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Welcome into the Bronze-Clay age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains :

The fire-mastering Blanks and WindPsykers of GrassGreen
The Assassin, Tool-wielding, Stone Huts lawmakers of Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters Kraken-riders feodal lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch expansionists, of Jupiter
The Archers, Merchants, Slavers and Warptrailers of BadBack
The Lunar Dahu and Stove Grove farmers of Whitemane
The elusive trapmaker, raven-priests Cerulean which integrated the Singers of Icey Ones, not without racial frictions.

Interrested in joining? Claim a trip and a name as a Lurker - impacting the world with random events.

Last thread : https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5997970/
Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/LLBm1mjj

Please check out the Pastebin have correctly been updated.
For the first time, a territory became contested
Both the BurningGrass and the Jupiter tribe held their claim. A frontline created halfway on the territory.
The West, with terrain more vertical than Horizontal is held by the Jupiter pongo-looking hunter. The East by the BurningGrass.

Of course, other event occured in the same timespawn.
Badback's tribe put their new tools to use with the new advancement of Rock-Carving.
Stoneblocks are smaller than the BurningGrass due to the lower strength; mortar is made from frozen glass.
This lead to sturdier Glasshouse, with clear pannels still made of Ice.

The GrassGreen tribe resumed their Storm exploration.
Aeromancers of the tribe are perfectly match to take down the small herds of carnivorous, prism-shaped flying toothy beings.
Their meat are a nice complement to the Hunter's diet. Their flying fins and tails, inefficient out of the storm, are made of diaphane materials.
You have the Insight they might have some uses better than ornemental.

The GhostClaw tribe improved societal structure using a Code of Law.
This might not be much right now, just another quirk from a society; but only the future will tell how important this milestone is.

The Cerulean tribe decided to further their grasp over anatomy.
The Under Hunters are notoriously hard to kill, recovering from most wound. A limb too damaged is usually pulled out and regrown.
Not this time. The incredible regeneration of Hunters made it excruciating work to reopen the wound again and again.
This leads to insight on the global working of the Hunter's biology : muscular, digestive, reproductive.
>This mean all the other tribe have a right to "funny" tradition about how sexuality work.
For example, BurningGrass might believe that the babys will be of the gender of the strongest Hunter at time of conception.

Last, the Whitemane tribe developped the habit to paving the limits between their frequent path and the wilder parts of the tribe's territory with Meat Pillar.
Those constructs of flesh and bone also resonates in the immaterium, giving a first layer of defense against Immaterium threats.

>How should your tribe evolve?

New ruleset : Conflict!
You can spend your turn trying to steal the territory from the other bastard's grasp.
If neither of you attempt anything, the territory remains conflicted. If one attempt and succeed the roll, he takes the territory.
If both of you attempt, the highest roll with Modifier will conquer the territory.
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Of course, forgot picrel.
the Matriarch finds several of the tools damaged and useless. Disgusted with the waste of such difficult to procure resources she calls together her executives and heads of the Daughtercompanies. She gives them a task to find a way to repair and improve upon the tools they manage to retreive from dead Holey Moleys. It takes many hours of contemplation and thinking till one of the Subsidiaries comes up with an idea.

the metals became softer with being heated. something they noticed when one of their slaves was performing some work to improve their glasshouses and set the Light Moss aflame with a spark way hotter than usual. They propose to create a sort of controlled version of that fire in a big kiln to melt down the metal like snow and form it into new tools using stone tools.

>create forges so i can create more specialized tools and improve my mastery over fire as a secondary benefit.
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Sorry QM but I was only so insistent on that tile so I could access others. If BurningGrass contests it then I would rather defend it than anything else, but I am happy to leave it as is.

Jupiter expands north
Hmm, logistics problems... I will develop a new Spell. Absorb Moisture is a simple utility cryomancy spell, the user sucks out the water from a "dead" target (like meat or seedpods or flowers or fruit) until it is dry. This greatly improves its shelf life, allowing for longer periods of time without hunting and larger food stockpiles.

Would making big kites from the fins and tails and developing aeromancy powered flight be out of the question?
Absolutely not what I had in mind, definitely a valid use of the insight.
Hmmm...non decorative uses of a thin translucent...food storage is the biggest one I can think of, though waterproofing and as a base for clothing and armor comes to mind. But nothing even as close to cool as flight.

> Guild Corcraft sets to work on a strange and curious construct at the Aeromancer's request. A frame of bone made to mimic artic gliders with diaphanous fins and tales stitched together and tied tightly to it. A sufficiently brave Aeromancer calls the wind and holds on tight to the frame, hoping to fly.
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor

>>Development Turn : Makers Workshops
>Matriarch Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw) the wise ruler of Ghost Claw, has seen the issues and improvements that can be made when making and crafting tools, weapons, houses, things and equipment. It is clear to her that something different than a simple house is required for do such job, and perhaps indeed this might need to change for all other classes in the future, an house that is intended for that. Make. So after calling the tribe Makers, she asks them to put to use her idea. Make a place, for make and craft.

new thread and another image
Technically i can consider Scribes a social class as well (i forgot to include them with their own clothes when i made that image lol)
>Develop Fleshcrafting

While Flayer Flockwing Agatha plumbed the secrets of life, Bonelord Fourbeak Alorne innovated with fleshcrafts. Bone was hard. Hide prevented abrasions. Beak cut and severed. Following the teachings of the great philosopher Fourbeak and the Flockwing Cult, the Bonelord made arms and tools from corpses.
This is me.
yeah, that was why I was so annoyed. you didn't NEED that tile to expand. you could have just gone straight north and had the same result. look I'd spend my turn developing rather than fighting over it so tell you what. after this turn, if you relinquish control over it I won't contest your control over its neighbours hexs. do we have a deal?
You don't NEED that tile either, in fact you 'need' it less than I do. I said I would have that tile, and I will.

You can make all the threats you want but any assaults on our vertical territories (all of them) will spill more of your blood than mine.
Kill eachother !
>Badback : forges

Whitemane : create Absorb Moisture spell
1d100 + 2; DC 60

Grassgreen : Big Kites
1d100+10 from Insight

Ghostclaw : makers workshops
1d100 +10 from draw-In; +4 from the spirit of dead craftsmen giving insght.

Breathless : develop Fleshcrafts
1d100. DC : 60

>BurningGrass :
Still no clue what you want to do.
Will hold Jupiter's roll as he's entitled right to change his mind in case of your aggression
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Rolled 29 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Will we fly? Or will we crash hilariously into the ground?

The Riddle of Steel!
Crash and burn! Toss those two turns out I suppose, better stick to pickles.
boom. rolling that one in another quest really did save me from rolling badly.

and more specialized tools.

i will probably start upgrading my bows with Steel to make travel easier and expand upon available tactics when it comes to capturing dangerous creatures.

i think you are just north of my current webway exit in the mountains. getting better and more tools might help with your plans for the future.
Rolled 16 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Wow a whole +2 to my spell crafting, you shouldn't have
here I go turning my people into raisins, thanks Tzeetch
who could've seen it coming?
the past 20 generations have been abject failures on every level but violence
Were we not so dependent on psyker powers I would consider contacting Khrone to save me from this pit of primitivism
Rolled 23 + 14 (1d100 + 14)

To add to the list of failures to try again later
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the bottom of the arrow is more important compared to the arrow's point.
You can roll. +25

So can you. +17
Rolled 87 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

will I ever get that 88
okay at this point khorn is just taunting me.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Cutting and shaping. Use that which was lost.
Rolled 78 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

The east isn’t doing too good,huh
We're used to it. The whims of fate are what they are.
yeah it happens in a cycle to us, we will just get back to it later.
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Nothing much happens in the mountain range in the east.
Grassgreen's attempt at Kites fails - the material is too thin, too frail to be worked with raw, inevitably ripping.
Still, the thin and light veils are better understood. Made of thin, thin stretchable translucide filaments...
You have the insight there are a lot of possible use from those tails.
Ghostclaw's building plan is struck by a series of unfortunate element involving localized earthquake, rock falling from the sky, and claims from the dreaded Great Night Mother. Whitemane's attempt at draining moisture fail - most of the moisture is kept safely from the bitingly cold outside temperature for all being, after all.
>Free action for Whitemane : new selective breeding
Your breeded Dahu are tall and strong enough to be mounted easily. You can seek other characteristics.

The BurningGrass and Jupiter conflict reach a strange state.
Instead of pushing for gains, both opponents gather as much terrain as they can.
However, by expanding so much both of you overstrain your logistic chains. Jupiter's trails are alleviating it slightly, but the lack of Warp-trail infrastructure prevents a complete territorial coherence.
BurningGrass managed to take over all the coveted territories. The cost of succes is such a fast conquest effectively overstretch your logistics more drastically than Jupiter's.
>You will get maluses until the situation is improved.

A significant change officially pushes the Hunterkind from Clay Age to Metal Age : the Forges created by Badback.
This changes comes from a new emerging breed of Moleys : Crack moleys.
Their claws seems harder, they have a tail instead of rear legs (which are vestigials), and they get better and better and digging through hard rock.
The new environment seems to change the metal contents of their claws, turning them harder.
After a slave's mistake (and its thorough ensuing beating), a well-born daughter of the tribe took the stonework construction of a Fire Fern mound, and use it as a furnace to melt the claws, shaping them first with stone and bone tools, replacing the stone by forged iron over time. Their biggest work is the Anvil, a steel table with strong inertia, concentring the strength of Hammer blows on the targetted piece of metal.
Your Metalwork would benefite from a steady supply of Light Moss, like the one of Light Moss Lake Village inhabited by Jupiter.

Last, the Breathless tribe developped a new Psyker branch over time : Fleshcrafting.
With the impressive biology of the Hunter, those fleshcraft changes are permanent on the Hunter recieving it, unlike the attempts on Gliders or Fourbeak, which feel tremondous amount of pain, crippling them too much to get uses of the improve bodies.

>How should your tribe evolve?
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A/N : current map
The daughter that discovered the ability to melt metals is lauded and celebrated as her tools start to change society for the better. In recognition the Matriarch bestows upon her house several presents of wealth and slaves. Not enough to become rivals to herself but still significant. With her coffers somewhat depleted she decrees the expansion of the warp trails further towards the nearest detectable presence of Underhunters in the far away mountains.

>Expand Trail Network.

Map will follow later. Gotta get back to work
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kinda like this. But instead of getting into the heart of their main territory i wanna stay at the edges and just open a dialogue. Dont wanna spook them after all.

As amusing as watching the psykers crash and roll downhill is, the tribe can't help but feel maybe there's some better use for the fancy material.

> Slingshots: By layering the veils together and applying a gentle heat a tough rubber band can be created whose elasticity can be used to propel stones with tremendous and deadly speeds.

Sorry Dr. Dragon, I suspect you've given me something very useful, but I'm too dumb to do anything useful with it
>Cultural Expansion: Theocratic Dominion

Using their large numbers, flockwing scouts, fleshcrafted Fourbeak warriors, and Flockwing priestesses, the Cerulan horde swept southeast. Upon encountering lesser tribes, the Cerulan literally butchered them, chopping off their limbs and leaving the bodies of the survivors to regenerate. The Flockwing took the bones of the severed limbs to start fires, and took the flesh to build temple mounds. Sticking seeds from the homeland into these new temples, those of the natives who survived the battles and dismemberment were allowed to accept the Flockwing traditions and worship at the temples with the promise that the Fourbeak warriors didn't attack devout servants of Flockwing. They just demanded tribute for the temples and the sacred warriors. Those among the conquered who were competant and wished to join horde were allowed to do so, being fleshcrafted into a war form similar to those who had conquered them. Swear allegiance to the God of War (among other things), undergo his painful rites, live by his demanding creed, and you to can become one of the Fourbeaks.

The weak, who did not have enough fat reserves to survive dismemberment, fed the temples to allow more food and an easier life for those who would come after.

The living bring forth death. The dead bring forth life. Both bring opportunity. Don't waste it. - Farstrider Flockwing Gwenica
What is in a name but a story?
>Teleportation runes.
seeing that the empire's territory has grown too large to quickly cross and communicate Buring Grass turns to an answer that worked in the past. if runes exist to block the energies of the warp and stop the teleportation of underhunters why not an opposite rune? She enlists the help of the Lightning Furs and the Far Travellers to create a rune to increase Underhunters natural abilities to teleport or their psyker powers in general. She hopes that the rune might be able to do both at once.
Can’t keep expanding without some form of support, so I’ll try again. We will be performing the Spell Crafting ritual inside a Ziggurat, maybe we need more heat.

>>Dahu Breeding: Feast Dahu. A Subspecies of Dahu that must never Breed with War Dahu. Produces a lot of milk, even without a calf and their bodies are large and bloated with meat. They have a single horn atop their head that curves outwards
Dahu breedng is a free action that will occur over time.
You also have your regular turn.
Yeah that’s what I said. I’m trying to create the spell again, using heated products this time.
Oh, I'm retarded. Business as usual.
Explore eastern mountains looking for more species to spread to the western mountains settlement
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>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor, Makers Workshops

>>Development Turn : Written History
>Matriarch Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw) is very disappointed of the poor justifications and efforts with the construction of the Makers Workshops, so the scribes are ordered to make an organized series of records about past events of her reign and the ones of past Matriarchs they remember. The failure of the Makers Workshops will be highlighted so that it will be resolved in the future.

I have writing and scribes. History happens when you have those two things. Enough said.
Its kind of a wasted turn in a sense, because again, scribes and writing means people write things down already. Still i don't have it. I will probably roll like shit here. If i roll good, i doubt is of any use at all.
Badback : expand trails

Grassgreen : slingshot

Cerulean : Expansion - Theocratic Dominion
+1 from the Icey Ones battlecry

BurningGrass : Power Rune - TP
1d100. DC 60

Whitemane : create Absorb Moisture spell
1d100 + 2; DC 60

Exploration for more species
1d100 + 10 from stealth. DC : 40/80

Ghostclaw : History
Rolled 28 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

what about writing and scribes for history ?
not that it matters, but still.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

100% reason to remember the name
I am missing the 5% pleasure. Well i know what my next project is gonna be
Rolled 67 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

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The power of SCIENCE
With that roll, you're getting Dahus. Still missing moley. With your excellent relationships with Badback, a deal might be striken.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

I doubt Khorn will bless me with this psyker roll so... Tzeentch grant me insight. let me roll 99
Rolled 27 (1d100)


Ahh I have invented an excellent way to launch a rock into my own face.
i might be able to help with that later. giving inspiration with my own bows.
Also this art is killing me; pick comedy.
As an additional perk for fulfilling your god's plan, you are granted an Historical Figure [Scientist]
Feel free to name her/him.
Rolled 83 (1d100)

Rolled 8 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Full sleep, grant me power
This is really not fucking good
QM, I have a question!
Can two tribes cooperate to create the same tech and give it to one another?
I'd say yes.
GrassGreen, you are fond of foodstuffs and I cannot expand without inventing jerky and travel food. How about a partnership? For a turn, the two of us work together on the same research. One of us sends a party into the Other’s tribe and together we make tech
Sure! I've got these lovely stretchy tails, maybe I can use them to seal clay pots and then heat the pots and boil the interiors, inventing canning. Or I could use my existing vinegar to pickle stuff. And of course good old smoking and drying, I can probably build a proper smokehouse with my clay masons.
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Chaas Da'in
Female. Thus shall begin a hereditary line of scientists, uncovering the secrets of the planet and enshrining them in clay. Mothers teach their children all they have learned, and the body of knowledge grows ever larger with every generation.
Sorry fellows. The dreaded real life is calling.
No updates for the next 36h for sure. No guarantee for the next 48h.
Better busy than dead
okay boss !
Writing the update. Jupiter, do you want to strike a deal with BadBack for the missing moleys?
I would not be opposed to it now that my supply is stable and growing.
Hell yeah, I am happy to provide access to the snowrock deposits and be willing to share my architectural expertise in exchange.
I'll let you guys agree
Not sure i will need the Snowrock. But it could help with architecture and possibly cooking if its heatresistant enough with my own much heavier stones being used as a foundation for buildings.

Though i am also very much interested to purchase shed Holey Moley claws at a low price to fuel my demand for tools.
I'll rule that as sharing and exporting the Mortar if that's okay for you two?
Question though. What exactly is snow rock? Is it comparable to limestone or some other soluable tocks that can be turned into mortar? Or is it more like very hard clay?
Clay, only available at the rim of the crack
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Once again, the Eastern Peaks show little developments.

Ghostclaw's written History doesn't hold as tradition. The few tablets are stored, forgotten, tossed away as worthless old stuff lying around.
The tail-scarfes of the Storm are too frail for their slingshot purpose. Blame the high gravity of the planet.
However, Badback's Trails now reaches the edge of your territory. Maybe the Occidentals will bring civilization and prosperity to this new world?
>Both of you have history
The Oral Tradition of Badback and the Itched Stories of Grassgreen let you recognize each other as Kin.
>Free Trade Action are now possible among your tribes.

North, the Cerulean tribe expanded its dominion to encompass a great stride of land.
Soon, the expansion let them encounter the strong huntress of the BurningGrass tribe.
The historic tradition of Cerulean let them remember the BurningGrass-forgotten meeting of the Red Mist.
BurningGrass, due to their ongoing conflict with Jupiter, is naturally Wary of their new neighbours from the North.

In the crack, territory is still contested among Jupiter and BurningGrass.
The feodal lords focused development of a new rune : The Lightning Step.
Creating tentacle-like structures, starting from those points allow a faster and safer Warp-step, even toward uncharted destinations.
This mode of transportation remains less reliable than the Warpway or the Mirrorhalls, but versatile and a solid improvement, relaxing tensed logistic chains.
In the western arm of the crack, a special Under Huntress is born.
Chaas Da'in have a peculiar long-haired white mane around her jaw. And she's in charge of the Great Plan execution.
Taking the WarpWay turns the expedition simple and fast. The real challenge is to catch the unfamiliar species of the Eastern frozen peaks.
Instead of running after the hooved Dahus, Chaas Da'in acted differently. Maybe a reborned GhostClaw member, she observed.
Until ideas emerged, and she took action, deploying Hunters and Huntress at strategic point to channel Dahus toward specific grove, whittling down the fallback options of the horned creatures.
Some are chased out of the trap territory. When the Groves are depleated, they are chased in the now barren land. Alas (for them), the coveted safety around a mountain corner is now delved by a gang of Hunters.
This great success let the wild Dahus now roam the western Peaks, grazing on the Grove. The pods are disseminated with the feces, leading to an expansion of the grove in the mountain.
However, the expansion is better than the Hunter-managed forest, too dense and too hot even for the Dahus to thrive.
This lead Da'in to ponder. What if the Dahu multipliate too much? They will graze all, and destroy the effort of the tribe.
Thus, the introduction of Dahu's Hunters, the Jupiter's companion LeatherGliders, is necessary.
Fearing missing some elements of the natural order of the original cycle, Chaas Da'in pushes for trading the secret of Mortar to some Crack Moleys.
The Moley introduced in the Western moutain range soon proliferate, providing another source of meat for Hunters and Gliders.
Speaking og the LeatherGliders, those carnivorous are poorly adapated to the crack with their difficulties to climb back without thermals, they still become close friends of the Jupiter's Hunters.
Some of the Jupiter's warrior think they might be weaponized one way or the other, for Vertical Warfare assaults.

The great works of Chaas Da'in lead her direct descendant, often sporting a curly white-mane, to take the name of Da'inists.
In particular, the conception of Cycles takes great significance in the cultural landscape of the Jupiter tribe.

And now...

>How should your tribe evolve?

A/N : with the busy weekend and the relentless bug track in my paying job I had no time to draw. Sorry.

The newly introduced material from the Jupiter tribes has several of the other Corporations abuzz. As they sought for a way to use this new material, not only in construction but other parts of life one son of the current matriarch had an idea.

Taking the basic concept of the forge and their own interest in carving different shapes from stones they sought new tastes instead of only grilled meat or raw plants. And so he tried to achieve a new revolution. Better and more complex luxury foods.

Hello. Several of my hunters approach with gifts of some food, as well as some luxury goods traded from Jupiter originally, a few slaves and some basic rock carving tools made from steel.

They greet your tribe in the name of their progenitor, Ruler of the Bad Back Corporation, seeking to trade. They wish to trade for advanced Earthen/Stoneware in return for Slaves if you would take them.

or for access to the Archives if you would rather take that. The agreement would be that your tribe can access the archive to record their own history with the Badbacks acting as wardens with a solemn oath to not alter what you have written about your own history and to always grant access to the building itself to your hunters as long as they come in good faith.

As another sign of good will they are willing to teach you the written language they are using
You would be welcomed warmly and treated to fine foods. It is good to see our kin have traveled far and learned much. We have little interest in slaves, but to learn the secrets of word-in-stone and have a place to inscribe the old histories would be pleasing.

