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You are a group of 400 giant mice that have been cast out of your small kingdom. Long have you travelled the world in search of a place to settle, yet found little land not taken. At last, tired of running, you settled upon a foreign and mysterious land, perhaps not really suitable for your kind, but one you will claim for yourself.

You find yourselves in...
>-1 A jungle of dizzying heat, strangling anacondas and fertile land.
>-2 A desert oasis of enigmatic sphinxes, vast dunes and valuable trade routes.
>-3 A cavern system of dim light, valuable minerals and dark creatures.
>-4 The mana wastes of cruel witchwinds, wondrous ruins and strange beasts.
>-5 A large island off the mainland coast which was fertilized long ago by a sleeping volcano not!Sicily
>NO write-ins for this one

Pick a "curse":
>-1 Your group has few skilled healers, meaning field medicine and prevention of illness will be hard.
>-2 Your group has few skilled craftsmen, meaning mass manufacturing of goods will be difficult.
>-3 Your group has few soldiers, meaning you will have to rely upon diplomacy to protect yourselves initially.
>-4 Your group has few skilled farmers, meaning a larger portion of your population will be occupied in agriculture.
>-5 Your group has no mages at all, meaning creation of powerful artifacts and casting of spells is unavailable to you until you obtain a means of education in the arcane arts.

Pick a boon:
>-1 Be it through merchant past, industrial spirit or other, unsavoury means, your group has acquired for itself a large amount of wealth that you are yet to spend in full.
>-2 Either when you left or in the course of your journeys, you have obtained a small collection of powerful artifacts that make your soldiers truly fearsome even when few in numbers.
>-3 Your group has had to negotiate its way out of many troubles, and as such possesses an understanding of the customs of various lands and the tricks necessary to succeed in diplomacy.
>-4 Your group has some master builders, capable of constructing impressive structures. This will also aid in fortification.
>-5 Your group has tamed giant cats. These can be used as war beasts or for riding. Other applications may be found.

If you're not sure what to pick or just want to introduce chaos I have helpfully provided numbers with which you may roll for your choices.
FAQ or something:
>Is this spammer quest
>How fast
If everything goes well then I start writing once 3 votes come in, if not then I'll try 1 post a day until thread ends.
>How it works
d100 for most things, I roll for many things including random events and encounters, also your starting position which may end up unfair. Higher is better. You CAN and probably WILL die. I'll keep you alive for the first few updates though through QM powers.
>How long
>4 The mana wastes of cruel witchwinds, wondrous ruins and strange beasts
>5 Your group has no mages at all, meaning creation of powerful artifacts and casting of spells is unavailable to you until you obtain a means of education in the arcane arts.
>2 Either when you left or in the course of your journeys, you have obtained a small collection of powerful artifacts that make your soldiers truly fearsome even when few in numbers.
>-5 A large island off the mainland coast which was fertilized long ago by a sleeping volcano

>-5 Your group has no mages at all, meaning creation of powerful artifacts and casting of spells is unavailable to you until you obtain a means of education in the arcane arts.

>-5 Your group has tamed giant cats. These can be used as war beasts or for riding. Other applications may be found.
>-4 The mana wastes of cruel witchwinds, wondrous ruins and strange beasts.
>-4 Your group has few skilled farmers, meaning a larger portion of your population will be occupied in agriculture.
>-2 Either when you left or in the course of your journeys, you have obtained a small collection of powerful artifacts that make your soldiers truly fearsome even when few in numbers.
Think I'll let these first choices run for a day (or like 14-16 more hours) since it's what will set the tone for the entire first half of the quest, or even for the entirety of it, considering this is a oneshot. It is important. May help gauge interest in the idea as well.
>>-4 The mana wastes of cruel witchwinds, wondrous ruins and strange beasts.
>-5 Your group has no mages at all, meaning creation of powerful artifacts and casting of spells is unavailable to you until you obtain a means of education in the arcane arts.
>-5 Your group has tamed giant cats. These can be used as war beasts or for riding. Other applications may be found.
>-1 A jungle of dizzying heat, strangling anacondas and fertile land.
we smol, smol hide in jungle
>-1 Your group has few skilled healers, meaning field medicine and prevention of illness will be hard.
smol die before injury, breed to make new smo
>-5 Your group has tamed giant cats. These can be used as war beasts or for riding. Other applications may be found.
fuk cats
>-3 A cavern system of dim light, valuable minerals and dark creatures.
We are mice after all.
>-5 Your group has no mages at all, meaning creation of powerful artifacts and casting of spells is unavailable to you until you obtain a means of education in the arcane arts.
>-5 Your group has tamed giant cats. These can be used as war beasts or for riding. Other applications may be found.
>-5 A large island off the mainland coast which was fertilized long ago by a sleeping volcano not!Sicily

>-5 Your group has no mages at all, meaning creation of powerful artifacts and casting of spells is unavailable to you until you obtain a means of education in the arcane arts.

>-5 Your group has tamed giant cats. These can be used as war beasts or for riding. Other applications may be found.
Ok I'm late but I'm here and working on
>-4 The mana wastes of cruel witchwinds, wondrous ruins and strange beasts.
>-5 Your group has no mages at all, meaning creation of powerful artifacts and casting of spells is unavailable to you until you obtain a means of education in the arcane arts.
>-5 Your group has tamed giant cats. These can be used as war beasts or for riding. Other applications may be found.
Will roll and write shortly.
Rolled 73, 75, 3, 32, 8, 82, 71, 27, 15, 40, 88, 48, 59, 38, 88, 80, 11, 92, 7, 92 = 1029 (20d100)

Rolling your surroundings...
Rolled 76, 89, 37, 58, 34, 18, 42, 93, 46, 24 = 517 (10d100)

Some more...
You have journeyed far, very far indeed. So far that you ended up in mana wastes, where cruel witchwinds howl and strange beasts prowl the landscape. Little grows here, but you will have to make do, for you have decided to risk settling this land.

You have brought tools and whatnot with you, but they will not last you long if you are to use them extensively, and there is little wood and no iron in the vicinity to make more. There is a river from where you may take water, as is required of any proper settlement, and the soil bears plants, however little.

In the area you inhabit, there lives a hermit, an ancient half-giant that has been outcast from his tribe to the south. He speaks a foreign language and has demonstrated a surprising capacity for survival in these harsh lands.

There are also unknown ruins nearby. You're not certain ruins of what structure they are, further investigation will reveal their secrets.

To the west, there is a tribe of greenskin raiders - orcs and goblins. They seem to have taken a sizeable area the size of a province, but not quite a kingdom. Luckily, for their size they seem absolutely destitute and their military power is quite low. Still, due to the sheer size of the land they control they may pose a threat to us.

To the north, a province of humans sits on a valuable trade route - you journeyed through their lands to get where you are now. They seem fairly weak both in wealth and military in spite of possessing a trading outpost. There seems to be an ancient temple in their lands. The humans seem amicable enough, but you wouldn't call them allies.

To the east stands a small settlement of mycelids, fungus people. They appear to be blades-for-hire - this must have been what allowed them to amass a moderate amount of wealth and enough fungi to project some power..

To the south is the half-giant tribe from which the hermit half-giant was exiled. They are incredibly wealthy, but very few in number, around 50 or so. The half-giants have rejected any attempts at contact, so you're not sure what allowed them to accumulate that wealth.

Setting up a settlement with housing and whatever farms may be available is already underway. You should have enough food to last you until the next meagre harvest, but you will likely have to either live on rations until you obtain more fertile land or trade with humans to the north for food. There is also the problem of the orcs and goblins to the west.

What will the Leader decree first?
>Set up a hunting operation using the cats to obtain exotic animal parts for trade with humans.
>Begin exploration of the ruins.
>Establish contact with the half-giant hermit for his wisdom.
You may also introduce NPCs if you'd like and I'll fit them in the story, heroic characters may convey bonuses. (holy shit maybe this is multiplayer rp? nah I don't think full implementation of that is a good idea since it'd make the game depend on single anons' participation heavily. I get the final say on matters of character actions I think) This will likely be a theatre of life thing where years pass and characters change. Mice live for around 40-50 years, their lives are short. Or leave the characters completely to me. At the very least
>Name the Leader.
>Set up a hunting operation using the cats to obtain exotic animal parts for trade with humans.

>Leader's Name: Frisby

>NPC: Bluth, our finest tamer and rider of cats
>Establish contact with the half-giant hermit for his wisdom.
>Establish contact with the half-giant hermit for his wisdom.

>Leader's Name: Frisby
Good Secret of NIHM reference to that other anon.

>NPC: Bellafide, a charismatic mercenary leader and grieving father.
Now this reference I doubt any would know or remember.
>Establish contact with the half-giant hermit for his wisdom.

>Leader's Name: Elsweyr

>NPC: Cheesums, big-nosed mouse that can smell food from a mile away.
>Establish contact with the half-giant hermit for his wisdom.

Rigby The Shy is dared by a group of boys to touch the giant.

Supporting name.
>Establish contact with the half-giant hermit for his wisdom.
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Vote will be open for the night if anyone's wondering if it's closed, wanted to make another update today but post for my other quest took a lot of time & mental effort so I sleep now, will write in the morning. Maybe running 2 quests at once was a terrible idea, but w/e, just fuck my shit up.
>Establish contact with the half-giant hermit for his wisdom.
>Leader's Name: Frisby
>NPC: Bluth, our finest tamer and rider of cats
>NPC: Bellafide, a charismatic mercenary leader and grieving father.
>NPC: Cheesums, big-nosed mouse that can smell food from a mile away.
>Rigby The Shy is dared by a group of boys to touch the giant.

Locking this in, will roll and write shortly.
Rolled 11, 87, 18, 100, 92 = 308 (5d100)

Rolling for events...
Months pass. The settlement is set up and growing still. New mice are born, and your population grows to 420. In the farms, the seeds you brought with you have sprouted and grown.

As preparations for contacting the giant are underway, a small mouse boy named Rigby is dared by other boys to touch the half-giant hermit. In spite of fear, he hesitantly goes towards the cave where the strange hermit resides. Sneaking in, he sees the half-giant by the fire. In spite of his efforts to remain hidden, he has been detected. Yet the hermit simply looks at the small mouse, wordless. Overcome with fear, but thinking "No going back now", Rigby runs up to the half-giant and places his hand upon his massive foot. The difference in height is striking as the small mouse is not even shoulder-height to the sitting hermit.

