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Your whole life, people have called you a "downer". You're no fun at parties, you don't have any friends, you like to bring up morbid topics in conversation, and you have a generally gloomy mood about you. The reason for this is because since you were a child, you've known the exact date you and everyone you love, are going to die. Why, you do not know, but it's true. You know, and it's haunted you. You wish you didn't, you really do, but it can't be helped.
Your name is Fido Ballthrow. You're a college dropout, a failed musician, and a disappointment to your family. You have very few friends, you have no job, and you only have, from this moment on, five days to live.
You knew today was the day it all begins last night, and in an anxious frenzy locked yourself in your closet with all the essentials. Tissues, a gun, blankets, and a pillow. In a rage, you punched a bunch of holes in your wall, because of course, you did.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What will you do?

DAY TIMER: 24:00:00

>Punch more holes in the wall (3 minutes)
>Go make breakfast (30 minutes)
>Cry (2-60 minutes
>Take the easy way out (End Quest)
>Call someone (2-100 minutes)
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>>Punch more holes in the wall (3 minutes)
>>Go make breakfast (30 minutes)
>you only have, from this moment on, five days to live.
How this will happen and why is very important context.

>Do something else (Time Depends)
Fuck it. If our character is dying, he might as well spend it someplace beautiful.

>Write goodbye letters for the people that still care to find after the five days.
>Take a trip to a national park and camp out.
>Go make breakfast (30 minutes)

Let's look up a recipe for pancakes online. It's not a cure for depression, but it's the best thing this side of lithium
>Punch more holes in the wall (3 minutes)
>Theorize that you can't die until five days have passed or your ability would be wrong. Put the gun to your head. Pull the trigger.
>>Go make breakfast (30 minutes)

>Write goodbye letters for the people that still care to find after the five days.
>Take a trip to a national park and camp out.

Make sure we bring food for that too, so we can have a nice picnic or something.
>Call someone (2-100 minutes)
Checked. Changing my own vote to this >>5998888.
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You punch a few more holes in the wall. It doesn't do much for you. Are you really gonna go out of the world with such a fucked up home? Holes everywhere, blankets on the floor... God, you really are a mess.
>-3 minutes
You then go into the kitchen. You try to look up a pancake recipe but realize you have none of the ingredients, so instead you make cereal. It takes you 30 minutes to do so because you can't figure out how to open the cereal box. You remember that you haven't eaten in 2 days, but also feel no desire to eat the food in front of you.
You ponder your situation. In 5 days, the world will end. All of it destroyed, including you. All your friends, gone. The country you live in, the planet's history, wiped away. You don't know how it will happen. Maybe the sun will explode? Maybe the Earth will? Either way, the Earth will be gone.
You look at your phone and think about calling someone. Who would you even call?

DAY TIMER: 23:27:00

>Call Ralph (Time Depends)
>Call Felino (Time Depends)
>Call Mom (Time Depends)
>Call Dad (Time Depends)
>Cry (2-60 minutes)
>Take the easy way out (End Quest)
>Force yourself to eat (20 minutes)
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Force yourself to eat
Gonna need energy.
>>Force yourself to eat (20 minutes)
>Call Mom (Time Depends)
>>Force yourself to eat (20 minutes)
>Call Felino (Time Depends)
>Force yourself to eat (20 minutes)
>Write in
>Call whoever among Ralph, Felino, Mom, and Dad cares the most first (Time Depends)
>Force yourself to eat (20 minutes)
>Write goodbye letters for the people that still care to find after the five days.
>Take a trip to a national park and camp out.
If it's an End of the World scenario, we should try to bring someone along with us on the trip.
>to find after the five days.
The world's ending, anon. They'll all be dead, too.

>Force yourself to eat (20 minutes)
>Call a crisis line, maybe it's all fake, MAYBE PLEASE GOD IT'S ALL FAKE

Take care, QM. Depression's rough. I hope this is cathartic to you?
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You force yourself to eat it all. It doesn't taste like anything, and you feel no fuller.
>-20 minutes
You call your mother. She picks up.
You try to say hello, but she cuts you off.
"No money, go away, bye." and then she hangs up, just like that. Maybe you shouldn't have asked her for so much money...
>-1 minute
You call Felino next. She's one of the few women in your life. You've known her since high school. You like her a lot. She moved out of state after graduation. You haven't seen her in person since, but you've stayed in touch.
"Hey!" she says, cheerful, "What's up?"
What now?

DAY TIMER: 23:06:00

>Ask her how she's doing
>Talk about the weather
>Invite her over
>Talk about interests
>Tell her the world is going to end
>Take the easy way out and make her listen, her voice is the last one you want to hear (End Quest)
>Do something else (Time Depends)
(Oh, don't worry about me! I had this idea way before the depression break I had. It's an idea I've wanted to do for a while. I suppose it's cathartic in the way I've always wanted to write something sad, lol.
Worry not though, anons. It's not all gonna be doom and gloom, I promise you.)
>Ask her how she's doing
I hope she's going to have a good last few days...
>Ask her how she's doing
>Talk about interests
Verification not required, we're so back.
>Ask her how she's doing
>Ask her how she's doing
>Ask her if she's available for a few days
>Do the national park trip regardless if she decides to come or not
Sorry for sounding like a broken record, but the quest format seems like it allows a lot of things to change quickly.

Glad to hear things are going alright. I'm looking forward to what you have in store, but please remember to take care of yourself.
You tagged me by mistake, anon.

I share that anon's sentiment, though. You seem like a cool guy. I hope you're feeling better soon!
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You ask her how she's doing.
"Oh, good!" she says, "Me and Jon were gonna head out for dinner tonight, so that'll be fun."
Ugh, Jon. If there ever was a hipster then that hipster is Jon. He's Felino's "boyfriend" or whatever. He is always spewing some nonsense about some band or wailing over his fucking guitar. If there's anyone you want to see blown to smithereens by the end of the world it's fucking Jon, fuck that guy.
You tell her that you're happy she's having a good time, and bring up one of the interests you both often partake in, and that's video games.
"Oh! Yeah! Are you on for Zolfor's Fortress tonight?"
Zolfor's Fortress. A fantasy-themed first-person shooter you and Felino play together online. It's very "retro" if that's the word. It's fun enough.
It's there that you think of running off to some national park, away from it all, but perhaps you should save that for later.
>You're on
>You're not on
>Tell her to break up with Jon
>Badmouth Jon
>Praise Jon
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>You're on
>You're on
>You're on
>Suggest Jon should play, too
Bet he fuckin' won't. 'Cause he sucks. But maybe she'll start to realize he sucks if she sees how he doesn't want to play cool games, like us?
>You're on
Would love to at least jokingly tell her to break up with Jon if she lacks behind in the game, just to get it off the system lol
>You're on

Shit. I hope the QM caught my message anyway.

It could backfire if he does end up joining, however, and our guy could end up being a third wheel.

She's probably smart enough to read that.
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You tell her that you're on and that Jon should join too. Heh, there's no way Jon will join, and if he does you'll totally beat his ass-
"Oh! Yeah! That'd be cool! Jon is a really good player! He's like... rank eighty or something."
"But yeah," she says, "We should TOTALLY play later tonight! With Jon joining I'm sure it'll be fun."
You imagine Jon as some super-ultra-megadeath player who destroyed anything in his path. Why do you do this to yourself?
>Nevermind, not playing
>Hang up
>Talk about something else
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>>You're on
>genuinely ask her what she sees in Jon
Maybe he saved her life or something.
>>genuinely ask her what she sees in Jon
>Talk about something else
Be a good sport and log on later. Talk about another subject, probably about a time our dude hung out with Felino outdoors, then ask if she's available sometime in the next few days before Jon makes any further plans with her.
+1. But more in a: "hey, how did you decide you liked Jon, anyway? What was it abut him that made you knew it was going to 'click'?" Make it seem like we're getting romantic advice, not questioning her choices or badmouthing her boy.

Come on, question your choices on your own... See US, not HIM!

Seconded. Do this before >>5999004.
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You ask her what she sees in Jon, but frame it as though you're trying to get dating advice.
"Well, he's like, smart and handsome. Super artistic. He can sing. And he's just like, really sweet to boot. Not to mention he likes all the games I like!"
YOU like all the games she likes... You imagine Jon dead. It makes you feel better.
You talk about some general topics, and then ask her if she's ever able to hang out.
"Well, actually, yeah! Me and Jon will be coming down to visit some family in the next few days or so. We can totally hang out then!"
Fuck Jon.
>Badmouth Jon
>Tell her to break up with Jon
>Ask her not to bring Jon
>Ask for more advice
>Learn more about Jon
>Talk about something else
>Go do something else (Time Depends)
>Go do something else (Time Depends)
>>Go do something else (Time Depends)
>Write in
Tell her you'll think about it; you could give an answer when you play vidya with her and Jon later today. Maybe ask her what she would do, hypothetically, if she knew the world was ending in less than a week and how she'd spend it. After the conversation, we should start planning our big outdoors trip.

>"Well, he's like, smart and handsome. Super artistic. He can sing. And he's just like, really sweet to boot. Not to mention he likes all the games I like!"
She seems like a decent person, but not the brightest. We shouldn't let this drag down how the planet's final days go down regardless. Too little time to spend miserable.
>Deflect to after the apocalypse
"Haha, well, if you're still down here in the next SIX days, that would be great! That's when I'm free again."

Bail bail bail, the game is fine, but in-person hangouts with that douche sound AWFUL. We CANNOT spend any amount of our last few days in JON'S foul presence.
>Bail bail bail, the game is fine, but in-person hangouts with that douche sound AWFUL. We CANNOT spend any amount of our last few days in JON'S foul presence.
Agreed. A solo trip isn't such a bad thing. I've got an idea: let's bring a camera, a notebook, and a time capsule. We could take pictures of whatever to place inside the capsule along with whatever we decide to write, then leave in a deep hole on the last day. The world may be ending, but that doesn't mean we can't leave a little something for whoever survives.
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You tell her you'll think about it, and that you'll be on later. You hang up.
You'd really like to hang out with Felino, but is ALSO hanging out with Jon really worth it? Maybe not...
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You decide you should probably start doing things. You only have so much time after all. The call took you 28 minutes. Man, that was a long time. You've been thinking about taking a trip to a national park or something, but there are also things you can do around town. What now?

DAY TIMER: 22:38:00

>National park
>Go see Ralph
>Go see parents
>Go to the mall
>Go to the arcade
>Go to a theatre
>Buy magazines
>Buy "magazines"
>Go to a restaurant
>Go try and meet women
>Something else
>Go see Ralph
He's such a character. Surely his antics will help a bit
>Go see Ralph
Seconded. He's a bit of a hippie, but a solid dude.
>>Go see Ralph
>Go to the mall
>Go try and meet women
Try to pick up chicks while shopping.

Okay, we can also
>Bring Ralph
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You decide to go see Ralph. It takes you an hour to get to his apartment, but you make it.
You met Ralph while working as a cashier at a fast-food restaurant. He'd always come in and order the same thing and kept trying to make conversation with you. Eventually, he asked for your number. You thought he was trying to like, creep on you or something, but because you have zero social skills or ability to stand up for yourself you just... gave it to him. He called you that night and proceeded to talk about the newest episode of Crime Committing Show for 8 hours and then fall asleep. Ever since then, you've been friends or at least something of the sort.
Ralph is a bit of a druggie. That's not even an insult, that's what he calls himself. Despite the fact that he really likes drugs, he also strongly recommends no one do them. Ironically, Ralph works as the chair at an AA place, despite being a raging alcoholic himself. I suppose he just doesn't want people to end up the way he is, despite the fact he always seems pretty fucking content with his situation.
It's sort of embarrassing to tell people he's your only friend, as he could probably pass as your dad or something. You're 22, and he's 49.
As you enter the room, Ralph greets you.
"Yoooo! What is up, my brother!" he says, as that's how he usually greets you, "Feelin' good, because might I say, I am feelin' FIIIIIIIIIINNNNEEEEEEEEEEE..."
You're starting to regret coming here.

