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It's the 747th year of the Empress' Calendar. The months of Ascending Fire fill the air with heat and humidity. Even on the Blessed Isle, which typically enjoys moderate temperatures all year, the citizens suffer as the night fails to bring them sweet relief.

But few are in so much pain as one of the scions of House Mnemon. This woman of unusually pure blood, for one born outside The Realm at least, married into the house just a decade ago. Her husband, grandson and direct descendant of Mnemon herself, paces back and forth outside her room. He stops only when a howl is heard from inside. His hand lays on the hilt of his sword, though it is of little use now. Powerless, he turns his attention inwards and does the one thing he hasn't done since he was but a child, and prays to the Elemental Dragons for fortune.

Inside his wife fights what is, undoubtedly, the most important battle of her entire life. She must bring the newest Prince of the Earth to Creation, it is her duty. But she does not fight alone. By her side are four midwives, two dozen servants, two astrologers waiting for the miracle to happen, and even a sorcerer, one of her husbands relatives here to assist if needed. It is a long, drawn out battle that rages for hours on end, but finally, after much pain the first cries of the newborn prince much of the tension vanishes from the room. Already the astrologers frantically scurry to record the exact second and date of the child's birth, so they may create a horoscope for it and divine its future.

"The birth happened at night, when the sky was clear. Most auspicious. And look: a shooting star, good omen. Ah, and it was born under the sign of The Banner in its ascending aspect! The child is assured to have a most grand destiny indeed!"

"M-Master? If one shooting star is auspicious, what does two mean?"

"What? By the dragons! That means-"

The lady of the house almost immediately began screaming once more. Another baby was on its way. Twins they are. This second one however came out much quicker. The midwives joked about how it must be missing its sibling. But some of the servants were worried. The Scarlet Dynasty always welcomed multiple births, as it means more dragons. But some more superstitious, some would say "heretical", people think it a bad sign. Some folk tales speak of the favor of Heaven being divided between the two, or one receiving nothing but good fortune while the other only ill. The Dynasts pay little attention for such nonsense.

"How… are they?"
The lady dynast asked, exhausted beyond words.

"They are fine, mistress."

>One of them was a boy, the other a girl (Male MC)
>Both were girls (Female MC
Welcome to Exalted. A high-fantasy land of eastern and western mythology combined into a bizarre amalgam.
dice are 1d20 against a DC based on circumstances and the chosen option
multiple votes are allowed, if they are not mutually exclusive
custom votes are allowed and welcome
>One of them was a boy, the other a girl (Male MC)
>>One of them was a boy, the other a girl (Male MC)
Male MC wins
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A few minutes, and the necessary preparations later, the gilded doors of the chamber creep ajar. One of the midwives beckons the father.

"How is she? Is everything-"

"They are fine my lord. All of them are. Come."

He is brought before his wife, who's been made presentable. In her hands she holds one babe each. Their cries have ceased as they clung to their mothers teats. The father can barely contain himself and he gets on his knees beside his wife.

"They are beautiful!"

"They are strong!"

His wife corrects him, as a reminder of what's important. They exchange a glance but how the other one beams makes them laugh. Both of them agree to stop as it's not befitting of their station. Rather, they move onto the matter of names. They had an easy job, as they already picked up a name for a potential son and a daughter as well.

Mnemon Jet would be the son.

Whilst the daughter would be called Mnemon Kaya.

They are good names. Strong names. Ones worthy of scions representing the main branch of the house. These great-grandchildren of Mnemon won't disappoint, of that they were sure. But the proud and happy moment could not last long. Tradition demands it doesn't. The new parents spend only a day with their children, and only so the wife could recuperate from the ordeals of childbirth. When the Sun next rose on the horizon they picked up their children and took them over to their "uncle". He was not in fact their family member, but an old battle-brother of the father. He was chosen to be the ward of the kids, and he gladly accepted.

Being a child was not easy for anyone in the Age of Sorrows. Not even for a Dynast, despite what the plebeians believe. The Great Houses do not allow for weakness of any kind, and they viewed familial attachment as such. Thus, every child is raised by someone other than their parents. Sure, they are born on silk sheets and are fed with spoons of silver and jade. But no Dynast has a good relationship with their family, be they parents or siblings. Only distant cousins of such tenuous connection it takes years to trace back in the archives of the Thousand Scales.

With the twins however, they broke tradition already. They were allowed to remain by each others side, hoping that it would bring them fortune. At their uncles palace in the Imperial Palace they were raised by a small army of wet nurses, servants, slaves and caretakers. They are kept well fed, clean and happy but their education starts early - dragons have no time for leisure.

They are read to from the holy scriptures of the Immaculate Texts, their limbs are strengthened with simple exercises, and the games they are allowed to play all serve some sort of educational purpose. By the age of 5 a child is expected to know basic arithmetic, and how to read and write in at least High Realm. They are also expected to know how to dance, play an instrument and basic combat maneuvers.
It's also at this age when their instructors started to get a feel for the twins. Although they looked almost identical, with both sporting prominent red hair and green eyes - a sign of Mnemons blood running quite strong in their veins - the two were radically different in personality. Kaya, the daughter, was aloof, carefree and energetic. She displayed the infinite energy, aloofness and the curious nature of air. What lessons she cared not for she ignored, and was prone to wander on her own to find things more to her liking. Jet however was more content in his place. He found solace in reading and absorbing whatever his tutors wanted to teach him. He knew what was expected of him as a Dynast and he wanted to excel at it. A clear affinity for the stable and sturdy element of Earth. This pleased his family, as House Mnemons favored element was Earth, with Mnemon herself bearing that aspect.

But above all things, it became clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that the boy was more naturally inclined towards activities that were more-

Social wins
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He differed greatly from his sister in that. Kaya was a thrill-seeker, an adventurer. Where she snuck away during free hours to climb trees, run around the palace grounds and to get into fights, Jet preferred surrounding himself with his peers. He loved feeling out the flow of the groups social dynamics, who had problems with whom, which kids became secretly friends when others weren't looking. And he adored manipulating it. It may seem innocuous but he learned from the grown-ups, when during parties and social gatherings they partook in games of manipulation and coercion of such intensity it made him dizzy whenever he tried to follow it. He was convinced that if they wanted to his Exalted family members could convince any man to murder those they loved most in just an hour or so. He aimed to be like them, to be a true Mnemon.

Time passed without the kids ever really interacting with their parents. Once a year they'd show up, or they'd meet during some event or party. But these were evaluations, not times for familial bonding. And this was fine. For the only time a Dynastic child typically talked privately with their parents, was when they were in big trouble. But neither Kaya nor Jet were found lacking, even their eccentricities were within perfectly acceptable parameters. Really, their parents were quite proud of their progeny. Especially once Kaya started manifesting markings of the Dragons on her body, specifically pale-blue scales around her collarbone in the shape of a dragons claw.

A year later however the twins started enjoying a different kind of attention, when the other ten Great Houses also became aware of the prodigies. It happened during one day when Kaya once again ditched her courses on horseback riding. This wasn't anything abnormal but when she failed to show up for family lunch, people began to worry. After most of the family was dispatched to search for her, they found the girl standing on the edge of the palace roof. She stared absentmindedly out of her head, her hair billowed even though there was no wind blowing that day. Her manic laughter could be heard echoing through the entire Imperial Palace as she hurled herself into the depths. But instead of becoming a stain on the pavement, she was struck by a bolt out of the blue. Or rather, a bolt of lightning erupted from her and struck the heavens. She then landed, wreathed in petals of snow and caressed by jolts of lightning. Her hair now bore a streak of pure white. The elemental dragons have spoken. She was enlightened. She was Exalted. A chosen of Mela, Immaculate Dragon of Air.
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She became chosen at the age of only 6. A thing thought nearly inconceivable in the Second Age. In cases of truly exceptional breeding, a child might Exalt as early as the age of 10. In some cases it could take as long as 20 years for the dragon blood to stir in someones veins if it's thin enough. This was a thing of legend, made even more awe inspiring by the fact that Kaya seemingly knew it was happening to her. Often it takes some sort of emotional trigger to start the change. For her, it was something inevitable and natural. Like she was born to Exalt. Every Dynast grows up thinking that, but deep down they dread that they will remain mortal forever. For her it was never a question.

Jet couldn't wait for when his turn would come.

Two more years passed. And the children were now 8 years of age. This was the earliest the Realms Primary Schools accepted new students. By this time they had already received a basic education that put them well past most of the illiterate peasants of Creation. Though primary schools were not considered to be nearly as important as the four great Secondary Schools, they were still the foundation that the great institutions built upon, so only fools ignored it.

Though the best education centers were prohibitively expensive, even to some Dynastic households, to the primary branch of House Mnemon it was not beyond reach, though it was still considered a huge investment reserved only for the best "eggs".

Jet and Kaya were both admitted to such a boarding school that had close ties to their house and they would spend the next four to six years of their lives, depending on how well they perform in their studies. This institution, like most of its kind, offers a more specialized curriculum that prepares young nobles, both Dynasts and patricians alike, for their duties later in life. They offer classes in swordsmanship, archery, athletics, horseback riding, geography, history, political sciences, spirit sciences, courtly etiquette, philosophy and the basics of Immaculate Doctrine. It even has a few courses on basic thaumaturgical theory for those more magically inclined and who'd pursue careers as sorcerers later in life.

Though Jet was a bit unnerved by the fact that his sister had a two year lead on him in terms of Exaltation, he was thrilled at the prospect of school. It offered him his first real opportunity to establish himself as an up and coming Prince of the Earth.

>He joined the martial-arts club
>He found the Immaculate Texts fascinating, and focused on learning about the faith.
>He took up a few courses in thaumaturgy and magical theory.
>He focused on his studies.
>He found some poor kids of lower birth and terrorized them to make himself feel better
>He focused on socializing and making some connections.
>He focused on socializing and making some connections.
>He found some poor kids of lower birth and terrorized them to make himself feel better
This is going to be real awkward with only 2 people
Supporting this
I'd just roll a dice or wait a bit for another voter. I'd switch votes but the option the other anon voted for is honestly the one I least want.
Honestly fair
Quick question. Would it be preferable to switch over to daily updates?
It may be better for big decisions to give more time to vote, but for character creation I'd say it's better to just speed through it and get started like you're doing now.
Okay, we'll do that. I'll try to get it over with quick so we can get to the good stuff. And thanks to anons help we have a winner
>>He focused on socializing and making some connections.

Whatever schedule you want, had to take a call.
With his previous experience he had no problems adjusting to the change in his personal life. Whether it was his distant cousins or just a bunch of random Dynasts and patricians it mattered not. With just a little effort he managed to become one of the more popular kids at school. A small gaggle of students always surrounded him, each seeking his approval. When he wore a new article of clothing, the next day everyone who wanted to be someone got a similar one. There were those who did not care that much about him. For them he had a few other tricks up his sleeve. Poem recitals, playing songs on an instrument or elaborate dances were enough to sway even them. Naturally he did all this so it wouldn't affect his grades. That would be unacceptable.

Unfortunately there is a darker side to popularity. One can not make this many friends without making at least a few "enemies". His first one, among many no doubt, was one Cynis Hotaro. He was the scion of the irreputable House Cynis. Jet had heard about his house, a veritable hive of scum and villainy, a shame to the entire Scarlet Dinasty. They were little more than a group of hedons masquerading as princes of the earth. Their frequent parties are filled with such debauchery they'd make the Immaculate Dragons weep. Not like his great and respectable house which is famous for its architecture, magical prowess and their strong ties to the Immaculate Faith. Now it does bear mentioning, that House Cynis is not just made up of drug addicts, slavers and sodomites. Their close affinity with the element of wood made them healers and alchemists without compare. It's just too bad that most of them use that talent to get high or drunk.

But Hotaro was definitely not of this more venerable stock. He embodied all the worst qualities of his house. The envious little vermin was jealous of his popularity, because he saw it as Jet "poaching" what was his stock. His blood demanded that he'd be the center of attention, the one true social butterfly in the class. He tried to smuggle the illicit substances his family is known for into school. But such petty bribes were of course no match to Mnemon refinement and spiritual purity.

One day as he was on his way to class Jet stumbled upon Hotaro as he was in the middle of bullying a small, pudgy patrician boy. Since he couldn't compete with Jet in a straight manner he resorted to attaining popularity by tormenting those below him in the social structure.
"Enough Cynis. Leave him alone."

"What? Oh. What's wrong, uptight, stinky Mnemon? I was just teaching this peasant to remember his place!" The Cynis kicked the boy while he was on the ground. "You got a problem with that?"

"Yeah. I do. You're making us look bad."

"Bad? I'm a dragon you dumbass! I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, to whomever I want!"

"No. You're a so called dragon that feels the need to torment mice to feel big and strong. You bring shame to the entire Dynasty. Behave yourself."
I accidentally uploaded the wrong text.
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The Cynis looked as Jet raised his fists. Though he was a weak and cowardly kid, he was not stupid. He would fight under normal circumstances, getting into trouble did not bother him. But potentially loosing a straight up fight against another Dynastic kid? The Dynasty can tolerate the occasional misbehavior, but it does not tolerate weakness. That is one lesson that's beaten into them at an early age. So he spat on the patrician kid and walked away.

"Watch your back Mnemon. A mouse won't save you, no matter how much you grovel before it."

Jet simply ignored him and turned to the kid.
"Hey, you good?"

"N-No. But thanks for the help."

"No problem. Here. Let me help you up. I'm Jet."

"Ugh. Yuen."

Yuen was the first, and only son of a relatively new and wealthy Gonren family. He was pudgy, weak and thus easy to abuse. Being fat might be a sign of wealth and power among the rabble but there are few things that disgust a Dynast more than someone purposefully degrading their own body in such a manner. But Yuen was still a good kid. He was fun to be around. So Jet decided to add him to his friend group.

School proceeded normally afterwards, with Hotaro not daring to act on his threat. They learned the Immaculate Texts and how thoroughly they were connected to his history lessons. One could not study much of history without delving into the religious philosophies of the Order. According to the texts a long, long time ago, was the First Age. In this Age of Splendor the Anathema ruled. He had heard about them before, he heard how they are the arch enemy of every Prince of the Earth, meaning him and his family. But he never knew just what they truly were. Turns out, they were men.

Wicked men and women, whom after bartering with demons and selling their souls, gained great and terrible powers. They enslaved Creation and mortalkind and abused them to satisfy their infernal desires. It was this thorough and ungodly long rape of the world that angered the Elemental Dragons: Hesiesh - Dragon of Fire, Mela - Dragon of Air, Daana'd - Dragon of Water, Sextes Jylis - Dragon of Wood, and Pasiap - Dragon of Earth.

These five would later create the Immaculate Dragons of the same name, perhaps they reincarnated as them, or created them. The details were lost a long time ago and don't really matter. It was the Immaculate Dragons who sired all other Princes of the Earth and together slew the wicked Anathema. And to this day the Exalted, especially those who join the Immaculate Order as monks, they hunt down these demons wherever and whenever they surface.

Finally he understood why his great-grandmother Mnemon was so obsessed with the faith. And now he was proud that he could be part of that legacy, instead of that degenerate Cynis bloodline.
However things weren't all good at school. He tried his best and he excelled in his studies, that is true. But two more years passed by with the long awaited awakening of his blood still eluding him. It was aggravating. Especially when he saw Kaya managing to do just as well as he did, but with minimum effort. He was not envious of her, he did not hate his sister. In fact, despite the constan buzzing of his sycophants he still spent most of his time in his sisters company. What he felt was greed. He simply wanted what he felt was his right, what had already been given to her but not to him.

"You seem down."
Yuen approached him during lunch time.

"Just thinking."

"Oh yeah. I get that. Exams are coming up. You studied yet?"

"Of course. I aim to get a perfect score as always."

"Oof. I envy your ambition. I'm just trying to pass. Anyway have you thought about where you'll go from here?"

That too was troubling him, yes. The fastest one could finish primary school was four years. He was about done with his second. It was time to decide what he wanted to do with his life, as it was ones Secondary School that actually mattered in the eyes of The Realm. With his skills he could get into any school he wished to. But there were only four worth mentioning.

The Cloister of Wisdom was an institution directly connected and run by the Immaculate Order. In its halls aspirants would dedicate themselves to spiritual pursuits, deeply immerse themselves in the Immaculate Scrolls, study their sutras and holy rights, and even study deadly magical martial arts in order to purify their spirits. These were not the brawls they were participating here. Real, genuine martial arts. And the best thing is, that studying in the Cloister did not force one to join the Order afterwards. Plenty of Dynasts attend (mainly to study said martial arts) and never look at the Order afterwards.

The House of Bells meanwhile was the Realms premiere military school. In reality anyone can join the Legions, in fact it's one of the few ways a commoner could achieve himself a higher rank in society and maybe make himself rich in the process. But those who attend the House of Bells become not just soldiers for a lifetime but become officers after they graduate. They are the fiercest fighters and most brilliant tacticians The Realm can muster.

Meanwhile The Spiral Academy is responsible for training the innumerable bureaucrats working in the many institution of The Thousand Scales (the collective name for the many government institutions of The Realm). While it's true that the monks are responsible for The Realms spiritual wellbeing, and the Legions are the sword and shield of the Scarlet Dynasty, none of it could function without the officials doing the mountains of paperwork necessary for its function. It is also the other way a peasant may make himself filthy rich and rise in status.
The last school however is a questionable one. The Heptagram is the smallest of the four schools and the ONLY institution in the entire Realm where one might study true, genuine sorcery. But only the Exalted may study there. Mortals are not allowed. Until he Exalts it's foolish to even think of attending it.

In the end he chose-

>The Cloister of Wisdom
>The Spiral Academy
>The House of Bells
And I think this is a good place to stop, as the choice of school will be pretty influential and will be the foundation on which everything else will be built.
Starting tomorrow we shift over to one update per day to see how it works
>The Cloister of Wisdom
>The spiral academy
We have a way with words, why not use them in a meaningful way?
>The Spiral Academy

Full social power. That said I wonder how it will work out to not be doing some crazy ass kungfu chi explosions. I've heard of Exalted but never actually had any interaction with it.
Exalted with social powers are fucking terrifying. Basically high level social-fu might as well be brainwashing. They are so convincing, so good at gaslighting they can rewire your brain. They make you forget how you loathe someone and eventually make you love them instead. They can also do the reverse. And they can turn a mob of gruel eating ricefarmers into the most devoted, zealous mob you've ever seen.
If they combine it with training charms they can turn a village of idiots into the most elite fighting force in the world in a week.
It also helps with governing.

And at later levels they can develop auras that make everyone around them believe they can do no wrong. You'd sooner believe you did something than that he's responsible
>The Spiral Academy
btw where did you get those images ? specially this one
All images, minus maybe the logo, are from 2nd edition Exalted rulebooks.
I can't promise I'll only use those as there isn't one for every occasion, and a lot of them have boobs on them. But I'll try to use whenever appropriate to help convey the style
By the way these are elite fighting forces of The Realm
Yes, they have pantsu with little hearts on them and it's exposed like Supermans undies
>All images, minus maybe the logo, are from 2nd edition Exalted rulebooks.
wait, so it's an rpg thing like d&d ?
Yes. Made by White Wolf. The people who made Vampire the Masquerade.
In fact, it was originally meant as a pre-history for World of Darkness.
>The Cloister of Wisdom
I'm going to go against the grain here and say that we actually stand to benefit more by leveraging our social prowess against less socially capable shut-ins and wizardmaxxers so that we have a lot of mystically powerful friends to call upon when necessary.
Going into the Spiral Acadamy would pit us against a lot of equally socially savvy people. While that would definitely help us to grow our social prowess, there's not as much benefit to having a bunch of face-statted friends compared to a bunch of wizard or fighter friends in my opinion.
You could always use the argument that 'well your social butterfly friends could have wizard friends of their own!' but I counter that with 'Are you really willing to help a friend of a friend all that much?'
Cloister of Wisdom is full of holier than thou buddhist monks, not sorcerers though
So you're telling me that it's the Wuxia club?
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The 3 things they believe in are mastering their mind through meditation, body through martial arts and spirit through essence cultivation.
Past that the monks spread the religion, fight gods who break the law, run the temples or simply fuck off into the woods and become hermits
That just seems like wizardmaxxing with a side of getting swole and religion. It even has wood hermits! I stand by my choice.
Also picking up friends that are willing to throw hands with god is always good.
Fair, I just wanted to be transparent
Just know that while Martial Arts are magic, sorcery is a very different thing
-the Spiral Academy.

The prospect of leading armies did not interest him. Leave the military to the Cathak, Sesus and the Tepet. He considered the Cloister of Wisdom. Studying the enlightened martial-arts would be beneficial indeed, as all Dynasts are expected to know how to fight. But the prospect of religion interested him not, despite his houses close ties with the Immaculate Order.

But the sheer number of opportunities the Academy would offer him are staggering. Accounting, finance, oration, poetry, rhetoric, calligraphy, political science, and all other skills necessary to keep the Imperial Bureaucracy running smoothly are taught there. And all those skills can be used to make oneself ludicrously influential, not to mention rich.

"Actually it might sound crazy but I'm leaning more and more towards enrolling in the Academy."

"Holy shit, really? Me too man! That means we get to stay buddies!"

Jet chuckled.
"Well, that too is a perk. But just imagine what we could do if we got into the Thousand Scales."

"Trust me. I don't have to. I already have it all figured out! Get a nice cushy job, be filthy rich, buy myself into House Nellens and get myself a nice Dynast wife! Become the bedwarmer of some higher ranking mistress! The limits are the Heavens!"

"Uh... good for you. As for me, I just hope my parents won't be too upset about my choice. Since they are in the wyld-hunt and all."

"Whoah. Your parents are shikari?"

"Yeap. They even hunted Anathema back in the day. I want to make them proud. And my house. But just on the off-chance I'm not going to Exalt I need to ensure I can still be useful to my family. Preferably not by joining the military."

"Yeah. But hey, IF things don't work out the Spiral will be your best bet anyway."

"How so?"

"Apparently in ye olde days they thought paper pushing was beneath them. So a bunch of normal people took the best posts, and they've been gatekeeping them since. Because the Dynasts realized how much money is there to be made."

Jet was amused by this.
"Don't let me ever underestimate the shrewdness of mortals."

Yuen smiled back.
"I'll try."

The two of them chatted a little while longer, but eventually Yuen went to sleep and Jet returned to his studies. Despite being confident in his abilities he knew he could not laze around and expect to excel with no effort. That's not what a virtuous man does.
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He later aced his tests, but with great effort. They were more demanding than even he anticipated. In one history question they asked which event marked the end of the First Age, and the end of the Shogunate. The Great Contagion, an illness that swept across all of Creation more than 700 years ago and killed 9 out of 10 of everything, including animals, plants and even Exalts? Or the Balorian Crusade, when the Fair Folk invaded from beyond Creations rim to destroy all that exists? It was a trick question of course. The answer was both, back to back. Nothing less could bring the chosen of the Dragons to their knees. In another he had to give an extensive report on the four celestial directions beyond the Blessed Isle. Thankfully he studied that thoroughly, as House Mnemon has satrapies in all of them, so he must be familiar with it.

Each direction corresponds to one of the Five Elements, with the Blessed Isle at the center representing Earth. North is wind, East is wood, South is fire and West is water. The elements are what define the lands. As one moves further in any direction things get more and more aligned with said element, including the flora, fauna and the people living there.

The north is cold, rigid and harsh, so are its people. Though the word "barbarian" describes anyone not of The Realm the northern folk earn it more than most. They survive the harsh conditions by worshiping ancestors spirits and by prostrating themselves to animal totems. The weak are abandoned, including kids who don't pull their weight and the old who can no longer contribute. If they are lucky they get sent out into the wild to perish, if they are not or if it's a particularly harsh winter they get eaten. The northern folks strength would be admirable, if it stemmed from self improvement like in The Realm not from simply culling the weak. The Realm respects strength, but even the meekest may live there and are put to use.

The western regions are dominated by water, with precious little land to sustain and cultivate life. The people there are primitive, with their isolation sometimes birthing even more degenerate traditions than those found north. But a lot of them are also peaceful, given how they can't afford to wage wars. Due to there not being much of value worth extracting the Realm largely leaves these savages be.

In the south savannas turn to deserts, which turn to fields of volcanoes as one travels further away from the Blessed Isle. Those who live close to the inland sea live relatively normal lives, enriched by the bounty of rare southern goods. Gemstones and rare spices make the direction abundant in resources, despite the harsh climate. The Realm covets most of these goods but given the logistic nightmare of supplying troops with food and, more importantly, water means it's only the second most important direction to the Realm.
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The east meanwhile is the land most ideal for sustaining life, next to the Blessed Isle of course. The element of wood and the many rivers running through it make the land rich and easily habitable. But it also makes it dangerous, as hostile powers are easily capable of sustaining themselves in the region. The Thousand Kingdoms (a coalition of the innumerable petty empires found there) and the traitorous army of Lookshy (Dragon-blooded who foolishly reject the legitimacy of the Empress) are both found there. This area is known by many names. The River Province, and the Scavenger Lands (due to the many ancient temples and lost, forgotten technologies still waiting to be uncovered) are just the two most popular. Beyond the River Province however the East is no less barbarous then the other directions, with primitive men living in endless forests wearing nothing but loincloths made of animal skin and using wooden clubs as weapons.

Jet felt quite proud of himself when his dissertation was later used as a prime example of how one should write about the subject matter. He was so proud in fact that when he was recalled to the family estate he fully believed it was to congratulate him on a job well done. He couldn't be more wrong.

Upon returning he was unceremoniously dragged away by servants, cleaned thoroughly and put into the finest garments he ever wore. He was then brought before none other than his great-grandmother Mnemon herself. The founder of her house, and arguably the second most powerful Exalt living today. An almost 400 years old demigod. But he was not there to finally meet her, oh no. He was sat down at a separate table, propped up like some commodity and told to behave. A bit later important looking delegates arrived bearing the symbols of House Ledaal. A house who favored the aspect of air and who were renowned strategists and far-thinkers. They had a little girl with them, someone of roughly the same age as Jet who was sat down in front of him.

Suddenly everything became clear to him. They were discussing matters of marriage. And this girl was to be his bride.

>He tried chatting up the girl in front of him
>He sat quietly and behaved like he was told to
>He tried listening in on the adults conversation
>He tried listening in on the adults conversation
>He tried chatting up the girl in front of him
>>He sat quietly and behaved like he was told to
>He tried chatting up the girl in front of him
>He tried listening in on the adults conversation
>He tried chatting up the girl in front of him
Knowing chinese kungfu stories, she'll probably break off our marriage arrangement or something lol
She has no say in the matter. Neither do you desu.
Realm marriages are 100% political. But they are a pretty sweet deal. If you produce a few kids and keep up appearances (and don't get caught) you can just do whatever you want on the side and nobody will care.
Not that happy marriages don't exist but most people know it's just business and simply act professionally.
>He tried chatting up the girl in front of him
He looked over at the two women sitting at the "grown-up" table. He could listen in on them, to try and figure out the exact details of the deal being made. But that'd be a mistake. By age 10 a Dynast is expected to behave properly, like an adult with perfect decorum. If he made a mistake and embarrassed himself it would be unacceptable. Most likely, though they are not directly observed, they are being measured and judged. He will not disappoint.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Jet of House Mnemon. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"

"Ledaal Catala Ena. An honor."

Three names. A member of the Catala line, not the primary Ledaal one. Though it isn't a minor one, as the Catala households name is somewhat known. The Ledaal are an eccentric bunch. A lot of their numbers don't live on the Blessed Isle, preferring to live in the Threshold where they seek and study ancient knowledge. This goes double for the Catala line, who moved wholesale eastward to the Scavenger Lands. Or at least that's what Jet remembers reading about them. He finds it strange that Mnemon would arrange a marriage with an offshoot of a proper Great House, but given the Catalas large number of sorcerers and Mnemons own affinity for the magical arts it's not that surprising.

"Ah. You're from the Scavenger Lands then? How are things in the River Province nowadays?"

"Did my accent give it away?"

"Not at all. Your High-Realm is flawless. I'm simply knowledgeable about your house."

"M-My apologies. I did not mean to offend. Things are as they always are in the east. Tumultuous. Every day a dozen petty wars break out. And it's thanks to that, that the Seventh Legion does not push to remove us from the province. And the occasional Anathema also cause problems. But the Wyld Hunt usually takes care of that pretty quickly."

"Sounds chaotic."

"A bit. But it's part of everyday life. And it's a small price to pay for the treasure troves of knowledge just waiting to be excavated. Erm… you said you read about us Mnemon Jet. I take it you enjoy studying as well?"

"Honestly? Not really. I study because I must. My curriculum at school doesn't really cover subjects I'm interested in."

"And what would those be?"

He wanted to say money. But that may be a bit too boorish of an answer. He wouldn't want to come across as one of those money-grubbing Ragara.
"It may sound a bit boring, but I'm actually invested in bueraucracy. Which is why I wish to enroll at the Spiral Academy, to become an official at the Thousand Scales, or a minister, perhaps a satrap."

"Oooh. That's quite impressive! I wish I could join one of the illustrious institutions of the capital one day."

"What's stopping you?"

"My family. The Catala household aren't the richest. And we're several thousand leagues away from the Blessed Isle. Only the best of the best in our family get sent to study at the Imperial City. The rest of us get home-schooled by our relatives."

"That's a shame."
"It really isn't. My family members are well versed in a lot of subjects. I'm not worried about my education."

"My apologies. It appears I misspoke. By that I meant we won't have a chance to get to know each other before getting married."


Jet is taken aback. The girl had not figured the situation out. And her sudden yelp had earned both of them a stern look and a harsh command of silence. At least it wasn't him that messed up. For the rest of the meeting they sat in silence, patiently waiting for the adults to finish. Once it was over Ena was taken away, with her caretaker profusely apologizing for her improper behavior. After they left Mnemon looked over at Jet and began questioning him.

"Tell me child. What was your impression of the girl?"

Jet pondered for a moment. His great-grandmother towered over him like a mountain. Mnemon is a known perfectionist. She demands only the best from her children and their obedience. She did not care about his opinion. She wanted to know if he had the ability to read a person.

"Her families troves of knowledge will be of great benefit to us."

Mnemon smiled. She was pleased by his answer. Do not seek personal happiness, seek what's best for the house. She pat him on the head, a rare show of affection from the head of the house, or so he heard.

"Good. My servants will escort you back to school. And you'll receive a one-time bonus to your stipend. May the dragons guide your path."

"Thank you grandmother."

Things were progressing fast. Almost too fast for his liking. He was already done with half of his studies, the prospect of secondary school was looming over him, and now he just had his future marriage arranged for him. Even though he felt like he was just getting started with life. Just about the only thing taking its sweet time was his Exaltation. Jet did not like to admit it, but he was starting to feel tense. It was a sign of weakness. In times such as these he liked to confide in the only person that was always there for him, no matter what. Kaya.

The schools rules were clear. Children were segregated depending on their sex, and were not allowed into each others dorms. Not even siblings. Especially not siblings, given some of the less flattering stereotypes surrounding the Great Houses. But he never really cared about it.

After getting back he snuck into his sisters room, where her roommates immediately start chastising but Kaya is quick to shut them up.
"He's my brother you jackasses! He can come and go as he pleases! Hey Jet. Heard they took you back home. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah just… Mnemon arranged my marriage."

"Wow. Already? Nice! I wonder when my turn will come."

"Maybe if you stopped behaving like an ape you'd have more suitors lining up for you."

"Why you!"
Kaya put her brother in a headlock and gave him quite a strong noogie for his comment.
"I am still a Prince of the Earth! Until your balls drop little Jet you gotta respect me!"
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"Ow! Ow! Okay! I give! I give! I'm sorry!"

"That's better. Anyway, tell me more! Which house is she from? Oh please tell me she's a Cathak!"

"Ledaal actually."

"Wait. Is she related to that weirdo Kes?"

"The one that's really good at gateway?"

"And the one that likes wearing girls robes, yes."

"Technically yes. But she's from a major line."

"Oh. That's better. Well I'm happy for you in that case."

"Thanks. Anyway, I've been meaning to tell you something. I've made up my mind about what I want to do. I want to join the Spiral. Now if you want something else that's cool too. I'll adjust if you want to go to the House of Bells or something."

Kaya began sucking her teeth.
"Yeah… about that."


"Look. I've been meaning to tell you already. I just… didn't have the time. I don't think this whole school thing is cut out for me. I'm already getting sick of studying."

"Then what are you going to do?! You can't just abandon your duty!"

"I'm not gonna. But I think it'll be better for both me and the House if I did my own thing. I talked with some girls here. Some of their dads are traders. I'm going to buy a passage to the Scavenger Lands and go adventuring instead of doing all that bookworm stuff. You know, fight some bandits, discover ancient ruins, make a shitton of money, all that good stuff! And with a little luck I'll get a few more satrapies for the house as well!"

