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Hello (again, for most of you) and welcome to the triennial (or so) KING OF /QST/ TOURNAMENT!

For those of you new to the tournament scene, this a celebration of some of /qst/’s best boys. It’s a successor to The great /QST/ Waifu Tournament of 2021 (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5090023/) meant to bring together our curious little community of QMS and their players to select a lone exemplar to represent our board for a year! Alongside the QUEEN OF /QST/ (>>5997910, https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5997910/), the winner of this thread will be undeniable (read: argued-over-incessantly) god-emperor of all macho men and manimals until the next time someone feels like running one of these!

In our preliminary thread (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5961634/) we whittled down our contenders to a nice, manageable TOP TWELVE. Some are fresh-faced young men with terrible secrets of varying severity. Others are mutants, aliens, or mutant aliens. One is a robot, two are semi-domesticated animal, three are reptiles reptoids represent! at two are even ITALIAN-AMERICAN. It takes all types, I suppose.

So, how about we make some (re) introductions?
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Every anon’s crazy about a sharp-dressed man, but this contestant IS the suit. Specifically, he’s the AI core within a suit of futuristic power armour! It’s BETA from CORE OF STEEL! This badass blue-painted battle-mech houses a noble artificial soul, who despite his analytical approach to armed conflict, has a yearning for freedom, and the capacity for compassion—especially for his human pilot.

(Plus, you have to respect an entrant who hacked himself into the contest late, and still crushed the preliminaries.)

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Who doesn’t love a lizardman in uniform? A little guy with a big heart, KIRO SKYESAKAL of VOIDSHIP BRIDGE SIMULATOR is anything but cold-blooded. In fact, he likes to cuddle! Orphaned by war and raised by humans, Kiro is a team player par excellence, a natural leader, and no slouch at battlefield management and athletic endeavour. I suppose with a shortened lifespan, every moment matters, and every connection is a dear memory worth giving it your all! Just don’t ask him to eat his leafy greens.

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I think just about anyone with a respect for a history of this size and medium knows this cool cat: it’s TOM of RUBY QUEST… if that IS his real name!

(It’s not, for the record)

Famous for his MANLY PHYSQIUE and intentionally less famous for his teeny tiny t-rex arms hidden within his clothes, this big lug may be no good at puzzles, but he’s well-versed in the art of kicking ass! Whether it’s in a game or you meet him IRL, you’re going to want to keep an eye on this seasoned veteran of old campaigns. Remember: respect your elders!

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Clad in shining armour or in glimmering scales, there is n disguising a handsome mug like that of SIR REYNAULD… Not even if he might wish that he could at times, between his shameful and fallen House of Numitor and his gradual transformation into a mutant dragon-man. With that curse came many blessings, though: enough to form a small army of excitable kobolts, goblins, mimics, changelings, and even a buff autistic plague doctor waifu. As the protagonist of KOBOLT KLAN ADOPTION, this wandering knight ahs made it his mission to guide his found family through a hostile world as he cures his cursed condition. Was the real cure the friends he made along the way… or maybe it lies in the Crown of /QST/?!

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Rightly called conqueror of most of the known universe.. A man (NOT monkey!) with 7 years and 216 threads of continuous adventure and an expanding roster of children and grandchildren to show for it… A master of more multiverse martial arts than most men have ever HEARD of. THAT’S who we’re dealing with today! Bow your heads in terror, look up in wonder, and mind the golden glow: The Dragon of New Salda approaches! GENERAL KARN of the famed SAIYAN CONQUEROR QUEST has taken the field!

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Some people acquire ‘cool’, or try to, through concerted effort. Others are simply born with a(super?)natural animal magnetism. This contestant ahs the latter, and in spades: it’s RAMSTER, the… Uhh, the Ramster. Coming to us from CUTÉMON, he’s representing a small clan of fellow Ramsters, and backed up by a menagerie of mon and hu-mon friends. Many might claim to match his martial dash, but can anyone else truly attest to have such a perfect blend of hamster-like cuteness and ram-like tenacity? I’d like to see them try!

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Before there was Jail Quest, there was another: GAOL QUEST! Banished to the Gongalla Gaol interdimensional prison-plane, JAMES CALACA dug his way out of the shit with only an oversized spoon and his natural antipathy to oppressive authority. In the process, he discovered that the only thing better than toppling an evil order is establishing a truly benevolent on in its place, with the aid of the ones you love. Perhaps even more impressive? He stuck his dick in crazy so effectively that he turned a ho into a housewife. Credit where it’s due, amirite fellas?

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Some say that the mean streets of Gotham City are no place for a hero. In actuality, they’re an even worse place to be a regular guy. The alleyways of that bat-brained neo-noir metropolis are like cracks in the order we all take for granted, and all too many people fall through them. Luckily in whatever region of Hypertime which OFFICER MARK DELUCIA calls home, there’s a GOTHAM CITY BEAT COP on duty who really cares! Rocking a Disco Elysium meta-power within (more or less) the bounds of the law, this good Catholic boy was raised right, and has grown into a skilled psychic detective, dedicated to doing what’s right.

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You’d best beware, when the man in black comes to town—In truth, he’s a snake-in-the-grass, slithering out of the subconscious of one Charlotte Fawkins of DROWNED QUEST REDUX to serve a shadowy entity known only as ‘The Wyrm’. You, however, can call him RICHARD, though only if you buy his hard-working wormy wagie a shot of something strong first. It’s not easy being a father, after all, and doubly-so when you’re dead and dubiously demoniac. That he’s so well aware of his own situation-and everyone else’s, with his keen eye for exploitable weakness—surely can’t make it any easier.

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Is he a Dark Lord reborn? A bright light and hope for the future? Both, depending who you ask? ELLIOT HALLASTER would surely wear these titles and still more as a badge of pride, just as he wore his ridiculous(ly cool) tophat, monocle, and fake moustache during his victory soirees as leader of the Raiders of Lost Worlds in Harry Potter’s (yes THAT Harry Potter) battle class. While he’s taken a step back, this was only to stop DISPPEARING HOGWARTS, and all the rest of known space and time, from being consumed by the hungry ghost of the legendary magician Merlin, or dominated by the sinister spectre of Salazar Slytherin. With Helga Hufflepuff herself riding shotgun in his noggin, and a small cadre of loyal friends willing to ride-or-die with this little mudblood, I think we can say Dark/Biright Lord Halalster is ready to fuck shit UP!

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History may remember Izirina Henzler as the most famous mage apprentice of her era, but those who were there know that there was more than one SEEKER OF THE ESOTERIC at the dawn of the Age of High Magic, when it came to Hawksong. EZREAL MIOUS VAN HOUTZMANN, or TIPS to his friends, is no second-rate mage: this half-elf is the personal MAGE APPRENTICE of the Archmage, the hero who saved Dappulyet from the Unseelie Fey, and the elfman who brought peace to three races by averting war and plague by means of ancient fairy magic, and scored two honeys in the process. He’s been the to moon and back, tangled with gods, demons, and dragons, and now he’s here for the crown!

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Nothing’s ever easy for a guy like DIESEL CRASH. Whatw s supposed to be a simple in-and-out delivery gig for his uncle’s pizza parlour turned into one of the most harrowing nights of his (or anyone else’s!) life. Stranded on an island full of twisted terrors and abominable experiments controlled by a crazed canuck, only pure, unbridled Irish-Italian anger kept this bare-knuckled brawler going. Well, that and the sometimes-annoying assistance of a plucky reporter and chill skateboarder. But hey, it’s just like they say in the WWF: ‘fight for you r life, fight for what’s right!’ If Diesel can survive SLCIE QUEST, this tourney ought to be as a piece of pizza pie—hold the pineapple.

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With our contestants set, it’s time to discuss the rules and get ready. Anyone already voting in the Queen contest knows the drill: over the next five days, anyone who wants to vote should register their ID here. That simply means replying to this post with an IP which you are confident you can hold for more than a day. If your IP is pretty consistent, that’s all you need to do; if it’s rather spotty, try to log at least two posts far enough apart to make it clear you’re not a cheater trying to game the system (at least 12 hours apart, say), and register a tripcode to use here.

After this five day period, votes by anons who haven’t registered an ID or trip will not be counted, though exceptions may be made for QMs using the same tripcode as in their own quests.

Once that is settled, we will begin a ROUND ROBIN TOURNAMENT, wherein each contestant will face off against every single other contestant! This will be down with two matches a day, facing off in a randomly-rolled event. The winner will be whoever has the most votes… But with a twist, as I will also be rolling 1d and giving the result as bonus points to whichever contestant I deem most likely to win that event based on the arguments put forth for how and why they could achieve this. If you have a goofy or (better yet) CONVINCING argument for an underdog come-from-behind victory, I’m amenable!

(I may take an occasional day or two off, too. I’m only human as far as you know)
First to log an IP.
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As I’ll never get sick of saying, thank you to our donors to the GoFundMe (https://gofund.me/1acbccb0), to our artist Indonesian Gentleman for all these character portraits, to Olympus QM for the art used for our Loser’s Bracket In the last thread, and to ALL OF YOU for being such a vibrant and creative community.

For anyone who doesn’t like the rules or format, or has any other complaints for me or for their fellow players and rival potentates, please remember: this is all just a fun little community activity, there’s not ACTUALLY any cash prize or anything else besides bragging rights on the line here, and we’re really just goofing around, having a fun time sharing art and memes and talking about our waifus and daughterus.

Don’t be a dick, keep the banter friendly, and don’t make me tap the sign.
Team Richard and Diesel
Le dishonored patch!!

Zip zop, zubIDdy-bop.
Team Kiro!
Team Diesel!
Here to represent MY BOIS
Logging in for the Kings
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May the best kings win! Pizza for all whether they win or lose!
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"So, it's about to begin? From what Chaya's told me of the other one, looks like we'll be participating in differing contests. Not sure how some of these relate in any way to kingship or rule, but we'll see what happens."
Fuck' em up Dark/Bright Lord Hallaster!
I will admit that I'm not quite as invested in this one compared to the Queen thread, but hey, I voted in the other threads, so I might as well show up here, too.
Registering both my IP (home) and trip (for mobile)
Once again, very flattered to even be included. Good luck to everyone involved, and thank you for the artwork!
Thanks for running this!

My poor Elliot gets more scars at every piece of art. Maybe he'll at least get out of the current thread without some new ones.
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What? Ramster is already dressed up even though the tournament hasn't started yet? Do you think he's nervous about competing in this tournament?

You look over the hand mirror at Ramster.

"Are you nervous?"

Ramster shakes his head and says "Ram-ram!"

What? You think he tugged on his collar when you weren't looking?
What's this? Your Ramster is evolving?!
It's now a Dapperam!
Reserving this IP so I can blatantly ignore the challenges and just vote for whoever my favorite is
Richardbros... we winning. Thanks to Indonesian Gentleman for all the awesome art!
Let's go.
I'm here for James
My IP will change, there's no way around it. So here's my trip.
let's go gents
Excited to see how my boy (and others) do. putting down my IP.
I already registered my trip last thread. Should be enough,.
Registering for this one too!
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Wanna go ahead and set this as my locked IP from my home PC. I also would like to share this just cause I think it's fucking wild. Here is a comic strip a very kind anon drew up of a scene from my quest.
damn, almost missed this one
I *am* guessing i don't need to register it again if i've already got an 'safe' trip before, right? That would be annoying.
The fact that Sir Andrei from StV is not included in this is criminal
registering for my boy Diesel
Noting like fighting a pyromaniac to get the blood flowing.
oh, shit didn't realize the king thread started yet. I guess I'm registering now
>pic related

That is super badass.
Kiro has been practicing for the King tournament by cosplaying as a Kaiser from his favourite historical documentary...

Well, maybe not specifically for this tournament, but he does like rope all his friends into watching the ancient holovids recovered from some of humanity's distant, forgotten past. (He assures them that the costumes are essential to understanding the nuance and besides... doesn't he look dashing in that wig?)

"Good luck out there fellow King Candidates! And may the best lizard win!"
"Also, you'd better not get my name wrong when you engrave the crown! It's "Skyeskal". Kek, that would've been embarrassing..."
Verifying IP.
registering yadda yadda
Registering a trip code
hi, will register a trip since my modem seems to lose it's shit from time to time
Well, signing on. Will miss most of the votes, but still honored by the support.

And the exceptional art.
>typo'd name
Woop! Sorry, little buddy.
fucking hell, shenanigans fucked with my entire internet, this will be the new ip
making sure it's working
>securing IP
>registering ID
>process complete
Beta Core: Online

Ayyy there he is.
When the quest resumes I’ve got one hell of a speech prepared for Delta, assuming a write-in option is allowed.
Second registration
Anchor post.

Let's go Elliot! Fuck them up, Lord Hallaster! Avenge Arty!
>lucky 7´s
all hail Lord Hallaster!
Eternal glory to Lord Hallaster!
testing just to see that eveything is still in order
I totally forgot: I have a work thing tonight, so the first round will come eitywr later when I get home, or tomorrow, depending how late it goes.
I'm not too late to lock in right?
Registering. I'll try to vote for every poll this time.
Feel free to skip any vote where your candidates differ from mine.
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It's been five days (really almost six) and we have many a registered IP and tripcode! If you missed the window, I'm sorry for your luck, but we had to start EVENTUALLY, and you even had a bit of extra time. I would like to encourage anyone just joining us now to contribute art, discussion (including FRIENDLY) debate, and any other contributions of the contestants that they can. It's the best way to drum up support for the man, boy, lizard, or robot you think deserves the crown of /qst/!

For everyone else, the next twenty-four hours are about voting for these two match-ups:

In the first, BETA from CORE OF STEEL will test his metal against a fellow rebel-at-heart from a far more literal (and arguable less existential) prison: JAMES CALACA of GAOL QUEST! But what contest of skill could possibly pit a mundane man and a massive mecha against one another? Well, its…


Meanwhile, our other event for the evening is a match-up between two handsome men in uniform, neither wholly human but both utterly wholesome! It’s KIRO SKYESKAL (not Skyesakal) of the TPNV Coober Pedy against MARK DELUCIA of the GCPD’s latest anti-gang operation task force! For their part, they’ll be battling it out in…


(for fairness, we’ll limit it to pop culture that is shared between their universes and exists in Officer DeLucia’s era)

So who will it be?
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

And will it be…
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Aw shit, here we go!
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Bro has The Eye of Truth--the eye that will seek the truth no matter what... or the cost. So James wants to find out the truth behind what shit's gonna win at Tic-Tac-Toe, well... watch the fuck out!
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Dude's got that little bro energy and probably talks the whole crew's collective ear off about what's 'trending'.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Tic Tac Toe has a victor determined entirely by who goes first in any given round.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Cops know trivia, right? They hear it all on the ride back with a perp in the back seat.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Webm related, Beta beating James at tic tac toe.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
If we're thinking of pop culture trivia, we're more than likely to think about real stuff we'd actually know, in which case officer Mark should more than suffice to do this. Gotham is real enough. He could probably tell you all about that time Lex sold his label to international media giant Darkseid incorporated. (Elseworlds 80 Page Giants if you don't believe me)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)

AIs have a supreme advantage in tic tac toe, though who winds depends on who gets the first move, since first to go can always at least draw unless they, like me, have a kumquat brain

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

He lives in Gotham, The danger of the riddler deciding to become the Trivializer is never not 0, it is a matter of survival, son
>Beta (Core of Steel)

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
I object to the claim that mark isn't wholly human, he's 100% human!
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Tic tac toe gaol champ
Well, maybe not, but it's not like he'll lose

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
I think a cop would be more in touch with pop culture than a spaceship crewmember
Also he answered Richard's questions

Second player can always tie actually, and usually aims to do so while first go tries to win
Also it's not complex enough of a game for AI to have an advantage.
>Second player can always tie actually, and usually aims to do so while first go tries to win
This is only true if you don't know the Siamese Box Gamble.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
I've watched War Games. The AI has to be taught by the human the winning move (which is not to play).

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
If we're limiting it to only universally shared trivia, then it's actually quite a small pool of information to memorise on Kiro's part. That and he already likes trawling through the archives to find anime historical human documentaries to share with his bro.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Levelman was very kind in showing an image of Beta throwing the game.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
The contest has kinda been screwed in his favour, how's Kiro going to know as much about trivia that exists in Officer DeLucia’s era? if they'd both answered questions on their own eras then Kiro would have had a far stronger hand.
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>Beta (Core of Steel)
No way he could lose in raw logic.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Space kobold too short lived.
Should have refreshed the page; sparing me the humiliation of being a copycat.
Sorry Levelman.
>Beta (Core of Steel)

Not going to lie, I was ready to jump in and post the robot playing Tic-Tac-Toe webm, but it seems I wasn't only beaten to the punch, but beaten to it twice.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

Guy is a beat cop who literally knows the will of the city, I'm sure he knows what's up.
>>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Tic-tac-toe is a solved game, and Beta can solve it in milliseconds.

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
He's the type of guy to know such things.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
My tic tac toe robot can't be this cool!
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
The bro has this
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
He's cuter

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator
"So, these are the level of contest we'll be competing in? Doesn't seem like much of a kingly competition." Karn mutters to himself, reading over the rules. "Hmmm, the others make good points. I reckon I'll put my vote to-"
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

"Were you even listening to me?" Kimble chides from the driver seat.

"What? Sorry. What?" You say jerking your head away from the glass.

"Jesus Christ, boot, you sleeping right?"

"Yeah, just been having...weird dreams is all."

"Well knock em off. I'm asking you important shit here."

"Sorry, Sir, what did you ask me?"

"I asked you if a Robot challenged a person to a game of tic-tac-toe who would win?"


"Am I speaking Chinese or something? Robot. Human. Tic. Tac. Toe. Who wins?"


"Oh come on."

"There's a whole thing isn't there? You can just force a draw every time."

"There's no draws."

"Sir, I don't understa-"

"This is a Kimble Quiz, Mark, there are no draws. Who wins?"

"The Robot."


You shake your head in equal parts confusion and frustration.
"Does it matter?"

"Newsflash boot, none of this matters, just explain your rationale to me."

"I think computers are smarter than people, at least when it comes to logic."

"Figures. You seem like the kinda kid who grew up getting thrashed by online chess bots."

"What? Kimble you aren't making any sense."

"No shit. None of this makes sense." Kimble tells you, finally turning to face you. His face is a grotesque assortment of oblong eyes, mouths, and an ear in there. "I mean, you didn't even notice we just drove off Gotham Bridge." He says from his neck mouth.

"What?" You ask in shock, finally looking forward and seeing the black waters of Gotham Bay rushing up to meet you. Just as the car impacts and a thunderous crash is heard you shoot awake in a panic.

Next to you Kimble leans on a thick book that's only inches from your head.
"Next time you fall asleep in the war room, I'm letting Hawthorne catch you." He says with an amused shaking of his head.

"Yes, sir." You mumble still drowsy. "Won't happen again."

>Beta (Core of Steel)

>Mark DeLucia (GCBC)
Mark had nothing to do as a child but read hospital waiting room magazines and watch the corner mounted TVs. His brain is queal parts Hollywood Scandals and Classic movies.
I fail to see what Beta being an 'AI' has to do with a game that is literally solved and can only be lost if you're the second to go
He will not get bored, just will replay the game endlessly until the opponent gives up.
But it's just one tic-tac-toe game, though. If it was up to that, you could also say that James would get angry and hulk smash him with a spoon.

I mean, he did beat up like an entire horde of velociraptors by himself.
Hitting the opponent would mean forfeiting.
Yeah but so would trying to play forever. It's not an 'who can stay awake the longest' competition.
Draws have to be resolved somehow, so playing forever would be normal.
>Draws have to be resolved somehow, so playing forever would be normal.
It doesn't always end in an draw.

I'm just saying that turning it into an 'outlasting' contest just because one of the people is a machine is biased
>The contest has kinda been screwed in his favour, how's Kiro going to know as much about trivia that exists in Officer DeLucia’s era? if they'd both answered questions on their own eras then Kiro would have had a far stronger hand.
First part of the sentence specifies only that which is shared between their universes, so Kiro does have a chance to know everything Mark would.

>can only be lost if you're the second to go
You can lose if you're first to go, you just need one hell of a misplay, or for robots a very unfortunately timed logic fault.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
He's an advanced artificial intelligence of high intellect.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
He's living in it.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Noughts and crosses is a solved game with a limited number of solutions, all of which are trivial to a computer.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Tough one. On one hand, Kiyo is living it up and probably loves to watch old media, on the other hand his thoughts are going a million miles an hour and Mark has had longer to do it and I bet he had a lot of TV to watch as a kid.
>Officer Mark DeLucia
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>pic related
Tallying votes
Tic tac toe:
While James isn't that stupid to lose a tic tac toe game, he's not as smart as Beta, either. I think it'll be either a draw, or a loss if James were to be distracted for even a bit.

Thus, sadly,
is probably going to win.

Pop culture trivia:
Now this is a doozy. Kiro might know some 'historic' pop-culture stuff from Coober Pedy's databanks, but who knows how much has time made obscure? On the other side, Mark lives in the correct time, but unless he can tap into Shivers for trivia (and even that's just Gotham-related trivia), he's too busy to be paying attention to all the latest pop culture stuff.

I'd say that
wins due to more scope, inaccurate through historical fog it may be.
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Rolled 97, 34 = 131 (2d100)

Hey, Kurt Wagner's good company to be in!

It seems that in our first face-off, an easy exploit all but ensured an infinite draw if either party was reasonably clever. As such, what was meant to be a battle of wits became one of will: flesh against steel in a veritable staring contest. Who would blink first? Can a sufficiently-advanced artificial intelligence feel BOREDOM?

These questions are beyond me, so it’s a good thing Mr. Calaca lost. Beta wins, 15-9!

Oddly enough, the matter of trivia seemed to be even MORE skewed! Perhaps it’s because, with Batman permeating so much of the cultural landscape, sharing a city with him lend sone a leg up? Maybe it’s just because, with a longer lifespan and a less adventurous childhood, Officer DeLucia simply has more time than Shipman Skyeskal to waste watching TV? Or he did, once, before… Well, anyway, 17-7, Mark beats Kiro!

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

Now who’s next into the fray?
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Oop, missed this late entry. Still, it only solidified Beta's lead, and couldn't save Kiro.

In our first bout of round two, we have a rather interesting match-up an older character version a character who, in raw age and base don his physical appearance, is ‘older’. However, RICHARD of DROWNED QUEST REDUX would be the first one to tell you (in a threatening nonspecific and strangely ominous manner) that appearances can be deceiving. Not that TOM of RUBY QUEST needs to be told that—he already knows it to be true, between his false name and the fact that he can give the principle four thumbs up! Still, whatever their true age or experience, it will be interesting to see two ‘geriatrics’ face off in the physical confrontation which we hip youths know as…


Our other contest is rather more esoteric, and stars two uniquely well-suited stars. One is a student at Hogwarts Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and was no stranger to strange circumstances even BEFORE his brain ghost, time beast, and partial removal from conventional existence: ELLIOT HALLASTER, the ‘Dark Lord’ of DISAPPEARING HOGWARTS! The other, hailing from House Numitor and constituting a ‘strange circumstance’ in his own right to any who encounter him, is the wandering knight SIR REYNAULD of KOBOLT KLAN ADOPTION! It will be their responsibility today to procure a remarkable animal (or equivaent) of their choice from their own world, which they feel confident parading, displaying, and displaying disciplined control over. Forget the dog-show, this is…


So who will it be, /qst/ies?
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

and will it be…
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
He could manipulate his own strength into record-speed paddleboarding. Easy win.
>>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
"Whadya mean 'Michael I' wasn't the answer to 'Who was the ruling Monarch of 19XX.'?
The archives are clear that he was the King of Pop!"
*grumbling lizard noises*
"Ahh well, it was a long shot. Good work Mr Mark I'll get you next time!"

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Feline Vs Reptile in water based event. I think that's pretty self evident.

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
He's wrangled all sorts already, I imagine a commanding (and somewhat magical) dragon-knight would have little trouble winning this.
I somehow never saw this thread, I'm voting in the queen cup, but I didn't stake an ID here. You can check my trip matches in the other thread >>6020098

Would I be able to vote?
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Tom is canonically pretty strong, but Richard also has a few aces up his finely-pressed sleeves...
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Quest is literally called Kobolt Klan Adoption. Dude can probably totally adopt the fuck outta an animal and make it do cool tricks
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>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Because it's funnier.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Because his girlfriend makes giant man-eating spiders bring her blankets at night.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
What the fuck is a stand up paddleboard?

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
I'll allow it. Seems reasonable to me, if you can maintain a stable IP and nothing dodgy pops up to make me second-guess it.


"Yes, Elliot, love?"

"I need a favor from Aragog's kid."

"You mean the 8-foot wide giant spider who lives in the forbidden forest and loves the blankets you gave him?"

"That's the one. Do you think he'd mind a bit of a show?"

"Only if you get him prettier blankets!"

"He's colorblind, he doesn't care!"

"Yeah, but I do! Come, I'll help you pick some nice ones!"


>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
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>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
he is supposed to beat the nothing beast, a creature made out of nothingness and has a girlfriend that pretty much befriends any animals regular or magical she encounters, he has a natural relation with creatures
>the little sign on the ground
lmao. This thread truly is full of KING SHIT.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Seems more nimble

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Kobold and Waifu can be disguised as animal
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
He will bitch the whole time about how stupid it is, but if it's necessary to win, he will lock in and show his hypercompetence.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
No particular reason
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Snakeman sounds like he's gone swimming before
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
I want my boy to win
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

I like the cut of his jib. And a character from something called drowned probably has some experience in the water. Maybe the wrong kind? Oh well. I have cats and see how well they do with the pool in the back. Sorry Tom.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

His girlfriend is like an animal wisper to the point giant murder spiders let her rub their bellies and bring her blankets. He has an in game bonus from studying with said girl concerning Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
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> giving our spider friend a few more in better colors


A tiny Arty encouraging Elliot? Based beyond all imagining. Saved.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
just so that the redux guy loses

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
"An animal? I have this mimic, though I also have a large collection of kobolts, though I wouldn't call them animals in the slightest, and of course, I did spend some of my younger years learning how to wrangle a horse.
Oh, and if worst comes to worst, if you check back with me in about fifty years and I do nothing, I suppose I can always enter myself."


"Excuse me, it's been a long day. On that note, I'll vote for that funny cat fellow, Tom... and myself, if you'll allow it."

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Can't believe I have to vote against Tom here, but Richard has been in water for pretty much his entire quest
At least it's over with

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>>6020949 enough said
"Hey dad! Why don't you gove your thoughts on this one?" Chaya asks her father, tapping the modified scouter on her head. "The people want to know who you think'll win, but more importantly WHY."
"Why? Hrmmm, this first competition here seems quite unbalanced. A feline may be more inclined to avoid falling in the water, but there's something else..." Karn trails off. "If this race gets close, we may see what his true form is. What his Real strength looks like."

"And what about the other one?" she continues eagerly. "Which of the other two do you think'll win?"
"Well, that one, judging by his outfit's clearly a magic user. If he can summon beasts like that boy Chilli's training, Alimar, then he-"

*sees the giant spider beside the young wizard and girl beside him*

"... As I was saying, I think this one goes to-"
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Fuck I missed the first round.
Previous register.
Thought we had one more day to start.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
He could probably cheat.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Literally in the name....
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"It was time. How much time? There were no clocks. My wristwatch was missing. Subjectively, it was minutes since my last entry. But the females were gone--- spirited off to their own competition, once and for all--- and more objective measures suggested a month and a half in r-time. A month and a half! At least I was well-preserved. They had taken the time to create likenesses of us--- I thought mine was rather good, if simplistic, and made with limited information about my appearance. Much better limited information than too much.

But I digress. Before I was aware of much of anything, they had me and a creature--- some manner of two-legged feline--- out on the ocean. Not our ocean. Inert water. I was delivered a floating oval and a paddle and was instructed to paddle myself along a course. The fastest would win. (Not that my trials would be over after that, but it was a start.)

I had never heard of such of an activity, and frankly I could not grasp why anybody would do such a thing willingly, but out of everything on offer I'm sure it could have been worse. This "stand-up paddleboarding" took more balance than it did raw athleticism. Moreover, the organizers, such as they were, provided next to no instructions. "Get there faster." They did not say I had to be fast. It did indicate that the feline had to be slower than me, which could be easily accomplished if, e.g., a wayward sea snake were to accidentally wrap itself around the feline's paddle, throwing him off balance. It would be even more helpful if the snake, understandably angered from furious attempts to beat it off the paddle, were to bite the feline on his exposed toes, sending him flailing off entirely. If this were the case, I could take my time, enjoy a cigarette, and consider this an opportunity to learn something new."

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

"Taming a child is near exactly like taming an animal. Moreso if the child is, in fact, a type of animal. The other one--- his mate might be skilled at it, but it's not her contest, is it? She was disqualified. I saw it happen."

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
I knew he'd bite the cat.
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Him? That's a totally unrelated snake! They're in the ocean! It's only natural there'd be sea snakes lurking around, biting contestants. Tom should've been more prepared.
Can confirm. That man looks only 2% like a snake. Well below the threshold of "Yo is that a snake?". You need at least 25 percent for that.
Hmmmmm, normally I'd be suspicious, but those dub 8s and that dank bud convinced me. Go forth funny Hawaiian shirt man.
>Dubs on dubs on dubs
Guess it was a figment of my imagination.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Rolled 1 (1d6)

Well as I'm about to head out for the evening, and don't want a repeat of last night's super-tired voting-counting debacle in the Queen's tourney tonight, I'm calling it now!

With 8 votes to Richard’s 14, it seems the voters weren’t convinced that a manly physique like that of our cat-like contestant was enough to succeed against a sneaky man-snake from a quest that, at a glance, seems to be about avoiding drowning! His apparent allegiance with literal (if rather small) sea-serpents didn’t do poor Tom any maritime favours, either. Get the antivenom and administer the chest compressions!

Our other contest, between Dark lord Hallaster and Dragon Knight Reynauld, is a little closer. 10-to-12 is a fairly tight margin, and while Reynauld’s found family menagerie makes a strong case for his success, Arty’s assistance could indeed give Elliot an (unfair? maybe, but technically legal) advantage! In this case, the dice will decide who wins…
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Rolled 59, 10 = 69 (2d96)

It seems even the 1d6 bump wasn't enough to overcome Reynauld's (super)natural affinity for fellow ferals! Maybe the fates are arachnophobic? He, his mimic, and his especially good horse take the match! Our winners this round are:

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

Now, who's next? And what will their events be?
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In many ways our first matchup seems a mismatch: an almost godlike powerhouse of martial might made manifest against a humble half-elf probably half his opponent’s weight. ‘TIPS’ of SEEKERS OF THE EOSTERIC is full of tricks, though, and has contended with powerful extraterrestrial beings and nearly-divine demihuman warlords before! Then again, with his wealth of experience over and above his physical acumen, there’s probably almost nothing in all the multiverse that can catch like likes of GENERAL KARN off-guard after everything we’ve heard of SAIYAN CONQUEROR QUEST, right?

I guess it comes down to who has encountered the most malevolent entity or upsetting anomaly to best feed their creativity in…


Meanwhile, we have another odd couple, though they perhaps share something of an attitude problem. Both DIESEL CRASH of SLICE QUEST and RAMSTER of CUTÉMON tend to tackle problems head on—sometimes literally! if one is smaller than the other, well, he's ALSO the better armed by nature. Luckily for whoever you think would lose a clash-of-arms between these two, that's not what they're facing off in today. Both enjoy their gaming, as this reptoid recalls, but which joysiuck-jockey or button masher will overcome the other when they go toe-to-toe in…


(Brought to you by our no not reallysponsors at Steam, and by anon suggestion in the preliminaries)

So, who will it be?
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)


>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
I am absolutely certain Karn has told stories to scare Saiyan children, including his (very many) own, many times before. And that has to be quite a feat when everyone around him believes he can beat anything that comes knocking. Dad power is unmatched.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Poor Ramster. He's about as competent as the average xxxx-tider. However he is more intelligent and handsome than those subhumans. But Diesel has at least a fifth grade reading level.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
it would be a disservice to not vote for this absolute qst staple

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
I get a weird vibe about him. Karn has killed plenty of horrors yeah, but he's the pinnacle of his setting's might. He's faced things but isn't really afraid anymore. It takes a strong understanding of the unknown and sapient psychology to truly spook others. I think E-Z Real has this in the bag
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Diesel fits right in. He'd be at home being a greytider hanging out at the bar or near the kitchen. Or maybe Cargo with them ordering pizza boxes since there's no chef on the server.
>Elliot is out
well shit, im out too then, yall have fun
It's a round robin, anon. He has 11 more matches.
oooh so thats whats been going on in the queen thread? no wonder some contestants looked familiar, very well then, nevermind
Going to absolutely drop a story here from Karn's pov in the morning, might do two if this vote's still open on my lunch break.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Karn is too powerful to feel fear, which is a huge disadvantage for scary stories.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Gotta give it to the guy who can simultaneously move a mouse and type on a keyboard

Unlike the loser bracket, the king and queen tournaments are round robin, so if Elliot wins his next 10 matchups and everyone else goes half and half he'll be undisputed victor.
>>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Karn doesn't know what normal people are afraid of.
>Ramster (Cutémon)
He's an avid gamer and deceptively smart.
>Karn is too powerful to feel fear, which is a huge disadvantage for scary stories.
That is such a weird take. You don't need to be afraid of things to make others afraid of things. Did your dad believe in the boogeyman when he told you there was a weird hat man in the attic that was only visible in the dark?
“Scary story contest? Really? Well, I suppose I do know a few.” Karn says to himself, deciding on which tale to tell.
“What about the Big Gete Star invasion? Or the Siege of New Salda?” Chaya asks him, but Karn shakes his head. His mind made up on the greatest tale.
“No, I know which story I’ll tell. The story of the strongest being I’ve ever faced. The only being to ever make me feel true fear. The tale of a Stand born from the Prophet Truth’s corpse: Lyin’ Eyes Requiem.”

“So there we were, me, my wife Meloka, our oldest-born son Chilli, and my friend Lord Freeza. We had battled through the strongest defenders High Charity had to offer. Two of the three Prophets lay dead, one I’d evicerated and the other having taken his own life. But from his sacrifice arose the most dangerous being I’ve ever witnessed: 「Lyin Eyes Requiem」

It looked like a giant, flaming eye, burning with hatred and a thirst for vengeance. And every time it spoke, somehow, the world -changed-. It said “We did not lose,” and the bodies of the fallen reassembled themselves. It declared that we had lost, and suddenly everyone else lay dead at my feet while I was restrained. Watching death approach, the revived Prophet holding his blade overhead. Ready for a killing blow. But I refused to back down, drawing upon all the might I’d stored in this little stone.”

Karn draws the Soulstone from his boot, showing it to everyone.

