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On the Island of Guyot, farmers ply the field of beachgrass with specially made fish bone combs, to harmlessly pull the seeds from the stalks as to not harm the precious plants. The harvest this season seems adequate. Behind them, young children follow to pick up any fallen seeds and to drive away pests. Underneath the blazing arid sun, the farmers wear their hats and work slowly as to not sweat themselves too much, the nearby picnic is all ready for their next break.

Down off the high top, there is a commotion in the village along the beach and docks. What, has a ship come in from the Black Ocean? Carrying goods for trade or Sweetwater, from the Fruit-Barons? No- it seems a young woman is finally giving birth. This is a happy occasion, and she is about to hold a newborn baby boy. This will be you, as you have not yet been born.

But alongside your mother, there will of course be a man, and from his profession will influence the future course of your own life. What kind of man is your Father?
>Naval Officer (Highest Skill, Lowest Luck)
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
>Escaped Slave (Highest Luck, Lowest Wealth)
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)

We’re buying our way into success. Fuck luck fuck skill, we can buy. Why be the escaped slave when we can BUY the slave.
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
Surely it will not get blown away doing something stupid.
>Escaped Slave (Highest Luck, Lowest Wealth)
>>Escaped Slave (Highest Luck, Lowest Wealth)
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
Wealthmaxxing. Also because escaped slave is such a cliche.
>escaped slave>
>Escaped Slave (Highest Luck, Lowest Wealth)
Rages to riches, baybeeeee.
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
I think riches to even bigger riches is a bit more interesting. You already know the escaped slave part is gonna be all about being discriminated for being a former slave and having to buy your own freedom, and then anon start wanting to be an anti-slaver...so overdone.
>Naval Officer (Highest Skill, Lowest Luck)
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)

I was convinced by the other anons, lets make millions into billions
>Naval Officer
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
>>Naval Officer (Highest Skill, Lowest Luck)
>Escaped Slave (Highest Luck, Lowest Wealth)
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
>>Escaped Slave (Highest Luck, Lowest Wealth)
>Naval Officer (Highest Skill, Lowest Luck)
>Escaped Slave (Highest Luck, Lowest Wealth)
>escaped slave is such a cliche
Try to remember where we are.
This is choosing for our FATHER, not us.
>Escaped Slave (Highest Luck, Lowest Wealth)
Make him gay, too.
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
>Naval Officer (Highest Skill, Lowest Luck)
>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
>Naval Officer (Highest Skill, Lowest Luck)
>>Local Craftsman (Highest Wealth, Lowest Skill)
Wealth means he can spend more time on us. That's what's important.
"...And who are the five Deaths?" Your father asks you, spending some time teaching you important things that every boy should learn. While he could hire a tutor for your letters and numbers; some things are of greater importance to the man, and the Deaths are one of them.

"They are the Gods, who offer the only escape. There is the Sun Death, where the body is too damaged to recover. Or being burnt."
"That's right. The most cruel of all the deaths- but the most fair. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, good or bad, it is all the same. It is the most just of all the deaths."
"Then the second is the... uhm... Death in the Sea?"
"That's right too! The Sea-Death is the death of fate and the weather, the most important Death to sailors. The death caused by drowning- or being eaten by a big scary sea monster. Torn apart by-"
"Richard!" - Your mother interrupts across the room, preparing a meal made of your saltcakes- the hardtack everyone eats to survive, but he shushes her.
"Quiet woman- I'm educating. What's the 3rd death?"
“The worst death of all- the most hateful one. Without our Sweetwater, we would all surely die from the Scurvy death. The Death of pestilence and disease, it offers power but always ends in destruction. What's the fourth?"
"You smoke this one."
"OH! The Opium Death."
"That's right. The Death of Opium, giving insanity, dreams, and euphoria. Smoking too much Opium can kill you. But it is a rich man's death, and is not a concern of yours. What's the last death?"
"The Lady Deaths. Like Auntie."
"Exactly. The Deaths that are the Creator's last mercy to mankind. Well done. Now go outside and play, Dad's tired and is gonna take a nap with your mother..."

You are now a young boy, and spend your days learning and playing in the village. Like with all young people in this world, your life is still hard and you are expected to work hard, but there is a level of protection in your childlike innocence. You spend almost every day exploring the island with your best friend, Everett. Today though, you had a plan to do something a little naughty.
Every family on the island has their own Sweetwater, stored in glasses and vials. Sweetwater is expensive; water mixed with the tiniest amount of juices, pulps, and boiled up peels of fruits from the Fruit-Barons. It's the only way to get something that your teachers called Vitamin C, something required to avoid the Scurvy-Death. Despite everyone needing it to live, the Fruit-Barons have a full monopoly on the all-important resource, and have become all powerful and rich because of it. The true injustice of this is not yet something you understand; to you, it is just water that tastes Sweet. Compared to the saltcakes, the hard biscuits you eat to keep up your energy and the occasional fish you can eat; Sweetwater is the tastiest of deserts.

But today, you and Everett had a plan. You wanted to see if your family's Sweetwaters taste different. You steal the vial when your mother isn't looking, and meet up with the other boy behind a stone house in the village, in the shadow away from the sun. You take a sip of his and he of yours, so you can compare.
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“Mhmm- Wow! Yours tastes like tomatoes, Sylvester!” He says to you.
”Your family's Sweetwater, that has to be a pinapple. Or maybe a banana. They taste the same.”
”Mhmm. Yeah, true! My mother has seeds from the Fruit-Barons, did you know that?”
”Wha- You're lying!”
”Hehe, you're right. It was a lie.”

You both giggle for a moment, sharing the moment. Before an accident. As you move to get up from your position, Everett slips and falls back- accidentally flinging the fragile glass vial of his family's Sweetwater to the ground, causing it to shatter. The precious stuff flows into the soil and is lost in a moment.

”Oh- Oh no!”
”What happened?”
“I-I dropped it! No!”

He clutches his head in his hands. You can already feel his desperation. The truth is that for the vast majority of people in this world, things are very tough. Losing a vial of Sweetwater, especially for a poor farmer like Everett, would be more then enough to bankrupt an entire family. Both of you were fools for sharing it and coming here with it, it was just childish fun, but you weren't supposed to lose it.

“What- What am I going to do?!”

It's not something you fully comprehend yet, but it's something you're aware of in the back of your mind, the difference in class. Some men are rich, and some are not. Even if you don't understand it, you know that your family is richer then Everett- more then most people on the Island. Your father is a skilled Coralman, and is well paid for the things he can do for it. You already know that Everett would be punished much more heavily by his father for him losing the Sweetwater then your father would punish you in the same situation. You can feel his desperation. You clutch the vial of glass as it sweats in the hot outside air. Perhaps...

>Give Everett your family's Sweetwater and take the punishment on yourself
>Split up your Sweetwater in half and explain the situation to your parents
>Avoid getting in trouble yourself
>Split up your Sweetwater in half and explain the situation to your parents
Here's my logic: While we're going to get punished anyway, better to do it as brothers than as a martyr.

I'll admit though, I'm rather curious about the setting. Why would they need Vitamin C from fruits if they're a village? Pretty sure there are a lot more ways to get Vitamin C than fruits.
>Split up your Sweetwater in half and explain the situation to your parents
Local crops and fish are obviously very low in that vitamin. That's what I assume, anyway.

>Split up your Sweetwater in half and explain the situation to your parents
Why would anyone live in such a shithole, I have no idea why. Even Bedouins and Eskimos had their ways to get vitamin C.
>Split up your Sweetwater in half and explain the situation to your parents
Also make sure to have gay sex with him before that, though.
What ways?

Probably lack of alternative options they know about, have access to, and can conquer and hold. Same reason people ever live somewhere shitty.

Too young, check back later.
>What ways
Eating organs and shit like milk, from what I gather. Actually, people ate a lot of organs back then because they're the "healthiest" part. Of course, these people have seemingly decided to settle in an island that is both arid, and has zero animals for food.

But then again, maybe the setting as a whole is just an absolute fucking garbage place to live in and there isn't any other place that is better.
>Pretty sure there are a lot more ways to get Vitamin C than fruits.
da joos stole all of the vitamin c
also they made vitamin c so potent that a few drops of juice (diluted in water) is enough to last a family a very long time apparently
>Split up your Sweetwater in half and explain the situation to your parents
>Split up your Sweetwater in half and explain the situation to your parents

Perhaps if they know the situation, our parents will be able to help somewhat themselves.
>Avoid getting in trouble yourself
>>Avoid getting in trouble yourself
>Split up your Sweetwater in half and explain the situation to your parents
>>Avoid getting in trouble yourself

Seriously, Everett?
>Split up your Sweetwater in half and explain the situation to your parents
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Rolled 1 (1d2)

You decide to split your Sweetwater in half, giving what you have left and pouring half of it into a new vial for Everett and his family. Hopefully, his father will not be too cross with him for losing some, but perhaps he can lie and say he drank it. At least, coming home with the half full vial is better then coming home empty handed.

But what of your own father? You are a child and still have that naive innocence and innate trust and obedience to your parents. You can't and won't lie to them. But how will he react? You can control your own actions and choices, but not everything in life is certain. Sometimes there is random chance.

On a roll of One, you have passed a check, gotten lucky, avoided danger, found something good, or otherwise been put in a better position.

On a roll of Two, you have failed, been caught out, did not notice anything, or were just plain unlucky.

Perhaps your Father will be in a good mood today...
Update is postponed until later today. I hope this lackluster art of this thread isn't a huge problem; I started this one with less preparation. Originally, it was going to be a full text-only Quest as an experiment. How do you feel about intermittent art for a Bananas Quest?
I haven't seen any real issue with the art though? We've only had 2 updates, it's a bit too early to say much.
It's a lot lower effort then my normal standards, to me at least lol
Again, only two updates.
The only problem I see is a distinct lack of gay sex.
Nah it's fine. I'm happy with any drawing real.
Do what you must Bananas
This, as long as it includes gay sex.
Not every update need art. It's fine.
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You get home and tell your father what happened. You can see he is upset to see you carrying that vial back lower then when he last left it. But he seems calm, and he asks you if your friend asked for the Sweetwater after he dropped his.

"No. It was my idea."
"I see. Well... it was good of you to help your friend. But remember, in this life, you can't help everyone. Everett will likely be your friend for the rest of your life, but if someone else comes by and needs your help, they may be trying to take advantage of you. There will always be people out there who need help, and unless you want to become one of them, you need to stay vigilant. Some will confuse your kindness with weakness."
"I understand, Father. But I know everyone on the island now. Aren't all of us friends?"
"...Come with me, Son. Let me show you something."

On the Black Ocean, the islands and coats from the great desert that surround the sea are where all the people live. Distances can be vast, and traveling the water can only be done one with, with ships.

Once, you were taught, that ships were built of wood- a fantastical material made of "trees", which are like grass, but hard and long and straight and also float. It sounds incredible to you that such a thing could be real and grow from sunlight and water just like your beachgrass can, but apparently, that was how things were in the old world. Now, ships are made of corals. They grow on bones, and are carefully molded into shape by skilled Craftstmen... like your father.

"Look here Son. This is the ship I've been building. Not repairing or maintaining the other ships that come to this island, not growing corals for them- but this is just for me. For us."
"What's the bucket for?"
"You put the saltwater on the parts where you want the corals to close up- they naturally form a wall. If you seal up the holes, the ship can float- despite each piece being heavy and hard. Shelf corals make the deck and the other floors, bubble corals build the inner chambers, brain corals are put at the bottom as a ballast. Pillar corals curve to form the outer hull- strong and hollow. Holes are filled with branching corals in the event of damage, or chalk... This grows on its own, from the coralwind; we do not build bigger ships, we grow them."
"What about those holes up there, Father? Are we going to close those?"
"Oh no Son, those are gunports."
"Is that safe? What if water goes in them? Won't it sink?"
"The ship will be safer with them then without."
Your father shared with you his project, and his ship, the Pink Lady with you. He wishes to sail the ocean one day, and you think that is a wonderful dream.

But time doesn't stand still. You grow older, from a child to a young man. In the summer of your manhood, it becomes clear from your restlessness that life on Guyot isn't going to be enough for you. It doesn't help that your small island community is quite poor overall, and the island doesn't attract many ships- only enough work for one Coralman. You start to fight your Mother and Father more, not on purpose, but getting into trouble more and more is a clear sign. One day, a ship docks at the island and without being able to take it anymore- you sign up as a novice crewmen. You're unlikely to be paid anything on your first voyage, but the experience you gain could become invaluable.

You sign up as a sailor and crowd onto a tiny ship with dozens of other men. The smell is terrible and you get extremely sick for the first few days as you get your sea-legs, but watching the island of your home disappear from your view on the horizon is one of the most exhilarating moments of your life.

But the Black Sea is no Guyot, it's a dangerous place, and soon enough you are trained to become proficient in a specific weapon. What weapon do you seem to get a knack for?


We’re a rich failson. What is a better representation of that than attention to be a shitty duelist?
Always go for the bigger gun
You see, a musket also gives us access to a bayonet, so we can get both the cutlass and the shooty shoot weapon.
And also a knack for taking as many cocks at once for high-seas bukakke.

The seocne part goes without saying. We're a sailor. Don't make it weird.
*second part
>implying gay sex is weird

Our father didn't make the ship with Gunports just to wave a Cutlass or Lob a Harpoon from. Let's train in the Cannonade.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d7)

Breaking the tie between Musket & Harpoon and giving a chance for Cannon because I think it's funny.

Current Votes-
Musket- 5
Harpoon- 5
Cannon- 4

>Roll 1-3 is Musket
>Roll 4-6 is Harpoon
>Roll of 7 only is Cannon
Musketbros it is so over.
I was hoping for cannon honestly then the facade about following player votes would be completely erased and just totally democratically ignored lmao
Rolled 6, 4, 9, 10, 10, 7, 2, 6, 8, 4, 10, 7, 1, 5, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 10, 6, 4, 4, 10, 5 = 158 (25d10)

'Harpoon' isn't even a real weapon. It's a fucking hunting tool. Literally no one uses an harpoon in combat. The people voting it were trying to fuck shit up on purpose.
Voting is SO closed brother.
Rolled 22, 13, 12, 8, 6, 19, 18, 13, 5, 15, 10, 25, 10, 25, 9, 19, 6, 25, 1, 4, 12, 14, 8, 22, 21 = 342 (25d25)

I can't believe you keep falling for the "proposing options you don't want to follow up" trap.
I don't do that. It was merely a meme.
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Over the next few months, you end up sailing with a ship called the Sweaty, and for good reason. It's a compact medium sized ship, specifically crewed by many expert fisherman. The ship sails the ocean in great circuits, docking and resupplying when it can, while catching its own fish- though their main goal is hunting whales and other rare sea creatures- who are incredibly valuable.

For a time, you are the smallest and least skilled sailor on the ship, so you try to keep out of the way. You're intrigued by the diet of these sailors, much heavier then your own with their fish meat and boiled fish skins, though you realize soon how boney the black skinned, translucent deep-sea fish that make up the black seas really are and how little you can get from them. Plus, the danger involved in tangling with any sea creature makes the voyage exciting, though a bit intimidating.

You felt as though you were utterly alone on the ship, and failing in your duties, until a crewmate named Bones becomes your close friend, and helps you learn some of the ropes. You learn all about tying sailor knots, catching fish, moving the sails with the wind, and all kinds of new inventive language. You were so taken aback you actually blushed to it, much to the amusement of Bones and the other crewmembers.

"...Hey Bones, you're from Good Teeth island, right? Why does everyone from there have such good teeth anyway?"
"Oh, it's because our momma's put a lot of fuckin' water in the Saltcakes. Keeps your teeth nice and hydrated and no-chippies."
"Hmm. I heard it was all the fish they eat."
"Oh the fishing is good too-" He quickly adds, "But that's more on the northern side."

More interestingly, you didn't realize people on boats were so weirdly religious. The Sailors on the Black Ocean take the Deaths, the new Gods of the world, very seriously. The most common faith in the ocean is the faith of the holy wrath, which teaches that mankind's existence in this world is a just punishment. And that this life is hardship for the next one. You gather in the hold for a ceremony every week- preceded over by your venerable Captain Ahab.
"...And every animal that walks on four legs or two legs or six legs or eight legs, and every creeping beast, and every bird in the sky, and every microbe which doth eyes cannot see, and every fungus that grows in the rain, and every fish in the sea, and all creatures in the soils and skins where my light touches- so sayeth the Creator, will be reviled by you and leave you, and mankind's dominion over them ends now, as I have judged Mankind in these years, and sought them wanting."

The speech is giving you a feeling of dread. Is that... is that really what happened?

"And the Creator of the world broke the covenant with mankind, and death left them, and all in the world would suffer and suffer. And mankind pleaded for the Creator to spare them this cruelty, but he was unmoved. It was only by the grace of one, known as Jesus Christ, who held in his hands the last seeds as the creator swept the world clean, and he gave them to man in his infinite mercy. And to woman, who gave those of barren womb a greater gift- the power to give Death to those who suffer, not in power over them, but in kindness..."

The truth is, these last few months have broadened your horizons greatly. You've spoken to more new people in this time then you have in your whole life, and seen more, and learned more- and during this time you've come to realize something. You idyllic life on the island, harsh and strict as it was, was by no means normal. So many of your crewmates were thrown out of their communities, some were slaves, many are victims of pirates, some are missing eyes and limbs... in a way, you are lucky. Your childhood was just boring; not traumatizing. Perhaps a divine protector, somebody like Jesus, is watching over you too.

You feel as though your life is lacking in spirituality. As you consider this, you feel as though you should thank and pray towards one of the Deaths. But which one?
>The Sun Death
>The Sea Death
>The Scurvy Death
>The Opium Death
>The Lady Deaths
I still don't know what 'Lady Death' even means.
Death from childbirth, I believe.
Well in that case...

>The Sun Death
The most just of all deaths.
>The Sea Death
I feel like this is most appropriate for a sailor
Anon, read the actual descriptions. Sea Death is basically the equivalent of worshipping one of those evil deities. "It offers power but always ends in destruction"
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You consider what you know about the Deaths...

The Deaths are like Gods, ferrying away the souls of people on their black ships. Each one has dominion over their type of Death, and its natural consequences. Each one is faceless, and unseen.

The Lady Deaths are the exception. Instead of being invisible Gods, singular entities, and being male- the Lady Deaths are risen from human women. Some women are born in the world without the ability to have children, and when those women would become of age, their skin and hair turns very pale and white, their eyes become piercing globes that can see right through you, and they gain the ability to painless and peacefully end the life of those who are suffering, something no other Death will do. While they are human, they also don't need to eat, become totally fearless, without the desire for love, domination, or fear.

It is for this reason that some worship the Lady Deaths, and they are the most central and human of all the Deaths in the Faith of the Holy Wrath. But the Lady Deaths are stretched thin, constantly moving from place to place, able to bring their mercy where they can. Your Aunt is one of them.

