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Welcome into the stone-ice age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains :

The fire-mastering Blanks of GrassGreen
The Assassin-tamers of Holey Moley, Tool-wielding shamans of Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters Armored feodal lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch blanks, Potters, winebrewer, cheesemakers of Jupiter
The Archers, Merchants, Slavers and Warptrailers of BadBack
The Lunar Dahu and Stove Grove farmers of Whitemane
The elusive trapmaker, History-recorders and pacifiers Cerulean

For those of you which held a tribe's fate in your claw...
>How should your tribe develop? (don't forget to claim a name and a trip)
Reminder that Bacback have 2 turns thanks to last thread's last action.

Interrested in joining? The Cerulean spot might be up to take.
Cerulean player haven't post in 15 days. Of course, if he's back before a lurker he takes back his spot.
I have one long-term lurker which is Breathless watcher. Up to you if you prefer to keep whispering in the warp or take the fate of a tribe in your hands.

Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/LLBm1mjj
Last thread : https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5958470/

Please check out the Pastebin have correctly been updated.
offer a trade deal to Juptier tribe traiding their knowledge of writing for help setting up domesticated ivy fatties in their lands.

as for the other action.

>create new warp paths up north to where the other trails were found. lets see who is around there

glad its today. tomorrow would have become difficult for me to work with.
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Please indicate on the map

Proper vessels would do much for the tribe. Pilgrims on their journey of proving seek it out, following their sixth sense. The vassals are promised places of honor if they can find it. The tribe dreams of hot soups and drinks. The dirt under where fire traps burn and pilgrim bonfires roar is checked. It has to be somewhere!

> Take another stab at finding suitable earthware materials and learning the art of pottery.

(I'm not entirely clear what the rules on repeated attempts are. If this is in violation I can write up something else)
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Alright. The thick blue line is what i need to get into contact. The thin one is where i want to get if i get high enough of a roll. That fine with you?
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders)
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Shaman, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Assimilation

>>Development Turn : Stone Hut : The matriarch has decided that living simply in nests will not do anymore, from now inside their caverns, the tribe will live in magnificent stone huts. They shall carve them through the stone for create better and more refined living spaces for themselves, the desired result : is a series of spherical huts that would almost seem born out of the stone and partial reminiscing eggs of Underhunters in their form. Inside there would be only three rooms one used for craft/make and devour/drink, one used for sleep and a smaller one for keep the companions Holey Moleys inside. The Tribe will decorate this huts with bone trophies, some painting and Fire Fern dried foliage this last one important for sleeping and keeping some warmth.
forgot to link it lol
We have Vassals handling dangerous tasks like Fire Fern collecting. I will reattempt Glasshouses, make them thicker, sturdier so we can grow Frost Flowers.

If I succeed, With Pod Seeds, Dahu Meat, Fire Ferns and Frost Flower Juice I feel we could focus a bit more on culture make that Council actually mean something
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> Strategic resource securement
using the previously conquered as a staging ground the Tribe moves to secure the lightning rock.
Develop waterproof mortar by experimenting with ash
So everybody played their turn.
No faggotry on my side in the pastebin?
We'll wait a bit for Cerulean/Breathless to take care of the Cerulean tribe instead
I could do either. For the moment I'll shephard Cerulan&Lilac. They can have it back if they want of course.

>The artists of Cerulan&Lilac drape the halls of the Mirror Hall with illusions of distant nests and use these memorials to maintain long distance teleportation gates. This allows the tribe to travel between nests for trade and socialization without always creeping through the trapped tunnels.

The History-Slab of the Cerulan&Lilac:
1st Lady: Memory Walls, Elaborate Traps, Male Oral Historians, Died in her own trap.
2nd Lady: Hidden Infrastructure, Watchers, Hidden Gardens & the Mirror Hall, We don't burn our dead
5th Lady: Bipedal Shamanism over Wild Packs,7 headed family, now we burn the dead and feed the crops with the ashes, Telepathy, Huntress Games (olympics), Psychic Illusion,
Cerulean missed 2 turns. Meaning, they spent a lot of time to that specific project.
You're getting a B03 d100 for that turn only; does that impact your decision?

Also the Matriarch are switching a bit more often. I'm not explicitely stating every one that die, but the shell lifespawn of a matriarch is 1-3 turns.
Badback : 2d100
First is about trade deal, you get +10.
Second is about warp trails.

Grassgreen : Pottery
You're getting a bit pity-allowed for the double attempt but with the amount of insight you got that could turn in a priority for the tribe.

>Ghostclaw : Dragonball houses
1d100. Your tools give you a hefty +6

>Whitemane : Glasshouse adaptation for Frost Flower
+10 from context (insight, already have the knowledge)

>BurningGrass : Strategic Resource Securement
1d100. Where are you going to conquest if you manage a 80/100?

>Jupiter : Waterproof Mortar

Breathless : depends on your will, bo3d100
Rolled 78, 69 = 147 (2d100)

Its me. Bad Back.

Also one of those rolls is very nice
2009 called, they want their meme back.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

A d100 I presume?
Rolled 90 + 6 (1d100 + 6)

i don't keep count of them anymore, since i still need to do painted history again. XDDD

Lets see
Rolled 23 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

sure, nearly same roll as well
Rolled 4 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Grant me strength khorn

>Where are you going to conquest if you manage a 80/100?
Qm I uploaded a map with a orange x on the lightning rock and my turn is called Strategic resource securement. I'm going on the tile with lighting rocks
Not that it matter most, but you could have conquered more land in addition to the strategic
At last a good roll.
Could even be a defining roll. Since final result over 95
Do I get +5 for smart?
Rolled 74, 36, 75 = 185 (3d100)

No Regrets. Still, Cerulan can have their tribe back if they want. Wouldn't want to be a nest thief.
Rolled 95 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Alright, that is a unnatural crit-100.
You're getting more than waterproof mortar with that. What do you build ?
Improved roofs, insulation and defense, multi-level buildings in the walls, and reinforce the hidden bunkers
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Badback :
>Trade Deal : 88!
This time, you get the upper hand in the upcoming trade. By supplying 8 Domesticated Fatty - improving Jupiter's agriculture - and a couple slaves to tend for them, you learn the secret of writings from Jupiter. Of course, this deal does not include the clay tablets and their cooking to keep the records. You had to find your own way...
>How do you keep records? Ice slabs? Ivory plates from Fatty's shells?
>Warp Trail : 69!
Your people slowly and meticulously (at least real member of the tribe, not those disposable slaves) build up the way North.
Paving the webway and extanding it, the era is enough to let the Matriarch die knowing you'll bring together another tribe in your merchant alliance.
>Contextual action : you can meet BurningGrass as a free action this turn.

Grassgreen : Pottery
Finally, you found the prized snow-rock. Like Jupiter, there are ample amount of this precious material... under the layers of snow of the plains, where the passageway lead out of the crack. Unlike Jupiter, the snow-rock is yellow and not red.
Using the fire mastery, you soon have your own Earthenware. Of course, those first out of the moss pit are cruder than the decades and decades of refined practice from Jupiter.

Ghostclaw : Stonecarved houses
The Ghostclaw clan moved away from their cavern habitat, into deformed-egg shaped stone houses.
The upper space have small, Hunter-sized alcoves laced with Fire Ferns, forming comfy beddings.
The middle space is dedicated to work and eat.
The lower space is dedicated to the Holey Moley. They can tunnel out from the houses from below.
Overall, those durable habitations are an impressing display of power over the other tribes.

>Whitemane : Glasshouse adaptation for Frost Flower
In a most frustrating turn of events, the Glasshouse way of nestbuilding keeps eluding you. Your tribe, once more, makes no progress.

>BurningGrass : Strategic Resource Securement
Despite the dreams of the Matriarch, the harsh weight of reality catches up. Your logistic chain is stranded too thin to allow you more conquest.
More exactly, the tunnels carved from Eternal Ice Keep allow easy travel toward even your newly conquered territory, but the challenges of communication and keeping fed your Hunterpower prevents you from taking control of the prized Lightning Rock location for now.
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>Jupiter : Waterproof Mortar
>Un-natural 100!
The Jupiter Tribe made a wondrous discovery in their building material.
Mixing ash, snow-rock and grounded regular crack rock gives a Waterproof mortar.
First, your secret bunkers are waterproofed and their cracks are colmated. Then, your houses are built upon and improved.
The most critical ressource for Jupiter is room, as the Vertical dwelling of the tribe is narrow. The favored way of construction of the tribe is stone-laced mortar houses. The first tries of the new material is promising enough for the tribe to try several-level building next.
Then, the roof are drastically improve by the invention of tiles. But the most curious breakthrough is the tribe's new storage.
A mortar heavy on snowrock builds a earthenware-like suspended building. Sturdy enough to use ledges from behind, claiming new space over the crack's void.

>Breathless : Gate
The Cerulean Tribe comes with a way to maintain contact among tribe : Gates.
The ritual creates an unbelievably short path across the Warp. However, it requires two tribesmember to perform the ritual synchronously to open up the way. Good thing the tribe got access to a Telepathic Trance.

>How should the tribes evolve?
Cups and bowls and pots! The tribe turns their attention to cooking once more, experimenting with simple slabs of earthenware over the fire sprinkled with mixes of meats and plants and even bits of rocks (salt!?). The more daring tribe members construct crude ovens, filling them with frostflower paste, plants and meats and shoving them into the coals of the fire. A few go even further, boiling water in pots and dumping ingredients in, just to see what happens.

> Building on their fire mastery, earthenware, and knowledge of cooking from the red snow meeting, the GrassGreen tribe tries their hand at frying, baking and boiling just about anything they can get their claws on.
Since GrassGreen now has a psyker population, I will attempt to develop Astral Projection through the Warp. We will travel through dreams until we reach them, establishing a shortcut! This will help us share and develop ideas, it will also help me spy and track down the other Two Legs.
IF I can't invent new technology, I'll steal it. Blueprints, design, materials, the whole lot, I'll stack enough bonuses I can't fail
when I inevitably roll like a 30- on this attempt, I'll try something else, go back to my shepherd roots
>Secure the frontier
Seeing the failure of the expansion the matriarch decides to subjugate the local four legs packs so they can hunt for our warriors while on campaign
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Shaman, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Assimilation

>>Development Turn : Shaman
The tribe requests once again of one able to see the signs of the spirits and the dead ancestors, one that understands better the meditation and magic. It is required, has such a Shaman will be found and nominated has requested by the Tribe and the Matriarch
i will write on the plates of Fatty shells using my claws. less easily manipulated than Ice slabs in a population filled with people that can manipulate Ice.

as for meeting BurningGrass.

The Meeting will be cautious offering some fried Fatty meat as a gesture off good will and inquire if they would like to trade. we can provide fast travel and facilitate meetings with the Jupiter tribe if they want to.

if i can try to nail a trade deal i would like to offer supply lines to some spots in their territory and would take payment in a portion of the lightining rock they could harvest using my help.

as for my own development. create vassal packs to help with power projection, reproductive numbers and use them to hunt for slaves further affield. these slaves might become a valuable commodity in the future.
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Experiment with building a freestanding village, secure the large moss patch to the east
>Primary Cerulan Action: Make contact with the remnants of IceyOne, both to secure their music to compliment our art, and to prevent their stories and genetics from being lost. Cerulan has a strong desire to avoid losing to the endless roll of years.

>Secondary Trade Action: Use Telepathic Trance to speak to the Matriarchs of the other tribes and offer Cerulan's services as a 'mental mail carrier'. We'll pass along your messages to each other, whatever they might be. We have a plan for how to ship goods as well. If it all works as envisioned, no longer will it take generations to trade goods between tribes, and all will know luxuries that they have never dreamed of, crafted by the other tribes.
>GrassGreen : cooking
Whitemane : Astral Projection
BurningGrass : Secure the Frontier
Also, you can agree, disagree, barter with BadBack.

>Ghostclaw : Shaman

Badback : Vassals

Jupiter : Conquest

>Cerulean : Go meet IceyOne
1d100. DC : 40/80/100
Regarding the trade action, I'll have to refuse it.
> the psyker must personnally know the one being talked to.
With your developments so far you'll have to "plant" ambassadors in the various spots for telepathy/gate services
Rolled 48 (1d100)

They call me the Thief
Well it worked, it has short range and people will know I’m there, but it worked! I can dream walk
Rolled 28 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)

Come on
I like the art here, i think we might have just reach the point where we can create distinct cultures around our tribes
Thanks. This one took a fair amount of time; I'm glad I could transmit that sentiment.
Rolled 40 (1d100)


First we cover the meat in coffee paste! Then we alternate layers of rock ivy and meats. Then we sprinkle with tasty rocks! Then own blood! Then jam it into low fire, leave alll night.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

c'est la chance
Oh mon Dieu un français!
Non, je suis anglophone. Parlons français por plaignons de la chance et sort.
Rolled 81 (1d100)

bless me khorn with a 88

as for the trade deal, I'd be willing to trade foodstuffs but decline the trade of lightning rocks until I can at least get a steady supply.
Rolled 94 (1d100)

shit forgot the die
by the way, is that a +10 for strength and armour or do you just use those modifiers to reduce dc now?
With Strength and Armor, that's an Unnatural Crit.
Meaning, you'll get that Lightning Rock Land Conquest.

I am still lacking your answer/Counterproposition to Badback's trade deal.
Unless they are luxury foodstuffs i dont need food. Especially not against my offer of pretty much removing supply line issues wherever i extend my network.

You will also need to learn writing. But about that we can talk later
I guess I'll have to decline for now then because other than the lightning rock I don't really have anything to trade and I don't want to trade those right now.
follow-up question : how do you feel about Badback's ability to just TP in your controled zones?
Cultural shaping question, won't result in mechanical things immediately.
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This era, the Badback tribe suffered two losses. First, they were unable to stabilize more power, despite the weapon advantage bringed by their bows.
Second, the BurningGrass clan refused trading with them.
A few Cerulean members setted East, after hearing from Wild Packs about another tribe of two-legs.
They didn't progressed much. But thanks to their Telepathy, they'll keep advancing while still in contact with the rest of the Tribe.
>Your scouts progressed one hex right. You can still act normally and will roll for travel + new development.

GrassGreen : cooking
Finally, some improvements in the GrassGreen tribe. Using earthenware to lay some meat slabs over the purple tubers, you created your first history-worthy dish, Cassolette. This please greatly the Grassgreen matriarch and her daughters.

Whitemane : Astral Projection
The Whitemane's tribe can now delve the Immaterium in their sleep. The Ethereal Form is fast, faster than even Badback's merchant running their Webway.
However, they are frail. Not strong enough to carry anything back. Easy preys for the aberrations lurking on the other side of the veil.
>You can now contact another tribe at the cost of a roll. The farthest they are, the harder it is.
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BurningGrass : Secure the Frontier
>Unnatural Crit
Your finest Lords are sent to stabilize the situation in your feodal realm's marches.
After a fair amount of four-legs pacification and Hunterpower help to build more heavy doored tunnels, your fighters realized they reached farther than their original mission asked, granting you control over this whole bottleneck.
Furthermore, a fair amount of pack have been pushed south, fighting the local wild packs on their way.
An ambitious young vassal felt bold, and ordered to pursue. This was a tactically sound decision : your better armored, better supplied hunters swept through the exhausted migrants or locals, reaching the prized pile of Lightning Rocks.
Of course, that much lands means a whole lot opportunities.
>Conquest bonus! Free action to choose among
- More Vassals. Strengthen your hold over the Lightning Rocks!
- Research! What secret does the Lightning Rock hold? [Write-in research]
- How to Tame Your Kraken : Fourbeak, almost hunted to exhaustion on your home tiles, are numerous in these parts. Perfect opportunity.
Sadly, your rejection of Trade Deal means that if Badback and Jupiter wishes to lay their hands on more Lightning Rock, they will have to oppose you for it. Be it Raid, Conquest, Thievery or an other way, for the first time in history Bipedal Hunters have a motive to fight each other.