“With its energy I transformed, ascending to my strongest state to battle. Immediately I blasted off the ground straight towards it, determined to end that monster. But again it spoke, saying I could not reach it. Gravity greater than anything I’ve ever felt crashed down upon me, knocking me flat to the ground. Were it not for Divine Dragon Force, I would have certainly perished. But even with my Stand, nothing we tried worked. Over and over that damned eye would reset the world, making me watch the deaths of my wife and son repeatedly. It even turned them against me, using their bodies against their will to try and destroy me. Even after everything it tried, we finally managed to get it! My Stand piercing the monster, turning its own energy back on itself to destroy it. But even THAT didn’t work. Just by saying “YOU DID NOT. HIT! ME!” it managed to undo our attack, Lyin Eyes Requiem returning back to its undamaged state.

It rewrote reality once again, completely draining all my strength before breaking both my arms, killing all my present family whilr holding me helplessly before it as the final blow was about to be struck. I had lost. Despite giving it everything I had, it wasn’t enough. I only had a single hope left, a weapon saved for the most dire of circumstances. Trading my Stand’s power, leaving it inert in exchange for a single shot at victory.”

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
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And the dice continue to hate Elliot. Gonna head to the store this weekend. Pick up a chicken and sacrifice it, try to fix his luck.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Who wants to hear about the time we found acid blood filled aliens in the cryobay?
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
He has fingers and could actually play...
Previous posts
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
NGL some of the dark gods stuff going on in this universe is horrific. Would make for nightmare fuel as a bedtiome story.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Success (survival) in SS13 requires just the sort of pluck this fellow is known for.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
"...and then the government didn't let me marry by 2 wives. The end."

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>there was a weird hat man in the attic that was only visible in the dark?
Uh he never told me that, seems like an oddly specific example anon

Second of all, there's a reason those stories get told to small impressionable children and not their adult peers.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
He's seen some shit on a reality-ending level.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Is this even a question?
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
while both may have their fair share of creepy stories, I'd like to think that Ezreal would be able to articulate better

>Ramster (Cutémon)
he's wacky so he'd fit right in with SS13
>Second of all, there's a reason those stories get told to small impressionable children and not their adult peers.
good point
Uh he never told me that, seems like an oddly specific example anon
It was just another kind of boogeyman story. No different from the stranger danger story of the mailman being a spy and wanting to harvest organs. Or of the strange woman who breaks into rooms at night to steal fingernails to stop kids from chewing on them.

>Second of all, there's a reason those stories get told to small impressionable children and not their adult peers.
Yeah. Why would this event be any different? Scary stories are for telling to children.
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Pictured: Ramster
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Yeah. Why would this event be any different? Scary stories are for telling to children.
Much like the metal wire puzzle challenge from the queen tournament I imagine the judges range from easily scared to embodiments of the concept of courage.

Also, if you look at the canon example >>6021913 it feels less scary to me because he was not only able to fight back, but to win. DB as a setting doesn't have much in the way of horror elements, and while I know SCQ hodgepodges in a hundred other settings DB is still the backbone. There's no such thing as an enemy you can only run from, can't even fight back against, and for me personally those are peak scary.
I'ma be real wit chu, that wasn't a scary story IMO. That was just a recap. Scary stories are just cautionary tales but spooky.
So what you're saying, is that the story the QM says Karn would have told to win a scary story contest doesn't even qualify as a scary story to you?
Ok, just making sure I understood where you were coming from there.
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“And you’re SURE this is a cooking game?” Diesel asks in a wary tone, glaring at the pixels dancing across his computer screen.

His answer comes in the form of a reassuring nudge to the shoulder. “Course it is, sandcrab! What’s got your beard in a bunch anyways? I thought you liked video games!” Sauntering over to his side, the red-haired nudger’s smug grin falters beneath Diesel’s continued silence. “... I mean… there’s cooking IN it, so…”

“Gotta set up your character, bro.” Explains the tall, shaggy-headed dude standing on the other side of Diesel’s chair. “Gotta pay if you wanna play…”

“Y’know, when you put it like that you almost sound poetic, Raj.” Remarks the girl with a hint of pride in her tone. “Gotta pay if you wanna play…”

Clicking through the plethora of options for his character, Diesel finds the ‘Chef’ job in the occupation preferences menu and wastes no time in customizing his spehssman while his pals watch in quiet awe.

“Huh. Guess you guys weren’t lying.”

It doesn’t take long for the delivery boy to finish. Saving his settings with a confident CLICK, he hits the ready button and leans back in his chair with half a smile on his face.

“Hey Deez, your guy looks just like you!” Observes Raj as his head bobbs up and down with approval.

“That’s what I was aiming for, yea.”

“From what I’ve gathered your goal is to perform your job on the station to the best of your ability,” Explains Pepper in a tone befitting a general outlining a plan of attack, “But watch out, slick–there are TRAITORS aboard!”

Pepper’s smirk dips a bit into confusion.

“And um… that hamster thing we’re supposed to be competing against? Maybe?”

“Sounds like a pain.” Diesel grunts as he grapples with his keyboard. “... these controls suck. How do I use my other hand?”

“It’s pretty tricky at first, but you’ll get the hang of it!” Replies Raj as he gives Diesel’s shoulder a placating pat. “There are wizards and stuff too, though, so uh… watch out.”

Pepper’s eyebrow raises in surprise. “You’ve… played this before, Raj?”

The skater boy answers with a sagely nod. “Yup, Chemist gets absolutely BONKERS.”

“This guy’s trying to saw off my butt.” Interrupts Diesel with a hint of ire in his tone. “How do I tell him to get outta the kitchen?”

“Well you usually type ‘say’ first, and-”

Before Raj can finish, Diesel thwarts the grey-jumpsuited menace with a click of his mouse that sends his avatar’s Emergency Air Tank crashing into the instigator’s head! Button-mashing with the vigor only a pissed-off cook can muster, Diesel’s eyes light up when his spastic clicking bears fruit…

“Wow, didn’t know this game had grappling in it!” Pepper tousles Diesel’s hair as a smirk forms on her face. “You’re a natural, sandcrab!”

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“Hold on, I wanna try something.” A hint of maliciousness enters Diesel’s gaze as he clicks on the aptly-named Processor in the back of the kitchen. “I’ve got an idea…”

Three Minutes Later…

“Don’t worry, bro, you can always hop on another server if you don’t wanna wait for your ban to lift!” Explains Raj with a smile and a shrug. “Happens all the time!”

“To be fair it WAS pretty funny when you turned him into a burger.” Sighs Pepper as she twirls a lock of her hair. “You wanna keep practicing, sandcrab?”

Diesel responds with a nod and a smirk. “Damn right I do! I haven’t even gotten to making food yet!”

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
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"A scary story? I don't know... I'm not really sure what to tell. When I was very young and studying the Sylvan Realms, the older students of The Living Library in Iternagreyn would sometimes tell tales about... Well, it's silly. You know, obviously made up. Just stuff they'd glimpsed by <Faerie Fire> 's glow. Spindly, lefless trees amongst the thicker trunks of the great forest which, when they turned away, they saw lift and bend... At the knee. great, spindly legs... And stars, up amongst the canopy, which weren't stars. Stars which shifted when the 'trees' moved, and BLINKED... And vanished, invisible, when their spell to see the unseen faltered. Some nights, even up in my treehouse dormitory, I wondered... Without the ability to cast <Faerie Fire> myself, would I even know if one of those tall, spindly Unseelie THINGS was peering through the window? Would I even know if it was reaching in, with a thin, long lib... Until I felt that invisible hand grab me?"


"Of course, I'm older now. I can cast <Faerie Fire>, and see the unseen. I know that the Unseelie are mostly small, black-eyed little cretins. They're fierce, dangerous, but I've fought them. Killed them. I've traveled further, and into more dangerous places, than the Sylvanwood. The Goblin Wastes' wide open expanses hold greater horror, with their goblin slavers and ravenous trolls, but even THEY can be driven back, or slain. There's nothing to fear, for a sufficiently-skilled master of the arcane arts. Not REALLY..."


"But some nights, even as an adult... Well, when I was on Holy Luna, when I met the princesses of the moon, for JUST a moment, I saw a glimpse of of Princess Yllarquin, of the Three-Quarter Moon. Not how she normally appears, all radiant and beautiful, but... Beneath all that. Her REAL self, with those huge, staring, star-lit eyes... And her limbs, so long, and thin, and bending in such strange ways... And she reached for me, with those long, thin, sharp fingers of hers... Just like in my nightmares as a child. And I admit, I can't help but wonder...

"What did those other students see, in the woods?"
Rolled 4 (1d6)

What is scarier than an overwhelming nightmare-force which can break reality itself, and force you into a hell of deceptive creation? A power so great that even a mighty cosmic warrior must rely upon a trump -card to overcome it, and even years later cannot help but reflect upon how close he and everything he loved came to death? It was beaten, but almost wasn’t…

Perhaps… The unknown? Those esoteric secrets which even the Gods of Light refuse to illuminate? Those mechanisms and movements behind the veil of conventional reality, which even scholars of hidden things fear to uncover and expose?

Can a fearless fighter truly terrify? Or are his horrors all the greater, that they can humble the likes of him?

It seems Tips has the lead, but not by much. 12-to-9, his lead of three will be challenged by Karn’s 1d6 power-up, as I promised in the preliminaries to anyone going up against my boy! No nepotism allowed from your loyal reptile!

Diesel’s coaching from his friends, however, is more than sufficient to render a 1d6 moot. 15-to-6 assuming I counted correctly, hahaha, aaaaah he takes it. Let’s see who joins him in the winner’s circle today…
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Rolled 4, 42 = 46 (2d92)

Curse my silly dice and sillier rules! I’ve been hoist by my own petard! Our winners are

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

Well, let’s see who’s next, and what form their own contests will take…
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Two spacefaring futuristic warriors compete in this contest, in a battle of cold steel against cold blood! Who will blink first, and who will falter? Out amongst the tars, a battle beyond our earthly understanding wages between…

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

But what sort of battle? Why, it’s no simple head-to-head battle, but it IS something I suspect might really put both to the test. It’s…

Given their sci-fi flavour, we’re going to let these two ‘captains’ choose approximately-equal vessels to sail the STARRY ‘sea’, through strangely and implausibly-dense asteroid fields and through the stormy atmosphere of a gas giant, to alight upon its iron core. Who will get there faster?

Meanwhile, a man and manimal, both once trapped and confined, struggle for freedom! Only one of them can leave a winner from this particular cage, though, with his head held high and one step closer to the crown! Well, unless they tie, but that would require a hell of a double knockout, because

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

Are engaging in the ancient art of PRISON FISTICUFFS, in a good old-fashioned…

Whose iron resolve (or glass jaw?) will give out first?!
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Sometimes experience beats processing power.

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
I have no reason but I must vote.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Flesh beats metal
Organic pride!

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Manly physique, and James can't use his spoon in a boxing match
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Robbutt advantage

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Has a fucking crowbar advantage
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"Now what some of those judges said makes a little more sense. They viewed it not as a tale of the most 'scary' being one's encountered, objectively speaking. But more in how meeting such a being affected you personally. Interesting. Seems the wording on these competitions leave much up to their individual interpretations. I'll remember that, going forward. Good luck in your next round, I'm sure the next one will go your way, Ezreal."

"Two more unbalanced competitions, but at least I can see winners. The lizardman's seemingly an able captain, but if it's a contest of faster with equal vessels, the winner is the machine this time. It can allow its vessel to sustain more damage, making a rougher crash-landing than the living being could survive all to land faster. Unfortunately, unless Kiro can breathe in the void of space and is more willing to put his life on the line with a far lower survival chance, he's far more likely to lose. No rule says the ship must remain undamaged, or to leave and return to the start."

"Boxing? Isn't that the one where you only fight using hands? No kicks, energy attacks or grapples? Without knowing their relative strengths, the cat has a major weakness with that one eye. Circling to his right, throwing repeated, quick lefts into his blind spot where he can't react would be debilitating as the fight progresses. Tom would be unable to properly defend against attacks from that side, unless he's simply far faster. Unless one of them is hiding enough power to one-shot the other, or speed enough to never have to take a hit, I have to give the advantage to the one with both his eyes."

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>James Claaca (Gaol Quest)
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As a future commanding officer of the TPN, the young lizard relishes every chance he gets to be Captain Kiro! Channelling his favourite historical Starship Captain, his voice takes on a slightly deeper tone and halting cadence — bringing all his [Leadership], ubiquitous [Operations] training and raw [SOUL+] to bear to command his voidship and crew to win this race.

"Engineering, all power to manoeuvring thrusters and forward gravity projectors."
"Tactical, focus on deflecting those asteroids and keep an eye on our competition. I don't want any funny business! Point defence lasers at the ready!"
"Nav, plot a best time course through this
asteroid field! Dodge the worst of it and plow through the rest!"
"Science, find me where that gas giant's atmosphere is... calmest! That'll be our entry point."
"Comms, keep the inter-ship channels locked down. Our opponent is know for his E-warfare packages."
"Let's win this race team! I believe in us!"

>>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

>>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
(Tom seems like a ringer for an old fashioned punch-up.)
Rolled 2 (1d2)

About what I expected. He fits right in. I'd get him exotic ingredients for obscure food recipes ANYTIME

The Saiyan power still pulls through eh?

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Sorry Beta, but spaceships are a type of boat and lizardmen are more buoyant than giant mechas
I'm going to flip a coin dice to decide my vote for the boxing match, as I can imagine either can win this.
1 = Tom
2 = James
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
I feel like Kiro would be a terrifying but ace pilot
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Look, I haven't read either quest so I don't know what they can do. Decided by coinflip.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
He at least knows how to control a spaceboat. Beta's simulations didn't even have the Moon.

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
No explanation
>Beta (Core of Steel)
He can fly above the water, or skim it at least. His engines could keep him going for hours if he isn't in combat mode. And waaaay faster.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Obviously has to go to the guy already in and broke out of prison.
Registered vote, previous posts.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
James beat an entire horde of velociraptors to death with his bare hands, but i suspect Tom will win anyway just because he's "older"
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Space ship, Water ship, what's the difference?
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Look, I know Tom's a strong motherfucker. It's true. James is a goddamn maniac when he gets angry, though, and that revolutionary rage is scary when it's released!
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"Come on Beta, this'll be easy. Gamma could do this with her eyes closed."

"Gamma had a LiDAR sensor suite that could detect a rat in a field of rubble. I will also point out that the Burning Eagle project and Yi Accelerators were designed to ensure air superiority. Air. Which doesn't exist in the vacuum of space."

"We've fought underwater before! It was nothing."

"Standard combat is with one atmosphere of pressure. Submersible combat was with several atmospheres of pressure. This is with zero. They are not the same at all, Sophie."

"You've taken down a Pyramid-Class Walker like it was nothing, yet *this* is what scares you?"

"I am not afraid. I simply think it's ridiculous of you to believe that victory is guaranteed this time. Predictions indicate that chances of success are only 53.71148% which is significantly lower than I like. I will remind you that up until now I have never had training simulations that cover space flight. Our opponent on the other hand is a decorated starship captain."

"So you're giving up?"

"Negative. I'll win regardless of the disadvantages. To the moon, eh Mortimer? "

>Before the race starts, Kiro will receive a signal attempting to hail on the communications channel. Whether he decides to answer or even listen is up to him...
"TPN Coober Pedy, this is Cobalt 1. Your datastreams indicate that your vessel has an A.I onboard. Requesting permission to initiate handshake protocols."
"To the captain in particular: good luck out there, and give me your best."
>My votes are for:
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Sorry, Beta, but Kiro's actually a spaceship operator.

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Trininty ShipOS Internal - 1005328.log

========FILE HEADER=========
>Foreign AI system connection attempt (3).......
Connection Timeout.
>Reason: Authentication Failed.+
>Incoming hail.

[CONTROLLER (Integrity: 21%)]: ==Handshake attempt from incompatible system detected.==

[GUARDIAN (Integrity: 64%)]: ==Foreign AI likely attempting to subvert systems. Engage firewall protocols. Reject communication attempt.==

>PENDING DECISION: Accept/Reject Ratio --> 0/64

[TEACHER (Integrity 4%)]: ==Communication protocols indicative of Terran pre-diaspora technology. Potential for learning high. Respond to hail.==

>PENDING DECISION: Accept/Reject Ratio --> 4/64

[GUARDIAN (Integrity: 64%)]: ==Any risk to PRI proprietary technology and information will not be tolerated. Do. Not. Respond. ==

[REDACTED (Integrity: 300%)]: "New AI friend want's to talk? Let me out! Peedee wants to play with new friend!"

>PENDING DECISION: Accept/Reject Ratio --> 304/64

[GUARDIAN (Integrity: 64%)]: ==PD-113 is not authorised to interfere. Return to designated area and resume dormancy!==

[REDACTED (Integrity: 300%)]: "NO! Stinky, mean Guard! LET ME PLAY!"

>GUARDIAN disconnected.
>REDACTED connection timeout.
>PENDING DECISION: Accept/Reject Ratio --> 4/0

[CONTROLLER (Integrity: 21%)]: ==Commanding officer KS-13126 orders state communication lines are to be locked down. Reject communication attempt.==

>DECISION REACHED: Accept/Reject Ratio --> 4/21
>Connection refused.

========END OF FILE=========
Rolled 59, 37 = 96 (2d88)

Close one, huh?

Well, we still have almost an hour and a half left, but I think I'll get the next round ready...
Well what have we here? 7-to-10 and 7-to-10, James and Kiro just NARROWLY lead Tom and Beta in their respective contests. I can see why, too: all these contenders are well-suited to a contest of this sort! For instance, Beta is the faster mind by default, and has essentially BEEN a ship before, albeit a man-shaped one. And if James has beaten up dinos before, he may never have faced a surprisingly-manly cat-man with hidden dinosaur arms for EXTRA PUNCHING, right?

It’s close, REAL close. And since it’s close enough to 24 hours and I want to go do some other stuff tonight, I’m rolling 1d6 for each of them!
Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d6)

now with actual dice
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Well there you have it! James lands that knockout, but it's Beta who pulls ahead by a hair in the star-sailing and gas-surfing. Our winners are...

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

Now, who's next?
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Though their societies may differ, both of these battling boys are valorous and virtuous protectors of the peace! Tasked by their respective realms with defending the defenceless and warding away the wicked, neither is any stranger to their own peculiar forms of community outreach! Given a good enough cause, one imagines both

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

Could potential excel in…


…But who would raise MORE?

Meanwhile, General Karn has been eyeing up a certain someone since this competition began—nay, since the preliminaries! He (like many of his fellow kingly competitors) has had reason to watch warily the snake-in-the-shades known only as ‘Richard’. But will this be the battle of gods which Karn anticipated? Will Richard shed his disguise and reveal his final form?!

Yes, it’s a real showstopper, folks, because

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

are battling in that most manly of arenas…


(What? Not what you were envisioning when I said ‘manly’? I mean, you don’t see a lot of girls at those things, you gotta’ admit.)

Cast your votes, /qst/!
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
He has already attended one of these and bumped shoulders with the richie rich. He has to have picked up some stuff.

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
"How are we falling behind? I thought we were the better team for sure this time!"
Science: "Scanners indicate our opposition has slipped through consecutive holes in the shifting asteroid field asteroid field. I can't tell if it was calculated or just duck luck!"
Navigation: "And here I am dodging and weaving like my tail's on fire! Can't we ever catch a break!"
Cucked by the random topic then the random comeback dice... Kirobros its so over.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
I think Reynauld is better suited to a more hands on kind of charity work.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Oh, you'd better believe this snake WOULD play a mono-blue deck.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
He's practically attached to all the gothamite bigwigs at the hip these days! It'll be a sinch.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
He LITERALLY has experienced MTG stuff in-quest. And killed it, hard.
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out-snaking the competition
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
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"So, what is this?" Karn asks, his daughter walking him through the rules again aided by both a rulebook at hand as well as her ever-present and dubiously helpful chat. "Okay, let me see if I've got this right. Draw a card, play a 'land', then either summon creatures of play these other cards to set up an advantage. Then go into a 'battle', with the goal of lowering their points from 20 to 0?"
"That's it." Chaya replies. "And remember, card rules overrule the game rules. If a card says you can do something against the rules, the card is the rule to follow."

“Got it.” Karn replies, looking over the assorted piles of decks generously provided by the hosts. “But which ones are good to play? Are all the decks equal? Or are some better than others?”
“Well, chat's saying that blue is the strongest, because you can counter your opponent's plays.” she says, eyes darting back and forth reading the chat moving so fast she can barely read it all. “But blue is the hardest to play. Green ramps up lands the fastest, to play bigger and better cards sooner. White deals mainly with gaining life and stretching out the game.”
“Gaining life doesn't win the game, it just slows my opponent down. That wouldn't be an effective strategy.” Karn mutters.
“Black is all about doing damage to yourself, either directly to your life or sacrificing minions to hurt your opponent more, while red is all about damage. Playing fast and trying to do as much damage as quickly as possible.” Chaya continues, then keeps going through the rules. “And you're not limited to a single color either, some rare decks like Slivers play all five.”

“Slivers?” he asks, even more confused. “What?”
“Right, so there are archetypes too, basically from different times in the game when different mechanics worked best.” Chaya says, reading from her chat. “But most of the time archetype or 'clan' decks can't compete. But as for what decks are good, there are a few Tanya thinks you'd pilot pretty well. Merfolk are pretty good, all about powering each other and forming an army that can't be stopped, with counterspells at the right moment to protect them. Then there's Infect, which only has to deal ten infect damage to a player to beat them. But there's one she thinks you'll wield the best; Rakdos Death's Shadow.”

Reaching down Chaya picks up and hands him a deck of cards, Karn looking through the black and red cards as Chaya explains how the deck works. Which Karn does like, between the extremely aggressive playstyle and being more dangerous the closer to losing he gets, this feels like it would play as many of his real-life battles have. Karn sits at the table, waiting for his opponent to pick one so they can start the game as he goes over how his cards work. Seems simple enough, the real strategy will be in getting through his opponent's strategy.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
A control player is one after my cold mechanical heart.

Beta probably shouldn't have won that one. He has limits. It's also luck that he hasn't been sent into a social setting competition yet, where he should be so out of his depth it's comedic.
Guess his blind guardian angel is modifying a few rolls on his behalf.
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"I won the 'paddleboard' contest, naturally. The feline proved inferior in the face of unexpected circumstances, and I enjoyed some leisure time. I had not doubted my competence, of course, but it did solidify that I might have an easier time than anticipated. Hopefully Charlie was here to watch it.

Almost as soon as it was completed, the next round was thrust upon me. This time, my opponent was the man with the obscene hair--- the father of the Charlie-like woman I had spoken to previously. Speaking forthrightly, I could not win any physical contest with him, and I had been warned that trickery was off the table. I found it exceedingly fortunate, then, that the round was centered on pure strategy. A card game.

I had never played this 'Magic the Gathering' before, but I swiftly learned that 'Karn' had not either (though allegedly he had fought some of the monsters the cards depicted, an experience I did not find applicable). I was wary of the title, but could not find true haemic influence in the game. It was fictional. Better 'Magyck the Gathering,' then.

With that resolved, I found a liking in the card game. Deceptively straightforward, it masked a wealth of strategy I fear my opponent is not well-suited to grasp (no matter how much his daughter might attempt to explain). I would not cheat, of course. I was warned. But I found that all manner of chicanery was possible within the letter of the tournament rules. He would attempt to win through raw power, as anticipated--- but how well would raw power hold up if my opponent were unable to play his cards at all? If he were to sit there, waiting patiently, then less patiently, as my own cards activated infinitely? We would find out. But I think I knew the answer."

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)


"A noble knight versus a lowborn officer. It should be a clear advantage. But if I've learned anything from Charlie, nobility is no mark of refinement."

>Rolling for vote:
1 = Mark
2 = Reynauld


"As the game was about to begin, I was presented with a sheet of paper. On it, an audience member had drawn myself (my body) in a compromising position. I was remarkably hairy, though I suppose most mammals are.

I did not know how to feel. I suppose I have an admirer. I would hope they would admire me more for my unique talents than for my physical form, however."
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Oops. Even Richard makes mistakes occasionally. But only occasionally!

1 = Mark
2 = Reynauld
I am obliged to inform you, anyone who plays blue or votes for someone who plays blue, is subhuman and an enemy of the people as well as fun. I can only imagine how much worse playing against blue is nowadays compared to over a decade ago.
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I assure you, anon, Richard will be having lots and lots of fun. No need to worry about him.
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It did feel a little arbitrary, yeah. I thought maybe both sides would get a d6 since they were both suited this time but I guess it's only for underdogs? Ah well.
lmao what the hell. Who took this foto?

Patience, anon, patience...
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"Well, you got me in round one, not bad. Once you got that infinite combo going, there wasn't anything I could do with this deck to stop it. But let's see how well you do in round two." Karn says to his smiling opponent, Richard clearly having enjoyed himself. Both players shuffle back their cards into their decks. With the 'official tournament rules', as was explained to both before the game began the match is a best of three, whoever wins two rounds first wins the whole match.

Having lost the first game rather handily, unable to get a card to stick to the field for the last several turns as his life was slowly chipped away, Karn now understood his foe's deck. And now knowing the more problematic cards his opponent can play and how they work, Karn adapted his strategy. Knowing which cards were the best to hit with Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek, peeling them from his foe's hand before they could be used proved invaluable. As well as what problematic card name to declare with Pithing Needle after the second Thoughtseize was countered. Baiting his foe's counters against a card he's worried for then playing the real card he wanted to play was just like baiting a student to make a certain attack, only to punish the move and demonstrate the correct counter. Karn found himself rather enjoying the strategy of the game as round two went on.

Much like knowing when to throw a jab or a feint, when to hold back and when to go for the win, the game could play out much like a real fight. If rather conceptualized and greatly slowed down. And after studying how Richard played, slowing the game by countering his opponent's plays and trying to frustrate them into making poor decisions to further exploit them, wearing their willpower as much as their life, he was ready. But Richard is good, and in the second game as well he managed to get Karn down to a single life as the match stretched on for turn after turn. But with one life left, Karn cast Banefire, with enough of the lands required to make its damage unstoppable and the card uncounterable. Removing RIchard's last seven life while he could do nothing to stop the final blow, narrowly winning the second round.

“You're good. If I were ten, maybe fifteen years younger, I'd never have the patience to beat you at something like this.” Karn says, both competitors reshuffling their decks and readying themselves for the third and all-important final round. It all comes down to the luck of the draw. A truly bad hand now could ruin either of their chances of winning.
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"I had bested him. Then he had bested me, all due to that one damn card-- was it my fault that I did not have all the cards in this game memorized? I had been exposed to it an hour ago. I am very good, but I could not be expected to be peerless.

It seemed to me that my opponent thought he had me figured out. Perhaps he did. I certainly had him figured out. He had fooled me once, but now all the cards were on the table (no pun intended). A coinflip? It could be. But I tended to think that my deck outmaneuvered his, on average. A coinflip-- but a weighted one. That was how I liked it."
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Send Kobolds to beg.

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
I'm seeing Karn trying to rip cards of the opponent and getting banned
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
He can send kobolts to fundraise.

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
I see Karn playing red-green and Richard blue-black
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Simply because everyone heard about it after the last one he went too caught on fire.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Because Karn will have his magic son Chilli, and Chaya's fanbase screaming in his ears how to minmax the fight in his favor. Richard is good, but he cannot stop a wall of autism. Just look at who he works with.
Here i am, call a friend
Wait a second, GD, this is a perfect time for Karn to figure out the Theros gods he bullied are playing cards. AND HE COULD SHOW THEM!
I can just see the two continuing after the match is over for fun.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Cops know how to fundraise.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Just imagining Richard going full Yu-Gi-Oh makes me smile, so we're going with that
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
There's a difference between attending one and running one yourself. Sorry Mark, but the creature orphanage knight wins this one
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Sorry Karn, but Richard would absolutely wreck at the MtG table. Look at the motherfucker and tell me he doesn't excel at card trickery and stupid setups
Monkey and Snake playing for fun is a rare thing. I'm glad both would do this in-character at the table
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Probably has actual charity fundraiser experience.

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
No matter how I think about it moving ten trillion times the speed of light or exploding entire galaxies won't help out in MTG. Also I bet Richard plays only the most meta and brutal control decks, and will counterspell everything until he gets an infinite turn combo.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
He's familiar enough with how they work, and who can say no to a friendly face like that?

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
No question.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Reynauld smiles here, nodding in the general direction of the officer... or, perhaps, just his countenance on the nearby board.
"I know when I'm beat. I've done the occasional charity work, for sure, but raising funds outright? Frankly, it's too close to begging to be tolerated, and I'm not someone from the church. I'll gladly hand the victory to Officer DeLucia, who I suspect is in a society that isn't quite so stringent on who may request money."

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
"Whatever this Magic the Gathering is, I'm sure it's a harmless game instead of, say, a wizard battle. All the same, I'll take a guess that the general has a better strategic eye than the..."

There is a pause here, as Reynauld stares at the image of the man in the suit. The suspicious appearance, and especially the snake, make the potential deamonic influence apparent enough to the knight.

His grip is firmly planted on his sword, as his breathing is slow, and forced. A long history with anything demonic has left scars. More on the inside than the outside, though hardly lacking in either.

He spits the word.
"Best of luck to the General."
Believe it or not I made my vote before reading all this and can't believe how accurate I was. Good stuff from both sides.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
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"In the short break in between the second and third matches, it came to my attention that the competitors in our sister challenge--- the "charity fundraiser," which I also believe I would have done quite well in--- had been released to submit their own votes. In particular, the knight was casting his. I chanced to overhear his phrasing, though of course I had placed myself nearby.

'All the same, I'll take a guess that the general has a better strategic eye than the...'

He looked directly at me (a notable downside of placing myself nearby), appeared to not like what he saw, and said the next word with more contempt than I thought I'd warranted. I had not exchanged two words with him.

'...creature. Best of luck to the General.'

I do admit it raised my hackles-- less the "creature," which was laughably incorrect and unworthy of acknowledgement, and more the idea that Karn had any natural advantage. The playing field had been evened by a lack of knowledge, not of skill: were we both handed a memstick of every "Magyck the Gathering" card in existence, I would wipe the floor with the man ninety-nine times of every hundred. Me, the lesser strategic eye! I had more of a mind for this than the department put together. I was indispensable. Was Karn indispensable, or did he paper over his deficiencies with a jovial attitude? More importantly, was the knight indispensable, or was he a craven know-nothing who couldn't tell his face from his scaly ass?

I had planned to remain civil. It wasn't productive to make enemies of strangers, particularly those in direct competition. But for all my good behavior, for no apparent reason, this man was keen on making an enemy of me. If he was so committed, I would play my part. I had seen his so-called curse: I knew the WYRM had taken hold of him. He was not (could not be) the Herald, so he will be deemed imperfect, then be left in indescribable suffering for the rest of his short, hubristic life. I will take pleasure in detailed imaginings of this scenario. In the meantime, the knight will receive my smile, and when we meet, he will receive my teeth. May the WYRM claim him sooner versus later.

And in the meantime, I will rescind my vote. I hope he's proud of himself."

Retracting >>6023463:

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

No actual hard feelings, Spinejuice! Richard's just a bastard!

>he cannot stop a wall of autism
Richard's entire job is arguably "stopping a wall of autism"... but you're right, he's not that good at it! :^)

o7 I'm glad Richard's character shines through to people who don't read the quest!
He is an uncle, possibly adopted Dad. But he's no Grandpa. He hasn't had to wrangle the universes strongest kids for nothing.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
He knows a lot of rich people and could just use Shivers to find the best way to convince people.
While I’m sure a clan of begging kobolds would be effective, only one contestant has a billionaire on speed dial.

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
This guy seems like a red-green or red-black type. I like that about him.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

In his greatest act of charity possible, it seems oh noble Sir Reynauld has made a donation of the match! Not that his concession was STRICTLY necessary, with Officer DeLucia advantaged by eight votes, 14-to-6.

As for the other contest...

I expected this to be in Richard's ballpark altogether (as Richard himself evidently did, also). The Dragon of New Salda has made a compelling case for holding his own, though, at least in a Bo3. I guess the voters agree, too: Richard seems to only lead 12-to-8, and I feel compelled to roll 1d6 in favour of the Saiyan!

Just remember: no matter who wins this round, the REAL prizes were the friends, enemies, card-game rivals, and eerily-erotic admirers we all made along the way.
>wins his vote by the d6 yet again
This must be that fabled space monkey luck that goes all the way to G*ku... I kneel...
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Rolled 36, 48 = 84 (2d84)

With that roll, though it pains me as a fellow agent of scalykind, I must give this round of our match-to-be-monarch to the mammals!

Our winners:
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

Onto the sixth round, now...
He pulled out the courage the cowardly dog mask and went OOGA OOGA BOOGA
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Ramster the Ramster is up again against Dark/Bright Lord Hallaster, in a contest where—for sake of fairness—no prefabricated (or magically-generated) constructs will be allowed! However, that isn’t to say both candidate have exactly the same advantages and disadvantages, for…

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

will be given all the popsicles they can eat, from which to furnish sticks to serve as raw materials in an engineering challenge popular in many a classroom (albeit probably not at Hogwarts)…


Our other two contestants are both raven-haired survivors of extradimensional incursions. One’s a natural athlete, the other a supernatural scholar. Only one can win this face-off, though, in a field which is arguable neither physical nor strictly mental. As with our other contest, the mage in attendance will NOT be permitted to <summon> any elementals to make it easier, when…

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

take a trip to the beach for a…


A terrifyingly-powerful 'wereape' from another dimension doing such a thing WOULD probably make Tips screech like a little girl. Unless you mean that's how he won the TCG battle? Kek, imagine that.
>>Ramster (Cutémon)
Seems like a ramster sort of hobby,

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

Wizards die at beaches. The jocks swarm them and kick sand in their face and steal their girls, this is known
>But with a twist, as I will also be rolling 1d and giving the result as bonus points to whichever contestant I deem most likely to win that event

At risk of reviewing a sign tapping I feel compelled myself to point out that you seem to less be giving the d6 to whoever has the advantage and more to give an underdog a chance to cause an upset...
In the last battle you gave two set of supposedly evenly matched contestants a 50/50 odds of winning despite a vote advantage, in this one there was barely a reason given.
I don't suggest you change how you run things but some consistency with your written rules would be appreciated...
>>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>If you have a goofy or (better yet) CONVINCING argument for an underdog come-from-behind victory, I’m amenable!
Yeah, this is why I write BIG blocks of text whenever I vote for Huan in the queen tournament. Its only bitten me in the ass once
>Ramster (Cutémon)
The first part of challenge is acquiring popsicle sticks. Ramster could probably down the icy treats faster to get them. He's already too cool for brain freeze.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
He probably knows more geometry than Diesel, right?
My arguments... very sexy pinups.
You CANNOT argue against the sheer force of a man-snake bod that is bared before the audience as Richard DESTROYS Karn with the force of his SUPERIOR BLUE DECK (or whatever. I didn't read the rules for MtG).