Jet felt the world crumbling around him. He thought the two of them would still be together after primary school. Hell, he expected that after he Exalted the two of them would form a Sworn Brotherhood and go off together. But now Kaya is saying that she wants to do that alone. Presumably because he's just a mortal and not strong enough to go with her. Granted, he still has two whole years to Exalt. But what if that doesn't happen?

>"That's good. I'm happy for you!"
>"Please don't go."
>"Fine. Then I'll go with you."
Use that social brain to try and keep Kaya from doing anything too crazy, or atleast with some better arrangements and working our social connections. If things look workable maybe it might be interesting to go out there?

Wars break out all the time there every day, and even Anathema show up. The knowledge out there has to be excavated, does she know how to excavate? Our future wife Ena is Ledaal and they have a whole setup out that way in the Scavenger lands, a bit of writing to each other might reveal the reality of things out there to inform this decision. Atleast If she wants to go out that way then get a better idea of what skills and equipment needed, maybe one of the secondary schools would suit that very well and we can adjust. Plus an arrangement so they can keep up communication or she can use Ena's home as a base. There could be several ways to get a look at those lands before committing to this, some kind of gift or wedding related ceremony to go out to the intended wife's land? Could double as a chance to get to know each other or work out other benefits to the family.
Supporting this
She may be exalted but she's all brawn and no brain. I mean at least train to fight in the cloister of wisdom or learn some sorcery in the heptagram, only a fool charges forward with no thoughts.
Huh. That's... actually smart
Alright anon. If this vote wins you just earned a +2 stunt bonus for the roll
>I'll support that.
Failure to prepare is preparing to fail. We're presumably happy to help, but it ought be done right.
>>6030266 +1
Alright, well I don't think this >>6030266 is getting beaten anytime soon
So, please roll 1d20
Best of first 3 count
DC 10 but you get +2 to the result of your roll
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 4 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

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Saturn took one look at this and said "no"
so prince in an unissex term ?
All of that type of exalted are called Princes of Earth. Ain't no princesses of Earth in this bitch.
>Jet exalts through the power of SOCIAL
Unironically how some people Exalt. Do something awesome enough? Exaltation
Bake a cake so good it reforms a villain just after one bite? Exaltation.
True. Also let’s face it, talking down a Dragonblooded isn’t that impressive. Talking down a rambunctious sibling, that’s the impressive part.
>Jet already focused Social then rolls a 22 on a D20 and exalts as a Zenith. They’re off to the Scavenger Lands after all.
Jet closed his eyes, rubbed the bridge of his nose and let out a weary sigh.

"Jet. I've already made up my mind. I'm not going to stop just because you don't like it. I'm a-"

"You're a Prince of the Earth, yeah yeah. You may do as you wish, yadda yadda. But you may not. You are, or will be, the protector of ALL Creation. You are supposed to act with bravery, but also with wisdom and responsibility. And what you're doing now is extremely stupid."

"And who are you-"
She raised her hand but Jet immediately grabbed it.

"I'm your brother. And you're my sister. So please just listen to me. Going to the Scavenger? Without any relics? Without a Sworn Brotherhood to rely on? Do you know how foolish that is? There are bandits there, a hundred kingdoms who are our enemies and would kill you, the dogs of Lookshy. And that's not counting rogue gods, demons or the fae that lurk there! You want to go on adventures, excavate relics and conquer lands? Do you know how to do any of that? How to cook the food you hunt? How to excavate relics? How to plunder tombs? How to subdue nations? I'm not telling you "no", I'll never tell you that. I'm telling you to be smart about it! Who are we?"

"The... twin dragons."
She muttered the silly name the two of them made up when they were smaller.

"Yes. You're the brawn, I'm the brain. That's how it always was. One day you'll be the best of the Chosen, better than Mnemon, better than the Empress. And I'll be there to help you soar ever higher. So please Kaya. Be smart and let me help you soar. Don't be stupid."

Kaya sighed, defeated.
"Okay Jet. Okay. So what's your big brain maneuver?"

"Mnemon already established a connection between me and House Ledaal. I'll try to leverage that. Maybe I can arrange accommodations for you there. And those eggheads are obsessed with Shogunate artifacts. I'm sure you could learn a thing or two from them. You'd have a roof over your head, cousins to learn from and more importantly, help if things go wrong."

She scoffed.
"And how are you going to do that? Hello! Jet! You're a kid. An un-exalted kid! Do you think they'll take you seriously? And even if they do, if Mnemon finds out-"
Jet looked at his own outfit and ripped out a thread of gold from it, which he tied around his own and Kayas little fingers.
"W-What are you doing?"

"I, Mnemon Jet, solemnly swear before the Immaculate Dragons on my House, on the Scarlet Dynasty and my name, that I will always support Mnemon Kaya. No matter the cost. In exchange, I request that you trust me. This is an oath. Do you accept?"
Kaya did not know how to respond. She tried looking her brother in the eye, but she could not do so for long. In her eyes he was as radiant as the sun itself at that moment. Finally she nodded.
"I, Mnemon Kaya, accept your terms Mnemon Jet. Be the wind that raises this dragon higher. From now, until the day we die."
In that moment the golden thread Jet tied around the two of them began to heat up from Kaya until it started to singe their fingers. Jet hissed but Kaya barely even budged. Yet he held on and never looked away from his sister, even as the golden thread burned a permanent mark into their fingers that formed a circle when put together.
"The pact is sealed."

"Pant. Pant. You could've warned me you know."

"I didn't want to spoil the moment."

The two embraced and after the two separated Jet got to work. In his chamber he grabbed a brush and began composing two letters. A poem to his future fiancé and an introductory letter to the head of her house. It was, by all accounts, a foolish idea. He was a 10 year old child. No, less than that, a mortal. Nobody would take him or his efforts seriously, and nobody would care about his wishes. He was well aware of that. But in that moment he felt like he was possessed by something. The words he wanted to commit to parchment flowed from his bush with grace befitting the greatest diplomats of the Realm. The calligraphy of the letters was nothing less than a work of art, the words so eloquent it should be taught in schools. When he was done he sealed them with the Mnemon family crest, which he absolutely had no right to use, and sent them on their way.

A few weeks later he received a reply from lady Catala herself. A surprise to be sure. For several paragraphs it went on and on about what an honor it was to be sought out in such a fashion, which unnerved Jet a bit. As it turns out there was some major misunderstanding. The letter was written as if it would be sent to the head of a fellow branch line. This was not good and had to be remedied immediately. It's one thing to go behind the House Heads back, it's another to lie about ones status. Surprisingly, nothing came of it and the two parties kept exchanging letters throughout Jets school years. Presumably because nobody in a position of power would want to admit to such a blunder as mistaking a literal child for a House Elder.

But it was a most fruitful endeavor, as while he finished his studies Jet managed to arrange accommodations for Kaya. With Ena of all people. And as long as she kept earning her keep she'd be allowed to help the Ledaal Catala line with their archeology projects. It was a win-win for everyone. With nobody in House Mnemon being any wiser. And after he finished with his finals at primary school he tearfully parted ways with his sister, knowing that at least she'll be in good hands at the Threshold.
Things were not all sunshine and rainbows for him however. His expert handling of the matter with Kaya, and him graduating with top marks were proof of his capability. Which only served to further confuse him when his Exaltation continued to elude him. Especially when he heard the news that the warty toad Hotaro exalted just as he got caught cheating and in a brazen abuse of power threatened to have his teacher flogged for his insolence. Under normal circumstances that stunt would've earned him a quiet exile to the satrapies with a minuscule stipend to remove him from the house. But because he was chosen, he was instead celebrated and the professor who by all accounts was a respected and reputable teacher lost his illustrious position.

It drove him positively mad.

But he steeled himself and focused on The Spiral Academy instead. He was 12 now. Practically an adult. And he needed to redouble his efforts. With each passing year his chances at exalting lower dramatically. The Realms secondary schools are the perfect gauntlet to help him. They expect nothing short of perfection, and even some chosen struggle there. He'll show everyone by crushing it, and earning his place among the Ten Thousand Dragons of the dynasty.

But first he'd need to choose a field to focus on. The Spiral Academy offers far too much for even one as ambitious as him.

>The justice system

>Or he could throw caution to the wind and simply start enjoying student life
Be good at making money, and you’ll never lack for patronage.
>The justice system
There is no logical reason for this, i've just been watching too much better call saul. I mean i've thought of a catchphrase already
"Always bet on jet"
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Your honor, how could my client violate the Creation Ruling Mandate when the man he killed was not a... Solar as you'd call it, but a vile and reprehensible Anathema?
Or he could become an investigator. Everyone looks down on him for being mortal (for now, don’t know if Exalting is in the cards here), and then, when the killer thinks they’ve gotten away with it, Jet turns around as he’s leaving.
>”Oh, uh, there’s just one more thing.”
>Especially when he heard the news that the warty toad Hotaro exalted just as he got caught cheating and in a brazen abuse of power threatened to have his teacher flogged for his insolence.
wtf, people can exalt by being assholes as well ?

>The justice system
>wtf, people can exalt by being assholes as well ?
Dragonblooded Exaltation doesn’t work like Celestial Exaltation, it’s a matter of whether or not your bloodline is good enough for you to Exalt.
>In her eyes he was as radiant as the sun itself at that moment

I don't know if solars actually do that, but its a funny thought to me if its not just momentary divine inspiration. If he did turn into a Solar can you even hide that sort of thing or fake that hes a lesser Exalt? Join the people who investigate/hunt them down so he can divert attention? Be a traveling merchant business man or a Mediator going from place to place. Or out in the boonies.


I feel that Governance is probably the ambition route, and if we do end up going to Scavenger land to be with Kaya and Ena it could be handy to try and run whatever little satrapy? they might set up out there. Though I could see Justice System if he was really starting to get a bit ticked off at these dudes that exalt in moments of pulling rank and acting like little shitters.
>I don't know if solars actually do that, but its a funny thought to me if its not just momentary divine inspiration. If he did turn into a Solar can you even hide that sort of thing or fake that hes a lesser Exalt?
Now that you mention it:
>But in that moment he felt like he was possessed by something. The words he wanted to commit to parchment flowed from his bush with grace befitting the greatest diplomats of the Realm. The calligraphy of the letters was nothing less than a work of art, the words so eloquent it should be taught in schools.
Solar Exaltations usually wait until you’re somewhat older then Jet is, so he might Exalt once he grows up some more. As for hiding it, it could be done in the short term, but if Jet becomes a Solar he’d better make some excuses and go visit his sister so he can leave the Realm.
>The justice system
I wanna vote on this one to see if we can turn in some kind of investigator more than a lawyer. But if not then

once we turn into a Solar Exalt (Or we die tragically and we make a deal with a Demon without thinking) we can do a rags to riches run to wherever the fuck we can actually escape is there's more land outside of what we know

Btw, are there more continents aside the Blessed Isles and the elemental territories? I don't know much about the lore. And what's the beef between the Solar and Dragonblood exalts? Anathema I can already figure out the answer, but why are the Dragons having a whole with-hunting group for the Solars?
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This is the map of Creation with the Blessed Isle in the middle and the elemental directions. The map technically extends far more than this but it's in aplace called The Wyld where the laws of reality start to break down.

There are other places (more like dimensions like The Underworld or Hell) but they count as "Outside Creation").
Also creation haa extensive cave systems that are quasi-infinite. And Heaven is also a place

As for why the Dragon-bloodded hunt every other Exalt... the spoiler free answer is that if they are given time to breathe other Exalts will grow much more powerful than they are and shit down their necks. The Dragon-blooded thus must rely on overwhelming numbers and jumping them as fast as possible
>wtf, people can exalt by being assholes as well ?
For dragon-blooded it's in your blood. Doesn't matter what kind of person you are.
For others, technically being an asshole is not a problem. Exaltation only cares about one thing. Are you good enough?
An evil bastard, who rapes entire villages as he passes through but is skilled enough, technically has similar odds as a heroic guy of equally impressive skill.
I taillied the numbers and correct me if I'm wrong because I did this ober the phone but governance seems to have won or it tied with business thanks to this >>6032014 but I guess governance with a focus on the economic side of it works
Unless there are any objections that's how I'll be writing
Now I'd like to ask for 1d20. Taking the best of the first three rolls. Higher is better
Rolled 18 (1d20)

I’m b4 crit
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Rolled 13 (1d20)

No but that's damn close
Simple tally time.


>The justice system
>The justice system
>The justice system
After he tasted a bit of everything he found that governance suited him well, especially the part where he had the chance to develop said land and make it prosperous. For the citizens of course. And to make as much jade as possible. He did not think those two were mutually exclusive. After all a thriving society is a rich society.

To that end he took every class that would be good for a prospective satrap. A bit of mathematics to help with calculations and taxation here, a bit of civil engineering there. And he was good at it. Very good. The classes were brutal, with most mortals outright flaking out and only a precious few just managing to get by. Even some Exalts had trouble at the higher levels. But he thrived in there. He wasn't the best by any means. The Chosen who took their lessons seriously and put actual effort in were still the top students. But everyone else? He was leagues ahead of them. And he enjoyed it greatly, even when he himself was struggling.

He even figured out what he'd do for his finals. He had created plans for a new type of settlement that could be theoretically be built anywhere that could sustain human life. But it was so efficient and optimized that it'd yield aproximately twice as much in riches than towns of comparative size, with enough left over to give all citizens a higher quality of life. It was an inspired work incorporating both old traditions dating back to the shogunate era, with the newest inventions. The only projects to surpass his were the manse designs made by his exalted peers that relied on advanced geomantic techniques for fantastical effects. His was more humble, but overall more widely available.

This earned him the respect of not only his teachers but the begrudging acknowledgement of his cousins, and his name became a subject of gossip in the school. His popularity did not diminish one bit since primary school.

But the Spiral Academy is not just a place of learning. Part of their curriculum is the unpaid labor they must provide for The Thousand Scales. This "experience" given to the hundreds of students is a core component of the complex, and frankly bizarre bueraucratic web that keeps the Realm running. Though it blatantly exploits them, Jet saw this as an excellent opportunity to study the different systems at play and it afforded him the chance to notice its flaws. The many bureaus had many overlapping purviews and rights, which resulted in them often stepping on each others toes. It's almost as if they were deliberately set up against each other, lest any one becomes too powerful.
A side effect of this however was that it could be exploited very easily. Which Jet did with glee. Skewing the numbers here or there, skimming a bit of jade off the top every time, investing it in a venture and using the profits to cover ones track became routine for him. And if he ever messed up it was easy to point at someone else and shift the blame on them. But he never took bribes once. Those were more often than not tests by his supervisors and teachers. And even if not they could easily cause his downfall.

For four years he kept this up and amassed quite a bit of wealth that was his own and not a stipend from his family. If he wanted he could already rent himself a flat at the capital and live a decent, if modest life. As a part-timer student. He was already wondering just how big of an estate he'll be able to get once he really gets into the business side of things. But for now he was content just treating himself a little.

During the season of Fire students and masters are let go so they may properly rest up. Opportunities were aplenty, but time was limited and his funds even more so. Yuen, his friend, was available as always. The two kept in touch throughout their studies but they seldom had the opporutnity to hang out too much, as both of them had to work diligently. The pudgy patrician did not change much physically but he matured quite a bit and thrived at the Spiral, becoming relatively well connected and well liked among the mortal patricians. And rumors circulated that he was in talks with House Nellens about marrying into the family. If that was true, then it was an excellent excuse for a celebration.

But his heart also pulled towards his distant sister. It's been four years since he's seen Kaya, though the two of them kept in touch via letters. Sadly she was in the Threshold, across the Inland Sea. Hiring a captain to take him there would be pricey, not to mention time consuming. It'd also allow him to perhaps get to know his fiancé a bit more, a rare luxury for a dynast, on top of being able to meet lady Catala face to face.

At the same time every aspiring bueraucrat needs to network and establish connections. And in the Realm there are no better places to make contacts than at Dynastic and, to a lesser extent, patrician parties. Such events are invite only. But with the help of his House and a few cashed in favors he could probably secure himself a spot on one, or potentially more, of these jemborees to really establish himself as a big player in the political landscape.

>Find Yuen and ask him about the rumors of his betrothal
>Secure a fare to the Scavenger Lands and visit Kaya
>Attend as many parties as possible
OP, there was a tie with justice
Jet exaltperson has been barred from creation, his chicaenery would have been too much to handle.
>Find Yuen
He is popular, and aside from being our friend, we can connect with his circle.

Maybe another anon will come up with a giga brain social scheme.
>Attend as many parties as possible
I'm sorry. By the time I saw it I had the update written and I couldn't change it because I had a VtM game to run. I'll try to remedy it
In my defense, this one >>6032014 had me a bit confused because I was counting votes on my phone.

I'll rectify it somehow.
Fuck it, I'll just give you all 3 as compensation
Based. Jet is surging.

Thats funny, I'm playing in a Werewolf the Apocalypse campaign and killing vampires is our main goal right now.
Funny. One of my players is meme-ing about Crypto constantly, and the other is a doc who wants to invent cybernetics.
I just thought of having the Glasswalkers and the Technocracy assrape them
Generally, the easiest way to tally votes is to link every one of them to one post, it makes it much simpler to count.

>Fuck it, I'll just give you all 3 as compensation
Doit. Though my guy is a Silent Strider and they HATE vampires.
>Attend as many parties as possible
We’re heavily Social focused, let’s harness that.
>Secure a fare to the Scavenger Lands and visit Kaya

Parties are nice but my Jet wants to see Kaya, get to know his fiance, and meet Lady Catala the head of the branch family which seems like a pretty solid move. Close second on the parties tho.
>Secure a fare to the Scavenger Lands and visit Kaya
I wanna party hard too but i find it better to strengthen the connection that we already have first. And maybe with some luck tour the scavenger land with our fiance for some well deserved R&R.
>Secure a fare to the Scavenger Lands and visit Kaya
Alright. I am definitely certain that the Scavenger Lands won this time
Looks like it.
>Find Yuen

>Attend as many parties as possible
>Attend as many parties as possible

>Secure a fare to the Scavenger Lands and visit Kaya
>Secure a fare to the Scavenger Lands and visit Kaya
>Secure a fare to the Scavenger Lands and visit Kaya
In the end the thought of seeing Kaya again had a stronger pull on him. One morning he took a carriage to the ports of Sdoia prefecture so that he could find a ship captain heading to the Scavenger Lands and willing to take a passenger with him. The task proved far easier than he thought it would be, even before he mentioned he doesn't want any sort of special accommodations. As it turns out red-heads are thought to bring good luck to ships and ward off bad weather. How fortuitous.

Unfortunately this blessing doesn't seem to extend to the land, as the next day some grave news shook the Realm. The Empress has gone missing. She was gone for a week now but the ministers only bothered to announce it now. This wasn't that unusual. Her Redness often took long sabbaticals every couple decades. Some think she withdraws from society to commune with the great Elemental Dragons, others believe she dons a disguise as a peasant woman and wanders her Realm for signs of corruption. On more than one occasion it was a simple bait, to see who'd be stupid enough to try and seize her throne the second she stepped away from it. People have come to accept this as just another quirk of living on the Blessed Isle, but the widespread and violent purges that followed the Empress' return made people consider her absence a bad omen. Jet did not care either way. He had his vacation to look forward to.

The journey was not by any means present. The vessel he found was a simple cargo ship headed for Nexus, the trade capital of all Creation. He spent several days in its hull or on its deck with minimal privacy, comfort and ate nothing but a strange gruel most foul. But at least the captain was willing to make a slight detour for just some jade scrip. He worried a journey back would be more difficult to arrange, but he'd deal with that later.

After arriving at Star Bay, the satrapy of the Catala household, Jet was welcomed by a rather small entourage of mortal retainers whom escorted him to the family manse. The Catala estate was much more "humble" than the one he grew up in at the Blessed Isle. But that was to be expected from such a remote estate. What was unusual is that there was a perpetual if slight breeze around the place. It was a manse, a magical structure built atop a nexus of leylines to channel their power, and it was aspected towards air. He was so amazed by it that he did not notice his sister jumping at him.

Kaya tackled him from almost a mile away. After a running start she jumped and the winds of the place carried her straight into him. Now on the ground she had her brother in a headlock and gave him a ferocious noogie.
"Ooooh how I missed you! How have you been?"
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"Ack! Let go you witch!"
He tried to break free but her hold on him was iron. Only once she had mercy on him could he crawl out from her forceful embrace and stand up. He dusted himself off while chastising his estranged sister.
"Damn it Kaya! If you haven't mellowed out at all these past years then the dragons have truly forsaken us!"

"Oh please! I can tell from that wry smile of yours that you're pleased to see me!"
She mocked him.
"I bet bring roughed up like that was the highlight of the last four years of your life. If you prostrate yourself and beg nicely I'll let you enjoy my sweet embrace for a bit more!"

"Embrace my arse. I almost broke my neck you-"
Jet finally got to take a good look at his sister. She had not changed much in the last four years other than growing. But her outfit left him speechless.
Kaya wore a suit of pale-blue lamellar armor and carried a similarly colored sword on her back. Magical artifacts forged of blue-jade alloy.

"You jelly? Found a nice vein of jade half a year ago. And for my excellent service lady Catala had these forged just for me! So they are brand new. No hand-me-downs!"
She puffed her chest with pride.
"I call the daiklave Summer Snowstorm!"

It was at this moment that Ena also showed up. She wore a much more modest outfit - well, modest for a Dynast - consisting of silk robes.
"We had some scrap jade left and wanted to thank Kaya for her service. Mnemon Jet."
She gave him a bow and he returned the gesture.

"Catala Ena. Forgive me for not recognizing you earlier. Your beauty eclipsed what memories I have of our meetings."

Ena blushed while Kaya leaned on her shoulder.
"Relax poet boy. She's already engaged to you. No need to woo her."

Jet raised an eyebrow.
"A-Are you two-"

"What? Come now! Are you serious? We just hang out a lot. Isn't that right sister?"

"Y-Yes. We spent considerable time together. Though it pains me to say that even with that I failed to teach her some proper manners..."

Jet reassured Ena that their entire household failed to beat some sense into Kaya for years and thus she was not to blame for her brutish behavior. The trio kept exchanging verbal lashes at each others expense for a while until Ena finally thought it was inappropriate to leave the head of her house waiting for so long and escorted them inside. After getting in the throne room they came face to face with the head of the house herself, sitting at the head of a magnificent dinner table. Jet immediately bowed before her.

"Master Ledaal Catala. It's an honor to finally meet you in person."

"The pleasure is mine Mnemon Jet. I've been quite eager to come face to face with the child who was so brazen as to message me, and one that managed to impress me despite the fact. Please. Rise."
They were all seated down and partook of a small feast. It was a formality. One that had to be followed. The table manners of the guest told everything the host needed to know about them. It was a test in a way. Judging by lady Catalas unchanging demeanor she was pleased by Jets performance.
"Have you had any troubles on your journey here, Jet?"
Catala broke the silence of the table with a question.

"By the grace of the dragons I did not. I had picked a good time to set sails it seems."

"That's good. How go your studies at the Spiral? I'm loathe to admit that I haven't been able to keep up with matters on the Isle."

"I've earned top marks in my studies of law, business and governance. Though I am not the best, I am the best among all mortals and beat out several chosen as well. If you ask my masters they'll verify that I'm easily in the top ten of my grade."

"I take it your phrasing means you haven't exalted still."

Jet gulped his food down nervously.
"No master Catala. Not yet."

"I see. Such a shame. You know, when we arranged your betrothal so many years ago we did so under the assumption your Exaltation is all but guaranteed. It appears that was a mistake."

"I assure you, it wasn't."

"We'll see. You still have a few years left. Being a late bloomer is acceptable. Not exalting isn't. We agreed on a hefty dowry with Mnemon. If you fail to deliver then we may have to renegotiate that."
She paused.
"Would you be willing to do a little test?"

"A... test master?"

"A blood purity test. Your sister underwent it, with spectacular results I might add. Our current theory is that this unusually strong connection to the elemental dragons is what renders her so potent that she can outperform many of the elders of our house."

"Well I don't see the point. But why not?"

"Are you sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because it might reveal your defect. Suppose the reason why Kaya has stronger blood than me, someone twice removed from the Empress, is that while in the womb she somehow absorbed your potential. Perhaps the dragons deemed her more fit than you and conferred both your blessing only to her. If that is the case I will not hesitate to call off the arrangement. I will not muddle our blood. Are you willing to take that risk? To have your weakness exposed for all to see?"

>He accepts the challenge
>He refuses
>>Point out that if they break the betrothal Kaya leaves with us.

Why would we do that if we know it could give their house one-up in their negotiations to ours?
Same reason why so many Dynasts fall to their hubris
To show you aren't bitch-made
>"My house stands nothing to gain from such a test other than reaffirming what my elders have already assured, it would simply be a "risk" taken for nothing more than pride. Rest assured that my ascension is an inevitability, upon House Mnemon's word."
This offer feels like a test. Taking the test shows that we put our pride above the needs of our house. That being said, her insistence on this feels like a political and social faux pas. If we were any older we could easily leverage it against her as an insult to House Mnemon's word.
>He accepts the challenge
We've been little good 2 shoes for a long time and that asshole exalting has been eating our mind for a while. Time to throw caution to the wind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcPgeAiK70Y
>This offer feels like a test.
it's a test in both ways, anon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWDJQfPGe2w
>”The Dragons are not so limited as to be unable to grant my sister a double blessing only through revoking my own. If the Dragons have seen fit to withhold their blessing, I am prepared to accept that they know better than I do.”
In my mind if he accepts he gives them a tool to use against the Family. If he refuses he also gives them a tool to use against the Family "Oh he refused lets renegotiate". Change the subject and make her rethink even offering it.

I'll just put together a few ideas for arguments to make her rethink this

No one needs a test to see Kaya is blessed, or even to know that you were impressed by me some years ago. I believe only the True Dragons have the final say on who will Exalt and who will not, not some test. My blood is the blood of Mnemon and this marriage the means of alliance. In the wake of a Bad Omen it may be wise to cleave towards certainty, for the Empress has been officially announced missing rather then some sabbatical.

I have seen the working of the Thousand Scales and without the Empress it will rely on those who master it to get anything done, such as sending support away from the Blessed Isles.

Then taking Kaya with us, or to someone less boorish as to try and test us in a sensitive spot for Jet, is also a good one.
Oh and as a funny interpretation, I presume this engagement is more or less public knowledge. So if immediately after the Empress is announced missing they find an excuse to breakoff the engagement it could be said they don't want to support House Mnemon, have some ulterior motive for doing so (coveting the Throne), or possibly did it to step on Mnemon's toes during a critical period of politic maneuvering.

Maybe more thoughts to follow, though if these are not valid points then please enlighten me.
>”If you discover that my blood is weak, you will have no choice but to call off the engagement. However, to withdraw your support from House Mnemon at a time when the Empress has disappeared could raise questions as to your intentions.”
Something like this maybe.
Mmm yeah thats nice.
Eh, this is a decent extrapolation that I would support but I must point out, The value of an Exalted outweighs the vakue of a very good beaurocrat.

With these two, I change my answer to
>Support >>6033712

Show absolutely no fear and perfect social control.
So far we have 3 votes for Decline, 2 votes for Custom, and 1 vote for Accept. Fortunately for the ST, the writeins under the Decline votes have a general theme of refusing politely, and the Custom vote is about persuading Catala that running such a test would not be in her best interest at this time, both of which fit together perfectly.

On a different note, the disappearance of the Empress means we have five years until the Solars return, so if we’re headed towards Jet becoming a Solar that’s how long we’ve got until we both get powered up and, unless we’re exceptionally lucky as to where we Exalt, we lose all access to our current resources.
We need to find the equivalent of the Dominican Republic where we can live with all our money without paying taxes because we're rich. Any ideas?
Thanks for the help.

I'm seeing the custom prompts, especially these two >>6033692 >>6033712 and they are good. Pulling out but still trying to maintain control
>If you discover that my blood is weak, you will have no choice but to call off the engagement. However, to withdraw your support from House Mnemon at a time when the Empress has disappeared could raise questions as to your intentions.”
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Jet leans back in his chair and starts thinking. His prolonged silence is seen as an opening by Catala who pierces him with a single, well placed "Well?". He takes a deep breath in response, places both elbows on the table, crosses his hands and leans in on it.
"And here I thought Ledaal Kes was the one to avoid if one dislikes Gateway. I must say Master Catala, you have placed me squarely in checkmate. You have my respect. If I refuse it can be seen as an admission of weakness and an excellent excuse for you to start negotiations with my house from an advantageous position. On the other hand if I accept and fail you have even more concrete proof to use. It seems all I can do is gamble and pray for the best. Well done."

"Thank you. Then let us proceed-"

"Oh but one more thing. It's an interesting idea to suggest that the reason for Kaya's excellence is that my blood was robbed of its potency. I admit I'm the farthest thing from a theologist but it does not sit right with me that benediction of the Elemental Dragons is limited in such a capacity. I might have to ask a few monks about this interpretation of the holy texts."

"Come now. I know House Mnemon is deeply faithful and has strong connections to the order. But let's not change the subject. This isn't a matter of faith. I simply can not in good conscience dilute my bloodline with a defective scion. It's in both of our best interest for you to take the test. If your blood is as pure as your sisters I have no qualms about proceeding with the marriage. And you too would have unquestionable proof of your nobility. Unless of course you already know deep down that you are a failure. That you will never exalt, despite your lineage."

Jet felt a drop of sweat run down his neck. So this was arguing with one of the chosen. Her words were carried by the wind and crept into his ears, where they took root in his mind. She was right. On some level he was deeply, terribly afraid that something was wrong with him. That the dragons have avoided blessing him for some reason. But he simply can not accept that. He was told from the day he was born that he was special. That he would become a Prince of the Earth. That it was his destiny, no, his right. And he fought every day to prove that. He knows he is worthy.
"It would seem so, yes. On the surface anyway. But this alliance had been in the works for many years already. It's not every day such arrangements are made before either of the children are exalted. That's a big gamble. Unless producing heirs is not the main goal. Ensuring an alliance is forged seems a more likely reason."
Jet relaxed his posture a bit and pulled his arms back to appear more nonchalant.
"Now I am the first to admit that I desperately lack experience in political maneuvering. But in the wake of a bad omen like the disappearance of the Empress it's almost as if House Catala is seeking to exploit the upheaval. At best it could seem like extortion. Threatening to pull support in a time of uncertainty unless demands are met. At worst it calls into question the motives of house Catala. In short, no. I apologize but I won't participate in this little experiment. I won't jeopardize my house to satisfy my personal pride. If you wish that sort of loyalty for yourself, then you can have it after I move in. And if it's a monetary issue due to the dowry then there's no reason to involve House Mnemon. Name your price and I'll cover the difference myself."
Jet then pushed himself away from the table and gave everyone a bow.
"Now pardon me. I'm weary from my travels."

"Yes, yes. Understandable. Ena, escort our dear guest to his chambers."

After excusing himself Jet moved to the guest room provided to him by the house and shut himself in, even as Ena asked if he was alright. He was not. His head was spinning and pounding, his stomach was tied into a knot. He thanked the dragons there was internal plumbing at the manse as he had to spend the next thirty or so minutes throwing up what he ate just minutes prior. The nausea slowly faded but he was left dead tired after the ordeal. Weakly he crawled onto his bed and crashed on the spot. He only woke up an hour later when someone climbed up to the open window of his room. It was his sister, now free of her armor and weapon, wearing only a simple outfit.

"Hey. You good?"
Kaya asked him.

"No. Talking with that woman felt like arguing with a raging storm. Argh. My head is still killing me."

"You're lucky that's all you got. Talking back to a Prince like that typically earns mortals beatings."

"Ugh. I think I would've preferred that actually."

"Well at least your attentive, dear sister brought you some medicine to ease your woes."
She brandished a bottle of wine with a mischievous grin.
"I got this from a village to the east. Tastes like piss but kicks like a marukani horse."

"When did you start drinking?"

"The second I stepped off the Blessed Isle."

"Well good for you. Because I don't drink."
"Come on. Everyone in the dynasty has a vice or two. You're not gonna convince me you became a devote immaculate while I was gone. Now scoot over."
Kaya climbed in and sat down next to Jet as he got up. She pulled the cork of the bottle out with her teeth, then took a swig of it before passing it to her brother. Jet gave it a smell, frowned, then took one sip before almost choking on it.
"Holy shit. You really haven't drunk before, have you? What do you do then? Tobacco? Qat? Opium? No... don't tell me you're like that degenerate Ledaal Kes!"

"Shut up or I'm gonna throw up again."

"How did a little goodie two shoes like you get balls big enough to talk down to an elder Dynast like that?"
The two continued their exchange, swapping the bottle back and forth.