But compared to the other deaths? The Lady Deaths are feeble, too-human, and too temporal for their machinations and ways. The other Deaths are far greater, and there are many who worship them, often in secret, in exchange for power...
>>The Scurvy Death
Ye scurvy dogs.
Well, that's pretty cool. Those lady deaths seem interesting, and i'd like us to worship something good, rather than the whole doom and gloom everything sucks stuff, but i'm not too big a fan of being the ultimate simp.
That's the description of the Scurvy Death, the Sea Death description says it best fits sailors
>The Sea Death
Oh I bid farewell to the port and the land...
>The Opium Death
>The Sea Death

I'm >>6038998 and >>6038596
>The Sea Death
>>The Sea Death
>The Opium Death
>The Scurvy Death
>The Sea Death
But secretly
>The Lady Deaths
Cause we ain't dying, we're getting killed. Preferably on our own terms.
Fate, the weather, and the sea... the widest expanse of black. True freedom, in many ways. Maybe that's the reason you feel a connection with the mysterious Death of the Sea. While alone that night swinging in your hammock bed from the rafters in the belly of the ship, you put your hands together and for the first time you pray. You think about all the things you've been given from the sea, a promise to see the wider world, this new diet of boney fish skins and stews- not great but amazing compared to your normal diet of old crackers; and for the good weather. You aren't exactly sure what you're supposed to do, so you just think about the vast ocean you can hear rumbling all around you, past the thin walls of the coralship, and then you whisper.

"Thank you, Sea Death."

Strangely, you feel an inkling of... something. Not necessary like you're being watched, but more like you feel a presence of some kind. It's like you forged some kind of connection, though small and tenuous. It's not the kind of relationship where you can ask anything of... "it", but it feels good to get that off your chest. You fall into a restful, black sleep.

Over the next few weeks, the captain of the vessel drives the crew towards a new fishing grounds he believes will be profitable. You just so happen to be in the crow's nest, atop of the pillar-coral that makes up the main sail of your vessel, when you spot it. There is a spray in the distance, and a flipper. No way.

"W-Whale! Whale whale! It's a blow! WHALE OFF PORT-SIDE!"

The flurry of the crew was instant and immense. This is the first time the ship has spotted a whale since you've boarded, and you spotted it! What luck! Could this be the work of the Sea-Death? Or is this just random chance...?
You climb down as fast as you can to aide in the spearing. The whale won't stay at the surface long, so the need for speed is immense. You and many other harpooners jump into a small boat and are unceremoniously dropped into the black ocean. Being in the smaller ship makes you feel nervous, but it's the only way to get reasonably close enough.

The whalers prepare their harpoons. Your goal now is to hold on and weaken the beast with your points, cables and ropes to prevent it from diving and evading capture. Bleeding the whale is your best bet, which is why you work in small teams. Whales are one of the most valuable catches on the open ocean, as almost every part of them is valuable. Their skin make some of the finest clothing, their blubber and oils useful for making power when wind isn't available, and the meat is delectable... or so you've been told. After all, you've never been in the position to have any. But their main value is their bones, which make up the skeleton of every sailing ship on the sea. Experienced coralmen, like your father, use them all the time in their work, and are required to not only build ships, but can even make them “grow”.

The small boat advances on the surfaced creature, and with a few harpoon throws, it is wounded. The whale instantly begins to twist in agony, showing its pain in only a way an aquatic beast can, before starting to take off away from the ship.

“Hold tight lad-” a friendly older sailor says, though he can't hide the look of worry on his face. “It's taking us away from the ship so we can't be rescued as easily...”

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the small boat lurches with an impact. The whale turned around, slamming the ship from beneath. The beast is nowhere near the size of the great leviathans you have heard of, but it's white body shimmers under the black surface of the sea as a lurking promise of death. You suddenly feel like you never should have left dry land.

You throw your harpoon, and miss. Drat. You kneel down to pull it back up, then, the boat lurches downwards, as though the whale is trying to dive.

“Pull! Pull up you ingrates! Don't let it get free!”

And then you go airborne.

The whale slams into the bottom of the ship with a full speed impact of its great head, the brittle corals shattering from its off-centered impact. Several crewmen, including the older sailor, are thrown overboard to their great panic. You only were spared because you were kneeling down to the base of the boat on all fours, your center of gravity was low enough to avoid being knocked into the water. The boat is sinking now.
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You make a feeble effort to try and pull out one of the sailors, but they're too far away now, and you become painfully aware of your own precarious position. The boat is in shambles, but the main body is mostly intact, and boyant enough to keep you up. Suddenly, a white head breaches the water and slams down, tipping the boat towards the sea as its great weight pushes the boat down at an angle, you begin to slide.

The whale isn't even bothering with the sailors in the water. It's almost like the whale knows that humans cannot swim. It somehow knew you were up on the safety of the small pontoon, and snaps its myriad of sharp teeth. Your body reacts faster then your mind, your legs pinned to the upper and lower jaws, fumbling with your barely-retrieved harpoon.

The whale bellows a steam of black-water-spray from its blowhole as if in frustration. You look at the beast, and then you see them. It's hateful red eyes. The eyes of the whale are like nothing you've ever seen before. The eyes show a great and deep intellect. It is very much like looking into the eyes of a man, but these eyes are filled with hate. It shivers you to your core to behold them, to lock eyes with this monster of the sea that hated you more then you can even imagine, hated the very fact of your existence, hated you from before you were born and will hate you after your death. This whale is not acting out of self preservation. It is acting out of spite. You can find no other explanation in your mind that explains its behavior. It isn't eating the sailors in the water or trying to get away or even trying to knock loose the harpoons in its back by slamming into the nearest solid object. It's doing this because it hates you.

You raise your harpoon. This will be the moment you kill this beast. But it doesn't come without a cost. What is it that you lose?
>A Foot
>Most of the fingers on one hand
>An eye
>Half of your face
>Half of your face
>An eye
>Half of my face
I like the description for the whale.
>An eye
So we can wear an eyepatch, of course.
>A Foot

Anons you are officially gay if you don’t go for the peg leg option
Peglegs don't really work
>Half of your face

>>6039941 is me.
>A Foot
Support. I love eyepatches
>A Foot

An eye can see, a hand can grasp, a face can express. All you need to do with a foot is stand on it; and you could get an ACTUAL prosthetic (perhaps made of coral or creature-bone?) rather then some stupid peg.
>A Foot
We can even install a canon pegleg!
Red eyes, sharp teeth? Great, mutant whales
>An eye
>A Foot
They remind me of ancient toothed whales, or even mosasaurs, mixed with belugas
>Most of the fingers on one hand
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You are fighting for your life against this whale, and as it pushes its weight down on the remainder of the boat, you keep slipping towards its mouth. Finally, your foot slips inside of the monster's maw, and it chomps close. You feel an electric shock of pain go through your body as you feel the dagger-like teeth of the whale pierce so very hard, going through your skin, flesh, and bone. Its powerful jaws instantly mulching your foot right above the ankle.


The pain is intense. In a fit of rage, and as a desperate bid to survive, you raise your harpoon and stab it once, twice, in its blubbery head, and your reward are pitiful spurts of blood. Then, its hateful eye meets yours again. Its lips, coated in your hot blood, almost curl up in a smirk. You pull your harpoon back and jam it right into that hateful red orb with all your strength, and you feel your javelin break through the wet eye, and you twirl the javelin as hard as you can, hoping to pierce some connections. The whale thrashes, your leg in even worse pain and no doubt torn to shreds. You scream and stab and stab in a frenzy, and finally, the beast stops moving.

Two more harpoons hastily fly and stab its back from above; you realize now that the big ship has caught up to the small boat, the Sweaty and its crew looking down in amazement at your catch.

“The Whale! He's got it! Quick, get him up!” Captain Ahab roars. He didn't say “they”, and you already know what that means. You fall back on the deck from the blood lose and fall unconscious.

You wake up in your hanging cot late at night, your leg bandaged up. Unfortunately, it's merely a stump. You reach for it, feeling immense pain, only for the captain to chide you. He was sitting by your hammock in vigil that night, and is likely the one to bandage you up.
“You'll be alright lad.”
”My... my leg... no...”
“Better then those sorry souls who slipped into the water. There was no saving them from the Sea-Death...”
”Did- Did you at least get the whale?”

The captain laughs, giving you a punch on the shoulder.

“Haha! Your first whale; not only spotted the damn thing, and killed it, but now you wanna make sure after all that we still got it! I knew I saw a good Whaler in you, lad!”
”But... I won't be able to walk.”
“Pssh. Never seen a peg-legged pirate? You really were sheltered. Don't worry, I got a crewman shaving some pillar coral right from the mast for ye, you'll be right as rain soon enough. Also, I got something for you.”

Pulling out a sack, he gives you a handful of Pearls. Money. You see a bunch of white ones, some big ones, a black and a pink one. This is a lot of money. You're a bit shocked. Your father was one of the richest men on your island, and you never saw this money in one place at once. You guess he probably wouldn't make this much in a whole year, maybe more, depending on business.

“That's ye bonus for spotting the whale; keeps the crew motivated. Plus your share for the catch. Oh- and don't worry, we got plenty of meat still. I saved ye a slice.”

It was the best meal you ever had.

Over the next Six Years, you grow from a young boy into a man. You learn all about sailing, tying knots, the creatures of the sea, whaling, hunting, learning the signs of the weather, manging a rowdy crew. Your hair and beard grow out, and despite walking on a peg leg, you stand tall and strong. Because you learned the harpoon studied whaling, your diet is much improved over the average sailor or landlubber on the black sea, and you grow taller and stronger then most men.
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During that time, you become close with many men on the ship, as well as its great Captain Ahab. You hide away all the pearls you earn; and instead of spending them in the opium dens and whorehouses on your shore leave like the other crewmembers, you set yours aside for your dream, and your father's dream.

The Pink Lady. You will be her Captain. It's your ship after all!

The next time you sail near the Island of Guyot, you tell Captain Ahab. He nods sagely.

“Aye lad... Sad to see you go. But I knew you had bigger dreams then the other small minds on this ships, not their next meal or next adventure in the brothel. I never had children myself, so I feel like passing on my wisdom to you is the next best thing.”
”Thank you, Cap'n. You've taken great care of me. But I have to ask... you aren't upset? I might become your competition on the high seas.”
He laughs. “That's the first time you've ever said some blowhard shit to me, boy. Don't you dare repeat it. You'll never be in my league. Even if you fly a black flag and become a damn pirate, I wouldn't be scared one bit.”
”...Even when I take Bones?”
“None of my real crew would ever leave me. So take the damn landlubbers off the ship with you, if anything you'd be doing me a favor!”

You share a moment. The captain has always been kind to you, though both he and the first mate of the ship are young and close enough that you aren't likely to be promoted for either position, hence one of the reasons you are choosing to leave. But he's always been patient, answered your question, was fair with the discipline and the work. You think of him a bit like your second father. You also may never see him again. On your last day before returning to your home, you get a few chances to ask the Captain for some valuable advice. What should you ask him?

Note- You may ask up to five questions total. Each player may ask one question, and it is first come first serve. Repeat questions or dumb write-ins will not be answered.

Ask him about...
>A Death (Specify)
>That "Deathless" thing everyone whispers about
>The Navy
>If you can get your leg back
>How to find whales
>Becoming a Pirate
>Best ways to get Pearls
>Easy ways to get Pearls
>How to hire the best crew
>What places to visit
>What places to avoid
>Protecting your ship
>Other (Write-In)
>That "Deathless" thing everyone whispers about
Whot is it?

I reccomend following players to ask about The Navy, the Best Way to get Pearls, What places to visit/avoid and protecting yer ship.
>What places to avoid
Wisdom of not dying
Also, fun thing i noticed. For some time i thought that maybe part of the reason why was shit and the ocean was black because of some shit that basically made it into the Dead Sea, but if people are literally unable to even swim, then that means it's not a case of the sea being too salty.
>How to hire the best crew
>How to find whales
>Protecting your ship

Tempted to go with resupplying but we have giga-cash to spend so it’ll be fine.
Welp, that's five. Good spread, though.
Using your relationship to gain more knowledge, you pry the captain for his juiciest "pearls".

He is visibly nervous at the name, shaking his head.

"Accursed souls who cannot die... yet they revel in it. They spit on the Deaths and humanity alike. They are monstrous, all of the Faithful know. Thankfully, they mostly stick to the mountains and mainland deserts, the great emptiness, from beyond the borders of the Ocean. Nothing good to be gained from them, unless you be a Sorcerer of the Deaths, but I know you've got a better head then that, lad."

"Depends on the time and place. The pirate strongholds are safe as can be when they aren't desperate for plunder, the navy flotilla is safe as long as you aren't doing something they consider "illegal", and islands are safest during storms. But for me? The Bug Island. Only go there to buy their wares and then leave. Word of advice lad, if you see a bunch of shiny, delicious-looking eggs just out of the water, they be there for a reason. Just move on."

"If you want cheap, expendable crew, go to rural little homely islands. They'll always be some dumb lad desperate to leave home." He looks at you for a full second, a smile spreading to his lips.

"But more serious; the most experienced sailors are whalers and fishermen, as they never stop moving. The most bloodthirsty sailors and best fighters are pirates, often skulking in their strongholds. Just know that the greatest trait in a crewman is loyalty, which can't nae be bought..."

"Ye is a whaler, right? You should have learned that already, lad."

You realize pretty soon what he means. You did learn a lot about studying the movements of the fishy creatures, but more important, any secret tricks that the captain may have known he isn't privy to share. This is still his primary form of income and livelihood, and as much as he likes you, there may not be quite enough to go around. This was a bit of a wasted question. Unfortunately, but hey, no hard feelings.

"New Captains spend pearl after pearl arming their ship and crews with all sorts of arms and powders and this and that... but remember, the greatest danger to a sailing ship is the sea itself. Bad weather, upkeep, hitting a low sandbar, the hull 'fested with all sorts of wildlife, and things trying to live below your decks. These will be your greatest dangers to your ship. But keeping all that in mind... Have a good mix of cannons to keep enemy ships at bay and weapons aboard to arm your crew for when you get boarded. Not if. Oh, and one last thing, cannons are better if you're the one in pursuit. You'll find that, if the summers are bad, whalers, merchants, explorers, pirates... you'll scarcely be able to tell the difference. Savvy?"
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You finally return to the Island of Guyot after all these years. What a sight to behold! The tiny port welcomes the Sweaty with the hope of fresh caught fish or other valuable trade goods- but strangely, another ship is already docked. It's sailing white flags, which means they would have a Lady Death aboard. Why would one of them be here?


Your father, the Coralman, suffered an accident. The splinters of fire coral that he handled found their way into his veins, and up towards his heart. He cannot speak anymore, but he can listen and feel as all the near-dying do. He has been denied the other deaths- and lays unmoving in his bed.

"Normally, we follow in the path of wars of slaver campaigns... But when I got the news, I had to come."

Your Aunt, one of the Lady Deaths, has come to relieve your father's suffering. She moves to embrace you, but you flinch.

"Is it safe to touch you, Lady Death?"
"Do you truly wish to stop living? Are you ready to pass on?"
"Then I cannot hurt you if I tried. Come."

You hug her. She is cold. The timing couldn't be more perfect, but the moment is still sad. You feel guilty; not even a week ago you were partying with the lads over a recent catch, all while your father was suffering for months since his accident. It is clear he is not going to recover, this is the fate for all the unfortunates who do not die gruesomely enough to sate the thirst of the Deaths. Now, it comes down to mercy. Your mother is crying at seeing her Sister's all white eyes, but she seems happy too. She tells you that the Pink Lady was just finished before the accident, and your father couldn't be prouder. It is time to say goodbye.

>Promise to become a great Captain
>Tell him you'll take care of Mother
>Thank him for finishing the Lady
>Say nothing

You also now have a chance to change your name. With your Father soon to be gone, your new identity will no longer be tied to parenthood. Of course, Sylvester will always be your real name, but you will be the captain of your own ship. What name do you wish to choose?
>Captain Sylvester is fine
>Captain Sly
>Captain Redbeard
>Other (Write In)
>Tell him you'll take care of Mother
>Captain Sylvester is fine
>Promise to become a great Captain
He said he wanted to sail, right? This is what we do to make him know we'll keep that dream.

As for the name...I kinda like Redbeard. But I'm not sure.
>Promise to become a great Captain
>Other (Write In)
Take Father's given name. He always wanted to sail the Pink Lady. In some way, he will.
>Promise to become a great Captain
>Captain Redbeard
For the Son to surpass the Father is the best gift

Though we could take it as if a surname. If our father's name was somehow just 'Coralman', we'd be Captain Sylvester Coralman.
>Captain Redbeard
"Sylvester" just doesn't sit right as a name for a ship's captain.
>Tell him you'll take care of Mother
"...I'll sail the Black Sea dad. I'll see the sights, and I'll be a great captain. Just like you wanted."

He looks at you with all the contemplation of a dead man. But you know he heard you. His eyes roll in his head in apparent joy, but then they focus on your Aunt. It is time.

You're almost overcome with emotion, but you don't leave the room. You don't see this every day. Your Aunt leans in and whispers to your Father, and he seems to communicate with his breath. Then, she takes his hand and puts a hand on his chest, and he goes quiet. He is no longer breathing. His eyes are closed and his face looks relieved. He is dead. You thank your Aunt, who accepts no payment for this either way, but especially not from family.

"...By the way, I have something for you."

Your aunt hands you a sack of something clinking and metal. You think it might be shot, but the objects within are too rounded. You pull one out, and see a small metal disc made of some metal you can't identify. One on side is a face, the other, a building or monument.

"What are these?"
"They are coins. Once, they were used as money."
"Not quite as pretty as pearls I'd say..."
"These are not ordinary coins. They are blessed with luck, and fate seems to hold them in its hand. But each can only be used once; then you must discard it into the sea or else its luck will turn sour. I have been holding on to them as an heirloom, but the longer I have been one of the Lady Deaths, the less I've had need of it. We know things. Keep great care of these coins, young Sylvester, as I can see into your future dimly, and I know that you will never find others like them."

From now on whenever you have a random chance roll, you may now choose to add a lucky coin to the roll.
Instead of rolling a 1d2, you will roll a 2d2, with at least one die rolling a one counting as a success to your roll. This will expend a lucky coin if you succeed the roll or not.

You have Six lucky coins.
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Your father is dead, but in you he will live on. You've decided to take his name. Your Father's name was Richard. But... Captain Richard? Really? Not Redbeard? Not Captain Sly? It doesn't exactly inspire fear, or confidence.

As you grab your purse of pearls, you consider your background. You were quite fortunate. Your father also left a considerable inheritance for you, his savings for outfitting the Pink Lady, and your career as a Whaler also certainly helped. Many young people become sailors out of desperation. Being able to join a crew and work in exchange for food, sweetwater, and protection from threats is for many an enviable position. You mostly joined out of some childish desire for freedom and self-actualization. Most would consider you upper class. That's it. Captain Rich.

