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Previous chapters: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Heretic%20Cultivator%20Quest
MC info Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/x5rCdZpq
Sect/ disciple info Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0Yghkqs4WxALnnlVJ2uPpphQk9NQ4ME32DzC1qWp7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Folklore: https://pastebin.com/AnbsrDcd

Specter Starvation (幽灵饥饿, Yōulíngjī'è), a curse considered in this modern era to be without a cure, a death sentence either through the afflicted wasting away to spiritual starvation or being hunted down once they are consumed by their unnatural hungers. A curse so terrible the mere whispers of it are enough to scare most of the cultivation world from pursuing ghostly dao or cultivating and refining deathly or ghostly yin Qi. But you aren't like most other Daoists, you are the great and more often than not magnanimous Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood), the founder of both the heretical and ghost aligned Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎl) and the heretical but noble sect of beasts, outcasts and oddballs, The Palace of Natural laws sect palace of natural laws sect (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn). And this curse will not be your end or downfall. For you know the medicine and treatment that was forgotten ages ago.

All that must be done to cure one's self of the ghastly desires and gnawing hunger that afflicts that most debased and feral of hungry ghosts and wild Jiangshi, is to devour the lifeforce of dragon or something of equally profound spiritual energy or possessing Qi or vitality as refined and powerful as their own. And while you are certain, if given enough time, you could find an alternative means of curing yourself, especially with the assistance of the ghostly calamity who infected you with the accursed and gross hunger for life-energy and souls that you've so far been able to resist and ignore, Aodasheng (Proud Great Sage, 傲大圣) who has so far proven not only loyal to and capable of fulfilling his promise to act as and be your subordinate, but is also a learned scholar of most of what is forbidden in this world beneath the unjust heavens.

However, you nearly fainted from hunger and feel your marvelously trained and sculpted body beginning to weaken as starvation begins to sap away your strength and fog your usually peerlessly sharp and sagacious mind, hazing and messing up your ideas and thoughts. So there isn't an excess of time for you to search for an alternative medicine or risk going rabid with hunger, especially since you were just about to declare your tournament open and started when you shamefully collapsed out of hunger in front of an elder demon hunter and the head of another sect!

And to avoid embarrassing yourself like that again, since it is utterly unthinkable you could share the pitiful fate the others who've fallen victim to Specter Starvation, that you've traveled to the Summer Sea at the south of the Chuan Kingdom.

The territory of your subordinate sect the Summer Sea Dawn (夏季海黎明, Xiàjìhǎilímíng), who you had just recently visited to return to them the kidnap souls of their fallen brothers in arms and sect mates. Which makes your sudden return to their lands, quite the shock and surprise to the sect, the majority of which, including their senior members, elders and heads have left to join the tournament you're hosting. Jinse-Shayu (Golden shark, 金色 -鲨鱼) and his kind of scary and taciturn wife, the whale tossing Yanyu (盐玉 , Salt Jade), have already left to travel to your garden to witness and partake in the event. And you caught their members who chose to stay behind in the middle of putting their dead to rest along with the main port city under their sway, whose blubbery mayor hides behind the head of the local shrine of your cult as you waltz down the street, like you own the place

Because you do, even if you don't know the name of the city itself. You notice the adherents you met the last two times you cam here, Haimao, Chuanmao, Maozhuaban, and Huannupu are nowhere to be seen. But you aren't worried for their well being, they've probably traveled to the tournament as well. As has the next lord Xia, Red Shark. But not his bastard little brother...or siblings, considering the notable flock of Jinse-Shayu looking youths flocking around the wild man with salt clinging to his wild braids and eye obscuring hair.

"Xia Xiaosi?" You say, smiling the way a cat would when they greet a mouse as you flick your tail and hop down to the beach, lifting your ears and one paw, treating it like a coyly positioned fan partially obscuring your smile as you walk up to your fellow writer, who you note is also tending to a few magical beasts who gawk at you like you were the sun descended from the sky, blinding them with your majesty

"Lady Huanliuxue?!" He gasps, looking around for a more senior and respected sect member to defer to, but falling on one knee when he realizes he is the most senior of the sect left behind "What...What is the meaning for you to visit our humble holdings again so soon?"

"So it is you! Even though you grew a little wild and strange while acting as ambassador, you look like a mountain hermit that's gone savage as a" You exclaim, acting like you hadn't recognized him by his peculiar, beastly and unwashed scent he acquired when you made him babysit all the magical beasts in Suiqi, but stop your tongue before it can spit out the word wolf "Well, a monkey, Heh-Heh"

Xia Xiaosi frowns, like he heard wolf instead of monkey, and you wonder if you'd just imagined saying monkey. Your head is feeling fuzzy enough from hunger that you might have. You wait to see if anyone will reprimand your rudeness, and decide when no one speaks up, that you did in fact say monkey even if their ears heard something different.

"Seaside air and salty water isn't kind to tangled hair" He answers simply "And this vagrant look makes the critters I watch over feel at ease in my company"

"Its your scent" You explain with a nod "Younger beasts tend to find the changing smells around humans unnerving, with all the soaps and perfumes they use to mask their natural scent which for some creatures is like constantly exchanging their faces for someone elses, so, while looking more like a wild animal yourself probably helped, its your constant and unique aroma that makes your presence so comforting to them, primarily, probably"

"I figured as much, but I don't even notice the smell myself anymore" He laughs nervously, glancing waywardly up to the sky, begging for someone else to fall from it to take his place as the representative of his sect "So...what brings you back here so soon, Grand-Master? Princess of all that is wild in pure? Did you change your mind about wanting to see off our fallen comrades? My father said you seemed oddly distracted and ill mannered when you returned them? Has whatever that was troubling been, uh, dealt with?"

'No, that's why I'm here' You think to yourself, dropping your paw to the ground as you plod up to him, his younger siblings pointing and the braver amongst them reaching out their hands to pet you before pulling them back when you look down at them.

"Oh, I was just caught by a certain flight of whimsy when I thought about the view of the sea from this very beach" You lie, looking past him over the horizon "And with all the stress of preparing for my grand, regal tournament, I though to take a little stroll across it, towards the horizon"

Xia Xiaosi scratches his neck, eyes narrowed in a wince he managed to catch and stop

"Our most experience sailors would be at your disposal, my master, but, unfortunately" He says ashamedly, bowing his head as a normal seagull lands on top of his head and pecks at his sand peppered hair "They're already busy traveling to collect our more distant members, who were cultivating upon remote islands or searching for any sign of the beast wave out at the sea, and while any member of the summer sea dawn could take their place, Of our membership and the Xia clan both, I am the best that was left behind...Once word spread the dusk marsh wolves were heading to your tournament in force, we had to respond in equal measure, it is the way things are"

"Of course" You sigh, pouting in the way only cat face can as you lay down onto the sand and gaze morosely out at the sea, and as you'd hoped, just a sad look is enough to make Xiaosi scramble to mitigate your disappointment and indulge your whim

"Of course we can send word for one of my betters to return to guide you across the sea or summon back the best captains under our employ" He hastily explains, kneeling next to you and all but kowtowing and pressing his face into the sea wetted sands

You smirk. Too Easy.

What do you decide to do, Huanliuxue?

>Take Xia Xiaosi to captain the ship and show you to the most dangerous waters in his family's sea-bound territory

>Just laugh and fly across the sea, having just wanted to mess with the poor boy, and find a sea monster on your own. How hard could finding one in the uncharted sea be?

>Explain that you're alright with charting a ship of lower quality than you deserve, and while you're shown around the summer sea, have Aodasheng, Renshu of the river, and Chuandapo plunge the depths covertly in search of your Levithan

>Admit that you've come wanting to hunt a sea monster, so you'll be willing to wait a day or two for him to call his father or mother back to help you find one.

>Tease Xiaosi, and threaten to reveal his double life as a writer to his family and sect and get him to admit he reads Hare and Hunting hound

>Write in
>Take Xia Xiaosi to captain the ship and show you to the most dangerous waters in his family's sea-bound territory
>>Explain that you're alright with charting a ship of lower quality than you deserve, and while you're shown around the summer sea, have Aodasheng, Renshu of the river, and Chuandapo plunge the depths covertly in search of your Levithan
If we do the best of both worlds, we are more then likely to finish our goal and get the monster, and they can help us too.
We explore and have help exploring so we can find something as fast as possible.

>Tease him about seeing if he has any more novels. Maybe we should trade notes!
>Explain that you're alright with charting a ship of lower quality than you deserve, and while you're shown around the summer sea, have Aodasheng, Renshu of the river, and Chuandapo plunge the depths covertly in search of your Levithan
I'll support this, Aodasheng doesn't need to breathe so he can help us fix the mess he left us, and I'm sure he can think of some trick to taunt a leviathan into taking the bait.
>Explain that you're alright with charting a ship of lower quality than you deserve, and while you're shown around the summer sea, have Aodasheng, Renshu of the river, and Chuandapo plunge the depths covertly in search of your Levithan
Ending the vote, tallying its result now.

Take Xia Xiaosi to captain the ship and show you to the most dangerous waters in his family's sea-bound territory:1

Explain that you're alright with charting a ship of lower quality than you deserve, and while you're shown around the summer sea, have Aodasheng, Renshu of the river, and Chuandapo plunge the depths covertly in search of your Levithan:6

Tease him about seeing if he has any more novels. Maybe we should trade notes!:1

Landslide victory for simply taking the ship that's available and having your aquatic disciples and Aodasheng combs the depths while you enjoy the sights of the summer sea.

Update will arrive shortly
"Oh there is no need to go to such lengths, I'm perfectly fine with hiring a ship and captain of lower quality, your sect may be subordinate to mine, but I won't interrupt your activities to favor my whims, at least I won't today" You snicker as you stand up and flick your tail, lifting a paw to pat it on his back before turning your back to him and walking back up the beach "Even if it means I'll be passenger to a ship beneath my station and undeserving of my presence upon it. But I'm sure whoever you find to show me the sea will be honored to have me as their passenger, please take your time, no reason to act and run around like you've been injected with chicken blood. Especially when the mood is as somber as it is today, give my regards to the dead before they're carried off out to sea"

You sit down and giggle, glancing back as you see Xiaosi looking greatly relieved that you aren't being demanding and spoiled as you could be, almost looking like he'll fall to grains and be pulled out to the sea like the sand of the shore.

"Though I suppose that might mean I may run into them while I'm sailing, won't it?" You titter as you lay down and lounge on the beach, basking in the setting sun as the mortal inhabitants of the city watch you from a distance, few of them daring to step down onto the shore while "immortal" sages send off their fallen and their dead, and while a "Goddess" over sees their final seaside rights.

It doesn't take the youngsters and novices of the Xia clan the night to find you the best ship still in harbor or near enough to shore to be fetched, which is just long enough for you to set into motion your plans for flushing out a monster while acting like you were simply enjoying the beauty of the summer sea and exploring its vastness and appreciating the waves and waters tended to by your subordinate temple.

Aodasheng moves as quickly as death, a ghost of his calamitous power can swiftly move from the seaside back to your subterranean temple with a message informing the only two disciples you can think of who could plunge deep into the abyssal waters of the sea without problem, Renshu of the river the founder of the rediscovered Aquamarine path of carmine mysticism, and Chuandapo the terror of Chuan's countless waterways and wrecker of nearly as many boats. While you don't expect either of them to fight a sea monster and win, at least not without great effort and difficulty on their part, they can at least track one for you to pull to shore or tear apart under the water in its own lair if it proves too stubborn or cunning to be lured or hooked and brought to surface.

Aodasheng however, you're going to send where you're confident sea monsters can be found, where even the alchemist and turtle can't swim due to the pressure or cold.

It feels a little unfair for them to have to stay in the cold and lightless water while you bask in the sun, but if they do a good job, they can take a break on whatever island they choose to!
[Meanwhile, deep in the desert in northern Chuan, in a badland between two wind torn canyons]

"Rogue cultivators!?" The sand sage who wouldn't give his name to Youzaiwang out of misplaced pride howled, more outraged by this revelation than any of the tiger's best attempts to draw his ire and rouse his fury through insults and demeaning words

"Are you truly so surprised sage? Has the glare of the sun blinded your eyes? This is a time where laws are broken and peace is squandered, a time to grab for power and seek ambitions none would dare to dream until now" Youzaiwang laughed, leaping behind a pillar of stone as a whip of wind cut through the bodies of the rogue's toadies, the slavers he'd been chasing since he'd left on his journey to hammer out the flaws of his character and beliefs

"The audacity! To use our own sands against us, to hide in plain view!" The sage rages, standing like a simpleton as more whips of wind ripped his robes and scoured his flesh. Youzaiwang decided if he wanted to die like a fool, he'd let him, and instead crouched and stalked around the side as the sage trembled with rage, his blood spraying on the hot desert sands.

"Silver fur?" A wavering, weak voice asked, and Youzaiwang turned, and saw a girl dressed in rags. His heart, calm before then, began to race as it felt like plummeted down in his chest. Scars. Visible Ribs. Eyes reddened with tears. A look of disapointment, waning hope.

"You were hoping for my master" He released and spoke outload as he, against his better judgement and warrior's instinct, approached the cage the girl and the other children were kept in, drawn to them by a strange power emerged from their pitiable expressions and pitiful state.

The winds wailed, and Youzaiwang acted before they could cut through the cage and the captives.

"Huh?" He grunted, unsure as to why his body moved the way it did, intercepting the cutting blade of air, pain shooting through his chest as blood seeped through and stained his silver fur

"Tiger!" The sage cried out, as if they were comrades or even, perhaps friends

"TO DARE TO RAISE YOUR HAND AGAINST THOSE WITHOUT FANGS OR CLAWS TO FIGHT BACK!" Youzaiwang's confusion turned to rage, as lightning crackled through his fur and raised it, melting the sand particles flying around him and sparking through the air as his eyes glowed a searing blue white!

"YOU WILL FACE US TOGETHER, VILLAIN!" The sage roared as well, and Youzaiwang wondered why he reacted after he was injured, when they had done nothing but pester and degrade eachother as they traveled together...

[Meanwhile, beyond Chuan's border]

"I've never heard of your sect, and you seem to be of an eclectic and peculiar band of cultivators, though I mean no offense" The armored warrior said to Siwang as he greeted him, having been chosen to speak to the brother of the sole survivor they had found in the village they had passed through days before, who was being tended to by Monu and Jionghuagege "But I am grateful you've saved my cousin and brought word of their failure to protect the poor people of that village from those rampaging demons"

Because he could keep a cooler head than the likes of tiexingege and Monu, was more personable and charismatic than Baifenchi or Qiang, and didn't look like a thug like Huili.

"We arrived to late to prevent the tragedy we found upon our arrival" Siwang answered with the composure and carefully balanced and measured tone of a judge standing trial and listening to the defense of the accused and the crimes leveled against them "That we preserved a single life is a blessing"

"Our friend here is right, it is a shame we were not able to arrive sooner, but our journey was long and fraught with peril" Fa Jin said, glancing over Siwang and the wounded warrior in front of him, looking at the ragged and despairing defenders of the fort they had found, hastily erected in the ruins of another town

"It is not a shame on your part, but a shame of us all" The cultivator answered as the other Fa twin marched forward brazenly "The world is in shambles, and ill rumors are spoken of every province, that Bao refuses any request for aid. That Chuan alone is unharmed by this stampede of devils... but we cannot know the truth. You speak with accents like you're from Chuan, if it is not impertinent to ask, I would like to know what is going on. Last we heard, the winter blossoming wisdom sect was crushed, fighting something after they stopped their squabble with the Ling Sects"

"Squabble? Is that what you call bloodshed over years?" Siwang asked coldly, and Qiang moved to save him from himself

"I misspoke" The man said sadly, bowing his head and looking ashamed of his words "it must've been a difficult time, and I insult the comrades and friends you lost to the pointless conflict caused by pride and arrogance. But there have been worrying signs, strange waves of Qi and pillars of light. The border temples claim all of Chuan is haunted, overwhelmed with freely roaming beasts and strange and twisted plant life, that the winds coming from it reek of blood and decay. And some sort of demonic beast royalty succeeded in a great breakthrough and survived a heavenly tribulation sent to put an end its wretched life. And travelers from the west say that is why the beast wave doesn't reach Chuan, and why their sects have not sent aid to us"

"Rumors and hearsay, no demon reigns in Chuan" Siwang said plainly as he followed the cultivator towards the defensive line Fa Tang was already whipping into shape, moving him expertly away from the seething Monu before she could open her mouth or snap at the libel and slander spoken about her daughter and her accomplishments, though Siwang found himself offended by the ignorance of his fellow daost "And I have heard other sects have sent groups over to investigate the goings on across the border, but considering an external and internal war have just been waged and ended, these efforts are delayed and meager, unfortunately. We are, we believe, the largest of such efforts such far, sent by our master to investigate the source of this stampede"

"And who is this master you speak of, I've never heard of any sect calling itself a palace, least in Chuan" The cultivator asks and Siwang wracks his brains to try and think up a believable alias

"Only the most lovely and kindly hearted of cultivators, a local star of Chuan, but one who isn't well known outside of it" Fa Jin provides "She came to prominence during the war of Ling aggression, though she is not my master, my own teacher is also unknown to you, only gaining renown during the humbling of the winter storm. Neither of their name matters in this moment, wouldn't you agree"

"My companion is right, our duty is to find the source of the rampaging beasts" Siwang answered before the other, foreign cultivator could object or demand a name "Please, show us the state of this fort and its defenders, and tell us all you know. Your cousin will be brough to your healers, as I know you have no reason to trust strangers with his well being"

"It is a sorry state of affairs, we barely held out against the last wave. That damn building trampling bull appeared again and broke the back of one of my fellows and gored another on their horns, I'm the last cultivator above Qi condensation stage present in this watch tower" The cultivator explained and complained, as Siwang and Qiang kept a close eye on Monu and Tiexingege, as they both were gnashing their teeth while Huili waltz passed them and snarled at one of the traumatized soldiers, laughing as he winced and tumbled onto the ground out of fright

This was going to be difficult, thought Siwang

"I doubt a cat has ever been this far out at sea" The one legged captain, who you get along surprisingly well with, exclaims as the rough and thuggish crew he keeps attend your every need, which presently means brushing your hair to keep it from frizzying up or getting tangled and knotted with salt water as he guides his humble fishing trawler around the calm currents and gentle waves, showing you some reef or another, and telling you folklore. The voices he uses as he tells them, makes the stories much more entertaining, especially when he gets the one eyed whaler and the hook handed net thrower to join in and act out other roles.

Apparently they were all part of a failed traveling troupe of actors who were washed up in port and mistaken for actual sailors one day

"I can't think why I would be, any house cat would enjoy a trip like this" You exclaim happily as he guides his ship through a row of pink and orange coral, grinning as he goes back to rambling about it being the meeting place of two lovers from differing island tribes and also a place of a naval battle waged against pirates and oddly intelligent octopuses

"Though, Madame, I can't understand why you'd choose this boring stretch of sea over the tropical islands, they're perfectly safe to traverse" The one eyed whaler pouts as he works the tangles out of your hair "And this is their blooming season, you've never seen flowers of so many colors, even up into the grotos of your mountains!"

"Oh I'm sure she has, and you have to remember, the beast queen is a cat first and a lady second, of course she'd better like being shown where all the exotic and colorful fish are a-swimming" The hooked hand net thrower laughs, as he leans over the railing "Look, just there, a jade browed pike! A delicacy if you can catch it! and there, a steel spined eastern sea tuna! It must've migrated here or be pulled in by the storm, oh what a sight! You can turn its spine into a spear, if you can catch and hoist it onto deck, though the fact it is as large as a rowboat..."

You smile pleasantly but fakely, since you don't want to admit the reason you avoided the islands they were so excited to show you, were because they were out of the way from the places Aodasheng, Renshu and Chuandapo told you they saw signs of sea monster activity. Or at least Renshu and Chuandapo did...well only Chuandapo really. Renshu mentioned spotting what looked like a temple deep in a crevice so far under the sea even he couldn't dive to it with his transformation technique. And Chuandapo pulled herself onto the ship , shivering all over and in her human form, nude except for her violet hair, having been scared out of the sea when she saw a "Graveyard of ships" and "Giant bones" and ran away before she could see what made them.

And Aodasheng? Well that ghost has been chasing something under the sea, but hasn't surfaced to say what it is he's pursuing.

Your ears twitch, and you sit up from the hammock you were laying in, glancing to the horizon.

The air had just go cold as you felt a twinge of something that felt oddly like killing intent, thrown in your direction, from a jungle covered island off in the distance. Watching it, a pair of burning eyes brands themselves in your minds eyes.

"Is something wrong, most beneficent one?" The captain asks as you glare at the island, arms crossed over your chest as the feeling of aggression and hostility fades away with the whistling winds over the winds. How strange~

Which lead do you investigate, Huanliuxue?

>The creepy underwater temple

>The graveyard of ships and whales

>Aodasheng and whatever he's been hunting

>That mysterious island just up ahead

>Write in
>>Aodasheng and whatever he's been hunting
The graveyard of ships and whales is so damn tempting.
But I have a feeling if he's chasing something and hasn't stopped to tell us, its because its something he CAN'T surface to tell us without losing. So TO HIM WE GO!
Aodasheng hasn't failed us yet.
>To adosheng
>That mysterious island just up ahead
No one intends to kill us and gets away with it.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

First I want to acknowledge the lucky quads of this post.
>The graveyard of ships and whales
>That mysterious island just up ahead
Split too much between these two, leaving this to chance.
>The creepy underwater temple
>That mysterious island just up ahead
A fallen god perhaps? I for one would like to reduce our tally of rivals, whoever this latest asshole is.
>yfw it really is a fallen god and the reason he is there is because he cannot swim and as he is rejected from the heavens he is not allowed to fly
Bad luck

>That mysterious island just up ahead
Picking this because >>6048323 and spending part of this thread teaching someone how to swim would be funny.
>Aodasheng and whatever he's been hunting
>That mysterious island just up ahead

Also fun fact sailors of old would take cats with them to sea. Simply to sense the danger of the weather because of there whiskers. Also that killing intent I bet is a fallen god.
And here I thought it was to catch rats, seems cats have more than one use!

Nice quads grampa!
Anyway to Aodasheng we go!

(He's harrassing a sea dragon isn't he?)
>The creepy underwater temple

I want that forbidden lovecraftian lore
>words a lovecraft fan has never said
Ending the vote, tallying its result.

Aodasheng and whatever he's been hunting:5

That mysterious island just up ahead:4

The graveyard of ships and whales:1

The creepy underwater temple:2

So you'll head to Aodasheng's and whatever he's hunting's location

update will arrive shortly
The tattooed captain worriedly wrings his hand as you gaze out past the island where something with a bone to pick with you lurks, and out towards the dark vortex of malevolence and deathly yin qi shooting through the sea like a patch of spilled oil, blackening anything that approaches it. You can't see where the former ghost king is, exactly, just that its beyond the horizon and you can sense his unmistakable presence as he very clearly chases after something like a scent hound gone rabid with the smell of warm blood.

"Oh nothing, just out of curiosity, how far out to sea did you say this ship could sail?" You ask with a pleasant smile, and if you had a tail in that very moment you're certain it'd be flicking back and forth playfully. The captain glances out, at the space he thinks your gazing out at and are interested in visiting and goes a shade of pale usually only found amongst the dead, particularly the drowned and bloated.

"Not much father out, unfortunately. The tides become tempestuous beyond these reefs, and I would not anchor my ship near any of the islands beyond these teal and clear waters" He answers meekly but with a certain iron in his soft, doe eyes as he takes his formless hat and crumples its edges in his hands, looking very worriedly at the island that caught your interest from the bloodlust and sword intent bleeding off of it "But, I could make an exception for the merciful goddess, surely they pose no danger to a divinity such as yourself, but I will not set foot on any of them. Hear ill tales of every island surrounded by darker waters"

"Perhaps Lady Huanliuxue could shed some blood on them and make them more pleasant and safe for us mortal men to tread upon?" The net thrower suggests, a bead of sweat trailing down his sun scorched brow as you rub your chin, pretending to be in thought just to watch these sailors who have proven to be good or at least amusing company to squirm a little before tittering like a little girl and shaking your head, red hair dancing behind you, sparkling like the ocean spray as the star light caught in your hair is lit aflame in the bright and sunny day

"Oh I wasn't planning on exploring any islands, I was just asking how far out you could take me. I just had a flight of fancy to swim in deeper waters and enjoy the cold of the depths, if this is as far as you can safely go, then drop anchor and wait for me to get back, and make sure to wake my disciple up and remind her to exercise, and keep away from my other student as they study their deeper alchemical mysteries" You giggle as you lean back and dive off of the ship, the captain yelping and leaning over, and sighing in relief as he sees you swimming with as much ease as the fish you scattered with your splash into the sea.
And you soon find out, that Aodasheng has swam far out to see, farther than any of the maps of spiritual energy Xiaosi drew for you or the shimmering map of water created by one of their sect's unique magical tools. The ghost has gone out too truly uncharted territories, that even the haughty summer sea dawn sect hasn't claimed as their domain, waters they don't swim and islands they haven't set foot on

An ocean no one on Chuan, to your knowledge, has ever seen until you paddle out into it, chasing after the shadow cast by your advisor. The waters become choppy and wild, and it takes effort for you to swim through them as the ink black sea turns white as waves rise and vortex forms and the vast emptiness becomes like a boiling cauldron, no calm patch of sea to be found as it becomes a chaotic mess of clashing rapids and smashing squalls.

And judging from the pillars and spirals of water shooting out across the swelling sea and ripping waters, whatever Aodasheng is chasing is massive. If you hadn't ran through the heavens and looked down at them from above, you'd have trouble believe something so massive to create towers and tunnels of white rapids waters that dominate the horizon and shoot through the sky beyond the limits of your boundless and peerless vision could exist.

You get thrown and tossed around by the water, struggling to catch a glimpse of whatever it is your ghostly bodyguard is hunting, but luckily find a chain of rusted iron to grab onto and pull yourself along as the waters become even more difficult to traverse through, fighting against an increasingly violent current that nearly tears off your robe as it laps and pulls against you.

With your wet hair covering your face, you at last catch site of Aodasheng's quarry.

A massive tentacle, covered in hooks and barbs with suckers large enough to pull up buildings, that looks like it could swing and crush a city beneath it.

A giant squid or octopus. And as you watch in wonder as the rubbery indigo limb lashes up, you spot a familiar glint and a gout of teal and turquoise fire as Aodasheng dives through thunder, lightning and a storm cloud and sprints down a geyser of boiling hot sea water as in the dark of the sea, a massive head that clearly does not belong to any kind of octopus and squid rises up. It looks like a mixture of a boar and a turtle.

You have no idea what it is he's fighting, but it is huge and powerful enough to churn the sea itself. And it is clearly ancient and powerful, and as you hang onto the piece of rippling, whipping chain, you realize the storm and sea surrounding it, that you've swam into, is composed almost entirely of its aura.

An Aura that contains both heavenly and primordial Qi.

This thing has a few drops of divinity. It is a spirit or perhaps heavenly monster! Or at least, thats your best guess for what it could be. It might also be an avatar of the seas wrath, that Aodasheng awoke by killing its descendants for a light work out!

A shriek that sounds like a hurricane mixed with the sound of metal grinding together reaches your ears, and a pearlescent beam of blinding light erupts out of the sea from the tusked maw of the sea monster, and you spot Aodasheng and the spear of mortal death cutting through the sky, narrowly avoid the radiant ray of death shot out at him from the depths of the sea, that slices cleanly through the black storm clouds as the beast turns its head and tries to shoot him out of the air. Much like some fish spit water to knock flies into their mouths.

What do you do now that you've reached the hunting ground, Huanliuxue?

>Watch from a safe distance and wait until Ao or the boar turtle land a blow and then fly into the fight once that opening has been made.

>Try to meditate in the choppy waters, and summoning upon your cosmic nature, attempt to turn as much of the sea around you as you can into blood (Concentration+ Magic Trial. DC 135. -10 to roll)

>Set up the phantom cat waltz along key spots of the array of chains that the one you're hanging onto is part of, and catch lightning to redirect it directly into the behemoth beast (Timing Martial trial. DC 120. - 5 to roll)

>Absorb as much Qi from the waters surrounding you and convert them into cosmic Qi to create a lance of starlight and ice you can throw at and ride to the beast (Magic+Strength trial. DC 145. -5 to roll)

>Write in
>Try to meditate in the choppy waters, and summoning upon your cosmic nature, attempt to turn as much of the sea around you as you can into blood (Concentration+ Magic Trial. DC 135. -10 to roll)
An abyssal god lies before us.
Turn the sea into blood and let us become a greater lovecraftian horror that shall end it.
Happy "Godslaying" Bloodshed.
>Set up the phantom cat waltz along key spots of the array of chains that the one you're hanging onto is part of, and catch lightning to redirect it directly into the behemoth beast (Timing Martial trial. DC 120. - 5 to roll)
>Absorb as much Qi from the waters surrounding you and convert them into cosmic Qi to create a lance of starlight and ice you can throw at and ride to the beast (Magic+Strength trial. DC 145. -5 to roll)
>Meditate to turn the sea to blood
This one goes out to my cultivator brothers. May Heaven smile on you
>Try to meditate in the choppy waters, and summoning upon your cosmic nature, attempt to turn as much of the sea around you as you can into blood (Concentration+ Magic Trial. DC 135. -10 to roll)
>Try to meditate in the choppy waters, and summoning upon your cosmic nature, attempt to turn as much of the sea around you as you can into blood (Concentration+ Magic Trial. DC 135. -10 to roll)
We are very much in this thing's turf. Let's make that not the case.
>Set up the phantom cat waltz along key spots of the array of chains that the one you're hanging onto is part of, and catch lightning to redirect it directly into the behemoth beast (Timing Martial trial. DC 120. - 5 to roll)
>Try to meditate in the choppy waters, and summoning upon your cosmic nature, attempt to turn as much of the sea around you as you can into blood (Concentration+ Magic Trial. DC 135. -10 to roll)

No sea creature is safe from a cat!
>>Set up the phantom cat waltz along key spots of the array of chains that the one you're hanging onto is part of, and catch lightning to redirect it directly into the behemoth beast (Timing Martial trial. DC 120. - 5 to roll)
We effectively need to hit 145 for the blood ocean to go through. Our last fight has me spooked still.
You aren't wrong, but the consequences for failure aren't major.
We arent in direct combat yet, nor are we facing a killing/fatal blow. We are choosing how we do our entrance. And while it is 145 to setup, we have a debuff applied to us already. If we nail this buff now we can have a significantly easier time with all other rolls hereafter. You arent wrongn in that it may be a higher roll, I just find the risk low enough and the benefits great enough to warrant going for it.
Yeah we might be against a scary monster but for once we have a powerful ally in our corner which has never been the case before.
Ending and tallying the vote now

Try to meditate in the choppy waters, and summoning upon your cosmic nature, attempt to turn as much of the sea around you as you can into blood:5

Set up the phantom cat waltz along key spots of the array of chains that the one you're hanging onto is part of, and catch lightning to redirect it directly into the behemoth beast :3

Absorb as much Qi from the waters surrounding you and convert them into cosmic Qi to create a lance of starlight and ice you can throw at and ride to the beast:1

So you will attempt to meditate in the raging sea and turn as much of as you can into blood under your control

Update will arrive shortly

Junior your heart demons have gone out of control
You watch, amazed by the light show and display of overwhelming power and the aerial acrobatics and agility of movement used by Aodasheng to avoid being glanced by the beam of roaring, storm cutting light as he flies above the still submerged head of the titan of the sea, fighting just to approach near enough to it to let his spear fly or land even a minor blow against the behemoth. Shaking yourself out of your reverie of the waltz of destruction and the expertise of the one dodging it, you puff out your cheeks and struggling against the waters and their currents trying to suck you down into the briny abyss of the sea, pull yourself atop the chain and balance on it, one foot in front of the other as you hold out your arms to keep balanced, and sprout a cat tail deciding adopting a mixture of feline and human traits would be the best and most efficient way of staying standing on the chain and out of the roiling sea. Even if the movement of the ocean and the waves whipped up by the monstrosity Aodasheng has engaged makes the rope move about as much as the water beneath it.

Wincing, closing your eyes as stingy sea water pelts your face like a storm of needles and razors and the winds threaten to rip you bodily off the chain, you focus inwards and try to meditate as you stick your toes between the chains and transform your nails into claws to have a better grip on the slick surface as you try to center and clear your mind. Which is incredibly difficult, not just because the chain your balanced on is bucking and you're only barely holding onto it enough to stop yourself from being tossed off or slipping and sinking into the depths of the ferocious sea, but because the hunger for the life of another or the sweet dew of their immortal soul has only been growing stronger and more demanding and gnawing harder and faster against you on every front it is assaulting you from.

And being so close to a meal that could fill this seemingly bottomless and unrelenting need to snuff out other lives or sup on their spirits, makes the hunger even more unforgiving and painful.

But, if such an obstacle could stop you, you wouldn't have gotten as far or flown as high as you have! So stubbornly, you persist in trying to meditate, circulating your meridians and emptying your mind of all thoughts and desires. The most stubborn and difficult to remove being hunger, as you pace your breathing and slow your racing heart, pouring out the predator excitement of closing in on your prey as you use the relative serene state you've achieved in the eye of the storm to anchor your mind and dao heart and focus your Qi and the spell you're casting as you summon up the moonlight glittering in your veins and drawing it to the surface to perform a transmutation without a furnace or sorcerous away

A spell to transform the sea into a massive pool of blood, under your control and command rather than shackled to the sea monster's will!

roll 2d100 - 10. Best out of 5. DC 135
Rolled 86, 19 = 105 (2d100)

Rolled 23, 57 - 10 = 70 (2d100 - 10)

Rolled 82, 25 = 107 (2d100)

We claim this ocean in the name of CAT
Just realized I forgot the modifier. Whoops. Not that it makes a difference kek

Remember kids, it's +- not -
Rolled 96, 26 - 10 = 112 (2d100 - 10)

Welp, we're done for
Rolled 50, 47 + 10 = 107 (2d100 + 10)

Rolled 47, 30 + 10 = 87 (2d100 + 10)

Well at least I can rest easy knowing that we would not have passed the lower DC either.
kill me
Failure, 20 under DC, update will arrive shortly
To be fair, this is a HUGE fish. It was never gonna be easy. Even though I doubt it presents a gigantic threat to us. We are in its turf, too. So it's not surprising, really. Don't sweat it methinks.
But the moment the scent of blood hits your nostrils and rushes down to fill your lung, it spreads and blossoms, filling every available nook, cranny and wrinkle of your brain and wrapping around your heart like barbed chains, digging deeply as the aroma of the freshly transmuted blood awakens the animal instincts already stoked and fanned by the hunger you've been afflicted with. It happens in a flash, like a bolt of lightning crashing to earth and illuminating the night. Your empty mind, serene and ready for meditation is swallowed and submerged beneath the screaming, wailing hunger that has been haunting you. The fear of starvation, the desperation of hunger, the ghoulish yearning that you dare not face, the call of the scavenger, pawing at the soil piled atop freshly dug graves.

It happens before you can realize it. The civilized, intelligent mind is subverted and switched out with the purely feral and instinctual one that you've stomped down and quieted since it would quiet and shut up about being hungry and the terror any wild animal knows , that every being with a stomach to feel has lurking in the darkest, most primal corners of their minds. Instead of achieving peace of mind, you descend into maddened hunger. The ringing resonance of a struck bell, the screaming void of space, replaces the pure white of concentration and emptiness in a single second. As you jaws crack, teeth turning to fangs as the hunger for life is joined by the curse of carmine mystics, and opening your mouth, you nearly choke yourself on the blood you've created, the spell fizzling out and failing as, acting on instinct and out of desperate and terrified hunger, you nearly break off your jaw, burst open your throat and explode your stomach trying to glut yourself on the closest source of living energy and vitality within reach, The blood you just created. But it isn't enough, it can't be enough. Its barely a drop. Not even a morsel!

"More. More! MORE! I DEMAND MORE!" You voice wails and screams, breaking the din of the storm as the lunatic ravings of a starving beast roars over the screeches of the sea beast, the shockwave of its sky scorching breath, and the whistling of a spear and ghost in flight.

Claws digging through the skin and flesh of your face, your eyes shoot open, blood red and weeping as crimson streams, scarlet rivulets and pink froth ooze out of your mouth with fangs too large to fit in a human skull tearing through your gums as you tear through your cheek, tongue flicking out to catch the small drops of sea spray and blood. And through the water, small motes of white light rise up to fulfill your need, beckoned by your call for sustenance and any relief that can be found for your aching tummy as the blood swirled waters around you become empty of life as every living being beneath you is drawn up to you, torn out of their original vessels and lifted up through the sea.


And one by one, the pearls of life energy, stolen from whatever may swim through this sea, disappear behing your lips and vanish down your gullet as you stuff yourself with as many of them as you can grab in your hands and keep caged between your fingers as you bite, tear and swallow desperately, frantic to fill your greedy belly, so hungry and messy that you don't concern yourself with missing your fingers or the meat of the palms of your hands when you bring your gnashing teeth down to grind up the meager offerings of the fish and sea plants.

Lapping and sticking your tongue over your hands, sticky with blood and dripping with sea water, sense, reason and something besides crazed hunger slowly fill your head as you realize you've standing in a bleak stretch of water, the only living thing above or under the sea.

And the great sea beast who reigns over this patch of the world has turned to face you, not heeding the ghost burying the tip of his spear through the length of one of its tentacles, skewering it from tip and pinning it in a taught curl. However intelligent the sea monster is, it has taken offense at you stretching open your mouth and drawing in and devouring the still living essence and lively lifebloods of its subjects.

Snarling, flicking the blood and stray ribbons of torn flesh and skin off of your hands you take in a deep breath and answer its attention with a rattling scream of indignation and rage, mostly focused towards yourself, for lapsing and acting so brutish and deplorably. And because there weren't enough fish in this stretch of sea to even quite the gnawing in the depths of your stomach and barely enough to clear the haze of hunger and blind animal panic that took control of you for a...for however longer you were blindly and mindlessly bingeing on and chomping down on and swallowing up any stray lifeforce, no matter how meager or tiny that drew close enough to be torn out of their bodies by just the lashing tendrils of you manic spiritual energy and hunger deranged soul.

'At least it didn't happen anywhere populated, and the only victims of my bender were fish and the only witnesses a ghost and a monster' you try to encourage yourself as you take up a fighting stance as the sea is split into two giant, cresting waves as the sea monster shoots through the expanse of rapid waters, deciding you are more of a threat than the ghost stabbing its tentacle with the rhythm and enthusiasm of a insane butcher. But your heart feels as empty as your stomach, even after it was filled with enough fish to feed a city for a day.