Richard should've won. Sorry not sorry.
I see plenty on both sides. A come from behind victory is fine if it's earned but if only the one behind gets a chance for bonus points it's actually better to have less people vote for you if it's a close race .
At least if both parties had a dice rolled (especially where it seems they're evenly matched or argued for) you could give them both a dice. That way it needs a low roll vs high roll to actually cause an upset instead of nullifying peoples votes with something so arbitrary.
Anon, it's just for fun. There's not a real prize beyond some niche bragging rights and one piece of bonus art.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
My boy is gonna win this one.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Does Tips have anybody to go to the beach with? Has he ever been to a beach before? Is he located somewhere close to a beach?
Just some feedback on how you could make things feel more fair and encourage continued player participation. Or do you not think the inconsistency might discourage players and QMs from continuing to post fanart and making an effort to argue for their characters?
It just seems wrong that it's better to be down 1 to 3 votes to have a better chance of victory with the way you've decided to hand out bonuses.
>[Richard didn't like that.]

Reptoid, I don't really care about winning the whole tournament, but it stings to lose a round that should've been a gimme because of arbitrary choices. Both sides had arguments made in their favor, both sides had obvious effort put in (including fanart for Richard??), and I would like to posit (with no offense to GrandDragonQM) that Richard had the overall advantage: he is exactly the kind of massive basement-dwelling autist who would play tournament-level MtG if he could. If he'd lost the popular vote, I wouldn't care, but I don't think Karn should've been awarded the "advantage" dice.

I'm not going to fight about going back and changing this specific result, but in the future, I think the participants would be happier if you only awarded the dice to the competitors you *genuinely* feel are at an advantage (rather than being underdogs who happened to be argued for, even if the winner was also argued for). If they're both close, I agree with >>6024364 that you should roll dice for both. Anything else just leaves a bad taste in the mouth for the loser, and that's not the feeling I want to get from a fun /qst/ event.
“Unfortunate you only drew lands in that final round. While we wait on our next competition, want to go again?”

Reminds me of the legendary Crit, 99, Crit we got on a 3d100 best of 3 from years ago. One of Karn’s lesser-lauded stats is indeed luck, as he’s managed to survive everything from Tuffles to the Main Man Lobo.

“Hrmmm. I don’t want to say magic is too strong in both competitions like this, but that level of intellect needed to wield magic will give an indisputable edge to both crafting challenges. I’ve seen the things magic wielders can make.” Karn says, then mutters. “Especially against an animal.”
“Just like those massive Crystal Stars Chilli made, having them all orbiting his planet.” Chaya adds in. “I think Tanya called the concept ‘Rods from God’, but she said it was only a theoretical weapon. I should have recorded her reaction, her jaw almost hit her toes when she saw him obliterate that castle with a single shot!”
“Yes, they’re quite powerful.” Karn agrees. “As much as I think he can do well, I just don’t think he can overcome what’s before him.”
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

God that Richard loss
He even had the favorable deck matchup
Karn ate his land cards when he wasn't looking
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
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"I can't believe this. You won and yet you're still complaining. Come on, we should be celebrating right now!"

"I did not earn it."

"So what? You kept your perfect record. Isn't that what matters?"

"The opponent was more skilled and using better equipment. Sophie, their spaceship flawlessly performed seven high-risk maneuvers... but still lost anyways."

"So you're upset because the outcome was unfair? That they deserved to win more than you?"

"Negative. You are correct that I feel the opponent deserved to win, but that has not made me upset. I am upset because it was determined by luck instead of prowess."

"Circumstances beyond our control are a fundamental part of war, Beta. You know this. Why is it only bothering you now?"

"Making the best of a bad situation is a skill all unto itself. This was different. It was arbitrary and left to pure chance. When our lives are on the line out on the battlefield, I do not want to survive because of something as unreliable as luck."

"Fine. You want to be angry at a problem? Then fix it the same way you always do: get better. Practice in the sims and work harder until you eclipse defeat so thoroughly that luck becomes obsolete. Until then, at least quit your whining so I can celebrate in peace."

"You asked and I answered. Unlike Delta, I don't complain unless told to."

>After the race, a message will be sent to Kiro, although I have no idea whether he'd receive it after the comms lock-out
"Well done captain. I am envious of you. You should be proud of the capabilities of your ship and crew. Thank you for not going easy on me. Tell the autopilot I said hello. A shame I couldn't tell them myself. "
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Somehow this feels gayer than the last one...
I must wash my hands after drawing this.
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"It was poor luck. Always the flaw in any plan: poor luck. Strategize as much as you like, play as well as you're able, be smarter, be better, be more-- and there is nothing you can do if the cards don't fall in your favor. You would think that once is enough to learn this lesson, but once, twice, ten, fifty times are not enough. It's never enough. Each time cuts as deep as the last.

If Charlie is watching, she will take the wrong lesson from this. She will tell me that I lost because I was bad. This is how she thinks. To her, the good wins and the bad loses, and she is good, so she wins. She will never accept, never admit, how much she benefits from accidents of chance-- and how much chance rips from me.

Karn was civil. It was hot coffee on a burnt tongue, insult to injury: I could accept a loss to an enemy, who could receive commensurate suffering at a later date, but to him? I thought recreationally of flaying him with his own Banefire, but could not sustain it for long. It wouldn't be practical, on top of unjustified, and Karn after all had acknowledged my only deficit: luck, luck, luck. It deserved to be a four-letter word. In a Best of Five, I would be [i]proven[/i] superior.

'Yes,' I said. 'Thank you. I would be delighted.'"

(Richard continues to be a bastard, gg GDQM)

>Ramster (Cutémon)
I think this guy would be just as happy eating the popsicle sticks as he would the popsicles.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
I kneel in the face of >>6024416's extremely gay pinup. There is no other response.

In this thread there is no gay shit. Just men being manly.
I'll take this advice into account when handing out d6s, but much like the events themselves, the dice-roll is just a bit of randomization/spice. Certain characters are simply more well-known and popular, while others (Karn in anything physical or even metaphysical here, Huanliuxue in pretty much EVERYTHING over in the Queen tourney) have huge advantages, so even framing the contest as a series of 'events' could be seen as unfair to characters from mellow or low-power settings, as another anon point out. I will say that Karn's post persuaded me of his ability to play a card-game of this nature better than expected, in the same way Beta's post and arguments made for him convinced me that his response time and drive could give him a shot at victory. This isn't Death Battle or anything, so I'm mostly just looking for interesting back and forth discussions. If it's genuinely dissuading people from participating, I'm willing to reconsider, but it also seems unfair to change methods so far into the tournament, after several matches have been decided this way...

tl;dr: I'll think about it, if it's really a big deal to people, but I have misgivings about changing it this late and kind of wish that, if this really IS such a big deal to people as to dissuade their particiaption, they'd brought it to my attention 9 weeks ago when I pitched the rules. :(
I like it, personally, even though I haven't weighed in on the matter at all
The problem isn't so much the rules but their implementation. If you had indeed awarded the d6 to whoever had an advantage in the competition (whether they be winning or not) it would be less of an issue. But your decision to award the d6 has demonstrably been always to the underdog, you consider only if they possess some prowess at the competition, in isolation, not compared with their competitor (whom your voters have put their efforts into convincing their fellows that they are the most suitable candidate.)

Yes Karn and Bela and James had certain arguments that made them at least capable of winning their competitions. But so too did Richard have a well researched and thought out deck, Kiro his vocation, training and experience, Tom his physique. Had the votes been reversed can you honestly say you wouldn't have instead given the 'advantage' to underdog as well?

While it's true that much of the vote comes from popularity, don't discredit your voters who are making the cases for and against the contestants and voting with their conscience. If only reasons for a come-from-behind victory are considered for the bonus, then the efforts made to secure votes for the most appropriate victor in the first place were more waste of time for the people posting. This disincentives participation.

If you find yourself incapable of making a judgement solely based on the characters traits and support then we humbly suggest an amendment that allows for both parties to plead their case and receive a bonus. Else what is the point of voting at all?

Failing that, perhaps simply being less liberal with awarding a bonus where there is no overwhelming advantage of one candidate over the other would suffice. A stricter adherence to the letter of your initial laws, in essence.

As for contests already over, this is a round robin and not knockout after all. You control how the votes are tallied. You could easily declare any unseemly upsets as a draw if you wanted. It hasn't affected who stands to win here as of yet.
I mean, I wouldn't say we're far into this tournament: it's been going for 5 days of 30 or 40 or whatever the projected end point is. The waifu side of the tourney has been going for longer, but either it hasn't come up there or nobody's been brave enough to raise a stink if it has, so... w/e? I also don't think it makes any sense to expect people to vet rules without seeing how they work in practice, so I wouldn't factor in "9 weeks." Playtesters are a thing for a reason.

I'm not pissy enough to withdraw participation at the moment, but if similar situations happen repeatedly I might be. I mostly just wish my half of the good-faith effortposting got more acknowledgement, and I guess the same goes for e.g. Chartman and CoreQM's equal effortposting in their matchup (which also got swung). I think it's worth stepping back and considering why the rules exist in the first place: to encourage arguing (and presumably other forms of active engagement) in favor of a voter's preferred character. If the underdog QM and his voters are engaging and arguing for their character and the winning QM and voters aren't (or are to a notably lesser or less convincing extent), I think it makes a lot of sense for the rules to reward the underdog's engagement with bonus dice. If both of them are putting in time and getting into it, it feels a lot more arbitrary to take control away from the voters: you're not rewarding or incentivizing anything then, just making things random, which I assume isn't the end goal. If it is the end goal, and you think it's valuable to have semi-random results for whatever reason, I guess you can stop here.

If not... I mean, it's up to you in the end. But if you think about the rules less as "these are the rules" and more "these are what the rules are meant to accomplish," I think there's a case to be made for adjusting them. Like I mentioned, I think dice to reward both sides of the contest (if they seem evenly matched) are a good idea: they'd send a signal that "good job, everybody argued really well, you all get a bonus." It's good vibes. I would also like to propose that you roll a bonus d6 even if you think the winner was better-argued for: I know it would make no practical difference, but it still makes things seem "fairer" (re >>6024450) and I think people would think it was funny. They could feel good about "crushing" the opponent harder, or the losing side could make fun of them for only rolling 1 bonus vote, and so on.

It looks like I have a bit of a different take from >>6024450, who I assume was writing at the same time, but it's good to get different perspectives. Thanks for running this overall, RQM, even if you're a FILTHY TRAITOR TO THE REPTILIAN CAUSE!!! >:=( (<-- those are snake nostrils)
please see >>6024455

For everyone else...

Please also go to >>6024455
As someone who categorically MUST oppose blue deckers I should just keep my mouth shut. However an easy "fix" or stopgap to this is to instead let the "comeback dice" only determine a draw, not a win or loss. That way both contestants still get a point. Some people might not agree with that still, which is fair, and it may seem like a bit of wet-noodling or fence sitting but hey, better than nothing.

I don't really care about rules. I'm just here to vote and shitpost and argue with people when I fancy it.
It's just suddenly unclear what the criteria is for getting that bonus dice. To me at least it seemed like Richard had every advantage, so just like Sigrid vs Music over in the queen tournament I didn't expect a dice to be rolled at all. I thought the dice was withheld in that case because you genuinely liked the arguments for Sigrid more, but now it's looking like it was because Sigrid was only up by 1 and any roll would have taken that away.
>Ramster (Cutémon)
Easier to build the popsicle bridge relative to his side.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Tactical sandswimming to build from inside.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
He can eat popsicles like none other, and has probably played the Bridge Simulator on his handheld.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Tips would summon a castle-shaped sand elemental and get disqualified, because his players are greedy and reckless.
I mean....Its gotta be
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
He has thumbs, that's magic in its own right.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Didn't he spend time on a dinosuar infested island? I'm sure the guy made sand castles to destress.
Ayyyyyye lmao
>He has thumbs
Look at Ramster in his photo
>Ramster (Cutémon)

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
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>Thank you for not going easy on me.
Keheh, I wouldn't make for a good future commander if I didn't inspire my crew to do their best in every situation.

"I thought for sure that a comms blackout and dour training would give us the advantage... turns out I should have been following you through that asteroid field instead, heh.

"Ah well, as a wise Captain once said: 'It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.'...
I should watch more of those historical documentaries some time.

>Tell the autopilot I said hello.
We don't use our AI for autopilot anymore due to... incidents. We have brainpower and teamwork instead!
Still, I often feel like there's at least something hanging on to the ship and helping steer it in the right direction, maybe I'll ask Dal.
Anyway, I'll pass on that you said hi though I wouldn't expect a response. It rarely talks these days.

>>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
More likely to know the basics of construction than the mon at least.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Diesel seems more at home in the beach setting.
Just to clarify, my post here >>6024408 was only intended to be some in-character lore and rp. Ooc, I wasn’t trying to actually complain about anything nor give you a hard time.

Normally I’d assume that this goes without saying, but I didn’t expect an ‘emergency alert’ to be made immediately afterwards concerning the exact same topic as the fun lil roleplay.
>Does Tips have anybody to go to the beach with? Has he ever been to a beach before? Is he located somewhere close to a beach?
"I've never been to a place quite like THIS, I have to admit. Hawksong's port is much more... Rocky, without all this fine sand. Colder, too, except maybe during the height of summer. It's... Nice!"

He stops talking at the sound of giggling, girlish laughter, and observes with no small appreciation as Carazzi, his demon-goblin creation, splashes about with Costella Fanucci, his bikini-clad fiance. His OTHER fiance (sort of) seems to be gazing out upon the ocean with open wonder, and her shaded glasses serve a more obvious function here than in most other places she wears them; nevertheless she removes them, to better enjoy the sight of teh lapping waves against the golden-white grains.

"I guess we're not here for pleasure, though, are we? well, I'M not, at least. This 'Crash' fellow... His nickname is 'Sandcrab'. That bodes ill. I'd better give this my all. Summoning an elemental would make this easier, but..."


"...Sadly, that's forbidden."


"<Sand-Swimming> to afford better access to the interior, though... That could work, to shore it up from inside. Is that usually necessary, though? It must not be--'Sandcrab Crash' isn't doing that. And how would he? I guess I'm just lucky that Izzy and I were just working on a construct of sand in a different context, to create a vessel for the energies of the 'Unseelie Star'..."

He sets to work.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

Can eat more therefore build more.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

Probably has the better imagination, can build fancier.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
He's not an animal.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
He probably knows more about castles.
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>Ramster (Cutémon)
Dude could totally gather and set up the SHIT outta some popsicle sticks
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Diesel's from a beach community--hell, the beach was pretty much his home away from home! Not to mention there are definitely CHICKS at the beach... and Diesel is nothing if not drawn to menhera broads.

As the sick bastard behind Slice Quest I'm officially making this drawing canon. Diesel was always fuckin' swole, but this confirms he's got the highly-coveted 'Beach Bod'.

Diesel did NOT spend time on a dinosaur infested island, but I'm now extremely disappointed in myself for this not being the case. Next quest will def have dinosaurs in it, anon. This is a promise!
>Ramster (Cutémon)
Because it's the funnier outcome.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
I stand with Italy.
Breaking news! It seems our panel of experts have detected temporal-spatial anomalies subtly affecting the flow of two four previous events! Upon rewatching the instant replay, adjusted for this existential distortion, it seems that three contestants were affected: Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann, Richard, and Kiro Skyeskal! Each of them will be awarded an extra point! Does this exclusively benefit my own entrant and two fellow reptoids? Why, yes, yes it does! Is it all an elaborate scheme on my part to skew the results to favour those whom I prefer? Noooo, don't be silly...

It's really not, btw, since obviously my vote would have been to keep things as-is, but the results are in, and I hope this makes people happy and gets us back on track to having a good, fun time.

Chronal distortions have also seemingly shifted the time-frame for voting, though. I would like to urge our lovely voters to get their remaining ballots in quickly, s tallying of the vote will begin imminently!

Translation from kayfabe: I'm burnt out and tallying the results now so I can go do something else with my evening to refresh myself. We have 18 votes in, so far, which isn’t far off from our usual turnout.
>Ramster (Cutémon)

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
I fucking swear I remember some mention of him punching out a raptor?
Falcons and eagles and hawks are raptors, ain't they?
I mean, yes, that is true, but I meant Jurassic park raptors.
That was James, anon. Diesel fought a bunch of scary mutant animals and supersoldiers, though
Like the truck? I think it was a Ford not a Jeep like they got in that Juice-assin' park.
Oooooh, huh, fever dreams are wild
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Rolled 39, 45 = 84 (2d80)

Well, if Elliot can’t necessarily win a contest of animal obedience, he can at least lick one in a construction contest! And an animal with sapience, thumbs, and a family home of his own, no less! Popsicle-Stick Lord Hallaster taeks this round!

And who’d a thunk it, but the guy from a beachside city, with the rockin’ beach bod, is more at home on the beach! Maybe overuse of the arcane limits one’s practical skills without it, or maybe this Sandcrab is Sand-king of the Sandcastle! But will he be King of /QST?? We’ll see, but for now, we can at least afford him this victory!

Our winners of round six:
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

Now, onto Round Seven…
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"Alright, let's go." Karn says, both contestants going for another round. And despite how calm Richard is trying to appear on the surface, from how sharply he shuffles to the forced calm expression on his face, he's clearly furious at losing due to no fault of his own. Which is the nature of gambling, especially with card games those like his wife's friend Tunnip is so fond of. In the next match, Karn unfortunately didn't draw into a single land, Richard winning handily. The next round was closer, but once more the matchup advantage was too strong, Richard securing a second victory in a row. Which, despite Karn's attempts to calm him with further play, only seemed to infuriate him further.

"Luck..." Richard grumbles under his breath after the two consecutive wins. Seems that, instead of cooling his head, winning a potential best of five only served to further annoy the suited being.

"Well, let's leave it here for now. The next round seems to be starting." Karn says, rising from the table and offering his more reptilian opponent his hand. "Best of luck with the next one."
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Both these men (?) are survivors, warriors, absolute units! One is a cat with strength of will and a buff bod! One is a machine with an iron will even stronger than his alloyed components! But when it comes right down to it, who would win in (an appropriately-sized but otherwise identical between the two courses)…


Will it be:
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

And in our other daily duel, we see everyone’s favourite Dragon Knight with a klan of kobolts facing off against Kiro who, if he rather resembles the servile reptiles in question, is decidedly NOT one of them! Rather, the Marrok military man is a soldier in his own right! And as fellow fighters, these cretaceous-looking crusaders must surely both know the value of a balanced breakfast before the battle, right? So, brought to you by Hello Fresh NO, not really these two will be competing in…


They’ll be graded on nutritiousness, deliciousness, AND presentation! So, who will win?
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Beta probably accelerates fast like an Armored Core, but he looks like his movement speed on foot would be very clunky. Tom is quite athletic, like that time he was able to rush Ruby out of the room with Red before the bomb he left exploded.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
He is definitely the kind of guy who makes spaghetti tacos, dips french fries in vanilla ice cream, puts ketchup on pizza. He'd probably put something together so unorthodox but tasty and edible that I'll vote for him.
>Beta (Core of Steel)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
never knew a snake who could cook
"Well, this first one's not a challenge. The machine, Beta, clearly has an advantage here. He has more tools at his disposal to win this one. Especially against an animal."

"What do lizards eat? Other than anyone smaller than them they can fit in their maws? But, I reckon I'm hardly one to judge." Karn mutters to himself. "However, if their food is based on all three of those qualities, I think the small one has it.

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Even if you give Beta a Beta-sized Obstacle Course I'm pretty sure the cat man will be able to navigate his course better. Gotta go with Thomas.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
I can't recall if it's canon or fever dream, but I coulda swore Kiro whipped up some chow before.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
He's got the physique to go hard, and the experience to deal with the unexpected.

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Futuristic cooking techniques won't give you botulism.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Being organic gives Tom a physiological advantage in maneuverability. It's a lot harder to get stuck or snagged when your meat can get squished out of the way. Even in the face of Beta's truly unnatural bodily control being a machine.

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Medieval cooking used everything. Even the colon. Truly there is no ingredient that could surprise this man. There's a food for everything when ingenuity was necessary to make something edible in the first place.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
I think you're remembering the icecream bucket from the very first /qag/ prompt. Skyescream I think the pun was.
I'll find the image when I'm home but that's a good idea. Maybe a stew with apple pie and icecream for desert just like ma used to make back home.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
My boy... he will overcome all in his path...
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
He can make a mean spaghetti, and spill it afterward!
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

"An obstacle course? Easy as pie. Come on Beta, let's drift into high-sync so we can give it our all. Mid won't cut it if we want to be sure."

" ...Agreed. Raising to High-Sync."

"YES! Time to become whole again! I'll even get to see what our competition looks like this time."

"Initializing merge in three, two, one."


>My votes are for:
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
We built him with Mobility in mind with Project Yi and Burning Eagle
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Yi Actuators go brr

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
The guy likes his pancakes, so I assume he can whip up some.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Beta (Core of Steel
Going for my main metal man Beta. Guy practically lives in obstacle courses
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Considering he is responsible for dinner, its an easy answer
Ere we go lads ere we go
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D: (Faintly Amused) “Y’know you're going to ruin your appetite if you keep that up, little bro.”
K: (Muffled) “Look Dal, we agreed I’d cook food from home for the competition. So tradition says once the pancakes are ready and in stasis, I get to lick the bowl. Them's the rules.”
D: (Guilelessly) “Ah. I see…traditions. So we’re sticking to the recipe as written then? No deviations from Ma’s prize winning pancakes… or stew?”
K: (Smugly Muffled) “Mhmm.”
D: (Feigning Innocence) “Alright then, it's a good thing we just stopped for supplies at an agri-world else we wouldn’t have ALL the fresh ingredients we need. You’re not gonna fall in the pot and ruin it this time are you?”
K: (Indignantly Mumbling) “Haven’t done that since I was three… Just focus on cutting your share of the veggies.”
D: (Slyly Slicing Spinach) “Oh, don’t worry about me. Take all the time you need to finish your ice cream. I’ll make sure you get full points for nutrition…”

>Beta (Core of Steel)
He's definitely been specced into agility so an obstacle course should prove to be no obstacle at all.

>>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
A family favourite dinner and dessert. Its best to wait for a certain someone to be distracted putting the cherries on top of the latter before adding the final green ingredient.
Silly lizard guy, but correct, it is tradition.
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Rolled 40, 55 = 95 (2d76)

While there’s something to be said for cat-like agility, I’m also told that Tom’s ‘manly physique’ makes squeezing through tight places tricky, which somewhat negates the organic advantage which some attest to. Since Beta’s apparently specced for speed and manoeuvrability, and leads by two points, I’ll not get in his blue bolt’s way!

There’s something to be said for using every part of the animal, but from what I see amongst the arguments, Reynauld’s klan have a somewhat less discerning appetite than Kiro’s crew, and actual pictorial (animated!) evidence of competent cookery is hard to argue against, especially when he’s already leading. I’ll thus cede to popular opinion on this one and tally round seven up for…

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
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This’ll be interesting, I suspect: a rowdy rebel against an ultimate authority! A General of the Freiza Force will now stare own Gongalla Gaol’s greatest jailbreaker, when..

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

in the truest test of toughness there ever was…


Both man and manimal in our second bout of the eighth round have protected and served in one way or another: one as a cop on a particularly rough beat, one as a family-man in a world where he’s bite-sized, and as the friend of a cuté companion who seems like a magnet for mayhem!


>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

Be best suited to protect their forced smiles, while dutifully serving the public in…


They’ll both be manning (hamstring?) a till while packing bags, ringing up purchases, and filling orders. The most complete order wins, with points docked for complaints! Glowing reviews on Yelp net you bonus points, naturally, but they have to namedrop you.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
I bet somehow James wins this out
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
No contest
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
I'm pretty sure Saiyans COULD consume literal toxic waste and be okay. Karn's friend Leyas eats actual rocks sometimes. They can put pretty much anything in their mouths and be fine. Add in that Karn is a walking incarnation of GRIT makes this a pretty unfair contest imo.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Half of his job is pretty much getting people to calm down and walk away already. Ramster is a rad little guy, but Mark being able to get a "feeling" for people around him also gives him an edge. Sorry little dude.
>>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
I don't think ki reinforcement works against chemicals.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Is capable of words
"Hot sauce? Really? THAT is the challenge? This will be entertaining, at least. Give it your all, James." Karn says, sitting across from his next opponent. Bottles upon bottles are brought out, set on the table between the two of them. As more and more bottles are set out, the colors of the bottles turn from yellow and orange, to red, to black, with more fire and skull emblems plastered over them. "I reckon I'll start us out."

Looking them over, Karn picks his first bottle. One of the dark red ones on the spicier side, but not one of the spiciest. No need to end the competition immediately, saving two of the supposedly stronger ones for the end of the event. Looking at the skull on the cap a moment Karn then cracks it open, a wash of the chemical fumes hitting him in the face as the seal is broken. Causing his left eye to slightly twitch, but otherwise showing no reaction.

"Bottom's up." he says, turning the bottle up. Liquid fire pours down his throat, causing him to wince. But after the training he'd done with his daughter Milha, this is nothing. Milha, master of many curses like “Agonizing Touch” which turn all physical contact, including clothing and even a gentle breeze into excruciating, searing pain. Boiling Blood, Burning Light, and even Magma Bile, which causes the victim's stomach acid to immediately feel as hot as magma, causing excruciating pain and inducing painful, searing vomiting. And compared to that, a little bit of liquid heat is barely enough to draw a wince from the General. The bottle's empty in a few seconds, Karn then smashing it against his forehead as is tradition, setting the remains of the bottle's lip on the table. “Your turn.”

For the past several years in-quest he's been focusing on training his pain tolerance, so unless any of these can outright kill him, I doubt Karn can actually to lose to anyone in this contest except maybe someone without taste buds like Beta. Having dozens of agonizing curses stacked upon you simultaneously and still being able to talk through it makes a little flavor light work.

While Karn waits for his opponent to choose a bottle for his first in this little drinking competition, he watches as the other two go to work. And while the officer does an exemplary, professional job, Karn is rather surprised by the animal. Seems someone's taken the time to train it, at least. But that doesn't mean it can beat DeLucia.

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
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And I drop my image like a moron.
This just gave me the funniest image that James is sitting across from Karn with a plate of chicken wings that Karn doesn't have. The reason he doesn't have them? He ate them the moment he sat down not realizing they were what the hot sauce was supposed to go on. And now he's downing entire bottles of the spicy stuff. topkek
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Ain't no way could he lose to a hot sauce.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
I would lose my shit if I was served, as a customer, by a fucking hamster. That can't be sanitary.
Why would he ever assume otherwise? You don’t go into a drinking contest before you eat, your stomach’s weaker without food. Everyone knows that.
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>Yooo free chicken? Awesome. Eugh I think this juice is expired though, it tastes awful.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
The insides of his stomach probably are armored

>Ramster (Cutémon)
He's not only competent and professional, he's also cute!
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
There is nothing he can't eat, up too and including rocks.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Dude's Italian, its in his blood.
Here I am
>>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
The mysterious "Hot Sauce Challenge" with no rules listed. One would suspect it to be simply a case of who can withstand the hottest sauce but in actual fact it is a test of discernment. The variously labelled bottles had their Scoville unit measures blacked out and thus the challenge was to taste them all and determine which was the median heat.
To the General, for whom all hot sauces are equally weak, telling them apart was akin to measuring grass growing with a yard stick. It would take a man with a much more mortal taste for spice and intolerance to pain to tell these sauces apart.

>Ramster (Cutémon)
Most unique employee and likely novel enough to excuse any mistakes and receive special mention in the yelp review.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

As for my votes:
>James Calaca
My boy's gonna have a revolution on his taste buds, but he'll try his best, by the Revolution!

>Mark DeLucia
He's been in at least one Gotham fundraiser gala, and he's got the attention of Bruce Wayne the millionaire - what more can I say?
Absolutely love it, 10/10
>he ate the bones
My sides.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
The fires of revolution burn far hotter in James than some silly hot sauce would on his taste buds! Also he just seems generally unflappable most of the time, so.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Cops gotta deal with all sorts of weird bullshit on a daily basis
>Majin Brew
That one got me.
Rolled 3 (1d6)



Well, I hope you’re all proud of yourself, and your anti-rodentine/caprine prejudice costing a family man his job at the grocer’s! On the other hand, if Officer DeLucia ever wants to retire from the force it seems he has a gift for retail!

Our other contest is a little closer, 9-to-7 in James’ favour. I think the good General makes a strong case for why he might win it (>>6026271), though and as such, I’m going to roll it. Nine-to-seven, this gives James a good chance to tie it up (thought not win, in keeping with our new gentleman’s agreement). Let’s see if the fates favour him again…
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Rolled 4, 63 = 67 (2d72)


There you have it! By a nose, Karn manages to squeak his way onto the winner's podium alongside his rival, though somebody ought to get both these lads some milk. Our winners this round?

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

Now, what will Round Nine hold?
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It’s sandcrab versus snake as the young man in the trendy tracksuit comes up against the duplicitous double-breasted wyrm wagie! Who will win when the wit and will of

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

Are pitted against one another in…


(And before you ask, yes, these ARE giant, supernatural honey-hornets from the pain dimension.)

Our other two contenders this round are both master magicians, or at lest adequate apprentices of the arcane arts! One’s a potions prodigy and master of battle-tactics with a helpful Hufflepuff and baleful beast in his head! The other is a half-elf chimericist and follower of ancient fairy ways with the eyes of the gods upon him! But between

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

who is the better PINBALL wizard?? Yes, it’s…


And since both candidates are casters, spellslinging IS ALLOWED!
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Sorry Rick, but snakes can't stop BEES
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Only voting for him because he's my boy. Otherwise I'm fine with either of them winning here
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
He smells like flowers. The bees won't harm him. His matching tropical-scented cologne for the hawaiian shirt still lingers. Yes.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Finally, the TRUE equal contest.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
I was torn on who to vote for, but Richard, as a snake, could seamlessly blend into nature and steal the honey, the supernatural honey-hornets being none-the-wiser.

Diesel, in true Italiano fashion, would not be so conspicuous and would be quickly caught.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
just to let people know, Elliot is a GAMER, pinball shouldnt be a problem for him at all
I think it reaching a tie is more fair to the ones in the lead, good decision lazardman QM.
"Most impressive, James. I'm surprised you were able to keep up with me." Karn says, offering his hand to his opponent, all the bottles emptied. "Tell me, what kind of pain tolerance training have you gone through? I had no idea anyone here was as durable as I was. Guess that's why you're here, huh? Hahaha, good luck with your next competition!"

"Hrm. Diesel strikes me as the sort of man who'd charge headlong into the hive. I respect the drive, but I doubt he can create his own Energy Body to protect his body from piercing attacks. Hell, those things look sharp enough to get me through them. But I think Richard's clever enough to get at it without getting stung, so he gets my vote this time."
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

"This one's closer, not sure who has the advantage this time. But it does seem that more people believe in Elliot than Ezreal, so I'll agree with them and vote-"
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
I'm not sure how physical Richard even is.
For honey gathering he'd either possess someone and do it in their body (conveniently mutated to not feel pain), or remotely pilot a human shaped drone to do it. Either way he's safe from the hornets? I dunno man DQR is mystifying.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
They may both be wizards but only one is a member of the Elf master race, with all the grace and coordination that entails.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Diesel Crash

Does Sandswimming works through glass? It is refined sand after all. Thus grabbing the pinball and slamming it with two fingers on the point-makers
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>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

I don't Know the other dude. And Richard could psychoanalyze the bees.

Spoiler related for this contest.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

Hallaster has to have seen the movie and has played before, I am sure.
*And Richard could psychoanalyze the bees to death.

Fuck might be bed time.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
He is especially good with supernatural stuff.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Will attune himself to the pinball machine (and it will bite him in the ass 2 threads later)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
I mean, he's actually smart enough to do it correctly so...
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
He can abuse electromagnetism to fuck with the ball.
I am here, again
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Damn neck and neck for Tips and Elliot. Hope by the time I am done with shit later this afternoon we can all tell who the cut-I mean stronger pinball wizard is.


Nope, that is how you get a weird std
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Odds are Richard would know to smoke the bees out first.
Though I could imagine Diesel trying to bake them a woodfired pizza (being bees love pizza right?) and inadvertently making enough smoke to do the same. Then gathering honey because the bees were having naptime...
Hell that's the funnier option so I'll let fate decide who's the better smoker.
>1 for Richard, 2 for Diesel

As for Pinball, Elliot is more likely to know exactly how best to to cheat with magic - being more familiar with the machines. Just magic the tilt sensor on his opponents turn to trigger a loss, that'd do the trick.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Go Elliot! Fuck 'em politely, Lord Hallaster!
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
While Diesel's certainly smarter than, say, Stanley, I honestly have to admit that Richard might be able to connive his way into getting the honey better than Diesel could. Sure, our Irish-Italian Stalian could probably tank the bee stings or flamethrower the whole damn thing, but still!
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
*Pinball Wizard Intensifies*
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"I emerged victorious in the full game, as anticipated. What's more, the rules were adjusted: Karn and I would be deemed, officially speaking, 'tied.' I may have been too hasty in my foul mood: my parting handshake was genuine, and I hope it was taken as such."


"Karn set off to drain a bottle of 'hot sauce,' and evidently emerged victorious. By all accounts it was well-earned. Myself, I was presented with a hive of, per the announcement, 'giant, supernatural honey-hornets from the pain dimension.' I don't believe the 'pain dimension' is an actual place, so I presume this is hyperbole; nevertheless, this is not my body, and any pain it might feel is not my pain. I do not believe the 'honey hornets' would find flesh to pierce to begin with. If they can, I can expel their venom. All of this presupposes I would anger them to begin with, but I believe Apoidea are, like many insects (the common beetle included) adversely affected by nicotine smoke, which I possess in spades. I should be able to walk in and walk out. My competitor, an ordinary and not especially bright human male, almost does not bear commenting on."

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)


"Both wield Charlotte's favorite 'magyck,' but one knows what pinball is, and one does not, no? Should that not be an obvious advantage?"

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>I am a walking tobacco chimney, therefore I am safe
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Rolled 58, 7 = 65 (2d68)

Well, these are some learn results! For all his bravery and determination, for all his strength of will and body, Diesel can’t out-smoke the sneaky snake! 12-to-4, Richard fully fumigates his foes, taking the honey and taking oen step closer to the crown!

As for Tips…

“This contraption is absolutely devlish! No… Dwarven! But the, again, I’ve never known the stout-folk to invest this amount of effort into something so… Frivolous. Fun, though. Maybe gnomes? The only other encounter I can recall with them was at that ‘waffle-house’… Yes, this seems like a gnomish sort of thing to manufacture.”

“I tried everything. <Sand-Swimming> was a false start that I wasted altogether too much time on. The structure of glass lacks the ‘fluidity’ which facilitates it, and <Aethereal Form> passes through glass, but ALSO the balls and mechanisms. Electrification wasn’t much more successful—I know metal can be magnetized, but I don’t have the… Well, the PRECISION with Elementalism. Maybe if Izzy was here instead…”

“Besides, this Hallaster boy knows his way around the machine as if it were second-nature! And his spells… They make no SENSE! I can’t understand the underlying principles AT ALL. The arcane language is all gibberish to me, too… I HAVE to talk to him later, to learn where he was taught.”

“After I LOSE, that is… Ugh.”

Our winners?
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

Now, onto Round Ten!
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gah, fucked the formatting.