With their amusements at an end the tribe turns to a more practical use of this strange but brittle material. Large pieces are gentle stretched over the top of pots, while thin strips and carefully stretched and tied to hold them in place, sealing the pot from open air.

The pot, previously filled with various foodstuff is then cooked over the fire, with the hope that the seal will keep it from rot and other malicious spirits.

> TLDR: Use cling wrap to invent canning.
So you want access to the Archive instead? you would get your own section set aside with only your tribe members being allowed access aside from the caretakers.

You could of course send your own caretakers to take care of your part of the archives.
Yup, archive sounds neat.
>Instead of running after the hooved Dahus, Chaas Da'in acted differently. Maybe a reborned GhostClaw member, she observed.
Unless Tzeentch has directly feed her the souls of my ancestors she wouldn't know this practice at all or even thought of this. Bad back did not learn of me and just traded, at the time of the red mist i doubt i was that advanced.
Don't read too much into it. It's just a nod that scientific method starts with observation and your tribe is the "Observant" one
Ok GG, I’m making the trek to you so we can research together preservative foodstuff methods. Unless I’m close enough that I don’t need to roll for travel?
Despite everything it’s still me
You'll need to roll. Despite everything, your land don't touch yet.
One of these days I should start caring about painting the map.

>Continue the crusade east to reconnect with the lost way-portal and learn what happened in the far reaches.

>When the scouts encounter the markings of the Burning Grass, Flockwing directs them to send a single priestess to ask the feudal lords to take her to meet with the high-queen. The priestess claims that her goddess Flockwing has sent her as an emissary and far talker to allow communication between the Queen the of South and the Matriarchs of the North. The priestess carries fire in her hands, and black Flockingwing robe is fastened with a clasp made from Fourbeak beaks and tentacles.

What say you Burning Grass? Interested in Communication?
Oh, and since this priestess should have a name, her name is Farsinger Flockwing Fendicta.
Domesticate Leathergliders, breeding them larger to be used as sources of food, skins and mounts.
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor, Makers Workshops, Written History

>>Development Turn : Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae
>Matriarch Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw) with yet another failure in these long years, Gaa"Nhat'cae is more than disappointed. She had live a long life but was unable to achieve what she truly wanted despite, still having success in her four eyes. So near and yet so far away. With her feeling the incoming death of her life, she wished to join properly the ancestors and the spirits, has such she has a great catacomb made for herself and for the future matriarchs, and to the Ghostclaw tribe. The catacomb will be carved from stone and have writings and paintings inside of it.

If history was that difficult, i doubt this will succeed. Despite what i know i have.
The image is the final chamber of this great catacomb, the one of Gaa"Nhat'çae.
An underground Valley of Kings more primitive. No statues yet and the like. No dyes. Etc........ The Makers Workshops would have been the next step in crafting and construction, so no next step. It remains archaic. I can still use it if rolls well, is a large structure a monument of sort, experience would be gained in making it even with the stupidity of the latest generations. Not if it fails of course.

i'll keep an eye regardless.
>castle towns
seeing the increase in tension and possible danger the Empress demands the creation of fortified towns surrounding the Nursery keeps both to concentration forces and to centralize any logistics of the empire around the keeps

by the way, Qm I see you keep on using the term feodal lords do you mean feudal?

That I am. I'd be willing to open up trade with you (even give you the currency tech for free)
>> Seeing an envoy the local lady decides to quickly lead the envoy into the nearest Nursey keep knowing the Empress would be very cross with her if she managed to piss off a tribe of two legs while tensions were still high with the Jupiters. a hot and slightly spicy soup is shared with the envoy and the local ladies' family as is tradition with guests.
i could help with that in future at least. providing transport to your peoples with a growing warp Trail network.

thinking about either extending to you or Ghostclaw next turn.

I am fine with using your currency. The Flockwing position is that a common currency leads to a shared societal value.

The peoples of the North have fire, faith, and the ability to travel and communicate over long distances. They have flying friends to scout the way, and raging barbarians. They are on a grand crusade to reclaim the East at the moment, but the millitant might be willing to take up arms as mercenaries if the Fortress Folk pay well.

The Flockwing priestesses also offer to set up agricultural temples to Flockwing (and whichever other priesthoods are willing to join the flock) to remember, teach, enable instant communication with other temples, and possibly establish instantaneous trading. This will take time, and I assume that even with the support of the Queen, establishing temples and portals would take effort.

As far as cultural foods, they are big on roasted meat and vegetables, but might have some sort of mushroom equivalent from the temple mounds if mushroom equivalents exist.

The northern barbarians wear hide and bones and seem not to carry any metal or heavy armor. The priestess would also be smaller and physically weaker than your people, but with an almost hypnotic voice.
>Feudal vs Feodal
It's something coming from a serious case of me being french and the damn english stealing our words and twisting them slightly.
In french, the word is Féodal, thus the mistake. Thanks for correcting me.
>I assume that even with the support of the Queen, establishing temples and portals would take effort
This can be done as part of your "communication/envoy" action. I assume BurningGrass and you invest a share of ressources, but at the current level it's manageable.
I’m not sure I like a backdoor in my lands from a technologically superior tribe
See I had a plan regarding your smaller but powerful tribe territory. This will be the first time (except for what’s happening in the North) when two tribes work together as one for the development of Hunterkin. You still have Whitemane descendants in your tribe, so I was thinking, when we get this survival rations tech done, want a seat on the council? Your Matriarch’s daughter and whomever else you deem important from your tribe (anyone who has proven themselves can qualify). A real union of our realms. This will make it undesirable for us to conquer you, if you have a presence on the council and in our tribe
Then my decision is made. No hard feelings.

I might expand northward some time in the future though trying to get a circlw going that can bypass the more dangerous routes of my trail network
This could prove dangerous in a few millennia
It could *shrugs*

Not something the tribe would know about though
Badback : cooking improvement
Additionally, you'll roll 1d100 for trading Earthenware against Archives. Merchant triggers so it's +10. The higher you roll, the better deal is for you. Lower means better for Grassgreen.

Grassgreen : canning

>Whitemane : travel
First roll 1d100 for travel. Then if you cross the DC you can roll in addition to Grassgreen bringing your Farmer Bonus along.

Cerulean : crusade
Guess what? 1d100. +1 from Icey Ones battlecry, +2 from Fleshcraft (Forgot last turn)

>Jupiter: Leathertaming

GhostClaw : Catacombs

BurningGrass : Castle towns
Rolled 58, 87 = 145 (2d100)

just gonna roll 2 d100s. first die is for cooking. second for the trade deal
nice. some improvement to my cuisine 58. and a very lucrative trade deal 97.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Rolled 99 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

So now I roll again? with just my farming bonus?
i knew I'd roll a d100 today, but I'd rather invent canning so I can expand further, then spend this luck on the Archon, plenty of time to perfect that later
you rolling good today. and gonna be eating even better while on travel.
yes yes, this is at least 2 more conquest rolls
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Jelly! Jam! Pickles! Mysterious murk that used to be meat and root vegetables!
don't we use my 101 roll though? we are both rolling for the same tech together so its best out of 2, innit?
come on tzeentch let me build up civilisation. give me a 99
Rolled 69 (1d100)

fuck forgot to put in the dice.
heh nice. it seems slannesh would rather bless my roll
I try not to ask hard questions, I just enjoy something actually happening after four turns.
+5 from mounts. This means 94/101.
So factoring in Grassgreen's success, both of you are getting something extra nice from that turn
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Statistics is a word which does not yet exist in the Cerulan lexicon.
+5 for smart?
I'm afraid taming is more a charisma thing.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 30 (1d100)

no even +10 ?
oh well not that it matters with the bad rolls i usually make, i'll take note of it though.
as expected.
+10 from drawing indeed triggers and turn that into success
Hey grass green, you could use the leather to make Flares. You fill a “sack” of leather with a Stove Grove seed pod/Dahu Gas and you light fire to the top of the sack and throw it , high in the air, when the fire makes contact with the pod/gas it explodes and the fireball should be visible from pretty far away
That'd be pretty neat, yeah. Not sure how much good it would be, but pretty neat nonetheless.
So I'm running a fast-paced gauntlet fight in my other thread. I haven't forgotten you guys and you'll get a proper update celebrating complete Under Hunter Progress and discoveries, but not today. No promise on my availabilities before Sunday because of (guess) the dreaded Personal Life.
Near. Have fun. How many projects are you juggeling right now?
Current projects :
>Normal Cultivator Quest
>40K Minor Xenos Quest
>The purchase of my house
"I want to work on" projects :
>The intruding thoughts of running Pokemon : South Kalos again
>I want to start working on my video game again
>Painting my shame stack of 9th age figs
Special cases :
Martial art season is almost over. No training on 4 days a week and 1-2 weekend a month.
My dayjob (bingo free spot)
a Lot of work. didnt know you were into WuShu style things. not my cup of tea. but have fun. and remember to not kill yourself with work.
Lot of stuff to do
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For an unknown reason, temperature rose a fair bit. This lead crops to yield ample harvest, cattle to fatten, Hunters to be fed.
No conflicts are plaguing the Hunter for now, despite the ongoing territorial dispute. As such, development of Hunterkind booms.
This era will bre remembered as a Golden Age for all Under Hunter historians.

The merchants of BadBack stroke a sweet deal with the GrassGreen clan. In exchange of the almost inexistant cost of custody for the archives, an ample supply of Quality Earthenware is provided, in a yearly delivery rate.
As such, your matriarch accumulated and stocked the goods. The foresought will let you benefit of the double-actions of Barter System for the two next turns.
Moreover, a young Huntress discovered something simple, yet efficient that will turn in a staple of Badback's culinary art.
A hunted glider, pierced from part to part by an arrow, is gutted and roasted as is, on the arrow. As such, your tribe developped a fondness for Skewer, a natural thing for a cultur so centered around the bow and arrow as your own.
I beg you to use the 2 barter-system use to develop bow culture and capitalize on the +10

Still on the "cooking" department, Grassgreen and Whitemane united.
The new perspective brought by the Whitemane's tribe member allowed the invention of Canning : an earthenware (or glassware), with Aeromancer taking the air away, sealed by the light and extensible gown of the Storm's delver and the sheer ambient cold lead to really, really long conservation.
What's more : Whitemane postulate how the tail-glown works. It was revealed to them in a dream; this is a mesh of extensible ropes, some bigger than others.
Maybe this intuition about their structure could help you build upon it?

In the west ridges of the crack and the Frozen peak mounts, Jupiter tribe got closer to the brought back gliders.
Notoriously hard to tame and take care of, but less so than their wild counterparts, the new subspecies of FurryGliders led to a group of Gliderners, devoting their life to the care (and martial use) of the species.

Additionnally, architecture developped too. From BurningGrass's castle towns, smaller replicas of the Forever Ice Keep, to Ghostclaw's mausoleum-like Catacombs, stone are set to leave a mark of Hunterkind's history.

Last, the Era is also an Era of Conquest.
Cerulean sent a great crusade to reclaim the land rightfully their. They make great progress.
Until they get closer to their former territory, and the scouts never came back.
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>/qtg/ Kaiju month event!
Soon, some strange, colossal creatures loom from the warp, setting their putrefied eyesight one every Under Hunter's dwelling.
The first Chaos Onslaught will take its toll. Some place will suffer more than other.
But tell me, players... What particular traits of your culture will help you take down a colossal threat on your tribe and its settlements?

And you, lurkers and /qtg/ envoys...
>Roll 1d100 for the Beast of Nurgle assault!
Rolled 13 (1d100)

Nat 100
Our unity under the bow, the Matriarch and capability to redeploy with not pursuit of enemies will lead us to victory over the rampaging hordes

Implement metal into the construction of bows and arrows increasing reach and punching power greatly.

>While the increase in cooked goods brought great honor, money and influence to the eldest son of the Matriarch the extreme levels of wealth flowing into her stockpiles leads to her declaring her daughter her next heir. Eldest Son scowls but agrees that she made the greater contributions to her tribe and should therefore rule.

>Wishing to secure the fabled tolls one corporation head sought a way to block other forms of warp Travel in Bad Back territory, strengthening the barriers between realms if you do not carry the favor of the Matriarch that aadministratea that territory
This kinda thing the development you had in mind?
Rolled 54 (1d100)


Rolling for Kaiju Month!
Absolutely not.
I tried to already bake it in your bow with the arrow tip being a reforged Crackey Moley Claw. I'm thinking "crazy cultural forging ideas", like the meat pillars of whitemane, something giving flair and clout to your tribe. Grappling arrows? Flares? Messenger-arrow system? Good-delivery Warp-ballista?
alright. then give me a minute and i will try to figure something out that is way more out there.

till that. consider >>6048567
to be null and void.
Slayer Arrows.

Using Cryomancy and their intense interest of the Bow a particularly obsessed hunter searched for new ways to combine these gifts to mutiply the hunting and Killing Prowess of any given Underhunter.

His Invention were the the Slayer Arrows, specilized to either kill or capture. Razor Sharp Arrow tips crafted from hardened Ice and tipped with serrated metal. Using the metal to penetrate into the targets body before the Iceshards explode into hundreds of fragments, tearing apart a targets insides. Or thick round heads meant to knock targets down and out to hamper them till they can be overwhelemed in close Combat.

Frag and Knockout arrows.

If this isnt to your liking. Then i will have to shift to creating a new spell to create Soulsnatcher Arrows that pin a creature in place in the warp, making them easy targets if they dont want to tear out their own soul.

this more what you thought?

i admit i am kinda tired after swimming for two hours. so creativity is probably a bit low.
could also do something like a Corps of Bowbased Special Forces that integrate Cryomancy into their Art of Bowhuntership.
With our vertical guerrilla tactics, archers and fledgling air cavalry, we shall evade the wrath of the beast while harrying it to exhaustion and death.
More in line indeed.
Swimming for business or pleasure?
to lose weight. so more pleasure related.

The Hunters of GrassGreen will wage war as they always have, with rock falls and fire bombs, laying traps and shaping ice into ramparts for the monster to blunder into. Aeromancers will propel firebombs riding the wind into the beast. It is large, but it seems to have no cunning, and the mountains of our home will be no friend to it.
considering these are creatures of the warp they will be weakened by the wards on our walls and the anti-psyker amulets that we carry. with our farms safely behind our walls, they will have to seige me which will give me a chance to attack them from below and behind using our ice shaping to create tunnels. we can even freeze them solid preventing demons from spreading their pestilence. hell if it gets really desperate we can just throw enough lightning rock over the walls to cause lightning to strike.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Either bellow 40 or I pass

The Cerulan of the North have a strong system of widespread temples and religious body shaping warriors to fight off the plagewalkers. Their study of anatomy and bodyshaping allows them to cut away corruption and their strong immune system allows them to fight off disease. The flesh-shaping priestesses can study the nurgle beasts to find their weakpoints, and shape the Fourbeaks to take advantage. Flockwing scouts, instant communication to coordinate the war effort, and a large number of veterans from the recent grand crusades help too. The warriors also import some weapons and armor through the new temples to the south, and provide their scouting and communication services to the Burning Grass to help them in their war efforts. And when all else fails, and fire wielders they can Kill It With Fire.
Oh I didn’t read the part where I have to justify myself. Ok. We are nomads. We herd Dahu. We just invented Canning, air-tight canning. We will begin a war of attrition. With frost Mirror illusions we will perform hit and run tactics. We’ll hurl bolts of frost and retreat when the great pustulent beast draws near. We can also just, migrate away from its effective range and come back when it leaves
The tail-glown ropes have many uses. Though the council cannot recall the attempt at using lianas and Dahu leather to make fake-pouches, a quick glance at their own pouch gives them an idea: weaving. By tying the mass of strings together you can form a weird, flexible wire-pouch. Great for carrying all that canned food around.
(I have a lot of other plans with this rope)
from what i understand only the lurkers roll. And this is not also a development turn, just an event turn correct ?

The Ghostclaw warriors and shamans will face together this monsters, thanks to their faith in the spirits and ancestors. They will ambush this monsters at night hitting them with spells of ice and throwing rocks, before attacking them and finish them with their morningstars and stone bleeders. The runic amulets will provide aid in keeping their minds protected, as will meditation before battle.
Correct. Whitemane put you in deeper trouble by rolling :)
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here is what a Grower of Ghostclaw thinks of this.
If you need it our gates are open for your non-combatants.
here is a scribe clothing.
I will be away for the next two days.
Duly noted. Thanks for warning.
I expected a bit more participation from outsiders.
I'll keep shilling my thread left and right to get a few more rolls;
i did some shilling with the Chaos Crowd. Threads kinda dead over there but maybe one or two people will show up here.
probably just summer
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Fuck you Xenos.
or maybe it's not their kind of quest. Which i can understand, just lurking or rolling doesn't interest me at all. They could do something like Breathless, but it might feel like "too many cooks in the kitchen" kind of situation. Depending on how its handle it.

I suspect people are looking for see how things go, and get an idea of what we can work with when in the space age.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

>Beast of Nurgle assault!
n-no. This cannot be. It’s not just some middle-demon of Nurgle… I brought company and a sickness that has been bred specifically for us. This will have major consequences to our food emporium
just invent vinegar. or Alcohol. lots and lots of Alcohol and Molotovs!!!!
Dw about it we have a resilient natural health. That and how Underhunters are built should help a bit. This will be our first big disease like a Black plague i suppose (i recon if we all manage to kill those chaos beasts they will live their shitty corpses behind. If not wipe or chaosification probably). With the difference, our civilizations are not that advanced, or with high pop.

This will suffice for a while since we cannot cover every single aspect of civilizations on our own (this is one of the reasons why the death of Icey ones was such a blow to us. One less tribe means > no tribe that turns in a underhunter civilization with his own developments, territory and skills. While other races will already have everything you expect them to have. Which is ... is mildly annoying}.

Hopefully i will able to get my armors and make a proper step to bronze age religion. Then expansion.
I'm still missing two "suck it 40k nerds" rolls
I might roll them myself tomorrow.

For now rolls are assigned :
>13 for attack on Grassgreen
>54 for attack on GhostClaw
>49 for attack on BurningGrass
>21 for attack on Jupiter
>95 for attack on BadBack

Next rolls are destined to Whitemane and Cerulean.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Neiglen commands it
Well at least green grass isn't getting fucked well unless they roll a nat 1
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Oh well. I am putting up a good fight at least

Or maybe i am just coping
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Do it Nurgle!
Slaanesh is rooting for you!
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I’d make that deal.
One of us needs to invent toy-making. I have a plan to invent the Propeller Hat, but I don’t know if I’m allowed to without having a bone carving culture first. Plus I wanna make 3 specific things with Rope…
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Rue'Vahn, there may be those who Rue the day your vaunted dice were rolled. Does Chaos grant the Cerulan their 1 in 5 base chance of victory over the vice of filthy filthy sloth? Let's find out today!
Dr Dragon, do you want us toss dice or are you cackling madly and just adding more Kaiju everytime one of us rolls?
It will be enough; I have trouble for most of you.
I am still surprised on why Badback asked for more trouble here >>6050595 by rolling umprompted; will try to write this morning.
dude... i literally rolled in answer to you assigning me a DC.

if that is not clear might i point you to >>6050601

because it would not make any difference what bonuses or mali are applied to me after that. the DC is already fixed. But fine.

then i hope i at least get to roll twice against those attacks.
I was doing a little bit of "Trolling"
Sadly, there won't be rolls in answer to that event. Just the pile of rubble some call consequences.
ah great. Civilistation gone without any recourse.

being hyperbolic here. this probably just gonna hurt a lot
Honestly you'll be "fine". This would have been devastating, maybe game-ender for GrassGreen or GhostClaw
i absolutely get that. i was doing extremely well beforehand. well just gotta put on the Big Hunter Pants and pull the belt tighter..... if my hunters had invented pants yet. they at least got straps for their bows.
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On their effort to claim back the historical territory of the Icey Ones, the Cerulean tribe met the towering scouts of the walking forteress on its way to slaughter Hunterkind.
>78 for attack on Cerulean
Despite their well-thought plans, supply of veteran, amazing logistics, fleshcrafted Fourbeaks and support of BadBack, the sheer amount of colossal piles of rot is simply overwhelming.
Part of the gains of last crusade are stripped away. Your loss are countless.
However, your fleshcrafter made a discovery : the beast are Under Hunter. Your own kind, wearing patches of cerulean and lilac colors. Wearing the vocal poach of IceyOnes, turning songs into disease-carrier.

Grassgreen clan's smartly use the terrain and their trapmaking to harass the beast before it makes it ways toward the settlement.
>13 for attack on Grassgreen
This is extremely efficient. Looks like the Home Turf advantage is real; the Grassgreen tribe only lose a couple hundred of hunters in the scuffles.

