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You wake up with a throbbing head and a funny taste in your mouth.

It takes your eyes a moment to get adjusted to the darkness of the unfamiliar surroundings. The only motes of light come from fungi on the walls, dimly glowing lichens that give the unlit masonry the look of a starlit sky, if you squint hard enough. Just enough light to see the contours of hewn stone stacked up to make the walls and ceiling, held together by their weight more than any mortar or cement. Barely enough to make sense of your surroundings, but that might be for the best.

Your nose can pick up the dour stench of rotting corpses that hangs beneath the must of a mossy cavern. Drips of water into a pool ring out like a distance chime. The air feels still, weighing down upon you like a heavy blanket that refuses to let you stir.

The cold makes you shiver. The shivers return feeling to your numb body, and with feeling comes a soreness that seeps past every muscle and into the marrow of your bones. Your arms, your legs, your head most of all, the soreness brings a pain to every inch of your body that nearly makes you cry. To say nothing of your more delicate and womanly places; your bosom feels as though it's been savaged by a tiger, and the less you say about what you feel below the belt, the better.

You swallow dryly, and shudder at the taste.

Perhaps it's for the best that you don't know where it came from. Perhaps it's for the best that you don't remember how you got here, nor why you've not a stitch of clothing on your person, nor exactly how every inch of you - inside and out - became so terribly sore. Best to put such thoughts to the back of your mind, where they cannot bother you until you're safe enough to let it all out. You went beyond the Wardenstones to pick medicinal herbs, and you now know why the elders always warned you not to, that is all.

Yes, that is all. Consequences for girlish foolishness and ignoring the wisdom of the elders. You can live with a few consequences for your stupidity, you're a woman grown. Those thoughts steel you enough to let you pull yourself out from the shelter of an overturned cart, and pick at the corpses of your captors. (Roll 1d100)
>Kobolds. Lowest danger zone, worst equipment.
>Goblins. Low danger zone, poor equipment.
>Duergar. Moderate danger zone, good equipment.
>Drow. High danger zone, excellent equipment.
>Illithid. Extreme danger zone, best equipment.

After taking the best of what you can find from corpses, you realize that your captors left you with a gift that will be very difficult for your to remove.
>A slave collar wrapped around your neck.
>Piercings in strange and delicate places.
>A brand of ownership beneath your navel.
>Goblins. Low danger zone, poor equipment.

>Piercings in strange and delicate places.
glad to see you back, OP. A shame we won't be going with our converted succubus.
it's real, OP has done a quest before. although destiny forced his hand to finish it early.
>Drow. High danger zone, excellent equipment.
>A slave collar wrapped around your neck.
Rolled 6 (1d100)

>Illithid. Extreme danger zone, best equipment.
>Piercings in strange and delicate places.
>Drow. High danger zone, excellent equipment.
>Piercings in strange and delicate places.
Welcome back.
Real quest 100%. OP probably got nuked in his last quest for writing a full on sex scene between the succubus and her apprentice, sadge.
+1 to this

Also, OP, what's the d100 for? Starting equipment I assume? Also, we starting as a commoner, or do we get a class?
>Also, OP, what's the d100 for? Starting equipment I assume? Also, we starting as a commoner, or do we get a class?
man, I didn't see that he asked for a d100 before.
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Oh fuck, you're right.
I kind of have the same question, all the new quests were dropped recently
OP is a real one, he's a new QM that got unlucky on his other quest.
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Once you wriggle free from the overturned cart, you put your body through its paces and stretch the way your mother taught you before she died of plague. She kept herself limber for her work at the village tavern, but the practices pays off for more than just bending your limbs in odd angles and keeping certain delicate places tight. It helps to banish soreness and stiffness near as well as a cleric's healing spell, helps keep your body trim and taught, and helps restore energy in general. The sequence you did with your mother each morning - and now do alone before her ashes - moved between thirteen poses.

Embracing Heaven. Falling to Earth. Downward Cow. Three Legged Cow. Hero's Triumph. Reed in the Wind. Bending Reed. Centered Flower Bend. Twisted Flower Bend. North Maiden's Answer. Open Lunar Cycle. Waning Lunar Cycle. Closed Lunar Cycle.

Once your get through all of those, most of the pain has gone away. Your head still throbs like an angry sun, begging for salt and water. Your bosom still feels freshly mauled by some ravenous beast, but the pain only goes skin deep, and spreads across the rest of your body with this raw, sore feeling that comes in strange patterns.

You would blame part of that pain upon the studs of polished bone that have pierced through four particularly delicate places upon your body. The piercings themselves do not feel painful, but you are certainly painfully aware of their existence upon your body. You can feel three studs upon the flesh of your tongue, two upon the blossoming crowns of your bosom, and one more through a place that you would rather not describe. A part of your mind idly wonders if they would enhance certain private activities... and a darker place wonders how your captors made use of them.

You clap your cheeks and shake such thoughts away. Your voice is dry and hoarse, but you need the vocal reminder that, "This is just what you get for going past the Wardenstones on your own, Tanya. Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing you need to worry about."

Saying that out loud takes a heavy weight off your chest.

The weight that remains behind is heavier than you remember it being, which leaves you with more questions better left unspoken. There's no point in asking how long you've been the captive of a tribe of goblins. You would not be the first young woman to lose time to the less than tender mercies of such monsters, and you will not be the last. Nor would you be the first young woman to return to society from such an ordeal, through escape or rescue from them by a troop of knights or party of adventurers.