The half-giant looks at Rigby quizzically. He says something in his strange voice and swiftly picks up the small mouse in his huge hands. Rigby squeaks in surprise and fear and tries to wrestle free, but it is hopeless. His mind races, wondering what the hermit will do. Will he eat him? Throw him into the fire and cook him? Do giants eat mice!? Once he stops struggling and accepts his fate, the half-giant gently sets him down and pats his head. He says something again. Rigby is confused, but suddenly feels at ease. It doesn't seem like the hermit wants to harm him. Slowly, the small mouse backs away, then breaks into a full scurry towards the exit. Looking back at the entrance of the cave, he says "I will come again!". The half-giant smiles and waves. Rigby leaves a few moments later. He gets scolded by his mother for going alone into dangerous wilderness, but the story he will tell the boys is worth it. And perhaps of more worth is the possible beginning of a friendship between a small mouse and a strange hermit...


The half-giant seems to be accepting of delegations, though he dismisses them after a short time to request solitude, so progress in language understanding is slow. Still, after a few months of work with pictures in the dirt, a basic vocabulary is worked out to begin communication.

The half-giants name is Mobur. When asked to share his wisdom and why he lives alone, he tells you that he used to live in the village of half-giants to the south, which is called Ordruka, but got banished for some crime, you're not yet sure what that may be. He lives by feeding upon condensed mana crystals growing in the wastes, absorbing their energy. This is of interest to you, since food is scarce here, and this way of sustaining yourselves would be useful. However, you have no mages to learn the spells, so working out the method will be tough.
Bluth, the head catmaster and rider, is worried. The cats have been feeling ill since the arrival of the mice to the mana wastes, and over time, the illness worsens. Many a beast is stuck resting for most of the day, and their movements are lethargic and uncertain. He racks his head, trying to come up with a method to solve the issue, but usual remedies don't work. The help of a mage or radical methods are needed if the cats are to survive.
>Take some of the cats to humans to see if their healers can treat them. You'll owe the humans, but it's worth preserving the lives of the animals.
>Bluth enlists the help of Cheesums, the big-nosed mouse, by asking him to smell out unknown local herbs that may be beneficial to the cats' health. Though the success of this solution is uncertain... [roll]


Bellafide, the mercenary captain, is hesitant. Having lost his son in battle when the mercenaries were fighting for coin back in northern lands, he is not sure if proposing an idea of negotiating a partnership with the fungi mercenaries is good. Indeed, he is hesitant to even continue being a captain ever since then. But the mice warriors look up to him, and he is one of the few commanders among the group that not only protect it, but also bring it money through their work. The agreement with the fungi may be beneficial for protection from the greenskins, but he doesn't know what they will ask in return. His charisma may win the day, but the myconids aren't that simple either...


With the help of Cheesums, the big-nosed mouse, progress is being made in determining which of the strange magical berries and fruit that grow in these lands are suitable to be consumed as food. Some turn out poisonous, and some mice fall ill, one even dies, but with the collection efforts underway, the strict rationing could ease up.

What happens next? (pick 2)
>New berry plantations are created to provide more food with Cheesums' assistance.
>The hermit's secrets are starting to get studied. Perhaps there is more to his magic than simple sustenance even!
>Bellafide overcomes his grief to propose himself as a delegate to negotiate mutual protection with the shrooms.
>Ruins are explored.
>Fortifications are set up to protect the mice from the potential orc and goblin attacks.
>The hermit becomes friends with Rigby and becomes more open to contact. [more progress with hermit in the future]
>Take some of the cats to humans to see if their healers can treat them. You'll owe the humans, but it's worth preserving the lives of the animals.

>Bellafide overcomes his grief to propose himself as a delegate to negotiate mutual protection with the shrooms.

>New berry plantations are created to provide more food with Cheesums' assistance.
>Bluth enlists the help of Cheesums, the big-nosed mouse, by asking him to smell out unknown local herbs that may be beneficial to the cats' health. Though the success of this solution is uncertain... [roll]

>New berry plantations are created to provide more food with Cheesums' assistance.
>Fortifications are set up to protect the mice from the potential orc and goblin attacks.
>Take some of the cats to humans to see if their healers can treat them. You'll owe the humans, but it's worth preserving the lives of the animals.

>New berry plantations are created to provide more food with Cheesums' assistance.
>Bellafide overcomes his grief to propose himself as a delegate to negotiate mutual protection with the shrooms.
>Bluth enlists the help of Cheesums, the big-nosed mouse, by asking him to smell out unknown local herbs that may be beneficial to the cats' health. Though the success of this solution is uncertain... [roll]
Do your magic, Cheesums.

>Bellafide overcomes his grief to propose himself as a delegate to negotiate mutual protection with the shrooms.
>Fortifications are set up to protect the mice from the potential orc and goblin attacks.
>>Bluth enlists the help of Cheesums, the big-nosed mouse, by asking him to smell out unknown local herbs that may be beneficial to the cats' health. Though the success of this solution is uncertain... [roll]

>The hermit becomes friends with Rigby and becomes more open to contact. [more progress with hermit in the future]

>New berry plantations are created to provide more food with Cheesums' assistance.
Hello anons, felt ill so I took today to rest and regain energy, update will come tomorrow. Also holy sheit, I am reading the last posts and noticing all the mistakes and poor writing fml I will need to check extra carefully in the future.
>Bluth enlists the help of Cheesums, the big-nosed mouse, by asking him to smell out unknown local herbs that may be beneficial to the cats' health. Though the success of this solution is uncertain... [roll]

>The hermit becomes friends with Rigby and becomes more open to contact. [more progress with hermit in the future]
>The hermit's secrets are starting to get studied. Perhaps there is more to his magic than simple sustenance even!
FUCK I lied. I am not ded though. Locking in
>Bluth enlists the help of Cheesums, the big-nosed mouse, by asking him to smell out unknown local herbs that may be beneficial to the cats' health. Though the success of this solution is uncertain... [roll]
>Bellafide overcomes his grief to propose himself as a delegate to negotiate mutual protection with the shrooms.
>New berry plantations are created to provide more food with Cheesums' assistance.

Please roll 2d100 Bo3 for the herbal treatment of cats with Cheesums and Bluth, and for the success of Bellafide's delegation.
Rolled 14, 73 = 87 (2d100)

Rolled 8, 76 = 84 (2d100)

Rolled 44, 23 = 67 (2d100)

Rolled 76, 18, 36, 33, 42, 82, 63, 5, 18, 6, 40, 41, 87, 13, 25, 19, 56, 97 = 757 (18d100)

Rolling for some random events & some more civs...
Rolled 53, 48, 77 = 178 (3d100)

And some more...

Cheesums, in spite of his aptitude for detection of food, doesn't manage to identify any useful herbs. Maybe his sense of smell is just not honed for medicine, or the land is too foreign for him to confidently say which grasses and bushes yield the necessary parts.

At the end of the day, around half of the cats succumb to illness. "We should've gone to the humans." Bluth thinks bitterly, but it is too late. Such is the risk of relying on your own power.

The remaining half of the cats recover, seemingly adapting to the hostile environment, but their contribution to your civilization is lower. [bonuses from cats temporarily lowered while they recover their population]


Bellafide's delegation goes better. The shrooms agree to a mutual protection treaty, evidently impressed by your giant cats. You've got 200 myconid warriors on your side should you ever get attacked. In the future, a closer agreement may be established.


The berry plantations are set up. They yield juicy, light blue berries that are a mix of bitter, sour and a bit of sweet. They're an acquired taste, but quite nutritious for their size and may be used to make juice or jam.

Among the berry farmers is a hard-working mouse by the name of Stonkles. Maybe we will see more of her in the future...

A year and a half passes. The first berry and farm yield is harvested, and the population grows to 470 mice, in spite of strange illnesses that come with living in the mana wastes and tough weather.

You receive a caravan from a peoples to the east. Beyond the fungi, the land is sparsely populated, the only people living there being nomadic elves. They trade with the northern humans and the civilizations further east, beyond the mana wastes, for various oddities and valuables. The traders are clad in expensive, colourful robes etched with magical symbols, likely protecting them from the witchwinds. They offer you to purchase incense and dyes from the resource-rich areas of the mana wastes that the elves control. In exchange for their expensive goods, they request that you take part in a raid carried out by the elves against another civilization to the southeast. They require at least 70 warriors and some cats, which is almost all of your militia. You would be vulnerable for the duration of the raid, but the expensive goods could be traded with humans for more tools, which are starting to deplete, high quality weapons, or iron to make them instead. Purchase of other goods would also be possible.

The elves also offer another means for them to repay you: they may share one of the secrets of survival in the wastelands with you or provide you with a herd of hardy animals that may be used as food for cats or a source of milk and hides.

You will also receive 15% of the loot from the raid
>Agree to the elves' terms. If push comes to shove, the myconids will protect you from the western orcs.
>Reject the elves' offer. The lives of your warriors are too valuable to risk this venture.
>Try to negotiate a better offer [specify what you want to request. You have a feeling if you request too much, e.g. all of the offered options at once, they may outright reject you, but there is room for negotiation of a larger portion of the loot or an additional reward. Bellafide, being a mercenary captain, will aid your negotiation effort.]
>>Agree to the elves' terms. If push comes to shove, the myconids will protect you from the western orcs.

Picking survival secrets help us survive better.
>Try to negotiate a better offer [specify what you want to request. You have a feeling if you request too much, e.g. all of the offered options at once, they may outright reject you, but there is room for negotiation of a larger portion of the loot or an additional reward. Bellafide, being a mercenary captain, will aid your negotiation effort.]
Secret of survival & a herd of hardy animals.

My pappy always told me to never take the first offer. He’s been banned from the local Target.
>Try to negotiate a better offer [specify what you want to request. You have a feeling if you request too much, e.g. all of the offered options at once, they may outright reject you, but there is room for negotiation of a larger portion of the loot or an additional reward. Bellafide, being a mercenary captain, will aid your negotiation effort.]
Get both the herd, the wasteland secret, and the 15% loot. But omit the expensive goods, since they won't accept everything.
>Reject the elves' offer. The lives of your warriors are too valuable to risk this venture.

>Reject the elves' offer. The lives of your warriors are too valuable to risk this venture.
Switching, we are being too greedy with the deal I think it will fail.

>Reject the elves' offer. The lives of your warriors are too valuable to risk this venture.
>Try to negotiate a better offer [Renegotiate. Ask if they'd be okay with us leveraging our defensive pact with the myconids to provide half of the requested manpower instead. This would require negotiations on our part to come to an agreement with them, as our pact isn't a full military alliance, but this could be a vital first step towards that. A delay to the raid is to be expected. We'd want survival secrets in exchange.]

My reasoning is that this may be a trap. Lure our forces away, then the real elven raid (or an unknown affiliated ally of them) comes to strike us instead. Or they ambush the militia we send, then attack us once we are vulnerable. Even if that doesn't happen, the risk of being attacked once our entire military is away is too high. We need at least some guards of our own. We cannot rely on our untested allies just yet, especially not by showing ourselves to be idiots who leave themselves vulnerable on a whim and rely entirely on their allies for protection, it just makes us look like parasites on the mushroom people. The shrooms may just decide to annex us entirely instead of playing mercenary, once they see how dumb we are.