The Ghostclaw's clan attack at night. Their superior mystic tools and weapons seems to hurt the atrocities.
>54 for attack on GhostClaw
However, they are a tad unlucky : four Beast converged at once on their home. Two were taken down by Vanguard. One was mobilizing all able troops in the heart of your territory.
And nothing was stopping the last one... Except She-who-shall-not-be-named.
The Mother of the Night, the Taboo entity always dwelling nearby, didn't liked very much the aggression on her designated prey.
The onlaught of arcana pelted the beast, stripped its flesh away, turned it into a lifeless husk.
If anybody saw the events they might reconsider the role of the Great Night Mother in the Pantheon

>49 for attack on BurningGrass
The defensive nature of the land of the warring tribe of BurningGrass, coupled with logistics allowing troop transport, prevented the monster to deal too many damages.
However, fighting close and personal the pox-ridden abomination had a cost : dying of sickness or poison is an oddity for an Under Hunter. Most Warrior engaging in those close quarter fights developped green-filled bubons and died a few days after the fact.
Of course, some were luckier than most. It seemed that your high-born have a stronger resilience to disease than the lower classes. You lost several thousand hunters, but the ennemy is repelled and you territory is safe for now.

Jupiter based its defense on Vertical Guerilla Warfare, mounted archery allowing raining arrows from close but safe positions (on the way down, followed by painfully long hours of climbing back).
>21 for attack on Jupiter
The height and verticality of settlements helps tremendously the defense effort. The Tunnels delvers are the one suffering most from the attack, but nothing outlandish.
Kill them! Kill them all! My Brother can't step his ugly foot in this frozen garden!
Your god's command is clear. You're on a holy crusade.
Badback's strategy is using the Bow and Warpway to harass and quickly redeploy. Alas (for them), they suffer the blunt of the attack.
>95 for attack on BadBack
Around as many beasts assault their territory than all the other combined. Despite the good strategy leveraging their strength, the warrior are strained and the eldritch horror carve a second home in the heart of Hunterkind.

Like most of their fellows Hunter, Whitemane's tribe member fought a war of attrition against the pestilent beasts.
>37 for attack on Whitemane
Unlike most of the other, Whitemane's ability to reposition their nomadic dwelling send the towering beast in a merry goose chase, letting them whittling down the attack of titans without unrecoverable losses.

The Chaos Onslaught is still in progress.
Now, What will your tribe do in this age of rot and decay?
is this development related or general tactics?
Depends if your prefer to fight or tinker that turn.
You have two actions thanks to last turn. You can take two fight actions, or two development actions.
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>Using Cryomancy, hatred for the newfound foe and their intense interest of the Bow a particularly obsessed hunter searched for new ways to combine these gifts to mutiply the Killing Prowess of the Under Hunters agains the foul spawn overrunning our defences and squatting in our territory.

>His Invention were the the Slayer Arrows, specilized to cripple abd destroy the stinking hordes. Razor Sharp Arrow tips crafted from hardened Ice and tipped with serrated metal. Infused with Psychic Powers these arrows become especially powerful at banishing the foul husks spewd out from the warp. even when not killing outright the destruction of intertnal tissues makes these beasts even slower and as such easier prey.

>These beasts being so close to our homesteads and the central corporation can not be allowed to continue. They shall be driven off with Hunting Prowess and copious amounts of fire.

Jupiter if our pact still holds bring copious amounts of light moss to apply to our arrows. These things shall burn!!

Also Pic related is where i want to strike. A crooked X marks the Spot.
You hardly need to ask, sister tribe. We are delighted to further our god's plan and to assist our allies.
The Jupiter tribe will mobilize our entire economy, our gatherers will collect lightmoss and transport resources to the south, our artisans will devote themselves to creating stable foodstuffs to be used in combat and bricks to help in rebuilding, and every able bodied Pongo will rain hell down upon the accursed interlopers with infernal fury.
>If anybody saw the events they might reconsider the role of the Great Night Mother in the Pantheon
Did someone see it or i can decide ?
Not sure i wanted it at this point sound like a very high DC
It's a potential GAINS for you. That mean spend a development action on religion and night mother.
You can not change fundamentally what it is (a local spirit feeding on Hunters that is rightfully feared by the tribe) but you might do something else from this. I'd say you need to find a way to feed her souls of Hunter before anything else if you want to spend your turn on that.
“>13 for attack on Grassgreen
This is extremely efficient. Looks like the Home Turf advantage is real; the Grassgreen tribe only lose a couple hundred of hunters in the scuffles.”
Jesus… a 13 and they still lose HUNDREDS? On a Single-tile tribe? How much of a population boom did increasing our lifespans by 14 really do?
The answer is. YES

I dont think i wanna know how many hunters i lost even with asymetric hit and run style tactics
If we have access to Tail-glown rope, thanks to trade. I would like to use this age of war and pestilence to invent knot making and weaving. Many weapons will come from this: the bola, the net, the sling (not the slingshot).
As well as tools like the basket to carry food and materials.
That’s right, fake pouches:take 2
>invent knots and weaving techniques so the rope can catch and hold stuff
I want to crank numbers up. We're no longer in mudhut tribe stage, we're deep in antique Hunter age. An hex is around 1000km big, and you colonize those.
You lost like the equivalent landmass of France and Poland to Nurgle. Loss are counted at least in the several tens of thousand, if not hundred

I'll interpret that as "threading the gown into thread, proceed create rope and knots"
Motherfuckers. Yeah. Fire and Brimstone are the only reasonable answers to this. And i might have to meet up with Ghostclaw to get some runes that allow me to trap their souls and purge them even from the warp.

We will require strong blanks to do it

The tribe survives more by luck than any true skill or prowess, but luck can turn sour in an instant. The tribe requires tools and weapons that can lay waste to these beasts. Simple clay and pelts and sinew simply are not enough. The tribe finds inspiration in the clay kilns, there occasionally are found shiny stones, soft in the heat instead of hard, stone that melts like water then cools back to stone, stone with the color of brilliant sunset sun. The tribe calls it sun-stone shaping, and hopes it will give them a much needed tool to slay the beast.

>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor, Makers Workshops, Written History

>>Development Turn : The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith

"With the death of Matriarch Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw), her daughter, Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw) has become Matriarch. Her rule started in a difficult age, has it always was for Ghost Claw, foul warp spirits attack and the Great Night Mother showed herself somehow. But Gaa"Asd'hre has found guidance, when from a dream she had seen from the spirits, she was able to write down on a great stone of the faith of the tribe. She writes of our gods, what they want, what they have done. This is our most important Hre, this Hre has such value that none could hold it in their hands. This holds our Adi-Jark, our Silent Faith"


Fully written in the pastebin. A change from tribal spirits, to gods. With some mythology throw in there.
(image is representation of a portion of the stone which is like a pillar in size and form, a thinner Ghostclaw house in a way)
>Ranged weapons (javelins, slings, ect)
Knowing that engaging in melee with these monsters is folly (and that there is no honor in dying to sickness) the empress takes inspiration from her neighbors and commissions the creation of weapons to kill as many of the foul beast as possible before they enter Claw to Claw combat.
>Develop Heroism

The elderly heroes of the crusading era: Flayer Flocking Agatha, Bonelord Fourbeak Alorne, Eightbeak, Warsinger Rememberer Kale and the oracle of the Frozen Queen gathered together to discuss to invasion. A priestess was sent to the great courts of Burning Grass, and even across the borders into Jupiter and Badback seeking Underhunters of wisdom, valor, and might to devise a way to combat the rising tide of filth. It had been said that there were those in the south who knew how to weave strength into the blanket between this world and the dreamworld, and such a weaver was especially sought, as Flockwing said that the monsters pulled their powers from the impossible realm of dreams.

Agatha, who had always dreamed things as they were, declared this to be an invasion from the dreamlands, and thus a battle of stories and wills rather than mere might and magic.

Kale reminded the council of the old cult of decay which had vanished when Songate in the east fell long ago and suggested that the old songs of the Banshee goddess IcyOne might reach their souls.

The Eighbeak argued that like all battles, this one could be fought with many weapons. For lifetime now his warriors had practiced Flockwing Warfare, cutting off the limbs of the defeated and encouraging them to join the Flockwing Cult. The towering ones could also be de-limbed and brought low.

Alorne suggested that the ice-singers who would be brought for political reasons anyway also shape funneled domes of ice which would channel the howling ancestral wind. Then his Fourbeak firekeepers would fill the windchannels with fire, and the channels would hone it into a cutting blade, as he had honed beak into speartip. He would also take one of the cunning young warriors of promise and make a similar funnel for him of shaped bone, to project fear and flame.

The elders would gather a crusading army, cut down the foul kaiju, and sing the deeds of the great heroes who did these tasks, showing the rot worshipers that their god was weak and that they should submit to the superior Flockwing faith. The body of the Underhunter was already durable. What did the Plaguefather offer that the Underhunter did not already have?
Rolled 44, 17, 15, 98 = 174 (4d100)

Badback : Slayer Arrow - 1d00+10
Might improve next roll.
Badback 2nd action : War - 1d100 + 20 (Bow; Warp assault

Jupiter - Supporting BadBack's war effort - 1d100 + 17

Whitemane : Ropemaking

Grassgreen : Copperworking

>Ghostclaw : Religion

>BurningGrass : Ranged Weapons

>Cerulean : Heroism

>Currently rolling for Chaos effort.
First dice is the target of BadBack and Jupiter.
Second Dice is the one east of BadBack.
Third Dice is the one adjacent to Cerulean.
Fourth Dice is the Northenmost.
Rolled 64, 36 = 100 (2d100)

first die is with a +10

second die is with the +20
and those northmost chaos corrupted Hunters are really entrenching themselves.... a mini nurgles garden. That might have to become a priority target to stomp out.
Rolled 98 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Come on, not a fail
that'd be Nets, Bolas, Slings (throwing rocks and iceballs tied to Dahu Horns) Baskets and the Yo-Yo.
Next up? Propeller Hats and finally the Archeon. Golden Age!
specifically, the toy is called a Hun-Hun and it is a polished iceball with a deep trench in the middle of running the whole way round. You balance the sphere on a rope that rests inside the crevice in a loop. Try to see how low you can make the ball go without the rope falling out. If you can make dance along the floor while you are standing up and the ends of the rope are parallel with your shoulders, you are considered Cool
I'll sell you a complete string and rope process, nets, and Yoyo as cultural-defining weapon-Tool (+7 to anything Yoyo related)
Rolled 100 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

"We live and die for our Adi-Jark"
yeah. yeah you do. religious crusades when?
- The gods are very damn real
- The gods have each a chosen in Hunter Form
- The Night Mother also have a chosen which is an antihero.
that stacks with Dahu armor, Dahu mounts and Psyker-Fighter, thats nearly a +20, I'll take it
honestly? I'm glad my Cultural weapon is the Yoyo. a ball made of hard material tied/containing/nesting a strong, thick rope leads to a lot of cool weapon ideas. Flails, ball'n'chain, Kendamas,etc. And on Horseback tying a rope and heavy ball around someone's leg and dragging them around while you raise ice spikes behind you to shred them is a very cool visual

At last.

Before that i'll try to get armors again. It would be really cool if i had those so i can look the part
i dont care much for religion. trade instead of fighting?
Rolled 81 (1d100)

I'd say I'm rolling to burn down the house while playing with incredibly hot molten metal...but the vast majority of Hunter infrastructure are made of stone and clay.
Good to see someone's dreams of rope coming true.
and your skipping at least straight to bronze up there
Bronze would be pretty nice. Maybe we could introduce Nurgle to some bronze tipped arrowheads?
could work yeah. though right now i developed psychic Frag arrows. but the Bronze Arrows could be useful to shoot Lightmoss into the enemy without setting the moss of with too much psychic activity.
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Holding out for a Hero

Also: Jupiter, and Badback, would you like to engage in any trading or cultural exchange with the Cerulan barbarians? Flockwing priestesses are happy to erect agri-temples of learning in any nation willing to host them.

Burning Grass: How would you feel about sending the second or third daughters of your nobles to a sort of universal learning center to mingle with intelligent minds from across the crack? I'm not ready to build such a hall of learning at the moment what with the invasion, but plan on doing so once peace breaks out if I can find some takers.
I suppose heroism wasn't meant to be.
as i said above. not really fond of religion so no temples on my clay.

Trading could maybe be arranged but you would have to see to it that you get it home yourself since i would have to enter negotiations with Burning Grass to get access to my webway back to shorten travel times dramatically.

which considering the political situation might not be feasible.

That Idea about a learning center could be workable. however an archive and good connectivity all around could be very helpful for that
Uh ? Why did you ask for crusades then. You send two different vibes.

Trade will happen when it happens or not, so we will see.
I was more meming that you discovered religion and would start a crusade like Cerulean
Rolled 64 (1d100)

Give me weapons to murder better khorn I beseech you
Sure I'd be willing to do that
I could always just act as the middle men like your trader's trade with mine and then mine trade with his.
That could work. I guess borders are not impenetrable and Hunters still talk with each other even if i am a bit paranoid about your northern Brawny Hunters.

However Logistics are your problem as soon as it crosses into your territory.
So we're still missing Jupiter's roll and this is as good an excuse as any to procrastinate on drawing the update...

You guys can sort out a business agreement as a free action.

i could probably offer access to some of the earthenware i buy from Grass Green and throw in some of my older Bone-Sinew bows without steel reinforcement for your warriors to use as long range support. Also some of the fine foods i get from Jupiter at times.

Or even mercenaries for the north if you want to.

pretty sure you still dont want slaves so i wont offer those.

What would you be willing to offer in return?
Offering excess earthenware will destroy your next turn's free Barter System action.
i am getting that stuff on a regular basis?

If i cant offer that without loosing that benefit then i will need a good offer if they wanna get that Earthenware.
Too be honest I don't have as many trade goods as you but I could offer currency, food stuffs, (I'd offer old armours but they are probably too big for your people), and thunder stone jewelry.
Yeah I just kinda want to set up passive trade between the three of us as a sort of background thing that our people do. Not so much the actions of states but people.
Rolled 56 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

i was thinking about a deal to sign as general softening of relationships after a long time of general tensions.

but one can make it a general thing.
Yes, would love agrarian assistance with the western mountains, I'm sure our writing and clay would be well suited to your temples. What else could we potentially exchange? I have expertise building in vertical terrain, as well as foodstuffs, and quite a menagerie of domesticated animals.
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The conjoined efforts of BadBack and Jupiter are just enough to contest the territory from Nurgle, then take it completely back.
This is due to the development effort of the Demon-Slaying Arrow, a new surprise tool damn effective against things with a strong Warp presence.
Moreover, by sheer luck, the Nurglist of the East of Badback's territory doesn't made much progress and the Merchant clan is able to contain them - for now.

Once again, the Eastern Peak showed tremendous progress.
The GrassGreen clan built bigger kiln. Those let them to create a new kind of Earthenwork : harder than clay or glass, the new discovery is dubbed Hardearth.
Moreover, mixing sparks of Hardearth to Earthenware or glassware let the tribe discover a new range of material and colors to express themself - limited for now to two hues, red from Hardearth, and blue from Fernflowers.

The Whitemane tribe discovered a way to use the tails of the stormdwelver to make strings :
Exposing the tail to cold and wind why spinning them on a long Dahu bone breaks the structure into strings, that are braided together, in an insanely strong rope.
Soon, rock are carved and a new culturally-defining weapon-tool is created : the Hun-Hun, a grooved stone cylinder.
This let the mounted warriors to send a devastating half-ranged blow, and pull back the weapon.

But the most striking change comes from Ghostclaw.
The attack of the atrocities crystallized believes and awoken the Pantheon of Gods, no longer mere spirits but real entities.
How do you know their presence is a true story and not a fairytail? Well, avatars walk among you, coming back in a new-hatched hunter once the previous Avatar dies.

The ideal of Heroism doesn't hold in the Far North of Cerulean.

Souther, the BurningGrass matriarch spared no expense to find a way to fight efficiently without compromising in close quarter with dangerous, infectious beasts.
Several attemtps are made. Until a solution is found : some Hunters are trained at the youngest age to throw massive round rocks at a distance.
Those specialist are trained since a young age to work on their range, accuracy and carry capacity.

In the Far North, however... The garden grows.

>What next?
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>Current map
Finding it unacceptable that hunters can so easily get infected by the plagues carried by these monstrosities the current Matriarch of the Clans send envoys to Whitemane, seeking their rope to use as a binding material to hold together hides, to create makeshift extra pelts worn over the hunters pelts that can be discarded after being soiled when close combat with the enemy can not be avoided

Second Action is to attack the last Nurgelite realm to try and stamp out any chaos corruption in my territory.
The hardsmiths of GrassGreen set to work forging weapons of war, members of the butchering and clay working guilds coming together to make a new guild focused on the shaping of hardearth. These weapons, and warriors to wield them will be sent to the north, that our brothers are well armed against the monsters they hold from our doorstep.
So do you wish to develop the Warpway? or take an excruciatingly long walk in the mountains?
The Hun-Hun is a great striking weapon. But on Dahuback, it is tripping and dragging that wins fights. We shall shape a new spell, unlike any other. An Enchantment. From shards of Glacial Drifter ice, we will pour our Psyker essence of Frost inside them, then beat them into our Dahu's Hooves (less horse-shoe more hoof jewelry). When an Enchanted Dahu runs, the rapid contact with the earth awakens the ice shards, making trails of ice spike shoot out behind them.
>The Winter's Gallop, an enchantment upon a Dahu that lets them make ice spikes behind them.
This will allow us to grapple someone with our Hun-Hun and drag them face first through a row of sharp daggers
>Fourbeak Mounts / Warbreeds

Having had partially domesticated fourbeaks for some time now, the beastmasters and fleshshapers continued to work with them to make them more suitable to warfare. Rather than goad a few fourbeaks to disrupt a village ahead of the main attack, the fourbeak were shaped and grained. Made larger and capable of carrying a rider. The riders for their part used staves, spears, or nets to disrupt the foe and allow the fourbeak to tear them apart. The fleascrafters added ligaments and imported metal edging to the mouths while toughening the hides to make them resistant to enemy claws. More than that, the beastmasters dulled the Fourbeak independant streak to push them towards being pack animals, like the Underhunter. During the wars in the east, the fleshapers were also used to remove nurglite corruption.

In the south, with the invitation of the BadBack, the Flockwing Priestesses began setting up temples and providing their now traditional services of agriculture, education, long distance communication, and portal-trade. They also brought the concept of currency from Burningrass lands and the Rememberers told stories of the mighty heavy infantry in their stone castles.

Meanwhile the Jupiter rejected the priestesses of Flocking. Flockwing, for her part, said that this was because they were servants of Farflyer the evil god of pointless plotting and deception for its own sake. The Jupiter even sold Underhunters as slaves. While the Cerulan and the Flockwing didn't have a tradition of slavery, they were opportunists and were willing to trade food, fleshcrafting services, and currency in exchange for more conscripts for the endless wars. In particular, the Cerulan were happy to buy any rebels or dissidents. The mindcrushing was antithetical to Flockwing culture, which said that people should learn from their mistakes, . While the Agathites could supply the Cerualan with an endless host from the flesh-cauldrons, Flockwing had forbidden it saying that way led to social death and tyrants strangling creativity in the interest of maintaining power.

As the Underhunter population grew, and cultures mingled, the great minds of the Cerulan contemplated the establishment of a grand university to be attended by any who could afford the price, there to gather the greatest minds among those with the resources to implement change.

Feel free to copy the Cerulan agricultural methods if you'd like. The Cerulan have partial domestication of Flockwing and Fourbeak which they use for scouting, hunting, and war. They don't have the proper culture or climate for Dahu cycling, and the Dahu aren't meat eaters like the Flockwing, the Fourbeak, and the Underhunter, which might confuse them at first. How could one be beastfriends with those who won't share the carrion feast? They'd get it eventually when the Dahu ate from the mounds, but I imagine that they'd need to see glorious lancers to really appreciate the Dahu.

While I could do interesting fire-related things with earthware, I don't have plans to do so at the moment. Just saying, clay can hold more than pickles. You could try converting kilns to blast furnaces and move into the metal era if you wanted.

If you do ever decide to accept the temples in your territory, they'll offer the same services that they do to the other cultures they've been embedding in, namely telepathic communication, dedicated education, birb scouting, portal trade, and generally fostering trade and communication between nations. Flockwing doesn't care if you accept the faith or not so long as refuse is donated to the temples and the priestessess can maintain the sanctity of their portals and treasuries. Also, if you choose to allow at least one Flockwing temple at the site of the proposed City, I'll send a Bird Lawyer down there to advocate on your behalf saying that you've met your city goal.
You mixed up Jupiter and myself. Jupiter is the one touched by tzeentch. And we both make use of slaves.

And traders are welcome but i would not allow temples to be errected. To any god/gods. If you need a place for your portals to be maintained that can be arranged.

