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Cursed from birth with silver hair, the sign of evil influence, you play as Argia Candente, a Knight-in-training determined to help your family, show your valour… and make your first friends.

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Welcome to the second thread of the thrilling adventures of our beloved silver-haired doofus, Argia Candente! Last thread has seen your retarded QM finally learning how to roll dice, and has left us facing the confrontation with the cult of the Seven Sisters…

>Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6012263

>Voting Link: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Silver%20Knight%20Quest

(for those not familiar with suptg— thanks to everyone for voting!)

Update schedule: usually one update per day. May be multiple posts, depending on narrative pace and player interaction. I will do my best to reply to questions and suggestions though.

As for what happened last time on Silver Knight Quest…

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You are Argia Candente, an aspirant Knight of Ansàrra, And everyone considers you cursed because of your silver hair.

When your family lost everything, years ago, you were pushed to try and find a new life in the Holy Land of Madua, but you were not granted access. Not unless you complete your tuition and pass the Trial of Fire as its coronation. After three years being the disciple of renown Master Ibardo Delebasse, you were then forced to start a year of training in the outback of Madua, together with three other trainees who you tried to bond with… and failed.

But bad as all that could be, things are even worse now: your current mission was supposed to be investigating a sacrificial cult, and you already had to leave two members of your quartet behind.

You also fought against a malignant tree that folded space and sucked blood out of living creatures, but you got a neat sword out of it. You also saved your first tentative friend from burning herself up into holy frenzy.

At least, it seems that your fellow apprentices are seeing past your cursed hair right now. Now that you and your companion Salicera (who keeps saying the weirdest things about talking mirrors and is mysteriously skilled for someone her age), have entered the nethermost hall and stepped into the cultists’ sanctum, it’s time to let your blades sing…

… but you don’t really mind it. You have always been better with swords than with words.


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Rules Recap:

We vote on majority to decide actions. In rare cases, if a tie happens I may incorporate both options if narratively possible or interesting. This does not happen for combat rolls

We use 1d100 roll against a DC, plus bonuses.
>natural 1 is a critical failure, natural 100 is a complete success.

Roll vs DC for most checks

Combat roll is instead Bo3, counting successes against my rolls (usually you need to beat only 1 or two of my rolls)

If you or I get dubs, trips or more on the rolling post we add the following values/effects to what was just rolled and only that:
>dubs: +6
>trips: +18
>quads: automatic critical success + kiss on the cheek
>quints: permanent bonus + double kiss on the cheek


there will be the occasional prompt for these. Interesting ideas or suggestions may be incorporated in the update even if they don’t reach a majority. Discussions and questions are highly encouraged as they may give you numerical bonuses or allow you to skip dangerous situations (it happened a couple times in the previous thread)!

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>Lore and Important Characters: https://pastebin.com/By6W3xxD

>MC and stats (updated!) https://pastebin.com/CuxGS43X

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And now, the news…
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The nethermost hall, the one you reached passing through the reflection, is something that ought to be impossible. Not just because of the figures turning towards you, what used to be their heads reduced to wavering white flames burning on their stumps of a neck like abandoned candle-lights, sizzling with the heat of their own blood used as fuel… or because of the two hulking figures looming over you and Salicera, their bodies a parody of the human form, with their skin pulled by porcelain trinkets and metal hooks, revealing teeth and sinews. Their bulging muscles remind you of a dead war horse’s, stringy and blue, pulled tight by rigor mortis and hooked strings.

But that is still something you could deal with. The reek of dead skin makes you want to reek, but you can still stomach it.

The floating head is another matter. The young woman looking at you with a sombre expression slowly turns in the air, her hair floating around her like a monstrous jellyfish. It might as well be the missing head from the statue in the previous room, and the clammy, pale skin that still can be seen really makes you feel like it may be. If it’s so, it’s a bit too… organic to be an actual statue and you are reminded of the rituals and rapturous temptations of the Seven Sisters — unfortunate souls offering their bodies up to help one of them incarnate into this world.

As the head turns you notice once more then new skin overtaking the old, growing like mould on a wall: but it’s not pale, it’s a sable tone, and the eyes in the other half of the head are a deep shining blue, and the hair are turning smooth as silk and black as blindness. After what happened in the previous room, you can now know what ‘black as blindness’ means.

Kiengiri features. You are seeing the girl’s head being overtaken, incarnated, by someone who belongs to a race the world hasn’t witnessed in almost twenty centuries…

There is something in that single blue eye scrutinising you two, peering at you, through you from the depth of untold time that makes you feel like a butterfly, a steel and silver butterfly pinned by a claw. You can feel your skin growing goosebumps beneath your clothes.

But no. You can’t give up now. Or even listen to fear. There is too much at stake: Rubida in the other room, keeping the light on so that you two can hopefully come back. Soralisa, bandaged and unconscious, waiting for you three to come back.

Master, who expects you to pass through this year and make some friends.

And your family back in the Landing Strip, without a home, without a way to sustain themselves, their hopes hanging on your shoulders like heavy pauldrons.

There is too much at stake.

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You tighten your grip on your longsword, slowly raising it to be level with your eyes — a challenge — just as Salicera takes a more aggressive stance with her own longsword. Your companion and fellow trainee does not even wear an armour, covered as she in her simple clothes, but she looks just as confident as usual, almost eager for the battle ahead.

You envy her.

You share a look with Salicera’a brown-grey eyes as you try to project your thoughts into her. It’s impossible of course, but you try to make it clear you’d rather face first…

>The multitude of wick-like figures around you. They look like they could be the least dangerous, but there’s a lot of them, and they could easily overwhelm you.

>The two hulking beasts surrounding the head. You have an uneasy gut feeling those are the real nut to crack.

>The incarnating head. If that’s truly one of the Seven Sisters slowly resurrecting herself once again, you must stop it! This is after all what you came here for.
>The two hulking beasts surrounding the head. You have an uneasy gut feeling those are the real nut to crack.
>The multitude of wick-like figures around you. They look like they could be the least dangerous, but there’s a lot of them, and they could easily overwhelm you.
They're performing the ritual, right? Maybe we can slow it down or stop it by killing them. If not, I still suspect beelining for the head will get us surrounded and wrecked.

Welcome back, QM!
Also glad to see you back, OP. >>6049648 this time you didn't mess up the links, kek ;p
>>The multitude of wick-like figures around you. They look like they could be the least dangerous, but there’s a lot of them, and they could easily overwhelm you.
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>>The incarnating head. If that’s truly one of the Seven Sisters slowly resurrecting herself once again, you must stop it! This is after all what you came here for.

Cut off the head and the body will die. Going for mooks with tire us, going for the big dudes will up the risk of being injured before we can complete our mission. Even if we die, we need to stop the ritual. An incarnated one of the Seven would be catastrophic.

Yay, you have returned op! Excited. Have a silver haired thot for your trouble.
holy neotony and she also looks like she took some ribs outta her. mind giving the sauce ?
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>first comment

holy kekeroni, anon

thanks anon, here's to a long and fun thread!

I learn something new every day. My goal for the year is switching velcro shoes for laces

>getting one of the Seven incarnated is bad bad mojo

someone is paying attention to the lore. Good! Also, thanks for the cute pic, but in the future let's try to keep the lust-inducing 3DPD images to a minimum. I enjoyed it but it tends to derail discussion like >>6050090 shows

(lewdpastas still encouraged tho)

FOUR more hours for voting, then it's update time. Get those votes going, anon
>someone is paying attention to the lore. Good!
i mean, we all know letting one of them reincarnate is le bad, the question is if we should kill the big mooks first to ease things out or go straight to the head

>Also, thanks for the cute pic, but in the future let's try to keep the lust-inducing 3DPD images to a minimum. I enjoyed it but it tends to derail discussion like >>6050090 (You) shows
oy vey
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>but in the future let's try to keep the lust-inducing 3DPD images to a minimum

I try to, but my inner coomer wins out at times. Picrel

No clue, something I found on twitter and was in my unsorted images. I dislike e-girls in many regards yet am weak to their wiles. Can probably reverse image search it. idk.
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Here she is, my OCD won out over not spoon-feeding.


She apparently also has an insta with the same name.

Yeah, I have a thing for petite girls, why do you ask?

Yeah I love silver haired girls, why. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

>majority votes for snuffing the lights out on the wicker men. Writing!
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Rolled 5, 63, 20 + 7 = 95 (3d100 + 7)


You give Salicera a quick, sharp look. The wicker men that surround you seem like they could be the key to this… or at least that’s what you think. There’s far too many of them, and they could easily overwhelm you two if they decided to attack. The best course of action seems to be to just… cull their numbers.

“I don’t think we need any sort of welcome,” you reply to the floating head. “Nor any kind of greeting. We know enough about what this means.”

Salicera quirks her eyebrow at that, but then she seem to go with the flow and follow you.

The head remains silent for now, looking at you two with guarded curiosity. It’s far too at ease and relaxed for your liking. As if anything you can do… it amounts to nothing.

You grit your teeth and swing your sword at the closest figure, its head completely consumed by the white flame, the stump of his neck sizzling and crackling with the reek of blood fuelling the flame.

Your tetraceramide-edged sword cleaves through the chest with ease, it almost feel like swinging through water. The cleaved figure falls on its knees, spraying blood everywhere, its flame flickering.

You have to remind yourself that these… things, these puppets are not human, You sharpened your sword on monsters, on creatures of the dark, under the guide of Master. It’s time to put these skills to the real test. This is after all your challenge. Yours and Salicera’s.

“I suppose that’s the end of negotiations,” Salicera chuckles, aiming her own sword at the three closest figures. She turns on herself, slashes and they fall, one piece at a time, cut through by her unrelenting blade.

One by one, the other wicker-like men turn towards you and slumber towards you two, trying to swarm you with their numbers…

>Combat Roll: Bo3, Beat at least 1 of my rolls: roll 1d100+25

[spoilers]nice and easy start hm?[/spoiler]

If we get at least 3 rolls within 5 hours I may be able to write next reply sooner. time to swing them swords anon.
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Rolled 32 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

Rolled 6 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

ezpz, although a shame that the goon vote won.
>I dislike e-girls in many regards yet am weak to their wiles.
I get you
>Yeah, I have a thing for petite girls, why do you ask?
I didn't, but thanks
>Yeah I love silver haired girls, why. Nothing to be embarrassed about.
Rolled 91 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

Our savior!
nice, we beat all 3
you beat the allegations, anon! (though you did not beat the second roll)


cute. she looks like your typical mercenary from the Treviri Throne.

nice, also dubs (what's with all the 6 dubs and trips? must be Ansàrra)

and now results:

12, 70, 27
57, 31, 114+6 (dubs)

two out of three and ending on an especially nice last roll!

Fucking trips...

30 88 45


57 31 122

He got trips. They count for his rolls too, I believe. So a +18 to each of his rolls. So we get 1 win. Dang. Not great as it could have been.
Or not. I could have sworn QM got the dub, trip, quad, ect bonus too.
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Finally it’s time to let swords speak — and you do not disappoint. A few further slashes eagerly eat through the candle-men, cleaving their chests and extinguishing their flame. They all fall to their knees, unmoving and useless. One by one, they fall like wheat before the sickle, their dancing flames dying like moths.

Next to you, Salicera really swings into motion — if you are a dancing with your new fancy blade, she’s jumping ahead, slashing and cleaving, the satisfied grin never leaving her beautiful face as her arms swing her sword. You remember nicking its edge when she challenged you to a spar before entering the tower and you were worried that the tetraceramide of your new sword may have damaged Salicera’s weapon.

But even if it may have, it certainly has not damaged her. She jumps ahead and back like a vestale ballerina from the Crimson Days celebrations, turning on herself, carrying her blade with her in a whirl of metal and silent death.

And as you slash through another one of the things’ chest, you feel like you are also doing quite alright for a Knight in training. Even alone, and a thousand miles away from Master… you are carrying his torch.

Speaking of torches, with each of the figures you slay the lights in the room slowly fade. The two hulking brutes siding the head huff and sigh, leaning back and forth like horses held back by tight reins. The head keeps turning.

Seems like nothing is changing. You push away another of the slumbering candle-men and slice him off from side to side, your new sword cutting through cloth and clammy skin and flesh just as easily as through butter. You turn to regard Salicera, who kicks away the remnants of another body and she gives you a confident grin.

“That’s it?”

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Maybe it can be, says the voice of the woman. Just like before, you hear a grovelling echo of something beneath the voice, the echo of a forgotten, raspy language that nevertheless does not seem to need words to convey meaning, making thoughts bloom directly inside your head. Ansàrra may help you. What is done is done. I tried to warn Taygete this would be risky, even with the Tree of Rotten Ways. But perhaps a failure can be turned into a lesson? The head muses and you can see the ghost of a smile tugging at her lips, on the newly-grown half of her skin. Her hair pulse as if a wave went through them and the two hulking figures finally stir, on heavy feet, looming over you and Salicera.

“Jinxed it,” you hear her click her tongue.

Time for some very fast thinking.

>Salicera is not called a genius for nothing. She can probably deal with them both while you go for the head. It has worked before!

>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.

>You two need to deal with this together. So far the head has displayed no amazing power. Perhaps you two really can leave it for later as you take care of the main threat. You have worked well as a team so far.

It's nice to see Salicera getting a bit too confident innit?
>>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.

I do not like the fucking ascending numbers in the images. It is intentional and is a count till something happens. Wonder what happened when it gets to unlucky number 7.

>the numbers approaching 7

I was going to say something about it but now I am keeping my mouth closed
>>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.
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>I was going to say something about it but now I am keeping my mouth closed


Also, fellas, if Sally goes for the head, I wonder if lending her our sword would be a decent idea? Hope it is super effective vs magic heads and just stall with the big guys till she can come bail us out or hope destroying it kills them too?
>you beat the allegations, anon! (though you did not beat the second roll)
right, I forgot you order rolls as they come
>You two need to deal with this together. So far the head has displayed no amazing power. Perhaps you two really can leave it for later as you take care of the main threat. You have worked well as a team so far.
you know anon, I was gonna ask OP in the last vote if he kept using the book numbers because he lost access to his silver-haired stash, but seeing his answer >>6050361 you were on point, zam.
salicera can deal with the head just fine with her own blade
>>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.
>she looks like your typical mercenary from the Treviri Throne.
Mercenary? So she does... Wetwork? ba dm tsss

>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.
The strongest avenger must go for the head, like the good lord Thor Odinson said.
wut ?
It's a euphemism for murder-for-hire, but also sounds like a sex thing.



4 vs 1 so far. I see a trend but I am curious to see if there may be a change down the line. I’d say a few more hours for voting then tallying up and your doom will be decided.

Doom is just another term for fate or destiny... maybe.

So guys, I suppose we should think about this for a second. We know Sally has a much better fighting bonus than Argia. Our girl however has a better sword.

Thinking about it, our maybe future waifu might be a better choice to deal with a pair of things that can fight back. Argia might be better to send against the main target, who is a floating head with no way to fight back aside from magic. Additionally, the statue we saw before seems to be the base of the head, possibly. So statues are hard, might have some resistance to normal weapons no matter how well they are used; part of why we are kind of supporting Argia tying up the guard thing is due to them seeming resistant to normal attacks, the head may be resistant as well. As such, I am changing:



>Salicera is not called a genius for nothing. She can probably deal with them both while you go for the head. It has worked before!



One of the Pleiades. The 7 nymphs of Greek myth, for whom the constellation is named after; the constellation referred to as "the Seven Sisters". Also called Subaru, in Japan.

Just a note.
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Rolled 17, 38, 13 + 49 = 117 (3d100 + 49)


he finally understands SNK is just a covert AD for the Japanese automotive industry

also, interesting thinking anon. I am glad to see players reflect upon their actions. wonder if that's the right course of action, but there's still a few more hours for further voting


Fun fact, there was an anime, Wish Upon the Pleiades, which was funded by the car company Subaru. While it does have a story, it is basically a 12 episode ad for the company.
Meant to write SKQ for Silver Knight Quest but my brain went into auto mode

>cartoon ad for the company

MLP moment, hm?
>>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.
Why the rolling ?
I see where you’re going for. As the sole anon who voted to tag team the giants to clean the way, I vibe with you that the head won’t be a challenge for now so we can clean the way to deal with it together. Even with the book thing OP has going for the doot.
>Taygete. One of the Pleiades. The 7 nymphs of Greek myth, for whom the constellation is named after; the constellation referred to as "the Seven Sisters". Also called Subaru, in Japan.
Just a note.
Didn’t know that, thanks.
I wouldn't worry about it anon heh.

Probably the giant dudes. Sally's bonus was higher when we sparred, as I recall.

>leave Salicera with the two brutes and you go for the head (changed to the one below)


>work as a team


>Salicera goes for the head and you fight the other two

Cleaving time! Writing!
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Astoria reaches for the fragile arms of the poor, confused girl. She’s sweaty, muttering words she cannot certainly comprehend.

“Here, here,” she sighs as she gently turns her away and towards the inside of the carriage. “You need rest, lady-in-wait. You cannot—”

“No!” Soralisa’s feverish brown eyes turn into pinpricks as she struggles to get away from her grip. It’s a bit of a novel sensation for Astoria, who has not received similar resistance since—

Well, since the last time she truly butted heads with that upstart of an angel.

“They need me! Don’t you understand? I have to go! I have to help them, they are lost… I have seen them, She has shown me, the Sun-Birther—”

Astoria raises her two fingers and taps on Soralisa’s head.

The girl’s panicked eyes roll in her head and she falls in her arms, slumbering softly.

“Preposterous. That Ansàrra would reveal such a thing to a broken little thing such as you. Did they not teach you the value of deference, child? Felice!” She shouts at the chaplain who is quickly besides her, taking the girl out of her arms. “Put her on the bed and make sure she stays asleep. She has need for recovery and I do not want to see those gauzes wasted.”

“At once,” he sighs, entering the carriage and putting Soralisa on the same bed, washing her still-sweaty face. Behind her eyelids she is still struggling, for some reason.

He tells himself it must be nothing.

Outside, Astoria walks back and forth, trying to put a lid on the fury. How dare she talk back to a Blessed Blind? The girl may have an inkling of ability with Sanctions, but that surely did not allow her to act like a petulant child.
And what was even more important, more pressing — Astoria would see that her own intuition about Salicera Fors was correct.

And like a pebble growing into a rushing landslide, she would be the one to wave the thread of fate this time.

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Your eyes run down the length of your sword and that’s when the plan forms in your head. It’s a panicked, half-boiled kind of a plan, but you are going with your gut. It has served you well so far. May Ansàrra be watching over you.
“Go for the head!” You shout at Salicera, who turns at you and cocks her head.
“Are you sure?”
“No! Of course I am not, but I am going with my gut’s feeling. Remember?” You wave your sword as you start to feel the vibrations from the steps of the two colossi closing on you. They readily swing their arms back, getting ready to pummel you into the ground.
Salicera’s eyes reach that inch-thickness of tetracerarmide that ate through her steel like butter, glistening cold and white.
She grins.
“Slice them up, Candente!” Salicera laughs, jumping high in the air, skidding on the floor and then dashing for the head, which lazily floats, turns to regard her.
How boorish.
Just as the closest hulk steps ahead, crashing towards you with the strength of a bull and you get ready to attack its closest point as you would have to jump back, escaping its swing, you share one last look with Salicera as she grins, raises her longsword and hits the head straight in the—

Air shrieks like a broken mirror.

Salicera’s face is still frozen in that confident grin of hers as her shape shatters in a spiderweb of cracks and then explodes in a burst of glass-like shatters that fly off in every direction, showering ruining clinking tinkling skittering on the stone floor as your heart seizes your throat.

The head folds on itself and disappears.

Then the brute finally lunges for you, its arm and its hooked talons growing large enough to obscure the light and it’s suddenly too late for anything else.

>Combat Roll: Bo3, 1d100+25, beat at least two of my rolls from post >>6050822.

>(results: 72 [+6 for dubs to the first roll], 87, 62 [I have decided that adding the dubs/trips bonus to more than one of my rolls wouldn't be balanced, so to further clarify: it applies to the first roll only])

>Remember you have a nat 91 banked roll which you can use, and that your sword considers 97-100 as a critical success.
Rolled 61 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

alright, let's do it. considering that both were teleported away, I think now that the going with salicera was a good idea, even if I still prefer mine to go tag team instead.
great roll anon
thanks and considering how 2 of yours were high-ish, it's needed
Rolled 4 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

let's hope the 3rd anon beats his
Rolled 7 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

No such luck... Seems Salicera's loss has us shook.
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Rolled 92, 94, 86 + 21 = 293 (3d100 + 21)


86, 29, 32
72, 87, 62

you beat only one. and now it's time for a beating.


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You raise your weapon and slide to the right just as the hulk’s arm whooshes right besides you — you feel the air against your face as you strike. The tetracerarmide edge does it job and slices through the thick skin and reinforced porcelain, cleaving and cracking and snapping the metal hooks. You feel the hit against your wrists but it’s less than you expected, far less than you’d be used to with a metal weapon.

A bloom of hope bursts in your chest as you see the sword bite through the flesh and cleave a gash as deep as your arm — the brute grunts and hisses, three fingers of his hand laying useless on the floor. No blood. Just… flesh held together.

His right hand hangs useless from his wrist, the stump of his bone white and useless.

The he turns and slaps you with his other hand.

Your reflexes are quick enough to raise your sword and barely block it, but the hit makes you wheeze. No problem. You can just step back and strike ag-

Something else comes.

He kicks you. You feel like an invisible hand is pulling you up in the air, making you turn, stumble, you grasp for purchase and find it on the floor as you roll, skid on the stone floor… and mercifully stop.

Everything hurts.

You should remember to breathe. Please breathe.


“Aaanfh!” You gulp in air even as your ribs feel like they have been cracked and rebuilt inside out. You spit out a wad of blood and press your hand against your chest. It hurts. Your rib might be cracked.

Just what you needed, right when Salicera—

“Annfh. Annhhf.”

No. You cannot think about Salicera’s fate right now. There is no time.
You need to stand and slice it. Slice that bastard.
You grip your hands around—

— air.

Your sword lies embedded in the floor about ten paces away, amidst the figures with their heads reduced to a flaming wick. And the two hulks, one of them cradling his sliced hand, are quickly moving to get you.

>Cracked rib: -6 to all checks

>One of the two hulks has its wrist sliced off: you will need just one success to beat his combat rolls from now on.

>Stand up and get the sword before the hulk you sliced takes another swing at you: Bo3, 1d100+2 (+8 from Cameo, -6 from cracked rib), DC 56
Rolled 80 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

I do hope it's Salicera's rolls
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Shit, grab grab grab
Zam, if only we got this before. Also would be the first time da Sally makes proper use of her expy status without the bonus.
good roll anon

who said those were Salicera's rolls?
>who said those were Salicera's rolls?
key word "would"
Rolled 90 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Yikes, those QM rolls...
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>makes proper use of her expy status

Who is she an expy of?

>Yikes, those QM rolls...
Yep. Ouch. Picrel.
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nice rolls anon, well done


You stand up, even with each breath a hot knife against your ribs, you manage to stumble through pain and shock to walk towards your sword. You have to reach it. It's your only hope. It's Rubida's only hope. Wonder what may happen to her if you two do not come back.

If Salicera does not come back.

The heavy footfalls of the two hulks reaching for you make your spine tremble. The sword is closer. Closer. The wicker-like figures reach out for you, clammy fingers trying to stop you, but you swing your arms, flailing wildly and sending them down to the floor with the strength of desperation.
"Get off! Get off me!" You croak with your broken voice.

Thu-thump. Thump. Thump.

You are not sure if it's your heart or the sound of the creature's footfalls--


Your hand grips the sword's handle, picking it up. And when you turn to face the hulking monster, it's already swinging its intact arm at you, its body caught in the rictus of pain and anger.

You tense yourself to meet his blows, and you have barely the time to raise a prayer to Ansàrra as you get ready. May she guide your hand.

>Combat roll, Bo3, 1d100+19, beat at least 1 of my rolls from >>6051102. good luck, anon.

captcha: GRHHAA
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Rolled 77 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Fuck em up Argia!
Rolled 53 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Considering your bonus, we basically need at least a 97 since that’s our crit range. Shit.
So close, anon
We could use up the banked up roll now. It would beat the 86 roll.
Do we add our current bonus to it? DH, which the dice in this are loosely based on, has your banked roll just be what it is, no adding current bonuses to it.
Sure. If the 3rd anon fails we can use it. Otherwise if we can’t replace a roll with it, we’ll use it now.
Also for QM, if you aren't already using it, I would highly recommend downloading tampermonkey and getting scripts for 4chanX and 4chanCapchSolver. Makes the experience her much better, I think.

Just a thought I had.

You can decide now if you want to replace it (before the third roll). The roll is a 'natural 91', hence it would see your +19 bonus applied. It would be enough to (barely) beat my last roll.

Or you can hope for a 97 of course, and enjoy your functional arms while you still have them.

I ought to, it's just that I mostly post at different times and from many different devices. I'll try to use it at least when I post from home, thanks
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>enjoy your functional arms while you still have them

Yeah... lets use that banked roll, guys.

>I'll try to use it at least when I post from home, thanks

You are welcome. I fucking hate the capcha since I post a decent amount, so the second one is a game changer. Also shows you how worthless capcha is to prevent bots and spamming.
right, so you're not kidding when you said we could die in this quest. using the banked roll then, we already got fucked in this fight and if it comes to it we'll probably need to help Salicera as well and we need to be functional for that.
nice pic, where is it from, anon ?
Yea, lets use that banked roll
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Call of the Night if I recall. Manga/ anime about vampire GFs. Pretty decent.

If you aren't aware of it, yandex has a reverse image search which works pretty well. Not that I mind, but just because some people are stingy with the sauce.

okay, three votes so far for using the banked roll. I will leave 180 more minutes if someone wants to add votes then update (also, it's not like I'm currently at work or anything).

>YWN have a vampire gf who sucks your blood and calls you prey
oh, I've seen some clips of it. megane crazy smoker save me.
how's fromsoft anti-noble knight ?
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>YWN have a vampire gf who sucks your blood and calls you prey

I know. Been into some vampire media lately. It is showing up in the fic I am working on with the girl kind of wanting to taste a bit of MCs blood/thinking it is hot because she is 15 and going through her teen vampire romance phase after being introduced to those kinds of books. Ansarra help me.

Save us all.
anon is horny and probably likes femdom as well.
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Don't mind it at all unless it gets really fucked up. Right now, I am more into more of a gentle dom kind of thing, especially if the girl likes to be on the receiving end as much as the giving end. Switch pride worldwide.

But I will refrain from shitting up the thread more with this stuff. For at least a day or two.

Also, happy 4th of July, you faggots.
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>You use your 91.
>This allows you to win this encounter.
>You lose your banked roll.

# # # # # #

The blows are coming.
You cannot withstand them, not in the conditions your body is, with each breath grating against your ribs like a heated knife. You need to let your training take over, and pray — pray — that Ansàrra may carry your swings. The weight of the cameo against your chest is your guiding light.

The first hit comes from straight above as the hulk dashes forward, trying to push you against the wall, impale you on the hooks dangling from its knuckles.
You skim to the right at the last moment, the metal grazing against your brigandine, ripping through the clothed surface but skimming against the plaques beneath, which easily deal with the blow.

If you are surviving this, you are going to save up for a whole armour set made of tetrarmide.


The hulking figure groans as the swing made it lose its momentum and it skids on the floor — it would be the perfect time to plunge your sword right into his chest, but that’s when he pushes himself up on his trunk-like legs and turning on himself he swings at you with his good arm again.

“Tchh!” You hiss as your stomach clenches, the next hit also striking you in the chest - you feel the pressure reverberating through your ribs and you gasp as pain bursts again, white-hot, clouding your sight—

And the best reaches again, quicker — he wants to end you, and you won’t ever see the Sun again, you won’t ever—


Gritting your teeth, something leads you, pushes you through the breathless pain and makes you turn your body just right, swinging your arm so that it lets you dash beneath the monster’s swinging blow, which misses your head by just a couple inches — and amidst the reek of clammy flesh and rust and the cool glint of porcelain you push your sword through the opening you saw, right beneath the armpit, it’s—

“Hnnghfh!” The brute makes a growl, or perhaps it’s a grunt, you wouldn’t know.

All that you knew was feeling like you pushed your sword deep into soft cured leather. It reminds you of when you used to push down the wort with your feet and it would try to suck you right to the bottom of the barrel.

It’s a strange thought — you haven’t felt anything like that since when you were thirteen, since— the happy times. That final summer.

Perhaps it’s that what is giving you the strength for this.

Rolled 53, 71, 64 + 56 = 244 (3d100 + 56)


# # # # # #

The girl lays on the bed. Her slight chest rises and falls, dragged on by the gentle ties of sleep.

Bit by bit, the soft tide of her breaths hitches, rises, her eyes flutter.

For a moment, just a moment, she opens them — oaken eyes looking at her surroundings. Where is she? No, this is not what where she is supposed to be. Something else is happening. They… they need her.
“You ought to rest now, lady-in-wait,” comes a gruffy old man’s voice. The chaplain.

She would comply. Trying to do anything but what she’s been told to would only push her into deeper trouble. And that is sound advice.

Rather. It would be at any other time.

“-in wait,” she mutters, gritting her teeth. Where are her arms? She can’t feel her arms. She can still feel their warmth. Licking, wavering — like flames. “-can’t wait,” Soralisa da Zaribari whispers.

“Do not make me call the Blessed Blind,” the chaplain warns her, but she has ears only for another kind of voice. Soralisa shuts her eyes, and she tries to plunge deep into herself, to fold herself into that inner world where she can meet Her again where she needs to have her voice heard by the Sun-Birther, she needs to… please, please, pleasepleasplease “…lease”.

The air changes. No more smell of old wood. No more laying on the tilted surface of the carriage.

Soralisa blinks.

She is standing in a field of soft white sand- It seeps through the bones of the ages, structures hanging over her like lost ribcages of the monsters that lie beneath the waves. She looks up at the black towers piercing the sky, their stone as black and as slick as ink.

This is not her inner world, this is—

Your words echo far, child.

Soralisa turns, and blindness swallows her up.

# # # # # #

A last memory of the sun.

“Rraah!” You shout as you pull the sword back, cleaving through the hulking beast’s whole side. The white edge bit through half of the monster’s torso and it pierced its skull. Its cut tongue falls like a wet patch on the floor as it also crouches on both knees, like in prayer, and it ruins next to you, as strange tar-like blood starts to spread about.

The other one snarls and hisses, rearing its back as it rakes its talons against its own body, coating them with the same black substance. Then it takes them out, the hooks now slick with the tarry substance, and it approaches you calmly, ready to strike.

Your heart beats almost fast enough to make you forget about your pain. Your sword seems to howl with the need to cleave through that cursed flesh.

It's now or never.

>Combat Roll: Bo3, 1d100+19, beat at least one of my rolls at the top of this post.
Rolled 76 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Rolled 28 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Rolled 86 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

I don't like this, specially with the giant using his blood like some sort of poison.
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fuck yeah



109,127,120 (my rolls)

shame for the dubs, anon. writing in a few minutes.
We were literally saved by the lucky crit
what crit? You rolled a dub, but that gave you a +6. Your crit range is 97-100 and your highest roll was 86. or is there something I miss?
Wait, the crit only works for the rolls before the bonuses ?
the crit range 97-100 works for your natural rolls, of course. So a roll of, say, 90+25 (your usual bonuses) wouldn't trigger it. A roll of say, 97+19 (your current situation) would. The sword just expands the natural critical range of your rolls from nat 100 to 97, other than giving you the ability to cut through most material. Your old axe would have never been able to cleave through the monsters' hands like that.

hope this clarifies things.
alright then, I misunderstood it

Oh fuck this hulk.

No clue how well Salicera is doing right now, but I really wish we had chosen to have her deal with the hulks. If we don't die this round and get another big injury and Hulk 2 keeps its bonus, there is like no chance of us winning a third round. Also wish we had gone with trying for a sanction before going down here. Oh well. RIP Argia, thou shall at least die without me ever having written lewds about you, get to rest without your memory being defiled.
both of them going for a tag team before the head was an option. and tbf, people chose salicera to deal with the head because it was a time bomb and she could deal with it quickly, there's no way to know the head could teleport them. also we could've gone for the giants first before losing time with the small fries.
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You could almost make it.

The first swing, especially promising. You put everything into it, past the pain, past the small black bursts going off at the edges of your vision. You strike at the thing, a blow aimed at his leg. You would skid to the left and let it crash against the wall, you would—

You would have to be just a little bit quicker.

“Ahhh!” You scream as your strike misses his limb, barely. The next blow it’s his, of course. He raises his other leg and hits you straight in the sternum. You collapse like a castle of cards, crumpled in two, barely holding onto your sword. No. You won’t let it go this time.

Then the third. You can hit it in the foot. You can…

“Nhha—” you gasp as the talons instead swipe from your right. Holding up your sword at the last moment you avoid them slicing your head off. Instead, one of the black-coated hooks hits your armour, and it presses against the thin space between your plaques.

And it pierces your skin.

“—hnf,” you can only wheeze and tremble, biting your lips and struggling to keep it away as the heat and pain spreads through your body.

Then you fall to you knees, again.

But this time there is a new sensation spreading straight against your chest, right where the creature is pulling out his talon, a thin line of blood and ichor connecting your flesh to the hook.

It’s already inside you.

The world swims, and you lose your grip and you slip and lie against the floor, your eyes rattling inside your skull, panting like a captured fish.

You have to stand up. You have to fight.

But your body does not move. Whatever it was in those claws it’s pinning you down like a moth skewered by a steel nail.

No. No.

It wasn’t supposed to end like this. There was so much more you could do. For Master.
For your family.

And for your new friends. Ah, Starless Night, you had even started to make some. Rubida opened up to you, Salicera as well.
And you saved Soralisa. Blinking on the floor you almost can see her eyes, her face looking back at you.

You blink.

No, wait. Isn’t that…

Soralisa’s face right before you, looking at you with worry and fret in her large brown eyes. She raises her hands to reach out for yours.


“A-Argia? Can you see me?”

How can—

You reach out to her, your fingers brushing against each other, but it feels like passing through dense warm mist. You blink again—

You are not in the nethermost hall anymore. You are standing atop a cresting wave in the middle of a crystalline sea, bathed in the light of the sun. The cresting wave moves so slowly it’s like watching it in a dream, it has barely started breaking foam. Soralisa stands next to you, squinting her eyes.
“Argia! Are you there?”

You look down. Your chest is still bearing the wound, still spewing black ichor mixed to your own blood, and it still hurts, but here in this place — did you and Soralisa meet in some conjunction inside your inner worlds? Did this happen because you were about to (and your throat tightens) fade?

“I—” you croak. “I am here. I think. Where is—” No, there are better questions. “How are you?” In this place, Soralisa’s arms are as black as coal, but they look human, not their crystallised form that she sported after the botched Sanction.

“—ah! I can hear you. Faintly. It’s hard to see you amidst the trees. I am so elated.”

Trees? She must be in a version of her own.

“Are your arms alright?”

“Never mind that!” Soralisa retorts quickly. “The trees are already starting to cover you, I will be losing you shortly.”

You notice how the slow-moving tide as in fact started to crest. Your feet rest on the ripples of foam as they start to fold inward, like a hand curling its fingers as it counts down.

“I—” you open your mouth to say, but what should you say? That you are sorry you failed? To send someone better next time? To send a final goodbye to your family through Master? “Please tell Mast—”

“She has told me to give you this,” Soralisa frets through the fuzzy link connecting you two, holding out her other hand. Something burns in it. It’s a large flower, red and gold, glowing with a gentle fire, each of its waving petals a live flame. “The Sun-Birther heard my plight. I am sorry for not being there! I wanted to help more… I have tried to…”

You try to reach out and pull Soralisa into a hug, but once again it’s like trying to grasp at fog. The edges of her shape are starting to disappear as well just as the cresting wave tilts forwards.

“Take it!” Soralisa pushes the flower into your hand and you can feel its — weight. It’s like a warm breeze playing with your fingers. You have heard about this flower before. Bragialacra. The burning bloom. Ansàrra’s gift to the fallen, a remembrance inspired by Saint Bragia’s own demise.

Are you one of the fallen already?

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But no, the gentle flame of the flower burns with a heat that inflames your heart, runs through your veins and pushes against the invading chill from the wound. No. No, this was nit meant as a mournful gift, at least not yet.

“She has told me to give it to you. It’s the best I can do… Argia… are you still there? I can’t see you anymore.”

The wave touches the skin of the sea and it explodes into a rising crown of foam. You slowly start to fall into the water.

“Yes! Thank you! I will see you again!” And then, in a rush of bravado, of hope, of faith: “Day will come again!”

“Argia!” Soralisa calls one last time, the foam washes over you, turning everything white and then—

You are laying on the floor once again. The pain and chill is back — each breath feeling talons raking against your ribcage. The acrid and metallic taste of blood in your mouth.

You look at your right hand. It’s holding your weapon and atop it, the burning bloom sears its kind, light into the room, pushing away the white flickering glow of the candle-lit men like the spring flood cleans the rot from the riverbank.

Its warmth fills you. The hulk covers its face, the rictus of his grin turning uncertain. Wonder if he has ever seen the light of the sun? But now a tiny bead of that light has come right here, into the depths of the Seven Sisters’ domain, and it is affirming its right to be there. To help you, one last time.

You are not alone.

With one final effort, you raise on your feet and push yourself in one final charge, pushing your sword towards the dazzled monster, aiming for his chest just like he did with you, the blooming flower at the tip of your sword, turning the white edge into a searing blade of red and gold.

You push against the Night, one last time.

>Bo3, roll 3d100+19+66 (the bonus provided from Ansàrra and delivered by Soralisa, total 1d100+85). DC 120

Don't tell me you forgot about your first friend, anon.
Rolled 60 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Ansàrra give us strength!

Make that 145. I guess You can't string multiple +X modifiers on 4chan.
>call out for Ansàrra
>gets a 60


also yeah, it's fine it's a 145 total. Now let's see if you get a crit somewhere anon...

... but looks like helping out Soralisa last thread did help you back.
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Rolled 72 + 85 (1d100 + 85)

Guide my rolls Ansarra.

>Magic Sun-Mommy blessed flower

>Causes increasing incurable blindness

>Blessed blind are a thing

>Surely no relation between them.

And yeah, Soralisa is a best. I now have visions of her making out with her old best friend Argia while Rubi is between the formers legs eating her out. Just a friendship gay orgy, of course. Sally can sit and watch in the cuckess chair.
Rolled 28 + 85 (1d100 + 85)

soralisa, thank you sister.
60 is relate to the goddess ?
>Surely no relation between them.
I see why you'd theorise that, but considering that Astoria's eye were described like they were mangled I think it wasn't caused by the flower and more like they were sacrificed in a way. btw that spoiler ruined the wholesome moment, anon. get bonked.
who's that hurt and crazy-looking girl ?
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Soralisa a cute! She really grew on me.

>cuckess chair
the chair is not yet canon, anon, you are not supposed to mention it!

Also yea, thank you Ansàrra very cool, do you think She remembered to pack up some anti-eldritch-venom in that flower? Hmmm... She may have forgotten, hm? Silly Sun-Birther!
>Soralisa a cute! She really grew on me.
on all of us. btw if we didn't help her (or failed to) would she have died or just would be in a worse situation than now ?

>Also yea, thank you Ansàrra very cool, do you think She remembered to pack up some anti-eldritch-venom in that flower? Hmmm... She may have forgotten, hm? Silly Sun-Birther!
shit, so we're not fully cleansed yet.

wait a minute do you really wrote a character that's a willing cuck ?
>60 related

6 is the symbolic number of Ansàrra, and generally things appearing in a pattern of 6. Just like 7 is symbolic to the Seven Sisters and 8 to the Stilladìa. There's a bit more info in the linked lorepasta at the start of the thread if you want.

also, we got our final roll, so I can start working on the update shortly.
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>that cropping

That is a lewd pic right.

Also, the chair, kek. If you do ever make that a thing, I will probably wake my neighbor up with my witch cackle. I mean, like 2 of the 4 characters are going on to be prostitutes for a year, so I would believe there is a sacred cuck chair.

The only 8 Stilly needs to worry about is my straight eight and where it is going. Well, 7.75, but who is counting.

Tsubasa Kazanari from the anime Symphogear. That pic is from season 1. It is fucking amazing if sometimes kitsch-y and I highly suggest you watch it. Also, it is where picrel is from and she is GOAT'd. Picrel also has a loli form if you like those better.
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>lewd pic

maybe? I was just holding it for a friend

>sacred cuck chair

it would most likely go against the tenets of the Faith, but I'm sure bordellos in Frigéia can get into some real kinky stuff. In fact, this ought to be an aspect I should give more thought to in the future.

I will be working on update now. Work has been absolutely ass as of late, so please keep being patient, anon.
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>Picrel also has a loli form if you like those better.
I also like, so it's a good thing she can change between both.

>I mean, like 2 of the 4 characters are going on to be prostitutes for a year, so I would believe there is a sacred cuck chair.
as far as I know sacred sluts can't exactly do everything a regular slut can, so they'll have to get into action
>In fact, this ought to be an aspect I should give more thought to in the future.
the brothels or the tenets of the faith ?
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>I was just holding it for a friend

That excuse didn't work when the cops caught me with a kilo of blow and several unregistered machine guns, it won't work now!

>as far as I know sacred sluts can't exactly do everything a regular slut can, so they'll have to get into action

I know nothing about sacred prostitutes. So what, no back hole? Only back hole? Handies or no handies? I mean obviously none from Soralisa now...

Here, go ahead and have the loli version of that character. Carol Malus Deinheim
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Your sword pierces flesh and darkness. Black steam hisses through the monster’s pores as you thrust your sword inside his chest, embedding your blade deep into the cursed flesh, and the letting the flower bloom. The flower that Ansàrra lies at the feet of the fallen for Her cause, the flower that celebrates the virtues of Saint Bragia.

The flower that bursts through the hulking monster’s body, tearing it off at the seams — you feel the pressure push your sword out and you recoil, falling to your knees, while with another burst of burning air and the reek of searing skin the brute burns from the inside, just like it happened to the Malostromo.

It tilts back and ruins on the stone pavement, its arms open and its face slack as the light devours him from the innards to the meat layers until it bursts through the skin, making it curl and broil like parchment. It keeps burning even while you take a few steps back, getting away from the smoke.

The corpse starts to glow with a golden-red brightness that contrasts that of the sheer candle-men; they take stapes back, stumbling upon each other, trying to get away from the light of Ansàrra.

“Annf.” You pant, the sword falling from your arms with a tinkling sound. You do not pick it up. Now that the deed is done, weariness and pain rise once again in your chest. You grip right at it, feeling the cameo pushing against your palm, the etched face of Saint Bragia on your skin. “Sora—Soralisa…” you mutter. “Thank you, S-Sun Birther…”

You fall as well. On one knee, then another. Black blood seeps through your chest, it makes your clothing stick to your skin, damp and rotten. The chill is back. You look at the flames, which are starting to fade, the memory of summer, dry earth and the sweet smell of fresh grapes and ripe wort—

“Sali… cera,” you mutter, looking at the spot where the shattered pieces of her body used to be. Then the pain and the cold grow too much, and all you can do is look up at the infinite darkness, while the waning light keeps you company for but a little while more.

For… just a little more.



# # # # # #

She stands on the road. The air shivers with heat — for miles and miles, it’s the same stretch of grey painted a stuttering white — the asphalt cuts between the green of the hills and the endless blue of the immanent sky, a blue expanse with the pale face of the moon barely visible.

“No—” the word leaves her mouth as she turns around, and everything is the same. The same day, the same solitary car still and silent on the side of the road, forgotten like a log after a flood. She tugs at her long brown braid, trying to find support, but all she can feel is the grip clenching at her stomach. “No, I can’t— I have—”

Her brown-grey eyes turn to pinpricks of fear and sorrow, she’s a shuddering statue just a few steps away from the car. There is someone on the backseat, a small figure playing with her phone, giving her back. She does not walk towards the car. In fact, she would rather walk away. Let the asphalt swallow her up. Anything but this. Anything but this.

Shamefully, she turns away, guilt and fear like bile in her throat. She needs to escape. To go back to— to where she was before. Argia, she needs to find the only person who—

Hello once more.


In front of her, on the opposite direction to the yellow car where — no no no she won’t go back there, she won’t — stands the most gorgeous young woman she has ever seen. Her black hair catches the sunlight, her deep blue eyes are affixed into hers, and her sable skin is barely covered in a blue and gold robe that lets her breasts and midsection exposed. She crosses her arms over her chest and gives her a smile.

She finds it a bit too compassionate for her own liking.

I have met your ilk. You would not be the first, and certainly will not be the last. Believe that we understand your plight better than most, for we have felt it with our own hands. We love one such as you, with love as strong as the tenets of the soul, which even our people could not break.

The Kiengir woman holds out a hand.

This be merely a remembrance, but it has not to be a missed opportunity, has it? We have ears to listen, and time to spare.

She takes a step back, shaking her head, trying to get away from the sable-skinned woman, but behind her… behind her there’s only the yellow car, and what’s about to happen… what happened… what will happen.

Perhaps we should start with names, as it has been custom. I am Celaeno, Fifth Consort.

She bows her head, hand over her heart.

And as for you, I believe it to be—

She covers her ears and shrieks, but cannot stop the Kiengir woman’s voice from passing through her skin and flesh and bones and grating against her skull, bringing her back to all she tried to cut off from herself:


there is more to this update, but I am really tired after today so I am going to leave this here for the time being. Now I wonder where that anon who said something Salicera's origins last thread is...
So Salicera is indeed an isekai mc, zam. This encounter of hers with the sister is something unique for me, instead of a regular battle (for now) she's taken back to the moment before she "died". Probably her battle was trying to resist being recruited by the woman. You really do know how to surprise us, Seeker-san.
>So Salicera is indeed an isekai mc
That sucks
You really didn't see the signs?

Here I am! Well, one of those anons. Feel better soon.
>You really didn't see the signs?
tbf I thought it was a joke, I got surprised it being an actual plot point.