Not to mention the myconids may not even arrive in time to help with a raid if we don't have any local defenders of our own. They are in the opposite direction of the orcs after all.
Changing to this.
>Try to negotiate a better offer [specify what you want to request. You have a feeling if you request too much, e.g. all of the offered options at once, they may outright reject you, but there is room for negotiation of a larger portion of the loot or an additional reward. Bellafide, being a mercenary captain, will aid your negotiation effort.]
I don't think QM would do something that diabolical and trick us like that.
I think it is still worth doing, so as to be more secure against the orc raids.
At least negotiate you expect them to give you the same deal for half the men.
Maybe I just wrote it out poorly, but you're misunderstanding. I'm not saying to get the same deal for half the men. I'm saying ask them to wait while we negotiate with the myconids to temporarily upgrade our defensive pact to a military alliance/hire them out to acquire 35 troops or half the required men for the raid.

That way both the myconids and us each contribute half the asked for troops. We can split the loot or whatever. The point of this is so that we have some local troops left to defend ourselves until the myconids can arrive to reinforce us if we get raided by the greenskins. Again, basic geometry, the greenskins are to the west, the mushrooms are to the east, ergo if we are attacked it will take some time for our backup to arrive or be informed of our need for help. We cannot rely purely on our allies for defence.
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Anons, sorry for the radio silence, running 2 quests at once burned me out somewhat, my brain is fried, but I'll try to write an update tomorrow. I appreciate you all playing so far.
Then negotiate with the myconids and the elfs. What are you paying the myconids? What rewards do you want to receive from the elfs? Are you giving up loot and goods for the secret?
All good, take your time.
This is what I was trying to say in my original post. As for what what I'd want from the elves and to give to the myconids, I've literally already laid that out in the posts you are replying to. We'd receive the survival secrets and would split half the loot/goods with the myconids.
>Reject the elves' offer. The lives of your warriors are too valuable to risk this venture.
If we start raiding others we should expect to get raided back, I don't think we want that (for now).

Still allowed?
Just make a clear deal. Instead of whatever. Myconids are stronger than us make it a little sweeter than splitting the loot.
>Reject the elves' offer. The lives of your warriors are too valuable to risk this venture.

Alright, locking this in and writing.

>Still allowed? RE: NPC introduction
yes. But please wait until after the update that will come now.
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You deliberate upon the possibility of a raid, but ultimately say no to the traders. They seem disappointed, but accept your decision with peace. You trade some of your other goods with them and turn a profit, obtaining some tools and useful materials, but nothing special and not in amounts that will let you leverage it in further trades. You part on a cordial note.


Rigby's expedition into the hermit's cave has earned him some renown. He is no longer called Rigby the Shy, but is known as Rigby the Brave among the boys. Time passes, he grows up a bit, and becomes a good part of the company. He doesn't forget about the hermit, but the memory of their meeting slowly loses vividness as he plays among mice instead of returning. The hermit himself is occupied with his life and communication with the official delegations. Maybe he will meet Rigby again, but not today...


Your intuition and reasoning prove correct! The greenskins attack shortly after, your furthest sentries reporting a raiding party arriving from the west. You send a messenger bird to the myconids immediately - a great means of communication that you developed together for situations such as these. You can only hope they arrive in time...

Roll 1d100 Bo3 for defence against the raid
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Rolled 9 (1d100)

Rolled 32 (1d100)

Here goes nothing... Eesh.
>bonuses to greenskins from size, but low mil power, bonuses to you from fungi allies and cats

There is a tense anticipation as your militia prepares for defending the settlement. The palisade and defences you set up are not as great as could have been with proper investment into fortification, but they will make defending easier. At last, the greenskin war party appears on the horizon. They approach swiftly and stop just short of arrowshot to consider how to storm your positions.

Ultimately, they start sending hails of arrows lit with fire into your palisade and gates, making them go up in flames. Your warriors retaliate with fire of their own, but due to the size of your people, your bows are not as powerful as the greenskins'! The villagers begin carrying buckets of water from the river to the walls, trying to put out the flames, but by the time they finish their work, the damage is done, and the charred remnants of fortifications cannot stop the orc attacks.

Still, even with your stature and the defences reduced to uselessness, you have on your side a powerful advantage: giant cats. Even with their reduced numbers, they tip the scales in your favour somewhat. It makes sense to let the riders attack in the open, where the cats may leverage as much of their destructive power and agility as possible, rather than wait behind a ruined palisade and let them fight constrained between housing.

And so your warriors ride out and engage in battle for their lives and home with the vile greenskins. Bluth, the greatest of cat tamers and riders, is at the forefront of the attack, his mighty cat tearing apart foes limb from limb and biting off orcs' heads. Bellafide, the experienced mercenary, is here too, ready to protect both his wife and home, and help his warmice stand their ground.

Yet the battle with the greenskins is hard: their power, low for a province-level state, is still considerable in comparison with your settlement. They also possess a mage that has done his share of damage before he was killed. Slowly, but surely, you are tired out and pushed back, and many mice fall to greenskin weaponry.

It is when all hope seems lost and the greenskins have started setting fire to your fields that your allies, the fungi, emerge out of the forest that separates your land from theirs. They immediately charge the greenskins' force, and with this addition to your forces, the battle is won and the orcs and goblins soon run.

You give pursuit, aided by your cats, and soon capture about 30 greenskin warriors and 5 war wolves. You also obtain a good amount of weaponry and armour as loot. In the mean time, the villagers extinguish the fire in the fields. The damage is done, but you will simply have to subside on rations for the duration of the farms and berry plantations' recovery.
Of more concern is the fact that 70 mice, which is much of your militia - able-bodied, healthy mice men - are dead from the battle, the families mourning their loss. At least the giant can population is mostly preserved, being one of the key factors in holding back the greenskins long enough.

Overall, this was a tough battle, but you will live. With no threats in the immediate vicinity besides the greenskins, whom were crippled with this loss, you should have ample time to recover.

The myconids, however, are concerned regarding the viability of your alliance. The expectation is that you will help protect them in turn, and they tell of an aggressive orc city-state near them, but with your numbers, they doubt your usefulness in battle in the coming years, if not decades.

Still, they will not break the pact and stand by your side - you don't become known for your solid deals unless you uphold your end of the bargain.

What happens now? (pick 2)
>Rigby, devastated by the loss of his father, starts going to the hermit again. Perhaps the half-giant can teach the small mouse his wisdom? [magic??..]
>Fortifications are set up to ensure this doesn't happen again.
>Ruins are explored.
>Bluth investigates other sources of giant cats to replenish their population. Perhaps the humans know something, sitting on a major trade route and all?
>Deeper bonds with the fungi are pursued. Would they be willing to be your guardians in exchange for supplying them with workforce?
>Trade with the humans for something? [specify]

What should be done about the loot?
>The weapons obtained from the orc raid are remade with the northern humans' help (for a fee) to fit your warriors' stature.
>The weapons and armour are simply sold for wealth.

What should be done about the captives?
>They are too dangerous to be slaves, especially with the weakness of your kind. Sell them to the humans for a profit.
>Make them into slaves. They are strong and tough, well-suited for hard physical work, even if many guards are needed. But what use will they have besides working in the fields?..
>Kill them. The mice who lost their fathers, brothers and sons all clamour for their blood in retribution. This will raise the morale of your people.

What should be done about the war wolves? They seem fairly violent and tough to control, but Bluth can probably think of something.
>Give them to Bluth and the tamers for taming. They are loyal to their former masters, but it's nothing a few weeks of training can't fix.
>Sell them to the humans in exchange for wealth or a favour.
>Rigby, devastated by the loss of his father, starts going to the hermit again. Perhaps the half-giant can teach the small mouse his wisdom? [magic??..]

>Ruins are explored.

Powerful boons could be found.

>Make them into slaves. They are strong and tough, well-suited for hard physical work, even if many guards are needed. But what use will they have besides working in the fields?..

Turn them into an exploration squad to explore ruins. They can work for their freedom and have it in a few years. Let them have their weapons and armor during exploration. No ranged weapons or polearms/anti-cat weapons.

>Sell them to the humans in exchange for wealth or a favor.

Too dangerous to have both the orcs and wolfs together. Stonkles and Bluth take the wolfs to the trading outpost looking for deals.
>Rigby, devastated by the loss of his father, starts going to the hermit again. Perhaps the half-giant can teach the small mouse his wisdom? [magic??..]
>Fortifications are set up to ensure this doesn't happen again.

>The weapons obtained from the orc raid are remade with the northern humans' help (for a fee) to fit your warriors' stature.

>They are too dangerous to be slaves, especially with the weakness of your kind. Sell them to the humans for a profit.
If the humans are going to be reforging weapons for us we'll need a source of income to pay for it, and I don't want to have to deal with orc slave rebellions or do hardworking mice out honest jobs.

>Give them to Bluth and the tamers for taming. They are loyal to their former masters, but it's nothing a few weeks of training can't fix.
If we sell the Orcs to the Humans, we can train the wolves for ourselves with less worry.
>Rigby, devastated by the loss of his father, starts going to the hermit again. Perhaps the half-giant can teach the small mouse his wisdom? [magic??..]
>Fortifications are set up to ensure this doesn't happen again.

>The weapons obtained from the orc raid are remade with the northern humans' help (for a fee) to fit your warriors' stature.
Use the money from selling the captives to pay for it.

>They are too dangerous to be slaves, especially with the weakness of your kind. Sell them to the humans for a profit.

>Give them to Bluth and the tamers for taming. They are loyal to their former masters, but it's nothing a few weeks of training can't fix.
>Deeper bonds with the fungi are pursued. Would they be willing to be your guardians in exchange for supplying them with workforce?
>Bluth investigates other sources of giant cats to replenish their population. Perhaps the humans know something, sitting on a major trade route and all?

>The weapons and armour are gifted to the Myconids for their assistance in our defense, in an attempt to help boost relations.

>They are too dangerous to be slaves, especially with the weakness of your kind. Sell them to the humans for a profit.

>Give them to Bluth and the tamers for taming. They are loyal to their former masters, but it's nothing a few weeks of training can't fix.

>NPC: Vivy, merchant adventuresses who rides a desert lizard. Offering her services aslong as the settlement can provide a place to stay for her. Able to travel long distances fast to buy or sell certain goods if needed.
>Rigby, devastated by the loss of his father, starts going to the hermit again. Perhaps the half-giant can teach the small mouse his wisdom? [magic??..]
>Deeper bonds with the fungi are pursued. Would they be willing to be your guardians in exchange for supplying them with workforce?

We probably have some time before the next raid, now that we've shown off the strength of our alliance. Maintaining that alliance is key though.

