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A galaxy full of life, technological and even magical wonders spins on. Empires have risen, war has been waged, vast dark powers have risen up and been struck down. The galaxy seems to be settling down, heading toward a status quo, and yet there is a little time left for the nations of the void to change their fate.


We're currently full on players! Sorry to anyone who would like to join!


Turn 14 Begins

>Free Building Action: Ellinikon Carbon-Capture Biofuels.
Though the terraforming of Ellinikon has taken the world into a habitable condition, the atmosphere is still heavily carbonised to an extent that presents problems for the nascent Wolarian communities. Fortunately, the planet is now home to the greatest University in the League outside of Aetha itself; and under their instructions land on the planet is set aside to grow carbon-intense crops from which Biofuels can be easily synthesised; to both reduce the atmospheric choke and provide liquid thruster-fuels for our fleets and transports.

>Action 1: Enhanced Void Protections - Fleet Complexity 2
Wolarian research into slipstream protections have shown us ways through which the beings of slipspace might be deterred and Starship hulls might be protected from their entry as well as better constructed to minimise presence within this adjacent dimension. But since this process is going to necessitate a redesign of propulsion systems for any future vessels commissioned along with substantial adjustments to the hulls, the scientists of the league first work to devise ways through which more components might be.

>Action 2: Expand to (16,7)
We press onward, to see what wonders the Galaxy might still hold for us to find.

>'New Worlds Festival' Funding
With the treasury fairly healthy, permission is given and funds are readily and generously allocated in a one-off sum to allow us to enjoy this one-celebration of our expansiveness.

We stand at the pinnacle. There are none grander than us. Seize the secrets of the cosmos now, everlasting power is ours for the taking!

Action 1: Aduata Dust + Adamant
Our recent study of the Entity imprisoned within the oubliette has revealed remarkable new insights. The five magical elements can be effectively fused together to form new, more potent elements.
It is arranged immediately, on an industrial scale, cold, immutable, indestructible Adamant will be joined with malleable, evolving, shifting Aduata.
A crucible has been devised to combine such dangerous materials in a mostly safe manner, full of arcane clockwork it is a mindbending hub of ritualworks in which the glory of flesh will be bound with the strength of metal. What will this fusion reveal?

Action 2: Grailstone + Magicite
Grailstone, that rock of our forebears that shapes raw thaumaturgical evocation. Merge it together with magicite, the crystal that commands the orbits of the heavenly bodies. A fusion of raw energy and effortless motion, perfect azure crystals moulded with solid gilden rock

Construction: The Crucible
Constructed on Pendulum, this colossal alchemical site is dedicated to the mass production of entirely novel theoretical esoteric materia. Designed with acroamatic principles out of incredible resilient and magically immutable materials, this facility is designed to tolerate the extreme orphic stresses involved with merging these exotic materials together without disaster or expenditure of the resource. Horrifyingly, this facility operates under strict workplace safety regulations, something foreign, alien and unique to the Tellurian Concord. Chants must be performed regularly and exactly to heat the effluence, ritual circles must be drawn, redrawn and foretold at exact moments, there can be no mistakes involved with such dangerous materials.
Horrifyingly, the wizards take safety so seriously here that they even put a safety railing over the giant ominous sump pit (that is designed such that the contents of the active crucible can be dumped into the planets mantle in case of dangerous overflow).
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As news of what happened in Groombridge 1618 reaches the rest of Orkan, the God Engines rouse in activity. They say a message clearly: "Humanity needs Orkan." The Ultima Engines quickly notes the lack of mentioning IUNE, thus IUNE shall be deposed. Instead, humanity shall be brought under the care of Orkan as swiftly as possible.
>Annex Groombridge 1618 (4, 8) and rename system to Erdloch.
The battle of Reach was a onesided affair, to the relief of Orkan. They know they have the upper hand. The name irks Orkan, as the numerical designation has no rhyme or reason, so the Ultima Engines quickly come up with a new name, Erdloch, foxhole, as it was not an adequate defence against the might of Orkan.