>Ghostclaw : Shaman
The Ghostclaw tribe believes crystallize. The amount of tale about the nature's spirit, honouring the dead in purifying ice, and the dangers better untold lead to a need of a specialized function : the Shamans. Those Hunter are in charge of the Psyking and Spiritual wellbeing of your community.
This opens up the way to greater changes in the Ghostclaw spirituality; changes previously thought impossible.

Jupiter : Conquest
>Two success!
Meanwhile, the Jupiter tribe progressed. Securing and claiming the flatest part of the crack around the huge Light Moss Lake, your tribe have access to a huge amount of Crawlers. With overwhelming amounts of food and the trickle of new member over time thanks to the constant trading with BadBack's tribe, you even made another discovery.
North of your position, the walls of The Crack are deeply creviced. The maze of dark tunnels, dimly lit by the occasional light moss patch, are quite scarce in life - a zone predominantly dominated by Meaty Fatties. The tunnels breach through the walls, giving you a potential to expand more north.
This offers possibilities. But Don't forget my mandate lies south west with goods from the east. Not North.

>How should your tribe evolve?
I offer thee Burning Grass the gift of writing. In return i would like your help in setting up a noble family and vassal packs. so far all our efforts never got it quite right.

Her mother prepares the meal herself. The tribe gathers to see her off. A bold daughter of the tribe goes forth on her pilgrimage, following the call of her sixth sense into the vast eternal storm. She, like all matriarchs to be, is a Blank. No spirits or magic or ancestors can aid her, only her own wits and ferocity!

> A pilgrim sets off into the storm, following her intuition that something of value to the tribe lay within.
With our Vassals collecting Fire Ferns we now have something to entice the Holey-Moley. Just as we tamed the Dahu Decades ago, we shall attempt to pacify the Borrower.

Have the Dahu gotten even bigger and stronger?
Or Do i need to specify a new goal of the breeding program? The Stallions can't get bigger?
If Astral Projection was easier I would also try to copy what the Ghost Claw learned of the Holey Moley, but they are far away and would take an active effort
if this isnt possible i will instead start creating an archive with the knowledge of the Tribe. that will be under heavy guard.

this would be mostly to try and store some sort of bonuses for the future when attempting something i tried before but didnt succeed.
extremely concerned and threatened
big sadge. so no trade in the future.....

alright. i will just move on then i think.
I'd be willing to teach you our ways in exchange for writing... on the condition you stop using slaves (aka causing brain damage to our four-legged cousins). you don't need to do that once you have a proper feudal structure and my people see it as a weakness. An inability to project your strength and make them submit in the way of the ancestors.
>Cerulan tries to figure out how to use their telepathy to form mind links with flying creatures, such as the gliders. I'm planning on using them as scouts.
Their birdsongs are appreciated. Cerulan wants to understand them and bring them in, the same as with the legendary singers of the east.
Warp travel to the Ghostclaw tribe, following the warp trail east and then following guidance from our God.
you are asking me to give up one of my developments. that has so far served me pretty well.

that is not a fair trade sorry. either drop that part or i would have to ask for something more. probably the concept of tithes to make up for the hunterpower i will lose without slaves.

though there probably wont be much in the way of agreement here.
Your God[/blue} advise not doing it yourself and make BadBack expand his webway east

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Assimilation

>>Development Turn : Painted History
>With the Shamans being a new part of the Tribe, there is further happiness. The more gloomy and dark past seems almost over even, yet some things of what we can remember of the past, need to be remembered the Matriach says. Has such after much talking, this Matriarch decides that the tribe will begin to attempt to use painting for remember the past.
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> A pilgrim sets off into the storm, following her intuition that something of value to the tribe lay within.
Packing food, mustering all their courage, the young Matriarch steps in the plains. Trailing through the heavy snow, she soons reach the permanent cloud storm.
Wind lashes at her, snow is up, down, left and right. Visibility is awful. Sounds are dimmed.
Wait, what is that?
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A swarm of meat-eating cloud-crawlers?
The Grassgreen daughter lays low. And skittle deeper in the storm.
Green motes are flying, undisturbed by wind. A few smaller, still triangular-prism shaped being seems to be grazing.

The storm's warmth bite the Huntress. She's used to lower temperature, not much while being so close to positive temperature while wet.

That's enough for her pilgrimage. Better be safe, and report the findings back at the tribe, which takes those news with greater interest.

>You have a Free action. It must involve the storm one way or another.
You are asking for Nobel families and having vassals in exchange for writing and not having slaves (which serves the same purpose as vassals) far as I'm aware that's 2 for 2. I'd even be willing to spend an action helping you set them up.


>protective runes
Seeing the existential threat that is the ability for others to just teleport into our lands uncontested the matriarch comes up with a simple idea. What if we upscale and put the (anti-psyker) protective charms on the walls of our nursery keeps and tunnel doors. Would that be enough?

>free action
>How to Tame Your Kraken: a hunter on the fringe of my lands lays their eyes on a four beaks for the first time in their life and comes to a mad idea. She doesn't want to just hunt one she wants to dominate them, to ride upon their backs.
far as i can see nobility is a package deal with vassals. if it isnt. then it would be a fair 2 for 2.

quick question. creating nobility grants vassal packs on its own. correct?

to get some slow growth from those vassals and workpower would require something like a tithe to make up for what i would be loosing from loosing slaves.

The daughter returns to her tribe full of tales and stories of strange creatures and the might of the storm! She speaks of wind so strong it jerks and pulls on the body, of bloody swarms and giants who ignore the storm. Lastly as the fire burns low she speaks of the green spirits who pass through the storm as though it were not there at all. Are they spirits of tribe folk past, still bearing their green, undisturbed by the whip and lash of the wind? The tribe speaks on the matter until all have drifted to sleep, save the psykers of the tribe. They quietly depart for a secluded hollow away from the warp damping aura of their brothers and sisters.

There they dream, their spirits untethered from their bodies. They follow the crease in the warp their blank sister has left in her travels and they ride the great storm. The green spirits surround them and they fly together, commanding the wind and riding it, dancing with the spirits, learning the ways of the wind.

> The psykers of the GrassGreen tribe are drawn to the green spirits of the storm in a dream, where they learn of the nature of wind, how to control it, ride it and resist it.
Invite the Badbacks to our mossy vale territory to discuss the future, say we will give extra cheese and wine just to come talk
Nobility requires vassals.
Meaning, you will have to get vassals first, then create nobility - meaning continuous cooperation for at least 2 turns.

That's as free as free action gets - you are neighbours, you can piggy-walk the webway until 2km to their home and say you make the walk.
What do you want to ask them?
Like you can propose a trade deal right now - you have the access to a more-than-ample amount of Luxury ressources.
I've been holding that first image since thread 2
alright. then i will just do my backup thing here >>6003587
I propose we add to our treaty and strengthen it. I would agree to share the secret ways of walking the warp, and we would both take on custodianship of the warp paths we make, patrolling and updating everyone with any changes. I would also propose a military alliance to provide aid in full force if the Burning Grass tribe push into either of our territory. I suggest that we have a military exchange, so my kind can teach yours of vertical combat and yours can teach mine of bows. Finally, to provide ability to grow without being bottlenecked by the Burning Grass, I would propose that the BadBacks start expanding the warp paths east, and the Jupiters will expand to the west, and equal access will be provided to both the clans throughout the entire network.
That does not sound bad. i feel my relationships with the burning grass tribe will soon break down.

i can teach you how to use a bow and how to maintain it. however the process of creating them will stay in my tribe and will sell them to you at a very modest charge.

as for the warp network.

i was planning to create an enclave in the impassable mountains to create a secure powerposition that cant easily be attacked.
I can promise you that I won't be the one to throw the first stone.
So you agree to the rest?
If we're happy to share our military tactics, maybe I could allow you to access my clay deposits in return for keeping us armed with bows?
Also, I would suggest we build the fortress together, as I have many advanced construction techniques.
I figured out I didn't answered you mah dude.
Yes, they are bigger and stronger, big and strong enough to carry you.
To get more Dahu Gets you'll need another Breeding Program roll, although the DC will be lowered by the proof of success you already have.
Whitemane : Taming Holey Moley
Your +2 from Farmer triggers.

>Cerulean : Taming Gliders
1d100 +5 from potent psyker

Ghostclaw : painting

Protective runes + Tame your Kraken
2d100. First is flat, second gets +3 from your extensive tribe knowledge.

Grassgreen : Psyker interraction with the "green spirits"
1d100. DC is 60

Jupiter : teach Vertical Combat against bows
The rest of this will be updated.

Badback : Archive of failed Insight

That should cover it.
No, I'm a faggot.
Breathless, you'll need a second roll for your scout's progress this turn.
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Dooooooom I have flown towards the sun and now brain worms
Oh hey, good things. I like good things.
Rolled 37 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Its what I'm good at

>>DC is 40
i hate how small my bonus is
I'm starting to think there is maybe, maybe the tiniest chance of you being a tad unlucky.
nah I just blown through most of my luck. I was hoping my farming bonus would carry me but its way too small and im not sure how to increase it. I can't build Glasshouses I can't Tame Moles... I could try to increase it by improving Fire Ferns, Dahus and Stove Groves since I understand them much better.
Rolled 69, 97 = 166 (2d100)

Birds then Walking.
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Rolled 95, 26 = 121 (2d100)

hoping for a 77 and an 88
well, at least it's a 29 instead of a nat 1. failing my free action isn't so bad.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

i think we would have to build more than one fortress for the border but its something we can try together.

the enclave will be off the main Path to the east and is supposed to be a secure place for just my own tribe. you could do the same in the mountains near your own positions.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Stick figures moment
For see if our matriarch entered the snowstorm ? That would have been a fun biome honestly. I like that there is creatures and plants around we have yet to see, and this is just the great region around the crack.
can you show on the map the locations you're talking about
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Yellow are planned paths. The red X is where i want to plant my enclave. Or the rough area at least

On your end you could do it somwhere in the orange mountains

For now its just a rough idea
What if I told you there is a third biome in this map that severly lacks exploration?
On an era of unmistakable progress ,one exception remains : The Holey Moley are too elusive for the Whitemane tribe.

West of them, the Cerulean have two breakthrough.
First is the Taming of Gliders.
Mainly kept as comfort pets, selected for their mating chirps, those critter are low maintenance and soon Nest are accomodating a Glider-porch.
Second is their scouts, after struggling close to home, found the IceyOnes territory.
Knowing they could not make it back in their lifetime, they even built a village, including Mirrorhall gate, to keep the link alive between the village and the mother tribes. Their reports are, as follow !
IceyOne are numerous - no more four legs in the vicinity.
IceyOnes are savages. They live like the wildlings you saw previously, only making peaks and valleys resonate with their songs.
IceyOnes are beautiful. Most of Cerulean wants to give their testicles to Icey matriarch, get testicles of Icey males. They refrained for now.
Finally, your scouts report strange, unseen phenomenas : North from their position, large portion of the rocky crevace of the Crack can instantly get swallowed in ice, which slowly reced over time.

Ghostclaw painting - 40
The Ghostclaw clan developped their own painting style. Overly simplified, members drawn as traits similar to the stove grove lianas, lianaHunter drawing style is born.

>Protective runes : 95
Using a sculpt similar to your prized jewel, merging Lightning Rock on stone totem Fourbeak tentacle-shaped over your land is an efficient countermeasure to the dreaded Badback's webway - your most astute psyker say so. Each Noble keeps build their own tentacle, and eventually they spread over your noble's vassals.
This effectively cut out the link between Jupiter and Badback's tribe at the end of the current Era.
Of course, you can lift that restriction - but letting them just walk on your Lightning Rock territory? The matriarch believes it's too much.
>Tame your Kraken : 29
It might be a lack of luck. It might be foolishness to tame an Apex. But facts are the only things you get by attempting this bold move is a few of your better Hunters short of ears, eyes and limbs. No death to report, and nothing good meals would prevent to regenerate.
Grassgreen : 97!
You send you Psyker, in the astral realm, to interract with the "green spirits". They fail.
An expedition is thus mounted, to locate them physically, and use their Eerie Shape Ice power to grab the spheres.
The trophies are dragged back to the tribe, encased in ice.
Everything is awe and wonder. And then the ice melt.
Strong wind surround the immobile spirits. Their warmth melt the ice, turn it into snow and hail instantly.
The matriarch's daughter, first to interract with the spirits, leap forward and slay them one after the other.
They are hollow inside with smaller spirits, taste a bit bitter, and chewy, but not bad.
The experiment is carried again. A couple spirits are brought back. They have a strange influence on wind - influence your psyker learn to master.
>97! New Psyker spell learnt : Shape Wind
A safe way to keep the spirit is out of your tribe reach as is. You'll need a convincing idea, and a good execution.

Jupiter : teach Vertical Combat against bows
Turns out those skills are extremely compatible. With the mutual cooperation of your peoples, both skills are trade to their fullest extent.
In the case of bow, however, you don't get why the Badback tribe is so obsess with their shooting sticks, sleeping with them, always keeping them under hand, use them as everyday tool. Thus, you won't benefit from the +10 from bow-based development.

Badback : Archive of failed Insight
The archive proposition is a success. Knowledge is written down, and what have been tried and failed is thoroughly documented.
>Effect : +4 to roll for each time you attempted and failed the development in the past.


>How should your tribe evolve?
so they get to just nuke my road instead of just blocking the exits great....

well only one thing about it.

make a bypass through the impassable mountains where they can not spread.

if i can expand my network further i will extend it south.
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solid blue line is to be done. the other things are gonna go south only if i get a larger success.

The GrassGreen tribe issues the command to their vassals, once more they are to learn the ways of crafting and clever construction. Young stove grove shoots are to be wound tightly and soaked in the sticky resin of the Ivy Crawler. Let there be rope!

> Invent rope!
Not nuke. Not overtaking it. But able to block it.
I'm extremely entertained by the fact it's the 3rd crit related to the road.
Expand warp trails west, assist with >>6005922
We have War Dahu. But lets try to make a new kind of Dahu. This one with a fearsome disposition, prone to biting, kicking, fire-farting on non-Whitemane Hunters. These Dahu aren't meant to be mounted. These are Guard Dahu, herd Stallions and Ziggurat defenders!
I'll roll around the number 50, calling it now
>Integrate the IceyOnes into the Cerulan tribe, using the gate to move underhunters back and forth and maintain straight forward communications and shared identity.
don't you say....

i suppose this is an upgrade to primitive painting at least. Which is great since i can use it

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting)
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Assimilation

>>Development Turn : Symbols
The Shamans of the tribe believe that this idea of sort might be useful for the future, in more than one way. In truth many in the Tribe don't get it neither the Matriarch, how exactly they are supposed to make this through painting ? But the Shamans insist that the ancestors and the spirits tell them this might be something that can help them. They will be able to craft things, its important and they can't explain ....... because they don't full grasp the meaning. "Not yet" they say "Maybe after second lunch yes ?", other tribesmens say that this could help, but not in the spiritual way they say they can do something else, something for kill-hunt or craft-make. When the decision is made the first attempts of symbols are made, many wanting to make animals and plants, or the spirits and the ancestors ...... or a Ghost Claw symbol.
[Ahem. This is NOT writing, this is something far from it but we could say is connected. :) good]
How did the egyptians say. If you can paint. You can write
I'll need better explanation because I don't understand the difference between your request and Hieroglyphs, Aztek scripts or Sinographs
Tell you what : you'll get a bonus for your roll if you join a draw-in. The highest the effort, the highest the bonus.
He wants to create manga
How to put it.
Its not writing because its not what they are trying to do yet, they haven't had the "click" to get there. I want them to make symbols which i consider a refined step of the current paintings. Instead of a wriggly ill shaped holey moley primitive drawing, is a more stable one. They can better replicate that symbol and put it somewhere else for example : say i want idk amulets, or a tribe banner or runes. I want my Tribe to able to put these symbols there.
But i can also use these symbols later on for develop writing.