What do you do, to face the sea monster charging to confront you, Huanliuxue?

>Try to create a pool of blood again, maybe the snack has cleared enough of the fog in your head to make it easier? (Concentration trial. DC 135. - 8 to roll)

>Attempt to weaponize the...ability, specter starvation has given you, to rip out the still living essence and lifeforce of other beings (Magic+Instinct trial. DC 111. No negative modifier)

>Thinking about your indulgence like a session of binge drinking, become the incarnation of Monu's frigid enmity and freeze the still bloody water around you (Magic trial. DC 120. -5 to roll)

>Unsheathe moon collapse and use it and the movement of the chains to fling yourself onto the monster's back (Agility+timing trial. DC 115 - 5 to roll)

>Write in
>weaponise the hunger.

>Attempt to weaponize the...ability, specter starvation has given you, to rip out the still living essence and lifeforce of other beings (Magic+Instinct trial. DC 111. No negative modifier)
>>Unsheathe moon collapse and use it and the movement of the chains to fling yourself onto the monster's back (Agility+timing trial. DC 115 - 5 to roll)
Ah yes, that old feeling, shame. Disappointment. Don't worry Huan it's only your pride being wounded. I do feel bad for those poor fishies though. They didn't even know what was going on and they got got. We made it really far without falling to temptation, it was good while it lasted. I do however want nothing to do with this accursed hunger.
>Attempt to weaponize the...ability, specter starvation has given you, to rip out the still living essence and lifeforce of other beings (Magic+Instinct trial. DC 111. No negative modifier)
>Attempt to weaponize the...ability, specter starvation has given you, to rip out the still living essence and lifeforce of other beings (Magic+Instinct trial. DC 111. No negative modifier)

If working against the hunger didn't work then maybe leaning into it will.

Also a cat never apologizes and neither does an empress.
>>Attempt to weaponize the...ability, specter starvation has given you, to rip out the still living essence and lifeforce of other beings (Magic+Instinct trial. DC 111. No negative modifier)
>Unsheathe moon collapse and use it and the movement of the chains to fling yourself onto the monster's back (Agility+timing trial. DC 115 - 5 to roll)

Man let's never get cursed again
Mah it was worth
We just need to reap the benefits of it being gone.
>>Attempt to weaponize the...ability, specter starvation has given you, to rip out the still living essence and lifeforce of other beings (Magic+Instinct trial. DC 111. No negative modifier)
Let's turn this ghastly tribulation into our benefit!
>Unsheathe moon collapse and use it and the movement of the chains to fling yourself onto the monster's back (Agility+timing trial. DC 115 - 5 to roll)

I feel like old-fashioned combat is the way to go here
>Attempt to weaponize the...ability, specter starvation has given you, to rip out the still living essence and lifeforce of other beings (Magic+Instinct trial. DC 111. No negative modifier)
>Attempt to weaponize the...ability, specter starvation has given you, to rip out the still living essence and lifeforce of other beings (Magic+Instinct trial. DC 111. No negative modifier)
Hopefully this is where we learn something about curses.
Ending the vote, tallying its result now.

Attempt to weaponize the...ability, specter starvation has given you, to rip out the still living essence and lifeforce of other beings:8

Unsheathe moon collapse and use it and the movement of the chains to fling yourself onto the monster's back: 3

So you will attempt to weaponize specter starvation against the sea monster

Update will arrive shortly
But in that bleak pit formed in your heart for losing control even for a handful of moments, that somehow seems deeper and harder to fill than the cursed hole bored into your stomach, you find inspiration. Or a revelation born and given a voice because of you constant brushes with curses, malevolent spirits and demonic qi. The cleverness of a heretic always on the run, the creativity and imagination that allowed you to survive and thrive until you could force at least one place in the world to accept your existence and treat you as a fellow daoist instead of a dangerous demon or man-eating monster.

A flash of insight that asks why not just submerge yourself into the curse and the unnatural hungers it creates? Why not try to control the curse that has been branded onto your soul, cultivation base and flesh and blood? You know a few curses, and have had success subverting and usurping spells cast and formed out of the Qi of other cultivators in the heat of battle before, so why wouldn't you be able to take control of Specter Starvation and thus remain in command of yourself when the hunger seeps into every thought and action you take? A sort of controlled madness, retaining your sanity even as it is eroded by hunger beyond ordinary starvation?

You're a heretic, even if you're not a demonic cultivator outright, you still deal with forbidden and dangerous techniques and practice sealed sorceries and macabre and eerie secret arts. You've strayed far into the wilderness of cultivation, to the point you don't think you could find the "Proper" road even if you were purposefully searching for it. You've been hesitant, afraid even, to confront the curse that's been sapping your strength and sickening your mind, afraid to be twisted and corrupted by it and fearful of what you may become if you couldn't overcome it. But why should a heretic be afraid of taking just one more risk in their aberrant path down the divergent dao they follow and contemplate. Yours is the Dao of ghost and grudges. Curses ARE nothing but another tool at your disposal, another trick hidden up your sleeve. Even for a curse as dangerous as specter starvation, what reason is there for you to fear it! The only reason is has no known cure is because no one has had the guts to face it head on and grapple from it rather than despair and allow the fear of what it can do to gingerly guide them to the unpleasant fate of being wholly consumed by their spectral hunger!

But you? You're Huanliuxue! And while you did lose control and go momentarily insane when the hunger took hold for the first time a few moments ago, that brush with it was enough for you to experience and understand its exact effects and how the ghostly, degrading curse actually works!

Its all about resistance. Like a string pulled taught it two directions, trying to fight back against it instead of riding the wave of voraciousness, will only cause you to snap in the attempt.

But allowing the end of the string you hold to go slack will, in theory at least, allow you to stay in control even if the curse reaches your brain again and starts dominating every thought and idea it can make. In theory.

But every practice and method of your law and every technique you've invented started out as a theory that everyone else in the world of the cultivation, from spotless orthodox do gooders, to rogue and heretical practitioners, to out right demonic cultivators, would've balked at! Because most others fear being the one to take the first, clumsy step that begins the process of innovation!

So, facing down the sea split by the sea monster's brow and the waves rising up to greet you as it barrels through the water to get close enough to you to pull you under the sea from the water its movement alone displaces, you prepare yourself to plunge into the depths of the curse you've been running away from and trying to avoid so much as glancing at with four, evenly paced breathes as you pause the beating of your heart until it would be difficult to tell it apart from a corpse's own heart, steeling your mind and your will and shoring up your mental defenses while opening up the walls of your spiritual ones, allowing your meridians to flow unimpeded as you "reach out" to "grasp" the curse of specter starvation to weaponize it and use it like any other curse you know

roll 2d100. DC 111. Best out of five
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d100)

Rolled 4, 44 = 48 (2d100)

Rolled 31, 85 = 116 (2d111)

That's gotta be on a leader board somewhere for most garbage roll
Rolled 10, 94 = 104 (2d100)

I am sorry, I typed the wrong number!

Well that's foreboding.

Was about to point that out, thank you junior for your perceptiveness. Still two more rolls to be made
Rolled 19, 74 = 93 (2d100)

Rolled 32, 24 = 56 (2d100)

Oh shit we're cooked
failure, but by less than 10, so it could've been a much, much worse. Update will arrive shortly
The moment you allow the curse to freely move through your body and soul, the whole of your body feels like it has been suddenly and painfully immersed in boiling oil. The sensation of being cooked alive, a heat that is entirely different from the sickening, sticking cold that drained and sapped everything from your besides hunger. Why is it different now than when it was before. Your eyes shoot open, even though you want nothing more than to wince and howl in pain. It feels like your skin is being pricked and sliced with knives, like all the blood in your veins has been replaced with frying and bubbling oil. The world is dyed red and the greasy colors of fat, yellowed white. The sweet coppery scent of blood smothers your senses as the strain of the curse bursting free as you allow it to be unchecked and release it onto yourself completely and allow it to seep into and stain every aspect of you, and the moment you smell blood again, the curse once again interacts with the thirst of carmine mysticism that you excised from the perfected form of it you created.

But rather than crying out and lamenting the aching of your stomach, you bite down onto your tongue and suck down the blood you draw out of it, wincing as you buckle inwards and curl up into yourself, clutching your stomach as you embrace the hunger rather than flee from it and allow it to overwhelm your senses. The hues of blood and fat dyeing the world grow more vivid, lurid and tempting as it feels like your stomach is twisting and collapsing in on itself, forming a black hole as drool and blood dribble and drip down your trembling chin as you force the curse to flow into every inch of your body and rush further into your mind, feeling your soul thrash and seize as it to is touched by specter starvation. It is an embrace like a snake wrapping around and crushing the mouse it caught, squeezing out its life with every twitch of its muscles.

But you are both the serpent and the rat. Faintly, you're aware that you've started chewing on your tongue, as more blood pours out to fill your mouth, and that you've dug your clawed hands into your sides, tearing your robes and plunging them into your own guts to try and quite the agony of starvation with the white hot pain of being clawed and stabbed. But even through the thick fog of hunger and the haze of agony, you can't help but wonder about the texture and taste of your organs, having to remind yourself to not think of your own guts as offal as the hunger and agony almost becomes sweet.

Shuddering, you realize, that you aren't out of control yet, with your hands half buried inside of your stomach and your tongue nearly severed as blood flows from your nose as the strain of holding onto to your sense of self while the sense of hunger becomes overwhelming pops several blood vessels and causes a few of your meridians to flow divergently and in rotations and cycles you've never put them through before.


But is a thin line, a whisker's breadth, a razor's edge, that you're balancing on. Maintain any reason or conscious thought while in the throws of specter starvation is like wrestling a mountain. And besides having to constantly push yourself up and out of the sea of viscera and rendered fat to maintain control over yourself, you also need to force yourself to not sample your own flesh or try to take a bite out of anything within arms reach. But it wouldn't be too harmful, considering how many methods and spells you know to heal from even the most grievous of wounds and injuries, and what else would be fit for a regal palate like your own than your own sweet meats. Shaking your head, you direct the hunger away from yourself, hands trembling as you pull them from your stomach and lick the honey and syrup that coats them as you rub your face and stick out your half gnawed on tongue, breathing in deep and relishing the aroma of your own steaming blood. A much more complex and alluring perfume than you ever realized before. And a new curiosity peaks your interest as you find sturdy enough ground to stand on and settle into this wolfish, altered state of mind.

What would other people's meat and blood smell like? The spilling of their lifeblood, the expelling of their lifeforce, the draining of their vitality?

You grip your face to force the thought away, reminding yourself you know very well what other people, men and beasts, taste like and that now is not the time to be drooling over the thought of disemboweling people. And reminding yourself that, you gasp and remember what you were doing before your world become centered around raw meat, gristle and fat, and the sampling the life and spirit of others.

You raise up your hands as the seas buckle and bulge up, and open your bleeding mouth and freeze as you can't recall how you were, when the hunger was all that there was and conscious thought didn't get in the way, how to draw out the lifeforce from still living creatures and pull out their breaths. And twinned thoughts of despairing at not being able to take a bite out of the sea monster's life-energy and wondering how to draw it out and trying to remember the then instinctive process of performing it as the gluttonous instinct to devour without a care clashes with your sense of reason and threads of civility and sanity as the chain you were standing on snaps and whips you up into the air.

And the hungry and the controlled sides of you both realize, mid journey to the clouds 'Ah, wouldn't it be just like stealing away breath?'

Something you've done before to fuel your perfected carmine mysticism. Something you would've realized if you weren't busy sorting through which instincts to listen to and which hungers to indulge to remain in the equilibrium of ghoulish hunger and lucidity, and didn't get distracted wondering about your own taste. The ability granted by specter starvation to tear or suck out the life or soul from a still living victim, is very similar to the breath stealing power you've already trained when you refined and purified carmine mysticism...Wait, does that mean that the origin of the original form of carmine mysticism has roots in specter starvation?

Flipping through the air, you center yourself and regain control of your rambling thoughts by both thinking about how great a delicacy a sea monster's breath would be and reminding yourself that you are currently shooting through the air, out of control. Surrounded by splashes of salt water and electrified air, you spin yourself around and look down to see the rising head of the boar turtle monster and can't help but to drool as you sense the blood pulsing and pumping through its vein and the powerful, enduring lifeforce that animates it's huge, sea spilling body.

The prospect of tearing into it with your hands and teeth, nearly quiets the rising sense of panic as it opens its own mouth, as a bright blue and golden light is lit somewhere in the depths of its throat

"Hah! That's new!" Aodasheng whose probably too rotten to taste good, but then again, decay is just fermentation and aging when you think about it "You've managed to find the threshold between succumbing to the curse and resisting it, creating a balance between temperance and gluttony. Detachment and earthly desires! Restraint and abandon! The sins of "demonic" cultivation and the virtues of what is "acceptable". Intriguing, I suppose your mentality is better equipped to retain its cohesion when oversaturated with bestial desires and the basic yearning of hunger!"

And like that your concentration is gone

"Shut up Ao!" You yell as your flight ends and your fall begins "Otherwise I'll bite off your tongue to chew on while I think!"

He laughs, unafraid to fly up to your side as you descend and try to think of how to prepare the flesh and breath of a sea monster and how to avoid being blasted by its sky tearing breath!

And how do you try to do that, Huanliuxue?

>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)

>Gather the blood spilling out of your mouth and stomach and turn it into armor and weapons, and use a partial transformation to turn your body into that of a more dangerous, half feline predator and maul the sea monster by pouncing on its face [Restraint+ Martial Trial. DC 118. - 7 to roll]

>Change the Blood Qi surrounding you into fire, both to remove a temptation and to challenge the sea the monster controls [Magic Trial. DC 135. - 9 to roll]

>try to dodge the blast while throwing out as many vein draining fangs as you can create [Magic+ Dodge trial. DC 112. -5 to roll)

>Write in
>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)
>try to dodge the blast while throwing out as many vein draining fangs as you can create [Magic+ Dodge trial. DC 112. -5 to roll)
The lowest DC, our rotten luck mandates it.
>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)

Either we tame this curse, or we will ravage this monster trying. Either way we can afford to.
Thank god this isn't exactly a life or death battle, or an important situation like the tournament.
Rolled 14, 37 = 51 (2d100)

>>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)
I normally would say that this is too difficult, but missing this chance would be waay too cool.
>Fighting a giant primordial monster in the middle of a boiling sea
>"Thank god this isn't exactly a life or death battle"
Puts things into perspective, doesn't it?
This thing could totally kill us.
>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)
>Use curse and miasma to rip out breath.

Third time!
>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)

Oh god, it's the statues all over again

>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)
>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)

Question about this -
Secret Art Unlocked: Cat's Court: Dancing across the border between life and death

Since starving is close to death does this proc?
After we get hit by godzilla's cousin's atomic breath it just might.

>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)
Hoping to build a strong foundation out of failures.
>Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create an island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right? [Restraint+ Carmine Mysticism Trial. DC 124. - 5 to roll)
I’m once again considering Ao a bad luck charm.
Ending the vote, tallying its result now. Miraculously avoided getting hungover after celebrating the birth of the eagle and stars nation last night.

Using the Curse, grudge miasma and carmine mysticism in concert, rip away the breath the sea monster is using to create a island destroying beam! Third time is the charm, right?:10

try to dodge the blast while throwing out as many vein draining fangs as you can create:1

Landslide victory for attempting to drain the sea monster of some of its lifeforce, specifically the breath it is using to fuel its island evaporating beam!

Update will arrive shortly
But in the world died vermillion with the sweet panging pain of hunger, the question turns instantly from how to avoid being torn and blasted apart and burned until not even ashes remained of your corpse, to how you could bite into the breath used to fuel the cataclysmic pillar of light that could probably rend asunder whole islands, how it could be possible to snatch away and greedily devour the lifeforce expended by the sea monster, the portion of its own existence it burned, captured and then harnessed to create the radiant breath that severs skies and boils the sea.

And, with the composure of deciding which organs to eat first, which glass of tea to sample first, and the quiet anticipation of waiting for water to boil and meat to roast, your thoughts turn to how to be able to steal away the energy powering the blast as it is charged, through what method it could be stolen away from and refined into the life energy you so desperately hunger for, no longer slavering like a rabid beast at the thought of fresh blood still warm on the tongue and the life and essence it contains, but rather inspecting the platter before you with the sharp eyes of a monarch searching for the subtle traces and signs of poison. Heh-Heh, like an elegant gourmand rather than a starved, gluttonous beast.

And the solution you decide upon, the sequence of spells and magical powers and unknown techniques and rites, is to combine the peculiar ability of Specter starvation, alongside the grudge miasma you've swallowed down and kept stored in your gullet and your lungs and your own flesh and blood and some of the spell and magics of carmine mysticism you've deemed deserving of being repurposed, refined and redeemed in your new, perfected form of carmine mysticism. Syncing up the cursed hunger a certain talkative corpse gifted you with the need and thirst for blood and life that afflicted all of the old, degenerate breed of carmine mystics. The yearnings and curses being similar enough to be fused within your own body, alchemically bonded inside of your blood and breath and very trembling spirit. And the grudge miasma to serve as foundation and canvas for the life draining technique, which, when performed instinctually by breathing in and pulling in with the air every stray mote of living breath and the lives it fuels without direction or discretion. However, the improved variation of it you've created just now, through the drone of hunger and the haze of grisly day dreams, won't have such a weakness. It will be directed. Rather than gnashing glaws and grabbing hands shoveling all they can grab into your mouth, it will be a pair of chopsticks, stabbing into the morsel of turtle meat sitting before you all but plated and ready to be served.

All that needs to be done, is maintaining the equilibrium and careful balance between the sense of yourself and that of your hunger.

To restrain the former just enough so it doesn't make you act like a stupid, starving animal, but not enough to make it rebel and take control of all of you again. Which, would be the worst possible thing that could happen, considering you are staring down the open maw of the sea monster, the sparks of its sea splitting breath flashing in your eyes.

Flicking your wrist, wiping the drool embarrassingly dribbling down your chin, you begin casting a spell, breathing out a black mist of enmity while using your own blood as the ink to write the spell, focusing on the pit bored into your stomach and using the greedy and starved organ itself as conduit for both the Qi and the Spite fueling the sorcery that has never before been wielded or even imagined before today. Before you decided to see how a lance of light that could vaporize a navy would taste when reduced to the blazing and lively breath of a behemoth monster!

roll 2d100 - 5. Best out of five. DC 124.
Rolled 89, 71 - 5 = 155 (2d100 - 5)

Please don't be a take two of the statue situation. Also hope you enjoyed your holiday Gramps.
Rolled 80, 27 - 5 = 102 (2d100 - 5)

Rolled 91, 3 - 5 = 89 (2d100 - 5)

Rolled 92, 97 - 5 = 184 (2d100 - 5)

I think I did the minus right this time?
>fail to pass mild DC's twice in a row
>followed by ridiculously over the top success
Classic Huanliuxue.
I hope Ao's got his popcorn ready, because I know I do.
Rolled 85, 55 - 5 = 135 (2d100 - 5)

Incredible success! Exactly 60 over DC. Update will arrive shortly

The whipping and beating of its tentacles against the top of the sea sound like a cleaver's blade meeting the wood of a cutting board, the snapping of bones and cutting of meets and sudden breathes cut short with the flick of the blade. In the darkness of your mind, the shadowy recesses of thought, the characters and hand signs of the spell emerge from fantasies of corpses of men and beasts, cut, dressed and hung for butchery and visions of the slaughter fields of war and images of predator and prey, fangs crushing throats and antler's piercing skulls and hearts. Gruesome sights, yet while they wet your appetite, the bloody scenes of slaughter, butchery and the consumption of the raw meat the victims in these daydreams are turned and reduced to provide you with enlightenment.

For what the characters forming the spell and the arrays they are placed into and turned into the foundation and pillars of, are made of entrails and splintered bones. And the hand signs you see are revealed to you in the crimson reflection cast in the pools of blood formed beneath corpses hung to be exsanguinated, with hands that look just like yours down to the shape of the nails and the color they're painted. And in the ink black swirls of the resentment you vomited out, ghostly figures move in half a dance. The other half of their movements are those of predators and butchers separating corpses with fangs or knives.

Taking the three portions onto one plate, you perform all of them, moving your hands into the position of the handsigns you've never seen before, painfully contorting and bending your fingers until the joints creak and the bones ache, while chanting the words spelled out in spilled viscera, every enchanted syllable make your mouth water as they're pieced together in a spell woven together from cuts of meat and methods of execution and ways to prepare corpses for burial and meat for meals. The hunger and your ghostly fascinations combined into a mantra woven together from the lunacy afflicting your mind and the macabre things it delights in seeing and surrounding yourself with. And last, as you move your hands into increasingly painful and difficult hand signs and the spell becomes more coherent than a jumbled mess of different types of food and executions, refining with each repeat until it begins to sound like an actual curse rather than the menu of a demon's restaurant, you begin to gambol and dance in the center of the array you've created, that is centered and stuck around your middle, the core of it placed directly over your stomach rather than either your beast or golden cores.

It swings and twirls with you like the rings of star dust and debris around a planet, painted crimson, carmine, scarlet and vermillion and every other shade of blood and raw meat that exists in the world as you dance, chant and cast the spell as the characters you speak appear one by one around the array.

Black, like they'd branded onto them, formed out of grudge miasma and negative and deathly yin Qi as you twist and twirl around, balancing on your heels and moving to the rhythm of your blood pumping through your veins, the drumbeat of your heart and the rumbling of your belly.

Aodasheng watches, near enough to tackle you out of the way of the blast or throw himself in front of it, but far enough to not risk being caught by the unknown spell you're simultaneously creating and casting, as the world is consumed and hidden by the sun gold and sea blue glare of the sea monster's lethal breath as you spin around and bend backwards to face the beam of light directly and open up your mouth.

And around you, a massive cat's skull, formed of spiritual energy and dripping with carmine light like it were freshly flayed and still dripping with blood, suddenly appears around you and matches the movement of your jaw, which stretches open wider and farther that it could naturally, but without the pain of snapping bones or tearing sinew.

And the pillar of light shrinks as it gets close enough to begin melting the fibers of your robes or burning your hair that is hanging down in the air, dripping with sweat and sea water mixed together. And it grows smaller and smaller, glowing brighter as it is pinched and brought through the skeletal, spectral cat's skull and up to your awaiting lips as it is reduced to the size of quail's egg.

But even crushed and condensed to so small a size, it has enough of an impact to snap you back up and make you stand as it fire straight down your throat, making it glow with a cerulean light inside as it enters your stomach, before it fills your cheeks and makes them light up the same way as more and more of the vaporizing breath pours into your mouth and tingles your tongue.

Its citrusy and cloudy and as the screeching sound of light searing the air quiets down and vanishes into your mouth, you swallow it down in three gulps.

The sea monster seems as surprised as you are and lifts itself from the sea with a roar that certainly sounds offended as pale grey blue smoke rises out of your nose and mouth like you were drinking boiling water straight from the kettle.

But the blue glow of its mystical attack hasn't vanished, and neither has the energy, even if the curse lurking in your stomach is working hard to break it down and digest it. And while the feeling of actually filling and stuffing your need belly after it had spent so long complaining and clenching with a hunger you couldn't satiate without degrading yourself or losing all the face you worked so hard to earn, is so pleasurable it is almost intoxicating, the beam of light you just gobbled up and swallowed can be used to do more than just ease your unnatural hunger and clear your head of all its fog and aching.

It can be weaponized and turned back against the monster that spat it at you!

Which you should do, and quick, since the behemoth looks like it wants to bite you in half for the insult of eating its favorite attack

And how do you do that, Huanliuxue?

>The same way it did, but dye the energy in Destructive Yin, Blood, and Cosmic Qi [Magic trial. DC 130. -2 to roll]

>By biting down onto Moon Collapse and infusing the blade with the energy and the specter starvation curse (Crafting: Occult. Trial. DC 135. - 2 to roll)

>By harnessing it and a touch of carmine mysticism to perform a Chimeric transformation and then charge the monster head on (Martial Trial. DC 140. - 4 to roll)

>Taunt the hunger, and attempt to manifest an avatar of it, that you can puppet through Qi control and a sequence of curses (Restraint/ Puppetry trial. DC 145. - 7 to roll)

>Write in
>The same way it did, but dye the energy in Destructive Yin, Blood, and Cosmic Qi [Magic trial. DC 130. -2 to roll]
>Infuse moon collapse

On the fly refinement.
>By biting down onto Moon Collapse and infusing the blade with the energy and the specter starvation curse (Crafting: Occult. Trial. DC 135. - 2 to roll)
>By biting down onto Moon Collapse and infusing the blade with the energy and the specter starvation curse (Crafting: Occult. Trial. DC 135. - 2 to roll)

>Eating enemy attacks
This technique is going to be VERY useful.
Hopefully we can figure out how to use it even without the hunger of the curse guiding our hand.
>>The same way it did, but dye the energy in Destructive Yin, Blood, and Cosmic Qi [Magic trial. DC 130. -2 to roll]
This reminds me of our sphere ability which kinda does something similar.
>By biting down onto Moon Collapse and infusing the blade with the energy and the specter starvation curse (Crafting: Occult. Trial. DC 135. - 2 to roll)
>By harnessing it and a touch of carmine mysticism to perform a Chimeric transformation and then charge the monster head on (Martial Trial. DC 140. - 4 to roll)
>Taunt the hunger, and attempt to manifest an avatar of it, that you can puppet through Qi control and a sequence of curses (Restraint/ Puppetry trial. DC 145. - 7 to roll)
>By biting down onto Moon Collapse and infusing the blade with the energy and the specter starvation curse (Crafting: Occult. Trial. DC 135. - 2 to roll)
even if it fails, this is something I'd want to try again later with the weeping scar curse or whatever other curses we learn down the line.
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I Might not be able to write an update today, having some pretty severe toothpain and its giving me a migraine. And I have no idea what is causing it

Figured I should warn you juniors, but I'll endeavor to end the vote and get writing if it subsides
You shouldn't rip it out.
I had some toothache about a year ago from grinding my teeth which was caused by caries which made my jaws lock and muscles strain giving me headaches. It was also compounded by obsessively cleaning my ears thinking the problem was there and eating stuff that activated my slight food allergies which made my gums itch thus worsening the grinding.
Now I have to focus on manually relaxing my shoulders and straightening my neck or my jaw muscle keeps tensing.

The inner workings of the human body get very sensitive around 30.
Have you tried using a bite guard?
I did actually have to use one (3d printed) at night to reset the jaw resting position but the muscle's bad habits slightly persited even afterwards.

Adaptation doesn't always work in our favor.
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I've survived my tribulation, and found the source of my toothpain. Got a cut on my gums and the swelling was pressing on the nerves in my jaw! Luckily, sleeping through it worked, just had to sweat it all out. Really glad it didn't last any longer, because it was sheer agony

So I'll end the vote and tallying it now before more mysterious injuries can appear to stop me!

The same way it did, but dye the energy in Destructive Yin, Blood, and Cosmic Q: 2

By biting down onto Moon Collapse and infusing the blade with the energy and the specter starvation curse:5

By harnessing it and a touch of carmine mysticism to perform a Chimeric transformation and then charge the monster head on:1

Taunt the hunger, and attempt to manifest an avatar of it, that you can puppet through Qi control and a sequence of curses:1

So you'll bite down on Moon collapse and try to infuse it with the sea monster's breath and the specter starvation curse

update will arrive shortly
And as adrenaline pours into your veins, combating the unearthly and depthless hunger you invited in for dominance, and the world begins to slow down to a nearly painful crawl as your mind races, filling with ideas of how to turn the sea turtle's breath against it and how best to chop and cook it up, a single stray thought far more casual and idle than the excited and manic storm of schemes of how to turn the natural weapon of your opponent back against it. A pointless observation about the feeling in your gut and how it feels like your stomach and its acids have been replaced with a furnace and its fires. A musing that draws your attention and through the heady, mind and fear numbing haze of the thrill of the fight and hunt and the burning heat of hunger, you recall the few lessons Monu tried to teach you about making more with your hands than medicines, poisons or paper talismans, and the few times you were bored enough to sit by and watch Feiqing at his forge, hammering steel flat and dousing it in oil as he worked in an artistic and graceful silence.

You are by no means a craftsman, such work is far beneath your station and birth, why would royalty, a destined empress no less, lower herself to toil in the fields or workshops? However, faintly, you recall a few vital lessons and key concepts that serve as the foundations of imbuing tools with magic spells. And you know there are far more brutish and heavy handed means of enchanting a weapon besides just gentle easing and convincing the sorcery and Qi powering it to settle in its chosen vessel. It isn't too different from a curse, and most cultivators know a imbuing technique or two or at least know how to sheathe their limbs or weapon with their own Qi.

The dagger of Moon Collapse, made out of your blood crystalized by mystical moonlight, should be able to have a cutting of the specter starvation transferred into it and the island destroying beam's energy poured into it. It came from your body, so it should be able to endure the transfer! And take on the power of the sea churning turtle. And what will become of it when the boar's breath has been imbued into it? Well you have absolutely no clue, but you have a few guesses. Perhaps it will gain a new form? or evolve like a beast would. Or maybe it will just get temporarily powered up? Either way, the worst outcome is that it can't contain the power currently roiling and trying to fight its way out of your belly, in which case it will shatter and just come back together again so there really is no risk to say...biting down on the knife and breathing your cursed breath and the monster's own attack into it is there?

'Except, if I swallow it in a momentary lapse of self control' you think and warn your self as you unsheathe the dagger and bring it up to your mouth, flicking and wrapping your tongue around its blade, not caring if you cuts yourself, mimicking your mother in how she's curls her tongue around her silver pipe

And what a mysterious and unique flavor it has, it is sweet, but with a strange taste inside the sweetness, that is unlike any meat or spice you've ever had before in your life. The taste of moonlight! That's the only thing it can be!

Taking a deep breath, holding the dagger between your teeth at the bottom of its blade, you call forth the curse and the energy it is consuming to pour them into the artifact clenched in your jaws. And the sea rises up to meet you, water spraying all around as the sea monster tears itself free from the water and launches itself into the sky. Aodasheng pulls his spear arm back as his other hand, partially draconic, begins casting a spell as he focuses in on the monster and doesn't pay your strange behavior even a moment of attention.

roll 2d100-2. DC 135. Best out of five
Rolled 7, 58 - 2 = 63 (2d100 - 2)

Domain Expansion:
Rolled 24, 71 + 2 = 97 (2d100 + 2)

Rolled 82, 27 + 2 = 111 (2d100 + 2)

Let's see if I remember how to roll right
Rolled 42, 70 - 2 = 110 (2d100 - 2)

The zip, the zop, and the zupitybop
Rolled 80, 49 - 2 = 127 (2d100 - 2)

Don't worry, my last four rolls were hilariously bad, therefore this one is bound to be better!
Failure, but by less than 10 under the dc. Update will arrive shortly
But the moment you begin attempting to infuse and alter the spiritual essence intrinsic to moon collapse and imbue it's bleeding edge of moonlight with a hunger for life itself and the bizarre, half righteous fury of the boar turtle, you run into an obstacle. And it isn't the one you feared, that its peculiar taste would make you gulp it down without a second thought as the grip of the hunger on your mind waxed. No, its that the process is much more complicated than merely sheathing it with Qi. The Output of the essence of the cursed and the breath of the sea monster needs to be paced carefully and done in equal measure. It is a complex equation, necessitating complex and excellent Qi control. An on the fly enchantment. As simple as it seems to simply fill it like an empty cup seems, it isn't as quickly done as filling a cup would be. You have to pause, to pull back excess spiritual energy and to adjust the ratio between the curse and the searing breath barely contained in your body. You shut your eyes to focus and concentrate, and certainly not to keep from looking at the quickly approaching tusked maw of the behemoth whose territory you've flew into, intent on making its lifeforce into a meal. But its roaring and the constant spray of water moving so fast that it feels like it is just about to begin cutting into and scoring your skin makes it difficult to concentrate on the exact combination of cursed ghostly hunger and sea monster breath. And even if adrenaline and the rush of battle makes time seem to move slower, the oceanic beast is shooting out of the sea about as fast as an avalanche down a hillside!

Aodasheng clicks his tongue, and for a moment, the raging of the sea and the monster that rules it goes silent. You pause your infusion, opening your eyes to see what he's done and why you aren't feeling the warmth of the inside of the monster's throat as you expected you would and were prepared to claw your way out. It is right beneath you, the closeness of it and the sight of its teeth with pieces of the hulls of ships stuck in between them makes your heart flutters, while the sight of the ghost still chained to their posts on the vessels it devoured makes your hunger swell.

Aodasheng is standing, atop its lower jaw, the spear of mortal death stabbed through its whipping, barbed tonge as he holds out his other arm into the steam rising from the gullet of the beast. Ethereal chains of teal fire, have burst from his wrist, opening up the wounds where he had been bound and shackled to his mortal remains

"WHATEVER THE HELL YOU'RE DOING BITING ONTO THAT KNIFE! HURRY UP AND FINISH!" Aodasheng roars, clad in armor of mist, styled in the scales of a dragon, fangs intermixed with his teeth "I can only hold this beast back for so long! It's taking all I have to keep it at bay! Use the opening! Finish the technique or spell or whatever it is your attempting or give me the command to tear out a few of its fangs! Fly higher if you must! A ghost can't die a second death so easily!"

"Ao" You say over the blade, but with your tongue wrapped around Moon Collapse and the dagger filling your mouth, it comes out muffled and slurred. He really is proving his worth as a bodyguard in this fight. If he hadn't stepped in front of you when he did, you'd be clawing your way out of that giant turtle's mouth.

"No time for idle praises or niceties, steady your aim and take your shot! I know the power you wield and how dangerous you can be when cornered, don't hold back! There's nothing worth you restraining your power out here in the open sea! Whatever you're planning, do it before I loose my footing or it breaks the seal of these cursed chains!" He bellows back, eyes fierce and smile looking almost as deranged as you must seem, chewing on a shard of glass.

What do you do, Huanliuxue?

>Stop trying to do delicate work in the middle of battle, and pull moon collapse out of your mouth and blast the ugly monster with its own breath, directly down its throat! (Magic Trial. DC reduced due to assistance. DC 95 - 2)

>Take advantage of the time Aodasheng bought you, and carefully finish the infusing process and the moment you finish, rip Moon Collapse out of your mouth and chop the sea monster's mouth (Crafting: Occult + Martial Trial. DC 125 - 5)

>Bite down on and split moon collapse in two, swallowing back the sea monster's breath and instead drop on the monsters face and go for its eyes (Martial Trial. DC 85 - 5)

>Dive down into the sea, putting as much distance between yourself and the sea monster as you can to finish the process of infusing moon collapse and to reposition yourself, trusting Aodasheng to hold it off as you do

>Write in
>Dive down into the sea, putting as much distance between yourself and the sea monster as you can to finish the process of infusing moon collapse and to reposition yourself, trusting Aodasheng to hold it off as you do
>Take the time to finish off the infusion, then slash the mouth. Dc 125
>Take advantage of the time Aodasheng bought you, and carefully finish the infusing process and the moment you finish, rip Moon Collapse out of your mouth and chop the sea monster's mouth (Crafting: Occult + Martial Trial. DC 125 - 5)
>>Stop trying to do delicate work in the middle of battle, and pull moon collapse out of your mouth and blast the ugly monster with its own breath, directly down its throat! (Magic Trial. DC reduced due to assistance. DC 95 - 2)
>Dive down into the sea, putting as much distance between yourself and the sea monster as you can to finish the process of infusing moon collapse and to reposition yourself, trusting Aodasheng to hold it off as you do
We evolve in battle.
This is our cultivation.
>Stop trying to do delicate work in the middle of battle, and pull moon collapse out of your mouth and blast the ugly monster with its own breath, directly down its throat! (Magic Trial. DC reduced due to assistance. DC 95 - 2)
>Stop trying to do delicate work in the middle of battle, and pull moon collapse out of your mouth and blast the ugly monster with its own breath, directly down its throat! (Magic Trial. DC reduced due to assistance. DC 95 - 2)
>Dive down into the sea, putting as much distance between yourself and the sea monster as you can to finish the process of infusing moon collapse and to reposition yourself, trusting Aodasheng to hold it off as you do
Spirit bomb moment, just without Ao needing to hold the jobber stick while we charge
>Stop trying to do delicate work in the middle of battle, and pull moon collapse out of your mouth and blast the ugly monster with its own breath, directly down its throat! (Magic Trial. DC reduced due to assistance. DC 95 - 2)
Ending the vote and tallying its result now.

Dive down into the sea, putting as much distance between yourself and the sea monster as you can to finish the process of infusing moon collapse and to reposition yourself, trusting Aodasheng to hold it off as you do:3

Take advantage of the time Aodasheng bought you, and carefully finish the infusing process and the moment you finish, rip Moon Collapse out of your mouth and chop the sea monster's mouth:2

Stop trying to do delicate work in the middle of battle, and pull moon collapse out of your mouth and blast the ugly monster with its own breath, directly down its throat!:4

Very close vote, but you'll stop trying to buff moon collapse and instead just blast the monster with its own breath attack!

Update will arrive shortly
And twisting around the enchanted piece of moonglass and crystalized blood stuck between your teeth as you think, the light of the sea monster's breath and the blood moonlight trapped within moon collapse pouring out of and shining between your lips as you think about if you should keep up the effort to infuse the curse and monstrous attack into the dagger at all. It isn't like you'll lose your chance to do it if you go for a more brute force approach and stop trying to perform a flashy, fancy move while fighting against a dull witted beast with ships' stuck between its teeth. The sensible and restrained part of you and the deranged, staving voice it is holding back both agree and speak together as you realize that the best move to make would be to just stun the behemoth and then try to drip its power into your knife. Though after agreeing on stunning it, the gluttonous urge and your fighting instincts and martial ituition immediately start disagreeing on what is to be done after you stun the boar turtle with a blast of raw destructive energy to its mouth and down its throat?

Take a bite out of its lifeforce? Taste its bloods? or breath your curse and its breath into your knife, line up a few cuts and cripple? But those two choices are so basic and boring to be barely worth considering at all. And what you do next, doesn't matter until the behemoth in front of you is stunned and reeling. And it'll take more than a clubbing to accomplish that. So, pulling mooncollapse out of your mouth, knicking your tongue and lips with its ragged edge, savoring the flavor of the blood dripping from it as it becomes super saturated with moonlight and cosmic rays, you pull your head back, lift up your shoulders and breath deeply in. Lifting up your hands from the bottom of you stomach to the top of your throat as you fill your lungs and draw the spiritual energy and ghostly curse you'd allowed to spill out into your mouth back into your stomach, which you turn into a crucible, refining and strengthen the admixture of the beastly, ghostly and the divine and focus and center your eyes on the exact center of the sea boar's mouth as your cheeks puff up and glow a bright, as the energies you're condensing and forcing together begin to overflow and escape the confines of your stomach.