DAY TIMER: 21:39:00
>Tell him about Felino
>Rant about Jon
>Talk about interests
>Ask for drugs
>Tell about the end of the world
>Talk about something else
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Tell him about Felino
>Tell about the end of the world
Dude, we are not feeling fiiiiiiineeee.
Agreed. If he's free the next few days and isn't disruptive outdoors, he'd be great to bring along for the trip.
If anyone can stop the end of the world/our horrible death it's Ralph

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You tell him about Felino and Jon.
"Hey, little bro, listen, YOU deserve her, not that guy! You're like, a fucking stud man, I mean look at you."
You look at yourself. You don't see it.
You tell him about the end of the world.
"Ohhhh, shit! Are you on "endoftheworldsoon.com" as well? The Rapture is like, sooooo gonna happen soon or something. We're like, all gonna get sucked up to Heaven."
You wonder if he's right about that. You doubt it. Whatever is gonna happen in the next five days, its nothing good, and you doubt anyone is gonna survive.
>Invite him to hang out
>Talk about the end of the world
>Ask for drugs
>Talk about something else
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Invite him to hang out
What a good sport
>Invite him to hang out
(Hey, anons, gonna head to bed now! More updates tomorrow!)
>Invite him to hang out
Let's get planning. We can gather supplies today and get back to our place in time to play vidya with Felino. Tomorrow or the day after, we hit the road with Ralph.
Sounds good, QM. Sleep well! Thanks for running.
>Invite him to hang out

Night QM.
>>Invite him to hang out
>>Talk about the end of the world

Try to actually explain that we can see when the world will end.
Goodnight QM. Get good rest.
>Talk about the end of the world
Maybe that websites not /x/ tier.
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You try to talk to him about the end of the world, but he doesn't seem to be taking you too seriously.
"Shit, man, I know! We're all totally gonna get sucked up into the afterlife in the next like, year. I don't know about five days, but it'll like, happen soon, man!"
This guy...
You give it a rest and ask him if he wants to hang out.
"Oh, shit, sure, man! What do you wanna do? We could stay here and chill, hit up the mall, or do like,.. go-karts or something. OH! Shit, or we could hit up the local roadkill and just like, poke it."
You're not so sure about that last suggestion, but some of those things sound like they might be fun.

DAY TIMER: 21:37:00

>Go-karts (4 hours)
>Mall (2 hours)
>Hang here (3 hours)
>Hit up roadkill (6 hours)
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Steal go-karts, drive them into mall
If we're a misanthropic sad bastard might as well cause a bit of chaos, no?
>Go to the mall and hit on thicc bitches.
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You decide to go-kart. Ralph seems pleased with this decision, although he seems to REALLY wanna poke roadkill with sticks.
The go-kart track is at the mall, so you get a chance to look around for a bit before getting started.
As you race, you imagine yourself as some super cool go-kart racer. That would have been a pretty cool life.
Maybe you should have a bit more fun with this.
>-4 hours

DAY TIMER: 17:37:00

>Steal go-kart and cause havoc in mall
>Run over go-kart employees
>Go-kart like a normal person
>Steal go-kart and drive to go find roadkill
>Bail from go-kart
>Try to impress women with your go-kart skills
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Steal go-kart and cause havoc in mall
We can make some of our own roadkill!!
make donuts with gokarrt
>Accidentally cause a wreck on the track
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Fuck it, might as well go mad if the world is gonna end soon anyway. You start doing donuts, crashing into walls, and just generally driving recklessly. Ralph yells out to you. "Hey! Fido! Stop, man, you're gonna get someone hurt!"
You don't stop though, your driving becomes more and more reckless the more time passes. This is actually really fun. You've never felt such adrenaline... Fuck it, you're crashing into someone. As you start driving towards another go-karter at full speed, getting ready to run them off the road, your wheels suddenly catch on fire, and in a panic, you swerve off the road and hit the wall. You immediately get out of your go-kart, which bursts into flames.
>Flee the scene
>Steal someone's go-kart
>Call for help
>Stop someone and ask them what to do
>Find Ralph
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Find Ralph
>Convince him to steal a kart together
The world is literally gonna end and we hate most stuff in it
>>Find Ralph
>Flee the scene on another go-kart
>This is what happens when I'm gone

>Find Ralph
>Call for help
I don't know why the fuck Fido thought he'd want to spend these last days in jail. He can say the turning wheel or one of the tires lost control. There's still prepping for the trip and making it to the vidya session with Felino.
>Call for help
>Look for an extinguisher
>Find Ralph
>Call a lawyer
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You call out for Ralph, who you see getting off his go-kart and fleeing the scene.
"Sorry, man! Fuck this! I'm on probation!"
He IS on probation.
Without you really having to do anything, a disgruntled mall employee walks in with a bucket of water and puts out the fire. Seems like she's done this before. Maybe this is a common occurrence?

DAY TIMER: 17:27:00

>Talk to employee
>Get out of there before they press charges
>Just go home (1 hour)
>Try to explain yourself
>Pretend to be injured so you can sue the go-kart place
>Call a lawyer
>Something else (Time Depends)
>>Get out of there before they press charges
>>But quickly apologize and pretend it was an accident
>Talk to employee
>Try to explain yourself
>Seduce employee
That's the idea, maybe, but let's start low-key and get a feel for her. This isn't a great first impression.
>Talk to employee
wagie gf route?
>Seduce employee
>"Hey, it was ME who crashed that kart. Impressed?"
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You try to talk to the employee and explain yourself. She cuts you off.
"I don't talk to psychos. Are you a psycho, psycho?"
>You're a psycho
>You're not a psycho
>Explain yourself
>Something else (Time Depends)
>>You're not a psycho
>>Also offhandedly mention you all are going to die
"I blend elements of psychopathy and rage at the modern world with sudden impulsive actions. This is a new thing I started doing like a few hours ago, and it rocks. I advise you to join me in this endeavour because the world is gonna like... combust in a few days and you don't wanna die a wagecuck."
>and then prove our sincerity by throwing our shoe at the wall. If we have a shoe.
On the ine hand, depressed goth-looking wagie GF would be gewat. On the other hand, this is too funny not to do. May have to leg it if it fails, though, so...

>+1, but keep the shoe


>Explain yourself
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You explain, rather bluntly, that you are basically completely insane, impulsive, and misanthropic. Oh, and you also casually mention the world is going to end soon, and so she should join you on your escapades. This is sure to impress the ladies.
"What, so you're some kind of weirdo schizoid anarchist? That's pretty dumb."
You insist that you are totally serious, and as proof of your total hardcore badassery and lack of impulse control, you... pick up her empty bucket and drop it from above your head with the intention of breaking it. It does not.
The girl chortles. "Yeah, real hardcore."
>Insist that you are indeed hardcore
>Use humor to cope with your social ineptitude
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Flirt, acting like it was all a gag.

>Verification not required.
>Insist that you are indeed hardcore
>Talk about something else
Start it off with "Real." OP, is the weekend soon? We could try to bring her along if Ralph ends up not being available.
We made her laugh! The woman-thing is basically BEGGING for our love. Initiate Operation: Hardcore
>Insist that you are indeed hardcore

Girls like a guy who makes them laugh, and also grungy failed musicians. R-right?

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You make a joke about how completely insane you are, before doubling down on your hardcore-ness and talking about all the hardcore things you've done, such as stealing a pencil in high school.
She laughs again. "Listen, guy, you should probably get out of here before my boss shows up. He's the type to press charges. You're funny, though."
>Go home (1 hour)
>Leave mall
>Look for Ralph
>Ask her name
>Make more conversation
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Look for Ralph
Did you get enough sleep op?
(In the quest it is currently Friday, so the next day will be the start of the weekend!)
(Not really, lol. Why do you ask?)
>Introduce yourself and ask for her name
>Then leave and look for Ralph
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You introduce yourself and ask her what her name is.
"Fido, huh? Lily. Anyway, Fido, you should probably get out of here now."
You begin to walk away, but she stops you.
"But first, here."
She hands you a slip of paper.
"Now, go fuck off so you don't get arrested."
You leave the mall and search around for where Ralph could have run off. Eventually, you find him cowering in a dumpster.
"Hey... you weren't followed, were you? No cops came?"
You explain that no, no cops came, and that running away and hiding in a dumpster after seeing an accident looks VERY suspicious.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry, man... I just don't wanna go back to jail is all."
Ralph had been in and out of jail many times for relatively minor offenses. According to him, jail sucks.
>Draw on alley walls
>Scold Ralph
>Call the cops and frame Ralph for what happened
>Check slip of paper
>Go home (1 hour)
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Draw on alley walls
Then we can check the slip of paper when we go back home.
Agreed, but we should shop for camping stuff before heading home if enough heat is off our back.
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I woulda done the same thing in Ralph's shoes. Can't fault a guy for that.
>Draw on alley walls
>Check Slip
>>Draw on alley walls
>Why do you ask?
Time between updates seemed short.
>Check slip of paper
+1 to these three.

>Check put that Alienfest poster
>the classic go-kart crash gambit actually worked
to also include
>Take that fucking poster it rules
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You finally decide to give the slip Lily gave you a little look-see. It's... oh, shit... You, Fido Ballthrow, just got a girl's number. You think you should crash go-karting more often.
"What's that?" Ralph asks.
You tell him. He's immediately ecstatic and gives you a high-five.
"Hell yeah! I told you you're a fucking stud, man!"
Hell, maybe he's right. If only you knew.
You begin absent-mindedly drawing on the walls with a piece of chalk you bring with you everywhere. Yes, you keep a piece of black, red, and white chalk on you at all times. Eventually, you notice the poster.
At abandoned where house here: [INSERT ADREESS]
All bands and genres welcome (except pop, go fuck yourself), no admission fee because that'd be dumb. 3 am, be there or die."
Hmm... could be interesting. You pocket the poster to hang it up in your room since it is pretty sick.
"Oh, yo, you noticed that too? Hell yeah. I'm heading down to try to sell my recordings, you should totally go too, man!"
Sounds like it could be fun. Maybe a bit pretentious... but fun. Who knows, maybe you could get up and perform something?

DAY TIMER: 17:15:00

>Go home (1 hour)
>Talk more with Ralph
>Go back to Ralph's place (1 hour)
>Get something to eat
>Call someone
>Do something else (Time Depends)
lets get some actual food, we have our vigor back and can't be bothered to starve now/ remember to call the mall goth afterward and ask if she'd be down for alienfest
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You say goodbye to Ralph and decide to go get something to eat.
You go to the only place you know of where you can get food for free, and that's your Aunt's pizza place. Your hand is super buff, 6 feet tall, and you've seen her strangle a fully grown man to unconsciousness before, but she's pretty much the only member of your family you regularly talk to, and doesn't see you as a total screw-up, which you kinda are.
Every time you come in, she makes you a veggie pizza on the house. She doesn't talk much, but when she does it's usually her trying to convince you to go to church with her.
>-1 hour

DAY TIMER: 16:15:00

>Call Lily
>Call Ralph
>Call Mom
>Go home (2 hours)
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Agree to go to church with her once if she asks
+1 this. If anyone can save us besides Ralph it's our homie J Chrizzle
Ask them how their day was.
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You tell your Aunt you might be interested in coming to church with her at some point.
"Oh, good," she says.
She doesn't say anything else, as usual, but she seems pleased. You're pretty sure she's a Jehovah's Witness or something, but you've never really cared to ask her. She's the only religious person in your family. All the rest are some brand of atheism. You're still on the fence about the whole thing, but attending a sermon or two couldn't hurt. Or, well, your dad is "spiritual" or something, but you don't really talk to him. Your Aunt is kind of a black sheep because of it. Maybe that's why you both get along so well.
You ask her how her day was.
"Good," she says.
She's not really one for conversation.
>Call Lily
>Call Ralph
>Call Mom
>Go home (2 hours)
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Go home (2 hours)
>Call Ralph
Nice get.
>Eat pizza
>Go home
Is it time for the vidya games?
>>Eat pizza
>>Go home
>Eat pizza
>Call Lily
>Ask her if she likes vidya
(Was reading through and notices a few typos, wanted to clarify before I update anymore.)
"Your aunt is super buff"
"Maybe you should crash go-karts more often"
(I was barely awake while writing a lot of this, so that's probably why lol.)
>call lily
Right away, felino is already in a relationship and that path corrupts our innocence on the romantic plane. You've got a couple days left and she did say suggest she was into hardcore, nothing more hardcore than moving as fast as possible. GO GO GO
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You finish your pizza and head home. Once you get in the door, you collect the blankets and pillows from your little closet fort and put them back on your bed. You also put that sick Alienfest poster up.
You stand in your room. You aren't sure what to do now. It's getting dark out, so there might not be much of a point in going out unless you wanna go to a bar or commit a crime.
What now?
>-2 hours