Depends how much time there is before the rolling part. Short time : nothing.
I don't believe just making symbols would automatically mean i know writing. I think is a step in the process for get there, but it seems not enough for it. At least to me.

In the past you specified we needed certain basic developments for get to other more advanced developments. For example when i did Stone Carving i lacked certain stuff first. I am trying to follow that.
Yeah, but I'm also trying to give you as much money for your roll as I can in case of high rolls. That and game is picking a bit of speed with the last turns.
okay then. So it will be writing, i would prefer to be symbols because i actually wanted to do the examples i mentioned. But i'll roll with it.
Your writing can be hyroglyphics and representations.

I kinda doubt the writing system i share with Jupiter is much more advanced
Still missing BurningGrass input.
Forgot to ping him, maybe that will do the trick
using the same techniques that we use to make our armour the tribe starts producing swords, clubs, axes and other hand held weapons
>BurningGrass : Stone Weapons
DC 40/80/88/100

GhostClaw : Symbol etchings
DC 40/80(get a script of your liking in addition)/100

Cerulean : IceyOnes Integration
It will happen thanks to your previous votes and actions. But you'll have consequences on your tribe. More than 80 means racial harmony. Less than 40 means roughly a third of cerulean might have /pol/ tier opinion on IceyOnes.

Whitemane : Guard Dahu
DC : 40/80/100
With what you've called, if you roll exactly 50, you're getting a free action next turn.

Jupiter : Warp Trails
DC : 40(one hex)/80(2 hex)/100(1d6+1 hex)

>Grassgreen : Rope
1d100. DC : 40/80/100

Badback : Warp trails
DC : 40(one hex)/80(2 hex)/100(1d6+1 hex)
Rolled 38 (1d100)


Rolled 47 (1d100)

Ebony & Ivory
Rolled 82 (1d100)

>The quest won't devolve in Supreme Space Monkey
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Big Mean Lunar Machine!
fine. Then I'll try conquering, I guess. I am somewhat mediocre at that, right? 2 vassals is an alright proof of concept, right?
Or maybe I'm looking at it all wrong, Holey-Moleys, Dahu, Under-Hunters, Glasshouses...this isn't the Path. Nononono. The Path lies in the dead. Yes. I know what I must try next. Clearly this generation is worthless.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 10 (1d100)

come one 88. bless this roll khorn.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

I had intended to make a better version, but this will do for now
High effort enough coupled to the roll to get a bit more on the way - like a small enough development embedded, or a shamanic use, or something
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>Jupiter+BadBack : trails
The joined effort of Badback and Jupiter tribe led to the warptrail linking their tribes once again.
Uniting their efforts, they trace a way west, in the Frozen plains.
Some curious hunters go back in the Materium. Most see a sea of snow, but a few lucky ones see, for the first time, a few animals never seen in a meat-splat-less shape before...
Jupiter, you have enough stockpiled Crawler cheese and Berry wine stockpile once again to "motivate" Badback into a second action this turn.

>Grassgreen : RopeMaxing - Failure
The Stove grove dry lianas are too frail for the purpose of roping.

>Whitemane : Guard Dahu - Failure
The Dahus are way too nice to serve as guard whatsoever. The idea is laughed at by the council, attempted anyway just to be sure, and validated stupid at the third time Dahus tried to cuddle with Meaty Gliders, at a complex disregard for their safety. Domestication have completely tuned away their flight instinct, and have no fight in them.

>BurningGrass : Stone Weapons - Failure
In theory, weapons could help your tribe's member fight better. In practice, it goes against their instinct.
Thus, training involving said weapons quickly turns into one Hunter throwing the weapons and resorting to bite and claws.

>GhostClaw : Symbol etchings
A few symbols are created. Soon, all your tribe member know to etch and recognize them.
They have potential to grow in several ways...
>Your draw-in provide +10 for next roll related to symbol.

>Cerulean : IceyOnes Integration - 47
Although most Cerulean and IceyOnes agree to move on as one, you have a great deal of resent in your population.
A third to a bit less than half IceyOnes strongly believe they were better before the Purple Hunters invasion. They lived a simple life tuned with nature. Now, they have to work to build Nests, to dig Tunnels, to follow rites, build hidden gardens.
Between one out of ten and one out of eight Cerulean believes integrated IceyOnes was a dire mistake.
They spend days trying to do as few as possible, leeching on your hard-earned food (scarce so up north). Their dumb women entice gullible males with their songs - leading the less able Cerulean Huntress to fail reproducing, growing discontent.
Those two minorities are manageable for now, but very little might turn the fragile domination of your tribe into riots.

Wanted to draw this one for quite some time, but Jupiter's first attempt in the frozen plains was too disastrous
explore the frozen tundra for creatures and plants that might be useful for the expansion/furthering of the tribe.

> The tribe explores the mountains, seeking new ingredients for food, such as herbs and spices, and attempts to incorporate them into their cooking.
if the tribe will just throw their weapons and resort to biting and clawing what if we gave them weapons to throw at the enemy/prey before engaging in melee
I would go with “Plan Death” immediately, but I want some positive reinforcement first. So we are gonna conquer. >>6005925
First move, we will use some of the Vassal females to increase our population. We have Fire Ferns and Dahu, we can sustain twice as many Two Legs as before. We will try to breed as many Whitemanes as possible
If your action is "conquer" I'd appreciate a marking on the map (label 1/2 for DC 40/80)
Well I want to conquer, but this turn, I want to increase my population first. Unless I can do that *by conquering* in which case I’m going South-East
I'm trying to accelerate the game to avoid boring out both you players and me, so yes, yes you can.
I am not exactly bored. I just wish I had more bonuses to counter my bad rolls. The explanations for why I fail feel adequate though. My repeated setbacks are pushing me into more and more esoteric decisions for development. Everyone else is moving forward technologically and especially culturally. I have a plan, but I feel that in the end, a dual empire is my best bet to protect the Whitemane ethnicity in the long run
Ooph, I feel you there. Zero reliability on being able to get something done is really crushing my ability to develop in any sort of coherent direction.
Yeah. Haven't done stats on the success of each tribe, but as is said : Dice Giveth, Dice Taketh
>Colonize the adjacent regions using our meditation to keep in touch. Food density is low and the northern tribes lack agriculture, but that doesn't mean that they can't spread their culture across the frozen north.
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Assimilation

>>Development Turn : Writing
With the creation of symbols and each having a meaning and reason, the tribesmens decide to paint them down and with the wisdom of the Shamans, they are directed in giving a organized meaning to them on well carved little oval stone pieces. This should allow to keep with us in our houses these painted things. From now on we shall remember better thanks to our symbols we paint, and we shall able to describe more the tribe, world, spirits, death and life around us.

I am not bored either, if anything i think
that i am always on my last legs. Is hard to try and grow in all things that i need for have a reliable chance of progress or expansion (while also adding things purely for flavor).
Forgot the name here
Waiting for Jupiter Input
Continue warp paths southwest
i think he also means if you wanna bribe me again to do something for you.
Expand your territory north
alright. here is my expansion plan then.

the red is my prefered expansion. orange the general direction if i get more than one expansion. just in case of crit and stuff.
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my bad. still half asleep
Badback : explore frozen step + conquest
Conquest benefits from weapon. Vertical guerilla counts for the first success but not for the second one.

>Grassgreen : explore the mountains for new seasoning
1d100. DC is 80.

>BurningGrass : Javelin
DC is 40/80/88/100

Whitemane : conquest
1d100. +10 from battle-psyker, +2 from Dahu armor, +5 from Dahu mounts.

>Breathless : conquest
1d100. I'd appreciate a map showing your target spots.

Ghostclaw : writing
1d100, +10 from draw-in

Jupiter : Warp-paths
Rolled 25, 39 = 64 (2d100)

i trust you might add the correct modifiers.
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Ooph. So much for expanding the pallet.
Well you've known the mountain territory for generations and generations, attempting to eat basically anything and everything, including rocks.
btw. woulk conquest also get a bonus from a Webway path that is already there? It would make lgistics easier and shorten travel time as well as offer a safe place to retreat to if necessary and outnumbered
Rolled 46 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

With the power of Math!
Good good. More people, more chances for Project Death to actually work
Rolled 30 (1d100)

god, damn it. I might as well go the psyker path if khorn is going to keep fucking my rolls
Rolled 92 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

lets gooooo
Now i just might be able to redo again some of the failed stuff and start new ones. Which is very needed.....
Sure, but we just recently learned the ways of cooking. Things like peppercorn, jalapenos and vanilla beans aren't good eating by themselves, but they make for great seasoning once you understand that foods can be combined. There's a whole ecosystem out there that's been recontexualized by the advent of cooking.
Fair point.
Not that it's changing much, not enough to let you conquest twice, but fair point nonetheless.

That's un-natural crit land. What kind of freebie do you want with that?
From the top of my head.
>Your writing is perfect for shamanic runes (Psyker-oriented)
>Your people are all literate with a strong emphasis on poetry and few words koans, punchline and idioms (Cultural-oriented)
>A few of your people develop a strong liking for ideas explorations, becoming the first philosunter (Science-oriented)
Fair point.
Counterpoint : you live in an almost-deathworld. Ecosystems are small loops with a few different species. Your action as tribe have created subspecies already (domesticated fatties, moleys and Dahus, Flower Ferns)
i did not expect it to change much. just wanted to point that out since i had offered the same to Burning grass.
>Your writing is perfect for shamanic runes (Psyker-oriented)
hell yeah
Just to be sure though.
This is still writing and i can use it for other stuff (meaning cultural and scientific things that use writing aren't out of my reach ) right ....?
Yes. That's where your bonus will apply.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 22 (1d100)

All the directions, we're just spreading out and lowering population density until population booms next generation. But if that's not feasible, I wrote down priorities with 1 being most important. Looking to secure that glowing food rich rainbow. This is a once in a generation expansion.
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Double failure. Captcha is giving me a k, y, and s.
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This era is marked by an increase of territory mastery for several tribes.
Where Badback and Whitemane succeed acquiring new lands, Cerulean fails to do so.
Jupiter finally reached the southwest mountains; finding a mountain land barren of life.
"Oh? You anticipated my next demands? Good; good. Paving the way before having the good proves you're my chosen one...
Now remember : Get 5 earthenware full of Fire Pod seeds, 5 earthenware full of Fern Roots, 6 gliding wolves, 12 young Dahus and 24 Holey Moleys.
The priority is first the Fire Pods, Fern Roots and Dahus. Second the Moleys. Third the wolves.
Your god is quite pleased. From what you understand, its plan would allow to bring suitable life to this barren piece of land.

On the least succesful side, BadBack was totally unable to notice further life in the snow plains. Jupiter, knowing well the terrain for its exploitation of rock-snow at the rim of the crack, have seldomely sawn life in the plains - indicating this ecosystem is incredibly sparse.

Nothing much of note happened to Grassgreen, sampling every plant, animal and rock of the mountain in their quest for new savours.
Meaty Glider meat? Rarely a danger, most likely an Occasional treat long used by the tribe - especially the Glider Crawlers living on the back of said predator. Glacier Drifter? Inedible blocks of ice.
Their failure is not total however: they are certain there are no new "natural" undiscovered flavors in the ecosystem.
Taming animals in the way of their Whitemane friends might be the way to go to refine their cooking.

BurningGrass bold attempt to weaponize the throwing of disposable weapons hits resistance once again : most tribe's fighter deam it as a weak huntress tool and cowardice.

The most interresting development, in term of civilization, happens east.
The pictograms of the Ghostclaw tribe repend among the tribesmate, expand quickly in number, able to fully retranscript meaning.
They soon are used by the tribe's shaman, which reverences over said rune are found to be perfect channel of Spiritual power
>+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls

One more thing of note : it looks like conquering territories is the greatest way to bolster up a tribe's number.
In particular, BurningGrass empire with numerous vassals, Jupiter with ample territory and demographic boost from Badback's slave and Cerulean with their new integration of IceyOnes are largely ahead in terms of numbers.
Whitemane will require time to stabilize their number before splitting again and conquering more lands. Ghostclaw remains demographically-challenged.

>How should your tribe evolve?
A/N : map
Dahu do not spit testicles and don’t have eggs, but “mate” and “give birth” weirdly enough. GrassGreen is fond of food stuffs. I wonder, then, if that “thing” the calfs drink from those “hangy bits” is… edible…
I wonder what Grass Green would give for the import
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls)
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Assimilation

>>Development Turn : Morningstar - Runic Stone Weapon (modified from stone bleeder)
>With such an advancements has writing, the Matriarch is extremely pleased. But she wants more, she wants to take new land and need the tools for it. The warrior-hunters need to be prepared for such an endeavor and what they are currently, is not enough. The first step is a new stone weapon. Modified initially from a stone bleeder tool, it will be a weapon for true fight-hunt. Such a weapon will be crafted from carved stone and the symbols of the tribe shall be placed on it by the Shamans, meanwhile the Holey Moley Metal Claws will be stuck inside a circular piece of stone and act has spikes.
Introduce rainbow moss, ivy, crawlers and fatties to the mountain, build a small farming outpost
expansion towards the east. i wanna secure my northern borders and get a larger workforce to work on my next project.

i wann start building large farms to trry and cultivate new foodstuff. either from Ivy of Lightmoss or both.
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Forgot name and pic
Have you done pottery yet? Gotta put that milk in something after all. Granted basic earthenware is porous, it's no good for long term storage. I'm also thinking of doing vinegar and pickles, but I feel like an improvement to pottery is called for there. Some nice earthenware bricks might help for road making too.


> Refine earthenware practices with kilns and ash glazes. Make use of the Shape Wind spell to intensify kiln flames in place of bellows, and try out various mixtures of materials as glazes.

There is a simple problem with earthenware. It leaks! Slowly bits of any liquid stored within seep out. This makes soups and stews and other foods a mess if stored for long, and storing water difficult to. But a few pots (those who by luck naturally glaze in the ash of the fire) do better than others, and take on a glassy sheen.

The tribe investigates, trying their hand at building bigger kilns, using Shape Wind to feed the fires and made them more intense. More importantly they pass the pots through the fire a second time, trying to melt different outer layers of materials onto the pot to seal it. Mixtures of ash, dirt and even black and fat are tried, in hopes something will yield better results.
>Have you done pottery yet?

just turn it tohalf frozen slush with psychic powers. and be the first supplier of icecream.
I have wind magic too! I could make the best whipped cream I bet. I'm honestly really sad we're on a deathworld now, because the low ecological diversity is a massive bummer.

Once we had dreams of being a technologically advanced tribe of noble warriors. Now we just want to cook.
I’ll carry the milk in my pouch. Also I could just trade you the knowledge (and physical thing) so I can hold it
Mongolia made it work with just horses. Their religion, clothes, food, art, weapons, warfare, law, education, transport it all involved a single thing as its baseline
(If you ever wondered if there is a “we use this thing for everything our civilisation is built on” type of society in the real world, like Rook’s specie for Ben 10 or the Mantid from World of Warcraft, it’s the Mongols and their Ponies (medicine is kinda the only thing they don’t use horses for, but Horses consume less medicine to upkeep)

QM blogpost shitposting time
RQM is racemixing QM. Bananas is oil on fire QM. I don't recall who is abortifient QM. What is my QM own brand?
You are all about the chaos of Dice. You roll dice for everything, all the time, and they tend to be wildly skewed to the top and bottom of the curve.

Drives me crazy to be honest, because your world building is really fascinating, but I feel like your quests are an endless minefield of dice waiting to fuck the players over. You've made some very fun stories with it though.