Your crew is made up of a good mix; Everett, still living on the island and just the same as he's always been, excited to see the world, along with Bones, your steadfast companion aboard the Sweaty. Besides them, you have a small collection of random islanders from the island of Guyott, a few whalers, and some others who would be interested in joining a new crew. It's small, but it will pilot the Lady. The first order of business is to assign roles.

Aboard a sailing ship, the Captain is the head of the operation, but there are others who are almost as important. The first is the First-Mate, who is in charge of discipline, managing the men, and the confidant of the captain. He will be the second in command and most important choice, the most important aspect here is social ability and trustworthiness, as if anyone will mutineer your ship- it would be a dissatisfied First Mate.

The second role that needs filling in your new crew is that of the Quartermaster, the manager of your stocks, food, Sweetwater, sails, shots, and other equipment. Even a small crew needs a level headed and observant quartermaster to manage their supplies and make sure not to forget anything important.

Among these men, you'll have to pick two to fill these roles. Who will you assign to what?

You can assign;
>Pick a random crewman you don't know as well and hope they're good & trustworthy (Chance)
>RANDOM CREW MEMBER the Quartermaster
>Bones the First Mate
Fuck you Everett, we will never let you handle the precious cargo with your fat butterfingers.
Oh shit, a limited resource. Time for the players to refuse to ever use it for anything, ever, to the very end of the quest. Kek.

Captain Richie Rich, more like!

>First-Mate = Bones
He knows ship-life

>Quartermaster = Everett
Assuming we know he has some measure of aptitude for it.

Aww, come on, anon. it's been years! Surely he learned from his youthful blunder and has been very careful ever since?
Question, does Everett know literally anything about being Quartermaster? I feel like this is something we should be able to ask him.

Bones...well, it's pretty obvious right? He's the Skilled option, but also the one most likely to mutiny.

Everret your a slimy fuck. You can and you entire family line can get eaten by a whale. Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, FUCK YOU.
>First Mate: Random Crewman
>Quartermaster: Random Crewman
I propose we use two of the coins at the outset, to spite wisdom and the obvious choices.
Oh I forgot to mention, whenever you choose a random Choice prompt you should also specify in your vote if you want to use a lucky coin or not. the lucky coin will only be used if the majority of players want to use one if that vote wins.
Everett. He may be clumsy, but we need someone we can trust until we’re confident in our safety from mutiny. He doesn’t have to be a permanent first-mate.
>+1 to This and use a lucky coin
>Use a lucky coin on RANDOM CREWMEMBER
Whoever we get in this position is probably going to stay with us for a while. Let's tip the odds for a competent guy in this important choice.
Far right, back row. Look at that magnificent hat. Looks like a newsie, right? I hope we get that guy as our random pick. Surely he is a boss.
First mate, Everett.
Quartermaster, Bones.
I still think it's dumb we can't even just ask Everett if he has any knowledge of quartermastering. There's literally no reason other than wanting to trap us in a 'gotcha' if we 'choose wrong'
I think we can safely assume he doesn't, sicne I don't think he's ever sailed. Hopefully he knows some basics of resource management by now.
Well he did something in those years, didn't he? Maybe he would be good at it because he was managing his family farm or something. We don't know. Becuase we can't ask him that until we choose.
Or maybe he became an even bigger screwup.
Well, that's why asking would be good
>Use lucky coin
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d2)

While Everett is your childhood friend, you don't know how much he really knows about Sea Life. Bones is a senior crewman and always helpful to you, as well as having some experience in leadership. You decide to make him your first mate. But before making the choice to elect one of the yet to be known crewmembers to be the Quartermaster, you decide to flip one of the lucky coins to see if luck is on your side...
Let's GO
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You give a handful of pearls to your new Quartermaster, a man named Squint, to handle the supplies. He seemed to have done something like this before on a voyage, and as such he doesn't waste many pearls. Food and basic supplies are pretty cheap anyway, it's just the Sweetwater that will be a problem... You end up giving him about 20 pearls to hopefully outfit the crew as much as you will need.

While the island of Guyot is small and isolated, there is still a general store to buy many useful things, especially for incoming ships. Your father once did the repairs and built the ships, but the Dockmaster has his own stores. You've considered milking what relationships you have here for all they are worth; but truthfully you can't expect a serious discount. You will be launching a ship like any other. This is the kind of business the locals rely on.

Visiting the Dockmaster's ship supply, you see a large selection of goods and items. As with any port, items can be used by the ship or traded and the price of items depends on where you buy or sell them. While small, the store here has all the basic necessities you could need, plus a few extras... Your budget from your years as a whaler plus your father's inheritance means you have quite a bit to spend. What are you going to buy?

You have 200 Pearls to Spend.
>Small Cannon 20p
>Medium Cannon 35p
>Sail Patch 20p
>Extra Sail 80p
>Quality Musket 5p
>Rifled Musket 8p
>Pistol 4p
>Repair Powder (made of whale bones) 15p
>Axe 2p
>Cutlas 15p
>Hammock 3p

>Worm Crate (All powder and shot needed for small arms for one major fight) 4p
>Standard Cannon Ball 1p
>Grapeshot Cluster 2p
>Powder Bag (Enough for ~5 cannon shots) 4p

Trade Goods take up significant space in the cargo hold. The Pink Lady has enough space for three total trade goods.
>Beachgrass Seed Crate 10p
>Sweetwater Glass Jug 100p
>Assorted Small Corals- Free (1 available)
Very important question, how many gunports does the Pink Lady have?
Also, do we need to buy Sweetwater glass jug to not die of scurvy?
>2x Small Cannon (40p)
>2x Sail Patch (40p)
>5x Pistol (20p)
>2x Repair Power (30p)
>10x Axe (20p)
>2x Worm Cate (8p)
>2x Powder Bag (8p)
>10x Standard Cannon Ball (10p)
>Beach Grass Seed Grate (10p)
>Assorted Small Corals (Free)

186 Pearls total leaving 14 pearls as savings. Expensive but with this our ship should have everything it needs except hammocks really. But I doubt a brand new crew is going to care too much about it.
No, that is what your Quartermaster does. the idea is a higher skill or more trustworthy Quartermaster can reduce the cost your basic up to keep. This jug instead is more just for trading, but you could totally use it to keep your crew supplied for a very long time.

I haven't drawn it yet. but it's basically a small sloop so I don't think you're going to be able to fully stock of a cannons with your amount of money anyway.
Okay well in that case

That's a lot of stuff, but what are we gonna do to actually get money? I imagine that we already get Harpoons for free since they're not an option.
>Small Cannon x 2
>Medium Cannon x 2
>Sail patch
>Repair powder
>Axe x 2
>Worm Crate x 2
>Cannonballs x 10
>Grapeshot Cluster x2
>Powder Bag x 2
>Beachgrass Seed Crate
>Assorted Small Corals

If I didn't screw the pooch on math, should be 190.
I imagine whaling and trading mostly.
Lots of cannons for defense but we’d be absolutely screwed if we ever got boarded and our old captain gave the advice cannons are better in pursuit, so unless we decide to attack people it might not be the best way to defend ourselves.
>2x Small Cannon 20p
>Sail Patch 20p
>10x Quality Musket 5p
>Repair Powder (made of whale bones) 15p
>10x Axe 2p
>10x Hammock 3p
>Worm Crate (All powder and shot needed for small arms for one major fight) 4p
>10x Standard Cannon Ball 1p
>2x Beachgrass Seed Crate 10p
>Assorted Small Corals- Free
I’d my math is correct, that leaves us with 11 pearls.

I’ll switch. I guess we don’t need two spares on our first outing for repair items.
You forgot powder to fire those cannonballs.


>0 Small Cannon 20p
>1 Medium Cannon 35p
>2 Sail Patch 20p
>0 Extra Sail 80p
>0 Quality Musket 5p
>1 Rifled Musket 8p
>4 Pistol 4p (one each for us, and Bones, Squint, and Everett)
>1 Repair Powder (made of whale bones) 15p
>9 Axe 2p
>0 Cutlass 15p
>10 Hammock 3p (taking on passengers could be an option)

>1 Worm Crate (All powder and shot needed for small arms for one major fight) 4p
>3 Standard Cannon Ball 1p
>2 Grapeshot Cluster 2p
>1 Powder Bag (Enough for ~5 cannon shots) 4p

Trade Goods take up significant space in the cargo hold. The Pink Lady has enough space for three total trade goods.
>2 Beachgrass Seed Crate 10p
>0 Sweetwater Glass Jug 100p
>1 Assorted Small Corals- Free (1 available)
197 pearls spent 3 remain
Ah, right. My mistake.
Add this to the list.
>2x Powder Bag (Enough for ~5 cannon shots) 4p
Now that leaves 3 pearls.
While deciding your PURCHASE, you overhear and mentally note a few things...

>"The CRAB GROUNDS might be far, but are a fantastic place to make use of those Picks. Be warned the turnover rate of crew is VERY HIGH."

>"Weapons can fetch a GOOD PRICE in places where people USE THEM."

>"SAILORS are superstitious for a reason. Never forget the DEATHS. And nothing pleases the deaths more then stopping the DEATHLESS."

>"GOOD TEETH ISLAND is named for its people's teeth, but they stay alive with its POWDER."

>"They cheapest places to buy things are going to be WHERE THEY ARE MADE."

>"Nobody in the Sea likes the FRUIT BARONS. Everyone still buys from them, because they are FORCED TO. If all you care about is pearls, then be like the Fruit Barons."

>"Avoid the NAVY FLOTILLA if you're carrying any contraband, or if your crew is a LITTLE QUEER."

>"The STAR ISLANDS are where you can sell slaves and salvage. Depending on the season and how much rain they get, they may PAY MORE for one then the other."
Currently all three shopping lists are tied with votes (one each?) so I'll just have to pick one at random or try to combine them without a greater consensus.
I have absolutely no idea, mate. I'd try making my own but that'd just add a 4th option.
>>6043548/>>6043584 has a +1 (>>6043555), and I'll switch to back ot as well.
>>"Avoid the NAVY FLOTILLA if you're carrying any contraband, or if your crew is a LITTLE QUEER."
You hear that Everett? You better watch out for the Navy, boy!

>I'll also support this, its pretty good.
Dealing with the "event" IRL, sorry for the delay. I'll be posting when I become more motivated. Thanks for sticking with it. I won't ask if you're enjoying the quest yet because we only now got out of char gen lol
I hope you're ok bananas.
Didn't took part in the nitpicking shoping list vote because this is not a thing I enjoy in my quest, but still following eagerly this thread
Damn QM curse, good luck Bananas. What am I going to do if the only GOOD fantasy quest on the board dies.
Take care of yourself.
Good luck. Also: if you were to ask, the answer is yes.
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You decide to buy some things for your ship and crew, buying two small cannons, which can be carried by a strong man and fired from the deck on a swivel or shot below decks, some powder and shot, more then enough muskets and axes, hammocks for comfort, and some beachgrass seeds as well as your father's corals, plus some other stuff.

"Squint, how goes it?" You say.
"With the money you gave me for supplies, we have about two weeks worth of supplies In Sweetwater and Saltcakes. It's not much, but that's less 'cuz of the budget and more because the ship is full up and can't carry that much. Though i suppose we could just eat some of the beachgrass seeds if we got stranded."
"Ayy, let's not have that happen on our first voyage. That should be enough to reach a friendly port..."

You talk to your First-Mate, Bones, and ask him about navigation. He tells you he doesn't know much. Uh oh. Maybe you could have seen this coming...

Truthfully, you don't have a great grasp of the sea, nor do you have a quality map, as such, one scrawled by a local will have to do. It's not much and 100% inaccurate, but everything here is within a nearby sailing distance. You also won't be able to know how fast you can travel without a sextant or how to sail beyond eyesight of islands without a compass.

Where would you like to go?
>Good Teeth Island
>Mistress Island
>To the Fruit Barons
>To the Green Waters
>Head in a direction (specify)
>Mistress Island

Let's go to Mistress island, we've gotten some info on everything near except the green waters through eavesdropping. Getting a good grasp of what each island in the area's specialty is always good. It's also on the way to the Fruit Barons which I'm curious about
Yeah, sure. We can get our bearings and start working on a better map, too.

>Mistress Island
That's cool and all man, but we're going to need to make pearls to resupply.
We have trade goods if we absolutely need cash and I'm guessing the trip to mistress island is at most two days given the map. We have two weeks of supplies to use up and information is worth it's weight in pearls. And who say we can't make money on Mistress Island anways?
We're whalers, right? At least as a starting profession.
>Mistress Island
>Mistress Island
>Mistress island
Do some whaling and try to recruit a navagator.
>Mistress Island
We can whale on the way.
>No coin & chance it
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The Pink Lady majestically sets sail for the first time out of the port of Guyot; with you at her bow!

Your father's craftsmanship is at least proven by the fact it doesn't sink immediately. That's a plus.

It is a small ship. The sail is the most expensive part, as all sails are made of human hair, fish ligaments, and hagfish slime threads woven into translucent fibers. Your sail is practically brand new, no patches or repairs with age needed, and as such it appears as a nice clean sheet. The ship main hull is built from sturdy branch corals, with large ones making up the mast and tiller, holes kept open for gunports below with flaps built of yet another type of jagged but sturdy pink corals. You think it's quite a fine ship. The below deck is cramped, with not much room for the crew. You are quite glad that you decided to buy hammocks, as sleeping on the rocking and wet floor sounds like it would suck pretty bad. Thankfully, the ship is so new that no bad smells have ingrained themselves in the corals down here; it's not like the Sweaty in the least!

But up here, on the deck, with the wind in your face- you feel so free and accomplished. You can go anywhere, do anything you wish... but for now, let's focus on the journey at hand. Mistress isn't very far, and should only take two days journey, actually less, if the map is as inaccurate as you think it is. Surely, in the quiet waters between the two islands, there is no chance anything bad is going to happen to you... right?

At sea, every ship hoists a flag from their highest mast. The color of the flag determines their stance and communicates to all other nearby ships their intentions. It's impossible to tell a pirate ship to a trader to some humble fishermen- and going without a flag is seen as dishonest and likely means you are criminals on the run. These flags are made of human hair, and each color of hair has a different meaning...

What color of flag do you want to wave?
>Black (We are going to attack you- the pirate flag)
>Blonde/Brown (We are willing to trade)
>White (We are carrying a Lady Death of other passengers)
>Red (If you attack us, we'll attack you, do not approach)

[The next update will also contain a random encounter roll. Decide if you wish to use a lucky coin]
>Use lucky coin
>No coin & chance it
>Blonde/Brown (We are willing to trade)
>No coin & chance it
>>Blonde/Brown (We are willing to trade)

>No coin & chance it
Rolled 33 (1d100)

>Blonde/Brown (We are willing to trade)
>Blonde/Brown (We are willing to trade)
>No coin & chance it
>Blonde/Brown (We are willing to trade)
>No coin & chance it
>>Blonde/Brown (We are willing to trade)
>>No coin & chance it
>Blonde/Brown (We are willing to trade)
>No coin & chance it
>Blonde/Brown (We are willing to trade)
>No coin & chance it
Rolled 2 (1d2)

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On your way to Mistress, about midmorning after your sleep and a rotating watch, the crew hoists a yellowed flag to the top mast, indicating your stance and hostility. Being willing to trade could lead to more opportunities.

"Not that we have much to trade..." Everett says.
"We have grass seeds, many small islands need a supply for their farming if the soil quality is poor. Not everywhere is the same as Guyot."
"I did not know that."
"Plus if another ship is damaged or small, it may need some of my father's corals to help them repair."
"Though if we run across a damaged ship, it may be wise to take full advantage. After all, they wouldn't be very able to run or fight back."

You look at Bones. He's a bit more pragmatic, but his cruelty and implication of turning to piracy at the first sign of convenience... you don't much like it. But at the same time, you can't fault him for his logic.

Soon, you see another ship sailing nearby. You think it might be coming from Mistress Isle as well, but as it turns towards you, you wonder if it has the idea to trade as well. It is flying a yellow flag. Suddenly, as it breaches a wave, you realize the yellow flag has been lowered, and replaced with a black flag.

"Shit! Pirates!"

The enemy ship is larger then yours, a two masted affair. They likely have a larger crew and more guns, but you can never be sure. If they are pirates and have had a recent engagement, they may be weakened. The black flag is raised specifically for the purpose of intimidation, but also as a form of communication. If you surrender, they'll go easy on you. You know by the way they are sailing closer and not firing their guns, they likely don't want to get into a fight.

"Captain, what should we do?!"

>Fire Cannons
>Fire Cannons
Fuck it, we ball. Take advantage of their wariness.
Question, Bananas, is the enemy ship some manner of Caravel? If they only have square sails like in the picture, then although they may have more masts, we'd be far more vulnerable, and capable of going upwind and easily escaping.
What im trying to say is that if the Pirate Ship is square-rigged, then all we need to do is sail Upwind to escape them, or at least at a high enough wind angle that they'd have a hard time climbing. Two masts isn't going to be enough to make ul for the fact that we have a Triangular-rigged sail.
Good thinking.

>Fire Cannons

We don't know what their crew is like, but we have the faster ship.
We have the more maneuverable ship*

In a downwind, they are way faster thanks to having two sails. On an upwind, their square rigged sails are worse.
>Fire Cannons
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"Let's run- quick! Sail against the wind at an angle. We can cut it better then they can!"
"S-Sail against the wind? Wha-"

Due to your relative lack of skill in sailing, and not having the most skilled crew, you find that trying to cut the wind at a sharp angle is very difficult. You can't get away quick enough before a cannon shot rings out. Across the water you hear a woosh and then instinctively duck down as you hear a loud crack.

"Chain shot! Our mast is immobilized!"

The pirates managed to sneak within range and then firing a single shot- enough to knock out your ship's sail. It's a specialized type of ammunition made of heavy chains that whip through the air and are designed to wrap around and break tall and thin structures- exactly like a sail. You can't get away now.

"Captain! They're going to board us!"
"Damn... bring up the muskets!"

Whenever a fight breaks out, you have a choice of options. Every option will result in casualities among your crew, starting with your nameless generic crew first, before moving to named characters, and then yourself. While every choice results in causalities, some are better then others given the situation. What do you order the crew to do?

>Form a line and fire volley
>Insult & Threaten
Okay, I don't think that that's how sailing works, and you would think that a guy who sailed for several years would have some experience with it, but you know, whatever, i guess you didn't like that option.

Someone else think of an option since mine clearly aren't allowed.
These fuckers nailed our mast with one shot, it's nonsense to fight them. I don't care if Bananas punishes the bitch move.
You know surrender will mean we lose everything, they probably torture and kill some of our crew for trying to escape, if not torturing us as well, no.
We're immobilized in the open sea, the quest is already over lol
>Form a line and fire volley
>>Form a line and fire volley
Our crew can't sail for shit, but we at least went all in on muskets for everyone. Get wrecked!

Actually thinking about it our crew is just a group of inexperienced dregs. How the fuck are we going to organize them into a line? Skirmish instead.
They'll probably just shotgun us to death with sniper cannons. They got our mast straight on with a single hit while we literally don't know how to sail.

