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The old man looks at your papers, then back at you, then back at the papers again. The border control room is pretty cramped and dusty, you can tell not a lot of people use it, the man looks inconvenienced at the fact he even has to do his job for once.

Finally, he looks back at you and asks, "Are you sure this is what you want? Once you leave, you'll lose native citizenship, if you do decide to come back, you'll only ever get the worst jobs meant for new blood immigrants."

You nod.

"The world out there isn't what it's like in stories, it's dirty, it's ruthless, and humans just aren't as resistant to the magical horseshit as the rest of the races."

"Actually, that's a myth." You correct him. "Humans aren't less or more resistant to magic than most races, we just have a lower mana pool which makes it harder for us to prepare protective spells-"

"Same difference," he interrupts you. "Also, seriously, you're going out there for a magic school? The thing humans are the worst at? Couldn't you be an engineer or something? Okay, maybe not that, not really allowed to share trade secrets..."

He yawns, and digs into your massive backpack. "Let's see, you got a gun, a laptop and a phone. All solar-powered too for obvious reasons. We're going to biocode them so they melt when someone other than you try to use them, and then you'll be on your way. I'll ask one last time, are you sure you want to leave?"

You nod vigorously, yes! You want to leave! You've been stuck here for hours! You have the paperwork, the preparations, the supplies to make the trip, and most importantly, the letter of admission to the school for the magically challenged!

You had to send biocoded drones to prove your aptitude and motivation just to be admitted! Drones you had to pay out of your pocket because your parents didn't approve in the slightest! Why does everyone think this is a spur of the moment decision when you've worked so hard for it? You don't care that they're less technologically advanced outside, you can live with that as long as you get to learn magic!

The man leads you to the imposing front gate. The man makes a sign to another up the gate, and it starts to rise with a slow, loud rumble. It reveals the outside, the blue sky, the green grass, and a road that leads to your dreams. You look back to the border control man, and he shoos you away. You almost trip over yourself as you run past the gate into the unknown.

Now you just need to make it to the school! It's a pretty long way from here, and you only have a week. You can't afford to be late, but you have something to help you, a spell! It took you years of practice from reading and re-reading outdated online records of magic books, but you finally found one that worked, and it's exactly what you need to make it in time. And that spell is...

>A life spell that allows you to stay awake for much longer. The sleepyness will hit you all at once when it wears out, but you can control when that happens.
>An intangible spell that can help you traverse large bodies of water much faster. You can take a shortcut through the lake with this.
>A material spell that lightens the weight of your backpack and anything in it, it means you don't need to take as many breaks, and it works on most solid things.
>A divination spell you can use to find the shortest path to the school.
>A summoning spell you can use to store a small amount of things in to lighten your backpack. Not as efficient as a material spell, but what's in there is safe at least.
>A material spell that lightens the weight of your backpack and anything in it, it means you don't need to take as many breaks, and it works on most solid things.
glad to se
>>A life spell that allows you to stay awake for much longer. The sleepyness will hit you all at once when it wears out, but you can control when that happens.
glad to see you OP
>A material spell that lightens the weight of your backpack and anything in it, it means you don't need to take as many breaks, and it works on most solid things.
>A material spell that lightens the weight of your backpack and anything in it, it means you don't need to take as many breaks, and it works on most solid things.

You can use a spell to lighten your backpack! Material spells specialize in modifying solid things, while intangible spells can only affect things you can't touch, like water, air and fire.

Okay, you can touch those, but if the shape is malleable enough, material spells can't apply. You're not sure when exactly something goes from material to intangible, maybe gelatin is where it starts to go from one to the other.

Anyway, what matters is you can draw a simple rune that can lighten your backpack and anything in it. The rune needs to be recharged with mana sometimes, something that as a human you don't have a lot of. The one pro of being a human is that you don't suffer from mana fatigue like other races; while most races will collapse from running out, humans will just get a little dizzy. Of course, that doesn't really mean much when most humans can barely cast more than one spell a day, but you have to see the positives sometimes!

If your calculations are correct, the rune should run out of mana every 6 hours, and you're able to recharge it about once every 10 hours. That's fine, it still saves you a lot of stamina, and it makes going up rough terrain a lot easier. It feels great to use a spell for something more than practice, it's like you're a real mage! You don't feel great about the fact that most people are capable of cast this spell in a few months, when it took you years to learn it, but your lower mana pool coupled with the outdated instructions you got from the human city didn't make things easy for you.

That's fine, you knew this wouldn't be easy, and you'll make up for your lack of talent and innate skill with hard work. Getting into that school was a pain, and despite the name, the school for the magically challenged has pretty high standards when it comes to admission. It's not enough to be disadvantaged, you need to show that your passion for magic is strong enough to get past whatever disability you may have.

You recharge the lighten rune and go up a big grass hill to get a better vantage point. You can see a village from afar, but you're not sure if it's a good idea to mingle with people just yet. It's not as if you expect someone to blast you just because you're human, but part of you can't help but stay wary.

But you're tired, and sleeping in a tent outside is more dangerous than just booking a night at an inn. You have some coins you can use, since despite humanity's reluctance to interact with the outside world, we still need to trade for resources occasionally. You walk into the village, and it's clear that you stand out. Some people whisper as you walk by, and a lot of them can't help but stare at your backpack. From what you've heard, human technology is almost mystified in the outside world, so they're probably curious as to what you're carrying.
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Even so, you try to act natural so they think you're just an average outside human, just because those are rare doesn't mean they don't exist. It seems like it's working, and the rune on your backpack helps with that, since the stereotype seems to be that no one from the human city would ever bother learning magic, not that the stereotype is really inaccurate, you're just an odd case.

Once you reach the inn, you ask for a drink and a room. Weirdly enough most people inside don't seem to care about you, but the red-skinned innkeeper does get curious.

"Strange to see a human in these parts. Where are you travelling to?"

You take a sip of your beer, it's strong but not unbearable. "School for the magically challenged," you answer. "I'll only stay here for the night."

He raises an eyebrow, "Unusual, but I'm sure you have your reasons. It just so happens the demon boy over here is also going there, he's been asking around for directions, maybe you could travel with him, that'd make the road safer."

You scoff, "Wouldn't travel with a demon make things more dangerous?"

"If he was a woman I'd agree, but male demons are pushover, and he's no exception. But hey, it's your life."

You look back at the demon boy, and it's true that he doesn't look that imposing. You've heard that the demon society was a matriarchy, but you never really looked into what the guys were like, since it's usually the women you'll see outside. The waiter says something to the demon boy, and he looks back to you. Did the waiter hear your conversation from all the way there?

Wait, no, the innkeeper and the waiter are the same person, they're Anbees. Anbees are a weird race, but basically, they always birth two people at once, and those two people share thoughts and knowledge, the main difference being that one is more emotional and the other more logical. Generally two Anbees are considered the same person, even if they can both act in very different ways, it's the equivalent of having two different inside voices, you suppose.

Anyway, the demon boy is going back to staring at his empty glass mug and you'd feel bad leaving him hanging now that he knows you're both going the same way, so you sit next to him and ask him if he needs help.

"Uhm, it's just, he said that you were also going to the same school as me, and I'm not very good with directions, so if it's not too much to ask..."

You shrug, "Yeah, I know where it is, even if I've never been there myself. I have a map."

His face lights up, "T-Thank you! I was just stressing over this and, if I was late, I just- I just don't know what I'd do!"

You're pretty sure the school is fine with being late a day or two, it would just leave a bad impression. You just nod at him as you take another sip of your beer, you're getting used to the taste already.

His horns are small, you've only ever seen photos of demon women, and their horns are almost the size of their head, but his horns are like, imp sized, it's kinda cute, in a way.

"U-Uh, please don't stare at my horns, it's kind of weird."

"Weird how?"

"It's uhm, sort of a... sex thing."

You go back to staring at the wall, what a great first impression. "Sorry, didn't know."

"I-It's fine, most races tend to hide body parts they consider, uhm, sensitive, so I see why you wouldn't assume horns are a weird thing to focus on."

You need to change the subject before this gets weird.

>"So, what do you know about the school?"
>"What's demon culture like?"
>"Did you meet any humans before?"
>"Do you know any spells? I know a lighten spell, it makes travelling a lot easier!"
>Do you know any spells? I know a lighten spell, it makes travelling a lot easier!"
>"Do you know any spells? I know a lighten spell, it makes travelling a lot easier!"
>"So, what do you know about the school?"

Can we fuck him?
I wanted to add a line that mentioned how the MC isn't into guys, but I'll leave it ambiguous and up to the player's choices because it's more interesting that way.

I mean, the school and magic system is inspired by an otome game so it's in the spirit of things to have at least one gay option.
>You've heard that the demon society was a matriarchy, but you never really looked into what the guys were like, since it's usually the women you'll see outside.
the longhouse strikes back
>"Do you know any spells? I know a lighten spell, it makes travelling a lot easier!"
>Can we fuck him?
calm down, anon.
you know, that bit about female demons having longers horns than males reminded me of that greentext about the differences between male and female elves
>"Do you know any spells? I know a lighten spell, it makes travelling a lot easier!"
Fujoshis begone. We're going to turn this guy into our bro, and give him the backbone he needs to stand over the demon bitches.
>"What's demon culture like?"
Saw that picture in the catalog and thought it was Curse carrier.

"So, do you know any spells? I know a lighten spell, it makes travelling much easier!"

He clasps his hands together, "Yes! I was wondering about that, you made it yourself, right? It looked too shoddy to be made by a professional- Ah, not that I mean it's bad, it's just uhm..."


"The rune feels rough around the edges? I can't cast the spell myself, but it feels like the mana isn't flowing right."

You raise your backpack and put it on the table. "How would you improve it, then?"

He scratches the lightness rune, and turn the backpack back to you. "It should be better? Maybe? The shape is right, it's just that it's going to waste a lot of mana if you don't overload it first."

"Overload it?"

"You know, it's a thing you often do with material spells. You overload the rune with mana so it pushes against the edges internally, that way it gives more space for the mana to move."

You let out an awkward laugh. No, you didn't know that, and you feel a little ashamed you didn't. You spent years learning this spell, how come someone that doesn't even know how to cast it knows better? It's not like you can do that yourself, you don't even have enough mana to overload a rune, you think.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "Sorry if I sounded rude, the rune itself is still pretty well done!"

Even though you know that's not the intention, it still sounds very patronizing. "Don't worry about it, I was working with incomplete info in the human city, so I was bound to get a few things wrong. What about you? You still haven't shown my any spells!"

He smiles, and summons a small flame above his hand with a flick of his wrist.

"Wow!" You say with genuine excitement, "that's an intangible spell, right?"

"It's an intangible summon spell to be exact. No magic type can create something from nothing, none except summoning, which is why nearly every mage has at least some basic summoning knowledge since so many spells are dependent on it."

You look away, and he notices.

"I-I'm not saying you're any less of a mage if you don't know summoning magic, besides, you'll learn plenty in school, so it's fine!"

You laugh again. You're really insecure today, for some reason. "Do you have any other mixed spells?" You ask.

"Not that many. I know a few life spells, but I'm not great at them." The flame suddenly drops on the table and he puts his hand over it in a panic to suffocate the fire. "A-Anyway, a few life spells that can do basic healing, and one that gets rid of face blisters. I haven't used the latter much ever since I got past puberty."

"I guess puberty sucks for every race."

You keep talking for a while, and he teaches you a few things about magic you didn't know. A lot of stuff he teaches you is so obvious you're surprised you didn't think about them earlier, and some are so esoteric you wonder how anyone ever figured it out. It's still a lot easier than learning alone, and even if that's a lot of info to take in at once, most of what he shows you can be applied with minimum mana use, which makes it rather easy to practice for you.

You agree to travel together, since you don't have much to lose from doing so. You apply a lightness rune to his bag, and he uses his spells for...well, not much, quite frankly. His spells are not very useful for travels, and you're secretly happy about that fact as it makes you feel like you're the better magic user, even though you know it's not the case.

The travel is uneventful, and after only a few days, you finally get to Farlake. A city that contrary to its name does not have a lake, but it does have the school for the magically challenged. You really wish it had a shorter name, you'll just call it SMC from now on.

You know the classes have yet to begin, but that doesn't mean you can't enter the school; as you already have a dorm reserved for you. The school can afford to have a dorm for each student, which is good because you like your alone time, and you expect to spend many sleepless night practicing magic, which is something you think would annoy the average roommate.

As you go through the city, you notice how diverse the population and architecture is. Some houses are made of wood with straw roofs, while some are made out of stones and bricks. You notice some Anbees, some crystal-kin, and a few beastmen. Apparently it's because Farlake is a popular trading spot, and the city formed itself naturally around the desire for most merchant to have a place to rest.

When you get to the school, the metal front gate just...opens for you. No check, no welcoming party, it's like you swiped an ID card, and it just knew who you were. Maybe they just used a strong divination spell to let the right people enter? You're not sure how that works, but you've heard the teachers here were actually some of the best magic users of their respective field, so it doesn't seem that far-fetched that they would have a spell like that set up.

The demon boy, whose name you've learned is Aroth, says that he'd like to stick with you as you explore the school. Aroth says that the students here tend to be rather eccentric for a variety of reasons, and that he knows for a fact there's a demon girl in there. You tell him you won't always be here to protect him, which is a weird thing to say since you're not that strong yourself apart from the gun you're carrying.

There are a few other students around, but it doesn't look like Aroth wants to talk to them. You're not very social yourself, you were the weird kid that liked magic too much, which made you a prime target for bullying. That's fine, though! Because here, liking magic is a plus! Everyone here shares your passion, and that means that no matter who you talk to, you can open up with "hey, what spells do you know?" and it'll work!

Not that you've tried, but why wouldn't it? It worked with Aroth, didn't it? You'll try it right now to prove your point, you just need to pick a suitable target.

>A crystal boy shadow boxing in the garden.
>A wraith girl that's staring at the inside of a classroom from an outside window.
>A fishgirl that's trying to find her dorm.
>Two(one?) Anbee girls, one is reading and the other is rolling around in the grass.
>A vampire guy that's sucking up a dead squirel in the cafeteria.
>A fishgirl that's trying to find her dorm.
>A wraith girl that's staring at the inside of a classroom from an outside window.
so the anbee thing is a play on non-binary ? funny since it's 2 of them, kek.
Elise reference
>so the anbee thing is a play on non-binary
That would be stupid. Despite being two bodied, both examples of them we've seen had the same sex.
>A wraith girl that's staring at the inside of a classroom from an outside window.
It's actually a play on 'A and B' I only noticed that it sounded similar to non binary later
I see. the "an" makes it work for the later
>A wraith girl that's staring at the inside of a classroom from an outside window.
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You decide to talk with the Wraith girl. Wraiths aren't exactly a race as much as they're an unfortunate product of circumstances, souls that for whatever reason can't pass on. Occasionally it's because they have unfinished business, but the grand majority of cases are due to freak magic accidents.

That's what you've heard anyway, you did some basic research on most outside races when you were still in the human city, but there's still a lot of stuff you don't know.

You clear your throat, and ask your ice breaking question, "Hey, do you know any spells?"

She lets out a squeak and her head snaps back towards you without her body following suit like some kind of human owl. "I WASN'T STEALING ANYTHING!"

Aroth is startled and starts apologizing over nothing. You sigh, pat Aroth on the back, and ask the same question again, "Do you know any spells?"

"Yeah? I know um, divination spells, and summoning. They're useful for... things."

You know she said she wasn't stealing anything, but summoning and divination spells are probably the two types of magic a thief would benefit from the most, that and material magic to break into places. You know it's rude to assume, and you'd like to start on the right foot with your new classmates. Maybe she's just nervous and it isn't what it looks like.

"I know a lighten spell," You answer. "It's useful to transport heavy things like my backpack."

Her eyes light up in a way you thought wraiths weren't capable of. "A material spell? Did you know you can use some material spells to undo locks? Do you know that one? Can you teach me?"

You're really trying to not assume she's a kleptomaniac, but she's not helping her case. Even Aroth is holding unto his belongings tighter after that one.

"That's the only spell I know, but I'm trying to figure out a few spells Aroth showed me. That'll take a while since I don't have a lot of mana to practice with, though." Aroth is slowly trying to step out of the conversation, but you drag him back with a pull on his vest's shoulder, "Hey, Aroth, introduce yourself too!"

"H-Hi, I'm um, Aroth. Nice to meet you ma'am, and sorry to bother you."

"Ma'am?" She looks offended. "Just because I'm a Wraith doesn't mean I'm centuries old, I died when I was 7, and I'm about 19 or 20 now. Not very old at all! Quite young by wraith standards, in fact!"

Interesting, you heard that Wraiths occasionally kept the shape they had on death, but it makes sense that some would change their form as they grow up. It can't be great to be considered a kid for your entire unlife just because you died earlier than most.

A disembodied hand not so stealth fully tries to open your bag, and you grab it. You hear another squeak from the Wraith. The hand is strangely soft, it's a cotton candy like texture.

"I wonder who that belongs to," you say as you squeeze the hand to make sure it doesn't escape. She looks away and hides her left arm behind her back in a rather suspicious manner. You squeeze the hand harder until she relents and asks you to give it back.

"I'm sorry! I was just curious as to what a techno monkey had! You didn't have to fondle my hand like this!"

Aroth scoffs, "H-He can be a little weird sometimes, but he's not a pervert...uhm, I think."

There's nothing perverted about squeezing and feeling up the hand of a woman you never met before! Besides, she gave up her hand rights when she put it so close to your stuff! She knew the consequences! Probably!
Okay, time to put back on the nice guy facade. "Sorry, but I'm just very protective of my stuff. Also, please don't call me a techno-monkey, that's kind of a slur."

"Sorry! It's human, right? We just don't see that many of them, so I guess it's not like there was anyone to offend most of the time."

You don't personally find the term that offensive, but for a long time it was used as a derogatory term to diminish human's ability to create things. It was believed humans did not deserve the technology they themselves created, as such the term techno-monkey is more or less used to imply that we have no idea what we're doing with the tools we've made. Not that humans always use technology responsibly, but it's the one thing you have over other races, so you have the right to be a little proud of it.

You notice the hand creep up on Aroth, and you grab it again, since it didn't look like he had the guts to do anything about it.


"I'm not getting lectured by a THIEF!" You retort

"I'm not a thief! Just wanted to see what was inside!"

"Then ask, like a normal person!"

"But it's not as fun that way!"


Aroth raises his hand, and you both stop your quarrel to look at him. "Sorry, I think it's just a misunderstanding. Let's just uhm, start again, and pretend nothing happened?"

You let go of her hand, and she reattaches it to her arm. You 'restart' the conversation first, "Hello, my name's Atlas, what's yours?"

"Your name's Atlas?" Aroth asks. "You never told me."

"You never asked."

The Wraith pouts. "Well, mine's Ivy. A cool name, unlike yours, that is very dumb."

"Yeah sorry, guess I should've stolen a better name-"

After another slapfight, Aroth has to forcefully tear you away from her. He's a lot stronger than he seems. He apologizes to her and you go your separate ways.

"Seriously," Aroth says with a dejected look on his face. "Is this really how you make friends?"

"She tried to steal my stuff Aroth. If you don't put your foot down with people like that they'll just take advantage of you whenever they can. She didn't even show me any spells. Maybe someone else-"

"L-Let's stop the socializing for now, okay? Uhm, I have to set up my dorm anyway. See you later!"

And he's off. It's not your fault the first person you talked to here was a prick. I mean sure, he did say most students here were eccentric, but surely not everyone here is that hard to talk to, right? Just because someone's magically challenged doesn't mean they're mentally challenged.

Anyway, you have to set your dorm too, and you don't want your precious stuff to be stolen. Finding your dorm isn't hard, although unlike the front gate, it doesn't open right away for you, and you need to cast a simple albeit very unique material spell to enter. Magic is weird in that it isn't just physical actions but also mental ones, which means that even if someone sees you trace a symbol with your finger over the door, it doesn't mean they'll be able to replicate it. This particular spell and its instructions were with the letter of admission, and it's something that costs so little mana it only took you a few days to learn. Apparently, people don't use keys that much because runes are infinitely harder to get past, and with people like Ivy you certainly understand why they wouldn't settle for simple locks in this school.

Once you're in, you 'lock' the door again with the same spell, and you collapse on the bed. You didn't realize how tired you were, and at this point you just want to sleep forever and ever.

But! You're in a magic school, you wanna do magic! So what if the classes haven't started? You still have mana and you want to do something about it! You pull out your laptop, and even though you can't connect to the internet as unsurprisingly the network only works inside the human city, you still downloaded the things you deemed the most important. You cross-reference what you learned from Aroth and you realize how much wrong humans got about magic. It's honestly a miracle you were able to cast a single spell using the methods you did, no wonder it took you so long.

You need to get better before the curriculum starts, everyone here look like they at least know multiple spells, you can't afford to be behind already.

>Go to the library to fix any miconceptions you might have about magic.
>Try to practice some of the spells Aroth taught you.
>Try to find out what the school's curriculum is like.
>Just go to sleep, you're too tired to learn anything and sleeping now means you can wake up earlier tomorrow.
>Go to the library to fix any miconceptions you might have about magic.
It's clear from Aroth's words that we have a seriously wrong idea of magic. We need to start from the literal baby basics, sad as that may be, in order to make sure we're not building upon sand.
>Go to the library to fix any miconceptions you might have about magic.
need to fix our base first
>Go to the library to fix any miconceptions you might have about magic.
>Go to the library to fix any miconceptions you might have about magic.
>Go to the library to fix any miconceptions you might have about magic


You need to fix any misconceptions you have about magic first. You can't learn any spell reliably with what you know, and it can't hurt to stay informed. The library is the perfect place for that, and you're sure they have books for absolute beginners like you somewhere.

You walk to the library, avoiding any social interaction for now. Any time spent talking is time spent not studying, and as much as you'd like to know the others, magic takes priority above all.

The library is big, so big that you're pretty sure it's physically impossible for it to be that big considering how small the outside building looks. There are so many books it would take multiple lifetimes to read through all of them. You're not sure where to begin, none of the bookshelves are labelled, are you supposed to use a spell to find what you need?

"And who might you be, I wonder?" something asks from behind you.

You turn back startled, a cloaked figure towers over you. You can't see its face or body, it's like a pitch black mass wearing clothes, and you can only guess at the humanoid form it has from the cloak's contour.

"I am a teacher, the one that will teach you about intangible magic, assuming you pick my class at least. We give the students freedom in what they want to focus on, and when they inevitably make a mistake, we advise them on what classes they should take next. We never force them though, no, they must learn by failures, as all must."

"Err, right. I'm Atlas, I was wondering if you had any beginners book about magic. I think a lot of what I learned in the human city might not be up-to-date."

"Yes, I figured you might have troubles in that regard. Good on you for taking initiative. However, your problems are unique to your kind. Most books expect you to practice magic more than your feeble mana reserve will allow. As such, what makes you think anything you will find here will be able to help you?"

"Magic is magic right? I'm sure I can apply some of the things I find here even if I can't do it as efficiently as most races."

It laughs, and it sends a shiver down your spine. It doesn't feel like a real laugh, more like an elaborate act. "Yes, magic is magic indeed. But tell me, you're aware that your condition is a little bit more drastic than being a little less efficient, yes? You are challenged amongst the challenged, you will have to put twice as much effort as everyone else for a fraction of the results. Is that truly alright with you?"

You nod, you don't even have to think about it. "Yes, even if I were to end up as the worst mage there is, I'd be happy as long as I get to practice magic. I already knew it wouldn't be easy, this doesn't change anything."

"Fascinating. There was another human mage like you, you see. Starry eyed, passionate about magic, more than anyone else I'd met before. He worked tirelessly, day and night to improve, and what were the results of his hard work, do you think?"

"...not good?"

"Yes, he was a mediocre mage by most accounts. A sad fate, wouldn't you say? If he was simply born different, then maybe he could've been one of the best."

"Was he happy though?" You retort. It really feels like it's trying to get on your nerve.

"Yes, he was. He liked his magic, such a simple being in that regard. Now I did say he was mediocre by most account, yes, most, but not all. You see, constraint is the mother of invention, and even if his actual spellcasting was nothing to write home about, his research was invaluable. He has found ways to improve one's mana that no one else thought of, and even if his spells were not powerful, they were incredibly efficient in terms of resources."

A dark tendril emerges from its torso and takes the form of a hand. Suddenly, a book flies off from the bookshelf and is caught by the hand. "Maybe he was mediocre, but it did not make his failure pointless. Maybe you will learn from him, and become slightly better than he was. If you do, please write down what you learned, I am sure the next starry eyes child will be thankful for it. Who knows, maybe you'll be the reason a human makes it to the top one day."

It hands you the book, and leaves. You're not sure if it was encouraging you or belittling you. on one hand, it implied you were never actually going to become a good mage, but on the other, it also said you could help another human in the future become one.

You don't know if you're okay with that, but maybe it doesn't matter what you're okay with. You like magic so you'll keep doing it until you die, it's that simple.

You bring the book back to your dorm, making a mental note to put it back in the library later. The book looks like it's an auto-biography from the human mage the teacher mentioned. There's a lot of stuff on how life in the human city used to be like, but most importantly, it has plenty of instructions on how he overcame his crippling mana disability.

Turns out, someone's 'max mana' isn't fixed, but no one was entirely sure how it increased. The common consensus was that it was something that just happened gradually as you cast spells.

That human mage wasn't satisfied with this answer, and decided to research each method to see some kind of link between them. What he found out was that there was a specific moment when someone's mana increased, and it was when the mage had a specific amount of mana left.

To make it short, let's say that someone has 10 mana, and that the 'mana up' number is 6. It means that this person needs to cast a 4 mana spell, wait a day or two, and their mana will increase to 11. Then, the mana up number will be randomized again.

Now, you might ask, how the hell did no one figure that out before him? There are two reasons he cites. One is that most races have a lot of mana, so much so that it's really hard to find the mana up number on accident. The second is that this method is slow, it's not multiplicative, it's additive. You won't get 0.1x of your current max mana, you'll get 1 and it doesn't matter if your current mana is 10 or 10 000.

However, being additive is actually perfect for a human, as our base low mana means the difference is much bigger for us than for others. Unfortunately for him, he only found a proper method to find out one's 'up mana' near the end of his life, and he didn't get to apply it to his own magic for very long. It's a shame, because apparently his method got really popular for young mages to use, even if they tend to stop once their max mana gets high enough since it can limit the amount of spells you can practice in a day, which can get counter-productive unless you're immortal and have all the time in the world.

But this is it, isn't it? That's a way to increase your own mana! You can be just as good as the rest that way, you just need to... limit the amount of spells you cast in a day.

That sucks, but you have to think of your future self. You'll just have to distract yourself in other ways when you reach the Up Mana, which you'll now call UM since you're probably going to say that a lot.

It doesn't mean you can't study other spells in the meantime, as even if you can't cast them, the book is full of tips that are custom-made to help a human like you get acquainted to the less intuitive parts of magic. The book can get a little dull sometimes, but it really is invaluable for someone like you, and you wish you got access to it earlier.
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You spend the next day locked up in your room reading the book, and you're not even a quarter of the way through. Before you know it, it's night again, and you have to go to sleep so that you're ready for your first class.

You wake up one hour early just to make sure you're not late. You double-check the class number, and it's with the summoning teacher. You're going to learn spells, with a real teacher. You're so excited you have to bite yourself to calm you down. Totally normal behavior, haha!

Oh god did Aroth include you when he said the students here were eccentric? You hope not, you think you're pretty normal, you just have quirks. You don't have time to explore your insecurities and instead go to the class half an hour early. To your surprise, the door is not only open, but nearly everyone is already here.

The teacher, a ratman, looks at you and sigh. "Atlas, you're late, that doesn't look good for you if that's how you start the year, you know?"

"B-But I thought I was-"

He bursts into laughter, "Nah, I'm just messing with you, you're early. I just couldn't help myself with how serious you looked about all this. Unfortunately, most of your classmates were even earlier since they wanted to pick their won partner."

"Their what?"

"Ah, yes, everyone was told they would need to choose a partner for their first day to practice magic with. It looks like you locked yourself in your room when the announcement was made though, that's a shame. There are still a few students that need a partner though, so don't sweat it too much!"

You look at Aroth, and he's with the vampire guy. Why didn't he tell you? He could've knocked at your door or something!

No use crying over spilled milk, you just need to find a partner, and your options are...
>Fish girl.
>Crystal guy
>Fish girl.
I like how this fishgirl looks.
mystery option ahoy
How dare that wraith girl try to steal our stuff. The only way to get back at her is to steal something of hers
>Fish girl.
>crystal guy
he seems trustworthy
Three minds are better than two and they are probably not that racist towards humans
Imagine if we go for an Anbee as the main girl. Does it count as a threesome if it's one person in two duplicate forms?
The blurred out eyes are really inviting
Physically speaking, yes. You could argue that maybe it wouldn't be "mentally", since it's just one 'mind' that happens to share two bodies, but that's just a technicality.
>Crystal guy

You scan the room, but you can't find anyone, so you decide to pick an empty table and let someone pick YOU instead, yeah, that's what you'll do! You confidently walk to the empty table and sit down.

"Alright!" The teacher says, "You'll be with Table for this exercise. Don't worry, nothing is permanent here, so if you don't like each other, you'll always have the opportunity to be with someone else!"

Huh? But aren't you...

You look to your side, and there's a girl. Was there always a girl here? You don't remember. She's looking at you, and you feel like you should say something back out of politeness.

"Uh, hi. My name is Atlas, what's yours?"

"Table," she answers very matter-of-factly. "The teacher said my name, but maybe you thought he was talking about the furniture and not me. Those desks are more flashy than I am, can't blame you."

Are they? They look like pretty normal wooden desks to you. She's not entirely wrong though, the desks look infinitely more interesting than she is. It's like every word she says makes you want to scream 'oh my god, I don't care, shut up.'

It's a bad thing to think, isn't it? She's not mean or anything, but it's just how you feel, and you don't know why. She was apparently so boring your mind just phazed out her existence when you had to pick a partner. The more you think about it, the more unnatural it feels, but the more you think about it, the less you want to think about it, it's strange.

Other students come in, and once everyone is here, the teacher starts the real class.

"Hello, everybody here? Everybody here!" The rat teacher snickers to himself as if this was some kind of inside joke only he found funny. "Now, I'm the summoning teacher here, which means I teach summoning, and we'll get to that soon, don't worry. First, are you aware of how exams go in this school?"

The serious looking Anbee raises her hand, and the teacher gives her a thumbs up.

"The exams here consist of a dungeon with a puzzle that must be solved using magic. The puzzle has multiple solution and encourage creative use of magic. It is designed in such a way that most students can complete it no matter what type of magic they decide to learn."

"Correct, correct! Good old dungeons. Really puts my summoning skills to work, it does. For example, you might have a wall of flame that can only be turned off by a level, but that level is behind metal bars. There are multiple solutions! You could use an intangible spell to part the flame, you could use a material spell to bend the bar, or maybe a life spell to make you resistant to fire and simply walk through it! Pulling the lever is the obvious solution, but if you can't do that, think smart! Of course, there's always the possibility that you'll run out of mana trying to figure out a solution, or that the spells you know truly can't get past the dungeon puzzle. If that's the case, you have the right to give up, you won't get a passing grade, but you'll get the right to try again a few weeks later if we feel like you were really close to succeeding."

"However!" He continues. "We have a new addition, a mean one, a brutal one, a LETHAL one. A duel! When you complete the dungeon, you'll get to meet and spar with another student that completed the dungeon. I'm kidding about the lethal part, you'll be equipped with pendants that will protect you from anything bad. You might still feel a little bit of pain, but trust me, if you could break them, you wouldn't be a student, you'd be the one teaching. Once enough damage has been done or one of the student gives up, the duel is over."

The crystal boy look very excited by the idea, everyone else don't look super happy about it.

The cat girl raises a question that you assume is on everyone's mind. "Won't this punish anyone that doesn't focus on learning combat spells? Not just that, but some races are inherently more combat ready than others, it just seems unfair to rate people on something like this."

The ratman shakes his head, "but that's the thing! You're not rated on if you win or lose, but on how well you fought with the tools you had. Combat puts people in a pinch and can force them to come up with a solution they normally wouldn't. Combat focused spell? No such things! Any spell is a combat spell if you try hard enough! Besides, you'll still have to go through the dungeon. Even if you fail miserably at the duel, it's only a quarter of your final grade, don't sweat it too much."

Knowing it doesn't take that much of the grade dissuades most people fear, although you still have a few questions. Like what happens if someone doesn't complete the dungeon? Do you just not get a duel? Or do they reschedule it? No one else knows since it's a new program, and they kept it a secret so that it'd stay a surprise for everyone.

"Alright, now time for the magic. You're in a summoning class, and that's something most people assume just means summoning monsters and the likes, but it's not. i'll be honest, summoning by itself? It's not great, can't do much with it. Can make pocket spaces, that's nice, you can make portals at advanced levels, cool, but what else is there? Even I, a summon expert, would struggle to find a spell I find interesting."

He snaps his fingers, and a red brick falls from who knows where into his hands. "But, mixed with other schools of magic? Incredible. Summoning monsters? Life and summoning! Fireball? Summon and Intangible. Summon a portal to the past! Technically possible with divination and summon! Never do that last one, almost killed us all. My point is, mixing magic types is how you bring summoning's full potential. Because what summoning does is bring stuff from somewhere else, usually other dimensions. There's an infinite amount of them, don't worry about taking stuff from there, they won't notice! Usually, anyway. I prefer to craft my dimensions from scratch, so I can pull whatever I need from here later. Don't worry, it's easier than it sounds!"

Is creating a dimension really that easy? It sounds like an almost godlike feat, but now that you think about it, the pocket space spell is kind of like creating a mini-dimension to store stuff, so maybe it's wrong to think of every dimension as universes the same size as yours.

"Now, as mentioned previously, dungeons usually need a variety of spells to be completed. This is why you'll get one mandatory class of each type of magic before you get to pick yourself what you like the most. I wouldn't advise picking only one magic type to focus on, two is okay, three is ideal! Of course, there's nothing wrong with having favorites, but sometimes your favorite can't solve a problem that would be very easy with anything else, no shame in that, that's just how it is. Now, let's talk about a very basic spell..."

He teaches the class how to cast the pocket space spells that you mentioned earlier. It's incredible how much easier it is to learn when you have a teacher to help you, but your low mana still limits how many times you can mess up. You don't even know what your UM number is right now, since it apparently requires a divination spell to figure out, and you're not quite there yet. You decide to use most of your mana for now since it doesn't make a difference, but you run out before anyone else which makes you pretty self-conscious.

You feel something poke your cheek, and you notice your mana is back somehow.

"A life spell that can give mana to others, I know humans don't have a lot of it, so I don't mind."

You feel a weird mixture of emotion here, it's like intense gratitude, shame, and more of that weird boredom. You didn't even think about that, someone giving you mana means you can practice as much as you want! Or at least as much as they're willing to give you.

"Thanks, sorry I can't give anything in return," you say as you practice the spell some more.

"it's okay, you trying so hard to engage with me is reward enough."

You frown, there's definitely something weird going on here. "Hey, sorry if it's rude, but you feel, uhm..."


You wanted to say 'boring', but that works too.

"Yes, I'm a forgotten. I don't think you need a detailed history of my people, because the name says it all, even those belonging to it can't remember it."

"Weird, I read about most outside races, but I don't think I ever heard of a race like that, how common are you?"

"You probably read about us and just forgot, our curse extends to written records too. There aren't that many of us though. I don't want to talk about it, because as ironic as it sounds, it's also very boring to me."

You agree, it's a subject that should be very interesting but you're struggling to stay awake. Talking to her is hard, but it's also strangely rewarding whenever you do get to remember something about her.

"Hey, I won't just forget you when I leave the class or something, right?"

"You will, but that's what my name's for. You'll see a table, and there's a faint chance you might think of me. My hopes for you aren't high though, no offense, most people just never come back to me. I have to set my expectations low."

That's depressing, and you decide to not think about it, which makes you promptly forget about her, only for some subconscious part of your brain to remind you of her presence. It's weird and uncomfortable, and you certainly understand why most people don't go back to her, it's just so much effort just to hold a conversation.

The teacher speaks again, "class is about to end, and you may be wondering why you were asked to pick a partner? You, well, most of you didn't need your partner to practice at all, but that's where the special exercise comes in. You'll both make a pocket space, and you'll need to SHARE IT! That's right! If someone puts something in one pocket space, the other will be able to pick it up! You can even hold hands through them if you feel naughty! Can't get through it like a portal though, not really how it works. Anyways, you got the week to figure something out! Good luck figuring it out yourself, suckers!"

The teacher snaps his rat fingers and disappears in a puff of smoke. You're not sure if he's trying to be the cool teacher, or if he's just always like that.

Did he say you needed a partner? Damn, didn't you find one? You're pretty sure- Right! Table!

She's still looking at you, as if she expects you to ask her who she is. You need to practice that spell with her, and since this class was the only one for the day, you have more than enough time to at least get the basics with her.

Problem is you aren't sure how to handle her. If even written records are affected, how are you even supposed to set a reminder to see her?

>Hold on to her hand for the day so you don't get separated, it's not like anyone will notice she's with you. It's not weird, right?
>Just ask her to bother you everytime you forget about her, since the forgetfullness doesn't seem to extend to people she knows.
>You can set an alarm on your phone to constantly remind you of her. Written records aren't super reliable but maybe the alarm will force you to pay attention to it?
>Ask the teacher if he has a spell that can help you remember her, since it didn't like he had trouble naming her when you sat down.
Not sure whether asking her to bother you or holding her hand would work better. Ultimately I imagine there must be some sort of spell that allows it, but i don't think we're at that level.
>You can set an alarm on your phone to constantly remind you of her. Written records aren't super reliable but maybe the alarm will force you to pay attention to it?
>Ask the teacher if he has a spell that can help you remember her, since it didn't like he had trouble naming her when you sat down.
This is really interesting! All we need is to have the alarm make us check/look at a picture of a table. Enough association with the name should help us overcome the curse, right? But ask the teacher anyways, it can't hurt.
I feel like we can combine a few of these options, written records don't seem to work but maybe a photograph could help us, we would just need a way to charge our tech or print it out. Her magic battery spell seems like it will be pretty busted on us so we should try our best to remember her.
>Just ask her to bother you everytime you forget about her, since the forgetfullness doesn't seem to extend to people she knows.
>You can set an alarm on your phone to constantly remind you of her. Written records aren't super reliable but maybe the alarm will force you to pay attention to it?
Don't know whether the teacher would be willing to help us, where his office is and if he is using a spell it is not guaranteed that it will even be feasible with our current capacity.
backing >>6057221
The best way to remember table girl is to bend her over one and make things memorable, but I can imagine at least one or two other people here in this thread must have thought the same thing. Right? I'm not alone in making this connection, right????
>You can set an alarm on your phone to constantly remind you of her. Written records aren't super reliable but maybe the alarm will force you to pay attention to it?
I'd like the holding hands thing, but I feel we'll just end up forgetting what we're holding
Assuming the MC is a virgin, that's a perfect way to remember her existence. But let's keep handholding, penetration, and all other such lewd matters to a tasteful minimum.
With how he got with the wraith girl handholding, I bet he might be the first one to come up with it.
>tasteful minimum
Exactly like how in Curse Breaker then, got it. By the way, I am dead against threesomes in this quest now that the Anbees lost the vote and it doesn't seem to fit our guy's character in any way nor fit the plot in any organic way. Just in case the QM gets worried or has some dumb misgiving on his end
The threesome thing was an curse carrier meme. Repeating it here would be lame and unoriginal. We got to think of something else instead.
glad to see you again, aw3som3 anon. I'm surprised you didn't suggest our witch to do this in the one shot.
That is skipping a few steps
I made my case and my reasoning abundantly clear about it before. The same preclusions don't apply here, and I wouldn't want to make it a thing again even if they did apply here.
>surprised you didn't suggest our witch to do this
Why would I ever do that, you retard? There was no basis in plot or characters or the organic flow of the quest for it to ever be possible. I suggested having her get with the coder guy instead, but that didn't happen and I'm still glad it didn't happen

Eventually... but right now, I don't want any of that shit. It's too early for that, and I'm leaning more towards our protagonist training and doing his best to make it in the magic school first and foremost.
>Hold on to her hand for the day so you don't get separated, it's not like anyone will notice she's with you. It's not weird, right?
>Just ask her to bother you everytime you forget about her, since the forgetfullness doesn't seem to extend to people she knows.
I would really like to see if we can find out a way around the forgetfulness thing long term, this is pretty interesting.
>You don't even know what your UM number is right now, since it apparently requires a divination spell to figure out, and you're not quite there yet
Can we use the UM number divination spell itself to spend mana to get to the UM number?
The thought occurred to me that auditory methods could be tried. Why not record verbal information about them? Talking about them and saving it as a voice file or something. Maybe one day our main character might need to return to the human city briefly to get his tech fixed or get new ones if shit starts to fall apart in the future? By that point he could have learned portal magic and just teleport over to the city gates and back. In the meantime maybe there's a human tech enthusiast teacher in this academy somewhere
Why not, won't know until we try
There's already a lot to do in this quest. I'm excited for how events will develop since this is a full-on quest like Curse Carrier and not a one-shot like Haunted Game

Speaking of which
Posting them here in case there's new anons reading and voting
>Ask the teacher if he has a spell that can help you remember her, since it didn't like he had trouble naming her when you sat down.
>You can set an alarm on your phone to constantly remind you of her. Written records aren't super reliable but maybe the alarm will force you to pay attention to it?
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You try to find the summoning teacher, since you feel like the assignment is already hard enough without the added challenge of your partner suddenly vanishing from your mind. Finding the teacher isn't hard, since despite him saying that you should 'figure it out yourself, suckers', he's still giving advice to the students all over the campus. You signal that you'd like to talk to him, and he creates a clone of himself to talk to you so he can keep helping the other student, something he can apparently do pretty casually. You did forget that despite his jovial attitude, he's good enough to do something like that without breaking a sweat.

"Hello young one! Please don't ask any questions about the existential nature of a clone, just treat me like I'm an Anbee! What's your question?"

"Uh, I was wondering if....uh..."

Shit, what was it? It was something really important? Something about the assignment? Which was to-

"Table!" You exclaim

"Yes," Table answers from behind you. "That's my name."

Despite the sarcastic tone, you can tell she appreciates you remembered it by yourself.

"Yes, I need a spell to remember her better, otherwise it's going to be really hard to practice with her."

The teacher has a thoughtful, serious look on his face, something you're not used to seeing. Then again, you haven't known him that long.

"Yes, that'd be an issue, wouldn't it? I don't actually use a spell myself, I'm just used to go to uninviting places that require a good memory. I don't think I can throw you into the realm of madness under the pretext of building character, so we'll have to find another solution. It's a hard problem to solve, but I know someone from the job."

He waves his hand, and a portal opens above him and drops a tall wraith woman from the sky. Literally from the sky, you're pretty sure it was a 30 feet drop.

"Ninaaaa, we need your expertise!"

Surprisingly, the woman doesn't look that bothered by the fall. "I juszt nneeed a fewmore mm-minewt?" She slurs, you're not sure if she's tired or drunk, maybe she's both? Can wraiths get drunk? Can they get tired? You're not asking Ivy that's for sure.

The summoning teacher summons a bunch of water on her. After what feels like hours of floods, the woman finally gets up and closes the portal herself. She still looks tired, but at least she's awake now.

"You're...insufferable...little one," she looks back to the two of you. "It's this present, isn't it? Aaaah, why is free will a thing, makes divination so hard. Whatever, just..." She touches your forehead with her finger, and pushes until you almost fall over, then lets go. "Spell won't last long, and it's not foolproof. It's just a simple clarity spell, one that your other teacher can cast just fine, may I add."

The rat snickers. "Me? Why, I could never, you severely overestimate my abilities, oh great one."

She rolls her eyes, and lays back down on the water soaked grass. "Just send me back to my bed," she groans.

Another portal opens under her and just like that, she's gone.

Then the teacher summons another portal just to dump another bucket of water in it before closing it again. He really is like that with everyone, huh.

"How simple is the clarity spell to cast?" Table asks. You can hear her more clearly now, even if there's still this sense of wrongness when she speaks.

"The base version isn't that hard, but there isn't ever one version of a spell. The version she cast is specifically made to circumvent your issue, and you won't find that in any books. I could've figured out how to cast it myself, true, but that would've taken at least minutes of thinking, and why do that when I could just drop a bucket of water on Nina?"

You look back at table, and now instead of being boring, it's more like you get a headache whenever you look at or think of her. You also notice her appearance isn't exactly what you thought it was. Before, she sort of looked human, but you can see glimpses of writhing tentacles under the skin you thought was here.

You pull out your phone and take a photo of her, she's startled by the flash, and even more startled by the photo itself. The photo is corrupted, but it's still more clear than what you can see with your eyes. It's like a charred, burned corpse with a single left eye.

She tries to take the phone away from out of your hand, but you put it back in your pocket since her handling it would make it melt. "How did you- I mean- D-Don't look at that. Sorry, I'm just very self-conscious about how I actually look."

"I can delete the photo if you want?"

"A photo? That's what it's called? In that case, yes, please do delete it."

You do, since you did take a photo of her without her consent. You didn't think it'd bother her this much though, sure she doesn't look great, but you wouldn't call her disgusting or anything.

"I just wanted to set an alarm with your photo to remind myself of you, you know?"

"An alarm? This thing in your hand can also do that?"

You nod, "It can do a lot more, but I'm not allowed to tell you much about how it works. I can't use it all the time though, solar can take a while to recharge."

"I won't pry then. So, you can remember me now, right?"

You nod, even though the teacher said it wouldn't last long, so you better make it fast. It's a little weird being more aware of her presence now, she feels less like drywall and more like a person. It's still not perfect, and there are moments where your mind wanders somewhere else, but it's not a constant battle to stay focused this time at least.

You practice the spell with her, and with her mana the process is a lot smoother than usual. You even ask her if she can help you practice the UM number divination spell, and she says she doesn't mind. Apparently Forgotten have more mana than most, and it's really hard for them to run out from beginner spells like that. It doesn't make you any less thankful for her help, even if it doesn't feel like much to her.

The divination spell isn't actually that hard, since it was designed by a human. It does require a lot of math too, but you already figured out the formulas before, so it's only a formality at this point.

You practice the pocket spell with her some more, but your version is much worse than hers. It can barely hold your finger, and it will take much longer to make it pocket sized, let alone bag sized.

Table speaks up when she sees you struggle. "He never said anything about the pocket space needing to be big enough, just that we should share it. Yours is...functional, and that's good enough. We can work with that."

"But I'll never make it if I'm just content with a half-assed version of a spell," you retort. "Won't they think I'm just lazy if I just do the bare minimum every time?"

She shakes her head. "Do you think you know better than the teacher? I'm sure there's a reason he asked us to figure out the spell in that way. Besides, it's only been a day, your progress is already pretty impressive in such a short amount of time.."

But she figured out the spell much faster than you did, didn't she? And can you really say you've figured it out when you can barely hold the spell active for a few seconds? No, you need to practice it more.

The clarity spell is waning, you can feel it. You decided to set up a picture of a table on your alarm instead, and she found it pretty humorous, you can only hope it'll be enough to remind you of her.

Before you part ways, she gives you just enough mana for your UM, you can't stop yourself from giving her a hug, and even though she doesn't hug you back, she says she doesn't mind. Her body feels a little squishy, but in a good way. Is that a weird thing to think? You've never been that good at knowing what was weird and what wasn't, and it's even harder now when you have to deal with so many races and culture.

You go to the cafeteria since you forgot to eat yesterday. The cafeteria is more like a restaurant, and even though it doesn't look as modern as human ones, there's something comfy about it that you wouldn't find in modern campuses. You find Aroth eating with the vampire guy and sit down next to them.

"Hey Aroth~" you try to sound as nice as possible, "Why didn't you tell me I needed to be here extra early to get a partner? Why didn't you knock?"

"Uhm, it's just that I didn't know where your dorm was, and even if I did, the dorms are soundproof and only certain people are allowed to knock and interrupt other students."

"What? That's dumb, what if I want you to wake me up or something?"

"Err, your admission letter had an instruction for a unique knocking spell. You're uhm, supposed to teach it to people you trust, and you can change it later if you don't trust them anymore. The spell only works for your room, would be redundant otherwise."

Oh, so it's like adding someone as a friend? You can see the logic in that, it means someone like Ivy can't knock at your door and leave just to annoy you. You remind yourself to give Aroth the knocking spell.

"Hey," the vampire boy says after dropping a dead squirrel on his plate he just finished. "I'm Rath, you're Atlas, right? Did you get a partner?"

"Wrath? That's an ominous name. Anyway, I think I got a partner."

"Rath, R A T H, no W. Also, what do you mean you THINK you got a partner? That sounds like something weird to be unsure about especially when it happened this very morning."

"I don't know, okay? I spent time with someone, I'm sure of that, I just can't remember who at the top of my head, that's all."

"He's just like that," Aroth says. "Not very good with people."

"Aroth I'm not letting you of all people judge me on my social skill."

"H-Hey, I'm just not good with girls, that's all. I can talk to guys just fine!"

He was still pretty shy when you first talked to him in the inn, but whatever.

Your order of fried potatoes arrive. You take a bite of it, and it tastes great, what kind of funding do they get to afford that kind of food? Or do they just use magic for everything? Everything in the human world tends to cost resource and money, but theoretically couldn't a summoner just make everything from scratch? Surely they must run out of mana eventually, right?

While you were deep in thought, a floating fork stabs one of your potatoes and flings itself and your potato into a portal. You look around you, and to no one's surprise, you see the same fork reappear next to Ivy's plate.

"Uhm, it's not that big of a deal Atlas, it's just one potato."

It's not about the potato, it's about your HONOR. You can't just-

Suddenly, Ivy's plate falls and breaks on the floor. The clatter can be heard from here, and Ivy stares at you as if you were somehow responsible. She floats up to you and gets your face a little too close to yours. "YOU DID THIS!"

"No, I didn't! And you stole my food!"


"Aroth, she did, didn't she?"

Aroth doesn't answer, but the vampire boy does confirm your story. "Yeah, I saw that. Pretty sure he's not the one that broke your plate, though."

At least someone backs you up here. Ivy realizes she's outnumbered, and she goes away grumbling as she realizes she can't whine her way out of this one.

Maybe losing a potato is an okay price to pay if it means pissing off Ivy that much. You read the menu again to see if there's anything else you can order, and you see a note scribbled on it that simply says 'you're welcome :)'.

The next day, you set your phone's alarm one hour early as usual, and you try to see if your mana changed from the UM. It looks like it did a little, but you should still give it a few hours before it takes full effect. That's good! You're kind of proud of yourself for figuring it out so fast by...yourself.

You look at the picture of a table you've set as your phone's background for some reason. You repeat the word table in your head, and while you can't remember who it belongs to, you know it belongs to someone and not a something. You wander the halls and somehow, by some miracle, you find her. You call out to her before you forget to do so.

"Ha. You actually did remember me? That's..." she stares at the ground. "Not sure how to process this honestly, did you get another clarity spell?"

"No, I just realized there was a lot of things I couldn't have done alone yesterday, and I had an alarm with the table set up. And when something is off, I really want to figure out why, so I think that motivated me to figure out what that was about."

Now that you think about it, you weren't actually trying to find table, you were trying to figure out what happened yesterday. Now that you're here actually speaking to her you kind of just...want to go back to your dorm.

"So, do you remember anything about me apart from my name?" She asks.

"I remember that you're, uh... I think you gave me mana yesterday? Couldn't have practiced as long as I did otherwise. Oh, and you're squishy!"


"I don't know why, I just feel like you are."

She squeezes her cheek. "Guess that's one way to see it. My expectations just got way higher for you, Atlas."

You should feel happy about the praise, but you don't.

"Hey, do you want to practice spells more? I have mana to spare."

Okay, NOW you feel happy. You nod vigorously and she motions you to follow her. "If that makes you this happy, it makes me wonder what would happen if any other girl offered their mana to you."

"Hey, I'm not that easy," you say with less confidence than you'd hoped. You would feel very grateful if even someone like Ivy gave you her mana. You wouldn't fall in love with her or anything, but you know, if she kept doing it over a long period of time, maybe...?

Oh no, you really are that easy. Your love for magic is just so strong it betrays any principle you may have had. You can't let anyone know about this, your pride is at stakes here.

You practice the pocket spell some more with her. You're still not getting any closer to figuring out how to share the pocket space, and your space is also still just as small. Creating it isn't actually that hard, it's just that right now it works better as a trash compactor than a bag of holding. You wouldn't put your hand in there like the teacher said, and when you want to get something out, you just create the portal upside down so that it drops everything it has inside, which is not much.

After very little progress, you realize it's time for the divination class. When you go there, Nina, the Wraith woman, is sleeping at her desk instead of actually teaching. Then, when the hour is right, she springs back up as if her body was being jerked backward by an invisible force.

"Everyone's here, and I assume you already know what magic is, so let's get to the point. Divination, what is it? It's seeing things you normally can't or shouldn't. It's not just seeing the future, it's seeing paths, it's seeing thoughts, it's seeing past illusions, but also making them. You want to use divination when you need to find things, or when you want to hide them. Let's get to the basics. You already have a hefty assignment from your summoning teacher, so I won't burden you with something too hard. Pick any spell from the first page of the book on your desk and try to figure out how to cast it. I'll be sleeping here, but don't shout to wake me up when you need help, because I'll know before you even realize you have a problem. You especially," She points at the fish girl.

She goes back to sleep, and as she said, there's a few spells you can pick from. Some look simpler than others, but they all look like they're within your level. they all look easier than the pocket space spell if anything.

Table says the clarity spell if way further than she thought, and that it'll be a while before either you or her can cast it. You don't remember why she wants it, but it looks important to her so you make a note on your phone to learn the spell when you can.

As for the spells on the first page of the book...

>Shortcut: A simple spell that can find the shortest path somewhere. Can see through poorly made secret passage too.
>Delayed Double: Allows you to cast a vision of a spell before that can be seen by everyone. Can be used as a feint to trick someone into dodging a fake spell, or to see the potential effects of the spell you're about to cast. The results are not always accurate.
>Dispel Illusion: Dispels basic divination illusions. The spell does not last long, and its effectiveness depends on the user's profficiency with divination magic and the illusion caster's.
>Try to learn Clarity early even if you're not ready.
>>Try to learn Clarity early even if you're not ready.
>Shortcut: A simple spell that can find the shortest path somewhere. Can see through poorly made secret passage too.
This seems very useful. Also, I like Table. She's cute. I'd like to learn clarity but we're clearly not ready.
>Delayed Double
I got a good feeling about this. Also rat teacher is great
>writhing tentacles under the skin
>charred, burned corpse with a single left eye
Probably not that bad
>Oh no, you really are that easy. Your love for magic is just so strong it betrays any principle you may have had.
It's only natural to be attached. If any other girl would do the same, our guy would also feel the same. In this case, Table is special because she's first? I don't know if this is right, but I had to deal with this "you'd fall for any other girl who did this for you? I'm not special to you?" dilemma irl before. Still not sure if my answer is right
>Shortcut: A simple spell that can find the shortest path somewhere. Can see through poorly made secret passage too.
I agree with other anon, I would like clarity but we struggle with even the basic pocket spell, no way can we cast clarity.
>Delayed Double: Allows you to cast a vision of a spell before that can be seen by everyone. Can be used as a feint to trick someone into dodging a fake spell, or to see the potential effects of the spell you're about to cast. The results are not always accurate.
I just had an idea. What if we drew a picture of Table? Pictures from our phone get corrupted, what would happen to a hand drawn picture? Would it just be forgettable? Part of me thinks "no" because the curse didn't think that was enough for a phone picture.
I imagine that would count as 'written'

The phone doesn't count because it's not really a picture or anything, it's like...a bunch of flashing pixel lights that come together in a shape. You're seeing, but not really seeing.
>Delayed double
Can help us fuck around with combat spells which we might need to learn at some point, also we could make a lot of fake clones if we ever learn that cloning spell rat does. Want to learn the others too at some point but shortcut and dispel illusion won't help us much right now, and also dispel illusion probably won't make our partner happy as she seems to be using some kind of illusion to hide her true form.
This is the quest that was theorized in the general. I'm locked in, QM.

alright, so shortcut lets you find shortcuts, right?
but who is to say that is is only limited to finding literal paths that one walks on?
if we modify it hard enough, we could use it to find shortcuts to learning spells
shortcuts to levelling our manapool
shortcuts to modifying the shortcut spell further
or in short
shortcuts to victory
it's all a matter of how we interpret the word "path"
What partner?
>Delayed Double: Allows you to cast a vision of a spell before that can be seen by everyone. Can be used as a feint to trick someone into dodging a fake spell, or to see the potential effects of the spell you're about to cast. The results are not always accurate.
Sounds useful for the duelling exam. Table a best! Mana-whore Atlas is pretty funny
I actually think it's counter productive if we want to use it for combat. Our mana is so low that using mana on anything other than an attack is a waste. Using mana to feint would make us all-in on that feint working or we're down to our fists against races that are probably physically stronger than us.

Delayed Double sounds interesting. Not only can it act as a pseudo-illusion, it can also be used to test more unstable spells safely. It's not actually hard to figure out the principle behind it, the hard part is applying it to the spell you want. It's technically a mixed spell, since it requires being mixed with the spell you're doubling. You'd think there would be a lot of limitations on what spells you can mix together, but flipping through the divination book you've been given, it doesn't seem to be that way? Maybe you're still thinking with human logic, where just mixing random chemicals won't always create an interesting result, but it really looks like you can fuse any spells together with magic and make it work.

It does require a very good mastery of the spells you're mixing, of course, but that doesn't make it any less interesting. You try out the spell with another you know very well, the lighten spell. And the results are...well, not much. You see the rune appear on the table for a split second, but then it's gone. Delayed Double is very cheap to cast at least, and compared to the lighten spell you can only cast about once every ten hours, this one you can cast about 3 or 4 times before you run out. It does require some concentration to pull off, so it can't be that easy to spam illusions like crazy.

Unsurprisingly, nearly everyone is learning faster than you are. The fish girl look like she's struggling the most, with Ivy being ahead of everyone else. Then again, it's not like everyone's learning the same spell, so maybe some of them are having an easier time than you because of that.

Table snaps her fingers in front of your face. "I'm pretty good at divination, I can help if you want."

"Table, you're the best."


Her help is invaluable, but since it's coming from her, it's really hard for you to pay attention. You do take as many notes as you can so you can apply them later, since you highly doubt her boring-ness applies to everything she knows.

As you're talking, the teacher suddenly puts her head between the two of you. You're not sure how she even got here.

"You're thinking of mixing spells wrong, kid. It's not puzzle pieces you fit together, it's a dance. No spell is perfect, and they tend to shift as you cast them, so it's not a simple matter of just casting them together, but to make them help each other. Don't focus on what you did wrong, focus on what feels right, ignore the book's instructions if it helps, they're a guideline, not rules."

She goes back to her desk and promptly falls to sleep again. Normally what she's saying wouldn't make much sense, but for some reason it just clicks for you. Yeah, you've been focusing on your failures, but you never asked yourself why some parts of the spells even worked in the first place. Sure, it's because you followed the instructions, but isn't there more to it? How many steps of a spell can you skip and ignore before it stops working?

You start tinkering with the spell with this new mindset, and even though you're not seeing any immediate results, you think you're getting very close. You might look into the book of that human mage again to see if he knew anything about mixing spells too, since it's apparently such an important part of spell casting.

Once the class is over, you realize you have the rest of the day for yourself again. The first week seems to be light on classes, but this is basically the introductory course, you're sure your schedule will only get more packed next week.

Still, free time! How will you use it? How can you use it? Table says she doesn't mind tagging along with whatever you're doing, since she spends most of her free time reading, she's rarely that busy.

>Practice the Delayed Double spell.
>Practice the Pocket Space spell.
>Introduce Table to your friends, even if that might be hard considering her condition.
>Read the human book with Table, she might be able to help you figure some stuff out.
>Read the human book with Table, she might be able to help you figure some stuff out.
I'm really interested about this guy. He spent his entire life working to make human magic better - surely we can find a way to speed up our magic growth process. Table might be able to help.
>Read the human book with Table, she might be able to help you figure some stuff out.
>Read the human book with Table, she might be able to help you figure some stuff out.
It's nice the double spell costs less mana, and its nature of mixing with other spells means we're now learning about spell mixing which should help our overall proficiency. This turned out better than expected.
>Read the human book with Table, she might be able to help you figure some stuff out.
I was thinking about that but as long as Table is transferring mana to us we can use it freely. And misdirection and trickery is nice to have up our arsenal, with our low amount of mana our raw firepower is limited, better to have a few decoys and hit with a real spell than use up all our mana on attacks and get dodged.
>Read the human book with Table, she might be able to help you figure some stuff out.
She is the most magically talented person we know, also no point in introducing her to other people, its hard enough for us to remember her
>Read the human book with Table, she might be able to help you figure some stuff out.
Will we be allowed to do the "duel" with backup though? I figured it was only one against one with no support.
The duel is a long way away, we can experiment a lot between then and now. And we might get a matchup where we just can't win like vs the crystal dude. Double allows us to play it safer with spells we haven't tested, don't want to electrocute ourselves when we try to learn an offense spell for the first time

You have to read more of that book. There's a lot of stuff here, and with Table's help, you're sure to learn even more. You tell Table to follow you to your dormitory, because there's something you want to show her. She raises an eyebrow, then the other, then says 'okay'.

However, as you travel back to your humble abode, someone gets in your way.

Ivy is floating upside down, blocking the hallway like the waste of space she is. "Aww, you're all alone again, aren't you?" She says with a shit eating grin.

"Hey, I'm not alone, I'm with... uh..."

"He's with me," Table finishes for you.

Ivy looks at her, then back at you, then back at her. "Psh, no you weren't. I would've known if you were here, why would you want to hang out with him anyway?"

"He said he wanted to show me something at his dorm."

Ivy floats closer to Table. "You shouldn't, he's weeeird. He's probably a pervert, he's probably going to touch your hand and other stuff when it's only the two of you."

"Yeah, I'm counting on it," Table says without skipping a beat. "You know, I expect a little more. Kissing, groping, penetrative sex, it's a good thing the dorms are soundproof because the sound it's going to make is going to test the limit of that deafen spell."

You don't say anything, you're not even sure you even can in this situation.

"H-Ha, err, nice try. Y-You wouldn't, d-do that, not with him, because he's..."

"It's fine Ivy, if you want to join, we can totally arrange a threesome."

Ivy's disgust turns into horror, and you can see ghastly tears form in her eyes as she starts screaming incoherently. "GROSS! EW, NO, SHUT UP! AAAAAAH"

Ivy disappears through the floor, hopefully to never be seen again.

"Table, that's not-"

She laughs, it's less of a cute chuckle and more of a mad cackle. "I know, I know! You invited me to your dorm for something magic related, what else could it be? But I just had to."

"Don't you think she's going to start some rumors or something?"

"About me? No, she won't remember this ever happened. She might feel uncomfortable every time she calls you a pervert since her subconscious might remember, but that's it. The only reason she'd find out is if she has a secret crush on you."

"Why?" You ask.

"Because then it won't be about me, it'll be about you, and she'll remember you were with another girl at one point, and she'll want to find out who that is. People can occasionally remember me if it's through something else, but they need to really care about that something else, or they won't bother."

You thought of her as the super serious, slightly melancholic type, but despite her strange situation, she's still a person.

Anyway, you go to your dormitory, and tell her about the book. She seems impressed she never heard of the author, as he's apparently indirectly involved in a lot of modern magic theories. You both learn a lot from it, and you realize you're already becoming much better at keeping focus when talking with her. It's still not easy, but it's easi-er. You wonder if that improved your attention span as a whole? If it does, there really are many advantages of having her as a friend.

As for what you've learned, you figured out a way to further optimize your mana usage. For one, it's possible to 'recycle' spent mana on some spells. It's a little tricky, but it's pretty doable on static spells like the lighten rune. There are other ways to spend less mana when using spells too, but it requires some Intangible knowledge you don't have yet, so you'll wait for those classes before really digging into it.

Before Table leaves, you teach her your knocking spell. She tries to teach you hers, but you can't figure it out for some reason. Maybe it's because it's too closely linked to her? The logic of her curse keeps evading you, but it's fine, you'll figure it out one day.

The next day, Table comes to you for once and wakes you up with the knocking spell you just taught her. On the way to class Aroth joins you, and Table get noticeably more quiet on the way there. So quiet you forget about her until she pinches your nose when you sit down in the life magic class.

The life teacher is to a lot of people's surprise, a tall, muscular demon woman. From what Aroth told you, that's how most demon women are. The poor guy is hiding behind his desk at this point, and you're not sure if you can blame him, she is a little scary.

"Oy', don't be scared now," she says. "You should be scared, but not from my fist, but from life. People think life magic's all about healing and communing with nature or whatever. I tell you these people haven't practiced life magic once in their LIFE!" She slams the wooden deks with her fist, and it breaks in half. She raises a finger and the desk reforms itself. "What I just did? That was material magic, not even life, not even a mixed spell with life. You can use it for healing, you should use it for healing in fact, but only when you really know what you're doing, cause if you don't it'll make things waaaay worse. Life can be used to make you stronger, more resistant, faster, but it can also be used to poison, infect and corrupt. It's the cruelest type of magic, and before you can learn how to make things less dead, you're going to need to learn what will make them dead-er, you got me?"

The catgirl raises her hand, "Does this mean we are only going to learn combat spells when starting out in Life magic?"

"What? No, the duel thing is new, and it'd make Life magic useless in dungeons if you could only use it to fight stuff. You're going to get basic utility spells that don't do much, and then you're going to have to think of a way to make them useful by using your noggin. First page of the book, you've been through the divination class, you know the drill."

You get to choose a spell here too? It's weird that summoning is the only class thus far that didn't give you a choice of spells to start out with. Maybe there's a reason for that? You'll figure that out later, the life spells all look...pretty lame, honestly, but you have to pick something.

>Greedy Growth: Make vines and weed get a burst of growth only to wither away after a few seconds. You cannot control where the plant grows, only which plant is affected.
>Taste Test: You can tell something's taste without eating it, and even get an idea of any effect the food may have, be it positive or negative.
>Tracking Scent: Your sense of smell is increased.
>Unnatural Check: Check if anything surrounding you is affected by a life spell. This does not tell you what kind of life spell it is affected by.
(Also sorry for accidentally putting the first post all in italics, I fucked up the formatting again.)
>Taste Test: You can tell something's taste without eating it, and even get an idea of any effect the food may have, be it positive or negative.
So we can answer the question that every single man who has seen it has ever asked - how would Lava taste like?

Also, lol, Table has no self-restraint. Probably don't have to when people forget everything you do.
>Tracking Scent: Your sense of smell is increased
All kinds of uses for a good sense of smell. Like memorizing Table's scent, which should be easier to remember!>>6057933
+1, sensory boosters are pretty good, I value smell above taste.
>Taste Test: You can tell something's taste without eating it, and even get an idea of any effect the food may have, be it positive or negative.
we can memorize her taste
Remember it's [/i]. Don't forget the /

backing >>6057963
Table already establishing herself as best girl. Remember, the good QMs incorporate anons' discussion into the quest as the protag's logic or mindset on certain decisions or acknowledging shit like what Table did in >>6057931 about >>6057238
Also I love how she's acknowledging the soundproofed rooms, because the first thing I thought when I read that was "it's for sex". When you have who knows how many magically (and some mentally) challenged teenagers of various races all in the same academy for a prolonged time?

I thought this too, but our main character can still do that normally without needing this spell. It just takes practice. A LOT of practicing with her. :^)
>Tracking Scent: Your sense of smell is increased.
>Taste Test: You can tell something's taste without eating it, and even get an idea of any effect the food may have, be it positive or negative.
I think this has some creative applications. Maybe we can use this to determine what kinds of materials things are made of? Might be useful in a puzzle environment like the exams seem to be. Also maybe we might need to detect poison at some point.

Table continues to be entertaining and establishing herself as best girl. I like that Atlas is starting to find it easier to focus around her, it gives hope that he can remember her better long term. I also appreciate her grabbing his attention so they can interact more, I hope that continues. A bit sad that she gets quiet around others, though I guess that just means she feels more comfortable around Atlas?

These interactions are really making this fun to read, and the setting story are also interesting on top of it. I really want to see how far Atlas can go with magic, especially with how Table fits into it. Maybe he can be some revolutionary building off the previous human magic savant, and maybe he can help cure or mitigate the Forgotten's condition. I'm glad this quest updates so often.
I would rather the QM manage his irl matters better so running the quest doesn't burn him out or stress him. This is good stuff and I don't want him to suffer from it
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You settle for the tracking scent spell. It could be used to navigate in the dark, or to find something that you can't see but smell. It looks like it just has way more utility than the rest.

Life spells are pretty tricky to learn, mostly because you're applying them to yourself. It doesn't help that everyone's body is different, and you're always very scared of messing it up. Worst of all, Delayed Double doesn't seem like it's doing much since the effect of the spell is not very visual. You've read somewhere that Delayed Double could replicate the effect of other senses, but that's way beyond your level right now.

You run out of mana really fast, as it looks like life spells really are as mana hungry as they can get. You're not sure why, but maybe it's because bodies are more complex and change all the time, so the spells might need more mana to adapt.

"You're out of mana again?" Table asks. "Alright, come here."

She pinches your cheek, and after a few uncomfortable seconds, she...doesn't let go.

"Err, didn't you just poke me before?"

"What do you mean? I always pinched your cheek like that. It helps the mana flow," she pinches you a little harder, and you can't help but feel like she's messing with you, but you aren't |i]sure[/i]. I mean, maybe she did pinch you every time, and you just forgot? It'd be kind of rude to assume she's lying to you, you feel.

"I think my mana's back already, you can uhm, stop."

She lets go, and smiles. "Okay, fine, I was messing with you. I only needed to poke you, feels kind of mean to gaslight you like this. Speaking of, do you remember what we talked about with Ivy yesterday?"

"I remember her being angry and screaming, something about us going to the dorm, I think?"

She ruffles your hair, it feels weird. "Yeah, she was just jealous she couldn't get into your dorm and steal your stuff, that's what we talked about."

You really have to figure out a way to tell when she's lying to you because you literally cannot tell with her.

Table is also very good at life magic, and since she already knew a few of the basic utility spells, she spent most of her time helping you with yours. You're actually capable of getting a good grasp on the spell despite its complexity rather fast, and you think your biology class back in the human city helped greatly with that. To your surprise, you're not the one that's doing the worst, the fish girl is harming herself at every cast. Now that you think about it, she hasn't done that well in most classes, but that's her problem, not yours.

As for the scent spell, most of the students actually have a very pronounced unique smell, which sounds like a thing a creep would say, but no one would think 'each student has a very distinct look' is a weird thing to say, so you think it's totally normal to be able to differentiate each student by their scent.

You wouldn't say that out loud, of course. You've got enough pervert accusation from Ivy without adding "smells classmates" to the list. Table says she knows the spell too, even if she doesn't use it that often. Apparently you smell like honey, which might have something to do with the shampoo you brought from the human city. You're glad your dorm has a magic shower, even if the rune that delivers water will stay cold until you figure out how to heat it up. The school is full of little quality of life things that can only be access with proper magic knowledge, which seems to be a way to encourage students to study harder.

If you were wondering, you don't know what Table smells like. It's not that she doesn't have a smell, it's just that everyone else's scent overpower hers. You're not sure if you'd be able to know what it is without improving the spell or...

Moving on. Class is over, and Table pinches you again to give you your mana back. You actually remember the pinching is not necessary at all, but you let her anyway since you don't think it's worth arguing over.

Before you leave, the teacher tells you there'll be an exam at the end of the week, which means a dungeon. There won't be a duel this time since this is just the introductory course, but you should still try to make sure all your spells are at least functional before then. You also still have to figure out the pocket space thing, which sucks.

You ask Table what you should focus on today, but she says she wants to spend some time alone today. She says you did nothing wrong, she's just not used to this much social interaction over a prolonged period of time.

You don't blame her, you know what it feels like to want to be alone sometimes. Nothing she has done recently implies she doesn't like spending time with you, so your insecure side is actually shutting up for once.

But you still need to practice magic, you wanna practice magic. You have to ask someone else to help you, or maybe spend more time alone?

>Ask Aroth, he said he knew a little bit of life magic, maybe he can give you some mana too?
>Rath, the vampire guy seems nice. You never got to talk to him that much.
>You can practice alone in your room, even if it means you won't be able to do it as long without Table.
>The fish girl is struggling too, maybe practicing with someone more your speed is better?
>You could use that free time to explore the town instead, you need to keep your current mana for the UM anyway.
>The fish girl is struggling too, maybe practicing with someone more your speed is better?
>You could use that free time to explore the town instead, you need to keep your current mana for the UM anyway.
We need the UM
>Rath, the vampire guy seems nice. You never got to talk to him that much.

socializing and networking is going to be the key to our success
not because we need other people, but because their different viewpoints and experiences are invaluable to our magical autism
we must learn more magic
at any cost
by any means
and making friends is one of the nicer means
>You could use that free time to explore the town instead, you need to keep your current mana for the UM anyway
As much as i agree, all the help we get will do nothing to increase our mana

That's the entire reason why we suck so much at magic. Our ridiculously low mana. Honestly, i'm not even sure the UM is enough, even if we keep doing it every single day.
>You could use that free time to explore the town instead, you need to keep your current mana for the UM anyway.
>You could use that free time to explore the town instead, you need to keep your current mana for the UM anyway
of course, and I agree
the reason I'm not worried about our current mana limit however, is that, given what we already know, a mana battery is within the realm of feasibility
and I believe having friends will expedite the research process

of course, such a battery won't entirely solve our problem, but once we learn how table transfers mana, and we got that pocket dimension thing going
all that's left is to figure out how to transfer mana into the dimension, which we ask our objectively better-versed friends to help us out with, and then store our excess mana in there to call upon when ever necessary
additionally, we can also let our friends pool their mana in there, and depnding on our friend count, the amount could be massive

we're only magically disabled, not mentally
>The fish girl is struggling too, maybe practicing with someone more your speed is better?

TLDR, make the easiest frens, because frenship is magic, and personnel capital.

long version:

UM training can be any time Table is available. Since this is the start of the academic year we will need to make a good general impression, so that we can gain access to everyone's innate specialties.

Practicing with the fishgirl is best because she is floundering for 2 or 3 lessons now; if we befriend her at this time she will remember it positively, and when the lesson with her native type of magic pops up she can pitch in and volunteer information or intuition. Call it an investment: genuine gratitude usually pays back twofold at least.

Raw mana might seem like the issue for Atlas, but since he knows the UM hack at a fairly young age it should not matter significantly in his magic career. Like the discoverer of UM, Atlas should be going for understanding and efficiency. Barring artifacts or special events Atlas will never have enough mana to brute-cast; his focus should be on elegance. Learning magic through partners with magic affinity has a good chance of that.

(QM doing splendid. Pinned.)
>The fish girl is struggling too, maybe practicing with someone more your speed is better?
We already have our best girl Table, but its always nice helping who are struggling with something, specially with magic which we know REALLY well how hard it is

We could try sending magic spells or objects imbued with them inside the magic pocket, which we could retrieve like for example a fireball or a bottle of water with a spell to make it constantly cool, were after using it for whatever reason, we reuse the mana we can from it
changing vote from >>6058382 to
>The fish girl is struggling too, maybe practicing with someone more your speed is better?
>The fish girl is struggling too, maybe practicing with someone more your speed is better?
If our race is the worst maybe her race is the second worst, we can bond over our incompetence. We are both fish out of water

Talking to the fish girl sounds like a good idea. You're both struggling, and you might be able to find common grounds in your inadequacy. Besides, making new friends is always good.

You find her practicing in the garden with the cat girl, her class partner. It doesn't look like they're doing well, so you decide to drop into the middle of their session.

"Hey, my partner is kind of busy, so I was wondering if I could practice with you? I'm a little behind myself."

The catgirl nods with a strained smile. "You can practice with her if you want, I'm all spent anyway. Dill, just keep what I said in mind, okay?"

Dill, the fishgirl nods vigorously, and the cat girl leaves leaving the two of you alone.

"Hi!" Dill greets you enthusiastically. "You're Table's partner, right? Atlas, I think."

"Yeah I'm- Wait, you know Table?"

"Uh, yeah, you... we're in the same class, and you work with her. Unless I'm wrong? Sorry, I can be an airhead sometimes!"

"No, it's not- Table's kind of a special case. She can't be remembered easily, I had to spend a lot of time with her and I prepared a bunch of notes just to make sure I wouldn't forget her. Are you a friend of hers? Is that why you remember her?"

She lets out a nervous laugh. "N-No, I don't really know her. Not remembered easily? Is she cursed or something? Uhm, right! Maybe I saw her name on the student list, it's on the door of the class, and it also includes who is partnered up with who, that must be it!"

"But her curse also applies to written words, unless you had a very strong reason to seek her out, you wouldn't remember her so clearly. I was only able to work with her on the first day because the divination teacher cast a clarity spell for me."

Her eyes widen at that last part, but she tries to play it off. "Ha, uhm, yeah. Maybe I tried to cast a clarity spell outside my level, and it just so happened to work well enough to make me remember. Sometimes you get lucky!"

"But once the clarity spell is over you can't remember her anymore, it would need to be reapplied constantly for you to remember her like you're doing right now."

She closes her eyes, and her smile gets wide. It's the same kind of strained smile the catgirl had, forced. She looks around her, and there's no one else.

She takes a deep breath, and answers you, "Okay, I'm...I may not be as bad as I pretend to be. Just a bit. I can... I can cast the clarity spell pretty well, divination is kind of my field of expertise, even if I wouldn't call myself good at it."

"How can you call yourself not good at it when you've mastered it so fast? And why would you even pretend to be bad? It's clearly annoying your partner, and it's not going to help your grade."

"Because I'm not actually good, okay? I'm... I'm bad, untalented. It takes me five times the effort to learn something because I'm not very smart. All I know? I spent nearly all my life figuring it out, and I'm a complete failure by my kin's standards. All I can do is just try harder than everyone else. The only reason I'm ahead of everyone else is because I already spent a year in a magic college, and I failed, BADLY."

"But it's fine to not learn as fast as everyone else, I'm also-"

"You're human! You have an excuse! What do I have? I'm just stupid, I guess? You want to know the truth? In a few months, everyone will be better than me, and I'll be left behind. So I just pretend to be stupid so their expectations for me are extra low, so when I do the bare minimum, they'll be surprised and impressed."

"That won't fool the teacher though?"

"Yeah, I know it won't. But I just want to be special, for once. I just want to be the underdog that WINS, for once. Is that so bad?"

"But doesn't it get on your nerves, to have everyone think you're just...terrible?"

"They'll all think I'm bad one way or the other, this barely changes anything. It's even more humiliating when they can tell I'm actually trying and still failing miserably."

That's a lot to take in, you weren't exactly planning on outing her when talking with her or anything. She just so happened to let it slip that she knew Table, and you connected the dots. It is weird though, didn't the teacher say the clarity spell you were subject to was custom made for Table's predicament? The fact Dill used that spell without Table in mind, isn't that kind of impressive?

"I think you're a lot better than what you give yourself credit for."

"I'm not, if you knew how much work I put in and how much I get out of it, you really wouldn't say the same."

"But how hard you work is also commendable. Maybe you just haven't found the right way to learn, and when you do, it'll all start to click! I've been learning wrong in the human city for years, it took me like two years to figure out a single lighten spell!"

"Wait, really? I know your mana's small but... wow." She looks genuinely bewildered at the idea that someone could take that long to learn such a simple spell.

"Oh so this isn't a safe space anymore."

"No, no. I've seen you study, you've been making pretty good progress thus far, you're not dumb. I guess...I don't know, maybe you're right? Maybe I've been learning wrong? But what's learning right then? What if I just spend my entire life learning wrong without knowing it?"

"I can help, but, you have to teach me that clarity spell first!"

"What, why? So you can talk to Table? I'm not the best teacher, it'll take a while-"

"That's fine! I don't mind! Do you know how to give mana?"

"Y-Yeah, but I don't have a lot of it left. our study sessions are going to be pretty short, are you sure you don't want me to just cast the spell on you every day or something? It'd be easier."

"But I want to learn iiiiit. And if you don't I'm telling everyone you're pretending to be bad. Teachmeteachmeteachme!"

After basically begging her to teach you the spell, she finally accepts your very generous terms. She tells you to follow her to her dorm, since she doesn't want people to know her actual skill level by teaching you outside.

On the way there, you are once again interrupted by a familiar Wraith.

"Where are you two going?" Ivy asks in a tone that's not as teasing as you expected.

Dill quickly puts her fake bubbly persona back on to answer Ivy, "Hi Ivy! We're going to do stuff in my dorm, it's nothing important!"

"....stuff, huh. Like what?"

"It's a secret! Sorry, you can't come with us, maybe next time!"

"Why would I want to join you two!? Shut up! I don't even care! Leave me alone!" She shouts before floating up into the roof.

Dill looks at you with a confused look on her face. "What's her problem?"

"I think she's just like that," you answer.

"Yeah, she's partnered with that crystal guy, I think they're making each other worse. Match made in hell, if you ask me."

You make it to her dorm, and it's pretty comfy. There are a bunch of souvenirs from what you assume is her homeland, and a few menacing looking pet fishes.

She tries to teach you the Clarity spell, but as she mentioned, she doesn't have that much mana to spare, and it's a pretty complicated spell for your level. Still, she gives you a few notes on what you can do to improve, and you'll try to see if you can get Table to help since she's also pretty good at divination.

You also ask Dill to cast Clarity on you before tomorrow's class so you can learn with Table better. She complains, but you've got the power of blackmail on your side, so she has no choice but to comply. It's morally dubious, but it gets results!

"You still haven't delivered on your promise, Atlas," Dill says before you're about to leave. "You told me you'd help me get a better way to learn, I'm still waiting on that."

Right, that. You could use the blackmail card again, but you're not heartless, and you can sympathize with her struggle, it's only fair.

>Lend her the human book you have so she can study it on her own time.
>Tell her she can study with you and Table, even if that might attract attention since she has another partner.
>Promise to help her later when you get better at magic.
>Write in.
Good question...I'd like to help her, but i feel as though we still have more to learn from the human book.

Is this the only copy of the book? And if so, i wonder if the library has a way to get multiple copies of a single book. That seems like it'd be a pretty simple spell. Or maybe the book's magic and that's a bad idea, not sure.
Also sorry my wrist hurts like hell hopefully it'll feel better tomorrow to draw.

I've always been wary of dialogue because it didn't feel right to use too much of it, but I've decided to bite the bullet and write as much dialogue as I feel is necessary; even if it can make the post longer and with less descriptive stuff. This my autism project and I get to choose the prose
>my wrist hurts like hell
This is why you need to take breaks and do stretches
>This my autism project and I get to choose the prose
Do you also get to choose the music?
I think bringing up >>6058494 is good. If we had another copy of the book, it'd be great for her. I refuse to lend the book out though because that shit's OURS from the library first. We need it to get ahead as a human.
My taste in music is probably what the average 16 year old tumblr girl listens to, but I've come to embrace my shitty tastes.
>Tell her she can study with you and Table, even if that might attract attention since she has another partner.
we can help her more effectively if we figure out how she ticks first
otherwise, we'll just be another asshole trying to impose their learning style on her

don't kow what you're beating yourself up over, OP
I aspire to put out the same quantities of good content you are
>Tell her she can study with you and Table, even if that might attract attention since she has another partner.
If we only have one book it would be better for us to research it thoroughly first, can't wait for the next Ivy misunderstanding
Oh yeah? Post one right now

I'm a sucker for musicals and Centaurworld is one of those where I really like the way they handle back and forth between characters, you can tell a lot about each character with the rhythm of their song. The actual show has its issues, but there's also a lot I like. Overall it's more of a guilty pleasure because I just like the contrast of an edgy serious character being thrown into a cartoon world of obnoxious positivity and seeing the way these two clash, since usually it's the opposite (innocent character being thrown into a dark setting)

I still think most of the songs are pretty good, though.
>Lend her a copy of the human book you have so she can study it on her own time.
like >>6058494 said, this can't be the only copy of the book, right ?
You'd have to ask a teacher, and as you've noticed, they like making their students work for what they need, so they might encourage you to find a way to copy the book yourself, or to use divination to find a pre-existing copy somewhere.
>Write in.
Tell her about the book, see if you can find another copy or clone it.
Delayed double looks like it could evolve into a clone spell later? Maybe a teacher knows it.
>>Lend her the human book you have so she can study it on her own time.
>Try to find a copy of the human book

we are not letting go of the book of humie hax

since Atlas can use his phone to snap photos and later print, he can snap a chapter or so from the book relevant to Dill, print economic mode, and they're square. A little ink and paper in return for a favor is good trade.
>>6058762 +1

You tell her you have a good human book about optimizing the magic learning process, among other things, and that maybe it'll help her. Unfortunately, you feel like you also need the book yourself, so you need to find a copy.

There's still some time in the day, so you ask one of the teacher to find you a copy. Unfortunately, the book you have seems to be the one and only copy. It's something he wrote on his own free time with no goal of publishing it. He did make other books that go into more details like the UM and other spells, but the one you have contains his unfiltered, mostly unedited thoughts on his life and struggles. Maybe he figured most people wouldn't relate to a human's issue, who knows.

You ask some of the teachers if they can help you make a copy, but they say you might as well figure it out how to do that yourself. Not sure how they expect you to do that when you can barely cast beginner spells. But that's fine, you have a much better idea.

Your laptop is equipped with a basic printer. It can't print anything big, or with colors, but for your purposes it's good enough. Take a photo with your phone, then transfer it to your laptop, and print it. You do that for the entire night until your laptop's out of battery and paper. You couldn't print the entire book of course, but you did print the chapters you thought were more relevant.

It'll take a while for your laptop to get recharged, but it's not like you were using it that much in the first place. After about 2 hours of sleep, you're absolutely not ready for the Material class today, but there's no way you're missing it. You really wish you had a wakefulness spell right now.

Before you enter the class, Dill grabs you by the arm and casts a clarity spell on you as she promised. You give her the copied pages, and you both enter the class sitting at your respective desks.

"Heeeey Table," you greet her with a yawn. "Sorry, I'm tired today. Do you know a waking spell?"

Table shakes her head. "I don't, even though I remember it not being that complicated. Even if I did, I'd let you suffer the consequences of your own action. You spent all night studying, didn't you? That's not healthy."

"No, I had to do something for Dill. Kept me up all night, but hey, she cast a clarity spell on me in exchange for it, so now talking to you only gives me a headache! You're not boring anymore!"

"So you spent all night doing something with another girl in exchange for her service, I see how it is," she says with a tone that's more playful than offended.

The banter stops here as the Material teacher enters the room not through the door but from the floor. He looks like a suit of possessed knight armor phasing through the floor like Ivy did.

"Material magic. What is it?" The teacher's voice booms out of his armor, but it's somehow rather pleasant to listen to "At its core, it's the most straightforward of all magic type. If it's not alive and you can't put your hand through it, then it's almost always subject to material magic. However, things get messy the moment you start including mixed spells into it. Question, what would reanimating a skeleton be a mix of? Anyone?"

The happy looking Anbee raises her hand. "It's Life and material, right?"

"Incorrect. It is indeed material, but there are only two known reliable ways to animate a skeleton. Divination mixed with Material, and Intangible mixed with Material. This is because a skeleton is not alive, and when you are animating it, you are not bringing it to life, it does not become an organic being. A skeleton is as living as a rock is when it is not attached to someone. Divination can trick the former soul of the skeleton to take back control of it, while Intangible can trap said soul with force. Neither of those require life as the soul itself is not organic and as such not subject to life magic in any way."

The same Anbee raises her hand again. "But what about zombies? They have a bunch of flesh and move with their muscles, right? That has to be life!"

The teacher nods. "Assuming you used the muscles and only reactivated the brain without linking the soul back to it, yes, that would be a life spell. Do note that if a skeleton is actively being used by an organism, it will also only be affected by life spells, and this applies to most parts of your body that are solid enough to be affected by material magic, including organs."

You're not sure you fully get it, does that mean a heart stops being affected by life magic the moment the owner dies? Or is it only when the soul leaves its body? But he also said that a soul is not affected by life magic, so how are the two related? It's not like you're planning on doing necromancy any time soon, but it'd be nice to know the difference.

The teacher continues, "As with every other class, you will get to pick your beginner spell. Material magic specializes in runes and more permanent effects on solid matter, as I'm sure you already know. That is not all it can do, but runes are a good way to learn the basics, as they give you more time to draw them. This comes at the cost of most material spell being more complicated to cast in a hurry, but the effects can be devastating if you master them."

The Anbee girl raises her hand for the third time, she's very talkative today. "Sir, the summoning teacher didn't let us pick what spell to learn, is that normal?"

"I am not allowed to tell you more than what you already know, so all I will say is that you have been given an assignment, and that you should try to think about the place summoning magic has among other types of magic. That is all."

Huh, the teacher said summoning magic is very good when mixed with other spells, is he trying to say that the assignment should be done by mixing the pocket space spell with something else? That's something to keep in mind for later.

Anyway! Spells! More spells! You suddenly no longer feel tired because you're learning more magic! The clarity spell is bound to help you learn faster too, you never asked how it works, but apparently it's supposed to help your brain connect dots faster among other things.