I dub thee Bipolar Dice God.
Your quests seem like a trap. You come up with interesting, rarely explored concepts, you listen to the public, you know what the Invisible Hand of the Market wants. You set your trap, we congregate and then you force us to roll dice, knowing full well, that because of how many of us there are, the chances of rolling high and low multiple times in a row are very common. It’s all a front, a facade, so you can post that one meme of your character rolling crit successes followed by crit fails. You are feeding off our misfortune and luck
Entertainment Vampire Quest Master
Horses were central to everything, but the mongols still used whatever wild plants they could find, onions and garlic among them, plus rice and spices when they expanded toward china. And they herded several different kinds of animals as well.
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>Secure the motherland.
seeing the pride of her warriors the matriarch comes up with a simple solution. She would send her warriors to conquer the land around the motherland. if they succeeded the tribe would have more land and if they didn't she would be able to push for her reforms.

in the map the hex with the green X is most desirable, orange the second most desirable and white the least.
also qm would you mind putting tribe numbers in the Pastebin so I don't have to guess?
>Put numbers in pastebin
I half-seriously update the pastebin and the tribe numbers are dealt with in an external excel table.
Here's how it currently is. I often forget to update that one though.
I agree with Greengrass. On reading the spoiler my take was Accommodating Dice-Based QM.
>Develop Pathfinders
With the failure of the diaspora to claim new lands, the invading tribal spirit inspired the Singing Cerulan to form a cadre of pathfinders who scouted out the herds using clairvoyance and connections to the Gliders to see the world from new angles, the spirit eye and the sky eye. Be unafraid to explore existence with new perspectives Artists. Find the herds, find the best paths, and learn the love of exploration.
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Made the Runic Stone Morningstar in question.

your own brand.... you are good but rolls fuck us over constantly lol, or suddenly are very good. GrassGreen said it quite well honestly.
>Ghostclaw : Morningstar.
1d100. DC40. +10 from draw-in, +3 from runes.

>Cerulean : Path Finders
1d100. DC40/60/80

BurningGrass : Conquest
Strength and Armor applies. +15
DC : 40/80/nat88/nat100

Whitemane : go sell milk to GrassGreen
Travel roll. DC is 40/80. +5 from Dahu mounts.

Grassgreen : Ceramics improvement

BadBack : conquest
1d100 DC 40/80
+10 from bow. Vertical warfare triggers for second but not first.

>Jupiter : Farming outpost in the mountains
DC 80. No bonus.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Rolled 53 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Oh so I already checked if the Milk was edible? That’s nice. I can start trading GrassGreen for different foodstuffs to see if Dahu milk changes based on what they eat. For example, I don’t really have a steady supply of Frost Flowers so GG would need to give me some to experiment
Rolled 76 + 13 (1d100 + 13)

Also, QM, tactics involving Dahu aren’t really that effective because Under-Hunters can teleport and the Warp is not yet fucked enough for this to be risky. So, if I want a bigger bonus from Dahu mounts and war tactics, I need to improve Hunter teleportation to work with the Mount. An idea would be feeding the rider’s Mount blood and meat mixed in with their feed, taken from their Rider. If a piece of the Rider exists inside the Mount, maybe the Psyker’s Heart will work for both
You are not heavy on the "teleportation" aspect as a tribe. However, this would be a valid Selective Breeding program in the future.
So. Can i get anything special from this unnatural criz? >>6013070

Should i offer a possible effect or will you think about it some more?
I was thinking of automatic webway paving + a bit of webway extension east.
that was my basic idea as well.

at least the automatic expansion into my now conquered territory. if you wanna give me more i will take more.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

Great Sky Banana, I hope that isn’t me when I launch Project Death
with enough preparation you probably wont be. but i am kinda worried what that project will entail.
Rolled 42 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

I win either way
Rolled 97 (1d100)


Caffeinated Dahu will be amusing.
Those are gonna be some damn fine creamic pots
These will be crucial to the White-Green Food trade. We can start to experiment with Fire Ferns, Grove Seeds and Milk with such good pots. Fermentation.
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>Page 4
>11 total crits

I'm entitled to post this
It's good stuff! I'm probably going to take a stab at using clay bricks to build homes and roads, but effective long term liquid storage could let us get into fermentation too! Purple tubers can probably ferment into some kind of vodka. And of course there icecream, cheese, butter, yogurt, curds.
you know.... i think i am gonna love trying to get some trade going. every underhunter is gonna love this.
i'm telling you GG, when our tribes make territory contact we gotta form the Flavor Trade Empire. We'll make our own Silk Road.
Hopefully, Project Death will be our enforcer
You have my approval
Rolled 9 (1d100)

Find the path.
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Ghostclaw Shaman invented a mighty weapon : the Runic Morningstar.
Every clansmen can build an enhanced Stonebleeder. But it takes a Shaman to carve the potent runes of the totem.
Each Runic Moningstar is an unique piece of craft transmitted amidst a lineage. Losing one is an unimaginable stain upon one's honor, making all the spirit of ancestor and past wielder, living amidst the weapon, frown.
> + 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons.

Cerulean failed to find the path. As a consequence, Hunters of Icey descent blame the purple ones for oppression and limiting path onward, while Cerulean-descent Hunter blames the Icey ones as leeches not trying hard enough.
Of course, both of those bad faith accusation comes from vocal minorities.
>Jupiter : Failed by 75
Your effort are fruitless. Each attempt leads to the same result : the Ivy berry wilts in the unadapted territory, light moss lose its sheen, crawlers have nowhere to frolic and Fatties becomes Leanies because of starvation.
This displease greatly your god, which plagues you with nightly nightmare.
"I gave you simple orders such a dimwit species should understand : get suitable life and bring them. And you disregard, while I told you explicitely it was the plan? Think, Hunter, Think!
BadBack : conquest
The battle for Flatlands will remain in the tribe's memory and shared history.
Flatland is of course an exageration : a ball couldn't roll more than ten meters before getting stuck in any directions at best.
However, with an Hunter's pounce, the jagged terrain is the closest to a plain in the crack. The legends say that 20 Huntress conquered around 1000 km of terrain.
Of course this is exagerated : granted, there were less than 30 warriors. Logistics chains, tending wounds and feeding the warriors were not counted.
Neither where the slaves sent to death as scouts. But it is true that ample terrain was taken, and paved by the WarpWay. Due to how fast the conquest was, the Warpway reach east, over the frozen plains. Badback knows other tribes delve further, as told in the legendary tribes meeting amidst Red Mist.

Such a tribe is Whitemane's, which send a caravan of Dahus directly to meet Grassgreen.
The travel was long, despite access to mounts.
>Free action : trading with Grassgreen!
>Second action : travel back! Good enough roll will improve the Dahu's bonus upon untrailed travel

Said GrassGreen tested extensively the raw material and way to turn them into earthenware.
Although lacking the aesthetic refinement of the centuries-long tradition of Jupiter, multitude ways to build ceramics with various recipes are discovered : Earthenware is more easily mass-produced; Stoneware is more difficult but water-tight (What Jupiter achieved by layering Ice in their pots), porcelain is made using bone-ash and the most expensive to date, and a couple Hunter have witnessed the Vitrification process, which is not yet mastered.
Some Hunter theorized building using square earthenware rocks and roof using earthenware plate molded on backs.
But most are delighted by the possibilities offered to improve food storage and cooking.

BurningGrass expanded North. This new territory, twice closer to the Ever Ice Keep than the tribe holding the Lightning Rock territory, is conquered. Tunnels are built; heavy door are mounted, and tentacles-like sculpture prevents warpway to cross in your territory.
However, your hold of the new region proves challenging : you lack Vassals to rule efficiently. Thus, the rest of the Era is spent consolidating your power and your hold.
>Vassal Creation Minigame!
Your Vassal evolved with the sheer amount of conquest and the length of your feodalism.
Feel free to describe the different feodated families (at least 3, the more you do the more you'll have) and their particularities.
of course, all of you can deal with their own free actions and minigame while also answering the age-old question....
>How should your tribe evolve?
i will once again attempt to create Vassals. There is ample land to give out to the most ingenous and thrifty hunters wishing to get land and increase their standing in the eyes of the matriarch.
Sisters of the north! Come! Enjoy some cassolette and frost-paste! What have you come to trade for? The gifts of our home are yours to choose from.

After farewells with our sisters to the north the tribe calls its vassals together. The time has come for the tribe to establish control over a wider region, bringing in more testicals, more food, and more. Each vassal is promised it's own vassals in turn correcting if they can show sufficient valor in the efforts to control the region.

> Rally the vassals and move forth to subjugate more tribes, establishing a caste system of rulers, specialists, and serfs.
We bring Dahu Calf-Feed-Juice. Vital to the special flank and hind-leg bones of Dahu, if they do not drink enough when young, they end up weak and brittle. This Bone-Juice is good for Hunters too, we’ve had it for a long long time, since we only recently had access to Fire Ferns and Dahu Meat gets boring after a while.
Be careful, some of our Vassals dont feel all that well when they try it. But we got Frozen Bone-Juice and Fresh Bone-Juice and Ichor-like Bone-Juice (which happens if you let it in your Pouch too long near a Stove Grove.
Your pots would let us store them for longer. We brought Fire Fern for cooking and experimenting and we want some of your Spuds and other such plants we can’t grow on our own. We want to see if Dahu feed changes the taste of Bone-Juice
We would>>6014498 also, like some… information. Have you see any Glacial Drifters in the area?. We would like to try and… experiment on them. These experiments need Psykers, not Blanks, for it will involve a technique we have developed. I encourage you, GG, if you wish, to partake in another exchange of Eggs and Testicles. You have been great Partners to our Tribe and should our experiments succeed, we want you to be able to share in the… Ascension
Expand northwest
Bone Juice! Fill this pot of tubers and we'll set it in the fire until the tubers go soft!

The Glacial drifter is worthy hunt indeed. Soon we ride to subjugate the surrounding tribes. Lend us some warriors and we'll lend you our wind shapers to bring down the glacial drifters.
>Choir of Power
The scavenger spirit notices the disunity among the new tribe and their lack of vision. To bring all together, the matriarchs are sent dreams of singing together in harmony. Coming together like this, many become as one and their wills and psychic powers are joined together to accomplish feats which none could alone.
i am not sure i have a vassal. My numbers are too low. Remind me if i have it dragon
Almost there for conquest......

>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons)
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Assimilation

>>Development Turn : Runic Stone Armor
>With the warrior-hunters of the tribe now having new mighty weapons, the Matriarch has envision they shall have something for protect their bodies. The spirits and the tribe traditions, have placed in front of them a great path to follow. And through stone they shall follow it. Pieces of stone are found, well carved, then tied together with lianas of grove for the tribal Ghost Claw warrior-hunter to wear. The armor is then decorated with symbols and paintings, alongside pieces of horns, teeths and bones. The result is a fearsome armor unlike any other.
Mastery over the Air? You would truly part with them? Very well.
My notes say you have subjugated the nearby packs, but no proper vassals - this is your failed "Assimilation" advancement.
My two vassals are pretty new, but if I can customise them, they probably have very thin and bristly fur from all the Fire Fern picking they do and thick legs from Dung Running. Also not really afraid of fire anymore
Vassal Customisation is a freebie for BurningGrass only, sorry Whitemane.
Lend is the key word here. Try to bring them back in one piece.
Hey man, the dice crit fail, not me
That would be hilarious if I develop a new form of psyker, and then they all just die in a freak accident. Better leave the apprentices at home.
I had a late night I'll get to my turn after a long nap
Take your time, I'm update-challenged for this quest in the upcoming weekend anyway.
I'll see what I can do about it, but don't sweat it.

made a nice pic
damn your that drawfag from the 2nd primarch quest nice to have you here
seeing that she has stretched her hold too far to effectively hold her land, she comes up with a simple plan. she will institute a framework where a vassal will control the land for her. effectively each would be a queendom that answers to their empress Burning Grass. [a.k.a I create a new vassal to control a hex every time I conquer a new hex they will as usual have their own vassals]

Vassals: note the name is of both the leader of the tribe and the name of the tribe itself. the new Lady matriarch takes the name of the old one upon becoming a matriarch:

Many Pelts: being one of the first vassals rewarded for their service of providing the largest tribute to their overlord. the tribe eventually outcompeted the other two vassals and was granted ladyship over them. This tribe is filled with the greatest hunters within the queendom. members of the tribe are often noted to be free-spirited and competitive than most underhunters of the queendom. Always seeking that next bit of glory, the next thrill, the next great hunt. This tribe can often be told apart from other tribes by their tendency to wear trophies and pelts not for warmth but to display their hunting prowess to each other. Instead of the usual ritual fights for dominance that Underhunters undergo to determine the new Lady matriarch the many pelts tribe instead hold a great hunt where the competing matriarchs hunt and the one to bring back the most food wins and is crowned the new Lady Many Pelts. This hunt must be either done solo or with a group of matriarchs supporting their preferred candidate. The current Lady Many Pelts has become enamoured with the four beaks and wishes to not only hunt one like her ancestors but to tame them and ride it like the tribe to the south. She has not had much to show for her efforts so far except some regrown limbs but she hasn't let that detter her.

Under Snow: This tribe is full of the visionaries, artists, and architects of the queendom. The tribe's claim to fame is that the first Lady Under Snow was the mind behind Ever Ice Keep. The under snow tribe builds and maintains the tunnels, equipment, and keeps across the queendom. The members of this tribe are often considered the most intelligent, creative, and prideful underhunters of the queendom. They are also considered by those outside the tribe as arrogant and snobbish as they look down on their lesser-minded sistren. The tribe is often frustrated by others refusing to innovate or use new tools. you can tell members of this tribe apart by the tools they always carry around and that their fur is white, green, and ice blue. the dominance ritual of this tribe has evolved from tradition. The matriarchs of this tribe create temporary fortifications that they must hold against aggressors with the last one standing becoming the new Lady Under Snow.
Egg Carer: The egg carers are a tribe of gentle giants. they are seen as patient, honourable, loyal, stubborn, and traditional. the members of this tribe are slow to anger but when they get angry their rage is apocalyptic and nothing gets their blood boiling faster than a threat to the eggs and young they care for. the tribe not only cares for the young but also teaches them the ways of the underhunters until they are old enough to become a full member of their birth tribe. For this duty, they are seen fondly by all underhunters of the queendom. Egg carers are never seen outside of the nursery keeps, their barracks, or guarding the doors of the under tunnels. you can tell members of this tribe apart from other hunters by a couple of features. Their fur replaces the white of the Burning Grass tribe with a stone grey colour. they are never without their armour. they are the largest and strongest underhunters within the queendom (which is saying something). many underhunters believe that if they weren't so devoted to their duty or so loyal to their oaths they would be the ruling tribe of the queendom. The current Egg Carer is a genetic freak. They are the most unique and controversial the tribe has ever had. For the first time in underhunter history a male rules a tribe. The current Egg Carer is the half-brother of Burning Grass and the largest underhunter in the queendom if not the world. Egg carer was formerly known as Fights Well (or Crasley as “that stud” among the matriarchs) was content in his duty, teaching the younglings and reproducing until his mother went too far in training the younglings. Egg Carer had killed several of the tribes' young by pushing them too hard. In the aftermath, every matriarch had challenged Egg Carer to a duel for leadership and all had failed. At the urging of his favoured reproductive partner and his unwillingness to let this abide Fights Well challenged his mother to a duel and won, taking the name Egg Carer in the process. Recently two large factions have formed within the tribe those who believe as the strongest of the tribe he deserves to lead and those who believe as a male that he should step down. Those against the Patriarch not only believe having a male lead breaks tradition but are also concerned that his genetic material has yet to produce a single female. Considering his offspring are the largest they are worried that the tribe may never have another Lady Egg Carer. Not a day goes by when the Patriarch isn’t challenged to a duel for his leadership. He considers himself lucky that more often than not those he beats become his supporters.
Far Travelers: This tribe is even more reclusive than the egg carers hiding in their spire keeps. The tribe values the power of the soul and the realm of dreams over the physical. these dour, stoic, paranoid people practice night and day to push their psychic abilities to the max. masters of discipline they will often forgo sleep and food to distance the mind and soul from the body. while not exactly the most personable they often provide valued advice to the various matriarchs of the tribe. Some more superstitious underhunters even claim that the far walkers have the ability to see far into the future, talk to each other over vast distances, read minds, or curse those that displease them with bad luck. how much of those claims are true or deliberate misdirection only those within the tribe know and they aren’t eager to share their secrets with outsiders. you can tell them, members of the tribe, from other underhunters from their white, green, and purple fur and their tall and skinny bodies. the dominance rituals of the underhunters are heavily modified for this tribe. instead of a physical duel, both contestants will not move from their spot and will try and encase their opponent in ice with their powers. The first one who becomes frozen loses.