It helps that the goblins have all been killed. There's not enough light in this lichen-filled cavern for you to get a good idea of what killed them, but pawing around through their corpses tells you a tale of puncture wounds and deep gashes. Their coagulated blood reeks of rotting meat, which tells you that whatever killed them was not looking for a meal.
>6 on the d100 for loot

After stripping each corpse you can find and piling them all up, you take an inventory of anything that might end up being of use to you. The goblins themselves had precious little that you could make use of, their clothes and armor far too small for even your short stature. What weapons they carried that were not broken outright were rusty and pitted, but sharp and rusty metal is a fair step above your bare hands. You use a wide leather thong to tie some scraps of fur into a makeshift loincloth, and throw the largest, driest fur blanket around your shoulders and fasten it into a cloak.

The village tanner would weep at what you do next, but needs must. The hardened leather armor worn by the largest of the goblins has been torn up anyways, and with a bit of knife work you manage to make yourself a pair of makeshift boots to keep the stones and water off your feet.

Lastly, by some small mercy a barrel of dried and salted meat remains unspoiled. It smells like salty leather and has the same approximate taste and consistency, but at least you can stuff a sack full of it and survive for a little while. You turn the sack into a bindle with the help of a broken goblin spear. With the rations hanging from your shoulder and a rusty axe upon your belt, you head towards... (Roll 1d100)
>The sound of dripping water.
>The scent of fresh air.
>The direction of a breeze.
>The source of the lichens.

As you do, you gather your thoughts and memories. They feel scattered. You remember your beautiful mother and the hermit of a man who claimed the whore's daughter as his get when no one else would take responsibility for her. She died of plague before he passed of old age. Where your mother gave you the beauty of a woman every man in the village wanted to be with, the old hermit taught you his esoteric trade...
>Alchemist. Expert on herbs and materials, creators of potions.
>Armiger. Warrior-Mage that blends many weapons and styles together.
>Beguiler. Master of illusions and remaining hidden in the shadows.
>Crimson Dancer. Sword-slinging specialists in magics that manipulate blood.
>Guru. Philosophers that invoke higher concepts for practical use.
>Harbinger. Masters of cursed sword techniques that debilitate foes.
>Necromancer. Caller of the dead and manipulator of corpses.
>Veilknife. Psyker that invokes the power of very ancient weapons.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

>The scent of fresh air.
>Necromancer. Caller of the dead and manipulator of corpses.
Goblin army.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

>6 on the d100 for loot
why was the 6 picked when an anon rolled a 93 later ?

>The sound of dripping water.

>Beguiler. Master of illusions and remaining hidden in the shadows.
>The scent of fresh air.
>Veilknife. Psyker that invokes the power of very ancient weapons.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

+1 to this. Could be that QM was writing when that roll came in. Or worse... best of 1...
Rolled 43 (1d100)

>The sound of dripping water.
Got to clean our mouth out.

Rolled 32 (1d100)

I was already writing when that roll came in, so I just went with the first roll. This game will use a best of three system, I think.
alright. in the future, make a post saying that voting has ended and you're writting.
Alright. Then in that case, calling things for Beguiler and the sound of dripping water and writing it up.
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Herta Niemandova
Class: Beguiler
Level: 1
Attributes: STR +0, DEX +2, CON +1, WIS +0, INT +3, CHA +1
HP 22/22, Spells 2/2, AC 12, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
Cantrips Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, Detect Magic, Minor Image
Spells Blend, Silent Image
Skills Acrobatics +6, Arcana +7, Athletics +4, Devices +6, Herbalism +7, Investigation +7, Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
Charlatan's Cant: Your old man taught you a funny way of speaking that most people can't understand. Some of his guests could, as could some of your mother's clients. They were very confused to hear it come from a whore's daughter.

Stygian Step: Your old man taught you how to become one with the shadows. Literally. It wears you out, but you can move from shadow to shadow maybe four times before you need a break.

Trapfinding: You have a +1 on all checks to find traps or hazards, and have the know-how to look for magical traps that most people would overlook.
Status Fatigued 3/5


>Event Roll: 93
You follow the sound of dripping water through the hewn-stone halls until the drips become the burble of a stream and the burble of a stream becomes the rushing of falling waters. The twists and turns are abandoned and empty, with nary a beast nor monster so much as growling at you. More than once you find yourself faced with a dead end and forced to turn back. After an hour, maybe two, as the lichen on the walls grows thick enough that their light matches that of a single full moon, you finally find the source.

The hewn walls open to a cavern where crystals sparkle within the stone like a hundred thousand little stars, shedding light as though the seven moons were in alignment and all of them were full. Tis a dim sight compared to daylight, but compared to the darkness of the masonry tunnels it's like a clear and sunny day.

More importantly, there is water.

Water falls from the ceiling into a series of terraced pools, carrying with it the light of the glittering crystals and setting each pool aglow like a candle flame. Pale and blue, the pools let off steam without bubbling, and a test with your finger tells you that the warmth is pleasant instead of overwhelming heat.

It's more enough to wash out the stale taste of goblin from your mouth, and along with the salted leathery meat in your bindle you can banish the throbbing in your head. Aches and soreness remain throughout your body as you fill up the waterskins you salvaged from the goblins, giving you enough to travel, if you ration it well. You suspect you know how to make the soreness go away, but you might be left vulnerable if you soak for too long. (Roll 1d100)
>Soak in the pool until the soreness goes away
>Cast blend and soak until it falls off
>Maintain a silent image around yourself as you soak.
>Best to not risk it.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

>Maintain a silent image around yourself as you soak.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

>Maintain a silent image around yourself as you soak.
You know what’s better than rolling 100/100? Doing it twice.
>Maintain a silent image around yourself as you soak.
I think we're working on a Bo1 system here
Rolled 64 (1d100)

>Soak in the pool until the soreness goes away
we're not, just look at what OP said >>6051263
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>Maintain a silent image around yourself as you soak.
Not sure if rolls are separate for different options or not, so rolling.
Rolled 11, 1, 12, 7, 12 = 43 (5d12)

Locking vote for Silent Image. You guys got a good event roll, this roll is part of that.
Rolled 5, 2, 4, 1, 3 = 15 (5d6)

good is an underestatement
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>100 on the Event Roll
>Maintain a Silent Image as you soak
>Spells at 1/2

Even if they're clothes crafted from scraps of goblin armor, you still treat them with delicate care when you strip down to your birthday suit. Folding the cloak and loincloth up nicely, you lay them and your bindle out near the water pooling what looks like an old crater. Your makeshift boots slip off of your feet as soon as you untie the thong around your ankle. Haphazard as they are, they at least kept the worst of the rocks and stones off of you as you walked.

