may not be a white cat):
aight bitch roll:
>1d100 for dex to see how fast you get there
>one more 1d100 to go to sayaka, 4d100 charisma to convince her, magnitude 1
>then roll me 2d100 for wisdom magnitude 5 in case kyoko isnt there fucking up sayakas fridge, another 1d100 for dex if you find out where she is, and a magnitude 7 roll to see if you can convince her to hit the tea party

player's post (kaname madoka):
first, why so many dex rolls, im like right second, second, why in the absolute everliving fuck do i need a magnitude 7 to get someone to a fucking tea party, why magnitude 5 to convince her, like what the fuck dude

qm post (me, who may or may not be a white cat):
fineee, dont roll dex, magnitude 5 for wisdom is because bitch doesn't even have a cellphone, magnitude 7 for convincing her is because kyoko is a bitch

player's post (kaname madoka):
this shit is arbitrary, stop railroading you fuck, magnitude 4 for tracking at MOST and 5 to convince because kyoko is a pure girl and your taste in waifus is just absolute fucking shit, go back to clannad faggot

qm post (me, who may or may not be a white cat):
Rolled 92, 14 = 106 (2d100)
first roll is for wisdom, +50 we go with 5, -50 we go with 4
second is for charisma, +50 we go with 7, -50 we go with 6
take it or leave my dear heaveily perfumed french football manager. if you are done being a kyoko then also roll me 7d100 for a random event

player's post (kaname madoka):
Rolled 1, 1, 1, 1, 31, 100, 100, 100, 1 = 336 (9d100)
so many rolls

qm post (me, who may or may not be a white cat):
no tea and the leader of the OoE just popped out of a trashcan carrying an entire low orbit laser on her shoulder and is aiming at you

hope this helps!
>that example
>>hope this helps!
God bless your crack, QM.
ᕙ Jimena Gimenez ᕗ
>1) you knew this was coming, roll me dat 2d100 for charisma (strong) because conservative suits hardly ever fucking know why their product sells anyway
>2) "Reference the esport community as proof of this game series staying power,": i'm giving you +10 to the roll for making a coherent point, plenty of good shit out there with 0 sex appeal besides your very own game.

things so north, Jimena spends her day working that Twitter but if things go south? give me a plan B

凸 Rita Hammerhead 凸
>1) Good shit, no need to roll.
>2) roll 2d100 Charisma (Weak) Magnitude 3 cuz she may be an angel, but im an angel too and i'd be fucked before I gave my switch to my cousins
>3) no witch, so we hitting SEAnanigans to see if that makes us feel better. roll me that dex.

just getting this out there: buenos aires is much smaller than it looks. your dex rolls for moving your ass are only good to determine if take from ten minutes to three hours max to get from a to b. which will be veeeery meaningful once witches hit the map

■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■
>1) so Erika decides that being a normal human being is important, aight roll me 1d100 for wisdom to see how well Erika can copy Katrina's social butterfly skills cause Erika already knows how people work and therefore Intelligence rolls would be pointless (she does not know WHY they work).
>2) time for that 4d100 Char Roll (Unextreme), Magnitude 3 to GROOM someone because being School High Man comes with a ton of responsability and aint many who would actually want that.
>3) Erika will use omniscience on herself to retrieve as much information on megucas from her subconcious as possible. Given that the area is minimum, you don't even need to roll Power. That being said, your DP will get punched with a Magnitude 1 cost, aight?

ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ
>1) won't even try to dodge, she just gets fucking blasted. Roll Wisdom 1d100 (Normal) to hunt down people who like football in motherfucking Argentina.
>2) interrogate /anyone/ who comes across, particularly suspicious individuals. this would call for an unextreme char roll, 4d100, magnitude 6 for giving extremely sensitive data, and a wisdom roll magnitude 7 for actually finding someone relevant amidst the sea of people that are in Retiro.
3) yet another magnitude 7 wisdom roll to find someone relevant

>Is Lucinda's pet tied to the soul of another magical girl or something like that? Also who is this girl Lucinda is supposed to "Protect"? In fact, where and how did Lucinda get such a pet from?

whenever a meguca dies, anything created with their magic dies too. yes, her pet is tied to the soul of another meguca, not many other ways to get an actual motherfucking woolly mammooth in the present era, this girl is called Alondra Rodriguez, lives in Villa Lugano as well, and is kind of a necromancer.

also cool song

enna next!
Rolled 96, 43 + 10 = 149 (2d100 + 10)

is twitter alive in 2023? I guess muskrat must have stepped down
Rolled 20, 97, 80 = 197 (3d100)

You BET that helps, QM! Thanks for putting up with my autism.

Anyways, off to the races! 2d100 for CHA and 1 for DEX if I recall correctly.
Rolled 44, 6, 58, 85, 99 = 292 (5d100)

>That being said, your DP will get punched with a Magnitude 1 cost, aight?
Sure, I have the DP to spend right now.
▲ Emma Imeredala ▲
>1) no need to roll
>2) roll me 2d100 intelligence. Wisdom is to see if get the information; intelligence is to see if we actually understand it. And granny talks are DEEP SHIT, I would know
>3) no need to roll

i got the general gist of it but I think you could be a bit more of a smartass and do as the boys and try to cram as many actions as you can in a single coherent string of text. what you are doing is perfectly fine, but i just wanna let you know it would be ok to push it a bit

no, when i said Erika it was Erika, when I said Emma it was Emma
i am the perfect QM. I do not fail. In fact im one of those creepy fucking AI that keep shitting anime girls with titanic boobs
yeah i fucked up lol

>I'm hoping Emma has access to at least one wise Russian babushka to discuss life and death with.
Emma has the biggest family conceivable, with access not to one, not to two, but to /three/ grandma/grandpas. how the FUCK is that even possible? simple: menage'a trois, nobody is sure who is the father, and for fifty years nobody had the balls to ask.

>Is Emma's wish tied to her being alive?
no, only anything she created using magic during her life. Should she die, her family will carry on as if nothing happened, sad as fuck, but sturdy as a rock and ready to carry on her legacy, especially Clara.

>Part of how I'd wanted to shape Emma's psyche would have relied on the fact that her family would carry on if she died as a meguca, but if they fall apart once she's gone, that both poses a problem and presents an opportunity to appeal to her sense of duty.
nah they would be fine regardless, Emma's current grief comes from, like, imagine that you get a ps5 but then your dad comes and says 'we are going on a camping trip to make you MANLY', and you have that ps5 and you won't be able to fucking touch it for 3 months.
now change '3 months' to 'never'.

that being said, to avoid any future accusations of favoritism I will now declare that my favorite is emma because she is a good girl who works hard every day and loves her babushka very much. this will actually generate such accusations in the future, proving that 'We make our enemies' which took me a whole fucking day to come up with.

but don't worry about this too much. i still love meguca suffering much, much more.

in this future Elon Musk managed to clone himself, which turned twitter into a warzone because neither wanted to be controlled by the other.

lil bit of a question guys, do you prefer rolling for your own Random Events / Mental Conditions event or would you rather I do one hugh fucking endless roll of die myself?
>lil bit of a question guys, do you prefer rolling for your own Random Events / Mental Conditions event or would you rather I do one hugh fucking endless roll of die myself?
you should die yourself, now
also I meant 3 grandpa 2 grandma lol

HxH hasn't finished yet

aight last lil bit of claryfication: the point of these 'roll x roll x stuff' posts it to give you guys a chance to argue or back down in case you feel something is fucky or have second thoughts. this is the chance; when you roll, it's over. kinda looking at you Lucinda rn, looking for a super secret magical girl organization by asking random passerbyes in broad daylight seems preeeetty fucking hard
>crit success on a CHARISMA roll
Gott mit Uns! -2022- MESSI!
well im feeling pretty good about my roll I say yeah, keep that plan. Maybe also talk to Ambonisye, he's a cool negro
>lil bit of a question
The current system seems fine to me.
You the QM roll for events, AKA what's outside our meguca's interference.
We the players roll for the performance of our megucas during said events and lament their suffering.
I'm fine rolling for my events, yea. Why not?

>When you roll, it's over
No regrets, baby--Rita rides and dies... on THIS roll at least.

I'm guessing 'A' ain't gonna be sharing any video games, then... : c
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Wisdom roll!!!!!!!!!!!
Rolled 60, 10, 66, 81 = 217 (4d100)

charisma rolloloololol
Rolled 27, 38 = 65 (2d100)

The other two last wisdom rollllls
Rolled 49, 98, 19, 97 = 263 (4d100)

>2) roll me 2d100 intelligence. Wisdom is to see if get the information; intelligence is to see if we actually understand it. And granny talks are DEEP SHIT, I would know
Rolling Intelligence, and apparently Wisdom as well? 4d100, first two Intelligence, last two Wisdom then, if I understood correctly. Think a bit of sentence got cut off there.

>nah they would be fine regardless, Emma's current grief comes from, like, imagine that you get a ps5 but then your dad comes and says 'we are going on a camping trip to make you MANLY', and you have that ps5 and you won't be able to fucking touch it for 3 months.
>now change '3 months' to 'never'.
Yeah, accepting that wouldn't make Emma magically better by itself, but I believe the first step to getting herself out of this hole is coming to terms with death, and that this family will most likely be the greatest achievement of her life and the best thing in it, even if she doesn't get to spend as much time with them as she wants due to an early death. That's the kind of thing her older relatives should be familiar with, because they've most likely given it some though. And if Emma flubs her Wisdom roll, at least she can bond with her grandparents over how happy Clara looks. Sometimes it's the little things that matter.
>Emma is my favorite.
I'm guessing she won't like the extra attention very much, but I agree she's got heart, and I want to at least see her die happy, if not peacefully.

Also, since it'll probably come up in the talk, what's the "official story" on Emma's two dead friends? Does her family know about them? Are they reported dead or missing?
>49, (98)
>(19), 97
Not so nice.
She almost had it, and then got distracted by something dumb is my guess. Ah well, given how much she must be crying herself to sleep every night or staying up staring at the dark, I'm sure she'll have plenty of time to come back to this talk!
>She almost had it
Don't worry, this is just the set up for a heroic moment where she and her team are almost killed by a witch, only for Emma to get a flashback and finally understand what her grandma was talking about before defeating the witch with her new-found resolve.
Or she never gets it and dies in a ditch. Everything through the will of the Dice Gods.
>her team
Not anymore, Kruppman-anon, not anymore...
oooooooooooo boieie, do I have a threat for you
since im very sure most of us Big Boyz realize just how relevant these are, i couldn't stop myself from making yet another of those longass fancy lists. next up: a hundred million dices
holy god
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Rolled 33, 17, 10, 23, 99, 79, 64, 69, 7, 75, 1, 36, 3, 42, 55, 49, 40, 4, 78, 80, 89, 46, 19, 57, 26 = 1101 (25d100)

First: 凸 Rita Hammerhead

Second: ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ

Third: ▲ Emma Imeredala

Fourth: ■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■

Fifth: ᕙ Jimena Gimenez

First seven numbers are the Random Event Rolls.
The two numbers after, if applicable, are the MCE Rolls. First is (Happens/Type), then (Magnitude).
Nine dice will be rolled for each em guca
Rolled 10, 69, 95, 11, 51, 87, 13, 74, 58, 43, 30, 14, 19, 42, 50, 44, 8, 66, 25, 82 = 891 (20d100)

not done yet
aight guys got busy so update later in the night if im lucky
i see a 1 and a 3 somewhere in there but it can't be that bad, right?
oh fuck off, just enough for a panic event, goddammit
Oh and Emma is about to go off on her lil' sis birthday, sucks.
god DAMN
Happy Birthday, sis! Say, maybe she can cheer up at that cool water park that op-oh... right...
At least she's not gonna outright fucking kill her babushka, now wouldn't that be something
aight im gonna answer leftover questions and then try to get some updates in. think i missed some before

Color: Blue. I'm sure everyone saw this one coming.
Shape: Sideways Marquise.
Ornament: Eye with two pupils. Kinda creepy.
Location: where a necklace would be, right under her collarbone
Color: Deep, dark green like her eyes, like a tree.
Shape: Thick like with a protusion on each side.
Ornament: Intrincate golden branch.
Location: the, although not extremely unusual, certainly very rare case of someone having the Soul Gem in ther headwear, in this case her crown
Color: Brown lol
Shape: Pear (aka Drop)
Ornament: Simple silver frame.
Location: on the lower part of a belt that goes from over her left shoulder to under the right part of her waist. fucking chuuni.
Color: Pure white with a thick black line inside.
Shape: Claw, sideways.
Ornament: None whatsoever.
Location: under her left eye. You read that right.
Color: Red.
Shape: Heart.
Ornament: Small golden wheel shaped at the center.
Location: where her heart would be. cause no boobs.

and they all permanently wear it as a ring while out of meguca form. now that i think of it we've been almost 300 posts and no one even transformed yet LAWL

you get five in-character perspectives though. a lot of pieces of the puzzle are scattered

oh she knows the life

this is where i realized i had to do the timeskip cuz you guys KNEW what was coming and just how fucking brutal it was going to be
well now i can answer: they know

i did read this but it got overwritten by the other vote

its very tempting to loredump. its like puking. one has to be strong to resist, lest i puke all over my poor, gentle, and oh so innocent little players

>Pocket some of the meds, just in case.
i /am/ taking this into account just so you know, but there are a few points worth keeping in mind. first, anti-psychotics take a while to get going, in our dear gucas case like two to three days. second, once in effect, they will make it harder for the mental condition to change, both to go up or to go down. Psych pills do help keep mental conditions event in check by limiting their intensity, but drowning the subconcious for too long may leave one stagnated.
basically, im not taking them into account in the next update because they would be just barely starting to take effect.

i went for this in the end. i'm getting less (You's) as a result which is leaving me in shambles, but rolling al re/mce myself is indeed very practical


also lettin you know, maybe i didn't word myself perfectly but the wisdom roll wasn't need it at all since you are already getting all the information you need (you are hearing all of the words). so yeah; all you have is a 98 for int lol, just ruined the surprise for you

also i redid this shit like ten times

oh wait cont
>...coming to terms with death, and that this family will most likely be the greatest achievement of her life and the best thing in it, even if she doesn't get to spend as much time with them as she wants due to an early death.

the way i see it, Emma would not be able to see her family as archivement since all she did to get it was make a wish. Their older relatives, through sheer effort, discipline, and constance, did cultivate what they have today, and in doing so, did prove themselves to be worthy of what they got- the effort behind their archievement justifies them as a person. What Emma truly obtained from that wish, me thinks, was the opportunity to prove herself as well- which was taken from her both by an early grave, by the duties that entail to be a magical girl, and by the mental state that both of these got her into.

that is my take and what i would roll with cuz even if maybe it isn't perfect opinions will never be and i wont ever archive objectivity; it's what i believe in, simply put, and its malleable. i'd be happy to read your input if you have it.

>Also, since it'll probably come up in the talk, what's the "official story" on Emma's two dead friends? Does her family know about them? Are they reported dead or missing?

the usual guca story is simply 'went missing', and this 'went missing' is attributed either to human trafficking, murder, suicide, running away from a strict family, getting lost, or aliens. because if i told any of you successful french basketball team sponsors that my little sister died shotting pink arrows at a fucking picture of picasso, you'd never talk to me again.
in this particular case, the official story is that the secret slave market took them. Both their parents are still looking for them.

im just a pawn of the [h50]Dice[/h50].

aight i feel clean, free from backlog, amma start with Rita, see how far I get
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Rolled 81, 65, 60, 58, 79 = 343 (5d100)

Well what do you know! it happened a lot fucking faster than I thought ma ged nega- we got our very first automatic meguca chargen, this time for Rita! And boy, it's also the first non railroaded magical girl encounter we've ever had. Jesus.

Let's just like i mean do it

First, we roll for her magnitude. All of yguys are magnitude 4 currently and there are megucas up to magnitude 10, but random gen gucas can start at 7 with some luck. We'll be using the same rolls we use to generate Witches.

Second, her hometown, which means where she will be able to hunt in peace despite thinking factions are retarded.

Third, and this may mean jack shit to you guys, but not to me: her personality profile. This will take two rolls.
-First roll:
--First number: odds E, evens I
--Second Number: odds S, evens N
-Second roll:
--First number: odds T, evens F
--Second number: odds P, evens J

And fourth, her current mental state.
0 to 10: Happy
11 to 20: Motivated.
21 to 50: Normal
51 to 70: In Denial
71 to 85: Angry
86 to 95: Depressed
96 to 100: Ready

And the rest of her persona I will bullshit to my hearts desire. Stop me, I'll give you my address. Nah srsly im a little bitch
Rolled 18, 51, 13, 65, 50, 34 = 231 (6d100)

aight now that we got the personality type (intj) we've got a very biased template to start from

>Stats (At Magnitude 1):
Power: Normal (0)
Dexterity: Very Weak (-2)
Constitution: Very Weak (-2)
Mind: Strong (+1)
Charisma: Very Weak (-2)
Intelligence: Very Strong (+2)
Wisdom: Normal (0)

and given that she's magnitude 5, now we gotta see where those four pluses will end up- so we roll for 6d100 using the stat sheet for random events, two dices more in case her intelligence would overflow.

and there you go: meguca a la francesa.
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-Daytime Activity--

Rita Hammerhead

Random Event Rolls: 33, 17, 10, 23, 99, 79, 64, 69, 7
Happens?: 33 (Yes)
Stat: 17 (Dexterity)
Type: 10 (Positive)
Magnitude: 23 (Magnitude 2)
Encounter?: 99 (Yes)
Faction: 79 (Center of Map Roll: Factionless)
Identity: 64 (Unknown)
MCE?: 69 (No)

Meguca Chargen Rolls: 81, 65, 60, 58, 79
Magnitude: 81 (Magnitude 5)
Hometown: 65 (12b)
Personality Type: 60, 58 (INTJ)
Mental Condition: 79 (Angry)

—-------------------A’s Office—----------------

>>If you haven't already figured out your damn meguca power in one year ask if 'A' can help you figure it out. (No Roll)
Gnawing through the waterfall of cookies A had thrown in a literally invisible plate, now finally a bit at peace, Rita remembers. Recalling that time she went after Marco Aurelio, the CEO of that dildo company, a year ago, she remembers when she jumped in the old truck and how it followed the rich man’s black car- for something like twenty minutes. Back then, she didn’t understand ‘luck’. After so much misery, Rita thinks she does.

Rita asks A if she ever encountered a Magical Girl without any natural power. Now that she knows what a Coordinator is and does, Rita is sure that A has seen at least half the girls in the country. No. Not even one; that is the answer. Sipping tea, clearing her glasses after they got foggy, A tells Rita that except for Coordinators every single Magical Girl she had ever encountered had their own very particular power- and that very few were similar. The former owner of a water park downcasts her eyes; maybe she is the only exception to the only rule she wanted to believe in. With but a hint of hope leaning from her eyes, Rita asks the Coordinator if there was any way she could help her figure out her own power- and the answer is a clean, even hygienic, ‘no’.
>...ask 'A' if she has any video games or anything to play--you just ate a heaping serving of Fucked Up Shit and you gotta unwind. (Charisma Rolls: (20), 97, Magnitude 3 = Failure)
Labyrinths, Coordinators, money laundry, witching out… the last sends strong shivers down her spine. It had been a very long day, a very long year, and, before getting her waterpark, a very long life too. People tend to honor their elders, but who lives deeper than the younger? Rita would know. She used to smile so much before.

Maybe taking a little bit of advantage of the fact that A just nuked her perception of reality, Rita dares to ask the Coordinator if she maybe, just maybe, had a console hidden somewhere that she could play with for a bit. After all, A even grabbed her hand and got all motherly: if that wasn’t all guilt, then there’s hope. ‘No’. Another clean denial, pure, with no hint of shame, guilt, regret, or fear of being evil. If she had seen some shit, then maybe A here had seen… more than some. Yet poking a bit to feel better, Rita asks if that’s because A doesn’t have any, because A is pretty responsible, because A is busy healing Magical Girls. Another ‘no’. Leaning forward, looking at her glasses, Rita awaited some sort of explanation. It never came.