Lightning Fur: The newest of the major vassals the lightning Furs were given control and the responsibility of being the wardens of the lightning rocks. A task they have taken to with gusto. Being on the border of two major tribes has heavily affected the culture of the tribe resulting in them being much more mercantile than their northern kin. The members of this tribe use small tokens made of rocks inscribed with runes as a primitive form of currency among one another. The most valuable of the tokens are those made of lightning rock. some other focuses of the tribe are the jewellery they make (both lightning rock and not) and the current focus of Lady Lightning Fur is the runes. She seeks to expand her tribe's knowledge of the runes. the hows, whys, and in her opinion the most important question, what new ones can she make? to this end, she has been working heavily with the Far Travelers to uncover their secrets. there are a couple of ways to tell a lightning fur from a member of the other tribes. Their fur is white, gold, and red it also tends to stick out in spikes with little sparks of electricity travelling between tips. most underhunters will often experience a tingley sensation from hanging around a lightning fur long enough. Lighting furs love to cover themselves in jewellery. another way to tell is from their hyperactive and greedy personalities. they hate idle hands so you will always find them doing something to occupy themselves.

sorry for the long post. I kinda got lost int he fun of vassal creation.
>Badback : vassals

>Grassgreen : Feodalism

>Whitemane : travel back (with "lended" psykers from Grassgreen, minus warriors)

>Jupiter : Conquest
1d100. Bows and Vertical Warfare triggers;+17

Cerulean : after-school diverse choral
1d100+5 from IceyOne's orator

>Ghostclaw : Runic Armor
1d100, +3 from runes, +10 from draw-in

>BurningGrass :
Pick an action, roll 1d100. If your Vassals specialties are relevent to said action, +10
Rolled 63 (1d100)

alright. do i get any bonuses for granting land and somewhat more independence?
i should be getting some for my archive.
Rolled 11 (1d100)

I guess Empire wasn't acceptable then?

a large slab of rock encased in ice with a rune etched unto it's surface.
I thought the archives would give you a bonus for all failed actions from that point on. if your tribe already remembered all the previous failures you wouldn't really need the archive.
eh. i was kinda thinking that the Archive is a way easier way to get that knowledge into a format to actually be useful.

but i can agree to it. as long as it also holds history in general.
Rolled 96 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Here comes the Flap!

I hope all Frozen Wastelander rolls go well, we gotta make some advances if we want to keep up with the Crag Hunters
told you to watch out for the FLAP!
If I can pick the outcome, I'd like to say that we encounter and capture some Glacial Drifters.
How? well, the GrassGreen aeromancers will attempt to pull apart the Drifter, displacing it and hopefully "knocking it out" (not that Under-Hunters are knowledgeable on how to Drifter works, its just a guess that they use something similar to the Psyker Heart as a Core, else why have a head?) while the Whitemane Psykers protect them from the fire and Ice Shard attacks and distract him with Frost Mirror

As for how many we succesfully capture, thats up to you MrDragon
Rolled 56 (1d100)


To war! To war! For the glory of the tribe! Strike forth with flame and glory! Mark our bodies with ash and mud, for we've one foot in the.grave already! With our brothers to the north to aid us we shall at least have someone to place the flame medicine on our bloody stumps!

To war!
Very nice. Good luck with your glacier drifter captures.
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its all in the diceroll
Rolled 13 + 13 (1d100 + 13)


Too bad.
Back to suffering again. No expansion edition
When I return to it i will just link the image i already made. Maybe I will add another image with helmets variarions

How much "cooldown", Dragon ?
if your matriarch is still alive and not kicked the bucket yet you can probably just retry next turn.
I recon she's dead with the 26. So probably going to be cooldown. Or regardless really matriarchs die every three turns, i do have writing which means people write things down so that might help.

I have waited some time before returning to make stuff like Shamans and tombs, i might just do that if there is no other choice. I will have them, since i want that style, not be naked and to actually make a transition from tribe to early civilizations.
yeah... i should probably get back onto getting leathers and stuff.

though i would like to try and get some Holey MOleys to tame and cultivate for somewhat easy access to metal and metal tools.
I would like to know on what generation of Matriarch we roughly all are
Rolled 1 (1d100)

RNG Hymns for RNG whims
RNG does not appreciate the hymns.
Rolled 62 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

Listen to the song of my people aaaahhhhh (fucking explodes)
Damn. Screams to wake Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle. At the same time
I messed up. It was completely acceptable - will keep that as a potential freeby for future conquest

>Recon she's dead
Mecanically, yes I'll put you on cooldown. Matriarch death was a weak excuse for that.
Really roughly speaking, 40th to 50th. Collective Messed up turns are actually 2-to-10 matriarch generation where novelty are spread amongst the tribe, stabilized, improved. I'm not exactly tracking Matriarch numbers to be honest
Do you prefer
>the unrequited attention of something in the immaterium
>Profound racial issues in your population

Like an iron beak makeout session.
Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d6)

I'll allow your Glacial Drifters capture on the way back.
How much do you get? We'll see...
Just so you know, they don't have fire-psyker power.
I would say we are gunning to the deadline but it’s only like what… year 50+ maybe 60 of the tribal stage? No wonder elves see humans as “may flies” the shorter lived you are the faster you develop, god damn.
Some of these guys are making the pass from Hunter-gatherer to “Bronze” Age. Though I suppose I was kinda the first to reach the Agricultural age, I can’t say I’m out of the Stone Age, considering I barely have clothes, never mind tools. Even the pots I own are from GrassGreen
Ah so it’s a sub-specie offshoot that has it. Much easier to contain, then
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The Badback tribe acquired its own form of Vassals. However, they take an unseen spin : the theoretical vassal framework, learned long ago, simpley doesn't work for your tribe. However, by synergizing with the mercantile tradition as well as the Barter System, this results in something as new as unique : a moral structure created around a goal for the greater good of Badback's society as a whole.
Companies are society in society. Of course, they have the best hunters of their specialties. They also employ a wide range of hunters : cooks, childrearers, warriors.
The global ladder of the society shifts. The original Badback Matriarch is of course at the top - they are said to be "Holding" the other companies, as their directors have to report and propagate profits. Then, comes the 3 newly founded companies.
Paving the Immaterium, knowing the way as no other hunter. They dream of envorcing, one day or another, the old tale of "tollgates".
Specialized in the care of the fat and tender Domesticated Fatties, taken to graze from glasshouse to glasshouse and slayed.
And, of course...
By far, the most succesful company of the BadBack's Tribe. Supplying cheap labors to all the Under Hunter of the tribe - even the lower-statured "Unemployed" (or "selfemployed") hunters.

Another tribe progress in their Vassalization effort : the Grassgreen, helped by the Warrior of the Whitemane tribe, enforced different, stricter rules.
>Synergy with "Specialized vassals" and "Pilgrimmage"
Instead of separating by blood or by common goal, Grassgreen tribesmate are separated by Skills.
Their communities have, evidently, a Ruler. Most hunters remains serfs. But some of the tribe's secrets are taught amongst Guilds
A group of Hunters, with shared practices and secret, dispatched among the Grassgreen territory.
Among the childs of the Hunters, the gifted daughters are sometime taken under a Guildmember's wing.
Sent away from their family and hamlets, they have to learn the ancestral ways.

The warriors are sent back to Whitemane's territory. On their way, they meet up the GrassGreen psykers, also going home.
Said home have a surprise : Some dragged down and bounded Glacier Drifters. Six of them, tied in Stove Grove dead lianas, with twelve GrassGreen Blanks sitting on them - the most efficient containment to their power.

The crack's western ridges are slowly taken and conquered by the Jupiter's tribesmember.
More and more nightmares plague the Matriarchs (dying strangely early in their sleep), urging them to go to the Far East to answer the Mandate.
Nothing of note happens in the far North of Cerulean. The unsuccesful culturally-diverse choirs soonly falls into oblivion.

In said east, Ghostclaw's attempt of Runic armor fails, echoing with BurningGrass' shields.
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Several historian comes to a realization : nowadays Huntress are way longer lived than their ancestress.
A few minor genetic evolutions over the tribe age are decreasing drastically senescence, letting the "modern" Under Hunter to live around 15 local years.

>How should your tribe evolve?
Whitemane, if your Plan : Death can be enacted this turn, write it as well as you can by linking with previous turns action for a nice bonus.
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Expand the Webway network into reaches as yet not settled by our tribe.

soon we can build an outpost out there for trade with other Underhunters.
Assist with >>6017570
There are several questions that must be asked first, before I commit to Project Death.
1: Mr QM, through Astral Projection, do the Whitemane, at least to an extent understand Souls and can they perceive Souls in Astral Form?
2: What happens if the Body is killed while in Astral Form? Does the soul fizzle out immediately or the cord that links them rapidly decays and they die once it vanishes?
3: what happens if 2 Astral Selves interact or attempt to walk into one another?
4: does Ego death via brain damage result in Soul death or change?

Because Project Death is this: An Under Hunter in Astral Form is standing over the Soul/Core of a Glacial Drifter a primary psychic being. The Hunter is killed or has their brain damaged and as they fade, they enter the Glacial Drifter Core and over power it. Merging the two. The Hunter dies, the Drifter dies and an Archon is born.
If, when a Hunter dies, their Astral Form becomes so weak that another Hunter can walk inside it and consume it, can they THEN walk inside a Glacial Drifter Core and posses it?

If the simplest answer to all these questions is “Your Astral Form is too weak to do anything but walk and observe” then Project Death is not ready and we must first spend this turn to invent the Astral Pathfinder: Hunters of exceptional soul potency that spend most of their time in the Astral Realm( basically they “Sleep” when everyone else is awake and they walk the physical world when everyone else is actually asleep) hopefully strengthening their Astral Form
seeking a way to solidify the tribe's gains and provide an efficient way forward Burning Grass will set up a framework for future vassals and territorial conquest.
There is another way of improving the Astral Form, by using GrassGreen blanks to further weaken the Meditating Hunter. This will push them into trying to keep control over their soul and prevent their Shape from being snuffed out, strengthening it in the process
On a DC 60 flat roll
Now begins the age of GUILDS! Or hilariously failing at making them!

Guild Hotpot: Masters of the highest arts of pottery and cookery! Known for their earthenware bracelets they tie to their arms with strands of Rock Ivy, their exacting knowledge of prey anatomy, and their delicious bakes!

Guild Ivaas: Descendants of the IvyVassals, guild Ivaas tends the Rock Ivy and Ivy Fatties, raising the plump bundles of meat and salad dressing that Guild Hotpot relies on.

Guild Firewatch: Masters of the Flame! This guild manages stove groves and creates the signature fire traps of the GrassGreen tribe. Respected and feared by all for their command of flame!

And with a little dice luck maybe we can add...

> Guild StoneStack: An outgrowth of guild Hotpot, this guild focuses on using earth and stoneware to build homes and fortify cave dwellings across GrassGreen territory. Their clever knowledge of building creates the finest (and only) freestanding dwellings in the territory.
Also i got a feeling i am gonna create a fucking megacorp in the future.
Oh, I should maybe post what I've done for your character sheet before you vote

Specialized vassals :
Evolution into Guild
IvyGuild - deal with Rock Ivy and Ivy Fatty.
TrappersGuild - hunter and trap-makers
CooksGuild - food and fire

So those are already "granted" (and customisable) without a roll. Of course I can replace with your write-in.

You also have advanced ceramics for building, so the StoneSack guild of yours might even be a freebie.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

A 60% chance with no bonuses? I don’t know. Odds I do it now, even I wait for Astral Pathfinders
40 % chance. you need to roll an unmodified 60.

a bit over 1/3rd chance. not too terrible.
Sorry MrDragon, but you ain’t tricking my girls into getting Spirit AIDS and dooming my tribe. GG? Change of plans, we got increased lifespans>>6017658 so Project Death has new testing phase.
Your Blanks and Aeromancers are gonna stay here, we are gonna need them for torturing and experimenting on one of the 6 Glacial Drifers. We are gonna study their soul and “psyker tensile strength”. I know it sounds costly, but once we understand the Drifter better, we can use the Astral Pathfinders we develop thanks to the stress your Blanks invoke on THEIR souls! Believe me, GG, just a little more time. And I’ll teach some of your lads how to Astral Project as well and make em into an Archon. How does that sound? One or two years in the dark, but you get yourself a new method of information gathering, an immortal frost avatar and your ally gets 4 immortal frost avatars, BUT we help you make more
Ah those seperations probably make more sense.If we can do Stonesack (lol) as a freebie then I'd probably do

> Guild Corcraft: An offshoot of the hunter guild that grew more focused on butchery than the hunt. Collectors of bone, hide and sinew, this guild works to fashion, tools, weapons, and armor from the inedible remains of hunting kills. Their first (attempted) accomplishment is simple tools of bone and sinew used to aid in scraping every last bit of meat from a corpse, though they dream of being clad head to toe in bone and hide.

Completely random aside, could I humbly ask to inherit the fur pattern of Whitemane in dark green and lightgreen as a sign of our intermingling?

I don't mind helping, but I'm actually more interested in you setting up a Dahu Tending Guild for me than having possessed Glacial Drifters.
The intermingled dark.lightgreen is a mark of your psyker, sorry :)
Cultural Conversion and absorption already? I’m not sure. I will probably end up as your Nr2 since even with Project Death, you also know how it works and while you don’t have War Dahu you have more Vassals and Aeromancers. I am not sure I can conquer you and especially I can’t really siege you, since you actually know how to make pots for food preservation.
Be patient, Whitemane will become a measly faction of the Flavor Empire soon enough
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i am so doomed

>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons)
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Assimilation, Runic Stone Armor

>>Development Turn : Assimilation
>The matriarch has decided that by her right, and the approval of the ancestors and the spirits all nearby wild packs will be taken under Ghost Claw. No longer they will just submit, they will be made in to Ghost Claw and assimilated in to the tribe. Their identities if they had any, will be no more and they will praise the spirits, listen to our shamans, kneel to our matriarch and honor the ancestors. Any that might be a problem will be killed, their leaders replaced with tribesmens of Ghost Claw. Once this is done, this packs shall return to their grounds, but from on now on they shall be Ghost Claw and not wild packs.

Lol, I've no desire to absorb you, though perhaps in the next stage of the game I could see our tribes coming together as one of the possible player empires. You can hold onto the pskyers and some blanks, and later on I've got a hunt of my own I'd like to pursue. My focus is going to be tech for a few turns anyway.
there is gonna be a trade Outpost. i dont plan to permanently settle over there.

though if you were to agree i could help you set up paths to other tribes to facilitate your own tradedeals.
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ah okay!
i will need to think about it .........
i will probably agree on it sounds useful
>Cult of the Raven God - Develop religion
Although they couldn't come together in harmony, the songs of the Matriarchs have reached out to a new voice. A strange, ephemeral voice who speaks clearly to the Matriarchs in their dreams. It tells them to take any opportunity which presents its self. To fly far and keep an open eye and open nose for these opportunities. To speak with others and stay curious. To scavenge that which other leave behind. To survive in the brutal north.
This new cult erects small shrines to the raven and places small offerings of meat and seeds in a sheltered spot in the alter. Raven hopes that these small seeds may one day sprout and bring life from death to the shrines, but for now all that can be done is to extract worship from the people and teach them to follow the scavenger birds to find meals.