Well, that certainly is a twist.
>really do know how to surprise us

oh, shucks now I'm blushing--
I'll probably say something more about how this update had to be wrangled in a certain way, maybe later on in the community notes at the end of the thread


give it a chance anon. you may be surprised

>here I am

well zamn anon

You shudder on the cold floor. Somewhere far inside your body, something is starting to remember how to breathe.

“Ahhnfhf—” you gasp, trying to push more air into your tired lungs. Your chest aches. There is something embedded in it, something you cannot say wha—

Ah, yes. The past rushes in. The hooks, the brutes, the blade. The infected wound.
You were dying. Then Soralisa came to see you, bringing a gift. And you beat the monster… so why…

“Breathe evenly,” a familiar voice says. You look up, blinking trying to make out an indistinct shape. You focus on a worried face, her brown hair in a braid and her sharp eyes looking at some spot between your breasts. “Glad to see you back with the living. Be strong, Argia. I’m not good with this stuff.”

Salicera’s hands rest between your breasts, right above the wound which is still sputtering black ichor, but it’s far less from the rivulets of ooze you remember. Most of it is gone. Her fingers keep tracing circles of sacred ointments while sparkles of gold waver back and forth.

“Fuck, I suck at this,” she chuckles. “Sorry. Rubida would be a better choice, I—”

You grip onto the edge of her sleeve. The fabric is soft — Salicera jumps at the contact but then she relaxes and nods.

“I know,” she replies. Her finger feels strangely cool against your wounded skin as she keeps on drawing circle after circle. The oils seep into your flesh, slowly mending it. They are far from the might of a Sanction, but they are heavensent right now.
The rest of the room is empty.
The candle-men lay unmoving in the corners.
You do not remember killing them.

“I am almost out of oils. Wait here.”

You doubt you are going to go anywhere on your own.


You watch as Salicera walks to the centre of the room. There is still a little bit of light coming from the remnants of the burning corpse, where the flower is still eating through the cursed flesh. You see Salicera crouching in front of her backpack. Next to it lays a head, impaled with Salicera’s sword.
The darker half seems to bear a surprised expression. You see Salicera reach for the vials in her backpack, cursing as she picks up something besides the head, filling one of the vials with it and then putting them back into her pack, all but one one.

“Here,” she says as she comes back, uncorks the vial, resuming the motions with her fingers. You stifle a groan as the fresh ointment keep trying to heal you. You look down — the wound is still fresh, but the chill is not spreading anymore.
Perhaps you will see the dawn again.

“Rubida…” you whisper. “We have to go back to her, and—”

“Yes, yes, we will. Do not strain yourself.” Salicera tilts her head to look at the corpses of the two hulking monsters and her grin falters back onto her lips. She looks troubled, you can see it even in the low light, but she’s trying to push her bravado through it. “Let’s finish taking care of your wound first.”

>You insist it’s better if you two go back to Rubida. She must be terrified not seeing them coming through the mirror sheen. You ask Salicera to stop and to help you stand.

>You understand that after this battle you are not going to be a useful fighter unless you let Salicera tend your wounds. You let her continue for a while, you don't want to be a burden.

>You also have a question… [write-in]

thank you for your patience anon. Next update in a few hours when I can take a break from wageslaving. thanks for playing.
>Tell her to go and see Rubida, ensure she is still safe. Have Her send Rubida to you, as she should be fresher and better able to help get you back to your feet. Besides, Salicera could use a break of her own.

She's right about Rubida being a better choice for this. No reason why Salicera can't take over as the holder of shiny metal pieces for a bit.

Support. She did just say Rubi is better at this shit.
>You understand that after this battle you are not going to be a useful fighter unless you let Salicera tend your wounds. You let her continue for a while, you don't want to be a burden.
we were literally beaten like a bitch and only managed to lend the killing blow due to a Ansarrà exsoralisa. We can't do much rn and would need to be carried by both of them on the way back.
Interesting suggestion anon.
>>You understand that after this battle you are not going to be a useful fighter unless you let Salicera tend your wounds. You let her continue for a while, you don't want to be a burden.
I'm not sure about leaving wounded and poisoned/cursed person in Evil God summoning room alone, even for a moment.



tie so far. I'd say about four more hours to decide.
>You understand that after this battle you are not going to be a useful fighter unless you let Salicera tend your wounds. You let her continue for a while, you don't want to be a burden.
Also ask...
>What happened? You shattered and vanished! I thought you were dead... Where did you go? How did you get back?

>>6051950 is me. I'm on mobile.
>on mobile

thanks for pointing that out anon, and also for breaking the tie. Proceeding to write.
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You try to protest. The part of you that’s a bit too proud for your own good, the part of you that feels a bit too vulnerable and embarrassed at having Salicera tend to your wounds, would have her reach out to Rubida. For some reason, you’d feel better treated with her, and you need to know she’s safe. She has to. if she kept the ray of light focused on her armour, and it has not strayed…

“You cannot fight like this,” Salicera reminds you. “Ah, I spilled it again,” she groans as she proceeds to dab at your chest with the dry hem of her sleeve, reforming the circle once again.

I cannot fight like this, you think as well, and you let it go. At least for now.

Besides, this feels… nice. A bit embarrassing. You feel so vulnerable, like you are once again a thirteen-years-old girl running through the vineyards.

You are so very selfish.

“I thought you were dead,” you mutter, your voice broken. “I thought the Sister had shattered you. What did she— how…”
Salicera shakes her head.
“It was just like with that other cursed tree. Folding space, illusions… visions.” She points at the head laying on the floor. “In the end it did not make any difference.”

She managed to kill one of the Seven Sisters while she was incarnating. Sure, it had just been at the very start, and it’s always easier to snuff a candle flame than to deal with a raging bonfire.

“So you killed it,” you let out a long-held sigh. “It’s over. The mission is over… we can come back.”

“Yes. As soon as you learn how to walk on your own legs again.”

“Master… ah— Master always said I am a fast learner.” You try to sit on your elbows, and with a strain you manage to do so, looking down on your chest where Salicera is applying a further line of ointment, glistening slightly at the fading light of the flower. The reek of the burning corpses is still thick and heavy in the air, but so close to the ointment you can mostly smell their sweet scent, as well as Salicera’s sweat.

“We ought to go check on Rubida after this.”

“And we will. Can’t you focus a little bit on yourself, Argia?” Salicera sighs. “You have almost died yourself. How did you—”


“Always the same,” you reply with a faint smile. Your hand reaches for your cameo. “I had some help. Soralisa came to me, bearing a gift from the Sun-Birther Herself. To think…” your hand then reaches for your hair, your silvery hair sign of the curse, and you coil a strand around your fingers. “… that She keeps helping me.”
“I told you, didn’t I? That you were a bit special. Not like the others,” Salicera adds, finally withdrawing her fingers from your chest, which feels a lot warmer than before. “How do you feel?”



“I hope it works fasts.”

You frown at her words.

“It’s not the oils— it’s just a vessel for Ansàrra’s hallowed might, you could have smeared me with mud and it might have had the same effects, oils are just better because…”

She sighs and gives you another of her grins, shedding her troubled look and going back to the Salicera Fors you have always known.

“You are not going to come back to full health just to lecture me, alright?” She chuckles, turning to regard the broken body of the monster. “So, Ansàrra did this? Both of them?”
“No,” you point out. “I killed the first one, but I couldn’t finish the job.”

Soralisa’s eyebrow quirks.

“So you cleaved one of those monstrosities all of your own and you are still all mopey on the floor like that?” She playfully slaps your shoulder. “We completed the mission. You and I! There’s going to be songs and dances! Ah, and I hope I can get a bath soon,” she makes a show of sniffing at her armpit. “I definitely need one, and you more than me.”

She is right. Even if you would like to ask her what ‘mopey’ means.

You reach for the straps on your chest to cover it again.
“Have you seen my swo—” you try to say, but a rumble echoes through the stone and it makes your teeth rattle.

Salicera looks at your right, where the stone wall is starting to break apart, brick after brick.

And the rumble expands throughout the air, up and up, towards the endless ceiling.

>Roll to avoid any falling debris: Bo3, 1d100+20 (Salicera’s help), DC 60.

bonus points if you manage to save the animals before the planet explodes, anon
Rolled 9 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Rolled 12 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Yikes... I hope the third anon does better than us. What an ignoble way to go out, after all that.
Rolled 10 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Stilladìa is doing her best to fuck our mission on this finale, isn’t she ?
It drives a stalwart and faithful anon to drink, I tell you what.
Watcha drinking, anon ?
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Don't talk shit about my waifu. I am sure Stilly would love to see Argia succeed.
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Rocks fall, everyone dies
That's my contribution, fellas
A variety of beers. Picked up a strong abbey-style dubbel after the rocks fall debacle.

... well now this was just sad. this quest is now a metaphor for safety helmets ads.

>Stilladìa waifu

unfathomably good taste anon

I am partial to weissbier myself. ever tried Belgian stuff? It's great

new update in a couple minutes hopefully, when I get a break from wageslaving
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Beer makes you fat and gives you man boobs due to the hops. Just do what I do and mix vodka with fizzy water.

I do like beer myself but it is true about the boob thing. Favorite beers of all time are probably Franziskaner and la Fin du Monde.

As the rumbling sound spreads, something begins to fall. Fall upwards.
“Ow!” You yowl as something scratches against your arm. One of the bricks flies up, falling and rolling towards the endless ceiling.

You are standing… on the bottom of a well. The ground is actually above you.
So you are going to fall upwards. You reach out for Salicera, your heart beating fast.

“We have to—”

Go back and help Rubida, you try to say, but something hits you right on the side of your head, the world tilts and you fall forward with a groan, right into Salicera’s arms. You have a feeling she’s trying to shield you with her body and then black rushes once again to cover your senses.

>Roll 1d100, Bo3. Rolls determine when you wake up and how dire the consequences of taking an ultra-dense brick to the head will be. No DC, but results will be determined on a scale from 1 to 100 with 1 being very bad and 100 being fast and complete recovery.

Try to hold onto what remains of your IQ, anon.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Oh boy
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Brain-damaged MC. Brain-damaged wiafu, lets go! Give me a 1 do it dice fucking doooooo it!
Rolled 51 (1d100)

And it turns out I need coffee before posting.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

Holy moly, the first canonically retarded mc, which means we’ll be the cutest.
And 51 was the best we got, at least this means flattiladìa’s power is diminishing.
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i am slightly disturbed by how much support there seems to be for a retarded Argia. kek.

Writing in a bit... thanks for the patience, it's been an absolutely terrible working week.
I'm sorry to hear about your rough week. I hope it improves. And Argia's, too, kek
I know it's not what OP had in mind but it is a dub.
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thanks man, if I get a day off it's going to improve a lot. hope I get one this week

>points out there's a dub
>gets a dub


I'll give your Bo3 a +6 bonus to a total of 57. you earned it.


# # # # # #

You open your eyes. Everything is rumbling and falling up and turning and you feel so heavy and so weak and why can’t you touch the floor? You look about you.
You can see the last few embers of the flower as they scatter and die, fazed. You feel drunk. Like when you were a kid and took a sniff from the wort and you got all dizzy.
You blink trying to—

Why is your forehead so sticky?
You lost your cape.
“Sa—Sali—” you try to call. Where is she?
A brown head turns to look at you. Why is she shorter than you?it does not… oh, she’s carrying you on her back. That’s why.

You turn one last time.
“—word. My… sword,” you say.
“Don’t worry about it now!” She shrieks as she jumps against the crumbling pass, desperately aiming for the pale circle of light cast by… by… wasn’t Rubida outside?
You hope she’s well and you disappear into darkness again.

# # # # # #

“—ow.” You grunt, opening your eyes again. Your shoulder aches. You must have hit against… something.
“Sorry! Sorry, my fault, I did not see that brick,” Salicera says. A hallway. Stairs.

The ground… above?
She is not alone this time. Deep blue eyes turn to look at you and you jump.
The— Sister. Black hair. Beautiful. Why is she so—pale?
“Try not to break her now!” Rubida shouts. Ah, yes. She’s Rubida. Is she safe?
“-re you safeh?” You ask, then a dizzying wave of weariness pulls you back into sleep.

# # # # # #

The world lurches at you. Upside down. You grunt as your stomach twists. Then black again.


# # # # # #

The shores of the Mar da Candéa glisten in the shining morning. You are looking at the gather-boats, casting their nets at the crimson reeds, rising from the peaceful waves. The paper farmers are going to gather them up and bring them to the mills for processing. The inland sea exports magic, wine… and paper.

You look at the little boats between the rows and rows of grapes as leaves, tickling on your face, tangled in your hair.

One day you stand on those boats.

One day you—

# # # # # #

“-et down!” Rubida’s shriek pierces your ears and brings you back to reality. Something is falling. Falling down properly, this time. Black stones. They wheeze past you. Cracking and falling, you hear the crackling of branches as the stones ruing through them. You roll on the ground and—

# # # # # #

“Everyone stand back,” sighs a more mature female voice. You open one of your eyes. The other is covered in sticky stuff and you can’t… you can’t open it. Maybe it’s better this way. A woman with burnt-out eyes and scarred face, her body covered in bandages and gauges look over you. You are laying on the grass. Looking up at the sky. Two more figures stand by your side, Rubida with her arms nervously crossed over her chest, missing the almost entirety of her upper armour besides her right arm, Salicera looking livid, clenching her fists, a bandage already wrapped around her shoulders and her forehead as well.

Astoria di Ottava ora crouches in front of you and holds her hands against your head.

“Close your eyes, Argia Candente.”

That one is easy.

>Bo3: Roll 1d100. Like before no strict DC but a gauge of how quickly Astoria’s Sanction is going to heal you.

don't roll a 1 and make her grow a third arm, anon
Rolled 50 (1d100)

How about a third "leg"?
Rolled 64 (1d100)

Lolibaba, save us
Save us, lolibaba
Rolled 94 (1d100)

Sorry in advance for this critfail.
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great job anon!

update will probably come after bed, so I'll open up a [Free Space] for any questions you may have at this point, related to characters, lore, narrative etc. It will stay open for the next 10 hours.

as always thanks for playing. sorry for the somewhat erratic update schedule of the last few days, it's a jungle out there.

in the menatime enjoy some cute Rubida involuntary fanart
How effective is healing in this setting?
Are sacred prostitutes actual prostitutes like release your negative energy into me or is it something else?
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Healing comes from Ansàrra; she has to experience each trauma or wound or illness she heals upon her body, and that is the reason why she is always in pain and medicated, and why you petition for Sanctioning, not get it automatically granted like casting a spell. You are in competition with every other demand.

A good metaphor would be a server dealing with requests and risking to fall into DDOS.

When the Sanction does go through, there are almost no limits to what Ansàrra can heal and sustain, save for death.

Other Powers of the world, such as Asterites or Echorists mages, also have their own versions of healing magic but these have to be directly applied such as blood transfusion for Echorists, and tend to consume the healer just as well, making them less viable.

Lastly, the trading empire of Frigéia, which is in a budding industrial revolution, has started to experiment with proper medicine and surgery for the past few hundred years.

>sacred prostitutes

Their role is different from the prostitution we usually experience. In that case there is a trade of personal sexual release in exchange for money. The hallowed prostitution in the Temples of Flame is more similar to ritual orgies in the Orphic Mysteries and alike traditions: dancing, music, intercourse, a communion of senses meant to exorcise the basest instincts by channeling them into a sacred environment, a ritual that allows the shared morality of the community to keep its balance. As such its rituals are highly-regulated, and tied to specific moments of the year such as the Crimson Days (when the planetary ring tilts to cover the sun for six days).

Hope this reply serves.
Hmm so it’s something that they won’t be doing everyday, then. So it’s always an orgy or is there some 1 on 1 thing as well ?
>planetary ring

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The light makes your eyelids flutter.
“Ahhn…” you groan, opening one eye, then the other one.
Where are you?
You are surrounded by soft sunlight, laying on something warm and comfortable…
A bed. You are laying on a large white bed, the bedsheets rolled up to your shoulders.
“Where… what happened?” You whisper, pulling down to check on your body.
You are wearing a thin light shirt and a pair of pants, reaching all the way to your naked feet.
“I was…” you reach for your forehead, expecting to feel something there. You received a blow of some kind didn’t you? Memories drip back into reality, one by one, like sand through the hourglass. “I was hit. The well… the Seventh Sister.”
The head floating in the darkness… and—
“Where is it?” Your hand closes on your chest, finding nothing. Your cameo is gone. “Oh no no, Starless Night, no!” You fret, pushing the sheets down and walking out on steady legs.
You feel refreshed. You take a look at the polished mirror sitting next to a small wardrobe, reflecting your face. You look a bit out of it, your eyes dizzy, but your silver hair is clean, as is the rest of your body, with nary a scar on your forehead. You pull down the front to explore your chest. There it is — the scar, looking like an old wound, already pale and thinned. You touch it and it feels a little bit cooler then the rest of your skin.
But that does not matter as much. Where did they bring you?

The room, wherever it may be, it’s nice, with a few potted plants by the windows, and it smells like flowers and fresh soil. Still, your cameo is nowhere to be found.

“Where is it… did someone steal it…?”

What about your new tetracerarmide sword?
And shouldn’t you worry about Rubida as well?

And what happened to the mission?

You need to check on the others, but first it’s better to know where you are right now. You reach for the windows, pulling the curtains away, bathing yourself in the morning sunlight.

You open the latch and push the windows open. The sweet air of morning comes in — the deep blue sky, cleaved in two by the silvery planetary ring, two rows of verdant hills and a line of red-roofed houses which leads to the central square with the familiar dome of the Temple of Flame, a ribbon of white smoke rising in the air.
“I’m in the Holy Land?” This can only mean one thing—

You pull away from the window and open the wardrobe, picking up a light towel which your wrap around your head, carefully covering each strand of your silver hair. You also find a pair of hard wooden clogs. Not exactly your size, but they will have to do.

And then you open the door and walk out, once again under the care of Her sun.

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The door leads immediately on a cobblestone street, surrounded by other houses, people and animals.

It’s a beautiful morning.

“At dawn, we wake up with good thoughts…” you mutter, setting three fingers against your mouth in a quick prayer. You skipped your morning devotion, will make up for it later on. Now you need to find your companions. But you don’t see anybody you recognise here.

Farmers leading their sheep around, hounds making sure they’d stay on course. White-clad women carrying water and chattering with each other. Little boys playing around by fighting with each other, little girls watching and whispering by the side lines.

And in the distance, a grey-robed Priest of Flame carrying his bowl of burning oils back to the Temple, pulling a thin sliver of grey smoke after himself. He’s at least ten paces away, but he’s the one who most likely can tell you where you are and what’s going on.

Then again, this seems like a small village right by the border, so…

“In these places, usually the martial chaplain holds the authority…” you wonder, turning your head towards the red-pleated building on the opposite side of the village, the bordering station where a small detachment of soldiers are surely taking care of safety. This far from the blessed core of Madua, ruffians and monsters are surely to still pose a threat.

He’s the one who might tell you where the others are.

Right as you are thinking about the alternatives, a group of young women, around your age, carrying fresh water and clean clothing, talking and giggling between themselves, passes by you. They notice you and hesitate, immediately noticing you are a foreigner for some reason. You bite your lips, nervous, as they stop talking and give you a wide berth. Did they notice your hair?

Maybe they know something about the others.

>Reach for the Flame Priest and interrogate him. You are a Knight-in-training, he will know about the others, and it’s likely where Soralisa is.

>Go to the bordering station. Your martial training takes precedence, and maybe you can meet Salicera there.

>Stop the group of girls and ask them for info. Rubida always knew how to make her presence know. If she’s there, they must have noticed her.

it was always there, anon. didn't you notice?
>>Go to the bordering station. Your martial training takes precedence, and maybe you can meet Salicera there.
>Go to the bordering station. Your martial training takes precedence, and maybe you can meet Salicera there.
So how many times was the planet Argia lives on impacted to form a ring dense enough to obscure the sun. How fucked is its orbit to experience tilt enough to occlude the sun every year.

>Reach for the Flame Priest and interrogate him. You are a Knight-in-training, he will know about the others, and it’s likely where Soralisa is.
>Go to the bordering station. Your martial training takes precedence, and maybe you can meet Salicera there.
>Reach for the Flame Priest and interrogate him. You are a Knight-in-training, he will know about the others, and it’s likely where Soralisa is.
>>Reach for the Flame Priest and interrogate him. You are a Knight-in-training, he will know about the others, and it’s likely where Soralisa is.
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Rolled 2 (1d2)


>go to the bordering station


>reach for the flame priest

tie for now. 6 hours to break, otherwise roll (ignore roll in this post, just checking)

frightening powergap in the Argiacup between Rubida and the other two tho
Rubida and Soralisa are both cute, but I voted for Soralisa for chaste reasons of wanting to check on our first friend and her crumbling ash-hands, not because I want Argia to make out with her.
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I voted for her because of similar reasons. And you know a friendship kiss or two... well that would be fine. They both went through shit, almost died. Argia may have some mild brain damage. Her and Sora just kind of hanging out in the bed together would be completely normal. Yep. Normal.
>Reach for the Flame Priest and interrogate him. You are a Knight-in-training, he will know about the others, and it’s likely where Soralisa is.
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Argia can't have brain damage if doesn't have a brain. #lifehacks


nice dubs
and also thanks for breaking the tie. Writing!
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Or maybe… maybe not, you decide right at the end, thinking about their stares. What happens if they notice your hair? That may cause some trouble.
“I’ll just get the Priest,” you mutter, turning away from the group of girls and walking towards the man, who has almost reached the central square. Those girls were never going to give you a straight answer anyway… and you feel naked without your sword. Without Master to help you.

Without… your new companions.

Trying to walk as fast as you can on your wooden clogs you run after the Priest, but then you realise that people might stare, so you go back to a brisk pace. You still get the occasional curious look.

You are still a foreigner. You bet they can read it on your face: another outside, attracted by what the Holy Land provides. A pretender to the Faith, who just wants to share in the health and extended life that Ansàrra provides.

You have heard many such words in the past. Always visited the outskirts of Madua, but always felt an outsider nevertheless.

You gulp, trying to keep your eyes on the road, as a group of shepherds walk by, taking care of their flock. One of them, a younger man, raises his arm and holds out the three middle fingers of his hand in greeting. You do the same, blushing furiously, and look away immediately. No need to try to interact with these people. No matter what. You have a goal, and you would never fit in anyhow.

You keep walking until you pass beneath a large masonry arch, etched with the images of the saints and you spot both Saint Kishirra and Saint Bragia right at the centre, holding their hands out in welcome. You quickly tap on your forehead, lips and chest as you pass the arch, and enter the inner town.

The road gives way to a circular square, surrounded by three channels, where small boats go back and forth. It looks like most of the people are gathered here, trading words and smiles. A few paces ahead, the thin trail of smoke from the cup of scented oil has stopped. The Priest is talking with two older men.

You should wait for them to stop talking, but the lack of weight on your chest caused by your missing cameo spurs you forward. Also, every moment you hesitate is one moment you do not know about your companions.

“E-Excuse me,” you say stumbling forward, trying to put some strength into your words.

The three men do not seem to notice you.


Oh, wait, you should probably try to speak a bit louder than two snowflakes bumping into each other.

As Ansàrra would have it, though, the Priest finally notices you. He turns his veiled face to look at you. You have no idea how he looks beneath it, just that the veil covers his face completely, as well as his shoulders and almost completely his hands. The two older men wait for you to say something else, but the Priest speak first.

“You are not supposed to be here,” he states.

You take a step back. Oh no.

“I— I just wanted to know where the rest of my…”

“What? No, apologies. I meant you are supposed to stay in bed. Now he will get angry with me,” he answers shaking his head. “And I will get angry at those girls. They were supposed to stay by your side.”

“What? Wait, you know about me? Where even—”

“Argia!” Shouts a familiar voice from behind. You turn to see Salicera waving at you, trailed by a group of young men and women. “Why are you even out of bed? You are supposed to rest!”

She is dressed in a simple green robe, which highlights her long brown hair somehow. Carrying a large glass bottle filled with milk, she swiftly handles it to one of the others and pulls you into a hug.

“The moment I let you out of my sight and the first thing you do is walk out of the house! You are impossible!” She makes to ruffle your hair but you grasp her hand in a panic. She blinks, surprised, and then she realises what she’s doing. “Oh. Of course, sorry.”

“Why… how are we here? What happened? And— I’m happy to see you too. I just don’t know what to say. Where is my cameo? Where is my cape? How is Soralisa? Rubi—”

“I see that while madama Candente may have had her body restored, memories and spirit is another matter,” the Priest chuckles. “There will be time to explain in the Temple’s gardens. May I lead the way?”

“Sure!” Salicera grins, linking arms with you, turning briefly to regard the others. “I am leaving with Argia, so please be a dear and carry this to our home, will you? Fresh milk will be good for her full recovery!” She flashes her usual confident grin at the young man and he swoons, nodding. The gaggle of Salicera’s admirers keeps stealing looks at her as they leave, and she looks extremely pleased with herself, puffing her chest out slightly.

Then she pulls you ahead. In a way, it’s better to see her so self-assured after everything you went through with… the other night? The night before?


“I suppose you have a few questions,” Salicera prompts you. “The Temple is close but I may be able to answer a few.”

>choose two out of the following options:

>How did you come here? What is this place?

>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?

>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?

>Does Salicera have any idea where your cameo is? And what about your sword?

I have yet to decide which of the girls gets the most ‘head cheerleader’ energy between Salicera and Rubida
>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?
>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?
gotta learn how long we've been out and where our friends are
>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?
>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?
Well Rubida was more bitchy so far. Salicera can have "prince" energy
>>How did you come here? What is this place?
>>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?
>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?
>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?
>How did you come here? What is this place?

>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?
>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?
>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?
and third...
>Does Salicera have any idea where your cameo is? And what about your sword?
(If we're permitted three, otherwise, just the first two)

>‘head cheerleader’ energy
Rubi. Sali has popular girl energy,but not the organizational skill of a proper leader.
>Does Salicera have any idea where your cameo is? And what about your sword?

>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?

Rubi definately has the cheerleader/boss bitch energy. Sally is more like someone who is just very popular but not because of trying hard, she just IS.

Thanks everyone for the votes. I will proceed to tally them up, I will probably start updating in a few hours (first free day in two weeks, I will probably go take a walk in the woods to recharge).

In the meantime, your suggestions about the girls’ energy in an academy setting inspired me this little piece (slight NSFW, some uh… bullying involved):


Hope you enjoy ‘Fast Times At Madua High’. I will see you soon with the usual update.
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That was cute. Made me grin.
Damn, all the girls are sluts, specially Rubida. I’m surprised Stilladìa doesn’t sell party “enhancements” to people instead of ancap mentoring.
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>Rubi's 'bullying'
The fact that Stilly is just... what? Loyal to her contracts and likes soul money just makes her even more of a best. She is not stupid evil. Hell she even has a relatively cordial working relationship with Caranval, a literal angel.

I do like Rubi as well.
Glad you liked it anon


Selling party ‘enhancements’ does not increase demand. Pushing for Ancapistan does.


‘Damn that Candente girl, how dare she, better put her to her place’
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>Cursed trips

You must now write more fap fic. More Rubi puting Argia in her place. The place is a bed, maybe with Soralisa already occupiing it.
The sisters demand fic about them. Jokes aside, kinda funny how Rubida was going for a “nether” kissing from Argia in the room full of people. She really went “Damn silver hair, seducing your classmate. Correction will occur.”
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zamn, right when I thought I had escaped writing more lewdpastas...

but one with the sisters would have to be F/F/F/F/F/F/F/M, you'd probably need a dictionary to tell them apart...

now, for the voting tally:


Tally of replies:

A>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?
B>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?

A>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?
B>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?

C>>How did you come here? What is this place?
A>>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?

A>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?
B>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?

C>How did you come here? What is this place?
B>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?

A>What day is it? How long has it been since your fight?
B>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?

D>Does Salicera have any idea where your cameo is? And what about your sword?
B>Where are Rubida and the others? Is Soralisa safe?

Final tally (counting up a lot of votes is hard but really satisfying):

5 A (selected)
6 B (selected)
2 C
1 D

Writing in a bit. I personally love how the option with info about your friends got most of the votes.
I will happily memorise their names so we don't get confused when moaning out a name. Stilladia is still a best but septuplets are great to.
why is there a male in the middle ?
just say "sis", no risk of error
Very nice. You used the wrong name at least once I think.
wdym ?

In Maduan language their names are the same as the seven Pleiades (well, six, Merope is kill). I have yet to decide their original Kiengir names tho.

glad you enjoyed it. I'll try to check for the mistakes and correct them, thanks

and now, the news...
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You have probably asked a few too many questions all at once. Now it’s better if you proceed orderly. While Salicera leads you across the inner square and its channels and streets surrounded by boughs and trees, you make up your mind.

“Where is Rubida?” You ask. “And what about Soralisa? Is she safe?”
Salicera chuckles.
“Just like you to make sure the others are safe. Even before focusing on something more personal, like your wound,” she points her free hand towards your chest.


hook piercing through your skin and flesh and poisoning your soul with winter—

— wound.

It’s in the past. The fate of your companions is more important.
The fate of your friends.

“Rubida got all scared,” Salicera gives you a sheepish grin. “She was alone for far too long, poor thing. Apparently what to us lasted only a few minutes lasted much longer to her. Just like how it felt to Astoria and the martial chaplain — when we managed to escape the well, it was as if hours had passed. And the moment the entire structure fell, the stones grew all worn-out.” She scratches her side of her neck, suddenly nervous. “I came back there to check on something when Astoria finished healing you. The stones look old, Argia. Consumed by time, and overgrown by roots.”

“The Night is patient,” you mutter.
“Nothing. Please go on.”
“So, Rubida was scared, and she tried not to show it, but she was mostly fine. I got a few bumps from the falling stones. And you had an ugly one on your shoulder… that was my fault. I missed a floating stone while I carried you down.”

You don’t really care.

“So… Rubida is fine?”
“Her pride got bruised the worst. You know how she is.”
“Yes— I suppose I do. I do now.” You let out a sigh while you cross over the final channel, reaching the inner gardens to the Temple of Flame. The pavilion shines in the sunlight. You feel the warmth kissing your skin — so welcome after everything that happened. “Did Soralisa recover?”
“That is not for us to tell yet—” interrupts her the Priest, still holding the cup of burning oils. “Your friend shows progress, but it is not up to us to decide whether she ever properly recovers the use of her arms.” The man shakes his head beneath his veil. “The Blessed Blind shared the news with me. To attempt something like that— she is lucky to be alive.”
She just got scared in the forest. If you had been there for her, maybe she wouldn’t have fallen to despair.

“I understand, but where is she now? Can I see her? I want to thank her for—”
You hesitate. News about the direct intervention of Ansàrra was something that the ears of some random Priest of Flame, no matter how kind he has been with you so far, may not need to know.

Master taught you that Faith is almost always a good thing. The men through which it runs — sometimes less so.

“She’s in the Temple,” Salicera says, to which the Priest shoots her a glare, visible even under the veil. “What?” She shrugs. “She would have known soon enough anyway. Oh, and Rubida went to look for some groceries at the farmer’s market on the other side of the town.”
“Why would she—”
“You did not hear this from me,” she whispers, “but I think it’s her way of saying thank you. She probably wanted to get you something to eat,” Salicera grins. “Rubida has a soft heart, deep down. Uhm, very deep down.”

“I will leave you two outside for the moment,” the Priest replies, maybe still miffed about Salicera overstepping. “Can I trust you to wait for proper protocol if you want to visit the Temple?”
You nod.
“No worries. We can sit on the steps,” Salicera agrees as well. The Priest passes through the main door and disappears in the darkness of the outer layer. “Now, there’s a lot yet I have to tell you,” she says as she pushes aside the flowers left on the steps.
“No, wait, wait wait—” you hiss, immediately putting the flowers back to their proper place. “You are not supposed to move them or pick them up!”
“… that’s new,” she replies, looking for a spot where there are no flowers and helping you seat. “I never heard of such thing.”
“That’s because in inner Madua they let you carry your offers directly to the Temple’s first layer,” you explain. How come she does not know something this simple? Sometimes Salicera really gives you a headache. For a Maduan, she can be careless. “But past the Third Girdle they need to be carried by a Priest.”
“Sorry. I missed that detail,” she grins, sheepishly rubbing her neck. Missed? Meaning she did not know it? “Can I go on?”
“Yes… sorry if that came out a bit too forced or… but it’s our faith.” You rub your chest, where your cameo ought to be. The need to ask if Salicera knows about it itches once again. “How long was I asleep?”


“Three days,” Salicera says holding up her middle fingers. “Or perhaps a little more. You slipped into a co— into some kind of slumber after Astoria started healing you. I had never seen someone pray for so long during a Sanction.” Salicera frowns. “Not even Soralisa. So… it took us three days to carry you and Soralisa here, and while she is able to move and seems mostly alright, you had us worried. All of us,” she adds with a twinkle in her eyes, as if hinting at something you do not know yet.
“Three days. I don’t… I can’t really remember. Everything is confused. But we did succeed, did we not? We stopped the incarnation. For good.”
“We did!” Salicera beams, all excited. “Just you wait! Everyone in town knows we are important people, but we were asked to keep a low profile about you.”

“Oh. I guess it’s because…” you reach for your head. “But we did stop it. You stopped it. You killed the Sister’s head. Oh, Sun-Birther,” you let out a long, finally satisfied sigh. Your gathered strength leaves you for a moment and you fall against the stairs, looking up at the edge of the Temple stark against the blue sky and the silver ring. “I need to enter the Temple. To meet Soralisa and to properly thank Ansàrra for her help.”
To think that just a few days before you couldn’t wait for this to be over and to never seen any of these people again.
Funny how a brush against death and oblivion changes things.
“I was told we can enter in a bit. There’s a meeting of some sort. Perhaps a ceremony.”
“May it be over soon. Ah, I thought… I was so scared. Thank the golden heavens it’s over.”
“It is! And just wait until word spreads!” Salicera is overtaken with glee.
“I don’t really care about that,” you wave your hand, pulling the shawl covering your hair a little tighter. “Just that the deed was done well. And that the Trial of Flame is a little closer.” Your eyes wander past the Temple and towards the profile of the hills.

Wonder what will happen after that—

“Where are we? The flowers on the steps mean we are quite close to the border, but where exactly? Were we told?”
“Some place called Ripacroce,” Salicera shrugs again. “Itty bitty town on the edge to the border. Quite close to where we got dispatched, but we had to take a detour.”
“A detour? Was it because of me? Of Soralisa?”
“Not exactly,” Salicera chuckles. “You know, for being such an unassuming Knight trainee, there’s lots of important people scrambling to reach you.”
“I don’t understand—”
Someone steps on the polished Temple threshold.
You recognise the noise of of those steps.
You have been following it for three years.

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Turning your head as quick as a whip, you find your eyes affixed to a pair of old grey ones. A tall man, dressed in a grey robe, just stopping out of the entrance.
Ibardo Delebasse.
“Shame, I wanted to tease her a little longer…” Salicera huffs.
“Master—” you choke on your own words, then stand up and rush at him.
“Argia Candente,” he welcomes you into his embrace, lifting you off the floor with ease. “You had an old man worried! By the light of Ansàrra!” For a long moment, you can just enjoy Master’s embrace. You have missed him so much, your throat burns. One of the latest things you remember was almost dying from the infected blood, and disappointing him and now— now he’s here. He gently puts you down, while Salicera joins you two. She has her arms crossed over her chest and you notice she gives Master a few sideways looks.

But that’s something you shouldn’t really care about.
Master is here.
“Did you nurture your tree?” He asks setting his hand on your head.
“I— I think I did. I may have found my water,” you reply looking down. You are so ashamed it took you so much time to do it.
“I knew you would do it,” he replies and the thick sense of pride in his voice feels almost as healing as a full Sanction.
Then his eyes shift towards your chest and you grimace.
“Ah— Master, it seems my— your— my cameo is missing.”
“Not so,” he replies, his tone growing a bit sullen. “I will need to inform you of a few more things. Also, your presence is requested. But perhaps you would prefer to go meet your friend first?”
>Let’s go see Soralisa first!

>Master’s info takes precedence.

another long update. I had fun. I hope you liked it… and now that Ibardo is here, things can get a little more fun.
>>Let’s go see Soralisa first!
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>Master’s info takes precedence.

She isn't going anywhere. Also I feel silly for not noticing some things off about Salicera, considering we know OoC she is an isakai now. There are a couple of other things that feel strange... can't put my finger on them quite yet. Might need to go back through first thread again.


>You know, for being such an unassuming Knight trainee, there’s lots of important people scrambling to reach you.

So we know Stilly and Caranval know of us. We have out Sword Saint Master. Who else I wonder, given we are basically a hick? Honestly it is a bit interesting we are getting attention, considering our companions are a once in a life time protegy, a chick who can use sanctions well enough to launch a magic nuke and has Ansarra helping her directly, and... Rubi.
>“No, wait, wait wait—” you hiss, immediately putting the flowers back to their proper place. “You are not supposed to move them or pick them up!”
>“… that’s new,” she replies, looking for a spot where there are no flowers and helping you seat. “I never heard of such thing.”
>“That’s because in inner Madua they let you carry your offers directly to the Temple’s first layer,” you explain. How come she does not know something this simple? Sometimes Salicera really gives you a headache. For a Maduan, she can be careless. “But past the Third Girdle they need to be carried by a Priest.”
were those bragialacras or just generic flowers ? if the former, how did she not know about them before ?
>you had us worried. All of us,” she adds with a twinkle in her eyes, as if hinting at something you do not know yet.
now I remember she had a secret to tell us at the end of the mission, but this whole thing put a wrench in that plan. inb4 she likes us or something.
>Let’s go see Soralisa first!
sistas before mistas
>Also I feel silly for not noticing some things off about Salicera, considering we know OoC she is an isakai now. There are a couple of other things that feel strange... can't put my finger on them quite yet. Might need to go back through first thread again.
for starters, she says slangs that are only from our world, dunno if there's more details on the 1st thread. now we also learned that she doesn't seem to know much about the religion, even basic stuff (that F from the spinoff also hinted this). If we go with the classic isekai trope, she's been reborn here so it's not like she didn't have time to learn so that's pretty strange. It's one thing to not delve deeper but missing basic stuff the laity are expected to know it's kind of a yellow flag.
>Master’s info takes precedence.
hotto sex


Interesting speculations anon. I love it when players think about all the little hints I left.


So far 2 vs 2.

150 minutes to break stalemate, otherwise I will roll for the update
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Rolled 1 (1d2)


if we roll 1 we go with


if we roll 2 we go with

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>were those a Bragialacra

forgot to reply to this. no, these are simple flowers. The burning bloom is extremely rare and it can only be found in the darkness. the fact you received its boon is already something that borders on the incredible.


You really want to see Soralisa again. But everyone is assuring you she is fine, and Master’s presence is so unexpected, so you’d rather hear from him. It would also leave your mind clearer for when you actually see your friend.
“What do you need to share, Master?”
Before answering he tosses a look at the inside of the Temple, which is as dark as the bowels of the earth.
“It seems we can go in now. Please come and I will explain.” He waits for you to take off your clogs, carrying them in your left hand. You toss a look to see if Salicera is doing the same but luckily she’s already reaching for her shoes as well, taking them off with a shrug.
You walk on the cold marble, Salicera right besides you. The moment you step inside the circular first layer of the Temple of Flame, a welcoming darkness envelopes you.

It’s so different from the one that met you back then inside the well. That other felt… inquisitive, beckoning you forward and inward. This one is soothing and invites you to take a break, lay down and pray.

You meet a few more others Priests of Flame coming back and forth, carrying burning chalices in their hands, which spread a pleasant and resin-like scent as they murmur the hymns to Ansàrra. While they pass by, they ignore you two, but bow their heads as the meet Master. With the corner of your eye you notice Salicera seems intrigued by the respect he’s getting. Which is curious. He’s Master, how could it be otherwise?

“You are missing your cameo,” he says as his voice echoes through the circular hallway, “because the Blessed Blind who was with you has requested to examine it.”
“Why now?” You ask. “I inquired her before about my growing connection with it,” you mention. “Did she tell you about it, Master?”
“She did. It was part of our conversation, though far from the most unpleasant,” he adds with a rueful smile, barely visible in the dim light. You have to carefully check on every one of your steps as Master leads you further inside the Temple, past the winding curves of the windowless corridors. As always, Salicera seems to be dealing better than you.

“So I can have it back when she finishes examining it, right?” You ask, already eager to feel its weight against your chest once more.
“That—” Master sighs, “remains to be seen. As I told you before she has requested your presence as well.”
“Astoria?” You instinctively search for Master’s eyes, but the most you can see in the almost complete penumbra is a hint of his stern profile. It’s a dumb question, but it just slipped off your mouth. “Why?”


“Something about the shape of it,” he replies running his fingers through his beard. “She has also demanded I bring you to her the moment you woke up in your bed.”
“Does that mean I have to postpone my visit to Soralisa?”
“As Ansàrra would have it, I could not come to wake you up, which makes her request a moot point. Astoria is fond of technicalities, let’s have her enjoy one more.” You cannot see the grin on Master’s face but you can hear it in his voice, as well as Salicera’s chuckle just behind you. “Nay. I would have you meet your friend now. She’s in the second layer, taking a bath. I will deal with Astoria while you four talk.”

“Thank you Master!” You reach out to draw him into a hug and he lets you — not picking you up like before, but he still allows you to hug him for a few minutes in the middle of the Temple. “I will be going now—”

“Take your shawl off,” he adds, brushing his fingers against the fabric. “You do not have anything to fear about it, even less so inside Her allowed Temple.”

You hesitate.

“Argia,” Salicera says from the darkness, “I think you should do as your master says.”

“Y-You take it,” you say taking it off, feeling your hair falling back into place. Short and soft, you nervously run your fingers through them. Salicera picks up the shawl and pockets it.

“I will likely meet you in the second chamber, if madama Astoria manages to make me run out of patience once again,” Master says, turning to leave. “Madama Fors. Can I ask you to watch over my pupil while I am not here?”
“Of course!” She confidently replies. “Nothing different from what I have done recently.”
“Hmm— heard a thing or two about it, indeed. Very well. I will see you soon, hopefully soon enough.” He disappears down the outer corridor, leaving you and Salicera alone in the darkness.

She leads you further down, her left hand always touching the wall.

“Should I go left or right? This Temple seems built different from the others.”

“It lays west to the capital, so we have to turn from right to left in order to reach the centre,” you point out. “It would be the other way around to the East.”

“Sure. It makes sense.”

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You follow her as your heart keeps beating in your chest. Too many emotions, too close together.

You two finally reach the vestibule and your hands reach for your clothes, folding them and putting them close together. You are frankly grateful for the comfort of darkness. Next to you, Salicera also starts to take off her clothes to get ready for entrance. You glance at where she put them.

“Please roll them together and make sure to fold them properly,” you add. “The Priests will take them and clean them for us. It’s something Master told me.”

“Oh. Sure,” she replies. You cannot be sure where he eyes are going, but finally you get rid of all your clothing and proceed through the layers of curtains towards the second layer.

You fight against the need to cover yourself as the humid sensation of steam hits your skin. You would have expected the inner layer to be full of people at this time of the day, but actually the ringed pool giving way to the inner sanctum is empty, save for two young women.

“You!” Shouts Rubida, standing up amidst a ripple of water and steam. She’s naked save for the bandages covering her right arm. You suppose she would not get those off. “What are you doing out of your bed, Candente?”


“You know how she is,” Salicera chuckles, walking into the pool as she shakes her head. “She’s our vanguard in and out of the battlefield. Nice to see you too.”

You take your eyes off Rubida’s generous form and look at the brunette laying in the water besides her. Her eyes are half-closed, her voice a broken whisper, but the thin smile on her pace face tells you everything you needed to know.

That yes, your mission was a success. Even if you can’t see her arms, covered by the water, you notice that, even gaunt as she is, she is alive.

“Argia—” she calls you. “You have come.”

”How could I not?” You shout, rapidly crossing the distance and entering the heated pool to pull Soralisa in an embrace.

>choose two:

>What did Astoria and the others say about her chances of full recovery?

>This is the same girl who reached out to you through the veil of Night. You must know how it may have felt — it may help you with Sanctions.

>Now that the mission is over, how does she feel about it? Can you two start over as friends for the time that you will still spend together? You feel a bit silly asking this in front of the other two, but it’s necessary—

>[Write-In] Some other question hits you. Now that all of you four are together, it may be time to ask something important...

thanks for playing. I will go die on the bed now.
>Salicera seems intrigued by the respect he’s getting. Which is curious. He’s Master, how could it be otherwise?
alright, she's clueless about the fate indeed. She probably came from somewhere with little to no contact with the faith, but that begs the question as to what made her join it and why she's doing it ? specially when she chastised us for defering to Octavia's judgement about getting the sword or not and was kinda focused on getting us to think about ourselves 1st. perhaps she'd like a silver hair better.
>“Oh. Sure,” she replies. You cannot be sure where he eyes are going
she's very poor at hiding it, kek

>This is the same girl who reached out to you through the veil of Night. You must know how it may have felt — it may help you with Sanctions.
>Now that the mission is over, how does she feel about it? Can you two start over as friends for the time that you will still spend together? You feel a bit silly asking this in front of the other two, but it’s necessary
no use in dwelling on her chances of hecovery or not. let's get our minds in better places.
rest well, OP
*she's clueless about the faith
>What did Astoria and the others say about her chances of full recovery?
>Now that the mission is over, how does she feel about it? Can you two start over as friends for the time that you will still spend together? You feel a bit silly asking this in front of the other two, but it’s necessary—
Take care, QM

Sali also spoke of magic mirrors (computers) and moderm paved highways before whe we were remembering smells of home.