This is extremely obviously an forced defeat moment.
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Man it really sucks when the QM forces you to pick the lowest sailing skill background and forces you to not buy cannons to keep anyone at bay and forces you not to use a lucky coin to avoid encounters when you're weak and forces you to try and outsail a bunch of professional pirates instead of any other option damn I hate it when QMs railroad like that
I'm sorry for thinking the guy who spent several years in a ship and had a crew wiht a bunch of people who would would the exact same would know the literal most basic thing about sailing. I should have know be actually spent all those years with his thumb up his ass.
>would would
What kind of autocorrect is that? Fucking hell. DID. How does DID get autocorrect
>Form a line and fire volley
>Form a line and fire volley
Should’ve attacked first, huh?
>>Form a line and fire volley
I knew we should had fire cannons.
Everybody knows that giving people agency is a form ofstructural institutionalized oppression!
Don't have time to update right now, so instead I'll ask a meta question. How do you feel about the game's combat system thus far?

The original concept is a rock-paper-scissors sort of thing where each choice is best in a specific situation (such as the one you chose this time), with it being fixed and sort of a system-mastery sort of thing with one right answer discovered thru play, or being able to buy penny dreadful style books at some ports to teach players these mechanics more directly. The idea was to make this more "gamey". However even now I am seeing the limitations.
Also how tf we on page 5 already damn
I can't say yet. We haven't had enough experience so far. I mean, hints have been dropped in character that cannons are better for attacking than defending which I clearly read and went, "Hmmm this is a game mechanic, I should remember that."

Give it a chance, I say. Simple is never perfect but complexity is the slipperiest of slopes and I'll take "that's not quite right, ugh" over "roll for anal cicumfrence" any day.
>cannons are better for attacking than defending
Yeah that was wrong, no idea why I said that lol
To be fair, dear old Dad was more of a boat builder than a boat sailor so we'll chalk that one up to "unreliable source."
What >>6048081 and especially >>6048098 said.

>How do you feel about the game's combat system thus far?
Way too early to tell. I will say 'system mastery' approaches on /qst/ frustrate me because:
>I'm not good at system mastery and take a while to get it
>I have to contend with the votes of other anons who still won't get it or vote more narratively or even randomly, meaning even if I figure out the winning strategy we still might lose
>there's no save/reload/restart function to try again if my initial build or strategy fail
We will very clearly be told we're too 'unskilled' to do anyhting else.
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As the pirates draw closer, you decide the best course of action is to form a line to maximize your firepower. After all, you bought a crate full of muskets, powerful weapons, though perhaps not as suited to a full frontal assault...

"Are you crazy?! Nobody here is trained on how to do that."
"You can load a gun, can't you? Just do it on my command. Then, we can win."
"I'm not standing out in the open to get shot at."
"Me neither!"

The voices coming from the crew are giving you doubt. You realize your inexperienced crew may not have the ability to do this, at least not under your command alone. But suddenly, Bones speaks up.

"Come on! Listen to our captain. He hasn't failed us yet. This is our chance to counter on these bastards who dare attack us."
"He hasn't failed us because it's the first voyage- the first DAY I might add!"
"And do you really want to be a part of a voyage that failed on its first day? You want to get captured by pirates or slavers or worse on the very first time you get in on the ground floor of a promising new ship?"
That seems to still them. Bones quickly explains what to do- it isn't complicated. Most men here have loaded a flintlock before, one was in the navy, another an ex-pirate, the whalers had a few for self defense but you scarcely remember using them. Perhaps the whaling tracks were off the beaten path for pirates, or perhaps you were just lucky...

As the enemy pirates throw grapple line onto your ship and pull it close, you finalize your plan and stand in a line, slightly hidden from the enemy. As they jump the deck, cutlass and pistol in hand, you give the command.


With a roar, all of your rifles fire off at once, a hail of bullets whizzing at the invading pirates. They are shunted back by the ferocity of the volley, several falling dead in a moment, the sound of whizzing ball causing more to jump aside and flee. You order half cock, flashpan, load cartirdge; tearing the heads off the worm-skin bags that contain pre-measured powder and ball; ram, and full cock, and fire again. By the second volley, the enemy pirates are soundly unable to remount for an attack. Still, it wasn't very clean. Everett had to use the 10th unmanned rifle because he didn't know how to load one. One man forgot to prime his flashpan for the next attack, another's ball fell out from insufficient ramming, causing him to shoot a blank. The wall of smoke deterred them enough.

"Quick, Captain! Now is our chance to counter and board their ship!"

>Counter with a Charge
>Counter with Skirmish
>Counter with Line-March
>Detach ships and escape
The enemy pirates seem to be taking cover as a result of your line formation.

One yells "A-Are these Navy men?!"

You now have the upper hand, letting you choose from the options above.
>>Counter with a Charge
Violence of action.
>Counter with a Charge
Taking cover is not good for skirmish, crew is probably not experienced enough for a line march. We could run away, but this is going to fucking suck either way, so why not take the big risks?
Will we take a penalty for our gimp foot on a charge? Maybe a Skirmish might work better to take advantage of our beng a Big Guy.
Yeah, changing to
>Counter with Skirmish
>Counter with a Charge
>Counter with Skirmish
>Counter with a Charge

Let's show them what a Harpoon can do.
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You organize your men from the line and pick up your melee weapons- mostly axes and some harpoons, and then order the charge.

The enemy pirates, huddled into cover on their ships, and unprepared for the onslaught and can't pick at you from the safety of cover. It seems that charging in to overwhelm defenders is a winning move. However, you aren't free from losses in the process. Several shots are fired at you from cover, mostly pistols, and many enemy pirates have swords which are quite formidable. Not only that, but you are still outnumbered. Still, you manage to clean up the remaining pirates on the deck, while their captain and remaining crew huddle underneath in their hold, barricading the coral doors.

Before you can make another move, Bones stops you.

"Captain... We can't breach into their cargo hold. There's no way we can get inside."
"What do you mean? We have the tools, we have the advantage!"
"Captain... we have no pistols, no grenades or stinkpots. No methods to oust them. We need to take this advantage now to retreat from the ship. We can make it to port now before we lost too many crewmates. One was shot when we formed a line, and two more were killed in the charge..."

As much as you want to defeat the pirates totally for what they did to you, you realize Bones might be right. It might be too dangerous to invade into the enemy ship's bowels. Instead, you could take this time to get away...

>Charge the hold anyway (random chance)
>Steal everything on their deck and run
>Arm cannons and blow open a hole into their hold
>Steal everything on their deck and run
>Steal everything on their deck and run
Not worth it. Let's fuck off.
>Steal everything on their deck and run
A wise man like (You) knows when to run.
Thanks Bones for your advice. Much better than EVERETT THE WASTE OF SKIN.
Can we set their ship on fire?
Probably not. It's made of coral.
>Steal everything on their deck and run
>Arm cannons and blow open a hole into their hold

It's not like they can do anything when they're holed up. And I hope there's a reward for getting rid of pirates, certainly would be a morale boost at least.
>>Steal everything on their deck and run

We gettin' Everett bussy tonight.
>Steal everything on their deck and run
>>Steal everything on their deck and run
Changing my vote to
>Arm cannons and blow open a hole into their hold
Wait, we have repair to do before running.
Changing my vote.

>Steal everythign on deck
>Then blow them
then repair while they sink.
There's no way you're going into that cargo hold. You curse under your breath, despite your preparation and the fact you could break in if you want, discretion is the better part of valor. Let's leave.

"Men, grab everything on the deck. Loot the bodies of their clothes and weapons, grab the rigging and anything else- including their sails and flags. We'll leave them the black flag at least, that way the only way they can signal to a port is to show off their pirate colors." You say with a sadistic grin.

You hear a yell from the barricaded door down to the hold, the scraggly sound of the sea captain's voice.

“This ain't the last you've seen of the brown sash pirates- gah! You singed me eyebrows!”

The last retort of your musket went off through the tiny peephole. He's lucky you didn't have a pistol, else you would have gotten him for sure.

Upon the deck of the enemy ship is all manner of odds and ends required for sailing. Besides the sails and the rigging, there is also several buckets, spare ropes, mops, canvas, spare nets for light fishing work, a jar of hagfish slime for patching up sails, a barrel of fine desert dust for fires and soaking up water, fishing rods, coral hammers, an anchor; these are the odds and ends every ship needs, things your father couldn't stock by himself on the island, now gained by you freely.

You even found a small coral-encrusted boat. Landlubbers use the terms interchangably, but the ship is the main vessel, like the Pink Lady, and a boat is a small craft that can be used separate from it. You'll need at least one of these for any kind of whaling work.

“Captain! We got the gun!”
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At the bow of a ship, open and with all the space given to the ceremonial theater on Guyot, was a single medium cannon. Around it were several hang up bits of chain with small iron balls attached to the end. This is chainshot, the very same used to disable your ship's mast. You find four lengths of chainshot and two powder charges.

There are many types of shot used by cannons on the Black Sea, for different purposes. Round shot is the most common and most useful to break holes in the enemy ship, which not only can kill crew but also let water in to an enemy ship, disable their guns, and smash up their cargo. It's the most universal type of ammo. Chainshot on the other hand deals little to no damage to hull and is only mildly effective at killing crew; instead being most useful for disabling masts, fighting-tops, rudders, prow-beams, crossing-planks, and ship-spikes. You feel as though you've learned a valuable lesson here.

”Let's give her a test fire, eh?”

Wheeling the big cannon onto your own ship, you load it with a standard cannonball, which you only now realize are way too big to be used by your small cannons; either the dockmaster at Guyot scammed you or he was so ignorant he thought they could be used together. Oh well. You load up a powder charge and fire it at the hull of the enemy ship as you prepare your own mast for sailing again. It knocks a hole in the side, and you can see the gulping of black water pouring in and the panicked yells of the men holed up under-deck.

”Haha! Take that, you shits.”

Squint taps you on the shoulder.

“Captain... it nay be wise to waste our cannonball on a helpless ship. 'Sides, I think it be too cruel...”
”They attacked us first. They're pirates.”
“Pirates that would have let us go if we surrendered. It's the pirate's code.”
”What do YOU know of the pirate's code?!”

Squint falls silent.
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On the decks of both ships, you quickly loot a small collection of pistols, swords, clothing, and a few loose pearls of the various enemy and allied corpses. With ammunition, fish-leather, straps, sharpening stones, and various trinkets all accounted for, you'd say you've looted about 20 pearls worth of odds and ends.

Back aboard your own ship, the loot accounted for, several of your crew go for the repair powder downstairs, but you stop them.

”Watch- lower the coral into place, and fill those buckets with sea water!”

Putting the splinters of the mast back in place, you splash water along the cracks before shoving the mast back into place, rotating it slightly to get them to line us. You attach a bucket to the end of a long stick and tell the crew to keep it wet, the corals will seal back up such simple damage. It's a coralman's trick, and soon enough you'll be able to sail away.

In the meantime, the destination of your voyage draws closer, the island of Mistress. You should be able to arrive there by tomorrow. Your attention is also brought to two men, captured, from the enemy pirates.

”...Just so you know,” Bones whispers. ”Experienced sailors are hard to come by. Many don't want to join a desperate pirate crew in the first place. Consider that, before you decide what to do with these two...”

You have a few hours before you make your next port. What do you spend that time doing?
>Grill Squint over his pirate knowledge
>Interrogate the two captured pirates to see if they'll join your crew instead
>Practice with your new cannon
>Test out your new nets
>Other (Write in)
>Interrogate the two captured pirates to see if they'll join your crew instead
>Try to convince the one on the left to join us. The one on the right is branded, and we'll drop him off at Mistress Island with the authorities.
>Interrogate the two captured pirates to see if they'll join your crew instead
>Interrogate the two captured pirates to see if they'll join your crew instead
>Grill Squint over his pirate knowledge
But only if this is in a nice sense of like faining his knowledge; I don't want to interrogate him about his past or nothing
>>Interrogate the two captured pirates to see if they'll join your crew instead
...Going a little slow for that "island hopping ocean adventure" I was going for, huh.
I'll update in like 15 hours btw normal time. Skipping today for 4th of July.
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You decide to interrogate the two captured pirates, to see if they'll join you instead. It seems strange, but press-ganging people on the open ocean is a good way to replace crew. Prisoners taken who aren't allowed to roam on a ship and do work are a bit of a burden, and a drain on valuable supplies.

The first man is a bit younger, not much older then when you started sailing, and joined up with the brown-sash pirates for opportunity, and was on his first voyage. While he could be lying, it seems to match up age and experience wise, he's a shoe in for easy recruitment. The older man is more difficult, and just speaks to you bluntly.

"I'll work ye sails for saltcakes and sweetwater, as the rest of them."
"No complaints? You could get basic work for little pay on a Navy ship. I'd be safer."
"I'm branded. Sides, at least pirates get an equal share, better then a boat-slave. But I'll do it."

Him having a pirate brand could be a problem if you run into naval patrols, and some ports won't welcome him. Best to keep him on board then, until you find a more permanent solution.

Finally, you arrive at Mistress. The island in the distance looks impressive and important. It's docks are filled with ships; you count at least five separate ships docked, and another on the horizon. It's always busy here, and that's on purpose. Nothing deters raiders more then ships filled with ready and horny men.

Mistress is the whore island. Everyone knows this.

From a distance, it's impressive coral structures speak to you. Coral-built buildings are much more comfortable and pretty then the ugly squat stone structures of your home island, but they require more maintenance and the expense of bones to build them up. Corals houses are for the rich, stone for the poor, earthwork for defense, and tents for the Deathless.

You dock and speak to the dockmaster, a woman. She asks for your name.

"Captain Rich."
"Hmm... I don't see you on the list. Is this your first time?"
"Yeah... should I be on the list?"
"First timers always must see the matron. She's at the top of the hill. The rest of your crew is to stay aboard in the docks until you've proven if you're civil. The matron will decide if you can stay, and what services are open to you."

Mistress is quite a strange island. Everyone on the island is a woman. The soldiers positioned on cannons facing the dock, the people walking the streets, the workers and people going about their day, all women. No men are allowed to live on this island permanently, though they can certainly visit. The only other men you see are small boys, very young, clutching their mothers and playing in the streets unknowingly. Soon they will be too old to stay here, and tearfully be forced to join one of the crews. Such is the way of things.
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At the top of the hill, you enter a luxurious palace-like structure. Within, you feel the air cool from the stinging outside air. Thin drapes cover the hallways and chambers. You take an exploratory touch, feeling the smoothness. Cool to the touch, and very soft. It's not fish leather, nor is it hair... could this be the skin of squids? Such a luxury.

The matron appears. She is an older woman, though exactly how much older is hard to say, and is a Lady Death. You bow your head respectfully, and ask what this is about. She redirects the question.

"The other women on this island deal with pearls. I deal with stories. Tell me how you lost your leg."

>Embellish the tale
>Downplay the event
>Tell her the truth
>Tell her the truth
Don't lie to the magical death wizard lady. Also, "A man-hating albino whale broke my boat and attacked me and I killed it while it was biting off my foot" is more than enough of a badass story to need to be embellished.
Also, Sorceress MILF
>Tell her the truth
What >>6052561 said. What needs embellishing? We slew a goddamn sea-demon.
I should also add that trying to "downplay" it would probably feel like humblebragging.
>Oh, no big deal, I just got my foot bitten off by a whale.
>Tell her the truth

>Tell her the truth
>Tell her the truth
>Tell her the truth
>Tell her the truth
>Tell her the truth
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You wonder why this Lady Death, who seems experienced and wiser then anyone you've ever met, is asking for a story. As though to be entertained by it like a cheap floozie; something you have done before, a bit to your youthful shame. But seeing her piercing white eyes, you feel as though she can see the measure of your words through you; not mind reading exactly, but... something close. You decide to tell her the truth. She invites you to sit on one of the cushioned couches before you continue.

"It was when I was only a few months on a whaling ship that it happened. I practiced the throws and rowing each day, gaining my strength. I never expected to be the one to spot the beast that took my leg, but I did..."

When your story is over, she smiles, and thanks you. Then, she pulls out a pearl hidden from a pocket; a large sized golden pearl. This is worth about ten regular pearls, and hands it to you.

"A reward, for telling the truth."
"Uhm... Thank you, Mam. But I don't quite understand. Why are you giving this to me?"
"This is MIstress. The only place in the ocean where the whores pay you. I have just whored myself to you, as such, you are now paid."
"W-What!?" You clench, not wanting to accept the pearl now, feeling sticky in your hands. This is a Lady Death speaking like thus!
"I would never call you- but we didn't-" She waves a hand to silence you.

"Please. Do you know what the difference between the sexes are? Some say it is physical, but this is hardly the case. Both are needed to make children, and men are feeble more often in their lives then they are mighty. Some say it is the focus on love; but women and men love differently, and men may very well love more. No, the difference is Men go out into the world, and fight and hunt and explore and then die, but it is the women who remember. I have now served you as a woman does. I will remember your story, Captain "Rich". That is my purpose. This is the least I can do to repay you for fulfilling yours."
"...I don't see that a sensible business model." You say after a moment of thought, with a meek smile. She rolls her eyes.
"Oh please. The name "Mistress" isn't a euphemism. We're close to the Fruit Barons for a reason, young captain. Their pearls will fund any triflings I give away. Every other woman on this island is for sale, it's the least I can do. You and your crew can stay for a day, long enough to repair any damage to your ship and relax a bit before heading out to find more stories for me. Goodbye, Captain."

With that, you bow your head to the lady death, feeling like you were enlightened to something you still don't quite yet have a name for, and exit into the clean and dusty streets.

>Update continues in ~12 hours
Well, we can cross "meet sultry magical queen in skimpy clothing" off the list of the "Classical explorer hero" list, even if she didn't offer us to abandon our journey and stay with her like they usually do in such stories.
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While only one day doesn't leave you much time, you suppose it should be enough. I mean, you technically were only at sail for two days so...

You are now free to roam Mistress. While at Port, you will stock up on supplies at a cost based on your number of crew members, size of your ship, and skill of your Quartermaster. Because your previous voyage was very short, however, you won't incur any expense here. Some ports will also have no shortage of willing crewmembers, and you can also recover generic (not-named) Crew at a low cost, or free, depending on the situation. Some places have better crew for hire then others.

Finally, you will get a chance to visit the docks and markets to trade, buy, or sell your various items and trade goods. This will happen regardless of if you search for them or not, so don't worry.

The Matron of the Island gave you permission to stay for a day, and that's what you'll do. Best not to anger your guest. The island is relatively small, but very populated with lots of activities. Though most of them are behind closed doors... and a bit out of your budget at the moment, you'll admit. But surely you can find something to do?

You have about enough time to perform two actions.
>Search the markets for a special deal (chance)
>Comb the docks for crew to join your ship
>Poke around for interesting people
>Visit the library
>Go annoy the Matron again
>Check in on the crew (prevents them from causing trouble)
I for one support a doomed, fruitless lifelong crush on the old magic grim reaper prostitute.