Long ago the first hunters crawled from darkness onto ice,
Then came the First Gods, to lift us off our paws.
One sang the icey hymns, with dreams of paradice.
One made the hidden ways, and rememberers of laws.
Silent now the singing voice, few words upon the winds.
Silent now the hidden artist, who burned away our sins.
Now comes the Raven God, who feeds upon the dead.
Now comes the Raven God, who we follow instead.
Follow now the Raven God, and you might yet be fed.
BadBack + Jupiter :
1d100 each. DC 40/80. Badback got +1 thanks to his corporation.

BurningGrass : Empire

>GrassGreen : Guild Corcraft

>Whitemane : "Investigate" Glacier Drifter
1d100. I'll grant you your farmer +2

>GhostClaw : Assimilation
Soooo... You've got stacked bonus for this one.
. Assassin and Observant grants a nice +17. Weapons bring it to +24. And factoring the draw-in, best I can do is rounding up to +25 to not completely break the balance of the game (draw-in would have granted more if not as much bonus stacked)

>Breathless : develop Religion
Rolled 65 (1d100)

This is me. Forgot to turn name back on while phoneposting
Rolled 71 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

.... not to sound discordant, but wouldn't we use another animal ?

Don't worry, I have a PLAN for shoehorning this concept coherently
>96 because I'm stingy.
That's not a crit, but bordering it.
What's your own spin upon vassal and power? We already have european knights, megacorps, structured technocracy, and mingled equity-striving society
Rolled 57 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

My instincts are never off. Project Death isn’t ready with such trash rolls
Rolled 55 (1d100)

I surely can't fail 4 times, can I?
Rolled 81 (1d100)

In distance futures Guild Corcraft would come to be gravekeepers, morticians and undertakers, eventually yielding their other responsibilities to Guild Drapier (tailors) and Guild Ringer (Metalsmiths). But at this moment in history they build an important bridge of tool use.

...assuming they exist lol.
Rolled 57 (1d100)

>Yes, presumably it's some sort of glider. We never got deep into the surface ecology and scavenger creatures, so I went with Raven as the name.
Jupiter my lads and lasses. We need your support if we wanna make it across nomandsland
Whats my spin on vassals and power,
I am not sure you can consider them vassals. I'll give it a try.

A vassal of Ghost Claw, is part of Ghost Claw. They lead now that pack for the tribe, and for the matriarch, because that pack is just another part of Ghost Claw. This packs now respect the ancestors, praise the spirits and their totem, listen to the shamans and kneel to the Matriarch.
The leaders of this packs and the land under them, they rule it in the matriarch name. But its not truly theirs, its of the Tribe and the Matriarch leads the Tribe. She orders, they obey. If she calls for war-hunt they will be there, if they are to come for aid-work they will be there. For this services, alongside skill and loyalty demonstrated the Matriarch allows them to lead their packs and have the honor to be her vassals. These leaders shall be called, Land Wardens.

Power comes from many things. Mastery of ambush, psykerism and combat can certainly aid a ruler, but even more important is the approval of the spirits and the ancestors, to follow their path and honor it. To listen and learn to the knowledge and experience of the shamans, and to read what they have written can enhance further Power, like when a stone from rough becomes well carved, and thus more dangerous. Last but not least, is the approval of the Tribe it self, which would come naturally and grow from how a Matriarch or a Land Warden acts and lead their life and the ones of others.
The Ghost Claw Matriarch line has demonstrated many times their power, they are fit for rule and lead Ghost Claw in the shadows of the night or the rays of the day.
forgot name lol
Rolled 27 (1d100)

I'm chosing to interpret that creatively as "politics scheming theocracy by ancestor-spirit right", ok for you? This implies your vassal leader's are the Shamans.
If you want that then i dont want anything i have written here >>6018837 to be used.
Since its not the same thing and doesn't fit.
I'm not wanting to impose anything. Thus I'll take the write-in.
I am okay with it and becoming a theocracy, but it seems two different things for me and i don't see how my write-in fits with it. How are you supposed to use it when i say stuff like "listen to the shamans", when its a politics scheming state ?
Maybe I haven't slept enough.
But factoring
>this packs now respect the ancestors, praise the spirits and their totem, listen to the shamans and kneel to the Matriarch.
>Matriarch order, they obey.
>leaders are called Land Wardens
>Power comes from many things [...] more important is the approval of the spirits and the ancestors, to follow their path and honor it.
>Shaman enhance power
>approval of the community
>Ghost claw Matriarch line remains

So that's how I selectively understood it as divine-right lineage theocracy. I'll agree it's more nobles and shamans instead of prince-bishops as I wrote in
Perhaps i misjudged all of this, i didnt want to sound offensive and you are still the Qm. I just felt like what I did was not of much use to the theocracy idea, and should just be throw.

Sound good.
>I didnt want to sound offensive and you are still the Qm
Well in that exact game player agency matters more than other quest as you've all got your sandbox alien critter to shape in your society.
I was not offended in any way and your agency matters more to me than my potential offending (and my skin is quite thick), but I'm also trying to milk the most uniqueness in each tribe for a future plan greater than Plan : Death in my head since thread 1 of the Redux
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With the passing era, more changes impact the Crack
First, the conjoined effort of BadBack and Jupiter finally overcome a dreaded stretch of Snow Plains with hard-to-trail immaterium, creating a fast road toward Eastern Mountains. However, this part of the path is the most dangerous, by far, for a Hunter to walk.
Despite this obstacle, this is a good news for the Jupiter's tribe member. Nightmares recede.
My daughters are finally stepping on the right way. Now, the exact scheme to enact the plan is better left to you.

BurningGrass power is stabilized and coalesced into a real Empire.
The society's framework fuels and support further and future conquests based on previous history.
>Effect : One new Major Vassal per conquered tile in the future.
However, the logistics of such a big stretch of lands are getting out of claw. Handling goods and communication is increasingly and increasingly harder, lacking long-distance reliable transportation of both goods and information.
This isn't an immediate problem; more an issue to keep in mind.

>GrassGreen : Guild Corcraft
Not only Guild Corcraft appears and propagate in the timespan, they create a handful of new staple of your culture in the form of tools made from the bones, horns and rear plates of Dahu : scrapers, punch, needles, comb. Some Corcraft member already wants to spend more time working with those new toys than their newly-found-tradition of butchering.

>Whitemane : "Investigate" Glacier Drifter
Of the 6 captured Glacier Drifter, 3 meet their demise over the next era.
The first one outright died because of a Blank Overexposure. The village haven't immediately realized.
A second, then a third one died of Hunger. Various things have been brought to the mighty once-apex, but ice, rock, meat, vegetables... None seemed desirable.
One of your Youngling made a breakthrough in the comprehension of the eldritch species : what feed them is immaterial. Upon killing a being, the Drifter feast on its soul. This result on Glacier Drifter being quite low-maintenance as most of the Dahu meat can be salvaged, turning them into executioneers.
The most able psykers soon theorize that the Glacier Drifter is mostly an immaterium dweller with a shell letting it act in the material world to bring them sustenance.
This have direct implication for Project : Death. The Under Hunter sacrificed needs to be wary as he'll battle a predator on its main field.
Thus, the best course of action will be to starve the Drifter before attempting to overtake it.
>Those insights grants you a -5 DC to project Death, turning your chances of success to 55
As an immensely corruptible QM, a draw-in of what the resulting Archon will look like will further decrease the DC
Time have passed. Now, all of the tribesmate have been birthed in a village with captured Glacier Drifter. Nobody knows how long-lived they are.
>3 captured Glacier Drifter remains For now
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>GhostClaw : Assimilation
The nearby vassals are incorporated after just the right amount of violence. This was inevitable after brutalizing the neighbours for most of the known history. Strategical mating while squatting at the tribe from the matriarch and the shaman, raising the Land-Wardens as well as the Shaman, and change tribe. Now, all the assimilated tribe share the fur coat of the Ghostclaw tribe, knows their way with moleys and working rock, and most importantly honoring the dead.
But what matters deeply is the fear of the Great Night Mother, as is due.

>Breathless : develop Religion
The sight of a new critter, glider with dark skin instead of white, feasting on the deceased instead of the roots, inspire both the white icey ones and the purple CeruleanAndLiliac, seeing them as a kind of envoy.
>Free action : what your religion is about?

And now...
How should your tribe evolve?
Explore eastern mountains
What is your religion about?

It is centered around the Raven god. The small scavenger. Raven is curious, communicative, cautious, and innovative. Raven is their totem spirit, and like Paul learned from little muad'dib, so too do the followers of Raven learn from the scavengers that they have partially domesticated.

The primary tenets are:
1. Survive. When all dies around you, feed off death and survive.
2. Patient Action. Some things take a long time to come to pass. The roads between stars and the path from now to Ragnarok are long. But one must continue traveling the path, or one will never reach the end.
3. Exploration & Experimentation. Don't be afraid to go new places and try new things. Everyone who came back from the journey survived.
4. Isolated Community. The Others follow Other ways. The Flock can watch them, learn from them, but if they can not understand Raven's most basic riddles, they can not understand the deeper mysteries and would only cause calamity with them. The Flock flies together in the realm of false impossible realities. Others walk in this world of ice and blood.
5. Solvable Paradox. Raven is a trickster god, but not the only one. Raven speaks in Riddle and Paradox, but all the riddles can be solved, all the apparent impossibilities are illusion. But there are other gods who peddle false riddles with no answers. If when Raven speaks with both heads the two heads can not agree with each other, there is the great bald Vulture. The one that flies alone and argues with its self. It is Raven's enemy for they play the same role in existence, and thus conflict in inevitable.

>Agricultural Temples
The servants of the Raven God establish temples in locations shown to them in dreams. At these simple temples, the cult place sacrificial offerings including meat, vegetables, and uneaten seeds in a pile. The priests warm the piles enough to allow decomposition, and then the decomposition heat maintains the process. The heat and nutrients allow the seeds to grow and bloom. This miracle of life from death is one of Raven's mystic paradoxes.

Song without breath
Sight without eyes
Craft without hands
Dreams without sleep
Paradox is Raven's way
And Also Vikings.
>collect samples of holey moleys and Fireferns to attempt to use our previously acquired knowledge about the domestication of Holey Moleys and domesticate them ourselves. hopefully they can be transplanted into our home territories so we can start using their abilities and metal claws as tools.

Iron Age here we come.
It’s time to try and make the Astral Pathfinders. The strongest Psykers of this generation will be subjected to cruel training. Attempting to maintain Astral Shape while surrounded by Blanks, attempting to overpower other Hunters in Astral Shape(as in trying to fight in the Astral Realm), Spending most of their waking hours in Shape and their Sleeping hours awake. Unfortunately we have no Frost Flowers to make energisers so we are doing this without stimulants

Sick, got no fluff in me, sorry

> Develop freestanding houses of clay and stone.
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor

>>Development Turn : Scribes
>Despite no true expansion, the tribe, has grow stronger and the "homeland" is theirs. Writing is somewhat common, somewhat not across the Tribe. The ones that write, write many different things some of different times. Is strange and a bit confusing. The Matriarch has decided that from now on there will be tribesmens dedicated to writing. The scribes, they will aid the Matriarch and the Land Wardens in ruling their land, taking note of different things and being more organized. They will also be the ones to craft the oval stones so far used for writing.
As an immensely corruptible QM, a draw-in will be rewarded in the form of bonus.
No matter how shitty or good, I like the effort most.
I hope this will please you oh bribeable QM

A Bad Back Underhunter armed with their bow retrieving a Holey Moley from a cave.

i was not sure if the Holey Moleys had legs or not. So i gave em a tail and just forelimbs.

Also i hope this is alright havent picked up a pencil or colored pens in years. So probably quite rough and i didnt have a big palette to work with
they are walking through snow. This is not just so that i can avoid painting feet from the front....

god i will need to get some clothes soon.
Super based
i admit i am more talented and sure with a brush and miniature in hand.

i have been honing that skill for about a decade by now.
>Be me
>Make grown-ass men doing some crayon drawing

Yeah, I made it as a QM. Nice artwork. Got heart and soul.
Not quite crayons. Though pretty close at least for the purple. I thought it was black originally till i got to painting
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Maybe I'm too ESL but those are french "crayons de couleurs"
Ah okay. I always just thought og them as colored pencils.

Crayons i assoxiated with those large wax based things made for children who are apparantly part of a balanced diet for a marine
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These things.
Oh yeah, pastels
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Ghost Claw Tribe scribe working

happy for you
i like it
>Jupiter : Exploration
1d100. 40 for one gets, 80 for two.
+10 from stealth.

Cerulean : Agricultural Temples

>Badback : Holey Moley + Fireferns samples
1d100. DC is 40/80. +10 from art.

Whitemain : Astral Pathfinder

Grassgreen : Freestanding houses

Ghostclaw : Scribes
1d100+10 from art. Luvin the erasures.

>BurningGrass : Waiting for (Your) vote before prompting a roll
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The GrassGreen clay brick house.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Rolled 55 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 36 (1d100)

I cannot quite draw at the time, circumstances, so I give myself to the dice
It is as expected as it always is. I do not fear. I am more than willing to spend 3 even 4 turns doing the exact same roll. I am willing to conquer the entire Frozen Waste just so I have enough bodies to throw to the uncaring Warp. In the face of shit odds the way you win is by bringing many dice
Stagnating my “culture” and “technology” is sad. But there will be ways to play catchup later. Besides, there is no point in trying TO catch up, I must reinforce what my tribe is good at and find alternatives that offer the most amount of bonuses to the dice rolls
Rolled 42 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

sorry for the wait.
> Curreancy
the practice of currency spreads from the Lightning Furs across the empire buying goods and favours.
the plus ten was from my southern mercantile vassal
Rolled 96 (1d100)

This is how I roll.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Rolled 69 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Sorry, the +10 was a one-time reward for the good write-in; too strong to be systemic - too strong to give you any perpetual numeral bonus for a freeby vassal improvement anyway
You're one off to a double gets.
I'll grant you the benefits for any drawing or write-in narrating your search.
in that case, can I save that +10 (as long as it's relevant to a vassal) and as long as I declare I'm using it before/while I'm rolling?
like as a one-time reward.
I wanna say. Getting my specialzed bonus from tribe creation forever and for four different kinda skills would be way overtuned
That's a crit. Anything ticking your fancy?
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Kind of wanted to do walled in fields, but I'm not sure my agriculture is significant enough for that to be a thing.

Maybe full blown walled settlements? Lol, numbers are probably way too low for that. If none of that works just multilevel buildings would be cool.
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may I recommend maybe making bigger houses that multiple families live in? kinda like communal living or a shared farmstead. could also go with something like this (pic).
Ahh, yeah, that looks really cool.
My sincere apologies guys. Update is 90% written and drawn, but don't have any more juice to post it tonight.
Blogpost time :
Got my 3rd Dan tonight with average grade of 15/20 which is quite good. Chained the workday to the exam to the actual class, a good night of sleep is necessary
take time
sleep well. and congratulations on your rank.
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Grassgreen : Freestanding houses
The Grassgreen tribe created earthenware-made free-standing houses. They are free-standing, and communal :
A Grassgreen village lives in the same building, enclosed with walls. The building is constructed by Stonestack around the Earthenware Kiln, sharing the heat with the building.
Stonestack even created a wondrous new earthenware : icestone, a clear, see-through sand-made earthenware.
The fluid and viscous material seems shapable in many ways - but for now, only used for see-through windows embedded in the walls.