DAY TIMER: 13:52:00

>Browse internet
>Play video games
>Call someone
>Take the easy way out (End Quest)
>Practice instrument
>Listen to music
>Practice instrument
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>>Call someone
Sure let's call Lily. We can invite her, and she's probably already aware of Alienfest since she graffiti'd the wall next to it.
>Call lily.
She likes it hardcore, and you didn't even have to ask! CALL HER!
>Play video games
Call Lily tomorrow. Maybe. Depends how game night with Felino goes.
Let's call Lily. If the world is going to end in five days, we could maybe make it our goal to score.
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Fuck it. You decide to give Lily a call. She likes hardcore stuff or whatever, so maybe she'd like that you're calling her so early.
She picks up.
"Wow. I like, just got home, psycho, cool down."
You're at first worried that she's actually mad at you, but you soon realize she's joking.
"God, my fucking boss made me help him lock up, and then we got into this LOOOOONG conversation about his kids and all that other boring shit. You're not boring, are you, psycho?"
>You're boring
>You're not boring
>Tell her to stop calling you "psycho"
>Talk about something else
>Hang up
>Do something else (Time Depends)
(Sorry for such a long time between updates, got caught up in some stuff.)
>>You're not boring
>>Tell her to stop calling you "psycho"
>Tell her about the Alien Fest going on and invite her
>Ask if she wants to come over and play video games
>You HOPE you're not boring (joked about in a dorkishly suave way)
>What's she up to
>Tell her about the Alien Fest going on and invite her

>DON'T tell her to stop calling you "psycho"
This is a cute nickname
>You're not boring
>Embrace the nickname
>Tell her about the Alien Fest going on and invite her
>Don't invite her to game night, in case we spill our spaghetti
>You're not boring
>Tell her about the Alien Fest going on and invite her
>Embrace the nickname
>You're not boring
>Embrace the nickname
>Tell her about the Alien Fest going on and invite her
We can do this, we've just got to be cool.
>>You're boring
>invite over
Shell know what it's for. We've already achieved public display of hardcoreness so she doesn't need to check us there, AND shes already talking comfortable- she's home talking. That's close enough to bed-room.

Go for it. Here telling about her day like you know each other well is fast familiarity. She wants it bro.

>hang up
She's being gay
>You're not boring
>Embrace the nickname
>Tell her about the Alien Fest going on and invite her
She doesn't seem overly cheerful to me, and I personally clock her as capable of heterosexual attraction. :)
>You're not boring
>Embrace the nickname
>Use the word "hardcore" excessively
We must establish our FIRM commitment to HARDCORE THOUGHT PATTERNS if we're gonna endear ourselves to her. Also:
>Tell her about Alienfest
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You tell her that you're not boring, and decide to embrace the nickname of "psycho" since it's what she keeps calling you.
"Not boring, gotcha." she says, before laughing, "I'm gonna hold you to that, you know. Because nine times out of ten people who claim not to be boring are boring."
You ask her if she knows about Alienfest.
"Ah, shit, don't remind me. Me and my band were supposed to play it, but they kicked me out. Now I don't know what I'm gonna do the day of."
You ask her if she wants to go with you.
"What, and watch my old band play without me? Fuck that, psycho. I don't have much interest in going unless I can get up on stage."
Sounds like she's a musician. Huh.
>Tell her she can join your band
>Ask her what she plays
>Try to convince her to go anyway
>Invite her over
>Change the subject
>Hang up, and do something else (Time Depends)
>Ask her what she plays
>Ask why they kicked her out
>Assuage her ego
>>Tell her she can join your band
>>Ask her what she plays
>>Try to convince her to go anyway

Let’s go there and get her up on stage! If the world’s gonna end, we might as well do something nice before it’s gone for good!
>Ask her what she plays
>Assuage her ego
>"Then get on that stage, it doesn't have to be with them. What's stoppin you?"
>Ask her what she plays
>Assuage her ego
>"Then get on that stage, it doesn't have to be with them. What's stoppin you?"
>Mention your band, and if she plays soemthing that could work with yours, offer to let her play with you, if you can get in
>Ask her what she plays
>Tell her you're a musician
>Call Ralph to figure out if he plays music
If the world ends and we're rocking out with our buddies, that's a pretty hardcore finale.
Ralph has music? Introduce them as an excuse to meet up with her?
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You ask her why they kicked her out.
"Just didn't like me, I guess. They were shit friends anyway."
You ask why she doesn't just play by herself.
She laughs. "Because I play the bass, psycho. Who the hell is gonna watch a solo bass performance unless whoever's playing is like... Mozart reincarnated or something? Not that he played the bass but... you know what I mean."
You assuage her ego by telling her the bass is a super cool instrument, and that you're sure she could do a solo performance.
"Ha! Don't lie to me. Besides, I'm more comfortable playing with a band anyway."
And then, on a whim, after hearing those words, you tell her she can join YOUR band.
"Your band? You have a band? What's it called? Who's in it?"
No, you don't have a band. Your old band kicked you out too, and that was like three years ago. You haven't even really played since, and the old guitar you used to play you smashed. Now all you have is a banjitar. What are you supposed to tell her?
>Make up a fake name
>Admit your lie
>Tell her you want to start a band
>Hang up, and do something else (Time Depends)
>Tell her you want to start a band
"I'm starting a band. Psycho and the Crawlers. Ralph's getting on the drums. It's going to be legit."
"We are called The Doomed, on account of the end of the world and such. It's me and my buddy Ralph."
>silently pray that Ralph is gonna be on board with this
>>Tell her you want to start a band
Let's call ourselves, "The End of the World."
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You tell her you're in a band with your friend Ralph, who is also a musician. You pray that Ralph will be down for the whole thing.
"Okay. What's the band name? You still haven't told me that."
Shit. You have to come up with something fast.
>"Psycho and the Crawlers" because of the nickname she gave you.
>"The Doomed" because everyone is totally doomed. Sound pretty hardcore.
>"The End of the World" for obvious reasons. A somewhat neutral name.
>"Rapture". Might appeal to Ralph.
>"Super Nova" because the sun exploding is a huge contender for what might destroy the world. Catchy, recognizable.
>Hang up, and do something else (Time Depends)
>Tell her you want to start a band
>Make up a name
Ninja skull fuckers with lasers
or short: NSFW lasers
>"The Doomed" because everyone is totally doomed. Sound pretty hardcore.
>"Psycho and the Crawlers" because of the nickname she gave you.
I still think this is the best band name because it doesn't lean into the end of the world thing
>>"The Doomed" because everyone is totally doomed. Sound pretty hardcore.
>>"Super Nova" because the sun exploding is a huge contender for what might destroy the world. Catchy, recognizable.
>"The Doomed" because everyone is totally doomed. Sound pretty hardcore
Excellent. Good. We have this totally under control. HahahahahaaaaAAAAAA
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You tell her your band name is "The Doomed", but make sure to mention it's able to be changed if she doesn't like it.
"The Doomed, huh? Lily D. Fisher, bassist of The Doomed... I could get used to it. Where do you practice?"
You tell her you practice at your apartment, which you regret since your apartment is a mess.
"And apartment? How quiet are you? If we do make this a thing we could practice at my place. I've got a garage."
You ask her where her place is.
"Well, it's... my dad's place, really, but it's more my place than his, no matter what the paper says. He won't mind though, me and my old band used to hang out here all the time. He's up in his bedroom mostly, so he doesn't bother me."
Hm, a garage. You used to practice in your drummer's garage back when you used to play. This could work as long as Ralph is on board.
>Okay, she's in
>Need some time to consider
>Set a date to meet up
>Invite her over
>Hang up, and do something else (Time Depends)
"An apartment?"*
>Okay, she's in
"We'll call you once we've let our buddy know... I mean ME, I'LL call you once I've let MY buddy know. I'm not crazy, hahahaha."
>>Okay, she's in
Practice on your instrument.
>Okay, she's in
>Set a date to meet up
How about tomorrow? We don't have long before the world e--before, uh, Alienfest, after all!
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You tell her she's in.
"Okay, cool. So, what, we meet up tomorrow? We need to at least spend a bit of time practicing before Alienfest."
You tell her that could work.
"Alright, nice. The Doomed. I like it. See you then, I suppose. I'll send over my address."
She sends over her address. Hell yeah.
>Invite her over
>Talk more
>Go play video games with Felino and Jon
>Hang up, and do something else (Time Depends)
>Go get Raplh
We've got to talk him into joining our band.
>Warn her that we're not that good.
Tell Ralph.
>Get Ralph, convince him to join our band
>See if there's somewhere we can nab a new guitar and not that banjitar
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You call Ralph and ask him if he wants to form a band with you and your friend.
Snare drum? You ask him what he means.
"I play the snare drum man! ONLY the snare drum! Shit's sick!"
Oh God.
You tell him the meeting place and who Lily is, and hang up.
Okay, band started. You really hope this goes well. This could either be amazing, or absolutely terrible. You have a banjo/guitar player, a bass player, and a... snare... player. This is doable... right?
You think about buying a new guitar but remember you're too broke. You sometimes see old ones lying around at the dump, so maybe you could take a look around there tomorrow, spend some time "in the garage" so to speak, and fix up a guitar for yourself.
Now what?

DAY TIMER: 13:32:00

>Call someone else
>Play video games with Felino and Jon
>Go to the dump
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Play video games with Felino and Jon
>Play video games with Felino and Jon
>>Play video games with Felino and Jon
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You decide to finally play video games with Felino and Jon.
You start up your console, set everything up, and get on call. When you enter the call, Jon immediately greets you.
"Hey, what's up, Fido, bro! Can I call you Fibro?"
No, he cannot call you Fibro. Well, that's what you want to say, but you just give him a "yeah".
"It's been wayyyyy too long, Fibro! When's the last time we've even BEEN in a call together?"
Felino giggles. "I don't know... Maybe back when he was still with his band?"
"OHHH! Yeah, his band! Dude, I heard some of your shizz, it was great, man!"
Jon doesn't swear. He doesn't say shit, or fuck, or anything. He doesn't even say damn. He says this is because he believes "profanity is unbecoming". Ever since Felino started dating him, she's stopped swearing too.
You finally get to play the game. The game is both an RTS and a first-person shooter. One team controls the titular Zolfor's Fortress, sending out troops to defend it and such, while another tries to make its way to the fortress with FPS-style gameplay. It's pretty fun.
You, Jon, and Felino all prefer to play on the FPS team. You play Shotgun Wizard, the best character, Felino plays Mrs. Magicwoman, the healer character, and Jon plays... Michael Stabman... the melee character. Why in God's name anyone would play a melee character in an FPS you don't know, but you don't really get Jon in general, so maybe you shouldn't think about it too hard.
Jon does really well. Better than you. WAYYYY better than you. Now, you are the second on the leaderboard the whole time, but he still gets way more kills than you.
Eventually, later in the round, all of your team is dead, except for you and Jon. You're close to the fortress, and you're making good progress. You go a bit further ahead and start filling one of the stronger enemies with lead, getting him really low. Yes! This could be your chance to-
Jon kills him. He steals your fucking kill.
"Woah, good job, bro! Teamwork!"
Jon starts chanting "teamwork" into the mic while Felino audibly claps. At this point, you're seething, but can't say anything.
Eventually, your team wins, and Jon gets all kinds of praise while you get none. Jon does send you a DM though. "You did great man!" it says, "Keep it up!"
You really hate him.
You all talk for a while after the game about random stuff. Eventually, Jon brings up... fitness.
"Yeah, I've gotten into lifting recently!" he says, "Been like eating a bunch of protein and stuff too."
He turns his attention to you.
"Do you work out, Fido? If so we should totally do it together sometime!"
>-3 hours

DAY TIMER: 10:32:00

>Yes, you work out
>No, you don't
>Change the subject
>Tell Jon off
>Say something subtly mean
>Hang up
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>game with felino and jon
>Call mom
>No, you don't
>>No, you don't
But ask about it just for shits and giggles. Wouldn’t hurt to try before the end of the world.
>No, you don't
>Change the subject
He's gonna' make us look bad in front of Felino. :(
>Jon actually seems like a cool guy.
>Change mind about Jon.
>No, you don't
Tell him that you've got a new band started and you want to really focus on that so we won't really have time to work out.
I can support >>600241's idea to change the subject to our band.
Also, I meant to say: really cool art style shift to convey the video game world, QM!
No, you don't. Music is a more appropriate pursuit for doomsaying. It's hard to communicate an "end of days" message through muscular tension.
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You tell them that you don't work out. Felino seems confused.
"What, like not at all?" she asks, "Like you don't go outside?"
Jon chimes in. "Nah! I'm sure Fibro goes outside. Don't worry man fitness isn't for everyone."
"Either way, man, you should join me sometime when we come down to visit this weekend!"
You calm down after a few seconds. Not that you were showing your complete rage at Jon's very existence externally, but it was certainly.
Jon... Jon, Jon, Jon... Maybe you should show him who's boss? Or not...
>Tell off Jon
>Continue being nice
>Say something passive-aggressive
>Hang up and do something else (Time Depends)
but it was certainly there.*
>Say something passive-aggressive
>Cool off
It's the last days of the world. Fido doesn't need to spend it agitated and he's got fun plans with Lily and Ralph coming up anyway.
>Decline the offer
>Then say we're busy and hang up on them.
>Cool off
We don't want to die acting like a total incel
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You mumble something under your breath but don't get up the nerve to actually say it, so you try to cool off and tell them you have to go.
"Alright, see you, Fibro! We should totally do this again sometime!"
Yeah right.
Damn that guy. His very presence makes you angry. You aren't even sure why. Maybe you need to do something to make yourself feel better... or just rest.