>Poke around for interesting people
>Visit the library
Later, when we have more stories, though. We can buy more shit when we're actually successfully at whaling, too.
>Poke around for interesting people
>Visit the library

Not if we make a deal with the sea cthullu death we chose to follow.
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>>Comb the docks for crew to join your ship
Plucky youngsters, you say?
>Visit the library
>Poke around for interesting people
>Visit the library
>Search the markets for a special deal (chance)
>Check in on the crew (prevents them from causing trouble)
>Visit the library
>Check in on the crew (prevents them from causing trouble)
>Comb the docks for crew to join your ship
>Visit the library
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Meanwhile, at the docks, the Pink Lady's crew decides on what to purchase for their next voyage, or to upgrade the ship.

You currently have 33 Pearls to spend. Everything in the shop can be bought or sold at its listed price here. If you keep at least 10 pearls in hand at the end, you'll get to keep the Gold Pearl given to you by the Matron.

>Small Cannon 23p
>Medium Cannon 32p
>Sail Patch 22p
>Extra Sail 75p
>Quality Musket 4p
>Pistol 5p
>Repair Powder 17p
>Whole Whale Bone 50p (Upgrades ship)
>Cutlass 10p
>Hammock 2p
>Squidskin Hammock 15p
>Harpoons (2 for 1) 1p
>Dredging Net 25p

>Worm Crate 5p
>Standard Cannon Ball 2p
>Grapeshot Cluster 3p
>Piercing Shot 5p
>Chain Shot 6p
>Powder Bag 5p

Trade Goods
>Beachgrass Seed Crate 12p
>Sweetwater Glass Jug 95p
>Assorted Small Corals 18p
>Sea Cloth 40p
>30 Harpoons (15 Pearls)

Do we have our worm crate still? Or did the pirate fight not count as a major fight? Otherwise I want Harpoons.
No, it was used up.
>18p for assorted corals
Damn. That's good. Should we sell this? Or do you think we'll get a better price somewhere else?

I will say we should *definitely* keep the golden pearl. Not only as a keepsake, but because the gold pearl is explicitly said to be valued by those of faith - it'll probably come up eventually.
>20 Harpoons (10 Pearls)
>2x Worm Crate 5p (10 Pearls)

We should really start saving for cannons and ship upgrade now.
>Assorted Small Corals (18p)
>1 Worm Crate (5p)
>20 Harpoons (10p)
What’s our repair tools situation? I assume if we had anything, it was used to try fixing that broken sail.
>Worm Crate
>Standard Cannon Ball
>Chain Shot
>18 Harpoons
>Beachgrass Seed Crate
How many cannon balls we have? I know we need small cannon balls for our small cannons. But we have a big cannon we stole from the pirates.
I've gone back and forth on it like three times now, since the first version I thought was too unrealistic, but I've decided I still like it best. So just assume every cannon type can use any shot, they're just made like that and you use extra wadding if it doesn't fit the bore or whatever.
Oh wait we can sell the corals

>Sell Assorted Corals (+18 Pearls)

>Buy 2x Worm Create (10 Pearls)
>2x Standard Cannon balls (4 Pearls)
>20x Harpoons (10 Pearls)
>Beachgrass Seed Crate (12 Pearls)

With leftover 15 Pearls.
Do you really think that 18 pearls is the best we'll get for the assorted corals?
Okay you know what, for the sake of actually having a vote ready, i'm going to +1 this. I guess women probably use corals, or something. Let's just hope we can actually find a whale so those harpoons won't be wasted.
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For your limited time on Mistress, you decide to spend some time visiting the library and looking for interesting people. The library you visit first, for the good sunlight.

Within, you find many pages, manuscripts, and other things written down and rolled into scrolls or stacked under heavy coral weights to keep them safe and clean. The room is very dry, and many of the writings are on strange materials like paper or thin-sliced coral flakes instead of fish skin. There is a bowl of salt by the door, to keep out the wetness on the winds. Despite the extreme value of knowledge, libraries and books are very rarely considered by many people in the world, especially pirates, but it seems the womenfolk here appreciate their value more. Despite your own upbringing as a salt-of-the-land type, your father always instilled upon you a great value in education, one of the reasons he deemed fit to teach you to read and count numbers.

Within the books and pages are a few stories, some true and some not, as well as knowledge on the Deaths and Deathless.

The Deaths and Deathless have always been at war. Those who serve the Deaths know that an offering of the Deathless altars and symbols is the highest form of worship to the Deaths; as the Deathless prefer not to kill, but to turn the flock of humankind into more of themselves. More damned souls with no death waiting for them. And all they must do to damn your soul as well is to take you over the mountains and into the great emptiness...

You don't much have time to appreciate it all, but you find one thing very interesting indeed. There is an unmarked map of the local sea which you take for yourself.

As the light dims, you decide to check out the nightlife on Mistress, and see the sights. Large electric lights beam from central towers to give light to the streets, bathing everything in dramatic shadow. You see tons of patrons from the docks, sailors and pirates, coursing out for women and their "wares" as is the usual on this island. You steer clear to a small squat building with a few individuals sitting at small cushioned tables. You smell a very strange, leafy smell in the air, and cough at the smoke. Is this Opium? You find an interesting person, a woman wearing a full white whale coat, sitting at a table. Along her waist is a belt with three small white skulls you have never seen before. You are deathly curious, and go up to her to ask what they are.

"Eh, what do you want? Leave me alone."
"It was merely your belt, mam. The skulls are..."
"Jealous, firecrotch? Yeah I'm one of the five cats, and I get challenged by upstarts like you all the time. Guess what? I ain't interested. Unless you got some cat-skulls yourself, don't talk to me."
"Five cats?"
"Duelists, you little limp dick. Now get lost already."

It seems she is the third of the five cats, a group of legendary pistol duelists famed for their speed and skill.
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After your day is up on Mistress, your wares sold and new harpoons bought, you decide to head out to sea once again. Not that you have much a choice, otherwise you'd be stuck in port, unless you want to upset the matron.

"Where to now, Captain?" Bones asks in a chipper mood.
"I'm not sure. I feel as though I have not caught wind of a single whale as of yet..."
"Ye know there are more ways of making pearls then catching whales, you could ask some of the men here at these very docks."
"We've not the budget for many more trade goods."
"That ain't what I be talking about."
"...You mean stealing. As the pirates do."
"You say it like it's a bad thing. I say, it only be bad based on who you're stealing from. Savvy?"

Pouring over your newfound map, you see a more truthful and full image of the ocean! Where do you wish to go next?

>Travel to an island or other location (Write In)
>Invisible Island
Color me curious. Abbey isle's just on the other side, too. Maybe there's whales somewhere around there, or maybe the monks can share some useful info?
>Star islands

I have the feeling the invisible islands are going to be kind of hard to find. Especially for our incompetent crew. Let’s go star islands than hop to the fruit barons to sell our trade goods.
>Try exploring the deep Waters for whales
>Try exploring the deep Waters for whales

>Star Islands
>Good Teeth Island
There's two islands north of Guyot we can swing by on the way, and once we're there we'll be centrally placed to go to the Stars, Green Water, Abbey or invisible as we please.
Guys, you're forgetting our cargo hold is basically full from all the beachgrass seed crates. We need to sell that shit before we go 'whale'

>Good Teeth Islands
I'm this guy. Changing to
>Sell off beach grass seed then explore the Deep Waters for Whales.
Changing to Good Teeth Island too, I suppose.
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"...We'll go like this." You tell Bones, and organize with the rest of the crew. Because of the small size of your ship, it isn't much like you need a head navigator or anything like that. You'd like to go to Good Teeth Island, but consulting your map, you see it being a little out of the way with the deeper waters, which you hope may be the secret on how to catch and follow whales. At the very least, you know that the Deep Waters that exist near the Fruit Barons are home to all sorts of deep sea life, and are very much profitable for a whaler like yourself. With a boat and a ton of harpoons in tow, you're sure to profit. If you can only find a whale. Then, taking any profits from your hunt and fishing expedition, you could take that to Good Teeth, a slightly bigger and more fancy port then Guyot or even Mistress. Surely, they'll have plenty of interest in a big catch. You wonder if they'll pay good money for a whale carcass there...

You say goodbye to the women of Mistress and ready the sail, heading out to sea once again. Many of your crew rumble about the short duration of their stay, which you chide them over. Can't enjoy the spoils of your adventures until you have spoils. They get back to it shortly, and you find yourself settling back into sea life along your journey. You've got a few more weeks of supplies left, and catching a whale or any good fishing for that matter will restock your supplies very well, so you aren't too worried.

In the meantime, you think it may be a good idea to learn more about your crew. You know Bones and Everett very well, given you knew them for years, but your mysterious Quartermaster, a man named Squint, still vexes you. Squint is an older man, wise, and wears both a hat, a heavy coat for the cold sea spray, and pants. On the Black Ocean, the amount of clothes one wears to hide from the Sun-Death is often a direct mark of wealth and social class, and Squint would seem as bundled up as a Fruit Baron, though he has thrown in his hat with you. He seems knowledgeable about many cultures and things on the sea, though his combat abilities from being both old and missing an eye, hence his name, make him less useful if you were to encounter pirates again...

You have a sneaking suspicion he was a pirate, in fact. You're almost sure of it. He almost speaks about them in reverence, which is not something most people on the seas do. You've thought about grilling him for it in the past, but now you've warmed up to your crewmate, and want to know more without offending him. In fact, you think the few hidden pearls he had lying around in that coat did him some good on Mistress, and he's walking with a right proper pep in his step.

The next update will feature a random encounter. Do you wish to use a lucky coin?

What secret does Squint tell you about?
>How to regrow lost body parts
>What is the Pirate's Code
>The Sea-Death's Blessing
>Where do the Deathless come from?
While I generally want to save them, I really wanna whale for once.
>The Sea-Death's Blessing
I wanna learn about this.
>What is the Pirate's Code
>The Sea-Death's Blessing
>What is the Pirate's Code

>>6055459 is me.
>The Sea-Death's Blessing
>What is the Pirate's Code
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d2)

wow, that is lame, a wasted coin and two failures. this is why i don't like dice-based results. you always end up with shit like this.
Not meant to be.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. You can only choose whether to cope or seethe.
More like 'sometimes you lose, sometimes you also lose'
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d2)

Like... occasionally?
>two 1 rolls when we don't need it and it doesn't count
Looks like failure to me.
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The sailors aboard the Pink Lady keep the eyes on the horizon for spouts and sprays. Surely a whale will show itself... right?

As you steer the ship towards the deep waters nearby Mt. Guam, you find it calm and peaceful, though a little barren. Nothing shows itself on the horizon as of yet, and as the day turns into night and lowers your visibility, you find that no whales have shown up.

"Don't be so discouraged, Captain! Don't you remember aboard the Sweaty? We would go weeks, months even before we'd catch a good whale. Captain Ahab went on and on about how there were less of them in these days, and they keep getting smaller too. Don't lose hope."
"Sigh. I just had... a good feeling about this one."

You toss the coin into the ocean impotently. Oh well. You have four lucky coins left.

As you go off to speak with Squint and learn his secret, some of the whalers aboard the ship come up with an outrageous idea. Your small cannons are light enough to be carried on the smaller boat you have, as well as being able to launch things without damaging them- namely harpoons. They come up with the idea of using small cannons to fire harpoons at greater range and with greater force then you could do by hand, though the noise would naturally scare away any sea life and could damage the harpoons; but you have a great excess of them now. They ask if we should try this next time we spot any whales, if ever.

Okay, well, this is a weird question. That's a cool idea, but it shouldn't be wasted on small time whales, if you know what I mean. It should only be used on bigger fish. The valuable ones. Otherwise it causes the other ones to go away.

Your crew spends some time affixing your small cannon on a swivel mount to your little boat; ropes tied around its strong anchor point giving it a grip stronger then the hands of most men. You keep your eye on the horizon for whale spouts even still as you go to talk to Squint.

The older man lost his eye from a cannon's spread shot, filled with bits of shrapnel and splinters. That was a long time ago. Squint is normally pretty quiet, but once he opens up, he can talk quite a bit. But you're more interested in something other then old stories. Below deck, away from prying ears, you hand him a small cup of Sweetwater and get him to talk.

"The Sea Death... He's the God of Luck and Fate. His blessing would a great boon to us- to YOU- in specific."
"Well, if he's the Death of the Sea, then it would make sense to always be on his side, right?"

Squint shakes his head.

"Not necessarily... Every death has a chosen people. For the Sun Death, it's everyone who stays out in the light of the sun; islanders, the navy, fishermen, those on the straight and narrow. The Opium Death only likes the rich; so merchants and the fruit barons naturally, since they can imbibe his drug. The Scurvy Death is anyone who worships it... but let's not speak on that evil. Finally, the Lady Deaths love women and children most of all, and those who protect them, civilians. But there are many lady deaths, and the power of a "death" is split amongst them."
"So the power of the Lady Deaths is only a fraction of a TRUE Death?"

Squint nods slowly. "All their foresight and strangeness and the ability to kill a man with a touch- I don't believe in that they can only kill ye if they want to nonsense. Notice how none of them have ever been slaves or, ye know... by menkind? Anyway, let's not dwell on such things."
"So what of the Sea Death?"
"Ahh. Right. So, here is the secret. The Sea Death favors pirates and those who follow their code, adventurers, people looking for treasure and who give themselves to fate. Even those lucky coins you be clutching must from the Sea Death. If they fell into the ocean, they can only be found again if he so wills it..."
"What of his blessing? How can I acquire it?"
"Ahh... you wishing to know the secret. Well, first, know that every Death is pleased by two things. Those who live a life they approve of gain their favor. But second? Every death is pleased by destroying the Deathless, the torturer heathen souls. Destroy their idols in a way the death approves of, and you will gain favor with them. Each awards greater and greater blessings to those who follow these simple steps. The most powerful among those that follow the Deaths are Sorcerers; those know magic and secrets from their chosen Death. But the Sea Death? The weather and creatures of the sea be under your control. I have even heard tale of Stormships, those special crews who can sail through the rain anywhere they wish..."
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Later that night, you being a watch with the other crewmembers. After a day's sail, you are now above the black water which goes deeper then anywhere else in the sea. Surely filled with sea life, though you do not think anyone will be catching a glimpse of a whale at night.

Something much more curious happens. Knowing your location, you should be about half a day's sail away from the mountains hills and fortifications of the Fruit Barons, living along the curved lands and shelves of mt. Guam. Despite this, discrepancy, you spy a mysterious light over yonder.

"Captain! Look! An electric light in the distance. It looks too bright to be from a ship's lantern."
"It glows at just above sea level. Not a lighthouse then?"
"It could be the port-light of a Fruit Baron's dock. It would make sense, they are always greedy for buyers, even in the dead of night. Or so I've heard."
"Could it be an SOS beacon?"
"Could be. But usually they blink those."

How strange. Electric lights are not at all uncommon on the black sea, though rarely used on ships due to needing large windmills or hand-cranks to power them. Otherwise it would be at an island outpost, used to help guide sailors towards them. Mistress had plenty of lights, but that was for a much different reason you think.

"It's dark, captain, and the winds not too favorable. But only in this gloom can we see that light. Come morning, and we won't know where it is anymore."
"Shall we make way towards it?"

>Go towards the mysterious light
>Stay away
>Fire Cannon at it!
>Go towards the mysterious light
Sure, why not.
Get action.
>Go towards the mysterious light
>Go towards the mysterious light
>Go towards the mysterious light
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You head towards the mysterious light in the ocean, sailing on the gentle winds with the other night-crewmen aboard your ship. You place forward your best cannon, the medium gun loaded with standard shot, just as a precaution. As you draw closer, you find the light getting not brighter but actually dimmer, almost as if it is dimming with your approach. You are compelled to keep going, until you finally get as close as you can to see the light. It is simply... there, just above the water, about the height of a ship or beach-side dock, with no visible land or objects around it. No bouys or ships, no stranded sailors, nothing. It is a light on its own.

Thinking it be a mirage, or some other trick, you motion to your crew to get out your own instruments for visibility before you hear the water buckle. There is the sound of draining and moving water, and you feel the ship pull ever so slightly towards the light. Hopping to the prow and looking forward, you realize you are riding a wave towards...

The skin is a greenish-brown-black, and the creature's gargantuan mouth opens as black water swirls within. It is drawing you in with a great sucking void.

"S-Sea Monster!!!"

The great anglerfish, drawing you in with its lighted antennae, big enough to devour a ship whole, has no interest or energy for chasing prey. Instead, it traps them in with an enchanting light, just as it has done for you! As a sailboat, your source of propulsion is against the wind; and is not fast enough to outrun the surging water, if it was even going in the right direction.

"Captain! Do something!?"
"Muskets!? Cannons!?"
"There's no time!"

The pirate's cannon you stole- maybe that- but will you hit your one shot?

>Would you like to use a coin? Yes or No
I can’t believe we fell for the oldest trick in nature’s book.
>Would you like to use a coin? Yes or No
This feels like the perfect time to use the giant harpoon. I have to imagine a big beastie like that is very valuable.

Anyway, we all know everyone's gonna use the coin. There's really no question. Do you unionically think anyone would take a life or death chance on a 50% likelihood? When dice always tend towards failure?
No. maybe we get close and it gets spooked. I was expecting a giant angerfish. Everyone knows they're fragile creatures.
Use the coin and take the shot! I bet this thing would be worth a ton of money!
>Would you like to use a coin? Yes
>Would you like to use a coin? Yes
I think we just hi paydirt, lads. Are we the prey; no, we are the hunter!
BananasQM I just want to say I am really enjoying the lore you made for this quest, I genuinely think it is far far better than Pillars Of Eternity 2 Deadfire lol. Anyway, just some art I made for this ANGLERFISH scene you imagined, hehe
Based Souv post lol

I'll be back on it in a minute
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d2)

"Harpoons! Captain, what a catch!"
"Are you insane?! It's bigger then the ship- don't hold the lines! You'll drag us down to the depths you idiots!"
You know muskets and pepper-shot won't do you any good. Neither will trying to stab the beast with harpoons, the only way to drive it away is to injure it, and with its thick skin and unnatural power, you can only think of one vulnerable spot. If it can eat a ship, then its mouth and gullet must be extremely strong. The eyes are too hard to make out in this darkness, and you don't think it has much use for them anyway. That gives you an idea.

Praying to all the Deaths for luck, you find yourself scrabbling in the darkness on the ship, before nearly tumbling over your ship's biggest cannon. You aim it up in the dark, trying to find the best angle by eclipsing the light of the Angler's light by the top edge of the barrel. You know you're only getting one shot at this. It flops in the air, but squinting your eye, you take careful aim and light the touchhole, before you hear a loud BANG.

The cannon fires upwards in the air and the cannonball directly clips the angler's light, exploding and ripping apart the sensitive tissue. With an indescribable sound that reminded you of a fish's flopping on the deck of a ship; the angler began to close its mouth, no longer drinking in the ocean's black water to draw you closer. It looked remorseful, even, before slinking away under the water. The ship is unnaturally calm after that, with bioluminescence raining from the wound and floating in the water being the only sign that huge, otherworldly creature was ever even here.
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"W-We survived!"
"Captain... how did you know to hit the angler's light?! And how did you manage the shot!?"
"I don't know... Just got lucky I guess."