Pressure builds behind your eyeballs, and your eyes start to water as a sensation like needing to vomit but worsened by a hundredfold that was also made agonizing as what was being held back felt like it was ripping you apart at the seams washes over you and blanks out every thought in your head

Roll 2d100-2. DC 95. best out of five
Rolled 54, 57 + 2 = 113 (2d100 + 2)

Big numbers boisssss. But not vaporize.
Rolled 31, 74 - 2 = 103 (2d100 - 2)


Too bad, check this 60 over DC roll, SKREEEOOOOONK
Rolled 68, 19 + 2 = 89 (2d100 + 2)

Rolled 44, 6 - 2 = 48 (2d100 - 2)

Rolled 5, 36 - 2 = 39 (2d100 - 2)

Fair success. 10 over DC. Update will arrive shortly
Except for a single word, that claws its way through the conflagration super heated air and blazing Qi struggling to escape your jaws to become realized as an inferno outside of your body. A low, threatening growl and an imperial command barked at a general standing in the way of your counterattack


Aodasheng does not need to be told twice and with practiced skill and swiftness, pulls the spear of mortal death free from the jaw of the sea monster, ripping its squirming tongue in half and sending each torn piece thrashing as he leaps backwards and out of the way of the blast of your attack before the energies pushing up your throat can be expelled. And with a flick of his wrist, he pulls the spectral chains pierced through the lips and jawbones of the behemoth, forcing its mouth open wider as you part your lips and all you see, everything in your vision is blotted out with burning white light as the defiant below of the sea monster is silence by your own shriek and the screeching of the spiritual energy scorching the air, evaporating the sea water tossed into it as it rushes out of your mouth, forming first a miniscule dot, no larger than a grain of sand that grows to the size of a pearl before expanding and growing until it hides everything except the shadow of your prey from sight with its radiant light. You're thrown back, having leaned forward as you copied the sea boar's movement and used its stolen power, regurgitating its breath with whorls and smears of ghostly yin and deathly yin qi and malevolent and cursed spiritual energy marring the sky blue pillar of lethal light.

Rolling and tumbling backwards, you're launched at a ridiculous and blinding speed from the whiplash of the force of the blast you spat out of your mouth. It is perhaps one of the simplest and most organic attacks one can form from Qi, just a burst of spiritual energy, but with the amount, refinement, purity and density of the Qi you captured and swallowed, it has an explosive result. The air itself wavers and the seas still before rippling and crackling as the pillar screams through the air and shoots down into the sea monster's gullet, glowing brightly as it tears through its throat, ripping off a few of its fangs and pushing it back down towards the sea as the blood spilled is immediately evaporated and turned into a vermillion mist.

Aodasheng catches you by the back of your robe, like it were the scruff of your neck, stopping your from careening into the sky and back towards the distant shore, his red black eyes wide with amazement as he watches the behemoth get tossed back to the sea, its shell cracking before a hole is bored through it as the breath you exhaled tears through its neck and out of its body with a geyser of blood and super heated, scarlet colored steam.

"Impressive" he says simply, letting go of you as you try to catch your breath, smirking smugly as you pant and whip your hair around

"Everything I do is!" You brag, grinning as the lightheadedness quiets the demands of your ghastly hunger for a few moments, and almost makes your forget that the sea monster isn't down for the count and dead yet, as chunks of its shell and scaley flesh rain down around you, already decaying as they plummet to the same waters it was thrown down to.

But no sooner than those boastful words leave your mouth, does one of its tentacles swing and nearly slap both you and Aodasheng, with the both of you narrowly avoiding it by leaping to the side, and your specter lightness skill sending you higher up in the air as the wind whipped by the strike carries your partially ethereal body further aloft/

"Determined cretin, isn't it? I think you've roused its rage" Aodasheng helpfully remarks as he leans against his spear, his eyes sharp despite his relaxed demeanor, seeking a target for his deadly spear, like a hawk pursuing a hare "Though, is it the wound or the sight of you outperforming it with its own signature move that has enraged it, I wonder?"

"No time to ask such pointless questions" You scold, baring your teeth like fangs as you look down at the behemoth bleeding into the sea, and narrowly avoid a second swing of the tentacle you'd just dodge "But I think you're right, since it does seem to be focusing on trying to swat me down!"

"Beasts know when they're in the presence of a rival, or predator" Aodasheng muses before snapping his fingers, and fully transforming into a spectral dragon and roaring as he flies through the pouring blood, rotten meat and burning steam. And you can't tell if he's doing it to try and draw the sea monster's attention, or because he's excited to tussle and play around with it some more.

Either way, what is your next move, Huanliuxue?

>Finish imbuing moon collapse with the breath of the sea monster you held onto, while dodging the strikes, and let Aodasheng have his fun (Agility trial DC 75. -5 to roll)

>Charge up a super massive destructive Yin Sphere to obliterate the area of the sea the sea monster is inside of (Magic trial. DC 150 - 5 to roll)

>Launch yourself down at it, and perform the shooting star stampede, aiming for its head and skull! (martial trial. DC 110. -2 to roll)

>Employ the whispering death claw to tear out portions of its lifeforce, clawing its tentacles as it tries to bash you to the ground...er sea (Martial trial. DC 85 - 5 to roll)

>Write in
>>Finish imbuing moon collapse with the breath of the sea monster you held onto, while dodging the strikes, and let Aodasheng have his fun (Agility trial DC 75. -5 to roll)

We must feast.
>Finish embueing
>Finish imbuing moon collapse with the breath of the sea monster you held onto, while dodging the strikes, and let Aodasheng have his fun (Agility trial DC 75. -5 to roll)
>>Employ the whispering death claw to tear out portions of its lifeforce, clawing its tentacles as it tries to bash you to the ground...er sea (Martial trial. DC 85 - 5 to roll)
>Employ the whispering death claw to tear out portions of its lifeforce, clawing its tentacles as it tries to bash you to the ground...er sea (Martial trial. DC 85 - 5 to roll)
>Finish imbuing moon collapse with the breath of the sea monster you held onto, while dodging the strikes, and let Aodasheng have his fun (Agility trial DC 75. -5 to roll)
>Finish imbuing moon collapse with the breath of the sea monster you held onto, while dodging the strikes, and let Aodasheng have his fun (Agility trial DC 75. -5 to roll)
Unfortunately, dear juniors, another mysterious injury has afflicted me, your grandfather. I think I sprained or strained my dominant hand cause it hurts to move it. Intensely, in the case of some movements, like turning it over or clenching it into a fist. Haven't done anything besides read books, make tea and play video game since I wrote the last update, so I have no idea what I did to cause this.

But update is probably going to be delayed unless it miraculously stops hurting.

It was a tribulation writing this, btw
Hopefully it isn't some kind of tendonitis. Maybe try icing your wrist/hand a bit?
Ice your hand, my bet you unconsciously pulled a muscle and it's tightened up. If you got a muscle relaxer could help, if not massaging it could help. Prob be a day before it loosens up and goes to manageable levels.
>Finish imbuing moon collapse with the breath of the sea monster you held onto, while dodging the strikes, and let Aodasheng have his fun (Agility trial DC 75. -5 to roll)
Might as well.

Take care of yourself, Grandfather.
The curse has been particularly active the past few days
>Finish imbuing moon collapse with the breath of the sea monster you held onto, while dodging the strikes, and let Aodasheng have his fun (Agility trial DC 75. -5 to roll)
Besides what everyone else has mentioned, I find wrapping my wrist helps sometimes.
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Pain in my wrist is mostly gone now, so I'll end the vote and tally its result before anything else can go wrong with this ruined temple of a body

Finish imbuing moon collapse with the breath of the sea monster you held onto, while dodging the strikes, and let Aodasheng have his fun:7

Employ the whispering death claw to tear out portions of its lifeforce, clawing its tentacles as it tries to bash you to the ground...er sea:2

So you will finish imbuing Moon Collapse with the sea monster's breath/ cure, while dodging its attacks

Update will arrive shortly

Thanks for the advice and well-wishes, it really helped
Well his intent doesn't matter, he'll be a distraction either away. Averting your eyes so you won't be transfixed by the oddly graceful dance between the dragon transformed Aodasheng, rippling through the air like a banner, every scale sparkling like polished jade and cut gems as he moves through the rays of light piercing through the storm clouds, his tail snapping like a whip as he extends his claws and weaves through the sea boar's lashing tentacles. The guttural roars and bellows of a beast in pain ripple through the sea and are so loud you can actually see them move through the air, displacing clouds and mist as an half visible wave, echo across the sea as Aodasheng begins to battle the sea monster with tooth, claw, and forbidden magics that you can only catch glimpses of through the storm clouds and falling pieces of shell and rain of blood and viscera. Which only emboldens the curse and the hunger shadowing every thought you have.

Clicking your tongue, you flick moon collapse and catch it in a reverse grip, before bringing it to your mouth, holding it flat in front of your lips, and slowly breath out a tamed mixture of the beast's breath and the specter starvation' curses miasma over its edge, more delicately and carefully seeping the two spiritual essences into its glass like blade as you relax your body, allowing every part of it to go slack as you strain your ears and turn them feline to better hear the wind. And also sprout whiskers so you can sense the faint vibrations caused by the slightest movement of the sea boar's tentacles. You need hands to hold the enchanted dagger, but Chimeric transformation allows you to enjoy the sharper senses and the ones that humans lack entirely while still making use of your own two hands.

And the decision to quickly transform and take on a partially feline body, immediately proves its wisdom as you lean back instinctlively and narrowly avoid a hooked barb shooting out from the tip of one of the sea boar's many tentacles, and hop backwards to avoid the face tearing suction of the cups lining the same gargantuan limb.

"You're going to make this as difficult as you can, aren't you, you stupid brute" You snarl and spit, as you breath out more ghostly mist and raw spiritual energy, washing it over your enchanted knife and bare hands, the curses tendrils digging into the beast's breath still trying to tear it apart and consume it even outside of your body. The sight of which is uncomfortably close to watching a parasite crawl out of its host and nearly is enough to make you lose the appetite you've embraced and fanned the flames of just to keep a clear head! Which is impressive in its own way.

Shaking your head, you allow yourself to fall to void another wild swing of the sea monster's tentacle, and corral your wandering thoughts, if only so the idea of parasites can't distract you with how disgusting it is.

Roll 2d100-5. Best out of five. DC 75
Rolled 83, 26 - 5 = 104 (2d100 - 5)

Rolled 93, 67 - 5 = 155 (2d100 - 5)

Rolled 76, 37 - 5 = 108 (2d100 - 5)


Damn. Doubled the DC. Cool. But this one will be a natty followed by a 76!
Rolled 1, 79 - 5 = 75 (2d100 - 5)

Well, you kind of predicted one half of your roll there. Still need two more, but I'm content to wait for them

Oh I am well aware, its hounding me hard
Oof an one and exactly on dc
Rolled 28, 14 - 5 = 37 (2d100 - 5)

AMAZING SUCCESS. 80 OVER DC. Update will arrive shortly!

Another peculiar roll.
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These dice sure have been pretty funny this roll.
Purging your mind of all unnecessary thoughts, leaving only clarity and that stubborn hunger you're fighting to quash and cut away, and forcing yourself to ignore how much the pieces of the curse struggling to draw the vital breath of the sea boar back into your stomach looks like awful parasitic worms, you trust yourself and the work of imbuing moon collapse into your highly refined and trained instincts, battle acumen and sorcerous training thrust to the forefront of your mind to keep a tight collar on the hunger that wants nothing more than to drink deeply of the mystical life force you freely give up to strength and change the artifact in your hand.

And then you close your eyes, to improve your hearing, letting your whiskers and ears warn you of the sea monster's next sequence of whip like strikes and ship crushing blows as you glide through the air like a ghostly mist, shaping the Qi as you expel it with your breath over moon collapse, meditating in motion as your washed with sea spray and can only picture how Aodasheng's fight with the ship eating turtle is going from the two, distinctive set of roars cracking the sky and splitting the sea. With hand signs and a carefully constructed array of Qi and blood drawn and levitated around and over the knife in your hands, you imbue the last of the energy it needs to be imbued with both specter starvation and the mighty breath of the fleet crashing boar, all the while you drift and float elegantly away from the monster's furious attacks, always remaining just out of reach as the moon glass turns molten in your hands. But strangely remains cool to the touch, feeling more like clay than anything else as the dagger reacts to the forces and essence poured into and starts to transform.

Without fear, without urgency and without concern or panic, you allow the winds to carry you like a flower petal as the sea monster exhausts itself chasing after and trying to vent its frustration and fury on you with one half of its hull breaking arms, while the other are kept occupied by Aodasheng's flying over, under and between them, drawing blood and the ocean ruling beast's ire while you perform what must look like the most regal and beautiful dance in the sky. If any ship at the misfortune of passing through this battleground, then surely its crew would become your worshipers just from the sight of your fairy like movements through the storm clouds and the chaos beneath them.

And you feel Moon collapse split into two halves, on its own accord, its ringing changing tune and sounding almost like the kind of bell some farmer's ring to call their flocks of chicken to be fed. And with a growl, the hunger afflicting you reminds you of its existence and you open your eyes, as you finish filling the treasure born and spilled out of your veins with both the curse and the sea monster's own lively essence.


And see that you weren't just wasting your time and breath doing all of this, as you see that the artifact in your hand has taken on a new form. And like you assumed, was capable of transforming and alternating its forms in more ways than it had already displayed by fragmenting and splintering and coming back together.

One of the halves has, somehow, stretched and grown to the length of a bo staff or spear, tipped with a three pronged head, the moon rabbit fur also stretching the length of its haft, while the other half has been shaped into a crude and oversized cleaver that is surprisingly light in the hand, and the two halves are connected by a chain that is only partially tangible and solid. And you can tell from a glance and whiff that its links were made from the "arms" of the specter starvation curse that tried to drag the sea monster's life force back down your throat.

And the inner moonlight trapped within the glass has dimmed, and taken on a yellow ting, like a moon split between being a blood moon and a harvest moon. A fitting change, and one you can notice even though all the world is dyed the yellow of rendered fat and the crimson of red blood to your eyes right now, from the grip you've allowed the unnatural hunger to have on you.

Its new abilities, if its has any while in this peculiar form, are unknown to you, but from spiritual sense alone you can tell that a cut from either the trident or axe like cleaver will not transmit the normal lunacy coating moon collapse's edge, but instead spread the curse of specter starvation. And if you had to guess, it wouldn't be any ordinary form of that already dangerous curse, but the mean and stubborn form of it that you've accidentally cultivated by resisting it so long. The hunger of a golden core.

This altered from of Moon Collapse very, very dangerous tool. And you're in no state of mind to test out the extent and limits of any other powers it might be hiding away, because just holding the trident and cleaver makes the hunger gnawing at your mind grow larger and heavier than it already was.

And with drool dripping down your chin, you don't run from the next tentacle that falls down toward you, intent on splattering you across the sea. Instead of dodging or leaping back, you rush towards it, throwing the trident to one side of it, and using the chain of hunger connecting it to the cleaver in your hand to wrap around and bind the massive, sea beating arm, holding it in place as with a flick of your wrist and surprising ease you cut through and sever the tentacle from the sea monster's body.

Relishing in the spray of blood and opening your mouth to catch as much of it as you can as you hop onto the stump of tentacle, swaying back and forth to keep balance and in line with its wild and chaotic motions, you nearly give into the urge to stuff your face and fill your belly before snapping back to reality and reminding yourself you're in a life or death struggle.

Lifting up your empty hand, you grab the chain and pull the trident back to you as fist size drops of blood hammer down onto your back as you crouch down and watch as Aodasheng, in his human form again, whips tendrils of dead grey water at the sea monster, patches of rot appearing over its slimy scaled hide as it tries to fend him off with one of its smaller tentacles. But its barely paying attention to him or his dance like movements and cursed chanting spreading decay through the water and under its skin, its eyes are focused on you, and look murderously enraged as it spots you standing atop the stump of its tentacle, drenched in its blood, grinning ear to ear down at it.

It opens its mouth, and reveals that it has more than one as long, lamprey toothed heads rise up in front of it, the sky burning blue light glowing in all of them

The trident now in your hand again, rumbles with a ring like a whale's song, and the yellow moonlight peeling away from it turns shockingly and almost electric blue.

And you grin as you realize it to can fire a beam of vaporizing light, of the same kind you spat down the sea boar's throat!

But there's no time to gawk or celebrate. There's a fish to gut and a fight to win! And besides that, said fish is trying to drag you and maimed tentacle you're standing on down into the briny depths below! So attacking or retreating, you have to act quickly! How exciting!

What is your next move, Huanliuxue?

>Run down the tentacle, and use the trident to snipe and blast any of the monstrous heads trying to hit you with the sea monster's deadly breath (Accuracy/ Magic trial. DC 135. - 4 to roll)

>Steal Aodasheng's trick and toss the trident and lighten your body with the specter lightness skill to swiftly fly over to where he's fighting and help him over there, forcing the sea monster to waste time turning its heads (Martial trial. DC 116 -2 to rollres)

>Use the chain of moon collapse's transformed state and treat the cleaver like a rope dart or meteor hammer, and cut apart any part of the sea boar that rises up to attack you (Martial trial. DC 148 - 2 to roll)

>Use your blood control and the weapon in your hands to dive and tear through the sea monster's arm, and burst out of it when you're close enough to its body to reach its vitals (Restraint + haste trial. DC 150. - 6 to roll)

>Just fly and run across the water between its multiple, smaller heads, and trick them into hitting themselves with that ship annihilating attack they so love (Trickery + dexterity trial. DC 95. - 3 to roll)

>Write in
>>Steal Aodasheng's trick and toss the trident and lighten your body with the specter lightness skill to swiftly fly over to where he's fighting and help him over there, forcing the sea monster to waste time turning its heads (Martial trial. DC 116 -2 to rollres)
Tag team TAG TEAM
>Just fly and run across the water between its multiple, smaller heads, and trick them into hitting themselves with that ship annihilating attack they so love (Trickery + dexterity trial. DC 95. - 3 to roll)
I feel this would be a good time for

>Cat's court
>Transmute our body into blood and travel through the monster's own blood vessels from the tentacle stump to the heart, then transform back and attack it from within
Also this last update made me want to shout "THE FAULT LIES WITH YOU"
Oh, and use Cat's Court to retreat afterwards
>>Just fly and run across the water between its multiple, smaller heads, and trick them into hitting themselves with that ship annihilating attack they so love (Trickery + dexterity trial. DC 95. - 3 to roll)
>Just fly and run across the water between its multiple, smaller heads, and trick them into hitting themselves with that ship annihilating attack they so love (Trickery + dexterity trial. DC 95. - 3 to roll)
No reason to overcomplicate this. The enemy is pissed and unlikely to think things through, leaving them vulnerable to a simple trick. Let us exploit this weakness while we can.
>Steal Aodasheng's trick and toss the trident and lighten your body with the specter lightness skill to swiftly fly over to where he's fighting and help him over there, forcing the sea monster to waste time turning its heads (Martial trial. DC 116 -2 to rollres)
yeah tag team is a vibe.
>Steal Aodasheng's trick and toss the trident and lighten your body with the specter lightness skill to swiftly fly over to where he's fighting and help him over there, forcing the sea monster to waste time turning its heads (Martial trial. DC 116 -2 to rollres)
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Ending and tallying the vote now, took a bit longer than I intended to but I was once again honor bound to tend a garden that isn't mine under the full heat of the summer day.

Steal Aodasheng's trick and toss the trident and lighten your body with the specter lightness skill to swiftly fly over to where he's fighting and help him over there, forcing the sea monster to waste time turning its head:3

Just fly and run across the water between its multiple, smaller heads, and trick them into hitting themselves with that ship annihilating attack they so love:3

Cat's court: 2

Transmute our body into blood and travel through the monster's own blood vessels from the tentacle stump to the heart, then transform back and attack it from within:1

So I'll tie break, since its been like a day since a vote has come in, so clearly it won't resolve itself naturally

1: Tag team

2:Just fly
Alright! So will just fly around the sea monster's multiple heads, and try to dodge its attacks and trick it into hitting itself with its destructive breath

Update will arrive shortly
Swiftly, in the rush of excitement and through the pangs of hunger, you decide that Aodasheng is a big boy and can handle himself. He is far, far older than you are and besides that, while tag teaming the sea monster with him would be effective, you aren't quite hungry enough to lust for spoiled meat and he's using that nasty curse he spat at you that had turned your brain rotten! And fighting beside him won't deal with the biggest obstacle in your way. All the sea monster will need to do is turn its head, er, heads and the two of you will be shot down like mallards! Sure you managed to steal and swallow the gathered energy of its breath that could blow a island to pieces, but the sea boar has shown it has more than one mouth and you don't think you can catch all of its sea evaporating blasts of Qi all at once when there's more of them filling the sky than there are fish in the sea.

So, deciding that it'd be best to let Aodasheng fight on his own, you dive forward, spinning the cleaver half of Moon collapse around while holding the trident at your side, noting how the winds and sea water seem to be drawn to it and just flying over the surface of the sea causes a vortex of both to gather around its three tips, shielding your arm with wind and water you dip down and glide over the sea's top.

Touching your heels down, you start running across the surface of the ocean, having made your body intangible and light enough to stay atop the water even if you stop running. A handful of the heads and smaller tentacles slither after you, gnashing their jaws and whipping in the air as they race after you like dogs on the hunt. Grinning, you flick your tongue over your lips and enjoy the sweet taste of the sea monster's lifeforce and the blood containing it as your mind races, instincts firing as you drift and slide across the water, flashes of intuition and martial foresight warning you when to dodge and leap as they flare into your mind's eye like so many fireworks.

Flying over a row of gnashing teeth that ripped through the sea in front of you, you end up right where you want to be, even if the wildest of your fellow daosists would think you had gone mad sprinting up to it. It is a killing zone, a firing line, somewhere no one else in the world except perhaps Aodasheng would be cocky enough to throw themselves into and stand proudly. And they would be kind of right, considering that you've allowed yourself to be addled with hunger to tame it and bring it under control. But they'd also be wrong, since you didn't rush down here wanting to take a bite out of the sea monster, though now that you think about it, fresh turtle does sound tasty.

But no, that isn't what made you decide to launch yourself between its deadly attacks, and thinking on it for a second, the actual reason would probably make any doubters think you were even crazier.

But they wouldn't understand, since it'd take a visionary prodigy to realize and accomplish what you're endeavoring to do. Tricking and fooling the sea boar into hitting itself with its own mystical breath and destroying its smaller heads in the blast, thus removing its most dangerous attack like its fangs had been pulled. And honestly, few beneath the heavens besides yourself have the talent or daring to pull it off.

roll 2d100-3. DC 95. Best out of five
Rolled 83, 61 - 3 = 141 (2d100 - 3)

Rolled 73, 81 - 3 = 151 (2d100 - 3)

You should shoot yourself NOW
Rolled 85, 67 - 3 = 149 (2d100 - 3)

Unlimited Huan Works
Rolled 71, 38 = 109 (2d100)

Rolled 89, 89 - 5 = 173 (2d100 - 5)

Oops, I subtracted 5 instead of 3. Does that still count? Are we getting 80 over DC?
>80 over DC
Something about low DC's just seems to make Huan want to go above and beyond
Incredible success! 80 Over DC. Update will arrive shortly
The world around you, though still dyed that same oddly unpleasant let tantalizing shade of red, becomes a sea of shooting stars and flashing lights that would burn your eyes if you stood still long enough for the glare to fully envelope them. Every sound is drowned out by the ear piercing shriek of the sea monster's life force burning lances of pure spiritual energy, rippling through the air and twisting around like thrashing snakes as they try to just wing you. However there is one truth in the world that could never be denied or refuted. And that is that a tortoise could never keep up with a cat in flight! Ducking, diving and all but dancing through the air, you avoid each attack that would be enough to put a whole in a fleet and reduce any ship it touched into a cloud of wooden splinters and smoke with as much ease as avoiding a bucket of water, thrust spear or grasping hands. Sheathing every muscle fiber and bone in your body with blood Qi and turning your body malleable, freely shifting between different proportions of feline and human and staying in a constant chimeric state, switching out body parts and characteristics as you might jewelry and as quickly done as pulling off and discarding gloves, you become a blur of crimson, moving faster than the sea boar could possibly keep up with

Though the brutish beast does make a monumental effort to strike you down and envelope you with its natural and very deadly sorcery, its attempts are all for naught, even when it begins aiming in front of you. As if you were not aware and quick enough to simply adjust your trajectory and move midflight or sprint over the sea. Most of the world becomes a blur, even the blood seeping into your vision due to how deeply you've bid specter starvation's curse to sink its teeth into you body and soul begins to wane and recede as you shoot through the air and across the water like a bolt of scarlet lightning.

Blood and chunks of smoking flesh and severed, eyeless heads rain down around you, sending waves across the raging sea as the sea monster wounds and cripples itself in its vain attempts to just make your nose bleed, its frustration severing its heads and literally disarming it as it launches attack after attack and puts everything it has in the effort to make you pay for stealing its lethal spell and spitting it back into its hideous face. Its fun, on a primal level, running around and pouncing here and there. Like chasing minnows in a river. But you can't dwell on the entertainment value of this evasive dance, otherwise you'll start to think and lose the advantage of instinctually dodging and avoiding the magic that is moving so fast it might as well be like trying to race the sound of thunder.

A race you're easily winning. Eventually, the two smaller heads that remain after the self inflicted injuries from the sea monster's volleys of island erasing beams, retreat under the surface of the water, which becomes much more choppy as the sea begins to twist and spiral into itself

A vortex large enough to swallow a ship as easily as a fly would be eaten by a dragon. You stick out your legs, which at the moment were mostly feline but rapidly shift back to fully human, and stab the trident half of moon collapse into the sea and use it as an anchor to grab hold of and spin around to quickly lose all of the speed and momentum you had picked up racing across the sea as fast as your well cultivated physique and perfectly honed body could move with the additional boost of your blood Qi empowering and reinforcing your limbs.

And, spinning in the opposite direction of the vortex, holding onto the trident like it were a solid pillar, you realize as you twist and throw your legs around and over it, that through the altered form of moon collapse containing the sea monster's stolen breath, you're reversing the movement of the whirlpool the sea boar conjured and calming the waters. And the monstrous turtle seems as surprised as you are that you can do this. Not that you'd need the spear, with how many of its own body it tore open or blasted cleanly off, the patch of sea you're fighting it in is more blood than water.

And in the moment of peace that is created by it be stunned still, you see that Aodasheng has inflicted his fair share of wounds upon it, having caused the side of it he's fighting to look like it had been inflicted with leprosy or was a walk, eh, swimming corpse. The sea monster has nothing resembling a defense or protection from the ghost king's terrible curses, it seems. Though, admittedly, you weren't able to do much against that particular hex besides recover from it and beneath the heavens you are without equal in terms of you resilience to ghostly energies and deathly yin qi!

But you can only admire his grisly handiwork for a moment, until your instincts warn you of an impending attack, but when you turn and flick the cleaver in your hand in a hasty attempt to block, you instead come face to face with the tusked sea beast, whose bristly hide is starting to lift up as the air over the sea is electrified.

Leaping back, you end up splitting a bolt of lightning in two as you arm finishes its swing and the cleaver half of moon collapse meats the first of a shower of lightning bolts raining through the rent sky.

The sea monster swims backwards, keeping its eyes on you as it attempt to escape the battlefield and live another day, rather than seek revenge against you or Aodasheng for wounding it. Proving that despite its touch of divinity, its mind is bestial after all.

Which lifts a weight from your shoulder you hadn't noticed beneath the desperate hunger or rush of battle, that it might be a magical beast of some sort. Even though you've eaten other ascended beasts before. How strange~.

But after shaking off that realization, you're stopped from moving in to cut its throat, by a hail of directed bolts of lightning, that you block with a barrier of dying grudge shields. It is a little too clever for a mindless animal, but then again, plenty of ordinary beasts are!

Aodasheng isn't barred in such an infuriating manner like you are, and merrily continues his assault against it, changing his tactics, and instead sending a wave of waterlogged bones barely formed into coherent and complete skeletons, after the retreating sea monster to peel away the rotten flesh and tear into the still healthy meat underneath it. Though you have absolutely no idea where he got all of them from, and as you're trying to avoid being struck by lightning, can't exactly pause for a moment to ponder where he sourced a small's army worth of bones in the middle of the open sea!

What is your next move, Huanliuxue?

>See if the curse will allow you to eat lightning, figuring it to, is an expression of life in someways, and trying to take a bite out of and chew your way through the storm (Fortitude Trial. DC 165)

>Wrap yourself in an armor made out of every type of protection and barrier spell you can conjure, and just march after the fleeing sea monster (Magic trial. DC 130 - 4 to roll)

>Give the sea boar a taste of its own medicine, and cloud the sea with as many grudges and as much resentment as you can pour out of your reserves of both, to slow it down and weaken it further (Magic trial. DC 112 - 2 to roll)

>Cut the sea and lightning between you and the sea monster with the cleaver side of moon collapse, and then try to pin it with the trident half of it (Martial trial. DC 155 - 2 to roll)

>Write in
>Turn the bloody sea below into a source of blood qi and use it to empower our and Grudge cloud.

>cloud the sky with grudges to slow and weaken it.
>See if the curse will allow you to eat lightning, figuring it to, is an expression of life in someways, and trying to take a bite out of and chew your way through the storm (Fortitude Trial. DC 165)
ayo dub roll, nice
>See if the curse will allow you to eat lightning, figuring it to, is an expression of life in someways, and trying to take a bite out of and chew your way through the storm (Fortitude Trial. DC 165)

Eating energy should greatly help our cultivation going forward.
With that in mind, I think the DC for this is acceptable.
>>Give the sea boar a taste of its own medicine, and cloud the sea with as many grudges and as much resentment as you can pour out of your reserves of both, to slow it down and weaken it further (Magic trial. DC 112 - 2 to roll)
get it ready for the killing blow
I would like to fix an element of my write in.
The beasts blood can be used as a sympathetic target, like the Ling Bitch.
We dont need to aim, just curse using its blood below as the tether.
>>Give the sea boar a taste of its own medicine, and cloud the sea with as many grudges and as much resentment as you can pour out of your reserves of both, to slow it down and weaken it further (Magic trial. DC 112 - 2 to roll)
supporting the write-in
so with 5 for the curse it with grudges and 3 write ins, I'd like to remove my vote for Grudge poisoning here >>6059863
So by my maths, should be 4 curse and 3 write in to support the grudge, so by being over half the number of supports and complimentary, it should go through.

If I remember how votes work, and haven't gotten confused with a second quest.
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Ending and tallying the vote now, meant to do it yesterday, but I couldn't find the time to, sorry.

See if the curse will allow you to eat lightning, figuring it to, is an expression of life in someways, and trying to take a bite out of and chew your way through the storm:2

Give the sea boar a taste of its own medicine, and cloud the sea with as many grudges and as much resentment as you can pour out of your reserves of both, to slow it down and weaken it further:5
-Use the sea below as a source of blood to empower yourself and the grudge cloud: 3

So you will give the sea boar a taste of its own medicine Via your grudge cloud breath, and use the blood around you, that is suffused with divine energy and primordial beast essence to strengthen yourself and dye the resentment

VERY clever write in, as expected of my juniors.

Adjusted DC will be revealed at the end of the update, which will arrive shortly

I didn't even notice, sharp eyes junior

Half or more if I think the choice can mesh with the clear winner or if enough of the winning vote include it. Or if I'm feeling generous or think its cool, I can bend this rule a little.
Annoyed that you have to dance around lightning, something which is so tiring it begins to strain even your heart that's been infused with the vitality of blood qi. And enraged that you're being kept from pursuing your prey by a storm it conjured, you immediately, in between steps and lunging dodges, decide that you're going to give it a taste of its own medicine by unleashing your own enmity rich breath upon it, to shackle it with spite, weaken it with resentment and slow it with grudges, but as lightning dances around the air, forking and arcing as it races towards you and the sea your floating above, something else besides the bleating behemoth or the searing scent of burning ozone catches your attention.

At first you'd mistaken it for one of the meandering thoughts the curse is making you think, about how lovely the smell of blood mixed with brine is when its boiled and how energizing the aroma is, before you recognize that it isn't just the starvation and unnatural hunger that made you feel so alive just from the smell of the freshly spilt and cooking blood. The Blood Qi generated by the partially divine sea monster's blood is remarkably pure. Unusually so even, and once you focus on it with your spiritual senses more than your ghostly and manic hunger, you can tell just how unpolluted it is. It isn't stained or dirtied like most blood Qi gathered from livings veins tends to be, until it is collected, refined and condensed. It must be the divine essence, the faith or whatever it is that has made this mere beast somewhat heavenly in nature, that has naturally purified the Qi produced by its blood.

Not only is the blood Qi spilling out of it into the sea already perfect for gathering and cultivating, but it could also be used to strike against the fleeing monster through a method similar to the one you used to turn that Ling bitch into a depraved carmine mystic jiangshi! Though such a trick might not be necessary, with the divine energy and the potency of its blood, just absorbing and harnessing the swell of blood Qi should be more than enough to invigorate the grudge miasma you're going to drown it in.

And as blood carries emotion, what better way to walk the sea boar to its grave, then driving it so berserk with rage that it stops caring if it lives or die? Infecting it with a rabid rage that'll blot out its troublesome survival instincts! Hah! How clever you are! Even when half deranged from hunger, with a head full of fantasies about how best to butcher and devour the enemy in front of you or the tantalizing thought of slurping up its life force and spirit, you're still more than capable of coming up with genius plans! Truly, your intellect and shrewd mind are peerless in every way!

Breathing out, you duck under a fork tongue of lightning and dive down to the water, spreading your arms as you draw in the divine hued blood Qi and welcome it into your meridians

Roll 2d100 - 2. DC 90. Best out of five
Rolled 32, 92 = 124 (2d100)

Should have cottoned onto the sympathetic link sooner.

Ah well. Lets go.
Rolled 77, 65 - 2 = 140 (2d100 - 2)

Rolled 16, 5 = 21 (2d100)

Rolled 55, 68 = 123 (2d100)

In the interest of speed and the fact we have already surpassed the dc, I' gonna roll again.
Rolled 49, 94 - 2 = 141 (2d100 - 2)

Lets see if we can go even further
The dice gods have a sense of humor I see
Great success. 50 0ver DC. update will arrive shortly
And the moment the first drop of it enters and is absorbed into your body, your heart begins to race from the surge of life-energy and heavens' touched Qi that accompanies the blood Qi along its journey. Then it is as simple as redirecting and channeling this newly acquired blood Qi into the curse cloud oozing out of your mouth and expanding to fill the air. The out as many of the multitude of grudges you've acquired and stored within yourself into the air, the clouds going from black to a deep, foreboding crimson, the black bolts of electricity turning a brilliant shade of cinnabar red as they craze through the cloud of the enmity and resentment of who knows how many people, dead and alive. The grudge miasma washes over the sky, like a giant wave, that soon crashes over and swallows the sea monster as it pollutes the sea and sinks into its waters as it seeps into the sea boars flesh and simple mind. Marinating it with all the delectable flavors grudges can have.

For a brief moment, there is silence, as the storm subsides with a final crack of thunder, and the clumsy splashing and rattling of the bones Aodasheng commands to charge the sea monster fall still as the shadow of the beast writhes within the abyss of spite you drowned it in. And then, with a roar that only a rabid and sick animal can make, it rises to its full height out of the sea, standing and lifting up massive arms that could surround islands and crush even iron ships with a flex or twitch of their massive, bear like claws. Blood and sea water pour off of it as it lifts up its head and bellows another cry, spittle and froth to rival clouds in size flying from its tusked maw as its flesh is seared by the intensity of the rancor you submerged it in. Grinning cheekily, you spread your arms out as the storm grows in intensity, fanned by its unnatural rage as the winds and waters whip around you, splashing your legs as Aodasheng lifts up his head, glowing cerulean as he defends himself with ghostly flames and with a motion of his hand and arching of his fingers, gathers the army of bones he summoned from somewhere and presses them together, forcing them into a giant made from an amalgam of hundreds of corpses that silently snarls at the sea beast as it lashes out without direction or intent.

Thrashing and snapping at the air around it, looking for anything to vent its berserk fury upon.

And it finds a target in the colossal skeleton that Aodasheng is powering with his deathly yin Qi. Who rushes and throws itself against the sea boar, grappling with it, as its mortal terror and grudge against you are forgotten when something its size present itself as a vessel with which to express its mind breaking anger upon.

Leaving it open for you to attack with impunity. Just as you knew it would. Sluggishly it moves, weighed down and weakened by the very same fog that drives it to new heights of rage, as helpless as a fish on land. With a cat standing above it, ready to pounce

And how do you pounce upon it, Huanliuxue?

>Hope its weak enough to be unable to resist you draining its life force, and directly attempt to devour its essence and rip away its breath (Magic trial. DC 135)

>See just how far the hungry cleaver half of Moon collapse can cut, and aim for its neck (Martial Trial. DC 120. - 2 to roll)

>Stay back and wait until it's tired itself out fighting Aodasheng's titan of bones and is truly helpless (Restraint trial. DC 160 - 5 to roll)

>Take control of the blood you've drained of Qi, and attempt to drag it back down and hold it in place (Magic trial. DC 120. -2 to roll)

>Write in
>Turn into blood and attack its heart from within
I still think it would be cool.
>>See just how far the hungry cleaver half of Moon collapse can cut, and aim for its neck (Martial Trial. DC 120. - 2 to roll)
>Use the Vein Draining Fang so you can collects its blood for alchemy
Dare I propose...

>Empower Aodasheng's titan of bone with your sorcery!
No idea what qi would be best to use tho.
We can command it to subdue the beast so Huan can leech off it as she pleases.
>Pepper it with blood draining fangs.
>Hope it is weak enough and just devour its breath
>Hope its weak enough to be unable to resist you draining its life force, and directly attempt to devour its essence and rip away its breath (Magic trial. DC 135)
Rolled 78, 69 - 2 = 145 (2d100 - 2)

Just in time.
Can we do the thing we did with Baoli and make it's heart explode from butthurt?
>Hope its weak enough to be unable to resist you draining its life force, and directly attempt to devour its essence and rip away its breath (Magic trial. DC 135)
I think it's about time now.
>>Take control of the blood you've drained of Qi, and attempt to drag it back down and hold it in place (Magic trial. DC 120. -2 to roll)
Let's not get cocky.
One more step to make sure we finish this nice and proper.
Ending the vote, tallying its result now.