>The weapons obtained from the orc raid are remade with the northern humans' help (for a fee) to fit your warriors' stature.

We need arms, this is a harsh place.

>They are too dangerous to be slaves, especially with the weakness of your kind. Sell them to the humans for a profit.
>Sell them to the humans in exchange for wealth or a favour.

Pay for the refitting with these. A favour or wealth for trade in the future would also be useful.
>Bluth investigates other sources of giant cats to replenish their population. Perhaps the humans know something, sitting on a major trade route and all?
Replenishing our cats sounds important.
>Deeper bonds with the fungi are pursued. Would they be willing to be your guardians in exchange for supplying them with workforce?
Since they're starting to become concerned about the pact.

>The weapons obtained from the orc raid are remade with the northern humans' help (for a fee) to fit your warriors' stature.

>Kill them. The mice who lost their fathers, brothers and sons all clamour for their blood in retribution. This will raise the morale of your people.
Morale is important.

>Sell them to the humans in exchange for wealth or a favour.
>Bellafide loses his son
>Rigby loses his father
Sounds like one of those poetic coincidences in sagas. Maybe we can do something with this?
Switching to this. Just hang em if we're not doing anything interesting with them. For morale.
>Rigby, devastated by the loss of his father, starts going to the hermit again. Perhaps the half-giant can teach the small mouse his wisdom? [magic??..]
>Deeper bonds with the fungi are pursued. Would they be willing to be your guardians in exchange for supplying them with workforce?

>The weapons and armour are simply sold for wealth.

>They are too dangerous to be slaves, especially with the weakness of your kind. Sell them to the humans for a profit.

>Give them to Bluth and the tamers for taming. They are loyal to their former masters, but it's nothing a few weeks of training can't fix.
Rolled 14, 23, 66, 82, 6, 90, 53, 100, 54, 69, 93, 61, 17 = 728 (13d100)

>Rigby-Mobur friendship
>fungi relations
>remake weapons and armour
>sell slaves
>give the wolves to Bluth

Rolling for random events and more...
The orc slaves are sold for a profit, and the wealth obtained from this deal is used to pay for services of human blacksmiths. Soon enough, you've got a grand collection of good quality weaponry ready to slash, crush and pierce your foes. If only there were enough mighty warriors to wield it...


Devastated by the loss of his father, Rigby goes to the half-giant again. Perhaps Mobur's wisdom will help the small mouse overcome his grief?

Rigby finds Mobur sitting inside his cave, as before. The half-giant doesn't seem to recognize the small mouse until Rigby speaks up.
"Ah. You friend from before? Come. Sit by fire."

Rigby sits beside Mobur and slowly begins telling about the great battle and himself finding out about his father's death. He couldn't believe it at first, and cried a lot together with his mother. He has taken up his father's mantle as an apprentice woodworker, but everything reminds him of his dad still.

The half-giant remains silent for a while.
"I lost everything in past. I killed chief of Ordruka because he judged me unfairly. I was angry. They exiled me. But you learn accept things with time. Time heals everything. I learned live in wasteland. Alone. I am fine. You will be fine too."
Rigby hesitates for a moment.
"Can you teach me your ways? I'm not sure I can remain at home anymore."

The half-giant scratches his chin.
"It hard train from nothing. Training harsh. You ready?"
"...Good. Tell your family you will leave. Family important."

So began Rigby's journey in understanding the half-giant's way of life. His family was shocked to hear him depart and berated him for leaving them alone, but he was confident in his decision.

Over time, in spite of the language barrier, the half-giant and the boy seemed to establish understanding with one another. Mobur taught Rigby his way of meditation and subsisting on crystals, and soon enough, the small mouse started grasping combat magic for defence against creatures of the wastes...


The taming of the wolves goes on as well, Bluth and the other tamers (or whatever is left of their corps after the greenskin battle) are working hard on training them to be loyal and receptive to commands.

Bellafide's delegation to the mushrooms departs. You can only hope the talks of tighter integration between your two societies succeed...

Roll 2d100 Bo3 for the taming of wolves and Bellafide's negotiations.
Rolled 100, 18 = 118 (2d100)

Rolled 89 (1d100)

Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolled 66, 53 = 119 (2d100)

we already rolled high, but here's the last 2 rolls
Nearly destroyed, our culture recovers and evolves to better suit the wastes! Beautiful stuff.
Got no access to pc from this past Wednesday to Sunday, will try to update on Monday and speed up afterwards. Stellar rolls, anons, already got an idea for the crit bonus.
Very well, we wil await the results on monday.
Posting on Monday as promised.
>100 - taming of wolves

Bluth was thinking. It was his failure that the cats haven't recovered yet, but he could redeem himself by taming the wolves at least. Beasts of harsh fur and harsher training, the wolves were aggressive, but Bluth saw beyond the outward aggression to see how they truly were: scared. It seems the orcs were cruel masters, and the wolves were reluctant to change owners in fear of retribution. However, once they realized they were safe, they devoted themselves readily to kinder masters.

This gave Bluth an idea. He wasn't sure it would work, so he went to Frisby for approval. At last, after a fortnight of discussions and preparations, a plan was born...


The operation went effortlessly. The raiders burst into the wolf lairs, and once the yet-miserable wolves saw their brothers and communicated in their mysterious tongue, they recognized a better life was to be found in other lands, burst out of the lairs with the help of mice and rushed after their relatives. The orcs could only watch as their former allies tore them apart, making their way out of the encampment and into the plains where the witchwinds howled.

Soon enough, the tamers were receiving an entire pack of wolves and making them comfortable. With this population size, breeding them is now a possibility, and the wolves themselves are a fearsome force on the battlefield. There remains, however, the problem of making them live at peace with the cats...


Bellafide was in depression again. Why does it always turn out so that he remains alive in the end? Why couldn't he join the gods and his brothers in arms, dying honourably and with purpose? If he had mead, he would get drunk by now to forget.

Bellafide cursed. He cursed the world for leaving him alive, and the enemies he faced for not killing him. Tears wetted the fur of his face for the first time in several years.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Bellafide said. Frisby entered the mercenary captain's home and quietly closed the door behind him.
"Are you crying?" the Leader asked softly.
"Maybe." the old warrior groaned.
"You will need to learn to forget and forgive yourself." Frisby said. "You will learn that time heals everything. Once you experience enough suffering, there comes numbness and oblivion. It doesn't make you lose yourself, but makes you harder. And I will need you to be hard for what I will ask you to do."
"...What is it?"
"The negotiations with the myconids. Only you are so well-versed in the mercenary trade as to keep up with them."

Bellafide stayed silent. It was a heavy, cold silence in which he locked eyes with Frisby. At last, he gave a short nod.
"What kind of agreement do we need to reach?"
"Here's what I have in mind..."
>91 - Bellafide's negotiations

Bellafide's delegation was a success! The myconids agreed to unify. They assert that they will be governed by a special official from among their ranks who will see to it that their rights are respected, but they will settle your lands and you will settle theirs, your people providing food and craftsmanship, and theirs - protection from threats.

[400 myconids have joined your budding nation. Your population is now 400 mice and 400 myconids.]


Time passes...


There's a witchwind storm. The magical winds crash against the houses, spells of wind, lightning and fire being cast, igniting everything, spawning strange portals that intoxicate those near them! Something needs to be done... but what?

>Rigby returns from his exile to help his people combat the witchwinds with his magic! The half-giant Mobur assists him.
>Vivy, the merchant adventuress, armed with her abjuration charms, braves the storm to request help from humans or eastern elves. [pick which]
It should be said that this choice will come with a roll which could have negative consequences.
>Rigby returns from his exile to help his people combat the witchwinds with his magic! The half-giant Mobur assists him.
>Rigby returns from his exile to help his people combat the witchwinds with his magic! The half-giant Mobur assists him.

It does seem the elves were referring to witchstorms when offering us knowledge about survival in the wastelands, but I don't have high hopes they will come and help us now after we refused in their raid... The humans did have an ancient temple, but that's the only relevant trait I can find when reading back about them
I feel that Rigby is our best hope.
>Rigby returns from his exile to help his people combat the witchwinds with his magic! The half-giant Mobur assists him.
>>Rigby returns from his exile to help his people combat the witchwinds with his magic! The half-giant Mobur assists him.
>Rigby returns from his exile to help his people combat the witchwinds with his magic! The half-giant Mobur assists him.
>>Rigby returns from his exile to help his people combat the witchwinds with his magic! The half-giant Mobur assists him.
>Rigby returns

Alright, roll 1d100 Bo3 for this.
Rolled 9 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

Rolled 4 (1d100)

Oh god... Gotta do better than a 9, at least.
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Well thank the Secrets of NIMH we got that 82.
The magic was raging outside the cave where the small mouse and the lone hermit resided. They sat near the fire for warmth as it was fueled occasionally by bursts of spellflame.

"It must be bad in the village right now." Mobur noted. His grasp of mouse language grew in the past year.
"...Yes." Rigby answered.
"Do you want to help them?"
"Is my training not incomplete?"
"We must take care of our family. They did not cast you out like me. They still wait."
"...I'm not sure I'd be welcome there. What if I do more harm than good?"
"Do not underestimate your ability. You are a fast learner."
Rigby hesitated for a moment, then his eyes lit up with decisiveness. He stood up.
"I will need your help."
"Hmm... You people have been kind to me. I will go."

Without any more words, they left the cave. Placing protective charms on themselves, they walked through the witchwinds to the settlement...


"Rigby?" the mouse asked.
"Return to your homes! It is dangerous outside! I will put out all the fires!" Rigby yelled without turning back. Magic was streaming out of his claws and into the spellfire roaring at the top of the house in front of him, extinguishing.
"Rigby... You have returned!"
Rigby turned around. The young mage's face was haggard and thin from casting dozens of spells. He was not prepared to save the entire village... but he had to. He saw his mother's face, tears wetting the fur.
"Mom... I am sorry I ran away, I... We can talk later! It is not safe here!"
"O-okay! We'll be waiting for you at home! I am sorry too!"
The mouse ran away, still crying.

'I am sorry too.' - Rigby's heart warmed, yet was pained at the same time. He was overjoyed his family was alive and well... but the prospect of another loss frightened him.

He purged these thoughts from his mind and concentrated on the task at hand. There was work to be done.


Rigby's sudden return saved you! Haggard from magic overuse, he rests in his family's home after placing many protective charms and extinguishing spellfire throughout the village. His relatives are overjoyed to have him back, hailed as a hero by the citizens of your nation. Even though it is Mobur, the quiet half-giant, that did most of the work...

The fungi part of your civilization is fine - their settlement has protective charms placed around it.

Stonkles, the mouse that works the berry farms, distinguished herself as well by organizing the extinguishing of the fields while Rigby was yet to arrive. Her work has earned her respect of fellow mice and even some of the shrooms. For her part, she says it was nothing and shies away from praises.
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The elves of the east bring news of success in their raid! They have grown considerably wealthier as a result.