"I'm only trying to live up to expectations and be a good dynast."

"Yeah. Maybe you shouldn't. I mean look at me. I never gave two shits about any of that and just did what came naturally and look where I got. Maybe just once you should stop focusing on what others want of you and just do what you can or want and do it as well as possible."

"What do you think I was doing until now? Anyway... that "test". Did you really do it?"

"Yeap. They mix together all five elements in a jade pestle, along some green goop. Then you draw a single drop of blood from your fingers. Mine exploded in frost and lightning. Lady Catala apparently only produces strong wind. And hers is the biggest reaction in the house."

"No surprise there. Mnemons blood is the strongest after all."

"Yeah, well, some started to badmouth us, saying House V'neef produces even more exalted than we do. Some think in a century or so they'll overtake us."

"Well, they are still a relatively young house and haven't had the chance to royally mess up. Once they do we'll see what else they have beside a supposed purity that matches ours."

"Hehe. Yeah. I bet Mnemon will go for the blood the moment they slip up. She really fucking hates her little sister. Anyway how are things at the academy-"

The two of them kept talking and drinking until the bottle was emptied. Jet had not built up any tolerance for alcohol yet so he was pretty much knocked out from that. And while Kaya was an Exalt and could drink enough that'd kill two mortal men she was content laying down as well. She curled up next to her brother and fell asleep embracing him the same way they did when they were little.
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Later in the night Jet woke up once the wine had passed through his system. He needed to relieve himself bad. Kaya was still latched onto him like a lamprey however. He remembers hating it when she did that, now he thinks he missed it dearly. But it was still awkward. He pried himself free and made his way to the bathroom where he spent more time than he would've liked due to some... complications. Once he was done he walked back into the room and saw his sister laying in bed, illuminated by the bright light of the full moon. He let out a weary sigh and walked up to the window instead where he rested his elbows on the still and held up his head in a silent prayer.

It started as contemplation but turned into begging rather quick as he asked for answers. He wanted to know, more than anything else, why is he cursed like this. He needed to know what he did in a previous life to deserve such cruel and unusual treatment. By all reason he should've exalted with Kaya on the same day. Instead he's giving his all every day only to be denied day after day. And now he even has to argue with Exalts why he's worth their time, when he himself doesn't believe he is. Jet feels like he's failing a test he doesn't even know the question for. And it's driving him mad.

But as he stands there muttering to any god willing to listen something hits his ears that snaps him out of his trance like state. A tiny, high-pitched voice with a chip like the sound of a grasshopper.
"Erm. Excuse me sir."

Jet looked down at the windowsill and saw what looked like an oversized locust, only deformed.

"Sorry for troubling you but please sir. I am oh so terribly famished. Please, may I have just a crumb of waste?"
Jet looked down at the bottle laying on the ground and picked it up to check what the hell Kaya had been feeding him.
"Yes! That! If sir doth not need it, mayhaps I can have it? I'm so hungry."

"I'm... sorry but it's gone."
He whispered back to what he thought to be a vivid hallucination.

"Oh it's not gone sir. That nasty poison is still in your body. I could remove it. If it pleases you sir."

Jet frowned. Though the wine clouded his mind he did manage to piece things together.
"Wait. You're real aren't you?"
He looked at the window and, thanks to the moonlight, saw that there was a segment of the wall that was colored differently than the rest. He gave it a hard look and licked it to confirm his suspicion. The window was lined with salt rock.
"You're some sort of spirit..."

"A demon, yes sir!"
It said in tune as chipper as ever.
"I am Sesseljae. A stomach-bottle-bug."

"Begone fiend! Get out of my sight at once!"

"Please sir... I beg of thee. The masters of this temple are ever so beastly. They kept me locked in a gold jar and fed me rarely. I just wish to eat what ails you. I'll be on my way then. I swear it!"
Jet looked at the salt line. Judging by how jumpy the strange insect was it would've entered on its own if it wasn't for the wards. He does not know much about demons. Only what scary stories he heard of them, and what few he occasionally saw that the sorcerers of House Mnemon summoned and had as servants. But Mnemon herself is an acknowledged sorceress and uses demons frequently and regularly for all manners of tasks. But the Immaculate Texts are clear on cavorting with spirits. Only the chosen have the spiritual fortitude to do so safely. Then again... it's not like following the texts ever did anything to him.

Perhaps it was its pathetic mewling, the alcohol muddling his mind, the belief that he was still dreaming or a combination of all three that convinced him but he reached out to lift the bug in. But what happened next terrified him. Instead of jumping in his palm it jumped into his palm. His flesh flowed and warped like water or clay under the ministration of the tiny insect as it burrowed into him. He tried tearing it out but his body was as unyielding to him as ever, all the while he felt the bug swim in him unobstructed. It was not painful mind you, quite the opposite, but it was still terrifying.

The Sesseljae made its way all the way to his stomach and mere moments later Jet felt his head clearing. Happy chirping could be heard coming from his gut and the insect let out a burp as it stuck its head out of his chest.
"Ah. Thank you! Thank you! You are most kind, sir!"

"Y-You're welcome. Now can you come out?"

"Of course!"

The bug leapt out of his torso and Jet checked himself for any signs of injury.
"I hope you didn't do anything in there!"

"Oh no, I'd never! Mending flesh is fun. Hurting is not. Ask the masters of the manse, yes. They'll tell how many times I healed one of them. Oh... I know! In exchange for sir's kindness I can live in your stomach and fix you instead!"

>Jet accepted the bugs proposition
>Jet refused and sent it away
>Jet grabbed his boot from the ground and squashed it
>Her words were carried by the wind and crept into his ears, where they took root in his mind.
Looks like we got hit with a charm and burned Willpower to resist.

>Jet refused and sent it away
Bad idea to keep a demon around us for now, even if it is helpful.
>Jet refused and sent it away
>"I'm not strong enough to protect myself, but is a lot more dangerous to keep you around, Demon. I'm happy to have helped you but I'm not willing to accept more of your help, so, go now before whoever kept you locked comes around looking for you"

This is a nice powerup but also a big no-no. I'm interested into keeping little demon critters like him helping us without any contracts binding our souls, but the moment any magical paladin gets a whiff we're done.
>Jet refused and sent it away
That's the thing. He can hang out in your stomach and eat all the nasty stuff for you. With none the wiser.
Unless he sticks something out of your body. On purpose or by accident.
But he's a wholesome little friend still
>Ask the masters of the manse, yes. They'll tell how many times I healed one of them.

That phrasing seems kind of suspicious. Is there someone with a hidden disease? Some very serious beatings going on, or just the demons way of speaking about the wounds of dangerous expeditions? Some kind of secret might be handy to negotiate with.

>Write in
"Is there something wrong with one of the people here that they need to be healed so often?"

"Tell me something secret here and I'll consider us even."

>Jet refused and sent it away
>Jet refused and sent it away
Yooooooo, actually this is such a good thinking. After all, politics and social stuff also include gossips.


Hmm he does seem pretty handy with poking stuff out of Jet's body as the only tell. Funnily enough after Kaya asks him to take up a vice I suppose he'd end up taking on a false vice like drinking or smoking opium for the bug instead of himself so it can eat hearty, unless its fine with whatever regular stuff produces waste too. He'd still not be taking on a vice for his own enjoyment so it wouldnt do anything for dragon exalting if thats how it works lol.

Then if someone tries to poison Jet and he doesnt get sick cause the bug caught it that would be a funny tell. Still better then getting poisoned though. I'd suppose that suddenly healing any grievous wounds would also be a bit of a tell, but much better then dying. Or excuse it as being a Mnemon or being healed elsewhere.

Yeah thats pretty handy, and funny if Jet has to take up Tobacco and Opium smoking but doesnt even really get to enjoy it so its more about looking cool smoking his fancy ass pipe. I suppose he could still enjoy the flavor at least. Take the bug friend if it doesnt get in the way of the write ins.

Knowledge is power.
Oh shit? None the wiser?

Still support the write in, but I want him noe
>Keep the demon
None the wiser "unless"
Important distinction
Sesseljae are known to slip up. And it tends to be noticable when an insect leg sticks out of a persons rippling flesh
Sesseljae, or as they are more commonly known, Stomach Bottle Bugs resemble fist-sized beetles with 10 legs similar to those of a grasshopper. They possess a dangerous appetite for tainted and putrid substances and spend their most of their lives scouring the bodies of the Yozis of those things that might eventually build up enough to cause harm to their masters.
The stomach bottle bugs sometimes discover veins of corruption that sicken the Yozis, and thousands perish only to have their tainted corpses devoured by their kin. New sesseljae are born from the poisoned waste until it is entirely consumed.
Stomach bottle bugs not busy with such work haunt the taverns of the Demon City and plead for entry in childlike voices.
They sometimes manage to swarm the establishments, drinking the alcohol from every bottle and from within other demons. Many demons hate sesseljae for this and often kill them on sight.
Sesseljae make excellent surgeons, although manipulating flesh and bone is more like play to them, and they happily sing with their rear four legs while they draw a body together as though it were soft clay.
The sesseljae can pass through the flesh of humans, animals and demons as easily as air and swim through it like water. This swimming sometimes stirs ripples in the bodies they inhabit, and a moving bug occasionally stumbles and awkwardly reveals a leg or mandible from within its host. Sorcerers typically carry sesseljae in their stomachs, as the demons may rest there indefinitely. This has the added benefit that the demon will suffer the effects of any ingested alcohol or poison in place of the sorcerer.
Interestingly, sesseljae are allergic to pure substances: tears, seawater, silver, gold, salt and virgin’s blood. Such things can seal them from a location or even cause them harm.

I say we go for it, lads. Get information then welcome the little dude in. They seem like good fun and great benefits. We might be a permamortal for all we know.
>>Jet grabbed his boot from the ground and squashed it
>Virgins blood
>He swam through us unharmed

Uhh guys. We need an adult.
>Dorms separated, especially for family members
>Slept in the same bed as sister last night
>Complications when going to the bathroom
Oh yeah. We're keeping the bloodline pure, baby.
>Ask the reason dor the supposed plenty of healing for the master of the manse
>Jet accepted the bugs proposition
Woah shit he can manipulate flesh? Thats cool. And we get our own jiminy cricket too.
Update will take longer than usual. Got stuff to do tonight
Jet felt himself recoil at the mere suggestion of that. Sorcerers are ill trusted within the dynasty, not in small part due to cavorting with demons. He remembered sometimes seeing Heptagram graduate cousins escorted by large, ape-like monsters. It terrified him. Even Mnemon, a very accomplished sorceress herself, was mistrusted and detested. Some even called for her excommunication due to using demonic labor to construct temples for the Immaculate Order. Not to mention all the childrens stories and cautionary tales he heard of the insidious demons tempting the righteous off the path laid down by the Immaculate Dragons.

So no, the prospect of having a demon around him was not particularly tempting for him. Even if it did sound terribly useful. But something did cross his mind. Maybe he can make use of it, if only temporarily. He worried that Ledaal or maybe another member of her house might try messing with him again. The last time he managed to flip the script on her and leave the table before things could turn on him. Next time he might not be so lucky. So if he had some sort of ace up his sleeve...

"I'm not interested in forming any sort of pact with you, demon."


"But. Tell me. You mentioned that you healed the masters of this house. Is there some sort of disease rampaging? Or do you mean the house of Catala is engaged in serious conflicts?”

“I’m terribly sorry sir. I do not know. As I said they kept me in a jar and only let me out when I was needed and all they said was “fix it”. And I was happy to.”

“That’s a shame. In that case if you have some secret to share, I'll consider us even and you may leave freely."

"Secret? Oh no, no mister. I know no secrets. I don't want to know any secrets. And neither should you mister. Secrets are dangerous. If you learn something you shouldn't, it could put you in danger!"

"Then I'm afraid you have no use for me-"

The bug raised its two front legs in protest. The panic in its voice suggests it's afraid, even though all Jet wanted was to dismiss him.
"Maybe I know... one."

Jet sighed as the Sesseljae kept hopping in place, asking to be lifted. He reluctantly extended a hand for it and the demon burrowed into his flesh. It was concerning how little the invasion actually affected him as the bug crawled up his arm and into his shoulder before popping out its head. With its childlike voice it guided Jet out of the room, down the stairs, through the winding hallways of the manse and finally into the basement that was obviously not meant to be accessible by outsiders. A massive door stood in front of him with a hefty lock on it. Though as the demon pointed it out it was actually open and only made to look like it was closed. Someone was already inside.
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ith great effort he managed to lift it off before sneaking in. There he saw a long hallway with many doors on both sides. One of them was open and light shone from it. As he approached it he heard three distinct, inhumanly deep and guttural voices conversing in a tongue he did not understand. He took only a peak before he let out a loud gasp. There were three ape-like beings with blood red fur and many spikes protruding from them. They stood as tall as grown men but were much bulkier. More demons. They stood around a barrel and heartily drank from it with cups the size of buckets. It was blood.

And unfortunately his gasp alerted them.

He tried to run, to get back to the stairs where he might lose them. But despite their considerable size they were not lumbering or sluggish in the slightest. In fact they were much faster than him. One of them quickly caught up to him and grabbed him by the shoulder, slamming him into one of the walls and growled at him with its teeth bared.

“Where do you think you’re going?”
It spoke High-Realm with a heavy accent. It muffled Jets mouth before bringing him back in the room for the others.
“I caught the vermin boss! Now let’s-”

But as it spoke the bug popped out of Jets shoulder and waved at the apes.

One of the other apes shouted and quickly slammed a lid on the barrel. It leaned on it with its whole body to protect it.

“Bloody hell!”
The gorilla holding Jet dropped him.
“And I thought we got rid of that thing for good! Fuck it! Let’s eat them both, boss!”

The third demon, that so far did not react to Jet's presence, walked up and gave the one standing over the dynast a good smack over the head.
“Behave yourself you stupid git. Do you think this is another servant? Do you not see his fine garments?”
This demon seemed to be a fair bit calmer than the rest. It even lifted Jet up by the arm and dusted him off carefully, as to not accidentally hit him with its pointy protrusions.
“My apologies for this rude misunderstanding, your excellency. You simply startled me and my colleagues with your sudden appearance.”

“H-How do you know me? W-What is going on here? Why are there so many demons here?!”

“Well we were notified that the house of Catala would receive an important guest today. I presume that’s you since I don’t recognize you. We are Erymanthoi, blood apes, summoned by Master Catala and her children to do their bidding. And this is a rather, how should I say, embarrassing matter. I’m afraid I can’t disclose it lest-”

“They sneak out at night and binge-drink.”
The sesseljae interjects.
The blood ape that composed itself rather well until now frowns, like it’s contemplating tearing the bug’s head off.
“Well, yes. We skim a bit off our daily blood rations every day and ferment it into wine. But we do not slack off on our duties, of that I can assure you. We work dutifully, I swear on my name. It’s just that we like to unwind every now and then.”

Jet looks at the barrel, the one ape protecting it, then the bug still in his shoulder.
“So you are the ones who released the sesseljae-”

“Because it keeps trying to drink our fucking booze, yes. These little pests are one of the most HATED demons in all of hell! Bastards keep drinking all the alcohol, even the one you already drunk. They don’t even like it! They just drink themselves to death and leave nothing to us, the pricks!”

Jet stumbles backwards, his head spinning from the information overload.
“What the hell is going on? Why does Catala have so many demons? Why do they feed them blood? What is their purpose? Why?!”

“Easy there prince, easy. It’s not what you think.”
The demon continues.
“Everyone needs laborers. Dynasts most of all. Catala is no different. They summon us because there’s work to be done. They feed us blood because we get… agitated without it. And no, it’s beef. We prefer pork but this is fine. At least it’s not poultry. We mainly guard the manse, do manual labor and occasionally help when the house ventures into First Age ruins in search of relics. We are brought in when there are still active guardians there. That’s our favorite part! Ahem. But as you may see there’s really nothing malicious going on. Just a few colleagues sharing a drink at night. Please sir, do forgive us for this little incident and don’t report us to the mistress. We actually like this work and would like to keep serving the house. I swear on the Yozis.”
Jet looked at the demon confused. He always assumed these beasts need to be kept in check and bound in chains at all times to behave. But hearing these ones want to be enslaved perturbed him.
“It’s true your lordship. I personally served many masters, my kin less. But House Catala has been good to us. They bind us for a year and a day, and if we do our tasks well they resummon us by name. It helps us stay out of Hell and they get good, loyal servants. Everyone wins. But I’m surprised you ask so many questions, your highness. Do you not deal with demons that often?”

“I’m… not allowed. I’m not a sorcerer. In fact this is the first time I engaged directly with demons in my life. And if you’re not going to kill or eat me then let’s just forget we ever saw each other. Would that be acceptable?”

“Of course! Thank you master. You’re too kind. And forgive me for my presumptions. I just assumed a mighty Terrestrial like yourself would be an accomplished sorcerer.”

“What did you just call me?”
Another one of the demons spoke up.
“Ey boss. This guy doesn’t have a drop of essence in ‘im.”

The leader of the apes sniffed the air.
“Indeed. How… curious. I haven’t smelled blood like this since the First Age. Yes. Pure. Untainted by the dregs of humanity. How remarkable. And how odd. That you haven’t exalted must mean…”

Jet waited for the demon to finish, but it would not. It arrived at a conclusion it wasn’t liking, and one it was not inclined to share. The other two, though slower, did follow it shortly afterwards.
“Well don’t let me stop you now! By all means, continue! Say what you wanted! What do you know about my exaltation?!”

“Should we kill it after all, boss?”
One of them blurted out.

“Fool! You’d have us dragged to Yu-Shan in chains?! I’d rather get sent back to Hell than suffer the wrath of Heaven’s agents!”
The erymanthus turned back to Jet.
“My apologies. Please, let us not speak any more of this. I wish-”

“No! We’re not done until I said so! You speak as if you know what’s wrong with me! Tell me right NOW!”

The demon looks at him dumbfounded. Then as it starts talking it walks over to a table where it takes a piece of parchment and scrawls some sort of script on it with its own blood, indecipherable for Jet.
“I do not know what you speak of my lord. I’ve never said such a thing and do not wish to discuss it further. But… you sound like you are troubled my lord. Tomorrow is the night of the new moon. Have you ever tried praying? Maybe the gods will listen and offer you relief from your pains.”

The demon then handed the finished strip of paper to Jet. An offering.

>Reluctantly he takes it
>Angered, he storms away from the demons
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>Reluctantly he takes it
Hmm, I wonder if we took the test it'd be a succeeded horribly situation
>Reluctantly take it.

>Reluctantly he takes it

Damn, I was hoping the votes might shift for taking bug friend with us. Also lol. How does Loom feel about the direction Jet is going in after these choices and write ins?
The wheel turns, the loom spins. The loom only wonders when the Maidens will fuck things up
>Reluctantly he takes it
Well, that last post has enough implications in it to crush a yeddim.

>Get into our bureaucrat mindset and make sure he isn't fucking us over. Ask what are the stipulations of the contract and what is he asking in return.
We always have to read the tiny letters, anon. And if the contract had something really sketchy that maybe the gorilla-demon was going to get us, we can make a good offer in our part of the contract: Take the little critter out of the castle (We don't say when or how or if he's sticking with us so the gorillas won't be bothered, but with how hated these are, surely they would be more inclined to accept)

Unless of course these offerings on Exalted already fuck your soul up, but I would like someone to clarify more of this concept
Have our little bug friend read what the offering says
>Reluctantly he takes it
>Then let little bug guy reads it for him
Cause its probably hell language or something, i think.
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>Reluctantly he takes it
Speculation time.
>I haven’t smelled blood like this since the First Age. Yes. Pure. Untainted by the dregs of humanity.
That sounds a lot like the Legendary Breeding background from the First Age books. If so, then yeah, we should have exalted a long time ago. That we haven’t likely means a different Exaltation has us booked.
The protagonist Exaltation and an obvious choice. However, there’s only a few Solar Exaltations around right now, and Heaven doesn’t know the breaking of the Jade Prison is coming up.
Possible, but I’m not sure how we’d get into the kind of situation that makes you Exalt as a Lunar.
On the one hand, it doesn’t really feel like the quest is headed this way. On the other hand, it would explain why we haven’t exalted, another Exaltation has us on reserve, and it would explain the name the ST chose.
Fucking kek
>Reluctantly he takes it
>Reluctantly he takes it
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“What is that? Some sort of contract? You must be mad if you think I’m just going to accept whatever that is without a word. What’s the stipulation? The cost? What are any of your terms?”

“Contract? What are you talking about, young master? Are you sure you’re alright? Maybe a drink would do you good after all, to calm the nerves.”

Frustrated by the demon's game Jet turned to the bug.
“Sesseljae. What’s written on there?”

“Erm. Sir. I can’t read. But that looks like a prayer script to me. Lots of us use those when praying to the Demon Princes.”

“The Yozi…”

“Yes sir. Traditionally one burns the script and makes an offering before saying a prayer. The most common offering is blood.”

The ape nods and nudges the paper once more. Jet looked at the ominous strip of paper and swallowed painfully. He had read many a contract before. But not even the ones with the most devious of fine prints ever made him this nervous. Part of him knew he could deny it, that part screamed at him, begged and tugged at him to simply leave. But the other needed to know. If anything the demon said holds a kernel of truth, then lady Catala was right and there is something terribly wrong with him. Now that he’s being offered an answer he couldn’t resist. He took the paper from the demon's hand, rolled it up and hid it under his belt-sash.

The large blood ape nodded.
“Well I see I can’t convince you. Goodnight your majesty. And uh, please make sure to take that sesseljae far away. Thank you.”

Jet nodded and gave a bow to the apes before leaving them to their drinking. Once he made his way back up the stairs he had the insect leave his body and they parted ways. He headed back to his chamber and the bug dragons know where. But despite the wishes of the erymanthus he did not have a good night. Neither dreams nor sleep came to him. He just laid in his bed, next to his sister, with one hand always resting on the strip of paper he received. It was still not too late, he thought. He could just hand it over to Catala, or throw it out, or tear it to shreds, or a myriad other things smarter than what he was about to do.

When the sun first rose over the horizon and its rays peered through the window Kaya rose from her slumber with a moan and a stretch that made her bones crackle.
“Hmmmm. Morning. You’re up early. Slept well?”

“Actually it was like sleeping with a block of ice under my blanket.”

“That’s what you get for lying next to a dragon of air. But I don’t recall you complaining about it yesterday.”
Kaya hopped out of her bed and put her robe on.
“Something wrong? You look a bit glum.”

“Just tired is all.”

“Alright. Then let’s see if we can’t rouse you from your slumber. What do you say we go on a little hunting trip after breakfast? That should perk you right up! We can take Ena with us as well. Go on a real Threshold safari, just the three of us.”
Jet perked up upon hearing that.
“Yeah that… actually sounds nice. Are we going to camp out for the night as well?”

“You bet! It came to me in a dream and got me in the mood.”
Kaya opened the door of the room and checked if anyone was around to see her sneak out.
“And who knows, maybe we can get you a bit closer to your future wife, huh?”
She gave him a mischievous grin then Jet threw a pillow at her and she left swiftly, all the while giggling to herself.

The three Dynasts made themselves presentable and enjoyed a shared breakfast. At the insistence of the two ladies Jet was allowed to sit and eat with them, rather than at the table of the un-exalted children of the house as is custom for mortals like him. Afterwards they had some horses saddled, equipped themselves and went out to a nearby forest to hunt for some game. Hunting and riding were things all Dynasts were expected to be at least vaguely familiar with. Jet himself wasn’t particularly fond of it, but he could do it. Now however his head was even less in the hunt than usual. The first thing he spotted, and the only thing he killed, was a hare. After its blood splattered on the ground however he did not feel like firing his bow anymore.

The girls were much more into it and frankly did not need his aid. They managed to score some smaller game, but their big catch was a boar Kaya managed to take down with one shot from an arrow that shot out from her bow like a bolt of lightning. And Ena had no problem tracking beasts from miles away. He felt kind of useless. Once they made camp however he could shine a bit. At the Spiral he did pick up some cooking skills to make his meals a bit more varied. Kaya mainly just roasted things over an open fire and Ena could not cook at all. But this was a relatively small boost to his mood. He was a good servant to them, that’s all.

After everyone had their fill and they chatted a bit more the girls laid down to rest and he waited until he was sure they were both in a deep sleep. He quickly took the strip out of his belt and looked at it one last time before taking off with a sigh. There was a lake nearby with fresh water in it. Jet thought that would make for a good place to pray.

As he went however he had an uneasy feeling that someone was watching him.
“Why are you here?”
He asked.

“I’m sorry sir. I just wanted to be sure you’re okay.”

“If those two notice you they’ll kill you.”

“I know. I’m used to it.”
The Sesseljae approached a bit closer.
“I just wanted to say… be careful sir.”

“Why? What do you know that you aren’t telling me?”

“Nothing. Knowing is bad. Secrets are bad. It’s better to not learn anything. Lest you learn something you really shouldn’t.”

“Maybe for you.”
Jet made his way to the lake. The source of the water was a spring that came from a large rock. It filled a large watering hole that serves the local wildlife well. And it was a secluded but open area where he could see if someone was approaching him. He took a deep breath and sat down beside the water on a flat stone and took the strip out. He did not really know what to do with it. Participating in prayer is something for the plebians, not dynasts. So he had to improvise.

He took the knife he brought to skin animals and opened his own wrist with it. Letting a few drops of blood drip onto the laid out prayer strip, he clapped his hands together and began his silent mantra. With no proper procedures available he simply begged in his own head repeatedly for an answer, from anyone willing to listen. And as the paper ignited with a green flame in front of him something did.

The boy felt a sense of unease come over him. So he opened his eyes. It was a mistake to do so. Before him stood a temple, floating on the water of the lake. It appeared with no sound and no disturbance in the area. It stood there as that’s where it always was. He heard a metallic clang, like the ringed staves of monks that beckoned him. Only there was no way to reach the temple. Only tombstones jutting out of the water and bearing a script similarly indecipherable to the one on his prayer strip. Slowly and with great unease he stepped from one to the other until he reached the shrine and he stepped through the silk curtains that made up its walls.

Inside sat a woman wearing the robes of a shrine-maiden but it was filthy and wet. She had her face buried within her palms and tears rolled down her arms in perpetuity. But her voice did not sound like that of someone in the throes of sadness. She was rather calm actually. And it made Jet terrified. This did not look like a demon. All the other ones he met yesterday were obviously not of this world. But aside from the few strange marks this girl could’ve been mortal. Yet he knew she was anything but.
“Jet, child of Mnemon, come. I’ve been expecting you.”
The girl invited him inside but she did not move her hands to look at him.

“You know who I am?”
The boy did not move an inch.

“It is my purpose to know all things which are special, unique, things destined to blossom into magnificence but which are trampled by others. I mourn for what was meant to be but isn’t. I am Banatos, Who Grieves for Greatness Lost - Reflective soul of The Gardener of Identities. I have known you for a long time, Mnemon Jet. And I’ve wept for you much.”

“Then you have the answers I seek. Name your price.”

“There is no price. All I need is your consent, the affirmation that you wish to reflect on what you’ve lost. When I share that knowledge with you the weight will lift off my heart and shackle yours. It will kill you. Few things crush a mortal spirit faster than the knowledge of what they could’ve been.”
>inb4 we didn't exalt due to outside forces
Jet scoffed, his ego blossomed.
“I know what I’m not and it’s already consuming me. Now let me make peace with it.”

“You know what you’re not, yet unaware of what you are. Come. Sit. We do not have much time.”

Jet sat down on a pillow provided for him, and a brazier suspended by chains lowered before him. Banatos leaned over and let her tears fall into it. The fire extinguished and the rising smoke formed figures which played out the tale Banatos shared with him.

“There once was a maiden. Who was born as two. Their blood was strong. Their bond stronger. The stars said, these two will stand together. Heaven said, no. Fearful of those with the strength to oppose them, the gods wanted to kill them. But those with avarice in their hearts screamed, no. They wanted the power for themselves. Yet they could not wield the Maiden’s power. Kill one and the other will swear vengeance. So they concocted a plan. Let one grow tall and strong, and let the other grow old, weak and bitter in its shadow. And when it dies none would mourn it but Banatos.”

“No, no, no. You’re lying! The dragons would never-”

“Heaven determined you are its enemy. They took away your arms before you could learn to swing them. They deny you your blood because you would ruin their plans. And now that you know they will have to eliminate you. I am sorry. But you will die knowing the truth and know whom to curse. That is the gift of Banatos.”

Jet grabbed his head and screamed. His mind told him it was just a trick, a lie to confuse and hurt him. But his heart knew the words of the demon were true. He just knew. Was everything he knew a lie then? That no matter how much he’d try he’d never be good enough because he was determined to fail anyway? The rage and sadness swelling in his heart threatened to tear it apart. And it would’ve if another presence did not make itself known.
“It’s painful. Isn’t it?”
The shadows in the temple stretched and began to dance. A putrid, sulfur like smell washed over Jet as he looked for the source. All he saw was a vague, monstrous silhouette moving on the curtains, but he saw nothing that could cast such a shadow anywhere.
“To have what is yours stolen by the traitorous dogs of Heaven? It’s more common than one might think. And those who share your pain wish to help you Mnemon Jet.”


“Yu-Shan might despise you. But the Yozi, oh the Yozi love you Jet. They’ve been watching you since the day you were born. How Heaven strangled you with the strings of your own fate. Now they wish to help you. You got your answers from Banatos. Now the princes of Hell offer you a solution.”
The figure now steps through the curtains and it slowly fades into view out of nothing. It looked like a rhinoceros beetle the size of a man, and walking upright. But its shell appeared more like a suit of armor. Its eyes glowed with a menacing green light.
“Heaven made you fail, but Hell wants you to win. So the Yozi sent me to deliver a gift to you. A gift of power and a show of goodwill. If Yu-Shan would reject you then we will shower you with our blessings. And since it’s a gift it comes with no strings attached. We merely ask that you use it to your heart’s content. So I prostrate myself before you Mnemon Jet and ask you…Will you be our champion? Will you be our Exalted?”

>"No, if you were actually watching me all this time then you'd know i'm not the kind of person that would take such a vague deal. One with a literal beetle no less"

No strings attached my ass every thing must have it's price paid in full, super chinese magical plot power falling into your palm even more so ergo the cake is a lie. And "our" exalted? Yeah no buddy, stranger danger alert.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWDJQfPGe2w I'm gonna do it
Lot of mileage out of DBZA it seems
My Jet will not fall, except into depression. Then he just needs the forbidden love of Kaya and regular love of Ena.
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>"our" exalted
Hell does indeed have their own Exalted.
And they are best described as "magitech robocop built by demons" and that's explaining it very, very poorly
Better to be forgotten by all save our sister then to ruin her memory of us.
>So a bard, a nun, a celtic warrior, a mummy and goth girl walk into a bar
indeed. they have a lot of quotables.
>Then he just needs the forbidden love of Kaya and regular love of Ena.
the coffin of Jet & Kaya
of course there's a sexy nun
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Funny thing about the sexy nun... nobody else looks like that in the entire setting
So presumably it was just the demons fucking with that woman
Also the scotsman used to be a woman in his last incarnation. Just a funny little trivia
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Did I mention by the way that the position of Hells Rockstar comes with a complimentary gundam and a a VIP coupon for the demon orgies in the Malfean brothels?
And all it’ll cost is breaking Kaya’s heart.

We will exalt without you. We will rise as our own!
Sorry but i prefer a children's card game and we can already have a threesome with our fiance and our sister but not really. QM destroyed by facts and logic
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Eh. You can buy her a new one. They sell clockwork hearts cheap in hell

Boy do I have a demon for you then. Meet Sigereth, The Player of Games.
The ultimate gamer gf technology. She's the box, not the girl. She has every childrens cardgame and is very good at them. And yes, if you stick your penis in the box she'll get preggers and produce viable offspring. Humans are stupid virile in Exalted
Worth keeping in mind, this isn’t our only chance to Exalt. Solar and Lunar Exaltations, by design, cannot be prevented from exalting someone if they’ve done something to earn it.
narrator, is that ?
damn, even more tempting
Allow me to explain.
>"We merely ask that you use it to your heart's content."