Turn into blood and attack its heart from within:1

See just how far the hungry cleaver half of Moon collapse can cut, and aim for its neck:1

Use the Vein Draining Fang:2

Empower Aodasheng's titan of bone with your sorcery!:1

Hope its weak enough to be unable to resist you draining its life force, and directly attempt to devour its essence and rip away its breath:3

Take control of the blood you've drained of Qi, and attempt to drag it back down and hold it in place:1

Explode its heart with rage: 1

So you will hope its weak enough to be unable to resist, and attempt to tear away its breath and devour its life force

Update will arrive shortly
And oh are you ready to pounce, the hunger is beating against your head like a hammer against an anvil. Seeing your prey weakening and its life spill out of it in great scarlet rivers is making it harder to keep control over yourself and maintain the delicate balance between the desperation of specter starvation and the clarity of sanity. The portion of you still rational battles against the slice that has been soaked and marinated in the curse, the intensity of it which had reached a new peak in the past few moments. The scalding haze polluting your thoughts and tarnishing your perception has been brought to an intense roiling boil seeing the sea boar become weary from the grudges you drenched it in and further emboldened by the injuries it sustains fighting against Aodasheng's colossus. Whose master you've lost sight of, but where he is, doesn't matter.

The curse and your predator instincts both urge you to pounce, recognizing the opening and bared throat of your quarry, seeing its strength falter and its breaths grow more labored and ragged. Fleeting memories of mice and panicked soldiers and tax collectors fill your minds eye, a sympothy of crunching bones and slashed open veins ringing in your ears as drool dribbles down your chin as you nearly lose control and totally become the victim of the curse you've collared again. But you pull it back and make it kneel with your regal and imperious will, steeling it by reminding yourself who and what you are and how degrading it is to act like a starving dog or beggar. Quelling the symptoms with pride and acknowledgement of what could happen and what you could become if you gave in and indulged carelessly, even with the last step in your quest to cure yourself in view.

Losing restraint and binging on life force was enough to turn a patch of the sea barren, and you only gave into the curses temptation and the pain of your starvation for a few moments. You will not become a disaster or calamity, like the sea monster before you easily could choose to become.

However, you'll be taking away and denying it that choice. All roads in its destiny, every fate it could have, all lead to it becoming a meal.

Taking in a breath to compose yourself and steady your hands, you transform fully into a magical beast and pounce, mentally running through and repeating the steps necessary to rip away its breath and devour its life essence and potent vitality. And once you've leapt, all you can do is hope it is weak and haggard enough to not be able to resist the voracious cursed power you wield.

Roll 2d100. DC 135. Best out of five
Rolled 19, 13 = 32 (2d100)

Rolled 46, 24 = 70 (2d100)

Rolled 39, 31 = 70 (2d100)

Rolled 97, 77 = 174 (2d100)

Rolled 46, 56 = 102 (2d100)

May have eyes bigger than the belly.
Thank fuck
I was getting tired of failing every roll that is even lightly difficult
So the thing is it's harder to roll a 140 on a 2d100 than it is to roll a 70 on a d100. Weird math shit is that the more dice you roll the more it tends toward an average result.

I say as we have two seventies and a fucking 32 as results lmao
Good Success. 30 over DC and a whisker's breadth away from 40.

Update will arrive shortly
The sea rises and falls from the movement of the two giants, moving nearly too quick for even your eyes that have beheld what lies beyond the nine heavens to believe. Blood red fog, grudge miasma polluted with rage, surrounds their lower halves and hides the surface of the waters their battle tosses and throws skywards, as their next movements reveal wrecks of ships so long sank they've been absorbed by coral reefs, a veritable graveyard of mariners and pirates from all eras. You dive through the clouds of heady rage and seething grudges, as Aodasheng's giant pulls back one of its four fists and rockets it into the tusked jaw of the sea boar, cracking one of its tusks as it slams one of its bear like claws across its grinning skull and carves away half of it, reducing the bones of a thousand long dead sailors into powder that couldn't be picked out from the sand on a beach.

You land on the outstretched arm of the skeleton, and sense Aodasheng's presence, and understand immediately where he's gone, even as you view of the world narrows to just the monstrous head of the in front of you as the hunger driving you drowns out all other things and thoughts. He's possessed the whole of the skeleton he made by smashing together thousands of long drowned sailor's corpses together. The last coherent thought you have before you sprint down his arm, is "Interesting", before the goal in front of you and the pangs of hunger and desperation to not wither away and starve to death or appease the curse in anyway except to cure it completely, less you lose to it and become something you are not, blinds you to everything except your target and the life you'll snuff out and use as medicine to erase the stain of specter starvation from your body and soul.

The giant you're riding upon and the monster it is grappling with, exchanging several more, lightning quick blows and strikes, gouging with claws and pounding with fists that could sink ships as you race down the arm that is gripping into the turtle boar's thick throat, acting as a bridge for you to run across the reach your prey. And with all the balance that comes natural to a cat, you easily race down the titanic limb without tripping or even stumbling, even though the bridge you're straddling is constantly tossing and shifting position as the skeletal titan and the sea monster thrash and tear at each other with reckless abandon.

Shards of bone and massive scales the size of sails, fly around you as you jump off the arm as the sea monster twists and breaks its wrist.

Soaring through the air, you extend your claws and crash atop its head, only stopping yourself by dragging them through its tough hide and only coming to a stop when your claws that can cut steel as easily as cotton are stopped by an old scar upon its neck.

Pulling yourself up, you claw and crawl your way back up to the top of its head as it rears back and fires a blast of its blinding breath directly into the skeleton's grinning face, far quicker than it had done before. And weaker as a result, because the skull remains intact and the blast only served to blacken it and piss Aodasheng off.

Fastening yourself to the back of the sea boar's head with blood and ice, you hold on as he slams it with a headbutt and nearly throws you off as the sea monster reels and falls backwards. Clambering around its throat, you bury your claws into the bottom of its jaw and hold on stubbornly as it crashes back to the sea.

Everything goes blank for a moment, the world blotted out by a wave of satisfaction and the pleasure of eating a good meal and squashing back a hunger deeper than any you've ever felt before. The haze and waves of fear accompanying it quiet and are replaced with a nice, fuzzy and warm feeling as you feel your body fill with an abundance of life, a rush of energy that is only comparable to taking several spirit drugs at once and nearly exploding your heart, the razor's edge of a sinful rush of vigor combined with the tension of life or death danger and the bleak, mind clearing stream of lucidity of facing death head on and narrowly escaping. The relief of a rational mind realizing it has escaped danger and the gnashing jaws of death and the triumphant roar of survival instincts at conquering a rival and emerging from a fight to the death as the victor. Sweeter than any treat, richer than any meat, the only thing that exists for a moment is the transcendent flavor and exquisite potency of the sea monster's breath and the life you rob it of as you steal it.

Its shuddering breath and groan that sounds like it is about to die, bring you back to your senses and the rest of the world, shaking you from the reverie of the meal of its lifeforce to see that the red and yellow fog of the ghostly hunger has been lifted, and the world around you looks like it should. And your head is oddly silent, without the ceaseless hunger and the worry of succumbing to it or its unnatural starvation it almost feels alien and strangely empty. But you quickly shake and toss away that notion, since you're self aware enough to recognize that it has been returned to its natural state and that the curse has been purged from every aspect of you it had attacked and attempted to corrupt.

And you're also aware that the sea monster is...still alive!? Somehow! Despite having what seemed like a villages' worth of life ripped out of it and shoved down your throat to cure you of specter starvation, it is still hanging onto life. And though its eyes are dulled over from all the blood it has lost and the lifeforce that had been ripped away from it, you can recognize the rage and defiance of a cornered animal in its eyes as well as the rabid fury you infected it with. The eyes that are staring right at you.

And with a clear head and the obsession with devouring anything that looked like it might be tasty or at least alleviate the pangs of hunger you were suffering gone, you realize just how dangerous of a place you are in. And really, how reckless it was to consider something so monstrously powerful as a meal, to the point you were fantisizing about how best to butcher and serve it.

Hackles and guard raised, you step back onto its barely surfaced stomach as it lifts its head, a twinkle of light sparking in its bleeding mouth before.

Two great skeletal hands reach down, grab it by the side of its head and intact tusk, and with a crack and the sound of tearing leather, lever and twist its head around before ripping it from its shoulders in a shower of blood. That makes you thankful you didn't wear any of your more luxurious clothes when you went out to sea, as you are drenched in its blood as Aodasheng showboats and gloats about his execution of the odd creature by hoisting its head up and dancing around, sending giant waves off to shores unseen.

You sigh, and lay down, wondering if you couldn't have spared the sea boar if Aodasheng wasn't...well, Aodasheng and dealt the finishing blow the moment he had an opening to. And quickly decide that you probably wouldn't have if he hadn't killed it since it would have been a terrible and idiotic idea to do so, considering both the value of its body parts and organs and the fact it would've probably have chased you back to solid ground once it had licked its wounds and recovered. Though, thinking about it, how had it come to possess even a touch of divinity? Was it worshipped by some tribe on one of these islands, did some god mistake a turtle for their wife, or was it something born from an age when the heavens and earth weren't as far apart as they are now.

"I wonder if Chuandapo, Renshu and the nice ship of sailors saw anything of our battle" You wonder outload, as you consider what to do now that you aren't cursed and at risk of starving to death or going insane,

"They might've seen the storm over the horizon" Aodasheng answers, appearing next to you as the bones he was piloting a moment ago goes still and then begins to fall apart, holding the head of the dead sea monster up towards the sky, as the sea around you calms even as its massive limbs fall into it, and the chains that were lining the waters rust away and vanish into the water as orange stains "Though, I have to wonder who or what chained this creature to this stretch of sea, if it was a guardian or prisoner. It couldn't escape the limits of the chains, yet it ruled over all within the boundaries, even if it seemed to lack a higher intellect. A mystery of the world, reduced to medicine. Its kind of funny"

"I thought you'd be offended, that whatever scholarly or historical mysteries it was a part of, vanished when it died" You huff as he just keeps smiling, hands at his hips

"It cured you of the curse I placed on you, it served a purpose to both of us, so whatever mysteries it kept are meaningless. It was a stone paving your path forward, and in that, it has more value of being some forgotten god's attack dog or some monster the local sect couldn't bring themselves to slay, or were incapable of it" He explains happily as he glances down at you, inspecting you for any lingering signs of the curse probably

"Those are my underlings you're talking about" You laugh as he shrugs

"They probably weren't aware of it, there are no signs of them this far out at sea, maybe it was why, or maybe something else trapped in these binding chains is. Maybe it was a menagerie of sorts, a Gu pot made out of the sea" He ponders, as the sea around you turns redder and redder "And this monster was the end result, or maybe we've killed a beloved pet of an old demonic master"

"Now you're making me curious" You complain as you stretch out and enjoy the sun on your back "Cause the more you talk about it and the more I think about it, the stranger this sea monster and its stretch of sea becomes. Its starting to feel a little creepy even"

"Well, if it did have a master, they would appear to confront us right about...now!" Your bodyguard tempts fate, and for a tense moment, seems like he would be slapped down for it, but nothing and none one shows up.

"Tch, don't test our luck" You scold as he chuckles and still stands, as inviting the unseen owner of the sea boar to try and smite him "Once I've recovered, we'll head back to that ship, and tell Chuandapo and Renshu we've accomplished what we came out here to do"

"We could explore these islands, see if that will solve the mystery" Aodasheng suggests

double vote!

What, if anything, do you decide to do before heading back to start your tournament

>Indulge Aodasheng and explore a few of the nearby islands

>Pull the sea monster back to shore and harvest it for parts, trusting the summer sea dawn sect to butcher it

>Experiment and learn the new abilities of Moon Collapses alternative forms

>Out of curiosity, see what sea boar tastes like

>Just head back and put all this curse nonsense behind you

>Write in

And what do you do when you arrive back at your second temple, Huanliuxue?

>Mingle with the other sect heads and elders and encourage them to bet on the matches, while observing the final preparations

>Show the guests you invited personally around the unique features of your garden (The spring, orchard and grove), and meet the contestants they're entering into the contests

>Check on your baby rabbits, Ju and the other hopefuls who have yet to enter the world of cultivation, since apparently Ju was able to convince Fu to let her join the tournament

>Enter with style and catch everyone off guard by immediately declaring the games to have started

>Write in
>Pull the sea monster back to shore and harvest it for parts, trusting the summer sea dawn sect to butcher it
>Check on your baby rabbits, Ju and the other hopefuls who have yet to enter the world of cultivation, since apparently Ju was able to convince Fu to let her join the tournament
>Pull the sea monster back to shore and harvest it for parts, trusting the summer sea dawn sect to butcher it
>Enter with style and catch everyone off guard by immediately declaring the games to have started

Lets gooooo!

I have a crackhead theory. So this sea boar if it was chained up to this stretch of sea having bits of divinity one of two things.

A. It mutated from the gods that were cast down.

B. Old older then before enlightened beasts were accepted as cultivators. I don't know if an enlightened beasts was ever close or gained immortality however it could be considered that blood was split by the divine at the time and fell to the earth.

C. A legacy of an old cultivator is here. And this was it's guard dog we killed. We should later come back and check out this area for clues.

But for now Yey that curse is done and tournament time!
>Pull the sea monster back to shore and harvest it for parts, trusting the summer sea dawn sect to butcher it
>Check on your baby rabbits, Ju and the other hopefuls who have yet to enter the world of cultivation, since apparently Ju was able to convince Fu to let her join the tournament

I'm curious about the islands but I don't want to risk too much of seaboar's blood washing away
>Pull the sea monster back to shore and harvest it for parts, trusting the summer sea dawn sect to butcher it
>Show the guests you invited personally around the unique features of your garden (The spring, orchard and grove), and meet the contestants they're entering into the contests
>Pull the sea monster back to shore and harvest it for parts, trusting the summer sea dawn sect to butcher it
>Out of curiosity, see what sea boar tastes like
Just a quick bite... I'm curious

>Show the guests you invited personally around the unique features of your garden (The spring, orchard and grove), and meet the contestants they're entering into the contests
>Pull the sea monster back to shore and harvest it for parts, trusting the summer sea dawn sect to butcher it

>Out of curiosity, see what sea boar tastes like

>Enter with style and catch everyone off guard by immediately declaring the games to have started
Oh shit grandfather can we use the boar as the main dish for the tournament as a flex? That would be so cool
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Ending the vote, tallying its result now

Pull the sea monster back to shore and harvest it for parts, trusting the summer sea dawn sect to butcher it:8

Out of curiosity, see what sea boar tastes like:1

Check on your baby rabbits, Ju and the other hopefuls who have yet to enter the world of cultivation, since apparently Ju was able to convince Fu to let her join the tournament:2

Enter with style and catch everyone off guard by immediately declaring the games to have started:4

Show the guests you invited personally around the unique features of your garden (The spring, orchard and grove), and meet the contestants they're entering into the contests:2

Landslide win for butchering the sea monster for parts and leaving that dirty job to the summer sea dawn sect (Gonna just put my notes of what the trident and cleaver forms of moon collapse can do away for now...)

And then entering your garden with style, grace and majesty, catching everyone attending/ partaking in the tournament off guard by immediately declaring that it has started

Update will arrive shortly

Junior has numerous insights I see, always enjoy seeing you guys theorizing, always makes me smile

Of course, the write in path is there for a reason. And it would be pretty cool, and one hell of a statement, considering the sea boar only went down as easily and quickly as it did because both Huan and Ao were attacking it

Also not sure how I missed this wacky set of rolls. Two back to back with 70, and then the next once has 777 line up between its two dice.

Very unusual
Doesn't change anything, but I realized I missed 1 vote for taking a bite out of the sea monster, so it should've been two for that vote. My bad
I do wonder, what does our diet generally look like these days? Still mostly meat and fish, cat style? Or have we become decadently human and only feast on sweets?
"I have a tournament to host, Ao" you remind him as you roll onto your side and flick your tail "and the only reason it hasn't already started is because of the mess you made of me, with that careless curse you cast"

"An honest mistake, I didn't expect that hex of all the ones I spoke to slip through your resistance to maleficence, Lady Huan" He chuckles as he gazes out at the islands, as the flesh of the sea boar ripples and twitches as the spear of mortal death pulls and tears itself out from its corpse along with a bramble of its iron thorns trailing behind it "Perhaps after the contests are finished then, and if you aren't curious as I am about what lies beneath the shadowy jungles out here, or beneath the sea and ancient chains, I can always simply explore them myself, if I could be given leave from the various duties you entrust in me. I can't readily act as your bodyguard or advisor if I am not by your side after all"

"Who knows what trouble will come my way or what responsibilities I'll need to grapple with as sect head after the tournament, I do like to be more hands on with my students more than most grand masters of this era" You explain with a smirk as you decide a cat nap may be in order, before you have to haul the carcass of the sea boar back to shallower waters, to have it towed by the ship that brought you out this far to sea. Though, they will probably need to bring other ships out to help haul it to shore. And doing that will take time, and you've already put off starting your tournament to cure yourself for far too long. You're starting to get really impatient for it to begin, almost antsy even

"I understand, maybe you should scout for some elders. Since the only one of a high enough position and seniority amongst your followers to take on the responsibilities of a teacher is currently away, investigating the mystery of those false beast stampedes" He answers simply as he leans against his gore covered spear like it were wooden pillar "Though I've noticed some of your students have good potential to become masters in their own right, they are a talented bunch, especially compared to the ordinary daoist. It still astounds me how worthless the common cultivator has become during my long interment"

Your smirk grows to a smile, and you giggle a little but say nothing more, too tired and exhausted from resisting specter starvation, nearly starving to death because of it, and the relief of finally having that black cloud lifted from your head.

So you take a nap, as you were planning to

And then get to work moving the massive corpse across the sea. And as you expected, the acting troupe turned sailors aren't too thrilled to be tasked with hauling such a massive quantity of meat, even a batch that has the peculiar quality of cleaning the waters it is moved through and being apparently so distasteful not even the fish or seagulls will dare to nibble at its edge.

You can't believe you were drooling over the thought of taking a bite out of it or a lick of its blood.

Aodasheng theorizes that they're leaving it alone because it is deified and holy and like the corpses of virtuous men is untouched by vermin or decay, but all of your common sense as a beast tells you that you do not eat meat that even scavengers won't touch. So until some one is brave enough to make grilled fish out of the sea boar and take the risk of painful death, you won't touch a morsel of it.

Surprisingly, it takes no time for a fleet of fishing ships to arrive to drag the sea monster to shore, and it wouldn't take a genius to understand how they were rallied so quickly. On the deck of every ship, you can spot the unmistakable pink robes of the summer sea dawn sect.

"Thankfully, I don't need to tire myself helping to drag that giant thing to shore" Chuandapo sleepily remarks as you watched tanned and well muscled men dart through the see with hooks and barbed spears attached to chains, stabbing them into the side of the sea boar. The turtle, who is in her human form and lightly dressed, and looking like she just got out of her morning swim yawns, and leans against your side, while the ever flamboyant Renshu writes notes along a scrolls, muttering to himself as he inspects the portions of flesh brought before you by excited sailors.

And a few of yourself appointed priests, who are already telling the version of the battle you had against the sea monster that they came up with from just seeing you and the body of it side by side. Apparently, the accept canon is currently that some isolated tribe prayed to be saved from their false and mindless god, and you arrived just in time to heroically save a beautiful prince or princess, since which exactly it was changes between who is telling the made up legend, right before they were offered as a meal to the sea boar.

Though you prefer more macabre story about you hearing the vengeful pleas of long dead and drowned sailors, and held council with the captains of several apparently famous ship wrecks. It fits your aesthetics and taste more, after all, Heh-Heh.

You only don't join Chuandapo in her nap, because you're curious about how different the tale they'll tell your faithful worshippers at port will be from the one they mostly agree is accurate, even though besides the fact you did attack a sea monster, nothing about it is true or came close to happening in reality. Which is really funny.

"Of course" Xiaosi says, in a tone that tells you he is not nearly as enthused by the command you gave him and his juniors the moment he appeared on the prow of the ship you were hitching a ride on, and the shore just came into view "the summer sea dawn school will be honored to process the corpse of your trophy kill, Lady Huanliuxue. I'll make certain to preserve every part of it, since I cannot claim to know the value of its offal and viscera"

"Do a nice enough job and I might let you keep some of its hide to wear as a cloak, could become a family heirloom" You titter, teasingly as you brush against the young man, amused by how easily it is to make his face turn as red as your hair with just a casual touch, though you're brushing up against him more like a cat than a lady "Unless I decide it'd look better on me of course"

"I need to get away from sight of the shore quickly, just seeing something with a shell be butchered and cut apart is going to make me sick" Chuandapo mutters darkly "Looks just enough like my real self that its uncomfortable, so please don't ask me to stay around to oversee the skinning and portioning. I wouldn't be any help anyways"

"Ohoho? You know I am not the cruel, despite being a cat by nature. Take your time swimming back up to our territory, I'm sure even you'll arrive in time to compete in the tournament" You giggle, reassuringly fluffing the violet hair of your chubby disciple, as she pouts, having had even less energy than she usually does since Huili left on the mission beyond Chuan. Which you can only hope is going well, you really have no idea what's going on outside of your stomping grounds

"I plan to" She says firmly, surprising you as she shakes her head to get your hand off her "Huili isn't around to compete, so I'll have to do it for both of us. For both of our honor and pride, even if it does sound like more trouble than its worth to me"

"U..understood" Xiaosi's brain in his upper head finally catches up with the present "I'll ensure our cuts are clean and not a single part of the heavenly tusked turtle are allowed to go to waste and rot, but I must ask about your...worshippers, Lady Huanliuxue"

"If they want relics, they can have them, I can always just demand anything valuable or that just catches my eye from afar to be included in their next batch of offerings, Heh-Heh" You answer, glancing at the wild looking daoist before turning back to Chuandapo who is looking poised and supremely confident "And I'm sure you'll earn enough face for both you and your friend, Chuandapo, you only get this fired up when you're serious"

"And on that note, teacher, I will take sister turtle's place here to oversee these dabblers and make sure they don't spoil any priceless reagents or cultivation aids. Besides, I have a feeling I may find insight and enlightenment in the veins of this magnificent creature" Renshu suddenly butts into the conversation wagging a finger

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Xiaosi asks, irritated by the interruption of the man dressed like a courtesan and wearing nearly as much make up as an entire street of them

"Why I am Renshu of the river, the flashy alchemist and handsome doctor, and one of the more unique disciples under Master Huan's wings" He chuckles good naturedly, unfolding a fan and covering his face with it "Blessed to have my good looks preserved through her guidance, and an explorer of arts most daoists dare not dabble with"

"Are you a peacock or?" Xiaosi asks, making you cackle as the hostility that beast lover showed to the carmine mystic melts away, not that Renshu held any hostility towards him personally. Ruolan probably would have, between the two of them, that doll like girl has more of a temper you've learned, though not nearly as much of one as say, Fu or Tie-Tie.

And while it is amusing seeing Xiaosi struggle to understand that Renshu is just so flamboyant that its kind of freaky, and not say, a peacock or butterfly that's attained a human form and that he's only so colorfully dressed because he spends most of his allowance and earnings on making his appearance as striking and vivid as it possibly be, you do have a tournament to run. And if Renshu wants to baby sit the youngsters of the summer sea dawn, he's welcome to and it will be appreciated and rewarded if you remember to honor him for his work.

But you're really close to dying from the anticipation to actually begin the tournament, and have little to no patience for anything else. Even something as funny as Xiaosi being less comfortable around another man than he is the assortment of magical beasts he takes care of.

However, something that seems like it'll be even more amusing than that, is how shocked everyone attending your tournament will be, when you suddenly appear out of nowhere like a divine revelation and begin the contests immediately. But as you kick off the ship to fly away and leave all the boring and dirty work to your subordinates, your racing thoughts that were occupied complaining everything was taking too long and that the tournament should started now, change direction entirely as you start to think of what sort of entrance you'll make when you stun all of Chuan's cultivators.

Of course it'll be stylish and flashy, but also dignified as befitting royalty such as yourself. But there are so many ways you can descend from the heavens and catch them all of guard with your peerless majesty and refinement and overwhelming power. So many different ways to make your entrance that just thinking about it gets you excited! Nearly as excited as you were to be rid of specter starvation's filthy hunger!

However, while planning your arrival certainly is fun, you should also think about the beginning of the tournament, since you will be declaring it started the moment after you've made your grand and stunning entrance. Being the head of a sect really is a lot of work isn't it? Especially when your duties include organizing a tournament attended by every sect and rouge cultivator calling the kingdom of Chuan their home!


How will you make your entrance

>By waiting until night fall, so you can summon the blood moon and show of your unparreled master of blood Qi as you descend on a river of red moonlight

>By arranging constellations in the sky after a quick visit to space, and forcibly adopting a few more moon rabbits to keep Piao Tuzi and Yewushi company and using both of them in your entrance as you make the sky display pivotal moments your glorious life

>Just march up to the gate accompanied by the ghostly army and Ao's general and show of your excellence as a ghostly cultivator and practitioner of the daos of ghost and grudges. Frightening a few of your guests is just a bonus, heh

>Use the Phantom cat waltz appear suddenly with your star jade throne in the middle of the Garden of the wild empress, and snap your fingers as you stand and declare the first contest

>Another outrageous and stylish way *Write in*

And how will the tournament begin, Huanliuxue?

>Impressively! Surprise everyone by making the golden core bracket the opener, and your own participation in its contests!

>By giving your fellow beasts a chance to shine brilliantly and stand out, and start with the beast branch of the tournament

>Give the mortals many of your fellow daoists are apathetic towards a shove, and start with the pre-Qi condensation stage of the tournament

>Small, but still giving those who haven't entered the world of cultivation a taste of wonder and awe while not going against the expectations of the other sects, by starting with the Qi condensation rung. And place bets on Lian Luli since she'll be given the honor of the first match!

>Write in

I imagine Chuan cuisine is heavy on the seafood/ fish considering all its rivers and lakes and that it has a sizeable coast on the summer sea. And Huanliuxue isn't Buddhist, despite being friends with them.

So she does eat a lot of fish and meat, but not just it, at least when she takes her meals in her human form, and isn't an obligate carnivore. Certainly she doesn't only eat sugary treats, since then she'd start to have a physique more like Chuandapo lol, but she has varied and spiced up her diet since she's attained her human form.

But she does really like fish. And fatty meat. And will eat expensive and luxurious meals/ use pricey ingredients just to show off/ as a form of boasting.

She doesn't like strong liquor, due to the strong smell and taste, which is something that sets her apart from Monu, who very enjoys liquor that is so high percent it is practically poison.

Not sure what preparation of rice Huan would prefer.
>By waiting until night fall, so you can summon the blood moon and show of your unparreled master of blood Qi as you descend on a river of red moonlight

>By giving your fellow beasts a chance to shine brilliantly and stand out, and start with the beast branch of the tournament
>At the head of an army of ghosts, descending from the heavens.

Time to show of Proud Sage

>Beasts branch.

It is a PR campaign. Dont forget the headlines.
>By arranging constellations in the sky after a quick visit to space, and forcibly adopting a few more moon rabbits to keep Piao Tuzi and Yewushi company and using both of them in your entrance as you make the sky display pivotal moments your glorious life

Bloodmoon has been done, sky writing with stars is more rad

>By giving your fellow beasts a chance to shine brilliantly and stand out, and start with the beast branch of the tournament

And thanks for the elaboration regarding diet!
>By waiting until night fall, so you can summon the blood moon and show of your unparreled master of blood Qi as you descend on a river of red moonlight
>Give the mortals many of your fellow daoists are apathetic towards a shove, and start with the pre-Qi condensation stage of the tournament
>>By arranging constellations in the sky after a quick visit to space, and forcibly adopting a few more moon rabbits to keep Piao Tuzi and Yewushi company and using both of them in your entrance as you make the sky display pivotal moments your glorious life
This right here, right in the face of the heavens.

>Give the mortals many of your fellow daoists are apathetic towards a shove, and start with the pre-Qi condensation stage of the tournament
Start from the bottom
till we are here.
>By waiting until night fall, so you can summon the blood moon and show of your unparreled master of blood Qi as you descend on a river of red moonlight
I'm sure everyone has heard rumours of us summoning blood moons, so why not give them an eyeful?
>Give the mortals many of your fellow daoists are apathetic towards a shove, and start with the pre-Qi condensation stage of the tournament
You have to leave the most exiting part for last, and that is obviously the golden core bracket, with yours truly participating. Start low, then work our way up.
>By arranging constellations in the sky after a quick visit to space, and forcibly adopting a few more moon rabbits to keep Piao Tuzi and Yewushi company and using both of them in your entrance as you make the sky display pivotal moments your glorious life
>Small, but still giving those who haven't entered the world of cultivation a taste of wonder and awe while not going against the expectations of the other sects, by starting with the Qi condensation rung. And place bets on Lian Luli since she'll be given the honor of the first match!
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Unfortunately juniors, other responsibilities call me away so I probably won't be able to write an update today. There is a slim chance I will be able to, but I don't want to get your hopes up

Currently, there is a tie on both halves of the votes. So I am curious to see what the outcome will be, since I am excited to write any of the entrances/ opening contests (And hope to see some write ins).

Also, something that I remembered out of nowhere that you might find interesting. If Scared had won instead of Stellar during the red string warp spell Ao cast that sent both of you to space

You would've both appeared right in front of the head martial god's palace in the nine heavens. And yes, the hidden DC mechanic would've made a return, then.
Ao would have died too probably.

That said
I shall make a case for stellar.
This entire thing is about optics right? they are all seeing us as opposed to the order henceforth. They already know about our blood and all that, and they know about our beast powers. What better way to slap the face of the gods in heaven and mindblow all the contestants then to show that which is above the heavens is also at our whim?
Plus since we already did the bloodmoon trick, it'd get boring if we kept doing it. Gotta change it up a lil.
>By arranging constellations in the sky after a quick visit to space, and forcibly adopting a few more moon rabbits to keep Piao Tuzi and Yewushi company and using both of them in your entrance as you make the sky display pivotal moments your glorious life
Optics people, optics.

>Give the mortals many of your fellow daoists are apathetic towards a shove, and start with the pre-Qi condensation stage of the tournament.
Save the best for last.
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>You would've both appeared right in front of the head martial god's palace in the nine heavens.
Glad I voted against that back then kek

Remember that it is the unseen blade that reaches the heart, anon.

>Bloodmoon entrance but with the twist of having a vortex of ghosts parade in the sky as we descend using panthom cat waltz to appear closer and closer whilst not moving instead of "normally" flying down to the throne.
A mix of all basically, dunno about the constellation trick tho, for me two moon rabbits are enough for now.

>Give the mortals many of your fellow daoists are apathetic towards a shove, and start with the pre-Qi condensation stage of the tournament
A little bit of calm after the big awe.
Ending the vote, tallying its result now.

By waiting until night fall, so you can summon the blood moon and show of your unparreled master of blood Qi as you descend on a river of red moonlight:3

Just march up to the gate accompanied by the ghostly army and Ao's general and show of your excellence as a ghostly cultivator and practitioner of the daos of ghost and grudges. Frightening a few of your guests is just a bonus, heh:1

By arranging constellations in the sky after a quick visit to space, and forcibly adopting a few more moon rabbits to keep Piao Tuzi and Yewushi company and using both of them in your entrance as you make the sky display pivotal moments your glorious life:4

Blood moon, ghost, phantom cat waltz combination:1
By giving your fellow beasts a chance to shine brilliantly and stand out, and start with the beast branch of the tournament:3

Give the mortals many of your fellow daoists are apathetic towards a shove, and start with the pre-Qi condensation stage of the tournament:5

Small, but still giving those who haven't entered the world of cultivation a taste of wonder and awe while not going against the expectations of the other sects, by starting with the Qi condensation rung. And place bets on Lian Luli since she'll be given the honor of the first match!:1

So arranging some stars and caroling some moon rabbits for your big entrance and starting the tournament off with the lowest power-level possible are the winners

Update will arrive shortly

It would've been as exciting as it would've been dangerous.

Oh, and I've been waiting to make sure they had staying power, but there are two new cultivation quests on the board. Goblin cultivator which is or was more tongue in cheek until the original QM flaked not sure how the new patriarch is going to take it, and a one shot called no talent cultivator quest which is pretty charming. And of course, Normal cultivator quest still stands proud as an example of daoists everywhere
The vastness of the cosmos beyond the nine heavens is as eye catching as it ever is, a canvas of black smeared with the colors of stars, nebulas and other, distant stellar phenomena. And the cosmic Qi is refreshing beyond description, the energizing effect of the stellar spiritual energy multiplied by the lack of a curse stubbornly clinging to you like a parasite. The moment you step into the airless void, your heart soars and your spirit sings as you frolic through the stardust, completely alone. Seems like your last jaunt into space still has the star shepherdesses scared stiff, which is a shame. Frightening those chicken hearted goddess is always fun, and seeing them scatter and flee like scurrying mice, tripping over themselves in panic to escape the big scary cat demon whose suddenly appeared in front of them, is even more amusing. And it would still be funny to watch even if you were dead or reincarnated into a new life.

It is truly a shame they aren't gathering stars with their crooks, since it would save you some work when they spill their harvest out of their baskets or drop them entirely as they scramble to get away from you, breaking the somber silence of the void with their shrieks and cries.

And the fact that they aren't here, doing their divinely mandated duty, puts you on a edge, so you lurk behind a few asteroids and hide in clouds of cosmic dust for awhile, watching the empty meadow of stars for any signs of a trap waiting to be sprung or deities lurking in the shadows waiting to leap out and pounce on you. Cautiously, you trapeze through the colorful void, floating just above the miniature stars left to twinkle and wave in the cosmic winds, searching for any divine tool to sound an alarm or a heavenly qi imbued puppet to ruin your day and thrash you.

Its just common sense right? to lay traps for a troublesome beast that tramples through your back garden, especially when they've scared your daughters and wives? Its almost more suspicious that there aren't any signs of godly tampering in your astral turf. They can't all be afraid of you, even if they some how missed they could squash you and the ghostly friend you roughhoused above their roofs not too long ago with the same level of effort as swatting away a fly, right? The meeker, domestic gods are one thing, but you know for a fact that the more martially minded deities wouldn't hesitate to cut you down if given an opening.

And yet, they've set not traps, placed no cages, and strung no bells or chimes to catch you, even though they have to be well aware you're swaggering around up here and flaunting the fact you can stand above them and move beyond them and their unjust heavens. So why haven't they done anything to catch you? What is up with that? Isn't that suspicious?

Frowning, you flip around and transform from beast to girl, just so you have an easy time gathering stars and reach down to grab a bright pink one, pausing as to glance around one last time

Just to be certain you aren't about to be sucker punched from behind. But there really are no traps or signs of divine tampering. Which somehow is worse for your nerves than there being any sort of a sign of there being a set up or an obvious trap to snare you, like a basket held up by a stick or a net attached to a bent bamboo pole. Honestly it'd be less stressful if that terrifying bastard of a guardian deity was sitting cross legged, wagging a cattail in front of him, thinking you couldn't see him than this...nothing!

Slowly, carefully, you gather up and hold enough stars to make a lantern show in the night sky with homemade constellations, taking much longer than you need to looking under each tiny star to make sure a string and a bell or some divine mark isn't attached to them, and being put more on edge each time you find nothing of the sort underneath them. But once you have enough to make a lightshow out of some of the key and most glorious moments of your illustrious though admittedly short life, which just makes the greatness of your deeds and accomplish all the more impressive, a nagging thought draws you to the moon. Your moon.

The patch of lunar wilderness you accidentally created while pampering the then mindless Piao Tuzi, hasn't only been left untouched, it has flourished and spread, the blue grass and lunar glass leafed trees standing proudly in the cosmic sunlight, though as you land and walk under neath the strange lights and shadows cast by the sunlight dappling through the glass leaves, you do notice signs of someone else having stomped through here, from the trampled grass, foot prints and the stumps of a few trees felled and strange fruit being plucked.

Thankfully, the adorable rabbits, at least the ones you accidentally turned into cosmic natured magical beasts like yourself, have been untouched by the brutish hands that have mangled so many of the trees branches and crudely felled them for whatever reason. Which greatly relieves you, since you were worried the sinless children had been hunted down by the cruel natured and bloody handed gods just for being awakened to the world around them. And without Aodasheng's overwhelming aura and malevolence that activates the survival and self preservation instincts of even the most courageous of hearts, you have an easier time sneaking up to the little jade rabbits, since your ghostly friend very rarely suppresses his aura and you are very well skilled at shrinking yours to be nigh invisible to even the most eagle eyed of cultivators with well honed spiritual senses when the need for you to move unseen arises.

These children need to be protected. Though you'd be lying if you didn't think Tuzi and Yewushi could use a few playmates for when you can't babysit or play with them. Not that you don't trust your students or family but...well your family at least wouldn't be the best influence and idols for these innocent kids to look up to.

You love your mother and sister dearly, but you are well aware of their flaws as well. Though, only a handful of your students you think would be bad influences on these sweet children. Not that it matters, since you're mostly...er, well not kidnapping, since that makes it sound like you don't have the best intentions with taking these youngsters under your wing. Adopting! Yes that sounds much less villainous. Since you're adopting these moon rabbits to give the two you've already brought down to earth, and so your entrance would be more awe inspiring than just having a few constellations dance through the night sky, but also because they've probably not been hunted down because they are very good at hiding.

"Even if the ears stand out" you mutter, gently flicking the bouncy ears of one of the girls you've caught, who has started chewing on a lock of your hair, being much less rowdy than Yewushi is, but less docile and skittish than Tuzi was when you first met her.

Four should be enough and it is your lucky number despite how unlucky the rest of the world views it, with its connotations for death which just make it more attractive to your eyes. But you also stop at four, because you can only catch four even with offering them treats and snacks, and any more might throw the newly formed ecosystem out of balance. Though it feels like there are more of these rabbit eared kids around than the last time you visited? Which is something you might need to investigate, if the plants and moon-dew streams are turning any rabbit who nibbles or drinks from them into these orphan cosmic beasts. But that's something to test later, for now, you have a stellar entrance to make!
[Meanwhile, in the Garden of the Wild Empress]

Seemingly every legacy of Chuan's cultivators and martial artists were present in the unusual part city, part temple and part palace that had appeared from nowhere but the mists of the primordial forest of the tragic lovers. Inheritors of ancient techniques, renegades who strode the line between orthodox and heresy, rising stars and rare talents, and even those who had no knowledge of the world of cultivation and the existence of gods and monsters outside of old wives tales were all present inside the confines of the temple. And so to were there beasts of unusual coloration and size, the first of a free generation of magical beasts that had come alongside their two legged counterparts for a chance to earn their presumptive ruler's attention and favor.

