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Welcome back.

Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.

When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.

Inventory, pokemon stats and other links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15i2N08IpWqitoTJujsUMishe4PLbao1lqT-bCAmvPcE/edit

Discord: https://discord.gg/PErMtupK

For a short summary for the new and to recap:

You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.

Recently, Fie returned to her gym for the time being.

Last thread, you saved an adult toy store from being robbed by Team Green, left Saltcoast City for Redmont Town, caught a Mudkip and made camp for the night.
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"Okay, no need to get so worked up." You say as you pack her tent back up. "Your arm doing alright? You didn't hurt it bodying that twink, did you?" You ask as you start on your tent instead.

"No, I only used my good arm for that." She says. "Which, it's kind of sad I could take on a grown-ass man with just one arm and win." She adds, as though realising exactly what she just achieved.

"And you didn't strain yourself?" You prod, just to make sure.

"No... Which- which is kind of sad, because..." She gestures broadly. "I mean, men are just physically stronger than women. No use arguing basic biology. We're not pokemon. I mean, they weren't the most inspiring specimens of masculinity to begin with, sure, but I've got a broken arm and I'm a seventeen year old girl. That's just embarrassing."

>Well I mean you eat properly and you put at least as much effort into your fitness as I do.
>We did catch them off guard.
>You've studied martial arts, so it's not completely out of left field.
>Well I mean you eat properly and you put at least as much effort into your fitness as I do.
>You've studied martial arts, so it's not completely out of left field.
I don't remember if we can vote for two things, but I'd like to combine saying these either way.
>We did catch them off guard.
Something about a cornered animal fighting back harder.
>You've studied martial arts, so it's not completely out of left field.


"Well I mean you eat properly and you put at least as much effort into your fitness as I do." You observe as you work.

"Yeah, but still..." Martha says.

"You've also studied martial arts, so it's not completely out of left field." You add. "Why's this bothering you, anyway?"

You have an inkling, but you want to see if she'll say it.

She waves vaguely.

"Just a close call a few years ago. I'm lucky that didn't get too out of hand, but I had to fight like hell." She says. "Just..."

She stops and looks back towards the beach.

"You're not sure if that fight went so well because you've actually gotten stronger or because that guy had all the strength of a wet noodle?" You suggest as you finish up the frame and retrieve the rain cover.

She nods.

>Want to spar when your arm's better?
>Well, if you're training hard, you'll have gotten results, even if that was kind of a gimme.
>All you can do sometimes is live and learn.
>>Want to spar when your arm's better?
>>Want to spar when your arm's better?
>Want to spar when your arm's better?
Also here's a tip. Keep a ghost type or any pokemon that knows shadowsneak you can handle in your shadow.
That's what my mom started doing after a few close calls.
Might do the same actually so I don't get caught off guard again.

"Want to spar when your arm gets better?" You ask.

"Yeah, I think that might be a good idea." Martha admits.

"Incidentally, if you have a Ghost pokemon that knows Shadow Sneak-"

"I don't like Ghosts." Martha replies. "It seems like every last one of them is a pervert." She adds before you can ask why.

"...Huh." You say intelligently.

This is the first you're hearing of this, but if Martha's not keen on the idea, then there's no sense in pushing it.

"So, what now?" She asks instead, clapping her hands as you finish laying out the tent carpet.

Gareth's tending the fire and Holly's set up the camp shower, so you're pretty set there. And it's still holding fine for the time being.

>Let's train.
>Let's fish.
>I'm going to meditate.
>I'm going for a walk.
>I'm going for a swim.
>>Let's train.
>>Let's train.
Leg exercises and lateral ladder training for Alex and Aplicable mons.
Focus on Fluffy with Endurance/Hp training until he is tired and then have him practice Cosmic power.
You could also adopt a Hondour puppy girl.
They can use Shadowsneak just as well.
Anyone trying anything will be too scared.
Might have to remind Fie in case she didn't try it.
>>I'm going to meditate.
>Let's fish.

Who, in what?

