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The Nation of Ferrovia has fractured with the death of king Harold with three successor states and a bandit kingdom now fighting over the nation's future. King Elric, the king's brother backed by the landed nobility of the country, wages war in hopes of holding up the monarchy and by connection with the landed gentry. As he styles himself now Lord protector Baric attempts to halt the Monarchists and reformists from harming the status quo with the backing of the army his force is small but well trained and armed. The last of the main contenders is Queen Meredith the sole child of King Harold and devout reformist backed by merchants democrats and communists alike she must lead this dispraite force to victory.
You are Sir Edmund ”The Crow” Drayton, a recently Knighted Yeoman, the leader of the small monarchist sub faction of the reformists. The last few months have seen you push the southern front of the junta forces hard. They have put up stiff resistance with the capture of the ferrovian military academy and the destruction of a motorized division being your reward for your efforts.

Past threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=BrinkQM

The men are ready the next day after defeating the motorized division to keep heading north pushing through desolate territory. The ferrovian countryside is ravaged by the war small villages that used to be the life blood of the rural areas in the north are all but gone The railroads which once moved ore and grain to the industrial cities lay destroyed heaps of burned railroad ties and the tracks themselves having been thrown onto the fire to make them useless. The enemy is going full scorched earth where they can. Your pushes are often slowed by nearly every bridge over even the smallest creek having been destroyed.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 58, 50, 27 = 135 (3d100)

RnGods, please have mercy on my roll
Not merciful with i guess
We saw far worse last thread
Rolled 19, 4, 75 = 98 (3d100)

Rolled 11, 72, 44 = 127 (3d100)

We ain't giving them the chance to surrender for going full scorched earth.
Your men keep good order as they make their way through the hills and valleys the make up the areas separating northern and southern ferrovia. The odd lone farm or small mining operation being the only sign of life but that soon changes as signs of more and more industrialization are seen as you continue north. Your recon teams eventually come to the next major crossroads in a small town in a forested valley, a necessary target as the forests stop your armor and trucks from getting through. The town is occupied by a couple of battalions of infantry who seem to be well dug in.

>frontal attack
>bombardment attack
>bombardment attack
bombing the trenches before moving in with
>armoured attack.
>>bombardment attack
>>bombardment attack
>>bombardment attack
>bombardment attack

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 97, 28, 11 = 136 (3d100)

Rolled 60, 57, 56 = 173 (3d100)

Here goes something
Rolled 29, 82, 35 = 146 (3d100)

No real post till tomorrow

What kind of policies do you think drayton would focus on after the war?
Veteran benefits as a lot of people were forced into the war and many will be injured and maimed from all factions. That or fixing the justice system to avoid a bandit kingdom situation again.
Adding. Education and reforming the military
The guns are rolled up and after a few ranging shots they begin to land rounds in and around the town, the large plumes of smoke and earth shooting into th sky as the guns do their deadly work. THe issues with the ammo reliability seem less severe now but you still see a higher than average dud rate with the guns. The enemy seemed startled by the sudden attack, apparently not expecting your arrival, most likely thinking there was still a friendly unit between them and the frontline. They try to return first with their own artillery but your guns manage to suppress their artillery easily. The guns soon however become low on ammo and overheated and it seems time to make a real attack.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 75, 75, 89 = 239 (3d100)

Rolled 65, 82, 42 = 189 (3d100)

Rolled 19, 61, 84 = 164 (3d100)

Big money
The terrain makes moving forward in one solid formation difficult so several of your companies spread out along the forest while the armor pushes up the main road. The enemy put of a spirited defense of the surrounding forest but it's all for not as your men sweep them away with their superior equipment and experience beating out the enemies advantage on the defensive.

The attack only falters for a moment when they hit the edge of the treeline and make the 100 meter dash to the town proper but your men manage just fine. The town is typical of the area narrow streets lined with brick and mortar homes in shops separated by tall fences which makes it quite difficult for both sides to use longer range weapons so the fighting turns into close quarters fighting which your men have become quite adept at over the last year.

3d100 best of three to finish the attack
Rolled 29, 61, 92 = 182 (3d100)

Rolled 63, 44, 1 = 108 (3d100)

Rolled 40, 58, 17 = 115 (3d100)

The push into the city really starts to slow down around the mid point just reaching the town square when with a sudden rush of reinforcements the enemy begins to push back. Your men make them pay for each house or shop they pry from your control but still they have to fall back over and over again until just at your mens breaking point an almost miracle happens. One of your mortar teams in a somewhat overzealous move had set up in the town proper in one of the many back gardens. It's this very mortar team that through either luck or skill refuse to fall back and hold off what must be the near full force of an infantry company fighting them off with carbines pistols and even using their mortars as improvised hand grenades. Night is soon approaching but your men are still in a decent condition to fight.