DAY TIMER: 10:02:00

>Go to the liquor store, buy a bottle, and drink the frustration away
>Call someone
>Practice music
>Go for a walk
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Go to the liquor store, buy a bottle, and drink the frustration away
>Practice music (while drunk)
>Practice music
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Get Truck-Kun'd on the way to the liquor store and wake up in the maid world. Where all the girls are qt maids. Naturally this is depressing because I am a doomer.
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You decide to head down to the liquor store to buy something to soothe your suffering. You buy the strongest thing you can find, and head up to the counter, setting it down.
You look up and are met by the gaze of... oh God... HIM. AJ Mathers, a guy from your old high school. He used to pick on you back in the day. He even dated Felino for a while til she found out how he treated you and dumped him. After that, his abuse got worse, and he basically totally terrorized you for the rest of high school. And now... he's here.
"Fido?" he asks, "Hey, man, been a while."
That stupid shit-eating grin you remember so well spreads across his face.
"Can I see some ID, sir?"
You tell him he knows who you are so he shouldn't need any ID.
"Nope, never met you in my life, gaywad. Now give me your ID."
You sigh, and hand it over to him. He starts reading it over, taking WAY too long.
Eventually, tired of waiting, you try to take it from him, but he raises it up above his head.
"Nope! Not done reading, buddy. The text is pretty small, it could take me a WHILE to totally understand it. Maybe I'll take it with me to do a bit of studying."
This asshole is just fucking with you now. He used to steal your school ID back in the day and make you have to register for a new one.
God, you hate him. Maybe you should give him what he deserves?

DAY TIMER: 09:02:00

>Beat his ass
>Ask him to give it back
>Pay him and just leave
>Vandalize the store
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Something else (Time Depends)
Get the manager.
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You threaten to get the manager.
"HA! You're seriously a pussy. My manager isn't here, retard, it's the middle of the night. And, guess what, no cameras either!"
>Beat his ass
>Ask him to give it back
>Pay him and just leave
>Vandalize the store
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Beat his ass
Pick up that bottle and fucking bludgeon him
>Pay him and just leave

If he doesn't let us,
>Ask him to give the ID back and leave
>Threaten to call the cops otherwise

Do you really want to spend your last days in jail?

>1 post by this ID
Go figure.
Don't rise to his bait. We have pussy to slay.
Beat his ass. Apply bottle directly to forehead for best results.
>Make passive aggressive comments to get him riled up, then sic the cops on his ass
Actually, changing vote to this. +1
BUT, remember him. Put him on "The List". On our last day alive, we can go around beating the fuck out of everybody we don't like, since the world will be ending before prison is really an issue.
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You make a couple of passive-aggressive comments as you get ready to leave, him unbothered and laughing at you.
Eventually, though, you make the mistake of saying something about his mother not raising him right. He immediately goes quiet and stands in front of you as you try to leave.
"What... the FUCK... did you say about my mother?" he asks.
He reaches down his pants and pulls out... a fucking gun?!
He starts waving the gun around in your face and towering over you.
"This isn't high school anymore, buddy. You don't FUCK with me..."
His finger is on the trigger, and a part of you feels like he actually might shoot... What do you do?
>Grab the bottle and defend yourself
>Apologize and give him money
>Try to run into the bathroom
>Try to talk him down
>Call his bluff
>Try to take the gun
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Try to take the gun
This is always the solution.
Okay, scratch that, maiming time. Didn't he say there are no cameras? Bludgeon forehead with glass bottle.
>Call his bluff
People are expecting me and will find out if i'm late, enjoy getting raped in prison if you kill me retard.
>Call his bluff
He's too PUSSY to do it
>Call his bluff
This guy >>6002801 has the right idea. Have Fido tell him that people know he's here and would catch on quick if they don't hear back. The lack of any sign of struggle would make any lies about attempts to rob the store moot. Mathers seemed to get pissed off about getting told his mother didn't raise him properly. Deep down, he knows he'd only prove Fido right if he pulls the trigger.
Alright, alright changing my vote to this
>Just leave
Fuck this, why are we even here?
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You call his bluff, telling him that if he shoots you he goes to jail and that you have people who expect to see you tomorrow.
He laughs.
"You think I fucking care about that...? I've killed people. I kill people and I ENJOY IT!"
Jesus this guy's an edgelord, but a part of you believes what he's saying. You remember hearing rumors about him torturing animals and threatening other students with weapons. Apparently, he even beat up his father once... Is it really that far-fetched that he'd kill someone?
You tell him if he doesn't stop, he'll lose his job.
Out of nowhere, before you can even finish your thought, this edgy dickhead PISTOL WHIPS you in the fucking nose. You fall down on your back, bleeding profusely. He also knocks your bottle and other things off the counter.
"YOU THINK I FUCKING CARE? I put GASOLINE in my boss' coffee! Just to see what it does! I'm so fucking hardcore man you don't even understand!"
Perhaps he is hardcore. He's fucking annoying though. You DEFINITELY don't wanna be killed by this loser.
>Try to run
>Reach for bottle
>Reach for gun
>Kick him
>Call for help
>Tell him to shoot you
>Call his bluff again
>Threaten to call the cops
>Do something else (Time Depends)
lets just bail man let him enjoy making darn gasoline coffees while end of the world is near

(also we should go buy bandage from mall and stick it to our snoot nose so we'd look like ryan gosling )
>Tell him that none of this matters and that his entire life will amount to nothing since everyone and everything is going to end in five days
Hit him with a nihilistic crisis, edgelords are susceptible to them
>Curl into a fetal position and cry
This weakness will preserve our lives. We'll come back with an assault rifle and maybe Ralph later.
>"YOU THINK I FUCKING CARE? I put GASOLINE in my boss' coffee! Just to see what it does! I'm so fucking hardcore man you don't even understand!"

You know what?
>Tell him to prove that he poured gasoline in his boss's coffee.

Come on bitch boy, let's see the proof.
Firstly, good on him for putting gasoline in his boss' coffee. No cameras? In a liquor shop? What are we, fucking retarded?

Secondly, this can work out quite good for us. We're meeting Lily later, right? Bitches love taking care of guys they're into. Plus, it may give us some pity points when she sees our "band".

That said,
>Reach for gun

I need to see this happen.

I don't believe him.
We know we'll die in five days, right? So... We can't die today! Right??
>Reach for bottle
There's still time to cave his skull in!
>Talk about your own hardcore shit. You just crashed a car some time ago!
+1, and then we slam his head on the table.
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You tell him about the meaninglessness of existence and the fact you're all gonna die, before accusing him of lying about the gasoline coffee.
"Oh, I'm fucking lying? I'm fucking lying? Okay, loser, I'll show you who's fucking lying! Stay here! And if you try anything... I swear I'll kill you..."
He goes outside for a moment, before coming back in with one of the gas pumper thingies.
He drags you by the back of your neck into the back room. He places his gun down on the table, which is where the coffee machine is and begins pouring gas into the coffee machine.
The madman actually did it... This guy is definitely dangerous. What are you doing? It's also worth mentioning... you have a matchbook in your pocket.
>Go for the gun
>Light a match and throw it into the coffee pot
>Jump him
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Light a match and throw it at coffee pot
Can we stop pussyfooting around because we're scared of jail and just MURDER this FREAK already? We're a psycho after all. And we're even more isolated now, it'll be chalked up to the local madman being a madman.
>Light a match and throw it into the coffee pot
I;m sure this won't backfire on us.
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>Light a match and throw it into the coffee pot
There is. No other. Option.
>Light a match and throw it into the coffee pot
We have no choice but to burn it all down.
I really don’t want Fido to go to jail but worst case scenario we can get out of here or claim self defense, just want everything to work out for our dude.

That said. Throw a match in the mf coffee

>light a match and throw it into the coffee pot
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Fuck it. You throw the match. The coffee pot immediately explodes and AJ's face is engulfed in flames.
He begins rolling around on the floor in agony, setting fire to other parts of the room. You begin to back up, not wanting to catch fire yourself. As the entire room begins to be engulfed in flames, you run out into the main store area, and out the back door.
Id hope we'd grab the gun
Now we can truly say we are hardcore.
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You get back far enough away from the building that you won't get hurt. You've seen movies, you know what happens next.
Between the gasoline, the gas pumps out front, and all the flammable alcohol in the store, it creates the perfect storm for a BIG boom.
And soon, that boom comes, the entire store exploding into a giant inferno.
Fuck. FUCK! FUCK! There's NO way he survived that.
Did you just kill someone? Holy shit you just killed someone...
>Call the fire department
>Call the cops
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Call fire department
"A guy at the gas station just started screaming about how he hates his mom and then he lost it and set himself on fire!"
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You wipe your nose and call 911, asking for the police and the fire department for arson.
You tell them a cashier in the liquor store yelled something about hating his mother, before covering himself in gasoline and setting himself on fire.
You feel a bit bad for lying like this, and even worse for what it is you just did... but maybe AJ deserved it... right?
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The police immediately suspect you and take you in for questioning. They interrogate you all night, and you almost break a few times... but in the morning, they release you.
You feel really weird this morning. Certainly because of a lack of sleep, and DEFINITELY because of what happened last night. The police seem to be off your back for now due to a lack of evidence and a lack of a confession... but even with no jail time, having to live your final days with that kind of thing on your conscience might be punishment enough...
Well, he was going to die soon anyway, so you suppose it doesn't matter. What now?

DAY TIMER: 24:00:00

>Go home
>Call someone
>Go to the mall
>Get breakfast
>Go back into the police station and admit your crime
>Plan another murder
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>>Go to the mall
we g0t away with murder lmao

eh. taking out that dipshit before we die is a win i suppose
He deserved it, let's not feel *too* bad. This also plays into our psycho image.
>Get breakfast
I honestly feel worse about crashing the go-kart.
We really need to get better at music if we’re playing our big gay band soon. So maybe practice.

Or we could hit the gym, not enough days on earth to see our gains but we’ll at least feel better.
>Go home
Get some sleep.
Murder? This was self defense.
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You decide to head to the mall and get some breakfast in the food court while you decide what to do with your day. You have to meet up and practice with your new band later, so that's one thing. Felino and Jon also might be arriving sometime today, though you aren't sure if they'll be available.
Suddenly, you get a call. It's from Ralph.
"Hey, man, I just heard about what happened down at the liquor store... Were you like... there? They didn't say your name, but the guy they talked about on the news sounded a lot like you, and you told me that's the store you usually go to."
You tell him that you indeed were there.
"Oh, shit, man. Sorry you had to go through that. Shit sounds intense. If you need to like, talk or something I'm down, man."
You tell him that you don't need to "talk" because, in the end, it doesn't really matter.
"Your feelings matter, man."
You tell him feelings don't change facts.
"Feelings are facts, man, feelings are facts. Either way, give me a call if you need to. We still down to jam?"
You tell him yes.
"Alright man, see you."
He hangs up.
Sometimes you feel like you don't love anybody. Or, well, you can't. Or at least you shouldn't. What's the point if it's all just gonna be blown up? What's the point in going to college, or having friends? Sometimes you wish you spent a little bit more time doing things that have a point. But then, you realize that nothing does. Nothing has a point.
Anyway, that whole thing isn't the immediate issue. What now?