Rascal (Braviary)
Fluffy (Eevee) (Everstone)
Rusty (Aron)
Nika (Riolu)
Piker (Feebas)
Volta (Luxray)
>Rusty (Aron)
Aron, in evolution
Piker, in grooming (for evolution)
Fluffy, Nika, Volta for lateral ladder exercises.
Make sure to praise them regularly.
Then pet the others while Fluffy practices Cosmic Power after they get tuckered out.
Fluffy gets an Accupressure massage as a reward.
Rolled 2 (1d4)


Four rolls, please.

Fluffy, Nika, Volta, Cosmic Power.
Rolled 81, 28, 30, 70 = 209 (4d100)

Still need two more sets.
Rolled 94, 75, 89, 100 = 358 (4d100)

Thought everything was rolled for and refrained from calling the other player a hogger :)
Are we getting Cosmic Power Body Press Umbreon yet?

With a roll like that, yeah you will be.

Still need one more, though.
Rolled 97, 62, 8, 5 = 172 (4d100)


Considering it's still relatively early to be making camp, you've got plenty of time to do whatever you want and in your case, that means training.

"That's easy." You reply to Martha's question. "I'm going to train."

Martha nods, before releasing some of her own team to join you.

You set up a lateral ladder, then release Fluffy, Nika and Volta.

Fluffy, you want to get conditioned properly so he can catch up with some of the others and Volta, you want to help get more acclimatised now that she's much larger and bulkier after evolving.

She's acclimated pretty well so far in your view, but this ought to prove a good stress test of her dexterity.

And for Nika, it's about time you started training her, since she was getting on fairly well practicing punches with Blue, Martha's Lucario, last night.

You set the three of them to running the ladder up and back sequentially, letting Nika go last after you explain the exercise to her so she can get a proper idea of what you're asking.

Things go pretty smoothly, with Fluffy blitzing through the ladder quickly and deftly the whole time.

Evidently, he's feeling energetic today, which makes a degree of sense, considering how well yesterday's training went and the break he just took.

Nika starts out halting and awkward, but by the end, she's executing the ladder pretty well, considering it's her first time, though she tires quickly and you pick her up and give her a berry to nibble on while she recovers.

Her stamina's definitely improved though and she was moving through her sets noticeably faster than she could move previously before she was done.

Volta meanwhile, starts out slow and takes a while before she manages to complete runs with her prior deftness, but she keeps at it and soon enough, she's pushing herself to complete her circuits faster than her previous attempts and you're confident that she's both comfortable and deft in her new body.

(Part 1)

You give them all pats when they're done, before asking Martha if she minds letting Nika play with Blue while you focus on Fluffy for a bit.

She agrees and with Nika thus occupied, you resume teaching Fluffy Body Press out on the beach proper.

He's on a roll today and before you know it, he's performing textbook perfect Body Presses one after the other.

By this point, it's starting to move towards night, so you settle down and resume work on Cosmic Power.

It's long, slow going and it's past sundown when you have any indication that your efforts and training are having any success, with Fluffy emitting a shockwave of force that excavates a small crater in the sand.

You're about to call it quits for the night when he tries again and this time, glows steadily as he radiates steady, pale light, like starlight almost, but more substantial.

A quick check confirms it - Fluffy has learned Cosmic Power.

You look around as you hear calling - it's Gareth and apparently dinner's ready.

You share a look with Fluffy, who's beaming at you as he glows softly.

"Great work today, bud." You say, ruffling his ears and earning a happy mew as he rubs back against your hand.

>Stay and watch the stars come out.
>Go get dinner.
>>Go get dinner.
>>Go get dinner.
>>Stay and watch the stars come out.
Okay guys. What else do we need to teach Fluffy before removing the Everstone?

Solid update SuperBusy. I admire your consistency in the quest after all this time. Always a pleasure to find Alex and the team back.
You might not get enough appreciation, so here's a second (You)
>>Stay and watch the stars come out.
We wanted Natural Gift the elemental fangs and Poison fang I guess.
Does Fluffy already know Secret power and Return yet?
Haven't checked but those are up there as well.
Then a bit of conditioning/EV training and level training.
>>Go get dinner
Blend some blocks in the morning.

No to Secret Power and Return, he doesn't know them.

Poison Fang is on the table when he evolves, but the others aren't that's a little too OP.
Well then.
Return/Secret power/Berry blast and conditioning before he is ready.
We levelling those Def/Hp EVs
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"Let's go have dinner." You suggest.