Rubi is a descendant of the ancient dark elves or whatever, isn't she?
>>What did Astoria and the others say about her chances of full recovery?
>>This is the same girl who reached out to you through the veil of Night. You must know how it may have felt — it may help you with Sanctions
>Sali also spoke of magic mirrors (computers) and moderm paved highways before whe we were remembering smells of home.
hmm, I'll check it out
>>This is the same girl who reached out to you through the veil of Night. You must know how it may have felt — it may help you with Sanctions.
(damn anon, missed the quads by 1)


>descendant of Kiengiri
not really. what she says it's more like ordinary people in burgerland claiming to be 2% Viking because they got some DNA test. Rubida shares many of the ideal features of a Kiengir woman (gorgeous, blue eyes, long straight black hair), but she is clearly just a common human. Kiengiri are different. It's just something she likes to say for clout, but everyone can see through it.


thanks for voting. 30 more minutes and I will start writing.


you have no idea how much of a challenge was trying to describe the smell of heated asphalt in terms a silver-haired dunce from the otherworldly Church State might understand. And how fun it was.
>Kiengiri are different.
how different ? are they akin to superhumans ?
>you have no idea how much of a challenge was trying to describe the smell of heated asphalt in terms a silver-haired dunce from the otherworldly Church State might understand. And how fun it was.
considering we didn't get it on the 'st time until an anon decided to check it due to the isekai reveal, must've been hard indeed
>how different

self-bioengineered, magically-powerful superhumans. none are properly alive at the moment (as far as we know). Elves mirror their looks and their resistance, but they are usually magically inert. The Seven Sisters are probably the single closest thing to a live Kiengir you get at this point in time.

>we didn't get it

Occam's razor might suggest I'm just a hack writer. Really makes you think.

Very well, time's up, vote tally:

>This is the same girl who reached out to you through the veil of Night. You must know how it may have felt — it may help you with Sanctions. (3 votes)

>Now that the mission is over, how does she feel about it? Can you two start over as friends for the time that you will still spend together? You feel a bit silly asking this in front of the other two, but it’s necessary (2 votes)

>What did Astoria and the others say about her chances of full recovery? (2 votes)

There is a tie for second place but I'll add both votes in this time. Writing!
What are you talking about, anon? I and at least one anon kept pointing out the hints and voicing our suspicions the whole time.

>hack writer
Some readers are just better at catching these things than others.
>What are you talking about, anon? I and at least one anon kept pointing out the hints and voicing our suspicions the whole time.
besides the slangs, I don't remember other things. we basically only talked about her being an isekai mc because of that and her ridiculous stats
>Occam's razor might suggest I'm just a hack writer. Really makes you think.
checked back and tbf while the oily thing comment about the road and she reacting when we said we smelled the aroma of home, I didn't catch it and the rotten eggs comment threw me away for some reason. the magic mirror one was something that I brushed as some scrying ball or magical artifact, but it makes sense in retrospect
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“Your arms,” you ask, lowering your gaze to her blackened limbs laying deeper in the pool. “What did they say?”
“Well—” Soralisa hesitates. “I was lucky to survive. The Sanction truly got out of control.”
You hesitate at those words. Ansàrra is the one who ultimately provides and concedes Sanctions.

Which also means that She allowed it, which—

You blink. You never thought about it that way. This means…

“It will take time,” she whispers. “A few weeks at the very least, to be able to use my hands properly. One year or more to recover upper body strength. But I have likely lost some sensibility forever…” she raises her arms off the pool and you notice how they look now. The cracked crystalline surface has been absorbed by the skin, so it now reminds you of dry earth, or old bark. But beneath and between the black layer you can see faint pinkness peeking through. Her new flesh and skin is slowly growing.

“Let’s not be gloomy,” Rubida sighs interjecting herself into the conversation. “She will recover, and she may recover well than intended. After all, you got saved at the last moment once already,” she points out, her deep blue eyes affixed to you. “Who knows what the future may have in store for you.”

“Thank you Rubida,” she nods, closing her eyes. “Apologies, I am still a bit weaker. Weaker… than usual at the very least.”

This reminds you of the rest of the time you will have to spend together.

“I’m glad you feel better. There is something else I wanted to ask… we did it. We stopped the incarnation.”
“Which sounds incredible when you say it like that,” Salicera points out, with her usual grin. She lazily takes a swim around you three. “I can’t wait for people to start carrying us in triumph. Maybe your Master can lead the way?”

“I don’t think we should get a parade for something we were supposed to do,” you reply. “Also, the whispers of pride are dangerous. I did not want to talk about anything like that, just that—” you blush as you try to string the words together. At this point you are not even attempting to dance, you are just throwing yourself into the ballroom covered in tar and feathers.

So be it.


“Can we start over after this? I don’t know how much time we have left as a manipolo. But I have enjoyed talking to you when we first met. I would like to be able to keep doing that. Regardless of how many days or weeks we are supposed to spend together.”
“Smooth,” Salicera comments, while Rubida looks uncomfortable, rubbing at her right arm.

“I feel— I am really not cut out for battle. Or for anything that isn’t reading on a couch in the light… of afternoon,” Soralisa muses. “But if we are to spend more time together, I wouldn’t mind that. I’d be happy, in fact. It was also my faul—“

You do not leave her time to reply and you pull Soralisa in another embrace, tighter this time.

“Thank you.” No need to share more words.

“D-Don’t even mention it,” Soralisa replies with a blush.

“I should also apologise,” Rubida interjects again. “I thought that if I proved others you would one day turn against us, it would show how right I was in not trusting you,” she mutters, her voice coming in heavy.

A singing spark of anger rises in your chest, but you squash it. You have seen what Rubida went through. It hurts, but you cannot blame her. Not completely.

“I was wrong,” she adds. “Back in the Well, you saved us all.”
“Salicera did the most of the—”

“Will you shut up Candente, and take a compliment when you deserve it? Starless Night, you are a headache!”

“… apologies.”

“Was it you or not who understood how to deal with the shadowy reflections? And how to pass through the last veil? Who burned down the Malostromo? Surely it wasn’t me or Salicera!”

“I just…” you feel like disappearing, the heat from your cheeks so great the air even feels cool.

“Speaking of that,” Soralisa adds, speaking with great effort through her closed eyes, “how did you reach me that night?”


You frown.

“It was you who appeared right in front of me. I was…”

You were dying on the floor. Some deep part of your chest still pulsates with an otherworldly chill.

“I was bleeding out. It was you who appeared right in front of me.”

“No, I— I felt it differently. I was searching for you, I knew I had to reach out to you, so the Sun-Birther helped me, but— it was as if… I cannot explain it.” She frowns, frustrated. “It felt like remembering some obscure fact you heard as a child. And then there you were.”

“I was standing on some kind of wave—“ you recall faintly. “And it was cresting. You were inside a forest?”
“A thick one. It reminded me of the garden in my family’s orchard.”

“So that means…” you hesitate as you notice Salicera’s eyes following you.

If what you think is correct, then everything… from the Sanction being granted, to you two meeting at the last moment — it seemed to be following a plan.

Of course it did, like Salicera would say. Ansàrra does not let go of Her devotees.

But all of a sudden you can think of yourself as a paper boat caught in a great current, shaking and capsizing and overturning and rising once again, as the rapids lead way to calmer waters…

… for the time being.

“It means Ansàrra looked out for both of us.” You cover the centre of your chest with both hands. You really miss your cameo. If you focus, you can almost feel it… faintly throbbing with heat against your chest.
It is not there, but the memory of its presence seems to grow stronger.

"Anything else we should talk about?" Rubida asks crossing her arms over her chest. "Or can we proceed to prayers and getting ready for the town festival?"

Town festival? You will ask later.

“Astoria has need of me,” you say looking at the others. “I should go and hear her out.”

“Are you not healed yet?” Rubida asks, tilting her head. “I was told you were recovering naturally.”

“It is something different. Master told me she still has my cameo and wants to tell me something about it. I asked Astoria about it before we left for the well, but I wonder what she may tell me about it now.”

Salicera gives you one of her looks.

“Because that’s not fishy at all.”


You restrain her from asking what part of this entails fishing. One day you will get used to Salicera’s weirdness. Probably not this afternoon.

“Isn’t that cameo your most prized possession?” Soralisa asks weakly. “And a gift from you Master, who is still the Head of the Order of Saint Kishirra, mind you.”

Soralisa nods.

“Our girl has friends in high places.”

“I wonder if it’s just friends — indeed, something does not add up…” Rubida sets her finger before her plump lips, her blue eyes scanning your figure once more, but there is no hostility in her gaze. It’s as if she’s seeing you for the first time, beyond the curse of your hair, the alleged link to the Adversary, and everything else you shared. “And you are Ibardo Delebasse’s first disciple in… more than fifteen years if I am not mistaken.”


“And the Blessed Blind has requested you to visit her in the Temple.”

“Yes. I was supposed to go there the moment he woke me up, but Master insisted that because I woke up by myself I could visit Soralisa first.”

“Clever,” Rubida adds, with a grin that’s somewhat sharper than Salicera’s. For the first time it feels like you have her wits on your side, and you still feel a little shiver run down your spine at her tone. Having friends may be scarier than you though. “I suppose Astoria also said nothing about the fact you had to be alone.”

# # # # # #

>Your cameo will now provide you with a +9 bonus in lieu of the previous +8

Discuss the benefits of bringing either of the three girls, and vote:

>Go with Salicera

>Go with Soralisa

>Go with Rubida

>Go with all of them

(could be harder to justify bringing more than one girl, especially if you go all together, and put you in a bad light)

long update but I had a lot of fun writing it, especially the ending. Now let's see how you react to having friends. Also, these updates were supposed to be a little spicier, but the jannies are a bit trigger-happy as of late, so I will try to play it safe for now. As always, thanks for playing.
>Go with Salicera
>Go with Salicera
basically our bff
wait, this soon already ? I was expecting something coming from Salicera down the line considering the hints dropped, but not something that'd need pastebin/rentry to be told at this point. although the jannies really are on alert for anything.
QM probably just wanted to describe some specifics of their bodies.

>Go with Rubida
Sali barely knows how our religion works, lol. Sora's recivering. Rubi is cunning and devout.
>Go with Rubida
While Salicera is our good friend and a beastly fighter, she doesn't know how the church and court games are played. Rubida warmed up to us and she's the scion of a noble family, well versed in this dance. Lets go with her.
>Go with Rubida
QM probably wanted to write a breast comparison paragraph

2 for Salicera


3 for Rubida.

Interesting votes so far. I'd say two more hours before tally.

>wanted to write a breast comparison paragraph


voting's up, Rubida it is.
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The Blessed Blind is waiting for you in a special chamber, in the outer layer of the Temple.
“Strange for her to be here,” you mutter as you walk towards the entrance, Rubida in tow.
Even stranger to be here with the black-haired girl. The same girl you considered nothing short of the thorn in your side just yesterday.
Ah, it wasn’t yesterday, it was five days ago. You still need to get over the time difference due to your forced sleep.

“Why would it be?” Rubida quirks an eyebrow, crossing her arms behind her back.

“I—” there is no biting tone in her question, just curiosity. You decide to try and reply. “She’s just beneath a Sunseeker in rank. I would have figured out she would meet me in the third layer.”

“The same layer you can’t access before you passed through the Trial of Fire?” She quirks an eyebrow and you connect the dots.


“Oh indeed. Now, listen well, Candente. This is not about your cameo. Or at least not just that. It’s about your role in all this, and most likely your Master as well.”

“Do you think I disappointed him?”

“If you did, he is in a remarkably good mood — no, I don’t think so. Now, I’d advise you’d let me speak, but the Blessed Blind wanted to see you specifically. This is going to be difficult. Just stay true to yourself.”

“But that would mean… I would just make a fool of myself.” Why even trying then?

“On point,” she replies with a grin. “But this fool has managed quite well so far, didn’t she?” She tilts her head, prompting you to knock. You gulp and comply.

“The door is opened,” comes the voice of the Blessed Blind. You push it and step in. The inside is lit just by a few candles, the sacred and comfortable darkness of the Temple just a little bit less welcoming than before, with Astoria there, sitting at a desk and her hands crossed over her chest.

“I did not expect you to bring someone else,” she adds noticing Rubida in tow.
Astoria has not replaced her used bandages yet, so her skin is still visible, as are her plagues and her flowing blood. You suppose she would need to go back to the capital to receive fresh ones — her blind gaze is still trained on you, though.

“I— I thought she would… she’s my friend,” you say, pointing that out as if it were enough.


“Argia has been through much, and so did I,” Rubida adds bowing her head respectfully. “I overheard her talking about this, and I begged to be present with her as well. Of course, if you’d rather she’d be alone in this dire situation, I am sure she can get through one more trial.”

You follow Rubida’s words, trying to pick a place inside this dance, the dance that has started already. It’s as if Rubida and Astoria are standing at the opposite sides of a ballroom, dressed in robes of smiles and knives, and you are caught in the middle.

“Quite the impressive development in less than five days,” Astoria notices. “If I remember correctly, you two did not exactly enjoy each other’s company.”

“Nor do we now,” Rubida answers with a shrug. “That is a long and winding road. But this half year on the outback and taught me the virtue of standing up for my companions and for our Faith. Isn’t this what this training has tried to teach us?”

Wait, is Rubida trying to get back on her words? She’s doing something you don’t really understand. Speaking to say one thing and meaning another and hinting at yet another one.

You were right — she is a bit terrifying as a friend.

“Teaching and learning are two different things,” Astoria replies in a sharper tone. “Now, Madama Candente. Rest assured this is just a small curiosity of mine,” she adds as she picks up the cameo from her desk, making it glint at the candlelight. “You mentioned you did not know how this piece came into your Master’s possession, did you?”

“N-Nay,” you reply at once, shaking your head. “As far as I know, Master always had it.”

“He always did,” she says, the first smile dawning on her lips. You don’t think it’s a nice smile. Why are you even having this conversation? Astoria is a Blessed Blind — she is practically at the top of the Faith’s hierarchy, why are you being pushed to consider her words may have a hidden meaning, may be intended to hurt and wound?

This is like a knife stabbing you close to your heart. Why is she behaving like this? This is the same woman who helped you, who saved your life.

Why do you feel like she is being so hostile?


“Very well. You can have it back, Candente.” She sets it on the desk and waits for you to pick it up. When you do and you wear it again, you can let out a long breathe of relief.

“What do you remember about your time in there, Argia Candente?” She asks all of a sudden.

“Not much, but if you’d like me to present you a report, I can—”

“Nay, that will be all,” she adds, standing up. “I am glad you are looking healthier than I expected. You and your friend can go. Remember not to miss tonight’s festival, it’s important to have fun when you are young and hearty.”

You share a quick look with Rubida, who looks just as confused as you. Still, she shakes her head just lightly enough to give you a sign: something is not going as she expected. And it may be better if you two take your time to discuss it between each other.

>Something does not add up. Press the issue, asking Astoria if she really is finished with her questioning. Maybe Rubida’s presence pushed her to change tactics?

>Thank Astoria for her kindness, but you ask a question of your own before getting out of the room. It’s about how much time you will have to serve in this manipolo before you can leave…

>Thank her for her kindness and discuss this with Rubida and the others. Something is, as Salicera said, fishy.

>You have another kind of suggestion [Write-In]
>Thank her for her kindness and discuss this with Rubida and the others. Something is, as Salicera said, fishy.
But don't jump to conclusions. Ansàrra would not permit evil to fester in her highest-placed servants. This must be a test of some sort.
>>Something does not add up. Press the issue, asking Astoria if she really is finished with her questioning. Maybe Rubida’s presence pushed her to change tactics?
>Thank her for her kindness and discuss this with Rubida and the others. Something is, as Salicera said, fishy.
We don't have much to question her with and I think it's better to spend time with our friends since we barely woke up from the coma
>>Thank her for her kindness and discuss this with Rubida and the others. Something is, as Salicera said, fishy.

3 to


1 (also, checked)

thanks for the replies anon. I couldn't even check your votes yesterday.

I'd say 5 more hours for voting and then update.
>>Thank her for her kindness and discuss this with Rubida and the others. Something is, as Salicera said, fishy.
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# # # # # #


“I—” no, you have to be smart about this. You have to think about what her words mean not just what they say! She said you are free to go and this discussion is over.
As for what she meant—

“Thank you,” you say at last, bowing your head in sign of respect. In fact, you shouldn’t even be looking at the Blessed Blind, especially in her exposed state. “I also apologise for my improper behaviour.”

“You are almost a Knight, Argia Candente,” she adds in the warmer tone you are more used to hear from her. “And you have been through much.”

“Again, I don’t deserve these thanks, at least not alone.” What else? “Ah, and what about this festival you were talking about?”

“The town has received news about your presence here, as well as some info about the reasons for it.” You remember Master showing up all of a sudden. Why was he here?

Unless he came to check on you. Did he feel like you could use some help? Or perhaps Ansàrra informed him? If She could do it with Soralisa, She could certainly do so with Master.

“So they are throwing a celebration. They were not precisely informed about who you were, save for one exception.”

“Salicera loves making a scene,” Rubida mutters, but there is a hint of mirth in her bite. “She was almost carried in triumph across the main square when she started showing off.”

“Is she that famous?”


Rubida shrugs.

“A desire for fame can seldom be good,” you mutter. “I trust she can keep it from getting to her head.”

You notice that the Blessed Blind has been silent, as if scrutinising your interaction with Rubida.

“Good thinking, Candente. Can I ask you one little favour? A personal one.”

“A-At once.”

“It will be four of you at the festival tonight. Make sure your friend remembers that being a Knight is about serving Ansàrra, not one’s desires for glory. This is not the Treviri Throne.”

“I doubt Salicera is like that,” you counter immediately. “And she is not some child I would have to watch over. But I—” not what she said, but what she mean, not what she said, but what she meant, remember: you have to say one thing while implying another and hiding a third one. Oh, your head hurts. “I will make sure to, uh, keep her grounded.”

“Please do so,” Astoria nods. “And if anything strikes you as odd, feel free to ask for counsel.”

“I will at once,” you add, nodding. Rubida follows suit.

“Very well. Thank you, your devotion is commendable.”
“My devotion to Ansàrra?” You ask — and as Astoria’s features harden just a bit you realise you misstepped again.

“Your devotion to Ansàrra, yes. And to everything She represents and to everything She protects. Law, order and beauty,” Astoria points out.

“Candente is so devoted she could hold the Temple Flame in her hands and not even burn,” Rubida adds, setting her right arm over yours. “You have nothing to worry about, Blessed Blind.”

“I am closest to Ansàrra's thoughts. Is there even anything I should be worried about?” She answers with a satisfied smile, finally waving her hand to point at the door.

You two are dismissed.


A few moments later, you sit in the darkness inside the Temple, flinching every time a Priest of Flame walks by. Your hair is uncovered and you can clearly see them hesitate and miss half a step as they pass by you two, trailing the glow of their scented oils candles behind them, shadows bowing from one side to the other as Rubida sits next to you, deep in thought.

“I still need to take the time to say my thanks,” you whisper after a while. “I should go out to pick up a few flowers for the offer.”

“She wanted to talk to you alone,” Rubida informs you. “She shut like a bolted door the moment she saw me come in. But she did not try to hide the fact she wants us to monitor Salicera.” A pause lingers. “You don’t think something bad happened in the sacrificial Well did you?”

Her words nudge the memory of your friend striking at the head and shattering like the skin of a frozen pond.

“I do not think so. She was— what did Salicera tell you?”

“The head attacked her, and she had to fight it into an even deeper part of the Well,” Rubida recounts. “She managed to strike it down and find her way back right as you were dying on the floor…” her eyes seem to lose focus for a moment. “All I could do was trying to hold that light against my breastplate. I felt as useless as a brick.”

“We wouldn’t be here without you,” you say, shaking your head.

“I’m sorry.” She raises her hand as you protest. “I said it once and I will say it again. I was atrocious to you, Candente.”

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“That was before the Well. Before the tree, as well.”

“Before what you did for Soralisa—” Rubida sighs. “She’s so fragile.”

“One strand can break alone,” you say, quoting something Master told you before. “But many make a braid.”

“So is that what we are?” Rubida chuckles. “A braid.”

“It sounds a bit like Bradiamante,” you add. “I think it’s a good omen.”

“Perhaps. If a heathen Knight can be called as such.”

“Bradiamante was the greatest Knight since Saint Bragia herself! We have to—”

“I’m just messing with you. Learn to read the air, Candente… ah, but that’s probably a pointless effort.” She grins. “It’s fine. As long as I will be there to show you which words to say. The one in twenty times you will be allowed to speak, of course…”

“I’m making progress!”

“I will be the arbiter of that.”

And as you clutch against your warm cameo, you find that you wouldn’t really mind.

>It seems the bad part of the day is over. You can go back to the others, you were going to meet outside the Temple, and take a stroll through town together… as soon as you find some new shawl to cover your head with. [chance to find out more about the town and the festival]

>As you said to Rubida, it’s important to find a moment and say your prayers to Ansàrra. You want to personally thank Her for the help she gave you [chance to bank a couple rolls for Sanction casting]

>Wasn’t there something Salicera wanted to tell you? After you completed your mission. You have spent your time with Rubida and Soralisa, but not so much with her. [chance to get some impromptu sword training]

thanks for playing anon. sorry for the belated update. hope you like Rubida is now firmly in friend territory... this might mean you will get your disastrous fashion sense fixed. Rejoice!
>Wasn’t there something Salicera wanted to tell you? After you completed your mission. You have spent your time with Rubida and Soralisa, but not so much with her. [chance to get some impromptu sword training]
sally really isn't ashamed of showing off and doing her thing. Now I'm really curious as to why she joined the order if she doesn't seem to care one bit for the religion, aside from some reverence to Anssàrra since the sanctions aren't something she can deny. is it the isekai mc power trip ?
>>Wasn’t there something Salicera wanted to tell you? After you completed your mission. You have spent your time with Rubida and Soralisa, but not so much with her. [chance to get some impromptu sword training]
>Wasn’t there something Salicera wanted to tell you? After you completed your mission. You have spent your time with Rubida and Soralisa, but not so much with her. [chance to get some impromptu sword training]
>showing off

one day I may write more pastas... As for why she joined the order, why not ask her, anon?
>one day I may write more pastas... As for why she joined the order, why not ask her, anon?
will do if my vote wins
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unanimity so far. I'd say three more hours for voting.
>And if anything strikes you as odd, feel free to ask for counsel.

So they know something is off with her...


Rubi is a cute. Not as cute as Sora but still cute.

>>As you said to Rubida, it’s important to find a moment and say your prayers to Ansàrra. You want to personally thank Her for the help she gave you [chance to bank a couple rolls for Sanction casting]

Never know when a sanction will be useful.
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# # # # # #

You take a moment to collect yourself after everything that just happened, especially what the Blessed Blind said about Salicera. You are not sure what happened when she killed the incarnating head. Even if you were, what would it change?You trust Salicera. The Blessed Blind has healed you, but she was not there with you in the deepest parts of the Night, fighting against the hulks. Someone else was.
Which also reminds you: wasn’t Salicera about to tell you something? A secret of some sort.

“I think I will be back at the Temple this afternoon,” you say standing up. “I want to speak with Salicera for a bit.”
“Remember to eat and drink something,” Rubida adds with a sigh. “You can’t sustain yourself on words alone. Are you an Elf?”
“I doubt I am even going to ever meet one,” you reply with a faint chuckle.
“And here I heard there’s a lot of statues of Saint Kishirra over there on the shores of the Sea of Candéa.”

“There are some, but on the Northern half, close to the Echorian. I couldn’t visit. My family did not get the time. And besides, I hadn’t joined the Faith back then.”
You promise yourself you will take some time to properly thank Ansàrra for Her help, just after you settle this with Salicera. You have spent time with all of your friend today, besides her.

“I ought to try and contact Master,” you muse while you and Rubida get out of the Temple, “maybe we can go present offers together.”

“Would you mind if I also came?” Rubida asks, suddenly fidgety. As you two walk outside under Her sunlight, you notice the faint sheen of red that’s appeared on Rubida’s cheeks. “I had heard much about the Head of the Order of Saint Kishirra, but could never meet him in person.”

“I can ask.”

“That would— it would be swell.”

You toss a few more glances at Rubida, who looks suddenly all giddy. Wonder why. Maybe it's just the sun.


# # # # # #

You find Salicera sitting behind the Temple at one of the wooden areas for the families who partecipate at the ceremonies. She waves at you and, as you notice the water and fruits on the table, you feel your stomach clench.

“I did not know you would rest here,” you say sitting in front of her. Salicera shrugs.
“I planned to go back to the house we gave us, but something made me wait. I wanted to ask you how your conversation with Astoria did go, but I see it seemed to have gone well. You have your cameo back.”

“Yes…” you touch it, feeling its growing warmth. The connection you have with it has been steadily increasing. Something else you may have to share words with Master about… but for now there is something else you need to ask and that is—

You open your mouth and your stomach growls.


Salicera laughs and pushes some of the fruits — peaches, oranges and apples, already peeled and sliced.

“I got you covered, Argia. What’s with your stamina anyway? We had to feed you milk for the past three days.”

“I suppose I will have to thank Ansàrra for that as well…” you mutter as you start picking at the fruits. After days and days spent on a diet of dried meat and now, as they said, milk, you really welcome the fruits. While you keep eating Salicera rummages with something else and she picks up something wrapped up in cloth.
“Oh, almost forgot. I had this made while you were asleep. Clean your hands though.”

You do as she says and open the envelope, to discover…
“You… got me this?”

“We all did. Rubida paid most of the funds of course, but we all contributed.”

It’s the tetracerarmide sword. Your sword. And it sits comfortably inside a new leather and wood scabbard.

“The inside was really hard to make,” Salicera puffs her cheeks. “Had to cover it in tetrarmide as well, or it would haven’t lasted long. That edge really is sharp.”

“I— I can’t believe it, thank you so much!”

“Thank you for saving our lives, Argia,” she sighs. “Without your quick thinking we might still be stuck inside that room with the statues.”

You wrap the scabbard again and put in on your lap.

“Is it alright if I finish eating this? These fruits are delicious.”

“Take your time. Besides, it’s nice to be like this… at peace, for once.”

“And quiet,” you point out. “I remember seeing the crowd following you.”

“Oh you know how it is. Sparrows flock to the eagle.”


Astoria’s words echo in your head.

“That they do. But we should try to keep our pride shackled.”

“Hm,” Salicera nods. “Noted. Besides, they are not here, are they?” She opens her arms.

“I suppose… not.”

You feel a little preachy. Why did you point that out right when Salicera got you such a nice present? You feel ashamed at your bad timing, once again.

Little by little, you eat up all the fruits in silence. You want to go back to the good mood you shared before. And maybe if you show Salicera you remembered her words—

“Oh, and there was something else. Before we entered the Well, you said you would tell me something. Remember?”

Salicera hesitates. Her brown eyes shift to the right, as if embarrassed.

“Uhm, yes. I did tell you something about that. I’d rather to do so tonight after the festival, can I? It’s a bit of a long story.” Then that confident smile you are getting so familiar with comes back to her features. “In the meantime, how about a bit more sparring? i felt like I have improved since last time, and if we get sweaty too close to the festival Rubida will have our heads!”

>You glance at the sword sitting on your lap. A chance to properly measure yourself up with Salicera sounds interesting. You may learn a thing or two.

>Why is she avoiding the matter? Maybe she just changed her mind, but you want to press the question again, especially now that you are alone.

>A sparring with Salicera sounds like a great idea, but you wouldn’t mind if Master was there with your two as well. He can see how much you have improved and give you pointers with your new sword!
>>You glance at the sword sitting on your lap. A chance to properly measure yourself up with Salicera sounds interesting. You may learn a thing or two.
>You glance at the sword sitting on your lap. A chance to properly measure yourself up with Salicera sounds interesting. You may learn a thing or two.
>>A sparring with Salicera sounds like a great idea, but you wouldn’t mind if Master was there with your two as well. He can see how much you have improved and give you pointers with your new sword!
>You glance at the sword sitting on your lap. A chance to properly measure yourself up with Salicera sounds interesting. You may learn a thing or two.
it's a friendly spar, we can get proper tips later
>You glance at the sword sitting on your lap. A chance to properly measure yourself up with Salicera sounds interesting. You may learn a thing or two.



for now. I will see you in a few hours, 180 mins left for voting
>You glance at the sword sitting on your lap. A chance to properly measure yourself up with Salicera sounds interesting. You may learn a thing or two.
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nice votes anon. thanks.

# # # # # #


“I am still a bit stupefied,” you grumble standing up. All that fruit left you sated. At least now you feel like you have the energy to swing your sword, even if a bit more meat wouldn’t be bad… but that’s for another time. “So I probably won’t be at the best of my abilities. While you had three days to recover. Don’t you think that’s a bit unfair?” You ask, but you do pick up your wrapped sword.

Salicera gets the meaning behind your words — hey, maybe you are actually learning a thing or two from Rubida! — and laughs, standing up as well.

“That’s what I was waiting for! I don’t have a sword with me, I will have to check what they do have in the Temple. You can use yours of course.”
“Are you sure?” You unwrap it and take it out of the scabbard with a fluid movement. You haven’t touched it since the time it got plunged into the monster inside the Well, since Ansàrra saved you—

It still feels just as light and as balanced in your hand as always. The edge catches the light of the sun.

“I am sure indeed. After all I have to give you some sort of advantage, don’t you think? I surely do not want this to get boring!” She walks at a brisk pace towards the closest Temple entrance.

You don’t doubt she will receive what she asked for in a very short time. Rubida has a way with words, but Salicera has a way with — with people.

Waiting for her, you take a few swings with the sword, appreciating how it cuts through air with a sharp wheeze. It’s definitely well-balanced, and the scabbard fits perfectly. It’s a great gift.

You are not used to receiving any besides from Master. It’s a novel sensation.

Rolled 39, 53, 88 + 68 = 248 (3d100 + 68)


“Where is Salicera?” Asks Rubida, appearing a few dozen paces away from you as she helps a stumbling Soralisa walk on the grass. Uh. You did not expect the two of them to come. “I thought you were going to talk together?”

“She’s not good with words,” Salicera explains, confidently stepping into the grass again. She carries a couple swords with her, one slightly thinner and longer than the other. “So we have rather speak through swords.”

You chuckle.

“I don’t know on who to bet,” Soralisa adds, taking a seat at the table, panting softly, her arms are covered.

“Bet on a good show,” Salicera takes a wide stance, lowering the longer sword to the ground and getting ready.

“So the other sword is—” You ask.

“It’s for me. I hope you give me enough of a good time to make this thing spark!”

Rubida coughs in her palm, for some unrelated reason, and then you gently bow to Salicera, who does the same—

And then she dashes at you.

>Combat Roll (sparring): Bo3, 1d100+17 (no cameo bonus as you are just sparring), beat at least one of my rolls on this post. Remember that first roll gets compared to first roll, second roll to second etc.

>Also keep in mind any natural roll of 97-100 is a critical success
>dubs and trips bonus is applied to only the first of my rolls if I get it (because I am rolling all three dices in a single post)

nice day for a bit of exercise hm anon? Hope you make some good rolls.
Rolled 54 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

Rolled 11 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

Rolled 72 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

another situation where we need a crit to beat, at least it's just a spar. btw did she just bring the longer sword to put it on the ground ?
good dub, a shame we needed more than that

kind underwhelming tbf, even with the dubs. writing.
>kind underwhelming tbf, even with the dubs. writing.
+68 is no joke to go against
We've disappointed Sally! Woe and lamentations!
of course it isn't! She's the protag after all


you may redeem yourself by buying her honeysticks at the festival, anon
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# # # # # #

71, 34, 89

# # # # # #
The first strike hits you like a slap from one of those monsters inside the Well.

Admitted, it does not throw you halfway across a room, but you feel the impact all the way through your wrists and up your shoulders. Your knees almost buckle, but you hold fast.

“I am going easy on you,” Salicera taunts. “But I know you can do better than this! Where is the sword that gave my blade scars, Argia?” She grins, stepping back and then going for a low strike, aimed at your legs.

You barely intercept it. Her sword hits yours with a resounding clang as Soralisa gasps from behind you.

“I-Is this safe? Salicera, she just woke up!”

“I know,” she replies, going for a quick jab towards your chest. A lazy swing which you still have just the time to block. But you don’t see her kick.

“Ow!” It hits you right behind the shin and you fall on your knee, with Salicera’s sword aimed at your throat.

“Perhaps I should give you more time to recover?” There is not even the faintest sheen of sweat on her forehead, even in the middle of the afternoon heat. You shake your head and push her sword away.

“I just need to get in the mood, that’s all.”

Behind you, Rubida coughs in her palm again. You hoe she’s not getting sick or anything like that, but you still keep your eyes trained on Salicera.

She strikes and ripostes far too quickly and with far too strength for you. It’s no wonder they called her a genius.
Wonder where all that strength comes from… perhaps the thing she wanted to tell you is where her.

A dangerous thought takes shape in your head.

You heard the tales, how couldn’t you? It’s what Rubida had accused you of doing a few times, when you two first came to serve together. And what most people assume from looking at your hair.

That you had made. pact with the Stilladìa. With the Adversary.

Did Salicera—

You picture the scene inside your head, the younger brunette holding out a hand as a grinning figure takes it, promising all kind of boons in exchange for the simple place of a soul—

Rolled 8, 47, 70 + 68 = 193 (3d100 + 68)


# # # # # #

“Hm?” She blinks, her crimson eyes losing focus for a moment.

“Something the matter, love?” Helias wraps a black arm around her shoulders, comforting her. “I saw you getting lost in thought for a moment.”

“Nay,” the Stilladìa replies, closing her book and putting a quick kiss on her beloved’s liquid fingers. “I just got that feeling again, like a hiss in my ear.” She chuckles. “Someone’s thinking about me.”

“Are you going to reply?”
“Oh dear me, no!” She stretches on the sand, leaning forward to slip her naked feet into the fresh seawater, crossing her arms behind her mane of white hair. “Nothing is interrupting this vacation, not even the Angel of Ansàrra.”

# # # # # #

But if she did, why join the Order?Also, while Salicera was not great at picking up Sanctions, she would certainly get exorcised by them.

It must be your paranoia speaking for you. Or maybe you are just trying to justify why you keep losing with her.

Was your latest sparring just a fluke?

“Another,” you call, taking a starting stance once more. Salicera humours you, standing with her legs wide and her torso turned, her right arm raised in a fencing position.

It’s your turn to attack. You aim for her right arm. A quick hit on her wrist would make her lose her grip on the blade and—
Just as you reach out with your sword, she ducks out of the way, pirouettes and as she lowers kicks you in the shin again. You stumble forward and she pounces, pinning you on the grass.

“Ha,” her brown eyes glisten just as grey as the planetary ring behind her as her breath tickles your hair. “Three out of three, Argia.”

“Starless Night, these two,” Rubida comments behind you.

“Get off me, p-please,” you cough, the sunlight so warm on your ears and cheeks. Salicera got so close. She’s about as tall as you, but you are not used to being… pinned like that.

It takes a lot of strength.
And it—

It is distracting.

She lets go and holds out a hand, which you reluctantly take.

“Another one,” you nod, standing up tall. This time you have no intention to lose.

Or at least not lose that badly.

Also, you have a feeling that… even being crushed like that, or maybe because of it — last time it happened it was because you sparred with Master — you may just learn a thing or two.

Now what matters is showing her you are still worthy of the title of Knight-in-training… and not Wet Mop.

>Bo3, combat roll like before (1d100+19), beat at least one of my rolls.
Rolled 32 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Rolled 93 (1d100)

Rolled 46 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

good job, anon
fuck I miscounted it. we still lose.
>But if she did, why join the Order?Also, while Salicera was not great at picking up Sanctions, she would certainly get exorcised by them.
hmm, so the pact idea is ruled out. man, things only get stranger. I'd say the sisters but considering what that one was talking with her in the well, that's not the case and we can rule out her being a champion of Ansàrra because of the mentioned problems related to religion. wtf is her source of strength, then ?
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51 vs 76
112 vs 115
65 vs 138

damn, so close anon. you fought valiantly.


# # # # # #

Thinking back to it, maybe Wet Mop was an overestimation.

Salicera dashes at you again, from the left this time, but—

— it’s a feint and she goes for your right wrist, and your sword clash with a clang. Her sword slides against your much harder edge in a sudden shower of sparks which shoot between you, then she turns again, hitting you too fast and too hard for you to mount an effective guard, pushing your sword down and leaving you expos—

“Nno,” you pant, quickly taking a step back, carrying your sword with you in a guard. Salicera is quick, but you know she will go for a low kick this time instead of a swing.

Something inside you just knows.

And as she lowers herself, you know you have your change. You jump to the side, letting her strike go wide, and her eyes go wide as well as you swing your sword against her side. Not enough to break skin, but surely—

Surely you can make it this time, you can—

“Good strike!” She grins, putting her sword against yours at the absolute last moment. The clash reverberates on your shoulder and you grunt. You may have strained yourself a little too hard… and surely, as you feel your body tipping forward, you have overextended yourself.

Salicera turns her foot, hooks the back of your shin and pulls you towards her. She grabs you and pins you on the grass, laughing. You let go of your weapon with a tired huff.

“Almost got you there,” you point out.

“You were great! But you are a bit too passive,” she excitedly explains, still looming over you, pressing her body against yours. It’s— tiresome. And a bit distracting and… too warm for the heated sun.


“Not everyone has your strength, Salicera. Speaking of which—”

“Oh. Of course. I mean, if you want me to.”

What does she mean? Of course you want her to. it’s uncomfortable, and sweaty and… tight. And heavy.

“Anything for the Silver Knight,” she chuckles, letting you go.

“I am not sure I like that moniker,” you counter, reaching for your cameo to steady yourself. This must just be the normal, expected reaction to having friends — for sure.

“You ought to get used to it. You will be a Knight soon. We both will.”

“I don’t want to be known for my—” Or, your think as the idea strikes you like lightning, maybe you will be known as that despite of it… as the one who could prove herself greater than your curse, greater than what everyone else sees in you…

You run your fingers through your silvery hair. This is the kind of ideas you should save for later. You will go through the Trial of Fire and you will save your family from the Landing Strip.

The rest may be a welcome addition.


“Show me how to be less passive, then,” you say picking up your sword again. “No serious sparring, this time. Go through the moves with me.”

Salicera smiles and holds her sword up as well.

“You have great defence. You always protect your central line, but you should be able to get out of it quicker. How long have you trained with a longsword?” She asks.
“A few months. Master wanted me to train with many different weapons. The axe as well, remember?”
“Well…” she scratches her head, “I’m sure he had his reasons. But the way I learned…”

“Hey,” you ask. “Where did you learn?”

She shrugs.

“Surviving. Now, make sure to lean forward a little bit when you strike…”

Salicera focuses on what she’s teaching you and when she starts to teach you by holding your arms and legs you lose your train of thoughts, while Rubida and Soralisa keep talking behind you. As the afternoon keeps pulling on the shadows, one hour goes by and by the end you feel like you have learned a few new tricks… and that you have a few more questions for Salicera.

But… next time.

Definitely next time.

As for now…

>Rubida spirits you away to her quarters for a proper meal and getting you ready for the festival. After that, you can go reach out to Master and visit the Temple again. You really want to see him.

>Salicera and Soralisa seem eager to visit the town. Perhaps you should join them (and steal something from the stands as they are getting the festival ready, your stomach is rumbling…) and learn more about this festival.

>It’s been far too long, and especially after your training session and speaking to Astoria, you want to go back and find Master again. You felt like he wanted to say more than he let on. Which is not unusual, but…

# # # # # #

>You get +2 to your bonus with longsword rolls, to a total of +21!
>It’s been far too long, and especially after your training session and speaking to Astoria, you want to go back and find Master again. You felt like he wanted to say more than he let on. Which is not unusual, but…
>Rubida spirits you away to her quarters for a proper meal and getting you ready for the festival. After that, you can go reach out to Master and visit the Temple again. You really want to see him.
>>Rubida spirits you away to her quarters for a proper meal and getting you ready for the festival. After that, you can go reach out to Master and visit the Temple again. You really want to see him.
>It’s been far too long, and especially after your training session and speaking to Astoria, you want to go back and find Master again. You felt like he wanted to say more than he let on. Which is not unusual, but…



I'd say two more hours for voting and tryingt o break the tie. Otherwise I will roll.
>Rubida spirits you away to her quarters for a proper meal and getting you ready for the festival. After that, you can go reach out to Master and visit the Temple again. You really want to see him.
>1 post by this id
>in a tie breaker
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>1 post

two of the voting IDs for this also show 1 post record, and it has happened already that anons just posted from different places.

I already pointed out how samefagging is disgraceful and how I trust my players won't resort to it. I am sure every anon shares my feelings. Still, thank you for raising the point, anon.

I'd say 60 more minutes for grilling.
I see, but just to make it sure.
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About one hour later, you find yourself seated at the table in the house provided for you four, with Rubida next to you. It’s an awkward situation and something you would have considered impossible until a few days ago. How does Rubia go from a frosty, insufferable thorn in your side to…

“It is always a good idea to balance your diet out with some more vegetable, so I went picking some myself at the farmer’s marker this morning. The honeydew sauce is a personal touch, comes from family traditions.”

… something like this.

Her hands gently set in her lap, in a proper and straight sitting position, and surrounded by the steaming plates she prepared herself, Rubida keeps explaining you why she grilled the purple carrots this way, or why she had her cauliflowers cut with a specific kind of knife (which was apparently a nightmare to find in such a backwater town), or how she picked these specific spices which had to be grown in the south, together with a tirade on how Madua did not need any of the weird spices imported by the heathen Frigéian trading cutthroats.

“Ah ‘gree,” you stated, your mouth full of cauliflower. It was absolutely delicious, between the honey, the salt, the vinegar and the vegetable itself. At least on that you and Rubia were absolutely on the same page. Merchants will be hanged on a gibbet made of their own necklaces and burned at a stake. “But I had no idea…” you add as you drink a long sip of water, “that you would be able to cook.”

“A good wife ought to,” she replies playing with a streak of her long black hair, checking her colour.

Ah, yes, she admitted to dyeing them. Wonder how long the pigment would last so far from home. But she must have her secrets, because you never saw her shade change in any way in seven months you spent together. Rubida was full of strong points you could not even imagine.


“We are not just sought after for our virtues,” she explains further, “but also our abilities as the heart of the house. The husband is the head of the house, and it is our duty to be firmest and strongest heart.”

“I see,” you agree taking a break from the cauliflower and the rest of the vegetables, just to leave a bit of room in your stomach. Next serving will be red meat — she correctly guessed you would be starving for some after your straining battle and your blood loss. “We have a similar structure,” you say, “though we tend to live together in larger groups. My family went back to three or four degrees of separation, all working in the same vineyard… at least, that’s how it used to be.”

Rubida frowns, picking up a couple slices of red meat and putting them on your plate, saving one for herself, which she cuts with her knife and brings to her mouth. After a few moments chewing and nodding to herself, she asks:

“How it used to be?”

“There was an outbreak of arteriosa when I was two years old,” you explain. “I got it but it left me mostly unscathed. We lost many people, though. Our grandparents, almost every cousin…”

Rubida blinks, her hands slowly curling on the table as she tries to wrap her head around what happened. Of course. She has been bathed in the Light of Ansàrra ever since she had been born. Illness and decay -- suffering is almost a foreign concept to her.

She is Maduan.

“Apologies for asking,” she tries, her formal words betraying how uncomfortable the thought is, “but don’t you have healers in the Mar da Candéa? Are the Echorists so lacking that—”

“There was an accident with the Sanguine Saints a few years prior,” you explain. “Some of the most powerful and most influential families in the entire area were affected. Most of the best Sanguine Saints died or were left mangled, unable to express their Echoes.”

Rubida’s frown grows.

“I was not informed of this.”


“So what little help could be provided went to the Grandi Famiglie first. Then the Famiglie Minori, and then to those like us who owned their orchards, farmyards and little more. By the time they had recalled Crimson Echorists from the four corners of the world, illnesses outbreaks had claimed thousands and thousands of lives around the shore.” You pick at the red meat, squeezing it to make it bleed. “I could never know three quarters of my family. We couldn’t work the entirety of the wineyard, and we had to cut down on variety, focusing on one or two cultivars. That made us more vulnerable when—”

You bite your lip. You shake your head and pick up the meat.

“This is delicious,” you say blinking fast, trying to push back the tears. You don’t want to go back to those moments when your family lost everything. Going back to the vision of your vineyard turned into—


“Frigéian dogs,” you seethe through gritted teeth. “If I am ever sent on a Sortita di Punizione, I will let them understand the meaning of vengeance.”

“Wine offers good care for the soul,” Rubida sighs, tilting the canter towards your glass, but you immediately cover it with your hand.

“No. Please no. No wine for me. Not for a long while yet.”

Rubida looks at you with a quizzical light in her blue eyes.

“I have heard you used to be a vigneron? Why…”

You don’t want her to. You don’t want her to ask more questions about it, but the way she is listening, just listening, the care she prepared your this meal with, it makes your throat ache.

You hated each other for so long, how can you — reveal one of your most painful memories to her?

>She shared — her own — most painful memory with you. It would be the honourable thing to do the same.

>You know that sharing this would cut close to the reason you became a Knight, but you want to save this with someone else you have called a friend for more than a day. You just don’t know if you can trust Rubida with this.

>You will tell her, but maybe at another time, when you have known each other a little better.

OOC: this is an important decision for Argia’s character development, as it reveals deep truths about her past, and it will influence her relationship with the person she shares this with. Think carefully about this vote and discuss.

Ah also, that thing with the Sanguine Saints? Absolutely not related to the other quest I wanted to run, that’s a ridiculous notion anon.
>“A good wife ought to,” she replies
>“There was an accident with the Sanguine Saints a few years prior,” you explain. “Some of the most powerful and most influential families in the entire area were affected. Most of the best Sanguine Saints died or were left mangled, unable to express their Echoes.”
inb4 it was related to that fortress attack we saw in the ibtcllàdia's flashback
>She shared — her own — most painful memory with you. It would be the honourable thing to do the same.
she shared her most painfull memorie with us while she still hated our guts, so I'd say she's trustworthy

>She shared — her own — most painful memory with you. It would be the honourable thing to do the same.
>>You know that sharing this would cut close to the reason you became a Knight, but you want to save this with someone else you have called a friend for more than a day. You just don’t know if you can trust Rubida with this.
Uuuuh, yeah, sorry. My ID is constantly switching because the nature of my parents' WIFI.
These are mine, if you want some kind of confirmation. Notice that they are all 1 ID posts.
>She shared — her own — most painful memory with you. It would be the honourable thing to do the same.
Lets see if it bites us in the ass
>You know that sharing this would cut close to the reason you became a Knight, but you want to save this with someone else you have called a friend for more than a day. You just don’t know if you can trust Rubida with this.