In this era, Badback and Jupiter are exploring the newlands of the East. Both split, and get familiar with the local flaura and fauna.
The damningly scorching hot lianas eludes both of you, shielding the strange purple leaves, as well as the elusive Lunar Dahus.
>Badback : Holey Moleys gets
The Badback tribesmember mounted a cunning ploy involving a natural cave and the fleeing reflex of Holey Moleys.
A consequent amount are caught, ready to be eaten, or brought back in the crack, capitalizing on the theoretical knowledge about their taming.
Seeing how well they would acclimate to the pens and glasshouse, with a different diet and harder rock is a question left open...
>Free action - 1d100 roll for Holey Moley's acclimatation in The Crack!

Meanwhile, Jupiter pulled of a unique feat in those mountains.
Gliding wolves don't fly as well with arrow-holes ripped in their skin wings. They are taken back to your village.
Of course, they will struggle a bit in the Crack, without the ascending thermals nor the ivy-gripping claws of their smaller vegetarian cousins.
Still, your god is pleased by your partial acquisition of the grocery list.
>Free action - 1d100 roll for Glider Wolf acclimatation in The Crack!
>Acquired Gliding Wolves
Draw-in : double-success
A second win for your clan is finding a perishing Stove Grove. The dreaded lianas are no longer blasting their damnable heat, with the Fire Fern sparkled in blue flowers amidst their purple leaves.
Earthenwares are filled with the tubular roots. It is remarked by your clan that the Fire Ferns does not grow in the cold ground, but needs the heat of the damned Stove Grove to sprout.
The Fern tubular roots are perishable - you might lose them unless you are able to plant Stove Grove or create a specialized farming technique.
>Cerulean : Agricultural Temples
The Black-glider cult repands, expands. Waste is set on rebuke piles near the altars.
A few Hunters, (both Cerulean and Icey) takes the (allegoritical for now) mantle of priesthood.
>Write-in : flavor your clergy!
However, something is amidst. Choirs of singers gather around the altars. Those singers takes at heart the teaching.
But your cleargy feel something is off among their understanding of the teaching.
Death itself seems good for those people, not a return to life. They seem attracted in a queer way by the stench of rot. You...
>Decide to include them in your clergy - a perfect example of Icey descent and Cerulean furcolor-blind society members mingling! I'll personnally advise against picking that one.
>Just leave them be on society's fringe - they're not bad per se but you don't want to encourage queerness, right?
>This reek of wrongdoing. You'll have to (violently) purge them for Hunterkind's sake.

Whitemane : Astral Pathfinder
This training method seems to have little-to-no effect on your hunter's potential.
Maybe it was just bad luck. But two generation have taken those trials without discernable changes.
You still have 3 Glacier Drifter. But the Matriarch is concerned : how long could this mighty being live before old age takes them away? It's been around 4 Matriarch they've been captured now...

The Ghostclaw tribe cultures refine with the creation of Scribes : some Hunters now spend their life learning to write the sigils of the tribe.
Although a good amount of Hunters can read the writing, ample amount of time is saved by entrusting writing the oval stones to a few selected and trained individuals.
Especially because mistakes are a complete lost of the time spent to carve the previous text of the slab...

The BurningGrass economic system improved, with the fist recorded use of Currency for trading goods.
Token are made of carved rocks, with several pattern indicating the valor. From low to high - Crawlers, Gliders, Ivy fatty, Meaty Fatty, Fourbeaks.
This simplifies the logistic of trade among your empire - a sack of rocks materializing an amount of meat to be delivered later allows less back-and-forth among hunters.
And now...
>All should your tribe evolve?
Rolled 74 (1d100)

Alright the acclimation of the Holey Moleys. come on. Big money.

i also wanted some samples of Fire Fern. any bonueses for that?
cultivate fire ferns for more controlled and secure fire to improve fire mastery.
Your draw in already turned the failure into a borderline success; two GETS is a 80 DC
alright. i should still be able to try and cultivate those ferns. they are somewhat common in that area far as i know. since they are Holey Moleys favorite food an all.
Cultivating fire ferns is valid only if you acquire some first - Jupiter might sell a few, or you'll have to acquire.
Fire Ferns are named so because they need fire, not because they generate some.

alright.... then i might as well try to turn make sure my Holey Moley propagate a lot and start using their metal claws as tools.
A Bad Back underhunter feeding a Holey Moley in a Glass house trying to acclimate it to down here and animate it to breed with a partner off screen

I had intended a second cult to serve as a slayer cult, the Fourbeak cult.

>Leave them on society's fringe as an outsider cult. Vulture, the evil goddess of lies and dead-ends already exists as a counterpoint to the good Goddess Raven. Only in the shadow of evil does goodness truly shine, and Raven doesn't throw away opportunities. Besides, it is not Raven's way to utterly destroy. It is Raven's way to profit off of death caused by others. Raven doesn't mind queerness if it advances society.

>Tame Fourbeaks, using the psychic domination skills learned in taming the gliders. As the gliders are the peoples' distant eyes searching for new opportunities, the Fourbeak shall be their mighty claws, seizing those opportunities. Thus quoth Raven. If this spontaneously explodes into a Fourbeak cult, the intent is for the Raven cult to be large and mainstream and dominated by women with the Fourbeak cult more of a male cult for berserkers and craftsmen. The Raven cult dominating the sphere of mind and magic and providing guidance while the Fourbeak slayer cultists are more down-to-earth, do physical tasks, and do what killing needs doing so that the Raven priestesses don't have to get their claws dirty.
Simple Ravenpriestess
tactical choker wearing and black glider leather skin mantel.

or have you found a way to create leather yet?

not sure if the Pastebin is completely up to date yet.
The north is cold. If they don't have leather yet, they at least have hide. Cold preserves, heat transforms.
I'll have to moderate something : I don't want the use of animals name outside of the planet like Raven and Vulture. You have a subspecies of Scavenger Black Glider, feel free to name them (but something not Raven). Same for Vulture.
the black Gliders could be Nightwings

the vulture equivalent be rotwings. to show they are different creatures.

hmmm. you are correct. this world is very cold anyway.
Flockwing and Farflyer.
I went with names more linked to what the Cerulan peoples care about (although there were probably white flockwings before there were black flockwings since it seems that blackness is a new mutation which started the cult). The flockwings are smaller and stick together. The Farflyers are big and will go a long way to find food. This is why the Cerulan know that you can trust flockwings to show you the way to a kill, whereas Farflyer might lead you on a multi-day journey. Farflyer isn't a reliable guide.
Heee the houses are amazing. And windows!


The focus of the tribe turns back toward the forever storm. It holds many mysteries, so many that permanent dwellings along its edge will be built to aid future hunts into its depths.
> Build hunting lodges along the edge of the ever storm, to stage future hunts from
If they haven't died already they can keep going. If they die, I'll just capture more. The Trials continue. Project Death cannot happen without Astral Pathfinders
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Roll for gliding wolf acclim. Have we had art of the gliding wolf? What do they look like?

Jupiter tribe will try and grow stone groves across our territory and in the western mountains.
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor

>>Development Turn : Clothes
>With the further advancement of the Ghost Claw Tribe, the current Matriarch Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw) has decided that the Tribe will now have things around them. Each one with a role, shall have a different clothing. From her the Matriarch, to Land Wardens, to Shamans, to Warriors, to Makers (craftsman), Hunters and Growers (farmer).
>The Clothes will be made of fur of Dahu, Lianas of Stove Grove and fur of Holey Moleys. Decorative bones and stones will be also present, and some ice. (see image for clothes differences)

Yes i think it makes sense for my Matriarchs to have names from now on. Soon they will be not called simply Matriarchs either i believe. If i can roll decently for a while at least.
very cool !
as the population of the tribe has grown the keeps can no longer house them all leading to underhunters just living around them. This will not do so Empress Burning Grass came up with a simple idea. A walled settlement that surrounds the keep. both a place to gather, live, and work.
Rolled 39 (1d100)

dude. your painting is blowing me out of the water.
why the hell did i roll when i wanted to add my life XD
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Color is variable, but picture big glider with crawlers on their wings.
I already know what I'll give to BadBack over time for his good roll. Anything you want for those gliding wolves? You have an unfair mutagenous advantage in the matter
>Jupiter : give Fire Ferns root to badBack to grow in the crack, try to acquire and grow Stove Grove
1d100. 40 for acquire, 80 for good growth.

>BadBack : Fire Fern growing attempt
1d100+10. DC : 60 for middling success

BurningGrass : Castletowns
1d100. Precall vassal usage before rolling.

Breathless : Fourbeak taming/Fourbeak Slayers

GrassGreen : Hunting lodges at the edge of the storm

Ghostclaw : clothes
1d100 +10

>Whitemane : press on for Astral Pathfinders
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Sorry. Currently playing warhammer. Forgot Name
What a coincidence, currently painting Sreggin Von Schwartzman's and his mounted reapers for my ninth age patrol
Rolled 64 (1d100)


The Die
i take it you chose to ignore >>6022739
to make me focus on the fire fern?
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Yes. It's going well, but as Whitemane and his Dahu you'll have to pester me regularly about it over generations.
alright. i will set an Alarm to start pestering you about it.

though does that mean i finally have some tools that could start getting used to work stone?
Not quite. More in the following update.
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Chart the Path, ascend (rolls bellow 20)
not even a funny failure, huh?
I don't know if I should try to make the Archon with only 1 bonus... I'll draw one up anyway, maybe the draw in bonus will allow me to barely pass. If I don't pick up the pace GrassGreen-Whitemane relations will sour
Rolled 21 (1d100)

I won't use the bonus right now. I plan on using it for four beak training. So probably next turn
Man i've just been on a streak of bad rolls
Rolled 51 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

thanks man
Rolled 45 (1d100)

If I'm providing Fire Fern rootstock to BadBack then I want to get HoleyMoleys in exchange, and also I want to update our treaty accordingly.
i dont think that is necessary. because i just wont give Holey Moleys up for such a deal. i have too few already for what i want to do with them.

do i need to get them from Jupiter? because i am not willing to sell Holey Moleys after acquiring so few of them and not having a stable population yet.

i would then rather focus on increasing Holey Moley Numbers in my territory as was stated in >>6022739
Duly noted.
Jupiter, I need an answer to
Let's say we're back in the Evolution phase of the game. What adaptations are you giving to the Gliding Wolves brought back in the Crack?
Their main issues is the lack of Thermals letting them getting height of flight again. They are not matched to fight Fourbeaks, and Meaty Fatty have an advantage of ambush over them.
Domestication is not a selectable trait for now. As local embodiment of change, you can go a bit wild in shaping your carnivorous glider and can pick several traits of interest.
If there's no deal that's fine by me, but they're not getting something for nothing. I would agree to BadBack cultivating my fire ferns, and taking any successful new plants, but not taking the ones I have. Maybe they could build some new greenhouses for me to help?

And on the Gliding Wolves, I would make them omnivorous and give them a very thick shaggy furred hide.
I was just going for the wolves. Currently writing "no deal"
What did BadBack roll on then?
acquiring a few sample and transplanting them in the crack.
>Jupiter :
In this timespan, your tribe managed to get a few pods of Stove Grove.
They were planted them in circles of dying, softening purple roots.
The Stove Grove took hold and start grewing - although sparingly at first.
The ecosystem of Stove Grove and Fire Fern have difficulties to spread far away. However, with your tending, the plantations are turning dense.
Denser than the Eastern Peaks. The Stove Grove heat is unbearable for the Hunters.
"See this, chosen one? This is a Sacred Grove. Those hot forest will have to be maintained - they are part of the Great Plan."

>BadBack : Fire Fern growing attempt
Glasshouses are ill adapted to Fire Ferns : too cold, melting when temperature reach a high enough threshold comfortable for Fire Ferns.
A solution is found : a heap of soil. Light Moss is transplanted in a cave-like hole, with the Fire Ferns planted on the top of the mound.
This require heavy maintenance, especially for Light Moss patch and stressing.
But don't let it entach your success : you have slaves serving that exact purpose after all.
>Obtained a marginal amount of Fire Ferns mounds : a few luxury ressources given in rare, luxuous meals or as rewards for the Holey Moleys that are more or less acclimating to their new environment.

Despite the best efforts of the BurningGrass matriarch, the idea of Castletowns do not hold - why spend the energy to build walls instead of another keep over there?

The method of Whitemane to obtain Astral Pathfinders proves, once again, not working.
Over the timespan, two of the three remaining Glacier Drifter died. The last one is unwell. Cause have not be found, but seem like a Soul Ache more than a physiological one - after all, there is no much difference between a dead Glacier Drifter and Shaped Ice.

South, GrassGreen attempt to build lodges in the snow plains at the storm's rim was met with a grim fate : the surface of the snow plain, shifting at time, was idle enough for building foundation. Then, the snow of the plains swallowed on one night where the land turned and roiled.

South-er, the Ghostclaw Matriarch ordered a cultural change to let anyone recognize the role of a tribe member by a glance : caste-oriented clothes.
This is a succes and soon a pride of the clan. Most certainly, upon meeting the Ghostclaw members in the future, other tribe will be impressed by this high culture.
>Effect : +1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls while other see your nice clothes.

In the far north, Cerulean have a somewhat mixed result.
On one prehensile claw, they are more and more able to approach the deadly Fourbeaks - tolerated by their gift of meat more than real bond.
Your priesthood takes notes of the Fourbeak's way.
>What are the Fourbeak's priest tenant?
On the other prehensile claw, you lost all contact with the Eastern settlement :
Nobody answer telepathic call, and Hunters knowing the place that teleported to check on the situation never came back.
It is again time for the age-old question...
>How should your Tribe evolve?

Badback, you are growing around 10 mounds at a time because of Jupiter's refuse of trading, making the potato mounds the fabled "Penis Rare" rarity.

Also, do you guys have a tradition of Potato mounds in your home villages? In my specific part of Rural French, there is often a dedicated mound in the vegetable garden - a meter-high, 3 to 5 meter long, mound for potatoes.
The Fourbeak priests are the slayers and warbringers. Those anchored in this world while the Flockwing priestesses are visionaries who half exist in the realm of dreams and riddles.

A sophisticated warrior-priest:
1. Control. Control is Everything. Control is the ability to shape the world and create outcomes.
2. Will. Control yourself. The only thing you truly control is your own will. It is what shapes all else. A craftsman makes his own tools.
3. Fear. Fear is failure. It makes the warrior's hand shake, the mating challenger retreat, the flockwing fly from a meal. Hone your will and destroy your fear.
4. Body. The tool you always carry with you. Shape your body as you would shape any other tool. The poorly made tool betrays its maker.
5. Kin. It is difficult for one man to defeat a Fourbeak. It is easy for a trained harem. Shape your brothers and make them useful. The craftsman makes tools he can trust.
6. Clan. We are the shephards and guardians of the clan. We fix holes in the wall. We train the ignorant. We sharpen bone and claw. Do not allow flaws to persist.
7. World. There are many clans in the world. They are ignorant of the ending that Flockwing has shown us
8. Destiny. Flockwing tells us that times of destruction will come. It is destiny. Pre-ordained. For Fourbeak now is a time of destruction, and with enough power we will destroy destiny, destroy destruction.