And i already have metal. I am buying earthenware and stuff from others and reselling those luxury resourses within and outside my borders

Yeah Warpway needs expanding for that trade to become possible. I will provide a map soontm
but thinking about it once more. i could allow ONE tempel at the edge of my territory linked up to my own path network for trade. and maybe allow access to my archive if you want that in return for some education.
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blue expansion first. orange afterwards since i just need one tile to get to whitemane lands. dont wanna jump into those right away due to their own wishes.
I'll let you guys pinpoint a location for portal in the map.
Burningrass, did you allowed such portals on your ground?
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i can offer these three locations. you will get a connection to my path network with a dedicated gatekeeper unit to bring people somewhere else if they wanna go fast somewhere in my territory.

in return i would ask for permission to use that temple as a waypoint to expand my warptrail network in the north. it could also help you by shortening supply lines for your crusade against Nurgle.
It depends on how those portals work. IS it a point a to b teleport or more like a warp road where they can drop out of it at any time
>rune of vitality
Knowing that melee combat is inevitable with the beast of rot the empress calls upon the expertise of the lightning furs and far-seers to create a rune to amplify the strength and health of the user. She hopes this will allow those that fight the beast to withstand the rot
Also qm I noticed that both my lightning step rune and castle towns are missing from the pastebin
It's because I'm not updating the pastebin on each update - i'm working locally in a .txt file that I upload again each thread
They are A-A portals, like a door, not a road. They are one of the things around which Flockwing temples are built. Traditionally, Flockwing temples connected to the great Mirror Cave in the distant north. This allows the temples to be defended by the faithful. One of the Fourbeak military tenets is to overwhelm the opponent with local superiority. The actual workings of the portals are a secret of the priestesses, but it's no secret that they exist and can import mercenaries and trade goods from the North.
The Flockwing are leery of building warp roads in the north because they fear that demons will infiltrate the roads. This is part of why they use point-to-point portals which don't really interact with the Warp.
>Which don't really interact with the Warp

Of course, of course.
Yeah...... you are getting an extra large Garrisson.

Now. Please choose one of the three points i marked on the map here >>6054294
Orange, black. Or grey
dont take the Garrisson as me trying to take over your temple. they will be stationed outside in fortified positions to make sure no intruders... from within, without or beyond threaten that place.
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>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars)

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor, Makers Workshops, Written History

"Matriarch Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw) has passed a great crucible. The Silent Faith is true, and the avatars of the gods are here. A new age has begun, a great one for Ghost Claw this time"

>>Development Turn : Runic Stone Armor
>After such relevation and victory, Gaa"Asd'hre decided to see that the warrior of Ghost Claw could gain better protection than simple clothing. A new project, or old project one would say if it knew, begins. Pieces of stone are made, well carved, then tied together with lianas of grove for the warrior. The armor is then decorated with symbols, writing and paintings, alongside pieces of horns, teeths and bones. Makers and shamans have seen fit to work together for create such a thing. The avatar of Agaar is asked for aid, while prayers are given to Agaar alongside some offerings of food

didn't have time yesterday to make some different helmets variants. too tired.
armor i feel didn't need to change. so i just reposted

well i guess i should have changed to Adi-Jark in the text, but again eh i wasn't at my best. Next time lol XDDDD
"We live and die for our Adi-Jark" will be one of the main lines from now on.
We're still lacking Jupiter input, right?
seems like it.

Hey Jupiter >>6053186
its time to decide what you want to do
Jupiter has been given a clear objective and a clear target. We continue our purge of the god-damned abominations to the east, with or without assistance of the local tribe.

You don't speak for the Pongo.
The Jupiter tribe will happily exchange freely, and we are very interested in your ideas of portal and temples. We invite you to guide us in the construction of one, though we will try to build it into the walls of our territory, specifically at the very end of our home ravine. Obviously it will be dedicated to our own god, but we don't mind giving you our 'refuse' as you say.
Alright. So i got some more help herr in the east to crush the Nurglite uprising in my territories
Its a manner of Trust, BB. We just had a Chaos incursion, something my people know came from the Warp, something we know your Trail runs on. We cannot afford a backdoor into our territory without first proving yourself as a capable steward. As for the Rope trade, we'll see, its damn good rope but our other materials are mostly ice and bone and plants, we could reach an agreement.
no problem its why i am getting to the edge of the territory not inside. i can drop out like an hours march away instead. the Trade must flow.

my personal opinion is that my ways are safer than the portals and teleportation runes since aside from Jupiter no one else can even observe them from the outside.. but i am obviously biased here.
Cerulean, as Jupiter is open, do you want to create a temple in their ravine?
Black, near the border with the Nurgleites, that the Flockwing and their Fourbeak warriors might be closer to the fight. The Flockwing and Fourbeak celebrate the large garrison assigned to observe the first temple south of Burning Grass. Many mouths to feed, many ears to learn, many soldiers to entice to join the Crusade against lazy Chaos.

No, the Jupiter don't seem to want us there. They seem to want the technology, without the culture. The Burning Grass have been friendly, so Cerulan will support them in war, industry, and trade so long as they continue to be welcoming. The Bad Back seem suspicious, but willing to accept the Flockwing for what they are, so the Cerulan will engage in trade with them and see if relations improve over time. They'll also send flockwing scouts out from the Temple to spy on the Nurgle forces to the east and offer information to their new neighbors. If Bad Back decide that they want the Flockwings to observe the locals and point out bandits and miscreants, they'll do that too.

The Jupiter don't seem to want Flockwing or the Cerulan, so Flockwing and the Cerulan will stay away. Since I see the Flockwing in Burning Grass lands as primarily supporting their nobility, since that's who holds power there, the Flockwing will trade goods with the Jupiter if they come to the Burning Grass strongholds which allowed temples to be built nearby. They'll stay out of Jupiter lands other than diplomatic envoys until the situation changes.
Incidentally, the role I'm shooting for here is for the Flockwing to take on the role of the 2nd estate in the foreign lands and establish temples as centers of learning, education, and faith while supporting the rule of the local powers that be over their populace.
then there your temple shall be errected.

and hopefully these Nurgelites wont be there at the end of my matriarchs reign.

its probably more likely for the Juptier to come to your temple in my lands since those are connected via Warp Pathways and as such movement of people and goods is probably easiest there. but i wont speak for what they want to do.
>Flockwing doesn't care if you accept the faith or not so long as refuse is donated to the temples
>No, the Jupiter don't seem to want us there. They seem to want the technology, without the culture.
You change ways faster than our god.
We do not like this
>Obviously it will be dedicated to our own god, but we don't mind giving you our 'refuse' as you say.

pretty sure the Flockwing faith wont build a temple for another god to be whorshipped in it. kinda beats the point of builidng a temple for a religious order if its not for their faith

not an attack. that is what caused the change of heart with building a temple.
Correct. The temples are Flockwing temples. They don't care if the Jupiter or the Bad Back worship Flockwing, but the Flockwing cult maintains the temple, including the garden and the portal. The priestesses will teach Flockwing's ways (experimentation, preservation of knowlege, building on old foundations, etc.) to those who come to learn, but they'll scout and maintain the portal to allow goods through whether the locals worship Flockwing or not.
What about a bigger temple, with room for both gods?
Not sure if that would work on both ends, beside faith on their own more for the deities.
Tzzentch might give you that murder-grape stare too even if he likes plots, chaos doesnt like sharing most of the time.

Not judging. I do want to ask if this is all IC diplo talk between the two of you ?
i've been using the pretense of diplotalk to slack off and procrastinate the update.
No more.

Badback : Send envoys to whitemane (and warppave the way) 1d100; War - 1d100+25

Jupiter : supporting BadBack's war effort - 1d100+17

Grassgreen : Weaponmaking to provide for Whitemane

Whitemane : create new spell, Winter's Gallop

Breathless : Fourbeak Warbread

BurningGrass : rune of vitality
1d100. I'll give you a +10 freebie cause I feel it's been a while you've used the secured Unique Ressource that is Lightning Rock and thus you deserve a bonus.

Ghostclaw : Runic Armor
The repost only give you +1 instead of +10.

Diplotalk result :
Cerulean created a portal at black location of >>6054294

BurningGrass : opened discussion, didn't answered past >>6054542

Jupiter and Cerulean have yet to reach an accord.
It's been a slow turn, but I love the back and forth dynamic among you guys.
Rolled 10, 16 = 26 (2d100)

first is warp paving.

second is war effort with a +25
puh..... ouch. at least i only need a small result to pave the way.

but that war effort is.... not good. i think my matriarch is developping dementia and keeps sending contradictory orders.
Honestly, it feels like the East might be looking at a new age of progress after the incursion is beaten back. GrassGreen? You up for another collaboration? I know the Archeons are my project and, in truth, only some members of your tribe can even learn how to Astrally Project Themselves for the ritual, but think of the Wind Drifters! You can’t say our previous work was a failure, together we get results!
Rolled 9 (1d100)

In for a egg, in for a mate, I guess… understandable that I get no bonus when it’s such a new field of magic and we haven’t done any cloth-making for Dahu so again, understandable
I’ll take it. Better this than Hun-Huns themselves or the Archeon Ritual or anything actually critical, a fumbled war spell means less tactics, but we still have the fastest warriors on the entire planet
big F my dude. maybe we can have some trade and still something good can come of this turn.
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Smithing noises!
Rolled 48 (1d100)


I'm potentially open to the dual temple idea. What do you envision. How do you see the temple being organized and operated? What role does it play in the community/political climae?

Also, by what name do you call the demon god of plots and lies? In the Cerulan pantheon it is known as Farflyer.

Also, might as well throw dice. Will the Cerulan build upon this of bad rolls, or will they just add to the refuse heap of failure?
Rolled 44 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

Glorious victory!!

The Pongo are curious, we have not tried to dedicate just a single building only to the veneration of our lord. We would like to learn from your ways and imitate your practices in our own style, and there is no reason for us to be hostile to your god the way we are to the cursed invaders. We would only accept if it is clear that our god is not placed lower than any other, but on equal footing. It would be a center of learning and cultural development, and we are very curious to learn of what you have discovered in the spiritual realm, of gods and otherwise. Of course, it is a strange idea that our one is not alone, but it was strange when it first approached us as well.

We have no 'proper name' for our lord, largely it is referred to as 'The One who Speaks' or 'The One who Guides', sometimes 'The Lord of Change'. It is accepted that it may have a name it calls itself, but until it chooses to share that information with us, it is not for us to know.
Rolled 79 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

You can't keep getting away with this Ghostclaw.
And out of the way. >reposted
Interesting if thats your approach. So that will be the same if i use other old images for things that failed before.
Maybe add some misfortune later on. Or wait for Karma to rear its head. There is gonna be a 1 there one of these days
>And out of the way. >reposted
I don't quite get it?
The image.
If you want only new images and no reposts i will make that.

I fail rolls enough on my own. Having a spit of luck now is nice especially since i should be able to actually take more land with this and avoid being wiped or at death door every time I roll multiple bad rolls
Well, your high-effort draw-in effort paid several time. Just now, the +1 changed the roll from a gets to a GETS by reaching 80
Rolled 28 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Sorry I'm so late didn't check yesterday
Rolled 92, 37, 17, 35 = 181 (4d100)

Hello Late, I'm QM rolling for Chaos effort.
Order is top to bottom, left to right
So my chaos infestation got a 35. Lets hope the combined efforts of jupiter and myself will still be enough
I'll take a double-validation of Jupiter and Cerulean regarding the temple building.
I'll try to update tomorrow; no promises.
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Few development happens, mainly because of the lingering threat of the Chaos Invasion : after all, even though colossus don't attack anymore the settlements, walking piles of rot are still seen.
This result in a minor accumulation of stress and emergency state preventing all developments, barring two :

The Ghostclaw Runic Armor is now a reality. Three time as thin as BurningGrass's stone protection, the result is outstanding thanks to the mystic energy embedded in the runes.
>Grants +7 in fight.

Meanwhile, in the Far North, Cerulean tribe stroke several accords with the other hunters. The Temples open in garden.
Plus, the Cerulean infrastructure and tradition of tunnels, traps, false walls prevent their new guests to wander too deep away from their authorized spaces.

But this is secondary to their real improvement : Warbreed Fourbeaks.
Bigger, but dumber and tameabler (which impact negatively their fighting capacities, a necessary cost to pay for them to stop eating their riders)
>Fourbeak Warbread - +3 to fight.

In the south, Badback's attempt where nastily interrupted by the presence of the Rot Titan. Nothing the conjoined effort of Jupiter And Badback couldn't clean : Nurgle presence in the south is no more
For now
North is not so lucky : Chaos progressed. At the detriment of Cerulean's territory. The traps and tunnels are not enough to stop the targeted slaughter from the colossal demons.

>What next?
i take it you would like to have some help up there?
i am willing to help you out and sell the services of mercenaries.

btw. why didnt i manage to extend my warp path range?

its usually connected to a travel roll and you still get one tile at least
Too poor roll + Nurgle garden on the way, thus I dimmed they managed to kill your emissaries crossing over their position;
nurgles garden.... in the way.... of my warppath? That they cant see or interact with in any way?

or were they on the path to the Whitemane territory?

alright. just a bit confused where it was. would have liked a heads up about the cause
>That they cant see or interact with in any way?

I'd say they can't use it directly and you have a relative safety. However, I'd amend the "not interact" part : a bit like BurningGrass able to stop the Warpway using runes, the Nurglite where able to project a presence strong enough in the Warp as their garden spanned just under your Warpway

It was mostly a way to write in the failure in a beliveable way.
okay. so better protection for the paths just got bumped up the priority list by.... a lot.

The hardsmiths of GrassGreen join forces with the psykers of the tribe and and experiment with enchanting weapons with magic, creating blades that lash out with cutting edges of wind and spears that fill a target with blades of ice from the inside.
I was hopping I would have assistance for this great task, but I'll try alone.
Let us capture some Glacial Drifters. Archeons will soon prove a necessity. I fear we may have a leak
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Makers Workshops, Written History

"Matriarch Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw) looks at the horizon. The warriors are ready on top of their clothing a new marvel of Ghostclaw craftmanship made between Makers and Shamans was realized. Indeed a blessing of Agaar, our warriors can better survive war. Now they are ready to take new lands for Ghost Claw, with morning stars and stone bleeders in their claws, and the Adi-Jark in their minds. To the North Frontier."

>>Development Turn : Holy War for the North Frontier
>"We live and die for our Adi-Jark"
>"It has been decided, that now it is time for conquest. Prayers and offerings to Ior have been made for receive his blessings and favor. Gaa"Asd'hre wants to take the north, and expand Ghost Claw, it is needed, the devils numbers where great and the Adi-Jark must be know and grow further."
>"Here in the North Frontier, Ghost Claw will bring their words of the Silent Faith, Adi-Jark, so that the wild packs will accept us and become assimilated. If they do not bow, one by one, all of the packs will be attacked with ambushes at night and in combat until their leaders and their packs surrender. They will accept our faith and be assimilated in to Ghost Claw."
>"It is right, and so it shall be. Gavdai lend us wisdom. Agaar lend us courage. Ior lend us strength. Lramd lend us kindness. Keer lend us inspiration. Oh Adi-Jark, deliver us from the sins of Rarn"Aeea. Praise be."
>"That is a sign of Ior, if i have ever seen one brothers and sisters !"
- a warrior of Ghost Claw looking at the North Frontier at the start of the Holy War
(image above looks behind this guy)

here is the modified paint image of where Ghost Claw expands on the map. 3 tiles
Use the learning facilities in the temple, observational sciences and knowledge gained from fighting to learn more about the cursed beasts, to determine weaknesses and vulnerabilities so we might kill them better.
Also potentially try and contact our god in the new temple if we have time, communicate what we have done to follow their instruction and what we are doing to defend our lands from the rotting beings.
since i didnt get any real answer from Watcher to my question here >>6058429
i will go for an advancement again.

with the nurglite garden gone but still having devoured my delegations it is time to improve the pathways.

The new Matriarch commands that the pathways be strengthened with multiple layers of defense against warp leakage, turning the paths into tunnels near impervious to intrusion without being brought in by the Badback themselves.
>purge the unclean
Knowing that they can't allow the beast of rot to reach her lands the Empress calls upon her vassals and goes on the offensive. Hopefully with Cerulean allies and BadBack mercenaries

I'll let any warriors planning on fighting the beast of rot free passage through my lands. I think I'll also be buying the service of your warriors or at least buying some old weapons from you.
mercenaries can be bought and will be equipped with suitable weapons.

Not sure if the Bows will be taken too by your warriors. some slayer Arrows on mercenaries should help you guys greatly. and maybe the principle can be applied to the rocks your people throw.
I meant ice weapons not the bows. My guys would probably be shit with them.
You mean they psychic iceweapons. Those the mercenaries can just create using their psychic powers. but i could also teach you their creation then your warriors could actually use them permanently against this menace and wouldnt have to disengage to get a new weapon when one breaks. These weapons are made from Ice afterall and rely on one being able to maintain them in the midst of battle.

In return i would like to get some help with my protective project for my warpways. You have runes that block warptravel nd my paths. I wanna secure my paths and would like some pointers how to adapt that technology.
Seems like a fair enough deal. I accept
hey big nothern man. we are still waiting for your input.
>Nurgle took his soul.

Can I get a F in the chat?
Come on Breathless
Truth is it's summer and a busiest time for a lot of anons. We'll wait. I have faith in our resident Lurker-turned-player.
probably best to wait for the weekend. or the cerulean leadership had a similar anyeurism to my own leadership last turn.
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Hello all. Sorry about the delay. I have been without electricity for a few days.

Anyway, what do you think of this twin temple Badback?

>Cultural Development: Phalanx - not much metal needed. Sharp and to the point. They can pin the Nurglites in place while the riders sweep the flank.
i wont interfere with your temple development so long as the temple stays on its alloted land.

i think you might wanna talk to Jupiter about their god. The Badbacks dont have a god or pantheon. at least for now. and for now no other public displays of whorship are allowed

also good to have you back. hope you didnt suffer too much without electricity.
Oh I could definitely improve it, if I had access to my laptop where all my editing programs are, but this is it, for now, made 40 minutes before I had to take my Social Media and Civic Participation exam.
Good luck with that exam
Grassgreen : Psykerblades
1d100 - 5 from the prevalence of blanks among your people.

Whitemane : Capture of Glacier Drifter
Somehow the one that remained is heavily depressed, but still alive after all this time
1d100 + 21 as I can relate around all your bonus for that task.

Ghostclaw : Conquest
1d100 + 39 (Ambush, MorningStar, RunicArmor, Draw-in)

Jupiter : use temple to investigate Demons + godtalking - +10 (5 from superior intellect, 5 from circumstancial Temple research)

BurningGrass : Purge the Unclean
1d100 + 30 (Benefitted from Ice Weapons in addition to other bonuses)

Badback :
Mercenaries fighting Chaos
1d100 + 15
Warpway research : 1d100 + 10 (help from BurningGrass Runesmithes)

Breahtless, before I prompt you to roll, asking for "military" development will let you fight chaos at the cost of a malus on both your battle and research roll.
Rolled 41 - 5 (1d100 - 5)


Magic swoordddds
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That's not very nice of me. I'm aware. But the poor luck made me laugh.
Rolled 66, 98 = 164 (2d100)

first roll is for the mercenaries fighting chaos.
second roll is warp way research
the new leadership is clearly way more competent than the previous matriarch. After dethroning her more and more deranged mother by tricking her into going on a hunt in chaos infested territory her successor quickly sought what could have caused such madness in her mother.

finding that it might have been her frequent warp travels through somewhat unsecured territory she decided that a lot of focus needed to be put into increasing the security so no more hunters would get lost or become deranged due to the influence of the warp on long journeys. Putting aside the unreasonable grudge against their northern neighbor when confronted with the threat of the rotting colossi she traded the secrets of their mostly redundant ice weapons for help with the runes that had once broken their warpways apart.

And their research bore fruit. Several of her best Hunters found ways to integrate the runes with slight tweaks, to make them their own and keep them a good secret, into the warpways increasing security by a lot and making it near impossible to wander off the track on accident. While still keeping the paths flexible in case something big would need to be moved through them.

The Mercenaries reports also seemed promissing even if they couldnt use their favored tactics. the screening of the way tougher and more armored Burning Grass Hunters provided the Bad Back Mercs plenty of opportunity to pelt their enemies with Arrows. And this armor seemed useful to the matriarchs eyes. Maybe something to be considered for the future if relations could manage to improve.

Maybe she could even ask Burning Grass for access to the dilapitated parts of the Warpways again in the future.
I've come to accept that 2/3s of the time I do nothing and 1/3 of the time I might as well as done nothing.
you wanna try to cooperate next turn? I could probably help you in some regards with weaponry.
Sure, I'll probably give mundane weapons another crack next turn.
oh no i mean that the pic was made back then, like a month and 5 days ago. I got a big enough grade on that exam that i finished with a 8 for the final grade, up from a 4
Rolled 50 + 21 (1d100 + 21)

such big, thick, girthy bonus. It would be a shame if I rolled bellow 10
thats why I ask for more twinned rolls, Grass Green. I succeeded this time, but what about the next roll? Better we all roll together
so a research alliance type of deal?
hmm. BBA, you are still a stranger and your communal way of interacting with the warp is far safer than ours, but leaves a bigger trace and a gaping hole.
If GG trusts you, I suppose the council could as well, but we should trade first, mingle, before we agree to a proper alliance.
As I said, you have to prove yourself a competent steward, if you wish to connect us, ground us, into a specific spot, a clear hub
being a good ally to your ally helps as well i guess?
OK, sure. Long shafts with little bits of metal on the end to pin the foe in place and deliver targeted force to a small point of impact. Cultural, military, scientific, philosophical. Any of those tags could fit.