>Action 1: Integration of Reach in Erdloch (4, 8).
The humans of Reach are a rowdy bunch, but Orkan is experienced doing outreach with Fenriks, so they set about contacting the locals. Ultima Engines are dedicated to learn their ways and needs, and the humans are introduced to the Fenriks and Lindwyrms. There's even some Silkies there. The humans are provided food and comforts. Houses rebuilt, new clothes and furniture, video games, movies, the translation process for media is fast thanks to the computational capabilities of Ultima Engines.

>Action 2: Expand to system south of Erdloch (4, 9).
After analyzing the human broadcasts, Orkan discovers the source is not far from Reach. They are close to the human homeworld, the source of the scourge upon the cosmos. Orkan has noted the wanton abandon the humans have toward their colonies and figure they surely can't have the same attitude toward their homeworld. So a ship is sent out to chart out the system between Reach and Earth.

>Construction Action: Build Nectar Refinery (Fuel resource) on Tornado 5 in the Tornado system (8, 7).
With more fuel needed, Orkan sets about making a new fuel refinery. Of particular interest is the nectar resource in the Tornado system, able to be refined into quite the energetic fuel substitute. The tornado worlds are hostile to life, but Automechs fare just fine.

>Fleet Action: Syklonvinge-2A, -7B, -12C and -13B chart a course to Earth (4, 10), the homeworld of Humanity. Finishing the fight.
While Orkan would have liked to leave Earth alone, their cruelty toward their own people makes it clear they need to be treated with decisive action. So as soon as an outpost is built in the system between Erdloch and Earth, the Syklonarmada sets a further path for Earth. Striking while the iron's hot. Giving them time to prepare would just be giving them time for another atrocity. Their capital shall be conquered swiftly, and before they have a chance to destroy their gate, so Orkan can reach the other worlds humanity may threaten to destroy.
1. Explore and settle 12,11. With the new fuel logistics it is necessary to find new, useful, and resource rich planets to colonize.
2. Explore and settle 13,12.
Free build action: Upgrade the solar fortress in the 11,11 system with the new technology to drag incoming fleets into the system; and expand the defensive networks with more expansive drone nests, missile bays, and guns.

>Build a red powder mining outpost, calling the colony Cadwallader. Meanwhile settle on the habitable farming moon, calling the colony Uni. Building I missed can be a manufactory.

With the exploration of the Y Fflam and Serepryftân systems, it was clear that the former was a lot less noteworthy than the latter. The latter having a massive planet practically screaming to be made into a massive mining world and the other having more of the vital red powder. Both were still important, and the lesser system easily could be made into a nice source of sundries and perhaps a bit of electrical power generation, but it was clear which was far more interesting. Still, the moon would have a colony formed upon it referred to as the Uni Colony, named after the Dybet Pharaoh, given the worlds warm climate being practically perfect for the Dybet minority. Meanwhile the red powder colony would be named after the minor clan that years ago made the steel that was used in the creation of the first true battleships.

>Action One. Development of subtle observation techniques. Project Cysgod.

While project Cartref’s success, work shifts towards something else that has been a major problem for some time. There is a significant primitive alien presence in one of our colonial systems. For a long time, we have left them be, yet once they move past their extremely privative tech, they will eventually notice our presence, and likely their fellow habitable world. While them learning that two other worlds in their system are home to other peoples is fine, them learning of our space presence until after they get to a tech level in which space travel is possible is not ideal. As such, the start of 'Project Cysgod' begins. An effort to be able to allow our vessels and orbital stations to hide themselves. Cloaking technology is difficult, of course, but early efforts are made to be able to mimic the stars and background of space. This does mean that, were a planet or the local star in the system be directly positioned behind the vessel from the observer, it still could be spotted visually, however bending other waveforms should make all but the largest ships and stations hard to spot without getting so close to them that anyone looking for the vessel would have been able to be prepared for long before they arrived.

>Action Two. Development of Iolo colony's Experimental Production facilities.