3 vs



voting is out, writing.


thanks for clarifying that anon.
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Once more you hesitate to share this with Rubida. You feel your relationship may not really be the same after this anymore. Your eyes shift towards her right arm — the wizened, withered arm that caused her so much sorrow. You have both been touched by evil, though it was of a different kind.

But she shared her story back when she was trying to prove a point, that she could work with you. Perhaps it’s time to truly repay her in kind.

Your hand leaves the canter and you finish chewing, then taking a deep breath to try and feel better you take off your cameo and clasp it with both hands, rubbing your fingers over the smooth surface.

“My family name is Candente,” you begin. “It’s a common surname around where we come from. Many people emigrated from the lands of the Throne when the Echorian started growing in power and influence, looking for a better life. Those who could not or did not dare to reach for the Holy Land tried to settle in the southern parts of the inland sea. It’s a pleasant place,” you recall, your voice growing thick with nostalgia as you explain. “Our Trevirian ancestry forsaken, we took another name. One that means ‘from the land of Candéa.”

Rubida nods, waiting silently for you to continue. She looks at you with a crease of worry in her eyes, but you admire how poised she looks, how skilled she is at keeping her emotions reined in. You feel a bout of jealousy claw at your stomach.

“As such— as such our family started out as reeds collector. For paper. Much of the paper around the world comes from there. It’s a tradition that goes all the way back to Saint Kishirra. But over time we shifted to wine. We grew. Over generations, our clan began to span large wineries, where we all worked together.”

You bring your right hand around the canter and pour a drop of wine on your glass, then you take a sniff.

“This is rosso da Trincera,” you say. “It’s not that sweet, a bit dry perhaps. People often mix it up with honey and fruits.” You put the glass down. “I was learned in the trade, you see. Mother told me I was born in the wort — I had good senses for wine. And for a few years it was good — we had three or four cultivars, and we took good care of your lands.” A pause as you go back to the start of the end. “And than whatever happened with the Crimson Echorists… happened.”


Now that you are recalling it, words strangely come out faster and faster. It’s like a mounting tide.

“As I told you before. Almost the entirety of our family got decimated. Others were more lucky, but we were hit hard. We had to make do, and we decided to focus on just a single type of grape: the aurina di Vitelio. It’s sweet, really popular amongst the Great Families of the area.” You shrug. “At least, it used to be.”

You keep tracing the profile of Saint Bragia. Maybe it will give you the strength you need.

“I still remember the merchants. They wore the red and gold and black robes of Frigéia. Their rings with the seal of the Lion. Tall, wide, portly men. Looked like barrels covered in gold and filled with dross.” You click your tongue in distress. “I was barely twelve when they started visiting. Peeked at them as they discussed with my father, peeking through the vineyards like through blinders. The first time they came Father threw them out of our property. But then— then tastes began the change. Those same Frigéian merchants flooded the Mar da Candéa with new, exotic wines. Cultivars from the cliffs of the south. Hanging grapes ripened in the middle of the ocean, on their floating barges. Grown on the slopes of volcanoes. Whatever it may be, the great and minor families alike drank it all up. And over the course of a season, nobody cared about our cultivar.”

Your hands clench.


“Those same merchants came back. Their bellies and smiled both thicker. Once more Father rebuked them, but by then we had been running on fumes. The vineries lay unpicked, the barrels of wine silently turning into vinegar. The third time, they came by winter. I did not know that at the time, but Father had been eating just a slice of bread for the past month. They gave it all to me and my brothers. And on that day, Father sold our lands.”

Your eyes feel prickly.

“The— the smell of ripening grapes. Running around the orchards, pressing grapes in the worth, living of the work of your own hands — we lost it all in a season. Five generations of Candente — erased in a single winter. I still remember the smiles on the merchants’ faces. Wide, portly smiled. I remember their eyes trying to seep into my poor thin rags.”

Rubida hisses, breaking the silence. She reaches out, but you wave your hand.
“Nothing… of that sort. At first Father was reassured we could still be working on… working on our own land, tilling it for the Frigéian dogs’ sport, but that was another lie. They threw us out right as winter ended.”

You pick another glass to drink a sip of water. It barely helps to push down your bile.

“So we had sold our ancestral home for a handful of silver coins, and we were now living on the streets. And that was when things started to get even worse.”


I have to leave earlier so I will leave this update pending for now. Will write the rest in a bit when I come back.

“We lived off the handful of silver coins for a while, but Father could not find any work. Wineries were all shutting down all over the coast to make way for imported wine. Frigéia’s bottles were invading the houses of the Mar da Candéa and we got caught in the middle. So we turned to paper harvesting.”

You take a break to complete recollecting what happened. The words are coming out, but the thoughts, the memories… it feels like something raking inside your heart, rasping against your chest.

“But we couldn’t do it. On top of everything, there was a bad season for paper reeds, and not much work to find there. My brothers and I ended up sitting by the temples doorsteps and beg for coin or food.” You shudder. “Hunger has a way of pulling down your pride. Then one day Father caught words of someone who could spirit us away to the Holy Land. He did not really believe him, but he wanted to believe it for us. On the night before we left our place, I left the bridge under which we lived and came to visit our old vineyard. I figured out I could try and find something there. A keepsake… food. Anything. Instead…”

You grit your teeth but push yourself to continue and finish this.

“I found the winery completely destroyed. The merchants had burned the trees and destroyed our house. I walked across the empty corridors. They had pilfered everything, filled our storage with dirt and broken our barrels. They had burned our books on cultivars and spat on my family’s legacy. They did not even use… not even put our land to use. They just destroyed it. They—”

You choke on the rage and despair you felt that day. You could have understood buying your old house and land, but you could have, sometimes, walked by and smelled the ripening grapes, you could have peeked at the red roof of your old house. You could have had anything but bitter memories.

“We heard about this,” Rubida sighs, “not this specific event, but something that Frigéian merchants do. It eliminates competition. And something about inflating prices by reducing available stock.” She quickly puts her three middle fingers against her lips. “May Ansàrra forgive my words. I am just relaying what has been said to me.”

You nod.


“Master told me about this. He explained what they did. That night… I could save nothing from my previous life, save for the promise that I would not taste wine again until I had allowed my family to enter the Holy Land.” You lean back against the chair. “And the rest — you can guess. We found ourselves stranded amidst thousands other desperate people in the Landing Strip. I almost lost two of my brothers to petty fighting. Master was the one who saved me. He made me what I am today. That is why…” you run your finger through your mane. “That is why I do not dye my hair. I had them since I was born. I shall prove myself worth of the Knightly title, curse or not. And that is why I get quite angry when someone thinks I am have anything to do with the Adversary,” you add. “Because those merchants came from the dominion of the Stilladìa. I could not wish for anything more than her destruction, and the ruin of everything she built. It’s blasphemy. It’s evil. I have felt it on my own skin, seen it with my own eyes.”

You stealthily dry your eyes, while Rubida shakes her head.

“And that is why the daughter of the vintner does not drink wine anymore.” You add at last. “I will have my next sip with my family, or I will have nothing.”

“I see,” Rubida comments, rubbing her right arm. “Perhaps I indeed treated you too lightly.” She holds out her hand. “Will you allow me to fit you properly for the festival? A future wife has many hidden qualities.”

>You still feel a little hazy, so you’d rather take a moment to yourself and finish eating. This turned sour fast enough, but your stomach still need filling.

>You accept at once. You feel hollow — scratched and raked from the inside. Rubida’s support will do you good.

>You prefer to thank Rubida for listening to you, but sharing all this left you in need for some better support. You decide to thank her but leave for the Temple.

Thanks for playing. This was a little piece of character development I had wanted to write since the beginning. Originally it was supposed to be Astoria prompting you to share this, but I feel like Rubida was a better choice. Also, part of this was inspired by certain events I did experience myself, it's strange to see how this could influence certain narrative points. I will see you soon with the next update, hope you enjoyed anon.
>“I found the winery completely destroyed. The merchants had burned the trees and destroyed our house. I walked across the empty corridors. They had pilfered everything, filled our storage with dirt and broken our barrels. They had burned our books on cultivars and spat on my family’s legacy. They did not even use… not even put our land to use. They just destroyed it. They—”
the worst type of merchants there is, dammit
>You still feel a little hazy, so you’d rather take a moment to yourself and finish eating. This turned sour fast enough, but your stomach still need filling.
let her doll us up for this.
>inb4 Argia is just r63 qm
jokes aside, thanks for the trauma dump, OP.
>>You still feel a little hazy, so you’d rather take a moment to yourself and finish eating. This turned sour fast enough, but your stomach still need filling.
>>You prefer to thank Rubida for listening to you, but sharing all this left you in need for some better support. You decide to thank her but leave for the Temple.
>You accept at once. You feel hollow — scratched and raked from the inside. Rubida’s support will do you good.
It'a what our saintly idol would want for us, and it would make our Master proud. Plus, I like Rubi.

You implying QM is a silver fox? And not a FemQM?
>You implying QM is a silver fox?
doesn't need to have all physical characteristics.
is there a good type of merchants? probably the dead ones, I'm sure Carnaval would approve.

>thanks for the trauma dump

I aim to displease, anon. obrigado y suervo


interesting vote spread for this, still, we got a majority. writing!
>obrigado y suervo
what's suervo ? search gives nothing
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meant to say 'siervo'


“Maybe in a little while,” you reply with a weak sigh. You dry your tired eyes. You keep blinking a little too fast. You shouldn’t be so worn out by something like that — it happened six years before, and you have grown so much since then. And also, you still feel a little foolish crying your heart out before the same girl who always made snide comments in front of you. “Thank you… thank you for the meal. And for listening. I was not sure I could tell—”

“I can’t doubt you anymore,” Rubida interjects, coiling a finger around her black hair. “That fire in your eyes, the way you spoke about the mercantile scum — you belong in the Holy Land, in spirit if in nothing else,” she chuckles. “Maybe in more than spirit, in a few months. Your family will need to find an occupation once they are allowed in, you know that, don’t you? The land of Ansàrra is not a place where laziness is tolerated.”
“I— I never gave it much thought.”

“Not surprising, Candente,” she rolls her pretty blue eyes. “As the sun-Birther’s providence would have, though, my family has just been given control over a further area of land. I am sure your vintner skills would be appreciated.”

“Y-You would…!”

“That is if you pass the Trial, of course. And everything else— I will have to speak with my Father and, Candente? What are you—”

Screw it. You stand up, making the chair rake against the floor and pull Rubida into the strongest, tightest hug you can manage, so tight you can feel your cameo’s profile between your chests.

“Thank you. By all that is gilded, I will make it up to you. I will—”

“Can— Candente! Let me… breathe!” She coughs and you let go, as red in the face as the roof tiles.

“A-Apologies, I did not mean…”

“Starless Night, weren’t you convalescent? Where did you find this sort of strength?” She pants, slowly trying to recover her poise, straightening her clothes.

“Your meal might have had something to do with it,” you reply, taking a step back and sitting once more. “Sorry if that came out as uncouth.”

“I am never getting used to how you react, Candente,” Rubida scoffs, tightening another tuft of hair around her fingers. “Never.” Then her eyes shift to her hair. “Oh, and I have yet to take a shower since this morning! We have to get ready for the festival. Are you coming with me or—”

“I’d rather take a moment to myself,” you reply. “I fee like I need to meditate and pray a little bit. But… thank you once again.”

“Oh, please stop being so apologetic and thankful, Candente. You are not some kind of annoying peasant trying to hump his master’s leg. You are a Knight-in-training. Still annoying, mind you. But act like it.”

“The Silver Knight,” you whisper.


“Just a stray thought,” you shake your head and walk towards the room they gave you. “I will try to get some sleep and recover.”

“But do not sleep too long! If you have the energy for a spar with Salicera, you have the energy to get properly groomed!” She shouts after you as you shut the door behind you.

A friend.

You can’t stop the smile pulling at your lip. You heart beats so fast against your chest.
A proper friend.

“Thank you,” you mutter clasping your fingers around the cameo. Then you sit on your knees in front of the drawer by the bed and open it up to find the materiel for a proper prayer. You smile as they fit your room with everything necessary.


You place the bowl of wax in the middle and surround it with a circle of fine white sand. It’s the same sand that comes from the white shores of Madua, further to the east. Once you finish the circle you lit up the candle and start to run your finger in a circle through the sand, slowly and following the rhythm of your words.

“I had yet to express my proper thanks,” you try to send your thoughts to the Sun-Birther. You are not in your inner world so you doubt they will reach Her, not amidst the millions of similar prayers, but you feel the important part is trying. “For saving me in the Well. For helping me have friends. For nursing me back to health.” You keep running your fingers, like it’s wort and you are stirring it with your finger, allowing the imperfect expression of your thoughts and feelings to turn into wine.

It’s the first time you are thinking about wine in years. At least in a good way. You owe Rubida this as well.

You keep praying and meditating as the candle consumes itself. Time gets hazy, your heart slows down to a crawl, an your breath gets even and regular.

Some time later, the candle fizzles and dies, bowing itself out of the stage in a thin ribbon of grey smoke.

Smiling, feeling lighter than you did in months, you put everything back where you found it.

You feel like you are ready to face this… grooming sessions Rubida talked about.

May Ansàrra allow you to pass through it with your sanity still intact.

>Roll 1d100, Bo3, to estimate how well Rubida’s preparations and minuscule amounts of patience will impact against your non-existent fashion sense.

thanks for playing. I enjoyed writing this little character piece. Argia is a qt, and I wanted to show Rubida’s softer parts... and Argia's hugs. Hope you liked it.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Rolled 19 (1d100)

thanks, OP
Rolled 100 (1d100)

Gonna be the cutest
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>critical roll on the doll up action
gap moe bros, we're so back
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>Stilladia senses that she now has competition for most beautiful white-haired girl
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I now simp for Rubi 100% percent. She is great and will make our MC into the bell of the ball.

>For helping me have friends.

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thank you anon

>combat roll for final boss: fails
>combat roll for makeup and dressing nicely: nat 100

kek, absolutely based


no competition sorry. Stilladìa butt best butt in the world (cute and canon)

>I now simp for Rubi

*flips hair* cheerleader energy hard to beat
Let's see Stilladia's dressing-up roll, if you're so confident in her.
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Rolled 51, 6, 73, 24, 43, 47, 33, 25 + 108 = 410 (8d100 + 108)

I accept your challenge, anon.

>roll, best of 8
No crits? No bitches.
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>not even a 75

this is not over
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Stilly blown out. Might as well wear a burlap sack. Rubi is truely wasted on knighthood when she could be this world's Coco Chenel and Argia could be her first modle.

Also while the Je- I mean merchants deserve a lot of blame for what happened to her family, the Major houses and minor one too were the ones who chose to stop buying local vintages. When we are famous enough to get the support, we must crusade. Purge the traitors. Purge the filthy merchants.
>Rubi is truely wasted on knighthood when she could be this world's Coco Chenel and Argia could be her first modle.
so you wanna see her in cahoots with the moggedllàdia ?
>Jewish purge
But I want to stay and keep reading this quest
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She can stay independant. We will keep her honest. Maybe Silly Stilly will see the errors of her ways and join Rubi in her persuit of making people pretty after getting dunked on enough.

You are one of the good ones if you enjoy this quest. You get a pass.
>starting a holy war

truly concerning, this /qst/er to crusader pipeline

or was it made by design?

>maybe the Stilladìa will see the errors of her ways

I, a Fortune 500 CEO, retired to pursue my passion in the fashion industry episode 1: dressing a Knight to kill. dropping 2025

thanks for reading the quest, fren

update in a few.
>truly concerning, this /qst/er to crusader pipeline

All yearn for the march to honorble death or glory. And what is a crusade but a quest?
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As it turns out, Rubida dell’Obertengo is many things.
She is a skilled fighter, she is a good listener, and she is a great cook.
She is also not very patient.
“Will you stay still, Candente? I have to paint with what amount to sand and coal here. At least make it easy for me, will you?”
“A-Apologies. It tickles.”
“Suffer in silence,” she replies curtly, picking up more of that sweet-smelling powder.
Rubida has denied spending more than an afterthought to the task of making you presentable for the festival, but the amount of makeup and foundation and… whatever else she has picked up over the course of these three days… betrays her focus.

A part of you would be giddy. She is clearly trying to deny this, but it seems Rubida is having the time of her life. And also… you would have wanted to experience this when you were young.

“Mother used to teach me a little, a couple times,” you mutter looking at the stranger in the mirror. She has pale skin, just like yours, covered by a faint sheen of foundation to make it smoother and healthier. And she has lost the deep bags around her eyes, her lips look redder and plumper, her eyes brighter — the icy light now more akin to a clear blue sky. You know that girls are supposed to learn this, but you couldn’t—

You did not have the time, and your childhood was more or less stolen from you together with the vineyards and your land in the Mar da Candéa.

But that’s in the past. You’re— you are in the Holy Land!

And allowing a part of yourself to surface you always tried to deny, but speaking about your foundation, your skin, the ways to cover your pores, to highlight your eyes and make your gaze sparkle — you never knew how much you missed this.

And how incredibly good Rubida is at this.

She clicks her tongue as she takes a step back, her fingertips dusty, and she gives you a once-over.

“Now that is passable. A good start, if I may say so. You do have good features, Candente. For being a barbarian and a heathen, I mean.”

“Hey!” You retort. “I am no heathen!”

“That much is assured…” Rubida sets a finger against her thick lips as she keeps scrutinising you. “You should highlight your eyes more. And be more confident! You look good. Of course, not as good as someone of Kiengir descent…” she chuckles running her hand through her hair.

“Rubida. You said you dye your ha—”

“That better never leave this room,” she hisses, her blue eyes burning with a dangerous flame, “or not even Carnaval’s crystal wings will be able to hold me from making you regret spilling those words.”

“I don’t care!” You reply, “it’s just that no Kiengir survived, claiming to be a descendant is…”

“Bof bof, what does a hill mole like you know about it? Maybe a few did, and maybe they all cling to the Dell’Obertengo family line.” She rolls her eyes. “Keeping up appearances is not just a matter of makeup and poise, Candente. We dress up in words and shield ourselves with our reputation. Whispers in shady corners cut deeper than steel. This is something you should try to learn.”

“How?” You ask as Rubida goes back to her craft, “how do I? I may pick up a sword, but I am terrible with everything else. Why not speak out your mind? Why not be truthful? I thought—”

“You have to be truthful,” Rubida explains, her voice soft. You blush even beneath the layers of powder, feeling like a child. “But you have to do so with tact. People are fragile, Argia Candente. They are not like you, who could challenge a rock to see who’s denser.”

“I wouldn’t do that!” You protest. What’s the point of challenging a rock anyway?

“Truth has an easier time to reach people flowing like honey than piercing through their hearts like the sword. Luckily there are two kinds of people in this world, Argia Candente. Those who live by the word and those who live by the sword. You clearly belong to the latter, lucky you.”
“… lucky me?”

“Words kill you, but people only bury you decades later,” she adds. “But that’s enough about politics. Stand up.”

You do as you are told, still a bit confused and overwhelmed by Rubida’s words. One day you will understand them but for the time being you just have to focus on making the most of what you have.

“Turn on the spot a few times, I need to check,” she instructs.

Blushing even harder, so much you are sure she spot it beneath the foundation, Rubida gives you one of her scathing glares. What you can see in the mirror is a completely different girl, someone who wouldn’t be out of place posing for a portrait, a daughter of one of the Grandi Famiglie, someone who might set foot in the Echorian—

Someone who is a Knight, but also a young woman.

It’s the first time you look at yourself like that.


“Might be some of my finest work,” Rubida sighs at last, still coiling a lock of black hair around her fingers. “I had to do with what I could find in this backwater hole, but it might hold for a few hours.” She pauses and you turn to thank her—

“Don’t do that yet,” she holds out a hand. “I know what you were about to do. Your body speaks far louder than your words, Candente. Ah, and there is something else. I am not sure Salicera told you, but tonight’s festival will also involve a few rounds of molten spring.”

You start.

Memories of a few months ago pull you back to you standing in front of a wall, the heat from the burning iron pellets at your feet rising to bristle against your skin like a blanket of thorns. You are breathing in the heated air and your fingers are trembling.

You are scared.

And to your right, the sneering Rubida of a few months prior looks at your with contempt.

You blink and you are back to the present, with Rubida looking at you with shame, her eyes lowered.

“I did not tell you yet. I supposed you would find out on your own. We are not even supposed to participate, your Master and the Blessed Blind will probably take over during the ceremony, but the disappointment and fear still sting. You couldn’t put your hands into the searing pellets, grab a handful and throw them at the wall, creating a bursting explosion of fiery light and molten iron.

One which you wouldn’t have to fear if you were truly blessed by Ansàrra.

But back then, everyone could see your hair, everyone could see you were cursed, that you were not truly worthy of your place, that you had been set aside by your Master that—

No. You take a deep breath. This is the kind of ideas that almost got you kill in the Well.

That was a mistake. You are beloved, now. You have proven yourself. The same girl who used to hate you has just helped you share in such a good experience, making you feel beautiful and beloved and cared for.

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“I will do it,” you sigh. “I will do it this time.”

Rubida nods, rubbing her cheek.
“I have much to answer to. Let… let me continue,” she gives her cheeks a light slap and quickly goes back to her usual demeanour. She gives you another once-over. “Well, our first makeup tryout seems passable, now let’s get to the rest.”

“Wait, tryout? I thought this was the—”

“Oh, dear. There’s four more hours to the start of the festival, don’t you think I want to try a few more shades and see how they look on you? Now go wash your face, Candente.” With a sharp grin, Rubida takes out a long string of leather with clear marks and tallies on it. “It’s time to take your measurements.”

# # # # # #

Well, is it that time at last? The time when you roll for a measure Argia's talent? Especially with Rubida having to use her tailoring skills to their absolute best.


You see, I was a bit on the fence wether to make you roll or give you a series of options to vote for. After all, she is a Knight, and I would rather avoid she'd walk about with two melons strapped to her chest. Not really practical. So there's two votes (or a vote and a roll) in the thread's future: the first is:

>I want to roll for cup size
>I want to vote for cup size

and the second will be determined by which option you choose. As always, thanks for playing anon.

(as always, if you have suggestions I will be happy to hear them)
>I want to roll for cup size
90% of lady knights stop right when they’re about to get double jugs.
Jokes aside, it’s more fun like this and in the chance that we get mosquito bites, it’ll make a future Stillàdia encounter funnier.
>After all, she is a Knight, and I would rather avoid she'd walk about with two melons strapped to her chest.
Sally with her D size looking at this:
>I want to roll for cup size
Luck being a lady and all, she ought to decide.
>I want to roll for cup size

Lets go A cup! Big money, no whammies!
>I want to vote for cup size
>>I want to vote for cup size
>I want to roll for cup size
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I will leave a few more hours for voting. I have my own preferences but I will try not to influence this.


two kinds of players

kek, being isekaied gets you +2 to bust size apparently
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Should have typed big money, small, titties, no whammies, heh. We did roll for a massive D in another quest I play, so she may very well get G cups.
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>I want to roll for cup size
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Adding this to the final tally, it’s 5 against 2 for rolling, so rolling it will be.

# # # # # #


>Roll a 1d6
>There will be a maximum of 7 rolls considered over a period of 24 hours (whichever comes first)
>Rolls will be tallied up and majority wins

Scale of rolls (1 to 6)

1: AA cup (Pettanko club president)
2: A cup
3: B cup
4: C cup
5: D cup
6: DD cup (lower back training required)

So, for example, if the tally results will be:

Three rolls of ‘4’
Two rolls of ‘6’
One roll of ‘1’
One roll of ‘2’

The final score will be 4 (hence, C cup)

And now… time to roll, anon.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Ansàrra pls help us become the legendary titty cow so we can mog the enemy
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

The most important roll of the quest
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Kek, my ex mogs all these. What, no F?
Stop the count
Rolled 3 (1d10)

We need to go even further beyond.
E-cups. F-cups!
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>like this, but with boob instead of hair
d6 anon
I defied it on purpose.

I should probably give these votes a little bonus given they both scored trips... one after the other.


5 valid votes so far. 2 more if someone wants to.

not a valid vote, doubly so because anon admitted to dishonourable tomfoolery. Don't try it again anon or I will tell mom
Rolled 1 (1d12)

Go on, tell her! I'll just keep inflating the dice.
>I should probably give these votes a little bonus given they both scored trips... one after the other
Argia, the mogger knight incoming
Bonus makes them perkier.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Ansàrra, give Argia Lucoa ballistics and my life is yours
very nice
Rolled 5 (1d6)

fuck wrong dice
Ansàrra lo vult, we got sweater puppies to defy the isekai femc
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>another 5

anon... you really hate her lower back don't you? My hopes for a pettanko princess absolutely BTFO
>My hopes for a pettanko princess absolutely BTFO
Stilladìa hands typed this
>I should probably give these votes a little bonus given they both scored trips... one after the other.

I love bonuses but I think 100 roll is more bonus worthy thing.
The bountiful hills of the Mar da Candéa...
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Life long back pain here we go
No wonder Argia was sweaty and flustered when they were pinned chest-to-chest. No breathing room at all. Just squish.
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you got no proof anon


fortissimamente kekai


okay these last two rolls bring the total to 7.

final vote tally:

1: 0 rolls (Total Pettanko Death)
2: 1 roll
3: 2 rolls
4: 1 roll
5: 3 rolls

5 easily wins already, but given >>6064999 and >>6065000 scored trips, sequential trips at that, I'm giving them both a +2 to the results, (turning 2,3 into 4,5) which brings us to:

1: 0 rolls (Absolute Pettanko Death)
2: 0 rolls
3: 1 roll
4: 2 rolls
5: 4 rolls

nice idea. if this wasn't a fantasy story those bonuses would have probably turned them into implants, kek

all this is quite amusing in a way because I had envisioned Argia as quite busty, though I wouldn't have minded a pettanko princess. but the dice rules.

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In retrospect, having Rubida as a friend may be worse than having her as a rival.
She raps her fingers against her left arm as she waits for you to finish taking off your shirt.

“I’d like to remind you we do not have all day, Candente. The town’s festival is not going to wait for you.”
“A-Apologies,” you reply, feeling the heat covering your cheeks with its stark pressure. Then you try to steel your nerves and reach for the bottom of your shirt, pulling it over your head in a quick gesture. When you put it on the bed, the only things covering your chest are the wraps you use to keep them steady and your beloved cameo.

Rubida’s eyes go wide as she notices what you were hiding beneath your shirt and you turn your head, even more self-conscious.

“Argia Candente,” she hisses, “I don’t want to hear one more word from you about being cursed. Some people have all the luck, I swear…” she huffs, crossing her arms over her own chest. “Now take it all off, quick.”

“Y-Yes,” you comply, taking off the small metal hook that holds the wraps together and starting to take them off, revealing your chest. You know that some people may find it… enticing. You personally think it’s a product of too much milk and bread as a kid, and maybe Master’s training diet had some effect on it as well…

“I swear,” Rubida comes close and sharply wraps her tape around your chest, shaking her head. “You may be a little bit bigger than even Salicera, and that’s saying something.”
“I noticed she is—uh…” you look away.

“And so round and perky,” Rubida frowns, clicking her tongue. “Alright, Candente, I have my work cut out for me. We are going to put you into a nice dress for tonight, and you are going to shine in it, or may my family name wilt into obscurity.”

As Rubida pulls you up from the bed and starts to take more measurements, you try to distract yourself with some different topic.
>Perhaps asking a bit more about tonight’s festival?

>You briefly bring up Astoria’s reaction and Rubida’s thoughts about it

>How did it feel to have Ansàrra’s own hallowed gauzes wrapped around her arm?

>Other [Write-in]

thanks for playing. I was surprised by the results, I thought we would get a B. Maybe a C… instead -- bam! Tomorrow we will hopefully resume with slightly longer updates. Hope you had fun with this little thing.
>How did it feel to have Ansàrra’s own hallowed gauzes wrapped around her arm?
Geeking out about the faith is our whole thing.

>Has she noticed anything odd about Salicera?
>>Perhaps asking a bit more about tonight’s festival?
>How did it feel to have Ansàrra’s own hallowed gauzes wrapped around her arm?
>How did it feel to have Ansàrra’s own hallowed gauzes wrapped around her arm?
>How did it feel to have Ansàrra’s own hallowed gauzes wrapped around her arm?
This is the second quest where the MC is a faith obsessed knight
Third if you count A Lust for Adventure, kek.

Big naturals are better than implants, anyway.
>>Perhaps asking a bit more about tonight’s festival?
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Fuck me to tears. Of course I missed the one roll we should have got low rolls on due to IRL shit.

Dont worry my man. Tiny titty committee Argia will always live in my head.

Sure, support.
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>itty bitty titty knightee will live on

you and me both, fren


I have always preferred implants to real, especially past, say, C cups. something about firmness and roundness. maybe I will write an implants lady knight quest later on
they look better sometimes, but worse titfucks... just saying
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I see you are a man of taste as well. If they have to be big, I do like bolt-ons.

Feh. If you aren't going in any where, thighjobs are king. Might as well not bother with any thing else external other than a handy, so long as she isn't trying to rip it out like it is the sword in the stone.
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>I do like bolt-ons


today I have to revise a short story for a magazine request, so update may be a little slow. thanks for your patience anon
that's a new one, perhaps my image of them being clouded by shitty ones makes me see this as funny.
>I see you are a man of taste as well. If they have to be big, I do like bolt-ons.
this day really is giving
is this Signalis ?
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>that's a new one

fake tiddies propogonda? in my comfy quest? more likely thank you think, anon

>is this Signalis?

I don't think, the pic was tagged as 'original', but we could have a Signalis/SKQ crossover if you give me about 100 hours more of free time
Cute doggo
>If you aren't going in any where
Skill issue.
>Perhaps asking a bit more about tonight’s festival?
>Perhaps asking a bit more about tonight’s festival?
>has she noticed anything weird
Interesting suggestion anon

4 votes for asking about the gauzes


3 for inquiries about the festival.

Narrow victory. Writing!


(Later update - this post did not upload and I did not catch the last vote. I changed the update’s end slightly to accomodate for this issue.)
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Astoria sighs running her fingers over the painted page, looking for a way to put the threads together.

“I can’t seem to find a way,” she laments, her hands lingering over highlighted paintings of the ancient Sunseekers. Those who had to spend years sitting on a column, watching Her sun dancing in the sky, never blinking, until their eyes crumbled into dried powder and fell down their cheeks like rivers of dust. Then they would receive the blessing and the grace.

Those were holier times. Without a certain angel to blocker due. Her left hand rose from the page to rub against her forehead, feeling the eight incisions stopping right in the middle.

If only she got her ninth, she could access—

She could ascend and feel Ansàrra’s hand into her own before her time was due. Her appearance might be youthful, but she felt it, the fire that had sustained her body for decades was starting to run thin. For the first time since she had received the scars on her head, Astoria di Ottava Ora had begun to shiver at the thought of death.

Ansàrra’s attention seemingly attracted to more important pursuits, or more meaningful people, she was to be discarded and left in the dark, a thing that had served he purpose?

“I know that girl is not what she claims to be,” she growls. That Salicera. The so-called genius.

She had followed her career with great interest, from her sudden appearance to her rising through the cadets, her growing fame as the most gifted swordsman of her generation.

If only Astoria has not been caught in her silent battle with Carnaval, she could have put a proper investigation on the girl before she took the introductory vows. But now that she was solemnly a part of the Faith, scrutinising the other Sunseekers who approved of her would put Astoria through a whole new mess. Political allegiances she had spent years cultivating would be jeopardised in the matter of hours.

She just couldn’t insinuate some of the Amaranthines could make mistakes judging a person’s worth. Doubt would spread through the ranks and they would have another hunt for heretics and traitors. Astoria wanted to hold Ansàrra’s hand, not see it bleeding even more.

But she needed a victory. If she could prove that the Fors girl had given herself to the forces of the Adversary, or of the Seven Sisters, she would prove a great asset to the Throne of Dawn.

Yet, even putting Salicera right into the lion’s den had only made her more confident. No proof of involvement with anything.


So for now all she could do was wait.

“At least the other girl may prove herself an asset,” she mutters. Her Master was a headache by himself, and he had already shown his so-called displeasure at being overruled by the Amaranthines, seemingly under her counsel.

That would never be proven.

Ibardo was old, anyway. For someone who was the Head of an Order, he had seemingly taken far less than what he might have asked, and she knew he would not be long for this world.

His disciple was quite young, instead.

“And with a growing connection to that cameo,” she adds. Quite peculiar old thing, that one. This might lead Astoria to find something useful to her further down the line. She was an ancient, patient spider, but even the most skilled spider needs thread to spin her net.

So for the time being she would give those two — Salicera Fors and Argia Candente — a little more rope.

She would see what they might do with it.


# # # # # #

You lean back and let out a sigh as Rubida finishes rinsing through your hair. Isn’t getting pampered like this something that’s reserved for nobility and the like?

“Almost over,” Rubida notes, “we will just let it rest for a bit. I am missing most of the tools of the trade in this forsaken place, but rosagra oil can do wonders.”

You blink.

“Wait, isn’r rosagra poisonous?”

“In its pure form, yes. But if you boil its petals for six days and six nights in blessed waters, it loses its poison and it only retains its sweet smell.”

You gulp.

“I will trust you.” After all, Rubida did it with you.

As she chuckles and withdraws her hands to dry them with a towel you notice she pulled up her arm, exposing her skin. Her arm is still withered and… with parts missing, but her skin is far rosier and healthier than it looked under the light of the planetary ring, four nights before.

“May I ask how was it?”


“Feeling your arm wrapped by those bandages. The Blessed Blind was most generous to allow you to have them.”

“Ah— it was… it was…” Rubida takes in a long breath. “Sometimes at morning there is this smell in the air. The dew and the soothing dry earth mix together with the sap of pines and cypresses, with the scent of bricks and gravel and the faint dampness of fountains. It smells—”

“—like home,” you say with a smile.

“Yes. Like finding my place in the world. It comforted me while I was all alone in the darkness. I kept looking at the mirrors, at the entire hall, the endless reflective surfaces, waiting for something to come out of it and stab at me. And the worst thing was— I was afraid I would drop the metal and run, and I would be a coward, abandoning you two to your fate. I shivered and prayed it would not come to that.”

Your eyes widen at her confession. Perhaps you never gave Rubida the credit she was due.

No wait, the worthiness she deserved, credit was merchantspeak and you would not suffer it.

“You have been brave. I’m sure Ansàrra felt that.”

“I hope so. You are one to talk, Candente. Formerly a heathen from heathen lands and now you present yourself as a mystic!” She clasps her hands together. “I only hope I can stick around and see the end of it.”

You surprise yourself by how much you want Rubida to stick around now.


Kind of similar to how much you want Salicera to stick around… and Soralisa as well.

You close your eyes focusing on the sweet smell of rosagra. You are still alive, so Rubida must know what she’s talking about. Her words about that scent also stir something else inside you.

“Have you ever felt a road smell like rotten eggs?” Salicera’s words from the other night still sound weird. Weirder than most things about her.

“What? No. I don’t think that is anything that ever happened. Something else you made up in your delusions, Candente?”

“No, it was something Salicera said to me. That’s her smell of home to her. I found it most peculiar.” A pause as you consider your next words carefully. “Was she ever… weird with you?”

“Weird how? She is a genius, she can be a bit eccentric. I believe it’s part of her charm to be fair. A country bumpkin like you.”

“Hmm.” You let it slide for now. Maybe you should ask her tonight. There is so much you don’t know about her and you find yourself more eager to know.

Then someone knocks on the door.

“For you?” Rubida asks.

“It’s not Master. His knocking is different.”

“Not those other two either, Salicera would have just opened the door,” Rubida goes to open and from your vantage point you see a group of townspeople holding flowers and speaking excitedly with Rubida. Something about the festival.

Your heart picks up pace.

Townspeople here. And you are getting your hair washed.

Besides, you are half-naked.

They are going to see.

>You quickly shout at Rubida that you don’t feel like receiving visits, solicitors or flowers at any time before the festival please and thank you! And maybe this way Rubida can tell you more about what’s going to happen tonight…

>You ask Rubida to come back and help you dress up and cover your hair with a towel. Perhaps Maduan won’t find your exposed chest obscene, but your Candean soul certainly does. And this way you can hear more about the festival from the townspeople themselves.

sorry for the late update. Got no time and then connection troubles. Thanks for playing.
>>You ask Rubida to come back and help you dress up and cover your hair with a towel. Perhaps Maduan won’t find your exposed chest obscene, but your Candean soul certainly does. And this way you can hear more about the festival from the townspeople themselves.
>Without a certain angel to blocker due
>You ask Rubida to come back and help you dress up and cover your hair with a towel. Perhaps Maduan won’t find your exposed chest obscene, but your Candean soul certainly does. And this way you can hear more about the festival from the townspeople themselves.
let's hear from the folks. btw no biggies OP
>You ask Rubida to come back and help you dress up and cover your hair with a towel. Perhaps Maduan won’t find your exposed chest obscene, but your Candean soul certainly does. And this way you can hear more about the festival from the townspeople themselves.
>You ask Rubida to come back and help you dress up and cover your hair with a towel. Perhaps Maduan won’t find your exposed chest obscene, but your Candean soul certainly does. And this way you can hear more about the festival from the townspeople themselves.
>You quickly shout at Rubida that you don’t feel like receiving visits, solicitors or flowers at any time before the festival please and thank you! And maybe this way Rubida can tell you more about what’s going to happen tonight…
No worries, QM. It happens.
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4 to 1. Writing.


Thanks anon.

Also, that line in greentext was probably meant to be ‘without a certain angel to block her due’. Sometimes Pages’ software decides to ‘correct’ stuff and it does not show where it changed things. I hate machines. Anarcho-tribadistic-theocratic-irredentism NOW
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“Ah— Rubida!” You call out to her, standing from the basin as you scramble for a towel to cover your hair with. You stumble towards the mirror, making sure you cover every strand of your silver hair beneath it. If even one of them caught a glimpse of it— Master is in town, and this gives you a modicum of protection, but you certainly do not want to risk it.

“Coming,” you hear her confident reply. “Shouldn’t you cover yourself first, Candente?”

“What do you—” you glance at your exposed chest, happily perky in all its glory. “Ah, r-right.” Life was far less complicated when you used to spend your days hiking mountains and hatching monsters with Master. Why can’t you be seventeen again? “G-Give me something else.”

“You missed a few strands,” she warns you, quickly patching up your shoddy job as she wraps the towel a little better around your hair, “one thing at a time, Candente. They are just here to ask us something about the festival. I wonder if you would be interested.”

“I— maybe, but first… my hair, my chest!” You fidget, your mind feeling like it’s being pulled apart.

“Here, now you are decent…” Rubida withdraws her fingers from your hair and then gently wraps another towel around your chest. “And now you won’t make most of us feel too jealous,” she sigh.

“Jealous about what?” You blink, still checking yourself in the mirror to make sure while Rubida shakes her head.

“Forget I said anything. Let’s go now, it’s impolite to let townspeople wait, even if they are just ploughmen and their ilk.”

She leads you back to the entrance and you finally meet the delegation that came to your house. It’s three young women and a tall young man who blushes slightly when his green eyes shoot towards your chest, turning his head.

You don’t miss Rubida pursing her lips at the sight.

“W-Welcome?” You start, even though you should probably invite them in before you say something like that? Oh, another dance you start by falling face-first onto the pavement. “I mean, please come on in. What may we help you with?”

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“You are the two Knights, aren’t you?” The man asks, giving you a warmer smile and keeping his eyes respectfully focused on your face. “I heard Salicera Fors was also here?”

“Salicera is in town,” Rubida explains, letting them sit on the chairs inside the living room. There’s not many, so only you two and the man sit, while the three women stand by the door. Suddenly this place is much more lively than you are comfortable with. “You would have better luck finding her there. May I offer you anything else than our time? Because we are quite caught up in preparations, as you may just as well see by yourself.”

“We did not just came here for her, to be fair,” the man continues. “My name is Albuino, I am a sun scholar here in town, so I thought I would come personally.”

You and Rubida share a look. In such a small town?

“This town is devoted to Saint Kishirra,” he explains, an easy smile slowly spreading over his features. You slowly notice that beneath his grey robes he shows the usual tanned skin of priests and priest-adjacent people. “She passed here on her journey to the Mar da Candéa, where she fought against the Seven Sisters. Every year we celebrate her journey. I was told one of you came from the Mar da Candèa?” He asks and his eyes shift between Rubida and you. “There is a rumour the Head of the Order is in town, and if that is true we wanted to ask you to take part in the celebrations. More… ah, you are Knights, how do I put this? More on the front-lines, so to say,” he chuckles. You notice he does have an easy smile. You envy his calm demeanour. “It would certainly be appreciated by the community.”

Rubida glances at you and asks quickly:

“Would this take time away from the molten spring celebration?”

“Ah, of course, not,” Albuino explains.

>You are Candèan. This is a chance to show the pride of your heritage and your homeland… while also showing your Faith. If you find a good excuse to cover your hair for the entire night, of course.

>This is tempting, but if they find out about your hair— you planned on keeping a low profile as a Knight, and this would put you right on centre stage. Prudence is just as much a virtue as courage.

>Perhaps you and Rubida can envision something together? You can make up some sort of Candean tradition that requires you to cover yourself completely, just to make sure, and you can take part in the celebration? That’s going to raise some eyebrows as well.

>Add a suggestion [write-in]

I love to integrate little pieces of past characters’ actions into this. There is going to be also a few easter eggs during the ceremony - for the two people who read the Reedsmith and Elven Knight novel. Thanks for playing
>Enough of your own cowardice. You will show pride in your heritage, in your homeland, in your faith, and you will not hide a single strand of your hair for it. You were brave enough to face an Incarnation of the seven sisters, you can face the scrutiny just as boldly.
>>You are Candèan. This is a chance to show the pride of your heritage and your homeland… while also showing your Faith. If you find a good excuse to cover your hair for the entire night, of course.
>>You are Candèan. This is a chance to show the pride of your heritage and your homeland… while also showing your Faith. If you find a good excuse to cover your hair for the entire night, of course.
>>This is tempting, but if they find out about your hair— you planned on keeping a low profile as a Knight, and this would put you right on centre stage. Prudence is just as much a virtue as courage.
>Perhaps you and Rubida can envision something together? You can make up some sort of Candean tradition that requires you to cover yourself completely, just to make sure, and you can take part in the celebration? That’s going to raise some eyebrows as well.
Schemes, schemes, scheeeemes! Shenanigans and schemes!





>busty silver-haired Knight is actually capable of scheming?
more likely than you think!



interesting voting spread and suggestions, anon. I'd say 10 more hours for voting and discussing
why didn't you include my support vote ? btw can't wait to see how it goes
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sorry anon, missed it. two votes for >>6068033 then

glad you are looking forward to the festival, have some festive art while you're at it.
2 more hours extention for voting, then I will have to roll if there is no tiebreak. interesting votes so far, I'd hate them to go to waste
>>You are Candèan. This is a chance to show the pride of your heritage and your homeland… while also showing your Faith. If you find a good excuse to cover your hair for the entire night, of course.
1 ID anon coming through, posting from the beach. Love the sea.

I am partial to lakeside myself, but I am going to get myself a nice seaside vacation in a few weeks. and merchant scum is NOT invited!
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>You are Candèan. This is a chance to show the pride of your heritage and your homeland… while also showing your Faith. If you find a good excuse to cover your hair for the entire night, of course.
Just dye it

this brings this vote to +4. thanks for voting anon, writing.


cute pic. that's a bit how I picture Frigéian skirmishers ladies, with them fancy clothes and them fancy sword and high culture and whatnot. nothing a well-placed Sanction can't correct of course.

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>just dye it

We have been over this in past thread: Argia is against dying them because she believes it’d be a dishonourable betrayal of everything she is. she does not want to live in a lie, nor hide who she really is.


# # # # # #

For a moment, your pride surges through your fear, like a flock of birds scattering off a forest fire.

You just woke up from a brush with death and stopped one of the Seven Sisters from incarnating herself. You have proven time and time again that you are more than your curse, more than your hair, that Ansàrra graces you with Her smile, and that you have nothing to fear.

Starless Night, as if that wasn’t enough — you have friends now.

But just like that flock of birds soon choked by lingering fumes, you quickly fall back on more realistic ideas. It is tempting to display your hair just like that, but given past reactions to them, you know Maduans would react badly.

You cannot fault them. The Adversary is ever lurking, ever since she killed Saint Bragia—

Your hand raises to brush against the cameo as you take in a deep breath and open your mouth.

“My name is Argia Candente. The Mar da Candéa is my homeland, yet I am trying to find a home in Made for my family and I.”

Albuino’s sharp gaze seems to grow fonder of you as you explain where you are coming from.

“I— I am disciple of Mastro Ibardo Delebasse,” you add. “I have the honour to bear this title, and I try to do so to the best of my abilities…”

“Oh, Starless Night, this is pitiful,” Rubida scoffs, standing up and placing her hands on your shoulders. You jolt, thinking she may reach for your towel, but instead she just clears her voice and speaks to the entire room.


“The young woman here present is indeed Candéan. She is a Knight in training, and by the beauty of Her sun I can attest she’s the second-best trainee I have ever worked with. She saved my life over the past few days, more times than I feel comfortable to share— as for my name, I am Rubida Dell’Obertengo.”

The sun scholar nods, taking in Rubida’s own family name.

“Peculiar to see one of the Elder Houses so far, almost in the outback.”

“It is not peculiar at all, and you would understand if you knew the Elder Houses better,” Rubida replies with one of her icy glares. “But the duties of the greater are hardly understood by the lesser. Now—” she continues before leaving him time to reply to her jab, “Argia here would certainly take part in the ceremony tonight, she has expressed desire to take part in the molten spring especially, but…”

But? You raise your eyes to peek into Rubida’s deep blue ones and their intensity startles you. It’s like that time with the Blessed Blind…

“… as she comes from the Mar da Candéa, she has picked up certain heathen traditions that are adorably, say, exotic. One of these traditions demands she covers her head at all times.”