Also - allow any nation who accepted a Flockwing Temple access to Certulan's Rememberer and Temple Agriculture Techs if thye want them. Those two techs are on open display at the temples. The Cult is also making heavy use of Burning Grass money, so I suppose I'm stealing the idea of currency if not the mints. The Flockwing cult was instructed to spread the single currency far and wide in an attempt to tie the nations together economically and culturally.
Rolled 82 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

Blood for the blood god (come on 88)
still a cool 112 for your troubles.
I think QM wants to know if you wanna do it trial by fire where you try and get this working while fighting chaos or try and perfect this method before throwing it into pitched battles.

Also i might acquirr some of those freely offered agricultural techniques. My archives do a more than good enough job when it comes to remembering stuff
Rolled 63 + 39 (1d100 + 39)

Yes Ghost Claw Theocracy time soon
Arent you already a Theocracy? Now your more a small theocratic empire the size of a continent
Sure, let's fight Nurgle.
Allright. Give me 1d100-20.
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Lucky #7
I suppose i am. I just feel like its still a bit tribal. But not anymore. Now i am definetly a civilization
Unfortunately 7 is nurgles sacred number. your fucked
I was grumpy about my dice but now... less so.
It was nice knowing ya.

At leas you didnt roll a 7×7. That would be extra cursed
Rolled 50 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 72, 65, 34, 70, 50 = 291 (5d100)

My turn to roll
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The age of chaos invasion is proceeding. Intruders watching the situation unfold might feel the situation in the far north to be concerning.
The ambient doom resonates on the mind of the creatives hunters once again. Almost no progress is gained on this age.

The Psykerblades of Grassgreen burst into shard in mere instants.
The Pongo of Jupiter spend their life searching for hindsight through meditation, only to hear their god mocking them :
Time haven't come yet. Let my brother's influence grow. Let the Hunter's ichor run thin. Then seize influence.
However, the constant monitoring of the Southern Peaks lead to a new settlement : life developped enough there to sustain independent colonies of Hunters, only a few hours away walking the Warpway.

In the North, situation is more than concerning. The Cerulean are still waging a merciless war against the Nurgle's demons.
Tricks are attempted. However, the life toll is so much than strateges are killed, strategies rediscovered, tactician killed anew.
The situation is dire, with Nurgle forces on the verge of conquering more of your settlements.
That would have been not counting on the biggest Hunter alliance so far.
BurningGrass army, bolstered by Badback's mercenaries, fight Chaos as their life depends on it.
The martial-inclined tribe efforts are good enough to reclaim previously lost Cerulean land, and then some more where BurningGrass establish its stronghold and nurseries.
Badback's mercenary, of course, paved some Warpway as is their custom.
Using the portals to report their trials and findings upon building in such psyker-dense and hostile territory to the rest of the tribe lead to breakthrough in Badback's Warpway research :
>Yet another Warpway-related crit (at least the 4th? )
No one can block the Warpway. No one can invade the Warpway. The Embargo on your path over BurningGrass' territory are respected by your people as a matter of courtesy and not enforced on you.

In the North East, the Whitemane tribe, eager to pursue its fabled Archeon secret plan, transmitted by generations and generations of council member, set of to chase some more Glacier Drifter.
It is a relentless success, as 3 new ice colossus join the bounded one. They thrash and rebel, but the several-generations bounded monster doesn't bulge.
It knows that its best way to free from the shackles is simply... waiting.

Far in the south, the Ghostclaw tribe sent an unrelentless wave of domination over the wild packs.
Their technological, psykerical, cultural and martial supremacy surge in an unstoppable tide.
>Unnatural crit reward : sweeping horde - as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain

>What next?
The Matriarch sends out envoys seeking more allies and stir the Jupiter Tribe into action. The spread of that chaotic corruption will need to be halted if they are unable to reverse it. Or they will spread out of control. Mercenaries are good and well. But a unified front will be needed if victory is achieved.

Spreading their tunnel ways to the borders of the Pridfeul Whitemanes they seek to establish trade relations hoping to offer weaponry and resources in exchange for their help fighting the nurglite menace, unaware that the garden has spread to the northern borders of the Whitemanes territory already
Though i will also offer helping out with Weapons research as part of the tradedeal. Better weapons could help a lot against these things
You got Great Khan. careful you don't collapse into a dozen micro-states
I have something else in mind. I will write it when i have time. Same for drawing it.
Let us attempt the Archeon ritual of soul transference. The jaded Drifter thinks he's smart, but Hunter Souls are potent things, we will devour and replace him!

I would like some assistance with the roll, if anyone is feeling generous, but I might be able to do it by myself
Was thinking I'd host a weapons research conference for anyone who was interested. Fire up the forges, bring out the stimulant paste and good food, see if we can advance the collective knowledge of killing for all Hunter kind.
That could work yeah. Put the brightest military mind in a room for a coupl cycles and dont let them out till they have found a lot of good proposals and projects
>Yet another Warpway-related crit (at least the 4th? )
>No one can block the Warpway. No one can invade the Warpway. The Embargo on your path over BurningGrass' territory are respected by your people as a matter of courtesy and not enforced on you.

Does that mean the backdoor has been closed?
The Pongo remain silent to the Bad Back envoys, showing hospitality as befits our oldest allies, but avoiding discussing the filth-beasts.

Instead our society shall relax, returning to leisure and pleasure after such intense militarization has wrought no fruit beyond immediate safety.
Delighted at the possibility of living in a warmer climate, we emigrate and holiday en masse in the southern mountains, all members inspecting, and those who find it most agreeable staying to cultivate the gardens
The emperor and the Eldar are on suicide watch, a bunch of primitives on a warp-infested ice cube just invented the Webway:2
yeah... this might be our way OFF this rock when the Exterminatus comes.

or a way to get away from Nurgle..

Though i still need to be able to build entire cities and continents inside my pathways. which would be hilarious. Tiny enclave seemingly eclipsed by everything around it.

looks in warp. A couple trillion Hunters living in the Pathways. "Allow us to show us why we are the Apex in this part of the Galaxy."

Minor flaw of your plan : agriculture doesn't work in your warpway. And never will for obvious stake reasons.
its alright. i will probably have to provide massive amounts of foodstuffs just to be able to get to our local moons... do we have local moons?

if not the next planet is a hell of a lot further away.

then we just have to survive. break into commoragh. steal one of their suns and start practicing hydroponics growing.

small stuff really. absolutely nothing could go wrong with that plan.obvious sarcasm about things being fine if we get virusbombed from orbit is sarcasm.
>Burning crusade
The invasion of the rotten beast has been halter but they must be burnt out to secure the lands of the empire

So much for your military alliance.

GrassGreen hosts a weapon crafting convention, sending envoys to all tribes, seeking to develop better tools of war. The forges are stoked hot, the good food and stim paste flows freely and ideas are exchanged so that all Hunters might be better equipped in the fight against the flesh beasts.

The focus of GrassGreen itself is the creation of a heavy pike, useful for maintaining distance from the horrors or a decisive deep strike into their flesh.
we'll present our HunHun. It can be improved. More cutty bits, more stability by tying it to a shaft so you can still defend yourself. We are mostly hoping for a leatherworker to come up with a way of improving Dahu plate armor
i am willing to offer up my knowledge of the Slayer Arrows to fight against the warp based threats. maybe spears could be equipped with these tips. they are one time use. but if they can cripple a behemoth even up close where a bow would be a hindrance that might just be enought o help safe lives.

or even as a Tip for a pike like weapon while a heavier metal blade forged from finest steel gives the main killing power.
You have FUCKTONS of local moons.
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History

"Meda'Nsa Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw), has proclaim herself Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker), High Shaman alongside being Matriarch. Ghostclaw is not a tribe anymore, now they are the holy realm upon the land of the Adi-Jark, the Silent Faith. All of Ghostclaw is jubilant in this great age, the north frontier has been conquered and converted. The ancestors are proud, our first Holy War was a success ! Praise to the Adi-Jark, Praise be to mighty Ior for your strength, to Gavdai for the granted leadership and Agaar the courage needed. Praise to Lramd for their succor and Keer for intelligence. Praise be our Adi-Jark has we follow your path and avoid the sins of Rarn"Aeea. PRAISE BE !"

>>Development Turn : Njate Ake (High-Family)
>"Great Speaker Gaa"Asd'hre has decided than a second Holy War will wait. It is time that the holy realm administration is further refined and transformed for better rule and lead the vast lands. From now on large families will be established instead of smaller ones, this will be the Njate Ake. Each Njate Ake had one or more exceptional ancestor behind their creation, which they will remember and follow in example. Every Njate Ake will be able to adopt and include, anyone without a Njate Ake in their ranks and from any social class. Gaa"Asd'hre has Great Speaker, will found the Njate Ake Ghost Claw the largest of them all, after her the Land Wardens, old and new will found their own."
forgot name

This stone is inside the Njate Ake Ghost Claw home, the residence of the Great Speaker. This is for commemorate the creation of the Njate Ake and the Njake Ake Ghost Claw role has rulers and religious leaders, similar stones are crafted and given to each Land Warden.
>Build the Cerulan University. Anyone who trades with Cerulan may send their intelligentsia there to hobnob with other smarties. It is a place guided by Flockwing's dictates to experiment and discover. The flood of warriors from the South allowed the Flockwing priestesses the chance to build for the future rather than wasting their time on vorpal blades or sword saints.

>See about importing limited amounts of ceramics from the south. I have a cunning plan. I suppose that I could use ice for it in the north, but ceramics would be more traditional.

Burning Grass: how would you feel about the Cerulan building a smelter or factory near your mines to increase the production of metal goods within your territory? Not sure when I'd get around to it as I have some other potential research chains which would go with it, but checking to see how you'd feel.
I don't have mines or metal (or at least I haven't gone looking for it). the closest thing I have is a Lightning Stone quarry.
Yes. Badback's metal is harvested on dead creature.
Ya know i have smithys and stuff for working with metal. But i could see to start helpikg out those in the north that are directly threatened by setting up outposts that raise Holey Moleys( Domesticated Crack Variant) and making metal goods to be used for your benefit though a portion would still remain in my own coffers
I need to get around to putting together a spreadsheet because lacking remembrancers as I do the unwritten memory strategy is not resulting in success.

there is a pastebin. it only gets updated at the beginning of a thread.

but it contains all the stuff up till then.

but if you want in game access to remembering stuff access to the archives could be arranged.
- sweeping horde - as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain

forgot i have this to add
Badback : travel to Whitemane
DC 35 to chart the way. Good enough roll mean secondary action.

Jupiter : invent Holidays
>Whitemane : Archeon
Roll well. Looking back DC is 60 with a flat roll feel free to remind me bonus I might have forgotten

>Grassgreen : weaponsmith research conference
You have enough weapon variety that it gets interesting for each and every of you to share and learn.
Each attendee can roll 1d100. Ghostclaw can't attend as lacking transportation.
Attendance means sharing your weapon technology.

BurningGrass : Crusade
1d100 + 30

Ghostclaw : bloodline specialization

Cerulean : build university
1d100. +5 circumstancial bonus from temples and Hunter interconnection.
>bloodline specialization
Where did you read that from ?
Rolled 3, 11 = 14 (2d100)

First die is travrl. Second for weapon conference
. . .

Sigh. Well there really is dementia going on in my ruling family
>From now on large families will be established instead of smaller ones, this will be the Njate Ake. Each Njate Ake had one or more exceptional ancestor behind their creation, which they will remember and follow in example. Every Njate Ake will be able to adopt and include, anyone without a Njate Ake in their ranks and from any social class. Gaa"Asd'hre has Great Speaker, will found the Njate Ake Ghost Claw the largest of them all, after her the Land Wardens, old and new will found their own."

I thought you wanted your own brand of vassalization/lords?
My wording might be poor though.
Sort of, but i was thinking in more administrative means. I didn't think of them specializing and they can already get underhunters from all social classes in their own ranks.
with that said do you consider it the same thing or something else ?
Basically I interpret that as feodalism with clans that start specializing due to "Remember and follow in example"

Your own brand could be based on Core Values instead of jobs or specialties of the Grassgreen and BurningGrass
i am good with that. Roll unchanged ?
At least +10 from the new draw-in. Then, I haven't caught more bonus on your sheet.
Rolled 53 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

roger roger

Alright. Pitch me the core values of 3 clans, including the matriarch line.
Kay. Do you need something immediate and short (a few words/one), or something a bit longer that i write later in the day ?
Take your time.
Also, if you guys are wondering where your luck went recently, it's just those guys siphoning it from you

This Junior is willing to apologise to seniors, and wish them luck on their refining paths.

Really, loads of luck, we need a good stockpile to take from
i will just have to make my own luck then. The Archives will record all the failures of this summit so they can be brought back later with more improvements.

i might go for Ballistae next turn.

now be careful you dont get thrown against some near unbeatable monstrosity due to becoming too reckless.... like has happened here i believe.

we can only hope that chaos will start cannibalizing itself once its been confined to the north.
From the first invasion defeat, they have kept going. There will be no infighting, whatever remains of the Icy ones there is just the slaves of the devils. Leave them there and they will make sure to connect with Nurgle Garden. Understandbly if i was them i would attempt to rush and spread disease everywhere.

But i am not them, i am the glorious holy kingdom of Ghostclaw !
i am not suggesting letting them alone. only hoping that they will start to murder each other and make our jobs easier by swooping in and cleaning them up.
Rolled 23 (1d100)

I'd say something to the effect of "how many rolls can I fail in a row?" But I know the answer is both technically infinite, and that we're not even rarer than a 1 on a 20 sided die yet.
fair enough, problem with that is that they have multiple targets. I'll try and move north further soonish, and get a transport method too.
Soon as you get in range of my warpways thats all we will need to get your warriors north.
Now, it will take six failures in a row to get to a better unlikelyhood than 1/100, but I feel confident that I can get there.
Rolled 6 (1d100)

>Whitemane : "Investigate" Glacier Drifter
the Insight into how they work lowers the DC by 5 to 55. I also made a drawing of a Archeon, though I know its nothing impressive (just a glacial drifter with a Hunter's eyes reflecting off its mirror like face). It's up to you do decide if that gives me a bonus, I'll roll without one and you can decide if we add anything to the roll.
Rolled 10 (1d100)

it was either I roll bellow a 10 or I roll a 100, I am not surprised...just wish one of my allies would've indulged me with an assistant roll for this very dangerous project

attendance roll
Rolled 2 (1d4)

It was giving you a DC of 45
now, how many Glacier Drifter does your failure kill?
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Have you seen my dice? I would have just killed more of them. Some dumbass tribesman blank would have given them a hug and shredded their soul.
You know what happens when I get bad consecutive rolls, right?
I'm afraid I don't.

But I know what will happen if you guys keeps collectively chaining such disastrous rolls.

- Njate Ake Ghost Claw

Founded by Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw) after the conclusion of the victorious First Holy War, the Njate Ake Ghost Claw is the ruling Njate Ake of the Holy Realm Upon The Land of the Adi-Jark (often simply said Holy Realm of the Silent Faith). This Njate Ake has countless great ancestors, and was the leader of the tribe from the very beginning. Their rule is holy, and this can be seen in what they did. The respect of the dead, the caring of the people and land, the skill in war and most of all their faith. While in this new age, Ghost Claw is victorious it wasn't always like this. In the rule of her mother Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw), and prior to her, many tragedies happened to the tribe. In all of this though, Ghost Claw pushed forward. A personal lesson has been given from ruler to ruler, and in the family at large. DUTY. DUTY, to the Adi-Jark, the Holy Realm, the Ancestors and Ghost Claw. Where emotions fail, when tragedies and defeat arrive it is through DUTY that Ghost Claw moves forward. Their blood has been blessed and given the burden of leadership, so they must repay it with the CORE OF DUTY.

- Njate Ake Snow Moon

Founded by Land Warden Gaa"Saf'Suh Snow Moon (She-Word-Happy Snow Moon), its a Njate Ake placed on the new north. This Njate Ake, has fought closely with their Ghost Claw rulers and being their first line in many wars, be the ancient past, the invasion of devils or the first holy war. Very devoted to the Adi-Jark like all in the Holy Kingdom, and particulary Agaar and Ior are very appreciated by them. Such thing has reflected inevitably with the passing of time, and it has become a personal lesson, that envelopes not just in war but in peace this Njate Ake. VALOR. VALOR, in the face of monsters and barbarians that would see the Holy Realm defiled and destroyed, VALOR for gain greater honor for the holiness of Ghost Claw and the Adi-Jark, VALOR when great and little tasks that seems insurmountable face them to take them head on and surpass them. Theirs is the CORE OF VALOR, in war and peace no matter the cost.

- Njate Ake Ice Boulder

Founded by Land Warden Gaa"Tfa'Bof Ice Boulder (She-Friend-Wind Ice Boulder), is a Njate Ake made in the west. This Njate Ake is fairly recent, even their Land Warden didn't become one not too long ago. And yet their service, has been quite important for the Holy Realm. The idea it self of the Njate Ake was partially thought by them while talking with Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw, and prior to this they have been pious in pray, with firm claws on their morning stars and with keen eyes in construction and writing. Theirs is a Njate Ake that has a method that for others may seem slow even. But it is methodical, it is not a case that they appreciate a lot Keer and Gavdai. Wisdom, Observation and Intelligence resonate with them and they have made it in a personal lesson. PATIENCE. PATIENCE it is needed for the good Land Warden to rule, PATIENCE is needed for the good Warrior to win, PATIENCE is needed for the good Scribe to finish. Through the CORE OF PATIENCE, the Holy Kingdom and the Adi-Jark will bless us.

- Njate Ake Bone Storm

Founded by Land Warden Gaa"Uyd'Asd Bone Storm (She-Dark-Stone Bone Storm), by order of Gaa"Asd'hre was placed in the east. This Njate Ake has some history in the past with Ghost Claw, their path intertwining many a time. Faithful, exceptional growers and enforcers of the Code of Law. Lramd, is the one they follow the most, to repay her kindness to the Holy Realm much must be done. By following the law, the weak can be protected and the realm is secure. All of this has been encapsulated in to a lesson. INTEGRITY. INTEGRITY is the rock that holds the house, INTEGRITY is the answer against the sin, INTEGRITY is the arm of law, INTEGRITY is the bulwark against the devils. With the CORE OF INTEGRITY, the ancestors will be pleased and sins kept away.

Rolled 47 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

if Khorn won't give me his crit maybe Tzeench will give me the tools to kill his enemy. come on 99
oh shit, it adds up to 77.
Rolled 93 (1d100)


Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel, I made you out of clay.
At least some are rolling good to fantastic
Rolled 4, 8, 5, 27, 89, 91 = 224 (6d100)

Rollling for Chaos
At least chaos also rolled like shit most of the time
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BurningGrass, you there?
Working on the update. Your roll is good enough/Their roll suck hard enough for you to overtake any hex adjoining your conquered one in the far North. Please indicate which one you'll prefer.
The one directly east
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Once the again, the eerie influence of chaos seems to permeate and pollute the tribe's development.
Ghostclaw conference is a failure - the different participant failed at regrouping at the same date, a weakness of saying "in 3 moons" with a sky as cluttered as the one above your head.
Whitemane's attempt at creating Archeon failed, and two of the four Glacier Drifter succumbated.
Badback's attempt to pave the warpway forward were delayed by logistics - having misanticipated their economy once BurningGrass is not paying for mercenaries any more.

However, all is not doomed. In the South, the Ghostclaw tribe secured their new territory with an improvement of Land Warden. Three of them, and the matriarch, created something going over jobs and bloodline : Values. The Hunter take pride in their values, cementing the already tightly bound Ghostclaw community.

Jupiter reaped a nice reward from their work in the Western Peaks. There, the higher temperature coupled with the diverse life let them tinker and try, until they perfect something no one ever tried : an holiday resort.
A place with abundant food and wine, caterers for the Hunter's needs, and time dedicated for the self instead of the survival of the group.
This might be a powerful motivator for Hunters.
"Good. Now, leverage everything you acquired from the other to fight the corruption in far North.
Each span of land you fight for must be yours. Must be profitable for you to get involved.

Cerulean, in the Far North, set some land apart and its keenest minds to create an University.
Every Hunter (barring the isolated Ghostclaw) heard about it, and wonder about sending their own keenest there.
>University rule : each turn, Breathless can designate a research subject. I'll assign a DC.
>Each tribe can chose to participate or not. Can negotiate their participations conditions.
>If there are at least 3 participants, each participant can roll 1d100. In case of success, the knowledge is shared among all participants.
In case of crit, you might "retain" the success for yourself. You don't have to, but you can.