An unsophisticated slayer:
1. Solve Problems. Fourbeaks were a problem. Were.
2. Enough Violence solves all problems.
2A. - Violence is not always the best solution to problems. (this is an advanced tenet, for old veterans).
3. Better weapons, more violence.
3A. Violence is a tool. Use the right tool for the job.
4. Fear is the mind killer. The fearless strike true. The coward shakes.
5. Rememberers see the past. Flockwings see the future. Fourbeak lives in the now.
5A. In times of peace, make weapons.
>Cryogenic Hibernation - called the Cold Dream
Use ice magic to entomb people in ice, allowing their metabolisms to fall to near nothing while they dream the ages away. This allows reckless population growth since most of the population will be trapped in ice not eating anything. Then, when the time is right, they can be thawed out and sent off in large groups to do whatever tasks need large groups. The cryogenic ritual locations add further geographic permanence to the previously mobile hunter-gatherers (along with the food-shrines). This is a Flockwing tech (as most are), but there is a secret benefit for the Fourbeak cult if it and one other thing succeed.

Culturally I'm setting up a dichotomy between the psychic past-and-future oriented females who do not kill or permanently destroy, and the live-in-this-world non-psychic males whose cult will kill and destroy when needed. But a lot of the time they spend training and making tools (presumably out of ice and bone at the moment). Since Flockwing has an evil counterpart, I suppose that the evil counterpart for Fourbeak would be a wild Fourbeak with untamed aggression, while good Fourbeak is one who has been trained and equipped for battle.
Focus on mastering our knowledge of managing stone groves and spread them through the western mountains
Here's a Fourbeak shaman armed only with his claws and some looted beaks.

> Rebuffed from the storm, the tribe turns its attention to preservation, in particular a certain combination of rotting tubers produces vinegar, which in turn results in pickled meats and veggies!
with new sources of hides found with the Holey Moleys starting to become acclimated it is time to domesticate them and using the claws of the dead ones as tools for society.

i am familiar with the concept of a potatoe mound but i dont think its anything even close to that. we just planted the potatoes in small earthen heaps in long rows.

now that i think about it. you could probably call those potatoe mounds.
>Small earthen heap in long row
this is the "agricultural" way to plant a lot and tend in a field. The bigger mound is more suited for a space-efficient way to cultivate potatoes to supplement a family's diet.
Got it.

In my defense. Its been at least a decade since last i grew my own potatoes.or had access to a vegetable garden
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (>Effect : +1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls while other see your nice clothes.)
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor

>>Development Turn : Amulets
>Pieces of bone and stone decorated and carved with symbols of the Tribe, they are tied together by small pieces of stove grove lianas. The Shamans will then make sure they are blessed and accepted by the spirits, so that this small things can give spiritual protection, wellbeing, health, luck and so on. Matriarch Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw) has make know her approval of this idea and so it shall be done.
I grow bored. >>6019746
I'm going to Conquer the South East Hex now. More Land, more places for me to track down Glacial Drifters and more Under-Hunters for my experiments.
Clearly I;m only good at playing barbarian. So thats Exactly what I'll do.
>Castletowns again
god, I hope my roll doesn't fail again.
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amulets image!
Sorry, you don't have a research like Whitemane letting you try again failed development immediately after failing
Then I'll attempt to
>Tame the Kraken (four beaks)

Probably best to steal the from the nest a eggs. Also I will be using that plus 10 for a +14 bonus
But you know Krakens doesn't lay eggs : they split from tentacles to create new beasts
Are there any egg layers on the planet?
The only confirmed one are Under Hunter.
Dahu are confirmed mamal-adjacent. Holey moleys are unspecified, so are gliders and Fatties
Cerulean : Cold Dream
1d100. DC 60
Potent Psyker proc; +5

Jupiter : Stove Grove management :
1d100. DC : 40/80
Superior Intellect proc: +5

Grassgreen : cooking improvement
First you'll have to make vinegar. Then you can pickle. So 1d100. DC : 40/80/100

BadBack : age of steel

Ghostclaw : Amulets
+10 from drawin and +3 from Runes Proc

Whitemane : Conquest

BurningGrass : Tame the Kraken
Strength proc. So does your Fourbeak knowledge, gifiting you an hefty +18

Sorry for delay. Felt in my Pokemon addiction again
Rolled 86 (1d100)

And what game were you playing? I finished up scarlet recently
Rolled 84 + 18 (1d100 + 18)

come on khorn give me the 88
Pokemon Showdown OU 7G,

Still no 88 but a vassal-induced unnatural crit.
Any write-in/suggestions?
Rolled 96 + 13 (1d100 + 13)

Same for you.
What should the Amulet OP thing be?
Damn. That is a juicy little amulet you got there
A strong spiritual protection and feeling more in tune with the tribe spirits and the ancestors. Something that both shamans and other under hunters can use.

Just the first if its too much. I have described them a bit in the development post. Should help with spells, magic and the like in the future. Might be considered even a first religious object i think, a symbol of the faith.
You know what? You're getting even more with it.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Here are some ideas
Maybe Many Pelts develops a spell for short range telepathy, animal control, or beast bond (my favourite of the three).

could use their knowledge of leather and pelt making to make saddles.

The many pelt tribe create hunting tactics that incorporate their new four beak companions.
Rolled 6 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

the trees are not pleased :(
Rolled 40 + 12 (1d100 + 12)

sweet sweet mediocrity

>>6027214 lucky cunt
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Coin flip for the Cerulan
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Dice froze me out.
Sorry guys. No update today and might be compromised for this weekend.
Doing my best, really, but real life takes its toll.
Inpossible what is this life you speak off?

Its okay. I am probably not available as well
The kids I'm training have a competition this week end, and in general dealing with the gentrification
No problem
>in general dealing with the gentrification
Our french vigilante QM can't be this cute!
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Behold. Red Panda
By the five spirits and ancestors what an esoteric and strange creature......
If you snap'd this picture, I'm impressed.
The thread is turning into our shitposting holiday blog and I love this.
Currently in a safari park on holiday with buddys from my times at college.

Hope the tiger comes through well
I hope your Safari park is prestigious and not some cramped mud swamp like some of the zoos I've seen. I've seen Super Zoos where the animals are thriving, but I've seen places that made me frown throughout the entire experience.
Animals seem well kept with a lot of room to run around and get away from people if they want to.

Looks like a good place.
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The Jupiter tribe, despite doing its best, couldn't do much about the Stove Grove management.
However, the plants are there for good in the Western mountains.
The Cerulean Cold Dream remains a death sentence.

Grassgreen people developped a berry whine. However, the process used by your people lead to something acrid, sourer than the sweet one made by the western dwelver of Jupiter. A fine addition to drink in accompagnement to the meat cassolettes.

Whitemane's effort of conquest keep paying off. Thanks to your Dahu Culture, your logistics aren't stretched for now.
However, even you are starting to struggle with such a big territory to cover. The new wild zones are a source of more Glacier Drifter though.
Speaking of, the last Glacier Drifter captured... Remains fine and well. But for How Long?

On the impressive developments side, BadBack reached an age of steel, with tools made from the Crack Moley's claws.
Already, the brought back Moleys are displaying ditinctive traits from their Peaks cousins, in particular harder, more metallized claws.

But two tribes are showing impressive displays.
The Ghostclaw tribe developped Runic Amulets. What was originally a trinket of goodluck and protection became something insanely strong.
>+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter
A Hunter dying while wearing such an Amulet doesn't go for ever : is spirits remains, materializing in time of great needs.
The spirit can't interract in the physical world, but their advice remains a precious source of Insight.
>Clothes synergy
In particular, your Hunters working a job get the habit of wearing the amulet till their death. This cement the job structure created.
In addition, the collection of spirit stored in amulet give insight to the living hunters.
>+4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. You'll have to convince me good.

The BurningGrass tribe's Many Pelt bold and daring act, a few cycles after the Cerulean, lead to a second attempt to live closer to the Mighty Fourbeaks.
This happy development is born from an unique quirk of biology : The ManyPelt line Psyker Heart mutated, letting them Bound with Kraken.
This link is hereditary. The former Lady Many Pelt was the first to bound to a Fourbeak. When he splitted into three, she was still linked with all of them. Two of the offspring link where succesfully transmitted to her next-in-line and second-favored daughter.
This started a tradition.
>You have now Fourbeak-bound Many-Pelt elite.
They improve your Knowledge[Fourbeak] trait by granting you a fat +10 to any roll involving Fourbeaks.

And now, for the last time of this thread...
>How should your Tribe evolve?
Thebadbacks start using their new tools to start carving stone and replacing their ice shelters with blocks carved from the sturdy material

> A great hunting party gathers and sets off into the snowstorm, seeking to cutdown the great beasts within and learn more of the secrets of the storm.

It has been many years since the gift of wind, but legends live on. Where stone failed perhaps numbers and courage will prevail. A band of hunters set off into the storm to hunt the pointy beasts and bring back their scarf like tails!
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>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM])

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor

>>Development Turn : Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law
>Matriarch Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw) declared that from now on, a set of written down rules to obey shall be made. The scribes begin to write down such things, and the Matriarch will allow her successors to expand upon it. This code shall be for all members of the Tribe of Ghost Claw and anyone in their territory. First, a proper respect of the ancestors and the five spirits must be given with some offerings and prayers. Failure to do so would be punished with either dishonor with a possibility to redeem themselves or death by morningstar if it was too grave. Second, a proper respect and obedience to the Matriarch must be given, to her and her power. Not doing so would mean to face death by being crushed by large stones, unless one wished to take on a oath of eternal loyalty even in death an oath said for all to hear. Third, murders will be punished with shaming, taking of all properties and being sentenced to death by stoning from a crowd. Fourth, thiefs will be punished with shaming, taking of all properties and being sentenced to dishonor for several days until at last a hit of a morningstar would kill them.

(The code of law is sort of like the hammurabi one if shorter.)

i think will do my runic armor again next thread instead, even with the 10 for the drawing i don't feel confident yet with it.
So much stuff i want to do in this age.
>Develop anatomy

Manflayer Flockwing Agatha saw a hunter fall off a cliff and suffer a compound fracture. Curious, she cut the wounded hunter open to observe the healing process. Having developed a curiosity for the workings of the Underhunter body, Agatha continued dissections and vivisections to further her understanding.
I will have this even if I have to do it every 2nd turn.

if I can't do that yet
>Burial tombs
Expand territory north
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considering that juniper is expanding north I'll change >>6031888 to
>Secure the homeland.
orange is most desired. green second and white least
Damn. Looks like there might be war in your near future if you both want the samr
I will have that arm of the ravine, no matter the cost.
The land is bare ice and snow. Landmarks exist, trails, paths, proof of our people's work, they exist. Yet they aren't mighty, you do not know you are in Whitemane territory except when you see us, neither do we know we left our lands until there is nothing but the Wild Wasteland.
We aren't stoneworkers, dye makers, earth driers, we deal in the flesh and snow. So we will mark our land with Flesh and Snow. We will build towers of bone and flesh, big towers, kept straight with frost, these Pylons will serve as proof of our land, our influence, the psykic presence of so much death, so much meat, should even be visible in the Astral World, in the Warp, if done correctly.
>>We will raise meat and bones into the sky, freeze them, so that all know where the Whitemane migrate, so that all heed our influence
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If it makes you feel any better I just want the territory next to my start location. hell, I'll even share my currency tech with you even if only so I can use this meme (also I like the idea of all three of us sharing a currency).
I'd appreciate a backlink or trip use
I can empathise with wanting to feel secure, unfortunately we are only in this arms race/land scramble because you initially acted to deny both Jupiter and BadBack tribes of the sparkstone.

I do think your idea of an exchange is worth considering, and I would be willing to share my technology (writing and record keeping ain't nothing to sniff at), but not for nothing. I cannot accept being penned in to a single small area, and it is my only option for providing for my people, whereas you can expand many other directions.

How about you let me take the area with no issue, and I draw up a treaty whereby the Jupiter shall swear upon the Dreams of the Mothers never to use it to attack your territory, or we shall forsake our god and banish ourselves to the western mountains. We will make copies for both of our tribes.
And then maybe we can have a technological exchange as a sign of goodwill?

The tribe offers up this poorly made art to the gods for luck! They hope for such finery!
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that one hex right next to the homeland would not stop you from being penned. but I am willing to compromise. In exchange for giving up any claim to the orange hex, I will promise not to expand west across this line and focus my efforts north-east and east.

as for trade, I'm willing to give currency in exchange for writing. I'm also willing to allow traders from both you and badback to cross my lands (as long as they behave) to trade with each other and myself.
Then there will be blood.

I send word to the BadBack tribe that the time to prove their word on the treaty draws near, ask them to prepare for war with BurningGrass
we could also fight for it like our ancestors. 1 on 1 duel, matriarch to matriarch.
Our matriarchs may fight, and if you wish to release your claim afterwards then I have no problem with that. I will have that ravine.

If war is inevitable i will support you as promised.

Only Matriarchs fighting might not be the best way to apporach this. Too much depends on the luck and misfortunes of a single being, no matter how mighty.

I would propose a small scale battle with equal numbers of Hunters on both sides. Like maybe 30 or 40 hunters.

And whoever looses relenquishes their claim on the ravine.

Whatever the dead had on them will be returned to their respective tribes as a token ofgood faith. Does this sound agreeable too you?

Otherwise your matriarchs can just go and beat each others brains in.

I am in the middle of an infrastructure project after all.

And jupiter. If you need me to. I can clad your matriarchs claws in steel for the duel
Badback : Rock-Carving - 1d100

GrassGreen : Hunting in the storm

GhostClaw : Code of law - 1d100+10

Cerulean : Vivisection - 1d100

Jupiter and BurningGrass : Expansion
1d100 each. +17 for Jupiter, +25 for Stone Armoured Fourbeak-Mounted BurningGrass.

Whitemane : Meat Pillars (and the weirdest write in I ever saw, which is to say something with our testicle gobbling cat-rabbit aliens balls of fur and murder) : 1d100
Calm down. Hunter Crack War 1 is not on the menu right now. Not that turn at least
Rolled 54 (1d100)

C'mon, momma needs a new skirt made of beast tails!
Ayyyy squeaking by! I'll take it!


A brutal rite of passage among the GrassGreen, a successful Storm Hunt is sign of an aspiring huntress or even matriarch. The huntress must lead her team into the blizzard and down the great beasts within, collecting their billowing scarf like tails to form a war skirt. The boldest of hunters seeks multiple beasts, the thicker the skirt of tails the more ferocious a huntress is viewed as.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Alright good enough to start getting better housing and glasshouses

What? Is it only on the menu if they continue with their aggressive posturing?

I am trying to reduce bloodshed here.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Meat time, even if it falls on you, you can just eat it
As foretold, the meat obelisk will guide us. But we can go even further even more carnal. Perhaps there is a way to make the Archon transformation more stable, just make the Hunter’s soul fatter, bigger. The meat obelisk is just the beginning
Rolled 35 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

Tzeench don't fail me now.
Rolled 58 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 42 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

come on khorn. give me strength.
>if they continue with their aggressive posturing
I've been trying to compromise and make concessions. hell, I even offered to let the dice fall where they may and offer a 1v1 so we could resolve this bloodlessly.

also for the record, I'm still willing to give you guys the currency tech and allow trading in my lands.
Its a bit from both sides. I wont judge who is more aggressive here since i dont care for assigning any blame.

We can see about trading. But my tribe so far has little reason to trade right now. The rocks would have been nice. But arent really necessary and i have other priorities foe now. Mostly steel and propelling my stndard of living for and upward
The 2 biggest tribes should definitely fight so that a third party can overwhelm the survivors
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The clan watches from our hidden caves, waiting for the perfect moment, shrouded by night.
Alright. I archived the thread.
I have low confidence on my ability to pull the work to start a new thread before Sunday. Will do my best, but don't expect much. If this thread die before new one is launched, I'll advertise in /qtg
Take time
Roger boss
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Did anyone archive the thread yet?

If not i am gonna do it tonight or tomorrow
Doesnt seem so
Actually lmao dragon did
I’ll try to finish the Archon drawing today and hopefully attempt the ritual in 1 or 2 turns, if by some miracle I roll high enough, I can get a sizeable population
Somehow thread is still alive;
The trip was more exhausting than planned. I'll launch next thread tomorrow.

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