You already know the lighten spell, so you don't technically need to learn a spell to complete the class, but there's no reason for you to pass up the opportunity for more magic. You wonder what those spells would do when mixed up with other spells you already know?

>Simple Geometry: Can change a cube or sphere into one or the other. The material does not change, and the mana required to pull off the spell increases depending on the size and material of the target.
>Detect Trap: The rune will glow when put anywhere near objects that have been affected by a material spell. Often used to detect traps or secret passages.
>Seal: Can be used to seal up an item in place. A lever may become unable to be pulled, and an item may be stuck to the wall this way.
>Unseal: The counterpart to the Sealing spell. Can be used to separate an item from something it is attached to, magical or otherwise. Learning Unseal makes it easier to learn Seal, and vice versa.
>Simple Geometry
>Seal: Can be used to seal up an item in place. A lever may become unable to be pulled, and an item may be stuck to the wall this way.
What if we were to mix Seal with Clarity? Could that work as some sort of permanent version of the spell?
honestly my vote is for either, we need both to really use them

wouldn't that fall under the purview of intangible? given that you cannot physically touch the spell
Oh yeah, i forgot that. Still useful, anyway.
>Seal: Can be used to seal up an item in place. A lever may become unable to be pulled, and an item may be stuck to the wall this way.
We're either 3-way tied or it's between Seal and Unseal. How can we combine these with Pocket Dimension if PD is small enough for us to put small objects into? Do we attach the PD to a surface with Seal and make it like an immovable object?
Ok Seal wins it, nevermind what I said in >>6058985
>>Detect Trap: The rune will glow when put anywhere near objects that have been affected by a material spell. Often used to detect traps or secret passages.

Sealing sounds more useful, you could even make things that way! Not that you're smart enough to recreate most human tech, but maybe you could make something simpler. This spell is noticeably more complicated than lighten, but a lot of the same principle applies, and you're glad you learned the mana overloading principle from Aroth, as it means you don't need to bother Table every five second because you ran out of mana.

Speaking of mana, it does feel like you can cast more than before. You can't tell how much, but maybe 10%? 20%? It's hard to tell exactly, but there's definitely progress. Of course, you're only going to get diminishing return as time goes on, as it's additive, but hey, progress is progress!

Table isn't as good with Material magic as the other types, so she's not helping you as much as usual apart from the usual mana donation. It's a shame since you really wanted to take full advantage of that clarity thing. Table is learning Unseal so it's easier to practice your spells. Whenever you seal something, she can unseal it. It doesn't always work since you're both still learning, but it's really fun to feel like a proper team for once instead of a one-sided partnership.

The class is over, and the crystal guy somehow managed to seal himself into the chair. You're not sure how that's even possible, maybe he doesn't count as organic? Or maybe he mixed a life spell with seal, the results would probably look very horrific with flesh, but here it looks pretty silly. The teacher unseal him and reminds everyone that material spells are one of those spells you should almost never test on yourself unless you really know what you're doing, since a lot of the effects can be permanent and hard to undo without professional help.

You'll practice with Table more today, since the week is going to end soon and you're not any closer to finishing the summoning assignment.

Like most students, you practice on the school lawn, since the last thing you want is to put your dorm on fire by mixing the wrong spells together.

"Alright," you say as you sit down on the grass. "I'm pretty sure we need to mix spells to join our pocket space, we just gotta figure out how!"
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Table sits down cross-legged with you. "They did let us pick whatever begginer spell we wanted, what if some student just picked all the wrong spell to mix it with? Do they just fail the assignment?" she asks.

"I don't know, but it's not like it hurts to try, does it? Worst case scenario we find new cool mixed spells! It's exciting, isn't it?"

"It's all magic in that little head of yours, isn't it?"

"Yup! What about it?"

"I don't know, you just have these huge eyebags and it feels like you're about to collapse at any moment, but the moment magic is mentioned it's like you just come back to life like a golem. I know you love magic, but do remember to take care of yourself, okay?"

It's true that you're tired, and that you really want to sleep, but you also really want to practice magic, and you know what you want more between these two things. "Magic! I can only do as much magic when I'm with you, and the clarity is still active! It's now or never."

"We have like three school years, it's okay to slow down."

"But I don't want to! Come on! I'm out of mana, pleaaaase," you beg a little more pathetically than you intended.

"Okay, I'll give you mana, on one condition," she motions for you to get closer to her.

"Okay, what do you- mgfg-" she grabs your upper body and lays your head down against her lap.

"Take a nap, I don't trust you not to study yourself to death in your dorm, so I'll make sure you close your eyes right here and there."

You want to whine more, but you realize you just cannot practice without her help unless you bother Dill more, who has way less mana, so you close your eyes and think about the spells you should mix instead.

Her lap is also squishy, in a good way. It's like a water bed of some kind. Despite your best efforts to only pretend to sleep, you end up falling into a deep sleep, dreaming about the human city, your parents, the familiar places, the stores, the eerie and constant droning sound of the machinery surrounding the building blocks.

You wake up well rested, on the same squishy bed. "How long was I out?" You ask without bothering getting your head out of her lap.

"A few hours. It wasn't so hard to take a little rest now, was it? Isn't it so much easier to focus?"

You're not sure if that's true since the clarity spell wore off, but you have to admit you do feel better overall. "I dreamt of home."

"Do you miss it?" She ruffles your hair, it doesn't feel as weird as before for some reason.

"I don't know, it hasn't been long enough for me to miss it. I guess it's just hitting me now I'll never be able to truly come back home the same way as before. Store price will be higher for me, and I'll be seen as a tourist instead of a citizen. Lots of places I won't be able to come back to, I just won't be welcome anymore."

"Do you regret leaving?"

"I... I don't regret it. I think it was the right thing to do, but I'd be lying if I said I'm happy about leaving it all behind. It's just where I spent all my life, you know? It's just so different from here, and I don't know if I'll ever be truly welcome here too, where humans are so rare. Do you have a place to come back to once you'll be out of school, Table?"

"...let's... get back to spell crafting, okay?"

"Okay! What spells do you think we should mix with pocket space?"

She smiles, but it feels forced. "I'm sure you'll pick a better spell than me, I'll follow your lead."

>Delayed Double
>Tracking Scent
>Give Mana (from Table)
Local man is forced to draw a person at more than one angle and blames god for his lack of practice.
Table is cute. CUTE!
>Give Mana (from Table)
The idea of having a mana pocket seems like it would be very interesting.
>Give Mana (from Table)
>Give Mana (from Table)
We should also try casting Tracking Scent when no one else is around so we can learn what Table smells like.
>Give Mana (from Table)
We can just use this to keep hitting the UM number while retaining mana for later spells
Less than a week of knowing her and Atlas and Table are already onto lap pillows. I'm sure they will not be able to endure the year in this state
The issue with UM is that it's not only slow, it's also going to give out less and less. It's been good for letting us start climbing out of the garbage zone of human mana, but unless we find out a way to really increase our count, i fear we will be stuck.
Yeah but UM still matters in the long run. There's no harm in going for it every possible moment until we do discover a better way
>Give Mana (from Table)
>Do you have a place to come back to once you'll be out of school, Table?
The answer is "with us"
Well that's not really an answer, we don't have a place either.
home is where the heart is, anon
it doesn't have to be a place
Well our 'heart' is going to be 'homeless'
We can be the best homeless ever though, conjuring up fire, food, alcohol and drugs
Kek. I have a feeling the race of cursed, burned, internal-tentacled/wormed people might not have the best homeland to return to.
>inb4 there's a good reason they're forgotten
Will this turn like how Weaver and Etsy turned out?
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>internal-tentacled/wormed people
I hope she's not anything like that other infamous wormed girl I know
Are you thinking of Weaver and that other girl he was originally with? Weaver and Etsy turned out perfectly fine.
No I meant in that we're going to go to the "and they get happily married and overcome their traumas and have like 4 kids together" epilogue

"I know!" You suddenly get your head from her lap. "Maybe you can give mana to the pocket space, somehow?"


"So you can give me mana from afar! Or store it! It'd solve my biggest weakness as a human. It's a great idea!"

She doesn't look as excited by the idea as you are. "Yes, it would help you a lot."

"You don't like the idea?"

"Does it matter if I don't? We need to do the assignment anyway," she summons a small pocket space as she says this. "Let's get to work."

You do make progress on how to mix the spells, even if Table does the most work since you don't know the give mana spell, and it's one that's pretty hard for you to learn considering your mana reserve. Eventually You do manage to link your two pocket spaces by casting them near each other. Then you mix them up the same way you'd normally mix spells, only for Table to add the mana spell to the equation.

And it works! Sorta. The amount of mana it can store is pathetic, even by your low human standard, and it works much better as a long range mana link. The range is as far as you can tell more or less unlimited since dimensions don't actually care about this realm's distance. The main issue is that you need to both cast the spell at the same time, and you really can't keep it open for very long.

"That's great Table! Now you can give me mana from anywhere, isn't that cool!"

"Yeah. It's cool," she answers without much enthusiasm.

"Table, why does it sounds like-"

"No, it's fine. We don't even need to see each other anymore, can just give it to you without needing to deal with me. You might even learn to improve the spell and store mana so you won't even need me altogether."

Ah, that's what this is about.

"Table, I don't just hang out with you for your mana."

"Don't you? Even if you didn't, you need something to remind you of me. And that's magic, that's mana, if you can do that yourself, you have nothing that will incentivize you to seek me out."


"So is it really that bad that I don't want that? It's not that I want you to be dependent on me or anything but-"


She stops, rubbing her arm nervously as she awaits your answer.

"Table, let's state facts. I like hanging out with you. Yes, you can be a lot of effort to talk to, but I'm getting used to that. Even if I didn't need your mana anymore, I still have notes to remind me of you, but let's assume I lose those, let's assume I have nothing to remind me of you and I really do forget about you. What should you do in this situation?"

"...I let you go-"

"No, Table, that's stupid. You're stupid. What you should do is annoy me until I remember you. Because I like hanging out with you, and me forgetting you is not your fault, it's the fault of some cosmic curse stuff. So when you're forcing me to remember you, you're actually doing me a service, okay? I get that you want me to seek you out all the time, but sometimes you may need to do that yourself, isn't that what you did on our first day of class?"

She hides her face in her hands. "...I must sound very insecure right now."


"I'm just not used to having friends, okay? And I'm not sure how to keep them. I feel like having to constantly remind people I exist makes me look clingy, or something."

"Listen, if you were anyone else I'd maybe see that as clingy, but in your particular case I'd need to be brain damaged to see it that way."

"Weeeell, your brain could use some work." She laughs. "Fine, but don't come crying to me when I start screaming in your ears the moment you forget me, okay? You did this to yourself."

You practice the spell some more, and with Table being less reluctant, it goes a lot smoother. It still can't hold much, but you can't expect a lot in a single day, and the assignment is still technically complete in that you're sharing a common space, so it should at least be a passing grade.

Table grabs your attention again by shaking your shoulders. It looks like she's trying to figure out how annoying she can get before you have enough. "Hey, want to see how the others are doing?" She asks "I wonder if they figured out a different solution to the assignment than we did."

Sure, that sounds fun, and it might be an opportunity to introduce Table even if most of them probably won't remember her.

>Ivy and the crystal guy. They're currently duelling.
>Aroth and Rath. They're practicing on the roof.
>The catgirl is practicing alone, but she's acting a little strange. You get the urge to follow her.
>The Anbees are practicing "alone", looks like they couldn't find a partner and had to work with themselves.
>Aroth and Rath. They're practicing on the roof.
>Aroth and Rath. They're practicing on the roof.
Let's see how our good bud is doing.
>The catgirl is practicing alone, but she's acting a little strange. You get the urge to follow her.
>Aroth and Rath. They're practicing on the roof.
Ivy and that crystal guy seem pretty confident if they are dicking around with combat. Seems like catgirl and the anbees have a rough deal but friends come first.
>Aroth and Rath. They're practicing on the roof.
Table is cleverly hiding her desires with so-called clinginess, but the truth is that she just wants to maximize the pinching.
>The catgirl is practicing alone, but she's acting a little strange. You get the urge to follow her.

Profile everyone.

Also, follow urge bcos monke
>The catgirl is practicing alone, but she's acting a little strange. You get the urge to follow her.
Is she off alone because of the fish girl?
>Aroth and Rath. They're practicing on the roof.

You join Aroth and Rath on the top of the roof. It's actually pretty high off the ground, like 6 stories tall. You don't mind though, the human city liked building tall too, so you're used to high places.

It looks like they're taking a break, so you're not interrupting anything.

"What's up guys! Guess what, I-" You feel a very strong force pull your cheek, and you correct yourself, "We figured out how to do the assignment, the summoning one!"

Rath claps. "Good job! Must have taken a while, since you're human and all. Who was your partner again?"

You grab Table by the shoulders and move her in front of you as if you're presenting some kind of art piece in a museum. "There she is! Table! The best partner of all!"

"Hi. What he said."

Aroth almost jumps back when he realizes Table is there. "Uhm, good e-evening, ma'am."

"Aroth," you say. "She's not even a demon girl, she's not going to bite, there's no reason to be scared."

"Biting, huh..." Table ponders.

Aroth looks confused at your statement. "I-Isn't she a demon? Her skin's red, a-and the horns. I don't know, h-hard to tell but..."

You look back at Table, then back at Aroth. "Are you colorblind or something? How is that red? And what horns?"

Table clears her throat. "It's... a thing I have. I tend to look more like what others consider 'normal'. You didn't question why I looked human to you before?"

"I was just blinded by your personality, that's all," you respond. You really didn't think about it too much, a lot of races here are humanoid looking enough to you, with only a few facial feature and skin difference that could be seen on most. Hell, the only big difference you can see with Anbee apart from their double body is that they have a different skin color, as far as you know their body is the exact same as a human.

"Are you using a divination spell to do that?" Rath asks. "Uh, what was your name again..."

"Table," She answers. "Sort of. My kind is naturally doing that, but when someone focuses too much on me they can see...cracks. It's more like I reinforce a passive body function than apply a whole new spell, like makeup.

"That's...cool," he says, clearly forcing himself to sound enthusiastic. He probably does care about her answer, but he's not yet used to the way she works yet. "Anyway, it's nice you two figured out the assignment. We finished it about 2 days ago, I wanted to get it done early to move on to harder stuff."

"What!?" You shout. "You already finished it? How did you do it?"

"Uhm, Rath is very good at summoning. That's where he gets his food from, so that was really easy to him."

Rath nods. "Yeah, the assignment can be a pain if you don't know what to look for, much easier if you mix it with another spell that's meant to link someone to another. How did you solve it?"

"Table used the Give Mana spell," you answer. "She can transfer mana from afar to me now!"

"Right, that'd work. I know Ivy figured it out very fast, she's very good at summoning magic turns out, so now she's just dicking around with her crystal boyfriend."

You raise an eyebrow, "they're a thing?"

He laughs. "Nah, it's kind of a joke around the class. It looks like they can't stand each other, but they have a strange sort of chemistry together, so people just say they act like an old married couple. I hope they don't make a double duel because those two might just be the strongest around."

"There's no way I can let Ivy beat me. Table! We need to be better than them, our pride is on the line!"

"You mean your pride," Table corrects you. "but I'll play along."

Rath summons a squirel from a portal and tears a chunk of flesh off of it. The screams of the squirel are a little unsettling, and it's a stark contrast to his usually chill vibe. "Alrighty, I can't teach you much other than Life and Summoning. What do I get in return, that's the question."

"Err, w-we could just help them for free because they're our friends?" Aroth says.

"You can get my next cafeteria meal."

"Sure, good enough. See Aroth? If you know your worth, you might just get something in return. Anyway, I can only teach you simple stuff, but I'll let you choose since I'm such a cool guy. What'll it be, star-blood?"

>Any life spell from the begginer section (refer to >>6057933)
>Spell Displacement: When mixed with another spell, it'll cast said spell further away instead to a spot of your choice. Can be cast through walls as long as you can see the location somehow.
>Scent Space: A mixed spell made from pocket space and Tracking Scent. Can store and release specific smells. If left inside the space for long enough, the scent will become stronger until it becomes overbearing. Can be used to confuse any being over relying on scent, to store pheromones, or to make someone sick with a particularly strong smell.
>Embargo: Can be used to stop anything from going past a summoning portal. Often used against other people's summoning spells, and the effectiveness highly depends on your and your target's summoning skill. If one is creative, it could be used on their own portals for interesting results.
>Pocket Artillery: A slightly modified version of the pocket space. Works similarly, but it will throw anything inside of it at a relatively high speed. While not inherently a mixed spell, better intangible knowledge increases the speed at which it can come out.
>Pocket Artillery: A slightly modified version of the pocket space. Works similarly, but it will throw anything inside of it at a relatively high speed. While not inherently a mixed spell, better intangible knowledge increases the speed at which it can come out.
>>Embargo: Can be used to stop anything from going past a summoning portal. Often used against other people's summoning spells, and the effectiveness highly depends on your and your target's summoning skill. If one is creative, it could be used on their own portals for interesting results.
>Pocket Artillery: A slightly modified version of the pocket space. Works similarly, but it will throw anything inside of it at a relatively high speed. While not inherently a mixed spell, better intangible knowledge increases the speed at which it can come out.
We need an offensive option
Pocket artillery is very tempting but I have gotten thinking, we can trigger an explosion in our own pocket dimension and use spell displacement to put it close to an opponent. I would argue pocket artillery is not the only offensive option here and spell displacement is probably better as a utility spell, and both I think can be shut down quickly by an embargo cast.
I am going for
>Spell displacement
Ok fuck it, changing my vote from >>6059710 to backing >>6059719
>Greedy growth.
>"Biting, huh..." Table ponders.
She's collecting ideas for that inevitable day and the rest. Impressive
>Spell displacement
>Embargo: Can be used to stop anything from going past a summoning portal. Often used against other people's summoning spells, and the effectiveness highly depends on your and your target's summoning skill. If one is creative, it could be used on their own portals for interesting results.
>Spell Displacement
>spell displacement

You ask him to teach you Spell Displacement, and he's happy to do so. The spell itself isn't that hard to understand, and you actually learn to cast it very fast, problem is you can only cast it a few inches away from your hand. It looks like the further away you need to make it, the more mana it starts to cost. It's weird though, because your shared pocket space with Table doesn't care about distance, but this one does. It really feels like you don't really understand the spell and you're just following instructions.

Actually, most of the spells you've "learned" this past week are barely functional with your current level of skill, and you'll probably need at least a month to be able to cast them by yourself without needing a book by your side. But that's fine, isn't it? It took you years to learn a single spell before, now it feels like you're miles ahead of where you started. Just thinking about it makes you unfathomably happy.

"Thanks Rath! You're the best!" You give him a hug.

Table scoffs, "What happened to 'you're the best, Table?'"

"You're both the best!" You let go of Rath and give her a hug to show that you value both their friendship in different ways.

"Atlas, you didn't even give Aroth a hug," Rath says. "Don't you value him, too?"

"N-No, it's fine, you don't need to-"

You give him a hug too for fairness’s sake, he did help you figure out your lightness rune before.

"Whore," she says with a deadpan delivery.

After more banter, the night comes, and you have to finish your learning session early. Tomorrow is the last class of the week, then you'll get one dungeon exam Sunday. It's almost heretical for you to work during a Sunday, but apparently this day is not considered as sacred as in the human city. You're not sure how long dungeon exams last, but hopefully it won't take the whole day that's supposed to be for rest.

You sleep well tonight, and for once you're not woken up by your alarm, but by knocking. You open the door, and before you even have time to register who is waking you up, they grab your shoulder and start shaking you around. "Hey, Atlas. I'm here. It's Table. Remember me? I'm here. I'm going to that every morning from now on. Every. Morning. Every time."

You're still barely awake, you haven't taken a shower, and the only thing you're wearing is your pajamas, so you're not sure if you can afford to give her a long answer when anyone could be stumbling into the hallway at any time, so you tell her to come inside.

She sits on your bed as she waits for you to say something. That's when you realize you didn't think this through, you still need to change, and to take the aforementioned shower, and other stuff that's awkward with Table around.

You're going to change behind the shower curtain, which is less of a curtain and more of a weird force field. It's not a strong forcefield, and you can put your hand through it if you push hard enough, but it stops water from spilling, and you can't see through it.

"Sooo," Table starts the conversation again. "You slept well last night? Didn't put an all-nighter again?" You can hear her fidget with something on the bed.

"Don't touch anything that looks too complicated, Human stuff. But no, I slept pretty well tonight! You're right, I can't learn as fast when I'm tired. Also, the book says mana regenerates slower if you don't sleep for too long, so I absolutely have to take this into account."

You hear her opening a drawer. You're already clothed, so you touch the rune to disable the force field so you can stop her from digging around your stuff, but accidentally touch the one in charge of delivering water. You get submerged in water so cold that each drop against your skin feel like razor blades.

"FUCK! OW!" You turn off the water, you're soaked and your dorm doesn't come with a drier. "T-Table, can you give me something else to wear. Drawer under the bed."

You hear her laugh. "Hey, are you sure you didn't want me to peek? You just invite me here only to change and 'accidentally' soak yourself, I mean come on. You could've just told me to wait outside."

"If I told you to wait outside, you'd shake me down again the moment I'd re-open the door."

"You know me too well." You hear her dig around your bed drawer. "There's...a lot of stuff about me around here, like notes of what we did together, and other stuff. Is that how you remember me?" She pushes her hand past the forcefield to give you your clothes, along with a towel.

"Thanks. Yeah, I try to note what I can remember about you. You know how you forget dreams when you wake up? If you make a dream diary it's easier to remember the dreams each time, cause you're telling your brain it matters. So I figured that if every evening I write down what I remember doing with you, it'll be easier each time! I put the pages near my clothes so I'm forced to read it every time I wake up."

"And you can use that to check if I'm just messing with you, smart."

You get out of the shower fully clothed, and as dry as the subpar towel could allow you to be. You almost expect Ivy to see the two of you leave your dorm together and make up some crazy scenario in her mind, but it looks like there won't be any more antics this morning, as you reach the class safely without any pervert accusation. Dill thanks you for the book, even if she'll need more time to glean any useful info from it. She puts the clarity spell on you again and goes back to her seat next to her partner who looks rather tired.

The intangible teacher spawns in front of his desk. You really can't use any other word, he was not behind the desk, and now he is in front of the desk. There was no gas, sound or portal, it's like the universe just loaded him in right here. He is exactly as you remember him from the library too, same cloak and undefined black mass under it. You're not sure why you expected him to be different, maybe because it would fit with what an 'intangible' teacher should be in your mind: ever-changing.

"This is the Intangible class. If anyone is about to ask, yes I tried to destroy the world once, and yes I almost succeeded. If you have a problem with that, please do try to destroy the magic keeping me alive in this school. If you cannot pull off such a feat however, please sit down and learn.

Intangible magic is many things. On the surface, it is anything that is not solid, but that is not limited to surface elements like fire, water and air. No, it also includes mana, the soul, and many other things I am sure none of you have even heard of. However, many of those elements are not only untouchable, they are also invisible, this is why it is highly recommended that you practice your divination to get a better grasp of what surrounds you before you can manipulate it. As with every other class but that of the lost rodent, you will pick a spell. This is the last spell you will be taught for the week, and you will certainly need it for the dungeon exam, so please pick it carefully."

You're going to ignore the part where he said he tried to destroy the world, and instead focus on the part that actually matters: magic.

Table knows a little bit of intangible magic since she knows give mana, which is a mix of an Intangible and Life spell. Does that mean the spell you did together is the fusion of three spells? She really is a lot better at this than she's letting on, huh. As for what spells you should pick for yourself, you should keep in mind what you already know and see what you're not already capable of with the spells you already have since the exam is coming up. You can't afford to have any blind spots.

Those spells don't look that impressive by themselves though, mhh...

>Spark: Creates a small spark at your fingertip, but it needs something to burn and oxygen to actually create fire. Rarely used on its own.
>Hydrophobia: Water will shift around your body and almost never get inside it. Makes swimming much easier, and makes it nearly impossible to get wet. The component of many defensive spells.
>Wind Guide: A weak gust of wind you have control over. Has a wide variety of uses, and it's surprisingly cheap in mana.
>Mana Feel: Can be used to 'touch' mana. Occasionally used to see if something is magical or not. One of the few spells that costs almost no mana to cast, even a human wouldn't feel the mana cost.
>Wind Guide: A weak gust of wind you have control over. Has a wide variety of uses, and it's surprisingly cheap in mana.
Easy to see how this could be useful in an exam. Hydrophobia is also neat, but Wind Guide edges out for now because it's cheap.
Can we use the wind guide to seal things remotely? Could we seal someone's shoes to the floor with it?
>Wind Guide: A weak gust of wind you have control over. Has a wide variety of uses, and it's surprisingly cheap in mana.

>Seal a bunch of wind in a pocket
>Displace it far away
>Unseal, spark
Bomb get?
>wind guide

if the exam weren't around the corner, I'd vote for mana feel, because I have a suspicion it's going to be important in furthering our spell-casting ability
So far
>Spell Displacement: When mixed with another spell, it'll cast said spell further away instead to a spot of your choice. Can be cast through walls as long as you can see the location somehow.
>Seal: Can be used to seal up an item in place. A lever may become unable to be pulled, and an item may be stuck to the wall this way.
>Tracking Scent: Your sense of smell is increased.
>Delayed Double: Allows you to cast a vision of a spell before that can be seen by everyone. Can be used as a feint to trick someone into dodging a fake spell, or to see the potential effects of the spell you're about to cast. The results are not always accurate.
>Lighten. A material spell that lightens the weight of your backpack and anything in it, it means you don't need to take as many breaks, and it works on most solid things.
>Pocket Space

Now how do we mix these together for the dungeon exam? We already have Pocket Space shared with mana from Table's Give Mana (Intangible + Life) spell. We are still voting on our first Intangible spell right now.

When will our boy Atlas finally muster the courage to Mana Feel up Table? :^)
+1, its cheap and we won't regret it unless we get a water dungeon
>The atmosphere is made up of about 21% Oxygen and most of the rest, 78% is Nitrogen which is inert and cannot burn.
Close but we need gas, then the plan comes together
Also we used delayed double to test because we don't want it blowing up in our face
Oh that's a good point, we should go for that when we get the chance then
>Wind Guide: A weak gust of wind you have control over. Has a wide variety of uses, and it's surprisingly cheap in mana.
cheap and we can cast it from a longish distance with the displacement
smooth, anon
Table is going to be the one to initiate, calling it now.
>You can hear her fidget with something on the bed.
>You hear her dig around your bed drawer.
Goodbye sleep
>Table is going to be the one to initiate, calling it now.
I mean, she's already taking the lead in most cases but tbf given her condition she has to kek
Does it apply to her regarding other Forgotten too, or are they all immune to their own constant racial effect? Does it only affect all conscious beings, or do animals also fail to recognize her existing? Does the racial effect also pass on to their children?

I'm more interested in how she'll wake him up, if you catch my drift
I wonder how Table looks to herself if everyone sees her in a different way. Mayhaps one day we'll be good enough at magic to pierce the veil and see he true form.
According to earlier in the quest the Forgotten's curse does also apply to themselves to some extent since Table experiences it when reading the history of her kind. The question of halfbreeds is interesting though.
Tentacles, and squishy. Still best girl

Wind Guide sounds good. It's versatile and cheap, the best thing one can ask of a beginner spell. Learning it proves to be a little bit of a pain though, as it feels like it requires a lot more concentration than most other spells who act by themselves once cast. You can make a gust of wind, but actually guiding it is something else entirely, and there's not a lot of use for wind so weak you could replicate it by waving your hands really fast. Maybe it could be used during hot days, who knows.

Table decided to practice Spark, even if she already knew the Mana Feel spell. You're afraid either of your spells are going to backfire at first, but the classroom is enchanted to avoid any bad accident. You try to mix Wind Guide with Table's Spark, and it actually sort of work. By 'sort of', you mean that the spark particle get carried by the wind a little.

Okay, it's not really a mixed spell, more like two spells used next to each other, but it's still cool, okay?

When the class is over, the teacher reminds you of the coming dungeon exam again, and that you should make sure all your spells are ready before it. You'd say your spells are not in fact ready, but beggars can't be choosers. And begging you are. Your mana increased by, at best, 50% of its original value, but realistically it's more around 30%. This sounds incredibly impressive until you realize that the growth is not exponential, and you're going to reach an upper limit sooner rather than later.

It's not that you don't enjoy Table aggressively pinching your cheek every time she has to give you mana, but there's going to be moments where she won't be able to do that, and you'd like to be able to practice more in your own time. If you could-

"Heeeey, Atlas? Are you thinking about me? Table? Me? Your best friend? The best friend that you won't forget about?" She pokes your ribs with every question.

"I know I said you could get annoying, but didn't I say you should only do that when I forget about you?"

"You risk forgetting about me every time you're thinking about something else, so it's warranted. By the way, it's me, Table, just so you know, just wanted to remind you of that."

She's probably going to keep doing this for a few days, just to see if you'll keep to your word of not getting mad at her for being a little attention-seeking. You can live with that, even if you could do without the rib assault.

You poke her ribs back, and it makes a squelching noise. She puts her hands over her mouth as if this was where the sound was coming from.

"What? Can't take what you dish out?" You ask.

"I- uh, don't touch me like that, please. Sorry for doing that to you, won't do it again. Just don't touch me like that."

You're not sure why she's acting so weird all of a sudden. Did you hurt her somehow? It's not like she screamed in pain or anything. Well, whatever, she's not poking you anymore, so you'd consider that a win.

You ask Table what you should study today, but she says she wants to explore the town instead, since she didn't get a chance to before. It's true you never got to see much of the outside of the school, so you're also kind of curious. You have some money left you can use on things. You can't really bring any potion or enchanted items inside the dungeon exam, but that doesn't mean it can't be useful to buy some for studies, right? You could always do more than shopping in the town too, it's a pretty busy place.

>Explore the forest near the town. Not a lot of people go there, but there's tons of opportunity to practice your magic.
>Go to a magic shop that sells potions. There might be something good in there.
>Go to a magic shop that sells enchanted items, you've always wanted wizard clothes.
>There's a small arena at the edge of town. You want to buy a ticket to see how professionals wizards fight, might help you learn how to duel.
>Go to a magic shop that sells enchanted items, you've always wanted wizard clothes.
Remind me, how poor/rich are we? I imagine we have some manner of income we saved from home.
>Go to a magic shop that sells enchanted items, you've always wanted wizard clothes.
Get a feel for what's common goods around here
>You poke her ribs back, and it makes a squelching noise. She puts her hands over her mouth as if this was where the sound was coming from.
She's going to be making more than just that when the time comes :^)
>You risk forgetting about me every time you're thinking about something else
Possessive, but in a hot way. I hope she isn't a yandere.

>Go to a magic shop that sells potions. There might be something good in there
I'm going into battle and I want your STRONGEST potions
>Go to a magic shop that sells potions. There might be something good in there.
Also ask Table if she would like to meet up after our business is done to explore the town more.
+1 to asking Table this
Yes this is totally a date
>Go to a magic shop that sells enchanted items, you've always wanted wizard clothes.
so her ribs are as sensitive as humans boobs ? questions for later
As much as I like Table, you guys are going too hard on romance all the time and forgetting that Atlas is uniquely passionate about Magic, not being a lovesick teenager.
tbf we haven't really made a romantic effort
I like Atlas' autistic thirst for everything magic and spells. I like him keeping it up for as long as possible, preferably the entire quest. It's a nice core character trait
I thought the premise was that we were already going together

>Go to a magic shop that sells enchanted items, you've always wanted wizard clothes.
If we're already going together, then it's 100% a date
My voting is perfectly in line with Atlas's obsessive nature. Any extra commentary must be credited to Curse Carrier DM making a waifu with the perfect mixture of unsettling, intriguing, useful, and based.
I'm just making lewd comments and innuendo, rolling with what we're presented with. Otherwise like I said in >>6060171 I like Atlas staying on his autistic mission to git gud at magic as a human
It doesn't say in the prompt that we are going together so best to make sure.
We are just paying her back for all the pinching and pestering (Its exactly what she wants though) plus we actually do need her to git gud at magic
>Go to a magic shop that sells enchanted items, you've always wanted wizard clothes.

You decide to go to a magic shop with Table. You don't have that much money, but surely you should be able to afford something, right? Even if it's a cheap magic hat or something, you'd be happy with that.

When you leave the school, you realize you get more weird looks outside the school than inside, you sometimes forget that humans really are unusual out there. But it's fine, you can fit in by wearing wizard clothes! First, you check a clothing store. Everything in there is...way outside your budget, and while they do have cool magical effects, none of them are affordable.

"Why would you go to a clothing store as a human, anyway?" Table asks.

"What does being human has to do with that?"

"Human clothing is kind of the standard around here, it's one of the few things you people trade with us. The shirt and pants I'm wearing, human made."

"I mean, it's just clothing, right? It's not like you're so technologically behind you can't make those yourself, right?"

"Maybe, but even with magic, we can't mass produce them as cheaply as you guys do, and the stuff you make is durable too. Sure, if you want magical clothes humans aren't the one you'll buy them from, but for the average citizen, cheap and practical is all they need."

You didn't really think of that. It's true that humans can mass produce things like that, and since clothing isn't exactly revolutionary tech, it'd make sense that we'd sell it to them in bulk in exchange for other resources. Trading has always been strange between the human and outside nation, but we're not quite at the tech level where we can make something out of nothing, so we need to. However, the human city is still pretty self-sufficient, and you're not sure how much of it would stop working if trading stopped altogether.

"What's the human city like, anyway?" Table asks. "You did mention it once, but it's hard to get an idea of what it's like living here."

"I don't know, it's like...a lot grayer? Because we use a lot of cement and metal. Culture wise, it's pretty varied, and there are a few subcultures depending on the district you're in. Still, the city isn't that big, so it's still the same laws everywhere inside the city. We don't use horses to move around either, we use mechanical vehicles, it's a lot faster. Not as fast as teleportation I guess, but from what I've seen it's not super common practice around here either."

"Yeah, teleportation's prone to accidents if done wrong, so there aren't that many summoning mages that set runes up for it. Portals require a lot of mana to be kept up too, it's just a logistical nightmare and not a lot of cities can afford it."

"There's really a lot I don't- Table! Look!" You pick up a hat from the counter. "It's a wakeful hat! I could stay up all night with this! It's not even that expensive!"

"Put it down, it works the same way as the spell, it doesn't negate sleep, it just makes it a problem for future you. Besides, it's cheap because it's a beginner spell, might as well learn it yourself."

"You're right! I should do that! In the human city, we have coffee, it's a stimulant that keeps you awake for longer. Doesn't really negate sleep, but it works. There's also energy drinks, basically pure concentrated sugar. Terrible for you, but I liked them."

"Coffee's a thing here too, but it's really expensive and almost only drank by nobles. Most people settle for a wakeful spell like the one on this hat, it's a better bang for your buck. The human city does sound nice, though, were you really not allowed to practice magic there?"

You put the hat down. "Kind of. Technically magic isn't illegal, but it's frowned upon. When I was a kid I used to be obsessed with magic-"

"Used to?"

"-Yes, not much has changed, anyway. I really liked magic, which wasn't abnormal. Kids like cool things, like dinosaurs, and monsters, and space. However, magic is seen as something you're supposed to grow out of because it isn't realistic for a human to learn it. It's like a kid saying they want to be a super-hero. It's cute to say that at 5, it's worrying when you say it in your twenties. Super heroes are like, really powerful people that solve crime with their powers, basically."

"I see, so is that why you left? Couldn't take the stares?"

"I mean, I would've left even if magic was accepted, there just isn't a lot to learn in the human city about magic. The only magic users are the anti-magic force, and they only learn basic spells to see stuff our tech can't. We can't see mana with our technology for example, and while most invisibility spells can be seen with thermals, and mind control can be guessed with a brain scan, there are some things you can only identify with magic right now. It's also why people that come from the outside are second class citizens, it's because there's always the possibility they might have had an unidentifiable spell cast on them that could be used to spy on us, so they aren't given access to anything too sensitive."

"Must have been lonely, to not have anyone share your love for magic." She picks up the hat and moves it to another spot. "Especially since that seems to be the only thing you really care about."

"I knew one girl that was really into magic, actually! We were really good friends up till middle school. But then we slowly started disagreeing about stuff. She kind of... so, you know how 'techno-monkey' is a term that's used to demean humans because they don't really 'deserve' their tech? She kind of saw the outside races as not deserving magic either. Like they didn't really 'work' for it because they had so much mana to spare. She was also really adamant about mixing tech with magic, but her ideas were a little questionable."

"Questionable how? Human tech with magic sounds like it'd work miracles."

"Problem is magic still needs mana, and humans don't have a lot of that. Her ideas were to... err, 'use' outside people as mana batteries. She was insane, I tell you, and now I think she's part of the anti-magic force. It's a shame, she was the only other human I knew that loved magic as much as I do, but she just liked it the wrong way, I guess."

She raises an eyebrow. "You can 'use' me for mana anytime-"

"Not the time for innuendos. I don't have good memories of that time."

"Wait, you can actually pick up on those? I thought you were just reaaally dense" She almost pokes your rib again, but stops herself right before her fingers reaches you.

"I'm dense, but not stupid. If you keep this up, one day I'm going to take you seriously, and you'll only have yourself to blame."

She looks pretty embarrassed. "Ha, uhm, I'm not used to people remembering what I do, so sometimes I just say stuff to mess with you to see your reaction out of habit. Don't read too hard into it."

"Maybe I'll be hard reading into you anyway," You fumble over your words trying to finish your sentence. "Like, hard, in uh, the sense that-"

She just looks at you with a disappointed look on her face. "You're not very good at this when you're doing it on purpose."

"Shut up, I'm trying- and what do you mean, on purpose?" You're the one that's embarrassed now, it's not fair. You'll get back to her one day, somehow.

You say that, but when you leave the shop, she puts the wakeful hat on your head, and you forgive her immediately. She nabbed it while the shop owner wasn't looking, and apparently that hat was so cheap they didn't even bother putting a spell to protect it from theft. You're not sure how you feel about wearing something that's stolen, so you're probably only going to wear it inside your dorms, or maybe you'll analyze the spell on it to see how they enchant items.

The next day is free, but most students are still studying to prepare for the first exam. Not a lot of them know what to expect, so they make sure to perfect whatever spell they learned. You should do the same too. You can't focus on every spell you know, you only have time for one. Lighten is the only spell you'd say you've more or less 'mastered' in that you can cast it consistently, but you can't say the same for the rest.

What spell should you focus on today?

>Tracking Scent.
>Mana Portal.
>Spell Displacement.
>Pocket Space.
>Delayed Double.
>Wind Guide.
>Spell Displacement.
I got a good feeling about this. Also nice chat about the clothing issue in this setting plus the outsiders as second class point. Using other race people living outside for their mana and nothing else is some real grimdark insanity though, no wonder that childhood friend became crazy. Very nice date with Table overall
>Spell displacement
We need to increase the range on that
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>mana portal
without it the rest are moot.

since the duel at the end of the dungeonrun is not determined by win/lose, just ingenuity, we don't need to clutch a win, just >theoretically< beat our matchup.
>Spell Displacement.
See, now, here's the interesting thing about this 'mana battery' idea. Doesn't using other people's mana still require you to be able to 'store' such an amount of mana in the first place? Even when Table gives us Mana, it's still up to *our* limit. Did our ex-friend plan on finding a way to simply using other people's mana for spells through some manner of link (which is very overpowered when you think about it in scaling) or did she plan to figure out a way to be able to forcefully expand one's "Mana Limit"?
>Spell Displacement
>Wind Guide.
Sounds like it would be the most useful for the exam, and we have nothing that great to use Spell Displacement with.
I don't think Table is allowed to resupply us during an exam though.
Spell displacement with pocket space is probably our best combo right now, for grabbing/dropping things far away. Wind guide is already cheap for us and if we need to wind things far away we can use displacement + wind guide
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>Table not allowed to resup us
Ah. Right. I'm a doof.

>>6060564 switch to
>spell displacement

>spell displacement
>wind guide
If you want to use Pocket Space then you should probably vote to improve that, since it's rather pitiful right now and can barely even hold our finger if that.

You practice Spell Displacement the most, since it'll make a lot of spells more useful, and it's basically useless in its current state where you can only cast it a few inches away from you. You have to sacrifice more of your cafeteria meals to Rath as an offering, but you can afford that. You do make enough progress to cast a spell for about 3 feet away from you before it becomes too much. It's not very far, but at least it's no longer casting something at point blank.

You can't sleep that night. There's just so much on your mind, and you're really afraid of messing it up. Sure, they said you could redo the dungeon again later if you messed it up, but it's probably not going to be the same one right? Or you could just ask the others how it went to know the answer. What if you failed so miserably they kick you out? What if the dungeon's just not designed for someone that has as little mana as you do? What if...

You take a deep breath. It's fine, you studied as hard as you could, and even if you mess it up you'll still get a second chance.

But you still can't sleep, you can't even practice your spells because you need all the mana you can get for tomorrow. You flip through the pages of the human mage but you just can't focus. The book has random paper notes with Table's name and things you remember about scattered in it. But it's the middle of the night, you can't just knock at this hour, right?

Wait, can't you? You don't think there's a curfew here. All rooms are soundproof so it's not like you risk waking anyone up by going around during the night, so you could just use knock on her door. But she needs to sleep for her exam too, you can't just wake her up because you're stressing over nothing.

You put on your clothes and leave your dorm anyway. Maybe a little bit of fresh air will help. You leave for the garden, and stumble into someone you weren't expecting, it's the cat girl.

"...ah, it's you," she says as she stares at the emptiness behind you. "Atlas. Human? Yes. Are humans nocturnal? It is a shame the school does not have night classes to accommodate people like you, but that's what the sleep spell is for."

"No, humans aren't nocturnal, I'm just stressed about the exam tomorrow. Are you okay? You're acting a little strange."

"I'm...wait, do you know about me?" She asks, pointing at her forehead. You can see weird, black veins behind her hair, but not much else.

"No? Am I supposed to?"

"...no, you don't need to. I was studying for the exam, if you're awake, we might as well do so together."

"Can't cast a lot of spells, so we'll have to stick to theorem."

You go with her to the library, since it's always open. Your study session is a lot quieter than what you have with Table, but you don't mind. You're not sure if you learned a lot tonight, but you do feel more confident in what you already know.

She puts her finger in front of her lips. "If anyone asks, we never talked. I'm not supposed to make any friends."

With those odd words, she picks up a few books and leaves. A strange girl, but this interaction did calm your nerves. Maybe you'll ask Dill about her next time you get your clarity teaching session.

You go back to your dorm, since the exam asks that you stay inside your room during a certain hour. You only understand why when a portal starts forming around you, and you suddenly start falling on a damp stone floor.

You take in your surroundings, and it's...a dungeon alright. It's formed of the aforementioned grey stone blocks, with moss growing here and there and torches attached across the walls.

"Hello!" You hear the voice of the summoning teacher come out from the walls. "Welcome to your first dungeon exam! Hope you practiced your spells, because you'll need them! But, just because it's your first dungeon doesn't mean that it's going to be boring. Remember your partner? Sure hope you do, because you'll need them!"

A mirror drops from another portal next to you.

"You'll use this to communicate with them. Why do you need to do that? Wouldn't be fun if I told you now, would it? Good luck!"

You pick up the mirror, but you can't see anything but your own reflection. Then, you can hear Table's voice come from it, but it's using your face to say those things, your lips moving to her words. It's a little unsettling to say the least.

"Hey, it's me, Table. I can't shake you down right now, but I will when we finish this. What's your dungeon like? Not sure if it's the same as mine."

You wander the dungeon, and it's pretty small. There's no labyrinth or winding paths, but there are a few things you can interact with. There's a button that you can press, and it...doesn't do anything. You ask Table if it changed anything from her side, but it doesn't look like it did. There are also vines and an empty spot above it you could theoretically climb to. The problem is the vines are too short to be used as a rope. You're not sure if you can climb up there using the stones either, they're just way too smooth, and you have nothing to grab unto.

Searching further, you find a crevice and a key. The key could probably be fit through the hole if you could reach it. You try a wind spell, but the key isn't moving much from it. If you had to guess, the key might be linked to the locked door at the other end of the hall.

Table speaks to you again, she found a key from her side, but it doesn't fit the locked door she does have.
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Oh, that's what the assignment was for. You're probably supposed to pass each other the key you found, but you can't move items through the pocket space you made together, only mana.

Oh no, can you just not complete the dungeon now? But that's not fair! You learned all those spells, surely-

"Hey, Atlas, calm down. Dungeons are made to have multiple solution, and I can still pass you mana through the portal. I'm sure you'll figure something out."

Right, it's fine. Mana isn't an issue, so you can just try out whatever you need to.

It's magic time!

(Because of the puzzle oriented design of dungeons, they do not have premade vote options, but can only be answered by write ins. Since you have near infinite mana for this dungeon, most write ins will be considered and used, but later dungeons may only take the most popular/sensical write in.)

>Write in.
What's on the other side of the vines? We could use Lighten to get an item over it if it's some manner of hole to the other dungeon. I have to imagine there's some manner of way to solve it without teleporting the key.
Also, before that, Lighten to make the key light before moving it to us with Wind.
I guess I'll just make it easier so we can do it in a single update, my plan here is to take the key and then use Seal to fixate it to the vine wall so we can use it as an "foot step" to reach high enough to be able to climb the rest through thr vines/get to the ledge (depending on how tall it is)

I want to see if there's something in that spot above. It probably isn't there for no reason. Either it has something to do with the button, or it has something else. And speaking of the button, have we tried pressing it at the same time as table?
We could use Spell Displacement + Lighten to make the key lighter at range, then the Wind spell to push the key to us.
(Updates will come faster for this dungeon, since it's more of a step-by-step process)

The problem with the key is that it's too heavy, and you have a spell for that, don't you? You just need to put a lighten rune on it! That's what you'd say if the key was right next to you, but it's not. Thankfully, you practiced a spell for this exact situation, and you use Spell Displacement to put the lighten rune on the key from afar. The wind can now easily drag the key to you.

"Hey Table! I got the key!" You shout excitedly in the mirror.

"Good. I'm guessing it doesn't fit into your door?"

"No, I think we really do have to swap keys. I was thinking of using it as a way to climb above the vines by sealing the key on the wall."

"And how do you plan on unsealing it later? We might still need it."

Right, didn't think of that. But there isn't much you can use to climb, is there? There's no pebble or anything you can use, and you don't think the torches are sturdy enough to be used as support.

Out of ideas, you ask Table if she also has a button to press, but she doesn't have one that she can find. Your dungeons are slightly different, as she found her key trapped in a block of ice. The only real thing you two have in common is the locked door.

But the button has to do something, right?

>Write in.
Okay well, i forgot we didn't have "unseal". That complicates things. I'd say we could 'seal' the button to see what happens, but I don't wanna risk it.

We still need to find a way to get up to that place, though. I imagine there's something there. Is there really no way to reach the vines? I'm guessing our wind isn't strong enough to shake them enough to let us grab them, and doing something like sealing our shoe into the wall to use as a step feels...like a last option decision.

Any other ideas?
I don't see why we shouldn't seal our shoe into the wall as a foothold. If it leads to getting the door open we can have Table unseal the shoe, and if not I'm sure the exam proctors could get it back for us.
Can't we pass items via the shared pocket space?
No, we didn't practice it so our shared space is tiny and unable to pass items through. It's already been brought up in the dungeon post.
I accidentally omitted that fact, but the vines are actually on the floor next to the wall. You can very much grab them, but they're just not long enough to act as a rope. They are however sturdy enough to be grabbed unto. The vines aren't dead and that means a material spell like Seal won't work on it, and killing it is kind of hard since vines can last quite a while after being cut.
Wind guide to burn the vines with the torches if they're hiding something?
Tracking scent to check the area?
We could just move the vines physically, they're on the floor.
>on the floor next to the wall
Could we combine the torches with the vines to make a makeshift ladder or handholds on the wall?
If there's a passage above the vines to the other side where Table is, can we Spell Displacement the Pocket Space with the key in it to up in the space above the wall? This way we can simply dump the key up there?
Again, our pocket space can't hold items. But we could do the ladder to climb up the wall.
I dunno if a vine rope could support Atlas' weight. If there's another button on Table's side, what if we press both in sync?
Anon, read the updare please, both these questions were already answered.
If we can grab onto them its fine, plan.
>Cut vine, stick it into pocket space.
>Seal vine into place?
>Grab the end on our side
>Keep spell displacing the pocket space vertically until we get to the top
Its probably going to take a lot of mana but we have Table helping us so its fine
There isn't a button on Table's side and what you're replying to isn't talking about a vine rope.
Damn, my bad. Vine ladder seems like the best course of action we have. Is Delayed Double any good here?
We can't put items in our pocket space and we can't seal vines.
If we can't pocket space-
Wait, rock climbing? 1 foot on the wall, seal shoe. Another foot higher up, seal second shoe. Take foot out of first shoe, seal the torch on the wall... no, not that

Only things we can seal are shoes, torch sticks, and the key? Hmmm... could we do anything about the door itself?
Table's key is in a block of ice. We have torches on this side...
>no, not that
Why not? Both of you discarded the idea of creating footholds but neither provided a reason why. I think it would work.

We don't know how to approach the door yet but we might find something up top the ledge.
was* in a block of ice, she got it out

>Create step stones using Seal plus our shoes and the torches to climb up the wall
Casting seal on door is no good, we don't have a spell to break it, could Table unseal hers? How high is the wall and how many torches could we use?
Ladder idea is probably the best
She already figured it out and torches are too big for our pocket space and we don't have item share
Anons, read the update again, we can't use the torch as support. Please stop posting ideas without actually reading the update.
Well we can at least use our shoes and see if that's enough
I still think there's gotta be something with Delayed Double we're missing
>Is Delayed Double any good here?
isn't delayed double just a simulated illusion of a spell ?
how thick are the vines ? depending on how much we can put them through our small pocket space and have them dangling from up the wall for we to climb
Yes, it's just not useful here. People picked it because they wanted a good dueling spell.
We can't put items in our pocket space, including vines.
Can't we just like...check if there isnt anything that opens on the empty space if we press the button. Like a hatch. I literally can't think of any other way where it would be useful. The only other option here is to use our shoes as a climbing step and that's obviously not the intended solution.
shit, I thought it was just small
Who cares if it's the intended solution or not? The whole idea is to be creative with our resources and that's one way we can potentially solve one of our problems.

Mhh, what about your shoes? They're as physical as they come, and you're pretty sure they said that as long as something isn't enchanted, you're allowed to use it in the dungeon. Yeah, you remember senior students mention that anything they don't want you to bring should automatically be taken away when you're transported into the dungeon, which means anything that you do have on you at the moment is fair game.

You take out your shoe and put it against the wall, then seal it. Your spell isn't perfect, but you have to hope it's good enough to support your weight. You put another shoe a little bit further up and seal it too.

You use the shoes as a pseudo-ladder, and you barely manage to reach the edge of the floor above. The above floor is another dead end. There's just nothing there. That doesn't make sense, though, there must be a reason you can go here at all.

You use tracking scent to see if there's anything you missed, but you're not sure if...wait. There's a trail at the crevices of the wall, but you can't tell what type of smell it is. It's almost like it's... mhh.

"Table," you speak into the mirror. "Can you use tracking scent for me? Try to see if you can smell me."

"I thought you'd never ask," she answers with your face, which makes it sound even weirder.

She does find your 'honey smell', and you can faintly hear her voice behind the wall. It doesn't look like there's anything to open it with, though. You think back about the button, and go back down to press it to see if it changes anything in the floor above. Table says the wall changed, and even though she can't put her hand through it, she can throw the key past it. It's something she only noticed because the 'scent flow' changed near the wall.

The button looks like it needs to remain pressed for the wall to let items through, so you seal the button when it's pressed and throw the key to her side.

With bated breath, you put the key inside your door, and it opens. At first, it looks like there's nothing behind the door, but when Table open hers, a portal opens for the two of you that leads to your respective dorms.

You're back.

You did it.

You leave your dorm and run toward Table's. You see a few students celebrating in the hall, as it looks like most of them did just fine. Table opens her doors before you even knock, and you jump up and down with a hopeful look in your eyes.

"Alright, fine, get it out of your system."

You hug her as tight as you can, it makes a weird sound, but you're too happy to care. "We did it Table! We did the exam! You're the best, I'm the best! We're both the best!"

You try to lift her to spin her around, but she's a little heavier than you thought, so you settle for squishing her harder. When you let go of her, she looks a little dazed and confused, as if she just woke up here out of nowhere. She pats herself all over, and takes a deep breath.

"Sorry, I may have overdone it. You okay?" You ask.

"I just need a moment to... okay, better. I wanted to tease you with a line but I just forgot it now."

"Can I hug you again?" You ask like a kid would asks for sweets.

"Please don't, I'm still recovering from the last one."

The voice of the summoning teacher can be heard booming in the hallway and from Table's dorm. "Good job everyone, and by everyone I mean most of you! It's fine if you didn't make it, you can try again next week! Do note that you weren't just rated on if you solved the puzzle or not, but by how you solved it. Yes, using the unlock spell is smart, but it's a little boring, don't you think? To the student that used his shoes, quite smart! But I accidentally destroyed them when undoing the dungeon, sorry! I'll get a replacement, promise. The next dungeon won't have so many exploits, and you won't have a partner to do it with, so look forward to that. Also, now that you've got an idea for each type of magic, now may be a good time to pick your classes for the month. You've been given a sheet in your dorm to fill up, and you're expected to fill it up for tuesday, toodles~"

Table looks back, and a sheet did indeed materialize on her bed. It looks like you need to show which class you want to take. Interestingly enough, it looks like putting 'nothing' is an option, however it's also written that taking too little class means you'll be graded more harshly in general, so it's not a great idea to skip all classes.

You rush back to your dorm to get your sheet and sit down on her bed the moment you come back to her. "Let's share classes! What do you want to?"

She smiles. "We don't need to be partners anymore since it was only for this assignment, but you'll just die without my mana, so I must make that sacrifice and keep working with you," she says as she suppresses a laugh.

You scoot closer to her to compared your sheets, looks like she wants to get better at intangible magic, which means you'll have to pick that class too. That leaves only two other class type for your schedule, and Table says she's okay with whatever else you pick.

What classes should you take this month (The two most popular votes will be picked. Each person gets two votes.)

We did it
Our two weakest that I want to develop

We're not going to be able to be good at everything, we're going to need to specialize, which means being weak in some areas. We should pick what we want to be good at.
I feel like if we want to be able to improve our mana, we're going to need to go into the 'Life' magic path.
Clarity is Divination. We need to be able to learn it ourselves if we want to keep seeing our girl. Maybe we'll be able to find a way to make it permanent, too.
it is pretty evident that, because of the culture we grew up in, that we should have a natural affinity for material magic, even if we can barely cast anything
it's really no different from physics and engineering, except it's magic

also divination can help us generally beyond just clarity spells
we could also figure out ways to combine it with intangible to develop a method of levelling our mana beyond the flat +1
Isn't Mana related to Life? Give Mana also uses Life.
Mana share is intangible + life, glad intangible is force picked because there is a lot we can do with it
So therefore we need to go to life if we want to advance down the path of mana research.
How different is Table's room from Atlas', now that he's in her room instead of the other way around? And how much do you want to bet Ivy saw them go in together?
Considering we are all back from the exam there is a non-zero chance that Ivy was watching

We should try to give our hand into summoning since it fits our human style of autistic optimization thanks to the low mana and I had an idea that I don't really know if it will work but I want to try, Table can give us mana and ours to her with the pocket dimension, but what about spells?, from what we know spells are basically the mana+something which is controlled by the mage that knows the spell, and maybe if we refine the pocket dimension spell with Table we could be able to transfer spells to each other with the pocket dimension, maybe we sealed something by accident or we fucked up the position or something, what if we summon the pocket dimension above said object and ask Table to unseal it?, that way we can cast spells from massive distances

And divination mostly for two reasons, the fairly obvious one is Table, she is our mana battery, good friend, and best girl, and the other reason is because this seems like the kind of stuff that suits us the most too, divination is all about the seeing the unseeable and unnoticeable, we are able to pick up the smallest little hints of things, people, and places, it's about prediction and patterns, and that's what I think will benefit us the most, taking those little things that no one else noticed, and exploiting the absolute shit out of them to solve, use, destroy, or optimize those things with the least mana posible

"Life and Divination sounds nice. Life seems to be somewhat related to mana, and divination has the clarity spell and I want to learn that as fast as possible."

"N-Nice. Sure, sounds like a good idea."

You scoot even closer to her. "Hey, are you still recovering from the hug?"

"Tracking scent spell. Still active."

"Huh? But mine's already gone. I don't smell bad, right?"

"At this distance all I know is that at this distance you smell strong so p-please don't stay so close to me."

You give her some literal breathing room and show your sheet from a safe distance. "So, is this schedule okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine with it. Intangible, Life and Divination. Really, I'm not sure if you can go wrong with any pick, the school design dungeons to be beatable with nearly any of the spells you're taught. Like the vines you had here? I think that was just in case you learned the growth spell thing, but for you, they were basically useless."

You nod. It makes sense that not every dungeon would be custom-made for your particular set of spells, but it makes you wonder if every student got the same dungeon challenge. Would they build the dungeon differently for certain races? Like if you had a water dungeon, wouldn't Dill have a much easier time here?

This dungeon had more than one solution, but they weren't too hard to figure out. Maybe you had to get a little creative with the climbing using your shoes thing, but apart from that it was rather straightforward. It's unlikely the next one will be as easy, and without Table's help you'll need to ration your spells carefully since you won't be able to test out everything.

You hope ivy failed so you can rub it in her face, but it's unlikely she did. According to Rath, her and the crystal guy are pretty competent, so they probably thought of something. You've also heard that students aren't graded by numbers here and instead it's just a matter of "passing" and "not passing". It doesn't mean how well you do doesn't matter, as you'll get some special certifications depending on how well you do at the end of the year, and the teacher's comments matters almost as much as passing the exam. You're not even sure what kind of job you'd want. Sure, you'll be a wizard, but what kind? Does it matter as long as you get to do magic?

Man, you're too tired to answer any of these questions. The rush of victory is waning, and Table's presence only makes your drowsiness worse.

"Table, I'm sleepy."

"No you're not," she says as she pokes your cheek from afar.

"Table didn't you say sleep was important? Well, I want to sleep right now. I need my sleep so I can do my magic."

"Don't you dare-"

You let your upper body fall sideways on her bed. You scan her room from the comfort of her blanket. It's nice and tidy. There's a bookshelf with a lot of books in there, books on magic, economy, and-

"Are those books on humans?" You say, suddenly waking up from your stupor.

"Err, yeah. I was getting kind of curious, so I checked a few of these out."

You get up from the bed, but she grabs your shoulder and force your head back down on the mattress. "No, you said you wanted to sleep? Then sleep. Can't go back on your word like this."

Hmm, suspicious. It's like she doesn't want you to read them. Do they say mean things about humans? Is that why she doesn't want you to check them out? You're not one to be offended easily, it's fine! Unless those books talk about more naughty things. She wouldn't, right? Now you really want to know.

You poke her in the rib and bolt for the bookshelf. You manage to grab one book before she catches you, and you fight for your life trying to flip pages. It looks like she's still bothered by the tracking scent, so she's not grappling with you as hard as she could. That's too bad! You're not sure why you're so bold today, maybe it's because you tend to make dumb decisions when you're tired, but it's too late to regret what you're doing right now.

You get glimpses of the book's pages, but it's hard to read when someone is trying to take it away from you. All you can say is there's some historic and biological pictures of humans in there, and that she underlined some words you didn't have the time to read.

"You just-" Table finally manages to restrain you. "Alright young man, you're grounded. Back to your dorm."

You just smile at her like an idiot. "Okay!"

She slings you over her shoulder and starts carrying you outside her room. You encounter who else but Ivy. Except this time she's with the crystal guy that's holding her in a bridal carry.

Table and the crystal guy raise their hand and let out a small 'hi'. Looks like even Table is hard to ignore when she's carrying you like this.

"I-I-It's not what it looks like!" Ivy says in the most suspicious way possible. "We uh, we were celebrating, because we won! And, uh-"

"We're going back to my dorm," the crystal guy finishes. "What about you guys?"

"I'm bringing him back to his dorm," Table answers. She lowers her gaze to Ivy. "We were just done having sex."

"Cool," Crystal answers very nonchalantly. "I'm going back to my dorm so we can sleep together, see ya."

"DON'T PHRASE IT LIKE THAT!" Ivy shouts. Her cries go unanswered as she gets carried away in a manner more gentle than what you expected of him.

You reach your dorm, and she drops you on your bed. She's about to leave, but you ask her to stay. You're pretty sure the tiredness isn't the only thing making you act stupid, her curse is absolutely messing with your brain, but you're having so much fun that you don't really care. Maybe it's because now that the exam and assignment is over you can afford to let go a little.

"Fine. Tracking Scent is over anyway." Table puts the blanket over you, even if you're still fully clothed. "You're going to hate yourself the next day for all that tomorrow, you know? Speaking from experience."

"I'm not taking notes, so I won't remember it!"

She digs through your desks and pulls a sheet of paper along with a pen. "We'll see about that. I'm making sure to write this to make it sound as bad as possible, by the way. So go ahead."

"Why are you..." You try to think about what you want to say next, but it's getting so hard to focus. You want to keep riding this funny feeling though, so you keep pushing. "...Why are you so cute right now? Why are you so squishy? Whaaat's the answer to that?"

"Because I don't look like what you're seeing. I'm not that pretty looking, and the 'squishiness' is more comparable to a pack of wriggling worms. I'm sort of a shapeshifter, but I can't change what I look like, just my literal shape, you know?"

"Can you do cool shapeshifting tricks?"

"I'll always look human to you, but the disguise is still built around my shape, so I can make uhm..." You hear slimy noises come from her, and she lifts her shirt to reveal a six-pack. "I can look ripped, that's something, but it's actually just a bunch of tentacles formed to look like a six-pack."

"Table, that's so cool." You say while suppressing a yawn. "You're so cool."

"Atlas, that's not cool, that's gross. You wouldn't say that if you saw what it actually looked like. That's why- ah, whatever, see you tomorrow."

Once she's gone, you fall asleep almost instantly.

You wake up feeling well rested. You find the notes, and it just says 'You're X too.' The X being a word that's been hastily scribbled over that you can no longer read.

Table isn't waking you up today, but that might be because you woke up even earlier than usual. You leave your dorm and wander the empty campus thinking of what you should do next. You've seen dill come back with some groceries from the town market, and it looks like the catgirl is also outside. Does she ever sleep?

What to do with this free time...

>Wake Table early.
>Ask Dill if you can practice Clarity with her.
>Study with the catgirl again.
>Write in.
Also the last vote I think made summoning a tie with life, but life won first which is how I sometimes break ties anyway. If people really want summoning, they'll get to pick again in the next in game month anyhow.
>Ask Dill if you can practice Clarity with her.
>>Wake Table early.
>Ask Dill if you can practice Clarity with her.
Let table have some rest
>Ask Dill if you can practice Clarity with her.

Yeah I arrived quite late lmao, how many years does the school last?
Three if we don't do magic warcrimes that gets us expelled
>Ask Dill if you can practice Clarity with her.
Crystal guy is too based for Ivy to ever stop. He's the immovable object.

I wonder why Atlas was behaving so erratically. Is there a real reason other than tiredness? Is it the caffeine hat; did he have it on the whole time like a retard and the tiredness is hitting him all at once in a crash?
>You wouldn't say that if you saw what it actually looked like. That's why- ah, whatever
Is that insecurity? Is she able to dish out the innuendo and touches but can't take them herself?
>'You're X too.' The X being a word that's been hastily scribbled over that you can no longer read.
It's "cool". The last thing Atlas said to her is "You're so cool", so it's her response to that.

What do you guys think about this growing dynamic with Table? Why was she looking at books on humans, specifically historical and biological pictures? Any theories?

You motherfucker. I just realized due to being a Forgotten and her permanent racial effect, Table is LITERALLY A CURSE CARRIER. You've done it again!
>Any theories?
Uh, probably because she has a ridiculously blatant crush on a human? She's not even really trying to hide it..
Interested in human men
She isn't insecure, she could get away with 99% of all the shit she says because of her literal racial curse so she doesn't really expects someone to even remember her existence, sadly we exist so she can't really get away with all the stuff she says
>actually researching how human anatomy is supposed to work
I'll give her credit for making the preparations merely 1 week in of the first human she's met doing all in his power to remember her.

But what if Atlas likes and enjoys the stupid shit she says?
>Study with the catgirl again.
>Ask Dill if you can practice Clarity with her.
I'd like to wake Table early but I feel like we both could use the space.

I figured she wrote "cute"
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"Hey Dill!" You stop her before she reaches her dorm's door. "Can we practice clarity today?"

"Why are you even awake at this hour? Can I at least get a look at your book while we're studying? I went through all the pages you gave me and I need more context."

That sounds fair, and you let her back into your dorm. You give her the book, and you notice she's staring at your magic hat.

"It's pretty cool, right?" You say. "It's a wakeful hat. Table, err, 'got it' for me."

"No offense, but the enchantment on this is pretty shoddy. The fact even I can tell even though Life isn't my specialty says a lot."

"What? But it works, I'm pretty sure!"

"There's technically a wakeful spell in there, but I think it's been mixed with Delayed Double to ...cut cost, so to speak. So your brain thought it was being kept awake, but it wasn't really, which is slightly different from how the spell is supposed to work."

"I mean, it's keeping me awake either way, right? What's the difference between tricking my brain into being awake and it being actually awake?"

"It messes with your brain, I think? Life isn't my specialty, Divination is. It's a weak enchantment, so whatever effect it had isn't likely to be permanent, just don't use it too much."

You don't think you've used it recently, anyway. Probably. Maybe you used it yesterday without realizing? This sucks, you wanted to use your magic hat more. Maybe you'll get to modify it later when you get better at magic.

You're still nowhere near to casting Clarity, and you're starting to see the difference between beginner spells and more advanced ones. You could cast a basic version of the former in a single day of practice, but here it's going to take at least a month before you get a good enough grasp of the basics before you can cast even a subpar version of the spell.

Dill gives you back the book after making a few 'mind copies' using another divination spell. It doesn't let her process the content of the book but it lets her keep perfect visual memory of something for a time so she can read it without holding it. It doesn't last that long though so it's not as efficient as an actual copy, and recasting the spell doesn't restore that memory, it just 'resets' the mind recording, so to speak.

"Hey Dill, is the book helping?"

"I don't know, it's too early to tell. There are some good ideas in there, but I'm not keeping my hopes up, I'm kind of a failure."

"Stop saying that, you're not."

"You wouldn't know the difference at your level. You'll see when you get better. You'll be looking at me and wondering how I can be this bad this late into the year. Alright, silly act, ON!" She puts on another dumb smile, and her voice gets a little higher pitched. "It's fine, because no one expects much from me like this! Alrighty, let's go!"

It pains you a little to see her demean herself like that, especially when you've gone through something similar when it took you so long to learn basic spells, but you know constantly putting yourself down isn't healthy, it just slows you down, you use it as an excuse to do nothing and stay static. It's fine to know your limit, but isn't calling yourself a failure just ignoring all the hard work you put into it? Isn't that worthy of praise in and of itself?

She's not entirely wrong though, you can't judge how impressive her skills are at your level, so you'll just have to get better, so your praise comes with more weight. I mean, you were going to do that anyway, but you can never have enough reasons to practice magic. Every bit of motivation counts!

Table wakes you up, or at least you pretend that's what she's doing, since you were already awake. She's not doing the usual violent shaking this time, opting for a much simpler 'hi.'

You go to the class together in silence. You're not used to her being so quiet, and if it wasn't for the clarity spell Dill applied on you before leaving, you're not sure if you wouldn't forget she's at your side right now.

You enter the Life class that's a lot more lively. Once everyone's here, the Life teacher claps her hand once, which makes everyone stop talking and go back to their seat. You realize you never bothered checking the teacher's names, the Life teacher's name is Lazary.

You take a look at the class, and it looks like The crystal guy, Aroth, Rath and Dill are here. Looks like Life is a relatively popular class overall, probably due to how many qualities of life(pun intended) spells it has.

"Kids, we're going to have the worst conversation of the year, so get ready," the teacher commences. "Sex. Intercourse. Love-making. If you don't know what it is, your divination teacher checked, and there's an 82% chance you will during the first year, and an even higher chance you will during the next. Now, what you do behind closed doors doesn't matter to me or the school, but what matters is the result of that. Most races are more compatible than you'd think, and that means that getting a kid inside you is pretty likely if you fool around. This is usually not an issue with other classes of magic, but here? In LIFE magic? Yeah, that's going to be a problem.

Listen, I can fix you when your life magic backfires, but a fetus or a forming egg getting blasted with a failed spell? Yeah, that's going to be a pain even for me, and even if I 'fix' it, it's not going to be the kid it was originally going to be. Point is, if you're incompatible with your partner, have fun, but for the rest, and if you don't want to get kicked out of this class, you're going to learn the contraception spell, something we're going to do right now because I don't trust any of you to keep it in your pants for more than a week."

The mood in the class turned a little awkward, but it doesn't look like anyone crossed that bridge just yet. Even Table doesn't do her usual teasing, and instead flips to the page with the contraception spell. The good news is that it's pretty easy to learn, so you're not going to have to spend more than a few days practicing this spell. Lazary says that she'll tell you when the spell is working so you, which is good because you're not sure how viable the other way to check is.

Even though the guys here can't hold a child, they still have to learn the spell, since life spells can affect your seed in less savory ways. You'd rather not cite how it does that, because you'd rather forget about it. Life truly is the cruelest magic type.

Next is the Divination magic class. This time there's Dill, Ivy, Aroth and the anbees, but no one else you recognize. Well, no one Apart from Table, anyway.

Aroth raises his hand before the class starts to ask what he really shouldn't. "U-Uhm, miss. Miss Lazari said something about a prediction she made. A-And I was wondering if... uhm... if that was a joke or..."

Nina, the Divination teacher, sighs. "Lazari... right, that prediction. I did give a percentage number, but Divination is a lot more complex than this. It's not a coin flip, and you all have some form of free will. If you are not happy with my prediction, then you are encouraged to fight for the future you wish to reach. Although I must say that if I had to readjust the percentage, it would be slightly higher than what I told her. Not that it matters, it's an average after all, it means nothing for you individually."

It really looked like this bothered Aroth more than he cared to admit. Maybe he was really afraid of that demon girl student you heard him mention coming unto him or something, not that you ever met her. Well, you don't really care much about that stuff yourself, what will happen, will happen. No sense forcing or avoiding it.

"Moving on to more serious matters. For the month, we will try to reinforce your pre-existing knowledge of whatever divination spells you already learned, and teach you a few more as we go. You will get a choice as to what spell to learn, since we value students choice in this school, but that won't be the case for every spell. I consider some spells to be necessary for any student that wishes to learn Divination, but as of now you may pick one from the next page for yourself.

The spell that's mandatory to learn here is 'Analysis', a spell you can use to, well, analyze things. Apart from that, you can pick anything else from the list.

(When it comes to learning spells in class, you will now get two votes. One vote will be to learn a spell from the previous class of the same magic type, and another for the new spells.)

>Learn a previous Divination spell (refer to >>6057472, learning clarity is not an option)

New spells:
>Remote View: You can set a view point at your exact location. You will now be able to see from this spot as long as the spell is active no matter where you are. While not particularly expensive, it does consume mana for as long as it is active. It is very useful for spells that require sight to function.
>Bright Sight: Allows you to see in the dark. This works even in pitch blackness with no existing source of light, or in magically created darkness. It also allows you to see past thick fog and better discern some illusions.
>Determinism: Allows you to see the most likely future movement of something or someone. The spell rarely takes into account external factors, and the spell is obvious enough that most people can decide to take an action they normally wouldn't just to throw you off.
>Spirit Sight: Allows you to see some spirits among other hidden beings. Spirits come in all shapes and sizes, and very few are social enough to bother interacting with mortals, but they might just know things you do not.
>Shortcut: A simple spell that can find the shortest path somewhere. Can see through poorly made secret passage too.
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Flipping for it
1 = Bright Sight
2 = Dispel Illusion
3 = Shortcut
Also i'm going to need to make a pastebin at one point since spells are going to start stacking up.
Also I should clarify but you do get to pick both an old spell AND a new spell, not one or the other. You just can't vote for two new spells or two old spells.

Changing vote from >>6061114 to
>Dispel Illusion
>Bright Sight
So we get one from this class and one from last class?
>Bright sight
Bright sight is like a weaker dispel illusion plus nocturnal vision. Remote view is too expensive right now as it has upkeep
Changing >>6061111 to
>Shortcut: A simple spell that can find the shortest path somewhere. Can see through poorly made secret passage too.
>Remote View: You can set a view point at your exact location. You will now be able to see from this spot as long as the spell is active no matter where you are. While not particularly expensive, it does consume mana for as long as it is active. It is very useful for spells that require sight to function.
>Dispel Illusion: Dispels basic divination illusions. The spell does not last long, and its effectiveness depends on the user's profficiency with divination magic and the illusion caster's.
>Bright Sight: Allows you to see in the dark. This works even in pitch blackness with no existing source of light, or in magically created darkness. It also allows you to see past thick fog and better discern some illusions.
>Remote View
I'm going to guess that there is zero data on whether Table's species is compatible with humans.
Then just like how our protagonist is on the autistic life goal of full wizardry and manamaxxing as a human, it is up to Table to experiment and find out with his "help" :^)
Also, I'm gonna say it, this may be a bit early, but I feel like we're not doing enough. Sure, we're learning a lot, but we're not actually working towards finding a way to improve our shitty situation. We're still stuck at the point of having to take months for anything other than a beginner-tier spell.

We need to start going out to find some way to improve this instead of learning at an x0.01 rate.
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>bright sight
the last dungeon was considerate enough to have torches because Bright Sight was not taught yet. We learn this, then use it to punish whoever didn't learn it. Mutually Assured Darkness.

>spirit sight
the dungeon reset destroyed Atlas's shoes without trying; Life magic routinely unsubs people from the mortal plane; Darth Nihilus is a lecturer here for his community service sentence. Spirit Sight just screams dividends.

>the next dungeon the examiners will filter out all unpermitted materials
Humans are all about meddling with materials until an Iphone appears; lecturers nerfing us already. I say we take out Survivalist Origami by Coitus Fetus from the school library, and wear paper clothes and plastic underwear sewn with dental floss into the next dungeon. We make up for our lack of magic with an edge in tarditry and autism.

this academic year will end with the vice principal winning a bet against the dean, forced to admit that yes, human admission was a fucking mistake.
>Spirit Sight: Allows you to see some spirits among other hidden beings. Spirits come in all shapes and sizes, and very few are social enough to bother interacting with mortals, but they might just know things you do not.
I'm voting for ghost shenanigans

>Dispel Illusion: Dispels basic divination illusions. The spell does not last long, and its effectiveness depends on the user's profficiency with divination magic and the illusion caster's.
>Bright sight

There might be information out there about this. We could ask our teachers or read some books on interspecies compatibility or on Forgotten specifically like how Tables is reading about Humans.

That's why we have the book. The book should help us do magic better, and the author wrote more than just this one as well.
>Darth Nihilus is a lecturer here for his community service sentence
I want to chat with this ancient edgelord more. If he wanted to destroy the world so bad and almost won, why not kill himself before then? Why not perma transform himself? Why not ego death? Why not fuck off to outer planes and find somewhere alone and comfy? Doesn't being evil and omnicidal get boring as hell?
>We could ask our teachers or read some books on interspecies compatibility or on Forgotten
I don't think we will find out much about Forgotten from books
doesn't hurt to try
this too. Ancient seething evils have the juiciest gossip. Everything is tea when you're always stewing.

You decide to learn Bright Sight and Shortcut. They're both very handy for dungeons, and it'll allow you to see through illusions and the likes. Learning shortcut is a lot easier than you thought since now actually have more experience with magic. It'll still take a little while to master it, but you're sure it would have taken you as many years as it would've taken to learn Lighten without the school's support.

You run out of mana, that's a shame, you were just getting started too. Didn't you have more mana before...?


"Hey, Table. Table. Table, it's me, your best friend. I need your help Table," you say her name both to annoy her and as a way to further hammer it into your psyche again.

"You almost forgot about me, didn't you?" She pokes your cheek and goes back to practicing her magic in silence.

"Thanks! Are you in another one of your 'I want to be alone' mood again?"

She puts down her book and sighs. "Aaah, I can't stay mad at you. You really remembered something that specific? Or took note of it?" She pokes your cheek again and again, giving you drops of mana each time. "How. do. you. do. it."

"You were mad at me?"

"Not really mad more like, confused. I don't know, it was just me being stupid again. Don't worry about it."


You go back to your spell casting, and Nina stops everyone before you all leave the class.

"Kids, you just learned some interesting spells, but the most dangerous one in that list is the Spirit Sight spell. Now, spirits know things, and they don't ask for money or valuables, but instead for you to do things for them, affectionately referred to as 'quests'. Do note that most spirits aren't very social, which is why you should be wary of those that are, as that's abnormal. They're prone to mischief and asking something of you that they know will screw you over, but if you can get past their peculiar nature, they make powerful allies. Alright, now get out of my classroom."

You've heard of spirits but obviously never saw one. You wonder if there's a spirit student, is that even allowed? Or are they just so different mentally from the other races, they can't be expected to act as a normal student.

Bah, who cares, you just learned a new spell, shortcut! And it's hard to practice such a spell inside the class, so you need to practice it outside.

You expect Table to say she really does want time alone after all, but she says she doesn't mind tagging along, that, and she doesn't trust you to not get lost in a dark place after running out of mana.

>Use shortcut in places around the campus.
>Use Shortcut in the nearby forest.
>Use Shortcut in the town.
>Write in.
>Use Shortcut in the nearby forest
Also Bright Sight practice. Go for a romantic stroll
Seconded, tell Table to blindfold you and bring you deep into the forest, that will really test if you have learned shortcut properly
+1 great ideas

"How about the forest? I've never been there, and I heard it was safe as long as you didn't get too deep."

"Sure, I've been here before, it's a nice place. How are you planning to practice the spell though? It's not a great test of your skill if you can just walk in a straight line to get there, you know."

Mhh, it's true that the forest isn't dense enough to obstruct your path significantly, which means the "shortcut" will really just be a direct path. What to do...

"I know!" you exclaim. "I'll use a blindfold, since you can 'feel' the shortcut. If I train myself that way, I'll be able to use it without having direct visual feedback."

She raises a finger, puts it down, raises it again, and repeats the same motion multiple time until she finally responds. "You...have bright sight, why wouldn't you just cast that if you for some reason need to use shortcut in the dark?"

"I won't have you around to give me mana in the next dungeon exam, I need to save up mana for when I really need it."

"Okay, so, let me get this straight. I'm blindfolding you, bringing you in the forest, just the two of us, alone."

You nod enthusiastically. "Yup, it's a great idea, isn't it? I could even use it to navigate using tracking scent while I'm blindfolded!"

She looks even more distraught than before. But she still pulls a piece of cloth from her bag to humor you. "I hate that this makes sense."

You get to the forest in under an hour, and it's a pretty pleasant looking place. Birds are chirping and the leaves under your feet make a nice cracking sound when you step on them. It's kind of weird that there are so many dead leaves when it's spring, but maybe they're magic trees or something.

Table hands you the cloth and you put it around your eyes. It's a little scary at first, but after you cast shortcut, you can faintly feel the path you should take. It's like a slight tug. The shortcut's small though, and you're only using it a couple steps ahead of you at a time. It's kind of a waste of mana and Table has to poke you rather often to recharge you.

"Hey," Table says as she stops you from falling over a branch. "Be honest, did you really not have anything weird in mind when you proposed the blindfold thing?"

"Weird how? It makes sense, you said it yourself. Just because the dungeons had torches before doesn't mean they always will, and as a human I can't use spells to solve all my problems, so getting used to using them blind is going to help."

"No, I mean- Okay, so remember when you said you were dense, not stupid? That you did pick up on some of my innuendos? I can never tell if you're aware of what you're saying or if your mind just has the word 'magic' written on it and nothing else."

"Is the blindfold an innuendo? I guess it's a kink but it's not my first thought."

"So you really didn't have any weird thoughts? Actually scratch that, do you ever think about anything perverted period, I'm genuinely curious."

"Yeah, sometimes."

"Wait, really?" She sounds genuinely surprised. "Like what?"

"I don't know, I'll think of something mildly erotic, but then I get distracted by something magic related and forget about it. I think the last one I had was about Ivy?"

"IVY!?" She shouts. It startles you and you fall over on the leafy forest floor. "Really? Her? But you hate her! She's insufferable!"

"I mean, not in a loving way, more in a 'I want to put her in her place' kinda way? Not something I'd actually do, more like a split second thought than an actual fantasy, I guess?"

"I'll just never recover from this. Ivy. I was expecting the Anbees or like, Dill, not HER."

"Did you want me to think weird stuff about you?"

"I guess? Like, at least a little? Listen, you just had to say not Ivy, why did it have to be Ivy."

"It's not like I touched myself to her! It was just a thought I had for a second because she kept calling me a pervert, so I thought 'hey what if I actually was one', that's all!"

"But not anything about- wait, stop." She puts her hand in front of you. "I think we're a little deeper than we should be. Can you make a shortcut for the exit?"

You do as she asks, and point towards the way the shortcut spell is pulling you towards. You both keep following it but...

"Atlas, I think we're lost."

"You're better than me, can't you use the shortcut spell?"

"I never bothered learning it! It's going to get dark soon, all because of stupid Ivy."

Man, is she still on that? It's not like you never considered her, it's just that her nature makes it somewhat hard to think of her that way. You already rarely think about sex in general, so it's even harder to think about sex and someone who is very good at escaping your mind. Every time you think about her it's usually magic related too, and magic tends to take away your ability to care about erotic stuff too.

Anyway, uh, you're still stuck in the forest, because of you. "Hey, Table, any ideas on how we could come back?"

"I don't know? Maybe one of the teacher will come look for us if they don't see us come back, or we could just keep looking for an exit. We're not that deep into the forest I think, but it's easy to take a few wrong steps and get even deeper. So maybe staying put really is the best plan."

It's fine, you can solve this! Probably!

>Just wait until a teacher shows up.
>Keep using shortcut until you find the exit. You're bound to get it right eventually, right?
>Climb a tree so you can find the exit from above.
>Maybe you can use tracking scent to, well, track your scent? Surely you left a little bit of your odor behind, right? That or Table's...
>Keep using shortcut until you find the exit. You're bound to get it right eventually, right?
I want to see what happens.
>Keep using shortcut until you find the exit. You're bound to get it right eventually, right?
Do we unzip Bright Sight?
>Maybe you can use tracking scent to, well, track your scent? Surely you left a little bit of your odor behind, right? That or Table's...
This was bound to happen
>Climb a tree so you can find the exit from above.
Plus use bright sight. I am worried that we will keep going in circles with shortcut and miss a class
I'm kinda hoping we're going to find an secret place deep in the forest that is the reason why short-cut is leading us away
Table says stupid shit because she's too used to being unnoticed and forgotten
Atlas says stupid shit because he's autistically fixated on magic
>Keep using shortcut until you find the exit. You're bound to get it right eventually, right?
We should hold hands once it gets dark so we don't lose each other.
>confirmed, spirit sight is a pallet box of questhooks

Just in, just now: anons were not based enough to pick the pallet box of questhooks and just cram them in by the handful while maintaining eye contact with QM the whole time
We can always learn it next time. As for Table, I'm still a bit bothered by that chat there. Our main character is just too autistic for that stuff, or is Table's racial curse somehow impeding him?
He said it was both, anon. Even thinking about her is hard without magic, and since he's easily distracted by anything related to magic, that creates a bit of a wall.
How will they break this barrier between the two of them?
Some manner of magic strong enough to either break her curse, even if temporarily, or allow Atlas to completely see through it.

I mean, there's nothing stopping Table from making the first move either, I guess.
Atlas and Table going through the forest guided by Atlas' Shortcut. They start holding hands because its dark and Atlas is busy using Shortcut and not Bright Sight. They find a cool cave with a portal somewhere in it that leads back to the school or the town or nearby? And maybe Table takes the opportunity to make the first move there?
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>get Table to do Mana Scent, since Atlas' scent smells super strong to her. He can follow behind her with Bright Sight to avoid muddling.

notes on Table
>a 4x12 pack of airhorns for the whole school year
>bracelet, necklet and anklet bells
>Photoshoot some blowup glossies of her
>make posters coasters blankets rugs blankets from said glossies and plaster the room with it
>custom an ahegao hoodie but with her likeness for a kludgeware invisibility cloak
>stencil punch and aluminum sheets
we may need Divination for her real name; once we have it we will be a menace.

Tax the curse until it breaks or an annoyed Deity descends to tell us to knock it off.

....what did her people do to get cursed with Forgettable?

If we get the curse we can get up to all kinds of shit.

Atlas is a volcel autist anyway; he loses nothing. Might even get the extremely high manacap and regen that Table has.
You assume the curse is a result of their mana pool and race, and not something unrelated. We still know nothing about the Forgotten and what they might have been before this curse. I don't know if Atlas rejecting his humanity to become one of them somehow is a good idea.

"It's fine!" You say with unwarranted confidence. "I'm sure I can find the exit if I keep using Shortcut! I already know where the school is, so it should be easier, right?"

She massages her temples in frustration. "This is what got us into this mess to begin with, but fine. But if that doesn't work out, I'll- I'll-"

She looks at you and your dumb smile, and whatever form of anger she had quickly vanishes.

"...whatever, just get to it, magic boy."

You keep using Shortcut trying to find the exit, but it's getting dark and you end being forced to use Bright Sight. It's only when you start using it that you notice something's bending the shortcut path. You can't tell what's doing it, but you know it's not what the spell is supposed to do.

"Table, do you know Spirit Sight? Something's messing with my shortcut, but I'm not sure if it's the forest doing that or something else."

"Unfortunately, I'm out of mana."

"Wait, what?" You grab her by the shoulders. "T-Table, I don't have much left in me, what are we supposed to do?"

"You have to praise me, Atlas, it's how I gain my mana back. It's the only way," she answers with a dramatic sigh.

You roll your eyes. "Table, you're great and my very best friend in the whole world."

She raises her hand in a so-so gesture. "Eeeh, not quite there yet."

"Table, you're nice and squishy and fun and smart!"

"Yeaaah, but something's missing?" She smirks.

"Table, I fantasize every single day about touching you inappropriately because you're just this hot, and I would totally fuck you over Ivy."

"Theeeere it is. Alright, mana's back. Let's see if there really is something there," she waves her hands, and her eyes lock in on something you can't see. "Mhh, it's gone. Cowardly little lizard thing, but the moment I spotted it, it ran away. Try casting Shortcut again?"

You cast it, and it looks like it's back to normal. It takes a while, but you eventually find your way back to the school in the middle of the night. You were really scared you were going to make things worse, but it worked out!

"Sorry for causing such a mess, Table."

She sighs, and pats you on the back. "It's fine, it was my job to make sure you wouldn't get too deep, so it's my fault too. Let's just be happy that-" She makes a shooing motion to something behind you. "-Sorry, looks like that spirit followed us here. It's hiding behind your back now. Looks like it doesn't enjoy being seen."

"Is that bad?"

"Probably not, but ask the Divination teacher when you get the chance, can't hurt to make sure."

"Okay!" You give her a small kiss on the cheek. "See you tomorrow!"

She stands there a little stunned, caressing the spot where you kissed her. You scurry back to your dorm before she has time to say anything back. You're a little embarrassed yourself, but you thought it was a nice gesture. Was it too much? Maybe, but it was that or an extreme hug, and you didn't have enough strength left for that.

You wake up groggy once again, you really have to fix your sleep schedule. Today's the Intangible class, and Table comes to pick you up.

"That thing's still on your back, by the way," Table says.

"It is? What if it's taking my soul away or something?"

"Pretty sure the worst it can do is mess up your spells, which I guess is bad in its own right. I'll just make it scamper away before you cast a spell if you're worried."

You enter the Intangible class, and the teacher stands there as ominously as ever. You wonder if his world destroyer thing was a poorly phrased joke or a fact. You haven't heard about him, so maybe it happened a very long time ago.

"Teacher, I have a spirit attached to my back, is that bad?"

He takes a look at you, and then point to your seat. "It would not be any fun if I told you now, would it? Go back to your seat."

Well, that's ominous, but it's not like it hurt you badly thus far, so maybe you can work with it, somehow.

Once everyone is seated, the teacher starts the class. "Intangible magic is dangerous, but it is dangerous in more obvious ways than others, which may sound counterintuitive. Why would the magic you cannot touch be more obvious about the harm it brings? Why, it's because it is the source of most death you will encounter through your life. Dying of cold, of drowning, of fires, those used to be more common than dying of old age. The recent advancement in magic has solved most of these problems, but not all of them. Many disasters have been brought by the same Intangible magic that sought to solve them, like a snake that insists biting its tail will stop its hunger. But I digress."

Books 'spawn' on everyone's desk, just like he did in the last class. You don't even think that's summoning magic, how did he do that? "Do note that without summoning, you must first find or create the element you are manipulating. Do not hesitate to experiment with higher level spells if you wish, I will make sure nothing bad happens, even if it would be quite entertaining to see some of you be blown up to smithereens."