You have three lucky coins left.

In the meantime, your crew is only barely coming to after being awoken in such a panic, only now to be faced with calm sea and dark skies. Squint hobbles up to you with a small vial of something glowing- and with a start you realize it is the small fluid that the angler fish used to draw you in, since exploded and scattered all over the deck and sail of the ship.

"Captain! Look! It retains its glow even outside of the creatures body! I wonder how long..."
"Hmm. Light without electricity? How strange..."
"Yeah, I could see us stringing this up in the below decks, make it nice and bright to shift through the cargo hold without too much difficulty. Much quieter then an electric generator too." Squint says, before glaring at another crewmate about to dump a bucketful off the deck of the ship.

"Hmm. I've never seen anyone sell that before, but I can bet marines would pay a fortune for that. And look! It even glows on the water's surface, it's waterproof. Waterproof light, what a concept! I bet we can sell this for-"
"Sell it? That's the greatest bait on the Black Sea, Captain! It already attracts prey with light- human or otherwise! We can make our nets plenty fat with that!"
"Hold on... the Captain will decide."

>Gather up the luminescence for personal use aboard the ship
>Collect it to sell it later
>Use it for fishing bait as Bones suggested
>If it comes from the deeps, it can't be good. Get rid of it.
>Collect it to sell it later
>Use it for fishing bait as Bones suggested
>>Use it for fishing bait as Bones suggested
>Use it for fishing bait as Bones suggested
>>Gather up the luminescence for personal use aboard the ship
>Collect it to sell it later
Classic case of bird in the hand versus two such bird sin the bush, innit?
>>Collect it to sell it later
Forced tie breaker in ~12 hours.
>Collect it to sell it later
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You decide to collect up the goo and sell it later for a profit. You wonder how much people will pay for such a rare oddity. Even if it's not the skin, flesh, bones, and blubber of a whale; the sea can still provide some treasure. Forcing it into glass vials and jars and putting it covered below decks in the coolest place you can, just in case the phosphorescence can spoil, you turn your attention back towards sailing.

Over the next few days, you head along the coast of Mt.Guam in the deepwater, drawing ever closer to the Fruit Baron's domain. The trading posts here are always busy, as having a monopoly over something everyone needs to live is conducive to business. As you stalk the waves however, a new ship enters your vision.

"Captain- ship on the horizon!"
"Red. As in, keep your distance or we'll shoot."
"Hmm. Unlikely to be pirates then."
"It looks to be a twenty gun ship, but scant few crew are seen on deck. It's hobbled a bit. They could still be recovering from a battle."

On the open sea, opportunity only knocks once in a while. This enemy ship could be a juicy target, if you wanted to turn your life to one of piracy. Them seem to be coming in the opposite direction from the Fruit Barons, which means they could be fat with juicy prize. You know what Bones is implying.

"...I don't like that we have a smaller ship then they."
"True, but we could siege them. We have cannonshot that can disable their sails and masts. Maybe we could survive longer on the fish of the sea then they could their Saltcakes. Or we could put on the blonde flag and pretend to trade, ignoring their red warning. Some desperate captains do that. We could even turn their greed against them, pretend to be desperate for Sweetwater just before you jump them. Or if they be weakened, the black flag could scare them into submission. I've heard tale of rowboats with a few muskets taking entire galleons, the difference in size doesn't make up for the difference in attitude, as our friend the Anglerfish learned well."

There's nothing stopping you besides opportunity to just let the ship on by without a fight. You've already got some cargo, after all, but the thought of what could be inside that dark ship is tantalizing...

>Attack the ship with cannon
>Break their mast with chainshot and starve them until they surrender
>Approach with a yellow flag to trick them (Chance)
>Approach with the black flag to coax their surrender (Chance)
>Follow the ship
>Let the ship pass by and focus on hunting Whale
"Attack the ship with Cannon" also includes hostile boarding after softening them up btw
>Let the ship pass by and focus on hunting Whale
Lame? Sure. Safe? Also sure. Our crew isn't armed for fighting. All we got is harpoonz.
>Break their mast with chainshot and starve them until they surrender
>Let the ship pass by and focus on hunting Whale

Bones is a bad influence, desu.
>Let the ship pass by and focus on hunting Whale
>Let the ship pass by and focus on hunting Whale
>Let the ship pass by and focus on hunting Whale

Oh Bones.
>>Let the ship pass by and focus on hunting Whale
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With the possible danger, your inner lack of pointless bloodlust, and the fact your ship is already heavy enough with some cargo- you decide to let the red-flagged ship pass without harassment. Oh well. You have no way of ever knowing if you could have taken them, but if they were weakened, you should consider it an act of good karma to let them go. As for your current course, you continue along the stretch of deep waters to search for your quarry.

Over the next few days, you continue the search, trying to learn as you go on what to do. What did Captain Ahab do? You seem to remember him looking stoically off the brow of the ship, angling it towards whatever place felt the most "unwelcoming"... you start to steer your ship away from areas that seem lively with ocean creatures, and before long, a blowspout is seen.

"Great! Three pearls to the man who spotted it! Let's go!"

Using your newfound strategy of cannon-assisted harpoons, your small boat gets close to the breathing whale, making sure to move with haste before it can dive again, and just before it notices your presence you fire the small cannon, harpooning it all over, and making it easy to drag back in for the kill.

Soon enough, the small whale ends up on your ship, hoisted up by the mast, to examine its size and spoil. The crew, many of whom were ex-whalers, relish the chance to eat its soft and tender meat again. You stand next to the whale somewhat disappointingly; you're pretty sure it's smaller then the one that bit off your leg all those years ago... oh well.

Every part of the whale is useful. It's bones, it's meat, the oils... but there is one piece that interests you now. The whale's skin tends to make an excellent piece of clothing, tough yet supple, and is the only source of all-white clothing that people on the Black Sea have, making it a bit of a fashion item. Instead of trying to sell off the skin, you have the brief thought of making a great coat for yourself, though naturally this would cut into your profits. You suppose your cut of the bounty could go towards it, but it would be a very large share. You grab your pearl-purse, a small bit of whaleskin you got as a gift on your previous ship, and quite enjoy its luxury. Perhaps the other crew would enjoy having a piece of that for their first catch...

Also, Squint mentions that your location is quite close to the Fruit Barons, and we may want to make a detour to trade with them at their infamous ports, stingy as they are. While the original course towards Good Teeth is still your intended destination, this isn't a far detour. You have enough supplies to make it to Good Teeth, but if you get stranded at sea or the winds are bad you might be cutting it close.

Make a Whale-Skin Coat for yourself?
>Yes, for yourself
>Cut it up into purses and hats for the crew to boost morale and loyalty
>No, sell it

Make a detour to the Fruit Barons?
>>Cut it up into purses and hats for the crew to boost morale and loyalty
>Cut it up into purses and hats for the crew to boost morale and loyalty
>Yes, for yourself
We are Captain RICH. We should look it, no?

Buy our boys some good times with what we get there for the bioluminescent sludge.
>Cut it up into purses and hats for the crew to boost morale and loyalty
>Yes, for yourself

>Yes, for yourself
Nothing more important than fashion when you're a trader. You gotta impress. Look important.
>>Yes, for yourself
>Cut it up into purses and hats for the crew to boost morale and loyalty

Better to build camaraderie and a sense of belonging right now than splurge on what is ultimately an aesthetic luxury.
It's the Pink Lady's first whale. Commemorate the occasion for all the crew that were here to witness it.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Tiebreaker. 1 for self, 2 for crew.
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You decide to have the whale skin turn into a personal Overcoat for yourself. Perhaps a bit selfish, but a Captain has got to look the part, and you think you look pretty good. While armor against firearms and swords is nonexistant on the Black Ocean, too heavy and impossible to make, a thick whale coat is just about the next best thing, providing a small amount of protection from snapping ropes and burning dust from cannon and gunfire, and about the best protection against a snapping claw or spray of acid as you could hope for. It couldn't stop a sword, but the tip of a harpoon or swing of a knife might be deterred just enough. Feeling accomplished, you have the rest of the whale gutted for parts, grinding its less useful bones into two more REPAIR POWDERs, and keeping the longest rib for yourself.

In the mean, as you chart course for the Fruit Barons, Bones pulls you aside.

"Just so you know, Captain, don't sell off those vials of glowing goo to the Barons. Trust me. Good Teeth Island is full of miners, that type of light is perfect for them, and they'll pay you a better price for it!"

There's just one more thing to attend to. The skeleton of every coral ship is made of whale bones. You have fresh supply, and while several can be sold, you know as a CORALMAN that this is an opportunity to UPGRADE AND GROW your ship. Deep in the hold you take the bone and a pick-axe, and you turn towards the brow of the ship. Here you can bury this bone to upgrade the PINK LADY, but how should you do it?

>Bow & Stern (longer ship)
>Port & Starboard (fatter ship)
>Straight up (extra mast)
So sped vs deck and hold space vs just being really maneuverable and adaptable? Those are my guesses for the effects, anyway.

>Port & Starboard (fatter ship)
>Straight up (extra mast)
>Straight up (extra mast)
If our ship’s too big while still having masts built for a smaller ship, than I get the feeling like we’d be too slow for the upgrade to be worth it.
>Bow & Stern (longer ship)

Long ship is looooong.
>Straight up (extra mast)
>Port & Starboard (fatter ship)
>Straight up (extra mast)
More control over engagements and redundancy in case of losing a mast like our first fight.
>>Straight up (extra mast)
>>Straight up (extra mast)
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You take back the pick and with an expertly strong swing; you knock a hole right in the deepest, darkest crack of the ship. You make sure to angle it a bit and away from the main; placing the sharp point of the whale bone up and pouring some black water over the top, drizzling it down with a handful of whale powder to fill in the gaps.

"Seems like an awfully small amount of bone, cap'n..."
"It will suffice. Ships are alive, ain't you gal? I gave you a snack. So grow big and strong for me."
"I was just worried it might not... be enough."
"If those pirates knocked a hole in our ship with a cannonball, and we patched it with powder, just a day or two later you would've seen a bulge at that spot, a good few fingers extra space. That's just from some dust. You'll see, but a mast is no small patch job. It'll take some time."

That night, the crew packs into the cargo hold. Everyone's belly is full of whale meat, they snore happily from their successful voyage, eager at the riches that await at port. The ship is too small and you too humble to have your own captain's quarters, at least just yet, and sleep among the rest of the crew. It's hot, but the smell is not bad yet- your ship is still clean and new after all, and you think the Pink Lady has a bit of that feminine charm that other ships lack in regards to its pretty color and odor. In a weird way, it seems like it was perfect built for a man concerned with luxury and status, as the richest Captain would be. But you don't want to get ahead of yourself...

You wake up in the dead of night, hearing the soft swaying of your goods, the drip of water, and splash of waves, to hear a creaking noise. It's from all around you. It's an uncomfortable feeling. You clutch your hammock to avoid falling off at the fright of it, like you're in the belly of a whale. You have a half-awake half-dream thought of that anglerfish coming back and finishing the job, but no, nothing more comes. Just more of that noise. You can feel it around you, the ship is groaning. It's so familiar to you. You spent many nights as a boy just like this, swinging on a hammock, feeling your body shift and change uncontrollably with your growth spurt; more then most boys given your good diet. The ship is undergoing the same thing. You hear the creak louder behind you, turning your head just enough to see the other sailors sleeping soundly.

Can nobody else hear it? Only you? Only the Captain?

>Update continues later, in ~12 hours
After another day's sail, you arrive at the Fruit Barons.

Living along the coast of Mt. Guam, a gigantic and very steep landmass just on the curve of the deep waters, the Fruit Barons are well known and despised for their fortunate birthright. The mountain is so steep that it pokes into what is known as the level of death, where going that high is known to cause burns all over the body, sickness, and death to any would-be mountain climbers. But because of how high the mountains are, water coming in along the winds catch and condense against the rocks, forming the only natural streams of fresh water on the entire Black Ocean. Instead of needing to desalinate their drinking and farming water as everyone else using windmills and hank-cranked boilers, the Fruit Barons have it ready. On top of this, the wetness and quality of the soil means greedier crops can be grown here; this is the only supply of the world's fruits. Fruits which contain the all important Vitamin C. But do the Fruit Barons share in this bounty? No, of course not.

Your breath is taken away as you draw closer, seeing the veritable metropolis before you. You thought Mistress was the busiest port you've ever seen, but you were wrong. The port follows the docks organically along the jagged coast, buildings and dock structures poked out into the black water wherever they can find space. The decks are filled with thronging masses, many hunched and prostate as beggars, near the Scurvy-Death and begging for but a drop from the many patrons and sellers, ignored by both. Behind them, a town built for the services and patrolled by guards. Behind that, an "airlock" town of skilled tradesmen, soldiers, merchants, and trusted fruit juicers as an extra line of defense, and then beyond that, the oasis of fruit and vegetable growth just behind it, cloistered away behind closed doors and musket-wielding men. Even beyond this, you can see manors carved up in the slopes of the mountain, overlooking all under their domain, adorned with glass and fine shaven corals, the elite amongst an elite. The Sweetwater made here is traded and sent everywhere in the world, and everyone needs it, something the Fruit Barons are all too aware of. Unwilling to part with even a scrap of this wealth and power, this entire system means that not even a single seed, stem, or rind-peel is going to ever leave this port. Only the watered down juice...
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Given the many attempts to steal the source of Sweetwater from the Barons themselves, the city is built like a veritable fortress. There is a permanent Navy platoon stationed here, with cannons aimed at each ship that makes port to blow them away the moment they try to make off with any stolen fruits, so you figure you should be careful.

"Stay on the ship." You tell your new crewmate, the Pirate with a P burned onto his head. He grunts in agreement. Seems he has no interest either.

The throngs of people on the docks is giving you vertigo. This is nothing like humble little Guyot! You see so many people, from small islander men, the radiant skin and hair of Fruit-Baron women waving from atop their high walls, the smiling Good-Teethers, even some strangely brown-skinned folk from the Greenwater isles, wearing shrunken human heads. You shiver. Further in, you see the markets and sellers, before Squint stops you.

"Captain; the Fruit Barons will often give payments in either juice or in pearls. I can arrange to have what's left of the whale; organs, sperm, flippers; and can probably get a jug of Sweetwater for it."
"Is that more then they'll give in Pearls?"
"You know how valuable that stuff is, but it won't sell for much here. Pearls might be worth less overall, but you could buy more weapons or hire more crew with the money you'd like, and ships are often preyed upon leaving this port for obvious reasons. Sweetwater makes a good prize, and a stray cannon-shot can break it and spoil the lot..."

You have a little time to explore the port before the buying and selling is done. What would you like to do?

Sell the Whale Parts for Pearls or Sweetwater Jug (Trade Good)

What should you explore at the port? (Choose Two)
>Keep your Crew out of trouble (Avoids problems)
>Check up on the price of that glowing goo
>Look out for interesting people
>Find someone desperate to join your crew for free
>Look at the other ships to check out your competition
>Turn in that Pirate to the Navy men for a reward, if any
>Steal something from someone who looks rich (Chance)
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. We can make a considerable profit by selling it in some desolate hellhole.
>Look out for interesting people
>Check up on the price of that glowing goo
Let's make some money, boys.
>Keep your Crew out of trouble (Avoids problems)
>Look out for interesting people
>Keep your Crew out of trouble (Avoids problems)
>Check up on the price of that glowing goo

>Keep your Crew out of trouble (Avoids problems)
>Check up on the price of that glowing goo
Didn't Bones want us to sell the goo to the mimers on Good Teeth Island? He doesn't get his way a lot. Mught be a nice gesture that we respect his input?
That's a fair point, though mostly because 'his way' is usually piracy. But okay, let's encourage his better angels.

I'll change my vote (>>6065256) to
>Keep your Crew out of trouble (Avoids problems)
>Look at the other ships to check out your competition

Please note >>6065319. My bad, meant to link you.
I figured we wouldn’t be selling it, but just get an estimate for how much the goo’Ll get us.

>Keep your Crew out of trouble (Avoids problems)
>Look out for interesting people
No sense not stocking up to the fullest on the best reason to come here.

>Keep your Crew out of trouble (Avoids problems)
>Look out for interesting people
Okay good point, changing >>6065250 to
>Keep your Crew out of trouble (Avoids problems)
>Look out for interesting people

I really, really think we should look out for interesting people
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You decide to keep an eye on your crew and avoid them causing any trouble. You stay on the ship, while you wait for Squint to come back with the spoils of the whale. Of course, your first mate Bones is mostly trustworthy and valuable, and his role is to keep the men out of trouble. Perhaps it was redundant for you to stay on the ship...

Meanwhile, you go on the lookout for interesting people. Nearby, on the nearest ship docked to yours, you see a man working on the deck, the other crew of his boat nowhere to be seen. Probably out on shore leave, and he left behind to guard the ship. But as you watch the shirtless man move, you start to realize strange things about his appearance. While incredibly well built, he looks a bit "stumpy", waddling around with a gait that looks more like a turn then a proper full step. His head is also strangely shaped, you reckon, finding it impossible to believe he has any hair underneath his bandana. Actually, come to think of it, there isn't a speck of hair on his body. He'd either have to be entirerly light haired to not see anything under his armpits, or he is totally shaven, both are strange and unusual for the Black Ocean. Even his sweat, glistening off his fat and muscle, looks a bit sickly, like it's the wrong color.

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It turns to face you. The being's squat shoulders and lump of a head hide its true nature. Impossibly, the head terminates just above where the nose would be for a normal human, on this thing, instead ending early in a flat top- no eyes or upper brain case. It has no eyes, yet turns its too-wide mouth towards you almost frustrated that you were watching it. You balk, turning around and hiding.

Whatever that thing was, that was not human.

To relieve you of this newfound discovery, your crew return with the spoils of the whale; a fresh jug of Sweetwater. It's a large glass container of the mouth-watering stuff. However, it needs to be specially stored and packed to prevent it from being damaged, and takes up a considerable amount of space and weight, and because you didn't expand your ship's width, you have no more space in the cargo hold.

"Looks like we'll have to sell some of the cargo... I hope we can get a good price here."
"Not necessarily, Captain." Squint says. "It may be risky, but if we sell off the powders, our worm crate, and the cannon shot, we can fit the jug in the armory."
"But we'll have no weapon. No shot, except what was loaded already."
"Aye, that's why I said it would be risky. It's up to you, but we can't just leave the damn thing up on the deck. We need space down below..."

>Small Cannon 19p
>Medium Cannon 37p
>Sail Patch 20p
>Extra Sail 90p
>Musket 6p
>Decorated Musket 12p
>Pistol 2p
>Decorated Pistol 8p
>Repair Powder 15p
>Whole Whale Bone 70p (Upgrades ship)
>Quality Cutlass 28p
>Decorated Cutlass 35p
>Basket Rapier 20p
>Squidskin Hammock 17p
>Harpoon 2p

>Worm Crate 6p
>Standard Cannon Ball 2p
>Grapeshot Cluster 3p
>Star Shot 7p
>Powder Bag 7p

Trade Goods
>Beachgrass Seed Crate 7p (Sell Only)
>Sweetwater Glass Jug 85p (Buy Only)
>Assorted Small Corals 20p
>Iron Ingots 25p
You have 13 Pearls left to spend, after giving one away to the man who spotted the whale and another to the one who killed it, cannon or otherwise.