DAY TIMER: 23:30:00

>Go home
>Call someone else
>Go shopping
>Head to Lily's house for practice
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Head to Lily's house for practice
>Eat your food
>Get your instrument
>Head to Lily's house for practice
None must know the truth.
Is the truth that much worse? Schizo holds us at gunpoint, threatens to kill us, we trick him into setting himself on fire. Any fair court would call it self defense.
>Finish food
>Grab instrument
>Head to Lily's house for practice
She claimed she doesn't talk to psychos, but she's joining our psycho band with us, the psycho. Maybe we could create a piece of music so *psycho* that it makes the world not end.

Just food for thought, anyway.
Make one of our songs about lighting that guy on fire, that way we get it off our chest and have a catharsis but it’s still written off as creative expression and we can’t get fucked over legally
Killing your insane murderous bully in a huge fucking explosion and then writing a song about it does sound quite cool. +1

It's better to argue that he was insane enough to light himself on fire as some "penance" in a delirious state of mind. Besides, a fire doesn't leave much with forensics to work with.

>Trying to trick Fido into self snitching
Nice try, narc.

>Captcha: HANK
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You finish your food, head back home, grab your banjitar, and start heading to Lily's house. You decide if you're gonna practice, you might as well start early.
You arrive at Lily's house. It's in one of the richer areas of town, which you didn't really expect. Her house is pretty big too. She did say she lives with her father, so you suppose this must be his house.
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You knock on the door, and soon Lily comes out to greet you. It's clear she's only just woken up, as her hair is all a mess, and she speaks low and groggily.
"Jesus, psycho, this early? I suppose early is better than late..."
She leads you inside. Her house is pretty nice. Whoever her dad is, he must be a pretty wealthy guy.
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Finally, she leads you into the garage, where you plan on practicing later.
"Alright, this is where the magic happens. Or, well, used to happen and is soon going to resume. I know it looks pretty dingy, but what band worth listening to didn't start in a dingy garage?"

DAY TIMER: 22:00:00

>Ask to see her bedroom
>Ask to start practicing immediately
>Ask to go to the living room
>Go home (1 hour and 30 minutes)
>Something else (Time Depends)
I'm gonna go ahead and say that flirting right now won't work. We should do something before that.
>Ask to start practicing immediately
>Ask to start practicing immediately
We're a LITTLE BIT rusty and don't have much time.
>Ask to crash on her couch and catch a nap before practice
>Tell her (in broadest strokes) what happened last night
>Ask to start practicing immediately

I don't think we should talk about it unless she asks.
>Ask to start practicing immediately
>Call Ralph and tell him to get over here
>Insinuate we should make a song about the gas station explosion
Gauge her reaction, if she thinks it sounds dope, then we can tell her that we were there. Maybe.
Rape her, I mean the world’s ending anyway might as well.
>Ask to start practicing immediately
Show on the road or something
Anon, no. No rape. That's for Day 5.
I'm gonna find you both.
Rape doesn't count, if you can't get a girl to fuck you willingly you're still a loser.
This. That's why you only rape friends who've known you a while.

Why would life being a bit more fleeting and temporary than it already is for everyone NORMALLY make us want to rape this nice person? if anything, we should want her last few days to be nice, since she's being nice to us and might give us hot goth girl sex before armageddon
Make sure that if you ever make a song with lyrics incorporate the event that happened in the Gas Station while omitting any details that implicate you in the matter.
Seems like good material for the type of band you are aiming for.
Also where is your ID?
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You ask her to start practicing immediately.
"Practice? Practice what? We don't have anything yet. And this is NOT gonna be a cover band either, don't even think about it."
She gestures for you to follow her.
"Let's go to the living room, and get something written down first. Also, maybe you should give the other guy a call."
You follow her to the living room and sit down next to her on the couch. You call Ralph, and he says that since it's so early he has a few things to do and that he'll be over in about three hours.
You throw in the suggestion of writing about the liquor store explosion.
"Oh, the like... murder arson suicide thing? I suppose that's pretty topical... Yeah, that could work."
You continue to brainstorm ideas together for the next half hour. What now?

RALPH'S ARRIVAL: 2 hours and 30 minutes
DAY TIMER: 21:30:00

>Get to know her
>Make a move
>Tell her about the liquor store incident
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Get to know her
And then we after this we flirt.
>Get to know her
"So do you like... stand on one leg at a time sometimes?"
>>Get to know her
What? You mean walking, or like some sort of flamingo?

>Get to know her
>Tell her that you saw that shit at the liquor store go down (but not exactly what happened or that you were involved)
She doesn't want boring. We're officially not boring.
>make a move
>Get to know her
>Tell her we were there and called the fire department
Surely she will see this makes good songwriting material. Also, we should ask her to play one of her favourite songs so we can get a taste of her lyrical sensibilities.
>Get to know her
Ask what's up with her dad and the house
>Get to know her
What is the shirt about? Looks like a fox.
This one is good.
It’s us. She wants our wee wee
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You ask her what's on her shirt.
"Oh, it's this little cat thing. I don't really know what it is. I designed it myself, actually. Me and my old band used to sell T-shirts. Or, well, we sold t-shirts at ONE venue and could only afford to make like, ten." she laughs, "Three sold."
You ask her if anything is up with her dad.
"Up with him? What do you mean? I live with him, that's it. Shut up."
She seems to not really wanna talk about her father.
You admit that you were on the scene of the recent crime and that you actually witnessed it go down.
"Shit, really? No wonder you wanna write a song about it, seeing some shit like that has to stick with you,"
She looks away for a moment, seeming to contemplate saying something, before turning back to you.
"What does burning flesh smell like?"
You're taken aback by the question at first, but after a moment tell her. It's gross and... weirdly sweet.
"Yuck," she says with a small laugh, "I'm glad you got out of there okay."
You wonder why she'd ask something like that, but decide not to pry. You ask her what her favorite song is. She laughs.
"Jesus, you're a music guy, right? You should know how impossible that question is to answer. I suppose I'm a sucker for anything Moon Killancholy writes."
You know Moon Killancholy. It's this guy who writes these super melancholy and sad-sounding indie-folk tracks. The only thing about him is that all the lyrics are about graphic violence. Interesting.

RALPH'S ARRIVAL: 2 hours and 25 minutes
DAY TIMER: 21:25:00

>Get to know her
>Make a move
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Ask her how she thinks the world is gonna end, and when she thinks it'll happen.
>After she answers, say that you think it'll end in just under five days, and it'll probably involve everyone melting like that guy who looked at the ark in indiana jones. Which is about as metal as it gets.
>listens to music about graphic violence
>asked about burning flesh
>interested in a self-proclaimed schizoid psycho
We can totally write a song about setting that guy on fire.
>Ask if she believes us about the world ending soon
Probably should explain our whole "being able to tell when people are gonna die" ability to her at some point. Maybe not right now.
+1, solid angle of approach.

This is solid. My IP changed but the last time I voted was here >>6004926. This is one of the best questions to ask a girl by the way, never fails to get them giggling.

I mean standing in place on the one leg. I don't do it myself but there's a certain catharsis to it I can't articulate. Perhaps I was a flamingo in a past life.
>Make a move
Maybe he's just planning to commit suicide?
>write in
Let's use the restroom and look in the mirror to see if we have good enough appearance to make a move.
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You ask her if she believes you about the end of the world.
"Maybe... Though you're also a psycho, so maybe I shouldn't trust you."
You tell her that you think it's gonna end in four days.
She's silent for a moment... thinking. Then she speaks.
"Okay," she says, "I believe you."
She leans in a bit closer. "But if you're lying to me... I'm gonna stab your right eye out, and cut your left hand off."
W... What? Why would she threaten such a thing?
She backs up once again, giggling before her expression returns to a serious one.
"And I mean it." she says.

RALPH'S ARRIVAL: 2 hours and 24 minutes
DAY TIMER: 21:24:00

>Tell her you're lying
>Ask her not to mutilate you if the world doesn't end
>Leave, afraid
>Get to know her
>Make a move
>Something else (Time Depends)
If we are to die, it will not be before we are able to experience the gothussy
>Get to know her
I'm starting to think she may have killed her father.
Supporting both. Good thing the world's 100% ending.

>Ask why she believes you, and why it doesn't upset her
I'm curious.

>Good thing the world's 100% ending.
Would be real awkward if it didn't, though. We'd sound like some faker trying to talk her into an 'haha the world is ending let's bang'
But we'd also be alive, give or take a psycho goth ex trying to remove parts of our body. Still a net win!
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You tell her that you really like her makeup. She laughs.
"I'm not wearing makeup?"
"Thank you, though. You're sweet, I suppose."
You ask her what her favorite movie is.
"Maybe, uh... Ultra Murder Guy? I'm a sucker for those old cheeky slashers, and that one has a nice emotional twist."
Ultra Murder Guy is about a man in a secret sect of horror movie villains who hunts down all his old friends and kills them so he can get out of the slasher life and be with his daughter. It's pretty good.

RALPH'S ARRIVAL: 2 hours and 22 minutes
DAY TIMER: 21:22:00

>Talk more about Ultra Murder Guy
>Talk more about movies
>Get to know her
>Make a move
>Something else (Time Depends)
>>Talk more about Ultra Murder Guy
>>Talk more about movies
>Talk more about Ultra Murder Guy
Best to double-down on our shared interests
>>Talk more about Ultra Murder Guy
>Get to know her
>Talk more about Ultra Murder Guy
>Talk more about Ultra Murder Guy
>Talk more about movies
Recommend movies based on her interests, talk about our favourite scenes in Ultra Murder Guy, ask if she knows amy movies we should check out.
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You get to talking about some of your favorite scenes and characters from Ultra Murder Guy. Eventually, she mentions something notable.
"My favorite character has gotta be Goreggly. He was totally cute til Ultra Murder Guy sawed his head in half."
Goreggly is a clown killer in the film and is played... by a white male dog...
At some point, you get to recommending each other movies, though it turns out you've both seen a lot of the same ones. Seems she's a big horror buff, which you don't mind.

DAY TIMER: 21:00:00

>Talk about TV
>Talk about literature
>Talk about animation
>Get to know her
>Make a move
>Something else (Time Depends)
I think she's flirting with us, or if not, we're here type. We should flirr. Also, What EXACTLY does make a move mean? I mean exactly.
("Make a move" means to explicitly make a sexual/romantic advance towards her.)
Hmm, alright. Then im gonna say, we flirt once more, and then we make a move. A romantical one at least. We know we're her type.
>Ask why she believed you so readily about the apocalypse
"I was always worried nobody would believe me or take me seriously. I've only known you a day, but you just... Did. And I feel this connection, you know? Do you feel it, too?"
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Please get a life instead of wasting our time. You shouldn't even be on this site because you are under 18.
(That's not even my Discord? Some of my players have me on Discord and it's pretty clear I've had my current active account since 2017. Either this is referring to something else or he's trying to pretend he's me lmao.)
OP, have you heard of the phrase, "don't feed the trolls"?
Go away.

You're right, of course.
(Yeah, I know. I just don't want any of my actual players to get the wrong idea about who I am lol. And besides I think this guy might actually be schizophrenic enough to believe what he's saying.)
She's dropping bait, we've just got to snag the hook

>nooo, muh secret club
Lmfao, piss off. I wouldn't care even if it was true.
She wants the knot
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Here i go causing drama for dumb misunderstandings again
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/i/non here, just ignore/filter him. He thrives off of negative attention. Also it's kinda odd to tell him to drink your semen considering his age.
Nice art, but i don't think she's human with that kind of nose she has.
Oops wrong person , meant >>6007385 for >>5998869
(Yep, that is what is being done.
As for the semen thing that was just one of those phrases like "suck my dick". It's just a way of telling someone to fuck off lol.)
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Still, you are a adult, you should know that even telling that to a kid is kinda sus. All i'm saying is that you should of known better before making yourself look odd
Very weird thing to say on discord but not mention in the quest I must admit.

Still don't know what's up with that nose, though.
Yeah sure it is. You’re completely assblasted and can’t even filter yourself anymore, lmao.
Drink my semen.
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You tell her that you were always worried people wouldn't take you seriously, and that you feel a sort of connection. You ask her if she feels the same.
She's silent but then replies.
"Yeah. We're a good pair."
Oh shit... you just thought of your smoothest line yet.
You tell her that you thought she was wearing makeup because she's just SO naturally pretty.
She giggles.
"Thanks, psycho. You're... pretty too, I guess? I don't know how to return compliments."
God you're so cool.