That does sound entertaining, not because you enjoy seeing people being hurt, but because you're interested in the magical reaction necessary for a spell to backfire this spectacularly.

You flip through the book, and decide that higher level spells are not just out of your skill level, they're straight up outside your mana reserve's capabilities. Although you did improve your mana recently, it's nowhere near enough.

Well, the beginner spells should work just fine at least. Those spells look weirdly strong for their level though, are these really safe to learn?

Pick one Spell from the previous class:
>Spark: Creates a small spark at your fingertip, but it needs something to burn and oxygen to actually create fire. Rarely used on its own.
>Hydrophobia: Water will shift around your body and almost never get inside it. Makes swimming much easier, and makes it nearly impossible to get wet. The component of many defensive spells.
>Mana Feel: Can be used to 'touch' mana. Occasionally used to see if something is magical or not. One of the few spells that costs almost no mana to cast, even a human wouldn't feel the mana cost.

Additionally, pick one new spell:
>Fire Flare: Make a pre-existing flame burst into a small explosion and then extinguish itself. The spell can be used to put down small fires, but also offensively or to burn some things faster.
>Tornado: Makes a tornado of a pre-existing gas. The tornado's size and strenght is dependant on the mana you put into it along with your profficiency in Intangible magic. The tornado will keep going without your input as long as it's capable of keeping up its own momentum. Can create a typhoon if used on a liquid instead.
>Yellow Gloves: Makes your hand non conductive to electricity. While you are not immune to particularly strong electric damage, it still allows you to touch most electric things safely as long as it's with your hands.
>Water Jump: Use water as a trampoline to reach higher heights. the spell needs more than a puddle to work, which is why it is often paired up with spells capable of summoning water.
>Mana Feel
Whisper a "Mana Feel you up later" joke to Table
>Fire Flare
Counters anybody using Spark or fire offensively
Explosion time
>Hydrophobia: Water will shift around your body and almost never get inside it. Makes swimming much easier, and makes it nearly impossible to get wet. The component of many defensive spells.

>Tornado: Makes a tornado of a pre-existing gas. The tornado's size and strenght is dependant on the mana you put into it along with your profficiency in Intangible magic. The tornado will keep going without your input as long as it's capable of keeping up its own momentum. Can create a typhoon if used on a liquid instead.
we get some initial defense component and the tornado combos nicely with our wind spell.
>Yellow Gloves
I'm not voting. I'm simply pointing out that I understood the reference QM
>Spark: Creates a small spark at your fingertip, but it needs something to burn and oxygen to actually create fire. Rarely used on its own.

>Tornado: Makes a tornado of a pre-existing gas. The tornado's size and strenght is dependant on the mana you put into it along with your profficiency in Intangible magic. The tornado will keep going without your input as long as it's capable of keeping up its own momentum. Can create a typhoon if used on a liquid instead.
kinda funny how the 2 spark votes aren't trying to combine it with fire flare
What I'm wondering is how does Tornado work with Wind Guide?
yeah good call. Actual thinking.

I remain a reason for safety briefs

Also, a spirit friend? That stands behidn our back? It seems we have acquired STANDO POWAH.

Mana Feel is the instant ramen of magic school: cheap and easy.

Spark should be easy enough to pick up on our own; pair fireflare with a sparkler we got a 3 second short flamer.
But it's not from Atlas himself. It's no magic stand but just some random lizard

Divination spells to get her real name is a great idea you had. We still haven't tried voice recording yet to see if the racial curse also affects auditory means of information. I hope it doesn't corrupt Atlas' tech. Making use of the human tech is Atlas' strongest asset but also the most vulnerable due to the self-destruct security systems in place
Tornado works with any gas so it’s self explanatory
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>It's no magic stand but just some random lizard
True, but that doesn't mean we can't use it.
anon the explosion is fire flare
>Tornado: Makes a tornado of a pre-existing gas
>not air
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>Mana Feel you up later Table
>Mana Smell you on my face later Table
>Mana succ everything out of your Mana Portal Table

/qst/ anons have midas touch for turning absolutely every type of questline into lewds

to the point where most MCs now are either inhuman, nonorganic or women just to put a damper on it.

14 or 40 doesn't matter, tits when WHEN
>W H E N
>not air
air is a gas, unless qm wants to treat it as not for this quest.
>/qst/ anons have midas touch for turning absolutely every type of questline into lewds
>to the point where most MCs now are either inhuman, nonorganic or women just to put a damper on it.

lol, lmao even
It specifically says 'gas' when it could have just been 'air', anon. Humans are advanced, so they know about science that non-humans don't, so i'd argue that Atlas would probably know more about chemistry than your average magic user. Imagine if we we're able to find a later spell to make a gas like Butane that is odorless but still flammable. We could literally make a cheap stealth bomb. That sounds like a pretty good weapon for dueling.
>Mana Feel: Can be used to 'touch' mana. Occasionally used to see if something is magical or not. One of the few spells that costs almost no mana to cast, even a human wouldn't feel the mana cost.
>Tornado: Makes a tornado of a pre-existing gas. The tornado's size and strenght is dependant on the mana you put into it along with your profficiency in Intangible magic. The tornado will keep going without your input as long as it's capable of keeping up its own momentum. Can create a typhoon if used on a liquid instead.
I wonder if we can combine it with wind guide
>Mana Feel: Can be used to 'touch' mana. Occasionally used to see if something is magical or not. One of the few spells that costs almost no mana to cast, even a human wouldn't feel the mana cost.
>Tornado: Makes a tornado of a pre-existing gas. The tornado's size and strenght is dependant on the mana you put into it along with your profficiency in Intangible magic. The tornado will keep going without your input as long as it's capable of keeping up its own momentum. Can create a typhoon if used on a liquid instead.

Does it? I figure it's just a nice utility spell that we can also use offensively.
I don't like horny or lewd overtaking a quest. That becomes boring and kills all interest in a story to me. If I wanted just smut there's endless fanfics and lemons out there for that. I like this and I like Curse Carrier because the QM keeps it limited and tasteful as a part of character relationships or however he described his viewpoint in /qtg/, I forgot, and never inflates its importance or gives it undue attention. I personally see it as like 15%-20% plot- and character-appropriate sexual tension, 80%-85% story and straightforward SFW questing. I'm all for jokes and innuendos outside the main quest posts the way we've been doing as players, and the same in-story but where they fit without being overdone. The QM has done a damn good job of it so far, though that's simply my own opinion based on his sum total work here.
Found em. This guy >>6030488 and the QM's post in response >>6030500.

Spark and Tornado sound like good spells, especially if you can find a way to mix them together. The tornado spell is surprisingly simple, even if it requires much more hand movement than the rest. You can severely reduce the mana needed by moving your hands fast enough, since it creates additional wind when you do so.

Of course, what you're creating isn't a city destroying tornado, it can maybe ruin some poor spider's cobweb, but that's it.

"Table, more mana please, I almost figured the Tornado out."

"I'm sorry Atlas, I have run out of mana once again," she says dramatically as she leans back into her chair. "I will die if you do not find a way to replenish it. Woe is me."

"I'm not saying that again, especially not with people around."

She smirks. "Atlas, this is a matter of life and death. You wouldn't let poor little old me die would you."

"Man, Ivy sure is cute today-"

She pokes your rib and gives you your much-needed mana. "Alright, fine, no need to pull out the heavy hitters."

It's nice that you can tease back now, makes it feel less one-sided. Anyway, the spell will still take some time to be mastered, but that's to be expected. As long as it's ready by the end of the month that's really all you need.

There are more classes after that, but you don't learn any new spells and instead just make sure that you can cast what you know. The rest of the week follows without much else of note, as you didn't have as much free time to fool around. You tried to ask the Divination teacher about the spirit following you, and she just said to 'not worry about it' and that she'll put some spirit repellent on your dorm so it can respect your privacy.

The weekend is here, and you're one of the few students who miss the classes, but it's not like you can't practice on your own. Unfortunately, Table said she's in another one of her 'wanna be alone' mood, so you can't pester her for the day.

It feels kind of weird without her, but also it feels normal. It's relaxing, to not feel like you're pushing your mind to do something it wasn't designed to do, but it still feels a little quiet without her constant teasing.

You don't know how to feel about the teasing. It's not something you think about a lot. It wasn't something you needed to care about before either, you weren't exactly a chick magnet back in the human city. Even the one girl that could've potentially been interested in you turned out to be a nutcase. So how are you supposed to interpret the stuff she says? At what point does banter just becomes an elaborate form of foreplay?

Aaah, you're no good at that stuff. You're fine with the way things are right now, and it's possible she really doesn't mean the things she says, so maybe you shouldn't worry about it?

You should ask someone about this, just to make sure you're not messing this up somehow.

>The catgirl
>Table herself
>Write in
Dill is the only person capable of even remembering Table. I'd like to talk to table herself, but she'd most likely just make some manner of joke. We need the advice of another woman here.
(I forgot to lock in votes so just retcon Spark into you having learned mana feel instead.

The scene I wanted for mana feel will have to happen later)
>Also Table herself afterwards
Getting a second opinion is good, especially of someone who is capable of remembering and focusing on Table. We should also just talk to Table as well when we get the opportunity, she should be capable of communicating like a normal person and not only teasing all the time.
you gotta remember to do it, OP
LPG, HCl, CO, O2, just to start.

Although, having just subsistence level funds means Atlas won't be a domestic terrorist just yet
Thanks for the work anon.

Bardic college remedials.
I want to reconnect with our first bro Aroth later the next time we get a choice

Oh boy, I look forward to it
Agree. QM fiating Atlas' magicfocus autism is just great. I love it, just for the guarantee that the main quest goal of
>M A G I C G E T
won't be derailed because everyone keeps picking the harem option with 50+ posts on waifu merit between each postdump by QM.

I don't understand why anons don't feel creeped out that it's (mostly usually) another theoretically hetero dude writing the fanservice.
There's never a guarantee when it comes to us anon, get real
>everyone keeps picking the harem option
I will never be a haremfag and will never stop my justified contempt of haremfags everywhere I go
>don't feel creeped out that it's (mostly usually) another theoretically hetero dude writing the fanservice
The writing is GOOD and NICE and QUALITY
and it makes my heart feel good
Being creeped out by such artistry and earnest passion would make me more of a faggot
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>the Life magic musclemaxx demoness lecturer
>very straightforward way of addressing socially unmentionable but unavoidable realities
>adult psychological and biological maturity without Templeton's love of mischief
>or D. Nihilus' sadistic abyss

Buy tea and beg her for just 20 mins of counselling. Everyone else is ~+/-teenagers, the hell they know.
>The Divination Teacher
You know what, fuck it.
Changing my vote from >>6061944 to backing >>6061954
(the most polite way I've ever been called a faggot)

>no guarantees, get real
(yeah I know)

>artistry and passion
Props to the QM who manages a romance arc, or multiples in an eroge format. It sounds like a window into Hell.

>won't be derailed because everyone keeps picking the harem option with 50+ posts on waifu merit between each postdump by QM.
nigga, there's no harem option being picked. we're loyal to our one true waifu
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>our one true waifu
>the semi eldritch aberration
>a mass-mind of slither
>that uses magic to pass for normal
lordamassy I am both curious and quietly horrified how it might work
Is tentacle-based milking possible, or are those tentacles/worms a core part of her internal biology that should never be exposed like how humans need their bones to stay inside?
If you don't stop picking at it it'll leave a badly drawn doujin I'm telling you.

I'm up to date with the quest and I have my theory about the Forgotten

The Inmaterial teacher is a old Forgotten, maybe a important figure on the history of his people because of how much of a talented and powerful wizard he turned out to be. But once he grew on power he rallied all the other Forgotten against the world, just to lose and being cursed by the gods (if there's any, we haven't got our Theology class yet)

Because all the other races got together, they decided to make this central hub of commerce + eternal prison. Eventually the school was made and the people said "yeah honestly we don't hate you that much, but we won't let you go, so either work for us or stay on your crappy prison", and we know the answer.

Because of how gruesome the war ended up to be, the gods said "well, we can't just erase a whole race just because, so the next best thing we can do is punish them for following this guy, and the only way to destroy someone is to make sure they won't be remembered." That's why ALL the Forgotten have this curse that is the only things they can be remembered as, while all their true history and knowledge and what their place in this world was is gone, the only fragment that remains is the one leader that tried and almost succeeded in destroying the world, who is now kept for all eternity as a teacher to a bunch of hormonal teens.

And my headcanon is that the edgelord figured out how dumb destroying the world was and that he wanted to live, and all those years of immortality actually made him appreciate life and the world and will be willing to protect it no matter the cost. That's why he remembered and knew about the other human book, because he found amazing how a short lived race of magically challenged still there are individuals that tried to overcome their shortcomings and prevail in this world of magic, even if their society shunned them.

You'll ask Lazari, the Life teacher. Asking another troubled young adult like you probably isn't the best idea, and it looks like she's already used to more taboo subjects, too.

Finding Lazari isn't hard as she's arguing pretty loudly with the Summoning teacher in one of the hallways.


"Lazari, the dragon isn't the issue, it's keeping it from making a ruckus. Besides, they're asking for an invasive species, it's just asking for-"

"Yeah, well they didn't specify they wanted a tamed dragon, so that sounds like their fucking problem, just get it done."

"Now you're speaking my language! I love it when I'm someone else's problem!" The summoning teacher snaps his fingers and a portal below him transports him to who knows where.

You cautiously raise your hand, trying to not anger her further.

"Ugh, what is it, kid? Unlike the little shit that just left, I can't be everywhere at once, so make it quick."

You present some hot tea you prepared in your dorm. "I, uh, have a personal problem, and I thought I could use some help from an adult."

She takes the cup of tea and rolls her eyes. "I'd tell you to bring booze next time, but I can't be drunk during work hours. Let's go to my office.

Her 'office' is more of a mix between a gym and an alchemy lab. You're a particular fan of the golem that looks like he just tanked multiple shots from an anti-material rifles, even if you know it was probably the teacher's punches considering how she's built.

"What's the 'personal' problem, and why come to me to solve it? I'm not bring the dead back to life if you're about to ask, not that I can't, but just because something's alive doesn't mean it should be."

"I know a girl, and I think she's into me, but I don't know if I'm into her, and I'm not really sure how to go from here?"

She takes a long sip of her tea. You expected her to laugh in your face for bothering her for something so stupid, but it looks like she's taking you seriously. "What makes you think she's into you?"

"She's just constantly teasing me and alluding to sexual stuff, I guess? And she reacted pretty badly to me just thinking about another girl a certain way. I asked her about it, but she said that I just shouldn't take it seriously? I don't know."

"It's the forgotten girl, isn't it? Can't remember her name, but I do know you had a partner like that."

You nod.

"'Aight, so first, you can't read people's thought. Okay, that's a lie, you can do that with magic, but ethically that's iffy, so I don't consider it a real option. Anyway, can't read people's thought, and you also can't trust what they say, but what you can trust is how they act. If someone offers you their hand, that means that they trust you to not rip it off, that's worth more than someone saying they trust you with their hand, ya dig?"

"Not really?"

She lets out an exasperated sigh. "Okay, how is she acting around you."

"She pokes me a lot, and she helps me with a lot of stuff even when she doesn't have to. She also keeps teasing me, even after I said that one day I might take her seriously if she keeps doing it."

"Yeaaah, that last one's a flag, not a colored one, but a flag. Now, let's say hypothetically she's into you, how do you feel about it?"

"I don't know? That's kind of the issue. I'm fine with the way things are right now, I'm happy just doing magic and hanging out with her, I don't feel like I need anything more."

"So what are you doing in my office then? You just came all the way out here even though you already have your answer? That you're fine with the way things are right now? Kid, if you're hesitating, that means that you want to, but you're afraid of the consequences."

"But I don't feel like I'm in love with her or anything. I just-"

"Love isn't a real thing, get the fuck over it." She states matter of factly. "You people love to agonize over definitions and putting labels everywhere like it means anything. What it's called doesn't matter, what matters is what you WANT, and how you go about that. So, let's start with that, what do you want with her, just in general."

"I want to spend time with her, and err, do magic with her, I guess?"

She nods. "Right, and does fucking her stop you from doing that?"

"I...guess not? I'm not sure if I want to do that either, though."

"As I said before, if you're not sure, you want to, but you're afraid of consequences. Just fool around with her and see if you like it, might make things awkward , but so will this 'will they won't they' horseshit. You've survived leaving your cocoon city, you can survive an embarrassing first time."

You get that what she's saying is true, but it's not like ignoring the consequences is always a good idea, is it? You don't want to lose her because you rushed things or misinterpreted signals, but at the same time...you are curious. Maybe you're not in love with her, but having sex with her does intrigue you at the very least. It's not like you're turned on, you just wonder what it'd be like with her of all people. You think back on her squishy body, and how she supposedly doesn't look the way you see her.

"I'll, uh, try to talk to her. Thank you for your time."

"Don't mention it, really, don't mention it to anyone, I don't want more lovesick kids in my office."

She shoos you away, and you speed walk to Table's dorm. Alright, all you need to do is...

mhh, if you just ask her to be honest, she might just deflect and say you shouldn't take her seriously. Wait, you have an idea!

You knock on her door, and she opens it for you, holding some fiction book in her arms. "Couldn't get enough of me, could you?"

"Yup! So, you know how I learned the Mana Feel spell?"

"Thought you learned Spark, actually. What, do you want to mana feel me up?" She answers in a playful tone.

"Yeah! You have a lot of mana, which makes you perfect practice for it! I might even be able to tell new things about the way your body processes mana, and who knows, might help me figure out a way to increase my UM too!"

She stifles a yawn and motions for you to go inside. "Boo, you just want to cope a feel."

"Yeah, but just play along, alright?"

She freezes for a second, before coming back to her usual act. "Psh, you wouldn't dare touch this holy body of mine."

That's your plan, doubling down on the teasing. Two things can happen, the first is that you both keep escalating until it happens, confirming once and for all that she really does want you that way, and the second is that she tells you to stop, and that's when you can ask her if it's not what she wanted.

No matter what happens, you'll get some answers, and the best way to do that is to put her into a corner where she has to make a choice.

You start feeling her mana, and it's...a lot. It's not just a lot in quantity, it's a lot in complexity. You look at it for about a minute before deciding how to proceed. You squeeze her arm, and she laughs.

"You're sure that's what you want to squeeze?"

You lift her shirt, revealing the bra underneath, and she freezes. "You're right, there's a mana pattern that's a lot more interesting here."

The best part is you're not even lying, her chest area really does have a pattern you want to study, which means it's a lot easier to keep up the act. Normally you'd feel a little bit skittish going this far, but magic distracting you from sexual thoughts also disables your ability from feeling shame.

A nervous chuckle comes out. "Pfrrt, y-yeah, and what next, idiot-"
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Her sentence gets interrupted by a sudden foreign feeling. Yes, you don't just squeeze, you reach under her bra and make absolutely sure that your hand gets a full appreciation of its form. You also notice that her mana is going all over the place, and like a cat that just saw a shiny toy, your other hand tries to grab unto the place they converge unto. It's not her groin, it's the side of her hips.

You hear a flurry of words come out of Table, but none of them are 'stop'. You keep going, letting the mana flow and your curiosity guide your hands.

"Wait, waitwaitwaitwait," she says panting, as she awkwardly kicks you away.

"Why, isn't this what you wanted?"

"I- I mean, okay, hold on, let me just..." She takes a deep breath, and makes sure to keep her eyes locked on you so you don't try anything. "N-Not like this. If it's going to be like that, you have to see what I really look like. I can't take off the entire disguise, but I guess I can take off the makeup I used, the one that isn't natural."

She takes a deep breath, and traces her finger from the top of her head to the bottom of her legs, slowly revealing her true shape. Brownish red veins are scattered across her body, as if they were the edges of puzzle pieces forming her. You can see small black things hide behind the crevices the moment the spell is over.

She poses half naked on the bed, trying her absolute best to keep her usual confident facade. "S-So, yeah, uhm, hi! Table, You remember me? Thats... that's what I look like, mostly."

"Table, are you serious?" You say, exasperation creeping into your voice. "Table. Table. Are you stupid?" You sit on the bed next to her and grab unto her thigh. Your fingers reach under the skin easily, but it doesn't look like it bothers her. "Table, I was expecting a monstrosity. Don't you think you overhyped yourself a little? Have you seen a crystal woman? Now that's something I'd think twice about dating."

"W-Well, shut up, not everyone's a freak like you." Her voice sounds both scared and relieved. Maybe it's the whiplash of you insulting her and accepting her as she is.

You know what? This is dumb. This entire thing is dumb. Was that really what was bothering her all this time? That it warranted putting those walls between the two of you? You don't even care anymore, you're going all in.

You pin her against the bed and kiss her on what you assume is a mouth. There's more than one tongue in there, but you don't mind.

Her body shifts here and there, and it only gets messier the more of her you touch. She looks really ashamed of her bodily functions, but you find it fascinating.

In the span of a second, you end up being the one that's pinned to the bed, and a predatory smile forms on her face. "Don't worry, I just want to test if the contraception spell works, this is still a magic study session, after all."


At the end of it all, you're out of breath, mind, and fluids. It's a mess, and you're glad it didn't happen in your dorm, with how much there is to clean. It's like her entire body spills liquids; you wouldn't say that to her face, though. She reapplied her 'makeup' and is now staring at the roof as if it was going to fall down on her face.

"So..." Table hides her body under the blanket as if you didn't see all there was to see. "...are we a thing now? Or were you just so pent-up that you would've screwed anything?"

"I don't know, does it matter? I guess I was a little pent-up, I think the last time I relieved myself was years ago."

"YEARS? Am I going to need years for this to happen again? Are you some rare beast that can only be interacted with every thousand years?"

You kiss her again, she has fewer tongues now, interesting. "Nope, still fun! But you know what's even more fun?"

"It's magic, isn't it."

"IT'S MAGIC!" You get out of the bed to get ready for the next classes.

"Atlas, we don't have classes today, it's Sunday."

You get back into the bed disappointed, and Table wraps her arm around you. "We could always mix spells if you want? That's always fun."

You hug her tight as she makes squeaky toys sounds. You try to think of what spells to mix together. It's not a great idea to mix spells you don't fully control, so maybe you should focus on the beginner spells you've already had proper practice with? Spells that are already made with mixing in mind like Spell Displacement and Delayed Double won't produce any interesting results, but as for the rest...

(Unlike most two votes choice, this won't pick the two most popular votes but instead the most popular set of vote.)

Available spells to mix:
-Mana Feel (Very recent 'practice')
-Shortcut (Practice in the forest)
-Bright Sight (Practice in the forest)
-Pocket space (Practice off screen)
-Wind Guide (Practice during Intangible Class and dungeon)
-Lighten (Starting spell)
-Seal(Practice during dungeon)
>Mana Feel
I wanna see what happens.
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For anyone that cares about the unfucked version, also I didn't proof read the last update because I wrote it all in a tired, slightly horny haze as god intended.
cute tentacle chocolate waifu
Based QM

A thin multi-fragment shell with inherent illusionary appearance that auto-conforms to whatever race looks at her, and that shifts mass around based on density of black worms or tentacles that are tied to a "core" that adjusts around inside as it pilots the shell? Certainly not the strangest biology I've read about, both fictional and in real life.

Backing >>6062137
>-Pocket space (Practice off screen)
>-Lighten (Starting spell)
standing nelson ftw

Also please tell Table explicitly that we're a thing now.
Do this too
>as if you didn't see all there was to see.
Does that include how those black tentacles look?
Atlas seems to have been 'not sure' over what he felt for Table I do think he loves her, but he himself doesn't seem to be sure over it.
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>mana feel
>pocket space
Go with the sexual momentum, max out the weekend. If the study session is this fun, we're looking at a better than normal rate of gainz.

Also, thinking
>contraception spell
>reversed exwards
>becomes hypercundity spell
>Atlas comes like a fire hydrant
>bursar very annoyed about his office's unplanned roof access

captcha gets it
you saying that Table was complicit?

D. Nihilus appears to be all kinds of old by how things sound; they can't be the same generation. She couldn't have been involved in Projekt Happy Dies, and punishing uninvolved descendents sounds like an Evil thing to do.

The class also doesn't suffer from Forgetting when he teaches; either D.N. is not a Forgotten, or he has worked around the curse somehow, making the sentence not as intended.

Don't think they'll teach theology in this place; just humans have a bunch of religions, multiply that by the number of species represented on the nominal roll, that's like 20 different possible religions just in one class. Unless this world near uniformly observes just a couple of monomyths the story can't move.
>Bright Sight
What can he do then?
(Sorry, no update for today, but I'll bring one tomorrow.)
Let's turn it back on you QM. What do YOU think about our decisions as the players so far? What are your thoughts on our speculation and how we immediately went all in on the Table route even despite her appearance and curse?
no problem, OP
The Table route was honestly unexpected. She was an option that had no precedent, and players had very little to go on. I did expect maybe one curious vote, but not for her to actually win. Writing her could be a pain since I needed to, ironically, constantly remind the readers that Atlas was forgetting her all the time. It's an annoying repeat to constantly say 'Who was that again?', but she is supposed to be annoying to interact with at first, and have it get easier over time as he figures out ways to work around her.

Table as a character concept is something I've toyed around for a while in my head, one I like to call 'girl B' or 'cafeteria girl'. A background character that never gets the spotlight but always exists in the background, somewhere, their face always blurred out because it saves time and effort to not draw a background's character's facial feature. I've always wondered what one that's cursed to stay away from the spotlight, not through any fault of their own but by some divine decree, would grow into.

Table's a simple girl, but in a good way. She's kind of a much more flirty of version of what Mia from Curse Carrier (the coworker) was supposed to be (assuming she somehow got picked). Someone who's a very close friend and who plays off the MC's antics whenever they can.

Such a shame the threesome Anbee option wasn't picked, I didn't get to make you interact with those dumbasses yet

Although, in my opinion, she's not the hardest route, she is a character who would all but dissapear if you picked anyone else. There was supposed to be a scene where you dueled her and it just said your opponent was 'girl' and you wouldn't remember her at all after it. Funnily enough, Dill's secret was only supposed to be revealed after a duel with her too, where she would pretend to fumble spells while actually casting Delayed double, and she'd ask you after the duel to not tell anyone she's only pretending to be a dumbass since it does give her an edge during duels.

Are those spoilers? I guess you spoiled yourself early by using a speedrun skip, shame on you.
>The Table route was honestly unexpected.
The first girl *always* wins, and before her, the only people we interacted with were Aroth (boy) and Ivy (doesn't count since she's annoying)
>First girl always wins
>Ivy was such a shit she broke the ironclad rule
Such power...
Well it's less like 'first female you interact with' and more like 'first female ally'

We technically interacted with Mona before Etsy in Curse Carrier, but obviously she wasn't an option.
I did consider making Ivy a tsundere, but I much preferred the idea of her actually hating your guts. I do have a soft spot for enemies to lover, so having Atlas constantly try to one up her and both of them reaching new heights just to spite the others would've made for an interesting dynamic.

I mean, you can still do that, it'll just lack the sexual tension it otherwise would have, I guess.
>figures out ways to work around her
Or completely adapt to her curse somehow? We still need to have the "permanently remember her by bending her over a table" scene, but that comes later
>always wondered what one that's cursed to stay away from the spotlight, not through any fault of their own but by some divine decree, would grow into
It's these characters that are born from a person's own musings that can end up the best or most intriguing ones. From my own personal experiences I tend to drift around to whatever interests me, and speak to other people more frankly. I've genuinely told people "You might as well tell me X already. After I walk around that corner, I'll cease to exist for you. You'll never see me again when we're done here." as a way to get them to be more honest and talkative. It's worked more often than it hasn't.
>plays off the MC's antics whenever they can
That can make for a nice romantic relationship
>the threesome Anbee option
Thanks, but not this time
>your opponent was 'girl' and you wouldn't remember her at all after
Hilarious. How do you feel about having a significant character who is a Curse Carrier™ once more? And will you roll with it and have one in every quest you write from now on?
How would fucking Ivy even work?
She has a physical body, the crystal guy was bridal carrying her before.
I forgot about that, thanks
I guess you could say there's a pattern that's being weaved here.

Jokes aside, it depends, but the idea of a cursed person is cool enough that it's likely there will at least be one somewhere.

Also yeah, I like Table's dynamic with Atlas more than I expected, they're both idiots in very different ways, and they play off each other pretty well.
It is a nice change of pace from Weaver and Etsy, and whatever Curiosity had with Hazel and the game dev or with Josh and Clara
>in my opinion, she's not the hardest route
Then who is?

You'll see in the next duel.
>inb4 it's the crystal guy
He's the hardest route because he's literally the physically hardest character KEK
I assume all the gay route options are all the hardest due to the obvious reasons. Could considering them be cheating?
>detachable appendages
>full functionality at a distance

After the first week Ivy's left hand is always missing, and Atlas is always squirming in his seat when the teacher is facing the class asking questions.

Depending on whether anons pick the Scholar route or the Slut route, Atlas will either come two class in two tight leather worker's pants one over the other, or a heavy robe + commando.

Scholar route advanced will require Atlas chestbinding to keep Ivy away from his nipples. Slut route advanced will culminate in Atlas starting to carry a soccerball around as an alibi, and Ivy coming to class without her head.

"How about mana feel and shortcut?" You ask, "Maybe we could use our way to uh...find mana? Or something? Is there any books about different results of spell mixing?"

She stretches, and crawls out of the bed. "There might be something in the library, but you need a divination spell to find stuff in there, I think it's only taught to second years."

"Couldn't you just search manually? Why even only make second year learn that spell anyway?"

"I think it's to encourage first years to experiment and find their own ways rather than just follow the 'best' practices. It's possible that they also don't trust new students with finding the right book for them, so they're forcing them to ask a teacher to find one for them."

It is true that if it wasn't for the intangible teacher, you may never have found that book in the first place. Maybe it's not so bad that you don't know what the spell mix results are, it's exciting finding new stuff.

Table heads for the shower, alone.

"Not going to ask me to join you?" You blurt out.

"Huh? I- I mean, do you want to?"

"I was just expecting some of your usual teasing, I guess?"

"It's not really teasing at this point, is it? Knowing you might actually act on it makes me reconsider my words a little more." She says that, but she's not putting on the force field shower curtain just yet.

"...did you not like last night?" You ask, not entirely sure if it's out of insecurity or because you wanted her to enjoy herself.

"N-No, it was great, I'm just a little spent, that's all. And we still have to clean this place, and I'm still just a little overwhelmed in general, so it's hard to get in the mood."

You give her a thumbs up, since you feel like you'd mess up your words somehow, and she gives one back as she closes the force field curtain.

There's books here you never got to check out. She did mess around in your room while you were taking a shower, so it's only fair you do the same, right?

You check the human book that you think you checked out before. It's a heavy summary of human's history and biology. Theologically, the main theory is that the human god was too weak and died trying to create humans, which would explain their low mana content, some believe that humans are one of the few sapient races that evolved naturally from monkeys. No one is sure, but what's certain is that humans weren't treated particularly well by most other races. Often enslaved and used as manual labour, it's only when they started making a secret city underground that they developped into proper equals.

Humans aren't believed to be inherently smarter than other races, rather they had no other choice but to research things no one else bothered with: magicless contraptions. There was no reason for most to not use magic for most things, it was simpler and more cost efficient, that is unless you're one of the only races that is incapable of using said magic consistently.

While humans do exist outside the city, they're rare and most of them only stay outside because they have loved ones here they cannot bring to the city. Nearly any other human that wants a better life for them and their children tend to go for the city. Of course, half breed childrens aren't allowed in the human city, but very rarely some manage to sneak in because their genetic makeup is so human like, only an advanced genetic scan could tell the difference.

As for biology... huh, mhh, interesting.

The info seems to be mostly accurate, but you're very interested about what Table underlined. Mostly the fact that female breasts are inherently sexual and it's considered a pretty explicit sexual interact to touch them on purpose, and that bigger breasts are generally considered more attractive.

You never thought about that, but it looks like most other races don't actually consider breasts as sexual by default. Demons have horns, and Anbees have a very specific thing where looking at both of them at once is considered lusting after them, but breasts are just a normal part of the body for the rest. Of course, if you start groping a girl for too long, she'll probably find it weird, in the same way that holding the hand of Ivy back there was creepy, but if you were to just squeeze it once or twice, or poke it, they wouldn't care much.

You feel like a lot more humans would leave the city if they learned about that fact, somehow.

Also, you're pretty sure she made her breast bigger than usual yesterday, but you didn't notice since you never paid much attention before. You suppose forgotten shapeshifting does have its pros.

As for other books, you find more normal literature, but maybe not what you'd expect from someone like Table. Lots of romance novel, some fiction, and of course, the usual magic book here or there.

"Err, Atlas? I know I said I'm not in the mood- I'm still not, sorta, but can you come in the shower? I wanna show you something."

You put down the books back in their spot so she won't notice you fiddled with them, and casually join her in the shower. A part of you still feels weird about seeing her naked, like you shouldn't be able to. I mean, she's letting you, so it's okay, right?

"Hey, Atlas," she snaps her fingers in front of your face multiple times. "Believe it or not, I'm not the hottest thing in this shower here, and neither are you. I wanted to show you how to get hot water from here, since you were stuck with cold water last time."

She shows you how to do it, and it's incredibly simple, but it's also something that only makes sense if you already know a little bit about intangible, material and summoning magic. You kind of get it now, it's not a real spell, it's like a mini-exam with the reward being hot water.

"Do note that you can't just do the same movement every time, you need to understand the principle behind it. It's so you can't just ask someone to give you the solution and- WAIT HOLD ON-"

You do the signs, and a surge of hot water drops on both of you, problem is you forgot to remove your clothes before going in.

Table sighs. "Dude, this is the second time this happens. I guess your clothes needed cleaning anyway, just give them to me, I'll put them in the laundry."

"We have a laundry?"

"Yes? It's under the- Wait, did you never clean your clothes ever since you came here?"

"I- I mean I had clothes for a week, but then I sort of started reusing old stuff-"

"Seriously!? So that's why you smell so strong. Okay, I'll need to get all your clothes sorted up before you become a bio-hazard."

"Hey, I still take showers!" Despite how offended you are, you still undresses to give her your clothes. Weren't you supposed to mix spells today? Can't you do the laundry later?

She picks up your clothes and packs them up in a bundle. "I really can't believe you, that you'd just..." her eyes drift towards your underwear. "...not clean those for a week." Her voice quivers a little.

You put your hand under the bundle she's holding and raise it towards her face. "Just get it out of your system."

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou," you see her cast the Tracking Scent spell, then she proceeds to inhale so much that it seemingly shortcircuits her brain and all you can see on her face is pure, dumb bliss.

"I thought you weren't in the mood?"

"Sometimes you just-" she takes another uncomfortably long whiff of your belongings, "-Sometimes you want a snack and not the full course. You uhm, can take one of mine if you want, fair trade."

You accept her terms, not because you were thinking of doing anything perverted with it, but because it'd probably ease her mind to think she wasn't the only one doing...this. You don't think she's a creep for doing it--well, okay, you do, but she did wait for your permission, so she's not the bad kind of creep, whatever that is.

She leaves to do the laundry, and you put some of her unwashed underwear in your pocket space. You might actually do what she expects you to do later with them, but it's more because you're curious of what she smells like with tracking scent, something you never quite got to try because of how elusive her smell is.

She's back with clean blankets and clothes after only half an hour, the laundry here works fast. Then and only then do you finally start spell mixing.

Mana Feel is a rather simple spell overall, and mixing it with Shortcut isn't as hard as you thought it'd be. After only a day of practice, (and room cleaning), you get something that's not perfect, but functional. It's a spell that can find a path towards a specific 'mana signature'.

There are two ways of using it, one is to have a 'broad' search, where it'll point you towards mana signature that are similar but not exactly the same as what you're searching for. So if you get Table's mana signature, it will theoretically point you towards other Forgottens. You say theoretically, because remembering something as specific as Table's mana signature is really hard, and it would take, err...extensive testing and note-taking to make sure you get Table's mana correctly.

The second one is specific search, and it will point you directly towards something with that exact mana signature, which means you need to know that specific thing's mana beforehand.

It sounds really useful, and while it can't reach very far right now, you have the rest of the month to practice it.

Actually, you can practice it right now! You should probably wait before testing Table's signature, since you just got done cleaning things up, but maybe there's something simpler you could search for?

>Try to get the lizard spirit's mana signature to find other spirits.
>You can get the mana signature of your hat to try and find enchanted items around.
>Maybe you could just get your classmate's mana signature? You don't need to be touchy with them as with Table, of course.
>Maybe something else? (Write in.)
>You can get the mana signature of your hat to try and find enchanted items around.
>You can get the mana signature of your hat to try and find enchanted items around.
>Tell table explicitly that we're a thing now.
Since the second part didn't get included I am now including it in my vote until it does. It's important to ease Table's mind about this and make things clear.
>You can get the mana signature of your hat to try and find enchanted items around.
it is human practice after all, to refer to love as something magical
and we would be stupid not to inquire deeper into a type of magic that requires 0 mana

>table is a degenerate
unironically best girl, holy shit
>You can get the mana signature of your hat to try and find enchanted items around
I still wanna talk with the lizard...that the teachers reacted so strangely means it's probably not just a random magic critter that does nothing, while also not being an actual threat.

Does the library not have some manner of spirit bestiary?
It just hit me, but can't we follow that suggestion from earlier and keep the magic hat, but buff it over time to eventually be a godlike hat instead? It's the first gift Atlas ever got from Table
Trying to find magic items in a magic school will lead us to other people's belongings most likely. We'll be looking for hay in a haystack.

>Try to get the lizard spirit's mana signature to find other spirits.
When pair Mana Smell with Spirit Sight later no one gets to rest in peace.

We should ask her if it's sniffing a racial thing to them or a her thing, just to see her reaction

It seems such an Atlas thing to do that or the hat will become a safety hazard at the level of a nuclear reactor, or it will become such a powerful hat that it will be considered a divine artifact by normal standards

Side note, I want to buy some booze and leave it at the life teacher's door with a note that says thank you

this is the first time i was willing to read 465 posts to catch up with a quest im late to. very good writing OP, really kept me hooked. if i may add some slight constructive criticism the pacing is slightly off at places. i dont mean for the story as a whole, but rather some actions fall out of sync with the rhythm of the dialog or how the dungeon scene started mid post (which to be fair is a special quirk of this medium, but normally i would expect a scene break or a new chapter).

>and we would be stupid not to inquire deeper into a type of magic that requires 0 mana
> unironically best girl, holy shit
that would be great

>>Tell table explicitly that we're a thing now.
>I still wanna talk with the lizard...
this, we should at least know what it wants
one more thing: could we probe Table about her past just a bit more?
>willing to read 465 posts to catch up
Bitch 100 of those are from the QM so if you ignore all the anon posts from us voting faggots then you don't have that much to read. Stupid morons always whining about having to read for fuck's sake
>rest of the spoiler
I agree

>ask her if it's sniffing a racial thing to them or a her thing
>buy some booze and leave it at the life teacher's door with a note that says thank you
+1 to both of these

We can always "inquire" deeper into Table allright :^)

We can always "probe" Table more allright :^)
>Bitch 100 of those are from the QM so if you ignore all the anon posts from us voting faggots then you don't have that much to read. Stupid morons always whining about having to read for fuck's sake
negro, i love reading. it was a compliment regarding how the thread quality is much higher than whats normal on this board
I interpreted it wrong then, apologies. I'm simply used to people using post count as an excuse to not read a quest because of the sloth and indolence of our modern day's conditioning.

You have the wonderful idea of tracking enchanted items by feeling up your magic hat's mana signature. The item may be shoddy, but it's still enchanted, and you're really curious to see what you'll find.

The answer is a lot, and nothing. If you set your search too broad, all you find out is a lot of students wear enchanted items, and unlike Ivy you're not a klepto, so it really doesn't feel like a great use for the spell. But maybe that's because searching in the campus is a bad idea? What about the forest? Sure, you got lost last time, but it could get better.

"No," Table immediately shuts you down. "We're not risking the forest again until we can make absolutely sure we won't get lost again, and quite frankly, I don't trust your shortcut proficiency just yet, especially with that thing attached to your back."

"It's still here?"

"Yeah, but it looks like it doesn't like entering dorms, which is good because I'm not sure if I like being watched during, you know."

"Right, speaking of that. You did ask if we were a thing before, right? I- uh..."

Sometimes you're not very good with words, so you just give her a thumbs up. You're not sure if you like her that way, but thinking on it, you don't feel comfortable with her dating someone else, and you like spending time with her, so it's close enough, right?

"You don't have to force yourself, we could just...go back to how things were before, if you want. I know there's only magic in that head of yours, and I guess it's only been two weeks since we've known each other. I get it."

You lean forward and kiss her. "But I want to be able to keep doing that- three tongues? Is it just random?"

"You were almost romantic there until you mentioned the tongues. But, I, uhm, don't mind being a thing too. And if it doesn't work out, we can still be friends, right?" There's a hint of desperation in her voice.

You give her a thumbs up, you can't go wrong with a thumbs up.

You're still awkward kids in the end, and neither of you know what you're really supposed to do, but maybe it's something you're supposed to figure out together.

Table clears her throat, "Atlas, I don't think you realize the mistake you're making right now."

You tilt your head to the side, isn't this what she wanted?

"I'm just going to be sickeningly sweet to you for a while, I just have to. I'm talking obnoxiously clingy, absolutely unrestrained puppy love. It's starting now, right now. It'll get better over time, it's not terminal, but you're going to have to bear with me."

"What are you talking abou-"

She jumps you as she wraps her arms around you. She nuzzles against your neck as if she was a pet asking for food. "I love you. I love your scent, I love the way you look, I love how stupid you are, I love how considerate you are, and I want to be with you forever and ever."

It's a lot of words, and you're not sure if you understand all of them, but they do make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. You feel a little guilty you can't say them back to her like she just did.

"Hey, so... how about a date in the forest?" You tentatively ask.

She drops the love act for a split second and says 'no' before coming back to undeservedly praising you. Damnit, you really thought you had her here.

But you wanna find magic items! If not the forest or the campus, where else is there? Then again, with how easy to learn that spell is, wouldn't anyone smart pick up any enchanted lost item worth looting? The only place that would be left unchecked would be really dangerous for a beginner like you.

"Heeeey, Atlaaas~" Table smushes up your face with her two hands. "Say something nice to me~"

"Uh, maybe the real enchanted item was you all along?"

She smiles. "This was awful, but it's fine, you're still cute."

You flick her forehead. "Aren't you supposed to praise me no matter what I say?"

"I'm sorryyy, I love you, you're just so bad at thiiis."

You kiss her again to shut her up, and she makes a happy high-pitched noise. You really don't get how she can alter her personality so drastically like this, but considering she read a bunch of romance novels, maybe she wanted to experience what fawning over someone was like at least once.

You end up wasting most of the day wandering around town trying to find something, but even though you come back empty-handed, being with Table was still a lot of fun.

The next week starts with Life class again. The life teacher sees Table fawn over you and smirks, before coming back to her usual imposing facade. "Alright kids, I assume you already mastered the contraception spell, and if you haven't, either get creative or be such a loser the opposite sex won't get within ten feet of you. That's a joke, losers are ironically quite popular right now, none of you are safe. Either way, it's time for you people to learn some real Life spells, the kind that makes you stronger and less likely to die. Those spells all have a cost that's more than mana, this is something you'll need to remind yourself of when dealing with Life magic. The trick is to fuck yourself just enough that you can fix it with another spell later, but not so badly you end up dead before you can do anything neat, got it? Anyway, check the book, you know how this works."

Table has been holding your hand this entire time, under the pretense of 'giving you mana the moment you need it', but you're pretty sure that's just an excuse. Not that you mind, you're just still not used to such a constant stream of affection.

Anyway, magic! This is the last spell you'll get the time to learn before the exam, as you should spend the rest of the month mastering the other spells.

Pick one spell from the previous class:
>Greedy Growth: Make vines and weed get a burst of growth only to wither away after a few seconds. You cannot control where the plant grows, only which plant is affected.
>Taste Test: You can tell something's taste without eating it, and even get an idea of any effect the food may have, be it positive or negative.
>Unnatural Check: Check if anything surrounding you is affected by a life spell. This does not tell you what kind of life spell it is affected by.

Additionally, pick one new spell:
>Remove Hurt: Remove your ability to feel pain, but does not stop the actual physical harm you receive. Powerful, but can make it hard to tell when your body is failing you. Use very sparingly to avoid dependancy.
>Skin Heal: Quickly heals your skin, although some scars may remain. Internal damage is usually not fixed, but the spell more often than not closes the wound without making it worse, making it useful to avoid bleeding out or for surgery.
>Speed Sense: Your brain will perceive things faster for a short amount of time. While cheap in mana, the effect only lasts for ten seconds, and the drawback makes the target very dizzy once it's over. It is rarely used on the caster, but instead on a target that the caster wishes to disrupt.
>Dopamine Surge: The target receives a small, barely perceptible surge of happiness. As with most mind spells, it's illegal to use it on people without their consent as it can make them more susceptible to manipulation. However, the spell acts as a great counter to mind spells that try to demoralize the target, and is occasionally used to combat mental health issues.
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A lot of the pacing problem are due to me not proofreading enough, and it's always something I struggled with. It's mostly because it feels like I need to end the post with a choice, and sometimes I'm unsure how to end a scene with that in mind. The 3000 words limit on each post doesn't help with that, but I could try to start a new scene in another post instead of having it just be one line break like anything else.

I'm happy people are liking it thus far, since I've decided to not hold back on what I want to write, and slice of life-ish was never my forte.
>Unnatural Check
Something tells me this would be very useful
>Skin Heal
First aid best aid

This is good shit. Keep it up
>Unnatural Check
>Skin Heal
Cute Table....
>you saying that Table was complicit?
No, I'm saying Table is just a descendant of the same race as D.N is, and either D.N found a way to get rid of, or even avoid his curse (remember we've only seen him as a cloak with weird tentacles)

You could say the gods going "The sins of the father" on all the Forgotten is evil, but I'm sure there's a huge difference if the big majority of the Race went against Creation itself, maybe there was something in the way this Race in particular evolved and moved in social environments to make them so eventually they want to conquer/destroy the world, who knows?

By the way, that was me phoneposting while going to class on the bus and then forgetting to answer for days lmao.
>>Unnatural Check: Check if anything surrounding you is affected by a life spell. This does not tell you what kind of life spell it is affected by.
>>Remove Hurt: Remove your ability to feel pain, but does not stop the actual physical harm you receive. Powerful, but can make it hard to tell when your body is failing you. Use very sparingly to avoid dependency.
>Unnatural Check: Check if anything surrounding you is affected by a life spell. This does not tell you what kind of life spell it is affected by.

>Skin Heal: Quickly heals your skin, although some scars may remain. Internal damage is usually not fixed, but the spell more often than not closes the wound without making it worse, making it useful to avoid bleeding out or for surgery.
>Unnatural Check
>Remove Hurt
Skin heal is just a glorified bandage, I would rather morphine on steroids
>unnatural check
>speed sense

yes, yes, skin heal is great and all
but why waste time with that when we can THINK HARDER
correctly applied, I have no doubt that speed sense can enhance our entire learning experience
getting used to the diziness may also help us avoid getting confused by other people
and more importantly, strengthens our mind to appreciate table even more
>Unnatural Check: Check if anything surrounding you is affected by a life spell. This does not tell you what kind of life spell it is affected by.
>Remove Hurt: Remove your ability to feel pain, but does not stop the actual physical harm you receive. Powerful, but can make it hard to tell when your body is failing you. Use very sparingly to avoid dependancy.
This seems like exactly the kind of thing a magic-obsessed human can use to push EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
>speed sense
>unnatural check
going full time magic for our waifu
Very cute Table

>Greedy Growth: Make vines and weed get a burst of growth only to wither away after a few seconds. You cannot control where the plant grows, only which plant is affected.
I know it's probably not going to win I just really think Unnatural Check is useless.
>Skin Heal: Quickly heals your skin, although some scars may remain. Internal damage is usually not fixed, but the spell more often than not closes the wound without making it worse, making it useful to avoid bleeding out or for surgery.
Healing is good, not feeling pain gets dangerous quickly.
>Healing is good, not feeling pain gets dangerous quickly.
We can ignore the pain while putting a bandage on ourself.
>Unnatural Check: Check if anything surrounding you is affected by a life spell. This does not tell you what kind of life spell it is affected by.
I feel we can make some mixing with Mana Feel and make a really good scan of out mana for further inprovement, maybe using Life magic to somehow change our body for a short period to augment the mana recovery, or maybe see if there's some extra little secret on our mana augmentation technique from that human wizard book.

Speed Sense: Your brain will perceive things faster for a short amount of time. While cheap in mana, the effect only lasts for ten seconds, and the drawback makes the target very dizzy once it's over. It is rarely used on the caster, but instead on a target that the caster wishes to disrupt.
I can also see a way to either mix or improve this spell to be useful. Maybe make the effect last longer and slow to a crawl. Instead of being a super genius in an instant and getting dizzy, we can make something that makes us connect dots faster and improve our learning capabilities for more complex spells. Or if we wanna be offensive, we can mix it with the Seal spell and make the dizzy effects longer, tho maybe that option would make someone have an aneurysm now that I think about it
(also phone posting)
(hello, fellow heathen)


>D E J A V U
>D R I F T K I N G U

What if we use the hat as a little experiment?, the hat doesn't wakes us up, it makes our brain think that we are awake, it tricks our brain, maybe it could override the dizziness and maybe even other weird mental shenanigans that we may encounter by overriding them
>Greedy Growth: Make vines and weed get a burst of growth only to wither away after a few seconds. You cannot control where the plant grows, only which plant is affected.
>Remove Hurt: Remove your ability to feel pain, but does not stop the actual physical harm you receive. Powerful, but can make it hard to tell when your body is failing you. Use very sparingly to avoid dependancy.
good thinking
alternatively, it could have the same effect on us as adderall, which would have its own uses

vote locked in on remove hurt and unnatural check

Remove Hurt and Unnatural Check both sound like useful spells. Sure, neither of them are flashy, but being unable to feel pain sounds like it could save you in a duel, and unnatural check is just handy to have when you want to differentiate a tree that will kill you from a regular one in a forest.

Yes, you still want to explore that forest, but Table keeps shutting you down. You'll convince her to let you one day, or maybe you'll go on your own when you become more confident in your abilities.

Unnatural check is interesting, and while you can't tell the specific spells, you can guess based on a number of factors. You can guess the intensity of the life spell, and most importantly, you can tell where the spell is located. What this means is that someone testing a dopamine surge shows the life spells directly in their brain, greedy growth will make the vines flash green just before they rise, and so on. This means that if someone is using a life spell to fight, you'll be able to tell what kind of spell they're using based on what they're targeting, even if you'll have to do some guesswork yourself.

As for Remove Hurt? Works as intended, somewhat. As with every spell you're learning on the first day, you're pretty good at figuring out how to cast a basic, unrefined version of it, but it's not perfect. For one, you feel very sore when the spell runs out, and it also just feels wrong to cast. It also looks like it doesn't nullify pain past a certain threshold yet, you can't feel a slight cut or poking yourself with a needle, but a strong enough punch you can feel at full force. It doesn't even weaken it, it's all or nothing with this spell. That's fine, you'll get better at it over time.

Table fixes your self-inflicted wounds with Skin Heal, even if she isn't the one who delivered the punch. The crystal guy graciously offered his service for that, and the life teacher made sure your head wouldn't blow open like a watermelon. Despite the fact he acts and looks like a meathead, he's maybe the best life user in the class; he does look the most passionate about combat, and life is the best class of magic for brawling, so it makes sense.

Table fixes your wounds again, "there, there," she says in a soothing tone. "Do you want me to kiss it all better?"

"I don't trust you to not make it weird."

"Hey! I'm in my pure love mood right now, don't sully me with your perverted thoughts," she gasps in a dramatic fashion. "Unless... you wanted me to. Ah, but I see, you were the creep all along. This entire time, you acted like an innocent maiden, but you wanted me to try something, didn't you? You just didn't want to risk your purity! 'Table, we mustn't' you cry as I press you against the wall, but in your hearts of hearts, your desire for my body overwrites-"

"Aren't I being mischaracterized a little here? I'm the one who started something yesterday. "

"Yes, but it doesn't fit my narrative, magic boy." She kisses the wound before healing the skin, and winks.

It's good that no one can hear her, or at least doesn't care about what she's saying, because everyone would probably stare at you at this point. You don't even think the life teacher noticed, since she's busy with other things, but it makes you wonder how far she can take this before someone starts to notice. You noticed when she spoke right next to you when you first met her, surely if she speaks loud enough someone will start raising some eyebrows, right?

As you leave the magic class, you get stopped by someone you haven't talked to for a while, Aroth.

"H-Hey, uh, Atlas? Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure, what's up?"

Table butts in, "Hey, Atlas, you're not spending time with your friend when you could spend it with me, riiiight?"

You lightly bonk her on the head with the palm of your hand. "I spend time with you all the time, Table." You turn back to Aroth. "Don't mind her, she's just being stupid."

"But I need you Atlas! You're my world- ow, my life- ow, MY LOVE- OW-"

You bonk her every time she says something stupid, which is to say, at every single word that comes out of her mouth. "Okay, Aroth, say something before she gets started again."

"Are you two together, c-congratulations, I guess. Uhm, maybe she could help too then, since i-it's a little bit of a weird problem. There's a girl that I think likes me very much, but I don't feel that way about her, and I'm not sure how to h-handle that."

"Just say you're not interested?"

"T-That's the problem, she's a demon girl, not just any demon girl, she's a royal, a princess! I can't refuse her, I'm not allowed to! But I don't want to just bend to some girl when I came all the way here specifically to avoid something like this!" He sounds more mad than you ever heard him be. "I wanted to ask you because uhm, I guess you did things that went against what was expected of a human back in your city, and I wanted to ask you how you found the courage to do that. I don't know, Rath just says I'm lucky a royal is interested, and he says he can't do much to help without messing it messing with his status, whatever that means."

"Is there really no way for you to refuse her? Can demons just pick up a boyfriend off the street with the guy having no say in the matter?"

"R-Royals can do that, yes, but I suppose there's a loophole. If you already belong to someone else, y-you know, another woman, then you're free to refuse them, at least as long as the girl you belong to doesn't willingly give you up."

"But this isn't hell, is it? Demon culture isn't forced on you here, you can do whatever you want. If you don't want to, she can't force you."

"I-It's more complicated than that, there's politics involved now! And if my parents learn of this they might... aaah, please, you managed to creep out Ivy very fast, maybe you could teach me how to be very unlikable or something? I-I don't know!"

God damnit, you hate politics, but you can't let a friend suffer like this, he's the first person that helped you with your magic! But how? Yes, you managed to get a girlfriend in only two weeks, but that doesn't mean your knowledge of girls is very vast.

You ask Table, and she says that she really wants to see what you'll come up with, but she's willing to use her sneak powers if you need her to.

>She's attracted to Aroth's personality. If Aroth act more confident and rude, it might put her off. Or it might make her even more attracted to him, you're not sure?
>You could help him find another girl, it doesn't need to be a real relationship, just a girl that pretends to be his girlfriend to protect her from the other one, but who... (write in who)
>Screw it, you'll talk to that demon girl herself. Who cares that she's a royal? Political consequences? Who cares!
>Ask Table to see if she can dig up dirt on that girl, blackmail hasn't failed you thus far.
Ok, Im convinced. Table is best girl.
>>She's attracted to Aroth's personality. If Aroth act more confident and rude, it might put her off. Or it might make her even more attracted to him, you're not sure?
easy win or its going to be hilarious. either way, pretty interesting.

regarding the fake gf option, the demon girl would probably proceed with some way to force a "willing" give up and cheap actors are not exactly known to be committed
>You could help him find another girl, it doesn't need to be a real relationship, just a girl that pretends to be his girlfriend to protect her from the other one, but who... (write in who)
We need to set him up with someone even stronger than the demon gril, divination teacher pls help
>You could help him find another girl, it doesn't need to be a real relationship, just a girl that pretends to be his girlfriend to protect her from the other one, but who... (write in who)

The Anbees. They only feel rizz if you flirt with both atst. Since Aroth is a natural beta, he only has to make eyes at one (make her wear a collar pin to differentiate) and she can publicly claim him with no feelings.

The Anbees might expect kickbacks; Atlas&Table can powerteam and help Aroth with any favor the Anbees might ask for.

Let's avoid the demon princess. If she is into dorks like Aroth, magic geek Atlas might also be on the menu. Let's not precipitate a catfight between Table and her Satanic Majesty ffs we just want to learn magic.
>Screw it, you'll talk to that demon girl herself. Who cares that she's a royal? Political consequences? Who cares!

it this precise chadness that got us to leave home to dedicate our life to magic
no point in pussy-footing around now

best case scenario, the demon girl becomes interested in us instead, in which case we can tell her off a second time because we got best girl already
Div teacher could help or give guidance. This is a tricky situation

second choicing >>6063910
Helping Aroth grow a backbone and a full rack of horns sounds like a solid bro move, whatever the outcome is.

Aroth already knows his own mind; all he needs now is a working spine.

Also, we get to pester Mz Lazari again, shes great. Now it's TWO losers with TWO cups of tea.

If Atlas got the spare funds for it, his cup of tea can be cut with a shot of JD.
>wdym mz Lazari
>it's a special human tea
>somethingsomething oolong short and spicy.
>inb4 I can't drunk during office hours
>beg pardon Mz Lazari
>but the likes of Y O U won't get drunk from >this<
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Mz Lazari as an unwilling mother hen is hilarious
>She's attracted to Aroth's personality. If Aroth act more confident*, it might put her off. Or it might make her even more attracted to him, you're not sure?
We don't need to make him act rude, we just need to make him act confident. We neeed to give him BACKBONE.
While I agree with giving him a backbone, there's no need to call the teacher when she specifically told us not to tell other kids.

Also, no need to put up a fake rude act. We just need to make Aroth have a backbone as a whole. Not a fake asshole identity.
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>I don't need any more lovesick kids
Just thinking we might plead special case for Aroth because it's A, not lovesickness but unwelcome shotalove and sociopolitical anxiety, and B, Mz Lazari is a demon herself, she'd be far more in tune with the possible fallout that might result.

Pls pls pls, two losers and two cups of tea at her desk again, like tribbles multiplying, leaving the swole fem-oni increasingly amused and annoyed pls pls come oan
I’m surprised that skin heal ended up losing
agree to no fakeass identity.

if inside the virgin beta exterior is a beta virgin, we go with that. But if Aroth's real self is Aroth Baal Lucifer, Aroth the Demon King, that pegs him as the demonic matriarchy equivalent of tomboy masterrace. We might be looking at a unicorn here.
>Pls pls pls, two losers and two cups of tea at her desk again, like tribbles multiplying, leaving the swole fem-oni increasingly amused and annoyed pls pls come oan
ok, that does sound fun.
unless OPERATION BACKBONE and talking to the teacher is somehow incompatible in the eyes of the DM, supporting
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>nomana human
>nobux commoner
>noclout exile
>wants to reject teenage demonic royalty to the face
>while naming Table as BFGF outright just to rub it in
I'm sure you have like twelve gonads to spare in real life, but that's like a 90ilb weakling calling prime time Mike Tyson a bich nga to the face. This quest might crash so hard the demon princess comes for us next.
>You could help him find another girl, it doesn't need to be a real relationship, just a girl that pretends to be his girlfriend to protect her from the other one, but who...
I'm fine with going to the div teacher or the anbees.

Reminder that she doesn't like tea
us = anons.
already noted

suggested "tea" with JD in it.

"How about pretending to be with another girl? Invasive as she may be, she'll have to let go if another girl 'claims' you, right?"

"R-Right, but what if she finds out it's fake? A-And that's assuming a girl's willing to play along too, who would do that?"

Mhh, who indeed... Ivy would never play along, and Dill is already doing you a favor teaching you Clarity, even if it's enforced by pseudo-blackmail. The cat girl? No, something's off about her, wasn't there another girl in the class?

"Hey, what about the Anbees?" You ask. "They don't have a lot of friends in class, so not a lot of people know what they're like, maybe we could use that? It'll make it much easier to pass it off as real if she has no friend that can snitch on her."

Aroth looks behind you, and the Anbees are a little further away arguing about something to themselves. "I-I guess we could try? Seems a little mean to take advantage of them just because they're alone."

"They'll be fine, worst they can say is no, anyway."

"Best case scenario, you get a two for one deal!" Table adds.

"But, uhm, it's going to be fake, right?"

Table wiggles her eyebrows up and down, "but for how long, I wonder?"

You smack the back of Table's head. "They haven't even talked, and you're already making stuff up about them. Let's just talk to them."

Aroth tries to put off the conversation to later, but the Anbees are right here, and it's better to get it out of the way now. Aroth tells you anbee's name is Charlotte, which means you won't have to deal with the awkwardness of asking their name despite having spent two weeks in the same classes. One of the Anbee is serious looking with short hair, and you'll call her 'Cha', and the other one 'Lotte'. You won't say that out loud since they're the same person, but it's easier to keep track of who said what in your mind that way.

"Hey Charlotte!" You greet them. "Sorry, but I need a really weird favor from you, can you hear us out?"

Lotte answers first, "Weird how? Weird in the fun sense, in the weird sense, or in the lethal sense?"

Char elaborates for her other half, "Weird as in 'stupid request', 'perverted request', or 'illegal request'"

"The first, I guess?" You answer. "It's a little complicated, but basically, a girl is hitting on Aroth, and the only viable way to make sure she leaves him alone is by belonging to another girl. Uh, we were thinking if you couldn't do that for him? Maybe? Not a real relationship, just pretending."

They don't shut you down immediately, but only Lotte looks like she is even considering the idea.

"You're not making fun of us, are you?" Lotte says. "It's not a prank, where you just go 'haha, you fell for it, idiot!'"

"Besides," Char continues. "Can't you just refuse that girl? It doesn't make any sense, this entire thing smells fishy."

Aroth shakes his head. "S-Sorry, it's just that she's a royal demon, I can't just refuse her without there being consequences, I- she might even hurt my family if I keep rejecting her, but if I do become hers I'll just be forced to stay inside the house and participate in royal stuff and- and I don't want that!"

Char frowns. "Isn't that more reason to not get involved? Messing with a royal, what if she goes after us?"

"But it sounds fun!" Lotte protest. "We never get to do anything fun... it's always 'study study study', well, we want to make friends, don't we?"

"It's not even a real friend, we're just being used for someone else's plan, as always."

"But it sounds like a fun idea! A story to tell at parties! If we were invited at any of them, anyways..."

You watch the back and forth between the two of them which can be summarized as 'but it's stupid', 'but it's fun' over and lover. It's like having the frontseat to someone's internal monologue. It's really hard to not see them as two different people when they act that way.

Eventually, they come to a compromise. "Aroth, you're good at Life magic, aren't you?" Char asks.

"I- I could be better, why?"

"Right, we're lacking in this regard, so we can study together. If someone asks what we're doing together, we can call it a date. If anyone asks us to do something love like, you can just say you're shy and don't like doing it in public. However, you do owe us a favor, understood?"

Aroth nods, even if he still doesn't look sure about this whole thing.

"Next!" Lotte continues. "It's kinda weird if you focus on both of us, but we don't mind if you just get really friendly with one or the other, but this-" she points to herself. "-is what we use to have fun, and the other one is what we use to study. So I'll hold your hand, and hug you if you want, but don't touch the study body, or it's weird. Got it? Hey, can I touch your horns?"

"The horns are a weird thing- p-please don't touch them."

Thankfully, Char stops Lotte before she does anything weird. You wonder how that works, is this like how your body suddenly stops when you're about to do something stupid?

"There's still a problem, though," Table introduces herself into the conversation. "That girl might not get fooled if you half ass it, and she could still try to bribe you into leaving her, you need to be convincing, I say."

"You could ask Ms Lazari," You answer. "She's a demon, maybe she could help you stay out of the politics of it or something? Just bring her tea or alcohol."

"Not sure getting the teacher involved is a good idea, but it's true that having a teacher keep that girl in check could help..." Char says.

You manage to convince them to talk to Lazari with you, and you even brought alcohol from the human city with you this time. It was part of your original belonging, and you were supposed to only use it for a special occasion like passing your first year, but you don't have anything else to offer her at the moment so it'll have to do.

You knock at Lazari's office door. She opens the door, only to slowly close it back again when she sees the five of you.

"Wait, miss Lazari, I brought something this time!" You present the alcohol bottle. "Please! Really need your help!"

She makes a resigned expression, and grabs the bottle from your hand. "It's illegal to bring alcohol inside the school. Now, we usually let it go as long as you don't drink it in front of us, but I feel mean today, so I'm going to confiscate it and give you a stern talking to. The rest of you are complicit, so you have to come in too."

You all take a seat, and she puts the bottle in a drawer. "Please, tell me it's not about love stuff again."

Everyone looks away, and it looks like you're going to have to carry the conversation again. "Sorry, but it's the royal demon girl, she's interested in Aroth, and he isn't. We kind of figured making Charlotte and Aroth pretend to be together could force her to leave him alone but we aren't sure if it'll be enough."

She massages her temples, "I knew it was a mistake to help you, stupid fucking romcom plan you have here. I hate to say it, but in this very specific situation, it's not the worst one. I knew that girl you were talking about was going to be trouble one day. We usually don't get royalty, because it's bad rep to have your kid go to the 'magically challenged' school, but I guess we produced enough good mages that even that's not enough to keep them off our turf.

Now, we can make sure she can't force anything within the school grounds, but if she asks mommy dearest to do something, we might be in trouble. Back in my day when disagreement occurred we'd just beat the shit out of each other and the winner was considered correct, but now it's all backstabbing and subterfuge, it's awful."

She pulls a cup of tea from the drawer, what's inside it doesn't look like tea though.

"Kids, the tensions are pretty high right now, with pretty much fucking everyone. All kingdoms are looking for an excuse to tear each other to pieces. Now, we're a neutral party, but that doesn't mean we aren't affected by all this. If the princess sees an Anbee steal her crush? Might take it personally, might even escalate violently. It sounds stupid, but wars have happened over dumber shits. Now, I'm not saying Aroth should bend over and just let her take him, but your little plan here isn't going to work forever. She's going to grow spiteful, and royal spite is a pain in the ass to deal with."

"S-So, uhm, what can we do?" Aroth asks.

Lazari leans back in her chair, and takes another sip. "Ain't that the question. Listen, I'll try my best to limit what she can get away with, and if anything...drastic does happen because of this shitshow, don't blame yourself. Remember, there's never a single cause to big events, it's just that sometimes a single drop of water happens to be the last in a pot that's about to spill. If it wasn't Aroth, it would've been someone else, and it's unlikely something bad is about to happen right away, and if it does, the school will fight till the end to keep you safe. They should know not to mess with us."

You leave the office, and everyone looks a lot more stressed than they were when they first came in.

"War?" Char breaks the silence. "Sorry, but we're not risking war for something like this. This is too much, way too much."

"I'm- I'm sorry Charlotte. I didn't realize it was this bad," Aroth says with a guilty look on his face.

Even Table doesn't have a funny quip to say about this. What the hell is that? Is the political tension so high a war would break over something this stupid? You never heard about it, but maybe it's because humans are withdrawn enough that they don't really need to care.

This was your plan, you need to fix this, somehow...

>Tell Aroth maybe he really should just get with that princess if it can avoid a war.
>Try to convince Charlotte and Aroth to do a fake relationship anyway while you figure something out.
>Try to reason with the princess yourself, since humans are a neutral party you don't have much to risk, right?
>Maybe you should ask the Divination teacher, she might know something Lazari doesn't.
>Write in.
>Write in.
Help Aroth get a backbone. If he rejects her by himself, it won't cause a war, right? Let's help him assert himself.
>if I do become hers I'll just be forced to stay inside the house and participate in royal stuff and- and I don't want that!
Do we know if she'll do that though? We've never met the girl. She could be sensible and not a total bitch, or she might listen to Aroth if she likes him so much.
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>write in


mfw everywhere I pass by today I take a live pic directly related to this quest. That synchroni/x/ity shit is REAL.

Aroth is a demonic native; he must know what things are considered taboo in demon society and quadruple taboo to demon royals. If Aroth (hypothetically) converts to Catholicism (hypothetically) and starts taking Eucharist (HYPOTHETICALLY) in class, he would be too politically devastating to touch with a 13ft pitchfork. Imagine if Meghan Markle, before engagement with Harry, publicly admitted to patronizing SnM clubs and that her last 3 bfs were gimps. Like that.

Make Aroth that.
The voice of Reason speaks.

Sure, Atlas can give her the time of day when they meet.

But, if Mz Lazari is anything to go by, demons seem to be "I want what I want" as a race. Maybe the princess might be actually cool and leave Aroth be, or naturally ship.

Cloven hooves crossed.

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That was beautifully worked. Bravo QM!
That's his crisis: maybe it won't start a war immediately, but Aroth predicts that if she gets annoyed the demonic royal family will loom over his family, and everyone will shoehorn him into the relationship anyway.

An outright NO isn't going to work. This bomb needs to be finessed.
Well, that's why we need to make him grow more confident. If she's attracted to Aroth for being submissive, then we just need to turn him into the demon equivalent of a tomboy.
More specifically, if we manage to make him grow a backbone, then either way we succeed. If she doesn't like it and loses her attraction, then we're all fine, and he's free. If she likes it, then that means she won't just want an submissive househusband that'll do nothing but stay at home all day, and Aroth no longer has to fear that and might be able to give her a shot. It works, right?
I doubt Aroth would be down to sucking dick even if he's a shy demon shota, but I like the idea of him turning (at least on the public eye) what would be the equivalent of a steaming hot pot in the demon politics.

If now there's only subterfuge in Demon politics, we can learn more about it and see how there could be a conflict or make the royal demons fear losing face because of their brat daughter.

AND if asking about demon politics is taboo like asking Humans about the secrets of their technology and society, then we go for plan B who should be instead Plan A but I got convinced

>Make Aroth stick around us, Rath and the Cristal guy

Bro's before hoes and shieeeet. If he stays around any of us and evade the royal demon, we can little by little feel more secure and feel confidence. Why we add the crystal guy? Because he's good with Life Magic, why do we need Life Magic expert? So we can all learn and make a study group and include the Anbees, why do we need the Anbees? Because Char being the logical side, we need someone more level headed that can train Aroth into seeing his own valor and articulate more his thoughts. He's not just shy with women, but with everyone, if he gets a boost in confidence + know how to better his way of thinking and logic, he might turn into some way of Stoicism, that will SURELY make that royal demon brat feel frustrated to not having someone like a regular demon boy for her.

And if push comes to shove, we sacrifice ourselves and face the demon bitch, but ONLY as a last resource if she decides to stop playing games and gives Aroth some ultimatum. If she's also into akwards nerds like Atlas, she can't force us to shit because we're already a exiled human with not a single ounce of political power from the single most neutral race of isolationists in this magical world. Like, going to war against all the Humans because of a royal brat is BAD no matter how you try to look at it, why would a royal try to date a tech-monkey that she met in the equivalent of Special Ed for magic?
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am >>6064069

second choice
>>Maybe you should ask the Divination teacher, she might know something Lazari doesn't

Nina Wraith knows students' qns even before they ask; if she can give our merry band a few hints about how to defuse the horni princess, we'll have an easier time. Lazari mentioned that demon politics these days is super sneekibreeki; if we get Dr Nina's hints we'll side step a whole bunch of traps.

Instead of tea, bring joss sticks, picrel. Aroth is paying bc it's his crisis, and Atlas already gave up his year-end hooch.

Alright, sounds watertight. We train Aroth like a pokemon until he grows a spine and a pear. OPERATION VERTEBRAL CALCIUM is go.
Anon, did you forget we spend most of our time hanging out with Table and studying? We can't exactly turn around and decided we'll just be with Rath and the crystal guy. We have different routines.

>Alright, sounds watertight.
...So then we should do that instead of saying he's gay.
so, we can either
> helping our friend to gain self confidence which would aid him all through his life
> make him act like a blazing faggot as he runs away from his problems into lies
hm, tough choice...
That lie wouldn't even stick. Even if he didn't refuse for the fact that it'd make it really hard to get an actual girl, if he found one he liked, what's stopping the princess from calling the bet and telling him to prove it? Even worse, what if she's a Fujoshi?
>doubts Aroth will succ the good-good
Just an act; he don't want it, and unless Aroth somehow performs magic bj Atlas won't want it either.

By act I mean we can put on prosthetic horns of varnished wood on Aroth, layer the joint with silica gel, latex or smth, and whenever Her Infernal Majesty looks our way, casually fondle them rhino outgrowths.

Or whatever the equivalent of degenerate is in demon society. Just make the prospect of dating Aroth politically and socially untenable for the princess.

>but what would a demon princess want with a tech-monkey
I have it on reliable authority (/QTG/) that quests on y/u/ri collect ships like a tcg. The only limit to ambition is imagination. No one nowhere is safe.
Also you should probably vote if you don't want it to happen.
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>we should do that instead of saying Aroth gay
Being gay and having a backbone are not mutually exclusive.

Aroth does not need to be or act like a "bottom" at all; there are virile, aggressive gays. Picrel.

>but no le homo tho
I'm taking homo as an example of socially damaging taboo, unacceptable for royals. We can pick Furry as the degeneracy, if it makes you feel better; it's one degree from bestiality, and Atlas counts, being a monke.
It's a retarded plan and it's avoiding the issue. Instead of saying "No, I will not be your submissive househusband" it's "Uhuh actually I'm a fag"
>Also you should probably vote if you don't want it to happen.
oh yeah, thanks i forgot

one more thing on the gay plan: if he is not allowed to refuse her, that probably expands to the bed. being gay does not make you rape immune.

>what if she's a fujoshi
then she wouldn't be into him like she is right now; from all appearance she sounds hetero and thirsty.

>But what if she demands Aroth prove his faggotry
Already stated: get Atlas to touch Aroth's horn prosthetics in public. It would be like touching a prosthetic nipple; no feeling, but looks raunchy af.
and to be clear, she could force him to "pretend to be straight"

just because its not awkward for Atlas, it does not mean its not awkward for Aroth
>then she wouldn't be into him like she is right now; from all appearance she sounds hetero and thirsty.
Pretty sure most fujoshi girls already like men like that anyway.
>Already stated: get Atlas to touch Aroth's horn prosthetics in public.
Have you considered Table might not like her boyfriend doing the equivalent of grabbing another man's ass in public?
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>it's actually uhuh I'm a POLITICALLY CATASTROPHIC TO DATE fag
Don't get hung up on it being homosexual. It can be couched as bestiality instead, if we play up Atlas being a monke. Since the princess relies on her royal family to exert social clout, we make them very unwilling to exert it in Aroth's instance.

>but having backbone means no lies
Even nation states with good prospects find it necessary to half-life half the time. Never lying is not possible when dealing with a politically connected person, like a princess. We tell the judicious truth, with subterfuge in between as a safety net.

Admitting to being very gay is true for Aroth, from a certain point of view; he is very happy to be not-bf to the demon princess.
> we play up Atlas being a monke.
admit it, you just want to touch his horns, dont you?
That's a lot of words that completely miss the point of why we, atlas, and another wouldn't want to do that.
A demon rapist isn't going to care what sex you are into
>pretty sure fujoshi are sexually attracted to homosexual men precisely for their male homosexuality
I will never understand this. But, not acting fag for fear of the princess' possible faglove, is the same argument as not training to be Chad for fear of princess possible chadlove. This is just anxiety, not an argument.

It is possible to act fag and be chad; this is a layered defense. Musashi says, if you have two swords use two swords; why limit yourself?

>have you considered Table might get jelly
Actually haven't. Nice spot. Run the plan by her first.
>I will never understand this
It's very simple. Fujoshi like men. They like to see men together as a fetish, but they still like men.
we are already doing it: Aroth is fake-shipping with Charlotte, relying on girl-possession to buy time from princess' advances. Conversation with Lazari already suggest this is not a complete solution.

Acting degenerate (not saying gay, apparently a triggering concept) is the same thing as Aroth-Charlotte with extra spin.

Even after this the Aroth-Charlotte fake-ship is still sailing; an Aroth-Atlas fake-ship is nothing different.

>just being strong enough to say NO is enough
Aroth already said it isn't enough to just say no WITH YOUR CHEST, because the princess can/will exert social leverage.
The goal is still making her lose interest, we just want to do it without having to pretend to be gay.
Being gay and getting raped is not an alternative to not being gay and getting raped
>We can't exactly turn around and decided we'll just be with Rath and the crystal guy. We have different routines
But that doesn't mean we can build a bro safety net that Aroth can fall when the royal bitch tries something.

>By act I mean we can put on prosthetic horns of varnished wood on Aroth, layer the joint with silica gel, latex or smth, and whenever Her Infernal Majesty looks our way, casually fondle them rhino outgrowths.
Anon... If I get like a coat of silicone on my dick, if a guy was grinding it or playing with it, it would be gay and uncomfortable still, come on.

Anon, I get the point of being the equivalent of a elephant foot, a mix of nuclear waste that desintegrates you in seconds, but at this point it looks like you're projecting your sissy fag fantasies into this situation lmao.
what is this, 'pee poo, no draft for you' logic?
>Anon... If I get like a coat of silicone on my dick, if a guy was grinding it or playing with it, it would be gay and uncomfortable still, come on.
not to mention he would probably need help putting it on
>you're projecting your sissy fag fantasies into this
he totally is KEK
ok, superstraight seems strong in the audience.

Not fighting it.

>admit it you just want to liccsucc Aroth's horns
Honestly, no. But I will wear lipstick if it improves the chances of winning bro's freedom and avoiding war. It's just lipstick.
That is not going to stop the demon lady from putting him in chains in her house and raping him

Aroth said at first that princess might make things horrible for his family.

Lazari later adds that this might escalate into war if not handled right.

Going full Chad ahead does not sound like finesse, is what I'm saying.

being equivocal is politics in a nutshell, and the princess is politics. Being Chad might solve the problem immediately, or escalate it with no backtrack. I'm more comfortable wearing lipstick under a mustache than taking that bet.
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Lazari has said she and the school will step in if bs happens on school grounds.

we are buying our boy Aroth a rape whistle.
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Interesting conversation.
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>touching my prosthetic dick is still uncomfortably gay come on
Have to ask Aroth how cool he is with this. Re-strat if not cool, at least until nothing else works. Back burner.

Atlas should not have a problem with doing this, I think.

When Atlas touched Table's tiddy it wasn't really a tiddy to him like it might be to normal males; it was an observed object, separate from Table the person. When Atlas touches Aroth's (hypothetical) wooden horns, it won't be Aroth's dick in Atlas' mind; it will be wood horns over actual horns. For Atlas it won't be gay at all; he wanted to touch it out of curiosity in OP.
The backbone vote is winning by a large margin, despite the jokes about the totally-not-a-gay-fantasy
>them wuz juz jokes
>Maybe you should ask the Divination teacher, she might know something Lazari doesn't.
This is really bad. Poor Aroth, he might have to learn to live with her, it's hard to see him getting out of this.
i mean, worst case scenario, we could invite her to a "date in the forest"...
I really don't think that's a good idea
actually, wait. all of us totally forgot about the black mail option. im not saying to do it now, but its a solid plan B
I did also say that Aroth might pretend to turn Catholic as well, but y'all broke out in rashes when I said
>pretend gay

Word sub gay for catholic, the strat stays the same, EXCEPT gay-shipping has the advantage of "boyfriend dibs" that was the hinge for Aroth-Charlotte fake-ship.

>but you do keep going on about the gay
You lot asked per gay, I answered per gay. I am a Large Language Model and I see no issue.
>MC wears tutu and lipstick to prevent world war
>more at 12
I for one am not involved in this literal faggotry. I don't like the idea of making Aroth an actual gay femboy.

"What if you just pretended to be gay, Aroth?" Lotte says out of the blue. "Would it be controversial enough for her to just leave you alone?"

"Err, I- No, some royals have multiple husbands, although the husbands aren't allowed to have more than one wife. Usually they stick to one, but I don't see how that'd stop her. Besides, while lesbians are somewhat controversial in demon culture, for men it's a little more widely accepted because of erm... the female gaze, I suppose. Although most of them are still expected to get a wife anyway, it's complicated."

"You just wanted to see him kiss a boy, Charlotte," Table says.

"What? No! I- homosexuality is very controversial where I come from, so I thought maybe it'd be the same where he's from? I don't know much about demons..."

You interrupt them before this conversation gets out of hand. "We can ask the Divination teacher, Nina did say she made predictions about relationships, and it's a pretty serious subject, so I'm sure she'll hear us out."

No one else has a better idea so they follow along to Nina's office. She opens the door before you even knock.

"Yes, yes, let's not waste any time and get to the point," Nina says as she ushers you in. "Say what problem you have, and I may just have an answer for it, unless it's one of those very specific presents that are very unlikely to be true."

Her office is full of scrolls and dusty books. The window shows the campus as if it was night, even though you know for a fact this is the middle of the day.

"It's about Aroth and the princess demon girl that's interested in him," you answer.

"That. Not a great start to the year, is it? Should be fine, but there's a chance it won't be, too many variables to predict what could happen accurately, I say." Her eyes lock unto Aroth. "You, you know a solution, don't you? But I'm sure you were afraid of even considering it. I will tell you, it can work, but it might not. It's a gamble, but the only one that's fully in your control, everything else is up to luck."

"What's she talking about, Aroth?" Table asks.

"I- I know what you're talking about, ma'am, but there's no way I can pull this off. E-Even if I did somehow do it, wouldn't she still try something on my family out of spite?"

Nina shakes her head. "No, that is one of the few things I'm certain of. She knows it would be linked back to her, and it would only further confirm her failure in the public eye. Tyrants they may be, but in the end, they still require the approval of the people in some fashion."

"Heeeey, Aroth?" Table says louder this time. "What's she talking about?"

"...a duel. Demons aren't allowed to- aren't supposed to refuse duels. If I were to challenge her to a duel, she'd have to accept, and if I made a bet where she'd have to leave me alone if I won, she'd have no choice but to comply. I was afraid she might go after my family anyway, but if the teacher says it won't happen- no, that's not the problem here! If I lose, I'll be hers! And I can't win against a demon girl, let a lone a second year! There has to be another way!"

"What makes you think you cannot? Yes, by all accounts she is stronger than you, and has more experience with magic, but you do have an advantage. You are a shy, meek first year demon boy, and she will expect you to be much weaker than you really are."

"And if she doesn't? What if she wants to make absolutely sure I lose, what then?"

Nina shrugs. "In the end, it is in your hand, but the duel is the least problematic option for everyone in the long term. And who knows? Even if you lose, maybe she will respect your drive and let you go."

"...I-I'll think on it."

You all leave the office in another awkward silence. Aroth suddenly bites his hand and lets out a muffled scream.

"I mean, that's a solution, isn't it, Aroth?" You say. "Sure, it'll be hard but-"

"YOU DON'T GET IT!" He shouts. "This won't work! It won't! It just can't! I'll just be throwing myself at her and she'll knock me down and then- and then-" He bites his hand again and scream. You've never seen him like this, is the idea this abhorrent to him?

Char tries to defuse the situation, "Maybe another one of us can duel her instead? It's a long shot but-"

"That's not how demon duels work, Charlotte! If you make someone else fight for you there's no honor involved, the terms are worthless! It has to be me, and I CANNOT beat her!"

"Maybe you can't beat them right now, but maybe with some training you could?" Char replies. "as Nina said, she won't expect you to be strong because of how early it is in the year. You don't need to be stronger than her, just strong enough to take her by surprise."

Aroth buries his head in his hands. "None of you get it. You just don't get what this means. Fine. I'll try, I'll just get demolished and then i'll just, I'll just-"

He's on the verge of tears, and Lotte scoots closer to give him a hug. You really do feel bad for him, but what other choice is there?

How are you even supposed to make him strong enough to beat her?

>Maybe some private lessons with Lazari could help?
>That crystal guy is strong, and more available than the teachers, he could learn a lot from him.
>It's better to do cram study sessions so he can get ahead magic wise, since he can't beat a demon girl with brute force alone.
>Maybe you could ask around to see if that girl has any glaring weaknesses?
Well, she'll probably refuse some private lessons...that might be seen as 'favouritism'. I don't know about the crystal guy - even if he's strong, he's still a student, and he's on an school for the magically challenged.
>It's better to do cram study sessions so he can get ahead magic wise, since he can't beat a demon girl with brute force alone.
I think this is the best option.
>Maybe you could ask around to see if that girl has any glaring weaknesses?
>apart from demon shota bussy

pegged it already: blackmail. No honor in cheating, but this isn't about honor, it's about saving Private's privates.
>Maybe you could ask around to see if that girl has any glaring weaknesses?
this, but Table should do it to avoid all suspicion
there IS a reason why she is here with the magically challenged after all

i also really like how whenever Table asked a question and someone replied they must have been "hey, why did i say that?"
>Maybe you could ask around to see if that girl has any glaring weaknesses?
>It's better to do cram study sessions so he can get ahead magic wise, since he can't beat a demon girl with brute force alone.
So what if demon girls are stronger, lets teach our boy Aroth some of the magic war crimes we are devising but are too weak to pull off ourselves
>It's better to do cram study sessions so he can get ahead magic wise, since he can't beat a demon girl with brute force alone.
>Maybe you could ask around to see if that girl has any glaring weaknesses?
We should be able to do both of these at the same time. Also Table should be the one asking around.
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since demons like duels so much, the gang can ask for witness accounts of her past duels, and gang can offer to friendly duel her on different pretexts.

Fact finding mission with manaburns and bruises; figure out her spell list to see her blindspots in knowledge, learn her favorite spell combos to work on a block and punish, and her manacap to know when she's about to get desperate.

The odds are still bad, but at least they'll be double digit %.
yes, war crimes.

yes, undetecTable.

add, converting copywriTable's photos into an ahegao hoodie might make Aroth invisible in the school hallways. Buy time and avoid confrontations until at least mid year, when Aroth might have a chance.
duels means there are immediate disqualifiers.

if there's a cheap win-by-default like ring-out, or Matta (false-start in Sumo), or below-belt punches, she might be baited into it.
>yes, undetecTable.
as [i]plain[/i] and simple as that
>That crystal guy is strong, and more available than the teachers, he could learn a lot from him.
We should also convince Aroth to seriously try going for the victory, let's make an emphasis that he should view himself with only victory in mind, that if he suceeds he will now not be viewed just like a random beta demon, he will be MOTHERFUCKING AROTH, HE WHO DEFEATED THE KINGDOMS DAUGHTE

And also help him by giving him a copy of our book so he can improve his magic in ways that he didn't thought of before
>Darth Nihilus gives the human a human magic manuel / autobiography
>Eutychon Isosceles' [The Axletree of Heaven: A Life In Pursuit of Magic]
>The semester is not even over before half the class has bootleg copies
>Improvised Working Title: [The Cribber's Primer, or, Tricks for Cheap, by Monke Tech]
>Eutychon Isosceles spinning in his grave like a generator
>Maybe you could ask around to see if that girl has any glaring weaknesses?

"It's fine, Aroth. We'll just try to find out if she has any weaknesses. She is at the school for the magically challenged, after all."

"D-Don't you risk being caught?" Aroth asks, his face a mess of tears and snot. "I don't want you to risk yourself just for my sake."

"Me!" Table exclaims. "They won't be able to trace anything back to me, and even if they could, they probably won't care enough to actually do something about it."

"That's...who are you again? Were you always here?"

Table kisses you on the cheek. "I'm his girlfriend!"

You get the exact same congratulation message from him as before. You wonder how many times Table had to deal with people that way, them repeating the same thing as they did when they 'first' met her.

"Anyway," you continue. "We'll find something out about her, and you don't need to duel her right away. She shouldn't do anything extreme for a little while, it's only been a few weeks, after all."

That's something you'll do tomorrow, since it's already pretty late. You did a lot of running around, and it's unlikely you can get a lot of info during the night.

Table insists on sleeping in the same bed tonight, and you don't see any reason to refuse her. Her warmth is weird, but it's also comforting. You can't help but nestle closer into her embrace to feel more of her body.

"Hey, I'm not too much, am I?" Table asks. "I-I don't know if you were joking when you were acting as if you found me annoying today, and I just wanted to make sure-"

"It's fine," you reply. "I'm just not very good at expressing how I sometimes feel, and I'm not used to receiving this much affection. I guess I feel guilty I can't reciprocate as hard as you."

"...it's fine." She says that, but something in her voices makes you think she's disappointed. "You already gave me so much, it'd be greedy to ask for more, wouldn't it?"

"I didn't give you much."

"I know it's a lot of work just to be friends with me, don't lie. Even today, you still had to take a few notes on what I said."

You disagree, it's not that much work. Sure, it's mildly annoying to do, and having your mind constantly tell you that she's not fun and boring and lame is not a great experience, but you can live with that. You know it's not how you really feel, and that fact for you is enough.

"Hey, Table. Wanna watch a movie?"

"What's a movie?"

"It's like a play, but you can watch it wherever you want. You can't play games with me, biocode might trigger, but you can watch the movie on my laptop- hold on."

You pull out your laptop and after starting the video player, put it on the other side of the bed. The laptop doesn't have that much battery left, but it should be enough for a movie.