Fluffy yips and trots along beside you as you return to the fire before seeing to all your teams' food and getting your own bowl in order.

"So how'd training go?" Martha asks.

"Fluffy has been on a roll this evening." You say, ruffling his ears again as he eats. He's looking pretty tuckered out after all that training, so he's earned a rest in your view. "He picked up Body Press and Cosmic Power as cool as you like."

Martha chokes on a mouthful of stew and breaks down coughing, holding up a hand as you move to help, before she regains her breath.

"Holy shit..." She pants. "Arceus, that's some impressive work, considering he just got Body Slam down the other day."

"He should be ready to evolve by now with how close you two are." Gareth observes. "Do you intend on letting him evolve soon?" He asks.

"No, there're still a few moves I'd like to teach him first." You reply. "Natural Gift, Secret Power and Return, for instance."

"You ought to try getting a few more battles in with him before you try teaching him much more." Gareth suggests. "Make sure he can do it when it counts."

"Sound advice, as per usual." You concede. "How did things go with Nika?" You ask Martha as Nika climbs into your lap, having already finished her meal.

"Good. She wore herself out rough-housing with Blue, so she'll sleep well tonight." Martha replies. "She's been with your family, right?" She asks.

You nod in confirmation.

"Guess I'm worrying for nothing, because your parents clearly know how to look after pokemon." She admits.


"Are you going to keep training after dinner?" Holly asks.

>Yeah, I'll be training...
>No, I'm going to meditate.
>No, it's my turn to do the dishes.
>No, I'm going to do some reading.
>No, I was thinking of battling.
>No, I was going to do some fishing.
>No, I was going to get an early night.

Rascal (Braviary)
Fluffy (Eevee) (Everstone) (tired)
Rusty (Aron)
Nika (Riolu) (tired)
Piker (Feebas)
Volta (Luxray)

Been busy (the name's not an affectation) and missed that vote of confidence at first, but cheers, mate. I appreciate it.
>>No, I'm going to meditate
Let's pick it up for shadowclone shenanigans
>>No, it's my turn to do the dishes.
Is it actually our turn?

It's a narrative device. That's the option for character reflection and potentially development.

Alex is still very much a blank slate in a lot of ways, so if I start putting random, mundane bullshit like that in, assume it's an invitation for character development and suggest stuff for backstory or whatnot.
>Switching to dish washing.
Remembering life lessons from at home and pops constantly citing a self help book "How to be a fit safe and fancy adult for dummies - by Brendan Birch" that helped him settle down with mom once she got pregggers.
Give us a conversation starter with Martha.
Huh, well that makes me feel better about choosing that as my vote, I'll keep it in mind for next time. Thanks SuperBusy.
Oh and I'm good with this >>6071139 suggestion. Maybe some fluff about having to take care of the siblings too while reading.
>>No, it's my turn to do the dishes.

"No, it's my turn to do the dishes." You reply as you collect everyone's plates and got to get started.

While you wait for the water to cool a little, your mind wanders.

You think about the journey so far and remembering life at home before you set out on your journey.

Thinking back, your dad's firing came after some young blogger came snooping around Greenshoot...

You're not really one for social media, but you'd lay money on the two events being linked after running into Team Green.

The dickhead had been an obnoxious, self-entitled vegan, after all...

So, Professor Conifer might have a point about Team Cracker, but you don't think your dad ever had anything to do with them.

You've seen pictures of their uniforms in papers before and it is decidedly *not* white with black boots and gloves and red a red 'R' on the back, like the ones your parents have in the cellar.

You used to hate doing the dishes - usually because it got in the way of your homework and Sarah and Tom were negecting it, but it's a good time to decompress and just think a bit. travelling like this.

You think back to your dad's self-help book he gave you last year. You forget the name of it, but it did recommend making a habit of self-reflection, among other things, but the principle you took most to heart was...

