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>Art: David-Marquez
>Alt-Text: Batman and Superman face off against a skull-shaped spaceship with tentacles floating in the sky.

You stand alone. Your allies have fallen.
The Riddler, your most cunning enemy to date, has merged with a seemingly all-powerful robotic being, and a massive Skullship is floating in the air.
This… Brainiac floats toward you.

Batman: What do you want?
Brainiac: To collect. This is a hostile universe. It is filled with organics dedicated to destroying themselves. Once I acquire this planet’s data, my Skull Ship will take its sample and I shall move on to the next planet.
Batman: Sample?

As if to answer, the Skull Ship flies higher. It splays its tentacles and they start to sparkle with purple lightning.

Brainiac: The only thing of value in this cosmos of infected rocks is the information your biologicals spawn. Once I finish absorbing the contents of your primitive networks, I will identify the optimal habitation for collection. It will be contained for future study, ensuring intellectual content is properly utilized.
Batman: You’re going to abduct an entire city?! With all this power, you could SAVE the world!

Rage takes over. You fire your Bat-guns at the machine man. The bullets merely sink into liquid metal skin.
Biomechanical cables spring from Brainaic’s body, their question mark hooks a sign of the Riddler’s echos within the alien mind.

Brainiac: I am saving the world. I have collected from over 52,000 systems. I have the combined brainpower of ten billion civilizations. Every calculation shows Earth, like everything under organic domain, is doomed for destruction.

The cables dig into your flesh. Fire crackles through your brain.

Brainiac: You primitives are beings of great irony. Brutish, foolish, and dangerous, but the source of the universe’s greatest treasures. Your art, your culture, your ideas, like wildflowers of information blooming from savage manure.

You feel the electrons in your brain spark as the alien begins to read your mind, your thoughts just another product to exploit.

Riddler: NO!

The cables disconnect and fling you to the ground.

Riddler: Your puny mind isn’t worthy of collection. There is nothing you know that I don’t already have in here.

He points at his head. It glows with a question mark logo.
Despite their fusion, Riddler’s obsession with being the smartest man in the room has stayed intact.

Riddler: I played all of you for fools! All I needed was to tell Waller I had a plan to deal with her favorite teacher’s pet and she practically BEGGED to fund my Nygmabox. It let me read the minds and machines of the planet. I saw the echoes of Brainaic, buried in the technology the cavemen who run our planet took from the caped alien’s spaceship. I have the knowledge of a billion worlds, Bruce. I’m not just the smartest man in the room, I’m the smartest man in the UNIVERSE!
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>Art: Bart Tyraknifesaurus ( instagram.com/tyraknifesaurus/ )
>Alt-Text: Art of The Riddler fused with Brainiac. Question mark-shaped cables grow from his body. A circuit with glowing nodes is on his chest, shaped like a question mark mixed with the Brainianc logo. His forehead has a Question mark with its dot fusing with another Brainiac symbol.

That’s why he wanted Waynetech to develop The Box.
If you had used it to read Gotham’s mind for your war on crime, Riddler would have had access to your entire database.
But you never used it. Which means there are some tricks it doesn’t know about.

Batman: Bat-Yellow Solar Grenade!

You fire the device from your gauntlet and blanket the area with the power of the sun.
Its energy empowered your teammates, the solar-powered Superman and photosynthetic Poison Ivy.
The two recover from the injuries Brainianc inflicted on them.

Superman: This Brainiac, they know about Krypton…
Brainiac: INSECTS!

Green and white radiation fires from “Riddliac’s” cables.
Clark flies at Superspeed, taking you, Ivy, Waller, and DV8 far from the battlefield.

Ivy: As long as they have that radiation, the two of us can’t get close to it.

Hector and Leon, the only DV8 members still conscious, struggle to stand.

Frostbite: Wrangling your flyboy from his freakout drained us both. We won’t be much use in a fight.
Powerhaus: And no offense, but I don't think a man in a Halloween costume will be enough against an alien invasion.
Batman: Aliens I might have trouble with, but I know human nature. Riddler was too vain to drain my mind and I never used his Box Technology, so he won't see this coming. Failsafe- Run Signal protocol.

You pull out your Bat- Remote Hacking Device and run the program.

Batman: Riddler doesn't know Failsafe exists. If I get close enough I can hijack his data stream and get a message to the entire planet: Shut down your devices or Brainiac flies away with a city.
Waller: You want to convince 5 billion people to work together? To save strangers?
Superman: It’s our only hope. Let’s record the message and save the world.

The message you send to the planet will be your ultimate statement on the meaning of heroism and your beliefs on how to save the world.
You will convince the people of Earth to help you with...

>Zero Day
>Vote Title: Cynthia Furey & Aman Adumer
A message of hope.

>Dark Prisons
>Vote Title: Chip Zdarsky
A message of fear.

>A Dark Knight: Reunion
>Vote Title: Peter Blake
A message of vengeance.

{Choose Any number, the option with the most total votes wins.}
>Zero Day
At its heart,the DC universe is a truly hopeful and idealistic place, even if hollywood wants to make us think like its not. But to keep things interesting
>Dark Prisons
Gotta make it a toss up
>Zero Day

I REALLY want to believe in the human spirit.
>Zero Day
>A Dark Knight: Reunion
Hope for the future, revenge on those fools who, in their hubris, nearly took it away from all of us.
>Zero day
>Dark knight reunion.

Hope is human. Vengence is for when peoples hope needs a kick up the ass.
Amusing that his plan to read all our minds was foiled becauae we never gave into temptation of mind control.
>Zero Day
The true Batman spirit
>A Dark Knight: Reunion
The true Batman darkness
Locking for Zero Day. Update today.
Batman is vengeance and the night, but that doesn't mean everybody else will be or has to be. The night also carries with it the hope for a sunrise... or whatever cool (pseudo?) philosophical or symbolic bullshit you wanna sat
I dont think you can tie it to night. Our whole ethos is that the night is dark and full of monsters. We're just gonna be the scariest predator in the ecosystem.

Hope, We dont want to centre it on superman or any singular figurehead.
Maybe hang it on the direct and measurable positive action they can take, direct as its ever going to be here. Plus our work in the city, helping communities and shit.
>Actor: Christopher Reeves. Director: Sidney J. Furie. Costume: John Bloomfield, based on an original design by Yvonne Blake.
>Alt-text: Image from Superman IV showing Superman as played by Christopher Reevse, standing before a podium.

Batman: And I know exactly what the world needs to hear.
The skullship floats above the ruins of the airport. An unnatural violet storm radiates from its tendrils

Brainiac: Estimated completion of download in 52 minutes. Far longer than estimated.
Riddler: It’s the puny brains of this planet! The Box doesn't have enough mind power to absorb the entire internet in an hour!
Brainiac: This form possessed less computation power than was promised.
Batman: BAT-SMOKE!

Smog surrounds the hybrid. You echo a mocking laughter through the darkness.

Batman: Guess you aren’t as smart as you say, Riddler.
Riddler: INSECT!

The cybernetic tentacles cut through the smoke and grab you.

Brainiac: I improved this primate’s optics to see the whole of the electromagnetic spectrum. Your theatrics cannot hide you from me.

Clark slams into Riddliac from above.

Superman: He’s not hiding. He’s baiting.

Your ally uses his heat vision to burn Brainiac’s didoes away from Riddler’s skull.