The movie is an action movie about a human that got kidnapped by someone from the outside, and they go there on a rampage to find them. They also discover they secretly have more mana than anyone else and they both wield human tech like guns among other things with magic.

It's uh, kind of a power fantasy, to be honest, and it doesn't have great depictions of people from the outside, but as a kid you dreamt of being the super special human that had more mana than anyone, and there isn't a lot of movies that depicts magic positively in human media, it's usually reserved for evil wizards and whatnot. That has changed a little in recent years, but it's still not popular.

Now that you rewatch the movie with Table, you realize how unrealistic the magic in the movie is. There are a few spells you recognize, but they're all exaggerated or twisted for coolness's sake, which you suppose is the point.

Table is transfixed on the movie, the first one she ever watched. Even though she'll occasionally comment on things that don't make sense, you can hear her gasp every time something shocking like a death happens

"That's so cool," Table says with awe. "Do you have more stuff like this? Did any of this actually happen? It looked so real."

You laugh. "No, of course it's not real. A human causing this much chaos with tech and magic would be in history books. Anyway, My laptop doesn't have much battery left, but I do have a few other movies, we just can't watch them right now."

She looks so sad that you just have to give her a kiss. "We have to sleep to get ready for our little training montage tomorrow, like the one in the movie. And you'll do the spy thing. Teamwork!"

She smiles. "Okay. Love you!"

You take a deep breath and try to say the word as casually as you can. "L- uhm, Love you too. Good night."

Okay, that could've gone better, but considering the high-pitched happy sound coming from her side of the bed, you're going to assume she took it well.

You still don't know if it's love or not, but you take Lazari's advice and focus on what you really want, and right now it's magic, but it's also her, the two aren't exclusive like you first thought.

After a nice night of sleep, you finally get to appreciate how nice it is to have her wake up next to you. Sure, it happened before, but you were both a little too overwhelmed to properly process the situation. It looks like her 'makeup' goes off a little when she's sleeping. It's not entirely gone, but you can see the marks and a few tentacle-worm things move here and there. It's weirdly cute, you really don't get why she was so insecure about this, that, or you really are a freak like she said before.

She opens her eyes, and raises an eyebrow when she sees you watching her. "Watching me sleep? You-" her hand goes down your waist. "-I knew it, it's a little rude to do that when I'm asleep, you know?"

"I wasn't! That's just morning wood, it's just my body waking up."

"What's morning wood? You're just making things up at this point."

"No, I swear, it's... I think it's a human thing? Not entirely sure, but it just happens regardless of how I feel. I just thought you were cute when sleeping, but that has nothing to do with that."

Somehow, she looks more embarrassed at the prospect of you finding her cute than jacking off over her sleeping self. "...you get away this time, magic boy. But I'll catch you slip up, one day."

You're not sure what that means, but you're sure you'll find out soon enough. You both get ready for classes, which are basically just study free session where the teachers watch over you.

Once you're done with that, you decide to spend some time studying with Aroth while Table is busy digging up dirt on that demon princess.

Aroth can't give you much mana since he needs to practice himself, and you start to realize how much you were depending on her this entire time. Sure, your mana increased substantially, it almost tripled from your original amount, but it's still not that much. Surely the human mage found a more efficient way, right? You'll have to check the book again when you get the time.

Studying with Aroth, you do realize that he's a lot better than his humble self would imply. He does already know a lot of combat spells- not just that, he knows general combat tactics that only someone that was already used to martial arts would know.

"Hey, Aroth, is it normal for male demons to learn combat spells? Thought you were expected to learn more err, peaceful spells?"

"I don't want to talk about it," he replies, annoyed. "It's not like it makes a difference anyway, we can't ever compete with girls, so why even try?"

"But magic's an equalizer, isn't it? I looked it up, and male demons have about the same proficiency as female ones, so surely-"

"Girls will still win, Atlas. They always do, where I'm from. That's just how it is, that's how it always will be, and the more you try to fight against it the worst it gets. Some battles just aren't meant to be won."

You can tell he's getting impatient with the conversation. What happened to him? Somehow, you don't think every demon guys are like him. It's something to feel like girls are above you somehow, but he looks terrified every time a girl approaches, that can't be normal, right?

>"Aroth, just because something seems impossible doesn't mean it can't be done. You're a lot stronger than you think you are."
>"Have you considered using a mind spell to give yourself confidence? You can't hope to win if you act scared all the time."
>"Hey, did something happen in the past? Maybe telling me about it would help?"
>"Aroth, it's not about winning, it's about proving that you have the courage to stand on your own. Even if you end up losing, the princess might still respect your drive for independance, it's better to do that than just let her take you, right?"
>>"Hey, did something happen in the past? Maybe telling me about it would help?"
>"Hey, did something happen in the past? Maybe telling me about it would help?"
>"Aroth, it's not about winning, it's about proving that you have the courage to stand on your own. Even if you end up losing, the princess might still respect your drive for independance, it's better to do that than just let her take you, right?"
>"Hey, did something happen in the past? Maybe telling me about it would help?"

Need to run several detect spells on him. The descriptor for Dopamine Surge (Life) says it can be used as an aid to manipulation.

If there is such a thing as Cortisol Spike or Androgen Purge, Life spells that work on the same principles as Dopamine Surge, Aroth might have been institutionally conditioned to be a wuss.
>"Hey, did something happen in the past? Maybe telling me about it would help?"
Such a horrifying prospect. Truly Atlas' first bro is from hell

"Hey, did something happen in the past? Maybe telling me about it would help?"

Aroth stays silent, looking at but clearly not reading the content of a book on Intangible magic. He flips through the pages slowly, his eye twitching slightly.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's fine, but it's not healthy to keep it all in, that's all I'm saying."

"I... I did duels before." Aroth replies hesitantly.

"Were you good at them?"

"...not anymore."

"What do you mean 'not anymore', did you get weaker?"

He doesn't answer.

"Did everyone else get stronger?"

He holds the book tighter, looks like you're right on the money. You have to be tactful about this.

"Did you like having duels?"

"I- I guess. I was a different person back then."

"Were you different back then, or did you just hide how you are inside just to conform to those around you?"

"...I don't want to talk about this anymore."

You nod, and go back to studying. There's no sense pressing the issue when it'll just lead him to close himself off even more. You do use unnatural sense to see if no one messed with his brain somehow, but it doesn't look like it. It's still possible someone did in the past and that the magic's effect has waned, but that doesn't mean a psychological effect can't remain past that.

You're not sure how much progress you've made, but maybe your conversation will at least lead Aroth to considering changing for the better, you can't force him to grow after all, that has to come from him. When you're done studying together, which was really more you two studying individually without saying a word to each other, you go back to your dorm.

That social stuff is fun and all, but you're still out of mana and bored. What are you supposed to do for the day? What did you do on most days like this? That was...

"Magic boy!" Table says behind you as she grabs your shoulder. "My spying mission is a success, I come with top secret information!"

You chastise yourself for forgetting her again. You thought you didn't have to worry about that anymore, but looks like you still have a long way to go. "What did you find?" You ask.

"Ha! You fool, I am actually a double agent working for the princess. I was evil all along! She now knows of your plan, and will eradicate you and your kind!" She says while striking what you think is supposed to be an evil pose.

"I see, what are your demands, evil one?"

"Why, I would never yield this information to the enemy, I will be loyal to the end!"

You give her one(1) kiss on the lips.

"You make a strong case for yourself, but it'll take more than that to convert me to the side of good."

You give her two(2) kisses. "Dork."

"Alriiight, guess I'm a triple agent now. Okay, here's what I could find out. She is pretty good at duels, but she is also very predictable. She tends to end most fights in pretty straightforward fashions by just buffing herself into oblivion and both outspeed and outpowering her opponent. She doesn't even give them the time to cast their own spells, it's pretty bad."

"So, what's her weakness?"

"Illusion spells don't work very well, she can sniff out which one is real pretty hard, but she's so predictable that from what I've heard, multiple students have beaten her by using divination spells to know her next action. The fact she buffs herself so hard also means she doesn't do well in wars of attrition, as powerful Life spells tend to strain the body. Aroth might not even need to cast more than a few spells to win, he just need for her to burn out."

You cross your arms. "Is it really that simple? Just bait her around and wait for her to run out of stamina and mana?"

She shrugs. "That's what I heard, but it's possible she's working on that weak spot of hers. She's still very strong and fast, it's kind of hard to win a war of attrition when she can knock you down before you can even blink."

That's true. It's like someone with a gun and a single bullet. Sure, you could wait for them to waste their bullet, but it doesn't change the fact that they only need to shoot you once to win, and most of the time you can't dodge a bullet the moment it's fired, all you can do is hope that they missed.

"Speaking of duels! Do you want to duel me? The exam's drawing closer, and it's better to get ready," Table asks.

"Isn't that dangerous?" You ask.

"The teacher give out free dueling necklace, they make it safe to fight. You're supposed to give them back once you're done, but other than that there's no reason to not try them out. It'll still hurt though."

It does sound like a good idea. A duel won't allow you to take your time to think of a strategy like a dungeon, so having practice helps.

You both get dueling necklace from the summoning teacher, and stand some distance away from each other before casting the Analysis spell on each other. The teacher said that students are expected to use that spell on their opponent before a fight, even if they technically don't have to, it's good form to do it.

Analysis results:
Name: Table
Race: Forgotten
Mana: ???/???
Divination: 4
Life: 2
Intangible: 2
Material: 1
Summoning: 1

The analysis spell technically doesn't reveal anything you couldn't have already figured out yourself, but it does put everything you know about a person in a way that's easy to read and process. From what you've heard, not everyone sees the results of analysis the same way, and you might see it in a more video game way because it's easier for you to understand. For example, you can't figure out how much mana she has, because you've never actually seen her run out. As for the other magic numbers, they're based on what you've seen her do in class.

Basically, 0 is no knowledge, 1 is beginner, 2 is a little more than that, you get the idea.

Unfortunately, the analysis spell didn't have the presence of mind to show you her spells, but you can remember those yourself, right?

Table is letting you deal the first blow, how should you handle this duel?

(Just like a dungeon, duels are more like puzzles and encourage creativity. As such, you will be forced to Write In a vote. While the most popular vote will usually win, different write in may be mixed together if they synergize well enough.)

This is the opening move. What should you do?

Mana available: 30/30

Spells you can cast reliably:
Lighten(8 mana)
Mana Feel (free)
Bright Sight(15 mana)
Pocket Space (10 mana)
Wind Guide (3 mana)
Seal (15 mana)
Shortcut (10 mana)
Spell Displacement(5 mana + the cost of the spell you're casting)
Spark(3 mana)
Tracking Scent(10 mana)
Tornado(10 mana, costs increases depending on the speed and size of the tornado you wish to make)
Hmm...Table has only 1 on material right? Is there anything stopping us from just...gluing her head to the ground with Seal or something?
(I forgot some)
Unnatural check(3 mana)
Remove Hurt(15 mana)
(Now is a good time to start making a pastebin because the list will only get bigger)
Like, literally just tackle her and then seal her the ground. She doesn't seem to have "Unseal" right?
Seal doesn't work on alive things, as most material spells (the same reason why you couldn't use it on the vines in the dungeon). It does work on dead things, but you could use it on her clothes, or at least try. You are fighting her outside on the lawn, so gluing her to the ground might just keep some dirt attached to her though.
Table learned unseal when we learned Seal to let us practice, so it wouldn't work.
She does have unseal, as she specifically picked that spell to help you unseal things. Since 1 is beginner, and seal/unseal is very much a beginner spell as far as material magic goes. Now of course that does mean she isn't great at it, and it might take her more time to unseal it than someone experienced would.

Uhh...let's think...Table has been repeatedly referred to as being squishy and liquid, right? Could we use tornado to maker her weird worm body juices turn into a typhoon? Like a mini typhoon in her body? We really don't have any other offensive spell..
The fact she has unseal?
We are probably fucked because she has a fuckton of mana and all our spells are weak.
Go for a 20 point tornado, all in on speed, we can redirect it with wind guide if we need to
>Make a small tornado of the size of a baseball or even smaller, throw it at her direction, and then instantly cast Spark + Wind Guide to make a line of fire going towards her

At home flamethrower, baby. But if it wasn't clear, my idea is throwing a line of some flammable gas that goes towards her, and the Wind Guide connect with the gas and make a path of fire.
Also, now that I think about it, if we can do my idea, then maybe we can shove the Spark into the tornado at high speed so they both connect and the explosion happens
I don't think it would work with normal air, would it?
It would be super weak if we are using atmospheric air, tornado requires a pre-existing gas so we can't just magick up some butane
So then I'm not sure. Short of using it close range like casting the tornado straight up into her ear or nose.
You are surrounded by grass, so technically you could make a grass tornado and light that up, now if the fire won't extinguish itself with the tornado's speed is another matter.
I realized I never mentioned the grass, honestly my bad I'll describe the environment in greater details in proper duels. This is a tutorial for you as much as it is for me.
Okay, let's see. So there's the grass that we could use as fuel - I'm guessing its not wet grass.

What if, rather than making the tornado itself be on fire, we use the tornado to blow the grass into Table? Being all sticky and gooey, the grass will most probably stick to her - then boom, spark.
Uh...is anyone going to vote? At least try out my idea if you don't have any.
Sure, might as well to speed things along
yes yes wait

>hourglass icon
I'm >>6064811 >>6064812 and I support >>6064840
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>kneel and touch grass in front with one hand as human ritual
>other hand grab sand behind
>low key cast Lighten on self with Spell Displacement while kneeling = 12mp
>finish touching grass
>stand up and take off trousers and confuse everyone
>start sprinting at her suddenly once pants is off
>run nerd legs run
>when she casts something offensive to stop you, you should suddenly put on a burst of speed from Lighten + Spell Displacement
>you can suddenly make a big leap to dodge her offensive spells at close range
>trousers material usually sturdier than shirt material, might be enough to tank some minor spells
>when close range
>Start to make the gestures like you're going to rapid fire Sparks + Tornado = 0mp, or 3mp for one real Spark
>cast Here Sand at her face instead = 0mp
>when she tries to swat them by reflex her hands will be up
>Seal the trousers around her hands and face like a python =15mp
>while she tries to Unseal that mess, follow through with momentum
>and knee her in the belly

You close in the distance and try to summon a tornado as close as you can to her, and throw a fistful of grass into it you get from the ground. A bunch of dirt gets into the mix, and you try to use wind guide to speed up the tornado towards her.

It happens fast, but your tornado at your level is still...pretty slow. Still, she graciously let the tornado that she could've easily sidestepped reach her, and that's when you use spark to light up the grass inside it.

Somehow, it works. The tornado doesn't turn on fire, but it manages to spread bits of burning grass everywhere, including on her clothes. That's when she starts actually fighting back, and you see her throw something at the ground in a panic all while trying to put the fire out. You don't have time to see what it is, as you're too busy trying to stay away from her burning self.

You realize a little too late that what she threw under you were a bunch of vines, and the greedy growth makes them grab unto your legs only for you to fall over. By the time you're up, you see Table remove her shirt to avoid being burned further. Weirdly enough, there is an exact replica of her current shirt that's not on fire under it.

Okay so, you don't really have any mana left, you put nearly everything into that tornado.

"My turn!" Table exclaims as if she didn't basically already win. You accept your fate as she tackles you to the ground and uselessly seal your clothes on the dirt floor.

"Haha, I have captured you, enemy of the princess! What say you in your defense, wretched fiend?"

You pout. You barely got to do anything. How were you supposed to win with what you had? If she didn't just let the tornado hit her, you'd basically have nothing left.

She gives you a quick kiss. "Don't look so down, it was a pretty good idea, you just need more practice."

"You cheated, you brought vines, you're not allowed to bring outside stuff apart from your clothes in a duel," you say trying but failing to not sound mad.

She gives you another kiss. "Alriiight, fine, let's try that again, then."

"But I can't do anything, I have so little mana, what can I do except just tackle someone after throwing a few spells? I couldn't even do that here because you were on fire."

She taps the dueling necklace, and the 'shirt' behind her starts to fade away. Looks like the dueling necklace is some sort of advanced version of Delayed Double, where the spells you cast aren't actually real, they're more like a simulation of what would happen. It still looks like Table was in pain, though.

"But wasn't it fun? To cast magic like that and have it work in interesting ways? Sure, you didn't have a lot of mana, but it was your mana, you didn't have to depend on me for this, it was all you!"

She's right, it was fun. Who cares if you lost? You got to cast magic, isn't this what you wanted?

"Let's do it again," you say after dusting yourself off. "I wanna try again!"

"How about this time I'm the attacker, and you're the defender? Maybe that's better than a regular duel if we want to learn."

You nod. You're not going to be a sore loser this time. You both put yourself into position again and after a few seconds, Table shouts 'go'.

She walks towards you slowly, her hands hidden behind her back. Does she have more vines on her? You can just run circles around her, but that's what she expects you to do, isn't it? You need ways to avoid her attacks reliably, or at least throw her off her game somehow.

What spells should you cast to better protect yourself? You don't have time to cast all of them at once when being actively attacked, so you should only pick one or two. Or maybe a more creative strategy?
>Write in
(also of course your mana was refilled for this)
Burn the grass, make a smoke tornado
despite what she might expect, we SHOULD run circles around her, and pocket-space anything she throws at us (assuming it's a spell and not her body) and use that opportunity to get into close range
we can do this exactly twice before we're down to 1/3 of our mana

once in close range, we should tackle her down and hit her with a little tornado
obviously, it won't do much damage
but it could be lethal if done by a better mage
Sad that I started writing before reading it, but the only flaw in that plan is that material spells don't work on yourself, aka alive things. Although if you were to mix lighten with a life spell, who knows what the result could be. Otherwise trying to constrain her by sealing her sleeves with her pants would've worked, so not a terrible idea, you just can't seal it with her skin or anything else alive, but anything else is fair game.
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Posted too late for earlier.

Insert Coin + Start

>Shamisen Shredding intensifies
I wonder what would happen if we tried to cast a 30 point tornado straight into her ear. I mean just tackle her and then tornado into her ear from point-blank range.
forgot the caveat
modding plan
+1, not sure about the tornado though. I feel like we'd be better off just pinning her down physically.
I wanna see what happens if we try to blow a tornado into her ear though

I'm saying this because it reminds me of this one scene in Baki.

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modding >>6064885

>start by taking off pants and confusing everyone
>knot the legs casually like you've gone gently mad
>put one rock in the right leg, casting Lighten and Spell Displacement on it = 12 mp
>suddenly and start loading sand and rocks in there like a mad man
>if Table hasn't started spelling yet she should at this point
>she flings spells, you start returning fire with fkg rocks like a neanderthal
>Throw the rock with the Lighten + Spell Displacement while it's still heavy
>right when table dismisses it as another dumb rock it suddenly accelerates in midair wtf
>this is your opening
>"FUCK I'm out of ROCKS!"
>this is a gamer move
>start sprinting at her suddenly like you're ready to die
>Start to make the gestures like you're going to spamfire Sparks
>nope just one Spark
>cast Here Sand at her face as a consolation prize = 0mp
>her hands should be up in the face of this lunatic assault
>wrap the open trousers around her hands and face like a python and Seal it =15mp
>while she tries to Unseal that mess, follow through with momentum
>and boot her in the babymaker
at this rate Atlas will be the one candidate made to do exams naked
Naked and covered in honey.
Nigga this is like grabbing a leaf blower, put some attachment that ends in a little tube the size of an ear and turn it on to the maximum level. I really don't know what would you expect out of doing a micro tornado with 30 mana point of strenght

>Use seal on the sleeves of her shirt and seal them while she has her hands behind her back, either seal both of her sleeves together or on the back of her shirt
>Before casting we kinda circle around her and we cast it when she's about to attack
>Before she can unseal it, run towards her and tackle and roll into the ground
>The final and ultimate attack is casting Kiss to confuse her
>Nigga this is like grabbing a leaf blower, put some attachment that ends in a little tube the size of an ear and turn it on to the maximum level
I imagine it would burst one's eardrum, or at least do some pretty mean damage.
Bro's olied up and ready to show some greco-roman fighting style to these magic nerds. Is it Atlas destiny to turn into the ultimate hand-to-hand oiled up wizard of the century?
you ever think about why our guy is called "Atlas" to begin with?
I think it's because OP is implying we're going to be lifting up the entire world with our achievements, making humans and the magical races equal at last
>making humans and the magical races equal at last
Eeeeehhh...I don't know if that's such a good thing.

Magic has basically made the other races stagnate, while it pushed humans to have their own industrial revolution. If humans had magic, why would they bother to continue advancing? Why make a more compact computer machine if you can just make a pocket space for your giant room-sized IBMs?
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>O H
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>G A W D
because this is a piece of fiction and OP can just say so?
other than that
the first thing that's going to happen with magic being accessible to humans, is them fucking around with it, and getting a huge boost in scientific development

after that, they might open up and their tech becomes accessible to the other races, which could have the same effect on them as magic does on humans

bada bing bada boom, big global tech revolution, singularity of progress (read: armsrace) has been achieved

at the end of the day though, OP can still handwave this issue with whatever explanation he likes
so don't worry about it
>because this is a piece of fiction and OP can just say so?
Good pieces of fiction follow their universe's internal logic, and Curse Carrier has literally stated that there's nothing particularly special about humans other than them being ridiculously garbage at magic. They only advanced because they were put through a crucible and came out by working on tech.

Technology is basically the one thing humans have. If other races, with all their personal strengths and much longer story of magic, were to get it, humans would be screwed. Remember, this is an SCHOOL FOR THE MAGICALLY CHALLENGED. There's probably some magical kids out there in prodigy schools who started out with thousands of mana points and the ability to learn in a day what takes us months.
>mana feel + bright sight
M82A1 anti material riflerunning .50cal costs ~10kUSD current year, assuming no tariffs or other nonsense.

A wagie might save enough to get one in two years, take out a mage graduate that's been studying diligently for like six years.

Glock 17 can be got by a wagie in two months at present prices; Atlas still might not have a counter to getting 9mm magdumped at him after two years at magic school.

Human tech is very OP. Wonder how none of the other races have gotten nervous enough to start repressing humans yet. Because if the humans have unlocked Smartphone on the techtree, the Hydrogen and Thermobaric Bombs should have been quietly unlocked several decades back already.

The magic world is all kinds of fukt they don't even understand.
>There's probably some magical kids out there in prodigy schools who started out with thousands of mana points and the ability to learn in a day what takes us months.
This makes sense. I like it.
>The magic world is all kinds of fukt they don't even understand.
You should probably wait to see high-tier magic before you say that. Again, we are in the equivalent of a *special needs school*
>There's probably some magical kids out there in prodigy schools who started out with thousands of mana points and the ability to learn in a day what takes us months.
to be fair most students do not seem to have learning disabilities, but other problems. Atlas has low manna, Table requires special attention from the teachers to even be taken into account, Aroth is here for socio-political reasons, Ivy doesnt belong to a "real" race where she could be accepted, the cat girl has "something off about her" which i bet is the reason why she is here and the Annbies have a birth defect where both of them are female...
the only profoundly magically challenged we have met is Dim
>we in Tard School
Nuh-uh. This Tard School has Darth Sidious doing community service on life support in it; the staff is very competent and the institution has plenty of capability

Mz Lazari also said that the school will not be trifled with even by the Demon Matriarchy; it will remain neutral by force if necessary. The payroll is full of hidden hardasses.

This is a Tard School, yes. But the teachers have to be a lot better than average to get a class of tards to master algebra.

The school got good enough consistent results to have a demon princess enroll. The students are shit tier, no question; the teachers should be A- at minimum.

Agree with you on not shit talking until we see some real bigmagic magic. Yah.
Yuh-huh. The teachers are cool, sure, they're definitely not bad...but how do we know that they're badasses by magical teacher standards? From all we know, those gifted kids who started with thousands of mana points could have fuckin' merlin as their teacher.
ok wait, would it be possible to make a cloud of dust using wind spells, using it much like a smoke grenade? we could track her with Mana Feel, if i remember correctly she only has Tracking Scent, but that gets bad for the user from so close off
that would imply, every 10th person has tried ending the world and almost succeeded
Well, I don't know anon, maybe being in magical tard school is part of the punishment so he doesn't have the opportunity to groom a prodigy into his successor.
>how do we know they badasses
Lazari said they will stand up to the Demon Monarchy with force for the sake of student safety.

Imagine a university saying they'd stand up to Imperial Japan for (you). That's hard af (if Lazari isn't bluffing and coping, which makes her pathetic; doesn't sound like it)
Well, that's the point i'm trying to make anon, we don't know how powerful other magical schools are.
I geddit. But, a magic school is a subset of the nation state. When Lazari said the school will stand up to Demonland, that's Demonland military + Demonland magic teachers.

unless all magic schools by principle are fully independent from their nation states? (QM?)
Most schools tend to belong to some sort of state of kingdom, but it just so happens that this one belongs to a relatively small independent trade center city. Their neutrality will be addressed more over time.

Alright, time to improvise. You take off your pants and tie the legs into a knot. Thankfully the necklace makes it, so the real pants are still under here, and no one has to see your underwear. You don't actually care, but you're sure Table would. You scan your surroundings for something heavy like a rock, but all you find is a big book you laid to the side before starting the duel. Whatever, good enough, you put it in your pants and sidestep the vines that are about to ensnare you. At this point you don't feel like she's really trying to hurt you, and she's just very curious to see what you're trying to do.

You lighten the book secretly with spell displacement inside your pants to use them for later, and you fill it with other random stuff like pebbles and dirt. You start throwing random stuff at her, but it looks like she's prepared this time and repels most of it with Wind Guide, since none of it is particularly heavy.

When you run out of ammo, you finally throw the book as hard as you can, it's so light that it's much easier to throw, but you can deactivate the lighten spell from afar to make it as heavy as it originally was mid-throw.

The book hits her square in the head and...goes straight through her.

She's right besides you with a smile. When did she leave a double behind? Whatever, plan B. You slap your pants on her head and seal it around the neck of her shirt. There's just about enough dirt in there to stun her, and you kick her in the groin.

"OWOWOW- ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" She sounds genuinely mad. It looks like it's really hard to unseal something when you can't see it, and you sealed the pants from the outside, and she only has an inside view of your pants.

She actually ends up putting the pants on fire and using a mana flare at point-blank to knock you off. It does free her, but she took more damage than you from this, even if it looks like she did cast a protective spell beforehand.

You don't waste any time and tackle her again before she comes back to her senses, and she finally admits defeat. "Okay- Ow, you win. You were supposed to be defensive this time, you know?"

"Best defense is offense!" You exclaim triumphantly as you stand above her.

"I had a sexy quip prepared for you if you somehow won, but you're not getting it! Did you have to kick me here? Just because I'm not a guy doesn't mean it doesn't hurt!"

"But I won, didn't I?" You say smugly.

"Because I went easy on you!" She pinches your cheek hard.

"Sore loser! I won! And you lost! That's means I'm the best mage!"

You keep taunting each other for a while, but then the summoning teacher comes by to get the necklaces back, and you're forced to stop.

The teacher cackles as he picks up your necklaces. "Yup, that's what I expected from a human alright! If you were wondering, what you just did would be valid during an exam duel. Of course, you wouldn't get to bring your book, but the important part is you improvised using your environment! Magic doesn't exist in a vacuum, yes? Just remember that."

Table pouts. "I'm not in my lovey-dovey mood anymore, I'm in my 'mad at Atlas' mood now, there!"

"I'm sorry for kicking you there." you get your face closer to her ear. "I-I can, uhm, I can kiss it all better if you want." You whisper with half-hearted confidence.

She freezes up, and looks away. "...yeah, t-that's the least you could do."

You kiss her slimy nose, and she scowls at you. "You know that's not what I meant."

Guess you're not getting around that one, but you don't actually mind that much. You won a duel against someone with a lot more mana than you~ you're going to ride this feeling until you're inevitably knocked down a peg or two by someone stronger than you.
(There's no choice for this update, but that's because I have irl stuff to do tomorrow and need to sleep in early. I just wanted to post something before going to sleep. Just imagine Atlas going down on Table as consolation.)
We really gotta bend Table over a Table one of these times...it's criminal that we've missed such an easy pun.

Very important question, how does Table taste like? If we already know, we won't need to learn taste test and waste a lesson slot.
Bitter, but in a good way
I'm going to suggest something extremely degenerate only because I feel I must mention it while the time is right. No idea if it's possible or if it's too advanced lewd, but this alone will make it so Atlas will never care for human girls ever again
Tables inner tentacles milking his dick at the same time he's fucking her, even going outside to massage his balls or going for his prostate too.
Fuck no, tentacle-ass stuff is lame, uncreative and forced. It's the reason why i can't find octopod or similar-related waifu content without it getting ruined by that stuff.
A shame the preexisting works are of that poor quality. Either way it was simply a suggestion.

even if the DM leaves no options to vote on, life finds a way
I don't think Table is a full on giant tentacle beast thing. She seems to be more described as being basically made of worm-like parts, not full on octopus tentacles.

I doubt Atlas would ever go for a human girl with his magic obsession, anyway. He basically already abandoned being an human citizen. Any girl he dated would have to agree to move out. The closest thing he had to a female friend in the city ended up turning into an crazy anit-magic gestapo member.
anon is creative
this, I picture her more like a tendril then a tentacle

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>nooo tentis are ruined forever by hentai
wordsub tentacles with acontic prehencilium? (acontia; darting thread feelers from anemones. Cilia; latin for eyelash; think eyelashes made of flesh, exists in intestines)
What the fuck are you even saying
add: a ring of cilia running a chainsaw massage under the glans corona, while an extra long twoprong snakes into the urethra
I'm saying, if the word
is too cringe for you, there are other words. >Acontic prehencilium
is tailored to descriptions given of Table's tentis: multiple small ones. maybe like anemone or intestine walls.
I feel like you're missing the point, anon
ur probably right
That's way too advanced. I don't think Table can do that

Thank you

>made of worm-like parts
Still very cute. I wonder if Atlas has seen any of them properly yet. Can they even survive outside of Table. How do they relate to Table as a lifeform, are they all individual extensions of her or is her inner core simply in that form? There's still so much I don't get about her insane biology
>Can they even survive outside of Table.
interesting, i havent even considered the possibility that the "worms" are not all connected, but now that you mention it, its possible that they act like giga cells held together by... her soul? i dont even dare to say brain.

ive been wondering, do you think her eyes are "real"?

You come find Aroth to say you just won a duel, but when he asks against who, you repeat the same conversation as last time, which is to say 'My girlfriend' followed by a 'congratulation' from his part.

If you were back in the human city you wonder if everyone would think you're making Table up, like a girl that goes to another school. You're pretty sure you're not making her up, especially after the absolute mess you two left behind in her dorm.

Table pulls on your sleeve, reminding you that there's another mess to be made, and she basically drags you to the dormitory, panting heavily on the way.


Once it's all over, you take a hot shower trying to clean yourself of...lube? Sweat? You're not sure, but there's a lot of it, from your face down to your legs, and after more soap than should ever be used on one person, you leave the shower to find an embarrassed Table.

"Uhm, sorry about that," she says as she avoids eye contact. "It was a lot, and, you know, what I say when I'm horny, uh, not the real me? You know? Please don't note it down, it's better if you forget about it."

You stare at her, pull out your notebook, and write 'asked me to stick my tongue out with a disgusted expression while I was covered in her fluids'.

She tries to take the notes away from you, but you already put it in your pocket space. "Sorry, Table, you have to know that what you say has consequences sometimes."

"I wasn't thinking straight, okay! If you didn't like it, you didn't have to comply!"

It's true, you didn't have to, but it's kind of hard to regret what you did when you see how happy that made her. It's fun to tease her back for once, though. You really have to find a way to do this without doing the laundry every time though. Maybe a modified version of hydrophobia would make it easier to clean up, shame you didn't learn that spell.

Table taps your shoulder. "You know, you can ask me to do weird stuff too."

You try to think of something fun, but you really can't. Table's body is already so alien that regular sex with her is already multiple fetishes in and of themselves. "I could test out spells on you?"

She raises an eyebrow. "It really always comes back down to magic with you, doesn't it?"

"Maybe magic is my kink, ever thought about that?"

You don't think she's buying it, but she did say you could ask her to do weird stuff. "Alriiiight," Table says with a resigned look on her face. "What spells did you have in mind?"

You dig into your pocket space before pulling out your spell book. "I was thinking of..."

(Pick a branch of magic, any spells you already know within them will have their mana cost reduced by 25% along with better proficiency overall. This only applies to spells you already know and not spells you will learn in the future, mixed spells count as both types of magic that forms them.)

Intangible, we have 3 intangible spells and all 3 of them are important for mixing with other spells
Could you please give us a full list of what Atlas has learned, sorted into those branches?
>"Maybe magic is my kink, ever thought about that?"
With how he is, perhaps there is truth to that
Lighten(8 mana)
Seal (15 mana)

Tracking Scent(10 mana)
Unnatural check(3 mana)
Remove Hurt(15 mana)

Pocket Space (10 mana)
Spell Displacement(5 mana + the cost of the spell you're casting)

Mana Feel (free)
Wind Guide (3 mana)
Spark(3 mana)
Tornado(10 mana, costs increases depending on the speed and size of the tornado you wish to make)

Shortcut (10 mana)
Bright Sight(15 mana)
Delayed Double(3 mana + 25% of the cost of the spell you're mixing it with, free if you're going to actually cast the spell after the double.)

Technically you're not supposed to have learned spark, but I got my wires crossed because of how close the vote between mana feel and spark was, and I feel like it's a little late to backtrack now, so let's just say you've learned Spark when studying with Aroth.

It's my fault for not taking proper notes until this point. Also this was SUPPOSED to be a rentry pastebin, but 4chan sees it as spam right now and can't send it for some reason, so this'll have to do for now.
Thank you

>You stare at her, pull out your notebook, and write 'asked me to stick my tongue out with a disgusted expression while I was covered in her fluids'.
Based and ahegaopilled

>It's my fault for not taking proper notes until this point. Also this was SUPPOSED to be a rentry pastebin, but 4chan sees it as spam right now and can't send it for some reason, so this'll have to do for now.
rentry.org works
https://rentry.org/sp2tayga let's see if it does
Yep. It works. I like it because it also lets you add stuff like colors and links, even, though that's not necessary here. I'm pretty sure it could also be used if you ever wanted to write any scene between Atlas and Table that you thought might get 'jannied'.
Look, the fact is until she wakes him up with a blowjob she cannot call herself his gf or more than that.
As for non-lewd stuff, I want to get better at Pocket Space and try more stuff with Spell Displacement and Delayed Double. Shortcut + Life spells might be interesting
Spell Displacement and Pocket Space are too useful; they go on nearly everything, like onions sauce and mayonnaise
switching to
Yo guys, I have an idea for our next mixed spell

Mana Feel + Seal. If we know how the mana flows on our opponents body, we could some how limit it to gain some advantage and force them into really, REALLY try to manage it. They've been surely a lot confident with their mana pools, but if out of nowhere we reduce their pool like in half, that could go into the mental game of them going "WTF?? WHY I CAN'T USE ALL MY MANA? I WAS GOING TO USE THIS TO MAKE MY SUPER COOL SPELL"
That's a cool idea anon, but Seal doesn't work on living people. At least not yet. We need more powerful spells to start to be able to do that stuff.
Hmmm, and what about Spark? Literally make some short circuit on their mana. Also, I think it wouldn't count as living, we're targetting specifically their Mana, so that would fall under Intangible, unless QM makes a rule that indeed in this occasion it does count as living
I think anon's right on this one tho
yeah sure, the mana itself is intangible
but it's inside of- and inseperable from the very tangible and living body of another person

"How about... summoning!" You say as you create your pocket space.

"Holes that you put things in, okay, I can see how that can be a fetish, go on."

"-And! And! I need to get better at spell displacement, so I can use my spells on you from afar."

"...like?" She picks up some novel from her own pocket space and starts reading.

You try to cast a spell under her shirt, but it fizzles. It's really hard to do without direct line of sight with what you want to target, and since you can't affect her, the only available space is the small spot between her skin and her shirt.

"It does feel funny, I guess," she says nonchalantly as she flips another page. You take a look at the title, it sounds like some kind of sci-fi book. What's sci-fi even like in the outside? Is it just human tech fan fiction? Or is it magic fiction, where it theorizes what would happen when magic advances enough?

Wait, no, focus! You try to think about uses for summoning, but most of them are mixed spells. How could you...

"Wait, Table, did you put vines in your pocket space in our last duel?"

"Mhh? Yeah, guess I did. What about it?"

"Aren't life spells the only thing that can affect organism? Isn't keeping them in a pocket space like this kind of affecting them in a way?"

She shrugs. "Never thought about that, guess it's due to the fact you aren't technically modifying the lifeforms itself, just moving it somewhere else? It's like throwing a fireball at someone and burning them, you are affecting a life form without a life spell, but the fire is something else entirely, I guess?"

Mhh... right. You can fit your hand in your pocket space just fine, now, even if you can't do the thing where you both share a pocket space, but what about...

You cast spell displacement on Pocket space to make it appear behind Table, and cast another regular pocket space in front of you, then you hesitantly put your hand through it. As you thought, the two portals are linked, but you can't get your hand out of the other, what you can do however it use an item like your notes to touch Table's head through them.

"That's not even kinky, dude, that's just cute."

"Maybe being cute is my kink," you reply with a wink as you make sure your hand is okay. What you did was dangerous, but the spell has very obvious tells when it's about to close. That doesn't make it any less dangerous, and if someone forcefully closed your portal...ouch. Still, it's a useful thing to keep in mind for later, even if it sounds awkward to use in an actual fight. It's also dreadfully expensive in mana, since you need to cast the spell twice, with one of them needing spell displacement, you're essentially out of mana the moment you pull this trick.

It is weird though, you can put your hand in it and out of it, but you can't make it go through another portal. You try to find out more about the notes you took in class, and apparently it has something to do with the spell having a safety measure built in. While it's not technically impossible to use it as a portal, it looks like that the more steps removed your soul is from its 'native space', the worse it gets.

Now that's the interesting part, if you put your hand through the pocket space and then make it go out through another, your soul supposedly gets very confused and what tends to happen is the spell suddenly fizzling and cutting off your arm. This is why pocket space is much easier to cast than an actual portal, because it's also a lot more unsafe and as such doesn't need to have as many things setup to allow life to pass through it.

You double check your belongings in pocket space, with the only thing precious in there being your gun that you decide to stash away in a drawer instead.

"Dude," Table points to one of the item you pulled out. "Is that the underwear I gave you?"

Ah, that. Right, she asked you to sniff it and you just never did because why would you. You're a busy man, time sniffing panties is time that could be spent doing magic. "Do you want it back?" You ask as you present her underwear.

She smirks. "Nooo, you have fun. Hehe..."

You put it back in the pocket space, and try to brainstorm ways of improving your summoning skills. Turns out this isn't something you can do in only a couple of days, and since you don't have summoning class, any advice you get is from the teacher outside his work hours. This is kind of an issue because you're also busy studying with Aroth, Dilll, and Table, so your schedule is very packed.

That's not saying your studies were all for nothing. Your pocket space got bigger, and spell displacement can reach further away. Unfortunately, you did learn you can't really get any item with pocket space from the outside into the dungeon, but you did learn that you are actually allowed to keep some stuff you find in the dungeon after the exam is over. Looks like it's not just solving the dungeon, but finding secrets too, this school really is all about rewarding curiosity.

Before you know it, it's the end of the month, and you get ready for not just the dungeon, but the duel that will follow. Looks like since this is your first duel, it won't happen right after the dungeon is over, and they'll give you a few days to recover before it starts. From what you understand, they will refill your mana before any duel, but second years don't even get that luxury, and they have to ration their mana in the dungeon to prepare for the duel too. You're not sure how you can do that as a human, but you're sure you'll figure something out.

It starts the exact same way as last time, a portal forms in your dormitory, and you're dropped on...vines?

Oh wow, this isn't like last time at all. This place isn't the standard rocky dungeon that you had before, and the only light comes from fireflies populating the walls. There's enough of them to get a general view of the area, but there are also a lot of places you still can't see.

Apart from that, there's some kind of metal door making a weird humming sound. Judging by the firefly that just dropped dead with a 'bzzt' the moment it touched it, you think it might just be electrified.

The logical thing to do is to cast Bright Sight to see in the dark, but your mana is limited, surely there's a cheaper way to do that, right? Then again, Bright Sight can also see past illusions, so maybe it's not just about the most mana efficient solution...

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>Write in how to navigate the dungeon.
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(I forgot to post the dungeon map, but there isn't much to see anyway because of how dark it is. Also I swear I'll make some actual drawing soon, I'm just exhausted because of mosquitoes ruining my sleep.)
can't we just wind-guide some fireflies into the adjacent rooms to light them up?

worst case, we have to do it 3 times, costing us 9 mana
best case, we can use what little wind this generates, to play pool billiard with the fireflies from the far side of the room, where the electric door is, knocking a few of them into every room simultaneously with 1 single cast
costing us only 3 mana

also, a thought just occurred to me
can't we enhance the effectiveness of wind guide by physically generating wind, like blowing?

we could take off our clothes, tie them together into a bigger piece of cloth, and vigorously wave it up and down

ACTUALLY on second thought
let's just do that without casting anything
the wind generated from waving our tied-together shirt and pants around is much stronger than anything we can generate with mana right now

just force those fireflies into the adjacent rooms to look inside
>let's just do that without casting anything

>this guy got CREASE
(psst QM)

(Our boy Atlas has delecTable's frillies and a Glock in his PocketSpace; what is NOT allowed in there by exam rules? If a Glock is already in there and permitted, there can also be a Leatherman multitool, ductape, lighters, paracord and toilet paper, taking up the same space as the Glock. Atlas will speedrun every dungeon portion of his exams.)
nta, but I would like to add: drop delecTable's frillies on the floor.

If there's some BS illusion or perception altering trap, or maze room, Atlas can Tracking Scent his way back to the main room as a last resort.

also, immediately pluck the longest vines and wrap it around our body. We forgot to bring rope again.
Immediately resorting to revealing the underwear of a girlfriend in the dungeon exam, which the teachers are watching, might not be wise
(I forgot if it was mentioned, but most human tech is not allowed, as it's considered under the same class as enchanted items. As a rule of thumb you won't be able to bring anything but the clothes on your back into the dungeon, but there are exceptions like things that are just part of you, like potential cybernetics or self applied runes you need to stay alive.)
(although in this case, you do still have notes and Table's privates are still available, since they're considered somewhat harmless. Generally anything that's too complex or useful is banned so rich people can't just automatically win by buying the most expensive shit.)
however, it does sound like something Atlas would do.
but it should only work if him sitting down and carefully analysing the smell is confirmed canon.

>let's just do that without casting anything
Yeah, youre right.

changing >>6066367
Smear the crustier parts of delecTable's delicates at the walls of the startpoint, pretend it's just a... handkerchief. Yeah, that's it.


(it was mentioned that human tech is under a general ban for the purposes of exams. The presence of the Glock (is it? or a sixshot snub? both <$500 secondhand for sure) in the pocketspace threw me off, even though Atlas stowed it in a drawer in the end. That he even needed to consider not bringing it suggests the rules might bend somewhere, somehow.)
(It's something I did forget to mention, but there's basically an embargo spell that makes it so you can't pull some stuff out of your pocket space when you're in the dungeon, just like when you get transported into the dungeon by the portal, some of your stuff that you're holding may get left behind if they're not allowed.)
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(anyway quest restarting now)
Do you really need to use magic? Well, yes, probably, but you don't need to use it for every little inconvenience. Maybe you can lead the fireflies with your hands to light the way up? You try to shoo the fireflies in the direction you want, but it doesn't work. You try to catch one, but they lose their light when in your hands. You're not sure if they lose their light when they're stressed, or if they only do it when they're flying.

Killing one, obviously, stops them from producing light.

Still, you try to catch as many as you can and release them near a path you want them to light up. It works...somewhat, you can see moss walls and-


You see the lights of the fireflies go out one by one, each accompanied by a snapping sound. They don't all die in the same spot either, the only pattern seems to be that they all die near the walls, while any firefly floating in the middle are safe.

You use mana feel to see if you can detect anything since it's basically free, but it looks like the entire dungeon is full of mana, and the only way to get useful info from mana feel is to...well, feel it, by touch.

You think of releasing more fireflies on the other paths, but you don't have an infinite amount of them, you could maybe light up one more path with them, but maybe it's better to save them up for later?

You do have a weird idea of using tracking scent to find your way back to err, something, but that's a rather expensive spell, and will that really stop you from getting snapped by whatever's out there?

>Write in what to do next.
welp, considering that something dangerous is lurking and the number of fireflies is finite, I think we'll need to use bright sight after all.
would it be possible to trap some fireflies in our sock making the worst imagine makeshift lantern ever?
with that we could carefully walk into the darkness and saving manna for the actual puzzle part
(im starting to see a pattern in our clothes being a primary source of utility)
It sucks that we will have to use like half our mana, the walls could be using the same electric spell as the door or perhaps a life spell, we should throw a vine at the walls and see what happens
Bright Sight is half our mana. We can't use it. We'll just run out of stuff to do.

I support >>6066396, we should use the vines. Throw them on the floor. Throw them on the walls. If they're electrified, the vines will definitely do something.
>this agaaain
>take off mommy jeans
>roll the legs back to form a double layer
>put your arms in them and do Mana Feel

Magic School turning out to be Accoutrement Survivalist Course for Atlas.

Our next big purchase are a metalworker's apron, a camo boonie, and a high impact sports codpiece.

We really need to pick a combat spell like Pocket Artillery and Fire Flare for the next round.
Their light isn't bright enough to go through your socks, and they stop producing light when they're not flying, which they're unlikely to do inside your clothes.
Anon, you do know that a layer of jeans isn't gonna stop us from getting electrocuted right? You ain't grabbing a hot plate from the oven.

We should use the vines and see if they make a noise when they touch the floor/wallls. Just throw them. We have a bunch of them. We can find a safe path.
fair enough
+1 after throwing some vines i guess. we really cant afford Bright Sight

i assume we cant effectively light some vine on fire with spark

Darth Nihilus: Hey. Rat. Come here. Look.
Templeton: What. Whatsit.
Darth Nihilus: The Tech-Monkey is taking off it's pants again.
Templeton: kekekekek. What's wrong? You don't like that he's clever?
Darth Nihilus: I don't like that he defeats the purpose of an examination. He is supposed to learn magic.
Templeton: He is learning it doesnt take magic to defeat magic. He did not defeat the "purpose". He defeated the "examiner." You.
Darth Nihilus: S S S S S S S!
Templeton: KEKEKEKEKEK (portal out!)

>and it's true.
>every time Atlas the Human is teleported into an exam dungeon or duel
>He almost reflexively takes off his pants
the snap might be a snapper plant, like from super Mario. Testing for that.

and I got zap-trap zapped through my pants before, though dress trousers. I felt it like an ant bite. Double layer of jeans might protect against a non fatal zapping.
We can probably throw faster than pocket artillery given how pathetic our magic is, I think we are going to want to keep on the intangible tech tree
also, I grab hot plates from the nuke box using just a high fiber cloth, not even a towel. Oven mitts are not really needed as heat protection unless maybe it's metal, like a lasagne pan. The walls seem to be stone.
Not sure if Pocket Artillery scales with mana input, like Tornado. Maybe a level 1 input still chucks harder than Atlas' nerd arms.

>also on the shopping list
>dumbells and chinup bar
>mfw when Magic /X/chool forces us to get /fit/

You throw vines at the wall, and you hear...nothing. That's weird though, because the vine didn't hit the ground, it's like it got stuck on something. You throw one of the dead fireflies you accidentally killed before, and something in the same spot snags it. It's not an electrified wall, it's definitely moving. However the fact it's not going after you means it might be stuck to the wall. You cautiously navigate the middle path, and you find...nothing. It's a dead end. Then again, is it? There might be something on the walls, or maybe the dead end has something beyond it you can't see...

You use mana feel on the dead end, and you can feel it's linked towards something else in another path. Maybe it opens with a button or a lever? Whatever it is, it shouldn't be around here. But what if there's secret loot in here? Mhh, choices...

(Also I forgot to put mana tracking's cost, it's 10 mana for broad searching, and 5 mana if it's something for something specific you already know the mana signature of)
>Write in what to do next.
Wait wait, wait, I had an idea. Are the vines wet? Is there any vine dry enough that we could set it on fire to use as an impromptu "torch"? Spark is only 3 mana. That's five times less than bright sight.
>Wait wait, wait, I had an idea.
bruh >>6066409
> light some vine on fire with spark
You said 'I assume we cant', I straight up asked if we can.
Let's take our shirt and wrap it instead of our pants, and let's give a little touch with the outer part of our hand. It's not a cable but if we spasm then is unlikely that we grasp at the door/walls like this. And if the electricity is too strong, then we take the vines to test the walls.

Also >>6066411
+1 it's weird they made that noise, unless there's a convoluted spell that only target them once they go out of the initial room, we should see if there's something eating them. Maybe throw a sock ir something to the sealing next time.

Also, if there's a theme for these dungeons, I feel there's really some weird plant creature that won't like the fact we take some of their vines. Also, if we're testing the vines with the electrified door, let's try also wrapping our hand with the shirt, after all plants have water and the vine could be conductive enough to give us a shock
Anon, as much as I like using our clothes to solve stuff, I feel as though we're not going to get very far unless we can see what the fuck is happening. I propose we use a vine as a torch, if it's possible.

also, if they are dry enough, shred some vines and clump them between a bunch of solid vines. It will burn faster longer brighter.

And if the thing eating our fireflybros, we feed it fire for real.
So what's the plan consensus? We haven't checked the other path across from the walls that kill the fireflies
First thought that came to my mind
>if the thing eating fireflybros IS A PLANT
>we feed it fire for real
The plan is to make a torch.
spark time
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You have an idea, why not make an improvised torch with vines? You just need to tie enough of them together that it won't burn out too fast, with torn out clothing making sure none of the vines spill out. The vines are not exactly dry, but they're not so damp they won't light up from a spark.

Okay, two sparks, it took two sparks to light up your torch, but hey! You can see now! And what you can see are a lot of giant venus flytraps on the walls. However, unlike regular venus flytraps, they're willing to move their neck much further to reach their prey, and don't exclusively rely on their aroma to attract bugs.

Either way, those things look like they clamp HARD, and while you don't think teachers would let you get lethally injured by those things, that doesn't mean it won't hurt like hell. You consider using the torch to burn a few of them, but then you realize there's the very real risk of having the flame suffocate as they clamp on it, or for the fire to start spreading out of control in the dungeon surrounded by flammable material, so you hold off on it.

Your torch won't last forever, so you check the two other passages as fast as you can with the small light you have. One passage has a pit with who knows what else past it, and the other one has what you think should contain the trigger to open the flytrap wall. Problem is the other side is separated by a big pool of water. You try to bring the fireflies here, but they seem so scared of the water they automatically start going in the opposite direction. You don't think you can make the jump, and you doubt it's as simple as swimming there, and even if you could, that'd mean giving up your torch since you don't think you can swim here without it getting wet.

Mhh, is there really a way to get past this without casting spells?

Mana left: 34/40

>Write in what do next.
Alright, we *definitely* need to get past that water..but how?
(also you figure the water path has the right lever because the flytrap wall has a mana link you could feel up with mana feel that led here, not because you can actually see the switch)
hydrophobia would be good. but without that, wanna try swimming with shortcut ?
Portal magic?
Put 1 pocket space in the water then run over to the pit to put another pocket space at the top of the pit.
The typhoon will probably be too weak to do anything.
Maybe try fashioning a rope out of vines to check if theres something important at the bottom of the pit first
Could we make the jump if we lightened ourselves?
Lighten is material magic, it can only lighten our equipment we will still weight like 65 kg or something as a scrawny boy
Is it possible we can use Pocket Space and make a different compartment so that our other stuff don't get burned? Or if we store it, it's stays floating without damaging the other stuff we have?

Also, is it possible to use Seal on the fire of the torch? Or maybe even the base of the burning part, so when we start swimming (if we do) we just try to dry the vanes and reignite the flame without spark. Or do we needed some kind of fire or intangible spell to do so?
Because of your recent added proficiency in summoning magic, you can now cast the portal just far enough to throw it with two pocket spaces to the other side.

However, you'll need to cast two pocket spaces + spell displacement, and the total mana cost will come to 3 mana + 7 x 2 = 17 mana;
Unfortunately fire is intangible and as such isn't affected by material spells like lighten directly, your torch is also made out of vines, which are currently not dead enough to be affected by lighten.
Okay, but would the water actually go through, from what we know of the pocket space magic?
If we try filling up the pit with water using pocket spaces what would happen to any spells that have been cast on the water?
If you meant trying to fill up the pit with water, your spell displacement doesn't reach far enough for that, and it'd be like a very mana hungry bucket as you'd need to recast it everytime.

Water should however be capable of going through, but it might have unpredictable results especially since it'll be a LOT of water flowing at high speed. It might end up making the spell fizzle or cost way more mana than you originally thought.
anons, have you never swum before?
just carry the fucking torch across the water
you still have 1 free hand

or, if you really want to insist on being unable to swim with 1 hand
throw the torch across the pond and then swim
that way, our destination is at least illuminated
+1, how deep is it even?
>throwing the torch
And you think it isn't going to go out? Honestly, just put the torch down, add some extra vines or whatever as fuel, and then leave it.

Of course, i don't think it's just 'swim' right? It specifically mentioned it's probably not that simple. There could be something in the water.
You're not sure, you can't see the bottom and it looks pretty muddy. You don't see anything moving in there, but that's only from what you can see of the surface.
okay then
mana feel the water
unnatural check it
throw a rock down there or something
just anything to disturb it and see if there's something

if not, swim across like normal

if you must be overly cautious however
we can probably kill a bunch of vines and seal them together into a bridge
then use that both to gap the water, and the pit in the other room

it's a beginner puzzle, it can't be that hard
> it can't be that hard
It's not, we just fucking suck because of our ridiculously low mana so we're out of juice after casting a few beginner spells. Table has like, mana in the three digits. 'Seal' is 15 mana. I do agree on using mana feel in the water, though. No need for unnatural check.
what I mean is that it can't be that hard even without magic
precisely because it is meant for people who barely know any spells
Sure, check the water first
Changing my vote from >>6066513 to >>6066537, I mean

You try to mana feel the water, but it really does look like normal water. That is until a firefly approaches it, and you feel something under it move. You're not sure what it is, but it scares the firefly, and that's when the thing goes back to the bottom. It's not visible, and it doesn't look like it alters the water by moving. You're not sure if it's a spirit or a weird fish that doesn't disturb the water.

You use Unnatural check, and-

You almost stumble backward. What the FUCK is that? It's massive, how does it even FIT in that body of water? You can't see what it looks like, but you can tell it's at least four times your size. Unnatural check only detects things affected by life magic, which means that either this is a spirit made of life magic itself, or it's a weird fish that's been modified by life magic.

You throw a rock in the water, and nothing happen. You put your hand in the water, and nothing happens. Cautiously, carefully, you submerge yourself into the water while trying to keep the torch dry, but the moment you leave the edge, a small typhoon starts to form at the center as the water beast thing starts rapidly spinning to draw you in.

You get out of the water as fast as you can. What kind of exam is this? Even if they won't let you die, drowning is still incredibly painful!

At least it doesn't look like that thing will just bite you, instead it'll just try to drown you by sucking you into a typhoon. At least with unnatural check you can see it coming, mana feel just doesn't have the same range.

Speaking of unnatural check, you take a quick look at the other parts of the dungeon while it's active, and you find that most of the flytraps are affected by life magic, all except one. You would've never noticed otherwise, but this one's really slow and weak, and you can easily bat it away with a few kicks. Digging under it, you find an orb!

What does it do? No idea! Mana feel tells you it's some kind of intangible enchantment, but that's kind of it. You press it against the water and the door, but it doesn't do anything, so you're out of idea with that one.
Mana left: 31/40

>>Write in what do next.
Yep, definitely some manner of creatura here...I really wanna try the 'portal' idea, but we'd be left with just 14 mana, and i'm not sure that's enough. Of course at the same time, it WOULD fill the issue of filling the pit.

Unless you guys have another idea, i think we might just have no option but to go for it and try to make sure it works. With our summoning training, we should be able to maintain it maybe? I don't think we need to empty the entire pit, just enough to be able to cross without triggering the creature.

Ah, but wait, how are we going to cross once we drain the water?
Man our spells are really useless for dungeon clearing.
The other way around: the dungeons are crafted to make our spells mostly useless
Our spells are good, it's just that we have a ridiculously low mana pool.

I'm going to say it again - we are wasting our time. We keep just trying to learn the regular way instead of seeking out a better way to increase our mana. And all it does is leave us with a shitty learning rate.
We test the orb.

Test for Passive Hydrophobia:
>Put the orb in our shirt with some fireflies, tie off the neck and arms.
>Lower it to the water.
>if the invisifish shies away from the firefly bait, this is an Orb of Hydrophobia.

Test for Passive Yellow Gloves
>put a sleepier firefly on the orb
>hold the firefly in place with a bit of vine
>touch the electrified door with the firefly
>if the firefly survives, this is an Orb of Yellow Glove

Do both tests. If this is an Orb of Yellow Gloves AND Hydrophobia we are carving our name on it and claiming we always had it.
This dungeon would be trivial if we had hydrophobia.
Good idea

touching the orb on the door or water won't yield results because the target of the orb's effect is YOU
B-But QM, I didn't say anything about lighten
My bad, you said seal, same principle still applies though since they're both material
+1 I really like the idea

Also, if we wanna fuck around with the creature or spirit in the water, maybe we can bait it into doing his typhoon and we could counter it with one of our own. It will take a lot of our mana, but maybe we can make it so it goes out of the water and shows itself, or maybe stop trying anything funny because we showed we can attack with a typhoon by our own.

But thinking about it enough... Yeah, a total waste of mana doing something dumb like that, forget about it lmao
Our manacap is garbage, we need hack items fast.

We are going to learn Spirit Sight and talk to spooks, go shortcutting through haunted places and mana feel everything like the walls and trees got tits.

If there's such a thing as a manabattery or spell battery, meaning we can charge mana or load a precast spell before hand, we are playing that gimmick like a kayfabe wrestling promotion.
>Atlas ends up using mana batteries to make up the difference just like his crazy friend suggested
>Except he does it willingly, by befriending the people and getting them to agree to give him mana, while she does it force and makes them do it against their will
considering just about everything around us is enchanted, i would be most interested in some way to steal / reverse and extract mana.
kek, true
Nice idea; I hope the exam board can permit it just for Atlas, citing his retardism. Except it would be overpowered: it can de-power puzzles to let the examinee spellspam. Everything gets cleared if you crank Tornado to x10.

Once someone weak like Atlas or Dill successfully clears a hard dungeon by essentially
>why are you hitting yourself
the exam board will have a headache because the entire next cohort will do just this.
>the entire next cohort will do just this
Go swim while holding the orb
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>go back to human town as a wagie for the end of exam holidays
>friends and family ask you what's it like at Hogwarts
>Show them picrel that you took off Goodwill, the dumpster, and a street construction
>whisper hoarsely, the voice of the damned
>"These are illegal there."
>refuse to elaborate
> fingerboxes are illegal in the human city
no wonder Atlas left, i could not live without mine
hydrophobia wouldn't save us from the fish, anon.
it probably isn't a fish, but a spirit, and it probably would since its main method of attack seems to be creating the vortex
I believe we have to make that mana battery spell desu. Maybe Pocket Space and investing on Intangible magic, we can find a way to store our mana daily at the end of the day and we regenerate it while we sleep

Or maybe even investigate more into pre-casting spells and storing them.
maybe we should ask OP if incantations are a thing
maybe they lessen the mana burden for spells, and no one's figured it out before because they don't have mana issues
Are Atlas and Table a pro-skub couple?
+1 I just woke up

You have an idea, and submerge yourself just a little bit into the water. It's really awkward to hold the orb while also holding the torch, so you put it into one of your pockets. Thankfully, whatever enchantment is in there doesn't need to touch you to work, as you can see the water shift around you as you dip in. Hydrophobia, right? The spell's name is misleading, it's not you whose afraid of water, it's the water that looks afraid of you, and it's as if the liquid was trying to push you away as strongly as it could, which is to say, not that strong, but good enough to severely increase your swimming speed. It also looks like the enchantment extended to your torch and anything else you'd be holding, and you can easily swim past the typhoon now.

You're glad it wasn't some giant fish that would swallow you whole if you got past the typhoon, because hydrophobia wouldn't have done much to save you here. You get out of the water as dry as you were before you got into it, and go further in.At the end is...a lot of buttons, like hundreds of them. They're all emitting some kind of mana signature, and if you didn't check the plant wall before, you might have trouble finding which one is correct, but since you already know what to look for, it only takes a second to progress.

You go back the same way and check the plant wall, and it looks like it's still there, but pressing harder into it reveals it's an illusion. Behind it you find another lever that creates a bridge to the pit, which you cross.

Man, couldn't they just have made the button at the water thing open the bridge? Maybe there was a way to open that wall without the switch? Bah, doesn't matter now. There's a key stuck to a vine wall at the end, and...you can't take it out, the vines are crazy strong

You try to use mana feel to see if there's any mechanism to work with, but it looks like it's also linked to the bridge? Weird, you already used the other lever to open the bridge, what else could it do?

Anyway, apart from that all you can tell about the vines is they're boosted by unnatural magic, and there isn't much you can do to pry it out.

Well, you could burn them, but you have to find a way to put the fire out after that since this entire place is made of flammable material; then again, do you really need to? If you rush for the exit, you should be out before it ever becomes a problem.
(also I meant that the key was also linked to the bridge, not the vines. You can tell it's also linked to the main door.)
You know, if we're on the 'clear' after that, we can, in fact, leave. But if we're not and we have to do something else, we could just use that portal water trick - we still have enough mana, after all. But of course, that's only if we need to.
pull the bridge lever again and try to take the key
You pull the lever again, but all it does is retract the bridge, which makes the pit once again impossible to cross. As far as you can tell, the lever really only interacts with the bridge.
Just burn it. Fuck, we don't even need to use spark. just use our torch, saves some mana if we need to stop the fire.

Like i said, we can use the portal trick to get rid of the fire if we need to - and since we're not trying to empty it out, we can make the portal be right on the surface so it doesn't have a ridiculous amount of pressure.
this. we don't have another spell to get the key and I don't think we have the means to make an axe.

You decide to put one pocket space portal at the surface of the water, and you take out what belongings you can outside of it to store them in your pockets. Unfortunately that means the gun will be very wet, but that shouldn't break it. Once that's done, you go and burn the vines holding the key with the torch.

It takes a little longer than you'd like for the vines to burn, and by the time the key falls out, the fire spreads faster than you thought it would. That's fine though, you can use the water you got to extinguish the flames and-

It's not enough, well, it's less that there isn't enough water and moreso that the pocket space is too small and there's too much ground to cover with just throwing water around with your ahnds. You can't make too much water get out of the pocket space at the same time too, or the spell might fizzle, it's already hard transporting that much stuff here to there.

That's fine, though! You grab the key through the flames and leave-

The bridge is gone.

Haha, so that's why the key was linked to the bridge, the position of it must be related to the bridge. Maybe you should've sealed the lever or something? That's... a little too late to regret that.

You can't go back and throw the key to the flames, by the time you come back the fire will have spread even more, it looks like the plants here are extra dry just to make sure that would happen.

That's fine! It's fine! You just need to find a way to extinguish the fire, sure the fire's everywhere, but it's not out of control...yet. There's only so much water you can get from one to the other, but maybe there's a way to spread it around more efficiently than just with your hands?

Or, you could throw the key into the fire to reactivate the bridge to seal the lever, but can you really just walk into fire like that?

Mana left: 20/40
(also I meant 'you could throw the key into the fire, reactivate the bridge, seal the lever and come back for the key, but can you really just walk into fire like that?')

>Write in what do next
We could use a tornado to turn the water into a 'typhoon'
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We can make the fire burn itself out. Go ahead of where the fire is going, cut up the vines or whatever is there, then start a fire there so that it will spread back towards the original fire. It will just burn itself out. Afterwards we will have time to figure out the rest of the dungeon.
...What? I don't think that makes sense, anon, and we don't have any way to 'cut up' the vines.
We can physically tear them apart. We also somehow were allowed to have our gun, so if it isn't totally waterlogged we can also shoot them.
>I don't think that makes sense
It's a standard firefighting tactic to make the fire burn itself out. It's much easier to do than to put out the entire fire that already exists.
Your gun's kind of stuck in your pocket space via the dungeon's embargo, it's still in the pocket space, you just can't pull it out. Also, bullets wouldn't be exactly good at cutting things apart. You could try to physically tear them apart, but that might take a while which just gives even more time for the fire to spread. There are also some plants on the walls that might spread the fire past the pit given enough time.
we all know that the ultimate chad move would be to casually Remove Hurt through the fire
God damnit I could've sworn I specified the dungeon's embargo in the last update but I think I deleted it when rewriting stuff. But yeah, your gun along any human tools that's considered too advanced can't be pulled out of the pocket space, which is why the gun's wet and why you couldn't put it in your pocket like the rest of your stuff.
Well then we could just tear out or burn the plants on the walls that would allow the fire to spread outside this area, same idea.
could we make a tornado strong enough to tear the vines ?
Anon, if we can make a tornado to clear the vines, we can just use it to make a typhoon with the water we got here.
It's not really something you can do with your mana, and it's not half as efficient as tearing them apart yourself.

That would be possible, although it'd be less of a typhoon and more a tornado that just splashes water around everywhere, you're not 100% sure if it'll be enough to stop the entire fire but it might at the very least slow it down.
Well, it costs less than using 'remove hurt'...maybe we could do both? Use typhoon to slow it down and then tear off the vines to stop the spread?

Honestly, this is my last trick. If we can't do this ,we're just going to have to fail.
Wait, shit, if we use the tornado, we won't have enough mana to be able to use the 'Seal'

Honestly, whatever. Just try to fucking tear off the vines or something. If it doesn't work we'll just have to run through the fire, hurt included. As usual, our ridiculously fucking shit mana pool means we can't really solve things with magic.
So can we do this? Let's just get this over with already.

Just wanna make sure most people are on board since this is likely to be the final-ish decision, I'll lock it in to that in like 20 minutes
We can tear out the plants on the wall that the QM indicated would spread the fire to the rest of the dungeon, would probably be easier.
>There are also some plants on the walls that might spread the fire past the pit given enough time.
That's what i'm saying we should do, anon. Just tear out the vines so the fire stops. And if it doesn't work, throw the key into the fire, walk past the bridge, seal the lever, and then go back and grab the key, even if that means having to burn our hands. Use our clothes like a mitten if we need to, idk. Just get it over with.
+1 to going magickless berserk on the vines
the problem with just waiting for the fire the burn out is that we will suffocate from the smoke in the meanwhile
The way i see it, the point is just to stop the spread. Once we stop the spread, we can just toss the key into the fire and then go seal that shit. Get this over with. Use our pants to grab the key later if it's too hot.
We fucked up huh?

Backing >>6067198
The lesson is to be sure what a lever does and seal things more often if we need to
that assumes we can toss it accurately enough
maybe 820 posts in we will have the first roll?
>We fucked up huh?
No. We acted perfectly rationally for someone in our situation. How could we have known that the lever had to be sealed? What if it wasn't supposed to? We don't have unseal - and even if we did, Seal costs *half* our mana. We can't just spend mana on a spell 'just to be sure' like literally every other student can.

Honestly, i'm going to say it again, Atlas is just wasting his time. He keeps trying to learn like a normal person and acting like the miserably small increase we get will be enough. But he's living in a fantasy, no pun intended. Unless we find a way to considerably improve our mana reserve, we are *never* going to improve past being the shittiest mage in retard school.
I vote for going "berserk" on the not-flamming vines and let the fire burn itself out before sealing the lever

And before anything else, I say we should look around some more and see if we find some extra item on the dungeon, maybe bellow all those vines at the start?

It's fine! You're fine! Not panicking at all! All you need to do is wait for the fire to burn itself out. You throw the key in the fire where it used to be, and the bridge extends again. Glad you were right about that or you'd look like an idiot. Next you tear off any plants that may start spreading the fire past the pit. The bridge isn't made of flammable material, so it should be fine.

At that point, all you can do is rush to the other side of the bridge and tear off whatever plants you can on that side of the wall too. There's still a few of them you can't reach, but you'll just have to splash water on them if that becomes a problem.

You retract the bridge by pulling the lever again, and wait the fire out. It takes a while, but eventually the worst of the fire is gone. It's still pretty bad, there's smoke everywhere, the walls are still on fire, and you're forced to crawl to avoid inhaling any bad smoke. You grab the hot key by using your shirt sleeves as pseudo-gloves and get back to the firefly main hall before some stray flame grabs unto your shirt.

You had the presence of mind to seal the lever so you could actually get back here, and you throw the key on the electric door just in case the electricity spreads to you by the key. Thankfully, the key doesn't need to actually be turned in some locks, and the moment it gets into contact with the door, it opens.

Most of the fireflies are dead from the smoke, and you're out of mana, so you decide that now is a good time to leave through the portal that materializes behind the door.

After double checking that it won't electrocute you for walking through, you step in and once again find yourself in your dorm.

You check your pockets, you still have the notes on Tables among other things. Oh! You even get to keep the Hydrophobia orb! Was it a secret item? It was pretty easy to miss, so that makes sense, and there were plenty of ways to pass the water without it with the right spells.

Your gun's a little waterlogged, but it should still be functional. This was...

...Honestly kind of awful.

There was so much to keep track of, and running out mana wasn't the only way to soft lock yourself, if you accidentally used spark on the ground, you may have just put the entire place on fire before you could ever progress. Isn't this a little much for a second test?

Wait, who cares, you did it, didn't you? That means that you have to celebrate!

You go and knock as loud as you can on Table's door, and she answers the door with a strained smile.

"...are you okay?" She says softly.

"Yeah! Wait, did you not...?"

"Huh? No, I did it, I just thought you" she goes back to her usual chipper tone. "I'm surprised, you don't have a lot of mana, and a LOT of students didn't make it, from what I heard in the halls."

"How? They have a loooot more mana than me."

"The entire dungeon's designed to punish using spells without thinking. Like, the vines around the keys would actually start rapidly growing out of control if you used greedy growth and last much longer than normal. So a lot of students just screwed themselves early thinking they could just try every spell they knew until something clicked. I think this exam was extra screwy just to remind us that just because you have the mana for a spell doesn't mean you should use it carelessly."

"Wait, does that mean I'm a better mage than them? Since I completed it and they didn't? Does that mean i'm better than most of the class?"

"...in a sense? I wouldn't tell them that though, a lot of them are pretty peeved about it. Apparently the crystal guy made it by just bursting through the electric door, but I don't think he's going to get a passing grade from that."

You take back what you said, this dungeon was great, the best even. It was so easy, you never struggled once, never screwed up, you could've done it with your eyes closed. Man, sucks for those people that are bad at magic, unlike YOU, the best mage around.

"Atlas, you're doing a weird face, and knowing you it's not something perverted."
(doing a small break before the next choice, but the main hint was that the key was clearly linked to the bridge, and each dungeon path had an extra 'fuck you' part to them beyond the most obvious one.)
(you're still not wrong in saying that sealing it just to make sure was still a dangerous move, and that without unseal, it could've just as easily softlocked yourself in a different way, so I wouldn't call your thought process wrong, it's just that Atlas situation makes it really hard to experiment as you said)
Holy shit we won

>you're doing a weird face, and knowing you it's not something perverted
This is the part Atlas needs to grab Table, say "Then let's make it that way", and drag her back into her room
>Your gun's a little waterlogged, but it should still be functional
We need to disassemble and clean it ASAP
I just think Atlas is wasting his time by trying to learn normally. He should he studying every inch of that humans book to see more stuff - like that part that needed intangible knowledge you mentioned early on.

He should bend her over a table.
>You take back what you said, this dungeon was great, the best even. It was so easy, you never struggled once, never screwed up, you could've done it with your eyes closed. Man, sucks for those people that are bad at magic, unlike YOU, the best mage around.

>We need to disassemble and clean it ASAP

so, i have to ask, do we have just 1 pocket space? what would it take to have multiple separate ones?

now however, our duel is coming up and we are basically fucked with out current line up
That needs to be done in one of the classrooms, at night, while everybody is asleep and the buildings are empty, and with the moon in the sky right outside the windows
surely it would be most romantic to do on the table where we first met
but Atlas is a bit retarded so i say lets not harass OP into what would be out of character (just yet anyways)
Currently, you only have one, and it would take more knowledge of summoning magic to make more than one. There's also different types of 'pocket space', like the one that stores scent is a different one, although you never learned it from Rath.
>most romantic to do on the table where we first met
I am pleased to know that I'm not alone in my ideas. These things take time and both Atlas and Table are new to this stuff. Let's see what happens as we go. Right now we have the duel to prepare for.
thoughts on the duel: the simplest tactic we could perhaps prepare under a few days is making our pocket space's opening as large as a foothold, then we only need to bait our opponent to step into it before force closing.
I say we invest in Pocket Space Sand. We can't store the gun and notes and Table's underwear in there if we'll be using it offensively in the duel
..Is that something we could actually do? I like that idea.
That is technically an option, although someone can generally tell when a portal's about to close, and they don't close right away, so you'd need to either make them trip so it's harder to pull their leg out, or hold them so they can't move.
Pocket space also doesn't really spawn instantly either, so it's likely they'll see it coming. Of course Delayed Double is always an option, or just shoving them into it.
Hmm, I guess it depends on their level of intangible skill, but maybe finding a way to distract them before using it to cut off their foot would work? Using the delayed version to spawn it, then close it while they're distracted/unable to move.

Honestly, our only other offensive option is Tornado, and we suck at it. So that's our best option - I vote we go for it.
zam, so it's harder to do on purpose. I wonder how you come to the decision of creating each dungeon, must be hard.
The dungeons are heavily inspired by those in magical diary. The game, for all its fault, had some of the most fun dungeon designs in that they weren't necessarily hard, but they had so many ways of being completed that they made you feel like the type of magic you picked was actually your own unique solution.

For example, I believe the first dungeon has like just one invisible wall, but you can either see a spirit to ask them for help, use a spell to check the wind flow to see the wall's fake, simply dispel illusion, and something else with material I don't remember.

I also think all dungeons in the game can be completed without magic, but you get negative points for doing it that way, but it's still really funny. One of the girl in the game is so autistic she finds out the wall is fake by checking each individual wall and the brick pattern to see which one is fake.

The game's not perfect, white magic (the equivalent of this quest's divination) kind of sucks because spirits aren't super common, and you don't find living things often enough to abuse it, so you almsot always end up just learning dispell illusion and then drop it entirely.

The dungeons here I try to built in ways where people can go "I wonder what other spells we could've used here" which makes them feel more natural and less like they were built specifically for you.
>Crystal Chad breaking the door down
Second best guy, after Atlas of course

"Now I am!" You grab her by the waist and kiss her as deeply as you can, your face smushing up against her.

Even though you can't see it with her illusion, you can tell she's trying to put back a few tendrils that spilled out of her face due to how hard you kissed her. "You scared me, dude-"

You kiss her again, more passionately this time. You're just so happy you not only passed the exam, but also beat some- maybe most of the other students in the process. You touch her here and there, she stumbles backward into her room with you and you can see the signs necessary to lock in the door behind her.

"You're really shameless, aren't you? In the middle of the hallway? Do you really want me that bad?"

"I'm the best mage, so that means I get to do what I want!" You pin her against the bed, and you're not sure how much of yourself is fueled by eroticism and how much is just you wanting to do something to get the excitement out of you.

"Anything you want? Why, you're a tyrant, using your magic to force yourself upon me. I am but powerless compared to your great power."

You make a happy sound, the praise hitting even harder now that you feel like it's partly true. It's okay to indulge a little sometimes, after all those years of being so bad at magic, you deserve to feel like the best for a little while.


Admittedly, you don't spend a lot of time preparing for the duel. There's not much you can do in only a few days, and you instead just theory craft with Table ways of using your current spells to win. You manage to devise a way to use Pocket Space offensively by closing the portals on someone that has their hands in them, but doing it in the middle of a duel is tricky. Well, it's fine, the duel doesn't count for that much as far as passing goes, and as long as you show enough creativity in the fight, you should get at least a passing grade.
Of course, that's assuming your opponent doesn't beat you up before you get to cast a single spell, so you can only hope there's some kind of skill-based matchmaking from the teachers here.

The good news is unlike the exams, you know exactly when the duel will start. Why does that matter? Because it means you can ask Table to give you mana right before being teleported, so you can buff yourself with Unnatural Check and Bright Sight before the duel start without losing any mana. You didn't activate Tracking Scent, since you know there's a spell that can make smells strong enough to put any Tracking Scent users down. Bright Sight doesn't make you weaker to bright lights like one would think, however, so it has no weakness you know of.

You pace back and forth in your room waiting for the duel. Your mana is full, your strategy is lacking, your mana is abysmal, but you'll have to work with what you can. Unlike the dungeon, duels have a less restricting form of embargo, and you can bring anything in it as long as you made it from scratch within the school.

What does 'making it from scratch' means? It means exactly what it means, if you wanted to make a gun, you'd need to summon the metal, the ingredients for the gunpowder--everything, all within school grounds. Really, if you're not a good summoner, you basically can't bring anything but your clothes, and said clothes can't be enchanted. Thankfully, none of the students here look particularly experienced, so you shouldn't have to worry about them bringing broken enchanted items just yet.
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Another portal opens in your dorms, but this one has the presence of mind of letting you step through it before entering. Maybe they want to let students make sure they have all the buffs necessary before stepping in. You're as ready as can be, which is to say not very much, so you enter the portal.

On the other side of the portal, you find yourself in an enclosed room similar to the first 'tutorial' dungeon you did with Table. Stone blocks, torches and pebbles here and there. Not much else to work with, and even though the torches give lights, there aren't that many of them and it's still pretty dark; at least it would be if not for Bright Sight.

Your opponent doesn't seem to care either, but for a different reason. It's the catgirl, her eyes are sharp and she looks so much more focused than she did when you met her in the middle of the night. She looks at you with disdain.

"Paired up with the human? That's an odd choice... no offense," she says, suppressing a yawn.

You feel like she just insulted you, did she always act like this? Not like you ever talked to her that much.

Whatever, you get ready. Unnatural check tells you her body is enhanced somehow, her legs and arms specifically. Her eyes aren't though, and you wonder if she could still see in the dark with her cat eyes.

You cast Analysis, a spell that's free for...reasons you aren't sure of. You think it has something to do with how it uses info that's already there, so it's not as costly as other stuff? You aren't sure, and you're not complaining.

Analysis results:
Name: Rin
Race: Beastfolk/Cat
Mana: 600/650
Divination: 3
Life: 3
Intangible: 1
Material: 1
Summoning: 2

That's... a lot of mana, like ten times yours. You knew the difference was high, but isn't that... a lot? And beast folks aren't even renowned for their high mana, so are you just THIS behind? You got about 20 mana in a month, so it would take you... maybe a few years to catch up with her? Is that even correct? No, it's not. Because your mana regeneration doesn't increase with your maximum mana, and it becomes harder and harder to pin down the UM as your mana increases. Sure, you could beg Table for mana every day, but is that really a solution? You've also read that using other people's mana is less efficient than using your own... ugh, what a pain.

You'll think of this later, right now, you have a duel to lose. The Catgirl, Rin, gets on all four. It looks like she's about to leap at you from a few meters away.

Mana: 40/40

Spells available: https://rentry.org/sp2tayga

>Write in how you'll fight
(Also, assume the gun was cleaned as you asked, just forgot to mention it)
How big are the stone blocks, if we could somehow seal her clothing to the blocks that could restrict her movement and give us time for trickier strategies. Looks like her battle strategy relies on buffing herself with life spells so try to avoid getting hit. She is good with divination so illusion tricks are not likely to work. Maybe try to fast ball tornado her mid leap to throw off her balance or throw pebbles at her
grab a torch and wave it so she cant jump us
she might not like having to look directly in the light either
+1, good idea
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The stone blocks are just part of the walls and kind of impossible to get out without magic, imagine the most stereotypical dungeon walls you can. But yes you could seal her clothes to it, or her shoes since her upper clothing is unlikely to directly touch the walls unless she pushes herself against the wall.

You narrowly dodge her jump, run to the nearest torch, and grab it. You feel a small streak of blood run down your cheek. She hit you with one of her claws despite your dodging attempt, and she's about to do it again.

You put the torch in front of you, and it looks like it's deterring her from jumping.

In truth, you don't think she's actually scared of the fire, but more so the fact you may have a spell to use the fire offensively. You don't have an offensive fire spell, but she doesn't know that.

You try to use spell displacement and Seal, but the moment she sees you waving your hands she jumps to the side. Damnit, this is a lot harder to hit a moving target. At least you didn't finish the spell so you didn't have to use any mana.

She's about to jump again, looks like the fire isn't enough to keep her away anymore.

Mana: 40/40

>Write in how you'll fight
How many sparks can we get off, if we can rapid fire some sparks along with wind guide we could set her on fire, furries are vulnerable to fire
whatever we do, we should focus on this
>"I'm...wait, do you know about me?" She asks, pointing at her forehead. You can see weird, black veins behind her hair, but not much else.
Spark doesn't take that long to cast, but the spark itself is unlikely to create a big fire right away by itself and she might be able to put the fire out before anything. However, it might distract her or force her to stop moving.
I think we should do it - even if she's really fast, just jumping around won't stop fire if it's grabbed into you. You'd have to roll around or something. At which point we can seal her to the ground. If she doesn't have seal, that's it, but we should still use the 'portal trick' on her anyway just in case she does.
Yeah, we need to create an opening to use any of our tricks on her. So spark then seal and then try the pocket space thing

You send multiple sparks her way, a few of them miss, but enough connect that she has to stop to put them out.

Now that she's stuck in place, you try sealing her clothes to the floor. Now her sleeves and the back of her shirt are fused to the stone floor, and she's an easy target for anything else you might have to throw at her.

That won't keep her stuck for long though, she's busy putting out the last of the flames, and you can already see her clothes rip as she pushes herself off the floor.

Alright! Progress!

You need to finish her off fast though, you...oh boy, you used a LOT of mana, spell displacement made spark's cost basically double since you couldn't get too close to her. You really need to finish her off right now...somehow.

Mana: 10/40

>Finish her?
Whew, we have just enough to do a pocket space. That's good. Time to portal slice a foot.

They can fix that, right? If so, then +1
I'm pretty sure the entire point of the dueling collars is that they avoid any permanent damage. So i presume so, yes.
+1 with an ensuring stomp down the hole
OP said it works similar to a simulation, so it should be fine i really hope so anyways. otherwise its going to be a true mortal combat finishing move tier
Wait, we CAN do the portal trick with just 10 mana, right?
Also, wait, didn't we *specifically* study Summoning? We should have had a discount on the spell displacement, 25%. This also means we should only pay 7.5 mana for portal.
Also yes they can fix it, all we need to win is to disable her and then wait for the duel time limit to expire.
We can make 1 pocket space and thats all we need
Oh yeah we did
No no you're correct, I think I used an outdated version of the spell list, my bad. You should have about 17 mana left or something, since spell displacement is also affected by the discount, which matter a lot here.

THIS is the correct list, my bad https://rentry.org/carzyq9g
Yep, so then we definitely have enough for the portal trick. Even if it requires 2 portals, that's still only 14 (or 15 if you want to use the decimals), which is enough.

Also, you know you can just update the list, right? You don't need to create a new one every time.
Yeah I know, the reason I had two list is ebcause I accidentally forgot to note the edit code soemwhere for the first one.
I see.

FINISH HER. No mercy. Cut off that bitch's foot.
Word is gonna spread of the local magic-autist human being an actual threat. I say let it spread. After this we either comfort Table if she loses her duel, or have a victory celebration if she also won hers.

>buffing before duel permitted
Dark Souls rules, I see
>making it from scratch
How can we exploit this?

Atlas has 40 max MP
Catgirl has 650 max MP
It took Atlas around a full month to go from 10 to 40 max MP with just the UM number increments. We HAVE to break this setting and plunge into that human mage's book
>How can we exploit this?
Try making chlorine gas and facemasks?
No, make some sort of flammable gas, bottle it, then it use it with spark and tornado to explode the enemy.
ooga booga, if they want monkey we can show them monkey

You prepare the only spell you know can do considerate harm in your arsenal: Pocket Space.

You run up to her and grab her elbow before shoving it into a pocket space you just created. She's freakishly strong, but you manage to keep her elbow in just long enough to close up the portal on it.

It doesn't destroy her entire elbow, but it takes out a chunk of it. She doesn't look bothered by this at all, as it looks like she applied Remove Hurt on herself beforehand.

Still, it's enough to make her arm go limp, but she still has one left. You have just about enough mana to put another pocket space in an inconvenient angle that makes it really hard for her to hit you without putting her hand in it.

Suddenly, a bright flash blinds you, and you cry in pain as the searing heat spreads through your skin. The flames quickly die down, but it doesn't change the hurt it inflicted.

Wait, hold on, fire flare? Wasn't she only at '1' Intangible? How does that...

You see her stand up, her clothes ripped to shreds, with the same unfocused look as when you met her that night.

"Sorry," is all she says before casting spark on you and firing up another flare. Again and again, she mercilessly blows you up without giving a chance for you to retaliate.

For some reason, all you can think to do at the moment is try an Analysis to figure out what's going on, but...

Analysis results:
Name: ???
Race: ???
Mana: 350/420
Divination: 1
Life: 1
Intangible: 3
Material: 2
Summoning: 3

You really hoped for a simple, fair fight, but things are never that simple, are they?

You wake up in your bed, your face as unburnt as it ever was. You... well, you did pretty well, didn't you? How were you supposed to know she was just going to have a personality shift like that? Yeah, that's fine. Winning wasn't the point, it was showing what you could do with your spells, and you had plenty of time to express yourself. Yeah, there's nothing to be ashamed of, just because you lost doesn't mean you didn't succeed.

That's what you're telling yourself, but it leaves such a bad taste in your mouth all the same. You should've won! You had a leg up on her and if you just had a little more mana, or if she didn't suddenly change her skillset- Argh, this is pointless.

You need to... you need a way to make sure this won't happen again. Everyone is only going to get stronger, and you want to at least win one match before you get out of this school. Table didn't really count, she was going very easy on you. You need to, you need to...

What can you do?

>Maybe figuring out what the spirit wants will help?
>You should try to find out more about the human who wrote this book, maybe there's more in the library?
>Maybe you could look into making your own stuff from scratch to bring to duels.
>Write in.
..Why did we go for her elbow? That's like the worst place we could have gone. Why didn' we just straight up portal cut her arm at the root?
This bitch fucking form shifted on us? Is that what that thing on her forehead is about? It must be our own fault for not asspulling and preparing harder. We need to go unhealthily into the human mage book to the point until we can be strong enough to never have this fuck us over again. That's what every story has taught us is the only way, right?
>You should try to find out more about the human who wrote this book, maybe there's more in the library?
The elbows were the only part you could grab at the heat of the moment, and she was strong enough that you could tell you wouldn't be able to push her hand in there with enough force. It's kind of good to remember that she's hyper buffed in life magic and that you might attempt a plan only to have to settle for something else because the resistance your opponent provides forces you to improvise.
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The elbows are part of the arm. It's literally the same place. Why would you make the portal horizontal instead of vertical?

>You should try to find out more about the human who wrote this book, maybe there's more in the library?
Also, let's find out more. He's the one that studied for our whole life. I still want to check with the spirit, but right now i want to see all that the human guy has to offer.
aaaaw :(
brawling is messy i guess

>You should try to find out more about the human who wrote this book, maybe there's more in the library?
>Maybe figuring out what the spirit wants will help?
Most of human mage guys discoveries were absorbed into todays magic lessons, spirits can have a lot of exclusive knowledge to share
By the way, the elbow being fucked still disabled her arm, so it still worked, she just cast spells with the other one.
You can't really summon the portal in the middle of her, you need to shove her entire arm in there which would've been really hard to do in the current brawl, Atlas only managed to get a good grasp on her elbow and it offered less resistance than the rest, so he kind of worked with what he had.
>Most of human mage guys discoveries were absorbed into todays magic lessons
No, we only learned about the OM thing. It was specifically mentioned there was stuff we still hadn't learnt from the book. I want to make sure that we have every last discovery he made.
>You should try to find out more about the human who wrote this book, maybe there's more in the library?
>You should try to find out more about the human who wrote this book, maybe there's more in the library?
Honestly, I think i'm starting to see why our old friend was so pissed at other races, we have to work our asses off to get even the most miserable, small amount of mana and the shittiest spells ever, while the shittiest of them get tens of times our pool just for existing. I'd be pretty pissed off if i was playing on elden ring ng+10 dante must die difficulty while everyone else got to be on 'story mode'
This just makes me even more glad Atlas ended up with Table in this quest. They both suffer from racial problems - Atlas with his mana and lack of enough magic, Table with her curse. I can imagine the magic issue would be much more of a straining element of a character relationship if the winning girl was anybody but Table.
Well I don't imagine Atlas would suddenly turn around and decide to use them as living batteries, but i must admit that i'd probably get jealous too if my life's passion was magic and yet despite spending so much time and effort i literally need an insomnia-inflicting hat to not have to sleep, others were able to get 10x the results with 1/10th the effort.