Humans of the north have been wrecked by the witchwinds, in spite of their usual preparedness! They request your help. By sending our workers to them, we could indebt them to us. This would, however, mean we would have less projects to pursue ourselves.

Human refugees arrive from the south. They tell of a city-state south of the Ordruka giants called Az Godan, where they employ undead as cheap workforce. They seem to be fairly wealthy, but not too powerful militarily, with iron age level of technology. The refugees fled from there due to one of the necromancers going mad and directing his undead towards his own citizens. There is a civil war raging there now! We could intervene and help them.

To the west, you hear rumours of the orcs growing stronger. However, another power of their race, nomadic in nature, rises further south of them, led by a powerful moreg (khan). The latter nomad orcs sound quite powerful for their small numbers, but are still outmatched by their northern brethren. They sent secret messengers to the neighbouring powers asking for help! They promise to not attack you should you help, while those that reject their pleas could face their wrath if they succeed in capturing the settled province of orcs.

What will you do? [pick 2]
>Send warriors to help the southwestern orcs against the western ones. An orc ally would be valuable. [requires convincing the fungi representative since your mice warriors are few]
>Send workers to help the northern humans, further improving your relations and obtaining a favour may be wise.
>Send you warriors to help the southern humans beyond Ordruka with their necromancer problem. A favour with lords of the undead would be... probably valuable. [requires convincing the fungi representative]
>Raid someone/capture someone's territory. [specify: refer to the map]
>Construct better fortifications around both your core and fungi settlements.
>Vivy, the merchant adventuress, brings information about another faraway civilization! [pick direction]
>Rigby and Mobur teach the mice their magic. [obtain mages]
>Cheesums and Vivy departs to the east to obtain secrets of elven cuisine (and survival in the wild (and maybe trade some valuables for their services)).
>Ruins in your territory are long overdue for exploration.
>Construct better fortifications around both your core and fungi settlements.
>Rigby and Mobur teach the mice their magic. [obtain mages]
>Send workers to help the northern humans, further improving your relations and obtaining a favour may be wise.
>Rigby and Mobur teach the mice their magic. [obtain mages]
We just don't have a military strong enough to go adventuring anywhere right now, and I don't think we want to get caught up in inter-orc or undead conflicts. Better that we help out the Humans we're friendliest with and most likely to get a favour returned from.
>Send you warriors to help the southern humans beyond Ordruka with their necromancer problem. A favour with lords of the undead would be... probably valuable. [requires convincing the fungi representative]
>Rigby and Mobur teach the mice their magic. [obtain mages]

We need more allies in this harsh environment where raiders abound to our east and west. Helping the northern humans takes up our workers (does this lower our action economy for multiple turns or does QM just mean we spend the action helping someone else instead of working on ourselves?), so to maintain our action economy (maybe) I think intervening in the south would be wiser. That way we proactively prevent the rise of a new hostile power, led by a madman no less. So, it is both prevention and gaining a favour all in one, if we win. Also the Az Godan are wealthier than the Loreians. I don't trust the orcs enough to care about helping them against each other, let them fight. At least one group of them knows not to mess with us.
>Construct better fortifications around both your core and fungi settlements.
>Rigby and Mobur teach the mice their magic. [obtain mages]
>Send workers to help the northern humans, further improving your relations and obtaining a favour may be wise.
>Rigby and Mobur teach the mice their magic. [obtain mages]
We're still in bad shape to go looking for trouble.
>Send workers to help the northern humans, further improving your relations and obtaining a favour may be wise.
>Cheesums and Vivy departs to the east to obtain secrets of elven cuisine (and survival in the wild (and maybe trade some valuables for their services)).
>>Construct better fortifications around both your core and fungi settlements.
>>Rigby and Mobur teach the mice their magic. [obtain mages]
>Ruins in your territory are long overdue for exploration.
>Rigby and Mobur teach the mice their magic. [obtain mages]

Ruins can be gold mines waiting for the taking.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Rigby and Mobur teach the mice their magic. [obtain mages]
Rolling for second option and writing
1 - help northern humans
2 - build fortifications
Rolled 8 (1d10)

The destruction was evident. Ruined, charred remnants of wooden houses struck by fire spells and scattered bricks and stones of other buildings were grim reminders of the cruelty of witchwinds.

The human prince, Rodre Aldebaran, quite young for his position, was unperturbed by this, however, or at least tried to act that way. The negotiations ended successfully, the number of workers and extent of help agreed upon.

Frisby felt a bit inadequate in the presence of the human prince. The difference in height was striking. He worried whether mice would be of use at all to the towering humans, but their ruler reassured him.
"Your people are valuable friends to us. Any help is welcome! We will remember your kindness."

And so Frisby sent craftsmen and builders to assist the humans. They were received with jokes by the common folk, but the humans soon learned mice were capable workers and started to respect them. Even if their stature was small...


"You're doing it incorrectly. Focus on the water! Feel it flow and rest!" Rigby exclaimed.
"I don't think I get how this works, Rigby." the scholar sighed.

For all their erudition, the wise people of the settlement were surprisingly hard to teach. Was Rigby talented? Or was it grief that powered his initial breakthrough? He didn't know, but evidently he was not doing a good job teaching the other mice his sorcery. Well, he still was a (relatively) small mouse teaching grown mice...

"Okay, let's walk through this one more time." he said. "First you use the mental exercise I taught you to feel the manaflow..."

Mobur was watching the mouse out of the corner of his eye. His own students were doing fine, but he didn't hurry to help his apprentice. It will be a valuable experience for him to find a way to convey his knowledge. It will deepen his own understanding of magic...


You have obtained 5 mages! They can do cool stuff like ignite enemies or assist in construction or help handle natural disasters. Also the option of limited subsisting upon mana crystals growing in the mana wastes is made available.

The population of mice has grown to 430 and the fungi have multiplied to 450. While your mice are generally fast-breeding, the fungi have high population growth due to them replicating by budding. It is understandable now how they replaced their losses to keep up with their occupation as mercenaries...

Rolling for random events and other stuff (will write for them tomorrow, but thought to post this to give you anons something to chew on).
Rolled 86, 15, 22, 23, 54, 40, 75, 29, 60, 3 = 407 (10d100)

FUCK, meant to do this.
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Time passes, and strange things start occurring.

Nightmares of depths and eldritch horrors plague your people. The mana crystals accelerate their growth, they spring up overnight on tables, stands and walls, on the street and in the forest. And their aura is not neutral anymore.

While the nourishment the mages receive from mana crystals grows, it also starts to cause a painful addiction which was not present before. They crave the magical energies, and their nightmares intensify the more they consume and fall into the depths of obsession.

The cats and wolves grow restless. They sense things in the woods and plains at night that weren't there before.

And the mages, in their sane hours, say that ruins are the cause of this.

The humans send a delegation to you. Their forbidden temple seems to cause the same issues. They thought it fitting to inform you of this.

What shall be done? (multiple may be chosen)
>An expedition headed by Vivy, the merchant adventuress, delves into the depths in hope of eradicating the threat that is the cause of this all.
>Elves are asked for help. They are powerful and wealthy from their raid, for now, and could sell you their magical wares or send experts to handle the issue.
>The giants of Ordruka are asked for guidance. Surely in spite of their isolationism they see that it is a problem not only of your civilization, but a threat to their well-being too?
>Give sacrifices to dark gods in hopes of appeasing them and getting them on your side.
>An expedition headed by Vivy, the merchant adventuress, delves into the depths in hope of eradicating the threat that is the cause of this all.
>Elves are asked for help. They are powerful and wealthy from their raid, for now, and could sell you their magical wares or send experts to handle the issue.
>An expedition headed by Vivy, the merchant adventuress, delves into the depths in hope of eradicating the threat that is the cause of this all.
>Elves are asked for help. They are powerful and wealthy from their raid, for now, and could sell you their magical wares or send experts to handle the issue.
>An expedition headed by Vivy, the merchant adventuress, delves into the depths in hope of eradicating the threat that is the cause of this all.
>>The giants of Ordruka are asked for guidance. Surely in spite of their isolationism they see that it is a problem not only of your civilization, but a threat to their well-being too?
>>Give sacrifices to dark gods in hopes of appeasing them and getting them on your side.
>An expedition headed by Vivy, the merchant adventuress, delves into the depths in hope of eradicating the threat that is the cause of this all.
>Give sacrifices to dark gods in hopes of appeasing them and getting them on your side.
>>Elves are asked for help. They are powerful and wealthy from their raid, for now, and could sell you their magical wares or send experts to handle the issue.

>The giants of Ordruka are asked for guidance. Surely in spite of their isolationism they see that it is a problem not only of your civilization, but a threat to their well-being too?
>Elves are asked for help. They are powerful and wealthy from their raid, for now, and could sell you their magical wares or send experts to handle the issue.
>The giants of Ordruka are asked for guidance. Surely in spite of their isolationism they see that it is a problem not only of your civilization, but a threat to their well-being too?

Ask for help from both the Elves and Giants first. If their advice can recommend the course, then:

>An expedition headed by Vivy, the merchant adventuress, delves into the depths in hope of eradicating the threat that is the cause of this all.
Sorry choombas, discord is fucking my schedule up, I'll limit my time there from now on and focus on more reasonable activities + actually updating my quests.
Didn't even notice how much time has elapsed holy shit, update likely tomorrow
So there are 5 votes including Vivy's expedition, 4 votes for asking elves for help and 3 votes for going to the giants. There's 2 anons asking for sacrifices to the dark gods but since they're basically antithetical to the Vivy expedition route I'll not include them, the rest of the options will all be chosen.

Please roll 3d100 Bo3 and I'll get to writing the update.
Rolled 72 (1d100)

Rolled 57 (1d100)

Welcome back, QM!
Rolled 80 (1d100)

Rolled 55, 13, 14 = 82 (3d100)

Oh god! Our reading comprehension is terrible! Checked back in, only to realise you asked for three rolls of 3d100. Fuck.
Do not worry! It's fine. We only need 1 more anon to roll 3d100 and we're done with the rolls. Though idk if I'll be able to make an update today at this pace, it's late now
Rolled 10, 31, 8 = 49 (3d100)

I assumed it was a typo, because the first anon rolled 1d100 and it's more typical. If necessary, though, our first three, yours, and mine should be sufficient, right?

Kek, first batch was the best anyway.
Rolled 30 (1d100)


Your delegation returns. The giants, obstinate in their isolationism, rejected your requests of help. Maybe they have not felt the influence of the horrors yet, or maybe they have something that protects them - either way, they aren't inclined to help.