This gives me 3e vibes, and that means Green Sun Prince Jet isn't an agent of the Reclamation, since there is no Reclamation. The Yozis KNOW they can't get out, but if they can find people who've been screwed over and give them the power to bite back? That's good enough revenge on Creation for them.
Technically even in 2e they couldn't actually force the Infernals to do jack shit, since them having their Free Will intact was a necessary compromise. The Reclamation was optional even back then.
Look brah, I respect the Yozi. The Yozi have good reason to be Creation's biggest haters. Does that mean I want a Yozi-corrupted exaltation shoved in me? No, not really. I mean, I'm all for the cause, but that infernal exalting comes with a lot of things like being the innate enemy of all creation. Also being less effective than a Solar, if we end up qualifying for one.
>Look brah, I respect the Yozi. The Yozi have good reason to be Creation's biggest haters.
You know how it goes. You get betrayed by everyone you thought you could trust and get imprisoned within Malfeas where your resentment and bitterness only grows with every year that passes.
Imagine you're one big happy gaming group. Sure, you've all got your weird quirks. One's a narcissist, one's a fatalist, one's kind of a sociopath, one's delusional, one's the quiet autistic kid, one's a hippy, so on and so forth. Some of you are more stable than others, but you get along well enough, mostly because the main GM is Just That Good at getting you all to do what he says. You all have a lot of fun worldbuilding and making OCs together, and it all culminates in this nice little homebrew world. Sure, everyone else at school makes fun of you all, but who cares?

Then one day the quiet one gets upset about his favorite OC getting killed off in the 'official' timeline and starts getting obsessed with the hireling item you all made a while back. These are one-note, two-bit extras at best, even if some of your OCs collect them and think they're neat. It's cool, right? Whatever floats his boat.

Five seconds later but also two weeks earlier but also a thousand years sideways, the quiet one and the hippy have teamed up with the OCs and the hirelings, who have been empowered to somehow be able to kill you IRL. The hireling item entry now has a special variant that can KILL you IN REAL LIFE, and does this to several of you (which somehow writes whole new sections of the homebrew game because the game was responding to its devs dying when that shouldn't be possible in this context), puts the rest of you in the hospital with varying levels of broken bones and lobotomies, and then somehow gets you all locked up in Literal Actual Hell, which is SOMEHOW also the head GM's digestive tract.

None of this should have ever been even remotely possible, none of this makes even a single modicum of sense, but here you are. This is your life now, forever.
Actually you know what, fuck it.
Changing to
We ride together, we die together, Yozi.
The Yozi and the demons? They are the actual creators of the world. If the gods of Creation are the Olympian gods like Zeus then the Yozi are the titans like Chronos.
Or more accurately, Exalted is a game about "What would happen if Lucifer in the Bible won, made Hell specifically to lock up and torture god forever and not to punish sinners?"
Tough choice. I wonder if "use it to your heart's content" turns out to be that he basically removes his 'filter' so to speak. Anything his heart wants he does, nothing stops him from calling the hostess a bitch for trying to pull her little stunt. He wants someone's food he just takes it. Someone annoys him and he mindcrushes them. Or they are really just happy knowing he will be opposed to all creation forever, building some kind of wackass heretical state out here in the woods. Dressing in weird ass robocop from hell aesthetics.

Poor little goodie two shoes Jet. Maybe shoulda just taken the healing bug's offer. Didn't think trying to finagle for local secrets would have him stumble into his tragic plot, might be my bad on that lol. As long as he has Kaya everything will be fine.
That is pretty much what they want, but that happens regardless of what Exaltation you get. It's hard to give a shit about things like other peoples opinions when you live 500 times longer than they do, and can lift mountains
Vote yes or you're supporting the Demiurge.
You aren't an agent of the demiurge, are you anons?
Do it.

Say yes. The Yozi not only approve of incest, but give bonuses for it.

We have such figures like:
>Qaf, the Heaven-Violating Spear, who encourages enlightenment, ascension, and spiritual growth
>Szoreny, the Silver Forest, who encourages doing your best to exceed at whatever you do and understand the self-doubt that plagues Jet
>Isidoros, the Black Boar that Twists the Skies, who is himself an immovable object and an unstoppable force and wants YOU to be that much of a chad too

Take the red pill, become Neo. Save everyone.

Oh, and if it's any consolation, we're about to get turbofucked by the heavens because we know something we shouldn't know, and we could PROBABLY use the power boost to avoid the tragedy.
Tempting. I'm a bit on the fence just because I imagined a Solar? Exaltation wasn't that far off and somehow the yozi RoboCop from magitech hell seems like such an odd turn from an mystic eastern seeming flavor. Still fighting some kind of forever war and building his own kingdom after marrying his sister would be interesting. How much time we got before we call it
Until it switches to yes
I kid.
About 4 to 6 hours, depending on how fast I get done with chores
Consider this.
Fiend Infernals get access to EVERY charm. Not just infernal charms. Not just exalted charms. I'm talking God charms. Ghost charms. Fae charms. If it exists and is a charm, they can get it.
Including charms that can grant anyone, including you, wishes.
I have no idea what fiend infernals and charms are though. Aren't we a social savant type, wouldn't we just get someone else to make or cast these charms? What about being less effective then a Solar?
Charm is just a catch-all term for innate magical abilities. Everything but Martial-Arts and Sorcery are charms.

And Infernals aren't any less effective than Solars, they are corrupted Solars. But their powers are more... esoteric and focused. Solars can do anything a human can, times 1000. Infernals are nonsense transhumanists, who can grow nuclear reactors in their hearts, develop telekinetic powers, become Sandman, etc.
We don't even know that we can still be a solar. Infernals are usually given their offer when their destiny has already passed them by, for one reason or another.
It's generally better to cast the charms yourself, since encountering someone as powerful as yourself is rare to say the least, and your bonuses will generally eclipse those of the 'native users'. There's also the fact that you can't always have them with you, whereas if you can cast it yourself, it's always available.
Social savant types actually have a particularly effective role as Fiends, because fiends are supposed to be the ones that gather and distribute information while staying unknown to Creation. They are 'master manipulators'. Being able to smooth-talk your way out of any accusations is fantastic. Even better if you can socially maneuver your way into never being accused of anything wrong in the first place. At least, that's what I gather about it all. I'm just pouring over documents and wikis for the first time today.
As far as the gap between infernals and solars go, apparently it's fairly miniscule. And Infernals have a bit of an edge in certain regards, such as Not being cursed and having a way to reduce their equivalent, whereas no other exalt can reduce theirs and having the potential to become a nu-primordial

first time poster so do as you wish with my vote
or we can leave the offer open
Say no. Prove Heaven wrong.
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It is unavoidable. It is your destiny.
Also the question is, are you doing a bit or is this actually what you want to write as a QM?
But I'll write whichever wins.
How would Kaya and Ena react to taking the deal?
This is me, had to go out and do shit

If it's for incest route I'll switch to a yes
Who says they'll know?
One of the Yozi is big into incest if that's what you're into
I mean, saying no is the kind of thing that could be Solar Exaltation worthy.

We have an inquisitive sister. She will find out.
Kaya is smart but she doesn't have shit on Ted's dickery
She doesn’t have to out-nosy TED, she has to out-nosy us. Which is not hard when we’re critically weak to noogies. Also unless we keep doing a mortal cosplay forever we’ll have to drop the mask at some point.
That's the sweet deal about Infernal Exaltation.
You are not TED, sure. But you are learning his and all the other Yozis powers
Oh, I know all about Infernals. Why else would I be voting no?
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To uphold the status quo and enforce the false doctrines of the twice-betrayers who themselves would not hesitate to betray you if it served the same purpose.
I know what you are.
Keeping the cosplay going until we need to dramatically drop it would be peak cinema.

But I like solar exalted because I understand it to be "You, but the best you." And that is, Truly, what I like most.
Betrayers, you say? The first was no betrayal at all, the second only came about because the Solar’s minds were twisted.

>But I like solar exalted because I understand it to be "You, but the best you."
Basically, yeah.
Anyway I think I'm gonna call it here now.
With this anons permission I think Infernals won just by the skin of their teeth

It absolutely was a betrayal
I remain sus of that yes vote from a new IP that came in just a few minutes after a tally showed no as being ahead, but when the QM wants something that’s how it goes.

No? The humans swore no oaths.
The real turnaround was the switchvote desu, it shifted by a difference of 2
I think more QM's should exert their executive tie breaker votes.

It's very honest. Regardless, I hope this is gonna be cool.
I've no experience with exalted other than a few memes, what solars are, what dragonbloods are and that they are all somehow in the WoD continuity.

So these "corrupt solars" could be cool. I hope to maintain our loyalty to our house, but some deicide seems to be in order.
It was not the humans who were the betrayers but the gods. Specifically Conky who 100% fucked over his dad

I was going to but, then incest guy switched. If he complains though I'll concede
Yeah, I was just commenting.

Oh sure, I have no issue with QM’s having their say. There does come a point where it feels like they’re trying to direct the vote however, in which case why was a vote offered in the first place?
Well, yeah. As the quote says:
>"Just because they're virtuous doesn't mean they're nice. Remember that Sol Invictus was the guy who murdered his parents because he wanted more time on the PS2"
I thought we were talking about the Solars.
There wouldn't be any Solars or other Exalted without the Sun, the Moon, the Maidens and Autochthon + Gaia
Yeah that was me
Short story : first post since a long time and i tried to do the captcha for ten minutes
Look, you keep bullying that nerdy kid who’s good with machines, you’ve named your own punishment.

>i tried to do the captcha for ten minutes
Honestly i just didn't want to be a bitch and folded at the first sign of hardship, but then again heaven fucking you sideways is pretty hard for anyone.
“No, if you were actually watching me all this time then you'd know I’m not the kind of person that would take such a vague deal. One with a literal beetle no less! ”
Jet snapped at the demon, which laughed at him.

“Kehehe. As I said before Jet, there is no deal. Merely a gift. Which you may reject or accept. Afterwards you may do as you please. In fact, should you accept, the Yozi want nothing less for you. They know that you are smart, smarter than most of your kind. And you will learn on your own the depths of Heaven’s depravity. After which you’ll join us willingly, and we’ll welcome you as our brother. Nay, our prince!”

“Enough! I… I need time. I need to think.”

“That is the one thing we do not have Jet. You need to make your choice. The Ledaals have close ties with the agents of Yu-Shan. They no doubt already detected our intrusion and are well on the way. And I do not know about you but I do not wish to perish here. Now make your choice. Serve a heaven that disregards, nay loathes your very existence? Or welcome our embrace and rule as you were meant to be? Accept us Jet, for this might be your only chance at seizing your own destiny! What do you wish? Riches, kingdoms, power, indulgence? It is yours. You just have to take it. You just have to say yes!”

Jet starts biting his own nails. He sweats profusely like he never has before. His head is spinning so much he feels like he’s about to throw up. Deep down he wants to spit in the monsters face, to deny it to his last breath, for he suspects rejection will be met with violence. But some part of him, some incessant nagging in his heart is telling him to say it. To say yes and take what all these years was denied from him. He rejects that notion, he tightens his fist so hard it nearly draws blood and musters all his courage to look at the demon and say “no”.

But then Banatos removes her hands from her face. Her shift in demeanor causes the air to nearly freeze around Jet. She looks at him with eyes shining in all the colors there exist, and some that don’t.
“Brass Dragon. The Chosen Of Heaven Hath Seized Your Destiny. Do You Believe Thine Sister Is Any Different?”


“What Will Be Of Her When She Is Bereaved Of You? Her Blood Will Be Used To Breed A Great And Terrible Army. Whether She Wants To Or Not.”

“You stay away from her!”

“She Is Of No Use To Us. A Terrestrial Is Too Weak. But Your Kind Hath Been Heavens Hounds For Centuries Now. She Will Make Good Stock For Them.”

“That’s… that’s not true!”


There was something about that voice, that presence that was utterly undeniable. It rang with truth. Despite his knowledge, his better judgment, the impossibility of it all, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was truth spoken by something far greater than him.
“Then I accept!”
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>Riches, kingdoms, power, indulgence? It is yours.
>As long as you have enough Rupees.
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The demonic beetle walked up to Jet from behind and gave him a hug.
“That’s all you needed to say. Welcome home, Prince.”

Jet felt a thick liquid wash over him as the demon embracing him started to dissolve. His clothes started to melt away on contact and he felt the oozing substance burn his skin as well. But try as he might he could not shake it off. Meanwhile the kaleidoscopic light faded from the eyes of Banatos, who covered her face once more, gave him a bow and erupted in a rainbow blaze alongside the entire temple. The structure disappeared from beneath Jets feet and he fell into the lake, the beetle still flowing around him and covering his entire body. He felt his movements slow down as the strange substance around him solidified into a cocoon, his nerves assaulted by the sensation of burning all the way.

The boy felt lost. Like he was stuck in a nightmare that seemingly never ended. One moment he saw golden spires reaching so far into the sky they were scraping the very heavens themselves. The next he walked alien landscapes that only bore the slightest resemblance to the Creation he knew. Then he saw fire. An all consuming inferno obliterating all he ever cared about. He felt knives stabbing him in the back, flaying his skin and sawing it back on after it was turned inside out.

His heart filled with rage, pain, sorrow and the sting of betrayal. A loathing for everyone and everything overtook him. A hated the mortal men of Creation, he hated the very gods. But above all of them, he hated himself. He failed. And he paid the ultimate price for it. Now the only thing he could think of was paying back those who harmed him, who ruined him. For if he could not have his peace, then none would.

But before his heart burst from the vitriol building up in him, he saw a figure shining within the darkness. It was hope. It was… himself. No. His sister.

Jets eyes snapped open. A loud crack nearby woke him up like a rooster in the morning. He was almost completely shrouded in darkness, except for where the cracks formed. Light poured through them, and so did water. The thought of imminent suffocation woke him full from his torpor and he broke free of the thing binding him, for it has grown brittle and weak. After it broke apart Jet found himself at the bottom of the lake he fell in. He rushed to the surface and gasped for air. It was daytime already, and the sun glared at him so harshly it hurt his eyes. He looked around but saw no sign of any of the demons. He prayed deep down he just dreamt the whole thing in some trance and fell into the lake. But something told him this was just wishful thinking.
He swam to shore as fast as he could and collapsed almost immediately. He felt dead tired. Only after panting for about ten minutes did he crawl back to the water. His throat felt drier than a desert. As he leaned over the water to take a drink however he spotted himself and he let out a scream. His glorious red hair, his pride and joy was no black as the finest calligraphy ink. His eyes were still red but were now iridescent, almost glowing. The screaming revealed that apart his front ones, every one of his teeth turned into fangs. Even his finger nails changed, which looked black and resembled the shell of rhinoceros beetles.

“What the hell happened to me?”

Another closer look at his reflection revealed other changes as well. They were more minor but they were visible for a careful observer. Every blemish, every imperfection disappeared off of him, save for one. The scar on his little finger. His body was now perfectly symmetric however. Same shape, same length, and the same perfectly uniform coloration, no darker patches of skin anywhere. Only pristine, porcelaine whiteness. He even lacked body hair. It felt less like looking at a person and at a drawing in an anatomy textbook about the ideal looking man. It was uncanny.

And it was not just surface level. Every minute movement felt different. Better. His movements were fluid and graceful, like a weight was lifted off his shoulder he never even knew was there.
“What… am I?”

“You’re glorious.”

He frantically looked around, searching for straggler demons.

“Kehehe. It was me, Prince. No need to look. I’m with you. Perhaps a formal introduction is in order now that we are partners. I am Markolab, your humble Unvowen Coadjutor, at your service.”

“Argh! Get out of my head!”

“I’m afraid I can’t. But should it please you, it’s possible for you to tune me out. However I must warn you that I am here for a reason. To be your aide and ease your transition into a Green Sun Prince.”

“So we’re stuck like this? Hell no! No no no! This wasn’t the deal!”

“I’m afraid it’s a necessary evil. The Yozi wish to help their chosen champions accustom to their new being. It’s for your benefit. Many Exalted stumble around unsure of what they are or how to use their own powers. I’m here to help you with that.”


“Then do you not wish to know how to change back to how you were?”


“Merely imagine a form you wish to assume that’s of roughly equal size and shape to your own, including the outfit of course. You may expressly assume your original one.”

Jet closed his eyes, took a deep breath and tried to visualize himself how he was the night he took the deal. When he opened them again he looked exactly as he pictured it. He muttered to himself from the surprise and started checking his body out.
“It's a disguise of course. Underneath you are still your glorious new self. But it’s a very potent one. Few will be able to see through it. And it comes with a mock Destiny as well. To deceive the vile, traitorous dogs of Heaven.”


“My apologies. Allow me to explain. Within the Chrysalis Grotesque the Yozi, your new gods, have perfected your feeble human design. But you were not improved only physically. The Demon Princes also forcibly cut the strands of fate binding you to its tapestry. Now nobody, no god, no agent of heaven may dictate your fate. Only you my prince, as we promised. Your life is yours now. But with this disguise nobody will be able to tell. Should anyone try to read your fate they’ll only see what you yourself decided to show. Convenient is it not?”

Jet gave it a few more tries, imagining people like his uncle, or Yuen, or Cynis Hotaro. Or even Kaya. Each time his shape changed. The last time however he kept his eyes open and saw his shadow bubbling, before rising up to cover his entire body. Once it returned to its normal place his body was changed.

“You mean… I’m actually free? To do as I please? You’re not going to tell me what to do? Will you not compel me to do your bidding by holding my soul hostage or something?”

“Of course not. That was not what the Yozi promised. Naturally there are others who did strike such bargains… but that was not fitting for one such as you.”

“So… what now?”

“Whatever you please, Prince.”

>I must return to Kaya immediately
>I need to run away. Nobody can see me like this!
>I must return to Kaya immediately

I feel some buyers remorse
>What else to do but make house mnemon the greatest dynast in all of creation that even heaven itself shall bow down to us like how it made us bow down to a fate so unimaginably cruel
>Ask the beetle what we're capable of now

Ngl becoming an emo goth with painted black nails was not part of my imagination for an infernal exaltation. Also funny thing we rejected a bug entering our body just so another one can do it instead.
*The greatest house
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The Yozi unironically turn you into super models on Exaltation.
The nun in picrel used to be an albino cannibal monstrosity
>I must return to Kaya immediately

That’s Exaltation in general, and requires you to be female.
>I must return to Kaya immediately
Remember to adopt the pre-infernal jet disguise!
>I must return to Kaya immediately
Under our disguise i assume
Exaltations don't normally alter the appearance of the ones they are given to. Except Lunars but they are shapeshifters so they don't count
>Also funny thing we rejected a bug entering our body just so another one can do it instead.
This. I was going to vote no but I got some things irl and I forgot of the quest.

Like, going full mortal build and plotting against heaven/our destiny as a mere unexalted was a more compelling idea, somehow turning into a force that heaven itself got to acknowledge and see how much of a fuck up they made, like I dont even care if we didn't exalted at all, but avoiding Heaven agents while we rise up was an awesome idea. Hell, somehow finding the bug later and keeping it with us in this endeavor would've been an awesome idea. Being a "free" agent sticking deals with anyone, either Dragonbloods, Demons or whoever we could use is awesome
Going by official art, Exaltation sets a minimum lower bound to chest size in women.
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The virtue of Compassion is stored in the chest (and Valor is in the balls, actual canon btw)
But Exaltation can come to cunny as well

Going mortal really isn't viable if you want to achieve stuff. Especially against the dudes who control causality and the future
Banathos said we were going to grow old, weak, forgotten and resenting Kaya, she didn't said we wouldn't achieve nothing. Even if our small victories against Heaven weren't going to be attributed to us, we would set things to give a nasty punch on Heaven's face. It was more of a running against time, so something could've been made in my eyes
You severely underestimate the sheer difference between mortals and exalts. Political, social, physical, mystical, economic. Any kind of power or influence you can find is completely and utterly eclipsed. The only thing mortals have going for them is gatekeeping book-keeping jobs that the exalts don't want anyways. There's trying to row up shit creek without a paddle, and then there's trying to uproot human civilization as a rat. The most damage you can do is by dying while gnawing on some wires connected to the power grid and inconveniencing them slightly for about a week.
>I must return to Kaya immediately
>I must return to Kaya immediately
But we do need to be careful. Being an Anathema is dangerous business. Can't give away the game.
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>Can't give away the game.
The time in the Chrysalis runs five days, I don’t think Jet can manage to play that off.
We were socialmaxxing up to here, surely we can come up with a good enough lie.
>I must return to Kaya immediately
zam, what's her name ?
do you play league or you just like riven ? man, it's been years since i last played it
>do you play league or you just like riven ? man, it's been years since i last played it
Neither, I just saw it mentioned as a good Infernal image, though obviously for a woman. Personally I would have rather run a female MC, but I wasn’t here for that vote.
>Return to Kaya.
>Ask the demon how we may mimic other exhaltation styles.

Keep the mask on? Or claim exaltation?
Are we a special kind of Infernal ?
I've read a bit about them and wondered if we were like an all-rounder or something.
All Infernals are special. There's only 50 of them at any given time, making them the rarest form of Exalted by a lot.
The reason why Infernals, and all Exalted really, specialize is that advancements in the same field yield exponentially greater results. So ideally you'd get 5 exaltes with different specialozations, all covering each others weaknesses.
And these 5 specialists in a group are much, much more dangerous than 5 exalts on their own.
But it's a bit early for Jet to think about that given he's 0 days old now
Apologies I was shitposting on /tg/ and forgot my name
>>I need to run away. Nobody can see me like this!
>zam, what's her name ?
Sapphire Sparrow
Professional glowie
Jet's head was spinning. What was he to do? Run away lest his family finds out he's effectively Anathema now? Or return and act like nothing happened? How long could he even keep up such an act? Well. That was not much of a choice. The only reason he accepted the demon's "gift" was Kaya. So he decided to make his way back to their campsite.

"Maybe... maybe it will work out. Or at least they'll put me down before I could do too much damage."

"You think too little of yourself, prince. This defeatist talk only befits a mortal. Do not "hope" or "believe". Do. You can do it!"

"Just... shut up! I need some time to think! Only talk when talked to! Understood?"

"Very well."

Jet used the same technique to cloak himself in his own shadow. He took the form of himself before the transformation, but added a few details to help himself explain his absence. A few stains here, a tear in the fabric of his clothes there and a few patches where he accidentally scraped his skin should do the trick. He then went back to the campfire. At first he took it slowly, then in his overeagerness he started running. His own speed took him by surprise. He was never exceptionally athletic or fast. But now he saw the vegetation of the forest dart past him and he moved with such grace as the wind itself. No matter how treacherous the terrain got, be it mud or thick roots or rocks jutting out of the ground, nothing could slow him down as he ran over everything. When he got close to his destination he abruptly stopped and looked back over where he came from. The fact that he covered that half hour walking distance in just two minutes did not bother him as much as the fact that he was not the least winded from the exertion. His breathing was normal and his heart only beat slightly faster because of the exhilarating feeling of his hair bellowing in the wind and the air filling his lungs as he ran. He was changed. And it was not just surface level as he had hoped. But the most concerning part was that it felt good. It felt right. And that terrified him.

He shook his head and cast aside these feelings. He'll have plenty of time for contemplation later. Instead he pushed forward, through the last few thickets between his position and the campsite of Kaya and Ena. But when he entered the clearing he saw nothing. None of their camping gear was there, the fire has died out and the ashes have run cold, and of the horses only their hoofprints remained. This place had been empty for a while now. Jet snapped angrily at the demon in his head.
"How long?! How long have I been there?!"

"Five days and five nights."


"It takes time even for the Yozi to correct all the innumerable flaws in the pitiable human design."

"And you couldn't tell me sooner?!"

"You are the one who told me, rather rudely I might add, to shut up. So I did."
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Jet grabbed the closest tree and smashed his forehead into its trunk. The demon only mocked him as the act only hurt the Dynast himself.
"Go ahead. Give yourself a concussion. But the only way I'm leaving is if you bash your brains out Jet. Our lives are bound together forever. Look, I'm trying to help you but I can only do so if you let me."

"I fucking hate you."

"The feeling is mutual. But seeing as how we're stuck like this, it might be in our best interest to work things out?"


"Be my guest then."

Jet sighed. The horse tracks were at least still visible somewhat. There must not have been any heavy rain in the last five days to wash them away. They lead back in the direction of the estate. So that's where he headed. He started running again and made it all the way to the edge of the forest before he stopped. He felt like he could run all the way back to the manse but sprinting through several fields without stopping might look a bit odd, so he walked the rest of the way there. As he went however Markolab started annoying him again.

"Do. Do-doo-do-do. Do-doo-do-do. Badum-badum."

"Five minutes! Can you just shut up for FIVE! MINUTES?!"

"Sorry. All this... silence. It's nerve wracking. How can you live like this? Oh. Also, you might not want to shout like that, lest you want everyone to think you're a lunatic. I can hear your thoughts just fine."
Markolab tried to contain himself after that but he kept nervously humming to himself regardless. Jet sighed and just accepted that this is how it's going to be for a while now.

Thankfully as he got closer to civilization and passed several rice paddies he bumped into some of the Black Helms, the soldiers of the Realm riding on horseback as they patrolled the lands of the satrapy. As luck would have it they all received orders to look for him, so they wasted no time getting him on one of their horses and taking him back to House Catalas land. Once back, he was seated on a nearby bench and offered some water and dried meat to fill his belly with. While eating he saw his sister and fiancé rapidly approaching him. Kaya wore her jade armor and Ena had a buff-jacket on. It was clear they've been looking for him. Probably for five days straight now.

He put down his food and stood up to greet them but before he could say anything he received a painful slap on his right cheek. He knew he deserved that but it still hurt.
"Kaya I-"


His sister was filled to the brim with rage so much she was shaking. If he didn't know she was an Air aspect he'd think she was Fire with how steam seems to be escaping her nostrils as she huffs and puffs. Ena meanwhile appears shocked from Kayas sudden violent outburst but she's overall more calm and collected. In fact she appears to be waiting for his response so she could start piecing things together.
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Jet thinks for a second about how to respond. He's going to need all his social accumen to bluff his way out of this convincingly enough not to lead to a deeper investigation. But as he's wondering how he could pull that off he starts seeing glittering silvery flakes floating in the air. Kaya must've hit him harder than he thought because nobody else is reacting to them. But as he looks at the two girls through the shiny fog he can see or hear, or through some sense he can't quite describe, feel what it is they are expecting of him. Kaya, in her heart of hearts, only wants an apology. While Ena is looking for an explanation as to what happened.

Jet starts choking on his own tears as he tries to muster the strength to speak. It's all an act of course, but he feels like he must lean into it.
"I'm... sorry! I am a failure of a Dynast! I got up at night to go relieve myself and I saw some lights shining in the woods! In my foolishness I was bewitched and chased after them! Then I got lost! I'm... not fit to be called a Mnemon! I know it's unforgivable but I apologize for all the trouble I caused you!"

He then bowed as deep as he could while still shedding fake tears. With his eyes shut he awaited more chastising, perhaps a few more slaps. But instead he was raised up and Kaya gave him a big hug.
"Never... ever make me worried like that again. You got that?"

"I'm terribly sorry for what happened. It must've been a rogue god that led you astray. That would explain why we couldn't find any traces of your departure. Our family will make sure to hunt it down and punish it accordingly! But I'm pleased to see you managed to survive all alone."

Jet couldn't believe that worked. Meanwhile the demon in his mind let out a devious chuckle and boasted how it knew that hiding his traces would pay off. The boy accused the demon that it probably only did so to safely kill him should he refuse the offer. Markolab retorted that as a demon he wouldn't care if the mangled corpse of one of his victims was discovered, which the Dynast reluctantly accepted as a fair point.

But the young dynasts did not have the luxury to chat and catch up on what happened the past five days, as Lady Catala ordered Jet to be brought before her immediately. He did not relent and presented himself before the mistress of the house, where the same exact thing transpired. He was expected to give an explanation and Jet managed to read perfectly how she expected him. He submissively bashed himself and begged her for forgiveness. Despite never before acting in such a manner, Lady Catala was quick to believe him. He wasn't even acting particularly well and it still worked out. It simply did not make sense to him.
He was let go of and after excusing himself he went to take a hot bath to calm his nerves. With one last adjustment to his disguise he discarded the fake outfit and got in the bath “naked”. He was amazed by the sheer utility of that one trick.

“Just don’t get carried away. It’s useful but it can’t hide your anima. Use too much essence and your glory will shine through the shadow and unravel it. Same with combat. It can withstand some abuse but not a direct attack. So be careful. And wear actual disguises underneath if possible.”

“Anima? I have an anima?”

“Of course. But it’s not like the elemental ones you know. It bears the glory of the Yozi. The green flame of vitriol.”

Jet raised a hand out of the water as he fell silent.
“This is really it huh?”

“Don’t sell it short. You can not fathom the true power of the Yozi. And it is their power you were graciously given full access to. Already you’ve reaped the rewards of their blessing, yet you don’t even realize it.”

“That… I don’t even know what I did. I just knew what they wanted from me and went along with it. Then they just believed me without second guessing me once.”

“Mortals are willing to overlook much to get what they want. But yes. It surprised me too and now I understand why my masters were so keen on recruiting you. Your heart resonates with the Silver Forest. Already you use His techniques without even realizing. We’ll need to hone that talent of yours, refine it, so you may truly blossom into the perfect Green Sun Prince.”

“I’d rather die honestly.”

“Then do so. At least then someone who actually appreciates these gifts may receive it.”

But the demon might have a point. If he has these powers and he’s stuck with them, maybe it wouldn’t be too bad to learn how to wield them properly. And the sooner he understands what’s happening to his body the better. On the other hand with so many Dynasts around it definitely wouldn’t be a smart idea.

>Go out and practice a bit
>Lay low and stay out of trouble
>Find someone to train in more mundane ways instead (Whom?)
>Go out and practice a bit
>Lay low, but spend your time learning everything you can from Markolab through mental communication. There's too much you don't know, and the more you know the better.
Practice is too dangerous, but that doesn't mean we need to waste our time.
>Go out and find those blood apes, to practice and maybe ask a few question regarding this yozi hell stuff

I mean they are from hell. And the leading blood ape is probably gonna be less assholeish than this fucking beetle. Good lord did we fuck his family in our previous life or something?
>Lay low, but spend your time learning everything you can from Markolab through mental communication. There's too much you don't know, and the more you know the better.
Gonna +1 >>6038184 , some things are only learned by doing and we still do need questions answered.

BUT only if we have some more days on the region before going back. We can lay low and learn what our demon friend knows, and once we make sure there aren't some guards or anyone keeping an eye on us, we look out for the blood apes
>Lay low, but spend your time learning everything you can from Markolab through mental communication. There's too much you don't know, and the more you know the better.

Are we really sure we want to learn from Demons that are bound to our hosts? Their is surely a way they can get information from them, so if we're seen training with them and they ask the apes it's over.
They can hide and drink/party in their spare time which means their contract is probably really lax, also we're an exalted infernal of their gods, i'm sure they'll cover our ass if it comes. And it won't come because if we can bullshit our dissapearance for a five whole day we can bullshit meeting some apes, plus good practice too. AND there's no really no reason to ask them if nobody see us meeting them which we can definitely do.
It seems some training with demon frens is in order.
Roll 1d20, best of first 3 considered. You get a +1 for using both the apes and your coadjutor
Dc 10, Crit 14

Also update mightt be a bit scuffed today due to my VtM game
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

We're gonna become god this rate with these crits
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Just to get the third roll out of the way
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There once was a Maiden
She took one look at this
"Holy shit" she said
Jet sighed and reached for some scented oils to apply to his bath, which he hoped would help him relax. But he accidentally knocked the vial off the tub. He reached to grab it but missed, at least until his fingers bent backwards to grab the bottle regardless. For a moment he was terrified and got ready to scream, but it did not hurt one bit. He raises his hand and looks at it from different angles as he plays with the phial. The glass dances, twists and twirls between double jointed digits like it was floating atop water, and not held by flesh and blood fingers. Jet finally stops it and starts squeezing the bottle until it cracks. Shards of glass embed in his flesh but most fail to do anything more than surface level damage. He takes one of the larger fragments and tries to jam it into the tough skin. Once it draws blood he sees traces of silver glittering in his blood. He gives it a cautionary sniff, then a lick before spitting it into the tub.

He starts wiping his mouth clean.

"I forgot to mention but the "silver" in The Silver Forest stands for quicksilver. But do not worry. It's part of your flesh now and won't cause you harm. But should anyone try to eat you they are sure to receive a nasty surprise. It's also the source of the nimbleness in your fingers."

"Okay... maybe I do need to learn more about what's going on with me."

"Finally! Now I can start teaching you but I need you to have an open mind."

"Hold your horses. You must think I'm stupid to blindly trust a demon."

Jet waited for the wound on his palm to close, which happened almost immediately, before finishing up his bath. He put on some actual clothes and went to his chamber to await nightfall. Once the manse was quiet he made his way back down to the Catala laboratories where he found the blood apes before, and sure enough they were gorging themselves on their fermented blood again.

"You three seem to love slacking off."

The apes turn to face the intruder they failed to notice until now and their boss approaches him.
"Oh, it's you my lord. It's good to see you again. Did you receive the answers you sought?"

At this the lid pops off a golden jar that was resting on a nearby table and the Sesseljae leaps out of it, waving its little mandibles.