>fall back for the night
>dig in
>keep attacking
>>keep attacking
It'll be really hard if we let them reinforce
>>keep attacking
>>keep attacking
Not one step back charge.
>keep attacking

when without orders attack

3d100 best of three
Rolled 62, 30, 18 = 110 (3d100)

let's go!
Rolled 36, 5, 70 = 111 (3d100)

Rolled 53, 54, 30 = 137 (3d100)

I'm a bit worried about the middle roll curse.
I mean, that gets us above 50
True although I have a feeling the D.C has been raised a bit since we are nearing the end game. Wouldn't be surprised if it's closer to 60 or 70 now.
The enemy are just settling in for the night when illumination shells are fired into the air and your somewhat scattered men attempt to attack the enemy. The flares can only do so much for the dark and strange town. Each house that needs to be cleared takes far longer in the dark and when you men do meet the enemy every gun fight is a confused mess of muzzle flashes and screamed commands. A few houses are taken but its simply too dark and your forces to mixed for a night battle to have much effect. You order a halt of the attack sometime before midnight.

>stay in the town and attack in the morning
>pull back and reform and attack the town again
>pull back and encircle the town
It's too dark! We need more light! Light the houses on fire!
... just kidding.
... unless...?

I mean pulling back and setting fire to the areas we cede could be an effective way of making sure they don't follow us (area denial)
But it's mean to the villagers and ruins mights be more easily defended than relatively intact houses.
>>stay in the town and attack in the morning
We have a small foothold so that is good enough to let us take the rest of the city. And if we leave we will have to fight for the same houses again.
Dc is usually sitting around upper 60s now unless your fighting pre war professionals then its upper 70s at the beginning of every battle
>stay in the town and attack in the morning

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 83, 11, 97 = 191 (3d100)

Rolled 75, 32, 80 = 187 (3d100)

Rolled 51, 34, 21 = 106 (3d100)

Your men dig in where they can and try to find some sleep in what remains of the night. The morning dawns with a thick haze that blankets the city, a mix of fog and smoke from several burning buildings. The enemy seemed to have not taken kindly to your midnight attack and returned the favor in the hazy morning. They try but your men are far to hard for the haphazard attack to dislodge. Your men try to counterattack but the smoke makes moving house to house even harder and the enemy seems to have quite the large stockpile of hand grenades and make heavy use of them in repelling your attacks. Through sheer luck the casualties from the defense and attack this morning are incredibly light for urban combat. Your men are tired and their ammo supplies are getting low.

>keep fighting
>pull back and go for resupply
>>pull back and go for resupply
>pull back and go for resupply
>>pull back and go for resupply
Yeah unfortunately
No real post tonight lads
Taking the town proper with your men as tired and low on ammo as they are is a pretty daunting task so you pull them back the enemy must be pretty worn out aswell as they dont even try to contest your men falling back form the city
You do take some time as your men carefully extract themselves from the city to take in the toll even a couple days of fighting have wrecked on the place. There are several smoldering buildings that fill the sky with a thick inky black smoke and nearly every single window is shattered with the cobblestone roads and side streets torn up from tracked vehicles. The men begin to set up improvised defenses on the outskirts while they wait for resupply and their chance to rest some. It occurs to you while they do this there probably isn't a single man in your force who hasn't seen at least some combat over the last couple of months.

>do something during R&R
>Back to fighting
>do something during R&R
>>do something during R&R
Deciding to spend your R&R doing something productive you decide to

>check up on Norton now that hes leading his own division

>Check on your officers

>check on your enlisted

>write to your family (Mother & Brother)

You have time for one
>>check up on Norton now that hes leading his own division
>>check up on Norton now that hes leading his own division
Sounds like they did good work as the anvil, but I'd like to get Norton's opinion on it
You decide to head east to check up on your friend Norton to see how he's doing in his first real non combat command role. The man has always been cool under fire but commanding men from the rear is a different beast than combat command. Your trip takes you through the war torn countryside and you arrive at nortons “camp”. Its honestly nothing like your own camp with much of nortons force being irregular. It's more like what you expect a bunch of thieves, gangsters and murderers would think a military camp would look like which is appropriate considering that's what his men are. Its takes you a bit but you do eventually find nortons command tent which bustles with activity as nortons handful of trained officers dash from their commands to his tent to receive orders. Entering the tent you find norton shouting at a lower rank officer about something before ordering the man away as he notices your entrance

.”Ill be Honest Drayton i'm tempted to shoot you right now” He says with a strained smile. You chuckle at your friend's joke before offering to take him away from the tent for a bit. He agrees and you two soon find yourselves in nortons personal tent enjoying some most likely pilfered whiskey

>ask him how its going

>just try to get him to relax
>just try to get him to relax
>>just try to get him to relax
Mention that we thought he did a good job with the armoured division
Ill be gone till tomorrow no post tonight