Brainiac: ENOUGH.

Green light explodes from Riddliac’s chest.

Superman: ARGH!!

Clark falls back. You can hear his skin sizzling through his clothes.

Brainiac: You have learned nothing Kryptonian. Against my intellect, your strength is meaningless. You are powerless.
Batman: His strength isn’t what makes him powerful. Bat-Remote Hacking Device!

You download your message into the opening Clark cut in Riddliac’s skin.
The alien machine is connected to every device on the planet and now so is the world’s greatest hero.

Superman: Hi everyone, I’m Kal. Some people call me Superman. Earlier today, an agent of the US Government hijacked the world’s nuclear arsenal and framed me for it. I bet the Daily Star will have a story soon. But this isn’t about me. That same agent has bonded with, Brainiac, a hostile computer intelligence. He wants to absorb all Human culture from the internet, abduct a city, and leave us to die. He wants this because he believes we are doomed, that the only thing left to do is to collect the leftovers of the past and wait to die. But I don't believe that. I don't believe every dream worth having has already been dreamt. I don’t believe this is a planet of monsters doomed to tear itself apart. If Brainaic gets our data we’ll lose millions of people. Millions of hopes, dreams, and ideas will be left bottled up on a spaceship. Countless lives ruined to satisfy a colonial ego. Brainiac doesn't believe in you. But I do. If you believe, turn off your devices. Shut down your phones. Unplug your modems. Brainiac thinks this is a dead world. A world with no future. Let’s show him Tomorrow Lives!
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>Pencils & Inks: Max Raynor. Colors: Alejandro Sánchez
>Alt-text: Comic art of Brainiac screaming while his head explodes with electricity.
>Dialouge Sample: William D. Mellin.

The message is broadcast worldwide, automatically translated into a thousand languages.
For one shining moment, the people of the world unite. Every screen on the planet goes dark.

Brainiac: H-how? My system is perfect. Uncompromisable
Batman: As far as you know. You only have the information Riddler fed you. Looks like it has some gaps. Garbage in. Garbage out.
Brainiac: A futile gesture, you only delay the-
Riddler: AHHHHHH! I’ll cut you to shreds!

Countless cables erupt from Riddliac’s body. They lash at you, ripping your costume to pieces.

Batman: Urrk- Of course you will. I’m no match for your intellect.
Riddler: Now you get it.
Batman: Our human brains are no match for the alien genius of Brainiac.
Riddler: What? No! This was my plan. My genius defated you.
Batman: You’re so powerful, I’d lose to you even if you possessed a monkey.
Brainiac: An appeal to the human ego. A desperate attempt at-
Riddler: You think I need this overgrown calculator to beat you?! Raaarghh!!!

Your combined enemies drop you. Riddliac begins tearing at itself.
The man-machine rips cybernetic components from physical flesh and exposes an inner core.

Brainiac: Stop this illogical action! You are compromising-
Riddler: Don’t tell me what to do! If it weren’t for me, you’d still be running Mortal Kombat in a DARPA basement.
Batman: NOW!

The injured Superman grabs Ridliac from behind.
At the same time, Ivy’s vines spawn from the ground, tying up Riddliac and spreading the gaps in their flesh further.
You plunge your hand into Riddliac’s chest, connecting Failsafe to Brainiac’s hard drive.

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>Art: Ryan Sook
>Comic art of Brainiac’s skull ship opening its mouth. Red energy pours from it showing visions of superheroes.
>Dialouge Samples: Neal Hefti. Scott Snyder. Master of Games. AxisQM. Coauthor. Darkseid.

You smell flesh burning, feel screams scarring your throat, and see bloody light. And then you sense nothing.
Nothing save for an alternating riff of d and c notes.


The sound vibrates like the strings of an instrument. No, not strings. Threads.


Snowflame: I am the fire that can never be snuffed out! I am the embodiment of the powered god! Every atom in my body is inflamed with the intense, unyielding power! My mind,my body, taken to limitless heights through the divine substance coursing through my veins! Cocaine strengthens my muscles, sharpens my mind, gives me breath, and transforms me into a god among men!
Batman: What?


The Source: You’re about to meet the Man Who Broke the Bat.
Batman: No.


Vale: Joker Returns. Gotham Commissioner Kidnaped. Daughter Shot.
Bruce: No.


Bruce: NOOOOOOO!!!
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>Pencils & Inks: Lee Weeks. Colors: Elizabeth Breitweiser
>Alt-Text: Comic art of Bruce Wayne screaming

Superman: Bruce!

Your eyes open. Or were they open all along? You’re kneeling, your Batsuit in pieces around you.
Riddler lies next to you, wheezing in pain, his body clashing with the dead machinery stuck in it.

Bruce: I saw it. I saw everything.
Superman: What did you see?
Bruce: Brainiac wasn’t just collecting data from this universe. He was observing all of them A multiverse of Earths, each ending in doom.

Clark offers a hand.

Superman: I don’t know about any other Earths, but when it comes to this one, I know we can handle anything. Together.
Failsafe: AnALyzing. fiTy-two teRaBytes of data iNcoming.

Failsafe buzzes through what’s left of your cowl’s speakers.
When you connected to Brainianc’s mind, so did it. Robotics, AI, automatic armies. Knowledge to change the world.
You know what you must do with it.

>The OMAC Project
>Vote Title: Greg Rucka
Superman, Ivy, Dick. Good-hearted people. But the horrors you saw, the crisis to come, will require you to do what you know they can’t. You will keep the technology to yourself and expand your War on Crime to a new mission: Save the World.

>The Brave and the Bold
>Vote Title: Robert Kanigher & Ed Heron
Today has proven you can’t do this alone. You’ll use the technology to ally with fellow heroes to build a force for a better world.

>Golden Streets of Gotham
>Vote Title: Jen Van Meter
Riddler and Brainiac showed you the errors of ego. You saw yourself as the great leader, put yourself at the head of partnerships, teams, and even armies. But the world has had enough of “great men” leading the masses. It’s time the people take the power into their own hands. You will share the technology with the world. You have hope in humanity. They will save the world, not under the heel of a “genius” or beneath the watch of a pantheon of metahumans, but by coming together.

{Choose any number. The vote with the most options will win.}
Rest in peace AxisQM. If you or anyone you know is struggling with depression, please reach out to a mental health provider, service, or hotline.
You are not alone.

>Golden Streets of Gotham
Have faith
I miss him every day
>Golden Streets of Gotham
>Golden Streets of Gotham
The same streets mom and dad walked and believed in.
>The golden streets of gotham.
We will hold some of it back. Some things shouldn't be used, shared or disseminated. Others, we need to keep a competative advantage. But between super corp and wayne tech, they should be able to regulste world tech really well.

And no, Supes, we are not going to therapy.
>Golden Streets of Gotham
Locking for The Golden Streets of Gotham

The Final update will be Friday Saturday to Sunday.
The rest of thus thread will be for annotations and q&A. Thank you for coming along this journey.
Thanks for sticking with it! It's been a blast.
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>Director: Joaquim Dos Santos. Art: m.imdb.com/title/tt0618203/fullcredits/art_department
>Alt-Text: Animation screenshot of Batman smirking at Waller.
>Dialogue Samples: Rich Fogel. Bryan Edward Hill. Dwayne McDuffie & J. M. DeMatteis.