"I'm still on the fence about that. But Banatos did tell me much. Now I'm only wondering if you planned everything out from the start or if you're just an unwitting pawn like I am."

"Banatos? You mean an actual citizen answered your prayers? Yozis balls."
The boss sniffed the air curiously then backed off.
"Something's different about you. Yes. What happened five days ago?"
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Jet crossed his arms and looked at the Erymanthoi. All three of them seemed to have lowered their guard around him. Markolab informed him that it's due to a sympathetic link between it and the other demons. On some deeper level they recognize Jet as one of their own and thus are more open to him.
"That's frankly none of your business. But I do thank you for the strip. It was helpful. Now I'm here because I have some questions I need you to answer."

"O-Of course your excellency. How may we help?"

"You can start by telling me more about demons. I fear I'm woefully uneducated on the matter and I need to remedy that as soon as possible."

The Coadjutor scoffed.
"Them? You're seriously considering these vermin as valid sources of information?"

"You seem upset. But no, I don't consider them any more trustworthy than you. But I'll be able to tell when you're lying when you start saying differing things. Also they are your kin, are they not?"

"Bah. Only the way the Dragon-Blooded are still technically your kin. We may be demons but these mongrels are willingly selling themselves into servitude to those who are our enemy, who sealed our kind in Malfeas. They are traitors. One and all. The only way I can imagine them helping you is by using them as training dummies."

The boss meanwhile scratched his head.
"I'm not sure how much I can help your excellency. And to be frank, we should be careful. In this manse the walls have eyes and ears. The servants of Heaven prowl these halls and should they find out about you talking with us, who knows what they'll do to you. Especially since they likely interfered with your fate before."

Jet walked back to the hall and leaned against its wall, keeping one eye on the door.
"Let me worry about that. Now talk."

"O-kay? What would you like to know?"

"Let's start with something simple. What are the Yozi really? All I know are children's fairy tales."

The blood apes collectively hiss.
"That's... not an easy thing to explain."

"I got time."

"Sigh. I'll... try my best then. You may know the Yozi as the Demon Princes of Hell. But it's not that simple. The Yozi ARE Hell. Malfeas is not just another name for Hell. Malfeas is the Brass City, he's the king of demons and the king of all Yozi. Hell is his flesh and all demons, all other Yozi live within it, except his sister Cecelyne, the Endless Desert. She borders between her brother and Creation. And as her name implies she's endless. But that applies to all the Yozi. Each of them are effectively infinite in their size, might and knowledge. But all are subservient to Malfeas."

"And the demons?"

"We too are the Yozi."

"I don't follow."
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"How do I explain this... You see, there are only the Yozi in Hell. Them and Vitriol but that's not important now. Everything in Hell, that is not vitriol, is a piece of the Yozi. The buildings, the food, the wildlife and even us. There's something called the Descending Hierarchy in Hell. How each thing fits into the pecking order. At the very top, or bottom, however you look at it, are the Yozi themselves. Below them are the Unquestionable, the beings you know as Demons of the Third Circle. The Unquestionable are the souls of the Yozi."

"The Yozi have multiple souls?"

"S-So do you my lord."


Markolab nods in Jets mind.
"He's right, you know. Mortals have two souls."

The boss-ape continues.
"Yes. But back to the matter at hand. The Unquestionable are as their name implies. They are directly connected to the Yozi. Their orders are absolute and undeniable. And each of them are as mighty as the greatest gods in Heaven, perhaps more. They are unfathomably powerful. So much so that each of them have seven distinct souls expressing one facet of their being. These are Second Circle demons, the citizens of Hell. They must obey the Unquestionable but they still have several rights and can order us, "normal" demons around. We are demons of the First Circle. And our status is that of "serf". We have few rights, we must obey all laws and everyone above us in the Hierarchy. But it's still not as bad as being a slave or just a Malfean beast. They have no rights to speak of."

Jet asked Markolab if he had anything to add to that since he remained silent for all that.
"Only what these "tourists" wouldn't know. You actually have a place in the Hierarchy yourself. One the Yozi made especially for you. The status of "Peer". It comes with all the rights of a Citizen. With none of the obligations, save for obedience towards the Unquestionable and the Yozi."

"So much for not being a servant of the Demon Princes..."

"If you don't like it, simply don't go to Hell. But you would be missing out on your estate."

Jet shook his head and returned his attention to the apes.
"I think I lost my train of thought somewhere. How do you "commoner" demons relate to the Yozis actually?"

"We are made by Second and Third Circle demons, usually for specific purposes. The Yozi rarely make us. Consciously at least. If the Unquestionable are the souls of the Yozi, and the citizens are aspects of these souls, then you may see us as individual "thoughts" of the Yozi. Basically whenever gang wars break out in Malfeas it's one of the Demon Princes having an internal debate. Conflicting thoughts clashing against each other. And because we are so loosely connected to the Hierarchy we can die by the millions and it won't affect anything. But any significant change in a citizen or above will have an effect on the Yozi down the line."

"And how do you know all this? Do you have demon schools where they teach this or something?"
"No. Unlike mortals we are born knowing our place in the universe. The Yozi want us to know we are just small parts of a greater whole. This is a universal truth known to all of us."

Markolab still had nothing to add.
"I see. And could you tell me more about a Yozi in detail?"

"That's... significantly harder my lord. The Yozi are beyond our comprehension. And they don't look kindly on those who want to discover their secrets. I can give basic things about a few, like how Malfeas is the king of the Yozi, or how Cecelyne is their lawmaker. But beyond that we don't know much. And we don't wish to know."

"Do you know anything about one known Szoreny?"

"Aye. He's known as the Silver Forest. It's a, well, a forest of silver trees that are as reflective as mirrors, through which rivers of quicksilver flow. He's legendary for his patience. Beyond that however I can't tell you much my lord. While he's not as... bad as some others he's still quite dangerous. Only those demons who make their living as woodsmen frequent his woods, or those desperate for shelter. But I'm surprised you know of such an obscure Yozi my lord. As far as anyone's aware Szoreny hasn't done much since the end of the First War."

Jet was a bit surprised. The demons offered him even less resistance than the dynasts. Yet he did not use that trick on them. And his plan to cross-examine their stories failed spectacularly, as despite his vitriolic hate towards the supposed traitors Markolab completely agreed with everything the boss said. Either it's dogmatic knowledge that everyone knows, or a very thorough attempt at misdirection. Still, it did give him plenty to think about.

Markolab then spoke up.
"There's still a lot more. Like the age before the first, and a lot of fine details were left out. But that's the basic gist of the Yozi. Now imagine that these unfathomably huge beings chose you, out of all the dregs of humanity to pour their powers into. Don't you feel honored?"

"Yes. Very."

"Your sarcasm is-"
Markolab paused.
"Wait! Someone's coming. HIDE!"

The heavy door of the basement creaked open and a figure stepped in. Jet quickly looked for a place to hide and spotted the empty cupboard where the demons presumably store their keg of booze. It'd be a tight fit for a kid, but much too small for an adult. But he remembered the incident in the bath and dove in anyway before pulling the door on himself. His free-flowing joints allowed him to curl up into a ball like the best contortionist in a circus. It was still quite unnerving but unquestionably useful.

"What is the meaning of this?!"
An angry male voice demanded.

"Your most honored-"

"Enough! I don't want to hear it. I see you foul creatures misbehaving once more you are all going back to Hell! Am I understood?! Now... talk!"

"About what your excellency?"
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"Don't play dumb with me! A demon of the Second Circle entered Creation without summons and now Mnemon Jet is back five days after we lost track of him in the Loom of Fate! He clearly went to Hell! And now you're going to tell me how!"

"Erm... Master Wind. With the utmost respect. If he did go to Hell it would've taken him ten days to come back, not five."


The voice shouts angrily and storms out as abruptly as he came. Jet waited for a few minutes more just in case he came back and once the coast was clear he crawled out of his little hidey-hole. The boss let out an amused chuckle.
"Good thing this half-wit is dumb as a rock. Also, nice trick my lord."

"Thanks for not selling me out."

"Don't thank me. We're lucky that moron can't formulate precise commands. It allowed me to dodge the issue. But you really should consider leaving, young master. It seems that you have enemies here."

"Who's he?"

"The less you know, the better."

"Unless I'm mistaken it's a Sidereal."
Markolab chimes in.
"And as much as I loathe to admit it, the betrayer is right. We should leave first thing in the morning."

"Or I could pay him a visit."
Jet retorts.

"I highly advise against that. As much as I'd love to..."
The demon growls with malicious intent. Though he dislikes his traitorous kin, he positively loathes whatever this "Sidereal" is.

>"Fine. I'll arrange for a fare tomorrow."
>"Let's see if we can get the drop on him."
>"Fine, I'll arrange for a fare tomorrow."
Our demon buddy seems scared, even with the progress we've made. With that in mind, we should skedaddle. We can come back once we've got some more Essence.
>"Fine. I'll arrange for a fare tomorrow."
>"Fine. I'll arrange for a fare tomorrow."
>"You seem distraught marko, how dangerous was that sidereal exactly?"

Guess we can roll into a ball like sonic now.
>"Only what these "tourists" wouldn't know. You actually have a place in the Hierarchy yourself. One the Yozi made especially for you. The status of "Peer". It comes with all the rights of a Citizen. With none of the obligations, save for obedience towards the Unquestionable and the Yozi."
isn't that the same as a 2nd circle demon ? I thought we'd be higher.
>"Fine. I'll arrange for a fare tomorrow."
Rolled 49 (1d100)

>>"Let's see if we can get the drop on him."
Yes, Second Circle but woth no laws applying to you other than "do what a yozi tells you to". Even the orders of a Third Circle can be ignored should you have more pressing things at hand (such as a Yozis orders)
>"Fine. I'll arrange for a fare tomorrow."
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Specifically you can squeeze into tight spaces half as big as your body.
As you grow in power this will increase up to one tenth. So you'll be able to go through holes like a pillar man from JoJo
>Yes, Second Circle but woth no laws applying to you other than "do what a yozi tells you to".
from that text, that looks like what every other 2nd circle has to do, except with the possibility of also ignoring 3rd circle orders, depending on context, like you put here.
I did not want to write about Hell law in detail until we get there because it is complicated. But let's just say that while Serfs suffer the worst abuse, Citizens also have a lot of things to watch out for (like not learning verboten information, unless they want to get yeeted into the Stratosphere)

Hell law is... Byzantian to say the least and intentionally contradicts itself. It's very funny

For example:
-It's illegal not to know the law.
-It's illegal for everyone but Cecelynes priests to use or even look at the color azure (it's her sacred color)
Now guess what color the laws are written in.

The purpose of this is that everyone at all times is breaking at least some laws. Even if they try their best not to. Most are never punished for these minor transgressions. But when someone fucks up big time they are hit with a list of crimes that's miles long and then punished accordingly.

This is because Cecelyine believes the strong may do as tey please and abuse those weaker than her as they please. That's the only law that actually matters.
This wasn't always the case though. She used to be a lawful, just and fair judge. Then the Exalted happened, broke all of her laws and suffered precisely none of the cosmically ordained punishment for it. And this broke her
>>"Fine. I'll arrange for a fare tomorrow."
>The purpose of this is that everyone at all times is breaking at least some laws. Even if they try their best not to. Most are never punished for these minor transgressions. But when someone fucks up big time they are hit with a list of crimes that's miles long and then punished accordingly.
I see, it's indeed funny for gameplay
>This is because Cecelyine believes the strong may do as tey please and abuse those weaker than her as they please. That's the only law that actually matters.
>This wasn't always the case though. She used to be a lawful, just and fair judge. Then the Exalted happened, broke all of her laws and suffered precisely none of the cosmically ordained punishment for it. And this broke her
wait, so there's a capital C exalted ? interesting
>capital C exalted
Big C is a yozi you dumb dumb
mistyped, capital E. there's an original/first exalted that surpasses all ?
"Are you saying I'd be safer on the Blessed Isle as an Anathema?"

"Positive. As you've seen already, a mere Dragon-Blooded has quite a hard time piercing your disguise. And ironically there are probably less Sidereals on the Blessed Isle than here."

"How come?"

"There's a limited number of them. At any given time there can only be a hundred of these fuckers in Creation. But usually it's less since not all of them are incarnated at the same time. That's 100 for the totality of Creation, as such they are stretched pretty thin. Because of that they actually don't spend much time on the Isle, being one of the safest, most stable places in Creation."

"Why so few?"

"I don't know. Ask the Maidens."


"Sigh. The Incarna of the Sidereals. The Five Maidens. The Solars have Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun as a patron. The Lunars have Luna, the moon. The Sidereals have the Maidens. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They are the maidens of Journeys, Serenity, Battles, Secrets and Endings respectively."

"I've never heard of them before."

"That's because they don't need to be known. The Incarnae are the greatest of gods, and have portfolios so vast it does not matter if you worship or even know about them. Every step of a journey is a silent prayer to Mercury, every thrust between a woman's legs is an offering to Venus. Simple as."

Jet shook his head.
"You know I still only get about half the words you're saying, right? But fine. We'll do things your way for now."

"I'm glad you can see reason. And I apologize. I haven't been very active in Creation since the end of the First Age. It's surprising for me too how far mortals have fallen in just a thousand years, that you don't even know the names of the greatest gods in Heaven."

Jet parted ways with the demons, and surprising even himself, wished them good luck as he did. He snuck back to his chamber and tried to get himself some rest. The next day he apologized profusely to Lady Catala for nearly putting her into a difficult political situation. He then used that as an excuse to return home to the Blessed Isle earlier than scheduled. Tearfully he parted with his sister and swore that he'd come visit soon, while also telling Ena that he hopes the two of them will be able to spend some time together without any problems.
Later Jet managed to find a ship en-route to the Blessed Isle and bribed the captain to let him sail with them. Those couple days of travel allowed him the time necessary to finally calm down and somewhat come to terms with his new condition. When he landed back home his first thing was to meet up with Yuen at their dorm in the Spiral. The patrician commented how much better he looked, and that the vacation clearly did him some good. This confused the dynast. He thought his disguise was perfect. And indeed it was when he checked himself in a mirror. But there was something obviously different about him. He looked carefree, relieved. It was evident. The stress of not being chosen by the dragons no longer weighed on his heart. And as much as he loathed to admit it, as much as he knew it was a wrong and immoral thing, he actually liked it when the demon living in his soul referred to him as an Exalt.

This weird mixture of pleasure and revulsion only strengthened as he returned to academic life. He had a much easier time with his studies. The deluge of information his teachers crammed into their heads was much easier to digest, the complex matters simply clicked for him without any real effort. If he wanted to he could easily soar to the top of the Spirals charts. But such rapid and noticeable improvement would've attracted unwanted attention. Instead he climbed the ranks by making those above him fail. With the same tricks he used at House Catala he wormed his way into the inner circle of those with better scores than him. Each and every one of them fell to his honeyed words, telling them how great they are. And in their contentment they all ceased working hard. But none of them could piece together that he had something to do with their downfall. Even those, who saw this happen from the outside and shook their head in disbelief how some people could be so gullible still fell for the same trick.

It was this repeated, slow dismantling of others that gave Jet an epiphany. He understood what was going on. The mercury that tainted his flesh was not just a very literal poison, but a metaphysical force. He himself was a silver mirror. When someone looked at him they opened their hearts to him and saw not a reflection of the truth but of what they wanted to see. And so long as he played into those assumptions people were leaving themselves open for his manipulation. It was insidious.

And the demon in his heart laughed at it.
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It's the power of envy, he was taught. While he learned in his youth that the Dragon-blooded invoke the power of the elements to bolster their abilities he merely needed to imitate the Yozi, in his case Szoreny, and the essence stirring within him would grant him power. So long as he acted to exceed others, either by overcoming them or dismantling them, he would succeed. It was hard to wrap his head around it. But not hard to use. He always acted with the refined dignity of nobility, of someone who was born better than others. And he was bitterly jealous of those who received the blessings he thought were his by right. He simply needed to lean into those urges.

With that he soared to the very top of his class, as everyone above him plummeted down. Even Yuen reaped great rewards from his machinations as he rose to the ranks of the top ten after the yearly exams. But they could not give their achievements the proper celebration they deserved. They planned on hosting a party not much after they got their results. Sadly grim news spread all across the Blessed Isle, sapping everyone's good mood.

It started with a baseless rumor that was as unbelievable as preposterous. But over the course of days more and more evidence came to light, until finally the Deliberative came forth and confirmed everyone's suspicions. The city of Thorns has fallen.

Thorns was an imperial satrapy, but the populace always considered themselves a proper part of the Realm through and through. They were the most loyal subjects of the Empress, and were probably the center of culture outside the Isle itself. Known for its elegance, refinement and skill at the fine arts, Thorns was a popular vacation spot for the wealthy of the Realm. And now it was gone, besieged, taken. By scores of the vengeful dead nonetheless.

Horror stories spread throughout the Blessed Isle of how one night the hungry dead and scores of undead nightmares rose up in a great and terrible army, led by a new breed of strange, black Anathema and how they took the city in a single night. The heroic Dragon-blooded defenders were all slaughtered, those who dared to still resist were put to the stake. And once none were left to stand against the tides of the dead a walking mountain of shambling, dead meat moved on the city. This behemoth carried on its back a dark castle, which spread a dark miasma over the city. Thorns became what's known as a Shadowland, a place where Creation and the Underworld intersect. Here ghosts and other abyssal abominations could linger without having to fear the cleansing power of the sun.

This was unheard of. Never before have the dead risen up in such armies, nor could they turn entire regions into Shadowlands before. These new "Abyssal" Anathema were also quite worrying. But the worst thing was that the Empress did not return from her exile to turn the full might of the Realm on these abominations. She was truly gone, and her Realm now had to deal with whatever this was.
Jet and Yuen were sitting at a tea house, drinking plum wine since their plans at a party were so ruined.
"Of all the Dragons damned time. I even managed to invite Argent Cherry Blossom too. I think I really had a chance with her."

"Well better lay those ambitions to rest. I think she's from Thorns. Pour me another."

"Sure. Hey, Jet, they will surely mobilize the legions, right? I mean they can't let this slide. This is a tragedy! Thorns is our ally!"

"Tributary. And no, they won't. That's propaganda. The Houses already started cannibalizing the legions. None of them will lift a finger because they think the moment they do, someone else will make a move on the vacant Scarlet Throne."


The two of them kept silently drinking, alongside the dozen or so other patrons who were also trying to process this day of grievous tragedy. Seizing the momentary quiet Jet turned his attention inward.

"What's up?"

"You've been unusually quiet. Not even one snide comment about mortal suffering."

"I didn't want to ruin your drinking. I got manners."

"Sure. Anyway, I wanted to ask something. What if I said I wanted to go to Thorns and clean it out?"

"Listen Jet. Under any other circumstances, if you said "let's go conquer a land, have the men driven before us and listen to the lamentation of their women" you'd have my complete support. It'd beat listening to lectures about economics and law. But we really don't want to go there."

"Again? First the Sidereals, now this? What happened to the "phenomenal power" I was promised?"

"You haven't learned how to use it yet. And even if you did, they have armies, artifact weapons, engines of war and behemoths. You don't. They'd swarm you with hordes of undead, mire you in corpses and have their Exalted champions swoop in for the finishing blow. Standard First Age tactic."

"These are ghosts and rotting corpses. I don't think they know such tactics."

"Oh but believe me, they do. The one responsible for this assault is an ancient and powerful ghost from the First Age. I have no doubt the prick will even give us his name once he takes full control of the city and starts lording over it."

"And just how do you know about that?"


"Markolab! I don't appreciate being deceived!"

"I'm not! I'm not! Listen Jet, I'm withholding information for your own good! You're just getting comfortable using essence in any meaningful capacity. And you said you wanted to focus on finishing your studies to maintain appearances. I did not want to overwhelm you with too much information! I will tell you everything when circumstances permit."

Jet scoffed internally. He learned he can't really pry any answers from his Coadjutor when he gets like that.
"Fine... then what do you recommend?"

"Just ignore it. It does not concern us."
>"You do keep saying I need combat experience." (Exalted Powercombat)
>"I don't need to go there personally to help them." (Fund a resistance effort)
>"Okay. But what if I tried to profit off of the situation?" (Establish trade with Thorns)
>"Fine. I guess I'll focus on my studies for now."
Ah. I thought you were talking about Cecelyne as well.
Capital E Exalted usually refers to the Exalted Host as a whole (as in all of them). Though there technically were those who came first.
The original Dragon-Blooded had pure blood (like Jet) and they always only produced Dragon-Blooded children. But had to breed among each other and were forbidden from mating with mortals.
Some of the First survived the First War and were the most prominent figures in all Creation for thousands of years. One of them was Queen Merela, Bride of the Unconquered Sun and the one He named Queen of the Exalted
>>6039990>We should study and try to understand our new powers because as of now we're too weak
Fuck why did it format like that
Anyways i'm proposing we train
>"You do keep saying I need combat experience." (Exalted Powercombat)

>"I don't need to go there personally to help them." (Fund a resistance effort)
>"I don't need to go there personally to help them." (Fund a resistance effort)
>"Okay. But what if I tried to profit off of the situation?" (Establish trade with Thorns)

I like money
>"Fine. I guess I'll focus on my studies for now."
We need to train before we can do anything else. We must be ready. Then, only then, will Hell meet Death on the field of battle.
>"Knowledge is Power, Markolab." (Fund a research expedition to find out more about this new threat, and possibly bring back some interesting finds.)
Could get an artifact from there, if the expedition is lucky and careful enough. Or maybe something less tangible but no less valuable.
Sorry frens, no update today. Summer heat poaching my brain real hard. Couldn't write a word today. I'll see if I can get something cobbled together for tomorrow
Hang in there and gets some water, okay?
it's fine QM anyway it's a tie

Training has 2 votes so does the resistance
That's fine. We can do a bit of both
I'm not complaining about we stall for time and become more powerful
fuck i can't write for shit
“You do keep saying I need combat experience. Fine. I guess I'll stay put for now. But I'm surprised how non-confrontational you are for a demon."

"Sigh. I know it's hard to believe but I want only what's best for you Jet. I'm not against fighting. I'm against you doing it until you're prepared. I gave up what life I had to let you ascend, not that I had a say in the matter mind you. But now this is all I have left, being a voice in your head and the fourth soul beating in your chest. If you die, I die. So I want to make sure you're ready for whatever it is you want to do. Afterwards I'll gladly help you achieve whatever it is you desire."

Jet sighed and returned his attention to the real world.
"Owner. Another bottle for our table."

The two continued until Yuen got violently drunk. Apparently he was really looking forward to his party. Jet, still sober enough thanks to his altered physiology, paid the owner of the establishment and escorted his friend back to his estate. Along the way he had to hold the patrician back from picking several fights but thankfully he managed to avoid all physical altercations with a few well placed words. At Yuens place he introduced himself to his family before letting the house servants take care of their very drunk, very unconscious young master.

The following day however Jet was second guessing himself as he did his usual paper-pushing. He'd been sitting on his laurels a bit too much as of late. That needed to change. He took the coin he usually skimmed off the top of certain transactions and started pondering. What he was doing was illegal, sure, but everyone and their mothers was doing it at the Thousand Scales, and even in the Spiral, should they possess the skill needed to get away with it. He can be - nay, he should be - better than all others. He's going to put that money to good use. Instead of filling his own pockets he started diverting the scrip to places that might make better use of it than filling the coffers of the already opulent houses. Small settlements surrounding Thorns received small parcels with anonymous letters stating that they should use these extra funds to secure themselves against the encroaching dead. Some even made their way to groups that were rumored to help the still living populace of Thorns by smuggling some of them out of their blighted homeland. Now these packages were but a paltry sum, and nothing guaranteed that any of it was actually being used to stave off or help Thorns, but he hoped it helped at least someone.

Meanwhile he redoubled his training efforts, this time fully immersing himself in Markolab and his demonic teachings. Risks be damned.
"What options do I have to get stronger?"

"Lots. What are you good at?"

"I know the basics of combat, archery and horseback riding. Like all other Dynasts. But I'm no soldier. I never had combat experience."
"That's irrelevant. You'll get plenty. We just need to ensure you survive it. How do you feel about sorcery?"

"I know next to nothing about it, aside seeing my relatives use it."

"Hmmm. You'll need to at least dabble in it, but we can put it off for now. You'd need to refine your control of essence first anyway. We could get you some artifacts."

"How? "Mortals" are forbidden from owning jade. And all relics are owned by the Empress and leased out, or are made and kept sealed in vaults by the Houses. There's no way I can steal any of them."

"Are you sure you just don't want to steal from your family?"
Markolab mocked him.
"But alright. How about gold? We could refine that into Orichalcum and you could craft some weapons for yourself."

"Unlikely. Gold is banned in most lands, since the Anathema are attracted to it. Only gold you see is in some rare pieces of jewelry, and even that's heavily cut."

"Hmmmm. Then we're out of options on the Magical Material front. For Moonsilver we'd need access to the Wyld. And there's no way to manufacture Starmetal. Forget about Soulsteel, it's not worth the trouble. We could go to Hell and get you some proper Hellforged weapons but I guess you're still reluctant about that."
The demon pondered.
The only thing left to rely on are martial arts."

"Can you teach me those?"

"Heh. I thought you'd never ask!"

It was then that Jet started devoting himself to the art of the fist. He had practiced some martial arts before, but it was more like a part of daily exercise for him, not something to seriously engross himself in. And magical martial arts were a different beast entirely from the mundane techniques he knew. There are as many styles of fighting as there are stars in the sky, yet barely anyone knows the name of any of them, nor do they care. Not when those practicing the true arts can shatter buildings with one hand.
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At the Realm only the people in the Cloister of Wisdom and the Immaculate Order may legitimately practice magical martial arts. Enlightened mortals and Exalted of middling skill practice lesser styles, Markolab calls these "Terrestrial Martial Arts", such as Five-Dragons Style. While those Dragon-blooded who are truly immaculate learn the five great elemental styles, which the demon refers to as "Celestial Martial Arts". The difference according to the Coadjutor is that Terrestrial arts are more of an introduction to the true arts. They are simple mortal fighting techniques but enhanced with essence for slightly magical effects, such as throwing a punch and having some fire come out. While Celestial arts are about studying the essence flow of certain things and learning to emulate them fully, such as certain animals like tigers, or the elements like fire. Mastery of a Celestial Art is more than learning how to pounce like a tiger or bite like a snake. It's to mold one's own essence to mimic these things. In doing so one attains certain kinship with these things. The serpents of the world become the sifu and kin of a Snake Style master and so on.

The martial art he's to learn is called "Hero style". Less a martial art and more of a way how a certain type of exalt fights most naturally while unarmed. The Dragon-blooded have Terrestrial Hero Style, Solars have Solar Hero Style and the list goes on.
"-yours is called Infernal Monster Style. Or Infernal Hero Style if you have a taste for irony. Heh."

But no matter how he called it Jet absolutely despised learning the style. Each night he spent repeating the katas, practicing on dummies, punching rocks and meditating on his own essence. All of that bore fruit. His punches became faster, stronger and more precise. But he could not make any headway on mastering the Infernal Monster Style. What’s worse, his frustration only mounted as the Realms troubles multiplied seemingly each day. More and more Anathema sightings are reported, and with the Houses consolidating all their power on the Isle the Wyld Hunt meant to cull them could not do its job. One of these Anathema, the so-called Bull of the North, grew so powerful up North that he started building a petty kingdom for himself.

When House Tepet finally had enough of this beast and dispatched their legion to take care of it, the result was a disaster. Most of the Tepet Legion was slaughtered, meaning the militaristic house lost most of its scions. Already people are talking of how the once prestigious and highly respected family might be doomed to die out. If the Empress was around such a thing never would’ve happened.

“ARGH! This is maddening!”

“Calm down Jet!”
“Isn’t there any way I can do this damned thing faster?! I’m sick and tired of feeling useless as the Realm, my home, goes to shit!”

“There is always a way. It’s just a matter of paying the price. If you deepened your connection to the Yozi we could use their benediction to elevate you to higher levels.”


“Well… off the top of my head I see three ways that don’t involve changing trajectories outright. Malfeas is the king of the Yozi, Hell itself. He’s rage incarnate but also authority, regality, nobility. While he can’t help you get Infernal Monster faster, his unmatched might will be a great substitute until you master the style and an even better addition to it later. Meanwhile you could stick with Szoreny. You’ve shown great skill with his social techniques. Perhaps his more combat oriented abilities will also fit you well. The Silver Forest is deadly on top of being duplicitous.”

“And the third?”

“That’s a bit out there. Lady Cecelyne could allow you to cheat your way into power.”


“She is the lawmaker of the Yozi. She is domineering, patient and ruthless. She’s the Endless Desert. She usually fights by slowly building up her strength so she can crush her opposition utterly in one fell swoop. But she’s also endlessly giving. Supposedly she can grant the wishes of mortal men, should they find themselves lacking. For a price. If you managed to learn that, you could simply grant yourself the skills you desire. And since you are the one granting wishes, you can just elect not to collect the price for it!”

The cogs started turning in Jet’s head.
“What’s the catch? That can’t possibly be real! If it was-”

“Look. I don’t know every secret of the Yozi. I just know what I heard in legends and what they’ve given me. So? Which one sounds more appealing?”

>Malfeas (Pure might, aggression and green hellfire)
>Szoreny (Quicksilver speed, multiple limbs and alchemy)
>Cecelyne (Sand powers and Wish granting)
>Szoreny (Quicksilver speed, multiple limbs and alchemy)

It's the only way really.
Thhe fastest way through heaven is by consuming copious amount of pills and drugs
>Cecelyne (Sand powers and Wish granting)
>Szoreny (Quicksilver speed, multiple limbs and alchemy)

I see the wishes mightily biting us in the ass later. And while I didn't want the infernal exalt, I can at least appreciate we have freedom which I don't know we can still keep with certain wishes.
They wouldn't. Effectively you become the genie.
While there is a price to be paid for each wish, that price is paid to you. The price being "One task the recipient must complete or actively work towards at least one hour every day for a year and a day"
This is the initial price. It can grow later.
And, as said before, you don't owe yourself anything

Szoreny alchemy is fun. Healing and a bunch of other stuff, at the cost of mercury poisoning. That is to say, toxic to everyone but you
>Szoreny (Quicksilver speed, multiple limbs and alchemy)

I'm fine with either. But cecelyne does, truly, sound absolutely bullshit.
We gotta give 'em the multi-arm beatdown.
>Szoreny (Quicksilver speed, multiple limbs and alchemy)
Szoreny won in a landslide victory
Prepare for silver roots up your arse
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“Szoreny worked well for me so far. I’d rather not deviate for now.”

“As you wish. But first, a story. There once was - not a maiden for a change - but a tree. It was the first thing that could be called a tree. There never was, nor will there ever be another tree as tall or magnificent as it. That tree was Szoreny, The World Tree. His silver branches reached higher than heaven, and grasped ever higher. The Silver Tree bore leaves and flowers of cinnabar that were said to cure all maladies of the world. Even death. It was perhaps for this reason that after the First War, the victorious Exalts, jealous of his magnificence and fearing his power, inverted great Szoreny as they plunged him into Hell. It was so that his magnificent corona was forever hidden from the world, that no matter how much he tries to grow now all he ever achieves is digging himself further into the bedrock of Malfeas. Now only his roots stick out of the ground, reaching for the green sun of hell so that one day they may reflect a fraction of his former magnificence. And it is so that these roots became known as The Silver Forest.”
Markolab chuckled.
“Well. Are you prepared to take on that mantle?”

The training was a lengthy and involved process. But it was going to be, no matter what he chose. He first learned how to secrete vapors with a faint floral smell from his pores. When inhaled it poisoned him with mercury, but since he was mostly immune to it Jet only received mild shakes and headaches from it. But the upside was that it helped speed up his already rapid recovery immensely. Muscle sores, wounds and broken bones that can take hours or days now recover in minutes. That helped speed up his training but it was not enough.

With mild alterations to the essence pattern of the vapors they could also provide additional benefits, such as pain relief or a stimulant that helped him stay awake for a full seven days with no sleep, at the cost of crashing afterwards for a full 24 hours. This way Jet had much, much more time at his hand and the drug fueled haze helped maintain his focus until he developed methods that are more directly useful in combat. But in hindsight he may have regretted that.

One day as he was turning a training dummy into splinters one of the pieces of it ricocheted off the ground and threatened to gouge one of his eyes out. The piece of wood was stopped however when a silvery arm sprouted from his back and snatched it out of the air. It was an odd sensation. The mercury that’s been building up in his system burst through his skin, out the back. But it did not cause him pain, nor did it feel odd at all. It was like he always had that limb, he just did not know it.
Through practice he learned how to do it on command. At first he could only make one, then two, then four. That was his current limit he found, but he was capable of easily replacing them should he lose any. The limbs were strong, unnaturally dextrous and looked like tree roots and branches coated in silver, but mimicking the structure of human arms. And they were quite deadly in close combat. This pleased Jet greatly, but it was still not ideal. These alien limbs were not subtle in the slightest. They will have to do however.