Norton fact

He spent his 16th birthday breaking rocks on a penal farm in the south
It prepared him well for his current job
You figure your friend is beyond stressed and decide to spend the night sharing some drinks. You figure its probably been a couple years since both of you have gotten a chance to just relax and drink. That last time being in ironhaven shortly after his reassignment to the capital naval garrison and your promotion to Major. It's honestly a shame Norton's career in the marines was so hampered by the events of his youth. It's during that last night out he told you of his past: a Hard early childhood on the streets of Gresh followed by a stint in a reform school in ironhaven and then culminating in three years hard labor on a penal farm in the south. The way he put it, the farm had given him a choice: a military career or find himself being attached to some fiefdom as a peasant. He picked the military career of course the marine corps desperate for officers upon learning he was able to read and write sent him off to OSC and a few weeks after graduating he found himself shoved into a landing craft off the coast of Beville.

Bebille must still haunt him, still you know he's always seemed uncomfortable on small boats, something about the rocking reminding him of the landing. It's there on that godsforsaken island you met for the first time him and what remained of his platoon saving yours a couple other troopers lives from dozens of angry communist militia.

The night passes nightly and you find yourself very hungover the next morning wishing your friend a hasty recovery from his own hangover. You soon return to your men ready to take war to your fellow countrymen once again

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 53, 65, 24 = 142 (3d100)

Rolled 33, 59, 87 = 179 (3d100)

blood for the queen and democracy
Rolled 78, 51, 64 = 193 (3d100)

The city which you've come to learn is called Bastin, a bastardization of the aqulian word bastion, ironically considering how hard the Juntas fought for it looks like something out of tales of what the land of the dead looks like. The town still smolders and there's scant few houses left that aren't marked by artillery, fire or both. The occasional Junta soldier can be seen dashing from house to house going about their duties. Your recon flights have spotted another infantry formation having moved into the town during your break and they seem very intent on holding the crossroads. Your men are well supplied with ammunition.

>attempt to assault the city again
>attempt to bypass the city
>attempt to bypass the city
Surrounding action
>>attempt to bypass the city
>attempt to bypass the city
>attempt to bypass the city

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 89, 90, 74 = 253 (3d100)

Rolled 57, 20, 77 = 154 (3d100)

Well then
Rolled 82, 91, 100 = 273 (3d100)

While the rest of your force has been resting, your recon platoons have been showing off why they are experts at their craft. They have scouted and mapped out every single inch of the surrounding forests and hills of the town spotting the enemy OPs dugouts and fallback positions.

It's the early morning hours when your infantry dismounted from their vehicles so as to not get stuck amongst the trees pushed out into the hilly forests. They must be something out of a nightmare as they stealthily push right ontop of the enemy positions in some places taking them more often than not with bayonet and sharpened shovels over rifles and submachine guns. Its well into the day when the enemy seems to finally react to your attack attempting to reinforce already fallen positions and getting punished harshly for it. The sun is beginning to set as your infantry closes the last real route in and out of the city of Bastin, the cost for you being only a handful of dead and about two dozen wounded.

>offer terms to the city
>start bombarding the city
>write in
>offer terms to the city
>write: dig in for reinforcement counterattacks and breakout attempts
+1 No reason to sit around like a headless chicken while we wait for a response.
We could try to offer lenient sentences to the officer core and freedom to the grunts since they are just following orders and can point to crown grunts who we let free.
>offer terms to the city
>write: dig in for reinforcement counterattacks and breakout attempts

4d100 going to be a kind of low DC sense you have a good reputation amongst junta officers
Rolled 68, 96, 44, 41 = 249 (4d100)

Rolled 33, 87, 73, 42 = 235 (4d100)

Rolled 82, 95, 75, 43 = 295 (4d100)

Your men are well practiced on what to do when surrounding an enemy force by now hardening the outer edge and inner edge of your line to halt any breakout attempts. That's exactly what the enemy tried several times as the local junta commander most likely panics at having such a valuable crossroad be captured along with a good chunk of an infantry division. The city itself also tries to break out on a few occasions as you tighten the encirclement but its piecemeal and very sporadic most likely not an intentional attempt by whoever's in charge but just panicked responses from the trapped men.

You honestly can't even send a proper delegation to the city for most of the day as any attempt to approach even under a white flag gets fired upon by panicking junta soldiers. Its early the next morning when you finally arrange a meeting between you and the enemy commander. You two agree to meet in the no man's land between the city and your defenses. The enemy commander soon arrive son foot at your designated meeting spot and hes surprisingly someone you've met before. Hes LT Col Artyom Braytov one of the scores of Arbeiterian refugees that flooded the country when his nation fell to the communists you two briefly met shortly after your return from Belville where you did some urban warfare training with the at the time Arbeiterian government in exile. Hes an honorable man from the lower class like yourself