“We saw her doing so earlier in town, yes,” Albuino agrees. “I thought it was to shield herself from the heat?”

“I, uh, I—” a gentle pressure of Rubida’s hands over your shoulders reminds you should definitely shut your mouth, which you promptly do.


“It is part of the homeland’s tradition. As she is a trainee yet, she is not required to abide completely to the customs of the Holy Land. Would that be a problem for tonight’s celebration? I’m sure her abnegation would take a negative response in stride, no matter how callous it may be.”

“I— no, not at all,” Albuino shakes his head, looking a bit confused. “We came here to ask the Candéan to take part, it is understandable for her to keep at least some of the traditions of her land alive. As long as they do not conflict with the true Faith, I think… is that a cameo of Saint Bragia?” He suddenly asks, his finger trained towards your chest.

“It’s a gift from Master,” you explain, suddenly on the defensive, even more so when the sun scholar stands up and leans forward, taking a long look at it. “I-It has been with me for a long time. I treasure it.”
“I can see that,” he adds with a smile. “That settles it for me! Anyone who can bear such a little treasure and not go up in flame walks the righteous path. We would be delighted to have you front stage at the ceremony tonight!” He holds out his three middle fingers. “By midday, we have exchanged bright words with each other.”

“And by eventide, we have done bright deeds,” you reply, quickly followed by Rubida. You can’t stop the smile from tugging at your lips. Your heart beats so fast. You are going at an actual celebration. This is going to be fantastic!


# # # # # #

This is terrible.

“You can come out now,” Rubida’s teasing voice calls you from the other room.

“Maybe you should give her more time…” Soralisa tries.

“Oh, we gave her more than enough. Argia! Come out or I’ll start using your tetraceramide sword as a toothpick!”

“D-Don’t touch my sword please,” you cry out, stumbling into the living room where the other three girls are waiting for you.

Salicera and Soralisa’s eyes widen in shock and delight. Rubida taps her finger against her chin, pondering.

“Maybe I went a bit too far in some places.”

“Do I look… passable?” You ask. It’s not easy to walk on these shoes! Years of walking in boots and sandals have made your skin rough and coarse, so you blush even more as you show your ankles in these low, delicate ballroom shoes, displaying almost entirely your foot. The azure vest at least is more discreet, even if it is a bit tight on your hips and your waist, and it does absolutely everything it can to display your chest, showing off the rounded shape of your breasts, which you can swear was not there the last time you had to dress up for the occasion… at a similar ceremony with Master.

But then again that was three years before. You ate a lot of bread since then.

“You look stunning—” Soralisa coos, her blackened hands covering her mouth. “And blue is just your colour, it goes so well with your eyes! Did you know that that shade is quite similar to…”

“Estrigone flowers? Of course, that’s the best dye for this kind of fabric,” Rubida agrees. “How did you notice?”

“I just like to read a bit about flowers here and there…” Soralisa blushes and looks away, letting the topic go.

“You were right—” Soralisa mutters, unable to take her eyes off you. She looks at you with a softness in her gaze that makes your stomach clench. It’s… weird. Like many other things about Salicera, but this one feels far more personal. “You are not just some en—” she purses her lips and stops. “You look amazing. Great job, Rubida.”

The black-haired girl grins and puffs her chest out at the praise.

“I did the best I could with what I could. Next time you will see what I can do with better tools!”

“And did you completely cover her hair as well?”

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“We used Master’s gift!” You beam, bowing, showing the little hooks Rubida swiftly sew into the rain cover’s fabric. She made sure to sew it so that it resembles a hood, covered in precious crimson satin so as to cover your head completely, not a strand out of place. “This way I can walk out safely!”

“It must feel a little hot,” Soralisa frowns, concerned.

“It is, just a bit, but we faced worse, didn’t we?”

“The blue is the colour of the inland sea,” Rubida explains coming closer, checking the last details by helping you straighten your posture, “and the crimson is from the paper reeds. Argia told me they grow red when the harvest time gets closer.”
Soralisa nods her approval.

“This way she can represent two of the shades of her homeland,” she adds.

You turn to pull Rubida into a quick hug. You really owe her a lot.

Especially after today.

Still, that voice that told you to pull your hair cover out and show everyone the true colour of your hair still chirps darkly in the depths of your heart, but—

It’s not the time to listen to it.

“So, we are almost ready,” Rubida points out, pulling her flushed face away from your chest. “I have our clothing in the other room, we can help Soralisa putting hers on. No arguing, dear,” she shuts her protest immediately. “And after that, what should we do? You are our Vanguard after all,” Rubida tilts her head, looking at you.

>You four should reach the festival a little earlier, trying to mingle with the locals, see if you can get a better look at this place that will one day be your homeland.

>How about going to meet with Master first? A part of you really wants to see his reaction to your dress-up.

>Go to the meeting place decided with Albuino, outside the Temple of Flame, he will escort you four and explains the details.

>Add a suggestion [write-in]

Thanks for playing. Also, I had to change my tripcode due to reasons. I will be using this one that ends in —7GEF from now on, the old one is not valid anymore. I also hope you liked our blushing Knight. It was interesting to see the option - go naked and proud - almost win for a moment. It’s the thrill of write-ins, I suppose.
>“You were right—” Soralisa mutters, unable to take her eyes off you. She looks at you with a softness in her gaze that makes your stomach clench. It’s… weird. Like many other things about Salicera, but this one feels far more personal. “You are not just some en—” she purses her lips and stops. “You look amazing. Great job, Rubida.”
Was it supposed to be Salicera in both cases here?
>You four should reach the festival a little earlier, trying to mingle with the locals, see if you can get a better look at this place that will one day be your homeland.
>You four should reach the festival a little earlier, trying to mingle with the locals, see if you can get a better look at this place that will one day be your homeland.
cowards the lot of you, free the silver
>You four should reach the festival a little earlier, trying to mingle with the locals, see if you can get a better look at this place that will one day be your homeland.

>Also, I had to change my tripcode due to reasons. I will be using this one that ends in —7GEF from now on, the old one is not valid anymore.
did you forget the password ?
Maybe later when we find someone to be..... intimate with
>Go to the meeting place decided with Albuino, outside the Temple of Flame, he will escort you four and explains the details.
>Go to the meeting place decided with Albuino, outside the Temple of Flame, he will escort you four and explains the details.
>You four should reach the festival a little earlier, trying to mingle with the locals, see if you can get a better look at this place that will one day be your homeland.
>Go to the meeting place decided with Albuino, outside the Temple of Flame, he will escort you four and explains the details.
yes, it was supposed to be Salicera, thanks for catching that anon. I keep regretting the day I chose two names that similar then again in my initial idea you were supposed to ditch the group right away

I will fix it in post...


4 for being simple and ready to mingle


3 for reaching Albuino.

Going out on your own it is! Thanks for the plethora of votes as of late anon, it's appreciated.

>then again in my initial idea you were supposed to ditch the group right away
>also makes a pairbonding challenging task for our first mission.
shot yourself in the foot there, op
you mean by mastering a quest on a Bangalorean cat wool crocheting forum?

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Even the stone is different here. You press your hand against the outside walls of your house as the afternoon win caresses your skin. The walls of your old house used to be rough and covered in tiny holes, these are full bricks, renewed and solid.

They feel warm beneath your skin.

“I want my family to live well like everyone else here,” you whisper to yourself. Unbidden, someone wraps her arm around your neck, pushing you to turn.

“They will. And if something goes wrong I will be there to give you a hand. Maybe both hands when I can,” Salicera chuckles, making you turn towards the open street. “But tonight is our night, a night of celebration! And I say the townspeople can’t wait to meet me again! And you of course!”

She pulls you forward, linking arms — like you and Rubida did in the well. But no, you push that memory away. Now it’s not the time for anything like that.

As the four of you proceed downtown, you start to take in the view and feel of a true Maduan town, more than you did that morning. Some of the houses here have taller roofs, covered in large grey slabs rather than shingles, which give them a rougher look. The cobblestone street swings in lazy curves, the surface so smooth it makes you worry you may even slip and fall.

Wonder how many centuries of peoples walked these roads — the town had been here at least since the times of Kishirra, which means, at least… fourteen centuries? Your mind reels with the depth of time in the Holy Land.

The planetary ring shines silver in the darkening sky while you keep walking, though not many people are there, for some reason.

“Maybe they are all gathered for the festival?” Soralisa asks, trying to crane her neck, which is not an easy feat considered she’s by far the shortest of you four.

“I was told we were supposed to find the communal orchards,” Rubida explains. “It’s on the opposite side to the Temple, so that way.”


You follow her suggestions, turning to a side street that curves right between tall walls of houses. And that’s when you start to meet other people.

Your right hand jerks, trying to reach for the cover to your hair, but Soralisa stops you.

“Let it go, Argia. You are fine. Everything will be fine.”

You give her a nervous smile and you push yourself through.

People toss your way curious looks, attracted by your clothing (Rubida puffs her chest out a bit every time) but most of them seem preoccupied with Soralisa. She waves, smiles, bows, touches hands, and everyone is delighted to see her here. Every single person here is Maduan, you realise, and it has been for generations. Most families who are allowed to get through settle in the central areas first, where they can be better educated and monitored, so this far on the outskirts—

These must be the original stock. You can see it in their skin, in their teeth, in their height. Every man and woman is tall and well-dressed, everyone has an easy light in their eyes, the brightness that comes from knowing you belong to the kingdom of Ansàrra.
The people from the Mar da Candéa would have been shorter, walking bowed by the weight of their efforts. No wonder your family tried desperately to come here.

And there is another thing you keep noticing: even like this, families seem to be quite small. You have three brothers and your family was considered below average back in your homeland, here you have yet to notice more than two kids per couple.

Strange. You would have thought that people would like to have more, given such abundance — and a stray thought hits you. Where do you see yourself in a few years? When you have showed everyone your curse means nothing, when there are no more merchants in the world and your family is vindicated… when you can finally hold peace in your hands and feel how warm and comforting it is, will you want a family of your own?

Perhaps. Your free hand reaches for your belly, glancing at the full ones of the few women you walk by. Perhaps—

“A flower, ladies Knights?” Comes the voice of a group of younger girls, carrying large flowers in their hands, as they give them out to the passer-byes and to you as well. “Especially for you, Madama Fors?”

“Certainly,” Salicera accepts gracefully, sharing one flower with all of you. You twiddle the daisy between your fingers, embarrassed.

“I did not know there would be so many flowers for a celebration about Saint Kishirra,” you ask the girls. “Is it something of a tradition here?”

“Something like that, yes. It is to celebrate her companion! She used to be a herbalist!”

You blink. That sounds exactly like what Master used to say about Kishirra. A bit of controversial folklore, at least as far as you tried to place it.

But here it seems everyone was accepting it.

It makes you feel a bit uneasy — do the Amaranthines support this?

“You keep the flowers in your hands for the entirety of the night,” they explain, “and then you will throw them in the pyre! And from the pyre the priests will pick up ashes and they will come and trace a sign with the ashes!”

“This way the flowers can remind us of the communion of the first Elf who gave herself to Faith,” Soralisa adds with her still-wavering voice. “Kishirra joined in the light with Ansàrra and escaped the Elven cycle of rebirth. That’s why tonight’s ceremony is important.”

“Will they also give away vials of sacred oils?” Salicera asks. “I lost mine during our last mission.”

You turn towards her. You distinctly remember Salicera putting something like a vial in her backpack when you left the crumbling well, but perhaps your memory is getting scrambled again.

“Maybe earlier during the celebrations. Everyone is looking forward to the burning pyre, so they will likely not be there for long. You better hurry.”

“You heard the young lady,” Salicera says, corralling the four of you. “It’s better to hurry!”

>You agree, and you are also interested in picking up more sacred oils. You should practice Sanctions and there may be Priests of Flames miming the hallowed words and movements.

>You prefer to take the scenic route and try to appreciate the town a little more. You wouldn’t mind take in the sights and commit them to memories… it’s been a while since you were allowed to send a letter to your family and you want to comfort them.

also, choose one of these two topics of conversation:

>What was that about the Elven cycle of rebirth? You want to hear more from Soralisa about this.

>Did Salicera lose her vials of sacred oils while she and Rubida carried you? You want to know, as you start to secretly plan to gift her one vial.

tired as fuck, but I am still enjoying writing our silver doofus' little adventures. thanks a lot for playing anon. Oh, and rest assured nothing weird is afoot.
>You agree, and you are also interested in picking up more sacred oils. You should practice Sanctions and there may be Priests of Flames miming the hallowed words and movements.

>What was that about the Elven cycle of rebirth? You want to hear more from Soralisa about this.
>>You agree, and you are also interested in picking up more sacred oils. You should practice Sanctions and there may be Priests of Flames miming the hallowed words and movements.
>Did Salicera lose her vials of sacred oils while she and Rubida carried you? You want to know, as you start to secretly plan to gift her one vial.
>You agree, and you are also interested in picking up more sacred oils. You should practice Sanctions and there may be Priests of Flames miming the hallowed words and movements.

>What was that about the Elven cycle of rebirth? You want to hear more from Soralisa about this
>You agree, and you are also interested in picking up more sacred oils. You should practice Sanctions and there may be Priests of Flames miming the hallowed words and movements.

>What was that about the Elven cycle of rebirth? You want to hear more from Soralisa about this.
elves make me lock in
>You agree, and you are also interested in picking up more sacred oils. You should practice Sanctions and there may be Priests of Flames miming the hallowed words and movements.

>What was that about the Elven cycle of rebirth? You want to hear more from Soralisa about this.
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>elves make me lock in

Total Elf Breeding And Marriage

almost unanimity there. Interesting. Writing!
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“Well, it does sound like a good idea,” you mutter following Salicera and the others. “Do you think we may be able to learn some new better motions for Sanction practicing like this? I had wanted to get it better, sometimes I feel like I struggle with it.”

“You are one to talk,” Salicera rolls her eyes. “I feel like I need a reminder each time, I was truly never built for Sanctions.”

“Maybe with practice… and more visits to the Temple,” Rubida reaches out and playfully pinches Salicera’s cheek. “And you’d better remember all the hymns and procedures next time. The Temples of Flames are not just a heated pool, you dimwit!”

“Ow! You wound me,” she pouts. “You act as if I did not know that.”

“I know you act a bit too lazy, just because you are a genius it does not mean you have to behave like a toddler.” A scoff and she lets her go. “But that’s something to worry about in the future. For now, if you want to learn… learn. Just make sure to pay attention.”

You would much rather your new friends did not start a fight, even one as playful as this one, so you turn towards Soralisa to attract the brunette’s attention.

“Uh, before all that, wasn’t something you said about Elves? I’d rather to know more,” you try. Soralisa always feel comfortable explaining. This way perhaps you can keep them from ruining the mood.

“So, did Kishirra stop being an Elf or something? When she broke the cycle, or what you were talking about,” Salicera also asks, her interest piqued by your question.

“What? no, that’s preposterous,” Soralisa explains, her blackened hands tremble slightly and Rubida gently cups them with her own.
“Do not strain yourself now.”

“Sorry. But that’s an absurd question. Elves do not stop being Elves and Men do not stop being Men either — what you are born with is what you die with, such is the rule under Her sun,” she recites, her voice picking up a bit of strength.

You nod in clear agreement.

To suggest anything else would be put yourself under the path of power exchange, and you know the crimson-eyed and silver-tongued being laying in wait at the end of that path.

“Elves have been created by — by Kiengiri, long ago.” Soralisa’s voice turns into a whisper and you have to lend your hear to her as Rubida, always attentive, pushes you four into a side alley where you can try and enjoy a little more privacy. Luckily most people are ignoring you.

It may be the first time you hear Soralisa mention the people from before the Epochalypse, at least with such confidence.

“The study of their soul is not our province,” she adds. “But this is what I heard from the various traditions and lore: that they do not age, and they never truly die.”

“I knew they were not supposed to age,” you ask, “but not dying? Everything under Her sun dies.”

“Elves follow different rules. Their souls are not tied to their bodies like our, it’s the other way around,” she tries to move her hands again and Rubida stops them.

“Words are perfectly fine dear, we don’t need gestures for every line.”

“I— s-sorry, still have to get used to this. It’s weird to feel my body trying to break down and heal at the same time — and that is what happens to Elves as well. The Kiengiri did… something to their souls when they created them. Their souls are much too strong for their bodies.”

“But I heard that Kishirra was able of incredible feats,” you gasp. “If that is so, then even their astounding bodies could not contain what is within?”

“I can’t explain why,” Soralisa whispers. “Even if I knew, it’s something we should not even speak about out loud. But that is what happens, yes. Bit by bit, their soul burns through their bodies, and they go up in flames.”
“So they do die!” You point out, eager to show your point.

“Just for a while. Their soul lingers and it slowly builds another adult body around itself. Like… like pearls and oysters.”

You are not sure you understand that metaphor but you let her continue.

“Then they are born again, with at least some of their previous memories and all of their skills. They get one more life, but this time they have the memories and skills of their previous existence, and thus their souls are even brighter and burn hotter. They live another life, or rather they… continue. The cycle repeats, and they die again. The stronger they rage against it, the quicker the wheels turn. And then—”

“The cycle repeats,” Salicera bows her head, trying to understand. To comprehend. To imagine. “Over and over again… until?”

“Until most Elves lose their reason. They become forces of nature, ghosts bound to the land, their souls seeping into the rocks and the trees. Spirits of the place, if you will. Eternally locked into a spiral of destruction and painful regrowth.”

Silence lingers between the four of you as Soralisa completes her tale.

“No wonder Kishirra gave herself to the Faith,” Salicera muses. “Far better than the alternative.”

You jolt at her callous comment.

>You’d rather not rock the boat, though. There will be time to ask her what she meant, but you feel like you really need to sit down and have a long talk with Salicera about her attitude.

>You’d rather not go on a tirade right here in front of your friend, though. It’s better to forget it.

>Slander on Kishirra’s motivations? In front of you? This will not stand.

it felt a bit curious completing this update, as Kishirra's tale was great to write and it has brought me back to those times. the life cycle of Elves is one of the most cruel echoes of Kiengiri domination, and it's always a great hook for characters. I will use it in future as well. For now, thanks for playing!
>You’d rather not rock the boat, though. There will be time to ask her what she meant, but you feel like you really need to sit down and have a long talk with Salicera about her attitude.
alright we can't let this slide, even if she's our friend. I think that all things considered, it's no wonder she sucks at sanctions. She doesn't seem to believe in stuff, only what she can see and fell, and that everything seems to be for convenience's sake.
>Slander on Kishirra’s motivations? In front of you? This will not stand.
>Slander on Kishirra’s motivations? In front of you? This will not stand.
be kind, but firm. That's too far. She REALLY needs to step up her theology. You can't coast by on being cute and strong. A knight is so much more than that!
>>You’d rather not rock the boat, though. There will be time to ask her what she meant, but you feel like you really need to sit down and have a long talk with Salicera about her attitude.
>Slander on Kishirra’s motivations? In front of you? This will not stand.
>You’d rather not rock the boat, though. There will be time to ask her what she meant, but you feel like you really need to sit down and have a long talk with Salicera about her attitude.
>Slander on Kishirra’s motivations? In front of you? This will not stand.
sally is courting death
>Slander on Kishirra’s motivations? In front of you? This will not stand.
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>courting death

oh she is, or at least some serious spanking

Apologies for skipping update yesterday, was out with friends. today's update coming at around usual time. thanks everyone for voting, seems like Salicera is getting slapped

3 for taking a deep breath


5 for going nuclear on her ass

I'm glad my players uphold the true Faith and have limited patience for slander and heresy. writing.
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Salicera’s words feel like a burning snake eating through your chest.

“I will be taking a short detour with Salicera,” you quickly inform the other two, who are just as stunned as you by her comment. Rubida nods and Soralisa hesitates, tentatively raising her hands. But you do not wait for her to finish, or even to protest.

Surprising even yourself, you link your arms with the brunette and pull her into a side alley, thankfully an empty one. You feel like something else is guiding your actions and you are just watching yourself perform, as if you were an actress in some theatre play.

But the feeling of pushing Salicera against the dusty wall and peering into her brown eyes is just as sharp as that of your shock hooked onto your stomach.

“Do you understand what you just said?” You hiss, pressing your arm against her chest. At any other time you might be distracted by soft the feeling of her generous breasts, and perhaps it would be enough to make you blush and relent, but now?Now there is only fire going off through your veins.

“Ah— I did not mean to…”

“You did not mean to? Salicera, do you even hear yourself speak? Did… did anything happen to you? How can you be a Knight in training and speak like that about Saint Kishirra of all people? She’s a paragon to all of us! And you besmirch her motivation — make it sound like — like she was just trying to save her skin or something!”

Her brown eyes look at you, searching. She bites her lip.

“I— I’m sorry, Argia. I spoke without thinking.”

“That has nothing to do with thinking,” you warn, but you do relent your pressure. You pull off, panting hard. You feel the heat prickling against your face and you notice Rubida and Soralisa peeking from the corner. You are making a scene. Self-doubt tries to choke your anger in its thick cloudy smoke, but you do not allow it to.
Not yet.

“You don’t have to say sorry to me,” you add. “I am not the one you offended. Tonight is a celebration to the Elven Saint, it’s a chance for you to— to— listen, I— how can you be like that?” You lose the train of your thoughts, putting together all the little signs, all the little slip-ups you saw her showing through these past months. “It is as you do not really believe in anything past what you can touch. That’s— that’s blindness, Salicera. That’s a terrifying thing! Please tell me I’m wrong, that I o-overreacted or…”

You step back, falling against the other wall, looking at your friend, whose brown eyes shift towards the sky, towards the silver ring cleaving the night in two.

“If I was not worthy of being here, I would have burned in the Temple,” she whispers, “Is that not what happens to heathens? I just spoke without thinking, Argia. I apologise.”

“I— I see. Of course. You wouldn’t be able to let Sanctions flow through you otherwise.”

Your memories add more evidence to that fact. Salicera was always the last one to come back from her meditative state, and her Sanctions were always of poor quality and power, but they did go through. A heathen, or worse, a servant of the Adversary, would be consumed by Ansàrra’s scathing gaze if they tried to reach out to Her.

Salicera detaches herself from the wall. She reaches out to you, her arms and legs moving as if through water, like you could act if you saw a wounded dog you wanted to help. She reaches for you and pulls you into a hug. The hardness of the cameo seems to anchor you between the softness of your bodies.

“I have always been used to take care of myself, by myself,” she whispers to your ear. “By strength alone. It’s why I put so much effort into my sword. I just do not consider myself important enough for Ansàrra to worry about me. That’s all. I want to apologise if that came out as callous.”

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“It did,” you reply, but you are starting to see her point. Maybe? It is hard to hold onto your rage with her holding you like this. You really do not want to lose one of your friends to something like this. If it happened you would never be able to forgive yourself! Especially one who has been by your side through everything like Salicera.

“I told you I was practically raised in a barn,” she chuckles, rubbing her hands against your back. “I make mistakes. Tonight is Kishirra’s celebration. Would you like to lead me through it? This way maybe something will go through my thick skull.”

You blink, weighing her words. It’s true that Salicera does behave weirdly… and you now wonder even more about the reasons why.

She promised to—

“Is this related to what you wanted to tell me tonight? After the celebration.”

Her hug hesitates for just a moment—


“Then we better spend the night together. You will tell me, alright?”

The words of the Blessed Blind linger in your mind. It feels now like she warned you about Salicera. You will get to the bottom of this. No stone left unturned, not even for a matter of Faith — you friend may need help. You will be there for her, just as Master taught you and Saint Bragia inspired you to.

“Salicera, you are not alone. We are not alone. We act like one on duty, we have to act like one in our daily life, understood? Leave the wavering mind to the heathen.”

“I will. And I will tell you, tonight. But it might be better to do so in private,” she pulls back, her face also slightly redder. “Oh, wait, you have a few strands sticking out.”

“What? No!” You pull on your hood, but Salicera’s swift fingers already tucked them back in. “T-Thanks.”

“No worries. We all have our secrets,” she grins, her usual bravado back. “Now that Argia and I argued over the shade of our dresses,” she raises her voice to the benefit of the two busybodies who quickly hide behind the corner, “we can go back. I mean—” she glances at you. “Can we?”

>You feel satisfied for now. It was an accident and you both overreacted.

>You nod, but you want to remind her that she is not off the hook.

>Maybe you need to point out how worried you are about her one more time…

>You also want to add something else [Write-In a suggestion]

this was an interesting update to write, especially in regards to Salicera's specific wording about certain things and her subtler reactions and body language. I wonder if I have been subtle enough though, some of you players have a sharp nose. But anyway thanks for playing. We will go back to your scheduled fireworks and summer festival pretty soon... hopefully things go back to being nice and carefree... hopefully.
>You nod, but you want to remind her that she is not off the hook.
I still don't think she's an heretic or something, but there's still something about her that we need to keep on the look.

well, the red face is another sign that she's a crush on us or something, but that look to the moon suggests that she's somehow connected to the adverdary. since she can still use sanctions, even if poorly, she's not alright in cahoots with her but they met before perhaps.
>You nod, but you want to remind her that she is not off the hook.
Uooooh, bratty little heathen, in need of correction!
Could be a simple blush of embarassment, too.

>You nod, but you want to remind her that she is not off the hook.
>Maybe you need to point out how worried you are about her one more time…
>You nod, but you want to remind her that she is not off the hook.
>You nod, but you want to remind her that she is not off the hook.
Keep her in line...
>>You feel satisfied for now. It was an accident and you both overreacted.





a bit of bad cop good cop there

thanks for voting. writing!
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“It is time,” you reply, checking for any other stray hair, satisfied you can find none. “But remember I won’t be satisfied until you tell me the truth. All of the truth.”

Salicera gives you one of those looks. It’s similar to the one she gave you after your first sparring with your new sword.

“You’re brave, Argia,” she adds. “I’m so grateful for that.”

You nod and pull her back to the others, but this time you do not link arms. You four walk in silence for a bit, but little by little the murmurs around you wax like the tide and you find yourself at the edge of a crowd. The Maduans are carrying torches, cups of burning oils, and of course all kinds of flowers. You recognise a few and your mind goes back to that afternoon when Rubida used rosagra to make perfume.

“It’s the Knights!” A young voice exclaims to you right. You see a young family, the mother — she looks like she’s your age — holding a little boy pointing his finger at the four of you. Salicera points both fingers at the boy and blinks with one eye.

“Exactly! Look girls, we are famous already!”

“Mom, can we go with them? Can we? Please?”

“Salicera—” Rubida turns to chastise her.

“Oh come on. Did we go through death and darkness for nothing? Let’s live a little. We achieved glory!” She takes a step forward, looking straight in your eyes. “What did I say about living?” She opens her arms, standing tall and imposing in the middle of the road, attracting gazes, the murmur waxing as she gathers everyone’s attention. “Yes, we are the Knights who beat one of the Seven Sisters!” She pumps her fist to the sky. “And isn’t this going to be a night to remember?”


# # # # # #

“Alright, I will be honest,” Salicera sighs, pushing a tuft of her brown hair out of her cheek, “I did not expect something like this.”

It seems like the puppet show is not to her liking.

Maybe she is stupid.
“Shhh, quiet!” You hush her, patting on her shoulder. “The best part is about to begin, when Saint Kishirra comes back to the city of Burian and—” You do not want to tell her all about it of course. But you mime a series of swings with a spear, and someone behind you grunts as you elbow him. “Oh, sorry! Did not meant to!”

The crowd is packed. How couldn’t it be? Salicera’s little theatrics quickly gathered everyone towards you, and you four were showered by flowers, questions, and someone even asked Rubida to marry him. As you four wandered towards the communal orchards where the celebrations would be kept, more and more families recognised Salicera, which gathered more of her admirers, and soon you four sat at the centre of a crowd, with Salicera soaking all the attention.

To be fair, you did not like it. Salicera on the other hand seemed to love the attention, bathing in him, miming her sword swings for kids and even picking up a few to tell them how much of a great Knight they would be if they keep practicing like she did.

Rubida and Soralisa watched her with a smile, and you felt like joining if not for that nagging feeling that she was in fact only focused on the martial aspects of the Knight.
A Knight without Faith was just a pawn.

You felt the pull to walk away, to be on your own, like you did sometimes when you were little and escaped the most awkward family reunions by hiding in the vineyards. Now you feel like such a fool for wasting more time spent with your family—

But then you reached the centre of the communal orchards, where the townspeople had set up the heart of the celebrations to Kishirra. On a stage, they were getting ready for—

“Is that a puppet show?” You asked, your voice shrill with hope. And it was! You spotted the wooden stage where hooded figures were setting it up, already attracting a small group of kids that watched with rapt attention. “Are they playing the story of Kishirra tonight?” You reach for Soralisa’s shoulder. “We are going to see that, aren’t we? Aren’t we?”

“I suppose it won’t… Argia, where are you going?”

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And then you pried Salicera off her admirers with all the strength granted you by such a righteous occasion.

“Wha—What’s going on? I have yet to show off thirty-five more skirmish moves! Wait!”

“Remember before?” You ask, your face a marble mask. You would not miss this occasion. “When I told you would need to learn? This is one such occasion, Salicera Fors. To learn about the true meaning of tonight’s celebration! To learn about the tale of the Elven Knight!” You point your finger at the dancing puppets.

“Eh?” Was Salicera’s first and only protest, then you spirited her away to the show.

And so you had been watching it for one hour or so, as the evening truly turned into night and Rubida handed you a slice of bread, cheese and a juicy peach.

“Remember to eat something. You are still a little weak.”

“I feel fine,” you reply, trying to keep your eyes on the puppets. The golden-lined one, holding the black wooden stick that represented the hallowed Kiengiri relic — the very same Master held! — striking another ugly, washed-out puppet which represented one of the Chalkers Kishirra has freed the city of Burian from. Even if she is being overwhelmed by numbers, the other puppets pulling at her.

It is the most important part of the show. You cannot be distracted by something like food.

“I never saw this before,” Soralisa mouths next to you as yet another puppet, one clad in simple brown robes, rushes out of the blue and attacks the chalkers swarming Kishirra. The golden puppet then embraces the other one and someone lights a circle of flames around her head.

“Day will come again!” The Kishirra-puppet screams, and you find yourself mouthing the same words when it strikes again and again, until all the chalkers are dead.

“You did it! You passed the trial!” Says the other puppet and your heart skips a beat when you see both of them embrace and the crowd around you explodes into applause, the kids yelling and laughing and crying out as one as the two puppet kiss.

“I definitely never saw this,” Rubida chuckles. “This town holds a particular retelling of the story. Is the Blessed Blind alright with this?”

“If Ansàrra is,” Salicera mutters, giving you a sheepish glance. “Wouldn’t she had sent Carnaval here to turn everyone into cinder otherwise?” Then she adds: “Ah, but that would be silly.”

You clap your hands at the show, thinking about her words.


“I am not sure. If we allow heresy to seep into our hearts, it will destroy them,” you recite. “But this town has told the same story for such a long time. It’s clear that She does not mind, even if it is not true.”

“At least I understand the Elf a little better now,” Salicera starts clapping as well. The puppets bow, Kishirra’s and the Reedsmith still holding hands. “It was entertaining, I will give you that. I haven’t watched a puppet show since I was four.”

“Are there puppet show in the forest?” You tilt your head. Weird. Maybe some wandering players.

“Something like that.”

While the excitement for the tale of the Elven Knight and the Reedsmith wanes, Rubida attracts your attention to something else.

Two burly men are carrying a huge tray covered in sizzling iron pellets. They glow white-hot in the night and they put it at the feet of the stage, on the other size. The crowd immediately starts to shift to the other side for the ceremony of the molten spring.

Your elation from the puppet show gives way to anxiety and a flash of memories. You failed last time. You couldn’t out your naked hands in the molten iron.

“It is time,” she says. “Are you ready?”

>You are ready. You stand up, roll your sleeves, and walk to the other side. [your confidence gives you the ability to do one re-roll]

>You feel like you’d rather take a few minutes for praying and to yourself. [you will get a bonus to every roll for the ceremony]

>Now that the pellets are so close, the shame of your failed past attempt crushes you. You shake your head. [you won’t participate at all]

this update was a lot of fun to write. I hope you liked it. Also, anon, I'd get some good rolls going for the next few updates. You will need them.
>You feel like you’d rather take a few minutes for praying and to yourself. [you will get a bonus to every roll for the ceremony]
the batman approach. I'm sure we'll pass this with flying colors.
>>You are ready. You stand up, roll your sleeves, and walk to the other side. [your confidence gives you the ability to do one re-roll]
Rolled 38, 72, 31, 91, 50, 24, 46, 13, 100, 81 = 546 (10d100)

>>You are ready. You stand up, roll your sleeves, and walk to the other side. [your confidence gives you the ability to do one re-roll]

Rerolls are a powerful thing even if they are one time only, so let's fucking go. And yes, it was fun. Seeing Argia happy like a little kid was nice.

Getting bad rolls out of the way.
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Okay, so if we fuck the pooch, I take blame
Ansarra will forgive you. But me? Never.

>You feel like you’d rather take a few minutes for praying and to yourself. [you will get a bonus to every roll for the ceremony]
>You feel like you’d rather take a few minutes for praying and to yourself. [you will get a bonus to every roll for the ceremony]



>defying the dice gods


>Argia happy like a little kid

really glad you liked the puppet show! Argia is such a cutie, and the scene allowed me to hint at the preservation of Kishirra's legend,a bit of meta narrative if you want.

>Stilly knows.

Based AF

I can educate her more, though. It is closer to slavery silly girl.
>>You are ready. You stand up, roll your sleeves, and walk to the other side. [your confidence gives you the ability to do one re-roll]
>You feel like you’d rather take a few minutes for praying and to yourself. [you will get a bonus to every roll for the ceremony]

and with these votes it ends 4 to 3 for taking a moment to yourself before the ceremony. writing!


I'll just say that if the Stilladìa ever visited our world she'd set up Ancapistan in two years, three tops.
>Stilladia stan
The thread has reached the point where there's infighting about different religions, ways of life and ideologies. I am now an accomplished questmaster.
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“I should take a moment to myself,” you say to Rubida, who nods in understanding. Salicera glances at you.

“Ready for what?”

“The molten spring ceremony,” you sigh. “I failed last time, remember? I want to try again, and I need a moment to gather my thoughts and to hold on to what really matters. I am not doing this alone, but I feel like I am doing this for myself.”

Salicera purses her lips.

“Well— we both watched the same puppet show, didn’t we? Saint Kishirra also did gain some… benefits for herself. I mean— she did get what she wanted. I just think it is alright if you also take into account your own care.” She shrugs. “I can’t say anything else for now. If anything else… if you don’t care about yourself, at least care about me who cares about you.” She chuckles. “That did not come out right.”

“No— I think I get it.” You reach out to Salicera’s arm, giving it a squeeze. “I feel like I understand your previous words about Kishirra a little better now,” you whisper. “I need to be alone for a while.”

“Oh, I am doing my thing.” She turns, takes a few steps and claps her hands, gathering the eyes of the crowd. “Come on people! Aren’t we about to witness a sensational ceremony? Who is excited about the molten spring? Who wants to see me stand on my head while you are waiting?”

As a lot of hands raise, especially children’s, you silently thank her.

“Come on this way,” Rubida and Soralisa escort you, covering you with their bodies. You find a nice spot in the middle of the communal orchards which has been left alone as the crowd moves on. You sit against an apple tree, holding onto your knees as you try to take a deep breath and calm down.

Last time you failed because you didn’t believe yourself worthy of Ansàrra’s protection. And as such… you felt the searing heat of the iron pellets and halted — you couldn’t take the leap.

But you have grown in the meantime.

You are not the same young woman. You have been inside the mouth of the Night, and you have emerged victorious. Thanks to your friends.

“The Night is patient,” you whisper to yourself. “For all the good it’s going to do it.”

Then you close your eyes and plunge into your inner world as if you were getting ready for a Sanction, preparing yourself for the task.

>Sum of Six: roll 6d6 (one per reply) and sum up the rolls. The resulting number will be added to all your checks relative to the molten spring.
>i.e. you roll: 3,4,5,2,1,1 total 16 = your rolls will all apply a +16 bonus (on top of any others)
>Remember that dubs, trips etc. bonuses still apply (so if you roll a 4 but you get a dub your total will be 10)
Rolled 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2 = 11 (6d6)


>she'd set up Ancapistan in two years, three tops.

Why must you tease me with what can never be?

I really feel like she herself is more like true neutral than anything else, not evil. Maybe even lawful neutral, since she always does fulfil her contracts to the letter. She is a good girl who just wants souls and some sweet loving from her abomination of a husband. He seems okay too, he can sit in the cuck chair when I get isekai'd and end up fucking his wife.

Might have fucked up my interpretation of what rolls you wanted, if it was 6 people to roll a d6 or if every one needs to roll 6d6. It was unclear a bit.
Rolled 1 (1d6)

time to prepare
he said one per reply and even gives an example of a total of six rolls being summed. it happens, relax.
off to a good start

it's just 1d6 roll per reply anon.


>anon1 rolls 1d6, gets 2: +2
>anon2 rolls 1d6, gets 6: +6

and so on. then we sum it up.

so all of you anon roll ONLY 1d6 per reply, thanks.


you can reroll that 1d6 , but only because you got such shitty results my Madonna statuette starting crying

this is what happens when the thread shifts to Stilladìaposting. shame of course I am not to blame for Ancapistan propaganda
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Thanks man. Should have waited to read the updoot for a bit after waking from a nap following yard work in 90+ heat.


Second round fuckers!
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

True Neutral and defiant of the forces of Good is pretty much Evil, in a faith like ours, right? I get the vibe Stilladia is pretty much Satan around these parts.

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rollin before sleep takes me, lets go motherfuckers
thanks for balancing the dogshit roll anons
>True Neutral and defiant of the forces of Good is pretty much Evil, in a faith like ours, right? I get the vibe Stilladia is pretty much Satan around these parts.

Think that is more the Seven Sisters. Carnaval and Stilly were able to have a pretty civil conversation after all and if it had been an incarnated Sister, the literal angel would have gone in swinging vs. talking. I mean Stilly isn't good but she isn't objective evil like the other bitches. Argia obviously would have issues with her, due to Stilly's connections to the merchants of course but this bitch can be reasoned with and doesn't go around killing for fun or stuff.

1+3+3+3+5+6 = +21

funnily enough, that's exactly the average for 6d6. good job sitting in the middle of the bell curve, anon

shame we almost got a trip from >>6072778

thank you for reading the quest right after waking up anon, that's neat

>Stilladìa is Satan

more of a Luciferian ispiration to be fair but not incorrect


>showing good reading comprehension

is this real life or is it just a fantasy

Stilladia, seven sisters, ansarra. None of it matters. They're all going to bear my children in the end. And nobody can stop me.
A man of taste.

>showing good reading comprehension

Thank you. Always nice to be praised. I did always get A+ for book reports. Also, thank you for updating on Sundays, since it is one of the slowest days here. Swear random ass times are the most active. Like 11pm on a Wednesday random.
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>book reports

I remember completely making up mine, back in middle school. I suppose I was either so good the professor did not catch me or so bad she found my Level 5 autism entertaining.

(the fact I'm now running a quest should provide a slight hint towards the correct answer)

# # # # # #

You go back into your inner world as you get ready for meditation. This time it’s not in order to ask for Sanctions, it’s to visualise your previous memories. The last time you attempted to take part in a molten spring ceremony you had just been forced to join the manipolo — which meant that Soralisa was ignoring you, Salicera just glanced at you from a distance, and Rubida was—

Rubida was the thorn in your side.

Your stomach clenches at the memory of the dark-haired girl leering at you while you stood before the burning pellets, their heat washing over your skin in heated waves. You were supposed to put your hands in there. Your naked hands — Ansàrra would protect you, if you were worthy.

Unlike the Trial of Fire, there was no penalty for withdrawing and no consequences for failing, besides some painful blisters.

You had forced yourself to try. To reach out for the pellets. You had closed your eyes, breathing in the heated air, the smell of iron invading your lungs, making your tongue itch. You tried to get a bit closer. A bit closer. Ignoring the heat that was licking at the skin, the growing pain. You could feel your skin getting redder.

And you withdrew. Your hands pulled back at the last moment, you bowed and ran off in the distance, to sit with your back against a tree, crying.

But that was in the past. Now the same people who did not want anything to do with you before were helping you. You were a bit surprised even by how easy it had been to forgive what had happened.

What mattered in the end, you tell yourself as you wander inside your inner world, was that the same people who did not trust you ended up putting their life in your hands when you were put to the breaking point.

Fire-forged friends, and now it was time to face that fire again.


You take in a long breathe and let it out, thinking about the ceremony: you would stand in front of the pellets, and Rubida would be besides you, an encouraging smile on her face this time. Soralisa would be praying for you, and Salicera will be there as well.

This time, you won’t be a coward.

And of course, the most important thing.

You had been inside the jaws of the Night herself and you escaped. Ansàrra allowed Soralisa to reach out to you.

Was it too arrogant to think She would be there for you now as well?

You feel a smile tug at the corner of your lips at the idea.

It may be a bit arrogant… but it’s the kind of arrogance that you believe is sanctioned in the Holy Land.

You let out your breath, feeling courage filling your chest. It’s time to face your shame and walk past it. Your skin tingles. You will put your hand into the fire and they will not burn.

Just as you are about to open your eyes, something appears from the dark.

It’s not the light of Ansàrra. There is no scent of ripe grapes and dry earth — it’s…

It’s something else, the scene is blurry, but you feel like glancing from the end of a long corridor, and there are people on the other side.

What is happening?

>You allow the scene to play out inside your inner world. You have no idea what this is, but curiosity gets the best of you

>You pull away. You decide not to risk it, whatever it may be.

>While you try to find a solution, something else hits you… [Write-In, suggestion on what else to do]

this was an interesting update. I had an idea to just present you what's happening, but I feel a vote may make it more interesting and organic. thanks for playing anon.
>You allow the scene to play out inside your inner world. You have no idea what this is, but curiosity gets the best of you
I'm curious
>You allow the scene to play out inside your inner world. You have no idea what this is, but curiosity gets the best of you
Lets see
>>You pull away. You decide not to risk it, whatever it may be.
>You allow the scene to play out inside your inner world. You have no idea what this is, but curiosity gets the best of you
>You allow the scene to play out inside your inner world. You have no idea what this is, but curiosity gets the best of you
>You allow the scene to play out inside your inner world. You have no idea what this is, but curiosity gets the best of you

Thanks for voting to go all in. I enjoyed writing this scene. Also shot out to the one anon who went against the flow, based
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The blurry scene slowly gets more and more defined. You watch, amazed, as a couple of figures slowly stand out, as if coming straight from the land of dreams.
But perhaps this is neither a dream, nor a vision.

“I hope I can do a good job,” says a young woman’s voice — and you heart skips a beat. It cannot be, but — but — it is. You have seen that face too many times not to recognise her at once.

You have seen her in paintings and sculptures, you have seen her in statues and covered in crowns of flowers, you have seen her holding candles and standing proud with her weapon raised high, you have—

You have held her against your chest for years.

Saint Bragia Lacresta faces a brick wall just as the last rays of the sun go to slumber, standing almost naked, with her robe wrapped around her hips, showing her thin waist and trained back. It’s striking how slender she is, even if her arms and legs show the effects of her training. She’s a bit shorter than you are, her head of black hair cut short, her olive-green eyes glancing at the tall man besides her. A dash of freckles covers her face.

Your heart seizes at the fact you are standing just a few steps away from her — you could reach out and — but you don’t of course. It would be most disrespectful. So you steel yourself and let the scene play out. Maybe you will understand what is going, on — why — this scene is playing out for you.

The tall blonde man next to her reaches out to ruffle her hair. He holds a book in his other hand and wears the grey robes of the sun chasers — there are far less statues and depictions of him than the Saint, of course, but he’s one of her companions. Candeloro speaks in a confident, boyish tone that reminds you of some of the young men in your homeland when they courted their future wives.

“You will do the best job, runt,” he scoffs.


H-How dare he call her a runt! You take a step forward, even if it feels like you are not moving at all, the scene shifting around you like water around a whirlpool.
But the Saint does not seem to mind, in fact she reaches onto his touch, rubbing her forehead against his palm.

A distant part of your mind reaches into your awareness to remind you that Saint Bragia is not wearing anything over her waist, for reasons you cannot comprehend right now and you realise that even in this space beyond time and death you can blush.

She’s petite in every regard, it seems.

“Thank you. Ah, Starless Night, I am quite worried.” Candeloro sets the book against the wall and reaches out to pull her into a hug, to which Saint Bragia purrs and sigh, welcoming his touch.

“You of all people know you have no reason to.”

“I know, but—” her green eyes shift towards the darkening sky, as if seeking something up there. “Even if She asked me to complete this task, will I really be able to pull it off?”

“You?” Candeloro chuckles, setting a kiss against her forehead. “The same girl who destroyed the Cantankerous Worm? The girl who just last year saved the entirety of the Holy Land? The Archiater of Ansàrra? Because I don’t see any others here.”

“Your beard tickles, stop it,” she scoffs, but she does not push him away, and in fact leans into his embrace. “Even if that were true…”

“I was there for all it, can say it was true, unless you start doubting my own eyes.”

“… even with that, we are about to face one of them.” A shiver of worry runs through her. “Am I strong enough to face one of the Seven Sisters?”

“I know nobody else who can,” Candeloro replies, softly.

You see Bragia flush even harder at those words. She nods and leans against him.

“Thank you. It’s hard to keep my heart steady sometimes. I feel like stumbling. Whatever is behind the next rock? Nobody knows.”

“You just have to hold on to us.”

“And onto Her. Ah— I want to come back already,” she chuckles sadly. “I miss Her embrace.”


They hold onto each other for a long moment, enough to make you feel like an intruder. You look down at your chest at your cameo. The likeness is perfect. The same curve of the nose and cheeks, the same expression, even the hair is on point. This is the same Saint you felt so connected to since the very beginning, and you are blessed with a vision of her.

No, not a vision. Saint Bragia spoke of her worries, of her accomplishments.

This is a memory.

You are standing inside a memory.

“And yet this is our final effort,” Saint Bragia murmurs. “After this, I want us to stay together for a while. We have served, and we deserve a moment of quiet.”