Last, BurningGrass is the only one making a true effort against the Chaos forces. Their warring culture is paying off, as more land is taken from the rot monsters claws.
However, the gangrene spreads - at the expanse of Whitemane, which lost around a third of its territory to the colossus, despite the meat pillars slowing their relentless march onward.

>What next?
A/N : you might feel I'm lazying on the artside.
You'd be right. I'm reducing that aspect of the quest to keep it running smoothly enough.
i think i will put all the words i made and will make somewhere. Probably i will use the Adi-Jark pastebin

Another way of travel is never a bad idea.
the silent faith and the core values are saved in my .txt and will be updated next thread
Woulf specializations count towards university rolls? Like they try something with bows.lets say develop bows into Ballistae. Would my bow specialisation trigger when i were to try and help out?

And does helping out take resources away from any other projects. So could i expand my pathways and still help out in researching?
Bow bonus will trigger on your roll but not on the other.
University gives free rolls if there are at least 3 players pulling extra income. Said extra income can't be used for trading, buying mercenaries, or going to Jupiter's resort.
Okay. So kinda what i figured about the specialisation bonus. Thanks for confirmation

> Improve techniques of the forge and smithy

Sorry, too busy for anything more.
Oi! GrassGreen! You fancy a war against the plague-things? I am gonna reclaim my territory and try to expand upwards, feel free to join me, same for you, BadBack
I am gonna fight these things yes. and depending on what Breathless Cerulean wants to research i might be able to send you mercenary forces. the price would have to be discussed after i see what the research project at the university is.

seeing that technology might become impossible to develop the newest and youngest matriarch of the BadBack Company, in recorded history calls to fight these monstrosities wherever they may arise.

Several of her mates were ordered to bring as many Hunters as could be spared to support the Bruning Grass Fighters and their Close Combat prowess.
Sure, let's fight some plague boys.
You guys will have difficulties pulling a common front in the far North until the Warpway (or your territory grassgreen) reaches the frontlines. For now, I'd advise Badback to expand Warpway, Whitemane to pray for beating the chaos roll and Grassgreen to seize the Hex northern to his position toward the danger.

Or don't. I'm a 4chan post, not a cop.
i was thinking about fighting together with Burning Grass.

but i can try to grow my paths over there.

we saw how well that went last time though....

i will have to think about it.
Sure, let's do that
Take the map, and label from 1 to 3 hex touching your position/a previous number.
you guys grow your territory really quick compared to me. GhostClaw did one conquest yet has 3 new hexes. is being a decentralized nomadic horde really that inefficient?
Dice giveth, dice taketh.
Also greengrass might grow 0 hex because of his cursed luck.
>Burning Crusade 2
continue the war. burn them until nothing is left. Focus on clearing the two hexes north of my outpost. before going further south.
i recon it was for how "tall" i growed before. I did also roll well, but i wasn't the tribe of cave dwellers of the past. I also try and force in from my own time, an image.
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nah. they just had a really good roll of over a 100 i think.

and i made up my mind. change vote from >>6067208
to building pathways.

first to get to Whitemane territory and then the orange path to Ghostclaw territory. if possible with a high enough roll.
>Cerulan Civ. Action: Weapon Development: Vorpal Blades
>University Directive: Chemistry

The scions of Nurgle had proven themselves too tough to be pierced by spears and too thick to be routed by flanking. A newer more destructive weapon was called for. Flockwing showed the portal acolytes a new design. A miniature portal capable of being weilded by hand like a blade. It would transport a line of flesh to one of the sacred temple pyres to which the blade was linked in order to burn away the razor thin line of transported flesh. Flockwing said that others called this a Distortion Weapon, but she preferred to call the Vorpal Blades. Such blades had once defeated an ancient being known as the Jabberwocky, and so long as the priestesses were able to maintain control over them they would dismember the enemy with ease. After all, what metal, muscle, or fat could resist the effects or a shaped portal? Field test these blades to the east.

Meanwhile, in the Northwest, the Cult of Flayer Flockwing Agatha studied the fire fern and the stone and labored on a new sort of Hunter. The forbidden fire fruit would not remain out of reach forever.

I am open to requests for university study. For the first try though, the university study is chemistry. That should be broad enough to apply to most factions. Also, I plan on using it to develop explosives for war and peace.
The player are FINALLY harvesting the 40k kinds of natural Phosphex that evolve in the Frozen Hellhole
Sounds good to me chemistry. So no mercs this round..maybe next. Better ballistics for more efficient delivery of firey death upon nugle forces
Chemistry sounds like fun. I'll bring some firebombs and our first aid kit, which admittedly is just more fire.
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Becoming more acclimated to a high-altitude lifestyle, the Pongo will heed the guidance of our lord once more, moving to the east via webway. The main focus for this turn shall be rearming ourselves for war after our respite and extending (and simplifying/recording directions for) the warp path through the eastern mountains.
Each tile of warpway count as "free travel" action.
So I guess you're saying you'll go develop the warpway in the east range?
Ghostclaw, I think I'm missing your formal vote
We’ll bring some Dahu and plants. They are quite famous for the way in which they digest Stove Grove seed pods after all
pretty much, I just don't feel 100% comfortable about that squiggle south of the storm
It is safe. It was a way to explain why our good friend badback made few progress that turn and gives a bit of depth to the world
Yeah. And by now that is probably amongst the safest places you can be with extra runic protections
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor, Sweeping Horde (as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain), Njate Ake (High-Family/ 4 of them + 4 values)

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History

Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw), continues her rule guiding the Holy Realm of the Silent Faith in their golden age. Once again divine inspiration comes to her, soon she will once again lead for the Second Holy War, but first something must be built. Something that is an equal to the Catacomb of her mother....

>>Development Turn : Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar
>"By decree of the Great Speaker, an head temple will be built. For the faith it is essential. It is essential for the ancestors. From now the Njate Ake Ghost Claw will live here too, has they are the bloodline of Great Speakers and Matriarchs. This great temple will honor properly each of the gods of the Adi Jark, giving them proper space and dedication. It is a temple of stone, ice and even some of the difficult to gain and craft Ever Stone. It is here that the ancient totem and the Hre"Adi-Jark (Stone of the Silent Faith) will be kept and forever guarded at his center, such artifacts cannot be kept simply guarded in the air anymore. Gaa"Asd'hre has the temple planned by Land Warden Gaa"Tfa'Bof, their value of Patience useful in the construction of this sacred place. Praise be to the Adi-Jark, prayers and offerings to Agaar shall be made for ensure the structure is accepted by divine blessing."
i was busy rl.
Also it took some time to finish between today and yesterday night.
Ghostclaw : Churchbuilding
1d100 + 10

Jupiter : Warpbuilding

Cerulean : Vorpal blades

BurningGrass : Fighting time

Badback : War logistics
1d100 + 10 (you paved partially the way last turn

Grassgreen : conquest

Whitemane : Fight for your life

Grassgreen, Badback, Whitemane and Cerulean seems to partake.Each roll d100 flat
Rolled 94 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

Rip and tear
Rolled 36, 79, 42, 58, 68, 67, 22, 51 = 423 (8d100)

That's good enough to take both hex unless one of them roll over 74

Speaking of, your contestants are the 2 first. Last for Whitemane
Rolled 36, 90 = 126 (2d100)

Blades then Chemistry.
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Logistics win wars
Rolled 46 (1d100)

And i fail bitterly at them

Now for academic pursuits
Rolled 36, 7 = 43 (2d100)

Rolled 100 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

guess i'll die?
Rolled 95 (1d100)

>t. Chaos Hordes

Academy Arc roll
biological flatulence flamethower/musket successfully invented
I think that mean your Archeon goal clutched.
For me, one of your experimenter got pissed at the Chaos invading, bypassed official order and became first Archeon, letting you take back your lost ground.

Now tell me... What does an Archeon do in your wildest dreams?
Yeah.. that is gonna get some really great results i think
Living possessed Ice. Can do whatever the original Hunter could do, but now lives longer can heal by slowly converting existing ice into Possessed Ice to "regrow limbs". The most important feature of their new form is being able to "pass through Ice" without losing consciousness. They can't walk through a mountain of ice, but they can walk through a Ziggurath
Do they eat souls?

Shoot shards of psychic Ice?
also no brain damage by punching them in the head. But they can't see without the big Head-Shard. They can just convert ice
they are still inhabiting the "body" of a Glacial Drifter. So yah they need to eat souls to live, since they are spiritual beings now. As for Psychic Ice, Their entire body is "psychic ice". I don't know about throwing it, but if they punch or claw you it would definitely hurt more than normal ice.
They are both a Glacial Drifter AND a Under-Hunter. They can do Astral Projection, at least. And all those eaten souls likely will empower their Astral Self compared to a normal Hunter

Feel free to draw me the Archeon.
booooooooooooof, ok I'll do that later. I'll try to draw something
Rolled 91 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Praise to the Aki-Jar ! PRAISEEEE

I might be interested in doing an image of an Archeon if you are fine with it (not touching stuff of others if they arent fine with it). Mostly because 1 its sunday and 2 i like the concept it self

Ah to be clear this would be a second image to the one you will make. And for the purpose of making it. Not for x favor, x bonus. Also it wouldn't count IC has something Ghost Claw, not even remotely. If you say no i will not ask again.

The idea i have in mind is just seeing it there on a mountain or something. Lot of ice and snow around. Based on that image you posted. Expect something similar to what i usually do so something standard.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

Sure, if the sketch of the Glacial Drifter inspired you that much, feel free. Maybe how you envision the Archeon will inspire me for a drawing
Am I allowed to post the dice meme yet?
With how many piss-poor turns you've taken, and now 6 rolls above 80
pretty sure you can. its sepecially true for me right now.

its been good for a while and now. just failure after failure when it comes to my most reliable and safe technology XD
sure lol

No update today. Not guaranteed tomorrow
Signed for the house today. Got the keys. I guess you can imagine how much there is to do
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no issue, we are at a good point and still go at a decent pace.
Also good luck with that.


Has a horde of demons, beasts, monsters and mutants charges forward in the Plague Father name in one of the many battlefields of the northern eastern mountains, they believe victory will be theirs. Soon they will be able to break through the defenses of this people, and spread ruin. But suddenly .... something that could not be before is felt by them. A new sensation. A new being. Alien. Unknown. And yet not.

It hits their first line before they can understand it. Their bodies are cut, teared, minced, crushed, speared. The last filthy creature of the first line runs away before being cut in half, the bottom part flying in the face of another demon while the other portion flies in the air. The being then speaks.


Couldn't resist, to write something alongside it. Of course we can just think its not canon. Not my people, but yours Prideful. It should inspire you a bit i believe for do your own image.
It’s awesome what even a crum of a reference can do for one’s ability to draw something. I do like how you choose to interpret the red flicker of hunter eyes on the “mirror” surface. Now it looks like a living being stretched and pressed into the glass. Bits of red flesh and veiny nerves running along the immaculate Psyker ice. He does feel a little floaty, because while you did add an aura of shards of ice surrounding him/her, you didn’t add ice sprouting from the earth the second his extremities make contact with it, so he looks like he’s flying. Maybe He Is flying to you, but from what I’ve seen of Glacial Drifters they just walk
I’m really happy with this drawing Ghost Claw
I didn't dared to speak first, but great Artwork Ghostclaw.
This can be a Canon Event if Whitemane wishes so.

I'll try to update tonight. No promises.
Question is… was the first Archeon a male or a female. And speaking of, how are societal relations between the sexes going for in the Tribes? Females are much bigger and are naturally inclined to lead, but men still are Psykers, Sapient and fully capable of being apex predators so I am curious how they are seen
With your 100, you decide of the Archeon's sex.
However, their reproductive functions seems dead upon transcendance.
The default model is Matriarchy, with men holding minor roles, unless turns were spent to develop gender roles - like that burninggrass vassal line, or the Historians of Breathless
Indeed, it helped me.
That was the idea i had in mind! You described an Underhunter becoming one with a Glacial Drifter, so i made the ice look alive.
I wasn't sure how to go about that honestly, in the reference some of the ice looked like it was floating a bit.
>you didn’t add ice sprouting from the earth the second his extremities make contact with it
kinda wish i did now, it would have been cool. There are still his/her?? two "feet" there cracking the earth if nothing else.
i am glad you are, it was nice to make.


I am putting more a focus on faith, so that shifts things around for Ghost Claw. In general my males are usually not Land Wardens and of course none have taken the rank of Great Speaker, or the older rank of Matriarch in the past.
Rolled 1 (1d4)

1-2 female
3-4 male
If he’s male this will definitely change how the Tribe sees the males from a martial perspective
Yet another life changing development for the Whitemane tribe born out of a want to impress
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The current timespawn will be remembered as the Age of Heroes.
BurningGrass : Fighting time
Large width attack sent to the Northernmost tiles.
The demons put out an incredible defense. Not mighty enough to resist the novel stratagems of a mighty General.
>Historical Figure [Stratege] Unlocked for BurningGrass
However, as the Breathless tribe focus on Research instead of fighting, the Chaos made another step forward in her territory.
Looks like the decay spreading north rotted your logistic lines - the fight will get more difficult as long as your supply chain miss a link.

In just a generation, the Ghostclaw makers builded an impressive stonework temple on their historical lands.
According to Ghostclaw, this is the most impressive Stonework developped by Hunterkind.
BurningGrass would beg to differ if they knew about that brag.
The Maker leading the effort of the marvelous stonework died shortly after seeing the completion of the marvel.
However, his name got immortalized in the popular culture of the Ghostclaw tribe.
>Historical Figure [Architect] Unlocked for Ghostclaw

The Badback tribe matriarch order to focus upon War logistics. However, some of the influent merchant hunters disagree.
"What's in for us? This is a terrible business move : we'll lose investment and will ruin in a generation what our ancestor spent ten lifespan building?"
Thus, progress stall one more cycle.

Not for all though : Jupiter, capitalizing on the work of the Badback tribe and immune to petty merchant bickering, paved the way onward, reaching to the outskirts of Whitemane's territory.
His pawn set on the board, the Lord of Change smile.
>Favor of the Architect of Fate : you get +10 in next turn's roll if you manage to get long term gains at the detriment of any other player.

Alongside the new logistic chains supplied by Badback's traders, Grassgreen march onward.
The gains might appear minor in regard of other tribe's glorious conquest, but the Grassgreen tribe more than doubled their owned lands. The Kiln brick nest multiply northway.

Where Kiln met nomades, Whitemane are fighting for their life.
At first, situation is disastrous. The titanic beasts are entering more of your ground, turning the Stove Groves into wastelands.
That is until a particularly brave warrior step onward and acted on the rumours and failed attempt of her tribe's council.
>Perpetual Elite Unit unlocked : Archeon [Tank, Psyker]
The sentient storm of head-sized Ice Shards was a mighty enough strength to overturn battles.
Advancing and drawing attention, letting the cavalry deploy, the lost land is soon reclaimed.
North, the Cerulean tribe had a bold attempt at creating a new weapon, a weaponisation of their transportation
However, this fails tremendously. First, the tribe have no idea on how to miniaturise a portal so much. Letting this minor matter aside, an attempt is made to set up a trap by moving a garden-side portal, but moving the portal-holding structure dispelled the whole timespace anomaly.
As stated previously, this lead to

>Chemistry : 90
With the combined efforts of four of the tribes, great insight have been found about the fundamental truth of reactions.
The various things of this world are made of Essential Substances.
First, of course, is Explosive - as theorized by Cerulean. It is believed that every Essential Substances are in a way or another able to turn into the fabled Explosive.
However, Whitemane provided valuable insight : How the Stove Grove pods do not explode on the tree nor eaten by Dehus, but do explode later?
The answer is the presence of a second Essential Substance category : Stabilisant.
Part of the Dahu's guts must be lined with a Stabilisant, so does the Stove Grove lianas. It is soon found that Stabilisant works with several Explosive, but not all.
In particular, the Dahu's guts and the Liana's juice doesn't work as well as stabilisants for the Light Moss.
The Badback and Grassgreen joined efforts provided another insight : bringing the Yellow earth, mixing with known stabilisant let the Under Hunter found out the third essential component : Neutral Substance. A neutral substance can combine with Explosive or Stabilisant, and change its properties - letting Liana Juice muting the fire of the Light Moss.
Light Moss powder (rare, if not burned) mute the flame burst of the meek explosion of the Stove Grove but release a strong wave of light.
In the end, the brightest scholar mind of this generation was born among the Whitemane tribe, with a close rival from the Cerulean culture
>Historical Figure [Scientist] Unlocked for Cerulean and Whitemane

Those of you that obtained an Historical Figure can name him or her and give a short description of his name, personnality, and impact on Hunter Culture.

And now, for the chaos-invasion old question...
>What next?
A/N : Badback your path in the north is still pristine.
It's just that it was leading from Cerulean's portal territory to Badback's Northern GETS. Right now, it lead to BurningGrass's isolated land to the heart of a Garden.

Reinforce the Whitemane and drive the taint of Chaos from their lands, or die trying.

probably the latter, and frankly it'd be a mercy
Rolled 4 (1d4)

As always 1-2 Female, 3-4 male. It was a time of war and men do not ride for war when there are nests to protect. As the Council is formed from adults that contribute, a man could’ve been sent to the University.
Regardless of their sex, this alchemical genius was to be called Pridespark of Whitemane. Unlike most Whitemanes they did not inovate and improve for the sake of wanting to impress, but because of a love of travel. Pridespark loved Dahu migrations between the Grove Farms. With the threat of war from a foe more clever than any before our herds aren’t as safe, they need escorts, but escorts could be guards for the Zigguraths. There is a lack of fast response, for we cannot communicate quickly.
Hunters can warp-skip, Whitemanes can enter a Trance to run faster than any hunter across the Warp, but it’s too much of a commitment. We need a way to communicate quickly
>Pridespark invents the Flash-Signal and Flash-Code. Made using Moss Powder and a Stove Grove Seedpod explosion, the seed and powder is bundled in flammable materials and a wick is lit, then it is hurled high, high in the sky with a sling (or the throwing arm of an Archeon), where it explodes in a particular shape and color (depending on how the concoction was bundled, Powder to Seedpod ratio and additional ingredients like certain plants used for pigmentation by the other Tribes being mixed in)
>The Flash-Code is a crude “written” language consisting of basic but crucial phrases and information that are gleaned based on the number of Flash-Signals sent in the sky, as well as color and combination
Before we dive further into the Northern Mountains, a place of plague and putrefaction, the Council has determined that a larger staging ground is required. More Archeons, more Dahu, more Groves more War-Riders. We need more land.
>Attempt to conquer the two north-East hexes not under Nurgelite control
These new explosives could be delivered over long distances using larger bows. very large bows. maybe large enough to no longer be practical to wield.

now add a rail to stabilize firing solutions and presto we got ourselves some Ballistae
Sounds like a job for an engineer you don’t have. I recommend going to University and getting one
its bows but bigger. my people know bows.

we will see what they wanna research next.
>Develop Star Fortresses to protect territory while the logistic forces reorganize.

Science Hero - Eightdreamer Flockwing Gwendalinda

Science Lead - Construction. As the Cerulan nation developed defensive fortressess to control the land, their science liaisons debated function and utility and compared the architectural styles and construction techniques of the Hunter Nations. While
the Cerulan were most interested in combining the traps and cunning of the North with the sturdiness of the stone fortressess of the south, the Cerulan scholars were unbound by such concerns. The Badback spoke of great bows. How would one construct such things? How to get consistent results? The Agathites dreamed of deep pits in ice covered stone with veins of raw potential feeding the heart of a forbidden war machine. Such intricate lines, how would one isolate the river from the cold? Would one even need to? And could the Agathites really build their Hearthguard in such a wet, frozen pit? Others might dream of lofty towers, or rivers of brick to show the wheeled Dahu the way or wings of chitin and pressed starch to imitate the Flockwing and soar on fuming dreams.

Lawspeaker Flockwing Cythica had argued that the University study moral philosophy, but the Church had decided that a more concrete study was needed at this time. Besides, who among the foreign matriarchs longed for greater social stability? The weight to strength ratio and inflammability problems would be puzzles to solve.
I'd advise doing something about the chaos taint at your own door, but you're talking of the mercy of death, so...
That seems like two actions for me
No, i'm retarded, it's a valid contribution to your culture.
I will see about getting some hand drawn schematics out there for Ballistae soon.
Hi QM. Jupiter has been rangebanned, they said to give you a heads up.
Many such case.
Ban duration? Are they joinable by any other mean such as email or discord?
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negotiation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor, Sweeping Horde (as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain), Njate Ake (High-Family/ 4 of them + 4 values), Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History

"Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw), rule of the Holy Realm of the Silent Faith could have not been more blessed. The great temple to the gods has been completed and it is truly majestic. On par or some say superior to the Great Catacomb of her mother. Now the Great Speaker looks to the east, the time has come...."