(cont tomorrow!)
God fucking damn it...
She's probably not even going to get some good catharsis out of it because she'll feel like shit afterwards for scaring Clara and ruining her birthday celebration...
And noted for the anti-psychotics. The optimal play would be to not take them and climb up the mental states scale ASAP, but after her outburst, it's possible Emma would rather take them to protect the family she gave so much to have.
Coordinators, as it turns out, don’t have any kind of magical healing ability whatsoever. When A said ‘healing’ she meant it in a more, let’s just say, concrete way, even psychological- like letting someone rest, giving them cookies, and telling them it's gonna be ok. Which did indeed do some work actually. Even if the labyrinth is kinda creepy. Scratch ‘kinda’.
But once she had her share of sugar, once she had her share of ‘do your best’ and generic advice, there was little to do in the Coordinator’ shop other than be safe. And Rita wasn’t safe from her own demons anyway- there was no neutral zone, no white flag inside her head.

The way out of the labyrinth was, surprisingly, the intricate glass dome at the top where blinding light came from. ‘Surprisingly’ as in, as surprising as it can get after learning that the Coordinator lives inside a Witch Barrier. An invisible spiral staircase went all the way from the plaza at the bottom to the blinding light behind the ornamental patterns. Every time Rita stepped on an invisible tile it would light up in a different color, and every time she did Rita could have sworn she heard voices. When she touched the dome, the light swallowed her.

>If no witch has been announced, though, break into the closed SEAnanigans and reminisce while messing around on the rides. What's security gonna do anyways?

Right outside the labyrinth was a forgotten patch of land, buried in tall grass, surrounded by unfinished buildings and trimming both with rusty work tools, big broken machines scattered, and cars with hardly any wheels. High above, the sky was as beautiful as ever, if still cloudy and raining. Not to worry: Rita’s brand new Coordinator issued umbrella, made in the shape of the beloved pet Kyubey, would keep her dry.

It only took until she got to the first street for Rita to get her bearings. Instantly, she was going like the wind, jumping from roof to roof, the struggling umbrella making it all the harder to move. When Rita tried to use it to glide like Mary Poppins, in a rare rush of euphoria, it turned upside-down and sent her straight into a trash dumpster as in revenge. No wonder the Order keeps making dishes out of them.
Welp, RIP Rita. Been a fun run, guys.
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>>Random Magical Girl Event
>Stat: Dexterity
>Type: Positive
>Magnitude: Magnitude 2
>Faction: Factionless
>Identity: Unknown

Like in the old days, Rita smiled. Her nostalgia trip, however, was short-lived. Instantly hiding behind a spiraling water slide, peeking only with one eye, the owner of SEAnnanigans paid up front all of her attention to the few dainty steps coming from behind.

Peeking was enough. That ring. When you see it every day, you know.
Another Magical Girl.

Gritting her teeth at what could happen, Rita braces. One thing becomes apparent: she hasn’t been noticed yet. Knowing this place like the back of her hand, her escape would be perfect. A year ago, she wouldn’t be thinking any of this. A year ago, she would just have been going down that waterslide, splashing her employees on purpose.

That’s when Rita hears the girl going down the slide, her screams faint and painful. The sound came from what she calls the ‘Junior Tier’, meant for kids aged three to four. Again, the steps, curses, and then more screams. For one second, all fear leaves Rita: maybe the rain makes it work now that the engines aren’t working?

>Event Chance: Rita spots the girl’s purse right at the entrance. It looks lonely. Since she has been using the slides, she might as well pay!

>(in a while after breakfast: Lucinda!)
i'm so fucking sorry guys LOL, i can't make short updates
its impossible
i wasnt born with it, its not in my veins
Good. I like reading long updates.
Keep up your autism QM, its power is vast.
I don't think the long updates are bad thing just make sure they are not too taxing for you to write.
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ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ

Random Event Rolls :75, 1, 36, 3, 42, 55, 49, 40, 4
Happens?: 75 (No)

—Mitre Railway Station (Rooftop)---

Then again, maybe not. Sadness is such a hard thing to explain. Or maybe it’s something extremely simple. Abusing her powers to be free of her feelings for too long may have left her a stranger to her owowow…!!!
The tinnitus blasted off as if someone had kicked a car inside of her ear. Instantly, Lucinda puts up her guard, not yet transforming. A Magical Girl’s body is far stronger than that of a normal human being, so to put such hurt from such a distance without magic…

>Lucinda is FUCKING PISSED at being hit in the head with a football. She goes in to interrogate/kick the persons ass. (Wisdom Roll: 16, Magnitude 2 = Failure)

Experience is what makes Lucinda move even with that sound bouncing in her head. She wonders how goalkeepers in football can take hits such as these constantly and from such range. Perhaps, were she not a Magical Girl, Lucinda considers, she would have died ten seconds ago. Then again, she also wouldn’t be standing on a railway station’s roof on a rainy day.

Tracing the trajectory of the ball through the pain from her head, Lucinda rushes to the end of the roof and jumps down in almost one single fluid motion, her knees not even touching the street as she lands. Anger is an old friend she greets in her mind as Lucinda, now fully visible, clothes damper by the second, decides to support the wheelchair industry. She crosses the avenue without even minding the buses, drawing eyes from every angle, then walks up into Plaza Aerial Forces, a wide open green field with roads made of pebbles. Now looming over her, Lucinda feels mocked by the Monumental Tower. But what she finds is not one, not two, but several groups of shirtless teenagers kicking balls all around the place, despite the rain, the mud, the cold, and being less than twenty meters away from one of the largest avenues in the country. Football in Argentina, as usual. Despite their minds being one with the ball, they still don’t fail to notice her. Whistling, name-calling, shrill little screams, someone grabbing his balls: the whole package. Lucinda knows. She bought this on herself. She still doesn’t care one bit, though.
>Being slightly pissed off by the vanishing act done by those fucking knight LARP'ers, Lucinda decides to investigate their whereabouts, by interrogating anyone she comes across, especially any suspicious individuals, about their base of operations. (Charisma Roll: 60, (10), 66, 81, Magnitude 6 = Failure, Wisdom Roll: 27, Magnitude 7 = Failure )

The Order of the End still lingers in her mind, even as she’s almost surrounded by a horde of shirtless guys with less than clean intentions. To their credit, not few of them are there to stop their friends from harassing her, yet it’s when Lucinda opens her mouth that both parties stop. She clearly asks the football boys if they know anything about the Order of the End. Slowly, they start to share /looks/ between each other; some laugh, some say confused ‘no?’s. Lucinda frowns, somewhat hard. It’s not that she is upset because she considers herself a VIP, she simply finds it infuriating that anyone would give anyone else the shove for any reason. It’s betrayal. She insists, just once, and asks them if they saw anyone wearing full plate armor under their robes, aware of the breach between her world and theirs, yet simply caring not. As expected, she gets the same pattern, but with less laughter, more worried looks, and many more whispers. By social standards, Lucinda is indeed quite beautiful. That despite being in almost transparent clothes, alone, cold, and surrounded, the pack of wolves is still backing down may say something about the look on her face that no one who didn’t know her world would ever believe. The Magical Girl just walks through them, her very small expectations shattered under every step.

>If no witch has been announced yet, then just look for the knight LARP'ers for a few more hours, then go home .(Wisdom Roll: 16, Magnitude 7 = Failure)

Lucinda did keep looking around, with little luck for her miracle. Specifically, she went after the girls her age, most of which were shocked, intimidated, or captivated by her appearance until she said the first word. Nothing. Her search was fruitless. Not many other ways to waste the afternoon, but a failure is a failure in her mind. Despite giving the Order all that time to show up, she got no signal, not even a text message. Why? Why would they not come? Even worse, what if they lied? Why would they have lied? Lucinda grits her teeth. It’s not that she cares about what people think; it’s her own view of humanity that’s at stake. Maybe she’s much more angry than she thinks… but how would she know? How does anybody know that?

∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿ ರೃ ∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿

----------------------Villa Lugano--------------------
—-------------Newhorn Household—------------

Lucinda locks the door behind her, finding yet another bag of trash filled with holes in front of the staircase. Weren’t for her, for the constant upkeep she gives the house, her parent’s hoarding would have flooded the house long ago. It isn’t a guess: it’s a fact. It already happened. For only two weeks she had gone on that needless school trip in order to hunt down that murderer, and only after two weeks her whole house looked like a garage sale. They pick up trash: mother and father love picking up trash. They always say that they were lucky, that they will clean it.

It NEVER happens.

The tusk peeks from the corner of the door; the corner of Lucinda’s mouth rises all the little. With big dumb steps, her pet, a real, living, breathing woolly mammoth makes its way towards her, and gently tackles her leg. It rubs its head against it; as Lucinda pets it, she realizes it’s getting too big. She was so used to it, that only because something shattered did she realize that her parents were fighting in the kitchen, yet again. Only in the kitchen: otherwise, the neighbors could hear.

Stepping into the fray, Lucinda goes through them and straight to the fridge. Anything in it she bought herself; from lettuce, to meat, to butter, to radish, to garlic, and eggs. Like with the cupboards, both her progenitors were perfectly happy to leave them to her. Getting ready to cook, fully determined to not clean the glass on the floor, Lucinda spots her mammoth from the corner of her eye and almost sighs; she’ll clean it.

>(Next up is YO MAMMA)
Intriguing that the Knights never showed up, or even left a message. I suspect something terrible has happened to them, perhaps related to the thing they wanted to show Lucinda...

Also big oof; every roll a failure.
Inevitable I guess when you pour every stat into power and constitution. Seeing the Woolly mammoth being so friendly made me smile though.
The parents should just get a divorce lmao. But I guess that goes against their sensibilities.
Hey, long updates are great--much better than half-assed ones, right?

+1 to this. Embrace the 'tism.

And this. Don't burn yourself out!

Sick, looting possibilities! But... but does Rita truly want to rob a Water Park Fan? A kindred spirit?

That or they were busy with something else... the plot thickens, ey?
Indeed the plot does thicken, so many possibilities....

I can only guess they wanted to see Lucinda because they wanted her to use her combat proficiency to destroy the object/person/McGuffin they called her in to see.
I'm interested to see where this goes...
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tried going for emma's, didn't make it. lets see who gets it
is this getting deleted, i bet it does
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Emma Imeredala

Random Event Rolls: 78, 80, 89, 46, 19, 57, 26, 10, 69
Happens?: 78 (No)

Mental Condition Event Roll: 10, 69
Type: 10 (Psychotic Event)
Magnitude: 69 (Threat+)

—--------Imeredala’s Household—-------

Patience may be the mother of virtue, but the father is motivation. Neither of which Emma has in spades right now. Whoever is on the other side of the door has much more than her. Jumping out of the window does cross her mind, more than once- desperation is luck’s faithful mistress- but, at the last moment, Emma decides that a japanese train always has room for more. She will bottle this one up. She will smile, and that will be it.

Peeking through the keyhole gives her nothing. Once she hears the TV show playing from below, though, Emma opens the door with clear confidence. For whatever reason, the honorary little sister loves movies about lawyers and scammers. And someone was watching ‘Snatch: Pigs and Diamonds’.

>Take out the bags under the desk. This needs to stop. (No roll)
After washing her mouth, throat, teeth,and lips and gargling for the fifth time, Emma mixed the mamushka bag she had been puking in with all of the others and dumped them all herself at the dumpster at the side of her house. Even though eleven others offered to help. She can’t even risk letting them know. Above all things, Emma doesn’t want her family to think they are doing something wrong.
>Seek out her babushka/abuela/granny during the birthday, talk about life, death and regret . (Intelligence Roll: 98 = Magnitude 7 Critical)
Life, death, and regret. There is no human being that does not know regret, but there is no Magical Girl that is ever free of it. Staring into the trash container, Emma can’t help but claw her head with both hands. She’s missing pieces. Pieces of the puzzle she’s standing on. A single wrong step, and she will fall.. It is in not knowing only that terror dwells.

Ganked by Clara on the stairs, as the crowd is shifted to the kitchen, the small thing asks the Magical Girl to come watch a new big cat with her. Hands to her knees, bending a bit, Emma tells her that granny just called her, but that they’ll see it together later. Clara pouts; later it won’t even be there.

Stepping into her grandmother’s room is always a moment to remember. Hardly any wall can be seen under the layer of drawings of aliens and UFOs and whatever is it that babushka asked Nico or Clara to draw for her. The novelty, which this time Emma spots on her own, is a lifelike, would-be lifesize model of a Roswell Alien. Hard not to.

And as usual, babushka Natasha (which has to be the single most russian name right behind ‘Russia’) is glued to the screen. The news. The world. The Internet. Emma knows that, if she is not careful, a single word at the wrong time could give her elder a heart attack; her grandma focuses too much. Yet this time, as Emma slowly, sloooowly goes for a shoulder tap, it’s her that ends up screeching as her babushka turns around at mach speed, with a big, soggy smile.

Making a show out of grabbing her chest, Emma is about to start scolding when Natasha turns around again, points at the screen and, in her excitement, talks in chechen. Her granddaughter, who does not speak chechen, simply leans forward towards the screen. It’s a wedding picture; there is a blurry dot in the sky that was circled with a red marker. It is the year two thousand and twenty three. Oh, babushka…
Finally remembering to speak spanish, Natasha asks Emma if she ever had an ‘encounter’. Which she had. The Magical Girl is kind enough to let her grandma believe in the little green man.

Trying to find the words that she wants to ask, but in a way that doesn’t give her away, Emma glances around the room as Natasha goes on about Roswell, the US government, the men in black, the reptilians, the Rapture, and that Jesus came from the stars. One of the walls has this wide white map made out of many papers stuck together, filled with pinned photos that connect with others through wool strings of different colors. None with Kyubey.
Then Natasha says something that does ring a bell. A bell so well hidden that Emma never noticed it was there.

Back then, Natasha said, she was so in deep with the UFO fad that she traveled all the way to sacred grounds USA from what used to be Yugoslavia but is now known as Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite being a complete and total coward, so she says, the drive that the propaganda from the cinema and newspapers and tv series spawned in her was like having a jet engine on each buttcheek. She hated planes. She hates planes even now. And despite that hate, she mortgaged her house and booked one to Atlanta.
Young Natasha went everywhere. Young Natasha took all the pictures. Area 51, and the other fifty areas just in case. Met some people. Went to the museums, joined like ten clubs, stargazed from specific spots, her head in the clouds- but without any of the imagination.

And not one.
Not even one.
She had seen no unidentified object in five years. At least not in the sky. Because Woodstock.

Young Natasha went back to the Motherland both very sad and empty-handed- but, she told everyone she saw the aliens. That the UFOs were real. That she saw a cow be sucked into one. That the men in black tried to corner her. And many like her would say the same, and they would trade their stories- and they all knew. They all knew.

Emma doesn’t ask why: babushka Natasha didn’t want to look bad. She’d know. And neither does she ask why she wanted to go… Emma knows too well what it feels to want to be a part of something bigger. But to go as far as to mortgage the house? Leave it all behind? For years? Emma asks her grandmother if she holds regret- and the answer leaves her wide-eyed.
A rotund ‘No’.
There’s nothing to regret. A fish cannot go against a stronger current, no matter how big its fins. It is beyond its will. During the Cold War, but before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it was common for hordes of little kids to swarm people and leave them naked on the streets. Natasha, now staring directly into Emma’s eyes, asks if the Magical Girl thinks those kids were evil. She ponders about it for a second: then shakes her head. Babushka smiles: Hungry people cannot think, dear.

That was when it rang. The bell. So hard, and so deep. It all falls in place like domino pieces that had been arranged to draw a heart. With such weight that Emma feels like she’s falling inside of herself.
Because that’s it. That’s what it was all about.
When Kyubey offered her a wish, she didn’t ask about Witches, she didn’t ask about Soul Gems, she didn’t ask any of the big questions- and it haunted her every night, ever since. But that’s what it was. Hunger. It’s not that she didn’t think to ask them; Emma was afraid that the answers would mean that she would still have to starve. That she would still have to be alone. Lonely and misunderstood. And how many other girls must have been so desperate for their wish that they didn’t want to risk it for the truth? How many thought that their wish would solve everything?

>>Mental Condition Event:
>Type: Psychotic Event
>Magnitude: Threat+

The bell keeps ringing and ringing and ringing-
Why didn’t I ask? Why didn’t I ask Kyubey? Why didn’t I ask- is what kept her awake ever since that time. Now she knows why she couldn’t understand why. All this time, no, all of her life, Emma wanted to believe she was seeing it all. That she had all of the pieces.

Then something as big as the influence of her own loneliness completely escaped her.

Emma smashes, with an elbow, the twenty-seven years old E.T ceramic statue. Her grandma doesn’t even move. As Emma rips all of the pinned pictures from the wall, as paper rains inside the room, the nana’s mouth only quivers. Emma’s doesn't: she starts yelling.

Is that what you think we are? Just fish in a wave? Then who is bad, babushka? WHO? The fools? The thieves? The rapists? The killers? Are they all just caught in a wave too? Who the hell is guilty if no one is to blame? Can you blame me now?

Natasha leans back against her chair, now all of her head shaking like a jingle bell. How many more? How many more pieces is the puzzle missing? Emma looms over her grandmother like a dark cloud on a ship in the ocean, her voice the drizzle before the thunder.

If those little kids in Russia would ever dare put a finger on MY family, I would step on each of them like cockroaches. And you know what? I would be saving more than my family, I would be saving EVERY family I don’t even know! I don’t give a DAMN if they are hungry if they are going to feed off me. And if you were among those children, I would end you too.
The thunder inside Emma’s eyes shocks the poor old lady deeper into the Alienware gaming chair. Silence finally ensues, only Emma’s gasping to fill the room.
…Babushka smiles. She tells Emma that she doesn’t have much more life anyway. She calls her sweetie at the end. Still shocked, her hand still trembling like her voice, babushka Natasha tells Emma that, no, she wouldn’t let the kids hurt her kids either. But that she wouldn’t kill them. Even if we all are drifting through the big wave, the ancient woman says, we still have to defend ourselves. But there is no reason to hate.

There is no reason to hate.


Emma notices: she’s sweating like she never has in her life. Back then, when the clock crushed her friend, when the broken bones were scattered all over the floor, when she saw her pretty magical dress not fitting anymore, Emma wasn’t sweating. She is now. Falling onto her knees, finally having the meltdown she should have had back then, Emma finally lets all that pain in and the little shadows play inside her head like broken clockwork toys- but surrounded by the arms of her grandmother.

And why wouldn’t she let herself. She’s just a little girl, after all. And who knows that better than grandma.

∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿ ▲ ∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿

It took more than two hours for Emma to finally /start/ putting herself together. The excuse her grandma came up with was simple: they were watching a movie. The yelling? Part of the movie. In fifteen years no one had ever heard Emma yell, so nobody batted an eye even when it was happening.

Emma waited for the tears and mucus to stop flowing out of nowhere. Control is impossible: that is the simple truth that broke her. She can only do so much, and the rest will be up to the dice.

Filled with slavic blood and culture, babushka Natasha is from a tough breed indeed. And right after apologizing to Emma in case she said or did anything wrong, in came the stern, practical, problem-solver russian factory worker in her. She demanded Emma to tell her what was wrong. Not asked: demanded, and with an honest degree of intimidation. If something was hurting her granddaughter this much, she had to know. So anyone can guess the nightmare that it was for Emma to convince her that she couldn’t know. Thankfully enough, at the end of the day, having her stubbornness matched was enough for this hard old granny- for now.

