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In Scrimshaw Mount, all graves are shallow. Even on the Promontory, where Nature, through the permutations of the Pattern had placed soil on the otherwise nude basalt of the Mount, the bone white stone was never more than a few feet down, commonly less than one. As such, getting graves to the standard depth of eight feet was simply not practical for those interned in the Mount's public burying grounds. But those that lived their lives and died their deaths on the Mount didn't take overmuch umbrage at their shallow graves. For both the practical and pious among them understood full well that under the panopticonical Gaze of the Patternmaker Above … all things are shallow.

Your name is Chlotsuintha, and right now you are wrestling with yet another complication that threatens to upend your schedule. You have just finished haggling over a stagecoach, team and tack in the office of Goodman Nasturtium, the owner and operator of a livery and coach-house immediately outside of Cleanport's section of the Landward Walls. You have paid him the agreed upon sum, thirty-six thousand eighth talents, and you have even received your change. What you have not received yet, however, is a Patent for the stage, or a bill of sale for your purchase. Without such documentation, you have no way of proving that you actually bought and paid for your conveyance. Now, you doubt that toll-men check for the Patents or bills of sale of conveyances - if they did, surely the goodman would have mentioned it when he explained that you would need a copy of a Family Patent to travel on the Imperial Thoroughfares - but you would feel much better with the papers for your purchase in hand. Unfortunately, you are not like to get them for a while. The goodman has just received word that another liveries coach has been held-up, on a nearby road - which he currently has coaches on. Concerned for the safety of his coaches, custom, horses and hirelings, he is looking to get his house in order ... not write you a bill of sale, nor take the time to find the Patent for the stage, which is apparently is 'somewhere' upstairs. He has set his counter-clerk to the task instead, but you don't know how long that will take him.

And right now, time is very tight. Starting at the seventeenth toll, your hand-cart, laden heavy with your relatively expensive purchases from a Dry Goods will be at risk of ejection from the lock-and-key safety of the room in The Hooded Heads, a richly appointed public house with an unnerving aspect and an eccentric proprietor. To the best of your estimation, you came into this livery five minutes after the sixteenth toll ... and you further estimate that you have spent at least twenty minutes here, meaning that you have to find a place to change out of your riding dress or riding habit or 'worn piece' or whatever in the Heights of Hell you are supposed to call it and then get yourself back inside the walls to the Heads in about a half-hour.
There is a very real possibility that you won't be able to do that - but at the same time, it is not a surety that your hand-cart is going to get ejected at the seventeenth toll. So you are in a very difficult spot at the moment. On one hand, it is very possible that you could lose your cart - which besides the talents you spent on the shopping inside being completely forfeit, it would also mean that the effort and time you spent hauling it all over the Mount would have been for naught as well. On the other hand, nothing in your cart is irreplaceable - and you would really like to have the Patent and bill for the stage before you leave. Not that you think that toll-men on the roads are going to be checking them, or that the goodman is going to fleece you by pretending he never sold you the stage when you show up tonight, but -

Oh, oh shit. The goodman knows you as 'Madame Dremen' - it is a name that you thought you just made up on the spot, but later remembered to be the Patent name of the captain of the ship that brought you over to Outremer all those years ago. You doubt that you are going to run into any relatives of his here, or anyone else with the name Dremen for that matter, but you had reservations about assuming a 'real' name. Well, it is a moot point now. The clerk is going to write the Patent and bill over to Madame Dremen - or more likely, her father - so it is only ever going to be usable to you if you forge a Family Patent with the name Dremen ... or forge a new Patent and bill for the stage under a different name.

Movement in the office snaps you out of your contemplation. The clinking and clattering from behind you tells you that the goodman is quickly putting away his goblets and decanter of aquavitae, and you can see the counter-clerk rushing off to send someone over to the Thief-Taker's Guildhouse, presumably to talk about hiring some of them as guards for the coaches. Looks like you are going to need to make a decision sooner than quickly.
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> Please choose ONE of the following:

>[Decide to Wait] It isn't just enough to have a conveyance to physically get you off of the Mount, you want all your papers - forged or otherwise - in order. More than that, you want them before you leave here, because you have no idea just how tight your schedule will be when you return to take delivery of the stage around midnight ... and you would just like to worry about one less thing too. If that means waiting here long enough that you lose your shopping in The Hooded Heads, then so be it. Sacrifices need to be made, priorities need to be kept straight.
> [Decide to Leave] If the goodman is bent on fleecing you, a bill of sale or a Patent is not going to do anything without a Family Patent with the Dremen name - and even if you had that forged Family Patent, challenging anyone in court would be dangerous and time-consuming. You are sure he is good for it. Just ask him to pick it up when you take delivery of the stage tonight. And if for whatever reason you don't get the papers tonight, then ... well, it isn't the Estrangement again. The wheels of the stage will turn, with or without the proper documentation. And Toll-men aren't going to be checking for the stage's papers - or if they are, then they'd be suspicious enough of you that those papers wouldn't get them off your back. You don't need to forfeit your hand-cart for this nonsense.

> Please choose ONE of the following – if you decided to wait:
> Before all of this unpleasantness intruded, the goodman offered you dinner at his board. It is going to be a long, shitty night for you in the sewers, and sooner or later, you are going to need to eat anyway. Ask to see if the offer still stands.
> You have had too many bad experiences at public houses today to be comfortable just sitting down and eating with complete whobodies at your elbows. And not only would you draw attention for being overdressed for the setting, you have already declined his offer.

> Please choose ONE of the following – if you decided to leave:
> You are going to leave – but not before taking the opportunity to change in the water closet. You will save time and effort finding a spot out in the city, though you will run the risk of being seen by someone who has already seen you in your 'worn piece'.
> You are going to leave – without changing. You are going to need to come back here in a matter of hours, and you cannot think of any way to explain away your change of clothes if you were caught. You cannot take that risk – even if that means risking the cart.

> Previous threads at: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Eternal%20Rome

> As per >>5699678, votes from the last thread on this are voided, as I did a bad job of explaining what was at stake. If you have already voted, please vote again, as votes from the previous thread will not be carried over.

> Errata from previous thread: cart is at risk of ejection staring at 17th hour, not 15th.
>> [Decide to Leave] If the goodman is bent on fleecing you, a bill of sale or a Patent is not going to do anything without a Family Patent with the Dremen name - and even if you had that forged Family Patent, challenging anyone in court would be dangerous and time-consuming. You are sure he is good for it. Just ask him to pick it up when you take delivery of the stage tonight. And if for whatever reason you don't get the papers tonight, then ... well, it isn't the Estrangement again. The wheels of the stage will turn, with or without the proper documentation. And Toll-men aren't going to be checking for the stage's papers - or if they are, then they'd be suspicious enough of you that those papers wouldn't get them off your back. You don't need to forfeit your hand-cart for this nonsense.
> You are going to leave – without changing. You are going to need to come back here in a matter of hours, and you cannot think of any way to explain away your change of clothes if you were caught. You cannot take that risk – even if that means risking the cart.

we do what we must. and the madame dremen is on a tight schedule anyway...and we should probably make up an appropriate name for her father

>[Decide to Wait] It isn't just enough to have a conveyance to physically get you off of the Mount, you want all your papers - forged or otherwise - in order. More than that, you want them before you leave here, because you have no idea just how tight your schedule will be when you return to take delivery of the stage around midnight ... and you would just like to worry about one less thing too. If that means waiting here long enough that you lose your shopping in The Hooded Heads, then so be it. Sacrifices need to be made, priorities need to be kept straight.

> Please choose ONE of the following – if you decided to wait:
> You have had too many bad experiences at public houses today to be comfortable just sitting down and eating with complete whobodies at your elbows. And not only would you draw attention for being overdressed for the setting, you have already declined his offer.
Eating before sewers is a no.

> Please choose ONE of the following – if you decided to leave:
> You are going to leave – but not before taking the opportunity to change in the water closet. You will save time and effort finding a spot out in the city, though you will run the risk of being seen by someone who has already seen you in your 'worn piece'.
>> [Decide to Leave] If the goodman is bent on fleecing you, a bill of sale or a Patent is not going to do anything without a Family Patent with the Dremen name - and even if you had that forged Family Patent, challenging anyone in court would be dangerous and time-consuming. You are sure he is good for it. Just ask him to pick it up when you take delivery of the stage tonight. And if for whatever reason you don't get the papers tonight, then ... well, it isn't the Estrangement again. The wheels of the stage will turn, with or without the proper documentation. And Toll-men aren't going to be checking for the stage's papers - or if they are, then they'd be suspicious enough of you that those papers wouldn't get them off your back. You don't need to forfeit your hand-cart for this nonsense.
> You are going to leave – without changing. You are going to need to come back here in a matter of hours, and you cannot think of any way to explain away your change of clothes if you were caught. You cannot take that risk – even if that means risking the cart.
>> [Decide to Leave] If the goodman is bent on fleecing you, a bill of sale or a Patent is not going to do anything without a Family Patent with the Dremen name - and even if you had that forged Family Patent, challenging anyone in court would be dangerous and time-consuming. You are sure he is good for it. Just ask him to pick it up when you take delivery of the stage tonight. And if for whatever reason you don't get the papers tonight, then ... well, it isn't the Estrangement again. The wheels of the stage will turn, with or without the proper documentation. And Toll-men aren't going to be checking for the stage's papers - or if they are, then they'd be suspicious enough of you that those papers wouldn't get them off your back. You don't need to forfeit your hand-cart for this nonsense.

> You are going to leave – without changing. You are going to need to come back here in a matter of hours, and you cannot think of any way to explain away your change of clothes if you were caught. You cannot take that risk – even if that means risking the cart.
>[Decide to Wait] It isn't just enough to have a conveyance to physically get you off of the Mount, you want all your papers - forged or otherwise - in order. More than that, you want them before you leave here, because you have no idea just how tight your schedule will be when you return to take delivery of the stage around midnight ... and you would just like to worry about one less thing too. If that means waiting here long enough that you lose your shopping in The Hooded Heads, then so be it. Sacrifices need to be made, priorities need to be kept straight.

> Before all of this unpleasantness intruded, the goodman offered you dinner at his board. It is going to be a long, shitty night for you in the sewers, and sooner or later, you are going to need to eat anyway. Ask to see if the offer still stands.
>> [Decide to Leave] If the goodman is bent on fleecing you, a bill of sale or a Patent is not going to do anything without a Family Patent with the Dremen name - and even if you had that forged Family Patent, challenging anyone in court would be dangerous and time-consuming. You are sure he is good for it. Just ask him to pick it up when you take delivery of the stage tonight. And if for whatever reason you don't get the papers tonight, then ... well, it isn't the Estrangement again. The wheels of the stage will turn, with or without the proper documentation. And Toll-men aren't going to be checking for the stage's papers - or if they are, then they'd be suspicious enough of you that those papers wouldn't get them off your back. You don't need to forfeit your hand-cart for this nonsense.
> You have had too many bad experiences at public houses today to be comfortable just sitting down and eating with complete whobodies at your elbows. And not only would you draw attention for being overdressed for the setting, you have already declined his offer.
> You are going to leave – without changing. You are going to need to come back here in a matter of hours, and you cannot think of any way to explain away your change of clothes if you were caught. You cannot take that risk – even if that means risking the cart.

Could we ask if we can eat at the other public house AFTER we've retrieved our cart, saying our mistress gave us money and said it was ok? Or does not going back immediately and eating at said fictional home contradict our story too badly?
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You are not quite certain it is the right decision, but ultimately you decide to trust Goodman Nasturtium at his word and quit this livery without the papers in hand. Were the goodman actually intent on fleecing you, you would not be in any position to do much about it - even if you had those papers and a forged Family Patent beside. And if it somehow comes to pass that you take delivery of the stage without receiving the papers tonight ... well, the wheels will turn, with or without proper documentation. That is what you need to focus on here. That and the presumed fact that Toll-men do not expect each and every conveyance to travel with its Patent or its bill of sale on board. You half-stifle a sigh. As much as you hate operating on presumed facts, you don't know if you could ask that question right now in a way that wasn't ... uh, well, mildly suspicious. Hopefully, there will be a better opportunity later - or someone else you can ask, because you would hate to be heading out onto the road with any more uncertainties hanging over your head than you have to.

You are considering how best to excuse yourself when it occurs to you that you might take the opportunity here to change out of your riding habit and into the domestic dress that you wore into The Hooded Heads ... but then you realize the risk that you run of being seen and recognized by someone in the coach-house after you have changed, and you sour on the idea near as quick as it came to you. Belatedly you notice that the goodman is standing by his desk, looking at you expectantly - and after a trill of fear borne out of confusion, you realize that he must be waiting for you to follow him out of his office. You compose yourself, and then say -

"I'm sorry, I got a little lost in thought there."

"Oh, no problem at all, Madame Dremen."

"Right. Ah - well, it occurs to me that you are very busy at the moment ... and as I have other things that I need to attend to before the hours of closing pass completely by, I think I will just ... leave for now. So long as the Patent and bill of sale for the stagecoach is ready for tonight, then really, I don't imagine it being an issue."

Goodman Nasturtium looks surprised by that - no doubt because wandering off without a bill of sale for a purchase this large is patently careless, and because in his estimation the roads are not safe at the moment. You don't really see a good way to address the first point, so you simply ignore it in favor of assuaging his fears over the second.

"I assure you, father will not be taking any unnecessary risks so long as I am with him. And I will certainly pass on this black bit of news, and your firm recommendation to hire a man from the Thief-Taker's Guild."

You can see acceptance slowly dawning over the goodman, but you are starting to realize that you might have put yourself into an awkward situation. How are you going to explain it when you are the only one who shows up to take delivery of the stage?
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"I suppose that could work well enough. May I have your fathers full name, for the bill and Patent?"

You were simply going to say 'Leopold' - a common enough name you have always liked the sound of - and leave it at that, no honorifics or titles ... but it occurs to you that you might ask Goodman Nasturtium to make the bill and Patent out to you instead. But you are not sure if that is the right call. First, having it in your name and then showing up alone to take delivery of it would be more than just mildly suspicious. You might end up having to talk your way out of that suspicion before they hand it over. The second point that a woman owning a stage is going to be exceptionally odd. In the Imperial Demesne, women are allowed to hold property in their own names, but you know in practice this is really just inheritances and dowries - and what kind of dowry or bequest for a woman is a stagecoach, team and tack? Will it be so odd that it calls the legitimacy of your papers and your cover story - whatever it might be - into question? You are not sure, but you could definitely see it happening - someone not believing that you actually own the stage, and paying much more attention to the papers then they would otherwise. Would your forged Family Patent hold up to that sort of scrutiny?

But you have issues with the alternative as well. If the stage is in your name, then there is an implicit presumption that your father gave you permission to buy it - along with the money for it. With that, you can make the case rather easily that you have your father's approval and permission to be out on the roads, driving a stage. But if the stage belongs to 'Leopold', then that becomes a much taller order. You would be fighting an uphill battle to prove that you had his permission - that you weren't a runaway, someone that they were responsible for returning to his care.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Have the documentation made out to 'Goodman Leopold Dremen'.
> Ask to have the documentation made out to you instead.
>> Ask to have the documentation made out to you instead
It's easier to explain that we are a lucky orphaned heiress. Just be prepared for random offers for marriage.
> Have the documentation made out to 'Goodman Leopold Dremen'.
I'd prefer to have the documentation in our name but it seems difficult to pull off given what we've already told him. Maybe we can get one in our name once we're further out, but then we might have to explain why we're getting rid of a perfectly good carriage and the selection won't be as good.
Given that we have rerolls and such I'm gonna vote to go for it here, this is one of the few non-emergency things I'd be fine with rerolling on if we fuck it up.
> Ask to have the documentation made out to you instead.
Welp, I fell asleep and missed the vote. It’s life I suppose.

The third option is still available, but since the QM was silent on it being more than a logistical challenge, I’ll hold my silence until we’ve departed.

No opinion on this- but if we are putting it in our name, could we act all embarrassed saying it goes in our name, then explain how you think this is Father’s jape at our expense, given how we always wanted a pony as a child- a now as a woman almost full-grown, to own a full team of them.

Also, a strongbox or safe- where do we buy them? We may not get to it it now, or in the foreseeable future- but it would ease my worries to properly secure and hideaway our valuables.

I mean- we could always just steal one later.
>> Have the documentation made out to 'Goodman Leopold Dremen'.

Looks like crossdressing will eventually have to be in the cards.
Actually.... scratch this.

>> Have the documentation made out to 'Goodman Matti Dremen'.

A gender neutralish name. If anyone really presses it, explain that the title was drawn up without asking your gender and its quite the funny mix up. Oh well.
Wouldn't it be goodwoman if it's for a female?
I'll allow the write-in, but just know that it will be a hard sell to convince someone that the person writing the Patent over to you mistook you for a man - they are much more likely to assume that 'Matti' is your father and you are attempting to pass yourself off as him. The only way this really works is if when you forge the Family Patent you put your name and your father's name both as 'Matti' - allowing for this level of ambiguity. And that is ... well, that would be kind of unusual in our world right now - in this one, it would be kind of scandalous.

Yes, though a woman using 'Goodwoman' is much less common than a man using 'Goodman'.

So it was my intent to get the next update out before I go to bed, but I think I am going to leave this up a little longer - if >>5700973 reverts back to >>5700969 after my explanation, then there would be a tie, after all.
Thank you for the swift and thorough feedback, Trash.

I figured she'd sell it as it was purchased for her in absentia and the person writing up the bill of sale assumed "matti" was (of course) a man, because who buys a carriage and horses for a girl in this world, right? But of course Matti is one of those rare gender neutral names.
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Do you want me to roll for my vote, or would the jape explanation help a little bit in our case?
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Certainly, the idea of having the stage written over to you is appealing. Still - it is such an odd thing for a woman to own, you are worried that you might end up looking more suspicious if you were to just put it in your name. Idly, you shift your weight back and forth on your feet - and as you feel your repaired boots settle underneath you, you recall just how hard it was to convince that kindly old Cobbler to repair these boots. And in that moment, your mind is made up completely and utterly. There are tolls on the roads surely, checkpoints - you are going to be stopped at some point. Some points, more like. And if it is as much of an uphill battle to convince a Toll-man or Guard or whoever that you should be allowed to continue on your way as it was to get men's boots repaired, then ... well, you wouldn't give yourself good odds of you actually managing to make it to the Frontier. At the very least, if the stage is in your name, then whoever stopped you will have to presume that your father let you have it, and by extension, gave you permission to be out on the road by yourself.

Of course, you cannot have the stage written over to Chlotsuintha - it will have to be to Madame Dremen. And unless you intend to go back and forge a new Patent for the stage, as well as a bill of sale, this given name is going to have to be the one that you put down on your forged Family Patent as well. You favored 'Leopold' for Goodman Dremen's given name ... perhaps you could use 'Leopoldine' for Madame Dremen's? You don't know too much about Family Patents, but you are fairly certain that they make mention of parents and siblings. If ... if you were to put Leopoldine Dremen down as the only surviving child of Leopold Dremen, it might help explain your exceptional independence. You could frame it is Leopold trying to make his daughter into a son and heir.

Your thoughts now turn to your real father, and you cannot help yourself but wonder where he is - and if he is safe. You begin to recite a silent prayer on his behalf, but then with a start, you realize that Goodman Nasturtium is still staring at you, patiently waiting for a name. Embarrassed, you open your mouth, about to ask him to write it over to Madame Leopoldine Dremen again - but then you realize something, and stop yourself. Leopoldine also happens to be the given name of the Starlight Shrike, a pre-Estrangement Witch who designed and developed hundreds of of high-altitude and extreme-altitude flying Implements that could induced desired weather - so many in fact, that even during her time, there was apparently discussion on whether or not she should be recognized as the founder of an informal 'school' or not. She also studied Sky-Terrors extensively, and learned how to induce the creation of Awful-Offals, Constructs that the Terrors make out of the remains of their meals or even their leavings, which they use to drive prey on the ground to places convenient for the Terror to alight and feed.
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Father was never really keen on talking too much about historical Witches, but on occasion you could weasel a story out of him - and you always found that it was easiest to get stories about Leopoldine out of him than the others. No doubt that is part of the reason why you favor the name Leopold. But now you are having doubts about Leopoldine as a name. To be sure, the narrative of a man trying to turn his only child - a daughter - into his heir; well, that certainly is a compelling story. More than that can imagine that Toll-men and merchants would be more inclined to deal with you, if they believed your father intended for you to be his heir. However, there is a question about how this would play with an Inquisitor. Now, first off, the Inquisitor would have to know about the Starlight Shrike - and from what little your father has told you on the subject, you gather that the Inquisitors that learn about historical Witches are not the ones sent out on assignments. And you have a reason to be named Leopoldine too, completely seperate - more than that, it is not that rare of a name, either.

So as far as you can tell, sharing a name with a historical Witch could only hurt you with an Inquisitor who was already very suspicious with you. On the other side of the balance, if merchants and Toll-men were made - or better yet, led to understand - that you were your father's heir and someone to be taken seriously, then you would definitely have an easier time dealing with them and their like. Being Leopoldine, daughter of Leopold is a decent way to do that - in fact, it might be the best way to do that.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Ask for the Patent to be written over to Madame Leopoldine Dremen. Persuasion Tests with Toll-men, merchants and similar targets WILL receive - 1 DC bonus for sharing a name with your father [Named Heiress], CAN increase up to -6 DC if they are made or led to understand that you are your father's heir (or representative) and are to be taken seriously. This can be done through self-presentation, choices made before the test commences, and dialogue (including write-ins). Deception AND Persuasion Tests with Inquisitors who have knowledge of the Starlight Shrike MAY receive +2 DC malus for sharing a name with a historical Witch [Suspicious Name], may increase by +1 DC up to +6 DC for every failed Deception Test with that Inquisitor, or Inquisitors that have been informed by the initial Inquisitor.
> Ask for the Patent to be written over to Madame Dremen ... but give another given name. No bonuses or maluses will be applied by the other name. Write-ins for the other name are allowed, with QM approval. If no names are offered, or the name(s) offered don't have majority support, then a new name will be assigned.
The dress and the girl are nice, but boy is that stage in need of some serious work.

Oh, I didn't see this. Uh ... well, considering that you would have either made a tie or or extended the lead of the option that did win, I suppose it wasn't necessary this round. I do intend to use your suggestion about the jape though - don't worry.
> Ask for the Patent to be written over to Madame Leopoldine Dremen. Persuasion Tests with Toll-men, merchants and similar targets WILL receive - 1 DC bonus for sharing a name with your father [Named Heiress], CAN increase up to -6 DC if they are made or led to understand that you are your father's heir (or representative) and are to be taken seriously. This can be done through self-presentation, choices made before the test commences, and dialogue (including write-ins). Deception AND Persuasion Tests with Inquisitors who have knowledge of the Starlight Shrike MAY receive +2 DC malus for sharing a name with a historical Witch [Suspicious Name], may increase by +1 DC up to +6 DC for every failed Deception Test with that Inquisitor, or Inquisitors that have been informed by the initial Inquisitor.
Well met, Patternmaker. I’ll take this bargain.

Not only thematic, but the bonus will help us convince the Goodman to write it in our name as well.
I mean, she wants to go Leopold and Leopoldine, would not any similarly matched pair of names have the same effect?

>Wilhelm and Wilhelmina
>Paul and Pauline
>Johan and Johanna

>> Ask for the Patent to be written over to Madame Dremen ... but give another given name. No bonuses or maluses will be applied by the other name. Write-ins for the other name are allowed, with QM approval. If no names are offered, or the name(s) offered don't have majority support, then a new name will be assigned.
I dunno about making ourself an inquisitor magnet
>> Ask for the Patent to be written over to Madame Leopoldine Dremen. Persuasion Tests with Toll-men, merchants and similar targets WILL receive - 1 DC bonus for sharing a name with your father [Named Heiress], CAN increase up to -6 DC if they are made or led to understand that you are your father's heir (or representative) and are to be taken seriously. This can be done through self-presentation, choices made before the test commences, and dialogue (including write-ins). Deception AND Persuasion Tests with Inquisitors who have knowledge of the Starlight Shrike MAY receive +2 DC malus for sharing a name with a historical Witch [Suspicious Name], may increase by +1 DC up to +6 DC for every failed Deception Test with that Inquisitor, or Inquisitors that have been informed by the initial Inquisitor.
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You are absolutely right. I had intended for Chlotsuintha to mention her father's given name as 'Leopold' earlier in this encounter (last thread) but I accidentally deleted it and had to rewrite the posts - and in the process, that bit was dropped, also by accident. If I had kept that in, then she would be stuck with 'Leopoldine'. But because she didn't give her father's given name, she is free and clear to choose whatever name she desires, so long as it has a male and female variant.

Consider this vote voided. Chlotsuintha will give her name as Gundeperga and her father's name as Gundepald. Man, I can really be pretty dense - I remembered that Chlotsuintha didn't actually give her father's given name, but I forgot that not having the name in there would render this vote useless.

> Persuasion Test Part I: Ask

> DC 38: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is a Born and Bred Liar, making a Simple Persuasion Test like this [Easier], so long as she is lying throughout it.
> + DC 2 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is odd looking, given her height.
> + DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Drained II, and is not thinking as quickly as she normally does.
> + DC 3 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Tired II, and is prone to making mistakes that she otherwise would not.
> + DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is making what is an unusual request
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is framing her request in a way that feeds into her established backstory at the livery.
> - DC 7 Goodman Nasturtium believes Chlotsuintha's story completely.
> - DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha looks to be Gently Bred, most are more inclined to listen to her.
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is targeting Goodman Nasturtium, playing on his empathy
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha has a way to explain away some of the oddness of her request
> - DC 6 Witchlet Chlotsuintha presented herself as her father's heir, easing reticence

> DC 24. Anything lower is a failure. [Auto-pass(es) available. Re-roll(s) available. No hostile re-roll(s)]

> No passes: No-Name. Chlotsuintha does not manage to convince the Goodman after five minutes. Test Aborts.
> One Pass: Patent Pending. Chlotsuintha does not manage to convince the Goodman after five minutes. Optional Test Abort.
> Two Passes: After a Spell. Chlotsuintha convinces the Goodman after five minutes of sweet-talking. Test Concludes.
> Three Passes: By Any Other Name. Chlotsuintha convinces the Goodman in record time. Test Concludes.

> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then you say something undermining.
> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near Critical Success (Roll of 100 or 99) then you learn something of great interest.

>Standard rules in effect - Auto-pass must be used before a Critical or Near Critical is rolled. Also, if you roll, wait 10 minutes or so, then roll again to keep the quest moving along.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

I mean, I honestly don’t mind Leopold. Why the sudden change of mind?

May our luck be White.
…should I even roll again, with such black luck?
Because there is no reason you couldn't have the benefits without the malus by simply choosing another name with male and female variants.
Eh, I was willing to go with it on narrative theme alone, even with the risk involved. Fair game I suppose. Sorta reminds me of my idea desu.
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Please don’t smite us for my foolishness Patternmaker, praise be your name!
Rolled 75 (1d100)

I’m sorry for rolling a third time, may our luck stay white and the Patternmaker bless this roll…
I suppose I should ask: do you want to use an auto-pass or a re-roll to save (or try to save) five minutes here?

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Use auto-pass
> Use re-roll
> Let stand
How much time do we need again?
>Let stand

Can we get another name though? Gunderperga is a mouthful and unendearing.
I like Leopoldine desu
The more you have the better - you need to find somewhere to change into the domestic dress, then actually get to The Hooded Heads in half an hour, otherwise you start running the risk of the original occupant of the room showing up and evicting your hand-cart.

Alright, I am open to suggestions.
What's wrong with Wilhelmina? Can go by Mina, like the lady from Dracula
I like it
> Let stand

Good enough.
>Use auto-pass

Alfraed - Aelfraeda
>> Let stand
five minutes is good enough, hopefully.
>Alright, I am open to suggestions.
Gundeperga and other medieval names often suffer from sounding awkward to modern ears, but Theodo/Theodota, Rodoald/Rodelinde, Reinhard/Reinhilde, Giselbrecht/Gisele, Hildebrand/Hildegund, or any of the paired names still in modern use like Roland/Rolanda (Or their older forms as Hrothiland/Hrothilinde) are reasonable. Though I'd understand if you wanted to avoid Christian/Christine or other obviously Christian ones.
>> Let stand
This sounds pleasant enough.
>Let stand
Alright, closed for letting it stand and taking the name Wilhelmina/Wilhelm. I am not ready to start writing yet though - look for the update around dinner time.
Been rereading the old threads whenever I can, and I got curious with this choice, when the decision about what we’re doing became relevant.
>You are going to wait for your father, while protecting his work and his equipment here in the belfry. Which means that you are going to stay in the city, and the Midden, as Sty the Leper. For as long as it may take. To make that work, there are some things that you will need to do. The first order of business will be to obtain anesthesia, strong binds and lifting oil …
Granted, we’re not stay in Midden as Sty, certainly after we failed miserably to contain the spread of Strangeness from the Corner Leapers, but I am curious as to what would’ve been the plan, if you don’t mind me asking now?
Quite a shame- I really warmed up to the idea of Leopold/Leopoldine.
>Father actually told you about a gambling den once. Located above a shoemaker, it was called the Plucky Poulaines. Why not head over there, and prepare to try your luck?
Huh, that would’ve been expedient to have remembered beforehand- knock to birds with one stone.
>There are several ways out of the Midden undetected, but one of them puts you out in the storage room of a guard house
Certainly something to keep in mind, considering it would be smart to get some arms because of the Highwaymen.
Wonder what that shoemaker's maker mark is?
Well this certainly has been unfortunate. Not only do I forget to get the update out, but then I also manage to lose it. It is too late for me to recreate it now, so instead I will throw up the vote I intended to have after it.

Chlotsuintha manages to find an alley a stones throw from the livery - it is not perfect, but she might be able to get away changing here. It will however, require a Stealth test - success meaning that she gets changed quickly without issue, mild failure resulting in taking a long time to get changed without being seen, with the worse case scenario resulting in been seen changing. Alternatively, she can spend more time to look for a better spot to change - and in the process get closer to The Hooded Heads.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Attempt to change in the alley
> Attempt to find a more secluded spot
> Attempt to change in the alley

We're reasonably stealthy, I trust we can pull this off
>> Attempt to change in the alley
>Attempt to change in the alley
> Attempt to find a more secluded spot
I think Chlot would worry about the propriety of it all lol
>What would’ve been the plan, if you don’t mind me asking now?
Chlotsuintha would had the few days to figure out how to make a Doppelganger of her father - a full size construct, as true to life as possible. It would be enough to make one that could twitch and cough and moan. Of course, that would require kidnapping someone to use as the frame for the double, then changing their appearance using the Life-Loom ... and rendering them gravely insensate, or what we would call 'brain dead'. When someone finally demanded to see her father, to determine if he was to be 'Exempted' or not, she would be able show them the double. After that, she would be in the clear, at least as long as the Doppelganger survived ... which would lead into the next challenge, trying to figure out how to extend the double's lifespan - or more specifically, how to modify the construct so it can take in fuel or food of some sort. If she failed at that, and the double died on her, she would have had no choice but to kidnap someone else and start over. And of course, while all of this was going on, there would still be all the other happenings around the Mount.