>how do you want to ask for his surrender?
"Your boys put up one hell of a fight. You should be proud of them. They should be proud of themselves. It's not every day we have to go around our target instead of through it. Anyway, to cut a long story short, the easier you make it for me to accept your surrender, the easier job I'll have making sure all your boys can eventually get home safe and healthy. I'd much rather we were friends than enemies. For you personally, I know your history. I think you'd be perfect working on the civilian side in the Displaced Persons Department. That would keep you out of a POW camp, but you wouldn't have to fight your former comrades in arms."
3d100 best of three please
Rolled 71, 73, 33 = 177 (3d100)

Rolled 72, 12, 62 = 146 (3d100)

Rolled 6, 18, 81 = 105 (3d100)

Artyom eyes you up the large arbeiterian towers over most of his countrymen and is easily a bit taller than yourself, his simple uniform empty of the usual fancy adornments his people tend to wear on their uniforms. He reaches up scratching a thin line of stubble on his chin before speaking. “We've met before haven't we Ferrovian?” You nod “Yeah we did, I taught a couple of courses of urban warfare training a few years ago” His eyes open slightly wider in recognition. “Your Edmund Drayton then, What you and your men did at Clarks landing is the kind of thing they are going to be teaching for decades to come”

Silence last between you two for a couple of moments before you speak “You and your boys fought well, Artyom they forced us to bypass you not even the Houseguards could make us do that. I want to offer you good terms for that so you and your boys can go home at the end of this” He stands there thinking for a moment “I accept your offer for my mens safe passage but I want safe passage out of Ferrovia for me and my officers to Kreshi or aquila whichever is easier” He seems worried at the prospect of staying in ferrovia

As long as he swears/agrees not to fight us (or Ferrovia) ever again, I don't see the problem. That's a few fewer POWs we'd have to worry about, anyway.
Yeah, but if you fight against Ferrovia again less lenient terms will be given. *puts hand on revolver*
We are basically the high general of the army so we can give them passage.
You eye up the large man studying his face as you think about his counter offer. You have no idea why he wants to leave. It's not like he can return to his homeland but the chance to knock out an infantry division along with an experienced commander without a costly siege is far too tempting. Holding out your hand for a handshake you agree to his terms. “You've got yourself a deal Artyom” He takes your hand and shakes it “Thank you General”

It takes a couple hours but soon the regular enlisted begin to stream out of the city throwing their weapons to the side in massive piles as your men go about the work of identifying them and getting them set to head to the rear where they will soon be taken to POW camps. The officers are normally separated but instead of being taken to the rear to head for a POW camp they are being taken to a rail line where they will be taken to a less than well guarded kreshi border post and let free. The whole process takes a couple days but soon you are ready to keep pushing north.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 78, 75, 90 = 243 (3d100)

Rolled 55, 38, 75 = 168 (3d100)

Justified or not I think he suspects the worst should he stay in the country, my personal guess is he has some involvement in the communist plot and knows if that he doesn't get out within the next couple of months nothing we can say could possibly protect him.
Rolled 31, 28, 2 = 61 (3d100)

He was fleeing the commies when he arrived in Ferrovia, and probably joined the Junta to fight them. If they captured him they'd probably kill him (he probably had a bunch of commies summarily executed, which is fair play as far as I'm concerned since the commies were executing Junta officers as well, and I figure Drayton would suspect as much but also be fine with letting him flee the country as long as he quits the conflict)
Yeah i'm mostly aware, what I'm saying is I think the Junta had a hand in trying to frame the communists (the (plot from the last couple threads) and he may of had some knowledge or involvement with that and as you mention the communists already want him dead so if my guess is correct and word got out his execution would be practically damn near nonnegotiable even best case scenario should he stay.
I'm not sure I got the feeling he was quite that deeply involved in that sort of thing, given that he's in the field, but suffice it to say, we have a pretty good idea that he's been up to something and if he wants to leave, then we're not going to stop him since we can't say we won't need his good will later on and it gives us a city without spilling unnecessary blood.
Your fairly sure the plot in Nevefar was an almost entirely foreign supported plot and outside of fears of another communist revolution you currently have no clue why Artyom and his cadre of Arbetieran officers want out of ferrovia
Fair enough i'm sure we will figure it out in time for better or worse.
No real update tonight lads had a potential offer for a better job
good luck!
The time it took you to handle that many POWs was plenty of time for the enemy to respond and respond they did. The force that had responded to your initial encirclement of the Bastin has seemingly pulled back from their haphazard positions near the town. Your men find the retreat was orderly, the enemy not leaving anything for you be it supplies or infrastructure. Its when your just coming up over one of the many forested hills you spot the true target of your advance, the city of Ironhaven.