Ah, why did Papa Niemand never teach you how to transmute? Illusions and the shadow magics help keep you safe and secure, for sure, but transmutation would have helped you make things.

Then again, the old hermit who adopted the village whore's daughter was not much of a craftsman. He might not have known such magic.

Letting out a long sigh, you sink down into the warmth of the pool and let it seep into your aching body. The heat of the mineral-infused water already banishes the soreness in your legs and feet from walking for so long. Though it stings the raw places on your skin, that pain fades quickly and with it goes the rawness that you felt. Thanks to the light of the crystals and the glowing waters, you can finally see enough to get a better picture of yourself.

"Ah, that's why my skin hurt..." you mumble to yourself as you look at your reflection in the water.

Your once proud and straight blonde hair has become a ragged mess that falls below your shoulders. Bags sit below your jade green eyes, as if you needed a reminder of the intense weariness you felt. For all that, your cheeks have not been hallowed out by neglect or starvation, and your bosom has swollen up to match the generous bust of your mother before she passed away. The polished bone piercings you can see and feel are not the only gift the goblin tribe left you with, however.

Blood red ink now marks your pale skin with swirling patterns that trace over your every curve and emphasize your bust and womb. Indelible ink that has permanently stained your skin and marked you as the property of that tribe. A few traveling women you met at the inn's baths bore such marks, including one errant lady knight who blushed heavily when your younger self asked what they meant. You cannot feel magic within the tattoos or piercings; whatever significant they must have, it must only be cultural, if monsters can have culture.

You don't know enough about goblins to know what each marking means, but you can guess at the marks about your womb that look like tallies. Your ears turn pink and you sink deeper into the water, burbling to yourself, "So that's why they're bigger now... thirteen goblets... did I really lose half a year...?"

It's certainly something to think about.
A part of it disgusts you. A part of it excites you. But before you do anything to reconcile those feelings with one another, you remember something very important: if you're going to be in the pool for a while, you need to cast your specialty spell. Your hands run through the somatic motions of the casting, and you verbalize the illusion: "Anti-Peeping Tom Barrier: [Silent Image]!"

The image of a boulder surrounds you and your equipment. From within, you can see the world around you quite clearly, through a thin and near transparent layer of stone that reminds you where the illusion rests. If anyone touches it, their hand will go right through, but as long as they only look, they won't know that you're there. This provides you the perfect cover to bathe yourself and let your fatigue go away, so long as you can concentrate.

You can also go about reconciling those strange feelings about having been turned into a goblin broodmare for six months without worrying about anyone seeing your face. You just need to keep your voice down, which is a skill you built up over the years.

After all, when the family trade pays so well... you picked up a few things from your mother. Discretion being one of them.

It takes you about an hour to reconcile your feelings and come to an understanding of your emotions. The piercings were certainly helpful, as you suspected they would be. Really, you should have a bit of trauma about it, but losing all that time appears to have helped you in that regard. You have to wonder if that lady knight had the same sort of feelings about her time among the goblins, if that's why she seemed so embarrassed about it.

Whatever the case, you're left feeling refreshed and ready. The hotsprings drained away all of your fatigue, to the point that you now feel like you can run a dozen miles! Maybe even two!

Status Update: Fatigue has been reduced to zero. Bathing in the hotsprings has granted you a "Forced March" effect, allowing you to walk for twice as long without building up fatigue for the next 5 days.

You came into the cavern at the highest point where there's a stable path through the dungeon. It seems like a trail winds through the springs, with little bridges of stone masonry crossing over the steaming streams that connect the pools. The water eventually flows out through a tunnel from the largest pool at the base. If you had a boat, maybe you could follow it.

Something catches your eyes at the center of the basin pool, as well. A little island sticks out of the steaming water, and upon it you can see a lonely treasure chest. The basin is shallow enough that you can wade out, and after tapping it with the butt of your axe to make sure it's not a mimic, you can...

[Passive Investigation of 17 reveals no traps!]
[Passive Devices of 16 opens up the lock!]
...open it up to reveal what's inside! (Roll 1d20 to Identify)
>A pair of magical bracers stitched with runes of protection. (Aura: Abjuration)
>A belt with five pockets, each of which are marked with a rune for one of the five elements. (Aura: Destruction)
>A drinking horn that does not seem to run out of mead no matter how much you drink. (Aura: Life and Creation)
>A mask shaped from crystal that can hide your face. (Aura: Divination)
>A small, rust-colored sack that feels like it has a ball of fuzz nestled inside of it. (Aura: Conjuration)

Once you have claimed your treasure, you should probably move on. There's a path on each side of the pool at the bottom, which you can see. (Roll 1d100)
>Go the southern route, where the crystals seem to get brighter.
>Go the northern route, where you think you can feel a cool breeze.
>Go the western route, which goes the same direction as the stream, you hope.
>Go the eastern route, which you think has a bit of an incline
>Attempt to climb up the wall near the falls... without a rope...
>Go back the way you came, and try another route.
I don't go here, but FWIW OP you can get away with sex scenes if you put them offsite (e.g. ghostbin) and link them here. The mods just don't like it when you post it on the site directly.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>A pair of magical bracers stitched with runes of protection. (Aura: Abjuration)
>Go the northern route, where you think you can feel a cool breeze.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

>A drinking horn that does not seem to run out of mead no matter how much you drink. (Aura: Life and Creation)
>Go the northern route, where you think you can feel a cool breeze.