Cheesums didn't expect to be part of the delegation. His big nose made him look goofier than most mice, so it was a wonder the elves weren't laughing at him. Were their manners good enough for them to keep a straight face or did they genuinely respect him as a diplomat, however poor he was at it? He didn't know.

Cheesums' nose picked up various scents around the elven encampment. Roasted meat, foreign spices and herbs, cheese and gathered berries - the latter were known to him from back home - all teased his appetite as the negotiations were carried out before dinner.

The elves were sympathetic to the mice' plight. Their own magical users picked up signs of activity in various ruins surrounding them and were busy with removing the effects of "the Awakening" as they called it, but some of their artifacts protecting the user's mind were available for others to use. The mice negotiated their lease for the expedition and stayed for the feast in the guests' honour.

Cheesums sat at the side of the table provided for the delegation. Having stuffed himself full (it didn't take much for a mouse to do that), he sat content in his seat as the elves and mice carried on with their inane chatter.

"Did you enjoy the meal?" he heard a girl's voice from behind him, barely distinguishable among the talk.
Turning back, he saw one of the maids standing behind his place at the table in quite revealing clothes.
"Yes, milady." he gave a short nod. "Thank you for the food. The boiled... um, what did you call those plants? Rollava? - were very good."
"?.. But we didn't serve them yet?"
"Oh! Uh, yes, I, um, the scent is good I guess?.."
"Can you feel scents with such precision?" The elf's eyes lit up with enthusiasm.
"Only of food..." Cheesums smiled.
"Well, it makes sense with your big nose..." Cheesums felt a bit embarrassed at these words. "That's excellent. Do you enjoy exotic dishes?"
"A lot! I love trying new things..."
"I've always wanted to travel the world and see what they cook in different lands... But the world is such a large and dangerous place without expensive escort. So I am stuck endlessly wandering these mana wastes and only using whatever tales and ingredients the merchants bring me..."
"Yes, it is... it is quite sad that we can't just enjoy the cuisine of different peoples, isn't it?.. What is your name?"
"I'm Cheesums. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

They talked a bit about the various foods they tried in the past and promised to see each other again sometime. Like this, on an official delegation, an unofficial friendship of cooking enthusiasts was born.


The elves provide you with several artifacts to help deal with the influence of the eldritch things. You can only hope the expedition will be a success...



Vivy frowned at the symbols on the columns. They were deep within ruins now, and while the artifacts kept the mind-altering effects at bay, she still felt very aware of them lurking all around her consciousness. Ever-present, ever ready to jump at her exposed psyche the moment she took off the amulets and talismans... Not to mention the quite tangible horrors that lurked here and attacked them several times as they made their way deeper into the ruins.

It wasn't the first time she encountered the eldritch, but here the influence was by far the most prominent of all the times she remembered. She left Orbis, her desert lizard, in the village - Vivy missed his company, but preserving the well-being of her friend and mount was more important.

Anyway, the columns. They were written in an archaic tongue, but there were pictures, and they told a grim tale. A long time ago, an ancient evil was sealed here by the denizens of the city. They couldn't destroy it, but hoped future generations would find a way. They stored protective charms and artifacts inside vaults in case the horror ever broke free. The tale ends there. Maybe the city was abandoned eventually after the mana wastes appeared or the denizens were wiped out in one of the previous "Awakenings" - Vivy didn't know, but she knew they needed to find a way to destroy whatever inhabited the place.

The beasts Vivy's group encountered were terrifying and fierce, but the mice took whatever artifacts they could find in the caches and vaults and returned without delving deep into the underground tunnels. She felt they were not ready yet to confront whatever was within. They would need power for that - the power of magic and gods...

At least the villagers could be protected by the heritage of the precursors from this new madness - for now...

Vivy's expedition has obtained protection against the madness of the eldritch, however, you will need to find a powerful artifact to completely destroy whatever lurks below.

Besides protective artifacts, her expedition found a library. It could shed light upon both how to deal with the eldritch beasts and provide insights into some scientific and magical areas.

There are also magical focus towers. Mighty spells affecting entire landscapes may be cast using them - if they are restored to function and cleansed from the corruption of the dreamers, that is...

What happens now? Pick 3
>Avenues of intervention into the wars of the neighbours remain open, for now... [refer to >>6071209 for these options]
>The translation of the library of the ruins starts. [specify: do you want to ask others: humans/elves for assistance?]
>Vivy travels to far lands in hopes of finding an artifact powerful enough to cleanse the ruins.
>A delegation is sent, discussing more extensive partnership [specify: elves/humans? what do you offer? what do you request?]
>Attack the orcs of Mogrog to the southeast. They possess valuable minerals that could aid you in trade or in the forging of weaponry.
>Rigby and the other mages deepen their understanding of magic from what Mobur teaches them.
>Rigby and the other mages deepen their understanding of magic from what Mobur teaches them.
>Vivy travels to far lands in hopes of finding an artifact powerful enough to cleanse the ruins.
>A delegation is sent, discussing more extensive partnership [elves; shared knowledge of magic (and cuisine), help in the expedition, for the good of all]
>Rigby and the other mages deepen their understanding of magic from what Mobur teaches them.
>The translation of the library of the ruins starts. [Elves]
>Build Fortifications
>Rigby and the other mages deepen their understanding of magic from what Mobur teaches them.
>Vivy travels to far lands in hopes of finding an artifact powerful enough to cleanse the ruins.
>The translation of the library of the ruins starts. [Elves]
>Rigby and the other mages deepen their understanding of magic from what Mobur teaches them.
>Vivy travels to far lands in hopes of finding an artifact powerful enough to cleanse the ruins.
>The translation of the library of the ruins starts. [Elves]

Alright, roll 2d100 Bo3 for the latter two.
Rolled 60, 99 = 159 (2d100)

Rolled 26, 78 = 104 (2d100)


Nice start!
Rolled 83, 36 = 119 (2d100)


"A deeper understanding of magic allows you to combine effects and assign qualities to objects and substances that they normally do not possess." Mobur pointed his hand at pot of water before him. The water turned into steam, and as he raised his hand, it twisted into strange shapes in the air. Than it lit aflame and burned up in a flash of light.

"But it is a hard path. For some of you, it will take years or your entire lives to master. I hope you are ready." The half-giant cast his gaze into the eyes of the disciples, most of whom were serious. His eyes reached Rigby's, and he found them alight with curiosity.

Mobur smiled. His first and greatest apprentice was sure to succeed.

Well, that's what he hoped at the time.


The mages have begun their training. Train them one more time to increase their mastery to AOE and more powerful spells in general.

The elves were humble for people of their stature. Something about living in the mana wastes made everyone value time enough not to spend it bickering and asserting your superiority, doubly so if you're a nomad with little holding you down, even after raids.

With the sharing of the burden of study between scholars of mice and elves, the teams advanced greatly in short time. Among the people supporting their efforts was Stonkles with her berry jams and cooking...

One day, resting after a hard day of work, a pair was enjoying a supper in the pavilion outside. It was a warm summer, if it can be called that in the mana wastes, and the witchwinds were calm today. Stonkles made jam out of the usual berries, but with the addition of elven spices, which gave it a rich, sweet, a bit spicy taste.
"It's delicious." Bellafide said. His watch of the village was over and he gave command over to the fungi. The eldritch beasts kept attacking, but the expertise of the shrooms in battle kept them at bay, more so than the mice' contribution.
"It's still not the same as what my mother made before the mana wastes..." Stonkles answered, lowering her gaze. "I miss the times of wanderings sometimes. It's nice to have a home, but... I just don't know whether this is where I want our home to be."
"It sharpens character." Rigby said, entering the pavilion. "Good evening."
"I don't know whether I want my character sharpened further." said Bellafide, frowning as memories returned. "I lost so much, my son, all the guys under my command, I..." he choked a bit.
"Time heals." Rigby said.
"Not always, I'm afraid." Bellafide replied.
There was a silence between them.

"Mind trying the jam?" Stonkles broke it, offering Rigby a glass jar - these were courtesy of humans to the north.
"I wouldn't mind it."
"Did someone say jam?" Cheesums entered the pavilion and his eyes lit up at the sight of the food laid out on the table.
"Please try it. The elves gave us spices." Stonkles offered again.

The four mice sat in shade for a while, chatting and exchanging stories, enjoying food and looking out down the street, beyong the hills, at the inhospitable mana wastes they called home.


Translation of the library has offered new tactics and the prospect of learning astral magic, calling upon the stars to alter fate. This is, however, possible only with very powerful mages, more powerful than Mobur even. Besides that, a hint about an artifact that could be a possible solution has been discovered. A gods' blade that rests in a temple far to the south, in the sands and jungles of the Moon Empire.
Rolled 47, 68, 66, 54, 64, 82, 2, 16, 40, 35, 29, 39, 30, 25, 67, 97, 60, 7, 89 = 917 (19d100)

Vivy departs that way and makes great progress. She meets many strange peoples and makes it out of the mana wastes soon. Vivy finds out the gods' blade is named Asorate and its location has been long lost. However, she also finds out that a monastery possesses records and maps of old according to rumours, and she is now headed towards it. Further details of her adventure will be revealed later...
Oh and btw >99 for library, >83 for Vivy's expedition.

Rolling for random events and some other stuff...
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Some months pass, and your small country now has 480 mice and 530 fungi. In spite of eldritch beast attacks, you keep growing.

News from foreign lands arrive.

To the west, the orc conflict has resolved itself. The orc province of Dul'zarad won against the nomadic orcs of Orgaki and subjugated them, but at a great cost: their previous growth of power has halted, and many orcs and goblins lay dead in the field of battle. If we were to strike them, now would be the time.

Further to the west, news arrive of a dwarven settlement growing in power drastically, conquering neighbouring lands by powering themselves up with alchemical potions and using them as weaponry. The dwarven tide grows...

Southeastern orcs of Mogrog, according to scouts, have finally begun developing their valuable mineral deposits. It'll be a long while before they make anything useful, but we should be wary of their growth in power.

The humans of Az Godan to the south of Ordruka that used undead to till fields and work in workshops have fallen to the rogue necromancer! Who knows what his plans could be... Also, additional refugees have arrived from there. They request to stay in your territory and become your subjects in exchange for protection. There are about 200 of them, and a small portion are mages (necromancers).
>Accept them, but no necromancy.
>Accept them, maybe you could use their expertise in necromancy to raise production and military power?
>Send them north, to the humans of Loreia. They will find a better home there.