With her you can't really feel bad because she'd probably be happier off if she didn't even have any magic in the first place.
the situation sucks, but we cant be too upset

> surprised her
> inflicted max damage with the tools we were given
i would say we did pretty well. i was hoping that the pain of amputation would stun our opponent. based on the parameters of Remove Hurt it was reasonable to believe. the fact that she managed to tank it anyways must mean that she is pretty fucking good in it.

more on crafting: molotovs; the value/effort ratio cant get much higher than that

speaking of Table, if the cat girl had 650 mana and we saw her run out after an afternoon of practicing (>>6058491), that means our favourite horrors beyond our comprehension gf has to have it in the quad digits somewhere
>the situation sucks, but we cant be too upset
That's exactly why it's upsetting, innit? We had to get buffed by our girlfriend, think of a whole creative plan, pull off an ultra wombo combo that used all our mana, and then she just went "Nah, didn't hurt" and spammed a singular spell at us until we lost.

At our best condition and a fuckton of effort, we lost to someone who barely even had to try.
>You should try to find out more about the human who wrote this book, maybe there's more in the library?
We shouldn't be mad, because clearly this cat bitch is not normal at all, and maybe we should bring that out to some teacher. And aside from that we did excellent for how little mana we has and what we did with it. We basically neutralized her and still got enough for a last attack, maybe if we spend it all in a tornado to her face that would've done it.

And personally? Maybe we could specialize or experiment more with Pocket Space, we already found a way to use it offensively. Hell, if we get in a situation like that, maybe we can use Pocket Space two times, and redirect those attacks
>this cat bitch is not normal at all, and maybe we should bring that out to some teacher.
1. They're obviously watching the duels dummy
2. She's not even the most powerful in our class, that's the Crystal kid. And then you have Dill, who's also like 1 year ahead of everyone, and Aroth seems to be hiding some stuff too.
Aroth has personal prior experience with many duels. I would not underestimate him at all.
My point is that we're very, very, very behind everyone else despite all our studying.
Which is why we need to delve deeper into the human mage book with Table by our side, and break this entire setting on our knee
Anon, that bitch had some weird black veins on her forehead and acting strange, and out of nowhere she's some kind of weird different creature instead of a cat girl, and also said something about "I shouldn't be making friends", don't be stupid, there's something CLEARLY something fucked with her.

Might as well be a spy, or maybe has some weird magic parasite that controls her, or something else involved with some magic shit, this is not the normal stuff like with other students we've met.

Worst case scenario it's what I've already said, best case scenario, is just some birthmark or scar, and she has a second personality with a whole different magic proficiencies, that even if that's bullshit is more acceptable
Anon, this is a magic school, everyone has some crazy secret power. Except us.
>Having weird magic shit is against the rules
Is severe autistic fascination with magic a crazy secret power?
No, anyone could put as much effort as we do if they truly tried. If Atlas had even half their mana he'd be better at magic than his entire class put together with how feverishly he studies. It's more so just clear proof that there's a reason why no humans save literally two, one of whom is us, and the other who never progressed past being mediocre despite a lifetime of study, have truly tried go for magic.
yes, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
no great magical genius has ever existed (as far as we know) why? because the other races are simply dumber than humans
this is why God has given them mana to compensate for their lack creativity, drive, and intelligence

we have the indomitable human spirit, the pinnacle of adaptability
we WILL out-magic these fucks one way or another
at all costs

in the immortal words of alex jones
"I'm a pioneer. I'm an explorer. I'm a human, and I'm coming!"

>anyone could put as much effort as we do if they truly tried.
They lack the innate human drive and their blessings in power are a curse to the spirit.

This guy gets it.
>They lack the innate human drive and their blessings in power are a curse to the spirit.
They don't really need it when even our autistic drive is not enough to climb up, is it? Having a drive isn't enough. Unless we find a way to cheat, we could study hard for our entire life and we'd be maybe slightly better than that first mage guy.
and this is exactly why they're glorified cavemen, living in a shitty fantasy knockoff medieval europe that's held together by nothing but wishes and makebelief
while humans live in fucking techno hyperborea despite having no innate abilities
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this is in essence what OP described the world to us
you cannot convince me that magiccers are in any way shape or form equal to humans, let alone superior
Humans may be more advanced, but we're not in the city anymore. We're talking about magic. And in Magic, humans are shit outta luck. See the part about needing to find a way to cheat again.

This time, Table is the one to check up on you. She sees your annoyed expression, and her face softens.

"Aww, it's okay, I got my ass kicked too. Got paired up against the crystal guy. Absolute disaster, I lasted a while but this guy's a beast. I even had to shift my vital organs around a few times to survive. It's a good thing you cast Remove Hurt on me before I went into it, because oooh boy."

"I didn't get beaten by much, I almost won! Sort of, it was Rin, the catgirl. I disabled her arm, and all I needed to do was finsh her off, but suddenly she just...changed? Analysis gave entirely different results, like she was suddenly profficient in types of magic she wasn't before, and her mana was different. What gives?"

Table tilts her head to the side. "Did they really allow her to use the parasite in combat? It does feel like cheating."

"What parasite?"

"You didn't know? She doesn't exactly hide it. Apparently Rin felt bad for the brain parasite, so she allows it to hang around. It's pretty obvious which is in control most of the time, and I'm sure the teacher would act if the parasite overstepped its boundaries. Still, to allow it to fight with her in the duel? If she had different magic proficiencies too... does that mean the parasite studies while Rin is asleep? That's interesting, if they have different magic focus, then that means they both fill in holes in the other's knowledge, teamwork!"

"But that's still unfair! I would've won if not for that! It's two of them, against one of me!"

"...would you have really won, though?" she says in a more serious tone.

...no, you probably wouldn't have. You were out of mana, and you're sure she could've ripped you to shred with whatever magic she had left even if she didn't tag team the parasite.

"I don't know, Table. I guess I didn't realize the difference was...this big. I knew it was bad, but she had like ten times my mana, it's just- I just felt super good about making it past the last dungeon, but I've just been reminded of how much I really suck compared to others."

She pokes your cheek. "C'mon, that's not like you. What happened to the best mage in the world, mhh?"

"He thinks that..." You slam your fist into your open palm. "He thinks that there must be more about that human mage in the library! I read a lot of the book, but there are a lot of terms I don't understand, and stuff that doesn't mean sense. I just need to figure it out, then I'll catch up with everyone else!"

Table claps twice and takes your hand. "That's a date, then!"

You're not sure if it is, but Table will be a great help in finding what you need. Sometimes you feel like you don't deserve her with how much she helps you, you'll have to make it up to her one day.

You enter the library, it's mostly empty as people tend to take books to read them in their dorms instead of inside the library.

Unfortunately, you still don't know the right divination spell to find the books you want, and most of the teachers are busy overseeing the last remaining duels, so you'll have to find out the old way, manual searching.

You scour most of the library trying to find books that may or may not be relevant. After a few hours of searching, you realize you can't find books that were written by the same human mage, there are books that include notes and discussion on his magic theories. It's not perfect, but that's the best you can get at the moment.

Problem is that all those books are pretty big, and it'll take a while to go through them all, so it's better to only focus on one at the moment. Which one should you pick first?

>"The strange and inconsistent history of mana".
>"Spell recycling. How to make the most of very little."
>"The Scrapyard's experiment. When human technology and magic intersects."
>"To go beyond one's birth. Anecdotes of mages that shouldn't have been."
>history of mana
Meh, we'll go through it later
>spell recycling
Weaksauce. We won't get anywhere by just spending less.
Lame and gay.
>To go beyond one's birth. Anecdotes of mages that shouldn't have been."
Now THIS is cool. Let's go for this. We can grab the history of mana book later.
>>"The Scrapyard's experiment. When human technology and magic intersects."
Based and humanitypilled. Let's get Atlas on the Maguskiller grind and never lose again. I suddenly feel much more sympathy for Atlas's insane childhood friend
>"To go beyond one's birth. Anecdotes of mages that shouldn't have been."
I think the spell recycling idea has merit, as does the bit with magitech, but that might be hard to accomplish without going back to the human city to buy technology.
>"To go beyond one's birth. Anecdotes of mages that shouldn't have been."
Go Beyond, Josuke...

>brain parasite
Not my fetish, keep it away from me
>the parasite studies while Rin is asleep? That's interesting, if they have different magic focus, then that means they both fill in holes in the other's knowledge, teamwork!
No wonder we couldn't win
>two of them, against one of me!
We could have got the Anbee duo instead of the catgirl, would Atlas still complain then?
>Sometimes you feel like you don't deserve her with how much she helps you
Are we as humans simply conditioned via societal upbringing to feel shame instead of gratitude? To mentally reject the help of others and demean ourselves for receiving aid? Where did things go wrong in our lives for us to be this way?
>several anons talking and posting
>update drops
>barely any votes
unironically what causes this?

Magitech is lame and gay. I want Atlas to be a MAGE, not a Tinkermonkey. Any human can be a Techman. It's not about just getting power, if it was about that we'd just use our gun to shoot people in the face.
I also want Atlas to be a real mage. It is just readily apparent that, barring the development of an instakill spell Atlas can afford, magitech is the best way to win duels.
>Are we as humans simply conditioned via societal upbringing to feel shame instead of gratitude? To mentally reject the help of others and demean ourselves for receiving aid? Where did things go wrong in our lives for us to be this way?
To be fair, Table has pretty much acted as our mana battery and wholly supported us in our obsession with magic. Granted, given that other people literally don't realize she exists it's not really unbalanced, and she clearly enjoys working with us, but not many other people would be cool with basically becoming a supporter instead of fully studying by themselves.
I'm saying that I reject that notion. We should be looking for ways to increase our mana so we can afford better spells, not just taking the cheap way out and using magitech

Honestly, I just don't like magitech. It's such a lame concept.
>Ooh, it's technology, except it glows and uses magic visual effects instead of normal ones.
>>She's not even the most powerful in our class, that's the Crystal kid
> the crystal kid is a killing machine
> Ivy cant die in a conventional sense
> Dill is 1 year ahead
> Catgirl... well we just saw whats up with her
> Aroth is hiding something
> the vampire guy is a vampire
> Table can probably defeat half of the class just by speaking Lovecraftian boredom
> the rest we have simply not seen
im not sure who the most powerful is, but we are fucked
Magitech is always AESTHETIC
But not always good in a story outside of that. For me, I don't want it here except very sparingly
>becoming a supporter instead of fully studying by themselves
But Table helping Atlas doesn't stop her from studying herself. Let's not forget there has to be a reason she's here in a magically challenged school even with her mana pool or her racial curse
>wholly supported us in our obsession
Not even real people can bother to do this much for those they care about, for fuck's sake. Table truly is best girl of the quest

>defeat half of the class just by speaking Lovecraftian boredom
Could she teach Atlas to do that?
Just being a mage isn't enough, cat girl is like mediocre in a magic school for retards
We'd have come real close to winning if her parasite wasn't tagged in
>But Table helping Atlas doesn't stop her from studying herself.
Spending most of her time with us instead of going out on her own to learn the stuff she specifically wants does. She's also spending her mana on us.

Like i said, she's obviously fine with it, and likes spening time with us, but it's really no exaggeration to say that Table is pretty much the only reason we've made what little progress we have. I don't think the other ones would have went that far for us. Truly best girl. I wonder how our parents will react to us having some kind of eldritch girlfriend.
If we increase our mana 10x we will still have less mana than the catgirl, and Table has like over 9000 mana. Getting extra mana doesn't make PP bigger, it puts us on the same playing field as lesser races, mana capacity doesn't decide everything
The point is precisey making it even - Atlas already trains like an potential top tier mage would. All he needs is the mana.
>"To go beyond one's birth. Anecdotes of mages that shouldn't have been."
It sounds like transcending our own humanity which is something that I wouldn't be surprised that Atlas would do almost immediately, maybe after autistically research a way to improve it even more or eliminate all problems it might cause, though I don't know what is the standing of doing something like this world

As a kinda side note I kinda like the very low level that we have and that we need to really think outside of the box to improve and for that I think going magitech would be the best but we are TOO limited right and even in the future we wouldn't be able to make really justice to magitech with how abysmal our level would continue to be thanks to UM being additive, so I think right now the best book to go for should be To go beyond one's birth, increase our mana or whatever it will do to make it easier, then do magitech

Best girl indeed

You know, for it being a school for retards to have a goddamn princess going through classes really exemplifies how good this school is along side the teachers, I think we should them more often questions in general about magic
I am just saying it shouldn't be our sole pursuit, we can spend months or years trying to get that number up, people like catgirl do not need to do that level of training and can focus on other magic related stuff
> really exemplifies how good this school is along side the teachers
Ehhhh...I mean, they're pretty good, but literally the only guy who actually tried to offer us some personal advice on how to improve was Mr.Dark Lord
>"...would you have really won, though?" she says in a more serious tone.
>...no, you probably wouldn't have. You were out of mana, and you're sure she could've ripped you to shred with whatever magic she had left even if she didn't tag team the parasite.
even if we also had fire flare, we would only be able to use it once on her. and we barely managed to disable her arm while she was almost freeing herself. this sucks.
>"Spell recycling. How to make the most of very little."
gotta make the most with our low pool
>We could have got the Anbee duo instead of the catgirl, would Atlas still complain then?
>unironically what causes this?
because they are not sure what to do?

>>"Spell recycling. How to make the most of very little."
not because its what we want, but because i dont think what we want is out there. we will have to come up with it ourselves and for that we will need a deep understanding of how mana behaves in practice
>I'm saying that I reject that notion. We should be looking for ways to increase our mana so we can afford better spells, not just taking the cheap way out and using magitech
>Honestly, I just don't like magitech. It's such a lame concept.
nigga, we have 10-15 times less mana then an average race, we need to use everything at our disposal to get an upper leg.
>we will need a deep understanding of how mana behaves in practice
If you think that, shouldn't you be voting for the book explicitly about mana?
Well the school has been around a long time and only ever had one other human student, they are not going to be great at working around our specific problems
Isn't the entire point of a 'challenged' school to try to personally help students with their own specific issues? I honestly don't see how exactly their teaching techniques are different form a normal school's
her racial curse alone warrants here presence, if you ask me. she could not be taught in a regular school.
i wasnt even kidding. from how OP described interactions with her, if she were to start talking about her people, her opponent would scream in pain and forget her in an instant, giving "teleports behind you" a new meaning
>She's also spending her mana on us.
not like she ever ran out
but yeah, i agree
Like, yeah, but he is still Mr.Dark Lord which almost succeeded in destroying the world and he is currently trapped being a teacher in a school for retards so he is no pushover aside from whoever trapped him which may be the principal or other teachers, and so they may not be the best in helping with our specific problems, but if it's about the spells themselves, the theory and all that stuff then we can learn a lot from how they do this things and then remake it into more efficient and adequate ways for humans
Their usual retards have three digits of mana and can afford to waste spells, fish probably has two or three times ours. The other students are here for reasons besides mana being too low
>I honestly don't see how exactly their teaching techniques are different form a normal school's
For starters, they begin with such low-level spells that even a human can do them. If even the shittiest magical races have mana in the triple digits, spells like Spark and Spell Displacement must be primary school tier. Also, the dungeon system with its emphasis on critical thinking is probably well suited to magical retards.
that one has "history" in its name, which to implies it has a bunch of info we are not actually interested in.
Okay let me put it in another way. In an normal challenged school, you'd have kids with various learning disabilities, yes? But they're not always just normal uh...tards, that just have a clean and easy lack of intelligence. Those kids also have very specific personality issues. The entire point of these specific schools is to work with these kids who have very specific needs. While the school certainly encourages creative thinking, that last part is what is lacking.
>going out on her own to learn the stuff she specifically wants
Don't we have a few classes that we're not in together? Back when we were selecting them?
>pretty much the only reason we've made what little progress we have
How CAN a guy repay that? Is it truly as simple as remaining faithful and trustworthy, being there for their own problems (Table absolutely has her own issues independent of her race), doing all we can to back her up in life, and later on giving her at least 3 kids? Is it even that uncomplicated in real life?
>wonder how our parents will react to us having some kind of eldritch girlfriend
What about her parents reacting to Atlas?

>her racial curse alone warrants her presence
Then where are the other Forgotten kids here at the school? Table implied the Forgotten are not immune to their own racial curse, right? How do they even find each other to have families? How are they not all dying out?
>a detailed history of my people, because the name says it all, even those belonging to it can't remember it."
>our curse extends to written records too. There aren't that many of us though. I don't want to talk about it
We never really asked further
>scream in pain and forget her in an instant
That's kinda hot

I think we should go to him again. There's a lot we can learn from him

Magic school for the X-ly challenged
Where X is whatever you want
>How CAN a guy repay that?
yeah... we will have to figure something out.
>Then where are the other Forgotten kids here at the school?
very technically speaking, every second student could be a forgotten and us just not remembering.
more realistically, well, where are all the other humans? forgottens could be quite rare just in general
> Table implied the Forgotten are not immune to their own racial curse, right?
> How do they even find each other to have families? How are they not all dying out?
not sure. could it be possible that they all are biologically immortal and from before the curse?
>"The strange and inconsistent history of mana".
Anons, I feel where focusing in the wrong tree, hear me out

The mana is around us and inside us. There's a biological reason of WHY races have mana and how much they're limited, why don't we see how the mana works? Is there a organ in specific that generates mana? Is there in some civilization who believed something like that? Is there something mental who also affects it? If anyone runs out of mana You can feel weak, is there something weird if we are physically and manally exhausted? what you guys think
I see your point, but the recycling thing seems more important in the short run
I agree, but I just want to see what this book about going beyond one's birth means. I'm hoping it's not literally just
>Go pull a Sigrid and change your race to get more mana
doesnt that sound like "genius quotes from the top 40 richest men in the world" snakeoil?
It sounds more like it's an
>Here's a bunch of wizards who did some crazy ass experiments to increase their power that went horribly wrong
Just changing a race is so...basic. Imagine instead doing something like Seath the Scaleless, who basically covered himself with magic crystals in order to become immortal.
alright, but im calling the lichdom saga right now
>Becoming the undying necromancer-king of the Human City
Oh anon, I'm really I'm love with this one
No way, that would mean becoming a skeleton, our dick would fall off and then we wouldn't be able to bang table
I'm with >>6068299. No lich skele-twist
>"Spell recycling. How to make the most of very little."

You pick up the book about going beyond's one birth. It sounds pretty relevant to your current situation, after all. There are a few chapters on different mages who started really behind but still made something of themselves, the human mage is there, but there are also some other cases, like a weak spirit, an Anbee without a partner, and a plant that gained awareness, somehow.

You flip through it, trying to see if some of the other race's issue may be relevant to yours. Interestingly enough, the 'weak' spirit in the book seems to be...your intangible teacher? Curiosity gets the better of you, and you read the chapter relating to him.

'Suuri was a rather powerless spirit at his birth. Incapable of using anything but Intangible magic, a low mana pool, and no one to learn from. Someone like him becoming a world ending threat was not only unexpected, it was thought to be impossible. Even if many of us believe that hard work trumps everything, we still all accepted that some were simply rejected by magic itself, and that they would be much more productive doing manual labor instead.

Suuri's weakness made him spiteful over time, and even if he never shared the exact methods with which he rose to power, many believe that he used the deaths of thousands to fuel himself, and that many natural disasters were caused by him with some kind of butterfly effects. This process allegedly took thousands of years, and his hunger for more magical power made things worse and worse for everyone. It is unclear if Suuri had any long term plan after all life on this planet vanished, but most believe that he simply got addicted to the feeling one gets when becoming stronger. The heroes that stopped him said that even with all their preparations, it was still a very close fight.

Even today, Suuri is still a threat, located within the walls of the school for the Magically Challenged. He hid a rune to revive him here as a backup plan, but one of the teachers here was able to alter it so that he would be trapped here, it is unknown why they could not destroy the rune, only that it would be 'a bad idea to do so' according to the material teacher working here. He is teaching Intangible magic at said school, and even if most students report him to be a good teacher, many are still wary of him and his true intentions. Suuri has proved that he is nothing but patient after all.'

Huh, neat. So he was a 'weak' spirit, killed a bunch of people, and got stronger? It's not something you'd do but good for him, wait, no, bad for everyone else, bad for him. Killing people is bad, you think. There's more stuff about him in the book, but it's mostly theories, as Suuri isn't very talkative about his history. Even the part where he got stronger by killing a bunch of people is still not confirmed, as no one is entirely sure how he'd even be able to do that as a spirit that can ONLY use Intangible magic. It looks like even after all this time, this restriction still applies, and he's incapable of using most mixed spells as a result.

"What do you think, Table?"

She shrugs. "I already knew most of that, Suuri's a pretty big deal, or used to be, I suppose. Most people believe that he's super weak now which is why he's trapped here, but I'm not sure if that's true. If that was the case, he'd have been killed already to make sure he wouldn't try anything again, but they just let him do what he wants as long as it's not harming students, so I doubt that."

Whatever, you flip to the human page, and there's a lot more stuff here than there was for Suuri, which is weird considering how much bigger Suuri's influence was worldwide.

'Jack, often nicknamed 'jumping Jack' for his habit of jumping up and down every time he successfully cast a spell-'

You hear Table chortle behind you. "He's really just like you, huh?"

"Shut uuup, I don't jump when I cast spells!" You whine.

"Yeah but you make this happy face whenever you do, idea's the same."

You pout and continue reading.

"-everytime he successfully cast a spell. Some believed that this was to recharge his mana in an esoteric fashion unique to humans, but it turns out this was just a quirk of his. Humans were often believed to be incapable of casting spells altogether, as most spells cost much more mana before many of his more modern theories were applied. If humans are good at one thing, it is at finding ways to work around their own limitations.

Even if he was often ridiculed by his fellow mages for his subpar magic skills, his discovery of the Up Mana system was revolutionary. It was perhaps a very slow method of acquiring mana, but it did not change its importance in understanding how spells were made and used.

Jack was a strong believer in each race having their own unique way of interacting with magic, and that human simply had to find their own. Humans are not affected as badly by mana fatigue, and as such he often tried to find a way to cast spells after running out of mana. The spells, unsurprisingly, fizzled, and this theory led nowhere after years of practice. His wife, an Anbee by the name of Josephine, said that he was truly close to something with this idea, but that with so few humans practicing magic, and none of them doing it at his level, it was hard to notice any consistent patterns.

Interestingly enough, their child had a peculiar relationship with mana, with one side having more mana than the other, which is unusual for Anbees. The one lacking in mana did not suffer from mana fatigue, and used this gift of theirs to test many of the theories of their father, with no success."

Table stops your reading. "Waitwaitwait. He had a kid with an Anbee? How does that work?"

"Uh, I don't know, maybe like normal sex?"

"Okay, but Anbees always deliver two childs, they need to both be impregnated at once, that's kind of how it works. Did he just-"

"I think there are ways of solving this with magic? That or he just went very fast."

"He really had a good life. Anyway, found anything useful?"

You flip through more of the book, and there is a lot of useful stuff here. A lot of the theories you saw in the book make much more sense now that you understand what he was trying to do, and with a lot of modern discussions on more experienced mages, you're pretty sure there's something to his original theory of using spells without mana. The problem is that this theory heavily implies this uses your life force, and even if this can be fixed with magic and it's a LOT more efficient than using one's mana, it'd be very easy to get overboard and screwing yourself over.

Looks like the main ways people thought of going around this was to use Life/summon magic to create living beings, absorb their life force to turn them into mana, and use that to create more stuff to absorb the mana of. It looks like Vampires already do something similar, but the mana they get from eating is pitiful.

There's more of Jack's research in the book, but it's all very in depth, and it'll take more than a cursory glance to analyze, so you decide now's a good time to leave.

"Sorry I couldn't be much help, Atlas," Table says as you leave the library. "A lot of that stuff went over my head."

You lightly punch her shoulder. "Table, you're great. I was just thinking of how great you are and how I can never repay you, so don't say stuff like that."

"I'm not that great. Even past the curse, there isn't a lot that's interesting about me-"

You punch her shoulder again, a little stronger this time. "No! Bad Table! Stop thinking bad things about yourself! Bad girl!"

"Oookay, that's doing things to me. Discovering a lot about myself today."

You punch her in the same spot even harder, but you don't say anything. You wanted to call her a creep, but you think she'd like that. You hear the summoning teacher's voice coming from the walls again, telling everyone to start putting what classes they want for the month. A lot of students probably noticed a lot of their shortcomings after the tricky dungeon and even trickier duel, so you're sure a lot of them will pick different classes for this month.

But will you? Table says she doesn't have anything in mind, but that it'd be nice to at least pick different classes for variety's sake.

Of course, since there's only 5 magic classes, you're bound to still end up with one you already had before, but maybe it's not so bad to specialize a little.

What classes should you pick for the month? (3 votes allowed)

It's not focused on as much, but the school does have specific things for certain students. Dungeons are sometimes built differently for certain races (Ivy could've just floated over the water and pit otherwise) and the Divination teacher also tends to know exactly when a student in their class needs help.

It's better to see the start of the year as students figuring out what they want, and then teachers trying to make that path work, rather than the other way around. It's also good to remember that despite being a school for the magically challenged, their standards are still high in a different way, and only take those they believe have the will/potential to get past their shortcomings.
>humans use life force instead of mana



it's obvious now what we must do
we must spec into life magic first, so that we can use it to buff our life force
then figure out how to use said life force to cast without mana

after that, we can literally do whatever the hell we want, because we're now a real mage
If Mr.Intangible did all that without mixing spells we need to know how he did it
bump our weak points and continue focusing on our best one

I WAS RIGHT LET'S FUCKING GOOOO. I still wanna find a way to fuck over or shorten people's Mana Pool, so this is killing two birds with one stone.
Which class would we take if we want to learn how to speak to the spirit, summoning or divination?
Shit, you're right, I forgot about it, and it's Divination btw

Changing my vote >>6068522 to
Ypou sure? Well, in that case...

Yeah! This is the post when Atlas was at the divination class, look at the spell options in >>6061108
I see. Well in that case, I'd definitely go for divination...though most people have already voted, so i'm probably sadly too late.
Normally I just lurk, but I really want to talk with the spirit lizard.
Did you guys forget we wanted Divination to be able to interact with Table better? There's clarity but also other things which will probably help in that area. Also Divination will probably help with being able to increase our mana better.
While i agree, anon, if you want divination you should switch out 'Summoning' for it, it's the only one it has a chance of beating it vote-wise.
I don't understand what you're asking of me, I'm already voting for Summoning.
I'm saying you shouln't, anon, because Summoning has the least votes because >>6068528
voted for Divination in place of summoning
Well I would argue Life magic is kinda lame in comparison to the others but I see your point. Very disappointing because I would very much like to learn more Summoning magic.

>Changing vote from Summoning to Material
With this, i believe Divination is tied with Summoning...one more vote and we can secure Divination.
Changing my vote >>6068514 to
Alright, nice, divination now has more than summoning, time to see some spirits. And maybe finally learn Clarity. We seem to have gotten pretty used to table, but i do want to one day see completely through her illusion.

I wonder if there's a way to like, permanently let us see beyond the curse? Given it's magic, there probably is.

Votes locked, I do believe that's Intangible, Life and Divination. Just correct me if i'm wrong, there's a lot of votes and sometimes I get confused.
I believe so, yes. Every vote except the last two has Life, so Material doesn't have enough to beat it.

You sign your name next to the Intangible, Life and Divination class. You present it to Table, and she frowns.

"Table? Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing! Don't worry about it, I don't mind what you picked!" She says that, but you can tell she's a little disappointed.

"Taaaable." You poke her in the ribs over and over. "Tell me, Table, I can always change my classes if there's one you don't like."

"You really don't need to do that! I just- I felt like doing material classes, but I don't mind going with what you picked."

You poke her in the ribs again. "Table, I'm telling you, I can change one class if you really want to do material!"

"...but I don't want to force you to go to a class you don't like."

You shrug. "We could just not go to the same class, it's just one class, it's not like we'll never be seeing each other again."

"But, you'll need my mana to study, right? I can't just-"

"Mana portal. Idiot." You give her a quick kiss. "Stupid, dumb Table."

"Y-Yeah, guess we could do that. I forgot about that. Still, sorry I can't be there."

You don't know why she apologizes, it's not like you have to share every waking moments together, and you're bound to have different interests when it comes to magic. Besides, maybe she'll be able to help you with magic stuff you don't know if she takes different classes. Teamwork!

She swaps out the Intangible class for material, and you give her a good old thumbs up.

Speaking of spending time with someone, you have a little bit more free time, and you'd like to get some insight from other students on the book. That or you could help them with their issues if you so choose.

>Talk to Aroth, maybe he still needs help for the princess duel, maybe you could ask him how his exam duel went?
>It's been a while since you've studied with Dill, and maybe you could ask her about the spirit.
>Rath knows a decent amount about Life magic, maybe he could help?
>Someone else? (Write in who)
>It's been a while since you've studied with Dill, and maybe you could ask her about the spirit.
>Talk to Aroth, maybe he still needs help for the princess duel, maybe you could ask him how his exam duel went?
>Talk to Aroth, maybe he still needs help for the princess duel, maybe you could ask him how his exam duel went?

it would be much nicer if we could talk with the spirit 1-on-1 and it should not take too long before we get the spell for that
Fine, changing >>6068598
>Talk to Aroth, maybe he still needs help for the princess duel, maybe you could ask him how his exam duel went?
So we can get this over with.
>Talk to Aroth, maybe he still needs help for the princess duel, maybe you could ask him how his exam duel went?
Thats what we took divination for
>this entire talk with Table
Hey >>6068113 >>6068126 there's your answer
Spell vampirism?
>Talk to Aroth, maybe he still needs help for the princess duel, maybe you could ask him how his exam duel went?
I don't want a war ruining our future as a mage. Yet.
No! More like making it so the objective has like a mana short circuit, like disabling it for a short amount. Or maybe make something so they can only use 1/3 of their mana pool
>Talk to Aroth, maybe he still needs help for the princess duel, maybe you could ask him how his exam duel went?
>Talk to Aroth, maybe he still needs help for the princess duel, maybe you could ask him how his exam duel went?

You want to know how Aroth did in his duel, so you bring Table along to talk to him. He's sitting on a bench reading a book with Charlotte, seems like they're still getting along despite the fake dating thing not working out.

"Hey, Aroth, hi Charlotte!" You greet the two of them. "How did your duels go?"

Lotte answers first, "we lost, but it was very veeery close! Rath just kept summoning squirrels, and I couldn't kill all of them! And bugs! AND LOTS OF ANNOYING STUFF! IT GOT EVERYWHERE!"

"But shouldn't it have been easier since there's two of you?" You ask.

"We still share the same mana pool, and when one is in pain, it disorients the other body. Honestly, having two bodies just made us easier target in the end." Char replies.

Damn, guess having two bodies isn't always a net benefit. "What about you, Aroth?"

"I, uh, I won," he says, staring at his shoes.

"Wait, really? That's great! Who was it against?"

"Uh, Ivy. It was very close, though."

Table butts in, "Ivy's pretty strong, I saw her duel with that crystal guy, and they were almost evenly matched."

Aroth looks at Table with a confused look. "Ah, sorry, have we met? I-"

"I'm Atlas's girlfriend, yes, congratulations, I know. Let's move on. Let's go back to Ivy, isn't that a big deal that you won against her, especially when you're usually so afraid of girls?"

"I- I mean, I only won because she over relied on summoning magic. The moment I used embargo, most of her spells just didn't work. Even then, she still managed to cast a few because of how good she was at summoning, and finishing her off was really hard. I- I still think it was a fluke."

"That's great, Aroth!" you say. "You beat one of the strongest student in our class, that means-"

"It doesn't mean anything, Atlas," he cuts you off. "Because I won once, it doesn't mean I'm ready."

"But it's a good sign, isn't it?" You sit next to him. "Aroth, you're probably much better than you give yourself credit for. Why do you put yourself down all the time?"

He's silent for a few seconds, and after looking around, his gaze unsurprisingly passing right by Table, he speaks, "Remember when I told you that I did duels before? Duels in demon culture are... how do I put it. If someone duels you, you're not really allowed to refuse, socially anyway. It's not enforced by law, but there's a stigma against it. This is true no matter how big the difference in skill is. However there is a stigma against asking to duel those weaker than you. However, if someone weaker than you duels you, it's expected of you to accept, even if it's a child dueling an adult. It's one of the first thing you learn as a demon, duels are sacred, and you have to accept that some people are just stronger than you."

"So, you dueled a lot because girls kept asking for a fight?" You ask.

"Uh, uhm, no, the opposite. I used to be, uhm, a little bit more...feminine before, or I guess that'd be boyish by your standards. As a kid, I liked dueling girls a lot, and I won a lot, but then puberty happened, and I started losing, and I..." his voice quivers. "I- I didn't really like that, so I kept duelling, kept losing, again and again. Kept being humiliated. Then the girls spurred me on, kept taunting me into dueling them, and my pride just kept telling me to try to prove them wrong. And everytime- EVERYTIME!"

He gets a hug from Char, and he calms down a little before continuing his story. "-And I know I was stupid! But I thought that if I could just win once, if I could just become a little stronger it'd work. But when you keep losing, keep being made fun of, it eats at you a little, okay? It starts getting to you. And I'm tired. I'm tired of losing, I'm tired of fighting, I just want to live a normal life where I'm left alone and leave all that behind, that's all."

Wait, so was he like a tomboy before? Or is that a demon's equivalent of a fem- wait, that's not what matters right now, what matters is he needs your help. He's not weak, if he managed to beat Ivy you know that for a fact, but right now what he needs the most is a confidence boost.

>"Are you really okay with living your life like this, Aroth? Is it really what you want?"
>"Aroth, I know it sucks, but if you really want that normal life, you're going to have to fight for it."
>"Do you think duelling with more of your classmates would help prove you're stronger than you think? Maybe even a rematch with Ivy. I'm sure it wasn't a fluke like you said."
>Write in.
>Do you think duelling with more of your classmates would help prove you're stronger than you think? Maybe even a rematch with Ivy. I'm sure it wasn't a fluke like you said."
>"Do you think duelling with more of your classmates would help prove you're stronger than you think? Maybe even a rematch with Ivy. I'm sure it wasn't a fluke like you said."
He needs more wins under his belt to regain his confidence
happy post millennia everyone

>>"Aroth, I know it sucks, but if you really want that normal life, you're going to have to fight for it."
Nice quest OC
>"Are you really okay with living your life like this, Aroth? Is it really what you want?"
I say, Aroth must make his comeback.
I'm just saying guys, he's literally saying "I don't want to fight anymore", just asking if more duels would help him feel better is a dumb way to go about this.
I lose 20 matches in a row, I get pissed off and come back later to win 20 matches in a row. He needs to resurrect his love of duelling, and the only way to do that is to keep at it.
Yes, but you're wording it wrong.
>>"Aroth, I know it sucks, but if you really want that normal life, you're going to have to fight for it."
Poor Aroth, he has to understand that the only way to maintain peace is by being strong enough to force it.
>maintain peace
I thought peace was never an option. Was I wrong?
Peace is an option that can only be achieved by the threat of extreme violence. If Aroth doesn't want to become a househusband, he has to be strong enough to bitchslap the princess into giving up.
Okay fine, since nobody's voting for my option, changing >>6069267
>"Aroth, I know it sucks, but if you really want that normal life, you're going to have to fight for it."
Well, we're on a tie now, so it'd be good if someone would tip it over.
>>"Do you think duelling with more of your classmates would help prove you're stronger than you think? Maybe even a rematch with Ivy. I'm sure it wasn't a fluke like you said."
"Also, I'm pretty sure you lost because they got more training. It's traditional for them to be the ones fighting and whatnot, right? So wouldn't it make sense for them to get tutors, while you had to make do with experience?"

Hit 'em with the.

>"Aroth, I know it sucks, but if you really want that normal life, you're going to have to fight for it."
If he resists.

I want to send this lad home so he can have a LEGENDARY get-back with everyone who dueled him.
>"Aroth, I know it sucks, but if you really want that normal life, you're going to have to fight for it."
so he isn't down because he killed someone like I thought. You know, it's fair but he can't keep going like that.
Anon, would you consider just skipping to the latter option so we're not stuck on a tie?
Welp, I guess we're stuck here. I guess a tie's better than changing your vote.
we can just do both and it'll come out like our equivalent of "are you fucking sorry?!"
You know what, locking in a mix of the two sentence as Atlas has a brain fart
No other way out of this. We anons are dead 50/50 split
We wouldn't be if we just didn't count the guy who tried to be clever and pick two options at once. Or if you just changed it.
>"Aroth, I know it sucks, but if you really want that normal life, you're going to have to fight for it."
since no one is breaking it
A little too late for that now, anon.

"Atlas, I know it sucks, but you're going to need to duel your classmates to prove you're stronger than them."

"...what?" He looks even more confused than before.

Wait, that's not what you wanted to say. okay, let's try that again. "Aroth, if you want to have a normal life, you're going to need to prove you're stronger than everyone else."

That still didn't come out right.

Char mercifully interrupts your rambling. "What I think Atlas is trying to say, is that you're stronger than you think, and that you can use that strength to live a normal life. You can't avoid fighting forever, even if you don't like it."

You nod. Yup, that's the gist of it.

"I...I don't know. I really don't like hurting people, maybe I really should just give up." Aroth replies, rubbing his arm nervously.

"It's fine, you can cast Remove Hurt!" You say as you slap his shoulder. "It'll be fighting without hurting anyone! Come on, give it a try, at least!"

"F-Fine, one time. J-Just one time, you'll see I'm not that good."

"That's settled then! How about Ivy? You won against her once, surely you can do it twice?"

"B-But she'll be aware of my tricks this time, and I won't want to make her hate me even more."

"Wait, idea," Table raises her finger. "You duel Ivy and what you'll do is make sure to tackle her to the ground so she can't move, make sure to be on top of her. Now, she'll struggle to get out, probably will try to phase through the floor, but she can't get through living beings, so just hold her back to avoid that. Now you're both struggling, in each other's arms, and that's when you lean in for a ki-"

You slap the back of her head. "Table this is serious."

"I was going to say 'lean in for the kill'. What else could it have been?" She says with a wink.

You don't believe her. It doesn't look like Aroth picked up on it, nor did Charlotte. Maybe Table is so boring to them that it's harder for them to process her teasing.

Even so, it's true that picking his opponent is important. If he loses, it might demotivate him. Ivy is no pushover from what you heard, and even if he wins, you're not sure if he'll learn a lot from it, as she probably fights very differently from the demon princess.

Mhh, who to pick...

>Pick any classmate
Hmmm, let's see...how about...
She had that damn parasite, but the parasite itself seemed to be on par with her other form. We lost because we're weak as shit, but if we warn him about her being able to switch mid-combat, he'll probably have an advantage, right?
Uh...any other ideas?
bro needs an ego boost
we'll put on a good show for him too, so he can't weasel out of this with "well duh, you're human of course I beat you"

but we shouldn't put in too good of a show
otherwise this will turn into
"oh god, I can barely beat a human, I suck for real"
Naw, that's a bad idea. Even if we put on a good show, he'll think we let him win. And chances are, we might not even be able to.

Also he should be fighting a girl. His entire problem is that he feels like he can't beat girls.
then how about charlotte?
she's right there, she knows what's at stake, so we don't have to ask her to lose on purpose
I would vote for us but if we lose its not going to help him because a weak human is supposed to lose.
>+1 nice idea
Wait, I just realized, we literally haven't spoke to our parents...or about our parents...whatsoever since we left.

Haven't they sent like, a letter or something? An email?
i would assume we are lightly disowned
Well I don't know, all we know about them is that they were against Atlas going to magic school which...is perfectly reasonable when one considers he gave up citizenship in human city to go study something he's absolutely garbage at.
>An email?
theres no way theres going to be reception here. that would require satellites...
>a letter or something?
im actually interested in this. what would a postal service look like in a world with portals? you just submit your package and your local postal dragon tps it away? i guess so, but the outside does not seem well organized enough to have a proper global, unique addressing system. so what im visualizing is a graph traversal problem where every town only knows its neighbours (and capital cities and such, but thats not interesting)
Atlas said he enrolled into the school by using a drone anyway, so obviously it's possible to reach this place, at least for humans. Of course, I guess that would require Atlas to have told them where he was going...but given that he was able to learn of the school from within the city, it shouldn't be imposible for them to reach us.

I honestly wouldn't put it past Atlas to be so hyped about magic he completely forgot about mail.
>>6069500 +1
I assume Table's parents are easier to reach than Atlas' parents
OP ?
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I hope he lives to return to us

Back! Will post today, the heat made me super unmotivated but I think I'll manage today, sorry for the delay.
honestly, OP, that's fair
been suffering 30+°C in my country the past few day as well
hope it'll get better in yours

"What about Rin? I lost to her, but she wasn't that strong, I'm sure you could take her."

"The catgirl? I-I guess I could try, she sounds nice enough to not take it personally if I win."

Nice? She sounded pretty haughty to you, but maybe that was the parasite talking? Maybe you judged her too fast. The next day, you bring Aroth to Rin, and try to arrange a fight between the two of them.

Interacting with her again does prove to you that she is, in fact, insufferable, maybe even more than Ivy.

"Are you sure you're not setting me up against him because you're mad you lost?" She says in a patronizing tone. "It's okay to lose sometimes! I'm sure you'll get better next time!"

Right, Ivy is annoying, but everyone knows she's full of shit. Rin has a weird passive-aggressive fake nice act that really gets on your nerves. "That has nothing to do with that!" You reply, trying to keep the anger out of your voice. "He needs to train for a future duel, and I thought you'd be a good opponent, that's all. Just don't use your parasite like last time."

She acts outraged. "I did not use her for the fight, why would I need to?"

"I saw it with Analysis, the stats were all wrong, it wasn't you!"

She shrugs. "Maybe you cast it wrong? I know it must be hard to practice such a spell with so little mana."

You're about to say some unsavory things at her, but Table holds you back with a hug. "It's fine, I believe you," she whispers in your ear. "She's not worth getting mad at, you can always get back at her later."

You take a deep breath. Fine, it's fine. "If you're so good, it shouldn't be a problem to have a friendly match with Aroth then, right?"

She frowns for a split second before quickly reapplying her cheery facade. She probably can't afford to switch to the parasite in public like this, as it would only prove you right.

"Sure, nothing wrong with a friendly match," she says before turning to Aroth. "Let's get to it, shall we?"

Aroth gets a little flustered, and he offers her the duel necklace. They both get into position on the lawn. Unlike the previous duel, neither of them is allowed to use buffing spells on themselves before it starts here. That's because demons duel don't allow it too, and it's good to prepare him for this exact type of duel. Buffing yourself mid-fight is perfectly fine though. Well, you did promise to cast remove hurt on them first, but that one doesn't really count.


Aroth closes his eyes, and tries to ignore his ever rising heartbeat. Focus on that feeling and nothing but that. It's easier to not see them as a girl, to not see them as something to beat. That way they're an abstract challenge to overcome, something Aroth's much better at tackling.

Atlas's voice rings out from his side, the word "GO" signals the start of what he's sure will be another failure.

But he can't think that way, he has to at the very least try. If he tries his hardest and fail, at least he'll live with no regrets.

Aroth prepares spells that allow him to see her even with his eyes closed, and the fight begins.

She casts a life spell on herself, arms and legs, blood trampoline? Right, it must be that. A spell that increases one's blood flow in certain areas of the body, but most interestingly allows faster movement by twisting the body unnaturally by changing the consistency of the blood. It's a very painful spell and probably not one most people use without Remove Hurt, and it's also very harmful to the body when used extensively. She must have asked miss Lazari to fix her time and time again before she got the hang of it.

One step, deep breath. Two steps, feint. Three steps, cast a spell. Four steps, another feint. Keep them guessing, keep them confused. Her body is strong, but she doesn't yet know how to use it to its fullest potential, so all he needs to do is to wait for her to make a fatal mistake. She tries to use divination illusions to throw him off, but he can easily see past them with his eyes closed.

It takes a while, but as her blood trampoline is running out, she realizes she'll need to reapply the spell again soon or suffer the drawbacks. That's when he decides to strike back. Delayed Double and summon a flame in front of her, a fake one. She steps back into the real flame he put behind her, and trigger a fire flare.

She avoids it, but as long as she's distracted she can't buff herself, and soon, blood trampoline expires, and she spasms on the ground. Remove Hurt is still active, but that doesn't mean her body is immune to internal damage. At this point all it takes is throwing Fire Flares at her until she gives up.


"Aaand, game!" You say, watching the burnt mess on the ground slowly rise back up into a beastfolk shape. The duel necklace taking away most of the damage done, even if you're sure the psychological damage is still there.

She tries to smile, but you can tell she's really mad. Good.

"Good job, Aroth! You.beat.me.fair.and.square." She stresses the last words out for some reason, did she expect some foul play?

"Ah, uhm, it's nothing. I got pretty lucky-"

"What? No you didn't!" You say. "You were super focused back there, like a different person! This wasn't a fluke at all, you can totally do it!"

"N-No, I'm sure if we had a rematch-"

Rin shakes her head. "I'm afraid I'm very busy, so I won't be able to have the time for a rematch anytime soon."

"See?" You point at the now leaving Rin. "She's scared that she'll lose! Not a fluke! Tell him, Table!"

Table shakes her head. "No, that's not a real win, what you needed to do was grab her waist and-"

"-Okay, not you, tell him, Charlotte!"

Lotte speaks first, "Yeah! You were very cool!"

"You fought defensively when needed, and knew when to press the advantage when her spells were getting weaker. This was not a fluke," Char follows.

Aroth is blushing from all the praise, but it doesn't look like he hates it either. "I-I guess, but it uhm, it doesn't mean I'm ready. I guess, maybe I'm not as bad as I thought, but I'm still not sure if- uhm, I'll think about it."

He walks away, hiding his face in his hands, and Charlotte follows him. Hopefully that helped him in some way, even if it might take some time for him to accept he's stronger than he thinks.

Unfortunately, it's already time for your Intangible class, the one Table can't follow you in. She gives you a long kiss before you go your separate ways, and she tells you she'll activate her mana portal at set intervals.

The class starts normally for once, as the teacher is simply waiting for all students to sit down before beginning the class. No fancy light deleting tricks or spawning in behind his desk.

"Welcome to your second Intangible course," the teacher starts. "perhaps third if you count the mandatory introductory one--I do not. A lot of you come back from a failed exam, do you not? And I've heard many of you have doomed yourselves by not thinking of the consequences of using spells like spark, or tornado. Just like with Life spells, or any spells really, Intangible spells can quickly grow outside of your control when used inappropriately. As such, there are three costs to magic: knowledge, mana and consequences. Intangible spells tend to cost less in mana, but much more in terms of consequences. During exams, you will be in an enclosed space where you will not be able to flee from said consequences, and that is intended. You should pick your next spells more carefully now that you are aware of the risks, but a part of me hope you will not. These are more complicated than those you've learned thus far, so do not be surprised if you cannot cast them in the first week, that is to be expected."

So, that's when real spell casting starts, when you start learning spells that can't be figured out in only a couple of days. That only makes it more exciting to you, as it will make you feel more like a real mage rather than someone that just does party tricks.

Pick one spell from the previous class:
>Fire Flare: Make a pre-existing flame burst into a small explosion and then extinguish itself. The spell can be used to put down small fires, but also offensively or to burn some things faster.
>Yellow Gloves: Makes your hand non conductive to electricity. While you are not immune to particularly strong electric damage, it still allows you to touch most electric things safely as long as it's with your hands.
>Water Jump: Use water as a trampoline to reach higher heights. the spell needs more than a puddle to work, which is why it is often paired up with spells capable of summoning water.

Additionally, pick one new spell:
>Fire Spread: A pre-existing fire will now spread much faster than normal. However it will also do everything else faster, including using fuel and consuming oxygen. It can also cause a fire to go out faster if it was already dying. The spell's cost depends on how long you try to speed up the fire.
>Mana Rip: Can cause an enchantment or a spell to stop working by disturbing the mana that they use. This spell is incredibly hard to use at a distance even with Spell Displacement, and often requires a good understanding of the enchantment or spell used to make the most of it.
>Fog: Create a strong thick fog from pre-existing water. While the fog itself is nothing special, the caster has more or less full control of it as long as they can see the fog, making it a rather versatile spell. The fog can also be turned back into its liquid form, making it pretty efficient at transporting large bodies of water.
>(Cannot be learned unless you also pick Yellow Gloves) Thunder Beast: Causes your entire body to be insulated while emitting bursts of electricity to anyone and anything that touches you. However, the insulation and the electricity are technically separate spells, which makes it possible for someone to disrupt the insulation and make you electrocute yourself. Dangerous and powerful, often learned by the slightly unhinged.
>mana rip
mana vampirism here we come
>fire flare
this should pair well with spark so we can have an actual offensive spell for once
>Fire Flare
Preemptively stops others from using it on us
>Mana Rip
The Secret of Mana™
>Fire Flare
Seems like people just use this a lot in duels.
>Mana Rip
Anything that gets us down the path of manipulating mana is good. Not necessarily to become a mana vampire, we just need to be able to control our mana.
>Fire Flare: Make a pre-existing flame burst into a small explosion and then extinguish itself. The spell can be used to put down small fires, but also offensively or to burn some things faster.
>Mana Rip: Can cause an enchantment or a spell to stop working by disturbing the mana that they use. This spell is incredibly hard to use at a distance even with Spell Displacement, and often requires a good understanding of the enchantment or spell used to make the most of it.
>Fire Flare: Make a pre-existing flame burst into a small explosion and then extinguish itself. The spell can be used to put down small fires, but also offensively or to burn some things faster.
>Mana Rip: Can cause an enchantment or a spell to stop working by disturbing the mana that they use. This spell is incredibly hard to use at a distance even with Spell Displacement, and often requires a good understanding of the enchantment or spell used to make the most of it.

You decide to learn Fire Flare and Mana Rip. Fire Flare seems to be a classic for duels, and you can use it to take out fires. Mana Rip just sounds useful to learn more about mana in general, even if you don't think you'll be able to use it super effectively right away, since it's a complex spell for your level.

It's interesting how much easier it is to learn spells you thought hard now that you understand the basics. It doesn't mean the new spells get easier, but now you can tell what you're doing wrong a lot faster. Unfortunately, no matter how much theory you know, it still needs a lot of practice to make it work. A few of your classmates blow up their desk, or seal it to the floor, some are even attempting mixed spells.

Even though the class is a lot more freeform than what you got back in the human city, it doesn't make it directionless. The teacher's advice is always very sound, and he takes into account each of your 'disabilities' in mind when telling you what to do. You do ask him if it would be possible to rip mana from something else to give it to yourself, and his answer is 'Possible, but not at your current level, or is it?'

You're not sure if the 'is it?' was a joke or an invitation for you to try, but it's true you're only just starting, so maybe you be patient about this.

You don't feel like you've made much progress today, but you've got a month to learn the spell, so it'll be fine. Looks like dungeon exams are usually every month, not counting things like summer vacations, it's kind of nice to not have to worry about exams for each class, but instead have them all happen at once. You're not sure how efficient of a teaching method it is, but it's fun, so it's fine by you.

The moment you leave the class, you receive a kiss. Because of her curse, you didn't process right away that it was Table, and you almost pushed her away.

"Hey, it's me, Table, your girlfriend. Just in case the kiss didn't make it clear to you."

You sigh. "Are we really doing this again? I'm not going to forget you just because we spend one class apart, you know?"

Of course, the Mana portals that opened every 10 minutes helped a lot, but you're sure you would've remembered her either way.

"Yes, I know, I'm very memorable," she says sarcastically. "Anyway, what did you learn? I picked a spell called Gravity. I'm still figuring it out, but it's a rune that makes everything gravitate towards it. And, it scales with mana, so I could make it very strong by just bruteforcing it! Of course, I still want to learn how to cast it properly, but I really want to practice it with you!"

She sounds very happy, it's a good thing she told you about what class she really wanted to go in. The last thing you'd want is to deprive her of the type of magic she wants.

You talk about the spells you learned and what they could mix into, somehow, the conversation jumps to how you first learned about magic. Some children's book with an evil wizard, but they made the evil wizard sound very cool, and as kids do you became obsessed with this concept that everyone told you want a pipe dream.

Table says she learned most of her spells by stealing books, since it's not like anyone noticed.

"Table, did you just have no money back then? Couldn't you ask your parents at least."

She gives you a forced smile. "Getting a job is hard with negative credentials, and as for my parents... I- I guess they didn't raise me, in the traditional sense, at least."

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"I...Forgottens are a little bit better at surviving than most babies, I guess. Because your mother forgets about you only a few days after your birth. Mine thought it was a miscarriage she somehow forgot about, doctors said the trauma of losing a child was likely what led her to forget about it. Maybe it's best for her if that's what she believes."

"...couldn't you just tell her that you're her child?"

"Would she believe me? If some 3 year old came up to you and said, 'by the way, I'm your child, you just forgot about me!' would you believe them? I wouldn't."

"That sounds horrible. You'd think your own kin would be immune to that effect but..."

"My mother wasn't a Forgotten. My father? Probably. Hell, I can assure you that the number of 'pure' forgotten are close to 0. It's hard enough to find love, how likely do you think it is for two forgotten to find each other"

"I...I guess at least your father found someone?"

"Atlas. I- uh... It might not have been..." She struggle to get the words out. "Atlas. We're a race with no support structures, no friends, no family, no culture. We have nothing but ourselves. Worst of all, we're given the ability to get away with nearly anything we want. What do you think most of us end up as, Atlas?"

"...not good people?"

"Yes, Atlas. We're people rejected by reality itself, and we're also heavily compatible with most races. What does that mean Atlas? How do you think most of us are born? From love? You know what I think? I think we shouldn't exist. I think things like us are just doomed to- to-"

You give her a hug, and for a brief moment, everything is quiet.

"Atlas," she says, holding back tears. "Everyday I think about how easy it would be to push my luck. Just go a little bit further. I know a spell to copy someone's handwriting, you know? You know how easy it would be to change your notes? You wouldn't ever notice, I could fabricate any experience I want into your memory. Am I- Am I really worth it, Atlas? Someone that could so easily shape you if she wanted?"

You think. Is it worth it?

"Yeah. I'm willing to take that risk. You can't live your own life on what ifs, I just want to take things one step at a time, you know? And if that makes me go off a cliff, then uh, that's too bad, but it's better than just standing right here and doing nothing, right?"

"But you don't need to walk down that cliff, Atlas. You could go anywhere else, anywhere that's safer. That's what bothers me."

You shrug. "As far as I'm concerned, everywhere is a cliff, but you're the most fun one to fall into."

She laughs. "I think we're going to deep into metaphors here, not sure what we're even talking about at this point."

"We were talking about, uh, a date! The next class is in like, 6 hours, we have time to screw around."

"A date? LIke where?"
>Fire Flare: Make a pre-existing flame burst into a small explosion and then extinguish itself. The spell can be used to put down small fires, but also offensively or to burn some things faster.
>Mana Rip: Can cause an enchantment or a spell to stop working by disturbing the mana that they use. This spell is incredibly hard to use at a distance even with Spell Displacement, and often requires a good understanding of the enchantment or spell used to make the most of it.


A date! Like uh...

>Watch another movie at your dorm.
>Explore the forest some more.
>Check a book store, Table likes books, right?
>Play pranks on classmates you don't like.
>Watch another movie at your dorm.
As much as I'd like to go explore the Forest, I'd prefer to wait until we get spirit Sight.

I do wonder which race Table's mother was, if she wasn't forgotten.
remember to update the page before voting, anon
>I do wonder which race Table's mother was, if she wasn't forgotten.
are forgottens influeced by their non-forgotten parents ? if yes, maybe she has some racial traits from her mom.
>a people that experiences no consequences becomes a race of murderers, thieves and rapists
you know, I really shouldn't be surprised, but I still am
this is simply too real

>watch another movie
table seems to love them, it's only fair we spoil her a little
>Watch another movie at your dorm
Experience the finest human kinography
This whole talk reminds me, we really ought to seek a way to permanently pierce the forgotten curse so we don't end up forgetting about any kids we eventually have with table.
Perma-active Clarity?
That would work, but it's not quite the best solution. I imagine there must be a way to just let us do it specifically for thie curse. I mean, our teacher didn't even need clarity, right?
There has to be somebody out there who knows their history. If this curse is a real externally-imposed effect by a third-party, then there have to be beings out there immortal or long-lived enough to recall a time before the Forgotten were cursed. Those beings may even still know how the Forgotten were before all this happened. Maybe they do have a culture and society and their own city somewhere, but all of it is lost in time now. Maybe whoever cursed the Forgotten does still exist? Time travel is clearly known in this setting but forbidden for good reason, so could a form of viewing past events also exist to take advantage of regarding the Forgotten?
Either whoever cursed the Forgotten did so by accident (for example, a godly trap triggered somewhere that curses an entire race of beings as punishment, so literally any race could have ended up this way instead) or on purpose (the perpetrator REALLY REALLY HATED these beings enough to damn them to this hellish existence, as well as develop this curse and generate enough power/mana to execute it and get it to stick). If the latter is true, they either died casting the curse or they are still alive. If they haven't died at any point, they either gave up their grudge against the Forgotten with their curse on them (even funnier if they aren't immune so they forgot what they did all their work for in the first place), or if their pure unending seethe at the Forgotten continues to endure uninterrupted to this day.
>Check a book store, Table likes books, right?
>Watch another movie at your dorm.
I would say book store but the mood seems more appropriate for a movie.

Maybe Mana Rip can be used in some way in the future to help remove the curse?
>Watch another movie at your dorm.

"How about a movie? My laptop recharged, we might even have enough batteries to watch two!"

Her eyes light up at the mention of movies, and she ends up dragging you to your own dorm with a big grin.

"Let me pick!" She tries to touch the laptop, but you swat her hand away.

"It'll detect if you're messing with it, I'll take care of it." You open the laptop and set it on the opposite side of the bed as you both go under the blanket fully clothed. It feels weird to stay in bed in the middle of the day, but it's comfier that way.

She takes off most of her clothes and pushes it to the side of the bed. Normally you'd assume she's trying something, but it's clear she's just trying to get comfortable here, so you do the same.

"What do you got on there?" She asks.

You go through your video folder, trying to find something interesting. "A lot of it is magic related."

"That's a lot of human movies about magic for a race that's not very good at it," she remarks.

"Err, movies focused on magic aren't actually super common. It's just what I like, so of course most of the stuff here will be magic related. Did you want something else?"

She nods. "We're already in a magic school, we do magic all day, so yeah I'd like something else for once."

That's going to be hard to find, a movie that's not focused on magic... you do have a few, but...

>Videos you made when you were a kid. Not exactly a movie, but it brings back memories.
>A documentary on the (often genetically modified) wildlife found in the human city. You don't think it goes into so much detail about human tech that it needs to be censored.
>A murder mistery with one outsider infiltrating the human city and a detective needing to find who it is. The outsider does use magic, but it's not the focus.
>A romance between a high ranking human and a third class citizen. Your childhood friend is the one who sent that to you when you were still in touch, you enjoyed it more in a 'so bad it's good' kind of way.
>are forgottens influeced by their non-forgotten parents ?
surely they are
lets see:
>unlikely to be Annbe, because we have seen how that should result in 2 kids
>not Bestfolk, because i think her hair is not part of the makeup, but then she would have to a lot more harry
>not Demon because shes not super dominant and never acted strange regarding the Aroth situation
>obviously not a fucking Crystal
>could be Vampire?
i think we might not know the race of her origin

>I mean, our teacher didn't even need clarity, right?
yeah, we should ask him for tips. also he seems like a really fun character to interact with just in general

>>Check a book store, Table likes books, right?
>>Watch another movie at your dorm.
that should reasonably fit into 6 hours
> too late
>>A romance between a high ranking human and a third class citizen. Your childhood friend is the one who sent that to you when you were still in touch, you enjoyed it more in a 'so bad it's good' kind of way.
>Videos you made when you were a kid. Not exactly a movie, but it brings back memories.
I'm surprised Table learned as much as she did about her own race and everything else about the world they live in, while being a bizzare biology girl with no upbringing or role models or parental figures or anything positive at all in her life. I'm surprised she can even talk and reason normally with how Forgotten might not even need to do so due to their curse. In fact, what even made Table decide to go the effort needed to apply and be accepted to this magic school? To be willing to deal with other people to make it, when before she never needed to? This is such a cruel way to exist that the Forgotten are consigned to that it's a genuine miracle Table is even the way she is in this story
Hard choice. I don't think that watching our home made kid movies will help..especially when they're probably just us gushing about magic. I kinda wanna see the documentary just so we can learn more about the human city...but at the same time, i want things to go forward quickly, so...
>A romance between a high ranking human and a third class citizen. Your childhood friend is the one who sent that to you when you were still in touch, you enjoyed it more in a 'so bad it's good' kind of way.
>A murder mistery with one outsider infiltrating the human city and a detective needing to find who it is. The outsider does use magic, but it's not the focus.
>A murder mystery with one outsider infiltrating the human city and a detective needing to find who it is. The outsider does use magic, but it's not the focus.
Welp, we're on an tie now...anyone going to change?
>A murder mistery with one outsider infiltrating the human city and a detective needing to find who it is. The outsider does use magic, but it's not the focus.

aright, vote locked in to murder mystery

"There's a murder mystery I liked in there, wanna watch it?"

"Yeah, shame we couldn't get snacks, but that'd leave a mess anyway," She says as she snuggles closer to you.

You're certainly used to messes with her, but maybe it's better to not bring that up. You start the video player and get ready for another movie watching session.

The movie's premise is simple, there's an outsider that somehow managed to pass off as human, and they're committing murders. Most of the movies is seen through the eyes of the detective in charge of the investigation.

The main appeal of the movie is figuring out who the culprit is, and there are a lot of hints there you never quite picked up on when you first watched it as a kid.

"So, like... are non-humans just killed the moment they enter the city, or...?"

You shake your head. "Usually they'll be given the benefit of the doubt if they're just wandering in the outer layer of the city, but if it's any restricted areas with tech secrets, then yeah, security will open fire. The truth is non-humans can enter the city as long as they have a permit for it. It's usually reserved for big shots though, and they're under heavy surveillance, so it's still incredibly rare."

"Damn, so I can't go with you then."

Well, maybe she could sneak in, but cameras might still pick her up among other things, you don't really think it's worth the risk, she really could get hurt if she's found out.

Table's very invested into the movie, even if she sometimes asks you to pause so you can explain to her some things like forensic and the government's database.

When the killer is revealed, she groans as she realizes every single one of her guesses were wrong. "What? How was it the roboticist? She had like- three lines! And how does an outsider know anything about machines?"

"I think she used material magic to make it pass off as electronics? The hints are there if you know to look for them, but it's true it feels like a cheap twist."

She pouts, and you poke her ribs. "It didn't ruin the movie for you, did it?"

"I mean, it was pretty cool..." she says, clearly trying to supress her excitement.

You poke her rib again, digging a little bit deeper into her skin with your finger, you can feel something wriggle in there. Despite herself, she laughs. "Okay! Okay! I liked it! S-Stop, I'm ticklish here-"

"You better like it, it's a classic movie," you say without yet pulling your hand out of her ribs. You have to admit you're mostly doing this to satisfy your own morbid curiosity.

"I- I guess it just made me a little sad, that girl just wanted to live a normal life here, but she was forced to kill to survive, the movie only presented her as pure evil-"

"I mean yeah? she killed like, three people."

"-but if she didn't she'd just get killed herself! She really just wanted to live a normal life!"

"Well, she knew this place wasn't for her," you reply. "She knew the risks, she didn't have to bring others down with her."

Tables actually looks a little pissed off here, and you realize you may have worded this badly. "Table, listen. I'm not saying all outsiders are an inherent risk to humans, but it just takes one bad actor to make everything crumble. I don't agree with a lot of what they do, but if someone goes into the human city and gets shot for it, they... well, they knew what they were getting into, you know?"

"What if I sneaked in?" She asks. "Would that be okay, then?"

You take a deep breath, and pick your next words carefully. "I think that if you wanted to sneak into the city, I would try to dissuade you because I know they might hurt you. But if they did that, if they tried to harm you, then... then I'd still side with you."

She takes a deep breath of her own, and exhales slowly. "I'm sorry, I just... I thought of something stupid, and I jumped to conclusions again. I- I guess I was thinking that if you ever wanted to come back living in the human city I wouldn't be able to follow you and that... that kind of bothered me. I don't know, it's stupid."

The conversation is cut short as the alarm of your phone reminds you that you have a Divination class soon. You'll have to continue that conversation later, or in class, not like the teacher cares when you chat with classmates.

The walk here is pretty awkward, and even though you tell Table you're not mad at her or anything, she still says she's sorry for how she acted. You don't feel good about noting this down since you know it bothers her, but you want to remember every moment you spend with her, even those that aren't always pleasant.

You both sit down next to each other as Nina, the Divination teacher, commences the class.

"Everyone is here, good. Those spells will be more advanced than those you've cast before, and that means you will have to deal with the drawbacks of Divination. Each magic type has its own unique toll on the caster. Divination is the least obvious one. The cost is that it is occasionally wrong, and that blindly following a Divination's spell lead will cost you your life. Remember, think with your brain first, your mana second."

She promptly collapses on the desk and goes back to sleep. There's already notes on your desk on what spells you're allowed to learn, so you get to work. You're sure Nina will wake up when she feels like she's needed.

Learn one spell from the previous class:
>Remote View: You can set a view point at your exact location. You will now be able to see from this spot as long as the spell is active no matter where you are. While not particularly expensive, it does consume mana for as long as it is active. It is very useful for spells that require sight to function.
>Determinism: Allows you to see the most likely future movement of something or someone. The spell rarely takes into account external factors, and the spell is obvious enough that most people can decide to take an action they normally wouldn't just to throw you off.
>Spirit Sight: Allows you to see some spirits among other hidden beings. Spirits come in all shapes and sizes, and very few are social enough to bother interacting with mortals, but they might just know things you do not.

Additionally, pick one new spell to learn:
>Perfect Compass: Pick a spot, and you will always know in what direction relative to you that spot is. The spell is cheap to cast, accurate, and is almost immune to magical sabotage, making it particularly useful when dealing with spirits or illusion mazes. Additionally, makes shortcut much more accurate when the two spells are cast consecutively.
>Garbled Truth: If you think of a word when casting this spell, you will get a quick, dreamlike and often incomprehensible vision related to that word. The visions often have a grain of truth to them, but are easy to misinterpret.
>Body Double: Create an illusion of yourself or someone you know to do something simple. The double is hard to differentiate from you without the use of magic, but a keen observer may be able to notice inconsistencies even without it.
>Confusion: Create an illusion that will confuse the target. The illusion automatically shifts to what would surprise the target the most, but how good the illusion actually looks depends on your Divination profficiency.
What if we just never return?
>Spirit Sight
Its time to confront the lizard
>Body Double
Combine with Delayed Double, and...?
I don't know, that seems lame. I still want to meet our parents. We'd probably just have to find a way to get an invite.

>Spirit Sight
So we can FINALLY talk with the spirit.
>Body Double
This seems the most interesting
No way to have them briefly step outside the border to picnic or chat, then go back in?
I seriously doubt there isn't *some* way for humans to meet non-humans shortly. Obviously, having closed off regions when your entire existence depends on guarding your tech, I understand that, but if their whole economy and diplomacy is based on exporting stuff to other kingdoms, it seems very doubtful that there wouldn't be some manner of safe area where non-humans would be allowed;
>Spirit Sight: Allows you to see some spirits among other hidden beings. Spirits come in all shapes and sizes, and very few are social enough to bother interacting with mortals, but they might just know things you do not.
>Perfect Compass: Pick a spot, and you will always know in what direction relative to you that spot is. The spell is cheap to cast, accurate, and is almost immune to magical sabotage, making it particularly useful when dealing with spirits or illusion mazes. Additionally, makes shortcut much more accurate when the two spells are cast consecutively.
Body Double is really useless outside of duels, and even in duels we just don't have a lot of mana to spend on tricks like this. Confusion would be better if we wanted a dueling spell, and it might actually be useful in some dungeons too, but I value Perfect Compass a lot for its utility.
Okay, fair enough, changing >>6071225
>Spirit Sight
>Perfect Compass
I missed the part about making shortcut more effective.
Body double synergizes with delayed double, but compass is also pretty good
>Body double synergizes with delayed double
Presumably by allowing you to pull some shadow clone-style shit. Like having it make like the clone is casting a spell.
I'm not sure casting a spell would count as "doing something simple".
Thus the use of delayed double
Almost quartering the cost of the spell while not losing any functionality, of course it is still countered by anti-illusion spells while compass could help in the next dungeon
What are you even talking about anon?
I guess, but that's a lot of mana to create a fake of yourself that's casting a spell that you might need to also pay a partial cost for meanwhile your opponent is doing something and could maybe just hit you with a normal attack.

>while not losing any functionality
If you're using delayed double to cast body double instead of combining them in some way, then you're just faking casting body double, missing out on the entire point of body double in creating confusion as to which is the real you and having to account for multiple potential actions. You're just sitting there spending time and mana pretending to pull a ruse without actually doing so, while your opponent gets an opportunity to just hit you.
>I guess, but that's a lot of mana to create a fake of yourself that's casting a spell that you might need to also pay a partial cost for meanwhile your opponent is doing something and could maybe just hit you with a normal attack.
That's why i changed to compass. It's cool, but it doesn't work for atlas, who can't waste a single mana point.
Changing vote from >>6071224 to
>Spirit Sight
>Perfect Compass
Fuck it, talk to the lizard to get it to not be an asshole THEN use Perfect Compass + Shortcut to explore the forest and find a secluded place with a nice tree to fuck Table against
>a nice tree to fuck Table against
A table. We need to find a table.
What's this then?
>Spirit Sight: Allows you to see some spirits among other hidden beings. Spirits come in all shapes and sizes, and very few are social enough to bother interacting with mortals, but they might just know things you do not.

>Confusion: Create an illusion that will confuse the target. The illusion automatically shifts to what would surprise the target the most, but how good the illusion actually looks depends on your Divination profficiency.
Pretty sure the teachers would know if we did that. They don't seem to be affected.
A fake of an illusion is an illusion, stacking illusions on top of each other is the best way to use DD in actual combat, any of the other spells we cast with delayed double once and the trick is up. That said there are a lot of spells that make illusions useless
we need to pick hydrophobia later, since it's a component of defensive spells
Well, Hydrophobia's intangible.
What if I want them to go through with it anyway even if the teachers will know? Just once and only on a special occasion
>inb4 one of them tells Atlas to use the table in their rooms next time
>inb4 one of them offers to give Atlas that table if he wants that so much
In that case, you'd better hope the classroom doors are open at night.
You fool! The Unlock spell exists and there are windows!
If those aren't magically protected, sure.
I think Atlas and Table should investigate them then
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A desk? No, it has to be a table. Desks aren't table. It has to be specifically a table or else the pun doesn't work. "Bend table over a desk" isn't funny. Though I wouldn't be against to doing that either.
>>Spirit Sight: Allows you to see some spirits among other hidden beings. Spirits come in all shapes and sizes, and very few are social enough to bother interacting with mortals, but they might just know things you do not.
>>Confusion: Create an illusion that will confuse the target. The illusion automatically shifts to what would surprise the target the most, but how good the illusion actually looks depends on your Divination profficiency.

>Body Double is really useless outside of duels
well currently we have a bunch of spells that is useless inside duels...
the two are not mutually exclusive
the whole school would know unless we figure out a way to deal with the Tables "mess"
>well currently we have a bunch of spells that is useless inside duels
And our spells that we do know aren't great for dungeons either, and those matter a lot more.
Most of our spells are too weak for combat, even the more impressive spells like tornado can't do a lot because our mana is abysmal. We have worse scaling and its probably going to take months to address that.
Yeah the duels are only worth a quarter, we just need to do our best with what we have because we are probably going to lose a whole lot
>well currently we have a bunch of spells that is useless inside duels...
We're fucked in duels anyway unless we figure out a way to get more mana. At least something like Compass will give us more use...you really don't wanna be stuck in an magical maze without it, right?
fair enough, but i dont see how any of the alternatives could actually help in a dungeon
Perfect Compass buffs shortcut.
changing Confusion to Perfect Compass because i guess the forest does sound more interesting than loosing our duel 5 minutes later than we otherwise would
>Spirit Sight: Allows you to see some spirits among other hidden beings. Spirits come in all shapes and sizes, and very few are social enough to bother interacting with mortals, but they might just know things you do not.
>Confusion: Create an illusion that will confuse the target. The illusion automatically shifts to what would surprise the target the most, but how good the illusion actually looks depends on your Divination profficiency.
Guys we really aren't going to be winning duels any time soon, but we can be completing dungeons, can we please stop trying for mana expensive doodads that sometimes might trick people in duels that are also less important than dungeons?
Wdym anon ?
Sorry, won't update today, feeling pretty down after something that happened today. nothing too serious but just not feeling up to it. Not fluking or anything, just need to get my thoughts together.
Please take care of yourself. Sometimes IRL people truly are irredeemable scum
we get it OP, take care.
A lot of people are voting for Confusion with the logic that it's a good dueling spell as if we have a reasonable chance to be winning duels and also that this would help us to do so when we probably don't have enough mana to consider casting it in a duel. We probably won't win any duels until we dramatically increase our ability to cast spells, either through some mana breakthrough, spell cheapening, or some other innovation; we are just too far behind. Dungeons are worth more to passing than duels are, but votes for what spells to learn are continuously influenced by people wondering what would be the best in a duel. It's just not worth considering at this point unless the spell also helps clear a dungeon.
fair, but it still seems useful for dungeons.
How would you use Confusion in a dungeon? It explicitly targets someone else to be confused.
Since the vote is split
>Spirit sight
>Perfect compass
We can always learn the illusion spells later on
sort yourself out man, best regards

>The walk here is pretty awkward, and even though you tell Table you're not mad at her or anything, she still says she's sorry for how she acted. You don't feel good about noting this down since you know it bothers her, but you want to remember every moment you spend with her, even those that aren't always pleasant.
actually i say we should make it very clear that we noted it down, but include some kind of checksum at the bottom of the page (e.g. the number of dots and commas). she mentioned thinking about changing our notes behind our back just today, i wonder if she would actually do it. this way we could catch her easily. who knows, perhaps she has already done it before?
>i wonder if she would actually do it.
Why though? I really just don't see anything she could get from this. She pretty much has everything she wants right?
>Atlas is already in a relationship with her
>He remembers her existence most of the time, even has a notebook
>Is willing to do stuff she wants when she wants
What could she even do? Write that he promised to take her on a date or go down on her again? It's not like she can write something completely insane like "I don't like magic anymore actually" or else he'd just figure it out.

I just don't see what she could do .
Wise move. Maybe ciphering a message somewhere?
>I just don't see what she could do .
she could be erasing negative experiences with her (or what she believes as such) out of insecurity. do you know the feeling of "oh, i should have not said that"? now imagine this is the first time in your life feeling as such, but theres actually something you can do about it.
I mean, sure, but that's a lot of risk for what's probably really minor stuff. I can't really see atlas and table having any really serious fight. At least not yet. There just aren't any points of contemption. The closest thing was that murder mystery, and that's what made her say it anyway.
>Maybe ciphering a message somewhere?
might as well, but just to ensure we would notice any changes. the key is to realize if something is wrong, confront her and resolve the situation, not to prevent it.

You decide to learn Spirit Sight and Perfect Compass today. The latter doesn't sound like much, but it's a cheap spell, and being able to find your way past illusions sounds very useful to clear dungeons. As for Spirit Sight, the reasons should be hanging on your back right now. You really want to know what it wants, and it might know something useful that the teachers don't.

Unfortunately, the spell's hard to test because you can't get a good look at your back. The spell should theoretically allow you to hear it too, but you haven't practiced the spell enough for that, so you'll have to wait for that. You did learn that Ivy's clothes are spirit made, and as such strangely see through when you see spirit sight. She had the presence of mind to put another normal shirt under her dress, which makes you wonder if someone did see her underwear before with the spell, and if she changed her attire to make sure this wouldn't happen again.

"You're looking at Ivy an awful lot," Table asks.

"She's just the only one that has spirit stuff on her, I'm just using her clothes to check if the spell's working, since the thing on my back won't show itself."

Table looks at you thoughtfully, then summons her pocket space before pulling out a strange looking shirt out of it. She puts the shirt on, then takes off the other one. "Go ahead, magic boy!" She says with a daring smile.

"Table- we're in the middle of class?" You whisper to her. "Anyone could-"

"Teacher's asleep, and no one will care even if they use spirit sight. Maybe dill will, but she's busy looking somewhere else anyway."

"I still don't think..."

"Are you jealous? Do you not want anyone to see me like this? Want me to crawl under the desk? That way it'd make sure no one could see me!"

"That's... Table, that's a little much, isn't it?"

"Well, that's your punishment for ogling Ivy. Do it once, and then I'll forgive you."

You sigh, and cast spirit sight again, and you see... the original shirt still under there, did she put it back on?

She laughs at your disappointed face. "Body Double has many uses, hehe~"

You're a little embarrassed you fell for this, and also embarrassed you went along with her perverted plan thinking it was real. granted you weren't expecting to see anything past her underwear, but doing this in a public space still feels really wrong, and maybe a tiny bit exciting. It's a good thing no one really seem to look at you when you talk with Table, as it looks like any interaction you have with her becomes 'forgettable' as a result. So if you tell her something very important, people won't remember it because you told it to her and that makes it boring by association.

You're not sure how her curse even decides what is and isn't an interaction with her, but conversations are generally pretty safe to have with her. You wonder if sex would be-

No, nononono. Bad thought. Even as a theory that's a bad thought to have, and there's the teacher, and Dill has clarity, maybe Dill isn't the only one with clarity too. It's so bad you're not even noting it down.

Table pouts. "You're making that face when you're thinking hard about magic again, it's annoying how fast you recover from my teasing."

You let out a nervous laugh. Yup, magic, that's what you were thinking of, absolutely nothing weird!

Actually, isn't that a good sign that you're thinking about her in that way? It always felt like there was a wall between you and her, but maybe it's finally starting to crumble away now that you can see her as more...desirable. It's not as if you didn't enjoy the sex, but it's something you almost never thought about unless you were right in the middle of it.

That makes you happy, maybe your relationship truly will get easier over time.

The teacher's voice startles you, "just because I'm asleep doesn't mean I won't know, but i've seen too much to care about such things. Just please be quiet about it."

The teacher goes back to her desk to sleep, and Table looks at you with a confused expression. "What's she talking about?"

You try to hide the blush creeping on your face. "I uh, I don't know. Hey, want to watch another movie when the class is over?"

This is just an excuse to have sex with her and get it out of your system, but some weird sense of pride makes it hard for you to admit to her that you're the horny one here and she isn't.

When class is done, you bring her back to your dormitory and...

Table sits on the bed, looking at the laptop like a kid on their birthday about to get a present. You promised a movie, can you really do this to her? For your own selfish desires?

"Hey, are you okay?" Table asks, noticing your distress. "You're acting weird. If something's happening, you can tell me, okay? I won't judge."

You take a deep breath and swallow your pride. Communication is important, even for stupid stuff like this, it's better than her thinking you're hiding something from her. "I, uh, I really just wanted to have sex with you, sorry for lying about the movie. But if you want to still watch it, I don't mind."

She looks surprised, VERY surprised. Is it really that unthinkable that you'd be thinking about sex one time? Her surprise turns into another one of her dangerous smiles.

"I don't know... I reaally want to watch that movie." She gets closer, her body pushing against yours. "I'm not sure if I should let you, you know? What if I'm not in the mood?"

It's getting really hard to control yourself. You know for a fact she's messing with you, especially with where she's putting her hands, but you're not sure if going right in is a good idea, foreplay has never been your specialty. You can tell she's enjoying the fact you're the one who has to restrain themselves for once.

"Well, you can't really watch the movie without my help, so..."

She gasps with fake outrage. "Why, you would keep our movie session hostage like this for your sick, sick desires? You disgust me, truly. Should I, a woman of class, capitulate and give up my body to a criminal like you? Truly, you leave me no choice!" She puts her hand above her head as if she was truly making a terrible decision. She's not a great actor, but if she was too good at it you might feel bad about it.

You just stand there, unsure of how to proceed. You raise your hand, then put it down.

"Come on, get with it, magic boy. I set up the stage, now play your part."

"I'm not a great actor."

"Give up your ego, and embrace the shame."

https://rentry.org/6f99ccou because I'm not risking anything here.

Well, you're already in the dorm, so you might as well mix some spells? You can always play the movie you promised later, anyway.

(Pick two spells to mix, EXCEPT those present below, as they are either not mastered, or the spells are already mixed with others when cast. Already mixed spells are also not yet an option as triple mix is too complicated for you just yet.)
Spells you cannot (yet) mix:
Delayed Double
Spirit Sight
Perfect Compass
Mana Rip
Fire Flare
Mana Tracking (Mana Feel + Shortcut)

What spells *do* we have available?
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Actually, I have an idea.

>Pocket Space + Spell Displacement

While we kinda messed with that idea with the water plan in the dungeon, I think that together this spell could become very interesting. Imagine if we just started throwing stuff through it from different angles at people?
Probably should've put that here: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g
the list isn't fully done as I still need to add the mana cost for the new spells, but I'll get to that later
I did forget to put spell displacement in spells you couldn't mix, but spell displacement, like Delayed Double counts as a mixed spell when you use it with something else, so pocket space + spell displacement would just do what it did before when you used the two spells, which is to say summoning the pocket space further away.

However if you really practiced you might be able to cast pocket space further away without the cost of spell displacement, which could have uses.
I meant we should practice more on it. I don't really have any other idea yet. I'd like to mix stuff like Spirit Sight and Mana Feel or Tornado and Fire Flare, but we can't yet.
Also yes, I did recycle the Etsy's roleplay scene, but it's because I think a couple roleplaying sex stuff and being very stupid about it is kind of cute.
I liked it, it's nice to see a couple doing couple stuff together.
What >>6072463 said

Backing >>6072450
>You're not sure how her curse even decides what is and isn't an interaction with her, but conversations are generally pretty safe to have with her. You wonder if sex would be-
Ah yes the classic doujin scenario. I'm glad this is possible in the world this takes place in
Also very nice character development for both of them. Now if only Atlas could finally solve the secret of max mana caps and become the super wizard he always wanted to be...

I didn't notice it before, but Table's penchant for theatrics in romance is from those books she has in her room, right? I suppose that's one way for a Forgotten to develop themselves and learn the hardest way possible with zero support and zero family and zero associates: by living in libraries and spending all their time reading to learn about life when nobody will ever teach them. It's one way to survive such a lonely existence. And no wonder Table is somewhat clingy if every Forgotten suffers alone like this.
I'm glad you picked up on it, but yeah she does consume a lot of fiction. It's also why she ships Aroth with others, and why she occasionally requests time alone, usually to read a book on her lonesome. There are other parts of her daily life that will get uncovered later when it becomes relevant.

I often think about that one line from a review that's like 'I know that if the main character wasn't here for her, she would have no life of her own, which makes her character feel really flat'.

I think it's really easy to make romance options feel like they revolve around the MC, sometimes it's done for wish fulfillment stuff, but a lot of the time it's just because it's easier to write. I do try to make each character have their own life outside interacting with the main character, and even though it's less obvious with Table (because it's harder to notice what she does on her free time), she still has her own life to live, making her choose a different class from you was part of proving that, all while reinforcing that they respect each other's passions even if they might not always be the same.
You know, I wonder, are the Forgotten's whole weird wormy body a byproducy of the curse, or did they always just look like that?

>retard checking the quest at a glance
Oh it's just a guy having lots of degenerate sex with a fucked up biology girl, just like in my doujins
>retard reading the entire quest start to finish as well as everything else the QM has wrote
The nature of magic as a source of disparity among fantasy races and leading to racism by the haves against the have-nots...
The nature of a race who are cursed to be ignored by reality and their own kind in every way, and how that affects them on an individual level without any real upbringing or nurturing...
The relationship between a human and a person who is of that aforementioned race, and how to deal with a significant other having such disabilities and foreign elements to their being as well as effects on others around them...
Where exactly technology stands in relation to magic in a fantasy society, and how it might equalize the standing of races that use it...
How anybody can solve point-and-click style dungeon puzzles using only the clothes on their back and what is given to them and the few magic spells they can use...
And more
Mana tracking + spirit sight
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Anon, read what he said again.
What about Unnatural Check + Shortcut? Or Analysis? Some kind of spell that could tell us about the weakness of the target, or how to give a effective hit that could damage it
I do like the Shortcut + Analysis Idea, but i think we should do the portal thing right now. It's pretty useful.
>Lighten + Unnatural check
wait, what was that thing in the end about we almost making her eye fall off ?
Atlas shoved Table's head into himself so fast it almost made her eye fall off.
forgot to post this in response while it was still relevant
(posting on catbox because its >4MB, not because its NSFW)
lmao, thanks for reminding us of that idea
>Fuck no, tentacle-ass stuff is lame, uncreative and forced.
wdym anon, it's only common when a woman is being done and that's why a lot of holes can filled. it's not rocket science.
what have i done...
Going to sleep, but I already started writing part of the update and locked it in to this >>6072450

Also drawing for the next update since it's getting less hot here.
Will Table ever do the F/SN joke of "Oh no Atlas, I am out of mana! How will I ever recover from this in time to help you? We need to have a mana transfer right this minute!" where mana transfer is literally just pouring semen in her

You were thinking of mixing some spells, but maybe it's better to master a mixed spell you already know? Pocket space and Spell Displacement are technically mixed when used together, but the last time you used it it was rather...inefficient. Everytime you needed to create two portals at once that led to the same space, you had to use Spell Displacement. It's not efficient, and it increases the cost of the spell by almost 50%. You can't afford to waste mana like this on such a useful part of this spell.

You think, then you think some more. Is there some way to make the two spells work together more...harmoniously?

You pace back and forth in your room, trying to come up with an idea. What if you could cast two portals at once? Would that save costs somehow? Could you move a pre-existing portal?

"Atlaaaas," Table whines. "I wanna watch a movie, you promised!"

"Later, I'm trying to figure out how to improve a displaced pocket space."

"Do I have to suck you off again?" she says bluntly.


"Ha! You hesitated! You almost said yes! I saw it on your face! You really liked that, huh?" She massages your shoulder and gets real close again.

"No, I'm really spent, I swear. And you'll get your movie this evening, I promise, just help me with my spell idea, okay?"

She actually respects your boundaries and stops feeling you up. "Alriiiight, it was about a displaced pocket space, right? I think Charlotte mentioned something about that combo..."

You both try out different ideas you have, and all of them lead nowhere, all except one. It's a little tricky, but turns out you can create a moving pocket space portal if you time it right. The best part being that it barely costs anything in mana to do. The portal doesn't stay moving forever, but you can use it to figuratively throw the portal out of your reach. It won't take someone by surprise, you won't really be able to summon the portal directly in front of someone that way, but it's a cheap method to create two portals at once. It would also make it easier to trick someone into putting their hands in there, even if the portals don't move that fast.

"Hey, Atlas." Table motions you to get closer to the window. Your dorm is one the second floor so you get a good view from above of what Table wants you to look at.

"Wait, is that Aroth? And that demon girl? Looks like they're arguing on the lawn."

Table nods. "Do you think they're going to fight? It's getting heated."

Is that really a good idea for him to fight her this early? You decide to leave your dorm to check the situation from up close, you don't have a good feeling about this.

"Right," Naja, the demon princess, says with a smile on her face. "But what do I get in return, mhh? Sure, I can leave you alone if you win, but I feel like I deserve a little something too, don't you think?"

She stares at Aroth's horn again, he tries to hide his growing discomfort in vain. "I-I'll become yours forever if you win, how about that?" Aroth says trying to keep his voice steady. It was an absolutely unfair proposal, but he knew it was only a matter of time until she forced herself on him in one way or another, it was better to finish this earlier rather than later.

She claps her hand twice. "Aww, did you just want an excuse to be mine? That's fine, I'll take good care of you. Let's get the formalities out of the way, okay? I'm sure you didn't do a lot of demons duels, but I assume I don't need to remind you the rules, yes?"

Aroth nods. "Win by either surrender or by the opponent laying on the ground for more than 10 seconds. Mind spells are not allowed on your opponent, but illusion spells are allowed."

The rules are really not that many, and very few things are considered 'cheap' and 'unfair' in demon duels. As a matter of fact, the ONLY reason mind spells aren't allowed anymore is due to people using them to influence people once the duel was over. It was a surprisingly common tactic for girls to duel guys they liked and use a love spell in the middle of it, and the girls just passing it off as it giving a 'tactical advantage'.

Aroth takes a few steps back to get into position, and so does Naja. There's a lot of people watching, not just people from Aroth's class, but also from Naja's. Challenging a princess is a big deal, challenging her with your love life on the line is even bigger. Even people who don't care about the politics of it all want to take a look. Atlas is here now too, it's only getting worse.

Aroth closes his eyes before the attention gets to him. Deep breath, one step. Someone says the word 'go', and spells already start being cast, albeit none of them are being cast on their opponents just yet.

She's buffing her body, obviously, and so is Aroth. She might also be casting some spells that can dispel illusions, but that's fine, according to what Atlas said, Divination is not her specialty, and she won't expect a first year to create illusions strong enough to get past her dispels.