The oddly built and designed temple, with the walls that seemed warm with life, had quickly become a place where dragons and snakes intermingle, with the best and brightest of Chuan's cultivation sects and daoist schools standing alongside ordinary people, who themselves came from every rung of society and path of life, from meager charcoal making peasants to the highest of the newly independent kingdom's nobility.

Buddhists argued with daoists who were awed by those who cultivated the Qi of heaven and earth, and the worshippers of the self titled wild empress spoke with both and followed her students like awestruck fools. Students who were watched warily by their fellow daoists, who understood little of their heretical practices and unknown techniques, many of whom were sizing them up in case they were to meet in any of the contests to come.

And those who were friends with the palace of natural laws, enjoyed the apostate sect's hospitality, visiting the unusual hot spring they called the pool of primordial origin and being allowed private access to their grove of rare spiritwood trees and the safe areas of the orchard that mingled with the grove, filled with monstrous and carnivorous plants if rumors were to be believed

Despite the unusual surroundings and mystical air that saturated the temple that seemed foreign to even the wordly eyes of far traveled sages, the atmosphere was like a festival, energetic and welcoming, even when some excited martial artists or arrogant young masters started brawls before the tournament was announced

Fights that were usually quickly ended by the most frightening of the Huanliuxue's apprentices, like Two Axe Fu, or the half demon she had tamed called Feiqing, or the white haired exorcist who had turned his coat and been granted a cursed arm for his loyalty, or the strange, mute mask wearer who'd appear and sap the strength of any who caused trouble with a tap of his hand.

There were even ghosts in the crowds, a massive serpent and a cunning white furred fox, being the most personable of them.

And it was a night like any other, when new stars glowed in the darkened heavens. At first, only mortal astrologers and priests took notice, but quickly, the oddity of these new stars was apparent to all with eyes to see. As they began to form, a silent theater above the clouds, beginning with a wordless tale of a white furred cat, playing with children by the reeds, that quickly turned violent and grim as banners marked with the name of the hated ling took the place of the reeds and the enjoyable and pleasant scenes of a kitten playing with village children was replaced with a shocking and surprisingly vivid and visceral scene of slaughter and war

And it was then, that all who watched the stars, realized they were retelling the legend of how Huanliuxue was born and came to become a magical beast.

And soon, a ethereal song, played by a guqin, accompanied the scenes as more ghosts appeared as if to mourn the tragic beginnings of an illustrious life and career as a cultivator.

And while many cheered as they saw the star painted Huanliuxue slay the astral Ling Meng, who fled from the jaws of the then wolf sized cat, the cheers grew louder and boomed like thunder as along a stairway of stars, Huanliuxue herself appeared, heralded by Jade Rabbits of the moon, who bounded before her as she elegantly descended to the earth, swaying her hips with every step, covering her face with a fan made of crow feathers, dressed in vermillion and peach colored robes befitting an empress, with jewels that must've been plucked from the night sky braided into her hair and worn as necklaces and rings.

The patriarchs of the sect cleared the crowd and arrayed themselves in the air to meet the matriarch of the grand heretical temple, the master of the garden they all marveled at.

But after smiling at a handful of them, the head of the Lian clan, the old master of the five colors and purity and sect, and both the heads of the constantly clashing Shidi and Xia clans, she snapped her crow feather fan closed and raised into the air.

"The first games of the tournament begins now! All mortal attendees, martial artists, nobles, priests, farmers, laborers, Heh, even criminals, are welcome to participate. Those of you unburdened by the attention of the heavens, unloved and unblessed by the gods, are welcome to show your fangs and prove your worthiness to join us immortals in our hidden, secret world!" She shouted chipperly, with all the enthusiasm of a young girl telling others to play with her "Though your plight and pleas and prayers have been ignored for so long by my fellow daoists, I'll give you precedence and a chance to prove yourselves deserving to strive towards immortality, and even those amongst you without the potential to cultivate, will be honored and rewarded should you win, and especially if you go further than those with that innate talent~!"

Smiling, you stowed a fan you'd found in your wardrobe away and swaggered forward, ignoring how stunned most of the elders who'd stood in front of you like there were important were, but giggling as you saw those few masters you were close to laugh at the shocking declaration you'd made.

As you understand it, the standard of these sort of tournaments is for the lowest of cultivators to go first, and then at the very end, the few worthy and groomed mortals to be given a chance to impress their prospective masters and teachers. For them to go first, is unusual, but the other sect heads should know to expect the unexpected when dealing with Huanliuxue!

And once you've given the four rabbits you rescued and made sure Piao Tuzi and Yewushi are happy and get along with the four new kids you've found, you'll start the first of the contests.


Double vote!

And what is the first ring of the mortal tournament

>Martial arts and combat ability

>Sorcery and magic spells

>Alchemy/ Crafting

>Tactics and scholarly test

>The tests for luck

>the free for all brawl

>Write in (Feel free to decide the order of every contest in this bracket right now)

And do you pay close attention to the contests, Huanliuxue?

>Yes! What would be the point otherwise? And you can't place bets if you aren't paying attention!

>Yes! but only for interesting matches/ those who you know personally

>No, go mingle with your fellow sect heads unless something really exciting happens

>No. Playing with the rabbit kids is more important

>Write in

Also noticed as I posted the update before this one, that I forgot to write "Moon Dew" after "once you've the four rabbits you found"
>Tactics and scholarly test
This is a thing even high level cultivators would do well to pay attention to as true cunning and devoted learning isn't tied to cultivation but is essential to any success.

>No, go mingle with your fellow sect heads unless something really exciting happens
Eh, we can give them a little attention and a welcome to not let them feel ignored.
We have our students keeping an eye out. If something urgent does come up, they will tell us.
Let's leave luck last tho. The luckiest of them all to win at the very end.
>Tactics and scholarly test
>Yes! but only for interesting matches/ those who you know personally
Okay, but what would have happened if we had picked hungry
>Tactics and scholarly test
Yes! but only for interesting matches/ those who you know personally
>Martial arts and combat ability
>No, go mingle with your fellow sect heads unless something really exciting happens
>Martial arts and combat ability
I don't particularly care for the order of the categories. They will all get their turn.
>Yes! but only for interesting matches/ those who you know personally
This is probably the bracket we can most afford to ignore, but I don't really want to miss anything. We can always chat with the sect heads later, but this tournament happens only once. Besides, I'm sure plenty of mortals want to impress us, so we might as well give them our attention.
...Maybe not to every bum off the streets, but at least the interesting matches.
if you are paying attention to the bracket we care the least about, we aren't anymore likely to listen to the sect heads with all the shit to come later.
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Unfortunately, this vote is going to continue for a bit longer. Not feeling well, think its something I ate but I'm just feeling too sick to write at the moment. Hopefully it'll pass quickly.

Also, from my tally, there is currently a tie between socializing and paying attention to the interesting matches. But The contest for tacticians and scholars have a seemingly unbeatable lead!

You mean the tasty choice? Well you'd think since Huan had just tore out Ao's throat with her teeth at that time, it'd have transported them to the place where she devoured Ling Meng.

But the choice would've actually transported them to a certain restaurant in Suiqi. The very same one Huan beat the hell out of Xia Xiaosi and Shidi Lui
A part of me is now sad we didn’t have the greatest fight so far at what is essentially a Waffle House.
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The tried and true method of expelling impurities and surviving poisons of just sleeping for most of the day and sweating it out, has worked wonders and I am feeling much better now.

So, I'll end the vote and tally it.

Tactics and scholarly test:4

Martial arts and combat ability:2

No, go mingle with your fellow sect heads unless something really exciting happens:3

Yes! but only for interesting matches/ those who you know personally:3

So the first contest of the Mortal bracket of the tournament will be the trials for tacticians and tests for scholars

And while there is a tie between not watching to mingle and watching but only for interesting matches/ the ones that include people you know, I realized while suffering from food poisoning that the two could be easily combined and I don't really need to tie break

So you will pay attention to the interesting/ exciting matches and mingle with the other sect heads during the more dull/ ordinary ones

Update will arrive shortly

No matter what realm one exists in, the waffle house is a place of conflict, chaos and bloodshed
>the waffle house is a place of conflict, chaos and bloodshed
The daos of parking lots and folding chairs both are pathways to eternal battle. And I can think of no finer masters of parking lots than waffle house chefs.
How about Denny's, lots of fights happen behind a Denny's. I will give waffle house the chair mastery though
God that one is so good. Just some random chick working there effortlessly one-handing the fucker right out of the air. I think I like that clip more than the Twisted Tea slapper in the gas station.
Wearing the regalia of a wild princess you had custom ordered and woven by the skilled "hands" of your friend, the meek spider demon Anjing-Yinshi, drawing all kinds of attention and stares, from the awed to the envious, as you stride down the forest path like maid road leading to the center of the garden of the wild empress temple, the fine silks and beast furs flowing around you as you move surrounded by ghostly air as cold and still as if it were taken directly from a crypt. Your fellow daoist cultivators were completely caught off guard that you'd give preferential treatment to the ordinary folks who were born and expected to die never glimpsing the hidden world of cultivation let alone the heavens they strive and struggle so hard to glimpse themselves. If any of them were offended, which several of them were judging from the dark, stormy looks in their eyes, none of them raised their voice to complain or remark how insulted they were they were being passed over in favor of the little people. Even if they'd all in time have their chance to prove themselves in the contests to come.

But even those who were busy smoking tried to follow behind you, expecting for you to announce more details about the tournament, namely which trials would be held first. And before you know it, Su Zhe'xínglǚ, Lian Tianhua, and Xia Jīnsè-shāyú were at your sides, keeping pace with your long, regal strides as you marched with purpose towards the four ringed square theater were the tournament proper would take place. Well, the parts of it that involved fight at least. Jinse-Shayu trailed a bit behind Master Su and Tianhua, showing deference to them and making his place as your subordinate clear to everyone by staying four paces behind you. And neither your fellow head of the Tomb, Mountain and Sea alliance or the older sister of your student said a word to you, remain quiet with austere and sagacious expressions on their faces. Huffing, you spun around on your heel and clapped your hands together, making the mob that was following behind you like a line of kittens jump up in surprise, making the ground beneath all your feet quake for a few moments.

"The first contests to begin, will be the tests for worthy tacticians and trials to determine the intellect and knowledge of whoever considers themselves a scholar at heart!" You shout, loud enough to be heard even by the remote temples lurking deeper in the primordial forest of tragic lovers and certainly in every inch of it you claim. You smirk as you see that the patriarch of the Xia Clan is kneeling, with one arm held across his chest, its hand pressed over where his heart should be, while Lian Tianhua and Master Su stood a bit in front of you. You could spot the other sect heads you were acquainted with in the front row of the crowd, including the extremely elderly Mì Shèngdào of the eight heavenly gates sect, and the lightning struck Shandian of the Storm Shrine mountain.


and craning your neck up, you can spot the Weiwupo of the Innocent Witch Court sect, surrounded by her youngest students, clearly novices who hadn't yet been instructed how to open even the simplest of their meridians, and Shi Li who is standing beside an armored gorilla of a man who can only be the head of the white jade devil opposing army. the one armed lord Disi-Ling, Huofeng, is muttering something to Shidi Xiudao. And to your utter amazement, way in the back of the crowd, you can clearly see your "brother" Xue Long, and a small group of winter blossoming sect disciples, and even a stray sage of the shifting sands or two.

Smirking smugly, feeling superior just for having your self proclaimed "rivals" show their faces in your tournament, you stand up on your toes and throw out your arms theatrically, gesturing to all of the buildings around you. Thousands of pairs of eyes flit and dance around, trying to find some secret message or hidden danger along the rooftops and walls, as the gems set into their red stone walls, which catch the moon's rays at just the right angle as you gesture to make all of the rubies, agates and red jade to glow with an almost mystical light while the exotic and ancient looking trees growing from their sides sway on stray breath of wind, almost seeming to move in sync with you. It's a little weird how fantastic the timing of the clouds parting and the night breeze moving were for your declaration.

"The initial scholar's trials will take place in these rings of buildings, the outer disciples of my school have already stocked and prepared everything for the tests you'll be taking in them, those of you who have put their names down for the intellectual assessment, at least" You proclaim as you spin back around on your heel, turning your back to the crowd "As the Palace of Natural wars wants deep thinkers and philosophers as much as it wants mighty warriors! You'll be grilled on and tested just as harshly as the fighters, only the most shrewd and sagely of you will progress past the first examination, but if you prove the waters of your mind are as clear and pure as jade, you're sure to impress me"

"And when will you test for the capability to absorb and refine Qi within their meridians?" Some absolute trash of a middle aged cultivator asks, and you look him up and down, trying to put a temple to the colors of his rogue, but click your tongue when you see the impudent swine who spoke out of turn is a rogue, like you were once "Surely that should preceed all of these tests"

And like that he's stolen away the smiles and good cheer of the ordinary folks trying to climb the steep steps into the world of cultivation. But your glower cracks and turns into a triumphant leer. Ruolan and Renshu have proven that through true carmine mysticism, even those without the potential to cultivate by birth can be made into cultivators. But you do not blurt out and brag about that discovery. Some secrets are best kept close to the chest and hidden away. Instead, you counter his hope crushing question with a simple yet bold answer

"A proper rule can find a use for even the most untalented of their subjects. Even if they prove incapable of cultivating, they will find a place in my palace" You answer, and turn the mood back around from gloomy to bright and excited with just a few confidently spoken words "And if they possess deep wells of wisdom and intellect, deep enough to impress ME! The queen of all beastly things, well, I have little doubt they were born with the talent we all share, Hm?"

The rogue nods, seemingly approving of the answer, as you think you spot Tian Mei in the crowd, but whoever it was vanishes into the sea of faces too quickly for you to be certain.

"And if there are not other out of turn questions being made, the scholars' exams will begin and the tactical tests will start shortly after they have begun and are well underway and have had some of their participants drop out or fail" You say, knowing the tests you devised with the help of Siwang, Monu and Feiqing will be disastrously difficult and crush the pride of more than a few of these intellects who consider themselves the greatest minds of the world "But, my fellow grandmasters are welcome to join me, as the grounds for the tacticians' exams are prepared"

And with that, you walk away, still followed by Tianhua, Zhe'xínglǚ, and Jinse-Shayu, but with a few more sect heads joining the pack as you make your way deeper into your temple, following the winding web of alleyways and game trail like side paths to the tournament grounds.

"I didn't think it was possible for you to be more popular with the masses, Lady Huanliuxue, but this stunt you've pulled just now has proven that assumption terribly mistaken" Master Su chuckles, stroking his beard "Even those who dare not participate in your tests, will remember the day the divine guardian of Chuan's royal family and all her children favored them before her fellow immortals. I'm sure your mother would be proud, it is quite the calculating move to make, even if you did it out of the kindness of your heart"
"And I'm sure a few of the more haughty minded of the hopefuls will think you've given them a chance to prepare and study for their own trials" Lian Tianhua remarks, walking almost shoulder to shoulder with you "I'll have to tell my little sister to keep a close eye on the contests to come, not that I doubt you've taught her well, but...well, it is my duty as her senior sister to assist her in anyway I can, is it not"

"I don't get it, but the old man is right, you've certain won more hearts and minds among the mortals present here" Xia says with a shrug "But, I know I will at least be bored to tears waiting for the real games to begin"

"You didn't bring any uninitiated relatives or followers to join the first run of the games?" Shidi Xiudao remarks mockingly, earning a glower from his rival, who picks up his pace to remain just a little ahead of him

"Of course I have, I anticipated you sending out the chaff and debris of your bloodline to intrude upon Lady Huanliuxue's grand temple" He spits back, boldly accusing the other patriarch as you do your best to ignore their squabbling

"My fellow austere masters would be wise to remember that membership of the palace of natural laws sect is not the sole reward to claim in these contests, my students, including those magical beasts I've adopted and shared my own name with" the fossil of Mi Shengdao cuts in "Are partaking in every level of the tournament and every kind of contest within it, for the renown they may earn, the insights they may reach and the lessons they will be taught. But, I would like to again thank you, Matriarch Huanliuxue, for the invitation you've given to my beast students, to join the tournament without first passing the trials"

"Thunder Crow wasn't given any special treatment when you visited our shrine, how curious" Shandian growls, clearly taking offense while Old man Mi relishes in his outrage, proving that it is every elderly person's hobby to irritate and pester the youth

"Master Shengdao visited my temple and asked me for advise in raising his ascended beast students" You answer in a formal, droll tone "And also warned him of what would happen if they came to harm under his care"

"It is as much a burden as a gift" Shengdao answers sagely while Shandian grinds his teeth and glances to Weiwupo, who has been trying to glare a hole through master Su's back and muttering weak curses under her breath, just to annoy her fellow grandmaster who she has something of a bone to pick with, over whatever he did to be taught the Spring Fairy Blossom Art, that you inherited from him but don't practice yourself

"If you wanted to earn favor with this little princess, you should've courted her. Shengdao was just smarter than you, Lightning struck fool" She says with a dismissive snort as the air begins to smell of burnt ozone and crackles with an electrical current "Though I am surprised you've managed to scrounge up enough students from the piles of ashes they usually become"

"Do not tempt my ire, witch" Storm cloud threatens, calming himself with a single exhale "I suppose I missed my opportunity to give my students a leg up in these contests, no matter, they will surpass your disciples with shocking ease. I was only really concerned with Young Wusheng. That boy would've ran circles around even the greatest intellects my shrine could muster. Just the glimpse of his shrewd mind I had during your trial was enough for me to know his greatest weapon is his mind. Where is he?"

"On a mission, investigating the beast stampede" You answer, only saying as much as you need to to not appear rude or like you were avoiding the question "With a number of my other disciples"

"And two of my own students" Master Su adds with a nod, and you could almost hug him for the immediate support he gave "The Fa Twins, the best my school has thus far produced. We expect they will not return in time for the tournament"

"A shame" The Weiwupo says with a sigh "And I take it your mother is amongst them? Considering she has not shown her face since I arrived here, and I know she'd flaunt the beauty and youth she got back and rub it in my face until its wrinkles were smoothed and polished away"

"Nor the two other princesses you call your sisters" Huofeng remarks, finally speaking up after having been as silent as a corpse listening to the other grand masters walking with you to the tournament grounds, his one hand running on the blood filled stones that you created and used to construct your second temple "Their absence is hard to miss, especially the shorter of the two's boisterous personality"

You click your tongue. These old farts really are perceptive, aren't they? All you said was Siwang was on a mission, and they were able to figure out that the second in command of your sect and the Geges are with him. But no matter how astute they are, they won't be able to guess that Qiang is away with them on the same mission.

"I hope they are alright, your kind isn't accepted beyond Chuan's borders" Su says softly, but doesn't press the issue, though he accepts that the other masters are correct in their guess immediately, so you don't pretend they are wrong yourself

"As if your kind could tell the difference between them and any other lovely lady cultivator" You snicker as you hear Shidi and Xia stop fighting for a moment to both gasp in awe as you finally reach the tournament grounds, with its square ring and four layers and four rings of seats, with terraces and roofed boxes decorated for every sect in attendance, all of course beneath your personal alcove, the best seat and grandest looking one in the whole arena, decorated exactly to your tastes

"Incredible!" Jinse-Shayu immediately praises you, bowing his head, both out of respect and to look at the pre bloodied sands of the arena proper "This will truly be a tournament to remember, I don't think any sect in Chuan could surpass these grounds, even if they all worked together and joined their funds to create an arena specifically for the purpose"

"For once, I've got to agree with your pet. These tournament grounds are peerless" Shidi Xiudao agrees "Anyone would be honored to fight in so well appointed an arena. Though the decor isn't too my tastes, a little too much like a graveyard or a ruin for me to be comfortable. "

"Which makes it clear that it is Huanliuxue who made it" Tianhua chuckles, smiling your way "Could you tell me more about it, unlike Shidi or Xia, I am no warrior"

"Well, what they can't see, Lady Lian, is that beneath the surface of the sands, there are enough cells and chambers to hold every contestant while they prepare and ready themselves for battle" You excitedly explain as Shidi hops off the seats and down to the arena, and Xia simply stands by your side, glaring down at him while the other sect heads following behind you admire the stands and their special places within them "And they're stocked with weapons personally made by the head craftsman of my sect, Feiqing"

"Oh I've heard of him" Mi Shengdao says suddenly as a Shi Li and a few of his fellow elders of the white jade devil opposing army file in "The demon descendant, yes?"

You nod

"He has a bloodline that started in the yellow springs, if that matters" You answer with a shrug of your shoulder "But, Miss Lian, Xia and Shidi's praises weren't empty. This arena I've made is really incredible! Because I made it"

Tianhua titters from behind her fan

"You are right to be proud of your work. I knew you must've reshaped the landscape with your cultivation base the moment I set foot in this temple" Weiwupo drawls as Shandian inspects the terrace you set aside for his sect, at least for this tournament "With the breathing stones warm with blood, boney mortar, and the queer trees too old and strange to be naturally grown"

"The Air is overflowing with primordial beast essence and that odd Qi she jealously guards" Huofeng says, nearly making you leap out of the skin as he appears at the edge of your vision, abruptly reminding you of his existence "But I must ask, how will this arena be used to test for tactical acumen?"

"Well, the trials they're going to be going through, will just test if they understand the basics of strategy and tactics" You explain with a frown "Which is why they'll be taken alongside the scholars' trials. But here, my would be tacticians will be tested against eachother"

"Ohoho? They'll fight each other, as generals do?" Mi Shengdao asks excitedly

"Intriguing" Master Su agrees

"Oh! Now I might need to keep myself awake for these early stages of the tournament!" Xia exclaims "At least to root for my fellow summer sea man to beat the scum that rusty blade sends to infiltrate your ranks, my princess"

"Don't be so bold in toadying up to her" Tianhua scolds Xia, who just flashes her a charming smile, which makes her take a step back and makes you have a sudden urge to hit him in the face

"Interesting, not how I would've done it, but we witches aren't fighters either" Weiwupo titters "I'm sure the men will be excited to thrust their spears at each other. Though that makes me wonder, how will they compete against each other when they have no soldiers to command"

"Puppets" You answer and the Weiwupo winces as Su smirks "I thought about using the victors of the martial tournament as their soldiers, but, thought that'd be a little humiliating"

"One of your mother's many talents" He laughs as the older witch looks like she just swallowed a mouthful of poison.

"While we wait" You say, just because you have nothing better to do while you wait "Let me give you a tour of the stands, since the trials the contestants are going through are as dull as watching an imperial scholar at their work, and we won't know who'll be actually competing until they're done"

"Oh I'd be delighted" Tianhua says happily
"It'd be an honor, of course" Xia purrs
"I am curious to count how many seats they are" Su says off handedly
"Some of us are already looking around themselves" Mi chuckles
"Patience is a rare quality, it seems" Weiwupo says simply

And the next few hours, until dawn rises, are really quite boring, with you mostly answering questions or showing off your work to the other sect heads, with the only real excitement being them bickering or exchanging barbs with one another, or occasionally talking fondly together about things that happened long before you were born, though you do get to know some of them better, and Mi Shengdao does tell you about his four magical beast students, who he has adopted into his own family.

The rabbit, Mi Shèngjiǎo (圣脚, Holy Foot), who acts as the older brother of the other four and is very priestly in personality, sounding a lot like the stuck up prick Ping was when you first met him. The Red Panda Mi Tángyù (赯玉, Crimson Jade), who is from how dotingly and adoringly the old man describes her, is a well behaved and demure girl who has been spoiled by her master. The Giant Panda, Mi Dàhēibái (Big Black and White, 大黑白) who is by his teacher's own account a gentle natured and somewhat lazy boy who prefers to eat and nap instead of training but is surprisingly wise, and the Ice tailed Macaque Mi Wánpíshèng (Naughty Sage, 顽皮圣), who sounds like he'd get alone well with Xuebai, if only because he's as mischievous as she is, though his master and adoptive father seems to share his sense of humor even if he doesn't seem to appreciate his fondness of pranks


And also talk with Shandian about Thunder Crow for awhile and how well he's progressing in his cultivation, as you praise Lian Luli's progress and hard work to her sister, boasting on her behalf for how she's been adapting her family's ancestral technique and the strides she's been making as a martial artist as well. And seeing Shengdao and Shandian brag about their own magical beast students, and telling Tianhua that her sister is excelling and giving her hope that she'll escape the fate the elders of her sect had chosen for her really brightens your mood and makes you as happy as the first part of your name.

"Master" Ping interrupts you telling Tianhua, Su and Xia the story about the stupid bull headed demon you crushed on the road, when you were escorting Luli to her new home and school "The first match tacticians match is about to begin, the scholar and tactical trials are complete, and the army of contestants have been narrowed down to a dozen in each contest"

"Damn. Impressive, I imagined less than half that number would beat the trial. The people of Chuan are really amazing!" You excitedly exclaim "I'll have to congratulate them all for getting that far, maybe give them some cash as a reward"

"Ju is one of the tacticians" Ping says "Which is why Fu isn't the one telling you this. He's trying to convince her not to...well, supply her own soldiers for the mock battles"

"Wait, Ju applied to the tactical tournament?" You blurt out, eyes wide with disbelief "I thought she'd only apply for the martial side of it"

"She's applied for every contest, like a certain self proclaimed devil" Ping answers tiredly "And while she did terribly in the scholarly portion of the exams, it turns out, her hanging onto Tiexingege's thigh has made her the favorite to win the tacticians tournament"

"The one where puppets are being used in place of real soldiers" Xia says so you don't have to while Su laughs

"Ah, that girl is trouble, isn't she!" He remarks "Who has she brought instead"

"Friends of hers" Ping answers politely "From the gang she's made. All kids about her age, who've also entered various contests in the tournament"

"That's dangerous" Tianhua says darkly "Well made puppets can be lethal even when they aren't intended to be"

"Oh? Are the games about to start?" One of the various elders who've been trying to small talk you since they figured out where you and most of the other sect heads of Chuan had slipped away to

"Fu asked me to ask you to get his little sister to see reason" Ping explains "Since she isn't listening to him"

"I'd ask if she's in her rebellious phase, but ever since she's met Tie-Tie she's been in one" You groan, kicking your legs up onto the seat in front of you "What a pain in my ass"

Tianhua chokes on her tea

"My thoughts exactly, master" Ping says with a smirk

Double vote!

What do you do about Ju

>Let her fight with her friends, if they can succeed, that just means they've proven themselves for the martial tournament

>Go down to the chamber she's in and scold her for being reckless, but praise her for her audacity, before ordering her to fight with the puppets

>Ask the other sect heads what their thoughts are, before making your decision

>Decide to make things interesting, and make Ju fight two opponents at once with her gang, to really make it hard for her

>Wave Ping off and tell him simply "What happens, Happens"

>Write in

And who do you give the supreme honor of sitting beside you during the tactician's contest, Huanliuxue ?(Choose two)

> Su Zhe'xínglǚ, the sect head of the five colors and five purities.

>Xia Jinse-Shayu, the sect head of the summer sea dawn and your subordinant

>Lian Tianhua, Lian Luli's sister and the matriarch of the Lian clan and the head of the thousand lotus hall

>Shidi Xiudao, the sect head of the dusk marsh wolves and the rival of Xia Jinse-Shayu

>Shandian, the storm shrine's sect head

>Disi-Ling Huofeng, the head of the temple of celestial fire

>The current Weiwupo of the innocent witch court

>The head of the white jade devil opposing army

>Xue Long, your brother, just too lord over him the superiority of the Palace of Natural laws





>Lian Luli



>Write in

Junior speaks with wisdom, the waffle house is akin to a mountain of blades or a sea of fire!
>Go down to the chamber she's in and scold her for being reckless, but praise her for her audacity, before ordering her to fight with the puppets

>Su Zhe'xínglǚ, the sect head of the five colors and five purities.
Our first student and the first sect head to help us
>Go down to the chamber she's in and scold her for being reckless, but praise her for her audacity, before ordering her to fight with the puppets

>Su Zhe'xínglǚ, the sect head of the five colors and five purities.
>Have her face two opponents.

>Su of five colours and five purities.
>Go down to the chamber she's in and scold her for being reckless, but praise her for her audacity, before ordering her to fight with the puppets
Remind her that tacticians rarely get to choose their soldiers

> Su Zhe'xínglǚ, the sect head of the five colors and five purities.
>Xue Long, your brother, just too lord over him the superiority of the Palace of Natural laws
to be honest, even if they can't cultiavte and we had no means for us to turn them into cultivators, Mortals who are wise can easily be useful in paperwork/managerial duties as they would be fit to run things since cultivators would mostly be focused on their own individual cultivation. This gives us unique personel who are smart and aren't going to be putting all their time into cultivating, instead focusing on using their wisdom directly for the sect in terms of operations. Mortals are the backbone of all cultivator operations, one way or another.

>Go down to the chamber she's in and scold her for being reckless, but praise her for her audacity, before ordering her to fight with the puppets
She's using puppets not because of just safety, its to be fair between contestants. If its down to who you can bring with you, this becomes a contest of social networking and their martial might. This is about individual intellect. Using the same puppets as your opponent, you must win. Anything less then that is trying to find an easy way to win. That might work in the other rounds, but for a battle of minds, it is simply not what we are looking for.

>Lian Tianhua, Lian Luli's sister and the matriarch of the Lian clan and the head of the thousand lotus hall
> Su Zhe'xínglǚ, the sect head of the five colors and five purities.
Our friendiest friends.
>Go down to the chamber she's in and scold her for being reckless, but praise her for her audacity, before ordering her to fight with the puppets

> Su Zhe'xínglǚ, the sect head of the five colors and five purities.
>Xue Long, your brother, just too lord over him the superiority of the Palace of Natural laws
>Go down to the chamber she's in and scold her for being reckless, but praise her for her audacity, before ordering her to fight with the puppets

While we are a heretic who bends to no rules, we must insist that the participants of these trials follow the rules, for fairness if nothing else.

>Lian Tianhua, Lian Luli's sister and the matriarch of the Lian clan and the head of the thousand lotus hall

Fu is not sitting but standing though.
Ending the vote, tallying its result now. Meant to do so yesterday, but time ran away from me.

Go down to the chamber she's in and scold her for being reckless, but praise her for her audacity, before ordering her to fight with the puppets:6

Decide to make things interesting, and make Ju fight two opponents at once with her gang, to really make it hard for her:1

Su Zhe'xínglǚ:6


Xue Long:2

Lian Tianhua:2

So, you will go do to scold and praise Ju and order her to fight with the same puppets the same as everyone else

and observe her match with Master Su and your student Fu

Update will arrive shortly
Waving your hand lazily, you pull yourself from the seat you'd been lounging on and stretch, holding both you arms over your head as you yawn and bleak the boredom from your eyes.

"Go fetch Fu, bring him to my private pavilion at the top of the stands" You order with a snap of your fingers, looking past Ping's eyes and to the bloodied sands of the Arena, as the first two contestants, neither of whom you knew but one of whom had studied the great works of generals of ten generals past and one who had fought on the front line when the Ling invaded, before you scared them and chased them all with their tail between their legs back over the border "I'll go speak with little Ju'er. Master Su, friend, you are welcomed to head to my personal seat as well. Yours was the first sect to stand by my palace in our time of need, and you personally helped me when anyone else would've reached for their flying sword"

Tianhua frowned, while the other masters filed away to head to their terrances, where seating for them had been arranged, and around which their students and mortal followers were already gathering.

"You must be honored Senior Su" Tianhua said chipperly, smiling again, her frown vanishing from her lips as quickly as she'd pouted
"I'll be at the thousand lotus hall's section of the stands, if you wish to tell me more stories about Luli's training, Huanliuxue"

"Thank you, I'd feel I might drop dead if I wasn't kept far away from the Weiwupo's evil looking eyes" Su laughed, smirking before giving a grandfatherly pat to Tianhua's thin shoulder "And I am sure you will be thanked for the trust and friendship you've shown our feline friend in time, it is the nature of cat's to get close to but a few persons in their lives, however short or long they might be"

"And you were one of the few who didn't react to seeing my tail out of the corner of their eye by reaching for a broom to chase me away with" You tittered, covering your mouth with one of your sleeves as you skipped and hopped away "Hope you enjoy the show, Tianhua, and Jinse-Shayu, make sure not to start a fight with Shidi, at least while I'm not close enough to smack sense into both of you"

"Understood, Master Huanliuxue" Xia answered cordially, with more respect than you'd ever heard him give to anyone besides himself or his whale tossing giant of a wife.

The chambers beneath the arena were lit with false ghost lights, and judging from their snowy white and sky blue color, were Xuebai or Ping's handiwork. And far too bright for your liking, it almost made it light enough to mistake their light for the day. Grinding your teeth and making a not to replace them with your own mock ghost flames that would keep things nice and pleasantly dim and gloomy, you trace Ju's scent through the air and enter the chamber allotted to her to prepare for her match as your feline self..

She's sulking, pouting in the corner, half dressed in armor that could've only been made by Feiqing, it had his unique style written all over it and you could even see his thumb prints from where he directly shaped the metal with his bare hands. With her short hair hidden beneath a helmet with a horse haired tail dyed the same red hue as your fur, she nearly leapt out of her demonic looking armor AND her skin from the surprise of seeing you saunter up to her.

There were some of the kids who usually followed behind her when you visited Fu's city, trying to look small and unnoticeable in front of you. Some of them were nearing the age Fu was when you first met him, but none of them had any scars or other signs of battle experience.

Except Ju, you noticed, from seeing her bare hands, marked with thin pale lines and calluses from the training she'd put herself through, to try and reach Fu or Tiexingege.

"Mas...Lady Huanliuxue! What are you doing here? Did my brother..." Ju shouts, before you casually walk up to her and put a paw on her head, making her grunt in confusion as her eyes screw, trying to look at the big paw sat atop her forehead

"You've worried him, being as stupidly reckless as you're being. What were you thinking! My mother made those puppets. You're endangering your friends lives!" You scold, shouting at her, making her shiver and wince as her friends cower, having never heard you raise your voice towards her before

"I..." Ju starts, before biting her tongue and breathing out, composing herself "I trust them, and wanted to give them a chance to prove their worth. They've had my back ever since Fu's started spending most his time training or learning from you, I only thought it fair that..."

"They will have their chance, in the martial contests. That is fair. You might be my first disciple's little sister, but you'll follow the rules of the tournament, same as anyone else. Tacticians rarely get their choice of the troops they lead, and you will use these puppets my mother has made, not just for the safety of your friends, but so you'll meet your opponents on even terms in a level field, so only your abilities matter in the outcome. Otherwise, if I let you take whoever you wanted, they could do the same and then it'd become not a contest of strategy, but one of connections and the fighting skills of whoever they brought on" You explain, much gentler than before as you lift your paw from her head "This is a measure of what you've got between your ears. Your brain, not others' brawn. This is a fight between intellects. With the same troops and terrain , you will have to beat the enemy general. Trying to enter the fray with a different set of tools, would be trying to cheat"

"I'm sorry" Ju almost squeaked, barely raising her voice

"Though, I have to admit, I love the audacity of it. Trying to sneak in your own soldiers. That kind of bold behavior reminds me of myself! To be a cultivator is to live a life of risks, and to be ready to gamble that life like it was a game of dice!" You boom, nearly knocking her off her feat as looks up to you, with eyes filled with awe and wonder as if you words were divine revelation "Now get ready, and meet your proper troops. Your first match should begin soon"

"My first...thank you Lady Huanliuxue!" Ju shouts excitedly, picking up on the fact that you expect her to continue at least into the second round

"Just don't let me catch you sneaking in your own weapons, or explosives, or something crazy like that" You laugh as you saunter out of the room, and decide to watch the matches of the tacticians tournament in your natural state.

"Master" Fu greets you, standing rather than sitting, wearing his imposing, skull themed armor as Master Su relaxes on a couch with silk cushions, all patterned with paw prints and the wooden frame carved to resemble cats in play or loafing around "Has my brat of a sister..."

"I set her straight" You answer with a smirk and flick of your tail as you walk over and pull yourself up on the throne of red marble you'd prepared just for the occasion "Have you been getting along with our friend, Master Su"

"The boy isn't much for conversation" Su answers in Fu's stead "But I enjoy his company, as dour as it may be. I've grown used to the ghostly presence shared between him and you"

"Like a poison, you've cultivated a tolerance for us followers of the Dao of Ghosts" Fu since with a low chuckle "The first match ended as I expected, if you were wondering"

"Oh, the one between the scholar and the actual soldier?" You ask, hoping you remembered the backgrounds of the first two contestants right

"Yes" Fu answers with a nod

"So who won?" You ask, lifting a paw to your chin

"General Jia Li. Who offered his victory to the honor of his liege, who considers you his patron diety" Su chuckled as he reached into his robe and pulled out a fan, which he unfurled with a flick of his wrist "It wasn't much of a contest"

"Li knew to sacrifice some of his troops, to win the battle. The scholar, while he could win in board games by memorizing the right moves to make or answer any question posed concerning the expected outcome of a battle, couldn't do much more than repeat what other, long dead generals had done before. Li improvised, risked his line in a gamble, and emerged the victor" Fu explained, talking in a slow, leisurely pace "If nothing else, he's earned my respect"

"Hmm, might have use for him if he makes it far enough to join" You mutter under your breath, before smirking, and with a radiant smile, nudge Fu on the back with your paw playfully "Oh, by the way, Ju is next"

"Who is her opponent?" He asked, stiffening as his eyes behind his bandages sharpened as he stood as still as a statue or a corpse that reached the rigor mortis stage of decay

'How the hell should I know' you thought, but instead clicked your tongue and flicked your tail "Yujijiao?"