Alright, consider this vote closed. I'll get to writing this right now.
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Realization suddenly breaks over you like an angry, red dawn. If Leopoldine is going to make trouble for you, then why not just choose another name? After all, you never told the goodman that your father is named Leopold. If you were to choose any other name that has a male and female variant, then you could net the same benefit of being Leopoldine, daughter of Leopold without the association with the Starlight Shrike that might possibly be an issue with an Inquisitor - if, Firmament forbid, you ever had to talk to another again. You rack your brain for a second or so to think up another name, before ultimately settling on Wilhelm and Wilhelmina. A decent, wealthy sounding name - and the one historical Wilhelm that you know about was so long ago that you cannot imagine anyone would consider it presumptuous for Subjects to take up the given name as well. Now all that is left is to sell this to the goodman ... which if the Cobbler was anything to go by, might be rather difficult to pull off. Though you might have an idea ...

"...Well, I was thinking - if it wouldn't be much of an imposition, would it be possible for you to sign it over to me, instead? You know - as a bit of drollery?"

The goodman just looks at you, like a man struck deaf and dumb. But surely, some part of him must be considering it - clearly, his intent is to quit his office, and if he were to acquiesce, then he could be done here right away.

"See, my name is Wilhelmina, and I happen to be named after my father ... so I figure when I present the Patent to him, and say that you have written it over to him, and then he looks at it, only to see that it has been written over to me instead, he will get a smile out of it. He has always so enjoyed practical - uh, oh what's the word ..."

The word you were going to use, of course, was 'jokes'. But you get the sense that someone of your presumed stature doesn't make 'jokes', so you desperately scramble for a more proper word to bandy here.

"Persiflage. Yes, practical persiflage."

You are not entirely sure that persiflage actually means joke, but when father briefly taught you about the School of Frivolities, which the Cold-Touch cast belongs to, he mentioned in passing how many Persiflages he needed to dig through just to find something of value - and ever since then, you have assumed that persiflage is an older and entirely more proper word for joke. Whether you are right or wrong, it seems that the goodman is not inclined to challenge you on it.

"And as I said, he is still recovering from the crossing. So when he sees ... that you have actually written my name in place of his, he ... well, I am sure that he will ...laugh."

From the complete lack of response from the goodman, you quickly come to the conclusion that your little gambit is a mule. A moment later, the goodman actually confirms as much when he says -
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"I ... don't know if I should do that, madame - I mean, after all this is a legal document. It isn't exactly something you should joke around with, after all ... now, as you are named after your father, would I be correct in guessing his name is Wilhelm?"

"Oh ... "

Oh shit! Starting to feel as if you are grasping at straws, you throw yourself into a completely different tact - hoping and praying to find yourself on solid ground.

"You are right - of course you are right. Patents are much too important for persiflage. Why, I'm ... I'm ashamed I even asked."

"No harm done, none at all. Now, does your father spell - "

"Honestly, how am I ever supposed to be my father's heir when I keep making these ... stupid little mistakes?"

Telling, there is no response to that from the goodman. You continue.

"I can't believe I tried to turn something like this into a ... a jape! Honestly, what was I thinking?"

The goodman does try to interject this time, but you bull right over him as you allow emotion to overtake your voice -

"That isn't even true - I know exactly what I was thinking. I wanted to make him laugh, of course, but more than that, I wanted to show him that I could ... if ... if I could just convince someone to write over the Patent to me, to make a deal with me instead of through me - then maybe he fret about me, about ... the future. My future. Oh, oh dear."

You sneak a breath while you very deliberately mimic dabbing away tears from your eyes - careful to keep your fingers well away from the envelope of the Hide-Eyes Glamor. You drag the moment out as long as you can ... until finally, a tired sounding sigh from the goodman signals that he has relented.

"I suppose I could write it over to you instead. Now, do you spell Wilhelmina with an 'a' or an 'e'?"

You thank him profusely, decide that you are going to spell Wilhelmina with an 'a', tell the goodman as much, then thank him some more. With that finally taken care of, you him to herd you out of his office. As you walk your way out of the office, then out of the common room of the coach house, you reflect on the irregularity of that final effort. You weren't very articulate at all - in fact, you would go so far to call that final appeal 'confusing' - but considering that you were pretending to be overcome with emotion, perhaps that helped instead of hindered. As far as flatly declaring yourself as your father's heir - that was really fraying clumsy - but on the other hand, it was necessary context, your window was narrowing, and the goodman had no reason to believe that you were trying to lead him to any particular outcome. However, it goes without saying that you wore him down more than you persuaded him - and had he been any keener, or simply just suspicious of you, that last tact of yours might have undone you. Something to keep in mind - for later, when you don't have things to do and places to be.
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But just as you are about to make as much haste as you can while still remaining seemly in this 'worn piece', your eyes wander across a secluded alley where you might change out of it. As little as you like changing in public places, this is probably going to be your best best to get changed before heading to The Hooded Heads, so you duck into the alley. After ensuring that no one followed you off of the street and no one is here in the alley with you, you take a deep breath and do your best to remember how the girls at Cassandra's managed to get you into this thing in the first place.

> DC 20: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is a Born and Bred Sneakthief, making a basic Stealth Test like this [More than Easy]
> + DC 7 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is Hard to Miss, given her size
> + DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting Stealth in broad daylight.
> + DC 2 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting to remove her riding habit, which she has never done before
> + DC 2 Witchlet Chlotsuintha doesn't have knowledge of the area [The Dry Landward Walls]
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is not known in the area [The Dry Landward Walls]
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting Stealth in an area with some concealment
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting Stealth in an area with shadows
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting Stealth in a poorly trafficked area
> - DC 5 Potential Witnesses have no reason to look down the segment of alley that Chlotsuintha is changing in.

> DC 21: Anything lower is a failure. [No re-rolls. No hostile re-rolls]

> No Passes: A Peeping Thom! Someone sees Chlotsuintha changing, and she is going to have to make a quick decision on how to deal with this interloper!
> One Pass: Tears in the Train. Not only does it take ten minutes to get out of the riding habit and into the domestic dress, you manage to tear the hem a little bit.
> Two Passes: Getting Stripped Up. It takes a solid five minutes to get out of the riding habit and into the domestic dress, but you manage to do it without any other complications.
> Three Passes: Dressed for Success. You fly out of the riding habit and into the domestic dress, taking barely any time at all. You still aren't sure how exactly you managed it ...

> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then is just so happens that the peeping party also happens to be a Guard, further complicating things.
> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then you stumble across something really significant - arguably more important that recovering the hand-cart.

> Standard rules in effect - Auto-pass must be used before a Critical or Near Critical is rolled. Also, if you roll, wait 10 minutes or so, then roll again to keep the quest moving along.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

100 comeon
Rolled 29 (1d100)

Rolled 96 (1d100)

Shame dubs on don't do anything
Style points. Checkem. >>5703673

I'm glad we pulled off the wagon so well. Hope the graveyard shennanigans go as smoothly.
Actually, dubs did do something before. Granted, that was a unique circumstance, but considering the relative rarity of dubs, I wouldn’t mind making it into a thing of some sort- it’ll add a bit more spice to our more mundane actions.
You did a great job on the rolling. I'm fading fast, and I am not going to be able to get the update finished before I fall asleep - so instead, I've got an overnight vote, about a time in Chlotsuintha's youth when she bit off a lot more than she could chew in trying to advance her own education into the Many Mysteries. She survived, of course - and while she might not consider herself any wiser for her mistakes, she at least knows what not to do when studying this particular Mystery. Mechanically, this means that she is much less likely to suffer any negative outcomes from research into the Mystery chosen in this vote.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Chlotsuintha thought she understood the fundamentals of Crush-Bolt manufacture, as they are one of the most basic Mysterious munitions - but she ended up wasting a bunch of raw material and nearly imploding everything from her fingertips to her elbow.
> Chlotsuintha believed she had worked out how to cast Umbral Orifice, allowing her to 'phase' a passage through a wall - but instead she almost managed to phase the floor out from underneath her, which would have resulted in her falling to her death.
> Chlotsuintha convinced herself that she had made a working Witching Rod, also known as a Dowser or a Theremin, a large, heavy and bulky device that makes casting easier and more efficient for those inside its envelope - but hers kept knocking her unconscious. Sounded nice though.
>> Chlotsuintha believed she had worked out how to cast Umbral Orifice, allowing her to 'phase' a passage through a wall - but instead she almost managed to phase the floor out from underneath her, which would have resulted in her falling to her death.
> Chlotsuintha thought she understood the fundamentals of Crush-Bolt manufacture, as they are one of the most basic Mysterious munitions - but she ended up wasting a bunch of raw material and nearly imploding everything from her fingertips to her elbow.
>> Chlotsuintha thought she understood the fundamentals of Crush-Bolt manufacture, as they are one of the most basic Mysterious munitions - but she ended up wasting a bunch of raw material and nearly imploding everything from her fingertips to her elbow.
sounds like a poor thing to have go wrong.
given that Umbral Orifice doesn't let you phase through the earth, it's a little easier-seeming for initial foolproofing. I can already imagine plenty of other ways for it to go wrong, of course...
>Chlotsuintha thought she understood the fundamentals of Crush-Bolt manufacture, as they are one of the most basic Mysterious munitions - but she ended up wasting a bunch of raw material and nearly imploding everything from her fingertips to her elbow.
>Chlotsuintha believed she had worked out how to cast Umbral Orifice, allowing her to 'phase' a passage through a wall - but instead she almost managed to phase the floor out from underneath her, which would have resulted in her falling to her death.
> Chlotsuintha convinced herself that she had made a working Witching Rod, also known as a Dowser or a Theremin, a large, heavy and bulky device that makes casting easier and more efficient for those inside its envelope - but hers kept knocking her unconscious. Sounded nice though.
>> Chlotsuintha convinced herself that she had made a working Witching Rod, also known as a Dowser or a Theremin, a large, heavy and bulky device that makes casting easier and more efficient for those inside its envelope - but hers kept knocking her unconscious. Sounded nice though.
> Chlotsuintha believed she had worked out how to cast Umbral Orifice, allowing her to 'phase' a passage through a wall - but instead she almost managed to phase the floor out from underneath her, which would have resulted in her falling to her death.
Looking to resolve this tie - and taking into consideration that you got dubs on the Stealth Test - just this once, I will give you both the Umbral Orifice and Crush-Bolt manufacturing attempts. Consider this vote closed while I finish up the update.
lol we almost killed ourselves twice
Thanks, QM. This gives us some more insight into her daring and curious nature.
Ngl, that does sound like a fun time, especially with us being an Inquisition Informant. But if we’d left the Corners be again, we’d still be dealing with Strangeness in Midden- and thus the Inquisition on our literal doorstep. Plus, the fact that we’d effectively kidnap and ‘murder’ someone…. well, it would be quite the moral shift for Chlot.

Still, would definitely be an interesting alt quest if you wanted to try it :^)

Based- thanks QM!
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You are not comfortable with changing in alleys, by any stretch of the imagination. But it does seem as if you have some some skill for ... well, perhaps that is not the right word. Skills are things that could make money, and how anyone make money by undressing -

It suffices to say that you realize that by your definition, you knack for this quick changes does in fact count as a skill. It also suffices to say that at the moment, you are blushing to the point that it feels as if you could roast a leg of lamb with the heat coming off of your face. You allow yourself one solitary moment to collect yourself, and then another to make sure that you 'changing room' is still private. Having secreted yourself as much as you possibly can under the circumstances, you mentally go through all of the steps that the girls from Cassandra's took to get you into the riding habit, reverse them, and then start the rather complicated process of getting out of the 'worn piece'. Now, denuding yourself of the riding habit would be no small feat, considering the presence of the corset - and your complete inexperience with it - but you also have to do this while remaining silent and out of sight, without dirtying or damaging any of the riding habit, all while keeping as brisk of a pace as you possibly can.

And yet, you manage. It certainly takes you a lot longer than it would to get changed out of one of your ragged dresses and into the Spotted Cloak and the rest of the clothes that are issued to the Lepers, but you still manage to make what you have to consider excellent time. In fact, almost before you know it, you are pulling one of the domestic dresses over your head, and then cinching the apron snugly into place. Another hot wave of embarrassment flushes through you when you realize that you have forgotten to put on the chemise under the dress ... but do your best to brush past that, acknowledging that you simply are not in the habit of wearing underwear yet ... which would have sent a third wave of embarrassment through you at the crudity of that though, had you not realized something much more important.

While you were able to bundle your belongings in the canvas apron and carry them around without issue as 'Madame Dremen' you are not going to be able to do the same as a maid in service of the 'Dremens of the Promontory'. First of all, the presence of the corset means that the riding habit cannot be folded - at least not like you could fold the apron and the domestic dress into your bundle. But even if you could somehow could bundle the riding habit in a way that didn't damage it - or the hat, or the riding crop, or any of the other accessories - and also hide the richness of the fabrics used in the habit, which would present more problems for a maid than carrying canvas would for 'Madame Dremen', you still have to somehow account for the quarterstaff-sized All Weather Parasol that you have been hauling around. How are you ever going to do that?
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> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You are going to simply pass them off as the property of your Mistress. You can come up with some explanation surely - as you have already established that you are trusted enough to run errands for her.
> You are not going to. Instead, you will store the 'worn piece' here. Every five minutes, there is a slim chance [Roll of 1 or 2 on 1d400] that something happens to the dress or someone makes off with it.
> You are not going to. Instead, you will store the 'worn piece' somewhere else (perhaps inside the Landward Walls for easier access later). Every five minutes, there is a chance [dependent on hiding spot] that something happens to the dress or someone makes off with it.

Chlotsuintha was very intent on learning, but her father was - for a long while at least - very intent on not teaching her anything Mysterious.
>You are going to simply pass them off as the property of your Mistress. You can come up with some explanation surely - as you have already established that you are trusted enough to run errands for her.
>> You are going to simply pass them off as the property of your Mistress. You can come up with some explanation surely - as you have already established that you are trusted enough to run errands for her.
> You are going to simply pass them off as the property of your Mistress. You can come up with some explanation surely - as you have already established that you are trusted enough to run errands for her.

The mistress is considering a picnic?
> You are not going to. Instead, you will store the 'worn piece' here. Every five minutes, there is a slim chance [Roll of 1 or 2 on 1d400] that something
Every 5 mins? Eh, I guess I’ll take that risk.
> You are going to simply pass them off as the property of your Mistress. You can come up with some explanation surely - as you have already established that you are trusted enough to run errands for her.

We need to stop stashing shit all over town like some urban squirrel
>You are going to simply pass them off as the property of your Mistress. You can come up with some explanation surely - as you have already established that you are trusted enough to run errands for her.
Embrace the Squirrelife :V
Alright, consider this closed. Writing.
For a few moments, you seriously consider stowing the riding habit and the All-Weather Parasol - and then you firmly decide against it. The time that it would take to safely stash, the time that it would take to retrieve, and the risk that you would be running by hiding it out on the streets somewhere ... any of those alone is an argument against stashing. You pull out a eighth-talent - the toll for the Toll-men - and then do everything you can to get the riding habit in a manageable condition for carrying. That takes some doing as well, but after a minute or so of folding and fussing, you think that you have got it as good as you are going to get it. After you get it tucked under your arm as best you can, you fish out an eigtht-talent for the toll, then you stuff everything that you were carrying into the hooded red riding cloak and then roll and bundle that up as well. Obviously not ideal, but you are not willing to use your riding habit as storage - and at this moment you are wearing everything else that made up this bundle. With some doing, you manage to get all of the accessories from Cassandra's squeezed between the half-folded riding habit and the red bundle. Your arms are already beginning to smart a bit, and it only gets worse once you take up the All-Weather Parasol. You try your best to get the weight and bulk of the bundles off of the crook of your left arm, tender on account of the Socketing Needle you had rammed in there ... but after several attempts only serve to make it worse, you have to accept that it is going to hurt regardless.

Wincing, you check your surroundings one last time - to make sure that you have remained unseen, to make sure that you have not left anything behind, and most importantly, to find a rain puddle so you can check your reflection to make sure that you have not accidentally deactivated Hide-Eyes. Once you are satisfied on all of these counts, you quit the alley and make your way to the nearest gatehouse - deliberately avoiding the one that you went through earlier. This gatehouse is smaller than the one that you passed through previously - and with the rain no longer keeping people indoors, it also has much more of a line ... though you take more than a little solace in how quickly the queue is moving. You file into the line, and do your best to ignore all of the questioning, curious looks. The goodfolk in this line are much more talkative than the ones in the other, but you are not able to make out much more then snippets of conversation here and there. You squirm a bit, trying one last time to somehow make your burden more bearable - but alas, it is not to be. The line jostles its way forward, and before too long you are handing the toll over to the Toll-man. You know from father that tolls collected here are actually not tolls at all, but levies - and though you are unclear on the distinction, you have to assume it is the reason why money is collected only for entering into the city.
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Toll or levy, the Toll-man accepts your eighth-talent readily enough, and in a matter of seconds you are out from underneath the shadow of the gatehouse and making your way towards The Hooded Heads. Considering that this is not a portion of Cleanport that you are familiar with, and you are not allowing yourself your usual short-cuts for the sake of obviously expensive garment in your hands, you are taking a bit longer than you might have otherwise to move through the streets. Still, you are confident that you are making good time - right up until Giotto and his baby brothers begin to ring in the seventeenth hour. You nearly up out of your own skin at the sound, and of course, you start to panic. You break out into a run - but then force yourself back into a long-stride jog, realizing the running with a riding habit like this in your arms is going to make it look like you ran off with it. Now that you think about it, you really must look suspicious, regardless of how fast you are going. Trying to collect yourself, you seriously consider reversing yourself on the 'no alley rule' ... but then your realize how close you are to the wharves and docks of Cleanport - easily the roughest portion of the entire district - and you decide against doing that too.

By the time that you finally come within sight of the unnerving aspect of The Hooded Heads, you estimate that at least three or four minutes have passed. And by the time that you have made it around to the back of the establishment, you estimate that you have lost another whole minute. You are really sweating now - figuratively and physically. Four past, maybe five. Has the occupant of the room arrived yet? As you come to a stop in front of the open back door, you try to peer into the public house, hoping to find someone to invite you in - as you did last time. You can certain hear people, buy you cannot see anyone. Starting to get really desperate, you notice that there is a door-bell, and after shifting enough of your bundle to free one of your hands, you seize upon the hemp cord as an overboard sailor would a life-line, ringing the bell with urgency. But the bell's knell is relatively muted, and after twenty seconds of ringing, there is absolutely no indication that anyone in the establishment has heard you - or if they did hear you, then there is no indication that they are going to check the door. This is dinner time, after all, no doubt all of the cooks and domestics are too busy at the moment to check on an unexpected arrival at the back door.

This leaves you three options. Continue to ring the bell, and hope someone relents and answers the door.The drawback to this is fairly obvious, but at least you won't be risking trouble as you would with your other options; heading inside to find the proprietor, or breaking into the room with the cart through the window. If you went inside, you might be mistake for a sneak-thief. If you went through the window, you would be a sneak-thief.
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> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Stay here and continue to ring the door-bell.
> Head inside and look for the proprietor.
> Try to break into the room through the window.
> Stay here and continue to ring the door-bell.

Its not like the cart is going to immediately dematerialize outside of the room. I'd assume they'll just stick it someplace else inside that's not as secure.
I largely don’t care, but if there is a tie break it with a vote to head inside.
>Head inside and look for the proprietor.
> Head inside and look for the proprietor.
>Head inside and look for the proprietor.
Consider this closed. I'll get to writing right away.
If we’re to continue our Father’s work, it may be prudent to break in to the guilds and universities and steal their knowledge before we head deep into the boonies- since we’re close to the coast, we might as well take advantage of the wealth of knowledge they have.
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You take one last glance at the door-bell, then head inside - twisting a bit as you pass through the door to get the All-Weather Parasol to clear the frame. Now, considering that you are carrying Mysterious items, as well as contraband blades and a suspicious amount of money, you are acutely concerned about being mistaken for some manner of sneak-thief. But as things stand, you are willing to risk that - as your cart is overdue, and you feel that you could convince anyone who might find you to bring you to the proprietor of The Hooded Heads ... instead of calling for the Guard. Of course, if you could do without all of that, and just find the proprietor without being seen by any of his hirelings ... that would definitely make things much easier for you.

So to that point - there are two ways out of this storeroom; one of which if you are any judge will lead you towards the kitchen, where you definitely will find cooks and maids and other hirelings almost instantaneously. The other way, the one that you were led down when you were here earlier presumably leads to an office or counting room, something like that, where the proprietor could be.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You are going to keep things simple and straightforward by heading immediately into the kitchen, making your presence known, and asking to be taken to the Master of the house.
> You are going to keep things simple and straightforward by avoiding any potential misunderstandings with hirelings by finding the Master of the house on your own.
Well, from the last thread, there already is an itinerary for tonight ... but there are other cities and towns between us and the Frontier, with their own Guildhouses, libraries and institutions of learning. It is also worth noting that the plans tonight might change. It is entirely possible that Chlotsuintha will not manage to finish 'moving house' tonight, which would mean that there is more time to work with ...
> You are going to keep things simple and straightforward by heading immediately into the kitchen, making your presence known, and asking to be taken to the Master of the house.

We're not here to rob the place as tempting as it may be.
>> You are going to keep things simple and straightforward by heading immediately into the kitchen, making your presence known, and asking to be taken to the Master of the house.
> You are going to keep things simple and straightforward by avoiding any potential misunderstandings with hirelings by finding the Master of the house on your own.
>You are going to keep things simple and straightforward by heading immediately into the kitchen, making your presence known, and asking to be taken to the Master of the house.
Been busy QM?
Yeah, I have. I'll try to get back on track to the (approximately) two updates a day that I was doing for a good bit of last thread. For now, consider this closed - but I am not sure if I am going to get the update out tonight or tomorrow. Apologies for that.
It happens Trash- the problem of having a life outside of /qst/ :V
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However suspicious an interloper might be to the hirelings of this public house, it cannot be gainsaid that an interloper who is found would be much more suspect than one who presented themselves at the first possible opportunity. And when that point is held alongside the fact that you have a decent reason to have invited yourself inside - namely, the cart - you decide that you are going to be best served by going straight-away to the kitchen, and presenting yourself to the hirelings therein. As you pick your way towards the sounds and the smells of cooking, you even consider raising the point that the backdoor was open - though if you are being realistic, that was meant to ventilate, not as an invitation. But if push does in fact come to shove, then you can see no harm in playing a bit dense on this point.

Your ears and nose guide you through the back of the house better than your eyes do - but the awkward bulk of your bundle, especially the All-Weather Parasol retards progress through the tight quarters made tighter by the stacks of foods and supplies. More than that, each and every time that you do catch yourself on something you get jostled a bit - which makes it feel as if a Socketing-Needle is being none-to-gently run into the crook of your left arm anew. Suffice to say, it is not a pleasant experience, and you find yourself swearing under your breath as you progress through the backrooms of The Hooded Heads. So it is by the time that you come across a man who you figure to be a junior cook, plucking garlic off a strand hanging from the exposed rafters of the room you are in, all fears of being found suspicious and getting run off have largely left your mind, replaced with relief that you don't have to go any further.

With the sounds of cooking in the kitchen drowning out your approach, and the cook's undivided attention on dividing out garlic from the braid, you actually have to get his attention - which suits you just fine.

"Begging your pardons, sir - "

The cook is not particularly startled by your interruption ... however, when he turns and lays eyes upon you, he does recoil a bit. Clearly, you are not who he expected to see back here. Hoping to move past this, and acutely aware of the important of keeping in control of the conversation, you immediate start in, without giving him a moment to interject.

"I'm looking for your - no, the Master of the house. He let me leave my - well, my Master's handcart in one of the rooms here."

The cook just looks a you blankly for a moment, mutely staring - and you start to appreciate just how ridiculous this entire situation is. Perhaps you would have been better off finding the -

"Narses! Hoi! Narses, come out here."

It is your turn to mutely stare at the cook, but soon another cook wanders into the room. The cook you spoke to, garlic still in hand, turns to him and speaks.

"Would you wait with the puella here, while I go find young Welimer?"
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The new arrival, Narces, nods vigorously without ever taking his eyes off of you. Having seen to it that you will be minded in his absence, the cook with the garlic starts to pick his way around the stacks and of stuffs and supplies, heading towards you. You do what you can to move out of his way, but unfortunately you don;t make quite enough space, as the cook with the garlic ends up brushing against you as he passes. It was just his shoulder against your elbow but all the same you find yourself getting embarrassed. Embarrassed enough that you end up apologizing as you press yourself harder against the wall to make more room for him.

"S-sorry about that."

At first he just chuckles, but once he is on the other side of you, he rejoins with -

"Oh, no - the fault is all mine."

And with that, he leaves you with Narses - who almost looks as uncomfortable as you feel, rocking back and forth on his feet. After the moments start to drag on a bit, he asks -

"So ... what is all of this about then?"

Having finally come to terms with how preposterous it sounds for a presumed maid to say that she rented a room for her Master's hand-cart, you simply say -

"I ... I have some business to conduct, with the Master of the house."


You think that is the end of it, but a second later -


Fraying Hell, just what does he think you mean? Does - damn it all, does this idiot think you are streetie too? By the Maker's Mercy, can you walk into a public house without being presumed to be a prostitute? You are seriously considering explaining the true nature of the business simply to get this nonsense off of your head when the cook with the garlic returns - with someone who is not the proprietor. However, before you can work yourself up into a panic over this, the new arrival speaks up -

"A good-day to you, lass. My father has gone off to the house of an acquaintance, but before he quit here for the day, he made mention of you and your cart. I'll take you to it now."

So it is that all of your fears about losing your cart and its content are definitively mules. Relief hits you much like a breaker does a piling - but you cannot dwell on your victory overlong, as the young Master has already turned around and begun to head back into the house, leaving you to rush after him - moving awkwardly and painfully from the hindrance of your bundles. You do however, manage to pass the cook with the garlic without brushing up against him, which you will consider another, smaller victory. And though it comes at the cost of some painful jostling, your long legs manage to catch up to the young Master before he passes out of this particular room. As you fall in behind him, he looks back over his shoulder while still moving forward. For a moment, the only sounds are the footfalls underneath the two of you, and the bustle of the kitchen behind, but then -

"Do you need help with that?"
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You must look confused, because the young master clarifies almost immediately -

"With that bundle of yours - or that parasol."

"Oh - no, no help. But you are too - er, so kind to offer."

He acknowledges that with a murmur that you cannot quite make out, then faces front once more, just as he heads through a narrow door - one so narrow that you actually have to walk through it sideways to clear it battering your arms again. As you do though, you try to get a good look at the young Master. There is not much in the way of resemblance between him and the actual Master of the house. Truly, there is so little that you have to wonder if he is actually his son, or just a cousin that was adopted as a son - which is not an uncommon practice amongst Subjects of substance and Citizens.

"Is that your Mistress's dress and parasol?"

"I - yes. Yes it is. I picked it up on the way over. Wasn't too much of a detour, though."

You consider saying something else, but your instincts are telling you to make like a clam. In the fable you fed the young Master's father, you were very clear on the point that you and several other fictitious maids were done with the shopping and errands for the day when you were all recalled to the house to prepare for some unexpected entertaining. So saying that you were running errands after dropping the cart off blatantly contradicts that ... but hopefully it will be overlooked. And even if it wasn't, you doubt that anyone would find it particularly hard to swallow that there had been one more errand to run. Still, you cannot articulate how much getting caught like this makes you squirm. Luckily though, it seems that the young Master was simply making polite talk, because besides nodding, all he says to that is -

"She must put a great deal of stock in you."

And with that, nothing else is spoken until you reach the room. He reaches it first, and without any preamble, unlocks the door and pushes it open. He stands clear, and ready to get your bundle out of your arms and onto the cart, you quickly come abreast with the door, only to see your forlorn little hand-cart, upended ... and empty. You were on time, weren't you? So why ...why? You stare at it uncomprehending - numb and dumb - until the young Master starts to explain himself.

"As I have been left in charge of the Heads, the surety and safety of our guests belongings is my purview. Once I determined how valuable the contents of the hand-cart was, I made the decision to remove them to a more secure location."

You are in such a state that you are not quite registering what exactly the young Master is getting at - but even before comprehension dawns on you, your stomach is roiling and rolling with nerves and panic all the same. Then he just comes out and says it.

"My room."

You nearly drop your bundles in shock. No, this ... this isn't happening. No, it can't ...
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"Father is rather oblivious to a lot of things - so all I could get out of him when I asked what you looked like was that you were 'awfully tall, but you carried your height very well'. I actually had to ask the cook who brought you to him what you looked like to determine if you were worth my time or not. At the time, I thought his description of you was an exaggeration ... but now that I've seen you, if anything, I'd say that he played you down a bit."

You are trembling, and worse than that, you feel as if you are going to vomit at any second. Is ... is this some sort of perverse Trial? Why else would so many men be so bent on debasing you like this?

"Well, come on now - you wouldn't want to return to your Master and Mistress with any empty cart, would you?"

Fray him! Fray him for this! And fray yourself for getting cornered like this ...

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Run - don't walk - right out the back. Nothing on the cart is worth getting any deeper in this salacious mire. If tries to stop you, then fray him. Hard.
> Head into the room, bust out the window with the All-Weather Parasol and escape this salacious mire. If he tries to stop you, then fray him. Hard.
> You don't favor your odds, but perhaps you will be able to talk him out of this? Maybe you can convince him of the error of his ways here...
> You are not leaving without your shopping. So you'll go upstairs, you'll play along - but as soon as you see it, you are knocking this bastard out.
> You are not leaving without your shopping. So you'll ... take the path of least resistance. Oh, may the Maker have Mercy for you!
Young women who are unmarried and (more importantly) unescorted (as maids usually are) are common prey for sexual opportunists.