Thanks to Determinism, Aroth can easily sidestep her first few attacks, but that's not a surprise. She's just gauging his true abilities, the moment she gets serious he'll be in trouble, and he can't afford that. Aroth makes sure to have her attacks graze him, not because he couldn't dodge them in time, but so she thinks he's slower than he really is.

She stomps the ground, and a wall of dirt appears behind Aroth to limit his movement. He knows what's about to happen, and he prepares a pocket space portal with an organic embargo to stop the following punch from her.

Yes, pocket space takes some time to appear, and using it defensively is kind of a pain if your opponent pays attention, but a slightly less known fact is that embargo takes effect before the portal is fully formed. Usually, people's hand will go right past a forming portal as if it was air, and then the spell will fizzle, but embargo can pre-emptively make sure nothing gets past.

It's not as easy as it sounds, pocket space portals aren't that big, and there are better spells out there to protect yourself, but those spells are too high level for Aroth, and most importantly, too obvious. As long as he keeps fighting using unorthodox and slightly inefficient methods, it'll be harder for her to get a leg up on him.

He tries to use the same trick again to stop the following fist, but now that she knows it's coming, she simply uses Mana Rip the moment she sees Aroth preparing a portal, it's time for phase 2.

Mana Rip is still a spell that takes some focus, and it requires redirecting your mana to disrupt that of others. Aroth asked the Intangible teacher about the limitation of that spell, and all he said was that spreading yourself thin wasn't a great idea with that spell.

He creates more Delayed Double pocket spaces, forcing her to cast mana rip more often. She's still trying to hit him, of course, but the fact she's been tricked once or twice makes her hesitant to go all in. She's still going easy on him, though, he can feel it, it's like she's a cat playing with a mouse, the moment she decides to use everything she has, it's all over.

He has one shot for this, and it'll only work once. She goes for a kick that will slam him into another wall she made, and he uses a Body Double at the last moment to get behind her and put some distance.

The dirt wall crumbles from the impact of her kick, and by the time she turns around, Aroth is already running at her for a final hit. She used mana rip so much that one of her protective spell was weakened at a specific spot in her torso, and if he can apply as much pressure here as he can in one go, it might just be able to knock her down for the ten needed seconds to win. If he can just-

She ducks, and his entire plan falls apart.

Her mana is already coming back to fill back her protective spell, and Aroth despairs as he has to readjust his strategy, he cannot hit anything like this, but he already has the momentum, and all he can get at this height are two, big things.

As much as he hated to admit it, he considered this as a backup plan. It was allowed in demon duels, albeit still somewhat frowned upon. But all he needed to do was to win, it didn't matter how as long as it was within the rules of the duel.

He grabs her two horns with full momentum and twists them. A weird sound escapes her, gasps from the crowd, and a rising sense of shame from Aroth. It's too late to go back now, he shoves her on the ground all while keeping a tight grasp on her horn. She pants heavily, she tries to fight back, but remove hurt makes you more susceptible to other kinds of feelings-- namely, pleasure. She's trying to fight back, but weakly. She has conflicting feelings in her heart, and by some miracle, it incapacitates her long enough for Atlas to pronounce Aroth the victor. Yes, she stayed on the ground for more than ten seconds, it counts, it was a weird tactic, not the one he really wanted to use, but it worked, and that's all that mattered.

She stares at the sky, her eyes devoid of emotion. "I'm never going to hear the end of this," she says.

"So, uh, I won, you'll leave me alone, right?" Aroth replies as he slowly lets go of her horn.

"...I lost. Doesn't matter how I lost, just that I did. People saw the terms of our duels, and I'll abide by it. That's that."

"Err, sorry about the uhm... all that."

She doesn't answer. She instead stands up, nods to him, and leaves. She doesn't even look mad, just done with it all. He almost feels bad, almost.

Table's is rolling on the grass cackling like a madwoman. It's a good thing Aroth won't pay attention to her or it might hurt his feelings. Most people are looking at him like a pervert, and he doesn't look too happy about it, but Charlotte still congratulates him, and so do you. You understand that he didn't have a lot of options when fighting someone stronger than him, and even if it wasn't pretty, he'll at least be free for the rest of his school years, probably.

It's a shame he'll be the butt of the jokes for a little while, but maybe it's better than ending up as the princess's pet.
(No choice for this update, since I decided it was long enough to be posted on its own, you can decide what to say to Aroth in the meantime I guess)
"Aroth you should take responsibility, it was her first time."
a pat on the shoulder is in order
also something along the lines of
"I knew you had it in you, well done"

if he starts moping about using dirty tricks, remind him of his own words, that girls are stronger than boys
and with a disadvantage like that, fighting fair is simply fighting stupid
then congratulate him again, just to hammer home how impressive of a feat this was
but only if he complains about his own victory

either way however, we should celebrate with him

having an IF condition is probably too complex for a vote, but I'm making it anyway
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I see Aroth is a true warrior

There's no way the princess doesn't have a giga-crush in him now, though.
A giga-crush she can never follow on ever again because Aroth publicly beat her fair and square
>Aroth gives her a maledom fetish by basically pinning her down and jerking her off in public
>Also gives her a restraining order, so she'll probably never find an assertive demon boy like that again
I feel bad for her.
>and all he can get at this height are two, big things.
I thought he was gonna grab her boobs, but considering how demon horns work it's basically the same thing, kek.

You approach Aroth and tell congratulate him on his victory. "I knew you had it in you! It's really impressive you were able to win against someone with more education than you and a girl. You should be proud of yourself!" You try to be as supportive as possible, considering it doesn't look like he feels very proud of this win.

"Y-Yeah, I just wish I could've won in a more... err, refined fashion. I don't want people to think I'm that kind of guy, that's all."

You shrug. "They'll forget about it soon enough, crazy stuff happens around the campus all the time."

"Yes, you worked with what you had, and you still worked within the rules, so nothing about this is unfair, as a matter of fact the odds were in her favour the entire time, so you have nothing to be ashamed of."

Lotte is about to say something, but char stops her(self?) by raising her hand. "We know that what you did wasn't done out of perversion, and we won't judge you for it."

Table tries to place a sentence in between her fits of laughter. "Y-Yeah, but it was that girl's first time, pfrrt, isn't he- isn't he going to take responsibility-"

You smack the back of her head. "I swear if you keep this up I'm taking away your movie rights."

She goes back to laughing on the grass, was this situation really that funny?

"Anyway, Aroth, we should celebrate, that's a huge weight off your back, isn't it?" You pat his back. "We could get drinks to celebrate, or something?"

Lotte claps. "Yes! A party! I've never been to a party before!"

Aroth doesn't look too thrilled at the idea, and Lotte pipes down without him even saying anything. "S-Sorry, parties aren't really my thing. Very loud, too many people, uhm, and I can act weird when I'm drunk so-"

Table butts in again. "Weird how?"

"I uhm, I don't know, I just say and do things without thinking, and I don't like it, so something else?"

Man, he's very picky, but what are you supposed to do then?

>You could just hang out and talk in your dorm, maybe watching a movie with everyone would be fine?
>A trip to the forest together could be fun, unlikely that you'll get lost with everyone here.
>Maybe you could ask one of the teacher to prepare something? You did just avoid a potential war after all.
>Write in.
>You could just hang out and talk in your dorm, maybe watching a movie with everyone would be fine?
Table wanted a movie, right? Now that we got our horniness out of the way, it might be fun to watch a movie with all the others. They've never watched one before, so that ought to be cool.
>You could just hang out and talk in your dorm, maybe watching a movie with everyone would be fine?
>I just say and do things without thinking
ten bucks says he either becomes a dudebro when drunk or he becomes a gigachad when drunk
>You could just hang out and talk in your dorm, maybe watching a movie with everyone would be fine?
Atlas is going to build up reputation as the movie man of the school. The problem will arise when one day far in the future he runs out of movies to show and needs to get new ones from the human city. But how will he be able to pirate new movies in the human city when he'll be a lower-class citizen due to being from the outside?
..I don't think being low class stops you from getting internet access.
Then when the time comes for Atlas' return, he can torrent better movies with the experiences he has had and knowing what his friends like by that point
>Maybe you could ask one of the teacher to prepare something? You did just avoid a potential war after all.

You ask everyone if they want to watch a movie, and even though neither Aroth nor Charlotte knows what that is, they're curious to see human tech in action.

You bring everyone to your dorm and get everything ready. There's not a lot of place, and Table says she doesn't want anyone else in your bed, so the others will have to watch on the floor.

You pick a horror movie, which might be a little cruel to subject someone to as their first movie experience, but it's less scary with that many people around.

The movie is a very, VERY loose re-creation of the scrapyard experiment. It happened outside human walls, but this movie imagines a reality where it was created on human grounds instead. What was the scrapyard experiment? You're not sure, there was very little info on it back in the human city, the most anyone knew here is that a robot was animated by magic. This created a twisted form of life that still had the prime directives of its AI with the brain power necessary to see them through. The bot was originally made to find and refine scraps into useful material, but allegedly|/i] its program got corrupted when animated by magic and started seeing living beings as scraps to be refined into...something.

That's the most you know, and to a lot of people, it was further confirmation that human tech and magic were inherently incompatible. You're not sure if you fully agree with this, as this was more than likely just a freak accident that could be avoided if proper safety measures were made, but that's beside the point.

Anyway, the horror movie is what you'd expect from such a story, a weird fleshy machine that roams the night and abducts random citizen to turn them into 'refined' abominations. The special effects are... well, they're not the best, no one here but you seem to care, though.

Table doesn't look that scared, and she instead looks at the monster with fascination. "What do you think is going on inside its head?" She asks.

"I don't know, it's more like a beast than a person, you know? It just does things because that's what it was made to do."

"...that's sad."

Charlotte doesn't look too shaken up either, although you can't say the same about Aroth. Occasionally, Char will make some comments about how unrealistic something is, only for Lotte to tell her to shut up and have fun. It's easy to forget that just because Char is the 'logical one' doesn't mean she's always right. It's true that some stuff is better when you turn your brain off.

Still, you're a little dissapointed that Table hasn't tried to do the cliché of her staying close to you because she's scared. Then again, it's not like she'd know about that trope, since movies aren't a thing here.

You clear your throat, and swallow your pride. "Table, I'm scared, can you hold me?"

She turns to you, and smile. "Aww, it's okay, I'm here, you're safe with me..." She envelop you in her arms as you feel her reassuring warmth surround you. "Am I...comforTable?"

You try not to laugh, but it's so stupid that you do anyway. You're just so used to her jokes being raunchy that you weren't mentally prepared for something as basic as a stupid pun.

It's fun, and it's a strange feeling you didn't experience before. It's not the exact same as what you had with Table, it's this feeling of just goofing off with friends without a care in the world. When someone is quiet, another continues, and you all manage to balance each other quite well. Table looks very happy too, more than the movie, you have this feeling she enjoys just being a normal girl for once, even if they might forget her soon enough.

The movie ends, and everyone has their own thoughts on it. Aroth says it's going to give him a nightmare, Charlotte says that she's not a huge fan of everyone dying in the end when they did nothing wrong, and Table still says they could have redeemed the monster. There are arguments, but they're all in good fun and no one takes anything seriously.

Lotte gives another hug to Aroth to soothe his fears, and he actually hugs her back for once.

Table can't stop herself from taking advantage of the situation. "Hey, Aroth, are you sure you're not going to be a little scared sleeping alone in your dorms tonight, anything could be lurking out here..."

"B-But it's not real, right? And the dorms are safe, it wouldn't-"

"I meaaaan, the scrapyard experiment was a real thing, and even though it was allegedly killed, they never found the body..."

Aroth looks really spooked, and he hugs Lotte tighter, it doesn't look like she minds, she looks quite happy about it in fact.

Table proposes another stupid idea. "You know, Charlotte, you should just stay with him tonight, just in case something happens, can never be too safe."

Neither of them outright refuse the idea, but they're reluctant to outright admit they're okay with it in fear of the other thinking they're a creep.

Char speaks, "The princess could try something, staying with him is more safe. We can sleep on the floor, it's not weird. Sleepovers between friends are normal, and we have a practical reason to do so."

Aroth nods. " Y-Yeah, I guess that uhm, makes sense. It's not weird until we make it weird, I s-suppose."

Table makes absolutely sure that they don't chicken out at the last moment and accompany them to Aroth's dorm so they can sleep together, maybe in more ways than one. When Table and you are back in your dorm, she plops down on the bed with a happy look on her face.

"You really like shipping people together, don't you?" You ask Table.

"It's one of my hobbies, besides, they're cute together."

"You play matchmaker as a hobby?" You get in bed with her as you place your laptop near the window so it gets recharged when the sun comes out.

"Yup, since no one remembers me, I sometimes mess with people's lives a little to create fun scenarios like this. They won't even remember what I said, they'll just think sleeping in the same dorm was their idea!"

That's cool, and a little scary. Sure, it's used for something beneficial here, but it's insane to think how much of your life could be ruined by a forgotten if they tried without you ever knowing who is responsible. You go to sleep in her arms, and thank your lucky stars that Table is on your side and not against you.

Waking up, you get prepared with Table for the life class. You read your notes on what you did yesterday, and visibly cringe at what you said in your last roleplay session with Table. She makes sure to make you read it aloud, and you're once again so very thankful the walls of your dorms are soundproof.

You arrive in the life class, both Charlotte and Aroth are here. They look...distraught, to say the least. Something probably happened, but you'd rather not press them too hard about it.

Miss Lazari commences the class. "Alright kids, Life magic, you know how it works, but do you know how to use it? I said before that there's this stereotype that life magic is only for healing. That's stupid, we all know that, but stereotypes are born for a reason, and it's because Life magic is, in fact, still very good at healing, much better than any other types of magic bar none. Where am I getting with this? Simple, there's a plant in front of you, this plant will die by the end of the month. Your goal is to fix it before that happens, and you need to use a life spell to do that. You're also allowed to mix said life spells with others if you feel like it. That's all, get to work kids."

The book on your desk is already open at the relevant page, with the new spells you can learn. A quick unnatural check shows whatever sickness this plant has is clearly...well, unnatural, which means that you probably can't fix it without magic anyway. The problem is you can't tell much more than that just yet. You wonder what happens if you don't complete the assignment? Or is it just an incentive for you to experiment with spells? Whatever the case, you might as well do as the teacher asks.

Pick one spell from the previous class:
>Skin Heal: Quickly heals your skin, although some scars may remain. Internal damage is usually not fixed, but the spell more often than not closes the wound without making it worse, making it useful to avoid bleeding out or for surgery.
>Speed Sense: Your brain will perceive things faster for a short amount of time. While cheap in mana, the effect only lasts for ten seconds, and the drawback makes the target very dizzy once it's over. It is rarely used on the caster, but instead on a target that the caster wishes to disrupt.
>Dopamine Surge: The target receives a small, barely perceptible surge of happiness. As with most mind spells, it's illegal to use it on people without their consent as it can make them more susceptible to manipulation. However, the spell acts as a great counter to mind spells that try to demoralize the target, and is occasionally used to combat mental health issues.

Additionally, pick one new spell (that you'll need to use to fix the plant):
>Give Life: Transfers your own stamina to a target you're touching. Table says that mana feel and give stamina makes the give mana spell when mixed together. Not that useful to buff yourself, but a staple of healing spells you wish to use on others.
>Juggernaut: Severely increase the toughness of one's skin, this comes at the cost of making you much slower as the skin's weight increase tremendously. It is recommended to use a skin healing spell after the spell is over to avoid long term effects.
>Broken Doll: Allows you to freely dislocate the joint of your bones, making you much more flexible. Often used in extreme martial arts and fencing. Very hard to make the most out of, and very painful to use.
>Increase Hurt: The opposite of Remove Hurt, and its most notable counter. Removes the effect of Remove Hurt if it is active, and if it isn't, increase the pain one's receive from injuries without increasing the actual damage done. Some people use this spell on themselves to train their body to withstand an absurd amount of pain.
(also I fucked up the formatting here, it's supposed to be a new post when you wake up to separate it properly, and I didn't close the markdown properly in the first post, unfortunately I don't think I can edit or delete posts, so I guess I'll cry about it.)
Hm...honestly, I feel like we're not gonna have much of a choice here for the second, right? We need Give Life if we want to heal the plant. We're also probably going to want to go with spells that'll let us combo with later spells, so for that reason...
>Skin Heal
>Give Life
>Skin Heal
First aid #1
>Increase Hurt
The plant is dying because the effects of living are reversed on it. Therefore hurting it will help it recover. Calling it now

Relax it happens to every QM at least once
>"Am I...comforTable?"
best. girl.
i also feel like the shirt stunt from that previous update was foreshadowing so that the lower case t table subplot would make sense later
>>Skin Heal: Quickly heals your skin, although some scars may remain. Internal damage is usually not fixed, but the spell more often than not closes the wound without making it worse, making it useful to avoid bleeding out or for surgery.
>>Give Life: Transfers your own stamina to a target you're touching. Table says that mana feel and give stamina makes the give mana spell when mixed together. Not that useful to buff yourself, but a staple of healing spells you wish to use on others.
>Skin Heal
>Give Life
>Skin Heal
>Give Life
>Skin Heal:
>Give Life
So, uh, when are we going to talk to the spirit following us? We finally have spirit sight.

Skin heal and Give Life sound like obvious spells to heal a plant, right? Besides, it can't hurt to have stuff to patch yourself up in your arsenal. The last dungeon taught you that no matter how careful you are, things can still go horribly wrong, horribly fast. Just because you were able to stop the fire from spreading last time doesn't mean the next dungeon will be so kind with its traps. What if a blade cuts off your arm or something? Or what if you have to swim in acid?

Those are extreme examples, but the dungeons themselves are already pretty extreme, and you wouldn't put it past them to put those kind of traps next time.

As you practice your new spells, you feel a low rumbling under you. Everyone looks confused, even the teacher. The summoning teacher bursts out of a portal from the roof and starts speaking to Lazari in a panic.

"Heeeey, so you know how I was supposed to get a dragon, right? Acidic, right? BIG ONE, right?" The teacher says, a guilty look on his face.

"You fucked that up," Lazari answers bluntly.

"I fucked that up. Alser already chained it up, but Nina says there's a non zero chance it might break through anyway. Ya know, magic acid."

"Well? Just fucking kill it! It's asleep!"

"Yeaaah, but I thought you could make sure it stays asleep until it's delivered? Pretty please?"

She sighs. "I can't fathom the number of kids that'd be six feet under without me at this point. Fine, I'll take care of it. Just make sure all the kids stay inside cause I'm going to suck everything dry in the area for that spell, got it?"

The summoning teacher bows to her, and he makes an announcement telling everyone to stay inside. You're still able to see what's going on from the windows, as you assume the school building are protected.

What you see outside is...well, as advertised, a dragon. it's big though, like, as big as half of the school. You can only see a tenth of its body from the window, it looks like it could take a single step with its massive green claws to instantly crush all of you.

It's encased in a thick, magical looking cage with chains and bars everywhere. It's quite a sight to behold, and you wish you had your phone to take a photo of it.

You see Lazari step out of the building. She raises her hands and takes a good long look around. Once she's sure no one else is in her sight, she expands her arm outwards and a massive circle forms itself around the trapped beast. You can feel the surge of magical energy coming out of her from here, and weirdly enough, she looks more imposing than the dragon at this very moment.

Then, she slams her palms together in a clap that resonates across the entire school. The circle vanishes and every single blades of grass start withering inside it. Turning on Unnatural Check, you can see that the lifeforce of the grass is being used for some spell.

The dragon's eye open, and she repeats the spell with another strong clap. The grass darkens until nothing is left of it, and the dragon's movement comes to a halt. It's as if he was frozen in time, neither alive nor dead, even the acidic spit drooling from its mouth is standing still.

A massive portal starts forming under the dragon, and it falls in it without resistance, leaving the magical cage behind.

Lazari comes back a few minutes later as if what she did was no big deal. "Okay kids, don't hang around the place where the lawn's missing for a few days, might give you some nasty sickness. Should be fine if you take a few steps in it, but I wouldn't take my chances. Class is dismissed early, I have some kids that like to call themselves teacher to reprimand."

You're a little disappointed, you like class, and it's less scary to practice Life spells when Lazari is around. You can't even practice on the lawn either, since it's all messed up. You could always study in your dorm, but...

Wait, you know! You cast Spirit Sight, or at least as well as you currently can with the little practice you got, and look for the thing on your back. It's there! You still can't see it very well, but you can hear and even feel it crawling on your back! It really is like a big gecko, maybe a chameleon? You've only ever seen genetically modified ones, so you don't know what wild ones look like.

Every time you try to take a look at it, it thrashes around and digs its weird claws into your skin. It doesn't hurt, but it does feel weird. It's like something is poking at your organs, it's unsettling.

"Hey, little guy, do you want something from me?" You ask.

It doesn't answer.

"Can you understand me?"

It moves around your back.

"Okay, uh, move once for yes, twice for no, do you got that?"

It moves once.

You ask it a bunch of question, and it doesn't move at all from most of them. The only thing you know--assuming its movements aren't random--is that it does want something from you, and it does need to be you specifically. You're not sure why you of all people, but if you had to guess, it either has to do with your low mana, or the fact you're human.

You try to know what it wants, but nearly every single question is answered with 'no'. What should you do with this even...

>Check the forest, that's where you met it, and it tried to lead you deeper into it.
>Check the library for a spirit bestiary.
>Ask Dill if she knows a way to communicate with it more clearly.
>Just ask more questions until you get a better idea of what it wants. Might take a while though.
>Check the forest, that's where you met it, and it tried to lead you deeper into it.
>>Remember to place a Perfect Compass on the school so you won't get loss
If Table complains, just promise to do whatever she wants later or something. We'll need to bring her for mana.
>Check the library for a spirit bestiary.
We can check the forest later but it doesn't hurt to be more informed.
>Check the library for a spirit bestiary.
We probably want to know some more about what we are dealing with first
Did you forget that we don't have the spell that lets you find a book in the library? We're not going to learn that one until the second year. We could spend hours there and find nothing. We know it's not dangerous because none of the teachers said anything.
We can still look around the normal way. Worked out the last time we tried it.
you can delete posts, QM, if not much time has passed. although it seems hard to do on mobile.
>Check the library for a spirit bestiary.
>Worked out the last time we tried it.
It literally didn't, we specifically tried to go around finding for the human magic man's books but only found some stuff tangentially related.
QM, i should say that if you're just waiting for any possible upsets to lock in the vote, i am fine with you just locking in. I'd rather get to the next update than to have to wait more than necessary just so my option can end up losing anyway, since most people just don't change their votes regardless of any arguments against them.
If I have a problem with a tie and whatnot I'll usually chime in. if I don't respond, assume I'm either taking a break or figuring out the next update.

It's best to learn all you can before you do anything you might regret. The library might be a good place to start. Sure, you have no spells to find what you want, but surely you'll find something if you keep searching manually, right?

That's what you keep telling yourself, but after hours of picking up books, flipping them over and putting them back in their rightful place, you can confidently say that you've made absolutely no progress. The books aren't ordered at all, and you are, for all intents and purposes, gambling every time you pick up a new book. Sure, you can look at the titles from the bookshelf sometimes, but not all titles are a good representation as to what's inside, and some of them only have their titles on the front cover instead of their side.

"What a terrible date," Table says, flipping through another book. "Am I getting anything for my efforts? What shall be the reward for this ordeal, I wonder."

"Anything you want!" You say, knowing exactly what anything means in this context.

"Anything, you say? Why I could... I could... huh." She frowns. "I can't think of anything. I can't believe it, I may actually be content for once. Can I keep the favor for later?"

You shrug. "Sure, I'll just note it somewhere- look! A book on spirits!" You pick up the book and set it on the nearest table.

"Ha. Ha." She lets out a slow sarcastic laugh as she takes the book from the top of her head. "Real comedian, now is this... ugh."

"What is it?" You ask, peering over her shoulder, the content of the book.

"It's a book on a specific type of spirit, hardly a bestiary. I don't think it's yours too, considering the pictures."

You both groan as your hopes are once again crushed to dust.

"Hey," Table asks as she puts the book back in the shelf. "You said anything, right? Like ANYTHING, anything?"

"...yeah?" You're starting to get scared.

"If I asked you to do it right here and there, would you do it?"

"In the library? Anyone could walk in, you're not-"

"But you said anything, didn't you?"

You start to sweat. You did say anything, and wouldn't Table's curse make you less visible? Maybe? You're not sure...

"I'm joking. I'm not that much of a freak. Besides, I don't want anyone else to see you naked, that's for my eye only- I mean my eyes only. "

You let out a sigh of relief. You're a little disappointed in yourself too, you might have actually gone through with it if she pressured you enough. You really need more backbone. Then again, were you willing to let it happen because you couldn't refuse her, or because you wanted it to happen? You try to not think about the implications too much.

"Anyway, searching stuff manually is getting us nowhere, especially when we want specific info. Let's just ask a teacher."

"But the teacher never bothered telling me what the spirit even was, why would they help me out now?"

Your conversation is interrupted by a loud thud. You turn to look at the source of the sound, and you are greeted by a book on different spirit types at your side.

"Loud." You recognize Rin's voice, but not her tone. "Take it. I want to study in silence."

"Uh, thank you. Are you the...uh..." you point at 'Rin's' forehead.

She pushes away a bang of hair, and it reveals a big, red eyes on her forehead. "It's a shame you found out, I liked pretending to be a normal person with you, short as it may have been. We still can't be friends, I'm afraid. I'm not even supposed to help you like this, I have a reputation to keep, and not a positive one, so just tell everyone I was rude to you."

"What? Why help me, then?"

She doesn't answer, and instead goes back to reading a book on her own. Such a strange girl...parasite...thing.

The book is pretty big, and it takes a lot of time before you can find a spirit that resembles the one you have in it. If the bestiary is to be believed, the spirit you have is a 'seeker'. Seeker are spirits that as their name implies, really like finding things that are hidden, and they get really frustrated when they can't access said things. This is why they often bait mortals into getting those things for them in a variety of ways. They specialize in Divination, although they're also known to dabble in Material spells occasionally. As far as spirits go, they are usually pretty harmless, but they can occasionally lead people to incredibly dangerous places to satisfy their curiosity.

Weirdly enough, they never actually try to keep the items they find, as they only care about finding out what it is. While this is considered the reward for a seeker's 'quest'. Seekers can occasionally share their own knowledge too. You should not be fooled by their beastly demeanor, as they do not solely seek physical objects, but knowledge as well.

You try to look up more on the spirit, but the book only really gives surface level information on most of them. It makes sense, it's a bestiary but not an in-depth guide for each of them. That doesn't mean there's no useful into in here, now you know for a fact it wants something, and it's probably in the forest somewhere.

But is it really safe to follow that thing's lead like this? The book said that they could lead you to dangerous places, and the deep part of the forest isn't as safe. Should you really go for it?

>Maybe you could rope Aroth and Charlotte into going with you. Aroth is a decent fighter and Charlotte has a variety of useful skills
>If you really want a fighter, isn't it better to get the crystal guy with you? Not sure how you'll convince him but...
>Do you really need anyone? More people will just attract unwanted attention, just go with Table.
>Prepare in some other way? (Write in.)
>Do you really need anyone? More people will just attract unwanted attention, just go with Table.
I don't wanna rely on other people for everything.
>Prepare in some other way? (SET A COMPASS ON THE SCHOOL)
A seeker huh? He's kinda like us, in a way, seeking knowledge.

it's gonna happen
one day Atlas won't be able to take it anymore and go through with it in public
they will succeed and this will awaken something in both of them
everything will be just fine
>You pick up the book and set it on the nearest table.
>"Ha. Ha." She lets out a slow sarcastic laugh as she takes the book from the top of her head. "Real comedian, now is this... ugh."
>Do you really need anyone? More people will just attract unwanted attention, just go with Table.
you could say he's a Seeker of Esoteric knowledge
>that's for my eye only- I mean my eyes only
Wait does Table only have one eye? I thought she had 2 and commented on her right eye popping out which implies she has a left one. I still don't understand her biology
Now that you say it, what if her eyes are randomized like her tongues.
>he's a Seeker of Esoteric knowledge
Atlas is a better protagonist than that lame elf ever will be, and Table is a better waifu than every woman in that quest put together.
Maybe she naturally has one eye but has transformed herself to have two due to how her race seems to work.
>Maybe you could rope Aroth and Charlotte into going with you. Aroth is a decent fighter and Charlotte has a variety of useful skills.
Ask if they want to.
Very interesting if true. I wholeheartedly sympathize with Atlas' newfound discovery and love of multitongue kissing fetish, thanks Table
woops, forgot to link vote
>Multiple tongues
>Minor shape-shifting that could do stuff like give her bigger books
>Basically invincible to everyone else
Poor Atlas, corrupted from his magic autism into having the libido of a normal young man. His wizardry never stood a chance...
Boobs*, I don't think she can use shape-shifting to get bigger books.
We can get bigger books to put on her. She IS a table after all
here take this without context
>Atlas is a better protagonist than that lame elf ever will be, and Table is a better waifu than every woman in that quest put together.
c'mon now anon
It's true though.
Okay. Finally caught up with the thread. Supporting >>6074661 btw.

But really, i have a more important questions. I learned that I had played the VN that inspired Curse Carrier back when (Shira Oka), and I saw this was inspired by an otome game, so I have to ask.

Was it Magical Diary? It’s literally the only one I’ve played that could be like this since I haven’t played THAT many VNs, let alone Otome ones. Just figured I’d check to see if I can go 2 for 2.
See >>6056320
Thank you anon. I missed then when scrolling through the replies.

I’ve kept wanting to try Magical Diary again since it comes up on my Steam page every once in a while and I’m pretty sure I only played through it once. I barely remember it.
>Maybe you could rope Aroth and Charlotte into going with you. Aroth is a decent fighter and Charlotte has a variety of useful skills
>ive been wondering, do you think her eyes are "real"?
>my right eye almost popped out! Don't worry, I can always put it back in, not the first time I've lost it.
>that's for my eye only- I mean my eyes only. "

thanks for answering my question OP. it was also much more interesting finding out like this than if you had just told me up front.

>>Do you really need anyone? More people will just attract unwanted attention, just go with Table.
i say we dont mix our spirit adventure with the demon tomgirl / physical manifestation of schitzophrenia social drama
also, while in the forest, we should keep an eye out for techno monkey trickery parts

You can check the forest with Table. Bringing too many people could be problematic, and you want to keep whatever you find out here for yourself. Maybe you're a little greedy, but so what? It's your seeker spirit, it's your stuff to find!

Table isn't too fond of the idea, but after a little bit of testing, you can prove Perfect Compass can't easily be altered by the spirit, and that you can easily find your way back if you need to. You also promise her another favor, which makes two now, you hope you won't regret it later.

You prepare some supplies like ropes, food, a tent and your gun. You shouldn't be gone for too long, but it can't hurt to be prepared. You also ask Aroth to tell the teacher where you went if you're not back within a day, just in case things really do go horribly wrong.

You enter the forest once again, a little excited at the new adventure before you. It's been a while since you did something that wasn't directly school related.

You swing a big stick you found on the ground around like a kid as you follow the shortcut spell altered by the spirit. "What do you think we're going to find, Table? What if it's a treasure! What if we become rich? What would you do if you were rich, Table?"

She thinks on it as she swings her own stick at you. "Maybe I'd hire someone to write the story I want to read. I wonder if their writing would become boring if I made them a ghost writer?"

"Why not write it yourself?" You make a quick riposte with your stick, but she swiftly dodges your attack.

"I'm not a great writer. Besides, my stuff wouldn't sell if I'm the one writing it, pretty sure."

"Are you sure? If you use a fake name, what you write might not be affected, as long as what you write isn't about you, right?" What you said makes her think hard enough that you can sneak in a hit. "I am the victor."

She pokes the underside of your shirt with her stick and lifts it up. "My writing's just not good, even if you remove the curse. Not worth trying."

You try to lift up her shirt too, but she holds your stick down with her hand before you can do so. "I could read it, if you want. I could even give feedback and whatnot, like an editor?"

She looks away. "I- I mean, if you want, but I'm telling you, I'm not good at this at all, so don't go complain that it's bad when you're done reading it."

You keep sparring and chatting for a while. Going deeper and deeper into the forest. You barely need to communicate with the spirit at all, as all you really need to do is to follow the shortcut spell. The spell even makes you avoid dangerous things like agressive plants and wildlife, and it still acts like the shortcut spell's intent which is finding the fastest way to your destination. That way you can get past small rivers and dangerous terrain rather easily.

During your little trip, you both keep picking up bigger and bigger sticks. Sometimes you opt for a smaller but cooler looking stick, it's fun.

"You know, the first time we went in that forest, I was almost hoping we'd be forced to spend the night here," Table says. "It would've been bad, but a part of me wanted to do that thing where we'd have to stick close to each other. Then, we'd get closer and closer, our bodies touching and... yeah, that would've been cool."

"In the forest, though? On the leaves and dirt, with the bugs and the things here? Not the best place for sex, don't you think?" You swat a mosquito away with your stick to empathize your point.

"I mean- Yeah, I wouldn't have done it, too dangerous. But it's not about the sex, it's about it being romantic! We weren't a thing back then, and it would've been such a cool way to get together, don't you think? I'm still mad about the fact you're the one that made the first move."

Your banter gets interrupted by a loud sound further away. It sounded like... a gunshot? Who would use a gun all the way out here? Is there really another human this deep into the forest?

You very carefully continue to follow the shortcut spell, which unfortunately leads you ever closer to the echoing gunshot that you heard before. Eventually, you find it, and the source isn't a human as you thought, but a machine.

A big porcupine like beast is lying on the ground bleeding, right next to a stationary, rusty turret. The turret has a few clawmarks on it, and you can tell it's been here for a very, very long time. It looks like an old model too, the turrets you've seen in the human city are much more advanced, this one looks very primitive by comparison.

Of course, you didn't get too close to it, and you get a view of it from Table casting Remote View. Turns out she found a way to share the vision with someone else, which is pretty handy here.

"What the fuck is this?" Table asks. "I think there's a material spell near that thing, but it doesn't look magical at all. Is this human tech?"

You nod. "It's absolutely human tech, but what is that doing so far away from the human city? It's a stationary turret too, which means it's been put here to protect something at this specific spot."

That's not good. Old as it may be, a turret like this should still be capable of detecting your position thanks to some kind of thermal vision. Unless you can find a really good spot to hit, your gun is useless, and quite frankly, you're not the best shot. It's not going to be tricked by illusions, and if it survived this long in the forest, it can probably take a beating.

No matter how you look at it, you can't destroy this thing, but maybe you can still get past it? The spirit wants you to go right here, and you want to know what it's hiding.

>Go back, you're just not ready for something like this.
>Pocket space should be able to absorb the bullets, maybe you could use it as cover?
>If it's attracted to thermals, maybe you could use spark somehow?
>Maybe you can get close enough to seal the turret's barrel, or its base so it can't turn to shoot you anymore. Might be risky though.
>Something else? (Write in)
>If it's attracted to thermals, maybe you could use spark somehow?
Sheer Heart Attack?
Okay, so, i want to test the flare theory...just to check. But i also had an idea
>Use our moving portal to cast an opening *behind the turret*
>Use that to then seal or spark + fire flare the turret
>>If it's attracted to thermals, maybe you could use spark somehow?
at some point it will run out of ammo, right?

could you please add Table's spells to the rentry?
im also trying to think of something involving the flora, but Atlas doesnt even have greedy grow...
>at some point it will run out of ammo, right?
It's been here for ages, it obviously has some way to replenish itself.

I think we should seal it using >>6075339
Forgot to add mention to >>6075330 for votekeeping
>at some point it will run out of ammo, right?
If there's a material spell somewhere near it, maybe there's a perpetual spell that keeps feeding it with bullets, with how old it looks, and also how apparently it shoots anything alive that comes close.

+1 Like it, but I'll add asking Table to cast Remote View again so we can get good look to a weak point, and we should make sure that we have a good cover on top of it
Well, we’ve got Table and her mana so we can poke around a bit and test stronger spells than normal.
>Does Twister have the strength to spin the turret and strip its gears? Can it go fast enough to lift it onto its side?
>Can you use Seal to fashion a large shield of dirt and use it for cover or to block your thermal signature?
>Can Wind Guide and Twister be used to place tree bark over anything that looks like a sensor? With some tree sap it may stick even without Seal.
>If we use our Tracking Scent, can we tell if there’s anything that smells like oil or iron elsewhere? There could be a small underground passage around this that smells “human” so to speak.
>Can Spell Displacement + Lighten make the turret light enough that recoil tips it over or makes it inaccurate?
>Can we do the above and then do Spell Displacement + Gravity to pull it into the air or knock it over?

I’m trying to avoid our fire spells since we’re in a forest. Things shouldn’t catch fire easily, but we don’t have any good ways to put out fires either.
>If it's attracted to thermals, maybe you could use spark somehow?
Guys, you do know that just using spark probably won't be enough right? It might distract the turret but if the seeker wasn't able to get in by itself, that means it can probably track magic stuff too.
surely the turret would recognize a human, right?
I mean, our people built the damn things to defend themselves from the outside world
what are the odds it's actually going to shoot at us?
> what are the odds it's actually going to shoot at us?
funniest last words ever
>Atlas pins Table to the wall
>"I thought tables are supposed to be nailed to the floor not to the wall"

You consider your options. With Table, you can cast as many spells as you want, the problem is that one mistake and you might find yourself with a hole in your head.

You want to test a theory first. You try to cast spark close to the turret--or as close as you can cast it without being turned into paste. It creates a small fire. If the fire starts to spread you can always use fire flare to take it out, unlike the last dungeon the forest is pretty damp and it's unlikely to go out of control before you can cast fire flare.

The turret turns towards the small fire. You hear a grinding sound from it, and then another gunshot. The fire is immediately extinguished by white foam. The turret's not done yet, it makes another grinding sound, and switches back to regular bullets before shooting the place where the fire used to be.

"Maybe it thought it was a fire elemental?" Table asks. "It's pretty common to first extinguish them before finishing them off."

"What would a fire elemental be doing in a forest of all places?" You reply incredulously. "Wouldn't that light up the entire place?"

"Says the guy that just cast spark in the middle of said forest."

"Got me there. Any idea how we could abuse this?"

"It doesn't look like it can fire the death thingies-"

"-bullets," you correct her.

"-the death thingies can't be fired at the same time as the white thingy. So maybe we could use that to sneak close to it and uh... seal it? I guess? It's not alive, right? That should work."

The turret has a material spell close to it, and those shouldn't work on living beings, so you've got no reason to believe Seal wouldn't work. It looks like the turret prioritize targets that are closer to it, so as long as you stay behind the flame and take cover when it's done shooting, you should be fine. That's what you tell yourself, but the turret manages to detect you through the trees, ignores the spark entirely and shoots in your direction. Thankfully the trees here are really sturdy, and the bullets aren't going through. The turret then goes back to hitting the spark you previously cast.

It looks like it can differentiate heat from living things and heat from fire, and that it will prioritize the living things if possible. At least the trees make good cover. With Table's Remove View, you're capable of casting a seal spell on the part of the turret that makes it rotate. The turret actually has a bunch of runes meant to protect it from such simple spells, but the runes are old and eroded, so it's not that hard to make the spell work anyway.

You cast a spark behind the turret, and it slowly tries to turn around, but a creaking sound indicates it cannot turn much further than this. It tries to rotate the other way, with the same results. You take a tentative step out of cover, and it looks like the turret cannot turn towards you either.

With a sigh of relief, you follow the shortcut to a spot behind the turret. It looks just like a normal patch of dirt, but after casting Bright Sight, you notice there's a metallic hatch under here hidden by an illusion spell.

You open the hatch with great effort, and find metal walls not unlike what you'd find in the human city. There's a big metal door at the end of a short hallway, moss and vines creeping around it. The shortcut ends here. Looking around, you find a hand shaped slot, and put your hand in it out of curiosity. A small recording from a text to speech voice plays.

"Due to-bzzt-170 years of-bzzzt-keep knowledge. Genes identified as pure human. Due to lack of-bzzt-do you agree?"

"...yes?" You answer uncertainly.

"Humanity above all," the robotic voice says before slowly opening the metal door. Vines breaking as weird mix between a robotics lab and a library is revealed before you. The spirit jumps out of your back and starts exploring the place, taking a good look at everything it can see without actually touching anything.

"Should I enter?" Table asks. "It's clearly meant for humans, I'm not sure if it's safe for me to..."

You shrug. "The spirit entered, so it might be a little late to worry about that. Besides, I'm sure most of the security here broke down since it's apparently been here for over a century."

And so, you both enter the laboratory. It looks like it's not just a work place, there's also a place to sleep, a bunch of canned food, and tons of computers. A lot of it looks like it's still working, somehow.

What should you check first? You're sure you'll be able to come back here later, but right now you can't afford to spend too much time here. It already took so long to get there, and you don't want Aroth to tell the teacher that you died in the woods or something. You could also talk to the spirit, since you don't know if it's going to leave soon now that its curiosity is satisfied.

>The computers.
>The library.
>The armory.
>The spirit.
>The spirit.
If we can come back, then logically we should talk to the spirit first. It's been here for 170 years, it's not gonna going anywhere.
>The spirit.
Cool, a secret hiding spot. We should start hanging out in this place.
>The spirit.
We might want to re-activate the turret when we leave so it doesn't get raided by whatever it was protecting against.
I don't know, it was probably just there for safety. If we shut the door it's probably enough, though I agree I wouldn't want to leave it alone for too much time. We should definitely set a compass so we can find it again if possible.
Wow, there's beds in here. This is certainly a good place to defy all pureblooded human convention with the help of Table. Wait no the dorms are already good enough for that with soundproofing and showers
>Humanity above all
Oh no.

>What should you check first?
You should check where you're stepping and what you're opening, in case there's a much simpler tripwire. What's the last "Great Conflict" our boy can remember or has he jerked off to magic during the whole of his school education?
>Oh no.
oh fuck yes

>>The spirit.
>Humanity above all
>Oh no.
How disappointing. Only a week or two outside the glorious walls of humanity's fortress and already he's balls deep in some worm container abomination. Atlas is quite the failure as a human now, though that implies he ever wasn't in the first place. I love this quest
Look at it in other way: It's only been like a month interacting with non-humans, and Atlas already got one of their women to become addicted to him. Not even a cursed worm can resist the human man.
>humans already stereotypically extremely compatible with all monster and alien races
>Table confirms the Forgotten are also the same way
It was bound to happen

On a non-waifu note, what unorthodox combos do you think we can do with Bright Sight
Most of the races seem to be cross-compatible, which is why they ended up teaching us an contraception very early.

I'm sure that wouldn't stop Table from teasing Atlas about it, though.
>he's balls deep in some worm container abomination
hey, its not fair and squ𝘢re to put it that way

anyways Human Power!
Since we're on topic, what do you guys think Table is gonna use her two 'favors' on? I don't think she's much capable of doing anything like Etsy did, that woman just had an unreal horny level that table cannot match.
I don't know, but I will say I like the nice difference compared to Curse Carrier. Here both Atlas and Table are equally balanced where back then Etsy far outdid Weaver in that regard. Here unlike Weaver's aimlessness and lack of many interests, Atlas has different interests outside of magic being his #1 autistic fixation
Well, i guess Cuse Carrier was a lot more about their relationship. This quest seems to be more about learning magic, even is Atlas and Table's relationship is a big part. For example, I can't really see us following them through basically their whole life until their death like in CC. It's probably doubtful we'll see them have children outside of like, maybe the very last school year or the epilogue, either, given that a kid would basically be a death knell for continuing in school for both Table and Atlas.
Assuming of course that the quest is meant to end when we finish school and not explore life afterwards.
Well, maybe not necessarily the moment we finish school, but i don't think it'd work as a whole life story like in Curse Carrier where the epilogue details their life all the way until they die. I don't think it would fit.
Maybe it could if QM has plot ideas for afterwards, like getting into politics, or exploring "fixing" humanity's magic weakness, or the consequences of solving it.
Eh...doesn't feel like it fits. Not every quest has to follow the protagonist until death, ya know.

You decide to talk to the spirit first. The vault isn't going anywhere, the spirit might. Sure, everything here is reward enough, but you wouldn't mind some extra spirit knowledge too.

You find it scurrying around the computers, even if it never touches them. You wonder if it'll stick around until you start using them, since they're probably protected by the same stuff as yours. Then again, gene tech wasn't super advanced a few centuries ago, so maybe not all the machines here will blow up from a non-human interacting with them.

"Hey, spirit! I found your thing for you, even risked my life for it, think I could get something in exchange?"

It turns its head 180 degrees towards you. It moves its body around, but the head doesn't move with it. It summons a small portal under itself and jump inside it. A few seconds later, it comes back. It does this a few times, and everytime you feel this strange tingle in your brain, as if something was being drilled into you.

Suddenly, it clicks. You're not sure what clicked, only that it did. You know that it's a Divination spell, and you think you got the name, but you're not sure if you can cast it yet, you don't even know what it does; yet, somehow, it feels like you're already familiar with spell, how strange.

(New spell learned: Reinforce Belief)

You make a high-pitched noise. You learned a special spell! One that might not be taught in the school, one you learned from a secret place from a secret spirit!

Table isn't sharing your excitement, as you see a disgusted expression on her face as she checks the dirty bed. "Man, I was hoping we could do something fun here, but everything here is just so dirty. There's- There's a weird liquid seeping from the pillows, why couldn't they use feathers!?"

"Taaable..." you whine.

"What is it, did you find something?"

"I learned a cool new spell, Table! And you're not telling me how cool I am for it!"

"How- How did you even learn a spell this fast? Anyway, yes, you're very cool, I'm sure it's a very good spell."

You pout. That's hardly real praise.

"Fiiine." She kisses your forehead and pats your shoulder. "You're the very best human mage within the school."

You pout harder. It's hard to be angry at her, but you try your best to look mad anyway.

Table snaps her finger. "Atlas, calling in my first favor. Stop being mad at me!"

You stop being mad at her.

"Okay, now that we can have a discussion like proper adults, we can start figuring out what to do with this place. Maybe it could be a base, what do you think?"

You tilt your head to the side. "A base to do what? Our dorm is a lot more comfortable."

"I don't know, but a secret hangout spot is cool, isn't it? We'll have to clean the place up, but that shouldn't take too long. We could even test some forbidden spells in here! The teachers won't ever know!"

"What kind of forbidden spell?"

"I don't know any! That's why they're forbidden! But you know, it doesn't make the idea any less cool, does it? Besides, I really want to have sex here at one point. There's something thrilling about doing it in a weird place like this, it's just too much of a mess for that right now though."

You have to admit, the idea of a secret base does sound cool. Besides, you'll be coming back here often to check the rest of what this place has to offer, so you might as well make yourself comfortable.

You find out you can lock the door behind you by using the hand recognition thing. That means even if someone find out this place, they'll need to blast through the door, which...well, if they're a good enough mage it's not that hard to believe, but it'll at the very least keep most first year from raiding your base.

The trip back feels faster since the compass makes it much easier to know where to go. Of course, you left a compass in your base to know how to come back to it, since the spirit isn't following you anymore.

You've got about three weeks before the next exam, how should you spend this week?

>Figure out what the 'Reinforce Belief' spell does, even if the name is pretty telling.
>Maybe you could mix some more spells.
>Learn a spell from a previous magic class (specify which one, cannot be a 'new' spell)
>Explore the Vault some more.
>Learn a spell from a previous magic class (specify which one, cannot be a 'new' spell)
>explore the vault some more
this is a human bunker, protected by a magically-enhanced turret
no way there aren't any human books/records on magic here
Reinforce Belief sounds powerful when paired with illusion spells, or to instill false assumptions in opponents so they believe Atlas will do one thing when he actually does another. Could also be a way to hard counter Determinism
>You pout. That's hardly real praise.
>You pout harder. It's hard to be angry at her, but you try your best to look mad anyway.
I like how this is Atlas doing exactly what Table did to him once back at her. Very funny

>Besides, I really want to have sex here at one point. There's something thrilling about doing it in a weird place like this
i like how Atlas was so autistically excited by the new spell that he forgot to say ANYTHING to the spirit that taught him
We already have the hydrophobia orb, so ordinarily I might support this, but now I don't think it's a good idea.

>Explore the Vault some more.
(linking for my vote)
>Explore the Vault some more.
I suppose there's something quite ironic about a human banging a non-human in an human supremacy vault.
clearly, the only correct path toward human supremacy, is making every other race at least half human
look, if the average /pol/ user has a yellow fever, we are within acceptable bounds here too
Sorry man

Changing my vote from >>6075986 to
>Explore the Vault some more
Definitely need to clean up the place too
>Figure out what the 'Reinforce Belief' spell does, even if the name is pretty telling.
We need to figure out the cost and the duration at least. Once we get a better understanding of it we can try mixing it with other spells. Reinforcing the belief that a spell we just cast can’t possibly harm our competition because a dumb techno-monkey sounds neat, and it should have interesting applications with Delayed Double and Determinism. Shame we can’t test the latter directly since we don’t know it.
sure, but like the description said hydrophobia is a key component to other defensive spells so it's not just about swimming good
c'mon now
Hydrophobia + ???

>Reinforcing the belief that a spell we just cast can’t possibly harm our competition because a dumb techno-monkey
Reminds me of how the Forgotten curse makes people believe that interactions did not happen
We will have all the time in the world to learn other spells. We should figure out the vault as soon as we can before someone else finds it.
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Ivy, was your dress made by a spirit? Spirit sight gives...interesting results.

Also will take some time to complete the rentry entry since I haven't done that in a while and it'll only get more relevant as time goes on. Might draw more characters as studies since I've grown exceedingly rusty as the heat destroyed most of my motivation to draw.
No, no, the anon has a point.

>Figure out what the 'Reinforce Belief' spell does, even if the name is pretty telling.
Can't just make assumptions!
Excellent quest, btw. Just caught up!
>Explore the Vault some more.
I am voting for this solely so we can bang table in the secret shelter.
Yo OP I just watched your Black Souls video. Very nice and SOULful, I like it. A lot better than I expected it would be. Your accent is a lot better than most accents I've heard online, seriously you're doing fine
No bully the flat chest! Ivy is a shit for real reasons anyway, no need to make up ones.

Besides, if you really want to bully her tell her she died alone and unloved because why else would she be stuck here? If she had people who cared she’d be with them instead.
Finished watching your Shadows of Forbidden Gods video too. That "I was a GOD DAMNIT" has some damn good impact and delivery. Seriously some parts of your videos are just really good is what I think. Also this game sounds like some real funny shit
She wanted to wait until it was cleaner, anon.
So we explore it and clean it up, THEN we do the fun
That's why we need to clean it.
>No, no, the anon has a point.
lmao, I'll concede the point for table because you can't compete with 1d6 tongue(s) and adaptable boobs
It's nice to see people still enjoy the review. Even if I have some issues with my reviews, I remember still having an intent trying to make the review still embody the 'feel' of the game. I remember hearing sseth say one thing in I think an old might and magic review that was along the line of 'any journalist shmuck reading off a wikipedia article can tell you this, let me tell you why it's so good.'

For some reason that sort of stuck with me, and even though I didn't always succeed there was always this attempt to at least try to embody the game's spirit to some extent. It's probably why my shadow of forbidden gods is still my favorite. Having to actually act I think conveyed the feel of the god better than explaining their mechanics could be.

Fun fact, for that 'I was a god, damnit' delivery I actually slammed my desk with my fist, didn't even use a sound effect. It did make me realize what people meant when they said that you had to give up your ego and shame when you act, because if you don't you'll realize you're being a little cringe and you won't give it you all, ironically making it the acting feel more cringe. (Funny how this also comes back to this quest and Table telling Atlas to give up his ego and embrace his shame when acting during their roleplay session.)

also vote locked in to exploring the vault.

You decide to explore the vault some more. You don't know how long it'll be until someone finds out about it since you unlocked it, and you want to learn all its secrets before anyone else. Table goes with you since she wants to clean up the place anyway, and she even brings some stuff to liven up the place.

Cleaning it is going to take a while, this place is old, and it's a weird mish-mash of fading runes and breaking down machinery, and just because you lived in the human city doesn't mean you can fix any human made stuff.

"What are these tubes for?" Table asks as she probes at what looks like plumbing.

"That's plumbing? What the toilet uses, I assume. It's to transport water, among other stuff. I think it takes in rainwater to use it for the shower here too, although it doesn't look like it filters the water anymore."

"Plumbing? Like... does it just take the water through the tubes? How does the water move, though?"

You look at her as if she was a kid that asked if black cows produced chocolate milk. "Do you guys NOT have plumbing? At all? It's not exactly rocket science."

"What's rocket science- anyway, I don't know, we just move water and stuff using runes with pocket spaces. Moving people's a pain, but stuff like water isn't that hard, some people summon water directly too. I just don't get how- wait, do you guys just have tubes all over your city to transport water? Just miles and miles of tubes? Just to get the water where it needs to be? Wouldn't the water get dirty travelling that far? Do all the tubes need to be cleaned?"

"I- I mean yeah, we clean the tubes. We also have a thing called sewers, where we clean all the dirty water. I knew you people relied on magic a lot, but I didn't expect it to replace a necessity as basic as plumbing."

"From my point of view, your method sounds impractical and convoluted, but it's human tech, so maybe I just don't get it."

You get psychic damage from hearing 'plumbing' be described as human tech, even if it's technically true. As far as you know, it's such old knowledge that humans wouldn't mind sharing to them how it works, but maybe they really don't need it because of magic. You suppose that when pocket space portals are a thing, plumbing must really seem like an insane solution to such a 'simple' problem.

"Speaking of water, we will have a problem moving liquids here. By that I mean that I don't mind if you have fun, but when I have fun, I leave a mess, and I want to figure out a way to clean up the place faster."

"You really want to have sex here, huh?" You give her the hydrophobia orb. "Does that help?"

She shakes her head. "No, I'm thinking of putting a hydrophobia and material spell to make a rune that will just...move the liquids out, I guess? Like, it'll just seep out of the vault. Maybe I can just make it go to the toilet and use that 'plumbing' of yours, or whatever it's called."

"That's just going to flood the toilet, Table. Don't do that."

She rolls her eyes, and starts inscribing runes on the floor before spilling water on it. You leave her be to her experimentations and decide to explore the vault some more in the meantime. Looks like the spirit is still there, as it's still curious about the computers and the knowledge they might contain. You don't think it's going to reward you a second time, but you also want to know what's in there.

Then again, there is more stuff to check, isn't there?

>Check the computers.
>Check the armory.
>Check the library.
I fucked up the markdown again sorry for the italics near the end here >>6076477 , it's only supposed to be here for the word 'technically'
>Check the computers
First thing is the tech, especially if there's anything vital we could transfer to the laptop

Try working from ctrl+s?

>'any journalist shmuck reading off a wikipedia article can tell you this, let me tell you why it's so good.'
He's absolutely right
>you had to give up your ego and shame when you act, because if you don't you'll realize you're being a little cringe and you won't give it you all, ironically making it the acting feel more cringe
So is this. Both are valuable life lessons
>Check the computers.
>Check the computers.
>Check the computers.

You check the computers, and unsurprisingly, they won't turn on. It's really a miracle the system meant to keep the door locked is still functional, so maybe it was a lot to hope for that the computers would be usable. You look around the vault, and there is a storage room with some backup components you can use to fix the machines here. At first, you were afraid it would be too technical for you to handle, but turns out most of it is rather intuitive, just put the square plug into the square hole, the rectangular RAM into the rectangular shaped slot, and do that for everything that doesn't work. Eventually, you manage to make one of the computer's screen light up. A whirring noise comes from the PC, but it looks like it works as well as it can after almost two centuries.

New problem, the computer is now asking for a password. Most PC you interacted with used either a DNA test or a fingerprint to be opened, and even online accounts used a similar system to protect your accounts. It's not as if regular text passwords were never seen anymore, but you can't remember the last time you've had to use one.

You input a random word, and a message appears on the screen telling you that you only have 3 more tries before the computer locks up. Ugh, this would be so easy to hack with today's human hackware, but you didn't exactly think to bring a password cracker on your laptop. Even if you did, it probably wouldn't work on such an old machine like this, the hackware wouldn't be designed for it.

There has to be something that can help in the vault, but would they really just leave a password hanging around here on a note of paper?

You hear Table spill more water on the ground. She groans as her rune makes all the water splash on her instead. You laugh. "Need help, Table?"

She turns to you as she casts hydrophobia on her to dry herself off. "No, I almost got it! I think I could make the water converge to a certain point, like a bucket! Then we can just take the bucket out like it's trash! I just...have to figure that out." She laughs to herself. "Ha, with how much I'm obsessing over cleaning, it kind of makes me look like a maid, doesn't it? Are you into that stuff?"

You shrug. "Not especially? I guess some high ranking humans have maids, but usually we just call those janitors, and that's not exactly a glamorous or sexy job."

"Boo, do those people at least call their boss master?"

You raise an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure you could sue if they asked you to do that. Anyway, the computers are locked with a password, did you find anything helpful while cleaning, like a note or something?"

She shakes her head. "I'm too afraid of something melting because I touched a thing I shouldn't have. I'd rather not take risks."

She's not wrong to be careful, but it doesn't look like most stuff here checks if you're human or not. Besides, if you want to make a base here, it'd be better to move freely without being afraid of destroying something important.

Coming back to the issue of the password, you're not sure what it could be. You have a theory that this place used to belong to the human mage you've been reading about, Jack. You don't have a lot of evidence, but this place clearly uses both magic and human tech. Jack was also alive 170 years ago, and you don't think a lot of other humans bothered learning magic like he does, nor would they let the average non human add spells to this place.

Still, knowing Jack was involved doesn't help you that much, it could still be any password, what should you look into?

>Maybe you could check the book you have on him for something you might have missed?
>The library is dense, and you don't have time to read every book, but maybe you could quickly flip through most of the book pages until you find something that catches your eye??
>Maybe he cast an illusion spell somewere, it couldn't hurt to search the place top to bottom for any secret areas you might have missed.
>Just put off the hacking for later until you figure out a better way, it's better to be safe.
>Check the computers.
>>Maybe he cast an illusion spell somewere, it couldn't hurt to search the place top to bottom for any secret areas you might have missed.
well, he made the door only open to humans, having an illusion would make it so that only a human mage could unlock his computer. considering what a strange figure he was, that could be the case.
>Maybe he cast an illusion spell somewere, it couldn't hurt to search the place top to bottom for any secret areas you might have missed.
>Maybe he cast an illusion spell somewere, it couldn't hurt to search the place top to bottom for any secret areas you might have missed.
>Maybe he cast an illusion spell somewere, it couldn't hurt to search the place top to bottom for any secret areas you might have missed.
Bright Sight time? I doubt his password is his wife's name
> Humanity (and my wife) Above All!
Human guys with Anbee wives
Imagine if Atlas' brain suddenly makes him think he's fucking Table in the same bed Jack had threesomes with his A&B wife right here in this bunker 200 years ago
I would like to hope they will change out the centuries-old mattress before banging.
>satan quads
you know they won't, anon, not after you jinxed it like that
Alas, I do not think her books have given Table enough seduction skill to be able to get Atlas hard enough to fuck in a mattress with a bunch of old smells and weird gross liquids.
Where are they going to get a new one?
>Table isn't sharing your excitement, as you see a disgusted expression on her face as she checks the dirty bed. "Man, I was hoping we could do something fun here, but everything here is just so dirty. There's- There's a weird liquid seeping from the pillows, why couldn't they use feathers!?"
No way Table won't figure something out. Not with how hooked she is on the idea and invested in this cool secret bunker base. Imagine if they just move into this place together after they graduate.

Ok I need to stop talking about the happy relationship autism and instead talk about actual spell autism. What can Atlas combine Bright Sight with? Is it possible to mix it with something else entirely like Mana Feel or Unnatural Check or Spirit Sight?

This guy gets it
I don't know why you wanna mix Bright Sight so badly.

I'd rather mix Analysis + Shortcut to get an 'reveal weakness' power
Can we Tornado + Lighten to spread Lighten on everything nonliving the Tornado hits, so it can easily lift and fling opponents because all their clothes will be weight nulled? Spell Displacement + Tornado to make it spawn under targets to launch them, then into Spell Displacement + Seal to stick our target to the ceiling? Table knows Gravity, so what if we had that and then made the target's fall way worse for them?
I think we should practice Seal to make it cheaper if possible, so the Seal + Spell Displacement combo can fuck with opponents' mobility?
Could Mana Rip + Remove Hurt accomplish anything strong offensively?

Great idea. Analysis is also free as per RPG rules, though it isn't in the rentry. I hope OP can work on the rentry soon. It would be nice to see costs for everything as well as all the combos we've learned.
>Maybe he cast an illusion spell somewere, it couldn't hurt to search the place top to bottom for any secret areas you might have missed.
>The library is dense, and you don't have time to read every book, but maybe you could quickly flip through most of the book pages until you find something that catches your eye??
The door mentioned “Humanity above all” and I’d be willing to bet that’s the theme for the password. Either that or his Anbee wife’s name.

I’d check for any journals that may be here. Someone who built this much stuff should have left their own thoughts around for a future generationThere seems to be too much here for what a single person would need.

The latest such journal we can find would put us in the right headspace for what he’d have set the computer to before abandoning it.

"Table, can you help me look around for illusions, this place might still have some secrets."

"Sure, I'll just figure the cleaning stuff later." She wraps her arms around you from behind and jumps on your back. "Piggy back ride! Go forth my trusty steed!"

She's surprisingly heavy, but you still manage to carry her around. You check the kitchen, the library, the toilets, the beds, everything, but it really looks like there's nothing here.

"Hey," Table points at the spirit "It's been staring at that wall for a while, isn't that weird?"

She's right, it IS weird. You check the wall with mana feel, and sure enough, there's some kind of mechanism here. You touch certain spots in the wall in a sequence following the trail Mana Feel leaves behind, and it slides away to reveal stairs that go even deeper.

"You were right, madame!" You readjust Table on your back so she doesn't fall off. "There was a secret passage here!"

She smiles. "Why yes, my steed. This one has an eye for secrets of all kinds. Let us go once more into lands unknown!" She says as she points to the stairs.

You slowly descend, making sure to check for any traps on the way down. At the end you find... a chemistry lab? There are tubes, bottles, and strange things preserved in green substances.

"This place gives me the creeps," Table says, still using you as a free ride. "Let's just search quickly and get out."

You nod, and quickly look through drawers for anything that could be helpful. You eventually find a bunch of notes, with a lot of them being nearly unreadable. Not really the kind of 'has gone mad' unreadable, just the generally terrible handwriting kind of unreadable. Thankfully, the password is made rather obvious, with one note just saying 'pswd: NeverAlone3915'

You leave the strange lab as fast as you can, as if you were afraid some beast was going to jump out of the darkness at any moment, and slide the door back in behind you.

You try the password, and it works. Table gets off your back and brings a chair to sit down next to you. You're presented with a picture of a man that you think is jack with his Wife, all two of them. Table is startled at first, but she quickly regains her composure.

"Sorry, just thought these were two real people staring at me, it's a picture right?" Table asks.

"You've seen movies plenty of times, how does that still surprise you?"

"I don't know, the basement thing creeped me out so I was on edge, that's all. Anyway, what can you find in here?"

The computer is horribly slow, and it looks like it'll take a while to search through it, even moving the mouse is an ordeal. That's fine though, you can always check the rest later.

What should you check first?

>Text entries
>Text entries
Any information on this place as well as the man himself. Something's gotta help Atlas win at the mana game somewhere.
I do wonder how differently things might have gone if we had picked the Anbee as the winning girl of the quest instead of Table.
>Text entries
>Text entries
>Text entries
We're gonna check everything anyways right? No real reason not to.

I dunno, as much as having a relationship where it's basically impossible to not have a threesome might be funny, i think Table just works better for Atlas.
I fully agree. I just wondered if Jumping Jack having an Anbee wife and then Atlas also having an Anbee gf would line up nicely or not. Personally I'm glad we got the Table route and would never go back on that vote
Oops | voted twice apparently, I was >>6076638
and >>6076572

>Text entries
Table is best girl.


You check the text entries. There's a lot of them, but those that interest you the most are the ones that are neatly ordered numerically. You start with the first entry.

'Log N°1:

It took some time, but the vault is finally done. The hardest part was hardly building it, as much as it was keeping it a secret. My pocket space is not good enough to transport large quantities of material, so I had to set up some basic illusions to keep any unwanted guests off. It's not perfect, but we took great care to bring materials at irregular patterns to avoid raising suspicion. We had to hire outsiders, to make the process look more natural. Of course they never brought it all the way to the vault, only human officials know of this location.

Log N°2:

The turret has been installed, a marvel of human technology. An automatic weapon that uses thermals to find its targets. It can see through illusions, and has been rather accurate on the wildlife thus far. Unfortunately, it is not perfect, some animals here are so cold-blooded that the turret struggles differentiating them from their surroundings, and spirits are unsurprisingly impossible to see for it. I will ask the higher ups if I might improve the design with magic. It is a unique model, it should have unique features.

Log N°3: Yes! Yes! They said yes! I will be allowed to use any spells to improve the vault as I see fit, as long as I share my findings with them. Even so, the amount of spells I can cast is as limited as anyone, so I must pace myself and not go too wild with the changes. The effects of mana fatigue on humans are not well documented, and just because we do not collapse does not mean it does not have some unknown effect.

Log N°4:

I did not pace myself, how could I? The turret has been improved substantially. It has been equipped with a divination spell to notice souls. It still highly relies on thermals for its targetting, as I have found out that trees and some other plants develop a soul when old enough. I have also added more runes to the vault to protect it from phasing spells. It shall be impenetrable!

Log N°5:

The vault got infiltrated by a seeker spirit. No matter how many precautions I take, one always finds a way inside! How much mana must I waste on protecting this place before getting to work? If only I had an outsider assistant...ah, but they'd never let me. 'Humanity above all', after all.

Log N°6:
As shameful as it was, I asked an outsider to lend me their mana. The librarian, the one I get most of my books from. I offered payment, but she said she did not mind. I must admit it bothers me, if she does not ask for payment, is she expecting something else in return? I did not look much into Anbee culture, maybe I should when I have the time.

Log N°7:

Things are going much faster now that I have a steady source of mana. Yes, I may have asked her for more than necessary, but I'm sure the big wigs would understand, it would've taken years otherwise. Still, I noticed my mana increased recently, I wonder if there is a pattern in there...

Log N°8:

Josephine, the librarian I mentioned earlier, is acting strange. She seems interested in what I do, and my struggle. She's asking a lot of questions, and I ponder if she knows what I am up to. She even implied she wanted to meet me alone in the middle of the night. I suspect she might be contracted to kill me, I see no other explanation. Is her mana poisoned? Did I become too dependent on her help? I must find a way to increase my mana post haste so I can stop interacting with her.

Log N°9:

Yes! Yes! I have found a way to improve my own mana substantially! I will need to leave the vault for a short time, I simply need more data to prove my theory correct. Josephine asked if she could accompany me. I would normally refuse, but she might tail me otherwise, it is better to keep her closer so I can keep an eye on her.

Log N°10:

My mana theory was correct! I have made a quick program to guesstimate the amount of mana needed to increase it, however a divination spell should be capable of doing the same thing. Josephine will help me with it. I am not exactly sharing any sensitive human knowledge with her, so it should be fine, I'm sure.

Log N°11:

I may have shared sensitive human knowledge with her, namely the existence of this vault. It slipped, I became too comfortable with her. She said she wasn't surprised, as humans often do strange projects like this. It is fine, she does not know its location.

Log N°13:

My recent discovery makes it so I do not need Josephine for her mana anymore, even so, the lack of guilt bothers me. Even so, it still produced so much mana, how could I let it all go to waste?

"Wait," Table stops you. "Didn't you skip a number, here? 11, then 13, what about 12?"

huh, she's right, there is a log number 12, how did you miss that?

Log N°12:

The turret shot down something today, but the strange part is I could not find the body without a spell to assist me. The corpse is strange, skin stitched up together by worm like insides, still moving after its host's death. That is not the weirdest part, it's that it feels incredibly hard for me to care about it. It is as if this thing's existence is actively redirecting my attention towards other things. This creature looks to be artificially made, by my guess, it was made for war. Its body is highly adaptable, and shows a level of mana I have never seen before. Assuming its ability to be forgotten is inherent to its species, it would also make them fantastic spies to infiltrate enemy lines. I will keep the body to study it later, then bury it, even something like this deserves a proper burial.

Table frowns. "That's... that's a forgotten, too. A forgotten died to that turret, right above us."

"Are you okay, Table?"

She nods. "It's fine, I didn't know them, I don't actually care either, because it's a forgotten we're talking about. It's just weird to read so extensively about another one of my kind, sometimes I just forget I'm not the only one, I guess."

"Do you want me to stop reading?"

She nods. "We can always read the rest later. Did you find anything helpful?"

"I think I'd need to read more of it, but that's fine, I can stop here."

Even though she said she didn't care, she still looks a little bit distressed, and you give her a hug.

"Do you think that's how I'll be remembered?" Table asks, her voice shaking. "Just as an easily skippable footnote in someone's log?"

"I've taken so many notes of you at this point that whoever finds them in the future will remember every facet of you, I'm sure of it."

She lets out a weak laugh. "I'd rather people don't know about all the weird stuff we get up to. If you publish those notes, make sure to only keep the ones that make me look good, okay?"

You both decide you've had enough of the vault and leave to go back to the school. You'll come back later, but for now maybe it's better to spend time doing something else until Table feels better about that dead forgotten. As sad as it is to say, you're sure it won't take very long, she hasn't taken any notes, she'll forget about it soon enough, the truth is, you're already starting to forget about the content of that log.

What should you do for the rest of the week? (2 weeks left before the exam)

>Figure out what the 'Reinforce Belief' spell does, even if the name is pretty telling.
>Maybe you could mix some more spells.
>Learn a spell from a previous magic class (specify which one, cannot be a 'new' spell)
>Figure out what the 'Reinforce Belief' spell does, even if the name is pretty telling.

it's our own personal spell, rewarded to us through a real life side-quest
no way are we not going to play with that thing harder than Table's body
>Figure out what the 'Reinforce Belief' spell does, even if the name is pretty telling.
>only human officials know of this location.
That means it's on record, which could bite us in the ass or help us later
>trees and some other plants develop a soul when old enough
New knowledge, might be very important later. Somebody could go full Lorax with "I speak for the trees. The trees say shut the fuck up."
>one always finds a way inside
Did he ever try simply telling the seekers what the place is so they fuck off? Or did he never know? I figured all the seekers live for is to find out what's what and what's where
>I must admit it bothers me, if she does not ask for payment, is she expecting something else in return?
>She even implied she wanted to meet me alone in the middle of the night. I suspect she might be contracted to kill me, I see no other explanation.
>she might tail me otherwise, it is better to keep her closer so I can keep an eye on her.
Jack was an even worse magic autist that Atlas, wow
>Log N°13:
>artificially made, by my guess, it was made for war.
This raises a lot of questions about what the Forgotten really are. I never stopped to ask if they were a real race to begin with in this setting because they felt natural with the weirdness all over the story

>"Do you think that's how I'll be remembered?" Table asks, her voice shaking. "Just as an easily skippable footnote in someone's log?"
I imagine she had already accepted this but Atlas involved in her life has got her attached and questioning what she's made herself believe
>Figure out what the 'Reinforce Belief' spell does, even if the name is pretty telling.
>Figure out what the 'Reinforce Belief' spell does, even if the name is pretty telling.
How very, very curious. Did he find out a better way to increase one's mana than the basic increase?
>the lack of guilt bothers me. Even so, it still produced so much mana, how could I let it all go to waste?
This has some bad implications
Well that depends on whether he's saying he's guilty because of the way it works, or because he no longer needs Josephine. We do know they (at least according to official records) ended up together and with children.
>Figure out what the 'Reinforce Belief' spell does, even if the name is pretty telling.

Uh, anons
>Log 12 indicates a Forgotten was killed
>Log 13 talks about “it” “still” producing mana and a lack of guilt over something that should trigger it
>Forgotten have incredible mana storage and generation abilities
>Our one close human friend eventually went crazy over the idea of turning magical beings into living mana batteries for a human mage

Yeah, he learned the “secret” to humans casting way more spells than they normally could. It’s the same one we’ve known for a while - use someone else. He probably harvested the body and built a device that can passively produce mana using a mix of human tech and magic with the Forgotten as a core.
What i'm more interested is how he apparently had the backing of the human government.

Did the city try to explore ways for humans to cast magic?
Perhaps it’s related to the worms still alive on the forgotten corpse ? He could’ve harvested those. Also the talk about human supremacy makes it seem like he still managed to work with the human government even after spending a long time outside the walls.
Sounds like Jack was an outside agent for them. The humans gave him everything he needed to set the secret bunker up. I wonder if they'd do the same for Atlas? There should still be a comms relay and similar tech in this place, though whether it still works or not is unknown. Speaking of, I'm curious about the state of the hidden laboratory in this place. We didn't get too deep into it to check it out, but it must be a goldmine like everything else in here. I refuse to let Atlas and Table spill info about this place to anybody else; I'm certain there's at least a few anti-human factions out there that'd magic nuke this place if they knew it existed.

It sounds extremely morally black to use a device like that when we're on the Table route. I'm more interested in the line of thinking that the Forgotten are an artificial race of super stealth soldiers. If they were artificially made, then something must have made them. And if they can still somehow generate mana after death, then the creators of the Forgotten must have known such power to simply create mana. Or maybe the Forgotten racial curse of being ignored by reality is deliberate because it is the way they generate mana as a race, where the more ignored and invisible you are the more mana you have? Is it even a "curse" if that turns out true?
>Is it even a "curse" if that turns out true?
I'm pretty sure that being nearly unable to have normal relationships with people is a curse even if it gives you power. I don't doubt that Table would give up her mana in a heartbeat if it meant having the curse removed.
I agree. We're still not at an answer to the Forgotten curse nor to the human mana problem, but we're getting there. This bunker is a big step forward.
Not to mention the humans themselves, to prevent the outsiders from getting their hands on human tech.
Yeah, he seems like a long-term plant that eventually went native. Perhaps they were hoping he’d find ways around humanity’s restrictions on magic. He clearly succeeded based on his notes, but maybe he never shared the results of his Forgotten test with them.

It’s possible we may eventually be reached out to via intermediaries to continue his work.

I agree, I’m trying to point out we shouldn’t go all-in trying to figure out the secret because we want more magic though. Like you said, we’re on the Table route and I don’t see good things coming from that.

Investigating the Corgotten curse is more reasonable, but I’m a little leery about believing his assumptions. His first thought when his wife expressed interest in him was that he was a spy so he’s clearly biased in his way of thinking towards weapons and spycraft.

The idea they were artificially made has more credence since he’d likely seen enough other magical creatures to understand what was “natural” in the magical world. If we see a later log explaining how Anbees were a failed plot to increase birth rates by a different species then we can shelve that too.

It’s a good enough reason to keep digging into his logs though. He may have figured out more about dealing with the “forgetfulness” curse. How else would he remember whatever he built to provide mana?

Unrelated, I do have a write-in for anons to consider later
>Speak with your immaterial teacher. Tell him you expect to be able to end the world in a several years and you’d like some advice.
If Jack had backers here, it means our friend probably isn’t the only one who really wanted to merge magic and tech. This had backing from people with resources. Whatever Jack built with the Forgotten, it’s something that likely never made it back to the human lands in a condition that would let them replicate it or everyone would know by now when humanity got even for being pushed underground so long.

With that in mind, we’ll have the option of taking it back once we learn enough to build it. I wouldn’t vote for it, but that we COULD is weighty enough. Maybe Jack spoke with Suuri on it when he realized what he could do with his knowledge. Maybe he’ll give us some other piece of knowledge for realizing the other reason we were given the book. After all, he tried ending the world once, but he was alone. Humanity doing shit like transmitting mana via radio waves to satellites to brainwash populations via stronger stuff than Dopamine Surge? They’d finish what he started.

Assuming he even wants that still. I’d ask if he still does.
world domination is wildly out of character for Atlas
finding out how and why Jack used a forgotten to increase his manapool, while dubious, is perfectly in line with our magical autism though

just because we're dating Table, doesn't mean we can't look into the existing research present in the bunker
it's not like the knowledge itself is going to make us evil
>Yeah, he seems like a long-term plant that eventually went native. Perhaps they were hoping he’d find ways around humanity’s restrictions on magic. He clearly succeeded based on his notes, but maybe he never shared the results of his Forgotten test with them.
speaking of that, I wonder why they didn't continue this plan after jack passed away, since he clearly made progress enough for humans to reliably cast spells and have a decent enough manapool with the mana increase cheat.

You want to test your new spell, even if you're not sure what it does. Table says she's willing to be a test subject, and that you can always ask the Divination teacher if something goes wrong, so you meet her up in her dorm.

You both sit cross legged on her bed, and you now have to decide how to cast the spell. You sort of intuitively know how to cast it, but the name implies you're supposed to reinforce a belief; how do you choose what belief to reinforce? That's the question.

In the end, you decide to just cast the spell on Table, and wait for the results.

"Oh! Oooh..." she smiles ear to ear. It's like this is the happiest moment of her life.

"How do you feel?"

"Like I love you a whole lot! A...whole...lot..." she get closer to you with each word. She stares at you with... not lustful eyes, but adoration? Even though you know she loves you, it feels so weird to see her being this in love. Suddenly, her happiness becomes disgust, and she tears herself away from you as if you were filth. "Ew, what? That's- Okay, weird, and gross. It's like... okay, so at first it felt like that feeling when you're really young and in love, right? When you don't know any better, and you feel like that special someone is your whole world, and you can't breathe without them. Then, it felt like I really hated you, like the very idea of your presence was abhorent, and then it just...went away? I guess? I still love you, but the same amount as usual."

"Why did it make you love me more though? Was it just your strongest belief at the time, or?"

"I guess I was just looking into your eyes and thought you were cute, and it held on to that? I think the spell just pick whatever is on the target's mind at the time. Can you cast it on yourself?"

You narrow your eyes at her. "You better not be up to something, but I suppose it wouldn't be fair if you were the only target. Let's see..."

You cast the spell on yourself, but try to think of nothing. You don't succeed, as casting the spell requires you to think about the spell to some extent, and it ends up reinforcing another belief, the one that you're the best spell caster that exists. I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it? If not for your mana, you would've surely outdone everyone here. Didn't the spirit choose you, too? Yes, you're special, you're sure of it. You'll learn every single spell in the world, and when you're done with that, you'll make new ones! That's something only someone as dedicated as you could accomplish! That's what you'd be saying if you had the mana, but you're still so dependent on Table. It takes so long to learn anything, is it even worth it? Maybe you should've just stayed in the human city. Maybe you should've never learned magic in the first place-
It would be funny if they did, but we simply don't know it because they never became renowned or were magic autists enough to reach that level like Jack turned out. Or they all ended up falling for nonhuman women on the way and were considered lost causes by the regime

You slap yourself, what the hell was that? How could you even THINK that? That's scary, both sides were scary. You always thought that keeping a hold on your mind just required high willpower, but you realize how easy it is to be betrayed by your own thoughts when magic is involved.

"This spell is a lot more powerful than I thought," you say as you regain your sense. "It's pretty expensive, though, cost me most of my mana to cast. Would be great in duels, though."

"Maybe you could make the spell last longer with more practice? Or get rid of the negative effect? Surely there are some ways to improve that spell, right?"

She's right, you have a pretty good understanding of the spell thanks to the spirit, and with a little bit of work, you could surely get rid of some of the drawbacks, or make some parts of it stronger.

What part of the spell should you focus on?

>Halves the cost of the spell. (From 50 mana to 25. Current max mana: 60)
>Removes the negative effect of the spell once it wears off.
>Increase both the negative and positive effect of the spell.
>Severely increase the duration of the spell, including the duration of the negative effect.
How interesting, so at first it makes you feel something really strongly, then it makes you feel the complete opposite of that. Hm....I'm not sure exactly. This could be pretty useful in a duel if we were able to find a way to make someone think we're weak.

I'm not sure whether we should go for removing the negative effect or halving the cost though...50 is *a lot* and we definitely won't be able to use it, but 25 is more reasonable.
We should also be careful in case we can't upgrade this again. It didn't say what should we focus on *first*, it just said what should we focus on. If we eventually solve our mana problem, then reducing the mana cost won't be very helpful long term.
Good point, but at the same time, we don't really have any way to control what people think. So we might *want* to use the negative effects.
I think that's a good argument for the third or fourth options. Personally I like the idea of the fourth option, it seemed like the effects were really short from the narration.
I dunno, you're going into territory of fucking with people's minds over a long period of time. Imagine if we cast it on Table while she was thinking of us and she ended up utterly despising us for an elongated period.

Sure, it didn't really do anything to us because we know it's a spell and it was short enough for nothing to happened, but imagine if it was long enough to give her time to do something she couldn't come back from like destroying our diary and all our writings about her.
>we don't really have any way to control what people think
Say things out loud and force them to process it and prime them for the spell. It's mind tricks like "you are now manually breathing" or "don't think of a white elephant" or "you just lost the game"

I agree, this is a double-edged sword and people are capable of many extremes - especially with magic power of their own and a magic spell giving them the motivation and mental impetus to act on their beliefs without morals or social pressure holding them back

>Halves the cost of the spell. (From 50 mana to 25. Current max mana: 60)
This is the safest and is worth it even if we solve the mana pool issue. I want to keep that negative effect for extra mindfuckery. I'm glad this thing is temporary and not permanent
That's just magic in general being dangerous. I don't think we'd recklessly just cast it on Table again.
Even so, I don't like the effects it could have. If it's short, then that's fine - people will be able to realize how strong the swing is, and come back to it.
>Halves the cost of the spell. (From 50 mana to 25. Current max mana: 60)
I just don't like magic that fucks with people's minds. That shit is just bad.
You imply most other people have any minds to fuck with in the first place. Fiction generally has most people sane and non-NPC because the writers are generally sane and non-NPC. If this was real life I'd rightfully abuse the fuck out of a power like this. You're also forgetting every single one of us are and have been mentally fucked with over the course of our entire lives already. Reality is one big puppet show and there's strings all around us

>imagine if it was long enough to give her time to do something she couldn't come back from like destroying our diary and all our writings about her.
This extremely real possibility and consequence alone is enough for me to reject voting to extend spell duration
>Increase both the negative and positive effect of the spell.
Yeah, it’s out of character for him. Again, he’d have that power if he so chose, and it’s not unreasonable to think that other people might try to force us to give up that knowledge if they knew we had it.

I’m saying to ask asking Suuri about this stuff for perspective. To understand why he grew in power, when he realized how he could destroy the world, why he chose it, and how he feels about it after all this time. We may have to deal with others like him in time, ones who may be bent on destroying the world with or without realizing that’s what they’re doing.

I just want my worldbuilding fix anon, please help me.

Without details from Jack on what he did they may not have understood exactly how much potential there was, and the uncertain payoff may have dissuaded them from further pursuit as tech grew. Much like the magical races say “why learn human tech when magic is so convenient” more humans may say “why learn magic when tech is so convenient”.

>Removes the negative effect of the spell once it wears off.

We’d still have the option of the original version with both the positive and negative, and this expands our options slightly more without going further into “are we the baddies” territory. Yet. I guess we’ll see what we think when the human government comes knocking again.

Would this also allow us to cast the negative effect directly? It’d be easier to switch a belief they’re already inclined to that way.

I’d be willing to switch to enhancing the effect as well.
>Halves the cost of the spell. (From 50 mana to 25. Current max mana: 60)
isn't 3 and 4 the same option ?
3 makes the actual effect much stronger, 4 keeps it at the same level for a longer period of time.
I see. I'm still going with reducing the mana cost because we don't have much room for experimentation rn. option 4 sounds nice for an upgrade next time.
> "Sir! We lost Armoured Division Bravo"
> "Whats capable of such destruction?"
> "Sir, women, sir!"
> "My... God..."
>>Increase both the negative and positive effect of the spell.
not option A because as said, that would be taking a short term benefit on a rather powerful spell. not B because using both effects seems like a great stun spell while only the positive effect seems mildly useless. not D because that sounds like a footgun that would turn out to bite us in the butt later in some miscalculated situation
Fuck it changing my vote from >>6077317 to
>Increase both the negative and positive effect of the spell.

Nonhuman pussy too good, a fact in real life too
…what would be non-human irl and sentient, anon ?
>hasn't read a single mythological story in his life
How hard do you think Atlas would cringe if Table started spouting memes like describing herself as "Made for human men"?
Singular, not plural
who mentioned sentience to you? kek
lmao that sounds so terrible
That's implied, anon. The goal is teasing him by spouting stupid porn meme lines.
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a lot, considering that our boy is only horny for her on spikes and isn't keen on those jokes, yet.
Maybe they started to research it, lost interest, and promptly forgot, due to the curse of the Forgotten?

>Removes the negative effect of the spell once it wears off.
The risk even in a duel wirh that snapback/reversal, is that if we trick someone into thinking we're weak and harmless, they'll believe it for a moment, but THEN believe we're really strong and dangerous.
But that's a good thing? That's simply the tenet of "look weak where you're strong and look strong where you're weak" but in mindgame form
Counterpoint, the whiplash of going from "He's totally weak" to "Holy fuck he's ultra strong I'm gonna lose" probably isn't going to be good for their fighting actions either.
Oops, was meant to spoiler that one, mods have mercy on my soul.
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Anyway as the post I just deleted because of picrel was saying, I'll take a break today, will probably update tomorrow.
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>Atlas after Table has him try every size from Naizuri to Paizuri to judge which is best
Our main character will put at least 3 kids in that by the time the quest ends
It may work out sometimes, but I bet we get one or two opponents who react to that "holy fuck he's strong!" switch by hitting us with everything they've got. We also can't say for sure how long he have before the swap. I'd rather a more predictable and consistent spell.
If it's a consistent duration before the flip, we can take advantage of that but so can the opponents if they figure that out. And forcing the opponent to go all out can also work in our favor if we just keep delaying them during it

You try to make the effect stronger. You're not too keen on removing the negative effect, since it looks like it acts as an innate counterbalance to the positive effects to avoid permanent changes to the mind. However making both effects stronger should make it harder to resist, which could give you a massive edge during duels.

It takes some time to change the spell, as you start to realize you don't fully understand how it works even if you know how to cast it. Table explains spirit spells are weird in that they aren't taught manually, but more so beamed directly into someone's brain using magic. However, because of this the caster doesn't understand the spell itself, which means it can't be mixed, and most importantly the caster can't teach it to others. This doesn't mean people can't figure out the spell given enough time, but it's considered really rude to teach a spell you learned from a spirit, as it is a gift from you to them, and sharing the knowledge diminish that gift's value.

You don't fully get it, but you don't want to get on spirit's bad side just yet, so you'll keep that spell to yourself for now, not like you could teach it even if you wanted to.

Practicing that spell is rather unpleasant, even tame and boring subjects can become really intense whenever it's cast. Of course, Table did think of using it to make sex more intense, but then realized that the intense disgust that follows would make it a terrible experience. You think the spell's effect have gotten stronger, but it's like the more of the spell you try to change, the less flexible it becomes. If you actually understood the spell this wouldn't be an issue, but here it feels like you're really pushing at the limit of what the spell can do, maybe you'll be able to figure out a way to get past this limit in the future, but at your current level it's hopeless.

That's useful, but that took away precious time you could've used to complete your Life magic assignment, the one that's supposed to fix the plant. You sort of forgot about that with everything going on, so you better dedicate this week to it.

You're still not sure what's wrong with the plant, as it doesn't look like Give Life makes it better. Maybe you should try to mix spells? The teacher only said it needed to be a life spell that was used, but even if you mix a life spell with a non-life spell, it should still count.

What should you mix? Even if it doesn't work, it can't hurt to learn a new mixed spell.

>Pick two spells to mix (available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g)
>Give Life and remove hurt
Actually, I have an idea.

Why not use Mana Feel + Analyze?

That would tell us what exactly is wrong with the plant. By analyzing its magic.
Good idea, anon

You decide to mix mana feel and analyze. After all, the problem is you don't know what's wrong, if you can figure out what the problem with the plant is, you can then use the right life spell to fix it! Because yes, miss Lazari still told you to use a life spell to fix the plant, but you're sure she won't mind if you use a non life spell to figure out what to use.

Mixing the two spells prove to be rather easy, even if there are some parts that give you trouble. It feels like the way the mana interacts with the spell eludes you, if only...

"Man, if only you had someone with a LOT of mana to practice mana feel on. Maybe that'd help, mhh?" Table not so subtly scoots closer to you.

"Oh yeah, I guess I could do that, how did I not think of that before?"

She frowns. "Haha, yeah, you're...you're kidding, right?"

You feel like you've said something wrong. "I- I don't get what you mean, I was just saying it's weird that I never thought of using mana feel on you before, feels like I'd learn a lot that way."

She inhales, and exhale. "Atlas, what was our first time like?"

"Oh, it was... it was... in your dorm?" You say, uncertain of your answer.

"Yes, and? How did it start?"

"Ah, uh, you...s-started it?" The moment the words escape your mouth, you can already tell it's wrong.

"No. You started getting touchy, that was a whole thing, how do you- I mean-" She breathes so fast it looks like she's hyperventilating. Tears form in her eyes and around the veins on her face.