>Write in.
>>Write in.
The articles about the 4 virtues of chivalry Loyalty, Preservance, Prudence and Etiquette.
They were oddly reminiscent of your martial arts training, junior ranger training, your dads "homeroom" lessons and your moms nurse training after all.
The part about opportunities.
The saying was "The train of opportunities sometime stops for you to walk in, sometime don't and makes you run to board it. What is certain is that the same train will never run in front of you twice.
The ability to remain calm in a crisis. Even if your whole world falls apart you can still pick up the pieces and keep going forward, setting the past on fire as you speed towards the future.
>The Golden Rule; treat others the way you want to be treated. There was some emphasis on friendship and pokemon playing into this theme.

Okay, one above all of these.

Just for the sake of pacing and not getting lost in the sauce.

>Crisis management.
>The Golden Rule.

AKA The power of Respect, Friendship, Family and Love.
>The Golden Rule.
I'll switch mine to this. We already have tons of chivalry-based quest mcs.
>>The Golden Rule.
>The Golden Rule.

Well, there's a few things, but the big one's probably the 'Golden Rule.'

'Do unto others as you would have done to you.'

It's a beautiful sentiment, but much like respect, it works both ways.

And your father made sure that you understood that.

You do your best to treat people respectfully, but if someone goes out of their way to fuck with you and they keep on doing it, then all bets are off.

Some people might call that vengeful, or you being an asshole, but that's down to their not understanding the 'Golden Rule' as well as they claim.

Treating others how you expect to be treated and then not applying that standard to other people isn't virtuous - it's cowardice.

And you stopped being afraid of what other people thought of you around about the first time you and Mike wound up fighting and the teachers in primary school lectured you for not going to them for the umpteenth fucking time to get them to do something.

The rank hypocrisy still pisses you off.

You've treated Mike fairly in the past and he always returned that respect with contempt, so you started doing likewise.

It seems like he might finally be waking up to himself, but that's not a certainty.

Either way, he's given you a decent litmus test for the Golden Rule growing up and you're a better person for it.

Even if your school records might reflect differently.

You're just about done with the dishes now and it's still fairly early in the evening.

>Battle someone.
>Go fishing.
>Train some more.
>Talk with someone.
>Turn in early.
It's been a while. It will do us some good.
Tell Holly if she needs help calming down.

Just practice Detect while doing pushups and a calming exercise for sleep.
The calming exercise is feeling out your own pulse after exercise while breathing calmly.

Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rolled 27 (1d100)


Once you've packed everyone's mess bags you go and settle down by the fire to meditate.

It's been a few days, so you hope you've not gotten too rusty.

You can't focus at first, but gradually, you manage to settle into the correct frame of mind and just relax until you can see everyone's aura around you.

There's Holly, her aura steady and blue next to Clytie's pink one and there's Gareth's ruddy red orange aura with his Riolu and Martha's marred by a streak of solid red sat with Blue, looking out at the beach.

It's peaceful, there's no strife and nobody is worrying or stressing over anything right now, just enjoying a quiet evening.

You just bask in the peaceful ambience meanwhile, enjoying the general contentment as you refamiliarise yourself with the aura.

It doesn't seem you've forgotten anything or lost your touch as such, but considering the difficulty you had in reaching this point tonight, it was a close thing. Much longer and your connection might have atrophied.

You're starting to cramp up from sitting still for so long, though.

>Keep meditating, look further out (roll +10)
>Time to do something else. (See previous list or write in)
>Time for bed.
>Time to do something else. (See previous list or write in)
Read them health and safety books.
If he's getting laid minimise chances for happy little accidents.
>>Time for bed.
Called it it was time to meditate
Rolled 4 (1d4)


You're debating just what to read when you yawn, wide and loud, breaking your meditative state and attracting the attention of everyone else.

"It is getting late and we do have a long way to go tomorrow." Gareth says in wry agreement.

"Yeah... time for bed." You agree as you stand and stretch.

"I'll just get changed then." Martha says, leaving Blue to find a good spot under a tree while she ducks into your tent.

While she changes, you work the cramps out of your legs and bank the fire.

You say good night to Holly and Gareth and when Martha comes out, you quickly change and climb into bed yourself, calling out to Martha as you do.

"Night." You say as you close your eyes and settle down to nod off, releasing Nika and Fluffy as an afterthought, both of whom waste no time in cuddling up to you.