At least, Emma thinks, Kyubey did deliver. It did give her a happy family. She could have made it on her own, that huge family, with patience, like everyone else did. But she will have to be patient now: with herself.

Maybe some of the missing pieces aren’t bad. Maybe her family wouldn’t explode if she told them she was feeling bad. Emma sighs; but then again, where and how would she begin to explain…?
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>Pocket some of the meds, just in case.
Maybe she had been stubborn for far too long, Emma thinks as she stares at the small white pill. Such a powerful little thing; it can beat the human mind.

Emma wonders if she should get medicated. Try as she might, she can’t find a clear answer. But she will drink this one now, and think about it later. After all, these take a bit to get there.

--Emma Imeredala’s Mental Condition has gone up from Angry to In Denial (Intelligence Roll: 98)--

>(up next: Erika 'don't fucking touch me' kruppman)
>also from now on posts will be much shorter because its about time we fucking stomped that pedal.
>much shorter because its about time we fucking stomped that pedal.
>much shorter
>just did 12k+ words of a girl fighting her grandma

there you go, merry christmas you fucks, now im sakurai so don't ask me for anything ever again
after a positive or negative event gucas have to roll Mind equal to the magnitude of the event to see if they actually learn from it but this is a crit so im just gonna to take it like there's not enough room for error to justify a roll, and also because i just wrote the whole thing. took a ton of research, but ask me if i regret it and ill tell you that the current of life etcetcetc nah nega but man was it long lal
For what is worth, that was well worth the wait
Just saw that while over at my own babushka for Christmas. Thank you QM, I haven't read it yet but I hope it goes well...
>just did 12k+ words of a girl fighting her grandma
...enough. Oh.
Well I guess that could have gone way worse."I want to believe" Russian Granny was unexpected, but fun.
>Emma wrestling with the illusion of control.
Somehow you keep hitting with her character development, I'm not sure how. Same for her going off about the hungry kids. I would have said much the same.
>It's all up to the dice.

Overall, probably the best way that particular mental break could have gone. I'm glad Clara's birthday didn't get ruined. Emma's taken the first step. Only time will tell if it ends up making a difference...

Merry Christmas QM!
Merry Christmas and thanks as always, QM and the rest of you! I'm gonna be traveling in the next few days, but I'll keep an eye on the thread for when I need to make more shitty rolls!
Merry Santa day fellow my meguca's and QM, Hope all your Christmas wishes come true and the new year goes better for you all than this one!!!!!!!!!
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■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■

Random Event Rolls: 95, 11, 51, 87, 13, 74, 58, 43, 30
Happens?: 95 (No)

--Polytechnic School Manuel Belgrano--

>>Erika of course would join them, not out of her own free will, she would never admit that, but because some things just have to happen and she is too smart to fall for some oedipian trap in which what one runs from ends up in their path. No, Erika will satiate the mob and perform the rain ritual like the god-queen of Polytechnic School Manuel Belgrano that she is... and yet this is her second-last year among the students whom she tolerated all this time, someone has to keep the tradition even after she ascends from the scholar realm. She needs to find a successor.

Finally looking away from the window, Erika is startled to find Catarina simply staring at her. Who laughs, unhinged as usual. Apparently, Erika’s vacant stare as she’s lost in thought is somewhat interesting. At least to the bimbo. The Student Council President simply walks away. Not slapping Catarina across the face is what she considers a fair trade for her services. The girl simply follows her, giddily.

When she asks Erika again, the girl wearing glasses says ‘fine’, making admirable effort to inject the least amount of emotion possible in the word: she will attend the rain ritual. The way she called it prompted yet more strident laughter from the other, but it was intentional. Even just a month later, Erika was already considering it an outdated, primitive tradition.

Although eerily comfortable.
>Swallow her pride and LEARN from Maria how to actually talk and communicate with human beings in a way that doesn't... discourage willing cooperation. (Wisdom Roll: 44, Magnitude 3 Success)

Catarina considers herself Erika’s long time buddy, and much to her dismay the pragmatic blonde does consider she maaaaaaay feel something similar. After all, a year is a long time… especially in the life of a Magical Girl. Which is why she even considers the option of risking being seen as a totally socially inept individual, which most everyone else are sure she is, and asking Catarina for some tips on how to… talk. Everything in place, surrounded by people, yet each in their own world as it rains, the opportunity finally presents itself.

It only took Erika forty-four minutes to ask her.

And the first time she did, a megaphone wouldn’t have saved her. Yet the speed at which Catarina’s face turned towards her was nothing short but worthy of a horror movie, which made Erika scream, which made a confused Catarina laugh, which drew some attention, which made Erika look away- until Catarina herself digged enough to get at the truth.
At first she went ‘oooooo’, perhaps surprised that a robot wanted to learn how to be a human. Or maybe she never saw Erika that way. That single neuron in Catarina’s head doesn’t have that much room for context. Either way, she didn’t even ask ‘why’, the girl just got right into it and even pulled out a mirror from who knows where. Forcing Erika to face it, which is both painful and embarrassing for the blonde, Catarina had the school press mimic her gestures and movement and even repeat the things she said. Everything was banal, superficial; but that’s how some people are, and some people live like that, and maybe that’s ok.

>>Bonus: Permanent +1 to Charisma Rolls, 44/100 = 0,44, Max Bonus = 25, 25*0.44 = 12 approx, Temporal +12 to next Charisma Roll<<
>AFTER THAT, FIND a suitable heir and replacement for your position as Supreme Leader of Polytechnic School Manuel Belgrano(preferably someone in their first year) and begin their training. First lesson, the importance of duty and how to tie a tarp to a tree. (Charisma Roll: (6)+1+12, 58, 85, 99, Magnitude 3 = Failure)

After that fucking nightmare, Erika was deadly sure that the raw cringe energy she felt has molded her soul. A little chit-chat here and there will NOT be worse, not than rehearsing a confession with Catarina in front of twenty five students and Antonio. And even if it was, her days here are numbered. Taking true pride in her position, Erika Kruppman will see to it that her successor keeps her methods and practices alive, for the sake of the future generations.

…that, and that goddamned rain ritual everyone seems to like so much.

Which is to say, she can and has to spare a few more tears here and there. It is her duty. Her first and foremost concern will be to locate an apt candidate, preferably someone in their first year for maximum efficiency. And given that it’s finals period, such a profile shouldn’t be that hard to find.

The first one, a male with a guitar case, straight up ran away. He will be investigated. The second, a female with short hair from the local football team, told her she didn’t do it. What ‘it’ entails still remains a mystery, but she WILL know. The third just cried; the guy who broke someone’s teeth with a bicycle wheel. The comical, absurd nature of these encounters didn’t fail to amuse Erika to some degree, but behind the comedy laid something painful. The four, fifth, sixth, seventh, eightieth, ninetieth, all ended in a similar fashion thus proving the pattern, the pattern that proved that Erika was feared with sheer honesty.

…which drew some mixed feelings.

Erika would not be teaching anyone how to tie a carp today, and given that she just came to take care of her student council she had little reason to stay. And she didn’t.

∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿ ■-■ ∿∿∿∿∿∿∿∿

-------------------Puerto Madero------------------
—-----------------Erika’s House—---------------

To say that Puerto Madero is the top of the top in Buenos Aires is painful understatement. It is no less than the true monument to the brutal economic disparity reigning in the country. Anomalies such as a highschool girl owning her own penthouse were what passed for normal in those parts, and Erika, grown and raised there, wasn’t even surprised to be one herself.

She quietly let the puff stop her fall.

>REGARDLESS of all of that, begin putting on paper, or better yet, in a digital format all of Erika's knowledge on Magical Girls as soon as she gets back home and greets her grandpa. How they are made, how they work, what they become and how to prevent that, how their magic works...why they shouldn't give up. Use /omniscience/ as needed, this shall be the beginning of Erika's magnum opus her... Magicae Encyclopedia, that's how she will call the book, or at least this first draft. (No Roll)

But the puff won’t do. No. Not for this. Erika stands and sits at her italian style writing desk, the ebony maple wood chair gently creaking as she does. She had made a decision. Besides both her duties as a Magical Girl and a Student Council President, Erika Kruppman will write an Encyclopedia on Magical Girls. The Magicae Encyclopedia, her book, will shed light on the suffering of Magical Girls everywhere.

But first things first. Digging in her purse, Erika finds her cellphone, the curved screen bent forward. She straightens it up. It takes only a single beep for her grandfather to pick up, which fills her with glee. Anyone else who would have heard the conversation, except perhaps for Catarina, would have been both shocked and traumatized, because the robot fuhrer they know only lets herself talk like the little girl she is with her grandpa, and with no one else. The conversation draws on for a while, not wasting on the trivialities Erika loathes from the bottom of her soul but on adventures and risks that the old man will always love to take- he still hikes. The sincere ‘I love you’ coming straight out of Erika as she hangs would seem perfectly natural to anyone else, anyone unaware of who said it.

But that's it for pleasure. Now, it is time for bussiness.
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Even after a year, Erika is still not used to her personal magic, and maybe she never will, and maybe that is the point. After all, it’s all about introducing new information, not drawn from the outside but from within, using the outside as a reference. Omniscience. A truly powerful tool, one that taught her to fear and respect both her secrets and those of others, because the fundamental rules of reality have many themselves… some that almost drown her in dread. Immune to both the joy and sorrow of learning, expectation proved to be equally as fatal.

There are no fancy rainbows or colors when Erika uses omniscience, but the inside of her head becomes a galaxy. Millions and millions of clusters of information, interlinked with one another, a fraction of which would be enough to shatter her mind without this magic. Her mind flooded, the only reference Erika gives herself is herself, Erika, the Magical Girl of Knowledge- and all the information trimming in her mind becomes related to that subject.

The late morning becomes afternoon as she writes, and even the afternoon loses a bit of its colors. Entranced, she hits the keyboard like a piano, her fingers going up and down like the rain still lingering outside. Already tired, her omniscience called off, all that sacred knowledge leaks from her like sweat, as if her brain was getting much, much smaller. A scary moment; knowledge makes her feel safe.

Erika blinks, appalled, as she reads the screen. The mountain of text is in human language, she can read it, that much is true- but attempting to understand it turns out to be impossible. Confused, and honestly annoyed, Erika comes out with a quick, fallible theory to consider: that perhaps her mind works differently during omniscience. Or perhaps that transmitting the knowledge required to understand some aspects of Magical Girls requires certain knowledge to be explained first, and thus she finds, in the book, the very first, vague steps required to do so. No. That’s not it. Without even requiring omniscience, Erika, a very smart scholar, stumbles upon a simple fact:

that she just tried to explain magic.

Eyes like a lamp behind those glasses, in all due honestly, Erika does find her situation to be unexpectedly funny.

–Erika’s DP has gone down by 1%--

>(Jimena having a panic attack next!)
good to know

>Somehow you keep hitting with her character development,
ive been balls deep in mbti for too long so its good to see that paying off sometimes. i dont take it as an absolute truth at all, but theres some very good stuff if you know where to dig

hey have fun out there, good to see someone moving their ass after the pandemic

>wishing wishes to come true on a guca thread

merry christmas guys!
I'm ready for your shit.
Feliz Navidad to all you bad bitches.
Maybe poor word choice on my part kek.
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Jimena Gimenez

Random Event Rolls: 14, 19, 42, 50, 44, 8, 66, 25, 82
Happens?: 14 (Yes)
Stat: 19 (Dexterity)
Type: 42 (Negative)
Magnitude: 50 (Magnitude 3)
Encounter?: 44 (No)

Mental Condition Event Roll: 25, 82
Type: 25 (Panic Event)
Magnitude: 82 (-25 to all rolls)

—--------Paloma Marron Arcade—--------

It doesn’t let up, this bitch of a rain. Like it’s punishing the homeless for being poor. The arcade is already overflowing with all manners of people, most surely strangers to the thrill of the quarter and to the dread and expectation of meeting Rugal. Unless it’s another player choosing it. In that case it’s just rage.

Biting her nails off, her foot shaking like a chihuahua bumping a Megazord plushie, Jimena Gimenez is arming herself. As Ambonisye makes his way to buy more quarters, parting the sea of people like he was Moses, his friend is carefully selecting the most suitable topics to bring up during the business call. It’s a battle royale inside her head. The winners will be the few words that she remembers.

>Call the investors, convince them that the public perception of sexuality is totally ridiculous and arbitrary, people will latch onto any anime/furry character to make loads of porn, any spec of chemistry in a relationship will be fodder for shipping.

Sometimes working hard becomes another elaborate way of being lazy. Paradoxical as it seems, what happens is simple: in this case, Jimena will give it all so she doesn’t have to get an actual fucking job. Of that the girl that sleeps in class is sure; there will be no half-assing this time.
Jimena takes one deep, hard breath and slams that screen with her thumb.

Every ‘beep’ makes Jimena want to drop her Nintendo Switch/cell phone among Ambonisye’s clocks and sunglasses. It also gives her the silly idea of wearing in front of her eyes herself, maybe putting a background with sunglasses first. Or why go half-way when she cou-
A face spawns on the screen. The face of an old man.
To Jimena, a jumpscare couldn’t have been done better. Fingers cold and shaky, she greets the very serious old man back with a seriousness of her own, doing her best to find a silent corner in the arcade. Which should have been the first thing on her list.

Jimena introduces herself. She’s the person in which the titular character ‘Kyaa Oni-Chan Yamete: The power of Love and Nitroglycerin’ is based. It kinda slips by her, but the fact that the investor just realized that they requested more sexual imagery of a girl still in highschool is why he just frowned like hell. Which puzzles her. Pushing past her own confusion, Jimena informs the investor that she is also part of the developer team (which true to some degree). That she was informed that the sequel to the first title of the franchise (fancy words completely intentional) was projected to not meet expectations due to a lack of appeal to a certain demographic. Basically, that they think it won’t sell because no tits, but said between lines.

The old man asks for her age, irritated. Fuck. Jimena knows. She tells the truth, she’s fucked. She lies and they find out, she’s fucked too. She lies. 24. Fuck it; it’s between a late and an early grave. Clear as another day, he asks Jimena for pictures of herself. She refuses. When he raises an eyebrow, Jimena decides to not let him talk.

Her point is clean and simple: predicting what the public will go for is too hard. Out there, there’s a sea of characters with big bo- with aesthetics specifically tailored to be sexually appealing, even in very subtle ways, and yet people end up having fantasies with Bowser from Super Mario of all things. Fast like any other thunder, Jimena googles and sends him a picture of Bowsette. The man frowns; his mouth gapes slightly. Hitting the public from that side, Jimena resumes, requires a LOT of very specific knowledge on particular types of demographic, which other, many other companies, devote their full man-power just to-

Just to- j-just t-t-t-to…

Just… to…

>>Mental Condition Event
>Type: Panic Event
>Magnitude: 5 (-25 to all rolls)
Suddenly, everything is more colorful, more complex, more textured, bigger, closer, so much closer than before. Jimena tries and fails to breathe. Used to seeing the world from inside her head, she suddenly finds herself outside. She can’t hear her own thoughts. She can’t make sense out of anything. And the world keeps getting closer and closer and closer as if pushing against her chest.

The investor calls Jimena by her last name, perhaps thinking that the call itself is lagging.

-j-just to…

The anxiety makes her feel like her lungs are about to burst, which in turn makes Jimena even more anxious. Her hands, quivering from the cold until now, feel like two rocks weighing her down.

What if it’s true?
What if she really is going to turn into a Witch?
What if Witches run out? What then?

The overwhelming evidence feels unbearable. As if it had weight.

Stranded, Jimena hunts down her train of thought. No luck. Weak and shivering, she will have to go down those rails herself.

>Reference the esport community as proof of this game series staying power, offer to take care of the games PR to raise interest in the sequel. Make a social media account, interact with the community, organize tournaments, make game key giveaways, send keys to journalists and youtubers, get Fernando to MAKE A DEMO. Hell, you are basically a character in the game, take advantage of that.

Finishing what she was saying feels like falling into a sunken-cost fallacy, so Jimena draws from the topics she had prepared. The true rock of the game, the reason she’s having this conversation in the first place, is the esports community that devoted itself to finding bugs and glitches in the game’s mechanics that ended up giving the scene both the depth and the complexity that are required for a high skill ceiling.

…No fucking way she’s telling him that, of course. Downplaying the development team is not a good move.
What Jimena does talk about, however, is that one tournament that was held in a train station’s public restroom. It was the first manifestation of the game’s potential as an esport, and the event was so widely spread that the next one was held in a cinema. Before she gets any other word out, the investor repeats that they consider that appealing to /that/ demographic comes at no risk regardless, and that therefore there is no reason not to. Yet Jimena shakes her head sideways: they would be putting the image of the company at stake. If the public suspects that the direction that they are after and the direction the game is taking is not aligned, they won’t buy the sequel, period, just to preserve the good memories they made with the first installment. She cites the Def Jam series as a good example, and then the Castlevania series when they went full anime (despite the mechanics still having evolved). And to drive the nail further down, she cites a myriad of games that were heavily successful despite having no sexual or romantic appeal whatsoever, from Final Fantasy Tactics to the Super Mario series, and then going as far as putting Metroid in the list to make sure to humble the ignorant greedy fuckheads that could sink her game. Being the main character of a game, biasedly enough, did make her like it.

The man is silent: this threatens yet another panic attack in the already drained Magical Girl. One thing for sure, her Soul Gem is going french. But then Jimena realizes that the man is typing, most likely googling for the stuff she’s been talking about, meaning that, although stubborn, perhaps the investors aren’t ready to let that stubbornness cost them money. That’s when the old man proves her right by telling Jimena that their conversation had been broadcasted this whole time, and that the ‘table’ is doing a brief investigation on the elements she just mentioned. If Jimena had balls, those would be up her throat. For now, she makes do with her ass being clenched enough to break a katana.
Unable to simply shut the fuck up, a skill that grown ups consider to be of paramount importance, Jimena offers to take care of the game’s PR to raise interest for the sequel. Being the game’s true and actually real face, she would make a social media account to interact with the community, organize more tournaments in restrooms across the country, take care of the give-aways, send game keys to journalists and youtubers, and that she would squeeze a demo out of Fernando. Desperation makes us say such silly things; blissfully unaware, somewhere else, Fernando is laughing at CARS porn.

…this draws the attention back to her. It’s only then that Jimena realizes that Ambonisye has been there staring this whole time. He winks at her. Jimena draws from the power of friendship and steels herself for the suits.

She hears their voices arguing among themselves. Not clearly, that is; the suit that’s been talking to her seems to be using a speaker. Then there’s quiet. Then the old man looks at her from behind the Switch’s screen. He asks the already frozen Jimena a series of specific questions, both concerning the first game’s revenue, her experience in PR (which she bullshited right away), her experience as a VA (a consequence of bullshiting her experience in PR), and her experience as a model (a consequence of bullshiting her experience as a VA).

The man chuckles. Jimena feels all air abandon her lungs.

>>(Charisma Rolls: (86)+10-25 = 71, 33, Magnitude 5 = Success)<<
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Tomorrow, the man concludes, a meeting will be held between the PR team and the investors to trim out details. That, at least for now, the plans to cancel the funding have been canceled, until further notice. And that she is to attend such meeting. Polite farewells later, the call finally ends.

It was close, Jimena realized. It was. Too. Fucking. Close. She’s not feeling her legs. The Magical Girl promises, to herself, that she’s never caring for anything else this much ever fucking again. Hands still a rock, she stows the device away inside her trusty leather bag. Yet her dismay is cut short as Ambonisye lifts her from under her shoulders like she was motherfucking Simba, the titanic negro proclaiming to the crowd that this girl just got her very own video-game approved.

And the people clap. And they clap hard. As if any excuse to celebrate was good enough.