RALPH'S ARRIVAL: 2 hours and 59 minutes
DAY TIMER: 20:59:00

>Make a move
>Compliment her again
>Something else (Time Depends)
>>Make a move
Nothing serious yet (we only met a day ago).
U are a creep man. Wanted to participate in but it turns out you are kinda weird towards 16 year olds. Are you sometype of pedophile?
>Make a move
What happened to the Ralph timer?he got lost for an hour or something?
Gonna be honest brother, i kinda lost interest in romancing her after learning she was human. I think the haha dog and woman pairing is kinda lame.
Ralph's arrival timer counted UP almost an hour
...What? What does it mean? Is he okay??

>Make a move
Welp, get while the getting's good, I guess!

+1 to this sentiment, though.
but look at >>6007379, anon. She wants the knot.
>Make a move
Just ask her out on a date brah and have those giddy feelings while you're making music

>Something else (Time Depends)
Suggest you write a song about committing depraved murder with a lover
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You decide to make a move. COME ON! COME ON!
You scoot a bit closer, but as you do... she scoots EVEN CLOSER! She reaches over, grabs your hand, and leans in slightly.
"What's with that expression? Thought you were hardcore." she laughs.
You realize you were making a face one can only describe as fear, so you straighten up, and try to look as neutral as possible.
She laughs.
"Follow me."
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She takes you upstairs and leads you through the hall. As you walk by a certain door she shushes you. You suppose that's where her father sleeps.
She walks in, shuts the door, and lies down on the bed.
You join her.
She leans in, her expression serious.
"Are you okay with this?"
Oh fuck. You've never done this before! OH GOD! IT'S OVER! IT'S OVER! ABORT! ABOR-
"Yes." you say.

Things begin to happen.
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Welp, that just happened. She certainly seems pleased with the whole thing, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't at least a little bit...
"Wow," she says, "Is good job the right thing to say... or is that not like... sexy enough?"
You're both out of breath. You don't even know how long it's been. An hour, probably.

RALPH'S ARRIVAL: 6 hours and 59 minutes
DAY TIMER: 19:59:00
>Pillow talk
>Get out of bed
>Practice time!
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>>Pillow talk

Well, that escalated quickly...
>Practice time!
There literally isn't a better time to rock.
>Pillow talk
We've been through a lot
>Check out her room
what the fuck is happening to ralph timer
>Pillow talk
So, uh, you don't seem to bothered about the end of the world, huh?

Why is the counter counting going up AAAH WHERE IS RALPH AAAAH
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>Pillow talk
>Pillow talk

No better combination
Now no one can say we died a virgin.

>Pillow talk
And then
>Practice time!

>double pillow talk

>Pillow talk
>Practice time!
>Call Ralph and tell him you finally became a man
It's been fun and all, but I'm worried now--what if the timer isn't a joke? What if something happened to him?
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You decide to just talk for a bit.
You talk about what just happened.
"We should... definitely do this again..." she says, "I think that'd be a good idea..."
You ask her why she's so unbothered by the end of the world.
"We're all gonna die anyway... What does it matter if it's gonna happen in a few days? I'm just... glad I got to do this before that though. I've never, like, done this before."
She's never done this before? You ask her what she means.
"I mean... I've had boyfriends and stuff. I was actually kind of popular in high school. But whenever they would try I'd just... say no. I didn't feel like I was supposed to share that kind of thing with them... with anyone that wasn't like me. And trust me, they were NOTHING like you... Physically, personality-wise, nothing... I guess I've just kinda been waiting for someone like you."
You ask her if she wants to practice.
She looks to the door, an uncomfortable expression spreading across her face before she tries to smile again.
"N-No... let's just stay here..."

DAY TIMER: 19:55:00

>More pillow talk
>Get out of bed
>Insist on practicing
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>Call Ralph
We should probably call him
>More pillow talk
We can stay
>call Ralph to let him know practice is cancelled
Let's not be a shitty friend.
>Call Ralph
he dead
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You tell her that's fine, and that you'll call Ralph and tell him practice is canceled.
You call him, but he doesn't pick up. You text him, telling him about the cancellation. He responds.
Huh. That sort of text is out of the ordinary for Ralph. Usually, he's a lot more... verbose... He really MUST be busy...
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Suddenly, Lily starts speaking. Her voice is deadly serious and vulnerable.
"Fido... what is this?"
You're taken aback for a moment. You wonder what she means.
"I mean... this whole thing. What does this mean? For us? Especially with what you say about the world ending... How... do you feel?"
You're unsure of what to say. Well, actually, you are. There are only two things you can say in this situation. In a time like this, and with a girl like her. The only question is... which one will you pick?
>"I love you."
>"This is just a fling."
>''I think...I think I like you. Yeah I do, I love you, never met anybody like you in fact''
+1 but say it in an overexplained, autistic way
>"I think I might love you, but this is new to me, too. Want to go steady until the apocalypse and say the 'l' word when it feels natural?"
+1 GF, -1 BFF. Apocalypse came early for poor Ralph.

I can back this style of confession, too. We were literally malding over Felino this afternoon, though. I don't want to LIE.
I mean but Felino never actually liked us in that way, so it's not really a lie at all, we've never met anyone that likes us the way she does
Yeah, but can we genuinely say we're in love in the conventional sense when we barely know her and also are/were until literally a couple hours ago hung up on someone else?
She fucking killed Ralph, didn't she?
The timer started increasing before that so I don't think so
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Talk about doggy style.
I lean into the idea that Fido is a raging autist that hardly even knows what the movie concept of love is and would immediately think these feelings are the conventional sense of love
...p-p-plus one...?
>"Wanna get married before we die in horrific world-ending agony?"
(I don't usually step in too much, but yeah, this anon has it right. Fido would either see it as a purely sexual thing and nothing more, or like, total true love. He's extremely mentally ill and can think in extremes lol.)
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>"I love you."
No, I'm 100% convinced she's insane.
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You tell her you love her. As soon as you do she scoots closer and buries her face in your chest and also halfway underneath the covers.
"Okay..." she says, "I love you too."
You can't actually remember the last time someone said that to you. You know it wasn't your aunt since she doesn't talk all that much. Maybe it was your mother back when you were a kid? Your mother certainly doesn't say it anymore, neither does your father.
It feels nice. It feels as though this was something that you were missing. Like some piece of you has finally been put back into place...
It's fucking terrifying.

DAY TIMER: 19:53:00

>More pillow talk
>Get out of bed
>Insist on practicing
>Do something else (Time Depends)
>mentally ill
What? No way. He's just a manic-depressive obsessive... Uh... Prophet.


>practice... MORE SEX
>then sleep while snuggling
Okay this was fun but it's time to down it up and not in the sexual sense

>Get out of bed
>Ask what she wants to do
>Get out of bed
That girl ain't right.
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You both begin to doze off...
Two hours later you are woken up by angered yelling from another room.
A look of terror immediately spreads across Lily's features, as she lets go of you,
"Oh God... oh no..." she says, "He's awake! He's awake!"
She seems to be panicking. You'd think with the way she's talking he'd be coming down the hall, but he's not.
It must be... her father...?

DAY TIMER: 17:53:00

>Ask her what's going on
>Go investigate
>Yell back
>Something else (Time Depends)
>More pillow talk
>And do that thing where you comb your fingers through her hair until she falls asleep.
This motherfucker, it's 6 AM

>Yell back
We're her daddy now, bitch

This will inevitably end in her getting kicked out of house and home and we will then have a girlfriend waiting for us at home

I am a genius
>ralph timer completely gone now
I feel like he's either up to something dastardly or a victim of something dastardly. Either way, we need to get in touch again.
>Ask her what's going on
fido already had his round of bout with psycho. bring it on m8
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You go to yell out to him, but she stops you. You ask her what's going on. She doesn't answer but instead speaks in a tone you've yet to hear from her. It's a strange one you can't quite place. Cold, but frightened at the same time.
"I've been following you," she says, "I know what you did."
What? You ask her what she means.
"You killed that guy at the liquor store. I saw it all."
The look in her eye changes to one that you can only describe as fury.
"And right now... I'm asking that you do it again."
What? She's been stalking you?! And did she just... tell you she wants you to kill someone?
"He's sick. Bed-ridden. No friends, nothing. No one would notice if he disappeared. I could probably convince the neighbors he passed away and they just didn't notice the ambulance, but please... Get that..." she hesitates before saying the next word, "FUCK... out of our lives..."

DAY TIMER: 17:51:00

>Do it
>Ask her why
>Something else (Time Depends)

>Do it
>Do it
>Do it

>Ask her why
>Ask her how she wants it done
>rare? medium? or well done?
This is heavy, but if that's what she wants, we can do it.

I'll support both of these.
why can't she do it? from a pragmatic standpoint, he's less likely to cry for help if she just serves him poisoned breakfast
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You ask her why, and how she wants it done.
"He... is more terrible than you can possibly imagine. I don't... I... I'm not even gonna go there. You've heard the way he speaks. The way he refers to me. That should be enough to realize he's human filth that needs to be disposed of. Not to mention he's useless. Doesn't work, makes me do everything for him. Like I'm his... like I'm Mom. He should be killed, and he needs to be killed now."
You ask her how she wants it done.
"I don't care. Just get rid of him."
>Do it
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>Do it
>Do it
He was going to die in four more days anyway. That's what we'll tell ourselves...
>Do it
>Ask her if he takes any medicine
A simple overdose would work best. Mix it with sleeping pills and nobody will be able to tell a thing. Chalk it up to "forgetfulness".
>Do it
Uh oh there Fido goes defending himself again.
>has been stalking us even before gas station incident
>knew we would be coming over today
>we mentioned Ralph and she probably saw him at the mall
Did she... engineer some kind of situation to make Ralph late?
>Do it
>Do it
Hesitation is defeat
I don't like the lapdog attitude she's having with us and there's something even more not right with her than us.

Though it doesn't look like that's going to happen so, overdose seems like the most straightforward option, could even deliver it ourselves if we just chalk it up to being a doctor's assistant that Lily asked for.
>>Do it
>Do it
>but make it look like he overdosed
It's time for your medicine, old man. But where is our dawg, Raphael? I appreciate him not spoiling the moment, but he's like one of the two or maybe 3 people we care about right now and we only had a suspicious text to explain his absence.
All according to keikaku...
Has she considered we both just leave and let him rot there if he's bed ridden?
I imagine she'd get in trouble if that happened. He could call for help, and then the cops would be up her ass for leaving him to rot. Also, i think she *wants* to kill him, anyway.
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You get up from the bed, get dressed, and look at Lily. You tell her you'll do it.
"Thank you..." she says.
You walk out into the hallway, and into the room you assume to be her father's. As soon as you enter the smell of filth fills your nostrils. You see him. He's on the floor, lying on a blanket. You approach him.
He glares at you. "Just who the hell... are you, boy?"
You tell him you're Lily's boyfriend.
He chuckles. "Oh, really? My daughter? With you? Please."
You ask him what he means.
"Look at you. Anyone can tell you're some kinda... queer or something. I mean, look at what you're wearing."
You tell him to shut up. He laughs and mocks you.
"Shut up, shut up!" he says, "You really are pathetic. When I was your age I was fightin' war."
You tell him you're going to kill him.
"Ha! You're gonna kill me? If I wasn't in this bed I could kill you with my pinky. What? Are you trying to DEFEND my daughter's honor or somethin'? What honor? She's useless. Got her into the best university in the city, and what does she do? Drop out to go play with her... little band. You know she's a natural brunette? Just like her mother she is. But no, she had to go... dying her hair and all that. She could've been pretty, maybe got a good man and had children, but nope! She didn't wanna accept her place in life. Trying to... go off the rails. Well boy, I'll tell you this. Look at me! You see the state I'm in? Spine cancer, hidden, rotting away in my own home... You know how I got here? Going off the rails. Running away to join the military, ignorin' my responsibilities, ignorin' my family... What I think... would be the best course of action... is to just... leave..."
You're gonna kill him.
You notice the knife on the floor.
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You feel peaceful. You feel like you're floating away from the whole thing, from all this. For just a moment, you feel like you have all the time in the world.
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You don't even really notice when you're finished. Hell, you don't even know how much time has passed. You feel good. It was cathartic.
You hear the door open behind you, and Lily walks in to observe the scene.
It's silent until she breaks it...
"Wanna practice?"