"What, not interested in talking?" Martha asks curiously.

>Nope. Sleep now, talk later.
>What about?
>>What about?
>>What about?
I'll probably doze off in the middle just so you know.
>>Nope. Sleep now, talk later.
Get some z's.

"What about?" You ask without opening your eyes.

You hear a ruffling of material that you interpret as a shrug.

"You're not interested in getting to know me any better?" Martha asks.

This actually makes you frown, open your eyes and sit up.

"In what regard?" You ask. "That doesn't necessarily need to be between the two of us." You note. "You're not still worried about that dickhead from back in Silveridge, are you?" You ask.

"He's hardly the first." Martha replies. "And anything, I guess. We haven't really had much opportunity to talk." She observes.

"That's true." You admit.

"And I'm kind of curious to learn more about you as well." She adds.

>Alright, shoot.
>Can this wait until tomorrow?
>A question for a question, then.

(Opportunity to do some more character history.)
>Alright shoot
Just so you know if you take too long I'm asking Fluffy to fluff you to sleep.
Alex telling stories about volounteering at the pokemon center helping out his mom.
People challenging his mom at the pokemon center expecting her to be the gym leader and her scamming those upity trainers who won't listen for all their worth with her Seviper.
>Alright, shoot.
Maybe a story of a certain affectionate Carnivine's bad biting habits and the general chaos the mom and pop's pokemon can bring.

"Alright, shoot." You reply as you lay back down.

"How are you so calm and collected all the time?" Martha asks.

You frown.

"...I don't follow." You admit.

"The adult store - you could've been grocery shopping for how disinterested you looked in there." Martha says. "Gareth and Holly were fidgeting wrecks and even Judy's kind of self-conscious about that sort of thing. You were..." She waves vaguely. "I mean, you always seem to be able to keep your head but I was sure that'd get you squirming as much as the rest of us."

"Oh, that? Well..."

>Mum made me do an abbreviated nurses' course before I could help out at the pokemon center, so I'm decently familiar with anatomy. There was nothing there I hadn't seen before.
>It wasn't like it was the real thing.
>Living in a farming community like Greenshoot, you see a thing or two doing odd jobs and helping out around the place.
>Other (encouraged)
>>Other (encouraged)
Well, I don't tend to be flusterred about that kind of things around people I'm not romantically involved with.

In the shop with Fie? A whole other can of worm... Oh boy (get flustered just by imagining)
>Other (encouraged)
A lot of odd events crop up at home so I've become used to dealing with chaotic situations.
Also as much as I would have liked to tease everyone about it, my dad taught me better than to judge or mess with people blindly.
What did you buy anyway if you don't mind me asking?

(Comment back if she responds about the skimpy outfits with "lucky guy or girl who gets to see it")
>>Living in a farming community like Greenshoot, you see a thing or two doing odd jobs and helping out around the place.
>>Living in a farming community like

Greenshoot, you see a thing or two doing odd jobs and helping out around the place.

You only realize why the neighborhood uncle with the tall hedge sends away his kids to play with you once you are old enough and realize him and his wife were the one who wanted to play.

"Well, I don't tend to be flusterred about that kind of things around people I'm not romantically involved with." You reply. "In the shop with Fie? A whole other can of worms..." You reply, fidgeting and blushing as you imagine it. "Oh boy..."

Martha chuckles.

"So, what were you looking for on that shelf, then?" She asks.

"Just curious, really." You reply. "Self-help books, really. Definitely not the crap that was there." You add, rolling your eyes. "That stuff was just embarrassing, when it wasn't just spectacularly bad ideas."

"Oh, found the uh... 'poke-maniac special' section, huh?" She says.

"If that's what you want to call it." You reply wryly.

"Well, you got any questions for me?" Martha asks.

(Write in, CBF coming up with pre-done questions just now.)
Dunno. Probably your calisthenics routine or your favourite types of pokemon I guess.
Mine are actually the cute and cuddly type but I guess I've got my parents luck with the more combative ones.
Otherwise feel free to drop a childhood story if you have any good ones (topic goes awkward as Martha has to explain how she expected better from most men with how her stepdad capably handles dozens of wives like a gemtleman).
Maybe what kind of guys or girls youre into so i can get out of the way or wingman for you if you want to.
Proceed to fall asleep
Well, ask about her past since she asked about ours.