"Yes?" The spectral serpent yawned, emerging from the shadows behind your throne, Su's couch and the unused chair that Fu stood in front of, like it needed guarding

"Who is Ju'er's opponent?" You ask curiously, framing your question as being for Su and Fu's benefit, rather than you not having had the time or care to check the roster of the twelve tacticians, outside of knowing Ju was one of them

"Oh! Well, I was told by the lesser ghosts" She says, transforming to her half human bodied form in front of Su's eyes, her snake lower half as clumsily and grotesquely stitched and stapled onto the human part of her ghostly form as her head is in her "natural" state "Apparently they are a reformed bandit, from the desert. Whose fought some battles on behalf of Chuan Jianjun. Ye of the family Yu. Some of the ghosts in our court served him once. He doesn't hold anything back, and gambles everything in one charge"

"A boar" you remark off handedly, before noticing Fu's knuckles whitening from how tightly he was clenching his fists "Oh, don't worry Fu, neither Ye or Ju will be fighting, she'll be fine. Tie-Tie has maybe..probably given her lessons"

"You say that, but she's been desperate to prove her strength to anyone who'd listen" He muttered darkly, eyes narrowed "If she does something stupid...if she's in danger"

"As expected of an older brother, but don't worry, while I approve of that protectiveness, I'll pull her out of the arena, before any harm comes to her" You answer, using a disarming and soothing tone as Fu sighed and smiled warmly

"Thank you, Master" He says earnestly, relaxing already as the puppets, which upon catching sight of them, make your fur bristle and stand up. Your mother decided to make them out of hard stone, making them resemble the statues that gave you so much trouble when you were first exploring the catacombs you now own in their entirety.

All of them are carved like handsome men and pretty boys, and wearing armor that could be found anywhere in the world, though colored red or white, depending on which side they're on the field. Fittingly. Ju's borrowed soldiers are dressed in Red. And she stands behind them, wearing a mask commonly found in Fu's village. One of your handsome face, the same kind Lei has been wearing for the last few years, though Ju's looks somewhat more...crazed than his does. It has to be the smile

Yu Ye emerges from the stairway that opened up in the sand. Wearing the armor provided to him by Lord Chuan, with a large maned pelt draped over his shoulder. He's nearly as brawny as Fu or Feiqing, though stocky and shorter than both of them. Fu glares at him as he moves across the area arraying his soldiers

And judging from his and Ju's body language, the two of them waste no time exchanging insults and threats, though from all the noise the crowd is making, you can't hear exactly what they are saying and have to make assumptions based on the gestures the two of them are making to each-other.

"What a foul mouthed little girl" Zhe'xínglǚ gasps, fanning himself rapidly "I take it, that is the influence of..."

"That idiot hot head with blades attached to her legs? Yes" Fu growls "Ju for some reason looks up to the short tempered shortie"

"Well, she looks to be winning this...er, test of wills" You giggles as Yu Ye's face turns red as he gathers his puppets into a single spear point, while Ju just stands, surrounded by her puppets, arms held behind her back.

The match begins when a gong is beaten by one of the outer disciples of your sect, one of Fu's martial artists friends who couldn't make the cut and was unable to cultivate like He, Qiang, Hong, Lanfen and Liu were able to.

You lean forward, interested to see if the wall or spear will break first.

And you never get your answer, as Ye shouts the order to charge, Ju dips her head and understanding that she is controlling mindless puppets far better than the former bandit, flicks up her foot and directs her troops forward with a silent gesture of one of her hands behind her back.

As Ye's stone puppets surge forward, Ju's explode from around her. While the bandit's forces are focused in a single wedge, Ju's soldiers wash out like a wave, and completely encircle the wedge, as Ye bellows commands to attack, reeling back as Ju simply clenches her fist.

And, while Ye has ordered his borrowed puppets to fight like men, Ju treats them like...well ants. They spill over the other stone soldiers, half of them dropping their spears to grab hold of their opponents or act as living shields for the half that kept hold of their weapons.

There are jeers, shouted curses, laughter.

But it ends in a single clash.

Yu Ye falls to his knees, stunned as Ju marches across the field of broken stones and grounded up rock, her soldiers parting and standing at attention. Her forces had sustained heavy losses encircling and swarming over her opponent's stone soldiers, but there were still some of them left standing. Ye had nothing left. He expected Ju to fight defensively, and was shocked to meet an offense more reckless and aggressive than his own charge

Ju stops a few paces in front of him, and looks up at you with the smugest grin you've seen on any of her family's faces. Fu laughs, one hand over his chest, clutched and scouring the metal of his breastplate. Su nods sagely as you stand and lift your paw

"Ju moves onto the next round!" You declare proudly as she throws her head back and laughs, and as the crowd is stunned into silence by how quick the second match had been, and that a little girl had beaten the hardened, grizzled looking bandit, she throws her arms out and boasts
"If you want to beat a beast's student, you have to fight like one! And in all of nature, no creatures fights as savagely as an army ant!"

"As cocky as her mentor" Fu chuckles

"Ohoho, seems she understands better than most the character of the sect she is hoping to enter" Su chimes in, still fanning himself "Oh that fight got me fired up, who is facing off against who, oh tragic child?"

"Chuan Huan....er, no relation to you, Master,. A nephew of Lord Chuan, and one of his generals" Yujijiao answers "The youngest in the army, who joined after the retreat from the Ling border, after you summoned Chuan back over, but before the beast stampede and...A chicken farmer named Ho"

"Ho who deals with cocks?" Fu asks, sounding greately amused by this

"The famous cock farmer?" Su asks curiously and you wonder just how amazing of cocks this Ho must've raised to be known throughout heaven and earth, which he must be if Fu and Su both know him

"...I guess? And stop sounding so dirty, your in the presences of two princesses! Watch your tongues!" Yujijiao snaps as she slithers away and through a wall, hissing all the while.

And misses the fight between Ho and Chuan Huan. Which, lasts far longer than Ju's round did, but ends in a far more dicisive victory. For Ho.

You don't know what the bright eyed, messy haired and wild bearded man did, since his puppets seem to run around like they were chickens with their head cut off, but Huan's rigid formations get slowly broken apart by the scattered troops Ho sends out, flicking a fan in his hand and singing a farmer's song about chicken and rice. And the nephew of the recently crowned king loses to Ho the cock farmer, to the astonishment of the crowd and yourself.

Ho, like Ju before him, walks to the center of the arena, but says nothing as he takes a performative bow.

"What an eccentric man" You remark as the next match starts, but quickly becomes apparent it'll be far more dull than the last two fights.

"I haven't had a chance to speak with you much" Su says suddenly, turning to Fu "Or your master. But you interest me, Fu. From what I have heard, you've taken it upon yourself to exact retribution for the murdered and wronged, and have survived wounds that would've felled any cultivator of your level, and killed many who thought you slain. And while you seem like a pleasant young man, I sense a great well of fury within you, and shadows upon your back"

"I am my master's student. And I guess this body my father and mother gave me is naturally durable, and I might just be too stubborn to die" Fu answers a little bashfully, cheeks flushed "And, yeah I can have a bit of a temper, what of it? What makes me so interesting to you?"

"That you are clearly your masters student, both of you immerse yourselves in grudges and wallow in resentment, and cultivate off of ghosts and their presence, but you use the power cultivating their Qi grants you to do good" Su explains, as the boring fourth fight carries on below

"And, your point, venerable elder?" Fu asks

"Just an observation I made, though, if your teacher would tell us her thoughts, perhaps we will be both enlightened" Su answers coyly

Double vote

How do you answer Su's curiosity

>Tell Su you think Fu and You turned out the way you did, because the strongest grudge you both have is resenting the injustice of the world and the lot in life the heavens gave you in it

>Answer simply that you get along with Fu because you and him can both be extremely vengeful when pushed.

>"Ghostly yin and Deathly Yin Qi, if you can tolerate it, is surprisingly calming. Grudges can be pretty difficult to handle, but the spiritual energy of ghosts helps subdue their influence"

>"Well, Fu is just a nice guy. And its more complex than him just being born durable. The ghostly yin Qi he's cultivated have made him ridiculous durable, watch this..." And then to demonstrate, pull his head off

>"You're wondering why he's still sane, even if he has a few chips on his shoulder, while others like the ogress have gone snake fuckingly insane from the same amount of killing he's done?"

>Write in

And what do you do to pass the time between the boring matches, while waiting for more interesting ones, Huanliuxue?

>Place some small bets, to entice your fellow daoists into put massive wagers on the matches of the higher level of the tournament.

>Ask Su about his history with the innocent witch Court, and your mother.

>Meditate and consider the mysteries of your twin Dao and three favored sources of Qi (Mental training. DC 190. Total bonus available. 1664.)

>Wander as a ghost and spy on some of the sect heads between the fun matches

>Write in
>Tell Su you think Fu and You turned out the way you did, because the strongest grudge you both have is resenting the injustice of the world and the lot in life the heavens gave you in it

>Ask Su about his history with the innocent witch Court, and your mother.

>Tell Su you think Fu and You turned out the way you did, because the strongest grudge you both have is resenting the injustice of the world and the lot in life the heavens gave you in it
>Wander as a ghost and spy on some of the sect heads between the fun matches
>Tell Su you think Fu and You turned out the way you did, because the strongest grudge you both have is resenting the injustice of the world and the lot in life the heavens gave you in it
This all started because of injustice
From our inception to now.

>Ask Su about his history with the innocent witch Court, and your mother.
>"To cultivate a heretical dao one must have a strong will. Stronger then what you think. To rise above a beast, there are lines that must not be crossed set by such a cultivator. An example everyone has a grudge from something as little as the sun shining to a sworn vengeance against another. Such grudges taint those around them, mold them in certain ways. To take in those grudges goes beyond just molding it becomes a clash of wills to not lose oneself yet use the fury to strengthen oneself. It could be considered a level under those cultivating corrupted blood qi in danger and ghosts qi is used to gain grudges and a mix of other emotions to balance it out making it more safe. But if one were to lose oneself in grudge's then anchors as unshakable as mountains would be needed hence having a strong dao heart. Yet blood qi is a different beast altogether. A cultivator should never learn the corrupted one, tainting ones mind as they progress they lose themselves slowly like a frog being gently cooked until it's to late to notice. Even uncorrupted blood qi needs a strong will to learn or they could become blood drunk. However there are unique benefits to blood qi that make it highly useful which I assume why demons corrupted most sources. I have no real problems with it since I can make water to blood. But I'm not driven to see blood shed for the sake of it.
All I can say is beware of chicken
>Place some small bets, to entice your fellow daoists into put massive wagers on the matches of the higher level of the tournament.
Whoops somehow didn't include my first vote>>6070089
>"You're wondering why he's still sane, even if he has a few chips on his shoulder, while others like the ogress have gone snake fuckingly insane from the same amount of killing he's done?"
>>6069932 (made this on my phone)
>Place some small bets, to entice your fellow daoists into put massive wagers on the matches of the higher level of the tournament.
>Tell Su you think Fu and You turned out the way you did, because the strongest grudge you both have is resenting the injustice of the world and the lot in life the heavens gave you in it

>Wander as a ghost and spy on some of the sect heads between the fun matches
>Tell Su you think Fu and You turned out the way you did, because the strongest grudge you both have is resenting the injustice of the world and the lot in life the heavens gave you in it
>Ask Su about his history with the innocent witch Court, and your mother.
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Ending the vote, tallying the result now. Didn't mean to take so long to do so, but I was busy.

Tell Su you think Fu and You turned out the way you did, because the strongest grudge you both have is resenting the injustice of the world and the lot in life the heavens gave you in it:5

To cultivate a heretical dao....etc:1

"You're wondering why he's still sane, even if he has a few chips on his shoulder, while others like the ogress have gone snake fuckingly insane from the same amount of killing he's done?":1

Ask Su about his history with the innocent witch Court, and your mother.:3

Wander as a ghost and spy on some of the sect heads between the fun matches:2

Place some small bets, to entice your fellow daoists into put massive wagers on the matches of the higher level of the tournament.:2

So you will tell master Su that you and Fu probably turned out the way you did because of the nature of the most powerful grudge the both of you hold

And ask him what exactly he did to piss off the innocent witch court so much, and for some stories of his past with your mother

Update will arrive shortly

Hilarious. Thank you junior, I needed that

Now I have the desire to re-read that
"Be honored, hermit of the springs" You titter, rolling your head over to the side to look Master Su directly into his kindly, always gentle eyes "For I have deigned and chosen this precise moment to enlighten you both! What a heaven's shaking coincidence this is! But in all seriousness, the answer to your question as to why, my student and I who immerse ourselves in resentment so potent it endures beyond death and practice macabre arts and heretical techniques are so well meaning and beneficent, despite the lot in life we were handed by the careless gods up in the heavens and the unpleasant circumstances, dangers and strife that we fought through to reach where we are now, is far more straightforward than you'd imagine. And once you hear it, you'll think it should've been as obvious to you as the back of your own hand, uncle"

"Oh, is that so? I will admit, I have never been a vengeful man, nor one who held grudges for long or with any true ferocity, but I am terrible curious how taking on the enmity of so many ghosts corrupted by their own spite, has not affected you and Fu as it has the cautionary tales we are all told as to why we should avoid choosing graveyards as our cultivation sites" Master Su answers back coyly, leaning closer and cupping a hand around his ear "Though I believe, this is more for the student benefit, than mine"

"Perhaps" You reply with a shrug "But keep that ear of yours attentive, because I will only say this once. The reason he and I turned out the way we did, as noble and altruistic as we both tend to be, is really quite simple. The strongest grudge we both keep, is one we hold against the injustice of the world and the difficult start we were born to, by decree of the apathetic gods"

Fu breathes in sharply, eyes opening wide, practically glowing as those few words bring him a deeper insight into the nature of his own grudge, which he might have overlooked beneath the cloak of undying enmity he clads himself with.

"Me, who watched all I cherished and loved be burned to ash and trampled. And him, who realized the gods did not love him when they did not answer his pleas when a tiger tried to tear him and his sister apart, and devoured his father before his eyes, that grew stronger when I told him just how naughty those distant and careless deities truly were" you snicker playfully as Zhe'xínglǚ nods along sagely, eyes half shut "That grudge acts as a foundation, a pillar like lotus flower rising out from the mire of all the rest of the resentment we've gathered and keep locked away in ourselves. And rather than lashing out, the dominant source of enmity we cultivate our strength and force of will from, drives us to right the things we think are unjust or wrong....probably"

"And there is much that is unjust in this world, whether you view it from the perspective of a peasant boy or a beast that hates how nature has been affronted" Fu adds wisely, eyes firmly closed as he absorbs and begins to meditate on the wisdom you've freely given him

"Like that children are harmed and innocents are slaughtered for no reason besides the circumstances of their birth?" Master Su asks and you rise up to your feet and grin

"Exactly! Exactly like that! I can't stand those who bully the weak, the strong who use their power to become ill rulers!" You declare loudly, as the sound of stone soldiers fighting rings in your ears from far below "It is the duty of the strong to rule well, and safeguard what they rule"

"And so, your feline selfishness becomes a virtue, as more and more of the world becomes "Yours"" the old master laughs as he fans him self softly "I see, that explains the safe and sane cultivation of grudges in a way this old timer can understand easily. Like any energy, so long as caution is taken, there is little risk posed by gathering it in yourself"

"Well, most aren't blessed with iron wills as strong as mine or Fu's. The boy is stubborn as a bad ox" You preen, as you glance down to see that the dull match of conventual tactics was almost at an end, and from the few comments you could make out, the fourth match wouldn't be terribly interesting to watch, so you'd have to find something to do to keep yourself from dying from boredom before a match worth watching began again. And looking at the old master lounging next to you, a new curiosity swelled and pressed and pushed itself to the forefront of your mind and since Fu is meditating on the revelation you've bequeathed to him, you have nothing else to do but satisfy it.

"Hey, hey, Old man Su, what exactly did you do in your youth to piss of the Weiwupo so much? From what little I know of her, she doesn't seem like the sort who makes and holds grudges easily, she seemed like a friendly old crone, yet the enmity that rises from her when she thinks about you tastes particularly murderous" You ask casually as Su frowns

"Taste? Do different kinds of resentment have different flavors, or is that merely a symbolic phrase?" He wonders outloud before what you asked him settles into his mind and he winces, screwing his face and grimacing "And that is an old, and somewhat shameful story"

"Ohoho? Shameful how? Did this generous old uncle in front of me go pick flowers and trample grass at the court of innocent witches in his younger years?" You snicker, using a fake noble woman's titter to tease your fellow sect head, but he just smirks and shakes his head

"No, that would be how your mother would approached the question of how to learn the jealously guarded secret techniques and spells of that sect" He says, cheeks flushing as you grind your teeth, annoyed but unable to defend Monu's honor since Su does have a point, that IS what she would've done "No. There is one benefit for being a young man, who practices a Yin aligned law, though I now practice several techniques and have a balance of Yang and Yin energies. And that is, an overabundance of the feminine Yin, makes it terribly easy to masquerade as a young woman, as a young man"

Uncertain if your ears had heard right, you stare at him, mouth slightly agape as your tail lazily flicks back and forth

"You cross dressed?" You ask, he nods "Really?! And they didn't find out!"

"I was a very convincing jade beauty, before I got all of these wrinkles and liverspots" He laughs, shrugging his shoulders "And with my natural charisma and kindly nature, I quickly made friends of the witches and rose quite high in their ranks, under my assumed identity....however"

"They found out? after you'd pilfered their technique and adapted their law?" You ask, already seeing where the story was going

"Your mother thought it'd be funny to lift the dress I was wearing while visiting the court, in front of the elders and sisters who trusted and adored me....I barely escaped with my life. And she nearly laughed herself to death when half of the elders fainted at the sight of my majestic rod" He snickers, shaking his head "And, we were both nearly scolded to death by....well, you know who. They were simpler times. But, the controversy made it so I cannot walk within a few dozen miles of the innocent witch's territory. And madame Ōu in particular holds a vendetta against me, because she and my female disguise had become quite close friends, and considering the dark history that lead her to join the witch's court...I feel ashamed of taking advantage of her trust, but when the rice is cooked, it cannot be uncooked, and follies of youth cannot be undone easily"

"I'm surprised you were so wild back then, I thought only Monu would be a trouble maker" You say quietly, so you won't start laughing like an idiot at the mental image of Old man Su slathered in makeup and in a dress

"She has always been worse then me, but there is a reason we are friends. I was the earth between her hell and Laohue's heaven. Xue was always...well, strict, and Hao was always carefree. I brought balance between them, made rivals into friends. They always argued, but they were close. Closer than either were with me. Frustration made them fond of each other, as Yin attracts Yang. Had I known where their conflicting lifestyles and ideologies would have lead them, and the result. I would have never pushed Laohue to tell Lifen his feelings" Su says remorsefully, voice ringing hollow as she speaks and finishes with a sigh "She might've escaped or gotten off lightly for what she'd done, if Laohue didn't feel personally betrayed. Perhaps he wouldn't have descended so far into zealotry, if he hadn't allowed a free spirit like Lifen into his heart. Perhaps it wouldn't have turned to ice and..."

"Not your fault, none of that matters. The rice was cooked from the start. I know my mother, and I knew Laohue's inner most heart. The only way they could've ended up is enemies, even if they spent time as friends and lovers. My mother was just too independent and wild to live under the same heaven as him" You answer back harshly

"You did not know him when he to, was carefree. It is my fault, in part. and the greatest regret I shall take to my grave" Su answers back simply and shamefully "I wanted my friends to be happy, and in the pursuit of it and my willful blindness, lead them both to ruin. I do not mourn the man Laohue became, but I remember when he and I were comrades, when he and your mother were together. And I remember the day she told me about your late sister, and I was too cowardly to tell her to run away"

You frown, the grudge cloud flowing around the other grandmaster tasting far too bitter for you palate for you to try tasting it

"Could you tell me about those carefree days? The story you were telling about crossdressing was funny, until it turned depressing" You ask gently, urging him away from painful memories, so you won't choke on his own repressed self hatred and misplaced guilt

"Well. I should tell you about how we all met, when we were children. Laohue was the only one of us who was born into the world of cultivation. Lifen and I were both outsiders and strangers to one another. And somehow, she got all of us in trouble with our teacher, the two of us weren't even properly part of the winter blossoming wis...sect at the time, and I can't recall exactly what she'd done, but she got the young master Xue was punished with us" He begins to wistfully ramble, as you, despite yourself, listen intently, completely enchanted by the story he weaves "So they sent us all out to retrieve stolen spirit fruit some monkeys had stolen, with nothing but brooms to defend ourselves...."

The fifth and sixth matches were somewhat interesting, enough for you to pay a little attention to them. The fifth because your worshipper Maozhuaban (猫抓板, scratching post), enters the arena, surprising you that the odd man who asked you to claw his face when you first met him, had entered one of the contests that required actual intelligence. Before you remember he was the only one of your worshippers you'd met who had any combat experience, and you quickly realize the few sword tricks he knew were a gross understatement, as the name he gave up to be called a cat's toy was apparently a renowned mercenary. One of the few who revived the old trade when Ling and Chuan clashed, but before the total collapse of the empire. And he uses his skills to beat a Buddhist from a temple who fought with your forces when you killed Xue Laohue and crushed his sect. And it is the closest match yet.

And the sixth is curious, because one of the contestants is a ghost. And not one you knew. But apparently no one had read in the flyers and messages you sent that the dead were welcome to apply for and join the tournament, and they had gotten as far as they had, because they had fought in some of the ancient battles the contestants were questioned on. And their opponent, a mortal descendant of the Shidi clan, narrowly claws their way to victory from sheer stubbornness and refusal to concede their last solider. You can hear Jinse-Shayu gnashing his teeth from across the arena, and Lord Shidi howling with triumph when his relative beats the ancient general in a fair match.

Since none of Xia's mortal relatives or followers had managed to qualify for the tactician's contests. And this victory just gives him more to gloat about.

The first match of the second round is General Jia Li against Ju.

"This will be a difficult fight for the little deliquent!" Some asshole laughs "We've already seen how brutishly she wields her soldiers, with no regard for their lives, treating them like ants"
"I do not agree, but there is an advantage that all the remaining six contestants share. They've watched their rivals matches" A much more polite daoist remarks, loud enough for you to hear
"You idiots! She was trained by that little devil! The one who broke the combined assault of Ling and Chuan! Underestimating her is a grave folly to make!"
"Jia Li has seen her trick. She reacts, and doesn't act. It'll be easy to counter the trick she used against the bandit, anyone with half a brain could do it!
"I'm betting all my spirit stones, cash and treasures on Two axe's little sister. She's got tenacity!"

"Your thoughts, Lady Huanliuxue?" Su asks as he glances to you, as you glare down at the field and smirk, noticing that Ju has adjusted her strategy, but is acting like she is going to fight the exact same way. Half of her puppets are holding large shields, and long spears, while the other half have replaced their weapons with javelins.

"Ju may win, or she might not" You vaguely answer "Jia Li progressed to the second round on a gamble. Lets see if his luck will continue....BEGIN!"

Both Li and Ju look up at you, as the gong hadn't been raised. You wave your hand, and the general bows his head, and Ju smiles wickedly.

Rather than counter attacking the probing strike Jia Li sends against her and wasting the advantage of surprise and complete encirclement that one her the first attack, Ju creates a tightly pressed wall of her soldiers and repels the assault with a hail of thrown spears. Jia Li pulls back his puppets, and splits his forces into two, attacking from two side simultaneously. Ju boldly breaks her wall in two and pushes the second assault back with the longer spears of her defensive line. Staring down her opponent, she sticks out her tongue.

Jia Li remains composed, except for a small smile. And then sprints across the field. Several eyes shoot up to you, as several important figures silently demand if that is against the rules. You shrug. A general should be expected to fight alongside his soldiers, is your line of reasoning. So you do not stop the match or disqualify the general. Even if you think he's making a grievous error. The trick to get Ju to open a path directly to her was inspired however.

But. While he'd probably when in a straight up fight, Ju, Like her idol Tie-Tie, isn't afraid to make us of and expend her troops. She steps back, collapsing the wall and forcing the confident Jia Li to skid to a halt, and fall behind his own stone soldiers, allowing one of his assaults to collapse and be overrun by the line Ju sent against them to defend himself after his reckless charge for the enemy general.

And, while Ju doesn't win immediately, Jia Li lost momentum and with the losses he suffered to stop from losing immediately, Ju is able to slowly gain ground and grind his forces to powder.

And while most of the spectators are jeering at or insulting him for trying to attack a girl half his size, if he had succeeded and Ju hadn't been so quick to react and counter his daring one man charge against her, he would've won by capturing his opponent and forcing her to concede. The man certainly is bold, if a little too reliant on his good luck.

Breathless and sweating, Ju walks past Jia Li, who has accepted his loss with grace and dignity and bowed before the much younger and shorter girl.

She's looking up at you, expecting praise.

How do you answer Ju's expectation, Huanliuxue?

>Give her enough praise to drown in! She's more than earned it for her display in her second match! She was incredible.

>Praise both her and Jia Li, and tell Jia Li he can try his luck in the Secret contest *the luck trial*

>Make up a new rule that the victors can take their opponents and make use of them as advisors in their next match, just because you want to see how these two will could work together

>Just wave her off and begin the next match of round two.

>Arbitrarily demand she fight Jia Li again, to really prove she's the better strategist.

>Write in
>Praise them both and tell Jia li to try the secret trial.

>"What idiot would vet against a student of the Black Iron? I look forwards to seeing you continue to surpass others notions of your skill"
>Praise both her and Jia Li, and tell Jia Li he can try his luck in the Secret contest *the luck trial*
A good match.
>Praise both her and Jia Li, and tell Jia Li he can try his luck in the Secret contest *the luck trial*
As an aside, holy crap, good thing we talked Ju out of using her friends as troops. Did she intend to spend their lives like that? We'll have to talk to her when we have a moment.
>Praise both her and Jia Li, and tell Jia Li he can try his luck in the Secret contest *the luck trial*
>Praise both her and Jia Li, and tell Jia Li he can try his luck in the Secret contest *the luck trial*
Very Honorable
>Praise both her and Jia Li, and tell Jia Li he can try his luck in the Secret contest *the luck trial*
My assumed bet would've been a different tactic. Afterall these are just puppets.
You're not killing anyone, so use them as what they are resources instead of considering them human.
Ending and tallying the vote now!

Praise both her and Jia Li, and tell Jia Li he can try his luck in the Secret contest *the luck trial*:6

"What idiot would vet against a student of the Black Iron? I look forwards to seeing you continue to surpass others notions of your skill":1

Landslide victory for praising both Ju and Jia Li, and supporting the latter to try his luck in the secret, wild card contest

Update will arrive shortly
"Masterfully done!" You proclaim, trotting over to the edge of your private podium, looking down at and meeting Ju's expecting gaze with a grin overflowing and radiant with pride as you lean over the rosewood railing, then flick your eyes over to the still bowing and soundly yet gracefully defeated Jia "Both contestants proved their worth as tacticians in this bout, though in the end their could've only been one victor. And both Ju and Li have shown that as generals, their flexibility is only equaled by the other. And in the end, Ju was simply quicker to adapt and had a better teacher than Li, however, it would be unbecoming if I did not praise the loser's tenacity! While he may have lost in a battle of wits, the risks he takes proves his bravery. Which also allowed Ju to display the rigidity of her composure and cool-headedness. I am proud to declare that Ju is moving onto to the finales of these matches. But both her and her opponent may walk from the arena with their head's held high! For both of them have shown their betters' their worth as strategists. What a magnificent match it was, and Li?"

"Yes! What is it you wish to tell me, great protector of Chuan and guardian deity of even the smallest of her people?" He asks brightly, tears in his eyes as Ju swaggers out of the arena, arms crossed and her head held so high she's nearly looking straight up at the sky

"You have my recommendation to put your name forward for a secret rung of the tournament, and try your luck there instead" You snicker, amused by the way you revealed exactly what that contest will be testing for, knowing that very few in the stands will be able to guess that it will just be a test of luck "If you still believe yourself worthy of becoming my acolyte, and have the guts to prove it, in front of the eyes of so many immortal"

There! That's the fire you hope you'll see in all of your students eyes! That audacity and boldness! He salutes and cups his fist in a deep bow, and practically skips out of the arena, looking like he was rushing to his bride on the day of his wedding.

The next match, is Ho against the victor of the fourth round, a man with a two pronged beard peppered grey and an air of superiority surrounding him. Su tells you he is supposedly a bigshot judge, descended by a vassal of the Chuan family, who once you hear his family name, you get distracted trying to figure out if he's related to any of the corrupt officials and constables you and Siwang killed in Suiqi.

And while he proves to be a bit more capable than his own opponent, he is no match for the chicken farmer. Though the Judge shows a passing skill, the way he arranges his stone troops would be better for a garrison or to stamp out a riot.

He treats them like enforcers, and while he clearly has some level of tactical acumen, Ho's eccentric and seemingly random moves with his pawns overwhelms him, but unlike his previous opponent, Chuan Huan, the Judge named Jian puts up more of a resistance, knowing he can't remain on the defensive against the pecking pushes performed by Ho's soldiers and advance upon his disorganized line. But, like Ju, Ho shows he has more than one trick up his sleeve, and brings his scattered forces into a sharp formation, a slanted triangle with an open on the left side.

He uses himself as bait. Judge Jian falls for it, and sends his troop forward, then the puppets under Ho's command rotate their formation, countering the judge's assault with the densest half of their defensive line, and trapping a number of their opponents behind their line. And the opening Ho made, ends up directly in front of him

And his opponent didn't think to leave behind any body guards of his own. And while Ho is spindly with long, drooping arms and an odd lopping gait, chasing and catching chickens is clearly a better-work out than whatever form of exercise a judge does in their free time, because with a single tackle, he captures the enemy general and pins his arm behind his back, while singing an off tune song about catching a bad tempered rooster to cook for dinner.

Jian gnashes his teeth and curses, as all of the audience laughs at him while Ho smiles at you with a toothy grin, that has a few holes in it.

"Congratulations Ho! you to proceed to the final round. And are the first in this contest to win by capturing your opponent and defeating them directly, rather than exhausting their forces in their entirety! Well done! Cutting the head off the opposing side is a valid as any other strategy, so long as it pays off" You declare, struggling not to laugh at the sight before you as the yokel bashfully glances down and scratches the back of their head

"Shucks, it wasn't much harder than penning some rowdy birds" He humbly boasts, meaning no insult, but Jian takes offense any way, and refuses to bow as he storms out of the arena as you stretch out, yawn, and walk out of public view to turn human and dress yourself in a light, low hemmed robe, that's less stuffy than your imperial dress or sect robe, but not as intimidating or striking as some of your underworld fashion.

By time you come back, Scratching Post and the Shidi Cousin have already established the initial formation of their troops. And one of Jionghuagege's buzzing daughters hands you a cup of chilled tea as you collapse into your throne and lounge back. Fu is still deep in meditation, but is now sitting in the Lotus Position on the ground, head bowed in contemplation as Master Su lifts up his own glass of cold green tea

"I've only just now realized, but with the twelve contestants, the last round has three combatants, an uneven number. How will the victory be decided?" He asks curiously as the match starts with the ringing of a gong and the sound of stone breaking as neither your worshipper or the swamp dweller waste any time in attacking the other "And, I do not believe I've heard how many "victors" there will be in the end, will each contest only bring one new disciple into your sect, or will those who have reached the final round be given the honor and privilege of being stamped with your paw pad? And if so, how will the one who triumphed over all others be rewarded, what will their trophy be, if indeed it is not the opportunity to join the palace of natural laws alone?"

"That's a good question. I doubt few if any of our fellow daoists have stopped to consider it yet, but first, the final round is a three way battle" You say with a smirk as you cool over with a refreshing gulp of nearly frozen tea, your eyes trained and focused on the battle playing out before you, as it is really quite incredible and there is a part of you that delights in seeing the stone statues get smashed and broken apart like pottery carelessly placed upon a high shelf.

"Oh?" He nearly wordlessly questions, as the Shidi family member wades into the frey, trusting his ox shoulders and barrel chest to let him push, shove and fight his way to scratching post, who, spotting him, draws his own sword and finally shows off the tricks he's so proud of. And you wonder where he had learned such an elegant and flowing style of swordman ship, which looks like he is dancing with a ribbon in hand rather than a well honed Jian. Especially when compared to the stomping march of his opponent, who is apparently strong enough to crack marble with the glaive he wields, though he primarily is focusing on pushing back the puppets thrusting against him, trusting his own troops to fight them off as he beelines for Scratching Post. Either of them could win at this moment, as their troops are evenly matched the way they've sent them against the other and it may be decided like Ho's last match was.

And what is the answer you give Su, that you decided when you first got the idea to host a tournament, Huanliuxue?

>That, depending on the contest, the finalists will all be welcomed into your sect, but be rewarded and given better treatment depending on where they stood in the final places

>That, at least for the Pre Qi Condensation contests, each ring of the tournament will only produce a single new disciple for your sect, and that joining is the grand prize.

>You will give he losers of the final round a letter of recommendation, that could be given to the Summer Sea Dawn sect or another sect in good standing with the palace of natural laws

>Explain that you don't need just cultivators, and you may find a use for any of them, even if they don't win or cannot cultivate at all.

>Write in
>We dont need just cultivators. I can find use for any of them

>But offer the losers of the final rounds a letter of recommendation to other sects. And the winner gets permission to use prime cultivation sites for a year.

Gonna expand our numbers significantly I assume. But this should do us well.
>Explain that you don't need just cultivators, and you may find a use for any of them, even if they don't win or cannot cultivate at all.
>Explain that you don't need just cultivators, and you may find a use for any of them, even if they don't win or cannot cultivate at all.
>You frown, the grudge cloud flowing around the other grandmaster tasting far too bitter for you palate for you to try tasting it
This is interesting considering we've tasted and even embodied some pretty strong grudges. I wonder if this would prevent us from trying to use his grudge for Enmity Incarnation (speaking of, for pastebin anon, we used Qiang's grudge for a brief moment against Ao and it isn't mentioned.)
>Explain that you don't need just cultivators, and you may find a use for any of them, even if they don't win or cannot cultivate at all.
>Explain that you don't need just cultivators, and you may find a use for any of them, even if they don't win or cannot cultivate at all.
>Explain that you don't need just cultivators, and you may find a use for any of them, even if they don't win or cannot cultivate at all.
Supporting >>6072395.
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Ending the vote, tallying its result now. Accidentally slept for an entire day, so that is the reason for my lateness.

Explain that you don't need just cultivators, and you may find a use for any of them, even if they don't win or cannot cultivate at all.:8

But offer the losers of the final rounds a letter of recommendation to other sects. And the winner gets permission to use prime cultivation sites for a year.:3

So you will explain your sect doesn't just need cultivators, and you may find a use for them, even if they cannot cultivate or are not the victors of the Pre Qi Condensation stage of the tournament

Update will arrive shortly
"However, we out the palace of natural laws don't only require fellow cultivators in our ranks or under our command" You answer with a relaxed by amused grin as you lean forward to watch the increasingly intense match going on in the ring so far beneath you "And I, its head, am nothing if not resourceful! I can find a use for any of them, even if they don't win or don't have the innate potential to cultivate any Qi at all"

"So becoming your mortal followers and subordinates are the prize to be won by those without the inborn talent to cultivate the Qi of heaven and earth" Su says, glancing at you over his cup of chill green tea, barely paying the intense fight below any attention at all "Or otherwise the gift to be given to the talented losers of the contest, the ones with potential but who were outshone and surpassed by their rivals"

"Uncle truly is wise, to catch onto my scheme so readily. No wonder you, like myself, are the founder of a soon to be illustrious and world renowned cultivation sect" You giggle, wagging your hand at him playfully as Fu remains silent in his meditation, beads of sweat from exertion and internal frustration rolling down his brow, soaking into his bandages "But more or less, that is my plan, and if they prove capable, or I find out they can cultivate, well, there is nothing more I abhor than wasted potential, you know"

"I see, I see, how frugal of you. I think many of our peers would simply toss them to the winds. But I must wonder, what if their pride is too great to accept any position lesser than your disciple, Huanliuxue?" He asks as he turns his attention back to the arena, just in time to watch the Shidi relative lift up a stone soldier taller than he is by the waist and slam them into the ground, while one of his own troops use his back as a spring board to leap at his opponent, Scratching post, who deftly dodges out of the way, using one of his own puppets as a mobile shield as the Shidi's forces hound him like a pack of slavering wolves.

Neither contestant is composed, you can tell it just from their expression, they're both drunk and half feral on adrenaline and the rush a fast paced fight. Master Su's eye brows lift in astonishment as he watches the rapid dance of dulled blades and blunted spears play out, with two men of flesh and blood weaving between their troops, seeking the other out even as they issue commands to their mindless soldiers.

"I'm sure a lesser sect would be happy to open their doors to them, if they're so dull witted to refuse my boundless generosity" You answer without hesitation, tapping your fingers on your face as you watch the pitched and increasingly savage clash of stone puppets play out before you, amazed by how quickly both contestants are able to adapt to the constantly shifting battlefield and formations around them.

But in the end, the match has to end, and you're relieved it doesn't come to a close with the first casualties of the tournament.

"Yield!" Maozhuaban roars, the tip of his sword pressed against the Shidi clan member's throat, who glares up at him with a look of what can only be deep contempt and outrage.

"That is the weakness of those swamp bumpkins!" Red Shark laughs, as his father watches with open delight as their rivals raise their voices to defend their relative or bark back insults at them "They're so hidebound in their honor, they've forgotten how to handle anyone more cunning than a log in a fight! There could've been no other outcome"

"Oh do be kind to them, we fought alongside them once before" Xie Jinse-Shayu says, trying to pretend to be the mediator as he looks down at Shidi Xiudao, who remains austere and silent, his arms crossed as his sons and relatives hurl insults and curses at the Xia clan, rather than the man who tricked and bested their mortal descendant.

It had happened so quicky, you're sure even some of your fellow cultivators missed exactly how Scratching post ended up on top and came out the victor. But you had seen it, and saw one of your own moves be used. Somehow, Maozhuaban learned one of the steps of your feline martial arts, how, you have no idea, but when he and his opponent finally found eachother admist the rubble that was all that was left of most of their armies, he ducked and circled around his side, locking the glaive thrust at him to the ground with his sword around and then used the momentum of the swing to toss its wielder to the ground, where he quickly pinned him with the puppets acting as his bodyguards and cut him off from what remained of the Shidi relatives own troops

He had more remaining. But let himself get captured. Making it a complete loss on his part

"Damn" Is all he has to say as scratching post smile and offers him a hand "Well, there's still the martial arts tournament, When I win that, I'll be sure to pay you back for this in training"

"Don't make promises like that, when neither of us have won yet" Maozhuaban answers with a laugh as he helps up the larger man and holds both their hands up high

"What a show of sportsmanship, if you don't want that Shidi boy, I'll gladly take him" Master Su remarks as you stand and clap your hands

"Shidi Li has been bested, Maozhuaban continues onto the finale!" You declare loudly as you step one leg up onto the railing and throw out your arms "Where his opponents will be Ju! The rowdy little sister of our own Two axe fu. And Ho, the renowned chicken farmer! Will the girl, the farmer or the mercenary come out on top! I'm excited to find out! But they'll have to show they can win a battle waged on multiple fronts, against multiple opponents, to prove themselves worthy of becoming tacticians studying under my younger sisters, Heh-Heh"

"A triangular battle!? How abnormal and unexpected, as expected of a heretic hosted tournament!" Shi Li declares, standing beside the head of the white jade devil opposing army who simply nods their helmeted head "But how exciting! It's gotten this old man's blood flowing"

"Just like your insect princess fought off cultivators from Ling and Chuan" Shandian remarks, twirling a cup of wine in his hand as he grins, wider than Shi Li or yourself are "How amusing! Lets get the last match started! I'm excited to see the results"

"Go on! Little Ju! Show up those two men!" One of the innocent witches, who is clearly drunk, bellows harshly, shaking her fist in the air as two of her juniors try to pull her back down to her seat

"Lets place a friendly wager on Ju. Luli said she was a friend of hers, so I want to show my support" Lian Tianhua laughs, fanning herself

You laugh, watching the crowd, cultivator or not, go wild with excitement, as a throng of both the ordinary spectators and the sagely guests of your tournament rush to place bets on the last match of the strategic contests.