…Yet that is so wrong! So fucking not true and so twisted. She didn’t even make the game in the first place! Her cheeks red as if two cats were to jump on them at any second, as Ambonisye, Jimena figures out the truth: this sore loser is taking revenge from being bodied ten times in a row. Motherfucker.

>>Random Event Rolls
>Stat: Dexterity
>Type: Negative
>Magnitude: 3

Her full creativity at work with ways to ruin this negro (later, of course), Jimena spots, from the corner of her eye, someone doing away with

her bag.

The bag where, amidst other things, she just left the Nintendo Switch phone right after finishing the call.
And at this point Jimena is finding it hard to even care about that.

>(up next: random event resolution!)
didn't want no guca to be left without her christmas present, so i took some time to pull one off.

whats coming next is the resolution of the random events, since technically the day is still ongoing. all those who got a random event got to respond to their situation

this means that only jimena and rita have to follow up now. after that, we roll mind to see the dp damage and its on to night phase
Sweet sweet victory. Autism be damned, my girl can keep her cool.
> to herself, that she’s never caring for anything else this much ever fucking again.
Oh you sweet summer child
Also, fuck!
>as Ambonisye
>as Ambonisye waves her around
BOY, and I do spellcheck
hey, quick question, when I get to move, Jimena is still being lifted by this fellow, right? So all eyes are on her? And if she were to say, use her superpowers in an obvious way then every nerd and their mother would see it right? Just wanna know so I don't make a fool out of myself, by mistake.
a meguca will never, under any circumstances, consider to use her powers in public
otherwise it would have happened already
in fact, if a meguca fucks up, even her bitterest enemies will try their best to hide her fuckup one way or the other
it is the one thing no meguca, no matter how batshit crazy, ever fucks with

also just like kick the french guy, jimena stronk

Also should i like do a christmas thing, i saw the other qms doing omekas or stuff
Hey, Ambo got figuratively kicked around plenty enough, I'm not gonna +B him IRL.
>Also should i like do a christmas thing, i saw the other qms doing omekas or stuff
If you wanna keep the one turn per week pace then sure, suit yourself.

Whatever, I'm just gonna put my trust on the good samaritans of argentina, for now.
>Point at the thief and call for help from the crowd to stop him. Surely your looks and aura of authority will count for something here.
>IF they still get away, THEN follow after them
We still need that Switch for marketing, I have to make Jimena follow through with something for once in her life
Iiiiit's Rita! And I say do whatever you feel comfy with, QM--it's your quest! You write whatever you want.
>If you wanna keep the one turn per week pace then sure, suit yourself.
been thinking about this a lot. on the one hand one would have already expected a pile of dead gucas and 37 players, on the other hand this is what comes naturally from me: gigaposting about videogame investing opportunities. wut you guys think, it may seem im insecure but i actually wanna know if you guys like the pacing

also i was thinking about doing these gigaposts every 3 days so i dont burn out and we get consistency

gimmw some sugar booooooyy, give some actions for that random event so we end the phase
Speaking for myself, I like the game well enough to just wait around and post once in a while, and objectively this faster than most quests I'm following. But I understand not everyone has the luxury of being around a computer all the time, and it'd be kind of sad if one of us had to step away without finishing the story of one of the mcs after we got invested with all this set up, so y'know, maybe we could do with less procedurally generated distractions.
that's why I made the 'happening' roll to give it a 50% chance of going boom, but hey i could reduce it even further ti steamline stuff, make it like 10% which would still make sense
that being said, random events a) have to exist cuz shit happens b) will always have to be solved before the end of the phase
b is why i made it 50, cuz if i get a single boy with a random event everyone will have to wait anyway

theen again, i could make them 5% and make meguca appearance go 25% instead of 10. wut u guys think? im not mr big dick
Whoops, didn't think you needed em yet! Let's see...
>SNEAKILY snatch the bag and slink outta there!
>If caught play it off by saying you didn't see her, but that you own the joint and was gonna take it to the ole security office.
>If NOT caught get far away and in a public, but secure place (maybe a train station locker area?) And examine THE GOODS
I think it'd be better if we kept the gigaposting as a communal thing instead of making a gigapost for each event, but I understand if that takes too much restrain. I'm almost certainly not Sir Magnus Dongus either.
i tried so hard man, but i cant. fuckin' can't lawle
also roll me a stonk 2d100 charisma roll, magnitude 3 cuz the people is celebrating and distracted
also LAWLAWLLAWLAWLE unextreme 4d100 dexterity roll and good pray to kojima or miyazaki or both

or think something up, you still can

we gotta solve the random events before the phase ends to avoid overlap, so its like an extra mini turn i can use to buy food for my cat
aight gimme 1d100 for dex normal
then 2d100 charisma weak in case rita slips on a puddle
then a 1d100 luck roll to see if you get good stuff

also fuck me, i may never drink anything but this cider aint no fucking joke like jesus
Lucinda phone posting here. I woke up accidentally and decided to say words until I fall back asleep.

I like the pacing, and I can guarantee I'm not gonna lose interest or leave suddenly. So yeah, do the 3 day thing if you think it’s gonna help you not burnout. Hell, take a week if you feel like it will help. Not like I’ve not got stuff I would be doing instead of playing a magical girl on a Bulgarian crochet forum.
I really like this quest, which is a rare thing for me. So it would make me very sad to see it unfinished because of such a small thing like burnout.
Rolled 97, 48, 63, 1, 51, 7 = 267 (6d100)

Sakurai, Toby Fox, helb pls
Rolled 55, 22, 24, 87 = 188 (4d100)

Hell ye cider
the smash gods have blessed me. Good thing too because that's a crit fail there
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Jimena Gimenez

—--------Paloma Marron Arcade—--------

>Point at the thief and call for help from the crowd to stop him. Surely your looks and aura of authority will count for something here. (Charisma Rolls: (97), 48, Magnitude 3 = Critical)

It’s for a split second that Jimena Gimenez imagines the reaction of that thief as it opens her bags and rummages through its contents. And it is enough. Behind her rage and desperation as she overclocks her lungs to scream over the clapping and cheering, as she points at it, there is something else. A small, yet pure sense of mercy, manifested as worry for that thief’s well being. For besides the secrets of the deeper space and the struggles of Magical Girls, there are things mere mortals are not yet ready to see.

Like the contents of that bag.

It’s that divine impulse that gives the tiny final push needed for Jimena’s voice to thrive over all others. As if light came from her mouth. And it’s perhaps that divine impulse that traveled instead of her voice, because the metrosexual with sunglasses that reacted first didn’t just tackle the thief, but soared with grace and beauty and love until his shoulder ragdolled the thief- at least thirty five feet. The bag at his feet, he slowly picked it up, like the hero of a shoujo manga.

Before running away himself. Of course: this is Argentina.

Everyone had already stopped clapping to witness. Ambonisye says something in african, carefully drops Jimena, and rushes out of the arcade in perfect running form.

Five minutes later, he’s back with the bag. Dripping and sweating from every atom.

Jimena sighs in relief and hugs the negro, then pulls some bills from the bag. What remains of her allowance will be spent in burgers. Because his friend will never know that he didn’t just save the Switch: he saved a man’s life.

Ambonisye my brother in christ, thank Madoka you are here.
Funny how both these random events are about larceny, but from different perspectives.
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Rita's about to RIT all over the damn place here

>inb4 Jimena visits an abandoned water park and Rita tries to steal HER purse
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Rita Hammerhead

----------------------La Boca, North-------------------
—-----------Water Park SEAnanigans—----------

>SNEAKILY snatch the bag and slink outta there!

Somewhere else, maybe in Belgrano, another girl slips in a puddle and falls face-first on a wet turd. Rita knows it: that won’t happen to her.

As she stares at the bag like a hound, the same girlshing screams repeat again and again with a certain pattern. Rita allows herself some time to learn it, yet not too much or the opportunity will be wasted. On the one hand, she is kinda giddy that another Magical Girl seems to enjoy the park. She maybe even went as far as to wait for rain to make do because of the lack of engines to push the flow of water. On the OTHER hand, first of all, she IS using her rides for free, and on the OTHER OTHER hand, maybe she’s an enemy Magical Girl. It would be sad, but it wouldn’t be the first time; Magical Girls often end up being very territorial, and blind and deaf to the needs of others.

The other hand turned out to be the heaviest. Patient for the last time, Rita awaited the scream… a noise that didn’t remind her much of enjoyment… and when the girl she was imagining was turning her back, Rita dashed in long steps, hooked the purse, and vaulted over the wall as if she had a big long pole. The Magical Girl landed with grace, so much that she even had to strike a pose. Mid-pose, she spotted, from the corner of her eye, another little girl staring at her with her mouth wide open under a cat-eared umbrella. Letting hers stretch above hers, under Kyubey’s completely expressionless face, Rita winked and left.
And every step got just a little bit faster than the last- until she tripped on a sleeping homeless guy.

>>(Dexterity Roll: 55, Magnitude 2 = Success)<<

>If NOT caught get far away and in a public, but secure place (maybe a train station locker area?) And examine THE GOODS

The fairness of the market. What a wonderful thing. Finally more than a few blocks away, Rita giddily buried her claws into the purse. Then a single shiver goes down her spine, not a drop of water, not a thunder, but a thought. She just stole from a Magical Girl. Magical Girls have magical powers (except her!). Magical powers that could track her down.

…For a lack of a better thing to do, Rita smiles all the widely. Train stations in Argentina don’t have lockers because everyone knows that not even sealing them behind a war tank would keep their contents there. But, with a little ingenuity, and a little knowledge on how your average argentinian hates getting literally dirty (no problems with getting metaphorically dirty) Rita finds the perfect hiding spot just in case she’s flanked: a trash can that was dumped at the side of the street. Must have been there for a month already. It’s then and there, after looking around frantically like seven times, that Rita digs in again like a little girl treasure hunting on her sister’s locked locker.

>>(Luck Roll: 87 = Magnitude 6 Success)<<
And what do you know: it IS a treasure that she finds. Why would you need jewels, gold, and a crown when you can have a credit card? And with the ID to match.

Not bothering to read it, Rita continues to scavenge. Perfumed lipstick, sunscreen, makeup stuff like foundation, blush, highlighter, then a bunch of keys, big money bills, some… pads, a wallet- with even more bills!- a SUBE traveling card, eyebrow liner, a cell phone…

…that starts ringing.

Startled, yet like a ninja, Rita slowly, slooooooooooooowly holds down the button at the side, then waits patiently, very patiently, until the screen shows the logo before the cellphone turns off. She cleans some sweat (or rain) from her forehead with a sleeve. In Argentina, unless you buy something very expensive, hardly anyone ever asks for an ID if you buy with a credit card. They know; they don’t care.

Rita has nowhere to hide the purse as she heads off into the rain under her new umbrella. After the rush is over, her depression takes over her thoughts like a cloud, labeling her a thief among many other things. Ever so slowly, her smile vanishes without a trace. She remembers how witching out felt but manages to not think about it.

>(next up: end of phase, mind roll, and Witch Roll)
i DID think something like that, i was gonna make the purses to look identical to get some random meguca chasing after Jimena. kinda funny ngl but so unfair lol

wait true

tell me that fail crit didn't deserve that and i won't believe you. also you only critted that char roll because toby doesn't fuck so we can get deltarune faster

me neither, i feel like i have a duty to these girls after all this. i want to get rational fast

AIGHT we start with the 'every three day or until a fucking feel like it and I dare you to stop me motherfucker' scheduling from now on. tomorrow, we get the results.

that being said, i'll leave a little vote. i can either leave the ocurrence of random events at 50% or turn it down to 5%. more random events means more fucking around, less random events means shit might get real like twice as fast. any other suggestions more than welcome

also i'll leave this warning: i may revamp how stats work down the line because my dumb ass realized using wisdom as perception leaves no way to roll for social clues other charisma, which we all know can be used without the slightest degree of empathy. and no: you do not use intelligence to understand other people's feelings. weird, I know

i didn't delete this out of sheer hatred for my fellow man
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>But wait, who's that? Watch out, that's Ambonisye with a steel chair!
Should have went for the funny, pussy.
>the virgin char-less vs the Chad No Wisdom
The time between works for me as long as you keep us in the loop! Nothing wrong with checking in just to be all 'hey, can't do an update today because dentist/croquet game/just not feeling up to it' as long as you give us a heads up!

As for the random events I'm down for about 25%, maybe? Otherwise I'm good on staying the course.
How this works:

DP (Desperation Points Bar) Roll:
-The DP bar reflects both how dark a meguca’s Soul Gem currently is and the degree of despair her subconscious is holding at bay. Unlike with Mental Condition, the only way for this one to go back up is by using Grief Seeds.
–DP is rolled in the following way: if a meguca failed an action during its turn, then the lowest roll produced by a fail and the highest roll produced by a success will be averaged and then taken into account for a Mind save.
–If the sum of the averaged value and the Mind roll exceeds or is equal to 100, then the DP bar will remain unaffected.
–Otherwise, the DP bar will take a penalty equal to the constant value of the meguca’s current Mental Condition.

Mental Condition Status Roll
-The Mental Condition reflects your guca’s current level of satisfaction with life. Even if everything goes right or wrong for her, unless an event puts her views on reality into question, this attribute will not be contested.
-Mental Condition Status Rolls (MCRS) are rolled whenever a meguca is deeply emotionally affected by an event. This is determined by whether something that is important to her is involved. What is important to a Magical Girl is determined mainly by her wish, but also by the links, relationships, and beliefs she develops along the way.
-MCRS imply the reaction of the meguca to important new information, whether if it is given meaning and if this meaning is accurate or not.
-MCRS are also rolled when a crit roll /that is taken into account by any action roll/ ensues. Crit roll values are 1,2,3 and 98,99, and 100. Negativity or positivity depend on the context.
–A MCRS cannot occur more than one time because of the same type of event, whether negative or positive.
–A MCRS is rolled in the following way: the roll involved in the event (unless it’s a crit in which case it’s either an instant success or an instant failure) is added to a Mind Roll. If the result exceeds or is equal to 100, and the event is positive, the Mental Condition goes up, if the event is negative, the Mental Condition does not go down. If the result does not exceed 100, and the event is positive, the Mental Condition does not go up; if it was a negative event, the Mental Condition goes down.
–When a Mental Condition goes down, the DP bar takes a penalty equal to the constant value of the meguca’s new Mental Condition.
-MCRS have Magnitude. The higher the Magnitude, the more the Mental Condition could go up or down. Magnitude 2 could either go down twice or go up twice. This is determined by the importance that the Magical Girl attributes to this particular event.
-MCRS are arbitrary as fuck. Either find a way to measure feelings or bitch at me.
and its perfectly fine to bitch at me and argue. if we dont find common ground then we’ll just roll for it. whatever the case, don’t be a bitch and don’t get salty. Feelings are an EXTREMELY COMPLEX topic and if you think you already understand it then you are fucked and nothing will save you from the recoil.

also im gonna have to make like an actual fucking guide that involves every mechanic in the game, but that after we fuck around a bit

A QM is Sworn to Votes, begone Ye Fuck

though ya i did think to do the funny, but this time the coincidence was so far-fatched that it felt really forced

won't be missing heads up.
the vote is between 5 and 50, if we go 25 then it will kinda be the same as going 50, if we are gonna have a random event every round then we might as well let as many people as we can have them

now we roll
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[>>Addendum to DP (Desperation Points Bar) Roll::
–DP is also rolled if the meguca was affected by a Mental Condition Event. If so, Mind has to be rolled with a Magnitude equal to that of the event. If the result of the Mind roll is higher than the one sat up by the Magnitude, then no penalty is incurred. Otherwise, a penalty is incurred equal to the current Mental Condition of the Magical Girl.]

凸 Rita Hammerhead 凸
Lowest Failure: 20 >>5506440
Highest Success: 87 >>5508669
Final Value (Medium): 54

Mental Condition:
SEAnannigans reminiscence (Positive): Rita dugout memories of her prime time at her water park. Not all of them are sweet, but to remember that happiness can happen is enough sometimes. (Magnitude: 1) (Wisdom Roll still to be taken)

Roll me a 2d100 Mind(Weak) for the failure, the 2d100 Wisdom (Weak) I forgot to ask you when Rita went to reminiscence at the park, and a a 2d100 Mind (Weak) to see if the lesson sticks.

ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ
Lowest Failure: 10 >>5506983
Final Value: 10

Mental Condition:
No changes

Roll me a 1d100 Mind(Normal) and hope for a 90+ roll for wasting your day chasing the spanish inquisition.

▲ Emma Imeredala ▲
Psychotic Event Magnitude 4 >>5507603

Mental Condition:
You Can Only Do So Much: Emma realized being you can only be too hard on yourself over stuff you can’t even begin to do something about. Thinking yourself almighty or even a bit more powerful than you are always backfires. (Magnitude: 1) (Already accounted for)

Roll me a 2d100 Mind(Strong) for the psychotic event.

■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■
Lowest Failure: 19 >>5507770
Highest Success: 44 >>5507768
Final Value (Medium): 32

Mental Condition:
No changes.

Roll me a 2d100 Mind(Strong) for failing to find a suitable heir.

ᕙ Jimena Gimenez ᕗ
Panic Event Magnitude 5 >>5507603

Mental Condition:
Just Pulled A Save Out Of My Ass (Positive): Even a lazy-ass bully can set things on fire with a little focus. Jimena wonders if she’s been missing out. (Magnitude: 1) (Roll: 71)

Roll me a 2d100 Mind(Strong) for the panic event and a 2d100 Mind(Strong) to see if the lesson sticks and Jimena goes back to normal.

I don’t remember which of you suggested it, but I agreed to roll for all the environmental stuff while you roll for your gucas desperate little butts. So roll away.
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Here's you nat crit mind roll you asked for.
Rolled 94, 84, 82, 32, 8, 55 = 355 (6d100)

Heheheh... the park isn't dead yet. This is all part of Rita's MASTER PLAN, you see... anyways here's a few rolls.
For fucking fucks sake are you fucking kidding me.
1 off. Motherfucker.
Rolled 80, 64, 34, 64 = 242 (4d100)

I'm ahead of the curve, c'mon Jimena just keep that up
I vote for 5% random events and higher meguca encounters, if we don't like this we'll bitch and change it again, nothing mattters and this is how its gonna be the whole way
I think your good no? 90+10=100 yeah you are fine
Where did you get the +10 from?
>–A MCRS is rolled in the following way: the roll involved in the event (unless it’s a crit in which case it’s either an instant success or an instant failure) is added to a Mind Roll. If the result exceeds or is equal to 100, and the event is positive, the Mental Condition goes up, if the event is negative, the Mental Condition does not go down. If the result does not exceed 100, and the event is positive, the Mental Condition does not go up; if it was a negative event, the Mental Condition goes down.
>ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ
>Final Value: 10
I think I got it right, if your rolls get to a 100 you are golden
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Oh okay.
I think then I must have misunderstood the new rule slightly.

In that case: Nice.
Rolled 84, 26 = 110 (2d100)

>Erika was feared with sheer honesty.
This... can be worked around, it will just be a bit more awkward.

>>The sincere ‘I love you’ coming straight out of Erika as she hangs would seem perfectly natural to anyone else, anyone unaware of who said it.
>"Grandpa Kruppman best grandpa" - Erika, 2023

>that she just tried to explain magic.
This can also be worked around depending on how much bs I can get away with,

Sure thing QM.
Also, merry Christmas everybody! Couldn't say this yesterday so I will say it now.
In that case I'll second Jimena's motion for 5% and more meguca stuff.
I have no strong feelings one way or the other but sure 5% sounds cool to me.
wonder if erika would mind if I roll for her

should I? theres really no rush, but its just a roll
they already rolled dumb of ass
shit i always write erika when i want to say emma and the other way around too


that is the rule for mental condition roll, not for dp rolls. that being said:

>–If the sum of the averaged value and the Mind roll exceeds or is equal to 100, then the DP bar will remain unaffected.
>or is equal to 100

congratulations, you just saved 1DP

its not dead, its closed. rita just couldnt take the workload, but the whole thing still belongs to her
except the happiness

erika has ++ on int, she's pretty much the god of bullshit
but member
if you are gonna bullshit away you still have to make a reasonable point to roll int, otherwise we get a plothole and, worse come to worse, a glitch that can be legally exploited in very funny ways

ok we have 5 to random event and 25 for guca
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Rolled 91, 97, 81 = 269 (3d100)


First Number is for Witch Spawn. If the number is from 1 to 25, boy, we have a Witch.