The Iolo colony was made to work in tandem with the Rhisiart colony. This plan has not changed, and efforts to create manufacturing plants that would be able to make whatever the Iolo research facilities need and send the resources up to the moon are quickly put underway. It shouldn't be too long before the two worlds are working at a speedy and highly efficient output of experimental designs that can be tested in the proper facilities.

>Meanwhile, a dreamer awakens.

Despite how long lived and venerable the Children of Fanw may be, the clock still claims them all the same. At least, it used to anyway. Hueil Mattick was an old supporter of Project Cartref, and while he was past the third quarter of his life by the time the project initially started to find some success, he was a proper elder by the time the project was finalized. Like many others who supported the desire to return home, the second one was able to hook up to it, he quickly made sure that he would be able to. A mere year later, he found that he could not hear the ringing of the bells that would awake him from his slumber, and initially he was confused. In the material world, he was still hooked up, yet the device that linked him with Project Cartref was still active, even if his body was starting to decay. Something that, with his continued presence in the simulation, made his clan leave his body be for fear of disconnecting him. He was one of the first dreamers. And his predicament would lead to quite a bit of curiosity among both the programmers of the simulation and many many more, it even bringing up a number of important and hard hitting questions to Clan Howell. However there was at least some comfort with all of this. Anyone at the end of their life could peacefully return home provided they were linked when they passed...
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The New World’s Festival! A stunning celebration of the vastness of the empire the League has created, bringing together food and art and culture from across the stars. Boobokolipos glider exhibitions, Tengmalmos river races, Ellinikon technology expos and Cypokean ocean marathons all kick off. Mesaria silks, Lampyrisma jewelry, Chroma painting, even a bit of Sidero metalwork are all on display at locations across the empire. At the height of the festival the latest footage of the scouts is displayed, revealing a large jungle world, overgrown with life, bristling with yellow egg like stones that can apparently accelerate the growth of plants. The festival is a stunning testament to the vast and varied culture and luxury that the League has brought the Wolarian people, and in the days and weeks following a surge of pioneers sets out across the empire, seeking to claim their own world and build their own legacy to add to the League of Aetha.

It is said that those who wear a mask long enough will find it fused to their face, unable to be removed, their body slowly. Perhaps this is what drives the Tellurians, who have told the lie of their ancient precursor status so often that perhaps even they believe it. Even now the Crucible, a massive facility dedicated to arcane material science is beginning to look distinctly like a vast and mysterious complex dedicated to science beyond mortal imagining.

Chasing the dream hinted at by the ultra science sparks within the Dark Entity’s fragments, the Tellurian Concord has taken those first steps toward recreating them, weaving Aduata and Adamant together in one half of the facility and Magicite and Grailstone in another half. The results are two new super materials, True Mercury and Orichalcum. The first is a living metal that responds to mental magic, sometimes malleable, sometimes as hard as stone, able to grow and heal and transform like a living thing. The second is an iridescent clear crystal that seems to have completely defied gravity, indeed as more of the material is gathered together it quickly becomes apparent that it dispels gravity in a wide range around it, growing as more of the material is gathered together.
As relief and integration efforts get underway in Reach the Ultima Engines learn more and more about the people of IUNE. Rampant corruption, racism and xenophobia are commonplace and it quickly becomes apparent that the IUNE views the life of its people more as a resource than something of worth in its own right. Orkan is a nation that never sleeps, and even as the government of the IUNE retire to bed, the Ultima Engines think long into the night. The decision is ultimately made, the head of the snake must be cut off, the IUNE must be abolished as a governmental entity, it does not deserve to govern.