However Chlotsuintha gets out of this particular situation, she is going to come to grips with two things. First, that for 'inexplicable' reasons, men are attracted to her. Second, that she is a target because of it - and if she keeps putting herself into situations where she is in the power of others, some of those people are going to 'take aim' at her.
*Sigh* I knew I should’ve brought up the idea that we could ask the Goodman to have his man grab our stuff while we get dinner- this was simply a matter of logistics after all.

> You don't favor your odds, but perhaps you will be able to talk him out of this? Maybe you can convince him of the error of his ways here...

Well, lesson learned- next time we’ll make sure to avoid any scheduling or timeline shenanigans in the future, for they are clearly not worth the headache over it.

And if the problem persists, we are bashing his head in, hogging his ass, and writing a strongly worded letter to his uncle- and nailing it on the front door.
>First, that for 'inexplicable' reasons, men are attracted to her

Must be the height :V
>> You are not leaving without your shopping. So you'll ... take the path of least resistance. Oh, may the Maker have Mercy for you!

We cannot be that oblivious surely?
>voting to actually entertain this nonsense
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my coomer brain wants Chlot to be one of those bewitching temptress
Chlotsuintha has really, really low self-esteem. She sees that she doesn't look like those around her, so she assumes she just must look weird.

And most of the time that she is in public it is as a Leper, which means that she is getting ugly looks and harassment. So when she does go out in a dress, and she sees people - men especially - staring at her, her immediate thought is that everyone is staring because she is freakishly tall or weird looking or destitute looking (in the ragged dresses that she cobbled together).
If there are any more votes to… ‘take the path of least resistance’, change my vote >>5709082 to any vote that has the best possibility of beating it- wouldn’t want to wake up to a nasty surprise.
> You are not leaving without your shopping. So you'll go upstairs, you'll play along - but as soon as you see it, you are knocking this bastard out.

Night night sleep tight you fucking creep
>You don't favor your odds, but perhaps you will be able to talk him out of this? Maybe you can convince him of the error of his ways here...
> You don't favor your odds, but perhaps you will be able to talk him out of this? Maybe you can convince him of the error of his ways here..
Our mistress is quite important.
And in a hurry.
>You are not leaving without your shopping. So you'll go upstairs, you'll play along - but as soon as you see it, you are knocking this bastard out. "I can't wait to see the goods, hehe."

This guy isn't hearing nothing.
Also. We totally chose the best wand.
>You don't favor your odds, but perhaps you will be able to talk him out of this? Maybe you can convince him of the error of his ways here...
If that fails it's the wand upstairs
But he will be more wary than if we go for deceit immediately. Convincing him will be a very hard roll and once failed it will make the following deception roll that much harder.
Well whatever happens she needs to realize that in the future she will get more unwanted advances and find a way to deal it. Maybe find a powerful person we can name drop.
>You don't favor your odds, but perhaps you will be able to talk him out of this? Maybe you can convince him of the error of his ways here...
As fun as it would be to freeze this guys balls off with a modified Icepick spell or get into it and turn the tables on him with our size and 3/4 way through deactivate Hide Eyes to to make him shriek and terrorcum so hard he passes out as we cackle wildly, possibly leaving him with both height and witch fetishes for the rest of his life, we should probably not give in to the Coomer side.
But ice touch is actually a really good idea as an emergency solution lol
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I like the Ice Touch trick, but the only way I’d accept this situation is with a strap on- I value Chlot’s purity and shelteredness.
That makes sense. She's not at all a calm cool operator type.
On the outside I bet she comes off like it, but internally she’s totally a nervous wreck
chlot is pure! PURE! only for nice lovey-dovey romance.
>> You are not leaving without your shopping. So you'll go upstairs, you'll play along - but as soon as you see it, you are knocking this bastard out.
bonk for horny jail
If we bonk for horny jail it will probably lead to an investigation and unearth a lot of our trail today.
I'd rather just talk first.
I mean, not really? Assuming we don’t nail our grievances to the front door like we’re Martin Luther, I bet the young master would keep quiet about this little affair, even if he does get bonked in the head- any investigation will have to explain that he was not only knocked out by a maid, but why he was going through his patron’s rooms stealing shit and blackmailing young maidens into his room. Like, his reputation would be irrecoverable.
>why he was going through his patron’s rooms stealing shit and blackmailing young maidens into his room
Something tells me no one would give much of a shit about that due to our social status when compared to the whole "being knocked out by a maid part". Seems like something he could completely gloss over if he wanted to: "I moved her things in here so that they were safer and once we were in my room she knocked me out, perhaps to rob the place."
Even if no one gave a shit about that (which I highly doubt), he still has to admit to the fact that he was beaten by a girl that he took up into his room ‘for reasons’- that is quite embarrassing, and I doubt his uncle is as thick as to miss the implications of his shenanigans.

Besides, we paid for the bloody room for frayed sake, which his uncle will collaborate on. I’m already mad that we may not get our money back from his shenanigans!
Alright, lets see the tally here:

>>5709082 Try to talk it out
>>5709085 "Work" it out
>>5709138 Knock him out
>>5709163 Try to talk it out
>>5709169 Try to talk it out
>>5709197 Knock him out
>>5709355 Try to talk it out
>>5709545 Try to talk it out
>>5709810 Knock him out

So there is five votes for trying to talk it out with him, and three votes for knocking him out. Finally, there was one vote for "working" things out. Now, I'm going to say this - this Persuasion test is going to be extremely difficult. Partially because the young Master believes that he has Chlotsuintha over a barrel - and partially because he really, really wants to put Chlotsuintha over a barrel. The DC is probably going to be between 65 and 75 once I figure everything out - and that is with leaning hard into how much trust the Dremen family puts into you, and how they wouldn't just assume that you were lying. As far as the breakdown of the results would go;

If you were to pass all of the tests, you would get everything back without much delay.
If you were to pass two of the tests, you would get back almost everything - the young Master would try to bait you back here by withholding something.
If you were to pass one of the tests, the young Master brushes you off, leaving you more or less right back at square one.
If you were to pass none of the tests, the young Master gets kind of agitated and threatens to throw you out of the establishment without so much as the Xylospongium.
If you critically fail one of the tests, he actually makes good on that threat, and throws you out of the establishment without hand-cart or any of your shopping.

If you go forward with the roll and fail (so long as you don't critically fail) you would be back to square one, just without the option of trying to talk it out with him. To expedite this process, I'll ask right now if you want to use one of your two auto-passes to get through this test (and recover the contents of the hand-cart).

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Use auto-pass
> Just roll for it
> Just roll for it
I ain’t gonna spend our rarest resource just to get out of the joy of smashing his skull in- if getting the room for a day wasn’t worth a reroll, this fucker ain’t worth an auto-success to talk down.

I’m honestly wondering if the best play is simply bashing his head in- this shopping experience has been abysmal, and if bashing his skull in takes less time irl to dwell on this, all the better in my opinion.
> Just roll for it
I'm frankly saving the auto pass for when we are literally leaving the city. Inspections or questions about why a single woman is leaving in the dead of night or wee early hours.

All else fails, we grab this guy and enter a Strange fever.
>Just roll for it
Actually, I change my mind. We have TWO autopasses. We can spend ONE on this.

> Use auto-pass
>> Use auto-pass
These are fucking rare- like, this is an insta-success against death and the Inquisition, we shouldn’t waste them on this fucker.
The threat here is as psychological as it is physical.

Also, trust me. This sump pump of an idea seems suboptimal now but could be an important lynchpin. I just got a feeling.
I'll abstain for now. This could blow up in our face BIG TIME if we knock him out. We don't need more suspicious crimes that abnormally tall women are involved in. If we fail here then leaving and buying more supplies after we've left the city might be a better option.
The threat is irrelevant, compared to more important threats. Don’t be shortsided- an auto success only gives us a do over at square one, and at 65-75 DC? We’d have better luck breaking into the Inquisition Chapter House, unironicly. We’d be throwing away our crit success to arrive at the same 75 DC problem- which are shit odds even if we needed only Bo1 instead of all 3.

Besides, the critical lynchpin had already passed- clearly we needed the room for an entire day, not for 3 bullshit hours. This is merely the consequence of us failing the first test.

Dude, we have a dead gyphed bird and a strange incineratry bomb in our shit- we need to knock him out, simple as.
> Just roll for it
>To expedite this process, I'll ask right now if you want to use one of your two auto-passes to get through this test (and recover the contents of the hand-cart).

Actually, it sounds like we're getting a deal here.
I assume it’s only to pass one success of the test? If it’s for the whole test though, that does change the calculus quite a bit
>Use auto-pass
Unless you want to kill him, knocking him out will only make him very angry. More people will be out for our head.
>If you were to pass all of the tests
>If you were to pass two of the tests
>If you were to pass one of the tests
>If you were to pass one of the tests
>If you critically fail one of the tests
Yea, rereading this, the tests are the individual successes, right? But if it’s like >>5710106 said and
>To expedite this process, I'll ask right now if you want to use one of your two auto-passes to get through this test (and recover the contents of the hand-cart).
means the overall trial, then I can see reason with concluding this trial with an auto-success, though if auto-successes are applicable to the entire challenge instead of just a single part of it, then wouldn’t that make them more valuable?

I would appreciate some clarification Trash, as I got an idea that may just satisfy everyone.

Some rando spare innkeeper isn’t relevant even if we were planning on staying for another year- he’s effectively a nobody with no connection of consequence. No one will give a shit that some girl turned him down and bullied him for it.
Spill it out anon. And if I recall correctly auto pass means just that. We automatically past the entire test, not just one roll.
>And if I recall correctly auto pass means just that. We automatically past the entire test, not just one roll.
Damn, I’ve been operating under a false impression all this time it seems. I’m definitely advocating for keeping these auto-successes in our back pocket for something deadly or Inquisition related- while we are dealing with a significant challenge at the moment, this isn’t life-threatening or critical, just nightmarishly inconvenient.

But if the auto-pass must be used, may I suggest the one everyone seems to have forgotten? That 79 DC auto-pass that Trash redeemed is still valid, and for this max 75 DC trial, while it’s somewhat fitting that a pass conceived in one solicitor’s inn, then redeemed at the same time the bargain for this inn’s room was struck, be used in said inn against another solicitor.

>As for that one, good eye. I figured I missed something. As far as redeeming it goes, I'll do you one better. I'll turn it into a partial auto-pass, capable of skipping any test with a DC of 79 or lower.

A shame that my good eye is going to waste here, when all that was needed to avoid this massive multi-thread logistical nightmare was a simple reroll, but I’ll accept it as my penance if need be.
I was out like a light last night, and I missed all of this - terribly sorry.

You have the right of it - using the auto-passes that Chlotsuintha has will result in passing three of the tests, not just one. (I've considered having single-test auto-passes as well, but so far in the game, none have shown up).

Using the 79 DC auto-pass is also an option.

With these clarifications, I'll leave the vote open for a little longer today.
Ah shit, I forgot that we stowed that in the cart. The only place it could be really.
>Use the limited autopass
>Use the limited autopass
All good then, we have 2 more auto passes to spare.
Alright, I will consider this closed for using the auto-pass. I'll get to writing as soon as I can.
The partial one, yes?
Yes. Look for the update tomorrow!
Hey guys - I'm sorry to say that I am still working on the update. Considering though that you know how it is going to resolve, I figure that it shouldn't be too much of a problem if we just move on to the next vote right now ... which is Chlotsuintha's next move. It is a little after the seventeenth toll, and by the eighteenth toll most stores will have closed - and will not open until the day after tomorrow, in observation of Titheday. So, you could take your cart to the string of tunnels that lead into the Midden and stash it there, or you could keep it with you. If you kept it with you, you could try to squeeze in one more round of shopping ... or you could get a head-start on the itinerary for tonight, which might allow you to squeeze in one more stop, if you were to start now (or give you more time to get yourself through the sewers).

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Head back to Stickport, and stash the cart in the string of tunnels that lead into the Midden.
> Keep the cart with you, and try to get in one more round of shopping before the hours of closing pass completely.
> Keep the cart with you, and get a head start on the itinerary for tonight [Visiting Aldoin's house]
> Head back to Stickport, and stash the cart in the string of tunnels that lead into the Midden.

This cart will totally get in the way.
We went through all the effort, stress, and money, just to save time for our itinerary. Personally, I’d choose
> Keep the cart with you, and get a head start on the itinerary for tonight [Visiting Aldoin's house]
Because if the past two threads have convinced me of anything, it’s to give yourself some breathing room on the schedule. Besides, if we do get another chance at another stop, we could break into the Guardhouse and get some damn armaments and munitions for the highwaymen and the road- or visit the Refinery, because I’m personally curious to see if we correctly solved the puzzle.

However, I can be convinced to shop some more- lord knows we’re going to need all the help we can get, whether it be hardware or just any shop on the way to Aldoin's house.
> Head back to Stickport, and stash the cart in the string of tunnels that lead into the Midden.

We're gonna have to stash it somewhere, hard to do burglary while pulling this squeaky boy
>Keep the cart with you, and try to get in one more round of shopping before the hours of closing pass completely.
>Keep the cart with you, and get a head start on the itinerary for tonight [Visiting Aldoin's house]
>> Head back to Stickport, and stash the cart in the string of tunnels that lead into the Midden.
Come on lads, don’t let two threads of effort and an auto-pass go to waste! At least utilize the extra time we saved!
Well, while we wait, are we likely to head to another costal city, or just head straight into the countryside?
Also, if Stickport does win out, any chance we could buy a cask of water and soap along the way, to help clean up after our sewer excursions? And some food- we’ve yet to eat since Midday.
I'd be in support of this, might as well get a couple of quick errands done with on the way.
>> Keep the cart with you, and try to get in one more round of shopping before the hours of closing pass completely.
>Keep the cart with you, and try to get in one more round of shopping before the hours of closing pass completely.
I really want to get everything we can obtain only in the city before disappearing forever in some backwoods.
After going back and forth on how I want to integrate the auto-pass into the update - and losing my first full attempt at it - I am almost done. Hopefully I will be able to get the post up before I go to bed tonight.

In the meantime, as shopping seems to have won the vote, I suppose the next question is where will Chlotsuintha be shopping? Remember that Chlotsuintha is dressed as a maid at the moment and that changing back into the riding habit will take time - and once she has changed into the riding habit, she is probably going to have to find someplace new to stash the hand-cart. If you want to do that and have somewhere specific in mind, write it in. I suppose if you want to go there without changing out of the domestic dress and stashing the cart again, you can write that in as well - just be warned now that irregularities make Persuasion Tests harder.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Chlotsuintha will look for a Grocer. First and foremost, she is hungry at the moment. Besides that, she is going to need to eat on the road - and some of the fresh food could be used as working or building material for Constructs.
> Chlotsuintha will look for a Hinterland Bank. These establishments always do a roaring trade, and between the forfeited collateral and the stocks and stuffs of questionable provenance sold for quick talents, who knows what she will find?
> Chlotsuintha has already been to a Dry Goods, but it focused on domestic stocks and stuffs. She is now looking for a Dry Goods that sells tools and equipment - things that she might do minor repairs on her stage with, as an example.
> Write-ins are allowed with QM approval.
>> Chlotsuintha will look for a Grocer. First and foremost, she is hungry at the moment. Besides that, she is going to need to eat on the road - and some of the fresh food could be used as working or building material for Constructs.
>> Chlotsuintha has already been to a Dry Goods, but it focused on domestic stocks and stuffs. She is now looking for a Dry Goods that sells tools and equipment - things that she might do minor repairs on her stage with, as an example.
> Chlotsuintha will look for a Grocer. First and foremost, she is hungry at the moment. Besides that, she is going to need to eat on the road - and some of the fresh food could be used as working or building material for Constructs.

Why change out for this? Easy. What trouble could we get into? Grab some potatoes, carrots, durien fruit to cover our sewer level stink, and its just that easy.
> Chlotsuintha will look for a Hinterland Bank. These establishments always do a roaring trade, and between the forfeited collateral and the stocks and stuffs of questionable provenance sold for quick talents, who knows what she will find?
> Chlotsuintha will look for a Hinterland Bank. These establishments always do a roaring trade, and between the forfeited collateral and the stocks and stuffs of questionable provenance sold for quick talents, who knows what she will find?
Mysterybox- though I probably wouldn’t mind some Dry Goods, for the specialty items we won’t get in the countryside. Or more books- I always love books.

I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort trying to make a Construct or not.

>Try to move in the direction of our next objective
How close is Aldoin's house from here? Would be nice to knock it our early.
>Change into the riding habit to get to get the interesting/high status stuff
What would be the chance of someone stumbling on our cart Trash?
>Chlotsuintha will look for a Grocer. First and foremost, she is hungry at the moment. Besides that, she is going to need to eat on the road - and some of the fresh food could be used as working or building material for Constructs.
>> Chlotsuintha has already been to a Dry Goods, but it focused on domestic stocks and stuffs. She is now looking for a Dry Goods that sells tools and equipment - things that she might do minor repairs on her stage with, as an example.
Closing the vote for going to a Grocer.

If I don't address your questions later, please remind me. But right now I just need to take care of a few things, then I should be able to finally get this damned update finished.
Still abnormally busy Trash?

Shame the Hinterland Bank lost, I know for a fact there would’ve been a hidden gem in there… or something of Father’s, as worrying as that idea is.
Do you really want us to change again and spend god knows how long rambling about a bank
Joke aside, I’m fine with whatever wins- Chlot needs proper nutrition, not the inedible slop that she ate as a Leaper. I’m mostly curious if anons will decide to create a Construct or deny Trash the pleasure for another handful of threads :V
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Okay, this is … not good, certainly, but no matter what happens, you can just walk away right? There was nothing on the hand-cart beside – oh, Pattern's Perdition, the corpse of the Glyphed Gull! Not to mention the Strange Incendiary. Did – no, no he couldn't have found them. If he did, then he wouldn't be … so inclined. So it must have been that just grabbed the two them, swaddled as they were, and hauled them upstairs without realizing what exactly he was carrying.

So he does have something to … fraying Hell, why, why now? More than that, why you?

No, there is no time for that – right now, you need to figure out the way forward. Right. For starters, you have the Wand of Head Knocking, and assuming that he doesn't see you use it … wait, even if he doesn't realize that he has been knocked unconscious by Mysterious means, he is still going to be able to deduce that you knocked him unconscious. That … that could cause trouble for you, considering that there is a bounty out on you. And while you get the sense that most were on the look-out for a contrary-dressing pirate, if an assault is reported here by someone matching your description, then surely, someone would put two and two together. And that could seriously complicate you moving house.

You didn't think it was possible, but with that realization, your stomach drops even further. So … where exactly does that leave you? Abandoning the Strange Incendiary and the corpse of the Glyphed Gull is not an option … which leaves either taking it by force and accepting the potential complications that might arise – assuming you manage to get him knocked out properly, which isn't even guaranteed – or somehow convincing him to reconsider. Which under other circumstances you probably wouldn't even bother with … but if you were somehow able to beg or threaten your way out of this, then it would save you a lot of … unpleasantness.

While neither seem particularly strong bets, you'd guess that begging is less likely to work than threatening. However, if you were to start with begging, then switching to threatening … well, as pathetic as that might be, it would be less pathetic than starting with threats and then switching to begging.

“Please young Master, I … I have been promised to -”

You trail off. While the young Master might be wearing a bemused face, there is an angry hunger peering out through his eyes. Your mouth hangs open, trembling along with the rest of you, and all of a sudden you feel as if you are on the verge of tears – which is dangerous, considering that you have Hide-Eyes active at the moment. You don't know how, but somehow you just get the sense that begging isn't going to get you out of this. If anything … it might make him more interested in … 'getting you upstairs'.
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What do you do? Do you give up on trying to plead your way out of this mess, and try vague threats of legal action instead? Or do you give it a proper try before throwing it in like that? And what happens when both fail you? What then? What do you -

“What are you doing here?”

Both you and the young Master are shocked to the point that you both start at the intrusion. Upon seeing that the new arrival is his father, the young Master speaks up first.

“F-father, I thought that you … weren't you off visiting a friend?”

“They were taken ill.”

“Ah, I see.”

“Yes. What I don't see is why you are back here instead of minding the common room.”

In less than a moment, in less than a flash, inspiration strikes you like a Slaughterer's sledge-axe. As the young Master starts to stammer out some answer, you speak up and bull right over him with a confidence that you certainly don't feel.

“I was just thanking the young Master. Out of the kindness of his heart, he had my had my Mistress and Master's things taken out of the room, and brought up to his own, so if the guest showed up, it wouldn't be an issue.”

“Is that right?”

You just nod. The young master looks taken aback and more than a little frustrated – which as far as you are concerned is a good sign. If his father approved of this sort of thing, you'd be no worse off than you were when he interrupted ... but if he doesn't – and judging by his reaction to your fib, he doesn't – then he'd be smart to back off, before his father clued in to his actual attentions.

“Well now, Ambrose, you have gone and put me in quite a bit of a spot, haven't you?”

You are still trembling, but at least for now, the risk of tears seems to have passed. So it is with relative numbness that you watch the Master of the house fumble through his pockets. It seems at the moment, all of your cleverness has been spent – shocked as you are that your deception worked, you cannot puzzle out what he is talking about or looking for.

“I was already wondering if I could really charge someone for this, but not that her Mistress and Master's orders weren't even in the room for the full time, I cannot in good conscience charge for it. Especially as it would undermine your good deed,”

With that, he finally manages to find the twenty-talent he took from you, and without so much as a second glance at it, he just hands it right over. You take it from him, noticing how the dentures that he bit it with have left deep gouges into the body of the coin. You don't know what to say, but at least you have enough presence of mind to get your fingers out of view as quickly as possible by tucking them and the coin into one of the pockets on your apron.

“Now Ambrose, I'll take care of her … and the front. But right now, I need you to go head down Benedetto's shop and arrange to have those chamber pots brought over.”

“I – but father, can't one of our men go instead?”
“They could, I suppose. But not during dinner. They cook. You don't.”

So it is that Ambrose storms off, glaring at you all the while. You advert your eyes until he is gone from the room, then you follow the Master through the backrooms until you come to a narrow stair. You follow him up that as well, then down a hallway, to a room which he opens for you, then stands aside.

You can see the pile of your shopping on the floor, and you rush in … but then you remember how you first stashed your hand-cart here in this public house, and the Master showed you to the room, there was a moment, a terrible moment, where it felt as if the floor had given out from underneath you – for a second, you were convinced that he was going to try to trap you in there, as the proprietor of the Perch might have done had you given him the opportunity. You could feel his eyes burning on your back, and you just knew that he was reaching for you … but he wasn't. Reaching or even looking. Even so, being in a room with him … especially this room, where his son hoped to …

Suffice to say, it is not easy. Especially considering that once again, he is behind you. But at the moment, you are less concerned about him and more concerned with the Strange Incendiary and the remains of the Glyphed Gull. Surely, Ambrose must not have found either of them – if he did, then surely the last thing that he would want to do would be … surely, he wouldn't. Of course, you are not just going to count on that. You sweep over the messy pile of your shopping with your eyes, holding your breath that Strange-Staining does not activate. It doesn't – but neither the remains of the Gull or the Strange Incendiary were communicable, right? Oh, Maker's Mercy, you cannot even remember. You … you don't think so. Obviously, you cannot dig through the pile to check on them with the Master in the room, so you set your bundles down on top of the pile, then from underneath it, you fish out the bundle of rags that you stuffed the Gull into. Once you are certain that the Gull is still wrapped up as you left it, you quickly move to grab a couple other things off of the pile until you have a decent armful.

You do your best not to grimace as the site of your Socketing Needle is agitated once more, while you consider trying to grab the Strange Incendiary as well – but it is on the far side of the pile, and you are worried that you might somehow reveal it to the Master as you grab it. Instead, you excuse yourself and head down stairs to the hand-cart. The body of the Glyphed Gull goes right on the bottom, and then you stack shopping around it. The mound that it makes is rather pathetic looking, if you are being entirely honest, but it is better than nothing. Acutely aware that you have left the Master in the same room as your wand, you rush back up the stairs and back into his son's room. This time, he is at the window looking out.
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Surreptitiously, you look down at the pile, to see if he has disturbed it … but as far as you can tell, it is the same as it was. Taking advantage of his turned back, you fish the Strange Incendiary out of the pile, and then once you have gathered up another arm-load of shopping you head straight back down stairs, moving with more haste than propriety. You then look over the pile on the cart to make sure no one has moved that either, and once you are satisfied as you possibly can be, you unload your burden, tucking the Strange Incendiary into the center of the pile, and burying it deeper with sundries and stockings. Once you are done – this time, thinking to take a moment to remember how the pile looks – you return upstairs again, and again, the Master is still standing in front of the window, though this time, his undivided attention is on the contents of one of the room's bookcases.

You grab some more shopping and rush back down, further burying your contraband on the hand-cart. But when you return upstairs to fetch the next load, you find yourself unexpectedly alone in the room. After desperately checking and ultimately confirming that nothing inside the bundles of your dresses was taken, it occurs to you that he might be down at the cart, looking through it. Swearing under your breath, you grab something – you are not even sure what – and rush right back downstairs. You are not exactly sure what you will do if you find the Master of the house poking through your things on the cart … but those fears turn out to be a mule. You are just starting to feel a bit foolish, when it occurs to you that he might have been hiding upstairs, to watch you check on the dress – to see where you had been hiding your swag and Witchwork.

So you bolt right back upstairs, panicking all over again, berating yourself for being so stupid, and so obvious with your hiding spot … only to find that you are still alone in the room. Only once you try to steady yourself, does it finally occur to you how ridiculous you are being. When you left the hand-cart in his care, he had the opportunity to rob you blind – but he didn't. So why would he now? What could possibly possess someone to wait until their mark returned to rob them? Nothing, because no one is that stupid. Except of course, you, because you seriously thought that it was possibility. Or that he was spying on you – from where? Inside the fraying walls? You really, really need to get a grip.

And while it seems odd that someone would just wander off at a time like this, leaving a who-body alone in a private area of a house … well, on this point, you have to agree with that bastard Ambrose; his father is rather oblivious.
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While you are relieved that the risk of accidentally showing off contraband, Mysterious or otherwise, has passed, you are still ill at ease with being alone in this room, considering what might have happened had it not been for the timely arrival of the Master. You keep one eye over your shoulder as you quickly continue to gather up another armful of shopping to take down to the cart … but your other eye begins to wander. Before you even realize it, you are casing the place, just how your father taught you to. Much like the rest of this place, the room is richly appointed – and there are quite a few curios and books arranged on shelves and in cases. You cannot tell if this is a matter of Ambrose taking after his father, or the collection simply spilling into every available niche … but either way, several of them look rather expensive.

For more than a moment, you play with the idea of avenging yourself of Ambrose's indignity by robbing him – but then the madness passes. You have been seen here, not just by Ambrose and the Master of the house, but by cooks and hirelings too. Setting aside the risk that someone comes back into the room and sees that you stole something before you are able to leave The Hooded Heads, what if they try to track you down by finding the Dremen family that lives on the Promontory, only to find that they don't exist. Considering that this is the name that you are going to have to use on your forged Family Patent – unless you are willing to forge the papers you got from Goodman Nasturtium too – the last thing you want to do is draw any attention to the name 'Dremen'.

So even though no one else appears to check in on you at any point, Ambrose's room is left unpilfered. Before long you have gathered everything in the room into the hand-cart. Once you are satisfied that everything is accounted for, you quit The Hooded Heads and make your way onto the cobbled street with your back straight and your head held high – and your insides still in knots. But with everything that you are going to need to do tonight and even in the coming days, you simply cannot afford to dwell on what happened in there – and especially what almost happened in there. Your mind must be given over in the entire to practical matters, such as … well, um … Oh! Your stomach! The poor thing might be tied up at the moment, but once you put a little time and distance between you and The Heads, then it will untie itself – and no doubt, once it does, you will be hungry. As if to acknowledge this, your stomach chooses this very moment to growl and grouse at you. For the first time, you are actually thankful for just how much racket your hand-cart and your boots make, as together they are loud enough to drown out any embarrassing noises. Still, you cannot be too upset at your body here – it is telling you what to do.
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Obviously, you are going to need some food on hand for your exfiltration to the Frontier … and if you can find a grocer that stocks food fresh enough, then you might be able to use some of it as working material or fuel for Mysterious endeavors.

You continue down this street for some time – perhaps five minutes, maybe more – without finding a green grocer. Perhaps that is to be expected though, as you are more than a bit distant from the Landward Walls, and produce and grownstuffs are more likely to be brought into the Mount overland, as opposed to being shipped in. However … just up the street you see a fishmonger. Now, fresh fish are excellent working material for small Sub-Constructs, but they don't exactly last. Many fishmongers do offer smoked and salted fish – which certainly do last – but the preserving process undermines what value they might have as material or fuel on the Life-Loom. Smoked fish would be harder to work with, and you'd be hard pressed to even be able to use salted fish as fuel, let alone working material.

On the other hand, it might just be better to treat food as food for the immediate future. You have no idea how long it might take, but you have to believe that it is going to be quite some time before you have anywhere as safe to delve into the Many Mysteries as the Belfry is right now. So until then, it might be for the best to keep the Loom packed away.

But on the ot – uh, on the … third hand? - if you loaded up on grownstuffs at a green grocer, you might be able to have it both ways. While the Loom is intended for the flesh of Man, brutes and beasts, it is also capable of working with the flesh of plants and fungus as well. And because many of these grownstuffs last quite a long time without preserving, they are viable for working on Loom … though obviously live plants, or at least specimens fresh out of the ground work better than plants that have been dried and done up for sale. Your stores on the stage could be both decent food and working material – if you were willing to spend the time to find a green grocer.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Chlotsuintha will continue to look for a green grocer
> Chlotsuintha will head over to this fishmonger
> Chlotsuintha will head over to this fishmonger

Fish is fine too
>Chlotsuintha will head over to this fishmonger
> Chlotsuintha will head over to this fishmonger.

This works with our schedule. Maybe some pungent smoked fish is just the thing to cover other smells in our stuff.
>Chlotsuintha will head over to this fishmonger
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Will we finally get crab?
Alright. Now, this fishmonger has the standard fishy fare for sale; various Herrings, fresh or prepared as Kipper, Bloater or Buckling, various Mackerel, fresh, or salted, smoked or pickled, Whalescrap Jerky, and Mussels and Clams fresh from the beaches and brine. And alongside those 'rustic' offerings, they also have more desirable fish; Cod, Haddock or Salmon fresh or cured, and delicacies too; Fresh Elvers and Eels for Subjects, and Lamprey for the Citizens.