To the north, beyond the human province of Loreia, which you are good friends with, a dwarven nomadic group dwelling in the woods is rumoured to have befriended the ents and deepened their understanding of nature magic. Maybe they could be convinced to help you rejuvenate and recover the mana wastes to a more hospitable land? It would be a multi-decade project, however...
What happens now? [pick 3]
>A delegation is sent, discussing more extensive partnership [specify: elves/humans? what do you offer? what do you request?]
>Attack the orcs of Mogrog to the southeast. They possess valuable minerals that could aid you in trade or in the forging of weaponry. [specify: invite elves/humans?] [requires approval of fungi representative]
>Attack the orcs of Dul'zarad to the west. They are overextended and vulnerable right now. [specify: invite elves/humans?] [requires approval of fungi representative]
>Send secret mission circumventing the orcs of Dul'zarad to the dwarven alchemists to the far west. Could you do a pincer attack and strike them from two sides?
>Send a delegation to the far northern dwarves. Rumours of their nature magic are very exciting.
>Have the mages inspect the construction and magical properties of the artifacts protecting you from eldritch influence. Could they be replicated? You know the humans to the north are suffering from the same problems as you, perhaps you could help them in the future?
>Fortifications are FINALLY built.
>Further translation of the library is made.
>Spies are trained and sent to the village of Ordruka. What allowed the half-giants to remain independent for so long? Could you take their power for yourself?
>Rigby and the other mages deepen their understanding of magic from what Mobur teaches them. [1/2]
Automatic events on next turn: Vivy's expedition
>Accept them, maybe you could use their expertise in necromancy to raise production and military power?
>Fortifications are FINALLY built.
>Further translation of the library is made.
>Rigby and the other mages deepen their understanding of magic from what Mobur teaches them. [1/2]
Forgot to offer one more suggested option in the big list, you can:
>Train your warriors according to the tactics learned from the library
>Accept them, but no necromancy.
If there's one thing Dwarf Fortress taught me it's that you should never trust those dang necromancers.

>Fortifications are FINALLY built.
>Spies are trained and sent to the village of Ordruka. What allowed the half-giants to remain independent for so long? Could you take their power for yourself?
>Train your warriors according to the tactics learned from the library
>Accept them, maybe you could use their expertise in necromancy to raise production and military power?

>Attack the orcs of Dul'zarad to the west. They are overextended and vulnerable right now. [Invite Elves]
>Fortifications are FINALLY built.
>Rigby and the other mages deepen their understanding of magic from what Mobur teaches them. [1/2]
>Accept them, but no necromancy.

>Attack the orcs of Dul'zarad to the west. They are overextended and vulnerable right now.
>>Invite elves
>Fortifications are FINALLY built.
>Rigby and the other mages deepen their understanding of magic from what Mobur teaches them. [1/2]
>Accept them, maybe you could use their expertise in necromancy to raise production and military power?
Raising dead eldritch beasts to keep the attacking ones at bay could help immensily.

>Have the mages inspect the construction and magical properties of the artifacts protecting you from eldritch influence. Could they be replicated? You know the humans to the north are suffering from the same problems as you, perhaps you could help them in the future?
>Fortifications are FINALLY built.
>Train your warriors according to the tactics learned from the library.

Going full-in on defense.
Keeping you updated: post tomorrow most likely.
Glad the quest yet lives! This is a really cool civ quest so far.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Accept necromancers, allow magic
>Build fortifications
>Train Rigby and mages
Rolling for 3rd option which is tied at 2 votes each between
1 - train warriors
2 - attack Dul'zarad (invite elves)
Rolled 93, 53, 88, 96, 51, 31 = 412 (6d100)

Rolling for Vivy's expedition and some other stuff to not slow down the update process...
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The monastery was magnificent, yet long abandoned. The tall, stepped main building rose like a sharp pyramid in the middle of the territory marked by walls. Supporting its weight were columns of chipped pale blue stone topped with elephant, serpent and other animal head sculptures. It was overgrown with vines, and getting through the ground layer of bushes was a challenge.

"Don't run away, Orbis." she said, patting the lizard mount on the back. He groaned contentedly and nudged Vivy with his head.

Once you got through the gardens, the courtyard's stones still blocked the flora, except grass, from taking over, and Vivy confidently strode into the temple. There were no signs, so she methodically examined rooms, both great halls with statues of foreign gods and small cells where monks once lived, until she arrived at the library.

"So it is preserved." she muttered, walking between shelves, running her hand along cracked covers. The writing was unfamiliar to her - she would have to hire a scholar to assist her, but at least the records were here. Asorate was a bit closer to her grasp...


Vivy studies the ancient texts and discovers the location of the old city, a former capital of the Moon Empire, in which, in one of the secret temples, the legendary weapon was stored. She travels that way and crosses the border of the Moon Empire to reach it. Whether the journey will be smooth or troubled is unknown...


Bellafide was surprised by the knowledge the books revealed. The formations were so obvious, yet still somehow unknown to mice and myconids. He studied them extensively and trained the recruits, some of which had grown up by now, in the ways of war. The restored militia was to be mainly trained in the handling of cats and wolves - there were not enough mice for an infantry force.

It was... painful to prepare another batch of soldiers to die. At least he found solace in Stonkles' and the others' company. Indeed, even at his age he could make friends...

"THE WING!" he yelled, and the riders started hastily moving into formation...


Your warriors are more powerful now, aided by tactics of the ancients.

Fortifications are built, at last, with stonecutting tools acquired from humans and elves used on the few cliffs in your territory where Mobur still spends most of his time.

"Wall of flame." Mobur said, and before him appeared a roaring inferno that burned his eyebrows and hair a bit. Yet it was not of his making.

"Enough." the fire disappeared. "Illusionary army from water."

Out of the river rushed a cavalry force, accompanied by the thundering of hooves and the squeaking warcries of mice. Upon touching Mobur, the riders exploded into splashes of water, soaking everyone that was nearby in that moment.

Mobur nodded and turned to the panting mouse girl beside him.

"Good. You've succeeded, Cinder. I've taught you everything I could."

The small mouse smiled at the half-giant's words and clenched her fist in a victory motion. Rigby looked at her, smiling with pride, from a short distance away. They had been doing their part in protecting the village from monsters before, but now their power has grown even greater. Good days were ahead. He hoped for that, at least...


Your mages are fully trained now. Further training requires additional study materials and/or a more powerful teacher.

The humans are glad you let them in. They get to work immediately, reanimating the dead horrors as you command. This aids tremendously in protection of the village. However, there remains the question of raising mice corpses. Your burial rituals include burying the dead in the forests and planting trees on top of the grave, thus creating sacred woods which are often decorated with lanterns and charms on red strands. Should this ritual be abandoned and the mice given to necromancers? Many are disturbed by this possibility and protest usage of mice corpses as sacrilege...
>Use mice corpses in spite of the morale loss.
>Only reanimate monstrosities.
>Reanimate monstrosities and humans. They don't seem to care about their own. The mice and fungi will still be a little demoralized.

(cont. tomorrow with random events, am tired, have this choice for now)
>Reanimate monstrosities and humans. They don't seem to care about their own. The mice and fungi will still be a little demoralized.

We can keep to our ways, and they theirs. Society can afford to be divided when one lives in such a harsh environment. At the end of the day, there are more of us than them, we aren't in danger of being assimilated in the other direction.
>Reanimate monstrosities and humans. They don't seem to care about their own. The mice and fungi will still be a little demoralized.
The cats have been breeding a lot lately. Maybe their behaviour has been altered by the mana wastes or they simply feel content, but they have fully restored their numbers to pre-illness and orc raid numbers.

A travelling human engineer is passing through your settlement on his walking steam-machine. He offers to share with you an efficient way of smelting metal - a useless process right now but maybe with the conquest of southeastern orcs it could find application - and the proportions of a rare alloy that could benefit our tools. He asks for something valuable in return... His signs denote him as a follower of some dark gods. Should we really trust him?
>Write-in something valuable to offer this engineer? You have a feeling a sacrifice would do the trick... Or some piece of knowledge that is valuable to him.

The engineer will stay in the area for this and next turn, trading his knowledge to humans, elves and other powers in the area.

An illness strikes your berry bushes! It seems to be magical in nature and spreading even after the last of affected bushes are uprooted and burned. Something should be done about it, or you will have to go hungry for the coming years. The mages say they could treat it, but nature magic is not their speciality, so they cannot guarantee it won't return, strengthened even more.
>Send a delegation to the northern nomadic dwarves that live beyond the humans of Loreia. You have only rumours of them, but they are nature mages - they should know a sure way to deal with the illness. [you'll have to offer them something, most likely]
>Attempt curing it with your own power. You don't know whether it'll work for sure, though... [roll]
(proper end of update)
(previous choice remains open)
>Write-in something valuable to offer this engineer? You have a feeling a sacrifice would do the trick... Or some piece of knowledge that is valuable to him.
Teach him a spell or two.
>Attempt curing it with your own power. You don't know whether it'll work for sure, though... [roll]
>Offer to teach him some of our spells, or necromancy. If he isn't interested, then perhaps our knowledge of which civilizations are vulnerable at the moment?

>Attempt curing it with your own power. You don't know whether it'll work for sure, though... [roll]
>Reanimate monstrosities and humans. They don't seem to care about their own. The mice and fungi will still be a little demoralized.
>Only reanimate monstrosities.

>No deal with the creepy engineer
>Attempt curing it with your own power. You don't know whether it'll work for sure, though... [roll]
>Only reanimate monstrosities.

>Offer to teach him some of our spells, or necromancy. If he isn't interested, then perhaps our knowledge of which civilizations are vulnerable at the moment?
>Attempt curing it with your own power. You don't know whether it'll work for sure, though... [roll]
Update tomorrow.
>Only reanimate monstrosities.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Offer to teach him some of our spells, or necromancy. If he isn't interested, then perhaps our knowledge of which civilizations are vulnerable at the moment?
>Attempt curing it with your own power. You don't know whether it'll work for sure, though... [roll]
Rolling for
1 - Reanimate monstrosities and humans.
2 - Only reanimate monstrosities.
Rolled 6, 51, 49 = 106 (3d100)

Since I'm an idiot that forgot to call for a roll while announcing the update yesterday, rolling for
>Attempt curing it with your own power. You don't know whether it'll work for sure, though... [roll]
to not slow down the quest.
Yow, not great results...
(FUCK forgot to post before doing other things)
The engineer is a natural... The human necromancers are amazed at his learning speed. He grasps the spells you decided to teach him quickly and departs east, into elven lands, after giving you the schematics and description of the apparatus, as well as the proportions of the alloy. You can only hope he will not use it for too much ill...


"It's strange fighting on the same side as them." the myconid noted to Frisby, looking uneasily at the undead husks guarding the settlement now.

"It is for the greater good." the Leader answered. Frisby decided to check up on the fungi patrols, and all of them reported greater safety, but less peace of mind.

He wasn't sure if using necromancy was safe. Not only did it give humans leverage in getting more rights for themselves in the future, but also unnerved the others. And he didn't even want to think what would happen should the monsters go out of control... Well, the necromancers were skilled, at least, so that possibility was minimal.

Stonkles reported the first human corpse tilling the field successfully as well.