Orkan ships, already rapidly repaired via the marvel of their self repairing hulls, set out alongside a vast logistics chain of ships and even colony teams. Their first stop is the system at (04,09), where a large terraforming candidate awaits. Part of the logistics train stops here, creating the refueling and spacedocks that will extend the reach of Orkan, colonists dropping down onto the world below to begin construction efforts. Here they will receive shipments of Processed Nectar fuel from Tornado 5, a newly built facility that also serves to keep the Orkan war machine moving. Therer is some brief excitement at the discovery of Red Powder, a mysterious material that can produce high durability alloys, but nonetheless the second half of the logistics train, and the full might of the Orkan fleets continues on after a brief refueling session. There is no time for researching new components and materials, Earth awaits.
Interdiction Drones fill the void between Drya worlds, thousands and thousands of them, each projecting an FTL Curved Gradient Field designed with a single simple purpose in mind, to warp the FTL space of Drya territory into a funnel that leads to a single point (admittedly this point is several thousand miles across). Ships that enter Drya space will find themselves floundering, with only two simple choices. They can either let the current pull them to the defensive fortress of the Drya, or they can fight directly against it, leaving Drya space. Any other choice will result in the ship being torn to shreds by the FTL shear forces. Then faced with the Drya wardrones, and the vast fortress waiting for them, any invader will surely face their doom.

Scouts return with news of two more systems. The first features a useful red powder that could be used to strengthen metallic alloys, though unfortunately it's found on an unpleasant world of metal shrapnel and high winds. Still, a pleasant planet-moon pair of jungle worlds is in the same system and could easily be used as a base for mining operations. The second system has a much stranger planet. This massive but toxic deathworld has a complex ecosystem of incredibly deadly microorganisms that hunts and preys exclusively on each other, with a limited selection of fungi at the bottom of this ecosystem. Odder still are the vast canyons filled with heaps of dead organisms, almost totally untouched by the bacterial and viral life here. A more squeamish race might shy away from consumption of the dead, but the Drya see an opportunity, a vast reserve of calories and biomass for the taking, as long it has been properly sanitized.

The Fanwyc holdings continue to grow steadily, with colonies, mines and production facilities all being built. With the realization of digital immortality, that at the end of one’s life there could be a return to the homeland in a digital paradise the eye toward the future has grown ever keener. One of many projects to secure that future is Project Cysgod, a comprehensive stealth system of emission damping technology and signal spoofing systems. While in these first stages the technology will be unpredictable, the more primitive nations living within Fanwyc space will lack the skills and ability to dissect the illusion, if they notice it at all.

Widespread knowledge of the Dreamer phenomena has lead to a soaring demand for VR connection systems, as well as a sudden industry of “preservation pods”, vr systems designed to seal the recently deceased in a dark airless environment to prevent decomposition. A few of the Fanw do have to wonder though, in a few centuries will the dreamers outnumber the living? And what does that say about the future?
Humanity is under attack! Filthy xenos have invaded from beyond the stars! Brave people of Reach have nobly sacrificed themselves to delay the enemy, but there is no doubt that the enemy will come here next! A surge of work goes into re-establishing the lost armies, pushing supplies of metal, sundries, and fuel to the limit. The Olympus Space Station is loaded down with more armaments and armor, and supporting fighter planes. A new prototype weapon is rushed out to the Iron Giants, the Big Ben Railgun System. Utilizing greenmetal vibrations, the system propels a cloud of small metal shrapnel to tremendous speeds, though unfortunately the intense vibrations cause considerable damage to the mech firing the weapon as well. Sacrifices will have to be made.

With the aid of some mysterious Nivih mercenaries, at a remarkably low price, the ICC has come into possession of a delightful if gruesome opportunity for profit! The Burger Planet, a moon size biosphere filled with rapidly growing meat has been settled, a processing plant established, and even now cargo container after cargo container of ground beef is being shipped out after it’s been thoroughly killed with heavy radiation to keep it from growing.

In grimmer news our brothers on Earth have run afoul of our business partners at Orkan, and are facing an invasion. We’ve made some delicate inquiries, planted a few...well spy is an ugly word, informants, and made a few bribes as needed. With any luck when the moment comes the ICC can keep things on Earth from deteriorating any worse than they usually are.
> Nivih Turn 14/15 Action
Building actions: Build 2 mines

Actions: Expand 2
Build an army and fully equip it

Improve the sister army component
Apologies for not doing my turn, was a bit out of it.