They also have some ... unusual offerings as well.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Fresh Hardfishes and Hardsquids. To your knowledge, no one actually heads out to sea to fish for these - rather, they are Oiler bycatch. As you might expect, they are not particularly palatable ... but these specimens are from depths of the Ocean where the Strangeness is endemic and all life is at least a little Mysterious. Once the flesh has been completely Remediated, making Constructs out of these specimens will be much easier than working with mundane fishes ... though the results might not always be as predictable.
> Fresh Darksquids. Again, no one actually heads out to sea to fish for these - they are Oiler bycatch. These squid do not have much flesh, meaning that they are not great for eating or Weaving ... but these specimens are from depths of the Ocean where the Strangeness is endemic and all life is at least a little Mysterious. Once the ink from these specimens has been completely remediated, it can be used without further preparation to Scriven Glyphs. And it can be refined and tweaked beyond its 'raw' state.
> Fresh Lobster and Crabs. Crab is for peasants, and Lobster is for convicts and slaves. But while they may make for a poor plate, you know that father experimented with Lobster and Crab on the Life-Loom before, and found that while they are not easy to Weave on account of the salt content, the Constructs that do survive are longer-lived and more resilient - possibly because of the shell. The shells also make it easier to Scriven Glyphs on to them than typical Constructs.
> Live Sea-Worms. If Crab is for peasants and Lobster is for convicts and slaves, then Sea-Worms would be for the desperate and starving ... in fact, you think they are intended to be for live bait, not dinner. And yet, it was from experiments in his youth with live worms that the Immortal of Logres and Aremorica learned enough to eventually make his Ever-Perpetual Corpus. You would get shivers when father described it in the few stories you were able to wring out of him ... and you certainly don't intend on turning yourself into a fortress-sized pile of worms - but who knows what you will learn from experiments with these specimens?
Why do you think it was a Fishmonger, anon?
> Fresh Lobster and Crabs. Crab is for peasants, and Lobster is for convicts and slaves. But while they may make for a poor plate, you know that father experimented with Lobster and Crab on the Life-Loom before, and found that while they are not easy to Weave on account of the salt content, the Constructs that do survive are longer-lived and more resilient - possibly because of the shell. The shells also make it easier to Scriven Glyphs on to them than typical Constructs.

Yes. YES! Ah hah hah haaaa!
>> Fresh Lobster and Crabs. Crab is for peasants, and Lobster is for convicts and slaves. But while they may make for a poor plate, you know that father experimented with Lobster and Crab on the Life-Loom before, and found that while they are not easy to Weave on account of the salt content, the Constructs that do survive are longer-lived and more resilient - possibly because of the shell. The shells also make it easier to Scriven Glyphs on to them than typical Constructs.
Become crab
> Live Sea-Worms. If Crab is for peasants and Lobster is for convicts and slaves, then Sea-Worms would be for the desperate and starving ... in fact, you think they are intended to be for live bait, not dinner. And yet, it was from experiments in his youth with live worms that the Immortal of Logres and Aremorica learned enough to eventually make his Ever-Perpetual Corpus. You would get shivers when father described it in the few stories you were able to wring out of him ... and you certainly don't intend on turning yourself into a fortress-sized pile of worms - but who knows what you will learn from experiments with these specimens?

Tempted to go crab for the memes but this is the most interesting choice.
> Live Sea-Worms. If Crab is for peasants and Lobster is for convicts and slaves, then Sea-Worms would be for the desperate and starving ... in fact, you think they are intended to be for live bait, not dinner. And yet, it was from experiments in his youth with live worms that the Immortal of Logres and Aremorica learned enough to eventually make his Ever-Perpetual Corpus. You would get shivers when father described it in the few stories you were able to wring out of him ... and you certainly don't intend on turning yourself into a fortress-sized pile of worms - but who knows what you will learn from experiments with these specimens?
This or Darksquids- it’d be smart to stick up on them for future Glyph training material.
Quick question regarding the worms trash: from what I get they are a living batch in a tank/bucket. How long will they survive if we occasionally feed them/change the water? Can we breed them?
Stock* up on ink for Glyph materials, I meant.

Also Trash, questions from >>5713708 feel free not to answer the outdated one, I know you’re busy, so I don’t really raise a fuss when my questions remain unanswered.

Fair question- but unless we’re traveling on the coast, it may not be feasible to keep them alive for long. I only voted for them over the Darksquids because of the experimental learning aspect, and the voting support.
>Fresh Hardfishes and Hardsquids. To your knowledge, no one actually heads out to sea to fish for these - rather, they are Oiler bycatch. As you might expect, they are not particularly palatable ... but these specimens are from depths of the Ocean where the Strangeness is endemic and all life is at least a little Mysterious. Once the flesh has been completely Remediated, making Constructs out of these specimens will be much easier than working with mundane fishes ... though the results might not always be as predictable.
>> Fresh Lobster and Crabs. Crab is for peasants, and Lobster is for convicts and slaves. But while they may make for a poor plate, you know that father experimented with Lobster and Crab on the Life-Loom before, and found that while they are not easy to Weave on account of the salt content, the Constructs that do survive are longer-lived and more resilient - possibly because of the shell. The shells also make it easier to Scriven Glyphs on to them than typical Constructs.
> Fresh Lobster and Crabs. Crab is for peasants, and Lobster is for convicts and slaves. But while they may make for a poor plate, you know that father experimented with Lobster and Crab on the Life-Loom before, and found that while they are not easy to Weave on account of the salt content, the Constructs that do survive are longer-lived and more resilient - possibly because of the shell. The shells also make it easier to Scriven Glyphs on to them than typical Constructs.
Alright, lets take the tally.

Crab and Lobster


Hardfishes and Hardsquids

Alright, it is pretty clear that it is in the bag for Crab and Lobster. I'm going to get dinner, then I will try to run through the Fishmonger shopping tonight so we can move on to potentially more interesting things.

So, the worms are not bought individually, or by pound. Rather, you pay for sand that the juvenile sea-worms have burrowed into - measured by the shovel-full. The sand is kept submerged in saltwater, which would need to be replenished everyday (mixing in some salt from your supply to fresh water would suffice for the sake of Quest mechanics). The Sea-Worms would be fed by dropping table-scraps or whatever into the bucket, at which point they would come out of the sand to feed.

Oh, and to answer the two old outstanding questions - The likelihood of someone stumbling across the cart depends on where you end up hiding it - and the quality of hiding spots would be determined by rolling. Aldoin's House is relatively close, as both it and this Fishmonger are located in Cleanport ... however, as there are also Administrative Houses here as well, that does pose a question or two that should be put to a vote.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> It might be an added complication, but you are going to keep you hand-cart with you, at least for your first stop of the evening.
> While you are not sure how much time it will take, or how secure it will be, you will look for a place to stash your cart while you go to your first stop of the evening.
> While it will take quite some time to get there, you will stash your hand-cart in the safety of the basement tunnels, all the way over in Stickport.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You are going to go to a Port Authority Administrative House first. If you are quick enough at the Fishmonger, and whatever you do with the hand-cart does not take up too much time, the House might still be open, offering you a choice between breaking in or presenting yourself as a maid on an errand, and using that deception to pump the clerk for information.
> You are going to Aldoin's House first. As it is a private residence, you will always have a choice between presenting yourself at the door - as a maid looking for work - or breaking into the place.
> While you are not sure how much time it will take, or how secure it will be, you will look for a place to stash your cart while you go to your first stop of the evening.
We can at least keep our eyes open for a spot while we head this way.
> You are going to Aldoin's House first. As it is a private residence, you will always have a choice between presenting yourself at the door - as a maid looking for work - or breaking into the place.
Use a different alias this time, if we present ourselves as a maid.
>> While you are not sure how much time it will take, or how secure it will be, you will look for a place to stash your cart while you go to your first stop of the evening.

> You are going to go to a Port Authority Administrative House first. If you are quick enough at the Fishmonger, and whatever you do with the hand-cart does not take up too much time, the House might still be open, offering you a choice between breaking in or presenting yourself as a maid on an errand, and using that deception to pump the clerk for information.
>> While you are not sure how much time it will take, or how secure it will be, you will look for a place to stash your cart while you go to your first stop of the evening.

> You are going to go to a Port Authority Administrative House first. If you are quick enough at the Fishmonger, and whatever you do with the hand-cart does not take up too much time, the House might still be open, offering you a choice between breaking in or presenting yourself as a maid on an errand, and using that deception to pump the clerk for information.
> While you are not sure how much time it will take, or how secure it will be, you will look for a place to stash your cart while you go to your first stop of the evening.

> You are going to go to a Port Authority Administrative House first. If you are quick enough at the Fishmonger, and whatever you do with the hand-cart does not take up too much time, the House might still be open, offering you a choice between breaking in or presenting yourself as a maid on an errand, and using that deception to pump the clerk for information
>While you are not sure how much time it will take, or how secure it will be, you will look for a place to stash your cart while you go to your first stop of the evening.
> You are going to Aldoin's House first. As it is a private residence, you will always have a choice between presenting yourself at the door - as a maid looking for work - or breaking into the place.
Alright, consider this closed. I'll get the first round of votes up for the Fishmonger shortly.
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Outside Displays:

Mussels, Fresh:The bivalve with the blue, oblong-crescent-shaped shell. The ones for sale are being kept in salt-water. It is unclear how many of them are still alive. In her youth, Chlotsuintha once had a really delicious meal of mussels with her father at some public house - long before she came to live on the Mount. She has no idea how the meal was prepared, but she has always wanted to try to recreate it. Out of salt-water, a living mussel will survive 1 day, and remain edible until 1 day after its death. 1 Eighth-Talent for 3 to 6 Mussels. About 40 Mussels for sale.

Clams, Fresh: The bivalve with the tan, flat-lipped shell. The ones for sale are being kept in salt-water. It is unclear how many of them are still alive. Chlotsuintha has been eating quite a bit of chowder these past eight years, as it is the only regular free meal offered in the Midden to the Lepers that contains any meat at all. Instead of growing sick of it, she has developed a taste for it, and she wonders if she can do any better. Out of salt-water, a living clam will survive 1 day, and remain edible until 1 day after its death. 1 Eighth-Talent for 2 to 5 Clams. About 30 Clams for sale.

Oysters, Fresh: The bivalve with the tan, wave-lipped shell. The ones for sale are being kept in salt-water. It is unclear how many of them are still alive. Chlotsuintha has never had Oyster before, but considering that she likes Mussels and Clams she is more than willing to try this bivalve as well ... and she is also keen to see if she can find a pearl or two! Out of salt-water, a living Oyster will survive 1 day, and remain edible until 1 day after its death. 1 Eighth-Talent for 1 to 4 Oysters. About 20 Oysters for sale.

Little Whelk, Fresh: The sea-snail with the brown, whorled shell. The ones for sale are being kept in salt water. It is unclear how many of them are still alive. Chlotsuintha knows that Whelk can accumulate rather significant amounts of mule-Arsenic, and it occurs to her that she might be possible to convert the Arsenic into a more 'productive' state using the Life-Loom ... somehow. Or she could just eat them as is. Outside of salt-water, a living Whelk will survive 1 day, and remain edible until 1 day after its death. 1 Eighth-Talent for 6 to 12 Little Whelk. About 100 Little Whelk for sale. 1 Little Whelk-foot on average weighs about 2 ounces, and so carries 0.000008 ounces of mule-Arsenic. In a more 'productive' form, this is exactly the upper bound of a fatal dose - and nearly three times the lower bound!
... And I just deleted the second half of this update. And I don't have the time to re-write it right now ...

Alright, whatever, I guess this can be it for the outside displays. The Whale Jerky, Careen-Grist and the rest will be moved inside, and you can vote on them when I get back later and get the next posts up.

A point to consider: flesh remains workable on the Life-Loom for quite some time after it passes the point of 'edibility', though the exact amount of time depends on the conditions that it is stored in - as well as the flesh itself.
>2 talents worth of mussels
>2 talents worth of oysters
>attempt to buy out the fishmonger and then perhaps some extra
Trying to keep everything alive for long periods of time would be more of a pain then it's worth and Trash and seafood always leads to a bad time.
Grab a little bit of each though, perhaps a quarter talent.
>2 Talents for the Mussels and Clams, 10 Oyster (or however many it takes to get enough pearls to satisfy Chlot), 2-3 Talents for Little Whelk

As much as I’d love to experiment on the Mussels and Clams, it really depends on our schedule, so this is mainly to satisfy Chlot’s desire to make her favorite meals. Oysters are a much more interesting experiment, mainly in how they produce their pearls- but again, same as above, this is just to satisfy her taste curiosity and lootbox excitement. The Little Whelk has the most utility- producing usable Arsenic will be useful, whether as a personal supply or a product to sell. If you don’t mind giving me an crude estimate on the time and difficulty of the attempt, I would appreciate it Trash.
>20 mussels
>20 clams
>10 oysters

Are you writing this on a word processor trash?
Quarter talent of mussels
Quarter talent of clams
Half talent of oysters

Are you trying to buy the whole inventory
I love this website.
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Immediately Beside the Front Door:

Whalescrap Jerky: Various species of giant lungfish, cooked and preserved. Whales are hunted primarily for their fat, so it can be rendered into fuel oil. The flesh remaining is effectively just an edible by-product. With a taste that is much closer to large terrestrial game, like Elk or Northdeer, it is not an unwelcome sight on a modest table ... or on long trips, when it has been prepared as jerky. However, the process of jerkying the flesh renders it unsuitable for working on the Life-Loom; Chlotsuintha would have an easier time working finished leather than this. Remains in an edible state for up to 2 years when stored properly. Sold in half pound-pouches. 2 to 5 Eighth-talents for one pouch. 10 pouches for sale.

Careen-Grist, Fresh: Various species of Barnacles and Limpets, sieved and milled almost to powder. The raw milled flesh of Barnacles and Limpets that were removed from the hull of a ship during careening. Used as a means of fortifying other foodstuffs for the lowest of the low - which on the Mount, includes Lepers. The millers promise that the fresh Grist is at least 'three parts flesh' ... but oddly enough they don't specify how many parts shell those three parts are against. In spite of everything, this Grist can still be worked on the Life-Loom, if Chlotsuintha was able to get it into a crude gelatin first. Remains in an edible state for two days. Sold in pound-pouches. 3 to 7 pouches for 1 Eighth-Talent. 12 pouches for sale.

Careen-Grist, Cooked:Various species of Barnacles and Limpets, sieved, milled almost to powder then cooked. The cooked flesh of Barnacles and Limpets that were removed from the hull of a ship during careening. Perhaps the cheapest species of powdered meat, which in turn is a cheaper alternative to jerkied meat. Used as a means of fortifying other foodstuffs for the lowest of the low - which on the Mount, includes Lepers. The millers promise that the cooked Grist is 'healthfully seasoned' ... but for all Chlotsuintha knows, they are claiming that the paint from the ships hull counts as 'seasoning'. The cooking process renders this Grist unsuitable for working on the Life-Loom, even if it was somehow made into a gelatin. Remains in an edible state for half a year, longer if in air-tight containers. Sold in pound-pouches. 1 to 5 pouches for 1 Eighth-Talent. 9 pouches for sale.

Tidal Pool Net: A wooden dip-net, intended for tidal pools, but also suitable for ponds. Chlotsuintha might have a hard time eating this, but she might find some use of it in catching specimens and food in pools - tidal or vernal - as well as ponds. 6 to 10 Eighth-Talents for 1 Net. 1 Net for sale.
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Crab Mallets: A small wooden mallet, with a long-for-its-size handle tapered down to a point, intended to smash the shells of shelledfish, so the wielder can get to their meat. Chlotsuintha would no doubt have a hard time eating these as well ... but as they are cheap enough to be considered disposable, they might serve as single-use probes for poking around objects bletted with the Strangeness. Sold individually. 1 to 3 Eighth-Talents for 1 Crab Mallet. 4 for sale.

Shelledfish Picks: Small steel shafts with heads in several configurations, intended to pry open the shells of shelledfish, so the wielder can get to their meat. These implements might serve as single use probes as well ... and in a pinch, they might also work as Needles or Pins for Implements and Constructs, though their irregular shapes might result in unusual and inexplicable vagaries in performance. Sold individually. 3 to 6 Eighth-Talents for 1 Shelledfish Picks. 8 for sale.

Flounder, Fresh: The tanned fish, with the uncanny-eyes. As Flounder look unusual enough under normal circumstances, the prudent tend to avoid eating them, as it is harder to determine if the fish has been physically corrupted in some manner than it would be for a more ... typical fish. The pious, on the other hand, are split on the matter. Some contend that as the aspect of the Flounder is fundamentally unpleasing, it must be some Contrary uncleanliness that has yet to be worked out of the Pattern. The other school of thought holds that while the Flounder looks aberrant, without any specific instruction against eating them from The Piece or the Heralds that came afterwards, these fish should be treated as if they were any other. For obvious reasons, Chlotsuintha subscribes to this second school of thought - and even if she didn't want to eat the fish, the distended eyes of the fish make harvesting working material very straightforward. They are also quite cheap, considering how many refuse to eat them. Remains in an edible state for 1 day. Sold whole, with each fish being about six pounds. 1 Eighth-Talent buys 1/2 to 2 pounds of Flounder. 3 for sale.
>6 pouches of Whale jerky

>2 Crab mallets
>2 Shelledfish Picks
>1 Flounder

Is this all trash?
>5717819 #
>9 pouches of Whale jerky

>>5717976 #
>2 Crab mallets
>2 Shelledfish Picks
>1 Flounder
Seems good.

Did 4chan eat your post again, QM?
>10 pouches of Whalescrap Jerky
Smart to stock up now.
>1 talent of Careen-Grist, Cooked
Not for us, but for animals/Constructs. Wouldn’t mind knowing what we could even make with fresh Careen-Grist though.
>Tidal Pool Net
Useful for later specimen capture and experimentation.

>3 Crab Mallets
>5 Shelledfish Picks
>A Flounder
Mainly because of that background lore.

Haven’t even gotten to the crabs yet people =P
>Buy every jerky
>Tidal pool net

>3 Crab Mallets
>3 Shelledfish Picks
>A Flounder
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Shelledfish Pound:

Portly Spider Crab, Live: The mottled brown crab with the spindly limbs. Just as the Flounder is considered 'suspect' on account of its uncanny eyes, a similar shadow is cast over the Portly Spider Crab, on account of its unusual number of legs - though the aspersions are nowhere near as fierce as they are with the flatfish, and only the most strident would consider them Unclean. From her father's experiments, Chlotsuintha knows that shelledfish flesh and bodies are not easily worked on the Life-Loom, but the Constructs that they produce are generally more resilient, and if the shell is retained, easier to Scriven onto. Outside of salt-water, a living Portly Spider Crab will survive 1 day, and remain edible until 1 day after its death. 1 Eighth-Talents for 1 to 3 Portly Spider Crabs. 8 for sale.

Fiddler Crab, Live: The small brown crab with just one awkwardly large claw. As not all Fiddler Crabs will have a larger claw, many mistaken believe that these crabs have been exposed to some corrupting influence - either black humors from effluent or the Strangeness itself. However, it is nothing so unsavory as that; rather it is a case of sexual dimorphism - only males have the distinctive 'fiddle' claw. Still, the irregularity paired with its preferred home of muddy, brackish water has given the Fiddler Crab a perception of Uncleanliness. Presumably, the ones on sale here are intended to for bait instead of dinner. From her father's experiments, Chlotsuintha knows that shelledfish flesh and bodies are not easily worked on the Life-Loom, but the Constructs that they produce are generally more resilient, and if the shell is retained, easier to Scriven onto. Outside of salt-water, a living Fiddler Crab will survive 1 day, and remain edible until 1 day after its death. 1 Eighth-Talents for 8 to 16 Fiddler Crabs. About 30 for sale.

[I]Oceanic Lobster: The blue-green shelledfish of exceptional size. Oceanic Lobster have two different claws, a crusher and a pincer, and they can be on either side. That irregularity, with the fact that there is no other shelledfish so large that isn't from the Strange Depths explains why they are held to be Unclean, like the Fiddler Crab. However, economic considerations prevent the Lobster from being completely rebuked. Fiddler Crabs are hardly worth the effort cooking ... but one Lobster can be stretched into a few filling meals. As such, Lobsters are held as suitable for convicts, slaves, and impressed or foreign Auxiliaries. From her father's experiments, Chlotsuintha knows that shelledfish flesh and bodies are not easily worked on the Life-Loom, but the Constructs that they produce are generally more resilient, and if the shell is retained, easier to Scriven onto. Outside of salt-water, a living Oceanic Lobster will survive 1 day, and remain edible until 1 day after its death. 1 to 3 Eighth-Talents for 1 Oceanic Lobster. 14 for sale.
>4 Spider Crab, Live
>1 Oceanic Lobster
>1 of each
Fucking love Spider Crabs.

You know how long it’ll take to cook and prepare the Lobster Trash?
Just one lobster please. We don't have the means to keep them alive for long.
Better to smell of rotten fish than sewer shit. Is anyone gonna really tell Chlot she smells like rotten fish? Nope? They'll just wave her through asap with muffled laughter at the checkpoint out of the city.
Or- we could literally get extra tarps/bedsheets, and cover our stuff before the sewers before changing it again.
Good suggestion but I think we're out of time for shopping, but we could rob a tailor or inn or pub for fabric or sheets or get some from aldoin's house (mental note to self).
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Mackerel Counter:

Chub Mackerel, Fresh: The silver-green fish with the razor sharp fins. Unlike some of the previous offerings, Mackerel are considered to be perfectly normal fish, completely suitable for the table of the decent and pious ... though the more prosperous households typically look for more privileged or substantial fare. However, when those richer tables do bear Mackerel, it is almost always cooked fresh. Chlotsuintha would have no particular trouble working this flesh on the Life-Loom. Remains in edible state for 1 day. 1 Eighth-Talent for 6 to 10 Mackerel. Around 30 for sale.

Chub Mackerel, Roasted: A formerly silver-green fish with its fins blunted. Unlike some of the previous offerings, Mackerel are considered to be perfectly normal fish, completely suitable for the table of the decent and pious ... though it would be almost exceptional for a more prosperous household to serve a prepared Mackerel like these. Chlotsuintha is aware that roasting does complicate working this flesh on the Life-Loom, but it should not be enough to completely frustrate any efforts. Remains in edible state for 30 days. 1 Eighth-Talent for 4 to 8 Mackerel. Around 20 for sale.

Chub Mackerel, Roasted and Salted: A formerly silver-green fish with its fins blunted. Unlike some of the previous offerings, Mackerel are considered to be perfectly normal fish, completely suitable for the table of the decent and pious ... though it would be almost exceptional for a more prosperous household to serve a prepared Mackerel like these. Chlotsuintha is well aware that salting and roasting means that this flesh will be nigh-unworkable on the Life-Loom ... and even if she was successful, whatever Constructs she made would likely suffer from irregularities and defects borne out of salt-exposure. Remains in edible state for 1 year. 1 Eighth-Talent for 3 to 7 Mackerel. 12 for sale.

Chub Mackerel, Salted: A formerly silver-green fish with its fins blunted. Unlike some of the previous offerings, Mackerel are considered to be perfectly normal fish, completely suitable for the table of the decent and pious ... though it would be almost exceptional for a more prosperous household to serve a prepared Mackerel like these. Chlotsuintha is well aware that salting means that this flesh will be nigh-unworkable on the Life-Loom ... and even if she was successful, whatever Constructs she made would likely suffer from irregularities and defects borne out of salt-exposure. Remains in edible state for 1 1/2 years. 1 Eighth-Talent for 2 to 5 Mackerel. 15 for sale.
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Mackerel Counter continued

Chub Mackerel, Sun-Dried: A formerly silver-green fish with its fins blunted. Unlike some of the previous offerings, Mackerel are considered to be perfectly normal fish, completely suitable for the table of the decent and pious ... though it would be almost exceptional for a more prosperous household to serve a prepared Mackerel like these. Chlotsuintha is aware that sun-drying does complicate working this flesh on the Life-Loom, but it should not be enough to completely frustrate any efforts. Searing is recommended, but currently ready to eat. Remains in edible state for 3 days. 1 Eighth-Talent for 5 to 9 Mackerel. Around 30 for sale.

Chub Mackerel, Pickled: A formerly silver-green fish with its fins blunted. Unlike some of the previous offerings, Mackerel are considered to be perfectly normal fish, completely suitable for the table of the decent and pious ... though it would be almost exceptional for a more prosperous household to serve a prepared Mackerel like these. Chlotsuintha is well aware that salt and the brine means that this flesh will be nigh-unworkable on the Life-Loom ... and even if she was successful, whatever Constructs she made would likely suffer from irregularities and defects borne out of salt-exposure. Remains in edible state for 2 years. 1 Eighth-Talent for 1 to 4 Mackerel. Around 20 for sale.

Herring Counter:

Darling Herring, Fresh: The sleek silver fish. Similar to the Mackerel, Herring are considered a perfectly normal fish, suitable for any table ... but they are even less likely to end up served at a more prosperous household, in large part due to how they are perceived as 'affordable'. Chlotsuintha would have no particular trouble working this flesh on the Life-Loom. Remains in edible state for 1 day. 1 Eighth-Talent for 2 to 3 dozen Herring. Around 6 dozen for sale.

Darling Kipper: The sleek silver fish, split in twain and cold smoked. Chlotsuintha is aware that smoking does complicate working this flesh on the Life-Loom, but it should not be enough to completely frustrate any efforts. Remains in edible state for 90 days. 1 Eighth-Talent for 1 to 2 dozen Kipper. Around 6 dozen for sale.

Darling Bloater: The sleek silver fish, cold smoked whole without gutting. Chlotsuintha is aware that smoking does complicate working this flesh on the Life-Loom, but it should not be enough to completely frustrate any efforts. Remains in edible state for 60 days. 1 Eighth-Talent for 1 to 2 dozen Bloater. Around 4 dozen for sale.

Darling Buckling: The sleek silver fish, hot smoked whole without gutting. Chlotsuintha is aware that smoking does complicate working this flesh on the Life-Loom, but it should not be enough to completely frustrate any efforts. Remains in edible state for 60 days. 1 Eighth-Talent for 1 to 2 dozen Buckling. Around 4 dozen for sale.
> an eight talent of Portly Spider Crab
> 1 Oceanic Lobster

> 1 Chub Mackerel, Fresh
> 2 Chub Mackerel, Roasted

> 4 Chub Mackerel, Pickled
> 4 dozen Darling Kipper
>3 Chub Mackerel, Roasted
>12 Chub Mackerel, Roasted and Salted
>15 Chub Mackerel, Salted

>20 Chub Mackerel, Pickled
>3 Dozen Darling Kipper, Darling Bloater,
and Darling Buckling
Do you know how long a dozen or so will take to be consumed? Meal or day?
Either way, we should probably avoid eating the unprosperous stuff in front of company- and probably hide it in the back somewhere behind the other ‘prosperous’ fish.
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The Quality Counter:

Cod, Fresh : - the brown fish with the broad mouth. More than just beings considered normal, the Cod is widely held to be a suitable meal for the well-to-do's tables, and on occasion will even be found on the tables of those belonging to much higher stations. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. Remains in edible state for 1 day. 6 to 12 Eighth-Talents for 1 Cod. 3 Available.

Haddock, Fresh - the steel colored fished with the perky fins. As is the case with the Cod, the Haddock is held to be a suitable meal for the well-to-do, and while it is not as likely as Cod to be found on richer tables, it is not completely precluded from them. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. Remains in edible state for 1 day. 2 to 8 Eighth-Talents for 1 Haddock. 4 Available

Salmon,Fresh - the green and gray fish with the under-bite. If there was such a thing as a egalitarian fish dish, it would have to be Salmon. While it may be priced out of the diets of the meanest subjects, beyond that it runs the gamut of tables - from merchants who have yet to earn a Family Patent all the way up to Princeps and Princes. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. Remains in edible state for 1 day. 24 to 48 Eighth-Talents for 1 Salmon. 1 Available.

Elvers, Live - the juvenile finless fishes, plucky and plump. A commoner's luxury, which evokes the Lamprey, whose consumption is restricted to Citizens of the Empire. This batch is alive in buckets ... though for how long remains to be seen. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble, especially considering that it is still alive. Will survive in buckets up to 1 day from now. After death, will remain in edible state for 1 day. 24 to 48 Eighth-Talent for 1/8 pound of Elvers. Around 3 pounds available.

Eels, Fresh - the fully grown finless fishes, all the pluckier and plumper. A commoner's luxury, which evokes the Lamprey, whose consumption is restricted to Citizens of the Empire. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. Remains in edible state for 1 day. 56 to 96 Eighth-Talents for one 4 inch portion. Around 10 portions available.

Lamprey, Fresh - the regal eel with the bristling mouth and false eyes. A controlled delicacy, restricted to Citizens of the Empire. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. If Chlotsuintha wants to try this delicacy, she is going to have to pass a deception and a persuasion test. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. Remains in edible state for 1 day. Price and availability on request.
And that about does it for the Fishmonger's stock. If you haven't voted on any of the previous sections, please feel free to vote on those as well!

>20 Chub Mackerel, Pickled
>15 Chub Mackerel, Salted

>1 Dozen Darling Buckling
Snack for right now.

>1/2 lb. Elvers, Live

I'll bet we could totally try to make an immortal parasitic construct with that Lamprey but it isn't worth the risk without a target construct in mind.
As much as I would love to try the quality counter, we don’t have the luxury of of tasting everything before it spoils. Even so
>Lamprey, Fresh
I’d love for Chlot to at least try this- start getting in the role of a proper citizen.

Going off a tangent, I do wonder if we swindle our way into a countryside inheritance- something to help us get into the role of a proper Lady Citizen.
>4 Chub Mackerel, Roasted
>10 Chub Mackerel, Roasted and Salted
>12 Chub Mackerel, Salted

>20 Chub Mackerel, Pickled
>4 dozen Darling Kipper

>1 Cod, Fresh
Alright, let me see if I can figure out the order.