“How selfish. Taking after Saint Kishirra?” Candeloro teases, and shuts her protest with a quick kiss on her lips.

“We decided at least two,” he murmurs, his hand reaching for the back of her neck, rubbing it gently. “That means taking a bit of time away from battle and duty. Think you can do that?”

“I spoke to Her and She understands my desires. Two is a… good starting point.”

“Oh?” Candeloro’s eyes glint with mischief as his hand shifts towards her taut stomach. “How many then?”

“T-Three seems like a good…” she shifts, the tips of her ears turning red. “I was thinking three… it’s big enough a family, d-don’t you…”

“You are a terrible liar.”

“Alright,” she shuts her eyes, pushes her face against his chest and whispers: “… six. Six the holiest number. I want to have six children.”

“Six little runts,” Candeloro takes her chin and sets a kiss on her lips. “So devoted. And you are going to make me go crazy.”

“I— you know how it is. I want a big family.”

“As long as I am part of it.” They rock against each other — and that’s when you notice something else going on. The edge of the vision broils and shivers as if seen through vapour. You perceive an echo of — anger? And jealousy, seeping through the scene like venom through a wound.

Whose memory is this?


It must belong to someone glancing at them right now, because the view is level with them, but you don’t see anyone else.

Then the two share one last kiss, stand aside as white-robed Priests of Flames carry a long metal tray covered in searing pellets. Saint Bragia stands firm before the tray, takes a deep breath and pushes her hands on it.

No hesitation. No wincing. She barely starts to sweat from the heat.

Your stomach tightens at the — ease — with which she does it, the — faith — she shows that you still lack, even after all this.

Perhaps there is a reason why you are being shown this memory after all.

She grasps at the pellets and throws them against the brick wall — with such strength they explode in a burst of red and gold light, a blooming flower that reminds you of the brilliance of the burning bloom. Now you understand why Ansàrra named it after her.

Saint Bragia turns and dances, picking up handfuls of searing pellets, white-hot, straight out of the furnace — so hot anyone else’s skin would burn black in an instant — and throws them bare-handed against the wall, dancing on the spot, her black hair standing out even more, as Candeloro looks at her, bewitched.

Then he winces as he looks at the forgotten book he had left against the wall, already consumed by the flames.

“Aw,” he rubs at his temple. “Now I will have to get a new copy when we come back.”


The scene turns blurry again. The figures and lights pull away and you feel like walking inside a tunnel once more.

But they would never come back. This vision — memory — was from right at the start of their final journey, wasn’t it? When Bragia and Candeloro and the rest of their group would die one by one at the hand of the Adversary.

You reach for your cameo, brushing your finger against the ivory.

You feel it so warm as you open your eyes.

Feeling dizzy, you see Rubida and Soralisa next to you, worried.

“Are you alright?” Soralisa asks, tentatively reaching out with one of her burned limbs.

“I— yes, I just… it was…”

“What happened? You seem distraught.”

You wouldn’t know. Your heart feel like it’s take in a storm, your stomach clenched with the sorrow of having seen — actually seen, with your own eyes — you favourite Saint and yet knowing she was lost forever, she would disappear shortly after this.

But she did what you couldn’t — that’s inspiring, isn’t it?

You wonder how much you can say.

>You stand up and pull the other two closer, determined to sharing your story. You want them to understand, and perhaps they can help you understand better.

>You reach out to Rubida and Soralisa, eager for contact. You will them you had a vision, but you feel like the details are better kept private. Just a hunch.

>You decide to keep your mouth shout about the entire experience. It feels a bit too personal at this time.

>While you ponder what to do, you also have a stray thought [Write-In a suggestion]

# # # # # #

Your cameo bonus grows to +10!

# # # # # #

long as fuck update, but it was incredibly fun to write. I had wanted to add a little vision of Saint Bragia since the beginning, as it’s a character who embodies the virtues of knights — and it’s not like I have planned a whole-ass series about her or anything, b-baka anon! Hope you liked it, now you have to decide what to do with the experience you went through, before some rolls get involved. Thanks for playing.

on an unrelated note, publishing this update from the workplace, while ‘Shadilay - Instrumental’ plays on my pad, gives me a special feeling.
>You reach out to Rubida and Soralisa, eager for contact. You will them you had a vision, but you feel like the details are better kept private. Just a hunch.
Trust the gut
>“… even with that, we are about to face one of them.” A shiver of worry runs through her. “Am I strong enough to face one of the Seven Sisters?”
so her final mission was supposed to face a sister ? interesting

>"[...]and that’s when you notice something else going on. The edge of the vision broils and shivers as if seen through vapour. You perceive an echo of — anger? And jealousy, seeping through the scene like venom through a wound.
>Whose memory is this?
Oh, someone else in her group liked her. It could be a spy but it doesn't seem like they'd just watch without taking a shot.

>But they would never come back. This vision — memory — was from right at the start of their final journey, wasn’t it? When Bragia and Candeloro and the rest of their group would die one by one at the hand of the Adversary.
So she was killed before fighting the sister. Considering what we know, it's unlikely that the Stilladìa was helping one of them so I think that the jealous teammate made a contract so she'd help them betray the saint and seems like they died in the process. Now did they discover the church discover there was a traitor and hid this fact for morale issues or they didn't know that ? considering that Argia says everyone died the later sounds plausible unless the adversary revealed it. This also makes me wonder what's her rivalry with Ansàrra about ? considering her formal relation with Carnaval and her mutual distate for the sisters, I'd expect her to let the saint finish her quest before enacting any kind of blow, then again that's assuming she knew about it before the deed.

>You reach out to Rubida and Soralisa, eager for contact. You will them you had a vision, but you feel like the details are better kept private. Just a hunch.
>You reach out to Rubida and Soralisa, eager for contact. You will them you had a vision, but you feel like the details are better kept private. Just a hunch.
>You decide to keep your mouth shout about the entire experience. It feels a bit too personal at this time.
Best not to worry anyone, with our recent head trauma and all.
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>all this speculation

anon, you are making me one happy questmaster. one of my hopes was for players to start thinking about all the little hints I put here and there and I'm glad someone is attempting to collect the dots. I can't say anything about it yet, but I have given you at least a couple big hints about whatever truly happened (of course, so overt they are covert).

we have a majority already but not an overwhelming one, I'll wait a bit to see if voting changes.

in the meantime enjoy some involuntary Kiengir fanart
>anon, you are making me one happy questmaster. one of my hopes was for players to start thinking about all the little hints I put here and there and I'm glad someone is attempting to collect the dots.
thanks, qm. even though I'm not good at this stuff I try my best to pick up any hints I see.
>>You reach out to Rubida and Soralisa, eager for contact. You will them you had a vision, but you feel like the details are better kept private. Just a hunch.
>You reach out to Rubida and Soralisa, eager for contact. You will them you had a vision, but you feel like the details are better kept private. Just a hunch.

well that's overwhelming majority alright. update will come as soon as I finish wageslaving
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You truly can’t let them know — there is some sort of hunch that tells you’d better keep what happened to yourself. Perhaps you can share with Master later on, after all he was the one who gave you the cameo, but…

“I— I had some kind of vision. I can’t really remember what about, it’s already fading.”

You can see Rubida quirk an eyebrow.

Uhm. Perhaps you should have remembered you have always been a lousy liar, what with all the blushing and the feet shuffling.

Soralisa comes to your rescue, setting her hand over Rubida’s shoulder, light enough to not make her worry with the state her arms are still into.

“Argia has the right to her secrets,” she murmurs. “Though I lament it.”

“Sorry. I— I am not sure what even it was about.”

“Saint Kishirra?” Rubida prompts. “Something we should be worried about? Did you receive further instruction from the Sun-Birther?”

“N-Nay,” you reply at once. “Everything was a little blurry, that’s all.”

“So be it,” she sighs and drops the inquiry, For now. You fear Rubida won’t accept this refusal to talk for ever. “For now you better have found your determination with the ceremony. Unless you have decided to drop out. There would be no shame in—”

You can still see it, clear as day, in front of your eyes: Saint Bragia’s own tanned skin, her lithe muscles shifting as she pushed her hands into the pile of burning pellets, with just the confidence of Faith in her eyes and a bright smile on her face. A girl just a bit shorter than you, just a bit less strong, just far less lucky than you.

“I will go,” you reply confidently, grasping onto your cameo.

It’s even warmer than usual.


you didn't think you could fool Rubida's ahoge lie detector did you

When you three emerge from the orchard thicket, the sounds and smells of the night hitting you at once, you cover your eyes. Someone has put up a large bonfire on the stage, and it’s starting to burn brighter than a thousand lamps.

Stark against the background of flames, Salicera is entertaining the crowd, and you notice how striking she looks, the firelight caught in her brown hair like molten copper. Her brown eyes shift towards you and she points her fingers in her direction.
“And there she is! As I promised you! Didn’t I tell you there was another girl with me, a special one, who fought the Seven Sisters with me?”

One of the Seven, and she had yet to incarnate even partially. You have a hunch Salicera is leaving out certain details to embellish the tale.

“Everyone in town, please hold your hands up for the trainee from the Mar da Candéa! Everyone salute the first disciple of Master Ibardo Delebasse, Head of the Order of Saint Kishirra! Argia Candente!

Oh no, now everyone is looking at you.

You gulp and take a tentative step ahead, blushing so hard you feel like you are turning into a torch yourself. A sea of smiling faces turns towards you, holding out their flowers, which they will then throw to the bonfire to remember Saint Kishirra.

“Is that a Knight?”
“She looks pretty!”
“Mom! I want the Mar da Candéa too!”
“Is she married?”

You sift trough the echoes, trying to push them away, as you reach for the blistering pile of pellets that is waiting for you. Some other celebrants have already thrown it against the wall, but the largest amount is still untouched. You can feel the heat from here, so strong is making you sweat — so different from the cold knot in your stomach. Each breath starts warm and it turns chilly as it reaches your belly.

You do not leave time to your mind to betray you.
“Will you hold onto this for me?” You ask, starting to take off your dress. Ansàrra’s protection would extend to your body, but clothes might not be covered and you don’t want Rubida’s work to be ruined.

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An excited glint goes off in Salicera’s eyes as she helps you take off your dress, exposing your back, your waist, and as you turn, your heaving chest. Strangely enough, none of the parents cover their children’s eyes.

Ah, but this is Madua. The body of a Knight — well a trainee — is sacred. In their eyes, you are just another messenger to Ansàrra. At least you hope they think about it that way, because the pull to hunch over and cover your over-abundant curves is far too strong.

But you resist. And you are grateful for Rubida’s arts once more, because not one strand of silver hair peeks out of your cover, not even as you start to sweat. You really should get her some kind of treat after this. Something to cement your newfound friendship.

Still — you feel like wilting under the waves of gazes. Some you feel roam over your body, hooking onto your breasts, your waist, your strong shoulders, the elegant shape of your back sliding into your neck. You are so different from the tanned girl who stood in the same position, Candeloro to her right, watching her with all the confidence and love due to Ansàrra’s favourite.

You glance to your left, where Salicera holds your robe and looks at you with her usual confident grin, like she has seen this a thousand times before.
You two need to talk — but for now, that heretical belief in just your own strength — can you make use of it?

Six hundreds later — another girl, another pile of burning pellets, another flower about to bloom.

You hold out your naked hands. Sweat tickles against your skin, the heat too sharp to bear. Just a few more moments and your skin will grow red and blistery. And you will feel the need to cower and leave.

“Day will come again,” you whisper, take a step forward and plunge your hands into the pellets.

>Bo6: roll 1d100 + 10 (from the cameo bonus) + 21 (from your meditation and your previous roll) total: 1d100+31
>DC 90
>dubs, trips etc still apply
>1 roll per reply per anon, remember

and here we are. let’s see how you fare against your past mistakes... try not to fuck this up anon. thanks for playing!
Rolled 17 + 31 (1d100 + 31)

lucky trips, I call for you
Rolled 32 + 31 (1d100 + 31)

Rolled 32 + 31 (1d100 + 31)

Witness ME!

Okay not I didn't say HOW I wanted you to witness me, so that is my bad.

Still kind of cool, back to back like that.
Rolled 79 + 31 (1d100 + 31)

Rolled 92 + 31 (1d100 + 31)

The night is patient.
Rolled 63 + 31 (1d100 + 31)

Thank you brother.
Whew, close call.
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nice rolls anons. Best roll is, for some reason, >>6076103 who comes in with a heretical call. does that mean the Seven Sisters' influence on the thread is still ongoing? anon may know more than we think...

final result is 123 over a DC of 90, great job.

update coming shortly, your qm still needs to eat (sad)
I had a lewd dream about the girls QM. It involved some group bathing and other things. They even envited Stilladia to join. Twas wonderful.
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this sounds heretical enough to warrant its own lewdpasta... for containment, of course.
were you the anon who talked about a lewd dream in the 1st thread ? also, was Helias in that bath as well ?
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Ibardo Delebasse sat comfortably against a tree, the Kiengir poleaxe — the elder relic of a lost word — plunged into the earth, its blindglass shaft turned into a commodious satchel-holder. Sometimes he could not believe his own wit.

He relaxed, putting out the smooth length of a pipe and watching the firelights below, in the dale, where the town was celebrating Saint Kishirra. Of course, he was not there. Nothing would make him ruin Argia’s special day, there with her first friends.

“A fast learner, that one,” he chuckled setting the pipe alight and taking in a deep breath as white smoke played with the tuft of his short beard. And now they were getting ready for the bonfire and the molten spring.
Argia had failed her first attempt — something he did not really like to bring up, and especially not these days. He had finally seen her, and after such a dangerous mission.

One far above what they would have been supposed to face.

One of the Seven Sisters.
Starless Night! Only Saint Bragia herself had seen worse on her own first quest.

As Ansàrra would have it, the dale knew nothing of the sorrow that almost came to be. Of the hours he rode the horse almost to the poor beasts’ death, murmuring prayers for haste, passing through the forests and over the rivers like a comet, striking ever closer to the border of Madua, where his disciple was facing the hardest challenge she had ever met.

She had come out mostly unscathed. Ibardo looked down at his left palm. They were still a bit reddened by all the time he had spent on his knees, burning offers in thank to the Sun-Birther.

He breathed in once more, the embers of the pipe glowing a fiery red, just like embers below soon would. Argia would do a spectacular job, he was sure. He couldn’t wait for her to tell him all about it, excited and proud. Sometimes a dash of pride could do a heart good.

Then again — when you saw what it could do to someone like Astoria di Ottava Ora, pride sharply turned from a boon to the worst of poisons.

He had withdrawn himself from the celebrations below because he needed a bit of time to himself. There was far too much to think about. He had seen the machinations and schemes of the Sunseekers, the Amaranthines, the Blessed Blinds, the Holy Liberators and so on and so forth, trickling down the hierarchy to the lowest of flame attendants and ember bearers, a tower of desire rising to the fugue of bring one day raised to the flying palace, of witnessing the Sun-Birther in all Her glory.

Ribbons of white smoke played with his lips as he let out a long sigh.
“All knots in the world will bind the Sun not,” he murmured one of Kishirra’s old sayings. Words you could trust. The Elf had come closer to the Sun-Birther than all but one, and yet all these people got caught in a net of their own making, believing they could make them special enough for Ansàrra to give them just that more attention.

It had always given him an itch, a desire to try his knuckles on the chin of the fake devotee who believed his desires more important than the depths of Ansàrra’s desires. Such depths of Faith they waddled! Like a child wetting his toes in the sea.

Argia was different. She had thrown herself into the storm, without a rope or a life line, welcoming the waves, trusting in the sea and the wind. He had seen the sheer purity of her Faith before she even knew how to spell the name of the Sun-Birther — and from what he had seen, the Sun-Birther knew as much.

Especially considered what Argia carried around her neck.

No, he was not worried about Argia’s well-being, long-term. Her soul belonged to the highest echelon next to Ansàrra. But from here to there, if he could save her a few griefs and a thousand headaches bashing her head against the desires of the hierarchies…

A crinkle of glass behind him pulled him away from his reflections. The silvery light of the planetary ring bled crimson around him as someone stepped on the grass.

“I know you don’t smoke,” he greeted her. “But I should still have a slice of cake in my satchel, let me check. Dell’Obertengo surely knows how to cook, for a noblewoman.”

Carnaval sat besides him, folding her huge wings around her just as she wrapped her arms around her naked legs.

“I would certainly enjoy it,” she replied, a hollow ring to her words. Ibardo pulled the slice of cake from his satchel and put it in her hand. There. A little slice of paradise, sure to mend more than a wound. “Thanks. You did not have to give it to me. I laud your generosity.”

“Maybe I am just watching my weight in my old age. It won’t happen to you,” he glanced at the angel’s perfect proportions, her taut stomach. “Should be counting your fortunes instead of brooding over what happened. We were both blinded,” he added. “Most ironic.”

Carnaval set the slice against her marble-like lips, taking in a bite. She let out a muffled approving sound.
Surprising how the Bane of the Lion, the Angel of Ansàrra, the Crimson Comet, as well as bearer of many other names — could just sit in silence, absorbed by a slice of cake. Carnaval had always been gorgeous, stunning beyond words, but in that moment, shuffling her feet and trying to keep her wings from making too much noise, she was precious.

“It tastes great.” A pause as silence stretched between them like a taut bow. “What is going to happen to you now?”

Ibardo shrugged.

“The Amaranthines will begin an investigation on my actions. It will be most amusing seeing them chafe their teeth against that.”

“You seem confident.”

“I have confidence in the Dawn,” he replied with a smirk. “That’s the only thing anyone can be confident about. Or should be.” Carnaval agreed with a sharp nod.

“It was my fault,” she shuffled her feet on the grass, her wings crinkling behind her. “I hate it. I hate how hollow it feels. I ought to know better, I almost sent your disciple to her death, to— worse.”

“That is not true,” he pulled the pipe away. He did not want to smoke next to Carnaval anyway. “And it certainly it is not what happened.”

Carnaval pursed her lips. Her wings tinkled besides herself. She opened her mouth as if to say something, as if dancing on the edge of a confession, but that all she did was take another bite of the cake.

“Can I stay here a little longer?”

“As long as you wish,” he smiled handing her over the satchel. He did not need that apple either.


I am -itching- to use The Stilladìa more in the quest, but Carnaval is a close second. I just want her and Argia to interact, even though I know it's far too soon. Starless Night, what a conundrum.

# # # # # #

The pellets feel heavy in your hands. The weight of iron pulls them down, pushes you away as you plunge your hands deep into the pile. They feel rough and coarse.

They feel cold.

“Hnrr—” you let out a sharp gasp at the sensation. There is no heat.
There is no pain.

You look down at your wrists, buried deep into the pile of burning pellets.
You blink as your eyes prickle, as tears evaporate on your cheeks.

Grasping two handfuls of pellets, you throw them against the wall.

The peal of laughters and cheers matches the one of golden burnished light. It raises up like mourning foam raised by a sharp wind, but it’s not foam and this is not a stormy sea, this is— this is your bloom. The pellets spread in an arc, falling down on the ground around you with a showering tinkle, reminding you of ice or perhaps shattering glass.

You breathe in — the heated air feels as cool as a spring gale.

Then you close your eyes and you let faith lead you. For once, it’s a dance you know how to follow. How to lead, even.

You picture Saint Bragia in your mind’s eye, so fierce, so beautiful, so free, as you dance back and forth, grasping handfuls of pellets and throwing them against the wall, with all of your trained strength. Each throw makes another ephemeral flower bloom, golden and unique as it stretches against the night.

Salicera’s cheers and Rubida’s clapping reach you, and maybe even Soralisa’s murmured words, though hers seem to lose through the crowd’s. You step back and forth, each time grasping a new handful of pellets, and there is nothing else to think about, save for the next bloom.

When you step back from the pile, you are sweating like a horse left out in the fields for a day. Droplets of sweat fall from your nose to your lips, too thick to evaporate even as steam sifts around you. Some fall on your chest, some fall against your cameo, you can feel it press between your heaving breasts. Your back hurts. More than usual.

But your heart sings. When you open your eyes and turn to regard the others, Salicera is blushing so hard she’s redder than the wall bricks, holding both hands over her mouth in gleeful, stunned silence.

“Ah—” she stops, clears her throat. “Argia Candente! Argia from the Mar da Candéa!” She calls your name once again, raising her arms high against the night. “With the best performance ever!”


You laugh. Effortlessly easy. Everyone is smiling around you.

You had stepped into the fire, and proven yourself worthy.

“Thank you,” you whisper against your palms, bringing them to your lips. Then you raise them as well, facing the crowd. “Praise not me! Praise Saint Kishirra! Praise Saint Bragia! Praise the Sun-Birther!”

The crowd follows you, raising its multitude of voice into hymns and prayers that echo into each other. You let out a long, heavy breath, stepping out of the pile, still stumbling.

“That was incredible,” Salicera exclaims wrapping her arm around you. “I never thought— I mean, I knew you would do it, but…”

“It wasn’t me,” you wave your hand.

“It was you who faced the wall! And put your hands into the pile. At least let me praise that bravery, come on!”

You raise your eyes to the night sky. It used to bother you so much, with what it contained.

Over the glistening rivers and the planetary ring, a few gleaming points of lights shine, far brighter than the others. You don’t need to count them.

It’s six.

“It was seven when Bragia started out,” you mutter, not really sure what you are talking about.


“Nothing. Let’s… let’s go meet the others.”

They are already down to six.

Perhaps one day — to five.

>You need a warm hug. And perhaps a short shower… you quickly need the others’ help just before the bonfire.

>You spot a line of Flame-Priests performing boons with their sacred oils. Salicera is not off the hook. This will do her good.

>You are famished. The effort left you in need of something to drink and eat, and you can put something in your mouth while Salicera helps you fit back in your dress, can’t you?

>All that is good, but there is also something else…[Write-In]

another long-ass update. I am quite surprised at how much I enjoy writing this quest. I hope you liked it! See you soon with more shenanigans. Topless shenanigans? Perhaps.
Wait, some one else had one too?

And no. He can go to the men's/abominations side of the communal baths. This was just nice wholesome bonding and also some other stuff with the girls.

Caranaval isn't invited either because I don't like bald chicks.

>You need a warm hug. And perhaps a short shower… you quickly need the others’ help just before the bonfire.

I saw it in a vision...

Do places in the Holy Land have running water, btw? Or like plumbing, in general?
>Carnaval set the slice against her marble-like lips, taking in a bite. She let out a muffled approving sound.
>Surprising how the Bane of the Lion, the Angel of Ansàrra, the Crimson Comet, as well as bearer of many other names — could just sit in silence, absorbed by a slice of cake. Carnaval had always been gorgeous, stunning beyond words, but in that moment, shuffling her feet and trying to keep her wings from making too much noise, she was precious.
>You need a warm hug. And perhaps a short shower… you quickly need the others’ help just before the bonfire.
>Wait, some one else had one too?
so it wasn't you then
>And no. He can go to the men's/abominations side of the communal baths. This was just nice wholesome bonding and also some other stuff with the girls.
fat chance stilly will leave her husband behind
>Caranaval isn't invited either because I don't like bald chicks.
oh I forgot about that, but she has more than enough to compensate
>>You spot a line of Flame-Priests performing boons with their sacred oils. Salicera is not off the hook. This will do her good.
>>You are famished. The effort left you in need of something to drink and eat, and you can put something in your mouth while Salicera helps you fit back in your dress, can’t you?
>You are famished. The effort left you in need of something to drink and eat, and you can put something in your mouth while Salicera helps you fit back in your dress, can’t you?
Time for that talk.
>no bald chicks

a curse of alopecia areata upon thee anon

>running water

pretty much every house has it. the Holy Land is pretty 'advanced' in these matters. Houses in Frigéia also have plumbing, warm water and heating. The Treviri Throne, now... rough living makes for rough men.


>tallstack a cute

Carnaval is pretty cute desu. she used to be a lot cuter, but alas

maybe one day you will see her destructive side

>Stilladìa wouldn't get her husband behind

true and canonpilled


glad some anons are not leaving Salicera off the hook.

Update in a bit, I will leave say 12 more hours for voting because it's summer and we are all lazy, save your questmaster who will be wageslaving until the heat death of the universe
>a curse of alopecia areata upon thee anon

I donate to Wigs for Kids so I hope you are happy that they won't be getting my dark strawberry blond hair donations any more. The bald cancer kids curse your name.





aaand it's a tie. I have some other sudden business to take care of tonight, so I am extending the deadline 12 more hours from now to see if we get the vote needed, otherwise it's rolling time.

enjoy an alternate-history Argia from a different timeline
Just a question, can you explain some about echorists? Like stuff Argia would know? There is some info spread out in the threads but just a quick summation.
>You are famished. The effort left you in need of something to drink and eat, and you can put something in your mouth while Salicera helps you fit back in your dress, can’t you?
It is me
why are you repeating your vote ?
Also, why did you tag my post? You're not me.

I think it’s the anon whose IP changes and points out which votes are his. also, three dubs in a row? Nice

Voting closes in one hour, then I will roll
I it is, he tagged the wrong vote.
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Sure anon, thanks for asking.

>what Argia knew as a kid:

Echorists are a strange bunch. They are the most powerful group of people in the Mar da Candéa, and they live in the Isle of the Echorian, which Argia could spot from her home (at about two hundred kilometers from the coast, in our-world measurements). She would know that Echorists are ‘magical’ and that they control some kind of force, but she would not know how or why, just that Echorists are powerful, influential and mercurial people, better left alone by peasants such as she is.

>what Argia knows now:

Echorists employ some kind of Kiengir art. They are not aligned with any of the Powers of the world (Madua, Frigéia, the Throne), or at least that’s how it seems to be. They are not to be trusted, because they are allegedly in cahoots with the Stilladìa. Argia would feel a dull sense of shame from having once been subjected to the rule of the Echorian and the Great Families, even if she still loves her homeland.

>What Echorists actually are:

A corpse should be left well alone, but sometimes Kiengiri corpses have a different idea. Their souls, mangled and charred by the Epochalypse, wander in the shadows and linger around the Mar da Candéa. Sometimes, they attach themselves to a newborn baby, who over time starts to hear voices and respond to wishes and needs which are not their own. The child may also display strange abilities and skills. It’s the sign of an Echorist in the making, someone a Kiengiri hooked their remnants into, like a larva biting into the roots of a tree. Over time, the Echorian trains these people to control the Echo that’s growing inside them and that is trying desperately to feel alive again. If things go well, the Echorist and their Echo manage to reach a balance - the Echo feeds on their host’s sensations and can feel somewhat alive again, providing them with lost Kiengir magic in exchange. But with every time the Echo reaches out to reality, the balance tips a little bit into its favour, because Kiengir souls are far stronger than human ones.

Over time, almost all Echorists fall to a form of madness that takes over their bodies and minds, turning them into mangled crazy men and women, lost to the sensations of their bodies as the parasitic soul tries to control a puppet that does not answer anymore.

But, hey, it could be worse! They could have been born an Asterite.

To clarify: this form of possession is different from the one pursued by the Seven Sisters (neither Asterites nor Echorists are affiliated with them), but it follows a similar mechanism. Kiengiri souls just down’t want to let go, and since the Epochalypse, can’t pass on.

Hope that helps, anon. Thanks for asking. If you have further questions I will do my best to answer. Also remember the linked pasta at the start of the thread contains further info on major characters and factions (and it’s not like it’s littered with tiny hints about the plot)
Thanks, that clears a couple of things up for me! I was just wonder how they freaking work, mostly. And hey, any group associated with best girl Stilladia can't be all bad.

>Also remember the linked pasta at the start of the thread contains further info on major characters and factions (and it’s not like it’s littered with tiny hints about the plot)

I read it 1st thread but may do so again now that we have more context.
my pleasure anon

>best girl Stilladìa

blessed be your portfolio, anon. may your marginal returns forever be linear

>read the pasta

based. I may as well update the pasta with new info later on, and maybe put on a section on Carnaval
>blessed be your portfolio

We don't talk about that after the shit that happened Monday, kek.

But regardless, thank you for the interesting quest. OC settings that are actually good are kinda rare these days.
>To clarify: this form of possession is different from the one pursued by the Seven Sisters (neither Asterites nor Echorists are affiliated with them), but it follows a similar mechanism. Kiengiri souls just down’t want to let go, and since the Epochalypse, can’t pass on.
wait, so kinda like what happens with the elves, but soul version ?
sort of. as Elves used to be pets, sexual relief companions and toys/guinea pigs for their Kiengir masters, it's fitting they share in a similar fate.

the importance of Kishirra is paramount in this, because she showed that dying in Ansàrra's embrace is preferable to living forever.

but overall, yea, Kiengiri kinda had it coming.


that's what happens when you give your soul to shitty dealers, anon.

thank you for the praise!
>sort of. as Elves used to be pets, sexual relief companions and toys/guinea pigs for their Kiengir masters
Took me by surprise, but not that much considering this quest, kek
>took me by surprise but not that much
how so?

also, I wouldn't have minded the occasional coom update but you know blue board. maybe I'll link some lewdpasta
>how so?
well, it's not everyday you seen sexual relief companions being used in a quest, specially with dubious consent
Ah, I see. well, nothing is going on or will be *shown* in the thread itself, but it's a way to display how the origin of the Elves is shrouded in all kinds of darkness.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

rolling for tiebreak.

>going for a hug and a shower (1)
>food, drink, and clothes first (2)

either way you get to see some boobies so rejoice

>food, drink, and clothes first

quints and drinks get selected. nice.

will update when wageslavers take their eyes off me
Hello, I didn't notice I tagged your post, I was very tired after doing field work kek
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You quickly put your whole group together, Rubida and Soralisa shielding your sides while Salicera helps you walk, covering you from the many gazes still trying to find you even as new performers — penitents like you? — reach for the pile of pellets to prove their faith and their valour.

“That was the best molten spring I had ever seen!” Soralisa mutters, a grin splitting her face and making her brown eyes shine. “Perhaps the greatest I have heard since year of the Sun 1467, when Caramidio rose such a tide of sparks to cover the entire face of the Temple!”

You nod. At any other times, you would gladly listen to the brunette drone on about her little historical anecdotes. But the hunger in your stomach is a hook that’s twisting, and you need to put something in your mouth. The quick dinner they passed you during the puppet show certainly not enough.

“There’s an empty table there. How about you take her there while Soralisa and I find something to eat and drink?” Rubida points at the isolated orchard you spent time praying in before. The crowd is still mostly drawn to the bonfire and the swelling of sparkles — their cheers still find you, but they seem fainter than before, less excited. Perhaps it’s your pride speaking.

Master used to say that our body gets buried, and our pride follows seven days later.

Perhaps it’s true.

“Sure. I don’t mind,” Salicera grins, her eyes dashing for a moment to your still-exposed chest.


“I-I may need help with—”

“Relax. It’s nothing I have not seen before. You are blessed in more than one way, Argia Candente” Salicera pushes you towards the closest table and you can finally sit on a plank, which creaks under your weight. One hand reaches for your hair, making sure they are all still covered. Wonder what would have happened if you had taken off your cover — right in the middle of the feasting crowd? Would they have cheered for you? Would have they felt betrayed?

Perhaps you'll never know.

“Here, left arm first please,” Salicera draws you out of your stupor as she holds out your robe. Once again, old habits die hard, and you have not stopped daydreaming even at night.

But after such a spectacle, you feel like you have the right to.

“S-Sure,” you comply, covering your chest with your other arm, which somehow only makes Salicera grin even wider — for some reason — and she helps you put your robe back on, tying it together and fitting all the buttons. She sits on one knee in front of you, her hands fiddling with the upper part of your robe, tying it ove your chest. Salicera’s eyes linger on your cleavage — ah no, she’s looking at a button, rubbing it between her fingers.

“Funny how some things are all the same everywhere,” she mutters.

“Buttons?” You chuckle. “Are you amazed by buttons now?”

“Not exactly.” She finishes tying you up and reaches for a clean glass, a pile of them still abandoned on the table. There is a canter full of wine, which she tilts towards you.

“No, thanks. Just water.”

Your good luck keeps smiling at you and Salicera finds an untouched flagon filled with water. Clear, refreshing water.

“Ah, I needed it,” you groan. “Finally.”

“You are so sweaty,” she comments.

“Do I reek? I need a shower.”

“Perhaps it could wait for a while? We have yet to get our sacred oils painted on.”

You forgot about that. How it was supposed to be good for her too.

“Sorry, I—”

“You are excused.” She pulls a little closer, setting her hand on your arm. “I have never seen anything like that. You danced like you had become a flame yourself. Like a woman possessed.”

“I don’t know what that means. I just did what I knew would feel right.”


She purses her lips and there is a moment of silence between you. You keep looking as Salicera pours herself a glass of wine, drinking it quickly and she makes a face.

“Hmm. Ghgk. What is this stuff?”

You lean forward to take a sniff.

Agro di Puntamara. I know. It’s an acquired taste. You should try to drink it bit by bit next time.”

“Doubt there will be a next time,” Salicera grimaces and spills the wine on the ground. A little part of you, the same that still goes back to the scent of ripe grapes and dry earth, cringes at the waste of good wine.

“It’s almost time.”

“For the bonfire?”

“For our conversation.” She pats her side. “Ah, I must have left my oil vials at our stay. I will need to go to pick them up.”

“You are really eager to receive your blessings. More than I remember you being,” you point out.

“Must be thank to your little show before.”

“Don’t jest.”

“I would not,” she adds, her arm reaching for your forearm again, but this time she slowly moves it downwards until her palm grazes against your wrist. “I see how important all this is to you. It’s part of the reason why I feel like I can tell you…” she leans forward just like you did, her breath feels a bit warm against your ear, and it makes you feel a bit warmer as well. “I can tell you everything.

You turn to regard her close face. Salicera is showing that side of hers again. That vulnerable side.

She’s not just speaking about what she must tell you — it’s a question more about yourself than her.

You think. Ugh, this dance is always so confusing.

You are caught in a misstep. How should you react?

>Encourage her. After all, you already decided that she would tell you everything. You demanded her to do so. You just have to remind her.

>Let her speak her heart out a little. Is this about something different than what you decided to talk about? You want to reach that conversation with nothing to weigh between you two.

>Just reassure her you will listen to her. Now, what was that again about needing a vial or two? That’s the kind of topic you can feel safer discussing.

>A sudden thought breaches inside your mind. [Write-In.]

more fuel for the Argiacup? we will see who wins in the end. as always, thanks for playing.

it should be obvious, but this is an important vote, which may have direct consequences soon enough. think and discuss accordingly, anon.
>Let her speak her heart out a little. Is this about something different than what you decided to talk about? You want to reach that conversation with nothing to weigh between you two.

>The Kiengir made the 'what if catgirls were real?' and 'elf slave wat do?' memes reality
Truly, an advanced culture.
>Let her speak her heart out a little. Is this about something different than what you decided to talk about? You want to reach that conversation with nothing to weigh between you two.
I kinda like her design even if I never watched the show
>Let her speak her heart out a little. Is this about something different than what you decided to talk about? You want to reach that conversation with nothing to weigh between you two.
Bitches be gay and shit
>>Just reassure her you will listen to her. Now, what was that again about needing a vial or two? That’s the kind of topic you can feel safer discussing.
>Let her speak her heart out a little. Is this about something different than what you decided to talk about? You want to reach that conversation with nothing to weigh between you two.
>Encourage her. After all, you already decided that she would tell you everything. You demanded her to do so. You just have to remind her.
>>Let her speak her heart out a little. Is this about something different than what you decided to talk about? You want to reach that conversation with nothing to weigh between you two.
It's not for everyone, but if you enjoy stories about soft-hearted friends fighting evil together, including some friends that are (as Scott Pilgrim would say) in lesbians with one another, it's pretty good. The theme song is unironically and without caveat quite kickass, and sort of fitting for the vibes of this quest.

Woops, meant >>6078698 to be for (You)
Not saying I don't like the song, it is catchy, but yeah that is pretty lesbians.
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vials, now!

clear majority. writing starts in a bit.

Ah, she-ra. my thoughts on the series would be a bit OT, but I suppose it was a thing that happened. the theme song is nice, though, even if I prefer the ED.

>sort of fitting with the vibes of the quest

kek. that's nice to hear anon. let's see how this thing evolves, though. I wonder if Catra is our story's Salicera deciding who has the cutest butt would be a hard call.
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I did tell last vote was important, wasn't it?

of course the most important update of the whole second thread comes on a Sunday night. because we just like to suffer, here.

# # # # # #

Alright. You have seen Rubida push through this long enough. it’s not like you haven’t learned a lesson or two.

“If there is anything that would put you in jeopardy, I need to know it,” you state, allowing hand to linger against your wrist. You reach out and hold it, feeling the rough texture of her skin. Calluses, scratches — it’s so different from Rubida’s, and now it’s so different from poor Soralisa’s.

It reminds you so much of your own, though.

“When you say — everything — what do you mean?” You press. Salicera keeps looking straight into your eyes. “Did something happen while I was stunned? I feel like I’ve been coming out of my cage, but I need to know you are fine! You disappeared, Salicera, I saw… I saw you shatter like a piece of glass! Starless Night, and now— now you…”
“It hurt,” she whispers, her gaze falling into her lap. “It was like being stabbed by knives.” her thumb presses against your palm. You let it, even if it makes you feel — weird — your stomach starting to clench in ways you had yet to experience before. Salicera is so close, closer than she used to be even during your bath in the Temple, in a way.

“I could only ever count on myself,” she continues. “I know what you are going to say, that that’s not true. And I do agree, it would be foolish to deny Ansàrra’s greatness after I saw it with my own eyes. Shine through you. But—” she bites her lip. “This is related to that thing I need to tell you. So I can’t tell you everything right now. Just that I admire you. I admire your courage. There is something in you, Argia… not just steel, there is a kind of… I don’t know how to say it,” she stumbles upon words as her other hand reaches for you cheek. It feels warm and you jolt. You are not used to such extended touching.

Struggling, sparring, fighting — but this is different. Even Rubida’s hands felt detached, reminding you of the hands of an artisan. This is different.

It’s like Salicera is trying to reach for something inside you. You squirm as your stomach clenches — perhaps she is indeed reaching.

“A terrifying kindness,” she says. “It makes me so afraid for you. Of you, almost.”

“I’m n—”

“You are not good with words, remember?” Salicera’s hand shifts to cover your mouth, her fingers brushing against your lips, a touch just as tender as the Flame Priest’s on a candle. “So do not speak—”

She leans forward, her face tilting slightly, her brown and grey eyes growing larger and larger— they become the only thing you see as Salicera withdraws her hand and presses her lips gently against yours.

It’s a chaste thing.

It would be if your heart did not thunder in your chest.

If your head did not rush with your blood.

You feel like a slab of wax — one that’s melting from the inside. Your throat is so tight. What should you do? What—

Salicera keeps looking at you. A flash of mirth goes through her eyes and she pulls back.

“Too much? God, you wouldn’t last one day in college.”


“— eh?” You are too stunned to try and string together a meaning for her words.

“Nothing. Just more weird words from your weird friend.” She reaches for your cheek again, her gentle stroke caressing your cheek. “You are not like the others, Argia. You have a destiny, I can feel it. Destiny is calling.” Salicera strokes your cheek with all the care of a jeweller putting the final touches on his masterpiece. “You are worthy to stay at my side. Because I want it all.”

That’s a string that thrums wrong.

“Worthy? I’m… I just want to be worthy to stay at Ansàrra’s service. You are a wondrous skirmisher, I have no trouble admitting it, but that’s that. I have my family to think about, and Master—”

“You will see,” she purrs, her grey eyes shining with the same kind of confidence you have always seen in her, but now compressed, heated and darkened, like an ember that comes back to life at the bottom of a furnace. “Everyone will see.”

You grasp her hand, a worry unlike any other stabbing your heart. You press your cameo against it.

No reaction.

Bemused, Salicera looks at you, shaking her head in confusion.

“Are you giving it to me?”

“N-No. Sorry. No, I—” you pull her into a hug. So strong you can feel her back muscles tense like ropes against your arms. You are strong as well — not nearly as strong as a genius — but you want to pin her to this moment, to your twinned breaths, to the echoes of your hearts throbbing between you. “Don’t forget what you are. You will be a Knight. You will be a servant[/i.].”

She pulls back, mirth making her laughter echo with a thousand silvery bells.

“Oh, Argia, you don’t get it.” She puts a chaste, affectionate kiss on your forehead. “You worrywart. Of course I am going to be a Knight.” Salicera lets out a long, rolling breath, leaning back as if releasing something she held hidden for far too long, for years, even, a whisper she’s making you a part of. “The best Knight ever.”


# # # # # #

The Stilladìa tilts her head, the flowing souls between her black horns wavering for an instant, a collection of pearls caught in the ripples of a gale.

“You felt something,” her husband points out, flowing into the night sea with his body darker than the black waves, framing her small pale body with his own. Together like this, it’s almost as if she is turning into the sea itself, the darkness of the waves and the reflection of the ring. “Another one ripe for the picking?”

“Maybe not yet. Just a ripple of desire. Ah—” the Stilladìa licks her platinum lips, her crimson eyes casting a faint glow on her nose, white pupils burning like the Star of Morn that’s her namesake. “That naked ambition. It never gets old. We will see if the soul is worth anything.”

“Will you go check on it?”

She shrugs.“Maybe later. I’m still on vacation.” She tilts her head back, closes her eyes and puckers her lips. “Kiss for the busy wife?”

Helias happily obliges.


# # # # # #

You keep feeling your lips for what seems like hours.

Salicera has long left to get her vials. It’s not a long walk back to your lodgings, but it gives you time to worry.
And yet— you pressed your cameo straight against her skin. If Salicera was harbouring anything, if she was—

She would have felt it.

I have been watching you for a long time, you reply the last words she said as she left, just minutes ago. But the last few days completely exceeded my expectations. You keep surprising me, Argia..

Instead she just held you and told you how important you are to her. And she—

Oh, by all the circling layers of light — she kissed you.
Now, you are not a kid. You know what a kiss is. What is supposed to mean and to do.
You are certain it was not enough to get your pregnant.

Fairly certain.
Perhaps you should check with Rubida.

It was brief — but it was — it was, it felt…

“Like flying.” Your tender lips tug into a senseless smile. You can’t really stop.
Perhaps you don’t even want to.


You can put all your worries into an ugly iron box and fly — just for a bit, just for a while, on the wings of your elation for proving your worth with the molten spring ceremony. And someone likes you so much she put a — brief, chaste — kiss on you.
That’s important. You are important to someone.
Not just because you are his daughter, or his disciple, or devotee.
You are important.
Important to Salicera? Maybe that does not really matter — you don’t feel like it may change if it wasn’t her, but — she showed it to you. She was the first.

You just stopped one of the Seven Sisters!
You deserve to be happy.

It’s been far too long, really.

You are important to someone.
To Salicera. Which is a good thing.
You are sure.
It feels so terribly easy to be sure.
Does she feel like this all the time?

Chuckling, you lay your head on the table and look up, at the planetary ring that shines so bright. Ahead, Rubida and Soralisa are coming back with enough food and drink to sate an army, but you don’t stand up and reach out to them just yet—

If Saint Kishirra had her moment of selfishness, this is yours.
>You let Rubida and Soralisa sit next to you, trying not to look too happy, but Rubida can’t be fooled for long, so get ready to answer questions. Oh, and you should maybe make sure you are not pregnant.

>No, wait. You can’t just let her walk back on her own. Something could— yes, something could happen. You stand up and decide to briefly excuse yourself and run after Salicera, still dressed in your festival robes.

>Your moment of bliss is short-lived though. No matter how much you would like to enjoy it, something still does not sit with you about what just happened. Yes, it did feel good to be so important for someone, but… you need counsel. Perhaps you should go find Master, wherever he is.

>You are so excited! But between all your thoughts, something strikes you… [Write-In]

well, that was a lot to unpack, there. really enjoyed writing this update even after 3000 more words for another project, and on top of 8 working hours. who would have thought I might enjoy this section to the Vietnamese basketweaving forum so much? perhaps I am truly blessed. oh, and one specific line in this update contains the keys to the last 600 years of events for the setting, have fun finding which one. as always: thanks a lot for playing.
>I’ve been coming out of my cage, but I need to know you are fine!
I'm Knight-in-Training Briiiightsiiiide

>Your moment of bliss is short-lived though. No matter how much you would like to enjoy it, something still does not sit with you about what just happened. Yes, it did feel good to be so important for someone, but… you need counsel. Perhaps you should go find Master, wherever he is.
Time for The Talk.
>>You let Rubida and Soralisa sit next to you, trying not to look too happy, but Rubida can’t be fooled for long, so get ready to answer questions. Oh, and you should maybe make sure you are not pregnant.
>You let Rubida and Soralisa sit next to you, trying not to look too happy, but Rubida can’t be fooled for long, so get ready to answer questions. Oh, and you should maybe make sure you are not pregnant.

Cute. But I am not down for the isekai. I want Rubi. Maybe Sora. Maybe both. Sally is an overly ambitious slag with an inflated ego.
We (and Ansàrra, peace be upon her) can fix her.
>“Maybe not yet. Just a ripple of desire. Ah—” the Stilladìa licks her platinum lips, her crimson eyes casting a faint glow on her nose, white pupils burning like the Star of Morn that’s her namesake. “That naked ambition. It never gets old. We will see if the soul is worth anything.”

I think this might be the line. All the BS of the last 600 years has been caused by isekais and Stilly always finds them and convinces them to sell their souls for more power or whatever.

>“You are not like the others, Argia. You have a destiny, I can feel it. Destiny is calling.” Salicera strokes your cheek with all the care of a jeweller putting the final touches on his masterpiece. “You are worthy to stay at my side. Because I want it all.”
>“Maybe not yet. Just a ripple of desire. Ah—” the Stilladìa licks her platinum lips, her crimson eyes casting a faint glow on her nose, white pupils burning like the Star of Morn that’s her namesake. “That naked ambition. It never gets old. We will see if the soul is worth anything.”
both of those seem like key, but I'm going with Sally's line. Considering what we knew and this confirmation of her holding the cameo unnafected, I think she's a natural stilly. that is to say, she an affinity with the adversary due to her pride ,and perhaps her isekai has something to do with this as well, and while she made no deals with her she's alligned with the silver board in a way.
>You let Rubida and Soralisa sit next to you, trying not to look too happy, but Rubida can’t be fooled for long, so get ready to answer questions. Oh, and you should maybe make sure you are not pregnant.
>Your moment of bliss is short-lived though. No matter how much you would like to enjoy it, something still does not sit with you about what just happened. Yes, it did feel good to be so important for someone, but… you need counsel. Perhaps you should go find Master, wherever he is.
>>You let Rubida and Soralisa sit next to you, trying not to look too happy, but Rubida can’t be fooled for long, so get ready to answer questions. Oh, and you should maybe make sure you are not pregnant.
>that lyric

kek, anon. you got close to the point of the entire update, good job





for the time it seems there is a majority for speaking with your friends about what happened. update will come a little late (life is being a bitch right now), so I'm giving say 12 more hours for voting.