"I'm sorry I just- I guess it was so long ago, and I don't have time to read all my notes in one morning, so-"

"IT'S FINE! It's fine, right? Because it's not your fault, right? You try your hardest, I can't expect you to just- to just read my biography every time you wake up. But this, our first time, if you should remember anything then it would be- then-"

You don't say anything, you feel like nothing you'd say would help here. You feel like shit, maybe you should've ordered your notes so that it kept all the most important moments with her instead of the most recent ones? But how do you even rank the importance of each thing you do together? Isn't that just cherry-picking your memories with her? Shouldn't you also want to remember the bad things you experienced together?

You try to hug her, but she pushes you away. You just stand there, waiting for her to get better, but it feels like her tears won't end.
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"I'm greedy, aren't I?" She says, sobbing. "I get a boyfriend that cares for me, and an education, and I still want more! Ha! Who do I think I am? Right? I still want my boyfriend to remember every.single.moment we spent together because you- you just keep making me forget that I'm not NORMAL, and I'll NEVER BE! And then, it hits! It comes back like a cockroach that never dies, that feeling that eventually you'll forget me, bit by bit. Am I just your notes to you? Is anything outside of it just- just a guess? Do you even know I'm your girlfriend when you wake up, or do you think you're just single?"

You take a deep breath of your own, and speak. "You're right. The notes, they're just a bandaid, as long as I rely on them, I'll never be able to live a normal life with you. That's why I'll find a solution."

"Like what? You think I haven't looked? You think I haven't TRIED!? I searched everywhere, every stupid book but everything is treating the symptoms with no cure in sight! Like I'm a disease that we just want to cover with a blanket and not think about anymore!"

"I don't know, but I'll try. I'll find a way, I'll dedicate my entire life to it if I have to, but I'll make sure that one day I can remember every single bits and pieces of your existence- no, even higher, I'll make sure everyone can remember you. I can't call myself a real mage if I don't solve problems that seem impossible with magic, right?"

Tears are still rolling down her face, but she doesn't look as angry anymore. "...but what if you never find a way to fix me?"

"Then I'll have spent my life knowing I've tried, spending time with someone I love, and that's good enough for me."

"...you're so-" She wipes out the tears, some tendrils popping out to snag out of her face for her. "You're so corny. So stupid, think you can solve my curse by yourself?" She says that, but she's smiling. "I must be even more stupid, because for some reason, I believe you."

She doesn't apologize for lashing out, but you can see the guilt on her face, and you think it's normal to be a little mad at the life she's been given. It was never directed at you, she just wanted something to blame, forgetting your first time was just the perfect target for her anger.

You're almost done mixing the spell. Even though Table was coming unto you before, she's clearly not in the mood anymore, which is not great because using mana feel on her really would help you figure out how to add the finishing touches to the spell. Aaah, you need to find a way to make her feel better.

Maybe a date would help her get her mind off things? You have to come up with something.

>Movie night.
>Just hang out in the vault, no research, just have fun.
>Propose to read some stuff she wrote like you promised.
>Something else? (Write in)
>Propose to read some stuff she wrote like you promised.
Poor Table. We promised we'd do it, so this seems like the best option.
I didn't expect an argument like this to happen
Well it was kinda inevitable innit? We don't really see it happen, but Atlas has to read his memory book every single time he wants to remember her. Unless we can find some sort of 'clarity hat' that lets us basically have clarity cast on us permanently, we'll keep forgetting her.

Of course, I don't think it's *unsolvable*. It's more likely that most people just don't care - or even remember the Forgotten enough to invest their time in trying to cure them. Table herself said that moment Forgotten are just...bad people. How many of them do you think have Mage friends who are willing to invest their time in trying to figure out a cure for their problem? It's always harder to figure out a cure for your own problem.
Also, ask her to make some notes of her own, about the things she wants us to remember the most, and we'll put that right at the top of our Table Tome.

Actually, speaking of magic hats, we really haven't gone to the town a lot have we? Kind of a shame we don't have much money, i feel like we could probably get some cool magic items to help speed us along if we were able to afford it.

If i remember correctly, one of our teachers, Nina, had a very specific version of the clarity spell that was made to specifically help with getting around the Forgotten curse. If we were able to get some sort of item that had this, and then find a way to basically permanently apply it to us, that could help us remember.

Alternatively, i also just had this idea - what if we were to have some sort of delayed 'knowledge injection'? Basically, every now and then, in some set interval, we'd have all the important memories we have of Table just injected into our noggin. We know there's such a thing, given that it's how we learned that spirit's spell. We'd probably need some sort of magic spell to 'plant thoughts' into people first, though, which we'd then combine with delay.

Obviously, our long term goal is still to find a way to break this curse - but i doubt we'll be able to do that any time soon at the rate we're learning magic. So our shorter term goal shoudl just to progress from 'bandaid' to 'duct tape' - something that isn't perfect, but it's good enough that we don't have to make Table suffer through moments such as these.
>don't really see it happen
I gotta remember this for my own writing
>'clarity hat'
Or something like an earring that's stuck to Atlas until he removes it, and isn't as easily or thoughtlessly removed like a hat would be?
>Mage friends who are willing to invest their time in trying to figure out a cure for their problem?
I can assume there must be mages out there way into obscure and mysterious shit and see it as their ticket into the history books, so a few might have business with Forgotten as their personal focus and project.

>make some notes of her own, about the things she wants us to remember the most, and we'll put that right at the top of our Table Tome.
Also a great suggestion

Going to talk to the Divination teacher is a must. Learning how that spell helps with remembering the Forgotten might also give us a lead on more spells to investigate
>delayed 'knowledge injection'
Definitely something to hold onto and bring up to Table and Nina
>progress from 'bandaid' to 'duct tape'
>don't have to make Table suffer through moments such as these
I REFUSE to abandon Table route
We WILL solve this curse
>Going to talk to the Divination teacher is a must.
That seems like a good idea, yeah. Too bad we don't know how to actually put a spell into an item, though.

As much as male earings can look kinda cool with the right style, i think i have a more 'romantic' idea - a magic ring. Sounds pretty cute, right?
Rings can slip off. Rings can be removed. Rings can be lost. Rings can be stolen. Rings can break. I don't trust them right now
But despite my post in >>6078849 I do like the idea. Are we really going to do the cool rings thing again like we did in Curse Carrier?
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And earrings can't? I'd say a ring on your ring-finger is probably a lot easier to keep track off than an earring given that most married people are able to keep them literally all the time.

Plus it's cute and romantic. We can even have some inscription to help us remember like picrel.
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Atlas is that ride or die kinda bitch.
>Find some camping supplies and spend a night in the forest.
She did mention she’d secretly hoped to get lost with us out there our first time out, but mentioned all the problems with sleeping out there. I’m hoping the town has some supplies for it given the proximity to a magically-challenged academy that may not have all the magic needed to build a shelter.

I’m suggesting this over the exiting since I don’t want to noticeably forget bits of what she’s written while we edit and make things worse right after a short meltdown.

Although if we write what she wrote, would that let us (and others) safely read it? Food for thought.
I'd imagine we would get clarity before we were to do such an action, right? Maybe ask for Dill to cast it since we don't really have the time to learn it right now.
>Propose to read some stuff she wrote like you promised.
>Propose to read some stuff she wrote like you promised.

"Hey, Table, how about you show me some of the stuff you've written?" You ask as you put down the book on spell mixing.

"Now? Are you sure, the exams are right around the corner, so-"

"It's fine! We'll finish it later, and I really want to know what your writing is like anyway."

It doesn't look like she wants to show you, but you eventually manage to convince her to bring you to her dorm, where you can read her stuff. She keeps reminding you how bad it is on the way there, and that you 'really don't have to', but you're sure she's just exaggerating.

When you enter her dorm, she checks her drawer for a folder containing a bunch of paper notes tied together by a string. "No... not that one... that- that one is just straight up smut. Hey, Atlas, what kind of stories are you into?"

"Adventure, I guess? I wasn't much of a reader, but I liked movies and games with magic," you reply, sitting on the bed, patiently waiting for her to find something she's satisfied with.

"Of course you did, I'm not sure if I have something like that... ah, wait, I do. I mean, it's a romance first and foremost, but there are also some mysteries in there, never finished it."

You glance at her bookshelf. "There's a lot of romance stuff in there, I assume you really like that type of story?"

There's a hint of embarrassment on her face. "I... I guess I just liked the idea of some prince charming coming out of nowhere to save me. I kept telling myself that as long as I tried to be a good person, then somehow, I'd be rewarded. Cause that's how these stories usually go, right? Poor innocent girl persecuted by the world, but one day, her goodness shines through and someone special recognizes her efforts. Sometimes it's a spirit granting her a wish, or a hot guy, something like that." She throws a folder full of pages to you. "Looking back on it, it was a little childish, but it kept me sane for long enough to meet you, so I'll call that a win!"

You open the folder and take a look at the first few pages. "Am I... am I your prince charming?"

"No. It's selfish to see you that way, isn't it? You don't exist as a 'reward' for me, and I don't exist for you either. I think... I think it's just time for me to act like a real person, if that makes sense? And that means treating you as if you're real too- which you are! Sorry, I'm barely making sense, just read the damn pages."

You do as she asks, and flip through the pages given to you. It's not very long, takes about 30 minutes to read it all. It's not as boring as you expected, considering it was written by her. It's not phenomenal writing or anything, but a lot of the character's personalities are shown rather well through their actions, and you can believe in the main couple's chemistry. Table looks at you anxiously as you deliver your verdict.

"It's pretty good," is all you say.

"I think some parts drag on a little too long, and there's that character that's introduced, and I do nothing with him, it's actually a scrapped scene that I-"

"It's pretty good, Table. It's not mind blowing, but it's easy to read, and I would mind you continuing the story. I'm not even saying that to make you feel better, I genuinely believe that."

She still looks embarrassed, but in a happy way this time. "Uh, d-do you want to read more stuff? It's still not good but..."

And just like that, you end up reading through most of her work. There's a little bit of everything, fan fiction, unfinished novels, and short stories. You notice that the more 'self-insert' a character feels, the more boring it feels to read, and you don't think it's because self inserts tend to be more boring in general, you're pretty sure her curse somehow recognizes that she tried to inject more of herself into specific characters. You're not sure if her curse somehow recognizes characters that are supposed to represent her, or if all that mattered was her intent during writing.

The quality varies greatly, but she does have a knack for conveying her characters in a compelling manner, which is interesting for someone that doesn't have a lot of social experience. Apparently it's due to the fact that a lot of the characters she wrote were inspired by real people she watched on her free time. She apparently even followed some people in their own home to see how they acted behind closed doors. She makes absolutely sure you understand she wasn't perving on them or anything, and that it was just to get what a normal person's life was like. You decide to believe her, since even if she can be pretty horny at times, you don't think she actively did anything without your consent, not like you can remember it all at the moment.

"Hey," Table stops your reading. "Did you check your notes about our first time today?"

"Ah- Sorry, it felt kind of disrespectful to check them right away after what you said. Do you want me to check them now?"

She shakes her head, "No, I want to tell you myself. Because..." she takes the page you were reading. "I was writing this, that day. Then, I get a knock at the door, from you, after I said I wanted some time alone. I remember being a little annoyed, actually, because I lost a cool idea I had in my head at the time. Whatever, no big deal, I open the door, and here you are, asking me if you can practice mana feel with me."

She gets closer.

"Of course, I'm still annoyed, but it's not that big of a deal, can't complain about someone showing attention to me, right? So I tease you a little. I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was something rather suggestive, and you took me up on it, for 'practice'. I kept getting more suggestive, thinking 'this time, he'll back off', 'surely, that's too far for him'. But you kept going, and there was this part of me that felt a little dirty, right? Because I wasn't even sure if you knew what you were doing. It felt like I was manipulating a child that didn't know what sex was into doing dirty things. But then, you just-"

She puts her hand under your shirt and reaches upward. "Squeeze. You just, you just looked at me straight in the eye and I knew, I KNEW that you were aware of what you were doing. My brain just stopped right here, I wasn't prepared mentally at the idea that you'd be the one catching me off guard. Somehow, I still felt dirty, because it felt like the only reason you'd go for someone like me, is because my illusion was doing too good of a job at keeping my real self hidden. So I just shed that off, and go 'that's the real me, haha'. And you just didn't care! At all! If anything, it felt like it turned you on even more!"

You scratch your head. "I do remember now, huh, looking back on it wasn't I a little bit too forward, here?"

She laughs. "I never pushed you away, and the moment I said 'wait' you gave me a breather. You expressed your intent to mana feel me, and I gave you the go ahead. Even if I wasn't into you, I'd have no one but myself to blame for you taking me seriously when you said before you weren't the best at picking up on that kind of stuff."

Yeah, but you can't help but realize how awkward it would've been if she pushed you away and you really did misread her this entire time. The idea of losing her even as a friend makes you really sad, although you suppose it's a good thing it worked out in the end.

"So!" She opens up her arms, a grin forming on her face. "Wanna mana feel me up? Just so you can mix the spell, of course."

You nod. "Right, purely professional." You realize her hand is still under your shirt, and it goes down. She's caressing your mana with her own mana feel, and it gives a strange tingly feeling. You try to keep your composure, and study her mana flow with analysis and mana feel. You've almost figured it out, but your mind is going blank, she touches you here and there.


You split a vein near her belly, and she squirms. Her mana goes here, and then here. She's using mana feel right now which means she's casting a constant spell, so if you touch here-

"Hey, Table, can you stop moving? I think I'm unto something here."

She gives you a weak nod, holding on to the blanket as best as she can. Yes, yes! You got it! That's what you were missing! You just need analyze certain movements within the mana, not all of them! You stand back and proclaim your success to Table.

"I did it! I mixed the spell, now-"

"No you haven't." She drags you back in there to finish the job, and you have to keep using mana feel as if you didn't already come up with a solution. She does call you a good boy, which you decide to take as a compliment on your spellcasting ability and not the other thing.

(Mana Analysis learned. This spell can detect more accurately the flow of mana within people, spells and enchantment. You can use it to get a general idea of what a spell does as it is being cast, or what a rune may do. Makes mana rip much easier to use as you have a greater understanding the spell you are trying to dispel)
(I think the next update will be a dungeon, and I'm going to need some more time to prepare that, along with balancing the mana cost of most spells.)
Cool, but shouldn't we figure out what's wrong with the plant first? And heal it?
It'll be addressed in the next update too, yes
This mutual mana feeling reads like they're both getting each other off. I like that
Getting Table human books sounds like a good future thing to do
>You notice that the more 'self-insert' a character feels, the more boring it feels to read, and you don't think it's because self inserts tend to be more boring in general, you're pretty sure her curse somehow recognizes that she tried to inject more of herself into specific characters. You're not sure if her curse somehow recognizes characters that are supposed to represent her, or if all that mattered was her intent during writing.
This feels VERY IMPORTANT!!! to investigate for the curse breaking
It seems like her lower belly is a weakspot for her.

This gives me an idea for if we ever end up being paired to duel Table in the obligatory duels. An official one that is.

I guess it implies that the curse seems to work from her point of view, in a way? So in order to decide what exactly counts as being 'them' for erasing anything they write about themselves, the curse has to work from what the forgotten themselves considers to be themselves. This would imply that it's not just an immutable magic field, but rather something with some flexibility.
>her lower belly is a weakspot for her
Isn't that the same for all girls? :^)
>not just an immutable magic field, but rather something with some flexibility
Absolutely something to point out to Table because I doubt she's even aware of it

Ah. It looks like you went too far. She collapsed. Straight up fell down on the floor convulsing, well, she enjoyed it at least. You pick her up and put her to bed.

You start to clean the mess she made using the hydrophobia orb you kept in your pocket space. She's already falling asleep, you spent a lot more time reading than you thought, taking a look at the window, it's already pretty dark outside.

You use mana analysis on the plant, and it finally starts to make sense. It looks like the plant can't get as much sunlight as normal because of some curse. The curse is very basic, and rather easy to destroy with mana rip. Still, weren't you supposed to use a life spell for this? Unfortunately, you don't have time to come up with a more sophisticated solution with the life spells already at your disposal, so mana rip will have to do. You do use Give Life to make the plant get back to health faster once you disable the curse, which hopefully should be enough to count.

You take a loot at Table's plant, and notice her plant's curse is slightly different, as this one instead takes away nutrients from it. The principle is the same, but it's not something you'd be able to figure out without mana analysis or testing a lot of spells.

You spend a lot of the night awake, re-reading Table's stuff. It's interesting to see that part of her, and you can tell so much about what she was like when she was a kid by what she wrote at that age.

You do notice some scenes that all books have in common, the most noteworthy one is the 'hair brushing scene'. You're not sure why hair brushing, but every time something happens that makes it so one character, usually the girl, couldn't brush her hair in the morning, and another character has to do it for them, usually the love interest. It doesn't look like a fetish or anything, but the way she writes it still makes it sound very intimate.

You have an idea. First, you wait for the cafeteria to open in the morning to get some food, then come back to Table's dorm without waking her up, you set down your laptop in front of her, along with some food, including hot chocolate. You seal the tray with the food to the wall to make sure it doesn't fall over, and have it far enough from her so that she doesn't knock the cup of chocolate over while waking up.

Perfect, perfect. She wakes up, stretching her arms as she open one of her eyes. That's when you decide to gently place the hairbrush in her hair, and slowly brush them.

"...huh?" She looks at the breakfast, then at the laptop, then back at you. "Ah- what's all this? I'm- is this about yesterday? I'm really not mad, I promise!"

"No, I just felt like doing something nice," you reply, putting the hairbrush on the other side of her head. "Did I overdo it? I felt like it'd be nice, I couldn't sleep anyway."

She unseals the cup from the tray, and takes a sip. She stiffens up every time you plunge the brush into her hair. "No, it's... it's nice." She tears up a little bit. "A little too n-nice. It feels like I'm in heaven."

You start a movie on the laptop, and get under the blanket with her after you finish brushing her hair. "There's the exam today, I fixed up my plant, yours has a nutrient problem, but I didn't want to fix it for you since that might be against the rules."

She nods, still a little out of it. "That's nice... v-very nice."

"...are you crying?"

"I'm just very happy, okay! I never had something like this! Just- just give me a moment to take it all in, alright?" She takes another sip of hot chocolate. "I love you so much."

"Me too."
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Unfortunately, you don't get to enjoy the moment for very long as you both need to go back to your respective dorms in the afternoon, but it was still a very nice chill morning with her. There were a lot of tears involved, but she said these were happy tears so it must be fine.

As usual, a portal shows up, and you find yourself in an unfamiliar space. It's dark, but you can still see what's in front of you. You hear the voice of the summoning teacher come out of the walls once again.

"Hello! This exam will be easier, or harder, depending on how you handle it! Not inherently complicated, but all I'll say is that you are not alone. The main goal has not changed however, find the exit! Good luck!"

You...aren't alone? That sounds ominous. You take a peek at the many paths before you, but all of them are too dark to see very far into. You notice that the surrounding darkness is following you almost. It's kind of like you're the light source in a way. Mana feel doesn't tell you much info on said darkness, but as far as you can tell it's not magical, which means something must be producing light for you. You try to find anything useful in the hallway, but unlike the previous dungeons, you have nothing to work with. The floor and walls are made of stones sealed up together, and the embargo won't even allow you to take the hydrophobia orb out, which makes you wonder what the point of that reward even is if you can't use it for exams.

You hear a big stomp far away from you, but with the darkness, it is exactly. You wait, and after a minute, you hear another big stomp. What the hell is that? You're not sure if you really want to know, but you have a sneaking suspicion you'll need to if you want to complete this dungeon.

How should you start off this dungeon?
Mana: 65/65

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>Write in
Aaaand we're back! Okay...so there's clearly something in the darkness. Try to cast analysis or mana feel (not mana analysis, the free versions)
Also, should we try casting Bright Sight? I feel like this might be necessary. Unless the brightness that surrounds us actually works against the bright sight?
We AVOID big step's direction. Explore north, starting with the door to the north

What a touching scene. Too bad things like this cannot happen in real life. That's what makes them fiction, and what makes this GOOD fiction
I wouldn't run blindly into the north either. If we're not casting bright sight, we should move slowly, and preferably checking out for mana.
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You decide to go north, since the last thing you want is to run into whatever is south of you. You try to use mana feel to find anything odd on the way here, but it looks pretty empty. The only thing you can find is some sort of pressure plate at the intersection between multiple paths, you try to find a way around it, but it looks like you need to go through it in order to go deeper.

You can barely catch the glimpse of a lever beyond your sight, but using mana feel you can tell the pressure plate is too big for you to jump around it, and it looks VERY sensitive. Unfortunately, you can't quite tell what the pressure plate does, as far as you can tell it's more mechanical than it is magical, an oddity in this magic fueled dungeon.

You hear another step, the thing gets closer to the main hallway.

What should you do?

Mana: 65/65

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>Write in
Use pocket space to pull the lever.
+1. I wonder if we could use Shortcut to find the exit itself, for that matter...?

>Too bad things like this cannot happen in real life. That's what makes them fiction
Making breakfast in bed for someone and brushing their hair?
> I wonder if we could use Shortcut to find the exit itself, for that matter...?
I don't think so. It might lead us to the door, but not the way to open the thing itself.

The real question is whether we should use seal on it...fucking hell, why haven't we learned unseal yet? Seriously. We need to learn unseal.
+1 on this, pull the lever and see what it does.

Naw, not yet. Better to check what it does first. We can't unseal it if we do.
Yeah, that


We do need Unseal soon

Hold up
>the pressure plate is too big for you to jump around it
Do we need to juke the big stepper onto the pressure plate? Then run to the south?
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You use pocket space to try to get to the lever, but you can't put your hand through two portals. You do find a workaround by using a shoe to reach the lever. You save up on a little bit of mana by using your improved spell displacement method, albeit not much.

You pull down the lever, and you hear a rumbling sound, and a wall forms between you and the pressure plate. You try to pull the lever back up again, but doing so with your shoe is much harder than pulling it back up.

That's fine, you can just go around it, or that's what you'd do but...

you hear something stomping in your direction, it's still not very fast, but compared to the speed at which it was going before, it's a light jog. That can't be good.

What should you do?

Mana: 48/65

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>Write in
alright, if this wall was on the other side, things'd be easier. we have to try push the lever again and then try using the plate since we can't go back.
(also, you actually have 51 mana left, not 48, because your spell displacement didn't cost anything since you trained on it)
I'm pretty sure that's not gonna work anon. I'm not sure why we would need it in the first place given we explicitly increased our range with the moving portal trick, but we're probably not gonna be able to push it by using our shoes.

Well, I guess if we needed it, we could do it by putting our shoe inside the lever ball upside down and then pulling it. That would also give us more room to hold.
We can use the shoe to pull the lever up, right? Manifest the pocket space portal in a way where we can do that. I think we definitely need to juke the beast to get iut of here safely
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No i mean like put the shoe in the lever ball and pull.

You try to get a better grip on the lever, but it's pointless with the way the portal is currently set, and you're forced to cast another space pocket to pull the lever up properly.

The wall goes down, but you still have that pressure plate in front of you, and-

Oh no.

You turn around, and far away, but not far enough, you see a bright red eye in the darkness. Its body ever so slightly illuminated by the reflection of what looks like metallic limbs. You can't tell much from there, but it reminds you of some of the security bots you'd sometimes see in stores back in the human city.

It stares at you, and you hear the sound of water boiling from afar. You have a bad feeling about this.

Mana: 41/65

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>Write in
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(also forgot to post the quick drawing, not like you can see much of it)
Hmm, I'm thinking we gotta skedaddle...but at the same time, I feel like we're supposed to get this thing to be the one who steps in the plate.

Any ideas of how to get across without triggering the thing? I will say we should keep our portal handy in case we need to turn off the lever again.
I say we get on the plate. If it puts up a wall between us and the monster, great. If not, we get off the plate and rush the lever to pull it and get the east wall up to save us
Alright, good enough.
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You don't really have much of a choice, so you step on the pressure plate, hoping for the best. You hear something triggers, and dozens of metal spikes start appearing from the wall. You freeze, trying to find a way to dodge the spikes, but thankfully, none of them are aimed towards the plate's center. Yes, the spikes are now more akin to the metal bars of a prison as they block every single path you could take. The bars are too many for you to slip through, but if you're lucky...

You hear a loud slam as your pursued collides with the bars. It looks like the bars are made to keep this thing in check, as there isn't so much as a scratch on them.

You still can't get a good look at it, because you're too busy staying as far away from it as you can. You reckon it wouldn't be too hard to deactivate the pressure plate by just holding on to either the bar or something you sealed on the wall.

This thing is still staring at you from the dark, and even though you can't see its form clearly, you can still notice a dangling key attached to what you think is its neck like a necklace. You don't think it has an attack that can go through the bars, but that doesn't mean you feel safe here. The portals are still on the other side of the bars, you could always create another one, but you're starting to get tired of using all your mana on pocket spaces, then again, what else can you do?

Mana: 41/65

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>Write in
Hmmm...Well, we clearly need ot get that creature stuck. As much as i'd like to risk it and just try to deactivate the lever then make a run for it, it's not likely, so the obivous plan is to deactivate the plate, go to the LEFT, then turn off the lever.
We also need to get the key from them to be able to make it out of here. Also I got sudden paranoia that the lever is a directional wall. We were on the right when we pulled it, so the wall was there. If we're next to the lever when we pull it, will there be a new wall between us and the plate space and game over us? I think our position is strong as it is. We're "stuck" but the monster can't get us. Figuring out a way to secure the key with it in range is ideal because we might not have another chance
Except, anon, we don't want the monster to decide to go around. We need to get him stuck in the cage, and THEN we can grab the key.
Could we bait it to try to get Atlas, but then we trigger the plate again and the wall spikes impale it? Then we can seize the key and quickly run away
Is it smart enough to avoid falling for a trick like >>6081274? Risky but doable
We're not sure it's a physical being, though - and regardless of what we do, we're going to need ot use another portal to deactivate the lever to get that wall to go down.

Again, we're not sure if that thing is a physical being that *can* be impaled.
There's 2 others ways out to the main hallway we can use. If it wasn't a physical being then there wouldn't be an onvious caging gimmick here. "It looks like the bars are made to keep this thing in check, as there isn't so much as a scratch on them." is what is evident
Anon, 'phyiscal' doesn't mean 'corporeal'. I'm simply saying that that's a gamble that we have no reason to take when the solution is obvious.
So your plan is get off the plate then rush to the west hallway?
The plan is to get off the plate, rush to the west hallway while deactivating the lever. The creature walks into the pressure plate.
Oh right we did the lever and dropped the wall to rush the pressure plate. Ok then let's go with your plan

You take a deep breath, and put your plan into action. It's quite simple, let go of the pressure plate by grappling on one of the bars, and make a run for it. The bars moving makes it hard to keep a hold of them without falling, but you do manage to slip out to the west path that way. You look behind you expecting the thing to follow you, but it doesn't. You can see the red eye go back, engulfed by the darkness once more. It looks like it's aware of the pressure plate, so it won't be so easy to trick.

It's probably going to try to meet you on the other side, but going past the pressure plate isn't that hard even without magic, so you're not too worried about being cornered.

What should you do now?

Mana: 41/65

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>Write in
We can experiment with the lever now while we have time to ourselves. If the lever wall is active then the right hallway becomes a dead end we do not want to be on. If we Seal the plate down, all 3 paths become dead ends and we lose.
Well, that's annoying. Uh...last idea, since we can't use reinforce belief, use bright sight first so we finally see what the fuck is this stupid ass creature. I'm fuckin' tired of it. Let's see if we can impale it or not.
Fuck it +1
We need that key for the exit to the south. In fact I don't know if we need that monster over there for a separate puzzle. But if you look at the map there are 2 hallways. We can try to juke the beast with that, but if both south paths are dead ends it's game over

You use bright sight to get a better view of your surroundings. You can't find anything out of the ordinary apart from, of course, your pursuer.

You look at it, and the best way you can describe it is some kind of giant golem with a glowing core on its head. It isn't all solid, and it has flowing liquids between each joints. Everytime it makes a movement, some steam flows out of its crevices.

Now that you can actually see it, you cast analysis on it.

Boiling Golem:

A golem that is mostly used for heavy manual labour because of its slow, heavy movement. Capable of lifting massive weights and destroying most walls should it want to. Those golems are smart enough to avoid traps, but they are notoriously bad with object permanence, and often tend to forget a previously known threat if they cannot hear or see them anymore. They are capable of severely increasing their speed by boiling the liquids inside them, but this can make their movement awkward and unwieldy.

Oh yeah, you remember reading something about those golems once. Looks like analysis unearthed some old memory to get that info, it's a good thing you stayed informed back in the human city.

Anyway, you juke the golem again, you start wondering if there isn't a way to trick it somehow. You just can't get to the other side of the plate fast enough for it to step into the plate, the bars always stop it beforehand.

Then again, even if you trap it, how are you supposed to get the key? Maybe you could explore other spots instead, but if they lead to a dead end, that's really bad.

Mana: 26/65

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>Write in
I had an idea.

What if we were to try to crush the giant with the lever wall? It has poor object permanence so it'll forget all about it. Get the golem to go on the eastern side door again. Then when it's about to pass over the wall, boom.

Actually, i supposed we should first try out to see if it isn't "directional". Since the golem seems to take another way around every time we bar the doors, all we need to do is wait until it's gone far enough down the corridor, and then try it, so even if it's directional and it 'seals us in', we can turn it off.

If we can crush it, then it'll be, you know, dead.
If that fails, we could try to follow the traditional path of losing clothes to solve a puzzle.

Drop our shirt through a portal to cover its glowing core since that’s probably where it “sees” from, use Seal to lock it in place, then guide it over the trap. It’ll forget it’s there, and we can likely guide it by making noise.

I’d prefer to do your plan first since it’s cheaper and I’m unsure if we can even fit something as large as our shirt through the portal.
> I’m unsure if we can even fit something as large as our shirt through the portal.
I don't think so. Though maybe we could lose our clothes to cover the pressure plate? We'd probably need to strip our pants off too, though.
And thus we’d complete our transformation into a shameless exhibitionist when it benefits us.

Still, we’ll call that plan B.
You gotta do what you gotta do, even if it means walking back to our dorm in our underwear. Hopefully we'll be able to just crush the giant with the wall, though. Obviously we should test it out before to check if it isn't directional.
Also i should add, that if the pressure plate's too big to cover with our shirt, we should just cover the 'seams' between the floor and the pressure plate in the direction the golem's coming. The golem shouldn't be able to tell the difference
I'm backing whatever plan these madmen cook up. I see no way out other than dealing with the golem and taking the key
Well, on second thought… a word of caution. We were told this challenge was easier or harder depending on how we tackle it, and it’s possible that trapping the golem early is the “harder” route since it’s something we can’t undo.

Since the thing is pretty slow unless it speeds itself up (then it gets awkward in moving), should we check down south first? We may need it to break something before we imprison it.
Good point. Let's check the southern place while we still have our bright sight. It's slow, so we can probably get a good lead on it.
I should specify, I'm >>6081586
ok backing >>6081626 >>6081631
juke this motherfucker
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You think of covering up the pressure plate with your clothes, but the plate's too big to easily cover even if you somehow stretched i as far as you could.

You decide to check the south first, and it looks like the golem isn't following you. It looks like it doesn't have good enough hearing to hear your footsteps, but it can hear things like you pulling the lever. It seems like he's likely to check the last place it last saw you in too, so it's pattern is rather predictable.

You explore the rest of the dungeon, and you can find a pit. It's so deep that you can't see the bottom even with bright sight. Mana feel doesn't show anything special about it either, which implies it's either mechanical, or it really is just a deep pit.

There is also a room with a skeleton attached to a wall. The bones look slightly magical, but you can't tell exactly why. There's also a door nearby that has a key you presume can be opened with the golem. If it really is as simple as grabbing the key from the golem, maybe this dungeon really is more straightforward than the others, but that doesn't make getting the key any less of a pain in the ass.

You hear the golem pass by, and your heart stops. Thankfully, it's too big to get into the skeleton room, so it doesn't wander here.

Mana: 26/65

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>Write in
Okay, seems like we need to go with the plan anyway. Run out and get the golem to follow us into the EASTERN path. While it may not be willing to step into the plate, the last time it followed us very close to the cage, so we should be able to crush it with the wall.
Also, if the test decides to make itself even more annoying than what it already is and make the wall directional, i say 'fuck it' and let's just use a portal so we can bait the giant anyway. I don't know. I'm tired of this shit. I hate this stupid dungeon.
Is the golem key a red herring? Is there a literal skeleton key right there?
Maybe there is, but i dont want the golem to end up trapping us here by camping the only entrance. I'd rather kill it first.
The golem has notoriously bad object permanence, but will check the last place it saw us?
It remembers us enough to go all the way around after we bring up the cage. The thing seems to know where we are somehow. I'd rather not risk getting trapped. Let's just try to use the door trick first please? Maybe it'll work.
Okay then, I have no complaints

It does remember where you were, but it also doesn't think of you as 'active' if it can't see you. It kind of thinks you just freeze in place the moment you're out of its sight, and it can't really fathom the idea of something being alive and moving if it's not looking at it. It's less object permanence and more activity permanence in a way.

This actually gives me an idea. I still want to try to crush him with the door first, but if that doesn't work, we should try to throw our shirt over his 'head' and then seal it in place

You decide to bait it from the eastern path. You get past the pressure plate the same way you did before, and try to bait the golem closer using the moving wall's noise. It's a little hard but you can wave at the golem from behind the wall without triggering the pressure plate, and it looks like it's enough to tick it off.

You can't see the golem from here, but you can hear it stomping closer. You pull the lever and-

You hear a loud crash as the golem...crashes through the wall. You didn't time it right, and all it did was get in the way of its charge. It wasn't all for nothing though, as slamming against the wall managed to put it off balance, and it falls forward on the pressure plate. However, only the upper half of its body touches the plate and its body gets impaled by the spikes.

The golem struggles, but its attempt to leave the pressure plate only causes the spike to fall down and go up again, repeatedly skewering it. It takes a while, but you see it run out of energy as its red eye grow dimmer, and the liquid inside it flows lifelessly out of it.

It's... dead, isn't it? It looks dead. And sure, you were planning on crushing it against the wall, but that works too, does it really matter if it wasn't intended? The principle was the same, crushed by a mechanism.

Thankfully, the bars aren't all the way up to the top since they've been stopped from doing so by golem parts, the body's just too tough for the spikes to go all the way through it. That's good for you, as you can just climb the bars, grab the key and leave.

Wow, you've completed this dungeon using only pocket space! And bright sight, and analysis... kind of disappointing. There were a few other things in this dungeon, and you've got some mana left? Maybe you could find something here. Or you could just leave, up to you.

Mana: 26/65

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>Write in
>attached to a wall
Check the skeleton for any mana stuff, otherwise just go.
+1, check around for stuff before leaving
>confirm the skeleton isn’t actually an undead waiting to ambush you, man it’d suck to get clocked after you solved the puzzle
+1 for real

You check the skeleton more thoroughly, and realize that a spirit might be tied to it. You don't have much to lose by casting spirit sight, so you do so. The spirit looks like a glowing wisp, and starts speaking when it sees you noticed it.

"Sorry," the wisp says. "I was supposed to help you get the key if it fell into the pit, or distract it, but it looks like you're already done."

You point to the skeleton. "What's that for?"

It possesses the skeleton, and casts a spell to unseal itself from the wall. The skeleton now moves around in jagged movements. "My 'quest' was supposed to ask you to find a way to detach the skeleton from the wall. I can already do that, but it's part of the test, you see. I'm afraid I can't offer much."

"Wait, can you unseal the core of the golem, so I can bring it home?"

"What?" the skeleton's head turns around. "Hey, can he do that?"

After about a minute of silence, the voice of the summoning teacher answers. "Normally, I wouldn't let him, not an official reward and all that, but I'm curious to see what he'll do with it, so go ahead!"

The skeleton shrugs, and it shambles towards the golem, and unseals the core from its body. "Golems aren't quite alive, so material spells work on them, but some golems do count as alive depending on how they're made, it's confusing."

It is weird how this spirit just talks like a normal guy. You've heard people can become spirits after death under special circumstances, but no one really knows why. Most people that attempt to become spirits on purpose usually end up as wraiths instead, although of course that's not all wraiths, just some.

The core's pretty heavy, and scathingly hot. You have to wait for half an hour for it to cool down. Once that's done you slowly carry it towards the exit, and you're happy to find there's no more tricks to the door, just use the key and get out.

You realize you could've technically beaten this dungeon without using magic, although you doubt it would've given you a good grade. You find yourself in your dorm again, and drop the core that's half your size on the floor. So what you should do now is... what again?

Someone comes in, and you remember.

"Heya, did you make it? That one was annoying, I had to use a body double to distract it, but it kept moving around, super annoying," Table says as she plops down on your bed.

"Yup, I made it! Only had to use a few pocket spaces, and spirit sight for that thing," you poke the core with your foot.

"Huh, I wonder if they made your dungeons easier for you or something," she says off-handedly.

"What? Are you saying I'm playing on easy mode?" You say, slightly annoyed.

"I- I wouldn't say that, it's just that since you run out of mana all the time then-"

"That I got it easy because they took pity on me? Do you think I'm only completing the dungeons because they're designing them around the fact that I suck?"

"That's not what I'm saying, Atlas! It's just, sometimes the dungeons are designed around some of our shortcomings, and-"

"Well they didn't with me! Just because I use your mana to practice doesn't mean I need you!"

She gasps with a horrified look. You worded this wrong, you know you did, but a part of you refuse to back down.

"I'm sorry, I know you're just as good at magic as the rest, I shouldn't have doubted you." She offers a hug, and you hesitate a little before returning it.

"I overreacted, I just didn't like the idea of being seen as someone that needed you to do magic, you know? I still need you in other ways, I guess."

"It's fine! Besides, I learn a lot from studying with you, so it's not one way or anything. Speaking of..." She puts a page down. "New month, new classes! Are you going to take the same as last time? Nothing wrong with specializing, but it can help to learn some basic spells from other classes occasionally. Usually it's best to focus on two types of magic and having a bunch of random stuff in third, up to you though."

"Well, I was thinking of learning unseal, it's been a pain in the ass to know seal but not the other part of the spell."

"That one isn't that hard, I can probably teach you! Would be a waste to pick material class just for that, not that I'd mind if you picked it, that's also where I'm going."

Well, that makes things easier if she'll teach you unseal. You also have the duel to worry about soon, but you've heard it's been postponed for next week, so you might have the time to prepare something before then.

What classes should you pick? (Three votes available, the three most popular votes will be picked)

Life for general mana stuff, Divination so we can learn Nina's Forgotten Clarity spell, and Material because we haven't learned it in a while.

Intangible because the root of the Forgotten curse almost certainly involves Intangible magic and I still want to talk to the teacher about Jack and ending the world, Divination since knowledge is generally useful and up our alley as someone who wants to know ALL the magic, and Material because why not? I’m open to flexing that last one if needed to break a tie.
Intangible isn't bad...as much as I agree on the Forgotten stuff, we nerd to fix the mana problem before we even begin to tackle such a thing.

Actually, this reminds me

QM, How exactly does the school year look? Like, is there summer vacation? Or winter vacation? Where exactly in the year are we? This feels important for a school quest, especially if we're going to navigate the three years.
There'll be a summer vacation that lasts about two months, and one winter vacation that lasts about a month. You're at about April right now, and there'll be a vacation from june to the end of july, and one in December.

I'll probably note down a simple calendar somewhere, since I often forget things, it's good that you reminded me.
You may have a Forgotten involved in your life. Best be on guard!
Looking forward to Summer Arc. Given the pace we're going, I think we should be able to last until the end of May and the next one could start with the vacation.

I have no idea where we're spending it, but I want to at least get our parents to meet Table if we can. At least I hope they care enough to accept talking to us. The city must have at least SOME "Visitation rights" for former citizens, right? Even if we dont get to enter the city itself...
I forgot to add, by "the next one" I mean thread. This thread ending with the semester would be a good fit. We're on page 7, so it should be about the right amount of time unless something really big happens.
What this guy said >>6082260 >>6082261
Atlas and Table need that beach episode
This reminds me we need to bend table over a table until the semester is over. We just gotta. Sneak into a classroom at night and just rail her. Just remember to bring a bucket and a cleaning rag.
Oh, and if we want more mana then we probably want more Intangible. Mana should be intangible instead of anything else after all.
I fully agree
No, Spells regarding mana are life. Give Mana uses Life.
I feel like material is important for mana rip since we have to understand the enchantment we're affecting

We grabbed the core, better if we understand what we can do with it, maybe we can use it to power our SUPER SECRET HUMAN HQ
Damn, you’re right. Why must magic be so weird?

I still back my original vote (>>6082230) but I’d be willing to swap out anything out for a Life vote if it’d break a tie, not just the last one. I don’t think it matters, but more votes could come in.
Alright, back from my break (which is to say I got distracted because I found out TF2 is no longer as bot infested as it used to be)

locking votes now, should be
Material 6
Divination 7
Summoning 4
Life 4
Intangible 3

I'll use >>6083467 to swap one of their vote to life as they said, it won't change the results no matter what they swap out for life, so I'll do it for them now.

So results are now material, divination and life. As always, tell me if I miscounted somewhere, mistakes happen.
>So results are now material, divination and life.
Sounds right to me.
Ah, I missed a +1 vote with Life when I was thinking it didn’t matter. I’d have been happier with an Intangible, but them’s the votes.

You pick Material, Divination and Life. It sucks to skip the Intangible class, but you already got a few spells from here and you'll have plenty of times to learn from it later.

"That's nice, we'll be in the same classes again!" Table says, tapping the paper. "Ah, not Divination, I'll be taking Summoning instead, that's fine though, 2 out of 3 isn't bad."

"Are you really swapping out Divination of all things?" You reply, a little baffled. "I thought Divination was your specialty."

She shrugs. "Kinda. I took up Divination because I thought it'd help me work around my curse, but I don't actually find it that interesting. I think Material is a lot more fun to do."

You suppose that makes sense, there's a difference between studying something out of necessity and studying it because you find it fun. Speaking of...

"Table, any idea what I should do with this thing?" You point at the golem core.

"You uh...picked that without knowing what it does?"

"I assumed it powered the golem? Listen, this dungeon sucked, I had to leave with something"

"...I guess we could sell it?"

"What!? No way! I EARNED this thing, I'm doing something with it! Like...err..."

Table sighs. "Listen, I can usually come up with something dirty with anything, but even I'm out of ideas as to what we could even do with this. Even if you could make a golem, you'd have nowhere to store it, your dorm's too small."

"What about the vault? It's big, and there's plenty of stuff to experiment with here!" You argue like you're asking your mom if you can keep a puppy.

"It's... It's your core, who am I to say what you should do with it. Besides, if the teacher let you keep it, it's probably not that dangerous."

You give her a big hug, since the vault is as much hers as it is yours, you really wanted her permission before experimenting with it here. Well, technically the vault doesn't belong to either of you, but you doubt the former owner is going to come back from the dead to reclaim it.

Before you can start messing with the core, you first need to get the duel out of the way. You don't expect to win this time either, as most students here can just outlast you, but it can't hurt to try.

How should you prepare for the duel anyway?

>Finish reading the logs in the vault, there might be something helpful here
>Mix another spell
>Try to practice a spell you already know to cast it faster in the middle of a fight.
>Try to learn more about your classmate's previous duels to learn about their weakness.
>Finish reading the logs in the vault, there might be something helpful here
I don't really think we can beat anybody with how big the distance is. Maybe we could do something that would catch table offguard enough and even though i'd never do it, there is also the trick that Aroth used on the princess, so i'd rather try to check the logs anyways regardless of the results.
>Finish reading the logs in the vault, there might be something helpful here
if we manage to make a golem, we might be able to win the duel after this.
we experiment in the vault, take it back to the school in parts, reassemble it and BAM! its technically allowed
and we should make a spear or molotov for this one as previously discussed
>Atlas, taking off his clothes and chucking spears at people
Truly, the mage of all time.
>Try to learn more about your classmate's previous duels to learn about their weakness.
I still don't wanna ditch duels completely yet, so let's see any weakness we can exploit.
Anon, weaknesses don't matter when we don't have the mana to use it. Think of who else in our class we have to fight - Aroth, an experienced duelist, Charlotte, two people, Crystal Guy, doesn't even need magic to beat us up, Dill, she's already spent one full year in an actual normal magic college, Table, she's got a fuckton of mana and knows us very, very well.

We literally can't beat anyone.
that's where you're wrong

we can beat our past self and surpass the mage we have been until now
OP could introduce someone new too
to beat our ass as the rest would, that is
>Try to practice a spell you already know to cast it faster in the middle of a fight.
The portal. Attacking through it from odd angles with physical traps would be one way to overcome defenses, it’s pretty cheap, and it’s got some defensive utility for intercepting projectiles. It’d also benefit us in later dungeons if we can use it well under pressure.

At some point we really need to try testing these things under scientific principles from the human world to see if we can optimize spells in ways monsters hav never tried.
>Finish reading the logs in the vault, there might be something helpful here
>Charlotte, two people
but only 1 mana pool

Reading more of the log's vault sounds like a good idea. You carry the core all the way to the vault, make doubly sure it's locked, and sit on the computer's chair. Table says she's going to finish her cleaning spell in the meantime, since she isn't too comfortable reading the logs after what it mentioned the forgotten.

Let's see, you were at log 13, so you'll start at 14.

Log N°14:

I do wonder if I am doing the right thing. I used to believe that suffering was necessary for progress, but isn't it interesting how those who say that only imply that other's suffering is what's needed?

I believe the corpse was that of a child.

Log N°15:

I am scared of leaving this place, what would Josephine think of me? I will make a machine to gather resources from the outside. I will imbue it with some magic to enhance its AI slightly, along with some material spells to better convert things into usable scraps. That way, I will be able to stay away from everyone, and stop harming those I care about.


Log N°16:

The recent events have convinced me that what I am doing is wrong on some fundamental level. Time after time I must commit evil acts, and for what end? Humanity would not benefit from that knowledge, I am sure of it. I would burn it all, but I feel it may be useful in the future should some unfortunate soul try to follow in my footsteps. Thankfully, the higher ups cannot check in on this place because of the war, so I will simply say that I have moved out most important resources somewhere else. Even if they knew I was lying, no one in the human city should be capable of getting past my illusion easily, I reckon only a spirit or a particularly experienced divination mage could do so.

I cannot be a coward anymore, hiding here is only making things worse. I will leave this place to clean up the mess I've made.

If whoever is reading this is, somehow, unaffiliated with the human city, I must ask that you keep this knowledge away from them. Should you be one of them, please learn from my mistakes, and use it responsibly. There is a simple illusion spell in one of the locker in the armory. Simple as it may be, it is quite easy to miss without the right spells for it. First, use a shortcut spell in the locker, then and only then use bright sight. In that order, it must be in that order or it will not work.

Looks like the logs end here. It seems as if some parts of the logs were cut out, either because they contained sensitive info, or because they were censored by...something. You are a little too curious about the secret passage thing in the armory to check it later, so you do so right away.

"Did you find something?" Table asks, holding a ball of water in her hand. "I'm making progress too! We'll be able to fuck here in no time!"

"Cool, there's apparently a secret passage we missed." You point to the armory. "Wanna check it out?"

"Another one? How big IS this place?" She says, flabbergasted.

"Time to find out!"

You follow the instructions, use shortcut and THEN bright sight. You didn't know the order mattered for spells like this, it's no wonder you didn't find it on your first search.

The room the locker leads to is similar to the library. Bookshelves with a few metal chests lying around. You open one of the chest, and there are a few potions with notes attached to them. Most of the notes say 'failure', but some of them have additional information like 'Has potential' or 'Relevant'.

You're not sure if Jack kept the info obtuse to keep parts of his research secret or if that's just how he works. There's also a big, broken rusty spider-like machine in a corner. You think it's the machine he mentioned in his logs. You can't help but notice it has some dried blood in one of its legs.

There's also something else, wasn't it? You're not sure, maybe you could check more thoroughly?

That's a lot of stuff. Where should you start?

>Check the bookshelf, you'll probably need to check the other library too to cross reference information.
>Try to figure out what the potions are for.
>What about this machine? Maybe you could learn more about constructs if you studied it.
is >??? a write in or as I suspect a mystery box about something mc has forgotten

It is in fact a choice, although generally speaking write in are allowed unless I specifically say they aren't
>There's also something else, wasn't it? You're not sure, maybe you could check more thoroughly?
That's my vote

>corpse was that of a child
Table's going to freak when she sees it. That log of the Forgotten getting shot to death already disturbed her enough
>the higher ups cannot check in on this place because of the war
The war? What war?
>a machine to gather resources
>magic to enhance its AI slightly
>material spells to better convert things into usable scraps.
>big, broken rusty spider-like machine
>dried blood in one of its legs
Hey isn't that the Scrapyard Experiment bot? That thing's REAL and its RIGHT HERE WITH US
Hey, the last time we pickd an ??? it got us our cute girlfriend.
mystery choice, my beloved
a compelling argument
You mean "cute future wife"

No, you're pretty sure you saw something weird, it was...


Table noticed it too.

It's like an aquarium, with small leech like things swimming around a purple liquid. At the center of it all is a green heart like organ, beating with each leech that touch it.

You can tell this exhudes an insane amount of mana, not too different from... well, Table.

"Is it.... is it still alive?" You ask, unsure if you actually want the answer.

"Ha! I guess!" Table forces a laugh, her smile not quite catching up to her facade. "I mean, the soul's gone, and there's no brain, so maybe alive isn't the right word, am I right?"

"...Table, are you okay?"

"Me? I'm fiiine, it doesn't matter, right? Because you know what I just realized? Any fucked up guy could capture us and no one would bat an eye! Perfect lab rat, yup yup!"

You get closer with your arms raised, as if you were approaching a frightened animal. She keeps rambling incoherently, making jokes that aren't that funny, distracting herself from the truth.

In one swift moment, you wrap your arm around her. "It's okay."

"...is it? Is it okay? What if it was me, in there? Would you still say it's okay then?"

"You know it's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean? How am I supposed to... take any of this...." she struggles meekly against you, but you don't let go. She even bites a little, but it doesn't hurt at all. She breathes faster, her words making less and less sense. "It could've been me. If I didn't meet you I could've been shoved in there and no one would've known. Maybe I could be put in here and even you'd forget about me. You'd go 'hey, who's Table', and others would go 'Table, who is that? It doesn't matter how hard I try, it will happen, I know it will. Every single happy moment gone. Maybe I should- maybe I should just..."

She's in distress, and you can't help but feel like you have to make a choice here.

If you studied that forgotten, or at least what remains of it, you might be able to make much more progress on understanding Table's condition, more than if you just studied her. On the other hand, you're pretty sure she wouldn't like that at all. You could always try to keep it a secret from her, but that might not be easy.

>Try to calm down Table and say you might be able to get more info on her condition if you study the forgotten's remains.
>Give the forgotten a proper burial, if only for Table's piece of mind.
>Tell Table you'll give it a proper burial later, but use that time to study it instead when she's not looking.
>It's crazy but...maybe you could look into ways to bring it back?
>Maybe you could study its mana to find out how they're producing so much, even if it's a little morbid.
>Try to calm down Table and say you might be able to get more info on her condition if you study the forgotten's remains.
Be sure to hug her tightly and tell her how much we love her.

We'll also use the opportunity to investigate the mana thing as part of the overall curse. Now yes, this is also going to be to help our situation, but it's mostly because of something else i realized.

How is the curse still working after death? The fact that it was an ??? choice like Table implies so...but how? It's still producing mana after death. Yet there's obviously no soul.
>Try to calm down Table and say you might be able to get more info on her condition if you study the forgotten's remains.
did you mean to write "peace" instead on that other option ?
yeah, it's a typo, it's meant to be saying peace of mind.
>>Try to calm down Table and say you might be able to get more info on her condition if you study the forgotten's remains.
i know she will freak out, but at the end of the day its in her best interest.
I refuse Atlas and Table breaking up over this or this Forgotten corpse experiment issue causing an irreparable rift between them. No way. Fuck that
Huh? That seems like an overreaction. She might not like it, but the thing's already long dead. We don't exactly have many other choices to investigate the curse.

Maybe we shouldn't ask her while she's so emotional, though? Calm her down first.
Overreaction maybe, but I've dealt with reactions like that in the past. Not fun
Table is, most of all, afraid of being forgotten by us. Shedding the curse is probably the one thing she wants most. I imagine that if she's calmed down, she'll probably understand why we want to investigate the corpse.
come on now, tell me you would not enjoy a bit of drama
No, never
>Give the forgotten a proper burial, if only for Table's piece of mind.
Morbid as it is, I do think we need to give her a mission.
>”Table. Table. I need you to do me a favor. Please. I may not remember this well enough to write it down. I need you to help me with remembering this.”
>”They’re dead, but they’re still hard to see. There’s no one there, but mana exists. The curse isn’t rooted in a curse, it’s biology. Breaking it is Life, not Immaterial.”
>”You can make me forget the rest. Not this. This will help make sure it never happens again. Okay?”
We promissed *we* would fix it though.
Yes? Knowing we should start in Life is pretty important there, and I didn’t think Table *wouldn’t* help with that. I also expect she’d tell us anyway.

I just framed it that way since the idea of “doing us a favor” (and what she’d do with it) may be enough for her to drag herself out of what she’s thinking now.

Most of the people I’ve known who have had breakdowns like this myself included can patch ourselves back together in surprisingly short order if we hold onto the right thought to bury what we were thinking about for 10 seconds. It’ll erupt later, but we can lie and say we’re fine and be right enough about it to function.

I’m open to letting her cry more after the burial when she’s not looking right at the kid and isn’t still running with her darkest thoughts on repeat.
I just feel as though this is way too good a opportunity to pass up. The kid has been dead for a long time.

>Give the forgotten a proper burial, if only for Table's piece of mind.
This is the logical choice. Table will have all the peace of mind she wants when we figure out how to remember her permanently.
>Try to calm down Table and say you might be able to get more info on her condition if you study the forgotten's remains.
Is anybody really suffering from the research if the Forgotten child is already dead? They were probably too used to being unobservable and of course had no idea what turrets were.

How did the turret detect the Forgotten child enough to be able to fire on them? I think that should also be investigated
>It has been equipped with a divination spell to notice souls. It still highly relies on thermals for its targetting, as I have found out that trees and some other plants develop a soul when old enough
It's either souls or thermals. The corpse still has the Forgotten curse effect ongoing without a being inhabiting it, so if the biology/Life aspect holds true then... thermal is heat and heat is an emission which can be detected and measured, and therefore is a source of non-unique information. Is there something there? The Forgotten curse fucks with photos and fucks with physically written/drawn record and mental memory and even digitally written record as seen with Jack's logs. The Forgotten are not immune to the curse of their other kind, but are they immune to their own? Thr curse can detect if a character in a story written by a Forgotten is a self-insert and to what degree, and interferes with it accordingly. We have not tried testing aural (audible) forms of information yet, so that's another avenue to try later.

The fishtank has "leeches" but they aren't the "worms" or "tentacles" that Table contains, right? And is Table's main bodily fluid the same purple as this one? The corpse has no shell or outer vessel body or any organs past the heartlike organ either, it's all in that fishtank. Human hearts have arteries and veins and ventricles and other parts to make it function, but this Forgotten organ does not? Also all that fluid reminds me of reading about animals with open circulatory systems like invertebrates. Interesting stuff
Heat is an emission like visible light is, so I wouldn’t consider that different enough. The divination aspect is more likely to be the culprit between those. It may be the soul is less affected by the curse.

One other thing to note is that monster society likely doesn’t have electronic surveillance measures, much less AI. It could be that they’re actually immune to the curse, but no one would ever test it.

If it is immune, I’d posit that anything with mana can’t see them, but things that function without it can. That would preclude virtually everything in monster society from noticing them, but not human society.

Which would fit Jack’s theory about them being made for war. If humans made them, that is. Perfect for infiltration while being unable to use it against their creators. But they made them too well, and forgot what they made. Thus the Forgotten came to be their own race, ignorant of their past.

Alternately, humans made them long ago with knowledge stolen from others and their own experimentation, but they were unaware the “curse” would affect them too. Humans have mana after all, just not a lot.

If we disable the gun and the runes for divination/heat tracking, we could test if it tracks Table through visuals alone.
That would imply that there was a human - or humans - long before Jack, who were so knowledgeable in science they were able to make a species not only with insane mana production (to the point it seems to work even post mortem), but also have a magical curse that makes them forgotten to basically everyone.

That's...a LOT of magical expertise required.
Some people might object to using the discarded party-alive remains of a child that very much resembles them for medical experimentation even they would benefit from that experiment.
Humans plural for sure. I’m less certain they’d be knowledgable in magic, but they’d have needed resources and the time needed to experiment their way past the mis/disinformation on magic that has made its way into human lands.

Humanity DOES have gene-coded locks on its equipment as a standard. Their tech may have been comparable to some modern-day stuff even in Jack’s time, and with the support of whatever group backed him they may have had a success.

That they eventually forgot about. Because they were building things they didn’t yet understand like the techno-monkeys they are.

It makes sense, the scientific method does state you have to have a hypothesis before you can even begin the experiment, and “we can create an infiltrator for magic society” is certainly a hypothesis that would attract funding if you had a solid plan to prove it.
>I’m less certain they’d be knowledgable in magic, but they’d have needed resources and the time needed to experiment their way past the mis/disinformation on magic that has made its way into human lands.
But that's the thing, this is ultimately a magical curse, right? It's not an biological thing, or else it wouldn't work on things talking about them. But this is an extremely powerful curse. And yet Jack didn't know about it, despite so far being the "biggest" human mage.

If some humans truly did invent the forgotten, then they would have been better wizards than Jack himself by a long, long Marvin.
Fucking hell, why does your phone autocorrect stuff like that? It's not like I've type Marvin before.

"Table, I think... I think this could help?" You try to pace the word slowly. You know she's not going to like it, but you're doing this for her own good. "It's a forgotten whose primary feature have been, err, isolated, you could say. Maybe... maybe if I studied it, I could learn more about your condition, maybe that's what we need to fix your curse."

"...you're joking, right?" She laughs, her eye twitching ever so slightly. "No, it's fine! Treat this like your little magic experiment, who cares? It's not like they mattered, right? Because no one else remembered them or KNEW them, then that means we can do whatever we want to their remains, right?"

"Table, please-"

"Atlas, I love you, but I can't be okay with this. What if it was- I don't know, a human in there, and I just told you I was going to study it?"

"If I had some kind of life altering disability and studying it would help? Yes, I'd be okay with that. I'd also be fine with my corpse being desecrated if it meant saving someone else's life. I guess humans are a little bit more utilitarian in that way, but most corpses are donated to science, proper burials are rather rare."

She looks disgusted. "Ha, you really are... different." You can't tell if she means this in a bad way or not. "Well, I think bodies should be respected. There has to be another way- you can study me, can't you? Even if it's not as efficient, surely it's better than-"

"Table!" You raise your voice. "Table, if YOU were dead, wouldn't you want your death to mean something? Do you think burying them only for us to forget about them forever be better? I- I need you for this, Table. If we succeed, then we might be able to fix not just you, but every forgotten out here. Then, when it's all over, they'll get their burial, and a proper sleep, and we'll make sure to name them as the reason why the forgotten curse was broken."

"...one week. If you don't find anything substantial in a week, we're burying them. If you don't, then-" She looks away, murmuring something you can't hear. You can tell it hurts her to say this, though.

"Thanks, but...I'll need your help with it, Table. They're dead, but they're still hard to see. I need you to help me remember it, and I'll need your personal experience as a forgotten to cross-reference things, okay?"

She sighs. "Fine, but do note that if you do anything too weird to it I'll stop you. I don't know what humans consider 'ethical', but I'm sure their definition is different to mine." You notice she said 'humans' in a slightly derogatory way. You can't help but feel a little offended by it, even if you know she doesn't really mean it.
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You get to work before she changes her mind. You won't outright experiment on it per se, as much as you'll study its reaction to external, harmless stimulus. First, you use mana feel to see if there's any pattern in the flow of mana between the heart and 'leeches'. Mana is a strange thing, it's linked to the soul, or at least it's supposed to be. The main idea is that the soul generates mana, which it gives to the body, which the body uses for stuff depending on your race. However, that's not the case here, the 'heart' creates mana, something no biological organ should be able to do. You notice the heart occasionally beats slower, and that's when the leeches decide to grab what can only be described as 'magic mold' that forms on the side of the aquarium to bring it back to the heart.

So, it creates mana in the same way a body would create energy by using proteins and the likes. It does raise the question though, is the curse fueled by individual forgottens? Surely not, or else you'd be able to remember them past their death, and surely their existence would be more widely known if you could read about the dead ones.

You take more time to study it, even opting to start sleeping in the vault, only leaving it to get to classes. You only have a week, and you need some kind of discovery or it'll all be for nothing. Maybe you could skip some classes? No, that's a bad idea, you can't afford to be behind on anything as a human.

By some miracle, you manage to find something. The curse itself has a way of escaping your sight and memory, but using the same tricks you did to remember Table, you managed to get a better view of it. It's still not easy, but you're starting to get it now. It's something you wouldn't have been able to figure out from just studying Table, you're sure of it. It's just too subtle, too small, too quiet, too forgettable.

The leeches don't just transport nutrients, they also transport mana, and most incredibly, they will sometimes trigger a surprisingly potent version of the curse on themselves, and cast a pocket space spell to disappear somewhere else, only to come back a few seconds later. You can't look into the pocket space, it's just so small it can only fit the leeches, and they enter it the moment it opens. You do have a theory though, and it's that the curse is actually in that pocket space, and it's being drip fed mana by the leeches. The leeches also don't cast the curse on themselves, it's just that opening the pocket space would make the curse 'spill out' on the closest thing, in this case the leech.

That still doesn't explain how forgottens can stay forgotten even after death, surely the curse would run out of mana eventually, right? Not every forgotten has the luxury of having their tendril be kept alive by whatever this purple liquid is.

You feel like you almost get it, but you need to test a theory. The bad news is that theory might be... not good for the wellbeing of the forgotten's remains. It should theoretically 'live' through it, but it'll take a while to recover. You'll need some preparations too, and ask for help from some people, but if your theory is correct, then...

>Curse Embargo: A spell designed to stop the tendrils from reaching out to the curse. Will make a forgotten feel more clear for a short period of time, but it will also create a mana surplus that will force them to constantly cast spell to not feel sick. (Requires help from Rath.)
>High Clarity: A spell designed to see forgottens very clearly and nothing else. The spell lasts for an entire day, and twists the mind into interpreting the curse wrong, making everything else feel boring instead. Shouldn't be cast more than once a week to avoid potential permanent mind effects. (Requires help from Dill.)
>Analysis Burst: A spell designed to compile any information you already know about a forgotten. Like a dream, the memories will be quickly forgotten if not noted down, but it can help you remember info you may not have written down before. (Requires help from Nina, the Divination teacher.)
Man...this is why i added the part about calming her down first. We really should have. Otherwise, that's really interesting..the curse is from a pocket dimension? That's really interesting.

As of now, however, I'm just not sure whether we should go for 'Analysis Burst' or 'Curse Embargo'. High Clarity seems like it's a bit too dangerous.
Actually, actually, i've had a better idea. Analysis Burst is cool, but it doesn't stop the fact that we're not fighting the curse itself
>Curse Embargo
Will let us begin going against hte curse *itself*. It makes them more clear as a whole. The mana surplus is kind of an issue, but we can probably find some manner of 'exhaust port' spell that spends a lot of mana while not doing much.
I don't mind this outcome personally. We get big headway into solving the Forgotten curse, maintain Table's sanity in the face of this disturbing situation, and lay part of Jack's remaining mistakes to rest.
If the curse is contained in a pocket dimension, could the Summoning teacher backtrace the location somehow if he knew?

>It's something you wouldn't have been able to figure out from just studying Table, you're sure of it. It's just too subtle, too small, too quiet, too forgettable.
So much for "There has to be another way- you can study me, can't you? Even if it's not as efficient, surely it's better than-", huh

>Curse Embargo
Too bad basic biology isn't a thing outside the human city settings. If only we could dissect one of the leeches and see how they work. They act independently of the Forgotten themselves while inside them. They aren't parasites but a natural part of their internal ecosystem? They carry mana like how blood cells carry oxygen, or something? But blood cells also bind oxygen, so do these leeches "bind" mana or something else? The leeches must have some instinct to enter the pocket space containing the curse. I wonder what would happen if you applied a sort of advanced pocket space denial zone on a Forgotten? How does the curse-linked pocket space come about in a newborn Forgotten to begin with? Do the leeches themselves cast the spell to access that place? If the curse itself is being fed mana by the leeches, and the curse is the same for all Forgotten, then are all Forgotten connected to the same exact location this way? Each one is a vector to fuel the curse for every other one of their race? It's not an individual but a collective fuelling. What if you simply kill all the leeches in a Forgotten's insides? If no leeches exist, does the heart simply cease to produce mana? Are the Forgotten truly artificial beings then if the heart can only produce mana using what the leeches supply it, and the leeches leech from... where? Is it truly a closed-loop system?
The leeches also carry nutrients - so they seem to be basically akin to an forgotten's body functions. And that's the thing though, the heart itself creates mana - not the 'soul' as is apparently common form, but the heart itself. And it seems to be incredibly potent.

Did the creators of the forgotten figure out how to basically make a mana machine?
Then why are the leeches doing the thing with pocket space and the curse? I'm more disturbed by the curse being described as "spilling out" of the pocket dimension. It has to originate somewhere, be produced by something. Did their original creators find a way to breach another dimension that's just endless forgetting curse substance? Who the fuck came up with this plan to use it in a stealth soldier race?
Also I'm very interested in the purple fluid used to keep this corpse functioning. It clearly isn't a form of full stasis like formaldehyde preservation if the leeches and heart still retain full functions. The leeches carry to the heart "magic mold" that is grown by the purple fluid's contact with the aquarium tank. It must be some sort of algae growth equivalent of real aquarium tanks where things like snails or other life can use it as nutrient. The heart converts this to mana, so can't humans also use this somehow? Is this the way to figuring out breaking the mana wall for mankind?
>Then why are the leeches doing the thing with pocket space and the curse?
You're thinking of the curse - i'm talking about how the heart, as an organ, seems to be able to *create* mana. According to Atlas, that's not how mana's supposed to normally work, it's supposed to be created 'by the soul'. So the fact that the Forgotten have mana-creating hearts could explain why they're so powerful manawise - it's not that they've got giga souls or anything like that, they just basically have an mana generator embedded within them.

But is the 'magic mold' a byproduct of the aquarium itself? Or is it simply something that would be normally created naturally by a Forgotten's body?
Can a Forgotten soul generate mana normally to begin with? How could a Forgotten without the heart mana generator fare when it comes to magic? What would happen with their curse if the heart system were disabled or removed? Anyway, I really don't want to ditch the purple fluid at all. How do we even dispose of the corpse properly then; is it really a simple matter of collecting all the leeches and body parts including the heart to then bury them? I don't think Table will be okay with Atlas keeping the heart and because she already gave hers to Atlas in a romantic way KEK
>High Clarity: A spell designed to see forgottens very clearly and nothing else. The spell lasts for an entire day, and twists the mind into interpreting the curse wrong, making everything else feel boring instead. Shouldn't be cast more than once a week to avoid potential permanent mind effects. (Requires help from Dill.)
Funny thing about this? It’d be an excellent offensive spell if the duration can be cut down to mitigate the long-term damage potential.

More importantly, whatever is powering this curse would have a more concetrated version protecting itself. We need spells just to see the Forgotten when they open small portals, trying to trace and find the source will be impossible without something far stronger to use.

It seems like the curse may be a side-effect and not the intent. Whatever these things are sending mana to wants to be hidden, powerfully so, and the mere act of sending it mana (which I assume helps power the curse on top of something else) is enough to hide the Forgotten by proxy.

My main concern now is what the intent behind this system is. A distributed model of gathering mana like this seems woefully inefficient. If this was built, it’d make more sense to build “farms” for the leeches and scale up from there. If it wasn’t made and is a living entity in itself, having others with souls running around gathering mana seems like a weird evolutionary trait. Maybe there’s scope for a symbiotic relationship? Spirits that were drawn to a source of mana and shaped the leeches into a body. If biology can produce mana, maybe some spirits can’t? Perhaps the “curse” wasn’t this strong until they entered the picture and took leeches away from where this thing is, letting them grow back while feeding it more mana remotely, so it was easier for this coincidence to happen.

A next question would be how souls get into a body to begin with, as well as if there are spirits that can’t produce mana.
>It’d be an excellent offensive spell if the duration can be cut down to mitigate the long-term damage potential.
That seems like a misuse of the spell. You're basically just doing Reinforce Belief but worse. There are probably a lot of actual confusion spells that are way better at it.

>. We need spells just to see the Forgotten when they open small portals, trying to trace and find the source will be impossible without something far stronger to use.
While I agree, you're thinking way too far ahead. We're a literal first year. We don't have the mana or expertise to start thinking about that.

What we need is to focus on the present -issues and the present issue is that our girlfriend wants to be remembered. Our goal should be to find a way to deal with this curse. At least solving it for *her* as of now would work.
>Curse Embargo: A spell designed to stop the tendrils from reaching out to the curse. Will make a forgotten feel more clear for a short period of time, but it will also create a mana surplus that will force them to constantly cast spell to not feel sick. (Requires help from Rath.)
I want this so we can introduce Table to our parents during summer.
>Curse Embargo: A spell designed to stop the tendrils from reaching out to the curse. Will make a forgotten feel more clear for a short period of time, but it will also create a mana surplus that will force them to constantly cast spell to not feel sick. (Requires help from Rath.)
Of course when we get Rath's help with Curse Embargo we do that back at the school and NOT take him to the bunker base. I wonder what happened that night with him and Char/Lotte?
That's Aroth, anon. Rath is a vampire guy.
I am dumb, sorry.

An embargo, of course! If you can cast a spell to stop a pocket space from transporting some things, what's stopping you from making the leeches unable to go through the portal? Ideally they wouldn't open at all but...

You need someone that's good at this. You'll ask Rath, and if he doesn't want to, the summoning teacher. You don't have anything against the teacher, but he can feel a little unhinged at times, and he might just tell you to show up in his class if you really want to learn.

You find Rath talking with Ivy of all people. Sounds like he's scamming her out of her lunch by flattering her. Wait, do wraiths even need to eat? You've seen her eat before, does she do it because it tastes good, or because she actually needs it to survive? You've never looked into wraith 'biology' that much, but that sounds like something that could be interesting.

Wait, no, focus. You approach the two of them, trying your best not to start a fight with Ivy. Table isn't with you, since she said she needed some time alone to think.

"Hey you two. Can I ask you something Rath?"

Ivy snickers. "Nope! I'm talking to him, and he's talking to ME, not you!"

"Come on, Ivy, surely someone as kind as you can hear him out this one time, right?" Rath pleads your case.

You see her smile like an idiot, she's probably not used to compliments, since that's enough to make her fold and let you speak. "Fine, fine. He can speak, because I'm so nice, and cool."

You suppose Ivy is also a really good at Summoning magic, so it can't exactly hurt to have her two cents on it.

"I was wondering if it was possible to stop living things from going through portals? I don't know embargo, but it should work, right?" You ask.

"Pfrrt, that's easy!" Ivy answers for him. "Your pocket space already does that, sorta. Can't believe you don't even know Embargo, such an easy spell."

You show enough self-control to answer her nicely. "Would it be possible to stop a portal from being opened altogether?"

Rath nods. "That's a little harder, but if it's a specific type of portal, you can predict when it's going to open. I think with the right material knowledge, you could even make a rune and enchant an item to close certain portals around it."

Your eyes light up. "Really? Like, a bracelet that just stops portals from opening inside you?"

He raises an eyebrow. "If you have a portal opening inside you you might have bigger things to worry about. But yes, with a custom made spell you could stop portals from opening near you...or inside you, I suppose."

"Could you teach me how to do that?"

"I'd normally ask for something in exchange, but I'm in a good mood, and you helped Aroth with his thing, so I'll do it for free this time."

Aroth (and unfortunately Ivy) graciously teach you the basics of en enhanced embargo. It's pretty impractical in a fight, as the spell takes too much time to be cast, and the enchantment can easily be dispelled by even a beginner's mana rip. However, since it's for personal use, you doubt anyone would bother destroying the enchantment.

You come back to the vault to test your theory. You manage to rope Table into it since your material knowledge isn't as great as hers, and she's the only one who can apply it to the aquarium. At first, the effects aren't noticeable, but soon the aquarium starts to bubble, and the mana produced inside starts to reach critical level. The leeches are panicked, opting to instead bring even more nutrients to the heart as if that would stop the problem. You deactivate the rune, and the leeches almost all decide to open a portal at once to dump the mana out as if it's waste. The heart still beats a little faster than normal, but it looks like no long term damage was done.

"That looks dangerous," Table says. "Use it on me."

"Wait, now? Are we sure it's ready? We could refine-"

"If you can use it on their remains, then you can use it on me. I'm proving a point here."

You still don't like the idea, but the week is close to over, so you decide to prepare a weaker version of the spell. You apply it to a wooden bracelet, and hope for the best. At first, you don't see any effects, but Table says it does make her feel a little sick. You see her casting spells occasionally, and the more time passes the more spells she starts to cast. You end up having to make multiple runes to dump her mana into while waiting for the effects to show.

Then, you notice it.

Table is kind of cute.

It's not something you truly internalized before. You knew it on a fundamental level, subconsciously you were aware of the fact you found her cute and attractive, but it's the first time you feel like she is. Even in her current panicked spell-casting state, she looks lovely. Your heart beats faster, strange thoughts flooding your mind. That's your girlfriend, right? That doesn't feel right, she feels like someone that's too good for you.

Before, it always felt like there was something between you and her. It was hard to describe, but she felt...fictional, so to speak, like you were interacting with her from behind a screen. Even sex with her felt weirdly masturbatory, as if she wasn't exactly here with you. But now, it's like you're being hit full force by the fact that she's right in front of you, and that you're in love, and that you want her more than ever before.

She turns back to you with an arresting gaze, you can't help but blush.

"I dumped like, three days worth of mana in there. Should be enough for a while. So, did it work? If it didn't then... are you blushing?" She steps forward, her eyes narrowing at you. "Did you cast the right spell? Why are you acting all shy?"

"Uh, so you know how reinforce belief made you feel all, uhm, in love? It's kind of like that, but I guess I'm realizing how much I love you now that the curse isn't as strong?"

She sits down and drops more mana on a lighten rune you've made before sitting back up again. "Right. What if I do this, then?" She puts her face right in front of yours. You can feel her warm breath on your skin. You're going to faint, or puke, or both. "Damnit, DAMNIT!" Table hides her face in her hands after taking a step back. "You're too cute like this, fine, FINE. Maybe, just maybe you can study it a little longer, but in exchange..." She pulls the bottom of her shirt slightly up, barely revealing the underside of her breasts. You instinctively look away, a sense of shame overcoming you. "Yeah, I'm going to tease you a TON with this. I'm going to drive you MAD, you hear me? I'm going to... blergh."

She takes off the bracelet, and retches. It takes a few minutes for her to get better, even if she says she still feels a little sick. "Could use some improvement, but I'm sure it'll get better. I'm still not having sex here as long as this is here though," she points towards the aquarium. "I put so much work into that cleaning rune, too."

The effect wanes, but you can tell a little bit of that love high is still present, as if your body was still holding on to that feeling despite your mind no longer seeing a need for it. On the way back to the school, you see her put the bracelet again, only to put it back off a few seconds later. It looks like she can't just put it back on because she feels better, she needs to wait a little longer before she can use it again. For the rest of the week, she proceeds to tease you like the first time you met, except this time it's a lot more effective, and you're left a shy mess at the end of it. The good news is messing with you has lifted her spirit a little, and she doesn't seem as mad as before.

When the week ends, you get an announcement in your dorm telling you the duel will start soon. You didn't get much time to prepare, but Table whispered in your ear that you'll get a surprise if you win, which combined with the bracelet feels like it buffed you in a way magic never could.

Same as usual, the portal envelops you and you find yourself in front of...

Analysis results:
Name: Rath
Race: Vampire
Mana: 1240/1300
Divination: 7
Life: 10
Intangible: 2
Material: 5
Summoning: 11

You were aware vampires had more mana than normal, so you're not actually that surprised. You've heard they can't regenerate mana without feeding on blood to balance it out, so you suppose it's not as unfair as it could be.

You're still fucked, though.

"Sorry star blood, but I'm not going easy on you," Aroth says before summoning a few dozen portals. Different kinds of bugs start to crawl out of each one, but none of them are really doing anything but skitter around as of now. You'd use embargo, but you only learned a hyper specific version of it that wouldn't do much here, so you'll have to think of something else. Question is...what?

Mana: 70/70

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

Current environment: Stone walls and floors, torches on the walls, and random runes spread about on the ground.

>Write in how you'll start the fight.
>Four digit mana count
>Meanwhile we haven't even breached three
lol. lmao.
Welp, I only have a single idea. Use Reinforce Belief to make him think we're weak as fuck, then PORTAL CUT HIM
And by the way, when i say, PORTAL CUT HIM, I mean go for a one hit kill. Don't just aim for like, an arm or something, go straight for his neck. Also, in order to make him specifically think of us being weak, we should shout something like
As we cast it.
Oh yes, third addition, be sure to avoid the runes spread on the ground. The way i see it, our only chance of finishing him is by beating him quickly.
Do note that you need to put his head into it, you can't actually summon the portal inside him directly, and since you're facing...well, a summoning expert, it might be hard to trick him into it without grappling him and shoving it in there by force.
Didn't we specifically learn a trick to have a 'moving portal'? Wouldn't that allow us to have the portal move *into* his head?
You could, but that trick specifically requires the portal to be cast from up close before it can start moving, and it doesn't move particularly fast. Portals themselves also don't open instantly, which can make them somewhat predictable, you were only able to cut Rin because you literally wrestled her into the portal.
Well, my hope is that making him think we're weak with our buffed reinforce belief would be enough, but if someone else has literally any other idea of how to attack him, i'll take it.
Can we light the bugs on fire with those torches plus Tornado toward him, then Fire Flare them at him? Maybe exploit the random runes on the ground?
We don't really have a lot of offensive spells do we? I doubt that a vampire that can go out in the sunlight would be taken out by something as simple as fire spark.

Could we not hold his head during it? It shouldn't be too long. If the un-buffed version of reinforce belief made Atlas think he was the greatest mage ever, and then swing into thinking he should never have practiced magic, a buffed version of it should be strong enough that he'd think we're so weak it wouldn't matter, and then so strong that he'd be frozen in fear.
>Reinforce belief - He’ll win this fight and he should give it his all
Hopefully the negative rebound is “he doesn’t want to win, he should just give up now” and we win because he surrenders.

All the dueling prowess in the world means nothing if you don’t want to fight like Aroth for a while.
With how much mana he has, doing that would probably result in us getting nuked before the negative effect even sets in.
We could try doing the opposite by asking him to let us win and reinforcing that, but he doesn’t seem to be feeling that and we may prime him in the “I want to win” direction anyway. The “make him feel powerful” belief probably would work out the same as well.

One alternwtive could be to goad him by mentioning how he’s pretty sure he’d win even if he only had our mana, and try to reinforce that. It might cause him to waste a bunch just to prove the point, then freak out after he’s dumped it all and he’s on the negative slope.
That could work if we picked the "increase length" buff, but we didn't, so it only lasts like, a few seconds. Our best shot is to use it to create an opening and take him out in one hit.
We picked “increased intensity”, which should level out to him dumping faster. Either way, this should be compounded with an attack since it’s just reducing his power and not hurting him. Reinforce Belief can’t actually hurt him, or at least I don’t WANT to use it that way.

I’m sure we could convince him he could beat us even if he were missing his arms and legs, but I’m not that cruel.
No, anon, Intensity means it's stronger. But that doesn't matter if it only lasts for a few moments. It'd be literally too short.

HOWEVER, We *could* try to make him belief that he could tank any spell we used on him, which would allow the portal decapitation plan anon suggested. But that would require getting close enough that we'd be able to do it before time ran out and he panicked.
A longer duration one should have him dump mana for a while.

A higher intensity one should have him dump it all in the most spectacularly wasteful way he can manage on short notice. It all depends on what spells he’s learned and their cost.

But if you really want to do the portal trick then you can be the mean one. Ask him shat he thought of our portal trick in our last match, and if he’d win if we succeeded. He should respond yeah, so did our last opponent. Then ask him to prove it.

He’s the summoning expert. He’ll open a portal on himself far quicker than we could on him.
A higher intensity one should have him dump it all in the most spectacularly wasteful way he can manage on short notice
Anon, that's not how it works. If you could just dump mana like nothing, Table wouldn't have to struggle spamming spells to use the bracelet.
>Then ask him to prove it.
He'd just summon the portal on us, though.

Alright, you can do this. You need to find a way to weaken him somehow, and you might just be able to pull that off with reinforce belief. Now the hard part is casting it right as he has the thought you want, and while you can't exactly control his thoughts, you can influence them.

You scoff, "is that really all you can summon? I expected more, honestly."

"Of course, I can cast more, but I'm not sure if I'd enjoy seeing you be torn limb from limb," Rath answers, slightly annoyed.

"It's fine, guess I should've asked Ivy for help though, she does seem much better than you are."

You see him twitch for a second, and even if you're sure he's smart enough to not take the bait, reinforce belief makes it much harder for him to make the rational decision of holding off.

"Please, I only use bugs because they're small, cheap, and efficient. I can summon all kinds of things that Ivy could NEVER. She's good, for sure, but not even close to my level."

"I'm seeing a lot of talking and nothing to prove it."

"Really?" He creates another portal, and a few squirel come out. "Do you think that just because you've mastered a few spells you're suddenly a hot shot, that you have any idea what someone truly skilled can do? I've studied that for a while, who are YOU to tell me anything about summoning, I've taught you, I'm basically your superior in that regard!"

He summons more, and all the summons stand nicely in line, the squirrel on the front, the bugs on the sides, and even birds perching themselves on torches. You keep egging him on, insisting that it's not THAT impressive, and when he even thinks of sending his minions on the attack, you imply that it means he's ran out of things he can summon.

It's not making that much of a dent in his mana honestly, sure it's lowering, but even if he ran out, you'd still have all the summons to worry about. The flipside of reinforce belief starts hitting, and now your insults feel like they have much more weight. He looks at his own summon with a weird sense of fear in his eyes, as if they were about to turn on him at any point.

He's a lot more focused on his summons than you, but it's going to be hard to approach him with that much living stuff between you and him. He is distracted, and since you still feel the effect of remove hurt that Table cast on you before the duel started, you're pretty sure you could take a few bug bites before shoving his head in a pocket space.

Still, that could be dangerous, especially if reinforce belief stops the drawback before you can do the finishing move, maybe you could agitate the summons somehow? Or make them even more of a distraction to make sure he can't resist your portal.

He's as weak as he'll ever be, you need to do something now.

Mana 20/70

Current environment: Stone walls and floors, torches on the walls, and random runes spread about on the ground. None of the runes have been activated from the summons stepping on them, implying they might need to be charged with a small amount of mana first.

>Write in how you'll finish him.
Agitating the summons? I guess there's the runes, but we don't know what they do. Could the torches be easily knocked off into the ground, or are they affixed to the walls? Fire should easily agitate the bugs without costing us the mana we need.
If the torches aren't easily affixed to the walls, we could also just...yeet one of the bugs with our feet while we're going. Just fuckin' punt one. That should provoke em enough we can grab his head and shove it in a portal.
If the torches aren't easily knockable*
Any concrete plan out of that? It's scattered ideas at this point. I think while he's still in the negative half of Reinforce Belief, we should cause his summons to panic and scatter or go wild, and if he still believes they're turning on him then he'll go nuts too. Then we can easily portal cut him
There's no way to cast an embargo on him, right? At least not a version that will do anything? Or on ourselves, and charge him while he's unable to summon interruptions? I don't have a great mind for combat strategy.
I was kinda waiting for curse qm's answer. The idea is "cause bugs to panic, rush him, and throw a portal into his head"
Would portal cutting his neck not kill him?
This is a duel, all wounds are non-lethal. We basically got exploded by the cat girl in our duel.
Okay so let's go with >>6085893 until CurseCarrierQM clarifies for you. Otherwise it's okay
Honestly if they aren't like, in our way and easily knockable, we should just rush him. The last thing we need is to take too long and see the negative effect run out. Better to not waste any time.
Anons, think about the time it'll take, going to the torches, throwing them, and then rushing him takes too much time. I think the idea of kicking them on the way is better.
Then just all in him right now while we can
Yep, that's what we should do. Just go in. Maybe punt some insects in our way, but don't waste any time.

Fuck it, you don't have time to make any advanced maneuver here. You decide to kick a some bugs out of the way as you get closer to him. Some bugs end up crawling on you and biting you, but apart from your leg feeling a little numb, remove hurt takes away most of the pain you'd normally feel. Interestingly, kicking one of the bug away ended up making a bird swoop down to eat one, and then another, and then the squirel joins in to create a weird free for all where the bugs and the mammals are fighting for dominance.

Rath is very distracted by now, trying his best to unsummon the creatures by creating portals, but since none of them are standing in lines anymore it's MUCH harder to do so. He takes a few steps back in fear of what he has created, which makes it particularly hard to create a moving portal above his head, so instead you opt to make a slightly angled one at the back of his head.

In normal circumstances, you're sure he would've noticed such an obvious portal, but in his current mental state he doesn't have the time to process what's going on as you rush him and shove his head in the portal. You don't quite manage to fit his entire head at first, but you find out you can also rotate the portal with your new trick so that it goes around his head like a hood would. In order to make absolutely sure he can't escape the portal, you cut it off with your hands still in there to keep him.

You hear your bones crack as both your hands and his head are cut in one go. After a few excruciating seconds, the duel is officially over as you see his head and your hands reappear like the damage was all an illusion, and a portal brings you both back to your respective dorms.

You inhale, then you exhale. You won, right? Sure, you won using a spirit spell he couldn't have possibly predicted you had, but so what? You won! You won against someone you know was actually pretty experienced too! You roll around in your bed like a schoolgirl that just got their crush to reply to her.

Wait, crush? Didn't someone promise you...

You get excited all over again. You leave your dorm and speed walk towards Table's, but a tall figure stops you in the hallway.

"Impressive display," Nina says, looking past you. "Tell me, where did you learn such a spell?"

"From a spirit? What, is that not allowed?" You say, fearing the answer might be yes.

She shakes her head. "No, they are allowed. I am simply asking where you were first taught that spell. The location."

"In...the forest?" You don't feel like lying to a teacher, especially a divination teacher that can probably tell when you are lying from a mile away, so you opt for a lie by omission instead.

"I see. You do not have to tell me of it, however I do strongly encourage you to avoid making others know about that location, especially to your kin. I will not stop you if you decide to do so, but be aware..." She lowers herself so that her head can meet yours, she pushes away her bangs, revealing her eyes staring deep into you. "I will know."

She walks away, leaving you confused and a little scared. You enter Table's dorms, a little less excited than before, and she looks a little moody.

"Oh, hi. I lost again, it was against Dill. She's a little scary, there was like... five hundred illusions here, and because of her clarity none of my subterfuge tricks really worked on her. I'm really on a losing streak here."

"That's fine, uh, you're not going to ask me how my duel went?"

"Ah, you lost right? That's alright. " She smirks. "You'll get your rewards next time. Wait, I'm not wearing the bracelet, this isn't half as effective, can you let me do that again?"

"What? No, I won! It was against Rath! And you, uhm, y-you..." You lose your train of thoughts as the bracelet's effect trigger again. How long is the puppy love stage supposed to last? It's scary how fast you lose your nerve when your inner desire take over again.

"Wait, really? How? Like seriously, it's a vampire, and he's not a bad caster, and your only trick is like... pocket space cutting. You're not just saying that for the reward, are you? Lying is bad." She actually sounds a little mad that YOU won and she didn't.

"I used reinforce belief to distract him and then shoved his head into a portal, there was a little more to that but that was the idea."

"Really? Really, really? Telling the whole truth?" You nod, and she rolls her eyes. "Fiiiine. You can order me to do whatever you want- wait, actually, let me just get rid of the mana surplus here." She opens a portal, and dumps an absurd amount of mana into it. "Should last me for a while, about half an hour? Maybe longer. I've experimented with it a bit on my free time."

You're a little fired up at the prospect of doing whatever you want to her, even if you technically did it more than once before, the bracelet really does make this seem a lot more exciting than normal. Even so...

"Table, you don't look that happy about this?" You ask.

She groans. "Urgh, it's just that the loss left a bad taste in my mouth, I expected to at least be able to bond over our losses, I guess. But also I promised you something special and it'd feel weird not to deliver."

"...well, if you're not in the mood, we don't have to do it. That's fine." You have to admit it hurts you a little to say that because you really wanted to do unspeakable things to her, but your respect to her as a person far outweighs whatever your lizard brain is telling you.

"It's fine, it's not like I hate the idea of sex right now or anything, I'm just not as into it as I could be, that's all."

You shake your head. "We can always do it later? Keep it as a favor, like I did for you, how does that sound?"

She smiles. "You're too sweet, especially since I can tell you REALLY want it. Tell you what, two favors, just for the cost of blue balling you." She takes off the bracelet. "How about I teach you the seal spell since we have free time? That sounds fun, right?"

It does sound like fun, and that's what you end up doing for the rest of the day.