Votes cast on >>5717087
4 out of 5 of you voted to not buy any Little Whelk, so that is fairly clear on that point. But on the rest, as there isn't even a clear plurality, I think I am going to have to average things to best reflect everyone's votes. There were two votes for 16 eT of Mussels, and two votes for 2 eT of Mussels. Working out the fifth vote, for 20 Mussels ... hmm, if I take split the range 3 to 6 Mussels per Eighth-Talent in half, to get 4.5 Mussels per Eighth-Talent, then the vote for 20 Mussels is equivalent to a vote for spending 4.4 eT - rounding up to 5 eT. So, averaging, that is 8.2 eT, round up to 9. There were two votes for 2 eT of Clams, one vote for 16 eT of Clams, one vote for 20 Clams and one vote for no clams. Taking the split of 2 to 5, it is 3.5 Clams for Eighth-Talent, then the vote for 20 Clams is equivalent to a vote for spending 5.7 eT - rounding up to 6 eT. So, averaging, that is 5.2 eT, rounded up to 6 eT.

Votes cast on >>5717819 and >>5717976
As there is a clear majority on Whalescrap Jerky, Crab Mallets, the Flounder, and the Tidal Net, Chlotsuintha will purchase 10 pouches, 3 Crab Hammers, 1 Flounder and 1 Net. No one voted for purchasing fresh Careen-Grist, and only 2 of the five voted for purchasing any cooked Careen-Grist, so Chlotsuintha is going to hold of on that. The Shelledfish Picks have a tricky split, 2-2-3-5-5, so going off of the averaging I'll have to say that Chlotsuintha is looking to buy 3 of them.

Votes cast on >>5718721
There were only four votes cast here . Everyone voted to purchase one Oceanic Lobster, and a clear majority was against buying any Fiddler Crab, but there was a split for the Portly Spider Crab; 0-1-4-2 (with the splitting of the purchasing range for the vote given in terms of talents instead of animals, as established by the previous conversions). With not even a plurality, we must resort to averaging: 1.75 rounding up to 2 Fiddler Crabs.

Votes cast on >>5719149 and >>5719150
Again, there were only four votes cast here. With three votes to one against for buying no fresh Chub Mackerel, none will be bought. The split for Roasted Chub Mackerel was 0-2-3-4, with no plurality, we must resort to averaging: 2.25 rounding up to 3 Roasted Chub Mackerels. There was a plurality for buying no Roasted and Salted Chub Mackerel, so none is bought. There was a plurality for buying 15 Salted Chub Mackerel, so 15 are bought. There was a majority for buying 20 Pickled Chub Mackerel, so 20 are bought. There is a plurality for buying 4 dozen Darling Kipper, so 48 are bought. There is a plurality for buying no Darling Buckling, so none is bought. There is a majority for buying no Darling Bloater, so none is bought.

Votes cast on >>5719337
There were three votes cast; everything in this segment had a majority against it - nothing is purchased.

I'll get a quick update out sometime after dinner.
eT = Eighth-Talent
Off topic question- do we know how long it will take for the registering Strangeness to dissipate beyond the ability to spot out? I’m curious how long we are stuck being ‘hot’, so to speak.
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Barter Test I

> + DC 60 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is Blockheaded about Barter, making a Simple Sale like this [Very Involved].
> + DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Drained II, and may not be thinking as quick as she normally does.
> + DC 3 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Tired I, and is prone to making mistakes that she otherwise would not.
> + DC 2 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is odd looking, given her height.
> - DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha looks to be Gently Bred [bonus doubles on most males]
> - DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is throwing around enough talents that the Fishmonger is willing to bend on some prices.

> DC 55. Anything lower is a failure. [Auto-passes available and re-rolls available. No hostile re-rolls]

> No Passes: Spendthrift. You really are not cut out to be a merchant. For every item bought, roll a 1d6 die. For every dice roll equal to 1, 2, and 3 you pay full price PLUS the difference. For everything else, you pay full price.
> One Pass: Sticker Shock! This could have gone a bit better. For every item bought, roll a 1d6 die. For every dice roll equal to 1 and 2, you pay full price PLUS half of the difference. For 3, you pay the full price. For 4, you pay the reduced price PLUS three-fourths of the difference. For 5, you pay the reduced price PLUS half of the difference. For 6, you pay the reduced price PLUS one-fourth of the difference.
>Two Passes: Cash and Carry. This was not a terrible showing. For every item bought, roll a 1d6 die. For every dice roll equal to 1 and 2, you pay full pay full price. For 3, you pay the reduced price PLUS three fourths of the difference. For 4 you pay the reduced price PLUS half of the difference. For 5 you pay the reduced price PLUS one-fourth of the difference. For 6, you pay the reduced price.
>Three Passes: Talented Talker. You might actually be cut out for this after all. For every item bought, roll a 1d6 die. For every dice roll equal to 1, you pay full price, except for the most expensive item(s) which are treated as if you rolled at 2. For 2, you pay the reduced price, PLUS three-fourths of the difference. For 3, you pay the reduced price, PLUS half of the difference. For 4, you pay the reduced price PLUS one-fourth of the difference. For 5, you pay the reduced price. For 6 you pay the reduced price MINUS one-fourth of the difference.

>If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then you pay full price on everything, PLUS TWICE the difference.
>If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near Critical Success (Roll of 100 or 99) then you pay the reduced price on everything, and permanently improve your Bartering ability.

>Standard rules in effect - Auto-pass must be used before a Critical or Near Critical is rolled. Also, if you roll, wait 10 minutes or so, then roll again to keep the quest moving along.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

May our luck be white, and our barter abilities improve.
We’ll, I’m sorry for making our luck black.

What does paying the price plus the difference mean? And were the other Bater checks this insanely high? This feels like a formality for one pass/no pass.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>well*, not we’ll
Damn autocorrect.

Also forgot to roll, so I hope the Patternmaker forgives my mistake.
Non-communicable (First Degree) Strangeness will dissipate to levels below the detection threshold of Strange-Staining in up to a single week's time. When it comes to Strangeness that is in a communicable state, the general rule of thumb is the higher the degree the longer it will take to dissipate away, though because the actual amount of time that this takes varies widely, this is not a hard and fast rule. In certain conditions, it is possible to create a patch of Third Degree Strangeness that will dissipate quicker than a patch of Second Degree Strangeness, both without any sort of intervention to remediate or mitigate them. However, these conditions typically only come about when entering into Strange Fever or using a Witching Rod.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Welp, guess I’m going for broke. May our luck be white, and the Patternmaker look favorably on this attempt.

That nice to know. Also, Witching Rod?
Well, not a terrible showing. Shame about that 52- had Chlot not been tired (or Drained, and Blockheaded), might have actually made that rare 3 Pass showing.
There were two other Barter Tests; the purchase of nearly everything on the hand-cart at the Dry Goods, and the purchase of the stage, with base DC's of 60 and 50 respectively. The reason why they were easier is because there were persuasion and deception tests before them that provided bonuses. This time, Chlotsuintha doesn't need to do any of that ... but at the same time, she doesn't have the opportunity to get any bonuses from a previous test either.

As for the full price plus the difference, that means adding the value of the range of prices possible to the highest value of prices to get the new price. I am still not entirely clear how I am going to work that on the ones that were ranges of products for one eT, but I will figure something out.

Witching Rods, Dowsers or Theremins are Implements that make casting easier, more efficient and even safer for those inside of its operating envelope. It achieves this by helping with the harmonization of Form and Shadow.

Anyway ... I'm still chipping away at this update, but I was going through the archive, and I found that the final vote of the flashback to Chlotsuintha's father first attempt to fly ended in a tie. And I need that resolved, so I can know what Chlotsuintha is going to find when she finally starts to 'move house'. So I guess I'm going to have to take it from a blank state. Even if you have already voted on this last year, please vote again.

>Please choose ONE of the following:
>In spite of what easily could have been his death, Odovacar was not completely deterred from using Glyphs as a means to fly. His later study into externally powering Scarification Glyphs was primarily focused on developing a Miasma-free Flight Glyph that could be used in emergencies with only a few fuel nodules.
>Odovacar decided that Glyphs were too dangerous to fly with, as there is no safety net for the caster. His later study into externally powering Scarification Glyphs was not focused on Flight Glyphs, or any particularly powerful Glyphs at all. Going forward, he would fly only with Constructs or Projection.
>The reason why they were easier is because there were persuasion and deception tests before them that provided bonuses.
Thanks for the explanation Trash, I’ll keep that in mind.

As for your one eT conundrum, I’d suggest a shorthand of the more party bending to the more obstinate party. In this case, it’d be the exasperated fishmonger giving the blockheaded Chlot the better share (the rounding error up the the whole unit), but it could easily swing the other way- a desperate Chlot agreeing to less for a more obstinate spendthrift. But I’m sure whatever you come up with will be fine.

So, full price plus the difference would be, for example, 2 to 8 Eighth-Talents for 1 Haddock, with pull price plus difference being 8+6, costing overall of 14 eT?

>Witching Rods, Dowsers or Theremins are Implements that make casting easier, more efficient and even safer for those inside of its operating envelope. It achieves this by helping with the harmonization of Form and Shadow.
Hmmm… got a rough estimate on the material and equipment needed for that, as well as what kind of test it would be for Chlot?

I’ll have to peruse the archives before I come to a decision- I remember being very divided on that issue myself.
>the more flexible* party bending
>Odovacar decided that Glyphs were too dangerous to fly with, as there is no safety net for the caster. His later study into externally powering Scarification Glyphs was not focused on Flight Glyphs, or any particularly powerful Glyphs at all. Going forward, he would fly only with Constructs or Projection.

Dragon rider build!!
….not really- the Dragonrider build would be the Miasma-free Flight Glyph, which then could be etched into a dragon’s wings, and also prevents us from falling to our deaths in an emergency (or just fly around like we’re Peter Pan).

Really, the Constructs referred to are probably brooms (or an umbrella, if we really want to meme Marry Poppins), nothing fleshy, while Projection would be ATLA/LoK spirit shenanigans.

Honestly, I’m leaning towards Flight Glyphs, partially outta utility and partially because Chlot Peter Panning it would be funny and fun- though brooms and projection would also be rad, especially if it’s a two-for-one deal of sorts.
Though I will say, if we did get Mother’s War-broom, that would be very kino
>Odovacar decided that Glyphs were too dangerous to fly with, as there is no safety net for the caster. His later study into externally powering Scarification Glyphs was not focused on Flight Glyphs, or any particularly powerful Glyphs at all. Going forward, he would fly only with Constructs or Projection.
>In spite of what easily could have been his death, Odovacar was not completely deterred from using Glyphs as a means to fly. His later study into externally powering Scarification Glyphs was primarily focused on developing a Miasma-free Flight Glyph that could be used in emergencies with only a few fuel nodules.

Miasma is bad, so this.
>In spite of what easily could have been his death, Odovacar was not completely deterred from using Glyphs as a means to fly. His later study into externally powering Scarification Glyphs was primarily focused on developing a Miasma-free Flight Glyph that could be used in emergencies with only a few fuel nodules.
>Odovacar decided that Glyphs were too dangerous to fly with, as there is no safety net for the caster. His later study into externally powering Scarification Glyphs was not focused on Flight Glyphs, or any particularly powerful Glyphs at all. Going forward, he would fly only with Constructs or Projection.
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Well ... anyway you cut it, you cannot see how you would not be served by getting through this last bit of shopping as quickly as possible. That would leave you with more time to scout potential places to stow the hand-cart, and with a little white luck, more options for your knock down of the Port Authority. Though there are other concerns than time at play here ... namely, the stocks and stuffs sold at Fishmongers are typically not as enduring as those sold at Green Grocers. So even if you are able to stuff up here, you might end up dumping a goodly portion of it later. That said, stocks and stuffs of Green Grocers are not eternal - and even if they were, you would still need to actually find one, wouldn't you?

You work your way over towards the Fishmonger, but you have not entirely made up your mind one way or the other yet - until you see the front door. Or rather, the sill of the front door; barely an inch off of the sidewalk - you will have a harder time getting off of the street and onto the walk than you will actually getting into the store. It is a relatively small thing, but at this point, it is enough to decide you. You glance at the outside displays of Mussels, Clams, Oysters and Little Whelk - still enticing looking, even though they all have been heavily picked over throughout the day. A young boy, clearly out here to mind the displays, notices your attentions ... but doesn't try to say anything. No doubt some - perhaps even most - would consider this a slight, but in light of how hard you have had to work - to lie - to buy even basic things, you are nothing but pleased by his silence. Sure, you are not being helped. But by the same token, you are not being challenged either.

And once you get your cart inside the stoop of the establishment, you are all the more pleased when you are immediately greeted by the sight - and smell - of persevered fish. That is certainly not the typical wares of a Fishmonger, so perhaps you should consider this place a ... Fish Market instead. Quibbles over the propriety of the name aside, you can see several things that you know straight-away that you are going to buy; first and foremost among them is the Whalescrap Jerky. And by the time that you finally make your way over to someone who you have to assume is the Fishmonger - or the Fish Merchant, or the ... Fish Marketer, uh ... yeah, just, you should just stick with Fishmonger - you have quite the list in your head of what you want. Considering that the last of the hours of closing is upon him, and much of the remaining stock is not going to last through the night, he is rather motivated to sell. You don't need to weave any tales - all you do is get the Talents out to show that you are serious and then get right into haggling. In the end, you are certain that you got 'soaked' on a couple of things, but you wouldn't go so far to say that you were cheated. And he gave you a couple of buckets for your live purchases.
>>In spite of what easily could have been his death, Odovacar was not completely deterred from using Glyphs as a means to fly. His later study into externally powering Scarification Glyphs was primarily focused on developing a Miasma-free Flight Glyph that could be used in emergencies with only a few fuel nodules.
Glyphs are quite finicky, especially when alone as Chlot is, but objects and possessions? they are logistical nightmares, it seems. best to keep as many things under the skin as possible, it seems, even if it means living a decade or more shorter.
I was working on the next portion of the update, then I realized I have to have some rolls first. Please can I get 7 sets of 2d6? Just for this set, once you roll, hold off on rolling again - I doubt I will be able to finish the update overnight anyway. If we still need rolls once I am ready to write again, I'll ask for them then. I want to try doing rolls differently.
Rolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d6)

Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d6)

Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d6)

Rolled 6, 4 = 10 (2d6)

Rolled 5, 1 = 6 (2d6)

Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d6)

>Odovacar decided that Glyphs were too dangerous to fly with, as there is no safety net for the caster. His later study into externally powering Scarification Glyphs was not focused on Flight Glyphs, or any particularly powerful Glyphs at all. Going forward, he would fly only with Constructs or Projection.
Rolled 4, 4 = 8 (2d6)

In >>5721044, a 3 was rolled, so 6 - 2.25 (3/4 of the difference) is 3.75, round up to 4 per eT. Having committed to spend 9 eT, Chlotsuintha spends 9 eT on 36 Mussels.

In >>5721044, a 2 was rolled, so 2 per eT. Having committed to spend 6 eT, Chlotsuintha spends 6 eT on 12 Clams.

In >>5721060, a 5 was rolled, so 4 - 0.75 (1/4 of the difference) is 3.25, round up to 4 per eT. Having committed to spend 4 eT, Chlotsuintha spends 4 eT on 16 Oysters.

In >>5721060, a 2 was rolled, so 1 per 5 eT. With a commitment to buy 10, Chlotsuintha spends 50 eT on 10 pouches Whalescrap Jerky.

In >>5721127, a 1 was rolled, so 1 per 10 eT. With a commitment to buy 1, Chlotsuintha spends 10 eT on a Tidal Pool Net.

In >>5721127, a 4 was rolled, so 1 + 1 (1/2 of the difference) is 2 eT for 1. With a commitment to buy 3, Chlotsuintha spends 6 eT on 3 Crab Mallets.

In >>5721128, a 6 was rolled, so 1 per 3 eT. With a commitment to buy 3, Chlotsuintha spends 9 eT on 3 Shelledfish Picks.

In >>5721128, a 4 was rolled, so 0.5 + 0.75 (1/2 of the difference) is 1 eT for 1.25 lb of Flounder. With each weighing 6 lb, Chlotsuintha spends 5 eT on a 6 lb Flounder.

In >>5721147, a 5 was rolled, so 3 - 0.5 (1/4 of the difference) is 2.5, round up to 3 per eT. With a commitment to buy 2, Chlotsuintha spends 2/3 eT on 2 Portly Spider Crabs.

In >>5721147, a 1 was rolled, so 3 eT per 1. With a commitment to buy 1, Chlotsuintha spends 3 eT on 1 Oceanic Lobster.

In >>5721175, a 3 was rolled, so 8 - 3 (3/4 of the difference) is 5 per eT. With a commitment to buy 3, Chlotsuintha spends 3/5 eT on 3 Roasted Mackerel.

In >>5721175, a 5 was rolled, so 5 - 0.75 (1/4 of the difference) is 4.25, round up to 5 per eT. With a commitment to buy 15, Chlotsuintha spends 3 eT on 15 Salted Mackerel.

In >>5721380, a 4 was rolled, so 4 - 1.5 (1/2 of the difference) is 2.5, round up to 3 per eT. With a commitment to buy 20, Chlotsuintha spends 6 and 2/3 eT on 2 Pickled Mackerel.

In >>5721380, a 4 was rolled, so 24 - 6 (1/2 of the difference) is 18 per eT. With a commitment to buy 48, Chlotsuintha spends 2 and 2/3 eT on 48 Darling Kipper.

All told, Chlotsuintha spends 115 and 3/5 eT on her purchases at the Fishmonger. I'm going to cook some lunch, then I will get the narrative update finished.
Remind me how much cash we have again
We didn’t have time to count it, and it’s prudent to pull another heist or two before we head for the boonies- the telents won’t be as plentiful, nor the supplies as cheap and plentiful, as a trading port, so spending some time to fortify our cash reserves and stock up on more exotic supplies is a wise move.
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But more important than the buckets - as nice as they are - you were able to cover everything without resorting to using any of your largest denomination coins. To be sure, the Fishmonger's eyes bulged a bit when the twelve-talent followed the four eighth-talents and the two-talent, but he accepted it without comment or condition, and immediately set about making change for you. You are relieved - and also certain that had you used any denomination larger than a twelve, you would have ended up having to explain yourself.

> Lose one twelve-talent, one two-talent and four eighth-talents

There is however, a bit of delay once it becomes apparent that the Fishmonger doesn't have the right 'partials' to cover your change, so you need to wait while he makes them. You watch as he places an exceptionally battered looking eighth-talent into a notch in the counter in front of him, then presses his weight entire onto the coin so on its side, only half of its height is above the counter. Once he has gotten it snug, he retrieves a rusty cleaver and worn down mallet from underneath the counter, then with two quick but precise chops he cuts into the coin. Then he uses the cleaver to knock the coin lose, retrieve the eighth-talent and finally, twist the chopped segment until the coin comes apart. The segment that he hands over looks closer to a third than two-fifths of an eighth-talent, but you are not going to raise the issue - not when everything has been going so well.

> Gain one "shy" two-fifths eighth-talent
> Gain Fishmonger purchases

Anyway, you might be best served just by throwing the scrap of the eighth-talent away. It is illegal, after all, to knowingly possess, engage in trade, or to pay debts with debased currency ... though as you understand it from your father, those laws were almost exclusively used on shaved or clipped coins, not 'partials'. And even those who actually make the 'partials' apparently almost never get in trouble - in fact, prosecution of 'partial'-makers is so rare that most don't even realize it is against the law. This Fishmonger is probably among that number.

As you are the last customer in the establishment, you remain by the counter and watch him idly poke at and probe his portion of the eighth-talent with his thick calloused fingers while the rest of your purchase is brought over to you. Once you are satisfied that it is all there, you take a minute or so to arrange everything on your hand-cart in the best possible way. You are eventually able to get everything on and stable, but you are concerned that your new dresses might slip into the brine ... or just might take up the redolence. Honestly, if you only had more time, you might have gone to look for some perfume - considering that you are going to be mucking through a sewer, you should probably have gotten something to conceal odors. You can't imagine that any place that sells that sort of thing is still open at this point though, or will be open on Titheday.
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With a polite nod to the Fishmonger, you gather up your hand-cart and head out. You have a general idea of where the nearest Port Authority building is, but prior to this, your concern with the Port Authority was only with their law enforcement arms. You know very little about their administrative operations here - in fact, you have no way of knowing for an absolute surety that the building you are thinking of keeps or even issues Family Patents or not. The only place that you know for sure would have Patents ... well, that would be their section of the Forum, up on the Promontory. Now, to be sure, getting up there with or even without your hand-cart is going to be a pain and a serious commitment of time - and that is not even considering that security will be tighter up there than down here, in some run-of-the-mill clerk-house ... but what if the Patents aren't there? Is the extra effort, time and risk worth the surety that there will be Patents to steal?

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will head to the nearest Port Authority building
> You will head up to the Port Authority's quarter of the Forum.

>>5722337 has the right of it, Chlotsuintha has not had an opportunity to take a full accounting yet.
>You will head to the nearest Port Authority building
> You will head to the nearest Port Authority building

I guess we can ask? Sure it'll make us a prime suspect after the heist but since we plan on bailing anyway...
> You will head up to the Port Authority's quarter of the Forum.
I’m thinking more of the opportunities of hitting up their HQ- payroll, traveling permissions, arms and munitions, the potential wealth of knowledge (both secretive and research related), shit like that. Very lucrative.

The only thing that really puts me off of it is the time commitment- I prefer we be as time efficient as possible, and I would’ve rather we done this bit last, as our other objectives are more time sensitive and arguably more critical than some family papers.
Alright then, Chlotsuintha is going to be heading towards the Port Authority clerk-house while looking for a safe space to stash her cart. Can I get two rolls of 1d20? On rolls of 16 and 17, Chlotsuintha finds a sketchy place to stow her hand-cart. On rolls of 18 and 19, Chlotsuintha finds a decent enough place to stow her hand-cart. On rolls of 20, Chlotsuintha finds a reliably safe spot to stow her hand-cart.

> Please, 2 rolls of 1d20
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

Very nice.
Good roll. Chlotsuintha isn't going to have to worry about someone stealing anything off of her hand-cart, so long as it is stowed here.

Now she needs to decide how to get inside the clerk-house. Accounting for the time that it will take to get from the cart's hiding spot to the house, she will really have cut things short. The front door of the house will still be open - which indicates there is someone inside seeing members of the public, however it remains to be seen how happy they will be to deal with someone showing up right at closing. And while the odds of her being recognized as an active bounty are basically zero, there is a real risk that she is remembered. However, talking to someone would quickly answer her two pressing questions - are there Family Patents on the premises, and if there are. where are they? Alternatively, she could just try her hand at sneaking in - but then she would be 'running blind' - and that could chew up a lot of minutes.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will attempt to break into the Port Authority clerk-house.
> You will present yourself as a servant on errand at the Port Authority clerk-house.
>Try to sneak out of the tower. (If chosen, players will roll a d6, a roll of 3 or higher is a success)
Oh my, that isn’t supposed to be there =P

> You will present yourself as a servant on errand at the Port Authority clerk-house.
Remember to use an alternate name for our master and ourselves- and please come up with it before we enter the clerk-house.
> You will attempt to break into the Port Authority clerk-house.
>> You will present yourself as a servant on errand at the Port Authority clerk-house.
if we've learned anything it's to avoid running blind. planning, preparation, and precaution are our only real tools towards our safety
I mean, it’s worked out great for us so for ngl. Merchant heist, the Refinery, everything this past couple days we bumbled our way into a better position. Really, it’s us being overly cautious that’s completely fucked us over- not remediating the Corner Leapers, not checking on Smil or the Strange Apartment, etc. It’s not taking the risks that we should’ve that put us in a worse position, not running blind.
>You will present yourself as a servant on errand at the Port Authority clerk-house.
Alright ... now, consider these options very carefully. I won't say too much about them, beyond that all but one of the choices will lead to Deception and Persuasion Tests - the one that does not is a trap - and some of the tests will be easier than the others. As it is probably obvious, the last choice is the easiest Deception and Persuasion Test pair, but it will not provide the same level of information that (all but one) of the other choices will. May all of our luck run white!

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will present yourself as a maid working for the Dremen family sent to order a copy of their Family Patent
> You will present yourself as a maid working for the Nasturtium family sent to order a copy of their Family Patent
> You will present yourself as a maid working for Aldoin's family sent to order a copy of their Family Patent
> You will present yourself as a maid of one of Aldoin's bereaved friends, ordering a copy of Aldoin's Family Patent
> You will present yourself as a maid on an errand unrelated to Family Patents, but you will try to ask about them in passing.
> You will present yourself as a maid on an errand unrelated to Family Patents, but you will try to ask about them in passing.
>> You will present yourself as a maid working for the Dremen family sent to order a copy of their Family Patent
> You will present yourself as a servant on errand at the Port Authority clerk-house.

We can't even find a tavern or a stable in a town with 100 of each, how are we supposed to find family patents in an office building? Do we even know what they look like?
> You will present yourself as a maid working for the Nasturtium family sent to order a copy of their Family Patent

Slowpoke here... So Dremen is basically a made-up name, no idea if there is someone by that name in the city. Aldoin we know exists but he's dead and caught up in scandal. So why not take the wagoners name?
Well, I'm not going to roll to tie-break this. I'll get working on a mini-update of Chlotsuintha storing the cart, and hopefully by the time I have it up, someone else will have voted.
> You will present yourself as a maid of one of Aldoin's bereaved friends, ordering a copy of Aldoin's Family Patent
Way I figure it, this would be a bit more difficult to pull off, but would net us information on the family without being officially related to them, and doesn’t compromise our other aliases.

Could be the trap option, but with two of our options being Aldoin's Family Patent, I figure it’s safe to conclude it isn’t a trap. Dremen probably isn’t a trap unless the Port Authority blacklisted the captain or something similar. Nasturtium is a black horse- assuming he needs a bunch of paperwork to run his business, probably deals more with the administration on a regular basis, so that may just trip us out as a fraud- maybe. In all honesty, I’m struggling to puzzle this one out- I assume the trap would immediately out us as fraud or a Person of Interest, but I don’t think Aldoin is controversial yet, and though Dremen could be a smuggler, a ship captain from years ago shouldn’t raise any suspicions unless the Patternmaker put him in the Mount rn, just to fuck with us. Nasturtium is the obvious outlier, but that could just be me not thinking things through.

Aldoin is caught up in Strangeness- the scandal has yet to materialize, unless I forgot something important.

Sorry for not breaking the tie- I’m probably overthinking this outta proportion. If you don’t mind, I’d also like Chlot to eat something before we head in- this will positively effect our Drained modifier, unless I'm mistaken on that point?
I think the trap warning scared off anons because I uhhhh don't know what to choose
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Hmm ... it all sort of depends on how you are actually going to approach this job, doesn't it? If you were breaking in blind, running with no substantial knowledge of the inside, then you would want the surety that there were Family Patents on the premises - so that would point you towards the Forum. However, if you were going to walk in instead of break in, you could pump the clerks for all the information you can on Family Patents, so long as you managed to pass yourself off as someone with legitimate cause to be there and ask those kind of questions. Besides just learning where exactly they are in the clerk-house - assuming they are in the clerk-house - you might also learn a few things about them that might be of some aid when it comes time for you to try your hand at forging one, even if it turns out that Family Patents are not kept at or issued from the outlying clerk-houses. That is enough to resolve you - the thought that even if the papers are elsewhere, you might gain some useful intelligence regardless by ferreting it out of conversation with the clerks.

Now, all that remains is to find a suitable place to stow the hand-cart while you are conducting your business at the house.Easier said than done, of course, especially considering all of the nonsense that you went through just to keep your cart safe for a little bit ... just to have it dug through anyway. Pattern's Perdition, you - you can't dwell on that now. Right now, you need to focus. If there is a white lining to a black cloud, it is that because you are moving so slowly on account of both the weight of your purchases from the Fishmonger, and the risk that you spill some of them on your dresses, you have the opportunity to really get a good look around your surroundings. Uh ... there is an alley that might serve for a - Oh! Oh! Right there, down a side-street a few buildings down from that alley, is a Cleaner's Closet! That would be perfect, wouldn't it!

You are half ecstatic for thinking of this, and half upset for not thinking of it sooner. Lepers assigned to street cleaning and clearing have these little stations dotting the Mount with these shafts into the sewers, so they can dump the refuse and waste they gather up down into them.As it must be getting close to the eighteenth hour by now, all of the Lepers will be back in the Midden, and no-one decent would risk the condition of their Thread by poking around such a place. It is a perfect spot for temporary storage - and better yet, there are Cleaner's Closets all over the Mount! Oh, this is perfect! All you need to do now if figure out how you are going to present yourself at the clerk-house, and you know you are just going to sail through this smooth as silk.

> For those of you who have not voted in >>5723614, please do so.
I was hoping for anons to talk and state their suspicions on which was the trap option- Trash clearly thinks it’s solvable for us, we just need to think it through.

Feel free to change my vote to Dremen if you want- I mainly chose the Aldoin to get more information on the man to get a better idea of what we’re heading into.
I think tge trap is one of the first three options either because its not their home port (dremen) or because of a Strange connection(Aldoin) and not sure about Nasturtium.
>You will present yourself as a maid on an errand unrelated to Family Patents, but you will try to ask about them in passing.
Alright, closed and writing.
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In short order, you are able to get your hand-cart hauled over to the Closet without too much trouble - though your quickened pace does put a bit more strain in your arms, and the wheels are still creaking incessantly. As you had hoped, the door to this particular Closet faces away from the still-trafficked street you just turned off of - instead, it points down the desolate side-street you just turned on to. Were it not for the fact that there were lampposts - as of this hour, still unlit - at intervals, you might have mistaken it for a particularly large alley at first glance.

You know from experience that the last thing you should do is stand around, gawking up and down the street - under your current circumstances, speed is going to have to supplant stealth. Accepting no further delay, you alight upon the cast-iron handle of the spotted wooden shack, and pry its half-stuck door open. A wall of unpleasantly moist warmth rushes out to greet you, and the smell - which was already noticeable - precipitously worsens. Besides the wafting warmth and redolence, however, there is very little inside, however. Almost nothing, actually, as it is just the hatch, raised slightly off of the street, and some unpleasant looking stains and smears in its vicinity, nothing else. Far from pleasant, but further still from unbearable - and you are only going to be inside but a moment.