>Sally bad

anon, you can't speak ill of the protag, it's against the rules!


>all this BS about reincarnation

close! it certainly is an important aspect, you may see more of how it works later on

>aligned with the silver board

I like that expression. wonder what the Stilladìa may think of Salicera's soul. wonder if her abilities are worth the effort...

all in all great speculation. I did not expect any anon to find the correct line (it's pretty obscure),but you did focus on very important points of the plot/WB - we will touch on them later on.

in the meantime, have more Asterite!Argia from this wondrous Chinese artist must resist... the urge... to start... alternate quest...
adding this to the tally. sorry, did not refresh the page in time. thanks for voting anon.
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Rubida and Soralisa sit next to you, carrying trays of food. Soralisa helps a bit, she embraces a small canter of water.

“It’s all she allowed me to do,” she mutters, clearly unhappy she wasn’t able to help more.

“You did great. Like always,” you reply, hugging her. “Like always. I’m so glad you are all here with me. This is a great night. I wasn’t having so much fun since the last time Master brought me to hunt the armoured boars.”

Soralisa’s mouth opens in a O of delight.

“He did? I heard they have been hunt to extinction in the lands of the Throne! You must tell me everything, I need to put down sketches… notes…”

“You would be better to let your arms rest, lest you truly want to lose them,” Rubida shots her one of her looks as she sets a large slice of cheese and a handful of figs straight into your arms. “There. A Knight’s breakfast, served for dinner. You can’t ask for better, and i hope you won’t because that’s all was left.”

You nod, always thankful for Rubida’s care, and bit into one of the sweet figs, noticing how for all the quantity of food they carried, most of it is just bread, nuts, cheese and fruit.
Still good.

“Thanks.” You clean your lips with a tall glass of water, and as you press your tongue against them, the act reminds you of what—

Of what just happened.

“R-Rubida,” you ask, lowering your mouth to a whisper.
“This is uh— this is just something that came up to me as a question, it’s pure uh… academic curiosity.”

One of her dark eyebrows quirks.

You know that you are the farthest thing from academic curiosity this side of the Bitter Sea.

“But uh— can you g-get, you know… you know, with a… a kiss, can you…”

“Oh, Starless Night,” she covers her mouth with her hand. “You— you didn’t use protection? Not even a towel?”

“I—” your stomach twists.

It’s another of her skits. She’s pulling your leg.

She is, isn’t she?

“I’m sorry Argia,” she gravelly pats your hand. “I’m afraid you are carrying twins by now.”

“That’s impossible, stop teasing her,” Soralisa chimes in, carefully picking up a fig of her own. Rubida hesitates, but she shakes her brown head. “I want to do as much exercise as I need. Argia, you don’t get pregnant with a kiss.”

“Tell her how you do, then,” Rubida prods. “Tell her all the details, come on.”

“But that would make her even more embarrassed!”


"And that's the point, you dolt! Oh, you two. You two will be… the death of me.” She glances at you. “Especially you, Candente. Besides, that dress looks far too good for someone who almost burned it to a cinder.”

“S-Sorry! I tried to pay attention.” You turn towards Soralisa. “So, it’s true, isn’t it? No uh— consequences from this?”
“None concerning your health.”

“I hope there’s none concerning our little group either,” Rubida sighs. “We have just become friends, the four of us. The last thing I need is more trouble from the hurtful side of the heart, if you understand what I am saying.”

You don’t, not really, but maybe—

“I don’t think much is going to change,” you shake your head, taking another tall drink of water. “It’s just that I am important to someone.”

“And that’s the reason why you are beaming? Just that?”

“Shouldn’t I be happy?”

“I’m not saying that,” Rubida sets her head on the table, looking at you. “It’s just that I am a bit worried about the fact you are happy about feeling beloved — and less concerned about the person who made you happy.”


# # # # # #

Salicera Fors shuts the doors behind herself, still grinning from ear to ear.
She has done it.
She took the bull by the horns and she—
Yes, it was the right thing to do. Her heart roars in her chest, thumping so fast that it feels like it may stop in joy.

“I did it,” she holds her face in her hands, still grinning, her voice weak. “I did it! Finally— she— she loves me!”

Salicera lets out a long laughter, rolling out of her heart like water off a spring, like the fat tears out of her eyes, which she does not even bother to dry. They are for her.

She finally, finally! found someone in this wretched backwater world that she can share her destiny with. Argia holds a light inside her that nobody else has.

That frightful kindness of hers — it had seemed to her far too fragile to even speak of it.

A castle of cards that would be undone by the slightest breeze.
So she had waited, until Salicera was sure, sure beyond any doubt, that Argia was not like the others.

“Not an NPC at all,” she sighs. “Fucking finally. Of god. Finally. Yes. Oh god. She tastes so good. Oh god. We are going places together.”

That terrifying kindness. All for her, from now on.

Haste is such a poor advisor. says a disembodied voice straight into her brain. She stops smiling. The voice is smooth, and almost sweet, but it reminds her of a jar of honey mixed with powdered glass. You ought to learn from your betters.

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“I know what I saw,” Salicera replies, scoffing. She wouldn’t allow her good mood stained by this. “Besides, you have been talking — talking — talking ever since the Well. And remind me which one of the things you said turned out to be true so far? Hm? Can you even name a single thing?”
Of course.
She reaches for the inside pocket of her blouse, producing a series of empty crystal vials. Only one is still filled with sacred oils.
She raises it level with her eyes, the faint golden glow of the enchanted serum bathing her face in the darkness of her house. Something writhes inside the vial. It looks like a grey worm made of many others, a braid of pulsating strands, smooth as silk, coiling around itself in slow, languid pulses of movements, like a jellyfish in a placid sea.
The oil does not like it. The surface of its body is covered with tiny bubbles where the sacred liquid is trying to burn it alive, like peroxide would with an open wound back on Earth.

She’s almost out of vials.

Luckily, she stocked up on empty ones.

“You’re lucky I agreed to give you one month,” Salicera chuckles, putting the vial with the worm back into her blouse. “You and your Mistress.”

Salicera is back into the darkness, barely tinged by the silver glow coming from outside.

“God, I miss the moon. Couldn’t they send me into a normal world? One with a fucking moon?”

She’s not even sure who ‘they’ are.

Whoever or whatever sent her here when—

“But another world wouldn’t have Argia Candente,” she says, stopping her mind from lingering on bad memories. “I suppose it’s worth something. Especially now. It’s finally over. We are going places together… just you wait, Argia. Just you wait.”

Salicera grins in the darkness as she fills her pockets with the empty vials she stored inside her drawer. The glass tinkles against empty glass, almost loud enough to cover the silky whisper that graces the inside of her ear:

You will discover the Night is the greatest of teachers.
# # # # # #

You are finally full. Six figs, three slices of bread and cheese, two apples and a handful of grapes later, you are full.

“Thank you so much. I was starving.”

“And now you are an idiot with a full belly. My finest work,” Rubida comments, wrapping her shawl around Soralisa’s shoulders. The night is warm, but her skin makes her feel colder than usual and she started to shiver — she tried to hide it of course.

You look at her drape the fabric with care. You ought to give her Master’s coat, the one wrapped around your head. It will keep her far warmer.

But then everyone would know— would know what you really are.
Besides, Soralisa seems content enough with Rubida’s shawl.
You rub your hands. The high from before has left room to a feeling of emptiness. Rubida rained on your parade quickly enough.
But that’s how the world worked. You learned that lesson even before Master.

Small moments of joy between long stretches of darkness.
To your right, up over the treeline, the first flames of the bonfire are starting to rise to flay at the night.

“It’s almost time for the bonfire,” Soralisa points out. “When is Salicera coming back?”

>You three should wait for her there, after all it’s where she is supposed to come back

>Rubida’s words worried you. You’d rather go meet her halfway

>The bonfire is starting, and you should attend. Salicera will know where to find you

>You remember spotting a few Flame Priests ordaining volunteers with sacred oils. Perhaps you can investigate? Salicera did say she needed new vials…

>Another suggestion strikes your heart [Write-In]

this is one of those updates I figures out since the start, terrified by the fear we might never reach it due to a wrong roll or some other thing. thankfully I was able to write it. beware of stomach aches, anon, and thanks for playing.
>You remember spotting a few Flame Priests ordaining volunteers with sacred oils. Perhaps you can investigate? Salicera did say she needed new vials…

Holy shit. Yeah... Sally is nuts. I mean unstable women are hotter but I worry. I am very worried that if we reject her we now have a yandere isekai with a tiny piece of one of the Sisters. Bish is nuts.
>>The bonfire is starting, and you should attend. Salicera will know where to find you
>She raises it level with her eyes, the faint golden glow of the enchanted serum bathing her face in the darkness of her house. Something writhes inside the vial. It looks like a grey worm made of many others, a braid of pulsating strands, smooth as silk, coiling around itself in slow, languid pulses of movements, like a jellyfish in a placid sea.

>“You’re lucky I agreed to give you one month,” Salicera chuckles, putting the vial with the worm back into her blouse. “You and your Mistress.”
Man I really wasn't seeing this coming. What even was(were) the hint(s) for this ? welp, at least it explains why the cameo didn't affect her, since it's clear that even if the oil is containing the sister worm down, it's not doing much damage to her.
>You remember spotting a few Flame Priests ordaining volunteers with sacred oils. Perhaps you can investigate? Salicera did say she needed new vials…
anon, you can't fix her
>You remember spotting a few Flame Priests ordaining volunteers with sacred oils. Perhaps you can investigate? Salicera did say she needed new vials…
Sally, nooo! :( Well, we'll get this sorted.

So far we'e seen the inner worlds of a bunch of people, so I don't think "NPCs" as she conceives them exist. Or, moe accurately, they're all NPCs including Salicera, except Argia who is directed by US... But that's a step too meta for me. if we can demonstrate their reality, that might be the firsts tep to her redemption. You know, like the Digimon Emperor in Adventure 02!
I dont want to fix her, I want Rubi and Sora. And Stilly.
that's a dude
Don't think it is but if so, guess I am a faggot.
>The bonfire is starting, and you should attend. Salicera will know where to find you
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flame priests to the rescue


go to the bonfire

>yandere isekai

kek, that might be a headache indeed

there were a couple hints (such as Salicera rummaging with her belongings as she carried you away from the well) but you were not supposed to get them anyway.

>the cameo didn't affect her

it did not affect Salicera because she is not corrupted. The worm is safely contained for the time being. Both you and Salicera had the right ideas for your respective problems.

this remains to be seen

>we'll get this sorted

one of the interesting things about writing a quest is how easily can players upend your plans, so it's really up to you anon. do your best!

Stilladìa fanbase growing I see. line goes up.

leaving a few more hours for voting. thanks for playing anon.
>Stilladìa fanbase growing I see. line goes up.
When my stocks recover, I tell her I love her
When my stocks go down, Stilly gets a frown
Based. I thankfully have recovered some from 'Black Monday'. Silly Stilly blessed.
>The bonfire is starting, and you should attend. Salicera will know where to find you
this brings us to a tie with the Fire Priests option. 5 more hours for voting, then I roll for tiebreak
>The bonfire is starting, and you should attend. Salicera will know where to find you
Tie breaker
>5 more hours for voting
>>6080362 is me, and I'll change to
>The bonfire is starting, and you should attend. Salicera will know where to find you
as well, to expedite things.

Still would.
nigga, there's already a tie breakers, no need to turn coat
>>The bonfire is starting, and you should attend. Salicera will know where to find you

thanks for the votes anon. update as soon as wage slavers stop breathing down my neck
Cute pic. I have been on an AI image binge, might try to make an Argia this weekend.

I have a bit of time rn so I will be writing. updating...
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"I do not know," you reply. "She just said she was going to pick up some empty vials, ought to be back by now."

"She is always on time," Soralisa agrees, her eyes do not. She keeps trying to peek past the cover of trees at the burning pillar of the growing bonfire. They would be waiting for the three -- four -- of you. Waiting for Soralisa to find you would be the right thing to do -- maybe. But Soralisa's eyes keep pleading to watch the bonfire.

"Let's go," you say, helping Soralisa to stand up again. "Let's go watch the bonfire together."
"But you said-" she protests and you wave your hand to reassure her. Is this how the others feel when you doubt yourself? It's a strange sensation doing it for someone else.

"I am sure Salicera will have no trouble finding us. Besides, the vials can wait, the fire cannot."

Rubida smirks as she helps you pull Soralisa away from the table. Your friend glances at both of you and blushes faintly, barely visible at the light of the fiers. Maybe Salicera would be able to see it clearly, with her better night sight.

"Thank you. I did not want to be troublesome, but this bonfire, it's a tradition that goes back all the way to the times of Saint Kishirra, it's a unique chance for us to see it, to take part in it!"

You nod ather eagerness. It feels contagious. You pass by the lines of Priests of Flame giving out cups of burning oil and hallowed candles, or applying sacred seals on the backs of postulants. This is the place where you and Salicera will come together at the end of the ceremony.

Just to make your heart feel a bit more steady-- just to make sure.

After that kiss, you feel a little more confident. Your friendship with Salicera will overcome this trial yet. Each step feels a bit springier as you three reach the edge of the crowd again. You are a bit far away from the roaring bonfire, a pillar of golden flames reaching higher than the trees and the towers, a permanent coment that chases the night away. Air smells like resin and burning wood, but it also smells of grapes and dry earth.

Ansàrra is here.

"Look! They already started!"

Soralisa weakly raises one of her arms, pointing at the stage in front of which you performed the molten spring. You can still feel the protection over your skin, shielding you from the heat, as you shift your eyes to look at the two women dancing back and forth. One of them is a shorter brunette wearing a paper dress, which due to some miraculous intervention has yet to catch flame. The other is a taller and gorgeous woman, her long blonde hair reaching the small of her back. She got her skin darkened with some applied foundation and her ears have been lengthened by some other trick.

With her clear ice blue eyes, she is a fitting image for Kishirra, even though her weapon is just made of obsidian and not blindglass. But even like this, she is breath-taking in her ceramic armour, the plates representing tetracerarmide, just like the one on the edge of your sword.

The two women speak to the crowd, to each other, walk away, then join once more, in an elaborated dance that makes you wonder how distant this place's tradition actually is from the truth. Kishirra never took a companion. She had her wish granted and nowhere in the scriptures and traditions was even the hint of anything like this.

Weird of Master seemed to accept it so casually, endorse it even.

Makes you think of the details on your cameo...

But however it may be, the crowd keeps you at a good distance from the bonfire. You will have to look at the ceremony from afar.

Unless both you and Rubida share a look as Soralisa keeps trying to crane her neck to get a better look. Almost nobody in the crowd has noticed you three, so if you keep a low profile, you may pass through this as silent and unnoticed as a contraband dinghy in the ports of Frigéia, and you wouldn’t have to expose yourself to the scrutiny of Maduans.
On the other hand, Soralisa would not be as happy as she could.


Rubida grins – she sees the decision coming through on your face, and she does look proud.
You clear your throat.

Nobody in the crowd hears you. They are all holding onto their flowers to throw into the bonfire.
Alright. You put down an incarnation of the Sisters. You has Ansàrra personally intercede for you.
You proved yourself worthy in the molten spring.

You just got kissed.

“Excuse me,” you cup your hands around you mouth as you shout, “I am the trainee Knight from Candéa, our friend wants to see the ceremony! Can you let us pass?”

The kid sitting on his father shoulders turns to regard you, a large daisy dangling in his hands.
“Father! It’s the beautiful lady from before!”

“The prodigy from Candéa?” His green eyes lit up and he raises his voice to get himself heard over the music and the murmurs. “Please! Come this way! Folks, stand back, the Knights are passing! Give way for the Knights!” He starts to push others and like sand down a drain the crowd thins and spreads, giving your three more than enough room to walk, even if you feel the heat from the fire much more strongly this way… or perhaps it’s just your cheeks.

“The Knights are passing!”

“It’s the lady with the precious robes from Candéa! A foreigner has joined the Faith?”

“Look at her companion, her black hair… is she Kiengir?”

Rubida puffs her chest out and runs a hand through her smooth mane as you walk closer and closer, the light getting warmer. Soralisa gives you a shy look.

“You two are always getting in trouble for me…”

“I could say the same,” you reply shaking your head. “You followed me to the end of the world and back. This is… uh…” you put your hand against your cameo, trying to gather your strength. All those eyes gathering towards you. Oh, Starless Night. You could faint at any moment. “This is nothing. Seriously nothing…”

You only wonder, as you push closer to the stage, how long it will take for Salicera to join you.

>Roll 1d100, Bo6. The results will determine how long it takes for Salicera to find you and join you.
>It goes without saying that the longer it takes, the longer she may have to listen to certain whispering voices…

Sorry for the slower updates these days. I think it will be like this for a while, we are reaching level of crazy at work you wouldn’t believe, and with everything else I can’t be as consistent as before. I hope we can go back to proper scheduling in September. As always, thanks for playing… it’s great to see the engagement to this silly quest, especially when we are dealing with such pleasant times when everything goes right. Will we always be so blessed?
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Let the intrusive thoughts win Sally!
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Our girl is growing. Can't wait for her to found out how Sally survived that encounter.
no worries OP
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Don't worry about it. One uodate a day is typical on /qst/. You're doing a great job, QM.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 68 (1d100)

nat100 incoming
nice double
Rolled 60 (1d100)

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not bad anon

>can't wait for her to find out

oooh boi, the drama

update coming up in a few hours if the gods of time serve
Damn. 1 off from the sex number.
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The ceremony continues into the wee hours of the night, with the two performer women playing out another part of the story of Kishirra you did not know. You feel moderately sick at the idea of watching more heretic representation, though. But the music is nice and the actresses do look incredible in their costumes, especially the one playing the Elf.

For a moment you feel like you could be back on the shoreside hills of your homeland, spotting a tall dark-skinned figure in prayer, her golden tresses flowing in the eventide wind…

And that tangy smell of grapes ever-present.

One day you will go back to your home. You will let silver flow through your fingers for just once in your life, buying it back from those who stole it. Better yet, you will find them and you will cut their profit margins by the white edge of your sword.

But you will reclaim what was yours — with your family now safe in the Holy Land.
So caught in these thoughts, you almost miss Soralisa’s gasp as she cups her hands around her mouth in surprise. Her brow eyes widen so much she looks like a doe caught in torch-light as she watches white and blue ribbons flow about the performer who plays the reedsmith, the so-called… companion.

She dances about them as they try to flow around her body, as if attempting to ensnare her, to tie around her wrists and her svelte ankles as the bonfire behind her roars and rages, caught in her hair like flowing gold.

“Do those mean anything?” You whisper in Soralisa’s ear. Rubida sharply nods. She has understood what had Soralisa so excited about the companion.

“It’s tradition in plays — these ribbons represents ties to the outer spheres! It means that Kishirra’s companion and lover was… a Strander.”


“A Strander? Where?” Salicera sprouts between you three, as sudden as another pop of the flames. “Is there someone I have to catch upon my sword?”

“Salicera? You made it!” Soralisa beams at the skirmisher. “Did you get caught up in the crowd?”

“A little bit. I expected you would stay on the outskirts.”

“We, uh…” you intervene, tilting your head towards Salicera, “we wanted to give Soralisa a better vantage point.”

“Good thinking. Argia, are you becoming more assertive? I better guard my pie slices in the future.”

“D-Don’t be silly, I would never—” you try to protest which makes her laugh. You give her a glance as well. She seems fine. Completely at ease amidst the four of you.

You feel a bout of bitter shame sprout from your stomach at the thought you actually doubted her for a second. What did possess you to even try and set your cameo against her skin? There is no chance she would harbour anything dangerous. Maybe tomorrow you would go to the Temple of Flame and meditate a little, purify yourself from these dark thoughts.

— Bright thoughts, bright words, bright deeds — you make these words echo into you mind once again.

“So is there something onstage? You are far too engrossed in this,” she pushes on, wrapping her arm around Soralisa.

“It’s those ribbons! See? The white and blue are a sign used for outer-borne. It means that Kishirra’s companion did live a different life before the one that brought her here. A Strander from the external existences!”

“Really,” Salicera’s eyes widen. “Not something your hear every day. So is that why you think Kishirra chose her as her companion?”

“What do you mean?” You ask, curious about her inquiry.


“Well, Stranders are known for, how would you put it?” She turns towards her fellow brunette. “Strange powers? Abilities, skills… whatever you may call them.”

“It’s the upper air in the higher strata,” Soralisa explains, nodding fast, “they get caught up in it and their soul absorbs it as it crashes.”

“Air, of course.” Soralisa snaps her fingers as the two dancers keep their singing and ballet in front of the fire. “Makes complete sense.” A pause as she feels your gaze upon her. “Hey, don’t look at me that way. I got checked.”

“No, I was talking about something else. I don’t think she would have chosen her for that reason,” you intervene.

“How so? She would have wanted someone of her stature next to her, don’t you think?”

“Kishirra was wise above everything else. I don’t believe she may have given the same value to the same qualities. Who knows how the mind of the Elves work? But I seem to know this one at least. If she really was her… her lover, as heretical as the thought sounds, I believe she may have done so out of—” silence follows. You do not really have an answer about that.

“Out of what?”

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“Nevermind,” you pull your hood a little tighter. “I just know it was nothing about abilities.” Something in your heart refuses to accept the notion.

Salicera just shrugs.

“Whatever. If you see a Strander turn me that way. I’m eager to show them natives are better,” she grins.

“As confident as always,” Rubida chuckles. “We wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The dancers finally complete their dance, holding hands and bowing to the crowd as their performance completes with golden ribbons flowing around them both. The crowd raises and waves hands, hollering hymns and clapping hands. You four follow suit. Wonder where Master is. He could have enjoyed the same sight as you…

But maybe he’s busy with some other farmer girl. Last time you went to check on him was more than enough for your poor scarred mind (you felt like you have learned far too many things you tried to forget).

The crowd presses around you and then someone starts to cry out loud:

“Let the Knights onstage!”

“What Knights? I thought those were performers?”

“Yes, let them touch the flames! The Candéan could!”

“On stage! On stage!”

“On stage! Knights on stage!”

“Brown-haired maiden, marry me!”

You look around as the Maduans try to push you four towards the stage. Salicera immediately wraps herself protectively around Soralisa.

“Hey, back off! One of ours is still wounded!”

“Mind your distance, please,” Rubida raises her hand and the crowd slows down, but you can’t ignore the eager look in their eyes, not the excited blush on Soralisa’s face at the idea of — joining — the dancers.

On the other hand, everyone’s eyes would be trained on— on — you.

You gulp, your stomach coiling at the thought.

>You four will all go on stage. You are a group, after all.

>You allow Soralisa to go on stage, alone, the rest of you will stay down here, away from prying eyes.

>You and Soralisa go. Salicera and Rubida will check on the crowd, make sure no town boy gets a bit too eager.

>Then again, there may be a different way to do this [Write-In]

thanks for your patience. Interesting little update. As you may have noticed already, I love using dramatic irony. I sure hope someone does not choke on it. Now it’s up to you to see how well Argia deals with stage fright. Thanks for playing.
>You four will all go on stage. You are a group, after all.

So isekais are known of... interesting.
>You four will all go on stage. You are a group, after all.
>“It’s tradition in plays — these ribbons represents ties to the outer spheres! It means that Kishirra’s companion and lover was… a Strander.”
well well well
>“Really,” Salicera’s eyes widen. “Not something your hear every day. So is that why you think Kishirra chose her as her companion?”
sally having a normal one
>“Well, Stranders are known for, how would you put it?” She turns towards her fellow brunette. “Strange powers? Abilities, skills… whatever you may call them.”
>“It’s the upper air in the higher strata,” Soralisa explains, nodding fast, “they get caught up in it and their soul absorbs it as it crashes.”
that's interesting. I assume that also explains sally's higher skill, but as of now we haven't exactly seen a strange skill/power from her.

>“How so? She would have wanted someone of her stature next to her, don’t you think?”
man, why is Sally power hungry ? does it have to do with a possible way of her returning home ?
>You four will all go on stage. You are a group, after all.
birds of feather
>You four will all go on stage. You are a group, after all.
>You four will all go on stage. You are a group, after all.
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>that explains Salicera's higher skill

it sure may be. there is much about it yet to say but it may come with time

>isekais are known of

of course. far from common but it's something Soralisa would know about. news to Salicera, tho
>You four will all go on stage. You are a group, after all.

total unanimity. the people speaketh.


This is going to—

How did your grandpa, blessed be his soul, used to say?
Going to kick you in the ass harder than a mule high on figs.
Something like that.

“We will all go,” you say, trying to hold your head as high as you did when you passed through the mirror door, entering the final room in the well. “We are still a manipolo after all. Soralisa, follow me.”

Her elated face beams like a beacon, a reflection of the brightness of the fire. Her brown eyes sparkle and you feel like you are truly making her life worth living, not just allowing her to continue, after what happened when she lost control over the Sanction.

“We are all coming!” Salicera raises her hands to help pushing the crowd back. “Keep your distance, one of us is still wounded! Keep your distance!”

The second time she raises her voice and it is enough to make the crowd get the message. They part like a field of reeds in your homeland at the passage of a great gust of wind. You four walk on the grass, towards the short wooden stairs that leads you on stage, as the dancers bow and welcome you between their midst. So close — so close to them and the eyes of the townspeople, the Maduans looking at this foreigner with hidden silver hair — the white of their eyes glistening like forgotten gemstones in the bowels of the earth — and you wonder if they would still be cheering and hollering and smiling at you if they knew the scars you bear.

“Thank you,” Salicera interrupts, standing forward and holding up a hand. “For the wonderful ceremony and your welcome! We came flying out of the snapping jaws of the night, and we find the warmth of the Holy Land to embrace us!” She points her finger at Soralisa, who timidly tries to look away, even as she keeps reaching for the golden flames, playing harmlessly with her blackened skin. “Remember our names!”

The crowd replies with a cheer. The dancers bow again, but it feels like it’s to Salicera’s boast and not to the townspeople. Your heart pulsates in your throat. You feel like a thief, a burglar, stealing the spot on the stage from someone more deserving.

“Soralisa da Zaribari, future Sunwell Knight!”

The crowd cheers even louder, and you notice especially many young men raising their hands and clapping.

You have a feeling you understand why.


do holy prostitutes sell their bath water? is that how Madua keeps financially stable? truly this quest is a marvel of world building. you better appreciate, anon
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“Zaribari! My grandfather was from there!”

“Priestess of the Sunwell! We are going to find her for a blessing, no matter where she ends up!”

“Marry me, please! I own land and pigs!”

“A cheer for the beautiful brunette!”

Soralisa disappears in the flame of her blush.

“And another future Sunwell Knight, Rubida dell’Obertengo!”

Rubida seems to take this much better than Soralisa, and the reaction is much more subdued, as well. The crowd hollers and cheers, but they mostly share looks —

“Dell’Obertengo! A family from the Hallowed Mile, here?”

“Marry me! I will give my land and pigs to the poor!”

“A cheer for the stunning Kiengir lady!”

At the last words Rubida runs a hand through her long black hair, entirely too pleased.
This is still part of the lie — the lie she confided you with — and seeing her go back to her usual character feels comforting in a way.

How many times did she have to play that character? Wonder which one of the Rubida you know is the one that’s most real.

Maybe the one who confided in you and held up the light in the sheer darkness of the mirror hall, all alone. A heart of a lion. You find yourself clapping in tune to the crowd.

“And let’s not forget the best skirmisher of the modern age!” She grins from ear to ear, rising both hands now, “That’s me! Salicera Fors! From the humblest origins, foundling on the edge of the forest, to a future Knight!” She balls one of her fists, excited. “Knight of the Order of Saint Bragia! Just wait and see!”

You heart scratches against your throat — that means it’s only who’s missing. Only you. How will she introduce you? You feel the moments separating you from that instant like cold sweat running down your spine. Why can’t you be facing an armoured boar?Ah, at least Soralisa is happy, running her hands through the golden flames, as excited and as oblivious as a kid.

Definitely worth the price, mule or no mule, kicks of no kicks.

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You shuffle your feet, feeling as much of a kid as Soralisa, but one who was caught drinking from the canteen of fermented grape juice. The dancer dressed as Kishirra turns to regard you with her kind smile, and from here the illusion is easily broken — her makeup riven with sweats, her waxen ears droopy from the heat, her Mannish stature and build. But more than anything, she is looking at you with the same awe you reserved for the puppet show just a few hours before.

She is looking up to you just as much as you do to your own Saint.

You hope you don’t set yourself as some sort of obstacle between her and Ansàrra. You are just a servant and emissary.

But it does make your stomach feel warm and your heart reassured.
Ah, pride. Greed is worse, but only just.

“—om the shores of the Mar da Candéa!” Salicera pulls you back from your usual daydreaming, her smile as bright as the light of the bonfire. “The same young woman you saw perform such an astounding molten spring! The pupil of Master Ibardo Delebasse! Future Knight! Argia Candente!”

May Ansàrra hold you steady, the sea of faces and smiles turns towards you. Your stomach feels like you gorged yourself on spiky leaden balls, not figs and cheese.

People are looking at you. What if they can see past the mask you built for yourself?

>Roll 1d100+10, Bo6, to check how you react to the crowd’s scrutiny.

>DC 40 to avoid panicking
>DC 60 to behave like a functioning human being
>DC 80 to smile and wave, cute and cuddly (a passable performance)
>DC 100 and more to smile, show the crowd you appreciate their affection (social anxiety? what social anxiety?)
>1 roll per anon per reply — dubs and trips and whatever still apply

let's see if you can avoid spontaneous combustion after everything you did so far. If you don't, cry not: your sacrifice will be remembered. Soralisa will probably visit your tomb with her kids and they will ask grandma why she is always bringing flowers. as always, thanks for playing. approaching the thread's end...
Rolled 7 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 82 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 68 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 50 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

>But maybe he’s busy with some other farmer girl. Last time you went to check on him was more than enough for your poor scarred mind (you felt like you have learned far too many things you tried to forget).
I forgot to comment on this before, so Argia knows where babies come from, then.
man, considering how even in those there needs needs to be some form of intimacy, I supposed that they'd not sell it. You'd have to taste it there.
Also we even got a cool doot template now.
>and from here the illusion is easily broken — her makeup riven with sweats, her waxen ears droopy from the heat, her Mannish stature and build.
sis wasn't lucky, well at least it'll help her look like a bifauxnen in a shoujo
>But more than anything, she is looking at you with the same awe you reserved for the puppet show just a few hours before.
nice, we won't shit on our pants then
Rolled 96 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 43 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

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WTF anon, what do I HAVE to do to make you blush and stumble cutely on stage?

I swear
Accidental nip slip?
>Accidental nip slip?
dude, the only thing that could make something like this was the lowest level, certainly not a +100 roll
Didn't we get topless for our molten spring ceremony?
No, anon. We removed the dress but our girls remained in our bandages
Powerful bandages. Real MVP right there.
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Rolled 51 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

>do holy prostitutes sell their bath water?

So they are ancient E-girls? If they sold anything I imagine it would be sented oils scraped off the body like roman gladiators to clean themselves and moisterise the skin, used as a perfume by the ones who bought it. Girl sweat, yummy.

Wont count but fuck it.
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>third 51 in what, twelve rolls?


>girls sweat

yea -- and this is nothing next to the post-apocalyptic setting which literally ran on girl bathwater. what a time to be a writer

# # # # # #


“I—” you raise your arm, your heart beating so fast you can feel it over the roar of the flames. “I— wanted to thank this generous town for allowing us to recover.” You gulp. What else. There is something you ought to say. Something that may sound more… appropriate. What would these people want to hear from you? The sun scholar seemed to really want you there, for some reason.

You hesitate, your hand falling at your side. Throat feels constricted. Like a giant hand is squeezing it. Salicera’s eyes look for your face, and you see Rubida glancing at you, even as she maintains her algid countenance.

Master would do so much better.

But then— a change.

You go back to the vision you had just after your molten spring, and just before Salicera showed how much she cared. The vision of Saint Bragia, standing half-naked and sweaty, tanned and scarred, before the wall.

“We have passed through the dark to come here,” you continue, the words sprouting from some deep place within you. Just beneath your cameo, your chest still itches — the wound — the black ichor that for a while mixed to your blood, the taint of the Sisters—


“Through it and out.” Your breath hitches but you push through. “I come from a place of darkness.”

Your somber mood slowly spreads on the stage — murmurs cease, words fall into silence. Waving hands still. Even the flames seem to flow slower as they each follow you.

“You seem to share the love I hold for my-my homeland. It is indeed beautiful! I wish I could see the lazy waves caressed by the wind, the cypresses stand tall before the warm wind, the reeds blooming to their ripe crimson when it’s time for the harvest. But it is also dark.” Your hands slowly ball into fist. An ancient anger — the same you let Rubida peek at that afternoon — rears its black head of smoke and embers and it growls from the heated pit of your stomach. “The arms of the Adversary have grown long, and she grasped our home and our vineyard. I-I used to be a vintner. Do you want to know why I haven’t touched a drop of wine in six years?”

You take a step forward. Another. Salicera regards you with awe, and Rubida bites softly into her lip, thinking about your previous words.

“Because thieves — merchants, worms, all of them — took it from us! They tore our roots from our stem, and scattered the petals about, careless! We had to take refuge, and my family ended on the Landing Strip.”

The crowd share a few haunted looks. It’s a far-off name, the Landing Strip, even so close to the border. A thought for those who are not protected by the light of Ansàrra. Someone else’s problem.

And tonight you are the walking, pleading beacon borne of that problem.

“I have seen your beautiful town,” you raise your trembling fist. “I want my family to see it as well! I walked into the dark! Did I do it for pride? Nay! I have seen my family struggle for scraps, fight over a mangled piece of bread!” You take another step. You are almost at the edge — the see of faces cranes their necks to look at you, a thousand needle heads piercing your hide.

But you resist.

“I walked into the dark. Did I do it for glory? Nay! Glory belongs to Ansàrra!” You open your hand into the salute, three middle fingers raised, and the crowd silently responds, raising their arms as well — old and young, men and women — priests and farmers and shepherds. “If you have seen something through me, anything worthwhile at all, it’s because there was who picked me up while I was laying on the roadside.”

You close your eyes.

“I walked into the dark. Did I do it for a reward? Y-Yea.” The crowd gasps at your scandalous admission. “I— I hold the hope into my heart that when I will pass through the Trial of Fire and be named Knight, my family will join me in the Holy Land. I hold the hope… the hope we all may visit. And that is why,” you trail off, fidgeting. All these words felt like fire running through your body, but now that you are teetering on the very edge of the stage, you feel like the swimmer who has lost sight of the coastline.

Thus, you double down.

You were never one for wisdom.


“Why I want to thank you all. For allowing me on the stage. For letting me walk the ground of the Hallowed Land. For sharing with me the tale of Kishirra which—” don’t say it was heretical don’t say it was heretical don’t say it was heretical “… has been… inspiring.”

The Elf performer next to you cups her face with her hand, her eyes full of tears. She stumbles forward and her fellow actress has to help her stand.

“Thank you for having me.” You bow deeply, grateful for the strong knots Rubida sew onto your hood. Not a strand of your cursed hair pushes through. “And I hope you will have my family too.”

You stand back, each breath raking against your chest.

The crowd is silent, stunned.

Any time now they are going to claw their way on stage and—

“Candente!” Shouts a voice from way back.

“Argia Candente!” Echoes another.

“Candente! Argia Candente!”


One by one, they clap their hands and spell your name. You turn your face away, blushing furiously, shielded one by one by your companions — Salicera first, grinning from ear to ear, Rubida following, setting her hand over your shoulder.
“I never thought I might lose a popularity contest to you, wine-girl,” she whispers to your ear.


And then Soralisa as well, setting her hand against your arm, smiling so wide her eyes are full of tears.

There is no need to speak, for once. As the crowd roars your name and each repetition falls upon your ears like stormy sea upon cliffs, you try to hold onto this moment.
A moment of warmth, to go back onto for the future.

>Now that your little exhibition is over, you will walk down from the stage and watch as the townspeople throw their flowers into the bonfire.

>As the festival is about to reach its climax, it may be the best moment to find some privacy and a Priest of Flame. You still need to talk to Salicera.

>You had a bit of a suspicion Master would hide like a shadow inside a bottle of ink when it came to official celebrations, but the festival is almost over. You want to find him (and maybe bring a few of the others).

>Throughout all this, you notice the lack of a certain figure at the celebration. Astoria di Ottava Ora is nowhere to be seen. Maybe you should ask the others what they think about this.

>And of course, there is the occasional stray thought that hits you out of nowhere… (Write-In)

Anon just had to score over 100 and turn Argia into a diplomancer. It’s not exactly in tune to a character who shuffles her feet and replies ‘seagull’ when asked what’s her favourite colour, but I hope I made it work and you liked the scene. It was a fun update for sure — sometimes the dice just takes over. This time at least, it did so in a good way. Thanks for playing.
>As the festival is about to reach its climax, it may be the best moment to find some privacy and a Priest of Flame. You still need to talk to Salicera.
our girl did it, I'm so proud. Also I'm reminded that one anon really thought argia was braless during the ceremony, kek.
>>As the festival is about to reach its climax, it may be the best moment to find some privacy and a Priest of Flame. You still need to talk to Salicera.
>As the festival is about to reach its climax, it may be the best moment to find some privacy and a Priest of Flame. You still need to talk to Salicera.

She sort of just blurted out her motivations and anxieties to a crowd of people while very passionate. That's pretty in-characyer for a very earnest but socially-awkward girl trying to give a speech.

Look, this is a religion with sacred prostitutes, and with a high tolerance for yuri. I was just thinking they were maybe they are "less prudish" about boobs.
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>he post-apocalyptic setting which literally ran on girl bathwater

I- what? What the hell.

And yes. 51 is my specialty.

>As the festival is about to reach its climax, it may be the best moment to find some privacy and a Priest of Flame. You still need to talk to Salicera.

Haha, seagull is a very good color, Argia.
>Now that your little exhibition is over, you will walk down from the stage and watch as the townspeople throw their flowers into the bonfire.
>As the festival is about to reach its climax, it may be the best moment to find some privacy and a Priest of Flame. You still need to talk to Salicera.

thanks for voting.

>so proud

me too.


I had actually envisioned that way! I even described Saint Bragia topless as well (with her far less traffic-stopping size), but for some reason I forgot to accurately describe it. I must have been possessed by the spirits of jannies.

despair not, the next few scenes may have a bit more boobage.



yep. the Vestals, girl priests who bathe in warm water and dissolve their blood in it. the hot water is then turned into vapour and it forms a sort of barrier against evil creatures.


>less prudish

did not have time to completely show it here, but nudity has its place in the Holy Land. you will find more naked people there, as well as a more casual attitude towards nudity and sex. this does not directly translates into more sexual freedom per se, but it is an interesting little cultural factoid I tried to present some little facets of.
update next post.
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“Let’s get down,” you whisper to Salicera’s ear. “We need to give room.” She hesitates, seemingly far too comfortable with her spot on the stage surrounded by adoring crowd, but in the end she sighs and relents.

“Aye aye.”

You still raise your hand and wave at the throng, following the two dancers as you all walk downstairs, surrounded by cheers and calls of your name.

“You were incredible up there,” Soralisa says, slowly clenching her fists in amazement. “How did you even manage to say so many words together?”
“I have no idea what possessed me. Let’s just call it a moment of grace and please… don’t ask me to do it again,” you huff. “But I am glad it was well-received, I just— I just said what I felt the most.”

“Someone would say that passion is the first ingredient to good oratory,” Rubida chuckles. “It’s certainly a saying amidst the Amaranthines.”

You turn your head to check on the crowd, who is slowly shifting cheers into hymns as one by one they form lines and walk on stage as well, throwing their flowers onto the bonfire.

“Can we stay and finish watching it, please?” Soralisa asks in an excited whisper.
“I— I need to do something else,” you reply tossing a look to Soralisa, who nods in your direction.

“Oh? Something about taking care of those who care?” Rubida adds, her sharp grin coming up. You know what she is implying and you quickly wave your hand, as if to disperse noxious fumes.
“N-No, nothing like that. I need to speak to her and check on her sacred oils.”

“So, you two need to get naked and close together,” Rubida whispers to your ear, “because the way you said that—”

“That-That’s not what I said!” You shover her away, the prickling of heat on your cheeks making you feel like you are standing right in the middle of the bonfire. “You know what I mean. Stop teasing me!”

“It is more fun doing it about these matters, former-vintner. But be as it may! I can stay with Soralisa here for a while. You two go have your ceremony together. Just remember what I said about twins…”

“Thank you very much!” You shout over the roars and Rubida’s chuckles, pulling Salicera away towards the edge of the crowd. You glance one last time at Soralisa who is waving at you, a grateful smile on her lips.


You and Salicera push through the crowd, away from the bonfire. Luckily, most people are now drawn to the rest of the ceremony, so you only have to suffer through a limited amount of avances, marriage proposals and kind requests for a skirmish lesson. At least one of those has Salicera perk up.

“Next time please. Sorry, but we have some real, uh… Knighty errands to run right now. Thanks for your patronage!” You shout time and time again, until finally you walk out into the clear dark sky, away from the gazes of curious people and retracing your path to the Temple of Flame.

“You have been here less than a day and you have already embedded yourself in the memory of the townspeople. Stay here a month and they will make you a permanent feature of their festival,” she jokes, setting her hand on your shoulder and giving it an affectionate rub.

“No, thank you. I’d rather go back with my family, as I said, but I have to stay focused on better things that talking from a stage.” You shrug. “I will leave that to the actual Priests. And speaking of that, you did take your vials, didn’t you?”

“I have all I need,” she replies patting her side.

“Why now, though?” You ask. “We won’t know if we will need sacred oils for a while. Are we going to be sent on an another mission soon?”

“I know not. But it’s better being prepared.”

As you two walk on the empty streets — as there is no one here who would dare skip the festival, or the free food it brings — you notice how clean and well-kept roads and houses are, your gaze shifting from painted doors to clean windows to trimmed orchards and bountiful trees.

“Everything is so nice here,” Salicera says, as if guessing your thoughts. “No poor people, nobody walking out in the street, drugged out of their wits. No crime, either. Walking out at night and feeling at ease.”

“Ansàrra gives us all we need to live,” you remind her. “Good soil and fresh water. Health and life aplenty. There is plenty to feel at ease about a kingdom built on care.”
“I suppose you are right.” She bites the inside of her mouth. “My previous experiences making me feel on edge, I guess.”

Which once again brings back the topic — just as the Temple of Flame comes into view.
“I will tell you after I get my vials filled. A quiet place behind the Temple?”
Your tongue sticks out to wet your dry lips.

“A quiet place. I have seen a smaller apple orchard to the side. Perhaps that one.”

She nods.


Crossing over the last of the short bridges leading to the Temple of Flame, you two find an attendant who is still there, and not at the festival. A young woman who might be your age, perhaps even slightly younger. She must have just been initiated because just the lower half of her face is covered in a linen mask, and her blonde eyebrows crease as she sees you appear. She holds a tall metal torch that scatters wavering rings of candlelight.


“Trainees,” you remind her. “My friend and I needed to take a break from the festival. Neither of us is Maduan and we would rather have our vials filled with sacred oils. Ah… perhaps even an imposition of the hands, if that is alright with you?”

The young priest hesitates a bit, holding onto her burning staff.

“I-I can try. I have been opened only to the mysteries of health and hale. I could inscribe a minor Sanction of enhanced recovery, perhaps, if that’s… if that is enough for you.”

You share a look with Soralisa. This girl speaks in such reverential terms about you.

“More than enough, thank you,” Soralisa interjects with one of her dashing smiles. “I need to fill up—” she slides one hand inside her clothing, producing four empty vials, “— four of these. If you may.”

“At once! I will need the big jar, wait here for a moment.”


She turns and walks inside the Temple. You two sit outside.

“Now I know about the flowers,” Salicera says, paying attention not to sit where the townspeople set them on the steps.

“I noticed,” you reply with a taut smile.

The young acolyte comes back with a large jar sloshing with oil. She sets it on the steps as she faces you two.

“We had more than enough, thankfully! Now we can begin… if you can take off your garments, please?”

“Sure, ah—” you point at your hood. “Please do not touch this one. It’s Candéan tradition and I need to keep it on my head at all times.”
“Strange tradition, but granted,” the girl nods.

You and Salicera begin to disrobe. You notice the girl’s ears turn a pale rose and then flamboyant red as her gaze moves between you and Salicera, who is sitting proudly, even sticking out her chest just a little bit more.

“Oh. Uh. What kind of… of bread and milk do they eat in Candéa? If you don’t mind me asking?”
“It’s the Sea of Candéa,” you gently correct her, turning to show your back. “And I wouldn’t know! These are Master’s fault, and his enforced diet!”

>Rolling time! Bo6, 1d100+6+10. This represents the acolyte’s meagre skills, but helped by your cameo.
>Score at least a 30 to bank a minor healing.
>Score at least a 60 to bank a moderate healing.
>Score at least a 90 and something fun happens.

Argia’s bust is once again protagonist. I will lament the loss of my pettanko princess, sacrificed over the altar of lower-back pain. Reflect upon your past actions and roll well, anon. And thanks for playing.
Rolled 100 + 16 (1d100 + 16)

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Rolled 91 + 16 (1d100 + 16)

>I had actually envisioned that way! I even described Saint Bragia topless as well (with her far less traffic-stopping size), but for some reason I forgot to accurately describe it. I must have been possessed by the spirits of jannies.
I see. We'll, I prefer the version we got since she's a saint and all that.
>You and Salicera begin to disrobe. You notice the girl’s ears turn a pale rose and then flamboyant red as her gaze moves between you and Salicera, who is sitting proudly, even sticking out her chest just a little bit more.
OP promised and he delivered
damn, we getting an extra size with this one
Rolled 1 (1d100)

>Argia totally had he rtits out for the sacred ceremony
You all laughed at me, anons. Well who's laughing now... GOYS??