If you stay at 10 or higher, you can keep the Golden Pearl given to you by the Mistress. It will be assumed from now on you will always keep it, as long as you stay above 10.
Sell the corals, they're even more valuable here than in the woman's island. Do NOT sell the seed crates, they're worth diddly squat. We'll probably get a way better price in Good Teeth, and if we don't, we'll sell it back in mistress. We probably won't visit it any soon, but we definitely already have a story with that gigantic beast we killed.
You don't have any corals.
> It will be assumed from now on you will always keep it, as long as you stay above 10.
Honestly bananas, I feel like the issue here is that people might accidentally "spend it" without realizing, which shouldn't make sense. I think you should consider the pearl to not be used unless the person explicitly desires to do so.
Did we sell them back at the last island? Damn. Well, somebody else figure it out then. Remember that we will most likely be attacked by pirates when we leave. I wouldn't reccomend selling the seeds at a loss though..
>"I've made a mistake in asking payment in sweetwater. I blame my greed. I hate to ask this of you Squint, but can can we do selling off that sweetwater?"
>Iron Ingots 25p
>Assorted Small Corals 20p
Save up so we can widen our ship, even if it’s impossible to buy it this turn.
Agreed, but as long as we get reminders, it's fine.

We don't have corals. I think Bananas has posted a buy list. Aside from the powders, worm crate, cannon shot, jacket, and golden pearl, I'm actually not sure of our inventory.
These are the prices at this port at this time. The idea is you can buy or sell at these prices to simplify. You can keep track of the inventory.
Darn, one jug of fruit juice takes up the entire armory?
We might not be able to safely store the jug on deck, but could we perhaps store the powders and shot on deck as a temporary measure? It'll at least give us a fighting chance, and we might be able to offload some of the excess Sweetwater at our next destination. It'll at least fetch a better price than here at its site of production.

(Don't mean to cause a ruckus, but shouldn't our Quartermaster have caught the storage issue before making the purchase? Hopefully he doesn't fumble the ball again after this mistake.)
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Your current inventory is:

>2x Small Cannon
>1x Medium Cannon
>Sail Patch
>2x Sails
>10x Quality Musket
>3x Repair Powders
>10x Axe
>2x Cutlasses
>3x Pistols
>10x Hammock
>2x Worm Crate
>8x Standard Cannon Ball
>4x Chainshot
>2x Beachgrass Seed Crate
>2x Powder Bags
>Random Ship Necessities (could sell for 8p)
>25+ Harpoons
>Anglerfish Phosphores ?p

Trade Goods (4/3 Space)
>3x Beachgrass Seed Crates
>1x Sweetwater Jug

(Also I lied, you only have 12 Pearls left, you gave 3 to the one who spotted the Whale earlier)
Shop Prices >>6066161
Hmmm..I'm gonna be honest here, I think we may need to simply bite the loss and sell 1 beachgrass seed crate. It'll be a loss of 3 pearls, which isn't a lot, but it's better than going out without any repair powders or ammo.
>Sell beachgrass seed crate
Sell 1 Beachgrass Seed crate
Sure, +1.
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"Hrrm. I don't want to have to sell the seeds at a loss. I mean, this port among any has no shortage of food, it's not like the Fruit Barons are in heavy need of new agricultural seeds."
"Oh blast it! Just sell the damn crate, Captain. You're leaving a hundred pearls on the table, ye fool! Or else you want us to risk breaking this glass jug in transit!?"
"Alright, alright. I'll sell it off at the port. Who knows, maybe another merchant can benefit from it. Or settlers looking for a new island to live on and need a starter crop. Maybe it can do some good, even if it costs me some pearls..."

In the meantime, you walk the boardwalk of the Fruit Baron port again, making sure your crew is all accounted for and new preparations are made way. While you'll lose out on some pearls, you figure Squint can at least outfit your crew with some more supplies on the cheap. You'll even take a trade, until you see a long line of people. The people, looking very dour and lifeless, are lined up towards one of the fine stone and sanded-coral arches that lead in towards the "middle city" of the Fruit Barons. There, one large door has actually been opened, with three gruff rifleman standing guard to keep the unwashed masses from entering. Still, the crowd has brought your attention. You see a foppish man setting up a small metal box on a metal stand, a crank on the side, with a spigot facing outwards towards the crowd. In front of it, a man kneels behind a line painted in black.

"Hear ye, hear ye! The Fruit Barons daily alms for the poor. The flesh, seeds, skin and all- pressed and given out to those in need out of great charity!"

Wow, you didn't know the Fruit Barons would do something so kindly. You thought they were called Barons for a reason. You knew they were rich, probably the richest people on the ocean, so at least they share a little bit. Would you share at all if you were in there position? Maybe, your father would have wanted that, you think...

"And today we have, ah, a fine red apple! Look upon it! The daily donation to the poor and thirsty souls!"

Your heart sinks. There are over two hundred people in this "line", though the crowd seems pressed forward. You realize just by looking at them, so many are already scurvy. Their hair a frizzy mess, skin patched with dry scale, many are wrapped in bandages from wounds that won't heal. The hopeful look onwards. The man puts the apple in the box and cranks, cranks, the sound of a crushing fruit inside sends a veritable wave of hope and excitement through the crowd. You see, on the wall, several well dressed men and women watch from below. You can tell from the way their skin glistens in the sun, these are the Fruit Barons, their diets so rich in vitamin c. The man closest to the machine is invited forward, and stopped just before his lips touch the spigot.

"Ah! Wait, let me check to see if its safe."
Precious liquid flows from his fingers uselessly towards the dry dusty dock, slipping between invisible cracks in the corals that make up its structure. The man before it moans, the man finally relenting after almost half the juice is wasted.

"P-Please! Not too much!" Somebody behind him yells.

The man drinks from the faucet in great gulps, his eyes delighted by something sweeter and more pure then any Sweetwater anyone else has tasted. There is no sugar on the Black Ocean, and something as rich as a fruit is like the finest of delicacies. Several voices yell, somebody throws a shoe at the drinking man, quenching his thirst and need. You feel something bubbling beneath you as you look at the men and women on the ledge watching this spectacle, several smile, one even laughs. One bits an apple of his own, a snack, while he watches the show.

They could give so much more, and yet they force the poor and downtrodden here to fight amongst themselves, causing resentment of the ones who drink too deeply. Only a few drops of vitamin c are needed to sustain oneself for a long time, scurvy is a slow and insidious disease, and yet there are so many here who will not be given even a single drop.

The first man finally stops drinking from the spigot and allows the next in line to drink, and then the third, and then finally the fourth, who merely licks the inside of the clean and polished metal spigot where the others dry tongues have searched, trying to get even one tiny droplet. The conductor bows his head.

"Ahh well, that is all for today! Check tomorrow for the Fruit Baron's generosity-"

The voice is from the most pathetic and sick man you've ever seen. Barely capable of keeping his balance on his knees, he tears out chunks of his hair with his hands, dressed in fish-skins that don't even cover his naked form. He is a wretched sight, with his loud voice creaking from the strain- blood on his lip from his cracked and bleeding gums.


While the guards are not concerned with this invalid screeching at them, a sudden shout and jump of fright as the conductor, in all his fine clothes, looks at his hands in a panic.

"Ahh! AHH!"

You can see it even from here, warts have spread over his hands. Snot runs from his nose, a pink crust around his eye.


As if evidence before them was enough to move them, the entire crowd screams and begins a blind panic as the wretched man continues his onslaught of obscenities, his curse words and cusses seemingly having the power to inflict exactly what he curses- poxes, warts, rashes, diseases all spring forth from his mouth like unerring balls from muskets.

Feeling very out of place in your fine white coat, you turn and run, feeling that now may be a good time to leave. You manage to get back to your ship, and shove off.
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...What was that?

You feel a weight in your chest at the very memory. What you saw back there was unexplainable, but clear; evidence of the power of the supernatural.

"That was the Scurvy-Death lad." Squint whispers. "Nasty work..."
"I think- I think it didn't effect me. Though I plugged my ears to be sure."
"The Scurvy Death may not have been after you this time, but trust me, it doesn't take prisoners. Destruction only follows those who follow that Death..."

You remember the raving man beating his fists against the coral docks and writhing around, as if possessed. You felt as though your very soul was at stake in that moment, like some great and unconscious evil was sweeping over you. You are very fortunate you didn't break out in hives yourself! But then again, you wonder... what could drive someone to worship something some evil and wretched. Greed? Or desperation?

You realize, of course, you may be on the same path. Not of the man, but as the tormentors, the one who lorded their wealth and privilege over others. You never considered it, you were always in the upper class of Guyot, but that was a humble place. So many desperate souls, just needing a drop of Sweetwater to stave off the suffering of the Scurvy-Death, yet denied it, all to stay in power. Should those people really be who you are jealous of? You look down at your whale skin coat, feeling a bit guilty. Even if you had split it to your crew, you'd be the same as those guards and those officials, giving mock charity to the desperate and needy. You've been so focused on getting on your feet as a Captain of your own ship, a great and lofty position, you never thought about them. But what good could you even do yourself?

Do you think you're going down the right path?
Good question, I have absolutely no fucking idea.

I mean I'm not saying we should abandon everything to become some sort of revolutionary...this world's pretty fucked, but as much as the fruit barons are horrible, having that island be burned down in a revolution and breaking the chain of Sweetwater commerce would be even worse - all those other islands that depend on them would die the scurvy death.

Of course, I'm not opposed to generally being *nicer* to tour crewmates...what do you others think?

The Sun Death is for those on the straight and narrow path through life. If we just whale and trade, it might fit us better. Our named crew is not suited for it though.
The Lady Deaths are for those who protect women and children. Not overwhelmingly relevant to someone who is at sea with an all male crew 90% of the time.

Bones probably is following the Sea Death, likely as does Squint. Also we have that pirate guy on our ship, feels like mutiny if we don't get some action.

The Scurvy Death is essentially the "losers who want to burn down society" death. This death needs to go back to the depths because it will never be a real death.
The Opium Death is apparently the "wealth and power" death which, I mean, it COULD fit us.

We're treating our boys good and fair.
Next catch will be split among them for purse. Next one? We might do Hats for spotter, killer, and officers. The one after? don't know yet.
NGL, this entire event is downright comically evil. I've read stories of rich people tossing coins to the poor to see them squabble but this turns ridiculous with the MC putting himself down. It reads like THAT FUCKING FAGGOT EVERETT WROTE THIS PART.
Sounds fair.

This society IS reall awful, though. The bitter losers make a lot of sense.

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Along the way to Good Teeth Island, you come across a large ship that is not moving at sea. It is flying a white flag.

"Huh. I think they're hagfishing. Look at all the choppy water around their craft."

You're familiar with the practice. Hagfish are one of the most commonly fished type of sea-life on the Black Ocean. Not only are Hagfish very common, they can be brought to the surface in a great feeding frenzy by dumping any kind of food off the side of a ship. Hagfish slime is essentially to creating sails and sea-cloth, and their meat and skins are commonly used as forms of food and clothing, even if it does result in an ugly gray. Slimy skinned eels may not sound appealing, but it's often the best form of protein you can get, since Whales don't exactly grow on... sand.

"Captain! Do ye wish to Swoop them?"
"Ahh, you know more about fishing then stealing, I forgot. Hagfishing is expensive, what with all the bait overboard, and gets their whole deck slimy and chaotic with the eels wriggling about, they can't easily launch boats or make sail- why many don't like to be caught while Hagfishing. But the eels are slippery beasts and always goes towards the freshest bait. They already drug the eels up from the bottom, we can throw out a comparatively smaller amount of bait to draw the eel-ball over here, net them, and run off with the majority of the catch; while leaving them with a slimy hull!"
"The cargo hold is full anyway.."
"We could toss a box of seed as bait, best thing to give up, and then replace it with fresh caught eel! I'm sure it will go for more at any port, even Good Teeth."
"You're starting to sound like Bones now. It's that White flag that's giving me pause. If there is a Lady Death on board, does that mean they're starving? Why else would they be stopped? I'll not be stealing from the mouth of babes."
"Twas merely a suggestion, Captain... Besides, many sailors put up the white flag when they ain't in any position to fight to beg for mercy. If pirates ran up on them now they couldn' do much to resist, so it makes sense to white flag even if they got no such sensitive passengers. It's your call, after all."

Yet another opportunity on the high seas. You know you'd be extremely worried to come across a ship while in the middle of Hagfishing. What should you do?

>Get up close and Swoop their catch
>Stay far and attempt a Swoop (Chance)
>Attack the ship while they're vulnerable
>Launch your boat and go talk to them
>Continue on and leave them be
>Launch your boat and go talk to them
Hold up, if they're starving, then it's a perfect time to sell them shit at a higher markup.
>Launch your boat and go talk to them
>Continue on and leave them be
I just wanna whale.
>Launch your boat and go talk to them
>>Launch your boat and go talk to them
>>Launch your boat and go talk to them
>Launch your boat and go talk to them
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In your small craft, you and some of your men paddle closer to the vessel in the middle of its fishing attempts. The slippery slime in the water as you get close makes movement more difficult, but so long as you get within shouting distance, you should be fine!

Eventually, you come to the feeding frenzy, the mass of hagfish just underneath the waters bumping and fighting for space beneath the bait thrown from the sides of the greater ship you see before you. Appearing in the water are great chunks of meat, just hidden underneath the dark waves, finding it concerning how many hagfish were brought up. You'd have to give up a whole catch of fish to attract this many. Then you see a pale bit of meat beneath the water, and another, looking closer, seeing no fish carcasses but instead long and thin bones being picked clean by the slimey eels in record time. On the ship, it sounds almost like a raucous party, laughter and giggling among moans and sighs of frustration, or perhaps defeat and exhaustion.

"Gah! This one died from the shock, dumb Crier."

The voice comes from the deck of the ship. To your growing horror, you realize with a start at the amount of blood, red fresh blood, pouring from the deck and down into the waters below. The churning hagfish are not here because of a great amount of fish bait or seed, but the tangle of human limbs being thrown one by one off the deck of the ship. Your paltry crew cry out when a larger thing is chucked from the deck of the ship, this time a human torso and head attached, face limp from death, splashing in the water just from your boat to feed the fishes.

Instantly, there is a silence for a moment, and then screams like your worse nightmares.


The voices of the crew of the ship scream out when they realize someone has come to investigate. Over the deck of the ship, a man's head peeks, his skin tanned like jerky from the sun, beyond which any normal man would be dead from the Sun-Death, despite this looking with deep set eyes with a soulless expression.

"Oh look! More Criers!"
"Could you get them for me dear?" A feminine voice calls after, matronly.

"Of course I can!"
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With a jerking motion that would make even your relatively young body sore all over, the Deathless vaults the railing of the ship towards your small boat, directly into the Sea. Not only is he swimming, but he is coming fast, a bloodstained meat clever on his body as he wrestles past the hagfish without a single fear of drowning or being bitten apart.

"Row! Row you idiot! ROW!"

Your crew was so shocked and appalled at the Deathless, they were stricken still with fear. Now you spur them into action, as the swimming creature comes after you, faster then you thought possible for a land creature to swim.

What do you do?
>Fire harpoon cannon at it
>Wait for it to board your boat and fight it
>Row faster (Chance)
>Toss someone off as a sacrifice to get away
We killed a whale before, and it doesn't say "chance" like rowing. I can't imagine waiting makes any sense...he's probably going to just straight up destroy the boat so we don't have anywhere to go.
Almost forgot
>>Fire harpoon cannon at it
>Fire harpoon cannon at it
Oh fuck it's the goddamn Crossed.
>>Fire harpoon cannon at it

Oh shit! I thought this was an action adventure setting. This is a supernatural horror setting! It sure as shootin seems like The Crossed.
>Fire harpoon cannon at it
I doubt one man would be too much a problem for a harpoon to fix (clueless).
Well, physically speaking, unless his skin is literally made of steel, a harpoon would still turn him into a kebab. These things kill whales.

Well, on the bright side, we're definitely going to have some cool stories to tell the lady death when we return. She just gives me that bardical "Lady" vibe. Like the kind of NPC that you'd use to level up in an Dark Souls game.
>Fire harpoon cannon at it
There is nothing good on the Black Ocean. Why do we keep approaching encounters in any manner other than "guarded and armed"?
What we really need is a fuckin' spyglass
Probably costs like 2,000 pearls.
Mistress Island seems nice.
True, but we can't stay on it for long.
We need to kick that Pirate off our ship on some island and pick up a career whaler. Shift the balance of pawer away from the Sea Death towards the Sun Death.

Who here thinks swapping to Sun Death worship would be rad?
I'm open to considering it.
I don't know about that, i feel like the Sea Death might be more fitting for an sailor such as us. I'm not exactly against the Lady Deaths either, even if we don't spend a lot of time with children or women.
>>Fire harpoon cannon at it
If we kill a Deathless we could get a big favour from the Sea-Death
I'm all for blowing the everliving fuck out of that ship the second we get back to ours. Just shoot it until it sinks. It'll save those guys from...whatever the fuck they're trying to do to them. And then maybe we can get those fish if they haven't fucked off by then.
To hell with the fish, we shoot and scoot and pray the Deathless are poor sailors.
Hey, if they're still there after we shoot them, no reason to not take the fish. They're probably gonna be eating all the flesh parts anyway even after the ship starts to sink, so we can throw out a grass seed crate and get some pretty cool fish to sell in Good Teeth.
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You aim the harpoon cannon at the approaching Deathless as it comes to your boat, cackling madly as its hands grip the corals.


You fire, the cannons many harpoons piercing and spearing directly into the Deathless's head, shoving it back and into the water, the long chords designed to keep the whales attached to the boat going taut as the deathless is blown back. No living man could survive that blast. But, impossibly, horrifyingly, the Deathless still stirs. It pulls its hands onto the boat and climbs up, no less of fatigue or energy. No blood leaves its jerky-like body, unfeeling or uncaring for the pain. You see its bones stretched and broken, its head deformed, the harpoons stuck straight through as though fired at a paper target. Its brain would surely be mush, the impact enough to cause the flattening to any man's organs, but the Deathless is only barely slowed by it. The strange raspy noise of its voice suddenly becomes apparent to you when you realize it only breathes in to speak, its vocal chords tinging against the harpoon near stuck in its throat.

"Oi! You gotta peg leg too! What a shame, big guy like you would make a great Deathless."

Your crew panics, any fight in them is gone.