>>Development Turn : Second Holy War, Eastern Frontier
>"We live and die for our Adi-Jark"
>"We declare holy war once again. Our Second Holy War begins, and we will take the Eastern Frontier, expanding our great realm, expanding the faith. We shall please our gods and ancestors, has the barbarians will hear our words and be converted, or be removed by our force and falling in our night ambushes one by one. One by one this packs will bow and be made Ghost Claw, already prayers and offerings are being given to the gods in the temple. Mighty Ior shall assist us and so will brave Agaar, Gavdai shall no doubt inspire our leaders, and Lramd and Keer will further aid us. All our Njate Ake are now ready, Njate Ake Snow Moon is at the front already for begin preparations. Praise be to the Adi-Jark, may they guide us in this conflict and protect the holy kingdom from the sins of Rarn"Aeea. PRAISE BE !"
>Historical Figure [Architect] Unlocked for Ghostclaw
>Maker Goo"Asd'Kakro Ice Boulder (He-Stone-Wound)
Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw) had Land Warden Gaa"Tfa'Bof Ice Boulder (She-Friend-Wind Ice Boulder) of Njate Ake Ice Boulder plan the Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar, due to this Njate Ake having the CORE OF PATIENCE has their value. So Land Warden Gaa"Tfa'Bof planned it and picked the best Maker she could find. Of course first she looked at how skilled each of them where for lead this important project, and after many selection she found one. An experienced Maker of her Njate Ake that had much experience in building houses and tombs, an humble male Maker, his name was Goo"Asd'Kakro Ice Boulder (He-Stone-Wound) an able artisan with a Stone Bleeder and other rock tools, and that had been inspired in seeing the value of Njate Ake Ghost Claw when building an home for them. Taking in his heart the CORE OF PATIENCE and the CORE OF DUTY, took him to his limit has he and Gaa"Tfa'Bof begin to slowly but steadily create the magnificent Celestial Temple. His organization of the great project had hardly been before, similar perhaps to the Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae or when our army was rallied and sent to conquer in the First Holy War. Day and Night, he worked to his limit taking just enough food and water to keep going. His work was so meticulous, that many times he had return to already completed portions for inspect them and further refine them if he deemed it necessary. He died while smiling and with a last prayer towards the Aki-Jar on his lips. His spirit no doubt is now in the Great Dark Ice Land Above (Meda"Uyd-Nhit-Khas'Bger), with the ancestors and Agaar himself welcoming him. Such skill and dedication shall be remembered by our people, but one finds it self asking if Goo"Asd'Kakro use of both the CORE OF PATIENCE and the CORE OF DUTY is right. Following constantly both of the two values broke him afterall, where following one would have allowed him to live longer and serve further the Holy Kingdom. Perhaps its great life was meant to go like this....
-His organization of the great project had hardly been seen before

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Man i need to make banners. And i need some dyes. I need some colors for the Njate Ake and the Holy Kingdom it self, maybe for new clothes too.

For this image, i was thinking of a battle but it takes time, more than usual and i can't do it justice too quickly. So a stone placed in the East Frontier border, will do the place the army will pass before going in to the uncivilized barbarian unknown. I probably should have mention Njate Ake Bone Storm.
Actually i just realized i meant west. There is no fucking East Frontier is clearly the West Frontier, dumb brain. So in this case i should have mention Njate Ake Ice Boulder since they are in the east.

Western Frontier in this case. The Second Holy War is in the West. Consider any mention of East be West.
>Njate Ake Ice Boulder since they are in the east.
West, missed that while writing.
Besides me and GrassGreen, who else has pottery (granted mine is mostly for trade, but we use jars for preservation of rations mostly)?
I just buy pottery as a luxury for my people and to sell that stuff on.

I would have the infrastructure to creat pottery with my forges needing some adaption for it. Though i would probably go for steel pots since i already know how to work that material.

And if you wanna vontiue study of explosives i would be willing to help out. Otherwise i will send mercenaries to fight in the north
Jupiter also have earthenware.
Jupiter are a threat to the jam and ice cream empire, got it
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It seems I must carry the war for the North on my back
>Burning Crusade Part III: Knowing that fighting a battle on two fronts is not a winning game War Mind seeks to connect the the outposts to the mainland to secure his supply line before crushing what little resistance lies in the furthest north. (in order of importance it goes orange, green, then white).
as for the Historical Figure [Strategy]

>The Saga of War Mind:
Born as Thinks Fast to a Vassal pack to a banner house of Under Snow he lived a relatively unevental life. Thinks Fast was greatly favoured by his pack matriarch for his brilliant mind and even more clever tongue until the War against the Beasts of Rot. His mind would truly shine during the Crusade where he would provide invaluable advice to his matriarch leading them to victory again and again, earning them great influence and prestige among the matriarchs. That was at least until she was claimed by pestilence during a battle. Seeing no other way to survive he took control of the pack and led them in a breakout turning the ambush from a near-certain defeat into a pyrrhic victory. From this battle Thinks Fast earned the favour of Empress Burning Grass herself and as he kept proving himself he earned more favour and duties. Eventually Thinks Fast became second in command of the empire forces. His authority was only second to the crown princess Mighty Fur. Using his authority he made many small reforms; the largest of which was integrating the various houses under his command into a single force instead of a loose cooperative the army had been before. He also invented a new style of warfare he dubbed Aggressive fortification. The strategy involved the creation of two lines of temporary fortifications—an interconnected (by tunnels) front line and a secondary line of reserves.

From the front line, Far Travler and Kraken Riding Many Pelt scouts range forth harassing the pestilent hordes. Baiting them into following them into ambushes and traps until they reach the front line where the advancing tendrils of the beast are blunted and turned back. The horde is culled by a barrage of projectiles from Boulder throwers and Bad Back Mercenaries before reaching the walls. From there, a seige begins where the beasts are weakened by the runes of protection. Attacked from the flanks and rear from underground and by Kraken calvery, the horde is defeated. Using the opportunity created from this victory the army advances and captures as much ground as they can before creating a new line of fortifications with the old front line becoming the new reserve line. The most famous of his accomplishments is the battle of the Burning Lake where he led the largest horde the army had ever seen to a dummy castle which he then collapsed under them when they took it. He then commanded a large amount of animal fat and water to be dumped into the hole before setting it on fire. For his various victories Thinks Fast was given the name War Mind and was elevated to nobility with the creation of a new house. Tales even say that the Crown Princess herself mated with him.
Let's wait a bit more hoping for Jupiter's ban to expire/get him to reach us one way or the other.
Do others also want to go explosives rather than construction? If one other besides Bad Back asks then I'm willing to shift the University Focus from Construction to Explosives.
Do you believe Explosive(2) would do our people more good than Construction(1)? Not everyone has stable housing or infrastructure.
My weaving and rope-making could give us a breakthrough, like Cranes and Pullers
oh... i thought you wanted to do something with explosives due to flammability.

if you wanna go for construction i can help out. i have the tools available for trade to start building stone housing.

you have ropes... i have tools.

i think that better construction techniques could work quite well to make Chaos attacks more difficult if everyone can easily build walls and strudier things.
man I wish I could be involved with the university but I'm too busy paying for mercs
It is me. sorry about forgetting my name.

i woudl share a picture of my current painting project. but i dont think Chaos Warriors would be welcome right now.
if i manage to get ballistae and explosive ammo i will absolutely join you on crusading in the north.

skewering entire beast and blowing them up should be helpful to break their ranks.
Yeah my main form if ranged combat is throwing fuck off huge rocks. I can easily throw some explosives in a stone pot and throw that instead. Make huge fuck off grenades
I'm willing to do either construction or explosives. Construction is more in line with what the Cerulan are doing at the moment, but the University is universal.
Rolled 92 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

Grassgreen : Fight Chaos
1d100 + 12

Whitemane : expansion
1d100 + 29
A result of 80+ will let you choose among create a second Archeon or more tiles.

Ghostclaw : Conquest

Cerulean : Star Fortresses
1d100 +5 (shape Ice potent psyker)

Badback : Ballistae
1d100+10 (archives of fail insight should not trigger, feel free to correct me)

BurningGrass : Crusade part III
due to your Historical Figure (Stratege) teachings, your efforts on logistics, and the fact you can flank target n°1,2 and maybe even 3...

Tzeench will move Jupiter as its pawn this turn,
This is the 1d100+17 I'm rolling.
He's taking alongside the Badback's mercenaries.
Badback, 1d100+15

Everyone barring Jupiter can contribute to Cerulean's Construction research.
Rolled 29, 97 = 126 (2d100)

Fortress then Construction
Rolled 97, 31 = 128 (2d100)

Ballistae first

Construction second.

And yeah it shouldnt trigger. Didnt try to expand on bowtrch by making them larger before
Rolled 45 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

Wait... do i also roll the mercs if i help out the construction research of Cerulean?

I can do it. But feel free to ignore this roll if i missunderstood something.

Those Ballistae are gonna be premium quality i think.
The one buying Mercs can't invest into research

As Jupiter is rangebanned, I am playing a bit of Tzeench today.
Rolled 32 + 12 (1d100 + 12)

Let there be an end to things
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Oh hey, we know construction, send the elders to talk along.
Rolled 80 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

wait I can contribute to Cerulean's Construction research and pay for mercs? if so I will.
also here comes the 88
never mind I saw your post here >>6072766
You missed 1 roll, grant you 2 of them for your empire's size.
Rolled 53 + 29 (1d100 + 29)

You guys ready to see somethin’ real sad?
Rolled 13 (1d100)

82 IS 80+ so the First Archeon is no longer running a solo show.
Now for construction. The Weaver we sent is likely here to impress Pridespark, prove that not only Herders have smarts
It seems we sent a bozo, who will be forgotten
i think in comparison to the Cerruleans Contributions most of our representatives are gonna be forgotten.

so with that 107 after mod should i think about something interesting that could happen with the weapons?

i was a bit tired yesterday evening when i posted so didnt really think too far.
Yes. If you have anything in mind you can write.
Rolled 42, 67, 86, 86, 8, 1, 97, 47, 92 = 526 (9d100)

Still missing second d100 of BurningGrass + his contribution to construction (d100)

Also, Nurgle roll
4 first are BurningGrass's targets.
Next 3 are those near whitemane, with third one being opposed to Grassgreen's roll
Last 2 are attacked by Jupiter and BadBack

A Simple Guide to the efficient erradication of forces from the Beyond.

Creatures from the beyond have plagued our kind for many generations now. None but the Stories now remember when Fourbeaks and Underhunters were the only things our kind needed to fear.

As for the beings from the Beyond. The Rotten Titans and their smaller dregs they have few weaknesses that can be exploited from range. Their main weakness is in close quarters though its also their greatest strength.

Though with these new developments we have found a path to obliterate these things from distances greater than any hunter can shoot or cast spells. While unwieldy without a Memeber of the Burning Grass Tribe to carry around the hassle is more than worth it when an entire enemy phalax gets torn to shreds from the inside out and torn out of reality......

-excerpt from the Dak-Thwang, guide for Badback Military leaders.

> Slayer Arrows have been enhanced with explosives. By charging hollow metal Arrowheads with psychic power and masses of explosives the Badbacks inveted psychicly charged artillery bolts capable of blowing chuks out of even the greatest titans killing them with a single shot.

let me know if this is too much.
Arrow Psyker-Phosphex rocket ? Works for me
still launched by Ballistae for now. but yeah.
Rolled 76 + 39 (1d100 + 39)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

Alright then
Not sure what bonus I would give considering I already have fortresses/keeps
I'll do it once again.

You were allowed 2d100+30 because of the sheer size of your empire + stratege.
Aditionnally you were allowed to participate in construction research. So I think you still miss 1d100+30
Rolled 48 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

Oh I would have thought my last roll counted for the construction roll but here goes.
Building ahoy
I lived bitch
fake news
Amazing. I hope you will like what your god made you do.
They return to us.
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In celebration. A Chaos Sorcerer i painted sunday

looks cool
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This era is one of lands claimed for Hunterkind, built upon the strong models of the Era of Heroes.
In the south-east, Ghostclaw acquisition of another landspan makes the isolated tribe a step away from reaching the interconnected Hunterkind.
Whitemane's effort let him claim more wilderness. More Glacier Drifter.
In the end, the lightning in a miniature glass ziggurath is caught again : it looks like the missing key for Archeon creation was danger. A warring conflict pushing an able Hunter to their uppermost limits.
For now on, your Culture takes the habit of bringing captured Glacier Drifter along in battles, just in case someone have said ability. This result 99 times out of 100 in a gruesome death for the bold Hunter.
However, in the mind of the Whitemane's hunter, the risk is worth it.
The conquest of unclaimed land had a cost : the 1st Archeon's home have been stolen again by rot beasts.
Only a combination of Grassgreen's efforts and the Meat Pillars prevented the corruption to seep deeper in your lands.

Speaking of Grassgreen, this era is bittersweet. They failed to protect their Northern allies. Doing so, they left their West flank exposed.
That was not counting on Jupiter's ploy. Using the Warpway, reinforced with Badback's mercenaries, they cleansed the corruption in a ravine much like their home grounds.
One one claw, it means the Grassgreen tribe is protected by all side from invasion of Chaos Forces. On the other, Jupiter acquired both of the stairways out of the crack.
This is important as the part where the Crack reaches the surface are the only known places where Hunterkind could gather the precious snowrocks, necessary for most Grassgreen construction, now a Jupiter Monopoly.

South, the Badback, using feedback from their fighters, work on creating a bigger, better bow : the Ballistae.
This humongeous bow can already skewer a few hunters. However, its sheer size makes it ill adapted for skirmish or fighting wild packs.
The Siege Weapon is suited for big targets : be it a city or a towering heap of corruption. Moreover, this research capitalized on the recent Chemical breakthrough, empowering munition into proper menaces.
>Ballistae : additional +13 against big target
North, BurningGrass reclaims lost Cerulean territory. This tremendously helps with the Empire logistics, as the portals are made functionnal once again.
This saved Cerulean from losing more ground, as they proved not able to build on their own their Star Fortresses.
This prompt the University to gather minds on the subject of Construction.

BurningGrass stonework, Grassgreen earthenware (although lacking in raw form), Badback's glasshouse improved from its creating tribe upon eras and eras of trading, Cerulean Ice corridors and sculpts are theorised, categorised, compared. Even Whitemane's treatment of Grassgreen's caught fringe-stormdweller are found to have a new utility.
With a modify Hun-hun, and a rope which ends are untreaded, sticking to the cut stones, Ice or bricks, the Pulley, lifting huge charges, is invented.
All aforementionned tribe now send their youth with a mind toward building to the Academy. Among those youth, creating a tight community with mingled origins, one bright mind might shape Hunterkind's building habits....

>Cerulean Historical figure [Architect] will be born next turn. Each that partake into Construction research gets +10 for their projects.
Those who didn't can recruit the Architect at the cost of their bonus action (the one letting you buying Merc from Badback or partaking into research)

And now,

>What next?
Rolled 4 (1d4)

Fashion time.
We are called Whitemane, yet, where is the mane?????
We shall breed a new kind of Dahu, the Shaggy-Dahu. With long tough strings of fur that drags across the frozen scape. They will be the hair with which we will clothe ourselves and a large tangled mess we will weave, tie and even glue to our heads, dye it white with whatever highlights the individual likes.
This was caused by the Second Archeon wanting to look different from the First Archeon. As they are both on the Council and in this time of War, most councillors are warriors, who also want individuality to better impress, the Matriarch and Pridespark’s counter votes were not enough.
>breed a new type of Dahu with long, tough strings of fur, like a Lhasa Apso dog breed. It’s purpose is textile harvesting for clothes and wigs.
The Second Archeon was male, a warrior’s mate, no doubt.
Unsurprising that they want to look different from the First Archeon, completely different folk, afterall
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It is time to go to war in full. With our new weaponry these filth covered monstrosities will be scoured clean from this world.

I am only partially interested in territorial gains here. Instead i wish to prove to Whitemane that i can be relied upon to be their ally. Having a trading enclave nearby would also help when it comes to distributing goods that are for sale

Would the +10 count towards this or would it have to be a construction project and will the bonus be lost if i dont use it this turn?
I would also like to recruit BadBack’s Mercenaries. I would like them to protect our territory and try to prevent the Nurglite corruption from spreading further
Sure thing man. I am already going to war at your northern borders. The sound of explosion will shake the very mountains till the northern aggressors are turned to nothing but a thing black sheet of ash amongst broken rock
>Would the +10 count towards this or would it have to be a construction project and will the bonus be lost if i dont use it this turn?
It have to be a Construction project.
However, a network of Badback Trade Tower (upgrade of Defensive Shelters) with Ballistaes mounted on top at a Hex frontier providing War bonus on the two hex, is feasible.
The roll shall be 1d100+20 DC 40 for placing one at a "Friendly" spot, 80 for placing 2. Result over 100 : 3; roll of 95+ : something nice.
make it 3Hex by placing it at a corner of the grid
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so the mercenaries could still go out and fight. while i set up what? A perimeter kinda stuff?

and would that be a development on the shelters? or just a combination of several of my technologies?
It's an improvement on the shelters, combining several of your techs.

Attempt to refine the warp fraying blank quality of the GrassGreen into Cursed Warriors, concentrating centuries of bad luck into a locus of unsettling Blankness and catastrophic luck that inevitably destroys and ruins everything around them before eventually killing the warrior as well.

Disclaimer: Keep Grassgreen cursed warriors away from favorite vases, ancient tapestries, line of succession, and load bearing pillars. Do not let cursed warriors hold macguffins or operate heavy machinery. Do not place cursed warriors next to geller field generator or god Emperor children pondering heresy. Cursed warriors should not be burned, or resulting flames may engulf entire village. Cursed warriors should not be disposed of in water, maybe be carriers for flesh eating bacteria. Warning, exiling cursed warriors may result in unsealing ancient horrors hidden beneath the ice by precursors. Keep cursed warriors close, but not too close. Keep romantically inclined hunters away, star crossed lover events have high body counts. Hunters who insist "they can fix them" are wrong and should be smacked on the back of the head firmly as needed. Cursed warriors should not be allowed to tie knots or manage rope in anyway. Cursed warriors should avoid kitchens, even ones without fire, rooftops, or knives. Food cooked by a cursed warrior may contain novel parasites and never before seen diseases. Do not spar with cursed warriors. Do not use cursed warrior as child caretaker. Do not place cursed warrior directly in water, do not feed after midnight. Do not say "it can't possibly be that bad", "what's the worst that could happen" or "sure is a quiet night" with one hex of cursed warrior. Use of a cursed warrior without a license is prohibited by California law. Terms and limitations may apply.
alright maybe not all out war like written here. >>6074112

instead as the armies of mercenaries march on the Bad backs see this as a chance to fortify and protect against the place where the taint spread the most.

but still seeing that profit could be made easier if the local people had stockpiles that they could get materials from instead of needing to place orders that have to get delivered back to the Mainland and then needing to be shipped out.

Common goods will be stored in large storehouses created from stone using new construction techniques and then sold by local branch offices, reducing delivery times and improving variety in these local storehouses.

however they will also need protecting being possibly placed close to hostile territory and other might desire the goods stored there. So these places will be garissoned and equipped with vast quantities of ammunition and Weapons, ready to throw back any attackers and provide a local strongpoint where warriors can gather safely before wandering into hostile lands.

>Defensible Trade Fortresses.

that is a good disclaimer to know.
dark green marker is where the first trade fortress should be placed.
the southern pale green x is the second location.
the pale green north is the third location where one could be built.
Excellent disclaimer. I'll grant you +10 for the text and +1 for each failed roll.
Time for archive dive.
Thread 1 : 2 fails
Thread 2 : 7 fails
Thread 3 : 3 fails
Thread 4 : 7 fails, 4 attendance fail (factoring the weapon conference fails as all yours)

That's a nice +33 for your incoming roll.
I'll grant you +5 for your natural blankness.
Meaning you will succeed way too much on a 1, nothing will happen on a 2, you get something else and I'll even grant you crit-benefits on a 62+

You're getting Critier result on a 95+
> 1
Why is the sun getting bigger?
Sensing a time of opportunity and wanting to utilize our new abundance of building materials, the Pongo come together to establish snowrock quarries for the purpose of mass construction in the western mountains. Houses, roads, embankments against treacherous terrain and terraces to provide ample growing space, a time of great creation where ingenuity will be encouraged, for good or ill.
>Cerulan field test the University's toys
>University - The Towering Trebuchet - For an age the largest monsters on this planet had been the Nurgle Titans. No longer. With the dreams of the Eightdreamer, the brural engineering of Riddleslayer Fourbeak Cedwin, funding from the Flockwing Church, and the finest willing minds from the South, the University constructed a great tower, propelled on skies across the northern ice. A great counterweight linked to a long lever arm, lifted by southern ropes, newly developed pullies, and dedicated work crews. Capable of launching payloads great distances. Eighdreamer had dreams of potted explosives, rune powder, swarms of holey moleys deployed via parachute, liquid flame to coat the titans. But the Riddleslayer insisted that this operation be simple and start with big rocks until the prototype was field tested. Simple, safeish, incremental gains.
>The Cerulan action is to fight the Nurgleites, while field testing whatever fun toys the University gives them. If that includes Towering Trebuchet, great. If it's just nunchucks and tesla swords and stones on the end of a rope, that's fine too.
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>Burning Crusade part IV
seeing an opportunity to both secure the empire and encircle the Beast of Rot War Mind orders an assault from the Mainlands of the empire to link with the Outlands.
Missing Ghostclaw input before prompting the roll.
i was occupied yesterday, and i don't have time now. I will post later in the day, if you want let the others roll. And i don't want to write a half baked thing now or one word.
No problem; take your time.

"Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw), has further expanded the Holy Realm of the Silent Faith, the west is taken and the Second Holy War was successful. Further to the west only snow and ice is seen, no more packs of barbarians. The North Frontier remains further north, waiting for a Third Holy War to happen in the Adi-Jark name. A new endeavor shall be pursued in this time of peace, before the third war is called."

>>Development Turn : Magical Staff
>"The shamans of the holy kingdom alongside Makers known for their skill in making amulets have been called for the creation of a new tool. The Magical Staff, a tool for shamans to better control the power of magic and spells, and better commune with the gods. It will be shaped from stone into a long stick of sorts, similar to the one used in morningstars and stone bleeders, but thicker. It will be adorned by runes, symbols and words. At the top a piece of everstone shall be placed, alongside pieces of bone and ice that shall be as the shamans have said "the divine catalysts in which the power of the Adi-Jark, ancestors and magic will flow through and be shaped by our minds". Land Warden Gaa"Uyd'Asd Bone Storm had offered to the Great Speaker to personally oversee and follow the development of this new tool, she argues that only by following the Njate Ake Bone Storm CORE OF INTEGRITY, such a new thing could truly become holy. Prayers and offerings are given to Keer, the erudite deity fundamental to gain inspiration in such crucial matters and create a proper method to develop it. Praise be to the Aki-Jar. PRAISE BE !"
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negotiation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor, Sweeping Horde (as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain), Njate Ake (High-Family/ 4 of them + 4 values), Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History
Badback Defensible Trade Fortress : 1d100 +20
(Note to self : check >>6074122)
Mercenaries bought for the North. 1d100+23

Whitemane : Selective Breeding project - Shaggy Dahu
1d100 + 2
By the way you know have Feast Dahu and ample milk. You can't do anything with them due to the general rotting due to unwanted guests on the map, spoiling it too fast

Grassgreen : "concentrate centuries of bad luck into a locus"
1 stacked d100. DC : 1/2/3/65[crit]/95[crit-ier]/100[singularity]

Jupiter : Public Work - 1d100+25 (benefitting from architect, big brain, your knowledge of earthenware, your secure source of snow rock stolen from Grassgreen)

Breathless : Fight in the North
University : as usual, 1d100 for those willing to participate. +10 for you especially.

BurningGrass: Don't Stop Crusading

Ghostclaw : Magic staff
Rolled 30, 71 = 101 (2d100)

2d100: 1st fer fightin', second fer craftin'.
Huzzah, a double success. And three University high successes in a row. Truly, fate favors wisdom.
Rolled 9 (1d100)

C'mon 1. Or two. Either would be hilarious.
...just as planned?
Rolled 1 + 13 (1d100 + 13)

Rolled 11, 96 + 30 = 137 (2d100 + 30)

those rolls don't quite encourage me. oh well, come on 88 (or 99)!
1st roll is for the crusade and the second is for the university.
Rolled 59, 47 = 106 (2d100)

First for building. Second for mercs
Okay enough i think. At least the north wont be defenseless against nurglite aggression
Rolled 47 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

>Double success
I'm not so sure about it. Show me the tile you're attacking, and hope the chaos roll less good than you.
Rolled 22 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Even with ermetic sealing jars the chaos-things are ruining my milk?!
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Good call.

So your testing siege weaponry. I guess i could try and help out with that. More options could be useful.

University roll
now for University, right? Or do I not roll because I hired mercs?
Oh it’s magical, alright, if you want to roll on the Chaos mutation table
I think since you hired my mercs you dont gave the resources to work at the university. But i would be willing to sell you ballistae for home defence.

But its qms call
Can't have shit in the crack.
Indeed. No university roll. Degree to expensive when Mercs
No ?
And if i have to roll for it, we might has well skip that part to the Holy Realm being in ruins and dead. Without any remnants to exploit like Icey One. Straight up just bones.
Stop giving me good ideas
Won't do that. Not just yet;
You got those tables?

Wanna start small with the Dark Heresy malignancy table? Thr mutation table from Dark Heresy. Or go all out immediatly with the one from Black Crusade?
Better be, with what i bothered writing and making for Ghostclaw, it would be exceptionally meaningless for me to just croak for one magical item when i am specifically praying to my pantheon. I don't need to really explain what they would do has a civilization if they ALL suddenly half-look like chaos spawns, now do i ? I already said it above afterall.
They won't all suddenly half look like chaos spawn.

But the 1 will have... Consequences.
They are zealots there is no real room beside an extreme reaction for something chaos with them.
With that in mind, feel free to write.
There is room for an extreme chaos reaction in case of horrible psyker-related failure though.
Won't have time to update today. If you draw something I'm upgrading your success to 2 fortified tradeposts.
Rolled 34, 100, 64, 20, 31, 39, 21, 72 = 381 (8d100)

Rolling for Chaos.

4 first dice are BurgingGrass's cuddly slimy friends (third one can't attack your territory)
4 next dice are Whitemane's (the one next to your hex is the last one)
It will depend on what you write then. I have made an extreme example and what they will do if it happens.
>nat 100
Fuck. I just know this is tzeentch's fault
Nat 100 on a uncontested attacker, he was the one not on your battle plan
so no one is attacking Jupiter?

well looks like my mercs sold their lifes dearly but the north might still get overrun. unless the defensive bonuses of the new fortress are gonna be enough to hold the enemies back.

i will get on that.
Fuggin chaos, gonna invent cheese on these fuckers. That's right bitches, this bacteria is FUCKING DELICIOUS.
Here we go. What i imagine these fortresses to look like. Walls are purple beacuse i didnt want to use grey for the walls. Would have been to monochrome
And here you'll GETS
The top one I guess. Cerulan are the people of the North and want to revisit the lost homeland of the Singers.
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The era will be remembered as one of Chaos progress.
Outside of the crack and the petty squables of Hunter against promised extinction, Jupiter secures the gains made at Grassgreen expanse by engaging in huge infrastructure work.
Walls are mounted to protect the holiday resort from the howling winds, land is gained upon cliffs, stone and mortar is set.
The use of the Architect's talent is not wasted. Both the western peak colony and the original hamlet of the Jupiter tribe turns in the biggest, densest cities of Hunterkind displaying marvelous feats of Crackaforming to gain more and more Vertical Space.
>Each "conquered" tile will give you your favored terrain bonus.
Every Hunter having the chance to visit your territory stand in awe. This please your god, as you finally fulfilled the long-term objective given eons ago.
>Tzeench favor : double action next turn.

In the crack, BurningGrass and Cerulean mount a conjoined pincer manoeuver against the rot.
This work partially. While both of the Hunter make gains, a Juggernaut of impossible sheer size and might carve a putrid path in the Hunter-dominated land.
However, the scholar of both nations are not idle. Using Rear Dahu Plates and Fatty Glue supplied massively by BadBack, a contraption of a size challenging the gargantual demon is put together. First, in the heart of Badback's land, to prove feasibility near the raw material. Then, at the heart of the frontline, on Cerulean and BurningGrass side. The twin warfare engine and an ample amount of BurningGrass keen strategic mind and bravery, let you finally slay the beast.

East, Whitemane launched a new selective breeding project. All was going well, until all the breeded Dahu started to born with the wrong number of limb and a tendancy to spread rot. The selected cattle have to be culled, and Whitemane sweared revenge on the allfather. Revenge ongoing by paying for the Badback's mercenaries.
Said Mercs are having a real close fight against the demons of the North. A fight that is lost by a bare margin.

Until the Grassgreen's Cursed Warrior strolls by.
Years, Era, Eons of bad luck cristalised in a handful individues. Around them, wall collapse, thunder strikes, ropes snaps, limbs break.
They are not lucky enough to be affected directly. Bad Luck makes them struggle but somehow protect them in the most vexxing, unexpected and sufferingfull ways.
>Cursed Warriors : debuff a roll per turn by giving it -9
You can point the Cursed Warriors wherever you like. Yourself (unadvise) any other Hunter (for revenge purpose), or Chaos (in case the curse warrior turn a close miss into a win, you'll get the tile)
Badback capitalized on the opportunity. Building a fortified outpost helped mercenaries holding of the chaos until the Cursed Warriors comes by.
Then, as the Grassgreen Cursed Warrior advanced, they paved the Warpway, and built a second tower North.
>Tower effect : +9 on adjacent tiles
>80-gets effect : Conquering/Helping with merc will let you build a tower

South, the situation is dire. An attempt to create a new tools for Shaman fragilized the warp. Rot spread, and colossus spawned in the heart of the sacred land of the silent faith, menacing to engulf all.
Luckily, the current Avatar chosen of Rarn"Aeea, the Night Mother, saved the day.
After stealing a heap of protective amulets, he made an heroic run far away from your historical delving into more extensible territory. Soon, the other Avatar followed in his wake, doing their uttermost best to cleanse the spreading rot.
A great effort and time of unity among all the chosen let them destroy the malevolent staff, but a few colossus avoided destruction. They spread, and then spread some more, grasping away precious lands of the Ghostclaw.
However, thanks to your advanced knowledge of the Winds of Magic and the order of Gavdai, support of Agaar, the smite of Ior, lifesaving boon of Lramd, coordination granted by Keer, the worst was avoided.

>New rules : Elite Unites
The siege Towers, the Archeons, Ghostclaw Avatars are Elite Unites. Taking the War action let you roll one more time per elite unite
You can of course pick the same target, or take several targets. Failing the roll will kill the Elite Unite - Exception for the half-perpetual avatars of Ghostclaw which always come back.
Badback now have 2 mercenaries forces.

Siege tower can walk Badback's warpway, but are too big for Cerulean Portals.
We'll try to squeeze one last turn before thread falls.

I want to sincerely thank all of you players for your dedication. This skirmish have been going for a fairly long time. And between work and house Acquisition/renovations, the burnout was real thus my choice to drop the art. Sorry for that, but was not manageable for me anymore.

I really like the dynamic of the Chaos Invasion. We're nearing the end of what I had in mind for the Under Hunter tribe phasis. Once again, thank for your regularity and communication. This quest have been one of the most rewarding and positive experience to masterize. We should be nearing the end of the Tribe Phasis. Not quite right there though.

Are you all still having fun? Are there things I can do to improve your experience? It is hard to manage the quest as complexity and rules emerge every turn, so I hope you still feel it's coherent and you enjoy the shape of your civilization.

Also, get ready for irremediable Grassgreen dominion starting from now. Their luck have really been too piss poor for too long. Dice taked, Dice will now give.
Question. Do i have control of that Siege Tower in my territory?

Its been good fun so far. At least for me.

And yeah. They are certainly no longer just tribes. They are empires wielding massive strength. And if united would be a formidable force to sqeep across the planet. Portals and warp paths for infrastructure. Warriors and builders of enormous strength and size. Much in the way of husbandry and selective crop breeding remains to be explored. But so far they seem capable of supporting themselves quite well.

After this war is over i would guess the Badbacks would probably start expanding southeards anyway
Your Siege Tower can be sent any tile of the Warppath. It comes with a force of mercenaries/your regular army.
Good to know. Now if only i could convince Grass Green and Whitemane to advance together with my own forces to crush the northern filth.

Is the soege Tower only equipped with high arching ordenance like Trebuchets? Or could i mount some extra yballistae on it. Even if its the none explosive kind

What do we say? Can we march to war together? Mercs eont hold the enemy off forever. A stalemate against entropy itself can only end in our own destruction
High Arching ordinance. It is made around the room for the arm of the trebuchet
Indeed. GrassGreen has but one priority, one purpose now. Destroy the chaos. Ice and Wind and Flame upon them!

> Are you all still having fun?
Whoof. I really despise the central almighty role (ah hah) of the dice. I don't feel like I have any control over anything, and that's incredibly dispiriting, especially since I approach these kinds of games as a creative endeavor. I've been on the verge of quitting for quite a while, loyalty to other players is basically all that's kept me in this game. And hey, I'll see it to the end, but I've spent a lot of this game pretty unhappy with it.
Honestly I'm not having that much fun because I'm about to spent five turns fighting the chaos invasion and I'm literally unable to do anything else or advance my tech/culture. Also doesn't help that despite consistently rolling well (70-90's) with a plus 30 i'm only able to take one or two tiles at a time. Especially when the enemy gets one crit and undoes like 3 turns of progress
that does suck quite a bit a agree with Burning Grass. especially since now its probably only a matter of time till the chaos forces are suppressed if most of the map focuses on them.
i am having some fun, i am not sure i have lead Ghostclaw well. I don't feel like they are anywhere where i want them even has a pseudo copper/bronze age theocracy. I think i probably just want to do too a lot of different things. I still want to play this quest and ensure the Under Hunters have an actual chance in the far future, and i think the others are here for that too beside for play with eachother. I probably shouldn't have remained so isolated for so long, but i was afraid of overexpanding.

I try to squeeze an image in every update, even if its becoming... difficult there. I am adding more and more symbols to Ghostclaw, more and more things. Ideas don't always come for make a proper image, while i usually have something in mind for what to write. For example i have no idea on how to make the Avatars, if they should be sized like normal Under Hunters, if they should have clothing or armor. Stuff like that.

No i don't think you can do much to improve, beside making sure the main pastebin is filled. Or at least nothing comes to my mind now. You do already enough and i appreciate it, and for a QM you are good. Even if i don't like how certain things go and i dont always agree on some of your stuff. In regard to the Chaos Invasion i am starting to feel like it has been very hard on us, even if for chaos is probably nothing. Its chaos afterall, we are a minor alien race instead. Maybe we will become good at killing demons if we manage to survive, for what is worth when they are so many. If nothing else the Under Hunters ancient past is now filled by multiple heroic wars against Nurgle, lead by probably one of his named great demons. Who can say to have that in the galaxy, while using nothing but realtively simple magic and tech between stone age and bronze age ?

I'll give a try in making a battle scene for the Third Holy War. If i had more time i would make images even for others like i did with Prideful.
> I really despise the central almighty role (ah hah) of the dice
This will be alleviated starting next phasis. I agree.
Honestly, I think you saved Hunterkind with your effort fighting the invasion. I was not below putting all of you in a game over state.
Keyword is 'If'

Your art is heavily appreciated. Indeed, the Chaos Invasion was expected to be a civilization-erasing level threat. All of you are holding on for now and starting to get you HAVE to clean it before it cleans one, two or seven of you (pretty sure Cerulean owe his life to BurningGrass at this point)

I'm trying to reflect the progress through war by giving you Elite Unites making your fighting more efficient. I also expected more Hunter on Hunter conflict, but you never took this position barring a small skirmish between BurningGrass and Jupiter.
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>Cerulan: Pincer the hexes on the boarder.
>Academy: Daemonology - Their strengths, weaknesses, and counters.
>The Eightdreamer and the Dreamslayer have been commandeered by the Agathites for their secret project in the NW hinterlands.
Cerulan hedged their bets by integrating into their neighbors. Even without land of their own a Cerulan culture would have endured. Burning Grass's war efforts did allow the Cerulan to focus on intellectual pursuits rather than throwing all the dice into the blender.
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>Burning Crusade V
seeing a need to reclaim as much ground as possible before the rot has a chance to entrench itself War mind demands a full offensive. He and the empress both know that failure would see the homeland, The birthplace of the empire itself in trouble. An unacceptable situation
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i would suggest using mercenaries on the darkred/reddish brown tiles and have em push forward. my regular army will to to crush the pocket furthest to the right. The Warmachine will be brought to the fore with the Warppaths to surprise the nurglite forces with its awesome firepower.

before its arrival runners are send to the prideful Whitemanes and the Grass Green tribes promising them the lionsshare of the land if they support this thrust into enemy territory while allowing pathways and fortresses to be built in the wake of these armies.
I quite happy with my Hunters. Yes, we were the first tamers and farmers but because of unlucky rolls and needing to chain so many actions together to actually advance this tech AND claim land AND invent culture AND improve our psyker power
But! I am happy with the results , with the help of GrassGreen and the University we should be able to finish the Shaggy-Dahu in-between ages, invent ice cream and cheese, finally build those stupid glass houses so we can grow and study more plants and afterwards? I would be satisfied. I have led the Whitemane well
GrassGreen has your back. We'll cut them off, bottle them up in the crack with no where to run, and then squeeze the life out of them.

And then there will be cake! Just as soon as we invent flour! And find a suitable sweetener!
we need to will into being honey bees.

folour might be made from Fire Fern Tubers. they are probably very starchy already.
Best sweatener should be Crawler's milk, exploited by Jupiter in his Crawler's pen.
We march in full force! My milk, my Shaggy-Dahu, my Stove Groves! For all that we Whitemanes lord over, we will fight and scatter the warp-pus to the wind!
there was no time for Two Leg Wars. There were still titans and ferals about. There was nothing to fight with or over because our lifespan was too short to consume resources. With the mutation that increased our lifespan by 1500% and thus the massive population booms we could've gone to war, but the Meeting in the Mist was our first contact and it was a promise of trade and alliance. The potential for a border dispute between my tribe and Badback over his expansive Warp-way and the skirmish between the Crack Expansionists was interrupted by the Daemons. I'm certain most tribes would've declared war on the Slaver, eventually, but the threat of annihilation turned him from stranger into ally and savior
Until Tzeetch fucks it up, I doubt Two Leg Hunters will be divided by conflict, since the threat of alien gods hangs over us at all times
yes. As long as they dont send a mountain-sized abomination there is nothing we can't flash-freeze and shatter
Finishing the image, probably will take another hour if not more.
The thread have been secured in the archive.
Might not be able to update in the weekend.
I will be away from the internet Monday through most of Thursday.
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"I Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw), have failed the Holy Realm. My CORE OF DUTY, was not fullfilled. In our ambition, for ensure to increase the glory of the realm and for the gods, we failed and brought doom to our golden age. This devils shall not be allowed to exist no longer for such an error, we move to war. I call for a Third Holy War. I shall go to war myself for rectify this mistake, for remove this error. I pray to the Adi-Jark for our victory, for our redemption. I will die or bring victory, DUTY is my calling for my Njate Ake and my ancestors sacred bloodline, for the Holy Realm, for my People, and for the Gods. PRAISE BE TO THE ADI-JARK, PRAISE BE IN YOUR NAMES WE SHALL CANCEL THIS FEASTING WOUND UPON OUR SACRED REALM."

>>Development Turn : Third Holy War
>"We live and die for our Adi-Jark"
>"The Third Holy War has been called. Warriors upon Warriors are rallied and organized, from Njate Ake Snow Moon with their warriors ready to show their VALOR, to the ones of Njate Ake Ice Boulder that prepare to make the devils see how much death their PATIENCE can bring, to the INTEGRITY of Njate Ake Bone Storm that safeguards the realm and that keeps the lines in check. And of course Njate Ake Ghost Claw ready for deliver nothing but oblivion upon the devils and cancel them from the Holy Realm with their DUTY. Morningstars, Stone bleeders, rocks and ice are ready and sharper. The shamans prepare mass prayers and ready their spells, while looking at amulets and give offerings to the ancestors and the gods. Families salute their daughters and sons, and a ceremony is held by the civilians in the Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar. The Avatars themselves move forward with the great army, while the Great Speaker and her Land Wardens following them closely, even if Land Warden Gaa"Uyd'Asd Bone Storm died in the disaster of the staff it self and has been replaced by her daughter. The mourning made by the doom caused by the staff, has ended. Holy War, has come. We fight in the name of Gavdai, of Agaar, Ior, Lrmad and Keer. May Rarn"Aeea doom the devils, Adi-Jark preserve us from the sins of the Night Mother. Praise be."
A war scene,with a colossus facing the avatar of Ior in the back.

I have decided the Avatars will look a bit like the gods but not quite, still feel a bit Under Hunters even if more holy. That took a while to make lmao.
with that post you either unleashed the devil upon them or upon yourself.

that picture is great
It is an engraving showcasing Ghostclaw revenge on the purulent invasion.
The crafthuntership is of highest quality.
Looks like we're still missing Jupiter's turn.
Anyway, will try to update/launch new thread in around 24 hours; Breathless check the catalog when you're back of the dreaded no-internet zone.
Still no Jupiter? Tonight might be compromised.
hey dude. you dead or are ya super dead?

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