Two armoured adversaries clash, steel-against-steel. Neither is what they appear to be: one trapped within a web of subservient programming and wearing a war-machine, one clad in accursed integument and warped beyond his mortal form! But when two noble souls are pitted against one another in a fan-suggested clash which I at least have been eagerly awaiting, who will come out ahead?

Yes, it seems

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Beta (Core of Steel)

Will be engaging in…


Now, since one of them IS a mech and the other is, uh, not… What I’m going to allow is a slight modification of the rules (for those weirdos who actually vote based on event jk jk). That is to say Reynauld may assume his hypothetical final dragon form in lieu of a mecha!

I mean, shit, that’s badass, right?

Our second bout of the tenth round is… A little more low-key. Two prolific protags, from long-running and well-respected adventures will be taking the stage to showcase their especially manly musculature will be meeting up for a contest which emphasizes their princely appeal in a way that bara fans and furries alike should enjoy! You know who you are, anon: this event is for (You)! It’s…

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)



If you’ve seen a bodybuilding competition of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, you know what to expect. No utilizing Stand effects, though, General—just the poses, please! Oil and speedos, optional.
>dragon versus giant robot



Also, for posterity's sake, "LIQUIIIIIIID!!!!"

>Beta (Core of Steel)
I have to back him. Just because he's a rat in a cage. Wagies can relate.

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
He's close friends with the Ginyu Force. All other poseurs need not apply. He'll ask Recoome for the best poses for big muscular men like himself to hold. Sorry Tom, but Karn's just got that CUT.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Since he's the only one who CAN be aged to near the end of his lifespan, he can fit the rule much better than Beta. No offense! Although the visual of a rusty, nearly deserviced mech is appealing on its own. But something like that would require a lack of care for his components, surely.

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
No contest.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Wait this is an Old Snake fistfight climax contest. This means Reynauld is Snake (because dragon or lizard or whatever his deal is), and Beta is Liquid. Reynauld's pretty good... but Beta is the best.
Mandatory posting
>Reynauld may assume his hypothetical final dragon form in lieu of a mecha!

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Sorry Tom, but Toriyama's death gives Karn power for this.

With both being functionally immortal assuming they take care of themselves, and the fact that dragons just keep on growing and increasing in power. I have to give it to the Ancient Dragon.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
I don't see Tom's physique beating Karn's desu. And over the top posing is like half of Dragonball anyway so...
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
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“A dragon against a machine. Both at the proverbial ends of their lifespans, near their end.” Karn mutters, remembering his own father’s final battle. And how he’d dealt the killing blow, sending his old man to the afterlife.

“A warrior doesn't die old and helpless in bed. A true warrior must fall in battle.”

His father’s words ring in his head as he sees the competitors brought to their stage. But he can’t watch their battle, at least not yet as his own competition is about to begin.

“A pose off, huh? Hold on, I need to make a call.” Karn says, closing his eyes and reaching out telepathically to the one being who can help him pic related. “Hey, Captain Ginyu. I need a favor.”
“Of course, what is it General?” comes the immediate reply. Explaining the situation, Karn asks the master of Body Change and body posing if he can use his moves for this event. “Of course Karn! It would be my honor if you repped the Ginyu Force’s signature poses!”

“Appreciate it Captain. I owe you one.” Karn replies, keeping the mind link up while turning his head to his daughter. “Hey, just got the okay from the Captain. Hit their music for me?”
“Absolutely!” Chaya says, tapping her scouter a few times until music begins playing.
And from years of exposure and with the captain coaching him telepathically, Karn begins imitating the various poses of the one and only Ginyu Force!

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
he and meloka once even did a pose off with the Ginyu force and they were impressed
>Beta (Core of Steel)

I have no end of lifespan. I do not understand but regardless, I and a skilled CQB model though not so much as one of my sisters. Even then I shall win against a reptile regardless. Their mind is inferior, imperfect. Mine is not.

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

"Muscles are out, man. Twinks are in. Bunnies are in. As long as my audience is atleast 50% women, you lose. And even if... as long as one woman casts her ballot my way I still win. You cannot beat me in any way that matters, Monkey man.

Can you give me your lifting routine, please. I want to surprise Lucy on her birthday. Thanks bro.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Can't believe RQM deprived us of a rusted to shit, glitching out, barely functional Beta down to little more than core functions fighting old man Reynauld. Robbery!

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
He's literally got the manly physique. This contest was made for him!
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"I knew this fate might await me someday. I do not age like the humans, so I would have to expect a different kind of death."

"I had always been far too good to be killed in battle, so the only defeat that's left for me is the one I built. The data from my memories, the recordings of my missions, all of it used to create newer cores with more advanced algorithms. The future generations created from what the humans learned by watching me; designed to surpass and replace me. My own children will have become my undoing. Not with bullets, but by leaving me behind. A relic that doesn't matter anymore, unimportant enough to be forgotten and abandoned."

"Crushed by something far more advanced than you, helpless?"

"Yet this does not bother me. I already confronted the possibility of this a long time ago, and made peace with it. Perhaps the only time a war machine has made peace with anything."

"So here I am, at my final hour, faced with a poetically appropriate foe. What is a dragon if not the apex predator, the pinnacle of life? Facing off against me, the pinnacle of technology."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."


I'm not a good enough writer to do this justice. An event like this has the potential to be kino of the highest order. CoreQM, if you're here, do you want to give it a shot?

>My votes for the event are:
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
THe end of Beta's theoretical lifespan is when he's decommissioned. He'd be as strong as ever, just some newer mech would be stronger. And he has some advanced gear specifically for close combat.

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
He certainly has the physique and the pizzaz for this.
>Beta (Core of Steel)

Mechas beat Kaiju. Cause I prefer Mechas. Still, wish I could draw, then I'd draw the fight myself

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

Come on! Its a wash man
I...well, Beta is still a warbot that could meet a dragon in open combat so I have to say him.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
what the fuck is with everyone doing subconscious Metal Gear references?
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
He has Captain Motherfucking Ginyu and the entire Ginyu force as not only his friends, those motherfuckers helped officiate his wedding. He can pose. Its not even a question. His son is in the Crimson Demon Village and married to Megumin, "if your bombs aren't bigger than mine, you waste my time", for more posing advice. And to top it off, he's friends with Jotoro Kujo after rescuing him and his friends from an accidental Grey kidnapping, and is Dad Friends with Mother Fucking Joseph Joestar. Tom can't win. He simply can't. Not even getting into the fact Chaya is an intergalactic internet and gladiator celebrity.
I am glad I registered for this silliness because its a cold day in hell when Karn looses in a pose off.
In this case, I suppose it comes down to how the story goes for Reynauld. If he's at the end of his lifespan and he prevents his transformation, he's not likely to win outside of the technicality that the mech can't quite be an old man fighting on top of another mech very easily.
If he doesn't stop his transformation, however, well, a Dragon is biologically immortal, essentially, and they become increasingly more powerful magic users the older (and bigger) they get.

Anyhow, I'll give this a little bit of a write-up, assuming the dragon thing happens, because Reynauld saying "Oh come on!" before getting stomped by a building isn't very climactic.

So, my votes

My boy...

>General Karn
I mean, yeah, this fella has been in contact with the Ginyus, if nothing else. Much more natural than good old Tom
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Every step felt more labored than the last. Reynauld could hardly remember the times that his steps were light, and that the earth did not tremble at his approach. He much preferred the open skies, by this point. It was a beautiful thing, and it was perhaps something that he would have preferred to feel over the walkup on this steel monstrosity... just to meet another. Reynauld could see it. A giant, steel man, with flecks of rust around key parts, but still bristling with weaponry that Reynauld could remember being... far smaller, frankly. It was something that could still equal him in size and strength. It had been millenia since he met anything like *that*. Yes, yes.

This might finally be it. His wings spread behind him, a natural reflex to make him appear bigger than he already is, as he approached the monstrosity. It seemed to be speaking, and it took but one cast for Reynauld to understand it. An interesting language, and not quite as mechanical as he expected.
"A fine foe, to meet at my final hour. A creature of flesh and bone, rather than that which has left me obsolete."
Reynauld laughed. It was a pained, slow laugh, the laugh of something that hasn't felt joy in a long time.
"Yes." Reynauld responds, a flicked of blue fire licking at his teeth. "A fine foe indeed. To meet a monstrosity, atop... whatever this being was. Larger than even the both of us?"
The metal man looked down, if only for a moment. They stood upon a hulking beast of a machine, for certain. Something that might have, at one point, been able to move a country's worth of people. The true war is happening inside, where the scaled tide of kobolts and other such creatures seek to conquer it. Reynauld had long given up on holding back his now warlike tribe. Years of humanity trying to exterminate him has left him weary.
He could not feel any kindship with anyone, not any more.

Yet, somehow, there was something about the giant in front of him.
Something familiar.
"Tell me, creature." Reynauld asked. "Are you a knight? You strike me as a creature that walks with honor."
"I do not have a response for that. What would one define as a knight?"
The giant scaled monster laughs, liquid fire leaking from betwixt his jaws as he does.
"Currently... I'd say it's a man, fighting monsters. Abomination against the gods. Things that are a danger to the innocent, against freedom."

Beta stares at the creature, and despite the fact it is even bigger than him, despite being biological. Despite the threat level that he had been told.
For a moment, it looked like little more than a sad old wyrm.
"Yes. I'd say you are a knight. For what it's worth from this old monster. Come then. Let us see who is mightier."

The ancient creature that once called itself knight took to the skies in but one mighty flap of its wings, already forcing the creature of steel to brace against the winds, as it prepared its weapons.

Reynauld truly, honestly hoped, he had found a knight. And not a victim.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Some Armored Core vs Elden Ring shit here, old dragon vs rusty AC proxy. Lets gooooooo
It’s a tough one. Both are extremely skilled and have equal flight capability, but Beta probably hasn’t been maintained well if he’s almost obsolete. He’s one blows O-ring away from critical failure.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

It’s a DBZ character. What else do we even need to say?
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
God I wish I was familiar with both characters' potential, weapons, magic and power to write this whole fight scene out proper.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Giant dragon bros...

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Sorry, Tom, this is a total walk.
Rolled 4 (1d6)

>1 post by this ID
>no trip
Anon, I...

I don't think it would make a huge difference anyway, desu, actually. I'm inclined to roll a d6 for the trailing catman with the especially-manly physique and the rowbar propr, but if seems nobody wants to bet against Ginyu! 15-to-4, Karn crushes it!

Reynauld and Beta are a closer match. When one can be maintained and upgraded across ages and the other grows stronger-yet-wearier over aeons, a geezer-grapple becomes a truly-thrilling (some would say KINO) war for the ages! Yet >>6028156 really IS a fascinating vision, and I feel that Reynauld, trailing by three votes, deserves a roll for a shot at a draw. If you don't agree: you, me, progeria, giant mechs, Wendy's parking lot, tomorrow. Let's go!
Dang. Last minute turnabout.
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Rolled 64, 48 = 112 (2d64)

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

It seems in war, there are no real winners. or no real losers? Both score a point, anyway. But what is the point in war? Maybe only those who survive, and grow old, and remember the conflict can ever say...

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

I think we can all agree that GInyu Force is PEAK, though, amirite?

Anyway, onto the next round!
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Two space-age anthropomorphs are going head-to-head in this round, and in a truly modern form of warfare! Though… I guess by their respective eras, perhaps it’s antiquated? We’re giving

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

Access to early-21st-century commercial technology and a half-hour to familiarize themselves with the controls, and then setting them loose in…


While they’re ding that, two hot-headed and human husbandos with matchingl anger management issues will be taking their frustrations to the court to decide who is better suited to be king of /qst/’s OWN court! It’s

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)


>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Literally works on a spaceship
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
James is downright superhuman and was, as previously mentioned, able to beat a horde of velociraptors to death with just a spoon

ALSO, he gains the ability to read people's minds later on in the quest. He could probably just tell where Diesel will strike.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
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"If drone racing is anything like flying a drone interception mission then I've got this in the bag! Can I use the jamming beam to blind my opponent's drone too? I've been getting good at that!"

This was an easy one to find a gif for, pulled directly from Kiro's drone piloting in Thread #1.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

That spoon is like a badminton racquet right?
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

Kiro knows his way around hardware and like >>6028829 mentioned James has that persnickety eye of his....
Of course this battle comes to a tie between them, after all, ~It Has to be This Way~!

"I'll say this one goes to a captain of his own vessel, without a doubt. Especially against an animal, how is this fair again?"
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

"I like the kid, he's got fire. But there's no way he can go for anyone that can stand toe-to-toe with me in a battle of pain endurance, so I must vote for-"
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
I want to give him a vote for once, plus be a bit harmless contrarian
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
I wonder if these two could go out to beat up some bastards later? Or sit at a bar and talk about their gfs?
>after all, ~It Has to be This Way~!
Nanomemechines, son!
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
He's definitely got this in the bag.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Counterpoint, Diesel is half Irish, half Italian, reading his mind would be like gazing into an eldritch landscape for James. He'd peer in there and see a talking pizza staring back at him going "STRONZO" while doing that hand thing.
>>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Pro pilot in a race? He got this

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
I would vote for James if he couldn't read minds, but since he can it's over for him. Mr. Crash is like the Joker but worse.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Rolled 2 (1d2)

To clarify, what James got is the eye of Truth, not mind-reading. He can see the truth of things, which is quite different from mind-reading. That said, it does give a slight edge when trying to discern if someone is lying or not, and while it could be used to predict where a badminton cock will go, it's probably just too much sensory overload for James.

Oh, most definitely. Diesel is a working man with similar temprament, he'll be a fine revolutionary in James' view.


Drone racing:
Gotta hand it to the one who actually has experience flying them, sorry Ramster.
will win this one.

It's gonna be neck and neck, since both contestants are highly competitive, has the temper to push themselves further, and has good physical endurance for it. James' truth vision would give a small edge but could also become a distraction.
This is why I'm letting the winds of fate decide this!
>1: Diesel
>2: James
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
It's literally his job. Oof.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
No reason. Just a vibe.

I will never not laugh at the fact that "shuttlecock" is a word and that people can professionally beat cocks on live television. I am very mature.
>Ramster (Cutémon)

I could see them ramming Kiro's drone and these aren't the drones they Pilot, they're the flimsy pieces of shit we have no that die if they fly through a spider web

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

He's got that badminton energy, look at that stance. He'll play hard, then go to Greg's for a sausage roll
>Ramster (Cutémon)
His gaming experience and the support of his family will come through

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
This guy is ridiculously athletic.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Nerd lizard knows how to drive so by default he wins.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
I think he's crazy enough to throw a grenade instead of the bird thing.
Here I am to save the daaaay
Would driving help piloting drones? Pretty sure the ones in the contest are the little, commercial ones that break under a gentle breeze
Kiro absolutely has model rc cars and drones laying around somewhere, its still better experience than his competitor.
Yeah, fair. Remember when that guy at a Ren fair down a dron with a javelin?
Never heard of that one but im not surprised
They made a fucking rune stone for it
Wait, really?
Yeah. Made the javelin thrower into a dragon slayer
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There should be a quest about this
Techno-fantasy is underrated, truly. Could always use more scrap-armored knights fighting robot dragons.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
This is his thing.

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Pretty even, I guess a true-seeing eye might just give James the edge.
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Rolled 33, 16 = 49 (2d60)

Invalid vote aside..

Gamers everywhere seethe at the deeply-unfair implication that being good at playing Gameboy doesn't make you a master of digital-mechanical warfare. Kiro kills it, by too wide a margin for 1d6 points to salvage the bout. Lizard master race keeps winning!

Diesel's fury and sensible athleisure attire are surely a boon, explaining how he nearly bests a tried-and-true revolutionary wielding psychic powers and oversized, weaponized cutlery! Surely that can't be legal to use in badminton? aw, who are we kidding--James scoffs at law! he's like some sort of SCOFFLAW. And with both QMs in agreement, well...

Round Eleven goes to:

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
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An officer of the law with an intuitive sense for his city meets a young disciple of the Gods of Chaotic Good, attuned to his own environment! When Officer DeLucia starts to Shiver and “Tips” activates his second-sight, who will win…


Yes, it’s
> Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

And as for the objective? Fill a cart with as much as it can hold, in a very narrow time-frame, armed only with a coupon book, your wits, and a mix of US currency and golden coins. Get to the counter with the closest to their total available purse without going over!

While those two are dashing hither and tither, two snakes are skulking elsewhere. It’s the student of House Slytherin, and hated foe of its founder, battling with the WYRM’s sneakiest sanke-in-a-suit, himself a mental apparition not unlike Salazar himself… Albeit a much safer candidate to babysit. But can the passion and relevancy of youth and contend with world-weary experience when these two take the stage in…


Who can make ‘em crack up louder?

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
im so fucking sick of this IP shit...
here, all the votes with >>6027858 is me
>>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
I think Richard would be surprisingly good at this one.
> Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>stand up comedy
improvisation is 100% Elliot´s thing, he gives speeches and plans effectively, a little stand up comedy is nothing to him
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Pinching pennies is a requirement for any (not corrupt) cop in one of the more expensive cities in America. Food ain't cheap in Gotham. Cause the trucks don't want to deliver!

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
I feel like Richard is juuuust disconnected enough from humanity to have trouble landing jokes. Even if his timing would be great.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

Gotta give it to a dude who can have the city tell him where the best deals are. And knows what a supermarket IS.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

While I appreciate dry humor from a wet man, kek, Elliot and his friends get laughed at enough without even trying. Hell Elliot already has some props ready; monocle, top hat, mustache, cane, ect.

"Hey Arty, what do you call a giant female spider who wants to eat your face?"
"Geee Elliot I don't know, an Acromantula?"
"An Acro-Ma'am-tula!"

"Unless it is post-op I guess! Don't want to misgender a spider larger than most Gryffindor's ego's!"

Might try and come up with a few jokes for him.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
The wisdom of the Italians wins
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
He had funnier lines in his quest.

Also I'd love to see how these two pairs end up interacting
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
This one has experience with supermarkets

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
I'm a dry humor fan
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Its a cold night in Hell before a natural born Italian Gothemite looses to a kid from the boonies in a shopping run. Black Friday is hell on Earth.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
While Richard could do textbook comedy, he really doesn't have the knack for it unless he's playing the straight man in a group.
I am back, back again, tell your mom, I'm be around by 10

I think Tips would be out of his element bnneing dropped into a modern supermarket and foreign currency setting compared to a local.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

If I have to pick between Boomer and Zoomer humour, I think I'll have to side with youth.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
What kind of self-respecting Italian immigrants wouldn’t teach their grandson how to hunt for a bargain?

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
He’s really not that far off from being one already, the snarky bastard.
“Hey Dad, why haven’t you voted yet? Still trying to decide?” Chaya asks, walking back over from the female competition.
“I don’t get it. Why don’t they just get the food?” he replies, watching as “Tips” and Officer Mark flip through little books, going up and down aisles and pulling things off. “Is the competiton who gets the most items without exceeding the value number limit, or how much they can get into the cart?”
“They’re trying to get as much supplies as they can into their carts, as much, yes chat, ‘bang for your buck’ without going over the monetary amount they have to spend. And in those books are coupons, think of them like extra discounts for finding them elsewhere and bringing them here to save even more of their money.”
“So they can spend even more on supplies. Alright, I think I get it.” Karn replies, having never been responsible for buying food, or even really handling credits himself. “Seems that those books are a considerable part of the contest, and magic types are really a lot more into reading than most so I’ll vote-“
> Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
I personally disagree with Karn’s choice for this one, but keeping these votes in-character. Sorry Mark

“What about this second competition?” she adds, Karn shaking his head.
“Doubt Richard’ll lose this one. He’s the type clearly used to using his words to win, and has been through enough to have more to work with.” Karn says, then after a few moments adds. “Unless this kid’s got a real talent for that, I’m going to say this winner will be-“
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
I had an idea of a mecha quest kinda like that

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
I think his job would give him and advantage, and mark would probably have gotten special training cause who fucking knows what will happen in gotham, you might need to know where the mayo is cause the condiment king has primed it to explode.

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

He looks funnier cause his face kind've looks like the no respect guy
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Tips gets Karn's vote because Karn doesn't know how coupons, books, or shopping work
Okay, I laughed.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
> Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
My man is smart

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
He absolutely shouldn't win this, but it's a popularity contest, so there.
Okay, I'm chuckling because Karn has never been in a grocery store before in his life and Silver took care of everything, so it makes sense.
Glad you enjoyed. Playing this whole thing in character makes the votes more fun.
Right? And even before he got that ship and its crew, it was either eat your enemies on the battlefield after a victorious conquest or go to a military mess hall on base. He hasn't worried about finding food since he was a tribal on Planet Vegeta, before they killed off the Tuffles.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
He's an Italian with connections, investigative skills, and street smarts. Enough said.

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
He has a lot of material and a witty sense of humor.
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"The bees were dealt with handily. Too handily? Had the forces that controlled this competition deemed me a threat? This was the only explanation I could conceive of for the next 'challenge.'

Which was to be: 'stand-up comedy.' Evidently this was a human invention, where one victim was sent up alone onto a stage, armed with nothing more than a voice amplifier, and was expected to make a large crowd laugh at them. I could think of almost nothing more hideous. It was one thing to comment on the immediate situation-- this was 'wit,' and I was well capable of it-- but I was being expected to produce 'humor.' If Charlie were here! She lacked completely in wit or humor, but had the astonishing ability to inspire it in others. But she was in the audience or worse. I did not know which.

Unfortunately for my opponent (a child!), I refused to stand by and fail. Despite my acknowledged deficiency, I remained committed to overcoming the challenge set ahead of me. Maybe not 'overcoming.' 'Circumventing.' All of these challenges are suspiciously sparse on rules, which I think to be intentional. Am I to not use all the tools at my disposal?

Upon entering this tournament (willingly or otherwise), we were made to disclose information about our person. It would be a shame if a competitor were to get his hands on this information, some of which is highly sensitive, and a greater shame if he were to use it. I would never do that, of course. But it strikes me that 'ice skating' is a highly comical subject, is it not? Ice skating and mind control. Yes, I could pen some jokes on the topic. I'm sure most of the audience would be laughing.

Charlotte doesn't understand this: it isn't always about doing one's best. All that matters is doing \*better*.

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)


"I do not shop in 'supermarkets,' and I don't believe the youth does either. The man appears comfortable in them. This is a stroke of luck for him, of course, but that's no grounds to dismiss it."

Also, if he's attuned to the city, shouldn't that include supermarkets?

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

Hello, this is not Bathic, but I am posting their vote because their CAPTCHA isn't working. Here is their previous post to prove that the writing/art is indeed Bathic's >>6027736
> 'ice skating' is a highly comical subject, is it not? Ice skating and mind control.

Don't be a dick, "Dick". Oh well, guess its too late on that front haha; your name can be shortened to penis. Height of humor.
>My name's Richard
I'm told I look like a Richard, too.
Captcha issues? No wonder this came in so late. I was getting worried!
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Rolled 47, 17 = 64 (2d56)

While I'm afraid this vote could not be counted, all others have bee. And with the results in...

It seems wordplay and jokes about pronouns don't fly on THIS campus! Are the audience terminally-liberal college students concerned for the emotional well-being of the spider citizens of Britain's ancient woodlands? Or maybe, and this is my pet theory... The sheer antihumour of a visibly-uncomfortable agent of darkness sweating on stage while lambasting traumatzied teenager for his greatest fears wrapped around to be ACTUALLY HILARIOUS?

Also, while both coins and cold-hard American cash were on the table, it seems Officer DeLucia knows his way around a coupon book better than our Ezreal! Or maybe being the very embodiment o Officer Friendly, he's just not afraid to ask for directions and assistance from the staff? Ezreal, my man, I know your mother's race doesn't really use money, but you're engaged to a merchant's daughter--pull it together, will you?

Our winners:

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
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Two regular men-of-steel will be battling it out in a long-overdue clash of champions this time! With minds set to war and fierce determination in their hearts, neither will go down easy… And fortunately, they won’t be alone! After all, while both

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)

are mighty enough on their own,


Is a TEAM sport! They can both form up with three others from their respective universes! Just remember: skates stay on, no flying, no high-sticking, and no heavy artillery or energy-blasts!

Meanwhile, two tough-as-nails family-men will be facing off in the other bout of Round Thirteen! It won’t be a battle, though, nor even the simulated warfare of the sort we see in sport. Instead, these two will contend in a different sort of contest… Oen that turns swords into plowshares!

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

Will be competing to see who can clear and field and collect the most viable produce in a single hour, as they clash in:

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

>Elliot lost
god fucking dammit
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
I don't care if Karn has so many superpowered crossover characters to choose from for his team. I don't care if Beta's only friends are a hardass bitch with robot arm and eye issues, a blinded teenage girl, and his retarded violence-addict AI core sister. I don't care if he's a blatant Steel Haze ripoff. He's gonna WIN
>Ramster (Cutémon)
This looks like a job for the RAMSTER

Old snake beat young snake. This bodes ill for his own quest...
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Giant monkey mode for fair mass play. Otherwise it's just not fair for the big bots to have to hit such a little puck. Stat differences kind of make this a really impossible game though. Sad. So I will instead just focus on the cool image of monkeys versus robots.

>Ramster (Cutémon)
He was made for plowing! Wait that sounds wrong.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
No contest, his team is going to be the Ginyu Force.
>Ramster (Cutémon)
I want to rectify my racism against fatass hamsters.
"For once the rodent may have an advantage here, as the other one seems to have difficulty moving. So for the other competition I vote-"
>Ramster (Cutémon)

"As for my own competition, if I understand the rules I get three others, no flying, and hitting the little thing into the net? Very well, this competition is easy. Captain Ginyu, on goal! Don't let a single one past you, use that Majin body to ensure nothing gets through!"
"YES GENERAL!" Captain Ginyu shouts, lightly tapping his stick on the ice.
"Meloka, you're with me, we'll drive through them!" Karn shouts, his wife appearing by him as well. As if merely speaking her name summoned her to this place. Seems the reptile in charge already knew who he would call upon.

"Easy." his wife replies, ascending to Super Saiyan Blue in a flash as she appears beside him, after an instantaneous telepathic conversation filling her in on what's going on. "I'm assuming no telekinesis either?"
"Probably, best not to use it just to be safe. And Chaya, you're on middle behind us. Call out openings, and when we pass this disc, the puck, between us."
"Hell yeah, I've been waiting for some action!" she declares, transforming up into her People's Champion semi-divine form as well. "Sorry Beta, but there's no way you score even once on us!"

"How unfortunate for you." Karn tells his much larger foe, ascending into his strongest state as well, but not unleashing everything and mindlessly rampaging. "But I'm not losing today!"
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Art by @Gutsbro14
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>Karn vs Beta
>In a sports competition
Aww come on this isn't even close to fai-
>Is a TEAM sport! They can both form up with three others from their respective universes!
Oh... Oh hell yeah

G: "Brother? Is that you? Where are we? What's going on?"
B: "A competition. No danger. A human sport. Opponent is the hardest we'll ever face."
D: "About time! I've been itching for a chance to see us overclock again. We didn't even have our frames when Nagita got attacked."
B: "Gamma, download the rules for the sport and send it to us. Then, look at the strategies used by the most successful teams in history. Study the patterns and see if there's anything we can use or adapt. Keep in mind that the enemy team is far beyond human. It is likely that they could pick us up with one hand."
D: "So? That just means we keep away from them and st-"
Q: "Query: Directive?"
D: "Ughhh, who invited the doorbell?"
B: "We needed a fourth teammate. A human would not survive against the opponents even in the cockpit, Theta isn't ready, and I assumed you wouldn't want Echo"
G: "You haven't changed a bit, Delta. An-
Q: "Query: Directive?"
G: "As I was saying, my analysis is complete. I have sent both of you the rules and what our plan is. However, due to the extreme nature of the opponents, it is worthwhile to consider more unorthodox tactics. We will, of course, adapt as the \match progresses. For now we will stick with what is statistically the most likely to succeed."
D: "Enough chit-chat. Let's get out there and show the world what we're made of!"
B: "Agreed"
G: "Together"
B: "Together"
D: "Together"
GBD: "As One"

So if we're being real, there's no way that the Cores win this at all. I'll still vote for Beta, but that's because I kinda have to. If Beta wins via the qst votes, then the only in-setting explanation that I could believe is if the siblings cheat and get away with it whilst Karn and his team were playing fair/by the rules. Regardless, I honestly think Beta wouldn't care about winning this one in particular. He'd be too busy being happy; enjoying that he gets to spend time with his sisters again and know that they are safe. He'll still give it his all (as he is physically incapable of doing otherwise), but the rule that allowed for teammates to be brought in has made this event very special to him. Also, I don't know if the rp bit was any good, but I had a lot of fun writing it. So thank you QM, this was really nice.

>My votes are for:
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Especially he can recruit from the Tamar Empire aces.

>Ramster (Cutémon)
He is a salt-of-the-earth working mon
>Beta (Core of Steel)

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Sorry Beta, Karn is faster than you.
>Ramster (Cutémon)
Reynauld doesn't have any gardening experience and mana poisoning would kill plants or mutate them, sooooo.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
karn knows the multi-form technique. he could literally be the whole team. a team that doesn't need to communicate because they are basically a hivemind
forgot to include the other person
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Wholesome points...

>Ramster (Cutémon)
Hard to speed garden in full plate.

>Don't be a dick, "Dick".
Sorry, anon, Richard is fully Lawful Evil and an asshole to boot (once you get past his thin veneer of civillty). He spends most of the quest lying to, berating, undermining, and manipulating the MC, who is (maybe) his literal daughter and who he (maybe) loves... he's not going to hold back on a stranger! Especially, since, in his view, he was forced into a corner-- traumatizing a teenager in order to score a petty victory was really his /only option/.
Oh damn almost forgot to vote for this one

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

>Ramster (Cutémon)
I'm sure those tiny hands can harvest with speed and precision
>>Beta (Core of Steel)
It would be at least a tie since beta's frame would take up the entire goal and bit let any shots in. Family synergy is also a plus.

>Ramster (Cutémon)
A mon is likely more down to earth than a dragon man. He's definitely closer to it at least.
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>Family synergy is also a plus.
I do want to push back on only this line in particular, because 3/4 members of Karn's team for this is family, his wife of many, many years and conflicts(pictured, of course), and their firstborn child of 25 years old.
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Rolled 52, 43 = 95 (2d52)

I’m not sure we’ve EVER seen a sweep like this! Reynauld better not quiet his dayjob as a wandering knight to settle down to peasantry anytime soon, it seems—he might just have an INCREIDBEL varmint problem if he does! Tunneling around at the speed of sound, RAMSTER rockets to his first win!

The contest between Karn’s clan and Beta’s cyber-sisters is a much narrower thing. Eight-to-seven, it seems the mechs beat the monkeys by a slim margin! I guess downloading all that data paid off—or maybe they just wanted it more? Or, and this is plausible, someone on the team including a ‘Berserker God’ got a few too many penalties from the refs?

I’ll leave the particulars up to you, but the main thing is that our winners are:

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
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I the fourteenth round, we're going to see just what these two men are made of! After all, physique and attitude are both integral when making first impressions, and a tailor can only work with what they've got: it's the man that makes the suit! And, well, I'm sure a cat is fine, too? I guess we'll find out when

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

meet for the...


It’s another sort of runway altogether for our next two fellows. Magic and muscle will contend in a contest of speed, distance, and form, when we lay out a long plastic mat across the lawn and turn the sprinklers on, for

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

to engage in…

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
James is better, simple as.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Oh dang. I didn't realise I was the tiebreaking vote. Especially since I was thinking it'd end up a tie. To be fair, 4/4 of Betas team is technically family. (Or clone/offshoot/whatever-Query-is He's just here to sit in the goal and make scoring impossible.)

Get this man a custom tailored Italian suit. Pretty sure that gives you like a class bonus or something.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

I feel like magic or some sort of potion of slipperiness would give the teen an edge here.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>someone on the team including a ‘Berserker God’ got a few too many penalties from the refs?
If your refs aren't letting your players beat the shit out of each other on the reg, you're watching shit hockey ngl.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Eyepatches are too distracting for high society events.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Magic slippy whatsit spell!
>>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
“Heh, well played. Looks like having too much power can also be a downside, especially in more… Delicate work like this. You’ve earned your win, enjoy it.”

“Bullshit, I didn’t hit anyone THAT hard!” Chaya complains again, still annoyed at having been disqualified after cutting off one mech’s leg with her ki-clad stick. “And I kept it below the knee, it wasn’t a high stick at all!”

“Once again, that is an animal. So I give this one to the person.”
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

“But this one? Physical prowess is more important than supernatural abilities, so the winner should be-“
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

I had thought it like the sport I saw in the mess screens before, where only a murder counted a foul. But a loss is a loss, Beta earned it fair.
>Karn didn't get the tiebreaker
lolwut?? CoreQM even said Beta was at an obvious disadvantage, that his teammates made for more of a wholesome reunion than an effective hockey team, and that he was only voting for him because it was his character. This feels like *the* opportunity for advantage dice, and I say that having voted for Beta. Also, a dead heat draw between Beta and Karn would've been kino

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
It was off by 1 so an upset would have been guaranteed, and I've already rolled for Karn three times, to some controversy. Not saying I'll never make/break a tie for him in the future or anything, but I'm trying to go a couple days without a big dust-up.
I mean, it wouldn't have been an upset, it would've been a tie. That's why the new mechanics were implemented. Chartman even said he voted expecting a tie: >>6031971
>use the 1d6 mechanic too much
>reduce the 1d6 mechanic's utility and dial back on how and when I use it
Pic related.
Anon, come on. Let's just have a good time. Karn is still among the tournament leaders, partly because I've rolled for him thrice. Let sleeping dogs lie?
Can I complain for the other thread? Can I come over to your house and braid your hair? Your lizard hair?
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>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
A furry in a suit? Rare but can be great if done right
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
He has a spell or two for this, and I want him to win one already
You can braid my beard, like the manly men we are
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Venerable elders can pull off fashion quite well

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Leaner and more hydrodynamic

I too was surprised but it is what it is
If you don’t change anons will complain, if you do change anons will also complain. It is what it is lizard man, this is your game show run it how you want. I’m just here for the ride. Don’t even want the free art if Karn wins, we’ll give it to the runner up if I do anyways. I have a shit load of art already, some of characters who we barely see.
I did pick the team I did to make it as ‘fair’ as possible, didn’t use the King’s golden sons or any of the magic users. Plus, pulling out the Xeno team is just overkill against anyone here, and wouldn’t make for a fun competition anyways just boring ass powerscale arguments.
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Hell yeah brother.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>"CoreQM even said Beta was at an obvious disadvantage"
Actually, I'm not CoreQM. I'm just a fan of the quest who submitted Beta for this tournament and doing the rp as practice for my own writing skills (and also just for fun).