Batman: You were right, The Crisis is coming.
Superman: I’ve been planning for this

A giant vine-based spider crawls toward you. On its back are Ivy, Waller, and DV8.

Ivy: Go on.
Superman: Earth is changing. More threats like Brainaic are coming. Governments and corporations will use metahumans and superscience to enact plans they used to dream of. If people with power and good intentions like us unite, we can make sure the world is changing for the better.
Ivy: Sounds like a plan. Earth could use a good dose of vengeance.
Superman: More like… Justice.
Batman: You're wrong.
Superman: Really? You still want to go this alone?
Batman: Just the opposite. Earth won’t be saved by one man in a suit or a legion of supergods looking down from heaven. The moment people like us put ourselves in charge, no matter how well-intentioned we’ve crossed a line.
Ivy: So you’ll just let the world go to shit.
Batman: Failsafe accessed Brainaic’s mind. There was enough data to revolutionize the world a thousand times over. Every day the innocent suffer because they don't have the power to fight back. Lifesaving genius goes untapped because it doesn't have the resources to thrive. I can level the playing field, put the power in the hands of the people so they can save the world on their terms, not ours.
Superman: Look at the mess the planet is in from scraps of superscience. Unleashing the Brainiac Files could set the world on fire.
Batman: We can’t fear the people we’re protecting. You said you believe in humanity. I didn’t. Until now. I’m choosing to have faith, that when given a chance, the people of the world can show us a better world.

Slow sarcastic clapping echoes from behind

Waller: Bravo, Bruce. I would have installed you in Washington if it wouldn't be a waste of your talent.
Ivy: Why haven't we killed her, again?

Thorny tendrils form behind Ivy.

Waller: Because I have so much dirt on you, every government on earth could bury you so deep even the sun won’t pop you out. Now run off. You don’t want to be here when the boys in blue pick up Nygma and our meta assets.
Frostbite: No. I’m done with this. We spent years as your guinea pigs, your soldiers, and your prisoners. I’m not going back!

Leon’s eyes flicker. He barely has any strength left, but he stands firm. Hector walks beside him, and braces for combat. Waller smirks.

Waller: Safeties.

An array of high-power laser rifles emerge from the ground and aim at you all.

Waller: Lesson one- Preptime.

The rifles charge, but Superman stands between them and you.
Ivy raises her hands and a squad of giant plant golems rise in your defense.

Batman: Ours are bigger than yours.
Waller: Have it your way. This won’t be my first cold war. Power down.
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>Pencils: Jim Lee. Inks: Scott Williams. Colors: Alex Sinclair.
>Alt-Text: Comic art of the Riddler raising then lowering a finger.
>Dialouge Samples: Jeph Loeb

The guns withdraw.

Waller: I’d watch my back if I were you. Your gang of superfriends is on its way to making some real enemies.

In a flash of yellow light, she disappears.

Ivy: Where did she go?!

Clark looks up.

Superman: It's like she slipped through space. No energy trail, no path. She’s just… gone.
Ivy: Then she was right about one thing. We have some powerful enemies. I know it's ironic coming from me, Bats, but your new hippie outlook isn’t gonna cut it. Superman, when can we start?
Superman: Now. The first order of business is taking Riddler and separating what’s left of Brainiac from him.
Riddler: No!

Riddler tries to stand, but his damaged body slumps to the ground.
Ivy: Looks like someone was playing dead to avoid Mommy.
Riddler: Shut it, you overqualified florist! The genius of my strategy is unmatc-

Clark grabs him at superspeed.

Superman: Don’t talk to my friends like that. Just be still, you’ve been injured. I’m going to take you to The Fortress and help you.
Riddler: No. What you’ll do is let me go. Unless you want the world to know Batman is Bruce Wayne! Or will the world’s greatest hero prove himself a hypocrite and imprison me for life without trial?
Ivy: Or option three, I feed you to Frank.

A monstrous Venus flytrap bursts from her hand and spits fluid on Riddler’s face.
Riddler: eep!
Batman: Wait. I have an idea. What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?
Riddler: Pfft. Time to get a new fence. Everyone knows that. It's worthless.
Batman: Exactly. A riddle everyone knows isn't a riddle at all. A secret everyone knows is “worthless.” If everyone knows who Batman is, you go from being the man who knows Gotham’s biggest riddle, to just a man. Your ego can’t handle that.

He raises his finger as if to answer, then lowers it in silence.

Batman: I think he’s ready to go.
Frostbite: And what about us? Where do we go now?

Michael groggily wakes up, still shaking from the brain drain Brainiac did.

Evo: Hopefully somewhere with a massage chair. I feel like I’ve been planking for hours.
Batman: You’ve been controlled your whole lives. That ends here. Your future is your own. I can provide funds, and medical treatment, and get you in touch with your families if you want, but it is your choi-
Frostbite: An aquarium
Ivy: Wha-?
Leon: I want to work in an aquarium. I always liked animals. Frostbite just killed stuff. Leon wants to keep things alive.
Evo: And what about our fearless leader? Something tells me he won't be satisfied with a comfy life waiting for the new Game of Thrones.

He turns to Matthew, still catatonic after your psychic clash

Batman: I know someone who can help.
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>Pencils & Inks: Andrea Sorrentino. Colors: Jordie Bellaire
>Alt-Text: Comicbook art of Dr Thompkins, a middle-aged black woman.
>Dialogue Sample: SouthFloProd.

The halls of Arkham are quiet, calming.
It's the one place where your brain doesn't fill the silence with endless plans in case something goes wrong.

Thompkins: The psychic inhibitors are working well, I’m surprised you could donate them. I thought only the feds had that technology.
Bruce: I’m making…inroads with a few people in high places.
Thompkins: I’m sure you are.
Bruce: How’s Michael doing?
Thompkins: You know I can’t break patient confidentiality.
Bruce: He’s dangerous.
Thompkins: So are you. But did I call the cops when a teenage orphan told me he was gonna wage war on the world that took his parents? No. I listened. I worked with you. And together we met your needs in a way that didn't harm the people around you. I’m compromising enough by having two involuntary commitments. Can you trust me to handle this? You know if anyone is in danger I’ll take the proper steps.
Bruce: *sigh*. I believe in you, Doctor. It’s something I’m trying out these days.
Croc: Yo what’s happenin, Doc? Ready to kick trauma's ass?
Thompkins: You know it. I’ll meet you in room 357.

The reptilian man looks at you.

Croc: Hey Bruce. I heard you worked with the Bat to help out the city. Guess you you ain't on my shit list. Yet.

He gives a toothy grin. Then bursts out in laughter and offers his hand. You shake it vigorously.

Bruce: I hope the session goes well.
Thompkins: As do I.

She smiles, but once Cros walks away her muscles tense.

Thompkins: Bruce, he’s in room 22.
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>Directors:Christopher Berkeley& Sam Liu. Art Department: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt24223450/fullcredits/art_department
>Alt-Text: Image of an animated Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent staring intensely at each other.
>Dialogue Samples: Andrew Helfer. Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan & David S Goyer. Max Weber.