Life magic sounds like it might be a healing item. Going with that assumption, it's probably the best.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

Rolled 67 (1d100)

>A belt with five pockets, each of which are marked with a rune for one of the five elements. (Aura: Destruction)
Self defense.

>Go the northern route, where you think you can feel a cool breeze.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>A pair of magical bracers stitched with runes of protection. (Aura: Abjuration)

>Go the western route, which goes the same direction as the stream, you hope.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

Rolled 12 (1d20)

>A pair of magical bracers stitched with runes of protection. (Aura: Abjuration)
Rolled 100 (1d100)

>Go the northern route, where you think you can feel a cool breeze.
gyatt zam
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>Defense Bracers
>Arcana to Identify: 25

"What is something like you doing in the middle of a cavern's hotsprings?" you ask no one in particular, and nothing answers the question. To be expected, really. You're all alone on an island - a boulder really - at the center of a basin beneath a hotspring. If someone answered you, chances are that you would be in big trouble. Best cases, your chastity would be in danger... not that you value it all that much. Worse case, you'd become some monster's meal.

Passive Arcana 17 fails to understand the nature of Dungeons

Still, though, you almost wish someone had.

You understand that from simple Kobold Caves to winding Labyrinths, chests within dungeons will always have something of value... when they're not a mimic. Your old man mentioned a few things about dungeons in his lectures to you, something about how they prefer to trap people rather than kill them. It had something to do with the cycle of mana and the flow of memories through the ley lines, and how loot is just a half-remembered echo of the previous civilization.

It was all high concept stuff that you barely understood, but the gist of it is that dungeons create stuff out of nothing, and the stuff it created for you... well, you almost fear that you ate up all of you luck finding it. Once you're certain that the bracers are not trapped, you immediately slip them on and feel the seven stars of the Pleiades grant you their blessing.

Bracers of the Pleiades
+2 Enhancement Bonus to AC
+2 Natural Armor Bonus to AC
+2 Deflection Bonus to AC
+2 Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws
2 Energy Resistance against Fire
2 Energy Resistance against Cold
2 Damage Reduction

Status Update Herta's AC has increased to 18. Herta's Saves are now Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +4.

It's not exactly the sort of cheat item that you could use to instantly clear even a low level dungeon, but each of the blessings is extremely useful. You've heard adventurers complain about grinding for the Pleiades in the Labyrinth beneath the capital, because it makes more dangerous delves easier. With your hands on a set of them right now, you certainly understand why they'd want such an item.

The silver bracers are lined with black fur and hold seven glowing jewels a piece in the shape of the Pleiades constellation. Once you close them about each arm, they resize themselves for a perfect fit. Somehow, having them wrapped snugly around your forearms fills you with confidence that you hadn't realized you were missing.

With your new gear equipped, you strike out for the northern passage.

You're fairly sure you felt a cool breeze coming down that passageway. Perhaps it will lead you back to the surface?


It takes you the better part of an hour to navigate the labyrinthine tunnels. You attached a crystal to the end of your bindle, giving you light enough to see by, but that helps you only so much as the passage twists and turns in odd directions. Eventually, the passage opens up to reveal the reason why such a chilly wind came down the tunnels.

A grand cavern opens up before you, of such a size that you barely understand how it has not collapsed upon itself. A wintry paradise, it stretches on for what looks like miles upon miles in each direction, the gently falling snow occluding your vision. Crystals of a hundred different colors line a ceiling that must be thousands of feet high, and their cold light freeze up the humidity in the cavern and turns it into snow. Bristly pines dot hills that roll across the way, covered in white powder.

How deep am I...? you ask yourself, before the second question comes around. What dungeon is this place?

You do not ask those words out loud.

In fact, you hid yourself behind a tree as soon as you could, because the thing that greets travelers to this wintry wonderland frightens you. In the shade of a great oak that must reach a hundred feet tall, a great wolf thrice again the size of any bear you've seen before curls up in slumber. Red markings upon its fur remind you of the tattoos that now mark your body.

You think you can see smoke off in the distance, and surely if you hug the walls of the cavern you'll find another exit eventually. Thanks to the blessing of the Pleiades, the only effect the snowfield's cold has upon you is that two delicate places have stiffened up and made your bosom nice and perky. Much colder, though, and you might need to bundle up more.

But, before you worry about the cold, or your destination, you need to get past this giant wolf. (Roll 1d20)
>Use Minor Image to try and trick it into thinking that a tasty creature has run by.
>Use Ghost Sound to try and spook it, leading it off in another direction.
>Cast Blend upon yourself and attempt to sneak past it.
>Use your Stygian Step to move between shadows and dart around it.
>Use Silent Image to make pretend that you're one of the trees, and slowly move around him.

Once you're past the wolf...
>Head towards the rising smoke. You have at least three things you can use to barter, if it's a village.
>Follow the wall of the cavern and go to the next exit point.
>Head back the way you came. You're not equipped well if this room gets any colder.
>(Write In)
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>Use your Stygian Step to move between shadows and dart around it.
>Head towards the rising smoke. You have at least three things you can use to barter, if it's a village.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>Use Ghost Sound to try and spook it, leading it off in another direction.
Sneaking past it won't work if we only change/hide our appearance. Wolves have Scent.

>Head towards the rising smoke. You have at least three things you can use to barter, if it's a village.
Do we wanna wake it up, though?
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>Use your Stygian Step to move between shadows and dart around it.