You wrangle your hand-cart immediately inside the Closet's door, then once you are satisfied that you can clear the cart with the door, you shut it. With that, your business here is concluded. As you depart, you silently pray that the stigma and the foul humors of this place are enough to keep your cart unmolested in your absence ... and that you didn't accidentally step in anything while you were inside. Unencumbered by the cart, your long legs can once again make long strides, and almost startlingly quick, you find yourself a few streets away, in front of the Port Authority clerk-house. The door is still open, but you cannot image that it will remain open long past the eighteenth hour. But still, you come to a stop in front of the building. While you have decide to present yourself inside as a maid, you have not yet made up your mind as to whose maid you are going to be. You fret over your options for a moment, but with the prospect of having the front door closed on you while you dally over this, you resolve to take the safest possible option available - your business will not have anything directly to do with Family Patents, which means that the identity of your fictitious Master is not going to be particularly important either. In fact, you might have a nifty little stratagem to work your way around that entirely. You take a quick series of surreptitious sniffs, to make sure you are presentable, then after allowing yourself the luxury of a single deep breath for fortification, you bound up the stairs and through the door of the clerk-house.
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> Twinned Deception-Persuasion Test: Deception I

> + DC 20: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is a Born and Bred Liar, making a Rudimentary Deception like this [Very Easy]
> + DC 1 Witchlet Chlotsuintha's height corresponds to the description of a wanted criminal
> + DC 1: Witchlet Chlotsuintha has planned out some of this deception, but there are some blanks.
> + DC 2: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is odd looking, given her height.
> + DC 4: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is making an uncommon request for a woman - to speak with a Port Authority bureaucrat.
> + DC 12: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is making an uncommon request for someone of her station - to speak with a Port Authority bureaucrat.
> + DC 4: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is not being escorted by a man or equal or greater station
> + DC 4: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Drained II, and is not thinking as quickly as she normally does.
> + DC 3: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Tired I, and is prone to making mistakes that she otherwise would not.
> - DC 15: Clerk-House Clerk has no reason to believe that Chlotsuintha is lying to him.
> - DC 10: Witchlet Chlotsuintha looks to be Gently Bred [bonus doubles on most males]
> - DC 3: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is dressed to match her implied station.
> - DC 7: ???

> DC 15: Anything lower is a failure. [Auto-pass(es) available. Re-roll(s) available. No hostile re-roll(s)]

> No Passes: The Book is Thrown! It isn't clear why, but it is plain that the Clerk-House Clerk doesn't believe her. He threatens to call the Guards if she does not leave! [Aborts]
> One Pass: Blotted Out. The Clerk-House Clerk is very keen on getting away from his desk, and is barely listening. Chlotsuintha needs to try again! Bonus to Deception Test [Repeats]
> Two Passes: Inkwell Enough. The Clerk-House Clerk is more keen on getting away from his desk than anything else, but he is listening. Bonus to Persuasion Test, and Crit-Fails are nulled. [Continues]
> Three Passes: Dotted and Crossed: The Clerk-House Clerk accepts Chlotsuintha's story completely - there will be no Persuasion Test will be needed. [Concludes].

> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then instead of threatening to call a Guard, he calls one of the building's porters to throw you out, who takes an interest in your bundle.
> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near Critical Success (Roll of 100 or 99) then Chlotsuintha makes an unrelated connection, and answers one of her many outstanding questions.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Rolled 60 (1d100)

Ah, shame that Dremen didn’t make it, it would’ve vastly simplified and sped up obtaining the family patient. May our luck remain white (though I do hope we only get two passes- more of a chance for us to get a crit success then).

Btw, what was the trap option Trash, if you don’t mind me asking.
Also, want me to roll the last die?
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Fell asleep - sorry about that. And to answer your question, Dremen was the trap. In the choices given - besides the safe one that you all ultimately went with - Chlotsuintha is looking to request a copy of her Master's Family Patent for someone in the household. To do this, there needs to be a master of the Family Patent (or a copy of a master) for a new copy to be made, otherwise there could be no copy made for Chlotsuintha. In turn, this means that for the deception to work as presented, there has to be a Family Patent associated with the name. There are Family Patents for Nasturtium (Chlotsuintha would have had to talk around not knowing where exactly he lives) and Aldoin (Chlotsuintha would have had to talk around only knowing her Master's praenomen (given name) - which would be easier if she presented herself as maid of a family friend instead of a maid of the family). But there is no reason to believe that there is a Patent Family with the nomen (patented name) of Dremen. I would have had anons roll, to see if there miraculously was a family with such a name - but if there wasn't, then Chlotsuintha would have been in such a tight spot. Even if she was able to explain away how the family she works for doesn't exist in the records of Patented Families (which she could have) it would have been a dead end; the clerk would be done with her.

Good for you, you all managed to duck all of that. Lucky thing that >>5725040 said 'feel free to change my vote to Dremen if you want' instead of instructing me to change the vote, otherwise my hands would have been tied. An argument could be made that I should have counted that a vote revision, but unless any you feel particularly strongly about it, I'm willing to look past it.

Anyway, I'm hoping to get two updates out today, so keep an eye on the thread.
Woops sorry folks
I told you guys here >>5723781
Ahh, I see it now- ordering a copy of a nonentity. I was overthinking it.
Makes sense. Dremen's probably got their Family Patent filed at their home port. Wonder where that is?
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Inside the front door is a vestibule with small stone hearths on both sides. There are also alcoves where you would assume that Guards or even Doormen would stand on duty by a wooden door opposite of the front - at the moment they are empty, but the inside door is half-open, and while you cannot see anything immediately, you can hear movement and idle conversation inside. You have not broken your stride from the bound up the front stairs, and are heading straight for this inside door ... when you catch sight of posters nailed to the door. Without even thinking about it, you come to a complete stop, and without caring that someone might happen upon you reading them, you glance through them as quick as you can. As you might have feared, a number of them are bounties, though most are for ships or bands, not individuals. You cannot see any that mention the Euthyphro either, but ... you had been hoping that the clerk-houses wouldn't have anything like this. Still, you think that in a place like this, there would be Doormen instead of Guards, and you think - well, you certainly hope - that those Doormen aren't in the habit of checking the active bounties as regularly as Guards do. Obviously, no sane Pirate or Ne'er-do-well would wander into a Port Authority clerk-house and ask about Family Patents, right? So they wouldn't bother, right?

But still, you remain where you are - and for one moment, you consider bailing. It is only when you hear Giotto and his brothers start to ring in the eighteenth hour that a fire is lit under you once more. You straighten your back - though just a bit, as it would look presumptuous, not to mention ridiculous, for a maid to go marching in there with her head held high - and you slip through the door into a room that you can only describe as a gallery of desks. They line the walls, though at this point only a few of the three dozen or so are still manned by clerks. One of those clerks, in the process of leaving, sees you and stops dead in his tracks. Another, who was already looking up from his work, presumably on account of the tolling, catches sight of you as well - and then, one by one, all of the Port Authority men in the room - the other clerks, the pair of doormen standing at a door opposite of the one you just came through on the other side of the room, the pair of doormen sitting on benches in the area inside the lines of desks, a few civic Pages and what appears to be a very aged Porter - they all stop whatever they were doing to stare at you as well.

Part of you would like nothing more than to beg their pardons for the intrusion, say something to the effect that you thought this was someplace else, and then leave with all possible haste. After all, this is not just awkward, this is dangerous. And yet, to leave now, under such scrutiny would probably result in even more suspicion. More than that, if the absolute worst came to pass, you can take succor knowing that there is no one at the door behind you.
Just a heads up, it turns out that I have a few things that I need to do tonight. I should still be able to get the rest of this update out, but I might not be able to get a second one out as I had hoped.
Grasping at this rather grim bit of hope, you walk yourself over to the nearest of the remaining clerks before either your nerve can fail or they can leave. You let yourself to look about a fifth as nervous as you actually feel, considering how it will play into your chosen deception .. though now you find yourself worrying if you are allowing yourself to look too nervous. Partially to prevent yourself from spiraling into panic and partially to take control of the conversation, as soon as you have closed enough of the distance between yourself and the nearest of the clerks that you will not need to shout at him to be heard over the ambient sounds of the room and the tolling of the eighteenth hour, you start in, deliberately allowing your nerves to affect your speech as well, to sell yourself as a maid burdened with an atypical responsibility -

"H-hail, and well-met to - uh, this day. I ... I was told to come, right at the end of the day - as not to disturb anyone, but ... I'm terribly sorry."

Apologizing like that is a risk, as it tacitly gives the clerk an opportunity to disengage, but you are really keen on selling yourself as a thoroughly uncomfortable maid who would be tripping over themselves to apologize - not to mention, an apology is warranted in your estimation. But you do make a point to not let this clerk get a word in by pressing on almost immediately, into the meat of your deception.

"To be honest on the whole, sir, I'm not sure how appropriate it is, me being asked to come here on behalf of my employers... but ... you must understand, I cannot gainsay them. I ... I work as a chambermaid in the Right Honorable Chain-Maker's Guildhouse, at the intersection of the Upper and Anchor. In Stickport, sir."

You don't want to tie yourself to Nasturtium or Aldoin, or Dremen - especially Dremen, as they don't live in the Mount, and therefore there will be no Family Patent on file. But at the same time, considering the depth and breadth of information that these clerks have access to - not just the contents of this building but in all of the Port Authorities clerk-houses, offices and archives throughout the Mount, you have to figure that this is the worst possible place to just start making up names of a fictitious Master, as you would run into the same pitfall as you would if you had presented yourself as a maid of the Dremen family. However ... by belonging to an enterprise that you know exists and has chambermaids in its employ, you are able to almost have your cake and eat it too. The one downside of this deception is that enterprises and guildhalls do not have Family Patents, so you are going to have to get tricky to swing the conversation around here. Before you can even start to work on that though, you need to finish establishing your reason to be here.
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"You might not know this, sir, but it so happens that there is a ... sewer that runs underneath Anchor. Which has an unfortunate habit of ... overflowing from time to time."

You know all of this to be true because you walk though the intersection of the Upper Boardwalk and the Street of the Anchors, and it certainly does more than its part to see that Stickport earns its nickname, 'Stinkport'. You also know that the Right Honorable Chain-Maker's Guildhouse - which is in fact right on the intersection - has chambermaids, because a brace of them from the Guildhouse have made a game of trying to drop things on Lepers as they past by - which is why you are always keenly on alert as you are walking through that intersection. Importantly, the whole reason that they started this mischief is because the street was opened up and the sewer was being worked on, right in front of the Guildhouse, and the chambermaids were intent on demonstrating their displeasure on the Stinkers, which is what Lepers assigned to the sewers are called. Even once the work was done, they have kept up with their hurtful little sport.

"I ... please, forgive me this trespass, but I have been instructed to ask you - or rather, someone here - to ask ... whoever it is that is in charge of such things, to ... um ... arrange to have this portion of sewer fixed. Please."

Equal parts nervous and awkward - and in addition to the genuine emotions behind it all, there is an added boon in that the sewer that runs through the intersection actually needs to be fixed again. A solid foundation to build off of - but the conversation that you were hoping to steer towards Family Patents eventually does not materialize. Instead, the clerk remains in a stupefied silence. Silently praying that you didn't lay it on too thick, or that this clerk isn't gawking because he recognizes you from the description of the Pirate responsible for the Euthyphro knock-down, you continue on -

"I - I am so, so very sorry, sir. I, I didn't want to ask - I know it isn't my place, but the Head insisted on no uncertain terms. I - I think they are trying to get rid of me, or at the very least, get me in trouble. Believe me, I didn't mean anything by this - any of this!"

"Its .. fine. I understand. And you don't need to worry, I'll pass along the request."

"You ... you will do that? You can do that?"

"Certainly. Now, if there will be nothing else - "
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"Oh ... actually, this is a bit of a silly question, but is it true that you can get and look up Family Patents from Port Authority clerk-houses like this? You see, I have a friend who is promised to - "

The clerk interrupts you with a particularly loud and rather dramatic sigh. Under other circumstances you might be a bit put off, but in this case, you were actually hoping that he'd cut you off before you had to spin an entire tale to explain away your out-of-the-Black question.

"So long as there is some official instrument, writ or bull to certify that a certain individual and his immediate family has been affirmed the privileged to assume a nomen - that is to say, a Patented name - then yes, I can make a master and a first copy of the new Family Patent right at this desk."

"A ... oh. I see. But what is the difference between the two, exactly?"

Another dramatic sigh.

"The master will be kept in the archives of the Forum in perpetuity. The first and any subsequent copies will be kept by the head of the newly Patented family, or anyone he wishes to endow with them. And yes, part of the responsibility of a nomen is to ensure that all issued Patents, including the master, remain up-to-date and reconciled with one another by working with the Port Authority or whatever the equivalent civic body is elsewhere. Alright then - have a good night."

With that he gets up off of his desk and walks away, leaving you behind. You still have quite a few questions, but at the very least, you have confirmation that the materials to make a Family Patent are in this building, possibly even in these desks - though you would like to see one before you try your hand at forging one. There is also a question of how thorough you are going to be. Are you going to just forge a copy of a copy, or are you going to try to forge a master as well? Well ... so long as the forgery manages to pass muster, the only way that you get found out is if someone attempts to check your forged copied Family Patent against the master, only to find that the master doesn't exist. Obviously, you don't want that threat hanging over your head ... but breaking into the Forum, and making a second forgery, that is not a small commitment of time or effort - or risk, for that matter. Perhaps it would be better to go with out.

Realizing that you are just staring at an empty desk, you turn around and start walking out. As you do, something occurs to you - what you should really be considering right now, is what kind of life do you intend to lead, once you get to the Frontier. If you intend to remain in regular contact with civilization, then having a forged Family Patent with a master back in Scrimshaw Mount would be worth it. But if you were going to live like a hermit - or perhaps even head into the Great Gloom, then you would have next to no opportunities to use the Family Patent once you finished your journey to the Frontier - in which case forging a master wouldn't be worth the trouble.
> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will forge a copy of a Family Patent but no master [requires breaking-in to a Port Authority clerk-house]
> You will forge a copy of a Family Patent and its master [requires breaking-in to a Port Authority clerk-house and the Forum]

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Having learned everything that you need to know, you are going to strike while the iron is hot and break into this clerk-house immediately.
> Having learned everything you can here, you are going to give this place some time to clear out and head to Aldoin's house to investigate, as it is nearby.
> You will forge a copy of a Family Patent and its master [requires breaking-in to a Port Authority clerk-house and the Forum]
Best be thorough about this- even if we end up going into the Great Gloom for a magical education and networking, it won’t hurt us to have this to fall back on if it becomes necessary.
> Having learned everything you can here, you are going to give this place some time to clear out and head to Aldoin's house to investigate, as it is nearby.
> You will forge a copy of a Family Patent and its master [requires breaking-in to a Port Authority clerk-house and the Forum]

> Having learned everything you can here, you are going to give this place some time to clear out and head to Aldoin's house to investigate, as it is nearby.

This is doable :)
> You will forge a copy of a Family Patent and its master [requires breaking-in to a Port Authority clerk-house and the Forum]
> Having learned everything that you need to know, you are going to strike while the iron is hot and break into this clerk-house immediately
> Having learned everything you can here, you are going to give this place some time to clear out and head to Aldoin's house to investigate, as it is nearby.
>Break into both so we have a master
> You will forge a copy of a Family Patent and its master [requires breaking-in to a Port Authority clerk-house and the Forum]

> Having learned everything you can here, you are going to give this place some time to clear out and head to Aldoin's house to investigate, as it is nearby.
Alright, that is a pretty clear consensus for forging both a copy and a master of a Family Patent, as well as heading to Aldoin's house right now.

I'll get started on the update right away.
Shit I was too late for this. I want to make a case that forging a master is unnecessary and a waste of time, not to mention the two break ins increasing our risk by so much. We are on the run, and once we bail there will be an active investigation behind us. I fully suspect we'll have to drop the Dremen name soon so best we can do is snatch a bunch of blank papers and use 10 different names to muddy our tracks.
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As you pass out of the clerk-house you cannot help but feel the eyes of the entire room on the back of your neck. Instinctively, you want to turn around - but you know better than to do that. Still, your walk out stretches longer than you would have thought, and the sensation of being stared at is such that you actually end up standing ramrod straight against your better judgement - simply in a bid to keep yourself from shivering. You also catch yourself - twice - beginning to pick up speed as you quit the place, and it is only by counting each and every one of your steps that you manage to keep your gait measured and unassuming through the gallery, the vestibule and down the front stairs of the house. Even once you are back down on the sidewalk, you can still feel the shivers threatening to overwhelm you, and the sensation of being watched has not yet be assuaged by distance. However, you are at least comfortable enough to start some plotting.

In consideration of how many Port Authority men were still in the clerk-house, you feel that the smartest play would be to let the place 'cool', give everyone there enough time so that only the Guards or the Doormen are left - and they are in their posts. If you were to double back, to try to 'strike while the iron is hot' so-to-speak, you could seriously see yourself stumbling across some clerk or functionary or whoever who came back for some incidental or other. 'An unsettled time'. That's what father calls it, when a place that you are casing goes through a bit where it is not as regimented or predictable as it usually is. And he'd say that it would be easier to rob a well-run Guardhouse than a residence at some 'unsettled time', on account of that absolute lack of predictability. Perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration ... but it gets the point across, and you have no intent nor desire to try to gainsay that point.

That does leave the question of forging a master Family Patent and sneaking it into the Forum somehow. Setting aside the risk, that is a serious undertaking - in terms of both effort and time. You were already going to be cutting things close with your existing schedule, but tacking the Forum and making a second forgery on to it ... what if you end up spending too much time? On the other hand, having a proper Family Patent, something that could actually stand up to serious scrutiny ... that has to be worth the risk, right? After all, this is the rest of your life you are talking about.

So in the end, you have resolved yourself to a course of action ... though that resolution feels more than a little hollow. Perhaps you will forge the copy of the Family Patent first at the clerk-house - see how much time that takes, and how much time you have left, then reconsider the Forum and the master. Or perhaps you won't. At a time like this, making and unmaking decisions like that isn't just unproductive, it is counterproductive.
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When you recognize the street you are on as the one that Aldoin's house is on, you are a bit startled - you must have lost yourself in thought a bit. Immediately, you start paying attention to your surroundings - and it is a good thing that you did, because now that you are looking, you can see that three houses down from where you are right now there is a house in mourning, with all of its shutters drawn closed, and torn sheets over the front facing windows and doors. Right away, you are almost certain that it is Aldoin's house, as you don't remember two houses on this street with funeral wreaths on their front doors, but just to make sure, you look to see the rooftop greenhouse and the alley on the far side of the house. That settles it, this is Aldoin's house ... though now that you think about it, isn't it odd that no one is standing vigil here?

Obviously, as none of Aldoin's male mourners borne anything resembling a weapon to his funeral, none of them are aware that he almost certainly was murdered - by a Mysterious Implement, no less. But even if they thought that he died naturally, a few men should still be in vigil here - his grandson, for starters, the who bumbled his way through his namesake's Last Ablution, possibly because of exposure to the Strangeness, possibly because of nerves. It is not like there isn't a space for it - the small garden in front of the house with the brick and cast-iron fence would be - oh, hold on, now that you look, you can see a few wooden chairs. Perhaps they just went in for dinner? And yet ... there is no smoke coming out of the chimneys of the house. That could just be a matter of all the cooking being done already, but ... something is... off.

You are not sure what though, until you turn the corner into the alley where you first saw the Strangeness ... and Strange-Staining does not turn on.

Your heart feels as if it skips several beats, and your body is flushed with heat and tingling - but you almost immediately manage to convince yourself that the Strangeness must have simply been further down the alley than you remembered - because there is no way all of this Strangeness dissipated by itself in two days, and if it didn't dissipate by itself, then that means ... Pattern's Perdition. You walk further in ... and nothing happens. You walk the entire length of Aldoin's house, staring at every surface until your eyes start to sting ... but still, nothing happens. The alley, his house ... all of it is as mundane as lead ...

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> It appears that someone else got to Aldoin's house before you did. For all you know, they may be inside still. You are going to need to leave this alley right now.
> It appears that someone else got to Aldoin's house before you did. For all you know, it may be your father. You are going to need to get inside that house right now.
> It appears that someone else got to Aldoin's house before you did. For all you know, it may be your father. You are going to need to get inside that house right now.

I gotta know.
> It appears that someone else got to Aldoin's house before you did. For all you know, it may be your father. You are going to need to get inside that house right now.
Motherfucker is stealing the good magic shit- we need to knock this fool out immediately.

No offense dude, but every time we took a half-measure because we thought it unnecessary, it ends up fucking us over- Smil, the Strange Leapers, now fuckin Aldoin's house. The half-measures aren’t working, we need to start accepting higher risk now for future security.
Just for the anons that might be leery, I actually doubt that they are still inside- this is a Harpoonist Situation, I bet.
>It appears that someone else got to Aldoin's house before you did. For all you know, it may be your father. You are going to need to get inside that house right now.
>> It appears that someone else got to Aldoin's house before you did. For all you know, they may be inside still. You are going to need to leave this alley right now.
Okay, that is three to one for going in. Now, just how 'heavy' is Chlotsuintha going to go in there?

> Please choose AS MANY AS YOU PLEASE of the following:
> Chlotsuintha will arm herself with her pin-stilettoes
> Chlotsuintha will arm herself with her Wand of Head-Knocking (precludes climbing)
> Chlotsuintha will return to the hand-cart and fetch the Strange-Incendiary
> Chlotsuintha will return to the Midden and fetch her smallsword
> Chlotsuintha will return to the Midden and fetch her duckfootter
>Chlotsuintha will arm herself with her Wand of Head-Knocking (precludes climbing)
> Chlotsuintha will arm herself with her pin-stilettoes
> Chlotsuintha will TAKE the Wand of Head Knocking with but not equip it unless she needs to, leaving it unuseable without appropriate time and space to do so.
approval voting for one of these two:
>> Chlotsuintha will arm herself with her pin-stilettoes
> Chlotsuintha will arm herself with her Wand of Head-Knocking (precludes climbing)
as I don't see a reason to take the wand without making it useable first. that just makes things more dangerous. either take the wand wholesale, expecting a magical enemy (who will probably still 'outweigh' chlot's witchling fumblings), or else go in with mundane tools, for a mundane encounter without raising chlot's risk profile in her opponent's eyes. I think the pin-stilettoes and agility is a better toolset than the wand, just due to how feeble chlot is magically
Honestly, I hoping for a gun or sword inside the house- Chlot keeps remarking how weird it is for his family not to be holding weapons in his funeral, so the inference is that Aldoin must have some on his property, like with the Euthyphro or the Blue Boy. Really, Chlot needs to think where Aldoin would keep his weapons, and head straight there immediately.
Also, I don’t think our opponent would care if they were the one that killed Aldoin, so the risk profile is largely the same whatever you cut it, only difference being whether we can play up the thief angle and whether they think a thief is a risk to remediating the Strangeness and ratting them out to the authorities. The more pertinent question is who done the remediation, and why now?
>> Chlotsuintha will arm herself with her pin-stilettoes
>> Chlotsuintha will TAKE the Wand of Head Knocking with but not equip it unless she needs to, leaving it unuseable without appropriate time and space to do so.
Alright, there is a majority for taking the Wand of Head Knocking and arming herself with the pin-stilettoes. Now - onto breaking into the residence. At the moment, Chlotsuintha assumes that whoever is responsible for this unexpected remediation got inside the house somehow. Should Chlotsuintha attempt to find whatever ingress they took, or should she simply look for the quickest, safest and stealthiest way into the residence?

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Chlotsuintha will attempt to find the mysterious remediator's way inside
> Chlotsuintha will focus on finding her own way.
> Chlotsuintha will focus on finding her own way.

They could be long gone.
What would be the utility of finding the mysterious remediator's way inside, if you don’t mind me asking?
If they were still inside, following their path in would improve Chlotsuintha's odds of finding them before they find her. Also, if they found a clever way in that can screen them from prying eyes, then Chlotsuintha might want to take that route in as well.
> Chlotsuintha will attempt to find the mysterious remediator's way inside
> Chlotsuintha will focus on finding her own way.
If it lets you squeeze another update outta today, you can consider me revoting >>5728394 to her own way.
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Okay, if you are game, I'll try to get an update out for an overnight vote. Chlotsuintha will now reconnoiter the house, to see if she can find a decent way in. And who knows what else she might see in the process.

> DC 30: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is not Keen of Eye, making a Rudimentary Sight Test like this [Easy]
> + DC 3: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Tired I and is not as perceptive as she might be otherwise
> + DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Drained II, and may not be thinking as quick as she normally does.
> + DC 8 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is trying to remain surreptitious, complicating the test
> + DC 3 ???
> - DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is well versed in casing houses for break-ins
> - DC 8 Witchlet Chlotsuintha has Near-Complete Knowledge of the outside of Aldoin's house

> DC 25: Anything lower is a failure. [Re-rolls and auto-passes are available. No hostile re-roll(s)]

> No Passes: Chlotsuintha cannot find any ingress into the house that can be taken with any measure of stealth. She has no other choice, but to force her way in.
> One Pass: Chlotsuintha's inspection turns up exactly what she was looking for, an ingress more or less screened from the streets and nearby houses.
> Two Passes: Chlotsuintha's inspection turns up the sort of ingress that she was looking for ... and evidence that it was already used.
> Three Passes: Chlotsuintha's inspection turns up the ingress that remediator used ... and something that they either left behind, or overlooked.

> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then Chlotsuintha's inspection of the Public House is interrupted by a family come to pay their respects.
> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Success (Roll of 100 or 99) then Chlotsuintha's inspection turns up more than just 'something' - it is a significant find!

>Standard rules are in effect. Now, may I please have three rolls of 1d100?
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)

Check it?
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Cockteased by 98 again
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I like what I'm seeing.
I’m extremely heartbroken rn
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Quite obviously, this was the work of a Witch - it would beggar belief to propose that this could be done with mundane means. So the only question on your mind at the moment is ... did father do this? Well, could he have? At the most basic level, yes, he is capable of remediation - you have seen him do it hundreds, if not thousands of times. He was the one who taught you how. But ... you can't imagine that this was done with Salt-Remediation. The idea that not only did someone manage to get all of the perfect little mounds and the bridges between them all over this alley and the walls, but that they managed to set up, perform the cast and then clean up after himself without anyone stumbling across them in the act, that beggars belief as well. The alley that you are standing in at the moment might be pretty quiet, but it is not particularly dark, or screened from the street or the house neighboring Aldoin's.

So .. that would suggest that he - or whoever did this - didn't use the typical Salt-Remediation cast. Father once mentioned in passing that there were other remediation casts, and while he never gave any indication that he knew how to perform them, he has always been very deliberate with what casts he performs and what Constructs he Weaves on the Life-Loom in your presence - out of fear that you might try to emulate him on your own. He is even careful about what schools and casts he talks about - if you started asking questions of him that he took to be 'too pointed' then he would simply clam up. You know that he did it for your safety, but that never made it any less frustrating - at the rate you were going, you were probably going to be thirty - old and gray - before you started learning anything really interesting. Now - Oh, Maker's Mercy, you can't think about that ... your stomach - you've made yourself sick to your stomach just thinking about it.

Setting your nerves and discomfort aside, you return your focus to the question at hand - does your father know a cast capable of cleansing this entire alley? To be certain, there is no surety here - but you think that he might. Of course, it is a big jump from 'father could have done this' to 'father did this', especially considering that there is a real possibility that there are other Witches on the Mount - hostile Witches. That thought is enough to get you reaching into your bundle. You fish out both the pin-stilettoes and the Wand of Head Knocking. The knives go right into your apron, but you have to think about the wand. Your arms are already pretty battered - if you Socket the Needle right now, there is absolutely no way that you could do any climbing. Not that you expect that you will need to do any climbing, besides maybe going over the front fence if that is the way you are getting in. On the other hand, getting a good Socket isn't something that you can reliably do at the drop of a hat - and if whoever did this isn't father and is still inside ...
Well ... what, you are going to fight them? If this cleansing in the alley is any indication of their depth and breadth into the Many Mysteries, then you might just be better served by praying for deliverance than trying to carry the day with your wand. That doesn't mean that you intend to go in there like a lamb to the Slaughterers - you just aren't going to hobble yourself with a Socket when you have seen no indication that whoever is responsible for the state of the alley is still inside. The moment that changes, you will Socket your wand. Until then, you are going to keep your options as open as possible.

You get the wand with the Needle and its Conduit all wrapped up nicely, then slide it into one of the two empty pockets of your apron. Then you fish out all five of the fuel nodules. You get one on the lead of the Conduit, and the rest of the bunch go in the pocket loose. With your preparations complete, you slink out of your vantage point, keeping your eyes peeled - but for an ingress this time, not Strange-Stains. Though you are coming up empty handed here as well. On the back of the house, there is a door - a fairly substantial looking one, wide, tall and stout - but you would prefer an ingress in an area less likely to be trafficked. And the only windows on the first floor - on the back of the house and on the side facing the alley - are either slits or squares that are too small for you. There are windows on the second ... but those bricks don't look good for climbing, and after pushing your cart all over the Mount, you seriously doubt that you will have an easy go of it, getting up there. Not to mention the issue with potential witnesses.

Before you get serious about either climbing up to the second story or scrounging up a quantity of water to perform an Ice-Lock Pick on the back door, you decide that the front of the house warrants a closer look. The footprint of the front garden is a few feet larger than the front of the house - so there is a foot-and-a-half segment of fence that closes this gap, which if you press yourself up against the house will conceal you from the street. From you new vantage point, you peer through the bars of the fence. The thing you look at is the chairs set out, presumably for those standing vigil. They are all still empty of course - you aren't sure what exactly you expected. Pattern's Peace, you are a such a bundle of nerves. You then look to the front door - which is even more formidable looking than the back, and much much more exposed. Then the windows. To be sure, these are all on the first story, you wouldn't need to climb beyond pulling yourself through them ... but in addition to the issue of traffic inside of the house, these have the additional complication of being visible from the street as well - and the shutters that are underneath the torn sheets look substantial too.
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The only thing jumping out at you here is you - of your skin!

Oh Hell, that doesn't even make sense! You'd slap yourself, but you are too worried about the sound being heard. While the fence and the plants of the garden do much to screen you from the street, you are still able to hear and even see people on the sidewalk, passing by less than ... what, two dozen paces away? You stand stock still, just breathing as softly as you possibly can, standing stock still. You fight the urge to fidget, and as you turn your attention back to the house, you can feel beads of sweat sliding over you - both under your brow and under your chemise. You would like nothing more than to get back into the alley, hid behind the house in some semblance of safety ... but you stop yourself. If your father was in fact responsible for cleansing this house, then he would have used this alcove to check the front for ingresses - so you force yourself to take another look.

And that is when you see it. Along the foundation, there are casement windows, big enough to fit through - and one of them has been kicked in. With no pane of glass or frame inside, it looks like a gaped mouth - toothless and gumless. With nothing but blackness inside.