Bruce: Hey Harv’.
Dent: Hey Brucie. I heard what you did. Even here it's hard to miss a nuclear blackout.
Bruce: I played my part. But the people of Gotham are the ones that saved the city. They’re the ones who’ll see it rise.
Dent: I don't doubt it. That’s why I wanted to talk. I’m resigning.
Bruce: But all the work you’ve do-
Dent: I burned a man alive, Bruce.
Bruce: What?
Dent: Rudolph Klemper, the “Senior Slasher” case. The only one I lost. He confessed to me after he got off. Said he saw a kindred spirit in me. A monster locked away. He bragged about it Bruce, he… No. This is about what I did. I rigged his gas main and blew him to hell.
Bruce: Harvey, he was a serial killer.
Dent: He was a person! And I didn’t kill him to save anyone, despite what I told myself. I killed him because he beat me. I killed him because when he said he saw the monster in me, I was afraid he was right. All this time I kept it bottled up, lying to myself that I had to keep it secret because if I went down the city would too. But I learned something. No one person is that important. It's like you said, this city can't rest on the back of one man, especially one burdened by his dirty laundry.
Bruce: This will leave Gordon in charge. She might be well intentioned but she’s too close with the police.
Dent: From what I heard, GCPD is on its way out. City Hall, the law and order I married myself to, their fading away. The monopoly on violence tends to break down when anyone can take a shot of goo and crush a tank. This new world needs new forms of justice and part of that is me taking accountability.
Bruce: You’re confessing.
Dent: Publically. The people of Gotham deserve to know. And whatever they want to think of me after the fact, I’ll accept.

The weight of his words grinds into you. Your thoughts swarm. How do you feel about Harvey?

>Batman Forever
>Lee Batchler, Janet Scott Batchler & Akiva Goldsman
He’s a murderer. No matter the target or his intentions he crossed a line and can’t be your ally anymore.

>Second Chance
>Vote Title: Gerry Conway, Paul Dini & Michael Reaves.
While he committed an extrajudicial execution, he has the people’s best interest at heart, you are still on his side.

And how do you feel about his plan?

>Face the Face
>Vote Title: James Robinson
Harvey's resignation will do more harm than good, he needs to stay the Mayor.

>Guardian of Gotham
>Vote Title: Eric Stirpe, Patrick Kevin Day, Shanon Ingles, & Luke McMullen
You will support Harvey resigning, but Gordon can’t be left in charge afterward.

>Vote Title: Jeph Loeb
You will support Harvey resigning, even if Gordon is in charge.
{Vote for any number of options for both votes. The option with the highest total votes for each decision wins that decision.}
>Second Chance
We aren't a no-kill Batman.

>Face the Face
We can endorse him as Bruce Wayne.
>Second Chance
Haven't we done worse at this point, technically?

>Guardian of Gotham
We shouldn't force the man to stay if he's set on going. That said, we've picked our side in this, and Gordon ain't it.
>Second Chance
The fact that he wants to repent for his actions is good enough for me.

>Guardian of Gotham
But it has been PROVEN that we cannot work with Gordon
>Second chance.
We are willing to kill. We just need to avoid it as vest we can.

>Guardian of Gotham.
Gordan has helped before. But Police arent to be trusted.
>Second Chance
It is in line with our defiance of no-kill Batman. Harvey still needs a fucking hug, both faces of him
>Guardian of Gotham
I want to be supportive of the bro. He wants out, he gets it. Gordon is our next issue then, but I'm confident we can figure something out. Who knows, maybe she'll change along with the rest of Gotham and the world state? Better play it by ear while we try to relax slightly, after the nonstop assault of putting up with Waller's shit for a while

>But I learned something. No one person is that important. It's like you said, this city can't rest on the back of one man, especially one burdened by his dirty laundry.
Very interesting line. I do wonder if Batman will end up going full public by the end of this quest? A real "The truth is... I am Iron Man" moment?
>Second Chance
Who would we put on Gordon's place anyways?
>Very interesting line. I do wonder if Batman will end up going full public by the end of this quest? A real "The truth is... I am Iron Man" moment?
White Knight did a good take on that. There's good precedent!
OP take this pic
Locking for Second Chance and Guardian of Gotham.

Update today or tommorow
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He'll be back in a week
Working on the update now
I am cringe laughing at how accurate this post is. Sorry folks I am objectively bad at keeping schedules. I'm getting treatment for it. (Which funny enough I am ALSO behind schedule for.)
Take care of yourself, QM. If you keep at it on a schedule which works for you, we'll be here.
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>Pencils & Inks: Guillem March. Colors: Tomeu Morey
>Alt-Text: Batman & Nightwing stand on a roof with several other vigilantes.
>Dialogue Samples: Marv Wolfman & George Pérez. The Hypercrisis Bro. Ted Sorenson & John F Kenedy. Grant Morrison. Greg Rucka.

Bruce: Harv’ you’re still my friend. Whatever you’ve done, whatever you need to take accountability for, I’ll help you with that.
Dent: Thanks, Bruce. It means a lot to have you on my side.
Bruce: But we can’t do things the old ways. If this is New Earth, we need a New Gotham. The law you served doesn't serve the people.
Dent: That’s big talk. Revolution talk.

You smirk and present a silver dollar.

Bruce: If you’re nervous, you can always flip for it.

Harvy stands and smiles back.

Dent: Thanks for the offer. But I’ve made up my mind.
It’s a bright day in Gotham. People crowd around a champion of light, like some forgotten ritual to banish the darkness of the past years. Mayor Dent stands proudly on the podium, overlooking the people he has promised to save.

Dent: I’m resigning as Mayor.

The crowd gasps.

Dent: I do this not because I reject the values I ran on, but because I embrace them.
At the CBI headquarters, Agent Chase stares at a cubicle farm filled with destroyed computers and empty file cabinets.
“I QUIT” is scratched into the walls in claw marks.

Dent (V.O.): In the past, I let vengeance guide me. I deluded myself into thinking it was justice and violated the city I swore to defend.
At the Fortress of Solitude, Superman and Poison Ivy look at a globe on a computer. Countless dots on the glove are labeled “Potential Recruits.”

Dent (V.O.): I buried the truth and furthered my career because I thought Gotham needed a hero.
At Arkham, Dr Thompkins consoles a crying Threshold.

Dent (V.O.): But it doesn't. Gotham needs Gotham. It just needs us, in here, together, working for a better tommorow.
Amanda Waller sits in a space station, overlooking the planet.

Dent (V.O.): This is why my final act as Mayor is to call an election for the New Gotham Constituional Council. For the first time, all voices in the City will be heard, and the people, not the politicians or police, will have the power to shape their lives.
At the Church of the Narrows, Religion of Crime members led by Abbot & A’daire share supplies and tend to the injured, including Jason Todd.

Dent(V.O.): Some will spread fear. They will tell you you cannot be trusted to rule yourselves, but in our darkest day, I saw the goodness in the hearts of our people.
Outside the Monarch Theater, a scavenger is selling hoarded supplies. He turns away a family of three for not paying enough.

Dent (V.O.): And for those few that wish us harm. The ones that think they’re in charge?

The hoarder looks up and sees Nightwing and an army of caped and cowled people staring down at him.

Dent (V.O.): The city is under new management.
To be continued in... JUSTICEQUEST
Thanks to everyone to sticking with me for this spotty thread. I've been writing Batquest for over three and a half years and I am happy and proud that folks have enjoyed it.