>Head towards the rising smoke. You have at least three things you can use to barter, if it's a village.
>Use Ghost Sound to try and spook it, leading it off in another direction.
>Head towards the rising smoke. You have at least three things you can use to barter, if it's a village.
roll anon
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Alright, since no one wants to break the tie:

1: Ghost Sound
2: Shadow Step
Rolled 1 (1d4)

Rolling for Settlement Size
>Stygian Step
>21 Stealth

You need to still your heart. It pounds so hard in your chest that you fear it might explode, but you need it to become still if you want to make it past the beast before you. Weaving threads of magic into a spell requires serenity and piece of mind, lest you lose control and concentration. Consequences could range from something as juvenile as turning your clothes invisible - not that you're wearing much right now - to the spell quite literally exploding in your face.

Breath. Hold. Let it go.

Breath. Hold. Let it go.

Breath. Hold. Let it go.

It takes several minutes of that cycle to force your heart to calm itself. Those minutes stretched on into what felt like hours of keeping your mouth clamped shut and your breath as gentle and soundless as you could manage it. But in time, your panic fades. After all, this encounter is just a consequence for your foolishness, when you decided to go beyond the Wardenstones to greedily pick more herbs than you could find within the barrier's boundary.

Foolish men and women get dragged away by monsters to meet a terrible fate, so you're lucky that you've the freedom to wander the dungeon in the first place. Never mind the fact that you already met your terrible fate and brought thirteen goblins into the world before your captors got themselves killed.

Your fear is gone. You have room to breathe properly, though you keep them light and quiet. In the shadow of a sugar maple, you keep yourself from slumping or collapsing to the ground. Thoughts race through your mind, and soon enough you arrive at what your gut thinks is the best way out.

You suspect that the nose of this wintry wolf is too keen to be fooled by a Minor Image or Ghost Sound. Even a Silent Image barely gives off any scent; nothing less than a Major Image would have a fragrance that could fool such a beast.

Suffice it to say, such magic is beyond you.

Nor do you stand any chance in combat against it. Even with a piece from Ingrid's Indispensable Equipment - the adventurer's checklist before striking down to the Deep Lands - the wolf would surely rip your guts out if you attempted to ambush it. Which leaves you with one option that you can see: Go around it.

The fastest, safest way is through the shadows. Your senses extend through the shade of the maple you stand beneath, and soon enough you can feel every shadow nearby. There is one not so distant from you, a smaller oak beyond the wolf and towards the rising pillars of smoke. It sits at the edge of your perception, but this is not the longest that you've had to jump before.

Breathing calmly, you do as the old hermit taught you.

Stealth of 21 meets the Winter Wolf's Passive Perception of 21. You avoid waking the beast!
The shadow beneath your feat becomes a pool of black ink for a fraction of a moment. But that is enough for you to sink in through the shadows and step through the Realm of Dreams. That realm is a chaotic place, where higher illusions that are well beyond your ken draw material that makes them almost real. Your old man warned you to keep your eyes shut here, and for the brief moment you are in that plane, you rely on the feeling of the small oak's shadow to guide past the wolf.

It spits you out on the other side, and once you're there, you waste no time. As best you can, you slink away, hoping against all hope that the falling snow fills in the tracks you leave behind before the wolf awakens.


The pillars of smoke lead you north and east, away from that great oak tree where that wintry wolf rested beneath the canopy. The hills roll on and on, covered with snow that you need to tredge through. Without the blessings of the Pleiades, you might well have already caught your death of chill, but thanks to the bracers the cold has been mostly harmless, if not exactly pleasant. They mute the cold and prevent you from freezing over, but the chill still saps at your strength as you travel.

Status Update Fatigue has increased to 1/5.

Soon enough, you see the makings of a village in the distance. It looks cozy and reminds you of your homeland during the winter months, though you suspect the snow is a fair bit deeper than the scant few inches that pile up around your cottage. Wooden houses and walls of stone, with a small castle jutting from the cavern walls. You can see fishers working at an iced over lake, and menfolk in armor keeping watch at the walls.

You almost sob in relief when you realize that their gates are human, rather than bestial. If nothing else that means they won't try to eat you, or turn you into a brood mother, or some other terrible thing that monsters are wont to do. Sure, you might have to barter with your body, but that's nothing you haven't done before.

Of course, right as you crest the hill, someone immediately tries to stop your approach.

"Stanna där!" a boyish voice cries from behind you. It shocks you so much that you wind up tumbling into the snow, something you managed to avoid until now, even with weary feet. You can feel a shadow pass over you as the speaker leaps, and after kicking up a small blizzard with his landing he starts babbling something in his language.
"Lagens beskyddare och fredens försvarare, Utryttare Örjan har anlänt!" Looking up, you see an admittedly handsome young man striking some ridiculous pose. He wears a vibrant blue tabard over chainmail, marked with a white paw. Around his neck is a scarf woven in tartan colors of blue, silver, and red. An unstrung bow sits on his back with a quiver of arrows, but his stance and the way he's holding his hands suggests he intends to use some sort of theatric fisticuffs. "Vad har du för affärer med vargbyn, främl-ooooooj! Du är söt! Och naken! ...varför? Det är kallt här ute!"