Now finally feeling like he’s sufficiently equipped and comfortable with his abilities Jet returned his attention to his studies. He kept doing what he always was, remaining firmly situated at the top of his class and kicking down anyone who thought they were good enough to challenge him. Thus his success was no longer a matter of chance. It was guaranteed. It was not really satisfying, but he was content. Finally things were as they always should’ve been.

But with his successful graduation at the Spiral it was time to turn his attention to matters of the Dynasty and his own bloodline. Lady Mnemon asked for him to present himself. Frankly he had little interest in the summons, but it’s not like one can ignore the call of the house founder. So he went through the trouble of presenting himself for the crowd, all prim and proper. It was a chore. A hundred faces, none of which knew him, offering congratulations while they thinly veil their disdain for the “unexalted” member of the family.

Jet ignored them and made his way to Mnemons private garden, where she awaited him. She was seated at a small table, with one free chair available to him on the opposing side. A bound blood ape, wearing the finest silk robes offered them refreshments.
“Ah, welcome Jet. Please, sit.”

“As you wish.”

He sat down at his designated spot and took a cup of rice spirit from the demon, just to meet expectations. Then Mnemon began her speech.
“I must congratulate you, my grandson. It’s not every day I can welcome one of my brood who managed to unquestionably dominate their generation. Your performance at the Spiral Academy is nothing short of inspirational.”

“Thank you, Grand Mother. I aim to please.”

“And yet…”
She glared at him.

“I do not control the elemental dragons, honored one. If they say I am not worthy, who am I to gainsay them?”
Jet's words oozed with the mercurial toxicity of Szoreny. His venerable progenitor expects adherence to the faith but wants the intelligence to question them. His snide remarks are pleasing to her ears. But Mnemon isn’t like the leader of a simple bloodline, she will not be so easily swayed.

“True enough.”
She withdraws a piece of pristine white jade from her person and sets it on her table. It bears Jets name, alongside the following words “Power through knowledge, mastery through rigor and conquest through diligence”. The motto of the House. She let out a weary sigh.
“I swear to myself every time I stop doing this. But once in a while a prodigy like you shows up, which compels me to make one of these in advance. Now I’ll have to melt it down to be reused. Such a shame. I had high hopes for you.”

“I am sorry I could not meet them. But I will remain a loyal member of the house and despite my limited capabilities I’ll do whatever is in my power to support us. And I’m sure my sister will more than make up for my lacking performance.”

“Maybe. But I wanted a proper scion, not a Cathak thug.”
She took the jade tile back and pressed a button on the table, which unfolded into a game board.
“Let us discuss your future over a game, shall we?”

“I do not play Gateway.”

“Humor me for a moment.”

Reluctantly Jet agrees and places his pieces on the board, opposing Mnemon. He thought long and hard about how to approach this but Markolab was quick to remind him of an uncomfortable detail.
“Jet… be careful. Do not use too much essence or your disguise will break!”

“I know.”
He replied in his mind as Mnemon took the first move. One talon of soldiers forward. A classic beginning. He decided to mirror her opening.

“Are you intimidated?”

“I am. And I think if a move is good enough for you mistress, it’s good enough for me.”

“Flattery ill suits you.”
Another move from Mnemon. A cavalry unit moves onto a gateway. She seeks to open up the game board further to make it harder for him to plan ahead.
“Now… what shall I do with you?”

Jet copies her move again.
“I thought you’d have something in mind for just such an occasion.”
“Normally I would. But these aren’t normal times. My mothers disappearance, a resurgence of Anatheme on a scale never seen before, the sacking of Thorns and the destruction of the Tepet legions… Each of these alone would be enough to make one reconsider their existing plans. Together they breed chaos and uncertainty.”
She moves one of her generals out from the rear and into the front. A bold move.
“And here we have you. A mortal that defied all expectations and managed to exceed even the best exalted dynasts. Do you know how unprecedented that is? The curriculum of the five schools is such that it pushes an exalts capabilities to their limit. And you beat them. Frankly I don’t know what to do with you. So please, enlighten me. What am I to do with you?”

Bullshit. Jet thought. Mnemon of all people not having a plan in mind is ridiculous. She’s testing him. Plain and simple. Perhaps it is simple curiosity, perhaps suspicion and perhaps it’s nothing at all and he’s simply imagining things. But that is unlikely.
“Well we should proceed with the arranged marriage. First things first. Losing face now by re-negging an established arrangement would be ill advised.”

“Obviously. But we’re still at a net loss, since now we are the ones who have to pay a dowry instead of the other way around.”
She sighs.
“Not like it matters anyway. You’re still just a mortal. In a few decades you’ll wither and die. Your children may exalt but their true value is that they’ll be a secure point between Ledaal and I. So I ask you, Mnemon Jet. What do I do with you beyond that?”

It’s obvious she doesn’t give a damn about him, with the mayfly life she expects him to have. She was interested in how she should proceed with the looming civil war according to him.

>Inner focus. Concentrate on solidifying your hold on the Blessed Isle like everyone else
>Expansion. We should focus on spreading our influence in these tumultuous times

Also roll 1d20 for your chess results.
First three rolls are considered. dc 15
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>Consolidation of power, Pool what allies she wishes and use them to take out Tepet's house and take their resources. Their generation is lost, and removing their power would open up a wider slice of the pie on the isle. Either millitant or economic domination.

Offer a target and then a viable way to hit that target.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Expansion. We should focus on spreading our influence in these tumultuous times

Expanding our roots slowly but surely. Also this whole mercury is gonna let us do this in the future
>"Why won't you die jet!"
>"Mercury, sidereal. It heals me in response to physical trauma"
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Consolidation of power, Pool what allies she wishes and use them to take out Tepet's house and take their resources. Their generation is lost, and removing their power would open up a wider slice of the pie on the isle. Either millitant or economic domination.
>Expansion. We should focus on spreading our influence in these tumultuous times
What the fuck, don't teamkill you retards. House Mnemon would get turbofucked if they went after Tepet. It's a massive prestige loss.
>Expansion. We should focus on spreading our influence in these tumultuous times

Having seen one House fail spectacularly everyone else will be much less inclined to expand. This is a failing of their reliance on the Empress ingrained over centuries. Capitalize on the connection between Ledaal and Mnemon while it still exists and expand into areas that will give House Mnemon and its allies the ability to function even as more of the Empire's organs start to fail. Resources, industry, skilled and interesting people, the ability to carry out policy. Have people in place that can salvage what is worth saving from the Empire's government assets and use it until it falls apart. Gather enough influence to place an agreeable temporary Regent on the Throne and delay a civil war until we are strong enough that it is no longer a question of -if- House Mnemon should hold the Throne, but -when-.
Honestly this, according my vast readings of shitty chinese stories. We can't take from them unscathed cause no matter how weak they're still a militaristic house, a wounded tiger is the most dangerous beast with nothing to lose and everything to gain. And if we do what to say other houses aren't vying for the treasure waiting for the chance to surprise us from behind while we're busy exposing our backs to them. I say we take it slow, like what szoreny would have wanted.
>“Normally I would. But these aren’t normal times. My mothers disappearance[...]"
I thought our granny was the one who dissapeared
>Expansion. We should focus on spreading our influence in these tumultuous times
first time for a failure
The Empress is Mnemons mother, making her Jets great-great grandmother
Okay expansion wins
Jet focused on the game for a bit while collecting his thoughts. He wanted to follow Mnemon beat for beat and only switch at the very end to deliver a finishing blow, but already he started feeling essence fever. If he kept pushing it with the szorenic tactics he might give himself away. So he changed his approach.

“Going after my front lines? A bit unorthodox. You do know that to win one must take out the officers, correct?”

“Do not underestimate the humble footsoldier. They are the ones that officers are made from. And if you lose them, you lose your way to recover from your losses.”

Several turns pass, more and more theaters are opened. All in total four more boards are attached to the main one, being held up by copper rods, representing the gateways connecting them to the main battlefield. Mnemons forces lie exhausted, her frontlines broken. But this maneuver demanded everything from Jet, his army is in shambles. The elder of the house leans back in her chair and smiles smugly.
“An interesting idea. But you forgot that the main purpose of pawns is to be sacrificed for victory.”

Jet sighed.
“Indeed. It seems that I miscalculated. Sadly I’m no Ledaal Kes.”

That verbal jab ticked her off. There was a rumor spreading not too long ago that she challenged the Gateway prodigy to a game, and lost miserably to him.
“Well hopefully it gave you enough time to formulate an answer to my previous question. Or were you so absorbed by this little game you already forgot about it?”

“Of course not, my apologies. I just prefer focusing on one thing at a time.”
He crossed his arms and looked his great-grandmother in the eyes. Maybe it’s the years of experience he gained since last meeting her but she does not look nearly as insurmountable as before. Though in all honesty it’s most likely the green exaltation secretly beating in his chest.
“If we may drop the pretense for a moment… I think that we, as in the House, have two potential avenues to take. Because all other roads are already taken by the others, sometimes by multiple ones. The first is to go after the remnants of House Tepet and cannibalize them before others do, or before the Bloodline withers away, taking all their resources with them to the grave. At least that way parts of their legacy can be preserved. And it’d give us an edge over the other houses.”

“That’s rather bold.”

“And risky. No matter their condition, the Tepets are still warriors. They’d rather go down fighting to the last man. Not to mention that the populace still likes them. Tepets legend has been tarnished but it’s not gone. Should anyone see an attempt at a hostile takeover they’ll use that as a casus belli against us and come to “rescue” the venerable Tepets. And when that happens civil war will break out. A perfect opportunity to make a grab for power. But again, it’s a gamble.”

“And the other?”
Jet took a piece from the gameboard, a footsoldier and started looking at it intently.

“Expansion? We are at the cusp of a civil war, best from enemies on all sides and our own brethren are consolidating power. And you want me to make investments?”

“No. I’m not telling you to inject money into future projects that may not have the time to turn a profit. By all logic, draining the satrapies of all their worth while it’s still possible is the only correct option. But only if one thinks in the short term. Taking the Scarlet Throne is easy. Any house could’ve done it already. Keeping it isn’t. This Civil War won’t be a violent takeover that will take a day. It’s going to be a long, brutal and drawn out thing. And while that’s happening, the territories in the Threshold that were extorted will see the Realms grip slipping, and all of them will rebel. Maybe it won’t come to that. Maybe a new Empress or Emperor will be crowned without any problems, maybe the satrapies won’t be able to do anything in the face of Realm peacekeepers. But if we aren’t supremely lucky the Realm will have a long and hard journey ahead of it.”

“So what do you suggest?”

“At the moment the strongest contenders are House Ragara with all their money. House Cathak with popular support. And of course, us by virtue of being the best and having strong ties to the Immaculate Order. But Ragara can’t extort others into liking them, Cathak Kainan won’t live another century so it doesn’t matter if he could easily claim the Throne, and by the looks of it The Mouth of Piece, your daughter, is reluctant to lend the Immaculate Orders support to you. You need a weapon you can rely on, something to tip the scales in your favor. An external force nobody expects or even knows of, which will aid you should the time for civil war arrive.”

“And you presume yourself to be that weapon? A lone mortal?”

“No. I presume a nation, with an army and resources at your beck and call. It doesn’t need your backing, merely a single skilled individual capable of building it without anyone noticing.”

Mnemon did not look intrigued or even amused for that matter.
“Your suggestion is preposterous. For such a nation to be established it’d need to be far away from the Blessed Isle, where our influence doesn’t reach and the natives hate the Realm.”
“Correct. But they need not know they are becoming a Realm puppet. And who’d suspect a single mortal with no backing to be an agent of the Blessed Isle? Furthermore, with the Bull of the North swallowing barbarian tribes one by one and the sacking of Thorns by the dead, I’d imagine people wouldn’t be opposed to surrender their will to someone who seems to know what they are doing. Give me a long enough leash and I can make that. You know all there is to know about your descendants, you’ve seen my scores at the Spiral. I could turn any dirt-hovel into a thriving city in a few years. Jade, armies, supplies. While everyone will be strapped for resources after gorging themselves on the Thresholds bounty you could still have an active supply line, netting you a victory in the long run.”

Now she was amused.
“Interesting offer. But I see two issues. One, while your skills are indeed impressive for someone of mere mortal stock it’s still precious little. I’d need proof that you are capable of pulling off such a feat.”

“Would a network established for the sole purpose of containing whatever is going on at Thorns suffice?”

Jet then explained how he managed to funnel Realm resources to the East without anyone knowing and using it to thwart the forces of the Underworld with minimal involvement.
“I see… I’ll need to verify that…”

“You can tell I’m not lying, can’t you? So what’s the point?”

“Careful boy. I like your ambition and your skill, but your lack of respect is getting tiresome. I still have one more issue. What’s stopping you from simply refusing to help me when the time comes? What guarantees you will stay loyal instead of keep playing emperor in your petty kingdom?”

“If you lack faith in the capabilities of the house you built, I can’t do much about that. But I am a Mnemon, I am part of the Dynasty. I do my duty without question. That’s what I always did. Maybe it’s hard for you to comprehend loyalty but I was raised for it.”

“No. You were raised to be obedient. And even the most obedient dog becomes a feral mongrel once let off its leash. And if you dare to speak like that to me once more I’ll gladly demonstrate what I do to hounds that bark too much.”

The two of them were glaring at each other. Mnemons eyes glimmered with essence and Jet could feel her trying to pressure him into subservience. His hands, which were resting on his lap until now, started digging into his thighs, threatening to destabilize his disguise. Thankfully the demon in his mind seemingly found a solution to the problem before things could get out of hand.

“Pssst. Hey, Jet. Offer to swear an oath.”


“The Dragon-blooded can sanctify oaths, can’t they? Offer her to sign one on your life.”
“Are you crazy? I thought you want to keep me alive, but you’d have me put my life in her hands?!”

“Heh. Trust me.”

>Sign a pact with her
>Try to convince her on your own
>Offer an oath

Whats the worse that could happen?
>Sign a pact with her
>Make it vague enough so that it inch towards our benefit more than hers but not so much that she backs down
>Maybe convince her to give us that jade as a symbol of this pact

Move like lightning and strike like thunder. This is our chance to take roots in the upper echelon and we shouldn't back down. Also i trust our demon friend, he's been real reasonable for a demon lately.
>Sign a pact with her

"Mnemon Jet pacts his mortal life in service to Mnemon." Then so on and so forth for whatever we need.

If he's not a mortal then can he give up his mortal life? Might be funny if it works like that.
>Sign a pact with her
>Sign a pact with her
>Sign a pact with her
>If our clothes has a thread of gold, take it out and wrap it around our finger, she will get the hint.

I have a feeling that maybe out type of exalted can cheat oaths (because we can change costumes and that means also our destiny) so that's why Markolab wants us to sign the oath. My plan was going straight to an specific Oath but I don't wanna fuck it up because Markolab isn't telling us already what is his plan and I don't wanna ruin it
>>Try to convince her on your own
>Sign a pact with her
>Try to convince her on your own
>I still have one more issue. What’s stopping you from simply refusing to help me when the time comes? What guarantees you will stay loyal instead of keep playing emperor in your petty kingdom?
Why would I choose to remain nothing more than the ruler of a petty kingdom, when I could instead help propel the next Empress to the throne? Even if I was to think only of myself, the latter is a far better position than the former.
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"Fine. But I better not regret this."

"Come now, when did I ever let you down?"

"Do you want me to make a list?"

"Fuck you."

Jet returned his attention to Mnemon and leaned on the table, whilst not breaking eye contact with her for even a second. After a rather long dramatic pause he gave her Markolabs proposition.
"What if I swore an oath? As far as I'm aware some of the chosen can create binding contracts, no?"

Mnemon remained unflinching even now. The offer did not manage to shake her even a little.
"Are you that sure of yourself?"

"I had no intention of betraying my house anyway. So there's no risk in making a binding oath on my own name."

"I suppose not."

With a snap of her finger Mnemon ordered her demonic servant to her side and ordered it to fetch her a parchment and a brush. In no time she had her instruments and began penning a rather short contract. Then another. Jet tried to interject, to specify the terms of the oath but Markolab reassured him that he shouldn't bother. Finally Mnemon presented him with two copies of the exact same contract. The terms were rather simple, straight-forward and absolutely one-sided. It only demands that Mnemon gives him freedom to conduct himself in the Threshold, but in turn he must continuously act in the best interest of the House, obey all direct commands by Mnemon and under no circumstances can he reveal that he works for her while he's operating in the Threshold. What's more, just looking at the still swirling ink of the characters reveals how much they brim with essence.

Markolab is delighted by this.
"Hells bells! I love your grandmother's style Jet! If only I had my body still. I'd show her one hell of a time! Heh. Just look at these bad boys! Breaching just one of them would kill a mortal man. And she's making you sign two! Just think of the implications."

"Do you think she knows?"

"Doubtful. If she knew what you are, most likely you'd be dead already. I think this might be a precaution in case you potentially exalt. It's kind of flattering if you think about it. She must think highly of you."

"And that means she thinks I'm a potential threat to her. I'd rather not have that kind of admiration. Are you sure this is a wise idea? And please don't tell me to just get strong enough to withstand it."

"Nah. We could do that but there's no need. This shit is nothing for us, my man."

Jet looks up from the papers.
And signs the first of them with his full name. As soon as he does so the still fresh symbols start moving across the scroll, crawl onto his brush and seep into his skin, disappearing completely. The second contract does the same.
Mnemon takes both parchments with a pleased look.
"Either you're very confident or very foolish. Not that it matters. Very well, as per our agreement I give you free reign to do as you please. However you should not expect any aid from me, and you'll have to convince House Ledaal on your own. Can't have them suspecting my involvement."

"Am I free to act in a way that benefits them?"

"If it helps you achieve results, then of course. But don't forget that your priority lies with my house, not theirs."

"Of course."

"Very good. You may take your leave Mnemon Jet. Go and rest up. You need to be in a presentable condition."


"I've arranged transport for House Catala to the Isle. We'll officiate your engagement to Ledaal Catala Ena as soon as they arrive."

With an understanding bow Jet took his leave and returned to the estate of his uncle, where he went to his room as swiftly as possible and barred the door as much as he could.
"Alright. Now can you tell me how I am supposed to not die on the spot from this oath you made me swear?"

"Certainly. Place your hand upon your chest... Now repeat after me."

"In the name of the Yozi, I absolve myself of my oath."

Jet's essence surged and on his forehead an inauspicious mark appeared, before the ink that soaked into his being erupted in green flames from his body. But it did not hurt him. Like all children, he too was taught to notice the brands of the Anathema and which meant what. The one he saw on his person in the mirror did not match any of them, but resembled one in the vaguest sense possible. Those known as The Blasphemous bore full golden circles on their forehead, and were the unholy priests of the Anathema who led mortals down the path of damnation. But what he had was not gold. It was a full circle of the purest black, surrounded by a ring of burning green light. Markolab only chuckled at his confusion.

"Let me tell you about Castes. It's like the elemental aspects of your kin, but they denote function and not elemental affinity. Castes have different, fancy names based on what kind of Exalt they are. But simply put there are Warriors, Priests, Sorcerers, Assassins and Diplomats. That last one is yours buddy, and it's called the Fiend Caste. You are Hell's diplomat and carry the authority of the Yozi. The job comes with many perks. Diplomatic immunity in Hell, the Underworld and the Fairy Courts is just one. But the real juicy part is sanctifying oaths in the name of the Yozi... and nullifying similar, divine oaths by transferring them to the Demon Princes, who laugh at such trivial things."

"So... I'm free? Just like that?"
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"Not free, per se. The contract still stands. It's just that you don't have to suffer the consequences of breaking it. But you do need to concentrate on this. Otherwise the chains slip back on you. So sadly you must keep committing a portion of your essence to maintaining this. But technically you could just keep the oath on and slip out whenever you plan on breaking it."

"And what if I break it, then let the contract resume?"

"Nothing. The damage is immediately dealt to the Yozi, who don't care. Afterwards you will be fine."

"And I can make such oaths?"

"Yeap. And it's not so simple as killing an offender. It's much, much worse. Those who break oaths that you sanctified will suffer the greatest possible misfortunes at only the most inconvenient times. Neat isn't it?"

"Uh... yeah."
Jet continued to stare at his palm in disbelief.

"And this is still just a fraction of the gifts the Yozi have given you. But for the rest you'll have to visit Hell personally to claim them. But anyway, congratulations on outplaying granny like that. Now go get some rest. Sounds like you're going to have an eventful couple of days ahead of you."

"Hm. Yeah, you're right. And thanks Markolab."

"Oh? Do my ears deceive me? Was that... gratitude I heard?"

"Just don't get used to it."


Jet decided to rest afterwards. But his dreams did not bring the relief he hoped they would. He was beset by strange visions of a place that was barely comprehensible for him. He was in a big dome-like building, but its walls were transparent and around it was nothing but the infinite blackness of the deep sea, with luminous fish twinkling around him like the stars of heaven. He was looking at letters and words floating in the air around him, written in incomprehensible symbols. As he tried to decipher them he heard a voice.

"Your holiness. We found him."
The men that approached him looked familiar to him. They wore power-armor similar to the ones he had seen on parades before, if somehow even more glorious. The men presented him with a boy, barely of adolescent age but he looked youthful even for his age. His orange hair had black stripes in it and he wore form fitting garments that were no doubt given to him by the armed guards.

As he knelt down the boy spoke to him.
"Erm. Hello... my lord."

He replied but the words weren't his own.
"I've missed you oh so much."

As he reached out to embrace the child Jet woke up, drenched in sweat.
"What the hell was that?"

"You okay buddy?"

"I had a weird dream. Didn't you see it?"

"No. I can only see what you're thinking about presently. Your memories and dreams are not something I can access. What was it about? Was it a steamy dream?"

"I'm... not sure. I was at the bottom of the ocean. And there were these Dragon-blooded I didn't recognize. And a boy."
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"Someone in Heaven probably messed up. That's how most weird dreams happen. Either that or it was some distant memory from a previous life. It doesn't really matter one way or another. Just go back to sleep."

But he couldn't. Every time he got close to drifting to sleep he saw more weird imagery and promptly woke up. In the end he resigned himself to his fate and accepted he won't be sleeping tonight. That turned out to be a pretty big problem, as the members of house Catala arrived in the morning. There wasn't much time wasted on preparations. The many servants of House Mnemon and even those unexalted members available were put to work to set up an extravagant display of wealth and prosperity. The young pair were dressed up in the prettiest garments available and they were paraded around on the streets. This lavish display unnerved Jet. Though a marriage is often a great opportunity for a House to flaunt its wealth, more often than not they are reserved affairs, especially if they are political and involve mortals. This... was not it.

"I can't believe they brough out the warstriders for this."
Jet stared with childlike awe at the building sized armor piloted by his kin, and those honor guard wearing the most sublime armor of the immaculate dragons. But at the same time he couldn't help but wonder why Mnemon would go to such lengths. He feared she wants to paint a target on his back.

"Compose yourself, husband."
His soon-to-be wife chastised him.

The two of them were taken to the temple district where a high ranking Immaculate monk officiated and blessed their marriage. After a brief celebration they were moved back to the Mnemon estate where the real party could get started. The celebration would last a night and a day, as is custom, and both the finest wines and rarest delicacies from the four corners of Creation were available for all to consume to their heart's content. Rather uncharacteristically for him Jet did not feel like mingling with others and making connections. He simply withdrew from the crowd, went to the balcony of the manse and drank his wine in peace.

His solitude however was cut short when he heard a familiar voice coming from the other side of the balcony and saw Kaya climb up next to him.
"Shouldn't you be with your new wifey right about now?"

"I don't know. Shouldn't you have been here from the start? Wine?"

Kaya took the remainder of Jet's wine, drank it and hurled the empty glass over her shoulder.
"Would've been here if I wasn't held up. Piece of shit. Come, let's go get some real drinks. Not this tongma monkey piss."

The two of them went and snatched two whole bottles from the cellars' better stock and snuck into the gardens to get wasted in peace.
"So are you going to tell me what got you into such a fine mood or are we going to pretend things are okay like this?"
Kaya held up one finger as she chugged about half of her wine.
"Bah. Mnemon called me over in the morning. Bitch told me that I had enough fun and it's time for me to get on the chopping block."

"You mean-"

"She arranged a marriage for me as well."

Jet felt his fingers tighten around the bottle, to the point that he felt it straining. Before it'd shatter in his hands he drank the whole thing in one sitting. Then, hissing for air he replied.
"To whom?"

"Dunno. Some cock in the Peleps navy. Whore is looking to buy herself some new ships."

"Well... it is our duty."

"Please! You're here getting shitfaced with your sister instead of dragging that pristine dragon pussy off to your chambers and fertilizing her eggs. Don't give me that crap. You want this about as much as I do. We're not Princes of the Earth, we're cattle, breeding stock. For bitches like Mnemon and the rest."
Kaya finishes up the rest of her wine then continues.
"I'm gonna ditch. Don't know how yet. Maybe join the legions. Or just fuck off into the Threshold, far enough away that bastard Dynasts won't be able to tell me what to do."

"Don't say things like that! Do you want someone to find you out?! What do you think Mnemon will do if she hears of your attempts at what amounts to treason? What's gotten into you?"

At this Markolab chimed in.
"Uh, Jet. Maybe we should leave. She seems a little... unstable for my liking."

Kaya gestures vaguely at the manse, but she’s aiming beyond that.
“This whole thing is fucked. Have you seen Thorns, Jet?”

“I’ve heard of it.”

“I’ve been to shadowlands, Jet. House Ledaal is looking into it. They’ve been warning everyone that the Underworld is preparing for something. There are these… Deathlords or something. One of them is responsible for Thorns. The Ledaal were warning everyone for years now. Nobody fucking listened. Now they are sitting on their ass, throwing parties and scheming instead of doing something as everything goes to shit around them. Her Redness really fucked us, didn’t she? Now we have to unfuck it…”
Kaya looks at Jet, her cheeks are burning red from the whole nights drinking.
“Jet… let’s leave. Together. Like always. Maybe we can unfuck this, or just… wait until it blows over.”

Jet was stunned. What his sister suggested was nothing short of open rebellion against their entire house, the entire Dynasty even.

>”Sigh… okay.”
>”No. You come with me. I’ve got a plan.”
>Smack some sense into her
>”No. You come with me. I’ve got a plan.”
We can’t leave Ena behind, she’s a good girl.
>”No. You come with me. I’ve got a plan.”

Ok sis we may be split off from the same soul, born from the same parents, both are exalted even but even i think you were born a little different for wanting the zombie apocalypse at our doorstep to just blow over like leaves in the autumn.
She specifically does NOT want a zombie apocalypse but feels like she can't do too much about it and it's too late
She's in the middle of a Limit Break
>”No. You come with me. I’ve got a plan.”
>”No. You come with me. I’ve got a plan.”

Have jet grab her hand so the oath marks line up. Then something like "We're not for Mnemon and them, We're for each other. Trust me." Then kiss Kaya.

Kaya really is for Jet, can't let some navy shithead have her. So which Yozi is the one who likes this and what do they offer? That said I was thinking they should go this way even without infernal exalt.
>No, you come with me.

>Custom: Gather our wife, we're fucking off to the outlands.
Once we are free of the place, we can go and kill the motherfucker in thorns. If we want.
So she's turning into legendary super exalted?
More like the legendary super-fucking depressed
Limit Break is an Exalt going "I can't fucking take this shit anymore, this time I'm really gonna do it!"
>”No. You come with me. I’ve got a plan.”
since she's already going to fuck things up, might as well
>Limit Break is an Exalt going "I can't fucking take this shit anymore, this time I'm really gonna do it!"
wait, so she's going to majin vegeta on fat buu ?
>wait, so she's going to majin vegeta on fat buu ?
More like going Majin Vegeta.
It's the mental strain finally cracking a demi-god and the resulting break causing them to do obviously bad or stupid shit

In Universe this is not known. People just assume sometimes Exalts have a bad day and just snap
>”No. You come with me. I’ve got a plan.”

>It's the mental strain finally cracking a demi-god and the resulting break causing them to do obviously bad or stupid shit

Kaya: "Do you wanna know how I got these scars?"
So it’s a rage induced boost. Can they return to normal or once they break there’s no going back ? And is there a way for them to get boosted without drawbacks ?
>So it’s a rage induced boost.
No, it’s a stress induced breakdown.
Dragonblooded have the least terrible limit breaks, and they only last a few hours for them instead of a few weeks or months like for other exalts.
You could always google Exalted's Great Curse. Tells you a lot.
>No, it’s a stress induced breakdown.
oh, so it's only a big emotional debuff ? the term limit break is misleading then
I see it now, sheesh
>"No. You come with me. I've got a plan."
I personally don't know what said plan is but I believe Jet does have one.
>oh, so it's only a big emotional debuff ? the term limit break is misleading then
Not really. They reach their limit, and they break.
Hmm it’s just that I’m used to this term being a stand in for surpassing one’s limits
Don't worry. Jet's own version has a more apt name.
>”No. You come with me. I’ve got a plan.”
This is me idk why my IP changed
Jet reached out and touched the shoulder of his sister.
"Kaya, listen to me. You are the flesh of my flesh, my other half. So I'm begging you to stop. This isn't like you. The Kaya I grew up with never looked this helpless. She always knew what she wanted and what she had to do to get it."
Unable to hold it together any longer, Kaya buried her face in Jet's chest as her brother hugged her. This was the first time he had seen his sister actually sobbing.
"It's okay. It's okay. It's all going to be okay."

"What do I do Jet? I don't want any of this!"

He tried consoling her, at least until she stopped uncontrollably choking on
"If you don't know what to do, then come with me. I have a plan. I'm going to the Scavenger Lands and make my own fortune there. I'll build a new kingdom. And if we lead it together, then I know no one, no undead, Anathema, barbarian or the Realm will be able to stand in our way."

"B-But Mnemon-"

"Forget about that Yozi-damned witch. I already handled her."
Jet raised up his sister and entwined his little finger with hers, so their scars formed a perfect circle.
"Know that no matter what happens, whatever you choose, I will always be there for you and all I ever do will be for your benefit. In turn all I ask is that you trust me."

"But you're just a mortal."

"No. I'm your brother and together we're the Twin Dragons. So? What do you say?"

"O-Okay. I'll trust you Jet."

He pushed Kaya away and gave her a little kiss on the forehead before hugging her again.
"Now dry your tears. Creation is not worthy of them. And go get some rest. You need it."

Kaya tightened her hold on him, took a deep breath, then slowly parted from him. Her eyes were still red but at least she stopped shedding her icy tears.
"Yeah. You too, brother."

The two of them awkwardly stared at each other for a bit more before Kaya finally sighed, turned around and left the estate. She headed straight for her uncle's home where she could get some much needed rest, far away from the clamor of the celebrations. Jet remained for a while, lost in his thoughts before he went back inside. He rushed past everyone that tried to get in his way to congratulate him and made his way to Ena, who was mingling with the other guests. He quickly put his hand around her waist, pulled her to himself and loudly, with fake cheer and enthusiasm, spoke to the audience.
"Honored guests! Forgive me for my rudeness but, as you may know, I am merely mortal. So with a heavy heart I take my leave while I still have the vigor to do what must be done! But for the rest of you I wish a pleasant night! Enjoy yourself as long as you please! Eat, drink, make merry to your heart's content! And may the Dragons bless us all!"
Leaving the loudly toasting crowd with his wife's hand in his, Jet marched to the bedroom that was arranged for them and shut the door behind himself before crashing on one of the chairs sitting before the night-stand.
"Phew. My apologies for so rudely tearing you away like that. I hope I did not ruin your fun but I could not stand being there for another minute. I'm sorry."

"Mmm. It's fine."
Ena replied, seemingly content.
"I'm not used to such large crowds. I only engaged with others because it's what was expected of me. So... shall we?"

Jet looked up as she said that, and as he heard the sound of silk rubbing against bare skin. From the mirror he saw Ena moving to remove her garments piece by piece, but with his own head blocking the view, all he actually saw of her were her exposed shoulders as she pulled down her robe.

"W-We should get started as soon as possible. R-Right? To make c-children..."

In Dynastic culture all scions are obligated to produce at least two new heirs to their House. More are welcome and are actively encouraged, but if two legitimate children are produced then nobody is going to complain, even if neither end up exalting. Though in that case the legitimacy of one parent or the other might be called into question.