Turn 13

>Action 1: Research Subatomic Compression(Army complexity upgrade)

Now with the dexterity needed to manipulate and program their own atoms at the subatomic level, Cuboids could fit in many more components and materials to varied effects. But this wasn't enough to truly fit in everything they wanted to aggressively cube planets...At least until a peculiar Necker figured out how to further compress subatomic particles into each other! With this, heavy atoms within a cuboid would be reduced to the size of a helium atom.

>Action 2: Research Tungsten Carbide Supports(Defensive technology)

In the pursuit of making Cuboids more and more indestructible, the breakthrough in subatomic compression led to yet another in reducing the overall volume of tungsten atoms. Implementing the extreme durability,hardness and density of tungsten into the programmable matter of the cuboids without inflating them beyond 10 feet in size was trivial now.

>Building Action: Exaleipsite Factory on E2

Turn 14

>Action 1: Research the HyperCuboid Project

It was time, long have the Cuboid neglected it but the Hypercubes are pushing for Transcendance now. The theory is there, but the practical way to become Hypercuboids is a mystery to all

>Action 2: Find ASMGADU-0, the First Cuboid

ASMGADU-0 has been missing since the Awakening and it finally occured to the Sommet that perhaps it would be time to find the First, especially after the construction of the AADPU and the beginning of the HyperCuboid Project

Building Action: Heavy metal factory on E2
The jungle world is to be named 'Kerkida' by the colonial mission, for it is already immediately evident where the system's colony shall be.

>Free Building Action: Kerkida: Egg-Stone Excavation
The new colony world's most unusual treasures will be extracted in careful and limited quantities, so that we might further analyse and admire these life-giving treasures.

>Action 1: Tachys Star-Engine Systems (+1 Fuel,+1 BlueCrystal)
With our recent research of Advanced void Protection increasing the potential utility of our fleets, it is decided by the Admiralty that new engine systems are something of a necessity to truly lift our spacecraft from lumbering beasts to graceful masters of the Void. The incorporation of energy-storing Bluecrystal into the research parameters is considered an effort to supplement and compliment the power system for more effective manoeuvring, as well as potentially an element that will allow for a greater deal of subtlety upon the approach... depending, of course, on what our researchers come up with. The feedback from the static-beast research will also be incorporated in the design process, so that these new-design engines will be less of a draw to the intruders and might even actively help to repel them from our flight-path.

>Action 2: The Sun Forge
The remains of the Alien superstructure in the Thymamai system named 'Object Iliossideras' are looked upon with some relish for what these ruins might teach us of the ancient technology through the process of restoration to activation. Past experience with Dachtylidi and Solinas might also help with the processes involved - As to the Iliossideras device, there are already some envisioning making use of the theoretical capabilities of this world-size structure to draw fourth the basis of a new Grand Shipyard for our Glorious League.
1. The Purebreeds feel that an end to an age is coming soon. News of war spreads through the information networks and unclaimed systems become less available. In this time the purebreeds decide to start a major project, to hearken back to the old on their homeworld. They once believed that their divine mission was the protection and spread of their home jungle, the Yadi, but those days have long passed and their ancient home is long gone. Instead a new home has been made among the stars and a new Yadi must be built. It will be no true jungle, no, but any planet that does not already have life will soon be hit by rapid evolutionary pods and their growth studied and guided until every planet within Drya space can hold stable biospheres of a kind.

2. The toxic micro-organism ridden world is studied with well protected scientists, and a lot of extra protocols to destroy everything including the science ship, as the micro-biome is studied to strengthen the Drya immune ability and their own microbes to protect themselves from these diseases and even create such diseases as weapons.