His stance breaks and his eyes nearly bug out of his head as you stand back up. Your cloak fell out of place, meaning that he's gotten more than an eyeful of your naked bosom, and from his reaction he certainly appreciates what you have. Hopefully the same will go for the rest of his village, as you've no problem bartering your body to some bachelors for supplies. Even if the folk here have strange, wolfish ears atop their head. Of course, you just hope that he speaks common... (Roll 1d20)

He seems pretty intent on taking you to the village. You probably need to figure out your story...
>Tell the whole unvarnished truth, from being taken by goblins to your journey so far.
>Skip over how you got into the dungeon, and just note that you woke up there missing some memories.
>You're simply an adventurer passing through.
>Play up your pitiable circumstances and pretend to be more helpless than you really are.
>(Write in)
>+Attempt to seduce the guard on your way.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>Skip over how you got into the dungeon, and just note that you woke up there missing some memories.
>+Attempt to seduce the guard on your way.
something that has been bugging me, if we were bred for 6 months why did the piercings still hurt when we regained conciousness ?
Rolled 7 (1d20)

+1 to this! Seduce the guard, seduce the guard, seduce the guard!
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>Skip over how you got into the dungeon, and just note that you woke up there missing some memories.
>+Attempt to seduce the guard on your way.
I wonder if the winter wolf is their progenitor or spirit animal?
The piercings explicitly did not hurt, the tattoos did. Those were a bit newer and more ceremonial, for purposes you have yet to ascertain.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>Skip over how you got into the dungeon, and just note that you woke up there missing some memories.
>+Attempt to seduce the guard on your way.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>Skip over how you got into the dungeon, and just note that you woke up there missing some memories.
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>Skip unnecessary details
>8 to seduce the young guardsman

You skip over the details that are really just speculation on your part. Sure, you bear the tattoo markings of an honored goblin broodmother who has given a tribe thirteen children, and you carrying the piercings of a breeding slave goblins took from the surface, but you don't know for sure how long it's been since you were abducted. Studying illusion magic makes you the sort of woman who doesn't take for granted that what she sees is really the truth; circumstance can lie.

So as the young man guides you back to his village, you tell him the facts and only the facts, and avoid concealing anything important. The loot you found is not so important, but the dead goblins, your journey through caverns to the hotsprings, and your encounter with the massive wolf are all things that you share with him. Of course, as you tell him your tale, you make sure to keep his arms nestled in the valley of your bosom.

Unfortunately, he seems to be the sort of pure hearted lunkhead who doesn't notice that sort of behavior.

Somehow that makes him even cuter than he already is.

"Oh, you encountered Fenris!" Örjan - that's the young outrider's name - seems excited when you mentioned the giant wolf. "That's an auspicious sign. He guards the southern pass into the Labyrinth from monsters and surface dwellers who stink of avarice, but he normally hides himself amongst the snow. If you saw him sleeping, he wanted you to see him sleeping. I bet a lovely lady like yourself could have gone up to him and rubbed him on the nose."

Given that your greed for medicinal herbs is the reason you got abducted, you're not so sure. Would that make you stink of avarice to the wolf? You give Örjan a smile, and say, "I'm sure you're right."

"Oh, I'm sure of it," Örjan says with so much cheer that your dour mood cannot help but evaporate. "I saw Fenris on my vision quest, I did! He looks scary, but he knows good from evil well. He's really just a big fluffball who loves belly rubs like any other wolf hound, just bigger and fluffier!"

You're not quite sure if he should be talking about his tutelary spirit like that.

But that's not your business.

As you approach the village gates, still clinging to Örjan's side, the envious looks of his fellow guardsmen confirm that the young outrider's lack of a response to your open flirtation comes from his personality. Like Örjan, both men have white hair and wolf ears, though they seem to be more seasoned wolves than him. Less boyishly cute, more rugged and handsome.

"Looks like you caught yourself a surface dweller, Örjan!" one of them says with a chuckle. He eyes your tattoos for a moment, his expression growing a bit more complicated. "She a rescue from some goblins you found? I know you're talented, boy, but you really should come back to the village for backup if you find a nest..."
Örjan gives the man a frown, "If it's just a nest of goblins, I'd be fine on my own, Captain Sven. But I didn't rescue Miss Her-"

"Oh, but you did~!" You insist, cutting the young wolfman off, wrapping your arms around his chest. Your bosom presses tight against his back, and even a man with his personality can't ignore that much affection from a beautiful woman such as yourself. "I woke up surrounded by dead goblins, wandering the dungeon all alone, and Örjan here found me drifting through the snow. And I'm oh. So. Grateful."

Örjan turns beet red as the other guards start chuckling. "That's not... she's not... I just found her on the path to the village and escorted her here."

You let your hands wander a bit, eyeing the other guards for approval. The seasoned looking fellow - Sven, you think his name was - seems relieved by your good spirits, and after a moment gives you a knowing smirk. The other one even flashes you a subtle thumbs up. So you go as far as public decency would allow, and whisper, "And to thank you for that escort, I'll escort you for a little while, at least~"

Örjan looks between his seniors and asks, "Wh-why do a feel like I'm gonna get eaten...?"

Sven claps him on the shoulder and gives him a serious look. "Being eaten by a woman isn't so bad, even if she's in and out of your life like a whirlwind, lad. I'm going to give you a very important task of showing this the hospitality of our village and taking care of her for her stay. Though... for our entry records, madame, could I get your name?"

"Herta Niemandova," you tell Sven without hesitation. He writes it down into a tome.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Herta," the seasoned wolfman says. "I'm Sven Bjornsen, captain of the watch. My buddy here is Olav Olavsen. If anyone gives you trouble, don't hesitate to come to us, and... do take care of young Örjan, will you? Fun is fun, and gratitude is gratitude, but younger men tend to be a bit delicate."

You nod at his words. No leading the boy on... not that you intended to do so. Your mother taught you how to be professional when you were younger, it's an important skill for all working girls to have.

Örjan thumps his chest with his fist, having missed the point entirely. "Don't worry, Captain Sven! I'm the toughest there is."

Sven and Olav share a glance and chuckle. "Hah! You young ones have fun now, you hear? And Örjan, make sure the vixen doesn't cause too much trouble, will you?"

"Vixen..." you grumble in annoyance. Well, you suppose he's not wrong, but...

Örjan does something outrageous and flips your cloak, exposing your nearly-naked bottom. "But Captain, she doesn't have the tails or ears of the fox clan."