You stare at that casement window for a solid set of moments, then you realize that you need to get in there - so you haul yourself over the section of fence. Your arms hurt in ways that you never knew they could, and you jabbed yourself pretty damned good on the tips of the fence. But you are inside. You are sweating all the more profusely for it, and you nerves are now in the process of throttling your stomach but you are on your way now - and nothing is going to change that. A loud noise from the sidewalk startles you, and you go as low to the ground as you dare - elbows and knees. You would go complete prone, to maximize the concealment from the sidewalk afforded by the wall out front, but you are concerned that your wand might take damage by doing that. Once it becomes clear that whatever the noise was it didn't have anything to do with you, you begin to crawl your way towards the broken casement. Just before you get to it however, you come across ... you are not sure what exactly. It looks to be a piece of leather with a bit of steel, perhaps a nail, sticking out of it. Whatever it is, it certainly doesn't look like it belongs here - and given that a Witch was or is on the premises, things that don't belong could be dangerous.

To be sure, it doesn't look to be Mysterious from here, but you won't know for a surety unless you really look it over. You would be comfortable in assuming, however, that it fell off of whoever broke the window.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will inspect the leather oddity, prodding and probing with your knives.
> You will remove the leather oddity from your path to the casement, flinging it away.
> You will play it safe, and find another ingress, one without 'things that don't belong'.
> You will inspect the leather oddity, prodding and probing with your knives.
I pray the Patternmaker has mercy on us for this near-Near Critical find.
>> You will inspect the leather oddity, prodding and probing with your knives.
> You will inspect the leather oddity, prodding and probing with your knives.
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You are almost certain that whatever this is, it is not Mysterious. And given the solid chance that this might have been father's, almost certain is certain enough to close the distance to it and poke at it a bit. As you crawl and squirm your way towards the leather oddity, you reflect just how useful it would be to have a proper probe for things like this, something tipped in lead, or at least a handle that you could salt like you do with your wands. You get into position, flip the blade open, and reach out with the blade in your right hand - but with only a few inches between the tip and the oddity, you stop yourself. Instead, you grab a little pebble by your left hand, and you throw it at the oddity.

The tiny stone smacks into the leather with an equivalently tiny slap, rocks it back a little ... and absolutely nothing else. To be absolutely sure, you wait as long as you dare, waiting to see if anything Mysterious happens ... but as you sweat and ache and strain and even tremble on your elbows and knees in the dirt, the little bit of leather and steel doesn't do a damned thing. Marginally more comfortable about your prospects with the oddity, you prod it, just once with the tip of the blade. It unfurls - and to your surprise there is a bit of writing, stamped on the inside of the leather. It quite clearly reads S, Property of House. Looking at the leather itself, there is no indication that there was more to the -

Maker's Mercy! It is a spur! A cock-fighting spur!

When you spoke to the Master Abbot, he was investigating the Burying Grounds of the Mount because they had found a freshly-made Construct in the backroom of an unlicensed cock pit, Woven out of the flesh of man.There had also been ... some connection to the South Sexton, a relative of his who apparently worked at the pit but was no nowhere to be found. This was why Ossavian and the Master Abbot were so keen on hearing what you had to say about your ass of a boss.

Enough of about that though - if on the off chance that this wasn't left here by your father, then it had to have been left behind by one of his 'professional' friends. There is simply no other reasonable explanation for why there would be a cock-fighting spur just lying right in front of a kicked-in casement window of this house. You are not sure if this was an oversight or if it was left deliberately, as some sort of message ... and unfortunately, you have absolutely no idea where the cock pit actually is - you just know that it was seized, first by the Guard, then by the Inquisition. If you only had more time left ...

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> The spur must have been left behind as a mistake. Take it with you.
> The spur could be a message. Best leave it behind.
> The spur could be a message ... but you are going to take it regardless.
This a puzzle Trash?
... Well, no, not really. The questions posed are 'was this left behind deliberately, as some sort of message to go to the cock pit' and 'if it was, should Chlotsuintha take it anyway, to conceal the involvement of her father and his 'professional friends' '.
>If our fluids are Strange, draw symbols that could be construed as "compromised" and "inquisition" in spit on the leather bag to update the message like invisible ink for those who can see strange staining or find another way to add this message as covertly as possible.
>> The spur could be a message ... but you are going to take it regardless.
we simply don't have enough knowledge to make a useful decision. may as well take it.

my first thought on S was Smil, but it doesn't make much sense.
> The spur could be a message ... but you are going to take it regardless.
Going with the first vote.

Frankly that bring up bigger IC questions, but I’ll leave that for later to overthink properly.

>drawing a direct Strange connection in the spur and leaving it to be picked up by the Inquisition, in contrast of the remediator’s efforts to mitigate all the Strangeness
I just find the idea horribly hilarious, ngl.

>we simply don't have enough knowledge to make a useful decision
My thoughts exactly- I fear this feels like another mitigating the corpse situation, which would be quite unfortunate.

S is probably the name of the cock or something. Frankly this make me think that not!Smil was actually a professional friend of Father, as tenuous as that connection is.
Unless the remediator is Inquisition and this is... a trap? Wait. That would make a lot of sense....

Is this a trap?!
The Inquisition doesn’t bother with remediation, only Mitigation. Besides, the contamination only affected an alleyway and a household, not the entire Refinery/ Dock area that went Chernobyl- they’d simply mitigate with traditional non-magical means, using leadfire.
I think before we take action we must try to divine its purpose.

It seems way too obvious. Like a planted clue by a witch to put heat on that cockfighting ring, maybe? Maybe Father and these arsonists are two different Witch factions in the city going to war with each trying to frame the other for the acts of all the Witches in town? Who do we want going to the compromised cockfighting ring? Nobody, right? So we should take it and discard it somewhere so as not to be carrying it.

>Take the spur with.
If there were other rival witches in the Mount, Father would’ve warned us about them beforehand. Besides, why generate heat with the Inquisition and cause them to go Hunting?

More likely, this duo got separated or split up, and they were supposed to deal with this house together, but one didn’t show, so the other left the spur as a message to meet up back at the cockfighting pit or something. Way I overthink it, we may get some company later on, assuming this is actually a message instead of something lost and overlooked.

The biggest question I have is, why wait to remediate? What’s the plan here? It’s curious, and unexpected.
I feel 20 iq points short of being able to figure this out.
Your in good company, because I know I’m 50 IQ short from being able to solve anything adequately.
>The spur could be a message ... but you are going to take it regardless.
> Stealth Test I

> DC 20: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is a Born and Bred Sneakthief, making a Rudimentary Stealth Test like this [Very Easy]
> + DC 7 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is Hard to Miss, given her size
> + DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is entering a private space, where those who belong are easy to recognize
> + DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is now Drained II, and is not moving as quickly or as surely as she might otherwise.
> + DC 6 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is now Tired II, and is not moving as quickly or as surely as she might otherwise.
> + DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha has no knowledge of Aldoin's Basement
> + DC 4 ???
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in a shadowed area
> - DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in an area with concealment
> - DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in an area with next-to-no traffic
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in an area where incoming traffic would be readily heard
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempt stealth at a time when potential witnesses would be distracted

> DC 31: Anything lower is a failure. [Auto-pass(es) available. Re-roll(s) available. No hostile re-roll(s)]

>No Passes: A Smash-Up! Chlotsuintha accidentally knocks something down - and in the process, makes quite a bit of noise. Surely, someone must have heard her and will investigate, but what will she do about it?
>One Pass: A Stutter-Step. Chlotsuintha accidentally knocks something down - and in the process, makes a little bit of noise. It is possible that someone heard her and will investigate, so what will she do about it?
>Two Passes: Fine as a Footpad. Chlotsuintha enters into the basement without issue, and works to get the lay of the place in the darkness. CF and NCF nulled on next test.
>Three Passes: Silent as the Stars. Chlotsuintha enters into the basement without issue and gets the lay of the place almost immediately. CF and NCF nulled on next test, - 3 DC bonus applies.

>If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then Chlotsuintha makes quite a bit of noise by dropping something onto her foot, injuring it as it is only in footwraps at the moment.
>If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Success (Roll of 100 or 99) then Chlotsuintha makes quite the interesting discovery in the darkness of the basement
Rolled 50 (1d100)

May our luck stay white
Want me to roll again Trash?
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolled 29 (1d100)

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Then I pray our luck remains white

The remediator is…. Ossavian?!?

Rolled 87 (1d100)

>ask to roll again
>take longer to set up the post
>roll 87
>have it not count

I’m emotional rn
It happens. -3 DC isn't worth crying on. There are worse situations to fail the third roll on.
The only time I roll absurdly high is either when it doesn’t count or the crit-success reward is a dead pig.

You also forget that CF and NCF nulled on next test, which I assume affect the DC. And considering that we lost 2 points from the finish line, losing is just frustrating.
We live.

This is clearly a sign from the Pattermaker, voicing his displeasure over the current proceedings. He clearly wants that 87 involved in this quest.
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You stare at that damned spur long enough that your eyes start to hurt, trying to suss out if it was left behind deliberately or not. You aren't able to come up with an answer that you are completely confident in ... but you think it might have been a mistake. The only message you can get out of the presence of the spur is to go to the cockpit - but the cockpit had been seized, what, a fortnight ago? Assuming you have the timeline of what happened here right, that is well before the Strangeness here was made, let alone remediated. And you are fairly certain that this spur and this window were broken when this house was remediated - the broken casement window would have almost certainly been seen when the sheets were put up over the windows, which would have drawn attention to the spur as well. Even if you are wrong on this point, and the spur was left here the night Aldoin died and much of his house was Estranged, the cock pit hadn't been a safe meeting place for the better part of a week - possibly longer.

So then there are three explanations for the presence of the spur. One; that it was left completely by accident. Two; that it was left by someone who didn't know the cock pit was in the hands of the Inquisition. Or three; that it was left by someone trying to bait someone else who might not know the cock pit was held by the Inquisition. Perhaps if you weren't so tired and battered and woozy at the moment, you might be able to figure out which one it was ... but as far as you can see, it is a moot point. If the spur was left by accident, then you should pick it up to conceal the coming and goings of Witches and their servants. If it was left deliberately, then the message is either out of date or a deception ... and you should pick it up regardless, to prevent anyone from stumbling into the Inquisition's hands.

After using the blade of your knife to get the spur into the canvas embrace of your bundle - then checking and double checking to make sure that you wouldn't be sticking yourself with the point - you close the distance to the casement, and after checking to see that there is no more glass in the frame, or anything else that may cut you, you peer inside with no small amount of trepidation. However, you cannot see too much - it is dark inside, and with you in front of the window, it seems that all of the sunlight that reaches this section of the basement is being blocked. You can make out that you are over an exceptionally large barrel - a tun if it is a single gallon - and that there are some shelves along the walls. Beyond that, you are going to have to get inside to see more - so you slip yourself in, stiletto-first.
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Considering that your eyes are still adjusting, the very first thing that you notice about the basement is that it is unusually deep - especially for a house relatively close to the harbor. You would assume that flooding would be a risk, though you can see no signs of water currently. Inexplicably enough though, there seems to be ... grass, growing in between the flagstones of the floor. You stare at it unblinking, perched stock-still on top of the tun, assuming that once your eyes adjust, you will see it for what it truly is ... but as your eyes adjust it becomes clearer and clearer that you are just looking at grass that is somehow growing in a basement. It is tallest where the bulk of the light from the casement window falls, but it is everywhere between the stones of the floor, even in spots in the corners that would always be in shadow. You look up at the ceiling, figuring that there must be some large lamp, that when lit would provide the light that this grass needed to grow - but above, there is nothing but planks. And even if there was a lamp, why would it be lit long enough for grass to grow? More to the point, why would grass be allowed to grow?

Hoping to make sense of it, you look around at the rest of the room with your acclimated eyes. The basement is a series of small rooms, with thick stone walls to support the house and archways to allow passage between them.This particular room has two others off of it. One of those is also partially lit by a casement window, but from your current vantage point on top of the tun, you simply cannot see into it. You are in position to see into the other one, but it is too dark make anything out. Looking around this room, there are many other barrels in this room, though they are smaller than the tun. Beyond that, there is a large set of cubbies and a desk against the wall with shelves above it ... with a few books and bottles on top of the desk, and wooden boxes and empty stoppered bottles on the shelves. There is a sea chest, a ladder, and stairs ... which is odd, now that you think about it, considering that you are at the front of the house. You also notice that there is no evidence of a light source beyond the window. No sconces, no lamps, nothing.

Which brings you back right to where you started, with a very unpleasant question. Is this grass ... Mysterious? Or at the very least, has it been grown by or for some Mysterious design?

You know full well that before the Piece That Fell made the first Life-Loom out of a pair of oxen for the First Few to proselytize with, Witches made do with Cultivars that were Propagated or Nursed, or Mutants ... you aren't sure what the words is for Mutants that weren't made through the intervention of a Life-Loom. Bred? Or -

You snap yourself out of it. This isn't the time to see how much of your lessons you can remember, you fraying idiot! There could be a hostile Witch upstairs for all you know. What in the Heights is wrong with you?
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There is grass growing in the basement of this house. That alone is odd enough to suggest that the Many Mysteries are involved somehow - and under the current circumstances, you should take that suggestion as fact, for your own safety. It does however, raise another question. Why is grass growing in the basement? Is it involved in the so-far inexplicable remediation of the house? Well ... you don't really know much about Cultivars to definitively say what they can and can't do ... but you think that this grass might have been Aldoin's doing, not the unknown remediator. After all, Aldoin clearly had more than a passing interest in plants - the garden and the rooftop greenhouse speak to that. Of course, that means Aldoin was either working with a Witch, or was himself a He-Witch, but you cannot dwell on that right now. The grass. You need to focus on the grass. Is it an experiment of some sort? A security-surety? Was he simply growing it as raw material? You cannot see any evidence that the grass is connected to anything that could be an Implement, but you don't know what is under those flagstones. Grasping at straws, you close your eyes for a moment, and try to feel for any disturbances in the Firmament around you ... but you don't get anything.

Not that you were expecting it. The threshold for sensing such disturbances through the Firmament is modeled by the Twinned Inverse-Square postulate, and neither of those twins are like to help at this juncture. Any cast here presumably has a very low Draw, and with a purpose-Nursed Cultivar, would also have a negligible Discordance. Odds are you would have lie your head down on a bed of that grass before you would be able to sense anything - and of course, that would only work if there was an active cast operating on the grass. Otherwise there would be nothing to feel.

A shooting pain in your left arm draws you out of your contemplation, and you conclude that you are not going to be able to conclude anything. Instead, you do what you can to massage the pain away while you evaluate your options. Looking at the room, it would be possible to make it to the stairs without getting any closer to that presumably Mysterious grass. Of course, doing that means that you would be forgoing exploring any of the basement. You could try throwing something at the floor or the grass - but if it was a security-surety, then who knows what would happen? You could also cut your losses on this ingress, and take another look at the back door.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will make your way to the stairs by way of the walls.
> You will try to safety-check the floor by throwing things.
> You will egress from the ingress and try the door.
>You will egress from the ingress and try the door.
> You will check out the books more closely. Open them up near a window and quickly peruse them.
I'm thing the grass is a sensor network hooked to some noisemaking organ hidden somewhere, and also networked with plantlife outside getting sun maybe?

Aldoin's family are likely Witches then, they knew he was killed but didn't want to raise a public fuss for obvious reasons, perhaps?

There's that sea chest too and those bottles, perhaps the contents will temporarily neutralize the grass alarm or effects?
>> You will make your way to the stairs by way of the walls.
> You will try to safety-check the floor by throwing things.
If this is a security measure, it means he’s got something worth protecting here. And the remediator already went through here.

Otherwise, we try the other door.

Aldoin's Family is extremely Strange, and there was an Inquisitor present at the funeral with them all being Strange. It’s clear they aren’t a family full of witches.
Is this an endorsement to safe-check the door? Because I interpret this as such.
> You will make your way to the stairs by way of the walls.
> You will try to safety-check the floor by throwing things.
It literally could just be working material lads.
>You will try to safety-check the floor by throwing things.
I'm going to give the anon who posted >>5729680 about thirty minutes to clarify if he wants to get to the books by climbing along the wall, or if his vote is to walk over to them assuming that the floor passes the safety check. Then I will close the vote, and get to writing.
ThatGuy here. Lets merge it with the safety check. Seems more popular.
What’s a Cultivar then, Trash?
The plant-based equivalent of a Construct made without a Life-Loom.

Alright, consider this closed. I'll get to writing immediately.
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You peer ineffectually into the other rooms, seeing nothing that you haven't already seen, before your gaze returns once more the damned grass. Now, if the grass has a Mysterious aspect to it, and if that aspect is a component of a security-surety, and if that security-surety was left in an operational state by the unknown remediator, then any attempt at a safety-check could end rather unsafely. But ... clearly, the unknown remediator managed to get through here. And ... and that raises a salient point; isn't it odd, that whoever took the time, effort and risk to remediate away the Strangeness left behind the grass, which even those who haven't delved into the Many Mysteries might look in askance at. Why would they do this?

Or ... it is possible that you are wrong, and that the unknown remediator does have some scheme to destroy the grass? Immediately, you think of the Strange Incendiary that you recovered from the Harpoonist's Perch, but even as you start to panic at the prospect, you are realizing that it wouldn't make sense. If the grass has some Mysterious nature, or is itself a Mystery, then burning it would almost for a surety leave behind the Strangeness - unless of course, a Leadfire or some equivalent was used. But that wouldn't make any sense either. Why go to all of the trouble of removing every trace of the Strangeness, only to release more and have to cleanse again?

Could it be that the unknown remediator isn't done with the house? That they will be back - or that they haven't left? Oh, Maker's Mercy, you ... you might just be a matter of feet away from your father ... or from a hostile and markedly superior Witch. You hold your breadth and freeze, straining your ears as you stare wide-eyed at the ceiling.




Yeah, nothing. You feel relief and disappointment at the same time - until you remember just how big this house is, and that for all you know, the unknown remediator could be anywhere inside, at which point all you feel is panic. Panic, and nausea and heat, and sweat and all your damned aches and - damn it all, you need to stop that. Realizing that at the rate you are going, you will waste away on top of this tun before you make up your mind, you conclude that under the current circumstances, you are best served by at least attempting to make a safety-check. You fish a couple of eighth-talents - including the 'shy' one - out of your canvas bundle, and then pick a flagstone and patch of grass to aim for. You settle on one in the corner of the room closest to you, offer up a prayer asking remittance for your sins and trespasses - on the off-chance that this ends up killing you - and then you throw.

The coin that lands on the flagstone might just be the single noisiest piece of currency ever minted, but as far as you can tell, nothing happens when in lands. The ones that hit the grass are silent, and you cannot see or sense anything when they land - though perhaps you are too far away.
> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will climb to your right, where the barrels are, and you will try to set one on the flagstones and grass - and perhaps roll another across the floor.
> You will climb to your left, where the books and stoppered bottles are, and see what happens when those are set on the flagstones and the grass.
> You have spent enough time here - actually, too much time here. You will climb down and walk on the floor.
>> You have spent enough time here - actually, too much time here. You will climb down and walk on the floor.
We are scared of grass.
> You have spent enough time here - actually, too much time here. You will climb down and walk on the floor.
Start with the rock instead of the money next time Chlot

> You will climb to your left, where the books and stoppered bottles are, and see what happens when those are set on the flagstones and the grass.

>putting the books and stoppers we wanted to investigate on potential Mysterious trap
I guess the real question is wether we think it’s pressure-sensitive, biologically sensitive, or a waste of our fucking time.

Does it look like it was stepped on? Because the remediator clearly needed to bypass this to get into the interior.

Quite a shame, I was hoping for a second update today.
Shit. You're right. WTF am I doing?
I recind that vote and
>vote instead to investagate the books and bottles instead by climbing over to them.
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You have spent entirely too much time perched on top of this tun, and now that you have seen that nothing happens in the Forms or in the Shadows when you toss coins at the grass and the flagstones, you are just comfortable to risk it yourself. With your stomach inventing new knots to tie itself up into, you gingerly swing your aching body over the side of the great barrel, and then, inch by inch, you let yourself down - intending to stop right above the floor, and then once you are ready, proceed from there. However, it seems that your right foot has other designs - and right at the last stretch it slips down a bit, and you make contact with the floor well before you expected to do so, leaving you in such a state of shock that you have to stop yourself from gasping and swearing.

Fray it all to Hell, you blithering, bloody fool! How could you have screwed something like this up? You - focus. You need to focus! You get your other foot down onto the flagstone pavers, and take stock of the situation. There is no physical evidence of a cast in progress, there is nothing that could constitute an attack that you are aware of - but you cannot relax, considering the very real risk that the grass functions as some sort of silent alarum. Obviously, you are not going to be able to see this alarum go off, but you might be able to sense it. At least, you would, if you weren't in such of a state at the moment. It takes some time for you to get yourself calmed enough that would be able to feel minute disturbances through the Firmament. Once you are, you don't feel anything ... but there is a good ten seconds or so between what might have been the single greatest foul-up in your life, if it wasn't soundly beaten out by you Mitigating the Graven Ball and you getting your head back on your shoulders. Depending on the cast, it could have reached completion and finished by now - a cast for an alarum doesn't need to take long at all. For that matter, a simple, silent alarum might have a Draw and Discordance low enough that you won't be able to feel it at all. Or of course, there simply could be no cast - but can you assume that, under the circumstances and in the danger you are in right now?

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You are going to assume that you tripped an alarum. Head up into the house immediately to hide.
> You are going to assume that you tripped an alarum. Head out into the garden immediately to hide (or run).
> You are going to assume that you tripped an alarum. Head deeper into the basement immediately to hide.
> You are not going to assume that you tripped an alarum. Poke around this room for a moment before continuing on.
>You are going to assume that you tripped an alarum. Head up into the house immediately to hide.
> You are not going to assume that you tripped an alarum. Poke around this room for a moment before continuing on.
>> You are going to assume that you tripped an alarum. Head deeper into the basement immediately to hide.
I mean, I don't think we did but we may as well explore there first.
>You are going to assume that you tripped an alarum. Head up into the house immediately to hide.

Flee forward and fail upward
Silent alarm to what? The dead man? Jesus Chlot, I’d trust your instincts more if you weren’t having a panic attack.

>Listen for steps while you look for a hiding spot- if you can’t hear anything, continue to poke around.
Closed for heading up into the house.
>run up into the unknown mysterious house in a panic with an unknown witch on the premises
Typical Chlot!
> You are not going to assume that you tripped an alarum. Search the whole basement before moving on.
That is exactly what we are doing, long-dick style
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If you set off some sort of silent alarum - and you cannot discount the possibility that you did - then it stands to reason that you must get yourself out of the basement as quickly as possible. To put is straight and square, even though Aldoin might be dead, if there is such an alarum in operation, then who is to say that one of his surviving family members isn't minding it - or that the unknown remediator discovered it and is making use of it. That could explain why the grass is still here! Any second now, someone could come tearing down those stairs, and just like that you would be in a fight for your life. Your best bet for survival is to hide yourself - and successfully doing so also gives you the option to engage them with the Wand of Head-Knocking, one of your pin-stilettoes ... or not engaging them at all.

So then ... where to hide? Going out into the garden again risks exposure to both the street and the front windows, even if those numbers are all shuttered and sheeted at the moment. Staying in the basement ... well, at first pass, it seems sensible, what with all of the darkness, but the more you think about it, the worse of an idea it becomes. The only two egresses that you know of - the stairs and the knocked-in casement window - are in this room. If this is an alarum, and there is someone minding it and they come after you, what are the odds that they come down to the basement by the stairs in this room? If they did ... surely, there would be other ways in and out of the basement, but in a fight and flight situation, the last thing that you want is to have find new egresses. There is also the potential abilities of the silent alarum to consider. As the grass seems to be all over the floor, it could be that the alarum's cast could be more nuanced than just a tripwire to be set off once. It is not outside of possibility or practicality that the cast 'tracks' where interlopers are on the basement floor. So it could be that any effort to hide down in the basement might be in vain. The upstairs, on the other hand, well - you have heard nothing from the floor above you this entire time. If anyone is up there, they'd have to be asleep - and as you doubt that there is a bedroom on the first floor of this house, let alone right by the front door, you are fairly confident that the room above you is unoccupied.

That is settled ... though under the circumstances, you wonder if you should get your Wand of Head Knocking situated and Socketed, or stick with the knife at least until you find your hiding-hole.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Socket the Wand of Head Knocking
> Do not Socket the Wand of Head Knocking
> Socket the Wand of Head Knocking
May as well but, like, there's almost zero chance of this actually being some sort of convoluted alarm system. Even if there was something up with the grass, why would our one guess somehow be correct about it? Why would they have a security system that would only work in the basement?

I'm ready to eat crow if we get upstairs and there's a bunch of convoluted plant installations but as is this is a self-induced panic attack.
Consider me voting with the flow, as I don’t really have an option on this. Hell, I still think the remediator already left- it’s been two days or so since we’ve last been here.
Have you seen the Happening? We are clearly high as balls on air distributed grass toxins and freaking out! FrEaKiNg OuT mAn!
At this point I’m hoping there’s something actually worthwhile in this house- I doubt that the witchlet is still here, but that would probably be our best bet, at least when it comes to the loot.
> Socket the Wand of Head Knocking
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Considering that there is a chance that by putting off Socketing the wand until you find your little hiding hole, you could end up facing a Witch with nothing more than an old pin-stiletto, you immediately decide that you are best served by getting the Wand of Head Knocking Socketed and salted before you go off hurtling through the house. You untuck your bundle just enough to root through it, and withdraw the wand, giving it a quick look over to make sure that it hasn't gotten damaged in your adventures and travels through the Mount. Once you are satisfied with the wand, you rifle through the bundle to find a Nodule to -

What the - what in the Heights of Hell is this? The Ounce Nodules are warm to the touch and ... sweating. As unpleasant and inexplicable as it might be, that is the best way you can describe it, beads of perspiration all over the irregular and oblong sphere. It smells like sweat too ... though now that you look at it, the color of the discharge isn't quite right, it is too ashy. And of course, these Nodules don't have glands or anything. You quickly check all of the Nodules, hoping that just one of them is still as it should be - but all of them are warm and sweating.

You had seen and handled the Nodules several times throughout the day, when you were digging through your bundles, or shifting them between your apron and your bundle and your cart or whatever. They were fine. So now, for all five of them to be behaving like this, right now, here in this house - it is beyond suspicious. This must be the work of an ill-wisher's cast! The grass, you knew there was something with the fraying grass, and now this shit happens. Maker's Mercy, will the Nodules even work in this state? And if they don't, will it be a matter of the cast simply not reaching completion, or will you end up doing harm to the wand ... or yourself?

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> The Nodules are not supposed to run a temperature and sweat. You are not going to risk the wand with them in this state. Continue on upstairs with the knife.
> The Nodules might be behaving ... atypically, but as far as you can tell, they are still holding their Charge. And you are not going to risk a confrontation with just a knife.
>The Nodules might be behaving ... atypically, but as far as you can tell, they are still holding their Charge. And you are not going to risk a confrontation with just a knife.
Were you sweating, Clot?
Is that your sweat on the nodules?
Are you panicking at your sweat?
> The Nodules might be behaving ... atypically, but as far as you can tell, they are still holding their Charge. And you are not going to risk a confrontation with just a knife.
> The Nodules are not supposed to run a temperature and sweat. You are not going to risk the wand with them in this state. Continue on upstairs with the knife.
Closed for Socketing regardless. I'm going to get something for lunch, then I will get to writing.
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The nodules might be ... acting up a bit, but as far as you can tell, they are still holding their Fuel. And there is no way you are going to risk a confrontation with a superior Witch with nothing more than a chipped knife. By the Heights, you would be leery to risk a confrontation with a chambermaid with just a chipped knife. Keenly aware of how much time you are staying out in the open - and how much of a risk that is - you quickly look over the five nodules in your hand, to try to determine which is the least sweaty. You are having a hard time telling, especially because your hands are a bit ... sweaty too. Wait ... is that what is going on here?

Fuel Nodules have perpetual casts running through them at all times, which keep That What is Drawn from the Great Firmament in the Realm of Shadows as Fuel. These Binding casts will produce Strangeness, but so long as the Nodule is well made and the cast is attuned properly, the Construct will be able to self-dissipate the Strangeness faster than it accumulates from the cast. However, just because the Strangeness does not accumulate, it doesn't mean that it isn't there. And more importantly, it doesn't mean that it cannot be remediated! That has to be what is happening here - the unknown remediator set up some sort of 'slow-burn' cast with an absolutely massive envelope, somehow large enough to blanket the entire building and the surrounding alleys, so they could be cleansed at range. That is incredible, really ... but right now you are more concerned with if it is something that your father could pull off or not. You certainly never learned how to remediate anything at range. You never learned a single ranged cast from him at all, actually - they are all more involved and more dangerous than point of contact casts. But ... he certainly was very deliberate with what he showed you. If you are being entirely honest with yourself, you don't really have a good idea of what he is and is not capable of, outside of knowing that he preferred to work with Glyphs and Constructs over Fetishes

Alright, just ... for now, setting aside who is responsible for this, if you are right, and you are in an envelope, it also explains why you feel like shit right now - because you are being remediated too! Both Strange-Staining and Hide-Eyes are active at the moment. Both of them produce well beneath your bodies natural threshold to dissipate away the Strangeness ... but just like with the Fuel Nodules, there is still Strangeness being produced by the cast dictated by the Glyphs. And as you are an integral part of those Glyphs, it affects you. Just to check your theory, you suppress Strange-Staining, and instantly, everything feels better. There is still aches and pains and nausea - some of that is from Hide-Eyes, and some of that is from nerves - but the relief is enough that you actually whimper before you catch yourself.
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As you prepare you wand, you consider the implications of this latest discovery. If you are right that the house - or at least, portions of it - are inside some huge envelope of an active cast, then that must mean that either the Witch responsible is somewhere inside the house performing that cast, or the Witch made some Construct or Implement capable of performing this feat and has it secreted away somewhere. Moreover, if the Witch is still on the premises, then you seriously doubt that they are able to move while performing a cast like this - and if it was a Construct or Implement, then it would have to be a rather large one. And hidden, of course, otherwise all of this subterfuge would be for not. A more immediately practical implication is the how the remediation affects you. As it went from unnoticeable in the alley to miserable in the basement, you figure that the closer you get to the caster - be they Construct or Witch - the worse you will feel. Of course, it would be much better to be able to sense it through the Firmament, but you aren't able to yet - you can think of a couple of reasons why this might be the case, but if the thing is shielded in some manner, you might never be able to sense it.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will use the increasing aches and pains of remediation as a sort of compass to make your way straight to the caster - be they Construct or Witch. May your luck run white!
> You will stick to your original plan, to try to hide upstairs for a minute or two, to make sure that you are not being hunted. After that, you will have to decide on what to do next.
> You will do what you can to pass around the perimeter of the house, to make sure that the Strangeness is in hand, then you will leave. Someone capable of this is too much for you to handle.
>> You will use the increasing aches and pains of remediation as a sort of compass to make your way straight to the caster - be they Construct or Witch. May your luck run white!
> You will use the increasing aches and pains of remediation as a sort of compass to make your way straight to the caster - be they Construct or Witch. May your luck run white!
Mama wants this magic
>You will stick to your original plan, to try to hide upstairs for a minute or two, to make sure that you are not being hunted. After that, you will have to decide on what to do next
> You will use the increasing aches and pains of remediation as a sort of compass to make your way straight to the caster - be they Construct or Witch. May your luck run white!
This is revolutionary for us- we could actually remediate the Midden instead of leaving it to leadfire, and save those Corner Leapers from death.
> You will use the increasing aches and pains of remediation as a sort of compass to make your way straight to the caster - be they Construct or Witch. May your luck run white!