Jet swallowed nervously and leaned into his Infernal techniques, hard. He himself was nervous beyond words and he was desperately looking for directions in Enas heart. But the girl's own expectations of him were just as muddled as the reverse. Many conflicting emotions and views swirled within her heart. So Jet couldn't decipher what to do next. A first, since his blasphemous exaltation. But he couldn't exactly blame her. Sex was a difficult thing for the Dynasts. Their blood was more "heated" than a common mortals, though Jet never experienced that. Over the course of their lives Dynasts have many dalliances. Often all they need is to command a commoner to bend over, if that doesn't work they can just force themselves onto the recipient. But coupling between Dynasts, supposed equals, worked differently. Though it is their duty to produce future soldiers for the Realm, the actual act was more like a competition, a fight for dominance. For showing weakness, even in bed, was seen as unacceptable.

Yet here they were. Both of them barely glanced at the other, waiting for them to make the first move, or simply looking for instructions from them. The awkwardness of it all no doubt filled even the elemental dragons themselves with shame.
For a moment even the thought of employing a demon to just skip the whole process crossed Jets mind. Many Dynasts employ Neomah, Flesh-Sculptors, and use the magic of these demons to create them children from pieces of the parents' flesh. This is seen as a perfectly acceptable, if a bit weird, way of producing heirs.

>"Sigh. Let's give this a shot."
>"I'm not going to force myself on you."
>"We don't have to do this. We can just use demons."
>"Sorry, I don't feel like it right now."
>"Sigh. Let's give this a shot."
>"Sigh. Let's give this a shot."
practice makes perfect
>Use your words to fix the mood into a more romantic one. You don't need to rely on the Yozi for this, you were always good with words. You just need to say the right things and she won't be able to pull herself away from you.
Social test time.
>In our head"Markolab, please tell me that even if I'm a demonic Exalted that doesn't mean all my childrens will be born twisted, deformed half-demons. Please, I beg you"
>"We can try... But let's do it on my way"

And I support >>6044868 write-in, maybe it would be a good way to go
>>"I'm not going to force myself on you."
>Take the lead. Ease the tension and talk first, ask if shes read books on childmaking. Let him try some things, let her try some things.

I think she appreciated the poem Jet sent her before, which might be nice to reference in trying to ease into this situation, and there was presumably some exchange of letters alongside Kaya's? Shame the visit where the demon shit happened didn't allow for much when it was supposed to be a nice chance to get to know his fiancé. Though from initial impression Ena seems like a good and bookish young woman, not very social, but who did appreciate Jet's words.

Either side is expected to fight it out with their bits but Jet is in her eyes a mortal who she may want to be gentle with so as not to break him. Yet also someone she has heard about from Kaya in a presumably good light for years. She would know that he dominated the Spiral Academy despite being mortal and stood up to that bitch who tried to get him blood tested right infront of her. So perhaps intimidating in his own way. Or the confusion allows for a blank canvas to direct things however we want, I'd lean towards letting her flower a bit so she feels less like an ornament in a very political marriage. Maybe she would have an opinion on a good place to set up our future kingdom afterwards.
To clarify. Demon-Blooded are a thing. Hell, humans are capable of crossbreeding with just about anything in the setting. And I am using a home-brew where Infernals can make demon-blooded but it's not something you have to worry about YET.
I'm just glad someone is thinking with their head, instead of their head.

By the way demon-blooded either look like horrific mutants or anime characters made for sexo, no inbetween. Pic related
Supporting this

It's time to put the jet in jet thruster
Well I see you made up your mind
Roll 1d20 please. First 3 are considered
Dc 14, Crit 20
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

We have no style
We have no grace
Bitches run from us without delay
Mnemon "Spilled Spaghetti" Jet
Why the fuck dc 14 ?
Too bad I was hoping the custom write in would help, though maybe it's too far off.
That one did help. There were going to be 3 different DCs before that. Though 1 of those would've passed anyway
Ah gotcha. Well Jet, good luck.
I see, welp on the good side we only failed 1 then
Ah yes, the classic pre-start fumble. With this it puts more in doubt what other anon said about Jet already fucking with Kaya because of the healer demon. At least in my eyes.
He what now ?
What anon is referring to:
Oh, I missed that. So the reason he managed to swim on us unharmed was because of our curse ?
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Why didn't you guys roll this instead?
As his mind started racing around the prospect of bedding his wife however, something stuck out to him.


"Please help! I need to know if my progeny will be some sort of demon-spawn or not!"

"Relax bud. At the creation of the Exalted the gods decreed that only the Terrestrials could pass on their exaltation to their descendants. The Celestials can only be chosen. Not saying it can't happen. The spark burning in you was made to defy all laws and do the impossible. But you still have a long way to go before having to worry about any of that."

"Thanks... Wait. Are you going to watch?!"


"Do you mind?!"

"Not at all! Go on, I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, champ! But if you want to think about your humble Coadjutor you will flip her on her belly and play with that cute little ass of hers. Heh."

"That's disgusting! Do you seriously expect me to do... it while someone is watching me?!"

"I don't see why having a plus one should be an issue for you."


"Look at the bedding. Don't you see something odd? The sheets are blue. The color of Venus. And look outside the window. Do you not see the full moon? Basic geomantic principles dictate that at least one room with a large window should give a full view of the moon. Some say it's to dedicate it to Luna and receive her blessing. But in reality she's just a voyeur who likes to watch others do the nasty. Basic practices employed all through Creation to maximize the chance of conception. So don't worry champ, you're in good hands! Heh heh heh."

"This can't be real-"

But as he was about to curse and argue with the demon in him for some more Ena spoke up.
"Is something wrong?"

"NO! Uh... I mean, no. Sigh. My apologies."
Jet got up from the night-stand and turned to face his bride, but looked carefully so as to not look at her directly. As he approached her to talk more intimately he kept telling himself he can do this, and that he had given speeches before hundreds of attendees, and that this shouldn't be too hard. The two of them sat down at the edge of the bed and Jet began apologizing to her.
"You must forgive me. Your beauty appears to have tied my throat into a knot. Words can scarcely escape my lips at the moment."

"Jet... are you... a virgin?"

The boy felt like he was just about ready to jump out the window, especially as the demon in his heart mockingly laughed at him.
"I… suppose."

Ena sighed as she readjusted her robes so she's properly covered.
"The dragons must be laughing at us right now. The only two immaculate Dynasts outside the order, and they marry each other..."

"Wait, you mean you're-"
Suddenly Kayas words rang in Jet's ears. He thought it was just a figure of speech from her when she said Ena was "pristine".
"Oh. I see. Pardon my bluntness but how? Is everyone in the Threshold blind that they did not court you?"
"Many approached me. I... refused them all."
She reached under her robe and took out an envelope bound in decorative paper and tied up with a silk sash. She raised it up to her face so only everything above her nose was visible.

"My poem!"

"I kept it on my person for many years now. Your words kept me company on many a lonely night, Mnemon Jet... I was tempted more times than I can remember. But I could never offer my purity to one who could not match the warmth of these words."

Her new husband let out a nervous chuckle.
"I'm sorry for not living up to your expectations. I've been doing that a lot recently I fear."

"No, I'm sorry. As a Prince of the Earth I should know what to do and have the courage to do it. But I'm afraid I'm quite a lousy dragon."

"No no! You're anything but! We just - I don't know. Have you read any scrolls on child-making?"

"A-A few, yes."

"Then I suppose we'll just have to trust that."

He reached forth and gently swept Enas' hair aside so he could touch her cheeks. The poor girl let out a gasp and allowed herself to be pulled in for both of their first kiss, but in truth it was more of a peck on the lips.


Several hours later both of them were resting under the cerulean sheets of the bed, panting in the dark room and staring at the roof. Neither of them said a word. Only the disgruntled voice of the disembodied demon disturbed the serenity of the situation.

"The Hell was that? That's it? That was it? This is what you call acceptable behavior on your nuptial? Three hours! Three hours I won't get back watching you two failures looking like a mentally stunted child slapping two dead fish together at the docks! Under the sheets the whole time! Nothing interesting or special! I'm surprised you found the right hole! I'm surprised you remembered to remove your clothes first! The Yozi did not create the art of love-making so you could spit at the very concept of it like that you little shit! I wish I still had my body so I could kick your ass! How dare you? Honestly, how dare you? Both of you are unworthy of your Exaltation! Look! The moon has gone behind the clouds! Luna turned her gaze away from this droll embarrassment! Hey! Are you listening?! Jet! Answer me! "

But Jet did not dignify the demon with an answer. In fact he was barely even hearing it. Instead he reached for Enas hand under the sheets.
"I'm sorry. I guess I am not much of a husband.”

She hummed in denial.
“Don’t worry. We’ll figure things out. Won’t we? Jet?”

He felt his heart growing heavy and a strange melancholy overtaking him.
“No I’m… I am kind of worthless. Nothing I ever try to do works out. I’m pathetic.”

“I don’t think so. I- Are you shaking? Jet?”

Suddenly the boy rolled over and violently threw up on the floor, his upchuck shimmering in the dark of the room as light refracted off the mercury in it.


And that is it for a while I'm afraid. I will not be able to post any updates, as I'm going on vacation tomorrow. Next update will most likely come next Wednesday (maybe Tuesday)
I don't know if the thread will be up until then, if not I'll just make a new one. However just to be safe I've archived this one already. If you liked it, please upvote it.
So with that I leave the thread to you. You may shitpost and discuss freely. And if you have any questions I'll try to answer them when I'll have the time

Thank you for playing. I'll see you all next week

also, kek
Pls OP, after your vacation, please come back... I'm tired of the White Wolf-related quests not passing beyond the first thread, or outright abandoned by the QM out of nowhere.
Planning on it.
Have fun

>"Oh. I see. Pardon my bluntness but how? Is everyone in the Threshold blind that they did not court you?"

Is that normal that an engaged Exalted still gets courted by other people?
Dragon-blooded are so fucking horny, cheating is all but expected. So long as they don't get noticed and don't produce any bastards, dalliances are a-okay.
Precious few Dynasts live in actual, happy marriages. The best most can hope for is that they understand each other, get along, produced at least two kids and keep themselves presentable while fucking whatever they want in the background.
It's why a lot of them are bisexual and why homosex is seen as almost a good thing (it can't produce illegitimate offspring)
c'mon OP, are you really pulling a surprise after the virgin sex scene ?
alright OP, enjoy the trip and thanks for the quest
>c'mon OP, are you really pulling a surprise?
My poor Jet was so upset he threw up after sex. What will Ena think. Thanks for the thread Loom, I'll look forward to your return.
alright, fair game. btw is there a celestial cuckchair for the moon goddess ?
on the bright side, our sexgame managed to upset our inner demon and gave us the one up we always wanted
>btw is there a celestial cuckchair for the moon goddess?
Yes, it's called the fucking moon. There is a chair there. She sits on it. She watches people bang.
But she also gets around. She regularly bangs Gaia, and pretty much everything else he/she/it fancies
>Yes, it's called the fucking moon.
oh, I thought she was the moon
>She regularly bangs Gaia, and pretty much everything else he/she/it fancies
so she can change shape ? neat
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She is the moon as well, yes.
The Unconquered Sun is also a guy and the sun. Same thing with the Maidens.

And yes Luna is a shapeshifter. Her chosen the Lunars are also that. But they are more like Were-beasts if you're generous and furries if you're not. While Luna can literally just be whatever mish-mash of everything she wants.
This is Luna. All five. The pregnant one is male btw
>Marko's monologue
I actually bursted out laughing.
Thanks for the great quest qm, have fun on your holiday.
The demons genuine offense is the most hillarious thing in this thread.
>This is Luna. All five. The pregnant one is male btw
of course a universal shapeshifter is up to degen shit
Remember to archive in suptg OP
Already did, but thanks for reminding me
It's the 765th year of the Realm Calendar. It is a dark time for the Scarlet Dynasty. For almost an entire year now the Empress has been missing from her throne. In her place the most excellent and just Deliberative placed an incompetent buffoon as regent, just to prevent the total collapse of the entire Realm while they try to find a way to grab power, or to elect someone capable of taking the mantle of rulership. Meanwhile the Great Houses prepare for civil war as the most ambitious and powerful of them are preparing for a coup.

But as all eyes are drawn to the brewing conflict on the Blessed Isle the vile and hated Anathema grow in numbers and power in the peripheries of civilization. One of them, the dreaded Bull of the North, already smashed the legions of House Tepet. Now few can oppose his tyrannical rule over much of the northern direction. The new and strange Abyssal Anathema have besieged the city of Thorns and drowned the whole city in a Shadowland of massive proportions.

And, unbeknownst to him, one of the best chirurgeons of House Mnemon is currently trying to nurse back to health one of the Infernal Exalted. This "Green Sun Prince" is none other than his distant cousin, Mnemon Jet.

According to his newly wed and very distraught wife, the two of them were in the process of sanctifying their marriage when her "mortal" husband suddenly fell violently ill. Wracked by severe nausea, violent shaking of the limbs, intense fever and an overwhelming sense of self-doubt he couldn't help but crawl into the fetal position and lament his own powerlessness. This did not help him get in the good graces of his cousin, Mnemon Rakas.

"Sigh. If he refuses to cooperate I won't be able to help him."

"Please! You must do something!"

With a disgruntled groan the Dragon-blooded mendicant crouched down to examine the former contents of Jet's stomach. The task was quite disgusting, and frankly beneath him, but he had to make sure to check for signs of poisoning. Luckily he found nothing. That at least rules out assassination attempts. He then moved onto examining the patient himself. Though he pathetically tried to resist, the weakness of Jet made examining him a trivial matter. Rakas checked his cousin's vitals, how the essence of life coursed in him, how the blood flowed in his veins, how the fire raged in him to raise his temperature, how the air was circulating in his lungs and how the earth suffused his bones. He was a bit confused by how the major nodes in Jets chakras were strangely out of position but he chalked that up to a birth defect that was probably the reason why his prestigious relative couldn't Exalt.

"Physically he's fine. In fact, he's in excellent condition."


"Has he eaten anything strange? Or drank a bit too much?"

"No, I don't recall him eating or drinking too much."
Rakas looked at Jet, who once again curled up and kept repeating the same pathetic mantras as before. How his cousin kept lamenting his own worthlessness did stick out to him.
"How about coupling? Did he have any issues then? Is his rod functional?"

"I- erm- well... It was awkward, for the both of us. But successful."

Ena spoke only the truth, right up until the end. If Rakas wasn't specifically paying attention to it, she might've fooled him. But patients not admitting to the more embarrassing details of their condition was a thing he had to frequently deal with. Still, if Jet had enough vigor to get started but not to "finish" then that could be chalked up to mere nervousness.
"Sigh. Then I'll take my leave."

"Wait! Y-You can't do that! What about my husband?"

"As I said, physically he's fine. I see nothing wrong with his body or his essence. The malady is purely mental. I suspect the pent up pressure from failing to live up to expectations finally crushed him. Have you heard about the new Regent, Fokuf? I heard rumors that he was also diagnosed with something similar. If he seeks to preserve his dignity he'll have to crawl out of this slump on his own. Until then I'll mix up an herbal tea with some opiates for him and have my servants bring it here. Make sure he drinks it, and pray to the dragons for salvation."
After Rakas departed Jet struggled with his condition for a night and a day more. Not even the drugs could bring him any peace of mind. But after a whole day's worth of time had passed his condition miraculously got better, departing as swiftly as it came.

Jet awoke in the middle of the night, with his wife nowhere to be found near his bed. As he recalls things she decided to sleep in a room separate from his, but the events of the last day were murky at best. All he could recall with absolute clarity were the insults he kept hurling at himself. Things he never, ever would loudly tell himself in front of others. Things he's now denying with every fiber of his being.

"It's good to have you back, Jet."

"Cut it. I demand an explanation. What was that?"

"I have no idea."

"SILENCE! If the mercury in my vomit did not evaporate fast enough or if the apothecary saw through this shadow disguise I would be dead right now! So quit it with the lies and tell me! Now!"

"It wasn't a lie... The thing affecting you was Torment. The Torment of Szoreny to be precise."

"Of course-"

"But that shouldn't have happened. Torment doesn't spontaneously happen. It's a slow, gradual build-up that can be mitigated. I genuinely don't know what or how it happened. You must believe me. I'm just as scared as you are."

"I'll decide that later. Now talk. What is this Torment thing? Explain to me step by step."
"It's the drawback that comes with the Yozi and their power. It can not be denied or rejected, but it can be staved off. Basically each Yozi is the embodiment of a concept, a theme, an idea. Within those themes the Yozi are omnipotent. But things outside of them are nigh incomprehensible for them. Push a Yozi too far and have them act against their nature, they'll explode in a self-afflicted Torment. Malfeas explodes in a contagious berserker rage, Cecelyne lashes out against herself... and the Torment of Szoreny manifests as crippling self doubt and shakes, almost like mercury poisoning. But that's another thing that's bugging me. You shouldn't have been struck by the torment of Szoreny, it should've been Cecelyne."


Markolab hesitates to answer, as if its pondering how to phrase things properly.
"Each Infernal Exalt acquires certain... urges. What kind of demonic urge they get determines the nature of their torment."

"Now I know you're lying. I never felt any sort of compulsion to act in accordance with anything, save for my own desire. Except for what just happened now."

"Yeah. Because you were lucky and your urges perfectly align with what you yourself would do. You possess the urge to dominate, to rule, the urge of Cecelyne. Something you were already inclined for, as a prospective prince. Thus, if this really was Torment, you should've been torn to shreds instead."


"And it definitely shouldn't have happened instantly. There is a slow, gradual, palpable build-up of dread before the eruption. That should clue you in that you're doing something wrong and give you time to correct things. This is unheard of."

Jet was lost in thought for a moment. He did believe half the words the demon said to him. But if the other half is even partially true then he should really pay attention to what it's saying.
"Fine. Something's wrong. I get it. But how about we straighten things out so I can avoid this in the future?"

"Certainly. There are three things that can potentially cause Torment. Acting against your own nature, acting against the Yozi urge, and resisting the mental influence of others. That last one is of particular importance. Resisting the mind-affecting powers of others is vital, but the mental strain can trigger Torment rapidly. How you can "vent" torment is rather easy and straightforward. Performing certain actions that resonate with one of the Yozi will alleviate the strain. Announce your attacks in advance so your enemies can prepare, build elaborate death-traps for others, explain your plans in detail to your enemies, spare a worthy opponent so you can fight them later or steal candy from a child. Such things will please your demonic nature and put your mind to ease."

"Wait... wait... You're telling me that acting like a villain in a poorly written children's story can somehow stave off this Torment thing?"
"If that's how you want to rationalize it, yes. In any case, I’ll try to keep an eye on it from now on. But if you spontaneously receive Torment again, we might be in trouble. Mayhaps something went wrong in your Chrysalis. In which case we’d need some finetuning in Hell. Hmmmm. You know what? We can actually test something. Remember that chirurgeon that was treating you? He did say some awful, awful things about you while you were sick and defenseless. How about you try venting some Torment on him? See how he likes it? I can guarantee it’ll make you feel better."

>Driven by a mixture of curiosity and a desire for revenge, he agreed
>Jet refused the demons foul offer
>Jet refused the demons foul offer

You sold us on free will dickhead. This sounds like you bending us to your will just with extra steps. Fuck you.
bruh wtf is going on, then ?
>Jet refused the demons foul offer
>"Figuring out the source of the problem is more important than trying to patch the holes the problem creates. It sounds like we need to go to hell, sooner rather than later. I have a good excuse to be absent thanks to this."
Time to go on a journey to cure of us our impotence. Not even a lie...
>Go to hell.
>Vent some torment by acting like a Karen. "Who the hell do you think you are to dictate when or where I may vent my torment?! And how sure are you that my urges are as you say, you utter fop!"

Just shout, vent and contradict him like a petty asshole.
>>Jet refused the demons foul offer
>"If I'm at my weakest right now, antagonizing the man who is healing me would be unwise. There must be a better target nearby."
Very perceptive
But it's a bit more than that. Every Exalt suffers from something like that. We discussed Limit-Breaks before. Sidereals have Paradox, Abyssals have Resonance. Torment is just that but for Infernals.
Where they differ mostly is that they are the only ones who can avoid it entirely by performing so caller "Acts of Villainy".
In short: act like a moustache twirling, Dick Dastardly villain to ward off magical depression. Everyone else just has to suck it up and live with Limit-Breaks.
The funny part is that it doesn't matter who you do it to. Finding a serial killer or a gang boss and putting him in a SAW deathtrap works just fine

Kek. Believe it or not but this actually works
Well I diddnt auggest it because I thought it wasnt goingnto.
>>6050463 +1
Are you guys sure about this, by the way?
Just the journey there and back would take ten days at the very least
I mean, we do have a pretty damn solid excuse for being absent for ten days (though we should probably tack on four days to make it a two week trip, less suspicious that way). A sudden and intense illness is nothing to scoff at. Jet can also state that he's simply going to investigate the matter further as he's unsure of the chirurgeon's competence given how he was incapable of finding the cause :^)
>Don't go to hell.

Can we not? We literally just got married to Ena, and now we're suddenly gone for ten days? Before fixing our "maritial" issue. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. I doubt it's going to take a week- or two weeks- or 3 weeks either.
Honestly, I kind of agree. Going to Hell now of all time would be a bit weird.
So I think I'll exercise my authority and say we won't go there. Yet. But the vote had been noted.

Especially since there's a lengthy scene I'd need to write beforehand and apply some liberal rewrites to one character in particular first
Gah, fine.
We can go and. . I dunno, leave first.

Gather up our wife, sister and what resources we can, then fuck off, find a quiet spot and go into seclusion
Modifying my vote >>6050780 to just
\>Vent some torment by acting like a Karen. "Who the hell do you think you are to dictate when or where I may vent my torment?! And how sure are you that my urges are as you say, you utter fop!"
>Vent some torment by acting like a Karen. "Who the hell do you think you are to dictate when or where I may vent my torment?! And how sure are you that my urges are as you say, you utter fop!"

never trust dem beetle people
Jet felt the bile rising within him. He felt like the demon was toying with him yet again.
"Vile demon scum! You gave me that grandiose speech about having the freedom to do what I want! To seize my own destiny! Instead here I am with your hooks embedded in my soul, with no hope of removing them, and you slowly dragging me into Hell! So much for free will!"

"Do you not have agency? Do you not have the right to say no to everything I say? You may even ignore the threat of Torment at your own peril. Even my advice, no matter how valuable it may be, is your prerogative to ignore. Call me whatever you want, but don't you dare say you didn't get exactly what we offered! We gave you power beyond compare, power which you've only started to taste, and the divine right to do with it as you please. And just so you know, we didn't have to. We could've waited ten, twenty, thirty years until despair had devoured your will to the point that you're contemplating suicide as you realize you're withering away whilst your darling sister still looks like she's twenty years old. And when you couldn't take it anymore we would have approached you with a much less generous deal. We could've ripped out your soul and replaced it with the commandments of the Yozi so you could do nothing but obey their orders with no drive of your own. That was always on the table. But they left you with your soul, mind and will intact. Because they recognized and wanted your genius, your problem solving, instead of a mere automaton."

"Forgive me for not getting on my knees and thanking you as you're trying to subvert me, you gormless fop! But I'm not some stupid fucking peasant too stupid to see when he's being manipulated!"

"You witless fool! What do you think had been done to you since the day you were born?! You were manipulated each and every day of your life, with others trying to bind you to whatever task they want you to perform! Your very destiny was used as a tool to manipulate you in case you've forgotten already! Do you know what's the real difference between you and those common serfs you detest so much? The chains binding you are made of silk and gold, your supposed enlightenment is merely mocking the lack of knowledge of others, while the books you've read have all been fabrications! Yes, we want to turn you to our side. Want to know the only difference between us and those who were your puppet masters before? We do it through liberation, the cutting of your strings, and by pulling back the veil they use to obfuscate the rot of the world. Our words are cosmic truths your ancestors buried and tarnished to legitimize your empire of bastards!"
"Your so called freedom has been nothing but one hidden pitfall after another. And your truths are nothing more than hollow embellishments with the inconvenient details contradicting you omitted! And now I'm at my weakest because you're clueless about what's happening to me! My oh so useful Coadjutor has done nothing until now but run his mouth, without providing any aid when I actually needed it! Your great “gifts” have poisoned me and made me bedridden! So no, I'm not at all inclined to believe you one bit! Especially when your "brilliant" advice is for me to go and antagonize my relative who's actually trying to heal me, instead of - oh I don't know - actually trying to figure out what's wrong with me since you admitted to there being a problem! So I think I will exercise this so called freedom I got, and abuse only those whomever I fucking please, instead of doing what the useless, disembodied insect in my head is screaming at me to do! And MAYBE that way I won't have everything turn to shit on me like every time you dare to voice your moronic ideas!"

"Fine. Have it your way. Prince..."

The voice of Markolab went silent, as the beetle withdrew deeper into Jet's psyche. As the young prince sighed he felt a sense of relief wash over him. Perhaps it was the catharsis of finally screaming at the nagging voice, or the sweet relief of silence. But he was sure he was better off this way. He hadn't done anything wrong, never have. It was always that damned bug dragging him down. And now he's finally rid of it. With a sigh he got out of bed and walked to the night-stand where he gazed into a mirror to observe himself. He was looking a bit ragged from moping in bed all day. He released some sweet, emboldening vapors from his skin that helped him perk up before leaving the bedroom. A few rooms and hallways away he found his wife, sleeping in a guest room. He hoped to not disturb her sleep but the girl woke up as soon as he set foot in the room.

"Who's there?"
She rose from the bed, grabbing a knife from under her pillow.

"Just me. Forgive me for rousing you."

"Jet? You're up? Is everything- Are you alright?"

He sat down next to Ena on the bed.
"I guess. Or maybe not. I'm not sure. I'd like to say it's the stress of the academy finally catching up with me but... I've just been feeling rather unfit as a Dynast. First I failed to meet my family's expectations by not exalting. Then I failed you when I - You really did deserve to marry someone more worthy. I'm sorry."

"That's not something you should feel bad about. It is what it is. Nobody marries because it's good for them. They do because they have to. Best we can do is to try to make it work somehow while fulfilling our obligations. And mortal you may be, but I still want to try it."

Ena placed a hand on Jet's left cheek and the young dynast felt at peace for a moment.
"Then pray tell. What is it you'd enjoy? How can I make this work for you?"
"I don't know. Maybe we could not go to parties and social gatherings that much for starters? And as for what I'd like... I always liked doing research with my family. Finding ancient ruins, extracting old relics and trying to restore them to function always helped me relax. And how about you? What would please you?"

Suddenly ideas started bouncing around in the head of Jet and things started to fall in place. He really had to struggle not to let out a smirk.
"Well, moving away from the Isle would be a good start. Away from the judgemental eyes of my family... Actually, may I offer a suggestion?"


"Let us move out. The two of us. Somewhere in the Scavenger Lands?"

"The Threshold?"

"Maybe beyond. Somewhere that the scavenger lords haven't yet stripped the Shogunate ruins bare. A place where you could do your research and I could use my education to maybe spread some civilization and feel like I am actually doing something."


It took a bit of convincing but Jet eventually managed to convince his wife about the wisdom of the plan. Now there was only the issue of Catala. The day after he presented himself to the chirurgeons of the house the prove he's feeling better and the two promptly departed back to Enas ancestral home. It was both to facilitate Jet's recovery and as part of tradition. Usually if the married couple are not equals, then the inferior moves in with the superior's family. There Jet worked his magic, and thankfully Catala was much easier to manipulate than Mnemon ever was both due to her age and lack of experience when compared to the elder. It was a trivial matter to convince her that establishing a new satrapy somewhere far off was actually a very good idea, and she even offered Jet some meager financial assistance as a gesture of good will. It was enough for the two of them to purchase a horse-drawn carriage with a pair of equines to pull it, alongside some necessary supplies for the travel like preserved food-stuff, medicine and-

"Kaya. You can come out now."
Jet tapped on one of the barrels he was loading onto the carriage and his sister crawled out of it.

"Finally. It was getting stuffy in there."

"W-What? What is Kaya doing here?!"

"She's coming with us."
Jet replied.
"The scavenger lands are dangerous. We'll need someone to keep us safe."

"B-But when did she come here? I thought she stayed at the Isle!"

"No I didn't. I'm running away from home. And since I pretty much lived most of my life with House Catala anyway I thought I'd tag along. So uh, let's keep this between us, okay bestie?"
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From that point onward Ena mewled pretty much constantly, since she was uncertain about what would be the best course of action in the given situation. Betraying her friend, her family, or the Dynasty? Since no matter what she'd choose it'd either displease Kaya or deprive one family or the other of a potent scion. This became worse as the three of them departed and Jet proved to be a partner in Kayas shenanigans. She was used to the Air Aspect's quirky nature but her antics became much too unbearable for her when her flames of chaos were fanned by Jet egging her on.

“A-Are twins usually this lively?”

“Nah. Jet and I just get along better than others.”
Kaya said as she tried to hit her brother with a small hand-sized sack of beans but ended up striking Ena instead.
“Whoops. Sorry.”

“I’ve sometimes seen patrician and plebeian siblings behave in similar manners to us. So I believe this is just what happens when siblings are allowed to interact more than once per month.”
Jet responds and Kaya begins nodding in agreement.

“Yeah! Sadly the Houses perceive such attachments as weakness. But I’ve never once found someone who said that and whose teeth I couldn’t kick in. Speaking of which… Jet. Get in the back.”

The two Dragon-blooded looked far ahead in front of them, as if their eyes caught a glimpse of something far out of view. Jet did not budge and instead looked at his sister.
“What is it?”

“Some people just hid on the road ahead. I think we’re about to be ambushed by a bunch of bandits. We’ll handle it.”

Ena started rummaging around in her belongings and withdrew a device, which she handed over to her husband.
“Are you familiar with these?”

“A firewand?”

“It’s loaded. And here’s some more powder. Be very careful with it, and use it in case one of them gets close.”

“Are you going to fight as well?”

“Of course, husband. I am a dynast after all.”

Jet took the armament and looked at it closely. He always wanted one of these. Firewands were a fascinating and exotic weapon that shot jets of flame produced by firedust, pure fire that coalesced into a powder through unknown magics in the South. Unfortunately the rarity and difficulty of transport makes it prohibitively expensive for all but the most wealthy aristocrats. Even members of the Dynasty eschewed its use in favor of the much cheaper, and much more elementally harmonious bows. He had never fired one before but he was confident he could, and that hitting something with it would be just as easy as with a bow. The question was, did he want to?

>He hanged back as ordered
>He participated with the provided weapon
>He cracked his knuckles. He was eager to bash in someones face
>He participated with the provided weapon
acting like a villain you say ?
>>He participated with the provided weapon
I like the idea of being a sharpshooter.
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There's a martial art for gun-fu
Oh yeah, a smooth talking gunslinger? Gotta have it.
>Participate with the provided weapon.
Above all else, I vote for
>Tell them to take the leader alive. For 'interrogation'.
I'm indifferent to hanging back or participating otherwise.
>He participated with the provided weapon
>>He cracked his knuckles. He was eager to bash in someones face
Well bang bang bang, pull my devil trigger
Please roll 1d20. Best of first 3 considered. You get a +1 for the roll results
Dc 10, crit 13 for capturing one alive
Rolled 8 (1d20)

No problem, QM.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Waaabaaa fet
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Let’s go
Holy shit, when will we finally win a roll on this quest ?
Let us see one more 1d20.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Alright! Thank you!

From now on we have a new mechanic: Torment

Current Torment: 1/10

Every time you fail or do something considered bad by the Yozi you gain a Torment. Every time you please them you may loose Torment depending on how villainous you are.
Also in case you fail a roll, you may exerr your willpower to roll an additional dice. But if you fail that roll you gain +1 Torment

Gain 10 Torment and you siffer an appropriate curse that can last anywhere between a second to a day depending on how severe it is
Very nice
Wallahi we're cook-

As he tightened his grip on the firewand the answer started to look more and more like a resounding "yes". The very idea that finally, after years of living with this "curse" of his, he can fight in actual combat and show what he can do excited him to no end. He then gave the girls a nod. Of course he had no intentions of actually staying behind, hiding in the carriage and letting them have all the fun. But he was sure they would not let him endanger himself.

They intentionally moved closer to the ambush point but abruptly stopped before they'd be surrounded by the hiding bandits. Kaya was the first to jump off, her jade armor and daiklave shining brightly in the noon sun made her status apparent for all to see. She was followed by Ena who, rather than jumping, carefully climbed down. She lacked armaments of all kind and wore only fine silk, but she did not appear concerned in the least by that. Then Jet made his way down, with wand in hand. The girls immediately turned their heads to look at him.

"What are you doing you fool of Creation? Get back on the cart!"

"You forget that I too am a Dynast dear sister."
Jet cocked the firing mechanism of the wand.
"I can handle myself. Focus on the lion's share of the work. I'll handle the chaff."