I will use the rest of this thread to do some Q and As as well as some annotations about past threads. I am interested in any feedback you have and also want to here some wishlists for Justicequest.
I hope your weekend is happy and just! :)
It's my little escapist fantasy that this would be possible.
It's a nice fantasy, like a light set on top of a hill, but wind makes it gutter and shrink.

We'll see where the story goes, but thanks Crisis for giving me a few more threads of wick to use before I'm out again.
Last annotations: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5635719/


So now we get to the Paris arc. This was so messy behind the scenes it changed how I wrote Batquest for the future.
I didn’t write any of Paris ahead so I was making things up as I went.
This led to more delays as I had to figure out what was going to happen AND write what was going to happen.
I am mostly satisfied with how it turned out and I like how I used some themes that would be followed up on in later issues but the sloppiness of its production is what led me to write flowchart outlines for Issues 3 and 4.
Ducard is a French detective who helped train Bruce.
He debuted in Detective Comics Vol 1 #599 by Sam Hamm, Denys Cowan, Dick Giordano, Frank McLaughlin, Adrienne Roy &
Todd Klein.
My vision of the character was meant as a twist on the “asshole mentor” archetype seen with Genkai and Pa Mei.
Instead of the “he’s a total dick but he gets results” concept it's “he’s a dick, and being a good detective isn't a pass for that.”
I feel I could have executed that idea a bit better, especially with the racism.
Dick Grayson was made a Roma in the Devin Grayson run, and while her writing has a LOT of issues, Dick’s heritage has taken off as a core part of his character.
An arc in Europe, where anti-Roman sentiment is quite high, let me play into this and I am glad I figured out Raptor as the perfect final boss for this arc because he works so well for such themes.
These days I would use content warnings for the racial slurs.
And while I think they add value to the narrative and drive home the hostility Dick is facing, I would have used them more tactically in hindsight.

Ross going from a super pulpy mad scientist to a casual snarker once he’s on his meds provides a bit of levity. It also shows in this setting being a “mad scientist” is essentially a mental health condition that can be treated.
I previously talked about not using the League of Assassins for this quest because I hadnt figured out a take on them that wasn't so “Fu Manchu-y.”
While to date I do think I figured out how I would do them, I like how Kobra became this quest's designated villain group.
Kobra’s backstory of beeingfounded by some guy twisting actual religion into a supervillain group was both a meta take on Orientalism in genre fiction and a reference to the GI Joe Cobra.
The Larry Hama written origin of Kobra was that it was founded by a used car salesman who taped into suburban American resentment. The Cult of Kobra being an in-universe Mormonism/Nation of Islam/Black Israelite/3HO style warping of Hinduism also explains its various “inaccuracies.”
Cobra being based on an older philosophy was inspired by"'The Most Dangerous Man in the World" an unproduced GI Joe episode written by Buzz Dixon where we meet the man who created the philopshy Cobra commander twisted into Cobra.
The Kobra ranks (Bestwowed, Lancehead, Naga) are from Greg Rucka’s Checkmate run.

The Eye of the Serpent would have had you confront Kobra directly. It was named after Kobra vol 1 #5, written by Martin Pasko.
Choosing who to save, or whether to save someone or go for a mission was a common theme in early Batquest.
Tyger, Tyger was named after the Batman the Animated Series episode written by Cherie Wilkerson from a story by Michael Reaves and Randy Rogel.
The following sequence adapts much of that episode.
It is a quite hopeful vision, especially for a 4chan quest of all things, isn't it?

Get hype! I'l be watching for it.
Very cool and he fit perfectly as a final boss. He wouldn't see eye to eye with Batman and Nightwing, and even if he did we'd have to compromise too much on Batman/Nightwing's goals and ideals in the process

You gotta have the pulpy cool here and there, you can't always be the grim modern capeshit with the bad writing and tropes popularized (and enforced) by Marvel since like... 2012? 2014? Anyway that Ross guy was cool
>being a “mad scientist” is essentially a mental health condition
Interesting take. It reminds me of how you could get lots of inspiration and benefit from the manic part of manic-depressive/bipolar, but there's also lots of downsides.
You'll love this quest here. I remember it fondly and I had fun reading it. A blast start to finish, and it did in fact finish.

“The Beast” is the US President from Transmetropolitan.
He debuted in its fourth issue by (sex pest) Warren Ellis, Kim DeMulder, Nathan Eyring, & Clem Robins/
Putain de bordel de merde is a French vulgarity that has a roughly similar meaning to “motherfucker.”
It literally translates to something like “sex worker from a shit brothel though that's not what it means in French.
Henri calls himself the World's greatest detective, a term used to describe Batman.
It first debuted on the cover of Detective Comics vol 1 146 where Batman and Robin were called the “World’s Greatest Detective Team.”
I am unsure who wrote the text on the cover.
It could be cover artist Dick Sprang, Bill Finger, who wrote the cover story, or Whitney Ellsworth, the executive editor.
Dick tracking European tech robberies along the route of Haly’s Circus was adapted from the Young Justice episode Performance, written by Jon Weisman.
(Thus the vote title)
The Stalkers is the title of Nightwing Vol 2 #44 written by Chuck Dixon. It was chosen for its name.


The Double Dare Twins debuted in Nightwing Vol 2 32 by Chuck Dixon, Scott McDaniel, Karl Story, Roberta Tewes & John Costanza.
They are French acrobats who moonlight as thieves.
They naturally fit this arc because they are French circus performers, thieves, and Nightwing villains.
Had you voted for Dick to investigate them you would have found they *are* thieves but of the more petty crime sort.
Aliki is the more naive one who has a crush on Nightwing in the comics while Margot is the more serious one.
I hope I made their personalities distinct in the short time they were shown/
Mr Haly originated in Dick’s first issue of Detective Comics Vol 1 38 by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson.

Roma translations:
Delva: God (used here as an interjection)
Puchka: A north Indian deep-fried bread sphere stuffed with vegetable filling. (The Romani originated in present-day North India, though I do not know when puchka entered their cuisine.)

Bondoufle is a Paris suburb. It was chosen because it’s near Z.A.C. de la Tremblaie, an industrial zone with warehouses I felt would work well for Ducard’s hideout.
The specific warehouse I used as a reference was Zac de la Tremblaie Chemin Vicinal 4 91220 Le Plessis Paté.
Is the president in this canon the same guy as Transmetropolitan's?
Currently yes, though it is an election year in-universe. (Hint hint to a Justicequest storyline)
President Luthor incoming?
You know, when you put the
>He's a dick but he gets results
>He's a dick, and being a good detective isn't a pass for that.

I'm not so sure it's a difference of character but a difference of framing. Efficiency and Success will carry you over a lot of violations that would get you shot down if you'd failed doing them.

Ducard produced an elite detective and a pretty decent one with robin.
He's also cracking down on what crimes he can find, when he can find the cases to take. I'm not that terribly convinced that his shenanigan has done any measurable harm to any significant number of people he wasn't investigating.