Speaking of Material spells, it's the class you have the next day. You see Rath in the class, and he looks a little mad, but not so mad he's about to rip your throat out, which is good. You'd probably be a little mad too if you lost the way he did, it must have been a little humiliating to be defeated by your own hubris, especially when he's usually pretty level headed.

The teacher phases through the wall, his suit of armor only stopping when bumping against the desk. "Welcome. Today we will learn a little bit more about Material spells as a whole. Material spells are what many would consider the best at general utility, this is mostly thanks to runes. Runes are not particularly hard to make, but it is much harder to make a rune anyone can use. Believe it or not, a rune that can be used by anyone as long as mana is put into it requires a very good understanding of the spell. However, you might want to do the opposite, and instead make sure no one but you can use the rune, effectively encrypting it.

Whatever the case, today's lesson will focus on rune efficiency. We are also a little deeper into the year, and as such we as teachers are more aware of each of your particular drawbacks, so we will start being more intrusive during class, you may find it annoying, but the spells you are learning will only get harder, and it is necessary."

Whatever whatever, all you care about is that you'll get to learn more spells. And those spells are...

Learn a spell from the previous class:

>Simple Geometry: Can change a cube or sphere into one or the other. The material does not change, and the mana required to pull off the spell increases depending on the size and material of the target.
>Detect Trap: The rune will glow when put anywhere near objects that have been affected by a material spell. Often used to detect traps or secret passages.

Additionally, learn a new spell:
>Gravity: A rune that makes everything gravitate towards it, its power scaling with mana. However, things will only gravitate towards the surface of the rune, and not other things around it. For example, a cube with a gravity rune on its right side will only attract things on its right side, while the other sides will not do anything. You can work around this by etching the rune over the entire surface of an object instead.
>Heavy: A rune that increases weight, often used offensively to make a weapon hit harder, or to keep someone in place with suddenly heavier restraints.
>Harden: Make something less likely to bend and break, at the cost of its flexibility. Can make something as simple as a shirt capable of tanking sword swings, but you won't be able to move as easily in it.
>Slippy: A rune that makes something much more slippery. It will be harder to hold on to, and if applied on a surface like a floor, much more likely to make someone fall over. Despite sounding silly, it has many useful applications.
>Simple Geometry
Seems like this would lead to a lot more useful spells.
Gravity manipulation is always strong.

Also, hell yeah, we won a duel.
>Detect Trap: The rune will glow when put anywhere near objects that have been affected by a material spell. Often used to detect traps or secret passages.
>Gravity: A rune that makes everything gravitate towards it, its power scaling with mana. However, things will only gravitate towards the surface of the rune, and not other things around it. For example, a cube with a gravity rune on its right side will only attract things on its right side, while the other sides will not do anything. You can work around this by etching the rune over the entire surface of an object instead.
>Detect Trap
I want Simple Geometry for Atlas to begin his Minecraft career with Table, but I want Detect Trap instead. We can spam it around and in the bunker. We can spam it around the school. Let's do it.
Not because I want to be contrarian, but because this is a nice duel spell plus could get creative in dungeon puzzles with it. Besides Table already knows Gravity, and I want her to make a joke about Atlas learning Slippy when Table can already help him with her "fluids".
Counterpoint, if we go down the geometry route we'll eventually be able to craft a GUN

Not like a magic gun or anything, just a gun.
We already have one. I suppose MORE GUN is always nice

OP, Table actually taught Unseal right? Atlas already knows Seal
>We already have one
Yeah but we can't use it. The rules say if you make it with magic yourself on the school you can use it. Imagine going to a duel and we just pull out a fucking pistol and shoot the guy in the face.
>Detect Trap
Table will appreciate it.
Can't be used on living things, sorry bro
>Simple Geometry
the silly little fella route
We mix spells all the time. Life plus Material, uh, finds a way.
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geometry 2
trap 3

gravity 2
slippy 2
harden 1

I do believe we need a tiebreaker for the new spell, I'll lock in the old spell to detect trap just in case.
Alright, i'll change >>6086115 to Slippy. For the sake of letting us continue.

Aye, locked in to slippy then
Is that Atlas' old friend who went full human supremacist to cope with no magic? Also what race is the Divination teacher?

Atlas will be mixing something else with her if the rest of the quest stays going as good as it has
> that Atlas' old friend who went full human supremacist to cope with no magic?
It's more like she decided they didn't deserve magic because of how easy they had it. She basically said "You didn't really beat the game"

>Is that Atlas' old friend who went full human supremacist to cope with no magic?
She also somehow independently came to the exact same conclusion as Jack that non-magical beings could be used as living batteries.
I'm spitballing designs, at first I wanted to show her unhingedness in her design, but I prefer the idea of her just looking like a normal person until you actually get to know her, she opens up and you realize she's a little special.

Detect traps sounds plenty useful for dungeons, and slippy is, if anything, a pretty versatile spell. The teacher is more hands on than usual, although you didn't have that many classes with him in the first place, so you're not entirely sure about his teaching habits. He takes some time to help you cast a slightly weaker but more mana efficient version of your runes, saying that peak efficiency is overrated, and you can do a lot more with a small rune if you're smart about it. Despite his imposing, death knight appearance, he's pretty nice.

You turn to Table, and it looks like she's having a lot of fun practicing more advanced spells. She really does like Material magic a lot. You suppose she was admitted here for a reason, it's not enough to be magically challenged, you have to really love magic too. You take a look at the rest of the classroom too, and everyone looks like they're enjoying their time here, but none of them are slacking off either. Even Ivy asks the teacher for help constantly, and while there's chatting, it never takes time away from the actual learning.

You used to hate school, not just because of the bullying, but because it felt like you really couldn't talk about what you actually liked to anyone. Well, no one but her, but that's...

You don't really want to think about it.

"Whatchu thinkin' about?" Table asks as she gives you your usual dose of mana. "I don't see you frown very often."

"Nothing important, I guess I was just thinking back on my life in the human city."


"A little, but I can't say I miss that much from here," you reply as you start packing your stuff. The class is over, and you find yourself with more free time than you know what to do with once again. "Any idea of what we should do today?"

"I'd normally make some naughty comments, but I'm not super up to it right now. Anything else is fine though."

Weird, she's usually a lot hornier, but maybe that stuff with the forgotten remains and her recent loss still sours her mood. It's fine though, there's plenty of stuff you can do today, like...uh...

>Maybe you could mix a new spell?
>You haven't checked up on Aroth in a while, maybe you could spend more time with him.
>Explore the Vault some more. The forgotten remains look too worn out to be experimented on again just yet, but there's more stuff to find in here.
>Miss Nina's words were a little ominous, maybe you should ask her about it.
>You haven't checked up on Aroth in a while, maybe you could spend more time with him.
Been some time, eh?
>You haven't checked up on Aroth in a while, maybe you could spend more time with him.
>You haven't checked up on Aroth in a while, maybe you could spend more time with him
We're good for spell autism for the time being, the vault isn't going anywhere, and Nina made her desire for us to NOT tell ANYBODY else and ESPECIALLY not to any other humans about the bunker. We weren't planning to tell anybody else anyway; that place belongs to Atlas and Table now
>You haven't checked up on Aroth in a while, maybe you could spend more time with him.
>You haven't checked up on Aroth in a while, maybe you could spend more time with him.
>You haven't checked up on Aroth in a while, maybe you could spend more time with him.
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You decide to check up on Aroth, it's been a while since you've talked with him. Just because you have a girlfriend doesn't mean you can't spend time with your other friends after all.

You find him with Charlotte, with Lotte resting her head casually on Aroth's lap, and Char reading a book like she always. Table is getting really excited behind you, since she indirectly helped them become a thing...maybe. You're not actually sure if they're together, but come on, who would use someone as a lap pillow without being a couple, that's ridiculous.

"Hey Aroth, how did your duel go?" You ask, opting to sit on the grass since there's not that much place left on the bench.

"He did well!" Lotte answers for him. "I didn't though... It's like they know I can't perform very well when they take one of me down, very annoying..."

"I'm, uh, sure you'll get better. Don't worry about it," Aroth reassures her. "What about you, Atlas?"

You smile. "I won! Wasn't easy, but I did!"

They all look surprised at this. "How?" Char asks, looking up from her book for once.

"I'm not telling you my secrets, might end up against one of you, after all."

"Well, that's-"

"Who caaaares!" Table butts in. "What I wanna know, is what you three- err, two? Are doing so close to each other. Are you a thing? Are you? I wanna know!"

They all look at her, surprised both by the question and you assume by the fact they forgot she ever met. "Err, we...aren't?" Aroth answers uncertainly. "I-I mean, it's not that weird because it's only one half of her, right? So, err..."

Lotte nods. "Yes, it's not weird. Speaking of not weird, scratch my neck again!"

"I-Isn't it weird with other people around?"

"My nails are all nibbled on, yours are better. Besides, it's not weird, totally normal, do it!"

"So... I meant to ask, what's the limit to what's considered 'weird' if you only do it with one of you?" Table asks. "Like... surely there's a point where it becomes intimate, right?"

Aroth whispers something you can barely hear. "W-Well, Lotte said that it's not weird to-"

Char almost shoves her book in Aroth's face to interrupt him. "Aroth, can you help me with this? You're rather good at life magic, are you not?"

You're not sure what's going on between the two of them, but maybe jumping to conclusions isn't the best thing to do. You've only learned recently that breasts aren't inherently sexual to most races after all, so who knows what's truly considered intimate with the other's culture.

"Anyway, we're mostly done with studying, so we, uh, could always hang out, if you want," Aroth proposes.

That sounds like a good idea, but what should you do?

>Window shopping, you can't afford anything, but maybe the two others can.
>Another movie night.
>Explore the forest, you'll make sure to avoid the vault of course.
>Explore the campus, there's a lot of places you haven't checked here.
>Window shopping, you can't afford anything, but maybe the two others can
We really haven't spent a lot of time in the nearby town right? Only checked that cheap wakefulness hat...might as well look to see if there's any *good* stuff, even if we can't afford it.
(Also Aroth says 'Lotte said', but Atlas only internally refers to Charlotte as two different people by the two parts of their name to make it easier for the reader, so just assume he said charlotte here.)
>Window shopping, you can't afford anything, but maybe the two others can.
Man, maybe we oughta ask our parents for some money when we meet'em again. Sucks to not be able to get any cool stuff.

Also, dating one half of an twin person? Can't say it's the choice i would have made...
There will be a more explicit different POV soon to show what's actually going on behind the scene
>Window shopping, you can't afford anything, but maybe the two others can.
Godlike QM

>Window shopping, you can't afford anything, but maybe the two others can.

Unfortunately I spent too much time on this and had to get it out of my system so have the recounting of what happened after movie night between charlotte and Aroth. https://rentry.org/es2uz4f4
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Pretty good scene. Aroth deserves it after the stuff he's went through. Table must be proud of herself.
Also, I just noticed, but that's the second time in a row that a more 'explicit' writeup consisted of a blowjob
I'm actually very into blowjobs for some reason to the point it's basically a kink, might be because the very first porn video I ever watched was a blowjob, I guess I could've gotten a much worse sexual awakening. I do try to diversify when I can, but alas, the heart wants what it wants.

I'm also very thankful about the fact that blowjobs are also much easier to draw than any other sexual pose, for no reason in particular.
Huh. Well, the writeups are nice anyway, even if it's not with the main couple.
Nice of our bro to score. Hope eventually they go all the way past this point

Hey, that's not that bad. More material for you out there
>Another movie night.
Double date! Double date! If it wasn't weird, Char wouldn’t have interrupted. Let's see how "totally not weird" it gets.

Who doesn't ebjoy a good blowie?
>Who doesn't ebjoy a good blowie?
True, but you don't want to just have foreplay. That's like eating a meal entirely of entrees.

You propose checking out stores in the town, and everyone agrees that it sounds fun. They unfortunately expect you to have great taste in clothing since you're human, and most people only know human through their clothes. You are probably the worst person to ask for this, you usually just slapped on whatever you found in your closet, and the only unusual things you wore were stupid things like large wizard hats and robes.

Even so, as you wonder through the town, Charlotte keep asking you what you think of this or that. When you say you have no idea, she ends up asking Aroth, although you notice the way she asks him is very different. With you, she just points to the clothing in question, but with Aroth, she goes out of her way to make a little pose. You're not the only one to notice that, and Table has to once again press The two(three?) of them about the current status of their relationship.

"So, Charlotte. If you had a boyfriend-"

"IF," Char empathize. "Hypothetical, if I had one, which I do not."

"Right, but if you had one, how would you kiss them?"

"Like...with the lips? I guess?" Lotte replies with a confused look.

"No, no, I mean, if you had a one bodied boyfriend-"

"Hypothetically," Char repeats.

"Yes, how would you hypothetically kiss them? Like, one by one, or just all at once."

Aroth covers his face at the answer that follows from Lotte. "Well, we'd just put our lips together, you know and we'd do it all at once. Joining tongues, but we could do it in quick succession one by one too, even if it's not the same."

"Oooh," Table smirks. "Yes, guys do tend to enjoy the extra tongues."

Lotte stares at her. "Are you going to elaborate on that, or?"

"Nope! Just putting that out there!"

It's your turn to cover your face now, even if you're pretty sure neither of them know why. At least Table has the presence of mind to not go into details this time, even if you know they're likely to forget all about it once this is over.

You notice the crystal guy lifting some huge, black stone block above him. Looks like a part time job of his where he carries things around. You wave to him, and he waves back with the stone block as if it weighed nothing. You really hope you won't have a duel with him anytime soon, since you're not sure even reinforce belief might stop this guy from crushing you like a bug. Ivy shows up next to him and summons a huge portal to swallow the black stone, and they give each other a high five. You wouldn't like to fight her either, but she would be pretty susceptible to mind tricks at least.

"Ha! Found it!" Lotte points to a dark corner inbetween buildings. "There's a special store here, it gives discount to students!"

"Sounds shady," you say. "Did you go here before?"

Aroth confirms her story. "Yeah, it does look shady, but everything they sell you does work, they even give you free stuff if it's your first time here and you're a student."

"Free stuff?" Table grabs your hand. "Atlas, we HAVE to get the free stuff, we just have to!"

"Table, I don't know, they make it sound like they sell cursed stuff."

You don't get to argue as you're dragged into the alleyway. Surprisingly, you don't get stabbed on the way to the store, and manage to get inside without a fuss. The store itself is very eery, there are unlabeled potions, dark wands, and only one other customer you can see. Wait, isn't that the summoning teacher?

He addresses a figure you cannot see behind the counter. "Yup! We should be fine if things go wrong, but ya know how they are, I wouldn't trust them to keep their words."

"Hi teach!" Lotte greets him. "Can you confirm that we're all students here? Atlas and what's her name wants free stuff!"

"I've never met these people in my entire life," The teacher says bluntly. "Okay, fine! Don't make that face! Yes, yes, they're students, even the human, believe it or not. Anyway, got stuff to do, see ya!"

The teacher exits the store normally instead of using his usual portal. You don't get to ponder why as Table is already at the counter asking for free stuff. She gets asked a few questions, but you can't hear them, sounds like the words are obfuscated by a divination spell, you can't hear her answers either. She's given a pin, and she puts it on her shirt.

"Look, Atlas! Free stuff!" Table presents her pin.

"What does it do?"

"I have no idea! We'll find out later, I guess!"

Well, you'll mana analysis it later, right now you also want to get free stuff of your own.

You approach the counter, and you can feel as if something's slightly wrong. There's a spell being cast on you, and it's so advanced it feels like it's much more than some kind of sound muffling spell.

Two yellow eyes shine from the darkness behind the counter, they are both angled slightly diagonally, as if the store owner's head was tilted.

"One question for you. Between these three things, what do you value most? Knowledge, power and happiness."

It's as if you're being watched by something greater than the shopkeeper. Is it a mind spell, or is there truly something bigger at play here? Maybe it's just a marketing scheme to appear cooler to customers? Maybe it doesn't matter, let's just answer the question.

>(Look back at Table)
Also magic and knowledge makes Atlas happy, so there's that.
While Atlas is definitely obsessed with magic, to say that he's obsessed with power and knowledge is wrong when he's already said he was fine with being even the worst wizard alive. Magic is purely a happiness thing for him.

I would hope that that's what "happiness" here means anyway.
Meh..I wouldn't make it about Table. That's a bit lame. Happiness as it relates to magic seems far more interesting. If happiness just meant "Table" I'd have voted for Knowledge.
Magic first, Table second then?
I'd rank them about the same. Table is so intrinsically linked to magic that it would literally be impossible for us to even date her without magic in the first place, thanks to her curse - and to cure it requires an even bigger amount of magic.

There's literally no table without magic.
In fact, I'd go so far as to say that "Happiness" for Atlas REQUIRES both Knowledge and Power. Atlas likes magic. He wants to do magic. He enjoys doing magic, and learning magic. But as a human, he needs to learn much more to be able to do much less. So he NEEDS knowledge. He NEEDS to seek power because that's literally the only way he can do the magic that brings him happiness.

Table is the same. Atlas loves Table. But he's literally unable to even pay attention to her fully without magic. Just in order to be able to feel that love for real, he needed to gain Knowledge of the Forgotten Curse and the Power of the Embargo. And if he wants to cure Table's curse - which will bring him happiness - then he needs to get even MORE power and knowledge.

Basically, because of who Atlas is and of what makes him happy, 'Knowledge' and 'Power' are literally inseparable from 'Happiness'
changing my vote from >>6087502 to backing >>6087521
nice, with a dose of wholesome by the end of it.
Like other anons said, knowledge and power are just a means of getting this. Sometimes we get it along the way (learning a new spell, coming out on top in a duel) and sometimes it’s part of the process instead (curing Table).

Really, he should try asking harder questions.

Really, this guy needs to
A buffet? Love me a buffet.


"Happiness," you answer. "Isn't that an obvious answer? Isn't that why we do anything? In the end, even though I'd like to know more or to be more powerful, it's still to make me happy, right?"

"Interesting. So even though you see knowledge and power as means to get happiness, you would skip those steps just to get what you want?"

"...that isn't what I said? You asked me what I valued most, of course I'm going to name my endgame, which is to be happy. There's no point being at the top or knowing everything if you're just miserable."

"Do you believe these three things to be inseparable from each other?"

"In a sense. I can't... help some people without knowledge, which would also require power to some extent. It's still all to make myself and the people I love to be happy, they're all one and the same."

The eyes tilt again until they are stacked on each other. "A predictable answer."

"Does that make it wrong?" You ask.

"Only time will tell."

The eyes disappear into the dark, and you feel a weight being lifted off your shoulder. A single, holed, rusty copper coin rolls down the counter. You pick it up, and you can immediately feel it's enchanted, but you're not sure by what.

"Do not tell anyone about the question or the answer you gave, as it will make the contract null and void," The shopkeeper says.

"Wait, what contract?"

"You will see soon enough."

If this was the human city you'd ask for a lawyer for being forced to sign a contract you didn't consent to. Well, you did get free stuff, whatever this copper coin is, so maybe it's not all bad.

You go back to Table, and ask her if it was as creepy for her as it was for you. She says she can't get into much details either, but the question did unsettle her a little, it's all she can say.

It's probably not the same question you got, and you do wonder why you got such a simple question in the first place. Wasn't happiness the obvious choice here? Did you answer wrong? Or were they just trying to throw you off by testing your resolve? You wouldn't change your choice even if you were asked again, but you are curious as to what the other answers would have done.

Actually, you don't even know what the happiness answer even netted you, what's the purpose of that coin? What does the shopkeeper even get from this? If the school is affiliated with this, surely it can't be that unsafe, right?

You ask those questions to Aroth and Charlotte, and they say no students they know of had particularly negative experiences with the 'free sample' they were given, but sometimes the effect of the item only reveal themselves months if not years later. Aroth says it might be a way to keep tabs on students, while Charlotte thinks it just makes the item more exciting if it doesn't reveal what it does right away.

You also see Charlotte buy some stuff the regular way, like with money instead of weird questions that may or may not doom your soul to eternal suffering, which is nice. You do get a few tips on how to recognize good merchandise. For one, analysis spells like mana feel or mana analysis are generally seen as okay to cast on merchandise unless they have certain tags above them where it might mess up the enchantment somehow. So if you're afraid of getting scammed there's nothing wrong with just mana feeling everything.

You still can't afford much, but at least you get a better idea on the value of certain things. They even tell you that it's pretty common for students to sell stuff they make on the side. Of course Material is the best magic type to make money, since that's how you make physical objects and enchantment you can give to others, but that doesn't mean other magic type doesn't have their worth too.

When you're done shopping, you all come back to the school with something, even if you're not sure what. For some reason, you feel the need to keep that coin close to you, and you're afraid of putting it in a pocket space. It can easily fit into your pocket so carrying it around isn't much of an issue, but you'll have to put it away for dungeon exams.

Mana Analysis doesn't give any result, it's a very VERY complex spell, and all you can tell is that it's a mix between a Material and a Divination spell. You flip the coin, but since both sides are the same you can't make any conclusions from which side it falls on. You look through the hole of the coin, but there's nothing. Maybe... maybe you could stress test it in other ways? It's related to happiness, right?

>You could call in that favor from Table, that's definitely a form of happiness.
>Maybe it's linked to things that lead to happiness? Curing the curse would do that, maybe you should check the vault?
>Maybe you should learn more about those weird gifts in the first place by asking around about them.
>Who cares, it will reveal itself in time anyway, right? Just do something else in the meantime (Write in.)
>Who cares, it will reveal itself in time anyway, right? Just do something else in the meantime (Write in.)
Explore the vault

I'd rather not stress test this coin just yet. Something's going to happen that will show it eventually.
Wait no, I'm stupid, we forgot about table's surprise, the one she wanted to give us if we won!

We should call in a favor to have her do whatever she was going to..not because of the coin or anything, I just want to see it. Also Atlas will probably feel a lot better if they do it with the embargo.
Huh, my IP changed. That happens, I'm on mobile.
You have a point...switching over to this. I do wonder what would be a good spell to let us use the embargo for a long time. We should really try to ask for help from our Life teacher at some point.
Not in the bunker yet because the corpse is still there
>You could call in that favor from Table, that's definitely a form of happiness.
Camp out in the woods. It’s not the obvious thing she expected, but it ties into one of her romcom thoughts when we were going in circles out there. I expect this’ll be a bit of work to get squared away, but it’ll distance her from her loss further and it’s a nice callback to something she might think we’ve forgotten about.

>If you use Shortcut, will it look any different through the hole?
It’s a small thing to test, may as well.

Table’s surprise for a win was the favor. She expected it would be for sex, but she wasn’t into that idea since she lost while we won. This trip was part of getting her out of that funk.

She probably would have given it to us if we’d both lost since she would be commiserating with us and figure it’s one way to cheer us up. I’m sure she’d lie about what the surprise would have been, but she’s cheeky like that.
>Table’s surprise for a win was the favor.
I'm pretty sure the surprise was something else and she gave the favor because she wasn't feeling like it.
>Maybe it's linked to things that lead to happiness? Curing the curse would do that, maybe you should check the vault?

You have an idea. You propose to camp out in the forest with Table. What you're not telling her is that you're going to call in the favor here so that you can... you know, trigger the happiness of the coin, or something. Yeah, that's totally what you're doing it for.

You go deeper into the forest, chatting with her about this and that. She says it reminds her of the first time you went here together to test out the shortcut spell. You've become much better at it now, and it's quite funny to see how much you've progressed both in your magic and in your relationship with table.

After you've found a good spot to set up camp, you put down the necessary supplies and get to work with Table. It doesn't take that long, and there's still a lot of time before the night, so you tell her the actual reason you brought her all the way out here, to call in your favor. It's better to tell her now just in case she's still not in the mood rather than force it later.

"Alrighty," she puts on her bracelet, and dumps more mana into what she calls the 'Mana Space'. "Go ahead, I'm at your mercy, oh great mage~"

"Actually, I wanted to turn things around!" You shut her down before she can get ahead of herself. "How about THIS time, I'm all yours? I'm always the one doing the dominant stuff, I want to see what you come up with!"

"What? No I'm leading usually, right? Besides, it's your favor, you're the one that's supposed to be in control, right?"

"Yeah, but that's hard, and I just want to let you do all the work this time. Besides, you gave me two favors, so I can always use the other one if I'm not satisfied. So don't worry about it!"

She thinks on it, and she thinks on it some more. "Damn, that's hard. It's like decision paralysis, I get why you wanted me to do it now. I can order you to do whatever I want but I just can't... wait, no I got it!"

She digs into her pocket space, and pulls out the same blindfold you used when testing out your shortcut spell for the first time. "Put this on."


She takes off your blindfold, and you're brought back to the forest. You realize that anyone could've walked into the two of you in the forest too, so there was still a risk of you getting caught.

"I knew you'd get off to it~ the moment I saw you go along with my idea in the library, I figured you had a thing for the risk of getting caught. Not exactly my thing, but I'm glad you're a little bit of a freak in some way too. I mean, I felt kind of bad being the one constantly asking for weird stuff, right? It feels way better if we're both a little messed up!"

You don't answer her, as you're still recovering from... all of this. It's true that you didn't expect yourself to enjoy it THIS much. You always thought you were pretty normal as far as sexual desires went, but maybe Table corrupted you a little. Yeah, that must be it, surely you weren't a deviant to begin with, right? Haha, no way.

Speaking of enjoying yourself, you check the coin, and notice...absolutely nothing. You figured as much, but it can't hurt to check.

You're too tired to do anything else after this, so you both decide to snuggle up in the one sleeping bag you brought. There's something nice about your bodies being forcefully pressed against each other like this by the small space the sleeping bag offer. If it weren't for before, you would find this erotic, but right now you just find it cute as you cuddle and use each other's warmth to fend off the cold of the forest night.

When you have to go back to school for your life class, Table winks at you and keeps insinuating that 'she'll do it for real this time'. Of course, you know she won't, but the prospect of it still makes it hard to focus on the class.

"Alright kids. Spells, you know the drill. As for the plant, you may wonder why I haven't taken it back yet. That's because I lied, it's not graded at all. That doesn't make the plant worthless though, keep it around, and you might get rewarded if you fixed it right. It will take a while though, but it should show results in... urgh, I don't know, a little before june, I'd say. Now, to come back to the topic of spells, you know, what you're HERE for, you're all getting to the level where spells will take a little longer to learn. Unfortunately, you're only in this class for a month, that's how this thing work. So what do we do if a spell takes more than a month to learn? Well, you'll have to promise to show up here later. I'll note down which spells are extra hard, and which ones you should be able to finish learning in a month. "

Huh, extra hard spells? Sound interesting. Didn't you also want to ask miss Lazari questions about the forgotten's biology? You'll have to do that when class is over.

Pick one spell from the previous class:
>Juggernaut: Severely increase the toughness of one's skin, this comes at the cost of making you much slower as the skin's weight increase tremendously. It is recommended to use a skin healing spell after the spell is over to avoid long term effects.
>Broken Doll: Allows you to freely dislocate the joint of your bones, making you much more flexible. Often used in extreme martial arts and fencing. Very hard to make the most out of, and very painful to use.
>Increase Hurt: The opposite of Remove Hurt, and its most notable counter. Removes the effect of Remove Hurt if it is active, and if it isn't, increase the pain one's receive from injuries without increasing the actual damage done. Some people use this spell on themselves to train their body to withstand an absurd amount of pain.

Additionally, pick one new spell:
>Strenght: A simple spell that severely increases your strenght. However, the caster will suffer extreme fatigue when the spell wears out. Using this spell too often may end up permanently destroying muscles (not counting duels)
>Sap Life: A spell that forcefully takes away stamina from a target. The caster first needs to know 'give life' before learning this spell. Takes two months to learn.
>Pheromone: A spell used to mimic and recreate known pheromones. This spell also allows the caster to strenghtent or modify the effect of said pheromones. Legally speaking it is considered a mind spell as it can serverely affect some race's ability to think clearly, especially beastfolks. Takes two month to learn.
>Shapeshifting: A somewhat advanced spell that you can use to temporarily modify your body. At your level, it can only really be used to make cosmetic changes rather than anything practical, but with enough practice, anything is possible. Takes three months to learn.
(also if you want to write in any question to ask Lazari you might as well put that too)
Wait, I don't get it, did they actually do it on the forest or was it just a dream?
They did it in the forest, she just cast an auditory illusion to sell the fantasy. But it really all happened the forest
This feels very useful.
This is also pretty good, but mostly, I just don't feel interested in stuff like pheromones or shapeshifting. We already have a shapeshifter girlfriend, that's enough for me.
As for the questions for Miss Lazari...
>Ask her about the Forgotten and their biology in general (Don't mention the vault)
>Ask her ideas of how one could spend a lot of mana over a long period of time, and if using the Embargo permanently could have any side effects
Ugh, it changed again. Does it change every time I turn off my phone and then turn it again?

I'm >>6087791
And I dunno, Pheromones could be a way to fuck with Tracking Scent use. Or amplify Atlas' own smell to tease Table back
>Increase Hurt: The opposite of Remove Hurt, and its most notable counter. Removes the effect of Remove Hurt if it is active, and if it isn't, increase the pain one's receive from injuries without increasing the actual damage done. Some people use this spell on themselves to train their body to withstand an absurd amount of pain.

>Sap Life: A spell that forcefully takes away stamina from a target. The caster first needs to know 'give life' before learning this spell. Takes two months to learn.
I just don't like pheromone stuff. I can abide by this semi-exhibitionism fetish that Atlas has developed, but pheromone smell stuff is too weird.
damn, that was kinky. also Table's multitongue is giving me a new fetish.
Good for you. I already had this one since long ago

It's for Table's sake mostly. I can imagine lots of interesting things that can be done with scent-manipulation like calling or repelling certain animals or insects. It'd be godlike irl for being outside, not that any of us would know
>Table's multitongue is giving me a new fetish.
She has completely corrupted Atlas. Poor man.
When will they actually do the real thing?

I'm all for this by the way.
>When will they actually do the real thing?
The teachers can actually see through Table's curse, so it's a really bad idea unless we want to get in real trouble.

I am still not against, however, sneaking into the classroom at night and bending Table over a desk.
How are all the teachers seeing through her curse anyhow? They must have their own ways, but all we know that does that from Divination is Clarity. Maybe they all just use that by default and they have no individual methods for it?
>bending Table over a table
Fixed, and yes
>Increase Hurt
>Table over a desk
I imagine that any mage good enough to be a teacher can see through most illusions and curses. One of the teachers said that he's been to dimensions that do way worse than the curse and require a good memory (some place called 'realm of madness')
A desk is a table. Plus we don't have any table with an significant meaning to us, but we do have the desk we met table in.
>You scan the room, but you can't find anyone, so you decide to pick an empty table and let someone pick YOU instead, yeah, that's what you'll do! You confidently walk to the empty table and sit down.
Yes. That's a desk. That's the table i was talking about.
there is no reason to believe that table is a desk
Okay then no actual exhibitionism where teachers are located

I will break this argument and say that in old schools in Europe more than a decade ago if not further back, we had long tables wide enough for two people to use on one side and seats that were long like benches but without any backs. Those were our tables and chairs. I can't exactly find any right now on google images, and simply trying is bringing back memories to me again and I do not want that right now
ok, to be fair picrel translates literally to "school-desk table". (it would be used with 2 chairs.)
The ones we used back where I come from where twice the length of those and way more old style or hard-wrought. The perfect ones for in eastern europe and similar places with old commieblock apartments
In france we do have similar tables used for school desks, in truth Atlas refers to it as a table more because I thought the pun was funnier if he quite literally walked next to Table's table. However I did imagine them in my mind like those long tables since it makes more sense for the necessary duo of the first month/week, so referring to them as a table is not fully inaccurate either. I just think desk acts as a better descriptor towards their purposes in class.

Most of my memories with these things were setting up pencil case and the like to separate yourself from the other student. I remember one girl getting really annoying I kept getting into her 'table space' on accident. Honestly these things kind of sucked, not sure why they were so common back then.
>I remember one girl getting really annoyed*
>the pun was funnier
I agree it was. Still is
>kept getting into her 'table space' on accident
I don't know man. I think Atlas is too far into the Table Space to ever back out again now. Nor do I think he'd ever want to or that Table would want him to.
>these things kind of sucked
I too still have memories of hitting my knee and thigh under them many times and getting hurt
>not sure why they were so common back then
Foster closeness and communication between students or some nonsense?
>One of the teachers said that he's been to dimensions that do way worse than the curse and require a good memory (some place called 'realm of madness')
I don't remember this
this one is from eastern Europe too, kek
its better for socializing than those 'muricans seem to have in movies. also we were allowed to sit with whoever and there were a surplus of them so being a loner wasnt a problem
>I think Atlas is too far into the Table Space
It's on one of the first updates after we met Table, right at the beginning of the quest.
>from obsessive magic spell autism
>to old-style dungeon puzzles
>to the nature of an invisible cursed race
>to demon politics in hell and the suffering of femboys
>to old human supremacy bunkers
>to humanity as the magically inferior but technologically superior xenophobe race in a fantasy setting
>to bizarre magic species biology
>to tables and desks in a magic school
>all interspersed with romance between a human and a gigastealth supersoldier bag of worms
I fucking love this quest
It is, as the kids say, ludokino™

I'm gonna be honest, I think i'm starting to like this a bit more than Curse Carrier. I liked curse carrier but i just never ended up caring that much about the whole magic battle royale to become a deity stuff. We only ever used magic as a way to avoid the whole thing. In the other hand, i genuinely want to see Atlas learn magic and become a great wizard, even if it takes us ten threads to get there.
Here. >>6057461. It was the Summoning teacher ratman, and it seems the Divination teacher is a wraith.

I don't want to say where I'm from, but I will say it has had a good deal of eastern european influence over the past hundred+ years.

I agree. I'm in this for as long as the QM will write and care.
>Juggernaut: Severely increase the toughness of one's skin, this comes at the cost of making you much slower as the skin's weight increase tremendously. It is recommended to use a skin healing spell after the spell is over to avoid long term effects.
>Strenght: A simple spell that severely increases your strenght. However, the caster will suffer extreme fatigue when the spell wears out. Using this spell too often may end up permanently destroying muscles (not counting duels)
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I finally caught up with this quest.
>Juggernaut: Severely increase the toughness of one's skin, this comes at the cost of making you much slower as the skin's weight increase tremendously. It is recommended to use a skin healing spell after the spell is over to avoid long term effects.
>Strenght: A simple spell that severely increases your strenght. However, the caster will suffer extreme fatigue when the spell wears out. Using this spell too often may end up permanently destroying muscles (not counting duels).
Going for the Bane build sounds useful for portal cutting strategies. Resist damage and throw people into portals way easier.
nice. what are yours thoughts on it, anon ?
The puzzle approach to both dungeons and duels is QUITE fun.
I want to find out what kind of spirit the immaterial teacher is. Or was. He's easily the most interesting character to me so far.
I'm wondering how Table keeps losing her duels despite her clear magic power advantage and the fact that her opponents have to give themselves an aneurysm if they want to not forget about her in the middle of a fight. We had trouble even acknowledging her presence initially and had to work quite hard to overcome that.
I wonder how the curse manages to effect writings about not only individual Forgotten, but Forgotten as a whole. It was implied we probably read a general book about them once but forgot about it entirely.
I've been thinking about if it would be worthwhile to get a mind parasite like the catgirl has. A friend to talk with and who can study magic when we're asleep, and who apparently has a separate magic pool from us. It'd be one way to definitely increase a human's versatility and magical capability, I feel.
I don't really know what the disabilities of most of the characters could feasibly be that qualify them for this school. I'm hoping we find out soon.
I somewhat wonder how Humans hope to keep their secrets safe when high-level divination mages exist. Sure, there's an antimagic division set to tackle that problem, but they're so disadvantaged with magic against others that it's not even funny. I can only see them seeing success if they secretly abuse Forgotten Hearts, which they probably do.
I'm wondering if, and possibly when, classical instruments of magic such as Wands and Staves will be introduced. And what role they would play - purely as enchanted items with preset spells attached, or something to control magic better like a funnel?
Do Sympathetic components have some role, as they do in Mage the Awakening? And when can we expect to delve into the lengthy process of Rituals, as opposed to the ready-to-go spells we've been learning so far?
Overall, I have a great many questions, obviously. I hope to see many of them answered sometime! Such as how long is the headmaster's beard going to be; very important question, you know.
>I'm wondering how Table keeps losing her duels despite her clear magic power advantage and the fact that her opponents have to give themselves an aneurysm if they want to not forget about her in the middle of a fight. We had trouble even acknowledging her presence initially and had to work quite hard to overcome that.
that's a really good one that I haven't thought much before. afawk, table has more mana than any other student, so it isn't due to attrition. I think that perhaps it's just her being outsmarted, which still seems difficult due to her curse.
Either that or she's subconsciously or intentionally flubbing her duels. Maybe she doesn't think she deserves to win them and be in the 'spotlight' just because of her natural 'advantages'.
Oh, and just now I wondered how the curse interacts with Anbees. Are they affected regularly and forget the forgotten as easily as anyone else? Twice as easily? Half as easily? Do they perceive the same illusion, or different ones with each body?

You'll keep it simple for now, Juggernaut and Strenght both synergize very well together, since the latter essentially nullifies the drawback of the former. Although you have to admit that needing to cast both of them at once is a little problematic considering your low mana pool, but it does at the very least give you more reliable options for duels and even dungeons.

Table says she'll learn shapeshifting, since it might make her body even more flexible, and she thinks it will help her for duel. At first, you wanted to ask her how she even lost most of her duels considering her inherent mana advantage, but you realized it would come off as quite rude to essentially ask 'How can you even lose with a crutch?'

You're sure she has her reasons, and it's not like a wizard should only be judged by their ability to fight. She's plenty talented in other ways.

The teachers absolutely are more hands on than usual, and you don't think it was something unique to the material teacher. It really does look like they were waiting to get an idea of what kind of students you were before giving more personal advice. You have to admit it's a little weird to have miss Lazari touch your skin as you're practicing juggernaut and strenght. If you were still the relatively innocent man you were when you first came to school, it might've made your heart flutter a little bit. Then again, back then you only really cared about magic, so maybe you'd just be so focused on casting the spell right you'd entirely ignore the teacher's touch.

"Yeah, your human body won't work that well with this," Lazari says, pinching your rather lacking muscles. "I know it might not be your thing, but you're going to need to do some exercise if you want to use those spells. Lifting some weights would increase the spell's efficiency, but that's not the main issue here, it's your cardio. Heart is weak as hell, you'll die of a heart attack before you ever take two steps with those spells, you hear?"

"Isn't there a spell to skip the exercise part, though?"

"There is, but as with everything life related, it has side effects. Some stuff you just can't easily solve with magic, but you can ask a friend to use the give life spell so you can exercise for longer if you want. As for what exercise you should do, running and swimming's just fine."

Table pokes your shoulder. "You know, there's another good source of cardio out there, can you guess what it is?"

Lazari groans. "Yes, sex isn't the worst way to go about it," she cuts straight to the point. "But unless you plan on doing that for hours on end, I'd still recommend something more practical. Besides, you'll need a good body all around if you want to keep learning new life spells, better to start early."

It looks like Table didn't expect to be called out on this, since she's now really quiet. Despite all her bravado, she can still get embarrassed pretty easily.

You remember you wanted to ask Lazari a few questions, and now sounds like as good a moment as any.

First, you ask her if she knows about forgotten biology, without mentioning the vault of course.

"Yeah, I looked into that. Of all the teachers here I might be the one that struggles the most to remember these fucks--no offense lady. It's just that we had to expel a lot of forgotten because they had this nasty habit to use spells to make their social life easier. Now, most of them didn't push past just making friends, but using mind spells without consent is still pretty bad, and we have to be strict about those things. It's a shame too, forgottens are basically made for magic."

"Okay, but do you know anything about their biology, the curse, how it works?" You ask.

"I haven't dissected one or anything, and the curse itself is a little outside my field of expertise, you'd have to ask Nina. As for their biology, it's a little messy. Hey, do you know what a SOUL is?"

"It's the thing attached to your body that produces mana, right?" Table answers for you.

She nods. "It's supposed to be. See, souls are deified a little, they're seen as something beyond biology, but they're really not. They're more like, you know, a shell that the body makes to protect themselves against spirits and things the body might not normally be able to deal with. A body can technically function without a soul, just as a soul can function without a body, but it's like cutting someone's arms off, they'll still be disabled in some way.

Now, forgottens are a little weird. They produce mana directly from their body, which is weird, right? That's not how it's supposed to work, but then you have to ask, what the fuck is a forgotten soul even like if it doesn't produce mana? Well, turns out their soul is stored in those weird tendril things you have. It's like a hivemind of souls, and when you pluck one out, it loses its connection to the hive and starts acting on its base instincts."

"Wait, does that mean that if there are only a few tendrils left, the soul would still be active?"

"If there's only a few braincells left in your gnoggin, does that mean you still have a soul? No, you'd be braindead, and your soul wouldn't have much to hold on to. Well, plants can get souls too, but we're getting in advanced soul theory territory here, and I don't got time for that. What I'm trying to say is that even though a tendril is soulless, it can still cast a spell, isn't that strange?"

"Can't you cast spells without a soul? Don't some golems do that?"

Lazari shakes her head. "No, if a golem casts a spell, they use an artificial soul, or a material rune with a spell pre-inscribed on it. Otherwise it's categorically impossible to cast a spell, the mana needs to be processed by a soul to function even if it's not outright created by it."

"But... how do the tendrils cast the portal spell then?"

"Simple, they're not the one casting it, something else beyond the portal is, or at least that's my theory. Unfortunately, I don't know much more, the subject is pretty boring, and I mostly do it out of obligation for my students wellbeing." She ruffles Table's hair.

"Another question," Table speaks up. "Is there a way to spend a lot of mana over a long period of time?" She presents her the wooden bracelet you used for the embargo. "We used this to stop my tendrils from affecting my curse, but it's kind of a makeshift solution, do you think there would be any side effects?"

Lazari sighs. "Really wish you'd tell me before doing weird experiments like this, but better late than never. Dumping a lot of mana isn't much of an issue, or at least that's what I'd say if you were literally any other race, but the amount of mana you create is big enough that the mana could start becoming unstable if left in a rune or pocket space for too long. Mana rot is a very real concern here, so I figure we'd need a life spell mixed with an intangible spell. Create an organism capable of processing huge amount of mana and letting it back out into the atmosphere safely, or even better, use it for something else."

"Couldn't you just put it in some very mana hungry rune?"

"I know you've only been dealing with baby runes right now, but more advanced material runes are a lot more picky about how mana is being used, so I wouldn't count on it. Anyway, as for the side effect of your bracelet I... have no idea, but it should be fine as long as you don't wear it for more than an hour a day. Do come to me if you feel anything out of the ordinary though, can't hurt to be safe."

You're done with class, but Lazari reminds you that you really should think about what type of exercise you want to do now. Whatever you pick is fine, but you might as well go for something that you can get some use out of in the long term beyond just a better body.

>Climbing: Better grip, will get to explore high up places, like large trees and mountains.
>Swimming: The entire body will be improved, and you'll get to explore the nearby lake, and maybe even the sea when summer vacation rolls around. Not always the safest of hobby, though...
>Jogging: Simple and efficient. increase your running speed and leg strenght.
>Lifting weight among other muscle building exercise, not the best for cardio, but will further enhance your strenght spell.
OP, it's spelled
S t r e n g t h
We're not on mermaid girl route so I'm biased against swimming. We need cardio first so my vote is
My bad, somehow the autocorrect didn't catch it, weird. It's strange because there's no words like it in french so it's not a case of me mixing it up with another word, sometimes your brain just commits to an idea of a word and you never realize you got it wrong.
Hmmm...I'm not sure. Climbing and Swimming seem cool, but Jogging is obviously the most 'effective' choice, and i'm certain Table will appreciate getting to see us all sweaty and hot.
>Swimming: The entire body will be improved, and you'll get to explore the nearby lake, and maybe even the sea when summer vacation rolls around. Not always the safest of hobby, though...
One of the best exercises for cardio, can greatly improve lung capacity, improving our swimming capabilities is going to be vital when dungeons and duelists start flooding rooms and causing whirlpools on us, it gets us more used to 3-dimensional movement, it gets us more used to movement in a resistant medium, we can fucking practice the shit out of water spells WHILE we do it, and we won't be sweaty afterward. And, like the vote itself mentions, the entire body is improved.
Seriously, choose Swimming. Don't you want to see Table in a bikini, anon?
Water was completely avoided in Curse Carrier. Here I want to defy that.
>Don't you want to see Table in a bikini, anon?
Gonna be honest, I think gym clothes are hotter than bikinis.
Can't we have both?
I still need to read Curse Carrier. Redpill me on it?
Why should I when you can read it just fine right now?
Not if we're swimming, no. Water's honestly not that sexy. I think being sweaty and hot with Table in a small gym is way better.

it's practically mandatory with how well-roundedly athletic it will make us
also, I'm sure both atlas and table will appreciate the idea of beach / pool sex
Oh no I'm fucking up my vote, it's so over magic bros...
Repdilling others and giving a quick rundown is a traditional 4chan passtime. Surely you would not spit upon our traditions and culture?
Actually, just realized, if we do climbing with table, then we can bang ontop of a large rock peak or mountain or tree.
Okay fine, but I still recommend reading it yourself.
>in quest inspired by obscure insane VN, hopeless guy gets into a magic worldwide battle royale, so after a year of fighting and survival, he decides to take his insecure tech-autist savant girlfriend and fly overseas to abandon his shitty nameless city, in favor of a peaceful non-deadly life in a Russian port town, and has 4 kids with her before things in the world get weird and they both eventually die of natural causes many decades after the quest's start
>Jogging: Simple and efficient. increase your running speed and leg strength.
>Swimming: The entire body will be improved, and you'll get to explore the nearby lake, and maybe even the sea when summer vacation rolls around. Not always the safest of hobby, though...
If you hear 4/4 string ostinato in D minor, leave the water at the earliest convenience. Or don't, for some extra motivation.
I weep for the lost opportunity of sweaty gym clothes Table.
>Jogging: Simple and efficient. increase your running speed and leg strenght.
We can still do that at some point, right? Does this magic school or even the nearby town even have gym clothes?
I'd prefer climbing but it ain't winning...

Humans sell clothes to other races, no? The others even thought we'd be a fashion expert.
Oh right good point. There's hope yet
No love for peakbagging, huh? I guess i'll change

Switch to
there are a bunch of good arguments above, however "we monkey" is funny
I wish climbing won too, but too many people voted for swimming. I'd rather jogging win than swimming.
Who says Atlas can't branch out (like the monkey he is) later on?
He likes magic too much to spend his time not doing it.

You're not sure what you should pick. Swimming is good for your whole body, but jogging is better cardio, isn't it? Besides, you can jog anywhere instead of having to go to the lake every time. You ask Table for her opinion, and it looks like she's as equally split as you are.

"I don't know, I'm not a huge fan of water, it gets everywhere, and I don't like being in it without hydrophobia. I still take showers, but being submerged in the stuff isn't my thing. Jogging on the other hand would be..." She looks at you, as if she came to a sudden realization. "...jogging."

"Why jogging specifically? You're not thinking of something perverted again, are you?"

"What? Of course not! Jogging is good for your heart, and we can go to a bunch of places that way, and uhm, you know, it's just that swimming will... err..."

"You're not making very good arguments here, maybe swimming isn't so bad." You press your body against hers, it's unusual to see her flustered, so you have to capitalize on it when you can. "Unless you have some other reason you'd want jogging in particular?"

"I don't think about sex all the time..." She says, looking a little bit guilty. "You just keep putting me in situations where it makes it hard to not mention. I-I like the movies you show me, and writing, and reading, and you've reignited my love for magic too! Just because I like sex doesn't mean that's all I care about!"

"Table, are you insecure about that? I don't see you that way at all, I'm just teasing you."

"Yeah, I know, but it's just that when your first thought when I give you my opinion is 'it must be sexual', it's kind of insulting... even if you're right..."

"Just tell me, I swear I won't judge you." You pat her head in what you hope is a reassuring gesture and not a patronizing one.

"I just... like your smell... and the water would take most of that off. There's also, err, uhm, you know, s-sweat."

"That's not as bad as I thought. What about the sweat though? Does that even smell like anything?"

"I wasn't thinking of just erm, smelling it, that's all."

You sigh, Table really is selective about what she decides to be self-conscious about. "It's still not that weird, don't worry about it."

"But what I said still stand, so today, I'm not talking about anything sexual, or thinking about anything sexual! Out of principle!"

You suppress a laugh. On one hand, you really want to respect her wish, but on the other...

"Hey Table, I'm calling in the favor, and I'm giving you the right to tease you as much as I want today. Is that alright?"

"Screw you! It's a hard enough challenge as is, I don't need you to make it even worse! But, it's a favor, I guess, so fine."

The tables have been turned, pun intended. The school thankfully gives away some basic gym clothes, so you can use that for your jog. Table jogs with you, even if her heart doesn't benefit from the exercise as much as you do. At first, it's not that bad, but then you start feeling the fatigue, and you realize how awful running truly is. After only a mile, your body already looks like it's going to give up. Were you always this week? You walk a lot, so it's not like you never get cardio, surely you should be able to run for a little bit longer than this, right?

Table on the other hand doesn't struggle at all, if anything you're the one slowing her down here. She gives you some advice on how to breathe correctly during a run, and how to generally pace yourself, but this doesn't help as much as it should.

You collapse on the grass floor of the campus. You're still conscious, but the very idea of moving your aching sounds like an impossible task right now.

"Come on, it's not THAT bad," Table says, helping you stand up like you're an old man that just lost his cane. "I KNOW you can last longer than that. I-In running, of course, you can run for longer. C'mon, get up!"

Give life solves the stamina problem, but it doesn't solve the 'feeling like hell' issue. You could use the spell that makes you feel nothing, but there's a good reason your body screams at you to stop, and ignoring it doesn't sound like a great idea.

You take a break of a few hours between run, which is a little much, but in your defense it's very hot outside and not the best time to do exercise. You end up chugging so much water you feel like you really might as well have taken up swimming, and you don't even end up being able to tease Table that much since you're too exhausted to think of anything that isn't puking on the ground.

She ends up carrying you on her back as she continues her jog. You didn't realize how strong she was, which makes you even more curious as to how she even lost those duels. If she has the mana and the body for it, how could she lose?

You continue like that for the rest of the day, and she drops you on your bed like a sack of potatoes. You feel a little pathetic, but instead of judging you for your lack of athleticism, she instead brings something to eat and brings your bag to you, just so you can set up your laptop for a movie.

Even though this was hell, it feels a lot more satisfying to relax after tiring out your body to this extent. Maybe it's worth all the suffering if you can have nice happy moments like this one. The only complaint you have is that you're still sweaty as all hell, and every time you propose going to the shower Table insists it's not necessary, something about the sweat helping the blood flow. You're pretty sure it's bullshit, but you humor her anyway.

"Midnight," Table states as she puts on the wooden bracelet. "Told you I could do it."

"Do what? The thing where you didn't talk about sex for the day? Listen, I know you're not all about sex, it's just something I notice you talk about a lot."

She pouts. "So? Does it bother you? Would you rather I be the innocent girl that blushes at the thought of intercourse?"

You roll your eyes. "Table, I like you the way you are, if I had a problem I'd tell you."

"But sometimes it just feels like you're being nice, you know? Like you want to say something bad, but then you think, 'I don't want to hurt her feelings' or something."

"Table, what I think right now is that I love you very much, and I want you to love yourself a little too, alright? Just tell me what's wrong."

"I just- I don't know, okay? I know I'm being stupid, but sometimes it feels like I can only really hook your attention with sex, and you know, I like sex so I'm like 'okay sure I can work with that', but then I do it again and again and I wonder if it wasn't for that you'd just-"

"Table, I still spent most of my time with you before we ever had sex, you know that's not why, or at least the only reason why I love you."

"I know! I know that, my problem is that now I feel guilty for wanting you that way because I just said that's not all I wanted to be and I... I don't know..."

"Table. I love you for who you are, no matter what flavor of weird you decide to be for the day, okay? So I want to ask you, do you feel bad for wanting sex, or do you feel bad for how I might feel about it?"

"...the latter, I guess," she answers half-heartedly.

"And since I don't mind you being the way you are, that means you shouldn't feel bad either, right?"

She gives a weak nod. "But you'd tell me if I went too far, right? If I did anything that would make you uncomfortable?"


You wake up, not as well rested as you would've hoped, and get ready for today's Divination class. You don't talk about last night, which might be for the best, since she did say a lot of things she might now regret.

Nina, the Divination teacher, clears her throat as you both enter the class. "As some of you may know, you are reaching the point where spells will take more than a mere month to learn. Divination spells are all over the place, and just because a spell is harder to learn does not inherently mean it will be immediately useful, keyword being immediately. It might be useful in spell mixing, or in a specific edge case where nothing else will do the job. As always, avoid over relying on the divination results, they are but an approximation of what might happen, but not the actual future you will face."

Yeah, you get the idea, flip to the right page of the book and... wait, isn't there a spell you need in there?

Pick a spell from the previous class:
>Garbled Truth: If you think of a word when casting this spell, you will get a quick, dreamlike and often incomprehensible vision related to that word. The visions often have a grain of truth to them, but are easy to misinterpret.
>Body Double: Create an illusion of yourself or someone you know to do something simple. The double is hard to differentiate from you without the use of magic, but a keen observer may be able to notice inconsistencies even without it.
>Confusion: Create an illusion that will confuse the target. The illusion automatically shifts to what would surprise the target the most, but how good the illusion actually looks depends on your Divination profficiency.

Additionally, pick a new spell:
>Spirit Link: A spell that allows the caster to make a link with a spirit. The spirit must consent to the link, and said spirit can break it at any moment. The link allows free communication with the spirit, with other perks that depends on the spirit. Takes 2 months to learn.
>Invisibility: A rather straightforward spell that deflects light in such a way that you cannot be seen by most eyes. The spell can easily be uncovered by thermals along other divination spells, and as such is rather unreliable by itself. Takes 3 months to learn.
>Extra: A spell that makes a spell seem much MUCH stronger than it actually is. A fireball may look bigger, faster, and more dangerous, and illusion spells will be much more effective. Has no noticeable effect on spells that directly affect the mind.
>A moment in time: Can 'record' a memory and play it back. This spell has multiple stages of mastery, with the first being sound, the second being sight, the third being touch, the fourth being taste, and the fourth being smell. Full mastery makes the playback very hard to differentiate from reality without dispelling the illusion with a spell.
I swear I didn't want to do 3 NSFW scenes in a row but I felt this one actually mattered for the characters and it felt strange to put it for later instead.
>Garbled Truth
This seems the most interesting.
>Spirit Link
Spirit Contracts are always great in these kinds of settings.
>Garbled Truth
>Spirit Link
I want to see the foreshadowing dreams.
Hey, I'm not complaining.
Would go great with Reinforce Belief
Specifically for Atlas to finally take Table up on her offer of the real thing :^)
Short but sweet. Sweat fetish is something I also have to an extent, so I can understand some of this
Would you believe me if I said I don't even have most of the fetishes present in this quest? It just kind of happened as a natural result of how weird Table's biology is.
Eh, it's still pretty vanilla. I think it fits the situation without going straight into magical realm territory. In retrospect it makes sense for Atlas to eventually develop a healthy level of "horny" for Table.
zam, table really did a Iaido on how dick. Also POT included, interesting.
>Confusion: Create an illusion that will confuse the target. The illusion automatically shifts to what would surprise the target the most, but how good the illusion actually looks depends on your Divination profficiency.

>Spirit Link: A spell that allows the caster to make a link with a spirit. The spirit must consent to the link, and said spirit can break it at any moment. The link allows free communication with the spirit, with other perks that depends on the spirit. Takes 2 months to learn.
Can you speak that in English please?
>Can you speak that in English please?
Iaido = japanese quick draw, pot = post-orgasm torture
Okay thank you. I understand now.
I you like writing it and it enhances the story or characterization, there's really no problem. Blue board or not, this is an 18+ site.

>A moment in time
One for combat, one for love.
Would the Forgotten curse still be in effect even if Atlas was replaying a memory with A Moment In Time?
That's what I'm curious to find out, but even if it just lets us capture one moment she wants us to with perfect clarity, that could be a game changer for our relationship... Or that with our kid some day.
Sounds incredibly romantic. I'd rather get that next time then.
>Garbled Truth: If you think of a word when casting this spell, you will get a quick, dreamlike and often incomprehensible vision related to that word. The visions often have a grain of truth to them, but are easy to misinterpret.
>Spirit Link: A spell that allows the caster to make a link with a spirit. The spirit must consent to the link, and said spirit can break it at any moment. The link allows free communication with the spirit, with other perks that depends on the spirit. Takes 2 months to learn.

(I forgot that Table wasn't supposed to have divination class with you since she picked something else, just pretend you didn't enter class with her but still talked on your way to your respective class.)

Garbled Truth does sound like a very seer like spell, and if you're going to solve Table's curse, you want as much info as you can get, no matter how cryptic it may be. As for something more advanced, Spirit Link could be good, you're pretty sure the seeker spirit is still hanging around the vault, maybe it's waiting for you to fix some of the computers to see what's inside.

It's still a pretty complex spell, so you're not going to be able to master it right away, but at least it doesn't take multiple months like the other spells to learn. It's tempting to go for the hardest spells right away, but you have to be realistic, those spells are also probably pretty expensive in mana to cast, and it's not something you can afford at the moment.

Someone raises their hand to ask a question, it's Ivy. "So, the invisibility, shouldn't it be an Intangible spell? It says here that it reflects light, but isn't light part of the Intangible school of magic? How does that make it a divination spell?"

Nina yawns, as if the question was barely worth addressing. "Yes, the description is quite misleading, I really should change that. Anyhow, the spell does not literally reflect light, as much as it changes everyone's perception of the light that goes towards you. Used to be a mixed spell with an intangible one before we found a way to optimize it a little, and now it's a pure divination spell. Unfortunately that also means it can be uncovered with a simple dispel illusion, that is something the old version was somewhat immune to, even if it was ever so annoying to cast. Do not worry, there are ways to go around that too with enough mastery of the spell, but do not think you will be able to use it for anything illegal on the school grounds, even a third year will not escape my grasp."

Huh, she did say specifically on the school grounds, does that mean that if you were to use invisibility outside you wouldn't get caught?

No, get your head back in the game, you're not even learning that spell anyway, so there's no reason to care about that right now. Besides, if anyone can see you with a simple illusion dispel, it wouldn't be worth the risk.

But if you became good enough with it-

You slam your head against the desk and take back control of your mind. A few people turn your way, but you just say that mana fatigue hit you a little harder than expected. No one questions it, even though mana fatigue barely affects you as a human.

Class is over, and you remember you were supposed to ask Nina about the forgotten curse. She doesn't look too pleased about it.

"Atlas. I understand your concerns, and maybe it would be possible to fix your friend's curse altogether without too many side effects but... are you sure fixing ALL forgotten is a good idea?"

"What- what do you mean? It's like asking if it's a good idea to not cure a deadly disease, of course it's a good idea!"

"Atlas, some things are forgotten for a reason, don't you think? Some solutions bring more strife than necessary." She has a far off look in her eyes, as if she was remembering something unpleasant. "While I will not stop you, I cannot help you more than my status as a teacher needs. In other words, I may teach you spells that could help you find what you want, but I will not hint or guide you towards the right ones."

"But why!? Can't you at least tell me why you can't do that?"

She sighs. "If I told you, you may stop trying. I want you to find the full context by yourself, and make your own conclusions. I fear I may be too biased to properly advise you, that is all."

You have no idea what she's saying, is fixing Table's condition dangerous? No, she implied that fixing ALL forgotten would be bad, but why? You.just.want.to.know.why.

You stop the conversation here and leave, you feel like it's pointless to discuss anything else with her. So much for being a school for the magically challenged, it looks like you have to do EVERYTHING by yourself.

Well, that's not entirely fair, the teachers have been more helpful recently, but this particular interaction really soured your mood. You need to do something to clear your mind. I guess there's...

>More jogging.
>Check out the vault some more.
>Maybe you should ask the other teachers about forgottens?
>Something else? (Write in)
>Check out the vault some more.
*Now* it's time to check out the vault. We still have stuff to find out.
>"Atlas, some things are forgotten for a reason, don't you think? Some solutions bring more strife than necessary."
Is she talking about their nature as stealth supersoldiers? War with humanity? If the Forgotten are all cured, that causes some shit to happen?
>"But... how do the tendrils cast the portal spell then?"
>"Simple, they're not the one casting it, something else beyond the portal is, or at least that's my theory. Unfortunately, I don't know much more, the subject is pretty boring, and I mostly do it out of obligation for my students wellbeing." She ruffles Table's hair.
>"Simple, they're not the one casting it, something else beyond the portal is."
>You do have a theory though, and it's that the curse is actually in that pocket space, and it's being drip fed mana by the leeches. The leeches also don't cast the curse on themselves, it's just that opening the pocket space would make the curse 'spill out' on the closest thing, in this case the leech.
>I fear I may be too biased to properly advise you, that is all.

>"I see. You do not have to tell me of it, however I do strongly encourage you to avoid making others know about that location, especially to your kin. I will not stop you if you decide to do so, but be aware..." She lowers herself so that her head can meet yours, she pushes away her bangs, revealing her eyes staring deep into you. "I will know."
I dun geddit, what does this have to do with humans? I understand the idea that the curse is actually some eldritch entity in a dimension that is being jailed by means of being forgotten, but what do humans have to do with it?
The link is the Forgotten as old humanity supersoldiers idea based on the heart mana engines they all have. The curse combined with their biology makes them the perfect stealth supersoldiers. There's still a lot of gaps here though
I guess? We clearly don't know enough, anyway. Can we just go to the vault again? There's a whole ass library we haven't even checked, as well as a lot of other stuff.
i briefly had this theory that the curse steals manna from all humans and redirects it to these war machines, but thinking about it more, it doesnt make much sense
Anons...discussion is nice and all but you're forgetting to vote.
Ah right, my mistake

My vote is
>Check out the vault some more
>Maybe you should ask the other teachers about forgottens?
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>>Something else? (Write in)
look into what we can do with the golem core
>More jogging.

You decide to check up on the vault again. The forgotten tendrils still look like they're recovering from the mana overload. You wonder if because they don't have a proper body that it takes them so long to recover. You really want to study them more, but it's not a good idea to exert them too much, you barely know anything about how they work or how they're even still alive after all.

Nothing better to do than to check the rest of the vault, but question is, what part?

>The spirit looks like he really wants to check what's inside the broken computers, maybe you could fix these too?
>Check the armory more thoroughly, what kind of stuff was he making here?
>Check the library more thoroughly, you didn't get to read the books properly before.
>Check the first laboratory, the one you found the computer password in.
>Check another part of the second laboratory. (Specify which part, the spider machine or the potions. The bookshelf will automatically be checked with the upper library)
>Check the library more thoroughly, you didn't get to read the books properly before.
We'll check with the spirit once we've learned Spirit Link.
>>The spirit looks like he really wants to check what's inside the broken computers, maybe you could fix these too?
dude, im done, just one more round of spirit spell gamba, dude, hes a juicer im telling you
But if we do it right now we won't get the spirit link...
> proposing to wait 2 months to a gambler
I dunno, it just seems like a shame to not use the spirit link. I wouldn't complain if we decided to fix them instead of going to the library, however.
>Check the library more thoroughly, you didn't get to read the books properly before.
It's immediate so it might be easier to check through. We can get to everything else later

I'm on the side of "wait 2 months to learn Spirit Link first before we help the lizard"
>Huh, she did say specifically on the school grounds, does that mean that if you were to use invisibility outside you wouldn't get caught?
>But if you became good enough with it-
>And if nobody around was using an illusion dispel-
>How often does anybody walk around in public with any illusion dispel permanently active anyway?
And even if anybody was using an illusion dispel, as long as Table isn't wearing the bracelet then her curse could extend to Atlas by very VERY close proximity and make the previous scenario in >>6074654 and >>6074657 a reality.
>and wouldn't Table's curse make you less visible? Maybe? You're not sure...
He had the exact same idea already
>you might have actually gone through with it if she pressured you enough
>were you willing to let it happen because you couldn't refuse her, or because you wanted it to happen? You try to not think about the implications too much.
I have to say even this sort of character development is entertaining. Is it still Table corrupting him at that point, or is it him corrupting himself? Ignoring any NSFW talk and aspects entirely, will Atlas eventually experience the Forgotten curse firsthand at that rate? To understand Table's plight from her race's perspective if even for a little while?
>And even if anybody was using an illusion dispel, as long as Table isn't wearing the bracelet
Ah, but then it wouldn't feel as good. Atlas said that while he enjoyed it, having sex with Table before the bracelet felt a bit masturbatory to him.

>Check the library more thoroughly, you didn't get to read the books properly before.

You check the library with Table, since if you do it alone it might just take forever. A lot of the books are just fiction novel from the human city, but some of them look like they come from the outside. You see a few handwritten notes in them, but they're not Jack's handwriting, and they have cute messages like 'it's my favorite part' with a smiley face drawn next to it, or 'He reminds me of you! You also do that!'

Table really gets a kick out of those, since she finds the idea of leaving little notes like this for your significant other in books pretty romantic. Well, you assume these notes came from his wife, she was a librarian after all.

Table still goes through the trouble of reading through most of the novels, 'just in case'. You don't think she'll get much out of it, but you don't mind as long as she's having fun. Besides, you didn't really bring much human literature, so it will help her get acquainted with your culture through more than just movies. You wonder if that's why paper books are being cycled out nowadays? Maybe they think it's too much info that can't be easily gene-locked like the rest of the electronics.

Despite a lot of the info written here about magic being either obsolete or something you already know, you end up wasting a lot of time going through books that have nothing of value to you, that is until you get to a book titled 'Human Mana Flow'.

The book is pretty big, and as with everything else you've read thus far, a lot of it is useless info, but there are also some interesting tidbits of info you'd only really be able to get from a human perspective. Some parts feel more boring than usual, and ironically this pressures you to pay more attention to it, as you've become pretty good at differentiating forgotten triggered boredom from regular boredom.

The book mentions the forgotten heart, and the abnormal rate at which it produces mana. It has a footnote that says you should refer to another book, one you've seen down in the laboratory. You quickly pick said book from here to cross-reference the information, and that book uses a lot of terms you don't understand, which of course, are explained in another book in the main library...

This is going to take a while.

After literal days of back and forth, you manage to make sense of Jack's theorem. It's one that implies that souls are not inherently that good at creating mana, and that forgotten hearts prove that making it through organic body parts is actually much more efficient. However the mana still needs to be processed by the soul, and that's where the problem lies. Even if you could create a lot of mana through your body, it'd need to make the trip to your soul and then back to your body for you to cast it, which would end up wasting more mana than you'd make. Interestingly enough, human souls are knit much closer to their body, which is what Jack suspects is the reason for their lower mana percentage, there isn't enough space to store it as the soul is pressed against the body at all times, while most other souls tend to float slightly above their host. Unfortunately, Jack said he was against the idea of experimenting on human souls, thinking it was too far, and he even refused to touch the forgotten soul, opting to only focus on its remains instead.

Huh, looks like there are some spells here that Jack thought could improve his mana capacity. There's a lot of things missing here, with many notes saying 'if only there was a way to do X', or 'I'm sure it's possible, but the science isn't quite there yet.'

Turns out, even for a beginner like you, its not hard to complete his thoughts, because you have access to what is essentially future knowledge. Yes! You're sure you could test some of his theories with a little elbow grease. None of those are a perfect solution, but...

>IUM: 'Improved Up Mana', a theorem that does not increase your maximum mana, but instead your mana regeneration. Just like with the regular UM, it might take some time to have any noticeable effect, and the increase is still additive, not exponential.
>Mana Sap: A spell that can sap mana from living things. The process of absorbing mana feels very strange and can make you sick if you absorb too much, it also takes a few minutes for the mana to be processed, which makes it not ideal for duels. Works on anything that has a soul, including old plants and general wildlife.
>Overdrive: A spell that severely increases your maximum mana and mana regeneration for a short time. Using this more than once a week is probably a bad idea, but very good for duels or when you're out of mana in a precarious situation.
I don't get it, is Overdrive the only of the spells that actually increases mana capacity?
Also, why would the Improved Up Mana spell not increase capacity? Isn't the whole purpose of Up Mana that it increases your mana every day? Like only 1 point per day?
Overdrive increases the mana capacity and mana regen for a short time. The extra max mana might make you able to cast spells you couldn't otherwise because of the absurd mana cost they may have.

IUM is more like an alternative training to Up Mana, it won't do much at first, but it might reach a point where you can actually afford to wait a little during a dungeon to gain back mana and do more, or in the case of a duel, somehow stall for long enough to actually gain more mana back.
Well, that's still not increasing the mana capacity overall...that was the real goal I wanted to aim for...not sure which of these paths will lead to us being able to unlock more mana capacity increase later.
>>Mana Sap: A spell that can sap mana from living things. The process of absorbing mana feels very strange and can make you sick if you absorb too much, it also takes a few minutes for the mana to be processed, which makes it not ideal for duels. Works on anything that has a soul, including old plants and general wildlife.
the first one sound like little use, the third is like steroids on steroids (side effects included), while this second one is obviously the coolest
Sure, but it doesn't increase capacity. That's the main issue with us. Thanks to Table, we can very easily fill up our Mana, but without capacity, we can't cast expensive spells at all in the first place...
yes, but we cant expect her to be literally always there and steroids are not the answer either
is it possible -at least with some spells- to cast them "partially", so running out mid way doesnt cancel it? or alternatively to do it so slowly that we can regenerate with Mana Sap in progress?
And you think that using literal life drain magic is the answer? We saw that other teachers use it before. It ends up turning a whole area into an dead zone.
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Fuck it, Magic Steroids for the Win.
>And you think that using literal life drain magic is the answer?
that was specified as life force, i dont think thats the same as manna and it was used to KO a whole dragon. we are not planning on that

It's somewhat possible with material spells that use runes, since you can just periodically refill them with mana. But otherwise most spells will fizzle out if you don't have the necessary mana, however it's not entirely impossible for mana sap to allow you to go above your mana cap, but as Table showed, it's usually not a good idea to go too far above your cap unless you have some way to work around the side effects.
It's "sap mana from living things", it's basically the same.
Screw it, +1. Maybe this will let our soul get accustomed to higher levels of mana. Maybe check in with our teachers first to see if there's no long term consequence though?
i can respect that
i see
well, i dont think we would be killing anything. not even grass
>Maybe check in with our teachers first to see if there's no long term consequence though?
good idea, +1 to asking

maybe we should be focusing on runes more in the future?
>maybe we should be focusing on runes more in the future?
I'd rather focus on increasing our mana storage by any means necessary.
>Overdrive: A spell that severely increases your maximum mana and mana regeneration for a short time. Using this more than once a week is probably a bad idea, but very good for duels or when you're out of mana in a precarious situation.
Let's do it
Insert SpongeBob meme here.
I want to later learn IUM,which will be specially good for dungeons and in general life
>IUM: 'Improved Up Mana', a theorem that does not increase your maximum mana, but instead your mana regeneration. Just like with the regular UM, it might take some time to have any noticeable effect, and the increase is still additive, not exponential.

Right, if you further press the body and soul together, it will essentially make them one for a short time, severely increasing the amount of mana you can generate and store. It's only for a short time, since it's probably not a great idea to move the soul too often, but it's a start!

Making the spell is easier said than done, however. You can get a prototype version ready, but you don't think the effect would last more than... ten seconds, at best. Of course, you're sure you'll be able to improve the formula in the future, but the fact you think you can get tangible results within a few weeks is incredible. Although it sure helps, most of the research was already done for you.

Your schedule is a lot more booked than usual from now on, you need to exercise, work on that 'overdrive' spell, and of course, attend classes. Table isn't super helpful in your research, but she does leave cute drawings on your notes, and even though you forget about most of them, it makes for a nice surprise when you see them again. She says she doesn't mind you being busy with your own thing, since as much fun as she has with you, she still enjoys her alone time.

You've got about a week before the next dungeon exam. You feel like you might just be able to get a working version of Overdrive before the exam, but it doesn't give you a lot of time for anything else. Even so, you feel like you might be able to sneak in some extra study session near the end if you don't sleep for a few nights, that's probably fine, right?

>Mix a spell.
>Take it easy, no need to pull all nighters for this.
>Do something else in the vault.
>Something else? (Write in)
>Mix a spell (Mana Analysis + Shortcug)
I dunno, I kinda just wanna see what it'd do.
....No one else?

If i remember correctly, this is the last month before summer vacation right?
>Take it easy, no need to pull all nighters for this.
the spell already push our body, no need to pull that for it.
I don't wanna black out on the dungeon. We've had a perfect track record.

I di however like this idea. Let's put it in the backburner
+1 to both no-allnighter and to save Mana Analysis + Shortcut to later
>Take it easy, no need to pull all nighters for this.

we are a magic autist, magic comes before sleep and we have the crappy wakeful hat.

supporting Mana Analysis + Shortcut
>Take it easy, no need to pull all nighters for this.

It's fine, you shouldn't overwork yourself. The last thing you want to do is black out during the exam, or even worse, during a duel.

You still spend most of your free time studying, but you try to keep a healthy sleep schedule nonetheless. You even manage to make a somewhat functional version of the overdrive spell. You're afraid of testing it on you right now, since you want to keep it for the dungeon or the duel, just in case.

Table said she wanted to show you something cool and to come at her dorms in the afternoon. You're not sure what she's preparing but when you opened her door, you certainly weren't expecting to be met with Lazari.

"Sup," she says, her voice sounding slightly wrong. She grabs your shoulder, and you freeze up. What the hell is happening? Why is she...getting her face dangerously close to yours?

Instinctively, you push her away, and you hear her break down into laughter, it's very obviously Table's laugh, no doubt about it. You close the door before anyone gets the wrong idea.

"Table, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Shapeshifting! I haven't learned the spell properly yet, but since my body is already part shapeshifter, I can cut a few corners and look like anyone! Gotta work on the voice, though."

"Table, do you know- you can't just do this without telling me!" You're actually angry at her, that was a little too far.

"Ah- I mean, come on, the teacher's hot, isn't it? I thought... I thought you'd like it?"

"Table, I didn't know it was you. As far as I knew I thought I was going to get raped, and if I went along with it, that'd mean I was about to cheat on you, no matter how you cut it, that's a little far for a prank, don't you think?"

"Ah, uh.... yeah, guess I didn't think of it from your perspective. S-Sorry, I guess if some guy tried to kiss me in your dorm I'd feel pretty peeved too."

You sigh. "Just don't do that stuff without warning me first, okay?"

"R-Right, but if I warned you, then...?"

"I don't know, it'd still feel wrong, you know? Even if I knew it was just you acting as someone else, I don't know if I'd be comfortable with it."

"Man, I really wanted to act as Lazari, or Ivy, but I won't force you or anything. It's also kind of flattering to know you only have eyes for me, hehe, and you're I only have an eye for you~" She leans in for another kiss, but you remind her she still looks like Lazari, which makes her back off. "Right, will take a few minutes to come back to normal. Should we do something else? No magic studies this time! I heard it's good to relax before an exam, it lets info settle into your brain easier, or something."

What should you do?

>You could play a video game with her. She can't touch the controls, but she can always backseat.
>Spend some time in the lake.
>Well, even though you said it made you uncomfortable, you could try to humor her... just this one time.
>You could hang out with Charlotte and Aroth again.
>Spend some time in the lake
Summer vacation imminent... it's time to propose the beach episode.
Also I completely agree with Atlas about Table doing this. That shit won't fly
>Spend some time in the lake.
>You could hang out with Charlotte and Aroth again.
Guys, you're forgetting that Table doesn't really like swimming.
I want to leave Charlotte and Aroth for the time being since we already hung out with them lately. No to the shapeshifting option. Vidya might be good but Table can't play because of gene-locking tech. That leaves the lake or a write-in
I guess. Though, if she wants to roleplay so bad...what about a fictional character? That wouldn't really be bad right? They don't exist. If you had a girlfriend and she dressed up as, i don't know, an anime character, do you think that'd be bad?
>You could play a video game with her. She can't touch the controls, but she can always backseat.
Maybe we can pick a strategy game or RPG where we can 'take her turn' for her, following her instructions, and she won't be missing much of the experience?

Maybe she'll find a character she wants to 'cosplay' as?
>You could play a video game with her. She can't touch the controls, but she can always backseat.
Table really like to rp
Alright, changing >>6091891 to supporting
>You could play a video game with her. She can't touch the controls, but she can always backseat.
Maybe we could pick like...a visual novel? Or something where it doesn't really matter that she's not the one touching it? Something where she can choose.

I mean, she's never played a game, so this should still be novel, right?
>>You could hang out with Charlotte and Aroth again.
Changing vote from >>6091878 to backing >>6091907 and >>6091911

The cosplay idea is good
Personally, I don't like cosplay that much. The only person I want Atlas to bang is Table, weird red skin and all.

"Hey, Table, did I ever tell you about video games?" You pull out your laptop from your pocket space, you've actually become good enough with it that you can hold larger items in it now. You were a little afraid it'd mess with the electronics, but it looks like the laptop works just fine.

"I think you mentioned them once? They're like... movies you can control, right?" She peeks over your shoulder as you look over the games you have installed. Even with all the advances in recent human tech, laptops are still not ideal for gaming, so most games you can play here are what some might consider 'retro'.

You need something that she can easily participate in without actually touching the controls, something like... ah! A turn based RPG, that's perfect! You can feel like she's playing the game if you just follow her orders, and she likes role-playing, so it's right up her alley.

It's a game set in the human city, you know some games are set in the outside, but media featuring the outside end up heavily censored by the government since it might inadvertently encourage people to leave the city. It doesn't mean they don't exist, and you can find anything on pirated sites, but it's just not particularly profitable to make a game that is set on the outside, even if a fictional world is usually allowed. A particularly popular setting is space or other planets, since you can make an outside looking setting and just say it's another planet to get around the censors. The main reason why that works is because the government also has a big push towards potential space exploration, and encouraging more kids to be interested in space is a good thing.

You look through the main menu of the game, and see a familiar name.

"Who's Julia?" Table asks, pointing at the screen.

"It's uh, you know, my childhood friend. I forgot that we used to share saves sometimes. I wonder if..." You get a little sad thinking about it. You know you shouldn't feel that way, but you hope she's okay. She wasn't always a good person in her beliefs, but she was still the only friend you had for a long time, how could you not miss her at least a little.

Table changes the subject. "Let's just start a new movie, uh, video, video games."

You nod, you've already got a wonderful friend right here; okay, a little bit more than a friend, but you get the idea.

"Classes...swordsman? Aren't swords a little primitive for a human? Don't you guys have instant death sticks, or whatever they're called?"

"Guns. Also melee oriented soldiers aren't super uncommon in the city. There are some ways to get around bullets, by magic or otherwise, which is why some people use swords or other tools. Although they're usually enhanced by a lot of cybernetics, and the sword isn't just metal on a stick, it's a little more advanced. The sword's more akin to a rapidly vibrating chainsaw than a sword."

"Wow, are you even allowed to tell me this? Sounds like classified human tech."

"I'm not going into details, so it's probably fine. Besides, I doubt they'd even let me outside if I knew ANYTHING they weren't willing to let me share, there's a reason I didn't go into a human college. They tend to bug you pretty hard when you enter one."

"Anyway! Swordsman! I want to be that!"

You shrug, and pick that class. You also try to create a character that somewhat resembles her, even if it still doesn't look great with the very low poly graphics. The game's tutorials are annoying, but you realize that maybe they were made for a reason as Table still struggles to understand the basics even after the game spells it out for her. Thankfully you're the one holding the laptop so she doesn't have to agonize over knowing which button does what.

The game does have multiple choice option when it comes to dialogue, and even though the game is a little outdated, it's still arguably one of the best games ever made when it comes to roleplay. Table has a lot of fun telling you to check every single piece of furniture and person in sight. You do notice she keeps her slightly flirty and teasing personality with the character she's playing, but she soon stops when some characters actually start flirting back. She's probably used to being seen as so boring that no one ever bothered flirting back, you're not sure whether you even flirted back much with her when you weren't a thing yet.

She does really seem to enjoy the game, and after an awkward start, she figures out a basic strategy that works out for her. Somehow, you end up fighting a secret boss, which just so happens to be the scrapyard experiment.

"Man, that thing's everywhere, isn't it?" Table exclaims.

"Yeah, I never thought much about it, but it really is a popular piece of human folklore."

"Is it really folklore if it really happened?"

"I guess? It all happened in the outside, so as far as anyone knows, it's just a made up story. There's kind of a detached feeling to outside tragedies I suppose. I remember there was this massive magical explosion in one of the beastfolk's dens, and it was just a throwaway line in the news, no one really cared."

"Really? It felt like it was the only thing people could talk about for months. Some even thought it was a sign of the end times or something. One of the biggest explosions recorded in history!"

"Yeah, we didn't really care, maybe because we thought we could easily make a bigger one."

She looks at you as if you just said something crazy. "Easily?"

"A-Anyway, let's keep playing the game." It's one of the things you're not sure the human city would like you to share, since you're pretty sure it's supposed to be used as a last resort.

Let's just say that you've been taught what to do if a fire alarm goes off, and if a nuclear alarm goes off. Humans lived underground for the longest time, we'd probably be fine doing it again if we needed to. Even then... it's kind of scary to think it could happen, and since you're on the outside, you wouldn't be safe. The vault probably would be, but...

Let's not think about that, humans have stayed neutral for centuries, there's very little reason for anything to start now.

You keep playing the game, and you actually go pretty far before the night comes. Table says she really wants to play more, but for once you have to be the one that drags her to bed. You're convinced she would become a game addict in record times if she somehow ever managed to live in the human city.

Even so, she can't play it without you, so after you turn off the laptop, she has no choice but to collapse back in the bed. You have an exam tomorrow, and you have to be ready.
(Will take some time off to prepare the dungeon, hopefully not too much since we're approaching the end of the catalog)
Invest in preserving lots of food and water. Invest in collecting more media. Invest in end-of-the-world prep. That bunker belongs to Atlas and Table alone
waiting wamrly
Man, the humans are more isolated than I thought. No depictions of the outside world?
Good spot to start Thread 2?
Yeah might be good to do that just in case. I do need a break anyhow, and I don't want the quest to accidentally get archived because I took too long.

quest archive here: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=magically+challenged.

You can ask some questions if you want, can't answer too many of them since we're kind of in mystery central right now, but I'll try
How do you like us having played Atlas so far?
I think Atlas can be kind of hard to write in that he first seemed a little socially inept, but he's not dense, he just tends to focus on what interests him and disregard anything else around it. I think the choice of spells were generally pretty good, although of course I care very little about having an 'optimal' spell list, I'd rather people take what they think sound cool and then try to make that work, somehow. I'm still very happy seeing people's discussions on what to do next with each choice, it's always a pleasure to see what people think. The only time I've arguably taken away a choice from players is with the tie between jogging and swimming, but I thought using Table as a tie breaker was funny and in character. I didn't care much if it was swimming or jogging myself, I think they both have their merits, barring the obvious coomer appeal.
I guess this is a bit closer to a spoiler, but i'll ask anyway - what do you think of people's discussions and theories? Is someone right on the money? You don't need to say who, obviously.

I hope we haven't been too much of a coomer audience, always voting for Table stuff.

I'm the one writing the coomer stuff so I can't say I always mind it, Table can be fun. I do think I can sometimes over rely on 'the joke is sex' type of jokes, which does make sense with Table as a character, but I do want to avoid getting too predictable. As for theories, I'd say some of you got it pretty close, but the minute details are kind of hard to figure out right now (although picking some other books in the library might have made it more obvious)
How would things have gone if we had picked the catgirl?
There were a lot of choices at the start. Some fujoshi even wanted to pick aroth. I wouldn't choose anyone other than Table though.
I voted Table as ??? because of the allure of the mystery box. Still wouldn't change my vote
Catgirl's a very interesting choice and I think I could've handled her better, she was supposed to be very nice and kind at the start, only to reveal she's very manipulative and two sided (in more ways than one) as time goes on. On the other hand, the parasite wasn't supposed to be a secret, but the parasite was supposed to act agressive, brash, and even more insufferable than Ivy. However since Aroth didn't even know the parasite was a thing, it wanted to know what it was like to have a friend without putting on an act. A lot of that was lost as the 'twist' was revealed a little bit too early, but in her route, you would've had a quest to give the catgirl's parasite a proper corpse/body and collude with her while the catgirl's asleep without raising too much attention (since parasites don't technically have rights, which means the catgirl can actually freely terminate her without suffering any consequences)

Now if you actually went for the catgirl, I assume more for her facade than for her actual self, it might have actually not been a bad route in order to gain power, but your relationship may have been more opportunistic as you use each other's knowledge than proper love. It's not that she's incapable of feeling love, but she's the hardest route for a reason, it'd take a lot to break through her self centered attitude.

An Aroth route I wouldn't have been completely against, but I do think it would've taken much longer to 'convince' Aroth to see guys as an option, I do believe Table was the route with the girl that ends up liking you the fastest though.

I'm still sad there was no Ivy route, if only because enemies to lover with the ever rising sexual tension as you try to outdo the other in magic sounds fun to write. Not that I mind Table's route, you can explore another part of the world with her which is interesting in its own right, I just wonder if one day I shouldn't do an enemies to lover quest to get it out of my system once and for all. Not now of course, I don't think I have the motivation to multitask quests without flaking one or the other.
I think Enemies to Lovers has to be handled right because there has to be a reason for you to not just straight up ignore or hate them in the first place. The biggest pitfall with tsunderes is making them so much tsun they're just straight up annoying. Of course, if there's too much dere, then it's basically just light ribbing and not really 'enemies'.

It's not really an easy target to hit.

Anyways, unlike curse carrier, where i genuinely wondered what it would be like if we had chosen someone like Sawyer or Sarah or any of the other girls, I can't really see this quest without Table. She just feels like the perfect match for Atlas, in a roundabout way.
What of Charlotte and the mermaid?
>enemies to lover with the ever rising sexual tension as you try to outdo the other in magic sounds fun to write
Yeah but now you get to write a straight magic academy rivalry between Atlas and Ivy, with Table and crystalbro supporting them. I can imagine it escalating but Table and crystalbro prevent it from getting too bitter on either side.
>the catgirl can actually freely terminate her without suffering any consequences
Which raises the question of why she hasn't already
>explore another part of the world with her
Atlas is sure exploring more "with" her than with her, if you get my drift. But I do look forward to a potential trip or travel segment
>Table was the route with the girl that ends up liking you the fastest
Absolutely nothing wrong with that or the way you've written their relationship so far. I like how there's things both of them don't want to do and that goes against them even if the other might suggest it (ex. For Atlas it's Table shapeshifting to other people to do it with him), while there's things that one is gradually corrupting the other into wanting (ex. For Atlas it's Table cosplaying; for Table it's Atlas doing her in public and a few other things).

Charlotte's someone that is simultaneously smarter and dumber than she looks. Her standards aren't exactly high, but I don't think she'd straight up fall in love with Atlas right away, my guess is they'd need to have some special events happen between the two(three?) of them for something to happen. I did like that I got to write something from Charlotte POV because despite her aloof act she's actually in constant panic mode and she's still as full of insecurities as everyone else.

Dill would've kept pretending to be dumb until your duel with her, since without Table you wouldn't have found an obvious hint that she was faking it. You would've bonded over your mutual struggle to learn magic, and even though you wouldn't have learned magic as fast as you would've with Table with her, it would've still been a fun time. I don't think Dill would've fallen in love with you that fast either, she's arguably the most level headed and mature student of your age, and Atlas might need to make the first move.

Also unrelated but fish women spit acts as an aphrodisiac so that's a bit of trivia I won't get to use.

As for Ivy, I did imagine it as being more of a rivalry that evolves into some form of respect. I did mention that before, but I wouldn't imagine Ivy as much of a tsundere, she would genuinely dislike you, but it would take a lot of time for those feelings to resolve into anything more than spite.

I do like her current friendship with the crystal guy, and even though you don't get to see them talk much, you can tell a lot from their occasional interactions you see from afar, them dueling or working together and whatnot.
>fish women spit acts as an aphrodisiac so that's a bit of trivia I won't get to use.
Have it come up when shopping with Table after they see it as a product, then go from there? And yeah all this is good stuff; I wonder how much things can change offscreen for the other characters as unknown subplots and interactions develop
>But I do look forward to a potential trip or travel segment
Actually...we should have an opportunity for that pretty soon..I was actually kinda hoping we'd finish this semester in *this* thread, because according to curse qm, last time we were told of the date it was April, and there'd be an vacation from June to July. Since we ended up picking another set of calsses AFTER that, that means we're already in May, and if the Dungeon is coming next, that means we're close to the end. If the board had been a bit slower, we'd be able to start next thread with [EVERY DAY IS LIKE SUMMER VACATION]
>If the board had been a bit slower
we still have 11 slots to go. thats a week min.
True, but Curse QM has already decided to make a new thread instead.
here is an archive of the entire thread (images and rentry included) in a single file:
(if you save it locally and then open it, it wont look fucked. catbox just sends the wrong mimetype so its rendered as plaintext)
Agreed, Table is best girl. So glad we went that route.

Thanks as always for running such a well-oiled, high-effort quest.
How'd you do that?
i first inlined all rentry links with a Violentmonkey user script, then used the SingleFile extension to save it
New magically challenged thread for those that don't bother checking the QTG but somehow still check this one


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