All of us are laughing, actually, with rolls like these. I'll try to live up to your example.

I have been cursed for my hubris.
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Rolled 31 + 16 (1d100 + 16)

Ah... well a nat 100 and a one already happened.

>Civilization falls if the strategic reserve of girl bath water runs dry

Pic rel would be proud.
Rolled 26 + 16 (1d100 + 16)

is that fucking delphine ?
Patron Saint of Bathwater, Saint Delphine the Ahegao
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Yeas. I have some art of her from Shadman, but those pics will get me banned.

Rolled 14 + 16 (1d100 + 16)

>Patron Saint of Bathwater, Saint Delphine the Ahegao
considering how things work here, she could do her stuff and still follow Ansarrà. also, kek
nice pic. is she still active ? since we're talking about her.
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Belle? I think so, was never her biggest fan or anything, just ah, "respect" her as one of the first e-girls. Seems she has just started to do straight porn a while back. Maybe her stint in jail awakened something in her, after the bathwater incident.

Shad is still around too, hasn't posted much on his twitter since I imagine he is being looked at with a microscope by the feds due to going to jail for beating the fuck out of someone in a bad heron deal.
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>tease something fun may happen
>first roll
>nat 100

why do I even try


it will go better next time anon it won't

well we are already at 6 rolls, so let's hope I can do a quick update when the wageslavers turn their hateful gaze away from me.

in related news, we're almost at bump limit, so we may need to wrap this up rather quickly. I think one or two updates and some room for questions, feedback, making-of, will do the trick.

Read that as making-out. I already have one QM who threatened to track me down and kiss me, not sure I could hide from two.


maybe after you buy me dinner. or my book catalogue, I'll have to check.

(writing update, coming up)
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Now that the true origin of your forefront counterweight have been cleared out and the discussion is settled, the young priestess, her ears still as red as autumn leaves sits just behind Salicera and starts to intone her prayer to the Sun-Birther, her finger tracing patterns and words down Salicera’s strong back.

You spot her muscles twitch when her oiled finger touches a nerve, or presses against a certain spot.

“Hmmh. It’s soothing. Smells like asphalt,” she grumbles.

“What’s asphalt?” The priestess asks, the curious word piquing her interest. You go back to the conversation you had — about the scent she smells when the presence of Ansàrra is close.

“It’s a type of cake from where I come from,” Salicera blurts out. “It’s made with eggs and some other thing. I am afraid I can’t give you the receipt.” She shifts her brown eyes to look at you, full of mirth at the secret you share.

“Fair, but I would love to learn a new recipe or two. Working at the Temple is satisfying, but sometimes I wouldn’t mind something different from the usual apples, figs and cheese.”

You tighten your lips in a taut smile, trying to keep your worries sedated. The girl’s finger keeps working on Salicera’s naked back, the slick wakes of her hand shimmering golden at the light of the torches.

“It’s not something you can make here,” Salicera continues. “Sort of a secret, sorry.”

“Keep teasing me and I may leave you with a half-baked Sanction, Knight,” she warns.

“It’s not up to you, but to Ansàrra. Isn’t that correct, Argia?”

“That’s… how it goes, yes.” Now she seems so at ease and confident under the touch of the priestess.

No reaction at all.

You feel a knot finally release in your chest. All is well.

All is well— and you can be absolutely certain this time.

The priestess finished tracing her hallowed signs over her back, withdraws her hands and takes a long look at her work.

“I still need to draw better hieroglyphs,” she muses.

“You have many years to improve,” Salicera points out. “Did you think I was born with a sword on my back? Ah, fill these up please.”

The priestess pours more of the oil onto the vials — it glows just a little bit too bright to be normal liquid. Salicera puts the four vials in an inner pocket of her shirt and looks at you.

Ah, yes. It’s your turn.


The priestess proceeds, setting her oiled-up fingers over your back as she starts to trace the prayer. You attempt to follow it fall short. The girl’s touch is fleeting and quick, only Soralisa, you think, has better focus when writing a prayer, when asking for a Sanction while using oils.

Last time you offered your naked back to Soralisa, she tried her best not to look at you in the eye, finishing her task as quickly as she could.

“Do you train a lot?” The priestess continues to make small talk. She truly is a novice — all the Priests of Flame you met were somber, distinct people carved from a block of countenance. Maybe that’s why she’s the one who was left holding the candle.

Reggere il moccolo, they said in your homeland, when someone was saddled with a similar task. Poor girl, she couldn’t even take part in the ceremony.

Ah, but she had asked you a question.

“Not enough. Why?”

“Your back feels… different.”

“I’m not Maduan. Is that why?”

“No, it’s not… whoa!” She withdraws, glancing at your back. Your hand swiftly goes to your side, checking for a sword that’s not there.

“What is going on?”

“Your back lit up like a Ch— like that bonfire before,” Salicera explains, pointing her finger at something you clearly cannot see. All you can feel is the soft spread of heat over and through your back.

“What is going on?”

“This is way over my current initiation grade!” The priestess wails, her fingers reaching out to touch your back again. “The oil is… moving on its own.”

“It feels— it does not feel bad. It feels soothing,” you explain. You let it play out. Bit by bit, the heat seeps into your bones, like a slumbering lion going to sleep. You feel it lick your bones and then get into your marrow, when it softly thrum, falling silent at last. “It feels like it’s inside me now. This has never happened before.”
“That makes two of us, Knight!”

“Apprentice,” you tiredly point out. The smell of dry earth and ripe grapes is even stronger than before.

“You keep getting the special treatment,” Salicera muses, reaching out for her shirt again. “One day I will understand why Ansàrra seems so focused on you of all people,” she chuckles, standing up again. “I mean, I definitely understand.”

“This has never happened before,” the priestess mutters, running her fingers down your dry back. “It certainly wasn’t me. I k-know it’s never me, actually, but this— who are you, Knight?”

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“Just an apprentice,” you repeat again, putting some force into your words for the first time. “If I am granted a boon, it’s not up to me to question it. Are we finished?”

“Thank you for your service, then,” you say standing up and putting your clothes and robes back on. You did not want to sound so harsh— “I do mean it. If you want a donation to the Temple, I can come for work tomorrow morning, perhaps give you a hand with the orchards? I used to be a vintner—”

“No, it’s not necessary! I was just a bit shaken, that’s all. You know, for us so far out, close to the border… it’s a rare occasion to see a Knight, even just a trainee. Never mind four of them, and one so…” her eyes focus on your chest, but this time on your cameo. “So gifted.”

“Thank you for the oils, and the Sanctions,” you mutter.

The last events have you shaken a little. You really wonder if you should proceed to the talk with Salicera, or you should take a moment… perhaps speak with Master.

All this focus by Ansàrra on you.


>Go look for Master. He must be somewhere on the outskirts of the town.

>Go look for Astoria. It would take time for you to find Master, but the Blessed Blind is just here at the Temple.

>Nevermind what happened, you decide to listen to Salicera first. You feel like this is the best time to do so.

>Or maybe you should listen to some of those sudden intuitions… [Write-In]

You have a banked roll of 100 — Natural Crit — for the next time you attempt to petition for a Sanction! (note: this DOES NOT apply to the check for weariness, just the check for success, you will still have to roll for weariness)

shorter update this time. apologies, but I am just as weary as Argia. Let’s see where all this attention brings you… thank you for playing. waking up to your replies and silly meymeys keeps me sane. thank you so much.
>>Nevermind what happened, you decide to listen to Salicera first. You feel like this is the best time to do so.
>Go look for Astoria. It would take time for you to find Master, but the Blessed Blind is just here at the Temple.
what better time to find the blessed blind ?

>sorry for the shorter update this time
>3 parts, 2 fo them being chuncky
such a humble QM
>Go look for Master. He must be somewhere on the outskirts of the town.
This calls for some expert advice... Sorry, Sally!
>Go look for Master. He must be somewhere on the outskirts of the town.
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interesting choices so far

let's see how this goes as we just slipped into the Lost Zone (page 10). I had an idea but the last post votes risk to send it tits up. still got a bit of time tho. would be sweet if we hit the bump limit before archiving...
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>posting sweet Argia armpit.

I hope you know what you are doing QM. We are all deviants here....

Also, while I prefer small chests, I am still amused we rolled for our girl to have huge knockers. I certainly don't mind giant boobs.
>Nevermind what happened, you decide to listen to Salicera first. You feel like this is the best time to do so.
>posting sweet Argia armpit.
>I hope you know what you are doing QM. We are all deviants here....
calm down, anon
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Rare drop! Legendary Sword Levateinn!!

>giant boobas

hey she is a D cup. beeg but not that beeg. I assure you they are really perky and round and firm tho. just a personal preference, if I can’t have my pettanko princess

thanks for the vote anon

>posting armpit

it’s close to the thread’s end, we can live a little
>>Go look for Master. He must be somewhere on the outskirts of the town.
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>That spoiler

How are you literally me? I am a fellow flat chest enjoyer though I do not mind big boob as long as they are aesthetic.

Konata is my twitter pfp, heh.

I got that reference. I have the show in dvd with the sailor-fuka shirt, that is how old I am. I am an /a/ and /tg/ transplant, kek.
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this breaks tie for now. I will wait a few more hours just to make sure, this vote will very likely lead to how the threads ends, so I am giving it room to breathe

>got that reference
>another konatachad

anon, may your cannoli always be fresh and your hair smell of timotei timotei timotei

>aesthetic boobas

heh, I agree

oneshot qst of Konata isekaied to Ansàrra’s world… must… resist…
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Do not resist. We both know how she would rule the damn world. Just make it a dream so she can't run the show... Meanwhile, I will work on Soralisa eating Argia out since her hands are kind of fucked, and she wants to do more.
voting closed. writing.
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Under the silent sky, the recent events are starting to make you wonder.

You were never one to think of yourself as special. You were merely lucky — picked up by one of the most important and powerful men in all of the Holy Land, to be his apprentice, his first disciple in twenty years.

He could have picked up anyone else, really.

Sometimes you wonder if he’d ought to, especially during the first few excruciating months.
Your wrap your hand around your cameo, a familiar gesture that you have been repeating time and time again over the past few years. In fact, it was only when he gave you this gift that you started to see yourself as… worthy.

You frown and let your gaze roam over the exquisite manufacture, calling the echoes of Saint Bragia from the still ivory. Her profile, stern yet confident, her slender hand grasping at her weapon — and you felt such a connection to her.

The same connection that now rested upon your shoulders, inside your bones, glistening in the roots of your marrow.

A pull.

Towards what?

“You spoke of destiny,” you nervously say, turning towards Salicera.
Ansàrra’s presence and Her touch has always been soothing. It still is, and maybe that’s the only reason why you can hold onto your words and not collapse in a stunned heap, your stomach clenched.

“What’s going on?” She asks, setting her hand against your cheek, exploring your gaze with her own brown and grey one. “Argia, are you alright?”

“I am a bit stunned,” you explain, licking your lips. “In the span of three days, I was visited by the Sun-Birther, I was protected during the molten spring, and now this touch… I thought it would be nothing more than an afterthought for Ansàrra, and yet—” you shake your head. “I don’t know what to do. I ought to speak with Master. Perhaps.”

Salicera’s gaze shifts past your, towards the orchard where you had decided to stop and talk. There is a keen vibration through her body, tensing like a bow about to shoot. Instinctively, you understand it — it’s too raw to be filtered through the dance of words and said-unsaid that gives you such a headache.

Maybe she will get mad at you. For being selfish. Like she accused Kishirra of being, and now there you are, falling into the same mistake—


But then she pulls you into an embrace.

“Of course.”

“Oh. Thank you. I know it’s late, but I haven’t seen Master in a long while—”

Her chuckling reminds you that it’s only been a few hours.

“Don’t mention it. I know how important it is. And hey, I finally hear you speak of ‘destiny’ and such. So, let’s just…” she stops, withdraws from the embrace and presses her hand against the inside of her shirt, right where she put most of her vials, wincing as if from a sudden pain.


“Everything is fine. Just — a bruise.”

“The Sanction from the priestess ought to help you heal faster. If you want, you can stay here at the temple, get that checked. I can go finding Master on my own. I’m sure he’s somewhere out there—”

“N-No, it’s fine, really. I can follow. You lead the way, vanguard. It’s you job, after all, isn’t it?”

“I suppose so.” You glance at the orchard. “Sorry. This is just a temporary check, then I can… listen. I want to.” It’s your turn to reach out, your hand resting on Salicera’s arm. “So I can finally understand.”

“Yes. Understand. Of course.” She nods. “I know you will.” She gives your hand a quick squeeze and straightens her clothes, seemingly putting every notion of pain behind her. “So, Silver Knight. Leading the way or not?”

# # # # # #

Upon the naked hill, one can still smell the corpse of the Malostromo.

It hasn’t stopped burning yet.

She gives it a little tap with her dainty naked foot and a cloud of cinder expectorates from the cracked surface.

“A tad too violent. Must be her signature.”

Helias, standing slick and darker than the night sky behind her, knows better than to ask if she’s referring to Ansàrra.

“Are you sure you do not know her? Should I worry you sneak out by daytime for a glass of wine with the Amaranthines?”

“I know the searing flame of desire, love,” the Stilladìa replies with a sickle-like grin, he crimson eyes alight from within. “How it flashes. Astoria di Ottava Ora is no different. Drawing the last remaining embers of righteous vengeance out of weary Ansàrra.” The Stilladìa then walks on the grass, hands behind her back, as if following a scent only she can recognise, a hound chasing after phantoms. As silent as the shades of the departed the two climb the hill, where they find man-shaped holes carved in the old stone, like rotten gums left to fester.

Helias crouches in front of one, his gooey fingers dancing around the edge of the hole, without touching it.

“They consumed them with such haste.”

“I suppose that haste was forced upon them.”

Stepping between the craters left by the remains of the consumed acolytes, they reach the top, which is covered in broken black stones, which shines gently under the faint glow of shimmering white figures, walking back and forth, pulling and pushing and moving and checking like a gathering of bricklayers.

The Stilladìa watches her contracted souls give back a tiny bit of their debt, balancing it out with mere menial work. She is not asking them to do anything but check under every stone and yet her not-skin bristles with impatience.

She has learned the art of waiting over six hundred years—

But she keeps forgetting it.

“If there is anything left they will find it,” Helias wraps his arms around her shoulders, crouching to set a gentle kiss upon her white head. “Was it worth interrupting our holiday over this?”

“You know me,” she groans, leaning back into his embrace. “I tried to enjoy it nevertheless, but as soon as I sensed something was off—” she bites her platinum lip. “I may need to be the one reaching out to Carnaval, for once.”

“She is not going to like it.”

The Stilladìa keeps looking at her souls — pulling, pushing, checking, scraping — and if she still had a heart, she might feel it pick up pace, anxious as she is that they may find something left.

Or that they might not find it.

“All for the better,” she mutters, her crimson eyes scanning their surroundings.


# # # # # #

You two leave the Temple quarter behind. Air feels a little heavier between you and Salicera. You smell the distant scent of smoke. The festival is reaching its peak, and you left it behind to listen to your friend, and now you are thinking about yourself.

“Tell me about the forest?” You try.

“Why now?” Salicera quirks an eyebrow. You catch her pull her hand away from her chest at the last moment.

“I was just curious. And the night is silent. And it feels a bit empty.”

She ponders your words while you walk down the empty cobbled streets. She rubs her arm.

“The forest was hardly a problem. It was what happened before.”
You slow down.

“We can still go back to the o—”

“No. No, we are finding your Master. Besides, if you are there maybe he will humour me with a skirmish lesson this time.”

“You asked?”

“I begged. But he always replied that this was neither the time nor the place. He was mostly focused on you.” She gives you a nudge. “Seems like a pattern, don’t you think?”

“H-Heh. Perhaps.”

You keep walking for a few hundred paces. At last, just as the road starts climbing towards the hills and Master is still nowhere to be found, Salicera adds:

“Actually, it was the bees.”


“The bees?” You remember from Master’s lessons that Maduan honey is a prized commodity in the Holy Land. Once someone tried to smuggle an entire beehive out of Madua, sell it to the Treviri Throne.

Master refused to tell you what the sentence was for the smugglers, but he assured you it had taken ten days for them to find a sufficiently creative one.

“I’m scared of bees,” she chuckles, rubbing the back of neck as her cheeks turn a faint pink. “Always was. Got stung as a kid, you know.”

“Before they found you in the forest?”
“Before… yes, before that. So, it was full of beehives at the edge of the trees because farmers loved to double as bee keepers for some reason, and I swear by spring I just couldn’t deal with it! I ended up spending most of summer huddled in the middle of the forest where they couldn’t reach. I could deal with boars and wolves just fine, but bees?” She shudders.

“I think they are cute,” you reply, stunned someone could be afraid of bees. It sounds as if she said she was afraid of grass, or the colour red. “And they are useful. And sacred to Ansàrra.”

“W-Well, they keep wheezing and buzzing about, don’t they?” Salicera scoffs. “Right besides your ear. Bzz! Bzz! And you never know when they may decide they don’t like you and turn you into a sponge!”

“I’m sorry,” you pat her on the shoulder. “I will make sure our next mission is as far away from bees as possible.”

“Thanks,” she sighs. “I don’t know why I told you that. I must look like a fool.”
“I am a fool most of the times,” you reply with a shrug. “It has worked well for me so far.”

Salicera smiles and shakes her head. You feel her more at ease with you.

Then you spot something to your right. Covering your eyes with you hand, you squint. Sitting behind a large tree these is someone who looks just like—

“I think he’s there. There’s someone with him, but I don’t think it’s a couple of farm girls like last time.”

“Oh-ho, the old man still got it, doesn’t he?”

“Kishirra’s poleaxe? Certainly!”

Salicera just rolls her eyes.

>Bo6 -- Roll a 1d100, 1 roll per reply per anon.
>rolls closer to 0: totally awake
>rolls closer to 100: totally asleep

you will see the significance of these rolls in the future.

thanks for playing. writing quests is interesting because you can have the best laid plans and then anon comes and sits on them. but I suppose that's half the fun. let's see how this goes.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Sally being beephobic wasn't on my bingo, and it's kinda funny not only for being unusual but with the wordplay, kek.
>Meanwhile, I will work on Soralisa eating Argia out since her hands are kind of fucked, and she wants to do more.
damn, anon. while you're at it, can you make a story between Octavia and Konata ?
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forgot the pic
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Rolled 33 (1d100)

Rolled 94 (1d100)

Rolled 51 (1d100)

good job anon

>Salicera be like: watch Astoria,no hands!

damn anon, now that’s something I can look forward to

>the b-word phobic

kek, did not think about that



One more vote to go.
>Salicera be like: watch Astoria,no hands!
>damn anon, now that’s something I can look forward to
it's Soralisa and Argia, QM. I think you misread it
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>getting the name wrong

it's probably more of a combination of my retardation + projection
>it's probably more of a combination of my retardation + projection
it happens, but Sally + Astoria would be an interesting one, definitely a hate fuck, in a way, and femdom
>native shortstack MILF


>tall isekai busty athlete

definitely a fight for the ages

the Stilladìa is already accepting bets on who would win
Rolled 68 (1d100)

thanks for the roll anon. Update after dinner
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>best of your rolls: >>6088330

94, almost completely asleep. you will see what this means soon enough.
and now...

# # # # # #

One by one, the procession passes through the tall arch of black stone. The doors, if doors may describe the gaping maw of the arch, stand as wide as ten people, are reach so high the ceiling is covered in mist and tendrils of clouds, dangling from the open windows like strands of overgrown spiderwebs.

For the woman at the head of the group, it’s not the first time in Ansàrra’s floating palace, but it’s the first time she is allowed this deep inside. The hall stretches ahead, immense panels of stained glass casting shimmering lights that chase after each other, bathing over her simple clothes. She and her companions have shed their travel gear for more somber attire.

The woman at the forefront reaches nervously for a strand of her black hair, then stops — steeling herself from falling back into habits. For Riberia Di Collevetro ought to show better countenance in this situation.

“I will go ahead,” she says to her companions, four men and three women who bow to her. She holds out her middle three fingers and each of her companions replies in kind. A few more pale scars cover their faces now, and their eyes seem to shine with a deeper understanding, now that they are at the end of their quest. “And I will share the boons with you all,” Riberia grins, trying to keep herself from openly weeping.

She walks ahead, her white clothes washed a stark blue from the light flowing through the windows.

“We have come,” she says, her voice as clear as a bell, “and we have brought back the last piece.”

At the other end of the hall, sitting amidst circles of candles, their flames shifting and dancing sometimes pulled by the wind and sometimes against it, rests an old man, his long white hair draped in a series of thin and long braids, sprinkled by knots, spreading about him like a forgotten net.

“Have you now,” he says in a gravelly voice. He clears his throat and raises to his knees, hunched over like a tree over the lid of a precipice. “Have you, young one? Show it, please— show it!”

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Riberia momentarily blushes at being called young. Under the care of Ansàrra it has been fifty six years since she has picked up the mantle and walked through the Trial of Fire, but her face is just as youthful as the first day. Her ligaments just as quick. Her muscles just as springy.

Her heart is the one that’s been aching more and more.

For this day. For this blessed day. It thumps and roars in her ears as she approaches the old man. Since the last time she has seen him, two more lines adorn his forehead — numbering twelve. His eyes are a burnt shade over his face, two cavities long-since forgotten. His pale skin covered in long flowing bandages, etched with holy words and commandments, shining gilded with the blood of the Sun-Birther.

The Blessed Blind holds out a shivering hand. With every step, Riberia comes closer and closer to fulfilling her destiny.

“We found it in a deep cave on the border to the Kìtum,” she explains, eager to boast of the trial she and her fellow seekers had to suffer. “Strange old things wrangle the stalagmites in the bowels of the earth. We had to pass through them, and through freezing waters where light has never been known, to reach the nethermost hall where the wyrm slept.” With a trembling hand, she reaches for a small pouch to her side, pulling out a tiny white thing — a circlet of ivory, banded in bent and misshapen gold. “The beast used it to fill a hole in its belly. We had to pry it out of the wyrm’s corpse.”

“Ah, splendid,” the man chuckles. “A fitting end for such a heretical piece of artwork, don’t you think? And there it may have slept, were it not for the wisdom of the Sun-Birther.”

“Indeed,” Riberia now grins, holding up the engraved cameo. “But that time is now past. This is the final one. The very last one. The quest is over.”

“Ah— over… it’s over…” his fingers tremble against the etched lines on his forehead, rubbing all the way from one side to the other, lingering over the twelfth and final one. “Hand it over, questing Knight. Hand it over!”

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Riberia shares his hallowed eagerness. She finally finishes crossing over the hall, crouching on one knee. The Blessed Blind, biting his old lips, leans forward as she sets the cameo onto the open palm of his hand.

“At last— at last…” he coughs, his fingers brushing over the surface of the small pendant, taking in the details of Saint Bragia’s beautiful and stern face as she looks ahead, holding the wrong weapon in her hand. A rounded spiked mace instead of her axe. His lips curl into an ecstatic grin, gently setting the cameo on the black floor between him and the questing Knight, the ivory’s reflection stark on the polished stone.

“There are no more of these in the whole world,” he adds. “Three hundred and seventy four years under the Sun we have looked for them. No more. No more they will stain the memory of Saint Bragia the mourned.”

“No more,” Riberia agrees, her breath catching in her throat.

“No more—” the Blessed Blind reaches inside his robe and pulls out a large heavy sphere of blindglass. Relic to relic, the sheer depths of inscrutable darkness of the sphere against the simple white profile of ivory. Bone reflected and warped over polished Kiengiri marvel. The hand of the Blessed Blind stands in waiting over the circlet, his breath poised as if in uncertainty.

The last time one of these would ever stain the world with its presence. The final word on the string of lies.

“No more!”

With a mighty swing of his thin arms, the old man bashes the cameo with the sphere, ringing a high toll of glass against stone. The cameo bursts into a small cloud of crushed powder and fragments, a white star of exploded dust. And yet he smashes the sphere again and again, Riberia feels each toll echo through her bones. Each of them is a confirmation her long years — decades — of questing and toiling were not in vain.

“No more,” she echoes the Blessed Blind’s voice, until at last he pulls the sphere back. The floor before him covered in bone powder which the wind is already scattering, and he gives it a mighty help with a swing of his robes. Soon, not even the memory of the cameo dirts the palace of Ansàrra.


“It is over,” Riberia sighs once again. All the weight of the scars, the travels, the losses and triumphs of the past fifty years detach from her shoulders like fallen leaves.

“The quest fulfilled at last,” the Blessed Blind mutters, his old fingers reaching for one of the thin knotted locks he braided his hair with, and wrapping the final knot at the end of it. “Thank you for your dedication, Young One.”

Riberia covers his free hand with hers.

“It was supposed to be my duty, and those before me.” She gulps, trying to find the right words. “Seraniolo di Duodecima Ora,” she begins, naming the Blessed Blind by his rank. “What now?”

“Now we can all rest,” he replies, rubbing her palm with a gentle turn of his finger. “You did well, young one. You and all your friend will share in the boons of a fulfilled quest, and an important one at that. We all will.”

“Sunseeker—” Riberia whispers, like a secret shared between the two of them.

“Sunseeker,” Seraniolo repeats, his free hand rubbing at his forehead. “At last. At long, long last.”

Provided, of course, that heretical piece of artwork was indeed the last one.

>Choose one for the next update (one-time-only action)

>Riberia prods the Blessed Blind: even after all this, are they really sure this cameo was the very last one?

>Riberia asks the old, wizened Blessed Blind what he expects to see once he reaches the highest honour in the Holy Land. Can he give her at least a glimpse of how he expects the glory of Ansàrra to be like?

>Riberia decides to ask if he has heard about the rumours… one of the Seven Sisters, perhaps treacherous Taygete herself, is getting restless. Carnaval seems to get involved. Even after this glorious moment, trouble ahead?

>Riberia holds out a hand, caught in a sudden thought — shouldn’t she ask about… [Write-In]

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>so, what’s all this about?

Just a little experiment now that we approach the end of the thread. I was wondering if occasionally, during these narrative sections, you wouldn’t mind take the reins of other NPCs (someone stop Salicera from putting that tinfoil hat on).

This would ideally create tiny sections (one or two updates) where you pilot something or someone else, in order to make it more interesting.

If you don't like it, we will keep it as a one-time only.

>QM, shouldn’t you set up an indiegogo for my Stilladìa merchandise instead of thinking about this meta shit?


I’d appreciate it if you commented on this possible feature to be used over the course of next thread(s). I’m curious about what you think.

Stilladìa merchandise coming though this decade or the next

>When am I going to go back to my silver-haired doofus?

Next update, anon. right on time for the thread's grand finale with a very special guest.

And as always, thanks for playing.
>>Riberia decides to ask if he has heard about the rumours… one of the Seven Sisters, perhaps treacherous Taygete herself, is getting restless. Carnaval seems to get involved. Even after this glorious moment, trouble ahead?
I don't mind little segues into other perspectives at all. After all, they've been a staple of this quest from Thread 1, with Stilladia! However, my lack of in-depth setting knowledge leaves me a bit disoriented at times, if they happen too frequently, and I'd like to still mostly follow Argia.

>Riberia holds out a hand, caught in a sudden thought — shouldn’t she ask about…
What did they hope to accomplish, the heretics, by displaying cameos in which Bragia wields the wrong weapon?
you have my curiosity again, OP.
this. I can see why they'd hide Kishirra's possible partner, but what's the problem with a saint holding a weapon she didn't favor ?
Is Sora going to take to wearing sleeves or like half gloves? Need to know before writing about one or the other having a bit of pie.

Will vote after my good food induced sleepiness and like 2 beer hit.
>Riberia decides to ask if he has heard about the rumours… one of the Seven Sisters, perhaps treacherous Taygete herself, is getting restless. Carnaval seems to get involved. Even after this glorious moment, trouble ahead?
>Is Sora going to take to wearing sleeves or like half gloves? Need to know before writing about one or the other having a bit of pie.
half glove ?
Like fingerless gloves? Sorry, just got in from yard work, chugged water because it is hot as fuck, and didn't have my glasses on. Maybe she will just do gauntlets when not around her friends?
damn half gloves sounds like a sick idea. you can have them made of either soft lamb leather which would remain very pliable and apt for recovery or melagrata peel, which is the same material used for bandages

>anon is cooking

oh boi. time to get excited
I have like just north of a page now but I may wait to get a touch more Sora, just to get her down.
>nice sister dubs

>just to get her down


awaiting with bathed breath anon
>have my curiosity

I'm glad


>displaying cameos, heretical propogonda, wrong weapon

this is a very compelling question and one which I wonder if I should answer out of character. I probably won't but I'll add that part of the inspiration over this detail came from the religious infighting over iconography in the Byzantine Empire (8th-9th Century AD), as well as the persecution of Russian Christians who made the sign of the cross with three fingers rather than two.

In general, it is typical of religious institutions to fight over what may seem like the dumbest shit.

Of course, to those - inside - that institution, that dumbest shit is actually extremely important. Which brings us to anon's question... - why - would this be so important?

I wonder.

Luckily your QM does not like to sprinkle fundamental plot points inside the tiniest details. Suppose we shall see...


>don't mind them as long as they are not too common

thanks for voting anon. Since last thread's feedback I tried to keep these tidbits a little more restrained

also, we are approaching archival a bit faster than I thought, so most likely new update in a few hours

Now you are speaking my language, though I prefer it to be gentle.

>Riberia prods the Blessed Blind: even after all this, are they really sure this cameo was the very last one?

Can Stilly give me stock tips? I don't care if she take like 20%. I will buy her fumo, even if it is like 150 bucks.
thanks for the vote anon

>stock tips

I’ll put a good word in
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Riberia, the same Knight who has scoured land and sea searching for any trace of the heretical artwork over the decades, is shaken by a doubt. A final whip of spiked tail.

“Can we say it for sure? Beyond any shadow of a doubt?” She asks, her eyes reaching for the silent figure of the old Blessed Blind. “That what we dealt with was the final one? I always followed your wisdom—”

“And you ought to continue,” he sighs. “I have researched every tome, I have scoured each account, I raked through every list. Only a hundred and seven of those were made, back in the glorious days when Saint Bragia walked among us. They have all been accounted for and destroyed, even if for some it has taken years.”

“Dozens of years,” Riberia agrees.

“There are no more,” he assures her, “for they had to follow her likeness, and in those days only a few artisans came to know the Saint directly, for she was always back and forth, like a migratory hawk, chasing after the word of Ansàrra.” If he still had eyes, Riberia could see the man’s turning glossy at the thoughts of the Saint’s devotion. “They have all been destroyed at my hand, in this very room.” He runs one of his hands through the knotted locks of his hair. “And for all of them I have made a mark.”

Riberia finally nods. Wonder why she got so caught up in doubt and wonder. Maybe because the loss of her purpose, the completion of its goal — it is leaving her feel a bit hollowed out. She is a woman of action, she has always been.

“Worry not,” the soon-to-be Sunseeker chimes in, his hand cupping her cheek. “You shall not be restless, nor get confined in some corner of the Land, forgotten like an old broom. As one door closes, another opens.”

His finger reaches for her forehead and traces a single line right at the edge of her temple.


Riberia gasps.


“Who else has earned it more?” The Blessed Blind stands up, his hair flowing about him. “The Amaranthines will be in a good mood, after the completion of this task. I believe the Sun-Birther herself shall be, as well.”

Riberia’s breath catches in her throat. The idea of Ansàrra’s approval - she has felt Her presence growing fainter over the past few weeks, as if She was caught in something else, a river changing its course, going back there a year later and finding a meadow in the place of a brook.

But now that she completed it, she can hope for a whiff of that grace again.

And forever more.

“Her joy will be great,” she agrees. She hopes. She believes.

“Greater than it has been in years. The last of those offending icons has been destroyed. Nobody will lead their thoughts in dangerous waters, and crash upon the shoals of suspicions.” The Blessed Blind allows himself a smile.

“As it should be.”

Riberia also stands up, allowing herself a few deep breaths. The air smells fresh, but it still lacking that distinct scent she perceives when She is near. That scent of wildberries and damp earth — the one that has followed her ever since she was a child, her thin fingers chasing after the sweet fruits at the edge of the forest.

“I wonder if I should make myself more useful in the meantime,” Riberia asks. “There have been whispers. The Seven Sisters are on the move, yet again. Some speak of their league with the Adversary, and even Carnaval—”

“You are a retriever, Young One,” he interrupts her. Riberia gulps and shuts up. “A courier. Armed and trained, yet you ought to know your place in the great scheme of things. The stone placed next to the foundations shall not wish to bathe its face in the sun—”

“— lest the sun shine on rubble. Yes. I am well aware,” she nods sharply. “I am merely expressing my concern over such troubling news. I have heard it from a trustworthy source that Carnaval is also getting involved this time. Words of a reincarnation. Are they truly in league with the Adversary this time? Two foes at the same time, we might—”


“In all my life I have yet to see the Adversary take the side of the Seven. They are like water and oil. Even pushed together by the great net of evil, they mix and mingle not. If only our friends and families were not in the middle, we’d have our two enemies destroy each other. The Star of Sunset and Morn will more eagerly enter a Temple of Flame than align herself with one of the Seven. Her greed shall not allow otherwise. And let this be the last said about this,” he sharply waves his hand as if to cut through Riberia’s words.

“As wisdom counsels, yes,” she immediately agrees.

“That is all for the better. You and your companions will receive honours beyond imagination…” he lowers his voice and hunches over, the knots in his hair catching in each other as he whispers to Riberia’s ear. “… honours that will be better enjoyed in secret. Glory that ought to be held close to one’s heart. Compensation that shall remain like a hidden treasure inside one’s heart. As we shared before.”

“We are all aware,” she replies. “We all know what we were doing and why. We—”

“Nevertheless, the Amaranthines have decided to bestow upon you one such public recognition. Lest these halls remain desert when I shall ascend to the innermost chambers.” He passes his thumb over that spot on Riberia’s forehead once again.

“O-Only me?”

“There is only one seat in the chamber of records. And it shall serve you well,” he adds, holding out his hand to point at the spot he was just sat on. “Riberia di Collevetro. Ah, no…”

“… Riberia di Prima Ora,” she completes, her heart beating like thunder in her chest, a river roaring in her ears.

And she turns to gaze at the hall, at the stained glass playing with blue reflections over her skin and her clothes, and at her companions waiting at the other end of the hall, and she brushes her fingers against her eyes — ere she learns to see without them.

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The winding road carries you past the last few houses onto the open hills. There are no walls here. No guards, no checkpoints, no gates and no moats.

They know they are protected. They trust each other, they believe in one thing.

It is the starkest difference from your homeland. Maybe one day you will get used to it. But for now the best thing you can do is keep thinking about how relieved your family will be when they finally set foot here.

Maybe even get work in Rubida’s wineries, as she said.

It’s easy to be hopeful on a night such as this. Even if you need your answers. Master will have them. You enclose your hand around your cameo, to ask for a little more of that warming light. Answers lie just a big uphill. You already spot Master — yes, that’s him! You were right — looking up at the sky. Someone is asleep on his knees. Who may it be? It’s hard to see in the tall grass.

You hope that whoever took a fancy to Master this time put some clothes on.

The ease with which Maduans stand stark naked has always made you blush.

“There’s someone with him,” Salicera mutters next to you. You turn to see her strangely tense. She licks her lips, her brown eyes piercing the veil of night ahead. She holds a hand over her brow to see better in the silver light of the planetary ring and—

Her eyes go wide.

“Hnnf,” she grimaces, her hand closing around her chest.


previous post was 256 words long and image number was also 256, which is 2 to the power of — eight. Sometimes autism just pounces on you from a dusky corner, punches you and runs away with your lunch money.

“I told you ought to get yourself checked,” you reach out for her chest, but she takes your hand and slowly pulls it away.

“It’s just, uhmm, I’m fine, it’s just, ah,” she dries sweat off her brow. It’s the first time you have seen Salicera sweat. “Maybe I ought to. You know all this better than me.”

“I’m coming as well.”

“No!” She holds your hand, firm. “No, I don’t want you to. You need to speak with your Master. Those answers— I don’t want you to miss on those just because I bruised my rib or something. You go ahead. Find your answers.”


“Please.” She sets her finger over your lip. Your heart jumps to your throat at the memory of the last time she touched you there. But now Salicera does not seem like she wants to. She has that steely quality to her again. That unbending will that you saw so many times. “Go get your answers. Can we meet at our lodging? We can speak there.”

“Won’t the others hear? I thought you wanted to keep this—” between us? - you almost say.

“They won’t hear. I will make sure of it. Now go meet your Master. I will see you later. I—” gently, she rubs her hand against yours. “I trust you, Argia.”

“I know,” you reply. After everything that happened tonight, you can only add: “I trust you too.”

“You’d better!” She grins, pulling back. Another wince crosses her face. “Ow. That hurts like a bitch. I better move. See you later… and put in a good word with your Master for that skirmish lesson for me!”

“I shall! He will keep it in mind, I swear!”

“I know you will,” Salicera mutters, touches her lips and flicks them in your direction — is that another gesture from the forest? — and starts to leave, running downhill, limping a bit on her left side.

You are left to worry for a few breaths. No, no worries. She will make it back safe. She is Salicera Fors… and besides…

“Sun-Birther, please look out for her,” you whisper, turning once more towards the hill and climbing, pulling up Rubida’s precious robe so that it does not catch dirt. After a few steps, you detach the buttons on your hood and let it fall back.

You missed this. The wind on your face.

Strands of silver hair caught in the night breeze like stray thoughts, you keep walking.

It’s just a couple questions. You are there to make sure.

It will be quick and painless.


# # # # # #

Salicera limps away through the empty streets, clutching at her side. She turns left towards an empty alley. Checking nothing moves inside it, she starts walking normally, pulling down the mask of the wounded girl in pain.

Her worries are far deeper than some wound of the flesh.

She reaches for the vials inside her shirt, pushing her fingers into the secret pocket she has personally sewn into it. There lays the humming vial that fizzles and hums against her skin.

“This is just a coincidence,” she mutters, pulling back.

Even if the thing in the vial warned her about the angel being near. No, told her. A warning is about something that’s supposed to happen. It’s foresight.

This is just coincidence.

The presence of the Angel, up there.

“I’m fucking stupid,” she groans, pacing back and forth. She acted out of instinct, like a kid caught with her fingers in the fridge. Like drug smugglers turning their car before a police block. Giving herself away.


She didn’t believe its words, she thought—

“Alright, calm down. Nothing has happened. Nothing is going on. The angel knows nothing about this.”

About her smuggling in something one of the Sisters—

“Nothing. She knows nothing. She did not even see you. She was asleep. You are being ridiculous.”

Her breath ragged, she lets herself fall against the wall, the hard stone comforting in its solid presence.

“Calm down. Just calm down. Go to the Temple and calm down. The angel knows nothing.” And what was even more important… “Argia knows nothing.”

Even if she did, she’d understand.


She will.

They are friends now.


Salicera looks up at the sky, at the patches of darkness cleaved by the gulf of silver. She has yet to learn the exact names of stars here. And even back home, the best she could do was Venus, the Polar Star. Orion, maybe.

There was always too much light to see anything else.

Not here. Oh, here this world has given her back the beauty of the night sky. With her eyes, trained on Earth’s moon, she has far better night sight than natives. And many other gifts.

This world has given her a chance. The best chance in her life — in all of her lives! — and she’ll be damned before she lets it slip between her fingers.

And yet—

“This was just a coincidence,” she states. No answer comes from the vial.

The thing was always so chatty. Is it asleep? Is it sulking? Maybe smug.

Over what?

“A broken clock is right twice a day,” Salicera adds. She stands up again, not even bothering to clean her clothes off the wall dust. It will make her sob story about her ribs more believable.

She hunches over and limps away, just in case someone catches her.

Just go to the Temple. Then go back home. Then rest.

And wait for Argia to come back. She will come back, won’t she? Of course she will. She can trust Argia.

“Or do you want to say something about that, too?” She prompts the thing in the vial, but once again, the only noise is her breath and her boots on the ground.

No answer comes.

“Thought as much.” She licks her lips. “Just a fucking coincidence.”

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The grass dances about your feet.

You reach the top of the hill, your breath broken. The last few steps were quite steep. Master sits beneath the tree, a naked woman on his lap, so you try to look elsewhere.

“Master—” you start, trying to put the words together. “There is— something— ah, something I—”

Something shifts on his lap.

And with the crinkling sound of glass you realise your foolishness.

You stand, frozen like marble as the naked woman on Master’s lap stirs and stands up, her tall and curvy body coming into clear view right beneath the ring’s glow.

About her legs light goes up in flame as she unfolds her crimson wings, each of them pulsating with blood.

She regards you with a curious look in her golden eyes.

You have heard about her. But you never thought—

You fall to your knees, regarding the woman looking at you, a strange expression on her brow. If you did not believe you dreaming, you could swear the faint pink hue over her marble cheeks hints at embarrassment.

The Angel of Ansàrra. Embarrassed?


But your thoughts are as withered and lost as shrubs in the desert.

“Argia Candente,” Carnaval says with a voice like echoing bells, “I have wished to speak to you.”

[b] Silver Knight Quest #2 — The End [/b]
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>Silver Knight Quest will return on 6th of September!

What can I say. It’s been another incredible ride.

The sum total of words for the narrative updates alone is already at around 100K, making this the second-longest single project ever wrote.

This thread was much ‘slower’ than the previous one, as far as combat goes. Much more narrative (and bewbs) and yet I saw engagement rise. Of course, you deserve much more praise than me.

Thank you anon for voting and for providing theories (this is in general my favourite interaction), for the memes, the laughs and the blazing rolls.

And now we can look forward to anon’s lewdfic! Putting r34 in Soralisa?

I had a blast, but I need a break because I need to focus on another project for a couple days. And go on vacation!


I will have a few more quick questions below I’d be grateful you’d answer.

>We have seen the characters change and grow over this thread. Is there someone you were surprised you liked more now compared to previous thread? Someone who surprised you in other ways?

>This was the boob thread, but [b]who has the cutest butt?[/b]

I will see you soon!

And for the last time (this thread)… [b]thanks for playing.[/b]
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Thread successfully archived:


Please remember to vote!

Once again, thank you! I will still be here (or on the seekret d*scord) to answer questions, provide shitposting and general memery.

Thank you so much for following me in this adventure. First time the thread goes over the bump limit before archival, so I consider this a tremendous success!

Remember to share bright words with each other, anon.
>Checking nothing moves inside it, she starts walking normally, pulling down the mask of the wounded girl in pain.
Sally really is the isekai femc quest needed

>Even if the thing in the vial warned her about the angel being near. No, told her. A warning is about something that’s supposed to happen. It’s foresight.

>You stand, frozen like marble as the naked woman on Master’s lap stirs and stands up, her tall and curvy body coming into clear view right beneath the ring’s glow.
>About her legs light goes up in flame as she unfolds her crimson wings, each of them pulsating with blood.
there she is

>If you did not believe you dreaming, you could swear the faint pink hue over her marble cheeks hints at embarrassment.
>The Angel of Ansàrra. Embarrassed?
>We have seen the characters change and grow over this thread. Is there someone you were surprised you liked more now compared to previous thread? Someone who surprised you in other ways?
for the 1st one I'd say that Rubida grew on me more and for the 2nd gotta be Salicera. I was thinking her greedy side was in some way because of the reincarnation trauma, but with the reveal that she's a sister courier really changed how I see her.
>This was the boob thread, but [b]who has the cutest butt?[/b]
A though choice between Carnaval and Artoria, but I'm going with the lolibaba since Carnaval is always naked.
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>isekai femc quest needed

I’m quite curious about this line. Care to expand on it?

>Carnaval a cute

She is — I wonder when I will finally be able to show you her violent side? Perhaps when merchants will be around, hmmm


I’ll be frank: Rubida grew on me as well. She was born as a full bitch and she’s now still a bitch, but on your side. She has that alpha cheerleader energy I am going to base future characters on, I’m sure.

She also starred in the wine memory scene which was extremely important for character building and bonding. Girl dyes her hair but goes places.

As for Salicera, she is a very interesting character to write and balance out. We will see how she goes next thread. Personally I find her a lot of fun to write, perhaps only second to Argia/The Stilladìa


No wrong answer there

Thanks a lot for the replies anon and for the comments. Looking forward to seeing you next thread
>I’m quite curious about this line. Care to expand on it?
she has, supposedly, the grey moral anons like and the chesticles to do what she wants, while not being an edgelord. also threw that 'coz I can't remember the last time there was a good isekai thread here.

>She has that alpha cheerleader energy I am going to base future characters on, I’m sure.
speaking of cheerleader, her personality on that authorfic still gives me whiplash. like it kinda makes sense, being lewd and all, but it still took me by surprise.

>Thanks a lot for the replies anon and for the comments. Looking forward to seeing you next thread
waiting for the next thread too, thanks.
I think all the main girks got soem good development, though I most enjoyed Argia and Rubi this tine around and most want to see more of Sora. Sali is still a baller, but we can oretty much FOR SURE expect more of her. I wonder what deal she made with the Sisters and how deep it goes? Argia's progrwss on the abck of our votes and rolls was the most pleasant surprise, thiugh!

>best butt
I bet Sora's is juicy, but Rubi's is tight.
sharing boobs with boys when?
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>couldn’t remember the last time there was a good isekai thread

hmm I get you. I also wanted this aspect of the quest and the world to be revealed only bit by bit. there is a bit of commentary on the value of isekai popularity as the canary in a coalmine of sort, but it’s something I want to explore bit by bit. thanks for clarifying!

thanks anon. Glad Rubida enjoyed so much appreciation. And yeah I agree, seeing Argia grow is one of the main draws to the quest, for me as well

>Rubi’s tight

you are goddamn right


I have something planned for next thread but it will most likely be a paste. No promises

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