Being a bastard to work with aside, if he keeps winning at the game of crime and punishment, it's pragmatic sense to keep using him for it and personal sense to just avoid him after his use is done. I just don't see the distinction you are drawing.
>Captcha R00M

what could this mean?
I think 'framing' is what OP is getting at. One is:

>He's a dick, but since he gets results it's okay and excuses his faults

and the other is

>He's good detective, but even so I don't really want anything to do with him unless I absolutely have to

One plays into the Sterling Archer/Gregory House/Rick Sanchez/Sometimes Bruce Wayne archetype of an unhinged or abusive person whose bad behavior is directly connected to their brilliance in such a way that the one 'makes up' for the other, and is sometimes even connected to it. The other acknowledges that the personal failings can supersede the practical virtues, and aren't inherently connected to them.
Yeah, I think this post captures what I was going for.
In my opinion, the flaw in the execution was that the Paris arc zooms in on Nightwing after a bit and didn't do much follow-up with Ducard to explore the character more or to have Dick confront him.
Setup with no payoff.
Its something I feel I improved on over time.

To my knowledge, ocelots are the only native cat species of the Carribean Islands.
Santa Prisca has been established as being Caribbean since its debut. Ocelots are known to follow scent trails, so Bruce misleads Tygrus with his (probably sweaty) cowl and then stabs Tyrgus in the nose.
Batman is trying to kill Tygrus here.
A challenge for a quest where Batman is willing to kill but isn't a punisher type is crafting situations where lethal force makes sense for him in character, without killing interesting characters.
Bruce raining hellfire on the Kobra mooks was one example of this (as they were narratively expendable.)
Here I take advantage of Tyrgus being strong enough to resist Bruce's attempts to kill him. This method gets used more in the quest, see if you can count how many times Bruce shoots at something that can dodge or resist bullets.
The vote for this update was a classic risk-reward. A harder fight vs an easier fight with higher stakes.
It is another "Save some people or fight the villain" choice which I am glad didn't get stale despite how often I used it.
Players have said they liked the Fight Class and Fear State systems which made me a bit bummed as I moved away from them in later installments of the quest.
I'll try to figure out how to balance the "game" and "choose your own adventure" elements of this series when Justicequest comes out.
"The King of the Cats" is the title of a story in Batman vol 1 # 69 written by Bill Finger. It was chosen for its name.
"The Hostages on the Island of Doom" is a story from World's Finest Vol 1 125 written by
Jerry Coleman. It was chosen for its (amazingly pulp) name but had you voted for it, I probably would have incorporated some of the death traps from that issue.
This was one of my favorite scenes in the entire quest.
I got to do Batman as a horror villain from the “bad guy’s” POV, got to do some character work with Tygrus, and did a bit of backstory on this setting’s version of the Wayne Family all wrapped up in an action sequence with some fun quotes.
The line “My people were hunters. We traded pelts and skins.” Is based on a quote from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice written by Chris Terrio & David S. Goyer.
“Adopted the Darkness” is based on the line from The Dark Knight Rises written by Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan & Davis S Goyer.
The “customers” Bruce refers to were European colonists. In the Return of Bruce Wayne series, Grant Morrison established Bruce had Indigenous heritage on his father’s side. The fur trade was a huge driver of warfare in 16 and 1700s.
(Although in real life, the Lenape role in the fur trade was more focused on acting as middlemen between Europeans and Iroqueans than on selling their own hunted pelts.)
Bruce’s ancestors being devasted until they returned from the shadows is meant to mirror how the Leni Lenape society (which covered the area of New Jersey Gotham is in) was devastated and restructured by the European Invasion.
In real life, the network of clans and sub-clans broke down and many Lenape people were forced across the continent.
In this quest, one group reformed as the hidden Miagani “Bat Clan” which remained in their homeland by infiltrating and assimilating into colonial society as the Waynes.
The Waynes “passing” as white was where the “Secret Shame of Native Blood” line in the quest's very first post came from.
Tygrus having an animal-like perspective and poor raising from his “father” adds to the terror of the scene. I don't explain exactly what Bruce is doing, but the audience can get hints from Tygrus’ perspective.
With Tygrus’ nose shut down, Bruce uses speaker gadgets to project his voice. Tygrus attacks what he thinks is Batman but hits a sonic grenade.
While distracted Bruce throws a smoke bomb and shoots the big Cat in the back. He then lights the first on fire but leaves a safe path to herd Tygrus into a spot where Bruce can ambush from above.
The Tygrus fight was a good one.
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Hey Hypercrisis Bro when will you make pic related canon? It totally happened I swear
Prof Chang is an arms dealer and designer who debuted in "X," an episode of the 20023 Teen Titans animated series written by David Slack and directed by Ben Jones.
His design is inspired by Chew from Blade Runner, both being scientists played by James Hong.
I enjoy taking characters and details that debuted in adaptations and backporting them into "mainline" series.
As this arc is Dick focused we will see a bit more Teen Titans (2003) elements.
Chang's issues with Moscow refer to how in the Teen Titan show he worked to create “Red Star" a Societ Supersolider.
Clearly, he didn't part with the Russians on the best of terms.
The five borders Chang crossed were Russia/Belarus, Belarus/Poland, Poland/Germany, Germany/Belgium, and Belgium/France.
Chang splitting hairs on being an arms MANUFACTURER is not an arms dealer is a reference to a similar line from the Season 3 premiere of “Breaking Bad” written by Vince Gilligan: “I’m a manufacturer, I’m not a dealer.”
Both Chang and White are playing up their egos with the line (“I’m no lowly pusher, I’m a genius scientist!”)

Dick’s line “Xenothium?!? You powered a suit with XENOTHIUM?!? That stuff is dangerous! And unstable!” Is a direct quote from “X.”
Ironic because in the show that line was spoken TO Dick.
Xenothium being cheap because it is so unstable is my take on a “Batman Begins” style in-universe justification of Superhero tropes.
My usual technique for “realism” in superhero stories is not to ask “How would this stuff work in our reality” but “How would real people act if this WAS reality.”
So rather than try to explain comic-book superscience, this arc explores what the world would look like if that stuff was real.
Chang selling his “little black book” of criminal contacts is a nod to a similar plotline in the Breaking Bad spinoff “Better Call Saul”.
(In “Axe and Grind” written by Ariel Levine.)

“Lexbox” was the DCU analog to the X-Box that (to my knowledge) debuted in the Ekith Giffen Doom Patrol run.
Lexbox Series Lex was me spoofing both Lex’s ego (putting his name in a game console TWICE) and the somewhat repetitive name of the irl X Box Series X.
You know, something like this may happen in Justicequest.
Forgot the archive link for these notes.

If any 'mon series was to crossover and provider a League-level threat, Pokemon or Digimon would be up there. Animaniacs, though? I've got nothing for that. Im excited to see what wackiness we're in for.

This update has a scene showing Duacrd is technically good at giving information, but is a huge dick about it.

"Red X" is named after the Teen Titans (2003) episode. As I said before, I was taking some cues from that show for this Dick-centered sequence.

"Dick Gravestone" is a supervillain alter ego from the Teen Titans Go episode "Snuggle Time" (written by Ben Gruber).
This continues the quest’s adaptation of more obscure or mimetically disliked DC properties (such as the Shucmacher Films and “The Batman” KidsWB series.)
I felt it would be fun to play a comedic character more seriously and I like a decent amount of TTGO episodes.
The better-written ones have a shitposty energy you would see on a fun /co/ thread or in early Adult Swim spoofs of Hanna Barbara cartoons.
Had this won, the infiltration of the auction would be similar, but without the element of Dick being tempted by the power of the Xenonthium.