Sven and Olav choke with laughter as you drag Örjan away. (Roll 1d100 and 1d20)
>Go to his place. Showing Örjan some "gratitude" will surely wrap him around your finger.
>See if Örjan knows if there's any place where you can find work to buy some equipment.
>Ask Örjan if there's anywhere you could barter away some of the goblin trinkets.
>Ask Örjan if his people have a map of the Labyrinth that you could take a look at.
>+Continue the seemingly fruitless effort that is open flirtation with this dense outrider.
Rolled 35 (1d100)

I don't see how the first 4 options are mutually exclusive, there's no time pressure as far as I can tell.
If this is the >where next choice then
>Ask Örjan if there's anywhere you could barter away some of the goblin trinkets.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

And d20.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

>Ask Örjan if there's anywhere you could barter away some of the goblin trinkets.
See what we can get from that before trying to pick up any work.
>+Continue the seemingly fruitless effort that is open flirtation with this dense outrider.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Yes, it's for the next choice. You only have so much time, and I only have so much space in the update, lol.
Rolled 23 (1d100)

>See if Örjan knows if there's any place where you can find work to buy some equipment.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 77 (1d100)

>Ask Örjan if there's anywhere you could barter away some of the goblin trinkets.
>+Continue the seemingly fruitless effort that is open flirtation with this dense outrider.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

And then the d20
Rolled 91 (1d100)

>Ask Örjan if there's anywhere you could barter away some of the goblin trinkets.
so that then we can
>See if Örjan knows if there's any place where you can find work to buy some equipment.
...and also
>+Continue the seemingly fruitless effort that is open flirtation with this dense outrider.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

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Houses of brick and timber line up with one another to form a web of village streets and alleyways that is not quite a chaotic and unplanned mess. Stones pave every path within the walls, with spellwork to keep them clear of snow even in the cavern's eternal winter. The widest and broadest road leads up to the side of the cavern, where a small castle has been built out from the natural cliff face.

You and Örjan do not approach that part of town at all.

"Is there anyone in town who buys things off of traveling adventurers?" you ask your young guide. You haven't stopped clinging to his arm, which gets the two of you some looks and gossiping whispers. Unfortunately, Örjan does not seem to know what to do with a woman who's been throwing herself at him.

In fact, he seems completely oblivious to your charms. He happily responds, "Yeah, let me take you to Ryckard's shop. If you got anything steel or iron... even if it's in bad condition, he can just smelt it down into ingots."

Örjan leads you to a great round building, attached to which might be the largest set of bellows that you've ever seen. They easily dwarf those attached to the forges of your village, and from the look of it they appear to be powered by a rare stream of water that has not frozen over in the cavern's chill. A water wheel turns a gear, that makes the bellows pump a mighty gust of wind into the furnace.

Inside the building is toasty and warm despite the winter chill outside. A stocky man with white hair and wolven ears works at a hunk of metal with a hammer. When he catches Örjan in his eyes, he stops his work and breaks into a grin, "Örjan, my friend! It's been too long since you've visited the shop... and with a surface dwelling beauty in tow, ho ho ho. Have you finally learned a woman's charms?"

You shake your head at the man. He quirks an eyebrow at you. Örjan just sounds confused, when he says, "Ryckard, what are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you when you're older, lad," Ryckard shakes his head.

"I've been a man grown for two whole years now," Örjan complains. "I feel like I'll be shriveled up and grey by the time you tell me."

"Don't worry, Örjan," you tell him. "Sven asked me to show you the roped, so I'll be going over all that in detail with you later."

Ryckard chokes at your words before bursting into laughter. Örjan looks between the two of you with confusion on his face, before letting out a long sigh. "You know I used to think this was just a woman thing, but now it feels like everyone is in on it. Anyways, Ryckard, this is Herta, an adventurer from the surface who lost her way. I was hoping you could cut her a good deal on some things she picked up from some goblins."

Ryckard nods, and gestures to the table. "Well, let's take a look at what you've got..."
You've already unpacked your bindle. Luckily for you, to a man with a forge that can smelt things down, even the scrap metal you collect from the goblins is going to be worth something. Aside from the two weapons that you have on your belt, you packed away all the metal knives, arrowheads, and spearheads that you could find, as well as a second hatchet. They're rusted over in some places, and pitted, but they're what you have to barter.

In total, you have a the second hatchet, a dozen knives, another dozen spearheads, and about fifty arrowheads that you managed to scrounge up and pack away with your rations. Ryckard goes over each of them with a set of expert eyes, appraising your loot. He gives Örjan a look, and the both of them nod at one another in some unspoken understanding.

"Most of these will just be going into the scrap heap to be melted down," he tells you. He separated three spear heads and four of the daggers out, putting them with the hatched "These are in good enough condition that I can have my apprentice polish them back up and put them out on a discount. I can give you 10 silver for the lot."

10 silver won't buy you much in the way of arms and armor, but it's a start. From the look that Örjan - who is far too honest to try and cheat an outsider - he's probably giving you the best price that he can. So, after a moment of deliberation, you show him the weapons you kept for yourself and ask, "Can your apprentice take a look at these as well?"

Örjan gives the man a pair of puppy-dog eyes which makes the Ryckard chuckle. "Be careful Örjan, Miss Herta here's a devious one. Pod could use the practice, so I don't see the harm. Though if you're sticking around for a while, I might have some work for you once they're done, Miss Herta."

You'll probably need to stick around for a bit if you want to equip yourself, so you nod. The exchange goes through, and he sets your weapons off to the side to have his apprentice work on them. You give a bow of your head in appreciation. "Thank you, Master Ryckard."