DAY TIMER: 17:41:00

>Kiss her
>Hide the body
>Do something else (Time Depends)
Well, good luck saying he just passed away now, retard.
>>Hide the body
See if we can get it in range of animals that will eat him
That's a pretty shitty idea, anon. They'd notice it.
Rescinding. I’ll let other anons take the wheel here.

Can we make hydrochloric acid?
Making it sounds way, way more complicated than buying it. I'm pretty sure it's legal in america, though. But we'd also need somewhere to put it, so as to not repeat that one scene from the waltuh show.
>Kiss her
>Hide the body
We're a power couple...
Any anons ever hid a body? Wouldn’t mind some tips.
Asking for a friend.
We're going to need to power wash this room of all the blood. And then find a way to get rid of the body.

I mean honestly i imagine that if you were to bury it in some wood in the middle of nowhere it'd be basically impossible to find it, but i don't think we have a car.
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You look over to her, and kiss her, before telling her you need to hide the body and ask her how you should do it.
She looks down to her feet, before looking back up to you. She reaches up, wipes some of the blood from your face, and sighs.
"No. I'm the one that asked you to do this. I'll deal with the body."
You're about to tell her "no", but she gets to work anyway.
She drags the body out into the hall, before getting to work cleaning up the room. She uses a mop, a sponge, and a bucket of water, and soon the room is... clean enough for now. She says she'll go back and get any residual blood later, but for now, the body is the biggest issue.
"I know where to put it. Come on."
She drags the body out into the backyard, which is thankfully walled off so no neighbors can peek in. She walks over to... a grave.
"This is mom," she says, "It's... the best place for him."
She goes back inside, coming back out with a shovel, before digging up the grave. She throws him down on top of the wooden coffin that houses her mother and fills the dirt back in.
Once she's done, she somberly looks down at her feet once more, thinking.
"I'm sorry I made you do this." she says, "We never have to talk about it again. It's over."
>-2 hours

DAY TIMER: 15:41:00

>Tell her it's okay
>Tell her she's right, and she shouldn't have made you do that
>Tell her you enjoyed it
>Call someone
>Do something else (Time Depends)
Honestly i feel like not estabilishing some barriers here will end up badly. We really should show her that we will NOT do literally anything she asks us to.
>>Tell her it's okay
>Tell her it's okay
But +1 to this while saying it, >>6008241

>Do something else (Time Depends)
Alright, now we hard pivot to Ralph. Tell her he's been pretty unresponsive and didn't even show up today. Maybe after we did this for her, she'll be honest if she had anything to do with his absence
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You tell her that it's okay, but also that you're not gonna do everything she tells you to from now on.
"Good. Don't. If I ever ask you to do something TRULY bad... don't. It's not worth it."
You mention that you're a bit worried about Ralph since he didn't show up to the practice. You also ask her if she had anything to do with his absence.
"No, I didn't. I was only following you, so I never really got a chance to get his address. Do you think something happened?"
You tell her you don't know.
"Well, if you think he might be in trouble, I'm not gonna stop you from going to check on him. I'll stay here and clean up more. That sound good?"
>Yes, go check on Ralph (1 hour and 30 minutes)
>Stay and help
>Bring her with you (1 hour and 30 minutes)
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Yes, go check on Ralph (1 hour and 30 minutes)
Just stay safe.

Also slap her ass when we're walking out. Just because.
My man
>Check on Ralph
>But clean or change our bloody shirt first
>Check on Ralph
>Maybe no ass slap, eems like a bad time to do that
Also, good call on the shirt!

Adding to >>6008291

Shit got crazy, huh?
>>Stay and help
But before we go anywhere/do anything we need to shower, or at least change into something that isn't blood-stained.
Oh shit good call, we need to change our clothes and take a shower.
Can we change into something more edgy?
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You give her a kiss goodbye and leave. You think about slapping her ass or something like they do in the movies, but something tells you that might be inappropriate in this particular situation.
You head towards Ralph's apartment, but stop at your own to change your shirt, and put your current one in the wash.
When you make it to Ralph's apartment, you knock on the door. There's no answer...
You knock again. The door opens a bit, and Ralph's face peeks out. He seems slightly relieved when he realizes it's you.
"Oh... h-hey, man!" he says, "What's up?"
You ask him if he's okay.
"Y-Yeah, man! Totally cool! Everything is... uh... good!"
That's it. You're trying to be more assertive these days. You're GOING to find out what's wrong. You push the door open and Ralph out of the way. He backs up into his apartment, trying to cover his face. It's too late though. you can clearly see Ralph has been beaten up. His apartment is also... completely empty.
You ask him what happened.
"Nothing man! Nothing!"
You demand he give up the act and tell you.
He sighs, looking away, ashamed.
"Okay! Fine! It was... it was Big Splooge..."
Big Splooge? The fuck? You ask him who Big Splooge is.
"My dealer... man... I owed him money and... I didn't have it so..." Ralph sighs, "He totally loan-sharked me, man... It was like, some mafia shit..."
Damn. You knew Ralph was an addict, but you didn't know he was that deep.
Ralph stands straight up, a determined look on his face.
"You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?! I'm done! I'm going clean! No more drugs, alcohol, anything! I'm done!"
He seems pretty excited by the proposition.

DAY TIMER: 14:11:00

>Support him
>Offer to let him stay at your place
>Ask him if he wants revenge
>Ask for more information
>Ask to hang out
>Call the police
>Call someone
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Support him
>Ask if he wants revenge
>Support him
Please not. Just because we tricked a retard and stabbed an cripple doesn't mean we're fucking Jacket Miami.
>>Support him
>>Ask if he wants revenge

Retaliation time...
Removing my vote to revenge.
If they come to us, then that's another story.
Not with THAT attitude we're not! Besides, world's ending anyway, and we know we don't die until then.
The world is ending and you'd rather your last moments to be being tortured by a criminal instead of with our goth gf? Again, literally all we did was stab a cripple.
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You tell him you're glad he's getting clean, and ask him if he wants revenge.
"No! No, man! I do not... I just want out. I don't care about what happens to those guys, man, I just need to focus on myself. Besides, revenge isn't... moral, and all that. Thank you, though, man. You're a real one, you really are."
He sighs, "Now I just have to figure out what to do now..."
>Ask him if he wants to practice
>Offer to let him stay at your place
>Ask to hang out
>Call the police
>Call someone
>Leave and do something else (Time Depends
>Ask him if he wants to practice
>Call Lily
>Offer to let him stay at your place while he's getting things sorted out
Make sure Lily is done with her stuff first though, don't want Ralph to see it.
>Ask him if he wants to practice
>Offer to let him stay at Lily's place

New girlfriend? Empty mansion? Dudes, that place is OURS now.
We could even leave our old place for Ralph while we move in with Lily. But we'd have to talk about it first.
I hope you don't mean actually moving in, we're like 4 days from the world maybe(?) ending, we don't wanna spend that time moving.
What do we have to move really? But yeah if it takes too long then I agree it's not worth it.
>Offer to let him stay at your place
If we let him go clean, he's gonna have his last few days be an absolute hell. I suggest, knowing what we know, that we keep him supplied with drugs. Or at least encourage him to keep using them. Imagine your last day alive being one where you're shivering and feel like a schizo
>Ask him if he wants to practice
>Offer to let him stay at your place


(Hey, anons! Sorry for the delay. Will be back to updating either sometime tonight or tomorrow.)
She was being molested. Nigga I was gone for like 3 days, how did we get here. Bro we fell in love? Wtf is going on. She accepted it is even crazier. This story is a trap it's trying to get me call out how cute the figures are despite the content. Bro this is a nest. Leave. Bro you actually murdered the dad? I'm detaching here. Wtf. I don't know what to do here. Bro we just fucked. why are we in love? Nigga this isn't how love works. I'm scared. Niggas fucking killed a stranger over pussy. Wtf. Bro that dad is probably deep realing. Even though he was likely molesting her. Nigga I can't tell anymore. He's bed ridden. He absolutely sounds reasonable as fuck for he he treats her that way (from a dad pov) but still. I hate this. I'm being trapped. Listen. Time machine. You can already tell future dates. We have the ingredients here somehow. Let's do it. Let's make a time machine and change the fate of the planet. Maybe use it to study how to make a solar magnet to adjust the suns dissapation of energy. Look man murdering the dad is real left field. But now I see it. This is one of those YouTube recommended movies you find in gem list, so you look it up on a free movie website at midnight.

I changed my mind. I'm in.
....You good, bro?
Nigga has sex one time and thinks he can fight Ralph now.

Hadn't read that he got beaten up.


>Write in
Okay so he can tell the dates of people's deaths, that means that at their deaths must be a huge outburst of energy you're noticing in some higher gridding of time.

Maybe that means time is just the exchanged motion of physical occurrence and you can feel that as if you have some sort of logical nervous system reaching through it. If the loss of emotions and bursting of contained placement is what's being detected, perhaps achieving a higher rate of motion can compensate for enough energy to confuse or at least expand the occurrence of time so that we can place ourselves elsewhere. We have the logic. We just need a machine to host it. I say go to a junkyard. Look for an old engine. Attatch it to a clock (tangible intent) and use that higher motion to shift time around you with your time-nerves. Then we can undo the murders (I'll work on displaining multiple times lines to prevent corruption) and also see if ralph knows any of his old classmates that got into solar science or nasa or some shit.
So... No? Not good?
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Schizo episode?
least insane downerquest enjoyer
Never post again. You need mental help.
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You tell him that he can stay at your house, and ask him if he wants to practice.
"Really? Holy shit, you don't have to do that man."
You tell him it's fine.
"Thank you, dude, really. You're a real one, man. As for practice... maybe. I think I need to go lie down, so I think I'll head over to your place. Sorry for all of this man, I know the whole Alienfest thing is tomorrow... I'm sure we can get a bit of practice in before it either way, and if not we can always just go anyway. Again, thanks, man, really."
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He leaves you alone in his apartment. Despite it all, it actually... feels kind of good to do something nice for someone. That's strange, as you've never felt that way before. Ralph is a weirdo... but maybe he isn't so bad.

DAY TIMER: 14:08:00

>Explore his apartment
>Call someone
>Look for the drug dealers
>Something else (Time Depends)
It's kind of fitting for the quest's MC, though.

>Explore his apartment
Look for clues or any valuables (sentimental or monetary) they left behind that Ralph might want to keep and, in his current state, might forget.
+1 but also
>Call someone (Lily)
We need to tell her about Ralph, since he's not gonna be able to practice with us like we said he would because of the drugs n shit. We need to see if she still wants to do the whole alienfest thing...and if we can sleep at her house while Ralph is in ours....
Woops, meant to tag >>6011306, too.

>>Explore his apartment

>>Call someone (Lily)

>Something else (Time Depends)
>>Think about finding some sort of drug patch or the like
I fully agree with >>6009310 and he needs something to tide him over
>Look for the drug dealers
Ralph may not want revenge, but these niggers fucked with our friend.
Nobody fucks with our friends.
Fido is the one who knocks.
Fair points.

>Something else (Time Depends)
>>Think about finding some sort of drug patch or the like
to >>6011312
+1 to finding the drug dealers and maybe a drug patch. Ask Lily if she knows any. Maybe we can take out our third person to secure something to help Ralph, once we explain we really are serious about the world ending in a few days.
That's prettty dunb anon, we're gonna die if we do that
Don't find the drug dealers, and I don't really care about the drug patch.
It's gonna suck if he robs us blind for his addiction/ debts
Oh no! We're gonna die in four hours instead of four days!
I would prefer my last hours to be spent with my cute goth girlfriend instead of choking on my blood on a dirty ditch after getting shot by a gangster, yes.
I love the wagie goth girlfriend so much bros.