Second Number is for Witch Location. There are 50 locations on the map. 1,2 means 1a, 3,4 means 1b, and so on.

Third Number is for Witch Magnitude.

1 to 20: Magnitude 1 Witch
21 to 40: Magnitude 2 Witch
41 to 60: Magnitude 3 Witch
61 to 75: Magnitude 4 Witch
76 to 90: Magnitude 5 Witch
91 to 95: Magnitude 6 Witch
96 to 99: Magnitude 7 Witch
>Not dead, but closed
I see.... so it's still running as usual, or it's closed and not open to the public? If the former, who runs it now? More importantly... Rita can still faff around on the slides and stuff as she pleases, yea? This is important for the endgame!
Rolled 92, 54 = 146 (2d100)

closed, not running, not open to the public, yet still her property.

>Rita can still faff around on the slides and stuff as she pleases, yea?
yup. however, most of the engines are, let's not say broken, but a bit kinda rusty and cranky, so the water flows kinda weird on the slides.

also may you forgive me for this sin Emma, but i was so bored I already wrote the next update so emma mind roll
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It is evening of the twentieth of December, of the year two thousand twenty three-

the rain is but drizzle and the dark sky is plagued by silver linings.

--Status Report--

Emma Imeredala
HP: 100
DP: 57,5 59,5 (Base) - 0 (Mind Rolls: (92), 54 > Magnitude 4 (52) = Save) - 2 (In Denial)
Mental Status: In Denial
-A kind-hearted Magical Girl capable of imprinting her own intentions into other people.
-Her Magical Weapon is a two-handed scepter.
-She wished for a big, happy family.
-Currently preparing for her sister’s birthday, which starts at midnight, she has already spent over five tissues.

Right now, Emma is finally not hugging her babushka anymore. She just broke her second glass of water (both made of /solid plastic/, the kind that bounces if you drop them) so her mother just kindly kicked her out of the kitchen. Still shocked by her meltdown this morning, Emma feels that her heart weighs half as much as it did the day before. As everything moves around her, the kind girl doesn’t know what to do.

ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ
HP: 100
DP: 99 100 (Base) - 0 (Mind Roll: 90 + 10 = 100 = Perfect Save) - 1 (Normal)
Mental Status: Normal
-A stoic-hearted Magical Girl capable of becoming free of anything.
-Her Magical Weapon is a gigantic crossbow that can turn into a scythe.
-She wished for freedom.
-Intrigued because the Order of the End didn’t show up to meet her, she keeps thinking about them.

Right now, Lucinda is scouring the internet for information on how to make the only living woolly mammoth in the entire planet smell a little less worse. Said animal is currently laying upside-down on the floor, showing its belly. Ignored, it tackles Lucinda’s leg, who simply stands up and lifts the whole thing over her head.
Yet only five and a half seconds after putting it down, the mammoth is pestering her again- demanding to soar the skies even more.
Jimena Gimenez
HP: 100
DP: 84,5 84,5 (Base) - 0 (Mind Rolls: (80), 64 > Magnitude 5 (65) = Save) - 1 (Normall)
Mental Status: Normal Charisma Rolls: (71), 33 + Mind Rolls: 34, (64) = 135 = Increase
-A lazy-hearted Magical Girl capable of stretching her limbs way beyond human limits.
-Her Magical Weapon is a whip with a big hand at the end.
-She wished to be able to eat her own ass.
-After saving the video-game series that features her, she is evaluating punching herself in the face.

Right now, Jimena is laying on the floor of her house, filled with burgers. The Switch-Phone that Ambonisye saved makes an annoying sound. It’s a single message from Fernando: “I fucking hate you”.
Yawning, Jimena digs inside her nose. Soon enough, he’ll realize he got the longer end of the stick. She has until tomorrow to grow eight years, open several social media accounts, learn PR, become a model, and a voice actor. And if worst comes to worst, a full blown idol.

Fuck panic.

■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■
HP: 100
DP: 98 100 (Base) - 0 (Mind Rolls: (84), 26 + 32 = 116 = Save) - 1 (Normal) -1 (Magnitude 1 Magic)
Mental Status: Normal
-A pragmatic-hearted Magical Girl capable of limited omniscience.
-Her Magical Weapon is a book-shield.
-She wished to know everything.
-Haven't yet given up on passing her torch, she thinks about how talking works.

Right now, Erika is frustrated, still reading and re-reading the screen over and over again. The document produced using omniscience turned out to be extremely complex- even for herself. Fucking magics, how do they work?

Rita Hammerhead
HP: 38.4 13.4 (Base) + 25 (Natural Regen)
DP: 67 71 (Base) - 0 (Mind Rolls: 94, (84) + 54 = 138 = Save) - 4 (Depressed)
Mental Status: Depressed Wisdom Rolls: 82, (32) + Mind Rolls: (8), 55 = 40 = No Increase
-A fun-hearted Magical Girl.
-Her Magical Weapon is a long rapier.
-She wished to own a water park.
-Saved by an anonymous benefactor, she woke up in the Witch of Peace’s Barrier after almost witching out.

Right now, Rita is back home at the back of her parents gelato bar, whose brick walls have no paint. When asked, she told them that she bought the purse herself. Worried because their giddy little girl used to smile, both beam up a bit at the faint silver lining and gift her some chocolate ice-cream. Being an extremely poor family, Rita knows to heart just how much this costs them, but is simply short on tears. She settles for eating it with them, turning on the radio which her dad used the year before to hear the World Cup. The year tried to take over the water park, but, as it turns out Rita was the heart that kept its water veins pumping.
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let's go
>Start the KOCY:TpoL&NG twitter account if there isn't one, tweet some trendy shit, get the steam keys for giveaways, that stuff
It's a literal unpaid intern job, anyone can do it. PR? That's just having internet literacy. Voice Acting? It's just talking lol. And you got a game model, that's gotta count.
>Post selfies with a last minute made self-insert cosplay, maybe grow a few centimeters to pass as an adult, who's gonna know?
Improvise, adapt, overcome. If anyone calls you out then you are just really good at photoshop.
>Get some sleep! In an actual bed if possible.
Mom and dad are based, ngl. They're getting fast passes to SEAnanigans for sure!

>Retreat to the attic that constitutes her 'room' and count the cash--how much cheddar did she find here? Also for fuck's sake get some Neosporin or medical stuff on--she's at 38 HP!
>Find a suitable bag to stow the purse and phone in--maybe a takeaway bag/box? She can use that to hopefully find someone to pawn them off to tomorrow.
>Spend some time throwing rocks around outside the shop (as is her classic evening ritual) before getting some damn sleep. Every new day is just another opportunity, after all... CEO Mindset, Rita. C. E. O. Mindset.
>Look up dog training videos online and attempt train the woolly mammoth to obey simple commands. Like a dog would.
I think I need to train the woolly mammoth somehow, and seeing how it acts the most like a dog, it will be trained like a dog. I don't think there are many woolly mammoth training videos online for some reason, so maybe this will work...?
Maybe I should email a historian for advice...
>After that, look online for nearby martial arts studios, then ask mom and dad if I can attend the classes.
Lucinda is strong in her own right, both physically and magically, but strength without technique is only worth half as much in a fight. Convince mom and dad to let Lucinda attend the classes.
Prey on their sense of vanity and pride by telling them she can eventually win trophies for them to show off and gloat to their friends on the mantle piece, if they let her.
It's also a good opportunity for Lucinda to socialize and make friends with other kids and families.
If that don't work, then offer them another favor, like the one they used to let her have a pet.
>Go to bed for sleepy time. Snuggle up with the mammoth for warmth if it doesn't smell too bad.
No worries, my bad for not checking yesterday afternoon!

Emma is a mess in more ways than one, and the glasses are an obvious tell she maybe shouldn't be around easily broken presents...and people...until she gets herself sorted out. The breakdown lanced the wound, time to make sure it's empty before she closes herself up again. As for how to do that...
Her two friends would have hoped for their families to get closure. Probably. But is it her place to destroy whatever hope they have left? Maybe she should visit them. But what to say? Weave a story, plant false evidence? Let them hope?
>Try and remember any mementos she has of them, either in this house or in any hideaways their team had during their time. Something so that they aren't forgotten.
>Remember them. That is just about the only thing she can do. Reminisce about the good moments, the bad moments, how they met, anything but the last moments really. They deserve better than to be remembered at their worst.
>Let all of that simmer by resting in bed until the birthday, take another few hours to process the memories. Hug the mementos if she has any on hand.

Step by step. She won't end like them. She mustn't, or else who will remember them? Who will know the truth?

More importantly...what happened to Emma's friend who turned Witch. Did Emma...take care of her?
>While the Encyclopedia remains to be decoded, the original idea of a guide for new Magical Girls is still a good idea and Erika already has a year's worth of experience, more than what many can claim. Write another document, a "Beginner's guide to Magical Girls" and fill it with everything a young Magical Girl would need to know to survive her first year of existance.
>With that out of the way, back to the big problem, decoding the arcane spawn of her omniscience. First things first, language. The book isn't some gibberish, thus it can be understood and so it shall be! Search the book for the specific terminology of magic and attempt to descipher those terms using the parts of the book that can be understood and a spoonful of logic atop your intellect.
>After all is done, it's time to sleep. Brush your teeth, pray for salvation, message grandpa good night and off to the sweet silence of sleep.
hmmmm i appreciate that you guys understand that even if you are meguca leguca teguca no sleep aint no joke, but if its gonna take up a whole action then lets try this

instead of using an action to sleep, just clarify if you are willing to lose sleep if your actions end up taking too long
now add a new one

meguca regen is retard strong, no need for anything else. 25 hp each turns means you get from being rolled over by a train to running a marathon in 2 days doing nothing

fair warning, most megucas can block hails of bullets with a fucking two handed spear. she's fifty steps ahead of anyone there

>More importantly...what happened to Emma's friend who turned Witch. Did Emma...take care of her?

she had to karate chop her last friend on the neck to get her out of there, no hands left to fight a Witch on her own. the Witch just got away, 99% its already dead now tho

she already tried action B right after using omniscience. it isn't gibberish, true, but its over 72k pages long and says stuff like "The tree is green. Eating eyes on Winter is green too. Green is staying".
basically, Erika does have the knowledge on how to make all this shit understandable to a human, the question is if infinite knowledge equals infinite power
Meh, learning actual QCQ techniques could have advantageous effects, at some point.
I stand by the choice of joining a dojo.

Plus it's a good opportunity to legally make money. As eventually when Lucinda wins enough competitions she can go international. Make a name for herself in the Martial arts scene. Make a boat of cash. Leave her parents and buy a house. With the added bonus of her parents being able to gloat to others about their cute international idol karate master daughter. It's a win-win scenario for everyone.
Another action, ey? Okay...
>Hang out with mom and dad for a bit if they aren't too tired
Oops. Forgot the new action. for clarification: if the action I'm about to propose takes too long, go to bed Lucinda.
>Practice using the crossbow and scythe for combat.
hey its aight and it does have a lot of benefits
the risk of being discovered as a magical girl in a competition is gigantic, which is why no other does either. you can take the chance, lucinda is free of opinions after all, but if you peek a bit too over the grass better be ready to be hunted down by every other magical girl who works hard every day to keep their world a secret

which is like 99% of them
Just gotta pull the punches a little. Make sure our opponent isn't toooooo badly hurt.
Its like Incredibles flash, just beat them by a little bit and no one will be none the wiser to the scheme...
Plus maybe pick up a technique or two along thew way.
Righto, then
>Start a Twitch channel to show off your sick GAMER GIRL skills, get the content machine going
>Erika does have the knowledge on how to make all this shit understandable to a human, the question is if infinite knowledge equals infinite power
I see, decode it anyway, shananigans are fun.
As for the third action:
>Translate the Beginner's Guide in every language Erika knows and distibute the Guide on whatever by-megucas-for-megucas forums she finds on the web.
Prioritize action A and C, begin action B but go to bed at her usual time regardless of how much of the Encyclopedia is decoded.
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aight guys so the roll calculation got so fucking dense it took an hour and a half to make the mind roll calculations, so im making a program in Unity to handle the math for me. we gonna test it next update

ᕙ Jimena Gimenez ᕗ
1) m3 2d100 int roll (stonke) cuz you dealin with some tech, m? 2d100 char roll (stonke) for the quality of the pr.
2) m? 2d100 int roll (stonke) out of respect for the cosplay community, 2d100 char roll (stonke) for the pose, and you take 1DP for using your power at the minimum
3)m? 4d100 dex roll (fucked) for the gameplay, another m? 2d100 char stonke for the streaming

roll like fuck. also big fucking choice here: fleshtuber or vtuber?

ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ
1) m2 2d100 int roll (weak) to see if Lucinda can relate a valid animal to the mammoth, m3 1d100 wisdom roll to find anything that would work on the single living woolly mamooth, m? 4d100 char roll (unextreme) to see if you can not treat the poor thing like shit
2) im just going to assume Lucinda can google and not ask for rolls. but you knew it was comung: unextreme m2 4d100 char roll for convincing mom and dad without having to trade
you also get an m2 2d100 int roll because going for their vanity is very valid. if it succeds, you get +10 to the char roll
also you are getting +5 both because the argument is good and because i gave +10 to jimenda before. never doing this again.

3) m6 1d100 wisdom roll to see if you get a +1 perma buff to dexterity. if you fail, next attempt will require a m4 and so on

▲ Emma Imeredala ▲
1) m1 2d100 wisdom roll (weak) to see if she finds anything.
2) m? 2d100 wisdom roll (weak) to see how much Emma remembers her friend's tiny little kinks and tastes. m4 2d100 mind roll (strong) to see how she takes it.
3) another m? 2d100 wisdom roll (weak) to see how much more Emma remembers in case she found anything. and a m5 2d100 mind roll (strong) to see how she takes it now that she's holding their heirlooms after hell took two of them to a peaceful place

two negatives, you get a potential decrease in mental sanity.
two positives, you get a potential increase.
one and one, the result determines the potential change.

why can shit hit the fan now and not before? because these particular memories involve some very nasty shit along the good stuff. which means she could either take this either way.

then a m6 2d100 char roll (strong) to see if she can hide all that pain from all her family at the same time.
Rolled 98, 2, 33, 4, 19, 43, 10, 51, 24, 26, 99, 86, 65, 23 = 583 (14d100)

Hmmm, vtuber! How many fucking die are these
well, theres a crit, its something
■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■
1) roll me a m? 3d100 int roll (very strong) to see how well it is explained, then a (LOL) m? unextreme 4d100 unextreme char roll to see how easy it is to swallow.
2) m? 3d100 int roll (very strong) to see how much sense she makes out of that insane clusterfuck of letters.
3) m7 1d100 wisdom roll to find a guca only forum. good fucking luck. also roll me a 2d100 dex roll for the speed of translation

now, pick any number of languages. you get to distribute 3 dice total to learn any of them, magnitude 5 for each. Erika already knows Spanish, but you will have to roll for the rest.

凸 Rita Hammerhead 凸
1) already rolled luck so nothing to do here. no roll.
2) roll me m? 2d100 wisdom 2d100 (weak) to see what she finds, the better the roll the less suspicious the container.

not sure if I should cancel the previous 3) action or include it somehow. i wouldn't mind, its just throwing rocks lol it can even count as practice
3) roll me a m? 2d100 weak char roll to be funny, a m? 2d100 weak int roll to follow their talk and see if she picks something good

m(number) means the roll has to beat the magnitude to succeed
like jumping over a bar at x height

m? means that the magnitude of the success of the action will depend on the roll.
like jumping as far as you can.
Rolled 69, 16, 66, 42, 80, 75, 58, 51 = 457 (8d100)

Rita will be the BEST at throwing rocks at shit. Also not sure if you meant 4d100 for #2 so I just went with it. HOLD ONTO SOMETHING
Rolled 24, 78, 44, 66, 55, 72, 21, 52, 72, 80, 18, 40, 42, 89, 80, 26, 87, 54, 88 = 1088 (19d100)

Translate it in English and French.
Rolled 2, 45, 15, 51, 35, 32, 48 = 228 (7d100)

1st batch of rolls: first 2 are for the intelligence rolls, next one is the wisdom roll, last four are the charisma rolls.
Rolled 80, 50, 18, 98, 70, 5 + 5 = 326 (6d100 + 5)

2nd batch of rolls: Charisma first four, intelligence next two, +5 to both int and charisma because of argument.
Rolled 81 (1d100)

3rd roll: wisdom roll for see if dex perminant buff.
boi, you had to distribute 3 dice rolls through the languages to see which of those Erika already knew. now we got 2 languages but we dont know which rolls correspond to each and also we have 19 rolls where there should be 16

state which rolls correspond to which language (example: first 2 english, last 1 spanish) and reroll

nah i fucked up, it was 2d100 but it okay

also roll me a m6 2d100 weak wisdom roll to see if you get a +1 perma buff to dexterity. if you fail, next attempt will require a m4 and so on
>1) m1 2d100 wisdom roll (weak) to see if she finds anything.
No chance of switching it out for Intelligence? It's tracking, sure, but I'd argue it's mostly remembering things, tracing them down is a minor hurdle, since Emma isn't the most disorganized meguca running about Buenos Aires.
All these mind rolls scare me honestly, so I want to at least try and weasel my way out of one!
Also, for the chance to change her mental status, which two rolls are you talking about?
Rolled 55, 40 = 95 (2d100)

Whoops. Okay, here goes!
with the way stats are right now, which IS flawed, we are using wisdom for anything related to acquiring information and intelligence for anything related with processing such information. therefore, given that remembering is an act in which one searches for information inside its own head is considered to require a wisdom roll

im dead sure there are better ways, but we go with what was stated from the start

>All these mind rolls scare me honestly, so I want to at least try and weasel my way out of one!

nope. if you want to take twice the chances then you also take twice the risks. ive given this some thought, though, and ive decided to make both independant from each other- which is kinda the same but more clear. that being said, the second mind roll is considered a stronger version, so if you succeded it ill give you a +13 to the mental condition change roll when it happens.

>Also, for the chance to change her mental status, which two rolls are you talking about?
the two mind rolls you are about to roll. those are different from the mind rolls we roll collectively.
Rolled 82, 44, 93 = 219 (3d100)

My mistake, I rolled 3 for each instead of distibuting them. Anyway, it's like you said, first 2 for English and the last one for French.
Rolled 42, 9, 88, 82, 11, 96, 96, 73, 38, 4 = 539 (10d100)

Welp, it was worth a try!
Okay, let's do the dice in order. Everything requires 2 die so that's 5 set of 2. 10d100, first wisdom, second wisdom, first mind, third wisdom, second wisdom. Here we go!
Okay, so.
First wisdom roll:
42, (9)
Second wisdom roll:
88, (82)
First mind roll:
11, (96)
Third wisdom roll:
96, (73)
Second mind roll:
(38), 4

Hopefully I got it all right and haven't made it more confusing for you, QM!
aight so i had to redo the identity roll guide because getting the program the chew the last one was both a bitch and unnecesary

so here you are

now calculatin
im not seen any rollin
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Rolled 35, 91, 35, 90, 74, 88, 73, 79, 32, 70, 55, 87, 68, 15, 81, 74, 51, 71, 55, 78, 92, 90, 89, 79, 76 = 1728 (25d100)

First: 凸 Rita Hammerhead

Second: ರೃ Lucinda Newhorn ರೃ

Third: ▲ Emma Imeredala

Fourth: ■-■ Erika Kruppman ■-■

Fifth: ᕙ Jimena Gimenez

First four numbers are the Random Event Rolls:

(Happens?), (Stat), (Type), (Magnitude)...