"Gah! NO!"
"Save me! Captain! Do something!"
"Oh Deaths- save us!"
"Mercy! Mercy please!"
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With a sudden surge of vitality, you grab the swivel-gun mounted on the bow of the small boat, and pull with all your strength. Your peg leg pushes down into the coral boards of the boat, your other hand cramping in effort as you pull the cannon off of its hinge, snapping the metal beneath all the strength you can possibly muster, your big body worked to its limit as you handle the cannon, and then toss it off the side of the boat. Into the water, it goes, the chords still stuck tight, the Deathless turning its head to watch it go.

"Oh! Well, here goes! Time to see what life is like at the bottom of the s-"

With a snap, he's tugged down into the water below, the great weight of the cannon pulling him into the abyss forever. And you shiver knowing that that would not kill him. He'll still be alive down there. No matter what happens to it, that "man" will still be alive.


Your crew is looking at you with a sudden newfound respect and awe. You not only defeated a Deathless, but you did so in the greatest show of strength any of them have ever seen. You guess spending your youth wrestling with whales helped with that. You feel a bit embarrassed.

"Come on, let's go back to the Pink Lady. Now! Before more come out."
Safely back aboard your ship, you have a decision to make.

"Shit... that whole crew. They're so fucked."
"Were their really Deathless, Captain?" Everett asks, not being present aboard the small shuttle.


The entire crew of that ship, however many there were, at least ten, or twenty, for a ship of that size, have been turned into the Idols of the Deathless. They call them their "busts", like perverse works of art. But in truth? They are a torture not even to be imagined in your darkest of nightmares.

The Deathless take a human and remove the arms, so they can't fight back, cut off the legs so they can't run, and then pull out their teeth so they cannot bite off their tongue to commit suicide. Then, these lumps are taken from the Black Ocean, to the great empty desert that surrounds it, and from there, turn them into more Deathless. The Deathless are immortal, yet have no pleasure from life. They are strong, but have no desire for conquest or riches. The only thing that drives them is the drive to bring humans down their level. You can't even imagine that fate; the hot coral-wind slicing your skin and the sun baking your skin and the water drowning your every pore and yet you will still live. Such a cruelty is beyond even the most cruel and evil of any human, and yet the Deathless inflict it on anyone they can, all the time, as their only driving goal.

"The ones aboard that ship... they've already been cut apart. They wish for a Death to come for them now, surely."
"What are we going to do, Captain? We can't just leave them."
"We should sink the ship with Cannons, just shoot them full of holes." Blues said, uncharacteristically moral.
"That would cost our cannon balls and powders, Captain."
"To hell with the cost! You want to leave those sorry souls alive, to be fed by mouth like baby birds from their tormentors, just to be dragged into the desert and damned forever? I'd rather die the most cruel of deaths then that!"
"So would I, but that could give any more Deathless on the ship time to escape and swim after us. I'd rather not become their victims while we sleep this night, if we even can sleep."

Everett raises his hand.

"Captain. I have an idea. I could cause that ship to be destroyed from the inside. See the gunports? They're quite wide, and the ship is not fully armed. I could crawl in one of those, find the grand battery, and light a fuse to blow the ship up from the inside. Instant death to the victims, and destruction for the Deathless."
"Everett... You don't know what kind of danger you'd expose to from that."
"I'm fast, Captain. You remember me being a runner on Guyot. I can do that at the very least."

Everett is right on one thing, he is fast. Much faster then yourself, especially with your peg leg. Sailors are known for being strong, but island-boys are fast, able to run farther on tough ground on bare feet or thin moccasins...
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"I mean... We could just leave. It's unlikely the other Deathless on the ship, however many they are, could all follow us on the sails. The Sea-Death tends not to guide craft guided by them very well."
"And leave them like that!?"
"I don't like it either, but it'd be better then falling victim themselves."
"...Or we could do what should be done, and get on that ship and chop those fucking evil Deathless pieces of shit into pieces!"
"AYE! A big shout goes up from the many crew members, a sudden burst of courage and religious zeal. Though you notice, the ones who shouted were not the one on the jetty with you and the boys. Perhaps if they saw it first hand, they would not be so eager. But at the same time, if you did destroy the Deathless... you could give the crew on that ship a more merciful end, as well as loot the ship for any valuables. Not to steal from the dead, but it's not like it'd be better to leave it with the Deathless.

"....Captain, a word." Squint says, whispering. "Hagfish slime can be quite flammable, you know, if we lit fire to the sail and let it burn the ship down. There's no other way to truly destroy a Deathless then turn them into still-living ash... Just a thought."

With all options considered and weighed, the crew looks to you, Captain Rich of the Pink Lady, to decide on what to do next. What is your command?
>Sink the ship with your Cannons (Uses your balls + powder)
>Board the ship and attack the Deathless directly (Combat)
>Go with Everett's plan (Chance)
>Burn the ship (Chance)
>Just leave the poor souls to their fate
I'd say we should shoot the masts, but the deathless would probably just wait until someone came. Honestly, i think the favor we'll get from Sea Death is worth enough.
>Sink the ship with your Cannons (Uses your balls + powder)
Just stay a good distance and keep every single non-combatant with eyes on the water. Blow up those niggas. Use them as target practice. Sink them to the bottom of the ocean. And then we get the fish.
>Go with Everett's plan (Chance)
Prove your merit, bestie!
>>Sink the ship with your Cannons (Uses your balls + powder)

We aren't ready to do more than this.
>Sink the ship with your Cannons (Uses your balls + powder)
>Go with Everett's plan (Chance)
Can we combine
>Go with Everett's plan (Chance)
And if that fails
>Sink the ship with your Cannons (Uses your balls + powder)
>Burn the ship (Chance)
if that fails
>Board the ship and attack the Deathless directly (Combat)
total deathless death.
a few things to keep in mind:
>we can infer that there were likely only 2 deathless on that ship, based on the dialogue we heard and maybe the pic too. that number is likely now just one
>we have lucky coins
>leaving isn't guaranteed to avoid a fight
>leaving basically means 10-20 deathless being created, which will piss the deaths off.
>we know how to defeat the deathless.
>pleasing the deaths is a very good idea
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Rolled 1 (1d2)

You are now Everett of Guyot.

You have volunteered for a very dangerous task. Maybe it was stupid, but it would also be stupid not to. You live in Rich- SLYVESTER'S shadow now anyway. Every day since you joined the Pink Lady's crew, you've felt useless and weak. Always simmering in the background, unable to do much and being taught like a child on the basics of sailing, whaling, loading muskets and cleaning cannon barrels. You've never once felt an equal to your dear Captain.

You were always mad at him for leaving Guyot. Jealous of his wealthy father, and yet in your eyes throwing it all away just to go out to sea on adventures. Did he forget the days when you would run across the island together? Barefoot, across the sands, running their hands through the beachgrass so quickly that they would compare each other's arms and see if there were cuts from the sharpness? Does he remember you at all?

As the small boat clacks silently against the larger ship, the moans of pain and scream from above masking your presence this time, hopefully, you are helped up through the overly-large oval gun port and into the dark and musty insides of the ship. Your bare foot crunches on something hard, and you realize to your revulsion it is a human teeth. Many litter the floor here, fallen through the cracks in the coral-floor from above. You regain your resolve when the captain speaks.

"Everett, if you don't come back out in five minutes, we'll have to leave you and sink the ship. We won't be able to rescue you."
"That's alright, Captain. If I'm on this ship that long, I won't want to be rescued."

So why are you doing this? To prove you're still useful. To earn your place at the Captain's side, and maybe because your whole life of solitude on a backwater island just wasn't exciting enough. Stupid? Yes. Exhilarating? Also yes. Your dearest friend gave up his Sweetwater to help you as a child, and then gave up his leg searching fame and fortune on the seas. Maybe it's time for you to give something up too.

It's time for you to run.
Everything okay, ‘nanas?
I'm working on it
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You descend into the bowels of the ship, away from the safety of your crewmmates and the small boat, to try and find the grand battery. You aren't strong and you aren't a fighter, but you can do one thing and that is move quickly and quietly. You're clever enough for this!

Squint told you the grand battery on a ship this large would likely be right in the middle, suspended above the bilge, surrounded by metal sheets and glass panels for lightning as to not allow any errant sparks inside where they could cause it to blow- ah hah! You find it, and snap the unlocked door open with a mouse-like squeak. There are no weapons left aboard this ship, the Deathless would toss away all pistols and swords, anything the men aboard could use to fight back or kill themselves with, but the Deathless aren't going to bother with cannons like this. You find a cache of many large bags of powder and poke a hole in one, before having to think. A fuse...

You can make a fuse. Out of the shoots of beachgrass, an islander trick. Tying the stems into knots can slow down the burning, down to a science, each twist adding a second and a half... poking it in, you light the end carefully and then make a break for it, hurtling over cannons and between scores of torn teeth, before leaping from the window out into the boat.

"Did you find it?"

As the boatmen row as hard as they can, the sticky strands of hagfish slime pull and slow down the progress of the small craft, leading to chance of it being caught in the blast. The captain shoves the small craft off the larger ship with the end of his harpoon, giving you all the push you need to escape... Then, there is a massive explosion as the inside of the ship erupts, the Deathless that were still aboard exploded into bits and mashed against its interior, and the hagfish swarm suddenly finding entry into the ship interior itself, ready to feast on the remains of the crew, or whatever else, sinking slowly into the black waters...
That son-of-a-bitch pulled it off!
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Because you decided to rig the ship to explode, it is only fitting that your tribute go to the appropriate Death. All those damned souls... now freed from your actions and their fates rewritten by your loyal crew. Special thanks to Everett, your clever lifelong friend.

"Take this tribute, Sun Death," you say. "With that blast, they died according to your laws. Guide these souls to afterlife and not to dwell in this world. Saved from the curse of the Deathless. May this tribute find you well."

The Deaths normally receive tribute from those who hunt the Deathless and destroy their "idols" in small number, not in a great many like this. Through this act, you have gained considerable favor with the Sun Death. You are no longer merely watched, but instead, favored and having its full attention. The Sea-Death, the waves beneath your feet, churn in indifference at being denied the drowning and capsized fate that would have befallen the poor sailors if you had sunk the ship instead. Oh well, you never had much the makings of a pirate anyway. That night, when you sleep, you look towards the glowing vials of goo from the great Anglerfish, and put them on a high place, as a nightlight against the horrors of the black ocean. None in the crew complain. Soon you will reach Good Teeth island, and hopefully can put this grisly day behind you...

Thank you all for playing Black Ocean Quest! I wanted to keep this as a one shot, but clearly the size of the setting, the mechanics, and my own slow update speed made that impossible. At least for now, we'll call it here and give it a break. I hope you enjoyed it!

As usual, I'll be giving a few questions to interested parties at the end of the thread for feedback. Feel free to answer them if you want.
>The setting of Black Ocean Quest was highly inspired by post-apocalypse media, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Kenshi. Kenshi was especially something I wanted to evoke without directly copying the setting. If you know what Kenshi is; do you think this setting felt "Kenshi-Like"?
>This Quest was supposed to focus heavily on the voyaging, management, and exploration aspect of high seas adventure and swashbuckling. Do you think there was too much, too little, or just the right amount of focus on things like managing the numbers of crew, supplies, money, food, ammunition, etc?
>How did you feel about the coin flip mechanic and having the only mitigating mechanic (lucky coins) be a one-time-only limited resource you absolutely cannot get more of?
>The setting of Black Ocean Quest was highly inspired by post-apocalypse media, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Kenshi. Kenshi was especially something I wanted to evoke without directly copying the setting. If you know what Kenshi is; do you think this setting felt "Kenshi-Like"?
I don't know Kienshi, so for me the vibes I got were very PotC, but also Waterworld and Firefly.

>This Quest was supposed to focus heavily on the voyaging, management, and exploration aspect of high seas adventure and swashbuckling. Do you think there was too much, too little, or just the right amount of focus on things like managing the numbers of crew, supplies, money, food, ammunition, etc?
I think mechanics like that need more room to breathe than a one-shot allows. I don't feel I can fairly say.

>How did you feel about the coin flip mechanic and having the only mitigating mechanic (lucky coins) be a one-time-only limited resource you absolutely cannot get more of?
I like it, but again it's something that we can't really fully grapple with because it didn't run long enough for us to feel the inch of truly only having one or two left.

Thank you for running! It was a fave of mine while it was going.
Thanks for running this, QM. Was very fun to read.
>If you know what Kenshi is; do you think this setting felt "Kenshi-Like"?
I don't know what that is. I found the setting interesting, though, aside from the whole "vitamin C" thing.
>>This Quest was supposed to focus heavily on the voyaging, management, and exploration aspect of high seas adventure and swashbuckling. Do you think there was too much, too little, or just the right amount of focus on things like managing the numbers of crew, supplies, money, food, ammunition, etc?
I don't recall the amount of crew we had ever being explicitly stated, so I feel like the quest failed there.
We also barely knew anything about quest mechanics, so making choices about how much to have of everything felt like a shot in the dark and not engaging. this is especially true at the start, when we're told to pimp out our ship with stuff we barely know the significance of. just let us choose between 3 or so starter loadouts.
>>How did you feel about the coin flip mechanic and having the only mitigating mechanic (lucky coins) be a one-time-only limited resource you absolutely cannot get more of?
the coin flips make the game more exciting than other systems imo. from an information theory perspective, they give you the maximum possible entropy for a pass/fail check.
the lucky coins are neat but I thought it was implied that the sea death could will it for those coins to find their way back to us.
also, I felt the quest was fun overall. didn't feel like our character had a clear end goal but the journey was enjoyable all the same.
>Not familiar with Kenshi
>Management aspect was right.
>Coin flip mechanic is ok
>As usual, I'll be giving a few questions to interested parties at the end of the thread for feedback.
What would have been the results of the other 'alternatives' in the end? Like, say we succeededed on boarding the ship and chopping the deathless up in combat, what would have we found? The Lady Death that was supposed to be in the ship, maybe? Only way i can see getting a Lady Death favor. I wonder what the reward for Lady Death favor is.
>>The setting of Black Ocean Quest was highly inspired by post-apocalypse media, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Kenshi. Kenshi was especially something I wanted to evoke without directly copying the setting. If you know what Kenshi is; do you think this setting felt "Kenshi-Like"?
In a way, yes, but in another way, no. While it most certainly hits the ballpark of being an post-apocalyptical setting where everything sucks, Kenshi itself is a more...artsy, eastern setting, so to say. They have katana-wielding travellers waking through giant lasers and acid rains and the graves of building-sized robotic titans and a kenshirobot who frees slaves from desert samurai ancapistan empire where being poor is literall illegal by teaching them martial arts.
>>This Quest was supposed to focus heavily on the voyaging, management, and exploration aspect of high seas adventure and swashbuckling. Do you think there was too much, too little, or just the right amount of focus on things like managing the numbers of crew, supplies, money, food, ammunition, etc?
I think i can't really say when we've only really been in two islands. We haven't gotten to the point where we really got to see the true extent of trade.
>>How did you feel about the coin flip mechanic and having the only mitigating mechanic (lucky coins) be a one-time-only limited resource you absolutely cannot get more of?
I feel like it's a bit too much. Having a fifty fifty chance for just about any chance is a bit too risky. In Fear and Hunger, the game where you got it from, not only can you get *more* of those coins, they only happen for special events - and sure, those can fuck you over, but they also intend you to save over and die, and add many ways to mitigate those failures. That stuff can't be used in a quest.
Shit, i forgot to add the conclusion to my kenshi thoughts, my point was that Black Ocean isn't really artsy and insane like Kenshi, while it has a bunch of fantastic stuff it's still mostly just an age of sailing world.

In fact, rather than Kenshi, I was far more easily able to relate this story to other fantastical travels like the Odyssey and some of Jules Vernes' work (save the lack of sci-fi) than Kenshi.
As mentioned already BananasQM I was incredibly impressed by your worldbuilding, everything fitted coherently and seemed to possess a purpose and believable rationale in the world, from the coral, the sweetwater, growing whale bones, the Fruit Barons, the strange mystical occult Deaths religions etc. I also particularly enjoyed the Immortan Joe moment, (Do no become addicted to water etc...)
it felt like a powerful spectated anticapitalist inequality moment, your writing was very elaborate and moving, I wonder though if instead of merely prompting a private individual moment of introspection, if it could have been interactive (ie, use it to incite a riot... or denounce the agitator, sycophantically attempt to win favour by pandering to the sweetwater Barons etc)

I actually also really appreciated your art style this time round, as you know I myself prefer the sort of AAA videogame concept art ultrarealism look (I admit I could never really get into your space quest because of the art style) however this time round, your yellow sand / black ocean palette felt aesthetically very idiosyncratic and compelling, I really liked the anglerfish moment (I didn't say anything to the other players, but I instinctively felt as a DM that was definitely going to happen lol). I also did enjoy the shock gore moment at the end, that was not something I anticipated but it was very exciting to witness and finally confront the supernatural and gruesome manifestations of the Deathless too.

Aside from Kenshi, I felt the encounters resembled the pacing of Highfleet (have only watched this, not played it) it felt more like interspersed vignettes as opposed to a "building momentum" narrative. I think this rhythm is fine for the sea island hopping trading game etc. I also thought it would be more interesting to pledge allegiance to the human factions (eg Fruit Barons or Mistress island etc) than the Deaths, which (until the very end) seemed a bit more of a mystical abstract concept versus the human npcs.

Something I was wondering about was whether "privateers" and Letters Of Marque And Reprisal exist in your setting, ie sanctioned piracy (perhaps raiding sponsored by Fruit Baron patronage?) Maybe that is too gentrified for the harsh anarchic post apocalyptic feel though. In my mind I concur with the other anon,
I envisioned the world "look" to be more similar to Waterworld than Master And Commander or even Moby Dick etc

Overall the world setting is really excellent, I was very excited to read it! I also did enjoy your crew interactions, they were all memorable to me and quite distinctive. I very much look forward to any continuation in this setting in the future!
The White Navy Frock Coat apparently is period appropriate, this was a good fashion choice

Thank you to everyone who answered my questions! This really helps me try to improve my quests in the future. I fully admit to having the setting in my back pocket this entire time for over a year (which /qtg/ patrons unknowingly chose) so I was a bit too ambitious with this one, at least for a one shot. I wanted more faction play, like the Navy and Merchants, the religious/magic aspect, exploration, ship management, combat, economy management, AND character building all in a single thread. Way too overloaded! I always do this.

Here's the proof.

Wow you pretty much perfectly diagnosed and presented as to why it didn't feel super "kenshi like" to me. I thought the main abstract weirdness of having a naval setting with no wood anywhere would be weird enough, but yeah that really sums it up. Very good feedback here, thanks.

There's that Souv content I love. Yeah, Master & Commander is probably my favorite film, so I'm glad you picked up on it. As for privateers, I wasn't actually sure on how complex to make this, as the intentional "Kenshi-like" nature of the setting was supposed to show humanity in this world as very primitive and almost child-like in organization. People just live places and sometimes join gangs or run away and leave, all local power structures, so the sophistication of economic proxy warfare between nations I felt was too complex, but at the same time, being able to make and break alliances is so pirate coded I feel like it needs to be in there. Certainly something to be explored in the future, if this Quest gets a follow up.

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