The capital of the Kingdom of ferrovia is a relatively new city by many standards only being founded by King Araron at the beginning of the ferrovias industrial revolution; the city intended to be the monarchies attempt at taking advantage of the growing merchant class. The cities many factories and warehouses made use of raw resources brought at first by barge and later train from the Kresh mountains and then shipping many of those goods to the wider world specifically to Aquila or Marsalia prior to the great war. The city being designed from the outset for industrial work is shaped into rings with the center of the ring being the massive palace complex home to the monarch or you suppose at the current moment lord protector Baric. The second ring is made up of offices, homes and shops of the middle class with the outermost ring being made up of factories, warehouses and lower class housing.

The junta it seems have set about fortifying the city intent on keeping you out. The rest of the reformist army is several days out from the northern side of the city and you've just arrived on the south side.

>push to encircle the city now
>wait for more of the reformist army
>>push to encircle the city now
at least try to cut off the southern approaches.
this will also throw off their battle plans for the northern defense
>>push to encircle the city now
>push to encircle the city now

5d100 best of three please
Rolled 37, 8, 49, 14, 2 = 110 (5d100)

5 dice? Damn.
Rolled 12, 85, 92, 87, 4 = 280 (5d100)

Rolled 35, 9, 17, 2, 25 = 88 (5d100)

Thank you for saving us with these good rolls.
There's no time to lose the sooner you cut off the city the less supplies and forces get inside a fact clear by the choked roads full of trucks, horses and people all trying to cram themselves into the nation's capital. Your men ina mix of trucks and ontop of tanks stream down toward the first of the multiple highways leading into the city. These trucks and horses are not easy targets however as they do seem to have some sort of escort. Thye fight hard in a desperate holding action to just get a little more supplies into the city but by days end their attempts to hold you back are futile and the city is surrounded at least on the land side the port will need to be blockaded by the ferrovian navy.

Your men go about setting up for a siege which unlike the siege of clarks landing will have to deal with the threat of a relief force from the east as the junta still hold the city of gresh and several smaller cities. The enemy has done a pretty admirable job of hardening the city from attack despite such a short notice many of the highways and smaller street have been blocked by barricades made of wreck cars and trucks while AA fire rakes and aircraft who attempt a flyby of the city. Youve been informed the rest of reformist army is at most a week out from the city.

3d100 best of three
Rolled 35, 88, 61 = 184 (3d100)

Rolled 11, 50, 33 = 94 (3d100)

Rolled 86, 79, 59 = 224 (3d100)

You were dead right to make sure your men set up defenses facing both directions when a sizable force tries to break the ring you've formed around the city. The attempt is worthless though as the force of trucks and foot soldiers just breaks on your forces. The reformist navy soon makes an appearance blocking the port with a few of the destroyers but unable to come closer due to the city's sizable naval gun batteries. The defenders inside the city dont make too many moves during the week, mostly small skirmishes and attempts to scout your line which you do decently well at stopping.

>attempt to assault the city
>bombard the city
>attempt demoralize the defenders
>attempt demoralize the defenders
Have the defectors within our ranks shout how well they were treated and how the lies of the junta are bs to get people to surrender. Maybe namedropping our name and such.
>>attempt demoralize the defenders

"The war is over, Kheshi, Monarchists, and even the Junta are almost wiped out. Any further needless conflict will just be a waste of lives and broken families. At this point the Junta command will more likely sacrifice your lives out of pride just to fight one day longer. All of you have families to go back to as you all did your duty."
>>attempt demoralize the defenders
>>attempt demoralize the defenders
>attempt demoralize the defenders
3d100 best of three please

How would you like to try and deliver this message? leaflets? open radio broadcast?
Rolled 28, 100, 34 = 162 (3d100)

Rolled 28, 53, 37 = 118 (3d100)

Looks like we will get a special person who will surrender, special information about weaknesses in defence or even a revolt
Rolled 56, 59, 95 = 210 (3d100)

Radio would be jammed so leaflets would be the best option so even the grunts will be able to see the message before Junta command tries to burn it.
The idea of dropping leaflets on the enemy is brought up to you early on in the week and it seems like a good idea so you begin to make them and have your transport aircraft drop them over the city at night. The civilian populace for a week wake up to the streets and sidewalks of the city covered in a layer of paper urging them to surrender and to not prolong the war any longer. The leaflets especially point out the commander of the siege is yourself the man who's broken all enemies who stood against him. The man who wrote the leaflets, one of your company commanders, even makes several comparisons between this siege and the legendary sieges of king albrecht the unifier.

They leaflets do seem to have an effect as you witness quite a number of civilians being allowed to leave the city by the junta but no soldiers until one early morning the sounds of machine gun fire and and explosions rock on the side of the city and a company strength force rushes from the defenses first thought to be a sortie it soon turns out they wish to surrender when they begin to discard weapons and strip out of their uniforms. They explain they had asked to leave the city like the steady stream of civilians but their commander accused them of treason and heated gun battle ensued and they fled the city.

The surrendering soldiers bring with them some concrete numbers for the enemy inside the city nearly 10000 soldiers occupy the city along with a dozen medium tanks and what must be the last of the heavy tanks from the first armored division

>attempt and assault
>bombard them
Yeah no a 10k soldier city siege is not something our armies would survive. This will end up with everyone killed and no army to protect the nation after we "win". We cannot assault them and need more civies to leave.