The following two numbers are the Encounter Roll:

...(Encounter?), (Faction), (Identity)...

And then the last two numbers are the Mental Condition Event Roll:

...(MCE-Happens/Type), (MCE-Magnitude)

Nine dice will be rolled for each meguca. I am a being bestowed with good intentions. Now rollin

wow that's so very polite, as expected of Emma. i appreciate it but don't worry, right now I can just feed the rolls to the program and it will make all of our lives easier

odds of getting guca by faction

First batch...
Rolled 7, 67, 14, 79, 38, 6, 13, 45, 92, 7, 11, 94, 97, 57, 52, 44, 5, 74, 70, 97 = 969 (20d100)

Second batch...
i am so fucking sorry but LOL EMMA
im so fucking sorry
luck please have a little mercy on this gentle soul

so brave

update tomorrow
okay well its just a panic attack, its better than last time!
>luck please have a little mercy on this gentle soul
Did you really think that only megucas have to suffer, QM? No, you too share a similar fate, doomed to watch your favourite get stuck in a loop of failures, unable to save them and... wait a minute... Homura?! Get out of 4chan you dumb lesbo!
Oh boy, what's happened now? Did I finally manifest Walpurgis Night this time?
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I have very bad news regarding the state of this quest. today my brother told me that sana from hololive had graduated so im gonna have to take her off the identity rolls list and add someone else.

I'm very sorry for the inconveniences I may have caused you.

also BEHOLD ye FUCKS (except Emma): the Megu-Calculator! right now it can only do normal posts. ill try to finish it after the next mind roll because the last one took one fucking hour and a half, but so far so good


magnitude 4

oh my fucking god emma is going to turn into,
madoka magica spoilers ahead,
and makes us all feel watched whenever we call someone else an asshole behind their backs

only in your head
literally who
anyways, if its only a -20 to one roll it's manageable. otherwise its kinda bullshit
emma, sugar, you forgot the m6 2d100 (strong) char roll at the end. gimme

ill hold on to your post while i alphabeticaly order the load of shit jimena will have to go through because she picked vtuber

you know DAMN well its GODOKA
Rolled 43, 52 = 95 (2d100)

Oh, right, hiding the whole mes from her family during the birthday. I read it and it slipped my mind when I counted up the rolls, sorry.
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Emma Imeredala

Random Event Rolls: 55, 78, 92, 90, 89, 79, 76, 7, 67
Happens?: No (55)

Mental Condition Event:
Type: 7 (Panic Event)
Magnitude: 67 (-20 to all rolls)

—--------Imeredala’s Household—-------

Very strictly speaking, Emma Imeredala is not a practical person. Not everyone is, and not everyone can be, yet we expect everyone to, at some point, be able to handle handiwork and household chores consistently. This is what we know as being mature.
As the storm of movement around her dazzles Emma, caused by the whole family moving things here and there (sometimes the same things back and forth), the quiet teenager doesn’t feel mature. Yet she is. In her own quirky way, she brings something to the table that everyone seems to believe is an inherent attribute in all other humans.


The mystery word. ‘To put yourself in someone else’s shoes’ is how many will see it defined over their journey, repeatedly. A word often tossed here and there, hardly ever dissected, studied, or questioned- because to define it would be to question the nature of humanity.

>Try and remember any mementos she has of them, either in this house or in any hideaways their team had during their time. Something so that they aren't forgotten.

Emma doesn’t need to do that, though. Even if she isn’t capable of defining such a concept herself. Athletes hardly ever have degrees in Mathematical Physics, yet they embody the concepts of these disciplines daily and to extreme heights. To Emma, wondering how her friends felt back then is second nature, a curse even. Wandering out of the kitchen, bumping into her father, uncle, actual little sister, and Clara on the way out, she sets off to find something that could help her memory.

Of them.

The rest of the massive house suddenly feels eerie, like a graveyard. And having some of the lights off doesn’t help at all. Part of her wished she remained back there, part of her wanted to see her friends in her head, but maybe the biggest part of Emma was getting dizzy because her family is too big and there’s only so much noise she can bear at any given time.

But back then, it was quiet enough.
The four of them, Emma and her team would crash into this mansion after every hunt. Despite most of her family living in the surrounding houses, it has several guest rooms, one of which became their designated HQ because of the overabundance of snacks. As she steps inside and turns the lights off, Emma finds no one having tea, no one talking shit about her cooking, no one secretly pouring alcohol on her orange juice to get her dancing.

And after clawing her way through the whole room, she still finds nothing else. So used to seeing them every day, Emma missed even the heirlooms that were hidden in plain sight.

>>(Wisdom Rolls: 42, (9), Magnitude 1 = Failure)<< (Finding stuff)

>>Mental Condition Event:
>Type: Panic Event
>Magnitude: -20 to all rolls

But there is one detail not even Emma was able to miss. Tick, tock, tick, tock; the sound beckons her eyes, making the girl look up at the wall. A clock, like many. Old and round, hanging on the wall. Like the one that fell on her friend as if to say that her time ran out.

And it was ticking.

Eyes as round as the clock itself, Emma puked again, and she puked blood. Tripping on her puke, she lands on the glass living table. The rest of the house is so deserted that Emma is free to just rest among the glass shards and stare at that familiar ceiling. It helps her breathe a little bit slower, giving up.

In the video games, her little sisters and brothers like to play, heroes and villains would fight each other, wielding swords and guns and such. Just like in the TV dramas her mom watches. Just like the movies her grandma is obsessed with. The shard of glass that got stuck in her hand hurts. Swords hurt. Guns hurt. Kicks hurt; even as a joke.

As she curls like a baby, Emma cries like never before. Don’t they know? Don’t they know that it hurts? Do only Magical Girls know? She tries to keep her chest steady, but Emma can’t stop swallowing air.

>Remember them. That is just about the only thing she can do. Reminisce about the good moments, the bad moments, how they met, anything but the last moments really. They deserve better than to be remembered at their worst.

Like a punch to the chest, a powerful thought pierces Emma: her friends are dying even now. Tiny pieces of their memories, details of their shape and nature, all mix in a blender as she desperately tries to pick them up. To remember.

To dig through the fear and sorrow and hints of rage from before takes a lot of effort. Thinking people often seem idle, even when working harder than anyone else. But the puddle of colors gives her something back. The day her friend confessed to Emma that she wasn’t a lesbian, that she was just saying that to seem mature. That even such a loud and bratty turbo-bitch saw her fit to keep that secret. That she saw Emma worthy of it.
Gasping a bit slowly, a bit angrier, Emma’s eyes continue to focus inward. That one time, this very same bratty girl dragged her to a party, and it was so loud she couldn’t hear herself /think/. Yet afraid to kill the mood, Emma was pretending to enjoy it. Then her shy friend

the one that was crushed to death

Emma bites her lower lip so hard it draws blood

told her she had to make her a love confession and to follow her outside. Just like that. And her bratty friend was too shocked to even retort. As Emma was dragged out, happy to leave the sound and light behind, she was yet panicking as never before, making flash calls on whether to reject her or not, or if that was going to hurt her, or herself, or how and why and when. By the time they got to the tree, Emma was red for the both of them. Her shy friend, then, burst out laughing; then asked Emma if she wanted to practice love confessions until it was time to head out. It was the dumbest excuse in the world, but that girl fought her social anxiety and went through all that cringe just for her, just because she somehow figured out Emma didn’t want to be there. And they did. They practiced love confessions for two hours. And maybe one of those was true.

>>(Wisdom Rolls: 88, (82-20 = 62), Magnitude 4 Success)<< (How much Emma remembers her friends)
>>(Mind Rolls: 11, (96 -20 = 76), Magnitude 4 = Success)<< (How the memories affect Emma)

>Let all of that simmer by resting in bed until the birthday, take another few hours to process the memories. Hug the mementos if she has any on hand.

It hurts. Memories hurt. The glass hurts. The fear hurts. There is so much pain anywhere Emma turns to, that she wonders if she’ll end up getting used to it. Acclimatizing, as if it was cold water.

The joy she found mixed in the hurt gave Emma strength enough to stand up and shake off all the dust, and to rip what remained of the table from her hand. The whole place was a sight to behold, but she knew her family would take a while to find out.

Back to her room, still spreading glass dust, Emma lets herself simply rest in bed and do nothing more. What a horrifying day. She feels like a volcano on an empty island. Yet maybe this had to happen at some point, and better now than later. Like homework, fears pile up- and the more you have, the less you want to go through them.

But when Emma’s eyes close, her friends are there with her around the table. Maybe it’s the sharp pain under her fingers that reminds her, that doesn’t let her run away. Camila, Marcela, and Karuna, her history. Camila who survived, Marcela who turned into a Witch, and Karuna being a nickname for the girl who maybe died fast enough to not notice. Who never told any of them her name, a tactic some Magical Girls try to live by to avoid getting tracked, that hardly ever works because their magical imprint can still be sensed at a distance.
Emma clenches her teeth. Maybe Karuna was starting to open up. Maybe she should have gone on pretend dates with Karuna to help her learn how to talk to people, how to spot intent. Emma realizes that she was so worried about a future so out of her reach that she didn’t do as much as she could for the people in the present. Because she just couldn’t swallow that tomorrow she could die, like Karuna or Marcela, like half the Magical Girls she ever met after Witches started going scarce.

Back then, the four of them had met chasing the same Witch, a scenario that had become pretty common ever since she got word of the Order. Later on, there was a surge in Witches, and after that, both Witches and Magical Girls became hard to come by. But back then Soul Gems were tainting fast because the fear of not finding a Witch made them go black even faster, so Magical Girls would pile up on Witches and end up fighting each other all the time. When Emma found Karuna, who had trapped both Marcela and Camila after the two grew tired from fighting each other, she had managed to convince her that living with the guilt was going to lead her to an early grave anyway. That all a life lived in selfishness could grant her was more time to be in pain. The four of them managed to take on the Witch even after Marcela tried to betray them, and even though Camila had run away with the Grief Seed they managed to remain as a team.

All in vain.

Emma claws her head so hard her fingernails draw blood.

All in vain.

>>(Wisdom Roll: 96, (73-20 = 53), Magnitude 4 Success)<< (How much Emma remembers her friends (Again))
>>(Mind Rolls: (38-20 = 18), 4, Magnitude 5 = Failure)<< (How the memories affect Emma (Again, no mementos))
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Midnight is just around the corner. The table is long and bursting with dishes to the point the tablecloth is hard to see, which is for the best because its pattern is just Vladimir Putin mounted on a bear repeated over and over. The bigger plates at the center are buried under pickled fish, pirozhkis, homemade potato chips, beetroot salad, and even pink cupcakes with the hammer and sickle.

Despite the food and cake and balloons of all colors, Clara is only staring at her pile of presents. And with raw killing intent; shredding things apart is the only thing on her mind. Surrounded by her friends, their parents, her own family, and two of the four dogs, the girl is laser-focused only on her bounty, like a marathon runner waiting for the shot. Adults often just take the beer as their present and take their birthday as another reason to cram their mouths. Later to be forgotten and buried under taxes, Clara’s fixation is something only kids her age can understand,

In comes Emma from around the corner, looking like a drawing Clara did of her the year before. She had tried; she simply ran out of fuel. Still blending proves easy with all the cheering and clapping going on, so Emma quietly grabs a cupcake while everyone talks among themselves.
If only she were so lucky. Glancing sideways, the Magical Girl spots her mother staring straight at her, her features stiff as she hands off a glass of bear. Looking away, Emma closes her eyes for a bit. Not here. Not now. After all Clara went through, she at least deserves this. Who, thankfully, remains blissfully unaware, her single-mindedness playing in her favor.

Karuna’s birthday was so lonely. It was just the four of them eating pizza in a bar after going to a water park.

Right as the countdown starts, right as everyone but Emma looks at the clock, she feels a big hand pulling her arm away. Emma thinks she shouldn’t have come here. As her mother gently, but firmly, drags her daughter with her, Clara turns at the last second and notices, a confused look on her little face.

>>(Charisma Rolls: 43, (52-20 = 32), Magnitude 6 = Failure)<< (If Emma can hide the pain from her entire family)

(up next: vtubers!)
Well crap. That happened. Again.

>Emma cuts herself on a table.
Uh. Good to know. Megucas can deflect bullets and regenerate very fast, but they can be hurt easily, at least when not transformed.

>Like a punch to the chest, a powerful thought pierces Emma: her friends are dying even now. Tiny pieces of their memories, details of their shape and nature, all mix in a blender as she desperately tries to pick them up. To remember.
Yep, that's the part that hurts. One day you may reach for those painful memories only to realize you can't even remember details, just hollow hurt.

>They practiced love confessions for two hours. And maybe one of those was true.
>"pretend" dates. Sure.
The lesbian of the friend group isn't always who you think she is.
And poor Karuna died without a name. Do we even know where she lived, did Emma ever follow her imprint?

Also, I think Emma now has a (pretty well-justified) fear of clocks now. Or just large grandfather clocks. I can't fault the poor thing.

>What a horrifying day. She feels like a volcano on an empty island.
What a fucking day indeed. And it isn't even over yet.

Because of course, mother always knows. Hopefully she helps Emma come up with an excuse for Clara.

>Glancing sideways, the Magical Girl spots her mother staring straight at her, her features stiff as she hands off a glass of bear.
The auto-correct has this family figured out at least, it's nice to see!

Thank you for your efforts QM, another enjoyable read in the "mental health apocalypse" literary subgenre!
Ouch. Poor Emma.
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ᕙ [i]Jimena Gimenez[/i] ᕗ

[green]Random Event Rolls: 94, 97, 57, 52, 44, 5, 74, 70, 97
Happens?: No (94)

—----------------Jimena's House—--------------

[b]I[/b]t's always the same with burgers. You eat one, it's tasty, you eat two, tasty too, you eat three, you regret it, you regret it so, so fucking much. Cursing her spree of generosity, knowing that she's pretty much doomed by the start of the next year if she doesn't pull this out, Jimena nevertheless remains on the floor, unmoved, unflinching, ungiving a shit.

Why? she asks. Why do I have to do ///things///? Did I ask to be born into this life? Was I Hitler? God does not answer. But moaning 'i don't wanna wooooork' as she throws a tantrum prompts ends with her scoring a shrill scream when her father, the hardworking man, splashes her with the water he was drinking. Now fully standing, her hoodie and jeans unbearably wet, Jimena understands that life is simply not fair and that all we can only make do with the bones it throws at us. Then her father sings like a soprano when Jimena buries an ice cube on the back of his neck.

>Start the KOCY:TpoL&NG twitter account if there isn't one

This time, it's like the PC is taking ten times as much to boot up. It's not the case; Jimena is afraid that the faint spark inside of her goes out before the thing turns on. And it's not exactly a high-tech PC either, only what a single dad working dead-end low-wage jobs can buy after saving for a year.

But it will have to do. Otherwise, she's beyond fucked, so it simply has to do. That's how she sees it.
The KOCY:TpoL&NG official Twitter account, as usual, is filled to the brim with fanart of her doppelganger character (also called Jimena) with massive fucking tits and making out at least twice with every other member of the cast, including a cat, a shoe-headad man, and a walking one hundred dollar bill. Very aware that the last shipping is realistic, she decides to make the KOCY:TpoL&NG /sequel/ official Twitter account. She'd both divorce herself from this depravity and gain full control of the content. And once it's done, ten minutes later (the time it took her to crop some pictures) all it needs to shine is the final magic touch: full endorsement from the official account.
Right after Jimena finishes talking, the guy on the screen of the Nintendo Switch, his bestie Fernando, [b]sighs[/b] with pure intent. He must have been working on two PC's at once ever since he agreed to the demo. Like a robot, he asks Jimena if she pulled this shit just because she wanted to be famous herself and fuck around on Twitter. Who cackles like a parrot. Stating the facts in an objective way (arguing that Fernando is fucked sideways already because he endorsed that Jimena has experience in PR) the Magical Girl manages to convince her lifelong friend to believe in her and the power of friendship and to either retweet the new account with the main or to give her access to the official account altogether. He retweets.

Yet Jimena reassures him: in no way in fuck would she ever, EVER, have asked for more work of any sort. If her job was to be happy, she would still half-ass it. Then ended the call as Fernando was halfway through asking if she had the slightest clue of what being happy /meant/.

Jimena stretches her arms and cracks her knuckles. If she has to work, she will work as less as possible- and that desire gives her all the fuel she needs.

>Tweet some trendy shit, get the steam keys for giveaways, that stuff

The way you milk trending topics is by posting something related to them. The way you TRULY milk them, though, is by being funny. At least that's what Jimena thinks- that people don't want to think.

But as Jimena is about to post that saying that someone is the main character of a visual novel is the single possible worst kind of insult... she stops. It's not enough. The post is lazy, like her, and still too unrelated to the game that could save her ass. Ninety-nine percent of her brain cells fire up and converge into absolute focus to find the perfect way to convey inane bullshit, her brain shining like a lightbulb-

and the answer is 'vTubers'.

vTubing. It can't be hard. You just stare at a screen, make a Live2D model move, and just say anything that comes to mind. Profit. If she doesn't have to think then she doesn't have to work, and if she can play video games all the while, then all the better. Jimena will recite that very same post- but as a vTuber, and her face will be associated with all that love and with all that hatred.

And she will post memes.
The mouse on the screen instantly gravitates toward the small 'Youtube' button on the taskbar. The first she sees is a fuckton of yaoi; the second she sees is a tutorial on Live2D rigging. If she can rip her 3D model from the game files, then maybe she can make a Live2D model out of it, or even just use that. Easier than it seems, Jimena soon finds that a tutorial leads to another and that she has forty-two tabs open on the screen. After all, her only real experience with game design or development is playing games, and bitching that the last boss of Sekiro is too hard.


But then she does. Only fifteen minutes in, and Jimena has managed to locate and export her very own 3D model from the game files and import it to Blender. Wow. That's when she realizes making Live2D models out of 3D models is both a chore and not worth the effort. Two minutes of research later, she decides that Live2D models, while much more clean and easy to use, are miles more limited than 3D models. And two more minutes in, that 3D models look like shit.

Two minutes sixty times and twenty-seven tutorials on shading later and now her 3D model looks as if she stole it from a Genshin Impact trailer. Which is to say, a LOT better.
Wow. Jimena whistles. I thought people took years to pull this shit off. A little corner of her mind whispers that maybe, just maybe, all that time playing videogame did give her a few patterns to work with- apparently, many more than she thought.

Before getting cocky and full of herself, Jimena goes onto the living hell that is rigging correctly with constraints. Surprised that even the fingers actually work, she realizes what an absolute stupid dumbfuck she was because she doesn't have any way to record movement and that therefore the 3D model is completely pointless.

Half an hour later, she managed to get the PC to recognize the Switch-Cellphone as a webcam. Another half an hour later, and the ArFoundation program she put up out of several copy-pasted scripts in Unity recognizes the movements of her arms. A full hour later, though, it recognizes her face.

And after four hours of sheer, absolute focus, Jimena stands from the table filled with nothing but hatred of the biggest brand, her mouth gaping in disbelief as her eyebrows form a full 'V' over her eyes. Because, why? Why in the everlasting name of fuck did she spend all those years sleeping in school... when it took her less than a day to pull a fully working vTuber model out of her ASSSSSSSSSSSS???