Which starts with an oppropiate level of Fan far and pomp. With each of the last three contestants, Ju, Ho and Maozhuaban bein lead into the arena by their beaten opponents, waving flags with their names on them as they take their places on the two side and the top lines of the square arena, the first rounds opponent standing to the right and the second rounds opponent standing to the left of each of the victorious contestants.

Ju has her arms crossed, looking confident enough to oppose the rising of the sun and wearing a brazen smirk that'd be right at home on your own face.

Ho just stands there, shoulders slacked, a straw hat atop his head and his face freshly shaved to show surprisingly youthful looking features beneath his beard, and freckles covering his nose. He picks his ear, smiling laxidasically as he glances from Ju to Maozhuaban

Who is sat cross legged, a incense stick clasped between his hands and a wood Huanliuxue mask covering his own scared face. He's changed into blood red robes, that mimic the color of your hair or your fur.

"Final contestants of the tactician's contests, introduce yourselves!" You command, flicking your sleeve as you throw out your arm,

"I am Ju! Daughter of Shu and the Late Ru! Like my brother, the heroic two axe Fu, my purpose is to protect the weak and shield them from the evils of the world!" Ju yells, stomping her foot on the ground "And as I've said before, I've been trained by none other than Tiexingege! The ant who made a mockery out of all of you high and mighty "Immortals!" Not too long ago, Hah!"

"Don't know none of what that means" Ho admits with a shrug "But I am Ho, don't know my ma or my pa's names, always been on my own, but I got a talent and affinity for raising chickens. Guess that makes me as good of a general as fancy book learning. Hope I won't make a fool of myself in my last matc , never knew there were so many people in all the world! With a crowd like this, I think I'd drop dead if I make a mistake or something"

"I am here to show my faith and fealty to the guardian spirit of the land. I care not for any accolades or honors. My one wish is to serve The Huanliuxue and earn more favor for the people of Chuan through my service. This is an act of worship to me, nothing more" Maozhuaban declares as he hops to his feet "And I will take down this naughty girl and directionless bumpkin, to prove myself worthy of serving my goddess! I carry the prayers of my temple upon my armor"

"Eh, you wanna cut to the chase and fight me?" Ju drawls, in a way that reminds you very much of Houmogui, who you can see cheering with her shrill shrieking, right next to River Bastard, who has to be held back by Feiqing to be stopped from joining the arena himself

"Oy, no reason to be rude, cat guy" Ho says sharply, shaking his head "Lets all have a friendly match here"

"Tch, I was hoping to make one or both of you unsteady with my insults, but I see this won't be so easy as that" Moazhuaban laughs "All me to speak truthfully. Whoever emerges victorious here, deserves their place in the palace of natural laws, faithful worshiper or not. Let us hold nothing back"

"I wasn't going to after you called me naughty, then again, I wasn't going to anyway. Big sis black iron fights with everything she's got, so do I. My brother does to. So Will I!" Ju declares loudly

"Shucks, feeling kind of outmatched here, but I'll try my best to keep up with you, Little one and Cat guy" Ho laughs, scratching the back of his head as all three of them wait for you, rather than the gong ringer, to declare the start of their last match. And right before you can swing your hand down to begin the fateful finale of the tacticians' contests, Yinying chirps and draws your attention away from the last of the three contestants

"The scholarly trials have just finished" He tells you as you bid him to speak up and quickly so you can get back to the surely thrilling match that's about to begin "And the results of its numerous tests and intellectual challenges have been compiled, all that remains is to announce the winner. Only one of those being tested received a flawless score and perfect marks, and is the clear victor of the intellectual assessments. That is all, my princess, forgive me for my interruption"

"You are pardoned" You smirk as you turn back to the arena and fling down your arm as you roar "BEGIN!"

And what do you do as the last match of the tactic tests begins, Huanliuxue? [two actions can be taken]

>Cheer and give your support to one of the three contestants (Who?)

>Take your leave to congratulate and meet the winner of the scholarly trial, and the runner ups

>Tell Yinying to prepare the next stage of the pre qi condensation tournament

>Ask Su who he thinks will win the match and why?

>Shake Fu out of his meditation and tell him he'll want to watch this last match

>Make the fight more interesting but cutting your wrist open and adding your own blood puppets into the arena, as a surprise for the three contestants (Puppetry/ Intellect: tactics trial. DC variable)

>Showily hype up the crowd and act as the announcer for the last match, pumping up the audience and the three contestants!

>Write in
>Tell Yinying to prepare the next match
>Go and congradulate the scholar trial winners

the cock farmer is on some real shit. Master chicken reborn
>Tell Yinying to prepare the next stage of the pre qi condensation tournament.

>Showily hype up the crowd and act as the announcer for the last match, pumping up the audience and the three contestants!

As much as I would want to congratulate the winner of the scholarly trials I feel it isn't fair to leave now.
Maybe a quiet meeting in a garden after the trials have ended for the day?
>Showily hype up the crowd and act as the announcer for the last match, pumping up the audience and the three contestants!
>Shake Fu out of his meditation and tell him he'll want to watch this last match

>Make the fight more interesting but cutting your wrist open and adding your own blood puppets into the arena, as a surprise for the three contestants (Puppetry/ Intellect: tactics trial. DC variable)
>Showily hype up the crowd and act as the announcer for the last match, pumping up the audience and the three contestants!
>Shake Fu out of his meditation and tell him he'll want to watch this last match
Might as well pay attention to the finals. Besides, I'm curious who will win here.
I do want to meet and congratulate the Scholarly trial winner after, though.
Support and don't wake up Fu in his enlightenment. That's incredibly rude and frowned upon in cultivation world.
>Take your leave to congratulate and meet the winner of the scholarly trial, and the runner ups

>Tell Yinying to prepare the next stage of the pre qi condensation tournament

We weren't present for their match, but more important is that we are there for their declaration of victory. We owe it to the winners to meet them, being present for any given match isn't neccesary.
Supporting >>6075053.
Actually change it.
>Showily hype up the crowd and act as the announcer for the last match, pumping up the audience and the three contestants!
After a winner is called create a podium out of steller qi for 1st 2nd and 3rd place. Announcing the winners of the tactics and then call in the scholars announce in there results allow them to say a few words and then prepare the next games after the cheering has stopped.

Hmmm wondering how to deal with the reward ceremony prob at the end of the event.
>Showily hype up the crowd and act as the announcer for the last match, pumping up the audience and the three contestants!
>Tell Yinying to prepare the next stage of the pre qi condensation tournament
Fight on you three weirdos
Ending the vote now, tallying the result.

Tell Yinying to prepare the next stage of the pre qi condensation tournament.:5

Go and congratulate the scholar trial winners:2

Showily hype up the crowd and act as the announcer for the last match, pumping up the audience and the three contestants!:5

Make the fight more interesting but cutting your wrist open and adding your own blood puppets into the arena, as a surprise for the three contestants:1

Take your leave to congratulate and meet the winner of the scholarly trial, and the runner ups:1

Shake Fu out of his meditation and tell him he'll want to watch this last match:2

After a winner is called create a podium out of steller qi for 1st 2nd and 3rd place...etc:1

So you will tell Yinying to prepare the next step in the lowest rung of your tournament, and showily hype up the audience, acting as an announcer for the final, three way match in the tactician's contests

Update will arrive shortly

It is composed of potent self loathing

"And before the final round can get to exciting" You say to no one in particular as you spin around on your heel and lean forward, smiling at Yinying, whose standing as straight as a bamboo pole, in his human form, his long marsh green hair tied into a aristocratic knot at the back of his head, his regally sharp eyes focused and cold as steel as he awaits your command in complete silence. Snapping your fingers, you direct him to leave with a gesture and swirl of your wrist.

"Sir Yinying, it falls to you to carry my command and get the preparations for the next step of the tournament started. An honored privilege, surely, Hmm, yes" You say cheerfully, turning back on your heel as he sweeps his arm across his chest and bows deeply, vanishing into the shadows in the back of the private box you're sharing with Fu and Master Su. Confident that he will carry out his orders without a single fault, you step back up onto the railing and take in a deep breath and nearly leap off the balcony in surprise when you hear your loyal disciples voice carry from somewhere in the gloom, whispering up to your ear "As you wish princess"

"Could've said that to my face" You mumble, annoyed by the harmless stunt, but annoyance quickly turns to amusement as you clap your hands together and throw both of them up over your head theatrically

"Thought they may not be living legends, or figures of great renown, surely these three contestants are the best strategists all of the mortal realm of Chuan kingdom can produce! The cream of the crop, the choice picks of their litters, the honor of their families!" You shout as loudly as your lungs can manage "Though Ju shares blood with the wandering hero and vigilante judge executing the wills of the tormented dead, and Maozhuaban was briefly famed under a different name as one of the few successful mercenaries in our eras first taste of true warfare, and everyone knows Ho raises the most delectable chickens beneath the heavens, they are all scrabbling to reach the lowest rung of our world of mystics and monsters! Isn't that exciting!"

You lean forward, hooking your toes on the rail to keep from tipping and falling off of it, as you drop your arms and thrust them out to the crowd, looking down eagerly down at the match as three soldiers from each contestant clash as they maneuver their remaining stone puppets around, each of them hoping to occupy their opponents and gain an early advantage against them

"Through sheer talent and strategic skill alone, these three who would humiliate any mundane army if they were generals, have been granted the privileged chance to enter my most austere and ascendant of daoist temples, and cultivation sects~! Not through any connections they might've had or simple fortune of birth! It is their potential that lifts them up!" You proclaim as you lift up your hands again, holding them flat as you can feel the tension in the stadium rise as your speech catches the breath of everyone in it

As one, their breath lifts as they breath in, and you can practically taste the rush and exhilaration they're feeling, even the cultivators who have seen much more exciting battles and taken part in far more lethal fights!

"Will Ju prove herself a prodigy of strategy and tactics, and stride up to her beloved brothers side? Will my worshipper, loyal and marked by my Beauuuuitful claws be allowed to kneel before me and be graced by my blessing, or will Ho come from the humblest of origins and be welcomed into my court!" You shout, nearly high on the collective excitement you're fanning in the crowd attending this final match "Oh I can't wait! They're all evenly matched! Three soldiers, mere puppets of stone, carved by the most expert hands in my sect, still stand! Oh if they were of flesh and blood songs would be penned of this three way clash, its making my heart flutter like a graveyard moth"

Your eyes flick across the ring, as one of Ho's "men" collapses onto one knee, one of Ju's soldiers spearing them through the leg and pinning them, leaving both of them open scratching post's puppets

"The first casualty!" You roar as Ju flicks up two fingers, and summoning mystic strength imbued into it by Feiqing or Monu, her soldier thrusts a knife through the chest of their crippled opponent and lifts them up, using them as a "Living" shield against the charge of two of Maozhuaban's three soliders, as Ho smiles, and splits a portion of his force and silently commands them to circle the arena of the nine stone men.

Ju directs on of her three to stand beside the first, as Ho's final two retreat, leaving the six remaining soldiers to fight. Ju's eyes lift up, noticing his feint first

"And Ju responds, but will it be fast enough?!" You yell, jumping up and down, pumping your fists as she meets Ho puppet for puppet and prevents him from trapping the three of her and Maozhuaban's soldiers as they battle, her third falling to his third, as the two facing her remaining from her first three are reduced to one as the one with Ho's soldier's "Corpse" attached to their knife and spear uses them as an improvised bludgeon.

"But from behind! The followers of the faithful rush in!" You shriek excitedly, as the mercenary turned cat cultist pushes in with half of his forces, endeavoring to crush the forces Ju and Ho have allocated to try and surround the four remaining stone soldiers, who still battle in the midst of the circle of the village girl and chicken's farmers armies.

Ju and Ho exchanges glances, and their soldiers cease fighting and turn to face Maozhuaban's as a single force, as a steady stream of puppets fall into the block on Ju's side, while a scattering of stone soldiers parts from Ho's soldiers still in reserve.

"An alliance made in a flash! Wordless diplomacy! Ju and Ho join their forces to push back Maozhuaban's assault!" You say with a lurid grin, cheeks flush as the crowd roars and thousands of fists punch towards the sky as the whole stadium cheers for the three would be generals of your sect!

"My my, such youthful energy! Reminds me of your mother!" Su laughs, slapping his knee as he totters up to stand by your side, combing his fingers through his beard "Ju is showing herself to be Tiexingege's student, I bore witness to her talents personally on the battlefield, you know"

"Didn't know you took part in the fun, old man" You snicker from the side of your mouth, glancing his way before turning back and yowling in delight "How quickly the tide turns! As fast as blood spilling from a torn open artery, as swiftly as a final breath leaves the lungs! Maozhuaban's gamble hasn't paid off, half of his forces are stuck against the combined might of his two rival's armies! It'll take moments for his numbers to be reduced and his hopes to be squashed!"

And you flinch, an unexpected flare of bloodlust, surprisingly potent, ringing through the air and striking you like a light slap on the cheek.

Ju is the one to take advantage of her temporary alliance with Ho, and sends a full half of her force against the exposed flank of his half of their combined army, cutting a path towards his field of scattered rock puppets. Ho shoulders slack and he scratches his chin, as those scattered soldiers immediately form a withering line of defense separated into several layered lines, two forming a wall with one behind them standing in the opening they made, turning the open field on his exposed side into a hill of chokepoints and a mountain of kill zones to climb.

"Hah! As expected of Ju! She bares her teeth and bite the moment Ho's guard is lowered, but Ho is used to chasing off foxes from his hens!" You announce, as Maozhuaban sends the reserved half of his force against Ju's now weakened flank, as her combined defense with Ho falls and becomes a clash of three armies again, with hers standing as the largest of them, after her sneak attack against Ho. There are boos mixed with cheers, and jeers as well, but mostly the reactions are positive, it seems like most are rooting for all three of them with about the same amount of passion and vigor!

"And Scratching Post takes advantage of her bloodthirst, while both she and Ho's forces are occupied grinding eachother to powder!" You trill, feeling your eyes turn to a cats as your pointed ears turn fully feline as fangs sprout to peak behind your lips and fur starts to appear along your neck and shoulders "It still anyone's game! All three of them can still snatch victory and trounce the other two! All it'll take is a single decisive move"

Ho lifts up a finger and flicks it towards Maozhuaban, sending the last of his troops in reserves to charge around the side of the three way fight and surround the general.

But as he does so, the three way fight becomes a two way squabble, as the mercenary turned zealot leaves behind a sacrificial line of his soldiers and sends the rest to intercept the chicken farmer's forces, to buy him enough time to push through Ju's defense

All of which you breathlessly announce, nearly falling off the railing as the sheer excitement of what you're watching transforms your body more and more, pushing it deeper into its chimeric form, but you keep your balance due to the tail squirming its way free from the confines of your short hemmed robe.

"Like tigers and dragons, they clash, digging their talons into each other! Such boldness! Such tenacity! This is what I like to see! What I want in my disciples! Brazenness! Decisiveness! Audacity!" You howl, your mane of red hair whipping around as you rock your head around wildly, eyes gleaming with nearly murderous delight "Ju's devours half of Ho's men, while his defenses shatter half of hers. Maozhuaban's sneak attack is blindsided by her victorious center, Ho stomps over his last line of defense and...! The mercenary priest throws his fortunes into his daring push, escaping into their rear line as Ho's advance gets too close for comfort. Its a three way clash! Again! For the third time!"

your hold your arms out to your side, nearly tumbling off as the cheer produced by the sight of that sequence of events and tactical excellence literally shakes the arena to its foundations and deafens you. Master Su is covering his mouth now, his eyes wide. And Fu is at your side, a gleam in his eyes and a brother's pride in his cheer. Seems his meditations have produced a result, you'll have to put him through a wringer of hellish training and lessons to best make use of whatever insight of resentment he's found within himself.

But that doesn't matter. What matters is the match! The glorious triangular bout! The three way war to enter your services and one day become a general of the palace of natural laws!

Ju sprints across the arena, towards the defensive line Ho created for himself, severing her forces fighting Maozhuaban and the chicken farmer's armies in the south in half, relinquishing her chance to best them in the clash.

Both her opponents mercilessly take advantage of her sudden shift in strategy by trapping the quarter she left behind and crushing them to dust between themselves as they rally and charge. Maozhuaban reposition and splitting away from what's left of his army in pursuit of Ju.

Ho stumbles back, spotting Ju making a bee or more appropriately an Ant line towards him and bulks up his defense as she gathers the remnants of her assault on his flank and pushes forward through it, but you only detail that, keeping your mouth shit and lips sealed about the troops she sneaks behind him, as Maozhuaban slams into her rearguard, all the while his and Ho's force continue their fight, though with superior numbers and position it is only a matter of time until the chicken farmer achieve victory on that front.

You try to keep up with the action, but your tongue gets tangled from how quickly the final moves of the match plays out.

Ju blazes forward, distracting Ho, while Maozhuaban struggles to break through her rear defenses. Then she ducks down, and vanishes amongst the legs of her puppets. Ho panics, losing his cool. Maozhuaban is so occupied tries to break through her rearguard, he doesn't notice that his target has disappeared.

Its bold. Its stupid. Its damn suicidal. Its so reckless, even your arrogant self would never dare to try it. But Ju shows her resilience and spirit, and how gutsy she can be. She pushes her way through the mindless soldiers under Maozhuaban's command, following their programming and obeying their leaders' last command to break through the defense of her own soldier, her short stature and adorable youthful height working to her advantage as she takes a beating closing in the distance, while Ho fortifies and condenses his defensive line and moves his victorious southern force upwards the attack Ju's advance and what's left of scratching post's army in a single push.

There is a yowl of male pain, as the little brat lunges up from the ground, battered, bruised and beating, and flying up like a comet, slams her knee hard into his groin, smiling audaciously as she takes advantage of the weakness of stone soldiers and any troops without any intellect or minds of their own. They can only act on the commands of their masters. Tie-Tie taught her well, but it was her own cunning that allowed her to recognize that puppets are less intelligent than ants, even when properly controlled. A glaring weakness, that only she took notice of in all of the contest.

And then, grinding her heel in her defeated foe's crotch, she yowls out an order and sends what is left of her and his forces, around the sides of the spear tip defenses as the troops she snuck around make themselves known and cause the stressed out Ho to wheel around, just in time to see them attacking the handful of puppets he kept around as an almost formal gesture of personal defense.

And Ju shocks even you with that play, you'd thought she'd sent that paltry force to capture Ho, but it was a distraction. The last orders he gave to his soldiers was to push north, and the defenses he placed in front of himself had been pressed and forced into a line that Ju's puppets easily forgo by charging past the sides of the narrow rows of defenders.

If the match was decide by how many soldiers were left to each general, well, Maozhuaban would be dead last, since Ju stole his, but Ho would've won. But that wasn't the condition of victory you set. And completely wiping out your opponent's army was only one way to win. Capturing or incapacitating the other general directly would also secure a win.

As Ho himself had done. And Ju did with both her opponents, by sneaking up to Maozhuaban and surrounding Ho with what few puppets she had left, boxing him in with spears and forcing him to yield and surrender.

There is a silence, and you see Fu is biting hard into his knuckles, nearly crying as the soldiers part and Ju, wheezing and panting, with one eye bruised and swelled shut, her nose smashed and bleeding from being shoved by stone soldiers and a cracked tooth walks down the center of them, too exhausted to hold her head up as her last eight soldiers escort Ho behind her and Moazhuaban clutches his groin, cursing and rolling around on the ground.

"She won! She actually won!" Fu cries out, lifting you, in your much larger and heavier chimeric form, weeping as he spins you around "I didn't realize she'd put in so much effort! That that little brat was actually teaching her things worthwhile! That she had the conviction and drive to win! My little sister is amazing! Smarter than I realized, and just as couragous as I am! Isn't she incredible master"

You smile, blithely, as you see a little of the carefree boy Fu was before he was mauled and before you kinda ruined his world view , glimpsed out from the joyous and toothy grin on his face.

"Fu, put me down" You say sweetly, flashing a fang filled smile that holds a silent threat of 'I will tear off your head if you do not immediately drop me'. He obliges, bashfully, what little of his cheeks you can see redder than your fur and hair.

"I'm amazed that worked out for her. She really made full use of every advantage available to her" Master Su muses, nodding his head "She won by a sliver of time, any hesitation on her part, any unexpected obstacle in her scheme, and she would've been soundly defeated. I see her proud demeanor was well earned. Your bloodline is clearly of superior quality, Junior Fu"

"No, we just work hard" He corrects, barely even glancing at your as you leap down to the arena and elegantly waltz up to Ju, turning into a magical beast half way down and tossing off your robe before it can be torn apart. Striding up to her, you can hear her sniffling and wiping tears from her face and blood from her chin.

"Congratulations Ju" You say as she looks at you with teary eyes, half her face swollen and plum colored, as Maozhuaban stands, limping and hanging on the shoulder of Ho, who is taking his defeat gracefully "You're the victor of the tacticians tournament, and have earned yourself a place in the palace of natural laws. You'll officially join once the other contests of this caliber are finished. But for now, just hold your head high and smile, you've made your brother proud"

"Didn't know it'd hurt so much" She whines before she does as you suggest and grins, wincing as she presses her broke tooth as she smiles and you allow her to lean against you as you leave the arena, the audience of cultivators, nobles and commoners alike remaining silent in respect for all three of them, until they leave, at which point they go as wild as demons and shake the ground with their cheers. And as you walk away, Maozhuaban convinces Ho to join him in the martial arts portion of the tournament.

"It hurts to breath through my nose" Ju pouts as Fu pats her on the back proudly as the two of them and Master Su lead you to wear the scholarly trials were taking place, and you meet Ju's fellow triumphant victor.

"It'll pass, your just lucky your face will still be pretty when you heal" Fu consoles her, smiling as you frown, meeting face to face with the sharpest, most profound mind the ordinary part of Chuan can offer "And you should be proud to have won so magnificently! I see even an idiot like Tiexingege can raise a fine student"

"I, Ma Wencheng, former tax collector and imperial scholar" The mousey, scrawny young man greets you, from behind a pair of thick glasses, his long braided chestnut hair bouncing behind him as he bows "greets you, most illustrious one! While intellectuals like me may not be celebrated by the masses, I knew one of so sagacious a mind would know to honor the scholarly arts and give priority to the academic pursuits. After all, to my understanding, you are an ideal ruler, and an ideal ruler knows intellectuals such as myself are quite valuable and....what happened to her? She looks like she's just been beaten or mugged!"

"He's shorter than me" Ju snickers as Fu looks him up and down, as Feiqing presents him a jade pendant, and the other scholarly types, the runners up, all applaud him, the affair watched on by a number of nobles but far more cultivators, namely the Weiwupo herself, Lian Tianhua and the ancient Mì Shèngdào of the eight heavenly gates sect. All three of whom you're guessing are here to post the slightly less brilliant minds that were bested by Wencheng

"You certainly look like I imagined a scholar to look" Fu says with a shrug as Wencheng tries to keep his attention on you, while Ju's injuries keep demanding his attention.


Double Vote!

What do you do before the next contests of the tournament starts

>Mingle with your fellow sect heads and see what they thought of the first of the contests (Who in particular?)

>Scoop up and recruit the best runner ups of the tacticians and scholar tests, before anyone else can

>Make sure Ju is alright, and introduce yourself to Ma Wencheng and pass him off to Ping or Feiqing to babysit

>Join Fu in praising Ju and ask her what exactly she was thinking in her last match

>Help Ju and Wencheng get a little face, by proudly showing them off to everyone else, like smart little kittens deserve

>Write in

And what is the second ring of the mortal tournament, Huanliuxue?

>Martial arts and combat ability

>Sorcery and magic spells

>Alchemy/ Crafting

>The tests for luck

>the free for all brawl

>Write in (Feel free to organize the order of the remaining contests now)
And yes, there are now two Wencheng's in the palace of natural laws sect. Wang Wencheng, the drunken fist practitioner, and the newly acquired supreme nerd Ma Wencheng
>Scoop up and recruit the best runner ups of the tacticians and scholar tests, before anyone else can
>Alchemy/ Crafting
>Help Ju and Wencheng get a little face, by proudly showing them off to everyone else, like smart little kittens deserve
>Alchemy/ Crafting
Is it karma that it's a tax collector to join the sect after all the ones Huan ate?
Maybe, or maybe natural selection worked through us to sharpen the stock of Chuan's most reviled officials after the death of the most corrupt ones by way of felines of unusual size.

>Help Ju and Wencheng get a little face, by proudly showing them off to everyone else, like smart little kittens deserve

>Sorcery and magic spells
>Alchemy/ Crafting

I want to see either one next, who knows what marvels the mortals can create and think up with what little special ingredients we can offer them for the trial?
>Help them get face.
The wise of them know we are the best.

>Martial arts.

For the rest of the.tourniment.
>Luck trial

Luck is last as "even if you have nothing else, Make your own luck"
>Help Ju and Wencheng get a little face, by proudly showing them off to everyone else, like smart little kittens deserve
>Sorcery and magic spells
Since some participants of the battles want to take part in the martial art contests too, let's give them time to recover
>Make sure Ju is alright, and introduce yourself to Ma Wencheng and pass him off to Ping or Feiqing to babysit
>Alchemy/ Crafting
>Scoop up and recruit the best runner ups of the tacticians and scholar tests, before anyone else can

>Sorcery and magic spells
>Scoop up and recruit the best runner ups of the tacticians and scholar tests, before anyone else can
We already hyped her match up, there are more mortals then just Ju, we have other talent to recruit.

>Martial arts and combat ability
>Scoop up and recruit the best runner ups of the tacticians and scholar tests, before anyone else can
>Alchemy/ Crafting
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Grandfather here, I'll try to end the vote later tonight, but I might be too busy with chores to do it, since I may have indulged a little too heavily in wine and let housework pile up while recovering from the heaven's defying hangover I experienced and now have to contest with it. Figured I'd show my face, since I did vanish for two days, and felt not doing it for three would be rather impolite.

Currently there is a tie between boosting Ju and the 2nd Wencheng's reputation, and sneakily snatching up the respectable runner ups of the tactic and scholarly trials.

And Alchemy/ crafting is currently in the lead to go next, which is exciting! For reasons that will soon be apparent.

Might try to fit in a look at how the beast wave investigation is going, if I can manage it.

Also hope I wrote the mock battle scene in the last update coherently enough for what was going on to be clear. I was worrying about that
The odds of an update tonight have drastically lowered as I've been recruited/ forced to help clean someone else's house as well as my own, now, out of the blue! dammit
Endless tribulations!
>Change face to Scoop up runners up.

Someone convinced me they already have good face.
That took much more effort and time than I'd hoped, but I have fulfilled my familial obligations and kept my own retreat from falling into ruin!

And with this swap, I don't need to tie break or do anything wacky. SO

Alchemy and crafting trials are up next, and you will use the time it takes to set them up to sneakily recruit a few excelling scholars and tacticians

Update will arrive shortly
"A scholar can look like anyone" you sagely reply to Fu's offhanded statement, hands on your hips as you flick your hair with a roll of your neck "But while I would love to stay and chat with this one, get to know my future disciple a bit better like I do with Ju already, there will be time for that once the event has ended"

Scholar Ma's eyes alight, and he adjusts his glasses and cups his fist

"Please, allow this humble historian to help Sir Fu escort his sister to the physicians, she has not yet had time to imbue her muscles and bone marrow with the mystical elixirs a true daoist immortal imbibes, these injuries she's sustained need to be looked at!" He declares, and all eyes fall on Fu, who you can tell from the expression you can see beneath his mask of bandages that he's already growing fond of the weedy scholar, from the look in his eyes especially. He's looking at him like he would an eager puppy.

"What a chivalrous character" Fu booms as Ju grimaces, looking like she'd want nothing more to beat both of the men coddling her but being too sore from nearly being crushed between a wall of stone puppets to actually carry out that desire "Much more respectable than the other Wencheng I know, though he has his own charms. While you assistance is unneeded, I will allow you to accompany the two of us. As my master's first disciple, it is my responsibility to get a feel for my new juniors personality and quirks, while she is busy, doing whatever it is that needs doing"

"Ah! Of course the storied two axe fu is the foremost disciple of the legendary happy bloodshed" Wencheng exclaims "And my assistance may be necessary, as I have studied herbalism at length and common medical practices, if the healers present prove unsatisfactory"

"Tch! They're just going to give me a healing pill that Miss Huan or Granny Monu cooked up!" Ju complains, and that makes the eyebrows of every scholar present, winner or loser shoot up to the top of their faces in intrigue, while some of the present daoists look pretty annoyed that Ju squashed some of the mystique surrounding the "hidden world" you share with them.

You can't help but to chuckle, only stopping yourself from cackling because there is business you need to attend and laughing any more energetically than a subtle chuckle would complicate it. Especially since the business puts you at odds against three of your fellow sect heads, three who you know are smarter than the rest and are certainly far more perceptive and aware. And you know they'll be an obstacle, well, Tianhua might not be, but the Weiwupo and old timer certainly will be, since the only reason they'd be here, observing the finale of the incredibly boring scholarly exams and tests, is to headhunt for their sects

The very same reason you're staying behind instead of bragging to anyone who will listen how amazing Ju and the new Wencheng are, to give them a boost to their initial standing in the world of cultivation.

And the moment Fu, Ju and Ma Wencheng leave, you and the three other masters exchange glances

"Greed is unbecoming of royalty" Weiwupo, who doesn't allow you to call her by her actual name remarks, lifting the brim of her goofy, drooping hat "Though, I suppose, it is a flaw easily passed down from mother to child. Are you not satisfied with the cream of this crop?"

"Do not be so harsh, it is unbecoming of your title and self proclaimed innocence" Mi Shengdao "We are guests here, and Matriarch Huanliuxue is our hosts. It is her right to meet any who compete in her tournament, even the losers, for any reason"

"You'd also be wise to watch that sharp tongue of yours, Weiwupo" You say, threatening with a smile a small flare of deathly yin Qi, just enough to chill the air, and not curse or outright kill the meek scholars looking on your spat with the other matriarch with concern and awe "It is indeed my right to speak with and recruit, if I deem them suitable for my service, ANYONE in my domain, not just this tournament"

"How gluttonous, taking a monopoly on the best and brightest of the mortal stock" She answers, lifting her chin and smirking, wordlessly telling you she isn't intimidated by your subtle show of force almost as if she is daring you to truly try and cow her with the full extent of your cultivation "But, I suppose that may be the royalty in your blood, rather than the Poison fairy's influence, hm?"

You smile, feeling victorious in that you made her retract and take back the insult she spoke about your mother and her supposed flaws

"People adore the palace of natural laws, while we hid away and cowered, they provided charity and sanctuary to the masses, and ended the devil that threatened them, while our fellow daoists slandered their good name" Tianhua interjects, coming onto your side immediately "And continue to guard the mortal realm from all manners of evil and corruption, if rumors I've heard from the forge devil's haunt prove accurate"

"I must wonder, what she's done to earn so much of your favor, little flower, for you to hand over your sister to her and to work now against the interest of your own sect" the Weiwupo replies to her, eyes narrowed but expression relaxed and motherly, even if her tone is anything but either of those. Tianhua glowers at her, but can't do much else, as a healer isn't a very intimidating sight, even when they're holding saws and needles and aren't empty handed with flowers woven in their hair like she is.

"We're all fellow daoists, there is no reason for us to fight" Master Mi sighs in exasperation, rubbing his brow to flatten the wrinkles their as he, to your extreme shock, stops floating in the air and steps onto the ground with trembling, reed thin legs "While I to, wish to speak with and offer these respectable runners up a place in the temple of the eight heavenly gates, it is the privledge of the host to present their own offer first"

'Oh you clever old man, you saw how I said service and raised the bar for your own proposal' you think to yourself, smirking as you look to the second grandmaster to accept beasts as his student, and despite yourself, the polite smile you throw his way is genuine "Thank you for keeping your juniors in line, I'll allow all of you of course to speak with the contestants, in time, but Master Mi will be given precedence"

You turn to the Weiwupo, who is fuming at realizing she tried to pick a fight with you when the two masters she was counting on to back up her claim took your side in the argument.

"And since she's my friend, and I am allowed to play favorite, so will Master Lian" You snicker, brushing against Tianhua as you stride past her "While flowers may not yet grow within the tomb, upon the mountain, or by the sea, this ghost does enjoy the pleasant aromas of lotuses"

"Flowering fields always welcome the dead" Tianhua responds warmly in kind, nodding her head "And the five colors and summer sea are always welcome in our hall as well, friend"

Hearing that word makes your chest warm and your smile melt a little. Friends are a rare treasure, for someone of your status, after all.

"Thank you for your kindness and you for your serene wisdom, Master Mi" You say kindly, before turning your glance to the well composed but clearly fuming Weiwupo, judging from the wisps of enmity rising from her lips like smoke curling from a kiln "And I hope you're enjoying the tournament, Weiwupo"

"Wish I'd known Fu of the two axes had a sister, she would've flourished in my court" She chuckles, shaking her head "All I ask is for you to remember temperance is a virtue, and to exercise restraint in how you wield your privileges, Miss Bloodshed"

You click your tongue, having hoped she'd mention your mother's lack of temperance and restraint so you'd be given an excuse to continue your spat with her. Even rarer than those worthy of being called your friend, are those who know the power you wield yet still try to pick a fight with you. The Weiwupo certainly deserves her title and status...

"And if you intend to speak and offer your service to those valiantly defeated in the tacticians' trials, you best make haste, I saw several of the more martially minded sects keeping an eye on them, even the mountain sage of your alliance, and the sea subordinate to your own tomb" Shendao laughs, amusing himself by using the barely coded and kind of poetic phrasing you used with Tianhua

Which makes you click your tongue again. This little argument delayed you and if you have to fight and squabble with the other masters, you might miss the start of the crafting contest and alchemy exam!

Which might seem boring to other daoists, but truly excite you! not just because you dabble in poison and can make some fairly lethal toxins, but because you are dying to see what mortal craftsmen can fashion and invent with the special materials, rare resources, and unheard of treasures you had Siwang and your mother gather in preparation for the tournament. And judging from what you'd seen when you were inspecting Feiqing's handiworks, they will have the incredible privilege of being the first craftsmen to work the unusual spirit woods growing in this temple, and the first alchemists to use the fruit borne from the blood sucking and flesh eating trees in your orchard!

"Excuse me, most austere masters" A little mouse of a girl that makes Yuyi look half a lion, even without her adorable cat ears "But, if this small minded lady understands, the four of you are discussing recruiting us failed applicants into your sect"

"A wise immortal knows they need many mortal followers" You answer with a smile, glancing at Mi Shendao "And as the ability to cultivate is rare, it behooves me to reward those with unusual talents that are unable to properly join my sect"

No reason to make it known you have a way to cheat the system with carmine mysticism, especially around someone like Mi Shendao and the Weiwupo, for two entirely different reasons. Those innocent witches could probably steal the perfected form of carmine mysticism if they put their mind to it, and while master Mi is pleasant enough company, you're certain he'd take offense to cheating the fates ordained by the apathetic heavens.

The tiny girl trembles with excitement, and forms a huddle with the various other scholars and a few of the nobles, while the cultivators who have a standing lower than being the head of their respective sect and the seat of their temple hang their heads in defeat, knowing they won't be able to take any of the best of the losers, when four grandmasters are on the prowl for subordinates.

"We eagerly accept this unexpected opportunity, and wait to receive the divine blessing and providence of your great sages!" She shouts, having apparently reached a conclusion with the rest of the contestants.

And as you are the host of your tournament, you take your pick of the best and brightest amongst them. Including The girl, who is apparently took second place behind Ma Wencheng, is, funnily enough called Song Xiaoli. Seems her parents had high hopes for her to be an intellectual, if they went as far as naming her that. And she apparently scored slightly higher than him on the medical portion of the exam. Besides her, you handpick various experts of various fields, since cultivator or not, a educated and learned mind is worth far more than the finest jade, and having a few astute mathematicians and the like on hand will only be a boon. All in all, Besides Song Xiaoli, you find four worthy of serving the palace.

A mathematician and skilled economist, a census taker and statistician , a former imperial chef with actual occult knowledge who mentions knowing Feiqing, and a rogue historian and archeologist who apparently has a reputation for hating most kinds of priests.

Leaving Song Xiaoli in charge of the other four, and to help Tianhua and master Mi pick out the slightly less bright amongst the scholars, and deal with the petitions and bribes of the nobility trying to buy their way on the path to immortality. You can learn their names later, now you need to pluck a few of the losers of the tacticians' tournament before they can be snatched away from under your nose.

You do this a little more covertly and secretively, since the Shidi relative would take offense and raise a fuss, so you leave him alone, since he does have a good chance to win the martial tournament, and since he's training with Scratching Post and Chicken Farmer Ho, that makes it difficult to offer them a place in your service. Though they don't matter much, since they are all three aiming to still join through the martial arts tournament and you can always bend the rules if all three of them catch your eye later on. As for Jia Li, well you tell him he may have a place in your employ if he doesn't succeed in the mystery contest, which makes him hopeful and grateful enough to offer his sword to you then and there, so you have to remind him he could win a far better prize if he wins in the unannounced tournament

But, while avoiding the likes of Xie'e Mówángzǐ, who seems to really want to talk to your for some reason which at least him trying to bother you means he isn't annoying Feiqing with his pestering and tales of the lives he believes they shared together, you manage to gather up a host of tacticians, including those who lost in the tactician's tournament, whose names and backgrounds you never cared to learn or hear when you were waiting for their dull matches to be finished, but who only really lost due to having the bad luck of facing actual battletested generals or Tiexingege's favorite and only student, or an unusually tactically astute cock farmer. You get eight eight tacticians, three more than the scholars you decided were worth hiring, that could serve as aids for the geges or Ju when she gets older and more experienced, or can at least receive and carry out orders well. And who knows, if they are really lucky, one of them might even be able to cultivate!