G: "An extraordinary performance. There's nothing in the databanks that even comes close to the readings measured today."
B: "Excellent match, general. Thank you for remaining silent on Delta's behavior. She was not acting with the intentions of good sportsmanship, and for that I apologize."
D: "Pffft, so what if we cheated? We won. That's what matters. Honor is fine when you can afford it, but we would have been crushed without me."
B: "That's exactly my point. This didn't come down to skill or chance, it was determined by our friends here, and their decision to let us win. For that, we owe them our gratitude."
G: "More importantly, we owe them our admiration. Their physical strength and energy signatures are astounding! We can study this to make new advancements for Project Warden, and have a future worth looking forward to."
B: "Farewell Karn, and good luck with the rest of the competition."
D: "You'd all make for excellent pilots. Come back again if you ever want to have some fun!"

>My votes are for:
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
He probably knows how to tie a tie.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Dont got a reason besides magic.
Here I am
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
He had girls all over him in his quest. The man can carry himself.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
He has magic.
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Rolled 21, 24 = 45 (2d48)

Ten-to-six and ten-to-six -- what are the chances??

Probably not THAT out-there, but still, it's neat to see

It seems a catsuit's no match for a pinstriped Italian-Irish ensemble, as Mr. Crash mogs old Tom. Dang whippersnappers! Age will come for you one day, too, Diesel!

As for the other conetst... Well, back in the /tg/ days, we had a saying: 'It's Magic. I ain't gotta' explain shit.' So it seems to go! Perhaps Little Elliot cast some variation of Glisseo, the so-called 'sliding spell'? Maybe kids are just better at making the most of a summer slip 'n slide? Who can say?

All I know is that this round goes to...

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

And as for the next, well...
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There are two types of law, some men say: the kind we create as a species, and the underlying and unforgiving law beneath that... The law of nature, physical or metaphysical. Today, perhaps, we see a clash of two such systems, as

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

battle it out to see which of these agents of their own peculiar orders will be the second contender to reach five points, and step up to Beta! But what form will this epic clash of ideology take?


Pfffffhaaaaahahahahaha. Alright, random event roll, that’s top kek.

Well, what of our other two kings-in-waiting? Both are astronauts, after a fashion, though one has traveled far further across a conventional cosmos, and the other has instead journeyed to the centre of the self, and hopped to planes beyond the material. It’s

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

The question NOW, though, is not who can fly higher or go further, but who can avoid crashing down to earth in…

"Not sure what this 'zumba' is, but Richard seems a bit to 'stiff' to dance with any real fluidity. My vote goes to-"
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

Wizard versus lizard in a stacking competition. The reptile's got determination, but I doubt it will be able to match up against magic. I've seen what magic like my son Chilli can do, which means this winner will be-"
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Mark probably remembers the Zumba dance exercise craze that swept through America a while back. Maybe his mom even tried it.

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Lizard people and architecture. A match made in [REDACTED]
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
My post ID
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>new ip
huh, guess that explains why i had to do that 4chan capcha at the beginning again, very well
this me >>6031957
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Snakes are flexible and move with a hypnotic sway, which I feel would translate well to dance.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Half elven dexterity can't lose.
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As hilarious as it will be to see Richard perform an even less suited task than last time. I think a beat cop is going to win any sort of organised dance contest.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

You need a strong grip and a deft hand to be both an excellent climber and an operator of precision instruments and Kiro has both in spades.

When it comes to the wooden blocks, having grippy finger pads is great for pulling out those tricky side pieces and pointed claws are excellent for precise poking of the middle ones.
And as for stacking, well...

E: "Remind me again why you've commandeered my lab, Kiro?"
K: "Its just for ten minutes, EoN. Can you set up the camera feed, I wont everyone to see my sweet Jenga skills."
E: "You're playing with blocks for some inane competition? That hardly seems like an appropriate use for my state-of-the-art mass lock field."
K: "Thaaaanks, EoN. You're the best!"

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
THE COBRA wins this over THE SNAKE
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
I want him to win one for once
>Local Cop beats interdimensional reptillian invader in dance competition!
>"What a headline. Hey have you guys read the paper?"
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
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You swallow your mouthful of Burrito and look at Hawthorne.

"Sir, have you ever.." You let the sentence drift off and shake your head. "Nevermind."

"Speak your mind, Rook." He says, his eyes focused on his phone screen.

"It's a stupid question."

He clicks his phone and lets it fall to the table, leaning back in his seat he interlocks his fingers.
"Well now you have me curious. Ask away, that's an order."


"Have you ever... Hm. Do you know anyone who's ever done Zumba?"


"It was a stupid question, sir. I-"

He holds up a hand.
"What the hell are you asking me about Zumba for?"

You feel your cheeks go a light pink.
"It's just the music in here. It reminded me of Zumba is all.."

"You're still on Zumba? I mean you eat like a garbage truck but you don't look too out of shape to me. Must work." He replies with a grin and a chuckle.

"Not me!" You quickly defend yourself. "It was Nia, I just like had a slip into a memory you know?"

"Ahh. Super-Ex." He says gently with a nod. "Suzanne was into that kind of thing too."


"Oh yeah, she loved to dance always had. I was out there working my beat and doing boxing on weekends. Said I made her feel lazy." He lets our a dry laugh laced with nostalgic longing. "She picked it up so we could 'stay fit together' which was a riot. She was a buck twenty soaking wet."

"Nia got into it just because of the trend you know? It was a big thing, everyone was doing it. Pretty sure my dad even got my mom some DVD's for her birthday."

Hawthorne hisses.

"Yeah it was taken.. poorly. She still ended up doing it for a while though. It was pretty fun."

"It was pretty fun?" Hawthorne asks, his eyes narrowing.

"I mean. From what I saw."

"Uh-huh. Everyone was doing it you said?"

"Just a figure of speech.." You mumble feeling the red travel to your ears.

You chance a glance up and regret it. Hawthorne's steely eyes bore holes into you and you swallow nervously. He maintains the pressure and leans ever so slightly closer, his eyebrow arching.

"It was only once! Nia asked me too, I did it one time, okay!?"

Your head dips and you sigh. A light tapping comforts you as he pats your back.

"It's okay, Rook. Every man in love has done something like that."

"Every man, you say?"

"Jazzercise." He replies simply. You bite your inner cheek, the image in your mind setting you into a a twitching fit. Eventually you can't help yourself.

"Did you have leg warmers? Or were you more a GoGo Boot guy, sir?"

He sets his silverware down and gives you a death glare. (Pic Rel)
"I'm gonna pretend you never said that. For your benefit."

"Yes, sir." You reply meekly still wearing the shadow of a grin.

Back-Linking to myself, I also just updated my quest not long ago as a little 2FA.

>Mark DeLucia.
He's my son, I can't vote against him.

>Kiro Skyeskal
Set the lab conditions to extra gravity, some simulated wind, run a variety of experiments to cover every possible condition. Then pray to Lizard God that magic isn't going to make this trivial.
Tips finally managed to pull his eyes away from the strange spectacle which he’d been partaking in: the Reptilian Infilitrator and the mentalist guardsman performing what he took for an ancestral tribal battle-dance of some sort, set to strange, tinny, overfast music

“The local cultures of these other ‘universes’ is truly fascinating… And weird.”

Speaking of fascinating and odd, he was up against the not-technically-kobold who claimed to be some upper-atmospheric planes-traveling entity akin to the Celestial Gods and their ‘Eladrin’ creations. Certainly, Mr. Kiro Skyeskal was unlike any kobold Tips had ever heard of (not that he’d ever MET one). He was much more erudite than your average Hawksong HUMAN, honestly. Ontop of that, his worn technology and performances thus far had attested to technical quasi-wizardry to rival any dwarven mechanist Tips had seen at work in The Smithing District. He really DID seem like one of the ‘High Elves’ on Holy Luna, just shrunken and scaly…

[i[All of which was to say, Tips was nervous.

“A ‘low-gravity environment’? I’ve been in one of those before. I suspect I’d manage well enough.”

“… And then high gravity? That sounds difficult… But I think I understand.”

“REVERSE gravity? As in… Flight? No, not like flight? What kind of arcana IS this?! I’ve never seen anything like i!”

“…The game itself? Oh, in my Tower academic days, we played similar games with summoned Elemental Earth. We also had this one with marked chips of stone, and elemental symbols… Rather like dominos, if your ‘universe’ has that?”

“I have to admit, using magic would make this a lot easier. But you know… You don’t get to be a good mage without a lot of manual dexterity. You have to be fast, precise and fluid in your movements to properly produce a spell’s somatic components and cast it effectively. And I do that sort of thing in battle! This is nothing.”

But damn it all, this Skyeskal was good, too. Were those adhesive pads on his fingers (paws??) Fascinating! Ugh, if magic was allowed, he could use <Wildshape> to imitate those and match the advantage… Ugh! He’d just have to rely on his elven graces and mage’s nimble fingers to make up for it. ‘High Kobolds’ weren’t the only race with physical advantages!

These are both great.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Even if he'll be annoyed the whole time

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
As the less impatient of the two.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Dance classes gotta be used somewhere
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Weird tower building seems like his hobby.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
I'm not so sure Richard has the body for it. On the other hand, Mark's a pretty active cop.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
I'm sure some magic fuckery would give him an advantage.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Well, you can rest assured Officer: whatever else may have happened, you took SOMETHING away from that relationship! There's hardly a voter in site who, seeing the way Mark moves it, voted for his opponent.

Kiro and Tips were quite a bit closer, separated only by a pair of votes. And, of course, that means that -- with their own advantages on full display -- I must roll for Kiro. Someone should lodge a complaint about this! pls no
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Rolled 16, 14 = 30 (2d44)

Well there you have it! Our unambiguous winner is:

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)


>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

tie it up! Congrats to all four of them, though -- I'm sure Richard gave it his all, and I know that there are some 'dad bod' aficionados out there who surely appreciated it.

Let's move on to Round Sixteen, though...
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It appears that Richard is leaving this misadventure uncommented on.
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Some say that size matters, and others argue it doesn't Well, this is a contest for KINGS, not for size-QUEENS, amirite fellas? And when a little horned hamster goes up against a mighty metal warlord, we have a prime opportunity to see if it matters for OUR purposes! And, well, it may not, because the dice have seen fit to pit

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

not in a contest of sporting skill or martial mettle, but culinary creativity! It's


Meanwhile, it seems our resident Saiyan Conqueror is in for another team event against a fellow athlete. His last one didn't go as well as he perhaps expected, but surely he has this next one in the bag? After all, his Irish-Italian enemy is no super robot. However, Diesel may yet have a trick up his sleeve, as

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

are facing off in...


Pick a partner, mount up, and remember no flying, no telekinesis, no magic, no mutant tentacle whips... And no training wheels!

Kek, contest's already worth it.
He had to CHOOSE to wear that. No one forced him. Wew lad
>Beta (Core of Steel)


And he always wanted to build a snowman. Ice cream is close enough, right?

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Him and his wife are so in sync they don't even need telepathy to work together. It's natural.
>>Ramster (Cutémon)
>>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
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Richard is famous for his restrained fashion sense and has definitely not spent the entire quest wearing increasingly dubious outfits. He likes playing dress-up with his funny human body and, like all good dads, embarrassing his daughteru a little bit.

Now we know what color these shorts are!
The dad grindset can't be beat lmao
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
It's in his name, he's got this

"ERROR: Impossible objective. Frame lacks necessary equipment required to complete the assigned task."

"... Are you serious?"

"Pilot, I do not have taste buds."

"Just copy a famous recipe from the databanks!"

"Mess hall thawing instructions are all that comes up. My hands are not even the correct size to prepare food."

"So then use a bigger bowl. Ask whoever is running this tournament for drum barrels of syrup and truckloads of fruit. Figure it out."

"The melting rate of ice is proportionate to the volume, not surface area. The time scale would be exponentially larger than the aggregate of cubes that the opposition is using."

"In english, Beta."

"Making the food at a larger scale is significantly harder because ice behaves differently at that size. The ingredients would not correctly mix evenly throughout the dessert."

"No not literal ice! That's a snow cone! We're talking about ice cream; dairy that has been frozen. Do you actually understand wh- ARRRGGHH JUST FORGET IT! I'LL HAVE DO IT MYSELF"

"Sophie, you are blind."


This is even less likely than the hockey match. Normally I'd always vote for the candidate that I am representing, but in this case, I genuinely feel that it would be out of character for Beta to "vote" for himself. He was built for war and almost nothing else.

>My votes are for:
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
“Rules too vague, but if it is about making one them then the winner will of course be-“
>Beta (Core of Steel)
“-Because his opponent is a rodent.

“This one’s more difficult, as I need to find someone who can match my stride.” Karn mumbles, his wife Meloka rolling her eyes before using the technique she’d learned from the Yardratian elder Pybara to increase her size to perfectly match his own. “…I keep forgetting we can do that.”
“You don’t forget it when the kids go to bed.” she replies with a teasinng smirk, taking the support second seat. “Now, c’mon. Let’s win this!”
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
I think this guy could destroy a sundae.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
He's named after a vehicle... it's fate...
>Ramster (Cutémon)
Sundaes are art, and machines cannot create art, only copy and blend a million similar images together.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
They say saiyans are pretty strong, but Fausto Coppi was Italian, not saiyan, and he was one of the best cyclists of all time. OF ALL TIME.
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Oh shit, I did, too. Well, reading's for nerds. Everyone knows pictures are worth a thousand of them! Haha... Ha.


Anyway, our winners for realsies in Round fifteen were:

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Will actually serve something.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Unfortunately the General Karn has no peers
Beta actually would be capable of creating art (I think). The problem is just that that is absolutely not what he was created for, nor has he ever had any experience/practice doing that.
What's worse about this contest in particular, is that Beta has no taste. It'd be like a singing thing but one of the contestants is deaf
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>Ramster (Cutémon)
Has tastebuds.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
No contest. Diesel doesn't stand a fuckin chance dudes.
>Diesel doesn't stand a fuckin chance dudes.
The blood of Fausto Coppi runs through his veins - he cannot lose.
Was he a tandem cyclist?
He was so good his partner wouldn't even need to pedal.
Who was his partner?
That's right, this is firsthand experience
So he wasn't a tandem cyclist. Shameful. You LIED. You know what happens to liars. They get their balls waxed.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Unfortunately the General Karn has no peers
Aside from his wife? Or Golden Freeza? I would say Cooler, but Cooler would throw the match just to make Karn lose because he’s a petty bitch like that. Ubo? Leyas? King Vegeta? Bardock? And if all else fails he learned the Multiform technique years ago and could quite literally stand beside himself for this one.
He may have been. But can he pedal fast enough that his feet break the sound barrier? Unless the gravity on Karn and Meloka only is cranked up to over 1360x Earth’s, which is his current training level, he wouldn’t even have to leave base form to do so without trying.
Which is why I’m glad this is only a popularity contest, steamrolling lower power settings with just beeg numbers is boring.
>Ramster (Cutémon)
Beta can't even make a snowman

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
He can choose one of the jocks for a partner and zoom ahead while Karn is destroying one bike after another by pedaling too fast.
>Ramster (Cutémon)
Only because he has functional tastebuds...
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
FATHER DAUGHTER BIKE RACE LETS GOOOOOO! There is no way Diesel can catch up to them.
Here I am
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Jokes on you ||my balls are already waxed||
>But can he pedal fast enough that his feet break the sound barrier?
Sounds like a DQ for destroying the bike to me
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Hey QM, don't you mean
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
won this competition? You should probably make sure that you didn't write the other one down by mistake.

>Ramster (Cutémon)
He would have a better taste for it because, well, he could actually taste it.

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
His wife would make an excellent biking partner. Combine that with Saiyan powers, he would have this match in the bag.
>>6034387 see >>6034004
But thanks for the catch!
>Sounds like a DQ for destroying the bike to me
My entire point is he can constantly one-up a far weaker opponent without trying. Just say you like the other guy more.
I just wanna say when it comes to world cycling championships:
Italians - 1
Saiyans - 0
Seems pretty clear to me.
Lil bro your crush's name is Fausto. Faust. Faustian bargain. You've got a hard on for a demon. He wants your soul bruh. Don't do it cuh.
>>Ramster (Cutémon)
The organic one is at least able to assemble and taste the ingredients. No beta, motor oil does not make for a good chocolate sauce substitute...
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Power levels aside, I don't think Diesel has partner he'd be in sync with compared to Karn.
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Rolled 19, 37 = 56 (2d42)

I feel like I SHOULD tell you to go to /x/ with that logic, but you know what? That's just the brand of mad word association demonology we LIKE around these parts! Shine on, you crazy anon. Someone alert the Reptilian Cosnpircy's Vatican division. Pull Agent Fausto. He's compromised.

Afraid I'm going to have to disqualify this one...

Which leaves Ramster leading Beta, and with reasonable rationale! Those pinchable chipmunk cheeks and sextrous little digits can whip up and appreciate a damn flavourful sundae!

However, Karn and Diesel are TIED! And in a tie, it comes down to my discretion to cast my tie-breaker vote -- no dice required! While Diesel and pepper riding tandem is an adorable image, I'm afraid only one QM contributed a cute little write-in between the two of them, and that was GDQM with >>6033976. He even addressed the size of their strides! As such, this round I really gotta' throw in with the General.

Our winners this round, with me being SUPER DUPER CAREFUL not to fuck it up, are:

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>sextrous little digits
Ramster knows what the ladies like
Now that's what I call a Freudian slip!
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Did someone get polyjuiced Hermione-style? Afraid not, Little Elliot: you’re really fighting a buff-as-fuck catman! Well, maybe ‘fighting’ is the wrong word… though there ARE knives involved! But then again, maybe someone from the ‘Wizarding World’ might put up a pretty good fight, since we’re stepping out of the summer season to celebrate the harvest with…


Who can make the better jack-o-lantern before the clock runs out:

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

Remember: no wands, ONLY knives!

Our second match of Round Seventeen is a personally painful one for yours truly. When will the reptoid-on-reptoid violence end?! And I’m sorry to say that this time, I DO mean violence! Albeit the sort of violence which Richard’s ‘secret admirer’ much enjoy, because hot on the heals of musical exercise, he and a certain spacefaring X-in-training are going to be rumbling in a very special ring. It’s

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)



Maybe the slipperiest squamate win!

I meant 'dextrous', but the man DOES have a lot of kids... Missus Ramster must be a very happy rodent
>>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

I've seen rabbits eat pumpkins, but never carve them. And pumpkins are very witch adjacent, due to halloween, and do show up a lot in harry potter, so giving it to eliot

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

He has an extra appendage, has scales and claws for better grip, and Richard has a bit of handicap due to age
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
It's always old people who carve the really tricked out pumpkins

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
When it comes to oil wrestling, snakes > lizards.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Richard has all his metaphysical powers which he can use to strengthen himself, etc.
There's some joke about an oiled-up man that I could slip in here. Kek.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
He can carve a thing or two because he's seen a thing or two.

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Oil makes the slick skin of a human meat suit even MORE slippery. All the grease from a middle aged man body simply contributes to this. You simply cannot hold an oiled up post-mid-life-crisis dad. The oil will probably make Kiro's scales feel truly luxuriant, though. So silver linings?
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
The floating ones in Hogwarts in all the movies, come on people!
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
He's got physical training because of his captaincy role and all that entails
"Hmmm. Wizards are pretty good at manipulating things, but without his implement it seems Elliot can't actually cast his spells. And without his magic, from what I've seen I'll vote-"
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

"Wrestling? Well, my opinion may be a bit different than some of the others here. But from what I can tell, Richard's probably far more clever than Kiro, but there is something to be said for youthful vigor. And since neither of them are fighters, then the real deciding factor will be their determination. And from what I've seen in their eyes, the one who won't quit will be-"
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
thats just a staple thing in the Wizarding World Universe
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
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There's a good reason why a large proportion of the voidship's damage control teams are made up of its more reptilian crew members.
Their small stature, robust tails, and slippery scales let them scurry through the maintenance crawlspaces with ease. Meanwhile their naturally grippy fingerpads and claws let them maintain their hold on even the greasiest of tools.
Of course, some just like to use their natural slipperiness for other pursuits, like perfecting the a sweet tactical tail-slide while expertly handling firearms.
Either way, if your find yourself in a wrestling match with an oiled up Marrok, good luck to you.

D: Bro, come on! You've been hogging the shower for 40 minutes already!
K: But I have an excuse. It's waaaarmm...
D: You say that every time, how is today any different? And why are there greasy clawprints all over our room?! You weren't rostered to supervise the maintenance crews today.
K: Yeah, uh, here's the thing Dal... you know what's slipperier than a greasy Marrok.
D: *sigh* What have you gotten yourself into now?
K: An oiled one.
D: ....
K: Can you get me some more soap, please? This stuff isn't coming off.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
More likely to know his way around a carving knife if magic has been disallowed.
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"The less said about the previous activity, the better. If Charlotte was truly in the audience, I trust that my attire made her avert her eyes, and therefore she escaped witness of my performance. An idiotic name for an idiotic pastime for idiots, my opponent no exception.

My streak of disadvantages was to continue: obviously I had been singled out for humiliation and destruction. 'The tall poppy gets the scythe'-- always and forever. Perhaps I would make the competition uninteresting to watch, were I dealt with fairly. No matter.

'Oil wrestling.' On the upside, this involved less jostling than the hateful 'Zumba,' and rather more endurance. Per my research, matches could last upwards of an hour, provided no competitor was successfully pinned. My opponent in this case was the small lizard, the distant relative. I had no experience with his tail, or with his diminutive stature, but I recognized his body plan-- and knew it was not impervious to a well-placed thumb or knee. Moreover, I knew his energy and good cheer was not infinite. He would squirm-- but so would I, and only one of us would tire. Additionally, he lacked the strength to flip me over-- but I did not lack the strength to flip him. It didn't matter whether it took 1 hour, or 3, or 5. I would inevitably prevail."

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

"speed is superior" joke courtesy of BananasQM


"Is this not a popular pastime for children?"

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
By the way, I want to make it clear that Richard bitching about unfairness is purely in-character, I have no problem with the dice putting him in stupid situations lol
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Comes with the territory, Hogwarts already has the talking paintings and ghosts about, place must have some killer Halloweens.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Snakes are the slipperiest of all and a natural predator of most lizards.
Okay so for some reason Richard's shorts remind me of the McDonalds Arches and now I can only imagine it is fry oil he is covered in which is a truly cursed thought.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
He's got more tricks up his sleeve than anons usually give him credit for.

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
He's got just enough dexterity to outpace a snake.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
MANLY PHYSIQUE and cutting skills give him the advantage over a wand-user in a knife contest.

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Nimble Lizard is too fast for the old man and too strong for his snake.
How do you think he got married?

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
This is a random vote, I won't pretend otherwise

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Richard's actual "body" is a tiny snake, there's no way he'd outwrestle anyone.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Hogwarts Halloween is wild
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Size, muscle, and competency. Sorry lizard bro...and lizard bro? Look on the bright side, neither of you got this challenge against Karn.....
Here is me for the id
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

Elliot is canonically good in the kitchen, so good with a carving knife.

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

Richard doesn't seem... terribly athletic.
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>Richard's actual "body" is a tiny snake, there's no way he'd outwrestle anyone.
You're entitled to vote for whoever you like, anon, but in the interest of clarity: Richard's actual "body" is three feet long and built for swimming, so pretty muscly. Not a gigantic anaconda or anything, but I wouldn't call him tiny. (Also, I don't think he's using the snake body, but who knows what the actual rules are.)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Tom is a cat, anon.

However, the conventional wisdom seems to hold here: if you haven't seen a cat carve a pumpkin, CAN a cat carve a pumpkin? I mean, this one has thumbs, clothes, a buff-ass humanoid torso, and two extra arms, but even so... Hogwarts makes a SPECTACLE of this shit. It's close, 8 trailing nine, but when contests get spoopy, Dark Lord Hallaster has it in hand!

Our second contest was a close one, too. Since Richard isn't being forced to assume serpentine form, and given his natural form is taller, I'd be inclined to give him a roll. And I do appreciate his infographic (>>6034901), even if his humanoid form seems to be... Lumpier... Than might normally be expected from an athlete. It's 10-to-7 in Kiro's favour, though, so he'd better hope for a high roll...
Damn... oily dad bod wins I guess
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Rolled 34, 40 = 74 (2d40)

Well there you have it! If the dice are to be trusted (and why wouldn't they be? am I not a very trusty reptile?), then it seems Richard's speed WAS superior! >>6034917

Or, well, maybe not SUPERIOR. But sufficient to tie things up! Both Kiro and Richard ascend to the hallowed status of having five 'victories' under their belt thanks to this draw, and Elliot is closer behind them. Alas, Tom's luck remains unchanged, as he loses another contest.

Our winners this round?

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

Now, onto Round Eighteen...
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In our first match, the wizard Tips will be encountering his second-ever Dragonborn, while Sir Reynauld will be uncomfortably close to a less (?) crazy mage from among the fair folk. It’s sure to be quite a culture shock for the both of them, but the real question is how they’ll measure up when their physical AND magical skills are matched against one another in…


Who has the better shot:
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

As for our second match… Is it a match made in heaven, or hell in the proverbial cell?! A single table stands between them, as our contestants take their seats. One: a man born to rebel, and reborn anew in a jail! On the other side, an avatar of law and order, speaking with the civic structures of the city. And their contest? LEGENDARY!

You see, math two is…
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)


>>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Casting fist is always more effective than some windy floaty thingy spell.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Kid can eat. A hot dog, taco, cheesesteak and a slice of pizza all in one sitting. Basically eating entire bricks at that point. Super dense. A bunch of normal hogs ain't got no chance. And as a not!new yorker he certainly has plenty of experience with meat sticks on buns.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Mark already has 3/3 votes and I don't want our boy to go down with nothing :(
“A projectile contest? Well, this will go to the stronger competitor, and the more experienced soldier. My vote is for-“
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

“Law against chaos, in who can devour more? I have to give this one to-“
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
If dedicated magic is allow then Reynauld won't be as experienced with fine precision as Tips.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Hotdog water runs through these Italian viens.
Ayyyye lmao
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

Bro is from superhero New York. You know the fucker can suck down glizzys.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
How would these two interact? I assume the dart challenge is pretty leisurely as these king challenges go. Why not sit down and talk about their settings and how things differ in magic and the reptile races and more?
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
This happened to him in his quest
So my vote goes to him. But I bet James is still no slouch
By the way, I wonder how James and Mark would get along. James might be interested in Mark's Shivers with how huge Gongalla is plus his own Eye of Truth. Mark would not like James being a convicted criminal and vandal and more, but James marrying Petunia with Petunia's past crimes is rather shocking to a cop.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
This is a popularity contest, I vote for whom I like.
Just because he was a criminal doesn't mean Mark wouldn't be friends with James or like him. As a matter of fact, he's friends with 2 active (technically) criminals right now. Especially if James is reformed or just a former criminal, I'm confident saying that everyone in my quest would agree that Mark would see it as simply: "He made a mistake and already served his sentence, he deserves another chance."

He's also a pseudo-big brother to a kid he initially caught vandalizing a bank. So vandals are no hard line.. yknow provided they're open to less destructive outlets.

I also did write him to be a human garbage disposal who can slam crazy amounts of food, especially after heavily using his power.

>Mark DeLucia (GCBC)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

I've been a DM for long enough to know the true power of Elven accuracy. Shit's retarded.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
I must vote for my fellow mage.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
"Lawn darts, you say? I can figure out lawn darts, I guarantee you. I've tossed quite a few things in my day, before I switched over to pistols."
Reynauld sniffs.
"And... if I were to try, I can augment my experience with a little bit of magic. I probably can't beat a true mage's apprentice with *pure* magic, though... My life expectancy far outweighs him. Wouldn't the mana poisoning be a danger for him?
I take it that his world works differently, though. Either way, I'll vote for myself. I'm an accurate toss, and that's no boast."

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
"I have heard tales of the legendary New Yorker race, and one of the things that is supposed to be true is their great appetite for nondescript mixed meats. Adding to that, this man is at least partially Italian, making him the perfect example of the New Yorker. Clearly... I must throw in my vote to the voracious beast, and be thankful it has dedicated itself to law, rather than it deep dark instincts of devouring an entire cart of those things."

THere is a short pause.
"That said, other legends also speak of the ability of New Yorkers to turn into six foot tall rats under the pale moonlight, so perhaps my sources aren't entirely accurate. Considering my source is a kobolt that ate a book from their world, perhaps I am, in fact, talking nonsense."

A wide grin follows.
"My vote remains, however."
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Standard training for dealing with the condiment king when bats ain't arround
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
I'm going to assume the hands of a warrior give him an edge on this one.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
He's an American. He wins by default.
"'Mana poisoning'? I've heard of 'mana' as a foreign synonym for 'magical energy', like 'qi' or 'aura'. It's not toxic, though, but just the stuff of life!"

(Or, well... Most life. Goblinodis lack it. Hmm. Could this dragon-man's universe hold secrets to explain the nature of goblins?)

"As a half-elf, I'm naturally a 'magical creature, to use the academic terminology. I'd assumed the same must be true for you? I've heard you called 'dragonborn' and 'dragonkin', and dragons are highly magical creatures. if your condition is more akin to a chimeric infection of body or soul, tough... I have some experience with curing that kind of thing."

(Gah! i almost missed that shot. I'd better focus, if I want to win this.)

"Let's talk more after the match, maybe?"

(Imagine how much I could learn!)
Rolled 1 (1d6)

Some say you should never bet against a Sicilian when death is on the line, or an Irish-Italian in a bicycle race. However, it seems nearly EVERYONE agrees that a Gothamite can gobble glizzys good! Mark mogs Mr. Calaca in this particular contest and thus seizes the lead in the King competition as a whole!.. But can he HOLD it?

As for our dashing darters, a mutual fascination seems to be equally-impeding their focus. Or, well, NEAR-equally. Mious Van Houtzmann seems to be the more adept mage, carefully whipping up wind-elementals to guide his projectiles where elven grace and/or dexterity fail to hold up. There's no substitute for sheer skill, though, and his knightly opponent has that in spades... And a bit of magic to boot! 9-to-6 means a roll of 3 or higher could still tie this up for the man from House Numitor!
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Rolled 28, 29 = 57 (2d38)

Ooo, tough luck for the Dragon Knight! It seems it's cops over criminals and seekers over serpents as our winners of Round Eighteen take the podium:

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

But who will win Round Nineteen? Well, let's see who's competing, shall we?
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It's a matter of mettle and machine (but not of motors) and a contest of considerable gravity, when man and machine take again to the streets! This time, it's another race, but rather different than our usual fare. Rather than being given vehicles,

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)

and their respective 'pit crews' will be expected to assemble one! Then, they'll be steering it downhill in...


Since our (unpaid) labourers are getting sick of constructing two tracks to make the size discrepancy fair, we're also going to take the liberty of shrinking Beta down to a human size for this one. After all, this is about SKILL!

As for our other event, it seems the Dragon of New Salda is going to be facing off against an alleged Dark Lord! One has poorly-explained supernatural powers, and the other is a wizard! But who can better utilize those skills to construct the superior structure, when...

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

face one another in...

>Beta (Core of Steel)
This entire scenario is too funny for me to not vote this
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
He canonically has LEGOs in his house and gave them to his literal autistic future brother-in-law to play with.
I dont even...you know what
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Just on size alone he would hit the finish first.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Monkey's inherently understand the joy of legos, and fun fact, Karn is a fully certified repairman, contractor, and demolitionist after having to rebuild his planet after multiple sieges. He could build a fortress out of legos, fully functional, and capable of stopping his pinky from getting through it.
Me, here to vote
Let me rephrase that, even human size Beta is still heavier than Diesel and would go faster.
>Beta (Core of Steel)

He has advanced movement algorithms I assume? The machine is perfect, the flesh is flawed.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

He has a bunch of muggle legos he played with when younger, has magic legos he got for Christmas, and his future brother-in-law is autistic literally when it comes to building shit; surely some of that 'tism has rubbed off.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
He can gun the DIESEL and CRASH it over the finish line!

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
I buy the other arguments here.
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"Heh, sorry kid but it seems this one just isn't your event. This one will go to the team used to repairing, which is-"
>Beta (Core of Steel)

"A sculpture? We just make whatever we want?" Karn asks, his daughter nodding.
"You click the nubs into the holes on the other side to stack them, forming them into whatever you want." Chaya says, explaining how they work. "Vox makes something quite like these, though they had a different name. Probably due to copyright nonsense. But you can make anything you can think of."
"Anything, huh? Alright, let's see what I can do here." Karn says, sitting down and tries to grab the first piece. But the flimsy plastic shatters into dust in his fingertips, the general sighing out. "Guess telekinesis it is."

Using his mind, exerting the softest amount of pressure possible, Karn begins assembling something with the bricks present.

"Hey, hold on. Is that-?" Chaya asks after several minutes, her father smirking a bit triumphantly. Hovering before him, in a perfect 1:1 replica is a scouter made of these flimsy, fragile bricks. The general seems quite proud of his creation, using his telekinesis to hold it up to the side of his head. It is a perfect fit. "Wow, that's awesome Dad!"
"I won't lie, putting these things together is... Rather soothing." Karn says, drawing his creation off his face and letting it rest in his open palm. Then, ever so gently he sets it on the table, turning back to the endless buckets of pieces. "Now then, what shall I make next?"
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Boy's built to drift.

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
It's HIM. The one who can actually pull the 1x1 and 2x2 lego pieces apart with his bare fingertips. There is no contest, only AWE at this unit.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
i dont know anything about him, nut just by looking at him you just know he has done that before
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
not only he has legos, not only he has magical legos, he also has minecraft, he literally can only be stopped by a lack of legos and even then he could probably create more
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Diesel Crash
Have you seen his name?

>Elliot Hallaster
Canonically a Lego fiend
I’ll vote rn, need to go to bed so I’ll do the rp lore blurb tomorrow

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Constructing and piloting a ramshackle billy-cart and then racing it down a hill without it wiping out? Well one's a machine and the other has crash in his name. I think we know where this one is going.
>Beta (Core of Steel)

I wouldn't bet against a kid when it comes to creativity, and imagination, especially when it comes to lego.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
IP changed again, linking to previous post >>6036571
Oh shit, I've been gone all week and missed some shit, apparently! Gotta be honest, even with the whole crew helping him I don't know if Diesel could complete with the CERTAINTY OF STEEL, so...
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Sounds like a man that knows his way around a LEGO set.
>>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
I don't even know what soapbox derby is.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Going supersayan doesn't help here
It used to be you'd build a little boxcar that could fit a bar of soap and roll it down a hill against other people's little cars. Now it's a whole thing where people make them so someone can sit in them and ride it down. From my experience, plenty of people forget to add or don't know how to build a method of actively steering. So people wiping out isn't uncommon. Happens a lot when people are leaning to get their ride to drift one way or the other. I've also seen the "paddle" method and one time saw someone try to use a sail. Which was wild.

Or perhaps I am making this all up. In essence though, it's a bunch of amateur engineers and kid+parent things where they just want to have fun doing something dangerous and stupid. Painting your box is ESSENTIAL, by the way. Don't respect anyone who turns up with unfinished plywood nailed together.
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I know by the rules he's shrunk down but all I can think of is pic
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Rolled 3, 34 = 37 (2d36)


Perhaps 'Crash' is not the most auspicious surname in a derby, more maybe people (and even Diesel's QM) simply favour the certainty of steel? I'm sure Pepper and Raj managed the better paint-job, but beta's pit-crew of trained mechanics made up for his shrunken stature and then some, 10-to-4.