We should not discount the possibility that the cast comes from a construct AND the witch is in the building.
>You will use the increasing aches and pains of remediation as a sort of compass to make your way straight to the caster - be they Construct or Witch. May your luck run white!
> You will use the increasing aches and pains of remediation as a sort of compass to make your way straight to the caster - be they Construct or Witch. May your luck run white!

They'll be preoccupied.
>You will do what you can to pass around the perimeter of the house, to make sure that the Strangeness is in hand, then you will leave. Someone capable of this is too much for you to handle.
> Stealth Test II

> DC 20: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is a Born and Bred Sneakthief, making a Rudimentary Stealth Test like this [Very Easy]
> + DC 7 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is Hard to Miss, given her size
> + DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is entering a private space, where those who belong are easy to recognize
> + DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is now Drained II, and is not moving as quickly or as surely as she might otherwise.
> + DC 6 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is now Tired II, and is not moving as quickly or as surely as she might otherwise.
> + DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha has no knowledge of Aldoin's Basement.
> + DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is under the effect of slow-burn ranged remediation cast.
> + DC 2 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempt to find the point of origin of the ranged remediation cast while remaining hidden.
> + DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is moving irregularly and watching her feet, to keep an eye on the grass
> - DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in a next-to-unlit area.
> - DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in an area with concealment.
> - DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in an area with no regular traffic.
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in an area where incoming traffic would be readily heard.
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth at at time when potential witnesses would be distracted.
> - DC 1 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is already in stealth, making it easier for her to be undetected

> DC 28: Anything lower is a failure. [Auto-pass(es) available. Re-roll(s) available. No hostile re-roll(s)]

> No Passes: A Smash-Up! Chlotsuintha accidentally knocks something down - and in the process, makes quite a bit of noise. Surely, someone must have heard her and will investigate, but what will she do about it?
> One Pass: A Stutter-Step. Chlotsuintha accidentally knocks something down - and in the process, makes a little bit of noise. It is possible that someone heard her and will investigate, so what will she do about it?
> Two Passes: Fine as a Footpad. Chlotsuintha follows her 'compass of misery' and enters into the darker adjoining room without issue. She has a hard time seeing anything. CF and NCF nulled for the next test.
> Three Passes: Silent as the Stars. Chlotsuintha follows her 'compass of misery' and enters into the darker adjoining room without issue. Her eyes start to adjust immediately. CF and NCF nulled for the next test. -3 DC bonus applies.

>If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then nothing happens, as CF and NCF have been nulled for this test.
>If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Success (Roll of 100 or 99) then Chlotsuintha makes quite the interesting discovery in the darkness of the basement
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Rolled 76 (1d100)

May our luck stay white!
Should I roll a third time Trash?
Rolled 32 (1d100)

Eh, I figure it’s probably best to ask for forgiveness than permission in this moment, keep the quest moving ya?
Alright. Consider this closed. I'll get to writing a short update.
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By the time that you have finished getting your wand situated, you have decided against heading upstairs to hide. To begin with, it is unlikely that there is a Witch on the premises - and if they are, then the odds are very good that they won't be able to come tearing after you even if they were able to figure where you are. They are either in the process of performing the cast, which for something that has a Draw such as this would have to render them immobile ... or they would be sneaking through the place, just as you are. They couldn't come thundering after you, not without risking discovery. So long as you are careful, and so long as they don't know you are here, you have a significant advantage. Significant enough that you are going to try to find the point of origin for the ranged remediation cast. Honestly, as scared as you are about the prospect of coming across a hostile Witch, you are equally excited about the prospect of recovering the casting Construct in a functional condition ... or the prospect of the Witch responsible for this turning out to be father.

You can see it so vividly; you walking around a corner and seeing him prowling, then his shock when you call out to him. He'd be furious, of course, but proud that you managed to track him here ... though he'd probably never admit as much to you. You'd lend him a hand with the remediation here, probably knock the house down, considering that you are already inside, then the two of you would go the Belfry to pack everything up ... once you were done using this cast to cleanse the Midden and those unfortunate Lepers. Everything would be back to the way it should be, no one would get hurt over any of this - why, you might not even have to leave the Mount!


No, that ... that isn't going to happen, not in one night, maybe not even in a week - and that is if you find father. You'd have a better shot of finding your mother around one of these corners than having all of your Stars align like that. And anyway, you'd also have to cleanse the Morgue, and the streets between the Morgue and the Midden. And Aldoin - or his coffin. One or the other was still Strange when you dropped it off, you cannot remember which. However ... this line of thought has raised an interesting point. Baring some intervention just short of a Miracle, the Coroners are going to eventually get picked up by the Inquisition, and their attention will be brought to Aldoin's house. So no matter how thoroughly this place is cleansed, the Inquisition is still going to learn about it. Does the Witch responsible for the remediation know this? Well ... if they are through with the place, and left the grass behind, that would sort of indicate that they don't.
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You continue to mull this over as you start to make your way further into the room with the broken casement window, avoiding the grass as best you can by treading only on the centers of the flagstones. Ultimately, you don't get anywhere with that, so you instead turn all of your attention to your search for the point of origin of this cast - or if you want to be pedantically technical, the point of emission of the cast, considering that this could be a Construct where originating and emitting the cast are the functions of two different Organs.

In the matter of where you start looking, you are going to stay in the basement, considering that it would be easier to hide something down here - and presumably you will have an easier time sneaking through here than you would on the first floor. And as the presumed effects from the remediation cast worsened as you moved from the alley into the basement, you are going to assume that the point of origin for the cast has to be further in, so you will be heading into the darker of the two rooms adjoining this one, as it seems to lead further into the basement. You unsuppress Strange-Staining and reactivate Hide-Eyes, stifle a shudder as the much diminished effects of the cast rebound, swamping your body with malaise and discomfort in a blink of an eye, then start walking into your chosen room, wand-hand resting over knife-hand, so both are at the ready, just like father talked about.

As you pass through the arch that connects the rooms, you realize that it remains to be seen just how accurate your 'compass of misery' is going to be for you ... especially when you take into consideration that the point of origin could be on one of the floors above you. It also remains to be seen just how uncomfortable the remediation cast is going to make you, or if it is capable of doing you - or the Fuel Nodules - harm, either at a particular proximity, or over an extended period of exposure. Pattern's Perdition - you don't even want to think of how terrible this cast must be making Aldoin's family feel. Perhaps they all took to bed ill, and that is why the house seems so quiet?

You look around this room, but your eyes aren't adjusted enough yet for you to make much of anything out. You can see that there are three other rooms adjoining this one - not counting the one you just came through - and besides the vague shapes of crates, barrels and sheet-covered furniture, you really don't know what is in here. As best you can tell, your 'compass of misery' is pointing you further into the basement.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will wait for your eyes to adjust, then you will take a quick look through this room.
> You will take a quick look through this room with your eyes as they are right now.
> You will press on, following the 'compass of misery' deeper into the basement.
>> You will wait for your eyes to adjust, then you will take a quick look through this room.
>> You will wait for your eyes to adjust, then you will take a quick look through this room.
>> You will wait for your eyes to adjust, then you will take a quick look through this room.

We got time.
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> Sight Test II

> DC 30: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is not Keen of Eye, making a Rudimentary Sight Test like this [Easy]
> + DC 6: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Tired II and is not as perceptive as she might be otherwise
> + DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Drained II, and may not be thinking as quick as she normally does.
> + DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is under the effect of slow-burn ranged remediation cast.
> + DC 2 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is trying to remain surreptitious, complicating the test.
> + DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha has no knowledge of Aldoin's basement.
> + DC 3 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting to search a next-to-unlit area without a light [malus quartered by allowing eyes to adjust]
> - DC 20 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is allowing herself to take the time necessary to search the room.
> - DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is well versed in casing rooms for valuables and hiding spots.
> - DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha was looking around the room as her eyes adjusted, improving the efficacy of her efforts.

> DC 26: Anything lower is a failure. [Re-rolls and auto-passes are available. No hostile re-roll(s)]

> No Passes: Chlotsuintha cannot find anything of interest - Mysterious or otherwise - in this room.
> One Pass: Chlotsuintha's inspection turns up something of interest in this room, though it is not Mysterious.
> Two Passes: Chlotsuintha's inspection turns up a couple of things of interest in this room, though neither are Mysterious. CF and NCF nulled for the next test.
> Three Passes: Chlotsuintha's inspection turns up a couple of things of interest in this room, and of them is Mysterious. CF and NCF nulled for the next test. - 3 DC bonus applied to Sight Tests

> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then nothing happens, as CF and NCF have been nulled for this test.
> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Success (Roll of 100 or 99) then Chlotsuintha's inspection nets her an additional Mysterious find,

> Standard rules are in effect. Now, may I please have three rolls of 1d100?
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Rolled 34 (1d100)

May our luck stay white!
Rolled 81 (1d100)

>Baring some intervention just short of a Miracle, the Coroners are going to eventually get picked up by the Inquisition, and their attention will be brought to Aldoin's house. So no matter how thoroughly this place is cleansed, the Inquisition is still going to learn about it. Does the Witch responsible for the remediation know this? Well ... if they are through with the place, and left the grass behind, that would sort of indicate that they don't.

But they’re clearly aware of the Strangeness and the funeral wreath, so it stands to reason that they may be running damage control right now, trying to get the majority of the Strangeness dealt with so as to not cause a hunt- they probably are coming for the Coroners, Leapers, and the graveyard, just to cover their involvement in this. Question is, how far have they thought this through, or if they realize the scale of the danger? Because I do bet they don’t know about the group of Mitigators in town.

Well, may our luck continue to be white.
Alright, I'll try to get an update out for an overnight vote.
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Unable to make out your footing very well, you slow to a stop in the middle of the room. You want to take a look around, not necessarily intending to find swag to pilfer - though you certainly wouldn't gainsay the idea - but rather, you would like to at least know that you aren't missing anything important. Like some clue as to who or where the unknown remediator is. Or a some indication as to what manner of work Aldoin had been carrying out down here. Or yes, some swag. Preferably of a Mysterious nature, though you would settle for 'valuable'. Unfortunately, you are not really seeing much of anything at the moment - though that has more to do with how dark the room is than its contents.

You decide to wait for your eyes to adjust before trying to look through the place - as it doesn't need to be said that there is no sense in a search if you cannot see. The first place you look is at your feet; considering that you still don't know for sure if the grass is part of some security-surety, you don't want to spend time standing on any, so long as you can help it. Though under these conditions, you just might not be able to help it. At first glance, you think you are standing right in front of a particularly tall tuft of grass, growing from between two flagstones ... but as soon as you try to focus on it, it becomes indistinct from the rest of the darkness. You aren't going to try to reach out and touch it, so instead, you have to hang on tenders for about a solid minute before you eyes adjust enough for you to confirm that you were in fact just seeing things. With your vision adequate - or at least, close to adequate - you begin scouring this room in earnest, making a deliberate point of keeping your back towards the door so that after all of this, your eyes don't un-adjust.

By and large, it seems that it was exactly as it first appeared. Besides the grass, there is nothing of an obvious Mysterious nature. You aren't going to spend the time to open crates and barrels, but you do look under all of the sheets ... to find nothing but chairs and tables and other domestic furnishings. That does include a brace of rather substantial brass candlesticks - one of which has a stub of a candle still inside. Narrowing your rifling to that section of the room nets you an older snap-sparker still in working order - which you pocket immediately - and a brass snuffer - which you leave behind. You are contemplating if you should take one or two of the linen sheets when you notice that one of the crates isn't blank like the others. It has customs stamps, as well as the sorts of marks that are used to sort and label crates moving on and off of ships. And for that matter, it looks much more substantial too. But what really gets your attention is that there is writing on the crate. That alone is unusual enough, but what it says is all the more interesting.

For immediate delivery to Governor-Docent A. Benefice MAsR.B, College of Botany
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So, in the twenty-third hour, a second connection to the University is uncovered. Fie and fray! Aye, fray it all, if you just had more time, just a few more hours, you might have been able to properly follow up on this. But now - no, no as it is, there is a real possibility that you might not be able to complete your itinerary and leave the Mount tonight. If you were to tack on this, then it would be a real impossibility.

As you have no way of knowing how much time you are going to end up spending here, it really wouldn't make sense for you to consider switching something in your itinerary out for the University at this point. However ... it certainly would make sense for you to open up this particular crate - though as it has not been opened and you lack the right tools, that turns out to take quite a bit of doing. Eventually though, by abusing your knife you are able to get the lid off the box, revealing a set of smaller boxes. You start to swear under your breath, but you stop yourself once you realize that none of them are nailed shut. And your mood improves dramatically once you open them up to find that they are all filled with silverware, appropriately done up with a leaf-and-vine motif.

Heh heh heh! Honestly, if you knew that there was this kind of money in the University, you wouldn't have bothered with the ... wait, is this silver? Its too heavy - you'd say about twice the weight that it should be. You grab a fork, and bring it up closer, to get a look at it. Immediately, the malaise and aches in some of your head gets noticeably better. At first, you assume that you must have discharged Hide-Eyes ... but when you experimentally pass your hand through the envelope, it discharges then - meaning that the relief you just felt couldn't have been caused by that. And right now, you are holding the fork over your chest ... and the aches and pains in your chest feel better. You have no doubts about it now - whatever this fork is made out of, it is insanely effective at Shielding.

The basic rule of thumb is that the denser the substance, the harder it will be for a cast to penetrate it - so it is easier to cast through air then it is through water, and easier to cast through water than it is through stone. However, there are some substances that are harder for casts to work through then their densities would suggest they are, and whose presence can have deleterious effects on casts. Such substances are referred to as Shields, and chief among the metallic Shields is hydrargyrum - colloquially known as quicksilver - and plumbum - which is lead. Now, whatever the Hell this is, it is Shielding a fork-sized footprint of your body from the effects of the remediation cast - and it is doing it as well as quicksilver or lead might. But it cannot be lead, as it is too dense and not soft enough. And it certainly can't be quicksilver, because it isn't a liquid. So what in the Heights of Hell is this, and where did Aldoin get it?
Well ... you are not like to figure that out down here. But before you quit this room for the next, you do have a few things to think about first ...

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> This is a significant find ... but you need to keep pressing on. If you can come back here, you will definitely take some.
> This is a significant find, and to hedge your bets against getting run off empty handed, you will take a handful with you in your bundle.
> This is a significant find, and you are going to secure it by getting them out of the basement and onto your cart.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Those brass candlesticks look like they'd be as good of a weapon as your pin-stiletto. Take the one with the candle still on it, but don't light it.
> Those brass candlesticks look like they'd be as good of a weapon as your pin-stiletto. Take the one with the candle still on it, and light it.
> Those brass candlesticks look like they'd be as good of a weapon as your pin-stiletto ... but they also look too heavy handle at the moment. Just take the stub of the candle to have.
> This is a significant find, and to hedge your bets against getting run off empty handed, you will take a handful with you in your bundle

> Those brass candlesticks look like they'd be as good of a weapon as your pin-stiletto. Take the one with the candle still on it, and light it.
>Governor-Docent A. Benefice MAsR.B, College of Botany
So Aldoin was the Governor-Docent of the University? Damn, he will have a great personal collection then!

> This is a significant find, and to hedge your bets against getting run off empty handed, you will take a handful with you in your bundle.
Grab 2 handfuls- and when we’re done casing the place, we’re definitely taking all of it. Spell shielding would be fantastic, both for research and combat.

> Those brass candlesticks look like they'd be as good of a weapon as your pin-stiletto. Take the one with the candle still on it, but don't light it.
>This is a significant find, and to hedge your bets against getting run off empty handed, you will take a handful with you in your bundle.
> Those brass candlesticks look like they'd be as good of a weapon as your pin-stiletto. Take the one with the candle still on it, but don't light it.
This might be out-of-character information - I'm still not sure how much Chlotsuintha should know about institutions of higher learning - but the Rector is the chief of the University. A Governor-Docent is equivalent to the Dean of a College - in Aldoin's case, the College of Botany. Furthermore, while some Colleges are chartered to be run by just one Governor-Docent, others are chartered to be run by a number of them, or have charters that are flexible, allowing for there to be one or more Governor-Docents running things. When there are multiple Governor-Docents administering a College, the administrative body they form is referred to as a Governor's Congress.
> Stealth Test III

> DC 20: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is a Born and Bred Sneakthief, making a Rudimentary Stealth Test like this [Very Easy]
> + DC 7 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is Hard to Miss, given her size
> + DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is entering a private space, where those who belong are easy to recognize
> + DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is now Drained II, and is not moving as quickly or as surely as she might otherwise.
> + DC 6 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is now Tired II, and is not moving as quickly or as surely as she might otherwise.
> + DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha has no knowledge of Aldoin's Basement.
> + DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is under the effect of slow-burn ranged remediation cast.
> + DC 2 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempt to find the point of origin of the ranged remediation cast while remaining hidden.
> + DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is moving irregularly and watching her feet, to keep an eye on the grass
> - DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in a next-to-unlit area.
> - DC 10 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in an area with concealment.
> - DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in an area with no regular traffic.
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth in an area where incoming traffic would be readily heard.
> - DC 5 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting stealth at at time when potential witnesses would be distracted.
> - DC 1 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is already in stealth, making it easier for her to be undetected

> DC 27: Anything lower is a failure. [Auto-pass(es) available. Re-roll(s) available. No hostile re-roll(s)]

> No Passes: A Smash-Up! Chlotsuintha accidentally knocks something down - and in the process, makes quite a bit of noise. Surely, someone must have heard her and will investigate, but what will she do about it?
> One Pass: A Stutter-Step. Chlotsuintha accidentally knocks something down - and in the process, makes a little bit of noise. It is possible that someone heard her and will investigate, so what will she do about it?
> Two Passes: Fine as a Footpad. Chlotsuintha follows her 'compass of misery' and enters into the darker adjoining room without issue. She has a hard time seeing anything. CF and NCF nulled for the next test.
> Three Passes: Silent as the Stars. Chlotsuintha follows her 'compass of misery' and enters into the darker adjoining room without issue. Her eyes start to adjust immediately. CF and NCF nulled for the next test. -3 DC bonus applied to Stealth Tests.

> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then nothing happens, as CF and NCF have been nulled for this test.
> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Success (Roll of 100 or 99) then Chlotsuintha makes quite the interesting discovery in the darkness of the basement
Rolled 18 (1d27)

Rolled 27 (1d100)

Whoops, I'm operating on as much sleep as Chlot so my brain appears to be fried today.
Let's try that again.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 23 (1d100)

One more if you'll have it
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Rolled 40 (1d100)

Interesting! Thanks for the info Trash!

Might as well get on this- maybe if we get a third roll we can use these next three as the Sight Test, keep things moving smoothly.

Threading the needle there huh mate?
You want me to roll to expedite the Sight Test Trash, as per >>5732932?
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Busy with real life Trash?
Yes I was. I am working on a quick update before I go to bed, however. Should be up in a bit.
Actually, it doesn't seem like I am going to be able to get the post up after all. Apologies to anyone still here. Will resuming running tomorrow.
No problem- hope you had a lovely time mate
There are no two ways about it, you simply must have the False Silverware. Obviously, time is too tight at the moment for you to stop your investigation here to gather up the set in its entirety and haul it to your hand-cart. And that isn't even taking into consideration just how heavy all of it together must be, based off of the weight of an individual fork. You might not be able to carry it all in one trip - for that matter, your cart might not be able to carry it, what with everything already on it. You groan inwardly at the prospect of having to take multiple trips through the Mount with that cart just to get everything back to the Belfry. Forget the time, you are not sure if you have the effort in you at this point to do all of that - and then move house.

To make sure you don't completely forfeit this prize, you grab two handfuls of the forks, and drop them in the front apron pocket. You gently sway back and forth, then up and down, then back and forth and up and down, checking to see if they make any noise with movement. As you had feared, they do - it isn't too bad, just soft rustles and the occasional clink, but under these circumstances, it simply will not do. For once, however, you don't immediately despair or panic - though that is more of the answer to the problem being immediately at hand than anything else. Inside the crate with the False Silverware, there happens to be a set of matching napkins as well - linen, also embroidered with leaf motifs - and after you have spent as much time as you can checking them over to ensure that they don't have any secret Mysterious nature to them as well, you wrap each and every fork in its own napkin, and then one by one, you return them to the front pocket, stacking them as solidly as you can. The apron pocket is sagging quite a bit, and the strap of the apron is now pressing into your neck rather firmly ... but when you repeat your quick little tests, you sigh in relief when no sound issues forth. You tighten up the bundle as much as you dare without risking the Fuel Nodules inside, then insert as much of it as you can into your leftmost apron pocket. About half of it sticks out, but so long as you are doing any running it should remain in place - and more importantly, it leaves both of your hands free. You take up the candlestick in your right hand, as a weapon, not as a light - at least for now. And you have your other head knocker in the other hand, salted and at the ready. If you need to, then you could drop the 'stick and fetch fresh Nodules and salt from the bundle. Might be a bit tricky with the bundle as it is, but you only have so many hands.
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All of this shuffling and stowing has also netted an unexpected benefit - with the apron sagging as it is, the central pocket, burdened by the False Silverware, is now pressing against your midriff. With the contents of the pocket Shielding your stomach from most of the remediation cast, it no longer feels as if it is going to run away with itself. Struck with inspiration, you slowly turn keeperwise, and bit by bit, your stomach starts to feel worse and worse. You stop, then start to turn counter-keeperwise instead, and your stomach feels progressively better, back to the point it was at when you first put the False Silverware into the pocket, then even beyond that. Eventually though, as you keep turning, it starts to feel worse - which as far as you are concerned, is cause for celebration. Somewhere ahead of you - at some height - is the point of origin of the cast. You are grinning broadly. The 'compass of misery' has just gotten a lot more precise.

You do what you can to conceal your labors on the crate containing the False Silverware, then you slowly leave the room, following your 'heading'. You aren't able to exactly go 'as the crow flies', but the 'compass' is definitely pointing into one of the four adjoining rooms off of this one, and you make your way inside of it, slowly and steadily. Very slowly. Even though you are making a point of keeping the room your just left to your back, your eyes are adjusting even slower. Assuming there are no other sources of light in the basement, it could very easily get dark enough that you won't be able to see anything no matter how long you wait for your eyes to adjust - and before it gets to that point, skulking around without walking into things is going get progressively harder and harder. Eventually you will have to either accept the risk of bumping into things, accept the risk of groping around, accept the risk of lighting the candle ... or throw in the towel. Hopefully it will not come to that though.

At least you can see in this room ... sort of. Like the last one, it is a square room with the grass-and-flagstone floor, without any obvious accommodations for light sources, and with three adjoining rooms, not counting the one that you just came through. This room has shelves and racks along the walls - which are crammed full of pickled and preserved food. There is also a battered wooden table with empty glass bottles on top of and underneath it, presumably on hand for further preserving - as well as a brace of barrels that even at nearly ten paces smell of vinegar. And above your head, there is a veritable forest of sausage, hanging from the ceiling to dry-cure.
All of this taken together, in a house of someone dabbling in the Mysteries, is very suspicious. Rationally, you would expect a place like this to be accessible from the kitchen, but unless one of the other rooms you see is actually just a landing of a stair, then that doesn't seem to be the case. The racks and shelves along the walls could be screening something from passing eyes - or something could have been hidden in plain sight amongst the pickles and preserves. Same goes for the sausage on the ceiling. And the vinegar-barrels could be deliberately placed so that you don't smell something else. However ... your 'compass' is leading you further in.

You slowly walk the width and the breadth of the room to make sure, but there is nothing to indicate that you have passed by the point of emission for the cast. Is it possible that this room is just as it appears? After all, Aldoin clearly didn't bother trying to hide the grass - and that has to have some sort of Mysterious nature.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You are not going to be able to solve every puzzle, explore every room - not with the time that you have left, at least. There is nothing here that poses a threat, and there is nothing here of value that you can see. So you need to keep moving.
> This is just too suspicious to pass by. You will properly look the room over, to make sure that there isn't anything else here. You will however, have a hard time of that in the darkness of the room - it will take longer, and you may overlook things.
> This is just too suspicious to pass by. You will properly look the room over, to make sure that there isn't anything else here. You will light the candle to do so, ensuring that you can search faster and are much less likely to overlook anything - while accepting the risk.
> This is just too suspicious to pass by. You will properly look the room over, to make sure that there isn't anything else here. You will light the candle to do so, ensuring that you can search faster and are much less likely to overlook anything - while accepting the risk.
Best be through- Aldion could relate back to father, and further research material is always welcome.
> This is just too suspicious to pass by. You will properly look the room over, to make sure that there isn't anything else here. You will light the candle to do so, ensuring that you can search faster and are much less likely to overlook anything - while accepting the risk.
Eat some sausage while we’re at it- I don’t think we’ve eaten yet. Wouldn’t mind taking some of the preserved food as well later, if we have the time.

>You groan inwardly at the prospect of having to take multiple trips through the Mount with that cart just to get everything back to the Belfry.
I thought the plan was to grab the carriage first, then unload the cart into the carriage, then take it to the sewers? All we have to do is take our haul to the Cleaners Closet- much more manageable.
>This is just too suspicious to pass by. You will properly look the room over, to make sure that there isn't anything else here. You will light the candle to do so, ensuring that you can search faster and are much less likely to overlook anything - while accepting the risk.
>You are not going to be able to solve every puzzle, explore every room - not with the time that you have left, at least. There is nothing here that poses a threat, and there is nothing here of value that you can see. So you need to keep moving.
> This is just too suspicious to pass by. You will properly look the room over, to make sure that there isn't anything else here. You will light the candle to do so, ensuring that you can search faster and are much less likely to overlook anything - while accepting the risk. Also grab a string of sausages and throw it around you like a bandolier.
>Also grab a string of sausages and throw it around you like a bandolier.
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> Sight Test II

> DC 30: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is not Keen of Eye, making a Rudimentary Sight Test like this [Easy]
> + DC 6: Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Tired II and is not as perceptive as she might be otherwise
> + DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is currently Drained II, and may not be thinking as quick as she normally does.
> + DC 4 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is under the effect of slow-burn ranged remediation cast.
> + DC 2 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is trying to remain surreptitious, complicating the test.
> + DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha has no knowledge of Aldoin's basement.
> + DC 0 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is attempting to search a next-to-unlit area without a light [malus nulled by light]
> - DC 20 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is allowing herself to take the time necessary to search the room.
> - DC 15 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is well versed in casing rooms for valuables and hiding spots.
> - DC 3 Witchlet Chlotsuintha was looking around the room letting her eyes adjust, allowing her to look more efficiently now.
> - DC 1 Witchlet Chlotsuintha is focusing her attention to two specific potential hiding spots - the shelves/racks and the ceiling.
> - DC 3 Witchlet Chlotsuintha performed well on her last Sight Test, and her confidence and techniques have carried over this one.

> DC 26: Anything lower is a failure. [Re-rolls and auto-passes are available. No hostile re-roll(s)]

> No Passes: Chlotsuintha does not see anything that she didn't already.
> One Pass: Chlotsuintha has a 1-in-2 chance of seeing something she overlooked.
> Two Passes: Chlotsuintha sees something that she overlooked. CF and NCF nulled for the next test.
> Three Passes: Chlotsuintha sees something that she overlooked. CF and NCF nulled for the next test. - 3 DC bonus applied to Sight Tests

> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Failure (Roll of 1 or 2) then nothing happens, as CF and NCF have been nulled for this test.
> If ONE of the THREE rolls comes up as a Critical or Near-Critical Success (Roll of 100 or 99) then Chlotsuintha's inspection nets her an additional Mysterious find

> Standard rules are in effect. Now, may I please have three rolls of 1d100?


> Please choose ONE of the following:
> After using the candle to search the room, you keep it lit as it is better than the alternatives.
> After using the candle to search the room, you extinguish it and move on immediately, as it is better than the alternatives.
> After using the candle to search the room, you extinguish it and wait for your eyes to adjust, as it is better than the alternatives.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You are struggling enough as it is right now - and soon you will be hungry, surely. Eat one of the sausages.
> You are struggling enough as it is right now - and soon you will be hungry, surely. Take one of the sausages with you.
> You are struggling enough as it is right now - but not hungry enough to eat anything from this house. Just in case.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

May our luck stay white!
> After using the candle to search the room, you keep it lit as it is better than the alternatives.
Best to save time- we’re probably going to be searching for a minute
> You are struggling enough as it is right now - and soon you will be hungry, surely. Take one of the sausages with you.
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Rolled 76 (1d100)

> After using the candle to search the room, you keep it lit as it is better than the alternatives.

> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You are struggling enough as it is right now - and soon you will be hungry, surely. Eat one of the sausages.
Its the humanitarian thing to do.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Oh boy
Alright, good job. Don't forget to vote, >>5733799! I'm going to leave this up until ~11pm Eastern Standard, then I will write up a quick update on what Chlotsuintha found amongst the sausage. If I get enough votes on that quick enough, I might be able to get another quick update in. Considering my track record though, I can't make that a promise ...
Well, I guess I will have to wait for a tiebreaker ...

Sorry about that, been busy
Jesus, Kramer, are you making sausages and Strange constructs in here?
> After using the candle to search the room, you keep it lit as it is better than the alternatives.
>> You are struggling enough as it is right now - and soon you will be hungry, surely. Eat one of the sausages.