"Er... favourite kind of pokemon, I guess?" You put forward as you flounder for a question.

"Hm... I guess pokemon that have a bit of dramtic flair to them." She says thoughtfully. "Dragonair might not be able to actually control the weather, but they sure act like it and it never gets less cool watching them use Rain Dance or the like."

You chuckle at that.

"So it's the attitude?"

"If you want to put it that way, sure." Martha says. "I can't stand that sort of thing in people though." She adds, shaking her head.

"I can understand that." You concede. "Arrogance really isn't an endearing trait."

"Nope." She confirms, then yawns. "...I guess we'd better get some sleep."


Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 81 (1d100)

Rolled 11 (1d100)


You nod off quickly and awake in the morning to your alarm going off.

You get up and leave Martha to get dressed while you stoke the fire before she comes out and you go change.

Afterwards, you're left with about an hour before the others are up and whatever else you might do this morning, the beach seems like the place to do it.

This in mind, you head on down with Martha.

Looking around out of an abundance of curiosity, you don't see any evidence of drag marks or tracks from pokemon like Feraligator coming up from the water, so it seems that this site is indeed quite safe.

"So, what's the plan?" Martha asks.

>Train (Specify who)
>Practice Capoeira
>Train (Specify who)
Time to work seriously towards Milotic in the right environment.
Master Water pulse and Aqua ring.
Then feed the blocks.
Maybe play a game where he uses Splash to continously jump as a stamina/Hp exercise.
>Train (Specify who)
Practice using her electricity and her stamina.

We should focus on leveling up pokemon we've been trained with already like Fie suggested instead of spreading out our training, and Milotics take a large amount of time to get to as is.
Although I admit we do need a strong water type on our team we already have our godly water specimen Mudkip.
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Okay, roll.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Rolled 67 (1d100)

Rolled 13 (1d100)

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"So, what did you have in mind?" Martha repeats as you think about it for a minute.

There's so much you want to do, but there's one golden opportunity in particular you've been neglecting and it's such a fundamental oversight, you half expect Martha to force you to it anyway.

Wordlessly, you release Piker.

"Good move." Martha says drily.

"First thing's first, I'm going to work on some conditioning for him." You say, doing a quick search and quickly finding a training program used for - and you can't believe this is actually a thing - competitive Magikarp jumping.

It's decent conditioning, at least, and gives Piker a good means of moving around under his own power and by the time Holly is calling you to breakfast, he's made noticeable progress in both the consistency of his hops, how far he can jump and how long he can jump for.

"Not bad for a morning's work." Martha admits as she recalls her Sylveon and you go and get breakfast.

>Keep training after breakfast.
>Time to move.
>>Time to move.
>Keep training
Blend some blocks
>Time to move.
Before something happens.
Oh yeah. Blockblending time
>>Time to move

Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 27 (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Don't worry guys i'll get a 28

"Yeah, let's get going." You agree as you quickly disassemble your tent before helping the others get theirs down.

It's a nice enough morning, if a bit windy and you want to make the most of it.

You make good time up the beach track, before around mid-morning you sea two swimmers running down the path towards you and coming along the path some way back from them, a backpacker.

>See if either of the swimmers want to battle.
>See if the backpacker wants to battle.
>Keep walking.
>>See if either of the swimmers want to battle

Volta and Rascal
>>See if either of the swimmers want to battle.

"Hey!" You call, waving to the two swimmers. "Either of you up for a battle?"

The pair slow up, coming to a jogging stop at a polite remove as they warm down before they reply.

"Sure, we're just out training for the next triathlon right now." One of them replies as he stretches. "We're not too serious trainers, but you probably best not unless you've got at least three badges. You sort of need the insurance what with the Feraligators and what not that live around here." He explains.

"That shouldn't be too much of a problem." You assure.

"Great, so what did you have in mind?" The second swimmer, a woman, asks. "One on one, or doubles? And how many pokemon? We've only got three each, mind." She warns.

>Single Battle.

>One pokemon each.
>Two on two.
>Three on three.

>Low bet.
>Standard bet.
>High bet.