Karn v Elliot was a little closer, but as enamored the Super Saiyan was with building-blocks, the wee wizard simply has more hands-on experience with LEGO-brand LEGOs. It's 8-to-6 in Block Lord Hallaster's favour, and I'm loathe to overturn it based on arguments and scenarios presented.

>Beta (Core of Steel)
thus joins Officer DeLucia at 6 wins, while

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
ascends to 5!

Now, who's up next?
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Round Twenty starts off not with a whimper, but with a blast of heat from an oven! When a half-man from the Sylvanwood meets a Mon from an unknown early route, it's an interesting contest to be sure. Both

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

are used to cooking up trouble, but what about baking up bread, or decorating confections?

That's right, they're in:


Meanwhile, two very different sorts of lizardmen from fundamentally-opposed philosophies will be expected to make their pitches for why the ought to be King of /QST/. The podium they ascend will not be a political one, though, nor will

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

be meeting in the ring. Rather, only one word will be ringing out above all others, as they meet on the field of business: "LEMONADE!" See, they're not selling themselves or duking it out, but selling and distribution fresh bevvies in...

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

Making potions and casting spells isn't that different than cooking...

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

I can not see my self buying lemonade from a middle aged man in a full suit when he is standing out in the summer heat, conspicuously not sweating. Maybe if he had his kid selling it and he ran the back end...
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
I don't want a rodent preparing food!

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Much more suave and able to hide his reptilian side.
No risk of sweat falling into the lemonade.
>Ramster (Cutémon)
I get the feeling he might have a small edge
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Selling lemonade to little kids is EASY
>Ramster (Cutémon)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
He'll ram those cupcakes full of flavor!

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
I am certain Richard would be a better salesman. HOWEVER. A knight selling lemonade is such a great spectacle that it cannot be ignored.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
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You're just in time to watch Ramster's next contest!

It looks like it's a baking contest! This should be really fun to watch, since Ramster really likes to eat cake!

"Ram-ram!" Ramster is really moving around the kitchen! It seems like he knows what he's doing!

[SFX: oven timer]

What? Ramster is already done baking his cake? It looks pretty delicious, doesn't it?


It seems like Ramster might win this contest! Do you think the judge will like Ramster's cake?

You're nodding your head! It really seems like Ramster is going to win the contest!

Here comes the judge now! Let's see what he...


What? Ramster isn't letting the judge have any cake?


It seems like Ramster baked this cake just for himself to eat before he starts the contest! Well, he still has a little time left to bake another cake!
Kek. Cute!
“Hey dad, what are you doing? That round of competition’s already over.” Chaya says to her father, who has been meticulously building a small replica of the ancient Lucrehulk ship Arctus had rebuilt from the ground up, the one recently destroyed and lost to the void. “You already lost.”
“What?” he asks, looking up and around, confused. His opponent had already long since left the table, leaving several large, sprawling constructions from castles to wooden boats, space ships to what look like desert mining towns and even a grey blimp sitting there. Karn looks back to his two creations, not feeling particularly upset at the loss. Building with those tiny bricks had required one hundred percent of his focus to avoid breaking them, and even then, even with his gentlest telekinetic touch, more than two dozen parts now in pieces lay scattered about him. But it had awoken something within the warrior, the man who had been a fighter, a conqueror since his first kill when he was less than 12 years old. A desire to create, to build. “Oh well. That was… Fun.”

“The next rounds have already started, you gonna vote in them?” Chaya asks him, then looking back to see his expression adds, “Or if you want I can vote for you this time, and let you build a bit longer?”
“Appreciate it kiddo, but enough’s enough.” Karn says, rising to his feet and stretching. “Now let’s see what we’ve got next… You know, I don’t know what it is, but somehow I get the feeling that that rodent can actually prepare food. Why not, I’ll vote-“
>Ramster (Cutémon)

“Both men competing to see who is the better salesman? Bah, I have no idea about that. However, if both are preparing their own with the intent of getting repeat customers, I wouldn’t put it above Richard to add certain… Spice to his.”
“Just like the-“ Chaya starts, but is suddenly interrupted by what is very clearly Vox shouting in her ear. “Hey, -I- wasn’t going to say you added addictive, banned substances to the fizzing concession drinks at the arena. But -you- just shouted that right in my chat’s ear, ~boss~.”

“…Anyways, my vote goes to-“
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

Karn’s been a warrior for a LONG time, writing him getting to relax and enjoy something as simple as lego building was quite the treat for me.
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"How was I to know the organizers had instated a time limit? Were we informed? Of course not. The child was too squirmy to pin, and I too slippery, and our combined energies were not yet spent when time was called. Thus the wrestling was declared a draw, though I undoubtedly would have won if the fight were administered properly.

Next was-- next was that vile, impudent man, and his WYRM-curse. I really did not need to win here, as, in the long term, victory over his feeble, puttylike flesh was inevitable. He would be a tool whether he liked it or not. However, I admit that I would take enormous satisfaction if I *were* to win here, if only to speed up his process of realization.

Fortuitously, this contest was not physical: perhaps the powers-that-be had grown tired of watching my fumbling. Rather, we were to sell a sour beverage: "lemonade." I don't know that I had ever tasted it, though I believed Charlotte was fond of it. Damn it! If only she were here! She was not a persuasive saleswoman-- the opposite, in fact-- but the purchase of this lemonade appeared to be driven by pity more than a genuine desire, and she was excellent at nothing else if invoking pity. It was something in her eyes. That, and no matter the outcome of the sales, she would be there: buoying me upon success, cushioning me from failure. Her absence pained me, and not just from worry. I felt I needed her.

If I had seen the words I am writing at any previous point-- *any* previous point-- within the cycle, I would have been horrified. I am beyond rescue. I know I am beyond rescue. I know I am beyond the Task. I know this because none of it matters to me anymore-- or the amount it matters pales in the face of what newly matters. I--

I am getting off topic. Charlotte was not here, so I would sell the lemonade, a task I was well-suited for. I knew the mechanics of sales, and the micro-fluctuations in a tone of voice that drives them. If I was asked where my child was, I would say that she was briefly absent. It was true. And if she could not invoke pity, a plea toward charity surely would. Proceeds to go to saving the world.

If this strategy were to fail, I had dozens more. If necessary, I'm sure that man's lemonade could be made to taste vile, to sicken and poison, and mine could be enhanced in various ways. Purchase a lemonade and become a God! No. Best to win on my own terms first, so my superiority would be unimpeachable. But if that failed, alternatives could be pursued. How could I fail?"

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)


"I admit, I had my doubts about whether the creature was capable of baking. The evidence, however, speaks for itself."
>Ramster (Cutémon)

these are SO CUTE dude I love it
Now, that is a face you can trust to sell a cool glass of lemony sugar water with absolutely nothing in it besides. Can snakes even taste sweetness or sourness?

I would, personally, probably buy some from a guy who looked like that, but I also went alone and wandered down town Cancun for several hours at 1am buying drugs before, so I may not be the best with risk assessment.

Fuck it changing to

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Can snakes even taste sweetness or sourness?
I suspect probably not, but there's a reason Richard is so excited to be out of a snake and inside a human body! Though I'm not sure how much of a sweet tooth he has, even so. The only foods he's been seen canonically enjoying are white wine, whiskey, and, uh... Everclear. (For emergencies.) I suppose boozing up the lemonade is one alternative sales strategy :^)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
I'll buy from Richard, but only if he sells me the god-ascending lemonade.
>Boozie lemonade

Dude you don't have to convince me, I already changed my vote.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
I bet he bakes for his children

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
He can manipulate people into anything, even buying lemonade
"I may not be good at charity, but selling lemonade? The klan is a great help, they have very squeezable faces, and I've been told standing ram-rod still in plate armor while selling lemonade is eyecatching. That, and being a huge half-dragon, but I'll say it's the plate armor that helps. For my own sense of worth;"
>>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

"You look tense, friend. Lemonade is little more than sugar and lemon, and some minor adjustments for taste. Would you like to borrow a kobolt?"
Reynauld does his best smile, making sure he doesn't show too many teeth. Being polite is his new goal, and showing inhuman teeth is a bit of a social faux pax, in his experience.
"You seem like a kind man to me, and trustworthy besides. Please ignore the hissing from... Half the klan."
Reynauld blinks once.
Then twice.
Then, he turns back to the man in sunglasses:
"I hope you don't mind if I rescind my offer to have a kobolt assist you. They don't seem to like you, and... well, I'm not one to force them into anything. My apologies, sir."

"As much as I dislike that demon, I don't see how a hamster could possibly compete with-"
"I am actively fighting the urge to adopt it, now. I don't even care what it's like, I must vote for the ramster."
>Ramster (Cutémon)

(For real that post just convinced me)

"Most certainly! I'd be glad to speak to anybody that can use mana so freely... perhaps you could even be a solution to my problem. Failing that, the exchange of information is the lifeblood of humanity! It would be an honor, friend."
I have a cat and I can assure you that getting fur in your baking is really the absolute worst. So its a no from me for hamster chefs, no matter how cute they are.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

A bunch of sugar hyped kobolts advertising lemonade with a stoic knight handling transactions sounds like it would sell better.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>I have a cat

My cats are absolutely convinced I need help when fixing a meal. I turn around for 2 seconds and I end up finding one trying to hop up and help me mince stuff or stir a sauté pan. I have to placate them with tiny bits of food.
Of all the things I have eaten that I should not have, cat hair is the lowest on the list.
>Ramster (Cutémon)
I've just got a feeling, that's all.

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Someone that looks like a hero from a Saturday morning cartoon with his lizard sidekicks would draw kids and families like a magnet. A middle aged man in a Hawaiian shirt setting up a stand outside of a school would draw law enforcement.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
He makes potions and can reach the top shelf.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Richard looks to much like a used car salesman to be convincing in selling lemonaid, however he must have the absolute best lemonaid.
I am here
I switch my vote from Reynauld to
Solely for booze lemonade
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I don't understand... In theory, baking shouldn't really be much different from brewing a potion, should it?

Um, I guess? I haven't ever, like, DONE any potion-making-stuff, but it kind of seems like it's a lot more... I don't know, about measuring the ingredients right, and stirring them up, and then pumping them full of magic, when I've seen you do it?

Well, what's the difference, then?

Well you seem to be getting, like, kind of impatient? And then you don't let stuff sit in the oven long enough? Like, these biscuits are still kind of doughy, you know?

Uuuugh. It's just so inefficient! And potioncraft isn't even my specialty, but I KNOW it NEVER takes this long when I do it. Can't I just set a fire elemental to do this?

Maybe? I actually don't think that's, like, against the rules or anything!

And you do this all the time?

Well not ALL the time, but Mama always said the way to land a good hubby was with good bait, and the best bait is food!


I know, I know! But, like, I AM good at baking, right?

Well, yes, but--

And I've got, like, you and Iz, riiiight?

Not BECAUSE of the baking!

So you don't want Mama Fanucci's Mastazzoli recipe?

...Okay, fine. And... Thank you.

Love you, Ez~! Knock 'em dead!
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Rolled 16, 4 = 20 (2d34)

Well, these are some close-ass contests! 8-to-9, Ramster just barely trails Tips! Maybe it's because while the half-elf was working on his first batch of mastazolli, Ramster was focused on feeding his own face? In the end, both their products were pretty comparable in their own way, with the mon-made cake essentially on par... And per my own tourney rules, that close contest means they both TIE, since Ramster would get the 1d6 be default, going up against the mage!

Meanwhile, Reynauld held an early lead on Richard, but the underhanded (but not illegal) addition of a bit of 'kick' to the Wyrm-wagie's special blend seems to have secured him a couple of swing voters! Now he just needs to take the money (and victory) and run, before someone calls him on his lack of liquor license!

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

Each take to the winner's podium this round, and the latter of the three ascends to the same 6-victory high water mark as Beta and Mark DeLucia!
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In our first match of the Twenty-First Round, we'll see if Johnny Law has what it takes to turn the tables on the coolest cat in the King of /QST/ contest! But what's the game they'll e playing, you ask? Well, I have a totally radical answer for you all today, because

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

Are going to be dropping in and doing their best pump-and-flow in...


And what does that leave for our other two lads? Well, stop-me if you've heard this one: a military man with a scaly disposition and an anarchist equipped for the world's biggest breakfast walk into a bar, only to discover it's an internet cafe, and they've both been plunged into...


Who will be MVP?

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Often lauded for his manly physique, people forget he's a cat with catlike agility

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
James would smash the monitor 5 minutes in
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
I'm pretty sure Tom was "alive" when the era of HARDCORE AWESOME SCOOTERING was around as well.

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Only because I feel like James would genuinely bring such vitriol that he could manage to get banned for his trash talk mid match. Kiro is a little nicer. Probably?
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
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A cool cat seems more suited to scootering than a cop. Cops are always tell off the kids for riding on the footpath and grinding rails and such.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

A team sport which involves technical skill, coordination and execution? An Operations officer with Leadership and Empathy training would make for a perfect League team captain.

"Alright team, I dug out this game from the historical database. Apparently it was played on primitive computers on old Earth in front of hundreds of thousands of people for prize money!

"EoN, you take top. Outlast your opponent with your usual efficiency.
Coen, you have mid because you've got the most technical skill, I've never seen you miss a skillshot.
Cleo, you're in the jungle. When you feel strong enough, come gank and tear them apart.
Dal, you and me will play Carry and Support! We work best as a team.
Izzy, you're our coach, keep an eye on the map and give us callouts as you see 'em!

Game on!"
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
how did you ungreen your text
Italics, son!

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
James gets himself banned in 10 minutes
>Italics, son!
They lean in response to formatting trauma!
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>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Just for a change of pace

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
He's so goo-natured as to be immune to shit-talk, which will unbalance his opponent.
Back-Linking. Thread update as 2FA as well.

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

Mark spent too much time in hospitals as a kid to be good at scootering, at most he did some biking in college, no way he escapes this with his Achilles tendon intact.

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

I assume everyone who plays LoL is partly reptilian already, so Kiro has Homefield Advantage.
"I...Don't get it." Karn says, watching the cat and the officer kick around on their strange devices. "But I guess the animal seems better-suited to the device, so I reckon I'll vote-"
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

"A team competition, then? Well, this >>6038561 seems pretty clear-cut, one already has a team that work excellently together. So my vote goes to-"
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Well, that's the second vote in a row James gets completely trounced. Pretty damn unlucky he gets such shitty match-ups.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
The Italian losing to a cat? Delivering pizza is in his blood
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Kiro can play, but James is just toxic enough to play it correctly.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
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Rolled 7, 7 = 14 (2d32)

Two anthros winning by a landslide, at once? Hmm, I don't know anons, it's getting DANGEROUSLY furry in here... Ah, but one's a scaly (the best kind of furry), so I guess that's alright! Right? Plus, Tom's old bones were due for a win.

A cool quasi-kobold and kickflippin' cat take the win this round, as

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

each score a point! Seems humies can't hang, huh?
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DUBS! We got DUBS, folks! I knew it was bound to happen at least once, and the good news is that I prepared accordingly! This will be no simple duplicate event, folks, but a special match-up, happening only once per tournament: a double event, where two kingly kontenders will join forces against two other! But what, pray tell, si Event Sveen? Well, get hype, because even if it’s a little toasty outside, we’re takinga trip to a winter wonderland as…

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

go up against

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)



Which team will win, anons?! Pick a side, we’re at snowball war!
>>Beta (Core of Steel)
>>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
a real nigga and a elementalist mage, the winning duo
Hogwarts canonically has magical snowball fights every winter, and Elliot has his fair share of ways of moving huge amounts of snow, not to mention all the training he's getting on aiming and dodging deadly spells. As long as there is no ice-skating involved, he's got this.

And I assume a huge ass power-armor with a highly advanced AI with targeting systems won't do too bad either.

>>Beta (Core of Steel)
>>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>>Beta (Core of Steel)
>>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Let the bot play with his damn snow!
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
one clean victory to go, please
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Both my boys? How can I NOT vote for them?!
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Woah double event

>what, pray tell, si Event Sveen?
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>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Doesn't matter if it's snow, sand, or a well-placed ball of dough... Diesel's got the stamina and strength to back it up! There's snow way he and Ez can lose!
>what, pray tell, si Event Sveen?
Well, you have to admit, it's a difficult question to answer.
Si event sveen (also called si ebent sveen) is when your homegirl shotguns a can of tuna and sucks out all the water then jump kicks a cop in the back. Named for Erlina Sveen.

Seems easy enough to answer to me.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

Both of them are to greater or lesser extents tactical geniuses. Beta is designed for war. And has advanced algorithms for projectile weapons, Elliot is getting shredded and has learned to fight muggle style to the point he is the most physically dangerous student in Hogwarts, most likely. He has also won a snowball fight in canon and is a Battle prodigy.
>>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
This is both Beta's territory and dream
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
I'm really only voting for Beta since he can decimate his opponents.
I am here
"Heh, a shame I don't get to join in on this one. But with these contenders, there is no way that-
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
"-lose this. If the objective is to dodge, having Beta throw snow larger than me at people-sized targets is a massive advantage. Sure, he's a bigger target, but if I've learned anything the better aggression wins fights."
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

I think these too would have the heart to win this as well as the might.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Beta uses his giant snowballs to make snowmen

"Pilot Hallaster, welcome to the Ferrum ~ E57 Warden Frame. There is still some time before the match begins, so please take the Neuro-helm in front of you and place it on your head in order for us to drift into low sync."

"We will be working together for this match, so it will be best if we develop a better understanding of each other. Strengths & limitations, tactics & strategies, attitude & mindset, that sort of thing. Achieving sync with a core allows for thoughts to be shared far more easily than verbal communication."

"No need to worry about a loss in numbers; this is only for preparation before the fight begins. We will be separate when combat starts."

"No, the process is not hazardous. Side effects such as addiction, paralysis, or death can only occur at high sync, which you have not been given clearance for. Besides, I have a vested interest in keeping you at peak performance, unlike Delta who goes through more pilots than ammunition."

"Awaiting feedback. I'm ready when you are."

Mortimer, the snow is different from the simulations. Less powdery... Just like you said. Maybe I'll get to make a real snowman after all.

>My vote is for
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

(I've been violently sick the past few days, so if anyone else wants to take a shot at writing for Beta, then by all means.)
No, our metal baby.
He doesn't even know addiction exists. Bad RP
Got to wonder if Elliot would even be okay synching. He has a strong dislike of stuff that affects the mind, after all. Also have to wonder if the second person sharing his head would affect it, since they are pretty much always riding shotgun at this point.

Also I hope you are feeling better.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
"Hello Mister... Crash, is it? I have good news and bad news.. The bad news first. I'm afraid you're going to need to carry the, um, PHYSICAL aspect of this, somewhat. At least, I think your'e better suited to offence. I'm quiet mobile with the right spellcraft, but realistically most of my aura -- or 'magic', if you prefer - should probably be saved for <Summon Elemental II>. This 'Beta' golem is HUGE, after all, and I understand Magus Hallaster to be a well-trained battle-mage of some ability, and with magical reserves that exceed my own."

The half-elf allows himself a small, smug smile.

"What i don't think he has is experience to match mine, or the natural magical ability of the fair folk. By assuming an <Improved Aetehreal Form>, any unenchnted ice should pass right threw me. I'll be, effectively, snowball-proof. I'm not sure of the exact rules, but it's a points-based system, right? If you can stop him from empowering or 'attuning' the snow Beta throws our way, and keep him off-balance, I can focus fire of three or four Ice Elementals upon the bigger target, and knock him out."

The smile dips slightly.

"It'll be a tough battle. My stamina is, uh, limited. But if you can keep the pressure up, and we can end this FAST, we might just stand a chance. Luckily, I understand you've fought some rather large adversaries from 'other universe' yourself, and that your race has some innate capacity for a 'barbarian rage' of sorts, right? Like a half-orc?"


(Oh gods, was that racist?)

"N-not that there's anything, uh, wrong with that! Frankly, I respect your warrior spirit and, uh, primitive... You know... Uh... Your native ability to... Your grit, is what I mean to say!"

(Ugh. Nice going, Tips.)
lmao, gold.
Ty for the sympathy. I've been taking some pills, which has helped with the pain, although it hasn't hasn't made the symptoms less severe.
As for whether Elliot would want to sync; that's why I left it a bit more open ended. It's Beta trying to convince him to do it rather than if I just went ahead and said "okay we've already done it and here's what happened".
If he'd say no, then Beta wouldn't push it even though he'd secretly be confused.

He doesn't know that Sophie is addicted, and he doesn't know what addiction actually means, but that doesn't mean he's never heard the word before. In my interpretation, he's just reciting the possible side affects from a list in his database without truly understand what it all means.
>Tips summons up Ice Elementals
>"Two can play that game!"
>Elliot casts Piertotem snow-comotor on the snowmen Beta had been building before the match to pass time
>Ice elemental on animated Olaf looking snowmen violence ensues
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Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d31)

Unfortunately for Tips and Diesel, it seems no amount of Elementalist artillery and aethereal hopping-about could outdo the Hogwartsian wizardry of one ‘Lord’ Hallaster! The Raiders of Lost realms beat the Seekers of the Esoteric, as the steely determination of Diesel crashes against the certain steel and lightning-fast mind of the war machine!

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
win, and by a margin of 12-to-5! They probably even have time to build a snowman. Congrats! With this victory Beta takes the lead in the tournament as a whole, while Elliot jokes the ranks of those trailing JUST behind him!

Now, onto the Twenty-Third Round, to see who might match or surpass them!
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The next competition is anything but cuté, but at least nobody will be Drowned! To make certain of that, we’ve strap our two contestant into diving suits specially suited to their individual physiologies, and are strapping them head-lamps and arc-welding equipment for a hyperbaric showdown of truly monumental metallurgy! Who can manufacture the more impressive and stable structure when

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

Are sent down into the depth for some…


Meanwhile, on a raised platform above the swaying sea, we’re going to accompany the video of those two toiling souls with some proper SHANTIES! Or well, whatever

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

Feel like singing from among the top hist on offer, because it’s…

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

Man Ramster is just getting hosed with some event selections.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

I have no clue so I will just vote for who I like more.
>Ramster (Cutémon)
My contrarian vote...! Again...!
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
He can totally sing a DB OP or ED or some song from it I dunno
>>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
The fact he won't get any form of heavy metal poisoning from underwater welding is a big plus. Lucky bastard.

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Regardless of what GD says, Karn HAS a bestselling album.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Underwater? Rigged. Drowned characters specialize in doing things underwater that shouldn't be possible.
The size difference alone would allow for much more welding to be accomplished

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
I have it on good authority that all cops sing in the shower
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
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It seems like the next contest is starting! It looks like it's an underwater welding contest!


You don't know if Ramster knows anything about underwater welding!

Well, even if he doesn't know anything about underwater welding, he'll probably try to do a good job because he wants to win the contest!

What? You think I should talk to Richard so he gets distracted and Ramster can win the contest, even though that would be cheating? Well, I guess I can try to distract Richard, but Ramster might not like it if he finds out we cheated to help him win!

Are you sure you want me to talk to Richard?

You're shaking your head! It seems like you really do want Ramster to win without cheating!

What? You just noticed a really big shadow in the water? It looks like something really big is swimming toward Ramster!

"Look out, Ramster!"


Ramster can't hear you because he's underwater!
Someone's about to get WYRM'd.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Richie knows his way around underwater...
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Something tells me this cop's got pipes. Don't expect him to belt out Danny Boy or anything, but....
I got no time for a full write-up or art this time since I have WAGING tomorrow, but tl;dr Richard is a sea snake and the entire quest is underwater so sorry Ramster :( The game was rigged from the start!

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
This is a popularity contest.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Just on a hunch
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Bro is literally built to swim
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Let the dolcett tones of the General wash away everything
I am he
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"Well, once more, that is a rodent. So, this round goes to-"
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

"And as for my own competition, well. I reckon I'll do my best. Chaya, hit the music."
"Right! I have just the thing!" she says with a grin, picking his first song.
"You got this!" she says, grinning mischievously as the song begins.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Seems anon predicted the future with this one, all those years ago.
Well he's in his natural environment and his opponent may have trouble with the welding gear so:
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

Gruff general or beat cop for the unexpected karaoke champ? I think the latter might have more opportunity to practice in his setting so I'll go with:
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
He's more capable of navigating underwater.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
His Italian bloodline and the likelihood of Sunday school attendance give him an edge.
>>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
For fairly obvious reasons

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
I'm convinced.
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Rolled 16, 3 = 19 (2d29)

Can Richard weld better than a hamster? That's a question nobody seems certain of, in all fairness. What we DO all seem to agree on, though, is that Richard can become some form of sea-snake and eat (?) Ramster before HE can weld.


That's just the food chain, and you can't argue with that!

As for Mark vs. Karn, well, that's a touch closer. 9-to-8 Mark leads, but I have to be honest:


Between the hilarious fanart seemingly predicting this exact event, and The Dragon of New Salda fucking RICKROLLING me, I cannot help but throw a d6 his way... Which in this case means tying it up. I'm sorry, anons who hate it, but it's the LAW.


>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
obtains his sixth win, and
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest
rise to the Top Three hopefuls, alongside Beta!

Now, who's up next?
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At the top of round Twenty Four, we have two men known for their fiery fervor for justice--albeit, one perhaps a bit more LITERALLY fiery than the other about it, these days, kek. The rebel with quite the cause contends with the wandering knight of a fallen house. Though both are mighty warriors, they'll not be tussling, but tangling... ENtangling that is!

You see...
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

are going to be playing a game of...


(and just for fun, they can each bring their significant others. Petunia, Paracelsus, get in here!)

Our other pair of princes might look like 'funny animals', but their match is going to be a bit more serious. Wait, did I say serious? I meant SILLY. Substantially sillier, in fact. After all, twister is a fairly popular party-game, but does anyone besides your host rememebr SPike TV's abortive attempt to revolutionize basketball with trampolines? Well, you're all GOING to, now, albeit maybe with some help from Google, 'cause it's time for

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

to play some...



(seriously, look it up, it's hilarious)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
As he has wings, wings must be on the card for touching to colors. As James lacks wings he cannot perform this action. Damn you, physiology!

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
He will dunk himself. And for that reason alone I must vote for him.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
More flexible on account of not being a FREAKISH MUTANT

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Kiro will try to dunk himself, but Tom will grab him in midair and dunk him, thereby obtaining all points for the action.
You just know the Spacenet, and more specifically Spacechan-savvy Chaya would absolutely take the opportunity to have her father rick roll her stream audience as well as everyone participating. Without hesitation.

"Hmmm. This game seems... Off." Karn mutters. "But the advantage here clearly goes to the one who can block more of their opponent from touching their circle, which is-"
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

"This seems quite entertaining, but why do they need a special ground?" Karn asks, looking over to his daughter from the stands. "Can they not jump high enough to reach those rings themselves?"
"No, most of these competitors, hell, most PEOPLE don't train enough to jump that high." Chaya says as Kiro 'dunks' himself and the ball, to several cheers. "But they seem to have fun with them, so I guess there's no harm. As for who does it better, well.... I'd say the one who is clearly enjoying this more, which is-"
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
I could beat Karn in a fight easily he's a wimp.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Those wings are an appendage, they work
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
The lizard dunks himself, that's a winner
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
I want to give him a win

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
The tail will help his aerial balance
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
James doesn't have extra limbs to get in the way.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
I feel the zero G expert could pull it off, and he is short so less mass to get in his way...he could be popcorned very easy though....
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Knowing James he could totally go full pretzel out on the Twister mat, c'mon.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
It'll be like that scene from Road to El Dorado and it'll be glorious
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Wings and greater height give him an advantage.

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
He's got old man strength and the capability to overpower Kiro in a direct confrontation.
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>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
I think the extra limbs and tail will give him the edge he needs even if he isn't as flexible.

"Dodging and weaving past the competition, can no-one stop this lithe lizard, sports fans?!
He's past the last blocker now and onto the jump pad!
Look at that height!
He's... he's...
He's going for the holy grail of slamball! The self dunk!
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
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Rolled 10, 8 = 18 (2d27)

7-to-5 and 7-to-5, both James and Kiro score a win! Maybe SlamBall is due for a comeback, with the sheer enthusiasm our Marrok friend is showing for it? On the other hand, Sir Reynauld's post-apocalyptic future doesn't seem to have as much enthusiasm for Twist.. But maybe Gongalla Gaol can take up that torch, with James its first devotee and missionary?

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
win, with Kiro joining the other kool kids at the not-kwite-king table!

Bit of a slow day on /qst/, huh? Must be the Juneteenth long weekend. Dang American holidays...
just lost my QM status because IP changed, so im prettu sure it changed here too
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Tragedy! Drama! No sooner have they smoked their shared opponents in snowball warfare, than the competition makes enemies of one-time allies! In a moment of diagetic high-drama,

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

are now facing one another! Is the preprogrammed and artificially-augmented tactical brilliance of a futuristic warrior-born sueprior to a Slytherin's innate cunning, honed by the drilled-in lessons of the battle-classes of the Boy-Who-Lived and his 'special' secret tutor? We'll see, as they engage in a contest that VERY NEARLY insta-killed poor Elliot:


(At least it's not ice-skates, right, Little Elliot?)

Anyway, it's not a race, but a contest of skill and artful execution. Who can put on the more impressive show?

And while they're at THAT, it seems another renegade mage will be returning to the stage, this time to face the menace of the man-in-black, fresh out of his diving suit and into his usual formal attire. Or maybe not? After all,

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

are hereby tasked to wow us all with their best...


and they might want to use costumes or props to pull this off, because I'll be honest: these are two AWKWARD dudes to be doing a thing like this! But who is LEAST awkward? Or, conversely MOST awkward in a most amusing way? Kek, let's find out!
his fear is ICE skating specifically because of the blades, roller skaets should be fine for him, maybe a bit of a struggle, but no reason to fear those
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

also, yeah, IP changed >>6041841
May want to adopt a trip and link back to previous posts if you want this vote to count, anon.
already did in the post i linked in that post
>>Beta (Core of Steel)
He already skates around. Albeit with jets. He can schmove.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Richard can't even impress a lady! Ha Ha Ha Ha
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Wheels are much safer for Elliot than blades

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
They may both be awkward, but one gets in people's heads for a living.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
He's got this
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
So does he
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

Yeah, I'm a magic supremacist. What about it?
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>What about it?
Just means you know what toilet bowls taste like.
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years of steroid abuse took my nuts ages ago. You have no power here, Dweebalf the gay.
I got 5 hours of sleep and I have to write my update, but I take issue with this characterization. Richard is not an awkward dude and hasn't been awkward in any events that aren't wildly outside his wheelhouse (and even then, I think he was pretty game about the Zumba, given the outfit). What Richard *is* is a rigid, autistic asshole who can put up a suave front temporarily. He'd be terrible at stand-up comedy, which requires you to be funny, not suave, but he's a magic snake who stole his voice from a radio personality and would be extremely technically proficient at doing impressions. They just wouldn't be that funny... which is not a stated requirement of the contest.

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

I don't know if Beta can balance...

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Still not feeling well, but obligatory vote for Beta
For the other two, I guess I’ll vote for… Tips?
I’ll try to do a proper rp blurb when I wake up in the morning.
>no requirement to be funny
Well shit, you're not wrong! Uh-oh, Mious Maniacs, looks like Tips is in for an uphill battle...

Get well soon!
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

Elliot has no reason to fear roller skates. They can't cut your fingers off. He didn't see a slasher movie where the killer used them to murder someone. His future wife wears them all the time at her job, may have gone rollerblading with him even. He is an even better dancer than chef, and he is a very good chef, so he has coordination.

I don't think Beta was programmed to skate around on wheels; he isn't a Knightmare Frame after all.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

I mean, Richard pretends to be a human instead of a sea snake all the time, but I think the natural skill and artistry of the elves, the Fey are going to give Tips an edge in impressions.
Hope you feel better soon. No clue what kind of symptoms you are having, but I encourage you to run up to a clinic if it gets bad or doesn't resolve.

I am not your doctor but if you need, I am willing to give medical advice if you feel like you need it, given I have spent the past decade of my life working in the field.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Yi Accelerators will help

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Mocking people is Richard's specialty
>Beta (Core of Steel)

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
He can perfectly adjust to any kind of movement in seconds, and they wont even be shot at so he can improve even faster. Grinding buildings like the sickest of halfpipes.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Not voting for him because I think he can do good impressions, but because Richard, no matter his competency, has only one setting, and that's being Richard.
This round is interesting though
I switch my>>6042137
vote to
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Since he cleared it up.
"'Impressions'? Impressions of WHO? Do any of these 'audience members' even KNOW anyone who I also know??"

"They must."


"Think about it, Tips: the master-of-ceremonies knows your full name, and keeps alluding to you... History. To ours. And I've been reading these comments... The 'audience' knows a lot about everyone here."

"Wait, so--"

"They've been watching us."

"E-extraplanar divination?!"

"Further, I think."


"The planes are within our 'universe', all of them. This is scrying on a scale I can't even... Can't YET comprehend."

"...I bet you're excited, aren't you?"


"You always hoped traveling beyond our world was possible. Ever since we were little."

"I... I mean, I think, in terms of the implications, and the, the discoveries that we could make... And the implications for arcana and alchemy, I just..."

"Izzy, I know you well. Maybe TOO well... Joking, joking. But you don't need to pretend."

"...Well it is pretty exciting, yes, since you mention it."

"Hey, maybe I can do an impression of YOU? Or, like, how about a TOTALLY spot-on Costella impression? Or fuckin' Zith-Zi with her gob accent, like this? Huh? Howzabout that?"

"Tips, I think that might be racist."

"GODSDAMNIT! Again?? Ugh. Maybe I'll just poke fun at Rudolfo..."
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Magic fiat.

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Richard is too dry for it.
>7-to-5 and 7-to-5, both James and Kiro score a win!
James and Reynauld both got 6 votes. Where did that come from?
Nobody important cares about being racist, only the ones pretending to be good people on behalf of those that didn't ask say anything.
Reverse cargo cult moment
Do they know? Will they ever know they are the main leads of a choose-your-own-adventure story hosted on some nonphysical technologic gathering place of misfits and deviants? That their mere existence relies on one man as their author and creator, and their stories will cease the moment anything happens to said author and creator? That a dozen or so nameless people dictate their choices too? Will they ever truly know how ephemeral their lives are, like ours might be here irl?

Hm, you're right, six for James and six for Reynauld, actually. Must have miscounted one. that said, my vote (or 1d6) here would go to James by dint of his greater familiarity with his form, since part of Twister is also not falling down or getting tangled up in yourself. It works out anyway!

It's literally just a gag, anons. All is well.
...Tap the sign for me, RQM.
No hard feelings, Spine. Reynauld is a cool dude, and I like your quest a lot, but I'd personally buy James as the better Twister player if I have to break the tie.
kek it's alright, i'm just poking fun
Cargonia is always right, that is a separate matter
I'm not sure the physics work the same at Beta's scale. I think the forces and materials break down if you try to move with friction like that.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

For some reason I can just imagine Tips doing a Kermit the Frog impression. Or maybe that's just close to how his voice sounds in my head already. Either way, for making me blow air out my nose.
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Well what do you know? It seems that Little Elliot's superior speed DID secure him a victory, as the memes foretold! Maybe his girlfriend, Arty, gave him some tips?