And with the recruitment of five intellectuals and eight tacticians into your service as your mortal followers, you managed to recruit the best of the losers right before the next stage of the mortal tournament begins.


Double vote!

Who do you give the esteemed position of sitting next to you during the alchemy exams and crafting contests

> Su Zhe'xínglǚ, the sect head of the five colors and five purities.

>Xia Jinse-Shayu, the sect head of the summer sea dawn and your subordinant

>Lian Tianhua, Lian Luli's sister and the matriarch of the Lian clan and the head of the thousand lotus hall

>Shidi Xiudao, the sect head of the dusk marsh wolves and the rival of Xia Jinse-Shayu

>Shandian, the storm shrine's sect head

>Disi-Ling Huofeng, the head of the temple of celestial fire

>The current Weiwupo of the innocent witch court

>The head of the white jade devil opposing army

>Xue Long, your brother, just too lord over him the superiority of the Palace of Natural laws





>Lian Luli




>Ma Wencheng

>Xie'e Mówángzǐ, just to keep a close eye on him

>Write in

And which of the two contest do you pay the most attention to, Huanliuxue?

>The Alchemy exam, since you always like watching dabblers and charlatans fail and also want to show the winner what real medicinal pills look like

>The crafting contest, since you are really excited to see what they will make and also want a close look of the other cultivator's suffering at seeing mortals handling such rare cultivation materials

>Give equal attention to both, since both do seem like they'll be entertaining, at least

>Only pay attention to the end result, and instead occupy yourself with your guests and the moon rabbit kids

>Write in
>Lian Tianhua, Lian Luli's sister and the matriarch of the Lian clan and the head of the thousand lotus hall

As a cultivator of a sect focused on herbs she would be uniquely insightful during this trial, for the alchemy part at least.

>Give equal attention to both, since both do seem like they'll be entertaining, at least

I kind of want to see both, and the reaction of the cultivators as the mortals fumble with materials precious enough that low level cultivators can't even afford and their seniors may not have ever heard of.
>The current Weiwupo of the innocent witch court
>Lian Tianhua, Lian Luli's sister and the matriarch of the Lian clan and the head of the thousand lotus hall
I wanna see em bicker, it'd be funny.
Also Girls night round.
>>Only pay attention to the end result, and instead occupy yourself with your guests and the moon rabbit kids
Also this since I forgot.
and I think the three of us having rabbits to play with while talking smack would be funny.
The witch will also want a bunny probably, but we mustn't let her take one.
>Lian tianhua

Two experts.

>Focus equally.
>Lian Tianhua, Lian Luli's sister and the matriarch of the Lian clan and the head of the thousand lotus hall
>The current Weiwupo of the innocent witch court
>Give equal attention to both, since both do seem like they'll be entertaining, at least
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Ending the vote, tallying the result now. Was too tired to do so yesterday, I will scrape the floor and kowtow if you'd like, also just noticed I forgot to put (Pick two) in the first half of the votes

Lian Tianhua:5



Give equal attention to both, since both do seem like they'll be entertaining, at least:4

Only pay attention to the end result, and instead occupy yourself with your guests and the moon rabbit kids:1

So Lian Tianhua and The current Weiwupo will be granted the honor of sitting beside you while you observe the alchemical and crafting contests

update will arrive shortly
[Meanwhile, in an oasis town of the northern desert of Chuan]

Sunlight roused the sleeping tiger. The proud Youzaiwang's eyes fluttered open, his ears twitching to the sound of burbling water and gentle laughter. As the darkness faded from his sight, so to did the flashes of memories of the battle he had fought alongside an annoying sand flea. His body felt heavy, weary, fresh wounds ached sharply and pained his majestic from, but the coolness of the spray sent up from a nearby stream relieved him somewhat. His heart pounded still, as he willed his tired eyes to open, trying to remember if he had succeeded or not, remembering how he had thrown himself in the way of the rogue cultivator's cowardly attack. How he had done it multiple times. How the sand flea...the sage of the shifting sands had done the same. To protect ordinary children, caged like livestock.

These memories roused his anger, a roar rumbling low in his throat, a threatening growl contained only by his mighty fangs as he found the strength to lift his head from the soft silks he had been laid out upon. Groggily, he looked around, sniffing the air, his vision still hazy and foggy from the long sleep he'd entered, half worried he'd find himself chained and kept as a pet by the villain who'd dared to kidnap his master's people, to dare treat innocents as livestock, who had forced him to injure himself to protect others. Though the exact reason he had done so, so instinctively, still eluded him, he understood at least partially why he'd done so. Humility, the shame of the proud. But, he didn't feel ashamed about his actions, nor could he in hindsight see them as foolish. They felt noble, something he should be proud of.

But Youzaiwang's self reflection ceased, when he fell flat onto the sun heated floor of the building he was kept in, his forelegs shorter than he remembered. Growling again, he struggled to pick himself up from the ground. And found hands lifting him. Oddly, he felt them against his skin.

"Tiger" A familiarly grating voice said, hushed and awed, as the sage should've spoken to him when they first met "I had begun to fear you'd ever wake again"

"Only a simpleton like you would believe wounds so shallow could fell a tiger" Youzaiwang instinctively boasted, before frowning, wondering how the sage who never told him his name was at eye level with him, considering the gaps in their height. And why he saw a sun scorched, tanned human arm reaching out from his own shoulders.

The veil of sleep was pierced and Youzaiwang smiled, almost feeling like he should weep, as all at once, the memory of the finale of their battle crashed into him. He hadn't just acted as shield for the helpless, he had used his powerful, strong and regal body to block this sage, who he suppose could be considered his sidekick at this point considering they had fought and shed blood together, and in that moment, understood something surely no proud tiger like himself had before.

Selflessness, true nobility. The missing piece in the puzzle that had allowed others to surpass him. Though it was peculiar that his skin was the same roasted hue as the sage, he didn't pay it much mind, it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Nor, did he realize, did he. He'd long thought being humbled was a sour, bitter pill one was forced to swallow, but remembering how the freed children who would no longer be slaves flocked around him, how his sacrifice had allowed the sage to land a decisive and felling blow against the cowardly rogue, he found himself...oddly pleased with himself.

When he recognized that pleasure nearly surpassed that he felt in his triumph to attain a human form, he quickly shook his head, and reminded himself who he was. The proud king of the marshlands

"I see hovering near death hasn't dulled your tongue, tiger" The sage snorted, patting his shoulder as Youzaiwang lifted his head, and found silver locks drooping over his undoubtably fierce and eager eyes "Though, I suppose that arrogance has a sturdy foundation, I misjudged you for a braggart, but your deeds against the villainous, sectless rogue, have prove the quality of your character, oh noble one"

"I could say the same about you, sage. Your eyes flashed with murderous fury when I was blooded" He chuckled back, examining his strong arms, admiring the way his nails were gently curved like his claws, and the scars they bore, memories of older glories

"Please, call me Rìbào (日豹, Sun Leopard), that is the daoist name my master gave me, and you have more than earned the right to know it..." His unexpected comrade in arms answered, head bowed and a hand over his heart, and it took a moment for Youzaiwang to realize he was waiting for him to give him his name, he had been so distracted by the magnificence of his own chest and the high, silk like quality of his hair. Now he understood why his master spent and equal amount of time in both her forms, the quality of his human body was beyond excellent

"I am called Youzaiwang (幼崽王, Young King)" He answered with a nod "And you have earned the privilege to know my name, Brave Ribao, but, before we go further, where exactly have you taken the injured me?"

"To one of the hidden retreats of my sect" He answered "Near the healing waters of our prized oasis, you were being tended to by..."

"Elder bro bao! You didn't tell us your handsome friend was awake!"

Suddenly, Youzaiwang was much less interested in where he was, but much more interested in these sun kissed beauties who emerged from the reeds, carrying pales of water and looking at his magnificent new body with lust in their eyes. But before he could rise and introduce himself, Ribao covered his mouth and spoke for him

"He is still recovering! And needs rest, rest you harpies will not give him!"

and with those few words, Youzaiwang reconsidered if he could truly call this man his friend, if he would deny him such pleasant seeming company. At least the fairies of the sands were as disappointed as he was in being denied.

[Meanwhile, beyond Chuan's border, in a certain fortress]

How had it come to this, Siwang couldn't help but to wonder as Monu laughed gregariously and fanned herself, amused by the disaster playing out before them. He tried to consul himself, in the fact that none of their party had died or had their cover as ordinary cultivators and righteous daoists blown, though reflecting upon those facts gave him no comfort as the sagely owl was well aware of how close to complete catastrophe the wild and eccentric personality of some of his companions, namely their leader, Grand Elder Monu and his own fellow beasts, had brought them. Only he, Qiang and the gentle natured princess Jionghuagege had not in some way endangered their mission to find the source of the beast wave, that had brought them to this outpost, that had endured the most vicious of the attacks of the stampede. Where Monu had decided to lend their aid, and hope to push back and pursue them to their source, though the direction they were coming from had made it fairly clear they were coming from somewhere in the former Ling province.

But Huili, had, at the watchtower where they first made contact with the local sects, had entered into two separate duels, and baifenchi kept being found "praying" over the dead, when she was truly trying to judge the mountains of corpses lining the roads for their suitability to be turned into corpse puppets or outright Jiangshi, and Tiexingege squabbled with any leader they had met along the road or in battle when they were caught by a surprise swell of rampaging, rabid beasts. And Monu...well she was behaving surprisingly well, all things considered and was showing she could be a respectable and diligent cultivator when it was called for her to act seriously and with poise and grace.

But now, she was egging on what could be the worst of the obstacles in their way.

Somehow, while bullying, bossing around and stealing command from the resident leaders of this fortress and every watch tower and ramshackle barricade they had passed by, the ever haughty and volatile Tiexingege had...well she had won herself a legion of admirers. Siwang had decided to stop trying to figure out why so many men were enamored by the half feral girl, having thought humans didn't decide their partners based on strength and having had been quite confident in that assumption until now, but somehow, one of the looser lipped of his companions had made it known that Tiexingege and Monu were "related".

And while complicated and needing to use several loopholes and misunderstandings, He understood why that would be so. His master considered the Geges as she fondly called them as her little sisters, and she was the adopted daughter of Monu, so calling them her youngest daughters wouldn't be wrong. Especially as the toad witch dotted upon Huanliuxue and would probably formely adopt them as well if she made an issue of it.

But the grand elder's choice and outright enthusiasm to go with the flow, lead them here, where she was entertaining the requests for escorted meetings with several battle hardened cultivators, who didn't realize they were aiming for a beast's heart even now, and she was pushing them all to fight for her affections.

At least Jionghuagege was blissfully aware, heavens only know what Tiexingege would do if she found out through her sister and

"Oy! Come on! The gongs been rung, we've got another fight on our hands!" Huili bellowed, dragging him away as Siwang looked forlornly at Qiang, who seemed to be either mediating while standing up, or considering where else she'd like to be besides guarding the grand elder, whom Siwang knew she vehemently disliked. The list of locations would surely be as fast as the nine heavens themselves....

"If I didn't know it'd be a fool's errand, and that he couldn't find a place in our court of fairies, I'd have thought to lure away your iron skinned smith into my services" The Weiwupo said casually as she traced a finger around the lip of one of the alchemical cauldrons Feiqing had forged with his barehands, literally "He truly is a master of his craft, and he is only in the foundation establishment stage? He certainly has more potential than his brutish face would let on"

"I thought you'd still be sore being left on the scraps?" You question, arms crossed as you and the Weiwupo and Lian Tianhua make a show of inspecting the tools and materials given to the would be alchemists and craftsmen of your sect "You might want to style yourself as a duck instead of a witch, if this is how easily you allow offenses to slide off your back, Heh-Heh"

"There's no reason to pick a fight with the Weiwupo lady Huanliuxue, your giving her the honor of overseeing these two contests at your side could've had you forgiven for murder of her direct disciple" Tianhua chuckles "Though I doubt a witch would be so forgiving"

"I know, I'm just amazed by how little that hurt her" You say with a laugh as the Weiwupo snorts

"I would've done the same in your circumstances. A sect head's primary responsibility is the well being and advancement of their sect, I was only bitter that you'd trained this one into a loyal lap hound" She snorted, turning her attention to Lian Tianhua, who glared her down, despite the disparity in how dangerous the two women could possibly be

"I owe her a debt, we're friends. Just because I agree she has the right to choose who her subordinates are, doesn't mean I'm her underling" She answered back sharply, showing that some thorns can carry venom as well as any fang "And there is no reason to be so crass, Weiwupo, it is unbecoming of a woman of your age"

"Just as it is rude for one of yours to be so smart mouthed towards their elders" The Weiwupo chuckled "I am just looking out for you, little flower, otherwise you and your venerable hall may find themselves the peers of the summer sea dawn sect"

"I didn't force them to be my underlings" you say and make both the other women giggle

"You're frightening when you're showing off, Huan" Tianhua snickered, covering her mouth with both of her sleeves

"And I am as truly innocent as the name of my sect implies" The Weiwupo laughed, tipping her droopy, cloth hat "But I'm sure you'd give this lotus a better deal than you gave that randy man, certainly the hall would benefit from formally joining that alliance of yours, as troublesome as that would be"

"The hall doesn't need protectors, if that is what you're implying" The other master answers back sharply, flipping a hand through her flowering hair as you frown, trying to keep up with what they're actually squabbling about

"When did I imply that? Its clear the hall and palace have gotten unusually close, unusually fast" The Weiwupo says, turning to you as she inspects a mortal and pestle "Though that could trouble our illustrious host. Tomb, Mountain, Sea and Flower bed doesn't have quite the same ring as The tomb, mountain and sea does"

"I can't argue with you there" You admit with a chuckle as Tianhua looks over a spring of underworld grown grass "Though I'm sure if the Lian clan and thousand lotus hall wishes to cement ties with the Palace of natural laws, all of us can come up with a far better name than that, Heh-Heh"

"I'm familiar with this plant. I knew you had something to do with Autumn Master Fang Ru's sudden fascination with underworld alchemy, and his supply of these truly rare spirit herbs" She titters, amused, though with tears of gratitude in her eyes that stoke your spirits

"So it isn't just idle bragging, you actually can step into hell" Weiwupo says, sounding much more earnestly respectful and far less like she's only pretending to be to hide her petulant bitterness at being denied the best runner ups of the mortal contests. You think its Song Xiaoli she is most frustrated about you recruiting right as she was about to offer her a place in the innocent witch court, Heh-Heh.

"We'll have to make a day trip there sometime, the three of us" You snicker, watching Tianhua's face pale and the Weiwupo's eyes alight at the prospect of the adventure "I could even introduce you to my friend and tailor"

"The one who makes your ever so lovely garments?" Tianhua's expression and tune changes immediately, as she sets down the spring of hell grown grass she was inspecting, while the Weiwupo taps a finger on her chin, looking over the gathered supplies and materials

"These are far finer than the quality of contestants would normally permit" She remarks, as Tianhua and you hold hands, interrupted, stopping you from telling her exactly how funny of a demon Anjing is, with how shy she is, her peculiarities and hobby of reading human romance novels "Shouldn't you use lower quality resources"

"Weiwupo, the answer should be obvious. Huanliuxue simply has large enough stores of sought after materials and treasures, we at the thousand lotus hall learned this when she brought us reagents we'd never dreamed to get our hands on, and in such supply, and materials unknown to the world before she brought them to us" Tianhua answers, glancing down at you with a chipper, excited smile and you nod, telling her without speaking she did good before you clap your hands together

"And the same is true with these materials given to our mortal alchemists and artisans" You say, turning to the respectfully silent crowd of both, some of whom cover their mouths, having been giggling at the cattish way you three great lady immortals were acting towards eachother "Some have never been worked with by mortal and immortal hands before, and some are just so priceless few have the funds or means to get enough to not hoard them away and guard them jealously"

"A show of wealth, you really do want to hammer it into everyone's head you're royalty, don't you" The Weiwupo says

"And a way of showing other sects the benefits of being friends with the palace of natural laws" Tianhua adds, lifting up a finger looking oddly smug to be counted amongst your friends

"And I want to annoy and piss off and make the proud daoists like yourself seethe and chew their nails until they gnaw their fingers into bones, seeing these ordinary craftsmen work with prizes and unheard of treasures" You snicker.

"How very cat like of you" Both Tianhua and Weiwupo say in unison, making the former wince and meekly look away, and making the latter smirk, gayly amused

"Well" Tianhua says, clapping her hands together "I am confident all of the supplies and tools you're loaning to these contestants are without flaw and will perform their functions perfectly"

"As am I, though I do note I take offense at you thinking I'd debase myself like that, like some of our peers may, once they realize how wonderful these toys you give these dabblers are" The Weiwupo snickers "Shall we be seated, most illustrious matriarch of this temple?"

You do so without a word, and casually flick your hand and sleeve, brushing hair out of your eyes as you move to announce the start of the next trials, and watch Tianhua and Weiwupo bicker over who gets to sit at what side of you. Which has to be an omen of some kind.


"Master Huanliuxue!" One of the alchemist shouts, noticing their is a chance for them to speak up before the event begins "I am, unlike you sagaciously minded immortals, unfamiliar with any of these herbs placed in front of me"

"Is this wood supposed be glowing blood red?" One of the craftsmen asks "And are those teeth sprouting between the ridges of its bark?"

Weiwupo and Tianhua both glance at you, for two different reasons. If you know Tianhua, she's asking if it'd be fair to explain to the contestants what it is they're working with, while the Weiwupo is probably wondering how exactly you got so many fantastic treasures to freely give them away.

What do you do Huanliuxue?

>Reprimand the alchemist for speaking out of turn, and tell him to figure it out as you start the contests, that is part of the challenge, after all

>Stand up, and swiftly go through the uses of each of the spirit herbs and mention off handedly there are risk in using them, then start the contests

>Laugh and admit you don't even know what powers and supernatural qualities some of the materials placed before them contain and begin the contests

>Ignore them and begin the contests, gossiping with Weiwupo and Tianhua as the alchemists and craftsmen examine their tools and materials

>Write in
>>Write in
>Explain half of the main items to them to see their crafting skill, but leave the other half unexplained to test their crafting intuition.
There are many unique craftsmen, some of which are able to make wonders when knowing what they are working with, others able to discover uses while experimenting. We are in need of both.
>>6080935 +1
You smile, blithely, as you see a little of the carefree boy Fu was before he was mauled and before you kinda ruined his world view , glimpsed out from the joyous and toothy grin on his face.
Fu once again proves he’s secretly the cutest one of our closest students.
>Explain half of the items
A good compromise. Craftsmen confident in their skills may work with the materials who's property they know, while those confident in their creativity will experiment with the stranger resources. And the true masters will do both.
Ending the vote, tallying its result now.

Explain half of the main items to them to see their crafting skill, but leave the other half unexplained to test their crafting intuition.: 7

Landslide for explaining half of the items to the contestants to see their skill, but leaving the other half unexplained to practice their intution

Juniors were truly sharp witted with this write in! Very clever.

Anyways, update will arrive shortly
However, you can easily come up with a much more entertaining and challenging solution to both Tianhua's silent request and the open complaint of the brazen alchemists. There aren't many, even in the cultivation sects, who'd ask something like that of a grandmaster so openly and boldly. Maybe that's why so many of your fellow daoists were raised into fools? it'd certainly explain a few things, Heh-Heh. Smiling regally and snapping your fingers, before stowing your hands behind your back as you stride and imperiously march right up to the stiff backed elixir brewer, who maintains eye contact with you even as some of your more eye catching assets are practically swaying in his face, which makes you wonder for a second or two if he's a cutsleeve before deciding just as quickly that it doesn't matter.

Brightening your smile and lazily reaching down to the spirit grasses grown from the soil of the yellow springs, you pluck up a sprig of freshly cut corpse hair bush and thumb its thorn.

"Well, novice, allow this kindly princess to explain to you, a few of the treasures laid out before you, so your trembling hands may know their value and use" You say as the man's mouth parts and his jaw drops, as every eye in the luxuriously decorated room turns and stares at him like he'd suddenly sprouted a tail as fine and fluffy as your own as you twist the thorny branch around "This is a cutting of a common spiritual herb that sprouts down in hell, The corpse hair bush, its thorns produce a curious toxin that when combined with dead, decaying flesh can serve as the base for a number of elixirs and medicinal pills and poison, though the ichor on its one can serve a number of medicinal purposes on its own, including the mystical preservation of organs"

Setting down the sprig down carefully, you snicker as you see one of the more bold alchemist spit a twig of it they were idly chewing on to determine its flavor and texture, which is how many folk apothecaries use to determine the usages of their ingredients.

"Don't worry, all pricking your tongue will do is numb it, but if you stab it into a murderous heart, well, that is one of many steps to create a truly miraculous drug" You say excitedly as you move onto the next spirit herb, a small, dried pit "This is a discarded and dried pit of a fruit that can sprout into a devil if conditions are right, since I find Fetus peaches distasteful and gross to look at, this in some ways can serve as a replacement, to make fine medicines that can heal even grievous injuries, though without deactivating its internal toxins, it will also induce mania and a bloodthirst that'd make you fit right in amongst the demons. The ashes of these white hand shaped petals, the ones with the vein markings, can be turned into an ointment, when applied to the eyes or any other part, allows those without a connection to the realm of the dead to perceive and interact with the spirits of the dead on their own terms"

"They also can be brewed in a relaxing tea" Autumn master Fang Ru, who was in the crowd of other, lesser daoists observing the trials points out, nodding confidently like he was proud of finding the one way to waste such a multipurpose reagent, but as annoyed as his interruption made you, you did wonder how exactly that tea would taste now

"Is that what you've been serving at our lunches?" Tianhua says in a hushed breath behind her fan, as several of the other thousand lotus halls shoot disgusted or offended looks at the proudly heretical autumn master, who really was trying to make that his reputation, like it was in fashion or something.

"That is one of its many uses, it has many, and none of them deadly to human life, I think" You continue jovially as you toss the leaf down and reach for the next "Unlike a lot of these underworld grown herbs, which require caution and care when handled. And this curious glass like shard, is from the moon, if you know the process, a drop of invaluable moon dew can be extracted from it"

"What!?" Several voice gasp at once, including Tianhua and the Weiwupo, Fang Ru simply sips his corpse flower tea with a smug smile, being the only other cultivator you know to have worked with extraterrestrial spirit herbs, since you gave him a few seeds to bribe him into supporting you taking Lian Luli as your own disciple

"You're bluffing! Lying!" One wild eyed sage says, hands trembling as he grips his knees "That...to produce so valuable a substance, there must be a catch, or some trick"

"I paint the moon in my colors, you impudent cur, why wouldn't I have gone flower picking while I was up there, dyeing it with myself?" You sneer, wagging a finger "And don't ever accuse me of lying again, or I'll treat that tongue of yours like a flower. Anyways, moving on, threatening wagging tongued dogs can come later, Ah! This! This vine grows twisted amongst the smallest of stars! It can serve as tinder so combustible it puts earth fire to shame or a stamina improving steroid, with the curious side effect of making your teeth and eyes glow! Moving back to beneath the heavens, those jars of honey are very valuble, my little sisters made them. Those are nothing but the medicinal prize the palace of natural laws hold a monopoly on, Divine blood honey, used in a number of the medicine, healings droughts, cultivation aids and steroids I and my disciples use, but there are more ingredients for me to describe, until only half are left, Like these orange yellow poppies! The opium they produce increases the body's resistance to heat and also heats it up until it starts to steam, very useful! Or these silver berries, much beloved by my students, that when brewed into a tea sharpens the mind and wit! Or these red thorned nettles, thins blood to the point the body sweats it out"

"Until half are explained..." the alchemists whose work table you'd taken as your seat, the one to raise his voice out of turn mumbles "Master, am I correct in assuming you will only explain half of these uses and capabilities of these miraculous herbs and grasses"

"There are many unique craftsmen, some of which are able to make wonders when knowing what they are working with, others able to discover uses while experimenting" You answer sagely, flicking one of the bloodletting nettles and sticking its end between your teeth to suck on its bitter juices as you talk, wagging a finger in front of the talkative boy's nose "The palace of natural laws are in need of both. Those of you confident in your skills as alchemists make work with the materials with known properties, those who put more trust in their creativity, their imagination, the artists ambition, well, they are welcome to experiment with both"

"But aren't quite a few of these ingredients dangerous, I can't tell which of the ones are naturally grown on earth, which sprout from fields tended to be hungry ghosts and devils, and which come from the stars beyond the heavens" the older man who was chewing on the corpse hair bush says nervously, wringing his hands as he looks over the herbs gathered and piled in front of him

"True masters will use both" You answer vaguely, dismissing his concerns with a casual wave of your hand as you hop off the table and march to the craftsmen half of the contest hall "And you, I believe, asked about the red glow and teeth? That is a rare hybrid spirit wood, that gains its lifeforce and spiritual energy by acting like a leech, that only grows in the confines of this temples groves and orchards. The ones with the blue veins are there more common counterpart, but even I have no idea what the vampiric timber can be used for. As for that oddly smelted iron, that is black bile iron, formed in the stomachs of forge devils. My first disciple wields enchanted axes made of the stuff, it has the curious property of burning like fire or acid anything it cuts. Also, much more durable than ordinary iron. And next to it, that thin silverly thread, is spider demon silk, I wear armor made out of it, its tougher than steel and"

"Wait that's what your armor is made of?" A winter blossoming fool balks and you snarl at them, making them shrink behind the back of the larger man next to him, who judging from the armor he's wearing like it was a dinner dress comes from the white jade devil opposing armor

"I have a contact who gives it to me at a fair price" You say as you reach over to caress a fruit shaped like a bleached white skull, that you strong armed a certain gluttonous pig into transporting to the surface by the cart full, along with a few crow demons who were very happy to service as Yi Zhu's body guards so long as they behaved themselves "And the pale blue white ore next to it, can only appear in the deepest and oldest of graveyards and is overflowing with deathly yin Qi, so be careful handling it. As for the various body parts and organs laid out in front of you, well they come from monsters or demons who learned not to fuck with me a little too late to survive encountering me, and if you know the process, you can imbue their strengths and mystical powers into whatever your working on, those odd hooks came from a sea monster and ooze a paralytic poison, that is quite potent, but those horn shavings came from a bull headed demon who assaulted me on the road, and be very, very frugal with those black, razor sharp feathers, those are the remains of a crow king demon and I only have so many of them to spare, Heh-Heh"

Tossing the skull playfully at the Weiwupo, who catches it like it weren't so grisly looking a fruit, you hop off the table and swagger back to your seat, to find Tianhua leaning over and enthusiastically discussing which of the herbs you presented and which you didn't explain are being grown in her halls secret gardens with Fang Ru.

"I can see some of our fellow masters chewing off their fingers already from up here" The Weiwupo muses as she parts the dark black leaves still attached to the skull fruit "I noticed you didn't describe this one, but I can't imagine its uses are beneficial or at all merciful"

"Apply for the golden core alchemy contest, and you can find out for yourself, or just watch and see if they reveal its power" You cackle, making the Weiwupo shudder

"it really is unnerving how close your laugh is to your mothers, that toad croak doesn't match your face at all" She remarks, as you stick your tongue out at her childishly

"Its my laugh and I adore it" You huff, crossing your arms and pouting as you watch the alchemists and artisians alike start inspecting their materials closely, while your fellow daoists seated on the same level as them gossip and discuss what you told to them

"It does take some getting used to, but it is a perfectly fine laugh" Tianhua agrees, pulling herself away from her in depth discussion with her untrustworthy elder, which really applies to everyone of the elders of the thousand lotus hall, the selfish pricks
"Seems like some of your guests are only now realizing your entrance wasn't simply lights and smoke, that you truly visited the moon"

"Morons, should've been obvious at the battle that broke the blizzard" you scoff, as the Weiwupo shakes her head

"You could've beaten the old men in charge of our world with a hammer and they'd still argue you couldn't possibly have done it" She laughs, lifting up her hat as Tianhua groans "I mean, even I, a fellow lady, find it hard to believe you truly wandered beyond the heavens"

For some reason, her words make one of your sides ache, but you stop yourself from wincing

"It was quite the feat, maybe one day I'll tell you how I did it" you boast instead

"I'm sure you already told Luli about your adventure in the stars. I'm more curious about those jade rabbits you brought back, they really are adorable" Tianhua changes the subject "I had always thought those were made up to delight children"

"I'd offer to buy one, but I know how you are about youngsters, it'd take the gods or buddha to pry those bunnies out of your arms" The Weiwupo laughs

"That is one of Huanliuxue's best qualities" Tianhua agrees, making your pout turn into a truly smug smirk "her protective instinct towards children, which puts even most mothers to shame"

"Kids deserve protecting, and are always a joy to be around" You happily answer "Even if they tug on your hair or tail, they alone see the world in its pure state, ya know"

"Hmm" The Weiwupo hums

"Which is one reason I trust you to watch and take care of Luli" Tianhua admits casually, idly watching the alchemists as they begin the initial steps of extracting useful substances from their herbs, or preparing them in alcohol or fire.

And you're also keeping a close eye on them as they work, since you are the final judge to pick the winner of both of these contests, out of the dozens and hundreds who joined them, a few of who already dropped out and gave up after you explained what half of the ingredients and materials they were working with could do or be used for. You respected their functional survival instincts, even if you certainly didn't respect their cowardice in any way at all, Heh-Heh.

Double Vote!

Which Pill/ Elixir/ Drug do you crown the winner of the Alchemist trial

>The one contestant who managed to produce Moon Dew! And several drops of it!

>A blood born poison created from the blood thinning nettles and infernal arrowroot that causes the victims' blood to literally explode out of their body!

>A low quality but functional healing salve. Not anything amazing by cultivator standards, but it is of cultivation standards!

>A powder created with corpse hair brush and divine blood honey cooked to crystals and ash and mixed with the white hand petal that when tossed on ghosts, forces them to briefly become partially tangible. Like a reversed and weaker dead ghost mask pellet!

>Another entry (Write in)

And which creation/ innovation do you declare the winner of the crafting contest, Huanliuxue?

>A net woven from spider demon silk and the fiber of a stubborn carnivorous plant that naturally mends, lined with paralytic hooks that proves capable of at least incapacitating an early Qi condensation cultivator.

>A shield incorporating Lunar glass and black bile iron, with a sharpened and serrated edge that can reflect light with a curious enchanting property that may or may not be magical in nature

>A flute carved out of blood sucking spirit wood, polished with an oil extracted from the life force extracting skull shaped fruit, and hardened in fire that can exhaust non-cultivators (or utter trash cultivators) who hear it, lulling them to slumber from fatigue

>A perpetually hot knife that the creator doesn't even know how he managed to create, using some of the stellar ingredients as on the fly kindling to keep his furnace lit and blazing hot. Glows like a star and melts as well as a cuts!

>A different entry (Write in)
>The one contestant who managed to produce Moon Dew! And several drops of it!
>A perpetually hot knife that the creator doesn't even know how he managed to create, using some of the stellar ingredients as on the fly kindling to keep his furnace lit and blazing hot. Glows like a star and melts as well as a cuts!
>The one contestant who managed to produce Moon Dew! And several drops of it!
He did a thing.

>A flute carved out of blood sucking spirit wood, polished with an oil extracted from the life force extracting skull shaped fruit, and hardened in fire that can exhaust non-cultivators (or utter trash cultivators) who hear it, lulling them to slumber from fatigue
Make a killing in the sleep aid business.
>A low quality but functional healing salve. Not anything amazing by cultivator standards, but it is of cultivation standards!
If the guy managed this without controlling Qi, he's a genius

>A perpetually hot knife that the creator doesn't even know how he managed to create, using some of the stellar ingredients as on the fly kindling to keep his furnace lit and blazing hot. Glows like a star and melts as well as a cuts!
Could be very good intuition on this one.
>A powder that makes ghosts tangible.

I remember the old master had more trouble with this pill than immortality pill.

>Perpetually hot knife
Idiot savant anyone?
>The one contestant who managed to produce Moon Dew! And several drops of it!
Not bad runner-up should be the ghost revealing pictures powder.

>A perpetually hot knife that the creator doesn't even know how he managed to create, using some of the stellar ingredients as on the fly kindling to keep his furnace lit and blazing hot. Glows like a star and melts as well as a cuts!
Winner since it's a weapon but also a useful forge item able to melt metal in controlled ways. It'll have huge application in skilled hands.
Runner-up would be the flute since some people suffer from not being able to sleep. Also a great training device for mental affects.
Honestly a very sellable item that could see wide use. The dagger only wins because it can be a sect secret and enhance the forge arts well and could evolve imo.
The one contestant who managed to produce Moon Dew! And several drops of it!
This guy will probably be very popular for other sects who are more frugal but we are quite rich so unless he managed better conversion rates than we could I don't consider it so amazing.

>A powder created with corpse hair brush and divine blood honey cooked to crystals and ash and mixed with the white hand petal that when tossed on ghosts, forces them to briefly become partially tangible. Like a reversed and weaker dead ghost mask pellet!
A mortal who can on the fly make something that interacts with what he can't even see is a pioneer of the sciences or very fucking lucky, or both.

A perpetually hot knife that the creator doesn't even know how he managed to create, using some of the stellar ingredients as on the fly kindling to keep his furnace lit and blazing hot. Glows like a star and melts as well as a cuts!
>Glows like a star
This guy made the best torch in existance when trying to make a knife.

But I'll try to make a write in about a madlad using the crow king feathers:
>you can't tell if it's greed or 'all or nothing' desperation that guided the hands of this contestant but he managed to fashion a small fan out of the Crow king feathers shaped like a severed hand, while you can appreciate the style it's mystical effects are a bit lacklustre in the way that it only seems to be able to slap ghosts and is quite durable even by cultivation standards... But besides a onetime use as a comedic prop if your ghost sister acts uncouth, that's all it's worth beyond being questionably fashionable.
>A powder created with corpse hair brush and divine blood honey cooked to crystals and ash and mixed with the white hand petal that when tossed on ghosts, forces them to briefly become partially tangible. Like a reversed and weaker dead ghost mask pellet!
This uses both knowledge we gave and knowledge we didnt.
Greetings, mortal expert craftsmen, and welcome to our sect.
>A perpetually hot knife that the creator doesn't even know how he managed to create, using some of the stellar ingredients as on the fly kindling to keep his furnace lit and blazing hot. Glows like a star and melts as well as a cuts!
Ngl this one was close
I didnt know which to pick either this or the flute.
>A powder created with corpse hair brush and divine blood honey cooked to crystals and ash and mixed with the white hand petal that when tossed on ghosts, forces them to briefly become partially tangible. Like a reversed and weaker dead ghost mask pellet!
That is a very interesting drug with curious properties. Exactly the kind of bullshit I want to hear our students cooked up when I wake up in the morning.
>A net woven from spider demon silk and the fiber of a stubborn carnivorous plant that naturally mends, lined with paralytic hooks that proves capable of at least incapacitating an early Qi condensation cultivator.
It's hard to choose this one, so I'll go with my gut. I would pick the knife but that the creator doesn't know how they created it means it could have been mere stroke of luck and not skill/talent. Though something tells me the craftsmen who made it is going to do well in the luck trial.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>The one contestant who managed to produce Moon Dew! And several drops of it!
>A powder created with corpse hair brush and divine blood honey cooked to crystals and ash and mixed with the white hand petal that when tossed on ghosts, forces them to briefly become partially tangible. Like a reversed and weaker dead ghost mask pellet!
Rolling for this one since producing Moon Dew would be invaluable for another sect, but the ghost powder is genuinely impressive.
>A shield incorporating Lunar glass and black bile iron, with a sharpened and serrated edge that can reflect light with a curious enchanting property that may or may not be magical in nature
If this shield can reproduce a facsimile of our madness inducing power, hes a slept on talent
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I had planned to let this vote run for a day or two, however as I was making myself tea and getting ready to tally, my family and clan treated my a low tier, low class outer disciple and lackey and requested my assistance in house cleaning. Again

I will try to write later tonight, but I got no sleep and am exhausted, so I make no promises I cannot keep about when the update will arrive

forgive me juniors

Pretty stylish write in!
The tribulations are ceaseless I swear

>A low quality but functional healing salve. Not anything amazing by cultivator standards, but it is of cultivation standards!

>A net woven from spider demon silk and the fiber of a stubborn carnivorous plant that naturally mends, lined with paralytic hooks that proves capable of at least incapacitating an early Qi condensation cultivator.

The people who can punch upwards.
They truly are, since I was just about to end and tally the vote here after recovering from my latest act of familial piety. And I swear to the nine heavens and all the gods in them, the moment I sat down to write, the power went out!

Truly, the tribulations I face are without end
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What divine providence! The power came back on, right as I was about to give up for the night! Now before it goes out again, I'll end and tally the vote. Didn't mean to take this long to continue, but things kept coming up or happening, hope you can forgive me juniors.

The one contestant who managed to produce Moon Dew! And several drops of it!:4

A low quality but functional healing salve. Not anything amazing by cultivator standards, but it is of cultivation standards!:2

A powder created with corpse hair brush and divine blood honey cooked to crystals and ash and mixed with the white hand petal that when tossed on ghosts, forces them to briefly become partially tangible. Like a reversed and weaker dead ghost mask pellet!:4

A perpetually hot knife that the creator doesn't even know how he managed to create, using some of the stellar ingredients as on the fly kindling to keep his furnace lit and blazing hot. Glows like a star and melts as well as a cuts!:5

A flute carved out of blood sucking spirit wood, polished with an oil extracted from the life force extracting skull shaped fruit, and hardened in fire that can exhaust non-cultivators (or utter trash cultivators) who hear it, lulling them to slumber from fatigue:1

Crow devil feather write in: 1

A net woven from spider demon silk and the fiber of a stubborn carnivorous plant that naturally mends, lined with paralytic hooks that proves capable of at least incapacitating an early Qi condensation cultivator.:2

A shield incorporating Lunar glass and black bile iron, with a sharpened and serrated edge that can reflect light with a curious enchanting property that may or may not be magical in nature:1

So there is a tie between Moon Dew and Ghost revealing powder, which will be resolved by a final test/ contest between the two alchemists

And the craftsman who accidentally made a perpetually hot knife that glows like a star wins the craftsmen contest handily

New thread will arrive shortly. Already archived this one

Next thread has arrived like a bolt from the heavens!

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