Fire one artillery shell per hour but double it for every hour. And give hourly warnings for the civilians to grab what valuables they have and three days to leave the city before things get much worse. Begin making barrel fuel bombs to burn the city to the ground and get the planes ready for terror night raids.
they have 10,000 soldiers, probably the best in the country outside our own. we have at most about 5,000 soldiers, if we include Norton's gaggle of excons
Frankly, we need 30,000 soldiers to take the city (3 to 1 numeric advantage)
Our side will only get stronger as the reformists to the north advance, and their side will only get weaker since they are cut off from reinforcement.
once we have
Actually you command a force of nearly 1500 airborne and another 3000 F.A.G while norton commands around 5000ish people so its almost 1-1 for you
that's still far less than I'd like to use to take a city whose occupants have nowhere to retreat to and may be very adverse to surrender. Especially since the broader course of events seems to augur in favor of showing a bit of patience.
>Fire one artillery shell per hour but double it for every hour.
I'm not super sold on the exponential growth at play here but one an hour would be good.
can our artillery reach any particular targets we'd know of? the seat of their government would be ideal, but a local headquarters would also be viable. we don't want to accidentally hit a civilian area if we can help it. maybe something they can almost set their watches to, that becomes more grating and annoying than an actual threat.
Yeah 10 000 is not something we can beat without heavy losses.
Yeah sure we can try to use the planes as spotters and radio in coordinates. I just assumed their HQ would be hidden or far from our range from their counter battery.

Still an awful ratio and risks losing everyone we fought so hard to keep alive.
No post tonight

Ferrovian fun fact until around a 20 years ago it was perfectly legal for officers in the ferovian army to execute soldiers with no cause
No wonder the junta likes us. We don't straight up execute anyone for looking at us funny.
Your reformist reinforcements have been slowed down by scorched earth tactics put in place by the junta but should arrive soon. In the meantime you set about setting up a order of bombardment on the city issuing warnings out to the civilian populous via leaflets that your going to begin to gradually ramp up your bombardments with doubling the shells you fire every hour. Your order your men to try and keep the shells in the general vicinity of military targets but artillery is not an entirely precise thing so your not sure how accurate they will be

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 65, 57, 76 = 198 (3d100)

As we all know historically terror bombings always demoralize the enemy!
Rolled 78, 87, 5 = 170 (3d100)


The sarcasm is strong with this one.
Rolled 23, 88, 99 = 210 (3d100)

I'm now imagining firing a warning shell into the city and accidentally an ammo dump
>"did you, uh... did you mean do do that?""
>yeah sure...
>under breath: Holy Fuck I might get ennobled for that one.
MC: "Norton fire a warning shot."
Norton: "Sir this is an artillery gun."
MC: "Potatoe tomato just fire it."
Thunk, BOOM.
The next morning there is a much bigger wave of retreating civilians but no more soldiers deserting. The guns are prepped and the escalating bombardment begins by mid morning. The guns have already dumped almost a hundred rounds and fires fill the skies above ironhaven with thick black smoke where once was the smoke of industry. Its just past dinner time when there is a sudden boom heard from the city and you wonder at first if your guns had struck a ammo dump but you are soon informed of the true victim of your guns.The destroyer Campbell one of the newer vessels in the ferrovian navy and these days a junta vessel was struck by a shell and apparently began to cook off in the harbor. The harbor even hours afterwards burns as the fuel from the stricken destroyer along with fuel tanks fill the deep waters of the Ironhavens natural harbors with flaming fuel. Your reinforcements should arrive tomorrow aslong as nothing slows them down more.

>Write in: do preparations for assault by making extra maps to memorise, planning vectors of attack and giving our troops enough rest for the assault.
Reinforcements should arrive soon and we should prepare for the bloody mess that is to come.
+1, every soldier will have a map
+1 at this point everyone that was gonna leave has left and attacking when reinforcements are right around the corner isn't exactly a smart move. Best to do some last minute preparations for now.
I still think we should drop napalm bombs and just burn the city to the ground with the 30k Junta troops. Need to earn that bloody title of the butcher again.
prep for an assault

give me 2d100 best of three and

Ask Norton to joint he attack y/n?
Rolled 75, 55 = 130 (2d100)

Rolled 1, 66 = 67 (2d100)

Rolled 95, 79 = 174 (2d100)

The fact you will have to actually attack the city is becoming more and more clear as your artillery fires as quickly as they can get ammo saturating anything that looks remotely like a military position in the city. Your soldiers are battle hardened veterans with them having some of the most experience in urban combat out of nearly any fighting force in ferrovia possibly the world. This is a fact that should hopefully help you in the attack but it doesnt hurt to stack the deck in your favor a bit more so the creation and distribution of maps begins intending to keep your men well informed about the cites layout. You also see to it that as many spare hand grenades, satchel charges and explosives in general are handed out in mass to your men to make room clearing easier. The current plan is for your force to attack from the east while nortons men will split in two hitting the north and south parts of the city in hopes of forcing the junta to spread their force thin. The day passes quickly as these preparations are made and the next morning nearly 15000 reformist soldiers arrive from the north to reinforce your position.