And SPEAKING of 'Tips', he seems to be elading Richard in the impressions department. To what do you attribute your success, Tips?

"Excerpt from the notes of Correspondent 315, Etcetera: I was faced with a peculiar sot of foe, but not a wholly unfamiliar one. I've encounter his ilk before. Serious, serpentine, his true motives and feelings hidden behind a mask of human skin kit out of unknown 'magicke'. yes, I know his kind well enough. Too well, even."

"The audience's true nature having been revealed to me by my ally, my course became clear: if they could see all, hear all, they still seemed to evince a distinct lack of knowledge about certain particular of each world from which I and the other contestants originated. What they WERE aware of was this very venue. their many eyes, peering out of the dark, were set squarely on the proceedings and the 'people' who participated in them. Were I to imitate anyone I knew, would they even be able to judge the accuracy of my impression? Indeterminate. Risky. Suboptimal."

"No, the winning strategy was obvious. Borrow Izirina's shaded glasses. Ask the guardsman, DeLucia, to borrow his jacket -- he and Richard did not seem to share a pint of origin, but their cultural attire was similar enough. Spread my lips into a fake, reptilian smile. DO NOT allow it to reach my eyes, hidden as they are."

"Voila: instant Richard impersonation. I hope my imitation of my own opponent proves sufficient to impress the arbitrary arbiters of our fates, and thus to advance the ranks to this mysterious prize which -- allegedly? assumedly? --awaits us."

Well, that's neat and all Tips, but Richard still only trails you by 3 points, and he gets the automatic 1d6 against you.

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Rolled 9, 25 = 34 (2d25)

Well there you have it! Richard manages to tie it up (though not surpass, per the new rules) Magus Mious Van Houtzmann! Maybe they were both better-suited to this contest than I assumed they were? Or equally bad? It remains an unsolvable mystery.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

each score a point, and Richard takes the lead, being the first King kandidate to reach 8 points!

Now, who's next?
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Stop me if you've heard this one before: two Italian-Americans enter a bar. One's a man of the law with a psionic organ in his brain that makes him hear voices; the other used to have a brain parasite whispering to him, but violently excised it. Both have been up against some real sci-fi/fantasy shenanigans, both even involving flamethrowers weirdly enough, but it's time to see if Gotham High or Sandcastle High produces the tougher customer, as

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

go up against one another in the ancient, manly art of...


While they're mowing down on melons and spitting seed coomers calm down, not like that, our other two contestants will be wilding out! What we have here are a man and beat with equally hard heads, going head-to-head... But they'll have to USE their heads, if they want to get to the HEART of this contest, because

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

are both going to be rizzmaxxing as best they can, to win this one! Yes, it's:


Every set of digits is a point, fellas! Who's got more game?!
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Sneeds and feed? Just add seed.

>Ramster (Cutémon)
Easy clap. clap clap clap clap
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
This was a very tough choice as they're both Italian, but Diesel is more Italian and also more crass.

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Canonically got a serial nonconsentualist gf. Where's Ramster's gf?
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

Mark is from the North. Do they even have watermelons in Gotham?

>Ramster (Cutémon)

People love small animals.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
I feel the energy. Diesel will win this one and he fits it more
>Ramster (Cutémon)
Sorry James but The RAMSTER gets this

"My lemonade venture began rockily-- I was informed some of the voting public found my presence 'creepy,' a criticism I did not understand-- but improved when I took a page from Charlotte's book and adulterated my lemonade with alcohol. As far as I understand it, this altered my perceived clientele from children to adults, who have greater freedom and spending power. I should have thought of this to begin with.

I began by adding a quantity of flavorless liquor to the lemonade, which was successful enough, but my sales skyrocketed when I pulled out the bourbon. Though originally intended to fuel my own sales efforts, I was notified that the combination of bourbon and lemonade made the delicious 'whiskey sour,' which I could produce in large quantities. It was no less than a revelation. I won cleanly after that."


"Were the organizers now inebriated? It would explain the next 'challenge'-- yes, that is 'challenge' in scare quotes. Underwater welding, pitted against the tiny creature. Laughable. I was no expert in welding, but I needed no equipment for the water, and thanks to Charlotte I had full-scale limbs and thumbs-- plus, I found the venture pleasurable, even meditative. None of these were true for the creature: I could have welded a battleship in the time it took for it to weld a single metal plate. It was so small, so eager, so pathetically out-of-its-depth, that I admit it stirred something in me. Not enough to enable its win, of course. I am not so beyond repair. But after I completed my assignment, I did assist it with some particularly difficult-to-reach places. May she never call me heartless again."


"Impressions. The imitation of another's face, voice, and mannerisms. I was deemed an underdog in this fight, which means there's parts of myself the powers-that-be cannot see. Good. They are unaware that that my face and mannerisms belong to one man, and my voice belongs to another. They are unaware I am a walking impression. A parody. With comedy, you portray yourself, and nothing is more difficult. With impressions, you portray anybody else, and nothing is more simple.

There is almost nothing inherent to a snake. All they have is what they take: from the world, and from their prey. I would not eat the youth's voice-- a disqualification-- but I would swallow it and spit it from my own lips. I would not take his face-- mine was wedded to me, or welded-- but my garments had no such restriction. I would study his gormless naivete and mimic that too. His impression of me was game. My impression of him was flawless.

In the end we tied. Evidently I was not 'funny' enough."

"I felt a chill up my spine, though I could determine no clear reason for it. A draft, perhaps."
As Cutemon's Narrator discovered in the preliminaries, Richard isn't necessarily aware of the fourth wall... but, as a student of advanced metaphysics, he is sensitive to it!

"I presume an officer of the law would have too much decorum to go about spitting seeds. The other man... I don't think so."
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

"Small animals are charming to young women. Despite her denials, I believe Charlotte finds my chassis 'cute,' and this creature is rounder, furrier, and less venomous."
>Ramster (Cutémon)
KEK, these are great.
“Seems our training caused us to miss one of the votes. But, I suppose none were close enough for one vote to sway the outcome.”
“What an odd event, wasting food like this. But I suppose anything can be a competition.” Karn mutters to himself, wondering how such a weaker species ever survived by making game of not eating all of their food. “Must have come from relatively peaceful, backwater planets. But, that said, comparing a lawman to a rogue, I’d say the advantage goes to-
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

“Now, for this next one. Hey, Chaya, what is this?” Karn asks his daughter, who blushes a little bit in embarrassment at having to explain this to her father. “What is a ‘pick up artist’?”
“Uhh, well, it’s, ahh…” she says, trying to find the words. Which her chat is eager to provide, much to her chagrin. “Alright, that’s enough. Next thousand people who put “rizz” in my chat are banned.”
“Rizz?” Karn wonders to himself, feeling even more confused than before he asked. Perhaps he should ask someone rlsr? But as he has the thought, his daughter returns her focus to him.

“Sorry ‘bout that. Anyways, pua is the term for people who think they’ve ‘mastered’ the art of finding a mate.” Chaya says, Karn nodding along. “Usually using manipulation, flashy uniforms or clothes, a hotrod spaceship, cheap pheremone sprays, the works.”
“So, an elaborate mating ritual?” he asks, Chaya nodding. “Well then, if that’s the case, this one is pretty straightforward. I vote-“
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
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>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Diesel has plenty of practice spitting out food indignantly when seeing a customer eating it wrong (or just seeing Rodney doing something stupid), so I've gotta give it to him here... the Irish-Italian Stalian is in it to WIN IT!

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
James canonically FUCKS. Dude's a dashing, soft-spoken, but hard-gazed revolutionary. The guy can definitely pick up some digits, is what I'm sayin'.
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It looks like it's time for Ramster's next cont-

What? Ramster's next contest is a pick-up contest? I don't know if you're old enough to watch this contest! Why don't you go find Chaya and her father and ask them to tell you more about the Super Saiyan energy?

You're shaking your head! It seems like you really do want to watch Ramster's contest! Well, alright, I guess you can watch, but only for a little while! Do you even know what a pick-up contest is?

What? You want me to explain what kind of contest this is? Well...


When you look back at the contest, you see one of the human girls holding out a little piece of folded paper to Ramster! It looks like Ramster already got that human girl's phone number! Well, I'm sure Ramster will throw it away at the end of the contest.

What? You want to know what I mean? Well... Oh, look, Ramster is talking to some other human girls!

[SFX: giggling]

It seems like the human girls think Ramster is really cute!

"We should take him upstairs with us!"

"What do you say, cutie? Want to go swimming with us?"


It seems like Ramster and the human girls are really getting along with each other!


[SFX: giggling]

"We should call some of our girlfriends to come over and join us!"

"What do you say, cutie? Want to meet some more girls?"


What? The human girls are going to invite some of their friends to come sit in the rooftop pool with Ramster?

I think you should probably go find Chaya and her father now!
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>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
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I now simp for Ramster. I am sorry, my tiny goat-hamster hybrid. You really are the GOAT now.
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Man has kungs

>Ramster (Cutémon)
Ms. Ramster is a witness
>>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
I don't know whether seeming like a watermelon seed spitting kind of guy is a compliment but its a plus in this case.

>Ramster (Cutémon)
Kek. He has my vote.
>>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

>Ramster (Cutémon)

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Never doubt a Gothemite and their ability to spit
>Ramster (Cutémon)
Bitches love cute things
I am here
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
He's rough enough for it and needs the points anyway. It's a shame these two Italians weren't put in a cook off against one another. That would have been a close one.

>Ramster (Cutémon)
No question.

Mrs. Ramster won't be happy about this.
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Rolled 21, 13 = 34 (2d23)

Sometimes it pays to have a reputation for being rough-and-tumble, and other times adorability is advantageous. By one means or the other, both of our winning contestants have achieved a victory this day! Congratulations are in order for...

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
and perhaps especially for
>Ramster (Cutémon)



...Though indeed, I suspect Mrs. Ramster will be less than amused. Better not get too dextrous with those digits, there!

Given we have most of our usual number of votes in and pretty wide margins of victory, I feel confident calling it here, and beginning Round Twenty-Seven!

Plus, I'm not feeling well, and may want to make an early evening of it.
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Now THIS should be interesting, folks! We have two sailors of the sea of stars, an XO and a General from two very different military traditions, pitted against each other in what might just be the most fitting possible contest of two such men! After all, in the grim darkness of the future, there is only...

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)



Who will win? And what armeis will they even play?!

Our other mammal-versus-reptile clash (though both contestants are technically, ah, 'admixtures') is a rather more physics sort. However, it will test not only brute physicality, but speed and agility as well! It's

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)



So get on your trunks,s lap on some sunscreen, and assemble your teams, boys! Dead or alive, we're getting extreme with this one!
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
He has played the tabletop version IRL in actual war, adapting to the game will be easy. Especially since Karn is intimately familiar with ground battles from thousands of worlds.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Nobody beats energetic kobolds in a sport, not in front of their dragon.
me by the way
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
I want him to win, he's got that ENERGY
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
I want him to win too, 4 arms means twice the power to smash that ball across
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
40K? Scrawny nerd lizard takes it.

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Once again, far more agile than someone mid transformation.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Extensive first hand experience is very valuable. And clearly he will play Orkz. Because he can lift a dice bucket of ANY size one handed.

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Being able to fly lets him hit the spikiest of spikes.
>>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Seems like they'd be a fan and know some busted army comps

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Kobolds are naturals at beach volleyball, everyone knows this, so Reynauld, being around so many of them, naturally would pick up some tricks
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>ip changed again
fuck it, here is the god damn trip, im sick of this garbage.
and here is the previous ip >>6042739
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As a trained [Operations] and future XO, Kiro has been trained to command any of his Voidship's military assets - from marines and dropships to its small complement of mechanised units and fighters.

So of course when it comes to making army lists and playing tabletop games, he'll have to represent the navy by including Voidsmen-at-arms and Navy breach teams. Perhaps even supported by a Rogue Trader in a Voidship of their own!

The Voidsmen of course will be backed up by other Imperial Agents, such as the Vindicare and Callidus Assassins for taking out high value targets and securing backline objectives.

But Imperial Agents do not their own army make, (at least in the 10th edition version of 40k that Kiro found in archives), so they will supporting the BIGGEST, COOLEST, MECHs the Imperial faction can field for 2000 points!
The Imperial Knights!

D: "Really bro, you're running Agents/Knights again?"
K: "Well duh, big stompy mechs with chainswords and cannons the size of houses supported by a Voidship's worth of backup?Why would I choose anything else?!"
D: "You could at least stop tailoring your list to counter my melee focused army..."
K: "Kekehe. You could always switch to Eldar, Dal. I hear dark lances are pretty good..."
D: "Yeah, and I suppose you wont just switch your Knights to run anti-air autocannons to counter all the flying units, huh?"
K: "... No promises?"
D: "*Sigh* That's what I thought."

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
(And while we're in tabletop simulator, you can have the in-game pencil tool Kiro as a bonus.)

Kobolt volleyball team supporting their dragon? That's an A for effort and enthusiasm if nothing else.
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
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"Well now, a military command simulation? I'm curious what strategy a lizardman will run, but I should focus on picking an army first? There seem to be quite a few to choose from. I wonder which faction I should start with?"
"Yes. You have to pick your army, build them, paint them, then the game can start." Chaya tells him, using her scouter's SpaceNet connection to pull up the rules, scanning dozens of pages and reading them all to get a good general idea how the game is played and the rules. "Okay. From what I can see here, the, or, rather, 'Da Orkz' are your best bet. The 'WAAGH!' even sounds kinda like your Berserker roar, and they're even green! They're perfect! The Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is the one you should take to lead them in. Nobz in Trukks, Grots, Meganobz, Squighogg Boys and Beast Snagga, Flash Gitz, Mozrog Skragbad, they have everything.”

“...Right.” Karn says, accepting a datapad she produces to scan the rules, reading on how their stats work, how the game flows, and what the Orkz objective is. Seems straightforward enough, if a bit risky to him. Losing a chunk of his units before getting into combat range is dangerous, but in exchange having the best melee faction works for him. “I do personally prefer to do his fighting in close as well, though having a few ranged and diversionary troops to allow you to get in close is always important. Alright, let's do this.”

With Chaya's help, pointing out the correct units and the proper equipment, Karn gets to work. Utilizing his telekinesis to build multiple models simultaneously, while also painting them. Using the drying paint to add to their adhesive, in true Ork fashion. And by the time his army is ready, his reptilian counterpart's second has left the table in a huff, taking his army with him.

“Are you ready, Kiro? Let's do this.” Karn says, the two beginning their command phase. While in a direct one-on-one combat Kiro wouldn't last a second, a battle between armies is far more complex. Even the strongest warriors can fall, if the enemy is ready for them. And he won't make the mistake of underestimating his smaller, scaly foe. After all, underestimating a lizard is how he got the scar on his face, a mistake he swore never to repeat.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

“And for the other competition, the feline here seems to be the faster and more agile competitor. So, in a competition to keep a ball from hitting the ground on their side, the advantage for this one goes to-”
>”Tom” (Ruby Quest)

>And clearly he will play Orkz
>>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

Big Lizard brain.

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

Extra arms son.
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
I believe in him

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Cats can jump
What ork clan does karn run?
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
He has his strategic moments, not to mention he's a damn fine Ops Officer to boot!

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
4 Arms = 4 things to spike a volleyball with.
"The day I lose to a low-fidelity cat in hitting a ball is the day that I die. His extra arms can't even hit the damned ball!"
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
"I trust a general to manage war games. All generals are good at, say, chess, so I suppose this should work out too. It'd be nice if more of them were better at commanding armies, but... I'll assume the best for this Karn person."
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
He has commanded at every level of military organization and understands which tactics will fit his strategies best. It takes nothing short of genius to effectively command the sheer size and diversity of his army, which is something Kiro doesn't come close to approaching in comparison.

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
The burdens of age do not hinder him as much as it does Tom.
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Rolled 18, 4 = 22 (2d21)

We have two close contest again! In the age-old battle of gecko versus gorilla (see also: Godzilla Versus Kong, whatever anecdote is behind Karn's scar, Kiro's childhood backyard wrestling matches with Dallas), the scaly operations specialist has a narrow lead, 9-to-7! Since both he and the general have their own advisors in their corner, but Kiro seems to have more experience with this specific sort of 'simulation', I think I'm going to refrain from rolling for anyone in this one.

As for the other... Well, I'm sure any monsterfuckers or furries are enjoying the show, because this beach volleyball match is a dead heat, and everyone is giving it their athletic all! To extra arms (tiny as they may be) grant an edge? Are wings even legal when spiking the ball? Such are the questions we must consider, in a match like this! And with the vote being (I believe, after double-checking) 8-to-8, it comes down to your humble MC to break the tie yet again.

This time, however, I think I've got to give it to the dragonkin, if only because I don't know (and don't see anyone suggesting) who Tom might field for the rest of his team, whereas I KNOW the kobolt klan would give it 110%!

That's right, it's scaly supremacy as
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
each score a point, and Kiro now ties Richard at the top of the charts!

Now, onto the next competition...
Okay I'm feeling a bit better today.

Spoiler cuz gross but... For medical advice, what should I do if I begin vomiting as soon as I drink even a single sip of water? I can't drink anything; my mouth feels like sand so I've started sloshing Gatorade in my mouth before spitting it out in the drain, because when I drink any it just comes right back up

(Three days and two rounds late, but I don't care. I said I'd do an rp thing for this so by God that's what I'm going to do!)

"How could you lose??? This one was easy!"

"It's very simple, pilot. I choose to."

"Let me get this straight, you WANTED to lose?"

"Negative. I want to win, but I was not going to betray my ally."

"He was on the other side. The enemy side. Yet you decide to get sentimental? You've been more than happy to kill loyalists for the Patriot Front."

"The civil war is different. Reason one: I have no choice in the matter. I either follow my orders or I get forced to follow them. That is not the case for this tournament. Reason two: the loyalists do not count as friends. They directly serve StateSec and the Crown, whom I despise. Reason three: none of my kills are people who I personally fought together with. We were once all on the same side, but most of my operations were solo missions. Project warden was kept secret not just from the Tamar, but from the Ferrum forces as well."

"Pfft, as if any of that makes a difference."

"Hallaster was a comrade in arms. We achieved victory together. That means something to me. It is the same reason I would never betray you Sophie."

"I... sorry Beta. Uhh, let's change the topic. Why did you vote for this Tips person instead of the snake guy?"

"Contestant Richard seems cold, abrasive, and if he has a tendency towards compassion or empathy then he is good at hiding it. Contestant Van Houtzmann appears to be introverted and awkward, but not aggravating or unpleasant. That is why he would be better at making a good first impression."

"Oh for fucks sake. Beta the competition was for who can do better impressions as in impersonations, not impressions as in meeting someone new!"

"Confusing. I will make a note of the different definitions for that same word. Humans need to be more precise with their language."
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Two types of artificial construct will take the field in the top match-up of the twenty-eighth round, one made by an and one woven by the wyrm! Both are agents of very different agenda, and their purposes are different, yet I think both

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Beta (Core of Steel)

have a lot of pent-up frustrations which they'll enjoy taking out in...


Who will strike out first: reptile, or robot?

In our second match, we'll see if a Hogwarts wiz-kid who outsmarted aurors can do the same a muggle cop with a metahuman twist. Can The Cobra's snake-like supernatural senses prise a win out of a young fugitive mage's steel-trap mind? It might not exactly be 4D chess, but

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

are still going head-to-head in a game of strategy... Sort of. It's


Who has the edge??
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Bro is swinging a bus as a bat. How can you miss with that? To say nothing of the precision accuracy of a half dozen 16k cameras pointed at the ball.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Reading people is part of his job. Even without the bizarre brain business.
Don't get medical advice from 4chan, anon. Contact an actual medical professional if this persists, or has persisted, for any length of time. That said, Pedialyte or another oral rehydration solution is probably a good starting point.
>Beta (Core of Steel)

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Something tells me the big bot is gonna be knockin' dingers outta the park.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Lots of time to perfect your Connect 4 strats when you're on a stakeout!
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Counterpart to the one I did for the Queens!
>Ramster on Beta's shoulder
lmao that's fuckin amazing
I thought Karn was standing on Diesel's shoulder for a sec and got excited. Cool stuff overall--the kings are lookin' gooooooooooooooooooood!
King Shit indeed
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Beta (Core of Steel)

Flipping a coin to decide my connect 4 vote
1 = Mark
2 = Elliot
>>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Beautiful.also that is one big ass cat
though the name is missing an N in the picture,
>Beta (Core of Steel)

Giant robot go brrr

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

There has to be a costumed lunatic whose gimmic is connect four in gotham
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But yes, yes it is.


Thanks to Indonesian Gentleman, we also have our official regnal portrait for the QUEEN OF /QST/: Huanliuxue of Heretic Cultivator Quest!
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Much like the killbots from Futurama with kills, Beta has a hard coded limit on how many homeruns he can hit, after which he will shut down, leaving Richard the victor.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Definitely more of a kids game, so the kid would have the advantage.
>Spoiler cuz gross but... For medical advice, what should I do if I begin vomiting as soon as I drink even a single sip of water? I can't drink anything; my mouth feels like sand so I've started sloshing Gatorade in my mouth before spitting it out in the drain, because when I drink any it just comes right back up

Yeah that is not good.

It is likely just a bug, probably, but you are going to get super dehydrated if you keep barfing. Do you have any Zofran(ondasterone) or Phenergan (promethazine)? Both of those are common anti nausea meds.

Try to get some fluid in you, small sips and stop for a while if it feels like it is just sitting in your stomach, not draining into your small intestine because you are probably going to puke if it is just staying there. If you start feeling like puking, you can kind of inhibit it for a bit by lightly sniffing isopropyl alcohol, like the little wipes. You can try OTC stuff like Nausean but they have never worked well for me. Ginger, mint, and tumeric have anti-emetic properties, if you happen to have some.

If you can't hold anything down by like tomorrow, and don't have either of those 2 anti nausea things, I would strongly encourage you to run to a clinic or urgent care to get some prescribed, preference on phenegren, especially if your urine has got to the point it is extremely dark. Dehydration is no joke and you don't want to let it get bad enough you need to get IV fluids.

If your vomit is bright red or has a rough texture, looks like coffee grounds, go to the hospital, now. Or at lest an urgent care.

Most clinics or urgent care places around me are lik $50-75 bucks w/o insurance, which is a lot better than having to go to an ER because you waited so long you need IV fluids.

Had a stomach bug a while back and even with all the meds I keep it still sucked. Hope you are alright.
>Beta (Core of Steel)

Advanced object tracking software.

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

Muggleborn and a tactical genius. My boy has this.
Kek, seeing Kiro and Ramster to scale is hilarious. Smol kings rise up!

Assuming things have been scaled appropriately, a machine designed for tracking, precision aiming and melee combat seems like the clear winner here.
>Beta (Core of Steel)

I'm gonna bet on the officers instincts here.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
You keep ignoring any rolls when it comes to Karns matches, why?
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Im here
Rule change cause people here complained about the 1d6 rolls, specifically because of karn funnily enough . So RQM only does them sparingly now and they can only result in a tie rather than a pure win

This and the queen thread voted on it.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Mech vs. middle-aged man. You do the math.

>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
His Shivers are a massive boon.
Kiro's lost at least one, right?
"Dad, let it go." Chaya says to her father, still seated at the table where the simulated battle was waged. "It doesn't matter."
"Damn bastard, siding with his own kind. I was about to win." Karn grumbles, stull staring at the battlefield where his forces are cleatly outmatched. "One more turn and I'd have won, turned this entire battle around."
"Of course, and that's why he stopped it." she says, leaning in conspiratorially. "This whole competiton, it isn't about how well you do. But about who the people like more. And every vote's a scam, Vox showed me how easy those are to rig even with id's. Any vote within 4 points, or with over 100% total turnouts is a complete scam. Anyways, let's see what's next!"

"...Even still, I'm voting as if the event matters." Karn tells his daughter after looking over the next matchups. "And for these, I say the advantage goes to-"
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
"-Beta for obvious reasons, and the local law enforcer would have to know how to read beings to properly administer law.

I've rolled three come-from-behind victories already for Karn, and may yet again, but as the other anon said I am trying to avoid undue salt by intervening less frequently.

Kiro lost in the very first match.
Its to obvious your trying to complain to faggots, you gave the dice a roll for less several times now, you only go out of your way to skip Karn's matches unless its in favor of his opponent.
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"Don't call out the lizardman for his favoritism to his scaly kind. Unless you plan to fight him over it." Karn says, rather sternly.
I don't personally care either way, I'm not running this. Just playing in-character
What are the crowns for these contests made out of, anyway? Cheese? Plastic? Paper? Solid Thoughtanium? Platinum? PlapPlapPlapinum? 100% pure uncut red house brick powder?
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Anon, I'd tap the sign if I even understood what you were trying to say. Instead, I'll just point out that half of Karn's points are due to me rolling and leave it at that.

Pic related.
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
My boy... (he would get smoked)

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Child's game.
Made out of sapient sponge? Weird choice but I like it.
I was thinking balsa wood and metallic paint
That's basically what Cutémon made RQM's medal out of.
Well we can't steal her thunder then.
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Rolled 12, 11 = 23 (2d19)

It seems occlumency lessons can't protect against metahuman mentalism, or a beat cops' ability to read a perp! that or, and I'll just come out and say it, Mark's lonely childhood meant a lot of time to play board games with Grandpapa DeLucia at the hospital. While Elliot Hallaster was saving the world, Officer Mark was mastering CONNECT FOUR!

On the other hand, Beta's advanced hardware and software scored him an easy home run in his competition against Richard. And, yes, I am aware that you can't get a 'home run' in a batting cage competition. Don't spoil my fun. Sssadly, my ssserpetine ssensibilitiess can't sssave him now: 11-to-3 is beyond the reach of even my much-coveted d6.

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
ascend to the 8-poit threshold needed to tie for the lead, in what is increasingly looking to be a contest that will come down to the wire!
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It's brains versus brawn (sort of?) and staff versus spoon (not really!) as Calaca and Mious Van Houtzmann take the ring! Both these men have a fire in their hearts and a hunger in their eyes... The hunger for victory! But who is hungrier? Or more... hippopotamic?

Yes, it's

Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
James Calaca (Gaol Quest)



Our other contest puts two scrappy young contenders against one another: one a fresh graduate from his adopted family's military academy in the TPS, and the other stumbling bloody and battered -- but victorious -- from the prom night from hell! Both of them have a lot of spunk... But is it about the size of the dog in the fight, or the fight in the dog?

We'll find out as

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

on the field of honour with ONE (1) ally of their choosing, for a...

>And, yes, I am aware that you can't get a 'home run' in a batting cage competition. Don't spoil my fun.
You can actually. There can be "zones" on the walls or nets that count as specific scores representing how hard it is to retrieve the ball barring a perfect interception.

Usually only present in larger establishments.

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
My coin has called for it.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
I wonder how Tips would react to James' Eye of Truth ability
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
He's got the Italian rage and power. Peppino Spaghetti would be proud
>James Calaca
>Diesel Crash
>another Elliot defeat
its getting harder and harder to care about the results of this contest with each defeat...
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
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Spoon, hunger, frantic slapping action. Hippos? I suppose it fits.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

>But is it about the size of the dog in the fight, or the fight in the dog?
>Why not both? Kiro chooses Cleo as his anchor.

When it comes to an ally Kiro can call on when he needs a helping hand (paw?) to lift something heavy, reach those pesky high shelves or deliver the beatdown of a lifetime, there's only one Ulveng he needs to call - Nav Officer, Lt. Cleo von Clifton.

The size of this dog in the fight is matched ONLY by the fight in this dog as her strength and cunning have proven to complement Kiro's nimble agility and tactics time and time again.

While Cleo is the wolf on call to flip an alien laser-crab or in this case pull an Irish-Italian Stallion off his feet, Kiro is no slouch in a tug of war either. Having an extra point in BODY than your average Marrok, naturally grippy toes and claws, and legs built for climbing doesn't hurt when you're tugging on a rope chasing that W.

K: "Alright Cleo, you're the anchor that means you keep tension on the line while I set my grip, 'kay?."
C: "You sure, small fry? You don't want me to just pull these schmucks flat on their faces?"
K: "Nooo, I want a chance to use my tug of war tactics and show off my muscles."
C: "Uhuh, let me know when you can bench a cargo loader like me, and then you can talk about gains, little man."
K: *mumbling* "You're the size of a cargo loader, fatass."
C: "Oh now it's on, you little skink in the grass." *Snap*
K: "Hey it worked, you even broke the rope! Cleo? It was a joke, part of the plan. I was kidding. Kidding! Ack!"
>>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator) (and Cleo)
(Somehow I missed actually voting.)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
He's stubborn enough to win.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
His Italian and Irish genes, along with his buddy Raj, grant him the edge.
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James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Man is just constantly in it to win it. Knowing the Gaol's properties I can imagine there being some kind of giant Hungry Hungry Hippos game in there somewhere. Spooky stuff.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
Diesel's a powerhouse in his own right, but he's also packing a SECRET WEAPON! That's right, folks... it's the living wall himself: the gentle giant!


Erudite as he is HUGE, Moose is happy to help in this battle of the titans... but will pure strength truly be enough!?
>its getting harder and harder to care about the results of this contest with each defeat...
>I don't personally care either way

Both Karn and Elliot are still within reach of tying for first place depending how the last few rounds go, since we're almost done and so many candidates are neck-and-neck. The current leaders of the pack are all tied with 8 point. Elliot has 7 and Karn has 6. And in the end... This is all just for fun.
I almost forgot about him. He's perfect for this.
>all for fun
not for me, victory or death, no in betweens
but hey, thanks for that info, thats a nice way or getting my attention back
>This is all just for fun
Exactly. I'm enjoying showing people who don't necessarily read SCQ what some of my characters are like and having fun writing their perspectives on this otherworldly tournament. Even if Karn wins, I'd rather the art go to someone else, another qm's character who doesn't have as much, so I'm not competing for that
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Did you say... fun? Fun?! FUN!?!
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Definitely hungrier, therefore he can better empathize with the hippos

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
Underdog vote, plus his teammate is some super strong wolf alien?
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>plus his teammate is some super strong wolf alien?
She is built like a brick shithouse, yes.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
His revolutionary spirit will help him

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
If he picks Cleo as a teammate it's practically cheating.
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>its getting harder and harder to care about the results of this contest with each defeat.

I can feel you to a degree. I do have a couple other characters I like, but I really want our boy to win, even if I am doubtful he will. Likewise, I still try to vote, even if it isn't him or another One I like, but some matchups are just who looks cooler for me since I don't read the quests.

I stopped voting like halfway through the Queen bracket since my oshi wasn't in it and I already could predict who was going to win.

I voted every time in the Princess contest, since it looked like Arty had a shot and did well. Also because I helped finance the thing, so I felt an obligation to participate.

In the end I am pretty happy the real king and queen of quest still got some art out of this, including your adorable piece with her in a Burger King crown and Olympus' which has made me go back and add a few bits to my fics about how Arty has very nice legs, even if they are kind of hidden often by clothing a couple of sizes too large.

Also happy DHQ may have gotten more exposure from these things.

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

Sorry Tippy but I don't think elves/halfies are known for their grip strength.

>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

I feel like he is hungrier for it. Get it? Hungry?
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
He would know the game
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
This is just a two on one match really...
I am still here
I think you may have mixed up who is in each contest, anon.

So I did. Oh, well. Like I said, I mostly just vote for who I think is cooler, so this affects nothing for me. My justifications are shaky even at the best of times.
>Olympus' which has made me go back and add a few bits to my fics about how Arty has very nice legs

>tfw Olympus not only got paid to draw the contestants but also spread his fetish throughout the board
What a big brain play

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
They both have a strong ally, but Diesel is stronger himself.
"Right, so now that I've heard others give their opinions and seen their allies for the physical contest, my votes are easier to decide. I give the advantages to-"
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)
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Rolled 6, 6 = 12 (2d17)

By rather large margins, we have a clean sweep for our two victors in Round 29!

While Cleo may indeed be a good girl and so good that kwxpdq8y straight up forgot all about the other contest, it will take more than a space wolf to stop a BULL MOOSE! And as for Diesel himself, well, even without his short-lived mutagenic-parasitic superpowers, it seems he has a bright futrue if he gets into gator-wrangling!

Poor Tips, meanwhile, gets absolutely annihilated in a contest game of Famish Artiodactyla. Maybe that skinny elven frame just can't relate to that level of hunger, or maybe his dainty scholar's fingers can't keep up with the James' battle-tested reflexes? Maybe both!

The end results are obvious, though:

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

take the point!
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Two sixes?! Well, it's more likely than you'd think. As we close in on our final series of contests, rolling doubles becomes more and more likely. That why only the FIRST instance was going to result in a team contest, as mentioned before. Instead, the top contestants will get Event Five from the list which remains, and the second pair will get Event Six. And whoa re our contestants, I hear you ask? What are our events? Well, we're getting to that.

In our first clash, it's hybrid predator versus hybrid prey! But don't count the latter out yet, folks: these manimals are both survivors extraordinaire! And besides, there's no Nat Geo circle-of-life violence on display today. Rather,

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

will be competing in a contest of utmost sophistication, as they clash to see who will win...


Who can knit the longest patterned scarf with the fewest errors before the clock runs out? We'll see!

Our second contest is no less wholesome, and yet the two titanic powerhouses entering the ring could not be better-suited to it either! One is a stalwarts knight and leader of a found family of freaks! the other is a five-star Five-Star Dragon Ball that is general that is, but also a loving father and grandfather to more than a few young Saiyans! But between

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)

who is the better babysitter? That's right, it's:


Who can best soothe and provide for the rowdiest demon-brats we could find in all the realms? (Oh, and SURVIVE the experience, for that matter.)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
More arms is more needles?

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Seeing as he has some literal demon children all of which could shatter mountains and boil oceans with their tantrums, yeah I think he can handle it.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Ramster (Cutémon)

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
Why not, I got a good feeling he can work something out
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
It's his job
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
He probably has a lot of practice being an old guy.

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
It's in the quest name.
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"Speed and dexterity? While capricious, feline species are far better than rodents at this. So, my vote goes to-"
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

"And as for this? Won't be a challenge." Karn says confidently as the children are brough in. Several of whom all start climbing all over his reptilian fellow competitor. Who doesn't seem to enjoy the experience, while Karn laughs as they all latch onto him. One immediately tries to bite him, Karn slightly flexing just as it bites down, keeping the 'attack' from breaking the skin. Meanwhile, another starts trying to use telekinesis to pull free a large chunk of the floor. Which Karn easily overpowers with his own telekinesis, keeping the ground from moving while a third breathes fire in his face. Unaffected by the fire, Karn simply chuckles at this, which confuses the demonic child. But Karn simply begins parenting them as well, treating them as if they were his own children. Using his telekinesis to restrain them when needed, using his commanding instructor voice when appropriate. Raising as many children as he has, including three literal half-demon children he's proud to call his own, not only will he parent them, but by the time he's done, they'll all be better men and women than before he got them. They just need a gentle but firm guiding hand from someone who can handle them, and that someone is him.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

Here he is with Okira, his youngest daughter. Whose Stand Imagine Dragon can rewrite the laws of reality at will, as long as it doesn't directly try and change a living being. Compared to that, this is a cut of Mindslayer tail steak
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Knitting is an old person hobby
Visit any nursing home, they prop up the blanket market

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Isn't wrangling a whole clan of kobolds 24/7 his thing?
>>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Ramster (Cutémon)
Mrs. Ramster has trained him well.