"Yeah, thanks for helping her out, Ryckard!" Örjan says, almost dragging you out of the shop. Ryckard barely has time to say "you're welcome" before you're gone. "So, where to next?"
>Go to his place. Showing Örjan some "gratitude" will surely wrap him around your finger.
>See if Örjan knows if there's any place where you can find work to buy some equipment.
>See if you can't purchase some secondhand clothing with the money you just received.
>Ask Örjan if his people have a map of the Labyrinth that you could take a look at.
>+Continue the seemingly fruitless effort that is open flirtation with this dense outrider.
>See if you can't purchase some secondhand clothing with the money you just received.
>+Continue the seemingly fruitless effort that is open flirtation with this dense outrider.
Looks like if we want to buy any decent equipment to leave the dungeon, we'll first need to work or 'work' here for a while.
>Ask Örjan if his people have a map of the Labyrinth that you could take a look at.
The Pleiades bracers seem to be protecting us from the cold, so clothes are a second priority. Getting out of the dungeon is first.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

>Ask Örjan if his people have a map of the Labyrinth that you could take a look at.
>+Continue the seemingly fruitless effort that is open flirtation with this dense outrider.
I think flirting with him is garnering approval from the rest of the village, so let's keep doing that.
OP, you didn't ask for a roll this time so I assume we don't need one
You know, I didn't ask for a roll, but with >>6053753 being a 99, I'll go ahead and take that into consideration for the next post.
>Ask Örjan if his people have a map of the Labyrinth that you could take a look at.
>+Continue the seemingly fruitless effort that is open flirtation with this dense outrider.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
Giving notice of no update tonight, though I'm calling it for looking for the map and the Sisyphean task of flirting with Orjan.
Thanks for the update!
Alright, thanks for the notice.
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With the sale of your meager loot complete and some small amount of funding secured, your next destination is the local church. It's far less ostentatious than the temples above ground, more how you would expect a humble friar's monastery to appear. They appear to worship the winter wolf that you encountered beneath the great oak tree as a tutelary deity, one of the four guardian beasts that defends their subterranean homeland.

The Black Turtle of the North.

The White Wolf of the South.

The Golden Hare of the East.

The Red Raven of the West.

Örjan lectures you at length on the omens and rituals associated with the local gods, but all of that passes through one ear and out the other. As fun as clinging to his surprisingly muscular arm feels, letting it squish between your bare breasts, with a partner this unresponsive it almost saps your energy. Could he maybe put a little bit of the enthusiasm he has for the Raven and the Hare towards bending you over and taking full advantage of the warm, wet gratitude that you want to show him?

No wonder everyone who's looked at the two of you had gazes full of pity. You thought they were intended for him, the young boy ensnared by such a vixen, but no. That pity must have been for you. A vixen who finds herself confronted with a wall so difficult to climb that she has gotten stuck, doomed to curl up and wither like a rose out of season. A part of you wonders if you shouldn't just take the lead yourself, since he seems so inept at the role men are meant to take.

In fact...

The temple keeper closes the iron door behind the two of you with a sly grin and a heavy thunk. Perhaps he saw your frustration there, allowing you some alone time with the young and airheaded outrider. Örjan certainly does not show any unseen devious side, once he's all but locked in a dusty old library with a woman wearing nothing but a cloak and a loincloth. A proper young man would not have been able to help himself but to feast upon the table laid out for him; clearly, Örjan is hopeless.

"You wanted to take a look at a map of the Labyrinth, right?" Örjan asks. It's a question that raises some concerns, as your village should be man leagues away from the nearest entrance to such a major dungeon... but what else could it be? Of course, those questions are fleeting as your eyes wander over Örjan with a woman's hunger. "Not just a map of Cold Caverns?"

"Yes, that's right..." you give a breathy, absent minded answer.

He leads you to a table surrounded by plush looking, comfortable chairs. Your mind begins to wander very far from your thoughts about the map... what is this estrus you feel? Is it a remnant of whatever the goblins did, to turn you into a broodmare for their clan...? "Why don't you take a seat here, I'll go looking for it." (Roll 1d20)

No, he should sit down. After all...
>You want to "give him a hand" since he's been helping you all day.
>You need to show him the gratitude "swelling in your heart"
>You need to give him "words of thanks" that cannot be spoken.
>There's a flower dripping with sweet nectar that you'd like to gift him in thanks for his help.
>There's something you clean with prestidigitation every day that you'd like to thank him with.
>...You know what you're seeking best, is all. (No "thanks" to him just yet)
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>...You know what you're seeking best, is all. (No "thanks" to him just yet)
More fun to keep uselessly pining until maybe, SOMEDAY, he gets it. This lunkhead's marriage material, at this rate.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>You want to "give him a hand" since he's been helping you all day.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>There's something you clean with prestidigitation every day that you'd like to thank him with.
At this rate, the guy’s gonna get his own sigma edit.
>You need to show him the gratitude "swelling in your heart"
Would be a meme if the anons pick all the different options. Let's do a 6-way tie.
Giving notice that an update is unlikely tonight.
alright, take care
How you doing OP ?
Are things better now ?
Oh fuck, apparently the post I thought I sent didn't go through.

TLDR: this wiki was a clusterfuck. I think I should be able to post tomorrow though.
Waiting warmly.
Regrettably, I'm not going to have the time that I wanted to dedicate to running this quest for a good long while. Stuff has come up with life and work, and unfortunately the quest is what I need to drop. Maybe when I get some free time back, I'll pick up where this left off, but I wouldn't expect that for the rest of the year at least.

Sorry everyone.
it's ok. A shame the first interaction was axed early.
Damn. Hope you sort things out and come back to quest once more, your quests were a blast to play through.

See you, space cowboy.
only now I noticed there wasn't an archive of this quest and even if it's small lived I did one since your last one got axed and it's only saved on .moe.

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