Free construction: With all traffic being rerouted to the stellar fortress a visitor center and market will be constructed to allow alien visitors to trade, if they have anything of worth, and to book trips further into Drya space if allowed.
As the galaxy spins towards a conclusion Ayden and the Nivih set out into the unknown one last time, exploring a pair of distant systems. A pleasant jungle moon is discovered on one, populated by simple primitive people, a vast reserve of metals is found on another. Another world yields the blessing of Redpowder, a potent addition to metal alloys. In time, like many other people of the galaxy the primitives will join the embrace of Ayden, forming the third great Nivih army. Their strength will prove pivotal during the Sister’s Rebellion, when a rogue faction of Nivih, following a mysterious entity known only as the Sister, surge out of unexplored space, attacking and pillaging, throwing galactic safety and prosperity into chaos for many years, before eventually being beaten back. When Ayden’s forces eventually press into the Sister’s territory they find only crumbling ruins and a final message.

I think I’ve seen everything there is to see here, see you later Sister.

The AADPU ponders and speaks, and all Cuboids listen, in no small part because the AADPU has developed a system of instant FTL communication. It has unraveled the secrets of time and space itself, allowing it to communicate with both itself in the future, and in the past, for the AADPU they are in fact the same object. The AADPU explains further that Time itself is broken, that the past is becoming increasingly destabilized, that there exists a theoretical point where all things will be irrevocably changed.

The change would prevent the existence of cubes on a fundamental universal level.

ASMGADU-0, first among Cuboids, first to unravel the secrets of the Hypercuboid, has long been aware of this, and has worked tirelessly in the past to prevent it. The perfidy of the current universe, with it’s clouds of electrons and elliptical orbits can all be laid to blame at the feet of a malignant tumor in the past, seeking to corrupt the universe at large. The call goes out, all cuboids assemble, they leap into the past as one. The finest advancements in cuboid form are put to the test. In the past they find the Spheroids, corruptors of the universe invading over a bridge of frozen time. ASMGADU-0 stands alone. ASMGADU-0 has never stood alone. All Cuboids that have ever been, will ever be, stand with him.

When the battle ends the Cuboids find themselves at a crossroads. Return to their imperfect home, or leap into another universe as it should be, one of perfect right angles in all things.
In the bowels of the great ringworld a great battle roars. Wolarian marines clad in great suits of drop armor hold the line against waves of maintenance machines, the ringworld’s corrupt systems seemingly outputting them by the hundreds in a mistaken attempt to defend itself. A team of field scientists and analysts hovering in nearby stealthed vessels work desperately to cut apart the deranged system and put it back together clean, doing the work of months in minutes. The situation nearly devolves into a grim and bloody massacre when packs of tribal Wolarians strike from the crawlspaces and service tunnels, buying desperate time with a barrage of crude emp devices and thermite tipped spears that in spite of their crude design manage to deal considerable damage to the machines.

At last the system is purged of corruption, and with an eerie abruptness the maintenance machines cease their attacks and immediately begin a long overdue series of repairs. The full repairs take nearly ten cycles, and there are no end of other issues to resolve, from clearing out feral tribes of ratmen, (you eventually discover Falling-Spear’s paradise, a well preserved maintenance dorm) to resolving many a diplomatic dispute and case of culture shocked alien life, but eventually the entire vast ringworld is in Wolarian hands, a vast curated landscape that could provide homes for a hundred generations. The miracles of Wolaria hardly stop there though. The design of the great precursor artifacts is mirrored in the Sun Forge, a vast solar shipyard able to spin molten metal directly from the sun’s almost unlimited reserves into ship components. With new advancements in longevity based on Egg-Stones many Wolarians live to see their nation harness the stars themselves. Their worlds guarded by mighty fleets, with the newest Tachys Star-Engine actually able to rob energy from the reactors of enemy fleets, the Wolarians rise to considerable prominence in the galaxy.