"UGH! Ena, if you're not going to discipline him, I will!"
Kaya then stepped forth, brandishing her massive blade.
"Alright you graceless mongrels. Come on out! I offer you victory and a lifetime of luxury if you can pry the jade from my cold dead hands!"
She looked from left to right.
"No response? Some bandits. Hiding from a girl just because she has a bit of dragon in her. Fine. Have it your way! Ena! Jet! Come!"
The two others place their hands on Kayas shoulders as the girl assumes a combat stance with her sword in hand.
"I grant you the grace of elements."

Snowflakes and sparks start flying around Kaya as her anima starts shining a pale-blue. Though it does not tear into her compatriots, quite the opposite. Ena and Jet feel the raw essence of air enter them, lightening their bodies and filling their lungs with vigor. Kaya then shouts as she swings her sword and a bolt of lightning shoots out of it. It hits one of the shrubs that obviously hides bandits and sets it aflame in addition to flinging torn out patches of dirt in the air. The man whose hiding place was hit started rolling on the floor and convulsing in pain. Those not struck started swarming the place as they left their covers.

"Shit, shit, shit! It's a fucking dragon-blooded!"
One shouts.

"Don't lose your nerve idiots! It's just two girls and a boy! Kill them and we'll be set for life!"
The one ordering the others around must be their leader, as the others don't object to his command. And if they were dealing with almost any other trio of barely adult dynasts, they'd be right. There were about sixteen bandits and only three of them. Such odds are normally difficult to overcome.

"Bring it!"
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Kaya took off in a charge with a grin a mile wide and with the wind at her back. She struck with the speed of lightning and the violence of a snow storm, cutting off the tip of a spear that they tried to impale her with, before snatching the broken piece out of the air and thrusting it into the chest of another, through several layers of a treated leather jacket. As they try to surround her one swing of her sword cuts through a man's sword, his banded iron armor and his torso before parrying a second person's hammer. She raises her free hand up to blast him with lightning. Three men, including the one whose spear she cut off, stand frozen from the violent display. And they don't get a chance to snap out of it either, as the girl moves swift as a gale in front of them and delivers a flurry of three slashes, each one aimed squarely at their chests. Their armor offered them little protection against the jade edge of her weapon and they fell over with deep, frozen wounds where their hearts ought to be. Six men now lay dead and all they managed to do is that now Kaya has to try and blow an errant lock of hair out of her own eye.

Meanwhile Ena faced six more foes at the same time. The brigands looked at her with impure thoughts clearly on their minds. But gone was the mousey little girl who'd much rather be at home reading her scrolls. What stood before them was a scion of House Catala whose eyes were like the bottomless ocean, and held just as much mercy. She did not bother with hearing the jeers of these "people" nor about putting on a good show or even giving them a chance to fight. Her body begins to emit a blue glow as shards of black glass start to grow out of thin air around her. The bandits scream "Witch" and start running for their lives. It's too late. She raises her right arm and points at them.
"Death of Obsidian Butterflies"
She speaks and thousands of glass insects fly out from where she's pointing in the direction of the bandits. Their razor sharp wings tear into anything and everything less durable than stone, leaving it in often bloody tatters. Where the bandits were now only lay a field of shattered glass, a bloody smear and whatever iron they had at their person.

It's needless to say that the four still left standing, including the leader of the bandits, are more than a little distressed by this display and converge on the one that has so far not demonstrated any nonsensical abilities. Namely Jet. They were clearly planning on using him as a human shield to hopefully get out of this situation alive. Jet merely shook his head.
"You could save us all a lot of trouble if you just surrendered, you know."

"Get him!"
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One of them charges the dynast with his saber raised high. He gets a face full of fire for his troubles as Jet points the firewand at him without looking and pulls the trigger. As his screams of agony are drowned out by the roaring blaze his head has become Jet's other hand moves autonomously to the pouch of firedust and takes it to reload the weapon. It happens so fast with one fluid motion that the bandits don't even see it happen. Sometimes the supernatural dexterity flowing in his fingers comes in handy. The other two goons are frozen, forcing their leader to make a move. He swings wide but Jet side-steps him, then rolls over his back as he stumbles. He fires at one of the gawking bandits and moves onto the other. He tries to run but the infernal simply trips him, causing the poor fellow to fall right on top of his own sword belly first. Another fluid reload later he points his wand at the last man standing.
"I take it back. That was no trouble at all. Put down your arms."

The two girls watch as the thug puts his horse-chopper down and Ena speaks up.
"Y-Your brother is quite astounding for a mortal."


As he watches the dynast kick his weapon away the bandit begins pleading.
"Please! Spare me! I have a family y'know! I only took up a life of crime so they wouldn't starve."

"Yeah, and you took up banditry and made a gang comprised solely of struggling family heads. A likely story. On your knees or I shoot."

"Hey. Nice job Jet. I uh, didn't know you were this good at fighting."

"We're cut from the same cloth aren't we?"

"True. Anyway, what do we do with him?"

Jet readied his weapon and the man cowed in fear. But he simply unloaded the armament before holstering it.
"We take him with us. Find a nearby settlement and hand him over to the local authorities. They probably terrorized the populace there as well. Let them dispense proper justice."

"Would be easier to just kill him."

"True. But we're representatives of the Realms culture. We should be better than these barbarians. So we'll do this properly."

"Sigh... I am NOT gonna hunt just to feed him."

The three of them bound up the bandit's leader and tied him to the cart before stripping whatever they could from the remains of those they ravaged, which wasn't much but it did yield a few weapons of frankly terrible quality and some silver coinage, either local or Guild currency. It was nothing terribly interesting to be frank, and one can’t expect much more than this from mere thugs. Jet was more interested in his sister as she was cleaning her dirtied jade armaments and Ena who was reading one of her scrolls while he was busy clearing things out.
He was always interested in the arms of the chosen, it’s one of their symbols of power after all. Not that enlightened mortals can’t use magical artifacts, but the Realm never looked too fondly of them. And he had no idea Ena was a sorceress. In his experience, and that of pretty much everyone else, those engaged in true magic and not just the rotes of “mundane” thaumaturgy everyone can do are outcastes everywhere in Creation, no matter how powerful, useful or necessary they are. Probably why she never told him that she was initiated into sorcery.

But now that he was, as the demon puts it, Exalted he too could possess all of those. Provided he could acquire them somehow and find a way to explain how he’s able to wield essence all of a sudden.

>He decided to chat up Kaya about her impressive arsenal
>He asked Ena about the intricacies of true magic
>He asked Ena about the intricacies of true magic
>Ask Ena about sorcery and if she trained any martial arts, similar to the immaculate order. Maybe make a joke about us both fprmerly being imaculates so it would have made sense. Then Inquire of our sister if she found any magical martial arts.

>Also, tease the girls. "You know I outclassed all the exalted in my generation right? Imagine how much I can do when I do exalt."

We are a demon of Pride and Envy, I want it ALL
>He asked Ena about the intricacies of true magic
I was gonna ask if Ena was also exalted, but I see that magic is just that good. Any lore reason as to it being shuned ?
Pride is Malfeas, kinda
Szoreny is envy
>He asked Ena about the intricacies of true magic

Time to get ourself one big pointy hat
Ena is Exalted. I think I elluded to it but I may not have stated it directly. Apologies.
And there is no single reason why Sorcerers are shunned. There are multitudes. Nobody becomes a mage on accident, you must want to be one. This means all mages are either powerhungry tyrants or big fucking nerds who spend their time chanting in ancient forgotten languages and reading forbidden scrolls for esoteric wisdom. The process of learning also changes a person, first slightly but it usually cascades into a big change (the reason for this is that one must make a sacrifice as the final step of learning sorcery. This sacrifice is usually metaphysical rather than physical. Your old self, the love of a person, your loyalty to a nation, etc.) And finally they are powerful. They can summon and bind demons to their service (and given how it's one of the most useful and versatile spells virtually everyone does that unless they morally object to interacting with demons), the spell Ena used is the most bog standard and commonly used combat spell and it's capable of turning entire platoons into spaghetti sauce. What's more is that mortals and Dragon-blooded can learn the same spells, the only difference is that Deebs are better at casting them and live longer so they know more. If an unprepared Exalt meets a competent mortal sorcerer it can end very badly for them as they get hit by spells that can decimate platoons of trained soldiers.

And higher tier exalts can learn spells of greater potency, going up to army and country wiping levels. So all in all, magic is scary

I forgor to mention this in the last reply but becoming Dragon-blooded has an age limit. Jet pretty much hit that so he has no chance of Exalting.
>>He decided to chat up Kaya about her impressive arsenal
>He asked Ena about the intricacies of true magic
Sorcery is a more versatile tool than any Artifact, and as a Chosen of the very inventors of Sorcery we have far greater access to it than a mere Terrestrial.
>Any artifact
"Lol" said the Eye of Autochthon "lmao"
>Ena is Exalted. I think I elluded to it but I may not have stated it directly. Apologies.
either it were tips only people familiar with the setting knows or I was dense enough to miss it. also zam, mages realyl are OP everywhere.

>I forgor to mention this in the last reply but becoming Dragon-blooded has an age limit. Jet pretty much hit that so he has no chance of Exalting.
so it's not just the case of young ones having a bigger chance, there's an age cap ? I see why everyone was dissapointed with us.
The Plot Device of Autobot is an outlier and should not be counted and also kills basically everyone who tries to use it. Yes I am coping and seething, as is the Yozi way.
Yeah there is a time limit. Breeding determines how early one can Exalt and it goes from a scale of 1 to 5 (6). Individuals with exceptional breeding can Exalt as early as 10 or 8. (Kaya was 6)
But most Exalt only after they start hitting puberty, partly because there needs to be an emotional trigger and teens are very emotional. But basically at age 12 or so people start expecting it to happen and they get more worried each year because the chances gradually decrease until you hit 20, when you loose all chance.

This is why Jet was shunned a lot. As every year of him not exalting was another L
I'm just saiyan'.
There are plenty of Artifacts of supreme bullshittery that can give sorcery a run for its money. Especially advanced magitech.

Especially if one uses Evocations, which I might because it's one of the few good ideas in 3e
As he finished up with the "cleanup" Jet moved closer to Ena and cleared his throat loudly to get her to look up from her reading material. She jumps nervously and gives him an inquisitive look.
"Oh I'm sorry. I get a bit too absorbed when I read. Need me for something?"

"I recall you mentioning when we first met that your family only allows truly exceptional individuals to attend the five schools."


"You never mentioned that you attended the Heptagram. You must be a true prodigy then!"

"Oh. I'm really not. I did not study on the Blessed Isle. Like I said, our family home-schools us. That includes initiation into sorcery, should someone show affinity for it. We sort of have our own small society of magic."

The Infernal was surprised. It suddenly made sense why neither she, nor anyone else mentioned Ena is a sorceress. Officially licensed sorcerers are the only ones recognized by the Realm, and attending the Heptagram is the only way to receive such authorization. What the Catala are doing is a big breach in Realm law, especially since every graduate of the sorcerous school owes one obligation to the Empress that they must perform when called upon, which could be anything. Effectively they are ducking out of the responsibility that all other sorcerers are beholden to. And them not being able to afford it is no excuse.

"I see. Worry not. Seeing how I'm part Catala now, your family secrets are safe with me. But please, do entertain me a bit. What's it like? Casting spells I mean. My only exposure to sorcery was seeing a few relatives escorted by demons from a distance."

"I'm afraid I can't help you with that. It's... hard to explain even to non-sorcerers. I can't begin to imagine what it'd be like for someone who can't even use Essence. When you first enlighten it's like awakening to a sense you did not have before and see things from a new perspective. To become a sorcerer one must first fulfill three things. They must have ample essence of their own, so that their own can subjugate the essence around them, like how the course of a river is altered when it enters a bigger one. Second, they must have a strong will to impose it upon Creation and its laws. And third they must immerse themselves in the study of the occult, to truly understand and comprehend what new senses they awakened to. Only once a person fulfills these requirements can they have a chance of becoming a sorcerer by undertaking the Five Ordeals."

"I've never heard of that before."
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"It's not something sorcerers speak of. It's... not pleasant. A sorcerer must know humility, they must come to terms with their own shortcomings and resolve to do something about it. Then they must embark on a journey in search of self betterment. On their journey they must find a tutor, someone or something that can teach them the secrets of sorcery. And they must know and confront fear. These four steps may be taken in any order, and even without knowing. But the final one must always be sacrifice. You must give up something and make a hole in yourself for the capacity for sorcery to occupy. And it must be something you would not want to give up, otherwise it's not a sacrifice."

"That... seems rather mundane."

"Yes. More so in hindsight. I thought it'd be a grander thing. But it isn't. I heard tales of Sorcerers spontaneously awakening when they made a sacrifice. They never realized they've done the first four steps already. However it's unmistakable when it happens. After the sacrifice things... change. One not only sees and feels Essence, but how it weaves and interlocks into patterns. And understands how to do it themselves. But it's hard and takes a lot of studying. I myself can only cast a few more spells."

"Hmmm. Interesting. I always assumed the whole thing involved long, drawn out rituals and consuming all kinds of strange substances."

"No. That's more of a thaumaturgy thing. Some spells do require such procedures though."
Ena takes a deep breath and then sighs.
"But I hope you do not resent me for this. Or that I kept it a secret from you."

Jet let out a smile but he was struggling internally. If only she knew the things he's keeping from her.
"I'm not in the position to judge one of the chosen. And like I said, I understand. Your secrets are safe with me Ena. That I can promise."

"Aww. That's cute. They are bonding."
Jet hears a voice in his mind and his soul shrivels up like a raisin.

"Dragons preserve me, I thought I was finally free of you."

"No such luck I'm afraid. My job is to ensure you get the education you clearly need. You being a detestable bastard only means I'll let you suffer without my assistance until you crawl back and beg for my forgiveness."

"In your dreams, demon. Now be gone."

"Oh I will. But only when I'm done. Remember I know of everything that goes on in your noggin' whether you like it or not. You were thinking about learning sorcery from her by pretending you've become an enlightened mortal. Not a bad idea. But unnecessary. Why lower yourself to her level when you are so much above her in potency?"

"Because I'd rather trust my kin than you. If that isn't obvious, then you're more foolish than I thought."
"If you wish to squander your great potential, go ahead. But know that poor little Ena, though not wrong, is horribly lacking in knowledge. Not her fault, mind you. She's just a Terrestrial. You see, sorcery comes in layers. The three Circles of Sorcery are divided between Terrestrial, Celestial and Solar. Like the Exalted. Otherwise known as the Circles of Emerald, Sapphire and Adamant. Poor Ena, being a dragon-blooded, will never be able to go beyond the circle of Emerald without some powerful external aid. You, however, have no ceilings to speak of and could potentially master spells of even the mighty third circle."

"Nice try. But I'm not interested in learning whatever infernal sorcery nonsense you want to saddle me with."

"Infernal sorcery."
Markolab scoffs.
"Sorcery is sorcery, no matter the source. And at least with us, you'd be learning the true arts and not the bastardized version you mortals stole from us."

"Why is it that every time you open your mouth it's always "Actually, we know the true ways of that"? It's getting tiresome."

"That tends to happen when one speaks about those who forged all of Creation from the primordial chaos, moron. Sorcery was the tool the Yozi created to facilitate the shaping of reality. What you mortals and Exalts use is what you took from us. But it's not all bad. Since you stole the flame of sorcery many, many more demons have entered Creation. Which suits us just fine. But in any case, infernal sorcery is not that different. Both it and yours have access to the same powers. But mortal sorcery is more generic, whilst Yozi spellcasting has some upsides and downsides. Each Yozi has their own way of viewing the cosmos and imposing their will upon it. Using their methods shapes the spell into forms more in-tune with the particular Yozi whose method you emulate. And spells fitting that Yozis nature are easier and more potent to cast. While those against their nature are harder, or sometimes outright impossible. But that limitation is easy enough to bypass by learning multiple sorcerous enlightenments from different Yozi. Malfeas for example excels in destruction but can not cast spells that bring peace. Cecelyne can dominate and bind others to her will easier but can not conjure food or water."

"What about that of Szoreny?"

"You really need to diversify your portfolio..."

"Why? As far as I'm aware it's better for an Exalt to specialize in a given field, and let his comrades make up for his shortcomings."
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"Yes. That is a wise approach. And it served as the backbone of the Exalted Hosts efficacy for virtually all its existence. Five specialist Exalts in a Circle or the "Sworn Brotherhoods" your dragon-blooded cousins so like are worth exponentially more than five Exalt generalists. Sadly you do not have the luxury of relying on others I'm afraid. You have precious few brothers and sisters, so Circles forming among them is a rare thing indeed. Thus I recommend you dip into a bit of everything so you become self-reliant."

"You said precious few. How many are we talking about exactly?"


"That's a bit sad, isn't it?"

"We work with what we have. Including you."

The demon's voice then fades back into the background and Jet fully returns his attention to reality. They've managed to finish clearing the road of refuse and they are ready to depart once more, with their prisoner in tow. Continuing their journey they went into a forest, just as the sun was about to set and they decided to make camp before it got too dark. They've erected a tent, made a fire and cooked some food. After everyone, but their captive whom they've tied to the trunk of a tree, ate, they've all withdrawn to their shared tent for the night. But once the girls were long asleep Jet quietly rose from his bedroll and went outside both to relieve himself and to take care of some business. A little while later he approached the bound and gagged bandit and slapped him awake. The man grunted and groaned at him even as Jet raised a finger to his own mouth and hushed him to silence.

"Be quiet or I'm killing you."
He whispered but the man kept struggling. Finally he had enough and the black circle opened on Jet's forehead, filling the area with a faint green luminescence and a darkness that made the night look bright in comparison. The brigand fell silent and stiff as a statue right away as he realized he was looking at an Anathema.
"Good. Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to cut you down and you'll start running towards the nearest town. You're going to tell them that I am coming, that they will kneel before me or be destroyed. I will take over the entire Scavenger Lands and nothing will stop me, not the Realm, not Lookshy, not the Confederation of Rivers. So run! Tell everyone!"

With a cut from a knife he looted off of his buddies Jet cuts the bandit leader free, who takes off whilst he's still gagged and his hands are still bound. He does not get far however as right after jumping over a shrub he flies high up into the air, as his leg got caught in a snare and the trap Jet set previously sprung. Casually the Fiend walked over and dropped the knife on the ground below the dangling man with a smirk.
"Well, it was a good effort."

He then left the man to his fate. Given how his heart must be racing right now, he'll suffocate pretty soon from hanging upside down and the blood rushing to his head.
"How did you know he was going to run that way?"
The demon asked, confused.
Markolab once again proving to be just the best side character.

Its even funnier that all they can do is insult eachother. Neither can hurt the other with anything but words.
"I tied him down so on one side he'd have our camp, and me on the other. He had no other place to run to."

"Devious. I like it. How does it feel?"

"Shut up."

He did not want to give the demon the satisfaction of admitting that it does in fact feel quite good.

>Current Torment: 0

Jet returned to the tent like nothing happened before and the next morning Kaya and Ena found the man hanged by his ankles.
"Tits of the Empress. I thought I searched him thoroughly."

"H-How did he get up there?"

Jet shrugged.
"I set up a trap so we might catch some game for the journey."

"The fuck kind of game did you want to catch, Jet? Venison? Bah. No matter. Good thing you're senseless when it comes to this. Who knows what would've happened if this cunt ran away? Right Ena?"


Jet and Kaya packed their bags, while Ena stayed with the body to get him down and give him a proper burial. The trio then got back on their carriage and continued their journey, now a fair bit lighter. For a few days things were rather uneventful, allowing the dynasts to take in the natural beauty and serenity of the Threshold, Jet more so than the others. This goes on until they reach a somewhat larger city, which they reached after passing by several farms and rice paddies on the outskirts. Jet did not pay much attention to them, but he guesstimated that the province was quite wealthy, given its natural abundance of resources.

After paying off the guards for entry the three managed to enter after tying their cart down near the stables. Though it was no Imperial City, it was refreshing to see a bustling city after spending so long on the road with little to no human contact.

“SNIFF! AH! Smell that air? Finally! Civilization! I’m gonna hit the tavern! Anyone wants to come with?”

“A-Actually I want to see if they have a library or such and if they have any scrolls I could look at.”

Jet sighed.
“Fine. Then I guess I’ll handle buying the supplies.”

They split up almost immediately and Jet went off with his mental checklist of what exactly they needed to stock up on. But even a man as focused as him can’t help but have his mind wander a bit after so many days in virtual isolation, and frankly he’d do anything rather than spend another minute with those two right now. The stench was getting unbearable.
On the way to the store he spotted several vagrants laying about on the street. Normally he’d chastise them for being lazy good for nothing bums, but they were clearly starving and many of them bore some sort of illness. Strange, he thought, in a place that’s this prosperous.

On the other hand, the demon in his head got way too excited about a street full of street performers.
“Jet! Do you hear that? Music! Ah, what a sweet balm for the soul. Go there! I want to listen! I want… to dance!”
He listened just out of curiosity, and sure enough, the songs they played were indeed pleasing to the ear. But he found it strange that a demon would appreciate such a thing.

>He took a closer look at those in need and decided to help them
>He begrudgingly went along with the demons wish
>Custom (Insert an activity you’d like to do)
>Toss our coadjucator a bone and listen to the music.
>While we relax, begin to assess how long it would take for the houses to notice our take over
>The stench was getting unbearable.
we need a bath ?
>He took a closer look at those in need and decided to help them
>He begrudgingly went along with the demons wish
>Keep a mental note on how the homeless people look and where they are, so later at mid day or un the night we can help them.

I say we should make use of our shape shifting powers, get out of the city and get in. Unless we do this at night, but the point of this is so that those people in need don't remember a young Dynast helping them out and maybe give that information to someone of Ena's House, after all there was a Sideral looking for us the day we came back, there should be at least someone keeping some activity on what Jet is doing, we just need to look like an average dude, give some food, ask stuff and get out
Gonna +1 >>6052388 , this is the kind of intel we need.
These homeless smell like a plot hook that could let us get a handle on the local politics On the other hand I wonder if the music could come from some exalted that puts essence into their songs. Another Infernal exalted? A solar, or some other flavor of possible companion? I'm conflicted but I'll choose music.

>He begrudgingly went along with the demons wish

Checking the homeless out later in a different identity does sound pretty good too if there's time.
>>6052388 +1
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Jet practically rolled his eyes but decided to acquiesce to the demon’s wish. Primarily because a Dynast with a heavy high-realm accent aiding the poor would attract a lot of unwanted attention. But he made a mental note to return after adjusting his disguise a little. He turned towards the music with a deep exhalation.

“Fine. I’ll listen to some of the damned music. Can’t be that fun…”
As soon as he reached the square where buskers were however, and not in the street where he only heard a mere fraction of the notes, Jet froze. The totality of the song finally hit him, with the notes forming a harmonious whole and reverberating in his chest. His heart started beating to the rhythm to the drums, his bones rang in tune with the string and brass instruments.
“By the Dragons, yes!”

The demon cackled within him.
“Yes! The rhythm Jet! Let it loose!”

“But how?”
He spoke aloud, forgetting about even himself and his precarious situation with the voice in his head.
“T-This is not at all like the refined music at home! I only know how to dance in a ball room!”

“You don’t dance with your legs, idiot! You dance with your heart! It already knows what to do, so let it! Let go!”

Markolab did not speak another word, instead he started vocalizing the bass of the music like a metronome to guide his infernal master. The stimulation got too much and Jets body started moving on its own, or rather he started moving without a care in the world or the desire to stop. He raised his arms, drawing a full circle before throwing them forward. He stepped out of the crowd and into the open with every part of him moving unceasingly. Left, right, up, forward, backward, spin. His legs and arms moved harmoniously but in a wild fashion to the pace of the music.

At first the onlookers pointed and laughed at his foolish display but their jeers slowly turned into awe as the musicians noticed Jet, and feeling his excitement upped the pace themselves. The dynasts movements followed suit, becoming faster, wilder and less inhibited. Every note the performers hit was reflected in his movements. It was an uncanny sight. Were one to try to determine, they wouldn’t be able to tell if they were puppeteering him on strings or if somehow the dancers moves were the ones making the music.
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What nobody, not even Jet himself realized, was that the square was beginning to fill with a subtly sweet fragrance. This pollen scattered the rays of the sun shining down on the city, breaking them in such a way as to illuminate the dancer, making him look like the whole of Creation itself was his stage, and he was the star on it. The onlookers were slowly getting enchanted, most felt the image of the dancer being engraved in their minds, they would dream of him for many nights to come and have his visage fill their dreams with joy. A few others, those who felt the subtle pull of the music before but did not act on it due to shame, societal pressure or the need to be elsewhere joined in, their bodies beginning to move to reflect their true desires.

It started to feel like the city was about to break out in a fever of dance and impromptu celebration out of nowhere until the Unwoven Coadjutors words rang out in Jet’s head once more.
“Hey! HEY! JET! Your disguise is slipping!”

The dynast looked down and saw the shadow covering him rippling, as if it too wanted to join in on the dance. But that was not all. His fingers were starting to bend wrong, due to him moving to express himself in ways the human body simply can’t and he realized that the whole square is saturated in his essence due to his control slipping.

He stopped abruptly, ran to the buskers to throw a few coins in their basket and bolted out of the area. Running into an empty alleyway he smashed his own back against the wall of a building and tried to calm his still racing heart.
“What the hell was that? Did someone try to take control of me?”

“Music happened my dear Jet, music. Pretty good too, though not my preferred genre. But that fucking piper did play false and missed a few notes. Normally I’d urge you to go back and tear off his head so you can shit down his neck, but given the circumstances I’d say we should lay low.”


“What what? What do you not get? Have you ever heard music before?”

“Music doesn’t do that! I felt… lost.”

“Ah, well that’s mortals. You’re part demon now, remember? My bits are in you. And we love music. Dance too, but dance is just music given form. Music is the one thing, the only thing, still holy to each and every one of us. Even after thousands of years of pain and suffering the pure beauty of music is still the one thing the Exalted can never take from us. And it will always bring us solace. When we hear music, good music, we dance and when we dance magic happens. You’ve not lived until you cavorted with us demons on the streets of the Brass City, where one and all dance in tune, becoming one with the music itself, regardless of class or status. Ah… sometimes I do miss home.”
Sadly something came up but I didn't wish to leave you with nothing today.
I'll have to finish the update tomorrow.
I hope nothing bad happened, QM
Jet needs a custom robe with some long and deep sleeves. Give it some pockets to hold the firewands or atleast some reloads, and open enough near the torso that one of the extra mercury limbs can sprout and be obscured inside. He shoots the firewand, draws it back into the sleeve where the extra arm can reload it, then hes good to shoot again and again, especially with a second firewand in the left hand. Maybe a few throwing knives in there too. Then learn some alchemy to make custom firewand shots, like a smokescreen shot to obscure the area incase he needs to go full throttle in the open. How hard is it to learn alchemy and one of the yozi we seem well aligned with liked alchemy right?
I had a bit of an accident yesterday and threw up. But I'm okay now, thank you for asking

Funnily enough that's exactly the kind of design I was going to go with.
And yes, Szoreny is the alchemy dude. And it'd be trivial to develop those powers but it would come at a cost
“Shit… Shit! I did not want to attract any attention! I wanted to lay low and get a read on the city!”

“Heh. Well you can kiss those ambitions goodbye. I think you made quite an impression. Better take a breather for now and adjust your form if you wish to not be recognized.”

“Sigh. Better get going then. I still need to buy supplies then… I don’t know. I’ll just crawl in the cart and sleep there for the night. Or something.”

Once he sufficiently calmed down he made his way back to the market where he purchased everything they’d need. While at it he tried to hit up the merchants to try and squeeze some information about exactly who owns these lands, but they were either not locals or they gave vague replies like “the Dynasty” or “the Realm”. It’s no wonder. For the citizens of the Threshold it matters little what family crest the ones ruling them bear. All they see is the black helmed guardians of the realm and the tax collectors. Where their money is funneled is irrelevant to them. If he wanted to find out exactly whose toes he might be stepping on if he acts out, then he’d need to visit one of the local institutions or perhaps even the Satrap itself to make an inquiry. Which may not be the smartest thing to do, nobody would appreciate a foreign dynast poking their nose in their business.

After he had everything he needed Jet carried his sack of goods back to the cart and stashed it away.
“Right. Time to find the others…”
But as he re-entered the city Jet saw something that gave him mixed feelings. Where there was a large, dancing crowd in the middle of the square just a few minutes ago now had only the town guard beating people into submission, while anyone they hadn't started hitting with their clubs scattered like vermin.
“What are they doing?”

“I believe it is called “beatings”. My, just look at them go. It always brings joy to the heart when one sees someone do their job with such enthusiasm! It’s quite inspiring.”

Jet grabs the hand of a man that was fleeing the scene and starts interrogating him.
“Hey! You! What’s going on here?”

“I-It’s you! You’re the dancing man!”

“Answer my damn question! What are the black helms doing?”

“T-They started arresting people for disrupting public peace! Y-You should start running as well. I think they’re looking for you.”

Jet scoffed and let the man go. He couldn’t believe they’d go this far for something so minor. And that they are looking for him? Presumably to punish him as well for starting it all. He looked at the group of armed guards and began gritting his teeth.

>He went there and gave them a taste of their own medicine
>He revealed himself to give a piece of his mind to these brutes
>He decided it was time for a change in appearance
>He went to find Kaya and Ena before something happened to them
>He decided it was time for a change in appearance
>He decided it was time for a change in appearance
>He went there and gave them a taste of their own medicine
>"You dare ruin this party? Are you courting death? What kind of shitty house lets their dogs bark so brazenly into the streets?"

Change our appearance to someone else, a burlier person, complete with a scarred eye someone who cannot be jet mnemon then beat the info on who's running this place and everything they can muster out cause corrupt guards equal corrupt officials then dissappear into the wind like it never happened. Information and an untraceable identity, plus good punching practice.

>Change our appearance to someone else, a burlier person, complete with a scarred eye
Scarred eye is doable but you can't become much bulkier than you already are. Loom Snarling Deception, the charm Jet uses, can do about 10% deviation in mass and height in both directions. Cosmetic things like the scar are doable though. So is switching genders, but at the end of the day it's a disguise, not shapeshifting
Kay, just make a distinguished look that's unmissable so if they're looking for "jet" they'll go on a goose chase about a man with a scarred eye,
How about his voice? Does he have to pitch it down or up himself or does the charm do a bit of work?
That was a good question and I had to look it up. I'd say it does, since it does allow one to look like the opposite gender and even comes with a fake Destiny on top, so it'd be silly if it couldn't supply a voice as well
>He went to find Kaya and Ena before something happened to them
Left arm feels a bit numb. Might have carpal tunnel. Gonna take it easy with the writing for a bit
Making even more chaos? Check. Making it even more confusing with some mystery dynast beating up the local fuzz? Check.

Make it happen captain

Take a break QM. So I'm wondering, is it only good music that will make Jet want to dance? Or would he dance to bad music as well. If he organizes events he will need to have a designated bad band so he doesnt wind up dancing or straining himself to not do so.
Demons hate bad music so fucking much sorcerers are frequently baffled when their blood apes who live for fighting and bloodshed will just stop participating in combat to tell the drummer boy to kill himself because he can't keep a rhythm if his life depends on it

This is true for every demon, save for Adorjan who hates loud noises
Hope you get better qm
Okay gang, hear me out. I can't remember if Dynasts need some extra permit or something to summon demons to fight, or if we need to be Sorcerers so the people don't come for our heads, in which case we can do that and try to convince people we're sorcerers.

Once we get that, we can:
>Grab a platoon of the most talented musician in our army
>Give them high quality instruments and good enough armor for combat.
>Practice formations and write partitures so during combat, our army can make a whole symphony that signals different commands but it doesn't break the song flows
>Summon different kinds of demons

Imagine your whole army being demolished and cannibalized by some other Dynast while you're hearing them play Moonlight Sonata or some shit like that
What if you know your enemy uses a bunch of demons and so you set up a bunch of bad musician distractions to take them away from the battle lol
The gubbermint got to him and chopped of his hands
Well, at least he can run the quest with text to speech

Hope you're doing alright Loom.
Praying for OP
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>Hope you're doing alright
this is near midnight
OP is european, zam
He lives.
I will come back with a new thread, promise.
Just... not until the most minute amount of thinking results in my brain startin to boil.
Forecast says the end of next week might bring some relief
Don't worry take your time
Hope that heatwave is over Loom, what would Jet do if he was hit by a heatwave? Kaya powered AC? Alchemy Gatorade? Sex with his wife and he goes into a catatonic state until the heat goes away?
New thread here. Now that the weather eased up a little and I'm not horribly hung over from the weekend. Apologies for the delay but we really did experience one mean motherfucker of a weather these past weeks

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