>attack the city now
>more prep?(write in)
>>more prep?(write in)
maybe bait the Anti Air, and shell their positions with artillery so we can get limited air support in.
A citu needs a 5/7 to 1 force advantage. Stacking multipliers works.
>bait anti air

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 56, 47, 20 = 123 (3d100)

Rolled 67, 10, 49 = 126 (3d100)

Rolled 34, 82, 8 = 124 (3d100)

decent rolls but no post tonight lads
Youve been running recon flights around the city since the siege began but the sheer number of the anti air guns in the city have kept your aircraft from flying over. If you're going to take the city, having access to your gunships will be important so one of your transports is picked out and outfitted with as much extra armor as it can and is sent to fly over the city. You watch as the slow transport flies over the city and the sky fills with AA fire, some of it just small machine guns although clearly there are some bigger 20mm and even larger 40mm guns taking part in firing at the aircraft. While this transport makes its run several recon craft are staying back to record the locations of the guns and send that info to artillery crew standing by. The guns fire at these positions at some time but actual effect while be unknown until its time for the assault proper

Will you be taking part in the attack?
Of course
like we could ever say no

5d100 best of of three

good luck
Rolled 78, 100, 18, 70, 64 = 330 (5d100)

Rolled 18, 16, 79, 63, 68 = 244 (5d100)

Rolled 50, 97, 46, 52, 36 = 281 (5d100)

It starts the way your men have become accustomed too waking in the early morning hours and preparing for first light to begin the attack. The plan is for your force to push the eastern side of the city while norton takes the north and south with the intention to spread the junta forces thin. The sun is just barely poking over the horizon as the roar of your tanks and trucks engines can be heard as they all start in almost unison. Your artillery covers your avenue of approach with smoke as you men push off the starting line, They make good time across the relatively flat outskirts of the city before the enemy begin to fire upon you mortars and other light artillery try to strike your attack columns but it seems luck is on your side today as the shells are push off course by a strong wind.

The first of your forces reach the city proper and thus begins the work of clearing buildings with infantry and keeping the streets clear with your tanks. The enemy armor is curiously absent for this first stage most likely being kept in reserve. You yourself have set up a small command HQ close to the slowly moving front as your men continue to clear the outer warehouses and apartment blocks that make up the living quarters of the poor working class of the city. The brownstone apartments seem to be the worst buildings to take as each room needs to be cleared of junta soldiers before an entire building can be deemed clear. Meanwhile you notice a steady stream of surrendering junta soldiers as they clear buildings so many soldiers its starting to put a serious strain on your forces in terms of the required manpower to guard them.

>keep guarding the prisoners
>stop taking prisoners
>let surrendering soldiers leave the city
>>let surrendering soldiers leave the city
Do we have a rear element we can send them to for processing?
>let surrendering soldiers leave the city

Do we have a rear element we can send them to for processing?
Probably some reformist troops and some of our men I would assume
>>let surrendering soldiers leave the city
You simply lack the manpower in this moment to keep these prisoners. The dark thought of refusing to take prisoners crosses your mind but wanton death this late in the war seems pointless. The decision is made and any prisoners are ordered to keep marching east out of the city toward reformist rearguards. There will be some who will ditch their uniforms and disappear into the countryside but that's a risk you have to take. The fighting in the city doesnt seems to even slow down as night falls and your men dig in for the night. The frontline if you can even call it that is extremely permeable with junta infantry squads flowing between your own squads and platoons but despite this they fail to dislodge you from your positions.

3d100 best of three
Rolled 60, 80, 23 = 163 (3d100)

Rolled 55, 76, 76 = 207 (3d100)

Rolled 26, 55, 67 = 148 (3d100)

The next morning is met with more concrete attempts to dislodge you, machineguns hand grenades improved explosives you name it the junta forces throw it at you all except the tanks which still remain curiously absent. These attempts fail however your men are experts in this kind of warfare now clearing buildings with ruthless skill and defeating against counterattacks in kind. The outer ring is soon taken by you and your men and you find yourself at something of a cross road in taking the city. You can push to the port and cut off any attempted escape or you can push for the palace and attempt to decapitate the city's defenses here and now.