"The Teen Wonder" was a name given to Dick in 1970 by Frank Robbins.
It was used in the backup stories Dick had in 'Tec following him in Hudson University.
This option would have had you track Double Dare, where you would realize they are thieves, but not related to the superscience heists.

Dick feeling the intoxicating power of the Red X suit and downplaying it to Ducard was me having fun with the internal narration.
I like little fourth-wall tricks like that.

A core element of the Batman mythos was theatrics. Batman was born at the theater after all.
Alfred was Shakespearean trained, many villains treat the job like performance art, and Dick his staunchest ally, was a circus performer.
The self-serious Ducard suggests a cape sarcastically only to have Dick get one for real was a fun way to play up this theme.

The Second Hand is an organization from the Tim Seely run of Nightwing.
They were selling black market Supertech in Bludhaven at parties auctioned they called "Black Bacchanals.”
It turns out The Second Hand was The Secret Agency Spyral.
This is similar to how the government was involved in the super arms trade in this quest.

Khamaro (The Romani word for sun or sunshine) is a name for the World Roman Festival.
It's been hosted in Prague since 1999 and is a large celebration of Romani culture.

Miss Army Knife is a supervillain that debuted in Final Crisis Aftermath: Run! #2 by Lilah Sturges, Freddie E. Williams II, Tanya Horie, Richard Horie, and Travis Lanham.
I picked her because I felt making her a Swiss Mercenary would be a great interpretation of the character concept, and give some historical heft to her being in France.
We never see her hair in the books, but I made it red to match her comic costume and play into Dick’s romantic history with redheads.

She and Dick do a bit of Bond Girl-esque flirting.
Dick has a reputation in DC for being promiscuous, I wrote him as enjoying being the bad boy flirt but also feeling conflicted about leaning into womanizing “for the sake of the job.”
My personal view of Dick is that he works best as what Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy dubbed an “ethical slut.” This is what he is like in The Young Justice cartoon for example.
“Blas mir id Schueh” is a Swiss German phrase literally meaning “Blow my shoes.” Its meaning is akin to “I’ve had enough” in this context.
Chotzbrocke is a Swiss German term meaning “piece of vomit” used to describe an unpleasant or abrasive person.
German is the most heavily spoken language in Switzerland, with French as a distant second.

“I recognize some of those words” is a saying I absorbed through pop culture osmosis which I have now learned is based on the line “I know Some of Those words.” from The Good Burger film written by Kevin Kopelow, Heath Seifert, and serial abuser Dan Schneider.
The rule I have for this quest’s pop culture references is that they have to be to things that either have been confirmed to exist in DC stories or are Time Warner properties.
The Good Burger and Breaking Bad nods were slips from this policy.

Henri Zola is the government name of Bete-Noire, a French supervillain who debuted Justice League of America Vol 2 #54 by James Robinson, Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, Andrew Dalhouse& Rob Leigh.
He is a crime lord from Marseilles who has shadow manipulation powers.
This sequence serves as an origin story to him gaining them (in the comics he debuts already empowered.)
This arc had me do a LOT of digging to find suitable French villains but I liked the lineup I came up with.
A shadow guy running a Black Bacchanal just seemed fitting and moving the market to France let me give it a bit of old-world aristocratic decadence often associated with France.
Lexcorp is Lex Luthor’s Company that debuted in Superman Vol #416 by Elliot S! Maggin, Curt Swan, Al Williamson, Gene D'Angelo, and Ed King.
There it was an offhand reference made in a flash-forward story. It would gain more focus in the Post-Crisis Superman stories that made Lex a corporate mogul.
Kord International is a variant of “Kord Industries” the company run by the second (or third depending on how you count) Blue Beetle Ted Kord.
It debuted in Blue Beetle Vol 6 #1 written by Len Wein.
Blue Beetle has a lot of connection to Europe in the comics and later in this arc, a Blue Beetle villain becomes a central figure.
Waynetech is a branch of Wayne Industries that focuses on research and development.
The specific name is from Batman Vol 1 #443 written by Marv Wolfman, though a predecessor “Wayne Research” debuted in DC Special Series Vol 1 #27 written by Len Wein, where The Incredible Hulk of all People was an employee.
ARGUS is a US Government agency that debuted in Justice League Vol 2 #7 by Geoff Johns, Gene Ha, Art Lyon, & Pat Brosseau.
In well-worn comics tradition, it’s the DC comics version of the Marvel group SHIELD, a government agency focused on Superhero stuff.
(DC of course has had SEVERAL similar organizations but I get the feeling Johns was interested in a more direct MCU ripoff).
In Batquest it is more focused on superscience research, fitting given its name currently stands for Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans.
US weapons being at the auction is a “clue” that the US government was deliberately funneling weapons to Europe to destabilize it, though I hadn’t fully sketched out that plotline at this point.
I am a bit surprised so much of this arc “worked” since I was writing it as I went but I guess when you study what you’ve already written for days and days you can make connections that feel natural.

The Black Bacchanal coming off as a supervillain E3 was me leaning into the Venture Bros/Harley Quinn TV series energy of a world where comic book tropes are part of average life and treated the same as other industries.

“Rot Ix” is German for “Red X”

Madam De Mille is the civilian name of Madam Rouge, the French Doom Patrol villain that debuted in Doom Patrol vol 1 #86 by Arno Drake & Bruno Premiani.
She’s a stage actress so a modeling gig felt in line for her given how many models have delved into acting.

Andre Le Blanc is a French Teen Titan villain who debuted in Teen Titans Vol 1 #18 by Marv Wolfman, Len Wein, Bill Draut & John Duffy.
The dynamite gimmick is based on his appearance in the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon, which Bomb Boyage, the French bomber villain from The Incredibles, influenced.
It was a lucky circumstance that there were so many Teen Titans or Nightwing villains that happened to be French.
(DC Comics has a pretty large amount of French characters in general it turns out.)
CW: Parental Abuse

The Sprang sound effects are a nod to long-time Batman artist Dick Sprang.

The Alaska reference is a nod to the backstory of Batman: Shaman, written by Dennis O'Neil. In that story, Bruce is training in Alaska and is saved by indigenous peoples.
He betrays them by revealing them to an investigator who exploits them.
Shaman also involves a Santa Priscan cult of Chubala which turns out to be a fraud front for a drug ring.

These were all elements the original version of ‘Warriors of the Darkness” was meant to adapt. We would have a multiway war for the future of Gotham, thus the name.
Black Mask’s Gang, the Law, Batman, and the Cult of Chubalba/Kobra would all have an interweaving conflict through the city as mutagen flooded through.
Because I didn't plan Issue 2 out well in advance, Dick’s B plot in Paris eventually took over the issue.
Santa Prisca was imaged as a detour before going to Gotham, but Bruce instead went straight to Paris where this installment ended.
Because Paris was the least planned out part of the quest there were several delays as I had to figure out what the mystery in Europe was while still writing the quest.
Doing these annotations has given me a new appreciation for this issue, and while I still think it was the weakest writing of all four issues, I have found a new appreciation for it, especially the Santa Prisca sections and several Dick scenes in France.

“I created you and I can uncreate you!” Is a quote from “Tyger, Tyger.”
Emile being an abusive parent was something I took from that episode.
CW: Parental Abuse

Tygrus turning on Dorian was taken from the end of “Tyger, Tyger.”
In the show, his love for Catwoman played a heavy part in it, but here I focused more on him standing up to his father.
The “There’s nothing for you here/There’s nothing for you anywhere” lines were taken from the end of the original episode.