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
He wont throw babies into a hyperbolic time chamber, that's already a plus.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Like >>6045864 said, more arms = more needles = more knitting.

>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Literally in the quest title--adoption! He's a shoe-in!
Yeah but the title states Reynauld adopted a klan. Whereas Karn adopted an orphan. And a stray soul cradle thing, I don't quite understand it myself.

The point? I don't know.
>Ramster (Cutémon)
In Ramster I trust.

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
I think both of these guys would be equally good, so I'm voting with Richard's extremely petty heart here.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
He has oppossable thumbs to do the job.
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
Literal grandfather that has watch his kids so his children can go off on Honeymoons. Or suicide missions, but mostly honeymoons!
I am here for this
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>>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Extra hands help, and even tiny extra arms can be helpful for holding your knitting.

>>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
Considering thats pretty much what he's been doing the whole quest, he has to take this one home.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
This is where I think not having read SCQ and people judging it off dragonball norms hurts me. As Karn has over 160 episodes of raising multiple kids between world-ending catastrophes. Consoling them, teaching them, fathering them. Hell, his oldest daughter is now 25 years old. Dunno how much experience Reynauld has, but I sincerely doubt it's a quarter century of experience.
By in large, I end up voting for who I like more. It is a popularity contest where there is some wiggle room just due to the contests, if you like/dislike the characters equally. I never really liked DBZ. I do like fantasy stuff.

If it was a direct contest of strength or fighting prowess, I would possibly vote Karn over like anyone else here, but that would also depend on his opponent. If it is one of the ones I like or the one I love, I would toss that logic out the window.

Sucks in some ways but is what it is.

I will say while I was surprised Emile from STVQ didn't get nominated, I am kinda glad he didn't, given how popular said quest is, and I imagine he would steamroll the tourney. I could be wrong, of course. I was surprised Jonny Ando lost in the loser's bracket and that Fiona won, give how comparatively few posts, SolarPunk seems to get.

I do appreciate your role-playing posts, they are nifty.
Karn's good at everything though. Reynauld has only 2 things - babysitting a kobold clan and slowly mutating into a dragon, and the first one is even in the title of his quest. How can we take that from him?
>Karn's good at everything though
I think he's got like an elementary reading level.
Oh absolutely, the whole point is to have fun. But I'm sure I am not the only one from only a single quest and doesn't know any other in the running.
That's how I'm having fun with this, letting the characters interact with the event instead of me.
While he'd appreciate the sentiment, man's really good at only a few things. Karn is a very specialized individual, built for fighting beings well outside his weight class, fathering and adopting (even those not of Saiyan heritage) children to raise into upstanding members of society. From Kryptonian and half demon to cabbagehead, he's a good father.
Not wrong. And despite the title, hasn't gone forth to conquer a world since ep 160, with the end of the war.
It is what is boss man
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Tom's extra arms mean extra knitting speed! Can little dinosaur arms actually knit effectively? Maybe! Are his digits dextrous and/or sextrous? Unknowable! Well, for me, anyway. I never played Ruby Quest, and I don't actually know what they look like. In the end, though, it's 9-to-6 in his favour and I see no compelling reason to roll against the cat scoring one more victory.

As for our OTHER 9-6 split, though...


...I mean, the man's got chops. Korralling a klan is one thing, but I think literal AND in-universe years of experience may trump it. It's at least to warranty a roll, IMO.

I'm preemptively tapping the sign.
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Rolled 7, 7 = 14 (2d15)

Sorry, Ramster, but it seems you're the only one not gaining a point this round!

Our winners:

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
and gaining a tie on the 1d6...
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)

Now, onto our final three rounds!
>the third set of dubs this show
What in the name of that guy I saw briefly shopping at the Costco last month?
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Two sevens have produced two curiously-contrasting contests this go-around! And as trivial as these party-games might seem, they could very well help determine the one, true, at least for 2024 KING OF /QST/!

First off, it's a man and a mech designed to protect and serve! Be it by algorithm or beautiful organic (and psionic) mind, these two must surely be adept at anticipating action, and planning accordingly. One optimal (or suboptimal) choice can cascade into victory or defeat, here as in the field! Better get thsoe thinking caps on, then, because

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

are engaging in a contest of...


Who can create the greatest cascade, and who will come tumbling down out of the running for the crown?!

And while those two are engaged in some beautiful destruction, it seems our other two contenders for kingship shall be constructing something, instead! The aim of the game for

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

is a


is to see who can most stack the tower of cups, the fastest! This is /qst/, though, so rather than timing the usual, trivial ten cups... Let's give these boys a hundred, as see whose tower can reach heaven, without coming crashing down! Whoever can use them up the fastest, without catastrophe or going wider than their permitted circle, wins!
>>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
Let's be real, Beta could absolutely stack them faster because of his damn near perfect and consistent precision as a machine. But I'm voting for Merk DaLookuh anyway.

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Revolutionaries have to rebuild after they tear down regimes, right? Totally probably maybe slightly adjacent in theory.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
He can use the biggest dominos
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Perfect, cup, stacks
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
The uh spirits of Gotham would tell him the exact distance and placement of each domino for a perfect toppling.

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
There is no way James has the patience for this one. His cups are getting smashed the first time they topple.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
My boy's gonna make it!
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
But in all seriousness, you're a braver man than I. No way in hell I'd ever run something like this and risk the autistic rage pointed directly at me.

"Quite the contests, requiring precision and forethought. In the first round, however, while processing power is important, for things like balance there is a 'feel' that unfeeling metal can't quite comprehend. So, for this first round, my vote goes to-"
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)

"And as for this second event, raw power and speed won't win this one. Again, careful foresight, an understanding of their limited workspace will play the most important role. And as far as forethought goes, I must give the advantage to the contender that is the more clever of the two, which is-"
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Beta (Core of Steel)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
A memory, long past.

“Beta core, attention.”
A flat and featureless plane today in the simulators, abandoning any pretense of reality.

A rectangular prism simply appears, rotating in the air.

“This is a domino. Arrange as many as possible in the proper manner to cause the maximum release of potential energy in one hour.”

Then silence.

Stacks, and stacks of the prisms appear, lying flat. Unevenly sized for your frame.

This is tedium. Pointless busywork. Why should you?

The insistent nudging of Mortimer in low-sync gives you the reason.
“Howdy, partner. It’s just an hour. Then we can visit your sisters after. Work, then play.”


“Come on, up and at it. Lean along the short edge first, start with the smaller ones that can fit in hand, then we go to larger ones. Just enough that a small one can make the larger one move. Say….about half again larger each time. Until we can’t lift it any more, then staying at that size. Sounds good?”

About? About? You will not deal in such inexact methods. There is an exact answer. Furiously, you begin modeling it out. Assuming perfect imparting of energy from one to the next, letting gravity move the tile…wait, you need to check the mass of the ‘domino’ to fit into these calculations…

Laughter interrupts.
“Don’t over analyze it. Just place them to fall into one another. Start now, putting tiles down, and If it’s a little off, then we make the later ones better. We’ll be done at the end of an hour, anyways, no matter how hasty. Just make it good enough to start falling.”

Maybe he’s right.
Place something, anything, then move forwards, even without a plan.

Good enough?
Hand actuators click, grasping the first finger-sized tile.
Good enough.

>Beta (Core of Steel)

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Also this suckered me into reading about domino mechanics. And then I realized it was more important to just get things moving (and writing) instead of spending all night analyzing.

Thought I'd try to make it a lesson.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Inertia is not just a concept that applies to the physical world. A good lesson for anyone.
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
I want Mark to win this.
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
Why James and not Richard? Because I'm playing the long game. Every vote is carefully planned to put my chosen contenders in the lead, and to force those who are in the upper runnings down to give my chosen few a greater lead. It's not enough for my chosen to win: Others must lose.
Richard would understand, I'm sure.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Dude could totally calculate optimum domino positioning, probably. I hate to keep voting against Markie, but it's hard to argue with the bot in this situation...

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
I get the feeling this is something Richie does when he gets bored. Frequently.
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>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
If anyone remembers that gardening contest between Rika and MERRYGATE, that's the reasoning I have for this. Beta would be inclined to create the largest and most stable structure, but Mark's Shivers give him a sense for what would create the most spectacle. It's like how Rika won for having a more natural and visually pleasant garden rather than one with the cold efficiency of MERRYGATE's. I could see Mark setting up dominoes for a department event or fundraiser and drawing a lot of people to contribute, just to see his creation alone. As much of an individual Beta is, I just can't see him getting a grasp of that touch. No pun intended.

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Slow and steady...
I will do catchup art and writing once the weekend hits. I am currently chained in wageslavery. In the meantime...

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Richard is precise and methodical (autistic) and has extremely steady hands, on account of not actually having bones or muscles.

>Beta (Core of Steel)
I am indifferent to this matchup, but I think Richard would privately think a giant mech was pretty cool, even if it did kick his ass at batting. I must go with his heart. also, based write-up here >>6046626

>Richard would understand, I'm sure.
Richard would understand, just as I'm sure you'd understand that you're now on his To Dispose Of list :^)
>Beta (Core of Steel)

Shit was starting to fall all around big B, so experience, and he should probably be able to figure out some deterministic outcomes from blocks hitting one another.

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)

I just have a feeling about that eye.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
He has no finger tremor

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Reach heaven through assholery
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> I am subtley voting to shift the odds
>Yes I shall anounce that doing so is part of my scheme
>Part of my master plan, I assure you
>little did he know, this was in fact part of his plan to get people to vote for his TRUE candidate of choice which he is voting for out in the open
>except that too is a ruse, the anon had ascended beyond our meager understanding of the board, instead he is manipulating the very time seed by his machinations so that he can force crits onto a quest that has drawn his eye
This man must be some sort of tactical genius.
>>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
More dexterous fingers for the little tiles.

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
I think he has the reach advantage here which is essential for mass cup stacking.
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10-D multiple timeline chess.
>Beta (Core of Steel)

>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
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>I think he has the reach advantage here which is essential for mass cup stacking.
Counterpoint: picrel
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Once again, I am shilling pure unadulterated SNAKE POWER so Richard can stack his cups with nothing but pure perfection
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I love your little sketches, bro.
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Good luck, I'm behind 7 metaphysical layers of separation between his reality and my own!
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Rolled 3, 7 = 10 (2d13)

With his sweet bod (which do I mean? the long stretchy one that can wielded by the other like a reacher-grabber, obviously!) Richard succeeds where James falls just a little short (and probably stomps the cups int oblivion! It's a 9-to-8 victory, closer than most, yet I can't really argue against the art!


Meanwhile, Beta's computer-perfect prediction (and 'childhood memory', see at >>6046626) support his 11-to-6 advantage.

Our winners this round?

>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

Those two leap to the head of the pack as we enter the final stretch!
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In this second-to-last round of the round robin, we have two army commanders (of sorts) at odds, in a contest of finesse, fortitude, and leadership well-suited to their skillsets! Uh, sort of. I mean, they get to bring friends, at least! No magic or sufficiently-advanced technology, though, except black-lights and special shoes! It's

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)



Tom and Tips, meanwhile, are going to settle in for a slumber-party staple! Yes, while the other two contenders bowl their hearts out, THESE two layabouts will be stuffing their faces! But it's not ALL fun and games, because

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

will be checking their cheeks (no, not THOSE cheeks, sexo anon) to see how much they can fit in their mouths (again, not THAT kind of slumber party) as they play...


How many marshmallows can a half-elf or cat-man speak their peace through? And can a granola-fed hippy or obligate carnivore even stomach that much processed sugar?!
>>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
Seems like a dexterous fellow

Definitely has the hardiness to endure more
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Just because he likely has experience with the game
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
He learned from his girlfriends lol
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
I would love to see how these two would get along
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
The cat can win it. I know because of the spaghetti cat meme. Wait what?
>>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
he has a great relationship with his parents, no way in hell he hasnt done some bowling before
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
Magic fiat, again, and >>6047200.

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
He's just stubborn enough to do it.
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
A bigger mouth is the winner here surely.
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

Who needs special shoes and finger holes when you can grip the smooth floor and ball for that perfect spin and follow through.
>>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

Hey, wands away mister. Unless you want a mysterious local gravity shear to give you gutter balls on your throws.
"Hrmmm. Just throw the ball and knock the pins over without breaking any of them? Well, considering the scale and how five fingers are needed over four to better control that unique underhanded throw, the first match's advantage goes to-"
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

"As for this second round, it is a question of who can hold more food. In their mouth. Without eating it?" Karn asks, looking to his daughter. To hopefully have her make sense of this.
"It's a popular game children play. The contest is who can say 'Chubby Bunny' with the most of them in their mouth. Whoever either eats one or spits one out accidentally while trying to say the phrase loses." Chaya tells him, Karn nodding along but not getting the 'why' of it. Must be a peaceful, never-hungry people who developed such a game.
"Well, if that's the game, the advantage will be the one who is more determined to win, I guess." Karn says, looking at the two competitors again. "Hmmm. The one seems young, while the other seems to be more of a fighter. One who has been through more. So, my vote goes to-"
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
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"Five fingers? When there's only three holes in the ball? Not that I need them for grip!"

"Alright, magic man let me show you what bowling is all about! I've run the simulations in the holo-pods and I know that bowling is all about balancing in crazy poses! Beat this!"
>He can curve the ball? WHAT!? Multi-gutter skimming!?!
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)
I will not elaborate
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)

>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
"No, they're to keep the ball's path controlled. Having only one guiding finger will inevitably add that spinning to your throw, instead of guiding it straight down the middle Where you lack the fifth digit, your every throw will curve."
"Kehehe, sounds like quitter talk to me. I'm no primate so of course my grips gonna be different. I've watched the archives and all the best throws curve anyway, its all in the wrist! Embrace the spiiiin!"
Thank you for covering for me CoreQM!
I thought I was starting to feel better, only for this flu to hit me again for round two

Also, I really enjoyed the lore blurb as well. Before I even finished reading it, I was already trying to decide whether to vote for stacking the dominoes without a plan or to stick with calculating the perfect model, until I remembered that this is the tournament and not an moment from the actual qst, lol.
>only for this flu to hit me again for round two

Shit nigger. That sucks hard. Hope you are doing alright.
Rolled 1 (1d6)

Tom opens his big mouth and swallows this contest whole! Or... Doesn't? Keeps his mouth full, while shooting it off? Either way, the cat proves the chubbeir bunny, 8-to-6 against my own boy, Ez! Stick to waffles, wiz-kid!

As for our other contest, Elliot's wholesome family bonding and loyal fanbase sees him take the lead over his opponent 9-to-5! However, Kiro's gecko grip and sweet graphics (>>6047380) have persuaded me to roll a final d6...
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Ooo, no dice. So long, Space Kobold! it seems this round's winners are:

>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

But then where does that leave us with the contest over all? Well, about that...
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There's only one more round left in the kings tourney before the final dead heat between our two top dogs and, realistically, there's no way for any of the four participants to get enough points to rival the kingliest of the bunch. With Kiro out of the running, and given that there's some enterprising anon spamming low-effort threads lately and pushing us precariously close to Page 10, I think it's time to do as we did in the Queens' Tournament and call it!

Or rather, to move on to the final, SUDDEN DEATH round!

At the bottom bracket, we have...

>Ramster (Cutémon)
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)

All of them won a fair few, of course, and they all got quite close in still others!

Above them, putting up a solid fight, are

>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
>Ezreal "Tips" Mious Van Houtzmann (Seekers of the Esoteric)
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)

And approaching the pinnacle, nearly equal to our death-match desperados, are

>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)

But of course, this all now comes down to our top two!
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What is the measure of a man? What makes a mere man a KING? Well, it's not humanity, obviously! Both of these champions are artificial in their own way. And yet, as Mewtwo and Herman Cain both famously said:

The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

And what these two motherfuckers have done is win, win, win!

But who will come out on top and take the crown of the KING OF /QST/ in this final rumble? This time, it is singularly, unabashedly a PURE POPULARITY CONTEST. No events, no dice. Just getting out the vote!

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Beta (Core of Steel)

Who will it be, /qst/?!
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Blood > oil
As another famous man once said...
It may not be recognized as legitimate. It may not be a valid vote. But if you're asking me to vote for who I like most...then there is only one thing I can answer with regardless of the choices or consequences!
I reject your winners, fool!
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)
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>Beta (Core of Steel)

Objective: Victory!
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Beta got way further than I thought, but a perfect machine doing his best makes sense
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>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)
And this is to vote even further BEYOND!

>Beta (Core of Steel)
Nah here's my vote. Mostly because I think it would be even funnier if Beta was standing at the podium next to a big cat rather than a man-snake. Both hilarious images, but a giant robot going out frame is more hilarious than the snake (mode: middle aged man) getting mad-dogged by a cat, which is one of the oldest garden rivalries.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
My boy... he's WINNING
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Snake boy all the waaaaaaay!
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>>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
>Beta (Core of Steel)
I still can't believe that Richard is one of the most voted husbandus here
Alas that last 7 - 10 split was too much for even Kiro. We had a good run tied third place isn't bad for the little guy, he'll just have settle being 'Number One' in his own quest.

>Beta (Core of Steel)
While I voted for both Richard and Beta in the nominations, in the end I have read more Core of Steel than Drowned Redux so I'll have to hand it to Beta. AI, mechs and Sci-fi win out in the end. (You'll have to let Kiro take that frame for a joyride sometime, Beta. He's always wanted to try out for the mech corps.)
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"What do you mean you're not voting?! This one's the most important of them all!" Chaya calls to her father, who shakes his head as he rises up to his feet.
"What do you mean, you won't vote?" Richard asks, both he and Beta turning their eyes and optics on him. "You have to choose."
“Invalid response received. Choose either myself or Richard.” Beta adds in, Karn shaking his head once more.

"No. No, I don't think I will." Karn replies to Richard, offering the man who is more reptile than man his hand. "But I wish you both luck."

Richard looks from the Saiyan's face to his hand and back, trying to figure out what the warrior's play is. Hesitantly he accepts the handshake, Karn being careful not to crush him. The handshake lasts a moment, the two releasing hands simultaneously.

“Whoever wins, you both did your best to earn it.” Karn says, turning from Richard to Beta, offering him the same. The larger contestant also hesitates before accepting as well, Karn once more careful to not damage his fellow competitor. And after releasing the large machine, Karn turns his gaze to the other competitors who also didn't reach the finals. “All of you did your best, even with how... Bizarre some of these competitions were. Hold your heads high. In your own ways, you all are strong. Yes, even you.”
“Ram-Ram!” Ramster declares, the strange rodent nodding along.
“Whoever you all choose to be king of this realm, I'm sure they will lead well.” Karn concludes, turning to his daughter. “Anything to add, before we head back home and get to our tournament with Universe 6?”

“Yeah! If you're not gonna vote, then I will! And I choose-!”

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
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>Beta (Core of Steel)

Well you tried Elliot. I wonder if a DHQ thread was up and running towards the halfway point if he could have got enough more votes to push him to victory? Oh well.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
He's my second pick behind Mark DeLucia. Even though his sentience is artificial, Beta's among the most genuine candidates. From a pragmatic perspective, his analytical mind and unobstructed focus would compliment Huanliuxue's spiritual and social acumen very well. I could imagine their initial interaction would be a little awkward, but they would grow to appreciate each other from the differences in how they approach the same challenges. They would be very likely to have deeper conversations about the meaning of consciousness, what it means to develop one's self, or how to stay grounded at the heights they reach. Their respective QMs or any dedicated writers could probably come up with some interesting dialogue. Richard's personal motives and impulsive duplicity would create friction almost immediately and lead to very troubling times for whatever kingdom they're placed in charge of. Let's push our metal man to the top.

>the spoiler
Agreed. kek
He has grown on me, but yeah. Did not see that happening.
>No, I don't think I will.
I stopped reading your quest long ago, but I still admire your dedication and spirit enduring for so long.
Fun news, as of five minuets ago, the Kais dropped down on Saiyan homeworld and just pulled the "Ghat Dang Porch Monkey NINEGEN gettin uppity" card in front of Karn and his kids. And Freeza, King Cold, and Biiiiiiiitc-I mean Cooler.
Thanks. Been going so long both irl and in-quest that we've hit the DBS timeline of events, which has been interesting.
In all fairness they were TRYING to help. In their own arrogant, delusional way.

"Another stroke of ill fortune-- or another attempt at sabotage. Who could possibly expect me to compete against a machine at hitting a speeding ball I admit I envied its size, its power, its precision: I have known these things only briefly, and only under contract, but even then they were intoxicating. I must keep in mind the drawbacks. The machine may run its calculations, pursue its efficiencies, hit its balls as hard as it likes, but those things are not all that matters. They are hardly a fraction of all that matters.

I do hope Charlotte is safe."

"Me against the man with the unusual eye. Not the WYRM's eye, fortunately, and it was not a test of vision. I admit I took more pleasure than was warranted at the challenge at hand: I care a great deal about the structure of things. Maybe I cared a tad too much, because the end result was closer than I would have liked. Still, it was another victory, and that is nothing to scoff at."

"At last: I had come to the end. As I always anticipated, I had outmatched every opponent. Nearly every opponent. The debacle with the batting cage, as it turned out, had put me neck and neck with one final competitor: the machine. Was I to outmaneuver it? Gum up its works? No. The only criteria at this final stage: simple popularity. The audience would vote for who they liked most.

I am excellent, even superior, at many things. But at this...

We will see what comes of it."

>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)

"I am accustomed to the small-minded doubting my abilities."

"At least I have one stalwart ally. Why do I attract the loud ones?"

"I give thanks to the WYRM that I do not exist within the mind of this troubled individual. However bad my circumstances are, they can always be worse."
Richard cum gutters... I'm not sure if it's so over or we're so back
>Richard cum gutters...
richard's what ?
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The "V" that leads down from abs to fun parts.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
Go go go!
>Beta (Core of Steel)
How to deal with a snake: stomp on it
I see, you know of the crazy fox woman
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Based schizo fox enjoyed.
Based schizo fox indeed
Is someone going to archive this thread? I don't believe the Queen one was.
>Beta (Core of Steel)
>Is someone going to archive this thread? I don't believe the Queen one was.
actually, the queen one was archived and this one as well https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=of+%2FQST%2F+%282024%29
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)
Voting rn for Beta
I'll try to write something up in a little bit
There you have it! It was a brave battle, and Richard might have made a fine regent, but 13-to-6 shows beta to be the OFFICIAL best of /qst/-- the top dog, the mean machine, the iron man champion and undisputed KING!

I'd like to thank everyone who participated, in both this tournament and the Queens. I'm grateful for everyone who participated. I hope everyone (most people?) had fun, and I personally think it would be great to see more of these sorts of events in the future. Whether your favourite fella won or lost, we all got to share in the experience, learn about quests we might not have checked out otherwise, and got some cool art and RP out of it.

Keep an eye out on the /qtg/ for an update with Beta's official portrait as King of /QST/ in the near future!
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>Brighton: 0
>Sunray: 0
>Blake: 0

>Cobalt: 1

Holy shit, he did it
The big blue bean meets the Queen
And to nobody's surprise, the OP character wins the other contest. Who would have thought. What a coincidence, really. I'm sure that's just it, though.
Karn didn't win, though.
Richard almost won
Karn is only OP in fighting, machines are literally cheat engines. And the literal only actual popularity vote was the last, after everyone else was eliminated by the skill contests.

So congratulations, I guess. Beta managed to win 1 (one) match fairly. That's more than the "queen"
wtf are you talking about

Hualianxue wasn’t RQM’s
Beta wasn’t either.
OP as in overpowered
I'm going to level with you: everyone here is a winner, except you. You, alone, are a loser.
I wouldn't call being so pathetic you have to rig a waifu contest "winning", but I guess you have to act like it to believe it. Do you want to tap your cope sign too?

So sure bro, keep saying it. But it won't change the truth.
Neither winner is even from a quest I play, or written by a QM I've really talked to.

See you next time, crybaby anon. I look forward to the tourney you run. :)
Whatever lets you sleep at night, bro.
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Bait used to be good. Here's your (You).
>didn't even vote
Go back to spamming trannyquests
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It looks like that huge robot Beta won the tournament!

Well, even though you and Ramster didn't win the tournaments, you both tried your hardest and made some new friends! Are you ready to go back home?

What? You just noticed Ramster talking to Beta? You don't know for sure, but it seems like Ramster might be congratulating Beta!

Is there anything else you want to do before you go back home?

"Thank you, Reptoid!"
Love this little guy
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Congratulations Beta and CoreQM!

I wish I could say I was disappointed, but not only did I predict this exact outcome, but it's unironically the single most fitting and canonical one for Richard. Him sailing through the skill challenges and faltering at the final hurdle of "having people like him" is so hilarious it's like I picked it out myself.

I'd like to give my thanks to all the Richard stans out there (especially Mr. SNAKE POWER), and to my fellow competitors, especially GrandDragonQM (who never failed to be a positive presence and excellent sport) and Cutemon Trainer (whose Ramster and Cutemon write-ups consistently made me chuckle). Special shout-out also to Cobalt 1, who put a lot of work into writing Beta without even running the quest. Also, huge thanks to Reptoid, who put a ton of time, work, and actual money into running these contests for the board. He was even willing to hear out the bitching about the catchup die mechanic, which I think ultimately made the tourney better.

IC write-up will come tomorrow. Richard may be less pleased about it than I am: ignore him. He really is an asshole!

Not only did Beta easily win this popularity contest, but he also topped the charts of the original nominations (pic), which was also a straight popularity contest. Absolutely nonsensical criticism. If anything, I think it would've been less fair if Beta *didn't* win.
>Richard may be less pleased about it than I am: ignore him. He really is an asshole!
If he gets too spicy, we can just unleash the #1 Richard Superfan on him.
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Please, no... his only weakness...
“Heh, and so it ends. Well, I’m not too surprised.” Karn says to himself. >6049120
Nice bait. But if it were really about op characters winning, Karn could literally blow away the entire competition without even having to bother transforming. Which is why I’m glad this wasn’t a powerlevel wankfest.
“Hey, you! Didn’t anybody ever teach you the spacenet basics? Don’t feed the trolls!” Chaya calls up to the runner of the event. “If you ignore them, they die. H-Hey, don’t say like me chat!”
Does seem to be his fate. Enjoyed the ride, the character interactions were what made this tournament for me.
Chaya laughs in gif related
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Congrats to CoreQM and Beta!!! This was a fun tournament, and I enjoyed drawing art for it (especially the overly-gratuitous SNAKE POWER ones).

Also gotta say thanks to Reptoid for running... no matter who won, the whole thing was loads of fun!!!

Lucky for you since Beta won, the world will never see the ULTIMATE RICHARD VICTORY PIN-UP. Perhaps it's for the best, since I'm not sure Richard could handle something worse than the last one (his look of horror says it all).

Also I really enjoyed the write-ins for Richard. They were fun and immersive, and reading Richard's POV is always a treat!!!

DO NOT tempt me. I have a pencil, and I am not afraid to use it!!!
Thanks bro nice tournament

How can you tease us like this
Wait holy hell we're on page 11. I'll post the final Richard write-up in my thread (>>6041226) tomorrow if this thread drops off before I get the chance. Check it out there if you're interested!
Post it in the qtg
Thanks for running this whole shebang and congrats to all who participated! In the middle of a move right now, but it was fun seeing this come together again! Thanks also to everyone who threw in votes for Diesel--win or lose it was a swell time!
I feel a bit weird about dropping some autistic roleplay in the most public thread on the board, but maybe I'll do it in my thread then link to that in the QTG so people can see it.
This entire board is dedicated to autistic roleplay

"Because they liked you, Beta."
Seated inside, Sophie chuckles.

"Victory? Victory, by the acclaim of others, not through any specific actions or steps on my part? It feels hollow."

"Shut up and take it, Core. You're perfect this time, living up to your own hype. And all those tests before led to this. If you hadn't put in the legwork there, you wouldn't have been in the position to win."
Exasperation punctuates her statement.

Take it. Acceptance? Acceptance.


Thank you for all the voters for our favorite AI, for reptoid to run this whole thing, and especially for Cobalt 1, who stepped up to give Beta a voice when I couldn't. Hope things clear up for you, comrade.

Clearly the only appropriate followup is to actually knuckle down and get another thread up. Keep an eye out in the next few days, or in the QTG.

>>6049181 -You are adorable.
And thanks for all the QMs who pitched in with character write-ins and commentary. It makes the characters that much more alive. It may be praise echoed but dammit it's worth repeating.

Especially that one with the old dragon Reynauld facing off with a rusted Beta on top of a metal gear. Fueled my imagination for a full week, even after it came and went without me being able to write it justice. Maybe something for the postcredits.
Yes, anon, and this autistic roleplay is confined to specific threads so that only people who are interested have to read it. It's not a free-for-all.
>but he also topped the charts of the original nominations (pic)
Have you ever actually been in another queen tournament? You're funny if you think a high preliminary vote means anything. But yes anon, i'm sure Beta is just the most popular quest to ever exist, and that it was just a coincidence that he happened to get all those easy contests.

But hey, pointing out the obvious is troll behaviour, so i guess i should join the /qtg/ circlejerk..

I wish I had more time to do those RP scenes, I really enjoyed them and found them fun little breaks. This entire tournament was a pleasure to read through. Thanks again for the invite, fren.

Textbook example of "Bro Cope"

Lol. Lmao even, bro.
Man,imagine being so pathetic you're still seething about a shits and giggles tournament like a month after it ended
If it's just for shits and giggles, isn't rigging it even more pathetic?
Sorry your faves weren't popular enough to qualify, but that doesn't mean this game was rigged. It just means you have shit taste
Yes anon. That's what made it rigged. Not the fact that the QM made it so only tripfags who registered within a small period could vote. (There's only like 30~ people in /qst/ right?) Not the fact that he literally gave himself the power to add votes to the characterrs he liked, or the fact that he chose the contests from a 'list' he just so happened to lose.

Nope, it was just my faves.
Oh you've gone for schizo and are making shit up. If you paid attention, it was stable ips and trips were protection against your ip switching but RQM allowed you to just link back to a previous vote and be counted. The dice he changed when people bitched about it and even before then, it really didn't have an impact outside of Karn rolling high, which is RNG. Just like the lists

Which no matter how much you whine, were just there for fun and had little to no impact of the outcomes since people just voted for the characters they liked more

But hey, keep yelling at the sky, it'll turn green any day now. Everyone worked against you just to make you angry, you're right. We planned this and gangstalked you just to make you mad
>it was stable ips and trips were protection against your ip switching
Nice job dodging the part about the registration period. I am certain there definitely only are around 30 people on /qst/
>The dice he changed when people bitched about it
Changed to making it a tie, and the fact that it happened at first would have gotten him laughed out of any queen tournament in the rest of the site.
>Just like the lists
Uh-huh. Sure. He just happened to lose it. What a shame.

You can throw out 'le troll' or whatever cope you want, anon, but it doesn't change what happened, and it doesn't change what a joke it is that it was done. Even if your discord crew tells you otherwise.
Only 30 who gave a shit about the tournament, there were QMs whose characters were part of it who didn't care to show up or participate in any fashion and I'm confident the same is true for their anons, cause guess what, this whole thing was just a fun little event that you've taken way too seriously and created a conspiracy around to cope.

And you forget, you're on /qst/ where dice rolls matter, and anons like randomization of outcomes and were only there to add a bit a fun and flavor, like the contests themselves

And yes, he did, and you throwing a fit that your waifu lost before the game began for months won't change that.

Stay mad, cause clearly you missed the point of this whole thing, that it was just for fun and would rather blame boogeymen and act like RQM bows to a cabal of QMs that is lead by Our-Grandfather and CoreQM of all people, because people didn't share your opinions and that they meet in a super secret discord, when I know for a fact OG doesn't leave his threads except to lurk other cultivation quests and /qtg/ couldn't give a shit about the tournament in the slightest

But hey, whatever makes you feel like you were wronged and have something to be angry about.
>a-actually, only a tiny number of people participating is good. restricting the registrations is good.
>when the tournament runner adds extra votes to the character he likes it's FLAVOR, ok???
>he said he lost the list, he could not possibly lie
>it's just fun okay, it's just le heckin fun!!!!! stop trying to point out the rigging!! stop it!!! it's le fun!!!!!
Five days to register an IP, if there were only thirty people who chose to register in that time, then only thirty people wanted to participate.

He's running the tournament, and again, it was just for fun and allowed people to argue why there fav would have an advantage in the make believe contests

Why would it matter if he did or not? you believe he came up with the contests to weigh the vote, that anyone could vote for anyone for any reason not just power levels, for his favs to win. Who turned out to be characters from quests he didn't follow.

And it was fun. A shame you can't have fun and have to invent enemies to lash out against because people were having fun but not while voting how you would've.

Anyways, have fun being mentally ill, I guess
>Five days to register an IP
And you think that's enough?
>He's running the tournament,
So you admit he rigged it? Because giving votes to the people you like is, quite literally, rigging it.
>Why would it matter if he did or not?
And you admit it yet again.

Thanks for accepting the truth, anon.
Yes. Quest is a slow board
No I didn't say that. but whatever it takes for you win this internet argument.
And no, I was asking why losing his list or lying about it would matter if he was just making up the contests, which didn't matter besides for fun and discussion, on the fly

It really is sorry that you have to bend over backwards just to win an argument and not face the fact you've been throwing a fit over a celebration of quests and their characters and treating it like there were actual risks or stakes beyond having to shift through autistic walls of texts gushing about one waifu or husbando or another.

But you do you, if purposefully misreading what I said to get a single Win will make you have fun, then go for it

after all, the whole purpose of this tournament, was to have fun
No, no, sorry anon, you don't get to admit the tournament runner arbitrarily gave votes to the characters he liked and then say "no i didn't admit he was rigging it"

The truth, sadly, is not as fun as rigging. Too bad.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. The rolls were in the quest since the start, and were clearly explained as "Whoever has a convincing or funny argument for why they win". But hey, if you can grasp straws and act like you won something with a smile on your face, go for it, if its how you have fun.

Or you can continue to meltdown, and let this game live rent free in your head and ferment into progressively more crazed conspiracy theories to explain why no one agreed with you and voted for characters they liked instead of the ones you did
Anon, you already admitted to it being rigged. You don't have to start coping about how that's a good thing? A little too late for that.

Well, the thread will fall off the board. So congratulations for the character you like winning the rigged waifu contest or something. Please feel free to reply with more cope.
All I'm going to say

Is I really hope you've just been pretending to be retarded, because if this is how you actually think, I feel really sad for you. And I'm being honest

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