>>(Intelligence Rolls: (98), 2, Magnitude 3 = Critical Success)<< (How Jimena deals with technology)
Jimena shrieks like a banshee when she turns around and sees her shirtless dad, who is laughing his ass off as he says he's been there for three hours. There's proof: a full set of mate (a drink from Argentina(, the cat that just jumped from his lap, a whole fucking beach chair that he got into the room without her even noticing... Still both somewhat mad and exhilarated, on the very verge of autism, Jimena kicks him out of the room as the dread of losing the flow sets in.

Jumping back to the chair, it's time to both test the vTuber model that looks exactly like her and to riddle every trending topic with as much bullshit as her electricity bill lets her. That's when she realizes that the quality of her microphone is ASS (and that the Switch-Cellphone is no exception). Five minutes more of research and she learns that most vTubers bullshit their voice with programs, ten more minutes and she finds OBS, fifteen more minutes and the first post is


posted. Her eyes red with conjuctivitis, Jimena leans a bit closer to the screen. No likes. No retweets. No nothing. No time to waste, either. Going into a clip-posting frenzy, of herself saying a lot of shit on a webm, Jimena doesn't stop a second to think that people might consider what she's doing to be some high-quality cringe attention-whoring. But the model is so good that they can't ignore her either. Going with a white background may have been good or bad, she doesn't know, but so far she's getting more people calling her a fucktard than little hearts under the webms.

>>(Charisma Rolls: (33), 4, Magnitude 2 Success)<< (Quality of PR)

She stops; Jimena stops. Allowing herself a moment to catch her breath and think, she dares to break her focus as if it was a magical power or some shit. Fuck. The reality that most people consider vTubers to be cringeworthy finally slips into her mind, mostly thanks to the comments calling her a 'fat vigin neckbeard lolicon' that hides behind a cute anime girl avatar.

What do you know, Jimena thinks as she cracks her knuckles. The solution had never been more simple.
>Post selfies with a last minute made self-insert cosplay, maybe grow a few centimeters to pass as an adult, who's gonna know?
Improvise, adapt, overcome. If anyone calls you out then you are just really good at photoshop.

Already five hours into this work marathon, Jimena knows that she will go full autist the very second she stops. Focusing so much will take a toll on her, but she won't pay it, not yet. Thankfully enough, the clothes on her 3D avatar are mostly based on what she wears indoors when only her dad or Ambonisye, or Fernando are around. The only problem is, they are /based/ on those clothes- and those clothes look like /shit/.

Thirty more minutes in, and Jimena has pulled a pirate cosplay out of the stuff her dad used to steal from the port when they paid him half the wage. Add half of one of Ambonisye's broken glasses, the trenchcoat she got after watching the Matrix, the butt of some beer bottles, a bit of love, and it still looks like /shit/. But at least it's thematic.

>>(Intelligence Rolls: 19, (43), Magnitude 3 Success)<< (Quality of cosplay)

One problem. One big, big, fucking problem. To the investors, Jimena is eight years older. Despite seeing her face, they bought it after she told them.

>>Jimena DP has gone down by 1 point<<

At the time, watching One Piece and the Fantastic Four had left her confused; when their body stretched, the mass remained the same. In her case, the mass does not change, it gets a bit thinner with the distance because it gets spread. Which is why, right now, Jimena looks a bit more flat, and quite a bit more like a model.

She looks at the Jimena on the screen. It works. Both the vTuber Jimena and the eight-year-older Jimena look way better than her, which leaves the girl with some mixed feelings. Yet all of that aesthetic won't work at all if she doesn't show it well, and although Jimena had never, ever, thought she'd see the day, it has come the time to strike a cute pose.


Dad will see it. Ambonisye will see it. Fucking FERNANDO will see it.

Jimena takes a deep breath. Someone said they could take any pain as long as it had meaning. She thought it was dumb, at the time. She doesn't think it's dumb now.

>>(Charisma Rolls: 10, (51), Magnitude 3 Success)<< (Quality of pose)
The picture is uploaded. All of those fuckers who thought she was a fat virgin loser will be WRONG, and that makes her feel a bit more evil and happy.
Although still very few people when compared to most internet fads, it seems that at least the entirety of the KOCY:TpoL&NG has finally taken notice of the account both thanks to Fernando's retweet and the few pictures of her in that cheap pirate cosplay. The amount of people asking for her vTuber channel is, to an internet nobody who spends hours insulting australian people on an anonymous image board (like her), staggering. They keep on coming. Among the myriad of insults prompted by all the stupid shit she posted on the trending topics, there are genuine fans of the franchise who seem very hyped to have their very niche game be represented by a fully rigged 3D vTuber. A game she helped build.

And for the first time in her lazy life, even after becoming a Magical Girl, Jimena Gimenez sees /purpose/.

>Start a Twitch channel to show off your sick GAMER GIRL skills, get the content machine going

Maybe it was her dad who said to strike while the iron is hot. No cow would have agreed, but she isn't a cow, she is a [i]cute anime girl[/i] ready to bring light to every public restroom in every train station in the world.

Realizing both that this convergence of people will not repeat itself after she becomes old news and that her initial view count will determine her constant numbers, Jimena decides to start her Twitch channel /right the fuck now/ and to start streaming, with zero prep, /right the fuck now/. She doesn't even have a room ready, she doesn't have an intro, an outro, a loading screen, a theme, she had never, EVER, done any kind of podcast, she's nervous, sweating, tired, about to shit herself, but she [b]knows[/b] that it's [b]now[/b].
Jimena turns on the game, obviously, KOCY:TpoL&NG on the ranked matchmaking client (which is an unofficial mod). She sets up the OBS, tests the mic, tests the tracking until she figures out the overlaps, tests the face-tracking distance, smiles, winks,
then shares the link on the Twitter account.
No viewers. Asshole clenched, Jimena thinks up an intro to keep her mind away from the nerves.
No viewers. Jimena talks to the void, just to hear her voice. She had it modified to fit the one of the VA that did her character, but it's not perfect.
No viewers. Suspicious, Jimena refreshes.
450 viewers. Holy. Mother. Fucking. Shit.

And yet it's maybe because she's burned the fuck out that the nerves don't outright eat her alive.
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Jimena greets the public for the very first time, drawing all of the lines she could from the game. It sounds cringe as fuck and she knows, and she knows they know, but the intent is good because Jimena wanted to show them that she cared. The default chat window at the right, way too big for the screen, is instantly flooded. Trying to remember every single vTuber she watched just to laugh at fake, cringe autists, she finds herself copying their patterns and even playing with her voice to make the stream seem like a podcast.


It goes well. The burnout was so strong that it buried everything else. They say tiredness cures fear, and making a vTuber model out of a shitty pixelated in-game model over five hours can do that to you. Jimena wonders if maybe her personal magical power has any effect on her brain somehow, which sounds weird as fuck but so is magic. The tragic, funny reality is that Jimena sucks major ass at her own game and that she had the chat backseat her until the sun was back to greet her, but at least she made people laugh, and maybe that's what matters the most.

As she finally rests her head on the pillow, to sleep for maybe like half an hour, Jimena is haunted by the face of Fernando. The face that her best friend may have put on when she saw her streaming. Jimena uses what little focus she has left to not think about it.

>>(Dexterity Rolls: (24), 26, 99, 86, Magnitude 1 Success)<< (Quality of gameplay)

>>(Charisma Rolls: (65), 23, Magnitude 5 Success)<< (Quality of talking out of her ass)

>(up next: how to train your mammoth)
and yes, i know. use your imagination.

that being said, i wanted to elaborate a bit more on jimena's zatsu skills but the update had already gone fucking bananas and my mind was already pudding. though im under the impression that there will be another chance

>Uh. Good to know. Megucas can deflect bullets and regenerate very fast, but they can be hurt easily, at least when not transformed.
megucas are, in general, quite a bit more sturdy than your average human, but not so much that a tank wouldn't kill them. if emma wasn't a meguca, that shard of glass would have outright gone through her hand. the biggest perk is still the insane regeneration, still

>And poor Karuna died without a name. Do we even know where she lived, did Emma ever follow her imprint?
emma thought it would have been very impolite to stalk her shy friend, and she didn't want to risk their friendship. she kinds of regrets it now, though.

also yes, she has a crystal-clear trauma with clocks. even digitals may trigger her a bit.

>The auto-correct has this family figured out at least, it's nice to see!
oh hell no, im taking full credit for that. and i even have evidence: there's a previous instance in which it says 'beer' instead of 'bear'. of course it started as a mistake on my part, but i chose to leave it there because we have grittiness in spades already.

>Thank you for your efforts QM, another enjoyable read in the "mental health apocalypse" literary subgenre!

hey, im just glad you guys enjoy this. nobody pays me
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Out. Fucking. Standing. Not in my wildest dreams did I see this game getting this endearingly autistic, my compliments to the qm.
Watch out /vt/, there's a new chuba in town and she's here to stay.
I agree, this was a really fun read! I'm glad Jimena is doing well and holding it all together, at least for now!
I may also be slightly jealous of these rolls.
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ರೃ [i]Lucinda Newhorn[/i] ರೃ

[green]Random Event Rolls: 70, 55, 87, 68, 15, 81, 74, 51, 71
Happens?: No (70)

----------------------Villa Lugano--------------------
—-------------Newhorn Household—------------

[b]S[/b]olid evidence is the root of sanity. Some would argue for love or money or health, but it stands to reason that neither of these would matter if you weren't able to believe in them. And the fact that her parents, still hellbent on being high-class (or at least in being seen as such) hadn't noticed how much the dog with a disease looks like a mammoth is, to Lucinda Newhorn, proof enough that they are beyond saving.

>Look up dog training videos online and attempt train the woolly mammoth to obey simple commands. Like a dog would.

A pet of any sort is a responsibility. Not only the owner has to see to it that food, water, and shelter are provided, affection has to be there, too. And there is something else. Something often forgotten, even when raising children, yet perhaps the single most important part: growth. Because none of those resources will matter unless used properly.

Lucinda slams the door shut behind her after the enters the room, but it bounces- there is a tusk emerging from behind the corner. With big, dumb steps in comes the tiny mammoth, the subject of her current concerns. Glancing back at the screen, Lucinda becomes fully aware that she has the Internet, the (almost) entirety of all documented knowledge of humanity at her beck and call. All she needs, she thinks as she turns towards the giddy little beast, is to know where to look.

Like the spears they used to hunt them, Lucinda's gaze pierces through the young mammoth's thick skull, between its peaceful eyes. It's not enough to read its mind. Felines, canines, birds- where do mammoth fall? In which category do they belong? What are they like? Again, all the knowledge is right behind her.

The mammoth attempts to climb into her lap, but Lucinda knows that it would be the death of the chair. So she pushes him. Maybe mistaking the gesture for a caress, it continues to push its head against her hand. Which keeps pushing it away as the other handles the Internet.

Then it hits her like a boulder, like the ones the caveman would drop on top of mammoths after cornering them. Even right now, she had been going against natural evolution. The fur, the gentleness, the erratic behavior, the desperation to climb- Lucinda closes her eyes; she had been blind from the start. And when she lets the mammoth climb on her lap, the chair creaks like a japanese salaryman finding his wallet on fire.

It's a cat. Cats are the mammoths of today.

>>(Intelligence Rolls: (2), 45, Magnitude 2 = Critical Failure)<< (If Lucinda can relate the mammoth to a valid animal from the present)
Dismay isn't late to seep in after Lucinda realizes that, even though she has half the pieces of the puzzle, cats aren't easy to train. Especially after their third month. An animal with such a willful spirit, independent to a fault, can't be coerced to do backflips or lend a paw with only meager offers of raw meat. Both Lucinda's efforts and those of the chair pay off with a simple axion: that these motherfuckers do not care. The fact that Lucinda barely feels her legs and nostrils proves this simple fact. In this crusade, the Magical Girl is alone. She will have to figure things out herself once more.

>>(Wisdom Roll: (15) Magnitude 3 = Failure)<< (If Lucinda can find anything she could train the mammoth with)

While legit cat training videos are hard to come by, at least to Lucinda, it is considered a fact that half the internet is made up of funny cat videos- a lot of fuel for her research. Keeping a perfectly stoic face, fully committed to efficiency, Lucinda binges clip after clip, compilation after compilation, to fully understand the nature and tools that cats employ in their daily survival. Aware that the mammoth is thousands of years behind, Lucinda still compromises to speed up its evolution.

Cats jump. Cats run. Cats purr. Cats hunt rats. Cats fly in toasters. Cats are the masters of parkour.
This much, anybody knows. When it comes to reflexes and dexterity, felines fall short only of each other.

The chair finally breaks and Lucinda ends up sandwiched between the floor and a living mammoth. Being completely out of breath, she considers the question: how much of a mammoth's complexion is similar to that of a present-day cat? Using even her legs to push her pet from her lungs, Lucinda takes this event as solid evidence that small steps are required.

The chair doesn't concern her. Watching fancy stuff break is one of her hobbies, even when the stuff in question is just a shoddy replica. Lucinda walks past their parents, both eating their meals in sharp silence, leading the mammoth to the courtyard. It has a big, empty pool filled with dirt and leaves, surrounded by white beach chairs and big umbrellas so dirty that Lucinda can't tell their color. Most importantly, it's often haunted by a cat.
Lucinda waits. Noticing how still she is, the mammoth howls, her father yells at the mammoth to shut the fuck up, and Lucinda stares at her father in such a way that the man simply walks away, closes the door- and then locks it down with the key.

And there it is. A generic black cat. To anyone else, of course; to Lucinda, her first step towards friendship.

As it comes down the wall, meowing desperately, the cat is quick to smell the mammoth, its black back arched like a rainbow. It happens all the time. Taking advantage of its fear, Lucinda caresses the cat over the head, all over its back, under its chin, and right where the tail starts until it purrs. Then and there, she turns to her pet. And fixing her eyes on its eyes, Lucinda purrs too.
The mammoth does nothing, but it does stare. Perhaps worried.
But Lucinda insists.
Then her eyes get colder, then her face gets sharper, then she takes firm, decisive steps toward her only responsibility.
Minutes pass.

Softly, so softly; yet there. Like a drum from hell, the mammoth purrs

Yes, indeed. Evolution.

>>(Charisma Rolls: 51, 35, (32), 48 = Magnitude 2 Success)<< (If Lucinda can stop herself from being so cold to the mammoth that it gets frozen again)

>>Lucinda's pet mammoth has learned how to purr.<<
>After that, look online for nearby martial arts studios, then ask mom and dad if I can attend the classes.

It's no longer 'deja vu' if it happens all the time, and Lucinda is already used to people getting creeped out by her out of nowhere. She doesn't understand /why/. The girl that stares at her from the mirror would be considered pretty by almost any social convention, her features delicate but firm, her blonde hair long and shiny, her eyes deep and blue- and it's not like she's missing anything elsewhere. And yet, even your usual fuckboi would back down after taking her out for a drink. Whatever, free food.

So, aware that she is not truly aware of her nature, Lucinda looks for dojos online. Because, if she already paid, they'll have way fewer excuses to kick her out. Except for the price and the difference in distance, all look the same to her. Given that she cannot care about user reviews, Lucinda has no place where to judge them from. In the end, she settles for the one that looks fancier, secretly hoping that the students there are pussies so she can break something pretty again.

Again, the time has come. On the left side of the table, Lucinda; on the right side, Laura and Norberto, her parents, still together after another year. Lucinda is keenly aware that she is both more responsible and more mentally grounded than the both of them combined, despite being a Magical Girl- so why would she even have to ask for their permission? Most cultures, as she knows, would want to make us believe that experience equals intelligence, and that being older means being wiser. Her parents being living proof, the blonde knows that one can spend fifty years inside the very same cubicle, and she wonders if that makes you smarter.

Deja vu.
Considering the veins in her mother's neck pulse and how her dad is gripping the table, even Lucinda can tell that they are bracing, ready to refuse. They had /insisted/ consistently that Lucinda adopted a poodle, both making a habit out of repeating it every day in passing, their team-work immaculate when it came to brainwashing her. It would have worked; thank you, Kyubey. Cleanly, Lucinda requests that her parent allow her to attend a dojo. She had fulfilled all of their demands, so far. Citing her evidence, Lucinda tells them that she continued to attend violin and sewing classes, that she kept getting top grades at school consistently, that she has been dressing the way they wanted for over a year... Her mother interrupts her, loudly. That one time, Lucinda got a B in History of the Arts. Her daughter nods and waits, but Laura just sits there in silence. Lucinda resumes: with such a discipline would come both prestige and high prizes. Their family's name would have a hard time going unnoticed, should she be allowed to put into this craft the same effort that-
The Magical Girl raises an eyebrow. That was fast. Norberto, his eyes fixated on the table, his balled-up fists bouncing against its edge, simply repeats 'no'. That punching people in the face is not something any proper lady would do. That not even gentlemen should have to. And he smiles; as if it was evident, as if seeking the complacency which he finds in his wife. He resumes. Lucinda's hands should be kept soft so that her future husband won't be disgusted to take a scarred product. Like the rest of her, those should be kept clean and pure.

Not even considering delving into it, Lucinda simply deadpans what both are thinking: what do you want in exchange?

A husband. That's what he says, non-chalantly. That it could change Lucinda's mind on many a thing. Calmly enough, she simply recognizes, out loud, that it's a very greedy request for just a pass to the dojo. This is a game the girl is very familiar with: he'll ask for something outrageous, then sigh and settle down for some other outrageous thing. Which is, in this case, for Lucinda to conduct marriage interviews. A rusty tradition reserved only for those of high class, but one that perseveres to this day only thanks to the economy. Clarifying, Lucinda says that she would in no way be forced into any arrangement; his father agrees. Taking this information, Lucinda says nothing more and simply walks out of the room.

>>(Charisma Rolls: 80, 50, (18+5=23), 98 Magnitude 2 = Failure)<< (If Lucinda can convince her parents to let her attend a dojo without having to trade)
>>(Intelligence Rolls: 70, (5+5=10), Magnitude 2 = Failure)<< (If Lucinda can gain an upper hand by targeting their vanity)
Lucinda locks the door behind her, then slams the black bag into the trashcan from twenty feet away. Someone else whistles: she doesn't turn to look.

>Practice using the crossbow and scythe for combat. + bed

It's not like she's angry. It's not like she has to blow off steam. All hope in her parents had vanished many years ago, even before Kyubey saw it fit to shit in the pile of shit that was her life at that point. No; what is happening is much more simple. Lucinda is disciplined; that's all there is to it.

Jumping from roof to roof like a shadow, Lucinda finally takes a huge leap from a ledge. She lands in her favorite place: the backyard of a massive chocolate factory that was abandoned decades ago. There is no poster sign that is not rusty, and there is no fence that is not riddled with holes. Creepy even to Magical Girls, this is where this one is free to be free.

Like thunder, chains from the sky crush to dust the tiles under her feet, passing between her legs, under her arms, around her neck, between her fingers- until Lucinda is hidden in a curtain of steel. Then all twist like a tornado, as if a secret hand was trying to squeeze her dry. The chains break. Under the rain of steel, what's left is a godlike being dressed in white chaos, under the left eye a single white tear shaped like a claw. The eldritch entity is struggling under a gigantic, comically sized apparatus, like a dull cross meant as her grave. But it doesn't crush her.

Transformed, Lucinda looks like a broken concept. Like a mistake to be buried in blood.
At this point, Lucinda is aware enough of other Magical Girls to know that her weapon might be the sluggishest out there. At first glance, anyone would think that the purpose of such a contraption is simply to crush other things under its eerie weight. Which is not the case, because when Lucinda spins like a ballerina, a single curved blade unfolds itself instantly from the apparatus as she turns around. Building momentum, Lucinda continues to spin slowly and unfold her weapon like a swiss knife, always in the same direction. Then stops and shifts directions widly; this ends with the Magical Girl stretching the scythe over her head to its full length: thirty feet.
The slash was so fast that the sound came a second later.
It's a trick weapon, capable of adopting infinite shapes- the weapon of freedom. If you can't see it coming, then you can't guard against it.