"It is for the greater good." Frisby repeated with greater confidence in his words. Maybe if he said it enough times he would convince himself of this...



The magical treatment was successful at first, but the illness returned after a month, strengthened further! Only a real master of nature magic can cure it now, and it is sure to cause damage either way. The blueberry yields are failing, and the coming seasons or even years will see hunger rising...

The western orcs have recovered somewhat by now. The window of attack is closing...
What happens now? [pick 2]
>A delegation is sent, discussing more extensive partnership [specify: elves/humans? what do you offer? what do you request?]
>Attack the orcs of Mogrog to the southeast. They possess valuable minerals that could aid you in trade or in the forging of weaponry. [specify: invite elves/humans?] [requires approval of fungi representative]
>Attack the orcs of Dul'zarad to the west. They are overextended and vulnerable right now, though less than before. [specify: invite elves/humans?] [requires approval of fungi representative]
>Send a secret mission circumventing the orcs of Dul'zarad to the dwarven alchemists to the far west. Could you do a pincer attack and strike them from two sides?
>Send help to humans with their ancient temple. It is known as one of the sources of the Awakening corruption - maybe you can aid them in neutralizing or at least dampening its influence with your artifacts and monsters?
>Call in the favour for helping the humans after the witchwind storm and request something from them. They sit on a valuable trade route, even if trade has declined since the beginning of the Awakening, and could get you something valuable or powerful. [specify what you request]
>Send a delegation to the far northern dwarves. Maybe they have a master of nature magic that can help cure your berry bushes?
>Have the mages inspect the construction and magical properties of the artifacts protecting you from eldritch influence. Could they be replicated? You know the humans to the north are suffering from the same problems as you, perhaps you could help them in the future?
>Further translation of the library is made.
>Spies are trained and sent to the village of Ordruka. What allowed the half-giants to remain independent for so long? Could you take their power for yourself?

Automatic events next turn: Vivy's expedition (please roll 1d100 Bo3 for this)
Rolled 51 (1d100)

>Have the mages inspect the construction and magical properties of the artifacts protecting you from eldritch influence. Could they be replicated? You know the humans to the north are suffering from the same problems as you, perhaps you could help them in the future?
>Spies are trained and sent to the village of Ordruka. What allowed the half-giants to remain independent for so long? Could you take their power for yourself?
>Further translation of the library is made.
>Call in the favour for helping the humans after the witchwind storm and request something from them. They sit on a valuable trade route, even if trade has declined since the beginning of the Awakening, and could get you something valuable or powerful. [specify what you request]
At the current rate we'll be having a famine, how about we use our favour so the humans can trade us more food and other resources so our people will not go hungry for the foreseeable future.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

forgot to roll
inb4 next roll is 53
Rolled 1 (1d100)

>Attack the orcs of Dul'zarad to the west. They are overextended and vulnerable right now, though less than before. [specify: invite elves/humans?] [requires approval of fungi representative]
Invite elfbros.
>Have the mages inspect the construction and magical properties of the artifacts protecting you from eldritch influence. Could they be replicated? You know the humans to the north are suffering from the same problems as you, perhaps you could help them in the future?
Rolling 53.
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Uh, not a 53.
>Send a delegation to the far northern dwarves. Maybe they have a master of nature magic that can help cure your berry bushes?
>Attack the orcs of Dul'zarad to the west. They are overextended and vulnerable right now, though less than before. [Invite elves and humans]
Vivy's not gonna have a good time...
>Have the mages inspect the construction and magical properties of the artifacts protecting you from eldritch influence. Could they be replicated? You know the humans to the north are suffering from the same problems as you, perhaps you could help them in the future?
>Attack the orcs of Dul'zarad to the west. They are overextended and vulnerable right now, though less than before. [invite elves]

The fungi approve, since additional food may be obtained in the raid (or taking over of territory??).

Roll 2d100 Bo3 for this and I'll write the update tomorrow morning most likely.
Rolled 43, 92 = 135 (2d100)

rip Vivy
Rolled 46, 81 = 127 (2d100)

>Vivy's not gonna have a good time...
Oh goodie... :/
Rolled 50, 42 = 92 (2d100)

(low power today so only 1 scene, sorry)

The messengers usually sent by Vivy abruptly stopped coming 2 months ago. Frisby now was confident something happened to her, and according to the last report she vanished near Ys, approaching the southern border of the Moon Empire from within, about 4 months ago. She was close to her target... What could've happened to her? She had her mount to escape bandits, charms to resist a lot of spells, and her knowledge of the glaive to protect herself should she be caught in spite of all this.

Frisby needed to send a rescue party to determine the cause of her disappearance, but the resources were spread thin... yet she was still the only one they could rely on for the recovery of Asorate, the legendary eldritch slayer weapon. Something had to be done soon...

... Meanwhile in the city of Ys, southern Moon Empire ...

Vivy looked with fear and exhaustion at the ritually painted face of the judge. He was, at least, speaking Orzarian - the lingua franca of the north, besides the Moon tongue, but this neither lent mercy to his words nor calm to the small mouse's heart. The judge stood up and cast a cold gaze in her direction.

"Vivy Whiteclaws is sentenced to 10 years in prison for espionage and threat to steal state treasures. The council is dismissed. The Moon protects." he said in a thick accent, and Vivy's heart sank.

What awaited are long, dark years with no one to ask for help or rescue. Worst of all - her dear mount, Orbis, had been taken from her. She let herself cry, but her whimpering did little to soften the hearts of men and women leaving the hall. Soon, she was escorted to her cell and left alone with her thoughts...


Vivy has disappeared! You have to send a party to rescue her. Or she may stage an escape attempt herself...


The mages make some progress in the reverse engineering of artifacts. However, they still need more time to fully figure them out. [1/2 undertake this action 1 more time to complete the project]

The elven armies march, supported by shock corps of cat and wolf riders. The canines bicker with the cats, so they have to be kept on different flanks, but with the addition of veteran shrooms and elven nomad warriors in the middle, your army is a formidable force.

Aided by the newly discovered tactics, the armour you reforged from orcish with the help of human smiths, and mighty mages to support your attack, your army takes over the eastern half of the orcish province with lightning speed. Two thousand orcs reside in the occupied territories, and the council of their chiefs begs for your mercy. What shall the terms of the peace be?
>Take over all the territories you occupied. The loot, however little can be obtained form the poor orcs, is divided between you and the elves. Half of the orcs are sold as slaves to the elves. The rest will be second-class citizens in your newly obtained lands.
>Take the loot and the slaves to sell. Split them between your own civilization and the elves. Burn the settlements to create a buffer zone.
>Take the loot and the slaves to sell. Split them between your own civilization and the elves. Negotiate a treaty of tribute and subservience from the orcs.

(The casualties are 10 mice and 50 myconids)
>Take over all the territories you occupied. The loot, however little can be obtained form the poor orcs, is divided between you and the elves. Half of the orcs are sold as slaves to the elves. The rest will be second-class citizens in your newly obtained lands.
>Do not send a party to rescue her
Vivy can sort this out herself, as a great hero... Probably.

>Take over all the territories you occupied. The loot, however little can be obtained form the poor orcs, is divided between you and the elves. Half of the orcs are sold as slaves to the elves. The rest will be second-class citizens in your newly obtained lands.
>Take the loot and the slaves to sell. Split them between your own civilization and the elves. Negotiate a treaty of tribute and subservience from the orcs.
>Take the loot and the slaves to sell. Split them between your own civilization and the elves. Negotiate a treaty of tribute and subservience from the orcs.
>Do not send a party to rescue Vivy, for now...
How much is 10 years for our mice's lifespan?

>Take the loot and the slaves to sell. Split them between your own civilization and the elves. Negotiate a treaty of tribute and subservience from the orcs.
>How much is 10 years for our mice's lifespan?
Mice live about 30-40 years, so between 1/3 and 1/4 of her life. She'll leave prison an old mouse - if she survives the harsh conditions, that is.

Update tomorrow btw. Probably going to wrap up the quest with that one, we're nearing the last page.

>Take the loot and the slaves to sell. Split them between your own civilization and the elves. Negotiate a treaty of tribute and subservience from the orcs.


Frisby oversaw columns of slaves being transferred to elven and human lands, where they would be sold or put to work, with Bellafide, Indail, the elven commander, and Goio, the myconid captain. The orcs limped along the dirt road while the witchwinds howled. They were, at least, protected from the storm with the shields set up by the mages, but the spells still fired off above, licks of flame and bolts of lightning splitting the air.

The mice and fungi were mourning the dead, and the impact of accepting necromancers and fighting on the same side as undead was still high, but it was a victory - and what a victory it was! The orcs were now tributaries of mice and pledged their begrudging support in attacks upon other civilizations. A comparatively strong ally was gained. However, Frisby doubted that orcs would remain loyal for long - the pain of defeat was still fresh in their memory, and he was confident they would jump upon any opportunity to break free.

There was the question of the western dwarven alchemists as well. They were well on their way to building their own empire and could attack the mice' newly obtained subjects any day. The monster attacks were intensifying, too. Frisby wondered if the Awakening was merely the first stage of some greater disaster...

In Ys, Vivy languished in prison, thinking of ways to escape. Unknowingly, she became the only hope for the nation of mice to survive the looming catastrophe.

It started raining, and Frisby pulled on his hood.

The mouse civilization's future was dark and full of troubles, but future could be changed. For now, they would celebrate their success and think of ways to resolve their misfortunes, one at a time, and if gods willed it, they would survive...

Thanks for playing, anons, that's a wrap for this quest. It was enjoyable for me to write, I hope it was enjoyable for you to play through. idk if I'll return to the idea in the future, most likely not, but it was an interesting experiment. The random system worked surprisingly well (in my opinion) and I greatly enjoyed writing the progression of some characters' storylines as they went on, especially Cheesums for some reason lol. I think in general the insertion of scenes featuring these characters was a success. I feel like I failed in creating enough pressure on your civilization though, besides the orc raid there were no significant setbacks and even they weren't felt sharply. This problem is my bane... I am always too soft on my players.

Also damn, running 2 quests at once is impossible. Even with 1 I dissolve into updates once every 3-4 days.

If you have any feedback, please tell me what you think: where I succeeded, where I failed, what could be improved. I will respond if I have something to say in return.

I'll be running an anime Japanese high school romance / slice of life quest in autumn (I know it's ridiculous lmao but it's my dream plan). It will be under a different trip (I keep to the 1 trip = 1 quest rule without creating a permanent identity). Would be cool if you monitored the catalog and checked it out. Thanks for playing again and see you in other quests!
Does anyone want to pick this up and continue it? It's neat and simple, all things considered.

Thanks for running QM. Good luck with your next quest.
Thanks for running it, QM.

If you run, I'll play.
It was fun

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