Batman using the gun to threaten the lab equipment is another one of the quest’s many workarounds to have Batman use his guns without killing people willy-nilly.

Dorian’s panicked demand to know how Langstrom figured out his tech was inspired by Riddler demanding how Bruce escaped a death trap.
(From “Riddler’s Reform” a Batman The Animated Series episode written by Alan Burnett, Paul Dini & Randy Rogel).

Batman saying he won't smash the equipment if Dorian gave up the information, then getting the intel and BURNING the equipment instead was meant to play off his trickster energy.
Very ‘I won't kill you but I don't have to save you” energy.
Though to make this tighter I should have had his earlier line be something like “Tell me or I’ll shoot” so that Bruce technically doesn't go back on his word.
(Although you could argue Dorian still kept his lab equipment, it's just on fire.)

The innocents killed by Kobra are the consequence of the players choosing to go after Dorian instead of the gunshots on shore.

Streets of Poison was the title of The Brave and the Bold Vol 1 #125 written by Bob Haney.
It had Batman and Flash teaming up to deal with drugs coming into Gotham from overseas. Similar to the plotline of this quest.
Had you chosen this option you would have faced Kobra head to head.
I won't go into many details because there are secrets of the Kobra plotline that are yet to be revealed. Players just keep voting for other (equally valid) options.
Because I didn't want Kobra to be a dangling plot thread I made sure to have them make cameos in Issues 3 and 4 even if they weren't the main focus of the votes.

Gotham Skies was the name of Man-Bat Vol 2 #1 written by Chuck Dixon.
Voting for this option would have Bruce dealing with Man-Bat and would jump-start the “Gotham City Faction War” plotline that wound up being abandoned.

Batman: Super-Villains Strike: Choose-Your-Fate Adventure is a kids' book written by Michael Teitelbaum.
Using irl choose your own adventure Batman stories for the vote titles of rite-ins was very cool, but I wound up running out of options for them quite a lot.
That coupled with the quest becoming more planned out led to fewer write-in options over time.
I am interested in your thoughts on write-ins.

I LOVED how the first write-in pitch also used a vote title (Batman: Europa, written by Brian Azzarello ).
That is the coolest fucking shit and I thank 3mvyJuW9.
The players voted to check out Dick in France (after a lot of debate) but I think the consensus was that we would return to the main Batman plotline.
Paris “derailing” the quest was a byproduct of poor planning on my part. I still like how Paris turned out, but the sloppiness, dropped plotlines and writer’s block-inducing lack of planning are why it was my least favorite issue.

And that's it for annotations for now. I'll be taking a break for now to both work on my serial novel and to trey my first quest on akun.

Thank you all for your help and attention in both this and other quests. Justicequest is next up on the line up and for your Captainquest fans that story will be finished.

While the thread is still here I am interested on feedback.

What do you feel about the "gamey" elements of the quest or lack there of?
How did you like the focus on other characters like Ivy and Superman?
What was your favorite part of Issue 4? Your least favorite?
Are there any things you would like to see in Justicequest?
Do you have any questions about Batquest, for either this or other issues?

Thank you all folks, may justice remain always in your heart!
And the acrhives
>What do you feel about the "gamey" elements of the quest or lack there of?
I wouldn't mind seeing SOME mechanics make a come back, or at least an occasional roll-for-result. it's not vital, though.

>How did you like the focus on other characters like Ivy and Superman?
Ivy in this quest was the GOAT, and her arc and ascension to be part of our 'trinity' was one of my favorite parts. Supes is okay, but getting to see his inner monologue and control his reactions was one thing I didn't like, as it neutered his conflict with our Batman.

>What was your favorite part of Issue 4? Your least favorite?
Waller's little squad didn't get quiet enough development for me. the aforementioned Trinity moments were my fave. Also, our choice to be a hero-of-the-people in the end.

>Are there any things you would like to see in Justicequest?
I'm really fascinated to see what you have in mind based on your response to >>6058657. Are we still going to primarily be playing as Batman?

>Do you have any questions about Batquest, for either this or other issues?
No real questions, since you do such a good job of these explanations and annotations. I really appreciate them.

>That is the coolest fucking shit and I thank 3mvyJuW9
De nada, QM.
For all that the Santa Prisca/Paris arc was very meandering and felt disconnected from the Gotham mutagen issues, I feel that the 3 most immediate memorable parts for the former were
>Batman DESTROYING Kobra
>the radioactive doctor
>the pirate merc guy making his speech to Batman
While for Paris arc they were
>Dick and Zola in the Phantom Zone with the moral dilemma
>failing to convince the gorilla bro so he mercy kills his bretheren
>the entirety of Dick's interactions with Raptor
Though everything else was great and all, don't get me wrong. That's just what I remember when I try to think back to those updates

>Very ‘I won't kill you but I don't have to save you” energy
I kinda love how we've played our Batman along these lines in the quest pretty consistently
>innocents killed by Kobra are the consequence of the players choosing to go after Dorian instead
But in exchange, Dorian would have got away and Dr. Radium would go off the deep end, right?
>Players just keep voting for other (equally valid) options.
On the bright side this leaves threads for you as the QM to butterfly effect with offscreen events
>make cameos in Issues 3 and 4
Good use there
>the quest becoming more planned out led to fewer write-in options over time.
It's a logical consequence
>your thoughts on write-ins
They can be superb when done right and some brave anon pulls one out of his ass in time, but most times people are content with the given options. It depends on the quest too where more "game-y" ones might benefit the players and story much stronger for write-ins that work. I don't count Batquest as that "game-y" now as compared to before, but that's OK
>LOVED how the first write-in pitch also used a vote title
Some days anons just get that spark in them

I like the focus on Ivy due to her presence from very early on while unmutated. Supes started and kept going strong since his appearance, which felt like his side took quest importance over Batman and Nightwing occasionally. Spotlight hogging, you could say
>favorite part of Issue 4?
I did not expect the Riddler nukes, amazing stuff. The Brainiac events lasted a bit too long for my liking, but it was still cool to see all that teamwork.
I also want to say that the kids being taken to be experimented on by the US government with the help of the French government plus Raptor's talk with Nightwing and Batman about them reminded me of those scenes in Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Yes, has we gone after Kobra, Dorian would have escaped with Dr Radium.

Justicequest will be an anthology. Gotham will be featured, though you will see it in a different light.

As for POV characters, there will be multiple.

Here is a hint of the plotline and the characters that will show up.

>The Red Rock of rage leads the dragon to turn the world to the stage
>Bald ambition clashes against a messianic proposition
>The frail's demise will determine the fate of the seas and skies
>One Nation, thunder god, with liberty and justice for...
* Anthology was a typo, I meant an "ensemble." As in, there won't be a single main character, we will rotate through various heroes, of which Batman may be one of them.
Though based on how players voted in this thread, he will be more focused on Gotham than teaming up with other heroes.
(He's not an enemy of other heroes, he is just focused on his own thing )
I THINK I recognize hints of Atrocitus and his Corps (or red kryptonite?), Lex Luthor, and... I'd say Thor, but this ain't Marvel. Hm.
another typo. it should have said

>>The GRAIL's demise will determine the fate of the seas and skies
>DCU and Type-Moon crossover
Get hype...?

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