>On second thought, we'd better not keep you.
>Three on three

Fuck it we bail.
>Two on two.
>Standard bet.
>Single Battle.
>One on one
>High bet 2k

I battle each of you once.
A roll or a post number?
Rolled 1 (1d2)



I'll break the tie.

Supposed to be a roll.


Thank you.

"Doubles, two on two, standard bet." You reply. "How's that sound?"

The pair trade looks, then shrug.

"Sounds like a plan, you taking us both or you partnering up?"

>Battle with Martha.
>Battle with Gareth.
>Battle with Holly.
>I'll take you both on.
>Battle with Holly.
She got good support
Remind them of the no forces switches due to having young pokemon I'm the mix.

OP just use the last digit of your own post when doing that. Saves you time to get the quest moving when tie breakers only go two ways.

Hadn't considered that.

Thanks for the tip.
Holly support supporting.
>Battle with Martha.

"You up for a battle, Holly?" You ask.

She brightens.

"Sure!" She chirps.

You all move further down the beach and Martha moves to officiate.

She rattles off the rules, before you all reach for your poke balls.


>Rascal (Braviary)
>Nika (Riolu)
>Piker (Feebas)
>Volta (Luxray)
>Fluffy (Eevee) Everstone
>Rusty (Aron)
>>Volta (Luxray)
>>Volta (Luxray)
Most certainly water type trainers

"Let's go, Volta!" You say, releasing her.

"Checkers, go!" Holly says, releasing her Meowstic.

"Lanturn!" Says one of the swimmers.

"Marshtomp!" Says the other.

...Oh, crap.

Fire Fang
Thunder Fang
Double Kick

Alright. Marshomp is ground, Lantern got volt-absorb.

"Volta, Do as we practiced! Grass Knot on Marshomp"!
It's a 100% bait to get a switch of the Marshomp. Let's see if it pays.
>Swith to Rascal
I really hope they don't just use this turn to stack up.

I feel like that's in bad form. I'd be more willing to do this if we were fighting something like Team Green.
Rolled 62, 1, 73 = 136 (3d100)


Order is Holly, Triathlete 1, Triathlete 2
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169 KB PNG

Crap, this is *not* a good match for Volta.

"Volta, come back!" You say, recalling her and swapping in Rascal.

At the same time, the second swimmer orders his Marshtomp to use Mud Shot on Volta and misses Rascal a wide margin as he swoops into the air comfortably above where Marshtomp was aiming.

"Checkers, Safeguard!" Holly orders, the barrier going up just in time to intercept a Thunder Wave from Lanturn.

Or, it would have been, but Lanturn is still sparking and twitching oddly in the aftermath of the move, indicating that somehow, it managed to paralyse itself with that attempt.

That definitely could have been worse. On the downside though, your team is locked in for the battle.

Fire Fang
Thunder Fang
Double Kick

>Switch back to Volta

...It might help if I gave you *Rascal's* movepool, now wouldn't it?

Hone Claws
Wing Attack
Fury Attack
Scary Face
Aerial Ace
Rock Smash
Secret Power
Hidden Power (Ground)
>Hidden Power
On the Lanturn, get it outta here before it can do some electric shenanigans on Rascal.
Dang we got lucky.
Hidden Power (Ground)
On lanturn
>Hidden power

Rolled 18 (1d100)

let's go
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Rolled 90 (1d100)

Rolled 88, 37, 89 = 214 (3d100)


Holly, T1, T2
File: Marshtomp_Card.jpg (17 KB, 190x265)
17 KB

"Rascal, Hidden Power on Lanturn." You order.

"Discharge, Lanturn!"

"Light Screen, Checkers!" Holly orders.

"Marshtomp, Rock Slide!" The second swimmer orders.

Lanturn is wracked by paralysis as Rascal glows, before its aura is suddenly sent plummeting into the yellow from Rascal's attack as Checkers erects another barrier over your side of the field...

Before Marshtomp launches a barrage of rocks at Rascal and Checkers, leaving them both battered in the aftermath.

They're both just outside the yellow range now, if you were to guess.

Holly gives you a look, before returning her attention to the battle.

We need to take out that Marshtomp. Her voice says in your head.