In the coming ages the Drya establish themselves as unrivaled masters of biology, both macro and micro. Extensive studies of the plague world results in the creation of a complex network of immunity micro-organs able to study, test and produce complex counter agents to biological invaders. The Drya find themselves in an odd position of the premier medical experts of the galaxy, highly sought after for their biological knowledge. This also leads to a brief spate of poaching of drones, ending when a chain of interdiction systems resulted in the entire poaching operation being dropped directly into the maw of a war drone. On the macrolevel vast swathes of previous uninhabitable planets are terraformed by rapid evolution pods, creating an explosion of life across the galaxy in strange and varied forms. The Drya enjoy a long period of prosperity, well secured in their territories and enjoying considerable demand on the galactic environment for both exotic creatures and medical talent.
In the wake of the devastating loss of Reach and Earth itself, and facing an incredible surge of backlash of unpopularity from its multiple attempts at nuclear armageddon of its own people, the IUNE suffers a fatal schism. With the GATE network shattered and colonies cut off from each other, and fuel supplies at critical lows from the war effort the IUNE worlds all go their separate ways, most eventually being absorbed by neighboring nations. The ICC quickly adopts the unnamed system at (03,02) seizing its remarkable mineral wealth and the fertile worlds of Epsilon Indi, then overtime eventually comes to own Earth itself and the Reach in all but name, with the Orkan maintaining a minor presence, but ceding day to day activity to the ICC as long as critical local resources continue to flow to the Orkan. Gliese 285 on the other hand finds itself eventually taken in by the Fanw eventually.

Rubicon III remains the sole bastion of the IUNE, largely ignored their human cousins in the Tellurian Concord. Then abruptly, several cycles after the Orkan-IUNE war, Rubicon III vanishes entirely, causing a massive FTL disruption in the process, severely warping space in the process. The Rubicon system, including several cubic lightyears of space itself, has vanished. In a distant universe the IUNE flashes into a reality devoid of other life. They will rebuild, expand, fracture and war, and expand again, in a never ending cycle, spreading across this universe. Perhaps one day they will even return.
Our mastery of the fundamental forces of this universe know no equal. We are the past and the future of humanity, and will endure a billion years.
Action 1: The Sentinels

Their flesh bound with true mercury, we march our loyal lizard subjects into the fires of the crucible to remake them.

Eternal perfect servants of perfect, indestructible, self repairing omniapplicable flesh, that suffuses their bodies and finds, binds, reshapes everything they are.

These immortal warriors, derived from the lizard warrior caste, shall serve the concord as our perfect ground troops to annihilate any foe that dares defy us.

Action 2: Orichalum Sky-Palaces

Risen above we ground, we embrace the sky. Our cities expand into shining towers that breach the heavens.

Our billions of magi shall live brilliantly in these flying cities, no longer shackled by gravity, our people may live lives of luxury in arcane homesteads.

Construction: Deepen the Crucible

Down and down and down it goes, deep into the ground, sideways and around through spacial loops back into itself only to carry on again. Where does it start, I wonder?

Where does it end, in fact?
There was a way in, there must have been, is there a way out?
Perhaps it does not matter. There is work to be done, unveiling the secrets of the cosmos in these deepest vaults beneath the ground.

As the galaxy turns, and nations rise and fall, the Tellurian Concord endures. Their soldiers are terrible things of living metal, as unbreakable as they are ferocious. Their cities are marvels, ivory towers unbound by gravity, time or space. Piece by piece the cities of the Concord become detached from the very planets they were once anchored to. With neither want nor need the sorcerers of the Concord turn their gaze inward, seeking ever new advancements of the material arts. The Crucible expands, twists, expands through time and space, above and beyond and within. Eventually the Concord ceases all communication. Eventually explorers dare to cross their borders, dodge the patrols of immortal guardians, set foot on those hallowed cities once more.

They find no one. Every man woman and child of Telos has vanished. Gone to some distant corner of the galaxy? Wrapped up tight in a strange dimension unseen by lesser eyes? Perhaps they have all vanished within the Crucible, drawn there, seeking ever deeper mysteries. None know. None can know, the Crucible itself is a labyrinth that cannot be known. The ancient guardians, immortal, unbreakable, still stand. But no one walks those marvelous cities now.

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