From the corner of her eye, Lucinda spots the top half a mannequin Thirty-three chains spawn from every hole and corner and latch to it, leaving the nightmarish shape stranded in the air. Lucinda's amalgamation of steel smashes into itself to form a gigantic crossbow, her weakest weapon, so slow to arm and aim that by the time she could shoot her target is already on top of her. This time, Lucinda doesn't pull the trigger. The crossbow has yet another glaring weakness: excessive power.

It takes a while, but Lucinda enjoys the silence so much that she stays a bit past her agreed hour. Not like their parents could do anything about it; at the end of the day, it's only those who care who have a weak point.

Lucinda is satisfied, both by her training and that of the mammoth's. The video said that cats don't respond to names, but maybe that's a defect her pet still has.

Back home she will play fetch with it with that dirty, dent-infested dildo. And before every throw, she will call its name.

>>(Wisdom Rolls: 81, Magnitude 6 = Success)<< ()
>>Lucinda Newhorn now has a permanent +1 bonus to Dexterity Rolls.<<

>(up next: erikan't)
aight guys council time, gigaposts are going to kill me. i always find something more to add and no, i cant stop myself

here ideas:
a) we do the three actions individually one by one and independently until the end of the day. like, guca A gives me action, i do action, she gives me action, i do action, then by the third i tell her aight girl calm dem tits, let the other catch up to the end of the phase
b) we keep this rythm. posts only during weekends
c) nigga this is where you come in, move that ass

that being said, the following two posts will be gigaposts no matter what, all gucas deserve the same contempt i mean care
I'm fine with #2 honestly. I don't mind the wait if that's what's comfortable for you and I worry that if we rely too much on 'Player A pls respond' we'll inevitably fall into a slump where someone will hold other people up. Don't worry about it, man--take all the time you need. /qst/ ain't going anywhere and your gigaposts rule.
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■-■ [i]Erika Kruppman[/i] ■-■

[green]Random Event Rolls: 14, 79, 38, 6, 13, 45, 92, 7, 11
Happens?: 14 (Yes)
Stat: 79 (Intelligence)
Type: 38 (Negative)
Magnitude: 1 (6)
Encounter?: 13 (No)

-------------------Puerto Madero------------------
—-----------------Erika’s House—-----------------

[b]E[/b]rika had not left the screen, nor did she want to, nor was she going to. The death of the American Dream had left a whole generation disoriented, starving for purpose. And not just in the United States of America. Like meteors, their movies had left craters that young people were left to fill by themselves.

Magical Girls are no exception to this global scarcity of meaning. Most were satisfied with their life goal being to see another day, yet, a bit surprisingly, some had the opposite problem: they had to give that survival a reason. Like Erika, the Student Council President, ace of her class. Who, above anything else, didn't want to have bled in vain.

>While the Encyclopedia remains to be decoded, the original idea of a guide for new Magical Girls is still a good idea and Erika already has a year's worth of experience, more than what many can claim. Write another document, a "Beginner's guide to Magical Girls" and fill it with everything a young Magical Girl would need to know to survive her first year of existence.

Although the Encyclopedia produced by her omniscience powers proved to be a bit more than she (or a team of five hundred scientists, cryptologists, philosophers, psychiatrists, and coffee makers) could chew, her willingness (or desperation) to justify her existence still kept her on that seat. She could have been going for ice cream, visiting her grandpa, on a date with a handsome man (wearing full plate armor), planning a school festival, or sneaking into a jazz bar... but she was there. The school year was finally over and she was still there. Why? Because she wanted to be there for the other sad and scared new Magical Girls.

The "Beginner's Guide to Magical Girls"; something Erika can write without using her powers. The fact that she hadn't found one back then both puzzles her and pushes her to fill the hole. And if it was already filled, all the better.

Because surviving a year as a Magical Girl is very, very hard.
Erika finds herself stuck for the first half of an hour in front of a blank screen. Her mind, ironically, is almost going on overdrive. She's considering a hundred ways to start the book, putting the lessons in order according to relevance, planning how the index is going to be, and, above all else, worried that her advice could prove to be harmful. There is empathy there, of course, but Erika knows the truth. That the reason the page is still bank is that she dreads that her facts are wrong.

Yet when she presses the first letter, the rest flow naturally. Erika giggles, alone; she will appeal to her own nature. She will make mistakes, and she will correct them- like she corrects everyone else.

The first lesson that comes to mind, although the most vital, is the first that Erika will not include in the book: "do not listen to Kyubey". By the time they are reading this book, odds are, the girls would have already made their mistake.

The second lesson she considers, looking back at her past, is to try not to believe anything completely. Conviction might make you feel safe and smile, but it won't make that Soul Gem any less dark. Most importantly, conviction is a chink in the armor of any Magical Girl: a single disappointment could kill one outright.

Erika stops. It wasn't an intentional action, but a reflex. What she just wrote, Erika thinks, might just be the most relevant thing in the book. A good third lesson, though, would be that kindness is as deadly as cyanide gas in this world. But she thinks that one over, just for a bit- then she leaves it right there. Fuck kindness.

Already too abstract right of the batch, Erika forces herself to write more concrete knowledge regarding her world. This includes but is not limited to: Witches, Soul Gems, Grief Seeds, Kyubey, Laberynths, Familiars, practical advice regarding telepathy overflow, locating other Magical Girls, dealing with factions, when it's legally okay to pursue a Witch out of your territory, when it's not, etc.

Re-reading what she just wrote proves to be straight-up painful. It's not that it's inaccurate or that the margin of error is too high; Erika simply places too many expectations on herself. On the other hand, there is some truth to her pain. The words she uses are so precise and formulaic that the whole thing might just require a dictionary to go along with it.

In more ways than one, it's like reading a math book.

>>(Intelligence Rolls: 24, (78), 44 = Magnitude 6 Success)<< (Quality of explanation)
>>(Charisma Rolls: 66, 55, 72, (21) = Magnitude 1 Success)<< (Quality of engagement)
>back to the big problem, decoding the arcane spawn of her omniscience. First things first, language. The book isn't some gibberish, thus it can be understood and so it shall be! Search the book for the specific terminology of magic and attempt to decipher those terms using the parts of the book that can be understood and a spoonful of logic atop your intellect.

The Magicae Encyclopedia; Erika might be the first person to write a book and not understand a fucking sentence of it. That being said, the French did develop a way for groups of artists to work together on the same story, known as the 'exquisite corpse' method... but then again, at least the very first sentence would make sense. Suddenly filled with sacred dread, Erika opens the document. 72k pages filled with nonsense. Somewhere in there is a pattern, after all, this document was made to be understood by humans.

Frozen at the endless tower of letters, which only goes down deep into hell, Erika finds herself both unable to avoid or answer a question. Would she, with infinite knowledge, be able to sink a battleship with a toothpick? Then another: would she be able to stop five planes diving straight at her if she knew all there is to know about everything? The full nature of her own power remains a mystery even to herself to this day, which is extremely ironic because she wished to know all there is to know.

Erika sighs. She's procrastinating. Stuck in limbo, a promise flows from her. She will boil tea and, once the tea is served, she will read it.

And when the tea was served, with her credibility at stake, Erika said the first line out loud: "An ant has all ten hundred and twenty-five million colors." Then the following as well: "This is false. An ant has all of the colors." Perplexed at the shores of this sea of bullshit, Erika soldiers on regardless.

There is not much to say regarding the following sequence. Erika would read a line and then try to find its meaning, and then, after failing, would try to compare it with something else or some other line. Going as far as to check patterns such as which word was used the most on each page, Erika would continue to curse and mutter curses under her breath, as if this endless letter salad was mocking her with every sentence.

But somewhere down the line, maybe right when Erika was about to give up, some of the furthest points converged into a picture. That magic was nothing but very advanced technology was something she never doubted. That Kyubeys were made of that very same technology didn't seem so far-fetched... but that the extremely complex signals Kyubeys relay back could be traced? Understanding these signals would be mind-blowing, yet Erika seems eager to settle for tracking them down.

>>(Intelligence Rolls: 52, 72, (80) = Magnitude 6 Success)<< (How much sense Erika makes out of whatever the fuck that is)

>>Erika has learned how to locate Kyubeys.<<
Note: this knowledge is extremely abstract
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>Translate the Beginner's Guide in every language Erika knows and distibute the Guide on whatever by-megucas-for-megucas forums she finds on the web.

Deeply satisfied, even grinning, Erika decides that her brain has taken enough of a beating for today. The Beginner's Guide to Magical Girls is fully finished and the Magicae Encyclopedia finally gave her back some of the blood she poured into it. All that remains, for now, is to make the Beginner's guide available to as many Magical Girls as she can, and what better way to go about it than to translate the whole thing herself (because FUCK Google Translate).

To be a polyglot, especially at such an early age, is almost universally considered to be a sign of sharp intelligence. Erika would not say otherwise; it's only the fact that she can't even ask for ice cream properly that lingers in the back of her mind. Pushing certain thoughts aside, she puts all the work in. To her glee, the Beginner's Guide turned out to be quite compact. After all, that is the point. Translating it to the other two languages that she knows, English and French, hating each other even inside her head, proves to be almost a chore, all over and done in an hour flat.

It's what came right after that was almost outright impossible. To find a public online forum for Magical Girls. If she had to draw a comparison, this endeavor might be even harder than spotting a Knight in broad daylight. Or Kyubey, nowadays.

With everything already accounted for, Erika can't help but moan in frustration. The three versions of Beginner's Guide to Magical Girls may be buried in virtual dust by the time she finds a way to spread them. Magical Girls are already very rare to come by offline, and given how hard squeakers are chased down it's no wonder that nothing related to them comes up on a search. No; it exists. It's out there, and that is a certainty. All she has to do is to ask herself how would she lure Magical Girls to an Internet forum if she had to make it herself. What things do Magical Girls have in common other than terminology? No, no, fuck this; this is out there, and she /knows/ it.

>>(Wisdom Roll: (18), Magnitude 7 = Failure)<< (If Erika can locate a Magical Girl only forum on the Internet)
>>(Dexterity Rolls: 40, (42) = Magnitude 3 Success)<< (Speed of translation)
>>(Intelligence Rolls: (82), 44 Magnitude 5 = Success)<< (If Erika knows English)
>>(Intelligence Rolls: 93, Magnitude 5 = Success)<< (f Erika knows French)

>message grandpa good night and off to the sweet silence of sleep.

And yes; no. She won't spend the night looking for it. It won't go anywhere, even if it's deserted by tomorrow, it will still be there as a testament.

Erika messages her grandpa, who answers instantly with a voice message. Bad with the buttons, the old man would rather tell a joke than send an emote. Yet the ever so pragmatic Erika laughs even through there isn't one because her grandpa cares about her.

>(up next: depression!)
I'm willing to try out option A, thats more like a regular quest
I can't fucking reach through the screen, how do we stop you from overachieving
Fully agree with Rita on this one. I love reading the GIGAPOSTS and don't really want to change our format. Plus I'm cool with waiting if it stops any burnout that you face in the long term.
So yeah, do the weekend thing
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Thanks for the awesome Lucinda side story QM!
It was really good to read!

Time for Lucinda to do some marriage interviews if she wants to go to the Dojo. Lucinda agrees to meet with the applicants.
I was not fucking expecting the mammoth to learn to purr, really threw me. But it's...Cute? So its okay I guess kek.
Also Yay! Lucinda got her dexterity buff! She's gonna be fast enough to catch bullets in mid air in no time now! MACH 3 MAGICAL GIRL COMING SOON TO A STORE NEAR YOU!

Hey QM, quick question:
What is the effective range of Lucinda's crossbow?
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凸 [i]Rita Hammerhead[/i] 凸

[green]Random Event Rolls: 35, 91, 35, 90, 74, 88, 73, 79, 32
Happens?: 35 (No)

----------------------La Boca, North-------------------
—-----------Gelato Shop /Rita's House—----------

[b]D[/b]umb wishes are the norm among Magical Girls. So common that the follow-up to the question, like tomato to salad, is always 'how did it backfire?'.
Not all do. Even though Kyubey has a knack for picking up girls in distress, clearly in no position of making any kind of rational judgment, a lucky few actually make a blessing out of that limitless power.

Not Rita. Not her.

Through the year, she had managed to constantly pair up with other Magical Girls to hunt Witches or to defend their territory. It's the farthest factionless agents are willing to go when it comes to cooperation- but even they know there's strength in numbers. And those girls would often ask Rita about her wish, and she would tell them, and some would laugh; why not ask for ten thousand million dollars instead? Why in the unholy name of fuck did you settle for a water park? And Rita would laugh with them, and let them think that she didn't.

Yet she did think; she did so carefully. Born into extreme poverty, like the bigger half of the country, Rita had to learn to make do and to find fun in the little things. No money for a chess set? That rock is a king, this one a bishop. Footballs are too expensive? Let's kick a tennis ball. A ticket to the water park costs your soul? Let's wait for the rain and find the steepest street. And when mom and dad wipe out some pizza, Rita knows they've been saving two weeks just to buy the dough. When it tastes like shit, she's grateful. Sweets for dessert? Dumpster diving time.

With what little life gave her, Rita had learned to be happy.
And when she had the chance came, Rita was afraid to lose all of that.
>Retreat to the attic that constitutes her 'room' and count the cash--how much cheddar did she find here? Also for fuck's sake get some Neosporin or medical stuff on--she's at 38 HP!

To her, back then, even getting a water park for free was already pushing it. Right now, after learning just how hard her parents had to fight for dough (after having to do so herself) the girl in thrift-store clothes is not hesitating to abuse what little luck she has, just like she always does.

Digging through the fancy purse, through all of the perfumes and tiny bottles and make up stuff, Rita collects every single piece of paper that as much as grazes her fingers. Scouring through every pocket, she's now sure that the only money left to count would be the one inside the credit card, that and what she could get by selling the cellphone. Bills. Many more than ever saw in the same place at once, more than what she ever found in the cash register at the gelato bar.

Just in case, Rita swallows some pills she found in the purse.

>Find a suitable bag to stow the purse and phone in--maybe a takeaway bag/box? She can use that to hopefully find someone to pawn them off to tomorrow.

Rita swallows. Walking around with such a treasure would be dangerous; not even Magical Girls are inmmune to theft. Especially in Argentina. What she needs right now is subtlety, tons of it. Or at least enough to make it to a pawn shop- even the makeup could be sold if it's good enough. Now searching the house itself, even the back alleys, the dumpsters, and the gelato bar itself, Rita can't find anything she considers subtle or safe enough because even her school bag vanishes every once in a while.
In the end, she settles for a grocery bag inside a grocery bag. Plenty of those to go around.

>>(Wisdom Rolls: 69, (16) = Magnitude 1 Success)<< (What kind of container does Rita find for the phone and purse)
>Hang out with mom and dad for a bit if they aren't too tired

Rita knows that her depression will sink her soon, and decides to spend what little energy she has making her parent's night a little lighter. She finds both on the couch as usual, eyes glued to the tiny TV. They never have dinner. They've learned to feel filled by having tea or water. But when Rita steps into the room both turn at once and smile. Both have the same personalities, the same round faces and brown skin, and, of course, the same weaknesses.

They both split apart as Rita lets the couch catch her fall. Sitting between them, she faces the tiny screen. It's a movie about a man who dreams of becoming the world's number one ass-slapper. Training every day, he misses out on his friends, sees her mother ten minutes a day, cancels most dates with his tanned, ripped megane tomboy childhood friend turned girlfriend...

Clearly dramatic, yet Rita couldn't help herself crack jokes. And they made so much sense: with a girl with legs like that, why would you need anything else? How many months would it take to eat them? Used to the dark humor, her dad laughs in dismay; he knows his wife's glace is a gentle threat.

>>(Charisma Rolls: 66, (42) = Magnitude 3 Success)<< (If Rita can be funny)

When the laughter stops, the movie keeps on being tense. The main character was so invested that, when he had to face his rival in a local tournament (an italian who had mastered the traditional art of slapping asses with the tip of his fingers), Rita was so afraid he would lose that she grabbed both her parents hands. She was sure that losing would drive him to suicide. She'd know.

The movie ends with him becoming the world champion, then spending his entire fortune on distractions because he felt so lonely that nothing could sate him. When the credits roll after he's found dead on an alley, dressed like a homeless. Rita finds herself weeping for the first time in a while, a gentle, humble rain seeping from inside of her, what little water was left in the oasis. Then she finds herself wrapped between her parents, who clumsily covered their little girl with their arms. Warm.
He got what he wanted and it was the worst that had ever happened to him. Juana, Rita's mom, says something interesting. On one of their motorcycle road trips, Juana and Jose, her husband, stumbled upon a former football superstar running a makeshift bar at the side of a road, on a modified motorhome. The man was giddily making a burger. Rita, having this one before like five times, remains silent because her mom likes to tell it. Kinda like the man in the movie, the man had been left in the dust once his career was over, having never learned to do anything other than kicking a ball. And exactly like the man in the movie, he had wasted it all, every single coin, even ending up indebted to the mob.

Juana tells Rita that she thinks the movie skipped something important. That during his homeless days, the main character must have learned to enjoy what little he had after learning just how hard living really is. Rita goes quiet. Every experienced Magical Girl she ever met, no matter how hostile, was gentle in one way or another. Pain puts the world in perspective; cold water makes warm water feel warmer.

Rita doesn't answer; this slightly worries her parents. Maybe even this Magical Girl can find worth where she didn't see it before.

>>(Intelligence Rolls: 80, (75) = Magnitude 5 Success)<< (f Rita learns something from the conversation)
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>Spend some time throwing rocks around outside the shop (as is her classic evening ritual) before getting some damn sleep. Every new day is just another opportunity, after all... CEO Mindset, Rita. C. E. O. Mindset.

Distraught, Rita doesn't crack even a single window in the first ten shots. The car graveyard (as she calls it) will always be there for her. When she was little and neighbors came complaining, she would simply aim the rocks at them. She laughs; what a fucking idiot. Putting a bit more of herself in the next shots, Rita finds that her heart is just not there today, that under the dark cloud burying her mind lies something new.

Sometimes homeless people would come seeking shelter, and Rita would let them be. When it rained, the place gets especially crowded; it becomes a concert of car horns. It's what little fun they can have. She wouldn't take that from them.

>>(Wisdom Rolls: 55, (40), Magnitude 6 = Failure)<< (f Erika learns something from throwing rocks)

Both mentally and physically exhausted, yet trembling both in hope and a tiny little bit of guilt, Rita decides it's time for the day to end. Her bed is a lot of bus seats held together with duct tape. Used to the very specific pose she has to do to rest, Rita closes her eyes, wondering.

>(up next: resu

The bell rings. Whatever; must be one of those kids. They like feeling brave, and she likes to chase them down the street with a broom.

Again. Maybe too brave. Maybe she still has enough fire in her to make sure mom and dad sleep. With a final burst of energy, Rita rushes through the door.


on the other side, what do you know, that very same Magical Girl.

Rita freezes.

>ups. what do?
thats rite Rita, you get another prompt, only one action.

happy new year, guys. made it in time.

very far actually, but aiming that thing is a bitch. it has no kind of tracking or targetting system, and it takes a while to turn. hits like a bitch tho

Happy New Year inDEED. Really liked those scenes, QM--very homey.

Regarding our unexpected guest, well....
>Give her a tired 'suuup' while sizing her up. Rub your eyes a bit--really play up the sleepiness. Does she seem pissed? Worried? Something else?
No sense in running--bitch apparently knows where we live.

That said, Happy New Year, all! Here's hoping we all survive for another turn or two!
biiiiit of a warning: this is the only action you are gonna get. u sure? ifs and elses are ok