>Call Lily
>Explore his apartment
Lets be here for Ralph
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You begin to look around Ralph's apartment. Man, either Ralph didn't have very many things, or these criminals were super thorough. You can only find a lone pillow surrounded by a few objects in one of the rooms. You guess this is where he sleeps...
The objects include a knife, a syringe, a packet of... something, a self-help magazine, and a restraining order from... someone. Who would have a restraining order against Ralph? It's from someone named... Martha Lobon.
You really didn't know things were this bleak. You think about maybe finding a drug patch or something. That could help him.
You give Lily a call and tell her about Ralph's situation.
"Shit... poor guy, hope things can work out... Even if he can't practice, we still have a bit of time if you're still down. I know you wanted to get him involved, but it sounds like he might be a little unavailable... But then again, in this current state, I don't know if leaving him alone is the safest option... What do you think? It's up to you."
>Practice with Lily
>Make sure Ralph is safe
>Bring Ralph along and he can watch while we practice
>Make sure Ralph is safe
>Bring Ralph along and he can watch while we practice
>Practice with Lily
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You decide it'd be best to go make sure Ralph is safe. You hang up the phone and begin your walk back home.
It's gotten a bit darker out. You like the city at night quite a lot. The sounds of the city just seem to feel... softer at this time. Even the loud ones, like the train passing by or car alarms just feel... more tolerable.
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You make it back home.
Something isn't right.
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Is that... someone getting arrested?
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The police question you for a little while. Seems whatever crime happened... took place in your apartment.
Your biggest fear comes true. Ralph has been shot. Someone busted down the door to your apartment and shot him. The man getting arrested was the one who did it.
They make sure to tell you that Ralph isn't dead... but he is unresponsive, possibly comatose.
When the police leave, you walk into your apartment and just... collapse.
You feel like this is your fault. Is it?
Maybe this is about the drugs... maybe not...
Why do these things happen?
What now?

DAY TIMER: 11:08:00

>Call someone
>Take the easy way out (End Quest)
>Plot revenge
>Something else (Time Depends)
>Call Lily
>Plot revenge
>Call someone
Lily. 24 hours straight of banging.
>Plot revenge
Goth GF is nice, but Squidbuddy is the best. Drug-dealing bitches gonna' pay, now.
Rocking and banging.
>cat person 1 is an asshole who tried to make us drink gasoline at gunpoint
>cat person 2 shot our friend
you know what this means. Now we have a hateboner for catpeople and want them all dead. We’re gonna be the change we wish to see in this world
Felino is a catperson, too, isn't she?
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>Call Lily
>Plot revenge
We need to tell Lily we want to kill the guy who shot Ralph. I'm sure she will be on board. We'll have to figure out some kind of Breaking Bad scheme to murder a guy in a police station unless we can catch the cop car before it gets there.
Not our nigga Ralph
>Plot revenge
These bastards have to pay
I told you niggas we should have gotten revenge for Ralph earlier.
>Plot revenge
well it was a pretty weird plot-twist, though. How did they even find our house?
He left his place and went to ours. They were probably still watching him.
In all honesty if that's the case, trying to take them out in the police jail would be very, very stupid. Far easier to wait for them to leave and then stab them in the face.
Depends how long he's hailed for. We only have 4 days to get revenge.
Well unless our plan is to commit a crime and hope that we are put in the exact same cell (with anything else resulting in us losing our last 4 days doing nothing) I don't think there's much else we can do.
We can get revenge on the gang that presumably called in the hit.
Wait, how do we get revenge if we don't have guns?
>Needing guns
>When cars exist
Based on our gokart experience, we could do some serious damage. Then we could also apply lessons from the gas station and turn the battering ram into an incendiary explosive.
>Call Lily
What's the point of plotting revenge when the guys in police custody and we think the world is going to end in four days anyway?
(Still here! Updates being worked on.)
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You feel like your head is spinning as you lean up against the wall and take out your phone. Sobbing, and barely coherent, you call Lily.
"Hey-" she tries to answer, before being cut off by your frantic and impossible-to-understand words. "W-What's wrong?" she asks, "What happened?"
You tell her that Ralph has been shot.
"Shot? What do you mean shot?"
You tell her someone went into your apartment and shot him.
"Your apartment? Where are you?"
You begin to calm down a bit and tell her you're in your apartment.
"Wait, you're at YOUR apartment? The one he got shot in?"
You tell her yes.
"Get out of there! What the hell are you doing, psycho? Do you wanna die?"
You ignore her and begin to describe all the terrible and graphic violence you plan to inflict on the people who did this.
"Listen, listen! Calm down, okay, baby? Just get out of there and come here. We can talk about it and figure out what we're going to do, but DO NOT stay there!"
>Agree and go to Lily's house
>Hang up and investigate your apartment
>Disagree and stay at home for the night
>Something else
>Hang up and Kevin McCalister this shit. Boobytrap the living hell out of your home. If anyone comes for you, they'll regret it.
>>Agree and go to Lily's house
>Agree and go to Lily's house
I'll trust the girl who was able to stalk us without us noticing.
>Agree and go to Lily's house
We're probably wiretapped.
+1 support
>Agree and go to Lily's house

Good way to accidentally ill an investigating officer or Lily or someone, I think...
>Agree and go to Lily's house

That's a crime anon and will probably get either Lily or some officer killed.
Heh, same brain cell.
>Agree and go to Lily's house
>>Agree and go to Lily's house
>Agree and go to Lily's house
>Agree and go to Lily's house
>Agree and go to Lily's house

I would highly advise against this.
If someone did follow Ralph would it really be a good idea to potentially lead them back to Lily's? Since she has already shown to be a somewhat of a stalker, it might be a better idea to have her stake out our place while we stay the night and see if anyone shows up and have her be our backup if things go to shit
Counterpoint, if they were able to track Ralph then they could probably track her stake out. I'd rather we risk it in a safe place together.
What do you expect her to do though? She doesn't own a gun as far as I'm aware and if more than a single person shows up her trying anything other than calling the police or something would probably end in tragedy (and lets be frank the police wouldn't do jack diddly to save us in this scenario) sure leading someone to Lily's on accident would suck but getting her killed trying to stake out our house would suck more.
Also this is slightly racist but we sure it isn't the guy we set on fire somehow surviving (or someone related to him) and attempting to get revenge? I mean the guy they arrested looks ALOT like him except for the eye scar.
Anon, the gas station exploded. He was set on fire with gasoline. If he survived, he would not just look like he had a scar.
But it's a classic narrative trope! As far as I'm aware we never actually confirmed his death so him somehow surviving (or someone related to him figuring out what happened) is a genuine possibility. Now granted I do agree the person who was arrested being him is extremely unlikely but I genuinely do believe with my hearts of hearts that everything is related to the gas station incident rather than gangsters stalking our friend to our apartment with the intent of sending a single guy to shoot him.
Or maybe again I'm just being racist we shall see soonish I imagine.
Ralph is a bit doofy, and probably not nearly as stealthy. Still, I'd much rather we stay at Lily's than bring her here. She's right: we shouldn't stay here.

Then again, if they were after Ralph, and got Ralph, they pribably have no business with us... Right?
The one fact we do know is that whoever got Ralph does have a gun, and id much rather take the chance of Lily's stealth stat with a knife than having us both be at the receiving end of the barrel, but thats all entirely if we think whoever got squidbro is going to come for us next. I just dont like the idea of spending our last few days having to look over our shoulder for some gunman and/or his crew
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You decide to take her advice. Sitting around and potentially getting killed isn't worth it. Not that it'd really matter since you'll die soon anyway, but you have things to live for now. For the first time in a long time, you have things to live for, but even all those things are fucked up.
Sometimes you wish you could go back to a time when things were simpler, but then remember things were never all that simple. Not for you, you're a downer. There are no simple things for downers.
Perhaps there was a time when you were less of a downer? Maybe. Probably not.
But it's nice to think about...
It's nice to think about...
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Your name is Fido Ballthrow. You're sixteen years old. Summer vacation has just begun! Not that you really care, it's all gonna be blown to smithereens anyway.
To celebrate your temporary freedom from the education system, your friend Felino has decided to take you and two of your other friends out on a little camping venture. You hate camping, but you like Felino, so you decided to go along with it. She also said she'd bring beer, and alcohol is one of the few things you can confidently say you enjoy.
You, Felino, and two of your other friends sit around a small fire. The small one is Little Pat, a guy you've known since elementary school. You don't actually get along that well, but for some strange reason, you still hang out. The other guy is Eric. He's a bit of a weirdo, kinda like you. He's alright. You, Little Pat, and Eric are in a band together.
Little Pat speaks. "You should have brought your guitar, Fido. Would make this campfire less boring."
"Hey!" Felino scolds, "This isn't boring! Fido, tell him it's not boring."
You tell him it's not boring.
"Jeez, Fido, do you really just do everything she says just because she's a girl? You're a loser, man."
You tell him to suck your dick. He laughs.
"Oh, what, so you're gay now? Eric, you must be excited, huh?"
Eric playfully glares at him. "Up yours, midget."
Felino scoffs. "No, Fido is not gay... I think."
You are indeed not gay. Well, I mean, you haven't checked, but you're pretty confident you're not gay.
Pat groans. "Come on! We can make this more interesting somehow! Let's fucking do something!"
Do something... Maybe you should suggest something?

TIME: 5.5 Years

>Suggest doing drugs
>Suggest drinking more alcohol
>Suggest exploring nature
>Suggest telling spooky stories
>Suggest leaving
>Do something else
>>Suggest doing drugs
>>Suggest telling spooky stories
>suggest spooky stories
Existential dread is spooky, right?
>Suggest doing nothing
Cue depressing music.
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You tell them that you shouldn't do anything because you're all gonna die anyway.
They look at you.
"Um, okay... maybe suggest something more... cheerful?" Felino says.
You suggest doing drugs.
"Fido!" Felino scolds.
Eric speaks up. "I mean, I've got shrooms."
"What? Shrooms?" Felino asks.
"They'll get you really fucked up if you take enough."
Pat perks up. "Now that's more like it!"
"No!" Felino protests, "I'm not doing shrooms in the middle of the woods."
"Why not?! That's like, something actually cool!"
You suggest that maybe you should just tell spooky stories instead.
Pat scoffs. "Spooky stories? What are you, five? Don't be a pussy man."
Felino seems nervous. "I-I don't know... Beer is one thing, but that's like... doesn't that make you hallucinate or whatever?"
Eric nods. "If you take enough."
Felino seems hesitant. You are too, but the prospect of doing such a thing does excite you. What will you do?
>Convince Felino to do shrooms
>Refuse to do shrooms
>Do shrooms without Felino
>Make up an excuse
>Try to convince Eric and Pat not to do it
>Suggest something else
>Do something else
>>Do shrooms without Felino
Let's just do it first to make sure it's safe enough (and proceed to make a total ass of ourselves).
>Refuse to do shrooms
They can do them, but not us.
>Refuse to do shrooms
Maybe we can hang out, uh, alone, together, just us and Felino?
It's a flashback, so we'll fumble it, but oh well
>Suggest something else
Go into the woods
>Convince Felino to do shrooms
"Hey, it's alright, we'll take it together."
>Do something else
>"Maybe do a bit of shrooms and then go exploring the woods?Maybe that way,we could go and stumble upon a fairy village or some gnomes due to our vision being augmented.
Felino, you stay sober and dry, in case we stumble upon a cliff or a rapist."
>Refuse to do shrooms
Us? Squeaky clean.
>write in
See if you can change the past while thinking about it. The world is already about to end, and every time that happens existence becomes one fi those weird dreams where you're just kind of walking around while people panic. See if you've breached reality, see if you cans go out of bounds of your memory and change the present.

>do shrooms.
You fucking kill people. Shrooms at 16 isn't that crazy.
(Hey, anons! Just wanna say updates might slow down a bit for at least the rest of this week. Have a lot of things to do. Will try to make time to update, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.)
Love and support!
So uh when is VerseQuest coming back?

Yes, yes, you are taking a break and- ok it only been 2 or 1 month now? Yeah.. sorry if my comment seem, demanding :/
(The next Versequest thread will be sometime after this thread concludes, so most likely mid-late this month.)

Ah ok
Don't know if this is possible. It's not like we're a god.
I am.
(Hey, anons! I would've loved to update a little more, but I've been extraordinarily busy this past little while, so I haven't had the chance.
Since we're nearly archived I thought I might as well do the end-of-thread questions now.
>What was your favorite moment from this thread?
>Who is your favorite character?
>Where do you suspect the story will go in the future?
See you all next thread anons! I'll be here to see your guys' answers.
Versequest 5.5 is coming soon!)
>What was your favorite moment from this thread?
Fumbling our way through flirting after setting a golf cart on fire, or the murders
>Who is your favorite character?

>Where do you suspect the story will go in the future?
A confrontation with the criminals seems inevitable, but I'm even more excited for the battle of the bands at Alienfest.
>What was your favorite moment from this thread?
Sowing chaos and destruction, and also Fido's backstory.
>Who is your favorite character?
>Where do you suspect the story will go in the future?
More murders? The end of the world, probably.

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