>go for the port
>go for the palace
>>go for the port
we might get treats
>go for the port
Full encirclement
>>go for the port
>go for the port
3d100 best of three please
Rolled 55, 89, 23 = 167 (3d100)

Rolled 88, 50, 73 = 211 (3d100)

Rolled 62, 23, 41 = 126 (3d100)

No real post tonight

The city of Ironhaven is carefully situated at the delta of the Hartosh river which made moving ores from the Kreshi mountains quite easy before invention of the train
The palace looms over the center of the city but it will have to wait, taking the port is far more important to stop an possible escape for the Junta leadership still in the city. Your men push street by street toward the port which a significant section of which still burns. The original number to nearly ten thousand junta soldiers is probably correct but what wasnt noted at the beginning of the siege was the fact only one in three junta soldiers are armed with a real weapon. This means the push to the port goes far smoother than originally thought. Your men are over halfway to the port when you receive the report youve been dredging the enemy armor which has been held in reserve somewhere in the city has now begun a counterattack seemingly intent on keeping the route to the cities port clear.

>focus destroying the armor

>focus taking the port
>focus destroying the armor
Ambushes, Molotov's, grenades upon grenades, every explosive imagenable and tanks should work
>>focus taking the port
>focus destroying the armor
Unless anons want to gamble on some high value targets trying to escape by boat taking the ports is sort of pointless if their desperate last resort ends up turning our back lines into swiss cheese.
>focus destroying the armor

ending the junta armored corps

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 45, 63, 15 = 123 (3d100)

Rolled 25, 24, 53 = 102 (3d100)

Rolled 1, 44, 96 = 141 (3d100)

You are sergeant Alvin Yew a veteran of the great war and nearly every conflict ferrovia has fought since, you are one of the elite 1st airborne being commanded by the quite famous Edmund Drayton. These are some of the facts about yourself that run through you head as you realize you really shouldn't still be alive. The junta since you and your comrades had attack the city have made their tanks scarce until now. Orders from high command had ordered you to track down and destroy the enemy armor before they could slink off to their hiding places again. This is a job you and your platoon have gotten quite good at , having become well known as tank killers during some trouble out east a few months ago. your platoon along with a few others made your way through the chaotic mess of a city toward the last reported position of some of the enemy armor when you met each other by complete accident they rolled around a corner as your platoon took a break to rest. The enemy armor, a heavy tank of an unknown design came to a stop staring at your men who were in some state of shock at the arrival of the massive tank. It seemed to have finally come out of its own shock and opened fire on your platoon most of whom we scattered out in the street like yourself. In a brave but stupid action you charged the tank a homemade shaped charge in hand your by sheer luck was not gunned down by the tanks coaxial machine gun. Its when you were close enough to throw the heavy charge you threw it at the tank, the charge landing ontop of the tank's turret, the charge detonating and soon causing the tank itself to begin to cook off.

You are Edmund Drayton and youve just gotten done reading a series of reports about the days attempts to destroy the junta's armor. The attempts to attack had been forced to be scattered by the sheer chaos of the city. Its men Like sergeant Alvin Yew who managed to keep the casualties low. The night soon falls.

>order night attacks
>rest for the night
>rest for the night
>>rest for the night
>rest for the night
god we are going to lose so many men in urban fighting
>rest for the night

3d100 best of three
Rolled 9, 53, 60 = 122 (3d100)

Rolled 77, 11, 46 = 134 (3d100)

Rolled 24, 56, 77 = 157 (3d100)

Here goes
The night falls and with it the city is blanketed in darkness, the power supply for the city long since cut off. Its in this darkness you lose track of the enemy armor once again hiding off somewhere unknown. The occasional raid by junta infantry do happen during the night but they are disorganized and only deal out light casualties. The next morning smoke and haze cover the city as a large fire on the western side of the city burns uncontested, neither side having the resources or manpower to handle it with the control of the city so contested.

>try to track down the armor
>keep going for the port

this will be closer to the new time Ill be posting from now on as my new job position has different hours
>keep going for the port
Full encircle.
>keep going for the port
I suspect the armor moved to a different part of the battle once they engaged us
>>keep going for the port
>>keep going for the port
>keep going for the port

3d100 best of three
Rolled 35, 44, 100 = 179 (3d100)

Rolled 41, 79, 37 = 157 (3d100)

Rolled 62, 34, 40 = 136 (3d100)

No post tonight lads
sad. Be ready to make a new thread though. we are close to last place on the final page.
The morning is greeted with a light rain which does help somewhat with the many fires that burn in the city however it does also make the work of fighting more miserable than the bloody work of CQC already does. The push to the port does seem quite a bit more easy than the last few days as the most combat effective junta soldiers seem to be falling back to the palace save for the junta marine units which seem dead set on protecting the handful of ships still in the wrecked harbor. Its around noon when the last of these marines are either killed or surrender to your men and are quickly forced out of the city disarmed. The navy itself has seemed to have scuttled several destroyers in the harbor but there isn't much that can be done about that now. The good news is the reformist Navy can now bring in supplies and reinforcements from the harbor to help with securing the city.

Next post will most likely be a new thread

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