Well, it's good to know that the Psychic practice with Gardevoir are going well.

Hone Claws
Wing Attack
Fury Attack
Scary Face
Aerial Ace
Rock Smash
Secret Power
Hidden Power (Ground)

>Switch back to Volta
>Aerial Ace on Marshtomp
>Secret power
On Marshstomp

Rolled 73 (1d100)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Rolled 8 (1d100)


Holly, T1, T2
Rolled 21, 1, 17 = 39 (3d100)


FFS... Is the dice field case-sensitive or something?
That first Triathlete is really unlucky kek
Hid Lanturn looks really really sick for some reason and he has to withdraw it.
Alex gives it a quick examination after the match since you know nurse mom.

"Checkers, Psybeam Marshtomp!" Holly orders.

"Rascal, Aerial Ace on Marshtomp!" You order following her lead.

"Let's try it again, Lanturn, Discharge." The first swimmer orders.

"Finish 'em off with Rock Slide, Marshtomp." The second orders.

Rascal gets in a hard hit before Checkers tags Marhstomp and spins it about, leaving it dazed as Lanturn actually manages to get half of Discharge off, but is wracked by paralysis halfway through, resulting in a blinding flash and a loud bang which startles Marshtomp out of executing its move and leaving Rascal and Checkers unmolested this time.


Marshtomp's looking pretty rough after that. You're pretty sure one more good hit will knock it out.

Lanturn's more or less fine meanwhile, but seems to be having a really bad day.

Hone Claws
Wing Attack
Fury Attack
Scary Face
Aerial Ace
Rock Smash
Secret Power
Hidden Power (Ground)

>Switch back to Volta
>Aerial Ace
While Secret Power vote won I'm not complaining too much about the results.

I wouldn't be surprised with all those crit fails its been getting and with paralyzing itself.
>Secret Power Fighting
Hidden Power (Ground)
Checkers seems faster than Lanturn and Marshtomp
Checker end the frog, we put lanturn out of his misery

My bad.

>Aerial Ace
>Hidden Power
>Secret Power

Next vote decides.
>>Secret Power
Rolled 58, 77, 46 = 181 (3d100)



Holly, T1, T2
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Secret power hits for a clear KO and Rascal figures out Bulkup from the fighting energy.
No worries QM.

I want to roll too but am too scared to negate this >>6101272 crit

I still need two more rolls.
Rolled 72 (1d100)

Rolled 33 (1d100)

It's been a while since I've done this
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199 KB JPG

I've got Marshtomp. You think at Holly.

"Rascal, Secret Power."

"Checkers, Psybeam Lanturn!" Holly orders.

"C'mon Lanturn, Discharge!" The first swimmer orders.

"Finish 'em with Rock Slide." The second orders.

Rascal cleans Marshtomp up with a geyser of water while Checkers drops Lanturn into the yellow with a coruscating beam of energy that leaves it confused in addition to wracked by another bout of paralysis.

That Lanturn isn't having a good day.

"Dodrio, let's go!" The second says, releasing the three headed bird onto the field.

After the threat Marshtomp represented, this is a nice change of pace.

Hone Claws
Wing Attack
Fury Attack
Scary Face
Aerial Ace
Rock Smash
Secret Power
Hidden Power (Ground)

>Switch back to Volta
>>Switch back to Volta
Also, monthly (You) extra tithe cause I appreciate the quest and dedication you have in your run.
It's always nice to see the notification of an update in the thread.

Also this. We're happy you're here, QM.

Aw, thanks guys.

Update later on.
>Aerial ace
Okay, so I need to delay the update a bit.

Dislocated one of my shoulders again and I'm hopped up on painkillers.
that seem to suck.
Sheep dragged too much?

Nah, a fucking chook, of all things, this time.

Tried pecking me and the joint slipped out when I flinched because my arm was at an awkward angle.

It's always asinine bullshit with me, for some reason.
get well.
The wise adventurer knows the dungeon's most lethal thing is the rooster
Ouch, that little Rascal got you as well.
Get well OP and take it slow.
I'll post in the Discord when I put the new thread up.

Link because the one in the OP is probably dead: https://discord.gg/gZgWKNhH

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